#getting startled through the day is really bad for the soul as it turns out
thirstyvampyr · 5 months
There was a day off so more people came in the building to enjoy their time, u know, normal behavior. It’s a bunch of small studio apartments with tile floors, windows are opened because it’s hot, you can hear people walking and talking, normal again. My boyfriend doesn't like this, so the past few days he’s been having the longest toddler tantrum about it. Walking hard on his heels, blasting tv he doesn't watch at 2am, vacuuming loudly and throwing the vacuum around for extra noise, slamming the chairs randomly, yelling random rap lyrics etc
you’re in your 50s for crying out loud either go talk to them or shut the fuck up
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pucksandpower · 4 months
Puppy Love
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: you’re definitely not jealous of the tiny sausage dog who seems to take up every second of your boyfriend’s attention … but it sure feels nice when Leo decides he’s a mama’s boy and Charles gets a taste of his own medicine
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You stroll into the spacious living room, eyes narrowing as you spot Charles sitting on the couch, a tiny dachshund puppy curled up contentedly on his lap. “Charles … what is that?”
He looks up with a sheepish grin. “Surprise! Meet Leo, our new puppy.”
You shake your head slowly. “Our puppy? I don’t recall agreeing to get a dog.”
Charles scratches Leo’s velvety ears, eliciting a blissful tail thump. “I know, I know. But look how cute he is! I couldn’t resist.”
Crossing your arms, you try your best to seem stern despite the puppy’s heart-melting adorableness. “We haven’t even discussed this. A dog is a huge responsibility.”
“I’ve thought it through,” Charles insists. “Leo is the perfect breed for our lifestyle — small, low maintenance, and they make amazing companions.” He holds the drowsy pup up with a beseeching expression. “How can you say no to this face?”
You bite your lip, wavering. The puppy really is criminally cute with his soulful eyes and ridiculously long body. “Well … I suppose we could give it a trial run,” you concede. “But you’re taking care of him.”
Charles beams. “Deal! You’ll fall in love, I promise.” He sets Leo back on his lap, rubbing the puppy’s belly. “Who’s the best boy? You are!”
Watching them bond, a prickle of jealousy stirs in your chest. Is this what you signed up for — playing second fiddle to a canine?
Over the following days, Charles is utterly smitten, devoting every spare moment to Leo. He takes the pup everywhere, cooing over him incessantly and showering him with treats and toys. Meanwhile, you often find yourself … ignored.
“Charles? Are you listening?” You frown as he doesn’t respond, too busy dangling a chew rope just out of Leo’s reach in a teasing game.
You huff out a sigh. “I guess I’ll just make dinner for one then.”
Finally, he glances up with a distracted, “Hmm? Sorry, what was that?”
Throwing up your hands, you stalk into the kitchen, simmering with a childish sense of being replaced in your boyfriend’s affections. Stupid dog ...
A few nights later, you’re getting ready for bed when Charles appears in the doorway, Leo tucked under one arm like a furry purse. “Hey, I need to run out for a bit. Can you keep an eye on Leo?”
“What? Why?” You pause in the middle of removing your makeup.
Charles grimaces. “ I … may have waited until the last minute to get his puppy pads and food refilled.”
You groan. “Fine, I’ll watch him. But just this once!”
“You’re the best, thank you!” Charles drops a kiss on your cheek before setting Leo down with a stern, “Be good for your maman, okay?”
He dashes out, leaving you staring at the puppy sitting innocently in the middle of the bedroom floor. Leo blinks up at you, tiny tail wagging.
For a long stretch, you simply regard each other in silence. Then, hesitantly, you sink down to sit cross-legged. “Well? What am I supposed to do with you?”
Leo waddles over, sniffing at your knee before clambering into your lap with surprising determination for such a little guy. You tense, unsure what to do as he turns in a few circles and settles with a contented sigh, warm weight pressing against you.
Huh … he’s actually kind of cuddly.
Tentatively patting his silky fur, you admit, “I can see why Charles likes you so much.”
Leo’s only response is a sleepy snuffle, lashes fluttering shut. Despite yourself, you can’t resist smiling at how peaceful he looks, tiny paws twitching as he dreams. Maybe this dog thing won’t be so bad.
That notion lasts until Leo startles awake with a high-pitched yelp, legs scrambling as he leaps off your lap and takes off running. “Leo? Leo!” You give chase, wincing as his claws skitter across the hardwood in his panic.
Finally, you catch up to him quivering under the living room sofa. “Oh no, it’s okay!” You stretch out on the floor, clicking your tongue soothingly. “Come here, little guy. I’ve got you.”
Leo whimpers, but after a few tense minutes of coaxing, he creeps out just enough for you to scoop him up. You settle back against the couch with him bundled in your arms, murmuring reassurances as he trembles.
“Shhh, you’re safe … good boy ...” You press a tender kiss between his floppy ears, stroking him until his quaking fades to contented wriggles. As your apprehension melts away, a fierce protectiveness blossoms in your chest. This precious little soul is yours to care for now.
When Charles returns, he pauses in the hallway, tilting his head quizzically at the sight of you reclined on the sofa with Leo completely passed out on your stomach. “Having fun over there?”
You glance down at the slumbering puppy with a soft smile. “Actually … yeah. I think Leo and I are going to be just fine.”
A delighted grin spreads across Charles’s face. “I knew you two would hit it off!”
Over the ensuing weeks, you find yourself increasingly enamored with your four-legged child. Leo shadows your every step, bouncing around underfoot until you inevitably scoop him up to snuggle close. You start pushing all the throw pillows together to create a special nest for him on the couch. Charles teases that you’re getting a little carried away with spoiling the pup rotten.
“Oh, hush,” you retort without any real bite, nuzzling Leo’s plush cheek. “My baby deserves nothing but the best, isn’t that right?”
“Baby?” Charles arches an amused brow. “I think someone’s going overboard.”
You stick out your tongue, cuddling Leo closer with a playful glare. “Don’t listen to your papa. He’s just jealous of our bond.”
“Hey, I’m not the one treating him like a literal infant!” Charles laughs, reaching over to ruffle Leo’s ears. But the puppy twists away with a protesting whine, burying his face against your neck.
Charles pauses, brow furrowing in a brief flicker of hurt. You think nothing of it until the same thing happens again at dinner … and on your evening walk around the block … and at bedtime when Leo kicks up a fuss about sleeping in his own bed instead of yours.
“Leo, come on!” Charles groans in frustration when the puppy darts under the dresser instead of coming to him. “What’s with you lately?”
He shoots you an aggrieved look, ruffling a hand through his tousled waves. “Ever since you started carrying him everywhere, he won’t leave your side. You’ve turned my own dog against me!”
You shrug innocently, scratching behind Leo’s silky ear when he peeks out to flash you an adoring gaze. “I can’t help it if he knows who his favorite parent is.”
“Favorite parent?” Charles splutters. “That’s my dog you’re talking about!”
You gasp in mock offense, gathering Leo up to press a loud smacker against his fuzzy head. “Don’t listen to him, baby! Papa’s just grumpy because I’m better at cuddles.”
Charles narrows his eyes at the giggling puppy now practically swimming in your embrace. “Is that so? We’ll see about that.”
He swoops in to snatch Leo away, cradling the squirming pup against his chest. “Who’s the favorite, huh? I’m the one who picked you out, you little traitor.”
But Leo simply strains back towards you, pawing at Charles’ arm with distressed whimpers until you take him back. He immediately settles with a contented sigh, licking your chin gloatingly as Charles gapes.
“Oh, that is war ...” Your boyfriend mutters, stalking away with hunched shoulders.
You blink after him in confusion before shrugging it off in favor of cooing over the dachshund. “Did mean old Papa try to take you from Mama? Don’t worry, sweetie, I won’t let him.”
From that point on, a constant battle for Leo’s affections rages between you and Charles. He’ll try enticing the puppy with treats or toys, only for Leo to bypass them entirely in favor of your open arms. You can’t help but preen victoriously every time Leo cuddles into your embrace with a sigh of pure bliss.
“You’ve turned him against me!” Charles bemoans one evening as Leo dozes contentedly on your lap, stubbornly ignoring the tennis ball being waved enticingly in front of his nose. “What’s a guy got to do to get some puppy love around here?”
You smirk, idly stroking Leo’s velvety ears. “Guess he just prefers spending time with his one true love.”
“Yeah, yeah ...” Charles grumbles, but you catch the fond curl of his lips as he watches you fawning over the pup. He flops down beside you with a theatrical groan. “Unbelievable. Replaced in my own home by a hairy sausage.”
You gasp in mock outrage. “Don’t call my baby such things!” Scooping up Leo, you pepper his fuzzy face with smooches until he squirms happily. “Did you hear what Papa said about you? He’s just jealous!”
“I am not jealous!” Charles protests, even as his gaze tracks the gentle way you cradle the puppy. There’s a wistful edge to his voice when he murmurs, “Remember when you used to look at me like that?”
You pause, registering the plaintive note. Slowly, you shift Leo into the crook of one arm so you can reach out and cup Charles’ cheek with your free hand, thumb stroking over his cheekbone. “Aww, my poor baby,” you tease gently. “Don’t worry — there’s enough love to go around for both of you.”
Charles leans into your touch with a huff, darting eyes betraying how much he misses your undivided attention. “I’m starting to doubt that.”
“Well then, let me remind you ...” You lean in until your lips are a hair’s breadth from his, holding his gaze as you murmur, “I happen to have the world’s biggest, most annoyingly persistent crush on this one race car driver.”
A shiver ripples through Charles, his breath catching. Before he can respond, you close the scant distance in a searing kiss, lips molding hot and desperate as you pour every ounce of adoration into the embrace. Leo gives a disgruntled squeak at being squished between your bodies, quickly wriggling free to skitter off with an offended sniff.
You hardly notice, too busy mapping the contours of Charles’ mouth with hungry sweeps of your tongue, muffling his delicious groans by deepening the kiss. By the time you finally break apart, you’re both left panting harshly, gazes locked in a blissful haze.
“Still think I only have eyes for the dog?” You rasp, relishing the way Charles’ pupils are blown wide.
He swallows thickly. “You make a … convincing argument.”
“Mmm, I try.” You lean in to nip at his kiss-swollen lower lip with a sly grin. “But I’m more than happy to keep making my case ...”
Charles growls low in his throat, hauling you forward until you’re properly straddling his lap, bodies flush. “Don’t mind if I do.”
Breathless laughter spills from your lips as he surges up to capture them once more, hands roaming eagerly over your curves. In that heated moment, the puppy is forgotten as you pour all your focus into worshiping each other, affections firmly realigned.
Well … until a tiny bark sounds from nearby, followed by indignant grumbling and the patter of tiny paws. You reluctantly break the steamy kiss, rolling your eyes fondly as Leo hops up onto the couch to shove his way between the two of you.
“Easy there, troublemaker,” you chuckle, stroking the puppy’s silken fur as he clambers between you and Charles, yipping happily now that he has both his humans’ full attention. “See, baby? I told you there was enough love for all of us.”
Charles chuckles ruefully. “It’s a good thing he’s cute.”
You grin, leaning in to rest your forehead against his as Leo snuggles down with a contented sigh. In this perfect cocoon of warmth and adoration, you can’t imagine anything better.
And if the three of you stay snuggled up on that couch long into the evening, trading lingering kisses and delighted giggles as Leo’s little tail thumps happily … well, no one has to know.
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ncis-nerd · 1 month
first day
boss wanda maximoff x college student reader
about: y/n, a college student starts her new internship. she is off to a rough start but don't worry it gets better.
secrets untold au
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You loved the fall, watching the leaves fall to the ground. The quiet simplicity of birds chirping, how they’d wake you up each and every morning. Every morning was a good morning in your head.
You were in on your way to work, a part time job as you were a college student. This “job” as you called it, was a paid internship with one of the most well-known film companies. Today was your first day there, you still couldn’t believe it.
Your heart raced as you approached the bold red stairs that led up to the tall building. You stood there for a moment, was this really happening? You thought to yourself as a woman with auburn hair bumped into you, causing you to stumble. You fell to the floor, your knee bleeding slightly. You groaned softly, looked at your skinned knee.
Your eyes glance up towards the tall woman in heels who had a frown on her face, you could tell she didn’t mean to do that. “Oh, I am so sorry honey.” She spoke, helping you off of the ground.
Her eyes trailed down to your bloody knee, she winced. “I have a first aid kit in my office, if you want?” She asked. You nodded, following behind her as she led you into the building.
Your eyes scan the room, there were a bunch of cubicles and a break room. This building didn’t feel like professional place of business though, the decorations felt homey in a sense. There were a bunch of pictures in frames, a lot of scenery and sunshines.
One photograph really caught your attention, you stopped in your tracks when you saw a picture of a really beautiful red-headed woman with green eyes. The woman hovered behind you, smiling at your interest in that specific image.
“You like that one?” She husked, her voice startling you slightly. You nod in response, “It’s such a good photograph, not just the quality but the woman in the picture as well.” Your eyes focused on all the little small details that could be missed by another’s eyes. Like the sparkle in the green eyes or the small grin in the photo that is hidden by an obvious frown.
“My wife. That’s my wife, I took that photograph myself. You think she’s pretty?” The woman smirked at you, your eyes notice the very obvious wedding band on her finger that you had not seen before.
You turn red, slightly embarrassed that you were fangirling over her wife, and her photo. You were impressed though, because it was such a good photo. “Aw, you getting shy on me sweetheart?” Her eyes burned into yours, it felt like she could see right into your soul.
Her eyes fall back onto your bruised knee, “Ah right, let’s go get that cleaned up.” She nodded, leading you to her office. Her office was huge, she had her own leather couch, fairy lights and even a wall mounted television. Your attention fell onto her shelf of cameras, which made sense since she said she took that photo from earlier.
She pulled a first aid kit out of her desk, “Come over here, will you dear?” She asked, digging through the bandaids and such. You sat on the couch, near her. Her hand brought your leg up, on top of her lap.
“This is going to sting a little” She hummed before wiping your knee with an alcohol pad. You groaned, feeling the intense sting. You were never one for pain, even the slightest amount would send you spirling. Which is why you were surprised that you were able to remain your composure before. But it’s like the woman could see right behind your wall, as tears started to form in your eyes.
She placed a bandaid on your knee, sealing the bruise after putting antibiotic cream on it. “All better.. Do you want me to kiss it better?” A warm smile creeped up on her face. You nodded shyly. That didn’t sound too bad, you thought.
The woman gently removed your leg from her lap, placing it back onto the ground. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, as to how she was going to kiss your knee if it was on your ground.
That’s when she stood up from the couch, crouching right in front of you as she made direct eye contact. As she got on her knees and kissed yours.
You could feel her warm lips on your knee, her hot breath tickling your knee. You groan softly, your heart fluttered. You couldn’t lie that she didn’t get you all flustered. She arose, helping you up.
“Well, you’re all fixed, sweetheart. Excuse my matters, I didn’t catch your name earlier? My name is Wanda Maximoff.” The auburn haired woman smiled.
You felt your heart drop when you came to the realization that this was THE Wanda Maximoff, as in your BOSS, Wanda Maximoff? This was not good..
“Y/N…. Y/L/N.” You mumbled softly, your eyes fell to your floor as you felt your gut drop.
"Oh? You’re Y/N, ah I was wondering where you were. You are my new intern. I bet we’ll be having a lot of fun together.” She chuckled, taking a seat at her desk.
Your eyes read her gold name plate on her desk. It read W. Maximoff.
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gucciwins · 5 months
harry brings his girlfriend home to meet his family but it does not go as planned
word count: 5896
a/n: enjoy this story inspired by a lovely anon. happy reading, my sweet friends 💜
Y/N was nervous. 
She squeezed Harry’s hand, trying to ground herself, but it seemed to transport her to the first time they met at the diner down the street from her apartment. 
Going to university in Los Angeles wasn’t glamorous, not when she had endless bills to pay to keep a roof over her head. She had gone to Martha’s Cakes, a small diner ten minutes from her apartment that served the best hot chocolate. The food was good too but the hot chocolate is what she ordered each visit without fail. It’s a place she’d eat when Y/N had a bit of extra to spend on herself. Instead of buying herself new shoes, or another jelly cat bag charm (Otto, the sausage dog, went everywhere with her) she decided on eating a good meal that didn’t consist of ramen or buttered noodles. She came here when she needed a pick me up or simply wanted to have a nice conversation. It was a late Tuesday in the Spring. Where the sun took longer to come down, allowing her extra time at the bar to do assignments and chat with Antonio about the best produce sales. Y/N had her head down working on an essay due two weeks from now. It was based on one of Los Angeles buildings; it could be based on the oldest church to the Dodger Stadium. Y/N decided on the Avila Adobe residence. Known as the oldest standing residence in the City of Los Angeles. Olvera St. was a famous street and was filled with history. It was one of her favorite places to walk through. 
As she was looking through photos, taking notes of significant dates, a patron sat next to her. Y/N didn’t bother seeing who it was, simply scooting her scattered papers closer to her, tucking a few under her laptop. 
“It’s not bothering me.” A man spoke. 
It startled Y/N only because he had a deep British voice. It felt odd to be hearing in such an unknown area. 
“Darla would throw coffee on it if she saw I was bothering a customer.” 
“I said it’s okay.” 
Y/N laughs. “She would say it wasn’t.” 
It seems the man lets it drop as he has nothing to reply. Y/N keeps up with updating her notes as she hears the man order a stack of the lemon poppy pancakes. Those were her favorite, Y/N would get them when she was having a bad day because it would without a fail make her smile. Y/N worked in silence over the next half hour when she felt the need to step to the restroom. Y/N did not want to pack up. Usually she asks a staff member to watch her items, but the diner seemed to be a bit busier. She looked around and her eyes landed on the pancake guy who had his headphones on. She hated bothering people, but he looked kind enough. 
Y/N tapped next to his plate to get his attention. It worked because in seconds he slipped off his headphones and had turned his whole body to look at her. It gave her the chance to look at him fully for the first time. He had a buzz cut, and it looked really good. He had slight stubble, but what captured her attention were his bright jade eyes. It felt like he was staring deep into her soul.
“Do–uh–Would you please watch my stuff? I have to use the ladies’ room.”
“Course. Guard it with my life.” 
Y/N thanked him and hurried away. When she came back, the man had slightly shifted over, his eyes staring intently at the dark screen of her laptop. 
“Thank you,” she shot him a smile. Waking up her screen and getting back to her assignment, except she couldn’t get the man out of her head. 
The dimples were something she focused on when he smiled, telling her it was no problem. Then his green eyes were so beautiful she felt she had seen them before. Though she could swear she had never met him before. She did have a weird feeling she had seen him before. Once it hit eight o’clock, Y/N knew it was time to call it. Y/N had her rough draft ready and could continue tomorrow. For now, she’d walk home and take a bath to wash away today’s day. 
Y/N was packing up and could see the green-eyed gentleman was too. She would hate herself if she didn’t ask him where she knew him from, if she knew him. Y/N had her bag strapped on her shoulder and turned to him for the last time. 
“Excuse me, sir?”
He turned, as if he was waiting to hear from her. “Yes?” 
“How do I know you?” 
The man’s smile dropped. He looked confused, so she didn’t know him. 
“Don’t think we’ve met, until today, Y/N.”
Y/N’s frown deepens. “I didn’t tell you my name.”
He pointed to her bag. She looks down at the red stitching displaying her name. Well, now she looked dumb. Of course, he could read. “You look familiar to me. Sorry if that’s weird.”
The guy clears his throat, shaking his head. “I get that a lot.” 
That’s odd, Y/N thought. 
“I feel like I know you,” she tried one last time. 
“Promise we don’t know each other. I would remember someone as beautiful as you.” 
Y/N’s jaw dropped (not literally), but her face felt warm. Fuck, she was not expecting this turn of event. “Ha, uh. I want to say me too, but uh, there’s something familiar about you.” 
Harry chuckles as if he knows something she doesn’t. 
“Can I walk you out?” He asks. 
She nods. He leaves a large tip and follows her to the exit. Y/N ways to Sonia, who shoots her thumbs up, but Y/N has no idea why. Y/N and the man linger outside the door, waiting to see who makes the first move. 
“Well, uh, can I have your Instagram?” Y/N asks, not knowing if asking for his number was too forward. At least this way she could stalk him for a bit. 
“Oh, I don’t use that. I can give you my number,” he counters. 
Y/N perks up. “That works.” She hands him her phone where she watches his hands type in his phone number into her contacts. He hands her back her phone, and she looks at the newly added contact. 
Harry S. 
It seemed that’s all she needed for her to connect the dots. She lifts her head up and Harry has a flushed face. He didn’t look away from her, almost waiting to see what she’d say. 
Y/N not sure how to break the silence. “Harry Sanchez?” 
Harry laughs, and it’s all the confirmation Y/N needs. “More like Styles.” 
Did she fuck up her chances? She feels like she didn’t. She got his number. 
“What can I use your number for?” She asks, wanting to double check. He still wants her to have it.
“Hopefully for us to plan a date.” 
“Even after this,” she points between them as if to explain what they know just happened. 
“I’d like to see where it could go.” 
“Shit, uh. Well–I’m free Thursday.” Harry smirks, making her want to crawl in a hole because now she feels desperate. “I’m going to leave.”
Harry stops her by grabbing her hand. “I think Thursday is perfect. Are you up for a sunset dinner by the beach?” 
“Sounds perfect,” she promised him. 
“Good. Thursday it is.”
Now she is standing in front of his childhood home, about to meet his mother and older sister. Y/N had spoken to his mother, Anne, on the phone a few times, but his sister was always busy when Harry tried to pass her the phone. Harry promised her it would go well, but she feared the worst. Their story was genuine but to others could sound fabricated but come on, no one knows Martha’s cakes, it’s not even on Yelp. It’s a place once stumbled upon and then shares the magic with people in their life. 
Harry said he felt like coffee and walked for a while until he saw people walk out. The smell of coffee is what drew him in, but the pretty girl he sat next to had him stay for hours. It’s something he shared months down the line. Y/N and Harry had now been together for nine months. Because of her Master’s Y/N had no time to travel. Harry visited home often, but Y/N couldn’t drop everything she was doing to go with him. He understood, but she felt his family wouldn’t. Harry met her dad and twin brothers six months into dating because they lived down in San Diego, only a two-hour drive from them. While Harry’s family lived an ocean away and she refused for him to pay for her flight to London. On top of that, she had classes and exams to worry about that did not allow her to hop on a flight for a week. Thankfully, she made it through the winter semester and had a few weeks off from her internship before going back for her last semester. Y/N knew graduation was just around the corner, and thankfully, had little debt to pay off.
Harry held her tight as he led her up the steps. Y/N was walking slower, trying to prolong the introduction. In her mind, she hoped she was simply psyching herself out and that things actually went well with Harry’s family. That they accepted her because they could see how much she loved him. 
“You ready, Lovie?” Harry flashed her a dimpled grin.
Truthfully, she wanted to say no, but Y/N couldn’t do that to him. Not when he was bouncing with excitement. “Ready.” She confirmed. 
Harry gave two loud knocks and then opened the front door. Y/N stood behind him as he rushed to embrace his mother. Anne was a sweet woman, much shorter than Harry, but by the tight embrace she held Harry, Y/N could tell she was strong. 
Anne gave Harry two big kisses, one on each cheek, before turning her attention to Y/N. 
“Y/N!” Anne cheered. She said it with so much delight, it surprised Y/N. 
In a matter of seconds, someone tightly wrapped Y/N in a hug, which she quickly reciprocated. “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. Twist.” 
Anne waved her off. “Call me Anne, my dear.” 
“Anne,” Y/N repeated.
“Now come in and tell me all about the trip. Did he trick you into going to that fancy lounge where you get free food?” Y/N giggled because Harry indeed took her to a fancy lounge when he said he was taking her to get a smoothie. 
Y/N spared a smile at Harry, but it was quick to fall when Y/N met another pair of eyes in the kitchen, looking at her with an intense stare. It dropped quickly because her attention shifted to Harry. Y/N focused back on Anne, trying to brush off the moment as something she imagined. 
Y/N tried her best to ignore the pit forming in her stomach. There was no need to worry. Harry talked about wonderful things about his family. She was in safe hands. At least that’s what she kept reminding herself.
Y/N didn’t feel welcome. Anne was a gem, but Gemma was cold and looked bored whenever Y/N said a word. Y/N wondered if Harry picked up on it. He hadn’t said a word. Harry was home and had no time to deal with Y/N’s insecurities. She had to be reading into Gemma, not liking her. Harry spoke the world of his older sister. He said she was his best friend, someone whose opinion he valued. Fear struck her. If Gemma didn’t like her after this visit, she knew that as soon as she got on that plane to go home, Harry would be breaking up with her. At least she’d had several hours to cry about on the plane pathetically.  
“There’s no way she didn’t know who you were,” Gemma scoffed, unbelieving of their story. 
Harry brushed off her comment as if she said nothing. “Gem, I was bald.” 
“Your face didn’t change.”
Harry sighs, “no, but you did a double take when I showed up to your doorstep to show you.” 
Gemma frowns, knowing he was right. “Whatever, you were all over twitter.” 
Harry is beginning to pick up on his sister’s defense and knows to drop it but will be picking it up with her later. “Anyway. Sitting next to each other, she asked me to watch her stuff when she had to use the restroom.”
“To look you up,” Gemma coughs.
Y/N fidgets in her chair, wanting to be anywhere but here. Harry continues with his story. “She thanked me and went back to her work. Before she left, Y/N asked if we knew each other, but I told her we didn’t. I wouldn’t forget someone as beautiful as her.” 
“Charming,” Anne gloats. “My charming boy.” 
Harry finished the story, stating it was meant to be. He had loved spending the time in Los Angeles getting to see the city through Y/N’s eyes. It’s a city she’s been living in for a couple of years. There was a lot for her to share with him. Harry had taken a liking to her favorite coffee shop. It had a design resembling a greenhouse and filled with plants, mainly featuring dried lavender. Truthfully, he spent a lot of time there because it was Y/N’s preferred place to study because it never got busy. Y/N called it her hidden gem. 
“I’ve never been happier,” Harry shares. Y/N beams at his words but can’t help glancing at Gemma, who can’t help but look sick to her stomach at hearing this news.
Dinner passed dreadfully slowly. Y/N comments when she needs to but honestly hopes to disappear for the night soon, no longer wanting to burden Gemma with her presence. While Anne showed Y/N where she could freshen up, Harry stayed downstairs to share a nightcap with his sister. 
Anne comes back to join them, but Gemma bites her tongue until their mother bids them goodnight. Harry gives his mother a tight embrace, commenting on how much he missed her. Gemma was happy her younger brother was home. 
“Are you happy, Harry?” Gemma breaks the silence that had fallen between them.
Harry sighs, “never been happier.” 
Gemma frowns, because she believes him. “I-I-nevermind.” 
Harry frowns because Gemma is never someone to stop herself from saying what’s on her mind. “Hey,” he places his hand on top of hers. “It’s me. Your annoying younger brother, you can tell me anything.” 
She removes her hand from under his and places them on her lap. “I don’t think she’s right for you.”
Harry sits back, surprised. “Sorry?”
“It’s clear she’s after something.” 
He’s having a hard time believing his sister. “Like what?”
“Your money.” 
“Is that all I’m good for?” He asks, baffled. 
“No. That’s why I’m telling you. She’s after one thing.” 
“How would you know?”
“Come on,” Gemma scoffs. “She goes to a prestigious school with a cost that no one could afford. It’s clear she wants you to pay for it.” 
“Gemma, I met her during her last year.”
“Debt doesn’t go away overnight,” she fights back. “She’ll get you to pay off her loans and leave you.”
Harry’s anger is overwhelming him. 
“You don’t even know her. Yet you say bad things about her.” It shuts Gemma up, and he uses that to his advantage and walks away.
“We saw the donation you made,” Gemma comments before he can make it up the stairs. 
He turns back, trying his best to swallow down his anger. “If you would have asked me, you would know it’s for the music program. I did that for several universities if you would have taken the time to do a bit more research. It grants them a scholarship, plus pays for room and board.” 
Gemma has no response. Harry is now standing in front of her and Gemma is nervous. She had never seen her brother this upset. 
“What I do with my money is my problem. If she wanted me to send her money for a new car, I would. If she wanted me to buy her a piece of land, I would do it in a blink of an eye. If Y/N asked me to give her every last dime in my account, I would do it without a second thought because I love her. I love her and she loves me. You know, five minutes is not enough to judge her. I do not have to tell you of her financial issues, but I will so you can go home tonight and sleep knowing how upset I am with you. Y/N received the presidential scholarship covering her tuition for the three years she was there. Y/N has applied to hundreds of scholarships to cover her book fees, and has to take on an unpaid internship while working 40 hours a week to cover her rent. Y/N has not accepted a single dime from me for her school because she has gotten this far without me. Y/N only lets me pay for her seven dollar coffee every other day. Y/N would rather give every last dollar to me if I needed it instead of keeping it for herself. Y/N still sends money to her twin brothers for new shoes, or new backpacks, because she loves her family.” 
Harry is near tears but keeps going. “I love Y/N. You might not, maybe you never will, but that girl has been the best thing to happen to me. I’ve never been more cared for and loved since she entered my life. So please, don’t bother coming back tomorrow or the rest of the week unless you have an apology for her.”
Y/N is grateful Harry’s room connects to the bathroom because, while she finished getting ready, she thought she would ask Harry for a cup of water and instead stumbled upon a conversation she shouldn’t have. Y/N tries her best to swallow her tears, but it’s no use. They’re more powerful than her. They stream down and Y/N decides to lie in bed, hoping by the time Harry comes in, she’s fast asleep. Y/N isn’t sure how much time has passed, but her tears have dried up and she’s as still as a rock when she hears Harry come in. She wants to tell him that she’s not worth defending if it means he’s messing up his relationship with his sister.
She hears him get ready for bed. Y/N knows he’s folding his clothes and placing them on the chair. He’s meticulous about his night-time routine. He crawls into bed next to her. Y/N tries her best to steal her breathing to make it seem like she’s sleeping, but Harry knows her too well. He scoots right behind her, his hand sliding over her hips and settling on her stomach, right by the scar she got on her eight birthday when she fell off her bike. Harry rubs the lifted skin, where she got four stitches. 
Y/N lets out a deep breath, working up the courage to say something, but her throat is closed. She relaxes against him. All her tears dried up. She is beginning to feel better now that she’s with him. A kiss to her temple has her heart slowing down. This is what it is to be protected. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N croaks out when she feels like enough time has passed. 
Harry pulls her tight against him. It fills her with ease. “How much did you hear?”
Y/N shakes her head. “I don’t want you to argue with your family.” 
“It’s only my sister,” he defends.
“She’s an important person in your life. You’ve always specified that.” 
Harry sighs. He leaves a kiss behind Y/N’s ear. “You are important to me, too.”
“You don’t need to be fighting. It’s not necessary.” 
“It is when she needs a wack to her head.” 
“Harry,” Y/N drags out. “I don’t want you burning bridges.”
Harry understood where she was coming from, but Y/N was not seeing how it affected him as well. “We’ll be fine. She’s my sister. We’ll talk in a few days. All this will be in the past.”
Y/N freezes, feeling as if someone dropped a cold bucket of water on her. If Harry believes everything will be alright with his sister, that means he sees himself forgiving her for what she said but also means he would be getting rid of the problem. Her. 
Harry was going to be breaking up with her. This started her tears to fall again, only this time she couldn’t keep quiet. They were pouring out of her at a quick rate. He was quick to sit up bringing Y/N with him.
“Hey, hey,” Harry cooed. “What happened? What did I do?”
“Y-y-you,” she stuttered. Nothing was coming out. 
He would not rush her. Instead, he shifted her to straddle his lap. Y/N tucked her head into his neck. Hary felt his neck dampen with tears. He pressed soft kisses to her hair, whispering “I love you,” hoping it would be enough to calm her. He snaked a hand under her night shirt softly running his nails up and down her back. Y/N curled in closer at the action. His sweet girl was feeling overwhelmed, and he felt awful because he wasn’t being helpful. 
Y/N pulled away. Her eyes were puffy and tears streaming down her cheeks. Harry still thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her hands moved from her side up to his neck, she settled them on his cheek. She caressed his face, calming him down. He hadn’t realized how overwhelmed he was, but it’s clear Y/N could see what he needed even in her moments of sadness. 
“I don’t want to lose you,” Y/N voiced. “I love you. I love you so much.”
Harry frowned. No one had said anything about him leaving. He would never dream of walking away from her. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“But Gemma–”
He cuts her off. “Gemma doesn’t know you like I do. She is looking out for me and I know she meant no harm, but she went about all this wrong. She decided to judge us, judge you before getting to know you.”
Y/N did no wrong. She was nothing Gemma accused her of. Y/N knew that, of course she did, but Y/N hoped to impress his family, not make them upset. 
“I know you, Lovie. My mum knows you. Mostly, you know yourself. Your character speaks for you and it has never been anything but kind and loving.”
Harry’s words slowly begin to mend her heart.
“I love you, Harry.” 
He connects his lips with hers in a loving kiss. “I love you so much.” 
Y/N falls asleep to Harry’s voice as he sings her to sleep. It’s a lullaby he says his mum would sing when he had a nightmare. While Y/N didn’t know how tomorrow would go, she was happy to have Harry at her side.
The morning passed slowly between the three of them. They shared stories with Anne, Harry, catching her up on his upcoming plans. Y/N talked about her looming graduation and told Anne about her thesis project. Anne promised to make the trip for her graduation, something Harry couldn’t stop gloating about how she was top of her class on her way to graduate summa cum laude. Y/N had stepped outside wanting to enjoy all the open land Anne had. The cats happily roamed around Y/N as she settled in the grass. Y/N thought of her dad at home and what he’d have to say about the situation. He’d probably tell her to run while she could, but Y/N knew Harry was her person. Y/N laid down, closed her eyes and took in all the surrounding noise. She heard birds chirping, a purring in the distance and the rush of the wind hitting the wind chimes. It was perfect. 
There was a loud band that had Y/N sitting up in a hurry. She looked back and realized it was the back door. Anne had stepped out, Y/N could see Harry in the kitchen, hands moving rapidly, and she knew he wasn’t alone. Anne sat not to Y/N, neither of them saying a word. 
“My daughter owes you an apology.” 
She stops Y/N. “No, I raised her better than that. I’m not sure when she got so protective, but it’s clearly not for the best. Harry is nearing 30 he doesn’t need his sister looking out for him. While I’m glad they have each other, this was unnecessary. It caused a lot of hurt that should have never existed.” 
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have to talk to her if you’re not comfortable.”
Y/N didn’t know how to feel. She dreaded talking to Gemma, but Y/N knew she’d feel worse if she went home and never talked this out with her. “I’m willing. I-I might need time to forgive her.” 
Anne squeezed Y/N’s hand. “That’s perfectly alright. Now tell me about these brothers of yours.” 
Y/N spent the rest of the evening with Anne, forgetting about her problems. It isn’t until Harry called them both in for dinner that they realized they spent hours outside. 
Harry greeted her with a kiss.
Dinner went off without a hitch, the three of them sharing all kinds of stories. Mostly Harry interrupting Anne to tell her a new story about Y/N he remembered. Harry that night promised he was alright with Gemma. He was feeling hurt. Assured her he loved her, but needed time to move past it. 
Y/N woke up early the next morning and decided to go on a walk along the river. Harry told her it felt never ending. They had walked it once every day, but today she went alone, letting Harry sleep in but also have that extra time with Anne. As Y/N walked, she thought of her brothers and how they would love to be throwing rocks in the river. Y/N was sure one of them would even fall in on accident. The weather would pique her dad’s interest. He was a sunshine man. She was sure the gloomy weather would be too much for him to handle. 
Two hours later, Y/N came back and was taken aback by Gemma’s presence on the front steps of the house, holding a thermal mug. 
“Hi,” Y/N greeted. 
“Morning, nice walk?” Gemma asked. 
Small talk. It was safe. “Mhm, Harry showed me the trail he liked to walk on.” 
“Mmm…coffee?” Gemma offered.
“Uh, I’m okay,” Y/N rejected.
Gemma looked dejected, but continued on. “Do-Is it okay if we talk?”
Y/N nodded. “Sure.” 
Y/N approached Gemma sitting on the opposite end of the same step. She wouldn’t be the first to talk, but it looked like Gemma was figuring out her words. 
“I’m sorry” are Gemma’s first words. “I’m sorry talking about you behind your back, even more sorry that you overheard.” Gemma looks sincere, and Y/N nods for her to continue. “I love Harry. He’s the best brother, and a person in general. He cares so much that I fear he’s gotten screwed over so much in life because he trusts with his heart and not his head.”
Y/N frowns, because that’s one of the things she loves most about Harry. How welcoming he is with his kind nature and how much love he spreads every day whether it’s through his music or holding the door open for a stranger. It all adds up to show that he’s a person full of love.
“Those are his mistakes to make. His own hurt to go through. Life isn’t all sunshine.” Y/N tells her. 
Gemma sighs heavily. “I know. Sometimes I feel like he’s still the same kid who cried when I would go out without him.”
“That hasn’t been him for a long time.” 
“I know.”
It’s clear Gemma has something deeper than she has to figure out and talk with Harry about, but it seems that’s a bridge she’ll cross when she is ready. 
“I love Harry. I think we have a wonderful relationship.” Y/N knows Gemma might not want to hear this, but it is important he does. “Harry loves communication. I swear we’ve never had an argument that didn’t end in us making up. He gives me my space but makes sure to be near. I’m reminded of his love every second of every day, whether he’s with me or not. I’m not sure if I make him feel loved every minute, but I do my best to remind him in my actions and words. I’m big on writing notes. He’s received a few love letters. I’m sure he’d show you if you asked.” Gemma tries her best to hide her surprise, but it’s written all over her face. “I’ve only heard wonderful stories about you, Gemma. I’m sure they’re all true, but I know Harry thought we might become friends.” Y/N pauses. “Even if that doesn’t happen, I do want you to know I respect you. For however long I’m around, I know that I respect you, even if it might take some time for me to trust you.” 
Gemma has tears running down her face. “I’m sorry. I never provided you with an opportunity. I’m not sure why I didn’t. I am really sorry. Meeting the family is always hard, and I fucking ruined it.” 
“It’s not okay, but we’ll give it time. Time heals.” 
“Thank you for hearing me out.” Gemma tells her gratefully. 
Y/N smiles. “Are you joining us for breakfast? Harry promised to make lemon ricotta pancakes.” 
“I’d like that. I’ll head in soon. I want to finish my coffee.” 
Y/N heads inside, where she finds Harry at the stove wearing an apron. She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. 
“Morning, pretty girl.” 
Gemma looked dejected, but continued on. “Do-Is it okay if we talk?”
Y/N nodded. “Sure.” 
Y/N approached Gemma sitting on the opposite end of the same step. She wouldn’t be the first to talk, but it looked like Gemma was figuring out her words. 
“I’m sorry” are Gemma’s first words. “I’m sorry talking about you behind your back, even more sorry that you overheard.” Gemma looks sincere, and Y/N nods for her to continue. “I love Harry. He’s the best brother, and a person in general. He cares so much that I fear he’s gotten screwed over so much in life because he trusts with his heart and not his head.”
Y/N frowns, because that’s one of the things she loves most about Harry. How welcoming he is with his kind nature and how much love he spreads every day whether it’s through his music or holding the door open for a stranger. It all adds up to show that he’s a person full of love.
“Those are his mistakes to make. His own hurt to go through. Life isn’t all sunshine.” Y/N tells her. 
Gemma sighs heavily. “I know. Sometimes I feel like he’s still the same kid who cried when I would go out without him.”
“That hasn’t been him for a long time.” 
“I know.”
It’s clear Gemma has something deeper than she has to figure out and talk with Harry about, but it seems that’s a bridge she’ll cross when she is ready. 
“I love Harry. I think we have a wonderful relationship.” Y/N knows Gemma might not want to hear this, but it is important he does. “Harry loves communication. I swear we’ve never had an argument that didn’t end in us making up. He gives me my space but makes sure to be near. I’m reminded of his love every second of every day, whether he’s with me or not. I’m not sure if I make him feel loved every minute, but I do my best to remind him in my actions and words. I’m big on writing notes. He’s received a few love letters. I’m sure he’d show you if you asked.” Gemma tries her best to hide her surprise, but it’s written all over her face. “I’ve only heard wonderful stories about you, Gemma. I’m sure they’re all true, but I know Harry thought we might become friends.” Y/N pauses. “Even if that doesn’t happen, I do want you to know I respect you. For however long I’m around, I know that I respect you, even if it might take some time for me to trust you.” 
Gemma has tears running down her face. “I’m sorry. I never provided you with an opportunity. I’m not sure why I didn’t. I am really sorry. Meeting the family is always hard, and I fucking ruined it.” 
“It’s not okay, but we’ll give it time. Time heals.” 
“Thank you for hearing me out.” Gemma tells her gratefully. 
Y/N smiles. “Are you joining us for breakfast? Harry promised to make lemon ricotta pancakes.” 
“I’d like that. I’ll head in soon. I want to finish my coffee.” 
Y/N heads inside, where she finds Harry at the stove wearing an apron. She wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. 
“Morning, pretty girl.” 
“Hi, Harry. I love you.” 
Y/N knows he’s grinning. “I love you too. Even if you left me alone this morning.” 
“I couldn’t sleep,” she defends. “You always told me a morning walk here cleared your head.” 
“And did it?” 
“Mmm…like magic.” 
“Are you okay, Lovie?” Harry turns off the stove. He turns around, setting his hands on Y/N’s waist. His hair makes her laugh as she sees it sticking in different directions. 
“We talked. She apologized. Promise I’m okay. It still hurts, but I’ll try my best to forgive her for you.” 
Harry tuts his tongue. “No, honey.” Y/N tilts her head, confused. “You don’t have to do this for me.” 
“But she’s your–”
“She’s my sister, but that doesn’t mean you have to change how you feel about me. I promise I am with you. She made a mistake, and I��ll forgive her but at my own time. You take your time as well.”
Y/N feels overwhelmed all over again because she really did get lucky with Harry. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more, my love. So much more.” 
Harry gives her a kiss. A promise that everything will be alright.
thank you for reading my beautiful friends! let me know your favorite parts
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myspacebrat · 11 months
𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒔
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priest eddie munson x nun reader
♱ summary: after a life of chaos and sin, eddie finds comfort in the one thing he never thought he would, religion. But what happens once he gives his life to god and swears off all of his old vices before finding the one person that makes him question whether it was worth it.
♱ warnings: smut ahead, 18+ mdni, fem reader, no use of y/n, use of pet names, religious themes, slight religious trauma, reader was forced to become a nun, mentions of drugs, fingering, unprotected p in v, slight lil daddy kink, cream pie, fluffff, overuse of italics but what else is new? Pls do not read if any of the above sounds offensive to you, you are in control of your own media consumption.
♱ authors note: just a little something to feed my priest eddie brainrot, hope you like! A special thank you to my beautiful beta’s @take-everything-you-can , @xxhellfirebunnyxx & @corrodedcorpses <3
♱ wc: 3.7k
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The first time Eddie had ever seen you, he thought it was a fluke. Of course he’d see the most beautiful girl, after he had taken a vow of chastity and was in the works to become a priest.
It felt as though God was taunting him for all of the sinning he had done as a teen and young adult. Dangling something he could now never have, right in front of his face. Oh, cruel world.
He should be used to this, the feelings of disappointment and utter longing. For most of high school and some time after, he was used. Used for the things he had that people wanted: sex, drugs, and the few rare instances girls dated him just to piss off their parents. But never has he been wanted, adored unconditionally. After living a life like that, filled with drug binges and meaningless sex, giving his life to God seemed like a no brainer, at the time.
Eddie was impulsive however and the things that felt clear as day in the moment, seemed to blur over time.
What Eddie didn’t know was that you had already planned your escape route. You had grudgingly been pressured by your late father to join the “family business”. He had become a priest when you were five and since then he’s had your life mapped out for you; become a nun, work in the monastery and give your life and soul to God until it was your time to eventually meet him.
That was not the life you wanted for yourself. You wanted to fall in love and get married, have children and move far away from this town that has brought you nothing but shame and guilt.
“Excuse me, uh I believe this belongs to you.” A voice echoes through the empty chapel, making your shoulders jolt at the startling interruption of your most sacred thoughts. Your veiless head snaps towards the voice in fear, as you were not to be in the church without your veil, it was a symbol of modesty that your convent took very seriously.
What you found was not an angry priest, deacon or catechist but a student priest. His kind eyes and gentle smile, long brown locks that were pulled back at the nape of his neck and his hands that were clutching at your head piece, had all simultaneously taken your breath away. There had never been anyone in the church that met his appearance. He had a bad boy turned good look that really set your insides ablaze. Whether it was a warning from God, not to stray from the path by allowing you to feel small licks of hellfire, or your subconscious begging for a reason to deviate from the life that was so carefully laid out for you, you didn't know but what you did know was this man would now become the catalyst of all your waking day dreams.
“Oh, yes my apologies, sir.” You softly smile before taking the veil and placing it securely on your head. You turn back to the big wooden cross hung above the altar you’re standing afront, before looking back into the strangers' doe pools of chocolate. “How uh, how are you enjoying your seminary studies?” You question, cheeks heating up at your terrible attempt at small talk.
“My seminary studies?” Eddie repeats with a low chuckle as his eyebrows shoot up, getting lost behind the fringe of his shaggy bangs. He cocks a wide smirk at your question, you really were as sweet and delicate as you looked. That made the future priests’ stomach flip in excitement. The need for corrupting such a cute little thing, vehemently returning. He hadn’t felt that utter desire in years. He would give this all up to watch you fall apart underneath him.
“Mmhm.” You giggle with a small nod of your head, fingers twisting together over your front from the frisson excitement bursting through your chest. You had never felt this way talking to any priests or priests in training, the rush was addicting.
“It’s going well.” The male murmurs with an unconvincing smile, his eyes glance down to your lips before snapping back up to your eyes in a fleeting moment. Your heart rate kicks up at the implication before you boldly turn towards him, your chest puffed out as the swell of your breasts are tightly hugged by the black fabric of your unflattering habit.
Eddie takes a step closer towards you, the toe of his boots brush against your black flats. His eyes roaming your fully clothed body as if he had x-ray vision and could see the black lace set you allow yourself to wear underneath, as an act of rebellion that only you were allowed a glimpse of.
His left hand slowly moves into your space, gently placing the cloth of your veil that had fallen over the front of your shoulder, back to its rightful place. The act was so tender and kind you couldn’t help but to lean closer into his touch.
The chapel was so still, all that could be heard was the heavy breathing of two very enamored people, as if they finally found what they had been looking for all along. A safe place to house their hearts.
In a matter of seconds you jerk back, as footsteps ring out from the corridor, startling you out of your love filled daze. Eddie thinks on his feet, the awfully close position being far too compromising, so he takes your hand and leads you into the confession box. He covers your mouth as the footsteps grow closer, two people chattering as they walk by before leaving out of the exit, letting the heavy wooden doors slam shut behind them.
Eddie quickly removes his hand, shooting you a sympathetic smile before the realization hits that you’re seated on his lap, half awakened cock digging into your backside causing a small gasp and unintentional clench of your thighs. A devious smile displays itself upon the brown eyed boy's lips, you wanted him just as bad as he wanted you. And he didn’t even know you. Oh he’s fucked.
His soft lips swiftly brush up against yours, making you quickly pull away in surprise. “I can’t kiss you, I don’t even know your name.” You whisper rather unconvincingly.
“It’s Eddie, what’s your name sweetheart?” He purrs into your ear, goosebumps alite your skin as you squirm in his lap from the low timber of his voice.
You meekly recite your name as your face grows hot from his attention. “Mmm, pretty name for an even prettier girl.” He huffs before he licks his lips in anticipation. His cock now fully hard and poking into your clothed skin.
Eddie gently grabs your chin, eyes meeting yours in a powerful standoff. “May I kiss you, angel? I really need to kiss you.” The desperation dripping from his voice is enough to convince you of anything.
“Yes.” You murmur before fully straddling him, his lips find yours in a passionate frenzy as you move together like a beautiful melody.
In all of your timidness and trepidation you’ve completely forgotten how it feels to be pressed up against another body, brain empty as you enjoy the moment as it comes, you giggle between kisses at the double entendre.
“What’s so funny, huh?” Eddie says playfully, grabbing at your sides and causing a shriek of loud laughter to roll off your tongue. How was it possible that this man made you feel like a kid again, a kid you didn’t even get to be? The fleeting nostalgia is quickly interrupted when Eddie puts a finger up to your lips, a gesture that asks “do you wanna get caught?” And it almost makes you giddy, nothing this exciting ever happens to you.
“You gotta be quiet, angel. Can you do that for me?” He asks in a dominating tone that has you shuttering and weak at the knees. He swipes a gentle finger across your lips, placing it in between the two before you quickly get the hint, wrapping your plush pink pillows around his index and lightly sucking. The action has Eddie’s eyes rolling back in his head, there was no way he’d be able to hold back, not with you grinding down on his painfully hard cock while sucking on his finger.
Without much thought left in your already fucked out brain, you remove the long black cloth that you’ve despised for years, yanking it off of your shoulders and over your head. Disposing of it over your shoulder without a care in the world, you had more pressing matters at hand.
“Oh fuck.” Eddie’s breath hitches as utter shock crosses his features, his mouth drops open while his eyes roam the expanse of your body that is scarcely covered by lacey black fabric. His cock twitches underneath you, causing you to squirm, unintentionally rubbing his throbbing pink tip over your warm heat and pulling a needy moan from between your lips.
He wastes no time, bringing his hands to rub over the see through fabric that is covering your now peaked nipples before slowly moving down in a gentle but callous glide over your sides, to your hips and finally landing on your plush thighs, giving them a tight squeeze as his lips curl up in satisfaction.
“Can I touch you, baby?” He whispers, rubbing the tip of his nose against yours as he desperately awaits your approval.
“Please.” You moan out into the expanse of the wooden box as you drag your slick cunt across his achingly hard cock in one more act of torment.
His fingers move before his brain, finding themselves between your legs, rubbing right over that button of pleasure that Eddie hasn’t been acquainted with, in what feels like years. He slips his hand past the black lace, digits sliding between your soaked lips and teasing at your tight little hole before he’s bringing the slick up to your swollen bud and drawing gentle circles, a loud moan erupts from your chest as the unknown pleasure consumes you.
You weren’t a virgin, despite what everyone thought of you or at least what you let them think. No one knew that you’d lost your virginity the summer of junior year. Maybe it was an act of rebellion against your strict parents or maybe just a sad attempt at being so starved for any kind of connection, you took the only one some high school boy had to offer; three minutes in the back of his beat up Pontiac.
The feelings being pulled from you by the long haired man, were unlike anything you’ve ever felt and you never wanted it to stop. You would beg and plead to him until the end of times to always make you feel this good, it’s the closest to God you’ve ever felt in all of your life, how is this a sin?
“Does that feel good, angel baby?” Eddie whispers into your ear, low and seductive as his finger finally breeches your entrance, it slips in easily and without pain but the pleasure makes your hands fly up to grip at his shoulders before throwing your head back and letting out the sexiest set of moans Eddie has ever had the delight of hearing.
He slips a second digit in alongside the first, pumping in and out at a slow pace but the depth is what had your toes curling into your little black flats that were being held on by a thread, threatening to fall off of your feet at just the slightest movement. Eddie began to scissor his fingers apart, stretching you open enough to take his girth. The moans that were beginning to fill the church were downright sinful.
“I-I think I’m gonna um…” you breathe out harshly as your cheeks heat up from the words that you just can’t bring yourself to utter.
“You’re gonna what, huh? You gotta talk to me, baby. Tell me what’s goin’ on?” Eddie asks in faux concern, it’s so mocking and arrogant but it causes you to clench tightly around his fingers, sucking him in like a fucking vice.
“I’m- ah ah, I’m gonna cum!” You sob into his chest as you grind down onto his digits, fucking them into you deeper with each thrust, until your incredible high starts to feel slightly painful and overstimulating.
“Such a good girl.” Eddie praises, slipping his two fingers out of your pussy before bringing them up to his mouth and sucking dramatically as a groan of delight reverberates from his chest.
“You think you can cum on daddy’s cock like that?” He questions, his lust filled eyes bore into yours as the filthy words drip from his tongue. You should be disgusted, it should turn your stomach…but it doesn’t, not even in the slightest. Instead it amplifies your arousal and now it’s you who is desperate, yanking his vestment off of his upper body in one swift and eager motion.
With Eddie’s full chest on display, you drag your nails gently down his torso, causing a whimper to slip past his lips. He has tattoos. The revelation causes your eyes to widen. You didn’t think priests were even allowed to have tattoos, they were a sin in your convent. Although you had been fed so much propaganda throughout the years, you really couldn’t see what made them so terrible.
And you had to admit they were very attractive, certainly adding to the whole former bad boy mystique he has going on.
“You like em’?” Eddie asks as if he knew exactly what you were thinking, a glint in his eyes as they lock with yours.
“I do, father Eddie.” You purr as your hand brushes over his hard erection still locked behind the confines of his black slacks.
“Fuck.” He hisses into your neck before leaving a trail of sloppy kisses, his hands reaching for your black lace thong as if he was going to slip it down and off of your body, but the sounds of fabric tearing alert you to his true intentions.
“I’ll replace those.” He says with a sinister chuckle, throwing the piece of fabric behind you to be lost in the sea of clothing beneath your feet.
“Holy shit!” The man gasps as his eyes meet your dripping center, the damp coils that sit above your mound and your little stretched hole that was done by his own hand. The view causes him to bite at his lip in animalistic hunger.
“Mmm, such a naughty boy using such foul language in a church.” You tut, having no idea where that came from but if his cheeks that have now grown a bright pink hue and the wild growl that slipped from his mouth were anything to go by, he was just as into it.
Eddie can’t take much more of your teasing so his hands slip down to the buckle keeping his slacks up, eagerly removing all of the obstacles that keep him from sheathing his cock deep into your tight little cunt.
Once he is fully released from his fabric confinement he wraps his hand around himself, giving it a few tugs before he’s smearing the large beads of precum around his tip and down his shaft, groaning from the attention he was so badly yearning for.
“You ready, baby?” He questions. Bringing his glistening, pink head to the seam of your sodden lips and rubbing the tip against your clit, before prodding it against your awaiting hole. The way your cunt sucks him in is heavenly. It was as if he was a virgin again, nothing or no one else mattered before you. The feelings settling in the young man's chest were overwhelming and terrifying but when he looked up from how his cock was coated in your wetness and into your eyes, he knew you felt it too.
You let out a breath of relief when he was finally buried to the hilt inside of you, throbbing and aching for release. Deciding to end the torment of your teasing, you begin using your knees that are roughly digging into the oak wood of the pew eddie is seated on as leverage to bounce and swirl your hips as you fuck him, so audaciously.
“Ah, ah, ah…” were the only noises leaving both of your mouths as you continuously sunk down onto Eddie’s cock. His big hands gripping the meat of your thighs as if you’d dissipate without his touch.
“Please.” You whine into the sweat slick skin of his neck, before reaching for the hair tie placed carelessly into a bun at his nape. You tug releasing his brown waves that fell just beneath his shoulders.
“Please what, my love?” That word made your head spin, you’d never been referred to as someone’s love. I mean you just met him and he probably says lots of endearing things while he’s getting laid, but it certainly made that fire in your belly kick up to blazing high levels.
“Please fuck me!” You sob, tears falling from your eyes as you get closer to your sweet release. But your legs were closer to finishing than you, as every bounce sent a searing pain from your knees up to your thighs.
“I’m sorry baby. I’m makin’ you do all the work, aren’t I?” Eddie teases with a condescending grin, making you pout and nod your head in agreement. “Here you are bein’ such a good girl, riding my cock like that and I don’t even have the decency to help you out.” He tuts, a wide smile splitting his face before the hands that were once resting on your thighs, come up and grab two rough handfuls of your ass.
He pulls your cheeks apart as he sinks down some, planting his heavy boot clad feet better onto the red carpet of the confessional box. He sends you a quick wink before he begins pounding into you with almost inhumanly, rapid thrusts making you cry out into the stuffy air.
Your hands dig into his scalp, grabbing fistfuls of hair as he fucks you like an animal, with complete carnal hunger. A chill runs down your spine all the way to your toes as the fire in your lower stomach begins to consume you. You don’t care who hears you now, you just care about you and Eddie and working each other's bodies to gratification.
“Your close baby, I can feel it. C’mon, let go for me and cum on my cock.” He demands as his length throbs with each clench of your walls around him. He’s too close, but he’d rather die than cum before you.
“Oh! Yes, Father Eddie.” You squeak before crashing your lips into his. The long haired man’s eyes roll back into his head and a growl escapes his chest at the use of his not so future title. If he can’t have this then being a priest just won’t do, not anymore.
Eddie breaks the passion fueled kiss to suck his thumb into his mouth, slicking it up before bringing it to your swollen clit. The first gentle circle makes you jump, causing your walls to tighten even harder around him. His toes curl in his boots, he was so close, so on the edge to stuffing you full of him.
“I’m gonna cum inside your pretty little pussy, do you want that?” He asks roughly, but his eyes are so soft and so full of adoration and you want whatever he’s willing to give you.
“Yes, please Father Eddie.” You plead as you meet his thrusts, aching legs be damned. You can feel that high that’s teetering so close, you’re so desperate to fall off the edge.
“Who’s the naughty one now, huh? Begging a church priest to cum inside you? You bad girl.” He tsks, with a faint chuckle. His words knock you over the edge, coming so hard on his cock you see a white blinding light as your eyes tightly shut.
“Mm, that’s it baby!” Eddie growls, his thrusts faltering as he cums inside of you, your walls now coated with his white, hot release.
Eddie scrubs his hands down his face, “oh my god!” He exasperates before wrapping his arms around your back and pulling you tightly into him, as his softening cock is still buried inside of you.
“Shh, you can’t use the lord's name in vain in a church!” You playfully reprimand, as if what you both have just done wasn’t grounds for going straight to hell.
“Hey, watch your mouth when you’re talkin’ to me, young lady! Or I’ll give you ten of these…” he scolds before bringing his palm down harshly onto the sensitive skin of your ass, making you gasp in surprise. He grabs your chin tightly before continuing, “and ten Hail Mary’s, I’ll make you say each one with my cock down your throat.” You clutch at your chest like you’d never been so offended, but the words caused you nothing but arousal as your cunt began to drip at the thought.
“You really are a naughty boy.” You purr, shaking your head as if in disappointment. You were both so deep in your own little world that you didn’t hear the footsteps outside the confessional door.
The handle was jiggled and quickly ripped open as a loud gasp rang out from behind you.
“Sister!” The nun hisses in absolute disbelief and disgust. The tone of her judgment awoke something deep inside of you that you thought had been buried. You hop off of Eddie’s lap, his spent cock plopping out and falling back onto his lower stomach. You quickly pull the habit over your head as Eddie stands up to inch himself back into his pants.
“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” The nun you now recognize as Sister Claudia, snarls with a look of revulsion.
Eddie swiftly takes your hand and pulls you away, abandoning your veil and his vestment. His now shirtless and tattooed chest on display for the judgmental nun.
Without another thought you throw her the middle finger as you and Eddie run down the row of pews and out the heavy doors.
You weren’t sure where you were headed, but as long as it was with him. You were ready for the new journey.
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cuubism · 28 days
Made in an Instant (3/5)
continuation of Dream's eldritch pregnancy
Apparently by sheer force of will, Dream still refuses to ‘look’ pregnant in any kind of meaningful way. But looks are not everything, and the fact that Dream is not quite himself—more so the further along they get—is evident in how… chaotic the Dreaming has been.
Gravity’s all wonky. Hob will walk along a palace corridor towards Dream’s quarters—a corridor he thought he knew plenty well—only to find the sky out the windows is suddenly down, and he’s walking on the ceiling. Usually, the second he notices he plummets to the floor. Or rather, to the ceiling. Or whatever.
Weather’s weird, too. Not really in a bad way, not like when Dream is morose and it rains all the time. But there’s been snow going sideways—“the baby likes winter,” Dream said at one point when Hob asked—and the waterfalls that tumble down the river running by the castle have been running up, and the temperature is fluctuating seemingly by the minute. Hob’s given up on trying to dress to the weather—even dream-logic can’t keep up with the changes. He just suffers through it. It’s probably bothering Dream more than it is him, anyway.
He copes with the chaos because he might as well get used to it now—it’s not like a magical baby is going to be any less chaotic.
On this particular day, when Hob arrives in the Dreaming to see Dream, he nearly backs right back out again. Not that that’s really how it works. But it’s high noon, the sun glaringly bright overhead, and the Dreaming is blaring with noise.
With music, specifically. The whole place is playing “Bring Me to Life”, of all things, very loudly, though it seems to be some kind of infant adaptation made of bells and chimes. Covering his ears, Hob tries to find a speaker system in the palace. Nothing. It seems to be ambient noise emanating from the sky and the earth and the very fucking soul of the place.
So instead he goes to track down Dream.
On his way, he passes Lucienne, who’s valiantly trying to complete her work in the library, brow pinched, and Matthew, who alights briefly, unsteadily on his shoulder to say, “I know they’re having mommy and me music time and it’s all sweet and cute but do you think you can get him to turn down the emo xylophone? I can’t fly in this shit,” before winging away again.
Eventually Hob reaches Dream’s quarters. He doesn’t answer when Hob knocks, so Hob just goes in. He finds him sitting on the floor, back to the stone wall, eyes squeezed shut and hands clasped over his ears. Shit. Rough day, then.
Hob sits down across from him on the floor. “Dream.” No response. He taps Dream’s knee. “Dream!”
Dream startles, looking up at him. Then seizes Hob’s hands and clasps them over his own ears, sighing in relief when that apparently mutes some of the sound. Hob’s not sure how that works, but then, everything works weirdly in the Dreaming.
Hob moves closer to him so he can sort of, awkwardly, fold Dream into his arms. “Are you okay, honey?”
Dream shakes his head. “Loud.”
“Yeah, it really is.”
He shakes his head again. “Inside.”
“What does that mean?” Hob asks. “Are the baby’s powers bothering you?”
Dream nods as he pushes his face into Hob’s shoulder, Hob’s hands still covering his ears. “She is… growing into herself, and I am glad for it, but—” he breathes out, hard, tired— “but, I have been. Busy. And. My focus slipped. And she is very excitable. It seems.”
Hob really should do better than to forget the gap between what Dream feels and what he vocalizes. Listening to him talk normally, one would think that managing the baby’s burgeoning powers required no effort at all.
“You’ve been dealing with so much, my darling, haven’t you?” Hob holds him close and rocks him back and forth. “It sounds very hard. You’re doing so well.”
“Hob Gadling, I do not need your platitudes,” Dream growls, but he wraps his arms around Hob nevertheless, fingers gripped in his jumper. Hob keeps his hands pressed over his ears.
“‘Course you don’t,” he says. Then keeps up with the platitudes anyway, as they seem to be pulling Dream’s focus from the overwhelming music. “You don’t need me to tell you how powerful you are. Or how good a job you’re doing taking care of our baby as she grows. Do you?”
Dream just sighs, but doesn’t protest. Even dream kings need to be told they’re doing a good job sometimes, Hob thinks.
The music’s changed. It’s metal now, though still in that bells and xylophone register. “Baby likes Metallica?” Hob asks, and Dream makes a hmph sound into his shirt. “Think we can turn it down a bit? Matthew was crashing into walls.”
“You can turn it down,” says Dream.
Hob is about to ask, well, how? then thinks, fuck it, this is the Dreaming. He imagines a dial in front of him, and turns it.
The volume goes down.
The Dreaming’s so cool sometimes.
“Thank you,” Dream says.
“What were you up to before all this?” Hob asks, finally loosening his grip on Dream’s head now that the music’s lower.
“I was building her a room in the palace. I was… struggling to get it right. Perhaps the details will have to come to me later.”
“You seem pretty tired. Maybe you should just come back to it, hm?”
“Perhaps.” He finally lifts his head from Hob’s chest. “Would you like to see?”
“The room? Definitely.”
They get up, and Dream opens a door in his chambers that definitely wasn’t there before to take them through to another part of the palace.
Inside, it’s, well. It’s chaotic.
Much like in Dream’s throne room, the ceiling is composed of a literal night sky, deep enough to fall into. The walls bear murals of various Dreaming landscapes and the fantastical creatures that live in them, which Hob thinks Dream might have painted by hand. He also thinks they might be more like doorways than murals, at least when Dream allows them to be. There’s a stream running through the center of the room with actual fish in it—definitely a drowning hazard, but presumably Dream has some magic that would prevent that—and in the corner is, despite Dream’s claims that he could make one so much better, a direct replica of the crib Hob had put together in the Waking. Which is so sweet.
It’s all very chaotic, but it’s… nice, too? It’s eclectic and changeable, the way the baby’s power feels, when Hob’s felt it.
“It’s gorgeous, Dream, I think she’ll love it,” he says, and Dream’s tiny smile is surprised, but pleased. “Just make sure she doesn’t drown in the stream, yeah?”
“I will ensure it,” Dream promises. “She will come to no harm in the Dreaming.”
“Good.” He pulls Dream close, kisses his cheek, holds him as they look at their child’s room. Their child. They’re really doing this? Trying again?
Well. There’s really no turning back now.
Dream sighs tiredly, leaning into his side.
“I wish I could help you more with this,” Hob says. “I know I can’t, not with all of it, but still.”
“Such is the way of things,” says Dream.
Hob wraps his arms around him from behind, cradles his belly in his hands. It’s something he did, once upon a time, for Eleanor. Dream doesn’t have much of a belly at all—Hob doubts he ever will at this point—but he seems to appreciate the gesture. It’s all about the meaning of a thing with Dream, rather than the materiality.
Indeed, Dream hums, laying his hands over Hob’s.
“I hope you aren’t suffering too much,” Hob says, hooking his chin over Dream’s shoulder.
“Suffering, no,” says Dream. “Feeling as though I have taken on a second job, so to speak, yes. But.” He looks down, smiling lightly. “It makes me happy, to feel her. When she is not trying to play extremely loud music, that is.”
“Soon she’ll just be playing extremely loud music in my flat. How much insanity am I going to be coping with, by the way? Are we going to be taking home a fully-grown terror?”
“Mmm. Rather more agency than a human baby, I expect.” He sounds like he’s enjoying the prospect of chaos at Hob’s expense. Of course.
“Terrific. Time to concept-proof the house. As a concept, you’ll have to advise.”
Dream chuckles, holding onto Hob’s hands where they’re still wrapped around his belly. Hob kisses the side of his neck.
“Is there anything I can do for you, darling? Anything that will make you feel better?”
“I will come back with you to the Waking, for a time, if you are not busy,” says Dream.
“Never busy when it comes to you,” Hob says.
Dream gives him a look over his shoulder, but doesn’t protest. Hob holds onto his hands as Dream takes them to the Waking.
It’s always really weird waking up that way. There’s no proper line between dreaming and waking, the dream-space of their daughter’s future bedroom just sort of cedes into Hob’s flat, and he finds himself in bed, blinking awake in the dark. Dream is lying curled in his arms, in much the same position as how they were just standing.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Hob says, and Dream huffs.
“Will you indoctrinate our child with your sense of humor?” he asks.
“I’ll sure try.” 
Dream just sighs again in response, long-suffering as always. Hob cuddles him close, and feels the way his whole body relaxes. It’s lovely how, in all the turmoil of pregnancy, he seems to be gradually allowing himself a modicum of greater relaxation and indulgence, at least when they’re together. It’s still only a small percentage of what he truly should allow himself, in Hob’s opinion, but it’s progress.
“I’m glad you came back with me,” he says, petting Dream’s hair. “Take a break for a little while.”
“For a short time, perhaps,” Dream agrees.
“For a longer time?” Hob says.
He really thinks Dream might benefit from taking some time off before the baby is born, too. Taking time off is anathema to Dream, and he’s not particularly fond of being told what to do, either, so Hob hasn’t pushed it much. But there’s no real reason not to. The Dreaming won’t fall apart if he takes some time for himself, just for a few months.
“I don’t know,” Dream says, which is as good as a no. “Perhaps.”
And Hob gets what’s going on in his mind. If Dream felt that resting was something he needed to do for his daughter’s sake, he would likely do it, but as it stands it feels far too self-indulgent for him. He can’t stand to allow himself that.
“What can I do for you now, darling?” he asks. “What do you need?”
Quietly, Dream says, “Will you make love to me?”
“Oh, love.” Hob kisses the back of his neck. “You hardly have to ask.”
He can imagine Dream’s tiny smile, even if he can’t see it.
He traces his hand down Dream’s chest, Dream’s shirt disappearing into mist in the wake of his touch. Dream leans back into him, and Hob keeps touching him, lower now, brushing the hem of his pajama pants, which likewise dissolve back into dreams. He dips his fingers between Dream’s legs, drawing another long sigh from him that merges into a low groan.
“Sensitive?” Hob teases, and Dream huffs. Hob kisses under his jaw, holding him close. “It’s okay. You’re so beautiful right now, you know that? So gorgeous.” He splays his free hand over Dream’s belly, arm wrapped around him, as he keeps working him with the other. Dream shivers and squirms under his touch.
Hob delves his fingers into him. Dream is already wet and aching, so wanting. Hob takes himself out of his pajama pants, thrusts between Dream’s thighs. Dream gasps as Hob nudges at his entrance, then moans as he eases in, so easy, like Dream was just waiting for it.
He gives a few slow thrusts, breathing out hard against the back of Dream’s neck. “Feel so good, love.”
Dream grabs onto his hand, squeezing tight. “Hob.”
Hob rolls his hips, fucking him long and slow, lips pressed to Dream’s skin. He can’t lie and say he isn’t very into Dream like this. There’s nothing particularly physically different about him. But he’s so wanting. And when they’re alone together, he’s so open about wanting, too. Hob is very much into a Dream who wants to be coddled and is willing, at least to some degree, to admit it.
He keeps rocking into him, kissing his neck. Dream pushes back against him, meeting each thrust. He feels so good, lax, and pliant, shivering when Hob rolls into him. Hob holds tight to Dream’s hand, gasping at each peak of their rhythm.
“You’re so gorgeous,” Hob murmurs against his skin. “Is that good for you, love?”
“Yes, yes.” Dream cries out as Hob presses in deep, then shudders, clenching down around him. “Hob.”
“So good, sweetheart. Perfect. I love you.”
He keeps up his steady, measured pace, though Dream’s body feels so good it makes him want to just chase his own release until he catches it. Make love to me, Dream had said. And Hob will. He’ll always want to hold him close, to make him feel good, to feel the way Dream relaxes when he knows he’s loved.
“Please,” Dream begs, “please, Hob—” and oh, Hob loves when he can unravel him enough to get that.
He kisses the affected pulse in Dream’s throat, murmurs, “Shhh, love, I’ll always give you everything you want, don’t you know?”
“Yes,” Dream breathes, “yes, yes—”
Then he comes, clenching tight around Hob with a gasp. His body spasming pushes Hob over the edge, too, and he holds Dream close as he spills in him, Dream letting out a low whine at the feeling.
When he’s recovered his breath, Hob carefully pulls out, and leans over Dream’s shoulder to catch his lips in a thorough kiss. Dream twists and tangles his fingers in Hob’s hair, humming into the kiss.  
“You know,” Hob observes, as they’re still tangled together, a smile tugging at his lips, “this is kind of how we got into this situation? Still didn’t talk about birth control, either.”
Dream grumbles, pulling back far enough to look at him. “I can hardly get pregnant twice at the same time.”
“Didn’t think you could get pregnant once,” Hob says. “I wouldn’t put anything past you, love.”
“I vow that I will not get pregnant again,” Dream concedes, with a long-suffering sigh.
Hob laughs at his aggrieved tone, squeezing him tight. “Even if you did, it’s alright. We’d make it work. I doubt dealing with two is something you’d want right now, though.”
“I certainly would not,” says Dream. “Your daughter is already very demanding.”
“She’s my daughter when she’s being demanding?”
“Correct,” says Dream haughtily, and Hob kisses him again.
“Then she’s your daughter when she’s making things float in my living room,” he tells him.
“Float,” Dream echoes. “Perhaps. I’m uncertain exactly how her powers will manifest in the Waking. It is clearer to me in the Dreaming, although all dreamers have some ability to mold the dreamspace around them, part-Endless or not.”
“I’m definitely feeling so prepared for it.”
Dream quirks a smile. It seems to be at Hob’s expense. “I am sure you will manage. You’ve endured greater challenges.”
“Have I?”
Dream only continues to smirk at him, somewhat wickedly, so Hob tousles a hand in his hair and gets up. “Stay there, my prince. Let me do all the work.”
“I shall,” Dream says, lying back and sprawling out in the sheets. Hob just shakes his head fondly as he turns to the bathroom.
After he’s cleaned them both up—Dream certainly not lifting a finger for any of it—he holds Dream against his chest, Dream with his head tucked under Hob’s chin and one leg slung over Hob’s thigh. Maybe this is one reason he refuses to have an actual pregnant belly. He wouldn’t be able to lie like this comfortably if he did.
He combs his fingers through Dream’s hair, and Dream hums in pleasure, making a low purring sound that rumbles through Hob’s chest. If only it could be like this always, Hob thinks. Or at least, until the baby’s born, and for some time after. Dream doesn’t have to work himself to the bone. He can have this for longer.
“Be sure to stay for a while, yeah?” he says. “Don’t go back right away. Take a nap and then I’ll make you breakfast and— just, you know. Stay.”
Dream doesn’t explicitly agree, but he tucks his nose into the hollow of Hob’s throat. At least it’s quieter here for him, Hob thinks. He needs the peace. Even if it doesn’t last.
“Love you, you know,” Hob says, pressing a kiss into Dream’s hair. “Whatever you decide.” And he holds him long into the morning.
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Summary: Tony helps you through your first heartbreak.
Pairing: Dad!Tony Stark x Daughter!female!reader
Warnings: Fluff. Language cause why not. Reader is hurting. Tony is an angel. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: I wanted some soft dad Tony and this came out. The end is a little rushed, I didn't know where I wanted it to go but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it!
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You exited the elevator and made your way through the living room, not sparing anybody a second glance.
You went straight to your room and slammed the door behind you, leaving all of the avengers that were currently in the living room in a shocked silence.
That wasn’t like you.
You're a cheery and positive teenager that never misses a chance to hang out with your favorite group of superheroes.
Even during your bad days, you at least said hi and chat a bit before going to your room, so your behavior today as you came home from school leaves everyone worried.
They all know high school isn't easy, but it somehow never affected you much.
Maybe because you grew up in the spotlight, being a Stark.
You were the perfect combination of Pepper and Tony, smart and driven, sarcastic and confident, sweet and supportive. Really just a ray of sunshine in everyone’s life.
Everybody at Midtown High knows who you are and every student you meet gets surprised by how nice you are to anyone that approaches you, everyone expecting you to be a stuck up bitch.
You talk to and befriend anybody who’s nice to you, but you spend most of your time with Peter, Ned and MJ.
Speaking of which, while everybody stares at the door you just disappeared through, Peter enters the room through the window, a feat that not everyone is used to yet.
"Damn it, bug boy, stop doing that!" Sam almost yells, never failing to get startled by his abrupt entrances.
"Sorry, Mr. Falcon, sir." he says sheepishly while Bucky snickers like every other time, but before they can start bickering like always, Tony addresses Peter.
"What’s wrong with my daughter, Spider-ling?" he says in a serious tone, despite the nickname he can’t seem to get tired of.
"I don’t know, Mr. Stark. She was fine during lunch, but when school ended she was nowhere to be seen. We were suppose to meet at the exit like always but she rushed home alone. That’s why I’m here, I was worried." the more Peter talks the more Tony gets worried.
It wasn’t like you to not show up to do something you planned to do with someone else, let alone without giving a reason or at least a warning first.
Tony has heard enough so he gets up from his seat and walks towards your room, knocking twice, then once and then three times fast, a secret knock you came up with when you were little designed just for him.
He hears a faint ‘come in’ and, with furrowed eyebrows, he enters your room, finding you sitting on the bed hugging your knees to your chest.
Without saying a word he comes in, shuts the door and sits next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders. You shift to put your head in his chest and, when hug him as tightly as you can, Tony can actually feel his own heart breaking at the sight.
His little ray of sunshine, crying her heart and soul out and there's nothing more he can do but hold you. So he holds onto you just as tight as you are, willing himself not to let his own tears fall at seeing you so broken, needing to be strong for you.
After you calm down a bit, he can’t help himself as he asks "who do I have to kill?"
He feel a little better when he hears your little giggle against his chest, but he's still very worried and you both know he wasn’t entirely kidding.
He doesn’t rush you into talking, giving you time to put together your thoughts before starting to explain.
"I’ve been seeing someone..." you start, sitting up straight, sniffling, and he already doesn't like where this is going. "I’m sorry I haven’t said anything, mom knows though…"
"Of course she does." he mumbles, a little offended you would tell her and not him, and Tony Stark was never one to not voice his thoughts. "Why didn’t you tell me?" he was clearly hurt, pouting a bit just to amuse you. You giggle again as you answer.
"I’m sorry, but I know what you would’ve said: ‘You’re not allowed to date until you’re 65’" you try to imitate him with a deep voice that makes him chuckle.
"Damn right you can’t!" He says and you lighten up a little at his laughter and keep talking.
"I was going to introduce you soon, I swear! But then…" your smile falls and you can’t stop the few tears that escape. "Today, while I was waiting on Peter, I saw him…"
You trail off and he holds your hand giving you an encouraging squeeze but still not pushing you. Then, in the smallest voice he’d ever heard you use, you finish your sentence. "He was kissing another girl…"
He wished you hadn’t finished the sentence. You start crying again, quieter than before, but it still broke Tony’s heart.
"Oh, honey…" He wraps his arms around you again, mentally planning how to kill and dispose of the body of the little prick, when he hears you again, your voice barely a whisper.
"It hurts, dad… why does it hurt so much?" you still couldn’t stop crying, barely able to finish the sentence.
"I know, Tinkerbell." The use of your childhood nickname made you smile against the tears, the memory of how it came to be coming to the forefront of your mind.
You were about 6 years old, watching Peter Pan for the first time with your parents, when you started giggling uncontrollably.
Your parents gave you a funny look, expecting you to be sad at the part where Tinkerbell was dying and worried they were raising a little psychopath.
"What are you laughing at, Junior?" much to Pepper’s displeasure Tony had started calling you that, sustaining that you were turning out to be just like a little version of him.
Your mom disagreed, but was slowly changing her mind, especially after what little six year old you said next.
"Daddy’s just like Tinkerbell: if she doesn’t get attention he dies!" you got out between giggles, making Pepper almost double over laughing as Tony started a tickle attack, a fake offended look on his face.
After that your dad started calling you Tinkerbell, not able to let go of your first sarcastic comment, against him of all people, but secretly very proud.
You were brought back to the present by your dad’s words as he started rubbing your back. 
"I know it hurts now, but it’s gonna get better, I promise. Your first heartbreak is never easy, but the good news is you have your whole life ahead of you to find a guy smart enough to understand how lucky he is to be loved by you and never let you go."
Now, Tony Stark is many things.
He’s a genius, billionaire, former playboy and philanthropist. He’s an entrepreneur, a superhero, a savior. He’s a role model, a caring friend and doting husband.
But, at this very moment, you can’t help but be proud to call him your father.
You wish you could tell him that at the moment, but you can’t find the voice to speak so you make a mental note to tell him later. Right now all you can do is hug him so tight you’re not entirely sure he’s able to breathe, but he doesn’t make any attempts to make you let go.
The next couple of hours are spent between hugs, words of encouragement and Tony trying everything he can to make you laugh.
When he succeeds in lifting your spirits, you both make your way to the living room where all of the Avengers are now, Pepper included. You sit next to her and she wraps her arm around you, having already been updated on the situation, of course.
Everyone else seemed to have come to a mutual understanding of not pressing the matter, knowing you’ll open up when you’re ready and not wanting to upset you again now that you’re back to your cheery self.
You’re glad nobody’s asking any questions, acting like nothing happened, exactly what you need right now.
You spend the rest of the day with your family, forgetting all about your broken heart, realizing you’re better off without him.
At one point your dad whispers to you "I still need the name of the little jerk, so I can fuck him up" and you can’t help but laugh, more glad than ever to be lucky enough to be a Stark.
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midgardian-witch · 9 months
Blame It On The Moon
Jack has been distantly lately. A dangerous encounter in the woods shows you how much affection Jack and his wolf side really have for you.
tags: pining | monsterfucking | dub-con (everyone is into it but the circumstances are a bit iffy) | cunnilingus | afab!reader (no pronouns used) | penetration (p in v) | friends to lovers | body horror (werewolf transformation is described but not too detailed) | bad Spanish (because I am too shy to ask people for help)
ships: Jack Russell/afab!Reader
word count: 5.9k
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Jack had been distant as of late. You had blamed it on the moon at first. Time had slowly creeped toward the dreaded full moon. The few days surrounding it always had him a bit cagey. You'd been traveling with Jack and Ted for so long identifying their moods had become second nature. Ted's humming and grunts got easier to interpret day by day. Even reading Jack had become easier, even though he hides his wolfish traits rather well. At this point you could figure out the current moon phase just by watching your werewolf companion for a while. 
So while you had blamed his strange behavior on the moon at first something is gnawing at the back of your mind. The way Jack hastily excused himself from your presence whenever you joined him and Ted for coffee or how when you'd wake up in the middle of the night - startled by the sound of an animal stepping on a particularly loud twig - you'd find neither hide nor hair of the werewolf. It all started to feel more and more like Jack was actively avoiding you. The why eluded you though. You had become good friends with the werewolf since you had joined him and Ted. Or so you thought at least. Had you done something to upset him? You'd talk to him and ask but every time you tried he'd made a quick exit. 
You slump down on a tree stump with a sigh. The rustling of foliage and a worried sounding grumbling alerts you to Ted's presence. You shake your head and wave him off. 
"Don't worry about it, Ted. I'm just overreacting." Or so you hope. 
The creature sits down next to you, raising an arm and offering a hug. You smile at him, grateful for his empathy and lean into the embrace. You take a deep breath and mumble a quiet thanks as he gives your body a soft squeeze. Even though Ted could look terrifying at first glance you know what a gentle being he truly is. Especially in times like this when emotions run high he’s like a calming balm for your soul. 
A few moments pass before you lean back from the embrace. Ted's big red eyes look at you in his very own version of the puppy dog eyes. A small laugh escapes you and you nod. 
"Yes, that helped. I feel a lot better already. Thank you, Ted."
Ted answers you with a pleased hum. His gaze drifts from your face to something behind you. You turn around to see what caught your friend's attention when you see Jack standing a few paces away, frozen in place. His mouth hangs open slightly as if he tried to say something but forgot what he wanted to say immediately after. He looks at you and for the first time since your very first meeting you can't pinpoint what emotion is going through his head. 
The look on his face is something you hadn't seen before. He almost looks angry? Disappointed? You're not quite sure and yet whatever this emotion is it's making you even more worried given his latest tendency to flee the scene whenever you were present. You take a step closer, unsure whether your presence is wanted or not. 
"Jack, are you alright? I haven't seen you around much lately. Did something happen?" 
Better to be blunt than struggle with subtlety and unnecessary niceties if you want to get behind what is going on with your friend. With every step you take, Jack's posture seems to stiffen even more, shoulders tense and jaw locked. You stop a few paces away from Jack, tilting your head quizzically. The man in front of you just stares at you, seemingly not having heard a thing you said while at the same time seeming keenly aware of your movements. 
You take another tentative step and like a scared rabbit he suddenly bolts. At the spot in which mere seconds ago your friend and companion stood is not even a Jack-shaped dust cloud left. You see him vanish back into the woods as you let out a frustrated sigh. So much for talking things over. 
You turn back to Ted who looks at you with his red glowing eyes and you suddenly feel pitied. Ted humms mournfully, his gaze drifting back to where Jack fled into the forest. 
"I don't know what I did for him to run from me like I have the plague", you mumble under your breath as you kick a defenseless stone in front of your feet. You only get a thoughtful grunt from Ted this time. 
"Or am I just overreacting? Is it just some new werewolf quirk he gets when the moon is getting fuller?"
Your thoughts tumble around like each one is a loose item in a desk drawer. Why would he react like this now? He'd been nervous or a bit jumpy in earlier moon cycles but never like this. Or at least not since you had joined the small group that was Ted and Jack. 
Ted's thoughtful rumble doesn't give you any more insight on Jack's strange behavior. You sit back down next to him and bury your face in your hands, letting out another frustrated sigh. 
"So you think it's just because there is a full moon tonight and he doesn't want to be close and potentially hurt me?" 
You don't turn to Ted as you question his reasoning, instead you look up and watch as the sun is starting to slowly set over the horizon. This whole situation, the worrying and uncertainty, made your head spin. You're rubbing the bridge of your nose to stave off the beginnings of a headache. 
Ted hums in affirmation and you choose to trust his judgment. He knew Jack longer than you did after all. And yet that answer did nothing to stop the nervous flutter in your stomach. Maybe you really were overthinking things. Jack was a kind and thoughtful man, it made sense for him to want to keep you safe, however strange it may seem. His protectiveness was one of the traits you admired in him. More than admired even. 
It's been a few weeks since you realized that your feelings towards Jack were more than just those one would have for a platonic friend. He made you feel safe and cared for regardless of the circumstances. You were in the woods in the middle of nowhere and yet you had never felt safer. Ted had a big part in that too but with Jack things were different. While Ted had become a great friend you didn't wake up from dreams of you two kissing tenderly under a starlit sky. But with Jack? You'd lost count of how often you wake up from dreaming about your lips pressing against his, hands combing through his unruly hair. 
All of this makes the distance he has inadvertently put between the two of you hurt even more. Did he know? Could werewolves sense things like that? Crushes? They say wolves can smell fear, was it the same for other emotions? Could he hear the way your heart beat faster whenever you got too close? Is that why Jack is staying away? Maybe he just wants to let you down easy but is too nice to tell you to your face that he is not interested in you. Not in that way. Just as a friend.
You shake your head as you let out another groan of frustration. No, you would not let yourself go down that train of thought. Your crush on Jack was bad enough but you would not put words in his mouth like that. You'd have to just ask him, talk to him about it. Somehow. When he doesn't just run away again. 
You look back at Ted, his red eyes studying you carefully. "I'll talk to him about that after the full moon. I've been safe before without him avoiding me for days on end. There needs to be a better solution."
You stand up and walk over to the small tent you and Jack used for shelter when the three of you were traveling - though at this point it hadn't been used by Jack in a while. A part of you is grateful for that especially since you've developed more than platonic feelings for the werewolf. Sleeping in the same tent as the man you have a crush on was dangerous territory. 
You enter the tent with one goal in mind: finding a distraction. Jack wouldn't be back before the morning at this rate and you'd rather not be alone with your thoughts at this time. You remember that there was a deck of cards around here somewhere. Roping Ted into playing a few rounds with you before it was time to retire for the night should keep your mind off of Jack for the time being. 
Digging around your belongings you come across something you hadn't seen in a while. From between Jack's things you recognize a soft piece of fabric - a scarf you had lent Jack early on when you decided to travel with the strange duo. Another security measure, or so the werewolf had explained, something to remember you by - to remember your scent - should you ever come across the wolf. Next to it you find sturdy iron chains, a bit on the older side but still functional. They were the chains Jack used to keep himself locked up and tied down at a full moon. 
What were the chains doing here when it was already starting to get dark and Jack was who-knows-where alone in the woods? A shiver runs down your spine. Jack wouldn't be this careless, not if there wasn't something bigger at play. 
You gather up your scarf and the iron chains, the card deck you came here for completely forgotten, and leave the tent. The chains rattle in your arms as you return to Ted's side. He gives you a questioning groan, head tilted to the side, as you stuff the heavy chains into your backpack and tie your scarf around your neck. 
"Jack left these and it's already getting dark. I have no idea how he could forget them but I have to get them to him before we have a werewolf wandering the woods. What if there are people camping? What if some hiker decided to go out at night for whatever-the-fuck. What if-"
What if he hurts someone innocent? Jack would never be able to live with himself after that. 
You close your bag with shaking hands, heart racing like you just ran a marathon. Putting on your backpack you take one last look at Ted. 
"I have to find him. I'll be fine. Just stay here in case he comes back before I find him."
Ted just nods, knowing once you had made up your mind he couldn't do much to dissuade you. With a soft hum he asks you to be safe and you give him a smile that you hope comes across as confident before you make your way into the woods. 
You're nervous, walking through the thick foliage, tall, sturdy trees obscuring most of the last rays of sunlight that fight their way over the horizon. You try to focus your senses on finding Jack, the sound of careful footsteps, the sight of a figure moving through the bushes or just the eerie feeling of someone being nearby, anything. But all you feel is your heart threatening to beat out of your chest, all you hear is your own quickened breath. What if you're too late? 
In desperation you start calling his name, your voice getting more and more panicked each time. After what feels like hours of walking but could have only been a few minutes of almost screaming yourself hoarse you finally hear the answering call of your own name. You stop in your tracks, eyes frantically searching for the source of the voice, Jack's voice. At a distance you see a figure move towards you. You call out his name again and the figure moves faster. Finally you see him fully, Jack closing in on you, his face a mirror of your own panic. 
"What are you doing here? The sun is almost down! You can't be here, it's too dangerous!"
You nod, completely agreeing, as you take off your backpack and open it, showing him the thick iron chains inside. 
"I am aware of that, thank you. But I couldn't let you be out here alone without these."
You pull the chains out of the bag and hold them out towards him. His face lights up in recognition before his brows furrow. He looks guilty. 
"I- I completely forgot. Dios mio, thank you. I just-" 
He takes the chains and looks around as if he suddenly realized he was lost. His eyes find the thick trunk of a tree nearby and he walks towards it. Jack takes a few rounds around the tree, inspecting it and giving it a small nod when he deems it suitable. He turns back to you, still a guilty look on his face as he asks: "Would you-? Could you- uh. Help me with this?" 
He must have done this so many times before and yet he stands before you like a lost child. Your heart squeezes uncomfortably in your chest as you nod and follow him to the tree. Carefully you wrap the iron chains around the tree and Jack, securing him to it like a hostage in one of those countless Robin Hood movies. You worry about hurting Jack but he guides you through the motions, telling you how tight the chains should be in order to hold him back. 
Your hands feel like they are burning after you are done - from the cold or the strain to them you don't know. You take a step back and look at the man in front of you. A quiet part in the back of your mind suggests that now is the time to make Jack talk, now that he can't run away again, but you push that voice back. By the thickness of the tree crowns you can't say how much daylight you have left and the wolf would certainly not be able to answer your questions. 
"You should leave."
You can tell he is trying to sound stern and yet his eyes betray him, pleading for you to heed his words. You take a moment to just look at him. You won't lie and say you aren't curious about the other him, the wolf. But that curiosity is overshadowed by a very different emotion. 
You don't want him to be alone. 
It's silly maybe. Staying here would be dangerous for you. No one can predict if Jack will still recognize you when he turns or if the chains, old as they are, would even hold tonight. But you have seen the aftermath enough to know that whatever happens on the full moon it drains Jack. Hurts him in ways that no blade nor bullet can. And you don't want him to go through that alone. 
Your pondering is disturbed by groans of pain. Jack is writhing against the chains, body shaking violently. Your eyes widen as you look up and only see a bit of silvery light shining through the leaves. 
The full moon had risen. 
Jack's groans of pain turn into inhuman growling. You watch as his limbs shift, claws and fur growing. It's hard to avert your gaze from this gruesome sight, your eyes linger while your mind tells you to run. And yet you are frozen in place, by shock or by fear is unclear and irrelevant. Time slows down as you watch the figure in front of you strain against the chains, growling like a cornered animal. He doesn't even seem to notice you anymore. 
Immediately his eyes are on yours. 
You'd have thought his eyes would look different but they are still Jack's. Still the same beautiful brown-green. Time slows down as the two of you just stare into each other's eyes and you feel like you can't breathe. 
Getting closer would be a horrible idea. Terrible. Absolutely stupid. 
As you try and talk yourself out of doing something that could get you seriously hurt or worse killed the wolfman starts to sniff the air around himself. A soft whine takes you by surprise. His eyes had become impossibly large, pupils dilated to leave nothing but black. He keeps panting and sniffing and whining, looking at you with the one thing you would have expected from Jack but not the wolf: puppy dog eyes. 
You blink as if it would change the scene in front of you. Maybe you hit your head on your way here or maybe you stumbled and this is a dream or hallucination. 
The surrealism of the situation gives you the courage to step forward, closer to the werewolf tied to a tree. You are only a few paces away before Jack starts to struggle against the chains again, growling and snarling angrily. You flinch and step back again. As you leave his proximity the wolf starts to whine again, looking at you with big, round eyes, pleading. Your first thought is that he wants to be free from those chains. Who wouldn't be after all? Nobody wants to be held against their will. 
You take another careful step forward, repeating this strange dance of two steps forward, one step back - all the time never breaking eye contact with the wolf. Each time you come closer Jack fights harder against his restraints. Each time you step back he starts whining and whimpering like a dog begging for treats. 
You just hope he doesn't see you as the treat. 
Repeating this song and dance multiple times you are now about an arm's length away from Jack. He is still straining and fighting against the chains but it doesn't scare you as much as it did but a few minutes ago. Slowly, carefully you raise your hand. Jack's eyes look away from yours for the first time - eager to watch your hand, head tilted towards it, eagerly taking in your scent. You swallow hard hoping against hope that if anyone saw you they would blame the heat in your cheeks on the cold. Your fingers softly brush against Jack's cheek and you feel his fur for the first time. You're in awe, your hand hovering next to his face. You'd never thought his fur would feel this soft. 
A rumbling startles you out of your thoughts and it takes you a moment to figure out the source of the sound. You can feel Jack rubbing his face against your hand, softly growling, almost like a purr, as he eagerly chases your touch. You can't quite stop the nervous laugh that forces its way out of your lungs. You resume your petting and the content rumbling sound gets louder, echoing in the empty forest. 
"Is that it? You want to be petted?" 
You don't really expect an answer but you feel like you can't just stay quiet around Jack, even if he isn't the best conversationalist at the moment. His mouth is hanging open, panting loudly, allowing you a closer look at his sharp fangs. The werewolf gives another whine, not content with just rubbing his cheek against the palm of your hand anymore. He drags his tongue along the inside of your wrist leaving a damp stripe of saliva in its wake. You gasp, embarrassed by the unbidden thoughts of how that tongue would feel in other places. 
Hesitantly you take a step back, needing the physical distance to compose yourself. You ignore the disgruntled growling of the werewolf and close your eyes, taking a deep breath. This was a bad idea. Jack isn't in his right mind and you shouldn't take advantage of that. Not to mention that the wolf in front of you may seem somewhat harmless now but that could change any second. You should leave and find Jack again in the morning to untie him. Or tell Ted where to find him. 
A metallic groan disrupts your thoughts and when you open your eyes again you see Jack pulling at his chains. You take another startled step back as the werewolf breaks his restraints, metal bending and breaking under his inhuman strength. 
In a flash he is on you, your body crashing into the ground. Your back hits the earth and you gasp, pain shooting up your spine. As you look up you see right into those stunning eyes that held you captivated only moments ago. Jack kneels over you, his whole body trapping you underneath him. He bends over, nuzzling into your neck. You hear nothing but his hot breath and your own heart pounding in your ears. You keep completely still, afraid that any small move could be the wrong one and thus your last. You were never afraid of Jack but the wolf had you terrified. You flinch involuntarily as you feel his wicked tongue against your neck, sharp canines dragging softly against your skin. Heat curls in your abdomen as you gasp out his name. The rumble in his chest vibrates through you as his body crowds yours. There is no space, no air left between the two of you as Jack rubs his face against your neck, claws against your sides and his hips sliding against your legs. 
It feels like your mind is made out of static as you feel the drag of his sizable erection against your thighs. You were afraid the wolf was seeing you as a treat to devour - you didn't know how right and wrong you were before now. 
"J-Jack! Oh God", you gasp as the werewolf keeps grinding down on you frantically. You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, fingers digging into the dark fur, pulling him even closer. With a pleased rumble he paws at your clothes, eager to get them off, to expose more and more of your skin. His claws rip through your clothes, the fabric tearing apart like tissue paper. You shiver at the contrast between the heat radiating off of Jack and the cool night breeze, goosebumps prickling over your skin. Jack drags his tongue from your neck over your collarbone to the swell of your chest. Your nipples stiffen with Jack's proximity and the low temperature of everything but yourself and the werewolf currently bent over you. 
He huffs against your bare skin, his tongue swirling around your peaked nipples. With a choked off moan you squirm beneath Jack. He holds you down with his sheer mass, his hips still grinding against you. You can feel the heat of his hard cock through the fabric of your pants. 
"F-fuck! Jack please-" 
You don't even know if he understands you, how much Jack there is left in this creature but you can't help yourself. Desperate for more, you tighten your grip on his fur and try to guide his head lower. The werewolf offers no resistance, only a questioning hum as he traces the path downward with his tongue. Once his face is right above your clothed pussy he inhales deeply, taking in the scent of your arousal that is evident to him even through your clothing. His whole body shudders and all air leaves his lungs with a dark growl. 
You flinch at the sound, your sex-addled mind clearing as you are once again aware of who and especially what you are currently laying under. This was dangerous. What are you even doing? You can't just have sex with Jack while he is under the influence of the full moon. This was a glaring consent issue. What if he doesn't want you like that? What if the wolf would actually try to eat you? What if-
You are violently pulled out of your thoughts by your pants being ripped apart by two clawed hands and dragged off of your body. With a surprised yelp you try and scramble backwards but the wolf is faster. His claws dig into the soft flesh of your thighs much more gently than you could have anticipated. Once again you feel like you are pinned down like a butterfly in a display case. 
Jack spreads your legs apart, his face so close to your core with only the thin fabric of your underwear covering you. You watch him and try your best to stay still. His tongue runs along the already soaked fabric of your panties. You gasp and your hips involuntarily cant upwards, desperately seeking more friction. Jack repeats the motion with a satisfied growl before you feel his fangs against your skin. 
Your heart is pounding in your ears, both terrified and aroused by the sharp glide of his canines so close to your sensitive cunt. With one sharp tug on the flimsy fabric the wolf tears your underwear apart with his teeth. You can feel the cold air against your wet folds and instinctively try to cross your legs but you are stopped by Jack still hunched between your thighs. 
Quickly the freezing forest breeze is replaced by the hot panting of the werewolf, his face hovering over your glistening cunt. Another satisfied rumble vibrates through his chest before his flexible tongue slides between your wet folds in long, firm strokes. Your whole body shudders as his tongue circles your sensitive clit, a choked off moan falling from your lips. You tighten your grip on his fur, desperately clinging to him for support. 
Slowly, like rolling waves, you feel your orgasm approaching. At once it rushes over you, your whole body shaking with its intensity. Your breath shudders as the last waves of your orgasm ripple through your body and your arms fall weakly to your sides. For a moment you forget the surreal situation you are in and just enjoy the afterglow of such an intense climax. 
You can feel Jack’s hot breath against your sensitive sex. He climbs over you once more, caging you in under his broad form, his throbbing cock lying heavy against your abdomen. Jack slowly drags his cock down between your legs, rubbing teasingly between your folds. You gasp at the feeling and look up. His dark eyes seem to devour you, like the feast he just made of your pussy wasn't enough to sate him.
Mind still buzzing with the afterglow of your orgasm you blearily watch Jack’s canine face. It takes you a moment to recognize the question in the wolf's eyes. You're stunned for a second with the realization that even when turned into this beast that he so fears, Jack would never force himself on you. Not trusting yourself to get the words out you nod instead. The wolf's pleased rumble fills your ears and you feel the blunt pressure of his cock against your entrance soon after. 
Even with how wet you are, especially after your recent orgasm, you can feel the stretch of Jack's impressive girth entering you. He pushes inside you slowly, much slower than you'd expect from the werewolf. You gasp, his size more than you'd ever felt. Jack halts his movements and lets out a soft, almost worried sounding whine. You take deep breaths, squeezing your eyes closed and try to relax around his uncomfortable size. 
“I’m alright. Just- just give me a moment,” you force the words out between your lips. Your face is twisted in pain, not too much to overwhelm you but enough to make your breath shudder. Suddenly you feel Jack's nose and cheek rub against yours, his apologetic whimpers filling your ears. He's trying to soothe you or maybe apologize - you're not sure. Your eyes blink open and with shaky hands you reach out to grasp his face gently. 
It's difficult to read Jack's facial expressions like this, his wolfish features distorting the soft smiles or raised eyebrows you're so used to from Jack. The only thing unchanged by his transformation are his eyes, still so expressive even under the influence of the full moon. You take deep breaths, trying to calm your mind and relax. Jack rubs his cheek against yours, whimpering softly in your ear. “It’s ok. I know you don’t want to hurt me,” you try to soothe him, your fingers playing with his fur. 
It takes you a few moments until you feel ready to continue. “You can move now. But slowly,” you tell him softly, your hands still buried in his fur, “Please.” He nods in understanding and the werewolf slowly starts moving his hips. You feel his massive cock drag against your slick walls, the pain his size and girth had caused you turning gradually into pleasure. Jack trembles over you, the need to just mindlessly plow into you slowly growing stronger than his restraint. As he bottoms out you shudder, your drawn out moan echoing through the forest. Jack stays unmoving inside you, his head buried in your neck, panting heavily into your ear. You can feel his cock pulse inside your pussy and you instinctively clench around him. With a deep growl his hips stutter and you gasp. 
“Move oh god please move,” you beg. Jack doesn’t leave you waiting and at once he starts really fucking into you. His clawed hands hold your hips tightly and leave you unable to move as he buries his cock in you again and again. It’s maddening feeling him so deep inside of you, feeling him everywhere. The werewolf responds to every flutter of your cunt, to every sound spilling from your lips, growling and fucking you faster and harder. The last thought you have is that you won’t be able to walk in the morning and then he hits that spot inside of you that makes your mind go blank. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and you let out an ungodly moan. You can’t think, all you know is the feeling of his massive cock splitting you open and the inhuman wolfman using fucking you like a human-sized fleshlight. It’s absolute bliss and you let yourself fall into the pleasure he gives you. You’re babbling something; you can hear your voice but you don’t know what you’re saying but he seems to understand, huffing and puffing in response. He lifts your hips and the angle makes you cry out even louder. The slick sound of his cock plowing into you is obscene but you don’t care. You’re getting closer and closer to your second orgasm, your fingers digging almost painfully into his fur, urging him on until a particularly hard thrust makes you see stars and pushes you over the edge. It’s too much, the pleasure overwhelming you as everything goes dark and you lose consciousness.  
The first thing you notice when you come to yourself is the hard ground under you and the heavy weight on top of you. You open your eyes and the sunlight spilling through the leaves makes you squint. How long were you out? If the sun was already out then-
The weight on top of you shifts and you hear Jack grumble. Not the wolf but Jack. A very human, very naked Jack lays on you, his head on your chest. You freeze when you feel him slowly rouse from his sleep. Panic rises in your chest. What would you tell him? Did he remember what happened last night? Your spiraling thoughts grind to a halt when Jack’s eyes, heavy with sleep, find yours. His brow furrows as he mumbles your name. Realization dawns on his face and you can’t do anything but watch, anything you could say to him stuck in your throat. But where you expect embarrassment or disgust you only find terror. “Oh no, what did I do?” he whispers to himself. “Jack, I-” He sits up and the missing weight on you feels wrong. His eyes scan your body, taking in your ripped clothing. “Did I hurt you? Ay Dios, what did I do?” “Jack,” you try to pull his attention towards you, voice raised, “You did nothing wrong. You didn’t hurt me.” His eyes find yours trying to catch you in a lie but he finds only the truth. His shoulders slump with a deep sigh. 
You stay quiet before Jack breaks the silence. “Why did you stay with me? You could have died!” He is still frowning but you can hear the anger in his voice. “I wanted to help! I-,” you explain as you sit up and try to cover yourself with the bits and pieces of clothing you are left with, “The wolf, he wanted me to stay. He didn’t attack me.” Jack swallows around the lump in his throat, pointedly not looking at you when you cover up to give you some privacy. “It’s a beast. You should have run. You should have-” “He didn’t attack me, Jack. He likes me.” A faint blush creeps on his face. “Likes you? I don’t think that describes quite what happened here,” he mumbles sheepishly. 
Jack carefully sneaks a peek at you, not so subtly checking for injuries again. “Are you sure you aren’t hurt?” He sounds so worried and it breaks your heart. “I’m alright. A bit sore maybe but no injuries.” Jack clears his throat awkwardly, “Sore? Oh dear. I am so sorry. I didn’t- I mean, I wasn’t-” Gently you put your hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok. You weren’t in control. I know you don’t like me like that,” you reassure him, the words leaving a bittersweet taste in your mouth. He looks at you like you’re speaking in tongues. “You don’t…mi vida, I thought I was pretty obvious,” he says, embarrassment clear in his voice. You blink at him in confusion. “What do you mean?” Jack swallows hard and turns towards you fully. “I like you. Very much. I mean, I am attracted to you,” he sighs, rubbing his face, “The closer the full moon gets the harder it is to hide my feelings. I was close to ripping Ted apart yesterday just because he gave you a hug. It’s maddening.” 
Your heart races, heat spreading through your cheeks. “You- You mean that you-” “I’m in love with you. And I know this is the worst timing and I really didn’t want our first time to be like this,” he motions around him. Your heart feels heavy and light at the same time. “I love you too, Jack.” He smiles at you, a big toothy grin that makes you smile too. “I’m glad. I didn’t think you did. That’s why I tried to hide it.” You nod in understanding given that you did pretty much the same. You tell him as much as you lean in closer, resting your head on his shoulder. 
You don’t know how long you stay like this, the sun rising further and the forest waking around you. It’s only when you gather your things and make your way back to camp, careful of any hikers catching you in the nude that you turn to Jack and ask: “How do we tell Ted?” Jack laughs, shaking his head. “I have a feeling he already knows, mi vida.”
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cup1dt3a · 1 year
I’m Not Happy, So Why Should They All Be?
Summary: It was exactly twenty years ago when the mysterious Ramchackle perfect had tragically died. And this day was a heartfelt reunion of all the NRC students that attended twenty years ago with the human. But their spirit still unknowingly lingers around the school. Envious, Hateful, and upset with the world and especially Dire Crowley the fool who had them stuck here and left for dead. How will they all react to the vengeful spirit of their beloved friend who isn’t the same as they used to be? Why not take a look and see?
My main inspiration for this was a song from that new-ish Scrooge movie called “ Tell me” …It’s good what can I say
Warning: Angst
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You stared out the window. Still in the same spot you’ve been for years. Sitting and staring in hatred. Hatred for being trapped in this stupid school. Hatred for dying. Hatred for never being reunited with your family. Hatred for just seeing students walking so gleefully around campus. So happy with their friends as you rot here forgotten by the people you risked your life for. Why did things end this way? Well that stupid Crow named Crowley did this to you! Your mental state and body when you were alive was deteriorating so bad that it killed you. All the work you’ve done. And everything you did was for nothing. All of it was reminders of what you lost. You had everything taken away from you. Because of that stupid crow!
“ ____ it’s been years why not join us by the fire? Some stupid kids forgot to put it out.” The chubbier of the other ghosts chuckled beckoning you to get away from the window.
“ Yeah! It’s so boring to spend eternity with you! All you ever do is stare out that window!” The skinny one commented.
“ You all know they’ll never leave that window. It’s sad to see them become so hateful over the years. __ used to be such a happy person.” The smallest of the group said knowing that you’re not even going to bother joining them.
Processing his words you smiled. Clenching your teeth at his comment. Why should you be happy?
You started to chuckle at his words “ I used to be happy? Tell me then…Tell me why should I be happy again?”
“ Why should I be happy!? I had everything taken from me the moment I set foot here! I had my whole life stolen because of some incompetent man! Every year I have to go through seeing people walk so happy out of here while I’m stuck to rot with you three! Go on tell me! I’m DYING to hear your reasoning!” You screamed turning out of your seat for once in twenty years.
You were boiling with rage. How would they ever know what you’re going through! Don’t they know you have your reasons? You just want to get back at that asshole. For all the pain he caused you. For everything he took away. You want him to suffer just like you have for these years. To fully understand the pain you’ve gone through.
“ Shhhh! We’re not supposed to be here! It sucks that those old NRC students are hogging the mirror chamber!” A random student said shushing his friends.
“….Old NRC students you say?” You appeared in front of the students startling them.
“Ah ah ah~,” you sang “ No need to scream I just want some information about these old students. Won’t you help a poor old soul out?” You asked him putting on your best friendly smile in years.
They hesitantly explained that it was some students from twenty years ago. Crowley had gathered them all for some kind of reunion. It was also about “ some human that dyed here too”. Now that’s interesting. You’d figured they all forgotten about you. Why not pay your old friends a visit…Maybe your vengeance will go a lot easier? Hopefully so you’d hate to leave them all ghosted after all these years.
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“ So it’s been a while huh?” The blue haired man of the group asked.
“ Yeah, ever since the incident we haven’t really spoken that much…how’s life going?” Ace sighed looking at the three other man.
“ Same as always guarding Waka-Sama!” Sebek exclaimed pridefully.
“ I’m surprised we got out of touch in all honesty heh…Jack is that a ring!?” Epel exclaimed.
“ Took you long enough, but yes I have two kids and a beautiful wife.” He chuckled as the small group went into chaos after all these years apart they had still never really changed.
As the group was fawning over Jack being married and Ace losing his bet to Deuce a certain red head had bumped into someone.
“ Cater? I haven’t seen you in years! I’m so sorry!” Riddle exclaimed apologizing for bumping into the other red head.
“ Riddle…wow you’ve grown. Literally you used to be such a short little queen. You remember that little crown you used to wear? And those boots!” He chuckled as the red head rolled his eyes.
“ GoldFishie~! It’s been sooooo long! And here I thought you wouldn’t show up Mister “ I work in court now Floyd I can’t just stop by and get you free of all your charges!” A certain eel huffed.
“ Floyd on the surface what you did to that man is considered a felony! You know things are different up here.” A certain octopus sighed pushing his glasses up.
“ In my defense he told me he was into it!” He retorted.
“ Silver!” A white tall man with a short beard gasped going to hug the eel.
“ Hello Kalim. It’s been a while huh?” Silver asked reciprocating the hug from the now very tall and muscular white haired emperor.
They all chatted so gleefully with their old friends. So unaware of the familiar eyes that followed them all.
“ Malleus…so the fucks been up with you?” Leona asked as he took a sip of his beer.
“ …The “fuck” that has been up with me has been very well Kingscholar I hope the same for you.” The draconian king replied glancing at the lion.
“ I’ve actually been great. I have three kids and a wife surprisingly.” He proudly bragged.
“ Leona Kingscholar…I should have known the reek of alcohol was coming from you…please don’t tell me you’re drunk.” The actress sighed.
“ I wish, but my lovely wife said I could only have one beer.” He smirked holding up his ring finger to the model.
The three chatted away a few insults and eye rolls following through their conversation. Looks like they all still haven’t changed that much except for appearances.
“ Idia…I really wish you were still introverted from how much of a workaholic you are now.” The younger aground sighed seeing his brother still working on files.
“ Well they aren’t going to get themself done! Why does there always have to be so much work!? How the hell did our dad even get this shit done!?” The oldest shroud complained as they finally came to the reunion.
“Aye! Jamil how’s it been?” The hyena asked the taller man.
“ Busy. I’ve just been traveling around everywhere you know what about you?” Jamil questioned with a tilt to his head.
“ I’m finally financially stable! I can afford to get donuts whenever I want pretty much!” He said.
“ I’m so happy to hear Ruggie.” Jamil smiled.
Well isn’t everyone just living the dream. So happy and free. Just living as if they were all kings.
“ Rose Chevailer! I haven’t seen you in so long!” The hunter dramatically exclaimed starting Trey and Jade.
“ I know it’s been quite a while.” Trey said.
“ Indeed, I wished it would have stayed that way though Rook.” Jade said through his fake smile.
“ Oh, please don’t tell me you’re still mad about what happened.” He sighed.
“ Rook ,Jade couldn’t walk for a week because you saw a bird on a hicking trip and let go of the rope holding him up!” Trey said rubbing his temples.
“ I just wanted to point at it Rose Chevalier.” He pleaded as the Leech twin rolled his eyes.
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Eventually all the talking throughout the Mirror Chamber came to a stop as the Headmadge spoke up silencing the large crowd. Every single member of the students from twenty years ago were here. Sure a few were missing, but still the crowed looked as big as it did the day you had awoken inside one of the coffins. Each and everyone you knew was there. It was all perfect everything except for the bastard that damned you that was still breathing was ruining seeing them all. He decided to even conduct a speech. But suddenly it had turned to you.
“ As we all know twenty years ago we had all lost an astounding member of Night Raven College. They were seen as a friend to all.” He spoke as you rolled your eyes.
“ But today isn’t about them.” He stated as you stared him down inside of the large Mirror” Today is about the success of each and every single one of you. After such a devastating travesty…” he continued as you heard enough.
Everyday you say your grave and never have you once seen him at it. Even the top part of your headstone broken off and he payed no mind to it. What the hell is he trying to do?
After he finished his dreadful speech everyone clapped. As it echoed throughout the room you couldn’t stand it. What did he mean by it isn’t about you!? You don’t want to be forgotten you can’t be! All of this is his fault he should be haunted by the guild and scared for life by what he had done to you. He should…He should have his life ruined right now. He should be scared just by seeing you. He should be crying and pleading for mercy right now. But not yet no…you wanna wait to have a little fun first.
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“Well it was nice seeing you all.” Jack said as the others agreed.
As everyone started to bid their goodbyes you decided to select a few fae, madges, merman, and beastman to steal an important item from.
“ Shit!” Were’s my ring?” Leona groaned as he looked under another table.
“ I can’t find my phone!” Idia said as his brother sighed.
“ Floyd did you steal the key to my safe again? You know that isn’t a funny prank at all!” Azul questioned the Eel.
“ Hey were’s!?” And “ Did you see!” Rang as if it were a chorus throughout the now echoing room.
“ How the do you loose your wedding ring?” Vil asked.
“ Oh wait I think I just reminded where I put it! Up your fat-.” “ Now now, let’s not fight Kingscholar try to retrace your steps.” Malleus interrupted.
You smiled seeing that they were all here. It was like a gift just for you. A very special new toy you finally got after begging your parents for. A special gift that will finally perhaps put your soul to rest after all these tormenting years.
Soon enough the candles started flickering throughout the room catching the attention of the crowd. As the lights slowly started to fade away a new light shown through the mirror. A burning bright blue light that emerged a figure through the mirror. While a haunting voice laughed at the fear shown upon their “friends faces”. As the laughter stopped a groggy very horse voice called out to them as they all distanced themselves away from the mirror ready to fight whatever was coming out of it. As the bloody ink poured out your mouth while you coughed it up looking at the mortified faces of your friends staring them all straight in the eyes with a devilishly wide smile.
“ What’s the matter? I’d thought you’d all look a lot happier to see me. And to think I waited so dreadfully long to see your faces again.” You sadly sighed.
The silence of shock and horror filled the room as you got up brushing yourself off. Not that it would do much to be honest.
“Oh come on do I have to break my back just to get a word out of any of you!? Weeeellll!?” You huffed getting frustrated with their silence.
They should be happy to see you again. After all you helped them all so much they should atleast say hi for all you’ve ever done for them.
“____ is that really you?” Ace said slowly walking towards you.
“ No I’m the ghost of your extended warranty come to tell you that- OF COURSE ITS ME! After twenty years I’d expect you to be atleast a bit smarter. Did you and Deuce just seperate for so long you got dumber?” You questioned as the red head broken down in tears racing toward you to tackle you down into a hug.
“ Oh! It is you!” Ace cried as the rest of your group joined.
You didn’t know what to do at this moment. You expected some kind of revulsion to your decaying appearance. Some kind of screaming and tears of fear. But right now all there was is the crying of your dearest friends happy to see you. Even Sebek the man who always thought he was more superior than you was on his knees hugging you telling you how much he missed you. It was all so perfect almost too perfect…. If this is a dream you hoped it never ended. You never wanted to wake up again if it meant they acknowledged you once again as an actual person. It was odd to for once be the person of trouble and being comforted. You wished it was always like this when you were living. But it wasn’t now was it?
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You woke up gasping for air hyperventilating as you panicked looking around. You looked at your shaking hands. They were fine. They weren’t decaying you weren’t decaying at all. You were perfectly fine. But why were you in the nurses office in one of the beds…
“ No no no!” You cried.
“ ___! You’re finally…are you ok?” Ace asked rushing over to you seeing your panicked state.
“ No…I wanna just go home!” You cried out.
You didn’t want to be here anymore. This was the third time being in the nurses office because you overworked yourself. You’re scared. You don’t want to dyne because you worked yourself to death. You just wanted to see your family and friends from where you came from. As the red head was signaling something to someone or some people behind the doorway to stop you just sat there crying.
You’re never going back home and that’s the truth.
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Sorry but I just really wanted to write for twst! I haven’t in a while and I’m on a crazy for it right now! I hope you all enjoyed this angstful story!
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zorosleftshoe · 2 years
Hey, can you do one where reader is easily scared and after long persuading finally agrees to go exploring with Sam & Colby and during exploring Sam scares her for fun/content and she gets super scared and starts crying/gets a panic atack and Colby gets very mad at Sam and comforts her and calms her down and it ends good/fluffy?
I kinda let this one get away from me. But I like how it turned out. I hope it’s okay and not too..much?
Fear - (c.b)
Pairing: Colby Brock x fem!reader
Warnings: blood, swearing, murder?
If you asked anyone, and I mean anyone, they would tell you my most evident personality trait was that I was startled easily. I was a red panda in human form. Then again, that’s what happens when at the age of seven a strange man finds his way into your home and creates one of the worst memories you’ll ever have. No, not a memory. A stain. I don’t like to think of it as a memory. Memories are meant to be good and that night was the beginning of a very long road to recovery.
I wouldn’t say it was an experience that set in stone who I was as a person but after that night I was always weary of the shadows. Never knowing what, or who, lurked in them.
I met Colby when I turned seventeen. He was just graduating high school and his career was taking off with vine. Although people said we were kindred souls and seemed attached at the hip, I couldn’t help but notice how he was this ray of light and I stuck to the shadows. Keep your enemies close, right? Even if they are dark corners or pitch black alleys that leave a pit in your stomach.
When Colby moved out to California with Sam, I followed. My mom had fallen into a dark spiral after that night and I had nothing anchoring me to Kansas with Colby leaving. He was my lifeline and I wasn’t ready to let go yet. So I stuck beside him through the different styles and creations he went through with his channel while the boys were discovering who they were. Eventually love found it’s way in. The late night talks were no longer just hushed words but sweet confessions and the lingering stares meant much more.
Finally, after months and months of different videos, Colby and Sam opted into testing out the investigation of the supernatural. And it fit. Suddenly the mood was lighter and the boys were content with what they were creating and publishing every video.
When Sam would ask Katrina to accompany them to the next haunted location, I could feel Colby’s eyes burning into the back of my head. I would never discourage him from what he loved to do but he knew how I felt about the paranormal and I knew how he felt about me tagging along. He wanted me to be a part of that portion of his life just as much as Kat was in Sam’s. Needless to say with every new location came a new argument. It was always the same. Colby begging me to just give a chance and then my immediate refusal.
He knew I was afraid of the dark. More so whatever was in it.
It didn’t stop there. He continued to ask every so often in different ways. Eventually it wasn’t even questioning. He would say ‘the Stanley has a nice little shop that sells crystals. I know you like those.’ in an attempt to peak my interest and finally after months of attempts, I gave in. My heart fluttered when I saw how big his smile was that day. How he pulled me into the tightest hug he could with an unspoken ‘I love you’.
Standing in front of Waverly Hills Sanatorium my heart was beating rapidly in my chest and my mind full of regret. I clung tightly to the jacket that was wrapped around my middle as Colby dug through the trunk with Sam. A soft tap on my shoulder tore me out of my thoughts and I reluctantly looked away from the intimidating building in front of me.
“I’ve been on tons of these. Nothing really bad has ever really happened.” Katrina said in attempts to reassure me. She squeezed my shoulder lovingly before turning around and walking back to the boys who were still looking in the trunk. I sighed heavily through my nose and made my way to Colby who was checking a few items to make sure the lights worked correctly.
“You promise this will be okay?” He looked up at my words and sat the instruments down before placing his hands gently on my upper arms. “You just know how I feel about these places and I’m already nervous about going in there and-“ he cut me off with a short kiss.
“I promise everything will be okay. You know I would never let anything hurt you.” Sucking my lip between my teeth I nibbled gently on the skin. He moved his hand to my chin and rubbed gently under my my newly attacked lip. “Don’t hurt your lip, baby.” With a heavy sigh, I release my lip and follow his actions with my eyes as he leans back down to grab the rest of the tools. As I followed closely behind the others into the old and worn down building that night so many years ago crept into my head.
Dad laughed loudly with his head thrown back as he held my mother close. The Christmas tree was illuminating the room with shades of pinks, blues, oranges, and reds as ‘A Christmas Story’ played quietly on the TV. Natalia was asleep on the couch beside me with her head resting in my lap and her soft snores filling the quiet space around us.
As the movie came to a close I saw dad kiss mom on the lips before standing up and walking in my direction. He lifted Natalia off the couch and ushered me off to bed. The night quickly grew silent as I laid there in bed too excited for Santa to be coming. Any minute now he would be here. As if he could hear my thoughts, I heard a soft thud coming from downstairs. My heart rate accelerated at the thought of catching Santa dropping off our presents so I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep. That was until a blood curdling scream rang out through the house.
Even at seven years old your mind knows when something is wrong. But your decision making skills still have a few years before you can justify the decisions you make. I hop out of the bed and sneak to my bedroom door. The house is quiet now. All I can hear now is my heavy breathing as I place my ear against the door. For a few moments it’s quiet. Until I hear rapid footsteps increasing in my direction. My eyes widen and I quickly look around the room for somewhere, anywhere to hide. Bed? No. Too easy. Curtains? Don’t be stupid. Closet? Yes! There’s a hidden hutch in the back that if you don’t know it’s there you’ll miss it. As quietly as I can I race to the closet and to the back under the clothes where the board is. I remove it quickly and just I place it back I hear my bedroom door open.
Seconds feel like hours as I force myself to steady my breathing. By now I’m shaking. I can hear whoever it is rummaging through my bedroom trying to find something. Trying to find me. After awhile it goes quiet but I don’t dare move, I know better. So I stay there until I see the sun peeking through the bottom of the board and I slowly crawl out. The birds are chirping outside but the house is deathly still. With every step I take towards my parents room my hands shake even more. I turn the knob and when I open the door my stomach drops.
I don’t know how long I’ve stood there before I’m racing to the bathroom and leaning over the toilet emptying the contents of my stomach. Silent tears roll down my cheeks as try to erase the picture of my father from my mind. That’s when I noticed the red splotches on the bathtub. My stomach twists at the sight and I slowly rise to my feet before looking over the edge of the tub. When my eyes land on Natalia I feel like headed. The stench in the air is suddenly all I can notice. I quickly retreat from the bathroom and head towards the stairs. When I near the top of them the door and opens and my heart drops. He’s back. He’s come back to finish the job. But that doesn’t happen. Standing in front of me is my mother who places her keys in the bowl beside the door that sits on a table. Her smile is usually infectious but now I can’t bear to see it. She shakes her coat off her shoulders and places it on the hook before looking in my direction. When her eyes land on me she gasps.
“What happened?”
I shake the thought from my head as we trudge deeper into the building. Once we’re at the heart of the location Colby and Sam begin to set up a few things. Katrina is in her own world eyeing all the rooms with wonder. I stand a few feet away with my arms close to my body. I keep my eyes trained on Colby like I’m afraid to look around. To some extent, I am. Colby might not know it and I wouldn’t dare tell him but I couldn’t help but notice the dark figure lurking in one of the abandoned rooms as we walked passed.
That’s the thing about trauma. As you recover they teach you ways to cope. Ways to decipher what’s real and what’s not. Even years after my father and sister’s murders there are times where I can’t tell the two apart. Every hooded man on the street is the monster that slain them Christmas Eve while we slept in our beds and my mother was committing another crime. It was normal for my mind to play tricks on me and although Colby wasn’t around when it happened, he quickly adapted to my needs.
“You still with us, buttercup?” Colby’s voice dripped of honey as he spoke. He was always so sweet to me, even when he didn’t need to be.
“Yeah. What are we doing?” Colby glanced over at Sam with a look of uncertainty before stepping towards me and gently taking my elbow in his hand.
“Sam wants us to split up.” I shrugged and tugged my bottom lip between my teeth again.
“Okay. So us then Sam and Kat?” He shook his head. “Then who?” He sighed heavily and used his free hand to brush my hair out of my face and behind my ear.
“We’re gonna go off on our own.” My eyes widen at his words and I immediately shaky my head. “Just listen-“
“No, Colby. You already know I’m scared out of my mind being here. If I go off on my own I’ll probably have a heart attack and then you’ll be reaching out to me with your ouija boards and shit.” I knew I was being dramatic. If there really was an afterlife, or if ghost were real, how could my dad have not reached out?
“It’ll only be for half an hour. Tops.” My bottom lip is raw now from the constant chewing and I sigh heavily. If I don’t do this, I’ll ruin their video.
“Fine. Half an hour.” We all go our separate ways with a different camera. I turn mine on and begin recording. “I would just like to reiterate that I think this is a dumb idea. You never split up in horror movies. Well, they do. Which is the problem.” I hear a thud from a room in front of me and hold my breath. “Did you hear that?” My heart is already hammering in my chest as I continue forward. “I’m not brave enough for this which is why I’m talking to you.” I say looking at the camera. “At least if I die, you’ll have my last moments captured on camera. Hopefully my last words are something cool.” Another thud. “Is someone there?” I ask to the openness around me. My eyes are starting to brim with tears and I quickly blink them away before looking down at the camera. “I’m not about to cry in front of you guys.” I continue down the hallway and just as I’m about to round the corner I hear a soft whisper behind me. “Guys.” I say softly to the camera. By now I’m shitting myself. I’m shaking life a leaf.
“Ring a round the Rosie, A pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall,” there’s a soft pause between the creepy sing song music before I feel a breath on my neck. “Down!” I let out a scream and the camera falls from my hands. The tears begin to fall as I start to crawl backwards covering my eyes with arms.
“No!” I cry out as I feel my back hit the wall. “Leave me alone!” My breaths come short and fast as I wave my arms in attempt to keep myself safe. “No!” My cheeks are stained now and I don’t dare look up. My head feels like at the lack of oxygen and I feel my eyelids growing heavy.
“What the hell?” I don’t register the voice immediately due to the haze I am but when I feel hands on me I’m pulled out of it as I let out another scream. “What did you do?” The voice is full of anger.
“It was just a joke, Colby. We were just trying to get some good content for the video. We didn’t know she would react like this.” Another voice piped up. The hands that are on my body are gentle.
“Can I touch you?” I don’t know if they’re questioning me but I nod. Whoever this is isn’t a threat and I need help calming down before I pass out. “I’m gonna put your hand on my chest, okay? I need you to match my breathing. Can you do that for me?” My eyes are closed but I nod in response. I feel the heavy rise and fall of their chest and I attempt to mimic it. “Good. Just focus on my breathing.” As I focus on the rising and falling my mind drifts to the blueness of Colby’s eyes. How they remind me of the ocean. How deep and vast it is and suddenly I’m grounded. I open my eyes and there are those blue eyes. “I’m right here.” I let out a sob and throw my arms around his shoulders. He’s quiet but I can feel him softly rubbing circles into my back. When I open my eyes I examine the room, from Sam and Kat who are stood with faces full of guilt, to the broken camera on the ground next to us.
“Oh, Colby!” My lip trembles again at the realization I broke his camera and he shakes his head before ‘sh’ing me.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” He says putting emphasis on the you. Sam shifts his weight and I glance up at them with teary eyes.
“Why?” Katrina won’t even look me in the eyes and Sam is focused on his shoes.
“We wanted good content for the video and Kat has already been in so many. Since it was your first video it was kinda just-“
“A hazing thing?” I ask and Sam shrugs. I know he feels bad because I’ve been friend with him just as long as I’ve been friends with Colby. The only difference? I left Sam in the dark about what happened to my family.
“You knew how hard I fought to get her to be in a video and you do this? She’s never gonna be in one again. You realize that right?” Colby is fuming. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Sam is still confused. He doesn’t understand why a simple prank would cause a full on meltdown and although it was in poor taste, it’s not entirely his fault. “Seriously, man! Use your brain.”
“I’m sorry, Colby. We were just trying to have some fun.” Sam argues.
“Fun? You’ve been her friend as long as I have. You know she scares easily and you also know she has panic attacks. Hell, you’ve been there for a few. What would make you think this was a good idea?” Sam shrugs again.
“We were banking on her getting scared, Colby. We didn’t know she would react that way.” He pauses and looks over at me. “I’m sorry. If we knew, you know we wouldn’t have done this.” He looks back to Colby. “You’re her boyfriend. You know more than we do. You know more than I do even being her best friend. Let’s just finish this and go to the hotel.” Colby scoffs before rising to his feet and helping me up.
“No. You can finish this and I’ll take her to the hotel so she can relax. After that I’m not letting her stay another minute here.” Colby takes my hand and pushes passed Sam who gives me an awkward smile. “I can’t believe him!” Colby says once we’re safely in the car.
“He didn’t know.” He huffs.
“He doesn’t need to know. That’s the problem. He knows how much I wanted you to come and he pulls a silly prank that sends you into a full on panic attack.” I can tell he’s still angry by the way he clutches onto the wheel. His knuckles are a ghostly white and his jaw is clenched so tight I’m worried for his teeth.
“It’s not his fault he doesn’t know my family was murdered. Aside from the people that saw it in the paper seventeen years ago, I don’t think a lot of people do.” It’s silent for a few moments before I speak again. “I’m sorry.” Colby’s grip loosens and he looks over at me quickly.
“Why are you sorry?”
“You have to deal with all this. You shouldn’t have to and I’m just sorry.” Colby pulls off the main road and puts the car in park before turning his body towards me and taking my hand.
“You are not a burden to me. I love you and everything that comes with you.” I go to speak but he quickly cuts me off. “What ever that may be. No matter what that may be.” He presses a gentle hand against the side of my neck and leans closer. “You are the sun that lights up my world and the moon that moves my oceans. There will never be another you. Trauma and all.” A tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek and he kisses it away before pressing his lips against mine. “I love you.” He rests his forehead against mine for a moment before leaning back and putting the car in drive.
“I love you, Colbs. I never thought fairytales were real.” He looks over at me with a dazed smile. “They are. You just have to know where to look.”
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Good morning/afternoon/night! My internet is really bad at the moment so im not sure when this ask is gonna get through lol :,)
If I remember it correctly, your asks are open! So I decided to try my luck on sending one! (I've only downloaded Tumblr recently so im sorry if this goes badly :,) )
May I ask for a scenario or something like that with Pocketcat obsessing over a poor and desperate soul(aka reader lol) who is just trying to make their way through the Fear and Hunger dungeons/The festival of Termina (It's probably better if you choose lol)? Reader is just trying to go through another day without being attacked in their sleep and maybe smoking some Opium while that goddamn cat is just starting from a corner.
((Im not sure how asks work! Sorry if I made a mistake!!))
Omg yes this is perfectly fine! Everybody loves Pocketcat (me included) so I'm more than happy to answer this lol. Let's set this during the Festival, shall we? :)
You're doing great!
Warnings: Stalking, General Creep Behavior, Pocketcat Deserves His Own Warning, Drug Use
The atmosphere of Prehevil was a buzz with an invisible, cold heat. Your skin had started to tingle the moment you woke up from that terrible dream you had on the train and a throbbing headache that started as a minor annoyance has now turned into a full blown migraine that has you feeling like you've been brained by a lead pipe, a very real possibility given all the pissed off locals that have been attacking you unprompted and out of the blue as you've wandered the mostly deserted streets.
The last few blocks, you've begun to feel as though you were being watched... Every other step you take, you swear that you hear the echo of a footfall that is just barely out of sync of your own. You pause mid step and listen carefully.
Shit. You don't look over your shoulder, fearing what you might find following you. You shove your hands in your jacket pockets and suddenly pick up your pace, not quite running but not walking casually either. Your fucking head is killing you... You wanted nothing more than to take a hit from your pipe... but you needed to find somewhere relatively safe first. Continuing on, you round several more street corners. You don't stop until you no longer hear any footsteps mirroring your own. Slowing down, you strain your ears once again.
Silence. You shuffle to a stop. Your headache is nearly blinding and you sit on a pair of steps that lead into one of the many buildings in Prehevil. Fumbling with your bag, you fish out your smoking pipe, your eyes closed as they were throbbing and painfully dry. You crack an eye open and find a nearly empty matchbook, striking it alight and lighting the pipe that was still partially filled with opium. Extreme, but its all you have.
And your head-
It was sweet relief. The opium was strong and fast acting. Your headache numbed, as did your paranoia. Your heartbeat slowed and you felt yourself fall at ease. You kept your eyes closed, enjoying the brief moment of quiet. Has it been only a few hours of this? It almost felt like a lifetime... Your eyes open, blinking as they readjust to the light. And you find yourself startled as there was someone standing down the street opposite of where you sat.
The colour purple was a strange sight in this blood-soaked town... Not a drop of gore was on him, yet the bag at his feet was blood-smeared and breathing, you could tell even from where you sat. He was tall and well-dressed, strange all around and strangely making a point to avoid eye-contact with you. As you stared at him, suddenly sobering from the opium, he twitched his head and glanced in your direction. What the hell was he wearing...?
"Ah-! Oh, dear me! I didn't see you there at all!" His accent was strange and he seemed exasperated. Though he was wearing a mask, something that appeared to be cumbersome and inflexible, it had a lot of character and seemed to reflect it well through his eyes.
"My, my, how rude of me! I do apologize, this Festival has us all running about like mad, does it not?" You uneasily looked side to side.
Was... he talking to you?
"What... 'Festival'...?" He continued on.
"Say... perhaps I am mistaken but... do I know you? Maybe you get that a lot, you do have one of those faces, but I swear that you look..." The masked man turned to face you. He had one hand in his pocket, something that make you gravely nervous.
"...familiar?" You don't know why you answered him. Perhaps it was the awkwardness of this situation getting to you.
"Yes! Familiar. I feel as though I have met you once before, in lands and times different though under such similar circumstances..." He grew wistful, seeming to reflect on an old and touching memory. You frowned. There was something nagging at the back of your head....
"Pray tell, how has this Festival been treating you? Worse for wear? Perhaps you have had your fill and wish to turn in for the day?" You narrowed your eyes.
"I... What?" He continued.
"No matter, there is time left for you, though not much at all, I'm afraid. There is never enough time, is there? Or it certainly doesn't feel that way... Especially where the ones we love are concerned..." He turned his head so you couldn't see his masked face. The man brought his hand to his mouth and seemed to suddenly grow sheepish. The hand in his pocket began to twitch and you felt your stomach roll in apprehension.
"Do you have that special someone in your life? I did... once upon a time... Though it has been so many ages since I last saw them..." He turned to face you and he seemed larger and closer than he truly was. The masked man grew in height and seemed to lean in close to you, until you had your back flat against the stairs and you were cowering before him from across the street.
"Though... looking upon you has brought a wave of nostalgia over me! Truly, I must thank you for this, for I had missed them terribly..." There was a genuineness to his voice that was almost moving... for a split second, you felt your guard lower.
"I see..." Your shoulders dropped a little. A wave of emotion washed over you.
But in the warmness there was also,
Deja vu seized your heart and froze you in place. Your temples began to throb as the colour drained from your face. The stranger had become familiar and known to you, though you didn't understand how or why. He seemed pleased with the shift in your demeanor.
"That's quite enough I think..." You furrowed your brows, confused.
"Yes, quite so!" You can tell that he was smiling under the mask.
"I don't understand-" He nodded to himself.
"That's quite alright, old sport! Give it some time, I think it will all become apparent, sooner than later." The man straightened up and you no longer felt crowded.
"W-What will? What- Who even are you-?!" Your question was waved off.
"Enough questions! Don't you think it's about time now?" Anxiety pulsed under your skin.
"Time? Time f-for what?"
"Time to wake up, of course! You've nearly overslept!" You're stunned. Confused and a little annoyed, you open your mouth to rebuke him, but he's suddenly in front of you and has a gloved hand clamped around your mouth. You can't move, you can't blink, you can't even scream in terror as a wave of nostalgia crashes over you.
"Hush, now... I've stolen you away from my Master for long enough... It's time for us to part ways for now, but we will meet again. It will be just like the good old days, just you wait!" You didn't know who this fucking freak was and you didn't care. You just wanted him to get the hell away from you already!
"Go on, then! Away with you!" His tone was cheery but he picked you off the stone stairs with his one hand with ease, until your legs were dangling limply in the air.
You were thrown down but instead of busting your head on the edge of sharp stairs you startled in a seated position. You hit your elbow against the cool train window and your head bounced off of it as you struggled to regain your senses.
It was... what?
It wasn't real... It was all just one big, terrible dream... You sighed in relief. In the moments that it took your heart to slow, you realized something.
The train wasn't moving and it was devoid of all passengers.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather
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gluttonygirls · 14 days
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"So yeah, chat, I did it, I guess."
Trying to be nonchalant while she bragged. Calli tilted back her head. Taking a long sip of soda from a can, her other hand went down to her pants. Reaching past her belly, purposefully failing to be subtle with it, she looped one of her fingers into her jeans. Tugging them up, she fruitlessly failed to drag them any higher up her waist. The mountain of her gut overflowing her lap and filling her couch side to side bounced, shaking as her hips did the same.
"Big four digits. One, zero, zero, zero. The half-ton."
Smirking, she leaned back, tossing aside the empty can. A small belch rumbled up from her lips as she patted her belly appreciatively, just in time to see a message pop up.
[NoStomachPainNoBlobGain Donated $1,200: Nice! I just passed 1,200 pounds last week! Maybe you'll catch up sometime, skinny!]
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"...Hey, Deadbeats. I know it's been a short stream, but... ufff..."
Planting her hands on her belly, the whale of a woman wheezed as she hauled herself up. Belly slapping against the floor, her wide ass leaving the couch she'd been sitting on, Calli leaned in towards the camera. Hands resting on her hips, she smirked.
"But I'm gonna call it here, k? Don't worry, I'll be back in around a week, so look forward to big things." A smile, a wave, and an odd look in her eyes as she ends stream.
A few days pass, and you start to feel bad. Laying in your bed, an immobile, massive mountain of a person, you wobble atop your mattress as you scroll through social media. Ever since your comment on Calli's stream, no one had seen the reaper anywhere, even other Holo members commenting on her disappearance.
You hadn't meant to hurt her feelings, just teasing her and encouraging her like she did with other streamers. Sighing to yourself, you decided to just put it out of mind.
You startle, your bed groaning as you turn your head to look around. Something had struck the wall to your bedroom, the tip of something peeking through the wall. It retracted, and with another slicing sound it came through the wall fully.
The head of a scythe.
It dragged downwards, carving through the drywall like paper. You felt something rise in your throat as it cut a wide swathe of your wall out. Corner to corner, ceiling to floor, it sliced out the entire support.
With a crash it collapsed outwards, landing at the foot of an enormous shadow.
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"Hey there, Deadbeat."
Huffing, her scythe's grip digging into her belly as she held it before her, the reaper took a wobbling step forward. She was heavy enough to shake the room as she entered it, your even larger mass bouncing on your bed. You stammer, shocked to see her, but as she takes another quaking step you see something in her eyes you don't like.
"That was pretty mean, showing me up on my own stream." Stepping forward, the bottom of her belly bumps into your side, your gelatinous figures touching even with her head six feet away from yours. You can feel the haft of the scythe caught between you both, the blade facing you. "But the really mean part?"
"Tempting me."
You open your mouth to reply, but find the back of the scythe head at your tubby, triple chinned throat. The other blob pouts.
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"I want to get big. Really big. But it's tough. I have to do a lot of streaming, do reaping, and it all digs into the time I could be stuffing my fat ass to get it fatter. There's only one way to go around that."
The scythe gets closer.
"And it's to eat a soul. A really plump, big, fat one. It'll add all those pounds to me, but the problem with that? I like my friends, so I don't want to do that to them."
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"I don't really like you, though."
She menaces you with the scythe for a moment more before she tosses it aside. Grunting, you feel the breath get knocked out of you as Calli crawls on top of you, slow. Her belly is in the way, her knees digging into the underside of her own gut, but miraculously you can see she's making progress. You whine, groan, and burp as her weight squishes you down into the mattress, making you more helpless than you already were.
"The scythe was just for show, I'm not reaping you, I'm eating you."
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Licking her lips, she opened wide.
"So thanks for the donation, I'll make sure all those pounds get put to good use."
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yay new event
a trey love request pls :
hello trey-boo <3 you know we have valentines day today right
you are in every way perfect and I cannot have anyone stealing my picture book perfect boyfriend from me eveeeer so I got you this for valentines <3 *gets out marriage contract* go on love of my life write down your name and grant me with a life supply of your baked godly goods tehehe~ <3
.... yes I lost a bet... *whispers* yes it's Ace... Sorry Sir...
I swear to Michard 😩 Trey prompts have so much potential for fun awkwardness… Love it 💕
Sweet on You.
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Well, that’s a new one.
He blinked, cautiously eyeing you as you sauntered over to him, hands folded behind your back. Between you, his younger siblings, and Heartslabyul, Trey had always thought he’d get accustomed to high-octane antics—alas, here came another curveball, courtesy of his significant other.
“Yeah, I know the date.” He cocked an eyebrow. “… Is there something you want to tell me?”
You let loose a torrent of mushy praise, whipping out a piece of parchment paper and waving it in his face. Singing of his perfection and even more perfect baked goods, you urged him to sign, your eyes large and pleading.
Trey startled, setting his glasses askew. The honeyed drawl and the sprinkle of a giggle on top was, perhaps, a little too much for his brain to comprehend at once.
“Ahahah…” He readjusted his frames, a pithy laugh at his mouth as he tried to collect his thoughts. “I see that you’re taking a page out of Azul’s book. Maybe a little too much of it.
“… So, what’s this really about?”
You glanced at the ground, shyly kicking it. The confession slipped through your lips before you had even realized it—you were so honest with Trey, so comforted by his presence. It was only natural to spill your heart out to him.
He nodded understandingly. “Ah, I thought something was up. You know, you really shouldn’t let Ace bait you into these dares and bets. It always ends up badly for one of you—or worse, for both of you.”
Wise words from a wise man.
… Too bad you weren’t so wise.
You pouted, your brows turning up and your eyes starting to water. “Pwetty pwease, Twey-senpai?”
“Aw, don’t look at me like that. It’s not fair,” he sighed—though his tired tone tinged with his own brand of playfulness. “How can I say ‘no’ to that face? Sure, I’ll sign for you if that’s what makes you happy.”
It took but a moment for Trey to scrawl his name on the dotted line. You furled the paper back up and pumped your fist triumphantly. Victory tasted as sweet as one of his cupcakes--but even sweeter would be Ace's shocked expression when you rubbed it in his face later.
"Alright, alright, settle down." Trey's hand coming down upon your head and giving your hair a good ruffle. "I know I just signed my soul away to you and all, but you really don't need a contract to lock me down. You call, and I'll come running."
Your cheeks warmed at his promise. Perhaps you'd have said something just as charming and sincere, had the growl of your stomach not cut you off.
Trey laughed lightly. "Come on, I have a cake cooling in the kitchen. You can help me frost and decorate it, and then we can cut you a slice. Gotta make use of my perks and get some of those 'baked godly goods', right?"
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royalreef · 1 month
Bellanda's snout nudges along the top of Miranda's head, the only part that she can, with her sister trying to hide herself up and under her neck. It's cute. Cute in the fussy sort of way, sure, but it's been how many years? And Miranda has done this since the very early days, right when she first met her little sister, when she was all teeth and screaming and didn't know what to make of Bellanda.
It's funny, in that way. Most people think that Bellanda doesn't find things cute — not other merfolk, who are primarily who Bellanda thinks of when she thinks of people, anyways. The landfolk possess opportunities, but she regrets how restricted their uses actually are. No, mostly her fellow warlords, those in her Courts and who answer to her, the spears' points of their family lineages, they don't seem to think Bellanda is capable of things like that, that she's too curmudgeonly to participate in social life. Restricted, maybe, in other words. That she's all teeth, no tongue, no voice. It's even infected her soldiers, people who have trained beside her and with her, who have actually felt what it's like to have your technique critiqued by the Chief Warlord.
Not that she would change that, sure. It's like that for a reason. Everything has to have a reason, and there are plenty to spare for this, things that she could explain but decides not to, because the only people she would tell are those who already understand.
But Miranda — her Miranda — is terribly, terribly cute. It's one of Bellanda's great weaknesses, really, if she had to settle down and pick one. Even when Miranda is clearly having a worse time of it, even after she already demanded Bellanda repeat as many of her fairytales to her as Bellanda could remember, and her favorite a whopping three times in total, and even though Bellanda never really read through them as intensely as Miranda did, and Miranda picked apart every mistake.
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"Sz'xi," she asks, finally, nice and quiet so it wouldn't hurt Miranda's earfins as she spoke into them, purring deep in her chest so her sister wouldn't startle, "can I ask what's wrong?"
Bellanda got several long grumbles in response, which was already better than she was expecting. Miri finally offering her the grand prize of a terrible and waning "Noooo..." was just the cherry on top.
"I mean, you don't seem very happy lately, and I think something is making you upset. Are the landfolk behaving themselves?"
Miranda's long and painful and matching, "Yessssss...." was just about as convincing as its partner. Bellanda nudged her sister again, tensing her arm, still slung over her back, to tuck Miri tight and close to her body. Miranda squirmed, fussed, but then gave in and curled tight up against Bellanda's stomach, always so worryingly small and frail.
"I don't know," Bellanda teased the words out, gently rubbing the end of her head over the crown of Miranda's, where she could feel the lumps of jaw muscle underneath, "you seem out of sorts lately. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
All Miranda offered in turn was a grumble of acceptance, which was fair. Bellanda didn't think her good luck would last forever, after all, and just getting Miri to start talking about it was a good start.
And then, Miranda curled in a little tighter, nestled her head a little deeper into where no one would be able to see it, and stated so shyly, "I do not... I feel... bad..."
"You can tell me," Bellanda restated, rubbing reassuring little circles into the top of her baby sister's head as she started to shiver and shake beneath her. Those jaw muscles clenched and Bellanda could feel them tighten into coils of steel, solid and thick, and she purred a little louder, to soothe Miranda's frayed mind. "I won't tell a single soul."
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mysticstarlightduck · 4 months
For the OC duo ask meme: 🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Thanks for the ask, @saturnine-saturneight!
(Ask Game Here)
Rules: Answer the Asks as two of your OCs talking about one another, giving their opinions about each other - those don't have to be accurate but rather should be a reflection about what one character thinks of the other.
I'll go with Arzhel and Elodie from The Forgotten Ones + Jack and Deimos from Supernova Initiative + Renn and Kane from Song of Thorns!
Arzhel & Elodie:
🐺- What animal do they most remind you of?
Arzhel - "Elodie? She reminds me of a country mouse. But not in a necessarily bad way... rather because she is very energetic, always scurrying from one place to the other, full of boundless energy that sometimes is endearing and sometimes annoys me to no end. She's also really fast, and somewhat cute, but also mischievous and can sneak into almost any place that you can think of. I think a country mouse fits her personality quite well!"
Elodie - "He reminds me of a small, feral fox that will bite anyone that comes near it but is actually just really, really scared. The kind that has been through some shit in life, and thinks everything is out to get them, even if it's just a fallen leaf. The kind of fox that I would wanna pet and share my rations with but then get yelled at by it for getting too close, even though it begrudgingly stays near me regardless. That feral alley animal energy which stems from a lack of hugs as a when that fox was a pup. In other words, someone just really needed love as a kid but didn't get it in time, and so grew up weird. That's Arzhel for me. Still love him though."
Deimos - "Jack 100% reminds me of a Golden Retriever. He just has that kind of energy. I would know, I practically grew up with the guy. What do I mean? Well, for starters: an overly selfless personality that prefers to make others happy than to care for his own needs even if it has consequences later. He is also really smart, painfully extroverted, and is surprisingly a really good swimmer for someone who practically lives in outer space. And can't forget the always flawless, somehow 'stylishly messy' (he says that in a mock of Jack's voice) hair that confuses me to no end to this day."
Jack - "Hm. I would say that Deimos reminds me of a grumpy black cat. The type of cat that wants cuddles but will hiss, bite and look pissed the entire time. He is introverted, spends way too much time indoors playing old video games, has a borderline obsessive tendency towards perfectionism and symmetry, hates loud places, and is the grumpiest, most serious guy I know. Deimos will probably hate me for this, but fun fact: when he is really pissed off, he sometimes hisses like a cat. I know it's a natural sound for his alien species but for me it sounds like a cat and will always sound like a cat no matter what he says, haha. I'm also legitimately concerned that if someone startles him way too suddenly he might get stabby. Not with his claws, but with his knives. Which is so much worse."
Kane - "Ugh, I know you're gonna say I'm being unimaginative or cliche by saying this, because yes, Dhampyr... but Renn seriously reminds me of a bat. First of all the guy can turn into a giant bat - how am I supposed to not associate him with bats after that?! Second, I don't know. He just has that vibe. Full-time night owl even though he is diurnal, hates waking up early, has that 1000-yard stare that probably pierces straight through your soul, drinks blood, and so on. He is a bat and for me that's the most accurate representation of the dude for me. I'm pretty sure one day I'm walk up to him just chilling upside down on a ceiling and I'm gonna have to accept that as a simple fact of life."
Renn - "Kane reminds me of a peacock. Proud, cocky, 'pretty boy' who wants to be admired so much he forgets to take care of himself and so I and my friends end up having to save him every damn time. Yes, he is a good knight. Yes, the King is a scoundrel for betraying him - and quite honestly for everything else. But also, for the Goddess' sake, why the fuck does Kane have to not think through a single plan in his life before doing it? He is a peacock. I'm sure of it. A very proud and handsome one, but still needs to work on those self-awareness skills urgently."
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saviorbook · 2 years
To angst or not to angst? That t'was the question for day three of @fransweek. Luckily, I'm indecisive.
The rain was pounding in Waterfall. Each drop was large and fast. It didn’t really matter to the two guards that could be seen sparring, though. Alphys wasn’t going easy and could be heard yelling at Sans, telling him to move faster, to be stronger. Sans was silent, calculating each of her moves, his own attacks moving at speeds that were difficult to register. Neither of them were willing to give up the fight until a cold wind blew through the Underground, causing Alphys to stumble back.
“you okay al?” Sans had stopped his assault and held out a gloved hand.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Weather must be pretty rough in Snowdin today, huh?” She slung her ax over her back and walked towards him.
“eh, it’s not the prettiest of sights. we’ve got a bad blizzard that’s been brewing. gonna head back to hotland?” He tilted his head to the side.
“You better believe it! I still don’t understand how you and Papyrus can stand living in that cold.” Sans shrugged and gestured to his skull.
“if i had to guess, i’d say it’s the lack of skin.” Alphys rolled her eyes before giving a curt goodbye a jogging away.
This left Sans to his thoughts, a thing he didn’t like being alone with. He thought about the past four years, how much everything had changed. Yet, it felt like nothing had changed. Everyone managed to grieve and reconcile with their feelings over losing two members of the royal family so easily. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t do the same, but he also didn’t know why the thought surprised him.
He had fallen in love with the princess. Of course, he couldn’t just move on. Too bad the only people that seemed to understand that, were also at odds with each other. He shook his head as he opened his front door.
“hey papyrus, i’m home!” He rolled his eyelights when he didn’t get a response.
Papyrus was either at Muffet’s getting wasted or was ignoring him, like usual. He didn’t really care too much as he climbed the stairs to his room and plopped on his mattress. He turned his head to the side and looked at a framed picture of Frisk and him. She was standing over him while was holding the camera, and they were both smiling like giant dorks. He propped himself up on one elbow and brushed away a tear that had trailed its way down his face. Man, he missed her.
“you know, i always liked this picture the best. it was so easy to get a genuine smile out of you but nearly impossible to capture it.” He chuckled to himself and held up the picture.
“i remember this picture specifically, because you tried rip it out of my hands. luckily, i happen to know that me having it means that you wanted me to keep it. with how determined you are-” His voice broke as he put the picture down.
“with how determined you were… with how determined you were.” He sat up in his bed as the tears began to flow more heavily.
“you know, it’s been four years since you died. it’s still pretty hard for me to believe. with your soul, i didn’t think it was possible. i really didn’t want to be proven wrong. joke’s on me, huh?” His head hung low as stared at his clenched fists.
Sans was startled when his phone rang, notifying him that one of his traps had been triggered. It was trap 2b; it was one of the harder ones to clear, but not a common one to be signaled. He looked up at his ceiling, praying to the stars that this wasn’t another snow drake incident, but he also didn’t really want it to be the last human either.
As he approached the trap, he could hear a menagerie of very loud cursing coming from the area.
“hey, do you mind keeping the profanities to a minimum? there are kids that play around here.” As he stepped around a bush, he paused to see if he could tell who it was he had accidentally captured.
“Get me out of here, and I’ll think about it!” Well, he had never heard that voice before, but he obliged.
“Thank you! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m looking for a way out of here! I didn’t mean to fall into the stupid hole, and I just want to go home.” Great, it was the last human soul that was needed, and they were not dressed for the blizzard that was halfway up their shins.
“if you stay out here much longer, you’ll catch hypothermia. i’ll take you to my home where we can wait out the storm, and i can tell you how you’re not getting home. you’ll want to be sitting for that, by the way.” He held out his hand to the human as their stomach grumbled.
“I don’t need your help, and I can get out of here. The ghost lady told me how. I’ll admit, it doesn’t sound like something that would work, but she said it would.” Sans took a step back.
“okay. one, i helped you out of the trap; you obviously need help. two, don’t kill anyone. three, who’s the ghost lady?” It was the human’s turn to take a step back.
“Who said anything about killing someone?! I would never do that. She told me to go see some scientist fish lady. You are also incorrect that I need your help after the first time you helped me; that’s not what that means. Are you telling me that you can’t see her?” Sans looked away for a brief second before turning to her with a smile that left her a bit unsettled.
“you do need my help, because i can get you there without any further trouble on your part. plus, there are about four more traps, each one harder than this one to get through. no, i can’t see the ghost lady, and we can just pretend that i said nothing about killing.” They looked him up and down before their knees slightly buckled because of the cold.
“Okay, you won me over. Just so you know, though. I would’ve made it through this trap if I had listened to the ghost lady. She got me through all the other ones. My name is Chara, by the way.” Chara looked away as they held out their hand.
“my name is sans. i am a member of the royal guard, and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He started to lead them to his house while he thought about what they had just discussed.
The only other people that knew how to properly get through his traps were Papyrus and Frisk. Frisk also had these crazy theories about how to use the DT extractor that no one was supposed to know about. While he wanted to be hopeful that the ghost lady was Frisk, it was too painful to think about, so he blinked away the tears that threatened to flow and carried on.
Two weeks had passed since he had allowed Chara into his home. It was probably very lucky that he had, since they ended up catching a pretty bad cold. It was also fortunate that Papyrus seemed to enjoy their company and Alphys was very understanding when she dropped by for a surprise visit. That was fun to explain. He had also been texting back and forth with Undyne so she’d be ready for Chara. Each text he sent was monitored by the ghost lady, that still had no name, so Chara was able to tell him what exactly Undyne would need.
Eventually, the day came that Chara would see Undyne. Of course, there was some major geeking out between both parties before any work was done, but they did eventually crack down. It was nearly a month long process, Sans no longer being kept in the loop, so he just went back to sparring, training, and trying to not think for too long. One day, he received a phone call.
“Sans, come quick! You’re going to want to see this.” Before he could answer, Undyne had already hung up, leaving him in shock and rushing to the lab.
When he got there, if his jaw hadn’t been properly attached, it would have hit the floor.
“frisk?” She standing in front of him, in the flesh, Undyne and Chara on either side of her.
“Hey.” Her voice was barely above a whisper as tears gathered in her eyes.
“hey.” Sans wrapped her in a tight embrace, not caring that his tears were probably soaking through her sweater.
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