#he wants the league to be an Opportunity. he wants it to be Fun. if someone feels left out he wants to find a way to fix that
meistoshi · 1 year
besides the preliminary round restructure, satoshi definitely stressed making the alola league very "if you wanna try it, give it a shot", without any specific battle-record requirements. the only requirements for signing up for the manalo conference are that you have at least three battle-ready pokemon up until the semi-finals, by which point you need to have at least Six (6) battle-ready pokemon to continue. this differentiates the alola league from other regions' leagues in the aspect of a lot of people wanting to compete & prove their skill in a league but being unable to actually sign up because they weren't able to get all the badges in time for registration. in more established leagues it's fine, because there's the understanding that the league will have the strongest of the strong in a region that already has an established battler culture ; alola has only recently begun finding its footing as a battler-training region, so if there's this "gatekeep" of needing a set of items that are tough to battle for, that's going to deter local kids from wanting to engage in something they can't even get into.
with the alola league, trainers don't Need to have a z-ring, they don't Need to have completed Even One of the island trials to simply enter the conference. the Only people that need to have completed all of the island trials are those that intend to challenge the champion (currently satoshi), because the island kahunas currently function as the region's elite four & you have to prove yourself in their challenges & trials before you can face the league's champion ; trainers who already went through all the trials successfully & gain victory in the manalo conference can immediately challenge the champion & they can have a battle as soon as the very next day if the champion is available.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
DC X DP Fanfic idea: It's all Fun and Games Kids!
Danny Fenton moves to Gotham.
He moved there not because his parents ran him out of the house. His dad was bawling and begging him to stay while his mother spent three full days writing up different graphs to show how much safer was by nearing by so they could protect him.
(It's not like he still lived with them. Danny had moved out to his own place in amity when he was twenty-five. Moving clear across state lines wasn't much of a difference in his eyes)
He moved there, not because the ectoplasm was high. Ectoplasm is everywhere on Earth, and quite frankly, Gotham's was as polluted as its water was. It made the air spicy.
He moved there not because he was offered an amazing job or a life-changing opportunity. Danny's full-time job was writing novels. They were all based on his adventures in the Ghost Zone -with changed names of course- and were a hit online. He also had all of the Ghost King's gold.
He moved there simply because Danny wanted to.
Something about the city called to him, in a way that said "Hey this could be your home." He visited once for a Humpty Dumpty concert and fell in love with the sights, the people, and the life of Gotham.
Now some people would accuse him of being mad. Those people probably had a rebellious teenage stage where they had done crazy things like sneak out of the house, underage drink, sleeping around, or smoke something.
Danny, when he was a teenager, was fighting for his life and the lives of the ungrateful townspeople.
He didn't get to his rebellious stage. He didn't get his rush of doing something stupid because he was young and thought himself bigger than life.
So here Danny is, living his life as he pleases to make up for it.
He doesn't have to sneak out of his house since he owns it, he rather not drink or smoke (would they even affect him? His healing factor has never been tested against it) and Danny would like to be emotionally attached if he decided to sleep with someone.
What then does a man with too much time, too much power, and not enough bad young person decisions do?
He flirts with Death.
Death just so happens to be Batman-shaped.
Now it's all fun and games. He knows he doesn't have a real chance with Batman- it's Batman. Way out of Danny's league.- but that doesn't mean he can allow himself to fall into stupid situations and be dramatically rescued by the crime fighter.
Now if only his kids weren't so good at their jobs.
"You really should be more careful, Mr. Fenton. This is the third time this week" Nightwing says while untieing him. Danny does his best not to pout at the other. He had been having fun finding the answers to the riddles.
He wasn't at all worried about the fact he was placed over a pool of burning chemicals. He had been tried to a chair that was carefully balanced on overlapping ropes. It wire would snap with each correct answer, until he would fall his demise unless they could outsmart the Riddler.
Danny had gotten five out of ten correct before Nightwing burst through the ceiling.
"I don't mind," Danny says rubbing his wrists. "Better me than someone innocent."
Nightwing's lips purse "You are innocent."
"Yes, but I hardly matter in the grand scheme of things." Danny waves his hand missing the look of distress on the hero's face. He looks around the darkness of the ceiling hoping to spot a certain crouching figure.
"Is Tall Dark and Daddy here with you?" He asks Nightwing when he fails to see him.
"Please don't call him that."
Danny shrugs, suppressing his smile. He twirls back around to Nightwing pulling out a piece of paper from his jean's pocket. "By the way, I found the other victims, hid them in the cellar, and drew a of map of Riddle's bombs for you. You're welcome."
Nightwing stares before carefully taking the map. He taps his ear twice, muttering in a code- for that may be English but sounded like gibberish that it can not be anything else but code- and only after he hears a voice respond back does the hero give a strained smile. "Thank you, Mr. Fenton. This helps a lot."
"You're welcome!" He repeats with a bright smile. It's so odd for his efforts to be appreciated. Odd but nice.
Danny waits for the other to do his Bat-trained disappearing act- sometimes he wonders if Gotham gave her Knights a form of invisibility- but the man remains.
He shuffles his feet uncomfortable and Danny's eyes light up. Oh! Another attempt to get him to stop flirting with his father. What fun~!
"Mr. Fenton.....last week Red Robin rescued you from the Joker. Do you remember?"
"Yes. Red Robin is a great kid."
"A kid....weird for you to call him that when he's only a few years younger than you." Nightwing starts but Danny holds up a hand.
"I'm older than you"
There is a tight frown on the other man's face now. "You are not."
"I am." Danny pulls out his wallet flashing his ID card. The downside to his Ghostly powers is that he seems to be aging at a slower rate- at least physically. His parents theorized that he would take two years instead of the one that his aging required. Not an accurate number but the closest they had especially since both his parents were late bloomers and had baby face.
While Danny might be thirty-eight he appeared to be no older than nineteen.
"Mr. Fenton I don't think you should be carrying a fake-"
"Stay away from my father Harlot!" Robin screeches falling down from the shadows above. He points a very sharp sword at Danny's neck, sneering the whole time. "He has better things to do than rescue a love-struck worthless fool!"
Danny, leans on the top of the sword, eyes drinking into Robin's slight flinch when it cuts his skin a little. This is it. The Rush he had been craving for.
"I don't mean to be kidnapped Robin honest. It just sort of happens in Gotham." He makes his voice and body innocent in a way even Orphan can not tell he is lying. He knows because Clockwork confirmed the last time they met that the girl read his body language just as he wanted her to.
The two ghosts met up regularly to watch his overly "sweet" eyes fluttering and cheerful "Oh Batman you rescued me~!" performances together for a good laugh.
"You lie! You plan for this to happen to try and seduce my Father!"
Huh. The kid was smarter then his foul mouth and snobby behavior looked. Still Danny only had to twist his face into confusion for Nightwing to step in. The other vigilantes pulled the scowling child away, scolding him for harassing frightened civilians.
It was fun to see but nothing beat making polite come-ons to Batman- nothing gross like catcalling but more of overly thankful and dreamy sighs. Maybe he should see what Two-face is up to?
Surely the man would take him hostage and Batman's many children would be too busy to save him thus leading the Dark Knight himself to come to his aid.
Or in a world where Danny Fenton decides that it would be hilarious if he took on a Brucie Wayne persona in Gotham. Complete with a Heart-eyes-it's-beefy-Batman mentality that tricks the Batfam into thinking he is a Himbo who has bad luck for always getting caught up in villain schemes for being at the wrong place and wrong time.
Also, the Bat kids make it their life goal to keep Bruce from rescuing Danny since they do not like watching Fenton flirt with their dad. Even if Bruce himself ignores the boy they can't really threaten him.
Danny Fenton isn't being malicious or anything. He's just a boy with a crush who doesn't know better.
Clockwork is cackling, recording his favorite parts of Danny's interactions with the Bats.
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dp x dc AU where Dick adopts teenage Danny into his family with Kor’i and Mar’i
Mar’i had always wanted a sibling, all seven years of her life in fact!! Toys and play times with friends couldnt possibly compare to having a brother or a sister, and she knew this as a fact from some of her school mates.
So when her dad brings home a kid that was all cut up and bruised, and her mom patches him up because something about his “biology” was weird- Mar’i sees this as an opportunity in the making!
Danny is healing up slowly but surely in Nightwings house, and he feels like a total intrusion. He’s now seen their faces and it feels like so much trust has been placed in him with no way for him to repay it. So he’s moping a bit, hanging in his room reading a book based on his video game series when a small child walks in, her arms filled with board games and toys.
“Hello, will you be my big brother?” Is all she asks him with a straight face, her eyes incredibly serious for someone so small.
“Er, im just here until-“
“Want to play a game?” Mar’i changes the subject favoring a specific board game in her hands. Rule number one of negotiation is to never let them say no- her uncle Damian taught her that.
“…yeah, sure.” Danny accepts because honestly? He could at least repay Nightwing and Starfire by babysitting right? They play a few games and then dinner gets brought in and for once, Danny feels like he’s having a normal family meal.
Next time she comes into his room, he’s focused on healing one of his larger wounds from the power in his core- he’s floating and his eyes are green. Mar’i is ECSTATIC. He fits in PERFECTLY.
“WILL YOU PLEASE BE MY BIG BROTHER?!?” Mar’i persistently asks every single day. Danny laughs and smiles and pats her head.
Once he’s feeling better, he starts patrolling with Nightwing, just to pay him back. Not that he’s having fun bashing goons and getting solid hero advice for the first time in his life.
Then he goes to Tameran with Kor’i for a diplomatic mission (his royal ambdassadorship/ king titles tbd) to discuss the Infinite Realms and why they absolutely need to abandon their attempts to use ghost artifacts. Kor’i explains how proud she is of him as they fly home.
He gets invited to all their family outings now, and he is overwhelmed by how accepted he is. How much the Bats all seem to leave him space for boundaries but invite him to do things very much to his interests (they are detectives after all). Once its safe, Jazz comes every now and then from her Ivy League college to hang out with them all and spend time with Danny. She gives him the advice he needed to hear about accepting good things into his life and deserving happiness.
One day Mar’i has a bad day at school, and when Danny gets home from his own community college classes- he brings her into a big hug, makes her a cup of tea from her mom’s home planet and once she’s comforted and happy again he says “hey, what are big brothers for?”
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silverflqmes · 4 months
heey, i really loved your writing!! could you write a fluff where kageyama has a crush on seijouh's manager and doesn't know how to approach because of certain people (oikawa and kindaichi lol) ?
sorry if something is spelled wrong, I'm using the translator 😞❤️
lovee from Brazil!
notes. first song that came to mind^ by taylor swift ( ofc ) but anyway.. hello anon! much love to you in brazil<3 i hope this drabble is too your liking, not very confident in my take on kageyama but we cope.
genre. fluff ( kinda cliché.. )
tobio kageyama x gn!reader.
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tobio wasn’t exactly what many would call, in tune with their feelings. in fact, he sucked at expressing what he felt. so much, that any emotions could easily be compared to crashing waves.
feelings surface and take the skies to great heights, only come crashing down and return to the expanse of water.
though it wasn’t completely his fault. many factors prevented him from expressing himself in a normal and understandable way. this time around, it was two students from his old junior high that stood in the way — yuutaro kindaichi, and no surprise here — tooru oikawa.. whom he didn’t have the best relationship with.
and what exactly were they blocking him from? well, his feelings towards you.
once upon a time ago, you had also attended kitagawa daiichi and have been kageyama’s crush for as long as could remember. no one could compare to you no matter how many times he tried to disregard his feelings.
now that you attended aoba johsai, he feared he might never get to tell you of his sentiments towards you.
the one opportunity he had to speak with you was during the practice match early into the school year, and at the singular opportunity he received to approach you, when he didn’t just feel like a face in a crowd.. kageyama became completely tongue tied.
like a fool he choked on his words before spouting a pathetic excuse of a greeting once kindaichi had arrived with kunimi to pull you away from him.
now, he was met with a new opportunity.. one that featured no aoba johsai, no court and zero volleyball — just the two of you, and the beach.
the raven haired setter had come with his sister for the day, saying to him that he had needed sun and a break from his cherished sport. the odds of you showing up were zero, and yet, here he was.. proven wrong once more.
miwa, upon seeing you playing blissfully in the water with a friend you had brought down to the beach with you, had of course nagged her younger brother, urging that it was fate. how often was it that you showed up to the beach at the same time as your crush without that knowledge, anyway?
still, the first year had refused to approach you. how could he when you were having so much fun? you’d freeze up completely if you had to hear another failed attempt at a confession.
despite being so close to him, you felt so far away for him. out of his league, out of reach.. and it terrified him to take those few steps in approaching you. who was to say you wanted him anyway if he spoke up? for all he knew someone else was in the picture.
there was just too much at risk, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to hear your rejection.
“tobio.. you’re gonna lose her completely with the rate you’re going at.” his older sister sighed out, draining her bottle of coke. “nobody’s here to stop or make you feel judged in any way. and i can tell you right now,” she paused, pushing her sunglasses up a bit. “you’re not getting a better opportunity than this one.”
his lips pursed together as he stole another glance at you before looking at the emptied glass bottle in his hand. “it’s pointless trying, onee-san. she came here to enjoy herself and relax — not witness an embarrassment of a confession, if i even get one out.” the words would be completely jumbled, so much that it was sure to sound illiterate. like a baby trying to get their first word out.
he wondered if he could just get his feelings across without standing there to tell you. if he could do it that way, surely the confession would get across, and it won’t have cost him his dignity.
the elder eyed the younger for a moment before letting out a hum. “if this was volleyball, surely you’d have found a way around this by now.” she spoke up before laying back in her beach chair. “facing defeat has made you too comfortable, tobio.”
his lips parted to throw back a retort before, wanting to defend what little pride he had left, but his thoughts failed him when they couldn’t form into a sentence. miwa was right, painful as it was to admit. he gave up way too easily, all because of vulnerability.
his gaze lingered on the glass in his hand for a little while longer, the sea beyond twinkling in the distant horizon.
and just like that, an idea struck him. “nee-san, do you have a paper and pen i can borrow?”
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“i’m telling you hana-chan, every conversation we’ve had just ends up in word vomit when he addresses me — considering yuutaro-kun and oikawa-senpai always intervene..” you sighed out to your friend from johzenji, pursing your lips together. “i feel bad each time we talk because of it.”
the brunette lowered her sunglasses to her face, letting out a hum. “volleyball boys do tend to hold onto their grudges, otherwise they’d be more like my team.. and they’re certainly a draining bunch.” it was like hosting a kid’s birthday party everyday when it came down to managing. “maybe you should try contacting him outside of volleyball?” she suggested, sipping on her smoothie.
your lips pursed together. “i probably should, he was a really good guy back in junior high.. despite what everyone says about his behavior with volleyball.” an awkward laugh seemed to have left your lips at the memories. “but i miss having him in my life, i just don’t know if he feels the same way..”
“what’s that?” the manager spoke up, sitting upright.
raising a brow, you turned to look at your friend. “i said i don’t know if he feels the same way..”
“no no.” misaki shook her head, pointing to the shore. “that, over there.” she corrected, lifting her shades.
you blinked at her finger, following its direction before narrowing your eyes to see what she had been referring to. the sun wasn’t quite helping your vision, in fact- whatever it was, the sun reflected it in a way that made you get up to go look for yourself.
if someone threw trash into the sea with garbage bins scattered all around the beach to maintain the cleanliness, you were seriously going to throw hands.
as you approached the shallow water, you kneeled to pick up the discarded bottle, wondering who on earth couldn’t just get off their ass and throw away a coke bottle.
but as you got a better look, you found a paper inside. at first glance it might have been a wrapper for a straw, however it wasn’t crumbled up like trash. rather — it was rolled up.
part of you thought you might have found the krabby patty secret formula somehow by its appearance. glass bottle and a note? a child would have surely thought similarly and opened it to see.
and like a kid.. curiosity got the better of you.
twisting off the cap, you flipped the bottle over to shake the letter out, eager to see what you might find. maybe even treasure — although that was farfetched.. even for you.
unraveling the message, however, you found none of the things you anticipated. in fact, you were met with very the last scenario that could have possibly crossed your mind.
dear y/n,
um.. i’m no good with words, but uh, you probably noticed that the last few times we saw each other. and i have no hope that whatever i say will be any better here.. especially with limited space, but i’m hoping that i can put my feelings into words a little easier without my pride getting in the way, awkward meetings, or our old schoolmates.
i like you, a lot.. and i have for a really long time now — since kitagawa daiichi. but i’ve just, had a hard time bringing those feelings across to you, so i never got the chance, especially when we go to different schools.
just feels like the universe doesn’t want me with you every time i try to speak up, so i decided to write them instead, hoping they get to you in this message.
if you don’t feel the same, i understand- i just hope we can remain friends, and that i haven’t made things even more awkward than they already were between us.
yours sincerely,
tobio kageyama.
shock painted your features as you read the name nine more times, scanned the contents of the letter before looking behind you.
tobio was somewhere on the beach and you hadn’t even seen him. he could have made an approach as well, but his fears, you guessed, of rejection.. told him not to.
finally, as your eyes were ready to give up the search, a sliver of blueberry caught your gaze. bingo.
“y/n?? where are you-”
“one minute, i think i saw someone i know!” you quickly intercepted hana, rising from your crouched position to run a few umbrellas down.
there was one with a duo underneath that resembled one another, and if your memory served you correctly — that was tobio and his older sister. miwa, if your memory hadn’t failed you.
the setter seemed to be his own world for a moment, filing his nails as part of his routine. even outside of the court, he still had to maintain his habits.
“tobio, i’m off to get us more drinks.” the female spoke up after looking up, smiling to herself. “be right back~”
kageyama let out a noise of agreement, only lifting his head a smidge to nod before pausing when he noticed a figure across from him — your figure.
either you just noticed him, or you had actually received the haphazard message in the bottle he had sent. and by the looks of it, it had been the latter.
“y/n..” he breathed out, lowering the filer in his hand as he watched you approach him.
the butterflies from every occasion he had encountered you this past year seemed to have returned to his stomach. was this what hinata felt before every match..?
“tobio-kun, it’s been awhile.” you smiled a little, letting out a sheepish laugh. “surprised to find you here, it almost feels like fate.. except no distractions this time for us to finally put everything out on the table.”
his heart seemed to accelerate with pace, the nerves increasing almost tenfold. rejection, he could just sense it coming. “um, well.. i already said how i feel, considering you got the letter.” he spoke up, eyeing the emptied beverage in your hands.
at his reasoning, you lifted the bottle before humming. “true, but i didn’t actually hear it from you. for all i know it could have been something of your sister’s doing.”
tobio, blushing profusely, nearly found himself barking back a response — a frequent habit of his. but as he eyed your expecting gaze, he faltered, lowering his head in defeat.
“how will i know if by saying it, i won’t just end up being made into a fool..?” he mumbled, pursing his lips together.
as you took a step closer, you gave him a knowing stare. “let me do you a better one, how are you so sure i’ll make you into a fool? you’re aware of your feelings.” you paused before pointing to yourself. “but you’re not aware of mine, it seems.”
his lips parted to retort before he froze up. “wait- your feelings? you..”
a smile returned to your lips as you sat beside him. “i like you, tobio-kun. are the feelings i read true?” you asked him, tilting your head curiously.
the color on his cheeks seemed to darken as he avoided your intent gaze for a moment before nodding. “they’re as i wrote them.. i really do like you, y/n — and i meant every word i said.. i was just scared you might’ve felt.. differently.”
“well,” you grabbed his hand, grinning brightly. “rest assured the feelings are mutual at long last!”
notes. sorry this is rushed and written in like 7382393939 different sittings.. hoping i was able to fulfill your request somewhat?? idk how in character he is.. but anyway, ty for the request anon and sorry for the very long wait ahaha.. please enjoy!
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milaeth · 1 year
୨୧┊ 𝐈. 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇. ( lando norris )
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ꖛ ─ you’re reading part one ∿ part two
✧.* pairings ─ lando norris x fem! model! piastri! reader
✧.* genre ─ one-shot ⨾ slight angst & fluff
✧.* summary ─ in which Lando and his teammate Oscar film a lie detector challenge for McLaren's youtube video and Lando is asked if he has a secret crush on someone. nobody but Lando knows that the mysterious person who has stolen his heart without knowing it is none other than you, Oscar's sister.
✧.* warnings ─ none other than fluff and maybe a little angst
✧.* mily’s thoughts ─ this is my first time writing anything on here! my first language isn’t english so pls have mercy lol. btw the reader is around the same age as lando!
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Lando and his teammate Oscar sit across from each other, gathered around a table. it’s media day and they’re preparing to record the lie detector challenge for McLaren's youtube channel.
"are you two ready?" asks one of the crew members in charge of the camera and lighting equipment. Lando replies lightly, "as ready as we can be!" his remark makes Oscar chuckle and then nod. as soon as the cameraman says "action," however, Lando's mind begins to wander while Oscar explains the purpose of the video to the viewers.
his thoughts wander to you. even though he only saw you a few hours ago, he can't help but miss you. he may be embarrassed, but how can he not long for someone as amazing and beautiful as you? someone as unreachable as you.
the saddest part is that you don’t even know. you have no idea how incredible you are in Lando's eyes. without you knowing it, he's had a crush on you ever since you came into the paddock a year ago accompanied by your brother and his teammate Oscar Piastri. Lando developed these feelings for you around this time last year, but has kept them a secret from everyone ever since. It's ridiculous, it really is.
he knows that he can’t have you. you are a successful model who attracts the attention of countless men and women, and simply out of his league. not only that, but you’re his teammate's brother. but every time you talk to him and look at him, the glimmer of hope in him grows a little more, no matter how irrational it seems.
little do you know you warm Lando's heart by attending the races every two weeks to support your brother and passionately cheer for McLaren. even if your support isn’t exclusively for him, but for your brother Oscar, it still makes Lando feel great knowing that you’re at least cheering for the team he’s driving for.
Lando sighs softly, longing for more opportunities to talk with you. he wants to get to know you even better, to learn personal details hidden from the prying eyes of the media. he longs to be special to you, just as you are special to him.
"well someone's already planning how to trick and deceive the lie detector, aren't they?" Oscar's playful remark interrupts Lando's train of thought, his expression brimming with amusement. only now does Lando realize that he has been staring at the lie detector the entire time. his cheeks flush with embarrassment as he quickly looks away. has he been so obvious?
"what, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Lando exclaims dramatically, gasping in mock astonishment. he plays along with Oscar's teasing, trying to distract himself from the fact that he has been caught in his daydreams of you.
"sure," Oscar says, drawing out the word with a grin on his lips. "you do know how this works, though?" he asks, pointing to the toy in front of them, to which Lando silently shakes his head, "alright, you basically just have to put your hand on the metal part of the lie detector and then answer the questions I ask you truthfully. you'll get a shock if you lie, not if you don't, understand?"
Lando nods and tried to focus his attention on Oscar's explanation, which seems impossible as his mind automatically wants to wander back to you. this is supposed to be a fun and light-hearted video for the fans just before the race week, but Lando's heart racing at the mere thought of you reminds him how hard he has fallen for you.
Oscar decides to go first with the lie detector challenge, providing honest and sometimes not so honest answers, which leads to him being shocked and both of them bursting into laughter. a few minutes later, Oscar answers the final question written on the card in Lando’s hand. afterwards, Lando takes a deep breath. now it’s his turn to do the challenge.
he places his hand on the metal surface of the toy and feels a slight jolt of nervousness. he reminds himself that this is all just a game and he has nothing to lose. well, except his pride…
Oscar starts the first round of questions and everything goes smoothly. Lando focuses on giving honest answers and suppresses his distracting thoughts of you as best he can. but as the questions continue, Lando's thoughts occasionally drift back to you and the memories you both share.
like the first time you spoke to him, your bright smile, your beautiful eyes, and your genuine interest in him as a person that made him blush. he remembers the moments when your eyes always meet for a split second after a race, and the electric connection he feels, even if it's fleeting and one-sided. some might call these memories insignificant, but they're the ones that mean the most to him. because they're all he has.
but with the good memories come the not-so-good ones. like the numerous occasions when he failed to start a conversation or laugh with you. the occasions when he embarrassed himself and sometimes was even too nervous to speak in your presence without stuttering. the fear of rejection and his own self-doubt hold him back all the time, leaving him with regrets and what-if scenarios.
the lie detector test progresses, and Lando's thoughts return to the present when he notices Oscar's mischievous grin. he glances at the card in Oscar's hand, which has the rest of the questions on it.
"alright, mate," Oscar says, his voice filled with mock seriousness. "do you have a secret crush on someone?"
Lando's eyes widen and his heart skips a beat, surprised by the unexpected question.
“umm,” he starts, contemplating his response with a pounding heart. a thousand thoughts race through his mind. should he lie or tell the truth?
"no..." he finally lies and nervously looks at the crew to his right for a second, while an embarrassed smile threatens to form on his face. Oscar smirks and raises an eyebrow, not once breaking eye contact with his teammate. Lando immediately notices the amused twinkle in his eyes, clearly aware of his embarrassment.
the room falls silent and everyone waits curiously for the result. time suddenly seems to slip by in slow motion. then, without warning, an electric shock goes through Lando’s hand, sending a shockwave up his arm. his eyes widen and a quiet yelp escapes his lips as he flinches from the unexpected sensation. he quickly removes his hand from the toy and groans. he can hear Oscar laughing, obviously amused by the sight of his head lying on the table in pain.
"well, well, well," Oscar exclaims, a mischievous grin tucking at his lips and amusement still dancing in his eyes, "care to tell us who this mysterious person is?" Lando laughs, “no thanks, I’d rather not!”
"oh, come on. we all want to know who you fell in love with!" Oscar's teasing tone makes Lando roll his eyes playfully as he sits up in his chair. "she’s not even my girlfriend!" he exclaims. "not yet," Oscar wiggles his eyebrows and Lando groans in fake annoyance.
“i'm not going to tell you who she is.” Lando declares, and Oscar lets out a fake, sad ‘aww’, “i wouldn't even say i’m in love, you know.. i don’t know her well enough to call it love.” Oscar nods understandingly.
“but you like her, don’t you?”
Lando smiles at that, thinking of your contagious laugh and amazing personality. “yes, i really, really like her.”
Oscar's gaze softens, a knowing glint in his eyes and a genuine smile on his face as he observes Lando. he knows what a person in love looks like, and Lando is definitely head over heels in love.
“then you should think about taking a chance,” he says with a gentle smile. “life is too short to hide such strong emotions. who knows? maybe this mysterious person feels the same way.” he winks and Lando smiles and looks down at his hands. you feeling the same way about him? that’s too good to be true.
“i don’t think so,” he replies with a shrug, “but we’ll see.”
little does he know that fate has its own plans, and that the path of their intertwined stories is slowly unfolding. the love Lando carries in his heart will soon find its way to the one person who unknowingly captured it…
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don’t forget to like, comment & reblog (it’s very much appreciated <3).
© milaeth | 2023
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lazycats-stuff · 3 months
Please make Bruce x male reader who's Ra's al Ghul's Brother? The reader isn't that involved with the league, like Ra's the big brother and shielded him, so he doesn't know that Bruce is batman and bruce also doesn'tknow thta reader's the brother of Ra'd, but at some point in their relationship the reader introduces him and the two only stay civil for the reader.
This is a recipe for disaster... But in every great way possible.
Summary: Bruce and Ra's are connected through (Y/N).
Warnings: Ra's being a good brother, minor cursing, Bruce and Ra's become frenemies lol
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Ra's is a well known assassin in those circles. He is a formidable opponent for anyone who goes up against him. But there is one thing that he refuses to let his enemies know. Something he would rather die than reveal. His younger brother (Y/N).
When Ra's started the League, he kept his brother away from it. (Y/N) didn't decide to question what his brother was doing, but he knew what was going on to a certain extent. He was living with Ra's and has dipped himself in the Lazarus pit to stay young.
And (Y/N) was aware that it's not normal to have an army of trained ninjas walking around the premises, but he did not question it. Or the fact that he had to dip himself in the pit every few years to keep his youth.
But there was one thing he was certain of. His older brother would protect him with everything. Thus, Ra's and (Y/N) were very close, despite the fact that (Y/N) didn't know what Ra's was doing. Therefore, (Y/N) didn't know that Bruce Wayne was Batman.
We'll get to that a bit later.
After years of living with Ra's, (Y/N) wanted to see more of the world and move. Ra's nearly got a stroke when (Y/N) said that he wanted to move, but he knew that his brother wouldn't want to stay here forever. He helped (Y/N) move to... Well, (Y/N) has decided to move to Gotham City.
Ra's has warned (Y/N) that Gotham City is a city full of crime, nasty people and just overrun with criminals. (Y/N) has said that he would be fine, since Ra's taught him how to defend himself. Ra's' was still beyond nervous, but refused to show it.
Another problem was Batman. If Bruce found out who (Y/N) was, he could use (Y/N) as a pawn for his attack against Ra's and Ra's fought too hard to keep his brother safe. But he relented, knowing that he couldn't jail his brother forever.
Ra's relented and allowed (Y/N) to move to Gotham. He has decided to help his younger brother get settled in. He bought (Y/N) his place since (Y/N) has found a job in Gotham and normally it would have taken a while to get settled in, especially in a financial situation.
And Ra's is anything but rich so he helped his brother. And may or may not have decided to put a secret bodyguard to keep his brother safe. A guard that will just blend in with Gotham people and just stay off of (Y/N)'s radar.
And Bruce's radar too.
And so Ra's and (Y/N) came to Gotham city, Ra's helping (Y/N) to move his things and make the apartment a little bit more warmer and make a more home feeling.
" Tell me brother, are you sure you don't want to go back home? " Ra's asked as he put a box down in the kitchen.
" I'm sure Ra's. I really thought this out. I thought about it thoroughly." (Y/N) said as he put a box down and plopped down on the couch, tired from the move. He sighed and just plopped down on the couch face first this time.
" I will miss you. We have been through a lot together over the years. " Ra's said as he sat down the couch, smiling at his brother. " I guess I should have known you would want to spread your wings a bit and search the world so to speak. "
" Yeah... And Gotham sounds fun actually. "
Ra's scoffed and chuckled at the same time. " How is it fun? It's ridden with crime and filth. "
" But it's fun when you never know when you'll get mugged or not. " (Y/N) said into the warm black couch.
Ra's laughed and patted his head playfully. " Really? Are you nuts? "
" Nuts? I'm just looking for some new opportunities. " (Y/N) said as he turned on his back, looking back at his brother.
" You are really insane. " Ra's said chuckling, leaning back against the couch.
" Maybe... But I really craved change. " (Y/N) said as he put his head on Ra's lap and sighed. " You are still my older brother and I love you... I just want you to know that. "
Ra's smiled at that. He knew that very well. After all they have been through through the years, they have created an amazing bond and Ra's has swore to protect his little brother for as long as he was alive. And that was something that he has intended to do it for as long as he can.
After all, he is a man of his word.
" How about we order something to eat? And get some wine? You know I live for red wine. " (Y/N) said as he got more comfortable.
" Sure, why not? " Ra's said quietly petting (Y/N)'s hair. It was soft to the touch, the result of the years using the Lazarus pit to keep himself younger and healthier.
" Some Italian food? Or Chinese? Or something else entirely? " (Y/N) asked Ra's, wondering what they could eat.
" Well, before we order, I want to let you know something. A few rules to keep me happy. " Ra's said and (Y/N) sighed quietly, shifting his head in Ra's lap to look at him with more attention, to show him that he was listening intently.
" I'll visit at least once a month, just to make sure you are alive. Secondly, I'll text you every morning and you should respond, just so I can know you are alive. Other than that, I have no problem with you doing anything else. "
" Even dating? " (Y/N) said chuckling and Ra's sighed, shaking his head with an amused smile.
" Yes, even dating. And if something happens, call me. I'll be here as soon as possible. " Ra's said softly and (Y/N) nodded. He always knew that. He knew that Ra's would always protect him.
" I know you would... Thank you brother. " (Y/N) said and Ra's patted his cheek.
" Always my brother, always. "
And that was a little over a year ago. Ra's and (Y/N) were in constant contact and the two brothers were now in (Y/N)'s apartment, sipping some red wine that Ra's has brought during his last visit.
" Anything new my brother? " Ra's asked as he swirled the wine in his wine glass.
" I'm dating. "
Ra's raised his brow and turned to look at his brother instead of wine. " Really? "
" Yes. We have been going out for about 6 months. " (Y/N) answered as he sipped his wine.
" Oh? Is it a he or a she? "
" It's a he. If you can stay a day longer, you can meet him tomorrow. " (Y/N) said and turned on the TV, knowing that the news are going to be on soon.
" I do want to meet the man who stole my brother's heart. " Ra's mumbled, sipping his wine slowly, happy that his brother was dating and he seemed happy.
" I'll tell him to drop by here. " (Y/N) said as he quickly texted Bruce to come by tomorrow at this time.
" Is he treating you well? " Ra's asked, putting his wine glass down on the coffee table.
" He spoils me rotten. " (Y/N) answered with a soft smile and Ra's nodded. Good, as he should.
" And you treat him well too? " Ra's asked as he tilted his head.
" Of course I do. " (Y/N) said rolling his eyes, amused by his brother's questions.
" Just asking, want to make sure you are happy. " Ra's justified himself.
(Y/N) huffed and crossed his arms, playfully turning away from Ra's who laughed.
" Oh please, I know you don't mind me asking those questions. " Ra's said as turned his brother around to face him.
(Y/N) huffed at that, rolling his eyes.
" Oh I know you don't. "
Tomorrow evening came by quickly and Ra's and (Y/N) were patiently waiting for Bruce to arrive. (Y/N) has cooked an amazing meal and put it on the table just as the doorbell rang. He wiped his hands and quickly moved to open the door. Ra's positioned himself so he could see who would enter from the hallway, while waiting.
(Y/N) opened the door, saying hello to Bruce, who in return hugged him tightly and kissed him softly. In his arms he had a bouquet of roses and a bottle of red wine.
After that, (Y/N) led Bruce to the dining room/living room and both Ra's and Bruce froze. What the fuck?
" Bruce, this is my older brother Ra's. Ra's, this is my boyfriend Bruce." (Y/N) said, introducing the men who already know each other, but not for good reasons.
Bruce handed (Y/N) the roses and the bottle of wine and shook hands with Ra's, who could have killed Bruce on sight. His younger brother, with Batman... Oh hell no.
" I'll put the bottle and the flowers away. " (Y/N) said and quickly left and the two men stared each other down.
" What are you doing with my brother? " Ra's whispered to Bruce, anger seeping into his voice.
" I didn't know he is your brother. " Bruce whispered back quickly, eyes glancing at the hall where (Y/N) went to put the flowers and the wine again. " Doesn't he know who I am? " Bruce added, still whispering.
" No, because I keep him away from the League business. "
Bruce sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. " Okay, we are staying civil for him. "
" Couldn't agree more. But hurt him, I'll kill you more times than you can count. " Ra's threatened and sat down as he heard his brother coming. Bruce followed suit and (Y/N) came back with a small smile.
Bruce and Ra's glanced at one another. They will be civil for (Y/N) and (Y/N) only.
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gffa · 10 months
I would like to say I've slowed down a bit on BATFAMILY fic over the last month, but that's kind of a lie because fandom has put out some absolute banger longer fics and I've been reading a lot of comics (can you believe how many comics I've been enjoying?? I have never felt so spoiled for choice!), so I still feel like I'm inhaling everything as fast as I can go and it's GREAT. It's a constant stream of crying about fictional characters in canon, crying about fictional characters in sad fic scenarios, crying about fictional characters in happy fic scenarios, and crying about fictional characters because other people care about our babies, too. Also, I have decided I no longer have a Dick Grayson Problem that you must all suffer through to get some variety in the recs, but instead I have a Dick Grayson Solution. You're all welcome. But I'll mix it up a bit just for you guys, so hopefully you find something fun to read no matter your fave and have a good time, because this fandom has been knocking it out of the park with the fic that has given me a good time, READ AND CRY WITH ME, OKAY. BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I'M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ Grounded by WingFeathers, dick & bruce & clark & wally & ma kent & pa kent & background clark/bruce & cast, 60.4k     In the early days of the Justice League, Bruce is out more and more frequently on League missions, and Dick (age 13) is growing more and more restless and lonely stuck at home. His friends can't know he's Robin, and there are no superheroes Dick's age--or so he thinks, until Bruce receives a call from Barry, desperately seeking mentorship advice. Dick asks to meet the Flash's new sidekick, but Bruce refuses; a fight ensues, ending in Dick getting grounded. One week in Gotham off patrol, and then two weeks alone, far from Gotham... at a little family farm in Smallville, Kansas. And hey, if a certain Midwestern speedster sidekick just so happens to turn up, that'd be just fine. Or would it?
✦ trust in serum by deargalileo, dick & bruce & alfred & clark, 15.7k     "I believe the serum is a mixture of chemicals that compels the target to be completely honest, even against their own will." "You got hit with a truth serum?" Bruce winced as Dick's voice reached a high pitch. "Really?!" "Yes, really."
✦ Storge by CKBookish, dick & bruce & alfred, 5.4k     “Your dad must have his hands full with you.” Elizabeth Ribbons leaned forward and patted Dick’s shoulder, as he reached for yet another slice of cheesecake from a passing waiter’s tray. Bruce fixed his eyes on the ice sculpture that hid him from view. It suddenly seemed like the most interesting design in the world. The soft lines of the ice on the otherwise insignificant over sized swan seemed like a lead shield... Because Dick would read it easily in his expression. He wanted to be Dick’s dad. But he wasn’t.
✦ Robin Wings by JeanjacketCarf, dick & clark & bruce & cast, 3.4k     Clark wakes in a panic, unsure what has jarred him from his sleep. Until he notices Robin's absence from Batman's side.
✦ Hey! He Attempted a Coup! by PandasandDucks13, dick & bruce & clark & justice league & cast, 6.8k wip     What if Dick Grayson was a Kryptonian?
✦ grief mosaic by newsical, dick & bruce & alfred & leslie, 1.3k     Grief paints Dick’s days in muted shades of red and yellow and green. He grows to expect sleepless nights and sweat-drenched sheets. In turn, he finds late night companions in Alfred, with his old movies and stories, and Bruce, who wears the colors of his own grief to prevent its spread to others. Dr. Thompkins writes a letter to Bruce diagnosing Dick with PTSD.
✦ before this ends by emavee, dick & bruce, 2.5k     Mr. Wayne would definitely be angry if he knew what Dick was planning, but it’s not as if Dick is going to be here long anyway. Might as well take the opportunity to fly one last time, while he still has the chance.
✦ A Light at the End of the Tunnel by dizarys, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.6k     Maybe the parenting and grieving books he skimmed the highlights from last week–and Alfred–were right. Why else would Dick have approached their newest case with such ferocity and determination? At first, Bruce chalked it up to empathy. Seeing another child crying after his parents were murdered was something Batman and Robin could relate to.
✦ Last Night of Sadness by gothamshero (emhyr), dick & bruce & slade & william cobb, 6.1k     Dick Grayson has to take liberties when he’s a civilian, but he still knows when he’s being followed.
✦ Starlings in Winter by FromStarstuff, dick & bruce & clark & cast, 18k wip     When Dick was eleven years old he ran away from Gotham. No one could quite figure out why. Take your pick; there was a fight at school, a circus in town, and a song he can’t remember the melody of. Eleven-year-old Dick Grayson was flooded with grief, swimming in it, perpetually drowning. One day it was too much.
✦ What Defines A Father by Browniesarethebest, dick & bruce & justice league & cast, 7.7k wip     Batman hasn't known the newly formed Justice League long enough to trust them, but he's willing to put everything on the line when the one thing he cares for most is taken somewhere he can't easily follow.
✦ Stolen Son by springfox (dallystrings), dick & bruce & cast, 8.6k     Bruce’s heartbeat sped up, but he leveled his breathing to remain clear headed. After another thirty seconds he abandoned the cart and walked briskly through the store, searching every row in a growing panic. “Dick?” he called, “Dick, can you hear me? Where are you, chum?”
BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Learning Experience by strikeyourcolors, dick & bruce, 2.3k     "Does it ever get easier?" Dick asks. Bruce isn't technically old enough to be his father biologically, but those deep blue eyes are looking at him as a child beseeching a parent. "Some nights I feel like I can't do this anymore, Bruce. I can't be Nightwing."
✦ Rainbow Puppies by zombiesbecrazy, dick & bruce, 2.4k     Bruce really wanted to hate Pamela Isley right now, but all that he could focus on was how much he admired the way she passionately fought for her beliefs and how he could applaud her application of her educational background into practical endeavors to her cause, however misguided. Being hit with one of Ivy's toxins has Bruce babbling like a fool.
✦ the business of the very few by dustorange, dick & bruce, 4.2k     “I was trying,” Bruce says, “to respect your privacy.”
✦ notches in the door frame by dizarys, dick & bruce, 2.1k     Bruce hadn't been prepared for his days or nights to feel so empty. And he wasn't sure how to interact with the young man before him now. Because Robin didn't need Batman anymore. --- A patrol gone wrong forces Bruce and Dick to finally talk about Robin becoming Nightwing and feelings they'd been avoiding.
✦ No Comfort in the Shade by mx_chrx99, dick & bruce, 3.4k     Dick Grayson is having a hard time and Bruce is there to help.
✦ The Long Distance by takadainmate, dick & bruce, 1.2k     Down here they're not Batman and Nightwing. They’re Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. But they still fight.
BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ tender will fall by dizarys, dick & bruce & donna & jason & cast, 3.5k     When the Titans are devastated in an attack, they go to Batman in a last ditch effort to rescue one of their own.
✦ the hardest part by emavee, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cass, no powers au, 5.8k     Dick is dreading his eighteenth birthday and everything that it means for him as a foster kid. His time with his family is running out, and he needs to be prepared for what comes next, to be on his own again.
✦ 5 Times Dick Grayson Was Grateful for His Insomnia + 1 Time He Wasn't by avengemyheart, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & alfred & wally, 5.7k     Dick can't sleep, but that's a good thing. He finds himself helping the people he cares about late at night throughout the years. Eventually though, everyone realizes just how intense his insomnia can get. Or: A 5 +1 thing about Dick's insomnia.
✦ A Darker Shade of Gotham by JackHawksmoor, dick & bruce & tim & alfred, 8.3k wip     Dick and Tim are stuck in a crappy alternate universe where most of the heroes they know are dead, Bruce Wayne's bad health meant he never became Batman, and Tony Zucco runs Gotham City's underworld. When Dick is shot by the mob, they take a risk and go to Bruce for help. Alternate Bruce didn't have children, but as he gets to know Dick and Tim, he starts wishing he did.
✦ leave as though fire burns under your feet by perissologist, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cast, read the tags, 33k     That glow is gone, now. Gone from Dick’s skin, gone from inside him. It used to shine out of him, out of all the cracks the world put in him. But now Bruce looks down at him, and he is as dark and cold as a snuffed star. That’s what gets to him the most—not how cold the morgue is under its colorless fluorescent lighting, or the cloying smell of formaldehyde that clogs his throat. It’s how still Dick is, on the cold, sterile surface of the examiner’s table. It’s unnatural. The boy never learned how to sit still.
✦ papers say it's doomsday by dottie_dc (dottie_wan_kenobi), dick & bruce & donna & cast, 2.5k     Half-laughing at his own joke, Nightwing starts to say, “He just doesn’t—” In the space of one word, one breath, and the next—the world ends.
✦ Ibn al Xu'ffasch by hellsreluctantheir, dick & bruce & damian & jason & cast, 16.2k     Batman when they’d thought Bruce was dead was one kettle of fish. Batman when the original Batman was around was another. In his head, Robin—perched on a gargoyle next to him—tutted like an eighty-year-old, and rolled his eyes like the kid he was.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ our aspirations are wrapped up in books by theragingstorm, damian & barbara & cast, 1.8k     Damian's been confined to bed rest. Someone unexpected helps him.
✦ remind me why I'm here again? by dizarys, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & bernard(/tim), 3.5k     Jason's at a Wayne gala. He doesn't want to be. Good thing his siblings are there too. "Were we mean?" Dick mused, "Or just being big brothers?" "He's holding your hoodie hostage." "You're right. We went too easy on him."
✦ put away childish things by bittlebarnes (monroesherlock), dick & damian & clark & jon & barbara & ma kent, 7.2k     "I was sent here as a punishment, surely," Damian deadpans. "Are you feeling punished?" Martha sounds like she’s laughing at him. Unacceptable. "Absolutely."
✦ a hero by hellsreluctantheir, bruce & dick & jason, 15.5k     Dick Grayson died in Amusement Mile. Four years later, Jason Todd is Robin. But he's not dressed in the costume when he hears about a new player in Crime Alley; a man in a red helmet.
✦ Improvise A Symphony by cabezas_de_vaca, bruce & dick & alfred & cast, 5.5k     Or: three generations of Wayne and Wayne-adjucacent men do their absolute best.
✦ The Second Stage by nightwalker, tim & jason & bruce & dick & damian, 8.2k     All Tim wants is to take a shower, get something to eat, and try to wear off the effects of Ivy's stupid pollen in peace. So of course tonight is the night Jason decides to start acting like a brother.
BATFAM FIC RECS - I CUT MY TEETH ON DICK & TIM AS CLOSE BROTHERS AND NO ONE WILL NOT TAKE IT FROM ME: ✦ Red Letter Day by silverwhittlingknife, dick & tim & damian & cast, 41.8k wip     Dick Grayson, stressed pseudo-parent to a preteen assassin, tries to solve the case of Damian’s Mysterious Wednesday. He never expected it to help him fix his relationship with Tim, too. (... Though only after everything fell apart first.)
✦ I know it's just a number but you're the eighth wonder by orphan_account, dick & tim, 1.2k     Dick gets sick. Set before their lives implode on them, so Dick’s Nightwing and Tim’s still an itty bitty Robin.
✦ it's been a long time now (i'm with you) by centreoftheselights, dick & tim, 1.8k     Tim has been noticing some strange things about his life. He isn't the only one.
✦ Little Do You Know by sardonic_sprite, dick & tim & ra's, 2.2k     "So," Tim said quietly. "You're here to break me out I guess." "Yes," came out in a choked sob. "Then you're wasting your time."
✦ pain/release by unchosenone, dick & tim, 4k     Dick goes to check on a wayward brother in the middle of yet another Gotham Toxin (TM), and Tim has a bad time.
✦ I'd Fly Far Away From Here by Sohotthateveryonedied, dick & tim & jack, 3.5k     Tim stacks his fries onto his burger patty in a crosshatch, covering every spare inch in a layer of salty potato and grease. “It all happened kind of fast. Dad and I got into this huge fight, and it’s not very dignified to go back upstairs for my wallet and then storm out.” Dick is quiet while he eats his sandwich, trying to figure this out. “Dick?” “I’m just—trying to think if I should call Bruce first or your dad.”
✦ A Collective End to a Harmony by 061828, dick & tim, 1.2k     A drop of water falls into an ocean, a house’s wooden skeleton has its last nail screwed into place, an old book’s first page finally crumbles off, and Tim Drake turns twenty years old.
✦ young numb and broken by wingedgrace, dick & tim & cast, read the tags, 1.1k     His bare feet were covered in cold, damp sand, and he could barely feel them. Well, he could feel them, but they didn’t seem to be connected to his body. Or maybe it was him that wasn’t connected to his body. (or: poor Dick Grayson needs some love and a chance to catch his breath.)
✦ there's an endless road to rediscover by Zahri, dick & tim & cast, 1.2k     Sometimes the only way to show that you've moved on and forgiven each other is to take a flying tackle from the ceiling. Dick and Tim know each other's demonstrations of affection. Damian doesn't.
✦ spread your wings by wingedgrace, dick & tim & cast, 2.1k     “Why did you give Robin to Damian?” Dick pinched his nose. He’d started to pick up some of Batman’s habits, whether he realized it or not. “Tim, we’re not talking about this again. We’re talking about how you’re off on this… quest, to prove that Bruce is still alive. And I just want to talk. Come home.” Tim didn’t budge. “Why did you give Robin to Damian?”
BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK/BABS FOREVER AND YOU CAN SHUT IT IF YOU DISAGREE, THEY'RE ADORABLE TOGETHER: ✦ Taking Turns by mx_chrx99, dick/babs, 2.3k     Tim had practically begged Dick to get a flu shot. He probably should've listened.
✦ The Summer of Her Discontent by dotfic, dick/babs, 7.8k     Batgirl contends with her feelings after Dick leaves Gotham.
✦ Thirteen Hours by dotfic, dick/babs, 7.9k     Set during "Knight Time," during their trip to Romania, Dick and Babs start healing some old wounds.
✦ The Night the Lights Went out in Gotham by dotfic, dick/babs & bruce & tim & jim & cast, 13.8k     "When it comes to emotions, even great heroes can be idiotic."-from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
✦ Regular People by zombiesbecrazy, dick/babs, 1.6k     All sorts of people can enjoy a good sunrise over the city after a long night. Why should heroes of Gotham be any different?
✦ strawberry milkshakes by brandywine421, dick/babs & bruce, 2.8k     Why is Bruce bringing Dick? It's not an emergency alert, or medical - just an alert. She should have put in her comm - if it was a simple pit stop they had safehouses, but - Batman dangles Dick's keys in her direction at the door but she's glad he didn't come through the window. She looks past him to catch Dick's attention and - something's wrong.
BATFAM FIC RECS - I WILL DIE ON THE HILL THAT TIM DRAKE'S TRUE LOVE INTEREST IS CONNER KENT AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME, NOT EVEN GOD: ✦ Stay for breakfast and also forever by Ididloveyou_once, tim/kon & bruce, 2k     Conner turns up in the middle of the night after a mission gone wrong. Tim learns that seeing Conner cry makes him feel like his heart has been torn out of his chest.
✦ Think Cupid, But Aim Lower by NevernightUnderRainbows, tim/kon & bruce & cassie & bart, 2.3k     Or, the Batfamily will make sure Tim gets his guy, even if it entails a lot of beating around the bush, dropping hints so veiled that they can be misconstrued surprisingly easily, and basically giving the bird and his clone boy a headache in the process
✦ The Once and Future Bat by LilliputianDuckling, tim/kon & some kon/cassie & dick & roy & martha & anita & cast, 16k     Tim realizes it was a mistake to clone Conner when he ends up with a baby on his hands at sixteen years old. Well, Jackie's his now. Where does he go from here?
✦ there you were by mindshelter, tim/kon & cassie & bart & martha, 19.5k wip     “You know, the cool thing about me,” Tim says, voice gone quiet and petal-soft, “is that even when I didn’t care whether I lived or not, I was pretty goddamn hard to kill.” Kon sighs, eyes glued to his feet. His hand is still encircled around Tim’s arm, trailing up to the bend of his elbow.
✦ time flies by by Laroyena, tim/kon & clark & jon & lex, 6.5k     Jon Kent is Superboy. Tim's gut instinct tells him that's wrong. (Timkon fix-it where reboot!Tim misses Kon like a phantom limb. And then he gets him back.)
✦ Tangled by thewhitestag, tim/kon, NSFW, 4.1k     Kon doesn’t want to be that person, always waiting, wondering if the next time will be more than just two friends messing around.
✦ you put your arms around me and i'm home by merils, tim/kon, 4.5k     Kon's acting a little odd after a close call. Tim ponders the potential causes.
BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR: ✦ Bereft by glassofwater, dick & bruce & cast, 4.7k     Laying on his back, shoulder brushing up against debris, Dick closes his eyes briefly. He doesn’t want to die, has no intention to do so tonight, but he is scared. The blood on his side pumps out of him with each thump of his heart, beating at a rate too fast for Dick to properly count. That shouldn’t be right, he shouldn’t even be awake and struggling at the moment, but the luck that hangs over Gotham is a mysterious one; it doesn’t favor anyone and yet…
✦ fun and games by prismatical, bruce & dick & jason & tim & barbara & stephanie & duke & cast, 78.6k     The Joker's loose, and the Batman isn't in Gotham. The family struggles to hold itself together as everything else spins out of control.
✦ Bone Weary by TheSilencer, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & duke, 8.1k     "You cannot reach out until you reach in." Dick assumed the words were metaphorical. They weren't. Or Dick Grayson is cursed, and the cure is not any better.
✦ What These Hands Have Done by WinterSky101, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred & cast, 14k     Dick is mind controlled into attacking his family. Unsurprisingly, he takes the whole thing very badly.
✦ All The Small Things by Geeves, dick & bruce & damian & cast, 20.1k     After Bruce's return to the Bat, Dick and Damian have to deal with just being brothers, but things are just a bit too messy to be that easy
✦ All Our Broken Parts by mx_chrx99, bruce & dick & jason & dick/babs & cast, 28.1k wip     Jason will not let this happen again. He can't. But what if he's already too late?
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
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a/n: this was a request and it sounded really cute. I used to watch watch F1 races as a kid and thought it'd be such a fun job to have. but then I grew up and realized I hate driving lol
➤ when MC is a professional F1 driver | the demon brothers
2.6k words | sfw | fluff & slice of life shenanigans
cw: developing relationships with the demon brothers; some angst and insecurity if you squint.
related: the dateables + mephisto edition
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Lucifer is your main obstacle when you decide you want a shot at racing in this realm. You argue it’s only fair if they expect you to give up your passion and livelihood for an entire year without warning. The world of Devildom racing is dangerous and he doesn’t want (or expect) a human like you to understand that. You try to show him videos of some of your races that you have on your old phone, but he’s still skeptical of your abilities. He takes you to the local track so you can prove what you’re capable of. (His brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos and the students from Purgatory Hall show up to watch as well.) By the end of the first lap, most of them are stunned with disbelief or excited for the possibilities of living with such a talented driver. Lucifer grudgingly concedes that he underestimated you. He arranges a personal vehicle for you to use during your stay in the exchange program. He also speaks to Diavolo about your interest in continuing your racing career. The young prince agrees once he’s confident you understand the risks. 
Lucifer is your advocate and advisor at first, but over time he gradually becomes your friend. He admires your determination to make a name for yourself. He attends each race in person and pretends he’s there on official business, but it’s his own way of supporting your efforts. He’s genuinely proud of you for making such a lasting impact in the Devildom in a short amount of time. He treats you to dinner after each race and it becomes a celebratory ritual you both look forward to. He starts to crave your company when the racing season comes to an end, and he scrambles for new reasons to spend time with you. He starts asking you out for dinner—just the two of you—for no apparent reason at all. He can't explain the profound happiness that blooms in his chest when you eagerly accept.
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Mammon thinks this is a fantastic opportunity. At first he assumed you were just some cute human that liked cars. But now it turns out that you actually know how to race, too? The novelty of a human racing against in the Devildom’s most competitive league is sure to draw in a bigger crowd than usual. He never bothered with betting on the races before, but your introduction to the racing league shows him the untapped potential; he can't wait to make a fortune off this! Unfortunately for him, you hear through the grapevine that he bets against you before your first race. You're annoyed and drive more aggressively than usual because of it. You already feel like you have to prove yourself, and you’re already under enough pressure without him counting on you to fail. The race finishes and you rank in the top three—it takes the Devildom sporting world by surprise. Mammon lost a fair bit of money betting against you, but he’s not angry. He admits he underestimated you and it feels like you’ve earned his respect. (He learns from his mistakes and doesn’t bet against you again.)
He’s a lot friendlier after that. He's a good engineer and likes working with his hands. When your loaner car acts up, he offers to help you with it even though you both know you can handle it yourself. He keeps you company and watches you work on it in the garage Lucifer had built. Mammon pretends he's "supervising" your work so he still has a reason to hang around. Sometimes you let him do the work for you because he looks so happy when he does. He makes a show of rolling up his sleeves and flexing his muscles before he pops the hood and leans forward to take a look at things. It's ridiculous how attractive he is when he's sweaty and covered with dirt and engine grease. 
He doesn't let anyone else drive his precious car Demonio 666 Lexura except for you. When you finally agree to his invitation to take you out on a date, he hands you the keys so you can drive it for the first time. It’s nicer and a lot faster than the car Lucifer arranged for you to use. You can tell that Mammon puts a lot of pride and care into the upkeep of his vehicle, and you’re flattered he would trust you with it when no one else has that privilege. Mammon gets a little flustered in the passenger seat because watching you drive in your date night outfit turns him on. He’s tempted to slip his hand into your lap and test how good your concentration is.
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Levi doesn’t have any interest in driving outside of video games. He’s shocked at how talented you are as a racer because you’re terrible at Devil Kart. He still invites you to play games with him and it surprises him that you would waste your time with him. He's not sure how to act around you sometimes. It should be easier to interact with you the more he gets to know you. Instead, he grows even more shy and anxious and flustered all at once and he doesn't know why.
The other students at RAD start to admire you and you develop a little bit of a fan following. He gets a little jealous that you seem to bask in all the attention, but you admit to him later that a lot of your public persona is just an act. You’re scared to be yourself in the public eye, and you hate the feeling of being judged for who you are. You show him rare glimpses of the real you that no one else sees, and he realizes he likes you. He wants to be your friend, but he wants to support you too. You don't have to pretend to be someone else when you're with him. He's not a fan of sports, but in his eyes, you slowly become as important as one of his beloved idols.
He hears rumors around RAD that some of the students want to start a fan club for you. It irritates him that he didn’t think of that first, but he sets up a fan site that gets a lot of traction. His username is different from the ones he uses on other sites so it’s harder to trace it back to him. He basically runs the largest Devildom site dedicated to you and your career and its his worst-kept secret. Another fan of yours designs cute logos based off your Devildom racing nickname, and it opens the floodgates to a huge line of fan-made merchandise. Levi orders one of everything, and he knows all of his brothers have bought some that merch too. He squirms in his seat when you mention how sweet the fan club president is. You drop subtle hints that you know it’s him, but he’s too nervous to admit it. One day you ask him out to see a new movie he’s interested in, and all he can do is nod and blush furiously when you call it a date. (He doesn't even realize he's wearing one of your fan club t-shirts until after you leave his room with a bounce in your step.)
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Satan didn't have much of an interest in cars or racing before you arrived. Once you break into the Devildom racing scene, he takes it upon himself to learn more about it. (Watching awkwardly from the sidelines while Lucifer his brothers fawn over you has nothing to do with his sudden interest.) He picks up the basics of car maintenance easily enough, but his main focus is the politics behind the racing industry and how the teams function. He wants you to succeed and that means finding a manager that's dedicated and organized and has a keen eye for detail. He observes how the other teams operate and quickly identifies the weak spots in their leadership. He's certain that he can do so much better than them and he’s relieved when you agree to give him a chance. 
You spend a lot of evenings working together. You give him detailed breakdowns about your career in the human world and how things operated. He makes careful notes of the things you liked and didn't like, the people on your team that helped you and the ones you butted heads with. He knows some of his brothers are suitable for roles on your team, and he's extremely critical when he begins filling the other vacant positions. He goes to the track when you practice and you appreciate his company. He takes on most of the behind-the-scenes responsibility for you so you can focus on other things, like not crashing and staying alive. He has zero tolerance for demons that badmouth you when he's in earshot, and it takes all his self-control not to tear them to pieces. Don't they realize how hard you work? Sometimes he gets frustrated when he has to control his temper, but you pat his arm and hug him or kiss his cheek for his efforts. You remind him that you appreciate him sticking up for you like no one else does; the anger inside him deflates and is replaced with something even more potent.
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Asmo can’t remember the last time he felt so inspired. Here you are, the most precious little human he’s ever laid eyes on, and you’re a professional racer? He's already planning a new fashion line that’ll capitalize on the hype of your budding career—he knows the trends of the Devildom and anticipates your success before anyone else does. Your first race generates so much excitement that he sets up a corporate Devilgram account for you too. The first wave of fans start following you within minutes of your surprising race debut. Asmo goes to the track and takes pictures of you talking to Satan and the others on your team about devil-knows-what. He manages to snap a particularly fetching photo of you leaning against your car. He knows you were just pointing out something in the car’s flimsy paint job, but it makes you look intriguing and formidable and a bit sexy, too. (You roll your eyes when you see the photo on Devilgram later, but his suggestive caption under the photo about the Devildom’s hottest new ride leaves you feeling flustered the rest of the day.)
Things move very quickly once the rest of the Devildom media catches up to Asmo’s insight into your popularity. All the magazines want to interview you, and even Mephistopheles requests an interview on behalf of the RAD newspaper club. The Devilgram account Asmo runs for you skyrockets in popularity with each photo he posts. Satan offers Asmo a role on your team as your official agent and social marketing strategist. He asks Satan for some other responsibilities too: he arranges your sponsorships and endorsements, and he designs your race attire and car wrap. He’s not sure anyone else in the Devildom can capture your talent or charming good looks the way he can.
You and Asmo have some very long, heated discussions about managing your celebrity status and your personal boundaries. You maintain veto power over any interviews or photo-ops you’re uncomfortable with. You also get final approval on any licensed fashion or merchandise. (The little fan club of yours has superior merch anyway and everyone knows it.) Asmo enjoys the challenge of designing your race suit too, and he’s so proud when he shows it to you. It incorporates comfort, style and function in a way that's flattering without being provocative. There are little symbols embroidered along the sleeve cuffs and he explains what they are when your brow furrows in confusion. “Oh! The thread is imbued with protective magic. The sigils will help protect you in case you get into an accident.” He mistakes the shocked look on your face for disappointment and backtracks quickly. “I promise, it’s not cheating! Demons are more durable so most of them don’t bother using these, but I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt—“ He stumbles a little when you wrap your arms around him and mumble thank-yous into his chest. He kisses the top of your head and hugs you back just as tightly while he murmurs about how special you are.
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Both of the twins end up working in the pit as part of your crew.
Beel is an obvious candidate for that physically demanding job because of his speed and strength. He didn’t know much about racing before you came to the Devildom. Your passion and his brothers’ involvement is contagious and he can’t resist getting involved too. He learns about the mechanics of caring for cars and how important the pit stop crew is to your success. He bonds with his family because they're all supporting you in their own ways. Working with his hands helps distract him from his hunger and becomes an unexpected perk of the job. You’re considerate and still make sure he has access to snacks throughout the race if he wants them, though. He can’t be there for all of your races because of scheduling conflicts with his other club obligations, but that’s when he realizes how much he likes spending time with you. He’s flattered that you find time in your busy schedule to go to his games to cheer him on too. You agree to go with him for spontaneous lunch dates when you both have time off. He takes you to new restaurants and watching your reactions to the different types of food the Devildom offers. He worries that you don't eat enough when you're so busy, and he's much happier knowing that you're well-fed.
Belphie works in the pit but his responsibilities are a bit more abstract. He volunteers for that role because his twin is there. All he needs to do is help keep Beel’s hunger-related distractions to a minimum and stay out of the way while the other demons do their jobs. He has a nice little corner where he can watch the race if he wants, but he spends most of the time sleeping. He wakes up when he senses your car is pulling up. Each time you drive away, you wave in his direction like you know he wakes up just to see you for a few brief moments.
He doesn’t like it when your fans recognize you on the street. They ask you for autographs or selfies and it’s annoying. He’s proud of you, but he hates having to compete for your attention. He makes snarky comments about your fan club but he still buys your merch—the t-shirts are soft and nice for sleeping in. He drags you to the bed in the attic for naps because he senses how exhausted you are. He makes sure that you’re not sacrificing relaxation or sleep for the sake of your career. Sometimes you dream, but it's not the nightmares that bother you. You dream about returning to the human world and living a normal life without obligations to your fans and your manager and your sponsorships. You crave a life that's completely your own again. Those dreams disturb you the most because sometimes you wish you could go back to being that person before you started on this path. Belphie listens quietly when you share your feelings in a moment of sleepy vulnerability. He doesn't judge you or laugh at you. He understands why you’d want to give up a lucrative career when it leaves you feeling weary from self-doubt and regret. Maybe one day, sooner rather than later, he can help convince you that it's okay to retire and pursue a different dream instead.
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froot-batty · 6 months
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(most of) The sewer squad!
Surprisingly, Clay and Croc were super fun for me to color. Rat was the one that kicked my ass this time
(P.S. sorry about the lore being so long down there)
Waylon Jones was originally born in Louisiana. He was born into a relatively low income but very big, very loving family. He was also born with Epidermolytic Ichthyosis, which caused patches of his skin to blister or thicken, sort of like scales. This would be the first thing he'd be bullied for as a child, and it would only grow worse as he went through school and his undiagnosed ADHD and dyslexia would make it ten times harder for him. He would eventually decide to drop out of school, both because of his learning difficulties and the bullying.
One thing Waylon had always loved was boxing. His father had taught him and all of his siblings the basics of boxing, and Waylon was one of the ones who really took a shining to it. It helped that he was a naturally bulky guy who could put on muscle pretty easily. So now that he was out of school, he decided to put his free time towards participating in amateur boxing matches. It didn't rake in very much money, and usually took place in some guy's backyard or a junkyard, but he thought it was a lot of fun - and, most of all, he was good at it.
He made the choice to move to Gotham after he'd collected enough money to start a life somewhere else. He loved his family, and it hurt to move away from them, but a big city like Gotham provided more opportunity than backyard brawling. And indeed, it did! He graduated from probably illegal homemade boxing matches to actual, professional matches - still nothing above amateur, but it was something, and it made a lot more money!
It was during this time when he'd gain the nickname Killer Croc, from a combination of his skin condition, how big he was, and where he'd been born. (He didn't actually kill anyone though, he was a sweetie. He's just killer at boxing).
Things started going downhill for him when he finally won enough matches to go up against another relatively popular name in the amateur boxing league. This opponent, not wanting to lose against what was still a fresh face in Gotham, conspired to cheat in order to win. Because it's Gotham, and anyone can be made to look the other way, no one caught the man as he mixed plaster of Paris with his hand wraps (which hardens into something similar to concrete) before the match.
Safe to say, Waylon lost the fight pretty badly. While he would have been a good sport about it, he knew that who he'd fought had cheated, and he was pissed. As soon as he was out of the hospital, and his face was healed enough for it, he caught the other boxer as he was leaving the gym. He tried to convince him to admit that he had cheated and forfeit his win, but they'd end up getting into an argument that'd turn physical when he tried to punch Waylon.
When the cops arrived, instead of breaking up the both of them and taking them both in, they instead arrested just Waylon. Because the other boxer chose to press charges, Waylon was shipped off to BlackGate Penitentiary after a hasty trial. But he didn't stay there for very long.
Doctor Hugo Strange, head of Arkham Asylum, had followed Waylon's arrest closely in the news. He took an interest in the boxer specifically because of the irony of his nickname. Strange would go on to convince the superintendent of BlackGate that Waylon was unfit to be housed in a regular prison because of how dangerous he might be - Arkham would be a much better fit for him.
Strange promised Waylon that being in an asylum would greatly reduce how long he'd have to spend incarcerated, as he could get out of an asylum when he was proven "sane". But Waylon was given a cell in the lowest pits of Arkham - in the basement, where Strange made his monsters. And he would become the living test subject for what would become Kirk Langstrom's own bat-serum; his nickname, Killer Croc, once a source of pride, becoming a cruel prediction of what he'd become.
Unlike Kirk, however, Waylon is permanently trapped in this new form; shunned from society and now living as Gotham's monster in the sewers. Forever a Killer Croc.
??? (Nickname: Rat/Rats) was born in....Well, actually, no one really knows where it came from. Rats was there the first time Waylon escaped into the sewers, and it seemed it'd been there a long time before that, too.
Rats is like a cryptid to most of the Gotham population. But, like, the kind of cryptid where everyone knows it's real, you just don't encounter it that often. 12 year old rat child in the sewers? Yeah, everyone knows about that
They're shy, unnerving, and tend to be nonspeaking, their only appearances to most of the public coming from brief glimpses in the sewers or, occasionally, guiding people lost within them back out.
To the rogues, though, Ratcatcher is a source of information. It seems to know far more than it should, due to communication with the all-seeing eyes of it's many rats. But how much it's willing to help depends on how much it trusts you, which is usually not very much at all.
And if they don't want to talk to you, then Waylon will be sure to escort you quickly out of the sewers.
(Fun fact: Rats communicates mostly in ASL!)
Basil Karlo was born and raised in Gotham. A lover of performance from the moment he could join the theatre club in school, he was dead set on pursuing an acting career after he graduated from college. His first experiences were small background roles or roles in commercials, but even then directors could see the acting potential lurking within him.
Small roles grew into more major roles, as they grew from background actor, to minor actor, to eventually starring in major roles. And they were a popular guy! Pretty face, charming voice, they became Gotham's own star!
In one of these movie roles, Basil would grow very close to one of his co-stars. Their relationship would move very quickly from friendship to romance, as it does when you work so closely with someone. It might have even moved a little too fast, as they decided to get married the moment they returned to America from their filming location. She moved into his home in Gotham, and things were good, for a little while.
But a lot of cast romances end up not working out, and this was one of those cases. Basil and his wife began to drift apart, focusing on their own careers and neglecting one another in the process. Their relationship began to decay, and with the nature of Basil's career, there began to be...people on the side.
They thought he kept these escapades a secret. They did everything they could to not let their wife or the public know about their cheating.
Of course, this was a pipedream.
This all happened around the time J's Red Hood Gang was at their peak. They figured out Basil's secret, gathered material, and would present the evidence to Basil himself. To keep their secret safe, Basil was forced under the Red Hood.
Basil...did not take well to what he had to do as a Red Hood. But he was desperate to save face amongst the well-to-do of Gotham, so he continued doing the bidding of J and her gaggle for a good while.
Until the day, with no interference from the Red Hoods, their wife left them. She had apparently been contacted by one of Basil's partners, and now they were going to leak that to the press during the divorce proceedings.
Basil's life was ruined. His reputation was in shambles, and he was doing more work for criminals than directors. But he decided he was going to change that. What was the point of working as a Red Hood if they had no way to blackmail him anymore?
So they attempted to leave. They confronted J and demanded that she let them go, and without waiting for her response, left.
Red Hoods were waiting at their home when they got back there. They kidnapped them, dragged them to Ace Chemicals, and proceeded to pour an experimental chemical onto their face. This chemical made flesh like clay—moldable, which the Hoods used to their advantage as they toyed with Basil's face. Morphing it into different shapes and expressions for their own amusement.
When they were done, they dragged him to the vat where they were developing that chemical and threw him into it, expecting him to die.
Unfortunately for Basil, they did not.
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cooliestghouliest · 5 months
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PUTTY, chapter three
(chapter one), (chapter two), (chapter three)
PAIRING: virgin!Eddie/former cheerleader!Reader
SUMMARY: You and Eddie go to a party.
SERIES TAGS and C/W’s: mutual pining, experienced!Reader, inexperienced!Eddie but he’s eager to learn, mostly sub!Eddie, insecurities and self doubt, narcissistic and/or absent parents, jealousy, mean basketball players, hurt/comfort, they smoke weed, eventual smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), uniform kink, dirty talk, foot jobs, hand jobs, oral (f!receiving and m!receiving), public sex, sex toys, unprotected PiV. more to be added as this progresses!!!
TAG LIST: @emma77645, @aliciabb17, @gracieluvthemoon, @kellsck, @figmentofquinn, @mediocredreams
Parked on the crowded street a block away from Chrissy Cunningham’s massive Loch Nora home, Eddie sat fidgeting with his hands in his lap. The van was idled. He made no attempts to unbuckle himself, so you turned in your seat to assess him.
Down the road, the yard was full of teenagers, the party seemingly having spilled over from the house to the entire property. Eddie was observing the attendants with a narrowed gaze, almost suspiciously.
You were starting to feel bad for dragging him along.
“Eddie, you don’t have to come in. I’ll just go say hi to Chrissy, and then we can go do something else, if you want,” you suggested, voice soft.
He very much wanted that.
But he knew you were hoping to spend some time around your best friend, and with how often you babysat for Olly nowadays, Eddie assumed you hadn’t had much availability for a social life lately.
He didn’t want to be the reason you missed an opportunity to have fun.
He briefly thought of telling you he was just going to head back to the trailer and for you to enjoy your time at the party, but you’d invited him, and you’d seemed so ecstatic when he’d agreed.
And truthfully, the idea of ditching you there gave him the same uneasy feelings that going inside the party gave him.
It seemed to be a lose/lose situation.
Tired of battling with himself, Eddie decided he was going to go with the option that allowed him to spend more time with you. Otherwise, he’d have to sulk back to Forest Hills and spend the night overthinking about what you were up to. And who you were talking to.
Eddie wasn’t used to the feeling of possession that curled in his stomach at the thought of other guys trying to get with you.
For a brief moment, he let his doubts swirl freely in his mind, his badgering inner voice reminding him that he was no rich jock with a full ride to an Ivy League and was instead just a drug dealing super, super senior who did nothing for his professional future except dream of one day making it big with his music.
But from the fervid patience you were awaiting his answer with, Eddie had to shake his head clear of self-deprecation, recalling your earlier conversation where you had said you actually liked spending time with him, and had told him you wanted to attend the party with him – not Andy or Patrick or any of Jason Carver’s other rich boy cronies.
Who was he to deny you your wildest, most incomprehensible wishes?
“No, no, let’s go,” Eddie finally said, turning off the van. He shot you a grin, full of false bravado. “Really, I wanna go.” He didn’t, but he was going to fake it ‘till he make’d it.
You returned the grin without hesitation, eyes filling with relief. For a moment there, you’d half expected Eddie to bail on you. And really, you wouldn't have blamed him, considering being put in this social situation was clearly wreaking havoc in his brain.
Eddie clicked the van locked and pocketed the keys as you tried to sweeten the deal for him, wanting to ease as much worry as you could. You didn’t bring him here to stress him out, you brought him here so you could both have a good time, drinking and laughing without the obligation of watching a six-year-old.
“I think Steve might be here,” you offered, knowing the pair had become quite close.
If Eddie were to be honest, hearing Harrington might also be there did make him feel better.
Dustin had introduced them to one another the year prior. While they didn’t mesh at first, essentially polar opposites, the two bonded when they’d both impromptu taken edibles together.
It happened one movie night at Nancy Wheeler’s.
Eddie brought his own brownie stash and had accidentally left them out on the kitchen counter. Steve, thinking Mrs. Wheeler had baked the goods for the get-together, had eaten two before Eddie caught him. He spent the first part of the night talking Steve down out of a panic attack, and then they spent the second part of the night laughing their asses off, laying in Nancy’s pool fully clothed, floating on almost airless rafts.
They’d been friends ever since.
Something else also made Eddie feel better about heading into the party.
You had grabbed his hand in yours at some point as you made your way up the driveway, your warm fingers interlocking with his own.
For the second time that night, you made him feel invincible.
Like nothing could go wrong.
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You hadn’t been inside the house two minutes before Chrissy’s voice rang out in the midst of the crowd.
“You made it!” the girl practically yelled, weaving her small frame through the sea of bodies that packed the usually spacious foyer. When she finally made her way to you and Eddie, she wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug, drunkenly swaying side to side and giggling. When Chrissy pulled away, she looked to your side, spotting your companion. “And Eddie! Hi, Eddie!”
Eddie couldn’t help but crack a smile at the bubbly blonde’s welcome. She, like you, had been a rarity at Hawkins High School.
Whereas most of the popular students had either avidly avoided the likes of Eddie or chose to interact with him solely to make his life a living hell, you and Chrissy never negatively singled anyone out. Instead, the two of you would do things like volunteer to be partners with the quietest kids in class for a project, or you’d both sit with new students during lunch until they found their own cliques.
Eddie never understood why either of you willingly chose to spend your free time with the likes of Jason and the rest of the Hawkins sports roster. He chalked it up to you both just playing your predestined roles. Once you fit a certain mold or stereotype in Hawkins, it was pretty hard to branch out from it. Eddie of all people could understand that.
“Hey, Chris,” he greeted, happy she didn’t go to hug him as well. The last thing Eddie needed was Carver thinking he was making moves on his girlfriend.
Actually, the quicker he got away from her, the better. He liked Chrissy, he truly did, but wherever she was, her loverboy was soon to follow, and Eddie didn’t feel like being instigated into a fight right now.
His eyes flitted around the expanse of the house, eventually spotting Steve by the sliding glass back door, standing with Nancy and Jonathan.
Your gaze followed Eddie’s. You hadn’t been totally sure Steve would be there, so you inwardly thanked the universe for small miracles. Now that Eddie could relax in like-minded company, you didn’t feel so bad parting ways with him for a little while. Of course, you wouldn’t have minded if Eddie tagged along by your side the whole night, but you knew he’d dread every minute of having to be around Jason and his buddies, who unfortunately came with the Chrissy package.
“Why don’t you go say hi?” you lightly nudged Eddie’s shoulder with yours, smiling up at him. “I’ll come find you in a little bit.”
Eddie’s chocolate hues dropped to you, a grateful expression on his face at your suggestion. “Don’t leave me hangin’ for too long, sweetheart,” he teased, although he really wasn’t joking at all. “I dunno how long I’ll last around all these big, scary basketball players without my Princess to protect me.” After a dramatic bow, Eddie vanished into the crowd.
Chrissy, beyond inebriated, hadn’t paid much attention to the exchange. With Eddie gone, she pulled on your arm, tugging you away, slurring, “C’mon! Y’have so many shots to drink t’catch up with me!”
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
You really had not planned on getting drunk.
Tipsy, yeah, sure. A few beers, maybe a shot or two of some expensive spirit Mrs. Cunningham had imported from Europe.
But glassy-eyed and giggly, your skin flushed warm, an alcohol-induced pink blush sprouted over the apples of your cheeks?
No, that was not in tonight’s itinerary.
But Chrissy knew you’d been slaving away with work the past few months, hardly finding time in your busy schedule to come see your best friend cheer or link up and spend too much money at Starcourt Mall like you both used to.
You, although the same age as Chrissy, had gotten your diploma a year early, and hadn’t stopped working toward your goal of getting the hell out of Hawkins from the moment you walked across the stage at graduation. At job after job, you would often work overtime and weekends, trying to save up as much as you could.
It was admirable, but there had to be balance, something you were never good at finding on your own.
Damn Chrissy Cunningham for being so persuasive and persistent, wanting her best friend to let loose again and join her on a drunken tirade, similar to those you’d indulged in throughout your time together in high school.
Chrissy had begrudgingly disappeared several minutes earlier after Jason had swept her away. She didn’t want to leave you yet, wanted to spend as much time with you as she could, but she didn’t want to disappoint Jason either. You could see the struggle in her eyes, so you made the decision for her, promising you’d catch up more later in the week.
Plus, while you loved your best friend dearly, right now you felt a drumming deep within you – a desperate sensation. The tequila you’d downed urged you to find Eddie. You wanted to curl up into his side and breathe him in, wanted the aroma of his strawberry blunt wraps and tea-tree mint shampoo to fill your senses.
The party had dwindled down some, but there was still an impressive amount of people stationed all over the house, making it difficult to pinpoint exactly where your long-haired target was hiding out. There was no double vision yet, but you blinked a few times and took a breath to stabilize yourself anyway, not wanting to stumble drunkenly as you walked.
You’d made it as far as the kitchen when two arms branched out around either side of you, a letterman jacket coming into view as your lower back was pressed against the marble of the island counter. A tall male with dark hair and dark eyes smirked down at you, a predator satisfied he’d cornered his prey.
“Hey, you.”
“Hi, Chance,” you answered, not appreciating the personal space he was impeding on. You attempted to move out of his barrier, but he just repositioned his weight, keeping you caged in between his arms.
His breath was hot on your cheek, the smell of beer wafting from him strongly. Everything about him was making your stomach turn. “What’re you doin’ all by yourself?” he asked. “Heard you came with Munson,” pause for a scoff, “but I knew that must’ve been a fucking joke.”
“Why would that be a joke?” you countered, brows furrowed. “I did come here with him.” You moved your gaze from the annoying presence in front of you to scan the room, trying again to find Eddie. “Actually, d’you know where he is?”
“Oh yeah, saw him drawing a pentagram on the sidewalk out front. Think it was in virgin’s blood. He was speaking some other language, too.”
You rolled your eyes, your patience running very thin. You were so sick of people making assumptions and passing judgments just because someone else was different than they were.
You had half a mind to make a snide remark about how the whole town knew Chance Deely’s mom had an affair on his dad with the pastor from the Presbyterian church, and did that mean she must have been worshiping demons too since she did something so immoral and uncouth?
“Ha ha,” you deadpanned, trying again to duck away from his arms.
You took in a sharp breath when you felt Chance’s hand move to grip your waist, pulling your body to his.
“Come on, babe,” he said, the pads of his fingers digging uncomfortably into your clothed skin. “Lemme take you home. I know your daddy likes me. I’m sure I can convince him to let me stay the night…”
What a clueless moron. He didn’t even know you hadn’t lived with your parents for the past year now. But you’d let him keep thinking that, finding solace in the fact that he didn’t know where to find you if the creep ever decided to try and stalk you out one night.
“And do what?” you asked, now emboldened both by your intoxication and the nerve this idiot had cornering you like this. “Have a sleepover with him? I don’t want you, Chance.”
His jaw ticked, his features hardening, undoubtedly in an attempt to make you feel small and scared. You felt neither.
“Get off of me, Deely. I mean it.”
“Or what, huh? You gonna sic your vampire boyfriend on me?”
“No, I’ll fucking bite you myself.”
His eyes flashed and his tongue darted out to wet his lower lip as he considered you, humming in approval.
“Yeah, I’d like to get that mouth on me…”
You rolled her eyes again, so hard this time you wondered if they’d stick. “In your wet dreams, douchebag. Now get. Off.” You tried prying yourself away from him once more, swatting at the hand he had on your waist.
It just made Chance double down, pressing his center against you crudely. “I’m trying to get off, baby,” he said, giving a disgusting pout. “You won’t let me.”
“Do you not know what ‘no’ means, Deely?” a familiar voice interjected from behind Chance.
Your heart swelled as you raised your gaze to find Eddie’s dark eyes glaring daggers at the boy who’d had you cornered. You smiled wide at him, an odd juxtaposition when mixed with Eddie’s beyond irritated expression and Chance’s feeble attempts at seduction (which were more harassments than anything else).
You were so relieved to have this Bambi-eyed boy come to your rescue.
“What I do know is that nobody asked you, Munson,” Chance countered. He still kept his body turned towards yours, much to your dismay. “Why don’t you go and fuck a corpse or something, freak? Leave me –”
But his words were cut off when you brought your knee up to budge as hard as you could in between his legs.
Chance whined loudly, falling to the ground, clutching his hopefully bruised balls in his hands.
The partygoers had been distracted with their own conversations up until that point, but with Chance Deely crying out on the floor, writhing around pathetically, everyone’s attention was on you and Eddie.
“The fuck’s going on in here?” came Jason Carver’s voice over the other loud mumblings in the crowd.
“That's our cue to leave, Princess,” Eddie alerted, grasping your wrist in his hand as he pulled you from the Cunningham residence with haste.
You tossed your head back and laughed, hurriedly following Eddie out.
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
The ride from Chrissy’s place to yours wasn’t long at all. Five minutes, tops.
While Eddie was focused on the road ahead of him, fingers white-knuckling the steering wheel at the thought of Chance Deely’s roaming hands, you were staring intently at your getaway driver.
You watched as his jaw clenched and relaxed, then clenched and relaxed again. He wasn’t doing anything special, just sitting there stewing in inner turmoil, but he was still so, so handsome. Handsome and heroic.
Although you were the one to administer the knee to Chance’s most prized possessions, you knew Eddie wouldn’t have hesitated to do the same and maybe even more to defend you. You thought back to the hateful look in his eyes as he stared the back of Chance’s head down, fists ready to make contact with the stupid fuck’s face if need be.
Eddie’s eagerness to be of service to you, for you, turned you on more than you thought it would. The fuzzy feelings from the alcohol helped loosen your inhibitions, and you found yourself squeezing your thighs together for some sort of friction as Eddie pulled up in front of your apartment.
You watched as he took a deep breath in, eyes shutting momentarily before exhaling and turning his attention to you.
He softened his face, forcing his mouth to curve into a smile. Underneath it all, you could tell he was still buzzing with anger and adrenaline.
“Would you please walk me inside?” you asked, your fingers toying with the hem of your dress. You were trying to appear inconspicuous. “They might know where I live. I’d feel safer if you came up with me.”
‘They’ meant Jason and his friends.
It maybe was a bit of overkill on your part to pull the damsel in distress card. You weren’t afraid of Carver or Deely. For the most part, they were all talk.
It also helped your sense of security that your neighbor across the hall was a police officer, something which Jason was aware of. He’d almost gotten arrested for banging on your door at one in the morning to try to get to Chrissy after the couple had one of their explosive arguments.
Chrissy had found refuge at your apartment a handful of times over the past year, leading Jason to look your address up so he always knew where to find his girlfriend when she ran off.
Each time he came pounding, Officer Hammond would swing open his door and dangle a pair of cuffs in Jason’s direction. It had the blonde boy scurrying away, the fear of an arrest that would hurt his chances at a basketball scholarship dominating his caveman impulse to steal Chrissy away.
Technically, you weren’t lying to Eddie. Although you weren’t scared of Carver and his friends, you would feel safer with Eddie around. Just because.
And fortunately for you, Eddie would never pass up the chance to play protector, especially when it was you who was asking him so nicely.
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
“I can’t believe you kneed him in the nuts, that was fucking hilarious,” Eddie laughed, following you up the stairs to your third-floor apartment.
“I should have twisted them off, but then I would’ve had to touch him.” As an afterthought, you added, “Which, gross.”
“So gross,” Eddie agreed.
Stepping inside your apartment, you immediately kicked off your shoes. Eddie’s eyes dropped to the ground, following your movements, and he noted that you were wearing those cute white ankle socks with the pretty lace ruffle at the top. Those were the kind he remembered you wearing all the time at school, complete with your green, white, and yellow cheer outfit.
The memory of you in that uniform, bouncing up at down at one of the school rallies, had Eddie trying to secretly adjust himself in his jeans.
He he hung back in the doorway, ready to leave.
Eddie’d noticed the rousing stare you’d been giving him in the van. It was a look he’d often shot your way, when he was sure you weren’t paying attention. Full of want and yearning. He hadn’t missed the sight of your thighs pressing together either.
But you’d been drinking. That probably explained away the actions. You just weren’t thinking straight.
Eddie didn’t want to overstep or take advantage, so his plan was to be a gentleman and escort you up, then head back to his van and jerk off to the thought of you begging him to touch you.
You had other ideas.
You reached your hand out and bunched your fingers into his black Iron Maiden band tee, trying to tug him toward you. It wasn’t enough to physically move him, but enough so that he’d get the gist of what you wanted.
“What’re you still doing out there?” you asked, tilting your head down to look up at him through your lashes. Your expression was coy. “You can come inside, Eddie.”
A double entendre if he’d ever heard one. He had to force back a groan as his imagination went wild.
“I shouldn’t,” he tried, hand moving down to grasp yours in an attempt to loosen your grip. Eddie didn’t really want you to let go, though. He wished you’d grab him harder, not give him a choice, pull him inside and have your way with him. Gentleman, gentleman, gentleman, he had to remind himself in his head. “I was just making sure you got up here safe. I should, uh, probably get going… it’s kinda late…”
The pretty pout you shot at him further loosened his resolve to leave, and he felt glued to the spot in your entranceway. “I’m a big girl, Eddie, I don’t have a bedtime. You don’t wanna hang out more?” you asked, fingers tightening in the fabric of his shirt. “Y’know, I wasn’t serious about being afraid of Jason and his boyfriends… it was just a big ploy to get you to come up here with me.” You bit at your lip in an effort to hide a grin, trying to keep the innocent facade playing on your face. “Thought maybe I could show you where I live, since I’m always at yours… and I just rented the new Texas Chainsaw movie. Haven’t watched it yet.”
Eddie found it was getting increasingly harder to say no to you, with your hands on him, pulling him gently toward you. Each word you spoke sounded like it was being sung by a siren.
A movie seemed… safe.
His eyes drifted past you to your living room, where he assumed you’d want to watch it. He was satisfied with the size of the couch. He’d be able to put enough space between the two of you to keep it friendly, because that’s probably what you really wanted, just to be friendly, but the buzz you were still feeling maybe had you thinking you wanted to be a little more than just friendly.
In the morning, Eddie figured you’d probably regret anything you may have ended up trying to do. He promised himself he wouldn’t let you get that far. He figured he’d be able to limit any physical contact by positioning himself at whatever far end of the couch you weren’t on.
He really, really did want to be around you. He just couldn’t for the life of him believe or understand why you were saying you wanted the same thing. Must’ve been the booze.
But he could take advantage of this moment, couldn’t he? Without taking advantage of you? He would just make sure things stayed PG.
“You drive a hard bargain, Princess,” he conceded, giving in and walking inside. He clicked the door shut behind him, happy to have your hand still clinging needy to his shirt. “I can’t say no to a pretty girl who wants to watch Tobe Hooper with me. There’s just one thing that’d make this night even better…”
You rose an inquisitive brow at him. You could think of many, many things that would make this night better, and they all ended with you so fucked out that you couldn’t remember your name and could only remember Eddie’s.
Maybe he was about to finally give you both what you wanted – or, well, what you wanted, and what you had only hoped Eddie wanted, too.
You leaned closer to him, waiting for his suggestion.
“Got any popcorn?”
𖤐 ֪ 𖤐 ֪ 𖤐
You’d been on the couch with Texas Chainsaw Massacre playing in the background for the past half hour.
While you had ulterior motives and didn’t plan on strictly watching the entire time, Eddie was acting as if this was the greatest movie to have ever been written, his wide eyes almost unblinking as he focused on nothing but the television.
And even though he was also seated on the couch, he still seemed far away, having chosen to sit at the end furthest from you.
You didn’t want to encroach on his personal space, fearful maybe you’d been reading every sign you’d ever thought he’d given you wrong and he in fact wasn’t interested. Had you known for certain he wanted you like you wanted him, you would have been in his lap the second he sat down.
You had to play it a little safer first. Test the waters.
This is how your socked foot ended up in Eddie’s lap.
Totally safe.
The empty bowl of popcorn, which had been resting on one of Eddie’s knees, clattered to the floor when he felt your heel weighed down on his thigh.
Eddie had been forcing his attention to stay focused on the movie, not daring to drift his eyesight to you sprawled out beside him, your tight sundress so far up your legs he knew he’d be able to see your panties if he looked.
His gaze finally shot over to you when you’d made the contact, but you were now the one pretending to be engrossed in the gory horror movie. Eddie could have sworn he saw an uptick in the corner of your mouth when the bowl clattered to the ground, but it was dark and he couldn’t be sure.
Swallowing hard, his eyes dropped down to his lap, watching as your foot flexed and relaxed repeatedly.
The crotch of his jeans felt tight, his heartbeat picking up pace at the thought of you possibly feeling how hard he was growing right now. If you’d just move your foot over one or two more inches, he’d feel the solid warmth of you where he wanted to feel you the most.
How would you react? Would you freak out? You wouldn’t, right? You were playing footsies with his fucking lap, for Christ’s sake. This wasn’t innocent, was it? It couldn’t have been.
“You don’t mind, right?” you asked him, attention still on the TV, forcing nonchalance into your tone. “Feels good to stretch like this. And you’re so warm.”
He was about to respond, was about to say he didn’t mind, not at all; fuck, he’d be anything for you — a footrest, a heater, a guard dog, a servant, a total fucking fool. But when your foot finally met with the bulge forming under his denim, Eddie inhaled harshly, a hand coming up to wrap around your ankle, stopping you.
When he turned to look at you this time, you were staring right back at him.
You were propped up on your elbows now and he could feel you trying to wiggle your foot free.
“Let me, Eddie,” you urged. “Please.”
His grip faltered on your ankle at your pleading, and you took the chance to weasel it out of his hand. You wasted no time tracing the thick outline of him over his jeans with the ball of your foot, the bite of the zipper pressing into his sensitive length causing him to hiss.
You brought your other foot up to join in, using your toes to curl around the girth of him, kneading back and forth.
Those fucking socks, fuck. Eddie already had his fair share of dirty fantasies of you in your cheer uniform – the whole ensemble, head to toe – and he knew he’d now never be able to look at a pair of lacy frilled socks normally ever again.
Eddie groaned, his head falling back against the couch. His eyes fluttered shut but only momentarily before they found you again. You didn’t bother containing your wide grin, your teeth sunk into the softness at the center of your bottom lip.
“Put your hands on them, pet,” he gave another groan at the nickname, “so you can make yourself feel good.”
Eddie’s brain was clouded with desire, and he could feel his face warming at your request.
“I don’t – I mean, um… you’re drunk…” he was stumbling over his words because your feet wouldn’t stop, rubbing and pressing in all the right places.
Your head dipped back with a little laugh. “Not really,” you lied. You were definitely still feeling the effects of a forgotten number of mixed drinks, but that didn’t change the fact that you’d been hoping this was where the night would lead five hours ago. Or even five months ago. Very pre-drunkenness. “And even if I was…” you trailed off momentarily, giving your heel another ground down against his lap. “Was I drunk when I held your hand at the party? Or when I told you earlier how much I liked being around you?”
Eddie thought for a moment before shaking his head. No, you weren’t. Holy shit, so he had read all your signs right. You were interested in him. He wasn’t just imagining all of it.
Okay, fuck. He could work with that. He probably shouldn’t, probably should have stuck to his guns and told you to wait until tomorrow when you were for sure sobered up.
But Eddie was typically an act now, deal with it later type of guy. And right now, he was finding it very hard to be any different.
He’d never done anything like this before, had never even gotten much further than just making out, but Eddie didn’t let his self-doubt rule at the forefront of his mind for once.
Not tonight.
Not with your feet in his lap and your voice telling him the dirty things you wanted him to do. Not when his upstairs brain was closing up shop, tossing the keys to his confined cock.
“Wanna make you feel good, too,” he said, hands finding your ankles again. He didn’t halt their movements this time. Now he encouraged them to move, slowly beginning to rock his hips up into the soles of your feet.
With that admission, you realized you weren’t just projecting your own desires when you’d catch him staring at you through the kitchen window while you played with Olly out front; when he’d put his hands on your waist as he passed by you in the trailer’s cramped hallway; when he’d lick his lips and watch your own as you talked to him about some minor detail from your day.
Eddie wanted you, too.
And with how fucking hard he was, you realized he wanted you bad.
Your head lolled to one side as you observed him. “I wanna watch you use me ‘till you’re about to come.” The TV wasn’t too far away, and with the relatively bright scene on the screen at the moment, you could tell he was hanging off of your every word. You could feel him tightening his grip around the width of your feet, pulling them down harder against him. “If you’re a good boy and stop before you get all messy, then maybe I’ll let you make me feel good, too.”
Eddie’s brows furrowed in equal parts desire and disbelief at your words, his parted lips forming the shape of an ‘O’. It was all he could do to nod wordlessly, feeling dumb in the best kind of way, his eyes not wavering from yours once as he got to work.
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agendercrisisx · 5 months
Can I have one where Bakugo and/or Dabi find out that they're sweet innocent angel is actually a masochist?
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𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗
Request: “Can I have one where Bakugo and/or Dabi find out that they're sweet innocent angel is actually a masochist?”
This is such a fun idea, I'm thinking of something where Bakugou ended up joining the league, so the two boys know each other well. Bakugou has been a part of the league for a few years, so he is a big part of the league. And they end up liking you a little more than expected.
Dabi and Bakugou x gender neutral reader (afab)
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Warnings: shameless smut, rough sex, the boys are very possessive, oral sex(f-receiving), Dabi and Bakugou has a blood kink, Bakugou is very much into choking, reader and the boys are masochists (like this is pretty fucked up;)), Dabi plays with his flames in you, reader gets used, reader is in handcuffs (not sexually), reader imagines a lot of stuff, use of Y/N and V/N (your villain name), orgasm denial, reader gets hurt, the boys has a fucked up background, fingering, the boys care for you in a unhealthy way, toxic relationships, cream pie,
Summary: You are an S-tier villain, looking for new work. You meet up with Giran, a C-tier villain, with a lot of connections. You didn't expect to be kidnapped and thrown for the lions. The league knows a lot about you and have for a while had their eyes out for you. Just waiting for the right opportunity to make you a part of their "club". You never thought of yourself as a part of the League, but with the opportunity at your feet, you can't help but accept. The offer is generous, and you were already looking for a job.
Some of the members, Bakugou and Dabi, have had their eye on you longer than they would ever admit. And as they finally have you within reach, they don't care for the wait. They have waited long enough, and they just want a taste. And as soon as they get one, they're never letting you go. Not a chance.
Word count: 10144
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A bright light is shining you directly in the face, blinding you, making it impossible to see your surroundings. You can hear footsteps, and several peoples breathing in the room. Or you're guessing it's a room. You have no idea where you are, or how you got there. The last thing you remember is that you were at a meeting with Giran, talking about joining a group of villains. You don't even remember getting knocked out, or anything of that sort. You can't figure out what happened. How the hell did you end up here? With a bunch or probably F-level villains. This is ridiculous.
"Aww they look so cute, all confused." The voice is rough, and you can't place it. Maybe you had met these people before, and you had hurt their ego or something. Because this is so damn ridiculous.
"Before I kill all of you, let me go!" Your voice is sharp and the power alone in your voice, would make almost anyone run with their tail between their legs. What you didn't expect to happen, is that the room burst out in laughter.
You can't figure out exactly how many people are in the room, but it's at least five. Likely more. Their laughter continues, making you squirm. This may be a bit worse, than first expected.
"God they're cute, just look at them, maybe we should let them have a look at their new family." The voice is familiar, but in a weird way, something is definitely wrong. Very wrong. So very wrong.
The light turns away from you, you're blinking quickly trying to adjust to the dim lights of the room. Wanting to see the people in front of you. Silhouettes slowly start to appear, but you can't tell them from one another. Someone steps a closer to you, and your eyes slowly makes the person out. The only thing you can really see, is a pair of piercing blue eyes staring directly at you. The eyes are so intense, you can't keep eye contact, and end up looking away. A chuckle leaves the person lips, and they step back into the shadows.
"Will you turn the light off spinner, so this little angel can get a good look of their new home." The light switches of and your eyes finally adjust to the light in the room. The first person you see is a shorter blonde girl, with a giant knife in her hand. Her hair is messy, but cute. She doesn't look much older than you.
Besides her stand a mix between a man and a lizard. There is also a floating purple cloud. A blue haired man, scratching his neck. A tall man, in full formal attire, and a mask. Someone with blonde hair and a scar down the middle of his face. A woman that looks stronger than any person you have ever seen before. And another two men.
They are standing just so far away, that the light doesn't reach them. Making it impossible to figure out how they look and who they are.
But at the moment, you know one thing. I wasn't some measly group of F-tier villains that kidnapped you. It was the fucking league of villains. The highest tier villains there is. You may be one of the best, but these are even better than you. Not that you would ever admit that.
When you were younger you kind of looked up to them. They were all so cool. But as you sit there before them. You don't know what the big deal was. They're pretty basic. Yeah, they may have some kind of strong quirks. But that’s it. They're not that interesting or fun. They just stand in front of you, not saying a word. Like fucking statues.
"This is the point where you let me go." You smile as innocently as you can, but the rooms stay quiet.
"God you are so boring. I thought the league of villains, were supposed to be fun. All interesting and full of potential, you are just a bunch of old geezers. I don't ev..." You get cut of mid-sentence as a hand wrap around your throat. Squeezing much more gently than expected, only making you slightly lightheaded. Not cutting off your airways at all. This one knows what they're doing.
A blonde-haired boy bends down into the light so you can see his face clearly. His eyes are crimson red, enchanting as you look into them. His face is slim and locks of blonde hair a flowing around his face. Framing it, in such a perfect way, it looks like he uses hours styling his hair. Your eyes can’t tear from his, and you slowly starts to notice the small red specs covering his neck, face and hair. One of the locks is a deep red, but not from dye. His hair is covered in blood.
His hand around your neck has you more excited than you would like to admit. His rough fingertip, slowly moving back and forth over your neck. Has a shiver running down your spine. The light pressure of his hand, the way it fits so perfectly around your neck. Like you were made for him. This unknown, beautiful, villain. Makes your body react more than anyone else before. It's addicting, the feeling of him close. The smell of him, it's sweet, but at the same time smells a lot like cigarettes. No not cigarettes, something else. Fireworks? Gun powder?
And then it hits you. The man standing above you, with his hand wrapped around your throat. Is none other than THE Dynamight. One of the most powerful villains in the entire world. The league of villains may be on top. But without Dynamight, they wouldn't have the whole world afraid.
"Aww so cute, you scared angel?" It's the same voice than called you cute earlier, this Dynamight thinks you're cute? You don't realize you're smiling at the thought before his hand grips your chin and pulls you out of your trance to make you look at him.
"What you thinking about? Something funny?" His before so soft and controlled manner, quickly changed to this aggressive demeanour.
You open your mouth to say something, but nothing intelligent comes through your head, so you shut it again. Dynamights eyes are drilling into you, trying to figure out... something. Anything. He needs to figure you out. And soon. Before his own facade crumbles and show you how much he wants you.
"Be nice." Again, it's one of the voices from before, this was the one who said something about turning the lights off... and what was it? It was something weird. You hadn't thought about it before now. Oh right, he said; 'let them look at their new home.' New home? You don't get to speculating, before this new voice steps into the light and your mouth drops.
His eyes a piercing light blue, they are so perfect. It’s the guy from before. His eyes must be some kind of poison, something to lure you in to then kill you. You gaze follows his figure to try and get a profile of this new man. He's wearing a long black coat, it looks like leather, but it’s hard to see. His skin looks weird, but in the dim light it's hard to judge.
He takes a step more and the light hits him, making his black hair almost look blue. And when you look at his face you realize what's on his skin. Scars. They're on his hands, his neck, his face, around his eyes. They're everywhere. But even though they look like something out of a horror movie, you can't help but be kind of attracted to them. It shows he fights. Maybe he would fight for you? Nope, thoughts go away. You take a breath, but a second thought hits. He must be incredibly strong. ...Strong enough to lift you and fuck you against a wall. As soon as the thought hits you, you push it away.
Nope. Nope. Nope. These people kidnapped you. They may be hot. Incredibly fucking hot. But no. You need to get out. And these thoughts are not helping.
"What's that with your face?" Dabi says teasingly, running a hand over your cheek. "There's this soft pink tint." He smirks, and you want a giant black hole to open under you and swallow you whole. No fucking way, you're blushing and getting turned on, by these people.
Dynamight and Dabi are standing above you, looking down at you with eyes, that makes you melt. Fuck they look hot. All bloodthirsty and scary. You try to ignore it, but a pool of wetness is slowly beginning to form in your underwear. You want to swear and scream at yourself. How the fuck is this happening? You don't know them. But you could? Fuck these thoughts. They should die in hell. And leave you the fuck alone.
"Aww let the poor one be." The voice comes from the girl, and you want to thank her, but refrain. Play it cool. Plat it cool. You can do it me. Chill. You take a deep breath and make eye contact with the blue haired man, who has taken a step closer to you, so the others are standing behind him, and he's directly in the spotlight. His neck is rough, and it looks like his skin is close to peeling, like it’s a healing wound. Scabbing and dry.
"Okay, Y/N. Let's get one thing straight. You are now a part of the league of villains. You can say no, of course. But that would just entail us breaking you into a million pieces and using you as confetti above the UA sport festival." He smiles, an uncomfortable smile, one that makes your skin crawl. If you could run away in fear, maybe you would. You actually don't know right now. It's weird, you want to stay. But this wasn't a choice, so why would you want it anyway?
"Chill out boss you're scaring them." The man with the pricing blue eyes says, and you suddenly remember his name. Dabi. Dabi son of the previous number one hero, Endeavor. His quirk should be the strongest fire quirk to ever exist. Maybe you should be nicer. Most of them could destroy you with a single move. Time to play nice.
"Sounds fun. But maybe we could discuss this with a nice glass of whiskey, and me not restrained in a chair?" You don't want to sound desperate, but the fear in you makes your voice shaky.
"I could use a glass, what about the rest of you?" Dabi questions, and the others agree in unison.
Your wrists are still sore from the quirk-cancelling-handcuffs, and your hair is a rats’ nest of a mess, from the strap around your head. You had probably been sitting there a good amount of time before you woke up. And finally sitting in a comfortable chair, has you close to letting your guard down.
The purple cloud puts a glass of whiskey down in front of you, and you quickly grab it to take a sip. The rich taste of the liquid in your mouth has an almost calming feeling. The taste of malt and spices explodes on your tongue. This is not a cheap whiskey from the corner store. It's the Macallan cast strength whiskey. Probably 10 years old. This is expensive shit. Like you knew they are rich and have too much stuff to ever use. But you had no idea they cared about whiskey. Or maybe they don’t, and it was just worth something. Because that shits expensive.
You had seen it in a liquor store once. Locked behind glass, too pricey to even consider putting a price tag. But you know it's one of the most expensive they have.
"Good enough for you?" Dabis’ voice is smooth, and you can't help but smile.
"How the hell did you get this? This is top shelf booze!" Burst out of your mouth, before you realize what you said, Dabi is laughing.
"We do our research sweetheart." You stare confused at him, and he continues. "You don't think it was a coincidence we choose you?" It doesn't answer your question, just giving you a million more.
"Stop playing with them. I want to do that." The blonde girl, you identify as Toga, pulls the knife out of her pocket pointing it at you.
"Do you think they're a screamer?" Togas’ voice is sweet, uncomfortably sweet, coated in honey and filled with poison.
"Please put the knife away, you don't want to scare our guest." The boss, Shigaraki, is quick to let his hand touch the knifes blade, and it disintegrates. Right in front of your eyes. You had of course heard of all their quirks, but seeing them up close, made it so much more real.
Dynamight leans in and whisper something in Dabis' ear. You can't hear it, but the shit eating grin spreading on the both the boys’ faces, has you concerned. Maybe all of this was a bad idea. Why did you meet with Giran in the first place? Why did you want to join a group? It had always worked good for you on your own, why would you want to change that? The questions pile up, and you don't have an answer to any on them. This is nothing but a disaster.
"I have a question." You voice is smaller than you would like it to be, but the room falls quiet, and every pair of eyes are on you. You clear your throat and start speaking.
"If I should choose to join your "club"." You say making quotation marks in the air. "What would be in it for me?" You finish and there's is complete silence for a minute.
"Let’s see... we know you've been looking for a place to join. So that’s a good reason, we're the best of the best. You would be on top with us. A place to sleep, a home. We know you been a bit on the road lately." You look down, shame flooding through you, and you can't really figure out why. You had been staying in abandoned buildings. That's not being on the road. But of course, Shigaraki was right, you need a place to stay. Permanently.
"Also, there's great benefits, we have doctor who can do anything you can ever imagine. You know about our Nomus?" You nod and he continues. "Well, with that technology, we can enhance someone’s quirk, or give them a new one." You mouth is agape, the mere idea of that being possible is insane.
"That's..." You look for the right words. "That's very impressive. But..." You stop yourself, but Shigaraki urges you to keep going. "I don't understand why you're telling me this, I didn't agree to join." He laughs, a genuine laugh, like this is genuinely funny. 
"Aww poor you, like I said, you are either joining." He pauses, and the few seconds he stops are excruciating. "Or leaving in pieces." You swallow hard at his words, a lump having formed in your throat.
"Oh yeah, and there's of course the money. You will be richer than the most well-paid hero, nothing will be out of your price range. And even if it's not for sale, we'll find a solution." He smiles again, but it doesn't reach his eyes. This is a business smile. A formal smile. You gulp and you take another big sip of the drink in front of you. Trying to calm the nerves.
You are one of the most feared villains, and you're scared of these people. Yes, they threatened you, and you know for a fact, you wouldn't be able to win against them in a fight. But you aren't normally scared, the feeling is unsettling.
You empty the whiskey glass with one last gulp, and almost break the glass as you slam it back down against the table. Dynamight takes a hold of your hand, and grip is much stronger than first anticipated.
"Don't ruin stuff that aren't yours!" His voice is low, but with an intensity that makes you wiggle in your seat. He lets go of your wrist and you sigh relieved and lean against the backrest of the chair.
"Maybe we should let them think about this, and then we can ask them tomorrow?" The lizards say, he has mostly been quiet this whole time, but he seems nice. Even though you're sitting right next to them, they're talking like you aren't there.
"I don't think they should get the chance to be alone. They are quite strong after all." Dabi says, and the smile on his lips, feels like it has an ulterior motive. Something devious, something you're not sure you're ready for.
"I'll take the first shift." Dynamights' voice is cold, showing no emotion. Not letting any of the others have a say, he already decided.
"Maybe we should be two? Just in case." Dabi says, and Dynamight doesn't say a word. Just waiting for Shigarakis’ judgement.
"Two heads are better than one, and I don't want something to happen. So, both of you have the responsibly of our very own V/N." He puts his hands on the table and pushes himself up. He looks at you for a second, then turns around and leaves. Leaving you all to figure out what to do on your own.
"I'm leaving." Toga says, and she leaves quickly, with Twice in her footsteps, he doesn't say a word to any of the others.
"Yeah, I’m going to go too, need a workout." Magne states, "wanna join?" She looks at Spinner, he nods, and they exit the room too.
"I'm going to make sure Shigaraki doesn't need anything." The purple cloud states and leaves to find the boss.
"I'm going to leave you two to have fun." The man in the top hat states, bows and then retires to his room.
"Just us." Dabi states, and you look up to catch his eyes with yours. The tension from earlier, rises again. You can feel your heart beating faster and your breaths becoming quicker and shallower.
Dabi rapidly switches seats, so his body is pressed up against your side. Dynamight sits on the other side of the table, staring you down. Dabis' warm body against yours is comforting in a terrifying way, you want to lean closer. Let your fingers follow his collarbone and smell his perfume. You stop yourself as quickly as possible, but Dabi felt it. You leaned in.
He is so close you can smell his cologne, and a weak scent of cigarettes. His whole body is so close to you, you want to scream and run. But at the same time, you want to lean in and figure out all this man has to offer.
"You don't get to do it first!" Dynamights' voice is stern and makes you pull further away from Dabi.
"Oh, come on, I wasn't doing anything." Dabi laughs and gestures at you. You have no idea what they're talking about. Something about you apparently. You can't wrap your head around what it could be, it doesn't make sense.
"You were about to, and the deal was they choose. Not you!" Dynamight has this authority around him, you wouldn't dare disagree with him. Dabi on the other hand doesn't seem to care at all, he just wraps an arm around and pulls you closer. You yelp at the motion.
You're so close to him. His warm body. His scent. His hair. You wanted to play with it, softly run your fingers through his hair. Maybe tug at it and see his reaction. Maybe he would let out a soft moan. The image of him on his knees before you, you with a hand in his hair. Pulling him closer to your pussy, making him smell you. Slowly making him take your pants off, so he can get a taste of your cunt. Forcing his head in between your thighs and using his tongue and nose for your own pleasure. Pulling his hair so he moans into you, the vibration from his vocals, having you so close to cumming. His finger running around your thighs and slowly pushing into your gushing puss...
"You're distracted. Something on your mind." Dabis' voice pulls you out of your fantasy. Your lips agape breathing heavily, your thighs pressing together for any kind of friction, and your cheeks already displaying a pink hue.
"Maybe if you tell me, I can fulfil your little fantasy?" He whispers into your ear, his voice low and sultry. You press your legs harder together, why would you be this into these men. They need to take a break and let you calm your body, and your brain. You need a break. From them. Why did it have to be those two who would look out for you? Why couldn't it be one of the others? They seemed nice. They also didn't seem to enjoy making you squirm.
A hand pulls your chin in its direction, making you look up at Dynamights handsome features. He’s standing above you, he had moved from his seat in front of you, to now standing on your right side. He was like a Greek god, to perfect for his own good, too perfect to be human, too perfect to be real. He leans down, slowly closing the distance between you. You tilt your head to the side, so he can easily capture your lips with his. You close your eyes, just waiting for contact. Not caring about anything but his lips. But right before the perfect man is about to kiss you, you hear a thump, and his hand gets pulled away from you.
You open your eyes and look at Dynamight on the floor, Dabi standing above him his hand lit with flames.
"That was not the deal." Dabi says between clenched teeth. "Their choice. Not yours." The flames spread up his arms, following his chest and moving rapidly down his legs, until all of him are caged in flames.
Dynamight smirks, setting off a small explosion in his right hand.
"You didn't think I would just let you touch them and not react. Then you don't know me at all, friend." He spits the last word like it's an insult, his gaze burning into Dabis' own.
You sit back admiring the two men, they both look like gods. Lean and buff. Tall and strong. But at the same time, they're a contrast. Dabis' blue flames and blue eyes. Dynamights' red flames and red eyes. Dabis' black hair. Dynamights' blonde.
Your thoughts wander again, what if you were caught between their fury. Their heat related quirks, burning your skin. Their aggression, making sure you're nothing but a powerless mess in the end. Maybe they would fuck you like that, all weak and not able to fight. You wanted them more than you have ever wanted anyone, and you didn't wanna choose. Couldn't it just be both, couldn't they take a hole each and just use you for their own pleasure. 
The thought of them taking you simultaneously, has you weak. Thank some god you're sitting down. Your knees would be buckling, and you would barely be able to stand.
Dabi chuckles and Dynamight joins in. They're standing side by side, looking at you with the most intense gazes.
"Aww they're so cute, when they're flustered. You think it's our fault?" Dabi says and Dynamight quickly continues.
"Yeah, I bet, they've been blushing ever since they saw us. Maybe it's time to give them a little reward? Helping them with that mess between their legs?" Dynamight states and kneels, so he is eyes level with you. "Need help angel?" You stare into his eyes, not knowing how to respond. They took you aback, you thought you had kept it hidden. They may be a bit more observant than you had hoped.
"I... umh... this is... sorry... embarrassing... I... will... just go." You proceed to stand up, but Dynamights hand pushes you back into your seat.
"Tsk. Tsk. No one gave you permission to do that." He smiles and his hand slowly glides down from your shoulder, drift down over your nipple and you gasp. He chuckles and Dabi takes a step closer, to get a better look at you.
"Do it again, I wanna see that reaction again." Dabi's excited, impatiently pushing Dynamights' back with his knee. He obeys and his hand glides back up, putting a little extra pressure as he reaches your nipple. You whimper, and the two men exchanges a quick look, before Dynamight takes a rough grip around your boob and squeezes. You scream at the sudden pain, but it quickly turns into pleasure, and your scream turns into a moan.
Dabi kneels beside Dynamight, and he grabs your other boob. Giving it the same rough treatment, as Dynamight just did.
"Your tits are so perfect, fits perfectly in my hand. How do you think it would fit in my mouth?" The question is more for himself, than any of you. Dabis hand slowly snakes under your shirt, lifting it, so he can see the soft skin underneath.
"Let's get this off you." He smiles and starts pulling your shirt over your head, you allow him to do with no protest. The shirt easily slips over your head, and he can't take his eyes off the colourful bra now on full display.
"So pretty." He runs a finger along the lace, Dynamights' gaze is fixated on the curve of your boobs. His eyes hungry for more, the view of your nipple, or maybe the taste.
Dynamight reaches out, letting his finger dip under the edge of the bra. His finger pulls it a few centimes out from your skin, and lets it snap back. You hiss, and he takes a hold of each cup. His biceps tense and he rip the bra in half. The satisfying sound of fabric ripping, makes him smile, but the looks of your breast, all free and bare. He gulps, not wanting to scare you away if he's too eager. But some god they are perfect, every curve is perfect. Your nipple looks so perfect, he wants nothing more than to put it in his mouth.
He bends down letting his tongue be the first to make contact with your exposed skin. You whimper at the first contact, and he slowly pulls the nipple into his mouth. The sounds you make, has him too excited to control himself. His teeth catch your nipple, and you cry out. The feeling is so intense. It feels so good and so bad at the same time, but you don't want it to stop. It's like the pain enhances the pleasure. Making the soft licks of Dynamights tongue, that much more pleasurable.
"My turn." Dabi pushes Dynamight to the side, and takes the other nipple in his mouth, to give it attention too. His tongue is rough and lapping at your nipple only for his own pleasure. Nothing about this is about you, but the noises you makes has the boys excited. They want to know what other noises they can have you making, what will make you scream? What will make you cry? What will make you beg?
"I...umh..." You sentences gets interrupted by Dynamights finger slowly stroking you clothed pussy. "I wanna... FUCK..." He found your clit, slowly but surely making you moan. "I wanna know your names!" You almost scream as Dabi bites down on your nipple. "You know mine, I... fuck... wanna know yours." The boys pull away, leaving your most sensitive spots alone for a second. They exchange a look and Dynamight clears his throat.
"My name is Bakugou Katsuki... I'm 21... I, umh, I was not wanted." His gaze is on the floor, avoiding eye contact with you.
"I'm Todoroki Touya, I'm 28, I was abused by my father, and he almost killed me." You look dumbfounded at the two men in front of you.
"You... I... I'm sorry... but you didn't have to say all that... I just wanted your names." Katsukis' eyes find yours and he smiles softly, even though the pain is clear in his eyes.
"We know so much about you, it's only fair if you know something about us too. You're going to be a part of the league anyway, you're going to get to know us sooner or later." You don't know what to say, you had your own reasons for becoming a villain, but just by the sounds of it. These two have been through a lot.
"We don't want you to leave, we wanna make you one of us. And maybe trusting us, is a start?" Dabis' blue eyes finds yours and you nod slowly, trying to comprehend what you had just been told.
"Can I help?" Your voice is soft, and the boys heart melted a bit right there.
"We can go to my room and play some video games? Maybe that'll get our minds off it?" You smile and try to stand up, but right as your legs are supposed to carry you. You fall. The floor quickly nearing your face. Fuck this is going to hurt.
Something stops your fall, and you look up to find Katsukis' arms wrapped around you. He lifts you, so you’re back on your feet.
"You're my hero!" You exclaim, but as soon as you said it. You know you shouldn't have. Katsuki lets you go instantly and takes a step back, turning around to face the wall.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't know that was..." Touya stops you pulling you back from Katsuki.
"There are somethings, we don't talk about." He says, letting go off you and stepping up besides his friend. The pit in your stomach seem to want to swallow you whole. You barely know him, and the fact that you hurt him feels worse than anything before ever has. You want to scream, cry, rip your skin off, anything to make this feeling go away. Your chest hurts, the feeling is so heavy and strange. You want the floor to open and swallow you whole. God just something to take back what you said. Anything. Right now, it would be nice to have a time traveling quirk. Just something to go back and fix this.
The burning feeling in your eyes and the lump in your throat, quickly makes you aware of the tears on their way. You try and swallow, but it only makes the feeling worse. You look up and blink, trying to stop the tears. Don't let them fall. Don't. Don't. Don't.
You gaze moves back to the two men. They are still standing with their back to you, talking softly. You're unable to hear what they're saying, but it doesn't matter. Katsukis' shoulders are slouched, and he looks so small right now.
A tear falls down your cheek, while you just stare. Your body shakes weakly as you start to cry. Silently. Not wanting the two men to hear you, too scared to move. Too scared that they'll turn around and see you like this. You frantically wipe the tears off your cheeks with your arm. You look down at yourself and your entire torso is bare, you desperately look for the shirt. Not seeing it anywhere. You can't be like this in front of them, crying and naked.
You take small steps at first, trying not to alarm them. Slowly walking around looking for the shirt. Where the hell did Touya put it? You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to keep just a small amount of decency. You bend down to look under the table.
A hand lands against your ass and you yelp. Touya is standing behind you, smirking and taking a good grip on your hips. He slowly grinds his hips into your ass, his hard cock hitting just the right spot. Fuck he is big, the outline of his cock making you almost scared of the near future. You moan and he pulls a bit away to slam back against you. You awkwardly stand a bit up, but Touya pushes you down over the table. Bended so perfectly, exactly the right height for him to fuck you. He leans down over you, letting his chest touch your back, as his mouth is right against your ear he says.
"You should give Blasty some attention, I think that'll cheer him up." You eagerly try to get up, to do anything to help Katsuki. But Touya holds you down, pressing his hand against your back. You try to wiggle free, but his strength with just one hand is insane. You feel a change behind you, and as you look back, you make eye contact with Katsuki. His eyes are bloodshot, likes he's been crying, but at the same time they're so intense. God, you want him inside you.
"Please, please, I'll do anything, just..." He jerks your bottoms down ripping them most certainly. He stares at the underwear you're wearing, it matches the ruined bra.
"This is in the way." He rips your underwear but leaving the ruined fabric hanging around your waist. The cold air hits your pussy and a small whimper leaves your mouth. He pushes a finger into you roughly, making you sure to hit your g-spot as he curls his fingers.
"This is not going to fit, we need you warmed up angel." He falls to his knees, continuing using his finger. Pumping in and out of you, making sure your wetness is well spread around on your lips. His head dips, and as his tongue makes contact with your clit, you moan. He adds another finger, stretching your pussy. Preparing you for his cock. You haven't even seen it yet, but if this is the treatment to get you ready, you know he is big.
His tongue slowly laps on your juices, while his fingers speed up. They hit your g-spot every time and you can already feel the nearing orgasm. Your former partners have never made you cum, they never knew what they were doing. But Katsuki has you close in seconds.
He pulls his finger out and you whimper at the loss. His tongue quickly takes its place, fucking into you. He tongue-fucks you, then moves back to your clit. Licking it softly and then back to your pussy. Your legs are starting to shake, and he can feel the effect he has on you. The sensation builds and builds. You can feel your high. It's so close. You just need a little push. You press back against Katsuki, and his tongue finds your clit. He slowly circles it, your legs cramp. Not being able to hold yourself up anymore. He pushes his finger back in you, and standing up so he can hold your body weight. You moan, you're so close. Just a tiny bit more. A smidge.
He stops. Pulling his hand from you and smirking as you turn your head to look at him. He lifts his hand to put his finger, covered in your liquid, into his mouth. He sucks the sweet juices off and a moan escapes him lips.
"Fuck you taste good angel."
"Let me taste." Touya is quick to push Katsuki to the side, slipping a finger into your heat. You whimper at the feeling, his fingers are so long. He hits your g-spot once and you moan. And he, just as Katsuki, pulls out. Leaving you desperate and whimpering.
He pops his finger into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you.
"You're so right, this is the best thing I have ever tasted." He looks a Katsuki, and the smirk before both stepping closer. They jeans rub against your ass, and it hits you. You're fully naked, and they're both fully clothed.
"I demand you take off your clothes." You yell. You wish you could see their faces, to figure out what their reactions is. But they stay behind you, uncomfortably quiet.
"Please." You whisper, just wanting to not feel so vulnerable.
The tip of a cock is pressed between you folds, slowly but surely bottoming out. You moan and the cock so deep inside you, fills you up like nothing before. You try to turn around to look at who is buried in you, but one of them holds your head still.
Fuck it feels so good. Filled to the brim by a fucking hot guy, and another one is waiting for his turn.
"It fits, now let's try the thing we discussed." Katsukis voice breaks the silence, and it's the most relieving thing ever. He pulls out and you whimper at the loss.
"No. No. No. Get back inside please." Your voice is desperate, and a strong pair of arms lifts you on the table. You settle down and finally look at the two men. They're naked. Butt ass naked. And they look fucking good. Bakugou is buff, body builder buff. His whole body looks like a weapon, scarred, and bruised. But he looks so fucking hot. His cock is standing straight up, shining slightly from your wetness now covering his cock. It's so thick, bigger than anything you have seen before.
You look over at Touya, he's a bit taller, not much, but enough that it's noticeable. His lean and unquestionably strong, but his muscle aren't as defined as Katsukis. His nipples are decorated with a pair of metal studs and his cock his giant. Maybe slightly longer than Katsukis, but not as thick. The nipple piercings are so cool, fitting when the rest of him is just as pierced.
You're sitting on the table, most of your weight on your hands placed slightly behind. Leaning back a bit, so your stomach and chest are on full display. Your legs are spread, so they have a clear vision of your dripping pussy.
Katsuki is the first to take a step, moving confidently in your direction. Doing a kind of model walk as he struts to you. He stops right in front of you, taking a hold of your neck putting slight pressure and pulling your head to the side, so he can place soft kisses along your pulse. He places a kiss behind your ear, making you whimper, and his teeth sink into the flesh. You cry out, but he doesn't stop. He stops as the taste of blood in his mouth. You scream as his teeth punctures the skin, he pulls his teeth back, and makes small lick on the open wound. It feels weirdly good, not something you would expect, but it has your heart racing and your pussy wetter.
Touya moves next, already enchanted by the show you put on. The way your body struggled against Katsukis hold, but you let yourself enjoy it in the end.
"Let me try." Katsuki switches places with Touya, and Touya is quick to continue where Katsuki stopped. His tongue slowly tastes the blood leaking from your throat, he hums as the taste hits his tastebuds, and he is quick to start sucking. Slowly pulling the blood from your body. The lightheaded feeling from Katsukis grip, is getting worse. Maybe blood loss is serious.
"...something... I... wan... nananana... sayyyyiaaa." Touya steps back, a worried look in his eyes. Katsuki has the same look, and fatal flaw the boys just realized is that they never wanted their one-nightstand to survive, or they didn't care at least. They didn’t care if their partner enjoyed themselves or was fine in the end. But they care about you, and maybe they had been a bit rough. Normally the girl or boy they took home was just to satisfy a need. You're different. You're a part of this family now. You're a part of their lives. They don't want you to die. They want to hurt you, yes. But only if it's good for you too.
The blood keeps streaming from your wound, and Touya says something to Katsuki. But you're too lightheaded to register. Touya steps closer, something like an apology leaves his mouth and then pain. Excruciating. Agonizing. Tormenting. Unbearable. Dreadful. Pain. Your vision goes black. But you can still feel the pain. It's like hell is peeling your skin of sewing it back on and peeling it off again. The pain is worse than anything you had experienced before. You want to cry and scream. But not a sound leaves your mouth. No tears fall. You can't move a muscle.
Light. Blinding light. Oh no. Was this all just a dream? Are you sitting in the chair? About to be interrogated? Was everything just your imagination? Are you back before the league? An uneasy feeling spreading through your body. Something is wrong. But you have no idea what. Something is so so wrong. You can't feel your limps, your body feels like it's floating. Everything feels weird. Off. Like you're not where you're supposed to be.
Hell? Heaven? It feels more like heaven than hell. Even though you have never been. Maybe this is the end. Just floating in eternity forever.
"Hey..." The word is soft, and another follows it. "Come back to us." A few seconds of silence, before an almost desperate "please."
You blink your eyes a few times. Trying to get your vision back. Slowly the room becomes visible. To faces looking down at you. You can't pinpoint them. They seem familiar. Like you know them.
Then it hits you, and you erratically sit up. Hitting your head against one of the others, and you groan in pain. Your vision gets even more blurry after the sudden raise in position. A laugh comes from the right, and you turn your head. But you can't figure out which of them it is.
A hand moves to stroke your cheek, and you lean into it. Finding comfort, in one of their rough hands. The fingers were long and slender, with a scent of cigarettes. It's Touya. He softly caresses your cheek with his thump.
Your vision is almost back, and your body is starting to feel normal. Katsukis' face is still concerned as you meet his eyes, and he moves a bit closer. He snakes him arm around your waist and pulls you closer so he can kiss your hair.
Touyas' hand sneaks down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. Which quickly starts a tugging way. Katsuki pulls you down so you're lying in his lap, looking up at him. Touya is quick to make a counter move, pulling your legs around his waist. Making you lay, in and interesting position between the two men. Katsuki is about to make another move, when his eyes meet Touyas’, and they exchange a knowing glance.
"If you're going to fuck me, it's going to need to be nicer than last time. You made me fucking pass out... from Blood loss!" You emphasize the last words, and they look kind of proud. Or a mix of proud and ashamed.
"I'm going to be nice... but I will... for the love of god, make you cum from pain. And pleasure, of course. But there needs to be a good amount of pain." Katsuki smirks and pulls you closer, kissing you wound softly. It's been cared for, so your whole neck is packed in gauze. But the pressure on the still very sore wound, makes you let out a soft whimper.
Touya groans, grabbing a hold of your thighs and pulling you down against his cock. You moan and you can feel his cock harden at the noise. Katsuki is still bend over you, with his lips making contact with your wound, and the sudden motion from Touya makes Katsukis' teeth scratch the bandage. You cry out, and once again they exchange a glance, an all-knowing glance. Like they can read each other’s minds. Like there is so much you don't know, and maybe they'll never tell you.
“The point angel, is to show you a side of yourself you don’t even know exist. Don’t deny that you enjoy the pain, that you enjoy the excruciating pleasure. The heightening of the pleasure, with just a bit of pain. Or maybe a lot. I think you can take it. We’ll just have to train you, to behave like a good little doll.” He leans closer, as his words makes you squirm.
His words make you so damn desperate, but you fight to keep your composure. Trying to make sure the guys don’t figure it out. Even though it seems like they already have. How the hell do they know you better than you know yourself? Right. They fucking spied on you. What do they know? What don’t they know? It’s a weird question. How much can someone you have just met know about you, but at the same time. They’re in the league of villains. They could probably get all the information in the world, if they wanted.
“Someone’s excited, huh?” Katsuki says with his face right above yours, you stare into his crimson red eyes. They’re so intense, studying your face, remembering every detail, getting all your secrets from just your face. You’re breathless as he keeps looking, your heart beats faster, your breath gets shallow, you get nervous. It’s so intense, nothing like anything you have experienced before. How can a look have you feeling so much? How can his eyes have you feeling so desperate?
“Maybe we should help them out of this?” Touya says and breaks the moment between you and Katsuki. You acknowledge what you’re wearing, it’s a big black shirt with a white skull on it, it must be one of theirs, cause it’s definitely not yours. It doesn’t take long for you to realize, you’re not wearing any underwear. Which mean Touya has had free access to your pussy this whole time. You gulp and your eyes meet his, he’s smirking knowing exactly what you’re thinking.
“Is this what you want me to do.” He reaches a hand down to your cunt, slowly inserting one of his digits. You whimper, as his one finger slowly suit the ache in your core.
“God your soaked, you think I can just,” He slips another finger in easily, and you moan at the feeling of getting stretched on his long digits. A smile curls his lips, he’s got an idea. And probably not a nice one.
“What?” You express, trying to figure out what he’s thinking. But you can’t read a single of his emotions.
“Oh, just a little test.” His smirk gets bigger, and a quick burst of heat spread in your pussy. You moan and look down to figure out what just happened. It happens again. A hot burst of warmth, on the edge of pain. But it stops just before it hurts. You move up on your elbows, to look down at Touyas fingers. The feeling comes again, and you see light coming from your cunt.
That fucking bastard. He’s using his quirk. In You. He’s playing with his flames in your pussy. The fucking problem is… that it feels good. How the hell does that feel good? Don’t tell him. Don’t admit that what he’s doing is working.
It doesn’t matter, he already knows. A knowing grin on his face. As he does it again, and he can feel your pussy clench around his finger. You whimper as the flames stay a little longer this time, starting to burn. But even though it should hurt like, hell. The feeling is amazing. The pain, it makes his fingers feels so much better.
You look up at Katsukis’ face, his eyes are focused on where Touya is penetrating you. Staring at your drenched pussy. He licks his lips, and his gaze moves to catch yours.
“Maybe we should finally do the thing we talked about?” He is clearly talking to Touya, the two men’s gazes are on you, but they’re talking like you’re not there.
“Lets.” Touya responds and withdraws his fingers, as you whimper at the loss. Touya stand up, quickly making work of his clothes, and laying down on his back. His legs are bended over the edge of the bed, clearly a plan in mind, but you can’t figure it out. His cock stands straight up, making you gulp at the sheer size. Oh, to have him inside you.
“Get on angel.” Touya commands, and you don’t waste any time to get on. “No, the other way.” You obey and get on cowgirl style, facing Touya. You grab his cock making his tip hit the outside of your pussy. You slowly sink down, moan and whimpering as he lets you take it at your own speed. When you’ve gotten halfway, you stop. You feel so full, there is no way in hell that you’re getting him the rest of the way in.
“Come on angel, a little more.” You whimper as you press yourself down, only get a little bit more. Not near enough for him to bottom out. “You gotta do everything yourself.” He mumbles and takes a hold of your hips. “Deep breath.” He states to you, and you do as he says. He thrust his hips into you, bottoming out. You scream as his cock hits your cervix, and you fall forward following the rough treatment. You’re gasping for air. You feel so fucking full, like you’re getting split down the middle.
“Your turn.” Touya declares, and before you get to react, you can feel a presence behind you. Katsuki bends down, putting his lips next to your ear.
“This is gonna hurt, but your gonna enjoy it.” He whispers against your ear, and he stands back straight. He presses a hand down on your back, your pussy is filled with Touya, but he doesn’t seem to care. He presses his tip against you pussy, making you whimper as he presses the tip in. You scream. Fuck your full, and he is not even half in. God they can’t both fit. It’s not going to fit. It’s just not.
“It’s not gonna fit.” You whimper, but Katsuki just chuckles.
“I’ll make it fit angel, don’t worry.” You can’t protest, it feels so good. So, fucking good. But god, they’re going to tear you in half. They’re going to kill you. But fuck that. You’re going out at the top. You’re going out screaming. Hopefully in pleasure.
“Angel will make it feel good, just relax.” The soft grip of Touyas' hand around you chin as he says his calming words, makes you relax. Okay, okay. This is going to be okay. No need to worry.
You scream as Katsuki slams into you, bottoming out in a single thrust. You’re gasping and on the verge of tears. Fuck it feels good. But god it hurts. You are being stretched in a way, that’s not human. Not normal. This wasn’t on your to do list last year. Not even yesterday. This was never something you had even thought of trying, but the feeling of being so full. Getting stretched so good. You never wanna stop.
The switch wasn’t something you expected. You want to continue, this isn’t something you don’t want to do. This is something that’s perfect for the situation. But good you’re not sure they’ll be able to move. You’re filled to the brim. They should be able to move, it is probably not possible.
Katsukis voice is low, a soft groan escaping his lips. He’s trying to control his breathing, he’s doing everything in his power not to cum right there. In your tight, wet pussy. Fuck he has never felt something so good. You’re perfect. Perfect for them. Their good little angel.
“You need more time to adjust?” Touyas’ voice is soft, he cares, he brushes a lock of hair out of your face. You shake your head, and a smile wider than anything you have seen before, breaks out on his face.
“Good doll.” Katsukis’ hand reaches around and grabs your throat, pulling you up. As your sit up Touyas cock hits your cervix again, and you moan at top volume. Katsukis’ hand presses harder at you throat and you quiet down.
“You want the whole building to hear?” He chuckles, and a rush of embarrassment floods over you.
“They can hear us?” You say barely above a whisper. The boys laugh, and their unison decision is to pump their cocks further into you. You scream, and you’re sure everybody is going to be able to hear you. But the feeling of the boys’ cocks, make you not give a fuck. And so what if someone hear? They can enjoy your moans, and if it bothers them, then they can leave.
“What did you think about?” Touya pulls you out of the thought, you blush and look down.
“Oh… nothing.”
“Right, nothing, cause “nothing” makes you clench around us like your life depends on it.” His voice makes you even more embarrassed.
“We’re not shaming you, we just wanna know, maybe we can fulfil the fantasy?” Katsuki continues and you mumble something none of them hears.
“Speak up angel, you gotta speak up.” Touya commands in a soft voice, but you know you don’t have a choice.
“I… Was Thinking About Other Hearing Us!” You yell as quickly as possible, closing your eyes and pretending to now exist. The boys are quiet for a second, before Katsuki pulls you head back so he can look down at you, as your head is bend backwards.
“You want someone to hear? What about watch? They don’t get to touch, but they can look. They can look at us fuck you, and hope they get a turn. But they won’t cause your ours, get that?” You nod eagerly, he takes a hold of your hair and pulls your further back. You instinctively open your mouth, and he smirks.
“You gotta answer angel, you want someone to watch? Look at your perfect body. Look at how well you take our cocks?” Touya elaborates. You think for a few seconds, as you debate the pros and cons. It would be fucking hot, you would be off limits, maybe they would like just watching. But to be on display? Maybe it would just be weird. You like they idea. But would you like the real thing?
“I don’t know.” You admit, and the feeling of failure washes over you.
“That’s not a problem, we’ll figure it out. We can try it at some point, not now. Now it’s just and your sweet pussy.” Katsuki let’s go of your hair and lets you look down at Touya. His eyes are dark, his normally so light blue eyes, have turned almost black as he looks at you. He looks hungry, like he can’t wait for whatever is about to happen.
“Ready?” Katsuki says, and you’re just about to nod, as you realize he’s talking to Touya.
“More than, you wanna start?” Touya ask, and before you hear an answer Katsuki pull almost all the way out, and then slams back in you. You scream and a groan comes from Touya as you clench around them.
“I wasn’t ready.” You say between clenched teeth, and Katsuki just chuckles.
“No one asked you angel.” He grins and pulls out again, just slam back in few seconds after. You can feel every vein on his cock, and as his tip hits your g-spot you scream.
“Do I really feel that good?” You know Katsuki is smirking behind you as he says it, and you clench consciously just to make the two boys’ groan.
“Fuck you, that’s mean.” Katsuki gasp and grabs your neck to pull you back again, so he can stare into your eyes.
“Oh really? Cause I just did the same thing as you.” You smile innocently and Katsukis gaze darkens. The intensity in his eyes’ doubles, and maybe teasing him was a bad idea. Because whatever that’s on its way now, is going to turn you into a mess.
“I’m not waiting, we gotta fuck the brat out of them.” He remarks, and as soon as that’s said. He sets a rapid speed pounding into you, as you scream and clench around him. It doesn’t take long for Touya to do that same and start fucking up into you. Their rhythms aren’t the same and it’s worse than if it were. One of them is always hitting your g-spot or your cervix. You’re screaming and the tears are welling up in your eyes. It feels so fucking good, you can’t speak, can’t think. You can’t do anything but take it and scream. The tears have begun to stream down your cheeks, as you whimper and moan.
Their speed doesn’t slow. Their stamina is inane, like machines they just keep it on. You want to stop, want to take a break, but no. You can take this. Take their cocks. Nothing is making you retreat. You got what you wanted. You got them both to fuck you like mad men. And it’s better than you ever imagined. Maybe they are mad man. Not many villains aren’t. But these are your mad men. These two are yours. Your property.
You scream as they keep pumping their cocks in you. You can feel your orgasm nearing. This is going to ruin you. You whole body is tense, your legs are shaking and cramping. You heart is beating at an insane speed. You’re gasping and moaning, barely able to breathe. The tension and the heat building in your abdomen, is such a familiar feeling. But this isn’t going to be a normal orgasm. This one is going to ruin you. These two men are running you. No one will ever be able to touch you like them. No one will ever have that effect on you.
Katsuki and Touya can feel you clenching around them, they know exactly what’s on its way. And they’re not going to stop. Not if you beg, you’re theirs now and you’re going to take everything they have to give. But it may not be today, because both of the boys are already close too. Your moans and whimpers, making them more excited than expected.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You moan, “I’m gonna cum. FUCK!” You almost scream as Touya touches your clit and gently roll it between his fingers.
“Cum for us angel.” That all you need, and you let the orgasm come. You scream and clench as your pussy starts to pulse and cream around their cocks as your orgasm just keeps coming. Your legs are cramping and shaking, and Katsuki must hold them still, so you don’t move too much. Your heart is pounding, and your vision goes white for a second as another wave of your high hits you. You roll your hips against Touyas hips, but none of the boys stop their rhythm, still pumping into you. Making your orgasm never ending.
As you clench a final time around them and fall forward, Katsuki can’t hold it anymore. He cums hard, filling you with his cum, painting your wall white. Stuffing you, and with a final groan he calms down too.
“Please cum in me.” You moan against Touyas’ ear, and he doesn’t need to be told twice. He fills your pussy even more. He thrust hard into you one last time as his last spurt comes, and he’s done too.
Their cum is leaking from you, you pussy is gaping as the two boy pulls out. Leaving you in the bed, whimpering and spent. Katsuki lays down beside you, pulling you into his arms.
“I need to get something from my room, be back in two.” You barely acknowledge Touya leaving, you head is mush. And you can’t even say thank you to Katsuki, you just lay in his arms waiting for Touya to come back.
Touya steps into the room, something in his hand, but you don’t have the energy to really look at it, to figure out what it is.
“Lay still.” Touyas' voice is soft, and something cold is pressed against you pussy. You’re sore and something being pushed into you has you whimpering and crying out. The cold thing gets pushed all the way in. It wasn’t big, just enough to plug your hole.
“Perfect, now everything will stay inside.” Touya chuckles and Katsuki kisses your hair.
“Was it good to be filled by us?” Katsuki asks and you nod, too tired to talk. And before long you're off to dreamland. Dreaming of getting creampied by your two new favourite people.
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Thank you so much for reading this, I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's like my favourite work ever. I hope you enjoyed it. It ended up being a little longer than expected *awkward laugh* Also, have an amazing day, love ya<3 I was kind of thinking about writing the back story to Bakugou. So, we get an inside in what happened and how he turned into a villain. I have some ideas, I was just wondering if people actually wanted to read that? And maybe a second chapter of this one?
Edit: I'm working on the second chapter, because a few people asked for another. So to please the people, in hopefully a few days there will be a second chapter.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 9 months
can you write something about this tiktok (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8jCdyDh/)?? i can see jack or trav doing something like this 😭😭
This has Travis written all over it 😂
"Mama, can I have a snack?", Alex asked as he jumped out of the SUV, dragging his baseball bag behind him.
"Yes, but it has to be a fruit or vegetable", you called after him, "and please pick up your bag, don't drag it on the ground!" He waved back at you, acknowledging that he heard you, but didn't bother to listen.
You had just returned home after a long Sunday morning of little league baseball games while Travis was at practice. You were exhausted from staying up all night making 30 sandwiches for all of the players and chasing after the girls around the baseball field while Alex played.
You groaned as you opened the back door, lifting Savannah out of her booster seat. Somehow in the 20 minute ride back to the house, Laylah and Sav had managed to crush up and drop their goldfish all over the floor, leaving piles of orange dust on the black carpeting.
"Did you guys miss your mouths?" You chuckled, unbuckling Laylah out of her car seat. "Sorry mama", they said in unison before heading inside.
Not wanting to have to deal with the mess during school drop off tomorrow, you grabbed the handheld vacuum out of the garage and began cleaning up the floor.
Travis had gotten home about 30 minutes before you, and when he noticed that you were preoccupied, he realized the perfect opportunity to give you a little scare presented itself.
You didn't hear him sneak up on you, the sound of the vacuum concealing his creeping footsteps.
"Hey!" You jumped as you felt his large hands on your sides, shrieking and swinging your arms wildly because your body thought you were being attacked.
"AHH! Get away from me!" Travis groaned as the plastic vacuum hose connected with the side of his face, falling to the ground when you kicked him in the balls, running away as quickly as you could.
"Oh my god." He gritted out between his teeth, writhing around on the driveway in pain.
Once you realized it was your husband and not a kidnapper, you walked back to the car, a scowl on your face.
"What the hell are you doing, Trav?"
He got up slowly, cupping his crotch, trying to take a few breaths. "I was just trying to have some fun and scare you. Didn't know you'd use your karate moves on me."
"Are you ok, baby? I'm sorry, I went into fight or flight mode."
"Nope, no flight, all fight. I'm glad we've had all of our children, because there is no way my balls work anymore." You giggled, covering your mouth.
"Come on, I'll get you an ice pack."
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bingo square: out of their league with tasm!peter using prompt 3.
i know one of the things about peter is he’s unaware of how appealing he is but i have idea stuck in my head
you and peter having been dating for a bit and you’re only familiar with his friends and vice versa like you guys know of each other and have exchanged greetings in passing but have never had the opportunity to get to know you
so when the opportunity does present itself (maybe at a party?) they’re stunned by everything they’ve learned about you and your personality basically a ‘woah our friend is great but your woah’ and he gets somewhat possessive and jealous
i like the idea of sitting on peter’s lap and teasing him until he lets you cockwarm him or the party dies down and barely anyone is there and he fucks you with his friends hearing (or watching 👀) and it ends with you leading him out the door to go home and your both marked up with hickeys and he has your lipstick on him + peter telling his friends that he knows he got lucky and how it’s something they’ll never about
—𓆩[cupid’s arrow]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! Rich! Cheerleader! Girlfriend! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, maybe slight angst?
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.2K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You were surprised when you found out that Peter fucking Parker was single, and you quickly fixed that. It was a surprise to everyone, especially him, when they found out you were interested in him - the head cheerleader and a physics nerd? Even then though, when a party occurs and his friends get to know more about you and think you’re so fucking cool — a wasted Peter gets jealous of how much they have your attention.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing & foul language || definitely mixed up multiverses with friends, and added more || reader is reader wears makeup and revealing clothing || the nerd and the cheerleader trope has my heart || reader calls father ‘daddy’ nonsexually || party || shotgunning || reader smokes || drugs and alcohol || Peter really gets into this party mood because you’re having so much fun, therefore he gets wasted because he drinks and smokes || public groping & grinding || cock warming in public || slight voyeurism and exhibitionism? || marking kink || creampie || riding || multiple orgasms || multiple positions ||
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“I think… we should go eat here for lunch,” you suggest, looking up at him as he stares down at you, the glasses on his face falling down his nose making you giggle, pushing them up. “Sounds good, right? I know high-end isn’t really your scene, but daddy’s friend just opened it up and the sushi looks like it’s to die for.”
“I-I uhm… I think that sounds good, I just got paid so-” he paused when you started giggling, looking down at you confused. “What’s wrong?”
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“You don’t have to pay, sweetie. I don’t even have to pay, daddy has a tab there and we can get whatever we want. Besides, I have no practice today, so we have time!”
He smiled, but sighs. “When do I get to treat you, hm? It’s… it’s not fair. We always go to your house, your spots… I don’t get to do anything for you.”
You sit up, your shirt riding up your tummy and your skirt exposing your thighs. “What do you mean? Am… am I doing something wrong? I-I know I have problems with taking over things, am I doing that? I’m sorry-”
He shakes his head, quickly cupping your face. “No honey, of course not… it’s just, I don’t think it’s fair. I never get to spoil you… or bring you to my apartment or buy you lunch… Does that make you annoyed? Do I do enough for you?”
You stare at him, jaw slack before you start to laugh. “Peter! Are you insane?! I love you, I don’t care how much you spend on me, I like spending on you. I love going to your apartment, I love Aunt May, but I just like taking you to my house because we have more privacy. I like you living with me, don’t you want to move in with me? I’ve been meaning to ask you that…”
Peter pauses, staring at you. “You want me to move in with you?”
You giggle. “Well yeah… we’ve known each other for years, been dating for two… it’s not that weird, is it?”
He shook his head. “N-No, but… if I move in with you, I need to help with your bills and stuff. I’m not going to let you pay for everything.”
You laugh. “Peter, why would I let you pay for something I don’t even pay for? You… just have to stay with me,” you slowly move to sit in his lap, pushing back his hair as you giggled. “And love me. Besides, you would be the best boyfriend ever if you moved in with me.”
He hummed, nodding as he pulled you closer. “I will, honey, I will. I’ll do anything you want me to.”
You giggle, tugging on his hair. You had him wrapped around your finger, and you loved it just as much as you loved him. You pulled him closer, about to press a kiss to his lips before someone yelled his name. “Peter? Peter, oh my god, hey!”
You pulled away, smiling when you saw Gwen. “Oh, it’s Gwen. You should talk to her, invite your friends out to lunch with us!”
Peter almost groaned when he saw Gwen, Ned, MJ, and Harry walking toward them. He loved them, he did, but fuck could they leave? He was about to be kissed by you until he couldn’t breathe and your lipstick stained his lips, could they go? “Oh, hey guys!”
“Peter, we haven’t seen you in a while! Hey Y/N!” Gwen looks at you as you pull your legs under your butt, smiling at her.
“Hey Gwen! How are you guys, have y’all eaten lunch? Peter and I were just about to go.”
“Oh no, we just came from lunch, but thank you! How are y’all?” She sits down, the rest following as you shrug.
“We’re good! Peter and I were just talking about how he’s going to move in with me soon” you answer, humming. “I’m thinking next Friday. Oh, and we can have a party too! You guys should come, it’s going to be a… Peter's welcome party!”
MJ hummed. “You like to party, don’t you?”
“Oh who doesn't!” You giggled, humming. “It’ll be great! Besides, my parties are always the best, you guys should really come!”
Peter smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I know it’s been a while since we’ve all gone to a party together… what do y’all think?”
Gwen hums, looking back at everyone as they nod. “Okay! We’ll come.”
You smiled, looking back at Peter. “Perfect.”
It didn’t take Peter long to move in. Aunt May was happy he was getting out of the house, and you were even more happy to have him living with you. He was sleeping in your now shared bed every night, sometimes with his cock shoved deep inside of your cunt and twisting up your guts from how big he was.
Tonight though was Peter Parker’s Welcome Home party. He was home, finally he was home with you, where you have wanted him since you both started dating. Your now shared house was filled with sweaty teens, drunk or high off their asses as you sat with Peter and his friends in the living room, giggling along with Gwen as you held a joint between your fingers.
“You’re lying!” MJ was cackling as she clutched her book, staring at Peter. “Peter fucking Parker chased you down to ask for your number?”
“Yes!” You giggle, covering your mouth to hide your smile as Peter pressed his face into the back of your neck, slurring words into your skin before leaning into your hand and taking a long drag from the joint. “I told him he was hot at the subway station, then of course I had to catch my subway, and then he chased me all the way into the car and had to take a whole other subway to get back to where he wanted to go!”
Gwen laughs as Peter exhaled the smoke against your skin, your body hot even though so much skin was exposed in the skimpy dress you wore that barely went past down your ass and cut low on your chest, and even had a triangle piece of fabric missing from the bottom of your braless tits and lace black underwear. His hands ran along your bare skin as you giggled, leaning into his form as he started pressing lazy, open mouthed kisses to your neck.
“Peter! Why didn’t you introduce us to Y/N earlier, she’s amazing!” Ned laughed as you inhaled deeply with the joint in your mouth, mind going hazy before Peter pulled you back to kiss him.
You exhaled into his mouth, smoke flooding out from where your mouths weren’t connected and his hands groped at your tits. You groaned, humming as he took the joint from your fingers adorned with long acrylics and the base pressed to the thin satin that covered your tits.
“And that’s our cue to leave,” Gwen voiced out, everyone agreeing as you pulled Peter closer.
You groaned against his lips as you tried to turn around, desperate for more of his kisses before he pulled away, his mouth smeared with your lipstick. It was your signature color, one you wore everyday, and it looked fucking amazing on him.
You looked down at the joint in his hand, the fact the two of you were almost done with it saying something. “Want some more, spider boy?” You whisper, grabbing his wrist and taking a long inhale before blowing it into his face and licking his fingers. You hummed loudly, sucking his middle finger into your mouth like a lollipop as you take the joint in your other hand, pulling his finger down your throat before pulling away and moving to his pointer, sucking on the tip before forcing yourself to gag on it, pulling away to see the thick string of saliva. “The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can have some more fun.”
This specific joint was the one you were saving. It wasn’t Peter’s first time, mainly because it didn’t affect him, but this one did because it was of higher quality and had certain things you had disclosed to him before. You told him it was called ‘Cupid’s Arrow’, a stupid name but one that suited the joint filled with aphrodisiacs and a cherry flavored strain and he agreed immediately because of how excited you were.
You didn’t smoke very often, only on special occasions, and today was one of them.
It didn’t take long for you both to finish the joint, Peter slipping the remainder into a drink next to him as your lips continued their assault on his own, tongue pushing into his mouth and lipstick smearing all over his lips. He whined as you pulled away, humming as you tilted your head back and his mouth pressed against your neck before you gasped.
“Peter! I love this song, come on!” You tugged him off the comfort of the couch, a smile on his stained lips even though his boner was on show before you tugged him in front of you to firmly press against your body. “Dance with me, Peter.”
You’re both pushed together even closer from the rest of the sweaty bodies around you, but they knew better than to get close to you and Peter. He turned you around, his hands holding your hips as he bent his knees to press his cock between your thighs, his erection poking into your soaked panties as your hands pushed behind your head to hold his and pull him even closer.
It doesn’t take long for the drugs to actually kick in, mixing with the alcohol, your body finally cooling down as you rocked your hips back into Peter’s. He groaned loudly into your ear, hands shaking as they pushed underneath the fabric that barely covered your chest, groping and letting his fingertips swipe over your hard nipples.
You groaned loudly as you tilted your head back, your body starting to grow hot as you rocked into him with urgency, the feeling of his large, blunt tip rubbing against your pussy too much to handle. You whined loudly as he pulled you closer, desperate to feel your body against his as you groaned into his mouth when he pulled you in for a kiss. He pulled away to press firm kisses to your neck, smearing the same lipstick he had on his lips against your skin as you pulled out that same golden, expensive tube and a handheld mirror to reapply it.
His reflection caught your eye, his mouth pressing firmly to your neck and sucking against your skin while groping at your tits from underneath your dress. You tilted your head back as you slip the tube and mirror back into the waistband of your dress, eyes rolling back as his thumbs slid over your hard nipples and his hot mouth sucking against your skin made everything hazy.
Neither of you registered the people around you, your mouth pressing kisses to his cheek before sucking hickies against his jaw, slight saltiness from the thin sheen of sweat on both of your bodies. Both of you were grinding against each other like there was no tomorrow, the tip of his cock rubbing against your clothed sex making your body even hotter.
“Fuck,” you cursed, groaning as he squeezed at your tits before slowly guiding you both back to the couch where you straddled his thighs and were quick to unbutton his pants. You tugged the zipper down as you set your lipstick and mirror down on the table as he easily slipped off your underwear, throwing it to the side as you pushed yourself up so you could guide his cock into you.
This wasn’t the first time the two of you had raw sex, but it was definitely the first time you were both high off your asses. “Wait, wait,” you whisper, balancing yourself by holding his chest. “Is this okay?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, nodding vigorously. “More than okay. So much more than okay.”
You giggled as you leaned forward, pressing your lips against his as he slowly pushed his cock between your legs, letting his blunt tip slide up and down your slit before finally pushing up into you. Your head falls back, groans echoing around the room as he bucked his hips.
You felt wetter than you’ve ever been, your cunt squelching as he slowly pushed into you, his face pressed against your neck as he groaned loudly. He gasped as you slowly began to sink down on him, your pretty face scrunched in all the right ways and tears pricking your eyes made him groan loudly, his hips bucking into you.
He didn’t even know that he came until you felt something inside of you, that same sticky feeling flooding down your thighs as you groaned, attempting to push lower on his cock as he grunted. “Did you just cum?”
He pauses, looking down. “I-I think so…”
“But you’re still hard?” You whispered, ducking down to kiss his neck and continue sucking on his skin. “Guess that Cupid’s Arrow really did something, huh baby?”
He hummed, nodding. “I swear, you feel so much fucking better than I could ever imagine. I don’t know if it’s the drugs or if it’s you, but I swear I can fucking feel everything.”
You giggled. “You’re sure it’s not your spidey senses?”
He groaned, shaking his head as he held your hips and angled his own to thrust up into you with a loud groan. “N-No, my… my spidey-sex-drive is up or something… I feel everything, your pussy clenching and all of your slick dripping down my cock… I swear I can feel you stretch out with every thrust. Please, please I need to fuck you so bad.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing?” You whisper, one of his hands pushing up the chest area of your dress and letting your tits fall out. He pauses his thrusting, making you whine, grabbing a folded blanket to throw it over your shoulders.
“I need more. Fucking hell, I need to feel as much as I can of you, but this body is only mine to see. You’re mine.”
You groaned into his ear, gasping as you held the back of his head, rocking your hips into his to match every thrust. You could barely think about anything else but his cock ramming into you, the almost infinite feeling of riding your orgasm making your mind blurry. Have you cum yet? Peter always knew when you came, he would feel a lightning bolt down his spine and would giggle softly, but with the amount he was shaking in pleasure you didn’t know.
You could feel his cock being easily let into your deepest parts, the aphrodisiacs must’ve had something to do with loosening you up and making arousal spew from you like a fountain. Or maybe it was cum? Who knew at this point, you couldn’t think of anything else but Peter who was covered in your lipstick and hickies, his cock buried inside of you, balls deep and his cum leaking out of your pussy before he pounded it straight back in.
He groaned into your neck, gasping as another shock ran down his back, his hands slamming you down on his cock as you panted into his ear. “F-Fuck, Y/N, I can’t stop… I can’t stop my hips, I can’t stop fucking you.”
You shake your head against his neck, whimpering. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
Your body was hot, the only relief was his cock inside of you and you didn’t want it to stop anytime soon. You didn’t care that you both were fucking mid-party, it was your house, your couch, your boyfriend. If anyone had a problem with it, they could leave.
You gasped as he grabbed your hips, flipping the two of you over so you were on your back, his hands sliding a pillow under your hips to support you before going straight back to your tits. You groaned as you pushed your hands under his shirt, the blanket covering both of your bodies as his mouth stayed on yours, barely pulling away to even breathe.
Peter couldn’t help it, whatever the hell was in that joint made him infatuated. His hips thrusted as hard as he could, desperate to be inside of you as much as he could while you rocked your hips to match his thrusts, desperate to reach a climax in your high. You had cum at least three times from what Peter could actually process, but like him, the permanent high of ecstasy wasn’t enough when the both of you needed to hit that climax.
Your moans filled his ears as the couch started to creak, his mouth hot on your neck and collarbone to mark you up as though someone would try to take you. He couldn’t stop leaving all those hickies all over your body, how could he when everyone needed to know you belonged to him? Besides, after this and everyone seeing him fuck you until you saw stars, everyone would definitely know he was your boyfriend, soon to be fiancée as soon as he found the perfect ring for you.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist, your thrusts meeting his as his cock slammed into you, wet slaps and squelches filling the room that could’ve been full of spectators — not that either of you cared.
You didn’t know when he stopped, panting above you as you hold his head and rake your fingers through his hair, admiring the mess of hickies and lipstick marks that you left. You pulled him down for another firm kiss, humming as you pulled away and he followed your lips. “We should get a dog.”
He laughed, titling his head to the side to press kisses to your neck, seeing all of his friends in the corner gaping at you both. “Whatever you want, honey.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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redtsundere-writes · 7 months
Out Of My League | Kayn Shieda / Rhaast
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heartsteel!kayn shieda / Rhaast x f!reader
Part 3: Skillcurve.
Part 1. Part 2. Part 4.
Sypnosis: A chronically online girl goes bowling with Heartsteel and ¿her boyfriend? Contents: fluff. Friends to lovers. A couple of dumbasses. Flirting. PDA. Word Count: 2876 words. Author's Note: I really like writing about Kayn cause I´m kinning so hard, I don't know it's bad or good. Requested by: @lovewhatsnotreal
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After Kayn satisfied his need to kiss you until sucking your soul out, both returned to the auditorium holding hands. The Heartsteel members quickly realized what had happened once they noticed the pale red hickey on your neck. They were a bit surprised to find out what you were willing to do at school but they were still happy for you two. Yone was proud of you for achieving your goal, but he was disappointed in your indecency. 
Your love for each other was as young as the night and it was barely starting. While you were aware of Kayn's rebellious and reckless personality, you were unaware that his driving mirrored those traits. On the way to the bowling alley, he had run 5 red lights, 7 stop signs and almost ran over a woman. The entire ride you spent praying and holding on to your seat belt as if your life depended on it. Let me correct that, your life DID depend on it. 
Everyone had arrived at the bowling alley, including the captain of the volleyball team who didn’t want to leave Yone's side. “It seems that Kayn wasn't lying,” you thought, relieved when you saw how the girl forcibly hugged Yone's arm but he was just shooting disapproving glances at her. Ezreal was excited to finally be able to rest after weeks of rehearsals leading up to the talent show. K'Sante and Sett were arguing about who was going to have the highest score at bowling while Aphelios just listened to them even though he knew who was going to win: Him.
While Yone and Aphelios paid for the hours everyone would be playing, the others ordered snacks and drinks stupidly in the restaurant bar of the place. 
"I want some nachos with extra cheese, extra beef and… extra everything!" Kayn asked excitedly. He hadn't eaten all day because he had forgotten to do so out of jealousy. 
"What do you want, beautiful?" He asked you before snaking his arm around your waist. 
"I’m good," you said shyly.
You really didn't have much of an appetite being surrounded by strangers. You weren't afraid of the people you didn’t know because you knew, for what you had heard from Kayn and Yone, that they are good people. Yet, you couldn't shake the shame away. You had to know them better to be able to trust them. 
"And chicken nuggets!" Kayn shouted so that the cashier could include that in the order. 
Everyone got their shoes. Sett helped Aphelios tie his shoelaces like the prince he is. The captain, seeing this, asked Yone to do the same but he flatly refused. Having his shoes on, Ezreal began to dance to check that they were tied properly. You and Kayn just watched him and laughed at him because he looked funny. 
Everyone was playing in their respective turns. You asked to be the last because you had never played in your life. Not having many friends, you had not had the opportunity to do things that other kids your age usually do for fun, such as going to karaoke, going to the arcade, or skipping class. Your life used to consist of playing League, practicing your guitar skills, and aimlessly surfing the vast web. Maybe that would change now that Kayn was your boyfriend... only if he asked you.
Even though Kayn confessed and kissed you, you didn't know exactly what he wanted from you. Did he want you to be his girlfriend, his lover, his friend with benefits or was this just going to be a situationship? You wanted to ask him where you stood with him but this wasn't the right time. 
"You may be better than me at playing League but you won’t beat me in this," Kayn said with a proud smile. 
Kayn is very competitive. He loves to compete and that is why he usually turns everything into a competition. Even the most ridiculous thing can become a competition if he puts his mind to it: seeing who can fold a burrito the fastest or who can stay awake the longest.
You rolled your eyes at his statement but didn't look away to watch how you were supposed to play, since you didn't have the slightest idea what you were supposed to do. Kayn took one of the heavier balls, stood in front of the throwing line, swung the bowling ball back to create momentum, and then threw it so that it glided fluidly down the lane. The ball knocked out all the pins with one shot. Strike. 
"HOT DAMN!" Kayn exclaimed, showing off his satisfying shot. 
“Oh wow, it's Faker” you thought. Aphelios indicated with his finger that it was your turn, so you approached the throwing line. Kayn smiled at you as you approached him to exchange turns. 
"You got it, cutie." He said before spanking you. The colors rushed to your face instantly. 
"Hey!" You barked embarrassed. He just stuck his tongue out at you and scooted away to watch you throw.
You took a deep breath to ignore what Kayn had done. You approached the bowling balls station. The balls came in various sizes and colors. You decided to take one just because it was your favorite color and stood in front of the line again. You replayed in your mind how Kayn had launched his shot and tried to imitate it as best as possible with the best aim. Your ball ended up deflecting into the left channel. 
Kayn poke fun at your missed shot as you blushed. You felt like a humiliated tomato. You went back to the ball station to grab another one. You took a deep breath and tried again but the ball fell back into the same channel. You dropped your head in surrender as Kayn laughed harder. Aphelios came over to smack the back of his head for mocking while Sett approached you. 
"You don't know how to play, do you?" Sett asked empathetically. 
"It's the first time I play," you declared embarrassed. Kayn stopped laughing upon hearing that. Now he felt bad for making fun of a rookie. 
"Don't worry, I can teach you," Sett offered. He had done it partly out of kindness and because Aphelios asked him via chat. Kayn did not hesitate to interject. 
"I'm better at playing, I think I can teach my girlfriend," Kayn reproached the big man. 
You frowned at the title he gave you. Not because you didn't want to be his girlfriend, but because he hadn't asked you. Maybe you weren't good at reading social parameters but you knew that those kinds of things are asked. At least now you knew what Kayn wanted from you. You decided to get revenge for making fun of you. 
"Girlfriend? Where?" you asked while pretending to look for an imaginary person on the horizon. Kayn was now frowning at you, an expression that made Sett chuckle. 
"I'm talking about you, dummy," he scolded. You stopped, pretending not to understand. 
"Me? I don't remember you asking me," you said while inspecting your nails as if you didn't care. Kayn ground his teeth in frustration. 
"You're mine, I made that hickey," he reproached, pointing at your neck. 
"This? A friend did it to me," you said with an evil smile. Sett burst into laughter. 
"Go fight somewhere else, it's my turn." K'Sante said as he approached you. You gave Kayn a wink to indicate that you were just joking, to which he just shook his head, drawing away from the fact that you were playing with his little heart. You both returned to your seats to wait for the next turn. 
The food arrived minutes later. Ezreal had ordered a little of everything but encouraged everyone to grab from his plate. K'Sante and Sett ate wings as if they had never eaten a bite in their entire lives. Kayn's nachos looked monstrous but appetizing. While he ate, he struck down anyone who even thought of grabbing his food. You were obviously the only exception but you only ate one to try them out and covered your mouth while you did so in shame. 
"Who ordered the nuggets?" asked Yone, who was distributing the food. Kayn, having his mouth full of cheese and meat, only pointed to you so Yone would give them to you. 
"I didn't order this," You told him confusedly as you looked at the nuggets in a plastic basket. Kayn swallowed what was in his mouth to answer you. 
"I ordered them for you," he answered before taking a mouthful of nachos. You were surprised to hear that.
"I know you love nuggets and that you don’t like eating in public, but you must eat," he said, encouraging to eat without feeling embarrassed. You smiled to yourself seeing that he knew you so well and cared about you. You decided to eat the nuggets because he was right, they were your favorite. 
"Strike, baby!" Kayn shouted as the ball knocked down all the pine trees in his next turn. You approached him to follow the turn pattern. 
"I'm going to teach you, so pay attention," he asked as he examined the weights on the balls. 
She picked up a  bowling ball number 10, a ball for the average weight of an adult woman. He gave you the ball to hold and then pulled you towards him so that your back was against his chest. This way you could imitate his movements precisely. His slippery fingers grabbed your wrist and with his other hand he adjusted your back to make sure your posture was straight. 
You blushed as you felt his warm breath tickling your ear. It was the first time you were so close to him with several people watching you around. You swallowed to calm your nerves. 
"Do you see the marks on the floor of the track? Focus on those, not the pines," Kayn explained patiently. You nodded, signaling that you had understood his indication. 
"Good girl, now just follow me," he asked.
He forced you to move your arm and legs back to create momentum. They then walked forward while you swung your arm in the same direction to shoot. As he had promised, the ball hit the second row of pine trees and caused them all to fall in a domino effect. You smiled when you saw the result. 
"I made a strike!" You exclaimed happily as you raised your arms in victory. Kayn smiled at you seeing you so excited and imitated you in celebration. 
"Thank you. I teach on Thursdays," he said with a mischievous smile. 
"How much is it for private lessons?" you asked, playing along. 
"Just a couple of kisses," He purred before pulling you by the waist and kissing your smile. He gently held your chin as he guided you to paradise with his lips. 
"Get a room! There are people who did come to play!" Ezreal scolded before throwing an empty soda can at Kayn's head. The pink-haired boy turned to glare at him. You just laughed, blushing. 
"Thank you for inviting me," you thanked the members of Heartsteel once they were ready to go home.
Ezreal said it was a pleasure and all the boys said goodbye to you. Yone advised you to call him if Kayn ended up being detained by the police before heading to his car with the captain. Your date took you by the hand back to the car so he could take you home “safe and sound.”  
They got into the car and you melted into the seat from the exhaustion caused by social interactions. Kayn massaged your shoulder from the driver's seat and told you that you did a good job. You smiled weakly at the compliment. You had really had a good time, you just weren't used to having so many people around you. 
Kayn turned on the car's interior lights and reached for something in the back seat. You looked at him confused. He brought a makeup bag with him as soon as he sat up straight again. 
"Are you going to touch-up your makeup?" you asked curiously. 
"You're the one who needs a touch-up. I'm not going to let your mom see that hickey," Kayn said seriously. 
You instinctively covered your neck as soon as you remembered the mark he had given you that afternoon after confessing. You looked in the visor mirror to check the severity of the mark. You were relieved to see that it was a pale red shade and not purple. Kayn approached you to inspect the mark and adjust your neck to begin covering it. 
"I'm going to apply concealer," he said before reaching his hand into his small makeup bag. 
"I didn't know you wore makeup," you commented without moving your neck. 
"Do you think all this beauty is natural?" Kayn joked as he applied the product to your neck.
"Eh... yes," you giggled. 
"Well, you're right. I'm too beautiful for this world, but sometimes I get pimples on my face," he joked while blending the product with a makeup sponge. 
You laughed at his comment. Kayn smiled to himself seeing that you weren't surprised or made fun of him for wearing makeup. In his life he had come across people who had distanced themselves from him just because they knew that he wore eyeliner, he was happy that you were not like them. You weren't really surprised by this because Rhaast would sometimes call you while he was painting his hair or nails, so it was safe to say that he did more than just his eyeliner. 
"I did my makeup today thinking it would surprise you but I see that you are better than me at it," You said, feeling a bit silly for feeling like a makeup artist just because your eyeliner was symmetrical. 
"You look beautiful," he flattered you. You still weren't used to him saying those things to you, but you would soon. He finished covering the hickey with translucent powder over the concealer so it wouldn't sweat away on the way home. You thanked him when he finished and he replied that it wasn't a problem. 
After a crazy car ride while listening to his favorite songs at excessively high volume, Kayn finally parked in front of your building. You wanted to stay with him longer but you both needed to rest after a hectic day full of emotions. 
"Thank you for driving me," You said before leaving a kiss on his cheek. 
You were going to move away but Kayn's hand on your neck didn't allow you. He clenched your jaw slightly to keep you close to him while he kissed your entire face. He also wanted to stay with you longer. If you lived alone, he would have stayed the night to make the most of every moment with you. The only thing stopping him was that he now had a couple of in-laws who wouldn't be too happy with that idea. 
Your hands briefly ran over his chest until they reached his shoulders to feel him closer to you. Kayn tilted his head to deepen the kiss, an intimate and profound expression of affection that transcended the surface. The safe feeling in his chest every time he kissed you made him drift into a peace that he hadn't felt in a long time. He was sure that he had found the person with whom he wanted to have a thousand and one adventures. 
You detached from each other when both started to lack air and a thin trail of saliva briefly connected you. Kayn wiped your lips with his thumb to release your face and take your hand. Both smiled upon the realization that you were finally together, well, now you were closer than ever. 
"I've never wanted to be someone's boyfriend so bad," Kayn whispered to you as his fingers gently played with yours. Brushing your skin with his fingertips, wishing you could touch each other like this later in your relationship. 
"Can I?" He asked before kissing the back of your hand. 
It was something you had only heard in your deepest dreams, now it is your new reality. Kayn loved you the same way you loved him. You smiled at his interesting proposal. 
"Only if you promise me you won't break up with me in a month," you joked. Kayn rolled his eyes at that tasteless joke. 
"I'll break up with you when hell freezes," he said between joking and serious. 
"You convinced me, I accept," You said before planting a kiss on your nose. 
Kayn got out of the car and walked around it to get to your door to open it. He helped you down and walked you to the entrance of your building. You said goodbye to each other and then you entered. As soon as you disappeared from Kayn's sight, you started jumping excitedly to your apartment. You did! You were officially Kayn's girl! All your hard work had paid off and you felt like you would explode with excitement. Because of your strange burst of energy and the makeup, your parents didn't even realize that a handsome vampire had bitten you.
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Order your own fanfic! (Starting price: $5 USD)
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ofstarsandvibranium · 7 months
Always On the Sidelines
Fandom: Ted Lasso
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x F!Reader
Summary: You and Jamie became close after training with the same trainer to get into the football league. However, an injury prevented you from fulfilling that dream, so you resorted to cheering Jamie on from the sidelines.
A/N: this ended up being almost 3k words because i refused to split this into two parts. omfg.
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You and Jamie met because of your trainer. He double booked you and him so he decided you could just train together. It worked out so well that you two requested to continue to train with one another. Your trainer found it odd, but seeing how well you complemented each other, he relented. That's how you and Jamie became best friends.
Jamie was working to get on Man City's team and you wanted to be on the Chelsea team. You'd admitted that you wanted to be like Roy Kent. You and Jamie shared the same admiration for the man.
However, you never got your chance. A torn ACL ruined your opportunity. You were heartbroken, but that never stopped you from supporting your best friend from the sidelines.
"WHAT THE FUCK, REF?!" you shouted as a penalty was called on Jamie. He and his teammates were shouting at the referee.
Keeley, Jamie's new girlfriend, watched you in amusement, "Didn't know you were into football like that."
You snort, "I was supposed go pro. That's how Jamie and I met, we had the same trainer. But I fucked up my leg and never got a chance."
Keeley looks at you with pity, "I'm sorry."
You shrug, "It's alright. I've accepted it, but it hasn't kept me away from the game. Clearly," you gesture to yourself and the pitch.
An hour later and the game is over. Man City won, no surprise.
You and Keeley went to the locker room to see Jamie. As soon as he saw you two, he came rushing over.
"There she is!" you prepared yourself to be tackled by Jamie like usual, but instead, he goes straight to Keeley. Of course. She's his girlfriend. Not you. Never you.
You knew you had feelings for Jamie. You had for a long time, but you never acted on them because, well, he just deserves so much better than you, a failed pro footballer. Keeley, she's much more suited for him. They make a great couple and despite wishing to be in Keeley's shoes, you don't hate her. She's so amazing and didn't see you as a threat when Jamie introduced you to her.
After spinning Keeley around, Jamie sets her down and presses a hungry kiss to her lips. You look away awkwardly.
When he pulls away, he smiles at you, "You owe me twenty quid."
You scoff, "Oh fuck off! As if you need more money!"
"We made a bet and I won!"
Keeley looks at the both of you confused, "A bet?"
You sigh, pulling out your wallet and placing the money in Jamie's outstretched hand, "We always make a bet to see how many points ahead Man City would win. I said four and Jams said two."
"And we, indeed, win by two. So thank you very much," he kisses the bills in his hand, "We're going for drinks. You comin'?" he asks as he wraps his arm around Keeley's waist.
You shake your head, "Nah."
Keeley pouts, "What? No! You should come!"
Jamie looks at you with concern, "Your leg actin' up again?" He asks that whenever you feel off. Sometimes it does start to hurt and you don't feel like being out for a long time.
"No, it's fine. Just a bit tired." He looks at you unconvinced and you roll your eyes, "Jams, seriously, I'm fine. Go have fun with the boy and," you gesture to Keeley, "makeout with your hot girlfriend."
"Yeah, alright. I'm checking up on you later though."
You roll your eyes again. He's always acted like your protector ever since your injury. It was sweet at first, but it's gotten annoying over time.
"Sure. Whatever," you hold your fist out, "Good game, Jams. Talk to you whenever." He bumps your fist and then you hug Keeley, "Have a good night. Make sure he doesn't get absolutely plastered."
"I'll try my best, babes!" she kisses your cheek and waves as you walk away.
You always felt left behind. After your injury, you watched Jamie and the rest of your friends continue on with their dreams. You were left to alternatives. Jamie continued on to greatness, still in his relationship with Keeley, and slowly leaving you behind.
You'd call and text, all were left unanswered. He stopped leaving tickets for you at the box office for his games. You didn't know what happened or what you did, but you were absolutely heartbroken.
You still watched his matches from the comfort of your home, still supporting him when he was lent to AFC Richmond. Even though he ghosted you, you still supported and cared for him.
Months later, you run into Keeley at a club, a place you usually wouldn't be at, but some coworkers dragged you out with them.
"Y/N!" Keeley squealed, running over and jugging you tight.
"Keeley! Hey! What're you doing here?"
"Just out with some friends! How've you been?!"
"What?" you couldn't hear her over the club's loud music.
You shake your head and slip your hand into hers, pulling her towards the back door.
You step out into the cool air, the door shutting behind you both, but the bass of the music still heard.
"Sorry, I really couldn't hear a thing."
Keeley shrugs, "It's fine," she pats your arm, "How've you been? I asked Jamie about you but he'd brush me off. Did you guys have a fight or something?"
You snort, "I wish. No, he just...ghosted me."
"He what?!"
"Yeah. I tried to get in contact with him, but nothing."
"That prick!"
You shake your head, "It's fi-"
"No, it's not! You were his best friend and you supported him through everything and he just drops you with no explanation!"
"This," you wave around her, "doesn't have to do with you and Jamie breaking up, does it?" Keeley looks at you in surprise and you shrug, "I still like to keep up on what he's doing, despite him ghosting me."
"You don't deserve that."
"And I'm sure whatever Jamie did, you didn't deserve it either, Keeley." You're surprised when she pulls you into a hug, but you just let it happen. She's always been very affectionate.
You suppose that the falling out with Jamie was a blessing in disguise. You may have lost your best friend, but you found a new one in Keeley. She made sure neither of you wallowed in sadness or self-pity. She took you out to fancy restaurants, took you on shopping sprees, you felt spoiled by her despite you objecting every time she offered to buy you something.
You felt like you came to know her pretty well, which meant when she asked you out for coffee, you could tell something was wrong.
"Whatever is going on, Keels, just tell me."
"I just don't want you to hate me."
"Why would I hate you? You're very unhate-able. Even when you were dating Jamie, I couldn't hate you!" Yes, you told her of your feelings towards Jamie. You didn't feel guilty about them anymore since they were no longer together. You admitted that you tried to not like her since she ultimately was in the position that you dreamt of being in, but she was always so nice and welcoming and understanding.
"I'm doing the PR for Richmond now!" she blurts out.
"Um, okay? Congrats and all, but why is this bad?"
"Because I'll be working around Jamie and you hate Jamie."
"Keels, I told you, I don't hate him. I was angry with him at first, yes, but I don't hate him. I don't think I ever cou-"
"Y/N? Keeley?"
You look to see Jamie standing there looking a little dumbfounded. Keeley nervously stands up, "Hey, Jamie? How's it going?"
"Nothin' much," he looks between you and her, "You're friends now?"
"We've always been kind of friends, but, uh, we've gotten a lot closer lately," Keeley replies with a polite smile.
"That's-That's good. Uh-"
"Keels, I think I'm gonna-"
Jamie and Keeley both exclaim in unison making you and everyone in the small cafe freeze for a second.
Jamie steps forward, "Actually, can we talk?"
"Sure," you follow Jamie to sit at a table outside the cafe.
Jamie's twiddling his fingers avoiding your eyes, "So...how are you?"
"I'm alright. You?"
"Could be better, honestly."
It's weird. You never once felt awkward in Jamie's presence, at least when it was the two of you. Now it's like you're strangers, like those years of friendship didn't happen. You never thought you'd end up here like this.
"Listen," Jamie runs his hand through his now blonde hair, "I'm sorry for ghostin' ya. It wasn't right, especially when you did nothin' wrong."
"Then what happened, Jamie? If I didn't do anything wrong, what made you drop me out of nowhere?"
He sighs, "Me dad. He got into me head and said a bunch of bullshit like I shouldn't be hanging around you anymore. That your bad luck would rub off on me. Said me getting transferred to Richmond was your fault because of your bad luck."
You scoff, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest. You never liked James Tartt Sr. From what Jamie told you, he was always an ass, but, for some reason, he still listened to him.
"I know it's not true. It's never been true. You've never been bad luck. But...the old man has always had ways of getting in me head and I just-"
"Ghosted me."
"It was wrong. Fucked up. And Keeley...she asked about you and I'd brush her off. You didn't deserve that."
"No, Jamie, I didn't, especially since I was always there for you. I was always supporting you. Even when you stopped answering my calls and leaving me tickets, I still watched your matches."
Because I love you. "Because you're my best friend."
"I was a prick, but-but I've been doing much better. Punched my dad in the face too."
"Good. He deserves it."
He nods, "So...we good?"
"I suppose. But if you ever do this to me again, Jamie. I'm kicking you so hard in the balls that you'll never procreate."
Jamie winces, "Yeah, alright. I hear ya."
You smirk, and hold your fist out. He bumps it with his and you two share a smile.
Things were back to how they used to be. You and Jamie texted each other every day, grabbed lunch or dinner when you could, you had movie nights, and you were at the games again to cheer Jamie on.
You cackle when Jamie hands you a kit like his, "What's this for?"
"You still collect every version of my kits, yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll wear this now," you pull it over your long sleeve and do a twirl, "How do I look?"
"Fucking fit," he murmurs looking you up and down. He then clears his throat, "Um, I, gotta go. Coach does this meaningful speech before each game."
"Yeah okay. See you after then. Good luck, Jams!" you hold your fist out and he bumps it.
You watch as he walks to the locker room and you're startled when Keeley scurries over to you, "Oh. My. God! He's into you, babes!"
You look at her confused, "What? No, he isn't."
"He called you fit and he was totally checking you out! He had mad heart eyes seeing you in his kit!"
You snort and roll your eyes, "You're seeing things, Keels."
"Hell yeah, I'm seeing things! I'm seeing that Jamie Tartt is into you!" she pokes your side and then pouts, "Why aren't you happy? I thought you'd be happy about this! Isn't this what you wanted?"
"I'll be happy if he ever tells me he has feelings for me."
"When he tells you he has feelings for you. Because he does. I saw it with my own eyes." You shake your head and she huffs, "Fine, be in denial. But you owe me twenty quid when he confesses!"
"Sure, Keels."
"Go! GO! That's it! YEEEESSS!!!" you, Keeley, Rebecca, and everyone around is hollering and jumping for joy when Jamie scores the game ends with Richmond winning.
After the game, Jamie runs up to you, twirling you around, "There she is!"
You laugh as you hold onto him, "You did great, Jams!"
"Our luck is turning around and I think I have you to thank for that."
"What? Me?"
"Yeah. Ever since you've been coming to our matches, we've been doing better than ever."
"Highly doubt that's because of me. Pretty sure it's because you and the team have worked hard to get here."
"Nah. Pretty sure it's all you," he gives you a flirtatious smirk that you've never seen directed at you before. At Keeley and other women, yeah, but never you.
"O-Oh, well, uh, you're welcome, I guess?"
"I'm gonna shower and change real quick. You're coming with me and the lads for dinner and drinks!"
"I am?"
"Yeah. You're my plus one and before you ask, Keeley is coming too."
You look at Keeley for confirmation, "Yup! I'm Roy's plus one." Because now her and Roy are a thing and you never thought they would work well together but they do and they're so cute, you could vomit.
"I should probably change then, right?" you look down at your Jamie replica kit he gave you before last week's game, paired with jeans, and coat.
Jamie shakes his head, "Nah. You look gorgeous. I'll be out in a bit!" he holds his fist out and you awkwardly bump it.
"Yeah. See you in a bit."
Keeley is bouncing in her stilettos, "Well?!"
"That means nothing. I'm going as his friend."
Keeley groans, "You're impossible!" she shakes you by the shoulders.
Sam closed down his restaurant to the public so he can host the team and staff of AFC Richmond. The food was amazing, you loved that he shared part of his culture with everyone. After dinner, drinks were flowing and you chatted with Jamie's teammates getting to know them better.
After a while, you felt your leg starting to feel sore and you began to put your weight onto your other leg. You rode here with Jamie, you didn't want to cut his night short.
"Here," Jamie says, pulling you down onto his lap. He props your leg onto another chair and starts massaging it, all the while keeping his conversation going with Colin.
You look to Keeley, who's doing a little happy dance while Roy sips his beer and continues to glare at everyone.
"Do you wanna go home?" Jamie whispers in your ear while still massage your leg.
The intimacy catches you off guard as you stammer out, "N-No. I don't want to cut your celebration short."
"It's fine. I just don't want you in pain or nothing. I'll be seeing them tomorrow anyway." You shrug, not really sure what you should say.
"Alright, up," Jamie taps your hip and helps you up. He stands and announces his departure, "Alright, lads. I'll see you all tomorrow!"
"What? You're leaving now?" Richard asks in disbelief.
"I've had enough of ya for one day, besides, wanna spend some time with me girl," he points to you and the boys all give hoots and cheers.
"Use protection!" Keeley hollers jokingly, causing you to look at her horrified and Jamie just laughs her off.
Outside of the restaurant, Jamie hangs his jacket over your shoulders and walks beside you, hands in his pockets.
When you approach his car, he opens the passenger's side for you. Before getting in you ask, "Why did you call me that?"
"Call you what?"
"Your girl."
He shrugs, "You've always been my girl."
"I know it's fucking cliche or whatever, but it's true. I was just too dumb and blind to not see it.
"I know you're probably thinking I'm bullshitting you, but I promise I'm not. You-You don't understand how much happier I've been since having you back in me life. I feel whole and on the top of the world. When I scored the winning point today and I saw you jumping and screaming my name, I just thought 'Fuck. I love her so much'. And the thought of losing you again...it terrifies me to me core."
"I want to believe you, Jamie, but...I dunno."
"Tell me what's on your mind," he slips his hands into yours.
You look down at your intertwined hands and you laugh in disbelief, "I've always been on the sidelines when it came to you. Felt like you never truly saw me despite me being at your side for so long. I've-I've always dreamt of hearing you say that you have feelings for me and now you're doing it and I'm-I'm scared that you'll eventually push me to the side again."
Jamie's shaking his head fervently and he gently cups your face, "No. No, I'm never doing that again. I see you, Y/N. I do. I see your beautiful smile, the crinkle your nose makes when you see something you don't like. I hear the snort you give when I say something stupid. I see how fucking fit you look in me kits." You giggle and Jamie is beaming, "I see you and I love you, Y/N. I'm not pushing you to the side anymore. But I know I can be a lot, so we can go things your pace. Your way, your rules, whatever. I'm here for the ride."
"Okay," you reply meekly, still in disbelief that this was happening.
You watch as he glances down at your lips and begins to lean in but then freezes when you both hear, "YOU OWE ME TWENTY QUID!"
You burst out laughing, looking over your shoulder and giving Keeley the finger.
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
Billy Batson at a convention
Hear me out on this-
Yes I know I have a billion fic ideas on my list waiting to be written, but shush!
Imagine the Justice League deciding to attend a huge superhero convention as guests of honor for their fans and meet everyone, and to also help raise their public image. They don't all appear on the same day, showing up on separate days bc of security reasons, and Captain Marvel, being a long standing member of the JL, is invited, too. He is completely ecstatic about it, but decides to decline. He says he has important Champion of Magic duties to attend to and before anyone can ask, he Flys off. JL is a bit disappointed he won't be there, but understanding.
On the days of the convention, the JL are met with endless happy fans overjoyed to meet them. They all sign autographs, shake hands, etc. They all even remember one cute fan by the name of Billy Batson who handed them all adorable hand drawn pictures of them as a little gift. He was so sweet and even got to take a picture with all of the members.
The reason CM couldn't attend the convention as CM was bc he wanted to express his love, respect and admiration to his coworkers fully. He also was too nervous to ask for their autographs before, so this was a golden opportunity to have some fun as just Billy.
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