#cw sensory issues
plant-pops · 1 year
my feet feel too moist today :(
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thesolarangel · 8 months
The apple thing reminded me of something...
I bought blueberries again this week and they tasted like shit...
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Headcanon based solely on that one scene from DC vs Vampires where Damian’s like “I don’t drink tea,” and Alfred’s like, “I know, so I made you hot coco instead.”
In the League of Assassins, Damian’s palate was tested as much as his battle skills or intelligence, and Ra’s primarily used different tea blends in order to do this. Given the punishments every time Damian made a mistake, Damian both prides himself on his skill in preparing & identifying basically any tea on the planet, and also hates the stuff. All of it. There’s about 80 triggers around the entire tea-process for him, and even the consistency of the slightly-thickened water makes it hard for him to choke it down. 
Fortunately, Alfred makes hot chocolate with boiled milk & melted chunks rather than hot water & powder, so Damian can still have that. (Just once, one of Damian’s siblings tried to give him instant hot coco when he stayed late at their house, and Damian immediately spat it back into the cup, called it disgusting, and proceeded to brush his teeth until his gums bled trying to get the feeling out of his mouth. They were very offended until around the 4th re-brush, when they started to realize something might actually be wrong.)
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quinn-pop · 5 days
woahhh it’s an idol au !!!!!
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after a falling out with hyness, the three mage sisters (who aren’t actually mages here lol) went out on their own! they’re not very used to being around other people but they’re trying to get by! it’s tough but they’ve got it!!!
only zan keeps running into this one person: magolor, who insists on recruiting her to be an idol, of all things
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she is definitely put off at first—idols are ridiculous! frivolous! shameless!—but once she learns more…and more importantly, is promised a lot of money…well, what has she got left to lose?
zan is the group center and magolor is the manager…magolor also definitely does not have any of the money he is promising, as he is very close to being fired from *squints* dedede’s talent agency. yeah that’s a thing now. magolor has kinda just failed again and again to get anywhere with his ideas, and so he puts all he has into this group
…okay maybe this is more of an entertainment au because i threw in Literally Every Other Character. for example, yeah, dedede, who is obviously as professional as you’d expect (sarcasm.)
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the agency itself is uhhh not doing great because dedede doesn’t know what he’s doing (did you think he would? self proclaimed king, everyone /lh) but he is very enthusiastic, at least, and good with people
there’s also professional fight choreographer meta knight and the kid he swears isn’t his (it is. he’s adopted) said kid listens to a lot of music and even becomes a fan of the mages <3
meta is the only one here to actually have a reason to wear sunglasses other than in an attempt to look cool lmao.
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susie, in charge of marketing, who has her own dad problems that would definitely parallel the mages’. she totally isn’t jealous of them and their bond and that they get to be idols (also sarcasm)
yeah she’s gonna join later lol
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there’s also the superstar solo idol, (stage name) sectonia
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she takes her work very seriously and really plays up the whole parasocial relationship aspect of being an idol, meeting fans and putting on an act for the cameras. she is very charismatic but kiiiind of self centered, and her desire to be adored often gets the better of her
since there’s not really magic in this au, she never had the chance to turn evil, but that longing for love and approval is still there
she’s kind of the mages’ rival because she embodies so much of what zan hates about idols (but maybe they’re more alike than they think…?)
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Nourishing with a Low Appetite: Primary Edition
Inspired by low appetite & a lifelong complicated relationship with nourishment.
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Sufficiently nourishing is critical to wellness and functioning. It can be hindered by disordered thoughts & habits, brain-body disconnect, and low appetite. This list is meant to help with nourishment and weight care!
Many of these get at efficiency. Aim to get in maximum caloric & nutritional value per bite, since you can't take many. > I am not a professional-- just a struggling ND adult trying to put their Bachelor degree in psychology to good use!
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x x x x x x x x x
↖️ Top left: Meal bars
high nutritional concentration, low spoon use
⬆️ Top middle: Fruit & vegetable pouches
hydration & nutrients, enjoyable & sensory-easy format
↗️ Top right: Ready-made microwave meals *
filling & substantial, high nutritional concentration, low spoon use
⬅️ Middle left: Multivitamins
high nutritional concentration
🫵 Middle middle: Fruit popsicles
hydration & nutrients, enjoyable & sensory-easy format
➡️ Middle right: Reminder app
keep on track, combat inattention and interroception
↙️ Bottom left: Eating affirmations
helps make eating feel safe & okay, improve relationship with body & food
⬇️ Bottom middle: Nutrition drink
high nutritional (& caloric) concentration
↘️ Bottom right: Accessible food prep/storage
Keeping food, supplies, & appliances in your "safe space" (e.g. next to your bed) lowered spoon use, helps make eating feel safe & okay
* brands for vegans and vegetarians: Saffron Road, Annie Chun, The Good Bean, Loma Linda Brand, Somos, Fillos, Tasty Bite, Healthy Choice, Marie Callender's
See also: upcoming tummy and digestive care posts, low appetite secondary edition
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iliketoydinosaurs · 11 months
I'm a firm believer in Cas having a lot of sensory issues with food. When he's human he struggles to find things he can actually eat. He tries so hard to eat Dean's food but he just can't deal with it and Dean starts making him seperate meals.
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byanyan · 11 days
can't tell if it's just a good day or if this epiphany/shift in thinking is actually gonna last 🤔
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that-one-enby-kid · 8 months
Ur not autistic, you're just a little silly! And just looking at chicken on the bone makes you feel like you're about to vomit but that's unrelated 🥰
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irondadmadlads · 9 months
Irondad Prompt #192:
TW: Sensory Processing Disorder, Eating Disorders, Avoidant/Restrive Food Intake Disorder/Selective Eating Disorder. Please stay safe and skip this prompt if these topics will upset you
Ever since the bite, Peter’s been weird around food. Sure, he needs to eat more because of his metabolism, but he just doesn’t seem to have an appetite and even small meals fill him up. Not to mention, he’s oddly selective. Sure, he’d theoretically love to try the new thai place with May or shawarma from Tony’s favorite restaurant, yet the thought of trying something unfamiliar causes his heart to beat out of his chest.
When Tony and May notice his odd behavior they set up an appointment with Dr. Cho. After a few evaluations, she comes to the conclusion Peter is struggling with Avoidant/Restrive Food Intake Disorder - an eating disorder in which someone finds difficulty in eating certain foods due to their sensory inputs* (looks, smells, feels, etc).
A/n: With all prompts, please tag me if you write them, but especially this one. It’s very personal to me.
*There’s more than one type of ARFID. What Peter is struggling with in this prompt is the avoidant type.
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lesbeet · 2 years
idk if anyone else does this but i love this thing i do that i'm now calling "autistic food math" where i take the childhood trick of eating the vegetables first to get them out of the way to its logical extreme, wherein i calculate the exact order to eat what's on my plate in order to return maximum sensory enjoyment and minimize sensory overload
example: i ordered sushi, which is one of my favorite foods, and i love opening the container and counting up how many i have of each roll so i can make a plan for the order i'll use to alternate them, and i need to take into account what's in each roll and what it's topped with to make sure i don't have too many similar flavors next to each other, or if one is spicier than others it can't go last or the spice will linger too long and it'll hurt, and usually i'll do it in order from least favorite to most favorite (even though i love all of them or i wouldn't have ordered them lmao) so my last bite is always the best one
this power can also be used for evil when i'm in a pattern of disordered eating, but at its best it's like beta testing the meal before i actually eat it sbsjskakssk
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soldier-poet-king · 8 months
'if you can't fast at least abstain from meat'
bro I am like 75% of the way to being a vegetarian already, asking me to do anything to my already weird rituals around food is asking for trouble
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ellie-probably · 7 months
anyone else feel 'not autistic enough' cause you dont get affected as much by overstimulating noises and sometimes feel guilty that you talk in conversations and then immediately just not talk for ages again?
like i was affected by noise a lot as a kid (think train whistles, cars driving by, explosions on a TV show about trains) but like now im just 'meh' and it feels like weird that it's like as soon as i realise im autistic (and maybe adhd) that i start like doing like hand flapping when doing boring stuff or irritated, or not enjoying finding myself around when my dog is barking, but like then i see people who struggle with autism more than me like my sibling and im just like 'huh, thats not me, i cant be autistic then' even tho the logical part of my brain is like 'youve related to like 99% of the posts about the social hardships of autism and 7-year-old you would probably relate to the posts about sensory overload and you know that'
and this carries over into like diagnosis and finding community, like idk how i'll find people i relate with if im just like 'actually no i dont get terrified by that loud train horn, but 7-year-old me would, you should time travel and meet them you'd get along,' or how the doctor would be like 'uhm ackshually you dont get full blown meltdowns at all soo yaure naht autishtic'
even tho like a lot of the time, i do get visibly frustrated at small things, people talking loudly makes it hard to think, all these little things that contradict all of my inner abelist voices telling me i dont fit the autistic stereotype of 'cannot handle noises above 80db,' and even with all the evidence pointing to highly maksed autism
and its driving me insane thinking about it for too long
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Nourishing with a Low Appetite: Secondary Edition
Inspired by low appetite & a lifelong complicated relationship with nourishment.
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Sufficiently nourishing is critical to wellness and functioning. It can be hindered by disordered thoughts & habits, brain-body disconnect, and low appetite. This list is meant to help with nourishment and weight care!
~Most~ of these ideas are subtle cues coaxing you to eat more, cited with empirical backing. [ Warning: studies approach subjects with weight loss, restrictive eating, diet culture, & anti-fat perspectives. ] > I am not a professional-- just a struggling ND adult trying to put their Bachelor degree in psychology to good use!
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x x x x x x x x x
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↖️ Top left: Food-scented lip balm
What-- Use lip balm with a tasty scent Why-- Olfactory food cues -> eating more Bonus-- Hydrate lips, prevent skin-picking
⬆️ Top middle: Noise-cancelling headphones
What-- Play music through headphones while eating Why-- Music -> eating more Bonus-- Eliminates auditory sensitivities
↗️ Top right: Social eating
What-- Eat with a party of trusted people Why-- Eating with a group -> eating more
⬅️ Middle left: Chewelry
What-- Chew a piece of chewelry Why-- Orosensory stimulation -> eating more Bonus if food-shaped-- Food imagery -> eating more
🫵 Middle middle: Honey sticks
What-- Flavored honey in a thin, plastic tube Why-- Easy, portable shot of sustenance
➡️ Middle right: Fun utensils
What-- Eat with cute, decorated utensils of your liking Why-- Eating enjoyment -> eating more
↙️ Bottom left: Cooking shows
What-- Watch cooking and food shows Why-- Watching TV -> eating more + food imagery -> eating more Bonus-- Learn culinary skills
⬇️ Bottom middle: Larger plate
What-- Eat from larger plates Why-- Using larger kitchenware -> eating more
↘️ Bottom right: Food stickers
What-- Surround yourself with food imagery Why-- Food imagery -> eating more
See also-- upcoming tummy and digestive care posts, low appetite primary edition
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I love it when I'm dealing with sensory issues and I hate any physical touch and my friends keep trying to touch me because they think it's funny how I'm telling them to stop and the way I flinch away from them because its overwhelming
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Does anyone else not want to eat unless it’s the really specific food ur craving but you don’t have/can’t get the food so you have to deal with food you don’t even want to eat/not eat..?
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cartoonscientist · 2 years
the ARFID/picky eater/sensory issues hate circlejerk on reddit is insane
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not to be all IM MENTALLY ILL AND I WOULD NEVER but just like, who are these people hanging out with? I have no problem with charcuterie or sushi or pho or fish with the head on or raw oysters or balut, I just fucking hate certain textures and flavors. but when I see something that has say, green onions or raw kale in it, I literally don’t say anything, let alone insult the dish or the person eating it. if somebody asks me why I’m not eating it I just say “oh it looks AMAZING but unfortunately I have some sensory issues with certain food textures”. I’ll even cook meals I don’t personally enjoy for other people because they’re fun to make and look pretty and I’m happy to have the chance to prepare them. in fact, I find it’s usually other people who are a dick to me! “how can you not like Kit Kat bars?? there’s something wrong with you! just eat it! you’ll like it if you try it again! it’s really weird that you don’t like Kit Kats, everyone likes them!”
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