#hmmm. this will be fine and good. probably
arc-misadventures · 2 days
Would You Care To Join Us? 2
Jaune: Nora, I need your… advice.
Nora: Oh?! Fearless Leder needs my help?! This is a glorious day!
Jaune: I’m already starting to regret this…
Nora: So tell me gloriously leader! What can I help you with?
Jaune: How does one… get a girl…? How does one make a girl your girlfriend?
Nora: Why are you asking me that; Couldn’t you ask, Rin, or Pyrrha?
Jaune: Pyrrha’s only been on publicity dates, meant to show off something, or someone. No romance in those at all. And has, Rin ever been on anything close to a date?
Nora: Ahh, good points. But, I’ve never dated before, why are you asking me?
Jaune: Cause it’s you, Nora.
Nora: Ahh! That’s why you’re the leader! Always coming up with the smart plans there!
Jaune: So… any ideas?
Nora: Who’s the girl you’re trying to win over?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ms. Goodwitch…
Nora: Triple G?!
Jaune: Don’t call her that!
Nora: Sorry…
Jaune: Haa… Okay, so can you help me?
Nora: I can!
Jaune: Awesome!
Jaune: How…?
Nora: Hmmm… Oh I know! You should have sex with, Blake in her classroom!
Jaune: …
Jaune: The fuck?!
Nora: I know it’s crazy, but hear me out. So, you sleep with, Blake in, Ms. Goodwitch’s classroom, then she stumbles upon you, and then you ask her to join in! Simple as that!
Jaune: …
Jaune: That’s the craziest plan I ever heard…
Nora: But, it could work~?
Jaune: Even if I agree to this plan, answer me one thing: Why, Blake?
Nora: She’s kinky, she’d totally do it.
Jaune: …
Jaune: She probably would.
Jaune: Haaa… Fine I’ll do it… But, if this back fires, and I wind up in detention, you’re banned from having pancakes for a week.
Nora: You wouldn’t dare!
Jaune: Pray that you don’t find out.
Blake: Oh fuck~?!
Jaune: Honestly, I thought you slap me in the face for even suggesting we do this. But, you’re really getting into this, Blake.
Blake: Oh~! Can you blame me? You have no idea how many boxes this ticks off, and me on~!
Jaune: Really? Care to tell me? Maybe I can check off another item on that list for you~?
Blake: Doing it in a classroom. Ooph~! The possibility of being caught. Doing a human. Actually getting off~!
Jaune: Ouch, how many bad lovers have you had?
Blake: Too many! Oh! We should film this, and send it to them!
Jaune: Beg pardon?
Blake: Those losers would absolutely… Ohhh~! Would absolutely lose it if they saw me actually getting off, to a human no less! Oh gods~! We should have done this sooner~!
Jaune: I-I’m not really sure about…?!
Ruby: Blake, are you here? I want the next volume of… Ninjas in… love…?
Jaune: Uhh… hi, Ruby…?
Ruby: H-Hi…
Jaune: Uhh… Blake, and I are kinda busy right now… you can ask her for that book later.
Ruby: O-Okay… whoa that’s massive…
Jaune: But, in the meantime… w-would you care to join us?
Ruby: Yes!
Blake: A threesome?! Fuck yeah, another item off my checklist!
Nora: Ruby?
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: How did it go?
Jaune: Blake got… kinky so I didn’t really do it a lot with her.
Nora: Makes sense.
Jaune: So, Ruby asked me to join her in the classroom again.
Nora: Oh cool! Treat her nicely!
Jaune: Don’t worry, I will!
Ruby: H-How are you… Ohh~! How are you so good with knots? Mmmm~!
Jaune: Boy scout, easiest badge I ever got
Ruby: I knew it! You’re a total boy scout!
Jaune: And, you’re loving it~!
Ruby: Hell yeah~! Ohhh~!
Jaune: Tell me; You like being tied up, how about being gagged?
Ruby: Oh fuck yeah!
Jaune: Alright then, let’s…?!
Weiss: Ruby, did you take my binder… A-Again…?
Ruby: N-No…
Jaune: Hmmm… That didn’t sound so sincere. Did it, Weiss?
Weiss: N-No it didn’t…
Jaune: Would you care to join us, Weiss? Maybe then we can get her to talk.
Weiss: …?!
Nora: Did, Weiss join in?
Jaune: Yeah… yeah she did…
Nora: Was it bad?
Jaune: Oddly specifically kinky…
Nora: Eh?
Weiss: Grrk! Grrk! Grrk!
Jaune: Oh, are you enjoying yourself, bitch?
Weiss: Mmmph~?!
Jaune: D-Did you just…? Who said you could do that?
Weiss: Mmm-mmrrry!
Jaune: Looks like I’m going to to have to puni…
Yang: Did someone say, ‘Pun?!’
Jaune: Uhhh…?
Weiss: …?!
Jaune: No… no they did not…
Yang: Oh… Uhh…? What’s going on here…?
Jaune: Exploring, Weiss’s kink…
Yang: Kink?
Jaune: Domination…
Yang: Oh… that’s unexpected…
Jaune: Yeah…
Yang: …
Jaune: Are you just going to stand there, or would you care to join us, Yang?
Yang: Oh~?
Nora: Yang? You got the wrong blonde, Fearless Leader.
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: So… Are you going to try again with, Yang?
Jaune: Yeah, she asked me to help her explore her kink.
Nora: What’s her kink?
Jaune: Beats me.
Yang: Ohh~! Big bro! We can’t do this here~!
Jaune: I am so conflicted right now! I have seven sisters, and you look like all of them! And, you want to do this?!
Yang: Because, its so god damn hot~!
Jaune: That’s what makes it worse!
Yang: Forget about it, just focus on me, and the moment, big bro~!
Jaune: Gods… Why is my little sister such a…?!
Emerald: Shit, where did I place that…?! That…?
Jaune: Uhhh… Hi… Emerald…
Emerald: Hi…
Yang: Yo~!
Emerald: Hi… Uhhh… A-Are you two related…?
Jaune: N-No…
Emerald: B-But… L-Lil sis…?
Jaune: It’s… its her kink… So…
Emerald: Oh…
Jaune: So… so are you going to do whatever it is you were going to do, or would you like to join us instead?
Emerald: J-Join…?
Nora: A brother complex?
Jaune: Yeah, I thought only girls with brothers would develop a brother complex like my sisters. But, apparently not.
Nora: Yeah…
Nora: So, Emerald… How was that?
Jaune: Also into the brother complex thing too.
Nora: Okay…
Jaune: She asked for a second run.
Nora: She did?
Jaune: She said she wanted to play something out.
Nora: Oh really? What does she want to play out?
Emerald: I’m sorry!
Jaune: For what?!
Emerald: I’m sorry for stealing!
Jaune: No you’re not! You’re sorry you got caught!
Emerald: OHH~!
Jaune: Oh? You like that? You wanted to get caught didn’t you! So you could be punished you naughty butch!
Emerald: N-N-NooooOoh~?!
Jaune: You do~! Well, guess I’ll have to try harder to punish you, you slu…?!
Cinder: Emerald?! Are you here, we need to… to…?!
Jaune: Uhh…?!
Emerald: C-Cinder?! W-What are you doing here?!
Cinder: I was… I was looking… L-Looking for you…
Emerald: F-For what…?
Cinder: I… I don’t remember… oh gods… its so big…
Jaune: Oh… well would you like to join us maybe we can jog your memory?
Cinder: J-Join…?
Nora: So, Cinder joined in, eh?
Jaune: Yeah, Emerald really enjoyed it when, Cinder joined in on the action.
Nora: Must have a crush on her.
Jaune: I’d bet money on that.
Nora: So, did, Cinder ask you for a spin too~?
Cinder: AhhHhh~!
Jaune: I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?
Cinder: No. It’s just to so~!
Jaune: I’ll go slow… be nice, and gentle, just like you asked.
Cinder: Oh dear~! Hold me!
Jaune: I’m here honey, I’m here… eh?!
Cinder: Huw?
Neo: 🙂
Jaune: H-Hi…?
Neo: 😁👋
Cinder: N-Neo?! What are you doing here?!
Neo: 😍🍆💦
Cinder: You want to join us?
Neo: 🤩
Jaune: Whoa hey?! I didn’t say the line!
Nora: So, Cinder is into softcore?
Jaune: I think she’s more into the feeling of being loved, because she hasn’t ever experienced genuine live in all her life. In the afterglow she delved into to some… heavy stuff… she’s been through a lot…
Nora: Oh… I’m sorry to hear that… so… What does, Neo want?
Jaune: She’s mute, so she didn’t tell me.
Nora: So she’ll show you then?
Jaune: Probably.
Ruby: 🥴
Jaune: Okay… This is unexpected…
Ruby: 🚫❤️❔
Jaune: I didn’t say that. I will say, you certainly are tighter than her!
Ruby: 😏
Jaune: What’s that smile about?
Weiss: 😍
Jaune: Okay, now this is a semblance I would like to play with!
Nora: 🥰
Jaune: Okay, I haven’t done it with her, so this is kinda…??
Nora: Jaune! We ran out of…?!
Jaune: Uhh…?!
Nora: N-Neo…?
Nora: 😘
Nora: You’re fucking me… but, not me…?
Jaune: Uhh… yeah…? I-It was her idea!
Nora: 😇
Nora: I’m a little offended really… I mean, you’re fucking me, but not the real me? Why?
Jaune: Oh… Well, we can fix that… So, would you care to join us?
Nora: …
Nora: Fuck me… Literally~!
Nora: That was awesome!
Jaune: Glad you like it. I thought you would be unnerved with doing yourself… like that…
Nora: Naww it was fucking hot! You should do it again, but this time with, Blake! She’d really get into it!
Jaune: It worries me that she would…
Nora: So, up for another round fearless leader~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: Ahhh~Haa~! H-Harder~!
Jaune: Oh? Of course you like it hard, and rough.
Nora: Hell yeah I do! Ohh~! What do you take me for, some pillow… Ahhh~! Pillow princess?!
Jaune: Like hell I would, I just expected you’d like things little… HARDER!
Jaune: That’s more like it~! Scream for me bitch!
Velvet: Yeah, scream for him you slut!
Jaune: AHHH?! What the?! Velvet, what the hell are you doing here?
Velvet: Waiting for my turn.
Jaune: Your turn?!
Velvet: Yeah, you fucked, Blake, then, Ruby showed up, and then you had a threesome with her. Now, I’m here, and I’m waiting for you two to finish so I can have my turn.
Jaune: Well,I’s happily ask if you would care to join is, but how the hell did you know we were doing this?
Velvet: Blake told me.
Jaune: Son’a bitch!
Nora: Blake blabbed?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: Of course she did… I’ll go teach her a lesson. You go tame the rabbit. She’s going to lose it if she doesn’t get her fix.
Jaune: Should I bring a spare change of clothes with me?
Nora: Wouldn’t hurt.
Velvet: Ghack?! J-Jaune?!! Y-You’re… Oh fuck~?! C-Chocking me! Oh~?!
Jaune: That’s because I need to hold you in place you in heat bunny slut!
Velvet: Oh gods~?!
Jaune: Besides, you can deny it all you want, you got tighter the moment I squeezed~!
Velvet: OH-OHHHH~!
Jaune: He… squirter… that’s a first…
Coco: Holy fuck…
Jaune: Coco?!
Velvet: Co-co~? Heyyyy~! Would you care to join us, Coco~? I need help taming the big fella~!
Coco: Join you?
Jaune: Evidently, Velvet was in heat…
Nora: That’s a thing?! I thought that was some racist stereotype?
Jaune: According to, Velvet it only happens to females, and certain types of faunas.
Nora: Bunnies being one of them?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: So did, Coco join you?
Jaune: Yep.
Nora: Really? I thought she was gay.
Jaune: Me too. But, she asked for another go so…
Nora: Maybe she’s curious?
Jaune: Maybe. I’ll do it, I just hope what happened with my sister-in-law doesn’t happen again…
Nora: Sister-in-what now?
Coco: Fuck!Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK~!
Jaune: Enjoying yourself?
Coco: Oh gods?! Why the fuck did I use those worthless dildos?! Ahhh~fuck~?!
Jaune: Ahh, crap. Looks like I did it again.
Coco: Did… Ahh! Did what aga-ahhhh~!
Jaune: Make a lesbian question her sexuality.
Coco: You’ve turned a lesbian straight?!
Jaune: Bisexual, but does that really matter?
Coco: You gotta… Oh fuck~?! You gotta tell me how that went down! Cause that sounds so hoOOOOOOT~!
Jaune: Maybe next time, for now lets just enjoy the…?!
Reese: Hey, guys do you know where the cafeteria… is…?
Jaune: Oh, hi Reese… The cafeteria is down here hall to your right.
Reese: Oh cool, thanks… But, uhh… I’m not that hungry anymore… Maybe you can help me gain a appetite~?
Jaune: Oh? In that case, would you care to join us?
Reese: Mmmm~! Please take care of me~!
Coco: Oh he will~! He will~!
Nora: Reese? That punk, scatter girl?
Jaune: Yep, that’s her.
Nora: So, did you help her get an appetite?
Jaune: She’s still hungry, so…?
Nora: So~?
Reese: I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m…?! Ohh~?! I’m sorry sir!
Jaune: Sorry for what?! That you were cheating, or that you were caught?!
Reese: Ohhh~?!
Jaune: There… I believe you have learned your lesson, Ms. Chloris.
Reese: W-What was the lesson, Professor Arc~?
Jaune: …
Reese: OHhhh~!
Jaune: Kids these days… they never learn…?!
Arslan: Reese! Where are you? We got some… training… to do…
Jaune: Oh… Hello, Ms. Altan. Ms. Chloris is currently in the midst of some supplementary lessons. Perhaps you could come by later. Unless, you would care to join us for some extra credit?
Reese: Extra credit~! Hehehehe…
Arslan: Your name is, Jaune Arc right? You’re Pyrrha Nioks team leader, and partner.
Jaune: That’s right I am.
Arslan: Interesting~!
Nora: What was interesting?
Jaune: I don’t know, and I’m scared to find out…
Nora: You sure, cause your friend says otherwise?
Jaune: I said I was scared, not that I don’t find this hot!
Arslan: Fuck you, Nikos!
Jaune: Oh, so is sleeping with me your way of one upping, Pyrrha?
Arslan: At first… Ohh~! But, this cock is something a girl can’t deny she wants~!
Jaune: Really? Then how would you feel if I said I haven’t slept with, Pyrrha?
Arslan: Seriously?!
Jaune: OH FUCK?! You just got so much tighter?!
Arslan: Ha! Take that bitch! I got your man first! And, I’m going to make him mine~!
Pyrrha: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Jaune: Huw?! P-Pyrrha?!
Arslan: Hey bitch~! Guess who just stole your man from you!
Pyrrha: Bitch please… Let me show you how a real woman pleases a man~!
Jaune: P-Please be gentle…?
Jaune: Oh gods… My body hurts all over…
Nora: Didn’t your aura protect you? It did when we went at it.
Jaune: They broke my aura! I’m just one man, do you expect me to handle a pair of Amazonian’s all on my own?!
Nora: Oh shit really? Why did they go so hard on you?
Jaune: Evidently the pair have some history back in, Mistrial. The number one, and two always competing for top place. I just so happened to be the ‘top place’ at the moment…
Nora: The top place being your dick right~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I wasn’t going to say it, but yeah… it was the, ‘top place’ this time…
Nora: So, who won?
Jaune: Actually they both asked for a rematch…
Nora: They, what?
Pyrrha: Oh fuuuuuck~!
Jaune: Oh gods!
Pyrrha: How does it feel, Jaune~! I’m better than that cheap slut~!
Arslan: Oh you whore! Come here you bitch!
Pyrrha: Hey?! Hands of my man you cunt!
Arslan: Bring it whore!
Pyrrha: Oh~! You bitch~!
Arslan: Mmmmph~! Make be whore~!
Pyrrha: Mmmm~! You slut~!
Arslan: Ahhh~!
Jaune: Uhh…?
Arslan: Ohh fucck~! Right there~! Use your tongue right there you slut~!
Pyrrha: Mmmmmm~!
Arslan: I’m cumming~! AHHHHHooooh fuuuuuck~!
Pyrrha: Ha, beat that bitch~!
Arslan: With pleasure~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Should I just go? Because it seems that, I’ve become the third wheel here so…?
PA: Come here you!
Jaune: Whaaa?!
Nora: So, do you think they worked out their relationship?
Jaune: I think so? The pair may not be competing on who the better fighter is anymore, but they’re still competing with one another.
Nora: The sexual tension between the pair is rather intense. I guess you just pushed the pair over the edge.
Jaune: Define edge?
Nora: Ehhh~! Nice!
Jaune: Thank you, I’m here all week~!
Neon: Oh, there you are, Jaune~!
Jaune: Ahh?! Neon, what are you doing here?
Neon: I was told that you are considered, ‘safe.’ I’m curious how, ‘safe’ you really are, if you catch my drift.
Jaune: Drift? No, no I don’t.
Neon: I’ll see you again at your… usual hunting ground. Till later~!
Jaune: Uhh… Okay?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Did you find it weird that someone wanted to do it with me without first catching me, and another person in the act?
Nora: Yeah, that was pretty weird.
Jaune: Yeah, weird. So, any idea who snitched on us?
Nora: Blake, or Velvet, possibly both of them.
Jaune: Damn their loose lips… Nora!
Nora: Yes, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: Teach those two a lesson! I will deal with the stray cat!
Nora: At once, Fearless Leader!
Neon: Never miss a beat! Never miss a beat! Never miss a beeeeeeAaat!
Jaune: How was that, Neo? Dis a miss a beat?
Neon: You his every beat right know yhe mark handsome~!
Jaune: Good, now then, let’s try things at a different… eh? May?
May: Uhh… H-Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Oh hey, May. Need something, or would you care to join us?
Neon: Yeah! Join us~! You won’t regret it~!
May: Uhhh… M-Maybe… But, I have a word with you later, Jaune? I want to have a word with you.
Jaune: Uhh… sure. But, what did you want to talk about?
Nora: So, how was, Neon?
Jaune: I like it when a girl does her hair in pigtails.
Nora: Why?
Jaune: Handle bars.
Nora: Nice~! So, what does, May want to talk to you about?
Jaune: Beats me, probably wants to thank me for protecting her from that grenade you almost hit her with.
Nora: Yeah… she wants to, ‘thank you~!’
Jaune: Oh gods… They’re so soft~!
May: (Slurrr-Pop~!) And, you’re so hard, and big~!
Jaune: You’re one to talk? I thought you were a B-Cup, what are those, H-Cup? How the hell did you manage to hide those?
May: Lots of binding… (Slurp~!) Otherwise they get in the way… But, now they’re right where I want them~!
Jaune: I’ll admit, I’ve always wanted to a girl with a big chest to do this to me. Done side if be a hormonal teenager with seven sisters as big as you.
May: Mmmm~! Day ar?
Jaune: Mmmm~! Much bigger… I’ll show you a place later where you can get some proper restraining bras. Those binding’s will hurt your chest in the long wrong.
May: (Pop~!) Really?! Oh, thanks, Jaune! That means a lot!
Jaune: My pleasure.
May: But, in the meantime, your ‘little’ friend here owes me a make over~!
Jaune: Then get back to work, There’s a lot more I want to do with you than just give you a makeover~!
May: I’m looking forward to it the…?!
Penny: Amazing! Are most male reproduction organs so big?!
Jaune: Penny?! W-What are you doing here?
Penny: Friend Ruby recounted the tale of your sexual escapades, I was interested the validity of her words , so I described to authentic her tale for myself.
Jaune: So…? Would you care to join us then?
Penny: Sensational!
Nora: Ruby blabbed?
Jaune: Yep…
Nora: Shall I take care of her.
Jaune: You may.
Nora: So how was, Penny?
Jaune: She just watched us, she wanted to know what to expect before she did anything.
Nora: So you’re gonna pop her cherry then~?
Jaune: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.
Nora: With that bitchbreaker? Yeah right!
Penny: S-S-Sen… Sensa-sa-sation-a-aalllll~!
Jaune: Penny?! P-Penny are you okay…?
Ciel: I think you short circuited her… And, it only took you: Twelve minutes, and thirty seven seconds.
Jaune: Uhh… Is she okay? I saw literal sparks fly off of her.
Ciel: She is in the midst of a reboot. She will be fine in ten to fifteen minutes.
Jaune: Are you sure?
Ciel: I am. Now, you have not ejaculated yet despite, Penny’s best efforts. So I shall offer you a fellatio to bring you to ejaculation. This should take no more than five minutes.
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Jaune: It did in fact take no longer than five minutes…
Nora: You sound disappointed by that.
Jaune: I couldn’t really enjoy it. Sure she went after me like a vacuum, but I couldn’t enjoy it. Besides, it feels weird to time how long you can bring someone to come.
Nora: That makes sense. It’s not a contest to see who can eat the most pancakes the fastest.
Jaune: According to, Penny, Ciel is very punctual. Basically everything she does is done to a schedule, and I mean everything, down to the last second is marked on one of her schedules.
Nora: Yikes, major control freak right there. Hmm… You two having another scheduled interaction together?
Jaune: Yeah, why?
Nora: It would be a shame if things didn’t go to schedule, if you catch my drift~!
Jaune: Oh really~?
Ciel: OH FUCK~?!!
Jaune: What was that~? Barely even a few minutes? Doesn’t it take you five minutes to have a orgasm?
Ciel: Y-Y-You…?! Oh fuck?! You disrupting mu p-p-pla-Ahhhh~!
Jaune: And, you’re absolutely loving it~!
Ciel: N-No! I’m not! I-I… Ohhh~! I hate…?! Oh gods~!
Jaune: You love it~!
Ciel: Oh~!
Jaune: Admit it, Ciel. You love it when I disrupt your precious little timetable~!
Ciel: I don’t! I-I-Ahhh~! i ha… Ha… I LOVE IT~! I fucking love it! I love not know when I’ll cum, when you’ll come! Oh gods~! This feels amazing~!
Jaune: Good girl~! You deserve a reward… I know, how about another one of these!
Ciel: Oh gods~?! It’s so warm! S-S-So warm~!
Jaune: Good girl~! Let’s spend… two minutes for you to catch your breath before we… Rin?!
Rin: H-Hey, Jaune… You looking… big…
Jaune: Oh uhh… Thanks. So… Ciel seems a bit out of it… Would you care to join us? Give, Ciel a chance to get her legs back?
Rin: J-Join you…?
Rin: …
Rin: Later.
Jaune: Later?
Rin: Yeah, later… I meed to prepare myself… mentally… and physically…
Jaune: Oh, okay. Let me know when you’re ready to do it.
Rin: Don’t worry, you won’t have to wait too long. Till then, Jaune~!
Jaune: Till then…?
Jaune: I’m… worried…
Nora: About, Rin?
Jaune: Yeah… the way she stared at me… there was something in her eyes that seemed… wanting, lusting, and… and, unhinged…
Nora: Hmmm… Yeah, I asked her about the two of you going at it. The way she rubbed her thighs, and bit her lip… There was something… there was something in her eyes that unnerves me…
Jaune: We won’t know until we do it… But, until then keep an eye on, Rin. Something’s fishy, and I want to know what’s going on.
Nora: Will do, Fearless Leader!
Jaune: Let’s hope nothing bad happens…
Rin: That’s it you magnificent stud!
Jaune: Whoa, Rin?! What’s gotten into you?!
Rin: Come on! Come on! Comeonecomeonconeobcomeone!
Jaune: Ahh, Rin?! What the hells gotten into you?!
Rin: Come inside! Come inside, and knock me up!
Jaune: Wait, what?!
Rin: Get me pregnant! Give me your babies! Make me a mommmMMMMMY~!!!
Jaune: Ahh fuck… Are you try to…?! What the fuck, Rin?!
Rin: Ahh~! I’m gonna be a mother~! Ahhhhhhh…
Jaune: Rin? Oi, Rin, what the hell was that?!
Glynda: A violation of several school codes, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Ahhh?! M-M-Ms. Goodwitch… H-Hi…?
Glynda: I see you are having… fun…
Jaune: Yeah… fun…
Glynda: Fun…
Jaune: Uhhh…
Glynda: Clean up your teammate, Mr. Arc, then clean the spot where you… Where you had your fun…
Jaune: I’ll get right on that, Ms. Goodwitch!
Glynda: Good… I will see you tomorrow at detention, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Detention? That seems… appropriate…
Jaune: So… Rin wants me to impregnate her…
Nora: Yeah… that’s… yeah…
Jaune: Yeah…
Nora: I made her take some, ‘morning after’ pills.
Jaune: Oh? Oh that’s good! That’s good…
Nora: Something wrong?
Jaune: I’m just confused on all of… that!
Nora: Are you against having a kid… a kid with, Rin…?
Jaune: …
Jaune: I’m not against it… It’s just… I never expected that, Rin wants such a thing… from me no less… But… I don’t know… We’ll need to talk with, Rin about this later… I just… I need more time to process all of this…
Nora: Okay… I’ll let, Pyrrha know what happened so we can all talk about this.
Jaune: Good idea. It’s best if she also keeps an eye on, Rin as well. Haa… Okay, I have to get going… detention, Ms. Goodwitch…
Nora: Good luck, Jaune.
Jaune: I’ll need it…
Glynda: So… Let me get this straight… In an attempt to whoo me, you had sexual intercourse in my classroom, hoping that I would catch you in the midst of the act where you would ask me: “Would you care to join us?” Is that correct, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Y-Yes…
Glynda: Good. Let’s continue; You started this little plot with, Ms. Belladonna, where instead of me catching you in the act, you were caught by, Ms. Rose, then you tried it again with, Ms. Rose. Then you tried it again with, Ms. Schnee. And, again with, Ms. Xiao Long. And then with, Ms. Sustari. And, then with, Ms. Fall. And, then with her teammate, Ms. Politan. And, then with your teammate, Ms. Valkyrie. And, then with, Ms. Scarlatina. And, then with her partner, Ms. Adel. And, then with, Ms. Chloris. And, then it was, Ms. Arslan, which involved, Ms. Nikos in a competition of some sorts. Then, Ms. Katt asked you to join your… harem. And, then Miss Zedong ask to join you. And, then it was, Ms. Polendina, who was with, Ms. Soleil, and lastly it was your teammate, Lie Rin before I, Glynda Goodwitch finally caught you in the act…
Jaune: Y-Y-Yeah… That’s p-pretty much it…
Glynda: And, tell me, Mr. Arc… Why… Why didn’t you just ask me out on a date, instead of this convoluted plan where you started a harem after sleeping with seventeen different woman? If you just asked me out back then, I would be enjoying your massive cock between my breasts long ago!
Jaune: I-I’m sorry! I thought you would say no!
Glynda: Mr… No… Jaune… You promised to marry me when you were six… I waited twelve years for you to make your move, and instead of making your move on me, you slept with secenteen other woman! What the hell, Jaune!
Jaune: Uhh… E-Eighteen woman actually…
Glynda: Eighteen?! You’ve slept with eighteen woman before me?! That it! You may have slept with sixteen woman before me, but I’ll be the first to have your child!
Jaune: Y-Yeah… about that…
Glynda: What!! You’re already a father?! Who the hell did you…?! Adrian… You’re, Adrian’s father, aren’t you?!
Jaune: Surprise…?
Glynda: You slept with your sister’s wife to conceive a child?!
Jaune: It was consensual! They wanted an, Arc, so I gave them an, Arc baby!
Glynda: And, Saphron just sat there, and watched as you knocked up her wife, Terra?!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Nineteen…
Glynda: Motherfucker?!
Jaune: Technically true…
Glynda: That’s it! I don’t care about your harem, or the fact I’m number twenty! But, I’ll be damned if someone else has your child before me! I’m number two! Rin can become number three after me! So get ready, Jaune, you’re going to become a father again~!
Jaune: H-Help…?
Ozlyn: Ara-Ara~! Do you really think that I will allow that to happen, Glynda?
Jaune: Headmistress Ozlyn?!
Glynda: Ozlyn?! What are you doing here?
Ozlyn: Me? Why I was planning to get the number two spot, but I don’t mind being number three~!
Glynda: The number two spot is mine bitch!
Ozlyn: We’ll see honey~! But, before we begin, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Yes…?
Ozlyn: Please say, ‘The Lline.’
Jaune: The line…?
Ozlyn: Yes, ‘The Line~!’
Jaune: Uhhh… H-Hello, Headmistress Ozlyn… would you care to join us…?
Ozlyn: Fufufu~! With extreme pleasure~!
Nora: Glynda Goodwitch, and Headmistress Ozlyn?!
Jaune: Yeah… both of them…
Nora: Whoa… How was it?
Jaune: Starved, to say the least…
Nora: Oh gods… So… Now what…? You started a harem with twentyone different woman, and all of us are ready, and waiting for a second run! So, what are you going to do, Fearless Leader?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Pancakes…
Nora: Pancakes?
Jaune: Yeah, pancakes. I’m hungry.
Nora: Whoo! Pancakes! Can we have sex afterwards?
Jaune: Sure.
Nora: Fuck yeah!
Jaune: No syrup in the bedroom though.
Nora: Dammit!
Haaa… Days of work… And it’s finally over!
Doing the bloody colour coding took forever…
Do enjoy~!
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detshin · 3 days
Sooo, this is random. BUT-
Do you think that Heizo (Heiji's dad), having the parenting style he has (tough sometimes and seemingly distant and strict) and being who he is (the police superintendent or whatever)... Would be okay with Heiji being so close to Shinichi?
I mean, you know Shinichi... b&e-Shinichi, sticking-his-nose-everywhere-Shinichi, putting-unknown-substances-in-his-mouth-Shinichi, the-law-is-not-always-right-Shinichi, could-never-become-a-police-officer-Shinichi... Being best buddies with HIS SON?!
And you can't deny that Shinichi's methods have affected the way Heiji works a little too.
Shizuka would be okay with him, right? I think she'd adore him because she would think he's sweet and cute and he likes her food when he visits and eats a lot of it, and if Heiji likes him then she likes him too.
But Heizo. He might not so much. Or maybe Shinichi's good heart and willingness to learn will win Heizo over?
Anyway I throw the question at you guys now! What do you think? I also wanna hear you guy's thoughts!
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secretsolarsystem · 2 years
19 or 20-year-old Obi distraught from a vision Qui-Gon made him ignore that resulted in Obi being injured meets Lord (during Order 66) Vader.
soooo he doesn't really get injured but (spoiler) he gets kinda umm kidnapped?? so hopefully that's cool <33 I also made this spicy and we have @kyberkenobi to thank for that so GO THANK HER RN!!!!! THANK U MADISON <3
here is your 2.8k canon-divergent, raised a Sith!Vader, padawan to master!Obi-Wan, NSFW!!! masturbation (not underage!!!), vision-enemies/lovers to real life enemies/lovers?? and dyad????? my friend!!
The first time it happens – or maybe, the only time it really happens, Obi-Wan is alone. He’s alone, he’s in his bed, and he’s trailing his hand down his chest and down his stomach, all the way to his waistband.
Once he reaches it, he trails his fingers through his newly growing happy trail, pinching the hairs and tugging just to make himself hiss. Obi-Wan likes to tease himself because it makes him take his time; he’s quite revered by the Order for his patience, and he finds this act to be no exception for one of his best qualities.
Though tonight, he’s just a little too impatient. Maybe it’s because he’s riled up from sparring with the other padawans; maybe it’s because more than a few of those padawans gave him looks suggesting they, too, were riled up; or maybe it’s just because he’s an nineteen-year-old human. At the moment, Obi-Wan doesn’t care what the cause of him shoving down his underwear quickly is – all he cares about is wrapping his hand around his aching cock.
Obi-Wan lets out a long sigh, simply holding his cock for a moment. He rocks his hips in small circles, closing his eyes and sinking into the feeling. He remembers one padawan in particular, how she’d been panting after their first round, how her still-growing chest was heaving. Obi-Wan squeezes his hand around himself now, once, and then he lets go so he can spit into his palm. Getting a hand on himself again, he recalls how she’d looked up at him at the end of their third round, cheeks red and pupils blown and lips wet and parted around heavy breaths.
She’d won twice already, signaling the end of their sparring session, but still, she’d squirmed under Obi-Wan’s body and breathed, “Best three out of five?”
Obi-Wan hums out yes now, as he had then, though now he says it as he finally starts stroking his cock. He sets a steady pace, making sure to keep the pressure of his grip light. He may be eager, but he doesn’t want to come yet, not until he gets through the images of their sparring and into the ones he knows will push him over the edge.
The other padawan got her third win during their fourth round, both of them agreeing without hesitation to move onto hand-to-hand. When she’d won, she’d had Obi-Wan’s front pressed to the floor, her hips on his lower back and one arm wrapped around his shoulders, her breathing hot and loud in his ear. “I loved you on top,” she’d muttered, “but you’re lovely here, too.”
Biting his lip around a groan, Obi-Wan’s hand speeds up and he trails his other one down to his thigh, gripping it tightly with his fingers just to hold onto something. As they often do when he’s run out of whatever’s immediately made him horny, Obi-Wan’s thoughts turn to his time on Mandalore, to his time with Satine. All he really has to do is think of her biting words and how she’s shoved him against the wall when he’d returned them, about how she’d wanted him to shut up so she bit and kissed his lips until they were humping against each other, groaning ‘I can’t stand you’ and ‘don’t stop, don’t you dare stop’ into each other’s mouths.
Already feeling himself near the edge, Obi-Wan tightens his grip and keeps his fast, steady pace while the hand on his thigh presses bruises into his skin. He’s panting, he’s biting his tongue against moans, his whole body is rolling into the tightness of his own hand. He’s on the edge, the precipice, he can feel the warm start to spill over into his gut, and then-
And then the vision changes, sharply, so suddenly he doesn’t have time to even realize it and stop jacking himself off. It’s while he’s taking himself to the edge that he sees the padawan from his earlier fantasies again, though now her eyes are closed as she lays lifeless on the ground. It’s not just her, though; the whole Temple seems to be riddled by Jedi bodies, ‘sabers dropped from still hands and the marks of blaster bolts everywhere.
Obi-Wan gasps, the vision gruesome and horrifying, but it’s when the vision of a tall man appears, the shadows of his cheekbones made severe by the light of his red blade and his golden eyes boring into Obi-Wan’s that Obi-Wan’s hand finally stops because he’s coming, he’s gasping and he’s crying and he’s moaning as he spills onto his hand and his stomach and even up to his chest. His toes are curled and his back is arched because he’s come the hardest he’s ever come while he’d looked into the eyes of a mass murderer, of a Sith.
He needs to tell Master Qui-Gon. He needs to tell the Council. He needs- He needs to clean his come off of himself.
Obi-Wan told Qui-Gon, and it hadn’t gone well, in Obi-Wan’s opinion. He’d told Obi-Wan that the future is always shifting and changing, and that the Sith hadn’t been around for centuries. “It’s highly unlikely to come to fruition,” he’d said, “and even if it is on the horizon, trust that we will be well prepared to avoid that fate.”
“But Master, if we are to be prepared, shouldn’t the Council know about it?” Obi-Wan had pressed. He could still feel those golden eyes boring down into his very soul, they’d seemed so real, so inevitable. He couldn’t deny how even know they sent a horrified shiver down his spine, though he absolutely denied with every fiber of his being the way they sent heat to his gut.
“Padawan, what were you doing when you had this vision?” Qui-Gon asked, arms crossed. Obi-Wan blushed furiously, eyes glued to the floor. “Were you in a calm state that could allow the Force to speak clearly to you? Or were your emotions heightened, making the Force have to use more aggression to get to you?” Obi-Wan knew his silence would give Qui-Gon his answer, so he didn’t say a word. (Thank the Force; what if Qui-Gon followed up by asking exactly what he’d been doing?) “I think it best if we leave this be, Obi-Wan. No need to fuss over something that most likely will not occur.”
So Obi-Wan listened to his master, as a good apprentice should. He didn’t fuss over the vision, nor did he share it with anyone else. It was something he locked away to himself, for himself. As much as he wish he didn’t, he revisited it often, especially when he was doing what he’d been doing when it first came to him. He couldn’t tell if the vision was expanding upon itself each time or if he was the one adding to it, but he couldn’t be bothered to dissect it, not when Qui-Gon had told him not to and not when he was writing atop his sheets.
Nowadays he didn’t have to think of other padawans or people he’d seen on the HoloNet or even Satine; all he needed were those golden eyes and severe facial features and he was coming all over himself with a cry stifled by biting the inside of his cheek so hard he’d bleed.
Once, he’d been face down on the bed, hips swaying above his knees with his ass up in the air. His spit-slick fingers were thrusting in and out of his hole, and he was too tight and they were too dry, but he was whimpering and drooling onto his pillow nonetheless. He managed to wiggle them in deep enough and angle them just so, so he was brushing over his prostate as he saw the figure swing his ‘saber with such graceful force and a sharp smile filled with satisfaction. It had Obi-Wan shaking, and just as he felt that heat start to spill over, the vision showed him the Sith’s pink, plush lips forming the words, “Did you like that, Master?” and Obi-Wan’s cry was lost to the pillow now bit between his teeth as he spilled onto the sheets below him.
As he laid there, sweaty and. panting and hating himself, he wondered why the vision only came to him when he was getting himself off. Was the first one the only true vision, and his subconscious now connected it to the action? If it was real, did it have something to do with it? If it wasn’t, what did that say of Obi-Wan, who was getting off to a Sith who might kill his family?
And what did it mean that now that vision called him Master?
When the vision came to fruition, Obi-Wan had been in the middle of discussing strategy with Cody and a few other men early in the morning, all of them having powered through the night with no sleep. He was still in his clothes from yesterday, and he knew his hair was a mess from how often he tugged at it throughout the meeting.
Times were strange and they were hard. The war was unforgiving, and Obi-Wan feared there would be no end to it. All he had to comfort him were the pieces of Temple life he could take with him, the bond he felt with the 212th, the Force, and the vision he still kept all to himself.
As he waited for Cody to come back from grabbing caf and tea for everyone, Obi-Wan felt a horrible, sharp shift in the Force. He heard Cody’s voice, suddenly sounding impossibly far away and much too close for comfort responding to a staticky voice with “Yes, my Lord,” and without looking up, he knew every man’s blaster was trained on him.
With a great pain in his heart but no hesitation, Obi-Wan grabbed and ignited his ‘saber, going into a defensive stance. As he looked around at his men, at his brothers, he immediately noticed that while they all aimed their blasters directly at him, none of them were pulling their triggers.
“Cody-” he began, hoping there was room for explanation and diffusion before whatever heartbreaking battle was about to break out.
“General Kenobi,” Cody cut him off, and though Obi-Wan had heard him say those exact words hundreds of times, they were now said with no warmth, no respect. “You are under arrest by order of the Galactic Empire. Surrender willingly and quietly, or we will be forced to bring you in unconscious.”
Not wavering in his stance, Obi-Wan asked, “Bring me in where, Commander?”
Clicking his teeth, Cody sighed. “He didn’t choose quietly,” he mumbled, and then Obi-Wan heard a blaster go off, and then everything was black.
Blinking his eyes open, Obi-Wan was immediately aware of his body: his head hurt, his body ached, he was sitting on a chair, his ankles were tied to the legs, his wrists tied together behind his back, and around his neck was a Force-inhibitor. Two clones stood guard in front of him, and the second he opened his eyes and groaned in discomfort, one of them glanced back at him and then promptly left the room.
Shortly after, the clone came back, and Obi-Wan’s heart began to race impossibly fast even as it fell to his stomach. Because there, following behind the clone, was the man, the Sith, from Obi-Wan’s most twisted dreams – no, visions. This confirmed this.
It all made sense in that exact moment: the Sith had something to do with his men turning against him. The others must have done the same; Obi-Wan could only wonder how many of his fellow Jedi were dead, now.
“All of them,” the Sith spoke, his voice less hard now, in person. Obi-Wan drank in the sight of his face, identical to the one he’d imagined kissing and fucking for years, now. Obi-Wan had always assumed he’d been older than himself, but he supposed his younger self was having visions of the man as he currently stood before him: sharp cheekbones; golden curls, golden eyes; pink, pink lips. He was gorgeous, and at least a decade younger than Obi-Wan now.
“You can hear my thoughts,” Obi-Wan said, more confirmation than a question.
The Sith smiled. “I’ve always been in your head, haven’t I?” When Obi-Wan simply blinked at him, the Sith’s smile grew. “It’s okay, you’ve been in mine, too.”
Obi-Wan hummed at this, genuinely intrigued. There was no bond between them, seeing as this was their first ever meeting, but clearly they were linked in some way.
“The Force has chosen us, has made us Her dyad,” the Sith explained, golden eyes sparkling. “And my master is not happy about that at all. He says it makes me weak.”
Pursing his lips, Obi-Wan considered what to ask first: What did he mean by them being ‘chosen’ and ‘made’ into a ‘dyad’? Who was his master? Why was he unhappy about it? What was the Sith to do about his master’s unhappiness? (Why had Obi-Wan gotten used to being the Sith’s master, and why did it anger him to hear him refer to another as such?)
“We are two halves of the same whole, two beings intertwined in all ways – well, nearly all ways, but the dreams help with that, don’t they?” the Sith began to answer, smiling sharply at Obi-Wan. It made Obi-Wan wonder what the Sith’s dreams were like; Obi-Wan gotten off to visions of the Sith’s carnage, but never of them being intimate in any way. The dreams never showed him that, but it sounded like they did for the Sith. “And as we are such, you can stop calling me ‘the Sith,’” the Sith groused. “My name is Vader.”
“Vader,” Obi-Wan said aloud, both of them shivering from it. Vader stalked forward and the two clones gave him ample room to do so. When he reached Obi-Wan’s still seated form, Vader swung a leg over Obi-Wan’s own, straddling him as his hands came up to toy with the collar around his throat.
“My master,” Vader went on with answering Obi-Wan’s unspoken questions, smile on his lips, “is a powerful man – the emperor, in fact.” That alone raised a million questions for Obi-Wan, but he held his thoughts and listened. “He’s not a fan of sharing, and is displeased at the idea of anyone else having any sort of sway or hold on me. Which you do, of course.”
Obi-Wan ignored the way heat immediately pooled in his gut, but Vader did not, if the way he scooted himself even closer and smiled wider was any indication.
“What am I to do about it? Well, kill you, of course,” Vader finally answered. Then, he leaned down, mouth right next to Obi-Wan’s ear. “But how am I to kill you, Obi-Wan? You’re my other half. You and I were made for each other.”
Obi-Wan bit back a groan, mind reeling at the thought of being made for this man and this man being made for him. It was impossible, how right it all felt. “So, the question remains: what are you to do?” he managed to ask after swallowing down his arousal.
Sitting back up, Vader smiled down at him. “We are going to kill him.”
Raising an eyebrow, Obi-Wan responded simply with: “‘We’?”
Nodding, Vader said, “Yes, Master. We.”
Kark, there was that word, Master, falling from his lips while he sat on his lap and was real.
There were only two ways to go about this, at the current moment. One was to not believe a word out of Vader’s perfect mouth, and assume he was being led to his master as a trap. Being led to the emperor would give Obi-Wan a (probably very slim) chance at fighting and defeating him, and trying to fix the wreckage of the Republic he was sure to find.
The other was to believe Vader, and believe the idea of them being inextricably linked by the Force itself. This would require him to also believe that Vader would take him to his master not to be killed, but to kill his master, together.
Either way, it seemed he could get to this so-called emperor with a fighting chance.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by Vader giggling above him. “I’d go with the second one,” he advised, tilting his head. “I know you can’t sense it right now because of the collar, but I’m telling the truth.”
“Why don’t you take this collar off of me and let me see for myself?” Obi-Wan retorted.
“Oh you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Master?” Vader said, hooking his fingers underneath the collar so it pulled tight against Obi-Wan’s neck. Obi-Wan sucked in a gasp, both instinctively and at the feel of it choking him just the slightest.
Vader’s eyes darkened, and his tongue darted out to wet his plump lips, an action Obi-Wan couldn’t help but watch with rapt attention. “Oh, did you like that, Master?”
Force, Vader was literally a dream come true. Though, it would probably be more accurate to say he was a nightmare come true, but either way, he was real and true and in some way, shape, or form, he was Obi-Wan’s.
Around them, the Force sang.
prompted fic collection on ao3
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sysig · 6 months
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It’ll all go fine if you’d just don’t worry about it, probably (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Toriel#And technically Sans and Papyrus are offscreen in that last one but they're there!#Starting with a dress because Gaster always needs some pretty clothes!#His cute little angel wings expanded into a shawl :D With a feather-themed dress as well#I was thinking he'd look good in a bleeding-heart pigeon getup - just a little on the nose symbolism hehe - but it'd be very stark as well#But I mean Monsters don't bleed it's fine probably it's just a pop of bright red! Doesn't mean anything!#Thinking about the symbolism of his decorative wings normal-like as well...and of Gerson talking about the Angel of Death.....hmmmm#I'm sure it's nothing haha :)#Thinking again about Toriel taking issue with Gaster's new hole punches but not necessarily of her knowing what they mean#He has to be careful how much he shares of his progress! If she knew what might she make of him? Of them?#Two new little things to be subjugated? Or worse? All the more reason to keep them secret#I like both so much but hmmm he also wouldn't be held as accountable if he kept them secret#It's interesting as well - Gaster had a lot of growing pains with his experiments initially - I wonder how much Fell!Gaster struggled?#He always seems so placid and put together but surely Something breaks him - hard to avoid where and how he is now#Maybe not forever but just for a moment! A moment of weakness is all it takes after all ♪#All the more reason to have safeguards in place!#Like teaching the boys how to heal! :0 Fellplates!Gaster would be able to heal wouldn't he? But nobody else could haha#Would the boys be able to from the beginning? Or do Fell Monsters have to develop it? :0 Through inaction or through intention? Hm ♪#It'd be nice proof of concept if they could heal :) No time like the present!
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gothamcityneedsme · 6 months
also basically all of those screenshots are tavon being mean b/c i think its way funnier when he's mean. i dont screenshot when he says nice things
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lemonlumens · 1 year
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redid this from a good while back with (yet again) updated designs for menthe and coffee
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+ making menthe’s hair make some sort of sense. kinda
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swankpalanquin · 1 year
i knew i was going to get a bad sinus headache when the weather changed so drastically -_-
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teethcore · 2 months
y'all aren't gonna believe this. i'm starting to experience critical thoughts. rational, maybe. okay slightly paranoid, but logical at least. and i'm not like freaking out about it or anything.
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vio1315 · 9 months
Interesting new development in my life
I think maybe outside of when I spend time with people, I've lost the ability to feel happiness :V so that's very interesting indeed
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sisterslvt · 1 month
big sis coming home from her minimum wage, shitty kitchen job, collapsing onto the couch with relief, only to have her lil sis come out from her room, way past her bedtime, asking to cuddle
annoyed, but trying to be a good sister, she says she needs to shower, she’s sweaty and probably smells like fry oil
“and? i don’t mind, i think you smell just fine”, and with that, plops onto big sis’ lap, legs intertwining and arms crossed behind big sis’ head before she can object any more
“okay, you win” she chuckles as she embraces her little sister
as she holds her, little sister nestles her face into her big sister’s neck. “so warm”, she whispers, not realizing big sis’ reaction, biting her lip, trying to push out the intrusive thoughts
“it’s okay, i’m not a bad person”, she silently reassures herself. “she doesn’t know any better” just then, she can feel her sister’s lips grazing her neck
“hey, hehe, what are you doing?” she nervously croaks. “nothing, silly, just relax” big sis’ eyes wander, her sister’s thighs pressed against her own, her supple skin so inviti- she tries to ignore the pounding thoughts and her growing discomfort in her jeans
“big sis, i love you so much, don’t be mad okay?” “huh? why would i be m-” little sister’s lips meet flesh, purposefully, her hand now wandering to brace her big sis’ neck. little sis lets out a moan “-ad?” another moan, this time from big sis’ own mouth
“i want you to feel good, just let me do this for you, okay?” big sis, trying and failing to fight her urges melts towards her sister’s lips, finally reaching her destination. as they pull away, a quick look into each other’s eyes tells little sis that she can surprise her big sis properly.
she swings her legs so she’s straddling her now, ready to make the next move. “do you wanna see me naked?” big sis’ eyes dart around the room, knowing but making sure they’re alone. “only if we can both be naked”
little sister’s eyes light up and she nods excitedly as she begins to strip her big sis down. a flurry of clothes and movement later, little sis is on her knees, in between her big sister’s legs
“i think i saw this in a movie one time, even though mom covered my eyes, i could still see. do you want me to put my mouth on you?” big sis nods, her cock throbbing at the thought. as her little sister’s mouth wraps around her, she can’t hold back, forcing herself as deep as she can bracing her sister’s head with her hands
lil sis would be smiling if she could muster it, but the best she could do was stare up at her big sister as her hips bucked into her. she could barely breathe, but her sister’s face was just so pretty as she moaned between a string of “fuck”s and “you feel so good”s
as lil sis drifted into ecstasy at the thought of her big sister using her like she had fantasized for so long about, her thoughts were interrupted as her mouth was freed and she was lifted onto the couch her other holes now in full view
“lil sis, i wanted this for so long. you always looked like a perfect little fucktoy for me, so now just please let me use you” before she could even respond with an “of course”, big sis’ cock was buried in her pussy, which had been dripping in anticipation. instead, all she could utter was a whimper as big sis pushed her head down and desperately humped against her
“fuck, i shouldn’t be doing this, i shouldn’t even be thinking about this, but your ass is always peeking out of your shorts, i know you wanted this” little sis wanted to say more but all she could get out between thrusts was “yesyesyes, fuuuckk meee”
as big sis’ pace picked up, they both knew what was coming. “you better not tell anyone about this, okay you little slut?” “mm-hmmm” she whined back. big sis bottomed out in her sister as she released all of the pent up stress of the day into her…oh god, she just came in her little sister. she pulled out, her mind no longer hazy with needing to get off and instead left with dread of what might happen next
“i’m so sorry, i shouldn’t have done that…fuck, please don’t tell anyone, we shouldn’t have let that happen”
little sis, blissed out beyond belief just turned around to face her sister, her cheeks now flushed with embarrassment
“i’m glad you came in me, we should do that more often”
big sister’s face lit up, finally excited for what the future held
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Vampire hero x flirty villain but it’s HEAT SEASON *disappears*
“Shit, you’re a mess.” The villain crossed their arms in front of their chest and tilted their head, clearly amused.
“Yeah, listen…” The hero took in a deep breath. It was worse when they spent time with the villain, it always got worse too. Usually, they would hook up with a stranger but that simply didn’t satisfy them anymore.
The hero didn’t know what was wrong with them, they’d been “alive” for long enough now, they had dealt with this several times and had never had any problems. However, that had changed. And the hero hated change.
“You’re not sick, are you?” The villain took a step towards them. Slowly, they came closer and closer.
“No…no, I’m fine, I…hey, let’s just fight, okay?”
“You seem a little distracted.”
“I’m not.”
“Honey, you’re looking at everything I have to offer except for my pretty face.” The villain was in front of them now and the hero tried to keep their eyes on the villain’s. “I’ve done a little bit of research on vampires. Either you’re starving or…”
The hero grabbed their hand.
“Don’t say it.”
The villain’s smirk widened.
“Why not?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” the villain said. Their fingers traced the hero’s jawline. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, darling. It’s only natural, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but…” the hero began. They couldn’t control their thoughts, couldn’t control the daydreams about what they’d do with the villain.
They used to think this was a good thing, a pleasurable thing. But it had turned into a curse, had turned into a bottomless pit.
Deep down, the hero feared they had fallen for the villain. They feared they couldn’t be satisfied without them.
“Honey…” the villain said. They were everything the hero wanted in a partner. Intelligent, protective, flirty. They’d known each other for a while now. “You can’t fight in a state like this. I’ll end up on top of you and we’d reach the same outcome.”
The hero squeezed their eyes shut, trying to ignore their criminal libido. They hadn’t even thought about their actions. It was as if their body had carried them through the streets and to the villain’s apartment.
“I can’t ask that of you, it’s not right.” The hero grabbed the villain’s shoulder in search for something to stabilise them. They could feel their pulse banging in their ears.
“But I was the one suggesting it.” The villain caught the shell of the hero’s ear with their teeth softly. They bit down but released them just as quickly when the hero let out a quiet moan. “And you came to me…”
The hero was quiet. They touched the villain’s neck and caressed it, losing themselves to the feeling of someone actually caring about them.
“I can’t always control myself,” the hero whispered. “The biting or sometimes scratching, I can’t—”
“Hmmm,” the villain hummed and the hero was surprised to see a satisfied smile glued to their face. “I’m into that. So, don’t hold back, got it?”
“Are you sure you—?”
“If you’re really desperate we can do it on my desk, right here,” the villain suggested. They pressed the hero’s hips against the table and the hero could only attempt to whisper the villain’s name when they pressed their knee between the hero’s thighs. “What do you think?”
The hero didn’t know if they wanted to bite or devour the villain. Probably both.
“Y-yes, here is totally fine.”
“What a good vampire you are, hm?” the villain whispered against their ear. Their hand crawled up the hero’s thigh, slowly, agonisingly. “Three taps if it’s too much for you. You choose a safe word.”
The hero nodded.
“What do you want in return? Money? Information?”
“In return,” the villain said, their fingers playing with the hero’s underwear, “I want you to beg for it.”
Thus their affair began.
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strawberrygyuuuu · 1 month
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Genre —> Fluff
—> how they'd react to their s/o holding the hem of their sleeve / shirt.
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
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• will actually explode
• who said you could be this fucking cute? Huh?
• I actually believe this man does the day you start doing this and continues to die every single time
• his heart just melts for you okay?
• I think he tries to contain his feelings but you're just so cute he can't help but to show it
• like he'll literally look at you in that fond lovesick way with a dumb little smile on his face
• maybe a little blushy as well
• because to him it's like you feel safe with him so you're holding onto him so you don't get lost in especially big crowds
• hold onto him for as long as you want, he thrives for it...it's a bit of an ego boost as well lol
• he'll think sum is wrong at first
• he'll look at you and scan your face to see if there's any distress or discomfort or anything
• but once he sees you're okay and just hanging onto him Soobin will smile his cute lil dimple smile
• little sparkles in his eyes because you're adorable wtf dude !!!!
• "you're okay?"
• you just smile and nod at him, "mhm!"
• I think he adores your habit because it's you and he adores you
• sometimes I think he'll gently take your hand and replace it with his so yours are intertwined with his
• idk man he might die from heart attack tho cause how cute you are
• so be careful pooks ‼️
• when he's in a playful mood he'll make a big deal out of it
• "hmmm??? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
• "you love me THAT much? Woah!"
• he giggles but he is slightly worried
• but when he's not, it's either he doesn't say anything and just has this smug look on his face
• or he'll look at you to make sure you're alright and pull you closer to him but that's more in way too crowded areas
• idk it's like a dice roll lol
• you might get a smug reaction, a concern reaction or he'll tease you
• but he does care I swear
• it also makes him feel proud because like...you feel safe with him and he can protect you
• he's so in love with you girlie
• once y'all are more comfortable in the relationship he'll learn to enjoy it
• he has boundaries and although he does love you vv much those are still in place
• but when you did it it was more out of instinct
• tae def looks at you, then your hand, back at you before smiling fondly
• just a small smile
• "everything good, Hun?" GHFF PLS I NEED HIM🙏🏻
• when you confirm you're alright, he figured you were js anxious or to not lose him or sum
• lets you be, but will tease you sometimes
• only because he thinks it's endearing
• he trusts you when you tell him that you're fine so he doesn't push or anything
• fosho wants you to do it more often, if you ask if it annoys him he'll simply shake his head and tell you it doesn't, because it really doesn't
• probably encourages you to keep doing it tbh
• idk pooks
• you're endearing to him
• is soo blushy and shy it's cute
• you're cute
• like omfg???
• he adores you sm n I genuinely think he'd love when you do this little habit of yours
• he snickers and smiles so wide
• boy is ear to ear smiling he's so happy n in love 😭🙏🏻
• probably tried to be normal about it and not make too big of a deal about it but you can tell he's over the moon
• because again, it's like,, you trust him ??
• ARUGH he can't take it pooks
• when y'all get back to the dorms or your apartment or sum he'll be squishing your cheeks
• rubbing his cheek against yours squealing about how cutie you are
• full on fanboy
• but I can also see him silently being happy about it
• and maybe probably possibly tease you later on just to poke fun
• but nothing serious; please keep doing this !
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leclercsbunny · 9 months
maybe if you loved me ♡ c. sainz
part six ♡ masterlist
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f1chai sainz and ricciardo allegedly got into a scuffle, sky news report. the two have come up on recent news due to their involvement with yn, as both drivers have been closely linked with the spanish socialite. the f1 management is reportedly investigating this matter, and are adamant to deal out swift and just penalties for both drivers involved. neither teams have expressed their side regarding this matter.
username i would pay good money to see them fist fight
username and nobody caught it on their camera ?? LAMEEEE
username see i would have screamed world star‼️
username hmmm arguing who's the daddy
username will forever be astounded of yn, bagging these men in the same breath
username yikes
username penalty for ocon!!
username don't let these men back on track fia (10392)
username so... private school fighting? pointing at eachother and then screaming?! 🤔🤔🤔
username "sainz and ricciardo had to be separated by several staff in a fit of blind rage."
username "the australian driver emerged with an upset expression, a bruising prominent on his jaw and a crimson eyebrow. the spaniard later on followed suit, an expression of annoyance evident, armed with a busted lip and a limp to his gait."
username so a fight FIGHT. they were scrapping to scrap 😳😳
username oh i know they were just swinging wildly
username ten bucks daniel would have laid carlos on his ass
username disagree. have you seen carlos's hands? he's punching to knock some sense into daniel
username yeah but daniel has the force of justice behind his blows
username not if he's the father. screwing your mate's ex girl while they're on the rocks?
username what do you mean on the rocks?? he cheated on her publicly. then they broke up. then partied like his life depended on it? 🙄🤨
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f1chai daniel ricciardo adds fuel to the fire by posting a shady instagram story amid the controversy surrounding him today. several news outlet reports that the australian pilot have been fined a sum of 5,000 euros for recklessly behaving and have been reprimanded alongside sainz. to waive the penalty, the pair were urged to make ammends, and publicly acknowledge their wrongs for disrupting the peaceful atmosphere present in f1. his response is as follows; "i won't apologize."
username stop playing with him 😳😳😳
username yeah that will tell them🤦🏻‍♀️😂
username they keep letting these men buy their way into being a decent human being... they'll cash out everytime !!
username i love when men are shady
username what if they used chairs ?? would that be atleast 10k ??
username that's spare change for these men 😭😭😭 who assigned these amount?
username it's a minor misdemeanor, it's already blown out of proportition🤭
username yeah but that's like what?? one tyre and a steering wheel ?? 😭😭😭
username so close !! steering wheels could go up to six figures 😂😂
username i stand corrected
username daniel: ... so can i pay in advance to throw hands? 🤔😂
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f1chai both sainz and ricciardo have declined to elaborate regarding their public spat, and have expressed very little about their issue. no direct apologies were addressed to eachother nor was there any indication they regretted they came to blows. new reports claim that the reason of them being tight-lipped had everything to do with the paternity of yn's alleged baby, and although at odds with eachother, both sainz and ricciardo are adamant on maintaining her privacy at this delicate moment.
username enemies 4 life
username awww yn's boys🥲🥲
username the boys you speak of would push eachother on the track if given the opportunity🥰
username yeah boys‼️
username daniel probably talked maaaaad smack
username only reasonable explanation
username not necessarily, i would have been throwing hands regardless. like wym you've been comforting MY girl?!
username they broke up though
username on a break** this has been yn and carlos' dance since forever
username man shut up. yn deserves better than a man who has a very fickle sense of loyalty.
username he has some serious issues
username ALLEGEDLY okay ALLEGEDLY daniel took a swipe at matteo's parentage and said something along the lines of "you're gonna fuck up another kid's childhood just because you can't keep it in your pants?" non verbatim 😳😳
username YOOOOOOO
username that's WILD to even comprehend, imagine hearing it directly.
username ngl i would have been throwing hands with daniel aswell
username nicki type of line
username who's matteo's mom anyways 😭😭
username i know we're all mad at him but look at him 😩
username yn this isn't you‼️
username look away we can do this!!
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damianwaynerocks · 5 months
the funniest thing about the batfamily is that they're so smart but they all have zero introspection skills.
the batfamily is smart. so smart. and they deal with the mentally ill population all the time. and most of the time they treat them good! they help them!
i find it absolutely impossible that bruce isn't educated on psychology. there's no way he isn't. no way he hasn't studied psychology, whether it was to understand the joker or any other villains, whether it was to learn how to instill fear, practice for going undercover, hostage negotiation, how to tell the difference between mental health issues and just violent criminals (because he wouldn't know which ones he could talk sense into without understanding why they were doing it), whether it was to learn better methods of interrogation, or even just an interest in how the brain works.
and i guarantee most of the other batkids are too. bruce had to have taught them that so they could learn how to go undercover or how to tell whenever violence is necessary or if you can just talk them down.
dick has a law degree, which means he had to do undergrad. i think it's insane to think that he wouldn't have taken a psychology class. he also was able to understand damian and how to handle him, and he wouldn't be able to do that if he wasn't aware of how his upbringing would've shaped his neural pathways.
tim has a genius level iq. no way he doesn't understand how the brain works. also, he was able to tell that bruce was in a terrible mental state just by observing him as batman, where bruce does everything in his power to hide his emotions. he's also, several times, shown to be one of the only if the not the only batfamily member to understand why jason acts the way he does.
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damian likely isn't terribly empathetic to mental health issues. probably a little more now, but not very. but like. he might not be empathetic to it but there's no way he doesn't understand how it works. how the frontal lobe works. how the amygdala works. how to manipulate someone.
stephanie was in college, and just like i said with dick, i find it hard to believe she wouldn't have taken a psychology class.
cass is cass. enough said.
also!! they all have a pretty good relationship with leslia thompkins!! a psychologist!!
all this to say: how on God's green earth do none of them realize they need therapy.
and like i get why. bruce has suppressed his emotions so much that he genuinely think he's fine. dick is too focused on being a support for everyone to worry about himself. jason and stephanie push it all down. cass, and this is not a diss because i love her, would realistically be very emotionally stunted. damian wasn't raised to be empathetic to the mentally ill and even if he was, he's 15. his frontal lobe is so not developed. plus the trauma they've all endured? the training they've had from bruce, who probably wasn't that concerned about teaching them self care and most definitely taught them to put their emotions aside. so like i get it. but also.
they know all this stuff and??? don't for a single second (except for tim that one time) be like "hmmm i could benefit from CBT and EMDR"
except duke.
how is duke the only one who's like "yeah. you guys aren't okay." duke knows. he tries to reason with them and has several times been like "you guys are crazy. why are you chill with this."
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which is all to say. i'm convinced that at some point duke is going to try to sit them all down and be like "you guys need therapy. please go to therapy. I'm begging you."
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Transformers ROTB
Fluffy Mirage x Reader
I have no more thoughts, there is only Mirage. I already posted a fic of him to my 18+ blog, but I love seeing this mech being a cute little nerd as well. Please enjoy this fic where reader wakes up at night for a drink and Mirage doesn't want to stop snuggling.
Fair warning there might be quite a lot of ROTB content incoming!
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Unexpected thirst woke you from your deep sleep rather quickly, thrusting your bleary mind into an environment it didn't immediately recognize. Panic had no time to set in before you realized you were in your garage, with a thoroughly demolished couch below you and a very affectionate bot snoozing away at your back. The two of you must have fallen asleep after turning off the TV...
Mirage made a small sound at your back before curling more tightly around you, pulling the arm he had under your middle close to secure your back snugly against his front as he murmured something snarky in his dreams. Smiling at the adorableness, you realized rather swiftly that getting up for a drink without waking the sleeping bot would be a challenge. You weren't being held especially tightly, but the soldier was a light sleeper, and the smushed couch remains beneath you were rather noisy when disturbed. Were you not so thirsty, you'd have just settled back into his arms and gone to sleep.
Deciding to try your luck, you began scootching your way downwards to try and ease out of the mech's grip, moving slowly so as not to brush any part of him along the way. Mirage continued to twitch as he dreamt, snoring lightly as you tenderly pushed his arm away from your middle. Once you got free and began inching away from the warm little nest the two of you had created, it occurred to you that the mech had probably pulled you close after you'd fallen asleep but before doing so himself, as the last thing you remembered was resting your eyes while sitting on his lap.
The affection stirred by that thought compelled you to turn around for a look at him recharging in all his adorableness, and you smiled before continuing your crawl. It would be delightful to return to his arms after facing this cold open air...
A loud creak from the smushed springs and wood beneath your knees made you freeze, heart skipping as you looked back in a rush.
Mirage awoke with a start, optics onlining with a few quick blinks before he focused on you and calmed considerably, alarm fading to sleepy confusion. "Babe?"
"I'm just going to get some water, be back in a second." you explained gently, moving in to plant a quick kiss on his forehelm. To your surprise, the speedster pulled you in without a word, hugging you back against his chassis as if you were a cat. Sputtering in surprise, you allowed yourself to be smushed with only moderate flailing, so accustomed to being handled you no longer felt too off put even when caught off guard.
"Nooooo, don't go..." he whined softly, playfully tightening his grip on you as if he never intended to let go. The sleepy antics were quite in character, and you only rolled your eyes as he nuzzled his helm against yours, mussing up your hair in the process. You accepted the affection for a few moments before trying to pull yourself away once more, throat protesting yet again for a drink.
"I'm only going to the kitchen." you reminded him, the door to the room in question quite literally within sight. In just the time he'd taken for these antics you could have been halfway done with your task, thanks largely to the tiny size of the adjoining house, but logic rarely kept Mirage from doing much of anything. In fairness, you'd have been happy to go back to sleep were you not still so thirsty. The lovable bot was very good at cuddling.
"Hmmm, fine..." he conceded with dramatic disappointment, releasing you before crossing his arms and pouting. As soon as you crawled away he upped the ante, wrapping his arms about himself and shivering pathetically and putting on the most over the top puppy optics you'd ever seen. "Brrrr, so cold... hope I don't freeze out here all alone."
"You'll survive until I get back." you promised with a roll of your eyes. Certain he was pouting at the back of your head the entire way, you quickly crossed the furbished garage and slipped into the dark house, using the ample moonlight to guide you through the dark kitchen. After grabbing a much needed glass of water and finishing it with a few greedy gulps, you hurried back to the garage, eyes slightly more adjusted to the dark by the time you opened the door. You doubted the entire affair took more than two minutes.
"Oh, Y/N, is that you? It's been so long..." Mirage said with mock weakness from the far side. Curled up in a pitiful position he'd obviously posed for maximum effect, the speedster shivered as if he'd been left abandoned for hours, the mock pain in his optics barely covering the mischevious delight in their depths.
"I was gone for five minutes." you reminded him with a yawn, wanting nothing more than to curl up in the flattened couch once more. It was surprisingly comfortable for something multiple bots had reduced to a pile of stuffing, but the mech you shared it with probably had a lot to do with that.
"Nearly enough time for me to freeze to death. Now get back here, I need my little space heater." Mirage said, abandoning his act to beckon you over.
"Letting that go because I'm so tired..." you promised, rubbing your eyes as you crawled back onto the couch remains. The mech eagerly assisted you, helping to bring your back against his front just as you'd been before whilst he snagged a spare blanket to lay over your shoulders. Being pulled in close allowed you to feel the subtle warmth that radiated from his own frame, as well as the tender hum of his spark and the gentle caress of his EM field brightening at your presence. When he looped his arm around your front once more, you happily hugged it close, and his demeanor softened all around you.
"Mmm, much better." he purred, curling about you as the both of you settled in once more. Loosely holding his hand, you snuggled against him and began to drift off once more, smiling as he murmured a final goodnight after thinking you were already asleep. "Sweet dreams, bunkmate."
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
Also, shoutout to Impulse for getting stuck in two of those worlds in ONE DAY. Joe revealed that the recording for what we now know as vault hunters was also last monday. Impulse is really going through it.
Impulse sweats. For the past several minutes, Iskall has been staring at him and "hmmm"-ing for some reason. His only solace is that he's also doing it to Etho, but it's still making Impulse feel like he's got something weird on his face. That, or Iskall has suddenly and unexpectedly transformed back into his original villager state. One or the other.
He glances at Etho, who shrugs awkwardly at Impulse. He looks back at Iskall, who is still 'HMMM'-ing, increasingly furiously.
"Do you think he wants us to say something?" Etho asks.
"I mean, I guess?" Impulse says. "He could just ask."
"He's just going to keep humming at us, though," Etho says. "That's scary."
"Scary?" Impulse says, blankly.
"HMMMMM," Iskall says with an irritated expression.
"Scary," Etho confirms. Impulse sighs.
"Okay, I'll handle it. Hey, Iskall," Impulse says.
"Oh, I didn't see you there," Iskall blatantly lies.
"Right. You're, uh, sounding a bit concerned, buddy," Impulse says.
"Right, yes. Very concerned. Did you know you and Etho are already claimed? And, like, super cursed."
"Uh, I got a divorce with Cleo, you know," Etho says, completely straight-faced. "I'm a bachelor now. Not claimed by anyone."
"I'm not sure Bdubs and I ever got a divorce," Impulse says.
"No, no, not claimed like that! Claimed like--I did warn you all, yes? That my patrons would not like it if you came with other gods all over you? They get jealous of each other, let alone whoever you have... doing that to you."
Impulse and Etho glance at each other again. Impulse looks back at Iskall. "Yeah, I think I'd remember if I were claimed by any gods. I don't really... worship any, these days."
"If I worship any gods, Iskall, they're not the kind yours can do anything about," Etho says.
"What?" Impulse says.
"I mean, I'm old! I'm old, Impulse! I've met a lot of gods! Some of them I have opinions on!" Etho says.
"No, I've met yours too, they won't cause problems, yeah?" Iskall says.
"Thank goodness," Etho says.
"Sometimes I forget how old you two are," mutters Impulse. "That doesn't answer the whole... already claimed?"
"Yeah, like, it stinks off of you to me. It's like... you've got... someone's already claimed you to kill players, not mobs. And your health is all wonky. And you're keeping secrets or... kept secret? And don't even get me STARTED on how much time you have. All wrong. Who did you even find to do that to you?"
Impulse freezes.
"...the time was last season," he says, finally.
"Last season? What?" Iskall says.
"Yeah, that was--you know what, tell your gods not to worry about it," Impulse says. "I'm sure it's. Fine? Hey, wait, how can you tell?"
Iskall shakes his head like he's trying to knock something out of his ear. "They're annoying about it. Make whatever curse you're under go away while you're here or they're going to make it my problem. Mine! As though I can do anything about it. Go to the mortal world, they say. Bring your friends back here, they say. We want to meet them, they say. They're so annoying."
Etho, without skipping a beat, says: "Yeah, are those gods or the mother I saw last night?"
There's an ominous roll of thunder.
"Oh, definitely your mom," he says. There is a second, even more ominous roll of thunder happens, somehow entirely focused on Etho's location. Impulse decides to ignore it.
"I'll bother Grian about it," Impulse decides. He somewhat doubts Grian is a god--man, he really, really hopes Grian isn't a god, actually--but maybe he knows that Secret Keeper guy. That feels like the kind of guy who probably did this to them.
"Do that," Iskall says, and he wanders off to bother Stress.
Etho watches him go. "You know, maybe we should worry about the fact we're cursed because of the Life games. That seems, uh, bad," he says.
Impulse thinks about it and shrugs. "Eh, what's the worst that can happen?"
A long silence.
"Don't answer that," he tells the silence, before it can ominously thunder again. He knows the kinds of things that will lead to gods mocking him, after all.
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