#the batkids didn’t even hesitate
gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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Would they or would they not catch you…
Dick: yes. 100% yes but he’s -no pun intended- a little bit of a teasing dick about it.
He will catch you but then act as though he’s going to drop you by loosening his grip, making you scream out of surprise and cling onto him tighter, all the while beaming that bright and beautiful smile of his as though he wasn’t about to willingly let you fall flat on your ass on multiple occasions.
‘I fucking hate you!’ You whined, smacking Dick on the bicep.
‘Oh do you now?’ Dick inquires as he slowly begins to losses his grip on you, smirking.
‘Did I say hate you? I meant love you, a lot! Please don’t drop me.’ You cried as you tightened your grip on his neck whilst struggling to keep your feet from touching the floor. ‘Awww I love you too gorgeous.’ Dick coos as he pressed kisses into your face as you could only glare at the cheeky bastard.
You hate him sometimes but you weren’t going to complain about the affection you were being given. So you guess you’ll suffer for now.
Side note: he might even try and see if you can catch him. 💀
Jason: He will catch you but makes it a big deal whenever he can. He loves holding you in his arms.
He could keep you in his arms forever if he could but knew that he can’t, so he settles for going about his day carrying you throughout the apartment instead.
‘You can put down any day now.’ You’d tell him but that only makes Jason tighten his grip on you as he moved in his makeshift library for a book to read.
‘No.’ He simply replied, scouring the many book titles in front of him in the hopes that one might speak to him. You pout. ‘What do you mean no?’ Jason then looks at you and says. ‘No means no. As in no I will not put you down because I do as I like and will not be told otherwise, so the cutie currently in my arms has to deal with it.’ He then smiles as he presses a kiss to your forehead before looking back towards the bookshelves.
You end up falling asleep in his arms and Jason couldn’t help but smile at how cute you were, even if you did look like the living dead.
Damian: says no but will in fact catch you without hesitation.
However if you do try to tease him about it, then he will drop you without a second thought. ‘You can catch yourself next time.’ He would say as he walks away, leaving you with a bruised ass. Titus -who saw the whole thing- would come up to you to make sure you weren’t genuinely hurt and encourage you to get up by nudging you with his head.
Don’t test him because he will do it and then act like the whole thing didn’t happen if you were to bring it up.
‘Dick.’ You’d say as you stood up.
‘I heard that.’ He’d call back, his voice echoing off the walls. ‘You were meant to.’ You reply. ‘And at least Titus came to check up on me to see if I wasn’t hurt.’ You’d add while scratching Titus behind the ear.
Needless to say you were more cautious when choosing Damian to catch you. However he does apologise for dropping you on your ass by gifting you something he himself drew by hand; He secretly doesn’t like it when you’re upset with him and will do anything to rectify it.
What a sweetheart.
Bruce: he’s too use to you pulling this type of shit that it’s basically muscle memory for him to catch you as you’re running towards him, all with a straight face mind you.
Be grateful because he risked a much needed bowl of Mulligatawny soup just to catch you in his arms, but then again the kisses you bombard his cheek is more than reward enough, a small almost missable smile appears on his lips as he then proceeds to carry you for the rest of the day as “punishment.”
( this only occurs when Bruce is feeling particularly affectionate or playful)
Much to your batkids -Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke, Cass and Steph- dismay. They’d want to use this as blackmail, but they know that it will backfire as you’ll probably hang the photo on a wall somewhere in the manor, reminding them of how disgustingly their parents can be when given the opportunity.
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e-nonsense · 3 months
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pairing. batfam + ghostmaker x ghostbat!reader
summary. reader is a dna mix of ghostmaker and batman.
warnings. ghostbat drama, Minhkhoa Khan, I’m confused, cursing, canon typical violence.
a/n. I am bored out of my mind, might become a mini series. That I just randomly add stuff to. The mask referred to is kinda like Jason’s from red hood and the outlaw just minus the eye cover.
wc. 0.8k (not proofread)
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You kept to your spot beside Talia, staying alert to the people in front of you. Batman and his children, plus Ghostmaker. You remembered reading up on each of them, studying all of them.
You eyes were focused on the oldest of the Batkids, Dick Grayson. He’d be your biggest problem, the man was severely underestimated but in Talia’s eyes he’d be the most capable assassin if he wanted to.
Cassandra Cain, you knew her. You fought her, you looked different then though, and by her stance you assumed she hadn’t connected the dots but she remained watching you.
Jason Todd, you helped train him. Never with your mask off, and you never spoke. Only ever instructed to fight him till he learnt.
Tim Drake. Held in high regard among the league, with smarts to match that of Batman’s. But not much of a problem, you’d have no problem with him.
Your eyes glided over to the youngest of the bunch, Damian. You’d die before letting your blade touch him, and he’d hesitate before raising his against you. He didn’t know you truely, you didn’t even know yourself truely. But he knew you’ve protected him.
Behind your mask you glared at the tallest two in the room. But your hands kept the same elegant hold on your swords, like Talia taught you.
Batman, Bruce Wayne. The world’s greatest detective. Truthfully you’ve always wanted to fight him, see how long you’d last, see if you could take him down. But that wasn’t going to happen unless he attacked, and he wouldn’t. He was smarter than that.
You glanced at the man in white, face masked so his expression remained covered. Minhkhoa Khan, the Ghostmaker. Not much was known about him, but the League of Assassins or anyone for that matter. He’d be the most unpredictable, you think.
“Mother,” Damian addressed the woman beside you. You remained stationary as she walked towards her son, brow raised in slight alarm as you stepped closer hesitantly, watching the others.
Damian moved through the crowd of his siblings to step before his mother, they greeted before he nodded to you, acknowledging your presence.
“Dear,” Talia called to you, she’d never used your name, saying that it was your secret to reveal so she only ever called you ‘dear’.
“You may speak,” she sighed softly, a strange softness in her voice. But you ignored it and nodded in response, she turned to the crowd of vigilantes.
“I suggest your other children leave,” Talia says. “The matter I’ve come to discuss is… personal. In a sense.”
Bruce narrowed his eyes at the assassin woman before nodding, earning a groan from each of his children, who begrudgingly walked away towards the stairs that lead back to the manor.
“Damian stay,” Talia ordered, the boy halted his movements and stepped to his father’s side.
Now the room remained with five people in it. Ghostmaker, Batman, Damian, Talia and you.
“I have some rather—“
“Disturbing,” you offered, voice distorted due to your mask. Khoa raised a brow at the robotic voice, good way to keep yourself hidden.
“Yes,” she nodded. “This child,” she motioned to you. “Happens to be a mix of the two of you.” She then motioned to Bruce and Khoa. Both of whom stared at you in response.
“Disturbing, all right.” Khoa murmured to himself, watching you, analysing you. Though he couldn’t be too surprised, considering Damian Wayne.
Bruce glared at you, “you’re lying.”
“I wish,” you scoffed, glaring back at him. Your eyes shadowed by your hood, and voice distorted by the mask that only covered the lower half of your face.
The three of you stood in silence after Damian and Talia left the room, neither of you looking at each other.
“You’re sick,” Bruce mutters, glaring at Talia before pointing at you.
“The child is a wonder of science, if anything i did you both a favour.” Talia shrugs, Bruce raising a brow in response.
“Enlighten me.”
“Think, a child with both your skills. The perfect weapon,” Talia replies. Khoa nods slightly, thinking it through, the perfect weapon.
“So, how many kills, kid?” Khoa speaks up, causing you to shift your gaze to Talia who nods.
“I don’t count them, they’re insignificant to me.” You mutter, detached, Bruce thinks, just like Khoa.
The Ghostmaker nods in understanding, as if he were impressed with the answer. “Smart girl.”
“Why did you come here? I doubt you were doing anyone a favour by exposing your secret.” Bruce asks Talia.
“I need you to look after her, i will be gone for a while. And i don’t trust my father with her, and i don’t trust her not to try and kill him again. She’ll be here also to watch over Damian.”
“Why?” Bruce presses, and Talia doesn’t bother answering as she’s already gone
All eyes turn to you, watching you as intently as you watched each of them. Now what?
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© e-nonsense. do no copy/steal/translate. do it and I’ll bite your toes off
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cephalog0d · 1 year
Batkid Drabble - "Gravity"
((This is very early days Spoiler!Steph but otherwise vague on the exact timeline/setting.))
“Hello, gravity. We meet again.”
Steph paused at the edge of the roof, gauging the distance. It wasn’t that far; if she wasn’t fifty feet up she wouldn’t have even hesitated. It was also the fastest route to the location Robin had pinged her with, and like hell was she going to let them leave her behind just because she didn’t have fancy grappling guns or whatever.
“Okay, Steph. You got this,” she muttered under her breath, shaking out her arms as she backed away from the edge. “Head up, knees loose, speed and commitment, speed and commitment-” she sprinted for the edge as hard as she could, vaguely registering Robin’s confused voice in her ear, his words lost in the rush of wind and her pounding heart, “speed and commitment!”
She launched herself across the gap, her cape flaring dramatically behind her for one breathless, weightless moment before she hit the other rooftop. Her landing wasn’t as smooth as she might have liked, but she didn’t break an ankle or eat shit face first into the gravel, so she was calling it a win.
“Eat it, gravity!” she crowed triumphantly, throwing her arms up and twirling in a circle.
((Cross-posted to AO3))
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fruityhooliga · 2 years
I got bored,so more info on the YJ as Batkids AU
It started with Conner, he was crying after another …encounter with Superman. Batman has watched it all go down,and he instantly decided, ‘I’m gonna adopt that boy.’ and that’s that,he comforted Conner,and then asked him the million dollar question, “Can I adopt you?” And Conner was quick to say yes.
Next Batkid was Kaldur,surprisingly. Kaldur had an argument with Orin and Mera, it was about his father. Of course it was. It ended with him crying and Zeta beaming to Mount Justice. Thankfully no one was there,he settled down on the couch and just let it out. He was sobbing for a solid 30 minutes. Near the end of his meltdown,he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was none other than the big bat himself. He got defensive but Batman instantly comforted him,he broke down again,ended up crying in Batman’s arms. After a while,Kaldur calmed down,and now he was sleepy,before he fell asleep, Batman asked him, “Would you like to be my son instead?” A nod of the head and Kaldur was knocked out.
Third one was Wally, after a fight with Flash,he stormed off and went to Mount Justice. He wanted to go to the training room to let the anger out but he was intercepted by Batman. He asked him what was wrong, and best believe the flood gates broke. He ended up venting,after he was done he got offered water and adoption.
Artemis was next up. She took it as a joke when the big bad Batman asked her to be his first daughter. She said yes,mainly because GA pissed her off earlier that day. She soon realizes it was not a joke,too late to back out now. At least some team members were there with her.
M’gann knew it was bound to happen,she accepted it easily,she had gotten into a fight with MM,she was sad and low key depressed. She tried to cry in silence,but Batman was not letting that slide,he ended up guiding her through it,she did not hesitate to say yes when he asked “Can I adopt you?”
Zatanna and Raquel actually got adopted at the same time. A mission went haywire,they were trying to comfort each other,but it wasn’t enough. Suddenly Batman was there,he was the anchor they both needed. Batman didn’t even get the chance to ask before they both said, “Could you adopt us?”
That’s how the adopting went,now their rooms at the Mansion.
Conner’s bed has a bunch of pillows and blankets,he replaced all his Superman merch with Batman,he has posters,drawing,figures and so on…
Kaldur’s room has its own personal pool,walk in closet, a desk, and a king sized bed,this fish boy was living the dream. He has a bookshelf full of trinkets,pictures,books and other random stuff, and a bunch of doodles on his walls.
Wally’s room still has some Flash merch but it’s all practically taken over by Batman posters everywhere. He also has a wall dedicated to pictures of the team,he also has his own bathroom.
Artemis’s room was somewhat normal. (She has a Zatanna shrine in her closet.) Moon lights all over the room. And a massive vanity,she has the room with the biggest window.
M’gann’s room is really bright,curtain lights everywhere,pink bedsheets,baby blue walls,and she has LED lights,she has a big mirror taking up half of a wall
Zatanna’s room is. Chaotic to say the least. She has those glow in the dark star stickers on her roof, the most normal thing. Two posters of Houdini. On different walls. A tapestry of Shrek standing in front of the bisexual flag. A million fans everywhere. Cold asf in there. She also painted half a wall Neon Green. Not even the whole wall.
Raquel as I said before,obsessed with butterflies, Butterfly posters,butterfly bedsheets,she even had her walls painted with butterflies. Anytime Bruce sees something butterfly themed he instantly gets it for her.
Sibling bonding time :)
Movie night,they were watching The Little Mermaid to troll tf out of Kaldur,who was not amused. Like 40 minutes into the movie everyone was asleep, Kaldur in the middle and somehow everyone was physically touching him. Bruce walked in,took a few pictures,turned off the tv and threw a blanket over the pile of Bats on the couch.
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In a world where Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are publicly friends as they should be, when Bruce gets too annoyed with Clark he’ll show up in Metropolis and do something for the sole purpose of getting one of Clark’s coworkers to be like “aren’t you friends with that guy or something?”
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bitimdrake · 3 years
batkids & calling bruce “dad”
Damian does not call Bruce dad because he is busy calling Bruce father. Bruce has referred to his own father as such plenty of times, so it’s a perfectly heartfelt word to them, despite the implied distance.
Cass doesn’t call Bruce dad, but that’s largely because calling anyone by titles still isn’t quite natural to her--she usually sticks to names, or not directly calling them anything at all. When she’s actively thinking about it though, she will call Bruce her dad. It catches Bruce off guard every time. Depending on her current feelings, Cass will either intently focus to read his reaction, or look away in fear of seeing it.
Dick is just. So tentative about the whole thing. You wouldn’t notice most of the time unless you’re looking for it, but he dances around it. He never called Bruce “dad” as a kid, and by the time he started to feel that he might want to, he was already getting older, and Bruce was getting colder and feeding (causing) his insecurity. As an adult and adopted, he’s more confident Bruce does think of him as a son--but it still feels awkward to actually say it. “You know who I’m the son of,” sure. “Like a father to me,” no problem. Perhaps even the rare dip into “my dad.” But directly calling Bruce “dad” to his face? He’s never quite gotten comfortable enough to say it. He’ll stick with just Bruce and B.
Tim is the weirdest. Zero hesitation in referring to Bruce as his dad when talking to distant associates and strangers and reporters. Very hesitant to do the same when talking to close friends and family. If he refers to “my dad” around them, he’s almost certainly talking about Jack. And yet, periodically he will test out calling Bruce “dad,” just once out of the blue, like trying on an old hand-me-down to see if it fits yet. It seems that it hasn’t, because he’s yet to stick with it--even if he keeps circling back around.
Jason, of all of them, fits most perfectly into dramatic tropes. Unlike the other adoptees, his relationship with Bruce has been unambiguously parent/child since the beginning. Jason didn’t call Bruce dad right away, but he was slowly working up to it as a kid, feeling it out, testing the waters to see how Bruce would react. After his death and return, of course, that changed completely, and he refuses to say it now... Except, by complete accident, it’s become ingrained in his mind. In moments of extreme danger or decreased lucidity, feverish or injured or drugged or near death, Jason slips and just says dad.
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Miscellaneous Batfam headcanons
He’s really the only person in the family who can get away with getting out of hostage situations because of his job as a police officer
… but he doesn’t
Yes he uses this as an excuse to hug his family
No he doesn’t feel bad about it
He’s a good actor, he has to be with his job, so if there’s other civilians around or the tied up henchmen are still conscious… well, what kind of asshole wouldn’t hug a sobbing civilian?
Clings to whichever unfortunate sibling is closest when he’s let go
Just… no shame whatsoever
Yeah, the family is more than a little hesitant to help him
Unfortunately for them Dick is pretty much the entirety of the family’s emotional support system
So, eventually, someone caves and goes to rescue him
(Also, one time they didn’t, and he was insufferable for months, and they don’t want a repeat of that)
This makes getting around her… difficult
One time she decided to make everyone get over their unhealthy habits
She was mostly just concerned about everyone’s habit of substituting sleep with coffee
They'd done everything to keep Babs from finding out
Checked everywhere for bugs, made sure she wasn’t home, bought new phones, EVERYTHING
And yet when they snuck to the kitchen for food…
The phone started ringing
Cue screaming
They only got back their unhealthy habits by begging… and considering they're the bats…
Well, let’s just say it took a while
He regularly kidnaps his siblings
It’s a love language, okay?
He might not be good at emotions like Dick is
But he WILL break into everyone’s safehouses, grab them by the back of their shirts, and drag them out for joyrides and ice cream
And that’s just as important, really
The bats are terrible with dealing with emotions and he is perfectly happy to help them avoid their problems
His services also extend to stealing them away from Dick when he’s attempting to get them to open up before they're ready
One text and he’s there
There’s two older siblings, one of them has to be bad, it’s called balance
The only time he sleeps is when Bruce is attempting to lecture him
Of course, he didn’t start out that way
He’s Tim Drake, after all, he has a duty to be perfect at everything he does
But… there’s only so many times you can listen to the ‘Don’t do reckless stuff’ speech before you can recite it from memory
At this time, lecture time has been changed into nap time
Bruce has started to use this to his advantage
When he notices that Tim hasn’t slept in days he starts lecturing him
One time he had a dream where he was getting the lecture and he had to wake up
Bruce had to scramble to start lecturing again
Tim figured out what was going on after that
But the other option is to listen to the lecture all the way through so he accepts that he has to sleep
I see your “Jason Todd/Damian Wayne are the embodiment of the Cain Instinct(™)” posts and raise you Stephanie-fucking-Brown
The Wayne Love Language is almost murdering each other and it really shows
Steph walks into a room and it is On Sight
Who punches first? Who knows
(It’s usually Steph)
It’s a smack or be smacked world and Steph is just living in it
No one is safe
At least they get a lot of sparring practice
You would think that having Cass around as a lie detector would be a good idea
And, on paper, you’d be right
She can tell when everyone is lying before they even open their mouths
She’s a little bit more petty than people give her credit for
She Remembers Everything
She ranks siblings in her head based on who has the most indiscretions
Whoever is at the top of the list when something bad happens is the one she will point out as the culprit
And if nothing bad happens? Don’t worry about that, she’ll make something happen
He definitely gets teased the most because he just happens to be really young
(Doesn’t help that he’s so tiny)
But the moment someone has the audacity to make a joke about him or agree with one of his siblings?
Let’s just say the bats reconsider their No Killing Rule
Damian mentions someone at school being a little snot? Tim and Jason aren’t above throwing hands with children
A teacher gives an unfair grade to him on an assignment? Hope they weren’t expecting to get saved in the next Rogue attack
And god forbid someone call Damian a slur in front of his siblings
He's the baby of the family. What else is there to say?
He used to be annoyed that he got the reputation as the person in the family with common sense
He’s done so much stupid and dangerous stuff but nooo he’s the sane one
(Granted, he kind of is. It’s not a high bar to meet. Still, he’d like some recognition that he is also completely batshit insane.)
But now…
He realizes there are benefits
Like how he can prank his siblings and no one will ever think he did it
And when no one fesses up because they didn’t do anything? Prank wars ensue
And Duke? Duke gets by unscathed because everyone agrees he wouldn’t be stupid enough to do any of the pranks
He has an adoption problem, we all know this
The man practically has adoption papers in his utility belt at this point
The moment a new kid appears in Gotham the batkids all start a betting pool on how long it’ll take him to adopt this one
Most of the time the kids don’t even realize they’re being adopted until it’s too late
“B caught me crying on a rooftop and he disappeared and I was like ‘wow, rude’ but then he came back with some car keys and it may not have fixed my trauma but damn did it feel better to cry in a sports car than on a random gargoyle”
“B gave me an allowance? I was going to say something but this is rent for three months so I guess I’m a bat now?”
Does he even know which kids are his and which aren’t?
(No. He treats every child that frequents his house the exact same because he can’t remember which ones are his and which ones aren’t.)
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iidiotkid · 3 years
Okay I kinda wanna talk about Tim because this is my account and I do what I want
On one hand, I understand why people hate him. He’s a Rich White Sad Boy, and we have plenty of those, but like,,,,,, I think Tim as a character is a pretty interesting move for the batman universe. At least in concept
He’s written to be a self-insert. It’s obvious. He’s a boy with a neglectful family life (which is far more common than the other batkids), who gets noticed by the heroes he adores and they think he’s smart, who has very little personality traits other than that, etc
But that’s exactly why I think he’s interesting. Because a lot of the things interrelate and if they had actually been explored it properly it would have been so cool.
To start off, the child neglect. This is a kid who has had limited social interaction his entire life. The two people who are supposed to love him the most didn’t care enough to even call most of the time, and most of the kids that talked to him would have been doing so because of his parents, how would that affect a person?
He, like many batfamily fans, fixates on a family situation he perceives as healthy. He follows them around, watches the Robins and their interactions with Batman, takes pictures of everything and keeps them in a scrapbook like someone would do their own family photos. He projects himself onto them, pretends like he’s a part of them, wishes that his own life could be like that...
But then something happens. Jason dies. The only true family he’s ever known, even if they never knew him, is fractured. Dick stops coming by as often, Bruce starts getting suicidal. Everything’s gone to shit and he’s desperate to fix it. He knows what’s wrong and, after a lot of convincing, he manages to get Bruce to let him correct it.
Which means he’s officially a part of the family he’s always wanted to be in! The childhood dream that he never fully dared to allow himself to wish for has come true! Sure, Bruce is still a little hesitant about him, but he’s officially Robin!
Now what?
Now he hits a problem. Everything he defines himself with are mostly just his status — he’s the heir to Drake Industries! — and that’s all. But now he isn’t really a Drake anymore, he’s spent more time with Bruce in the past few months than he has with his biological parents since he was a baby. So, who is he?
Robin, of course! He can’t call himself Bruce’s son, the man hadn’t adopted him and it felt a bit like he was betraying the Drakes by considering himself that, so he latched onto the only other thing present. He was Robin.
And this made him fear losing Robin even more. Because, if he wasn’t Robin, then who exactly was he? He knows he wasn’t chosen, that Dick and Jason were and he WASNT, he’s so painfully aware of it. Bruce didn’t want him, not really.
And that was fine, he was used to people he loved not wanting him around.
In fact, this situation was even better than the usual. At least Bruce was willing to deal with him! Of course, he doesn’t know how long that’ll last, so he tells himself he has to work hard. If he messes up too much then Bruce will realize he’s more trouble than he’s worth, just like every parental figure always realizes given enough time, and he can’t deal with that.
Obviously, he becomes a perfectionist. He had already been pretty obsessive, this was almost inevitable. Late nights poring over files, unfocused in his classes, but a he’s damn good Robin. And Bruce is noticing! He’s praising him for figuring things out so fast, he’s thanking him for his help!
But Tim is a growing boy, and growing boys need their sleep. Poor reflexes, stunted growth, gradually declining ability to think... all bad things when you’re Robin. And Bruce is noticing, because of course he is he’s BATMAN, but he hasn’t said anything yet so it’s fine and really Tim can just deal with it —.
Enter one Dick Grayson. He sees this kid take a pretty bad blow in a fight, sees this kid in the Robin suit nearly die while he’s unable to do anything, and all he can think about is Jason dying alone in that warehouse while he was unable to do anything in space. He couldn’t save Jason. He can save Tim.
Visits from Bludhaven become more common despite all the tensions between Bruce and him. Tim doesn’t know why Dick is suddenly so interested in him, hardly anyone ever is, but he is more than happy to accept it for now.
Dick takes him out to see Gotham, not as vigilantes but as civilians. Tim has never seen Gotham like this, not really. His parents had never been all that interested in showing him, and school field trips are always spent bitching and moaning about how boring they were or stressing out over worksheets, so he hadn’t had a chance to really enjoy Gotham for what it was. A gorgeous place despite the circumstances.
He starts spending more time out in Gotham simply for himself, even when Dick wasn’t around. He starts meeting new people. He learns that he’s a listener. Watching people talking about things they loved, seeing the way their faces light up and their hands move around wildly in their excitement, it becomes one of his favorite pastimes.
And, of course, they make life sound like so much fun. He starts doing even more. He visits the arboretum, the planetarium, the zoo, he loves them all. Nature was so gorgeous, and in Gotham it was such a rarity to see any of it that every time he visited he could feel the breath catch. He wants to make Gotham better. He knows not everyone can afford to go to these kinds of places all the time, so the only solution is to try and better the city.
He’s no longer Robin for the sake of being Batman’s Robin, he’s Robin to help Gotham.
He’s doing it purely to be helpful, because he genuinely likes helping people now. He’s seen their smiles, he’s heard their stories, and he wants to protect them.
But he can’t do that if he keeps working himself half to death (literally), so he starts allowing himself some proper rest. He is surprised to learn he’s actually doing BETTER as Robin now. He’s a better fighter and a better detective, sure, but he’s also more concerned about collateral damage in fights and he’s better with victims.
And Bruce notices. Of course he does, he’s Batman, but he doesn’t say anything again. Tim is doing well, and he was usually quiet about most things so he can leave him be.
Or, at least, that was the plan until a particularly adamant Dick drags him out of his brooding to talk to Tim. Bruce, however awkward and stilted, asks how his day went.
So Tim tells him that he doesn’t have to do that, that they don’t have to force a relationship. They were Batman and Robin, and that was enough for him, they didn’t need to be Bruce and Tim, too, if Bruce didn’t want it to be that way.
Bruce’s breath catches just like Tim’s does when he sees the stars and the plants and the animals as they truly are. And then Bruce slowly draws him into a hug, it’s painfully awkward and a little uncomfortable with all their armor, but then Bruce says that he does want it. That he wants Tim.
And Tim realizes then, with his face buried in Bruce’s cape and promises of a better relationship with Bruce, that he isn’t Robin. Because Robin was little more than an idea.
He was just Tim. And maybe Tim was enough.
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emixion · 4 years
Reverse Robins - Day 13 - Maribat March 2021
oh god just take it. here’s the role reversal. @maribatmarch-2k21 ao3 link Robin blew her midnight bangs out of her eyes as she surveyed the city before her. She’d never been to Paris before, so she was eager to get out and explore the area, under the cover of nighttime, of course. Batman would kill her if she were caught gallivanting around Paris in broad daylight.
She was currently sitting on the Eiffel Tower, keeping an eye on the ground below her for any sign of trouble. She and a few other batkids had been assigned to gather intel on the Hawkmoth situation. There were reports of a supervillian in Paris as well as two vigilantes, possibly metas. More information was required before the Justice League could interfere, thus the investigation by the bats. Wary of being in a new city, she immediately noticed the sound of a string swinging someone to the tower. Robin whipped around and- wait was that a yoyo? It indeed was a yoyo, and holding the weapon in question was a boy about her age in a black suit with red spots. The matching mask framed his green eyes and his black hair was slicked back. Must be one of the vigilantes. “Who are you?” The boy demanded, narrowing his eyes at her. Crap. He must be territorial. “Who are you?” Robin parroted. The spotted boy’s scowl deepened. “I asked you first.” Well, she couldn’t argue with that. Especially since this wasn’t her city.“I’m Robin.” She relented. “And you are?” “...Hyperaspis.” The boy finally answered. “You must not be from around here.” “And how do you know that?” Robin crossed her arms.“Because most people from Paris know who their heroes are.” Robin perked up at the statement. “So you are one of the vigilantes. I figured so.” “We prefer the term “superhero.” Hyperaspis corrected. “Do you now?” Robin replied, an amused smile on her face. “Well,” she stuck her hand out for a shake. “It’s nice to meet you.” Hyperaspis just looked warily at her hand. “Why are you here?” He asked. “Oh, I should’ve started with that.” Robin pulled her hand back sheepishly. “I work with Batman. We were given orders from the Justice League to investigate the Hawkmoth situation.” She explained. Hyperaspis’ face stayed suspicious. “Um...” Robin shifted awkwardly. What was with this guy? If she didn’t know any better she’d say he would make a good Gothamite. “I’m surprised that the Justice League hasn’t sent anyone until now.” “Maybe we wanted it that way.” Hyperaspis said coldly. Well alright then. “Oh. Okay.” Robin kicked at a pebble by her feet. This wasn’t going how she thought it would. She wished Steph was here. “Ugh, I’m sorry.” Hyperaspis suddenly said, his face falling to his hand. Robin was taken aback. “It’s just...the last time a hero dropped in who I didn’t know, they turned out to be an akuma.” “An akuma?” “Yes, that’s what Hawkmoth uses to control people.” Hyperaspis explained grimly. “They’re small dark butterflies that possess an object and turn civilians into supervillains.” Robin blinked in shock. Even after all the things she’d seen, the information was still jarring. Butterflies that turned people into meta villains…? “Do you think that you could tell me more about this?” Robin asked gently, worried about setting off the boy again. She’d obviously hit a sore spot before. “I’m supposed to gather as much intel as possible for the League.” Hyperaspis glanced at her, his face hesitant. “I’m not sure if The Justice League’s help is the best idea..” “Oh? Why is that?” He sighed. “Akumas possess people when they feel negative emotions. If any of the Justice League members were akumatized...they could destroy all of Paris.” He explained. “I see.” Robin said, looking away in thought. “Hmm..” “What?” Hyperaspis asked, straining his neck to see her face. “Well, Batman, the rest of our team and I don’t have any powers. So at the very least we wouldn’t be able to destroy Paris in one fell swoop like say, Superman.” She said, turning back to face him. “What if we helped instead?” Hyperaspis tapped his chin, thinking about it for a moment. “If you don’t have powers, how do you fight?” He asked. “We’re highly trained specialists.” She reassured. “Seriously, Batman keeps us in shape.” He nodded, seeming to feel better about the situation. “Alright. I think it’s worth a shot.” Robin nodded back. “Cool. I'll go tell Batman.” She turned to go but was stopped by Hyperaspis’ voice. “Wait, Robin.” He called and said hero faced him once again. He held his hand out for the handshake he’d rejected earlier. “Thank you. I think we’ll work well together.” Robin grinned and shook his hand. “I think so too.”
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selkienight60 · 3 years
+ ✧  𝕊 𝔸 𝔽 𝔼 𝕋 𝕐  ✧ +
∘₊✧── 🎀 ──✧₊∘  ∘₊✧── 🎀 ──✧₊∘
| Rating: Teen and Up Audiences | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Category: Gen | Fandoms: DCU  ─ ✩ ─ Batman: All Media Types  ─ ✩ ─ DCU | Relationship(s): Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Dick Grayson, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd | Additional: Batfamily, Angst, Panic Attacks, Forced Imprisonment, Dick Grayson is a Good Brother, Jason Todd is Not Having a Good Time, Jason Todd Needs a Hug, All The Batkids Need a Hug, Overprotective Bruce Wayne, Comic Book Magic, Angst with a Happy Ending |
Jason's idea of a good time has never been and will never be waking up as a captive in a cell.
But it's about to get a whole lot worse.
Read Chapter Four of Safety by sElkieNight60 on Archive of Our Own or below the cut!
∘₊✧── 🎀 ──✧₊∘  ∘₊✧── 🎀 ──✧₊∘
Surprised, Jason reclined against the library lounge.
“A theory?”
Part of him wondered if Bruce was watching them on one of the several cameras dotted throughout the room, the other part wondered if Bruce didn’t care— so long as they weren’t cooking up escape plans.
In mimicry of his position, Dick leaned back on his own couch, lips pursed grimly.
“I don’t have proof,” he added, teeth darting over the edge of his lip to bite the soft skin there. “Hell, I’m sure I don’t even have the full picture.”
Rolling some of the unease out of his tense shoulders, Jason took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He threw his head back, allowing it to rest on the lip of the lounge as he spoke.
“Tell me what you know, Dick.”
There was a beat of hesitation, then Dick wet his lips.
Bruce had been working a separate case, something he didn’t want Robin caught up in. Batman had called, asking if Nightwing could take Robin and work the warehouse on the opposite side of town.
Dick wasn’t privy to many details, only that the rogue Batman was dealing with was a magic user. A fling, or an old flame from way back. It didn’t really matter what they’d been to each other, only that he’d carelessly broken her heart. A jilted lover made for a dangerous enemy.
It was almost amusing that they’d never met outside of uniform. Proof of just how little Bruce had trusted her, even then.
The library was warm and cozy, the sunlight too bright as Jason’s eyes popped open again.
The couch creaked as he stiffened. “A curse?”
With a shake of his head, the man opposite him sagged.
“Maybe,” he said, dropping his gaze to the coffee table between them. “Wouldn’t be surprised, you know. I offered backup, but you know what he’s like. Stubborn as a stone.”
Jason wanted to hit something. Preferably Bruce, but he’d settle for the gym—in another day and age he would have been freely permitted to go there.
Instead, he was stuck inside the library, lurching to his feet out of sheer restlessness.
The carpet dulled his heavy steps as he paced, scrubbing a hand roughly through his hair as he puzzled through Dick’s theory on his own.
It seemed as plausible as any other.
At the door, Jason stopped. Quietly, he placed his hand on the indented wood and leaned his forehead against the solid material with a heavy sigh.
“I hate magic,” he admitted, finally, before turning on his heel and making his way back.
Horizontal on the couch now, with his hand interlinked on his chest, a rumble of sympathy made its way out of Dick’s chest.
“Well if it’s a curse,” Jason went on, “how the heck do we break it.” Bonelessly, he collapsed onto the lounge.
A new thought occurred to him.
“If it’s a curse, what kind?”
Dick shrugged and closed his eyes. “Don’t ask me that,” he whined. “I don’t know how these people think. The Riddler is easier to decode than one of Bruce’s heart-broken exes. At least with Nygma it’s not personal.”
Jason tried very hard not to grind his teeth together.
“You’d think, being playboy junior and all, you would have some helpful hints here,” he mocked half-heartedly, resisting the urge to kick the leg of the coffee table. Without shoes on it would only hurt.
Jason just did not do cooped up, and it was beginning to bleed.
Infuriatingly, Dick did not rise to the bait.
“You wound me,” he said dryly, brushing Jason off with another shrug. “Besides, I might be able to read a room, but Tim was always better at getting inside people’s heads.”
An arctic sweep of fear chased out fiery frustration. Fingernails found the edge of the couch and dug into the wood.
“You haven’t seen him, have you?” Jason asked quietly. “Tim, I mean.”
Dark eyelashes lifted. Dick’s eyes briefly roamed the ceiling.
“No,” he replied, quietly. “Other than Bruce, you’re the first person I’ve seen since I woke up.”
The room fell into silence, the ticking of Martha Wayne’s antique clock a faint noise in the background.
The bars over the windows cast vertical shadows across the room, drawing long lines over the carpet.
From the uneasy quiet came an unsteady question.
“You don’t think…” Dick began haltingly, still staring unseeingly at the ceiling. “You don’t think he’ll hurt us, do you?”
Jason fell sideways onto the couch, his head finding the cushion jabbed awkwardly into the crevasse between the arm and seat.
“No,” he said firmly. “Bruce made too much of a deal about how I am safe here. I don’t think he’ll hurt us. At least…” his eyes darted right, raking over the casts covering Dick’s legs. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “At least not intentionally.”
The room once again befriended quiet.
Briefly, he closed his eyes. All the anxious overthinking was leaving him exhausted beyond measure.
An escape would never work, Bruce was too meticulous in all things to leave a security gap wide enough for any of them to get out. Even the batcave had just enough kryptonite to render Superman quite human.
What they needed was information. What they needed was to figure out who had cursed Bruce and why. What they needed was to understand what kind of curse had been placed on Bruce and how to reverse it.
∘₊✧────✧₊∘  ∘₊✧────✧₊∘
A soft blanket fell away as Jason sat up and rubbed at his eyes.
Dick was nowhere in sight.
By the height of the sun it appeared late afternoon, and a glance at the clock established the hour.
The theory of hidden cameras and motion sensors was confirmed moments later when the library door opened and Bruce ducked in.
Wordlessly he padded over in grey slippers, fingers curling around the back of the couch once close enough, tracing the wooden edging.
Jason tracked his every move with wary eyes.
“How was your nap?” Bruce asked quietly, sliding into the spare space by Jason’s knees.
It didn’t sound sinister. Which made it worse. Made it harder.
Using his curled fists, Jason pushed against the couch to put distance between them.
When the man tried to help, Jason knocked his hand away. A small sigh followed.
The tips of his fingers found Jason’s knee and squeezed lightly.
“All is well, Jay,” he said through a tight smile.
After a moment of tense silence between them, Bruce attempted conversation.
“Dick seemed much happier after spending some time with you,” he began, tentatively. “You’re good for each other.”
Carefully, Jason formed words.
“Wh’re is he?” he slurred, tongue slow to wake.
Bruce’s smile relaxed into something softer. Jason hated it.
“Healing,” he supplied as a non-answer.
Thickly, Jason swallowed.
“You… put his legs in casts.”
It wasn’t a question.
“Jason, I know it’s hard to see your brother like that,” Bruce returned, lips twisted. “But he’s injured. It’s hard to keep him still on the best of days and I don’t want him aggravating his wounds.
Jason’s fingers slid between the sofa cushions and squeezed hard.
“Did you want to choose a few books to take with you to your room?” Bruce prodded a minute later, when Jason lapsed into silence again.
Bruce waited patiently for an answer that Jason never gave. Eventually, another little sigh escaped him.
“I am sorry for keeping you apart from your siblings,” he apologized, fingers moving from Jason’s knee to the crook of his elbow and giving a quick squeeze. “It won’t be for much longer. The house was… frankly, unsafe.”
Red flags and alarms went off in Jason’s brain.
“Bruce,” he laughed a little manically, wide-eyed. “Damian is almost thirteen. Dick is nearly twenty-six. How could the house possibly be unsafe? ”
The other man smiled, squeezing Jason’s elbow again.
“You’re all growing up,” he acknowledged with a nod. “All growing into fine and wonderful adults, but you’re not ready for everything yet. It’s okay to acknowledge that.”
I’m not a kid! Jason wanted to say, though it seemed like a moot point. He wanted to rip the serene smile right off Bruce’s face.
Instead, he hastily scrambled off the couch.
“This is ridiculous, ” he bit out angrily, words punctuated as his finger jabbed in the direction of the floor. “I’m leaving. Fuck this. Fuck you. You’re not Bruce Wayne.”
Jason might have missed the series of expressions that flit across Bruce’s face one after the other, but he didn’t miss the dark tone in the man’s voice as he spoke to Jason’s turning back.
“You’re not going anywhere, Jay.”
∘₊✧── 🎀 ──✧₊∘  ∘₊✧── 🎀 ──✧₊∘
🌸 ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʙʏ ʟᴇᴀᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢɢɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ sʜᴀʀᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs! 🌸 ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ғᴇᴇʟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ! 🌸 ᴄᴏɴsᴛʀᴜᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄʀɪᴛɪᴄɪsᴍ ɪs ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏʀᴋ, ʙᴜᴛ ʀᴜᴅᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴅᴇʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ. 🌸 ᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ғᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ!
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Always By Your Side
Read here on AO3!
The kid looks horrible, full offense. Tim is wearing one of Dick’s old Hudson University sweatshirts which just about swallows him, hanging a full inch over where his fingertips end. His hair is tied up in the messiest bun Jason has ever seen, and there’s a purple welt on his chin big enough that a helicopter could use it for a landing pad. His lip is swollen, blood still crusted over where Tim’s teeth must have torn it open on impact. Big yikes.
“If you’re here to raid my fridge, then you already know it’s bad pickings. I haven’t been shopping in weeks.”
“That’s not why I’m here, actually.” Not the only reason, at least. Multitasking is key when you’re a semi-contract killer who needs Sundays free for tea time with Alfred.
It doesn’t take long to break into Tim’s apartment. Record time, actually. In less than ten minutes Jason is sliding up the window to Tim’s kitchen and climbing over the sill, easy peasy. He should really talk to the replacement about his lack of security against fellow batkids. “Timbo?” he calls, closing the window and re-locking it. “You here?” He’d better have the right place. It’s so hard keeping track of everyone’s safehouses these days, and Jason is not eager for a repeat of what happened the last time he got it wrong. That old lady looked scared to death when Jason crawled in through the air duct, covered in blood that was only thirty percent his own. (The lady was super understanding when he explained the situation. She even fixed up his stab wound with her sewing kit and made him some freshly squeezed lemonade. Jason drops by every couple of weeks to check in on her and her cats.) But Tim is the priority now. “Come out, come out, you little shit.” Jason crosses the kitchen toward the living room, then stops and backtracks. He opens the fridge for a beer, momentarily forgetting that the kid is a hopeless health nut. Jason resigns himself to a package of deli ham only two days past the expiration date. It smells fine, so it must be safe to eat, right? Of all Tim’s apartments, this one is by and far the nicest, barring the expired deli meats and un-Jason-proof security system. The living room is pristine with white sofas and a glass coffee table, making the whole setup vibe more like a hotel suite than an actual home. Definitely not Jason-proof. He sits right in the middle of the fancy sofa, kicking off his boots. “If you get mud on my carpet, you’re cleaning it up.”
Jason looks up at Tim in the doorway and grins. “Don’t I always?” The kid looks horrible, full offense. Tim is wearing one of Dick’s old Hudson University sweatshirts which just about swallows him, hanging a full inch over where his fingertips end. His hair is tied up in the messiest bun Jason has ever seen, and there’s a purple welt on his chin big enough that a helicopter could use it for a landing pad. His lip is swollen, blood still crusted over where Tim’s teeth must have torn it open on impact. Big yikes. “If you’re here to raid my fridge, then you already know it’s bad pickings. I haven’t been shopping in weeks.” “That’s not why I’m here, actually.” Not the only reason, at least. Multitasking is key when you’re a contract killer who needs Sundays free for tea time with Alfred. “Just leave whatever data you have here and I’ll look it over in the morning.” “Again, not why I’m here.” “Then can you just tell me whatever it is so I can go back to bed?” It’s five in the afternoon. “Well, jeez, kid. You don’t have to rush me out the door.” Tim’s eyes flit to the ground and stay there, giving the impression of a puppy put in his place. “Sorry.” Jason eyes Tim carefully. He takes in the timid stance, the way Tim wrings and twists the sleeve of his sweatshirt until it’s stretched beyond saving. He clearly hasn’t showered or even bothered tending to his face, like keeping the wound fresh is his way of punishing himself. “You doing okay?” “Fine, why?” “Because you look like shit, that’s why.” “It’s been a hectic few days. I’ve been meaning to crash for hours.” “How about that bruise you got there? Looks nasty.” Tim touches the bruise as if he forgot it was there, biting back a wince. “It’s fine. I got it on patrol and haven’t gotten around to icing it yet.” “Must have been a big guy to do that kind of damage.” Tim’s eyes narrow. Jason eats his ham, a picture of innocence. “If you’re trying to get me to circle around and ask you about your problems, then I’m sorry, but I’m really not in the mood to play therapist tonight. You can stay here as long as you want, but I’m going to bed.” He turns and starts toward his bedroom. “You’re really not going to tell me who gave you that bruise?” Tim stops, a shudder running down his spine. He doesn’t turn, not yet. “Did Barbara tell you?” “I can’t believe you didn’t. What, did you think this would all go away if you just kept quiet about it?” “There’s nothing to talk about. Nothing happened.” “My ass nothing happened. Bruce hit you last night. He hit you over nothing.” Tim whirls around, fists clenched. “So? I get hit all the time. Am I supposed to have a breakdown every time someone punches me?” “Getting hit by a criminal and getting hit by your dad are not the same thing, and you know it.” “I’m a big boy, Jason. I can handle it.” Jason leans forward, forgetting all about his rancid ham. “You realize how fucked up this is, right?” “Oh, give me a break—” “Hey. The adult is talking now. Our father nearly shattered your jaw a few hours ago and here you are, hiding from him like it was your fault.” Not that Jason blames him for not wanting to be near the manor after what happened; he wouldn’t either if he were in Tim’s place. Hell, he was in Tim’s place. “You weren’t there, Jay. You have no idea what happened.” “Oh, yeah? Enlighten me, then. What gives that asshole the right to put his hands on you?” “The fact that I shouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place! Bruce was dealing with enough as it was without me making it worse.” “Only if you call trying to help someone ‘making things worse.’ From what Babs told me, you didn’t do Jack shit to deserve what he did.” “I don’t care what Barbara told you. I was there, I know what I did wrong, and I’ve accepted that.” “Except you did nothing wrong.” “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Tim’s voice is raised, his eyes narrowed. “You didn’t see how upset Bruce was. He wasn’t himself. I should have seen that and backed off, but I didn’t. He was hurting and angry, and...I provoked him. It was my own fault.” “Do you have any idea how insane you sound? You tried to help him, and he punched you in the face for it. I know you’ve dealt with this exact situation a million times, you know the protocol.” Tim rolls his eyes. “This is completely different.” “Why? Because you’re not a minor? Because Bruce isn’t your father? Or maybe because you threw the first punch? Oh, wait. None of those are fucking true.” “What do you want from me? Do you want me to start crying, call up child services and tell them that my adoptive father gave me a little bruise because I was being insubordinate while we were all dressed as vigilantes? Will that magically ease your conscience?” “I want you to stop fucking covering for him,” Jason says. “You know that there’s no excuse for a parent hurting their child.” “I’m not a child!” “Sorry to break it to you, pal, but you fucking are! And Bruce? He’s your father. It doesn’t matter if you’re twelve or seventeen or thirty—his job is to be a fucking parent to you. And instead he punched you so hard Babs said you were unconscious for a good thirty seconds.” Tim crosses his arms and leans on the wall. He doesn’t try to come closer or sit on any of the furniture, keeping his distance from Jason. “You’re blowing this way out of proportion. Maybe those rules apply to normal people, but we’re different. Violence and anger, that’s how this family communicates. Hell, Bruce and I spar all the time and you’ve never lectured me about it being abuse until now.” Jason runs a hand over his face, thoroughly done with this shit. “I can’t believe you’re still trying to rationalize this.” “Because it’s a rational thing!” “Is it?” “Yes.” “Would you ever hit him?” “It wouldn’t be the first time.” “No, I’m not talking sparring or some stupid teenage angst-fueled outburst. I’m asking if you, Tim Drake, would ever intentionally hurt Bruce in a way that would do damage. Even if he did something shitty to deserve it. Would you hurt him?” Tim hesitates. He bites his swollen lip. “I might. If I were really angry.” “We both know that’s bullshit. The guy’s got a hundred pounds on you and your hand would probably shatter if you tried to sock him in the face, but you still wouldn’t hurt him.” “So?” “So, he knows you’re a twig and he beat the shit out of you anyway. That’s not fucking okay.” “It wasn’t on purpose,” Tim says, but he’s losing momentum by the second. He looks years too tired for this conversation as it is. “It was...instinct. A spur-of-the-moment reaction. It’s not—I mean, he’s Bruce. He would never hurt us intentionally.” “He already did.” “And I’m perfectly fine. It’s not like he punched Damian or Cass, just me. He knew I could take it, and he was right. I’m fine. This bruise will heal up in a couple days, and then we can all forget it ever happened.” “I won’t.” “Why not? Why are you being so goddamn uptight about this? It has nothing to do with you, anyway.” Jason can feel his eyes smolder Lazarus green as he surges forward and hisses, “It has everything to do with me.” Tim flinches. It’s not major, barely even counts as a real flinch, but it happens. Tim flinches away from Jason, and the anger dissipates as quickly as it came. Jesus, what did Bruce do to this kid? Jason sits back, takes a breath, tries to make his voice gentler. “Bruce hurt me too, okay?” Tim’s expression doesn’t change but for a twinge of his eyebrows. “It was a misunderstanding, but...he hurt me. Badly. I was out of commission for two fucking months. Probably would have died if it hadn’t been for Roy.” That gets a reaction. Tim’s mouth drops open and he flounders for a moment, like he can’t put the two things together. Bruce attacking Jason? No results. Does not compute. “What—why would he do that?” “It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that, as irritating as you are, you don’t deserve to be treated like that.” Like he has any right to be saying this. Tim still has the scar on his neck from when Jason’s brains were made of gruel. “Not by a parent. Not by someone you’re supposed to trust. So this is me looking out for you, alright?” Jason reaches into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulls out a crumpled paper. “I know you’ve got your own setup for when you need time away from the manor, but these are all of my addresses and phone numbers. If something like this happens again, I want you to call me.” Tim takes the paper but protests, “It’s okay, really. I don’t need—” “Yeah, yeah, you don’t need to be coddled. I get it. But keep it anyway. And if you start feeling unsafe at the manor, you call me and I’ll take care of it. I already gave Damian, Cass, and Duke copies too. Just...look out for yourself, alright? All of you. Look out for each other.” Tim folds up the paper and slips it into his back pocket. “What about you?” “The old man and I are…” That’s a whole other can of worms Jason really isn’t in the mood to unpack right now. “It’s still rocky between us. I’m keeping my distance. But for you guys, I don’t care. If one of you needs help, I’ll be there. Got it?” Tim blinks, and lucky for him, Jason is courteous enough not to make fun of the tears he is clearly holding back. “Thanks, Jay.”
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
yk so i was watching bmw (boy meets world :) ) while procrastinating an essay so oF COURSE i decided to write some more of my reverse robin au (that pertains to jason being the oldest of the batkids w/ him and dick growing up together) except fLUFF bc i cannot handle angst rn (oR cOulD I wE wiLL nEvER kNoWwwW)
oh and disclaimer there may be several medical inaccuracies so please feel free to correct me :)
jason often gets night terrors, ones that can get particularly awful when bruce goes on an overnight business trip. so one night bruce is in new york after being forced into it by lucius, with dick being adopted for some time now. dick was awake because he was having trouble sleeping, for no real particular reason in all honesty. he heard a short yell though, coming from the room next to him and he dashed over, tripping over his blanket and still gripping zitka tightly. he knew that he wasn’t supposed to fight yet, but he doesn’t really think about that as he yanked jason’s door open.
he then saw his brother laying on his side, turning back and forth, breathing heavily looking so visibly pained it was hurting dick. he rushed over to jason, his eyes darting around because he just didn’t know what to do. taking his chances he tapped jason’s shoulder gently, and he already felt like it wasn’t the right move but he sucked it up and tried again, only this time to some result. jason shot up, gripping on tightly to dick’s arm, his eyes hazy and unfocused and his chest heaving.
dick remained still, only slowly trying to push jason off of him and back into his bed. jason’s grip didn’t let but he laid back in bed, squeezing his eyes tightly as if he was trying to push away everything he had just witnessed. dick took this as an initiative to gently climb into bed, as jason fell back into a less violent but equally as stressful sleep. he placed zitka next to jason, who still hasn’t let go of his arm, and awkwardly sat up in bed, almost acting as a protector. slowly, dick began to doze off, feeling a lot more comforted in his brothers prescence then he had been in his own room.
jason on the other hand, doesn’t remember much of that night, as he rarely fully remembers any of his night terrors (only the scars they leave behind), but when he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn with a few fragments of something he would prefer not to remember, he puts it together rather quickly. he guessed it would happen, and he could’ve told bruce and he knew the guy would drop anything in a heartbeat, but that pissed him off, more so then it justifiably should. he wasn’t a child and he hadn’t been a child for a long fucking time, and it was stupid that he couldn’t deal with a single night without bruce. jason then turned onto his side, disgruntled with a new found rage directed at himself that he might take out on someone else, when he found dick, sleeping at an awkward position.
he was leaning on the headboard, but was slumped down and drooling a bit, which would have been hilarious blackmail material on any other given day. but today, jason felt a pit in his stomach. the only rational thought that his mind could conjure in its fear muddled frenzy was please tell me i didn’t hurt dick, pleasepleasepleaseplease. he quickly checked over dick’s face, cupping his checks and looking for any signs of a bruise. he had given bruce a particularly nasty one earlier in his tenure at the manor, after bruce attempted to restrain him while he was having a night terror so he could avoid hurting himself, instead jason kicked him in the jaw. he even felt bad about it the next day, which was an odd surprise for him at the time.
after checking over dick hasilty, he could see he wasn’t all that hurt, even though if he looked hard enough he could see inklings of nail shaped markings in dick’s right arm just under his shirt sleeve. jason felt a bit of bile rising up, as he gently shifted dick into a better sleeping position, and pulled the blanket up to his chin and slipped a pillow underneath him. dick opened his bleary eyes, mumbling jason’s name in question, and squinting his eyes. jason rolled his eyes but nodded, “yeah, it’s me. now sleep–why’re you shaking yer head? you don’ wanna sleep? too bad.” jason pressed another pillow onto the side of dicks face in a teasing attempt to smother him to sleep, but dick only proceeded to giggle, and snuggle closer to jason, who had sat up already. jason tossed the pillow to the side after a few seconds of play fighting, dick was going to be too sleepy to remember this break in the ‘teasing older brother’ façade. so, he ran his hand through his little brothers hair and laid back down, tracing soft circles into dick’s scalp absentmindedly. and feeling a rush of gratitude that bruce had brought this little circus boy into his life. he really didn’t know what he would do without his little brother. (needless to say, dick became a constant comforter in jason’s night terrors).
jason blames dick for everything. if a vase got knocked over, it was a dick. if the tv wasn’t working, dick had been playing with the satellite. if his phone was missing, dick stole it to play games. if his sweater had a stain, you better bet it was dick. the boy in question, of course, adamantly denies these facts and does have a way of persuading bruce (he is the golden child after all, jason could testify to that), but bruce also knows both of his boys are annoyingly good liars. so every incident is treated like a little miniature crime scene, and it never fails to make jason howl in laughter at dick explaining how he couldn’t have possibly used up jason’s shampoo because he has his own washroom with his own shampoo and so w h y jason w h y would i steal your shampoo. (jason’s usual response is a deadpanned ‘why wouldn’t you’, and that just gives bruce another headache as the two bicker on and on and on.)
the pair of them usually go biking together, and it’s usually quite tranquil to start. until dick makes a sly comment that jason’s old bones must be so tired from cycling, so why not take a break? jason snide reponse is how the fuck are you touching the pedals with your stubby ass legs. that’s really all it takes for them to delve into a full on biking race. it never really ends well, but the two always come out rolling in laughter so whose to complain.
dick thinks real housewives of beverly hills is better then new jersey, and jason is adamant that new jersey is superior in every shape and way. the two agree that atlanta is the absolute winner no matter what though.
jason is dick’s english tutor. and it’s safe to say that it’s an experience. dick already knew a fair amount of english growing up, his father had been a wonderful teacher but it wasn’t exactly up to gotham academy standards apparently (jason knew the feeling) and his accent was still quite prevalent to have him be considered an esl kid, so jason ended up being his tutor once dick started going to english class at school and after his time with an esl instructor. jason, who has an untapped passion for literature that not many can match, is absolutely dedicated to teaching dick, because fuck man this is genius! genius, dick! and dick isn’t exactly a fan, but he does secretly think jason should be a teacher, he’s better then any of the teachers he’s had that’s for sure (his father would’ve really loved jason too, that was also for sure). and dick is considering buying him a little briefcase with his little initials on it. ((it happens, and jason tries really really hard not to cry))
bruce is absolutely that parent that secretly takes pictures of every single moment possible. he isn’t a photographer, in any sense, but he likes to capture natural moments, and he has a series of pictures dedicated to the one trip him and the boys took to Barbados where he started this habit. he wasn’t and still isn’t a big fan of beaches, they’re hot, crowded and just too much for bruce to feel any kind of comfortable in. he remembers sitting under a floppy beach umbrella, feeling the knot in his chest sit heavily on his heart, fire ants scurrying across the underlining of his skin, burning under the side stares of those passing by. it wasn’t until he caught a glimpse of dick riding on jason’s little shoulders, as they trotted around waist deep in the clear ocean water, that the fist squeezing his heart like the rotten fruit it was began to ease. he glanced down at the camera that alfred had subtly slipped into their bag after dicks insistence, and lifted it up to fiddle with it slightly. then raised it up to take a swift picture. capturing jason mid laughter as he leaned back, in a joking attempt to shake dick off who was in the middle of a yelp but had entrenched his hands in jason’s mop of curly hair. it was hilarious imperfect, but bruce would not want it any other way. not at all.
(jason found it once. he saw the picture at the corner of his eye sitting by the keyboard of the ‘Batcomputer’ ((dick was so shitty with names, thank god he didn’t come up with flippy man as his code name )), and he hesitated for a moment before hastily grabbing it. examining it with an unexpected amount of gentleness, he rubbed his thumb against the glass above dick’s hands in his hair and felt something snake around his heart. slowly and methodically seeping into it until he felt like he couldn’t fucking breathe. then he heard damian trotting down the stairs as he explained the details of his anthropology class to dick who was hopping down behind him. jason shoves the picture back and grits his teeth together to ignore the sting that was absolutely not in his eyes)
aAAAND THATS ALL!! i’ve had these in my notes for a while so it’s relief to get them out there hehe so i really hope y’all enjoy ive legit been falling in love with this reverse au bC THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL U G H IVE NEVER BEEN EXCITED TO WRITE SHIT UNTIL NOW SO Y A Y FOR INSPIRATION
Y A Y :)
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Last Laugh (2 of 3)
“Oh, I noticed,” Red X said lowly, tossing the staff aside. “What that idiot was thinking letting Flamebird send you all the way across the country right after Batkid got blown up, I’ll never know.”
Robin flinched back at the accusation before his fists clenched at his sides. “Then you’ll be happy to know no one sent me here. It’s just where I ended up when Batman decided he didn’t want to work with me anymore and tossed me out.”
The story of how Dick ended up with the Titans in Batkid and Robin.
Jason once told Dick that he spent months after he’d come to the manor worrying he’d be dumped back onto the streets at any minute. As a result, he’d kept go-bags hidden around, ready to go at a moment’s notice in hopes that he’d have time to grab one before he was sent away. They each had water bottles and food stolen from the kitchen, bandages from the infirmary, a backup set of clothes, a good blanket, a knife, and some cash he’d save whenever Bruce would give him any.
The others had known about them, of course, but hadn’t said anything. Jason had only known because Bruce would sneak some extra cash into them and Selina would slip in things that could be useful on the streets that he hadn’t considered while Alfred had checked them every so often to refresh the food and make sure he wasn’t filling them with junk food.
Once he’d gotten more comfortable, he’d started giving them up. By the time Bruce had disappeared, all the bags Jason had hidden had been unpacked. He never let go of his need to be prepared, though. So in place of the bags, he had four briefcases. Bulletproof, fireproof, blast-proof, and with encrypted locks, they were filled with paperwork for Jason to use in case he ever needed to go on the run. Each had everything necessary for a fake identity, including corresponding bank account information. All were created outside the family’s influence just in case the reason he needed to lie low was mind control.
Dick had never seen what was inside the first two, didn’t even know where Jason had stashed them, but he knew the third had a file for Casey Jacob Dickinson. Only because the fourth held the file for Casey’s half-brother Ryan Emil Dickinson.
The latter is the one Dick took when he snuck into Jason’s room and pried up the loose floorboard hidden under the dresser in the closet. It was their special secret, something only they shared. Something Jason had trusted Dick and only Dick with.
“Thanks, Jay,” he said, replacing the floorboard. He pushed the dresser back into place then moved to leave, but paused when he spotted the brown jacket hanging by the door.
Dick had gotten it for Jason to match his own red Batkid hoodie. He’d accidentally gotten it in a larger size than Jason usually liked to wear, but that hadn’t stopped his brother from wearing it every time the two of them hung out with just each other.
Running his thumb over the red robin patch on the shoulder, Dick stared at the jacket for a moment before pulling it off the hanger.
They wouldn’t miss it. No one had been in the room in over a month.
Case in hand and jacket slung over his shoulder, he snuck back to his room. He opened the case and pulled out the file. He slipped the ID and debit card into his wallet before putting the file into the lockbox. He carefully folded the jacket and set it into the case along with the small photo album Selina had helped him put together. It held pictures of everyone in the family, including the photo Tim had given him of himself, his parents, Damian, Jon, Duke, Tim, Steph, Jason, Babs, and Cass from that night.
It was the only picture he had of his parents, thanks to the people who ran Gotham Juvenile Detention losing almost everything he’d taken with him from the circus. He had another copy on his nightstand back at the house he, Damian, and Jon shared -- had shared -- in Somerset. The family he’d lost side by side with the family he’d gained. It made him sad every time he saw it, but it was still his favorite.
Except now they were both families he’d lost.
At least if Bruce gets his way.
Dick slammed the case closed and stuck it into the duffle bag next to the lockbox. He locked the box then piled in the clothes he’d already gathered. He tossed his wallet into the bag then zipped it up and shoved it back under the bed.
One last thing to do.
He was halfway to the closest cave entrance when he bumped into Bruce and Selina.
“Hey there, songbird,” Selina greeted.
“Dinner’s almost ready,” Bruce said and reached out to ruffle his hair.
Dick stepped away before he could, then walked past them. “Not hungry.”
“He heard the news, then?”
“I’ll talk to him.”
“I will. I’m the one he’s mad at.”
Dick stomped into the library, ignoring his tail.
“Dick, let’s talk.”
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
“I know you’re upset, but -”
“Then leave me alone.”
“Please just let m-”
“I get it,” Dick snapped, spinning to face the man. “You got what you wanted. You didn’t want Damian to -” To foster him, to bring him into Bruce’s home, to try and make a place for him in the family. He’d heard enough snippets of the arguments Damian and Bruce had had when Bruce came back. He’d always thought Bruce thought Damian was the problem, that he didn’t trust Damian with Dick and planned to take Dick in himself. He’d also thought Bruce had finally accepted that Damian was keeping Dick. Had he been wrong on both counts?
Or had Dick’s actions ruined everything?
“Why couldn’t you just leave us alone?”
“Dick,” Bruce sighed. He knelt in front of Dick and set his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I just want what’s best for you.”
“Anything to get what you want,” Dick snorted and pushed the hand off so he could turn away before Bruce could see his tears.
“Dick, wait.”
A hand caught his wrist and Dick…
He was losing his family again. Jason was dead. Bruce had taken Robin. Damian was sending him back. His only hope was that the others would fight for him, but would they?
If they didn’t, he’d be alone.
And it would be his fault this time.
But it would also be because…
Dick spun around and hit Bruce right in the jaw.
Then he ran.
Tim and Jason had both long outgrown the small vent hidden above a tall bookshelf in the far corner of the library and Dick had never needed to use it, but it still swung easily on the hinges the second Batkid had installed after discovering the hidden nook.
He climbed through and let the vent swing silently shut behind him. He crawled down the shaft until he reached a similar vent. He dropped down into a thin, dusty hallway. Down the hall, around a corner, then down another hall was a small door halfway up the wall. A makeshift ladder led up to it and a hidden lever opened it, revealing Bruce’s study.
Dick dropped out of the hidden passage, letting the door swing shut behind him to meld unnoticeably with the rest of the wall. He twisted the hands of the grandfather clock on the opposite wall and disappeared down into the cave, heading for the vehicle bay.
Dick left while the others were all patrolling and Alfred was taking a break. He used a bike that he’d removed the tracker from and kept all his devices off. He went to a hotel in the Bowery that he knew was shady enough to look the other way when a fourteen-year-old rented a room on his own, but not shady enough to take advantage of it.
He gave it a week, then two, before sneaking onto a roof in Coventry on a night he knew Oracle wouldn’t be working. He turned on the comm he’d brought and listened in. For the most part, everything was just the usual reporting in. However, things changed just before one.
“I’m moving in. Going dark,” Batman said.
“Got it, B-man,” Batgirl chirped. After a moment, in a more somber voice, she said, “So…”
Black Bat groaned and Orphan said, “No.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask!”
“We haven’t heard anything, and we’re not getting involved,” Black Bat said shortly.
“Not our place,” Orphan agreed.
“I know that! I was just wondering if Flamebird’s changed his mind,” Batgirl huffed.
“It’s for the best,” Orphan said after a moment.
“I get that,” Batgirl sighed. “I’m just going to miss the kid. I already miss him, and I know Oracle and Pup do too.”
“We all feel that way, but… I feel bad that he’s losing Robin, but he needs to get away from all this. After everything that’s happened… Flamebird’s right,” Black Bat said softly.
“Robin will be better off there, no matter how much we miss him,” Orphan insisted.
“Yeah, yeah. Have you guys gotten any leads on where he could -”
Dick didn’t hear the rest of Batgirl’s question as he yanked out the comm and smashed it on the ground.
He’d thought… He’d hoped…
But they agreed with Bruce. They agreed with sending him away. They weren’t going to talk Damian around.
Dick pressed his face into his knees and screamed.
He couldn’t stay in Gotham. The Bats would eventually find him, and now he knew that’d be a one-way ticket back to juvie.
He left the hotel in the morning.
Robin had been hesitant to stay with the others. There was no way the Bats hadn’t noticed his involvement in the invasion that had brought their team together. It was better for him to move on as soon as possible
He really hadn't wanted to, though.
They had been an amazing team and had quickly become friends. He also knew they would understand his past if he told them since Wonder Girl was an outcast among most Amazons as a result of her Brazilian heritage, Impulse was dealing with the fact her father was currently lost in the Speed Force, Virus was still trying to reconnect with his people now that he’s free from the Mawlix, and Nightstar had run away from home to get away from her absentee mother’s shadow.
That was the only reason he stayed as long as he had while they began to put together their base using the remains of Virus’s ship.
He was working up to telling the team he had to leave when he stumbled upon Impulse and Wonder Girl talking in the common area.
“It’s a shame, really,” Impulse sighed, clutching a magazine.
“Boohoo,” Wonder Girl snorted, not looking up from her book.
“I’m serious.”
“He’s one boy, and not even a worthwhile one from what I’ve seen.”
“Speedy said White Arrow and Silver Canary have met him, though, and he’s super sweet.” The speedster shoved the magazine towards her face. “Plus, just look at him!”
Wonder Girl shoved it away, rolling her eyes.
“What’s going on?” Robin asked hesitantly.
“Impulse is crying because some famous pretty boy is going away to boarding school.”
The speedster shot her a look then turned sad eyes on Robin. “It’s Richard Grayson!”
Ice shot down Robin’s spine. “What?”
“Yeah, the Waynes are shipping him off to some school overseas,” she said, waving the magazine towards him and he took it. “The family wouldn’t say where since they wanted…”
Robin fell back on his training to keep his face blank and his hands steady as he scanned through the article.
They knew where he was, and they were covering it up. They had come up with a grand lie about him going to school in England to explain his absence.
They weren’t coming for him.
“Poor guy,” he said, closing the magazine and handing it back.
“See, Robin gets it!” he heard Impulse say as he turned and left.
Small Easter Eggs: The briefcase from Teen Titans episode "Revved Up" and Dick punching Bruce from The New Batman Adventures episode "Old Wounds".
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Dark Knight {Part 2}
So since a few people actually liked my Batman mafia au, here's is part two. I intend to keep this going but the chapter will be more like drabbles since im already writting a long chapter fic. Hehe I hope you enjoy ❤️ I know this is chaotic trash bear with me
Warnings: none though this is pure hurt with no comfort at all
Pairing: Levi x reader
Tags: mafia!au Batman!au
Part one here
Sunny days in Gotham were rare as the most valuable diamond, in a way that it was metaphoric even. A city full of thugs and mobsters, serial killers, vigilantes that dresses as bats and dark birds, didn't really deserve the sun to shine on it, much like a diamond, a simple shiny rock didn't deserve to be so overpriced for all the blood that has been lost on it.
As the heat penetrated his camel leather jacket, Levi particularly couldn't shake the sick comparison out of his head. Penguin had a massive muchine gun shipping tonight and he had only one mission. Simple to utter, difficult to succeed. In plain words he had to steal a black diamond crystal from the Smith Manor and he should go unnoticed due to the gala that was going to be held. Isabel and Farlan hadn't had their faces plastered everywhere like him, was he to plainly enter with a fake invitation, Erwin would know who he was and the crazed vigilantes would come in no time to get him.
However the infamous Penguin had personally assigned him with another task, one that he wasn't allowed to speak to anyone about. A check mate move from his part, one that would surely earn him the highest rank in Gotham's hierarchy.
'If only you could slice Erwin throat, right then, before everyone. Make a bloody mess, make them know I call the shots in this town.'
The words that rung in his head repeatedly like a sick mantra were driving him insane by every passing second. Were Erwin's son's going to be there to watch him get killed, most importantly, were you? The last things he ever said to you before you fled that night only supposed the differences in your positions in this game of cat and mouse. Thus his hands shook at the thought of you being there. You were a weakness he wished he didn't have to come face to face with.
But luck wasn't really going to give it to him.
Out of all places, all shopping flees in this massive three district town you had to be in West Harlow, accompanied by none other than Jean Kirstein. The two of you looked eerly similar, much to his despise.
Your hair was shorter than two months ago, dyed in an ebony color that was more unforgiving than his. An oversized t-shirt covered most of your form and a pair ofplain wash jeans peaked from underneath. In turn, he, wore a shirt that was too tight for torso, muscle peaking out from every single corner and his black pants clung in perfectly to his form.
Despite having the same age as Jean and half of his trauma and scars, Levi looked at least ten years older. With his oversized black jeans, his white shirt that he had purposely chose to fit too big for him and a jacket similar to what Jean wore as his alias he felt like a shorter, plain copy of him. And you were the reason.
Was he really comparing himself to the batkids these days? For you out of all people?
Despite wanting to glue his lips together to prevent them for calling out your name, he found himself in a place where he couldn't stop the words from falling off the top of his tongue. Some plain syllabuses, a lingering heartbreak to the name, it was feeling like a dream.
"Ackerman?" It was the brunet male who had spoken. Levi hadn't taken notice that he still rocked the look Erwin had forced on him years ago to imitate the first Robin.
Jean was quick to notice the awkward stares between you and ravenette. If he knew something in his life then that was pain, and it was plastered silently on both of your faces. That mission had broke you, stripped you if your own self and Erwin paid no mind to make you stop, not even when Levi had found out.
Levi stiffened as the two of you walked towards him. The smile on Jean's face contrasted the frown on yours and the movements you were making were unsynced, almost as if you weren't together in the way he thought, almost as if a formation forced on you had been broken.
"How are you these days?" Jean inquired with a raised brow.
"You should know."
The need for the lack of will to spare you a glance broke him. With his chest rising up and down erratically his breaths were running short, causing his head to feel lightweight. His gaze was fixed on your strained combat boots, seldomly settling to the black leather jacket in your hands. He could feel sweat drop from his forehead but he didn't know if it was from the immense heat or your mere presence. He didn't have it in him to even try to find out.
You looked at him as if you knew about everything he couldn't talk about. Tonight's mission, the machine gun shipping, if the shenanigan setting was any different he wouldn't have hesitated to take an advance on you and tell you how you pierced his head like that. You couldn't be a metahuman as well, he couldn't bear to hear about another hidden part of you. It made his head sting on waves of pain.
With wide eyes he watched as you leapt to him, the moment his fist clung onto.his forehead. The action of sympathy couldn't go unnoticed by him but he had to try and push you back.
"Levi, I- im sorry" Sorry for what?
Unbeknownst to whatever you were referring to he sank his lower lips behind his teeth, biting hard enough to keep his mouth shut. No matter the bruise that he could feel forming on the discolored prominent piece of flesh, he kept biting in agony.
"Tch" he clicked his tongue in annoyance "Get your filthy hand off of me, this is the only warning."
The touch he had longed for so long was gone before he could manage to blink his very eyes. Perhaps your eagerness to stay away from him to his command proved you were nothing but a pawn in this game of vigilance and true crime. Nontheless he watched as you clutched your palm into your chest, salvaging the tingling sensation of his touch. It didn't go unnoticed.
"Take good care of your self." You spoke in a low, melancholic tone, your eyes never resting exactly were he wanted them. Had he been too focused on what Jean spoke he would have missed the silent 'tonight' you managed to slip out.
As you walked past him his heart stopped, hiding behind his stoic and unbothered expression seemed ideal for the moment even though you never looked back at him as you marched in the opposite direction. It was clear now. Tonight would be a rather harsh night and they were already onto him. He only hoped he didn't have to fight you to get his job done.
My requests are open and I might be in need for heartbreaking angst so you know what to do if you liked this, I promise this Batman thing's only self-indulgence👉👈
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dented-nado · 4 years
We’ll Always Have Each Other
I’M BACK! AND I WROTE A THING [Have an angsty fic with the aftermath of Bruce nearly dying - and also me trying to write Damian for the first time... ... ever] Warning for MC death although it’s brief and a slight existential crisis - but this fic is mostly about family bonding and how Bruce really isn’t a loner. (some swb mentions if you squint) ---- ---
It happened so fast… so sharp he both felt it and wasn’t sure he felt anything. Ears feeling like they were stuffed with cotton.
He stared at the sharp bit of metal that he had been stabbed with that was sticking out of his torso, not knowing what to think of it… or maybe now unable to think about it at all.
As Bruce felt his vision go black, he heard a laugh… what sounded like Dick yelling…
Was Damian screaming? Damian didn’t have large outbursts, so that couldn’t be right. Someone cradled his head, and he heard what sounded like Tim crying as he whispered.
“no no… no .. please don’t go…”
And that was it… nothing more. Not a thought not a sound. Except maybe a light… or many lights… or even just two, he wasn’t sure.
He heard whispering above him, his body felt… numb, mind blurry… there were several people around him, he knew that.
“Bruce?” Clark called for him, his voice sounded distant, but it was there.
Light began seeping back into his eyes as he slowly opened them, he winced slightly at the sudden brightness in the room around him. There were many faces staring down at him…he subconsciously took stock as the parent of many kids often did.
Dick… Tim… Stephanie… Duke… Cass… Barbara… Alfred… Clark… Diana… J’onn…
All of them looked like they had been crying, all held mixed expressions of distress and relief.
“Did I die?”  Bruce thought.
 It was an odd thought, and he realized if he had been dead he didn’t really remember what it was like, only that it had happened.
Then he remembered hearing a scream.
“Where…?” He winced, feeling an ache in his abdomen
Where was Damian?
“Don’t try to talk a lot yet B… you have to not move a lot for a while.” Clark hushed.
“You were impaled, but you were lucky that the metal you were pierced with managed to miss your vital organs and major blood vessels.” J’onn explained calmly, knowing that would inevitably be Bruce’s next question.
Bruce looked around blearily. They had to have him on some powerful pain killers, especially since they likely had to take Bruce’s tendency to muscle through pain with his own brand of concentrated pain killers into account.
He must have passed out when he tried to blink, because when he opened his eyes again, he just saw Dick sitting in a chair next to him reading a book. He seemed to notice Bruce stirring and looked over with a small smile.
“Hey.” Bruce wheezed.  His voice was weak but the aching pain wasn’t as bad.
“How long…”
“About a week.” Dick answered. “You’ve stirred and started mumbling a few times, but you kind of had to stay put so you could be treated and heal and all that jazz. We’ve all been visiting and hanging out with you, even if you’re a loner and all.”
The corners of Bruce’s lips quirked up. He slowly began trying to see if he could sit up , but he decided not to push it. He sighed, not looking forward to the recovery time of trying to move around again.
“Where’s Damian?” Bruce was finally able to ask.
Dick took a deep breath. Setting his book down. “He demanded he be put in one of the watchtower cells. He’s insisting on “turning himself in.”
Bruce almost shot up before remembering he couldn’t really move fast right now. “What?? Why?”
“Well… when we all thought … you know… you were dead, the kid kind of lost it, not that I blame him, I kinda… did too… and he, you know… did his miniature assassin thing and uh… The Joker is dead. And ‘cause he killed, he thinks you’d be disappointed or mad at him. So he’s uh… insisting he be “punished”.” Dick confessed.
Bruce’s heart sank.
“Clark tried to talk to him, I tried to talk to him, Tim left him alone… His eyes lit up when he heard your okay but he said and I quote “Please inform father that I fully intend to pay for disobeying him.” “
Bruce groaned. Wishing he could leap up right that second and tell Damian he wasn’t mad… not even slightly… but apparently this was another one of those moments where him and Damian were more stubbornly similar than they were different.
“Do you think you could convince him to come see me?” Bruce asked.
Dick shrugged. “I can sure try.”
“Thanks chum.”
Dick smiled and patted his dad on the shoulder as he stood up in response and went off to try and get his youngest brother to face Bruce now that he was up and more coherent.
Bruce breathed deeply. Wondering briefly, if death had really been nothingness or he just couldn’t, or was physically unable to remember whatever it was he encountered. That was an existential crisis he’d put off for another day.
When Damian came in, Dick right behind him, the boy was hanging his head. He saw Damian nervously take a glance up to him. He saw his son’s eyes were red… and he was trying to hide it.
“Damian…” He tried to begin.
“Father… I…” Damian interrupted, hanging his head. “I have killed, even though it was against your wishes. I have disobeyed you, and I will accept any punishment you have for me.”
Damian was obviously trying to speak in a slightly disconnected tone, but Bruce could see his hands trembling.
“Damian, I’m not mad. I’m worried about you.” Bruce replied softly.
Damian’s head shot up, and now Bruce could officially see now that the boy’s eyes were wet. “But-!” He protested.
“Shh. Come here.” Bruce beckoned, holding his arm out weakly.
Damian hesitated, glancing up at Dick who nodded at him before slowly moving over to his father’s side. Bruce trapped him in a sideways hug that made Damian jump slightly.
“When Jason ‘died’, the first thing I did was grab a gun.” Bruce confessed slowly.
Both Dick and Damian looked at him shocked. He had never opened up about this, but he supposed now was the time. Dick sat back down in his chair quietly to listen.
“I was going to shoot that clown right in the head, maybe torture him a bit before doing it for taking my child away from me. But you know who stopped me?”
“Who?” Damian asked.
“Clark did.”
“The alien??”
Bruce gave him a slightly disapproving look.
Damian shifted slightly looking guilty and corrected himself. “Yes, Clark, Superman… why did he stop you?”
“Because he knew I’d regret it, not because Joker shouldn’t die or should serve justice for what he’s done… but because he knew revenge wouldn’t make it hurt any less… and that I’d regret it because I’d have to live with the fact that the Joker finally got to me, and the trauma from taking a life might do me in for good.” Bruce confessed. “Especially since picking up a gun was something I never ever wanted to do.”
Damian looked down, leaning into Bruce slightly. “When… When I destroyed him, I thought that avenging your death would make it better. But it didn’t. Because you were still gone, and I had broken my promise to you.” He mumbled quietly. “I failed to be strong like you… and resist the temptation.”
Bruce hugged him tighter. “No, you didn’t fail. I’m not disappointed, or mad. I understand. You had a normal… human… reaction.”
“He’s right Dami, in that moment… when that happened, if it hadn’t been you… it would have been me, or Tim, or any of us really. You saw the way Superman looked even when he came. You were just the fastest.”
“It’s not your fault that a very sick person got a high out of getting reactions out of people by killing or harming those they care about.” Bruce comforted. “As I’ve learned… Valuing life… and family, is not weakness.”
Damian was trembling again, obviously still trying to hide anything he was feeling. “But father… you said it yourself, because he got me to react… he won.”
Bruce shook his head. “No, he hasn’t won. Not yet. We can heal from the scars he left behind, on us, on our family, on Gotham, and eventually, we can make sure he’ll be forgotten, we won’t let him have a lasting effect on us, not anymore. We won’t give him that satisfaction, because we’ll still have each other. Okay?”
Damian looked at Bruce with wide eyes and slowly nodded. Bruce pulled his son up so he could hug him tight with both arms.
“I love you, and I’m proud of you, I’m so proud of all of you, you all mean a lot to me, and I’m never going to leave you or my family like that again.”
This seemed to be what finally caused Damian to break, for all the floodgates that were being held back to burst open. He buried his face in his dad’s chest, clinging to him as all the stress, guilt, grief, and fear came flooding out, no longer caring enough about pride to hide that he was crying.
Bruce felt Dick wrap his arms around both of them, ruffling Damian’s hair just as he did.
Then, like a stampede, the door burst open causing the three of them to jump as they were piled on with a group hug as the batkids, Alfred, Clark, Diana, and several members of the league ran in excitedly at seeing Bruce up, being just careful enough to make sure they didn’t re-hurt Bruce as they piled onto the group hug.
Bruce smiled as he heard a small but rare laugh from Damian, and maybe understood now why Clark and Diana seemed to light up when Bruce himself smiled or laughed. He now only hoped that any sounds of laughter they heard from now on would be from each other and out of happiness and joy.
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