#how does low carb diet work
ketolifestyleworld · 11 months
Beginners Guide To Starting A Keto Diet - How To Start The Ketogenic Die...
I’ve been doing the keto diet for a while now and wanted to share my ultimate beginner's guide to keto at www.Ketolifestyleworld.com 
Get a curated collection of delectable keto recipes and a 7 day Keto diet mini-course for 100% free with Insider tips to kickstart your journey
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matrixtronx · 2 years
Eliminate Belly Fat for Good with Lean Belly 3X: A Review
I. Introduction
Belly fat, also known as abdominal obesity, is a common health concern that can have serious negative consequences on overall health. Excess belly fat has been linked to an increased risk of numerous health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Belly fat is often difficult to lose, but it is important to take steps to reduce it in order to improve overall health and reduce the risk of these serious health conditions.
II. What is Lean Belly 3X?
Lean Belly 3X is a dietary supplement that is claimed to help reduce belly fat and improve overall health. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that are said to help boost weight loss and reduce fat, particularly in the abdominal area. Lean Belly 3X is marketed as an effective solution for those looking to lose belly fat and improve their overall health.
III. Benefits of using Lean Belly 3X
Weight loss: Lean Belly 3X is claimed to help boost weight loss by reducing fat, particularly in the abdominal area.
Reduced belly fat: As its name suggests, Lean Belly 3X is specifically formulated to help reduce belly fat.
Improved overall health: By reducing excess belly fat, Lean Belly 3X may help improve overall health and reduce the risk of certain health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
Natural ingredients: Lean Belly 3X is made with natural ingredients, which may appeal to those looking for a more natural solution for weight loss and fat reduction.
IV. User reviews and testimonials
It is always a good idea to read reviews and testimonials from users before trying a new product, as this can give you an idea of what to expect and help you make an informed decision. However, it's important to keep in mind that individual results may vary and what works for one person may not work for another.
When it comes to Lean Belly 3X, there are a variety of user reviews and testimonials available online. Some users report experiencing significant weight loss and reduction in belly fat after using the supplement, while others have not noticed any significant changes. As with any supplement, it is important to remember that results may vary and it may not work for everyone. It is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you.
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, Lean Belly 3X is a dietary supplement that is claimed to help reduce belly fat and improve overall health. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that are said to help boost weight loss and reduce fat, particularly in the abdominal area. While some users have reported positive results, such as weight loss and reduced belly fat, it's important to remember that individual results may vary and more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of Lean Belly 3X. It is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for you. In addition to using supplements, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to achieve optimal weight loss and health results.
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bbooth99 · 1 year
I Make Fat People . . .
I am quite sure you will recognize this person. This individual query what you do for a living. He or she doesn’t really care to hear your answer, it is just a way for them to expound ad nauseam what he or she does for a living.  I encountered this particular individual at the local bagel shop I frequent. Up to that point I had been lucky that his unwelcome and unwarranted prattle was levied at…
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ms-demeanor · 29 days
Okay THANK YOU for saying “your body craves what it needs” is bs because that felt like bs this whole time.
Like you don’t need more sugar if you crave sweets that is NOT what that means. Sugar is a food that people crave because it tastes good/sugar I think is an addictive food??
Idk it just felt like people making excuses when they’re supposed to be trying to eat a little healthier (healthier, not low cal, not low fat or keto or whatever. Diets are bs but craving sweets does not mean sugar is healthy thing for your body rn)
People crave sugar because it tastes good, which is not a bad thing, and there is an evolutionary reason that sugar and fat taste good to us. Carbs are your body's favorite thing because it is SUPER easy for your body to break them down into useful molecules.
I'm not a fan of the idea that any foods are addictive and I'm skeptical of models that suggest "refined food addiction" is a thing with a measurable, real-world impact; there's a lot of debate in that area of nutrition science and to me it kind of seems like the tools people use to track food addiction aren't really examining the addictiveness of specific foods, but are decent screening tools for people who have compulsive behaviors around food (for instance, one group of people who the Yale Food Addiction Scale has repeatedly been demonstrated to be REALLY good at identifying is people with anorexia).
But your body needs sugar all the time, whether that's in the form of complex carbohydrates that get broken down into simple sugars by your body, or simple sugars that you stir into your tea that then gets sent to your cells as energy. If your diet doesn't have enough sugar in it, your body has a processes to turn non-sugars into sugar so that it can use the sugar (gluconeogenesis!). Sugar is unambiguously good for you in the way that fat is unambiguously good for you. You need sugar to survive and it's not a bad thing if you want to have a cookie or a soda or some candy, and again - your craving probably isn't telling you that you're deficient in a specific micro or macronutrient, but I still think that you should listen to your craving.
Like, I don't know how much you know about psychotherapy but the attitude that a lot of diet-focused discussion takes toward cravings reminds me of cognitive behavioral therapy. "When you crave chocolate, no you don't! Don't think about the chocolate, you actually probably need starch or sugar or something, let's redirect that into having a banana, or some frozen berries, or some spinach. Point away from the unhealthy craving and into the healthy replacement, or, better yet, ignore the craving. Mind over matter. You choose how you act."
(I actually think "X craving means that I want Y food so I shall replace it with Z, which is similar" "craving salt means that I am dehydrated and need electrolytes so instead of potato chips I'll have some soup" is how this goes most of the time. I think this is a diet culture thing, not a food positivity thing.)
And you know what I think that's a garbage way to look at both food and emotions.
When I'm craving ice cream it's not because I've been mostly vegetarian for a week and am low on dietary cholesterol (AN IMPORTANT NUTRIENT. Don't be scared of consuming some cholesterol), I'm craving ice cream because sugar and fat taste good. So instead of trying to pretend that I'm getting "what I need" from a piece of salmon the size of a deck of cards with no salt and some lemon squeezed on top, I'm going to scoop out a moderate portion of ice cream and eat it while focusing on how much I enjoy it. And I'm going to do that instead of sitting down with a pint and a spoon while I'm stressed at work and eating something that tastes good to distract from the fact that work is stressful. (And sometimes it's fine to sit down with a pint and a spoon but I will say that's generally best not to do while you're in the middle of something stressful)
And if you want to relate that back to therapy I see this as more of the DBT approach. I've accepted that I want ice cream so I'm going to eat it in an intentional way and enjoy it instead of eating so much that I don't want dinner, or that it makes me feel sick, or that I eat it without noticing it because I'm using it as a distraction instead of a snack.
I'm not trying to shut down the negative emotion or shun the "bad" food, I'm accepting that I have that emotion and I'm working this neutral food into my day so that I'll feel good tomorrow and won't get heartburn overnight.
So I see that you're trying to be kind of anti diet culture here, but I don't think people need excuses to eat sugar, and I actually think that making excuses to eat it is significantly less healthy than just eating the sugar (which, again, is unambiguously healthy to eat as part of a varied, filling, nutritious diet). It seems like you may have internalized some ideas about sugar that are not great even if you are trying to separate from diet culture.
Nobody is ever going to eat a diet so healthy and nutritionally complete that they don't want candy or cake or cookies sometimes. Food is not only fuel, it is entertainment and culture and comfort and distraction and celebration and a million other things, but it is not bad. I don't think there's a single universally bad food out there, or any food that never belongs as part of someone's diet (unless it's something you're allergic to - I don't care if you're craving peanuts, do not eat peanuts if you have a peanut allergy).
So it's okay to make sugar, you don't need to make excuses. It's okay to eat sugar if you're craving sugar, even if that's not what your body "needs". But also sometimes a craving is your body saying "I'm hungry and this sounds good, please feed me" even if you're not a finely-tuned spectrometer that's craving blueberries pie because you actually need antioxidants from the blueberries (you're not a finely tuned spectrometer, you don't need the antioxidants from the blueberries, it's perfectly fine to just eat a slice of pie).
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720am · 5 months
for losing as much as possible in a short amount of time (cuz we are all desperate), from me - a biotechnologist, who relapsed (the demons never leave)
the tips i am about to share with all my girliepops are all based on science and work; if you have any other tips, feel free to share in the comments, so we can have all the tips in one place!
• eat your meals from smaller sized plates, to trick your brain you are eating more
• cut up your food into small pieces
• chew every bite at least 10-15 times, until it is a purée consistency; this way you will be eating slower and give your brain more time to realise you are full
• sip water with a lemon slice between your bites
• focus on eating vegetables and protein, limit carbs
• drink a lot of water, and I mean a lot
• add lemon slices to your water to make it have some flavour; also the lemon juice in water before your meals will help reduce the glucose spike => less insulin released from liver => less absorbed glucose from carbs/sugars/starches => less fat on your body
• move for 10 mins right after eating - walk, do calf raises, some light movement so all the glucose can be used before getting stored as fat on your body
• drink tea - green tea, detox tea, whatever tea, without a sweetener
• do not drink diet sodas/colas - or any kind of liquid that is not water/tea - these are useless calories, why would you do that to yourselves?! even if it says 0 cals - this s#it is so bad for you, and the carbonation makes you feel bloated like a god damn whale! ditch the diet sodas girliepops
• implement some kind of movement every day - walking, pilates, yoga, dance workouts, resistance bands workouts or stretching
• do not weigh yourself everyday - due to hormones our weigh fluctuates every day and this will just make you feel bad if you lose and gain 1-2 legs everyday depending on your menstrual cycle, water weight and so on.. weigh yourself every 2 weeks.
• do not drink fruit juice - this is such a scam; hear me out: how many oranges does it take to make 1 glass of orange juice? around 3. can you eat three whole oranges in one sitting? i bet no. then why would you drink 3 oranges? when you make fruit juice, all the fibre and the pulp is removed, leaving you with just the juice with all the sugar in it (in the form of glucose and fructose) so you are basically drinking pure sugar, which turns into fat… just eat your damned fruit, instead of drinking a bunch of empty calories
• take red cranberry supplements - they are usually taken for UTIs, but the red cranberry has diuretic effect, and will make you pee your water weight out; please do not take more than 2 pills and remember to drink plenty of water so you don’t damage your kidneys!!!!
• take probiotics - this will ensure your gut health stays good while restricting foods, so you don’t end up constipated and bloated
• i personally do not eat dairy products (i am lactose intolerant) - they are full of hormones from the cows, give you acne and inflammation, and the protein in it is not worth it considering the amount of fat these products have; skip the dairy if you can
• if you drink a lot of coffee, remember to drink plenty of water! coffee has a diuretic effect and if you are not drinking more water, it will make you retain whatever water is in your body, leading to water weight gain
• if you end up binging, do so mindfully - do not give in to all the food, just have a piece of chocolate, not the whole chocolate bar; have a piece of cake, not the whole cake; then get back on track and try to exercise as much as possible to burn the excess calories
• i think this is obvious but let me say it just in case - in order to lose weight, you have to be on a calorie deficit - meaning you burn/use more calories than you consume; but!! here is the trick - you have to maintain low calorie diet, do not ⭐️ve for more than 2 days, as this will f#ck up your metabolism - your body goes into fight or flight response, meaning everything you eat after f4sting will remain on your body as a reserve of food, in case you end up ⭐️ving again; so have your veggies and protein (chicken breasts, white fish)
• keep yourself busy so you don’t think about f0od - study, work, read books, journal, whatever it is, your day has to be full of activities do you can forget to e4t
• reject offered food - say you already ate / yr not hungry / you are allergic to some ingredient / you have a bad migraine and this will make it worse / or take the food and say you will have it later and just give it to someone else (pls don’t throw in trash, do not waste food)
• when eating with family / boyfriend - place food in a smaller plate, cut up food into very small pieces and eat very slowly and chew every bite for a long time, sip water between every few bites, then say you are full and cannot eat anymore / that you ate a bit earlier and yr full
• when eating, eat your veggies first, then your protein and eat the smallest amount of carbs - always leave leftover carbs in your plate
• do not eat any snacks - no cereal bars, no cereal, no chips, no crisps, no crackers, no salty sticks, just do not eat snacks!
• if you feel like eating - drink water first, then have veggies (cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, etc) or fruit (apples, citrus, any kind of berries)
• if you are having breakfast - always eat a savoury breakfast - eggs, avocado, veggies etc; never eat a sweet breakfast - cereal, croissants, pancakes, etc, this will spike up your glucose levels and all that sugar will turn into fat; a sweet breakfast will make you feel tired and exhausted all day, leading you to eat more
• wear a waist trainer - do so for no more than 8hrs a day; this will also help you have smaller portions of food, as it won’t allow your stomach to expand
• do not purge - this is very bad for your teeth and overall health; the stomach acid is very strong and every time you purge, your teeth are getting damaged; just don’t overeat in the first place and have self control!
this is all i have for right now; if i think of anything else, i will add later / make another post; if you have anything to add to this list - go ahead and do so in the comments below
remember, stay safe xx
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lilyaliceanne282 · 7 days
How I lost 20+ lbs in 28 days
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I can't guarantee this will work for everyone and it's certainly not healthy so I would not recommend this to anyone, but it got me down 20 lbs in the past 28 days.
I started at 200 lbs on August 22, and as of September 18, am 173 lbs. While this is technically 26 lbs, I believe that the first day's weight loss was water weight. So, I'm estimating my weightloss to have begun at 194 lbs. During this time, I did not do anything out of the ordinary for myself with regards to exercise. I did try to aim to drink at least half my body weight in ounces per day.
Week One: August 22-28
August 22, I started off at 1167 cal, 200/195 lbs.
August 23, I dropped down to 691 cal, 193 lbs.
August 24, I fasted, 192 lbs.
August 25, 353 cal, 190 lbs.
August 26, 550 cal, 188 lbs.
August 27, I allowed myself an allowance day, 2005 cal, 187 lbs.
August 28, I fasted to balance out the day before. No change in weight.
I averaged at about 602 cal/day, and a weight loss of 8 lbs for the week. I believe that this first week allowed for more pounds to be dropped due to a drastic change in my diet, before I had been maintaining weight only.
Week Two: August 29-September 4
August 29, 832 cal, 186 lbs.
August 30, 597 cal, no weightloss.
August 31, 423 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 1, 410 cal, 184 lbs.
Sep. 2, yet another allowance day but decreased the allowance to less than 2000 cal, ended up being 1845 cal, 183 lbs.
Sep. 3, 485 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 4, 386 cal, 182 lbs.
I averaged in at 711 cal/day, with a weight loss of 4 lbs. I started taking a multivitamin on September 2 along with a biotin capsule. As well I began to incorporate more fruits and vegetables, this allows for more food intake with less calories.
Week Three: September 5-11
Sep. 5, 584 cal, 182 lbs.
Sep. 6, 498 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 7, this is an allowance day, I put my intake limit at 1600, but consumed 1139, 180 lbs.
Sep. 8, this was another allowance day, roughly estimated at 1600 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 9, I fasted after two high calorie days, no weightloss.
Sep. 10, 610 cal, 179 lbs.
Sep. 11, 503 cal, no weightloss.
This week I averaged in at 704 cal/day with a weight loss of 3 lbs.
Week Four: September 12-18
Sep. 12, 694 cals, 177 lbs.
Sep. 13, 228 cals, no weightloss.
Sep. 14, this is an allowance day, ~1562 cal, 176 lbs.
Sep. 15, 243 cal, no weightloss.
Sep. 16, I fasted, no weightloss.
Sep. 17, 242 cal, 174 lbs.
Sep. 18, fasted, 173 lbs.
This week I averaged in at 424 cal/day, with a weight loss of 4 lbs.
September 13, I put myself on a 3500 cal per week limit, I feel as if this would allow for me to continue to lose more than 2 lbs per week, and if I keep my daily intake beneath 300, I can still have cheat days/metabolism days.
On some of the days that I ate more than 400 cal, I split my cal into different meals so I could eat throughout the day. I started doing this on Sep.5, 6, 12 and 13. I found this allowed for a surplus in energy as well as allowed for my metabolism to kickstart a little bit. I found no reliable pattern of weightloss on/after the days that I consumed more protein as opposed to carbs and fat, however I will continue to stick with uping my intake of protein as this does allow for me to feel more full throughout the day.
I plan to undertake several more trial and error studies with regards to my weight loss journey, with heavy emphasis on a low-calorie diet and plant-based foods, as well as meat sporadically, until I find the perfect plan for myself.
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babykisses · 1 year
Complete Guide : How to looksmax & drastically improve your appearance
Looksmaxing refers to the practice of enhancing one's physical appearance through various methods like grooming, skincare, fitness, etc. It's about YOU and feeling the need to constantly remind yourself that you can be better. In this guide, I’m sharing with you ridiculously specific tips to drastically improve your appearance.
body language
Being beautiful is not only about having big lips and a striking jawline. No, it's about the feeling you give to other people, about your energy. Furthermore, it's about how you have embodied your energy. The only way you can embody this truly, is by accepting your authentic energy.
· make eye contact
· keep your head up
· don’t play with your jewelry
· be extremely, obnoxiously confident
· stand up straight, push your shoulders back slightly and open up your chest
· smile more often, it will make you look more charismatic & happy, so you will appear more attractive, as many say “be happy and you will be beautiful”
Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in transforming your skin from the inside out. By eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, you can help to maintain healthy, glowing skin. You will not only look your best, but also feel your best. Your diet should look like this :
· low carb
· low sugar
· 3L of water daily
· lots of veggies & fruit
· high protein, fibre & potassium
· only eat organic grass-fed meat (for meat)
· 3 Brazilian nuts a day, they improve your skin health & hair health
· ginger shots, a combination of ginger, freshly squeezed lemon juice & water or coconut water. The health benefits of ginger shots include : decreasing inflammation, calming indigestion, and boosting immunity. Keep in mind that ginger shots are meant to be drunk all at once as a quick shot. Be careful not to drink more than one shot a day since too much ginger can cause heartburn.
· keep it natural, don’t overdo it and remember, less is more
· curl your lashes & mascara (Dior iconic overcurl is my fave mascara!!)
· contour & bronze cheeks (Chanel bronzer 395)
· wear skin tint, NOT foundation. Less is more.
· sublte white highlight on the inner corner (I recommend dior glow palette) DO NOT grab a white pencil and think it does the job. It doesn’t. It will make you look tacky.
· black or brown liner on the upper waterline
· blend your skin tint in with your hand, then go in bak with a damp beauty blender for a flawless finish
· for a natural eye lift effect, draw a line (with a skin coloured pencil) from your outer crease all the way to the temple & blend in a sculpted effect
lashes & brows
Facial harmony is important to the face, and your eyebrows need to work well with all of your face.
For face harmony ask the eyebrow tech this: the eyebrow arch of the eyebrow should be aligned with the upper orbital rim of your eye, reaching it’s highest point slightly lateral to the outer edge of the iris.
For the length the eyebrow should start at a point above the inner corner of the eye and end diagonally from the outer corner of the eye, extending slightly past it.
Also the thickness of the eyebrows should be balanced and in proportion to your facial features.
Ask to maintain thick eyebrows if you do and ask to get it if you don't. Thick eyebrows are good because thicker eyebrows are preferred for a more youthful appearance like you're still in your 20s. Think of an example as Brooke Shields.
Also the distance between the eyebrows should be approximately equal to the width of one eye.
Furthermore the overall shape of the eyebrows should complement your face natural contours, and tell them to take into account your facial structure and features.
Also, your tech needs to be well skilled and knowledgeable to even know these. So I highly recommend going to a very qualified professional in order to get your brows done. At the end of the day, it’s like you’re giving your beauty in their hands. You alternatively do it at home, remember to be precise.
· get fuller brows : brow serum, micro blading, brow pencil, etc.
· grow out your eyelashes with a mix of aloe vera & castor oil (apply as a serum) or use a lash serum (I recommend Latisse)
· dark brows & lashes are more attractive, in order to darken them here’s some advice :
solutions to darken brows & lashes
· brow tint & eyelash tint
· hybrid dye : lasts up to 7 weeks on the hairs & 10 days on the skin
· tint : lasts up to 4 weeks on the hairs & 3 days on the skin
· brow pommade & brow pencil
· in order to achieve your perfect skin tone, eat more carotenoids.
what are carotenoids?
Carotenoids are yellow, orange & red organic pigments that are produced by plants and algae. Carotenoids give the characteristic color to pumpkins, carrots, corn, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, salmon, shrimp, kale, broccoli, cantaloupe, papaya, mangoes, oranges, bell peppers, watermelon, apricots, tangerines.
(In summary they are brightly colored fruits and vegetables)
So make sure to include these foods into your diet. If you want a shorter list of the foods that are the highest in carotenoids :
spinach, kale, corn, oranges, bell peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, broccoli, carrots.
· get custom spray tan
· get laser hair removal (don’t forget to shave before your appointment)
· smile line removal : volufiline
· for clear skin, STOP eating sugar & dairy
· drink CELERY JUICE everyday for glowing skin
· a rich moisturizer, spf & a good diet is all you need
· it is better to get a real tan, not fake tanner
· laser mole removal
· to prevent ageing, you should SPF every single day, never use tanning beds, never smoke, use a retinoid nightly, wash your makeup off & maintain a skincare routine
· stay hydrated: drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated help maintain healthy, hydrated & plump skin
Brushing your lips with a toothbrush. Brushing lips with a toothbrush each day can temporarily increase lip fullness. The brushing may stimulate blood circulation in the lips, leading to temporary redness and slight swelling. This increased blood flow can create the appearance of fuller lips for a short period. Brushing the lips with a toothbrush can help exfoliate the surface layer of dead skin cells, promoting smoother and potentially plumper looking lips, removing the buildup of dead skin cells.
· lip liner (love the Charlotte Tilbury liner & MAC lip pencil)
· ombré lips effect
· keep them plump & glossy
· if you want to whiten your teeth I suggest you get professional teeth whitening or use whitening teeth strips (if you have sensitive teeth, make sure to buy the right kind because you risk damaging the area)
get rid of face fat & bloating
Bloating significantly impacts your appeal by concealing the underlying bone structure, which plays a crucial role in defining the contours of your face.
Without well-defined bone structure, your facial features appear less distinct & with a rounder appearance, and it becomes challenging to achieve the desired prominent cheek bone effect.
This is probably the simplest way to get the perfect jawline ; all you have to do is massage your face regularly. A good massage will boost blood circulation and tone your facial structure. Make sure to start massaging from the bottom to the top, to prevent sagging. In case you’re asking yourself if this really works, believe it does. Stay consistent.
Even though you will hear many people say that 5-6 hours of sleep is sufficient for them, it isn’t enough to look your best. Without 8-10 hours of sleep, your body will start looking tired, and your face will look bloated and fluffy. 
· avoid SALT & SUGAR & CARBS
Why? Because salt, sugar & carbohydrates each have distinct effects on your body that contribute to bloating. Refined carbohydrates, as well as excessive sugar intake (particularly added sugars that convert into glucose), can cause blood sugar spikes and subsequently lead to bloating. These substances, such as sugar (glucose), have the ability to draw water from your body or hinder its proper absorption.
· eat POTASSIUM (spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, spinach, tomatoes, watermelon)
· do intermittent fasting
· rub an ice cube on your skin in the morning, as ice tightens your skin and helps reduce puffiness.
· drink 3L of water daily
It is very important to prioritize the consumption of a substantial amount of water every day. Water plays a vital role in flushing out sodium from the body, effectively reducing sodium levels. Also, water intake helps regulate the body's water balance, preventing unnecessary water retention that can lead to facial bloating and puffiness.
· do face massages
· contour & bronze your cheeks
· mewing : smile with closed mouth and swallow, don’t force your tongue. It’s about keeping your tongue in the correct position at all times. There is also a bunch of videos on YouTube.
· working out
· intermidate fasting and calorie deficit
· drink a ton of water
· try to eat less salt, sugar, carbs
· eat more potassium (bananas, potatoes...)
· rub an ice cube on your skin
· Kerastase shampoo & conditioner and dyson for styling
· when doing a high ponytail or bun, don’t forget to slick back your baby hairs around your ears
· rinse your conditioner with cold water
(locks in the moisture, makes your hair look smooth, shiny & reduces frizz)
· use a scalp massager 5 minutes
(stimulates & exfoliates the scalp)
· do Aloe Vera hair masks
· use homemade rosemary oil
· microfibre towel - dries your hair x2 faster plus it is so much better than a regular towel! Why? Microfibre treats your hair with care to help prevent frizziness
· add coffee to your shampoo (stimulates and exfoliates the scalp). It’s a great alternative to scalp scrubs
· rice water rinse twice a week
The ideal waist to hip ratio backed by science is 0.6. The target 0.6 ratio is ideal and is genetic, so don't blame yourself if your natural physique doesn't fit it. Enhancing it to 0.6 requires hard work & surgery, implants if you're not naturally gifted. 0.6 is ideal and 0.7 is average. It's bone structure / genetic, if you're already slim and don't have 0.6 it's not your fault. You can only get the desired (0.6) by surgery or possibly by extreme diet if you don't have it genetically.
Our bodies as women influences the type of men we attract. You attract and get chased by higher quality, financially well and genetically attractive men. It's because slimness is associated with elegance, higher class and higher social status. It also signals good health and youthfulness and that you respect your body enough to keep it healthy.
Capture body images
Take photos from the front, side, and back angles, along with a face selfie. This step is crucial and can serve as a powerful source of inspiration in the future when you feel demotivated or lose interest.
Measure your weight
I strongly recommend stepping on the scale on day one, the day you genuinely embark on your weight loss journey. This will be another significant step as it helps establish your starting point and, as you make progress, serves as motivation to keep going.
Develop a plan
Whether your plan is to follow a diet (ketogenic diet & intermittent fasting), to get a gym membership or to buy a scale : reflect on your goals and determine what you want to achieve such as how much you want to lose weight. You need to make a plan that you can fully commit to. And get it done.
Portion control
Although what you eat does matter, its about how much of it you eat. You’re going to consume smaller portions of whatever food, but make sure your plate is smaller because it’s all about calorie deficit. Also try to limit snacking as such as you can, because it’s not a little bar that’s going to make you any fuller. For 15 minutes maybe, but at at what cost? Eat proper meals (in smaller plates). But if you really have trouble with restricting yourself to a smaller plate I advise you to eat foods that are voluminous but low in calories. For example one cookie (15g) is small & thin, filled with 150 calories. But on the other hand, 1 kg of lettuce is 150 calories. See the difference? Same calories but different amount.
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fitnesswithtay · 8 months
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|•| hey, i’m tay! and i test out diets to let YOU know how effective, healthy, and just how easy they are to stick to. join me in my practices on ways to figure out what type of diets work. please do remember i am just one person, and whatever diets work or don’t work for me could be totally different from you. see my posts below to know more !!👇👇
(if you want to recommend any diets please put them in my ask!!)
• O.M.A.D.
• Egg Diet
• Miltary Diet
• Intermittent Fasting
• Calorie Deficit
• Keto
• Mediterranean
• Vegan
• Low-Carb
…to be continued.
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What do you think about some people in recovery saying "there are no good or bad foods". Whenever I see that, it always reassures me, but then the comments talk about how unhealthy certain foods are and talk about diabetes, heart problems, etc, and then I feel very triggered.
So I've posted a little bit about this before, and my constant saying is "food has no morality."
So here's the thing. There are objectively food items that contain higher concentrations of vitamins. There are also foods that give you your macronutrients in better ways than others. For people who have, say, high cholesterol, there are foods to be generally avoided to help keep it down. For those with fructose intolerance, veggies are a better go than fruits for getting your fiber. If you have high blood pressure, you'll want to eat a low-salt diet, but if you have low blood pressure, you might find yourself needing more salt than the average person.
Health and ideal diet varies incredibly. Though the diet industry will have you obsessed with food purity and only consuming foods they've deemed "good," our bodies are more complicated than that. And food is meant to be enjoyed. We are biologically wired to crave sugars, salts, fats, and carbs, because if we were living in more primitive conditions, these things would be much harder to come by and would provide lengthy boosts of caloric energy. The fact that we still crave these things today is not a moral failing, but an instinct. And indulging in treats because you enjoy them does not mean you're "being bad."
I'm sorry to hear you feel so anxious and triggered, though! It's certainly scary to hear constant fearmongering about food-related health problems. While lack of access to proper, balanced nutrition can be a contributing factor in several health problems, this will not be caused by eating the occasional dessert or having a comfort meal, especially if your other health needs are met. But no one else can understand your personal health needs - you have to work with your doctor based on what you know about your body. Unfortunately medical fatphobia is still rampant, and many doctors may assume that you have all of these health problems if you don't have a thin body. However, these health problems can only be confirmed by test. There are fat people who do not have diabetes. There are fat people who do not have heart disease. These things can only be diagnosed after proper testing has been done.
Keep in mind that, when you hear non-medical-professionals loudly insisting that body-positive and food-positive posters must have all these health problems, many of these people have dedicated their lives to weight loss and dieting and "clean eating" based on what was marketed to them. They have based their worth on their ability to stay thin. And so the thought that somebody else might be living their own best life not doing these things is completely counterintuitive to them at this point. So they might be triggered, themselves. It's hard and scary, but you can remind yourself when you're triggered that the majority of these people have no medical expertise.
Eating a single "unhealthy" food is not going to be the wrench in the system that kills your entire body. Unless, of course, you have an allergy or intolerance to something in that food.
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dingo-saurus · 1 year
non-exhaustive list of things i need to do as a type-1 diabetic whenever i eat in order to keep my blood sugars in a healthy range (which i need to do consistently to stay alive and not need to amputate limbs or deal with organ failure later in life):
count the carbs and sugars for everything i am eating or drinking in that moment. this is obviously harder if the meal is homecooked as you need to not only work out the carbs for everything in the meal but also how much your portion would be. fortunately and unfortunately there are a number of apps that can help with this built primarily for dieting that you can take advantage of
am i taking metformin (med that reduces insulin resistance) or not? if so, normal dose. if not, slightly higher. usually only by 1 or 2 units but this varies
test my current blood glucose. even if i am wearing a glucose monitor i need to do this manually with a fingerprick test to confirm the monitor is correct (they often aren't). is it in range? normal dose. too high? a little more, depending on how much higher my blood glucose is and how much my body personally needs to correct sugars. which needs to be worked out with testing, and is subject to change. too low? have a few sips of sprite or some jelly beans while meal prepping. how much i need to bring it up into range is subject to change and something that experience with my body helps me with
okay so now we need to figure out how much insulin i need with the meal, taking all the above into account. there is a mathematical formula that helps to determine this based on your weight that i was taught by a medical professional and type 1 diabetes expert (yes the advice is different between type 1 and 2. you need someone who knows your specific type or you will get Bad Advice). this is not infallible, in fact it does not work for me at all (i sometimes need about twice the insulin i should need, due to my body's fluctuating insulin resistance). so i have had to deviate from it and work things out for myself, increasing the ratio of insulin-to-carbs until i was getting it correct. this can change based on basically Anything. have i been exerting myself today? are the specific carbs in the meal quick or slow to release? is there protein? am i sick? do i have a migraine/have recently had a migraine? did i sleep well? am i stressed about something? did i take a dose of basal insulin today (and how much)? experience will help me feel this out. i can still get it wrong even after 4 years, and need to correct it after the meal
okay, i've done the calculation and have my number. when do i give myself the insulin dose? well that depends. i need to time it so that the peak of the insulin's effectiveness hits when the meal is hitting my blood sugars. i have a couple of rapid-acting insulin brands that hit at different times, but the one i'm taking rn takes about 30 minutes. so either before or during the prep/cook time i need to duck out and do my dose, or i need to wait for a time after i take my dose to grab whatever i'm grabbing. i set an alarm for this
inject insulin (thankfully this was not difficult for me to get used to as it's MUCH easier these days than it was in the past)
you are doing this 3 times a day, more if u want to snack. my body changes constantly, and requires frequent rethinking of all of the above (metformin is making this easier for me, thankfully. i had to troubleshoot and figure this out myself after 3 frustrating years)
as you can imagine, it generally means i do not eat out (most restaurants do not keep track of the carbs and sugars in their meals) and cannot eat homecooked meals unless the cook is willing to calculate exactly how many carbs and sugars are in the meal so i can figure out how much is in my serve
it takes a lot of energy, attentiveness, adaptability, determination, and perseverance to treat your diabetes effectively day-to-day and avoid damaging your body or putting your life at risk. thankfully i have the support to do that monetarily, medically, and socially. not everyone does
be kind to diabetics
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How autistic black and white thinking can be dangerous when it comes to food, diet and body image
TW: mention of diets, diet culture and calorie tracking.
Being autistic is annoying in a lot of ways, but one of the most annoying things for me (outside of socialising) is eating.
Not only do the sensory issues suck but I really can't tell when I'm hungry or full. And when I CAN feel how hungry I am it feels like hell on Earth.
So, because my body doesn't like to tell me when I've eaten enough, AND eating is my favourite stim, I tend to over-eat... a lot...
And so because I over eat, I try to track my calories. Because I cannot tell how much I need to eat, I can't accurately guess when I've had enough or not enough food.
But, calorie tracking has not always gone well for me. When I was a late teen I started calorie tracking because I had always been just a little over weight.
However, I didn't really understand any nuance about calorie tracking. My autistic brain went into black and white thinking.
More calories = bad
Less calories = good
So, you can see where this slippery slope ends up. Disordered eating. I was not eating enough food. I was only eating a handful of almonds and an apple for lunch some days.
I was only eating foods with low calories (almond milk, which is disgusting..., fruits and veg, avoiding carbs...)
I did lose a lot of weight over a 2 year period. It wasn't that crazy but for me it was definitely getting dangerous. I was getting thinner and fitter, but it was NEVER enough. I was never skinny enough. I was never cute enough. I was never strong enough. I was never disciplined enough. It become about more than my health. It became about my appearance, my personality, my self control. I acted like I was a beast that had to be tamed and trained with crumbs and hunger.
Because of my disordered eating, starting birth control, stress and genetic factors I ended up getting IBS.
This ended up being a blessing and a curse. It ended up forcefully put a stop to my bad eating habits as I had to figure out what I actually could and couldn't eat. I had to focus on triggers and what I was eating, rather than how much I was eating.
Because of this I switched to intuitive eating. I couldn't calorie track and keep a list of what foods were triggering my reactions (if you know low FODMAP you know my struggle). And this worked for a while. I gained weight but it wasn't a big deal. I was back to being able to eat again so I was relatively happy.
But guess what, intuitive eating didn't work for my autistic body at all.
It didn't work because my autistic body cannot tell me what I need. People say to listen to your body but I often can't even figure out where a random pain is from. I don't feel cold very well sometimes. I don't notice thirst or hunger much at all.
So, with intuitive eating, I gained a lot of weight. And now I'm bigger than ever before. And of course I'm glad that I'm reasonably healthy despite my weight, but I know that this is too much weight for me.
And so where does this bring me back to? Calorie tracking.
For 5 months I tried *just* exercising more, but I ended up eating more and nothing was changing. I didn't want to calorie track again. I was terrified of becoming the shell of a person that I was before. Measuring every almond, every teaspoon of tomato sauce, every grain of sugar in my coffee (which was a treat).
But I needed to start going into a calorie deficit again. My eating was becoming out of control. I know people say "you can't have a food addiction, you need food to survive". But I just feel like the people who say this haven't experienced the pain that comes when all you can think about is eating.
(Disclaimer: eating a lot, being fat or gaining weight is not a morally good or bad thing. I just know that for my body, in my current size, does not feel good physically or mentally. This is a personal evaluation and choice. Fuck diet culture.)
And so recently I've been doing calorie tracking again, but this time with more nuance and knowledge going foward.
Part of my calorie tracking rules include:
1. No food is out of limits unless it physically hurts me (like dairy).
2. I don't calorie track when I'm sick, on my period, or it's a special event (birthdays, vacation, day off work, before blood tests, etc.)
3. I calculated how much calories I need to maintain weight and eat just below that, not trying to eat as little as possible. (There are websites you can calculate this if you're interested!)
4. I try to eat more calories earlier in the day, and more sweet and salty treats earlier in the day, to prevent binging at night.
And so far, it's actually been going really well! This time I am not hungry 24/7 (nor do I feel a weird sense of pride for being hungry). I eat what I want and have relatively manageable cravings. I'm not stressing over food 24/7 because I just add it up before dinner and see how much I have left. I'm not torturing myself through PMS with hunger. I'm not working out my body to the breaking point anymore.
It turns that out that calorie tracking has become a good tool for my autism and my physical wellbeing. It has been a good way to keep track of what I'm eating and!!! It's actually helping me become more in tune with my body and my hunger signals.
Because I let myself eat what I feel like I've reduced cravings.
Because I'm calorie tracking I'm noticing that I feel full when I've eaten my maintenance calories, and I feel slightly hungry when I've eaten not enough. I'm beginning to learn how much I need to eat visually. I'm learning how much energy certain foods actually contain.
With intuitive eating I was just eating whenever I thought about food. Which wasn't always when I was hungry or needed to, because eating has been a major coping mechanism in my life. Stimming by eating has helped me through so many stressful events, but It's begun to jeopardize my health.
So, I'm not really sure what the take away from this post is, I just wanted to share my experience here. Thank you for reading
I just want to double down as I end this post by saying - GAINING WEIGHT, EATING A LOT OR BEING FAT IS NOT MORALLY GOOD OR BAD. YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE ♥️
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suzieb-fit · 8 months
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Dinner last night.
Chicken breast with melted cheese. FULL FAT cheese.
Don't come at me with your fat free/low fat thing. Ugh. It's nonsense. Pure and utter nonsense.
I always have at least one green veggie with dinner. Today it's savoy cabbage.
Small piece of swede. Half an avocado. I have it raw, but that's personal taste. You can cook it if you prefer.
Big blob of real butter. There's that subject of fat again....
My diet is 60% fat.
Dietary fat does NOT make YOU fat. Nor does it cause high blood cholesterol levels. Sugar/refined carbs (and a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle) do.
I also sprinkled on some black pepper and some "mixed spice". Absolutely delicious!
And after that plate of fabulous nutrition, my 15hr fast started.
This is how I look after myself. And it works. I feel great 😊
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thathetaliablogg · 2 years
I I personally really really like your hairstyle and the way you personify these basttard nations, and I especially love your use of body types.
Like YES ARTHUR IS A STICK, yes France is t h I c c as well as a lil chubby and both Arthur and I love it.
But if you would, regale us with your thoughts for either their body types or anyone elses in this fuckin show
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I like my hairstyle too if we're being honest, I cut it myself >:) Hehehe jokes aside though, thank you!!! :) Im rly glad you like my artstyle but im also really glad you like the body types I give to the cast!! I'm even happier u want me to talk abt it because i do have some thoughts HKDJHGFJ
Gonna start with Arthur and I think he IS a goddamn stick insect but he hasn't always been that way!! Actually for a lot of his life I think he was quite heavy and beefy, he kept himself that way on purpose and maintaining strength and the image of it was VERY important to him! He had pronounced muscles at one point and that lasted for a while! I think he started to slim down in the last couple hundred years and it was a slow enough process at first that nobody really noticed! He then lost most of his muscle mass in the last century or so and he actually quite likes his current, slim build. He doesn't exert as much exercise nor does he need the same physical strength, and Francis makes sure that he eats well whenever he's around but Arthur has a quick metabolism and weight won't really stay on him the way it used to. He doesn't mind or care, really!
Francis has a medium amount of body fat and I see him as a gorgeous mid-size monarch, but again, he wasn't always like that. I think Francis was actually quite skinny for a while and put on weight later in his life as he started making and eating better food and especially desserts! For a while and still today, because of shit beauty standards Francis has found himself insecure about his tendency to put on weight and has put himself on restrictive diets to lose it only to put it back on immediately after (since those diets do NOT work!). He's beat himself up about it before since his appearance is so important to his self image and how valuable he sees himself to be. Arthur adores his body though and thinks his curves are stunning :') In the past couple of years Francis has been much kinder to himself and his body so he is healing in that aspect!
Alfred has always been STRONNGGGG and he's always been muscular!! His current body type is a healthy combination of body fat and muscle - he's one of those guys who looks as if he has a lot of body fat and no muscle mass until he flexes and reveals the muscle mass underneath! He's obviously a big eater but he works out a lot too and overall just has a very strong but very healthy balance!
Kiku has always been lean and prefers not to be overly built up or muscular like some of the others - but he does have visible muscular structure underneath his clothes despite his otherwise slim appearance. He's broad at the shoulders too and his upper body is where most of his strength is! He tends to put on and lose weight almost seasonally, since he goes for a lot of walks and exercise in warmer months but stays in snacking and laying around in colder months!
Ludwig is just ripped, he works out, eats a rather low carb diet most of the time, and is kind of obsessed with healthy food and doing lots of exercise. He mostly lifts weights and is all muscle mass with very little fat on his body. he has big boobs
Feliciano is almost the opposite of Ludwig, he doesn't have much muscle mass at all but has a high amount of body fat! He likes to lie around, take naps, eat a loooot of pasta and similar food so his lifestyle does affect his body! He's just as healthy as anyone else though, with his round stature and squishy body :)
Yao is actually kind of muscular but not to the level of say, Lud or Alfred, he enjoys working out but also likes having a slim appearance at the same time so he is pretty buff but he's no bodybuilder...
Ivan lastly is kind of similar to Alfred where he has quite a lot of muscle mass but also a lot of body fat! His high amount of body fat helps keep him warm in winter but the combination of those two things makes him look as if he's built like a brick wall and definitely adds to the overall massive feel that he has to him!!
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ms-demeanor · 7 months
Going off that post about nutrition and science, I'd love to hear what you think of the 5:2 diet/The Fast 800 and its creator, Dr. Michael Mosley. For context: in order to get an NHS-funded breast reduction (it's a gender thing, but also just a general quality-of-life thing), I need to be a certain BMI, so I've been referred to a weight management clinic. The lady I've been seeing initially just put me on a low-carb diet (130g or less of carbs per day, with an aside from her about how bullshit Keto and BMI limits for treatment are), but now she's said that, if I wanted to speed up the weight loss, I should include the 5:2 diet: 5 days in a week where I eat "normally", and 2 fast days in which I restrict myself to 800kcals. I did a little looking into it myself, and found that 5:2 - which I HAD heard about before - is now being sold as part of "The Fast 800", with Dr. Mosley being the creator of it. I was shocked by that, because I was already a fan of Dr. Mosley's work (he has a podcast called "Just One Thing" that I really liked, and thought contained reasonable-sounding advice), and yet having a diet plan that he's clearly making money off of does immediately make me feel suspicious. I've borrowed his "The Fast 800" book from the library, both to find out more about the diet I've been put on and to see if it's at all backed by evidence, and he does cite a bunch of scientific studies which seem to back up his ideas, but I don't know how valid they are, and I don't just want to accept them at face-value (especially since he's a "we got fat completely wrong in the 80s, therefore we should eat a Mediterranean diet!" types). Obviously I'll go with what my weight management lady suggests, since she's obviously more qualified to talk about it than I am, but I am curious to know what you think, and whether I'm right to be distrustful of all of this.
I am, generally speaking, against any diet for rapid weight loss. They're not sustainable so people gain the weight back (often with more weight getting added on).
There have also recently been findings that suggest that BMI cutoffs for top surgery are detrimental to patients as patients in higher BMI categories are more likely to have minor complications like UTIs or to be readmitted, but are not likely to have major complications or be at risk of significant harm from having top surgery. I don't know if anybody will listen if you bring up that study, and I know that GCS is fraught in many places for many reasons.
I'm also just.
I'm so mad. I'm so fucking mad! I'm so mad about this!
One of my best friends is a guy who was pressured into a pattern of disordered eating and unhealthy exercise in order to qualify for top surgery; since then he has not been able to eat in a healthy way and has struggled with alternating between exercising to the point of harm and other destructive behaviors that make him unhappy and unsafe. And he didn't need that. He didn't need any of that! He needed a very safe surgery that had perhaps a slightly higher risk of minor complications at his size and instead he got top surgery and an eating disorder! I hate it! I'm so fucking mad about it!
Also as near as I can tell Michael Mosley qualified as a psychiatrist in the 90s, spent very little time working as a psychiatrist, and then became a media personality. From what is visible on his website and every biography I've found for him he apparently doesn't have any background in nutrition beyond whatever is standard for someone in medical school (which is NOT MUCH).
Hey I just looked at his website and this is straight-up fucked up.
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Anybody recommending an 800 calorie a day diet for 2-12 weeks in a context that is not heavily medically supervised can fucking choke. That is *ridiculously* dangerous and the website says that this can improve insulin resistance but there are a shitload of studies about people on crash diets like this *developing* insulin resistance (oh hey like my friend who became prediabetic after his rapid significant weight loss).
Also in regard to the studies he cites on the website, the "two years later patients are still going strong in their diabetes improvements" it's really important to put shit like that in context
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at 5 years 13% of the original intervention group were in remission from their type two diabetes; the average weight loss experienced by the intervention group as a whole was 6.1kg compared to 4.6kg in the control group. That's 1.5kg lower for the people who went through a twelve week medically supervised very low calorie diet compared. That's an average difference of 3.3 pounds between "starvation diet" and "no diet" for the Americans in the audience.
Yours is the second comment I've seen that has been leery of the Mediterranean diet, btw, and the Mediterranean diet is fine. It's very achievable and not super gimmicky and is based on very reasonable reassessments of fat, not the hardcore "you are fine to eat 100g of fat a day" kind of attitude that you get from the keto crew. There isn't really one Mediterranean diet and it certainly isn't low carb (which the bits from Mosely's website seem to indicate it is).
So, no, honestly I don't think much of Mosely and I'm very sorry you're in this situation, that sucks and I hate that they're refusing you treatment until you undergo an exceptionally difficult and potentially harmful weight loss excursion.
I know you're probably stuck with that and it's bullshit and I think it fucking sucks and unfortunately the medical advice you're likely to get is "eat in a significantly disordered manner at least until it is time for surgery" and it blows. That just fucking sucks.
If you're looking for rapid weight loss that you don't plan to sustain (and you shouldn't plan to sustain it, it won't stay off) you may want to look into body building forums for how they discuss cuts. It's still disordered eating and it's still not healthy, but at least they're effective and can tell you what supplements will keep you from becoming malnourished while you prepare for surgery. This is a terrible idea. I don't actually want to give this advice to anyone but bodybuilders are the exact kind of people who know how far and how fast they can push weight loss while having an awareness that it isn't really good for them and it won't stay off.
I cannot overstate enough how much I hate the thought that people are being encouraged to rapidly starve themselves in order to prepare to recover from surgery. I am so sorry and I'm so mad and
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braintexs · 1 year
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Today, we're diving into the world of health and nutrition to explore a trending diet that's been gaining a lot of attention lately. Keto! We are unraveling the Mystery of the ketogenic diet and why its popularity is growing so rapidly around the globe. So, without further ado, let's jump right in!
Keto is a low-carb, high-fat way of eating that has been shown to have numerous health benefits. 
The primary goal of the ketogenic diet is to put your body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis occurs when your body switches from using glucose for energy to burning fat instead. By doing this, your body becomes a fat-burning machine, helping you lose weight and improve your overall health. 
So, how exactly does the ketogenic diet work? Well, it's all about macronutrient balance. On a standard diet, our bodies rely on carbohydrates as the main source of fuel. However, when you restrict carbs and increase your fat intake, your body enters this state of ketosis and starts producing ketones. These ketones are then used as fuel for the brain and body.
Let's break it down into three key elements: low-carb, moderate protein, and high fat.
The low-carb aspect of Keto involves limiting your carbohydrate intake to around 20–50 grams per day, depending on your personal goals and health factors. This means cutting out sugary foods, grains, and starchy vegetables, while focusing on healthier options like leafy greens, avocados, and berries.
Moderate protein – it's important to consume a moderate amount while on Keto. This is because excess protein can actually be converted into glucose, which can potentially hinder ketosis. Prioritizing lean meats, fish, and plant-based protein sources will help you maintain the right balance.
Lastly, the high-fat aspect of Keto. Healthy fats like avocado oil, coconut oil, and olive oil become your new best friends. These fats not only provide energy but also keep you feeling satisfied and full. It's important to emphasize good fats and avoid unhealthy sources like processed oils.
Now that we understand the basics, let's talk about the potential benefits of the ketogenic diet.
1. Weight loss – The ketogenic diet has been shown to be highly effective for weight loss due to its ability to control hunger hormones and encourage fat metabolism.
2. Improved mental focus – Ketones are a great source of fuel for the brain, which can lead to improved cognitive function and mental clarity.
3. Increased energy levels – By relying on fat instead of carbs for energy, many Keto followers report feeling more energized throughout the day.
4. Better blood sugar control – Since carbohydrates significantly impact blood sugar levels, reducing carb intake can help maintain a stable blood sugar level and potentially benefit those with diabetes.
5. Decreased inflammation – Studies have shown that the ketogenic diet reduces inflammation in the body, which is associated with various health conditions.
As with any diet, though, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks or challenges of going Keto.
While the ketogenic diet can be highly effective for weight loss and offer numerous benefits, it requires careful planning to ensure nutrient adequacy and avoid deficiencies. That's why a personalized keto meal plan have been proven to make all the difference. But which meal plan is the right one for you? To find the answer to that question can be quite overwhelming, and  unfortunately, many Keto programs do not deliver what they promise.
However, In preparation to this article, our team has done a lot of research, and we have listed just below what we think are the 3 best and effective personalized keto programs on the market right now. Just click on the links to check them out. 
We hope you find this information helpful, Also, if you have any questions or personal experiences with the ketogenic diet, feel free to contact us or leave a comment down below – we'd love to hear from you!
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Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies Reviews
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[BURN FAT (NOT CARBS) FOR ENERGY] ☘️STEP 1 🚶 Take 2 Gummies Daily with a glass of water. ☘️STEP 2 🚶 You will notice a drastic change in a very short period of time! ☘️STEP 3 🚶 During the first month of use, Keto Gummies with BHB produces accelerated Fat Burn, which could result in weight loss. ☘️STEP 4 🚶 With your weight loss goals achieved, continue to take ACV + Keto Gummies for 3-5 months as to stabilize your appetite, as well as to maintain and transform your new, slim body. 💙👀Deal Is Live Click Here Purchase Now👀💙 Item Review👌 Industry 👍 Weight Loss ☘️☘🤩 Base Ingredients 👍🎉 Green Tea Leaf Extracts, Vitamin B👌👌 Any Negative Effects No Major Side Effects ❣️❣️🏋️‍♀️ Benefits 👌✔️ Maintain weight and reduce cholesterol🍀 Who can use it? Above 18+ 🏋️‍♀️ Maximum Results Time 🤷‍♀️ 2-3 Months (Results May Vary Person to Person) 🚶‍♀️ Online Details ☘️☘️ 💙👀Deal Is Live Click Here Purchase Now👀💙
Do you wish to modify your ketogenic diet in any way to hasten the weight reduction process? With this in mind, Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies may be the solution to all of your issues. It has been shown that using this all-natural weight reduction supplement may help some individuals lose weight more rapidly and successfully than they would be able to on their own.
This study aims to investigate the components, benefits, potential adverse effects, cost, and accessibility of a widely used weight-loss drug. The cost and accessibility of the item is further considerations. We hope that after reading this review, you will be fully informed about the keto weight loss supplement that we were requested to assess.
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If I may ask, please explain everything that goes into Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies.
Gummies containing both keto and apple cider vinegar may promote weight reduction and provide a number of extra health advantages. A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet may be the best option if you want to lose weight without always feeling exhausted. This will enable you to continue working out as you normally would while still achieving your weight loss goals. This approach not only quickens metabolism, allowing one to continue with a healthy calorie deficit even after reaching their ideal weight, but it also makes fat loss less difficult.
A comparison of the health advantages of the ketogenic diet versus apple cider vinegar
If Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies don't enable you to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, the firm offers a money-back guarantee. The body's fat-burning mechanisms are accelerated by this dietary supplement using ketone bodies that are found in nature.
The pill must be effective, based on the many internet evaluations, as almost all customers claim to have lost weight quickly after beginning to take it. This is shown by the fact that it is possible to buy the supplement online.
The manufacturer's overstated claims that the pill will help customers lose weight are often mentioned in reviews that are less than favourable for the product as a whole. This is because it is a significant point of dispute within the product's customer base.
💙👀Deal Is Live Click Here Purchase Now👀💙
How does a ketogenic diet vary from a low-carbohydrate diet?
Low in carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet is rich in fat and moderate in protein. There are obvious similarities between the Atkins diet and other low-carb eating plans. A Valerie Bertinelli condition known as ketosis, in which fat is utilised for energy rather than carbs, may be induced by following a diet known as the ketogenic diet. It's possible that doing this will result in a reduced BMI and an improvement in general health.
How to Increase Your Ketogenic Diet Success Chances A Systematic Approach to Succeed in Your Weight Loss Efforts
If you're seeking for a healthy strategy to lose weight, eating ketogenic meals could be the solution. When fat is utilised as fuel instead of carbs, the Valerie Bertinelli state called ketosis results. A ketogenic diet substantially changes the ratio of fat to carbohydrates in the diet, causing the body to use stored fat as fuel. This can be useful for those who have tried and failed to reduce weight.
Including a few ketogenic items in your diet may help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. But this is only one strategy that may be used. One strategy is to have more ketogenic meals while consuming less carbs overall. Your weight will naturally decrease as your metabolism increases and you burn fatter for energy.
💙👀Deal Is Live Click Here Purchase Now👀💙
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How crucial is it to enter ketosis early while trying to lose weight?
For some people, losing extra weight may be challenging. In today's fast-paced society, it may be difficult to maintain healthy practices, such as eating healthily and exercising regularly. The potential advantage of accelerating weight reduction and making it simpler to sustain the loss is offered by entering a state of ketosis. A Valerie Bertinelli state known as ketosis occurs when fat reserves are converted into molecules known as ketones.
At this time, the body begins to depend more on protein and fat for energy needs and less on carbohydrates. This is an excellent tool for those with diabetes or other diseases that need ongoing blood sugar monitoring since it promotes healthy blood sugar levels and weight reduction. People with these diseases need to have their blood sugar levels continually checked.
Currently, Vinegar Max is considered to be one of the greatest and most popular ketogenic diet products on the market. This could be the answer if you're seeking for a quick approach to start the ketosis process.
Where did Max obtain the ideas for his Keto and ACV Gummies from, as well as the ingredients?
According to some study, taking vitamins like Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies may hasten the weight loss process. However, since these claims have not been independently validated by scientific research, clients should approach with caution.
A substance known as Garcinia may be found in the rind of the Cambogia fruit.
In Asia and Africa, the garcinia cambogia fruit has been utilised for weight reduction for a very long time. This fruit is made by a plant called Garcinia cambogia. This custom presumably has its roots in India. It's important to remember that this may also help with maintaining a healthy weight, according to recent studies.
By increasing your Valerie Bertinelli rate with garcinia cambogia, you may experience a higher calorie and fat deficit and, as a result, lose weight. Additionally, it diminishes hunger, which reduces the chance that someone may participate in binge eating.
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The following are additional advantages of using Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies.
This medication may improve a person's energy and attention while decreasing their desire for unhealthy meals. Additionally, it could assist with calorie tracking and fullness, two important aspects of weight loss. The components in the Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies were specially formulated to work in concert to enhance one another's benefits.
In an attempt to lose extra weight and improve their health, more and more individuals are using medications that are modelled after the ketogenic diet. Here are five reasons to give the ketogenic diet a try:
It could lengthen the period of time you feel full as well as the pace at which you do.
The ketogenic diet is advantageous because it converts carbohydrates into fat as the body's main fuel source. A person may turn to binge eating foods they were attempting to avoid when faced with extreme hunger. (Like sweets). This indicates that, compared to using another meal plan, this diet gives you a greater chance of adhering to your eating schedule and experiencing rapid weight reduction as a consequence.
Consumption on a regular basis helps to maintain steady blood glucose levels.
Those who are inclined to having a fast rise in blood sugar levels after consuming a lot of carbohydrates may have a subsequent significant drop in blood sugar levels if insulin resistance is not corrected. This situation will only occur if the insulin resistance is not treated.
Additionally, this might result in exhaustion, limb weakness, or even the start of chronic illnesses like diabetes. However, if one consumes more fat and fewer carbohydrates, their blood sugar levels are more likely to remain steady throughout the day, which lessens the severity of these adverse effects. This is so because it takes longer for fats to be metabolised than for carbohydrates.
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Has anybody used Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies Reviews and had any negative side effects?
Clinical studies support the effectiveness of weight-loss therapies based on the ketogenic diet, such as Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies. Although there may be some undesirable side effects, they are often not much worse than those caused by other diet tablets.
Vomiting, dizziness, and nausea are a few of the most often reported adverse effects. If you suffer from any of the illnesses we've spoken about, you should never ignore your doctor's advice in lieu of a supplement.
Use of this vitamin is not recommended for people who are pregnant or under the age of 18. The majority of the target market for this product is made up of people above the age of 18.
Gummies made from apple cider vinegar may maximize the effects of your ketogenic diet. While Extending Your Life by Years
Numerous studies have shown the efficiency of the ketogenic diet and Keto and ACV Gummies in promoting weight reduction. Are you being truthful when you claim to know whether or not it works? Customers who have used the product testify to its value in managing weight reduction and weight management.
You may have confidence that it will survive for at least a while since it has shown its dependability for a significant amount of time. When searching for a trustworthy keto product, ACV Keto Gummies has to be at the top of your list.
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Valerie How Do Keto Gummies Work? How Does ACV Work? What is accurate?
No other weight reduction medication on the market has less possible health concerns than this one. Prior to purchasing an object, it's critical to discover as much as you can about its history. I wanted to know if anybody else who used Keto and ACV Gummies had any negative side effects.
How confident can we really be? Has it been successful in achieving its goals? Although it is advantageous, as shown by our study, the advantages may not always be immediately apparent.
Review of Valerie Bertinelli and Suggestions to Improve Its Performance Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies!
Although many individuals make assumptions about the effectiveness of weight-loss medications, there is little scientific evidence to back up their usage. Before deciding on a course of action, carefully weigh all of your alternatives and read as many customer reviews as you can find. Our investigation compels us to draw the solid conclusion that Valerie Bertinelli Keto Gummies does not (at the moment) provide the advantages that it is capable of.
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