#i draw these little encouragement things a lot but I never post them
hahskeleton · 30 days
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Here’s a little Sun I drew for the end of school and boy was it exhausting! (I still have two more days left of school but yk)
I haven’t colored anything on paper recently. I’m always afraid I’m gonna ruin it or smth i guess-
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mrs-snape5984 · 10 days
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“There is no other love, it's only yours…”
“You're all I want, all I love…” (“You’re all I want” by Cigarettes after Sex)
Yesterday I had a really rough day. It didn’t just feel like one of my regular “PEM-Crash-Days” (PEM = post-exertional malaise = the worsening of symptoms after crossing the boundaries of my condition, due to my disease ME/CFS). The whole day was also coated in a thick layer of sadness and grief…an emotional turmoil, which I could only barely endure. Well…mixing these feelings with another wave of fever and pain, seasoned with the incapacity of tolerating screen time, adding the suffocating sensation of loneliness….et voilà! The perfect recipe for a day in hell was created! 🙄
In order to cope with my emotions, I found myself drowning in my fantasies of teenage Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules…rewriting one of their short fictional scenes. Again, Severus was tormented by his own insecurities, getting carried away in self-loathing. I don’t know, how many times I’ve already written scenes like these. Jules encourages Severus to stay resilient, praising him for all those traits, which he only identifies as his flaws and weaknesses. But for Jules, there’s so much beauty, so much strength in his imperfections. She’s making his blemishes look like the most loveable attributes of Severus’ personality with her passionate speech.
When I wrote this little scene, I recognised something: I already knew, that I’m identifying myself a lot with Severus…but Jules’ words of encouragement and consolation to her beloved friend Sevy…well, they’re are also things, I would crave to hear for myself (how pathetic, huh?!). But since I’m struggling immensely with the acceptance of my own insecurities and fears, I’m not able to reassure myself of my own worth. It’s just not on the table for me!
So…I’ll just keep on telling Severus in my stories, that he deserves nothing less than the whole world…and that Jules will always try to make him feel loved and cared for. She will never stop to compare his flaws with her own weaknesses by explaining to him, how perfectly they’re matching. Jules will never grow tired to assure Severus, that his cynicism is the perfect complement to her sense of sarcasm. For the Slytherin girl, it's a clear sign for Sevy’s extremely high intellect, which is also something, that she adores about her friend. In Jules’ eyes, his bitterness mirrors a form of hypersensitivity, a characteristic, which she knows so well from herself. That’s why she’s acting so empathetically with Severus, whenever he’s suffering with his life…and Jules is convinced, that sharing those feelings will make them less unbearable! The girl even praises Severus’ stubbornness by telling him, that she’s enjoying every good and intelligent argument with him to clear the air between them. All together, Severus’ imperfections are pure perfection to the hopelessly devoted (and obviously love-struck 😅) girl.
I’m aware of the overdramatic nature and the unnecessary fluffiness of my short stories, but that’s the reason, why I’m writing them for my eyes only. It’s my form of a coping mechanism…the only way of allowing myself some kind of self-assurance and comfort…through Severus!
Some time ago, I found an artist here on tumblr, who made me fall head over heels for her tender style of drawing my beloved dungeon bat. Especially an artwork of her interpretation of the younger Snape made my heart ache with longing for him, so of course, I just had to commission @pssherri for an illustration of Severus and my OC Jules in their teenage years.
Sonja, you did an amazing job with this project and I can’t express, how grateful I am for your kindness and the dedication to your profession! It was a pleasure to cooperate with you on this idea of mine and I hope, you’ll be open to work on more of my requests some day. Thank you for everything, my dear!
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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glitter-alienz · 2 months
Question abt OV!Lita! You've drawn them w Donnie, but what does the rest of the family think of her? :0
here's a thing i drew couple of months back that's pretty much how leo is with lita VS how raph is with lita
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and here's an answer but its pretty long!! ⤵️
she's raised by the whole family (mostly splinter & leo) since donnie didnt really see lita as his child, bcuz she kinda isnt,, she's a failed attempt at cloning him. and he struggled to take care of her (bro can barely takes care of himself) so splinter did 70% of the work. and splinter loves lita a lot and spends a lot of time with her as a baby, he missed when his sons were small. and so they're close but lita can be mean to him sometimes (she's just a mean kid in general,, and splinter is very sensitive).
April gets cute aggression when she sees lita and likes to buy her stuff. casey thinks lita is the funniest kid ever.
as for the turtles, Raph is lita's favourite person ever, because she encourages lita to be an evil little shit <3 she's the fun aunt that lets you do stuff youre not allowed to 👍🏾 and when chompy is adopted by raph and mona (years later) she babysits chompy.
Leo is the closest to her and he is super protective over her. he baby proofs the entire lair the moment lita learns to crawl lol. and he is constantly arguing with donnie who is too relaxed with lita and lets her stay in his lab unsupervised.
anyways, this is too long srry,,, [TMNTOV Masterpost]
lita likes mikey,, he's her second favourite. But mikey wasn't always great with her. at first, the others wouldn't let him pick her up and he didn't mind that bcuz he was too scared to hurt her,, and she was super tiny. but then after lita is a bit older he turns into the world's greatest uncle. they play and draw with her a lot. and he's super chill so lita likes him,, he never says no to her because she uses her big shiny bug eyes. Also mooey loves dressing lita up, see this post where he gives her a massive bow
original ⤵️ (also thanks for the ask!!)
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ravioliet · 2 months
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ok so let me be cringe on main for a minute here (this is a joke btw i know cringe isn't real). odd squad mlp au for your consideration
please ask me questions about this by the way i have so much for this. i'll put some of the basic info (it's a lot more than that now but in my defense it started as a basic summary) and a few more drawings under the cut though please look at it with your eyes thank you
so for some basic explanations we have Olive who is a unicorn, Otto who is a pegasus, Olympia who is a part unicorn earth pony (which i'll explain in a sec), and Otis who is a full blooded pegasus (which i'll also explain the importance of in a moment). i haven't drawn Ms. O, Oscar or Oona yet but they are an alicorn (formerly an earth pony), a unicorn, and an earth pony respectively
Olive and Otto are the only two that i've come up with cutie mark designs for so far (they are so hard to design..) but Olympia and Otis have them too, they just get them mid-season. specifically after the talent show. i'm designing them side by side so that they kinda match because they get them at the same time and also they're besties your honor, but anyways theirs are a little fireworks design and some sort of a swan design because y'know. the ugly duckling story. and also i think part of his talent is dancing and like swan lake exists etc etc. and yes this does mean that he's a little bit scared of his own cutie mark at times but he just tries not to think about it and usually covers it with his wings anyway. all four of their cutie mark meanings are kinda abstract personality trait related things
Olive got hers after stopping the pienado because character development moments, which also kinda means that she's sorta tied to Todd because of this which she Does Not Like. i'll need to make a whole other post about Todd in this au because he's definitely a guy, but anyways while they were partners Olive was a blank flank and despite how good at his job he was Todd was one too and it was like one of the only things they really had in common, but it also ends up being one of the reasons he goes rogue because not only is Todd bored but he's also frustrated because he's tried everything he can think of and won every award he possibly can and he still doesn't have a cutie mark even though he feels like he definitely should by now because this has to be his talent. why would he be so good at it if it wasn't? he doesn't get his cutie mark until after he reforms btw, because before then he was either too certain about his talent being something else or too busy causing trouble to entertain himself that he never really took the time to stop and discover that his actual interest was gardening and that's when he finally gets his cutie mark. in my head i have this alternate version of Otis's tomato speech where when Todd is like "i'm Odd Todd it's who i am" Otis is just like "that's not what your cutie mark says" and it's very silly but anyways i'm gonna circle this back around to Olive real quick
so on top of Todd's cutie mark being in gardening he also has a sort of side meaning as well in the sense that he's a little bit like the CMC and has a sort of knack for encouraging character growth in others whether he realizes it or not because. encouraging plants to grow.. encouraging people to grow... the whole villain rehab thing...... you see what i'm getting at here. but the funny thing is the first pony he really did this to was Olive and it was completely unintentional. he didn't know that she would get her cutie mark by stopping him, at least not consciously, but she did. it probably takes him quite some time before he actually puts together the fact that he's had that talent the whole time.
Otto's cutie mark is a lot sillier. he actually doesn't know how he got it or what it means (as mentioned earlier it's symbolic but he doesn't know that. also shoutout to Shroom aka Evillandscaper for suggesting a paper crane because i did NOT know what i was gonna make it) he just kinda walked into work one day and Olive was like "oh cool you got your cutie mark?" and Otto was just like "WAIT I GOT MY CUTIE MARK?????" cue a whole silly filler episode involving the two of them trying to figure out what it means and also Olive having a crisis over the fact that Otto can do that pegasus thing where they use their wings like cartoon hands. both of these become running bits from then on. also i drew this comic about it and it might be one of my favorite things i've made for this au honestly
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and on the topic of cutie marks as i previously mentioned, Olympia and Otis both get theirs after the talent show and they're also matching a little bit. theirs are also personality things but in addition to that Otis's is also for dancing and Olympia's is for magic, and you may be wondering how an earth pony can be a magic talent and this is where that half unicorn thing comes in!
so Olympia is half unicorn half earth pony which i don't think is too uncommon on its own, but the thing that makes her weird is that she inherited traits from both sides instead of just one over the other, so she actually has unicorn magic but no horn to actually use it with so she's unable to cast actual spells or anything but her magic will kinda spill over at times, especially if she's emotional, and cause things to happen like that one time she exploded into glitter when interviewing Olive or of course the fireworks! she's kind of like the Pinkie Pie character who just does unexplained things sometimes she's just very silly. fun fact in her ref you can see that her mane and tail are sparkly and that's because they kinda just perpetually look like they have glitter in them, but the thing is it's not really glitter it's all just magic. i imagine her coat is like this as well but i just didn't draw it in
also as a side note it came to my attention that she bears an uncanny similarity to Sparkleworks from G3 and i have absolutely no idea how that happened At All. like they have the same cutie mark and everything it's so weird. i've never even watched G3 i'm a G4 kid i legitimately have no clue how the hell this happened. i did make this out of it though
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anyways for Otis, he's a pegasus of course but he's specifically a Cloudsdale weather pegasus, which yes i did make up but hear me out. so basically in my mind pegasi born in somewhere like Cloudsdale are more likely to have weather talents or like. stronger abilities in controlling the weather and such, which means stuff like larger wings and weatherproof wings and feathers to make it easier to deal with storms and stuff like that, so basically all this is just an excuse for me to give Otis waterproof feathers like a duck. but anyways since he was still raised by the ducks he doesn't actually know he's from Cloudsdale or anything so he just thinks he's weird for the feathers thing
okay i have. way more but i'm cutting myself off here so i don't overload everyone with information but anyways, please ask me about them, and also here's some extra drawings i've done of them :3
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey guys btw there is actually never a good reason to loudly and publicly talk about how much u dislike a fanfic!! Like. let's break this down for a sec:
i don't like it
ok, understandable. i've dnf'd lots of fics because i didn't like them. but the people writing fanfiction are doing it for free and for fun, and you don't know anything about their lives. they could be a young writer just starting out! they could be an older writer getting back into writing after years of being unable to! they could be someone going through a rough patch whose only source of joy right now is writing their silly little stories! talking about how much you dislike a fanfic literally does nothing except hurt the person writing it. that's it. it is not productive, it is not necessary. even strangers on the internet deserve basic human empathy.
ok but i really don't like it
babe, i feel u! i'm a hater too. rant about it privately. shit on it in private messages or group chats with friends. u can dislike something without dragging its creator into the town square to throw tomatoes at them, yknow?
ok but i really don't like it AND it's popular
ok? shouting about that on the internet doesn't make you cool or special or unique. it just makes you kind of mean and, honestly, bitter. like i said before, this is fanfiction. nobody is paying for it. nobody is profiting. there is no standard that these writers are obligated to meet. clearly, other people like the work. why not let them enjoy it in peace?
no u don't understand it doesn't deserve to be popular there are better fics that deserve it more!!!
talk about those fics then!! post about how much u love them!! uplift those writers!! ur tweet or tiktok or tumblr post is not going to suddenly make a popular fic lose all popularity, no matter how undeserving u perceive it to be. if this is actually coming from a place of frustration because you feel like there are other fics that deserve more attention, then just give those fics attention.
no but it's problematic
mmm ok. let's sit with this one for a second. i want you to ask yourself--is it really, really problematic? is it perpetuating harm against a marginalized group? remember, this is fanfic; it is outside the consumer economy, and the stories it tells will almost never make it to a mainstream audience. so is the story actually hurting people, or is the author just exploring something that you're uncomfortable with? because if you're just uncomfortable, then assuming the work is tagged properly, the best course of action is to just click away. as uncomfortable as it may be, people are allowed to write stories that you might find upsetting or gross or weird, and those stories existing is not inherently harmful in and of itself.
it is actively reinforcing harmful stereotypes/rhetoric/etc
okay! ok. if you are deeply concerned because you feel that this fic is genuinely harmful, then go to the writer. leave a comment. send them a message on tumblr or twitter or tiktok or wherever. explain your situation and see what they say! nine times out of ten, i'd bet that an ao3 writer means no harm and would be willing to listen and address your concerns. in fact, they might even be grateful to you for being kind enough to make them aware of a problem and educate them on it. every ao3 writer i've ever spoken to is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person; you don't need to immediately go on the attack
the writer is unreachable/nonresponsive/not willing to address or change the problematic thing
alright. if you truly feel that this fanfiction is actively harmful and can't reach any kind of conclusion with the writer, and you want to warn others who might read the fic, then do that. do that. make a post that says hey guys btw, x thing in this fic is not a good representation/perpetuates a harmful stereotype/whatever the problem is. and leave it at that! you don't need to go further and insult the writing or the person who wrote it. that is helpful to exactly no one, and if your goal is actually to make the world a better place, then you should learn how to draw attention to an issue in a way that encourages actual dialogue instead of dog-piling and personal attacks.
anyway the next time you feel the desire to post about how bad you think a fic is, feel free to use this as a guide before u do! xoxo
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mylarena · 1 year
i dont see enough soulmate aus so. inspired by this post by @hyperfixationwizard, soulmate au where drawings and ink on skin show up on ur soulmates skin (not scars bc there would be so fucking much going on with that and im not gonna write abt itdgthfgh)
anyways. soap has always love doodling- with anything. pencil, pen, crayon, marker, whatever he could get his hands on. he’d doodle on anything and everything. the walls (when he was a kid, mainly), paper, cardboard, desks in school, napkins... but by far, his favorite was to draw on his own skin. the thought of his work showing up on someone else, someone he was practically made for and they for him- something that they could share, something that they could keep secret and hold close to their chests- it was enough to make him giddy.
so, he doodled. a pretty flower he saw on his walk to school, curling around his wrist. a bird perched on the bench across from him at the park, taking flight on the back of his hand. the stray cat that hung out on his porch, draped across his thigh. sometimes if he didnt have a notebook with him, messy schematics and notes for devices- no, ma, thats not an explosive, he swears- scrawled on his forearm.
he never sees anything from his soulmate- he checks every single day for any new marks, any words, but he never finds any. still, he keeps drawing. it doesnt usually get to him, the fact that his soulmate doesnt give him responses, but sometimes he cant help but think too much. he wonders if his soulmate likes the drawings, which leads to the thought of them not liking them, or finding them annoying, or if they think theyre bad.
one day, he caves under his thoughts and writes his first question to his soulmate, right under a bundle of primroses- “do you want me to stop?”
he waits anxiously for hours, not knowing if he’ll be able to feel the reply, or if he has to look for it, or if there even will be one-
then he feels it- a sort of pins-and-needles sensation on his left arm. he frantically rolls up his sleeve and his eyes are immediately drawn to the letters that appear on his skin. once the writing stops, he stares with wide eyes at the single word left behind- shaky, smudged, and a bit runny in some spots-
and so he doesnt stop.
he keeps drawing, slowly moving from small little doodles of primroses on his arms and songbirds on his hands to sprawling meadows that wrap around his forearms and ravens spreading their wings across his thighs. sometimes he adds words- always short encouragements, positive quotes, or funny thoughts he has. he never gets responses, but he knows that his soulmate is still around by the occasional ink smudge that appears. anytime one appears, he incorporates them into a drawing. sometimes its a silly little doodle, and other times he spends hours creating beautiful, complex landscapes centered around them.
for years, his soulmate holds their silence. soap doesnt mind. he knows that they appreciate his art and words. at least, thats the thought he holds onto. he never holds it against his soulmate- the whole not-responding thing. hes well aware that he can be a lot to handle; hes heard it constantly from the majority of the people in his life. he just hopes that maybe his soulmate can tolerate him more than most.
he was 14 when things changed.
he had gotten home from school, completely ignoring his parents in the kitchen and opting to power walk to his room. it had been a shitty day; he had overslept and missed the bus, causing him to be late to class, and then some dickwads from the year above him decided that he was a good target to snag lunch money from, (really? stealing a kids lunch money? why would they pick something so fucking cliche? god, get some fresh material,) and to top it all off he got a shit grade on his book report.
as usual, his solution to a bad mood is to draw, get his emotions out on a page instead of letting them linger in his mind. unlike usual, though, he decides to bypass his notebook and instead grabs a pen, chooses a clear spot on his arm.
it took a while, but he finally ran out of steam to continue- it had been nearly two hours since he began. he was about to walk over to his bed and flop face down into his pillow when he felt it- the pins-and-needles of words being written that he had only felt once before. his eyes zeroed in on his arm, right under the drawing he had finished.
“two goldfish are in a tank. one turns to the other and asks, ‘do you know how to drive this thing?’”
soap snorts, more due to the situation than the shitty joke itself- and rushes to grab his pen again. no chance he was letting this opportunity slip by.
“why was the strawberry crying?”
“because he was in a jam.”
and so the night continued like that- they exchanged shitty jokes back and forth for hours that night, up until soap was called for dinner.
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emillyverse · 3 months
Some warnings + Chapter 1 Progress!!!!!
You didn't expect to see me updating KoW so soon, did you???
I usually post updates on Saturday or Sunday, but I'll be traveling so I decided to leave the previews today.
In fact, this trip is the warning I have to give. I will be away from my work desk and my materials for a few days (I don't know exactly how many but between one and two weeks), therefore I will not be able to make progress on the Comic during this period.
This is sad I know. But look on the bright side, I'm going to get a lot of rest and return to work with renewed energy!!!
Anyway, without further ado, let's get to what everyone wants to see:
( Written by @annymation , design by @uva124 )
Check out part 1 here.
"The two brothers grew up and, with their father's teachings, became powerful sorcerers."
"But when the big day arrived, Florian was crowned king, as Magnus still didn't feel confident and claimed that something was missing in his life; something that gave him strength and courage!"
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"It was then that Magnus met Amaya."
"The most beautiful maiden he had ever seen had been found adrift in a boat and taken shelter in the castle by order of King Florian."
"As a form of gratitude for the hospitality, Amaya began to serve the court as a royal alchemist and, as the days went by, she ended up winning Magnus' heart, finally making him feel like he could do...anything".
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"Encouraged by his new love, Magnus decided to travel in search of adventure, leaving the kingdom to prosper in Florian's hands."
"But then, a tragedy happened. When Magnus returned to Rosas he discovered that his brother had passed away due to illness. A painful loss for the entire kingdom, which was made worse by Florian not having legitimate heirs"
"Magnus was moved. He could not let the magnificent legacy of his beloved brother and predecessors end like this."
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"Feeling confident with Amaya by your side, Magnus took over the throne and changed the way wishes were granted monthly, doing dozens of them a week, making them float back to your Wish Makers, during the night"
The Kingdom was so happy and grateful that they began to name their new rulers with nicknames that reflected their magnificence and passion, thus making them known as King Magnífico and Queen Amable.
"The end".
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Sabino: "I admire your taste in complex stories, Asha, but... Hmm...Don't you think this is too complicated for you?"
Asha: "I thought it was a fantasy book, but it's just romance. Yuck!”
Sabino: "Never judge a book by its cover, darling! What you have here is a history book."
Asha: "But he doesn't explain things very well.Where does Queen Amaya come from? And the king's staff?What disease did Florian die from?"
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Sabino: "Well, Asha, let's see..."
"First, the queen is very private about her past, we have to respect that."
"Second. That staff is just a souvenir the king got on his travels."
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Sabino: "And third. Sometimes bad things just... happen... without explanation."
"And there's nothing we can do about it."
"Unless you move on..."
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To be continued...
And understood. Remembering that, like Anny, I'm Brazilian, but unlike her, I don't understand English and I'm always using Google translate, so maybe there are some mistakes. But Anny and you are always welcome to point out mistakes and correct me!
That's it for today and until after my little vacation Lmao 😅 I'll still be online to answer any questions or curiosities you may have, or simply to see posts and rewrites in which they mark me. I love interacting with this fun and tight-knit community of Wish Concept Art fans!
Anyway, goodbye!!
Kisses full of light and stars!
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e-vay · 3 months
Hello hello! How are you? I hope you're well! First of all I must say that I am a huge fan of your art, and you are my greatest inspiration, thank you for that. ❤️
My question is: Do you have any advice for those who are starting to post their art online or are afraid to do so? I have been drawing for many years, literally everyone tells me to share my drawings but it terrifies me! These days I'm drawing a lot and I want to start posting, but I'm still a little afraid. Do you have any good advice?
Thank you so much! That means so much to me ❤️
I think the most important thing to determine for yourself is why you're afraid of doing something (in this case, posting your art online). It's natural to feel nervous about doing something new and worrying about if people will judge you, so that's a totally normal fear and something you can overcome if you choose to address it. But if there's something else in your gut telling you not do something, then you should trust yourself. Don't put yourself or your work online if you aren't comfortable with it, no matter what anyone says!
If you're only feeling nervous because you're worried about what people will think of your drawing skills, I don't think that should hold you back. We tend to be our own worst critics and a lot of people out there (myself included) don't always focus on the technical skills when we're looking at art online. Sometimes we just enjoy great stories or ideas or simply just being able to see the joy that it brought you to draw it. Some of my favorite posts are just little doodles people have done but I can tell they had so much fun with it, it just lights up my heart.
There are always going to be people on the internet with negative things to say just because they have the anonymity to do so. It's hard to shake mean comments off, especially if it's about something you worked really hard on, but it's best to just ignore them and let it go. Chances are it's not actually about you or your work at all, it's just something stupid that the anon did because they were bored.
Personally, I've really thrived as an artist and as an individual since I started posting online back in my deviantART days (god i'm old lol). The good FAR outweighs the bad for me. I get to gush about my hyper-specific interests with people who are just as fascinated by those interests as me, I've made some lifelong friends and I've learned a lot about how to better my art, too. It gave me the courage to share my talent with the world, to the point where I even ended up tabling at several comic conventions and selling my art at local comic shops. I don't think I would have had the confidence to do those things if I hadn't been in the habit of sharing my art online for years.
Again though, if something feels off to you and there's a reason you are avoiding posting, then don't do it. You should never feel pressured to put yourself out there if it risks your mental/emotional health and safety.
Take care and if all you needed was a little encouragement, I hope this helped!
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ephemeral-roses · 1 month
Since it's been months, I am now forcing myself to be a brave little boy to post my process on my version of Ares, along with some art of Aphrodite. And sorry if the post is tagged weirdly, I still am unsure how to properly tag posts. I post every blue moon, so I don't think I still have an understanding of it.
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These are my most recent and decent art of him, and I got a few notes on his design.
● His first scar is the one on his cheek, but it wasn't from any war or battle. When he was younger, he was exactly what one would imagine Ares to be, very arrogant and proud, with fighting on his mind despite having never been to any battles. He would play a game where he and someone would spar, and whoever gets the biggest scar wins. Hermes lost, only because he was so good at it.
● The tattoos he has are from Thrace, where he is said to have been born and was his favorite place. The symbol on the back of his hand is a snake, relating to them being one of his sacred animals.
And here is some art of him I made a few months ago, based on some paintings I've found of him. My favorite genre of Ares art is when he is dorned with flowers, the Erotes are playing with his weapons, and he is very happy with Aphrodite. It makes me very delighted.
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Speaking of Aphrodite, this is what she looks like. I got a few notes on her personality and design.
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● Since she is Aphrodite, she is very vain, focusing on her physical appearance a lot and becoming emotional whenever someone undermines or doubts her beauty, with the ability to become wrathful.
● But, as a mother, she is able to self-love aside for her children, putting her entire attention to them. Before she gets with Ares, she has already had a handful of children with previous lovers. Ares doesn't mind, of course.
● Her design is, of course, based on her origins from the sea and her being a sea goddess.
● She emerged from seafoam but was then taken in by Dione.
● Despite valuing her appearance and the way she presents herself and encouraging others to do the same, she does have one little quirk she inherited from her years living in the ocean. She eats like a beast, especially when it comes to seafood. When it is in her sight, she is devouring it like a wildwoman. This is just being very silly and having fun. Don't worry about it.
● Her little, uh, braid thing (I guess, I don't know what you'd call it exactly, I'm not good with hair) is divided into 7 sections, for the 7 types of Greek love. I'm gonna be transparent here. This is me trying to sound clever and creative when I'm not.
● When she is upset, whether sad or angry, her body starts resorting back to water and seafoam. I still can't find out how to draw it, unfortunately, even though the visuals look cool in my mind.
I am gonna try to post more frequently, especially the designs I've come up for the other gods. So far, this is all I could bring my energy to post.
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my dysphoria has been very bad recently and i have found it very difficult to do things like showering, changing and sleeping especially. ive been over wearing my binder a lot because i find it very difficult to bring myself to take it off, and i keep wearing it for 30+ hours at a time which i know is bad but i currently have no other alternative and not wearing one feels worse than the pain i get by overwearing. i hate wearing sports bras and ive run out of transtape, i have ordered more but it probably won’t be coming for another couple of weeks. i don’t know what to do because i don’t want to damage my body severely, is there anything else i can do?
Lee says:
As you know, wearing a binder for extended periods can lead to severe health issues, including respiratory problems, rib fractures, and skin conditions.
When you feel like doing something that's harming you physically is your only option to cope because your dysphoria is that intense, you should look into getting a therapist.
Frequently binding for 30+ hours isn't a sustainable option and finding alternative coping strategies will be easier with professional help to help you deal with what you're doing through.
Two posts that might help with your specific questions are Staying clean and coping with shower-related dysphoria and Dysphoria when you have to sleep and those two posts really cover most of what I have to say on those subjects so I won't reinvent the wheel by typing the same thing but I encourage you to read both links.
Apart from that, in the next couple of weeks as you wait for your TransTape to arrive (And start the process of seeking a therapist!) here are some strategies you can try doing:
1. Layered Clothing:
Wearing loose, layered clothing can help obscure the chest area. Consider wearing baggy shirts, jackets, or vests to help reduce the visibility of your chest.
Luckily it's fall time (at least here in the East Coast) so it's starting to get a little bit cooler, some days, and I wear a sweater (at work) or sweatshirt (when at home) like 100% of the time just because I'm always cold and it's also an Autistic sensory friendly thing for me too.
See more: Body neutrality
2. Distraction Techniques:
Engage in activities that take your mind off your dysphoria. This could be reading, drawing, journaling, listening to music, watching movies or TV, or any other hobby or activity that you enjoy and find absorbing.
Engage in self-care activities that actually make you feel good about yourself, not just doomscrolling social media. And for those times when you are on social media, if you're currently following anyone who makes you stressed/unhappy, stop following them. It's your feed and you're in charge!
But if you find that it's hard to do the necessary activities of everyday living because you find yourself spending most of your time engaging in distraction techniques, and you're falling behind on homework/work, that's another sign that you need additional support from a mental health professional.
3. Grounding Techniques:
Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present and reduce distressing thoughts, but the kind of nebulous meditation stuff never worked well for my ADHD brain.
Guided meditation
15 meditation tips
How to do progressive muscle relaxation
Body scan relaxation exercise
Mindfulness skills and worksheets masterpost
Imagery self-help
Relaxation audio
Safe-place visualization
I found specific things like grounding exercises, like the "5-4-3-2-1" technique (identifying five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste), can help divert your attention from dysphoric feelings if you're having a Moment. This type of strategy is useful when you start to notice yourself spiraling to try and re-center yourself.
Soothing grounding exercise
Physical grounding exercise
Mental grounding exercise
Grounding techniques
How to make a grounding box
Grounding exercises
How to ground and center
4. Stay connected:
Connect with in-person and/or online LGBTQ+ support groups who understand what you're going through. Sharing your feelings and hearing from others who have similar experiences can be comforting and it can help you to learn new coping strategies and things to try.
In general, avoiding isolation is important. Join a club or volunteer for something, join a sports team, hang out with your friends, etc. Just don't stay alone in your room. Get out of the house if you can, or invite people over or have video calls or phone calls if aren't up to being out and about. Just stay in contact with people.
See more: Motivating yourself to socialize
5. Set Alarms:
Consider setting alarms or reminders to take off your binder and give your body a break. Even short breaks can help reduce the risk of injury.
Here are some links that may help in general:
9 strategies for dealing with body dysphoria
How do I deal with dysphoria?
20 Small Things To Do When Gender Dysphoria Gets You Down
25 Things I Do To Make My Body Dysphoria Feel Smaller and Quieter
More on coping with dysphoria
Dealing with dysphoria
A post with suggestions for coping with dysphoria
Take care of your mental health
8 tips for managing dysphoria and mental health
A coping tip
Disablity-friendly dysphoria tips
Dysphoria that prevents you from leaving the house/doing activities of daily living
Your feelings are valid, and it's essential to find ways to manage your dysphoria that prioritize your health and well-being. There isn't a secret dysphoria cure I can share with you, to be frank it just sucks sometimes and there's not a lot to do about it but you gotta find a way to cope and keep going and stay safe.
Eventually it gets better-- you either find a way to cope more effectively and manage the dysphoria and/or time just passes and you grow older and eventually find a way to access surgery, but either way you will eventually become an adult who is managing life somehow and overall doin' okay and yeah there's hope at the end of the tunnel so please keep going!
You deserve care, support, and understanding, even if your family isn't able to provide that right now. And again, apart from the two links that I started the response with, the main advice I have is that you should ask to speak with a therapist (even if you are closeted and don't tell your fam that it's gender/binding/dysphoria related) and just let them know that you're struggling with your mental health in general.
Please reach out for help if you need it, and consider seeking medical attention if you experience severe pain or discomfort from binding. Good luck!!
As some of you may have noticed, our blog has been around for a decade or so and some links may be broken because we're all busy etc so pls let me know if something is wonky in a post I'm trying to link to!
Followers, any advice for anon?
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Quick question, how do you write so much? I fight the words for an hour and have maybe 2 paragraphs of garbage but you pump out really nice work almost every day??? I have so many ideas but I can’t write them for love nor money
I write almost every day, or I take a break and switch it out for drawing. I generally can write a chapter in one go, so usually stock up some backlog to cover days I’m busy. Having multiple stories now means I don’t have that backlog of some, so updates are a bit slower.
As for writing tips:
1. Remove distractions. Shut discord, exit out of tumblr, mute your phone. When you are stuck, don’t go scroll social media. When writing, the only thing I touch the internet for is if I need to check a story item, like a character name, item history, etc. I cannot overstate how important this is. If you are talking to your friends, you won’t have a writing flow.
2. Do not edit as you write. Writing and editing are two different tasks. You switch between creative and critical thinking and it breaks flow. This is a scientific process and you can read more about it here.
Research electroencephalogram (EEG) suggests both heightened electrical brain wave activity and elevated dopamine levels during flow. In other words, your brain experiences both electrical and chemical changes when you’re “in the zone.”
But once you switch to self-editing mode, you move to the critical thinking side of your brain. You halt all of freewriting’s creative electrical impulses and pleasure-sensing dopamine levels. Your mind flips off one switch and turns on another.
3. Set a time, then be done. Give yourself 20 minutes and write as much as you can. Doesn’t matter if it’s garbage. You can edit garbage into something useful or you can chuck it in a bin. Just try to write, then take a break. Staring at a blank document for two hours isn’t going to make words appear and it just stressed out your brain.
4. Have an outline. Sometimes a magical idea just flows when you sit down to write, but generally not. Have an outline of what you want to have happen in your story or chapter. It doesn’t need to be in depth; for most of my oneshots I literally have a sentence or two at the top of the page. The story needs to have a goal. For example: Wild tries to teach Hyrule cooking. It doesn’t go well. Bouncing ideas off friends can be a big help! It’s why you’ve probably seen me post about prompts and suggestions, and sometimes stories are gifted to people. Talking through plot ideas can help you get a better outline or idea of action.
Misc notes:
Hate to say, but some of it is just practice. I’ve been actively writing for a little over a year with some breaks on and off. Making it a habit is a big thing for making it easy. It’s harder to restart after a break.
When I first started writing I tried to pick one aspect to improve for each story. Filter words, pacing, varying sentence starters, story arcs, etc. Fixing multiple things at once was too much work, but one item at a time was doable.
Filter words make such a huge difference in writing; I encourage you to look them up. It’s a PAIN to remove them in post, but it also taught me to cut them out. Now it’s unconscious and while some still show up, I tend to write them out automatically.
You can learn to write quickly, but if you don’t also work on quality you’ll just…write a lot. That said, it’s fanfic. Sometimes it’s just for fun and quality doesn’t matter. I’ve got plenty of stories that will never be posted because they are just for fun.
Some of it could be writing speed, too? I use a bot a lot of times for timing and tracking and generally average 30-35 words/min. Harder story topics are slower to write, like angst and emotional scenes.
I’m actually writing less this year than last, but I don’t put as much time into it. It also keeps it sustainable as a hobby, although I definitely hit periods of frustration. It can get overwhelming.
If you search my blog for the tag #writing advice or #writing tips, you should fine some other things as well.
This was rather frank, but hopefully helpful! Feel free to drop further questions and I’ll do my best to answer 💜
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hello i am asking politely for your mommy Medic surgeon goresex thoughts. feel free to use the reply to this ask as your dumping ground if it would be easier than an original post!
Welllll if you insist! Putting all this under a cut bc despite my cool exterior I'm extremely ashamed of every thought I've ever had (and bc I wanna put this in some tags and if the juicy stuff is under a cut no one can complain)
Uhhh CWs for sex, gore, goresex, surgery kink, medfet, mommy kink (just the title and the persona for Medic, no specified role for the sub), needles, knives, boot stuff, whatever. This makes me feel like a real writer
Sooo first things first bc I think people won't understand this one at first: Medic tf2 is a man who is a mommy dom. To me and to a lot of other kinky people, there exists a non-gendered semantic difference between a "daddy dom" and a "mommy dom", so women can be daddies and, much more rarely, men can certainly be mommies. Kink educator Evie Lupine describes mommy doms as "giggly, joyful sadists". Sound like someone we know? He's mommy (Mommy doms are also typically more "nurturing" and smothering than daddy doms, I'll get to that later)
I really love characterizing Medic as extremely faux-sympathetic (with flashes of real sympathy every now and again), so he's telling you (or whoever) just how bad he feels for you, you poor thing, that looks like it really hurts, and it's, like, the extra hand he attached to your pelvis. If it does actually hurt and the procedure wasn't successful he will safely remove it, though
Although I definitely think Medic can be mean, I think ESPECIALLY in a gorekink/medfet context, he gives a LOT of praise. He's SUPER full of himself, he'd never deride one of his Crowning Achievements In The Field Of Medical Science!
Similarly, he's very good about giving compliments specific to like, all of a person's inside stuff. The size of your organs, the shade of your blood, the prominence of your veins, the sturdiness of your bones... Medic tf2 is leaned over you on the vivisection table lovingly stroking your liver and cooing about how much he loves the color
This one's kind of a big one for me tbh... I think Medic tf2 would intentionally (consensually, temporarily) incapacitate someone so he gets to take care of them. Misery-style. My favorite version of this is Medic "accidentally" taking too much of someone's blood out during a blood draw, so they get all sleepy and he needs to feed them (with his boobs) and let them rest (on his boobs). Despite it all I think he really does like to feel needed.
I think Mommy Medic can be veryyyy... smothering. Figuratively and literally. He can really heap on the compliments, especially with a character who isn't very used to praise, which is its own kind of sadism. And he literally suffocates you in his boobs/thighs/ass/tummy/whatever. That one's a little less psychological.
Okayyyy goresex time... surgery makes Medic horny and he wants to fuck people's internal organs. Tf2 is really fun for this because the medigun is a built-in explanation for how he can do that while the other person is still awake. In Meet the Medic he should've been straddling Heavy's hips and jacking off onto his large intestine.
I don't know how into drinking blood normal humanguy Medic would be, but he definitely likes touching blood. Getting it all over his hands. I think he'd maybe be more into making you (or whoever) drink blood, lick it off his gloves, off his boots, off his big hairy (eroticized body part of your choice here). One of those things that he probably intends as a humiliation thing but if you're enough of a freak you just enjoy for what it is.
The penetration imagery of the needle. I read something like that recently about the scene in Breaking Bad where Jesse does heroin for the first time and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. You understand
On a humiliation note, I think Medic would think it's Very fun to "force" (lovingly encourage) someone to call him "mommy" if they're embarrassed about it, which I think most of his team would be. Medic using kink to help Sniper drop his inhibitions and give in to his urges and Have Fun is one of my fave bushmed dynamics and I definitely think getting Sniper to get over the hill and call him "mommy" for the first time would be a big thing for him. Of course this is all part of his plan to break you (consensually!) and have you (or whoever!) whimpering into his cleavage as he gets to nurture you
Imagine everything I just said but he's in a sexy nurse outfit that's extremely visibly too small for him. And also just COMPLETELY covered in blood. That's my vision
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raven-the-claw · 9 months
A Complete Guide To Chaotic Academia
bc its my fav aesthetic and there is not enough content about it
most people say that chaotic academia is just dark academia but a little bit more messy, and, well, chaotic. the truth is, chaotic academia is A LOT more messy than dark academia. you can still use dark academia as kind of a "base", but you are going to replace your blazers with flannels, your turtlenecks with tshirts. as for pants, you can go with litteraly anything: cigarette pants, tailored trousers, ripped-up jeans or normal black leggings. i personally really ike ripped up overalls bc they give that "i dont really give a damn, im so misunderstood, my parents didnt love me, im a crazy lonely introverted teenage child" vibe...idk. whatever you wear, make sure you feel comfortable in it! even tho in chaotic academia there are almost no rules at all, here are some things that might help you!
colours: any earthy tones are fine, brown, caramel, dark green, dark red, white, etc etc
fictional characters that might inspire you:
-remus lupin
- any dpc character
- jess mariano
- sydney novak
accesories: flannels (a personal fav + they make even the most boring fit look better), cardigans, converse (bonus points if you draw/write on them or if you have them laced in a weird way), bracelets or necklaces that mean something to you, harry potter back packs, tote bags...
hairstyles: whatever you want, just make sure your hair is ALWAYS messy, looking like you just fucking woke up
Activities and Traits
ok now we're getting to the actually important part bc (repeat after me): chaotic academia is not about how you look, its about how you live and how you act. so here r some thing that might help:
- annotating books with the most unhinged random thoughts
- learning poetry or speeches word for word but not remembering most of the things for school
- studying in the (school) library and being besties with the librarian (optional)
- leaving notes (on trees, mailboxes or library books) for strangers to find
- "studying while listening to classical music" and then instead of studying you end up agressivly mouthing your favorite song
- im sure yall already heard this one, but yes, swearing and slag while discussing deep academic topics is incredibly important
- speaking of important topics: posting something important on social media knowing no one will read it
- doodles on your hands 24/7 (NO SUSAN, I DONT GIVE A DAMN THAT ITS BAD FOR MY SKIN)
- sarcasm. a lot.
- random thoughts
- random quotes
- knowing a ton of conspiracy theories that you dont even beileve in by heart
- listening to all different types of podcasts
- one day reading the classics, the next ya fantasy and day after that ao3 smut
- multifandom, multishipper
- tea/coffee addiction
- adding b.c. to todays date when writing it in school
- random thoughts and the weirdest annotations in your school notebooks, especially the classes that you find boring
- "going to the bathroom" and then spending half of your math class drawing/reading/smoking/crying/thinking/whatever the fuck you wanna do there bc ur tired of everything
- stealing random stuff from stores (tho it is not encouraged blah blah blah)
- watching gilmore girls every fall
- telling people ur favorite colour is green even tho it isnt just to let them know that ur gay
- reading in class, on breaks, at home, parks, meetings, aethletic events, and generally all the fucking time
- doing (mostly) everything last minute
- bad at photography, but you enjoy it
- cold tea my beloved
- wearing one item every day: it can either be a necklace, a flannel, a bracelet, a badge, headphones, earrings etc etc
- extremely messy handwriting, always writing with black pen
- crying at least once a day, but only when ur alone, being super emotional but never showing it
- hobbies include reading, screaming in your pillow, learning unique languages that you will probably never use, rewatching dead poets society, harry potter, enola holmes, end of the fucking world and gilmore girls
- massive bookworm, reads all the time, always has a book with them
- skipping class, not that often tho
- 💫anger issues💫
- hyperactive and lazy at the same time
- uses big words but makes fun of other people when they do it
- writes (rebellious) book quotes everywhere, every single one of their notebooks had IF WE BURN, YOU BURN WITH US written in them lol
- random useless powerpoints
- analysing taylor swift's folklore and evermore instead of sheakspeare because its just better
- retired almost-emo, had a phase when they wore black and acted all mysterious but were never really emo i cant explain it
- likes mcr. this one speaks for itself.
- gay and sad. no explanation needed.
Books, Movies and Music
- Harry Potter by you know who (WE DONT SUPPORT HER THO)
- The Secret History by Donna Tartt
- Night School by CJ Daugherty (is that how u spell it lol)
- The Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
- Heartstopper by Alice Oseman
- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
- Emma by Jane Austen
- Hamlet by Do I Really Need To Say Who
- The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- The Picture of Dorain Gray by Oscar Wilde
- Frankenstein by Marry Shelley
Movies/TV Shows
- end of the fucking world
- heartstopper
- harry potter
- enola holmes
- dead poets society
- gilmore girls
- httyd (no kidding lol)
im not really a film girlie so if yall have any recs please lmk
- Mother Mother
- Taylor Swift (obviously)
- Lana Del Slay
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- My Chemical Romance
- Lovejoy
- Bowie
- Queen
- Radiohead
- Björk
- Those random Disney songs i know you scream to at 3am
also whoever sings the IMJUSTATEENAGEDIRTBAGBAABBYY song
here is my playlist if yall wanna listen to it
hope that helps lol
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lambertdiary · 9 months
Jealousy, Jealousy
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: So I posted part two a couple of days ago and I had a few people asking for a part three, and I'm not gonna lie... I got a little carried away lol, so definitely I'll post a part 4. This was really fun to write and hopefully it'll be fun for you guys to read it! PLEASE let me know what you think 🫶🏻 Also I was watching an Andrew Garfield movie so keep that in mind.
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: angst, language, jealousy, Dalton being shitty (again)
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After Dalton left, Y/N just stared at the door trying to hold her tears in. She was doing a good job, until Chris walked through the door and asked her what was wrong. She broke down immediately, but Chris stayed with her comforting her all night. She cried until she couldn't anymore, and all that was left was a raging headache. 
Y/N told Chris everything, she had been avoiding that subject but letting it all out made her feel a lot better. She felt bad for Chloe, she really did, but at this point she just wanted to detach herself from the whole situation and just Dalton in general, so her next step was moving on.
“You need to forget about him Y/N, he’s not worth it” Y/N nodded agreeing with her friend, but a part of her still felt like she lost someone really important.
“I know I do” She sighed deeply before continuing “I guess the last time we broke up I thought we would somehow find our way back to each other, you know?”
“Y/N, I love you and I know what you mean, but I just want you to think of all the times he did something shitty, and then tell me you still want him”
Y/N laughed a little, admitting to herself stupid her feelings were “You’re right”
“I know I am, dude. Go out, have fun and meet guys who are not gonna kiss someone else in New Year’s”
After a minute of silence, Y/N finally built up the courage to ask “Did you know?”
“Know what?” Chris asked in confusion.
“That Chloe and Dalton were like together together”
Chris thought about her answer for a moment, but ultimately decided there was no point in hiding it anymore “Sort of… I mean I knew he was getting invited to her parents’ house and hanging out with some of her friends” Y/N just nodded, a sad look still on her face “But it doesn’t matter because you’re over him now”
Chris encouraged her to go out with someone. Y/N wasn’t the type to approach a guy and ask for his number, so Chris offered to introduce her to one of her friends she thought Y/N could get along with. 
She met Andrew a couple of days later, and she was surprised when they immediately hit it off. He was cute and funny and really easy to talk to, so Y/N was excited when he started to take her out on dates. They were seeing each other almost every day, and Y/N even took him to her favourite coffee shop, telling him that she got her best work done there and how it was the best coffee she ever had. He chuckled at her statement but agreed with her, sharing his love for coffee too.
⋆ ★
Dalton didn’t tell Chloe what happened that night, of course he didn’t. He kept seeing her like nothing happened and she couldn’t be happier about it. 
The thing is, Chloe felt like she didn’t have him for a number of reasons, even when they started dating he was barely any special towards her. Sure, she would spend a lot of time with him and he would seek her attention, he even drew her for an art project but that was before they became a thing, and the portrait was just somewhere in his dorm. 
She would go there with him and see the wall with a bunch of paintings and drawings of Y/N, and before he told her about them she had no idea they used to date, but she couldn’t help but feel jealous that she never made the wall. 
So one day she decided to ask him to put it up “I’m your girlfriend now, don’t you think it’s time you put the drawing of me on your wall?”
“Uh” He looked at his art displayed on the wall, realising a lot of them were Y/N “I will” He simply replied, thinking he could maybe do it later, but the look Chloe gave him made him understand that she meant right now. So he did, he stood up and removed a few portraits, making space for the new one. He couldn’t bring himself to actually get rid of them, so he decided to just leave them on his desk. That was weeks before he told her about his past with Y/N.
The day after Y/N rejected him he concluded it was officially over, so his relationship with Chloe got a little more serious. Chloe properly introduced him to her parents, they started to have more dates and they even had ‘romantic’ weekends.
Days went by and Dalton tried his best to keep Y/N out of his mind, constantly telling himself that he was with Chloe now and that it was for the best. He wanted to be a better boyfriend for her but he sometimes forgot to put in the effort.
One day Dalton decided to get coffee after class, buying one for him and one for his girlfriend who was waiting for him in his dorm. After receiving his order, he turned around and was ready to walk out, but a familiar face stopped him.
He saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, talking and giggling with some other guy. Dalton stared at them for a moment, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the cups he was holding. He decided it would be better if he left, but just as he started to walk again he noticed the guy stand up and make his way to the washroom. 
Before he could think about it, he found himself standing in front of Y/N, giving her a questioning stare, as if she owed him any explanations. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked in a demanding tone.
Y/N was both surprised and annoyed at his question. She scoffed and crossed her arms, giving him a bland tone to make him feel like she didn’t care about him “What kind of question is that?”
“I know you’re here with someone, I saw him”
“Why do you care? Aren’t you still with Chloe?” Y/N asked him, pointing at the cup with her name on it. Dalton shrugged and thought about something else to say. She had a point, he was with Chloe now so he shouldn’t care, but he did “You should probably take your girlfriend her coffee, it’s gonna get cold”
“We need to talk”
“There’s nothing left to talk about”
Before Dalton could say something, someone else joined the table “Hi, I’m Andrew” He said, sitting across from Y/N. 
“Dalton” He replied, pressing his lips together.
“He was just leaving” Y/N quickly added.
“Oh” Andrew immediately suspected she didn’t want him there “Well, nice to meet you man”
Dalton clenched his jaw, he didn’t say anything else and just gave them a quick nod before leaving the coffee shop. He was walking to his dorm and the whole time he wished he had said something clever to Andrew.
When he got to his dorm, he was received with a sweet hug and kiss from Chloe, telling him how much he has missed him. As usual, they sat on his bed and talked about their day before moving on to schoolwork. 
“So, my birthday party is this Saturday and I was thinking we could wear the same colour” Chloe said out of nowhere.
Dalton tried to hide the fact that he forgot about her birthday “Uh- yeah, what are you wearing?”
“The dress I bought last week. I told you it was for my birthday, remember?” She asked, hurt and mad he forgot such an important detail. 
He nodded his head quickly “I remember baby, I’m sorry” Dalton brought her closer to him and gave her a reassuring kiss “We’ll both look phenomenal in pink”
⋆ ★
Y/N wasn’t surprised to see Dalton, it was impossible to avoid him completely given they lived in the same building, but anytime they saw each other they just pretended the other didn’t exist, it was working just fine for Dalton until he saw her with someone else. 
Her feelings towards him definitely changed, while she still felt like she lost someone important to her, she was also disappointed at how much he had changed since the party, so they were a mix of many different things. Often she couldn’t help but wonder how different things would be if she tried harder when they were together, but at the same time she resented him for not always showing that he loved her the way she wanted him to.
“How long do we have to wait?” Andrew asked, holding his hair away from his forehead so the face mask wouldn’t stick to it.
“About 20 minutes” Y/N was smiling down at him, finishing up with the thick paste on his cheeks.
He opened his eyes and smiled back at her “Do you have like a hair thing I can borrow?”
Y/N chuckled and reached for another headband, carefully sticking all of his hair back “This is a great look on you” She joked.
They laughed as he looked at himself in the tiny mirror “I guess you’ll have to style me more often”
“I mean, you already look great all the time so I don’t think you need my help”
She watched as his smile went shy, almost sure he was blushing under the face mask. Andrew handed her the mirror and she put it back in a small vase that had a few makeup brushes in it.
“Did you make that?” Andrew asked, paying close attention to the drawings on it, recognising Y/N’s favourite flowers.
“The vase?” She asked and he nodded “Yeah, last year in a pottery class”
“A pottery class?”
“Yeah. I mean, I only went like 3 times but this is great, isn’t it?” She picked it up and examined it. It had been a long time since she did.
“May I?” Andrew grabbed it and looked at all the different colours on it “And you drew these?” He asked, pointing at the beautifully painted flowers.
“Not really, my- uh friend helped me with those, but I still did most of the job” She clarified.
“Oh…” He faked disappointment “And you had me over here thinking you were an artist”
She scoffed playfully as he took the vase from him “I am, did you see the one at the bottom?” Y/N showed him a smudged spot of paint that looked like it was supposed to be a flower “You wouldn’t get it, it’s abstract art” Andrew gave her a frisky look that made her blush  “Are you an artist?”
“Born to be but my lack of skills didn’t allow it, very tragic” Y/N giggled at his dramatics as she scooted closer to him “I can’t really draw… I mean I can, but it’s not very good” Andrew laughed “Why? Do you have a thing for artists?
A strange feeling took over her heart, but she just shook her head and forced a smile “No, just for guys that look good in headbands” She teased. Andrew felt his face get hot again and an impulse made him lean over, getting really close to her face but Y/N stopped him.
“You don’t wanna taste this face mask, it’s gonna linger for days” Andrew shrugged his shoulders and took a quick look at her lips, and then back at her eyes.
“You already have that effect on me”
Y/N was speechless. For a moment they stared at each other intensely, Y/N almost gave in, but the door swinging open made both of them jump.
“Oh- sorry to interrupt” Chris said slowly, dropping her things on her bed.
They turned red and quickly got away from each other, trying to cover their embarrassment “You didn’t, we’re just doing face masks”
“Without me?” Chris joked.
The three of them stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, and as soon as Andrew left Chris couldn’t help but tease Y/N about what she almost witnessed.
“So, I see you two are really getting along”
“I guess” Y/N replied, unsure of how to feel.
“What? Do you not like him?”
“I do… I think I do” She stopped to think about it for a moment “It’s been great but honestly i don’t know if I can take it any further”
“Y/N he’s like perfect for you” Chris stared at her friend, waiting for an explanation “Why not?”
“Because he’s not Dalton”
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kandisheek · 16 days
Over Sea, Under Stars by vorkosigan
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 36,651 Tags: Depression, Fix-It, Texting
Summary: Tony gets the phone, but he never uses it and he never intends to. Or, he doesn’t until Steve starts texting him, asking strange questions about medication and mental health, which is when Tony gets worried. (A texting fix-it that grew beyond all proportion. Deals with depression and anxiety quite a lot. There is even some plot in there somewhere.)
Reasons why I love it: This fic makes me so goddamn emotional. They hurt each other so much, and the guilt floating around is so thick it feels like it's choking me. But when things get better, it's so rewarding and satisfying, it almost makes me cry. Also, if you read this, pay attention to all the time-stamp descriptions, because they're hilarious. This fic is wonderful and a brilliant fix-it to the whole mess that is Civil War, so if you haven't read it yet, I hope you give it a whirl.
Forms of Love by bear_bell
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: 33,596 Tags: Civil War Team Ironman, Separate Personalities (Winter & Bucky), PTSD
Summary: Months after the Avengers' dispute in Germany, the team returns to the US and moves back into the tower. As always, everyone pretends that nothing happened. Tony is just fine with this. He's used to pretending, and he'll be damned if he lets any of them see him flinch. Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it. Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back. Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
Reasons why I love it: I gotta be honest, I'm not a big fan of CW discourse when a specific side is taken. So it says a lot that I enjoyed this fic regardless. Even though it clearly leans towards one side of the argument, it's handled in a way that feels respectful and understandable. The writing is amazing, and I ADORE the relationship that Tony has with both Winter and Bucky. Plus, the way Bucky slowly learns to stop fighting Winter and starts getting along with him instead is really beautiful. This fic is wonderful, and I highly encourage you to read it!
The Crying Game by fohatic
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 36,416 Tags: Angry Sex, Dubious Consent, Power Play
Summary: Steve Rogers stared at the dimly glowing digital screen of the little burner phone, rereading the text message as if it might somehow give away something he missed the first dozen times he scrutinized it. His frown only deepened, though, brows drawing together with consternation as the 88 characters only left him with an even more ponderous sense of uncertainty. If you meant what you wrote, I'll be at the Swissotel Sarajevo, 4/18. Presidential Suite. 9pm. Come alone. Nearly a year after Steve and Tony's fallout—and only weeks after hearing press rumors that Tony and Pepper's engagement was inexplicably called off—Steve gets a message on the dedicated burner phone. Despite his instinctive reservations, he's compelled to answer the mysterious call.
Reasons why I love it: Oh, this one hurts SO GOOD!! I just want to take them both and shake them, god, the emotional conflict is so raw and awful, and I LOVE it! It's like that feeling of wanting to peel off a scab, and then you do it and it hurts, but the itching goes away so it's worth it. If that makes any sense at all. Point is, I love this fic to bits, and you should give it a read (if you can stomach some unpleasant emotions, that is).
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moreaulover · 1 year
Some law of talos facts and info off the top of my head (by someone who's very hyper fixated and wants people to know more about it!!!!)
Apparently some people just didn't know that law of talos was an oc tournament 😭??? I thought that was basic info but I guess not! I'm not counting it being a tournament as a fact but more people not knowing (also some people didn't know unknown person had comics for before and after each animation??? There's literally YouTube videos with both idk what to tell you guys 💀)
Unknown persons entries are the most popular, but the 5th animation is non canon! The canon ending was by the winner Blacklillian but it's currently lost media :( there's a description of it on the lost media page, a few meantions of plot points on the tv tropes (example)
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An ask + drawing related to what happened to Karl after on unknown person's tumblr (unknownpsn) we can also gather a tiny bit from the winner announcement post comments, the main point I've noticed is people talking about their disappointment in the lack of action and badly done Karl but praising the more satisfying ending. There was also apparently an epilogue by Blacklillian but that is also currently lost :(
Blacklillians entrees (along with the majority of others) are lost media! Some info can be gathered/interpreted from the lost media page and the tv tropes page (both linked at the bottom along with the intro/winner post for the contest and the wiki) A few entries are up although it's few and far between but I do encourage you to look for them on competitors' deviant art pages (I'll edit this and add list who's is up in a little while) here's a chart of the tournament though!
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Here's chimbley's reference page which is the only known piece for his portion at the moment (please lmk if more has been found) *update you can buy the official chimbley archive on the artist Iris Jay's patreon for just 5 dollars :3 !!!!!
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Chimbley's creator does have Twitter+tumblr but no longer makes content for him so savor what we have. We do know from the tv tropes page that chimbley was more flight than fight and all his competitors were disqualified rather than beaten in a combat (makes me giggle really hard ngl 😭)
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Climber and Karl (and Rachel + Clarice obviously) are both part of the unreleased.... comic? Series? (Whatever it was going to be!) Called Castle of nations by unknown person (ofc)! There's not a ton known about it as the actual media was never released/finished and unknown person stopped posting in 2016 but there's lots asks + content on his tumblr if you want to look into it some
Karl was not going to wish for Rachel back despite common misconception! According to unknown person he was actually going to wish for an unlimited power supply to escape the amusement park permanently
There's a silly joke cosplay video called "law of talos chimbley vs Karl live action" that's available on the internet archive but someone uploaded the whole thing on tik tok (linked here) chimbley does a heel click at 8:22 i feel it's important everyone see it.
People have also been uploading the voice actors singing various Christmas songs in character I haven't seen them all but I know Karl's video (What's this- the nightmare before Christmas) is pretty available and a clip of Chimbley's (little drummer boy) as also recently been uploaded. I think I saw Steffi's at one point but I don't remember it like at all sorry (EDJT I FOUND IT GUYS I'LL LINK IT BECAUSE IT'S HARDER TO FIND THAN THE OTHER TWO I MENTIONED)
Speaking of Steffi!!!!! She stars in her very own webcomic "Kiwi Blitz"!!! I'll link it here :3
That's all I can think of for rn I'll make another post if I get more info on the lost media or if I think/learn anything else!!! Here are the links to the law of talos intro/winner post, lost media page, wiki, and TV tropes!!! Once again I encourage you to look through them if you haven't!!!
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