#demon fam ask
diona-98 · 9 months
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glitchedfoxx · 2 years
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I drew this because I had a dream about a centaur trying to sit in a chair
(character on the right belongs to @singingvio)
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What are you guys even talking about…. Nobody’s dead wdym…. They’re literally all a big happy family?? That’s Alive???? And love each other dearly??? And they go on shopping trips and family bonding experiences every weekend??? You guys are crazy!!!! Delusional!!!!! Insane!!! Nobody is dead. Trust me bro. Trust. I can magically see into the future. Wanna know how jjk ends??? They all hold hands and skip off into the sunset. Except mahito he gets sent away to the mines where a rock falls on his head and he dies a slow and painful death. They all are alive. They’re chill. They get icecream together!!!! NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD NOBODY IS DEAD
— (totally not in denial) stsg anon 🥳🥳🥳
PHDJFHFJJDJF STSG ANON….. 😭😭😭😭😭 YOU’RE SO REALLLLLL the manga will end w everyone skipping around merrily <333 having a picnic <3333333 mahito isn’t invited but i want sukuna to be there for gojo & kenny for takaba <3 the murder husbands of all time!!!!!!!!!
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randomnameless · 2 years
As renisfan said, Dimitri doesn't think Flayn sounds suspicious at all in their A+ support. And tbh, if Flayn married a Blue Lion, and if Seteth married Ingrid, then I can easily see both Flayn and Seteth revealing the truth about their history to their partner. Which in turn might lead to the Blue Lions knowing as a whole. And if you believe CF Rhea told Dimitri the truth, then surely the same is true for AG Dimitri eventually since AG is just CF from the perspective of Faerghus instead.
Mmh -
I still think there's a difference between Dimitri knowing and accepting his future wife sleeps a lot and will survive him - without understanding what it really means - and Dimitri knowing Flayn is a Nabatean, meaning her blood and bones can be used to craft weapons and some people are out there wanting to harvest her.
As you said, we can all see them trusting the BL gang with their secret, because the BL gang, unlike some other people, aren't the kind of characters to ostracise people based on the shape of their ears, at least when they're not OOC or warped by plot powers like what happens in Tru Piss if they join Supreme Leader.
But to make that jump?
CF and AG are still different on one crucial/capital point though :
Flamey didn't already sort of revealed what Nabatean Bones and Crest Stones can do (tfw no Baldo or Waldi acknowledged by the plot in Nopes), so in a way, in FE16, Flamey was the one who started to reveal "the truth", as her acolytes also kidnapped Flayn for her blood.
Given how Nopes erased Supreme Leader's fondness for Pointy Ears and Baldo and Waldi don't exist, no one knows what are Crest Stones bar the shiny jewels on relics.
In other words, FE16's events suggest to the world that humans exist, and other "beings" of certain power - even if the game tries its hardest to ignore it, or to prevent people from reacting to that knowledge, bar Supreme Leader and Hubert.
In Nopes? We know there are humans, and mole people, that's it.
CF!Dimitri might have seen Rhea turn in the IO in Garreg Mach, to protect the Monastery, and would have of course received a lot of "information campaign" deriding her as a inhuman and cruel beast. Coupled with the demonic beasts popping up, he's already in the mindset of "learning" that some people looking like people aren't... human (and he is okay with it!).
In Nopes, bar the rumour about a large white beast (I thought the IO was a known figure!!), telling him that giant dragons exist who can also turn into humans would maybe be taken as a joke "haha and you tell me Flayn is a fierce beast? Please.".
As for Rhea...
As explained above, Flamey opened the barn in FE16, Rhea is really really desperate in Tru Piss because Billy/Sothis turns against her, and she's again betrayed by a Hresvelg. She's being called inhuman and a "beast" by opposing forces, and had to witness people using, again, remains of her own kin as weapons, to the point of crafting new ones (Waldi!) and even capturing her niece.
So while Rhea's trust issues would be exceptionally low - Dimitri, with the knowledge from the past year, who also got his own share of "information campaign" might accept her and her kin too - especially if people already know (Manu and Bernie comment about it iirc?) she is not-human (a lot of people saw her in Garreg Mach?) - all of her secrets (the biggest of them at least) are already found out.
So there is no need to hide anything anymore.
But yep, if Dimitri or any of the Lions know anything about the Nabateans, they will share with the rest of their friends because they are trustworthy, and I really like the parallel it creates to the first Adrestia - Nabateans trusted a bunch of humans who were worthy of said trust and never betrayed them...
Only to be betrayed by their descendants, 1000 years later.
I can see Flayn choosing to trust anew, and Seteth too, if Flayn does it, but Rhea? Without the extreme circumstances from Tru Piss, I can't see her do it, or maybe she finally does post AM, when she's chillaxing in Zanado (since she already doesn't value her life, it's better to come clean to the new King who unknowingly helped her, even if, in True Rhea fashion, she'd omit mentioning Seteth'n'Flayn in her "I'm not a human" speech. Hilarity ensues if Flayn already revealed the secret though, Dimitri being all "I already know about your ears, Flayn showed me hers!" which would be very serious business because showing ears to a human is akin to holding his hand). To be fair, AM!mural ending with a sort of cloth on Aredbhar could also mean Dimitri tries to put "it" to rest?
Ultimately I think it's a question or trust, can Nabateans trust the BL? Yes they can. Would they trust them? Flayn would without doubts, Seteth - who already spent 20 years pretending to be a human and hiding his true self - might do it too.
Rhea? She'd need a lot of external circumstances.
Maybe she would, post AG after the Monastery is retaken since she seems to admire/respect/love Dimitri but given how Zahras!Dimitri exists, she's setting herself up to be disappointed, again.
Fodlan KT sequel : Saviour King Dimitri's descendant, 1100 years after the events of AM/AG, starts a war against the Church of Seiros because Dimitri's sekrit history told his descendants that the Archbishop is not a human and eats babies for breakfast, and controls humans.
AU where everything is well that ends well : AG!Dimitri breaks his weapon while training and goes to find a lady in a lake who will give him a new sword (Flayn told him to go to that lake, but she didn't mention the lady part, Sylvain did), but it's actually a giant turtle, who makes fun of his ponytail and transforms in a human (!!!).
Since he gave him news of his "beloved niece" the turtle-man accepts to forge a new weapon, asking him if he also wants a "white sword" because Rhea kept on pestering him back then to make a "white sword" - Dimitri is shocked, Flayn is this turtle-man's niece and he knows Lady Rhea?
Lured by the smell of Zanado fruits on his hands (Dimitri tried to peel one for Rhea during their teatime sessions, while she brought him tea) he joins the party and sells everything out, since this man appears to be "Cethleann's friend", how he made a lot of swords for his siblings and their friends back then, how Macuil - that brat - took his credit, but he isn't like Cichol, he just finds it amusing - did you know he ranted three days and three nights about the shield Rhea borrowed? - and how he could make some for he and his friends too, aren't they fighting against Adrestia - it'll be a good occasion to make fun of Rhea, who kept on bragging about Wilhelm being her friend and how she trusted him a lot whenever Cichol said something - but in return they'll have to stop using their relics, because those things are dangerous and, anyways, it's better to put their siblings to rest.
Indech crafts B!Dimitri's lance for him, while Rhea's mortified, he just spelt out 1000 years of craftfully intricate "secrets" in one day?? "If your secrets were crafted like your crown, they would have been discovered sooner than later, sister."
Cue the BL realising what their Relics are, reacting to the plot and the Nabateans, feeling like dirt until Rhea tells them that children shouldn't be responsible for the sins of their parents, and asking them to forgive her for lying - the game shifting from "uwu war bad but can't we walk with her" to "let's stop this nonsense, and find the culprits who erased your world and try to do the same with ours"
Dimitri'd reply to Clout in Zahras with something closer to "shut up", like how he lived amongst them and saw none of what Clout is preaching, also he trusts them and trusting each other is the first step to create peace, thus, Zahras!Dimitri is erased from the plot.
the end
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xdreamer45x · 2 years
"Inspired by" means certain aspects of it, like having a baby made from ink, but not the way Mama Bendy did. That's literally it. "Not tied to" means the rest is just stuff I put together myself, like having the main character be a daughter of Brushogun, who's a villain from the original Teen Titans.
why are you asking about a batim au when you’re writing about Teen Titans wtf
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coulsonlives · 1 year
Im so tired of feeling like I gotta label myself and every single group and subgroup I fit into on here
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
after the episode??? or after Revice??? Yes, Hikaru is absent in post revice content... buuut.... huh???
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mood, yo
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reallyromealone · 10 months
Can you do Black Butler please? Maybe Ciel Phantomhive taking care of Elizabeth's younger brother who is around 4? Maybe Ciel let's the (name) eat sweets with him and drink Earl Grey tea? And can the end be fluffy like (name) falls asleep on Ciel, and when Sebastian tries to take (name) off of Ciel, Ciel is just like "no" (you don't have to do this btw)
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I fucking got you fam
Ciel x male reader
Fluff, platonic (obviously)
A day at the phantomhive manor
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Why did he agree to this?
Little (name) Midford was just as happy as his big sister and was always excited to see his future brother in law, though the four year old didn't exactly understand that they weren't already married.
"Hello Mr. Sebastian!" (Name) said happily as he held the butlers hand, the Demon smiling down at the little one who always brought him sweets, the other just accepting them because what else could he do?
"Ciel!" (Name) ran up to the tween who stood at the front doors "how do we greet people?" Ciel chastised the little noble and halted and Ciel offered his hand "thank you for inviting me to your home!" He seemed very proud of himself and Ciel led him inside, (name) was constantly talking about spending time with the other so Ciel sent a letter and invited him over.
"Remember, gold the cup like this " Ciel was rarely patient with children but he has a soft spot for (name), the boy reminding him of his fiance (and cousin fun fact) and genuinely wanted the best for him.
(Name) played with a few toys Ciel kept in a toy room for the little one as he did his work "Lizzy says you're a business man... What do you do?" (Name) asked softly as to not disrupt him too much and Ciel glanced at the boy "I run Funtom corporation, all those toys and sweets you have? Those are from my company"
"Are you like Santa?!" He asked facinated and Ciel sighed "no, I'm not like Santa"
(Name) spent the day with the other, excitedly watching everything he did and even got to play in the garden for a while.
It wasn't till later in the evening, (name) spent after playing all day and having an all around blast and Ciel softly read him treasure island, the tyke asleep on the others lap.
"Do you wish for me to prepare a bed for him, young master?" Sebastian asked the noble who shook his head "no need, he wakes at the slightest movements after all"
Though Ciel wouldn't admit it, he felt warm that his fiance's little brother felt so safe with him, glad he got to spend time with him and perhaps would spend time with him again in future though maybe with more activities planned.
Maybe he could take him to that Christmas event that Lizzie gushed about.
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lazycats-stuff · 8 months
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if I could request Bruce x Bat Dad (and some bat fam)
What if reader knew about the darker things in the world like demons and horrors unimaginable from the time he was small and that's why he doesn't talk about things like growing up or his family.
What if reader gets captured by a cult that torture him in order to force reader to translate strange eldritch books and artifacts.
You can choose how long it takes for Bruce to find reader
(What if Bruce and the batfam find out that reader has been hunting and investigating the supernatural like a small base of operations that looks more like a library with hidden weapons)
Hi, I hope you have a good day or night too. Of course you can request. Hehe. Lets go. Also, I'm sorry for taking so long... I hope you like it! And yes, the ending may be rushed, but it's not that bad.
Summary: (Y/N) gets taken for his knowledge.
Warnings: cult, fight, implications of torture... Nothing is really direct per say.
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(Y/N) sighed as he closed his old leather book. He wished he didn't have this knowledge, this... (Y/N) swallowed as he put his book back and left the room, closing the fake bookcase. He rubbed his face as he was tired from this life. He wished he didn't have this knowledge. He knows the things that would turn the world upside down.
He met with hell's worst demons and he saw some of the other unspeakable horrors. (Y/N) never had a good life. He grew up in a satanic cult, the one who was genuinely believing that Satan is coming and that they are going to be his loyal servants.
He was apparently marked by Satan when he was born, but then again, when you are in a cult, you believe what they tell you. (Y/N) escaped when he was 16 years old, running like the devil himself was chasing him. (Y/N) came to Gotham with only clothes on his back.
Soon he met a nice guy who helped him. (Y/N) is smart and intelligent and he managed to start high school. He graduated after 3 years and went on to study history and religion at college. He was always interested in those things and soon enough, he found himself working in a museum.
It was a nice change of pace for once. Learning about old things and older religions and he liked it when he could teach someone something new. Of course, he was vigilant of new people and people in general. He was careful when meeting someone new, hoping that the cult didn't go after him. He could only hope so.
Dating after being in a cult it's difficult. Always suspicious of any one coming into his life romantically. Men or women, being suspicious from the get go was a certified way to see if someone was from the cult. It was also one of the fastest ways to get your relationship destroyed.
Then Bruce Wayne came into his life.
It was a coincidence. Bruce saw an interesting exhibition and decided to treat Damian to a little treat. (Y/N) was making his way through the museum, just enjoying his day and making sure every visitor was taken care of. He saw Bruce and Damian, looking in confusion.
(Y/N) walked over and asked if everything was okay and the rest was history. He lead the two through the museum, enjoying the fact that Damian knew a lot about history and it was actually fun to debate a child who knew something over a fact.
Bruce was quiet, enjoying the tour and well... Love at first sight for Bruce. He was chatting with (Y/N) and saw how guarded he was. Sure, everyone is guarded around strangers, but this is a whole another level of being guarded.
Bruce was rather intrigued, but he didn't want to push any boundaries. So he left (Y/N) his number, saying no pressure to say yes, but do call.
To say (Y/N) was a nervous wreck is an understatement. What the hell was Bruce Wayne doing with him? Was he just looking for a one night stand? Or was just flirting to keep with the playboy persona? He came home and stared at the card for 10 minutes, thinking about it.
Should he?
Should he not?
You know what? He's not made from glass. He will go for it and whatever happens, happens. He texted Bruce, he wasn't really brave enough to call. He really wasn't.
He jumped when he saw that Bruce responded.
To cut a very long story short, Bruce and (Y/N) are together to this day. The date went very well and (Y/N) was happy for the first time. He has never been happier. Together with a man who loves him and the kids who love him.
(Y/N) may love the kids more than Bruce, but Bruce won't complain. Anyone who accepted his kids, he was more than happy and if that person loved the kids more than Bruce...
Of course, in platonic way.
But there was something that bothered the family, well, not bothered, but it was interesting to them. It was (Y/N)'s past. It was something he hid and refused to talk about. He would get closed off and cold and soon enough they learnt to not ask about it.
Of course, in a family full of detectives, they wanted to investigate, but they knew that they shouldn't have because it was an invasion of privacy. So, they have decided to leave (Y/N)'s past alone.
Also, one thing that they loved about (Y/N) was the fact that he was teaching them history, something they all loved. Jason was a fan of Egypt and Sumerians. Dick loved European history, more so medieval times. Tim loved the Enigma and the making of a first computer?
And Damian? World War Two and Arabic history.
Alfred loved (Y/N) too and he would love nothing more for Bruce to marry that man. God knows that this household needs another emotionally stable person. Somewhat...
Alfred was not the one to complain.
He saw how (Y/N) and Bruce complimented one another and Bruce gave (Y/N) a push to write his book about history of religion. (Y/N) has always wanted to write that and Bruce gave him a push he needed. But not financially.
(Y/N) said he would do it all on his own. Bruce had no problem with that statement. He agreed to not pull connections with anyone or any publishing house. But he wasn't against getting (Y/N) his materials. He had no problem delivering the materials right to his door or at his work.
(Y/N) knew that Bruce was Batman so he knew that Bruce was in front of his apartment or in his office. (Y/N) enjoyed and was happy to see them.
(Y/N) entered his apartment and went to the kitchen. He was completely oblivious to the fact that there was a dark figure in his living room. (Y/N) took a sip of the water before he heard a creak on the floor board. He acted like it was nothing before throwing the glass in the direction on the sound. He hit the figure and (Y/N) grabbed a knife.
(Y/N) watched as the figure doubled down in pain, before recovering. The figure has stepped into the light and (Y/N) recognized the face.
" You motherfucker... " (Y/N) said as he gripped the handle of the knife tighter.
" That's no way to talk to your leader. " The deep male voice said and (Y/N) sized him up.
Maybe he can make it out. But the leader is strong and full of muscles. He has to evade him. Somehow.
That plan went down to shit when he saw two more figures. Sure, the leader needs to have protection. (Y/N) glanced between the trio. Someone is going to attack first.
Which one is the question.
(Y/N) ducked a punch and tried to stab the incoming one, but he was hurled over the couch, taking it with him. (Y/N) grunted as he hit the floor and he stood up after a few moments. He didn't have his knife with him.
He nearly died when there was a fourth figure picking him up, before throwing him into his glass coffee table. (Y/N) grunted as he hit his head. He hissed as he tried to get up, but a kick to his face sent him flying back and he was dazed.
" I'm not coming with you. " (Y/N) said as he wiped the blood from his face.
" Oh you are. We know you can translate the demon transcriptions. And we need those translations. " The leader said and (Y/N) glared at them.
He won't go out without a fight.
" You are outnumbered. There is no way out. " The leader said and (Y/N) glanced at the other two. They were blocking the exit. They only way is to fight out or at least try.
But there was no weapon in sight. So he was screwed. Kicking and punching his way out can only take him so far.
But he had to try.
So he did just that. He tried to fight, but he was punched in the jaw quickly that he was nearly knocked. He fell down, hitting his head hard once more.
His vision was swimming and he couldn't see who was where anymore. His only hope now was Bruce. He knew Bruce would drop by later in the night and that he would find him. Bruce would never stop looking for him.
The kiddos too...
His jaw got punched once more and he blacked out. Now the cult had him where they wanted him. They could do what they pleased.
And if that meant torture... Well, then so be it.
Two fucking months. Bruce was losing his mind as he was looking for his boyfriend. He was horrified when he learnt of (Y/N)'s past, who wouldn't be terrified? Learning and growing up in a cult?
Bruce remembers the first time he entered the apartment and he will always wonder about a lot of things. More so that (Y/N) is somewhat normal.
Bruce was shocked that (Y/N) turned out normal. The trauma he must have went through... He was even more shocked when they found out the secret library in his apartment... Bruce had to call John Constantine to see what the hell was happening here.
John knew exactly what this was. (Y/N) was a hunter who hunted demons and banished them back to hell. Bruce was officially in the dark now. His beloved, his significant other was a hunter? Who went after demons?
Bruce didn't know how the hell he was going to explain this to his kids. How can you explain something like this? Bruce analyzed every part of the apartment, trying to figure out what happened.
He saw that (Y/N) had a knife, but was threw around the room. Then he was put through his glass coffee table. Bruce sighed quietly as John looked through the books.
" This is an amazing collection. " John commented as he looked through the books and the weapons.
" Is that really important right now? " Bruce snapped at the man and John just shrugged his shoulders.
" I guess not, but I know people who would kill for this collection. Bruce, he has knowledge of the single handedly one of the most ancient languages in the world. I can only count people on one hand that know this language. " John explained.
Bruce sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
" I think I know why they kidnapped your partner. " John said as he picked up a book. Bruce raised his brow in question.
" The cult that took him wanted some translations it seems. " John said as he opened and old, leather bound book, more interested in the book at the moment.
" That's not good. I'm assuming he will resist... They are going to torture him. " Bruce said solemnly, eyes darting around the apartment.
" We will put the bookshelf the way it was. Maybe they were after the books and weapons. " Bruce said and John sighed as he put the book where he found it and then did what Bruce asked from him.
From that day, two months passed. Bruce and everyone else worked tirelessly to find their favorite person. Bruce his boyfriend, soon to be a fiancé, the boys their second dad, one that is more emotionally open and Alfred needed one person who is going to be somewhat normal.
Bruce nearly jumped out of his skin when he got a location. They boys and him piled into the batmobile and drove as fast as the car allowed it.
To say that they had to fight their way in was an understatement. Alfred was anxiously waiting in the cave.
Bruce nearly died when he saw (Y/N). Bloodied, bruised... Bruce didn't want to know the specifics. He picked his beloved up and moved to the car and he made sure to call the SWAT team from GCPD, alongside a few more organizations.
The cult deserves it, okay? Was he over reacting? Maybe.
But that didn't matter now. What mattered is the fact that (Y/N) is taken care of and is alive and well.
To say he drove like a madman... Would be the biggest understatement of the century. Once they came, they rushed their favorite person to Alfred.
Time was of the essence.
Bruce waited for his boys to finish talking to their second dad. (Y/N) had awoken and although still weak, he still talked to his sons. After 20 minutes, Bruce ushered them out, making them all protest a bit, but in the end they knew that they need to go.
Jason hugged his dad, very carefully and left. Dick kissed his dad's cheek and Tim squeezed his hand. Damian hugged his second dad before leaving and the two partners are soon left alone.
" I'm sorry for not telling you the truth... But it was too difficult. " (Y/N) said and Bruce kissed his cheek softly.
" Don't apologize. I understand that. "
" I'm assuming you found my base? " (Y/N) asked and Bruce nodded.
" John said you have a collection people would kill for... This is such shit timing, but would you like to move in? " Bruce said and (Y/N) snorted, but stopped because of his ribs.
" Yes, I would love nothing more. "
Bruce kissed (Y/N)'s cheek again. " Good. I'll leave you to rest. "
" Can you stay with me? "
Bruce smiled and nodded, changing into his PJs before gently laying down next to (Y/N), wrapping him into blankets and the two quickly feel asleep.
The two were finally reunited.
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amaramizuki666 · 2 years
Dp x DC crossover
So imagine danny and jazz move to Gotham wither it be willingly or on the run. And danny becomes good freinds with Jason. And one day while with danny, jason invited danny to dinner at his family's place.
So jason brought danny to the manor and danny is like "bitch if your fam rich why you live in 1 bedroom apartment in the worst part of town, make it make since". Anway jason and danny sit at the table with the other batkids. The other batkids look at danny kinda funny, jason forgot to mention he was bringing a freind lol.
So then Bruce entered and sat in his chair. He looked at his children took a bite of his stake then his head snapped back up and looked at his kids again. His eyes honed in on danny.
"Who are you?" Bruce asked looking at danny
Danny looked at Jason uncomfortable
Jason looked at Bruce and let out a exaggerated gasp "bruce have you brought so many kids home you forgot about one of your kids!? And my favorite brother no less"
Bruce raised a brow and Damian yelled "what he isnt one of us!" Pointing at danny
"La gasp, demon brat you forgot about him too, even after everything you both have been together, dick talk some since into these heathens!!" Jason cried his hand over his heart.
"Um sorry I uh dont know who this kid is either" dick says fidgeting
"FOR SHAME, SHAME ON THIS FAMILY!!!" Jason yelled dramatically
Everyone was looking at him and Danny, "kid look can you tell us your name" bruce asked looking at the halfa
And danny being the little shit he is goes "you dont remeber my name?! Your jokeing right dad???!!" His eyes wide crocodile tears threatening to spill from his eyes. Everyone In the room is silenced looking at Danny in confusion and guilt.
"It's ok lil bro I'm always here for you" jason says placing a hand on his shoulder "let's go to place for ice cream ok" Jason says to danny gently, Danny sniffles and nods. Jason then leads them out of the manor.
The rest of the batfam is left thinking what the hell, did they really forget about one of their family members, bruce is like "I'm a horrible father, I forgot one of my babies!!??"
Bonus if to commit to the bit danny goes out on potroal with jason and they meet up with the bats and batman is like "who are you" and jason and danny are like "what the hell dad, you forgot Danny's vigilante persona too, you really are a sucky dad" and like leave.
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Usually don’t send requests, but since you asked: which creeps do you think would take psychic damage from a friend or partner who purposefully misuses slang? Just thought to ask cus I thought Ben would probably have a physical reaction and I think that mental image was funny lol 
Characters used: Ben, Jeff, and EJ, Tim
He’ll cringe. No questions.
Now, I headcanon Ben as a self-taught modern-day gamer in the creepypasta universe (as in he’s bought every modern day consoles and devices and has slowly learned the mechanics and is now an expert), he’s got a plethora of video games for all his devices, his PC, consoles, Nintendo switch, and even his old DS!
So imagine when he’s showing you a new game he got for his switch….
But then immediately regrets it.
As you were sat in his lap, watching him play, you just casually drop, “Wow, Ben! This game looks so litty on fleek, fam!”
MF hasn’t EVER put his hands on you, but he is now-
He pushed you off his lap and looked at you like you kicked a puppy!
“I…I can’t even look at you,” he’d be all dramatic, “I don’t know who that was, but I NEVER wanna see them again!”
You’d just be laying in the floor in a puddle of giggles.
It would happen on a mission. You and Jeff were targeted with killing a family and to leave none of them alive!
So, let’s say the targets son was a bit more than Jeff bargained for, so you swooped in and had to save the day, managing to tie the kids arms behind his back, “GET FUCKING YEETED, SCRUBLORD!”
Radio silence.
“What do you mean? Like, we gotta yeet him, you catching my driftwood, fam? No cap!”
At this point Jeff just rubs his temples and finishes off the target by stabbing him. His brain too absorbed in other things to try and decipher whatever you’re talking about.
Soon after you two left, blood stained and all, Jeff spoke up, “Please, never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, talk like that again!”
“Alright fine! No need to get so hostile, we gucci lit” you finished off with finger guns and a sly chuckle.
You were sick. Like, contagious sick.
So, per Jack’s orders, no leaving his infirmary only for the bathroom, always cough and sneeze into the elbow and not the hand, use tissues sparingly, wash your hands, and take showers to help alleviate headaches and open up your sinuses.
Unrelated, but don’t worry, he’s made sure his baby gets the best comfort, after all, he needs you well rested and feeling better! 🥺💙
It was around 8pm when he knocked on the door before slowly opening it, he was dressed in pajamas holding a bowl of soup, “Hi, love” He’d greet you with a smile, not wearing his mask, as a demon he couldn’t get sick and because he was comfy around you, “How’s my baby doing?” 😭
Of course you’d answer the same way every time, stating you were still sick, just like since the beginning of the week. 😔
“I made you some soup, I know it isn’t much, but it’ll help alleviate some symptoms, and you look like you’re freezing, baby” he’d say while handing you the soup.
You took a few bites of the noodle and a carrot piece, a small moan escaped your lips, “Fuccckk~ This shit is straight bussin’, Jack”
His smile that he had while watching you eat was replaced with one of confusion. “W-what?” 😩
You’d have to suppress a giggle, “What do you mean, ‘what? This soups straight bussin’”
He’d try to understand what you meant, trying to wrack his brain for any semblance of what the word could mean 😭
Overall, confused baby boi :(
Tim (Masky):
Masky angled the binoculars as he let out a low growl, watching as the group of targets were stationed at all access points. “Fuck.” He grumbled before lowering the piece of equipment as he turned to you and Hoodie. “This is gonna be a close call, they’re stationed at all points of access. Do you guys have your weapons?”
Hoodie gave Tim a firm nod as he pulled out his pistol from his hoodie pocket, Masky reached into his duffle bag and pulled out a rifle, cocking it. He was about to ask you when you suddenly grabbed the weapon.
“Whoa! This thing is so fire!” You’d say as you inspected it with awe. “Tim, bro! This gun so fire! This definitely screams ‘I have BDE but I’m not trying to make it a big deal’, you know what I mean?”
“What the actual fuck are you talking about?!” He’d ask in confusion and irritation, quickly yanking his rifle back from you, “And give me that!”
You let out a small yelp when it was harshly yanked from your hands. “Calm down, Timmy, on the DL you’re still on my DTF list frfr. No cap”
Masky silently sat the rifle down, gloved hands pinching the bridge nose of the porcelain mask.
Overall: disappointment, confusion and irritation.
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Eyoooo, thanks for answering my last ask!!! anyways, gotta new one for ya, same groups if ya able but with a really pretty/attractive mc s/o like manhwa mc level kinda pretty. I can imagine kaito being somewhere along the lines of 'they tossed me over their shoulder and I've been on it ever since' with a little touch of internal screaming. I just wanna see if any of the boys would be flustered or have their ego stroked with having a really pretty s/o -👾
Thanks for sending asks in fam! This will be fun since I have so many ideas for these boys!
Being honest, his ego is entirely stroked by an attractive MC.
The one thing he finds a pain in the ass is all the gossip. He's always hearing some baseless rumor that someone is cheating or MC got surgery done or whatever.
It pisses him off to hear people talk about his beautiful/handsome partner like that.
Whenever he gets the chance to show MC off, he does and he makes sure their outfits are to DIE for.
Congrats! MC will most likely be spoiled with a new fancy wardrobe. (He would do this with any serious partner but it's AMPLIFIED with an extra attractive MC)
Whatever they need for their skincare or whatever routine they need. He'll take care of it. Just give him a list and he'll get someone on it ASAP.
The ego boost this man gets! OH MAH GOD!
He's not shy and he knows what he's about so he's not necessarily flustered, but he's definitely proud to land such an amazing looking partner.
A lot of others start referring to MC as royalty once they start dating, they start it sarcastically of course but when Tohma hears it, he flips it right on its head.
I mean like, using it to fluster MC: bowing, taking their coat, carrying things, etc (again, he'd be doing that stuff anyways) but he would take the time to fluster MC at the same time.
What i mean is like kissing the back of their palm and whispering against their skin something along the lines of,
"Only the best for my Prince/my Princess/ your Majesty/etc"
Kaito does not know how the hell he got here with them but he doesn't give a single fuck.
He will spend the first part of this new relationship in all of the self doubt, because In his mind, this could be a prank or some kind of mistake. But when MC shows him that, no baby girl this isn't a mistake..? Mans here thinks he's died and that MC really is his guardian angel.
He will try to spend what money he has to try and spoil them how he thinks they deserve. He's just really trying his best.
When Frostheim throws their fancy ass balls, Kaito is BEAMING with pride. Yeah, he's on the arm of the best looking person here! Eat it!
And when they dance with him, there is so much internal screaming going on. He's worried he's gonna mess up and make MC look dumb, but with some time he'll loosen up and have some fun.
Okay, another one with gossip. But its surprising not about the relationship itself. Its about each individual.
I think Luca and MC have separate fan clubs. I'm sure We've all seen that Luca has fans at the school. an extra attractive MC for sure has one too.
It all started with the two fanclubs talking shit about the other and spreading rumors. Like the usual rumors about cheating, or about how they don't deserve the other, etc.
However, there is a small part in each club that joined forces to try and spread gossip to break them up.
Ofc it doesn't work, Luca and his partner trust each other and do their best to communicate, so it doesn't really effect the happy couple all too much. I mean if you're gonna be subjugating a demon together, there's a LOT of mutual trust going on there.
Alan would be a bit more protective of his partner, because in his experience (*cough cough* LEO *COUGH*) more attractive people, aren't really fighters.
If and when MC manages to prove themselves capable in a fight, he'll back off a little bit, but he'll still be a little protective.
He'd try to do things he thinks MC would like, that he's not the most comfortable with. Like fancier dates, dressing up, going out, etc.
If MC wants to squash that, they gotta do it RIGHT AWAY, since in his mind, they're more attractive so they've gotta like the fancier stuff...right?
Sho is a guy who will take them out for rides on Bonnie (his bike) but he doesn't really care about their appearance.
Sure its a plus and all, but he doesn't care if their hair looks really good today, they're wearing a damn helmet when they go on rides.
He figures MC knows their stuff when it comes to appealing design, so he values their opinion on his project (those who know, know). He takes all their critiques on the chin and does his best to listen.
its still his so he won't let them change it entirely, but he'll for sure keep it in mind.
Okay if you think Luca and Jin fans were wildin, Leo's fanclub is WAY worse.
To start off, Leo will do small things with MC. Probably not show their amazing face too much.
It's a mix between wanting to keep things as private as possible and keeping them all to himself.
The internet being the internet, someone eventually got a pic of them together and people figured out that MC was this mysterious partner that Leo has been hiding.
Once the secret is out, he's full on bringing them into his content, like get ready with me's, matching outfit checks, etc.
On the down side, there's a LOT of MC haters out there. Leo typically ignores those comments, he figures their just jealous (of him or MC im not sure)
But if anyone even TRIED to threaten or do his MC. they're done. Their reputation might as well be in the trash. Leo is absolutely not above blackmailing someone to get what he wants so good luck to whoever fucked up that bad.
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xysidhequeen · 1 year
It’s getting late (for me that is) but what about Jason first meeting with the rest of the council (Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora and etc)?
You mean: Abominable Snowman, Benjamin Button and Mommy-sorry Step On Me? (Jason's crush on Wonder Woman did in fact transfer to Pandora)
Jason generally likes all of the council, and all of the council likes him in turn because he makes Danny happy.
He met Frostbite first. Danny took him to the Far Frozen to get checked out and to be sure the Baby Ghost was healthy and stuff. Jason had been forewarned and honestly, by that point, yetis were just one of those 'yeah that tracks' moments for Jason. Jason asked Frostbite, as a joke, if he could give him a piggyback ride. Frostbite picked him up, plunked him on his shoulder and booked it. 10/10 Jason had the BEST time. Definitely his favorite doctor.
Clockwork he met next, and it basically went:
Clockwork: I see you found your knight young king.
Danny: Yeah, thanks for WARNING ME
Jason: Who the is this fucker?
Danny: imagine a grandpa given unlimited power over time but retaining the 'stay off my lawn' energy but towards the time stream.
Jason: Ah
Clockwork: Wonderful. Off you two go
He then yeeted (yote?) Them through a portal because a member of the Flash Fam had severely fucked the timestream doing speedster shit. Luckily CW had smashed a hat on Jason's head first and he was in human form so the Flash fam member didn't recognize him. They were a bit too occupied with Danny yelling at them for fucking up and ripping them out of the speed force. The Flash fam member bought them lunch. (This was not the first or last time CW sent Danny to deal with the Flashes. They knew of him, and were all more than a little frightened of Danny. They think he's like. A speedforce demon or something. Theyre glad he eats burgers and not their souls) it was fun, even if they were stuck in the 40s for a bit until they cleaned everything up and got the Flash fam member back in the proper timeline. (You can imagine this as any of the Flash fam)
Jason met Pandora when she came to spar with Danny. And he just. Instant puppy crush. He watched this Amazonian woman beat the snot out of Danny and it was the best day of his life. If Fright Knight hadn't already claimed him as a protégé he would've been begging Pandora to train him. She thinks Jason is cute and is always happy to spar with him when she's around.
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ifyoucandaniel · 5 months
once again nobody asked, but here is a comprehensive list of my favorite shorter Batman fics. my other list was mostly fics 50k and up, so this will be under 50k and oneshots :) i feel like most people have probably read a majority of these but! i love them all so much so here they are
In Love With Justice and Battling in the Wings by Jedi_olympian, 9k, 10k, T. literally who would i be if i didn't include my day one, my bbg: the justice league recruits nightwing and meets the batfam <3
Two Against the World by carolinaa, 36k, T, completed. i reread this all the time :') this is a "tim joins the batfam a little differently" fic as well as a "tim gets an emotional support dog and dick grayson won't leave the lonely kid next door alone" fic <3
Museum Mishap by prettymisskitty, 38k, T, completed. I love smart little stalker tim joining the fam in fun ways! jason and tim get kidnapped after jason tries to figure out if this scrawny jumpy kid knows batman and robins secret identities. shenanigans ensue
Jason Todd's terrible, horrible, no-good very bad week by slenderboo, 18k, T, completed. this is another one im sure everyone has read but!! it's my bbg!! hurt jason with some big brother nightwing and concerned little brothers AND its a batfam meets the justice league fic? say less.
Say Uncle by megaerakles, 46k, T, complete. this is so fun and i actually laughed so hard at jason having legal custody of tim at 19 by accident. "teen dad(?)" this is basically tim's fake uncle AU but he hires jason to be his uncle until he can figure out how to get him to go home to the bats <3
Doc Harley by starknjarvis, 15k, G, completed. this!! i love harley being friends with the bats sooo much and her slowly therapy-ing them all is so very good and perfect. harley and dick deserve to be best friends
Dangerous and Noble Things by Destiny919, 45k, T, completed. this one reminds me of hand in unloveable hand by britishparty, and in this one tim is abducted by ra's and then years later the batfam finds out and they bring him home :) cass and tim are a package deal, do not separate!! so good and i love robin jason so very much
Savior(s) of the broken by epistemology, 13k, T. this is just some good ol' jason and dick becoming brothers again and jason slowly getting to know his siblings again <3 the end maybe made me cry just a little... right in the brother feels
Living Dead Boy by terranpheum, 22k, T, completed. im actually rereading this right now! this is where tim is there when jason digs his way out of his grave and takes him home to rehabilitate him by making him play scrabble and eat with him :) so cute and very good
Even if I'm Erased by Darkness, I Will Definitely Save You by Kirazalea, 7k, T. okay so i LOVE battison fics especially ones that include dick and this one is from selina's pov so this is my bread and butter. if anyone has more battison fics send them to me i feel like ive been through the whole tag.....
of crime lords and literature by adelfie, 23k, T, completed. everyone loves some jason begrudgingly becoming protective of tim and the two of them bonding over hamlet. whats not to like :p
Juneberries by michaberry, 68k, M, completed. tim gets kidnapped and psychologically tortured while damian wrestles with his own demons and tries to bring his brother home :’) tim and damian learning how to be brothers and realizing they would do anything for their family is just <33
Robin is Magic by flames_dance, 15k, T, completed. the way my heart actually dropped to my ass when jason found out who tim was, you had to be there... very good jason and tim bonding with a side of trauma from titans tower <3
Around Red Hood's Barn by Tori1116, 24k, T, completed. jayroy where roy doesn't realize his crush red hood and his hooligan neighbor jay are one and the same and keeps ranting to his buddy hood about how annoying his neighbor is. single dad roy x jason wanting his brothers to leave him alone and stop causing misunderstandings <3
the butlers neighbor by deargalileo, 16k, G, completed. okay i almost never see fics from alfreds pov and this is even better because its alfred adopting tim into the family while bruce and jason are just in the background accepting they have another kid. 10/10 very cute bonding between alfred and tim
lashed with riot-red and black by lux_et_astra, 16k, T. yet another tim and jason becoming brothers fic <3 they start writing notes through their windows and become friends :) i think i’ve read every fic under the tim drake joins the batfam early tag
Panic Room by envysparkler, 15k, T, completed. jason being locked in a room with his trigger while actively trying not to kill him and then getting locked in a room with TWO of his triggers is insane lmao. i love damian in this actually :’) that boy needs so much love
also i realized again that these are mostly tim & jason centric so i’m very sorry damian, dick, duke, cass, babs, and steph, i do have fics for them i promise i just have so many tim and jason ones…. pls send recs for other batfam member focused fics!! <3 i feel like that tiktok that’s like I GOT LOVE FOR YOU TOO KEVIN but for the entire batfam because i just have 900 jason and tim centric fics 😭
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Ok, i was thinking about this all day 💀
A yandere jake sully and neytiri and their fam being obsessed with ronal sister
Them trying to bring them to the family and when she rejects them jake cries and begs while neytiri is like : no 😑
Okay, I really like this idea, but I am going to do only Jake and Neytiri for this fic. If you would like a Sully’s aged up kids I will also do it.
Content warnings: the gif is not mine, English is not my first language and I might have spelling mistakes, proofread.
General warnings/tags: yandere behavior, manipulating yandere! Jake and violent yandere! Neytiri, polyamory, stalking and obsessive behavior,
As it wasn’t specified, Reader is going to be Ronal’s younger sister. Also, Neytiri, as a yandere, isn’t to fond of us at first because her darling was only Jake.
Feelings as deep as the sea (Jake Sully x Reader x Neytiri)
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[ Y/n’s POV ]
There have been a few days since the Sullys installed themselves here. My sister, Ronal, and Tonowari, her husband and the chief, weren’t very happy about the newcomers. They had demon blood on them after all.
I didn’t dislike them that much. I felt sorry for them. I understood their pain.
One night, during the comunal dinner, I didn’t see the Sully family. Taking my plate with me, I went searching for them. And I saw them sitting on the other side of the beach, close to their hut.
They noticed me pretty easily, the kids looked at me unsure of what I would do next. I went up to their parents and smiled at them. Jake tapped the sand next to him inviting me to sit down.
I sat down next to him, his wife acting a little bit offended. “I am sorry for how my sister is acting” I said, looking at them. Neytiri continued to ignore me.
Something in Jake’s eyes changed. He leaned towards me, paying more close attention. “I know it must be hard to adapt to a whole new place, I hope I can be of help if you guys need me” I smiled, seeing one of the kids run up to us. I think her name was Tuk. “Dad, who’s this?” She asked.
I smiled at her, “ I am Y/n, I am Ronal’s sister” she flinched at the mention of the name “ and I will help you be a Metkayina” she smiled and she jumped into my arms. My bowl of food long forgotten on the floor as I cooed at the small Na’vi in my arms. Jake was swallowing thickly. “Y/n” he mumbled.
Tuk soon let go of me, bidding goodbye to her parents and going to the hut to sleep. The other three were still playing in the water. Neytiri got up, shot me a glare and left to help Tuk.
“Excuse her, she is still a little bit tired of the changes and movement” Jake said, handing me my bowl. I nodded. “There is no problem, Jake” I smiled at him. His cheeks looked flustered for a moment.
[ Jake’s POV ]
The way my name rolled off her tongue made me want to connect with her right there right now. She was going to be mine. Neytiri will also like her, I know it. Y/n was just the cutest. Her beautiful faces looking concerned about us.
I wanted to kiss her so badly. Since the day we arrived, my eyes landed on her. Neytiri got jealous immediately, but I noticed the longing looks she gave her when she didn’t know I was looking.
Y/n sat ever so sweetly next to me. “Will you help Neytiri and I turn into Metkayinas?” I asked, my voice coming lower than I expected. Was it so obvious how much I want her right now?
“Of course, I know you guys will achieve it” her eyes gleamed with passion. “What is that constellation?” Kiri asked. I was so focused on Y/n I hadn’t seen my own kids walking up to us. Y/n started explaining the stars in the sky, they were different from the Omatikaya. Instinctively, we all sat in a circle, and I began leaning onto her until my chest was almost completely pressed against her back. At first she tensed up, then she relaxed and continue explaining.
[ 3rd Person POV ]
Neytiri watched the scene form afar. Her blood boiling. How dare they?!? She knew her feelings and she knew her mate was Jake, so why did she get such weird feelings for the Metkayina?
And why was Jake so sweet with her?
Neytiri couldn’t stand it. On the other hand, Jake was having a nice bonding time with Y/n. He knew he would try to create a friendship in order for her to like him. Then it would be easier into manipulating her.
Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk saw Y/n as a sweet girl, the wouldn’t mind having her around. They had seen (maybe not Tuk, she is too small to notice) the way their parents looked at you. If they needed you to be happy, they would help their parents
[ Few days later ]
Y/n was teaching how to breath underwater to Neytiri and Jake. Well, to be exact, she was teaching Jake with Neytiri sulking in the corner. She wasn’t too fond of Y/n or at least acted like it.
Jake was having some problems so Y/n put her hand in his tummy. “You have to breath from here, feel it in your stomach” she said, breathing at the same time as him. Neytiri’s ear tingled with something that could be mistaken as anger. It was jealousy, she didn’t know for who, but she was jealous. Jake’s breathing became uneven. He felt so nervous having her hand there.
“Jake, are you alright?” The Metkayina woman look at him with concern, a look he knew well. He was nervous, so nervous. Neytiri hissed “my turn” she stated. The woman turned around looking at her. “Okay, Neytiri” her hand left Jake’s body and he felt sad for it, his lip quivering forward.
Neytiri’s way of breathing was good but not as perfect as a Metkayina. Y/n showed her how to do it, when Neytiri felt Y/n’s hand on her tummy, all her emotions exploded. Now she couldn’t deny her like for Y/n. She would mate her, just as she mated Jake.
[ The next days the couple ran into Y/n “casually”. Everywhere the Metkayina woman was, they were there for pure “fate”. The couple had talked between them and wanted Y/n all to themselves. One night they were going to ask her to mate them just as they planned. The Sully kids also wanted Y/n to mate their parents. They saw how happy they were when Y/n was around.]
Y/n walked nervously towards the sore where Jake and Neytiri had asked her to meet. Both of them appeared on their ilu. Y/n smiled at them “you guys have gotten really good at it” she beamed at them with an eyes closed smile. She didn’t see the longing looks they gave her and the flush on their cheeks.
Jake helped her up into his ilu. Her frame being covered by his strong arms and chest. Neytiri hissed softly under her breath. “Where are we going, guys?” She asked. Jake’s voice sounded close to her ears, the vibration of his chest sending chills down her spine. “To a beautiful place Neytiri and I found yesterday” he said. “Not as beautiful as you” both of them thought.
The ilu began moving, reminding Y/n of her proximity of Jake, she felt how his muscles tensed. And she felt her thights touch his. He had his breath hitched in his throat. After a few minutes of comfortable silence and soft moving of the ilus in the water, they reached a place were the bioluminescent plants took turns shining. Ones in (your favorite color) and the others in (your second favorite color).
“We wanted to take you this special place to-“ Jake was cut of by Neytiri. “Mate with us” she demanded. The Metkayina held her braid close to her, she looked at them like they had gone mad.
“Wh-what?” She looked at them dumbfounded, changing the way she was seating to look into both of their eyes.
“What we were trying to say, is” Jake leaned into her, sniffing her scent like a madman. “Is that we both need you, Y/n” he caressed her cheek. “We want you to be ours” his voice lowering into a low purr in his chest.
“But I can’t mate with you, you are already mated together” Y/n sounded completely different of what they had heard her. Her mind was racing.
“But we both want to be with you” Jake pleaded. “And we want you now” Neytiri hissed. She had never been denied of her darling, Jake fell for her in less than a week. So why was Y/n any different? Her patience was running short and her look as darkening every second that passed.
“But, what about me? What if I don’t want to mate with you?” She rejected them “after all, I’ve known you for a few weeks, we’re are from way different clans and you are already mated” she said.
Neytiri and Jake swallowed thickly. This was going to be more difficult than they thought.
Jake’s eyes began to water and he began whimpering into her ears. “Please, please, Y/n” his lips quivered while he pleaded. “You are going to mate us, Y/n” Neytiri confirmed.
“The kids adore you and need you there, we adore you and need you….. I adore you, atta girl, I need you” Jake’s voice seemed soft, even convincing. “You are all we need, all we want and we only want to make you happy and take care of you forever” he said kissing her cheek. She tried to pry him away, but she was falling just a little bit into his schemes. Who would say no to Jake pleading, crying, whimpering and purring.
Neytiri on the other hand was getting dangerously close to to them. Her hand hovering over her knife. “Just say yes, it is not that hard” she hissed. Y/n felt nervous. “Please baby, just say yes to us” Jake said, his tears never ending and his whimpering getting stronger.
Y/n felt nervous. What could she do in such a situation. She felt trapped. And she felt looking at the was getting her more and more nervous. “Please, please” “just say it!” Both of them getting her nervous.
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in-class-daydreams · 1 month
Hi! Does Sen have any of his mother's abilities? IL this❤️
Hi! Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoy Sen and his dysfunctional family.
Sen's domain, Infinity Castle, other than being a Demon Slayer reference, is vaguely reminiscent of his mother's in that it involves traditional Japanese architecture.
Other than that, he doesn't seem to have manifested any other abilities from her (such as CT vampirism or CT transfer)
Thanks so much for the ask!
Click [here] for more of Sen being mean to his dad | Ask stuff about Sen and the fam [here]
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