#exercise advice
deramin2 · 5 months
Going to every doctor is like: it doesn't matter if you're in constant pain and fatigue makes it unbearable. You should be in even more pain exercising constantly because you have lazy fatass disease and it's your own fault you're sick. We will NEVER give you helpful advice or tools for this.
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techdriveplay · 3 months
WHOOP Coach is a Game Changer: WHOOP Coach Review
The WHOOP Coach is a game-changing innovation that transcends the typical fitness tracker. Despite its groundbreaking approach to wellness, it remains somewhat underrated. Users appreciate its ability to provide immediate, accurate feedback on complex health questions, showcasing its advanced AI capabilities. Even in its beta phase, WHOOP Coach offers a unique proposition: the convenience of…
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vidpoker11 · 5 months
Exercise Physiologist Shares 2024 Fitness Tips and Trends
Now, Alexander Rothstein, M.S., instructor and coordinator for the exercise science program at New York Institute of Technology, predicts this year’s fitness trends and tips to “shape up” in the new year.  While the popularity of at-home fitness offerings like Peloton and Tonal skyrocketed during the pandemic, Rothstein, an exercise physiologist, asserts that in-gym fitness has re-emerged as the…
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tipsnewstoday · 11 months
Fitness and Exercise Tips: 10 Strategies for Optimal Physical Fitness and Well-being
Discover 10 expert fitness and exercise tips for achieving optimal physical fitness and overall well-being. From effective workout routines to staying motivated, these strategies will help you incorporate fitness into your lifestyle and reach your health goals.
10 Tips about Fitness and Exercise
Set SMART Goals: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound fitness goals to keep yourself focused and motivated.
Read more
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themightyticklefan · 1 year
Does anyone have any easy exercise suggestions?
I'm looking to get into a work out routine but I don't want to get swool or anything like that. I just to improve my mental health and lose a little belly.
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
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taytjiefourie · 2 years
Showing when writing: Emotions [part 1]
hiding their face in their hands
wide eyes
crossing their arms around their body
shifting their weight from side to side
exaggerated movements
nervous quirks appear such as picking at their nails, playing with their hair, and rocking on their heels.
avoiding eye contact
glancing or staring at random objects
stiff smiles
scratching the back of their head or neck.
subject changing
forced laughter
big smiles
wetting their lips
constant movement
can't concentrate
wide eyes
slack jaw
harsh or erratic breathing
open mouth
slack jaw
wide eyes
covering their mouth with their hands
raised eyebrows
stepping back
stutters or stammers
Tilting back head and yelling out
fist pumping in the air
bright smiles
Shaking fist
crossed arms
Stabbing with finger
Slamming fist against something
Veins throbbing
Jutting out their chin
Clenched fist
Clenched jaw
flushed face
Eyebrows lowered or furrowed
Teeth bared
Wide stance
Tight-lipped smile
Rapid breathing
aggressive stance
Flared nostrils
Puffed chest
loud voice
lip biting
biting nails
stepping back
awkward laughter
dry lips
dry mouth
darting eyes
wrapping their arms around themselves
repeatedly folding and unfolding their arms
clutching at themselves, their hip/shoulder/stomach
drawn in/furrowed brows
avoiding eye contact
pitched voice
no appetite or nervous eating so a bigger appetite
toying with things
bouncing leg
rubbing at their face
sweating trembling
Hey there! I'm excited to share with you a new series I've created on Show Don't Tell. In this series, I dive deep into each emotion individually and provide a detailed list of ways to show it through body language, action, setting, and more. The first emotion we're exploring is Envy, and I promise you won't want to miss it! Check it out and let me know what you think. And if there's an emotion you'd like me to cover next, don't hesitate to leave a suggestion in the comments. Can't wait to hear from you!
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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breelandwalker · 11 months
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Correspondences
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There are dozens of plant species in the arsenal of the green witch. Commonly-used varieties and usage varies somewhat between traditions, but most of us are fairly familiar with industry standards like basil, bay, rosemary, sage, and so on.
But what do you do when faced with a plant that has no listed magical correspondences anywhere that you can find in your witchcraft library? Simple - you create some.
Allow me to demonstrate with a little plant I found in my own backyard. It's a common weed called Virginia copperleaf (Acalypha virginica). But despite it's widespread range and abundant growth as a field weed, there are surprisingly few references to the plant in regional folk medicine and none at all that I could find in contemporary witchcraft.
So in order to incorporate this hardy little weed into my practice, I set about creating some correspondences for it.
First, I researched the physical properties of the plant. It is a small annual spurge with long taproots, a resistance to drought and many herbicides, and a reputation for fast growth and being difficult to eradicate from fields due to prolific seeding. The leaves turn coppery-red in the fall and small spiky flowers bloom among the foliage. It is also mildly poisonous. The juice of the plant may cause contact dermatitis or a mild rash in some people and if ingested, it may cause GI symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Next, I researched references to the plant in folk medicine. I could only find a single reference that cited copperleaf as a possible diuretic and expectorant. That does track with the previous mention of GI symptoms, but it doesn't mean the plant is safe to use. I did discover that an alternate name for the plant is three-seeded mercury or mercury weed, likely because of its' tendency for fast growth and the fact that it is propagated by the wind.
So now comes the business of creating the correspondences, using the physical properties of the plant as a basis.
The first and most obvious association is strength. Any weed that is resistant to drought and herbicide and uprooting is bound to be useful for spells involving tenacity and fortitude. Prosperity is also a likely use, both because of the name copperleaf and the way in which the plant grows and spreads quickly. Because of the alternate name mercury weed and the wind propagation, it could be used for wind magic or communication spells. (I often associate the element of air with communication and the name of a messenger god is right there as well, but your mileage may vary.)
The plant could also be used as an ingredient for baneful magic, either to bind and frustrate someone's efforts by consuming available ground where their ambitions might grow, or in its' capacity as a mild poison, to cause physical discomfort and stomach trouble.
So in the end, I have a handful of copperleaf and a listing in my witchbook that details the properties of the plant and notes that it could be useful for spells involving strength, tenacity, prosperity, wind, or communication, as well as possible baneful uses including binding, discomfort, and sickness.
This is my system for assigning correspondences to previously-unknown plants, and I encourage readers to use it as a template for their own practices or to create their own system. Either way, I recommend the use of a field guide or plant identification app like PlantNet to properly identify plants as you find them. Remember to forage and harvest responsibly, be a good steward of the land around you, and always label your plant cuttings.
Happy Witching! 💚🌿
(If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. You can also check out my show Hex Positive wherever fine podcasts are heard. 😊)
More witchcraft exercises here:
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honeytonedhottie · 3 months
ways to apply the law⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🍰
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i thought this post would be helpful but just a quick disclaimer, you decide how you wanna apply the law, this post simply serves as EXAMPLES of when and how u could apply the law if ur looking for that/ways that i apply the law.
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saturating definitely helps when ur consciously manifesting something. when ur manifesting something that seems foreign or something that u want quickly, saturate ur mind so much so to the point where its hard to recall the old story.
make and use affirmation tapes
sleep/do whatever u want with subliminals or affirmation tapes playing - i say sleep bcuz when u sleep ur subconscious is wide open but whatever floats ur boat
whether u believe in affirmations or not, you are ALWAYS affirming at every second of the day whether its conscious or unconscious bcuz thinking = affirming and ur always thinking, so u might as well think thoughts that are useful.
robotic affirming
affirmation tapes
mirror work - repeating ur affs to urself in the mirror
reading an affirmation list
hot tip ; a rly good habit to form is affirming as soon as u wake up bcuz ur still in that drowsy "coming to" state so instead of reaching for ur phone (which is bad for you) you can start the day right.
GOOD TIMES TO AFFIRM ; you can affirm for ur desire when doing mundane tasks like laundry or washing dishes, u can listen to ur affirmation tapes while watching television, u can listen to ur subliminals while doing skincare, you can affirm while girl-blogging. u can affirm anytime!!
SATS (state akin to sleep - visualizing when ur in that drowsy state a scene constructed about ur desires over and over again until u sleep)
day-dreaming (if u daydream nonstop all the time, daydream about u in relation to ur desire)
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vidpoker11 · 5 months
Fitness with no age limit ...
For nearly 20 years, Stephen Ball has been a man on a mission: helping older Missourians stay healthy and get stronger through physical activity. In 2005, the professor in the University of Missouri College of Health Sciences helped created a program called Stay Strong Stay Healthy (SSSH). Since then, the eight-week strength training program has helped more than 20,000 older adults across five…
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katapotato55 · 11 months
how to make your writing be remembered forever and possibly be well loved.
(incredibly stupid and silly fanfiction line at the end of this post) I know that title is incredibly daunting but listen, its very simple. you ready?
"but kat! surely its not that simple! " nononono listen. bear with me. I want you to think of your favorite thing. Now ask: what do you remember the most about the thing you love? I will go first:
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I love team fortress 2. and guess what: this game has been around since 2007, and was in development hell since before I was even born. The game has been around for 16 fucking years. And guess what? in the strong year of 2023 team fortress 2 Is STILL getting memed about. and do you want to know the crazy part? the character designs to the naked eye are not special at all. ok sure from a designer standpoint, these are very well designed characters made so that you can easily tell who they are based on their silhouette. but from the average joe.... tf2 is iconic but overall it looks ok. it doesn't seem special to a stranger to tf2. look at this completely random and arbitrary example of a game in the same genre:
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I don't know shit about the characters in overwatch. Yeah i have a BASIC idea on what their personality is like based on voice lines and some videos i guess... but in-game they just exist. these characters are brightly colored, they have beautiful unique designs, hell they have even more diversity such as robots and people from other cultures! but i don't remember shit about these characters. Maybe I remember the ice lady and tracer, but nothing else. and yeah part of overwatch struggling right now is incompetant development, BUT: The characters in team fortress 2 are SO remember-able because the characters have such a vibrant personality. I am an orange box owner, its been a decade and a half and I am still remembering this game and enjoying art about it.
"but kat! that is a comedy game! Overwatch is a very serious game! are you saying comedy is needed to make a character more noticeable?" no. though I think allowing your characters to lighten up every now and then would humanize them. Not full on goofy, just give them something that makes them likeable. and if you cant do that, you can STILL make a compelling character even though they are mostly seriousness. I have an even more awfully thought out example:
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kung fu panda is a masterclass in making a serious comedic movie somehow work. Master Oogway.... he isn't a comedic character at all. Yeah we made memes about him, but ignoring that, he is a wise and resourceful person. He is at calm and has faith in this intuition. there are a lot of characters like this. What makes Oogway stand out is that he is also a little bit kooky and sassy.
this youtube clip sums up what I mean. It is a funny line, it fits the character, and It doesn't ruin the seriousness of the moment. Some of the most successful series in history have something about them that has appealed to people. In my opinion: characters with strong personality and interesting traits is always a good way to ensure your writing is successful. The second most important is the characters bouncing off of each other in terms of their chemistry with each other. There is a reason why I spent years playing the first Destiny game and all of the DLC, but I remember fuck all about the characters. I think I maybe remember the bootleg star lord robot guy.
A writing exercise
here is an exercise to get you in the spirit of character making. step 1- get a random character from a random bit of media. In this case let me bring you master Oogway. Step 2- Get a completely different character from a completely unrelated series. I am going to give you Scout from team fortress 2. step 3- write a random ass thing about them interacting. Think about how the characters would react to each other and why. Think about each characters values in life and think about how they would bond and conflict with each other. Think about characters similar to the character they met in the past and how they reacted then, and if they have never interacted, make something interesting with it. Step 4- keep experimenting. Once you get into the spirit you can apply this to any new character you could want to make anyways thats it byeee- "arent you going to do that ?" do what? "make a writing thing about oogway and scout. " ........
Scout: let's go turtle you got nothing on my speed- Oogway: The one who first resorts to violence shows that he has no more arguments. Scout: that sounds like chicken talk! come on tough guy let me have it- Oogway then proceeds to make scout eat shit before vanishing in a cloud of cherry blossoms and dust from the desert. If this post isn't popular I want you to know my dignity was lost for nothing.
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lucy-ashton · 1 year
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taytjiefourie · 1 year
Show Don't Tell: Anger
Greetings, lovely people! It's great to be back with another post in my 'Show Don't Tell' series! I hope you've all been doing well. Without further ado, let's dive right into today's topic: anger.
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Anger is a powerful and complex emotion that can manifest in many ways. It can range from a mild irritation to a full-blown rage, and can be triggered by a variety of factors, including frustration, injustice, or hurt. While it's natural to want to avoid anger in our personal lives, it can actually be a useful tool when it comes to creative writing.
When it comes to writing, anger can add depth and complexity to characters and their interactions. By showing a character's anger, we can reveal their motivations, values, and flaws, and create a more dynamic and realistic portrayal of human emotion. Additionally, anger can create tension and conflict in a story, driving the plot forward and keeping readers engaged.
But hey, I'm not here to talk about the nitty-gritty of anger. I'm here to help you learn how to effectively show your character's anger in your writing! So let's dive right in, starting with the powerful tool of body language.
Clenched fists
Tightly crossed arms
Stiff or rigid posture
Facial expressions like frowning, scowling, or furrowing their brows
Pacing or restlessness
Grinding teeth or jaw clenching
Aggressive gestures like pointing or shaking a finger
Staring or glaring
Raised voice or shouting
Heavy breathing or sighing
Pounding a fist on a surface
Tightened or bulging neck muscles
Sweating or flushed skin
Looking away or avoiding eye contact
Physical violence, such as hitting or throwing objects
Tensing or flexing muscles
Clenching or unclenching fists repeatedly
Baring teeth or showing a snarl
Raising eyebrows or narrowing eyes
Rolling eyes or making sarcastic facial expressions
Biting or chewing on their lips
Tapping their foot or fingers impatiently
Leaning in aggressively or invading personal space
Hunching over or making themselves appear smaller
Using a monotone or clipped tone of voice
Holding their breath or exhaling loudly
Clapping hands sarcastically or making dismissive hand gestures
Making fists and shaking them at someone
Puffing up their chest or standing tall to appear more imposing
Stomping their feet or making loud footsteps.
Scrunching their nose or flaring nostrils
Puckering or twisting their mouth
Tugging or pulling at their hair or clothing
Crossing or uncrossing their legs or ankles abruptly
Bending or clenching their toes or curling their toes tightly
Bouncing or tapping their knee rapidly
Grinding or rubbing their hands together
Picking at their nails or skin
Covering their face or eyes with their hands
Throwing their head back in frustration or exasperation.
Raising or lowering their voice
Slamming things down too hard that they are carrying.
Pursing their lips and nodding.
Running their tongue on the inside of their cheek.
Stalking instead of walking
Scratching their head or neck vigorously
Pulling or tugging at their ears
Biting their tongue or inside of their cheek
Flinching or tensing up when someone approaches them
Nodding their head sharply or repeatedly
Squeezing or gripping an object tightly, such as a pen or a phone
Slamming doors or drawers
Puffing out their cheeks or blowing air out forcefully
Fidgeting or shifting their weight from foot to foot
Raising one or both eyebrows in surprise or anger.
Shrugging off someone's touch or pushing them away
Curling their lips or sneering
Tilting their head back and closing their eyes
Scrunching up their face in disgust or disapproval
Stomping their foot or kicking an object
Folding their arms tightly across their chest
Clutching their stomach or chest
Rubbing their hands together quickly
Stiffening their body or freezing in place
Turning their back on someone or walking away abruptly.
Making a fist and pressing it into their other hand
Running a hand through their hair in frustration
Holding their hand to their forehead or temple
Biting their lower lip or the inside of their cheek
Tensing their jaw and grinding their teeth
Clenching their fists behind their back or in their pockets
Tugging at their collar or tie
Staring daggers or giving someone a withering look
Curling their toes or flexing their feet
Drumming their fingers or tapping their nails on a surface.
Covering their mouth with their hand and closing their eyes.
Scratching or rubbing the back of their neck
Rubbing their eyes or face vigorously
Putting their hands on their hips and leaning forward
Standing up abruptly or pacing back and forth
Pushing a chair or other object out of the way
Clapping their hands sharply or slamming them on a surface
Breathing heavily or audibly
Hunching their shoulders or shrugging in frustration
There are so many ways to bring your character's anger to life in your writing, and your readers will feel it in their bones! Body language is just one tool in your arsenal, but there are plenty of others to explore. Next up, let's talk about sensory details. While there may be some overlap with body language, there are also unique ways to use sensory details to convey anger.
Sensory details are all about bringing your reader into your character's experience by describing what they feel, see, hear, taste, and smell. But it's not just about surface-level sensations; it's about capturing what your character feels on the inside too. Think about the way anger might make your character's heart race or their vision narrow, or the way it might leave a sour taste in their mouth or make them hyper-aware of certain smells.
Clenched teeth or jaw
Rapid heartbeat or pounding in the chest
Flushed or reddened face
Sweating or clammy skin
Heavy breathing or panting
Muscles tensing or knotting up
Twitching or trembling limbs
Ringing in the ears or muffled sounds
Vision tunneling or blurring
Sensitivity to light or sound
Tingling or numbness in the fingers or toes
Pounding or throbbing headache
Dry mouth or tightness in the throat
Stomach churning or nausea
Tingling or itching sensation on the skin
Increased sensitivity to smells or tastes
Loss of appetite or overeating
Difficulty concentrating or focusing
Racing thoughts or an inability to think straight
Feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
Tense or stiff neck and shoulders
Clammy or shaking hands
Uncontrollable shaking or shivering
Rapid speech or stuttering
Breathy or strained voice
High-pitched or shrill tone
Swelling or throbbing veins
Rapid blinking or eye twitching
Heavy or labored sighs
Chills or goosebumps
Rapid or irregular heartbeat
Flushed or blotchy skin
Pacing or restless movements
Increased energy or restlessness
Headache or pressure in the temples
Chest tightness or discomfort
Dry or sweaty palms
Fidgeting or tapping feet or fingers
Frowning or scowling
Clenching or grinding teeth.
Action is the next layer in showing your character's anger. It's all about capturing the choices they make and the way they interact with their surroundings and other characters while feeling that intense emotion. Maybe they lash out and say things they regret later, or they bottle up their anger and internalize it until it explodes. Maybe they turn to self-destructive behaviors like substance abuse or reckless driving, or they channel their anger into a creative outlet like writing or painting. Whatever actions your character takes, they can reveal a lot about their personality, values, and motivations, and help your readers connect with them on a deeper level.
Yelling or screaming
Throwing objects or slamming doors
Punching or hitting walls
Physically attacking someone
Storming out of a room or location
Refusing to engage in conversation
Passive-aggressive behavior
Giving the silent treatment
Ignoring or avoiding the source of their anger
Interrupting others or talking over them
Criticizing or belittling others
Blaming others for their problems
Making sarcastic or cutting remarks
Engaging in risky behavior or taking unnecessary risks
Excessive drinking or drug use
Engaging in self-harm or other destructive behaviors
Seeking revenge or planning retaliation
Seeking control or power over others
Using manipulation or coercion to get what they want
Betraying or sabotaging others
Withholding affection or love
Mocking or imitating others
Giving ultimatums
Exaggerating or lying about their feelings or experiences
Making threats
Refusing to compromise
Refusing to listen or hear other perspectives.
Getting physically tense or rigid
Clenching their fists or teeth
Biting their nails or lips
Fidgeting or tapping their foot
Pacing back and forth
Making abrupt or sudden movements
Staring or glaring at someone
Crossing their arms or legs defensively
Scratching or rubbing their skin
Crying or showing signs of distress
Withdrawal or isolation from others
Demanding attention or validation from others
Disrupting the peace or harmony in a space or environment
Refusing to follow rules or guidelines
Engaging in arguments or fights with others
Becoming overly competitive or aggressive in their pursuits
Ignoring advice or guidance from others
Showing a lack of empathy or compassion towards others
Being overly critical or nitpicky
Refusing to apologize or take responsibility for their actions.
Exhibiting physical symptoms like sweating or shaking
Making demands or issuing commands to others
Engaging in reckless or dangerous behavior
Becoming overly defensive or argumentative
Engaging in self-destructive behavior or self-sabotage
Refusing to acknowledge or address the source of their anger
Blaming themselves for problems that are not their fault
Seeking out conflict or confrontation with others
Using passive-aggressive behavior to communicate their anger
Engaging in obsessive or compulsive behaviors
Struggling to focus or concentrate due to their anger
Engaging in self-soothing behaviors like rocking or pacing
Using humor to mask or downplay their anger
Becoming distant or disengaged from others.
Now, let's talk about setting. It's not just where your characters are, but how they react to it. This means the environment can be used to show off their anger or even help readers understand why they are feeling angry.
Secluding themselves in a quiet, isolated part of the environment
Moving quickly and aggressively through the environment
Becoming agitated or restless in a peaceful or serene environment
Ignoring or avoiding other characters in the environment
Intentionally damaging the environment or objects within it
Distancing themselves from others or backing away from objects in the environment
Taking actions that disrupt the peace or harmony of the environment, such as slamming doors or turning over tables
Focusing on negative aspects of the environment, such as dirt or clutter, and feeling anger towards those elements
Becoming fixated on a particular aspect of the environment and feeling anger towards anyone who interferes with it.
Avoiding eye contact with others in the environment
Making sarcastic or biting comments about the environment
Displaying impatience or frustration with slow-moving objects or people in the environment
Purposefully choosing a more hostile or uncomfortable location to match their angry emotional state
Remember how a bright, sunny day with chirping birds and fresh flowers can instantly put you in a happy mood? Well, the same goes for the location in your story. Even without a character present, scenery can influence the way readers perceive the mood. So, when it comes to anger, the location can be used to set the tone just as much as the character's actions and emotions.
Weather: Dark clouds, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain can create an ominous and angry atmosphere.
Time of Day: Nighttime or sunset can create a moody and angry atmosphere.
Location: A rundown or dangerous part of town can create a sense of anger or unease.
Objects: Broken or destroyed objects can indicate a character's anger and frustration.
Colors: Dark or vibrant colors like red or black can be used to create a sense of anger.
Noises: Loud, jarring noises like alarms or sirens can create a sense of anger and urgency.
Crowds: A crowded or noisy environment can be used to create feelings of anger or irritation.
Architecture: Cold or sterile environments like hospitals or government buildings can create a sense of anger and frustration.
Nature: A barren or lifeless landscape can create a sense of anger or despair.
Animals: Aggressive or hostile animals can be used to create a sense of danger and anger.
Now, let's talk about dialogue. There's nothing quite like a character yelling and cussing up a storm to show their anger, right? It's one of the most powerful ways to convey intense emotions through words. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the ways in which dialogue can be used to show anger in your writing!
Cursing and using expletives
Speaking loudly and aggressively
Interrupting others and speaking over them
Using sarcastic or mocking tones
Making threats or using violent language
Using short, sharp sentences or phrases
Speaking through gritted teeth or a clenched jaw
Insulting or belittling others
Using repetitive or redundant language
Refusing to engage in conversation or responding with silence.
Using rhetorical questions that are meant to convey frustration
Interrupting themselves mid-sentence with a burst of anger
Repeating a particular phrase or word to emphasize their anger
Using a dismissive tone to indicate irritation or impatience
Speaking with a tone that is icy or cold
Using a monotone voice to convey anger and frustration
Resorting to name-calling or insults
Being defensive or argumentative in their responses
Speaking rapidly and stumbling over their words in their anger
Using a confrontational or challenging tone to express anger.
And what comes after all of that? Well, my dear friend, when you've exhausted their words, body language, senses, and actions, what's left? That's when you dive into their mind and explore their point of view. You can write about their thoughts and inner dialogue to really capture the depth of their anger.
Negative thoughts about others or the situation
Self-criticism and frustration
Dwelling on past events that caused the anger
Increased cynicism and pessimism
A desire for revenge or justice
Difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks
Racing or intrusive thoughts
A feeling of being overwhelmed or out of control
A sense of injustice or unfair treatment
Blaming others or external circumstances for their anger
Now we come to the last item on our list - metaphors and analogies. They are frequently used in writing to create colorful and vivid descriptions, and can also effectively convey a character's anger. However, it's important to be careful with their use, as readers can become annoyed if they are overused.
"Her anger burned like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path."
"He felt like a coiled snake, ready to strike at any moment."
"Her anger was a thunderstorm, building and brewing until it finally erupted."
"His anger was a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any second."
"She felt like a volcano, with her anger bubbling just below the surface."
"His anger was a raging river, with powerful currents and dangerous undertows."
"She felt like a caged animal, trapped and helpless in her anger."
"His anger was a sharp sword, cutting through everything in its way."
"She felt like a stormy sea, with her anger churning like the waves."
"His anger was a blazing inferno, burning everything in its wake."
"His anger boiled like lava in a volcano, ready to erupt at any moment."
"Her words sliced through me like a knife, leaving me raw and bleeding with anger."
"He was a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode with fury."
"Her temper was a wildfire, spreading quickly and uncontrollably."
"His rage was a storm, brewing and building until it unleashed with a violent outburst."
"She was a snake, coiled and ready to strike with venomous anger."
"His fury was a thunderous roar, shaking the very foundations of the earth."
"Her temper was a beast, wild and untamed, impossible to control."
"His anger was a whirlpool, pulling me down into its dark depths."
"She was a volcano, her anger a fiery eruption that left nothing but destruction in its wake."
Well, that's all for today's post. It's always bittersweet to say goodbye, but don't worry, I'll be back soon with more juicy writing tips! Before I go, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post. Did you find it helpful? Did you learn something new? And more importantly, what other emotions do you want me to tackle next? Let me know in the comments below!
You can find plenty of these posts on my Tumblr, so be sure to check them out! or you can find a more organized version here!
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breelandwalker · 2 years
Witchcraft Exercises
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Just a quick compilation of the posts I've made about exercises to help improve your craft. These can be used as journaling prompts, inspiration for activities, or as methods for pulling yourself out of a slump and recharging your witchy inspiration.
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - Dig Through The Ditches
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Home Brews
Witchcraft Exercise - Witchy Inspo Journal
Witchcraft Exercise - Spring Cleaning
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Correspondences
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Your Own Runes
Witchcraft Exercise - Shakespearean Witchcraft
Witchcraft Exercise - Music To Witch By
Related Prompt - Music to Witch By
Witchcraft Exercise - Annual Review
Most of these are also available in the May 2021 bonus episode of Hex Positive (check your favorite podcatcher).
Happy Witching!
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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t1sunfortunate · 5 months
I truly do think one of the largest pitfalls among the "media consumption is my passion" crowd is the tendency to treat characters as human beings with agency rather than narrative tools manipulated by the author
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Tips To Relieve Everyday Bloating
As someone who has dealt with chronic bloating for a lot of my life, here are some of my thoughts, observations, and recommendations. HUGE disclaimer: I am in no way an expert on this, a medical professional, nutritionist, or anything of the sort.
Especially for women, bloating can be a sign of gynecological issues (endometriosis, PCOS, hormone imbalances like estrogen dominance, and even a warning sign of ovarian cancer). So, if you experience constant bloating that doesn't get better with improved digestion, schedule an OB/GYN appointment ASAP to ensure that everything is okay on the women's health front.
Everyone's triggers are different, but for me, these are some of the common causes of bloating that I've noticed:
Lack of sleep
Eating too quickly or while stressed
Lack of movement/walking
Not drinking enough water
High-fat meals
Chewing gum
Carbonated drinks/alcohol
Here are some of my best tips, habits, and product recommendations to manage & minimize bloating:
Engage in a 1-minute diaphragmatic aka deep-belly breathing exercise in bed right after waking up and right before going to sleep (place one hand on the middle of your chest and the other in the central "hollow" area right below your rib cage)
Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night
Have a bowl of oatmeal (made with plain oats and water) with cinnamon and fruit every morning
Drink water before any coffee in the morning; Only having at most 16oz or one large mug of coffee before breakfast in the morning
Chew my food slowly, taking time between bites
Drink at least 8 large glasses of water daily
Take my Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D supplement daily (I love the Deva brand!)
Have avocados/use avocado oil as my primary fat source (I love nuts/nut butter, but they really bloat me, so find your trigger foods!); I've found a large salad with a romaine lettuce base, some veggies, avocado, and an ACV-based dressing works wonders to settle my stomach or steamed spinach with roasted root vegetables/potatoes
Use digestive enzymes when necessary (These digestive enzymes are my favorites!)
Take at least 30 minutes to walk/move around daily (Pilates, yoga, or bodyweight exercises also work)
Drink ginger tea or some herbal-based tea nightly (my long-time favorite is Bigelow Benefits Calm Stomach Ginger Peach Herbal Tea!)
Don't eat anything for at least 3 hours before bed
For trapped gas: Try lying on your stomach, engaging in the downward dog yoga position or fetal position on the left side, or doing an abdominal massage (rubbing in a circular motion from the right side of your pelvis up through your rib cage down and around the left side) all work well!
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