#he MEANS well
cod-dump · 9 months
Ghost: *broke his arm during a mission*
Graves: That’s a work related accident. You could sue
Price: Phillip, what the FUCK did you say to Simon?!
Graves: Teaching him the value of unions
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nostalgiaclown · 25 days
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hey what do they mean by this
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bleedingcoffee42 · 24 days
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If Bruce Wayne ever saw Bight Burn-
Bruce Wayne drives down the road with Clark Kent after they saw Bright Burn in theatres (it's the time period the movie came out). Clark sits in the front seat, tense and silent. Bruce smiles as he drives. Bruce: I loved that movie. It was so good, right Clark? Clark: Yeah uh-huh. Bruce: Great cinematography, interesting characters minus the moronic mother, and taught an amazing lesson, right Clark? Clark: Don't do this to me. Bruce: All I'm saying is that I'm glad your parents weren't colossal morons and raised you right, but imagine if you were like Brandon. Just born evil... which I have always brought up as an issue with all of you. Man, I would say it sucks being right, but I was right. Clark: It was a superhero HORROR movie! It isn't the same as me! Let it go! Bruce: For now. I'm checking out the Boys next week if you want to watch it with me. Clark, sighing with regret: You make it so difficult to be best buddies with you.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
I’ve seen a few people asking why Thrawn would attack the New Republic – shouldn’t he join them and fix the system from the inside, or just go back to the Ascendancy? Why would he destabilize the galaxy further?
But if you think about it
Really, the only reason Thrawn needs is to believe that the New Republic is a threat to the galaxy. Which, well...
Thrawn joined the Empire to oppose the Grysk, because Thrawn believes in a strong military. Thrawn’s not good at politics, and deals with everything in military terms – remember the Lioaoin's economic issues? That’s why he got along with the Empire, and why he put up with all their crap. In Thrawn’s head, big military = big victory = stop bad guys = good.
Enter the New Republic.
What are they doing? Disarming. While there are still pirates, the Hutts, Imperial Remnants, and, of course, the Grysk nipping at their heels. In the midst of a tumultuous time, they are deliberately weakening their ability to meet the challenges ahead, and opening the galaxy to invasion. Says Thrawn.
It doesn’t even matter if they’re Grysk influenced or just stupid – it’s the same result. The galaxy loses. His people lose. Says Thrawn.
What do you expect him to do? Join them? Of course not – he at least knows he’s terrible at politics. And the New Republic is all politics – it would put him at a disadvantage, in a fight he cannot afford to lose. And it would open him to attacks on fronts where he has no power: trials for war crimes, possibly leading to execution – or worse. The Mind Flayer.
You think Thrawn would risk his mind?
Besides, better to ask forgiveness than permission, as they say.
And if you want something done right, do it yourself.
Conquering the New Republic would be better for everyone, Thrawn says. It would save the galaxy from annihilation, allow him to turn the resources of the Empire against evil, bring peace and order to the galaxy and beyond. He would keep all the good of the Empire, Thrawn says, while getting rid of all of the bad, Thrawn says – whatever that means to him.
For the greater good, Thrawn says.
Everything he’s done has always been for the greater good, Thrawn says.
The tragedy is that he believes it.
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
*Dean sneezes*
Cas: Dean, are you sick? Here, let me wrap you in a blanket and make you some warm soup
*Sam sneezes*
Cas: shut the fuck up
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faerieriddle · 1 year
Steve: “Is it homosexual to gaze into your homie’s eyes and see everything you could ever want?”
Robin: “Steve, my dude, what the fuck”
Eddie *lying in their shared bed*: “No, yeah, totally normal big boy, now get back in bed”
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
Thinking about how Smokescreen trying to lighten up the situation or help yet unintentionally end up being insensitive towards someone when he doesn't mean to.
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adhdbastard · 1 year
Damian: Let’s write Jon a friendly note, shall we? Dear... Incompetent... Dumbass...
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elliebell77 · 7 months
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i like to think Blue is extremely a bit overprotective
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Where: The Brooklyn Museum Status: Open
The glorified laundry attendant cleans up fine, he supposes. A nice little suit that he’d definitely not stolen from that multi-floor Macy’s in Herald Square. It’s easy when you already have a few shopping bags on you, and try on a few suits in a big armful all at once in the dressing room. His gold watch and gold chain are the rare pieces of shine, a touch of ‘expensive’ to make him look more like he belongs. And even if he doesn’t belong in some tight-ass event with waiters and busboys and a band... he loves pretending he does.
His third glass of wine tastes as good as the first. He’s keeping an eye on his colleagues, mostly if they ever need backup. His fists are perpetually scabbed, itching for a fight. But everyone’s just chatting. A bit boring. He leans back against the bar counter. “Sheez. I’ve never seen so many people drooling over statues from... what, 100 years ago? My grandma’s older than that. Put her on display.”
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incorrectluxiem · 1 year
Vox: Anything, honestly, but Ike especially
Mysta, desperately, as Vox bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE
Vox: Oh! B positive.
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demonic-mnemonic · 1 year
One of my coworkers gave me a sympathy card with a check, which was really thoughtful... But it also had a religious pamphlet and the memo on the check said 'for the glory of god' so it low-key reads like he's trying to bribe me to come to Jesus
And it's just like... Honey no. I escaped god once, we are not doing that again
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Headcanon and speaking as a black anime and cartoon (there's a difference) fan these Wayne boys are anime fans. Duke is a bit of a gatekeeper at times. Tim enjoys it and doesn't gatekeep.
Signal: I'm telling you Edward should've killed the man. What he did his daughter and his dog was messed up. Why did Scar get the kill?
Red Robin (Tim): Because Elric knew it would be wrong.
Signal(incensed): He turned his daughter into a Chimera! He did the same to his wife!
Red Robin(calm): That doesn't mean he can react with murder. Elric knew he would regret it.
Arsenal (Roy) sitting on the side confused.
Arsenal: What are you guys talking about?
Signal: Fullmetal alchemist, I think Edward should've killed Alexander. This dummy thinks Scar should've done so.
Red Robin: Why am I dummy here?
Arsenal: You guys are talking about a show right now?
Signal: Yeah, man it's slow tonight. It's not just a show, though. It's the best anime.
RR: Debatable. Jojo is the top tier.
Signal: That's such a basic like.
RR: A well written and fun anime being top tier? Yeah so basic.
Arsenal: We are in the middle of a stakeout and you are talking about cartoons!
Signal(insulted): It's anime.
Arsenal: Correction, "Japanese cartoons".
Signal: Why you saying that like that's a bad thing?
RR: You don't watch anime?
Arsenal (annoyed): No, I don't watch strange cartoons with tentacles in it.
Signal (disgusted): What kind of anime were you watching?
Arsenal: Honestly, anime is stupid and people who watch it are weird-
Arsenal gets punched by Signal, knocking him to the ground.
Arsenal: What the fuck?!
Signal (shocked staring at his fist): I'm sorry, it's just when people say that about anime it becomes an automatic response. It's like my fists have no control.
RR: You kind of had that coming, Arsenal.
Arsenal: He hit me in the jaw.
RR: Yeah, you're lucky that's all he did. The last guy got knocked unconscious.
Signal: Don't insult Sailor Moon, it's not a show for creeps just because you don't understand it.
Arsenal (mockingly): You watch Sailor Moon?
RR: You should shut the heck up at this point. Jason isn't here and I will not protect you.
Signal: Yeah and I'm still learning my powers so anything can happen. You can be dazed or limping. I might even put my whole fist down your throat if you talk about anime like that. You don't have to like it, but be respectful.
Arsenal rolls his eyes.
Arsenal: Sorry then, continue your conversation about Japan- Anime. I will stand over here.
Arsenal stands and walks a few feet away. Signal nods and turns to RR to continue their conversation.
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hyde-nseek · 11 months
"King Rhoam did nothing wrong."
Yeah, right. How about causing the Great Calamity to happen in the first place?
You know how they were excavating underneath Hyrule Castle looking for those pillars with guardians in them? You know what's also underneath Hyrule Castle? This giant stone spike that's keeping Rauru's seal on Ganondorf stable for thousands of years.
What if someone messed with the spike on accident while looking for the guardian pillars? That could lead to a "leak" in Rauru's seal. And that's where Calamity Ganon comes out.
All of this could have been prevented if Rhoam just excavated where the pillars actually were. Which was not at Hyrule Castle.
I don't think he was trying to do it, but that would be something to add to Rhoam's story.
I actually think he was trying to be a good father and a good king, and didn't know where to draw the line when it came to his daughter. On one hand, she's the princess, and has duties. On the other, she needs a father. So he might have messed up. But that's okay.
You also have to remember that our glimpses into Rhoam's life were through Zelda's perspective. And seeing that she was 16, yeah she probably hated authority and her dad. She's a teenager.
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acciokaidanalenko · 1 year
Fictober 2023: Day 1
Prompt: "It's not too late, let's go." Fandom: Mass Effect Relationship: Commander Lieutenant Natasha Shepard & David Anderson Rating: Mature (because Natasha has a potty mouth apparently 🙈😅) Warnings: Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Hangover, PTSD, Grieving Summary: Anderson approaches a reluctant and hostile Shepard in hopes of convincing her to come back to the Alliance after the Skyllian Blitz.
AO3 link: here. Preview below the cut.
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"I have a proposition for you. Something you might find... interesting."
"If I let you tell me what it is, will you leave immediately after?" she asked sharply, trying to hide her growing curiosity.
"I've recommended you for N-school. You should be receiving the official invitation within the next few days. You'll have to complete your therapy, of course. But if you accept, we'll send you to the Villa in Rio for training. It won't be easy, and it'll be dangerous. If you finish the program you'll not only be part of the most elite group in the Alliance, you'll also be assigned to top covert missions throughout the galaxy," he explained in a business-like tone. Natasha met his gaze and slowly nodded her head, ignoring the wave of nausea the motion brought on.
"It's because of Elysium, right? My heroic triumph over the Batarians?"
Anderson nodded his head solemnly.
"I'm not the same soldier that held them off. It's been almost a year, Anderson. I'm not cut out for it."
"The way I see it is you've got two options here. You can choose to stay here and wallow in your grief and self-destructive behaviors. Or, you can get up, dust yourself off, and make Arthur's sacrifice mean something. You could do great things, Natasha. I've known that since I met you when you were just three years old." His tone was nostalgic, and calming. He always had a knack for knowing just the right things to say. "It's not too late. You can go on living."
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