#excuse the dump format
catscr8l · 2 years
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2019 kittens content
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crystallizsch · 6 days
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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fitzs-space · 2 years
Can Doc explode? I am asking since Creeper biology has a literal block of tnt in it and Doc clearly has stuff in his body that could possibly block whatever allows a Creeper to light the block of tnt. And if he can does his cybernetics cause shrapnel when he explodes?
If Doc chose to produce more gunpowder he could! But deaths by explosions are already annoying as is, so it’s best to limit the chances happening as a creeper moblin.
But creepers, moblins and the mobs themselves, don’t actually have a whole thing of tnt in them, it’s like those medical diagrams for kids where they show a loveheart in place of what an actual heart looks like. Just gives a simpler understanding of what’s going on. Because they more so just produce the needed components for tnt within themselves that, upon needing so, they are able to detonate.
To make my creeper lore ides real quick here, because they were originally made in the desert, their bones were more or less made of sandstone (that was centuries ago, they evolve and gain life in nature bla bla bla, creepers develop stronger bones but they still share compounds with sand that’s what’s important here, I’m keeping the lore short for now). The reason they produce gunpowder/sulphurs is part in them eating rocks/coals/charcoals/ really anything, and part in how their body processes it. They will grind down rocks and all that for the sake of needed intake, and because it helps grind down their teeth so they don’t get too sharp. So creepers will just have all the explosive buildup needed for when they explode!
Doc, and a lot of older creeper moblins, just doesn’t have the same habit to munch on the stuff that’s needed to produce gunpowder(they’ll still grind their teeth on rocks every now and then don’t get me wrong, those things will get Sharp if one didn’t). But because a lot of older creeper moblins produce less gunpowder they are more likely to grow flowers on themselves! It’s a symbol of peacefulness to some and maturity to others, a lot of times it’s a show of safety. The symbolism behind it is a bit of a lost thing though, it’s not much of a important thing in more modern area’s with the moblins. Doc used to just pluck off a lot of the flowers he’d grow partly to keep up a ‘bad guy’ persona, expecily during the hippies vs area77 era. Nowadays he just kinda leaves em, Gem, Ren and Grian found em cute and he got lazy having to pluck em all off (it’s just a lot like shaving, a constant struggle really)
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bittersweetsimss · 1 year
The Birch Family Photo Album
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islandofsages · 5 months
Hey ! I wanted to request a Ignihyde!Male!Reader that look like a little like Grim ? Like, they have the same ears and tail, the same fire (even if the reader controls his fire better than Grim) and people think they are from the same family/are connect ?
Just Grim and Reader looking at each other and asking to themselves if they have just meet their secret brother, and Ace, Deuce, Ortho, Idia and parental figure!Trein being confused to their friend (Grim for Adeuce, Reader for Ortho and Idia) having (a possible) brother.
(Ignore it if you don't want to write it)
Have a good day.
characters: ace, deuce, the shroud brothers and trein x male ignihyde reader
tags: platonic, fluff, imagines + scenario format; implication of yuu, mention of azul
warnings: nothing
author's notes: sorry this took a while! and that i strayed a bit again help. hope you like this <3
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You’re one of the only beastmen in Ignihyde - and you’re okay with that. It gets a little lonely at times but that’s nothing new for an Ignihyde student. People mind their own business, you mind yours. And the only friends you have, in this case the Shroud brothers, basically forget that you’re different from the others. Days are hardly interesting, despite the college’s many atrocities - or maybe because, and now you’re desensitized.
Until one day, you spot a creature, all feline-like and sitting on someone’s shoulder. Okay, not the weirdest thing you’ve seen at NRC so far, so you’re about to shrug it off. Then you see it; a tail and a pair of ears that are eerily similar to your own. What’s next, it can manipulate fire as freely as you do?
“Hey guys, I’ve got a new trick up my sleeve. Watch this!”
One thing you didn’t expect for it to have something in common with you is that it can talk. Though maybe you should be less surprised, considering even the paintings on the walls can talk in this place. But still. You forget that you should be expecting something from the words it just spouted and are caught off guard when it starts spewing fire next. This creature is way too talented at throwing out stuff from its mouth, you think as you jump out of the way just in time to avoid being burnt to a crisp.
“Grim, you can’t just spit fire whenever you want to! We’ve been over this!”
A redheaded student in front of you starts to scold the creature whose name is Grim apparently. He looks familiar but you can’t quite put your finger on it-
“You’re just jealous, Ace.”
Oh, you feel like Idia’s talked about this Ace person before. He described him as “crafty” and seemed to think of him as some sneaky extrovert but you’ve learnt to not put much faith in Idia’s descriptions of other people. No offense to your friend but at least he’s somewhat self-aware of how anxious he gets around others.
“I definitely am not??? This is the same thing that almost got us expelled, you know!”
You feel like you may also have heard of a group of first years almost getting expelled until they somehow got their hands on a magestone the headmage told them to get, as if you can just swing by a store and buy one. You know how hopeless Headmage Crowley and dumping a lot of work on a bunch of freshmen is in character but you can't help but feel disappointed anyway.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I agree. You really have to learn how to keep your pride in check…”
Another student, blue-haired and you assume is Ace’s friend, chimes in on the scolding. The student whose shoulder Grim has made himself at home only shook their head, most likely accustomed to his behavior. You watch them bicker as you ruminate on the resemblance of that strange creature to you.
After a few minutes of thinking (and walking so that you don't lose them), you decide that the fact that you were almost a victim of Grim’s flames is strong enough of an excuse to allow you to approach the friend group.
“Hey. You four.”
They turn around to notice you finally (though you can hardly blame them – save for Idia and his glow-in-the-dark-esque hair, Ignihyde students are not noticed as much). It takes them a second to realize that you're no ordinary student. When they do, their jaws fall open, letting out a wild “Huh?!”.
Grim himself jumps off the quiet student's shoulder and stands on his two feet. The day is getting crazier and crazier the longer you entertain this coincidence. He then points at you and begins his bullshit-spewing again.
“W-Who are you?! And why do you look like me?!”
You should be asking the same questions right now but the lack of answers for them makes any word on the tip of your tongue die before they can escape. Plus, the way he's saying his words sound more accusatory than you’d like to admit.
“Don’t look at me! I'm just like this!”
Grim doesn't seem satisfied by your answer and honestly, you can't blame him. You both are quite confused by what's happening at the moment. You two resort to unconsciously recreating the two-Spidermen-pointing-at-each-other meme. The other three students also seem to be at a loss from what they're witnessing.
Ace Trappola
He would laugh at Grim and point out how he's not special anymore but he's too stunned to even say anything (at least for now)
He looks you up and down again then pinches himself to make sure he’s not hallucinating
He feels like he should be less surprised and that the uncanny resemblance could just be passed off as a coincidence but he has to admit, seeing you two as not brothers may prove to be a little difficult for him
He gets used to you two over time and stops questioning it altogether. Sometimes he even forgets
At times, he’d poke fun at Grim and say how you two are way too different personality-wise to even be correlated in some way
But deep down, he’s happy for Grim he found someone similar to him 
He won’t say that aloud obviously.
Deuce Spade
His eyes dart from you to Grim then you again. This goes on for a minute
He almost asks you if you can also breathe fire so recklessly
He ends up interrogating you, like a parent doing a background check on the friend you just brought home
Sooner or later, he concludes that you two are “bros”, despite not having the same feline characteristics
He’s glad Grim found his long-lost brother (he gets a smack from Grim for this)
He would notice how Grim’s smiles oftentimes are wider when you’re around, probably feeling some kind of kinship with you
And he gets that - since you all are “bros” now, he’s more than willing to have your backs now
After sorting things out with the freshmen, you return to your cave like the nerd that you are, feeling more exhausted than usual. To your surprise, you also return to two nerds being in said cave. A Shroud brothers ambush is not something that happens too often.
“Hey (Y/N). We decided that your place needs trashing. Also Ortho wants to try out this new game he found but it needs at least three players.”
Sounds about right. The geeks are geeking out as usual, just at your place this time. But you need them to hear about how crazy today was. You open your mouth to say something-
“I tried to convince him to get Azul but you know how stubborn my brother is.”
Ortho cuts you off and you force a nervous chuckle as a response. You agree but you should really get this off your chest-
“Hm? Did you guys hear something~?”
Idia teases and it brings a genuine laugh out of you and Ortho. Then you take a deep breath and release it. Third time’s the charm, right? You try again.
“Listen, you two. You wouldn’t believe what happened today.”
They perk right up at the promise of gossip (specifically, gossip related to you). You jump a bit from the excitement, finally glad you got their attention. Your hands start to gesture while you tell today’s story.
“I found this… cat. His name is Grim? He has the exact same ears and tail that I do! And he can breathe fire too! Except he does it with no regards to his surroundings whatsoever. That’s kinda concerning.”
Idia Shroud
“You saw wittle Gwimmy??? Man, I’m so jealous… I’ve been in need of some cat therapy for a while now…”
By the sound of it, he already knows who he is. You gasp dramatically at this, feeling betrayed at the fact he never told you about him
He tells you to chill and simply excuse that he didn’t think it was that important or anything
Of course, at first he was shocked but then he pondered about the coincidence - concluded that weirder things have happened and can happen
You’re unamused by this but it is very Idia. You suppose if you have a curse where it burns blot in your body nothing can really be seen as weird
Still, he entertains the possibility of you having a non-human distant cousin
If he isn’t already so nerdy, it feels like he’s growing a second brain trying to theorize what your relation to Grim is…
Ortho Shroud
Also already knows who he is. This truly is a Shroud brothers ambush… of betrayal at that
Theatrics aside, you try to pry him for further information and maybe explain how you and Grim may be related
“Sorry (Y/N), I’d love to help but Grim has been avoiding both of us for a while now. Whether that’s intentional or not, I’m not sure, but I sure wish I was with you when you ran into him. I’m sure I could’ve gotten some valuable information from him!”
You have your doubts about that.
While you keep things to yourself, Ortho provides you with Grim’s surface level information - which is basically nothing
So you two vow to get closer to Grim; even with the ulterior motive, it doesn’t hurt to have more friends Idia would beg to differ
Grim-like traits aside, it’ll be eye-opening to him to see if you two are similar in any regard at all - whether it be from your healing presence to your dazzling smile.
The next morning, you walk to your first class of the day: History of Magic. A fairly interesting class regardless of your stance on the subject. Professor Trein goes on and on about something, you write things down in your notebook. Your eyes are on Lucius for half of the class too. Your mind is still stuck on the events of yesterday. You feel like you’d be reminded of Grim any time you lay your eyes on anything feline - including yourself.
At last, class is dismissed. As much as you enjoy the class and genuinely like Professor Trein, you can’t help but feel that classes are dragged out way too much in this college. You pack up your things and you leave around the same time the professor does. So when Grim comes running and tackles you to the hallway floor, he’s there to witness it all.
“Hey twin! Wanna have lunch with us later? You’ll be seating with us cool kids!”
As you try to regain your composure over being literally knocked over and the fact that Grim has already warmed up to you, Professor Trein attempts to comprehend the scene unfolding before him.
Mozus Trein
Yes, of course he needs to scold Grim over misbehaving for the umpteenth time that week, but he’s also in awe of how… similar you and Grim look.
If he’s seen either of you before, whether in vicinity of each other or not, he’s never noticed blame it on the old grandpa eyes
People (and creatures now too, accounting for Grim’s being here) of your traits and abilities are far and few between
As much as he’d like to inquire you two on your ancestries (and their possible connection), he does respect your privacy
He always liked having you in his class but now, he finds himself looking out for you more often, a way to put his energy from his curiosity about you into something else
He’d ask you about your day and jokingly ask how your relationship with your long-lost brother is doing as if he’s not acting like a dad himself
Needless to say, he’s definitely your favorite teacher now.
You accept Grim’s offer for whatever reason and have lunch with the “cool kids”. You feel a little out of place at first, hanging out with people who aren’t the Shrouds, but then you start having lunch with them every other day. Then you start visiting Ramshackle Dorm where Grim is staying and spend time with the others there. At some point, you brought the Shrouds along and they would bring their games.
Suddenly, you know a lot of people. You think to yourself how crazy friendships start. You go from not knowing their name to knowing what they named their pet rock when they were a child. And in Grim’s case, you went from pointing at each other confusingly to pointing at each other for stealing each other’s food.
For the record, he definitely stole your pudding first.
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thatonepeppi · 2 months
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧gale dekarios head canons✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊
I CANNOT stop thinking about this man, so I'm going to dump all of my thoughts here, enjoy :)
the format is odd, I have not written in some time, excuse me :3
☾ after the final battle
⋆ after the final battle, the two of you go back to your own room in the Elf Song Tavern, not before a very much needed shower that is. You two care for each other, chatting slowly and longingly at what your next moves are like the two of you have all the time in the world -and now you do.
⋆ Gale tiptoes around the subject of Waterdeep. He longs to be home, he's been picturing you this entire time in his home, doing everything. Making love, cooking for you, having tea in the mornings, how you would look in his bed as the sunlight and the moonlight creep in. Gale wants that life with you desperately, something simple and cozy, and with love in every action.
"Are you still there?" Tav asks, "My hair feels very clean now, especially in that particular spot."
In the midst of his reverie, a subtle "Hmm?" escaped from Gale's lips, abruptly awakened from a trance, "Oh, apologies, Dearest. A lot on my mind -- well I guess not so much anymore," He laughs quietly, rinsing off the bubbles in their hair, fingering through their strands of hair. Wherever Tav was needed, he would be sure to follow, he was certain of it. But still, he was homesick.
Tav frowns, "What's wrong, Love?" They lean into Gale, "You can talk to me, about anything."
Minutes slipped by like grains of sand in an hourglass until Gale finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Tav," he began, hesitating as if unsure of his own words, "I... I miss home. Waterdeep," He looks away, "Wherever you go, know that I will follow and happily too. Whether it be another adventure, here in Baldur's Gate, your own home. For you, I would sleep on the ground again, as long as your warm presence is there with me," He looks at them, nothing but warmth and sincerity in his words and in his eyes, "I love you, wherever we go, or wherever you are."
Tav's heart ached at the confession, the weight of Gale's homesickness palpable in the steam-filled air. Without hesitation, they reached out, clasping Gale's sun kissed and freckled hands in a gentle reassurance, giving them a gentle kiss.
"I know, my love," Tav murmured, their voice soft as a caress. "We can go home whenever you're ready. I'll be right here, by your side, every step of the way."
In that moment, as Gale's eyes met theirs with a mixture of gratitude and relief, Tav realized that home wasn't just a place—it was the warmth of their shared love, cocooned in the sanctuary of the bath, and where they found solace in each other's embrace. And though Gale longed for the familiar sights and sounds of Waterdeep, Tav knew that their love would be their anchor, no matter where their adventures took them in the realms.
☾ home
⋆ Gale is giddy from the start of the morning hopping off the massive ship the two of you took to get to Waterdeep. He takes your hand in his as he guides you down his city, excitingly pointing out all the areas he promises to take you once the two of you are settled.
⋆ Stepping into Gale's tower, you are immediately embraced by a whimsical antiquity, the cozy allure of a bygone era evident in every corner. Soft candlelight bathes the space, casting dancing shadows that whisper tales of adventure. Books adorn every surface, their well-loved pages holding secrets and enchantments, while antique treasures dot the shelves, each one a nostalgic relic of older times. Through the grand balcony, the endless expanse of the ocean stretches out, its rhythmic waves a soothing melody. Ships setting sail, the grunts of the dockhands as they tie these giant ships to their posts. In this enchanting haven, amidst the warmth of history and the timeless beauty of the sea, you find a sanctuary unlike any other. Home.
⋆ After settling in, you experience a life like no other. Gale is incessant on cooking you breakfast almost every morning. He knows how to prepare your morning coffees and afternoon teas by heart. Mornings are for the two of you to lounge in bed, holding each other, listening to the crashing waves, feeling that cool—salty breeze caress your warm bodies.
⋆ Breakfast is eaten over the occasional game of lance board on the grand mahogany table. The two of you recounting your adventures, encounters and memories. Gentle caresses and soft laughter are a welcome guest at breakfast. Even at the dinner table it seems like the two of you can't keep your hands off of each other.
⋆ Tara finds her way back home not long after. Its the very early morning, and a rare day where Gale is still in bed. You walk over to the tressym pawing at the large window, demanding to be let in. You smile as you let her in, and her furry body hurriedly makes her way inside.
"About time you let me in, I've been howling for hours, Darling, I feel parched!" The winged cat says, "I was not told that the two of you made it back, what a journey. Luckily for you, I am quite the magical tresseym, a simple spell like the one I invented is no match for miles and miles of road and walking," Tara trails off, making herself at home and out of earshot, you can still hear her grumpy rambling however, "Tav Dekarios!" She yells and you hurry over to see her sitting, licking herself next to an elegant white bowl on the floor, "My dish needs water."
You fill her dish with cold water, making sure to also refill her food bowl, you smile at the thought of you taking Gales last name already, hopefully you and Tara can foster a good relationship.
"And where is Mr. Dekarios currently?," Tara says stretching.
"Still in bed, and very warm if you would like to snuggle up to him."
Tara meows excitingly, "Oh, that sounds divine, Dear. Thank you ever so kindly for keeping him warm," She says as you start to get up, "But before you go Ms/Mr/Mx Dekarios, there is something very important that you must learn. Something that will quickly earn your favor with me."
"And what would that be Ms. Tara?" You question, facing down at the tressym, still at ground level with her.
She looks at you with widened pupils, "A good scratch behind this tressyms ears would be delightful, I will show you how but only once! This is known as my 'Due' and it's been made clear to me that you are quite the capable person to be entrusted with such a delicate procedure," Tara leans her head down and closes her little eyes. She rubs her ears with her paws to show you exactly how she wants to be pet, but to you, it looks like she's just cleaning herself, "You see? Like this, Dear, gently but also with some vigor." She looks back at you, "Your turn, but you must remember the technique."
You smile at the tressym, before going to scratch her behind the ears, silently praying that you are doing something right. She purrs and leans into your hand, making a sweet little content face as it looks like she's getting lost in the scratch.
Tara abruptly stops and clears her throat, "That will have to do, thank you," She trails off into you and Gales shared room. You hear a faint, "Mr. Dekarios! I have arrived!" in a little sing-song voice, and then a groan from a very sleepy Gale.
⋆ Some of your items find their way into the house, Gale is sure to make space for you to fit you into his home. Your shirts sometimes get mixed up, "Is this my book or yours?" is a common question.
⋆ He loves seeing your personality fill his house, items depending on your class are scattered around the tower. If you are a druid, house plants are hung from the ceiling, there is a small succulent on Gale's desk (It replaces Mystra's statue.).
⋆ If you are a bard, he loves to hear your music throughout the house. Gale loves to hear your song from the balcony as he's reading. He buys you sheet music, new strings, equipment. He could listen to you for hours, and most days he does.
⋆ Gale is interested in your interests and makes sure to make time for you to listen to you about your favorite topics. Being seen and heard is very important to him.
⋆ Over time, he does lose the earring. He finds one that reminds him of you. A music note, a sword, a small plant stud, or just about anything that he would relate to you.
⋆Gale loves you more than anything and he wants to make that very clear, even if you feel like these small reminders of Mystra don't bother you, he would rather having something that would make him think of you rather than her.
Thank you sm for reading, friends!! its been very long since ive written something and this isn't proof read >.< hope it was okay. Love you!!
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celabi · 1 year
Scummy Scaramouche and his nurse gf! ☆彡 1.2k — nsfw
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Errrr re uploading this bcs someone told me the format glitched out and was doubling paragraphs, sorry! 🙏
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Pfft, he’s picking fights with groups of bigger guys that he knows overpower him tremendously— taunting and mocking them with that snarky smile of his until they’ve finally had enough of his cocky little attitude and decide to beat him blue. But even then, as he’s pathetically crouched down to the ground, his slender, bruised arms up and covering his head to avoid injury to the face, does he laugh at their sorry excuse of punches and hits. When his voice is hoarse and shallow as he deems them weak— it was not meant for his ears only, or because he was scared, it was simply because one of those kicks made direct contact with his rib cage and did something to his vocal cords, he likes to believe that he is not the weak one here.
God does he hate how they laugh back at him, for it is he who should be the one with power, but… he just can’t find the strength to stand up. Instead, he can do nothing but curl into his body to try and suppress the growing ache in his chest, and stare with half lidded eyes as they dump everything out of his bag and onto the floor, with all of his belongings rolling across the dirty, campus tiles. ‘… how irritating.’ He thinks, watching one of the ‘bullies’ bring their foot down to harshly stomp the assignment that Scaramouche had asked you to help him with. Huh, whatever, yet another reason to spend time with you.
He’s not sure how long he had sat back against some random locker before his tormentors left and he had finally caught his breath— maybe ten minutes? thirteen if he counts how long it took to muster up his remaining strength and sit up— before he’s back on his two feet and wobbling towards the nurses office, one hand pressed firmly against the growing bruise on his stomach— and the other clutching the wall so he doesn’t topple over. Of course, no one that passed Scaramouche bothered to ask if he’s okay, or if he needed any help, for not even a single glance is spared towards his battered figure that limped down the hallway. He thinks he doesn’t care— but still, he has to admit that it’s pretty humiliating when even his professor doesn’t want to question his wounded state when rounding the hallway.
But does he have to care when his hand finally grips the door handle to his destination? No, he doesn’t— so he wastes not a second longer and pushes through, accidentally with too much excitement it seems— seeing that he sent the door banging against the wall and almost off the hinges. He flinches at his display of eagerness— while you jump up in surprise from the loud thud that bounces around the room. Oh no, he didn’t mean to frighten you! That’s the last thing he wanted, so (even though its limited due to the wounded state he’s in) he slightly leans his body downward in a shallow bow and opens his mouth to apologise for his rudeness— only for his hand to be pulled and his body jerked forward, out of the doorway and into the room, the door closing shut behind him.
Since when did you get so close to him? Maybe his heart rate didn’t fully return to nor— No, it doesn’t matter, you’re close to him. And he knows that’s all that matters. He follows closely behind and allows you to pull him along towards one of the clinic beds with no complaints whatsoever— and even though his eyes start to blur, and his head starts to spin from the strong reek of antiseptic, he sits down on the seat which you had silently gestured him towards. ‘She’s so professional when she’s on the clock… that’s fucking adorable.’
“Again? Kuni… do you get into fights you can’t win because you like the pain, or something? With the trouble you manage to find yourself in lately, you’ll see your ‘fatal demise’ sooner then you think.” Even though your words are what he thinks are to be taken in a joking manner— he’s a bit confused when a disappointed sigh, roll of the eyes, and a slight head shake of disapproval is what he receives in return. He blinks once ‘So strict’ and slightly lowers his eyes from your own and onto your glossy and plump lips— so soft looking that he can’t help but to glide his tongue across his dry ones out of excitement. ‘So stern’ his eyes lower down again to stare at the white coat that wraps snugly around your elegant figure, one that makes you look very high class. ‘So harsh’ they lower once again, just enough until they can subtly lock onto the plush thighs that faintly peak through the thin pantyhose covering your legs. ‘… god, she’s fucking perfect, like my own personal nurse.’
At this point— he’s not even embarrassed that his cock had started to erect in his pants, because he’s sure any sane man with a functioning brain would pop a boner at the sight above him. To be looked down upon with a face so fetching, a stare so proper, and words so sharp— it intoxicated him more then it probably should have. Scaramouche let’s out an unbalanced exhale, and goes to re-adjust his position to try and suppress the growing ache in his cock, only to grunt out in pain when he accidentally puts all of his weight onto one of his recently acquired contusions. “Jesus, fuck!” That’s what he gets for letting his enthusiasm get the better of him I suppose.
Over the sounds of him kissing his teeth and the discomfort he expresses through pained groans— he is just able to make out how you start to teasingly ‘tsk’ at the state of his suffering, before your feet pad across the tiles as you approach. It hurts, but not as much as his cock does when your face nears his own— and god did you smell good, so good that it overpowers the intense lodo foam scent that flows around the air. He is so entranced by your sweet aroma that the thought of trying to hide away his erection never even crosses his mind— you however, just so happened to notice it.
From gazing longingly into your glimmering eyes to, reaching out and grasping his hand around a chunk of the fabric to your coat— he’s brought back into reality when a light weight presses somewhat softly against his clothed boner, and his chest is being pushed backwards against the wall behind him inadvertently. Another groan falls from his mouth— this time however, it’s one of relief— so through lidded eyes and open senses, Scaramouche is met with a teasing grin, and the feeling of you palming away at his cock.
“Aw, poor thing. You’re in pain… I can help with that, it’s what i’m here for, after all.” Yep, you’re are just so generous, he thinks— and does nothing but nod with his little remaining strength, sit anxiously still as the zipper to his pants slowly starts to glide down, and flutter his eyes shut when your hand finally wraps around the base to his cock.
“Hahh… y-yes please. Do whatever you want to me…”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
The Subtleties of Steve Harrington Part 1
I do have the next part of “Can Anybody Hear Me?” ready but I wanted to start putting this one out. So it’ll be every other day posting between the two fics. And my muse has latched on to the soulmate genre and I’m working on that one too. So when this one is finished, I’ll start posting that one too.
This will have four parts. And the format is a little different. Anything labelled “After” is after Steve and Eddie get together. And anything labeled “Before” happens before they get together.
Summary: Steve has a problem. One he really doesn’t understand. The people closest to him think he’s straight. Well, there are few exceptions. He just wasn’t expecting Eddie and Robin to be in Camp Straight Steve. In a series of vignettes about the people closest to Steve and Eddie finding out that maybe Steve is subtler than they thought.
The Morning After
Steve was in the kitchen making breakfast when Eddie stumbled in, all groggy and bleary eyed. He threw himself into a bar stool and groaned. Steve slid over a cup of coffee and the sugar.
Eddie dumped in half the sugar and stirred vigorously. He took a long grateful sip and then looked over at Steve who was trying not to smile over his cup of coffee.
“What the hell happened last night?” he asked Steve.
Steve’s shoulders slumped. “Oh. Um...I didn’t think you were that drunk. I should tell you, but I would prefer if you could remember. So why don’t you finish your coffee and get a shower and if you still don’t remember I promise I’ll‒”
Eddie hurried around the counter to cut him off by putting his finger to his lips. “That’s not what I meant, sweetheart. I worded it badly. Of course I remember. It just came out of left field for me, okay?” He moved to kiss Steve but Steve jumped on to the counter, dodging the kiss.
Eddie frowned. “Steve?”
“I don’t know why everyone says that me liking guys comes out from nowhere,” Steve muttered darkly. “Yeah, I’m not as overt with guys as I am with girls, but I can’t be, can I?”
Eddie gulped. Okay, Steve had a point. “How long have you known you like boys?”
Steve hung his head and sighed. “I’ve know I liked boys before I knew I liked girls.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “Come again?”
“I was like eight,” Steve explained. “There was this boy. Candy Andy they called him. Because he always had a big bag of hard candy every day. He used to save a strawberry candy. You know the ones with the jelly centers?” Eddie nodded. “I didn’t particularly like them, but I liked him so I ate it anyway.”
“Awww,” Eddie cooed. “Baby Steve was a sweetheart.”
Steve blushed. “One day after school, I asked him why. He said that he liked how the jelly made my lips pucker.”
“Smooth little fucker,” Eddie said with a grin.
“Yeah,” Steve said. “And then he kissed me.”
“So cute,” Eddie said. “Whatever happened to Candy Andy?”
Steve sighed. “He got outed half way through my seventh grade year and got bullied so bad, his parents were forced to move.”
Eddie frowned. “His last name wouldn’t have been Costello would it?”
Steve reared his head back. “Yeah, it was. Why?”
Eddie chuckled. “It appears that we had the same first boyfriend.”
Steve’s eyes went wide and he tilted his head forward. “Excuse me?”
“You know how Tommy would call me fag and queer all the time?” Eddie asked, biting his lips.
“Sure,” Steve said. “It was his favorite insult.”
“Well,” Eddie slowly, “with me it wasn’t just an insult. I was the one he caught making out with Andy under the bleachers.”
“Oh, shit,” Steve breathed. “How were you not bullied to hell?”
“Oh they tried,” Eddie said with a grin. “But I would flirt right back. It made them uncomfortable enough that they stopped.”
Steve giggled. “I think we got off the topic.”
Eddie’s smile faltered. “A bit. I’m sorry, sweetheart. That was a stupid thing for me to say. Because you’re right, you have to be subtle. Especially someone like you with your parents and sports and all that other bullshit I didn’t have to deal with.” He cupped Steve’s cheek. “It’s just...Christ, Steve. You were known as the ladies’ man. You could have any girl you wanted with the crook of your finger.”
Steve sighed. “I know but I’ve had loads of crushes on boys.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes. “Like who?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Look, let’s just say with boys, I have a very particular type.”
Eddie leaned back and eyed him. “I’m listening.”
Steve threw his arms in the air. “This is so bad. Tommy H.”
Eddie chuckled. “Saw that one coming. Who else?”
“This one is so horrible,” Steve said with a small whine, “and if you tell Max, I swear to God, no one will find your body.”
Eddie’s eyebrows went up. “Billy Hargrove? Are you serious?”
“Not my proudest moment, to be sure,” Steve said, ducking his head. “He was a racist bastard. But fucking hell he was hot.” He went on to list a couple other guys and they all had one thing in common. They were considered ‘bad boys’.
“You including me in that list, darlin’?” Eddie asked with a wink.
Steve blushed deeply. “Drug dealer, metalhead, in a band...”
“Wanted for murder...”
Steve shoved at him playfully. “Innocent as a new born deer.”
Eddie chuckled. “You forgive me?”
Steve nodded.
Eddie leaned forward and kissed him. Steve opened his legs, allowing Eddie to slot himself in between them, bringing them closer together. Eddie put one hand on Steve’s waist and the other slid into his hair, deepening the kiss. 
Steve sighed happily.
Two Months Ago
Steve had assumed that he hadn’t needed to come out as bisexual. He flirted with guys as easily as he flirted with girls.
So it came as a bit of shock when he came out to Robin that maybe he was subtler than he thought. Either that or everyone else was more dense than he expected.
“Hey, Robs,” he said, one day at work. “Can we talk?”
She turned around and smiled at him. “Sure, dingus. What’s up?”
“I think I have a crush on Eddie...” he whispered.
She pushed him playfully. “Come on, man. Don’t joke about that stuff.”
Steve frowned. “Why would I joke about that?” He ticked off reasons on his fingers. “I think about him all the time. I want to spend every hour of every day in his company. I get butterflies when he walks into a room. I can’t stop smiling when we’re together. Maybe you’ve got a different explanation for all that, because it certainly feels like a crush to me.”
She blinked at him owlishly. “So why didn’t you say something when I told you I was gay? We were both hyped up on truth serum.”
Steve sighed. “I knew that if I started talking about it, I wouldn’t be able to stop. You are so vibrant and outgoing and free. Being gay for you is just adding another sparkle to who you are.”
“And you think being gay or bi or whatever isn’t a good look for you?” Robin asked, incredulous.
Steve hung his head. “You think I don’t know my reputation. You think I don’t know what would happen to me if people found out I like boys?”
She blinked for a moment. “Every girl you’ve ever dated would suddenly freak out on you for being ‘fake’.”
Steve nodded, fighting back tears. “I know I don’t show that side of me often but...”
Robin sighed heavily. “You were hoping I had a functioning gaydar?”
He ducked his head and turned away.
“Oh, Steve...” she murmured and gave him the biggest hug. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I should have at least noticed how differently you treat Eddie to everyone else. Because yeah, now that you’ve mentioned it, I can see it.”
“I love him so much,” he whispered into her shoulder. “But I don’t know how to show people this is a part of me.”
“Holy shit,” she said suddenly sitting up. “‘And more.’ That’s what you said.  You like both. I’m sorry I wasn’t listening to you. Because you listened to me. I feel like a bad best friend.”
He held her close. “Just tell me how to come out everyone else and I’ll forgive you.”
She laughed. “Not even I know how to do that. Like the only people besides you that knows I like girls are Nancy because she figured it out and Jonathan who has a strangely functioning gaydar.”
Steve had a pretty good idea why, but he didn’t know for sure.
A customer came in and the moment as gone.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
As a canon sans fanatic, man,I JUST LOVE HOW YOU WRITE SANS! I want to write sans as faithful to the canon like you one day, so you have some tip or something to master the art of writing sans undertale as accurated as possible?
make a file with all of his lines. the undertale text dump is your best friend. select all, copy, open a new document, paste it in. the deltarune one is a bit trickier because it's not formatted as tidily but it's there too. as for the rest, you're on your own. alarm clock winter dialogue, casino dialogue, crosstitch book, Q&A. all of it. snoop around. and then format it into looking normal. this means removing all the asterisks and putting it all back into chronological order because the dialogue dump is a bit all over the place. i used to be annoyed about it, but honestly it was a good excuse to look at the dialogue more. i already have a fully formatted doc but... not gonna share it with ya. half the benefit comes from having to read it so many times yourself while putting it together. actually, this is a practice I'd recommend to learn the voice for any UT character
you are going to treasure this file. consult it constantly. now, make ANOTHER file, open them side by side, and start jotting down shit. sentence length, structure, vocal tics, any pattern you can spot. look at what makes him tick. for the more, uhhh, mathematical side of the analysis, sometimes i plug bits and pieces of it in prowritingaid. the free plan does 500 words per session. it rules.
i am not kidding, are you writing in his voice? then consult that file constantly. if a specific term feels weird, look if he's said it before in canon. if he hasn't, look for a synonym (or shortened version). if he doesn't have that, either reword your bit, look for phrases where he says basically the same thing but with a different structure, or just say fuck it and leave it in anyway. hey, I'm not your babysitter
undertale is a comedy and sans is a comedic character. his comedic role is as crucial to his persona as his speech pattern is. sure you can make him be funny, but is he being funny in a way that fits his role?
continuing off the previous point: sans is a "born lucky" character. a jester. a troll. in a comedic context, this means he's always landing on his feet. this man's got the rules of comedy wrapped around his fingers so tight you'd figure they owe him money. one does not simply "dunk" on sans undertale. either the situation isn't goin to arise full stop, or you're going to get your ass handed back to you with "some king" written on it in magic marker, or he's going to roll with the punch. people don't laugh AT sans, they laugh WITH him.
do you however require him to eat shit for story purposes? alright. like i said, roll with the punches. if he can't turn the situation around in his favor, he's going to brush it off with humor and nonchalance. relegate the shit eating to the machinations of his inner monologue
so! you managed to get all the way here with a reasonably canon sounding sans and now you're finally at that emotional scene you wanted to write for so long! how exciting! dial it back. it's too emotional. "but i already d-" nope. trust me, I'm guilty of this too. artists and writers love melodrama, but whatever you're thinking is too showy for him. so dial it back again for good measure.
"but what if i insult his brother to his face-" you can do that in-game, he tells you sarcasm isn't funny, says a nice thing about him, then moves on like nothing happened
"but what if i killed his brother-" you also do that. in the game. he leaves. hauls ass immediately, drops off the face of the earth, takes a memento with him and then he's Gone. his meetings with him afterwards are brief, sterile and resentful, but he doesn't explode or anything
continuing once again, Angry Sans Does Not Yell. there's a whole fandom subgroup dedicated to making him a big burly roaring axe-weilding cannon blazing killing machine. this is very cheap. sans is an example of one of the most impactful uses of audio design in undertale, and it's when it cuts out entirely as he begins to speak. sans is terrifying because he's quiet.
there's only one occasion where he raises his voice and acts intimidating in a more stereotypically tough guy way, and that's in the second part of his fight. you know, when he's getting tired by the minute, his trap already failed and he's not so metaphorically feeling the hounds of hell yapping at his bony heels. he's panicking, and it takes him a LOT to get there, so if it happens in your story don't throw it out there all willy nilly.
likewise, long gone are the days of teary eyed sans clutching papyrus' scarf, vowing to revenge his death and bring you to justice to protec-wait a second this is undyne. anyway, those days are gone and thank god for that. sans is inherently conflict avoidant, in a very similar way to papyrus. but most of all he's private: with his emotions, with his grief, with his backstory, with his trauma. sans faced with something devastating, or depressing or just plain hopeless doesn't beat his chest like a woman in some trashy romance novel. he shuts down. he leaves as soon as he can..
now, sometimes you're writing a story and you kinda NEED him to eat shit. or become emotional when confronted with something, or get him flustered cuz he's in love, or cry or get angry or snap, etc etc. for plot purposes! that's completely fine. not everything has to follow undertale's criteria. but, if you want to keep it feeling authentic, try to keep it mind that this condition is NOT standard for him. this is uncharted territory. it's the exception that confirms the rule, not the new average (think eggs husband joke in dr), and thus you're going to need to justify it in the face of the story. give him a reason to get to that point. build it up slowly and carefully. too much and you break the character. if you're doing a backstory for him, maybe before he was as cynical as he is today, you might have a bit more breathing room, but you're gonna have to work backwards to explain How He Got Here, both morally and personality-wise
this response is already colossally long so I'm gonna close it here. it's pretty late now in my country and I don't know if any of it is coherent, but i hope it helped you at least a little. night night!!
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Tumblr media
This post will be updated as new scripts come out. Under the cut so it updates when I edit it :)
Volume I - 24/05
Episode 1 - Meet the islanders, Amelia arrives
Episode 2 (part 1) - Chat with Amelia, talk to Jamal/Lewie/Ozzy
Episode 2 (part 2) - Talk to Ryan, 'Kiss the islander who'
Episode 3 - Dates with the boys
Volume II - 31/05
Episode 4 (part 1) - Recoupling, chats around the villa
Episode 4 (part 2) - Chat on Terrace with Bella
Episode 5 (part 1) - Truth or Dare, Lewie & Ryan
Episode 5 (part 2) - Truth or Dare, Ozzy & Jamal, chat with Amelia, Lewie's poem lol
Episode 6 (part 1) - Date with Roberto
Episode 6 (part 2) - Return to the villa, dessert scene
Volume III - 07/06
Episode 7 (part 1) - Ivy tries to kiss LI, breakfast with Original
Episode 7 (part 2) - chats with the girls
Episode 8 - Chat w/ Ozzy, how well do you know your partner game
Episode 9 - Ivy gets kicked out lol lol lol bye
Volume IV - 14/06
Episode 10 (part 1) - Chats/Fallout from mistaken identity - up to Main LI (the one who was in bed with Amelia)
Episode 10 (part 2) - Chat with Love Rival (the one who discovered main LI in bed with Amelia), chat with Ozzy
Episode 11 (part 1) - Rodeo challenge (excl. Bella's turn)
Episode 11 (part 2) - Rodeo Challenge (Bella's turn), chat with Grace, fallout from challenge
Episode 12 (part 1) - Ryan/Jamal departure, recoupling ceremony
Episode 12 (part 2) - Prep for hideaway, hideaway scene *cringe*
Volume V - 21/06
Episode 13 (part 1) - Elliot and Chloe arrive
Episode 13 (part 2) - Treasure hunt, date announcement
Episode 14 (part 1) - Date with Elliot
Episode 14 (part 2) - Flirting with Chloe
Episode 15 - Fallout from the date, recoupling ceremony
Volume VI - 28/06
Episode 16 (Part 1) - Daybeds / Doing bits
Episode 16 (Part 2) - Next morning, doghouse challenge
Episode 17 - Ozzy confession, grand gestures
Episode 18 - Compatibility dumping, casa twist
Volume VII - 05/07
Episode 19 (Part 1) - Casa Day 1 up until the bed choice
Episode 19 (Part 2) - Bed choice Day 1, Breakfast date
Episode 20 (Part 1) - Guilty secrets challenge
Episode 20 (Part 2) - Chats around the villa
Episode 21 (Part 1) - Casa day 2, girls arrive, sexy charades
Episode 21 (Part 2) - Sexy charades (from our turn)
Volume VIII - 12/07
Episode 22 (Part 1) - Raunchy Races, date announcement
Episode 22 (Part 2) - Beach Date and Chatting
Episode 23 - Chats around the villa, Amelia's loser party
Episode 24 (Part 1) - Never have I Ever, Hideaway announcement
Episode 24 (Part 2) - Hideaway
Volume IX - 19/07
Episode 25 (Part 1) - Postcard
Episode 25 (Part 2) - Kissing Challenge
Episode 26 - Hamish's excuse, double dates
Episode 27 (Part 1) - Final chats (Andy)
Episode 27 (Part 2) - Final Chats (others), Stick or twist
Volume X - 26/07
Episode 28 (Part 1) - Elliot/Former LI Chats
Episode 28 (Part 2) - Ozzy and Marshall's fight
Episode 29 (Part 1) - Flo chat, investigating the villa
Episode 29 (Part 2) - Finding out what Ozzy one of the boys did
Episode 30 (Part 1) - Ozzy, Grace, LJR/R, and Chloe/Bella's Movies
Episode 30 (Part 2) - Flo, Andy/Francis, Ozzy Pt.2, Marshall, Amelia's movies.
Volume XI - 02/08
Episode 31 (Part 1) - Toby arrives, speed dating
Episode 31 (Part 2) - Marshall confession, chat with LI
Episode 32 (Part 1) - Snog Marry Pie, everyone's turn except Ozzy & extra pie scene
Episode 32 (Part 2) - S/M/P Ozzy's turn & extra pie scenes. [I am NOT formatting those. Jesus what a mess]
Episode 32 (Part 3) - Shower bits, twin chat #6784968
Episode 33 (Part 1) - Chats around the villa with everyone except Amelia's former LI
Episode 33 (Part 2) - Chat with Amelia's former LI, Toby, your LI, and the voting
Episode 33 (Part 3) - Results and Amelia's former LI's tantrum
Volume XII - 09/08
Episode 34 (Part 1) - Heart rate challenge up to halway through MCs turn (Focus on Toby)
Episode 34 (Part 2) - Heartrrate challenge from halfway through MC's turn (focus on toby), Girls' results
Episode 35 (Part 1) - MC's heart rate, boys' heart rate, chat with marshall
Episode 35 (Part 2) - Rest of Marshall chat, most of Former LI / OG
Episode 35 (Part 3) - Rest of chats around the villa. sorry these are jumpy they're messy this week
Episode 36 (Part 1) - Final recoupling
Episode 36 (Part 2) - Pool sex lol
Volume XIII - 16/08
Episode 37 (Part 1) - Baby Challenge up until just after you sneak off to the bedroom
Episode 37 (Part 2) - Baby challenge (chat with Amelia, girls day announcement)
Episode 38 (Part 1) - Girls day up until Amelia's fantasy
Episode 38 (Part 2) - Amelia/MC's fantasy, cute LI backstory, Baby challenge winner
Episode 39 (Part 1) - Double date dinner. Sigh.
Episode 39 (Part 2) - Mostly just terrace sex.
Volume XIV - 23/08
Episode 40 (Part 1) - Final Date
Episode 40 (Part 2) - Catchup & pranks with the girls
Episode 41 (Part 1) - Final chat with LI(+smut)
Episode 41 (Part 2) - Declarations of love up until LI
Episode 42 (Part 1) - Leadup / cutesy bits.
Episode 42 (Part 2) - Winner announcement, intro of Hamish, video up until Casa
Episode 42 (Part 3) - Rest of video, Hamish's proposal, Love or Money
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
more zayn and y/n moments?? i feel like they have the most adorable friendship everrr ❤️❤️❤️
love your work ❤️🔥
oh there's so many!
So you all know when the band first started, all Zayn would say is Vas Happening?! Well, YN's thing was always saying Aye Oh!
So whenever the cameras would point to them during their fetus era, he would throw an arm over her shoulder and they'd just yell their sayings super duper loudly while making a funny face.
During the band's third tour, the two of them would spend some time with their vocal coach in one of the smaller green rooms to go over their harmonies together.
The song they loved to perform together was Right Now because they shared the chorus.
So when they would hit those harmonies perfectly (like they always did), they would give each other a nod of approval, a smug look on their faces before giving each other a high five.
YN knew that while he usually presented himself with a hard exterior, she knew that he was a soft teddy bear once you got to know him. One of the activities that she would partake in with him was art. She knew she was shit at it, but she also knew that he loved it.
So during the long rides on the tour bus crossing from one city to another, sitting next to each other during an album signing/meet & greet, or stuck in their hotel rooms, she'd be there with a piece of paper and some type of writing utensil for them to draw whatever came to mind.
There was even an interview in 2014 when they were doing for their new book "Who We Are" where Zayn spent the majority of the time drawing on YN's arm. With a ball point pen, the beautiful mandalas he drew on her skin left her beaming and utterly speechless.
There's no denying the fact that those two were the most fashionable members of the band. With Zayn's cool, suave, bad boy style and YN's good girl aesthetic, photoshoots with them were easy and right on the money.
For the Night Changes music video, YN was the stand-in for basically all of the boys (except Liam who actually had his girlfriend on set). With each date, she took on the role with some seriousness, acting as if the boys were really taking her on a date.
For Zayn's part, YN actually dressed in a formal black dress to really get into character.
Needless to say, she really got a kick out of making her usually quiet band member laugh throughout the shoot. Like when Ben Winston directed him to offer her some of his spaghetti, she let out a playful sigh of relief, "Yes please. Do you see the sad fookin' excuse of a salad they gave meh?"
Or when her "ex-boyfriend" interrupted her date with Zayn, she actually played along and had an argument with him with a fake backstory she made up: "Johnathan?! What are yeh doing here? I told you to leave me alone. No, I'm over you. No. I'm sorry but I just can't listen to you rant about your Barbie doll collection any longer!"
And when the ex-boyfriend dumps the food on Zayn, as soon as the director yelled cut!, YN quickly got up from her seat and got all up in the building of a man's face (really his chest from how tall the actor was) and says with a deep voice, "the fook man!" But her facade lasted all but 2 seconds before her and everyone just burst out laughing.
Since the band's formation, Zayn always had and continues to have a soft spot for YN.
He still views her as a little sister and while they don't talk as much as they used to during their time in 1D, there's not a single birthday, holiday, anniversary, etc. that hasn't gone by without a text between the former band members.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Pick Up The Phone
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, coarse language, descriptions of anxiety & disordered eating behaviour. Reader discretion is advised.
In which reader hasn’t respond to Janis’ texts in a day and Janis tries to call her multiple times but to no avail.
Please excuse the lack of formatting / separation of paragraphs😩 enjoy this drabble!
The day Janis found out or rather, realised, what you’ve been dealing with, you would’ve thought that she would dump you if you didn’t know her any better. She began noticing a pattern emerge about half a year into the relationship- on weekdays, you’d claim to wake up at 6:30. And have breakfast by 7:00. Now, if you were even just a minute later, you wouldn’t have anything to eat until they let out for lunch at 12:30. On weekends however, Janis picked up that you’d essentially been eating one meal a day sometimes and trying to convince her that you’d already eaten. Little by little, more and more of your behaviour unveiled it to her- your meals shrunk in size on certain days, but other days, it was ‘normal’. You’d act as if you didn’t just restrict yourself the day before. It was like pendulum, either one way or the other. Also little by little, Janis’ worry grew. She was thinking about how to talk to you about it. But she was rendered clueless despite how straightforward she always was.
The only way she had realised was because of how much time she’d spent with you to know your routine by heart. Once she’s got a hang of it, it began to seem clear to her that your relationship with food was not so good.
Janis was no stranger to self-loathing- so she knew whatever this was, it was a terrible thing, and detrimental to both your physical and mental wellbeing. She thought that you were the most beautiful person she’s ever laid her eyes on, and Janis always tells you that. But she also knows that your mind wouldn’t let you take her word for it. She’s had some moments like these of her own.
“y/n, pick up your phone.” She left you a message. Message number five.
You haven’t been online since after school yesterday- after some guy at school made a comment about how you were ‘spilling out of your shirt’ and how you were going to be ‘ripping your pants’. Janis immediately gave those guys a piece of their mind, but there was no turning back for you- those comments made you feel like crap, way worse than you’ve already been feeling after some stupid remarks from your Mom the night before about similar things.
Janis just knew it in her heart that you wouldn’t be picking up her calls anytime soon, so after school, she went over to your place. No one answered the door but she lets herself in, knowing where the spare key was hidden. She heads up the stairs to your room, and there you were. Thank God. Thank fucking god you didn’t just leave your phone at home so that it would show your location as that.
“Babe.” She knocks on the door and you got startled.
“Shit, why are you here?”
“I told you never to do that- I get that you’d want some time alone, and some space. But always, always tell me. You can’t just not respond to anything I’ve sent you and expect me not to worry one bit.
“Okay, leave me alone.” You shrugged, not even looking at her.
“It’s too late for that now.” Janis almost scoffed, but held back, “I know you haven’t eaten all day. So we’re gonna make sure you eat something.”
“I don’t need to.” You tell her.
“Yes, you do.” She sits down in front of you and grabbed your hands, “Look at me.” You refused to, so she repeated herself. Reluctantly, you turned your head to look at her. “Have you not been hearing the same things I do? I don’t need to be eating.”
“No one should be denied food- not when they haven’t eaten anything. We all need some food to survive too, and right now, I know for a fact you haven’t eaten.”
“Believe me…I’ve tried my best to let them just run their mouths, but I can’t fight them and the voice in my head forever. As hard as I try, they always win. I always fall and can’t-”
Part of her was a little angry, but she soon shook off that feeling and listened to you- putting herself in your shoes.
“I’ve been dealing with this for as long as I can remember. It’s hard, Janis. So fucking-”
She engulfs you in a hug, rubbing your back. That’s what you needed, instead of having someone raise their voice at you- you knew Janis meant well, but unfortunately, your parents? Not so much, they both only spurred on your disordered eating, saying that it’d be great for you to lose weight. So, well- your brain has somehow been conditioned to listen to their negativity over the years. That’s always how it’s been like for you- that’s all you knew. But when Janis found out, she didn’t get mad at you, she was patient and wanted to know more about how she could help you. She’d opened your eyes to how things were supposed to be like when you were struggling. You’ve spent years shoving it way down, or channeling your focus on the wrong things that have been harming your mind and body. The effects have become apparent- Karen mentioned how much weight you seemed to have lost last week and that triggered an anger in Janis that she didn’t know she even had. But of course, Karen did not mean it in a bad way. She never really does mean anything she say in a negative way. Also, no one knew about what you were going through other than Janis. So there’s that.
It took Janis a lot of coaxing to get you to eat something. But first thing’s first, was what to eat. “We can cook it together, alright?”
You nodded in agreement, leaning against the kitchen island as she stood before you. “How does some pasta sound?” She suggested, “We could do a broccoli and cheese sauce, add some ham for protein?”
Yeah, Janis has learnt a thing or two. Including the fact that it tends to help you be more okay with eating if you two prepared the meal together and ate together. Or for her to just keep you company while you ate. You were quiet for a little bit to think about that and any other options. You agreed to her suggestion.
“Alright, attagirl. Let’s get cooking.” Janis smooches you on the cheek. She grabs a pot, filled it with water and a pinch of salt before letting it come to a boil, “What kind of pasta do you want, baby?”
“Um, the bowtie ones.” You decided. She grabs that particular bag off the pantry shelf and handed it to you. You poured some out into a bowl then put the snack clip back to keep the bag closed. “Okay, that’s good.”
Once the food was all done, you and Janis sat on the floor, at the coffee table in the living room to eat. “I know that sauce came from a can, but it’s really good.”
“I know.” Janis chuckles, “Might need to convince my Mom to switch over to this brand now.”
You smiled a little bit, “Jan, thank you for being so patient with me. I really appreciate that, even though sometimes when things get bad, I lash out. I want you to know that I don’t mean that. And please don’t hesitate to snap me out of that, or yell at me.”
“Babe, yelling at you is not the way to go. I’m never gonna do that when you’re having a bad day especially.” Janis told you.
“I’m just saying, if the time comes when you need to yell at me for anything else. Please just yell at me and tell me to wake the hell up.”
“No promises.” Janis shrugged, “I love you too much to be raising my voice at you, baby.”
You gave her a full smile this time, “I love you so much, Janis. You make me so fucking happy. The most happy I’ve ever been.”
“I love you more, baby.” Janis brushes her thumb over your knuckles, “I’m always gonna be here for you. Call me or text me, show up to my house whenever you wish to. Okay? No matter how busy I am, I’ll always make time for you. I’ll always pick up my phone for you.”
“I’ll make sure to tell you if I sense things getting bad again because I know you’ve been trying to help, and I am so thankful.” You promised.
Janis nodded, a smile now plastered on her face as if reflexively, “Thank you for trusting me and loving me for who I am.”
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
I’ve seen quite a few people discuss TSATS specifically in the manner that it’s supposed to be a middle-grade book, and I’d like to throw my two cents into the hat.
Particularly, I don’t think it’s reasonable to excuse the failings of TSATS just because it’s supposed a middle-grade book. The failings of the book are primarily structural, both narratively and just in basic writing structure, neither of which are excusable of a middle-grade novel - Especially given this is Mark Oshiro’s first major foray into middle-grade, as they typically write YA. It also seems that TSATS’ rating is actually upper middle-grade, so there’s even less excuse for the quality of the book. The problem isn’t that the book is bad to a non-middle-grade reader, or even bad as a middle-grade book, the problem is that the book is bad in general. So much of the book’s quality and execution feels just so poor in ways that you would typically expect to get caught very early on by the editorial team. Being middle-grade doesn’t excuse it being structurally bad for any reading level. It feels like the editorial team didn’t care about the quality of the book at all. There’s an unreasonable amount of places where the sentence and paragraph structures are poor, the writing is unclear, there’s basic continuity errors within the same sentence, the pacing is bad, and an overall lack of grammatical consistency (you can actually tell which portions of the book are written by Rick Riordan versus Mark Oshiro based purely on the use of s’ or s’s - if you see something like “Hades’s palace“ then it’s Riordan, and if it’s something like “Hades’ palace” then it’s Oshiro - this type of inconsistency should have been made consistent by the editing team).
The book also completely fumbles its attempts at handling its intended themes with any kind of grace or respect to the reader. TSATS being middle-grade (particularly upper middle-grade) doesn’t mean it can’t feature heavy themes, or that it has to dumb them down for a younger audience! I speak as someone who is extremely familiar with the Animorphs series - which is actually lower middle-grade. It’s basically like the poster-child for presenting complex themes and ideas appropriately in a middle-grade series. The way middle-grade is formatted is it’s about the writing structure (how simplified vs complex it is and so how easy is it for a middle-grade reader to understand) and how the concepts are presented, not about the actual concepts themselves. Animorphs is a really good example of this in that most of the books are less than 300 pages and the language is very simple. However, it doesn’t shy away from strong topics or dumb concepts down for the audience. It balances heavy topics with jokes in stride (see: The entire book about psychochemical warfare and the ethics of that, but the psychochemical warfare in question is dumping instant maple and ginger oatmeal on space slugs). And a lot of Animorphs books are actually ghostwritten! I would also argue the Warrior Cats books are another good example, particularly the novellas. They’re a similar length to TSATS, again written by a team of authors, are middle-grade rated, and don’t shy away from some pretty graphic stuff. They’re not the best books in the world, I mean, they’re rapidly churned out cat books for middle-schoolers. And they also tend to be full of errors. But at the very least most of the errors in the Warrior cat novellas aren’t basic structural stuff that you’d expect an editor to comb out within the first couple of passes or major basic details for a very prominent character or worldbuilding. Something equivalent to the types of errors in TSATS would be like a warrior cats novella about Brightheart not remembering how she got her scars or who Swiftpaw was or what Shadowclan is called, and every three chapters you read the jankiest sentence you’ve ever seen.
There are absolutely ways for the types of themes they were trying to handle in TSATS to be presented to a middle-grade audience appropriately, effectively, and with respect. TSATS was not even close to that. Again, I point to Animorphs! You wanna talk about writing PTSD for a middle-grade audience? Animorphs is your series. Animorphs gets into some heavy shit. But the way it’s presented is always appropriate for a middle-grade audience. Middle schoolers can handle more than people give them credit for (have you ever read middle-schoolers roleplaying warrior cats? I have. they do not hold back.) - they’re at the exact age where that type of stuff is not only interesting to them and they want to read about it, but that it’s important for them to begin to be introduced to those types of concepts in a way that’s appropriate for their age so that they’re prepared for when they encounter those topics or themes when they’re older.
The first Percy Jackson series actually does this really well! Percy has PTSD in the first book from Gabe! This is very clearly acknowledged and referenced throughout the first series (and even into Son of Neptune!) - and it’s specifically from Gabe, not being a demigod. We see characters grapple with grief and witnessing death and being in shock from that (the “dam” scene post-Bianca’s death, and the explicit acknowledgement that all the characters are so emotionally exhausted and harrowed from witnessing Bianca sacrifice herself for them that they get all giggly over stupid “dam” jokes). TSATS refuses to allow any emotional pay-off from the scenes. The Gorgyra interludes are the only thing keeping the pacing from being absolutely abhorred for half the book. There’s tons of narrative set-up that goes nowhere. There’s sentences that are so disjointed you wonder how they got written in the first place. This book shouldn’t have gotten past the editors, honestly.
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halfadoginatank · 7 months
Simon and his father take a trip to the Scottish highlands for the summer, he knows only one of them will leave.
Johnny is a boy obsessed with filming explosions from fireworks he's not supposed to have.
Los Vaqueros are a group of Mexican teens derailed from their field trip waiting for teachers that might not come back.
Huge lore and plot dump below.
Mild tw for Simons father
Simons father has always taken him on hunting trips, sometimes he hated them, some times he liked them. But he'd never taken him this far from manchester. There are weapons in the cabin they rent, his father is eerily sober, one of them is going to die out here. Simon can only hope that Tommy won't be next.
Johnny meets him when he strays too far from his father. Part of it on purpose, he would never be on equal footing, more so when his father had the rifle and not him. He's in the tree's, at first simon thinks its prey, but there's a camera lense staring right at his scope.
Los Vaqueros come later, the leader arguing with a girl with choppy hair, Valeria and Alejandro trade glares while Rodolfo tries to mediate. Their bus broke down, leaving them stuck in town desperately renting a cabin near but far from the one simon is in.
It's the most interesting thing thats happened to johnny, and in the makeshift bonfire Valeria corners him and Simon. Her gaze is snakelike and a ring clinks on the bottle she's holding
"You say that he's an asshole yes? Your padre. Mine was the same, en mi opinión? It is kill or be killed."
Valeria nods at Alejandro, she tells them of a faceless force where she's from. The person sponsoring the trip for them, 'good will'. The five of them band together, the rest of the Vaqueros utterly ignorant.
Simon will save his family, Alejandro will get them home, and johnny? He's going to make the best home video.
Yeah so thats the whole plot, originally it was just going to be ghoap but somehow the Vaqueros fell into place. It kind of made more sense to have Valeria give them the idea? She doesnt have a whole bunch of canon lore so I figured she'd have an in with the cartel via her father, who was awful. And when Valeria killed him the nameless helped her cover it up and she got her own little spot.
Alejandro broke off their relationship after that, it's why they're on bad terms. He formed the Vaqueros as a funny joke that he started to take seriously when kids around Las Almas genuinely needed help that wasnt someway connected to the cartel, adults had that with rudys mother, so Ale and his childhood friend Rudy decided to help people their age in a way that doesn't rely on adults too much.
Everyone here is about 16-18. Soap is 17, ghost is as well but a few months older. Rudy Alejandro and Valeria are 18. And the youngest cowboy is 16.
Im trying to fit Gaz and Alex in? Im thinking that they both live in Texas, Gazs parents had a falling out since mum was from Texas hes there. Their school is on the same trip in the same bus a sort of cross trip to help the shitty american public school get a better name, as well as the cartels big PR move with having a class from one of Las Almas' schools.
Johnny is a bit weird here, but his motivation is he's suffering from extreme middle kid issues. Loves his family but since he's almost invisible is able to just kinda run off as long as hes back home eventually. He has a camera he uses to film any of his mishaps with, its essentially just jackass. As well as a video diary. Dont be fooled, its also an excuse for me to write some of it in script like format.
Simon is almost exactly the same as he is in the 09 comics, obviously a bit different. But childhood is the same.
I wanted farah to be here so bad but her childhood is literally a warzone and theres no way I can get her and her brother in Scotland. Because im trying so hard to make this somewhat believable, like yes its is a summer mystery horror au. But god I just really need things to make a little sense otherwise I cant do it. Same with Price Nik and Laswell. Like I could group Laswell in with Alex and gaz, and maybe I could pair her with Valeria for funsies. However Nikolai is in russia so... oopsie, and price? Like... how do you turn price into a teenager, he'd be what 19 or 20? Theres no reason he'd be in school, I dont think he'd be held back.
Also you may wonder, why is graves not here? Uh.... because I dont care, he wouldn't have a place here. The antagonist is Simons father, and honestly man? I just dont care that much for his character.
Man theres... theres so much I have here dude, I want to throw roach in there, and I THINK I could squeeze him in as one of ghosts school mates but the point is the first act has Simon completely isolated.
Anyway thats it. Bye.
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I SAW THAT YOU WANT NIKOLAI REQUEST, can you please do mornings with him, please! <3 gn reader is okay and flufffff! Ty in advance!
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Nikolai X Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Short Fic
Warnings: Cussing, Ig?, reader slapping their Kolya cuz they mistook him for a mosquito, Kolya being a tease as he usually is.
Word Count: 0.9K
A/n: Please I would kill to wake up next to this man-, not proofread btw
Got inspired from Veve's thoughts
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The small rays of the sun got through the half pulled back curtains, and found their way to the now fully awake man, gently caressing his eyes. He had been awake for a while now, staring at the walls for some time to gain his consciousness and realize what was happening around him. He was used to getting up early even if he hadn't gotten a proper sleep the night before; But last night was definitely something else, since he got to spend it with you.
Oh, he almost forgot about you.
Nikolai took a glance at the small figure curled up next to him, deeply breathing as they were gripping the blanket, which was probably the reason why he felt that cold when he woke up.
You little brat, taking all the blanket to yourself.
Nikolai smirked as he started braiding his hair, thinking about a little revenge to take from his beloved s/o, who made him shiver out of coldness all night while wrapping the blanket around themselves very nicely. Then, he took the tip of his elegant braided hair, and started tickling your nose relentlessly. He knew what was coming along; you pouting at him, asking him to stop, and him, not listening to you, making up for the hard time he went through until you beg him to leave you alone in exchange of doing what he demands later. He wasn't really teasing you because of that, He didn't feel that cold without the blanket; but he had to find a reasonable excuse to annoy you with, right?
A small sulk appearing on your face made him smile widely. Everything was going according to the plan. Everything...
"Ugh, Fucking mosquitos" you muttered under your breath, turning your back at your boyfriend who had his hand on his cheek, staring at you with widened eyes, trying to understand what just happened.
You...just slapped him...?
Well, he didn't see that one coming.
"Rise and shine, Dovey!" his loud shout next to your ear made you quake with fear, almost jumping of the bed as you open your eyes to look at him unbelievably.
"Wha...What?" "Time to get up, dove! Your man needs some attention" He gave you an innocent smile, making you want to wipe it off his face by kicking him in his pretty nuts; but unfortunately, you were in love with this jerk, so you compromised with ignoring him and going back to your precious sleep which was definitely unsatisfying to him.
"Dove! C'mon now! MOOORNING'S HEEEERE~ THE MORNING'S HEEEERE~ SUNSHINE IS HEEEEEERE~ MORNING IS HE-" "Oh my god shut up!" "Haha not a chance. SUUUUUUNSHIIIIII-" "Kolya stop it I'm tired!"
That sulk on your frustrated face as you pull the blanket on top of your head... Just, how could he hold himself back from teasing you? He's in love with the way you whine as your voice raises a bit, making look like a needy innocent girl, after all. Nothing is going to stop him from making a mess out of you, not even your cuteness that almost gives him a heart attack every time he witnesses that adorable pout on your face.
Nikolai grinned, slowly grabbing the corner of the blanket, only to flip it off the bed and dump himself onto you, smooching every inch of your sulky face.
"It's Mwah*- Morning Mwah*- You Mwah*- Have to Mwah*- Wake up Mwah Mwah Mwah*"
"Nikolai Gogol stop it I'm telling you- OUCHHHH DON'T BITE MY CHEEK YOU'RE CRAZY!" "Can't help it Dove, you're just too delicious for me to resist!"
You tried to push him off yourself, but barely made any progress because you're boyfriend was too strong and you were too small compared to him. It was actually one of the things that attracted you in the first place; but now you just wished he was skinny so you could kick his ass and use some fucking peace and quiet.
You were very tired. You barely got any sleep in the past three days due to your kick ass mission, and Nikolai's endless teasing was definitely not helping, so you had do something; using the only thing that might get him to back off a bit.
You suddenly leaned onto him, wrapping your arms around him as you hid your face in the crook of his neck, breathing steady on his soft pale skin. Nikolai was caught off guard, having you all over him, clinging to his side. Your body felt warmer than usual, and it kinda made him want to cage you in his arms, inhaling the coconut scented shampoo you shared in the bathtub last night. He suddenly stopped moving around so much and gave in to your touch, which was sudden but pleasant as always.
"Mhm Kolya... 'm really sleepy... Wanna sleep in with you..." You muttered quietly, placing a small kiss on his neck while resting your head on his shoulder. Nikolai didn't need to see your face to know that you were smiling, a big one, knowing this would be your final move.
He's hand slowly wrapped around your face, gently caressing your hair out of his face as he sighed and put a bland smile on his face.
"Fine... You stupid adorable girl. I guess I can make one exception for today since your extra adorable, hm? But remember; you have to repay me once you wake up from sleep. You better be ready for then"
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risetherivermoon · 19 days
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big oc art dump..i dont think ill be detailing these guys' story too much on tumblr...but you can find more stuff on my tiktok arrowac3r !! (excuse the shameless self promo lol) but i might post the art on here at least..i just find tiktok to be an easier format to use for this
anywho, back to your regular scheduled dnd podcast posts lmao
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