#health guidance
hezigler · 2 months
The Lie That Made Food Conglomerates Rich (often the same conglomerates that own tobaco companies) ...And Is Slowly Poisoning Us
We live in an age of unmitigated greed.
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In home health care provider in Houston, Texas, where Benchmark Home Health and Hospice stands as a premier home health care provider, the journey toward better health often begins with a single decision – quitting smoking. The detrimental effects of smoking on one’s health are widely known, but the benefits of smoking cessation extend far beyond just physical wellness.
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Families navigating the delicate journey towards the end of life often find solace in discovering effective coping strategies. At Affectionate Hospice Care LLC, our commitment extends beyond merely providing hospice care in Nevada; we prioritize the emotional well-being of both patients and their families.
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techdriveplay · 3 months
WHOOP Coach is a Game Changer: WHOOP Coach Review
The WHOOP Coach is a game-changing innovation that transcends the typical fitness tracker. Despite its groundbreaking approach to wellness, it remains somewhat underrated. Users appreciate its ability to provide immediate, accurate feedback on complex health questions, showcasing its advanced AI capabilities. Even in its beta phase, WHOOP Coach offers a unique proposition: the convenience of…
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spartanmemesmedical · 7 months
5 Things to Know Before an Ablation Procedure
5 Things to Know Before an Ablation Procedure
Embarking on the journey of an ablation procedure for atrial fibrillation requires careful consideration and preparation. This introduction serves as a compass, guiding you through essential aspects to know before undergoing this heart procedure. From understanding the intricacies of the ablation process to following pre-procedure guidelines and planning for post-procedure care, these insights…
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myfandomrealitea · 4 months
Antis who proudly proclaim they're going to become a therapist so they can shut down and manipulate and unethically target all the 'nasty proshippers' make me laugh because they're going to get two months into any sort of qualifying course and be slapped in the face by the reality that therapists are obligated to remain objective and impartial and will lose their license if they're found to be using their position to be unfairly bias or negatively target clients based on their own personal beliefs and values.
"Objectivity helps counsellors avoid personal biases and allows them to focus on the client's needs without imposing their own beliefs or values." - American Counselling Association
"Therapy should feel like an inclusive and safe place for clients. Clients need to feel safe and supported in their work. And while all therapists have inherent biases and personal preferences, it is never appropriate for them to engage in discrimination, racism, sexism, or other forms of prejudice with clients." - Medcircle
You do not get into therapy to correct people. You get into therapy to help them. Therapy is not about the therapist.
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something my therapist told me and might help you through difficult times: your brain holds resistance to change. you've been doing something for so long now, to the point that's what you consider normal or routine. you wanting to change that for one reason or the other will be conflicting, and your system will probably make you feel like that's not what you want or need, but remember it's just your brain playing tricks on you. you're on the right path, sweet soul, keep it going. i love you.
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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❤️‍🩹Finding Love ☆ Timeless Tarot Guidance
Elements/Signs in this reading are calibrated to all aenergetic placements. Feel free to read as many Elements/Signs as you feel called to at this point in your spiritual evolution♡
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You want to see how a nation falls? First, make sure every family unit is fucked. The foundation of the beginning of a ruined society is a dysfunctional family unit. A household that is lacking warmth and affection is a breeding house for psychopaths…or sure-victims of them. How is this not obvious to everybody? Well, in our case, I guess the Boomerangs just didn’t care…enough?
An entire generation of selfish psychopaths preoccupied with order and rules, obsessed with the idea of a ‘perfect image’ even at the cost of the authenticity of their children’s Souls. Tell me if they ain’t breeding new generations of psychopaths? But…who fucked the Boomerangs in the first place? And who had fucked the generation that fucked the Boomerangs? 考えきれない。There’s no end to thinking about it. But!
Not all hope is lost. For we have us—OURSELVES! You, who are reading this, who are blessed with this peculiarly RARE thing in the world: self-awareness. That you’re curious about the roots of your sorrow; that you’re trying to be better; that you’re willing to face your own demons so you grow in character, all because you care enough not to perpetuate the cycle.
There is Hope is us. In people like you and I. For this spiritual work alone, you are going to be blessed with the utmost beautiful Love, first, by finding it inside of yourself~
☆♪°・. aenergetic companion PAC ☆♪°・.
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Finding Love for 🐞Fire Signs - Silver Alchemist (Ramon Llull)
5 of Cups, Queen of Wands, XIX The Sun
You know, Fire Signs are passionate. So passionate they often get way too invested in whatever matters to them. That’s why when betrayal or any other kind of a fallout happens, they find it so difficult to calm down, let alone move on from. I want you to know this isn’t a failure of your character or anything like it, not necessarily, no. You care. And that’s a wonderful thing. And it genuinely, usually, takes A LOT to finally get a Fire Sign to stop caring.
That’s the one thing about you: PASSION. Within the context of this reading, could it be that you’ve been putting your passion on the wrong things, the wrong people? Because you’re not a quitter, right? Maybe you’ve had this tendency of wanting to make sure things work out; after all, you’ve invested so much into this thing, project, people, whatever. Not quitting on the wrong things will only drain you of high-vibrational, positive spiritual aenergy left in you, babe. Then…frustrations and sadness are just going to drain you of more physical energy.
Low energy also makes people irritable, unmotivated and non-optimistic, right? Let not the harshness of your connections with people dim your natural brightness. What’s really important to figure out now is how you can shift your focus on being passionate about things, places, work, and people that truly, truly, bring joy and sunshine into your Life~
'Daughter. Spend your life Loving. Not seeking Love. Ocean need not seek water.' – Dr Jaiya John
Oracle Guidance for Fire Signs🔻❤️
🐏Aries – Priestess of Fortune
🦁Leo – Priestess of Integrity
🎠Sagittarius – Priestess of Opulence
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Finding Love for 🐍Earth Signs - Silver Magus (Merlin)
XV The Devil Rx, 7 of Cups Rx, VI The Lovers Rx
I tend to think that Earth and Water Signs are the TRUE psychopaths of the zodiac LMAO Underdeveloped Taurus, Virgo and Caps are so incredibly selfish and self-centred that they make human interactions such a misery business. And due to the nature of their Earthy-ness—meaning they can be quite hard to shake—Earth Signs can be quite bigoted about certain viewpoints they hold. Within the context of this reading, Earth Signs literally make a hell out of their very own existence through their inability to connect human-to-human with other…humans.
Or is it really an inability? Is it not simply a refusal? An Earth Sign must ponder this upon itself. Maybe you’ve been in refusal to be more empathetic because it is paramount to be empirical in any situation? Perhaps you’re the type of person that values objectivity above all forms of subjectivity? But the Human experience is subjective. Approaching all types of human connection with an eye of business or with the mind of an objective researcher will only hinder your capacity for real empathy.
The Human experience is an empathetic experience. People feel things and sometimes those feelings are heavy and burdensome and they get the better of us—that’s just the reality of being alive XD If you could give yourself the grace of a more subjective point of view when viewing yourself and the many experiences you go through, then maybe it will be that much easier to notice how other people also base their decisions for forming connections through a very subjective lens—and you will see that being this way creates a more true bond between people.
Does all this sound too subversive for logical Earth Signs? XD
The Problem With Being Too Logical in Love by The School of Life
Oracle Guidance for Earth Signs🔻💚
🐂Taurus – Priestess of Luck
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – Priestess of Magick
🐐Capricorn – Priestess of Clarity
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Finding Love for ⛲Air Signs - Red Alchemist (John Dee)
XVII The Star, Ace of Cups, 3 of Cups Rx
The Star is associated with Aquarius, right? Whoa, the epitome of Human intelligence :D Air Signs are intelligent and very interested in people—in human relations and understanding what makes people tick. That’s why Air Signs make the best friends and confidants…as long as they don’t run their mouths hahah Now that is a matter of character. What kind of person are you in your friend group(s)? Do you play different characters in different groups? Sounds like a lot of fun XD
Air Signs do tend to have (or belong to) different groups of people depending on function. It’s very interesting. Air Signs can be the glue that connects different groups of people who, without Air Sign, would never have come into contact with one another. Gemini is the fun-loving funny member of a group. Libra is a charming diplomat who’s considerate towards everybody. Aquarius is the pioneering CEO who gets everybody working towards a goal. Ideally, well-developed Air Signs would be these things :D
You should really value this unique intelligence of yours that has the power to eradicate all crazy unreasonable differences in the world, you know. You of all people, I’m very certain, have this keen ability to get to the roots of everybody’s mental problems. After all, you are mental. Air Signs usually don’t get a lot of credits for being empathetic or whatever and that’s true for the most part. But what you do have is this INTEREST in people, and that’s good enough for starters XD It makes you a good person, you know.
Literally, you’re the type that can make friends with just about anybody. You are polite and charming—and those with Venus here are often very beautiful, too!
Oracle Guidance for Air Signs🔻💙
👯Gemini – Priestess of Healing
⚖️Libra – Priestess of Ritual
🏺Aquarius – Priestess of Abundance
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Finding Love for 🐝Water Signs - Green Astronomer (Nicolaus Copernicus)
VII The Chariot, 3 of Swords, Queen of Cups Rx
Hey, what is your Truth? What experiences and emotions have shaped the being that you are today? Do you know for sure? Have you analysed all the feelings you’ve ever struggled with, as well as those that make you realise, Life truly is worthwhile? It’s those moments you’re reminded of what’s good about your Life that you feel gratitude, isn’t it so? Alongside nostalgia and the desire to return to a much simpler time. Time when feelings were a lot easier to process, perhaps. But Life, and this world, needs to keep going on as per Universal Mandate.
What’s left in the past can still be regenerated in the future and it can get even better, too—now that you’ve grown up. Now that you’ve healed a little, or a lot. Heartbreaks with Water Signs always heal when we return to the pool of our authenticity, located deep in the core of our being. Therein lies the tears and the beauty that make you such a deeply compelling character to converse with. If Humans aren’t ready to listen to your truths, write about them; turn emotions into songs or poetry or painting; what have you. Water needs to flow somewhere. Nourishing a lot of life from there.
Water Signs, are Love. Nurturer of Life and nourisher of Human emotions. You should really appreciate the poetry of your sheer existence. So, don’t let this world convince you that there’s something wrong with you because you’re sensitive enough to care about a lot. That’s your strength. It just needs to be directed and redirected to the right things/occasions/people and places. Be generous with your Love and compassion, but take no shit from those who can’t learn to be grateful for a Love as rare and precious as yours~ Know your worth, babe. You’re worth a gazillion dimes.
Oracle Guidance for Water Signs🔻💛
🦀Cancer – Priestess of Enchantment
🦂Scorpio – Priestess of Patience
🎏Pisces – Priestess of Prosperity
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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ilovemyselfluvs · 3 months
•March Affirms•
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New Goals
All my prayers will be reached
Every goal I will reach when it is time
Everyday I get closer to my goal
New Beginings
With the new month, I will have new energy
I will leave all my baggage from February in that month
I have a fresh mindset and beginning to start off the month
I will have a good and happy month as always
Thank you February for what you have brought to me
Thank you February and January for all the blessings I have received
Thank you universe for all that you have done for me
Thank you God for all that you have done for me
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draree · 2 months
“Sins lead to darkness in one's heart. Obedience to Allah is light, but disobedience to Allah is darkness. When one's darkness increases, one's confusion intensifies, until one falls blindly into the world of innovation and misguidance, just like a blind person walking alone at night. This darkness may become deeper and gradually shows up as dullness in the face of the sinner.”
Imam Ibnul Qayyim
[Book:- Spiritual Diseases and Its Cures]
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
The most infuriating form of sanism is this idea that mentally ill people/people with mental disorders are just too stupid or too unenlightened to know how to be a proper, well-adjusted person
So many therapists have ignored signs of my unwellness simply because they assumed I was just... being stupid, and I just needed educating about why I'm acting disordered (apparently, mental disorders stop disordering you once you are condescendingly told why you're just disordered and dumb, who knew (sarcasm)).
Like, I could tell them that I knew my behaviour wasn't "rational," wasn't "reasonable" to do or believe and I'd still be treated like I was so dumb I needed hand-holding and scolding about why I'm acting disordered.
I truly wish that people would be able to take the idea of guidance and stop twisting it into "I am superior and enlightened and the people I am trying to help are stupid and wrong and beneath me!"
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histhoughtslately · 1 month
Lost and uncertain? Still trust and know that beauty will unfold right in front of you; if you let it…
#youaresodeserving #222
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chillwithnea · 1 year
you don't have to fulfill anything or anyone. no inner man, no outer man. you are already fulfilled. detach and disidentify from the stories that say you're not. you're fulfillment itself.
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heavencasteel420 · 12 days
I finally figured out how Jonathan and Chrissy are gonna start having weird sex.
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philsmeatylegss · 6 months
Learning that Dan and Phil knew about all of the phandom lore and jokes is like learning Santa isn’t real. Looking back, it’s obvious and makes a lot more sense, but where’s the magic?
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ohhigh-imhi · 1 month
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Holy Priestess, draped in white silk
Your aura matches your skin, golden glowing galaxies.
Mysterious and divine, I wish to feel your warmth
Your nurturing power guides me home to truth
Open your heart to me and I will graciously protect this most vulnerable treasure
You are a Queen of sweet essence.
Once I get a taste, my molecules begin to bounce wildly as my mind tries to comprehends this level of divinity.
// Artwork: Yosuke Ohnishi (airbrush, 1982)
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