#how ra’s accidentally became the grandfather of all bruce’s kids
Steph: So, what are you getting me for Christmas?
Ra’s al Ghul, the Demon’s Head, the leader of the League of Assassins, the guy they are currently being held captive by:
Ra’s: What?
Steph: I mean, we’re practically family.
Ra’s: We most certainly are not!
Steph: Sure we are. Jason and Damian are your grandkids, you keep either trying to adopt or marry Tim, I’m not entirely sure which, but if the second then eww, and I know I won’t let Bruce adopt me but he’s still convinced I’ll marry into the family at some point, which, you never know, so we’re basically related.
Ra’s: I don’t suppose me letting you go would suffice?
Dick, Tim, Duke, and Bruce: Yes.
Steph: Oh come on, I know you can do better than that. Even BRUCE can do better than that.
Bruce: HEY!
Christmas morning:
Steph: Wow. He actually did it.
The rest of the family:
Bruce, internally: It’s not a competition, it’s not a competition, it’s not a competition…
Steph: Well, this has been real, but I’m going to go take that for a spin.
Many years later:
Duke: And that, kids, is how your Aunt Steph got a car from the semi-immortal leader of the League of Assassins for Christmas.
Jason: Oh, tell them what he got me the next year.
Duke: *sighs*
Duke: Alright, so your Uncle Jason complained that grandpa didn’t get *him* anything, so the next year…
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Damian has been away for 10 years. He can finally come home, but will anyone want to see him?? Especially after how he left.
The assorted adoptees filed in through the various entrances to the cave: waterfall, grandfather clock, and zeta tube. They acknowledged each other and made their way to the Batman sitting in front of the large computer that was their command center.
“What’s this all about, Bruce?” Dick took off his domino mask and wiped some of the water off of his helmet.
“He didn’t call you here,” a voice spoke from above. The four vigilantes turned to see Damian plugging new coordinates into the zeta tube monitor.
“Out with it, drama queen,” Jason drawled. He didn’t have time for this kid’s antics and was quickly growing impatient.
“I’m leaving.”
“You called us all here to tell us you’re going on patrol? What do you need the skies cleared or something?” Tim scoffed, bravely haughty while still in his pjs.
But Dick looked on in concern. Bruce just studied his son.
“What do you mean?” Dick asked.
“I’m leaving. And not on patrol, Drake.” Damian shot the Red Robin a glare. “My grandfather has called me back to the League.”
A cacophony of protests rose up, but the son of the bat just held up his hand.
“I’m not taking comments at this time. I’ve made my decision. I only wanted to make you all aware before I left.”
“Damian, please,” Bruce started. But Damian couldn’t bear to let him finish.
“Goodbye, father.”
“Recognize Robin, B37.” The zeta tube lit up and the son of the Demon and Bat stepped through before another word could be said.
“The Demon’s Head has passed. Hail the new Head of the League of Shadows.”
Years of training and Ra’s had finally determined Damian ready to take up his throne and allowed himself to pass on without being restored by the Pit. He was gone. But Damian’s work was just beginning.
He immediately set out orders to reorganize and reorient the League. He set in motion a path towards real positive change. The League became a force for good. For international security and humanitarian efforts. All the things the League proclaimed to be though tainted with Ra’s’s contradictory methods.
Much of Damian’s life for years was fighting off challenges for the throne and claims that he has betrayed the spirit of the Demon. But he maintains order, strengthened by the resolve for true justice and morality that his father taught him.
Finally, after years away, Damian returned to Gotham.
But not to his father’s door.
Damian sat instead on the rooftops, looking out over the city skyline. He wanted to see how it had changed. Even in Nanda Parbat, he heard how Batman had disappeared with Robin, how Bruce Wayne was transforming the city.
Damian could see the difference. The shadows were softer, the edges smoother, the streets literally cleaner. His father’s work paid off.
Maybe it was a good thing I left.
He made his way to the manor and stopped at Titus’s grave. He wished he hadn’t missed his beloved dog’s life. He wished he hadn’t missed his own life.
That’s what it felt like, standing on the manor lawn, looking up at a house that no longer felt like his own.
He didn’t think he could face his father yet, even though the door was only a few hundred feet away. So, instead, he made his way to Bludhaven.
The young Demon had grown soft in his exile and would now freely admit his affection for Grayson. Softened by how often he had needed Grayson’s brotherly comfort. Craved it so deeply in the dark, cold rooms of Nanda Parbat. And how often he wept for lack of satisfaction.
But when he came to the penthouse, he found he was too afraid to take the elevator up and knock on the door.
Yet again, Damian turned away from the reunion and walked on. He wandered, grieving the life he left behind, the life he naively thought he might be able to get back.
Lost in his self-pity, he didn’t notice crossing the street. Didn’t notice reaching the park. Didn’t notice passing a pub overflowing with the Friday night crowd. Didn’t notice entering the university campus. His reverie was only broken as it started to drizzle and he came upon a bench in the spotlight of a lamppost. He sat, lowering his hood to stare up at the rain drops streaking through the yellow-tinted light.
He didn’t notice the man across the street stop. Dead in his tracks.
Ten years, but how could you forget a face like Damian’s?
Eyes, emerald green, sparkling in the artificial light. Raven-black hair always cropped short. He didn’t stand for unruliness. Jaw sharp as shards of glass, creating a severity only broken with his life-giving smile.
Jon counted his life’s achievements in the number of times he had made Damian smile.
Ten years was a long time to go without a worthwhile achievement.
Seeing him, Jon wanted to be mad. He wanted to hate Damian for just showing up at his school out of nowhere. Or worse, for ending up at this spot at this time accidentally, and actually intending to keep up his isolation.
But all Jon could manage was tears. He missed his best friend. Desperately.
Before he could make himself angry, Damian’s head fell and eyes landed on the man across the street staring at him.
“You left.” Jon didn’t even cross the street. Just spoke across the distance, through the lightly falling rain.
Damian let an emotion slip across his face, but then he didn’t wipe it away. He didn’t hide it behind stone. Jon didn’t understand.
Here sat Damian Wayne, son of Batman, spawn of the Demon, heir to the League of Shadows, willingly letting Jon see he was sad.
So deeply sad.
It shook Jon to his core and any attempt at anger left his mind.
“I’m so sorry.” Damian really meant it. He was sorry for so much. Sorry he missed Jon’s life as he’d missed his dog’s and his own.
“Why?” Why was he sorry or why did he leave or why was he here: Jon didn’t even know what he was asking. He just needed more. He didn’t really need an explanation. No, if he was honest with himself, he didn’t care. He needed to keep Damian talking so he wouldn’t leave again. Not yet. Not while he still needed more.
“I won’t make excuses.” Damian looked at his feet. Jon watched the rain streak down his face, too far away to see that they were tears stinging the older man’s eyes.
Damian lifted his head to meet Jon’s eyes. His feet were still rooted to the spot on the curb in front of the school library, books in hand, eyes wide in shock, poised to sprint either across the street separating them or down the sidewalk away from him.
“My grandfather. He made a play.” Damian paused to collect himself. “He announced either I come home to take his place or he’d pass the throne to Scythe.
“You wouldn’t know him,” Damian explained at Jon’s confused expression. “He did his job too well to be recognized outside the League. A sadist, masochist, truly evil murderer. The most skilled of all of my grandfather’s Shadows. The most dangerous. I knew my grandfather would go through with his threat, even if Scythe went against his vision for the League. And he knew I couldn’t let that happen.”
“We could have-.”
“No,” Damian interrupted firmly, standing up from the bench at last. “He was too dangerous. And my grandfather’s games, they needed to stop. I couldn’t keep letting the people I cared about get hurt because of me.
“I wasn’t worth that.”
It hung in the air, the most ridiculous thing Jon had ever heard. Without needing to think, his feet finally moved to take him onto the asphalt and towards the opposite curb.
He stopped just before he reached the sidewalk.
“We would’ve said you were.”
He didn’t drop Damian’s gaze. Lightning blue eyes, all soft edges and bright colors, sparkling a little in the drizzling rain. Strength and trust, just like before. He was beautiful.
But Damian wasn’t as strong as him.
He broke the contact and looked down at Jon’s arms.
“Only you would spend a Friday night in college at the library.” He forced out a chuckle. “And on your 20th birthday no less.”
Jon silently cursed himself for his weakness as he asked, “Is that why you’re here?”
He shouldn’t have asked. He didn’t want to hear that it wasn’t.
“I don’t know.”
Jon frowned.
“I didn’t think I’d have the strength to face you,” Damian continued. “But my feet brought me here anyway.”
“Smart feet.”
Damian’s head jerked up, eyes finally showing something other than the sadness that had filled them for longer than Jon knew. It was amusement. And Jon’s heart leapt at the sight.
“And are yours smart enough to get you out of the street before you get run over?” Damian teased,  emerald eyes twinkling, but he didn’t wait for Jon’s response and instead stepped forward to meet the Kryptonian at the curb.
Even now, Jon was taller than his companion, by just a couple of inches, so that their eyes were level until Jon stepped up onto the sidewalk. The distance between them had now shrunk so much, Damian could feel his breath on his face. He had to tilt his up slightly now to keep eye contact. That irked him.
Jon noticed it too, but found it endearing. Maybe not as much had changed as he thought.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” he whispered. “Whether you meant to be or not.” His eyes trailed a drop of water traversing the strong angles of Damian’s face, straying as the drop did at the corner of his lips. Lips that were whispering back.
“Me too.”
Jon couldn’t take it anymore. His hand moved to cup Damian’s face, thumb stretching to swipe away the offending water, stuck defiantly in the creases of his mouth. He paused for the slightest of moments to meet Damian’s eye.
Damian noticed the hesitation and willed his eyes to reflect his need.
And then Jon was tilting his head down and his lips were meeting Damian’s.
Jon tasted sweet, his lips were soft, and he moved slow.
When he broke away, Damian took control, not ready for the moment to be over. One hand went to Jon’s to keep it in place and one went to his neck to keep it bent down. And they crashed together again.
Damian smelled of earth, his lips were strong, and he moved with purpose.
Jon wrapped his other arm around him as Damian’s tongue pried open his lips and began exploring.
Damian was desperate to drink in as much of Jon as he could, trying to learn this new Jon. This beautiful, forgiving man.
Jon held on tighter, part of him still afraid that if he let go, he’d lose Damian again.
But when they finally broke apart to breathe, Damian didn’t move away. Instead, he rested his forehead on Jon’s chest and … laughed.
The Demon’s Head was laughing and Jon couldn’t help but join in, feeling giddy. He nudged at Damian’s head with his nose and shorter man looked up.
“Ten years of birthday wishes, I was started to think that Earth tradition was bullshit.” He chuckled, Damian’s eyed widened. “But I finally got my wish.”
“Happy birthday, Jon,” he replied smiling. “Now I just have to work up the courage to go see my father and the others. Hopefully the rest of my reconciliations will go this well.”
“Hopefully not in quite the same way, though.”
Damian pulled back and punched his arm. Jon laughed.
“Only joking.” He turned and linked his arm in Damian’s, starting to walk down the sidewalk to leave campus. “Though, I’m still gonna keep an eye on Grayson.”
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. I'm either your partner in this or I'm not.” - Robin
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Real Name: Damian Wayne
Damian al Ghul
Demon's Son
Gray Son of Gotham
Hafid al Ghul
Ibn al Xu'ffasch
Knute Broody Junior
Gender: Male
Height: 4′ 6″
Weight: 84 lbs (38 kg)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Business Management
Martial Arts
Genius Level Intellect
Medical Science
Peak Human Condition
Universe: Prime Earth
Base of Operations:
Gotham City
Mercy Hall, New York City
Titans Tower, San Francisco
Citizenship: American
Bruce Wayne; father
Talia al Ghul; mother
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: Batman and Robin Vol 2 #1 (November, 2011)
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Artistry: Damian is considered as skilled with a brush as he is with a sword.
Business Management: Trained by his mother and the League of Assassins in the way of controlling a company with an iron grip. Even as a young boy he knows that in business there are wars and even in war there are assassins. Damian is involved with the Wayne Enterprises' board members. He even intimidated the board members by tracking down financial irregularities within the Wayne Enterprises' accounts.
Disguise: Damian has disguised himself as an elderly bus driver and a substitute teacher.
Driving: He learned to drive at the age of five.
Martial Arts: Trained by the League of Assassins. Damian may not be physically tough but he knows how to control his weight and has stated that he knows, "one thousand ways to kill a man." Damian's training has made him a formidable hand-to-hand combatant able to defeat or hold his own against multiple opponents, armed opponents or skilled hand-to-hand combatants.
Genius Level Intellect: Damian has inherited a genius IQ from his father.
Investigation: Damian, having been trained under the "World's Greatest Detective", has been able to deduce people's actions as well as solve mysteries with few amounts of data.
Medical Science
Peak Human Condition
Stealth: Damian was able to sneak into Gotham City and furthermore into the Batcave virtually undetected until he felt necessary. Of all the Robins, Damian may be the one that is the most silent.
Swordsmanship: Although Damian no longer uses his sword he may be unmatched with one if armed correctly.
Throwing: Damian is trained by the League of Assassins in shuriken throwing and further trained by Batman in Batarang throwing.
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Arrogance: More often than not, Damian believes himself to be better than he is, this has allowed him to underestimate opponents as well as irritate his allies.
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Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. Damian became the fifth Robin, working alongside his father as Batman.
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Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. Raised by Talia and trained by the League of Assassins, Damian became a skilled assassin by an early age. Coupled by his innate talent for the art and his lineage, Damian became a respected member of the League. Eventually, when Damian finally met his father, Batman, Damian defected and joined his father's cause. Batman granted Damian the mantle of Robin,and Damian became his father's latest crime-fighting partner.
After Bruce's death in the Final Crisis, his first protégé Dick Grayson took over the mantle of Batman and Damian became his Robin. Alongside Grayson, Damian faced new threats such as Doctor Hurt, Professor Pyg and Flamingo.
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Born to Kill
After his father's resurrection, Bruce and Damian began patrolling together as Batman and Robin. Bruce tried teaching Damian, still a cold-hearted assassin, about the sanctity of life, but had trouble relating with his son. Damian began showing restraint, which Bruce commended, although Alfred still criticized him for not being supportive enough. Bruce bought Damian a dog named Titus. They were both targeted by a super-villain named Nobody. They were kidnapped by Nobody, who tried to show Batman that his no-kill methods were ineffective. He encouraged Robin's darker side and tried to take him as an apprentice. Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. Robin revealed that he was lying, and refused to betray his father. Nobody decided to torture Robin, continuing his personal vendetta against Batman. When Batman discovered their location, he beat Nobody mercilessly and came close to killing him, but stopped when he realized Damian was watching the fight. Nobody swore that he would return and kill their friends, so Damian killed him with a move Nobody had taught him. Though deeply shaken by the killing, Bruce reacted with compassion rather than anger. When Damian regained consciousness, they talked about how difficult it is for Damian to adjust from the life of an assassin. Despite their differences, they played ball with Titus and began to enjoy spending more time together as father and son.
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Batman Incorporated
Batman and Robin began working together against Damian's mother Talia al Ghul, revealed as the head of Leviathan. During a fight in a meat factory, Damian converted to vegetarianism and adopted a pet cow who he named Bat-Cow. He was believed dead when he was shot in the head by an assassin named Goatboy. It was revealed that Talia had created another clone as his replacement, the obedient fully-grown Heretic. Robin was shown to have faked his death, and is confined to the Batcave at Batman's orders. To avoid the bounty Talia placed on his head, he began using the name Redbird and switched to a new costume. This allowed him to team up with Jason Todd, who was using the Wingman identity. They worked together with Batman Incorporated to take down the League of Assassins' top killers. However, Batman told Damian he had to quit crime-fighting altogether. Bruce revealed that he has seen Damian's future, as told through "Batman in Bethlehem". If Damian did not retire, his actions would lead to a plague that would force the President to nuke Gotham. Batman Incorporated fought Leviathan in the streets, while Damian was forced to stay inside. Alfred Pennyworth got him a cat to take care of, who he also named Alfred. Damian refused to stay home while his allies were dying, and Alfred allowed him to leave knowing he could not be stopped. He flew his exo-skeleton into the center of the battle, where Leviathan had taken over Wayne Tower. He neutralized the child soldiers, and teamed up with Dick Grayson to take down the remaining assassins. The Heretic flew Grayson aside, and challenged Damian to a sword-fight. Despite his bravery and refusal to give up, Damian was impaled through the chest and killed.
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After various trials and tribulations involving his corpse, mainly revolving around Ra's al Ghul and Apokolips, Batman managed to rescue his son's body and, through using the Omega Sanction infused within a Chaos Crystal shard, brought Damian back to life within the Batcave.
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Teen Titans
On his 13th birthday Damian was sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contained a dead robin. After meeting with his mother Talia, he discovered that it was a warning from his cousin Mara al Ghul, who had chosen him as her prey as part of an initiation ritual she must undertake in order to properly join the League of Assassins. Mara had been made leader of a group known as the Demon's Fist, which was originally supposed to be led by Damian but became hers when he chose to leave the League. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. Damian decided to collect the other Demon's Fist members' targets in order to form the new Teen Titans; comprised of Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash.
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In the Name of the Father
While searching for a tree for Christmas, Jonathan Samuel Kent accidentally torched some woodlands near a swamp in Hamilton. He was subsequently rescued by Maya Ducard, the daughter of the villain Nobody, and Damian's pet dragon-bat Goliath. Jon later awakened in the Batcave and found out that Robin had been keeping him under surveillance for a long time. The two initially did not get along, and the situation was further complicated when Batman and Superman arrived, blaming each other for the conflict.
The ensuing melee was abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. While their fathers were discussing the lab tests that Damian had performed on Jon, the two boys went off to look at Damian's pets. However, due to Damian's snide remarks and goading, Jon lost his temper and another brawl broke out between them. This was also put down quickly as Batman and Superman looked down on them in furious silence.
In order to properly discipline their sons and teach them the value of working together, Superman and Batman had them undergo a series of challenges. However their lack of teamwork and animosity toward each other caused them to fail every challenge. The boys finally managed to put aside their differences and worked together in order to save their fathers from an apparent threat in the Batcave, but this later turns out to be a ruse. At this point, Alfred declared them to be the Super Sons.
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Super Sons Vs. Kid Amazo
Jonathan was paid a visit by Robin, posing as both his school's bus driver and his substitute teacher. He was later unwillingly recruited by Damian to help him investigate a series of break-ins at LexCorp. This misadventure was further complicated with the appearance of Lex Luthor, who tried to capture them both. The two boys managed to escape Luthor and followed a lead to a home in Providence, Rhode Island, where they encountered a family who still retained their powers from the Amazo Virus. However, one member by the name of Reggie Meyer was driven insane by the excessive use of his powers and took the alias of Kid Amazo. He had also stolen the Amazo Armor from LexCorp and had planned to use it and the abilities of the Super Sons to lure the Justice League into a trap. Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. Not wanting to explain themselves, Robin and Superboy quickly left the area and headed back to Hamilton. However, their absences from their respective homes did not go unnoticed as they encountered both Lois Lane and Alfred Pennyworth while trying to sneak into Jon's home.
The boys were subsequently punished by their respective parents. Batman forbade Robin to go crime-fighting for a week while Superboy was forced to do his chores without using his superpowers. With the prospect of moving to Metropolis on his mind, Jon eventually ran off and headed to Gotham to speak with Damian in the Batcave. This resulted in another argument and a short fight, before Alfred arrived. They were later joined by Batman and Superman, and worked out their differences. With Superman's and Batman's permission, the two boys would be allowed to go on their own, provided that they would do so together.
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Dark Knights: Metal
Damian aided in fighting the Dark Knights upon their invasion, forming the Gotham Resistance with Green Arrow, Killer Croc, Nightwing and Harley Quinn. They lost Croc, the Teen Titans and the Suicide Squad, but they defeated Mister Freeze, Riddler and Damian's evil Earth -22 self and made the discovery that beings from the Dark Multiverse can be killed by Nth Metal.
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Fun Facts
Damian has declared himself a vegetarian.
Damian has a strong love for animals. Pets he has owned include Goliath, Bat-Cow, Titus, and Alfred.
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jaytodd2 · 7 years
AU where the League of Shadows rule the world. Bruce isn't Batman but his Rogue gallery is still around. Except Harley. She didn't get assigned to Joker and go crazy
It goes like this.
-Ra had managed to rule from the start (Vandal Savage and his ancientness isnt around)
-He still has his children
-Bruce parents still die
-Talia still gets married off to Bruce because WE is the richest company with LexCorp coming in close second but Talia refused to marry the bald man.
-They find out that Bruce got some good qualities so Ra keeps the thought to himself about Bruce being his successor
-Bruce makes Talia happy so she asks her dad to cut back on the killing of those that try to turn from the way of the league
-Ra is actually a wonderful father and respects Talia wishes so they pull back on it
-Bruce still takes in Dick
-Two Face ends up shooting Dick but he doesn't succeed in killing him
-Talia sees Dick somewhat like a son so it takes everything to not kill Two Face
-Talia starts training Dick "Its for his own protection Beloved. And it helps with all of that energy he has"
-Then Talia takes in Jason
-Joker beats him and the League of Shadows make it just in time to keep him from dying
-Talia's nerves are frayed (also Jason is the favorite so Ra and Nyssa nerves are frayed. They want the clown dead)
-He starts training "He nearly died, Beloved! I will not lose my son! You're the one who always said that you need to find a way for him to let out all his anger"
-Talia ends up pregnant
-The Drakes and Waynes are good friends so when Jack and Janet die, Bruce takes Tim in
-Psychogical Trauma by Joker. They hire the best psychologist... Harleen Quinzel. She's one of the best and to help kids that need help, she shows play games and Tim learns tricks. It helps him focus
-Talia starts training Tim when Harley said a way to help him was to give him something to concentrate on "And Beloved, just look at him. He needs a little muscle mass"
-Somehow Tim gets his hands on a computer and it was over from there. Training and hacking became his friends and he slowly got his mind back
-Damian is born
-Cass accidentally killed her dad in an all out sparring match in front of the Al Ghuls (Talia, Ra, Nyssa, and Baby Damian). Shiva doesnt want her so Talia and Bruce take her.
-Bruce and Talia begin helping her learn to talk, read, and write. Though Talia encourages her to keep training. "If you can one day beat me, Cassandra, then I'll buy you and Jason that library you two are always asking for."
-Steph mom died when she was little and she lives with her dad. She ends up going to a park where all of them at an accidentally hits Tim in the face with a rock. She apologizes furiously when she sees Talia and then tells Talia about how her dad was trying to commit crimes and Talia takes him down
-Steph gets taken in on joint decision
-Bruce doesnt want her to train but the kids decide otherwise. Talia agress afterwards. "Timothy's face was bruised for weeks after she hit him with rock, Beloved. She needs to learn to control that strength. It'd be nice to give her a way to feel in control of her own life after her father took so much."
-Alfred is happy to have all of these people in the family
-Damian starts training. Mainly because he didnt want to be left out and that was the only reason Bruce agreed
-Dick and Babs have an on and off relationship and they were "on" when Joker shot her
-Talia is reaching the end of her rope of patience
-Black Mask kidnaps Steph and nearly beats her to death and she manages to get saved before she died
-Talia's left eye is twitching from anger
-And then Bruce and Alfred die. The Manor blown up after Bane attacked Bruce. Bruce was at home recovering and had asked Talia to take the kids out. And she did so reluctantly.
-No one knows who exactly bomb the manor, but with Alfred and Bruce dead? Talia and all of the kids snap.
-Joker, Two Face, Captain Boomerang, Cluemaster, Bane? All dead.
-All of the criminals that did major offenses and were sitting in cells. All "mysteriously" died overnight
-And then Ra ended up getting killed by Deathstroke.
-In this universe, Ra was grandfather figure next to Alfred. He praised them on excelling and unlike Alfred, who spoiled with food and comfort, Ra spoiled with the finest of everything. Dick wanted a pet elephant? Here you go, Richard. Jason wanted to some more books to read and wanted to learn another language? Here's the finest books in Arabian.
-If Deathstroke thought he couldn't die, then Talia and Nyssa showed him. And the kids stood around to block off exits and fight off whatever reinforcements Slade had
-Talia and Nyssa took over the League and to establish a firm rule. Each of the children became the heirs and all took a place across the world to establish their ruling.
-Damian stayed in the middle east with his mother since he was the Blood heir and had Al Ghul blood.
-Stephanie went to Africa while Cass went to Japan and China
-Tim went to San Francisco and built up Drake Industries.
-Jason traveled around. He sometimes stayed near the various Islands around the world or ventured towards England whenever he caught himself thinking of Alfred. If he settled for a long time, then he went to Gotham and ran WE with Dick.
-Barbara went to Star City and met up with another "computer specialist" there. They ended up being the technological voices for the League of Shadows.
-Dick went to New York and sometimes Bludhaven. It depended on the mood.
-Once when Dick visited Gotham, he was attacked by a dude in an owl mask. He had been saved by Jason who had the manor rebuilt and they were living in there where Jason took base after he stumbled across a cave under the manor.
-The two did some research and found out about the Court of Owls. They were a rebel group to the League of Shadows, but they didn't just want to take the League done. They wanted to replace them.
-They call on Talia and Nyssa and told them about what they found and what they learned.
-All of their siblings converge in and with reinforcements from the League, wiped the Court down to the ground. Dick took control of the Court because Jason claimed that it was his birthright.
-The other heroes (Superman, Flash, etc) tried to take down the LoS but they were like roaches. The more you tried to take down and the more kept popping up and with Dick's Owls Robins. The "Justice League" ended up being taken down.
-Research was done to find weaknesses or to find ways to get them to see the way of the League
-Themyscira was an ally. Man's World was no longer plagued by wars and senseless killing? And Strong Women in charge? Sign them up! Sometimes they had disagreements. Different beliefs, you know. It wasn't perfect.
-And with the lazarus pits? They ruled with an iron fist until either Dick, Jason, or Tim did a space adventure and one of them came back with something that granted immortality.
-They ruled forever and anyone that got in their way was taken down brutally.
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Reblog with your favorite tags you’ve used at least once this year ready set go
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Hello, hope you're having a nice day. The post you made about Steph convincing Ra's Al Ghul to become her faux grandfather and get her a Christmas present will forever be one of the best things on Tumblr. Thank you.
Thank you!
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