#fic writers self rec
gilgamish · 1 year
Fic Writers Self-Rec
tagged by friends: @mareenavee , @throughtrialbyfire, @kookaburra1701, and @changelingsandothernonsense thank you all!
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
tagging: @archangelsunited , @polypolymorph, @paraparadigm , @thana-topsy , and @dirty-bosmer :)
oh geez i do not have 5 fics up right now. i have a whopping whole 4 but i'm going to say that tides probably counts for 2 because lorge
A Worse Resurrection This was purely inspired by Mannimarco's villain speech in Oblivion where he heavily implies that he still has Vanus's corpse, but like, it's really badly preserved. That was what made me go 'Hmm, is this rando really Mannimarco?' Because I felt like no self-respecting, supervillain necromancer with a flair for the dramatic would just like let their greatest rival/enemy/ex-friend/ex-??? decompose like that, so there's that fic. Just in time for Halloween that year too lol
An Overdue Visit In which, instead of the Hero of Kvatch, the Agent from Daggerfall confronts Mannimarco at Echo Cave. I wrote this as an unofficial sequel to the previous fic, kind of letting her get revenge for, like, everything, but also dealing with the theory that the Mannimarco you confront in Echo Cave is not the Real Slim Shady.
Rafflesia This was from a prompt provided to me by @archangelsunited and it was wild writing something for a prompt again? Normally, I just Wither Away with prompts sometimes, but this was a really fun, really refreshing piece to work on. It let me go back to writing more horror again :>
Tides to Carry Us Home I cannot tell you how many iterations of this fic I wrote before publishing the first chapter. I still have another like ~120k words of those iterations floating around on my hard drive. A lot of them didn't stick for various reasons. They were thinly veiled originals, and when putting in that much effort, I was like 'Why am I here. Why am I working on this. I could be writing original fic and be free of Todd.' But a lot of the current iteration still has a lot of original elements to it, as I'm not trying to do a blow-by-blow of the game plot. I wanted to see what would happen when you have a character like Kaidan's, and then give him a foil like Felix. The Other Felixs were not enough in terms of dirty crime boi, but this one, my dear rat boy, the Roachman himself, is.
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infinite-orangepeel · 2 years
i don’t want a ‘career’ ! i want to write sexy fanfiction for my internet friends <3
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 11 months
And if you have any fanfiction from any of these fandoms you can recommend, please do so!!! I am starving!!
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youchangedmedestiel · 21 days
Leaving with memories from the future
Salty Dean 
Happy 15th anniversary 
Beautiful soul
Cosy Sunday morning
Healing guilt
Thanked as deserved
There is nothing stupid about you and me 
Need for comfort 
Inspiring Fanfiction
A gift to listen and keep
Never going to apologize for saving you
How to like Halloween and scary movies
Offering pie is the solution
Kissing you is like fireworks
Light touches
You did everything you could
My old man
Warm and soft skin
Love you babygirl
Just a small green ball
Too close to step back
A little knife to save you
Angelic bubble
You are perfect the way you are
Quit being cute! 
I can't resist you
Looking when you aren't
Dying sunset
How to make an angel of the Lord dance
Slutty boy
Summer paradise
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cutestkilla · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thank you so much for this ask (and @bookish-bogwitch and @aristocratic-otter too). You're all amazing and your self-recs are too - I cosign them all!
So: this is the first time I've gotten one of these where I actually HAVE 5+ fics (of my own) to choose from 😂 so you know what, even though it's a *somewhat* trivial process, I'm gonna DO THE THING and come up with a Top 5.
1. What's Left (133K, M)
My first fic, and still my favourite. Probably because conceptually, I don't think I'll ever come up with something this cool or interesting again. And also because I got to spend so many words with my version of the Humdrum (who many of you know as Sid), expanding on what we know of him from canon and all the ways he intersects with Simon, and I kind of just love him alot. This is definitely the plottiest thing I've ever written, with lots of twists and turns and what I think is a sort of an arc you can't predict from the start (pioneering the Baz/Humdrum tag!!), and that made it really fun to write, and I hope fun to read too. Also, this is the most painful thing I've written (it starts with Simon dead, folks), which if you know me at all, explains why it would be my favourite. 😂
2. Hiding Out in the Open (48K, M - WIP 5/7 chapters)
This takes the #2 spot for sure because: a) it's also got a decent amount of pain courtesy of an alt-WS divergence setting and b) it's also kinda high concept. And c) I'm writing it as a very drawn out birthday gift for my beloved @artsyunderstudy in honour of what is now OUR beloved psychology podcast of choice, Hidden Brain. My favourite thing about this one is the way I've worked all these real concepts in psychology (and real episodes of Hidden Brain) into the narrative in a way that I think feels organic and true to the characters. It's been a challenging puzzle to solve, but man have I learned some cool things along the way. This one IS a WIP, but I'm going full steam ahead on it, and even though the story is NOT over, ch 5 ends in a decently satisfying place.
3. Slamming and Smashing (18K, E)
My first (and only) E-rated fic! I'm more of a soft smut writer, but I had so much fun writing this one as a gift for @ic3-que3n based on prompts that included: NSFW, Simon slamming Baz into a wall (as referenced in Snow for Christmas), a very specific line from Bram Stoker's Dracula about wild rose, AND an Anastasia AU. This one is pretty low on pain/angst and high on post-canon fluff, but I did still give Baz a *bit* of a breakdown in it 😂. I'm proud of this one because I think it's hot and also because I managed to hit ALL those prompts in one smutty fic, and tell what I think is a pretty relatable story about how hard communicating can be in relationships.
4. Episode 5: The Tardigrade and His Boy (25K, T)
Another gift fic, this time for @raenestee! This was not only an amazingly fun collaboration with @facewithoutheart @aristocratic-otter @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @thewholelemon
@mostlymaudlin and @artsyunderstudy, but I found a way to have the Humdrum front and centre again which makes me so happy. I also cut my teeth writing Shep and Agatha POVs for the first time in this one, which was very fun. And I managed to write one of my most favourite types of fics: one that is both an AU and also secretly canon-compliant. This is my only true AU and I think it's a really fun romp (just like the rest of the series which I highly recommend).
5. This Is Your Place (18K, M)
This one was for Prompt Fest 2022 (a fest to celebrate the anniversary of @carryonprompts where - reminder - you can submit your Carry On fic prompt ideas and maybe someone will write them) and filled this prompt by @bookish-bogwitch:
"@ionlydrinkhotwater wrote this meta: "Omg Simon is such a ho, in retaliation for Baz pulling the open sesame move, he dashes to their room, showers, shaves (nicking his skin so he's a little bit bloody and therefore yummy) and "accidentally" comes out in just pajama bottoms with his tits full out, without the necklace." ... And I want to read a fic where Baz fuckin' Takes. The. BAIT."
What I think I did well in this one is building up both the tension and the empathy between Simon and Baz in a way that makes the payoff feel earned, even though the story only takes place over the course of a few hours, the day Baz gets back to Watford after the numpties. I also really love my Baz inner monologue in this, and that Simon gets to be a little bit smooth, too.
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cemeteryangel725 · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Good question! I only have thirteen published fics, but it's still hard to narrow it down. Here's my best shot (all of these are Good Omens fics):
Down to the River: My Bruce Springsteen AU. This one was a bit darker than some of the others I've written, but it was the story that really made me feel like a writer. Tony and Azi are teenage best friends and lovers, separated by circumstances beyond their control. When they find each other again in their 40s, they have to decide whether they have the courage to try again.
Of Fire and Falcons: Crowley is a fire spinner and Aziraphale is a falconer. They've got a FWB situation going on, but everyone around them can tell they both want so much more.
Folding the Laundry: (Ineffable Wives) Azira and Toni are two single moms who have been best friends forever. One night, while they are hanging out in front of the TV, some revelations come to light. This is probably my most personal story, and it goes out to all the middle-aged moms in this fandom.
Even Bound as We Are: I wrote this human Aziraphale/winged fae Crowley fic for the High Pollen Count sex pollen event. It was my first attempt at doing fantasy, and I greatly enjoyed building the world and mythology for these two characters.
Coming into Focus (series): In 1864, photographer Aziraphale meets Union Col. Crowley during the siege of Petersburg, and sparks immediately start flying between them. Can they survive a war and find peace together? I had so much fun with the historical details in this world.
Happy reading and writing, everybody!
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swoonworthy · 3 months
i just saw something that said "one thing that makes me immediately wary of someone is dismissiveness. when people dismiss others' opinions, feelings, or experiences without consideration, it shows a lack of respect and empathy. it feels like their perspective is the only one that matters, which can be off-putting and alienating and usually the root of many other issues."
and phew :')
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤
and though i burn, how could i fall?
No touch has felt like this before. No touch was as caring, as tender, holding Regulus like he is something precious.
To a god.
Will you sing for me?
or, my jegulus icarus x apollo au
your life begins by leaving (and our love is stored in the letting go), cowritten with my beautiful fiancé kit @ninety-two-bees
Regulus came and went in the blink of an eye, and James kept wishing.
At some point, though, wishing stopped being enough. James could sit around and lament to his friends about what could’ve been, but it didn’t change what was. The wedding announcement was what finally tipped James over the edge. He couldn’t keep waiting and hoping that things would work themselves out for him. He couldn't keep worrying about giving Regulus his space. If he was going to lose the only person he had ever truly wanted to build a future with, he had to at least try to change how things played out. He had to know for certain if he had any chance to be with Regulus at all.
or, james and regulus go on a roadtrip
into the dark
His curls are swept delicately over the side of his face, and when James brushes them away, they reveal his marble skin dotted with near-invisible freckles, spattered across his cheekbones and the little bump on his nose. James wants everything about him: how his Cupid’s bow dips into a perfect little heart, his lips, smooth and rose-red, the soft rustling of his curls against the pillow as he exhales, his hands, slim fingers resting against the mattress, donned in the rings he wore to the Gryffindor party.
Regulus is more than just angel-like; he is a boy from Heaven itself.
or, my jegulus canon-divergent au spanning both wars
into the stars
“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby,” James murmurs into his hair.
“Baby? That’s a new one,” Regulus replies, praying to all that is holy that James can’t feel how hot his cheeks burn at the use of the pet name. Baby, baby, baby.
or, a little fic set in the into the dark universe written for my fiancée, @ninety-two-bees
with a broken heart, the transformation begins
Do you know what it feels like to witness the end of the world?
It does not happen with a bang, nor with a whimper, but rather a twisted combination of both.
Centuries of preparation and training are not enough, though you can hope and hope and hope until your feathers fall out that they will be.
There is no hope as you stand on the edge of a grassy hill and watch as the most ancient and powerful of evils tears through space to destroy everything you hold dear.
Do you know what it feels like to fail?
or, my revali character study — a description of his death
little universes
a collection of my tumblr jegulus microfics (@theicarusconstellation), updated continuously with each new prompt i write for.
always an angel (never a god)
“Alia Atreides.”
Something shatters right beside the foot of the servant who holds the holo-communicator. The shards of Alia’s glass cup litter the stony ground.
“I’ll kill them,” Alia hisses, hints of the Voice seeping into her tone. “I’ll kill them all.”
In the chaos, no one bothers to observe Emperor Shaddam as he moves on to the next Reaping Bowl.
Paul knows what is coming. He would know even if the emperor never read the name on that slip.
“Paul Atreides.”
or, my dune hunger games au, set in the dune universe
gun in my lips
hidden because it’s being rewritten, but it’s my jegulus and lilycissa the secret history au
cela en valait-il la peine? (ça l’était)
"Wormy was here last weekend, I thought he seemed down, but that was probably the news about the McKinnons; I cried all evening when I heard."
or, marlene goes out kicking and screaming with her lover on her mind and ferocity in her heart
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ghostwise · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love 💗 (hi hello rinny spreading the love to your writing 💚)
Four little Crows, off to meet the Maker - "'Maker,' Tristeza thought that night, reading in her bedroom and finding herself unable to focus on the words. 'I know it is Your will, or it would not have come to pass! And yet, I am terrified. Forgive me. I know it is right to oppose the Crows but what is my little life, even in its greatest capacity, compared to the whole of them? Andraste, I beg of You: Protect us! Guide us! Keep us from harm!'"
This is the first chapter of my Antivan Zevwarden long-fic Matacuervos, and I am listing it as its own entry, though I'm proud of the entire work; I really feel the first chapter is some of my strongest writing to date. If you're at all curious at least peek at the first chapter... I'm so proud of it!
As for what's to come, I can promise: action, knife fights, romance, death, horses, worker's rights, gay nuns, haunted manors, prostitutes beating slavers to death, and more?
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2. for suffering is such a part - "The Lady of the Forest stepped out from between the branches—only it wasn’t the Lady they knew. Close inspection revealed a new spirit entirely; her features changed, her form taller and more free, and branches of oak carried regally upon her head. She was only like an echo of the spirit they’d encountered in the temple, amplified and changed in tone.
'It is not so easy a thing to kill me,' the new Lady said with a smile. 'For you know well, the forest has as many faces as it does trees. Burn me down, cut me, bind me, the forest persists—as surely as autumn, as formless as mists.'"
For suffering is such a part was my first attempt at writing a long fic, and at 50k words it was my first truly ambitious writing project. I think it suffers issues in pacing and flow but I'll never stop being proud of it, it's a solid beginning. It also hosts some stuff I'm really hype about such as Jowan traveling with the Wardens, Zevran interacting with elven spirits, and Morrigan contracting lycanthropy. It's also the first appearance of OCs that show up in other works: Keeva, Mathuin, and Adelmar.
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3. not a homecoming, but something like it - "The man Zevran is with has begun to pick up her groceries, although somewhat haphazardly, dropping one orange for every three he grabs. “You see?” he calls out, darting after a can and swiping it before it gets rolled over by a cart. “I knew she’d recognize you!”
And Zevran, the little boy she’d read stories to in the brothel, the same brown eyes, just taller, smiles at her like she’s singing a song and he’s in her lap again."
I think if you look at my writing a few things become really obvious: first of all, I love Zevran's story. Secondly, I'm big on community, friendship, culture, and healing trauma in that framework. No one is alone. No one is ever alone. Some of my favorite comments on this fic hit it right on the money:
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4. Falon'Din enasal enaste - "Zevran wasn’t raised to feel grief, not the way others were. Grieving openly was a sign of weakness, and weakness invited abuse. Surviving was more important. But Hamal carries grief with him. He breathes it in his sleep. Braids it into his hair. How cruel and unfair it all is.
Tamlen is laid to rest among moss and stones, with flowers and so many ribbons."
I don't talk about this one very often!! It's very early-days writing. I remember being really proud of the tone and feeling in this. Grief is hard to write, but it's a topic I tackle often. But the scene of Tamlen's funeral is at the very core of Hamal's character, and the ZevHamal dynamic as a whole.
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5. Drought Mermaids - "The work is complex. While Vida’s aptitude for weather magic is rare, and therefore in high demand, there’s more to it than summoning storms. She knows that the sky does not end with the horizon, that the atmosphere does not peter out into nothing in space. She knows that there are no clear boundaries; everything is part of everything else. There are a hundred factors to take into account."
I'd be remiss not to share a published piece of work. This story has existed for many years and it underwent several edits before it got picked up by a magazine. It's a sweet little tale about nostalgia, community, and magic please check it out !! I always recommend Haven Spec's features; they have some stellar work in their archives!
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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ann-i-inthestars · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love <3 
I was tagged by @prowlingthunder and this is harder then I was expecting it to be!
First would absolutely be, Fragmented Star Systems.
- Vader finds Luke at a very young age, in slavery, on Tatooine. It changes everything. (It is also the start of my Tatooine Slave Culture, which is something I am very proud of)
Second is very much Clones Have it Right with @ fiveshasarrived.
-Fives accidentally posts a video he shouldn’t have on the galaxy wide holonet. It saves the galaxy.
Third, To Living.
-The Force is really sick of all the clones dying. So it starts reincarnating them into other universes.
Fourth, What Dreams Are Made Of.
-teenage Anakin and Rex are sharing dreams. It changes the course of the Clone Wars entirely.
And Finally, Mar’eyir Aliit.
-Echo refuses to leave Crosshair behind on Kamino. He isn’t going to leave the rest of his vod’e with the Empire if he can help it, either. (Or, Echo starts a Clone rebellion) 
No pressure tags! @jebiknights, @retroyy1138, @littledumplingwrites, @abelunwilling, and @nonbinariwankenobi
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miradelletarot · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love 💕
Thank you so much @senualothbrok for the ask!! let's see what I can come up with here...
Now, I am gonna preface this by saying that I LOVE The Weave and the Vines, but I don't feel super cozy about sharing it in the state it's currently in as it's going through a lot of edits and adjustments currently. That being said, It's a project I am so deeply proud of and passionate about. It has had a huge impact on me as a person and writer. If you would like to explore it, please do. I am working on changing how I posted it so parts 1-2 are here while the rest are listed as individual works which can be found on my ao3! So, if you explore this one, please be gentle and know that it's in a transition phase, and is in the process of getting a lot of love. It's based on my main OC, Sagora and her journey since being captured by the Ilithids, and how her and Gale fell in love. Two broken souls finding each other in their darkest times, and shining their light on one another.
Somewhere - Written for @sorceresssundries! This was a prompt based on the song "Somewhere Only We Know," sung by Lily Allen. Gale is in his advanced years, and lonely after Tav's passing some time ago. He returns to the Astral Sea that he once took Tav, and has created a version of them within the illusion for him to visit. He takes comfort in the illusion, but one day, it becomes more than a small visit.
Lies in the Mirror - This little treato is a soft, tender, SFW piece where reader-insert Tav is dealing with some body dysphoria, and Gale is there to comfort them. A bit raw, real, and comforting piece. It's small, but has a huge impact on me personally.
I Wanted to be Angry - This is a Sagora x Gale AU where Gale ascends to Godhood. If you have read The Weave and the Vines, you will know that him doing so would absolutely break her. This is a painful one-shot that explores how she succumbs to her heartbreak, and how Astarion and the other companions break the news to God!Gale during their gathering in the months following the defeat of the Netherbrain. This one made *me* cry so...have a tissue handly. Just in case.
An Unexpected Valentine - This was written for a Discord Galentine's event back in February! It's a one-shot Isekai fic that follows Ilarah, a depressed and divorced woman who works for a shitty boss, and self-soothes by playing BG3 and drinking too much whiskey. One stormy night, a portal appears, and a strange man appears in her apartment...but he's certainly no stranger. I hope you like these!! I will let you know that in light of the recent AI theft issues, I have my fics set to RESTRICTED. If this is an issue for you, and you genuinely want to read them but can't, please message me. I'll be happy to assist you. <3
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musewrangler · 1 month
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
Hey thank you Nonny! :D
Hmmm. Always a challenge to pic favorites. xD I shall do my best.
In no particular order:
Brothers In Arms--I remain very happy with all the relationships that developed in this story, both platonic and romantic. It was satisfying on a deep level to allow Max Veers and Firmus Piett to become friends when they were both at the Academy and see how their lives developed from there. Add in Max meeting his wife and Piett being his wingman, as well as two senior officer OCs I made that were hilarious and a shade of things to come for our heroes. This story naturally contains angst because it's me, but it's also very strong in depicting found family and what matters in life.
2. Rebellions Are Built On Hope---I have loved developing a father-daughter relationship between Leia and Piett in my main series--Empire Reimagined. In this AU I decided to go full bore and let Piett adopt Leia when she was eight. It changed SO MANY dynamics in interesting ways, not least of which was meeting Veers when the General was wounded and subsequently captured by Rebel Captain Piett at Hoth. At its core though---it was a wonderful time exploring how Dad coded our Admiral is and I loved doing that.
3. The War In The Shadows---I love WWII. I love Star Wars. So I put them together in this au. I was pleased with the feel of this story because I know the history well and I think I painted the era fairly accurately. By the time I wrote this, I'd also had a lot of time to develop my take on these Star Wars characters so I knew exactly how they would fit in the era. I enjoyed another chance to write Anakin as a good guy as well as develop the romance between Sola Naberrie and Firmus Piett in these circumstances.
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knifknightkorner · 2 months
Dragon Ball Si/OC Fic
Lol shameless self-promotion
Sorry to all the DCxDP people who follow me and don't care about this, just ignore I guess unless you're interested.
Here is the cover for the fanfiction, that I drew myself
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Summary: Getting reincarnated in the small body of an evil space tyrant was far from my first choice. Everything goes downhill from the moment I was born into this hellish new life.
Written in 1st (for my/Frieza's parts) and 3rd POV (for anyone else)
This fic is going to handle some heavy topics and will have potentially triggering content. I've got trigger warnings on it so please read those before diving into the fic. Any of the chapters that contain major triggers will have warnings at the start.
I'm insane and have been writing this for the past few months, I have several chapters backlogged and multiple future ones in the works. All of the chapters are at least 1k words long and I'm working on writing longer ones. A large chunk of this fic is already planned out so I should be able to push chapters out on a weekly basis.
Links to read the first chapter on various sites:
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xdaddysprincessxx · 9 months
Fic Author Self Rec ✨
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rules: when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Thanks for the tag @beefrobeefcal !😘🫶🏼
This was hard 😅 but here it is:
1) Cabin in the Woods - Dave York x f reader
This is my baby! My very first fic 🥹
2) Scarecrow - Serial Killer Farmer Joel Miller x f reader
Now here’s my fave. My lil honey bun. I have a soft spot for dark romance and love a good serial killer au 😅 and my sweet farmer Joel was and still is my favorite I’ve written so far. I think about him often
3) Fear Thy Neighbor - Serial killer Joel x librarian f reader
lol @ me when I said farmer Joel was a one shot. 🤡 it’s okay tho he’s my fave and he deserves love and he found it! Also huge shoutout to @neverwheremoonchild for their love for them and talking to me and brainstorming with me ❤️
4) Pieces of Him - Cult leader Joel Miller x f reader
Uh yea I am a sucker for Joel Miller, throw in cult leader au and you’ve got me 🤷🏻‍♀️ if you haven’t noticed by now I love writing more dark/horror esque stuff and this was fun to create.
5) In Every Lifetime - Demon Ezra x Witch f reader
I have been so slow at writing this one but I love my Ezra so much! I have huge plans for these two and I promise we will get back to them soon!❤️
These were in no particular order but these are def my personal faves if I had to pick lol also I appreciate every single of you who reads my stuff, you guys are angels! ❤️❤️
Npt: @bonezone44 @gasolinerainbowpuddles @juletheghoul @foli-vora @strang3lov3
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ginneke · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
This took some thinking! In the end I managed to whittle it down to these...
5. The Hands of Angels, Homestuck/Doctor Who (Gen)
Eridan Ampora is a class A jerk, and for that reason I wanted to put him up against the Weeping Angels. Enough said.
4. Melody of Promises, YGO 5Ds (Pairing: Yuusei/Bruno|Antinomy)
I thought I was being really clever with this one. A story of two sides of a heart at war with itself, told in quasi-drabbles. (Each section is 100 words. The 'end' of a section flows into the 'start' of the next.)
Bruno/Antinomy will always be one of my favourite YGO characters, and this story is apparently one that can make @heleentje cry.
3. Accelerando, Breath of the Wild (Pairing: Revalink)
Written in a feverish burst of inspiration after some incredible revalink art by @acetier crossed my dash. Has a couple of minor flaws, but I'm still incredibly proud of the story I told. (Title choice was because everything would be rushing towards that natural end point; I wound up striking gold with it, not least because the story's pacing grew faster the more emotionally connected they became.)
2. Corrigendum, Breath of the Wild (Pairing: Revalink)
Along with its two 'predecessor parts', Memento and Lacuna, this has some of my best writing in it. Maybe it got lower engagement than some of my other fics* due to a) the length (11k+ is hefty going for a oneshot), b) the 'internalised ableism' tag, c) Gin playing coy about certain characters' dead-or-alive status until 2/3rds through the fic, but tbh I would still make those choices again a second time around.
* (this was published just 3 days before 'What a fool you have made me', which has two and a bit times the kudos of Corrigendum and had the advantage of being a slightly-cracky, rom-com-ish mess. Corrigendum is absolutely my favourite of the two, hands down.)
1. A Seed of Song, Breath of the Wild (Pairing: Revalink; guest star: The Chick.)
...While this is on pause for now, the thoughts are buzzing and I'm hopeful to get back to it soon. This story ballooned past all expectations and I'm determined to see it through to the end. (And then probably beyond the end as well -- I have AUs a-knocking...)
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whiteglovemanor · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
hi ❤,
ok so im really happy to get this ask because i haven't had too much time to post since school and kinktober writing and all of that so here are my top 5 fics!~
stars by the pocketful - a cute, cosy christmas fic that i plan on writing another chapter for again this year <3
soft - my first daddy kink fic i ever posted and still one of my favourites
let me blow ya mind - police/arrestee au which hits the spot for me every time, so proud of this
gridlocked - morning sex after a wet dream? yes please.
you're a crisis of my faith - first series ever; dad's best friend au, complicated relationship statuses and lots of past life drama? i'm here for it (because i wrote it lmao)
thank u for this, gonna go crank out some more fics at record speed rq 😉💪🏾
(btw ive been posting a little on my other tumblr account @bvckyysarm shhh)
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