#etc) or anything. haha. totally not that!
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finally finished all of one character's entire quests/optional dialogue/questions/etc.... 100,000 words... .... aughhh
#Given some of it IS lines of code and stuff but like.. minus all that it's still probably at least 85 - 95k words hhhhhh#AND I have to do this for another 3 characters. Then a few partial quests for 3 others. THEN the other random misc stuff in the game#(like there are public areas in the city like a park and a forest that you can go and do a few things at. and chat with a few random#townsfolk that aren't actually full characters or anything. And there's a community board where you can#browse some of the random job advertisments or silly things that happen to be posted around#and also pick up a few odd jobs of your own to help earn coin to buy gifts for the npcs. etc. etc.)#Originally I was thinking like 'ah I'll make a short little game just to try it out! :3 It'll take maybe a few months!''#haha........................hee hee........................................hoho#Also evil that it would have been done already if I didn't totally drop itand stop working on it for like 5 years randomly#i could have made 5 years of steady slow progress gradually. instead of like 'one initial idea dump + about a month of art and writing'#...... 5 year break..... 'sudden mad dash to try to get probably 400.000 words written in a year or less' lol#I just really want to be done and have something out there already so it can lead to doing other things in my world..!!!!!! T o T#Like this can be an introduction and then maybe from that I can make other games. or short story anthologies. or other such things#But there needs to be some initially not very complex easy to interact with starting point first I guess... if that makes sense#That's part of why I stopped posting worldbuilding lore dump stuff as often because its' like.. massive walls of novella length#text are much more inacessible to engage with than like.. ooh a game! and there's characters! so its more approachable! and theres#visuals! oo! and the text is broken up in small bits line by line with other things in betwen! oo! etc. etc. lol#Not that THIS is even very accessible. I think dialogue heavy interactive fiction/visual novel type stuff is pretty niche and considered#boring or tedious compared to something with more ''gamplay'' like where you can actually move around in a world#and shoot things or whatever lol. But its an inbetween point. something SLIGHTLY#more accesible for now. Since i just dont have the budget or means or ability to make some skyrim type thing obviously LOL#Though maybe if theres any interest in the visual novel that could lead to making other things too. or at least I hope. I have a VERY cool#idea for a more ''gamey'' type of game that is a super fun concept and etc. but I would need to hire at least 2 people to make it.. ough..#I could do all the writing and probably half of the art. But I think I'd inevitably need a 3d artist and someone who can Code For Real hbjh#the system for ren'py (the thing I'm making a visual novel in) is not that complicated if you stick to just simple dialogue and stuff.#Making a whole moderately sized 3d game with minigames in it and a bunch of quest features and etc. would be out of my simplistic scope#''just learn it yourself!!' ... i barely manage to eat and sleep reliably every day lol... i do not function well enough to spend months#learning that many new skills. I already have a lot of of things I'm good at (not in a braggy way but just factually like.. i already have#a wide variety of different things under my belt).. at some point I have to just be happy with what i CAN already do and focus on that#and admit I need to get outside help sometimes ghjbh... NO more new skills/hobbies!!! ... ANYWAY
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johnny-jhonny · 8 months
i want johnny to join the activity club SOOOO bad because i Need to see that conflict him and isaac would have. lad (irish) vs lad (scottish) violence
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whelpimnauthuman · 3 months
It's all fun and games having a weird dog-thing for a partner til you get a tornado warning and they need a thunder vest
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koolades-world · 4 months
Ok ok ok hear me out because this is gonna be so cute
All the brothers but Lucifer turning into babies/toddlers and it’s just the most adorable thing ever
Mammon is clinging to his older brother like he’s his life support(if Lucifer puts him down he cries) 🥺
Omg I’m gonna cry thinking about this
Ok so back to the original thing I was gonna say
Can you do headcanons / a fanfic of MC helping Lucifer deal with his now baby brothers and actually has a knack for it
Like they’re rocking them to sleep, helping feed them, playing with them, etc
MC also obviously takes pictures of Lucifer taking care of his brothers too and it’s the absolute cutest thing you’ve ever seen
The brother’s ages also depend on how old they actually are, so mammon is like 4, Levi is maybe 3, Satan is 2, Asmo is 1, and of course the twins are like a few months old
Belphie and Beel cannot be separated or they will start crying
OMG asmo saying his first words / taking his first steps
I’m actually gonna cry this is so cute
I can totally see Satan insisting he doesn’t wanna be near Lucifer but the moment Lucifer isn’t within his sights he starts throwing a tantrum because he does indeed want to be near him
(Can we also get his reaction to MC humming Belphie and Beel to sleep)
hi!! AWWW this is literally so cute!!!!
parent mc and luci <333
decided to do hcs and a drabble since this is just so so so adorable. i could totally be talked into writing more of this concept haha
please enjoy!
Mc and Lucifer take care of his brothers as babies
I've already decided this was def solomon's fault, just like most other shenanigans
lucifer was at home with his brothers, and you happened to be with diavolo, helping him with a redecoration project at the palace
he could hear his brother yelling in the living room, but suddenly, it all stopped. at first he wasn’t too alarmed, but as the silence persisted, he decided to get up and check it out since his older brother instincts began to kick in
solomon actually met him at his door, word vomited, and almost vanished on him. lucifer managed to catch him by the collar and made him repeat himself
when he finally explained what happened, lucifer almost dropped him out of shock and called you up because he needed major help
once you arrived, you were less upset than lucifer
while he was stressed already, you couldn't help but coo at how adorable they all were
mammon and levi were arguing about something you couldn't understand, satan was occupied with a pillow with tassels on the couch, asmo was playing with the ends of solomon's cape, and the twins were fast asleep
luci fully expects you to back out, and is prepared to deal with them on his own, but is surprised when you scoop up asmo and began playing with him
after that, he learns what a wizz you were with kids
when they had a problem, you were on top of it
the two of you took turns changing diapers and things like that but he was surprised on just how much you were able to handle on your own
his brothers also adored you and were always competing for you attention and showing you all of their things
anything you did, they would want to do too, which was both cute and useful
in the meantime, solomon was supposedly trying to find a reversal spell or potion of some kind, but lucifer didn't really believe him
a few times, you had visitors. luci only allowed diavolo, barbatos, luke, simeon, and solomon into the house. luke had lots of fun and helped you take care of the brothers, while lucifer and simeon talked and did other chores
over this time, luci learnt a lot about you, and grew to appreciate you evermore
"Mammon! Levi! Time for dinner. Come sit down please." You set out four plates of vegetables, pasta, and chicken nuggets for the older brothers. Asmo and Satan were already in their chairs, waiting for food to be served. While they ate, you and Lucifer would feed the twins from a bottle. You'd fallen into a routine and learnt exactly how each of the boys liked everything done.
The two, who were running around the dinner table, settled into their chairs beside each other, and began to eat. Granted, they were arguing the entire time, but as long as they ate their food, you could care less. The arguing became background noise quickly enough.
Once they were mostly finished eating, Lucifer took them upstairs to get ready for bed, while you handled the twins. To make things easier, the two of you decided to let them all sleep in Lucifer's bed. At first, you had wanted to keep Beel and Belphie in a crib in his office, so the others didn't wake them up, but they couldn't rest there for more than an hour or so without waking up and bawling their eyes out.
As Lucifer got his younger brothers into their pajamas for bed, they all began to act as they had every night when he did that routine with them nightly, such as beginning to get restless and whining about bedtime. As he did, and while he humored them, he remembered how thankful he was for you and how he wouldn't be able to do any of this without a child expert like you.
It took him a while, but eventually, he had them to bed, and while it took a little longer, you had the twins to bed temporarily, to give the two of you time to get ready for bed.
"Mc." Lucifer greeted you as you walked into the room with a nod.
"Hey! Everything all good?" You slid into the seat next to him and began eating the plate of food he had set out for you.
"Yes. They're all asleep but I had to promise Mammon cartoons tomorrow morning. Expect to be woken up early." He chuckled a little.
"Ahh, that's alright. Could be worse. Besides, you love him." You smiled at Lucifer. He had finished eating, and was just relaxing, and enjoying the silence. As you continued to talk to him, he sat and stared at you. After a while, you realize he hadn't said much of anything. "What's wrong? Something on my face?" You wiped your face with a napkin.
"No, no. I just wanted to tell you thank you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Even if this is the rest of out lives, I wouldn't mind, as long as you're here." Lucifer had never said something so sweet so randomly to you.
"Luci! You're too kind. Thank you too." You threw your arms around him. You were thankful for him too, and while you didn't exactly know how to put it in words, you tried your best to put all your feelings into that hug.
Once the two of you were done there and ready for bed, you got the twins and joined his other brothers in bed. You were able to drift to sleep with a baby on your arms and with the thoughts of Lucifer's true affections for you.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Bonjour daddy 😉 can I request the peaky boys with cuddling? Like who’s the big spoon, which positions who’s the most cuddly etc.. me has gotten her period so I’m feeling all 🙍🏼‍♀️
Hahaha a total side note, i made that same joke to b and he just smirked like, if thats what you'd like to believe I won't ruin ur moment haha
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🌿 Is very big on the standing up cuddle, opening his arms up to you and holding you nice and snug against his body, wrapping his arms right around you, one hand stroking through your hair or cradling the back of your head.
🌿Will rest his chin on top of yours, kiss your parting and close his eyes, breathing in your scent
🌿Is a very doomed man and is always lowkey aware that every hug could be the last time he gets to hold his angel so every hug is savoured. He focuses on memorising exactly how he feels in the moment he's holding you, every detail filed away in his memory.
🌿He likes to be big spoon, but more than that he likes to lie on his back with your body on top of his.
🌿Drawing patterns down your back quietly, again trying to remember every detail. Obsessed with the sensation of your light restful breaths tickling his bare chest
🌿Loves the skin on skin feeling, always chasing purity in love and it makes him feel so connected to you, so intimate.
🌿 When you're on your period he recognises the change in your temper and is very careful with you, he will try not to snap at you or show any sign of irritation because he's aware how easily wounded you are... He makes sure to hug you and hold you even more than usual
🌿Modern! Tommy would make sure you had a hot waterbottle and all the blankets you needed, get you cosy in bed or on the sofa in front of the tv to watch your favourite movie. He'll humour whatever trash you want to watch and lie there behind you, kissing you and playing with your hair, more focussed on you than the tv.
🐻 Big spoon always because he just wants to hold you, wants to be able to put his hands wherever he likes.
🐻 Likes to hold you in sexual places in a non-sexual way. What I mean by this is that if you're little spoon he'll hold one of your breasts in his hand, but just that, simply holding it just because he can... And not because he wants anything more than just to hold you
🐻 Also likes to tickle you on purpose with his beard, his stubble brushing your cheek or your neck, making you giggle and squirm rousing you from your sleep for just long enough he can ask for a kiss.
🐻 His favourite place to cuddle with you however is in a rocking chair by the fire, you bundled up in his lap under a blanket, him holding you safe and snug, your head resting on his chest or shoulder. You're the most precious thing in the world to him so he likes to have you bundled up in his arms at any opportunity.
🐻 You could be busy around the house talking to him about your day or mithering and worrying, or asking him about business and he will refuse to talk to you about any of it until you've gone and sat down in his lap. He'll pat his thigh and open his arms for you, "now now zieskiet, whatve I told you eh, if you're gonna come home talkin me poor old ears off about that nonsense you've at least got to let me hold my little girl whilst I listen eh... Take pity on your old man yeah poppet?"
🐻 Very possesive, can't keep his hands off you ever so when you're cuddling he's constantly rubbing his palms over your arms, or holding your thigh, always doing little things to let you know he's there, that youre all his and he's got you.
🐻 Gives big squeezy bear hugs holds onto you so tight, keeps your face burried into his chest, blocks out the rest of the world so that all you can feel his him all around you.
🐻 Alfie's too old to be immature about your period and if anything he feels a little sorry for you, he doesnt like that he can't do much to help you but he always makes sure he's very gentle with you. Even more doting than usual.
🐻 Gives the best belly rubs, like he ubderstands that you need to do more than just rub your hands lightly over your tummy. He'll rub his hands together to heat them up first and then gently massage you until you're feeling a little better.
🐻 Modern Alfie wouldn't be embarrassed about going to shops to get your pads but he also wouldn't be going... He'd be sending Ollie so that you and him could have a good laugh at Ollie expense.
🍂 Doesn't realise until one day you climb into bed after him and make yourself big spoon, wrapping your body around his, nuzzling into the back of his neck and kissing down the bumps of his spine, kissing his shoulder too, but he loves being little spoon.
🍂 It makes him feel so safe and loved, makes him feel cherished which is a very new feeling for him, not one he's ever experienced in adult life.
🍂 He loves being able to close his eyes and feel your fingers scratching and massaging his head. You like stroking the backs of your fingers along his jaw where his stubble is.
🍂 He doesnt admit that he loves this for a long time though, and you never ask about it because you know that if you do he'll get embarassed and deny it and then potentially never let you hold him again.
🍂Feels almost ashamed that he likes it because he's the man, so isn't he supposed to be the one making you feel loved and cherished and safe?
🍂 Blushes when you prop yourself up on your elbow looking down at him, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
🍂Will fall asleepy like that so quickly because its the safest he's ever felt.
🍂 He will however insist upon being big spoon at certain times of the month or when youre feeling unwell. He won't know how to deal with your period at all, he'll only know that youre more argumentative and that he has to be careful not to start a fight with you...
🍂 Doesnt like seeing you cry and you cry at everything when youre on your period so he will spend a lot of time hugging you close to him so that no one can see your tears. Leaves those long held kisses in your hair and you feel protected by him for as long as his lips remain pressed to your head.
🍂 Modern Arthur definitely gets embarassed about having to go to the shops for period pads, like, he definitely panics doesnt know what to buy, goes red, feels like he has to say something at the till even though he really doesn't need to.
🌼 Favourite way to cuddle you is to start by tackling you to the ground, play fighting or tickling you. Its like he can't just ask for a hug he has to play a game or trick you into it first...
🌼 Because he loves holding you and cuddling you and he loves kissing you too but he doesn't really know how to persue non-sexual affection without laughing it off and being unserious? The boy just wants a cuddle with his flower but he doesn't know how to ask because cuddling is "soft"
🌼 Definitely big spoon. Similar to Alfie, likes to have possesion of you, when youre wrapped up in his arms youre completely at his mercy and he can do whatever he likes to/with you.
🌼 Loves to tickle you and feel how with nowhere else to go you scramble and squirm further into his hold. And if he makes you jump even better because they you flinch and reach for something to hold onto, so you end up gripping his shirt or throwing your arms around his neck and clinging onto him just the way he likes it.
🌼 Isn't very good at tummy rubs alas, but thats because he can't get his head around the idea that pressing on your tummy when its sore, will help make you feel better "won't that just hurt more?"
🌼 Gives you lots of kisses though, will try to tease and tickle you to make you laugh and smile to distract you from the pain. I guess his cuddle style is playful.
🌼 Loves a naked skin to skin cuddle the best, likes to hold your bare body in his arms and draw patterns all over your skin as you fall asleep.
🌼 Lets you bite him very gently on the shoulder mid hug (one for the girls if u know u know)
🌼 9 times out of 10 cuddles with John lead elsewhere... Like, cuddling definitely puts john in a certain kinda mood
🌼 Oh you just wanted a nice sleepy cuddle? It might start off that way but after a minute or two of having his body pressed up against yours his minds wandered to... Places
🌼 Definitely does stuff like "got ur nose" just as you're drifting off and relaxing.
🌼 Surprisingly serious about your period, perhaps he wouldn't have been once, as a younger lad he'd have teased you or told you off for even telling him about that.
🌼 But he's a man now and he firmly believes real men need to take care of their woman, so he'll make sure you have everything you need. Will pretend to be embarrassed about having to go to the shops to get your period pads or whatever but actually doesn't care at all. He's only teasing you, trying to make you laugh at him by pretending to get really flustered about it.
🌼 His favourite thing to do is pick you up, sling you over his shoulder and then throw you down on the bed to cuddle you.
🍀 The cuddliest sweetheart you can imagine, always finding an excuse to give you a hug, always coming up behind you and making you jump when you're concentrating on something else, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle into your neck, kiss your shoulder, just rest his chin on your shoulder or have his cheek pressed against yours.
🍀Loves having you sitting in his lap and will always choose a table at the Garrison with not enough seats for everyone so that he has an excuse to pull you into his lap. Really does just like to have a hold on you at all times. Even if you're not talking or interacting in any other way. He just likes to be physically near you.
🍀 Definitely similar to John, play fights, chases around the house/fields always just as an excuse to get his hands on you.
🍀Always pulls you in for a hug when you first see eachother/say hello. Will give you the tightest squeeze and lift you up off your feet.
🍀Loves carrying you, your legs around his waist, you holding onto him nice and tight, dependent on him.
🍀Dreams dreams dreams of the day you've lots of wee kids to cuddle with, the five of you getting huddled up and cosy in mammy and daddys bed for a bedtime story.
🍀When its you and him all cuddled up in bed for the night he likes to either be big spoon or have you asleep on his chest, his hand resting on your back. He often gets worried about the home being broken into or an attack in the middle of the night so he feels most comfortable when you're right there sleeping as close to him as possible. Means he can know you're safe as can be and he can be there to protect you.
🍀Loves naked cuddles, skin on skin, legs tangled, feels so close and warm and intimate and he's so in love with you, so devoted to you that he craves that closeness and only feels complete when he has you in his arms and he can feel your heartbeats sinking up.
🍀Will hold you/spoon you all night!!!! You will wake up wrapped in his arms and if you need to get out of bed for anything in the night sorry but Bonnie will not be letting you go without a fight. Loves to hold your head burried in his chest.
🍀 Probably not phased by your period and if he is he isn't going to show it at all. Doesn't like you being in pain at all and he's very good at giving you back massages and tummy rubs. He also knows that theres another way to help with period pain and he isn't scared of touching you when its your time of the month. (Bonnie and Aberama are the only two peaky men I think would finger you when you're on your period tbh, tommy might but I'm not entirely sure?)
🍀 Modern bonnie sends you a photo of the period aisle at rhe shops because he's confused but determined to get the exact right things for you.
🍀 He's always lowkey dissapointed when you get your period because that means no babies
🐀I think it probably takes him awhile to get particularly cuddly and affectionate. For all I imagine he's a tactile, flirtatious playboy type, I don't think he knows how to just hug it out or have soft sleepy cuddle you know?
🐀You probably initiate most of the cuddles, and he always tries to pull away before you're ready too, so you have to grip him extra tight and put up a fight...
🐀But then he gets a taste for that, feels good how you practically beg him for just a hug... You always ask him "Saiah can I have a hug please?" because unless you tell him you want to be hugged he won't think to do it... But he LOVES hearing you ask for that. "Saiah I wanna hug" when you're tired and whiny. He sometimes denies you just to make you ask again. "Say please love..." "God what am I to you? A fuckin hug dispenser?"
🐀He's always big spoon, because he's a fragile masculinity adolescent... He hasn't grown out of the complex of needing to be the man, so he's always the one cuddling you... He won't ever let anyone think he enjoys all that soft shit...
🐀But when no one is around he's actually very cute and sweet to you. Nose kisses all the time. A secret fan of the penguin kiss (where u rub noses idk?)
🐀I think he learns to be affectionate with you over time and is cuddly but mostly only in private. You have mastered the "hug me" eyes now and if you get them just right and you sit there looking at him like that for long enough he'll say "Right.. You've brought this on yourself y/n" as if you're in serious trouble, then he'll march over and sit himself in your lap squishing and crushing you until you can't breath for laughing. Only then will he give you a proper hug - but the cuddles are worth the torment you have to go through first.
🐀As bad, if not worse than john on the horny cuddler front. Is genuinely so confused about how he's supposed to tangle you up like that, bundled up against his chest so that every part of his body can feel every part of your body pushing against him, and not get turned on... A nice peaceful cuddle can become pretty heated pretty quickly. He'll feign innocence (sometimes he won't and he'll just slip his hand into your underwear and take you buy surprise) all his little caresses and kisses seemingly innocent at first but really, not at all...
🐀When it comes to your period Isaiah pretends he's man enough not to care, he'll screw his face up all "ew no way y/n fuck no..." then crack a grin and make out like he was only teasing you, but secretly he feels really awkward about it and doesn't know what to do. He'll panic at the shop, get annoyed when he buys the wrong thing and you send him back. But he's trying, he wants to be a good boyfriend so over time he'll do his best to learn.
☘️ Secret cuddler...
☘️ You have to work so hard to get him to trust you but once you secure his trust (once he knows you aren't going to laugh at him or tell his brothers what a sook he is) he will reveal his soft side to you and oh my god is he soft
☘️ He loves cuddling and being cuddled. Bug spoon, little spoon, sitting in an arm chair, picking you up and swirling you round, carrying you to bed for more cuddles, having you lie on his chest, him lying on your chest (secretly his favourite way to cuddle) any cuddling at all, he loves it
☘️ But his favourite is definitely lying with his head to your breast, your hand in his hair maybe giving him head scratches or playing with his hair, your legs closed around his body so that he's completely secure. He could fall asleep here so easily. He loves it. Especially after a hard day at the office or when his cousins are being particularly demanding.
☘️ He loves to cuddle you too, loves being big spoon when you're naked in bed, likes getting to hold you anyway he wants. Your legs tangled together, perhaps one of his hands holding your hands, kissing your shoulder, your neck, between your shoulder blades. He loves waking up in that position after a nap, the two of you nuzzled into one another.
☘️ Isn't awkward about you getting your period as such, he doesnt think its gross but he's very concious of social taboos so if you come right out complaining about period pain or saying that you've accidentally bled on your dress he'll turn such a bright shade of red. You always forget and it always makes you laugh.
☘️ Gets annoyed when you tease him about it
☘️ Is very worried that youre in pain. Worried too that you'll lose too much blood. It takes a lot to explain to him that you're not going to bleed out on your period...
☘️ Tries to dote on you but gets overwhelmed by all the demands and the things you need. Because he's so worried about getting things wrong or upsetting you.
☘️Won't give good tummy rubs or massages because he's too scared he'll hurt you. Will run you a hot bath and wash your hair for you.
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cheeseceli · 8 months
First Relationships
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pairing: skz ot8 x gn!Reader (individually)
genre: fluff
request: i rlly like ur writing style and i immediately thought of you when i was being delulu over first relationships, so i thought about requesting how skz would react when they discovered they're the first person u dated! im sorry if it's confusing haha <3
warnings: tooth roofing fluff, not proofread
a/n: thank you!! ngl i was delulu when writing this lmao. hope u like it <3
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Bang Chan
So patient, it's crazy
Will never rush anything
Everything's at your pace
Hell, if you think it's too early for even holding hands, that's okay
He would always wait for you
And also, your comfort comes first
Always asks how you're feeling throughout whatever you're going through
Sorry but he 100% babies you as well
He finds you adorable
but tbh he'd do that anyways, the fact that it's your first relationship doesn't matter much in this case
Lee Know
Two scenarios
Will tease you relentlessly, no matter what you do
will be extra shy
but he'd also be so excited
it's like your little adventure and you two get to experience everything together
Technically it is but still
like, dates?
He is always so happy to take you to places
Even better
My man is just so happy to be there with you
My man's honoured
He knows how perfect you are, and he knows you had a lot of options and opportunities before
So to think that you chose >him<
As I said, honoured
Besides spoiling you and treating you like royalty, he'd be really scared of messing up
But calm him down, say you love him and his confidence comes back at total strength
Would never even dare to rush you as well
His patience is also something that must be highlighted
Whatever it is, he will always wait for you to be ready
The true romantic
He said once that he'd rather be someone's last love than the first one
So to think that he could be both your first and last love
He's so honoured
And giddy
But naturally he will be also really nervous at times
Forgive him if at times it seems he's the one that never had a relationship before
But it's true that it's his first time experiencing love so full like this
There are two possibilities
He'll be pretty confident and maybe even kind of cocky
Will do the "I wonder who taught you how to kiss so well" knowing damn well it was him, sorry
He will be extremely shy
You would even think it's his first relationship
In most cases, he is both at the same time
His duality is insane
Truly scared of messing up
But he is as always, trying his best
Everytime you're nervous he can handle the situation while being calm and humorous
We love him
He's a bit excited
A bit too excited
You know that Aladdin's song "Whole New World"?
He'd use it to describe your relationship
And he is the cutest
He's just so happy to be there :(
Everytime your relationship takes a step forward and you trust him a bit more, he becomes the happiest man in the world
He's truly grateful to have your trust
Needless to say, he will also always prioritise your comfort
Just say the word and he will do (or not do) whatever you'd like
Your wish is his command
Tries to no make a big deal out of it (kinda fails)
He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by any means
So overall, he'll act normally
but he'd go as slowly as he can, trying not to scare you off
Scared of words as well
He doesn't want you to feel forced to reply something like "ilyt"
But one thing that is really cute is how he'll always talk you through it
Everytime you are doing something that is considered your first, like first date, first kiss etc
He always asks you if you like it and if you wanna keep going on
the kindest fr
Truly, I don't think there'd be much of a difference
He'd be more careful and delicate when the occasion asked for it
but overall that'd be it
Similar to Seungmin, he'd try to not make a big deal out of it
He'd never admit, but sometimes he'd try to prove that he could be the best boyfriend ever because he was scared
He's kinda of a perfeccionist
He'd hate himself if one day he breaks you
He'd hate himself even more if he managed to break your perception of relationships as well
So he really tries his best all the time
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feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated!
dividers by @cafekitsune
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I think the reason why I like Battinson so much is because I feel like this version of Bruce is the most likely to cry when it comes to like, anything, but especially his kids.
I always make jokes about how all it takes is for one mean comment from his kids for Bruce to start absolutely bawling, but I actually could see this happening with Battinson, but instead of crying when his kids bully him, he just cries when they do, well, anything.
Like this man looks like he's about to cry 24/7, so imagine him with 6 hyperactive, intelligent, sassy and adorable children?? He would not survive, they'd tear him apart, but especially with overwhelming love lmao
Everytime he signs adoption papers, he cries. Doesn't matter if he's done it a million times.
His kids want him to read them a bedtime story? He's holding back tears.
Kids want a hug? Totally not crying haha.
Seeing any of his kids with various accomplishments? Tears of pride, no matter how many achievements they reach.
Kid gently implies they'd like to be left alone? Bruce is immediately all "oh no they hate me I did something wrong what did i do do i apologize should i tell them i love them am i a bad parent-" He def has separation anxiety with all of his kids.
Basically anytime any of them call him "dad"? He's hiding in his study to cry out all the overflowing affection within him.
Like I genuinely feel like this Bruce would be the most emotionally vulnerable with his kids. Like he'd be SO soft with them. I bet he's always happy to do little things for/with them, like brushing their hair, eating breakfast with them, watching TV, playing with Legos, etc.
I could see him being the most attentive father, always being cautious and trying to make sure he's doing everything right as a parent. I need to see him cuddle his kids.
DC needs to let Battinson have a Robin because I know that man would drop anything for his children.
and dont get me started on how absolutely devastated this Bruce would be if one of his kids got hurt (and imagine how anguished he becomes after Jason's death)
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kopilot-pop · 7 months
[Sofa] 18+
- Karina x G!P Reader
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Request: can we get some karina fluffxsmut.. 🫣 where g!p reader just wants to make her feel good after weeks of being busy.. haha ive had red velvet’s underwater on repeat and something abt the song just makes me want to snuggle w her but at the same time go ham on her 😥
Warnings: MDNI, g!p, praise kink, soft sex, overstimulation, creampie, size kink (if you squint), etc.
A/N: I am feral after writing dis. This is fluffy and filthy at the same time so read at your own risk <3
Word Count: 1,080
It’s been seven days since you’ve last seen your girlfriend face-to-face. With her recent comeback, she was all over the country - sometimes even abroad. From stages to fashion shows, her schedule barely even gave her time to even text you.
That’s why after finishing the final stage for her comeback and the photoshoot for some magazine you forgot the name of, Jimin decided to crash at your apartment rather than her group’s house.
It was 3 a.m. when you jolt awake from your couch, hearing the doorlock beep.
Karina, no, Jimin stands there in a short black skirt, with your varsity jacket covering most of her body….
‘I should ask for that magazine’s name later.’
Before you could even greet Karina, you didn’t even get to meet her eyes when she immediately crashed into your arms.
“Hey baby…” She mumbled out.
Her long arms wrapped around you in a loose embrace, her tired body immediately starting to melt the moment she feels your warm body against her. After a few second of the embrace, you feel her legs slightly wobble and decide to move from the cold front door to the couch you were passed out on a few minutes ago.
“Here we go…”
With a huff you pick her up (she’s always light as a feather) and naturally Jimin wrap her legs around your waist.
You carried your tired girlfriend towards the couch and the moment you sit down, she snuggles into you deeper.
Jimin whines as you struggle to help take off the heavy jacket. Apparently, she doesn’t like it when her girlfriend pushes her away to help her be comfortable.
“Okay, okay you big baby..”
She’s still sitting on your lap when you finally push the large coat off her shoulders. And you finally get to meet her beautiful eyes after a long 168 hours.
Jimin has a prominent pout on her face, definitely not enjoying the fact that she wasn’t able to cuddle up into your body again.
‘God, she’s adorable.’
You’re unable to contain your smile when she manages to push your body back with her remaining strength.
“Stop moving.. I need you…”
At the same time, her whole body ‘unintentionally’ grinds into you.
Holding onto her hips - totally trying to keep her still, without any other intentions - you let out an awkward cough as Jimin’s chest touches yours.
‘WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU Y/N- Your girlfriend just came back from a full day of schedules. You can’t possibly get hard right n-’
You let out a soft groan when Jimin slightly fidgets in your arms, letting out a moan.
“A..are you sleeping…?”
Karina lets out a incoherent mumble proving that she was awake, just barely.
“Alright.. How about we move to the bedroom? I’ll wake you up in the morn- ugh..”
Jimin - this time 100% intentionally - grinds her crotch into the (now prominent) bulge in your sweatpants.
“….what if I don’t wanna sleep?”
She slightly tilts her head from your shoulder to meet your eyes. Her soft gaze claws at your brain, making your cock stand up even more.
“W..well… I’m sure you’re tired.. a..and..”
“I missed you..”
Jimin tiredly straightens her back, pushing you slightly down the couch with her fingertips. You’re practically merged into the back cushions, only able to watch as she hooks her finger onto the hem of your boxers.
She pulls your garments down just enough to have you cock spring out. Before she could do anything, you push your hand up to pull her underwear down, leaving only the skirt to cover her dripping pussy.
You sit up, watching as she grabs onto your shoulders and slowly push herself down onto you.
She barely makes it pass the tip when she halts. Jimin once again pushes her body against you, shoving her face into your t-shirt.
“Does it feel good?”
With your hands still under her skirt, you grab her thighs and gently pull her down to fully take your cock. She always struggled to take your size, so you knew you had to be gentle.
When she finally managed to take you fully, she let out a loud groan. You pull her into a kiss as she grips onto your arms for support.
“C’mon, you’re such a good girl… You’re so fucking tight… Fuck…”
Jimin lets out another whine at your praise. You lick her bruised lower lip and she starts to lightly bounces up and down, loving the feeling of your hands guiding her.
“I- hngh-! I love you…”
As the younger girl bounces on your cock, you shove your hands up her sweater, pushing both the garment and her bra up - letting them rest right on top of her breasts. You gently lick her right peak, enjoying how she clenches down on you with every flick.
“I…I’m gonna come… Please let me come…!”
Her bounces become more frantic when you start biting and leaving marks all over her. You keep eye contact as you latch onto her left nipple, watching as tears start to form.
When Jimin feels your teeth lightly bite onto it, she comes undone.
She frantically pushes into your body again, gripping tightly onto your shirt as her pussy clenches around your throbbing member. Loud squelching sounds embarrassingly echo around the living room, as Jimin whimpers into your shoulder.
“Good girl…. You did so well baby.. Can you give me one more?”
“Wha.. wait..!”
Without listening to her answer, you jolt your hips up into her - this time a bit more roughly.
You don’t let your girlfriend control the pace as you tightly grip onto her waist - sure to leave bruises - and continuously slam her onto your cock.
“Ah-! I can’t!! Please- ugh-”
Jimin grabs onto your back, holding on for dear life as she helps you chase your orgasm. You grunt as you feel the younger girl spasm around your dick, feeling more liquid splatter onto your stomach.
“Y/nnn…!! I came- ah! Please…’”
“I’m almost there.. Fuck! I’m cumming..!”
With a final pump, Jimin smashes your lips together as she feels your cum completely fill her womb.
You can feel the mixture of you and Jimin drip onto her thighs, completely soaking the front of her skirt and your pants.
When she finally pulls aways her lips with a pop, you finally get a look of her tearful face.
“Mmf… I.. told you to… give me.. a second….”
“Sorry baby, didn’t hear ya..”
Jimin loudly smacks your shoulder.
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joojconverts · 9 months
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4T3 Conversion of TwentiethCenturySims' Catalogue
A 4t3 conversion of (most of) twentiethcenturysims' catalogue for all your sims! I truly hope you like it! Enjoy! <3
In this compilation are included sets, mini-sets and standalone pieces that the original creator made! Recolors, posepacks, fantasy items, repeated pieces (things very similar to what I've already converted in the past), and pieces categorized as "timeless" are not included!
This is what I've been working on haha! My last statement for some time... thank you all so much, once again! 💖
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Known Problems:
The trim on the "Wilma Casual Dress" (purple dress with bow) gets a bit wonky at the end of the skirt! I tried to fix it in many different ways, but this is what I got!
The pleads on the "French Hen Dress" also get a bit wonky, same as above!
* Note that teens and elders have neck gaps. This is sadly the price for having them available! For teens, try using this and this slider by gruesim!
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Because TwentiethCenturySims is a great creator, his whole catalogue is quite low-poly and gameplay friendly, so don't worry about that!
All 3 hats are hat-slider compatible and unissex, as always!
The Ida, Annie and Elsie dresses (gingham and flowers pattern) all have 11 presets. First 10 are overlays, having multiple floral options, but with collars, buttons and bows being recolorable. Last one is completely recolorable!
The "baby sweater" (green sweater with black tie) has 4 presets, first two having christmas-like patterns, third one having a knitted pattern, and last one being completely CAStable!
The "baby dress" (red dress with white collar) has 12 presets. 6 first presets have a velvety texture which is recolorable, with 5 flower options to the collar, and one without the flowers. Same applies to the other 6, but they don't have the velvet texture to the dress!
The "baby hat" also comes with 2 presets, one having a velvety texture, and the other one not!
The "Havana jacket" (orange jacket with white shirt) has 31 presets. First one is completely recolorable, and the other 30 are a variety of overlay patterns to the white shirt. The jacket stays recolorable in all of them!
The "Eleanor 1930's Dress" (green dress with bow) has 6 presets. First 4 have overlay patterned presets to the dress, but the bow, collar and trim stay recolorable. The last 2 are completely CAStable!
The "Piper Dress" (kids' dress with blue bow) has 4 presets. The first 4 have overlay patterned presets on the dress, but the rest remains recolorable! The last one is completely recolorable!
The "Goose Suit" (kids' gray suit) has 3 presets. First two have different patterns checkered patterns, and the last one is plain. In all of them the collar is an overlay texture.
The "Ruffles the Clown Costume" has 2 presets, having two different stripe options.
The "Billy Sailor Suit" (Toddler's sailor-inspired outfit) has 2 presets, with two different mask options. The second one has three little recolorable circles on the belt.
The "Darlene Sailor Dress" is the same as the above, but reversed haha!
The "Swan Suit" (houndstooth patterned suit) is totally recolorable, though it may not seem like it lol! I added the houndstooth pattern from CAS, which you can remove and put anything you want instead!
The "Bonnie Two-Piece Dress" (checkered dress with buttons) has two versions: the AF-EF version, as usual, and a teen-age conversion, just because I feel like it'd be useful to you!
The "Viola 1930's Dress" (yellow stripes and brooch dress) has 5 presets. The first, second and last presets are totally recolorable, having different mask options! Third and fourth presets have floral patterned overlays on the dress, but the collar, belt, etc. remains recolorable! The brooch looks a bit off without the accessory overlay, which is the next note!
There is an overlay/color mix accessory for the brooch on the "Viola Dress, which can be found in the socks category. It gives a multiplier (details) to the brooch, as well as making it fully recolorable! If you're going to use the dress, I highly recommend only using it with the accessory activated! It has a separate thumbnail, as seen in the previews!
As you saw on the previews, there are two buy mode objects: a highchair and a potty, both for your babies! They're found where these objects are usually found (Kids -> Baby Furniture). The potty costs §30, and the highchair costs §100!
You probably noticed the 4 skirt thumbnails (with its half options) at the bottom. Because I don't want this post to be gigantic, I'll link to the original post where twentiethcenturysims explains how to use them and their purposes: HERE! Yes, they're found under "accessories"!
I think that's all haha! Now to the download! <3
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☕  buy me a coffee or become a patron!
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@twentiethcenturysims for all the meshes and textures; you can find everything here!
💖 @katsujiiccfinds​​​ @emilyccfinds​​​ @kpccfinds​​​  @xto3conversionsfinds
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obikindred · 14 days
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I hit chilchuck with harpyfication beam for 500 mana and blow him into one million pieces. Drivel below vv
I think chilchuck is some kind of likeeee wren? Chickadee maybe? Maybe even a cardinal? Some kind of small songbird, i just wanted him to have some kind of warm-colored wing with white speckles (my lazy ass did NOT use a reference for these shitty little doodles but if I ever end up making solid refs for them I’ll do more research), I thought about maybe hummingbird wings butttt idk I couldnt get the shape right and I wanted him to have more of a traditional harpy look. I combined elements from my harpies (wings and arms, jewelry/piercings, feathered tails) and canon harpies (FEATHER TIT WINDOW‼️ kind of feral, sharp teeth, etc) and kind of mashed them up. I TOTALLY FORGOT to give him jewelry on his arms and stuff but maybe I’ll go back to that laterrr idk like i said these r quick shitty doodles. So i guess hes kind of half harpy. I was like MANNNN wouldnt it be funny if he got his soul fucked up and had to navigate the rest of his life as a chimera. Lol. What if he had to relearn how to be human. What if laios had to teach him. Haha would that be fucked up or what. He could have also just been like that when they first met him and that would be cool too i think. What about the Implications??? Are his wings sensitive? What abt his tail? Are his senses even sharper?? Does this change his diet? Are his taloned hands still clever enough to pick locks? THEN i started thinking about the others…. Laios n Falin r some kind of owl. Snowy owl probably their northern asses but I also like the idea of them being some kind of seabird. Big ole albatross Touden sibs. Senshi is probably also sone kind of owl, maybe even some kind of chicken? Vulture might also be cool. Marcille is definitely a duck or swan tho (GASP unless SHES the hummingbird!! I will come back to this later). Izutsumi is already a cat, but if she had wings too shed be a corvid of some sort fo sho. Idk about yhe others because I cannot lie to u idgaf about them. ANYWAYS i love to talk about wings and harpies and how that affects team and overall social dynamics so if anyone has anything to add please do‼️
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blkgirl-writing · 7 months
I love your touch starved Gale so much 😭❤️ honestly it's so tender and yum haha
Do you have an A-Z/Alphabet NSFW thing for Gale??? 🙏
I do now!!! I totally forgot abut Alphabet stuff, if ya'll want one for every character let me know, I'm working on Astarion right now!
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Gale Dekarios NSFW alphabet (x reader)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Gale is kind and caring, he will always make sure you get what you need before he really relaxes. Sex isn't over for him until you're taken care of, aftercare is a part of the sexual experience to him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Creampie every time, though after eating you out he has stopped to cum on your thighs.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not that much of a secret since anyone who looked at his underwear knows, it's self jerk off underwear. Honestly I think he's used them during battle when you look extra hot. Trying really hard not to show that he's pleasuring himself.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Gale is fairly experenced, having a few mortal hookups/relationships and obviously a long fling with Mystra that left him a bit sexually traumatized (and generally very traumatized). He's had enough sex to know what he wants but still open to try new things.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Side fucking is his favorite for sure, it's easy to get away with while camping with the others as well. Also plowing you from behind while you lay on your stomach is a favorite, as he can kiss your neck or hold down your waist.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious. Once he gets in that mood there's no getting him out of it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's trimmed for your pleasure, otherwise he'd definitely just forget.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Gale is a great mix of romantic, passionate, and filthy. Everything does hand in hand very well, he can absolutely run a train through you in astral protections with gangbanging you with literally just clones of himself, but he will still whisper sweet and romantic things, still check if you need to stop or if anything is too much.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Gale cry jerks like all the time lmao. Guilty masturbation is something he has mastered. Thinking about you before you get sexually involved? he will feel guilty.
How he jerks off is two different ways. The only way he can really cum is by grinding on something, his hand, the bed, his enchanted underwear, etc... But he doesn't need to cum. So he also jerks off with his hand behind the rocks near the beach in act 1s camp.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
This is gonna be a hear-me-out kind of situation.
Semi public sex kink. in front of windows, on balconies, middle of the forrest, etc.
lil bit of a jealousy thing, leaves hickies on your neck to show that ya'll fuck good.
he wouldn't do anything to harm you, so anything thats too 'harsh" is a no no for Gale.
thigh fucking kink?
sweaty kink?? cause battling? that whole speech was one of the most sexually charged things I have read.
lil bit of a breeding kink, not with actually getting pregnant, but definitely the deep creampies and keeping his cum in you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Gale cannot WAIT to fuck you in every single inch of his tower. Whenever he pictures fucking you, he pictures you in his home. It's kinda romantic.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, any glance at you will get him going. Like an instant hard on. If he looks at you too long, boner. if he looks at your thighs or butt? Boner. Slightly low cut top? Boner. Battling? Boner.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never do anything to hurt you, the most he'd do is wax play.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving. This man GIVES. He fucks to serve. He wants your pleasure, he doesn't cum til you do, no matter what. If that means he won't cum, then he won't cum. If he could spend all day between your legs he would.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Sensual but fast and hard. This man pounds.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He hadn't ever been able to not last a while before you, now, he can actually do quickies, which infatuates him for a while so you have a lot of quickies for a time. But usually everything lasts an hour or so.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Gale is down to try just about anything you'd want, but he definitely already knows what he likes most.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Shockingly he can go for awhile. He will need to just lay for a while because he definitely isn't made for long sessions, he just ignores his knee and back pain for you until he absolutely can't.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
We all know he will, can, and has used magic hand during sex. Does copies of him count as toys as well?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Gale isn't one to tease much. Verbally, sometimes, yes, telling you how hot you are, how good you look, etc, while having no time to slip away to fuck.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I feel like Mystra wanted him silent, so he's working on getting more vocal during sex. But he doesn't moan loudly, sometimes whimpers or gasps.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Gale absolutely reads smut. We know this kinda from his diagram books basically, but I think he has a whole bookshelf dedicated to smut. His favorite being wlw.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Said this before but honestly? I watched something and that dick that was shown just screamed Gale to me, so I'm revising my HC and saying Gale is 7 inches, girthy, and curved upwards and slightly to the left, it absolutely fucks. Like tied with best dick of the group, tied with Wyll and his ribbed cock.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Gales sex drive is very dependant on you. If he's thinking about you or around you? very high. On his own? slightly above average.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends. After a long fuck, literally instantly after he checks to see if you need anything. after astral fucking he feels energized, after a quickie he feels a bit tired but fine overall.
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Part 1 | Part 2
Bruce/Brandi x Reader: part 2
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Includes: GN! Reader, Vacay Lovers, polyamory, relationship headcanons, slight Bruce Jr. slander
💜 These two took things slow when they were wooing you, you better BELIEVE they're gonna do the same once you've actually been bagged
🧡 I MEAN DON'T GET ME WRONG!! They're not any less passionate about you or anything, but like... c'mon. They're middle-aged, run a full time business and are married with kids. They've got a lot on their hands already so chances are they're not immediatly urging you to move in with them or just straight up sign marriage documents (sorry to disappoint u_u)
💜 But like I said: this doesn't mean they're not good lovers
🧡 In fact I'd say in my entirely unbiased opinion that they'd make fantastic lovers! Wonderful! Superb, even!
💜 So naturally, once you find yourself added to the relationship? Expect all that supportive energy thrown your way too lol
🧡 No matter what endeavor you choose to pursue, rest easy knowing you'll have your own personal cheerleaders having your back at all times. You got a hobby you're really into? SAY LESS BABES!! Gift-giving is Brandi's love language so you bet your ass she's buying you everything you could possibly need. Wanna pursue some form of higher education, maybe get some fancy degree? BOOM, you've just signed yourself up for study sessions with Bruce
💜 (I mean like... he might not be much help if you're studying for something shmancy like law or medicine, but he will happily hold and read out flashcards for you :3)
🧡 Or maybe you just wanna help out around Vacay Island which? Yes hello they would love that??
💜 Running a business is no easy feat so the couple definitely welcome the extra set of hands (paws??). If you're more social and outgoing then chances are you're out on the front lines with Bruce, taking orders for food, welcoming guests and getting them settled in, leading activites like volleyball or the weekly shuffleboard tournament, etc.
🧡 Obviously if you'd rather remain behind the scenes, you're more than welcome to join Brandi on her end of things. Making food, booking guests into their rooms, keeping track of all the finances, etc.
💜 Maybe you're crap with spreadsheets and numbers and just wanna like... keep her company while she works at her desk? Grab her some refreshments every now and then?? Maybe even offer a shoulder massage once you've noticed she's been hunched over for too long???
🧡 I swear this woman will cherish you forever
💜 Whether you're another troll like Bruce or a fellow Vacationer like Brandi, the way you spend time with either of these two can differ
🧡 If you're on the smaller side? Bruce just enjoys getting to hold your hand while walking alongside you on the beach. The man spends pretty much all his time around literal giants and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes, so he can definitely appreciate having someone around who's more on his level (hehe). Brandi on the other hand just thinks your small size is cute! Hands down one of her favorite things is when either you or Bruce (OR BOTH) just like? Casually hitch a ride on her shoulder?? Or she'll hold you both in the palm of of her hand and just go "omigosh it's totally like holding a couple of grapes haha :D"
💜 Reader POV: Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and our giant girlfriend/wife
🧡 On the flipside, if you're closer to Brandi's size? This woman is taking every available opportunity to take full advantage of the fact. She's laying kisses all over your face, running her fingers through your hair, cuddling with you after a long day of work, etc etc. Technically speaking she COULD (and DOES) do all this regardless of how big/small you are... but at the same time it's just soooo much easier when she doesn't have to constantly watch herself so she doesn't accidentally crush you ://
💜 Meanwhile Bruce is just like "if either of you DO crush me... you won't hear any complaints from my end, just sayin"
🧡 Man is horrendously down bad 😳
💜 Last post i was like OUTINGS WITH BRANDI, but this post?? SURFING LESSONS WITH BRUCE! This man will not rest until you know how to ride a wave, okay, he is DEDICATED. Once you've gotten good enough, expect regular invites to the beach so you two can hit the ocean asdjahdslak
🧡 I like to think that even while running a business and family, Bruce and Brandi are still perfectly capable of maintaining a healthy love life— both with each other and you. Partly because they're just that in love but also cuz they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of weekly date nights (yeah that's right, plural)
💜 Bruce, on the phone: "Hey honey, me and (____) are outside the resturaunt. Where are you?"
"Oh, I'll probably be a few minutes. Bruce Jr. just set off a firework in the kitchen, you know how he is. But you two should go get us a table while you're waiting!"
"Alright, we'll see you later, love you :)"
"I love you guys more~"
🧡 And then Bruce just... hangs up and leads you inside the resturaunt, meanwhile you're just?? Very concerned????
💜 Dates with these two are pretty casual ngl. Neither feel the need for extravagant displays of love, so chances are the three of you are just spending some quality time together. Chillin at home without the kids, cooking/baking food together, watching reality TV
💜 (Tbh there's probably some trollverse version of The Bachelor/Bachelorett and lemme tell you that these two EAT THAT SHIT UP)
🧡 Of course if you wanna go out somewhere fancy then no worries!! Your girl Brandi knows the downlow on all the hottest spots in town and Bruce likely has enough connections to get you three reservations at even the fanciest restaurants
💜 Simply ask and these two will find a way to get it done <33
💜 At some point in the relationship Bruce will approach you and go "Hey, our son Benni has a dance recital tomorrow, did you wanna come?" and the second you say yes is the second you offically become a permanent member of the family. You are joining their monthly family camping trips. You are helping Brandi make cupcakes for school soccer games. You and Bruce are sitting down with the kids for homework help
🧡 Hopefully you've got good memory cuz you're gonna need to memorize 13 different fast food orders whenever the kids drag you to Bergen King askdhalslk
💜 Speaking of the little shits
🧡 You thought you were spending a lot of time with them BEFORE you were smoochin their parents?? Well congrats because the second you start becoming a permanent member at the dinner table, expect to have all 13 of them constantly hanging off you
💜 Maybe one of them needs your help practicing a new move they've learned from their martial arts class, maybe another wants someone to listen as they info dump about their latest hyperfixation, or maybe they just need help kickstarting their underground fireworks selling business
🧡 Cough cough (Bruce Jr) cough cough
ASJKJDHALJSKD THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!! There were a for more headcanons i wanted to touch upon but the post was getting long lol. Definitely plan on doing more for them tho so no worries uwu
but i mean like if you guys got prompts/questions then go ahead, my asks are open 👀👉👈
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hansoeii · 10 months
Hellooo :D!! I just wanted to ask if you have any tips for coming up with ideas for full pieces. It could totally just be “oh this seems cool/cute” and then just testing compositions/colours/etc on the spot (and I’d be happy with tips about that too), but I was curious if there’s any brainstorming you do when/if ideas don’t just pop up in your head (or you do have a very loose idea, but need a bit more planning before actually starting the piece)
Also I obviously need to mention that I ADORE your art!! Your most recent piece with angel Crowley had me in AWE (I’m pretty sure my jaw actually dropped).
Thank you!!!
It's a mix of both "oh my god I have this great idea I gotta draw it NOW" and "let's scroll through pinterest for 2 hours and hope that something inspires me".
For example this piece under the rain was an idea I had while taking a nap. I didn't have any proper references for it and just put a bunch of puzzle pieces together and hoped for the best, haha.
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I usually have this one specific idea that I wanna turn into an illustration and then I spend hours searching for references that make the process a little easier. This was my reference sheet for it:
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Most of the time I just go through my Pinterest poses board and see if there's something I'd like to draw, though. I save a lot of poses I like constantly that I can go back to later on. This was the case with the angels illustration I did!
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I didn't have anything super specific planned for it when I started working on it. I actually planned for it to just be some small and quick little drawing. It somehow turned into the best thing I've ever made djhdhd
Here's my reference sheet for this one:
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With most of my work I don't really do a lot of planning. I do that enough in my school assignment already, so I tend to just draw loosely when it comes to personal work, haha.
So the tip I'd give you is to get as many references as you possibly can! It makes your life so much easier. Also look for color palettes you enjoy, see how other artists use colors! And be willing to just experiment. Most of my art is just one experiment after another in hopes that one day I know what I'm doing.
Hope this helps a little bit! Thank you for supporting me and my work! :D
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rabbitsrams · 11 months
forever and perpetually thinking about how much how freaking tall schlatt is.
(this is totally not me projecting my thing for tall men rn haha why would you say that)
♡ looking up at him whenever he talks so u can see him
♡ he is absolutely obsessed with how tiny you are...
♡ constant teasing
♡ “what’s the matter, can’t reach?”
♡ “can’t believe how small you are, you’re so cute.”
♡ “how’s the weather down there?”
♡ “shut the hell up, j.”
♡ he knows u love it tho
♡ taking pictures together and him cooing at how ur head only just reaches his shoulders, how cute and small you are next to him
♡ also making a video together when ur both standing up and having to adjust the camera so both of u can be in frame
♡ and even sitting down he’s just so. big. compared to u. god.
♡ him absolutely enveloping you when he’s the big spoon, his long ass arms wrap around u
♡ ur basically his teddy bear ): always cuddles u and is so gentle
♡ wearing his sweatshirts and the arms being so long and it covers so much of u (going down to ur thighs, etc)
♡ and all his clothing being rly big on u!!!!!! 
♡ “your hands are so tiny, toots.”
♡ “no, yours are just big!”
♡ hugging you from behind is his favorite thing to do
♡ he rests his head on the top of yours and you lean into his chest and im going absolutely insane rn omg i need him
♡ and when u hug him from behind.....
♡ he’s so damn tall and ur face is just in his back sfnjdsjf
♡ picks you up constantly
♡ esp if you’re overworking yourself and need a break he just picks u up and carries you to the couch or the bed.
♡ “j- stop! put me down!”
♡ “no.” 
♡ using ur head as an arm rest.
♡ yeah...
♡ grabbing his arm when u walk together
♡ bonus: him lifting u onto his shoulders during concerts if u cant see!!!!!!!!!
(lmk if i missed anything! and if you want an nsfw version of this hehe)
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lawsvalentine · 5 months
Your writing is so good, Bless you for existing🙏❤️ I hope you're doing well :] Can I please request Sanji and his girlfriend? (I'm totally projecting here with this) she has shit self-esteem and is always putting herself down? Like, she'll laugh and make fun of herself like it's no big deal, but deep down she just feels ugly and stupid? How would Sanji go about this with her? Sorry this is kind of depressing haha
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Flaws and All • Sanji x Fem!reader •
CW: established relationship, use of pet names(mon amour, my love, darling, etc), reader is a bit insecure, reader makes self-deprecating jokes,
Cee’s Note: Aw thank you! This was so sweet 😙 I’m doing well thanks for asking. This is such a cute idea 🤭 hope you enjoy
Song Cred: Flaws and all- Beyonce
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“And for you, mon amour?”
You two were currently in the kitchen where Sanji began prepping for lunch. He already had a meal planned out for the rest of the crew, but for you, he always asked you specifically what you wanted.
When you’re the chef’s girlfriend, you can expect these special privileges.
You gave him a request of your favorite food and he wasted no time getting to work. You two made small chat in the meantime while he cooked.
“Here you go, my darling” he smiled lovingly at you.
You took your first bite, and you let out a satisfied hum at the flavors eliciting your tastebuds. Sanji’s eyes warmed at the sight of you enjoying his food.
“Amazing as always,” you say as you finish your last bite.
Sanji chuckles, “Thank you my dear, would you like some more?”
“Oh I really shouldn’t,” you shake your head.
“I’ll make as much as you want, just say the word,” Sanji winks at you.
“Your food is dangerous, ya know ” you chuckle, “Imma wind up fatter than I already am if I don’t have some self control.”
Sanji’s smile faded at your words and an awkward silence fell over you two when you realized you were the only one laughing.
You shifted in your seat uncomfortably, unable to read your boyfriend’s expression.
‘Is he upset with me? ‘
‘Did I offend him by not accepting his offer for more food?’
‘God I’m so stupid’
“Y/N,” Sanji said softly, breaking the silence and taking you out of your thoughts.
“Why do you say such mean things about yourself?” Sanji said concernedly.
Your eyes widened at his words. You wanted to say that it was just a joke and that it didn’t mean anything. But you would be lying, not only to Sanji but yourself if you were to say that.
Sanji had noticed your sly jabs at yourself throughout the conversations you two have shared and every time you did it, you would laugh it off almost like you were poking fun at yourself.
“I-I don’t-“ you fiddled with your fingers, avoiding eye contact with Sanji.
Suddenly you felt the tip of his fingertips at your chin as he lifts your head to meet his eyes.
“Please tell me why,” Sanji said, you could see the sadness in his eyes and you hated that you were the cause of that.
Your eyes shifted, struggling to look him in the eyes as you confess, “I don’t know what you see in me”
Sanji’s head cocked to side slightly, a confused look on his face.
“I’m not pretty like Nami or as intelligent as Robin. I’m not special in any way. I don’t get why you’re even with me,” you could feel your eyes brim with tears as you finally let out what you’ve been holding in for so long.
You suddenly felt yourself against your lover’s lean chest and his toned arms wrapped around you.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I do,” Sanji whispered in your ear.
You could feel the tears stream down your cheeks as you quietly sob in his chest.
“I’ll tell you what I see,” Sanji says, once again lifting your head to meet his loving gaze, “I see a beautiful girl, inside and out, who has completely stolen my heart.”
The thumb of his hand caressed your tear-stained cheek, “ When I’m with you I feel love-“ he pauses to peck your cheek.
“Lust,” he whispers, his lips grazing your ear down to your jawline, a sigh leaving your lips at the subtle contact.
“I feel like the luckiest man in the world, to get to hold you and kiss you like this,” he says, inches away from your face.
Looking in his eyes, you felt every emotion he was feeling and you started to think if someone like him could love you like this, maybe what he was saying wasn’t so hard to believe.
“I love you, Sanji,” you say, bringing your arms to wrap around his neck.
“I love you more, mon amour” he smiles about to lean in before you press a finger to his lips, stopping him in his tracks.
“Flaws and all?” You say with a cocked eyebrow.
“What flaws?” Sanji says cheekily, before capturing your lips in a kiss.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Hi! Can I request some pennywaynes headcannons?
It’s fine if not
I think I managed to cram almost every single headcanon I had about their characters into my threesome fic. It was really that self indulgent haha.
Martha and Thomas have the funniest trade-off dynamic when it comes to bed partners
Alfred is in love with Martha more than anyone else and they all know and accept this
Thomas is absolutely hilarious all the time but doesn't miss anything -- he's sharper than people realize
Alfred was a soldier and keeps in trim shape even after he's discharged from duty
Thomas is the designated snack-getter during or after sex
Martha and Thomas are too intense for most people but perfect for Alfred somehow
Thomas absolutely wants to fuck Alfred till he cries and Martha wants to watch
Alfred would die for them but can't look them in the eyes sometimes
etc etc (go read the fic! I dropped as many of my hcs in there as I could, I promise it's not just total shameless self promotion)
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