#fuck family
Me: I swear to god if one more guy tries to deny symbrock or spideypool I'm gonna lose my damn mind
My own flesh and blood: Eddie and Venom are brothers and Wade never liked Peter??
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the-sinkmire-symphony · 6 months
my time isnt valuable but hers fuckin always is, her time is ALWAYS MORE VALUABLE.
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solitairesel · 2 years
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there’s so much truth in this
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traumatizedjaguar · 3 months
I was watching a video about a homeless 18 year old boy. And he spoke about his family and why he couldn't live with any relatives because his parents were both in prison, his aunts and uncles and cousins were all also in and out of prison so he had nobody to rely on or live with. His entire blood-line were all criminals.
People don't understand this. They don't understand when there is a certain behavior or personality traits that are taught, enabled and condoned within a "family" system, it can start with one or two people doing this, its not just one abuser in a "family" it is usually multiple or the entire "family" system is fucked up. It's learned behavior.
The behaviors condoned in my blood-line is drug abuse and neglect, egotistical Karen behaviors, pathological lying, and rape. 12 people in my blood-line (aunts, uncles, parents, a sibling, cousins) have either severe drug abuse issues and neglect their families, are egotistical and entitled especially when it comes to women's bodies, and they love pathologically lying. So you see a pattern in my blood-line with one or two very specific and very similar personalities.
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TW: vent and swearing
So last night I was grabbing an offering of Egg Nog for Loki. As you do, we have loads left over from Christmas and no one has been drinking it. So thinking nothing of it know j can trust my mum, I grab two glasses so me and Loki can drink together and as I'm about to pour the first glass my mum looks at me and says "You're not wasting that on your imaginary friend again are you". (I would just like to say she knows I give offerings to Loki and she knows I'm a witch. So this was not out of ignorance). The amount of fury that flooded my body in that single moment should have made me explode. I kid you not it was so fierce I couldn't even fathom it in words at the time. And the worst part of it all was I didn't even stand up for myself, or my god. And I'm ashamed of that. But I was so angry I didn't think I could talk to her without wanting to chew her the fuck out. Like did she not realise how invalidating that was to me? Clearly not otherwise she wouldn't have said it. (this next statement is not directed at Christianity it is merely a statement out of frustration and retaliation) How would she have liked it if I told her that God was collective amnesia of her generation. She wouldn't like it very much. And the nonchalant tone in which she said it was if I was making all of this up in my head. Why does the big guy in the sky seem plausible but anything else doesn't.
There are so many problems with this whole situation but I'll boil it down to this. 1) This whole thing was completely invalidating
2) her apologie was hardly genuine more like the way you apologise because you know you have to but you don't actually understand why you are in the wrong
3) she was mad at me for not talking to her.
In the end I just ended up pouring only one cup and giving it to Loki. His candle is burning currently and I'm still angry and upset. This morning she acted like nothings really happened.
And from here on out I'm never trusting my family with important personal information of mine.
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battling-my-demons · 2 years
I hate how parents will tell you how you don't do anything. How your own home isn't yours. How you're just useless and don't do nothing. You are just a guest in your own life. Yep, I know I'm a piece of shit. I know I'm nothing. I'm just done. I'll never be good enough. I'm not worth anything. It's fine. It's cool.
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All I want is for somebody to stand up for me for once…
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billysbbybfff · 2 months
I just know Billy wouldn't treat me like this.
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angry-regrets · 4 months
Hey why don't you just stay at home instead of working with me?
You Left Me
Your Aunt is working with me now so I don't need you but occasionally!
Your Pushing Me Out And Rehiring Her As Your Right Hand Person.
Hey your Younger Cousin may come to work with us so I won't need you.
You Fucking Left Me In The Middle Of An Eternal Void, Left Me, Starved Me, Watched Me Slowly Die. And You Said You Needed Me. You Need Me Like I Need To See Red.
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keepinit-g · 10 months
I don't think my family really understands how easy it would be for me to really cut everyone off. They are really lucky im the sibling that has the most love in my heart.
Ngl, it makes me cry thinking about how one day imma really have to go my own way and rn I feel unappreciated by everyone, and I've felt that way for years... as time goes by, nothing really changes fr, and I've been waiting for things to change, but not everyone you love will be able to grow with you.... At this point, I'm waiting for my time to go.
Honestly it's getting closer and closer too...
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conservatives will be all like "but theyre trying to demolish the traditional family" hell yeah i am
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jeysbvck · 5 months
yes im used to my grandparent pretending me and my brother don't exist and clearly preferring our cousins to us but oh my god it still makes me fucking angry.
30 years of this shit and it still drives me up the wall.
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unwatchedfadeout · 5 months
hey edblr. how's it hangin. I was ok for a while but holidays suck. idk why mom has to fuckin call a billion times to doyble check plans we already made. like you ok mom? feel like yr not spending enough time as the center of the fuckin universe? maybe theres a reason yr divorced.
looks like im not eating today. if you think you had to many cals dont sweat it, just figure theyre on me today. ❤️ u all~~
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traumatizedjaguar · 1 year
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CW mature audiences only
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delicategravesoul · 7 months
I hate it when parents get offended when you tell them not to touch you. Why would I want you to touch me when all you do is hit me?
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chaos404 · 1 year
No matter what I do it'll never be good enough. I'll never be fuckin smart enough, or get things done as well as I could. At least to my father, or any of my other "family".
I've been trying so fucking hard these past weeks to get myself and my life back on track. I have food stamps now, got to work with someone from the government job agency to find places to apply. Have numerous doctors appointments for literally everything. Getting glasses, dental fillings, ADHD medication and so much more. I even have an interview tomorrow morning at a job that I really want.
I'm doing so many things every day to try and get better. Yet that seemingly still isn't enough.
I just want a parent to be proud of me, once in my stupid fucking life. For once tell me "good job son". Why is that too much to ask?
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