#brucie is an art form
38sr · 10 months
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little self indulgent bruce
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I am convinced that Jason would LOVE doing drag. It's a theatrical art form that welcomes melodrama and costume design, like this shit is right up his alley! I also feel like he'd be someone who would enjoy playing around with his gender performance, like as @vigilantecore and @cleromancy have pointed out in this post he already does seem to play around with it!
As such I think it's fucking criminal that we have so few designs for him dressing fem that aren't just one-off, no connection to his character maid dresses or bunny suits. Like, c'mon, do not let Tim have all the dresses here just cause he's small and twinkish! Let the big muscle man have fun!! So here's a few of mine to help remedy this tragic deficit:
Cerulean Orbs
Minimal makeup, dark colors, and small jewelry everywhere but her EYES
Very elegant and formal and charming and oh-so tragic figure who is also very off-putting and clearly does not have all her screws tightened ("Somebody go get that girl brown contacts immediately, I am begging!")
Is a vampire, hence the aforementioned characteristics and the big fan she keeps to hide her fangs behind
Uses slight of hand tricks to do things like cry red glass rhinestones (claims they're ruby/bloody tears)
Will sometimes pick someone out of the audience to claim is her reincarnated lost love who she must avenge/protect/lure back into her arms
Smoking Gunn:
Voted "Most Menacing Cowgirl" three shows in a row - always happy to play the heel for another Queen
Carries a (fake plastic) sawed off shotgun, usually on a belt so that it hangs between her legs
She's on a quest for revenge against the man who "cut her gun tragically short"
Hair is wild and frazzled and covered in ash as though she has just blown herself up with cartoon dynamite.
Wears a bright red ribbon around her neck with the bow situated directly over the batarang scar
Of course no matter what design you go with I think it is utterly critical that his drag persona has wildly elaborate and melodramatic beef with Brucie Wayne.
He drunkenly pushed her off the Eifel Tower, he left her sister at the altar, he insulted her purse dog's honor, he sniped her bid on ebay for a super rare beanie baby at the last possible second - every time someone asks Jason just makes a new story up on the spot, often echoing real grievances both on purpose and on accident. The stories are always too wacky to be real of course, but also his anger is often too genuine for anyone to be entirely sure he's joking...
Have a fun little snippet from the terminally unfinished fanfic I made the Cerulean Orbs persona for (context is that Jason is there investigating a Riddler plot, unbenounced to any of the other bats except Tim. There were two possible locations to watch and so people split up)
The night so far has honestly been shockingly fun, even with his paranoia going full blast, looking behind curtains, around corners, searching, searching, searching, aaaaand there's another circle forming in the crowd. Shit. This one has formed around someone at the door and been moving inwards picking up participants. Jason pushes his way to the interior, making a few 'pardon mes' along the way and gaining a line of dirty looks. Then he finally reaches the end of the press of bodies and comes face to face with Bruce. Fucking. Wayne. And Jason promptly shoves his foot in his mouth, face pulled into disgust, half turning into his fan on instinct, "Oh god it's you." The crowd GASPS and Jason sees the most wonderful thing happen: Bruce looks confused. Not the false confusion he pulls when he needs to play stupid, but the real deal! That tiny tick of frustration in the corners of his eyes says that he truly, genuinely has no fucking clue who this is or why they don't like him. Bruce pulls out his best 'placating the plebs' voice, "I- I'm sorry Madam, have we met??" Jason decides the gods have smiled upon him this day as he pulls out of his stunned silence, flips his hair back and says, "Well! I'm glad ONE of us could forget!" And marches off, leaving a bewildered and half panicked Bruce behind to fend off the media questions about THAT little bombshell. Tim chirps in his ear to warn him that he just ran into Nightwing and they've got the attack covered. He can sit back and relax for the evening. Over the course of the night no less than fifteen groups of people come up to him asking him to spill the details and he gives every single one of them a new, more ridiculously embarrassing story than the last. He stole her favorite dress and drunkenly fell into the river. He took them out to get 'fucked up' and brought out a single baggy of oregano and acted like it was getting him high. He mistook her for six different women over the course of a single two hour dinner date. He did seven lines of cocaine, forgot she existed, and tried to fight god with a bottle opener. Everyone in that place has to know he's lying through his teeth, but it's just too fun a story to turn down. In fact... each of them starts spreading their own version of the rumors, embellishing as they go, and delighting in the PR hurricane they're creating around this poor man. Tim reconvenes the next day to ask Jason about what went down, and if he’s okay and what not. In the middle of Jason’s lively recounting, Tim receives a text from Dick asking for confirmation that his suspicions are correct and that Cerulean Orbs was Jason and mentioning that he’s having laughing conniption fits over the fact that Bruce can’t even begin to figure it out. There is a video of Bruce losing his mind about it attached.
Anyways, I really like the idea of Jason doing drag and I hope this catches other people's fancy too!
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carnivorousyandeere · 7 months
Every oc with big tits legally need to have their nipples pierced, if they're scared they can hold my hand and I'll pierce it for them 😈
HELLO??? 😂😭😭😭
As a nip piercing enthusiast I love you for this lmfao /p
I like titties big or small, but for you, here is a list of all my current big titty OCs (including big boobs and big pecs/combo of the two), and whether or not they’ve got em pierced already or would get them pierced.
Brucie: no, but you might be able to convince him… the chance of it is slim though
Marcus: not yet, but might go for one nipple piercing for his own aesthetic reasons
Byte: absolutely, they’ve got different chest plates to swap in and out so they only have big boobs some of the time, but they’d certainly pierce any of them
Jordi: not yet, but definitely would— especially if you’d be willing to do it~
Thorn (college group one): yes
Amory (pop star reader): he might have them, might not— as a minor deity who can change appearance at will, it’s not a big deal to him. He usually has them but sometimes forgets to have them in human form, lol.
Sarina (pop star reader): like Amory, she could choose to have or not have them at will, but she doesn’t really like how they look on her.
Spirit of the Roads (misc spirits and monsters): oh, definitely already has them, and loves it.
Lighthouse Spirit (misc spirits and monsters): no, and good luck piercing a ghost
Felicity (misc spirits and monsters): no, she’s scared 🥺. She only has a lobe piercing in each ear and almost passed out from those alone. If you really really want her to have them she’ll try for you but you have to do it yourself or hold her hand while a piercer does it.
Kyra (misc spirits and monsters): no, but definitely would if she thought about it
Drew (crime family): no, and she wouldn’t be willing to
Mason (werewolf pack): already has one pierced, and that’s all he wants
Hunter (werewolf pack): no, even in the best circumstances Hunter doesn’t like acknowledging his chest, much less for something as invasive as getting pierced. The binder or sports bra stays on at all times except showering, no ifs, ands, or buts. He’ll get genuinely angry with you if you push for it.
Genesis (ghost hunters): no, but would, if there’s a jewelry substance that can withstand the boiling acidity of his blood/body
Tasha (werecat pride): no, and probably won’t
Kurtis (Cliffside inn): probably, but definitely would if you suggested it
Cecilia (Cliffside inn): no, and no
Airna (Cliffside inn): no; she would only go for it if you were the one to do it
Emerson (student council): no, and probably wouldn’t ever do it
Lottie (bikers): yes
Aspen (bikers): would do it if pressured into it by you and/or Lottie, if Lottie hasn’t already pressured her into it
Cael (the empyrean): yes
Malak (the empyrean): maybe, wouldn’t take too much convincing
Lyla (the empyrean): yes
Sammy (the empyrean): probably doesn’t have them already, but might get them if reader holds his hand/does it themself
Selene (the empyrean): yes
Kosuke (zodiac): no and no
Olive (zodiac): no and maybe, if you tell them that nipple piercings can make your nipples more sensitive to touch~
Jules (zodiac): no, and probably wouldn’t— or if they tried they’d end up taking the piercings out anyway.
Jett (zodiac): yes
Blake (zodiac): yes
Minnow (zodiac): no, and they probably wouldn’t without a lot of coaxing and comforting from their darling
Countess Lenore (vamp couple): no, and wouldn’t. She’s much more interested in piercing you :]
Maisie (MILF): maybe? I could see her having them, but only once she’s done having kids (as nipple piercings can become infected from breastfeeding).
Noe (DnD): no, and probably wouldn’t! Scared to.
Sensei Munroe (martial arts): no, but might get them if she feels like it. It’s not a big deal to her either way, really. The pain doesn’t frighten her.
Adémidé (martial arts): no, and probably wouldn’t unless coaxed into it by their Darling or their Darling asks them to get it done together.
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coloredsnowo · 2 years
I feel like on a lot of social media platforms, fanart seems to be one of the more showcased transformative works. I wanted to do something special that anyone in the fandom could get into. So I was thinking that fanartists and fanfic writers could pair up and make works together. If any fanfic author wants to write something about my brucie wayne au lmk and I can make the cover art. If this gets any form of traction I can organize it and itll be for me 1k follower special. just throwing a bone out :)
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Okay new Brucie HC because I love them:
The kids write down suggestions of things Bruce could do as Brucie, and keep it in a giant glass bowl. When Bruce needs something he’ll go in and randomly select a piece of paper and that’s what he does. His execution of said idea is rated by the kids, and they all receive points based on previously established criteria, the results of which all end up on a giant board in the Batcave dedicated to the perpetuation of the Brucie persona. Every batkid calls it the best family bonding activity they have. Bruce has never turned a suggestion from the bowl down.
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i want dick grayson to be annoyingly perfect in the smallest of unimportant ways. and i want it to irritate the living hell out of everyone around him
every now and then, jason and dick will go to different chili dog carts around the city, and dick will sit and nod in agreement as jason nitpicks the food, occasionally offering his own two cents. the conversations are tense and if the topic strays from anything except food jason books it, but it’s progress, and dick’s grateful. but he doesn’t understand why jason always growls at him when he’s preparing his chili dogs, chalking it up to jason’s obsessiveness about that food in particular. dick figures he’s probably doing it wrong. until one day, jason bites out a rough question, asks him how he did that. dick’s confused, until jason points out, “you tear open the top of the ketchup packet in a perfect line every time. and you get all of the ketchup out of the packet in one smooth squeeze, and you never get any on your fingers, and i don’t understand how.”
roy was, arguably, a better archer than ollie. green arrow had been birthed from the island, from the trauma of survival. roy, however, had been practicing since he was a kid, and now that he was well into his twenties, he could safely say he was one of the best shots in the world. he could beat all his friends at darts, shoot an apple off wally’s head, and was generally pretty awesome. or, he would be awesome, if only dick fucking grayson would stop making every single shot of anything he threw in a trash can. no matter what he was throwing away, no matter the angle, no matter the wind or rain, as long as the trashcan was in eyesight, anything dick tossed would inevitably end up inside the garbage. sometimes, dick barely even glanced at the damn thing, just took note of it a threw the trash, expecting it to land in the proper place. and it always did. the worst part was, dick didn’t even seem to notice it. he wasn’t actively trying to make every shot. when asked, dick just shrugged and said “we had some pretty good knife throwers in the circus.”
tim’s memories starting out as robin were a whirlwind, a push-pull of bruce’s mistrust, then bruce’s acceptance, of dick’s fear and hesitation, then of dick’s love. he still remembered dick making the two of them hot chocolate in the kitchen after a day of training, tim’s muscles sore and entire body aching but the feeling of pride, because he was good enough to be robin, he knew he was. he hadn’t expected that to happen anytime soon again, given the way their relationship had fractured after tim had left dick’s batman, a terrified fury in his eyes. yet, he’d been proven wrong when, after a particularly rough arkham breakout, alfred asked both dick and tim to stay instead of returning to their own apartments. just because the manor brought back a feeling of warm nostalgia, however, doesn’t mean it kept the nightmares away. he came down to the kitchen and saw dick already up, moving around the stovetop. with a knowing look in his eyes, dick grabbed another mug to make tim some hot chocolate. tim was washed over with a feeling of relief, of acceptance. dick slid the mug towards him and tim took a sip, letting the rich chocolate warm him up from the inside. it was delicious. his little sigh of pleasure must have been audible, but then he remembered something he noticed. “dick. did you use alfred’s recipe for this?” and dick laughed, responded with, “nah. too much work. i just sort of tried to remember what was in hot chocolate, and eyeballed most of the ingredients. i’m glad it turned out good though. no clumps too, that’s good.”
donna didn’t care how old she got, playing in the park with dick never got old. as one of her oldest friends, the two of them could just walk around the park, in companionable silence, just letting themselves relax and enjoy the moment. so, of course, dick would break the silence and ask if she had any earbuds, because it was getting to quiet for him. donna laughed, and reached inside her pocket, fingered past the keys, and grabbed the headphones. the tangled little ball that came out made her sigh, and she pulled on an earbud to loosen it, only managing to make one of the many knots tighter. then, dick took the headphones out of her hands with a here, i got it, and with a few quick tugs, the tangled monstrosity unraveled easy as breathing. then, completely unaffected, he handed her an earbud, putting the other in his own ear. “i’m the one who’s got a lasso,” she said, ignoring dick’s snort and quip about how earbuds and a lasso are two completely different things, donna.
cass hadn’t expected to enjoy such a gentle, graceful form of athletics, but after a few lessons, it had become apparent that ballet could be far from gentle. it pushed her, made her practice and strengthen herself, and she’d fallen in love with the art quickly. however, the most frustrating part of the entire thing had little to do with actually dancing. the school bruce had helped pick out was prestigious, which meant a strict dress code, which meant her hair had to be in a bun. unfortunately, her hair never seemed to want to cooperate. after her latest attempt, falling into a mess of hair at her nape that had so many locks falling out, cass contemplated how mad the teacher would be if she showed up in a ponytail. at that moment, dick peeked into her room, having heard her frustrated noise, and asked if he could do anything to help. cass pointed to the mess of hair, not even remotely contained by the hair tie, and blew a strand out of her face. dick smiled with understanding, then came into her room, grabbing the comb on her bed and standing behind her in front of the mirror. he smoothed her hair with the comb, then pulled it this way and that, twisting and turning and wrapping until, two minutes later, a picture perfect bun sat atop her head. cass blinked with surprise. “first try,” she said, staring up at him, but he just shrugged and said, “it’s not that hard. you want me to drop you off?”
bruce could admit that he rather enjoyed undercover missions. it was an extended game with high stakes, a test of his own acting skills. with makeup changing his face, an expertly made wig, and a demeanor completely different from both brucie wayne and from batman, he swept through the crowd of greasy men, looking for a specific contact. then, he caught sight of someone specific indeed, though they weren’t his contact. eyebrows raised in a what are you doing here? gesture, he slid onto a barstool. from behind the bar, dick offered him a blinding smile, cleaning a glass. he tapped his wrist twice, a clear message. undercover, same as you. then, dick grabbed a couple bottles from underneath a shelf, flipping them in his hand and pouring with grandeur. bruce noticed he hadn’t put any alcohol in his little mixture, only making it seem as if he had. the flashy moves were entertaining, bruce could give him that. dick slid him the drink and bruce took a sip, eyebrows raising in brief surprise. “this is good. bartending?” dick put the bottles and the lemon away, unimpressed. “it’s not like it’s hard. just mixing a couple ingredients. no biggie.” bruce was fairly certain bartending was more difficult than that, but just then, his target came into view. 
steph understood some of the bats’ frustration with dick, she really could. he hadn’t exactly been a welcome and opening batman, that’s for sure. regardless, as the few masks left in gotham had to work together, and she’d gotten to know the man pretty well. and she enjoyed his company as nightwing much more than batman. she dropped onto his balcony in his bludhaven apartment, announcing her presence in that loud-subtle way. dick was nestled in a couple blankets on the couch, going over a couple files, apparently just back from patrol if the small bandage on his neck and bags under his eyes were any indication. nevertheless, he brightened when he saw her and she nodded when he asked if she wanted to spend the night. he moved some of the papers to make room for her on the couch, but she flitted into his bathroom, going through the nail polish bottles she knew he had, and grabbing a shade of red that caught her eye. she tossed him the bottle and put her fingers in his lap, talking aimlessly about a movie she watched with cass. dick seemed to relax amidst her jabbering, and he shook the bottle a couple times before opening it and focusing on her right hand. but as he started, steph paused her rambling and focused on him instead, holding her hands gently and brushing paint onto her nails. he managed to cover her entire nail in three easy strokes, smooth and glossy, not a hint of paint on her skin. the nail was practically perfect. oh god she was jealous. “got a lot of practice with this, grayson?” she asked, and laughed at dick’s mock-offended of course not!
damian wasn’t one for photography, and he could grudgingly admit drake was far better at that particular skill than he was. however, his art class had promised to cover all types of media, and had upheld that pledge. the next two weeks were dedicated to photography, and their final project for the unit had to be a small collection of photographs. animal photography, of course, was damian’s chosen subject, and the knowledge that animal photography was one of the hardest skills to master only had damian wanting to do it more. days later, however, he could admit that it was trickier than expected. how had he never noticed how active his animals were? they never sat still, and every single picture came out blurry. grayson, upon coming across him in the manor grounds, noticed his futile attempts and asked if he could help. damian acquiesced the camera to grayson, who looked through the lens, finding the right angle and background, adjusting the focus settings slightly. then, he let out a sharp whistle and snapped his fingers. in nothing short of a miracle, damian’s pets pasued to look at him, only for a second, and the shutter clicked furiously. damian flipped through the photos, a good many of them clear and wonderful. damian snapped in irritation when dick ruffled his hair and said, “now you try!” it definitely wasn’t as easy as grayson made it look.
babs didn’t really know what she was expecting when she broke up with dick. there was hurt on both ends, and distance for a while, and she had no idea how much she’d miss him. but after a couple months of working together, of remembering that underneath the romantic tangles, their friendship was strong, she’d gotten to the point of dick randomly dropping by her apartment again. the downside was, dick kept randomly dropping by her apartment again. he stole her snacks and messed up her filing system and was so irritating that barbara almost forgot how relieved she was at having one of her best friends back. fortunately, it did come with benefits, because when he was bored, he did some of her chores for her. pausing in the doorway, she smiled at the sight of dick folding her clothes and putting them away. the gesture was platonic now, but no less appreciated. she pushed her wheelchair forward, and in greeting, dick told her how much he wanted to steal all her patterned socks. babs reminded him they wouldn’t fit, and laughed at his pout. dick grabbed one sock off the top of the laundry basket, then dug his hand into the pile of clothes randomly, coming up with the second sock in an instant. folding them together, he repeated the process for each pair. “that...that was fast. you got all of them?” babs asked in confusion. “yes? why, did you expect some to be missing?” was dick’s reply as he shook the wrinkles out of a sweater.
wally was never surprised. he knew dick better than probably most people in the world. he’d gone from frustrated and jealous of dick’s random talents, to admiring and appreciative, to just accepting them as a fact of life. dick’s phone never cracked if he accidentally he dropped it. dick never buttoned up shirts wrong, aligning each button with the right hole perfectly on the first try. dick could plug in usb ports the right way. dick always remembered which light switch was for which room, no matter whose house they were at. dick could pop a cd out of its case without ever smudging the disk, holding it by the rim perfectly. and dick always seemed to know when wally needed a day off, to just visit their old haunts, grab some ice cream, and spend the day talking away on a rooftop. that was just something his best friend could do. and wally would never tell dick, but underneath his fake irritation at it, but he loved him for it.
tag list:  @comicsandhoney @birdy-bat-writes @elles-shitposts-personified @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @pricetagofficial @catxsnow @astroherogirl @yesboopityboop @dangerduckjpeg
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poepoe-thebunny · 4 years
I don't normally do Superbats stuff but,
I have a MIGHTY need for Bruce Wayne The Public Genius Billionaire Playboy, to be caught by the media judging the ABSOLUTE FUCK out of Superman.
Maybe it's early on in their relationship, they're still solo, they don't know each other's identities. And on the various "Bruce Wayne goes to Metropolis" adventures, he gets taken or attacked by villains and Superman swoops in to save the day.
Except, Bruce can't run off and turn into Batman because he can't get loose yet, there are too many people around to see, he can't use his Batman Skills to break free from the giant mechanical robot cause of the reporters etc etc. So he's basically just stuck there, playing up the "Young attractive weak human billionaire" shtick until he can.
Except Bruce is trained. He's a detective, a tactician, he has done various forms of martial arts and stuff throughout the years and really this isn't SO BAD. He's had worse.
So, while he won't admit it he starts to get a little bored. He starts watching the fight between Superman and the Villain-Of-The-Week. And there are just DOZENS of pictures of Bruce sitting back, all locked up or tied down or held by a giant robot, with that little scowl of Judgement And Frustration (TM). He's judging Superman's fighting form, he's judging the villain who captured him, he's judging literally EVERYONE'S costumes and designs and themes, judging all of the decisions Superman makes while deducing things about powers and weapons. He slowly reaches Peak Bitchy.
Because Bruce comes to two (2) conclusions.
1) Someone needs to work up the courage to tell Superman to improve his form, super strength be damned, and if it HAS to be Bruce then why not. He fights like a baseball player and a tipsy drinker from a run down bar had a baby, then discovered said baby had super strength.
2) Metropolis villains (And Superman) need a better stylist. Why are their colors so bright? Why are their robots so unnecessary large and bulky? Do none of these people know about color theory, or how accent colors work??? At least HIS villains know how to cultivate their aesthetic smh.
And when it's all over Clark is low-key kinda offended, but also confused? Like what does this guy see so often that he's just COMPLETELY unimpressed?
And this begins Superman and Brucie Wayne's public bickering, usually done when Superman saves him. The media goes wild with accusations of Hatred, then when they notice Superman going the extra mile to impress Mr. Wayne, accusations of romance. Neither of them are too far off.
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chronicbatfictioner · 3 years
Exchanges and Compromises - Chapter 17
Jason was having the time of his life.
Dick was sure of it. He might grump and sulk a lot more than before, but Dick was sure that he was having fun. Sure, guarding Damian might be a little more than tasking, after a while - especially since Damian was so certain that he could face Bane alone if it comes down to it, conveniently ignoring the fact that: a. he's ten and practically one-tenth of Bane's size; b. the Waynes most likely would detest having to clear intestines off the marble floor if Damian were to be let near a katana and/or Bane, and c. Alfred definitely would detest cleaning intestines or parts of Damian off the floor or walls.
And d. Bruce Wayne seemed to actually enjoy having Damian around and has no qualm in talking to Damian as if he was twice his age. Bruce's age, that is. Not Damian's. Dick suspected that Bruce has spent a lot of time talking to 60-year-olds.
But there were numerous forms of excitement that were offered by the Wayne Manor. First and foremost were the cars. Dick has never learned to drive - being a Talon kind of impeded the learning process of 'common human things'. Jason, however, was an excellent driver. He had mentioned something about being a getaway driver in warzones, and Dick couldn't be sure if he was telling the truth or joking. Either way, he rather enjoyed it whenever he and Jason had to take Damian somewhere in town.
Except for today, as somebody seemed to have tampered with the car.
It wouldn't brake, and they were cruising really, really fast.
Hence Dick's belief that Jason was having fun. He did not look perturbed at the slightest as he controlled the car, swerving crazily over the backroads, making sharp u-turns instead of going into the city roads and went back where they came from. Within a mile from the Drake House's gate, Jason finally managed to cut down the speed to the point where the car's engines died and it rolled to a stop. On the Drake House's gate.
"Seriously, people," Tim remarked dryly as they walked in - leaving the car at the gate and settling their respective adrenaline back down. "I've heard of visiting the neighbors, but must you be like, dying and/or damaging people's property before you come here to say hi?"
"The car was tampered with," Damian reported. "Must be the brute. And I shall replace your gate, Drake."
"I think I'm down to like, eight lives. No-- seven." Dick admitted, "my heart's still beating a hundred miles per minute. Good thing, though, at least that way I know I'm quite alive."
"Dick, you're a bird. Not a cat." Tim deadpanned. His eyes never leaving Jason, who had lit up a cigarette as he walked through the house. "Since when do you smoke?"
"Since I was eleven," Jason replied. "And since I walked into a house that has laser triggers that were set up by a lunatic. Smoke worked to reveal them all."
"I'm... partially scowling because smoking kills. But I suppose laser triggers would kill faster..." Tim replied.
"The lasers are used to trigger booby traps just about Damian's height. If he were to be a common kid and run around the house, he'd be decapitated within the first few days." Jason continued bitterly. "What the fuck is wrong with that giant lump of steroids, anyway? He was ready to kill a child!"
"The nutshell version is that the child would prevent his usurping the Waynes' wealth." Tim pointed out. "The long version is that I don't think he's really the child of Dr Wayne, the Waynes know of it, and they're literally being held hostage in their own home. Also, you people are being watched, too, by drones. I've asked Harper to kill those drones for entering my property."
Tim then explained Bruce's visit and the USB. "Oracle has contacted him and told him we... the Birds, that is - are investigating the evidence."
"How long until we can punch the asshole out of the house for good?" Jason demanded, accepting a bottle of water Tim handed him. Slowly and gently. Making sure his fingers brushed Tim's. And Dick had to swallow a grin.
"That, unfortunately, would be up to the GCPD. Did you guys saw the news? Vicky Vale's article on Damian?" Tim... preened a little, waving his hair as he walked away from Jason. Dick's lips itched, he wondered if Barbara or the other girls -- if Selina or Dinah have noticed this. The two were definitely flirting.
"I have seen it. It had good pictures of my mother and grandfather, and quite... adequate descriptions of both of them." Damian replied. "Evidently father has made a comment to the writer about me looking like him when he was my age."
"Well, you kind of do look like him, except for the green eyes." Dick pointed out. Bruce's eyes were blue - like both his parents. But from the photos of little Brucie around the house, Dick could see a little of Martha Wayne in Damian's still-round face. "When did Bruce make the comment?"
"Oh, Vale called him." Tim snickered. "She still has his personal number, and she commented something about hearing a - quote: 'constipated buffalo sounds in the background' - unquote. She was also wondering if Bruce was in a bullfighting ring somewhere."
"Seriously?" Dick laughed.
"Seriously. Even Barbara couldn't stop laughing hearing that." Tim assured him. Jason rolled his eyes but looking amused, anyway.
"Sooo... a possible off-road accident for the apparent heir is in the books?" Jason suggested.
"I won't put it past Bane. Damian...?" Tim started. But Damian already nodded in acknowledgment.
"I shan't eat anything that is not presented by Todd or Grayson, nor will I frolic the manor on my own. This shall be more to bear witness to your insinuation of my 'child-like' behavior than to take care of me, Drake, as I am quite capable of sustaining my own life." Damian scoffed.
Tim paused visibly for a good two seconds, before nodding, "of course. Furthermore, I can assure you that Alfred is safe, mainly because as a butler, his focal interest would be the actual Waynes. That's in his training - unless an offspring is publicly announced, they are not to be cared for by the Butler. In Wayne Manor, the proverbial child would solely be Bruce - for obvious reasons, and Damian, whom Bruce has publicly acknowledged." Tim explained.
"He was in MI6," Jason remarked. "Alfred, that is. Not Bane. It would be safe to say he's loyal. He told me of the booby traps and that Bane has a daily dose of injection of the steroid-like substance. But I-- we shall prepare you emergency rations - just in case, anyway."
"You guys can always drop by here. And don't think that Damian would be Bane's only target." Tim reminded. "If I was him, I'd take out the big guns - that is you two - first; and then Bruce, because he'll want to be protective of his son; and then Dr and Mrs Wayne last."
"Then I'm afraid you are forgetting one of the members of the household that is most dangerous, Master Tim," a voice spoke; Jason pulled out his gun, Damian automatically hid behind him while pulling out a small dagger.
Dick wanted to lunge right toward the source of the voice until he realized that it was Alfred Pennyworth, both hands raised up to show that he was unarmed.
"How...?" Jason growled, "I didn't hear the front door open."
"Apologies, gentlemen. I should have informed you that there is an underground passageway between the two houses that were once used frequently, but now has all been forgotten." Alfred explained. "You were right that I was in MI6, Jason; as you were right that my focus will and forever shall remain the true Wayne blood, Master Tim. Not ones who claimed as such and refused to provide irrefutable evidence."
"Does Bane know of this passageway?" Tim asked.
"It is located in the staff's wing, and as he is not permitted to be there, I sincerely doubt it," Alfred replied. "I have my own... booby traps and surveillance that should tell me if anyone has been there." he smiled. "I am aware that both of you have prowled the entire house at one point or the other in the past few weeks." he nodded toward Jason and Dick. "You were stealthy, indeed."
"But not stealthy enough?" Dick quipped. "I gotta go back to training... Anyway, why are you here?"
"I saw your vehicle's mishap and its stop here. If anything, Bane is not... stealthy enough." Alfred pulled out a small memory card. "To get to the garage, one must pass the servants' hall. And the garage is my province."
Tim accepted the memory card, plugged it into his cellphone; and then projected its content to a wall. "Huh... this should be enough evidence of tampering..." Tim commented. The memory card showed a clear date stamp - that morning, a few hours before Bane and the Waynes left the house. It also showed Bane himself, jacking the car that was now resting with a dented bumper at Tim's gate, while holding a plier.
"Anyone watching our car now?" Dick commented. "Won't be cool to have it suddenly fixed, will it?"
"Harper should be. Plus, y'all are on my property. If he trespasses, I'll have his ass arrested." Tim huffed. "So... if anyone has ideas--" Jason and Damian's eyes lit up; Tim glared at them and continued "--that do not include sharp and/or exploding objects of how to remove Bane from the Manor..."
"I'm fresh out," Jason replied mournfully. "No sharp objects, no exploding objects... what do you expect me to do? Poison him?"
"But Todd, did my mother not teach you the arts of food as medicine?" Damian piped up.
The sudden silence as all eyes landed on Alfred was quite ominous.
"I will not conduct a crime, young masters," Alfred remarked dryly.
"Oh nooo... not a crime," Jason grinned mischievously. "It's just... you know that Damian was born in the Middle East, yeah?"
"I may have quite a culinary skill, but I fear that my Middle Eastern cuisine knowledge is rather limited," Alfred said demurely.
"Well, mine isn't." Jason grinned. "Besides, what else should one do to celebrate one's entrance into such a distinguished family; but hold a family dinner?"
"You're going to poison him." Dick groaned.
"Not to death!" Jason protested. Dick gave him an unimpressed glare. "Just... to the point where he would realize that he and I have opposing objectives."
"Do let me know of the ingredients you require, Jason." Alfred intoned. "Or perhaps you prefer to shop on your own? I shall fetch a new, un-tampered-with vehicle."
"Oh, please do, Alfred. I doubt we can make a single trip. But they will be fun." Jason replied, grinning.
Dick knew that the sense of foreboding was not in him only. Tim looked like he was contemplating moving away to Alaska.
"For the records, I don't know anything about cooking," Dick said defensively.
"I'm... truly and fully reconsidering my life choices," Tim admitted.
"Oh, don't worry, Drake. Todd was trained by the best," Damian grinned mischievously. "I pity the fools who think him as a brute. I pity the brute who think that small equals weak."
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hopelessly-me · 3 years
Spooky prompt: avengers pumpkin carving contest
LISA HI! Omg- this one turned into feelings. I was originally going to write it to be a silly, crack type fic but then... my brain decided feelings had to be had. So here is some Bucky and Clint (with the team) goodness, and I hope you enjoy. (1689 word count)
If y'all want to send me spooky season themed prompts, I'm still open to doing them. =)
“Going to join in?” Clint asked Bucky, tilting his head over to the layers of plastic wrap on the floor constructed in a large circle, pumpkins all around.
“I… don’t know,” Bucky answered honestly.
“I’ll save you a spot, just in case,” Clint said with a wink before he walked over to the group that was assembling. Clint placed his forearm and elbow on Bruce’s shoulder, looking at the scientist and smiling.
“You know… it might not be a bad thing if you tried,” Steve pointed out. Bucky nearly jumped, not expecting Steve so close. “If you want, you can help me with my pumpkin.”
“I think I should sit this one out,” Bucky said.
He knew Steve wouldn’t push. None of them would. It was only a few months since Bucky had started his stay at the Tower and there were just some things he wasn’t ready to do just yet. Going out on Avenger mission, training with them- even holding knives could make him start to panic a little, worry that something, somewhere, deep within him would come back out. He couldn’t shake the idea that the Soldier sometimes had more control than Bucky did, and it was terrifying.
“Let me know if you change your mind,” Steve said, patting his shoulder before he walked by. “Alright guys- ready?” he asked. “FRIDAY, are you taping this?” Steve asked.
“Of course, Captain,” the AI system said.
“Alright guys, Rules for the annual Avengers pumpkin carving contest. You may only use the tools in front of you. No additional knives, no lasers- nothing.” Bucky was pretty sure Tony pouted. “We have one hour to recreate the pumpkin that auto generates on the screen. Whoever wins gets the entire month of November off from training. All agreed?”
“Agreed,” was the common response.
“Alright then. FRIDAY, the count down please,” Steve said.
A handful of months and slowly Bucky was learning about the people who stayed in the Tower nearly full time. He knew who he could go to when he needed to get his mind off of things, and who he could sit with when he just needed some quiet time. He knew who was up for the most fun, and who would really rather be alone themselves without someone nearby. But it seemed like no matter how they liked to live their lives, everyone came together for these monthly “family night” events and would just… breathe. They would all find enjoyment out of each other’s quirks and sometimes those moments transcended into their daily lives.
Still- Bucky wasn’t ready to be fully involved yet. He was still working out if he felt like he deserved it, which was harder when Tony became visibly worried of Bucky’s presence in the room, especially if he was around knives. And while Bucky knew he couldn’t take the blame for things he didn’t have control over, that didn’t mean he couldn’t take the emotions from it and hold them close.
He walked around the room and watched as everyone worked on their pumpkins. He was beginning to see who were the artistic types and who wasn’t solely based on how well their Haunted Houses turned out. Natasha might not be the best artistically but she was by the far the best with wielding a knife, although Clint was a close second. Steve was arguably the best artistically, Sam fairly good himself, but neither of them could wield the tools in front of them quite like Clint and Natasha.
“Hey,” Clint said, looking up from his pumpkin with a smile.
“Hey. Having fun?” Bucky asked.
“Eh. It’s pumpkin carving,” Clint answered honestly. “Wanna sit?” he asked. Bucky couldn’t see the harm of sitting there, so he did. “Spooky season. How do you feel about it?”
“Well.. at one time in my life I would say that there wasn’t a point to it because monsters weren’t really,” Bucky answered. “Now… that’s a hard argument to make.”
“No joke,” Clint muttered.
“What about you?” Bucky asked.
“I love everything Halloween,” Clint answered. “Magic might not be my favorite thing, but I like everything else. Corn mazes, hayrides, pumpkin spiced everything.” He was leaning over, the back of his shirt riding up as he did so. “But growing up in the circus- you get to see Halloween every day. I used to hate it for the longest time because the season reminded me of my life before SHIELD and the Avengers. Now I can kind of separate the two and go back to loving the season again. Haunted houses and all.”
Bucky knew there was a point to this conversation. Clint didn’t open up about his life before SHIELD to anyone without there being a reason. So when Bucky didn’t answer, Clint looked over at him and held the smallest of the knives out to him. Bucky looked down at his hand, covered in chipped away pumpkin and tiny little scars before he looked back up.
“You can still hate what they put you through. But you get to decide how to move forward and what you get to love again. And maybe carving pumpkins can be one of those things,” Clint said. “Your choice though.”
Bucky nodded and took the tool out of Clint’s hand and pulled the pumpkin over between them. “Never carved one before,” he admitted. “At least not that I can remember.”
“That’s okay, my pumpkin looks like shit anyway,” Clint replied.
Bucky turned it around and snorted. “Did you even try to make this a haunted house?” Bucky asked, looking at the stars and the arrows Clint had etched into the pumpkin.
“Nah. Not with the shit food I eat all the time. I need that training in my life,” Clint answered with a grin. He scooted closer to Bucky and set the rest of the tools between them. “Your move, Barnes.”
The hour passed much too quickly before the fake air horn sounded. Bucky startled and looked at the others before he looked down at the pumpkin in front of him. Arrows and stars, a moon, planets, swirls- the pumpkin he shared with Clint looked like a mess of anything and everything they could think of. Bucky glanced up at Clint, who was all smiles, leaning over and talking to Sam, checking out his pumpkin and laughing. Bucky looked back at the pumpkin and the tools that were set between them.
“You alright?” Natasha asked.
Bucky looked over, Natasha leaned over his way in one of those rare moments she was willing to extend the olive branch, just a little. “Yeah- I’m alright,” Bucky admitted, finally setting that small tool Clint had handed over down. “I… think we might have lost the contest,” he admitted.
“If it makes you feel better… Steve always wins,” Natasha said before she leaned back and away.
Each pumpkin was turned around when Steve called out to them. Thor looked mighty proud of his attempt, which wasn’t half bad if it wasn’t for the fact that half of the house looked like it had toppled over due to a misplaced cut. Tony’s and Bruce’s looked almost exactly alike- both simple in form, but to the point- Bucky wondered if it was because they could look at blueprints and space things out easily. Natasha and Sam’s looked like completely failed attempts, just like Wanda and Vision’s attempt, but none of them seemed to care.
“Alright you two- how did it go?” Steve asked, looking at Clint and Bucky.
“Ta-da!” Clint said loudly, proud of their work as he turned the pumpkin around. “I am calling this one- friendship!”
“Wow. Masterful art piece. We should encase it,” Tony taunted with a smile. “It’s very early childhood-esque. It make you feel-”
“Ew, don’t museum me. That’s what Steve is for in real museums,” Clint scolded playfully.
“Did you even attempt a haunted house anywhere in that?” Sam asked with a grin.
“Who would do haunted houses when you can do arrows?” Clint asked. He sighed dreamily and let himself fall back, Bucky’s arm reaching out quickly to prevent him from hitting the ground. “I love arrows.”
“You’re a dork,” Natasha said through a laugh.
“Honestly- is anyone surprised by bird brain and Terminator’s pumpkin?” Tony asked. There was a small chorus of no. “Alright Steve-”
Bucky watched as the team argued and bickered about who’s pumpkin was best. Clint had leaned forward again, throwing himself into the conversation, grinning and laughing with the others. Bucky looked back down at the pumpkin that Clint and him made, still trying to figure out how he felt about it until he realized that this was the closest he had been to the team since coming along. That warm feeling started to push its way in as he realized for almost an hour he was lost in something other than his thoughts, and that he was part of this small community.
Looking up, Bucky caught Steve’s eyes on him before Steve smiled and looked down at the pumpkin. Bucky nodded and smiled himself before he glanced over at the person who helped make it happen. Clint stated how he needed the training because his diet was shit. Maybe Bucky should start going to the training sessions now- needing them to help him settle into this community. Maybe he was finally ready for it.
“Rigged! This contest is rigged! Clearly my pumpkin is the best!” Steve shouted.
“Sorry Stevie- the voting has concluded,” Clint said in a very serious tone. “Brucie has the best pumpkin.” Bruce’s face was starting to turn red and Natasha had leaned over, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“It's okay to lose sometimes, Stevie,” Tony taunted, reaching out to pick at Steve, who pushed his hands away.
“Collusion,” Steve muttered.
“Collusion,” Sam repeated in a high pitched tone, straightening up as he laughed, his hands over his stomach. The whole team was laughing now. Clint knocked over, pressing against Bucky’s side to keep himself upright. Bucky looked at him and smiled before he looked at Steve.
“Sorry Punk,” Bucky offered.
“Yeah yeah- it’s alright,” Steve said. “Happy Halloween, team.”
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applejee · 3 years
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I posted 16,942 times in 2021
310 posts created (2%)
16632 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 53.7 posts.
I added 6,087 tags in 2021
#q - 2360 posts
#dc - 1695 posts
#batfam - 1215 posts
#just us - 267 posts
#timkon - 121 posts
#cute - 113 posts
#spn - 102 posts
#long post - 74 posts
#batman - 70 posts
#supers - 70 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#one day ill write a fic where tim starts imitating babs and drinking coffee and she has to stop him from forming her bad habits
My Top Posts in 2021
tim: have to take cringe antibiotics because of my fail body
dick: why?
tim: no spleen.
372 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 14:51:33 GMT
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a beautiful moment in nightwing #80 i’m so glad tim was able to come out to his big brother who was accepting and supportive, and just before pride month too! so beautiful
386 notes • Posted 2021-06-02 07:59:58 GMT
tim being considered the nerd robin is still so funny to me, this is the high school drop out who ignored his schoolwork over robin, and whilst he WAS friends with the nerds even jocks thought he was cool and wanted to hang with him. dick, jason AND damian constitute as much nerdier robins, jason especially. i would argue tim is less nerdy more.. dorky. especially as a robin.
anyways tl;dr tim isnt a nerd he’s the centre of this chart
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767 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 14:33:51 GMT
consider: bruce wayne on I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here
he spends the majority of the time wishing he was with his kids, talking about how much he misses them, whilst easily completing challenges Brucie Wayne, Eccentric Billionaire Dad, can get away with.
he has to eat dried crickets and while all the other celebrities are crying and coughing he goes and asks for more because “these are actually very nutritious, you’d be surprised at how few crickets you need to get through a long hike”
he sees a well-built catapult and wistfully sighs as he says “dick would get a kick out of this.”
they have to wade through a tank filled with eels and he fearlessly strides through the water because “you won’t BELIEVE the animals damian brings home sometimes!”
i just think he would just have a good time!
2269 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 09:50:32 GMT
ok but cheer part 6 literally gives tim stans so much
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tim, a short king!! returning in marcus to’s art style!! SMILING AT STEPH? RUNNING AROUND WITH DAMIAN? HUGGING JASON?? god this is incredible. thank u chip zdarsky and mr marcus to
3873 notes • Posted 2021-08-10 06:46:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Party Time (Batdad Headcanon)
Requested by @eucatastrophichad for “ooh!! i thought about this in the shower earlier but like imagine when the justice league first formed and its like christmas time, everyone is telling what they're gonna do for the holidays and they ask bruce and he's all "spending it with my family" so hal or someone is like "since you know so much about us why dont we all get to know you?" so they have a christmas party at the manor and thats when they get introduced to batdad”
With Christmas only a few short months away, what better time to introduce a holiday party???
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Holiday time is crazy among the Justice League, but the craziest time is the traditional Christmas party at Wayne Manor. It’s been a thing since the League’s first year.
That first year, everyone wanted to know what everyone else was doing.
Clark’s excited about homemade eggnog. Jonathon Kent makes the world’s best eggnog and he will fight you on this.
Diana’s picked up holiday traditions from all over the world from years past.
Barry’s excited to be with Iris for their first serious couple Christmas.
Oliver absolutely hates having to go to all the upper-crust Christmas parties in Star City.
Hal glances at Bruce, who is brooding in the corner like usual.
“So, what does the Bat do for Christmas? Huh? Or, you know, Hanukkah, or whatever.”
Bruce doesn’t react with his face. “Spending it with my family.”
They all look at each other.
Arthur narrows his eyes. “Ya know, you know all about us. Hell, you’ve probably run a background check on Barry’s girlfriend!”
Barry chuckles. Then - “Wait, what?”
“Your point being?”
“Maybe we should get to see this family of yours.” Arthur suggest.
Everyone else nods and agrees. Somehow, Bruce gives in.
And you decide to invite them all to a very special, super-top-secret holiday bash. With guests.
You and Alfred go all out with decorations, making the boys help. At this early point, it’s only Dick and Jason, so everybody needs to carry a stepladder.
Nearly everyone brings a significant other. Hal brings Carol, Barry brings Iris, Arthur brings Mera
Clark brings his parents. Hal thinks it’s lame, until Martha gives him an eyebrow raise and he immediately apologizes. “Sorry, Ma’am.”
Ollie and Dinah aren’t together yet, and they both come stag. 
Everyone is dying to meet you. They’ve all heard of you on the news and stuff.
Ollie’s already met you. He tried to flirt with you once at a party, and that did not end well.
“Hey, what’s a handsome fella like you doing all alone at one of these things?”
Bruce unfortunately arrived right at that point with two drinks in his hand and a very possessive streak in his soul.
You flashed your ring finger at him. “Sorry, Mr. Queen. Not alone after all.”
Bruce smirked. “Ollie.”
“Brucie.” Oliver returned, then looked at you. “You can call me Oliver, Mr. Wayne.”
You smiled. “Y/N.”
So suffice it to say Ollie’s not too eager for a repeat.
He’s courteous, and since he already counts you as a friend, he leaves you to others for the night.
You spend a while talking to the Kents, who are only too eager to share baby stories about Clark. You know he can hear because he goes bright red all the way across the room.
Martha and Alfred swap recipes and war stories about raising vigilantes.
Jason was grounded from patrol by Bruce the other night, so you’ve “punished” him by giving him the night’s most fun job - keeping Barry from eating everything on the table.
Barry’s a good sport and “steals” a cookie and has Jason chase him around the room.
Dick is a hit, although at first he follows Superman around shyly.
Eventually he and Dinah get into a big discussion about martial arts and gymnastics, and then Iris mentions she’s got a nephew about Dick’s age, if he might want to meet up.
Hal’s the kind of guy who likes to drag people into political conversations, so when he springs a policy question on you, you are grateful when Diana rescues you in the guise of taking you over to introduce you to Arthur.
Arthur, who is in the middle of an eggnog-drinking contest with Jonathon Kent, who is easily drinking him under the table. 
Diana is very impressed with you and asks for details about how you and Bruce met.
Mera is unimpressed with Arthur’s antics, and joins the conversation. Eventually it somehow turns to a discussion about battle tactics, and they are more than impressed by your contributions.
Bruce is more than a little jealous that everyone wants some of your time. He practically glues himself to your side all night just so he can be sure to get the most of you.
Clark is absolutely stunned when you ask if he can interview you. Mostly it’s to promote a charity of yours in Metropolis, but you both realize that having such a popular global figure be interviewed by him would be a major boost to his career.
You tell him he can always call you if he needs anything.
Iris is a total sweetheart with the patience of a saint, so you understand how she can be a perfect match for Barry. 
Everyone tries to make plans to see more of you. Ollie and Hal joke that maybe you should be the one coming to the Watchtower instead of Bruce.
Diana insists that you should know the inner workings
Jason helpfully chimes in that you’re mission control down here with Alfred, so you should be a great help to the League.
Bruce has no choice but to agree, but he makes sure he’s always near you or in contact with you. Ollie might be a good teammate, but he’s had a dislike for him ever since he flirted with you once.
In all, the annual party has become a much-looked-forward to event, and nothing stops you from hosting it. Not when the League’s numbers swelled and the party became too big for even the ballroom and had to be expanded to the whole first floor. Not when Wayne Manor was razed to rubble and you held the party on the grounds in stylish tents strung with fairy lights (even though I’m not European I love calling them that). And not even when Jason died, as the party was held in his memory and the socialization helped to draw you and Bruce out of depression.
Nothing much has changed other than there being more people.
Clark still always brings his parents. Arthur thinks that the older Jonathon gets, the better chance he has at out-drinking him. Martha and Alfred always share “look what he did THIS time” stories.
After they get married, Ollie and Dinah jokingly flirt with you and Bruce just to mess with the Bat.
Everyone always has a great time. No rivalries or beefs are allowed.
And afterward, Bruce never fails to thank you for being just so...perfect for him.
And also, every year, he jokes that Ollie and DInah are no longer invited.
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Kinktober Day 9: Fighting, Wrestling, Rough Body Play
( MDNI, No Age in Bio DNI )
Kinkdefinition describes three different versions of fighting— play fighting, competitive fighting, and erotic fighting:
“Play fighting is a form of physical play that involves simulated combat. It is often used as a way to bond with a partner or to explore power dynamics in a non-threatening way. Play fighting can involve wrestling, tickling, or other forms of physical contact.
Competitive fighting involves two or more people engaging in a physical contest to determine a winner. This can include martial arts, boxing, or other combat sports. Competitive fighting can be a way to test one’s physical and mental strength, as well as a way to experience the rush of adrenaline that comes with competition.
Erotic fighting involves using physical combat as a form of foreplay or sexual activity. This can include wrestling, grappling, or other forms of physical contact. Erotic fighting can be a way to explore power dynamics and sexual tension in a safe and consensual manner.”
From kinkopedia: “Rough Body Play is a wide field of kink that includes punching, kicking, slapping, striking – basically anything that flies in a bareknuckle fight gets included in my definition of Rough Body Play.”
Enjoys Play Fighting With Darling and Wants To:
Win: Quinn, Brucie, Elena, Wendell, Kyra, Lighthouse Spirit, Lan, Mildred, Cryptid, Gia, Hunter, Mason, Sonika, Genesis, Varsha, Kurtis, Isla, Eris, Kendra, Hailey, Kaylee, Lottie, Reed, Candy, Mina, Cael, Malak, Temperance, Kosuke, Jett, Tasi, Blake, Lenore
Lose: Byte, Mika, Felicity, Saturnia, Dante, Hana, Cyrus, Moth, Clay, Tasha, Memphis, Emerson, Jace, Rayleigh, Aspen, Ernie, Lyla, Olive, Zuri, Minnow
Either Way: Thorn, Penelope, Dakota, Ian, Mateo, Ace, Mehri, Tai, Airna, Dew, Fang, Sammy, Selene, Tomi, Jules, Chandler, Indigo, Darcy
Enjoys Sparring and/or Fighting With Darling and Wants To:
Win: Quinn, Cassandra, Elena, Lighthouse Spirit, Lan, Mildred, Gia, Hunter, Sonika, Genesis, Varsha, Kaylee, Lottie, Temperance, Kosuke, Lenore
Lose: Ian, Dante, Mateo, Moth, Memphis, Jace, Hailey, Lyla, Zuri
Either Way: Kyra, Dakota, Cryptid, Ace, Tai, Airna, Dew, Malak, Sammy, Tasi
Gets Worked Up:
While Fighting Other People and Wants to Fuck Darling After to Work Off the Excess Adrenaline: Marcus, Cassandra, Wisteria, Cryptid, Drew, Gia, Hunter, Mason, Varsha, Cecilia, Eris, Jace, Lottie, Cael, Blake, Cypress
Watching Darling Fighting Other People and Wants Darling to Work off Adrenaline With Them After: Byte, Mika, Penelope, Felicity, Ian, Mateo, Cyrus, Moth, Clay, Mehri, Kurtis, Rose, Angel, Fang, Lyla, Selene, Olive, Zuri, Chandler, Minnow, Darcy
Either Way: Quinn, Elena, Thorn, Kyra, Lighthouse Spirit, Lan, Mildred, Dakota, Dante, Ace, Genesis, Tai, Tasha, Memphis, Isla, Airna, Kendra, Hailey, Dew, Malak, Temperance, Ernie, Sammy, Kosuke, Jett, Tasi, Lenore
Rough Body Play Without Fighting or Sparring:
Wants to Rough Up Their Darling A Little: Cassandra, Mildred, Drew, Gia, Sonika, Genesis, Varsha, Kaylee, Lottie, Mina, Tasi, Lenore
Wants to Get Roughed Up by Their Darling: Erik, Mika, Thorn, Dakota, Cryptid, Ian, Dante, Cyrus, Moth, Clay, Tai, Tasha, Kurtis, Airna, Jace, Dew, Lyla, Sammy
Either Way: Kyra, Ace, Malak
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mxliv-oftheendless · 4 years
Writer’s Month Prompts Day 27
Day 27: Light
I’m getting through these prompts for the home stretch! This is for @cosmicrealmofkissteria‘s Supermodel Starchild AU. 
“Now if we could just get the lighting just right…”
Paul sighed and blew a puff of breath, blowing up his bangs. He let them land in what he knew would be a fashionable way and looked over at Bruce. Bruce was helping set up the light, as he was the one taking the photos as he usually did. But Paul was already in the correct outfit and his makeup and hair were already done, which left him to do nothing but sit where he was in the middle of the setup. And he was getting bored.
Bruce happened to turn right then and caught his eyes. Paul raised his eyebrow and tilted his head pointedly. What’s taking so long?
His boyfriend shrugged sheepishly. I’m sorry.
Paul tilted his head again and gave him a pointed look. You have to make this up to me later.
Bruce’s eyes looked up and down his form and he smirked. Don’t worry; I will.
He raised his eyebrow again and smirked at his boyfriend. You better.
“Mr. Kulick, what are you doing?”
And then like Vince Neil showing up at a party while Paul was actually having fun, the moment was ruined by an assistant, who was looking at Bruce in confusion. Bruce laughed it off, but he still looked slightly embarrassed. “Nothing. Did you move the light into position?”
“Yes, I did. Is that better?”
Bruce looked through his camera at Paul with the repositioned light, and Paul did his best to model himself off to the camera lens. He watched Bruce smile and lift his head. “That’s perfect,”
“I’m a work of art, aren’t I, Brucie?” Paul tossed back his hair and smiled.
“Does it count as flirting on the job if I say yes?” Bruce smiled back.
“Not if you’re stating an objective fact,”
“Then yeah, you are a work of art,”
Paul shrugged and smiled cheekily. “I know,”
Bruce shook his head, smiling affectionately at him. “Should we get started?”
“I’m ready when you are,”
As Bruce readied his camera, he glanced up and smiled lovingly at Paul. I love you.
Paul smiled back and blew him a kiss. I love you too.
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rj019 · 4 years
Title : Genius, YouTuber, Artist, Musician and Spider-Man
Fandom : MCU
Pairing : Starker(tony stark x peter parker)
Rating : Mature (NSFW, Sexual Content) but it'll be in the later part of the story not in few chapters of starting.
Prompt : Social Media
Read on ao3 here. And Ch 0 here.
Chapter summary:
Avengers finding out things about Spider-Man.
Here's 1st chapter! Enjoy!!!
Peter went home and just go to sleep after cleaning up and eating something. He doesn't want to worry about anything right now he's really tired. He knows that now probably all eyes are going to be on Spider-Man. He just needs to lay low for a while and people and media will forget about it soon. As for shield he doesn't want to think right now so he went to sleep.
But before he got too deep into sleep his eyes went wide open as he got an idea to take care of shield issue once and for all. He finally relexed and went to sleep happily.
The day after ferry incident at Avengers 
The Avengers were in the common room area watching news while having breakfast for last day at the tower since tonight the things were gonna moved to the compound. And they were leaving tomorrow morning.
The news was about Spider-Man and the ferry incident that happened yesterday. Suddenly some news reporter said that they got exclusive footage of the ferry incident. Now everyone was curious about it and wanted to see what actually happened there.
Then the footage played. It was shot from the port. They sees as the some guy with metal wings was fighting with Spider-Man. He was trying to escape from his web. It wasn't so clear as it was in distance. Suddenly an energy blast happened and the ferry was split in half.
Everyone was shocked as to what was that blast. Now even Tony was more interested.
The ferry was sinking but it suddenly stopped. Spider-Man had connected both sides strong points with his web.
Bruce said, " How strong are his web to hold that much of weight together?"
Suddenly webs broke and ferry again started sinking. 
Everyone gasps.
But then again it stopped. Spider-Man was holding it together.
"Jesus Christ! How strong is this guy?", Tony said.
But it didn't look like Spider-Man could hold on for a long time but suddenly some bots were seen flying towards the ferry. Some bots were on the left side, some were on the right side of the ferry. They started pushing ferry togather. But some bots were still in the air. As the ferry got together, the bots in the air started mending it together. The clip ended.
Everyone was shocked as to what just happened. Tony asked Friday to get the clip and play it at the bots part. Tony started analysing it. His thoughts were confirmed that the bots were using arc reactor technology. Tony was in speechless for a while. 
"Who is this spider guy? How does he have my arc reactor technology and all this bots and stuff. Does he even have AI in his suit? It looks like it which will explain how he called the neno bots there." said Tony.
"May  be he had figured out your reactor. Crom the look of it he looks like a genius if he is one who made all those neno bots and AI." Bruce replied.
Tony tells him, "If he had figured it out then how does he not showed it the world. He could have sold it and got so much money. He would have made fortune."
"May be he does not want attention on him and wants to keep it to himself. As for why he didn't sell it, it can be that he knows how much danger it can be if it's in wrong hand. The guy can be genuinely good. After all if he had bad intentions, he would have shown it till now. He is out there for years. Even before NY battle. I saw some of his videos where he is helping people from aftermath of the battle on YouTube." said Pepper.
Nat and Clint were silent. 
Steve spoke up, " Not only that his strength stronger than me or Bucky combined. Why is this guy out there on street and not in Avengers team?"
"Shield is trying to get in contact with him from even before Avengers formed. He has been out there for almost 7 years. We don't know anything about him at all. Not who is or what his powers are or if they are biological or not. Everytime anyone goes after him he somehow knows someone is following as lose them. He was on Fury's list to get on the Avengers. He was on the top spots. But he never got to interact with him. Sheild is still trying to find out about him. The guy is good at cover his trials." Nat explained.
Everyone was blown away by that.
" I don't think so after this all Fury will get him away after this. He can be a big threat if he has this much power in his hand and ever gets on the other side." Clint adds.
" We need to find out who he is. If he is smart enough to figure out my arc reactor and make those techs, I need to have him work for my company and on our team." said Tony as he stood up.
" Wanna help Brucie? And all of you?"
Everyone nods. They all wants to find out who he was. They were bunch of curious heads. 
They tried all afternoon but got nothing and Tony was annoyed.
They decided to take break. Nat, Pepper and Wanda were watching some video on YouTube with others when he and Bruce entered the common room. Looks like the video just started. 
Pepper called them to watch it with them and played from the start.
There was a guy with mask who was playing a tune on guitar and started singing. The song was about Avengers. His voice was so pleasant to hear. There was so much details in lyrics. It continued for 2 minutes. After that video got cut. And the guy appeared again and said 'hey guys it's me again your cinnamon. Oh it's embarrassing to say this name now that I'm much older. I can't believe it's been so many years since we started this channel. I was like 6 when my aunt made my first video. Well it was my new song about the Avengers. Hope you guys liked it. Now let's go to today's video. I'm going to paint a portrait of all of the Avangers' whole team, everyone, new and old members in 15 minutes today while answering some of you guy's questions.' video cuts again.
Wanda paused the video. 'The song is so good. The lyrics are really detailed.' she said as others agreed. She played video again.
The guy appeared again but this time in a different place with canvas colours and all things to paint with. He starts working on canvas fluently and fast but neatly like he's been doing this for years like a professional artist. There was a woman with same mask as him sitting on chair beside him. He turned to her and said 'As you all know she is my Aunt and she will be reading the questions. You can start.' 
The woman smiles to camera and started cheerfully, 'Hey everyone once again! Let's get started with questions. So the 1st one from @user01 how much is your IQ? Your experiments are damn awesome and thing you make is just wow.' 
The boy smiles to the camera but go back to painting as he replies, 'I don't know I have never took an IQ test. I don't want to scare people away ' he gave a quick wink at the camera then goes back to painting. He is already done with base and outlines.
The lady starts to laugh and asks other question. ' this one is from @user02, are you still studying? ' the lady gave camera a weird look which said seriously?
The laugh can be heard from behind the camera. But the guy ssh them down. And replied 'Well you can say I am since I'm working to get my 4th PhD. Next question.'
' @user46 asks who is your favourite avanger? Look like this is a new to you videos. '
Everyone was paying attention now. Eager to know who was it.
The guy continues to paint as he smile and said, ' welcome to see our madness. My favourite avanger is Iron Man. He has been my favourite even before the Avengers were formed since he started. Tony stark has been my idol and crush from when I was 12. You can imagine how I must have felt when I found out he was Iron Man. If you wanna know there is a reaction video on my channel from 6 years ago.'
The lady asks next question ' @user8502 here wants to ask why can't I hack into you account to find out who you are? ' The lady and the camera guy and the guy himself starts laughing but his hands not stopping.He was half done and it was already looking great. 
When they calm down, the guy starts speaking ' you atually tried. Well it's good I made my account unhackable all those years ago cause I didn't want anyone to know who I'm and I still don't. Atleast for now. ' 
They continued with next question, '@user18qq how old are you?'
'I'm 19 and going to turn 20 in 5 or so months.'
'@userttl do you sell your art works?'
'No I'm sorry but I don't sell my work. I have a entire room filled with my all work since my childhood to now in my house.'  He smiles fondly.
'@user77kl what's your sexuality? Are you in relationship? '
This time the aunt continues to speak up, 'not that I know of. Are you cinnamon? '
The guy blush and shakes his head ' No I'm not in any relationship and I'm Bi. Come one aunt let get to next question I'm almost done' he blushes harder.
The aunt coos but ask the next question ' so @user63 wants to know what is your plan for future? '
' I haven't thought yet. I will probably applying for jobs in some famous companies. I'll stark industry too. Who knows if I get the job there and meet my crush. ' the guy smiles. He is almost finished he is just adding details everywhere. The portrait look awesome and he is still adding so much details. It's on professional level good and it not even done in even 15 minutes its only been 12 minute 47 seconds.
'ok looks like you're almost done so last question from @user3945 do you write your songs lyrics? They are so deep and detailed. I've heard all of your songs. You have some ones for individual songs too for Avengers. ' the aunt read.
'Thank you so much for listening to my songs. Yes, I myself write lyrics and compose all my songs.' he replied.
The guy adds some last details and finishing touches. ' So that was the last question for today and my painting is done.' he look behind camera ' how much time it took? '
The camera guy replied, 'it's been 13 minutes 53 seconds' 
' well looks like it took less then 15 minutes. Tada!!! ' he motions to portrait painting.
It was outstanding. It didn't look nothing like it was done in less then 15 min. The video cuts. Then it back again the boy and his aunt is standing togather smiling at camera.
The guy spoke, ' Thank you everyone who watched my video. Please like, share and comment. And if you are new and liked my video you can subscribe my channel. And as always guys if you wanna know how the portrait looks after drying, I'll be posting a pic of it at my Instagram. Check that out. Bye guys see you in next video. Till then take care.' 
Everyone stare at screen as the video finishes.
Rhodey speaks up, " It's a second genius we found in one day. Jesus 4th PhD at 19. Seriously? "
Wanda butts in " The video is 8 months old"
Scott joined in, "Is it only me who is all of a sudden feeling dumb? "
Pietro replied, " you were always dumb."
" If he gets in applies for job at SI we'll find out who he is, unlike some spider." Tony said.
" The guys is telented. Did you see his painting? It was awesome and so detailed and he made it in less than 15 minutes. I was on a professional level good may be better. I can't imagine if the guy did take his time to make something, it will definitely be a master piece. " Steve said.
" No one's gonna talk about the boy's crush on Stark?" Strange said.
Everyone looked at him startled.
"When did you come?"
" I'm here since the song part. You guys didn't noticed. " He replied smugly.
"Tony has been his idol and crush for eight years now. Woah! Even before you become Iron Man." said Clint.
" That mortal did look like there'll be a cute face beneath that mask, what do you think son of stark? " Thor asks.
" Yeah he was cute and had nice voice and all but I'm not gonna date any fanboy if you guys are implementing on that. " Tony sternly replied.
They were talking about the boy when FRIDAY spoke up. " Boss you are having a call from Happy."
"Connect the call Baby girl."
" Hey Happy"
" Boss the plane has took off. Everything is in order."
" Okk Hap. Thanks. "
The call disconnected.
" Looks like we're moving tomorrow as planned."
Not even half hour later Happy's call came again.
"Hey Hap. Everything fine?
" Boss! The plane has crashed at the Coney Island Beach."
Everyone's face turned to horror. They all stood up and went to suit up.
"What the hell Happy. I thought you said everything was in order."
" I'm sorry boss but everything was. The police is already at the scene. They said there was some guy webbed up there with a note from Spider-Man that he was trying to steal the stuff from plane. Some guy called 'flying valture guy'. I'm already on my way to the scene. "
" We'll be there soon too. " 
The line cuts off.
Avengers reached at the scene. It looked like disaster. Happy came to them.
"Boss everything is safe. Spider-Man had removed the carrier boxes from the fire before it could damage and the guy who wanted to steal it was webbed up to it. Sheild agents took him to the jail. He is the same guy from the ferry incident yesterday. He was selling some illegal weapons which were mixed with alien tech, they were after him for a long time."
Avengers let out the sighs. 
" It's good nothing's stolen or damaged. Get the stuff to the compound. This time we all will be going with it." Tony said as he motion to the others.
Next day at the compound in the meeting room
Nick Fury and the Avengers were having the meeting.
" You all know about yesterday's incident was handled by Spider-Man. The plane which was crashed at the beach was not supposed to crash there. I want you guys to look at this video clip which our satellite captured." Fury said as he played the clip.
Spider Man and the Vulture was fight on the top of the plane. Valture broke on of the wings and plane started to crash towards the city and the buildings. 
Spider Man webbed the othe wing and changed the direction of the crash. The clip ended.
"You must have got enough idea how strong this guy is from this and the ferry incident. He is got so much power and advanced technology in his hand. If he is to ever turn on the other side. He can be a great threat. But he isn't showing any signs of that happening since it's been years since he is doing this superhero stuff and looking out for little guy. He had defeated many supervillain like green goblin, lizard, doc oct, electro, sandman etc. I think he will be a great asset to the team. I want you guys to find out who he is and convince him to join the team. Shield has been trying for years but he always got was without any traces. I'm giving you this mission. Hope guys can do it. "
Before anyone could speak up there was a cough heard which was non of there's. As the looks around the didn't saw anyone. They got into a fighting position. 
Cliffhanger!! Hope you guys liked it.
(Peter has finished the 4th PhD mentioned in the video in this chapter. Cause the video Avengers are watching are eight months old. He even finished this fifth PhD in chemical engineering too but now he doesn't want to do anymore studying for now so he isn't working on any and is atually thinking about starting to find a job.
And Howard and Maria lives at Malibu mansion.)
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I’ve just suddenly remembered seeing some posts about Jason being a doctor and I’m LOSING MY MIND. Can you imagine going in for a checkup and you see this guy who’s 6’4” and 200+ lbs of muscle with boots, jeans and a leather jacket and going “wow he looks like it would take a slap from God himself to hurt that guy, wonder what he’s here for” and then he turns out to be your doctor
Yeah that’d really be something haha. Even if he wasn’t wearing the leather jacket and all, and was wearing something more like what doctors normally wear, he’d still have that same effect I think. I feel like that’s probably just people’s reaction to him in general, or at least I want it to be haha.
I want Jason to be the Wayne kid that everyone is slightly intimidated by but also is like “yeah he could punch me in the face and I’d probably say thank you” and there are online polls guessing how Jason Todd would fare against the Bats, or other heroes. Jason would absolutely participate in those, anonymously, of course, saying things like, “oh yeah, he could probably take on Robin easily, have you seen the kid? He’s like four feet tall.”
And anyway, no one else in the family could do anything about it out of costume. Sure a couple of them are big and muscular *coughbrucecough*, but it also doesn’t fit their public personas at all.
Bruce very specifically is Brucie Wayne in public to avoid people thinking that about him and also because all that himbo energy has to go somewhere
Dick? Too pretty. Too nice.
Cass? You mean the absolute sweetheart of a daughter of Bruce Wayne who does ballet and deserves everything good in this world?
Tim? I mean, kid might take over the world eventually at this rate, but he’s not exactly physically threatening, ya know?
Duke? That kid is far too polite to ever seem intimidating. Way too nice.
Damian? Oh, that tiny little ball of pre-teenage angst? He’s adorable.
Stephanie? Is she actually Wayne’s kid? Does anyone know for sure? Eh. Doesn’t matter. She’s a sweetheart too and Bruce must be so proud to have such polite, adorable children.
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ittybittytatertot · 5 years
Batman & The Flying Graysons Ch. 4
John set down the last of their things and dusted off his hands. This wasn’t even the bedroom proper, it was a sort of waiting room before the actual bedroom. And even this smaller space dwarfed the cardboard boxes. After living his life in trailers and trains and big tops, this was literally more room than John or Mary knew how to deal with.
Dick, however, saw no problems as he cartwheeled across the antique carpet. “Mom! Dad! Look!”
“We see you, little bird.” John smiled at Dick as he did a back walkover handstand.
“This place looks even cooler like this! I wish I could walk on the ceiling.”
Mary laughed, and joined him and walked over to her son on her hands. “Wow! It does look pretty cool.”
“Dad! Your turn! C’mon, Dad!” Dick repeated until John joined them on his hands, looking at the mansion from upside down.
The art deco light fixtures looked even more impressive from this angle. And he could see how Dick, with his childhood wonder and imagination, could see the coffered ceiling as a playground. 
Still on his hands, Dick raced out of the room, giggling all the way. John and Mary, laughing too much and nearly losing their balance, tried to follow. Except Martha and Bruce chose that moment to check on them, and either John or Mary or both let out a squeak of surprise before quickly, and with some embarrassment, righting themselves.
“Oh my, you are talented. If I tried that, I think my old bones would shatter.” Martha said while Bruce rolled his eyes.
“You’re not that old, Mom.”
“I know, Brucie, it was a joke.” Martha ruffled her son’s hair. John couldn’t help imagining her doing the same to Batman. “Hey, do you remember when you could do a handstand?”
“That was years ago.”
“Aw, you’re strong, I bet you could do it.” Martha’s encouragement left little room for argument. “Go on, let’s see.”
John watched as Bruce exasperatedly bent over and tried clumsily to kick into a handstand, all the while remembering how he’d watched Batman do far more impressive stunts not even twenty-four hours ago. When Bruce finally got onto his hands, he made a big show of shaking his limbs and falling onto his back.
Martha tutted sympathetically while Mary snorted, likely picturing the same image of Batman falling over like that as John was.
“After all those gymnastics lessons.” Martha said, though it was more poking fun than genuine disappointment. 
Bruce, pushing himself off the floor, shrugged with a dorky, innocent smile on his face, “I told you, it’s been years.”
Martha smiled, patting her son’s shoulder and turning to Mary and John, “Hopefully you weren’t attracted to my son for his potential as an acrobat.”
John almost didn’t remember what Martha meant, and once it clicked he fumbled to wrap his arm over Bruce’s shoulder, but the man was tall so he couldn’t comfortably reach. He tried to cover it with a charming smile.
“Of course not, he has other redeeming qualities.”
A crease appeared between Martha’s eyebrows, but she too tried to hide her concern with a smile.
“My son is good at many things, but communicating is not one of them. I really am sorry about yesterday.”
John felt Bruce winced. He subtly patted him on the back.
“Oh no, it’s okay-” Mary started to say, but Martha shook her head,
“You deserved to tell Dick in your own time. This will be a big adjustment for him, so if there’s anything I or my husbands can do to make it easier-”
"He seems to be adjusting just fine.” John laughed, pointing through the door to where Dick was now balanced on his hands on the balustrade.
Martha yelped when she turned around and saw him, and she yelped again when Dick, noticing his parents watching, lifted a hand to wave at them, so now he was balanced on a single hand, two stories up, above solid marble floors.
So not to give the poor woman a heart attack, Mary walked over and scooped her son into her arms. He was getting bigger, but she was still strong enough to carry him when she needed to.
“Dick, apologize to Mrs. Wayne for scaring her.” John said to his son as he removed his arm from around Bruce.
“But I didn’t do anything!” Dick whined.
“You were doing something dangerous. You know you should never balance that high up without a net.” Mary said, patiently.
“But you and dad perform without a net!”
Mary wanted to say something about her and John being adults, but what kid ever listened to that logic? Martha had half a lecture on how the marble could crack his skull open already forming, but, surprising everyone, Bruce spoke up.
“Your mom and dad only perform on the proper, safe equipment. Was that handrail built for someone to walk on?”
Dick looked back at the balustrade and then to Bruce, lip jutting out in a stubborn pout as he looked to his feet, “Probably not.”
Bruce nodded. “Right. So use the balance beam in the gym next time, and I promise we’ll watch, okay?”
Dick went from pouty to all smiles and stars in his eyes just like that, “Okay! Let’s go now!”
Having no idea where the gym was, Dick grabbed Bruce by the wrist, knowing he could show him the way, and shouted, “Dad! Mom! C’moooon.”
With Dick’s well-being no longer held by a wooden banister, Martha chuckled to herself. “I’m so glad they’re getting along. I want you all to feel at home here.”
There was no truthful way to respond that. So Mary and John just smiled and nodded agreeably. Once Mrs. Wayne turned away, their eyes locked, sharing a silent, harried look. This was going to be a big adjustment all right.
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