#especially when I often agree that I don't think one of these characters would WANT to be a mother
asteria-argo · 6 months
you know as someone who doesn't want kids but enjoys the hell out of families in fiction both found and otherwise, I gotta say the people who are vehemently against the idea of their Girlboss Fav having kids because it'll ruin their characters are usually right but they're also super annoying about it.
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zukosdualdao · 25 days
so, this post was originally born from a post i saw a couple of months ago that was deriding people for criticizing katara’s main role in lok being a healer when that was never all she wanted to do but liking the scene where she heals zuko in sozin's comet. at the time i thought about responding directly and decided against it, but i have since scanned through transcripts of every instance (i could find; it's possible i could be missing something) of katara healing someone in the show and how they respond. (you know, like a normal and well-adjusted individual. lmao.)
anyway, aside from katara explicitly stating that she doesn’t only want to be a healer, another aspect of why people don’t like that this is how her story goes in lok is because of the way healing is treated in the atla narrative.
Katara: Aang, you're burned! Let me help you. [Katara heals the burn on Aang's arm.] Aang: Wow, that's good water. Sokka: When did you learn that? Katara: I guess I always knew. Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Oh ... Well then thanks for all the first aid over the years. Like when I fell into the greaseberry bramble. [Angrily.] Or that time I had two fishhooks in my thumb!
this comes, of course, after aang accidentally burns katara and she learns she can heal through her waterbending by healing her own hands. then (after comforting aang despite being the one who got hurt, not that i'm bitter), she heals aang after he gets burned in his fight with zhao. and like... there's not so much as a cursory thanks in this scene.
to be clear, because i can already hear some responses in my head and i am making a preemptive strike: i'm not saying that when other characters don't thank katara for her healing, they're like, the worst people ever for not doing so or there aren't other ways at different times where they show their appreciation. what i am saying is that it feels like this sets up a long pattern of katara's healing specifically being taken for granted, and it makes me especially uncomfortable when i see her healing as a sort of metaphorical parallel to the emotional labor often expected of her in the show, especially because this and being The Avatar's Girlfriend/Wife is more or less what she's relegated to in post-canon.
also, i have to note sokka's line here. i don't want to come down on him too hard for this, because it's obviously being written humorously (and does genuinely make me laugh, for what it's worth, if just for the inherent ridiculous nature of two fishhooks), but his sarcastically saying thanks for all the help over the years when katara says she always knew (which is supposed to be her saying it just somehow instinctively came to her) does feel like another mark in this pattern. but i also really read this as sokka trying to lighten the mood after a Difficult (TM) day, so i cut both him and the writers some slack for it.
Meanwhile, back at the Outer Wall, Katara attempts to heal a member of the Terra Team. General Sung: What's wrong with him? He doesn't look injured. Katara: His chi is blocked. [Stops healing.] Who did this to you?
i find it interesting that katara has sort of naturally fallen into a token team healer role, to the degree that we don't even see them ask for her help or her agree to it; it's just automatically assumed that she will. and i mean, on the one hand, it's fairly standard to have an Assumed Healer in a fantasy action setting like this, where people will get hurt in combat and therefore the narrative needs someone whose job is to help them. the problem for me is that the show kicked up such a fuss about how women shouldn't just be allowed to be healers, and yet it's still the role no one but katara ever fills. aang is also a waterbender! why couldn't she have taught him healing, too? i genuinely think it would have added a lot to the story, but katara is The Girl (TM), so healing is what she (and only she) does, what's expected of her, and again, with very rare thanks for it.
Katara stares open-mouthed at Jet, her hands hovering near her mouth in shock. Snapping out of it, she withdraws water from her water skin, with which she covers her hands, and it begins to glow as she kneels down next to him. Cut to a shot from over her shoulder, with Jet glancing at her while she rubs her hands over his chest in an attempt to heal him. After rubbing his chest three times, the glow fades, the water stains Jet's clothing, and Katara looks back over her shoulder toward the rest of the group. Katara: This isn't good. Smellerbee: You guys go and find Appa. We'll take care of Jet. Katara: We're not going to leave you. Longshot: There's no time. Just go. We'll take care of him. He's our leader. They stare at Longshot in surprise. Jet: Don't worry, Katara. I'll be fine. [Smiles a little.]
Cut to a closer shot of Katara placing Aang's body on Appa. Katara opens the vial around her neck and uses water healing on Aang's wounded back. The rest of Team Avatar, Kuei, and Bosco all look sadly and in anticipation. The glowing from the spirit water stops, and Katara starts crying, assuming that it was not enough to save Aang. Aang's tattoos glow for a second and Aang groans. Katara, overcome with joy that Aang is alive, looks at him, who smiles a little, and she holds him closer.
writing about these together because i have less to say about them. i'm definitely not going to fault jet for not thanking katara when she tries to heal him as he literally lay dying, or aang for not having the mind to do so after she brings him back. but i am still going to fault the narrative for putting her in a position where healing is just inherently expected from her and yet very rarely allowing her to feel the emotional toll of that or to feel constricted by it. and when she does struggle against the weight of it (not necessarily of being a healer, but of being expected to be kind and good and uncomplicated with no room for other aspects of her identity, which are very tangled up in why she is The Healer) in episodes like the runaway or in the southern raiders, she just... does not receive a lot of support from the people she should be most able to rely on.
Katara: Maybe we should go upstairs. [Helping Aang up.] You need a healing session. Back in Aang's room on the ship. Katara bends some water onto the scar left by Azula's lightning attack. Katara: Tell me where the pain feels most intense. Aang: Mmm, a little higher. Uhhh! Aang briefly flashes back to the battle at Old Ba Sing Se where he rose into the Avatar State, then back to reality. Aang: Wow, you're definitely in the right area there.
not much to say here, it's just another instance where it would have been so easy to slip one thank you in, and the writers just... do not. the reason i think it bothers me so much with aang specifically is because katara is supposed to be both aang's physical healer and his emotional crutch in a way that she's not written as being for, say, toph or sokka. he's sometimes shown appreciation for her emotional support, but he still comes to rely on and expect it in ways that do not always feel healthy, and knowing that, it bothers me that he shows even less appreciation for her healing, because it's just what katara is there for.
A figure resembling the Painted Lady glides over the water on a carpet of fog and enters the village. She steps into a hut where several people are sleeping on the floor, and bends over each of them in turn, healing them with a blue glow. Her last patient is the mother of the little boy seen earlier, her son sleeping at her side. He wakes as the Painted Lady turns to go and silently follows her out the door. Little boy: Thank you, Painted Lady.
this is a genuinely sweet scene in which katara does receive appreciation and genuine thanks for her healing, but i think it's also worth noting that katara is not being recognized as herself here. still, i am genuinely very glad that it's included in the episode because (again, unless i am missing something) it is the first time katara gets thanked for her healing.
The scene cuts to show Appa landing on the edge of the battlefield. Sokka and Katara help Hakoda onto the ground, and Katara starts trying to heal him. Katara: How does that feel, Dad? Hakoda: Ah, a little, better. I need, to get back to the troops. [Attempts to stand but is too weak to.] Ahh! Katara: You're hurt, badly. You can't fight anymore. Hakoda: Everyone's counting on me to lead this mission Katara, I won't let them down. [Attempts to stand again but can't.] Ahh! Sokka: Can't you heal him any faster?
they're in a high intensity situation, and sokka is Stressed because hakoda is supposed to lead the mission, so i, like, Get It, but "can't you heal him any faster?" does strike me as another moment in which katara's healing is being taken for granted. i think it's something that would bother me a lot less if this was an isolated incident in the writing, but *gestures vaguely at whole post*.
Sokka: [Brightening.] Dad! [Rising and approaching the two.] You're on your feet again. Hakoda: [Sitting down; somewhat weakly.] Thanks to your sister.
that being said, in the next hakoda and katara scene, there is this very sweet moment, where hakoda might not be thanking katara directly but is showing a lot of appreciation and admiration for her skill in healing (and though she's not in the dialogue i included, she's around to hear it, which makes me happy.)
Katara: It's gonna take a while for your feet to get better. [Stops healing.] I wish I could have worked on them sooner. Toph: Yeah, me too.
once again, i'm not gonna fault toph for wishing katara could have healed her feet sooner, because she's been in pain all night, but the writers could have very easily (as they could have in any of these scenes!) chosen to include a perfunctory 'thanks' here, and they just didn't. i know this is getting repetitive, but i swear it's because it's largely more me being mad at the writers than the characters, lmao.
there are also a couple of scenes in which katara doesn't heal anyone, but her healing gets brought up by aang.
Aang: He doesn't look sick. You okay, buddy? [Appa groans and Aang pulls out Appa's purple tongue.] His tongue is purple! That can't be good. Katara, can you heal him?
to be fair, aang asks here, and it's not like aang gets defensive or angry when katara says appa needs medicine (and also to be fair, appa's not even actually sick, lmao, katara's being slightly trickstery), but it's another instance where katara is automatically positioned as the person who is and should be responsible for healing.
Aang: [Chuckles.] Well, not over over. I mean there's always Katara and a little Spirit Water action, [Turns to Katara.] am I right? Katara: Actually, I used it all up after Azula shot you. Aang: [Disappointed.] Oh.
i actually don't mind this so much as a writing moment, as i think it's a lot more intentional wrt aang not always conceptualizing the reality of the violence he’s facing. still, it’s another instance of katara’s ability to heal and care for him being taken for granted, and i find it especially notable it’s in of the last significant moments they share together (the other being an argument as katara urges him not to run away from the reality of their situation with ozai) before they spend the rest of the finale separate until they’re kissing without a word at the end.
and then there is the zutara healing scene, where katara heals zuko after he interferes and takes azula’s lightning to the chest when she’s aiming for katara.
Cut to Katara as she rolls Zuko on to his back and begins healing him. Zuko opens his eyes, feeling the pain lessen, and smiles weakly at Katara, who smiles back as she sheds a tear.
Zuko: Thank you, Katara.
Katara: I think I'm the one who should be thanking you.
it seems fair to me to say that one of the reasons the motifs of healing in the zutara are dynamic are so appreciated by their fans is because of how it contrasts to a lot of moments where the work katara does with her healing is under-appreciated. for one thing, it happens as part of a mutual exchange—katara heals zuko after he gets hurt saving her. (this also somewhat calls back to their scenes together in the crystal caves in the tcod, where she offers to heal his scar after they are trapped together and zuko extends her empathy.) it’s based in reciprocity. it’s also, as shown here, one of the few moments of explicit, heartfelt appreciation and thanks given for katara’s healing.
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sparrowlucero · 6 months
Even if a creator is a bad person it's still okay to like their work. People need to mind their own business.
Honestly it's not really that sort of situation. I'll actively defend Steven Moffat here.
There was a huge hate movement for him back in the early 2010s - which, in retrospect, formed largely because he was running 2 of the superwholock shows at once, one of which went through extremely long hiatuses* and the other of which was functionally an adaptation of an already well regarded show**, making him subject to a sort of double ire in the eyes of a lot of fandom people. Notably, his co-showrunner, Mark Gatiss, is rarely mentioned and much of his work is still attributed to Moffat (and yes, this includes that Hbomberguy video. Several of "Steven Moffat's bad writing choices" were not actually written by him, they were Gatiss.)
People caricatured the dude into a sort of malicious, arrogant figure who hated women and was deliberately mismanaging these shows to spite fans, to the point where people who never watched them believe this via cultural osmosis. It became very common to take quotes from him out of context to make them look bad***, to cite him as an example of a showrunner who hated his fans, someone who sabotaged his own work just to get at said fans, someone who was too arrogant to take criticism, despite all of this being basically a collective "headcanon" about the guy formed on tumblr. Some if it got especially terrible, like lying about sexual assault (I don't mean people accused him of sexual assault and I think they're making it up, I mean people would say things like "many of his actresses have accused him of sexual assault on set" when no such accusations exist in the first place. This gets passed around en masse and is, in my opinion, absolutely rancid.)
On top of that a ton of the criticism directed at the shows themselves is, personally, just terrible media criticism. So much of it came from assuming a very hostile intent from the writer and just refusing to engage with the text at all past that.
Like some really common threads you see with critique of this writer's work, especially in regards to Doctor Who since that's the one I'm most familiar with:
A general belief that his lead characters were meant to be ever perfect self inserts, and so therefore when they act shitty or arrogant or flawed in any way, that's both reflective of the author and something the show wants you to view as positive or aspirational.
An overarching thesis that his characters are "too important" in the narrative due to the writer's arrogance and self obsession (even though this is a very deliberate theme that's stated several times)
A lot of focus on the writer personally "attacking" the fans or making choices primarily out of spite.
A tendency to treat the show being different to what it's adapting as inherently bad and hostile towards the original.
Just generally very little consideration and engagement with the themes, intent, etc. of the shows
This one's a little more nebulous and doesn't apply to all critique but a lot of it, especially recently, is clearly by people who haven't seen the show in like 10 years and their opinion is largely formed secondhand through like, "discourse nostalgia". Which. you know. bad.
I think these are just weird and nonsensical ways to engage with a work of fiction. I also think it's really sad to see the show boiled down to this because that era of who is, in my opinion, very thematically rich and unique among similar shows, and I'm disappointed that it's often dismissed in such a paltry way.
This isn't to say people aren't allowed to critique Steven Moffat or anything, but the context in which he basically became The Devil™ to a large portion of fandom and is still remembered in a poor light is very tied to this perfect storm of fan culture and I just don't agree with a ton of it.
* I'm sure most people have seen the way long running shows and hiatuses will cause people to fall out with a show, with some former fans turning around and joining a sort of "anti fandom" for it while it's still airing. That happened with both these shows. ** Doctor Who will change it's entire writing staff, crew, and cast every few years, and with that comes a change in style, tone, theme - the old show basically ends and is replaced by a new show under the same title. As Steven Moffat's era was the first of these handovers for the majority of audiences, you can imagine this wasn't a well loved move for many fans. *** I know for a fact most people have not sought out the sources for a lot of these quotes to check that they read the same in context because 1) most of them were deleted years ago and are very difficult to find now and 2) many of them do actually make sense in the context of their respective interviews
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tubbytarchia · 8 months
Traffic/Life series roster as dinosaurs
A lot of these don't make for very good hybrids unless you wanna get into freaky territory or full on centaur but... Hope it's a fun scroll nonetheless!
Grian - Novialoidea
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A small birdie... The name also means "New wings" which I find fun. New lives and death games to be part of, new wings to accompany him... (Honorable mention to "Shuvuuia" the "desert bird" who unfortunately is not a pterosaur (doesn't fly)) (Yes we're including pterosaurs! Just using "dinosaur" as a conveient blanket term)
Tango - Aratasaurus / Pyroraptor
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Fire raptor! Either works just fine and Tango as a skittery little raptor is perfect for a creature like him
Scar - Apatosaurus
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"Deceptive Lizard" harkening back to Scar's scamming tendencies. Though I've always liked the idea of him being some larger gentler animal in any hybrid scenario and a long-neck fits the bill well. He can poke his nose into people's conversations easily to start marketing something useless to them and swishes his tail to ward off anyone who's about to stop him
Impulse - Nasutoceratops
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Ren - Regaliceratops
Horns. COOL horns. I don't know what else you want from me ceratopses are just way too awesome. Nasutoceratops is a wicked cool dinosaur for having its horns point so forward much like a bull and I for one can jive with some Impulse bull symbolism. Bulls are often viewed as strong, sturdy and loyal, traits also assigned to Impulse a LOT of the time. But though he IS intensely loyal in many cases (+ Ceratopses are also known for how they defend their own!), and he's not very outward about the following traits, he can get quite petty and bitchy and hold grudges. Still, you don't think of that when you look at him and he seems to agree! Eg him feeling like he should be accepted into Cleo's alliance in 3rd life without actually proving himself when Cleo was rightfully hesitant, at which Impulse more or less rolled his eyes. And him proclaiming "betrayal!" when killed by Bdubs when their alliance was as firm as a rat's tail
(And I feel the need to point this out too just in case: "bulls are also known for their temper" yeah but they're not like that! Bulls like many animals become defensive when exposed to aggravating behavior or movement! Which you could work into Impulse's grudge holding and intense loyalty...? I don't know enough about him sorry but do with that what you will)
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Regaliceratops! Regal!! Crown shaped frill!!! Need I say more?
Gem - Therizinosaurus
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Theris are so bad bitch coated to me and I would love to have one as my wife I mean um I couldn't decide on a less generic specimen so Gem can just be a Theri! A herbivore - often associated with the belief that herbivores are gentle passive creatures, but far from it, especially with Gem! She bares her claws like it's no one's business
Martyn - Stygmoloch
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A Pachy with a tough head and a tendency to bonk people - I think it fits Martyn's tendency to perpetuate drama haha. The Stygmoloch's name though more or less translates to "demon of the styx river", the river of the underworld representing loathing of death. To me this makes sense with all the watcher lore (that I have a hard time understanding but whatever!!) especially with how Martyn became in LL. The watchers themselves don't loathe death (??) of course. They're death games. But someone within the game trying to stay alive and win? Probably loathes the idea of themselves dying. I have no clue what Im saying
Pearl - Carnotaurus
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Ok maybe a hot take not to make her into a pteradon or even a raptor with wing-like features but those just didn't fit that well in my opinion. Rather I wanted her to have some kind of horn motif in place of her wings as visual symbolism for her character. I'd like to imagine her having fine horns, to then have them damaged (one broken off) and simultaneously the other more grown out. Think of how domesticated goats for example have their horns trimmed. I think human hybrids with horns would do the same to keep them from becoming a bother but Pearl would neglect to after her heartbreak in DL. I was heavily considering the Diabloceratops for this, especially because of the name (Devil horned face - good ostracizing material) but Pearl strikes me a lot more as a carnivore and there are only two horned carnivores out there so... Carnotaurus it is haha. And even now I'm making her horns unrealistically big but.... We can suspend some belief
BigB - Oryctodromeus
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"Digging Runner"! I've already talked plenty of why BigB is very rabbit behavior to me and my reasons for assigning this burrowing dinosaur to him are similar. Tldr he is fidgety and cautious yet clever and constantly buries himself underground
Lizzie - Anurognathidae
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I don't even fucking know man it made me think of Lizzie and then I wasn't able to assign anything else to her. Lizzie often claims to be confused and if any dinosaur looks to be in a perpetual state of confusion then its this one. I know a lot of people like to portray Lizzie as a butterfly also so there you go, wings!!! And it's quite cat-like too for those who like to draw her as a cat
Mumbo - Leinkupal
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I really struggled with Mumbo... So many different dinos fit him imo but I figured it should be at least something moderately large (so "Technosaurus" was out of the question lol). Then I rediscovered this dinosaur whose name translates to "vanishing family" and then I thought about LL and SL and how Mumbo went out quickly after the initial death/s and left a very felt absence in someone's alliance and then I became really emotional and forgot what I was doing
Joel - Nodocephalosaurus
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Bdubs - Psittacosaurus
"Knob Headed Lizard"
Joel as an Ankylosaur has been stuck in my head from day one of assigning dinosaurs to the Lifers and I'm frustrated that I can't truly explain why. You'd view an Ankylosaur as a slow and docile creature, even compared to other herbivores, but...
1. Maybe not so much nowadays, I don't know what non-dino nerds think, but I feel like ankylosaurs were largely believed to be HUGE back in the day, much like velociraptors, when in reality they're not that big. The Nodocephalosaurus is especially small even among other ankylosaurs. But, well, we all know what Joel loves to say about himself
2. Joel is or likes to make himself look well in control, just as ankylosaurs have little to worry about as far as predators go. Especially in earlier series where he was content basing mostly by himself. It's always when things get dire and he enters his red life that he becomes very impulsive and erratic like an ankylosaur flipped on its back
3. I know there's a distinction between Traffic Joel and Empires Joel and whatever other Joel but... Even in death games his more charitable traits shine through here and there. He really becomes a dangerous rascal for a large majority of the time and he's very good at it, he's not putting on a mask or anything, but I like to remember that underneath that tough spiky armor is gentleness and caring. His care towards Lizzie and Pearl and Etho etc etc
4. The image of Joel as a hell of a spiky creature is just really fun to me. Yet heavy and blunt ones! And someone once proposed the idea of him having a club tail but having chiselled it to be sharp to mirror him being a menace. (Added benefit also that it's lighter that way haha) To me he's always been an obvious heavy hitter rather than stealthy or particularly creative etc. Him as a carnivore just doesn't work as well for me
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The name bares no fitting meaning but when I look at Bdubs I think of Psittaco. All other species close to it in looks are already ceratopsians and we have like... 3 of those already lol. Im sorry Bdubs you look so stupid
Cleo - Lythronax
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There's so few predators in this roster lol oops, but Cleo deserves to be an apex one! The name translates to "Gore King" because you know, zombies... and you know, Cleo is very king so true. If any of the Lifers should be able to boast rows of razor sharp teeth to gore others it should be ZombieCleo
Scott - Theiophytalia
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I've been really struggling with Scott but how about the dinosaur whose name translates to "Belonging to the garden of Gods". There's only one known specimen of this species and it's an Iguanadon looking dinosaur which I think a lot of people would regard as the most basic, possibly boring type of dinosaur (if it weren't for the Allosaurus which already takes the title of "basic straight white guy") but that further fits Scott imo. It's always been a strong point of appeal to me how MUCH there is to his character that so often goes under the radar or unexplored, and how he's very often portrayed as just some handsome looking guy as opposed to a hybrid etc. He's not at all extravagant yet has mastered his craft of bending fate in his favor, he so often has things perfectly under his control just as he wants them, etc... reflective of the name "Theiophytalia" even if you wouldn't think such a dinosaur to sport one of the most prolific names a dinosaur can have. Also garden something something flower husbans. Basically whatever Bree's take on Scott is lol. I don't wanna blab for 5 paragraphs about that blue mf here but. I hope this makes sense
Jimmy - Yinlong
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I struggled with this mf the most because he's another very hashtag deep character. I felt really bad to remove his bird motifs completely because the canary is so essential to him, but a raptor nor a pteradon fit my image of him at all. I spent so much time looking into various species but it just aint it, but Yinlong was possibly quilled and we can still cover him in feathers, even if he has nothing close to wings haha... BUT ANYWAY. Yinlong is a small kind of pathetic looking dinosaur, and Jimmy definitely isn't small but he'd sure be made to feel that way. Yinlong translates to "Hidden Dragon" however, a rather thought-provoking name for such a dinosaur. Given his character, it sure does feel like there's a soul of a dragon laying dormant somewhere in him, buried by all the self deprecation and curse labels. Honorable mention to Tianyulong, a very similar dinosaur who was named after a museum, but "Tianyu" also translates to peace and content. Something that Jimmy can't yet but deserves to be
Etho - undefined raptor
Already made a loong post about raptor Etho haha which I assume yall have seen since the support towards that post is the only reason I'm even making this post
Skizz - Olorotitan
"Titanic Swan" close enough to an angel right. I feel the whole angel thing is a bit overdone when Skizz can become a malicious little creature every now and then, but swans much like angels do get viewed as beautiful and taken as symbolism of love. Much like Skizz is largely viewed as an angel and often as someone who can do no wrong. But mostly I wanted Skizz to be a hadrosaur/duck-billed dinosaur, because those are dinosaurs known for their speculated vocalizations. And what is Skizz good at? Talking and voicing his love and appreciation? Yeah? Yeah... I'm so sorry Skizz btw this hybrid idea does not work out
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Again, a lot of these don't work so well as hybrids... Some like the long-neck ones I cant imagine to have more than a spiky spine back and a tail, but! These picks aren't based on hybrid potential but rather what I think genuinely fits. I did really work on this all day looking through a bunch of dinosaurs and research haha, but I do love dinosaurs a lot... If you disagree with any hey thats cool! Feel free to give me your opinions if you've any and I hope this was fun to scroll through regardless
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rpstartersinc · 4 months
feel free to change pronouns / wording! potential spoilers!
" we have been apart for far too long. "
" seems as though your business is thriving. "
" there's no need to shout. "
" you've gotten rather good. "
" do you not wish to greet me? "
" i was nowhere and everywhere. "
" the lack of interest here today shall usher me to an early grave at any moment. "
" i simply could use some peace. "
" the truth has a way of rearing its ugly head. "
" i take it you are finally done with daydreaming? "
" do you find yourself back in town for any particular reason? in search of something or... someone? "
" i do not wish to see a citrus colour, ever again. "
" you have never been one for silly romances. "
" a man cannot tell his secrets. "
" i have kept your secret exactly because i do not wish to keep revisiting the past. "
" i must make a good impression. "
" i wonder what whistledown will write about next issue. "
" what a striking gown you have on. "
" i should like a moment alone. "
" once one finds oneself on the wall, it is difficult to come off it. "
" you do not much like attracting notice, do you? "
" it is a pity you did not choose something sturdier. "
" if you are going to make me say it out loud, i miss you. "
" what you did was cruel, and unnecessary. "
" i'm sorry for intruding. "
" it pains me to see you upset. "
" if a husband is what you seek, then... let me help you. "
" what i have learned is that charm can be taught. "
" i do love a game, especially when i am so often the victor. "
" i do not fear change, i embrace it. "
" i do not care what lady whistledown writes about me. "
" i should like to see your skills as they are, first. "
" i suggest you make good use of it. "
" you agree, i am unteachable. "
" you already know how to do this. "
" it is impossible to be in society and not care what others think. "
" do you think me a magician? "
" we needed a place to be alone. "
" you don't have to be embarrassed, you know me. "
" that's exactly why i will feel even more embarrassed, because i know you. "
" somehow my character gets lost between my heart and my mouth, and i find myself saying the wrong thing or more likely nothing at all. "
" your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue. yet, somehow, they shine even brighter when you are kind. "
" your writing... it is very good. "
" they've taken to hunting in packs. "
" you know, whenever i have a disagreement with an acquaintance, i find the best course of action is simply to pretend they are dead. "
" talents? no. unless you consider a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time a talent. "
" now i can stuff my mouth with chocolates without fear of appearing impolite. "
" i do not much care for idle gossip. "
" i think i am somehow afraid i will do something wrong. "
" despite the cover of night, there are still eyes upon us all at all times. "
" what is foolish is being unreasonable about what you can achieve. "
" men can often cause much more trouble than they are worth. "
" i bribed her to give us a minute alone. "
" a small taste of the light can lead to that most dangerous of emotions: hope. "
" once hope is lost, a lady may become reckless. "
" would you kiss me? "
" i do not wish to die without ever having been kissed. "
" i apologise for the late hour, but i had to see you, immediately. "
" you occupy my every thought. "
" you slept late. "
" i slept peacefully. "
" a week sequestered in your room, and you come down and you say this to me? "
" i noticed you have not been seen in society for some time. "
" i would certainly rather be predator than prey. "
" i think i see a corner in which to hide myself. "
" you must simply follow your heart. "
" it is the mark of a good man, to help a friend in need. "
" unfortunately, i require all pity for myself. "
" i find your frankness immensely refreshing. "
" is there some reason you are trying to escape civilisation? "
" we can do whatever we want. "
" i have heard a great deal about you. "
" that was a thrilling distraction, was it not? "
" it was a good thing no one was injured. "
" a man can be pensive, can he not? "
" i am in awe of your heroism. "
" some cannot help being heroes. "
" in need of some quiet? i have been in search of it all night. "
" perhaps we can enjoy the silence together. "
" well, then you have misjudged me. "
" i am not afraid of you. "
" courage is within us all. "
" as long as we are honest with ourselves and about our feelings, it is possible to do anything. "
" the person i was earlier today... i was pretending to be someone i am not. "
" how many yous are there, exactly? and where do you hide them all? "
" i have come to call on you. "
" i do not wish to be called on. "
" step another pace backwards, you read me too well. "
" i do not wish to interfere. "
" i cannot have you growing distracted. "
" i do not mind a stirring tale or a book of fact but, in truth i find myself drawn back time and time again to stories of... love. "
" i do not believe i have ever had a friend call to the house before. "
" a gentleman must keep some things to himself. "
" do not tell me you are holding out for love. "
" love is make-believe. "
" do you know what is romantic? security. "
" i am grateful to you, for keeping me company. "
" past lives are dangerous places to revisit. "
" if you need to keep your distance from me a while, i understand. "
" you are unlike many people. "
" i do not feel much like talking. "
" i am not a man of many words. "
" my work has such a large portion of my heart it may be difficult to make more space. "
" i cannot stand by and watch you make a mistake. "
" the only mistake was me ever asking for your help in the first place. "
" it is said that the heart is forever making the head its fool. "
" will you please let us ride home in silence and leave me alone. "
" what if i did have feelings for you? "
" i have spent so long trying to feel less. "
" these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings, feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. "
" do not say things you do not mean. "
" do you think anyone saw us? "
" are you going to marry me or not? "
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Listen, I found your account by coincidence and it was the most beautiful coincidence.... Your writing is very wonderful and I am happy that the rq is open
so can i rq a hc about twst? Where the reader loves agriculture and have a garden in ramshackle where they grow flowers and some vegetables as a hobby, which impresses their friends?
Honestly I don't have any specific characters in my mind so you are free to choose any 4 characters or less (I love everyone, so I'll be satisfied with anyone.)
And of course you are free to accept my request or reject it🪷🪻🌻
Grown with Love
So sorry about the long wait!! School has been a lot recently ;( But thank you for the request and the kind words!! I don't have the greenest thumb, so the garden details are kept very vague-
Agriculture loving reader with a garden
Characters: Ruggie, Azul, Malleus
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-When he first hears about it, he doesn't care all that much; it's just a hobby to him. But because he cares about you, he listens to you talk about it!
-When you mention that you also grow food in your garden, that's when he gets interested! He's pretty curious about what kind of foods you grow, what kind of care they need, ect...
-He comes visit ever so often and watches you work, he likes how concentrated you look! That, and the scenery of your garden with all the different flowers and plants is a very pretty and relaxing sight, perfect for whenever he needs a break from Leona
-If you ever make him a meal with food from your garden, he will very simply adore you- He wants to eat it slowly to truly enjoy it, but also scarf it down because of how good it tastes 
-Eventually, he tries to make a deal with you: He helps you out around the garden in exchange for some of the food you grow! If you accept, you best believe he'll give it his all, he makes sure to help you let your plants thrive! (Not that they don't already under just you're care <3) 
-If you agree to the deal, he'll keep some of the food to bring home to his grandma and the kids of his slum during the holidays, so that they have something fresh to eat for once
-All in all, he really enjoys the scenery, and would love to help out! 
-As you could have possibly guessed, even if the two of you are close friends, his first thought is money. 
-He asks to sign a contract with you; you give him fresh food from your garden in exchange for proper payment and/or free meals at the lounge. Once again, your choice if you want to accept or decline! 
-Aside from that, your garden does genuinely fascinate him! He grew up in the sea, he most likely hasn't seen most land plants, let alone the way they grow, so most of things in the garden are completely new to him
-He likes simply relaxing in your garden, watching how your different plants develop and grow, your garden becomes a bit of a save haven for him, whenever the twins or work stresses him out
-He often compliments you, wether on how good your work ethic is, how great your plants are doing, how beautiful your garden is, ect. And he does genuinely mean every one of them!
-He says he is at your garden so often, because it's a good getaway from his stress, but really your garden and all the unfamiliar land stuff just fascinates him 
-Your garden will permanently become part of his route for his night walk, if you allow it
-He is genuinely fascinated by your work, he loves the way your garden looks, and isn't afraid to praise you for it! 
-If you have a flower or two that's native to briar valley, this man has stars in his eyes. He may give you a tip or two about how to get to thrive as greatly as they can, should you ask. they are definitely one of his favorite flowers  in the garden!
-He'll take the food from your garden, or meals cooked with it, over any other meal any day of the week! especially if the other choice is lillia's cooking
-He says he can taste how much love and care  is put into growing something, so your food logically tastes better to him than something grown and cooked as a job instead of as a hobby. 
-During shared nightly walks or really just whenever the two of you hang out, it'll be a mutual understanding that both of you can freely talk about your interests! 
-He'll tell you about gargoyles and you can talk as much as you want about agriculture 
-If you mention having a favorite plant, or that you have one that you've been wanting to grow but just haven't been able too for whatever reason, he'll definitely get you the seeds and whatever else is required for it!
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This was such a cute thing to write!! Did struggle a bit because i don't know much about agriculture despite living next to at least three different farms-
Feedback is welcome!! just be nice!
Hope you have a nice day/night <3
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rainbowsky · 4 months
Award nominations - my thoughts
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There has been a lot of uproar about the Magnolia Awards nominations. Here are my thoughts.
Disclaimer: I'm going to preface this by talking about a life lesson I refuse to learn (to the dismay of those closest to me). The lesson is, "Don't make yourself a target." That can often mean, "Don't speak your mind if your perspective differs from popular opinion" or in this case, "When people are upset, don't put yourself in the position to become the outlet for all their anger."
But I respect diversity of opinion, and that means I want to hear from a variety of perspectives on an issue and I suspect some of my readers do as well. So I hope everyone can remain open to hearing things they might not agree with, and respect each other's views. I also want to add that everything I say here is about me and my views - not a commentary on anyone else or their views.
I also think it's important that I make clear that I have not yet seen War of Faith. I'm relying on reviews and on reports from other fans, from my friends, and from my sister for my understanding of the drama and the performances actors gave.
A bit of background
For those who aren't aware of this issue, I'll try to outline the broad strokes of it all.
The Magnolias are prestigious drama awards in China, somewhat on par with the Emmies. For months now there has been a lot of buzz building about the possibility of a nomination for GG and The Youth Memories, and/or for DD and War of Faith.
The nominations came through today, and there was just the nomination for War of Faith for Best Drama. DD was not nominated, but Wang Yang was nominated for Best Leading Actor.
A lot of fans and even a few passers-by have been very vocally upset about this, saying it's a snub to DD and his excellent performance. Some have even characterized it as a huge betrayal of DD to nominate Wang Yang, who was really only a supporting actor, over DD, who was the real leading actor.
There have been claims that DD wasn't even put forth for the award by the producers, which has made fans even more angry. Many are attacking the producers, speaking out against DD appearing in a proposed season 2 of the series, and threatening backlash if the producers celebrate the nominations the drama received.
Checking the facts
As far as I can tell, here's what we know for sure:
The drama was co-billed with three leading actors: Wang Yibo, Li Qin and Wang Yang.
While DD's character was the protagonist of the drama, he wasn't billed as the sole male lead for the series.
All three leading actors gave solid performances.
We do not know for sure whether Li Qin's or Yibo's names were put forth for the awards. I personally can't think of any reason the producers would hold back on submitting everyone they can for the awards. The more nominations and wins the drama gets, the better for everyone involved.
Edit: according to a document purported by fans to be the official record of the names put forward for awards, Yibo, Li Qin and Wang Yang were all put forth as leads, which is in line with the billing each had in casting.
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Fans are treating this as damning evidence that the producers unjustly put the supporting actor forward as a lead actor, but we have to keep in mind that there are likely contractual and legal considerations here. If somebody is cast in a leading role, then they have rights to be billed and promoted as such. We know that Li Qin and Wang Yang were both billed as co-leads.
Edit 2: The studio and producer have released statements where it was confirmed that all the lead actors were put forth for the awards.
My thoughts
I understand the disappointment fans feel when one of our boys is passed over for accolades and recognition. We're all invested in their well-being and success. However, I don't think it does any of us - and especially not DD - any kind of service to get upset and up in arms over something like this.
There are some really good reasons to believe that DD would not be thanking people for reacting the way they have:
It is an insult to Wang Yang and the performance he gave, which from what I understand, was outstanding. DD would not want his colleague's successes to be in any way diminished by the behavior and attitudes of his fans. It's not the kind of person he is.
It's disrespectful to the project as a whole. As I've said before, "A rising tide lifts all boats." The fact that the drama was nominated at all is to DD's great benefit. Turning something positive into a negative doesn't serve any productive purpose.
This makes DD look really bad, frankly. We shouldn't fail to recognize the irony of burning down the internet with cries of, "DD's being treated like a traffic star rather than the great actor he is!!" "He was snubbed!" "What a betrayal!" Nothing makes DD look more like a traffic star than fans behaving this way. This is classic fan culture behavior. We want DD to be recognized as a serious actor, but we simultaneously rely on traffic idol data and numbers to try to 'push his case', and claim he's 'being used for traffic' rather than ourselves respect his serious role in this drama.
This type of awards entitlement is not DD's style. Quite the contrary. He is an extremely humble, hardworking guy who likely cringes at the idea of people being outraged on his behalf in a situation like this.
Everything good that happens for this project, whether it's directly connected to DD or not, benefits DD. Everything bad that happens - every bit of bad publicity - harms DD.
This is a propaganda drama that's of significance to the ruling party. This type of fan behavior in relation to it has the chance of really harming DD and his career. Just like the whole debacle with GG's fans and their reaction over Ace Troops, this is not the kind of thing people should be doing.
From what I've learned about the Magnolias, these awards are given to established career actors. Young actors and newer actors do not tend to get nominated for these awards.
Like it or not, DD is a newcomer with a career that's still in transition. He has a lot of talent and some great successes under his belt, but he is still pretty green as an actor. Wang Yang has a career that goes back 20 years. DD has only been a serious actor for maybe a quarter of that time. It was unrealistic for fans to expect the tiger to change its stripes just for him.
This is not some nasty conspiracy against DD, this is just the reality of the industry he is in. Major awards tend to go to established career actors - both in China and globally. We should know this by now.
As far as I can tell, DD isn't being 'singled out' in any way. He's being treated like any other newcomer; being expected to 'pay his dues' just like everyone else.
DD is young, he has his whole career ahead of him. He is so talented and hardworking - he WILL win major awards. The fact that almost every project he's involved with gets nominations and awards is a very good sign, and ensures he will continue to get solid opportunities to show his skills. He's clearly picking good projects and performing well in them. Directors and producers will take notice of that and want to work with him.
He is on a normal - even exceptionally strong - career trajectory. Given his successes we should be very happy for the trajectory he is on. He will continue to work hard, get good roles, perform well and grow his audiences and his credibility among those audiences.
On a personal level
I love DD so much. He has something truly special about him. I want to see him do well, and for others to see and recognize what's so great about him.
He deals with an outrageous level of hatred and slander from antis, some of it truly makes me sick to my stomach. Nothing would make me happier than to see him be in a position to slap those assholes in the face with prestigious awards and recognition for his talent.
Of course I was dismayed when he wasn't nominated, just as I was dismayed that GG wasn't nominated.
However, I recognize that for what it is - a personal emotional reaction. Ultimately nothing that has happened here appears to be unjust or underhanded. Disappointing, perhaps, but not a conspiracy, not a betrayal.
Quite the contrary. DD's drama was nominated for 5 awards including Best Drama! We should be celebrating. There are probably hundreds of dramas that hope for this type of recognition every year, and DD's was one of those chosen among the very few nominated.
It makes me sad to see something positive being turned into a negative in this way. For all the reasons I outlined, I think it's misguided and could come back to bite DD hard in the ass.
Just my opinion. Hopefully once everyone has simmered down a bit we can all take a second look at this and find another perspective. One that is more worthy of DD as the humble human being he is.
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tossawary · 11 months
Yes, I can be frustrated when plot tension seems to arise solely from characters communicating poorly or refusing to speak to each other at all. Sometimes, the reasons for it don't seem very good or even true to character when they pale in the face of some other threat. Sometimes, it gets drawn out too long and it feels like things would be more interesting if we just moved on to whatever could happen next; I do really like it when characters come together and attempt to solve problems as a team.
And yet, on the other hand, there are situations where I can't agree when someone says, "UGH, why don't they just TALK to each other?!" Because it's like... it's the trauma, bro. It's the shame and the fear and the desire for privacy and control. It's the violence of this world and the LIFE-THREATENING risks of vulnerability. It's potentially another character having a knife to their throat. It's the precarious situation of NOT KNOWING that you're a character in story and that this other character is a decent person who will react with understanding and compassion.
"UGH, why didn't this character just hand someone else their heart and the power to destroy them on a platter?" "UGH, why didn't this character confess to something that has been repeatedly shown to be murderously reviled by most people in this world?" "UGH, why didn't this character just TALK to people when they've been burned before and no one has demonstrated that they're trustworthy, and also they're being threatened to keep them silent?"
Again, miscommunication plots often drive me up the wall, especially when they seem so repetitive. Everyone has a limited tolerance for certain story elements and story elements can definitely be executed poorly. It can be fun to mix things up with characters who throw their issues on the table and demand that someone try to fight them on it, with characters who are open about previous issues but are struggling not to backslide, and with characters who are TRYING to talk it out but can't find the words or the right people to listen. There are many ways to do communication plots! There are many good reasons to complain about these plots! And it's all to personal taste anyway, so I don't begrudge anyone their venting! I can be petty too!
But... also... "UGH, why didn't this character suddenly overcome all of their personal issues in order to effectively spill their guts to someone they have good reason to think wants them dead?" BRUH, COME ON and put yourself in their shoes, PLEASE.
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
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I don't think some people understand just how absolutely terrifying Mori is and I want to talk about it.
When you meet him it will most likely be in a casual place such as the street or the mall with Elise by his side, naturally. The little girl takes a swift liking to you and basically demands Mori to convince you to play with her and he obeys. It is honestly a little humiliating seeing a grown man beg for something like that but it is endearing in its own little way. Feeling bad for them both you agree and promptly make your way towards the playground where the three of you spend the day together, responsibilities be damned.
Before you know it, the physician and his daughter become something of a semi often occurence in your life.
Mori himself is silly - tripping all over his words, especially if Elise says something to him. There are times when the little girl says some of the most concerning things totally out of the blue but Mori always manages to shut her up, which feels out of character for him.
It feels like some sort of secret that you really should not hear but you decide not to pay any attention to it. Everyone has secrets to keep, a skeleton or two deeply hidden in their closets, you don't judge Mori for this.
He is greatly pleased with your easygoing attitude.
Mori often sits in his pitch black office, the scent of fine chocolates and cigarette smoke lingering in the air as his subordinates give him their reports but his mind is elsewhere.
He's half paying attention to the executive's words as he grabs a tiny heart shaped chocolate from the pristine red box, its surface shining brightly against the light that is lit close to him. He pops is in his mouth and savors the milky flavour, the sweet strawberry centre giving it that extra delightful kick which he oh so craves.
Mori indulges in the sweets and thinks of you as he does so. Yes, this is something you would love.
The gifts start pouring and pouring, each one more extravagant than the last. They range from fine sweets, good wine, beautiful clothing and letters which detail the senders feelings towards you. The sender never bothered to sign the letters but always made sure to add something like I'm always watching or Sleep well.
It was creepy.
You tell Mori about some of the gifts that are left on your doorstep but never go into full detail as you're too nervous of scaring him off. The older man always somehow manages to laugh the entire sitation away and tells you to not so worry so much. Don't you know that some people would kill to have someone so helplessly in love with them? He sits on your couch, legs crossed and with a cup of tea in his hands, which you served him of course. You talk and talk and his words give shallow comfort especially as time goes by.
Was he being too forward? Did the gifts not suit your preferences? With a sigh he just waves off his men, all while thinking to himself "Ridiculous, of course they love it!"
Mori thinks you're just shy. You just are not used to someone paying so much attention to you, especially to the extent that Mori is. He has eyes and ears everywhere, your apartment is under constant surveillance and not to mention that the apartment itself is bugged, allowing Mori to hear you speak and do your other daily activities.
He knows you better then you know yourself.
It does not take Mori insert himself in your life in more personal ways. No matter who, Mori always somehow manages to make the people around him look worse than he is and in a flash he orchestrates the downfall of your whole entire life. You lose your job, your home, your friends and family no longer speak to you.
Some, if not all are dead but you don't need to know that.
That is when he comes to you, when you are at your weakest, your most vulnerable. He drops the silly act like a mask and his true colours are exposed.
Mori Ougai is a monster.
But, would you rather sell your soul to a monster or be left in the streets alone, unloved and penniless? Truly, your life would be so much easier if you just submit to him and look, you don't even need to do that much! Eat the food he feeds and wear the nice clothes he gets you and you will be golden!! Just, be still and pretty, alright?
It's honetly so jarring to see Mori's personality shift - one minute he is the silly doctor you met and grew to like, the man who says dumb things in order to make you laugh, the man who was willing to beg on his knees for you to just please, wear this cute outfit, it is going to look so good on you he promises!!
And yet, the next moment he is cold, cruel and calculating, the head of the Port Mafia. He is a man of his word and his subordinates greatly admire and fear him, yes, fear. Do not forget that Kyouka literally started shaking when she saw him after she left the Port Mafia, almost everyone who is in close contact with the man is never the same person they were once before. He will make himself out to be the best possible option and you know that he is the reason why your life is in shambles but that's not even the worst bit.
It is the fact that you have two options. Do you go to the streets and die in the darkness, be it from starvation, dehydration or murder? Or, do you stay with Mori who all but guarantees your safety and comfort, under the condition that you can never leave?
He knows you hate him and he is perfectly content with that. You will choose him in the end, you always will.
That is what keeps you both up at night, one with glee while the other with terror.
🕊️ TAGS: @yanroma, @oneoftheprettynerds, @rosemary108233, @itssara-chan, @gettinshiggywithit, @ophticcus
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rlqfpdl · 7 months
All I want is you
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Apollo!Fem!reader x Jason Grace
Summary: You can’t help but admire Jason. Not knowing he’s doing the same.
Contains: fluff. Characters might seem a bit ooc.
A/N: I noticed the lack of Jason fics so hope you all enjoy this one. I had such fun writing it. Feedback is always welcomed and reqs are open <3
Word count: 1.1k
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His skin seemed to glow perfectly, his eyes sparkled with the sun. His perfect silky blonde hair was a bit messy, like he had just woken up. Gods, it was flawless, like gold. His slightly tilted glasses made him look cuter than when he didn't have them on. If you didn't know any better, you would say you're enamored, captivated, charmed, enchan…
“Stop staring, you're drooling,” Will said, pointing towards the corner of his lip and casually continuing to eat his breakfast. You brought your finger towards your lip to confirm. How embarrassing, you thought. “I wasn't staring. I don't know what I could ever be staring at,'' you defended, avoiding Will's gaze. Suddenly, your plate was really interesting as you fiddled around with some pancakes. Smooth, gaslight your brother into thinking he's the crazy one. 
“Sure lover girl, let's pretend you weren't ogling at Mr. Sparky over there,” Will just knew how to push your buttons. Both of you being top healers meant you knew each other better than the rest of your siblings. Sadly, that also meant he knew your weaknesses all too well like a certain blonde he kept talking about.
 “He's way out of my league” you rebutted. You didn't give yourself enough credit. Most would assume you were a daughter of Aphrodite if it weren't for the distinct freckles and soft glow that every Apollo kid seems to have. 
“Yeah well, he likes you back. you guys just need to be a little less shy” he stated as if it were a fact. But it wasn't, well, at least not for you. Jason was just too handsome. Sure, the Aphrodite boys were too, and so were some of the Hermes boys, but Jason was just different in your eyes. It wasn't only about looks; it was his caring personality and how nice he could be. Not that it was a surprise, but considering he is the son of Jupiter you would have thought he would be a little more conceited. 
”You know, you keep saying that, but I don't see it. Plus I can't think of crushes right now; we have to prepare the infirmary.” both you and Will know that deep down, you wanted to believe that Jason liked you back but were always ‘too busy’ to talk about your feelings. 
Especially on capture the flag days, You weren't one to participate; fighting isn't your thing. You were half decent with a bow but just awful at playing, landing you with the amazing job of nursing everyone back to health. You would think people knew better than to slash each other to almost death, knowing that their desert privilege was on the line. But that never seemed to stop anyone from creating more work for the Apollo cabin. 
You sighed as you prepared some of the beds in the infirmary, having gauzes and ambrosia ready at your disposal. Singing softly as you worked, maybe you weren't blessed with amazing archery skills or astonishing arts abilities, but you had other skills in your favor. Like your voice and talent with the lyre. Most of the camp would agree that you were the best singer from the Apollo cabin, often leading the sing-alongs at the campfires or just singing sweet children's songs to the little ones at camp. 
Caught up in your singing and folding of sheets, you didn't hear the conch being blown or the screaming campers celebrating their victory or announcing their complaints over losing. So, to say you almost had a heart attack when you heard a soft voice call your name was truly an understatement. 
“Gods Austin you scared me,” you said, looking at your brother as he smiled softly, “Sorry you just have a patient ready for you, doc,” he said, smirking slightly as he was up to something. “I'll attend some; tell Will to take care of the rest” You turned around, not looking at your now creepily smiling brother. You started putting a little tray on one of the beds . Austin continued talking, “Oh but there is this camper who has specially requested for you,” he said as he dragged said camper towards you. “Okay well bring them up; i don't have time to attend everybody,” your voice started to faint as you looked up towards this oh so special camper that requested you. 
“I can come back at another time if you're too busy,” he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with rosy cheeks, he was embarrassed. But now you sported matching red cheeks as you looked at him intensely in awe of his presence. “No, you fine Jason please sit” you gestured towards the bed. “I got nicked with a sword; it's not that bad” he explained, tilting his head, his voice was ringing in your ears like a charm.
“Can i touch your face” you mumbled as you began to study the small gash he had from afar. “Sure,” Jason stuttered a bit, his face getting a little bit redder. You softly touched his jaw, further inspecting his injury. “Well, it's not deep enough for ambrosia or nectar, but it's still kind of deep,” you stated grabbing a cotton ball with a pair of tweezers “I’m just going to clean it up and heal it ,” you said, your voice shaking a bit. Jason could only muster a hum as you placed a tiny amount of alcohol into his wound. He winced at the sting, but it didn't seem to bother him that much, especially with how gently you touched his face. 
Both of you fell into an uncomfortable silence, not knowing what to say, faces a bit too close to each other, entering in panic mode. Yet Jason built up enough courage as he whispered a faint “Your voice is so beautiful.” You couldn't help but look into his blue eyes, eternally getting lost in those precious sky-blue irises. Your faces got closer slowly, instinctively, as if it was the only way to respond. Trying to wrap your head around the boy's words truly left you speechless. But life decided to ruin this perfect moment as you heard someone speak. 
“I need some help with some Ares kids,” Will said standing there, clearly seeing he had interrupted something. “Right,” you responded brushing off nonexistent dust from your camp shirt and looking back at Jason. “Your wound should feel better now, let me know if it doesn't,” you said, all giddy at the thought of him coming back. He just nodded shyly, trying to say anything as you walked closer to Will but ultimately stayed silent. 
“Your voice is so beautiful, marry me Y/N” mocked Will as both of you walked towards the other side of the infirmary, punching his stomach, “Shut up” you whispered. Gods, Jason Grace might just be the death of you. 
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Day 3 Highlanders 7 con 21 July 2024 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham
Charles Q&A
They only let him do some stunts. The apple "may have" already been cut in half 😅
At his first OL audition (over zoom from his bedroom), he did a Peaky Blinders accent because thought the English all have the same accent - he works hard on it, accents don't come naturally to him
William inherited the "good Fraser fire" from Jamie but learned how to be reserved (a "board") from LJG so he often feels the conflict within himself what he is vs what he was "trained" to be
One of the auditions (all on zoom) was the Death Song scene with JB - it was weird for him to see these "fictional characters" in real life. Couldn't mention the other audition scenes because they're 7B spoilers
He had phantom pain in his arm from the stick. They sent him to London to have a mold made of his arm
He has no piano in his flat but would go to the Edinburgh train station and use the public piano
Dream role: anything - "I love employment" but likes characters that exist between good and evil
Superstitions: not for acting but the supernatural - hasn't used a Ouija board because he doesn't know if they work but what if they do??
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William is "a bit of a shit" and a "brat" when we first meet him in 7A
They did audition someone else for William for S6 (those episodes would have been late in 6) but he would have been too young. Since they shortened 6, they didn't cast William until later.
Someone asked whether he was intimidated by S&C. The audience member then went on telling a story how Caitlin before she got to set, was told S&C were a "power couple" and together in real life. Then when she got there she was told opposite (you could hear people gasp when she said that)
While Charles really didn't answered above, he later on was asked what his favourite movie is, he didn't really have one but said he really loved Ford vs Ferrari, so when he met Caitriona he thought "Whoa"
Mom had watched the show but he binged it in 2 weeks when he got the audition - didn't have the part yet
Felt imposter syndrome and a lot of pressure - do I want to take on being Jamie Fraser's son?
Ultimately LJG is William's dad but important for him to find out who is he to learn about himself
This convention is "so fun" because they couldn't answer any questions during the strike and all they were asked were things like "what's your favourite colour"
Scenes that stuck out when he binged: Claire and BJR in Garrison Commander; the shinty scene
Doesn't have a go-to karaoke song - has never done karaoke. But he would do something like Tequila so all he has to say is 1 word (then they played it when he was leaving the stage)
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Sophie, Richard & David
Sophie is apparently a favourite "on the internet" to play Harry Potter's mom in the HBO series. She says "I'm working on it" (ie she'd like to do it).
Their favourite locations to film - Sophie Lallybroch (inside and what they created on set); Richard - University of Glasgow; David - Hopetoun House
David making fun of the questions they always get asked (what would you take from set; what other characters would you like to play) - everyone laughs
If they could play another character, Sophie would play Rollo
Certain scene they were really proud of - Sophie birthing scene "broke some blood vessels"; David never thinks he does well - could have done it differently especially the scene where Jamie offers his body;
What cocktail would your character be: Sophie - Spicy margarita; Richard - Old Fashioned; David Pina Colada because he likes the song (doesn't know any cocktails - people were shouting them out to him)
What would you like to learn how to do: David - Magic the Gathering - watched them play last night and wants them to teach him before wrap; Richard is learning to fly
Which time period do you prefer - Brianna 50/50 - Sophie 1700s "corsets aside" especially since they're all filming together. Richard agrees. David: Lord John in modern times is living in the West Village in NYC running an art gallery called Fraser's 🤣🤣
Karaoke songs: Richard's - Piano Man; David - To be With You (Mr Big): Sophie - Party in the USA
Favourite costume - Richard "from this year" but didn't say which one (didn't want to spoil anything); David - Governor of Jamaica (Sophie says you've had some really good costumes and David said you just realized that???)
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Favourite scene to film: Richard - driving around the Highlands (felt like our own little "side Outlander"); Sophie - when she confronts Bonnett in the jail (felt very empowered); David - first day, first scene he filmed dragging Sam on the horse "was a highlight on reflection"
Everyone is treated the same by production
Sophie used to be the makeup trailer DJ but Wendy has taken over
The first scene with Roger & Jamie was fun to shoot but he felt Jamie had "a bit of an overreaction"
What are you obsessed with? Richard - Magic the Gathering; David - his son; Sophie - music
Any scenes that you were intimidated by: David one coming up in 7B (we should all know what it is); Richard - intimate scenes; Sophie - ones that are emotionally challenging and you "take with you"
Question about what you're proud of. Sophie tells the story of when she potty-trained her dog. The dog became so excited he jumped on her, split her lip and she ended up in the emergency room. David then says "do you know what proud means??" • Richard - passing his driving test because he failed 3x; David - when he finished his first block of OL
Character you haven't worked with you would like to - Richard & David said each other. Richard: maybe in the next block then Sophie says "but you're in the 80s", someone mentioned Jemmy and the stones and it just went downhill from there 😅; Sophie - Black Jack
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During closing ceremonies everyone is taking photos and Cree (of course) says "go on take your photos like we're animals in a zoo". Then he says something about a "gaggle of lusty women" and Sean says "there is if your name is Sam Heughan"
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Sean had organized other fan events then started watching Outlander. He wanted to do an event and learned the person to contact is Steve Himber as he "represents" Sam and Caitriona to get it started. Then Steve says he's "not responsible for Steven Cree"
All credits including pics to my friend at the con (who wishes to remain anonymous) Thank you so much for keeping notes for us (and for me to post!) Great Job, well done! 🧡🧡🧡
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rottiens · 3 months
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✮ tags. . fake dating, mutual pinning, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, fem reader, very brief mention of/implicit reader x rin, all the characters are adults/the guys are pro players. divider creds: cafekitsune.
✮ wc. . 3.4K
✮ summary . . agreeing to do a favor for a friend comes with a big burden, one that rin is willing to make much worse for you.
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After weeks of mulling it over, you come to the conclusion that dating Isagi is complicated. He often doesn't answer his phone because he's busy, he often doesn't return your text messages because he forgets, and many times, his soccer games are much more important than your relationship. So yes, being his partner can be complicated depending on how much you need attention, but being his fake girlfriend is simple. You just have to hold his hand, smile, laugh, look at him with longing eyes and answer the curious questions his friends ask one after another.
"Where was your first date?" "Who kissed who first?" "What is Isagi's favorite flavor of ice cream?" "What color are the boxers he's wearing?"
Each question wittier than the last.
Many times they would take turns interrogating you, almost as if they were waiting for the exact moment when you would let your guard down and admit that it was all theater, that you were just pretending. No one believed it at first, and they were right to be suspicious. You're one of the few childhood friends of Isagi's that they know, sometimes attending matches, hugging him to congratulate him after winning or buying him food to cheer him up after losing, but it had never been more than that. For Isagi to show up one day with you, holding hands, was strange.
"They're smart, they're not gonna believe it," you told Isagi when he proposed the idea. He still had his uniform on, sweat dripping from the ends of his hair as he pulled it back. You held the ball as he did so.
Of course they wouldn't, you had no hope of the charade lasting more than three days.
"You play along." You always did, especially when he looked at you with that smile that made you believe everything was going to be okay.
You weren't sure, but Isagi is your friend and you didn't want to disappoint him by bursting the bubble so quickly. He promised you that everything would be temporary, that he was tired of being teased by the whole team for never having had a partner, so he just needed an excuse to shut them up, at least for a while.
You already knew Bachira; he was the first one you managed to convince, and he was in charge of examining you from top to bottom the first time you entered the cafeteria of the place where they train, wearing one of your fake boyfriend's sweatshirts. Thanks to him, it was easier for others to believe in the relationship, and now he's the first one to run to greet you as soon as he sees you arrive at a meeting. He liked you, you liked him a lot too, he was a nice guy, so it became harder and harder for you to lie to his face.
On Fridays they have a tradition of going out to dinner and chatting, just Isagi and his friends, but for some reason he didn't want to explain to you, he commented that it was necessary for you to be there tonight too. The restaurant fills with the bustle and rowdy laughter of the team members, earning judging glances from the family dining at the next table. As usual, you're next to Isagi, who laughs at something Bachira just said, while you check your phone and rest your chin on your hand.
"I still don't think you guys are a couple," Rin accuses you out of nowhere. You look up slowly to see him pinning his eyes on you from across the table. Those eyes that always seem to know something you don't.
Rin is perceptive; he's always been the hardest to convince that your relationship is a beautiful fairy tale.
Isagi stops laughing. You catch him looking sideways at you, but the others don't seem to notice what Rin just said.
"Come on, man. Let it go, it's obvious they're in love," Bachira defends you like a good lawyer. You give him a warm smile, thanking him, before turning your focus back to Rin.
His gaze is cold and accusing, and pretty soon you don't feel like you're in a restaurant surrounded by people eating and laughing warmly, but on a witness stand, on trial for a crime you clearly know you're guilty of.
You force yourself to keep a calm smile. It's a tight line that seals your mouth and keeps your brain working a mile a minute, scrambling for an excuse or a clever response with which to defend yourself. Isagi's hand finds you on the table and you shiver at his warm touch. Your fingers tremble a little before they press against yours.
You think Rin, who snorts at your reaction, knows exactly what's going on. A hammering starts in your temples, and you feel a pool of sweat settling on the back of your neck.
"Just admit you're jealous," Isagi says, glancing in Rin's direction with a smirk curving one corner of his mouth.
Rin doesn't bother to look at him; instead, he examines you up and down. Barou, at his side, pays attention to what just happened and again you relive the tension that was created the first time you two arrived holding hands at that soccer practice. You hate feeling watched, judged, you've always been so bad at lying.
"You haven't looked at her all dinner, and she hasn't taken her eyes off her phone all night. Clearly not jealousy, but facts."
You cross fleeting glances with Barou and Chigiri, as if either of them could excuse you from your current circumstance. Your eyes, wide and frightened like those of prey trapped under the lights, only add more weight to your guilt. Swallowing your fear, you look down at Isagi's long fingers entangled in your hand and spit out confidently—
"I don't know what you find so interesting about our relationship that you always have to attack it, but…"
"Prove it then," Rin says, stuffing some rice in his mouth casually.
The others, including Isagi, stand expectantly at the tension growing at the table.
"Why didn't you come to the match yesterday to see Isagi? You know how important it was to him, where were you?" Rin shrugs his shoulder.
You immediately run in search of validation to Isagi's eyes. You've always been able to communicate with just a glance, and if you could see what was in his expression, perhaps you might be able to defend yourself against Rin's unprovoked attacks.
"Umm no. Eyes on me," Rin says, getting your attention before they can craft a believable lie. "Don't run away, you don't need his approval."
You feel the pressure building as you try to remain calm. Rin's gaze is piercing, almost daring you to find a way out. You straighten up, seeking to regain control of the situation.
You swallow dry, with the non-existent saliva that has left your scratchy throat. Isagi taps your knuckles twice with his fingertips and you wish you knew what he meant by that. You mentally check his itinerary; you didn't speak all day yesterday, both of you busy with the adult life you lead. You stressed about work and family problems; you had no idea which match Rin was talking about, so you decide to play the best possible card at this point.
"I couldn't make it," you say, and the group exhales in unison. Barou looks behind you, and there's something in Bachira's gaze that you fail to decipher. Isagi gives you a mortified look, and you don't know if you've hit the mark or just sunk deeper. If they realized it was all a farce, they would mock Isagi even more, and all of this would have been for nothing. "I was busy… with a family obligation, I explained to Yoichi."
The idea was to end the relationship in two weeks, that was all, and you could finally go back to your boring life where you didn't have to lie all the time and live in constant tension. The performance had lasted long enough to convince them that Isagi had a very pretty girlfriend, that he probably wasn't a virgin anymore, but it all seems to fall apart the longer those eyes keep boring into you.
"Funny," Rin says, pursing his lips. "We didn't play last night."
Rin is a giant, destroying everything in his path. In front of you, you watch his big feet crush everything solid you've been building for months. His constant insistence on showing that you guys were fake is already becoming annoying. What was he gaining from this? Your jaw slackens and drops gently to the floor, your lips quiver for an excuse as flakes of cold spread across your cheeks and numb your fingers.
"You know he hurt his ankle and that's why he couldn't play?"
Chigiri whispers something to Barou, and Bachira looks at you expectantly, the hungry gleam of curiosity intensifying in his eyes.
"Enough…" growls Isagi, in a tone that brooks no argument.
The tension at the table becomes palpable. You feel trapped under everyone's inquisitive stares, especially Rin, whose face shows no sign of relenting. His presence, relentless and critical, makes you feel diminutive and exposed.
Isagi takes a deep breath, his grip on your hand tightening. "Rin, give it up already." His voice is calm, but there is a hardness in his words that indicates how serious he is.
"Did you hurt your ankle?" you squeeze his hand, you look at each other. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because that's clearly another lie," Rin sings triumphantly, chewing and swallowing.
Happiness grows on his countenance as despair mounts in the fake couple. Your voice trembles, your eyes bounce like a ball between all the heads as if any could save you from that sinking ship the more you speak.
"I don't know why fool us, it's ridiculous for you to ask your friend to pretend to be your girlfriend when there is clearly no communication between you. Just admit what you are, Yoichi. A loser and now also, a liar."
Rin closes his case with a triumphant voice, pushing his half-empty plate away on the table full of utensils as he holds up two fingers and asks the short-haired waitress to come over and ask for the bill.
Anger, rage and shame simmer on your face. Isagi is red and pale at the same time, he has nothing more to say. Was he really going to let everything you have worked for fall apart? Bachira calls your name almost painfully and you can taste the disappointment in the sound. They really believed Rin.
Your chest swells. You are about to speak up and defend yourself, you remember Rin is someone of deeds and not words, in seeing to believe. During all this time all you have done is tell them how much you love each other, walk holding hands and attend dinners where Isagi forgets that you are his fake girlfriend because he pays more attention to his friends. Rin knows this, he's been watching you all this time and knows there's nothing you can refute him with, so you do the only thing you can beat him with. You agree with him.
You turn your body a little on your seat meeting Isagi's defeated countenance, an "I'm sorry" is tattooed on his face and in his puppy dog eyes. Then you place your hands on his cheeks and join him to you. It's just a kiss. A peck. You hear sounds of astonishment around you but you squeeze your eyes shut to forget them and set them aside, immediately Isagi's hand finds shelter in your ribs and slides to your shoulder blades. He seeks your mouth deeper and you let him, causing a scene in the public place.
His lips are soft and warm and invite you to keep kissing him, he smells so good, of cool mint and eucalyptus. You're sure Rin -and everyone else- notices his tongue slipping under yours and his teeth biting your lower lip. He tastes of the alcoholic beverage he ordered tonight and the salmon he devoured earlier.
Someone clears their throat and it's your cue to leave Isagi's mouth and notice the waitress behind Rin offering him the bill, then retreating clearly heated.
"Thank you for noticing. We're not going through the best time in our relationship and it's led to us drifting apart for a few days," you say. Isagi squeezes your fingers intertwined with his in a gesture that encourages you to continue. "I don't think it's necessary to talk about our problems in front of everyone, but I love Yoichi. Very much." You grit your teeth; there's a lot of truth in that last part. "And I would appreciate it if you would stop attacking us and stop trying to get us to justify our relationship in front of you."
As soon as you finish your speech, Bachira throws a crumpled napkin at Rin that lands on his chest and makes him wrinkle his forehead more. All heads turn at the sight of the boy.
"Boo! Leave them alone, they're clearly a couple in love," Bachira says.
"Sorry," Chigiri mutters on behalf of everyone.
"Isagi is lucky to have you," Barou comments without looking directly at you.
Rin is silent and, as usual, you can't read him. He avoids what just happened, devoting himself to placing the credit card inside the bill presenter and calls the waitress again to remove it.
Bachira changes the subject after that. They talk about soccer, about upcoming matches and about fast conversations that change and flow without settling on a single specific topic, a rhythm you often can't keep up with. Your interventions are few; sometimes you laugh and meet Rin's cold eyes. During the time you remain talking after paying, all you can focus on is how Isagi's fingers feel near you. Every so often, his thumb traces your skin, letting you know he's thinking of you, and the sensation sends a tingle down your lower back.
You say goodbye to Bachira, who waves his hand fiercely and sticks his head out of the cab window, waving goodbye and reminding you both how much he loves you. You are frozen in that specific moment until the car turns the corner and you lose sight of it. Then, reality becomes so present that you can no longer ignore what happened before.
Isagi gently squeezes your hand and whispers, "Thank you for being by my side."
"You have nothing to thank, you're my friend," you reply, trying to smile despite the knot in your stomach. Something electric crawls up your spine and sits in your chest. Your cheeks tingle as soon as your restless gazes intertwine. "And about what Rin said, I don't think you're a loser or a liar. You just did what you thought was right to get them to stop picking on you, I'm sure the right person will come into your life soon, you're a good guy."
Isagi nods at what you just said, putting his hands in his pocket as he looks you up and down.
"You kissed me too," he says, obviating your eyes for a moment, distracted by the little traffic filling the street tonight.
"I had to, sorry! Rin can be…" you shake your head, helping to emphasize your words with your hand gestures when he interrupts you.
"I know, thanks again, you were thinking too fast."
"I don't know how much longer we can keep pretending before they realize," you exhale, bringing your hands to the pockets of your jeans mimicking his position.
Isagi doesn't respond right away, you watch him bite his lip and distract himself with the tip of your shoes weighing whether he should say what's been haunting his mind these past few days.
"We don't have to keep pretending-" he says quietly, you almost don't realize what he just said until the sound of the wind brings it to you. His words are a block of ice melting on the back of your neck.
"Oh right, you had said we'd be breaking up next week, didn't you?" You hope he doesn't notice how muffled your voice sounds now, you bite your lip weakly to tame its tremors. You knew this was coming soon and you should have been prepared for it long ago.
"I mean, I think it's obvious that I like you. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable if you… not-"
Isagi leaves the sentence unfinished, his voice shaky. You breathe slowly, letting everything that happened tonight go down your throat like a hard lozenge. The silence in the air is heavy, interrupted only by the soft murmur of the wind and the distant noise of the city. The flickering street lights cast dancing shadows on the walls, increasing the flame of an atmosphere charged with tension and anticipation.
You remember all the times you've been by his side, from the games in the park to the hugs after his matches. His gaze, always warm and protective, is now filled with vulnerability, and you can feel your own heart racing.
"I'm sure I've been in love with you since we were six, Yoichi. If I had known you felt the same way I wouldn't have waited so long to say something," you finally say, your voice firm but soft, getting Isagi's eyes to light up. The distance between you seems to evaporate in an instant.
Before you can process it, your hand is already on his firm chest feeling the rapid beat of his heart. His nose fiddles against yours and you close your eyes, anticipating what is to come. Isagi doesn't give it to you right away; instead, his lips gently brush against the cupid's bow and the corner of your mouth. You exhale in despair, a longing sigh. You stand on tiptoe, seeking more of him, but he chuckles softly, mocking your impatience. A hand on your waist keeps you steady on the ground, controlling your movements. Impatiently, you push your head towards him, blindly searching for the vice that had become his mouth.
The moment you succeed, Isagi advances confidently, as if it were one of his signature moves. He gently takes you by the jaw and pushes his tongue into your mouth, brushing your lower lip with exquisite softness, as your tongues dance in a sweet, cadenced motion. The taste of his mouth envelops you, mixing unexpected sweetness with palpable urgency. You moan as he pulls away, leaving you in a state of drowsiness and dizziness. Your feet seem to tread on fluffy clouds, as the sensation of the second kiss soaks into your skin.
"Is it okay to call you my real girlfriend now?" he dares to ask over your mouth, his forehead resting against yours. You exhale a soft laugh, feeling the warmth of his breath mingle with yours.
"Please do," you reply, unable to contain the smile that spreads across your face.
"I think Rin likes you…" he blurts out suddenly. You take a step back to get a better look at him to understand whether or not it was a joke, you have a frown on your face, but you keep a hand on his chest. Isagi pulls you close to him again, unmoved by what he just confessed.
"No, he's always so mean to me," you protest, shaking your head in denial at the idea.
"That's exactly the reason," Isagi says with a mischievous grin. You don't want to decipher what it is about his look and smile that leaves you understanding that he likes to know he can have something he'll never have.
"Shut up, please don't make me think about him while I'm kissing you," you retort, raising an eyebrow.
"You're right. Let's go home," he suggests, gently changing the subject after leaving a fleeting kiss on your forehead.
"My apartment. Stay over," he says.
"Yoichi…" you murmur, trying to process the unexpected invitation and what it would probably entail.
"It's just sleeping over, I promise. And kisses, and maybe snuggle in my bed," he adds with a playful smile, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of tenderness and desire at what's to come and the future that awaits you together from now on and honestly, the idea had your heart galloping against your ribs.
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damnfandomproblems · 8 days
Responding to 3 anons in #5796
"I agree with this tbh. Like adults are the ones making things unsafe for minors in fandom spaces. YOU are the ones who approach minors unprompted. Minors are just minding their own business in fandom, then you all come along and bother everyone."
Predators that are adults are not synonymous with all adults in fandom. It's not the fault of the vast majority of fandom that kids purposefully bust into adult spaces and arbitrarily believe the creeps saying they're "safe" adults. It's the fault of your parents for not reaching you worth a damn and the predator. And yes, kids do fucking barge into adult NSFW spaces. None of the the ones that say they mind their business actually do.
"I agree with this post, cause like... the ones doing the most harassing are adults. I am a minor, and it makes me feel unsafe in fandom spaces. Especially when I see adults drawing nsfw of characters who are MINORS! aging them up does not excuse that gross and creepy behavior. Just stop and give us a space where we don't get pushed into a corner and called annoying. Leave our fandom spaces!"
It's gonna be really funny when you age out of your favorite characters and have a moral dilemma over the fact that you don't stop thirsting over Bakugo or whoever the fuck the minute you're older than him.
And aging up is...how time works. That's like saying no one can view anyone sexually, fictional or real life, because they were once a child. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? If you don't want to be sat at the kids table, learn how to behave rather than screaming at the main table because Aunt Milly told an off color joke and Grandpa Joe has a naked Princess Peach tattooed on his arm.
"I see people getting mad about Fandom Problem #5796, but that kind of is just proving the point? You all act like the minors are the biggest problem in fandom, but you are the ones constantly inserting yourselves and making it about you.
I see adults say things like:
- "Fandom wouldn't exist without adults."
- "Who do you think created fandom? Not minors!"
- "Minors wouldn't have content if it weren't for adults."
All are ignorant of the idea that minors are the foundation to fandom. Fandom would not exist if it wasn't for minors being interested in it and starting groups for people to join. Often times, the best artists and writers in the fandoms are THE MINORS.
Adults make the space uncomfortable by inserting themselves and putting NSFW fics and art of minor characters. Then they get pissy when a minor points out it makes them uncomfortable and go "stop invading our space!"
You are the ones trying to push minors out when we just want to have fun! Just leave us alone!
-A minor"
Minors aren't the biggest problem, no. But by food are they the loudest. You say you just want to have fun but minors have on mass harassed people that were leaving them alone simply because they didn't understand the concept of dead dove don't eat.
And no, you are not, nor have you ever been, the foundation of fandom. It has always been adults, from the very beginning when Sherlock Holmes novels gained an international fan club unlike the world had ever seen to the 1960s housewife Spock/Kirk shipping Trekkies starting conventions, mailing lists, having coalate parties for zines, and laying down the foundation we have today. Adults were the ones that got sued my lunatic writers in the 90s, and they're the ones that, 90% of the time, are buying the services or media for you to consume in the first place.
And I'm sorry, but the best artists and writers in the fandom are never minors. Exceptionally talented minors are exceptional for a reason. The rest of you sit somewhere between "average and has potential" to "would make My Immortal hide its face in secondhand embarassment." Art and writing are skills, and anyone under the age of 16 likely hasn't been writing fiction long enough to run with the heavy hitters. Considering the state of the US education system, this is an even more laughable stance.
Many minors have great potential, but acting like your the best in show when you just made it out the gate is the height of hubris.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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klaraslevi · 3 months
Levi and the most irrelevant topics about his character
I have been seeing so much discourse in the fandom lately so I wanted to clear a few things up. I think Levi and his great character gets lost in all the pointless discourse.
His sexuality
Oh boy, you people make me irritated with this one. It was never confirmed or brought up simply because it doesn't matter, it is irrelevant as it gets especially for a character like Levi.
One thing I see poeple often bring up a is an "interview" where Isayama supposedly says that Levi like tall people and I would like to make one thing clear, that is an answer with no written down evidence or an actual translation. There is a version where Isayama says "does he like women?" And then there is another version which says "the type of women he likes?" Among 30 other translations and some fans saying that this was never even said, you cannot take this as canon, let alone give someone a screenshot from a random article online to convince people into your headcanons. This interview, be it fake or not, is not canon evidence and shouldn't be taken so seriously. In canon? Levi showed no interest in either genders. Using offical art as evidence that he is straight or gay based on way he is sitting standing or how he dresses is the dumbest thing ever and I don't even think I have to tell you why.
Bottom line: Levi has no confirmed sexuality, he could be straight, bi, gay, pan, ace etc. It is irrelevant to his character and wouldn't change a thing about him. You're free to headcanon Levi as you like just don't push it onto canon when none of us know and quite frankly, shouldn't care that much about it.
Ship wars/ships/Levi's love interest
Again, another topic that people take way too seriously. Ship wars for Levi shouldn't even exist but he is among the most popular anime characters so I suppose naturally they will. Levi doesn't have a canon love interest and no matter how much some push thier ships into canon, it won't change that fact. The shipping fandom is having fun most of the time and you actually going into thier spaces to hate on them is stupid.
Shipping community is huge and most poeple are having fun. You cannot group a whole shipping fandom into the toxic bunch which I see so many poeple do. No Eruri's, Levihan's, Rivetra's, self interests etc. aren't all bad because you saw one toxic fan send hate to people who don't ship or ship a certain pairing. People seem to forget that the person they are attacking over FICTIONAL CHARACTERS is an actual person, with hobbies and emotions. Sending someone death threats or hat over a ship they ship or don't ship makes you an asshole and shouldn't be a thing.
Fun fact: Japanese fandom has a name for poeple discussing Levi and his love life. They call it "landmine" because it's so irrelevant and poeple get so worked up over who he should/shouldn't be with rather than just acknowledging the story and his character for what it is.
Bottom line: Levi has no canon ship or a love interest. Headcanons are fine and having an opinion is too but pushing it onto canon and hating on poeple because of ships is not a way to go.
The sub or dom debate
Do I even have to explain to poeple why this is stupid?
It's mostly discourse around Levi x reader writers on here and other platforms. I am a Levi x reader writer, I have a separate blog for that but as I said many times before, those things are just my little fantasies and I never push those into Levi and his actual character. I see so many get worked up when someone sees Levi as a Dom or a sub and someone doesn't agree. This is fanfiction, it is not an analysis on his character. We don't know how Levi is during sex or if he even had sex in the first place and the fact that people actually get so worked up over it is ridiculous. This is super irrelevant, has zero baring on Levi and his decisions in canon. I have my headcanon, we all do but let's not pretend like we actually know anything about Levi in this context because we don't and it's the last thing we should focus on. None us are right, it is not that deep that someone sees Levi as a sub while you see him a Dom, trust me, this shouldn't be in discussion, it had nothing to do with canon. And who even actually cares? How does this affect Levi?
Levi is a great and complex character, the fact that people let all his qualities get lost in such discourses is upsetting. We can't decide these things because we emotionally attached ourselves to a headcanon or a ship. Levi is not something because you "feel" he is, remember facts over feelings. Worrying about these irrelevant things makes Levi's character get lost in pointless and never ending debates.
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writers-potion · 4 months
said is NOT DEAD. our brains have seen it so much that when reading dialogue, it just glosses over it. if you don't want to detract from the dialogue, USE SAID. other words might ground the reader a little too much and lose a bit of immersion.
--this comes from my old tutor who now has a phd in literature
Said Is Not Dead
Of course not! "Said" should still be your go-to speech tag, the benefit being that it flows best. I find it nice to have a larger working vocabulary when it comes to expressing speech, though, and I think many writers would agree! It's one thing to use "said" because you know it's the best word choice and another to keep using it because you can think of no alternative.
Having said that:
". . . Don't tell me your character 'excaimed,' 'stated,' or 'replied.' When in doubt, just use 'said.' That's all. Maybe they 'answered.' They certainly did not 'retort.' You can use 'said' more often than you think . . . it's one of those words that takes a while before it starts sounding repetitive." -- Ariel Gore, How to Become a Famous Writer Before You're Dead
"The best form of dialogue attribution is 'said,' as in 'he said, she said, Bill said, Monica said." -- Stephen King, On Writing
"Mr. [Robert] Ludlum . . . hates the 'he said' locution and avoids it as much as possible. Characters in The Bourne Ultimatum seldom 'say' anything. Instead, they cry, interject, interrupt, muse, state, counter, conclude, mumble, whisper (Mr. Ludlum is great on whispers), intone, roar, exclaim, fume, explode, mutter. There is one especially unforgettable tautology: '"I repeat," repeated Alex.' The book may sell in the billions, but it's still junk." -- Newgate Callender, in The New York Times Book Review
"Editors and critics often refer to melodramatic dialogue tags as 'said bookisms.' They know that these phrases give our story an amateurish look. Your readers might not know what the darn things are called, but chances are that they'll notice them, too . . . In most cases, the word 'said' would work just fine, and using said bookisms detracts from the dialogue." -- Ann M. Marble, "'Stop Using Those Said Bookisms,' the Editor Shrieked."
"[Say is] just too simple and clear and straightforward for many people. Why say something when you can declare, assert, expostulate, whine, exclaim, groan, peal, breathe, cry, explain, or asseverate it? I'm all for variety and freshness of expression, but let's not go overboard." -- Patricia T. O'Conner, Woe Is I
"In journalism circles, said is a virtue--simple, precise, and unadorned--and alternatives to it are considered frilly and silly. You don't have to agree, but be aware that lots of editors hold this view. Choose your alternatives to said with great care." --June Casagrande, It Was the Best of Sentences, It Was the Worst of Sentences
"We're all in favor of choosing exactly the right verb for the action, but when you're writing speaker attributions the right verb is nearly always 'said.' The reason those well-intentioned attempts at variety don't work is that verbs other than 'said' tend to draw attention away from the dialogue." --Renni Browne and Dave King, Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Side Note: After a month-long hiatus while this uni writer struggled with exams, internships, interviews and multiple mental breakdowns, I am going to resume answering questions that have piled up in my inbox! Get ready to be bombarded with writing QnA!!!! :)
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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myfandomrealitea · 4 months
I really wanted to ask you about this:
Do you have any advice of how to develop critical thinking and media literacy?
There are many, many ways you can practice critical thinking, evaluation and media literacy. At its most basic, you can access student resources for lower levels of education like earlier high school years and look at the examples and guidance given there. Rehashing this will often give you a good foundation to build off of and apply.
One of the main aspects of critical thinking involves discerning what is fact and what is opinion. A good portion of media analytics is opinion. What is 'bad' by one person's standards is 'sub-par' or even 'great' by another's. Similarly, the majority of fandom space is opinion-based. The main pitfall of fandom spaces is that everyone wants their opinion to be taken as fact, which is where critical thinking and even basic communication begin to fall away.
"I'm right and you're wrong" and "this is the way it should be, if you do it or think differently, you're wrong" are common roadblocks people run into when engaging with things like media analysis and even basic fandom activities like fanfiction.
'Mischaracterisation' is fanfiction is one popular topic, especially here on Tumblr. What people often fail to recognize is the true creative depth of fanfiction and using someone else's pre-existing characters. Characters as they are in the source material may not make the choices or behave in the ways necessary to activate or validate certain plot material or author intentions in fanfiction. Which is, inherently, one of the main points of fanfiction. Exploring the alternate.
While you might immediately recoil and say "he'd never do that!" you then have to sit back and recognise that that's exactly the point. That this iteration of that character is not meant to directly reflect the source material. Its a re-imagining, a re-interpretation. That doesn't mean its bad. Its simply different.
'Mischaracterisation' is only actually applicable in fandom spaces when someone is trying to insist as a blanket fact that a character would do something or behave in a way that blatantly contradicts their canon behavior, opinions, morals and perspective or deliberately interpreting an action in biased bad faith. It is not actually applicable to fanfiction where creative liberty dictates you can do whatever the fuck you want with a character because you're not trying to claim it as part of the source content.
Questions To Ask Yourself
Am I reacting to [media] emotionally instead of rationally? Is my emotional response to [media] blinding me to the rational or critical approach(es)?
Am I allowing my expectations to get in the way of me understanding [media] fully? Am I forming a biased negative opinion of [media] because it isn't meeting my expectations?
Even if I disagree with [media], do I actually understand it? Can I recognise the reasoning behind choices made or actions even if I don't agree with them?
Am I searching too hard to hidden meaning or purpose in absolutely everything? Can I recognise what is simply passive information/detail and what is active information/detail? (E.g; English tutors saying a character's curtains are blue because they're depressed when throughout the literature its passively reinforced that blue is the character's favorite color.)
Even though I disagree with the statement or opinion shown, is it necessary to argue against it? Is there any benefit to making my counter-opinion known or is it simply a no-end argument? Am I just using arguing as a means of release/fulfilment? Am I treating this person poorly because of their opinion/statement?
Critical Thinking Exercises & Explanations #1 The Critical Thinking Activity Workbook Early Stage Critical Thinking Games Five Media Literacy Activities Six Media Literacy Ideas
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