#he is so very /angry/ but it's because deep down he is very. very hurt and scared and can't face those feelings
missaengg · 4 hours
In the Next Life…
Pairing: Sylus x f!reader Warnings: major character death, angst, mention of suicide, hurt/comfort Word Count: 1612
A wry chuckle escaped Sylus, his signature along with his mischievous smirk. “Kitten,” he tilted your chin up so that you looked at him, “I got to spend a lifetime loving you, and I got to spend my last moments on this Earth protecting you. I couldn’t ask for anything more.” Note: I recently saw a theory on Instagram concerning the flashback MC has regarding Sylus where her hands are covered in blood. In the flashback, MC’s blood covered hands appear to be holding a sword that’s stabbed a wanderer turned Sylus and his wanderer hand seems to be holding hers. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to track down the initial video, but this fic was inspired by the theory behind this flashback. I hope you enjoy! ao3 link here.
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Blood. There was so much blood. It covered your hands, dark and slick, dripping from your fingertips to the scorched ground. The air was full of thick smoke from the fires that burned around you, the acrid smoke choking the air out of your lungs, a remnant of the battle that had just taken place.
Blood dripped down the blade, down to the hilt, down to the hand grasping it. Yours. Your hand was grasping the sword that was buried deep within his chest, through his heart. Sylus. The man you loved. Hot tears flooded your eyes. It wasn’t supposed to end like this... He wasn’t supposed to turn into this.
A large, clawed hand enveloped your trembling one on the hilt, guiding it off the sword and down to your side. For a monstrous thing, it was gentle, cradling your hand so tenderly your heart wrenched, your tears twisting into ugly heaving sobs.
”Heh…” He smiled, a small lovely, sweet smile —  an infuriating smile given the circumstances —  one that you loved to kiss, now gracing the lips of a monster.
How could he smile when he was dying? When his lover betrayed him? When you were the reason he turned into a monster? When you were the one who killed him with your own bare hands?
He looked at you so tenderly. His eyes were warm, so very warm, reminiscent of the way he looked at you on quiet mornings in bed, as he stroked your hair when you were still half-asleep. 
You screamed. You screamed until your throat was stripped raw. You screamed until your wails turned into pathetic mewls and barely any sound came out at all. You screamed until physically there was nothing else left to give anymore.
He rested his hand on the crown of your head, patting you clumsily, as best he could given the giant claws his hands had become as he turned.
”Sylus…” you said his name, a strangled cry coming from the back of your throat, thick with your tears both shed and unshed. “I— I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.”
”It’s okay, kitten,” he rumbled. “It’s okay.” His hand didn’t rest, still soothing you when you should be the one soothing him.
”It’s not— It’s not okay! It’s all my fault… You’re dying because of me.” You didn’t understand how he could remain so calm, how he could be so forgiving. Why wasn’t he angry with you? It was all your fucking fault. He turned into a Wanderer because of you, because you… you betrayed him. “I— I killed you.”
A wry chuckle escaped Sylus, his signature along with his mischievous smirk. “Kitten,” he tilted your chin up so that you looked at him, “I got to spend a lifetime loving you, and I got to spend my last moments on this Earth protecting you. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
His words brought on another wave of tears. You knew. You knew that based on strength, you should be the one who was dying. You knew that he ran into your sword to protect you. To protect you from him. To protect you from what you had turned him into. 
You wished he would be furious with you so that your heart would ache less, so that you felt less awful and torn, so that you had to continue living on with his rage embedded like shrapnel in every part of you, instead of this gut-wrenching grief threatening to tear you apart into tiny little pieces. Because… because how were you supposed to continue on without him?
”That’s not fair, Sy.” Your breaths were hitching in your throat, rapid breaths struggling to draw in enough air in between cries. 
“I love you, kitten.” He pressed his palm to your cheek, claws splayed back to avoid hurting you. “Forever and always.”
You closed your eyes, nuzzling your cheek into his palm seeking his warmth only to find none. The thick, black scales that had formed during his transformation were so cold, so foreign on your cheek. His hand was so cold. Why was he so cold? Tears fell from your cheeks, sliding down the scales that now covered what once was human flesh.
”I love you too,” you whispered so softly you wondered if he heard.
His peaceful smile confirmed he had heard you. You hated it. He was fucking dying because of what you did to him, and he sat there looking at peace with his death as if he had nothing left to want in this life anymore, as if death wasn’t final.
And he was still gazing at you so tenderly.
”Kitten,” — God you loved it when he called you that — “I’ll see you in the next life. Because I’m going to come find you. Wait for me until then, yeah?”
You nodded through your tears.
”Now how about a kiss before I go?”
That damn smirk twinkled at you. Sylus was half Wanderer, the sword piercing his heart preventing him from turning fully. But even as a monster, even as he lost what made him human, you still loved him with all your heart. He was still Sylus. Your Sylus.
You crawled closer to his kneeling form avoiding the giant sword protruding from his chest. Rising on your knees, you pressed your lips to his, now icy cold and devoid of the softness you had become accustomed to expect. It was a chaste kiss, short, but bittersweet full of your regrets and grief and wet from the tears running down your face.
”Perfect,” Sylus murmured when you pulled away. “I can die a happy man.”
His words pierced your heart like shards of ice. You knew he was dying. Even as a Wanderer, he wouldn’t be able to survive where you had stabbed him, but you still felt a rush of anger at the words being spoken out loud. Verbalizing them cemented them into truth, into something that was inevitable.
“No, don’t say that,” you whined. “Don’t say that you’re dying.” You shoved him on the chest petulantly like a child. “Don’t say that.”
Sylus violently coughed, ragged, gurgling coughs ripping through him, his body shuddering with each cough, startling you into pulling away. Flecks of blood sprayed into the air, splattering onto the ground before him, onto your face mixing with your tears, and he still— still gazed at you with absolute adoration in his eyes,
“I love you,” he rasped out. 
Then he fell silent. His eyes closed, his shoulders slumped forward, and his head dropped down to his chest.
You crawled to him, heart pounding in your chest, hands trembling. 
“No, no, no…”
You grabbed at his crumpled, motionless form on the ground. He was cold, the chill seeping into your fingers, up your arms, spreading through you leaving only a numbness in its wake. 
“Please, no…”
Your voice cracked as his lifeless body fell into you, heavy from his unrestrained weight.
You cradled his head against your chest feeling the scales carving into your flesh, but you didn’t feel the pain. Nothing could compare to the pain you were currently feeling. Your chest was caving in, squeezing the breath out of your lungs. 
Tears dropped onto Sylus from above. You wailed, howling into the dark holding him.
”I’m sorry… Sy… I’m so sorry…” you repeated over and over again, wails quieting down into hoarse whispers. “I’ll find you in the next life. I promise. I promise…” 
You pressed your lips to every part of him you loved, his temples, his brows, his eyelids, his lips, his chin, every single part of his face, even the parts of him that were covered in thick armor-like scales, even the parts of him that were no longer human.
You gently laid him down, taking care not to jostle him so that it wouldn’t disturb the sword impaling him even though you knew it didn’t matter. You took care not to anyway. You stared blankly at the man you loved. Sylus was gone. He was gone, and you didn’t know how you were going to live your life without him, if life was even worth living without him. 
He said he would come find you in the next life. But you didn’t know if next lives existed, if people lived endless loops of entering and exiting this world. Even if there was a next life, was there a guarantee that you would come back together within the same lifetime? Or would you and Sylus be doomed to live without one another through several lifetimes before the stars aligned?
You spotted your gun on the ground a few feet away where it rested after skittering to a stop during your battle with him.
If you and Sylus were to meet in the next life, would you still remember him? Would he still remember you? The questions came relentlessly, one after another. You didn’t know the answers. You didn’t care. All you knew was that Sylus didn’t exist in this life. Sylus was dead.
Bleakly staring at the gun, you numbly pushed yourself to your feet, stumbling the few steps it took to reach it. You grasped the gun, feeling the familiar weight of the metal in your hand.
Perhaps… perhaps if you followed Sylus… you would get to see him again. Feel his embrace. Hear him call you kitten. All the things you wouldn’t be able to experience anymore in this lifetime.
You pressed the muzzle to your temple. 
“Sy, I’m coming.”
You cocked the trigger.
”I love you.”
You took a shuddering breath, voice cracking from the tears prickling your eyelids.
”I’ll see you soon.”
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Hii you know how you wrote about reader getting hurt because of their job please could you write that with graves or nikolai x
Hey! Sure I can!
Graves’ and Nikolai’s S/O Gets Hurt Because of Their job
Graves: On the outside he may seem calm and collected, but on the inside he’d be seething with rage. However, he won’t show you how angry he actually is, keeping it all to himself instead. He needs to be the big, strong man in your relationship, so he needs to keep his cool in front of you, no matter what. I don’t think he’d be too surprised you’d have gotten hurt, though. While he may have hoped it would never happen, that was just wishful thinking. You’ll either be on Shadow Company’s medbay or in the best hospital he can find nearby. Either way, you’ll be well taken care of. If you’re at Shadow Company, then he’ll station some of his most competent and trusted people to take care of you for the time being. You will be protected by them, and you will get whatever it is you may need from them as well. Or anything you may want, really. No cost is too high for Graves while you’re in recovery. While he may try to make time for you as well, he really does, he will also have someone track down whoever hurt you. This person will then be abducted to Shadow Company for a rough time. Graves himself would take care of them, and he can be pretty effective when he wants to be. However, if you’ve recovered by then, and are among the more vengeful people, then you’re more than welcome to do as you please with the bastard yourself, Graves has no qualms about that. In fact, he’d welcome you doing what you need to do. An eye for an eye. I think he’d become a bit more protective of you afterwards. If you’re okay with it, then he’ll leave you in the hands of some of his Shadows since he can’t always be there for you. If it was up to him, he’d combine you with his work and have you just live on base with him so he could always keep an eye on you, but you likely wouldn’t agree to that. It may seem a bit overbearing, but he will reach out to you more often and does expect you to respond within a few hours, or else he’ll get worried and send someone to check up on you, even if you’re alright.
Nikolai: While Graves may be furious, Nikolai is entirely calm about all of this. Yes, you got hurt, but seeing him panic would likely only worsen the state you’re in. He is well aware of the fact that you will pull through, he made sure of that himself. However, he won’t do anything drastic until you’ve recovered completely. That way your perpetrator has enough time to kill themself before he has to take action. Naturally, you mean the world to him, so any violence against you will not be excused. Nikolai runs a PMC, so he knows what he’s doing, he knows how to deal with violence. Violence for violence is the rule of the beasts and Nikolai’s cruelty is akin to that of a starved animal. However, that can wait until you’re alright again. He’ll visit you every day, even stay at the hospital, and bring you gifts, tell you stories and keep you company otherwise. But he won’t mention the plans he has for the sorry fuck who hurt you, those are for him to know and for you to never find out. Once you’re home again, going about your day, he will seek out the bastard himself and drag him to some place in Siberia. As mentioned before, Nikolai can be cruel when he wants to be, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he let that person run aimlessly around Siberia for a few days, hunted down by him and his people, only to capture and torture them later. Death is a kind of mercy that is not for them, though, so he’ll keep them alive for the time being. They almost took you from him, there’s nothing they could ever do to make up for that. They’ll be a new chewing toy for Chimera until they die for one reason or another. Nikolai won’t get too overprotective, but he will be keeping a closer eye on you. He won’t station one of his people in front of your home when he’s away, but he will try to make more time for you. Calls become more frequent and he will try to find some excuses to spend more time with you, even if it’s just by video chatting with you when you have the time. He won’t freak out, but he won’t forget about that incident either.
#cod#cod x reader#phillip graves#phillip graves x reader#cod nikolai#cod nikolai x reader#I was thinking about wanting a request for Graves again not too long ago so this came at an ideal time#they're both very powerful people who are also war criminals and not afraid of breaking every law in existence#so yeah they'll have their fun with whoever hurt you#thinking about an angry Nikolai scares me so bad actually. he'd be so calm and quiet and that's just the most terrifying thing to me#if you're in an especially bad condition then I think Graves would become more strict with his Shadows#he knows he shouldn't be like that at work but he can't help it since he's just that worried about you#he's usually a fun and caring boss but he'd become very different when you get hurt#of course he'll go back to normal once everything is alright again but you being hurt would hit the Shadows pretty hard as well#I like to think he does talk about you to his Shadows so they definitely know who you are#and just by hearing about you most of them would like you as well. especially because Graves loves you this much and they like him a lot#so I think a lot of Shadows would also grow protective over you and I think that's so very sweet#I always liked to think that the people at Shadow Company were very close with each other#especially because Graves is a good boss and makes sure the work climate there is ideal. despite the war crimes#Graves is actually a pretty fly guy in my eyes. he's just cocky but he does worry a lot about his Shadows and you deep down#he loves his Shadows and he loves you too
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satorudoll · 1 year
Baby Gumi giving Toji the sus look when he saw the love bites on Mommy's chest
Toji forgot his baby has sharp senses for a baby and baby thought Toji ate his food or hurt Mommy lol
(im starting to feel like y'all wanna turn this acc into a toji thirst vault)
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Megumi always had a habit of looking up at his dad weird, the two year old boy always found his dad weird.
So he would spend most of his time toddling towards you and taking up any free space that was available next to you.
The baby boy loved to be in your arms very much, therefore everytime he woke up to find you already waiting there for him near his crib with a warm smile he'd try to get up on his small chubby legs holding onto the rail guards of the crib then forward one of his hands to make grabby hands at you.
You spent most of the day holding the baby boy in one arm and doing every other chore in your house while your husband was out for work because Megumi absolutely refused to leave your side unless he was in a deep slumber.
But as much competent the little boy was so was his dad, Megumi enjoyed all his fun time with you until it was time for his dad to come back from work, the two year old will get all pouty and fussy as soon as he'll hear the slamming of the front door and a loud "I'm home!" followed by the literal thudding of his dad's running feet.
The baby boy's brows would knit together and his tiny button nose would scrunch in distaste as soon as his dad would pull you away from his side to engulf you in a hug and lay bunch of his dirty smooches on your face.
ew, Megumi would think.
Megumi always got annoyed at his dad for doing these stuff to his mom, believing his mom was just a very nice lady to not turn his dad down.
The little boy knew his fun time was over as soon as his dad was home. He would toddle out of his room and find you sitting alone in the couch, peacefully watching television, then he would proceed to start running towards you almost tumbling in his steps just so he can climb up and sit down next to you.
But then the tall giant will casually walk in and let his entire body fall down horizontally on the couch, immediately planting his head on your thighs as well, leaving literally no space for Megumi.
The two year old boy would pause in literal disgust and shock,
This would get the two year old so mad that he would get down to pick up his toy spoon from the floor and start smacking it on the old man's head who in return would start yelling in surprise at why his son was being such a brat while you try pulling him away from his dad.
Now Megumi thought he has seen all the worst sides of his dad, until, one morning the baby boy wakes up way too early than usual due to a nightmare. Not finding you besides his crib he immediately manages to crawl up by standing on his little pile of plushies.
Megumi was indeed a smart baby.
Tumbling towards his parent's shared bedroom he could hear some weird noises coming as he got closer,
he was sure most of it were your voices though?
But you sounded like you were in pain??
He slowly opens the door which was already a bit agape,
he really couldn't understand what was going on since he was way too small and his vision could only go up so far.
But then he hears the loud sound of what he considered to be a slap along with the rough angry voice of his dad followed by your sobs,
he cannot believe his dad was hurting you ! Oh he always believed his dad was a mad man,
He was definitely worst than the monsters under his crib !
and that's all it takes for the baby boy's bottom lips to quiver and let the loudest wail out,
He felt like that helped because through his blurry vision he sees his dad immediately spring out of the bed, murmuring a string of what you taught him were "bad words" while fumbling around for something.
Your head pops out of the covers as soon as you were done fixing your night gown but the two year old was way too busy crying and rolling fat drops of tears down his red cheeks to realize that you had taken him in your arms.
"Gumi- baby what's wrong- " you try to rock him in your arms but that didn't seem to be helping,
"you are just like me kid, all grumpy early in the morning" His dad tries casually playing it off after slumping down besides you both,
but the 'just like me' causes the baby's cries to get even worst making you pass your husband a mad glare for saying that,
Toji stares at you both offended.
"I'm sorry, mommy wasn't there this morning- Won't happen again honey! I'll play with you all day today, we wont be able to play if you keep crying!" you smile as he starts to slowly quite down at those words.
"What a good little boy" You praise, slowly caressing his head and moving his little black baby hair away from his forehead.
His pout is still on his face as his vision moves down from your face but then it stops,
while Toji was joking at you about how he deserves the 'good boy' title as well and you were busy brushing him off, you both failed to notice the little boy's growing frown as he stared at all the purple bruises around your neck and collar bones.
He feels his vision start to get blurry again and then its there again,
His mouth opens wide showing off the two new set of teeth as he starts crying bloody murder.
You gasp in panic not understanding what had happened again.
As you tried to rock him again he tried getting away from your arms and instead stretching his hand towards his dad as he continued balling his eyes out.
That confused you and Toji,
He has never chosen Toji before for comfort as long as you were there,
But Toji was a little too happy to care,
"Does my little boy wanna be with daddy??" He coos, stretching his arms out for you to hand the baby to him,
"I knew you always had a soft spot for me kiddo" he gushes as soon as he takes his baby boy in his arms.
But the happiness didn't seem to have lasted long, because as soon as Megumi gets close to his dad's face his little hands flung up to grip on the locks of his dad's hair.
"What's u-" He yelps when the baby boy starts to twist and turn his fists while he continues to babble something only another baby could make out and sob like he was the one in pain,
"Oh god- baby you shouldn't do that come here-"
You try pulling Megumi back in your arms, but he is willing to take Toji's head along because he just wasn't loosening his grip.
"Gumi ! mommy will cry if you don't pay attention to her !" You make a pouty face and put your hands on your hips while Toji was busy yelping and cursing not caring that the little boy could hear everything
But that immediately gets the baby's attention because he instantly turns his head around and starts crawling to you as his cries slowly starts dying down.
"Demon child !" Toji points as he runs his hands through the locks of his hair, rubbing at the area that his son almost got him bald at,
You lift the baby up in your arms as you look at Toji,
"and don't you curse again in front of our baby" you knit your brows before turning your attention to the two year old and wiping the tears away from his puffy cheeks.
"So I'm the bad guy here??" Toji questions, looking defeated.
You shrug and walk away with Megumi in your arms who had finally gotten quite.
Oh you and Toji had a lot of explaining to do to this little boy, but that wasn't a headache you both were willing to take for Monday morning.
Maybe later at night, when Megumi will seemingly be a bit less pissed at his dad.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
deadpool getting jealous when you’re giving wolfie too much attention in a poly relationship!!! 🙏
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‘Wade. Stop pouting.’ Logan grunted from against your neck, eyes closed shut as he tried to focus back on you and tightened his grip on your waist.
‘And how the fuck do you know I’m pouting! You’ve got your eyes closed!’ Wade exclaimed, pouting from the other side of the room, watching on in jealously as you continued to shower Logan with more affection.
‘I don’t need to open my eyes to know your pouting dipshit.’ Logan growled but his temperament was easily faltered when he felt you run your hand through his hair and scraping at his scalp deliciously, you almost swore you heard the gruff Logan Howlett purr like a domesticated cat.
‘Wade what’s wrong? You’ve been like this all week and when I go to kiss you or anything, you completely brush me off.’ You said as you looked over at him in his ridiculous pink unicorn pyjamas with matching slippers, squeezing his unicorn plushie tighter and tighter that you swore the poor thing was going to pop. You didn’t like it when either of your partners was upset or angry, they’ve been down those roads before and all you wanted was to love them as much as you can while you can; however you couldn’t do that if one of your partners was too stubborn to tell you what was wrong.
Thankfully after a total record of fifteen minutes of sighing and huffing, Wade looks over at you with the most dramatic pout on his lips. ‘Fine since my gorgeous, fantastic, sexy, hot pookie insists that I tell them what’s wrong, I’ll shall.’ He then takes a deep breath and points to the half asleep Logan cuddled up against you. ‘You have been giving lumberjack over there far too much attention lately Where’s my affection because I don’t see it! I’m being neglected! I want to be cuddled! where’s my cuddles!’ You couldn’t help but chuckle at Wade’s outburst, which only made him pout harder as he showed you his back which had a massive cartoon unicorn rearing on its back legs.
‘Great now my sexy, cool, gorgeously handsome partner is laughing at my pain, I must truly be in hell.’ He mutters to himself as he burrows his head into his arms, only then did your laughter subsided as finally spoke. ‘Don’t be like that, you know I love you and Logan equally.’ You tell him, only to hear him scoff, which made your heart hurt a little, before you the. patted the spare space of the couch with your hand, wanting to make it up to your boyfriend. ‘Stop it with the pouting and get your fine ass on over here handsome, we’ve got room for one more…if you want it that is. I’m not forcing-‘
Before you could finish your sentence, Wade bolted from his spot across the room, and clung onto your other side as he nuzzled his head against your chest, his arms latching onto you waist just beneath Logan’s own arms. ‘Thought you’d never ask sweet cheeks!’ Wade replied as he peppered kisses across your collar bones, causing your to giggle as you ran your free hand up and down his back soothingly, now feeling happy and content with both men that you love dearly being cuddled up on either side of you.
‘Good. I don’t want you to ever think I don’t love either of you because I do.’ You said as you kissed both Wade and Logan on their foreheads, noses and finally their lips as Logan sluggishly reciprocated his kiss in due to being half asleep, just as Wade almost devoured you eagerly with his own kiss.
‘I think we both know that very well peanut, and we love you all the more for it.’ Wade uttered softly as he made himself comfortable against your side, feeling his eyelids grow heavier. Wade knee you’d never made him feel jealous, not intentionally nor accidentally, but sometimes he felt a little lost whenever you spent just a small fraction more time with Logan over him. He just wants so time with you too! And so now as he burrows his head under your chin, ready to drift off, he couldn’t help but reach a hand over to squeeze Logan’s firm ass; only to find that he was one step ahead of him and quickly gripped his wrist.
‘I wouldn’t think about it bub.’ Logan murmured.
‘How is he doing that with his eyes closed.’ Wade whispered to you as you both looked at Logan as he dropped wade’s hand.
‘It’s a mystery we’ll never find out sweetheart.’ You replied as you kissed Wade on the forehead, giving his ass a little pat and a loving squeeze. You knew Wade expresses his affection in rather bold ways but only did so as long as it alright with you and Logan. He didn’t want to put you out of your comfort zone to accommodate him but you weren’t so easily fazed by his actions, not when you have been friends with him as long as you have been partners. So needless to say it wasn’t at all surprising when you suddenly picked up Wade’s tendency to squeeze and or slap your partners asses affectionately.
Much to Logan’s dismay no less but he took it in stride for your sake and occasionally Wade’s but mainly yours.
‘The author must’ve gotten pretty lazy or had a brain fart if this is how the fanfic ends.’ Wade yawns, ‘i could’ve done a far better job that’s for sure.’ He adds before falling asleep. meanwhile you stayed up wondering who the fuck this ‘author’ he was on about, and what did he mean by ‘fanfic?’
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zaczenemiji · 3 months
Hi I hope you are having a lovely day my dear ♥. I was wondering if you could do a Kenji Sato x reader where the reader is an assistant manager to him and one day he like acts arrogantly towards her during one of his interviews when he sees a pretty journalist amongst the crowed of ppl interviewing him and he says some hurtful things to reader and collectively ignoring her and instead choosing to focus on the journalists girl. Ever since that day reader has been silent around Sato and he thought he didn't care but it bothered him because even though she is usually quite, these days she is *too* quite and then there is like a mini celebration for like a baseball game win and reader goes with a guy who is like an athlete but is not as famous as Sato. So the kicker is reader is absolutely DROP DEAD GORGEOUS and ppl at the party even think she is a model. So Sato get jealous and he acts all possessive and protective of her , while she is still angry at him but eventually he makes it up to her over time. If you have anything else to add please do.
Shattered Pride
Kenji Sato x AssistantManager!Reader
Word Count: 1,873
Genre/Warnings: Character Development, Eventual Romance, Forgiveness, Jealousy, Regret, Redemption
Author’s Note: The idea behind this was just fantastic! Thank you so much for the request, writing this was my honor.
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Being Kenji Sato’s assistant manager is not an easy task. I repeat: Not. An. Easy. Task. Throughout his baseball career, he has had several assistants who quit as soon as they were hired because, for one thing, Kenji is stubborn.
Ghosted interviews, off-topic answers, and insults to other players were just some of the many things about him that gave you a headache.
You remember being referred to him by his last assistant saying that it was a high-paying job. However, you were skeptical at how quickly and willing they were to give off their job to another person.
You understood why the first time you met him. After the meeting, you asked him, “Is there anything else you need from me today?”
In response, he gave an irritated sigh. “If I needed something, I would have asked.”
Thankfully, you were more on the nonchalant scale, and how people respond to you didn’t bother you much. You were here to do your job—and excellently at that, not exactly to be friends with an arrogant baseball star.
Kenji’s behavior was… challenging, that’s the best word for it. He barked orders, rarely said thank you, and seemed to take your presence for granted. But in conditions like these, you thrive the most; you succeed where others have failed.
Today was a usual day with the usual crowd of journalists and fans gathering in the conference room. You stood by his side, ensuring everything was in order for yet another post-game interview.
It was going all smooth and well when Kenji suddenly paused mid-sentence. It was a very short pause that wouldn’t be noticeable to others but you, with all the time you spent as his assistant, noticed it.
Your eyes looked in the direction he kept glancing at. A girl, of course, strikingly beautiful with long sleek back hair that cascaded down in soft waves.
When it was her turn to ask, Kenji leaned forward to give her a dazzling smile. “Why don’t you ask me a question?” he said, ignoring the list of pre-approved questions you handed him before the interview started.
Kenji was holding court with this journalist longer than he should. You noticed that the others in line were starting to murmur in annoyance.
You stepped forward, maintaining your professional demeanor. “Excuse me, Mr. Sato, but we need to move on,” you said. “Other journalists are waiting for their turn.”
“I’m not done here,” he said arrogantly, not bothering to look your way.
You took a deep breath, wanting to handle this situation diplomatically. “I understand,” you said. “But we’ve exceeded the time limit, and it’s only fair to give everyone a chance.”
Whichever agency’s plan was it to send her here to get ahead of other journalists, it’s working. She gave you a polite smile, clearly enjoying the extra attention.
Kenji frowned and turned to you. “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something important?” He asked. “If you can’t manage your job properly, maybe you should reconsider.”
Your eyes widened. You could feel others’ on you, their stares almost cutting through your professional facade.
Swallowing your pride, you nodded and stepped back, keeping your expression neutral. But as neutral as you looked, deep down you felt a mix of anger and humiliation.
From that day on, you remained silent around Kenji, only speaking when necessary. You remained professional though, and you made sure that your job was not compromised.
During meetings, you no longer offered insights unless directly asked. When you did speak, your tone was strictly professional. Well, it has always been, but the warmth that characterized your interactions was now gone.
Like that one time during a team strategy meeting. Kenji asked for input on a new play. The room fell silent as everyone waited for your usual insightful suggestions, but you simply looked down at your notes, saying nothing.
The coach glanced at you, surprised. "Any thoughts, (y/n)?" You shook your head. "No, Coach. Nothing to add."
At first, Kenji was oblivious to all of this. He was absorbed in his own world and the adulation of his fans, as always. But as the days turned into weeks, your silence grew too loud to ignore that even he finally noticed it.
A month later, the team planned on celebrating a recent major win. This time, they have decided to invite other athletes as guests of honor. The organizers wanted to have a mix of established stars and up-and-coming talents from the sports world.
You decided to take this as an opportunity to have yourself pampered. You have been working hard, after all. Despite the obvious tension between you and Kenji, you were still able to do your job well.
That’s why at the party, you were stunning. Drop dead gorgeous, as the team said. Though the lights were dim, it seemed as if a spotlight was following you as everyone you passed by turned their heads to look.
You decided to settle by the bar for drinks. “Hey there,” came a familiar voice. You turned to see Jake approaching. He was one of the promising young athletes and a rising star in the sports world who was invited to this party.
He plays as a forward for a popular soccer team and has recently garnered attention for his impressive performance in the league. This wasn’t the first time you met as Jake and Kenji ran into each other a couple times before at different events.
He leaned against the bar, signaling the bartender for a drink. “It’s nice to see you again and this time, enjoying yourself,” he said. “You looked like you needed a break at the last event we were at.”
You chuckled softly, appreciating his observation. "Yeah, it's been a bit hectic lately."
Jake's drink arrived, and he took a sip, his eyes studying you with genuine interest. “Well, you look incredible tonight,” he said. “Have you been hearing what the others are saying?”
Jake turned to glance at the crowd, then back at you. “They were all asking if you were a model or something,” he said. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think the same.”
“Thanks, Jake,” you replied, smiling. “You clean up pretty well yourself."
He laughed, a warm, infectious sound that put you at ease. "So, how's work been treating you? Still managing the chaos that is Kenji Sato?"
You hesitated, the memory of Kenji's recent behavior still fresh. "It's been… challenging," you admitted. "But I manage."
Jake's expression softened with understanding. "I can imagine. He's got a reputation for being difficult."
Unbeknownst to both of you, the baseball star you were talking about has finally arrived. His presence commanded attention as he navigated through the crowd, exchanging greetings and handshakes.
As he made his way deeper into the club, his eyes caught sight of you. At that moment he froze. Or was it time that froze? He didn’t know. All he was sure of was that for a little while, he couldn’t breathe.
You were stunning. Your outfit, a sleek, form-fitting dress that accentuated your every curve, made you look like you had just stepped off a runway. Your hair was styled to perfection, your makeup highlighting your natural beauty.
Suddenly, he noticed the man you were talking to, Jake. “That rookie soccer player,” he thought. Gosh, you deserved so much better. At that moment, with firm resolve, he declared upon himself that he would work to be the better that you deserved.
Kenjl's jaw clenched as his own possessive instincts flared up, a mix of jealousy and protectiveness surging through him. He made his way over to you, his eyes never leaving your form.
On your end, you noticed the crowd parted slightly, and you saw Kenji making his way towards you.
Turning slightly, you met Kenji’s gaze with a cool, indifferent look. "Kenji," you acknowledged, your tone polite but distant.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked, his voice tight with barely restrained emotion.
Jake looked at you, his gaze asking if you were fine with it. You smiled at him, a genuine and warm expression, something you haven’t given Kenji in a while. “I’ll go on ahead,” you told Jake. “See you around.”
Kenji led you away from the crowd, finding a quieter corner of the club. As soon as you were out of earshot, he turned to you, his eyes dark with jealousy.
"Why didn't you come with me?" Kenji asked, his frustration evident.
You scoffed. “First of all, you didn’t ask me to.” You crossed your arms, fixing him with a hard stare. "And you made it very clear where I stand with you. Or rather, where I don't."
He winced, the memory of his hurtful words coming back to haunt him. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice softer now. "I was wrong. I was an idiot."
You remained silent, waiting for him to continue.
“I've been a jerk, and I know it,” he continued. “I was arrogant, dismissive, and I took you for granted.”
You watch him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Yet you looked away, the hurt still fresh. "You hurt me, Kenji,” you said. “You made me feel worthless and unimportant."
Kenji steps closer, his voice filled with regret. “I know, I'm so sorry. I was so focused on myself, on my career, that I didn't see how much I was hurting you. Your silence has been killing me. I miss your insights, your presence.”
He paused for a while before continuing. “I miss you.” He reaches out, gently taking your hand.
“You're more than just my assistant,” he said. “You're the reason I can do what I do. You make everything better, and I've been too blind to see it. Please, give me a chance to make it right. I want to earn back your trust.”
You met his gaze, searching for any sign of insincerity. All you saw was genuine regret and a longing to make things right. "This isn't something that can be fixed overnight, Kenji."
"I know," he said quickly. "I'll do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes. I just... I can't lose you."
You took a deep breath, the weight of his words sinking in. "We'll see," you said. "But it won't be easy."
He nodded, relief flooding his features. "I understand,” he said. “Thank you, (y/n)—for giving me a chance.”
As you walked back to the party, Kenji stayed close by your side, protective and possessive. arm subtly wrapped around your waist, a clear signal to everyone around that you were with him.
As the night came to an end, Kenji offered to drive you home. To which, you agreed. The drive home was quiet, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything else, it was rather hopeful.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day, Kenji found you alone in the office. “Hey," he said softly, "I was thinking we could grab dinner. Just the two of us."
You looked up, surprised. "Dinner?"
He nodded, a hopeful smile on his face. "Yeah. To thank you for everything. And to make up for being such an idiot."
You smiled at him for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Dinner sounds nice."
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
@eternallyvenus @puppyminnnie
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slvttyplum · 6 months
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choso had his moments of anger; everyone did, it was in his nature to have moments where your unbelievably angry, and for choso, that feeling of rage came whenever he lost a game. 
he couldn’t stop himself from raging, and once he turned around from his monitor and made eye contact with you, he could feel the rage withering away from the thoughts he was having and had to put it into action. 
being around choso whenever he was on the game was a no-go. That's why you tried to stray far away from him, but lucky you were when you were around him because you were the one who got his anger. 
of course not in a bad way, unless you count crying from getting overstimulated, because that’s what happened always. you were face down, ass up, getting your pussy beat in while he was pushing into you with major force. 
when it came to sex choso made sure you were comfortable and that you would finish, all that jazz, he was very considerate, but not when he was mad, all that was out the window. 
he didn’t care; as long as he knew he wasn’t actually hurting you, he was going to fuck you back to back until he felt better, until his cheeks were flushed, and his dick was going limp. 
“ah fuck…” letting out a deep sigh as he runs his fingers through his hair and slam into you again, taking your arms and holding your wrists behind you, fucking into your harder. 
it felt so good to let out his anger on you, because he knew you could take it and twist you every which way, fucking you from the back, missionary, pushing your legs behind your legs, he was going to make sure you felt it. 
at first, you would just take it and giggle to yourself, but then you started to find it very attractive—the way he clenched his jaw whenever he looked back and made eye contact with you and took down his ponytails.
it was attractive it made you aroused, his flopping back into his seat and slamming down his hands on his desk, everything he did was ten times more attractive than it already was, and you wanted him to use you. 
you wanted him to bend you over his lap and spank your ass or spread your legs open wide and fuck you until you were sore or him forcing you into your knees and sliding your mouth onto his dick. 
“face down…” his voice deep as he strips down naked, before you could even get into position he jerks off your panties and does it for you, he doesn’t have time for you to think or anything. 
that’s when he fucks you out of your mind, his hands planted on your ass as he pushes deep inside of you, deep grunts following with whimpers when your tight walls squeeze around him. 
you wanted him to get bad, to throw you around and grunt curses into your ear as he fucked you dumb, it’s what you liked the most, when he showed you no mercy. 
he wanted you to remember every time he looked back at you that you were his, and he could use you whenever he pleased, especially to get his anger out. 
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lipringlrh · 4 months
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read: part one | logan ending
summary: lando’s your best friend but seems to like you when he’s drunk. but then again, he seems to like everyone when he’s drunk.
pairing: lando norris x gn!reader
wc: 1.8k
Lando wouldn’t admit it to anyone but that night was the worst sleep he’d ever had. He left as soon as he found out you’d left with Lily and Alex, and made his way to your house just to find out you weren’t there. He messaged Alex to get no response and contemplated waiting outside your door until you came back, whether it be days or months, he’d wait for you. But, after almost falling asleep numerous times and getting laughed at by a group of teenagers, he made his way back to his apartment, knowing you’d be looked after.
He was awake almost all night, messaging and calling you and regretting everything in its entirety. He didn’t fully know if you had even seen him kiss the person that resembled you, he only felt it deep down, but even if you hadn’t, he shouldn’t have done it, and he could never apologise enough. He thought of how to explain his thoughts but nothing would suffice; nothing would ever be able to explain how he felt.
At some point in the early hours, he finally drifted off, but awoke not much later to an aggressive banging on his door and a voice screaming at him to hurry up. He wished the voice was you but it wasn’t and he hated it. He rushed to his door, barely having time to pull on some grey joggers before opening it to an angry Alex, very close to breaking the door down.
“Are you stupid?” Alex questioned, fuming, pushing his way into Lando’s house, “I know that you’re in love with her so what are you doing?”
Lando looked like a deer in headlights. He couldn’t explain his actions, he didn’t even want to think about them. All he remembered feeling was grief at watching you walk away, so when he found someone that looked eerily similar, he took the chance to kiss them and create the image in his mind of kissing you. It didn’t last long. He realised too quickly that they didn’t smell like you and the way they kissed wasn’t the same. He hated it, he didn’t want to kiss anyone but you.
“I know, I didn’t mean to-”
“What, you just tripped into her mouth then?” Alex questioned, pushing a finger against Lando’s chest.
“No- no. I don’t know why I did, I really love them I promise. We almost kissed but then they walked away, I was hurt, I didn’t think they wanted me,” Lando almost cried, his voice cracking.
“You do this every time you go out. You kiss her every time you go out and she follows, you don’t get to pull that card. You might be upset but I promise you’re not even feeling half of it,” Alex spat, not caring if he hurt Lando because he hurt you much more.
“Help me apologise. I need to apologise, please Alex, please help,” Lando begged, wanting you to more than anything, “Please Alex, I’ll do anything.”
Alex sighed. At that moment, he hated Lando for what he did, but he’d been wishing for you both to get together since he first saw you both together, making heart eyes at each other. He contemplated in his head whether to help or not. He always envisioned you together but always wanted what's best for you and right now he couldn’t tell if that was Lando or not. But looking at the state of him, red, wet eyes, begging for his help, he wanted to believe Lando regretted everything and would do anything to prove he loved you.
“Okay, but I’m not letting you be forgiven easily, I want you to prove it,” Alex sighed, running his hands over his face. A feeling of simultaneous relief and guilt eating him alive.
Lando promised Alex over and over again, and in between each syllable, promising himself also that he would give you the world in apologies, and whatever happened he deserved it, but even if there was the slimmest chance you could forgive him, Lando would take it and cherish it.
Alex messaged you and you told him it was fine to bring Lando over, as long as he didn’t expect much, and so they turned up less than five minutes later. Alex left you both alone in the kitchen to sit with Lily in the living room after repeating countless times he was a shout away.
You almost broke down just seeing him but managed to keep it in. You didn’t want him to explain, you didn’t care to hear it at the moment, but as soon as Alex left he began spilling out apologies and trying to explain himself, which you quickly shut up.
“I want some space,” you sighed. You wanted Lando close but you wanted everything you felt for him gone first. You couldn’t believe he ever felt the same, not after that.
“Of course, I understand,” his voice broke as he stepped back, trying to show you he would do anything you said.
“Not like that, Lando. I mean it, I don’t think I can see you for a while.”
“Oh-” he said, “When can I see you again?”
“I’m not sure, I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be, this is my fault,” he sighed, clearly upset and looking at the ground, “I’ll go, I’ll see you soon.”
After he left, you broke down crying, debating your decision on if you handled it right. You already missed him, and still loved him, but you also didn’t want to see him. Alex explained the whole morning, and his perspective, giving you hope you could fix it with Lando, especially after Alex’s approval, which you trusted more than anything.
The next few times you saw him were at hangouts with your shared friends. You knew he’d be there as none of your friends would invite him unless you were completely sure you didn’t mind him there. He stayed away, but didn’t make it awkward to the people around you, and always gave you a shy smile when you caught his eye.
He didn’t try to text or call again, despite wanting to more than anything, and instead waited for you to make the first move whenever you were ready. You had missed him more than anything, in both an “I love him” and “he’s my best friend” way, and it was killing you from being away from him, especially after how well he listened to your instructions.
You were at a mutual friend's get-together, a small barbecue in a back garden when you decided it was time. You had been debating texting him but after seeing him, you decided you couldn’t wait.
He was standing alone in a corner beside a flower patch and some grass, drink in hand, and surveying everyone that was there when you walked over. He didn’t know how to greet you and so awkwardly moved his hands between going for a hug or a handshake. You laughed and hugged him, both of you holding on tightly, unhappy to let go.
“I’ve missed you,” you whispered gently, looking down and playing with your fingers, slightly nervous to admit it to him after all this time.
“I’ve missed you too,” he grins, adding on, “So much,” with a quiet whisper.
“How’ve you been?” you asked, trying to make small talk before delving right in.
“Okay, I’ve not really done much. Races have been okay.”
“I saw,” you smiled, “You’ve done really well.”
“You watched?” he questioned, a little surprised. You met his eyes and nodded, explaining how you could never miss one.
“Do you want to talk inside?” you asked, heart pounding as you said it. He nodded immediately, without hesitation, and followed you in through the double glass doors into the kitchen, but only after picking out a daisy from the grass next to him and offering it out to you, causing both of you to grin.
He closed the doors behind you both, blocking out as much other noise as possible, ready for you to begin. “I want to know how you feel about this and about me,” you started, voice shaky.
“I’m sorry, I’m still so sorry. I love you and I want what’s best for you and I can’t even find an excuse, I was being stupid and thinking how you’d never want me. It was all nothing, you’re the only person that’s ever meant anything, I’m so sorry. I will do anything to fix this- anything.”
“Lan,” you let out a breath, “You still want me?”
“More than anything,” he grinned and you stepped forward to reach him, locking your arms around his neck.
Your fingers tangled themselves in his hair as you pull his face down until his lips are almost touching yours. He was smiling so much you thought it might be impossible to kiss him but you pulled him into you anyway, finally kissing him again.
“Stop smiling,” you laughed, pulling away to say it before immediately kissing him again.
“What? Can I not be happy? I’m getting my girl back,” he pulled away, grinning harder, then trying to drag you back in, which was almost successful until you pulled away at the last second.
“I can barely kiss you like this and I’d really, really like to,” you giggled, tugging him back again to enjoy another impatient kiss.
Your hands were running all over his head, completely ruining his hair, but he didn’t care. His hands were wrapped around your waist, holding you impossibly close. When you finally parted he still kept you close, resting his forehead on yours.
“Are you sure you want this?” he questioned, his breath still heavy.
You kissed his cheek and looked straight into his eyes, “More than anything, I promise,” you paused for a moment, “But you’re going to have to grovel to repay all the lost time we’ve had.”
“I’m going to prove to you that I’m all in, that I want this more than I could possibly explain,” Lando promised, meaning every word. He was already planning out exactly what he wanted to do - he knew he had to work to become your official boyfriend, but he would do everything possible for you.
You just stared at him, showcasing the biggest smile you’ve ever had, eyes full of love, knowing you weren’t ever going to let each other go or even risk it again.
“God I love you,” he grinned, ignoring the fact he still hadn’t caught his breath and pulling you into another, more intimate, kiss.
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puppetwoman17 · 6 months
Headcanon that the bats are the only people in Gotham who don’t know about Joker Junior.
The only people who know JJ’s identity are Bruce, Barbara, Jim Gordon, Joker himself, and Harley Quinn. Tim made Bruce promise not to tell Dick, and that continued when Jason came back, with him not wanting to be one of the older man’s triggers. The trend followed with Duke, Cass, Steph, and Damian, with him being more and more certain that if he told them, they would hate him.
Nothing lasts forever, though, and the batkids soon notice how differently Gotham treats Red Robin.
Rogues like Riddler, Harley, and Poison Ivy refrain from hurting him too much. Seasoned thugs quickly take away any electrocution devices from the newer ones, stating that “we don’t electrocute Red Robin”. When it comes to RR, Gotham’s citizens can get very peeved with the Bat.
The kids also notice the odd closeness between Jim, Babs, and Tim. Hell, there are times where they invite the older man to dinner and he goes off to whisper with Tim. The one time someone tried to subtly follow them, Babs stopped them in their tracks.
Everything comes to ahead when Dick goes deep into the bat computer archives for a case he assumes is tied to another. And lo and behold, he finds something titled Junior. He assumes that this is about a child villain and is curious, as the date tells him this happened while he was off in Bludhaven so many years ago.
It’s not.
He calls in the other bats(Tim is somewhere else) and they read through the files and watch the videos. God, the videos.
Dick is angry. Him and his siblings are fuming. Everything comes together and makes so much sense.
How some Gotham citizens treat RR differently. How Jim Gordon always makes sure RR is okay. How Babs knows how to calm Tim down better than anyone else. How Bruce always looks so guilty when he looks at Tim, a scarily similar look as the one he gives to Jason.
Their brother had been keepinh this secret for years, probably because he didn’t want them to hate them(Jason shakes his head furiously. “Stupid kid”.)
When Tim comes home, lo and behold with Babs, he immediately clocks onto their thoughts and makes a break for it. Babs blocks the door for everyone else. She says nothing.
Thats as far as I got.
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dark-moonlust · 2 months
Hi there, this is my first time sending an ask.
I was wondering if could you do a bear hybrid x fem reader. I really love the concept of a bear hybrid but there's not really a lot of stuff on that.
Thank you, your avid reader
Sure thing anon! I hope this is to your liking! 🖤🥂 Happy reading!
Claimed by the Bear Hybrid
Pairing: bear hybrid x f!human reader
Summary: you are strolling the woods when you meet a bear hybrid who claims you as his.
Warnings: minors don’t interact, 18++!!!, slightly non-con, oral (f!receiving), big 🍆, p in v, lots of 💦.
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“You’re mine now,” the creature rumbled, deep and commanding. 
You forgot how to breathe, your heart stuttering at the sight of the bear hybrid before you. Standing on his two back feet, the massive hybrid towered over you, making it impossible for you to escape. The creature had the build of a very big and muscled man, but his dark fur, size and strength were unmistakably bear-like. 
Not to mention that between his legs hung the most glorious cock you’d ever seen. It was as thick as your forearms and long, longer than seven inches—with the angry red head leaking moisture. Two heavy, hairy balls hung from between his thighs, throbbing visibly. An involuntary shiver traveled through you, not at all fearful. He grunted and shifted, his nose smelling the air. Then his eyes, they were completely dark, fixed on you with a hunger that brought back the fear inside you.
Oh, how foolish you had been thinking that a stroll in the woods would be harmless. You were alone with an apex predator in his own habitat, and he was about to devour you, oh the irony… the forest was dense and filled with the sounds of nature and the chirping of birds. It was such a beautiful morning, so unlike your fate.  
“Pl—please… I won’t hurt you,” you uttered, terrified out of your wits. “Let me go and—”
“Never!” he rasped powerfully. “You. Are. Mine.”
You barely had time to react before he closed in on you, his huge body dwarfing yours. He was three heads taller than you and that much heavier. A strong hand grasped you as he scooped you up, hanging you over his shoulder. Paralyzed, you shouted and writhed, but no help came as he carried you effortlessly toward his cave. 
Once inside his lair, cool air welcomed you to a bed of soft furs. His eyes never left yours as he climbed on the massive bed beside you, his hands gripping your ankles, strong enough but careful not to bruise you. You couldn’t escape. Tears flew down your cheeks as he ripped your clothes apart, his sharp claws removing every layer until you lay completely exposed before him. 
“Shhhh…” his voice was soothing. “I will not harm you, little human. You are my mate.”
“Nnn…no.” Embarrassed, you crossed your hands in front of your breasts. “This can’t be! We can’t—”
“You are mine,” he repeated stubbornly. “You tremble and leak nectar for me.”
To prove his point, he spread open your legs, exposing the soaked slit of your pussy. Your plump folds glistened with arousal, and you flushed at the sight. You’d refused to accept what your instinct was telling you, but there was no mistaking it now; the hybrid didn’t want to kill you; he wanted to fuck you. And for some strange reason that made you ever wetter, your heart beating frantically.
Your breath hitched when you felt his callused fingers brushing along your chest. You protested, but his strength was great, and he drew your arms apart, exposing your breasts to him. Big hands cradled each breast, thumbs skimming over your nipples until they turned into hard little buds. You whimpered, tears in your eyes, because each stroke felt good, awakening a mix of fear and arousal. You could feel his strength, his raw power, and it both thrilled and scared you. 
“Pretty and soft,” the hybrid muttered as he massaged your mounds and caressed your nipples. “Such roundness.”
It was at that moment that you realized you had arched your back to offer more of yourself to him. He took this chance eagerly and bent down to engulf the entirety of one tit in his mouth. The suction was warm and wet, his tongue rough and textured as it circled your nipple. Lips quivering, you shivered as he stroked and suckled, crying out softly when he alternated to the other mound. 
Strong hands moved to your hips, gripping them firmly as he lowered his head between your thighs. He inhaled your pussy, then breathed over it. You shivered all over, especially when his tongue flicked out, licking up and down your folds before delving inside. You jolted at the electric sensation, long moans escaping you as his rough tongue fucked you with primal thrusts. He ate you out, his growls vibrating against your pussy. Hands gripping the sheets, you rocked against him, hips arching toward his mouth. 
“Such a soft little cunt; it tastes so sweet, better than honey,” he murmured, tongue spearing your pussy. 
“Pl-please,” you whispered, barely able to form the words and unsure of what you were begging for. To stop? To keep going? You were so pleasure-hazed that you had no idea what to do. 
He chuckled. “You’ll get more, mate.”
Hands gripping your ass, he brought you closer to his face, spreading your folds as he continued his sweet torment. His snout caressed your clit and you bucked against him, your moans filling the cave and echoing off the walls. Your orgasm tore through you, strong and blissful, surging from your head to your toes, and despite your violent thrashing, his tongue still drove inside you, devouring every drop of your release.
Head falling back against the bed, you opened your legs obscenely, offering your pussy to him. He licked you fiercely, then your inner thighs, then up your belly and your breasts. You whined when you felt the heavy weight of something warm and leaky against your fluttering cunt. You looked down and gasped; your ankles were hooked over his broad shoulders and he was rubbing his cock against your slit, his thick girth looking inhumanly big in contrast to your small pussy.  
“I’ve waited so long for this moment,” he growled, his hands caressing your inner thighs. “You’re my mate, and I will claim you.”
“Stop— you’re too big—”
But it was too late. A soft hitch of breath left you when he pushed the cockhead inside. It parted your moist pussy lips and drove inside, inch by inch. You whimpered at the stretch, yet his fullness invaded you without discomfort, bottoming out inside you as his balls squeezed against your bum.
You’d done it. You’d taken him. Wow… 
Your thoughts faded when he started moving inside you. Holding your tiny waist in his big hairy hands, he pumped powerfully inside you, watching as his dick spread your lips, then came out covered with your juices. You gripped his arms for dear life, your nails digging into his thick skin. He liked it because he fucked you faster and deeper, each thrust driving you higher and higher. 
“Yes, only my mate can take me,” he growled, his cock making your belly bulge. “I’m going to fill you up, claim you, make you mine.”
The bed creaked from his thrusts, your tits bouncing. He licked them up, suckled them in his mouth as he pounded into you, the plap-plap of skin slapping against skin obscenely wet and lewd. Your cries mingled with his grunts of pleasure, your walls clenching and unclenching around his cock as a second orgasm overwhelmed you. He kept fucking you and followed right after with a feral roar, filling you up with buckets of his cum. He pumped for minutes, over and over, until he had marked you with his seed. 
Breathless and spent, you couldn’t help but collapse into the sheets that smelled like musk and earth. Your body still tingled from the intensity of your union, your legs weak. You couldn’t believe what had happened. You’d heard of many cases of interspecies mating, and now it had happened to you as well. This bear hybrid was your mate. Your soulmate. He’d claimed you, bathed you in his seed. And even if your bond was unusual and fresh, you felt like being truly home.
“You’re mine, all mine,” he murmured, nuzzling your neck, his breath warm against your skin. 
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adelheidvonschicksal · 7 months
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Thinking about playfighting with Rafayel
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+ brief sexual content, play fighting, subby rafayel
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Your sweet, dramatic friend of a man. Your fights with him normally stay in the verbal arena, where he excels at throwing playful jabs, sassy remarks, the quick teasing nickname, and occasional cocky comment. When he’s smart-mouthed one too many times, oh, that’s when you have to drag him into your arena. It never hurts to teach your Lemurian charge who’s the real boss from time to time.
It never goes far; you think he might be a little too delicate for your full strength. So, you stick to a quick tackle, some torturous tickles, and silly pokes, all in attempts to make his face go a lovely shade of red and hear him beg for mercy. You love when he’d whine your name and plead for forgiveness while the angry pout and glare after would always be the icing on a very much deserved cake.
Sometimes, when he’s in a cheerful mood, he fights back, determined to give you a taste of your own medicine.
It always ends up with you two on the ground in front of his couch. You pin him on his stomach to punish him for defying you, and he tries his best to regain dominance. Even with all his squiggling and wiggling like an octopus out of water, he won’t be able to get you off.
Forcing yourself to lie on top of him and pressing your chest into his back, you ignore his demands for you to let him up, not until he apologizes. Ah, but he never wants to give in right away, and you up your force a little as he tries to flip you over.
Then, there’s a tug.
It’s an accident.
You weren’t entirely paying attention to where your hand was until there’s already wavy purple strands tangled around your fingers and the loud moan that filled the room was already beginning to fade away. It leaves you frozen with Rafayel whose hair is clutched in your hands and whose ears and face are very, very deep red.
This is certainly a first.
“Did you just—” you ask.
“No,” he groans out, but his denial is short lived because you just can’t resist teasing him and seeing that blushing face of his, so obviously, you have to experiment by giving another light tug. It yields the same result: a whine held deep in his throat and the tensing of his legs under you.
“Stop,” he says. “You’re gonna—”
You cut him off with a grunt, already knowing where he was going.
“Turn you on?” You finish for him. “Don't tell me you have a hard on.”
The pout he gives is adorable, his face brightly decorated like a bucket of vermillion paint was dumped on him. He lifts his arm to his face, trying to hide the blush behind his hand, which you take that to mean as a ‘yes’.
“What else do you expect to happen when you do that?” he comments between heavy breathes, and the absolute embarrassment laced in his voice makes a tingle go down your spine as he sputters out lame excuse after excuse – it was reflex, random timing, the rubbing, to try not to get too full of yourself—like he was an inexperienced young man dealing with his first rush of hormones.
All you could hear was your own thoughts whirling faster and faster and the adorably flustered sounds of his voice straining as you repositioned on top of him.
“Round 2,” you whisper then blow against the back of his heated neck, causing him to shudder.
A lightly grumbled “shameless as always,” puffs from behind his trembling hand. But when have you ever led him to believe that you weren’t especially in situations like these?
You squeeze your hand between his stomach and the floor, slowly drawing it down and stopping at his belt. He doesn't fight it, doesn't move even, maybe is silently anticipating this even more than you. Still, you’re not “shameless” enough to not give him a choice in the matter.
“Last chance to tap out, fishie. Apologize,” you warn.
It takes him time to respond, but when he does you can’t resist smirking. He finally asks, “Do you really think I’d give in so easily? Do your worst.”
You nearly laugh. That’s what you thought.
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Miss Llama, you have yet to tell us what the Bad Sanses are like around MC during their heat..
Horror becomes the animal he spends every day trying to pretend he isn't. His patience and self control evaporate - it can get scary. Letting you go is not an option, he drags you back into his nest whether you want to be there or not, you're his mate and you're small and soft so you stay in the den. The other skeletons give him a very wide berth because Horror can do a lot of damage very quickly, and in heat he reaches for his axe like it's an extension of his arm. ... But he doesn't just get violent. He also gets so, so soft. Horror in heat is only angry when things aren't 'right'; when they are (you're fed and in the nest and there's no one else around) you've never seen him so calm or so unequivocally happy. There's a lightness to him, a joy that's usually buried deep down. You've never seen him smile so much.
You won't be able to tell Dust is in heat. He acts completely normal, his usual silent dark self, mooching around like nothing has changed - until you're alone together. Then you realise he's a lot closer than he normally stands. You realise he's holding onto your wrist so you can't escape if you startle away from him. You realise his other hand is slipping around your back; you realise he's so close you can see his eyelights, intently watching your expression. You can hear his heavy breathing. He smells dizzying in a good way, smoke and musk and something cold. He just wants to be near you. Why do you look so scared? Don't you trust him? You can run away, if you want to. But he's a persistence hunter. He'll always find you.
Killer gets even more lovey-dovey than usual. He almost starts to stray into yandere territory. When you're around his Soul is glaringly heart shaped; when you do something he really likes, like laughing or pulling a cute expression, a huge red blush lights up his whole face and his original eyelights are visible for a moment. He's sickly sweet with his affection, he always wants to cuddle, he always wants to hold hands, nuzzling and playing with your hair, he's all but glued to you. Does he get snappy with other people? Sure. He pulls his knives out alarmingly quickly. But he does that anyway - and it really seems like he's too busy thinking about you to think about murder. So long as you're in the room everyone is safe. ... So long as you're in the room.
Nightmare is excellent at controlling his heats and it'll be tough to even notice he's in one. But there's little signs. He speaks to you with a purr that's deeper and silkier than usual. His eye lingers on you just a little too long. Something about him is unsettling, setting off your there's a predator nearby instincts, you feel chills when he walks behind you. Yet at the same time... the darkness is inviting. Something about him makes you want to curl up in his palm and sleep forever. If you offer to stay with him, and allow him the indulgence of your company, you'll get a glimpse of something ancient. Something hungry. Something that wants you, just as much as you want to be wanted. Just remember... no matter what you see, he doesn't want to hurt you. He just doesn't want to be alone.
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Hey I hope you are doing well when ever you are reading this but how do you think the 3rd year boys from twst would react to their s/o (gn reader) cuddling with a huge plush instead of them.
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Like this.
Oh boy oh boy this kinda cures my writers block tbh, i have so many drafts but none of em look enticing enough to continue writing (´д`|||)
I took out a few of the 3rd years bc its too many people for 1 fic but i might make a part 2 where i add the missing 3rd years at some point
i went with the more silly writing style again, hope that's fine by you ○( ^皿^)っ
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Malleus Draconia
He doesn't exactly get why, but he feels kinda annoyed just laying next to you while you hug a big ol plushie
This doesn't feel right🫤
But then again, you look rlly happy and satisfied so he stays quiet since if you're happy, he's happy (he desperately wants to be in the plushy's place)
When you playfully kiss the plush though, that rule no longer applies. After all, his rightful spot is in your arms🫠
He nudges you. "Put the stuffed animal away."
"You sound angry." You smirk and kiss the plush again, knowing he's probably annoyed about that
without another word, he pulls the plushy out of your hands and settles down in its place
"I am a much better than that object. Just so you know." he smiled smugly, expecting a kiss on the cheek just like you gave to the plushie earlier
you kissed him on the lips instead just to see his eyes widen and his face go red ofc 😏
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Leona Kingscholar
basically, it is NOT happening
"hell no." is the only thing he says before ripping the poor plushie out of your arms and chucking it across the room
like actually how DARE you try to replace him with a plushie
"Why would you do that?" You pouted at him, looking at the now discarded plushy from the bed🤕
"You know damn well why." He huffed, laying down on top of you without warning which tends to be a habit of his
"Because that's my spot, got it?" He answered for you. clearly you forgot😒
"Uhhh, right." you answered after a short pause...
"I won't remind you next time." he sounded rlly annoyed. it's kinda funny how worked up he got over a plushy replacing him 🤭
this also means he won't let you get up for like.... atleast 2 hours to atone for your sins
moral of the story: don't do this again unless you want a ripped up plushie and a pissed off lion man😠
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Idia Shroud
"This is so unfair. Even worse than an OP boss. " he sighed dramatically, laying down besides you and pouting at the sight og a huge plushie in your arms
"pick up the sock if you have enough energy to complain." you turned away from him, still annoyed with him
being the epic gamer he is (😎💯), he discarded one of his socks in the middle of his room and didn't feel like picking it up later even after you told him to
...which ended with you refusing to cuddle with him until he does pick up the sock
after a short while of very awkward silence...
he groaned in annoyance, begrudgingly getting up and finally picking up the sock, then leaving the room to put it in the wash
you smirked victoriously, placing the plushie away as promised and letting him hug you instead
"The things you make me do, smh." he sighed, relaxing into you 😒
"Picking up a singular sock?" you teased him, hugging him back
He didn't reply so that means it's your victory 😝
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Vil Schoenheit
this is an unforgivable offense, just because you had a little disagreement earlier doesn't mean you can just replace him with a plushie😠
love transcends disagreements, after all
does not help at all that the plushie's cute round face reminds him of a certain thorn in his side named Neige LeBlanche😒
he sighs, "I may have been too harsh back there."
your only reply is an annoyed huff and you hug the plushie tighter which makes one of those anime veins pop up on his face 💢
he takes a deep breath "It was not my intention to hurt your... sensibilities." he's trying babe, he's really trying
You don't reply for a moment...
"Ugh." you throw the plushie away and hug him tightly "This doesn't mean I forgive you, just for the record."
"I still stand by my opinion too, just worded less harshly." he gently puts an arm around you, stroking your back
it was only a matter of time until you gave up with your stubborn pettiness, soon you'll forgive him too, he'll make sure of that 😌
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Lilia Vanrouge
He's actually surprisingly chill about it i feel like
He wouldn't get annoyed or be jealous per se, he'd just get a little sad it's not him you're hugging😔
he's there, you know? there's no need for a plushie...
"Am I not satisfactory enough?" He asks half playfully half seriously
"In what sense?" you totally knew what he meant but just wanted to tease him back
"Hey, isn't this supposed to be the other way around?" he smiled at you, immediately knowing what you were playing at
"Hahaha, you know me too well." you kiss his cheek, yet you still don't let go of the plushie which makes him pout
"I see you have found yourself a new lover." his eyes travel to the plushie for a moment, the betrayal is real😔🙏🏻
"You got a problem with him?" you raised a brow 🤨
"A little." he hugged you from the back, getting comfy
"Okay fine, maybe my ex is the better one after all." you let go of the plushie and turned around to hug him back 💗
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tommydarlings · 26 days
Tell me you love me! | L.N
pairing: dark!psychotic!ex!dom!lando x sub!reader
warnings: smut, cnc, psychotic behaviour, dacryphilia, spitting, hair pulling, sex in front mirror, threatening???, manipulation, breeding kink, choking, mentions of the usage of a knife
w/c: 2.4k
summary: Your crazy ex boyfriend — Lando Norris — wasn’t really happy with the fact that you broke up with him, so he decided to pay you a little suprise visit one night and show you how badly you broke his heart. (based off of this request.)
check this out: my masterlist <3 // my ko-fi to support me! <3 // my PayPal to support me! <3 // my Patreon to become a member! (get access to +65 works) // Save a Life carrd made by me! <3
The infamous, sweet and talented lando norris. A man that a lot of girls adored.
Your ex.
The relationship lando and you had was actually quiet good, at the beginning it was peaceful and loving, lots of date nights, lots of stolen kisses, lots of supporting and comforting and of course lots of sex, great sex even…
But as you noticed that he got more and more controlling and kind of… psychotic some might say — you saw no other choice anymore than to leave him.
The worst mistake of your entire life.
As you woke up in the middle of the night due to a loud knock you heard on your front door, you were suprised… who on god’s name could want something from at 1 a.m?
You tiptoed down the wooden stairs of your home and slowly opened the door, gasping in shook as no other person then your dear ex boyfriend stood in front of you, and in a matter of seconds, he forced himself inside your house and quickly covered your mouth, your back to his broad chest.
“You make a noise that isn’t a whine, scream or moan out of pleasure tonight, and I’ll use that little friend of mine here, you understand?“ he raised his hand and waved a little bit very sharp looking pocket knife in front of your face, making you widen your teary eyes in fear.
Swiftly, you nodded, your tears hitting his fingers after they made their way down your red cheeks, “perfect, that’s my good girl.“
Lando ran his nose along your temple before you smelled your hair, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, “Not using my favourite shampoo anymore, huh? What a disappointment, always loved that smell so much, baby,“ his hand still covering your mouth.
You shook your head, trashing around in his tight grip, trying to shook off the arm that he forced around your waist since you felt so uncomfortable and scared,
“Oh no no no,” Lando shook his head, his smile fading, brows furrowed at your action, “None of that, baby, okay? Or I have to get violent here with you and to be honest,“ he kissed your tears away, “I don’t wanna get violent with my pretty little girl,“ he kissed your cheek.
You sniffled under his hand as he suddenly lead to two of you towards your bedroom, stumbling almost awkwardly before you reached the room you just came from, lando loudly closing the door behind you two.
“You removed our pictures,“ he mumbled to himself, sounding disappointed and angry.
He scanned the room before you carelessly shoved you onto the bed, “stay there and don’t move or I have to hurt your soft skin, alright?“
Lando looked at you with dark eyes, the knife now pointed at your face. You looked down at it with a fearful gaze before you quickly nodded, not wanting him to hurt you.
He nodded along, “Good,“ he leaned forward and briefly kissed your forehead before he wiped some of your tears away, “still obedient, huh?“ he chuckled before he turned around and scanned your drawers where you kept all of your clothes.
He sighed, making your eyes widen in fear again, “you also got rid of all of my T-shirt I see… even the McLaren merch I gifted you,“ he spoke in a deep and quiet tone, turning around to look at you, knife still in his other hand that wasn’t checking the drawers.
“I-I am sorry, lando… I thought since we weren’t together any-”
“What? Just because we aren’t together anymore you can immediately assume that you can just throw all of the stuff that I gave you carelessly away? Like it’s nothing?“ he got louder, making you jump as you still sat on the bed with tears staining your face.
You gulped and shook your head but only looked down in shame and fear, maybe he was right… maybe you shouldn’t have just thrown it all away…
“Look at me,“ he took slow steps into your direction until he stood in front of your sitting figure, “I don’t like it when you look at the floor, you’re supposed to look at me and obey me.”
You raised your head and looked into his eyes, the fact that they were darker than usual still haunted you,
“That’s more like it,“ he placed his hand onto your chin, his thumb caressing your skin, running his finger also along your trembling bottom lip for a few seconds.
He stared into your eyes, grin not fading away as he studied your facial expression, “You’re scared, aren’t you?“
You slowly nodded, “No need to be scared, baby,“ he replied, his hand laying gently on your cheek, thumb caressing your skin, “I’ll protect you, alright? I’ll take care of you, my love,“ he mumbled with a tiny smile before he spoke up again,
“Lie down for me, would you?“ the Brit murmured but you only shook your head, making his little smile fade away in a matter of seconds.
Lando cleared his throat, hand leaving your cheek and placed on your shoulder now, gently pushing your down against the sheets, “When I tell you to lay down… then you lay. down.“
You gulped, eyes not leaving his as you slowly obeyed and laid down, scooting backwards towards the headboard while he got on the bed as well and crawled between your spread legs, sitting on his knees in between them.
“Perfect, that’s exactly where I imagined you, baby,“ he whispered under his breath, his hand already working to remove your shorts.
“N-No-” you protested but he interrupted you almost immediately.
“No, no, no… just let me, okay? I know what I’m doing, baby… you still trust me, right?“ he raised his brows at you, making you furrow yours.
He continued removing your shorts and underwear, throwing them to the side before he ran his fingertips down your chest and stomach, obviously towards your now exposed heat.
“So pretty… so soft, baby,“ your ex said in a hush tone before he reached your cunt, fingertips slowly rubbing your clit.
You jumped a bit and threw your head back, teary eyes staring at the ceiling as you fisted the sheets next to your naked hips, “Why aren’t you wet, hmm?“ he asked you quietly.
You lowered your head again to look at him and watched him raise his hand to his mouth, swiftly spitting onto his fingers before he went back to rub your pearly clit in slow but intense circles, making you unintentionally see stars.
“G-God,“ you whined quietly, biting your lip almost immediately after letting that pathetic sound escape your mouth, not wanting to show him that he actually does have some kind of effect on you.
Lando looked at you with a smile, “Yes? I’m listening, baby…“ he replied cockily.
You shook your head at him and wanted to throw a snarky comment back at him but you couldn’t, your words got stuck in your throat and you unintentionally arched your back again as his long and wet fingers slid into your tight hole, stretching you out.
“You’re also tighter than I remembered,“ Lando mumbled more to himself, his other hand bending your right leg to give him easier access to your now pretty wet heat.
His fingers worked at a slow but rather hard pace, forcing gasps and whines out of you as it started to feel good, way too good.
You gasped in a high pitched tone, “Lando… I’m gonna cum!“ you whined, hands fisting the sheets.
Lando nodded and leaned down, spitting on your clit before he smeared it with his thumb, his fingers moving in and out of you in a quicker pace, being way harsher now.
Whines escaped your mouth as tears covered your red cheeks, lando's eyes leaving your drenched pussy and focusing on your face now, smile still painted on his face as he didn’t slow down, “Tell me you love me.“
As you heard those words leaving his mouth, you furrowed your brows, your thighs shaking next to his hand between your legs,
“W-What?“ you looked at him with tears eyes, barely understanding anything at this point since you were so close.
“Tell me. you. love me.“ your ex repeated in a deep and harsh tone, his other hand squeezing your shaking thigh as he still kept on bending it so that he had full access to your cunt.
Your whole body was going crazy at that point, you were a sweating and shaking mess, your throat sore after releasing multiple screams and whines, tears staining your cheeks.
“I-I love you!“ you cried out in a loud tone before you crumbled completely and came all over his fingers.
Before you could even catch a breath and calm down a bit, he already pulled his fingers out of you and grabbed your upper arms, pulling your upwards and ripping your shaking figure off of the bed, walking with you towards the full body mirror in your bedroom.
In a matter of seconds, he forced you onto your knees in front of it while he also got onto his knees behind you, his lips grazing your ear from behind,
“Tell me you want me,“ he pulled on your hair in a harsh manner, “Tell me you want me to fuck you right in front of that mirror.“
You gasped, tears hitting your top lip as your face was almost squished up against your mirror, your eyes only focused on his face as you stared at his reflection.
“Want you to-to fuck m-me,“ you whined, your tears blurring your vision a bit.
He nodded, the pads of his wet fingers toying with your pussy from behind, making you see stars once again, “there’s something missing, baby… that’s not all I wanted to hear,“ he raised his brows, his lips brushing against your ear.
You took a deep breath as you felt his fingers against your pussy again, eyes rolling into the back of your head before you spoke up again, voice hoarse and quiet, “in front of the mirror.“
Lando nodded along your words, his hands slowly unbuttoning his pants now and pulling his cock out, spitting on his hand and smearing it over himself before he teased your wet entrance with his tip,
“I'm still missing one tiny word, baby,“ he groaned deeply as his tip entered you from behind, going in and out of your tight hole from behind, wanting to tease you a bit before he buries himself fully in you.
You furrowed your brows and gasped in a high pitched tone as you continued feeling the salty tears on your lips, “w-what?“ you asked quietly.
He grabbed your hair in a makeshift ponytail, pulling your head backwards and forcing you to arch your back more, his eyes staring into the mirror to closely watch your facial expression as he slowly filled you up.
Your ex caught your gaze, “what is that pretty word with six letters that I wanna hear out of that little mouth of yours?“ he raised his brows at you.
You took deep breaths, “please?“ and lando nodded with a smirk, “please,“ he repeated quietly in a proud tone.
“F-Fuck,“ he moaned from behind, watching your tears fall down your cheeks with dark eyes,
“God, just as tight as I remember,“ he pulled on your hair, his lips grazing your ear, “nobody else fucked that little cunt of yours while I wasn’t here to do it myself, right?“
You groaned loudly, your hands smacking against the mirror to steady yourself a bit as he started to thrust into you.
Lando watched you bit your lip, “you better tell me I’m right, pretty girl,“ he tugged on your hair again, making you hiss in pain,
“Either you tell me I’m right or you tell me his name right now and I’ll haunt him down and fuck you right in front of him to show him who you belong to,“ he spat at you from behind as his thrust started to get harsher, making you whine in pleasure and slight pain.
You squeezed your eyes shut, letting the tears stain your cheeks but you immediately shot them open again as you felt his big hand chocking you from behind, squeezing your throat in an almost threatening way.
“Y-You’re right,“ you quickly nodded, teary eyes staring at him through the reflection as his thrust almost made you crash into the full body mirror.
Lando nodded as well, “Good,“ he whispered into your ear from behind, his thumb stroking your skin a his fingers didn’t stop chocking you, clearly wanting to see you struggle.
You gasped and moaned, whined and cried out as the first pleads started to leave your mouth,
“P-Please,“ you whined at him, his hips starting to thrust into you harder and quicker, almost pulling his entire length out before shoving it harshly back into your wet entrance.
You watched a smile creep up onto his face, glancing down at your ass from behind before he looked back up at you through the reflection,
“Please what, petty girl? Give me a full sentence,“ he kissed some of your tears away.
He choked you harder, making your eyes roll into the back of your head as you tried to give him a proper answer, “Please m-make me cum a-again,“ you gulped.
Lando groaned from behind, “fucking shit, baby… you know what I’m gonna do?” He asked quietly in a raspy tone,
“Gonna breed you, gonna make you all round and pretty, would you like that? Carrying our little baby? A mini mixture of the two of us, wouldn’t that be just perfect?“ your ex asked quietly, but you only shook your head.
You took deep breaths, more tears staining your hot cheeks, “please d-don’t,“ you whined loudly as you felt yourself coming closer to the second sweet release of the night.
But the formula one driver only nodded with a wicked smile, “Oh I think we should do that, create our little family so you’re stuck with me forever,“ he kissed your neck and shoulder, lightly biting your skin as well, marking you.
A few seconds later, you both came at the same time. You were a crying and screaming mess as you felt him filling you up, your teary eyes trying your best to stay open to watch him through the reflection of the mirror but it was tough.
“That’s my good girl, there we go, baby,“ he squeezed your throat one last time before his hand fell down, landing softly on your thigh.
You were still heavily panting as you heard lando's voice behind you again,
“So… already got any names in mind?“ he asked with a deep chuckle, kissing your temple.
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bluetimeombre · 1 month
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲𝐩𝐨𝐨L 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐢e, p2
Deadpool and Wolverine but your Ladypool and an absolute SLUT for Wolverine.
[this is part two to basically what is just my dream. this goes from the last part to the end of the movie and yes there is the car smut scene in the middle. i am not a good smut writer but this is FLITHY, i had to take a step back. enjoy!]
part one
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warnings/disclaimer: not proof-read, femreaderxwolverine, sexual content, smut, penetrative sex, oral (m!reciving), spanking, offensive language, cursing, daddy kink, being a whore for the man
The car ride must have gone on for an uncomfortable ten minutes before you broke it.
'So what's with the suit?'
'Drop it,' he warned.
'It's not that bad. It's sexy, in some parts.'
'Stop talking about it.'
'Did you make it yourself?' you asked. 'Did the X-men make you wear it, those fuckers. Friends don't let friends go out looking like they're a godsdamn Wolverine cosplayer.'
'Shut the fuck up about my suit.'
'Watch those frown lines angel baby, personally I'm into the old ragged, sexy, don't get too close to me you'll get hurt, but some miss the 2000's baby they knew.'
'Talk about something else!'
You rolled your eyes, whistling a tune to yourself. When that got boring, you started to mimic Spider-Man. God, what you would give to meet one of him in the void.
'Stop it,' he growled.
You shook your head and gave one last 'thwip'
Then maybe you let slip that it's not a guarantee for him to get his world fixed. And maybe Logan swerves in anger and puts the car in park,
Then maybe Logan gets angry and has a long rant at you about how nobody wants you or loves you and you have to pine over him because you never had a daddy that loved you (you couldn't tell if you were horny or hurt)
'I'm going to fight you now,' you told him.
He snorted. 'oh, are you?' but he wasn't laughing when you punched him square in the nose and a dribble of blood ran down his lips.
He dug his claws into your thigh and you screamed.
He grabbed your hair and slammed your head down on the radio, flicking through some Hugh Jackman hits before you settled on Casual by Chappel Roan.
Honestly, not what you were expecting.
He reached over and strapped you into your seat with the seatbelt and dug his claws deep into your stomach. He smirked in your face as your heavy eyes looked up to him. 'How'd you like that, Bub?'
You had the feeling this was going to take a very different turn. But not without you giving your own back.
He lunged in again for you but you retracted the seat and lifted a leg to his shoulder, kicking him away from you.
'I have to say, this isn't the way I imagined you in between my legs.' Still, you used the power of your thighs to slam him repeatedly into the door, until he stabbed you again.
You kicked him in the chest, sending him flying out the windshield.
You unbuckled the seat belt and smirked, ushering him back with your fingers.
Smut. Smut. Smut. Honda Odyssey smut. Smut. Smut. Smut. Honda.
When he lunged back in and dug his claws into your ribs, you hadn't expected him to kiss you, forcing his lips to mold into yours. His teeth bit down on your lip, opening up your mouth a moan and diving his tongue in.
He took out his knives and you pulled your head back to yell out in pain, even though they were already healing. And even if the yell of pain was more like a moan. 'Oh, you like that bub?'
You roll your head to look at him. 'Is that a claw in your pants or are you just happy to see me?'
He growls. Fucking growls and wraps a hand around your throat, squeezing until you open your mouth wide enough for him to shove his tongue in again. Your legs wrap around his waist, forcing his hips down to yours until you could feel the outline of his cock against your pussy.
When he pulls away, dragging you bottom lip with him, he spits into your mouth. 'All those filthy things you'd been spitting at me, think you can take it, bub?'
'Ha, let's see if you've got it in you, old man.' With the power of your thighs wrapped around him, you spun until you had him pinned under you.
For good measure, you punched him in the face again, blood coming to stain his perfect lips. Logan only grinned. He grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled until the expanse of your neck was vulnerable to him. He bit down on your neck like a vampire in need for blood. He drew blood and there was nothing more sinful to you than when he pulled back and revealed a slither of your blood from the corner of his lips.
You licked at his lips, taking your blood.
His hands found your breasts under the suit and squeezed, groaning to himself at the feel of them. 'Why have a mouth, when you have these?'
'I'm sure my mouth can come in handy too, handsome.'
He chuckled and lifted your hips enough and then forced you back down on him until you were grinding down on his cock through your suits. His teeth grazed your nipples through the leather, tongue working against it. It was like another layer of skin.
You gripped his hair, moaning as you rocked your hips into him. Slowly, he took the zipper between your breasts and pulled it down until it revealed you in a lacy red bra.
'Of fucking course,' he groaned, lips wrapping around a nipple, teeth pulling on it as his palm reached out to give attention to your other one. All the while your panties (which you couldn't wait for him to see the colour of) grew damper the more you moved against him. Even you could see pre-cum staining his suit.
'Fuck, Wolvie,' you groaned.
'I know, bub. You just needed some attention, ay. Just needed big old me.'
You looked down at him, his saliva running down your breasts. 'Well, is it true? Are you Hugh down under?'
He smirked and pushed you off him just enough so he could un-zip his pants and free his cock. It slapped against the leather of his suit, the tip red and swollen, begging for your attention. 'What do you think?'
'Mama like,' you mumble, falling to your knees in the passenger seat. Yes, the passenger seat.
He wrapped your hair around his hand and pulled until you loomed over his cock. 'Gonna do something useful with that mouth, baby?'
'What? Like recite the opening of deadpool two?'
With enough chatter, Logan forced you down on his cock. He didn't wait for you to adjust and he seemed to not need to as you took control quickly.
He groaned when you swirled your tongue over his tips and then licked up and down like it was a popsicle. When you took him all the way until you were choking around him and hollowing your lips. He was bucking his hips up to you, chuckling and moaning at you.
'Oh, yes, bub, just like that- just like that,' he pulled at your hair as you took all of him in, hands messaging his balls. 'Bet you want me to tell you you've been a good girl, eh? Oh, you'd love that baby, but you haven't. You've- fuck just like that- you're a fucking lair, aren't you. Wanted me so bad you had to use that filthy mouth of yours to lie?'
You moan around him and bobbed the tip in your mouth, using your hands for what you couldn't take.
Logan's head rested back on the car seat as he bucked up into you and into you.
Your thighs squeezed together, your hand itching to help yourself out.
'You touch yourself bub and I'll have to spank you,' he threatened.
You immediately spread your legs and slide your fingers down the band of your panties.
Logan pulled you from his dick and all but forced you back up. The two of you fumbled with the zip of your pants, hitting your head in the process.
He caught sight of your panties once he'd pulled your leather pants down enough. Yellow. 'Oh you're fucking kidding me.'
You laugh. 'Well, when I knew I'd be seeing you I got pretty a little bit.'
His eyes were still trained on the panties that matched his suit. 'A little bit, huh? Shame I'm gonna have to ruin them.'
His claws came out and you shivered as the sharp blade slid down your stomach. 'Does this turn you on, baby? The blade, the pain. Fuck.' He used the tip to slice through your panties. When they fell away, he crumpled them in his palm and brought them to his face, to sniff them.
You moaned, hands on his shoulders. 'Oh you fucking animal.'
'Oh, you don't know the half of it bub.'
He took your hips and slowly- because no matter the heat and sweat between you- you'd need to take him in slowly. Your pussy sunk down on his tip and you both groaned, clutching onto each other. He watched as his tip disappeared into your folds.
'God, we should've done this in the bar,' you groaned. 'Or when I saw you in that patch.'
'What?' he asked.
'Nothing.' You perched yourself on his shoulder and sunk down deeper.
His jaw clenched, trying to keep in his groans as your walls clenched around him. 'Fuck, bub, you're so tight. God, bet that ex back home has never taken you the way you need, huh?'
You pull yourself back up, only to sink back into him. You repeat, until you bottom out on him, thighs to thighs, his balls resting on your ass.
Logan moaned, biting down on your neck as his hands wrapped around and cupped your ass, spreading your ass cheeks to fit in better. Then, he slapped the leather and the sound must have gone through the entire forest. 'This is what you wanted huh?'
You nodded, lifting yourself up and down on his cock, walls fluttering every time. You moan his name.
He slaps your ass one more time. 'Call me Wolverine.'
You moan it out.
'There's my good girl. Count for me, baby.' With each slap he gave your red leather ass, you moaned a number and every time you got it wrong, he slapped you in the face.
You got it wrong many a time.
You rode him like a cowgirl. 'Shit, fuck, Wolvie I'm gonna. I'm gonna.'
He laughed and left your ass alone and played with your clit, sending you over the edge. 'Fuck!' neither of you had anything left to say as you both came, him shooting his seed inside of you while your juice ran down his cock.
The both of you were a sweaty mess, hair sticking to your foreheads. It took you a while of catching your breath before you carefully moved from his cock, your walls clenching to get the last bits of him inside. He groaned.
You fell back in the seat next to him. 'I take it all back, the Honda Odyssey fucks hard,' you turn your head to consider Logan. 'Shame you don't, old man.'
He growled, turning to you. 'Oh, we're just getting started, bub.'
Smut done. Go seek Jesus. Go drink some holy water. Go cool off.
Back to our regular scheduled programme.
Once the two of you were done Logan had you tied up in seat belts, kinky, but also to keep your hands off him. Neither of you had any idea you'd been moved until you woke in a bed, moaning Logan's name.
Logan was over in the corner drinking, the arms of his suit ripped off from your activities.
'Oh, arms out. What's next, tits?'
Then, walked out the 'others' Johnny. Elektra. Blade. Gambit!
You could've sworn you heard boss music somewhere.
'And who's this succulent man? You should've been in the car earlier,'
'My name is Remmy, but you can call me Gambit.'
'I'm so sorry beautiful, I want this to be gentle but who is your dialect coach, the minions? I feel like we're missing critical exposition here.'
'There's four of us,' Elektra told you.
'Four of you? Who's the fourth? Is it Magneto? Dear please god let it be young Magneto!'
'Magneto's dead.'
Then the fourth was revealed. Laura. X-23 'Holy shit, Logan, that's her, that's X-23.'
But the man carried on drinking.
'Even our sweet baby angel Johnny Storm went missing two days ago,' the Gambit told you.
'Oh I am so sorry. Whoever this Johnny is I'm sure he's doing well. And looking even better.'
Together, the five of you worked together to work out what to do, how to take Cassandra down, excited by the idea.
'Let's fucking go!' said Laura.
You cheered. 'Let's fucking go!'
'You're all fucking dead.'
You whip around to him. 'My god, Gorgeous, read the room.'
Later that night, you finally had the season three emotional opening act, Logan opening up to Laura about what really happened to the X-men in his world. It was tragic. Really it was.
As Laura left, you replaced her seat.
He grumbled, taking a swig of the bottle as you pulled off your mask, getting a look at him. 'I'm not in the mood, bub.'
So, unlike you, you didn't make any innuendos. Instead, you slowly wrapped an arm around his shoulder and even slower, he rested a head on your shoulder and you settled for that.
So the six of you- yes, including Wolvie from the boot- made your superhero opening.
You and Wolverine made it to the British villain two, were very quickly, she knocked you out.
'Finally, nice to give someone else a chance to talk,' said Cassandra.
'Not my strong suit,' said Logan, who was just as quickly overpowered. Cassandra thrust his claws into the ground, forcing him on all fours.
You woke up just to take a picture of that.
Cassandra looked into Logan's brain; beyond all that pain, there was something else. 'My, my, what did you get up to in that car?'
But she never got to find out as you- who had woken whilst Logan distracted her- and slammed Juggernot's helmet over her.
'Only I'm allowed to mess with his head, bitch,' you said.
'Damn right,' he grumbled.
You blushed like a schoolgirl. 'Finally!'
In the end, Logan had to be noble and take the helmet from her to save her life, only to be the man Charles wanted,
But god was it a powerful speech that left both of you speechless. In the end, your arms dropped but the two of you still got through the portal in time to get back to your universe.
The two of you crashed down onto a car, the kids gasping that it was Ladypool and Wolverine.
'Fox killed him, Disney brought him back. They're gonna make him do this until he's ninety!'
The two of you ran back to the subway base that was really the TVA, but got gate-crashed by both villains.
'Oh, so this is a foursome thing now?'
Cassandra sent you flying through a shop window for that.
When the two of you got back up, the portal was still open and, to your delight, dogpool ran back out, straight to your arms. You caught her and let her lick all over your mask despite the filthy things Logan did to it.
'There's my girl, we never have to be parted ever again,' you told her.
'Sorry!' Nicepool ran out.
'Fuck off! Cafe gratitude. Right, that's it girl, who's it gonna be, Van Wilder here or sexy hot mama?'
'Ha, that's funny, I can gently tap the fourth wall to,' said Nicepool 'Are you Hugh down under part two.'
'Thank you very much, Nicepool,' you said.
'Both of you shut up. I smell a lot of you,' said Logan.
From the portal, walked out a hundred deadpools. Including deadpool prime (whatever that was) kidpool, welshpool, oldpool, greatestshowmanpool.
First, you and Wolvie ran, using Nicepool as a cover, turns out he doesn't regenerate.
Then, you and Wolverine walked out together looking fucking awesome, which only got cooler when Logan pulled up his cowl.
'Woah, wish you'd shown me them in the car. Hey, what's the wind resistance on those blow job handles.'
'Find out later, Bub,'
You were so wet.
When the two of you made it down to the reactor, to stop Cassandra, it was you or him for the final noble sacrifice and to hell if you were gonna let him win.
Before Logan could close the door, you hit him over the head and locked him out.
'Sorry babe, I can't hear you over all my noble sacrifice!'
'Why are you fucking doing this?' he yelled.
'Because. I am... Iron man.'
You made some rude gestures to him before you walked away to save the world.
And you were so close, so close to winning it all. You had one reactor, all you needed was the other but you were running out of time.
You would've if it wasn't for Logan grabbing your hand and finishing the chain.
The power ripped his shirts to shred and you stared unashamed of how much you stared.
'Who greased up those delicious hawian rolls?'
'In stopping her, yes, yes I was! But not as much as the man and woman who went down there after her! My man and woman, my friends. I warned them that they'd be obliterated if they went but they went anyway. Like heroes. Because that's who they were, they did what they had to do with no concern for their own safety. The fact we are still standing here is a testament to their bravery. Anyway there's nothing you or I can do to bring them back now,' said Paradox.
'He hath risen, babygirl!'
You and Logan walked out. Well, Logan walked out, you were on his back getting a piggy back ride while everyone drooled at the sight of Wolverine,
'And we're doing just fine you piece of shit,' said Logan.
Everyone agreed.
Logan let you down but you dragged your hands dramatically down his abs as he did.
A lady offered him a hoodie but you quickly stole it and cut it up before he had a chance to cover up.
Because of all your good deeds, you were allowed to take Logan home with you, and he was happy to join,
You even got Laura back for him and dogpool so you could all be a family.
You and Logan fucked like rabbits that night.
taglist (thank you!): @allmyn1ghts, @nonamevenus, @pink-jello-fish, @maneskinwh0re, @chaoticcreatorbluebird, @shakysif, @groovycass, @geeksareunique, @gotta-go-now
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kajibunny · 4 months
⟡˖ ࣪ ren kaji as your boyfriend ₊˚⊹⋆
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✿ summary: relationship headcanons (ren kaji x reader) ✿ warnings: awkward silliness, some parts are a lil suggestive ✿ a/n: i love this man so much you don’t understand pls ;__; hi i'm new here and ofc my first post is abt my love, ren kaji hihi pls be nice!! ✿ wc: 960
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ꕤ kaji is more than just your bf, he’s also your bff, partner-in-crime, and sometimes guard dog (lol).
ꕤ he’s a little mean, but he means well. 
ꕤ everyone in town refers to you both as each other’s “other half”, as he relies on you quite a lot. not because he wants to boss you around (well, well, iykyk second year grade captain ren kaji mode on) but because he immensely trusts you.
ꕤ you also rely on him a lot, and he is a very protective boyfriend. he won’t let anyone harm a single hair on your head if he can help it.
ꕤ lots of people thought you two were already together way before you two actually got together, since you two were always…well, together. to the point that you adapted each other’s habits and vocabulary. (you catch yourself picking up kaji's direct tone of speaking and occassional "damnit!") no one was at all surprised when he introduced you as his lover. to everyone, you two were practically married already.
ꕤ it’s either both of you are bantering or play fighting one second, then all over each other the next. if ever you two have serious arguments, he’s usually the first one to apologize and ask how he can make it up to you. kaji is very mature that way, and is scared of hurting you, as he treasures you with all his heart (and body lol).
ꕤ has this habit of putting his lollipop in your mouth - just to see what you would do. loves the faces you make when you least expect it. thinks you’re so cute like that, but of course, will never admit it out loud. 
ꕤ when agitated, he calms down when you give him head pats and tell him that he’s a good boy. (double meaning i’m telling you)
ꕤ his love language is definitely quality time! he loves hanging around with you, walking home together, having deep talks in high places like a grassy hill or rooftop until the sun rises, listening to music together while you lean on his shoulder absorbing the sound from his headphones.
ꕤ your pet names for each other are lowkey insults like “idiot, dumbass, stupid” but affectionately. it became kind of like an inside joke between the two of you. he’d say the sweetest things, then pair it with a completely opposite word, like “it’s because i love you…you fool.” and you can't tell whether he wants to fight you or if he wants to kiss you. 
ꕤ kaji likes having collaborative playlists with you. doesn’t matter if you two don’t have the same music taste, since he’s always curious about what you’re listening to. sometimes sneaks in a few hidden messages using song titles in his playlists, for your eyes only.
ꕤ during the cold season, he lets you slip your hands in his hoodie pockets, embracing him from behind, like he’s your natural heat pack.
ꕤ when sleeping together, he’s a (literal) freak in the sheets. a blanket and pillow hogger, takes up more than half of the bed, ends up in the strangest sleeping positions, and at times accidentally pushes you until you end up on the floor. 
he definitely does not mean it though, if you hug him or hold him tightly while sleeping, there’s a higher chance he’ll stay still.
ꕤ when not on the bed, kaji likes to take naps on your lap or your shoulder, because according to him “it’s comfy and soft. like a pillow”
ꕤ lets you hold his valuables - lets you wear his hoodies, lets you hold his headphones, lets you drink from his bottled water, and even lets you suck on his lollipop (the one in his mouth okay but maybe also sometimes the one in his pants asdjbjdjcnd;;) but only you are allowed, because you’re special.
ꕤ you had to learn basic first aid because kaji always ends up with many injuries after fights, and gets angry at anyone who tries to touch him or disinfect his wounds, except for you. (soft!kaji *sighs* the effect you have on him aaaa) 
ꕤ makes a barrier with you in his arms whenever you’re passing with him in a crowded or busy street, to make sure no one bumps you or gets too close to you, to keep you safe.
ꕤ kaji is naturally such a good kisser, but claims he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. he tells you it’s just because he’s eaten a lot of lollipops, so he probably practiced unknowingly with his mouth and tongue. (help this is so funny)
ꕤ so many awkward and cute moments, that makes you love your little idiot ren kaji more and more each day (if that’s even possible) 
accidentally bit your hand when you fed him food. (from that day on, woke up to the realization that he might have a little bit of a biting kink)
once tried to do a kabedon on you like you two saw in one film you watched together but ended up tripping a bit, landing on top of you and squishing you.
there was a time he asked for love advice from hiragi when you two started dating, and umemiya ended up eavesdropping on them, and kaji ran away so fast as if he saw a ghost (ref: ch 58 kaji-senpai lol)
forgot he was wearing his headphones with music on full blast and broadcasted a little too loudly about how much he missed you because “you were gone on your trip for so long” and he “wanted to kiss your annoying face” all in front of his giggly vice captains, who of course heard every single thing he said. you made sure to tease him a lot about it afterwards.
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© kajibunny 2024 / all rights reserved
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latin5mamii · 2 months
Can you do one with Jude just purely dirty talking to you being very mean and possessive
Yours - Jude Bellingham
|WARNINGS: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talking, possessiveness |SUMMARY: You and your boyfriend get into a fight, but there's only one way to make peace...
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“He was totally flirting with you, you can’t say otherwise”
Here you were, arguing again because of your friends.Actually, if you have to say it right it wasn’t your friend’s fault,it was your boyfriend’s.
“He wasn’t flirting with me Jude.He was just being gentle!”
“Trust me, I have experience and i know that he was.I’m not a fuckin’ idiot”
“Even if he does, what do you even care about?You think I would cheat on you?”
“I’m not saying that.I just don't want to share what's mine and don't expect me to sit still when someone flirts with my fucking girlfriend!"
 He says raising his voice, you know you shouldn't push, but you do because he can't boss you around as he pleases.
"You can't just claim me like some object," you retorted, your voice shaking with a mix of anger and something deeper, something you couldn't quite name.
Jude's eyes darkened, and he pinned you against the wall, his grip firm but not painful. "You think you're so fucking hot, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "All those eyes on you. Well, guess what, princess? You're mine. Only mine.Do you understand?”
Probably never once has there been so much passion during an argument. You can feel the tension between the two of you as he waits for an answer. Little does he know that the answer you give him will not be so satisfactory.
“Really?If i’m yours show me, then”
Jude's expression hardened, a flicker of something primal in his eyes. Without another word, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer, his grip unyielding. "You want me to show you?" he snarled, his breath hot against your ear. "Fine."
He kissed you roughly, his lips crushing against yours with an intensity that took your breath away. His hands roamed your body possessively, leaving no doubt that he was claiming you. You tried to push him away, but he pinned your hands above your head, his grip ironclad.
"You like this, don't you?" he whispered harshly, his lips trailing down your neck, biting and kissing with a desperate hunger. "You like it when I'm rough with you, when I remind you who you belong to."
You moaned softly, the mix of pain and pleasure igniting a fire within you. "Jude," you gasped, your body trembling under his touch.
"You're doing this on purpose, right? You want me to get angry so I can be with you like this" His hands touch your core, already soaking wet, from the things he's telling you. Him being so hard on you makes you so horny and he knows it very well.
“Oh baby, you're already so wet, just for me” He moves your panties to the side and sticks a finger inside you, making you gasp and moan loudly. You bite your lower lip to hold back, but he grabs your chin and whispers in your ear:
"Don't do it, I want to listen to you carefully"
As soon as he says that he immediately pushes another finger inside you, you moan out loud and he smiles giving you a kiss on the head.
"You're so beautiful when you want to challenge me but you can't"
"Please Jude, I need you"
"What do you need? Tell me"
“Stop teasing me and just fuck me” He kisses you hungrily, removes his fingers from inside you and begins to unbutton his pants quickly, he certainly doesn't want to keep his princess waiting.
Soon you wrap your legs around his hips and he starts rubbing his tip at your entrance. He moans at the sensation of entering you, as if he hasn't already done it a hundred times. He doesn't want to hurt you given his size, in fact he enters slowly, holding you tightly to himself. His movements are decisive and deep, the speed increases every second that passes and the room fills with the moans of both of you.
"Look how fucking beautiful you are. All for me" He whispers in your ear.
"Oh god, Jude." He can feel you getting close to your peak and you can feel it too.
"Please come inside me, please." The thrusts become more demanding and he places his thumb on your clit to stimulate your orgasm.
The thrusts become sloppier and his moans and words make you come on his cock, the feeling of you coming with him inside makes him empty himself inside you until he fills you completely. He places you gently on the bed, your breaths begin to calm down .
“I'm yours, always.” He smiles against your lips and kisses you gently.
"This is my beautiful girl"
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