#i will get over the way he stole my heart and destroyed it like it doesn’t matter
allofuswantgwinam · 1 year
i feel like when you leave someone bc you have to for yourself and not bc you fell out of love with them makes things literally worse 🤩🤩🤩
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
New Puppet Unlocked: Pomni, the Last Harlequin!
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Pomni's character description:
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I actually finished this about three days ago, but I didn't wanna post it because I haven't started on the others yet. I eventually decided that fuck it, we ball.
Pomni is the most recent and last model of a Combat Harlequin; P-1210. She doesn't have any remembrance of her life before becoming a Puppet, only the fact that she has an itch in her head that tells her to keep fighting.
After hunting down The Puppetmaster and a duel ensues between the two, it ends with the Harlequin and The Puppetmaster forming an alliance in order to fix the destroyed City.
Now, Pomni spends her time sparring, sharpening her sword, bantering with the Puppetmaster, hunting down bosses and eliminating manic Marionettes.
Fun facts about Pomni:
She likes sandwiches. Specifically, salmon.
She REALLY hates it when someone eats it. (It's Bubble)
She finds some things annoying in other Puppets, and will be blunt about it.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't care. In fact, far from it.
Pomni may come off as cold and jerkish due to her hot-temper, but in reality, her emotions simply have ahold on her more than anyone would ever really think.
Caine thinks that a therapist would benefit her. (honestly though)
She hasn't explored any hobbies outside from anything involving combat.
Pomni occasionally gets glimpses of visions when she dies; she is unaware of what they mean.
Pomni rarely gets drunk; she'll only indulge in alcohol when there's an occasion. Aside from that, she tends to limit Caine's alcohol intake (reasoning that he smells like booze), much to the Puppetmaster's dismay.
She shuts down any form of philosophical advices, thinking they're "typical" and "unnecessary".
She tends to be careless and rude in battle.
When push comes to shove, Pomni can and WILL use her sharp teeth to her advantage.
Pomni initially disliked Ragatha. She found the doll's positive demeanor eerie, and even uncanny, borderline inhuman. Thankfully, a few interactions and heart-heart conversations later, she's changed her mind since.
Bubble usually accompanies her when she's out on missions, a condition she had to agree on just so Caine would let her fight overburdened Puppets. Even though she hates the blimp's nonsense, she knows that his presence is out of necessity, since Bubble is the only way keeping in touch can be possible.
She rarely ever apologizes.
She once stole Caine's cane to try and figure out how his attacks work. She immediately lost interest once she found out it's just a plain, and boring metal cane.
She unlocks the first stage of enlightenment after the first boss.
Battle quotes:
"Yeah, yeah, shut up."
"I didn't come here just for you to act like a wuss!"
"You. Me. This sword. In your head."
"That was pretty stupid of you to do."
"Between you and me, I prefer still having my head on my shoulders."
"This is getting annoying!"
"I've had it with you idiots!"
"I'm gonna celebrate with a Puppet head kebab once I'm done."
"I like the sounds of a sword slashing, and heads bashed in."
"Keep (talking/screaming), and I'll crack your skull open."
Hurt in battle:
"Ah! What the fuck!"
"You're gonna pay for that!"
"Eye for an eye, motherfucker!"
"I normally wouldn't mind... Actually, I always mind."
"When I'm done, you're gonna be unrecognizable."
"Fucking marionettes!"
"Useless scrap!"
"I really, really, REALLY wanna hurt you right about now."
"Ohohoho, you're picking the WRONG fight, BUDDY."
"Who do you think you are!?"
"This... wasn't supposed to go this way..."
"God.... dammit."
"Agh... fuck."
"That... fucking... hurt."
"I still...! Got fight...! Left in me..."
"This... isn't... over..."
"I'm... not... done..."
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vivwritesfics · 10 months
No Need To Ask - CS55
Chapter Thirteen - The New Norris
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
Big things to come
1.6K words
Series Masterlist
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Carlos’s pawn was the first to go. He sat back in his chair, waiting for Y/N to ask her question. The pawn was clutched tightly in her fist as she sucked in a deep breath. “What do you want from me?” She asked him as she stared deep into his brown eyes. They were gorgeous, but they were deadly.
Carlos lot a lazy smirk crosses his face. His shirt was unbuttoned, his sleeves rolled up. You’ve never guess that he was in England for a funeral. “I don’t want some sweet wife that I can easily scare and manipulate,” he answered.
Y/N glared. “That wasn’t what I asked.”
“Try again next time,” he said and began moving his pieces.
They went several goes without anybody stealing a piece. At last, Y/N had his knight in her possession. This question was a bit easier, more direct, and designed to rile him up. “So, you can cheat on me. But what if I was to sleep with another man?”
“You mean that little Australian rat?”
“Just answer the question, Carlos.”
Carlos cleared his throat, but his features remained cool and calm. “Simple. I would have him killed. And maybe you, as well.”
“You’d have me killed?”
“That’s what I said.”
Suddenly Y/N knew what she had to do, knew how she was going to get power over him.
They continued playing, Y/N’s game maybe not as good as it could have been, since she was concentrating on other things. Carlos stole one of her pawns. They hadn’t discussed what he was to get if he stole a piece, but Y/N had just guessed questions, the same as her.
“Do you want to be my wife?”
It sounded like a proposal, but it wasn’t. And it scared Y/N. If she answered wrong would he be rid of her? Toss her to the side like a used rag? But, if she said yes, he would know she was lying. She’d done nothing but cry since she’d arrived in Spain.
“No,” she answered honestly, heart beating erratically. “But I want to. I want to want to be your wife.” And that was the gods honest truth.
As the game continued, so did the questions. Y/N was winning, and therefore she got her questions answered. Sometimes Carlos wouldn’t answer directly, leaving her to try ago, but, by the end of the game, she found out all she needed to know. She knew exactly what she needed to do to force his respect.
Because it wasn’t something she had to earn, she wasn’t going to strive for respect from this monster. She was going to command it.
On their last day in England, Carlos had the meeting with the other heads of family. Y/N spent those last few hours wondering the halls of the house she once called him. it still felt more like home than the building she shared with her husband. She spent time in her bedroom, where her possessions still were. Lando would probably keep it that way, waiting for the day she finally came home. Even if that day was never to come.
It was strange being in that room now. So much had changed since the last time she was there. She looked through her wardrobe, picking out some outfits to take back to Spain. Packed away some black heeled boots and made her way down to the library, to try and get into her mothers desk one last time.
This time, she didn’t care if she destroyed it to get its secrets. Lando wouldn’t care, either.
So, while Lando was being announced as the new head of family, Y/N was using whatever she could find to get into her mother’s desk. She started with a screwdriver to pull apart the drawers. When that didn’t work, she moved onto smashing the entire thing apart.
The desk didn’t hold secrets, as Y/N thought it would. One drawer was full of pictures of Y/N, Lando and their father. The few normal moments they had as a family. Christmas morning and their summers getaways. They were cute, good memories, but they weren’t what Y/N was looking for. So, she kept searching.
There was one other thing Y/N’s mother kept in her desk. A manila folder that was covered in dust. Brushing off the dust, she opened the folder and pulled out a piece of paper.
An agreement. The agreement of Y/N’s hand for Carlos. She read down it, through the details, what each family would gain from this. Her mothers signature sat at the bottom of the paper, along with her fathers and Sainz’s signature. And then there was the date.
Seven years ago. This paper was signed seven years ago. The agreement was put into place seven years ago. Her fate had been decided for her seven years ago.
She tore it up. There was no telling what the consequences would be, but she did it anyway. It had been sitting in this desk for the last five years, anyway, who but her would know if she destroyed it?
Y/N picked herself up. Rage like no other bubbled up inside of her. For the first time ever, she couldn’t wait to get back to Spain.
She waited in the living room for Carlos and Lando to return from their meeting with the heads of family. Carlos already had their bags ready to go, in the corner of the room. She sat on the couch, playing with Lando’s cat. Well, he used to be their cat, but not since Y/N moved to Spain.
“Oh Suki,” she mumbled as he held him up above her, his little front legs stretched out. “I’d take you with me but you’d hate the heat.”
Suki let out a little noise and Y/N let him down, pulling him into her chest. He sat there, rather unhappy, but the ragdoll cat let her hold him close. He didn’t purr, but he didn’t try and wiggle out of her grasp, either. “Thank you, Suk,” she whispered and kissed the top of his head.
The door opened and Y/N let go of the cat, letting him run off to explore. She herself stood and brushed off her skirt, smoothing it down. The outfit of today was a black skirt with a loose, white blouse. She had cute black boots with white socks that just about peaked over the top. It was cute.
She barely got any time to say goodbye to Lando. As much as Y/N wanted to wrap her arms around him, to ask him how the meeting went, ask if anything was different now that he was Norris.
But Carlos didn’t give her much of a choice. He let her say a quick goodbye, let her throw her arms around him, but then they had to go. Y/N would have fought back, but this wasn’t Carlos’s thought. This wasn’t because he wanted to be nasty that they had to leave as soon as possible. Carlos had obligations in Spain he had to attend to, meaning they had to leave the minute the meeting was over.
During the plane ride back to Spain, Y/N sat where she wanted to. Carlos sat opposite her, and Y/N didn’t move away. She watched the clouds coming past as she sipped her drink.
Nothing much happened on the plane journey, and I won’t bore you with the details of the car journey back to the house. Y/N and Carlos didn’t speak. It wasn’t uncomfortable, they just didn’t need to.
That night they slept in separate beds. That was to be expected. Yes, Y/N had stood up to him, but not that much had changed.
It wasn’t until the next day that she stepped up her game. Y/N strode up to Carlos’s office door and knocked. She went to knock, but, as with every time she had tried before, his men stopped her. But Y/N wouldn’t let that happen “I am his wife and I will go where I like,” she said and knocked once again on the office door.
She didn’t wait for a reply before she pushed into his office. He could have been fucking anybody, and Y/N wasn’t going to care. But he wasn’t. Carlos was simply doing paperwork when she walked in.
She strode over, body filled with confidence, and leaned against his desk, looking at her husband. “I want to go shopping,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Go on, then,” Carlos answered and grabbed a notepad from his desk drawer, making a note of something.
Y/N leaned in closer. “I want to go shopping, Carlos. That means I need money and permission.”
Carlos put down his pen. He looked at his wife and pulled his wallet from his pocket. “Miguel!” He shouted and one of the men guarding the door ran into the office. He stood, staring at his boss as he waited for his command. “You are to take my pretty little wife shopping,” he said and Miguel nodded.
They had an exchange in Spanish; Y/N only just managed to pick out a couple of words.
So, Miguel took Y/N shopping. He didn’t speak to her, just watching over her as she picked out different dresses. Most were black, some short, some longer. Y/N picked out some shoes to go with them. They were elegant, expensive dresses that she was going to use for every day wear. Carlos’s card paid for everything. Y/N didn’t care for the price tags as the filled Miguels arms with bags.
When she was satisfied with the success of her shopping trip, Miguel drove her back to the house. She headed straight to her room, putting away her new dresses and shoes. And then she got changed into one of them, the one she deemed to be the sexiest. That was what she wore to give Carlos back his card.
When she walked into the office, his jaw was on the floor.
Taglist (open): @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @topguncultleader @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @ashy-kit @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa23 @measimp
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beelsari · 1 year
OM! Brothers reacting to MC’s heat!
this is Beel’s version of this!!vv
Smut mdni
soft dom Beel x female anatomy reader
Let me know who you want want next!!
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Your heat is going to be the death of Beel. He can smell your sweet sex and hormones all throughout the house, making his stomach constantly growl. He wants to devour you and you want nothing more. He’s been so desperate he stole a pair of your panties from the laundry and has been fucking his fist with them. He feels so disgusting but he can’t help it, you drive him crazy. You’re not doing much better either, constantly rutting against your pillows, crying for more. All you can think about is Beel’s huge body against yours, completely using you. You dream about his big hands running up and down your body, whimpering under his touch. Both you and Beel are about to break.
It’s late and you’re frustrated in your bed from no sexual release. You get up to get something to eat, trying desperately to take your mind off the burning sensation for pleasure in your core. As you get closer to the kitchen you hear low groans which makes you pause. You slowly creep up to the doorframe and peek in to see Beel leaning on the counter, sweaty and flushed, pleasuring himself. “Ah- MC please you smell so good- I need you” he moans quietly to himself. You immediately become flushed, knees weak and panting at the sight. Your heat creating an intense desire in your core, stronger than ever. Beel turns around quickly, face filled with embarrassment, worried that one of his brothers found him like this, all because of you. When he turns and sees you in your state he almost cums immediately. He rushes over to you, “MC! Are you okay?” He questions in a panic hoping you didn’t see him fucking his fist to you. Standing before you like this is torture for him, he wants to desperately to rip all your clothes off and bend you over the counter for his late night snack. He is suddenly surprised to you kissing him fervently, pulling him out of thought. He immediately wraps his huge hands over your waist and leans over you, kissing you impossibly deeper. You’re drunk off him, feeling fuzzy as he glides his hands all over you, completely swallowing you into him. He pulls away slowly leaving you mouth open panting and brain fuzzy. “MC…if you kiss me like that, I won’t be able to control myself.” He groans out just as flushed as you. “lose control for me please, I need you beel” as soon as you whine this out you’re immediately thrown over his shoulder, being carried back to your room. “God MC you’re gonna be the end of me” beel growls as he practically runs back to your room.
He opens the door and lays you on the bed. Beel is immediately on top of you kissing from your neck down to your stomach, giving you butterflies. As you look down you see a line of dark hickies starting from your neck all the way down your stomach. Beel loves kissing and licking all over you, his cock is straining so hard against his pants they could burst. His hard cock is the last thing on his mind, he can’t stop licking down your body, he needs to taste you now. He reaches your core and shred your panties off, completely destroying them. He looks at your pretty sex with hearts in his eyes “ ‘m so hungry sugar, gonna let me have a taste?” He groans out. He looks up at your pretty face to see you nodding and raising your hips to reach his face. With that he gives you a big smirk, “I’m awfully tired baby would you mind sitting on my face?” He moans while laying down and raising you up. He lifts you up right over his face while you squeak. “Sit down honey, relax I got you” he says as he pull your hips to rest on his face. He starts at a fast pace, lost in eating his meal. he’s groaning and whining into your core, bucking his hips in the air because of how turned on he is. He wants to please you so bad and loves doing it. you’re whining and moans urge him to keep going. Your head is fuzzy and your grinding your hips against beels face. he can feel you about to cum, he pulls you into his face more by your thighs as you shakes and cum all over his face. You look back at beel’s hard cock in his pants and see a huge wet spot from all his pre-cum. As you’re looking at his cock, you feel beel pick you up and stand up. you wrap your legs loosely around his waist as he holds you up with one hand and undoes his pants with the other. That’s when you feel his huge cock spring against your core. “You feel what you’ve done to me honey? Gonna bounce you on my cock all night my sweet sugar” he grunts into your ear. “Beel please I need it, help me please” you whine out. That’s when his feel his cock slowly enter you. He whines at how good you feel and you moan in his ear. You try moving but beel has you completely against his chest, his huge arms keeping you in place. “Don’t run sugar just take it all, can you do that my sweet girl?” He whimpers in your ear while filling you completely. You squeak out, completely brain dead on beels cock. He’s filling all your senses, getting you drunk on him and only him. he’s groaning while in pure heaven, he feels like an angel again. He needed this so bad he’s gonna take you all night, overstimulating you and himself but he can take it. You both cum so much , your heat was over the next day. After that Beel is always around or attached to you, he can’t get enough of his precious sugar.
If you like my work please request for more in my messages or inbox!
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rossy-mossy · 23 days
Wanna talk about Bloodweave and the spawn siblings, specifically how Astarions siblings would interact with Gale in that ending where they settle down in the under dark (and gale starts a vampire book club 🤓)
(DISCLAIMER Since don't know too much about Astarions siblings (more so than others) , alot of this is just me having fun and assigning character traits to them according to how I imagine my game went)
Starting with these two!
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I think these two would get along incredibly well! I can see them talking for hours about their respective (sometimes morally dubious) research, boring absolutely anyone within earshot. I think they could bond over some questionable decisions they've made (gale with the orb And Dal with trying to cure her vampirism with Victoria.) and find comfort in one another . Especially since I HC gayle saves Victoria in game but more on that in Leon's section. Out of all the siblings, Dal is the only one Astarion trusts to leave gale alone with.
Also think Dals research leads to gale finding a way for astarion and the others to walk in the sun again. I don't think she joins the book club tho bc Leon is often there and well... Y'know awkward... But gale does leave a book on her desk from time to time.
ahh the spawn I love thinking about post game the most bc I think Petras develops a big crush on Gale. I see it being pretty gradual tbh, He doesn't like Gale at first because he's Astarions and Petras has made it a habit to dislike everything about his "older brother" thank you very much (even though I think petras entire coping mechanism is to badly copy everything about astarion bc he subconsciously thinks it was the only way to survive his enslavement, hence they way he talks and Astarions fucking EA outfit, he stole it from Astarions trunk when he disappeared I just know it) .
So yeah I think it's a few months of Petras being huffy around this handsome annoying wizard while Gale continues to be nice to him. One day Gale offers to teach petras magic (he's a teacher by heart!) much like the canon weave scene and it ends with Gale genuinely but naively exclaiming "You're a natural! Why, you've picked it even faster than Astarion did!"
This is cataclysmic.
It's the first fucking time Petras has been better than Astarion in anything. Petras is immediately heart eyes and obnoxiously smug. Astarion is murderous. Leon and Dal stop a murder. Gale is sent to sleep on the couch.
Any potential brotherly reconcilation is destroyed by Astarion overhearing Petras telling Dal that when Astarion fucks this up then Petras will swoop in and marry Gale. Violet begins to cackle as all of her siblings hold Astarion ,whose now willing to lose an arm, back from dragging Petras to the surface
Petras joins the book club just bc Gale's leading it. He does not read anything but pesters Yousen for answers so he can look smart in front of Gale.
Doing the others next time!
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saintship · 9 months
🍄 ‘s Request
Synopsis: Reader seems perfectly fine with the rest of the 141 being touchy-feely, but not with Ghost. He wants to know why.
I loved this request it was so detailed!! I hope you like it! -S.S.
Simon Riley x f!Reader - I don’t bite
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“Soap, if you keep chewing your gum like that for one more second, I’m going to lose it.”
You sat over a few sheets of paperwork in the common room, Soap at the windowsill tracing patterns in the fogged glass while he waited for the kettle. Unfortunately, a concentrated Soap is also a very loud chewer.
“Haud yer wheesht, yer across the room!” He retorted.
“You’re going to be flying across the room in a minute!” You stood, huffing and walking over to observe his work. He’d drawn a little cartoon ghost with angry-looking eyes.
“Guess who?” He grinned as you rolled your eyes.
“Who’s drinking my tea?” Ghost’s steady voice carried through the tiny kitchen area as he picked up the box of teabags Soap had set down.
“Aye, it’s this one.”
Soap placed his hands on your shoulders. “Wearin’ a mask and all, she’s trying to be like y-"
Soap was cut off by your smacking him with a nearby dish towel, at which he yanked on the end of the cloth and stole an over dramatic kiss to the forehead. You groaned in annoyance, but dissolved into laughter when he attacked you back.
“Get away!” You laughed brightly as Soap snapped the towel at you, turning to spot Gaz walking in, still in his tactical gear from a stakeout.
“He’s insane!” You dodged another one of Soap’s attacks before making a run for it, only to be caught and lifted by Gaz, rendering you immobile.
“You guys suck!” You laughed through your words before breaking free, going back to the kitchen and snatching back the dish towel on the way.
You looked up to see if Simon had snagged Soap’s hot water, but he was gone, the box of tea left discarded on the counter. The lightness in your chest dimmed a bit as you realized the room had carried on with its action and disregarded him.
It wasn’t the end of the world. He was a grown man; he didn’t need to be entertained or catered to at all times, but for some reason it stuck. Like a stone that sank to the bottom of your stomach and remained for days. What that heaviness was, you couldn’t say.
Not two days later, the team was at a dive bar, traditionally following a short and successful mission. You joked with Soap and Gaz that they’d ward off any leering figure. Even though you could defend yourself effortlessly, they were men, and they loved you, so they couldn’t help but edge a bit closer or stand a bit straighter in that sort of environment. At the pool table, Soap was nearly always behind you, warding off any bold patron from “giving you a few pointers”. You barely noticed it now, just continuing in your brazen promises to destroy Gaz at his favorite bar game.
You didn’t see the calm eyes watching you, Simon’s glass being lifted to his lips as the bourbon slipped past his throat and, it seemed, straight into his heart. Your smile, the way you moved, the way you just existed, made him slip into a daydream of kissing you right there at the billiards table, the Task Force both irritated and touched by the display. His balaclava rested just above his nose, his stubbled jaw revealing the faint shadow of a week’s neglect.
It occurred to him that he had never actually attempted to initiate what you had with them.
Sometimes, he would talk to John in his office over a fancy bottle, and sometimes his tongue would slip. On one of those occasions, his Captain couldn’t stand to stay silent.
“Do something about it, Simon.”
Seeing Simon’s state, it was clear the problem wasn’t the conflict of interest, it was him. He wasn’t afraid of Narcos, or sprinting toward gunfire, or any of the things that made his job horrifying, he was afraid of showing you who he was and being laughed at.
“Maybe I will.”
He was drunk and snarky in that moment, but now he’d barely had half a glass, and he still felt that pull toward you. He felt the same ignition in his ribs that he felt in boot camp when another recruit challenged him. His competitiveness, his ambition, it never left. It only simmered, slowly and consistently, until you came along and sent it boiling over.
You were coming over now. He lowered his balaclava, the contact of fabric easing his battering heart.
“Had enough of them?” He murmured. His voice scratched from underuse, and he cleared his throat irritably.
“Always..” You thanked the bartender for your drink, not sitting at the bar but not turning back to the game quite yet.
Simon cursed his own body for the swarm of nerves intersecting in his stomach. Just the sight of you taking off your jacket was forcing him to stay in place instead of bolting to the men’s room and squeezing his eyes shut, raking his hand through his hair and forcing his nervous system down from its overdrive.
He tried to sound casual.
“You winning, then?”
“I plead the fifth..”
“Can’t do that in the Queen’s land, can you?”
The joke slipped like a sleight of hand, and your huff of laughter made his chest warm.
Maybe he could just..
“Least’ you get to show off your artillery.” He tapped a gloved fist on your exposed bicep, the muscle lean from your endless unpacking and carrying of equipment. The touch was hardly even an exchange, a tap to the side of your arm by the side of his hand. It was safe, he figured. But you straightened up and inched away.
His mind blurred your words as you excused yourself back to the pool table. He fucked up. He fucked up.
But you were thinking the same. It had taken nearly ten turns before you gathered enough courage to return to the bar counter, and when he spoke to you first, every faux bit of confidence crumbled to the floor. You saw the shine in his eyes when he made his little quip, and wondered if they looked like that when he cracked those stupid jokes over comms. You wondered what his smile looked like, and then his hand touched your arm, and you inhaled sharply, removing yourself in fear of what you would do, what you would say, how your face looked, how your voice wavered. You fucked up.
Over the next week, somehow you combated your feelings of guilt by doubling down. It pained you to no end, but you didn’t know what to do besides continue what you’d started. You weren’t ready to tell the truth, even to yourself.
You figured the universe decided to punish you for your cowardice by giving you this mission. You and Simon camped on the side of a shallow valley, the foot of the snowy hills harboring a warehouse that a sensitive target was tracked to. The mission was over quickly, but by the time the target was dead, the snow had gotten so severe that the warehouse door was under too much pressure to open. It was safe enough inside, but there was nowhere to go.
“We’ve got to wait it out.” Simon conceded after several attempts of escape.
“It’s definitely below freezing in here..” You grunted as you moved the body to a sealed container.
“He’s not complaining.” Simon nodded to the corpse, making you roll your eyes as you latched the container shut.
After some searching, you started a fire underneath a vent, the wind disturbing the flames but also preventing the smoke from choking the room. The two of you had the brain to pack up your camp before descending the hill, so you laid out what you had and rested on your back. Simon sat on his own bedroll, looking at the flames.
“You’d be warmer if you were closer.”
“I’m right next to the fire.”
“Closer to me.”
Your breath hitched as you avoided his eyes, forcing a sigh. “I’m fine.”
“You know something?”
Your jaw twitched; he saw.
“Cupid could stick an arrow in your back while you stare at me, and you’d still fall for a rock on the floor instead a’ me.”
You adjusted your weight, covering your legs with your thermal blanket. Your heart began to hammer again when you noticed his nose and mouth were exposed. He’d shaved since the night at the bar.
You didn’t reveal a thing.
“What’s the difference?”
But then he laughed, and you saw one of his canines was pointed a bit. You saw he had dimples. You saw the smooth contours of his smile, and it was like your head was fastened irreversibly to look his way. His tongue appeared to wet his dry lips briefly and your cheeks burned. He spoke evenly. You studied how his mouth moved when he talked, following the inflections of his accent with your eyes.
“We’re stuck here, Sergeant. So I’ll be straight. What’s the fuckin’ deal?”
If anyone else swore that way, you’d take it as unnecessary aggression, but his eyes told you he just wanted an answer.
“Not everyone you meet is going to be infatuated with you..” Your words intended to bite, but they fell from your lips like dead leaves.
“Not everyone I meet knows how I think like you do.” His tone dipped with sincerity. “Not everyone cracks filthy jokes and doesn’t care what looks she gets. You’re not everyone, love.”
Your eyes met his at the nickname. “Simon..”
“I don’t bite.” He murmured. “So come get me.”
“Come get..” you breathed, and he nodded.
You sat up, facing him and shifting closer.
“S’a bit cruel, you know..” The quieter he got, the more gravel lined his words. “The other boys gettin’ your lovin’. Leavin’ me out, babe?”
His hand trailed to your jaw, his fingertips traveling from the skin behind your ear until the side of his knuckle held your chin.
“It’s not the same, they’re not.. they’re..”
He was so close now, the breath of his words almost right against your lips. He lifted your mask until he could watch the way your lips parted.
“They’re not me..”
He nailed his words in when he kissed you, slowly and with a confidence you did not expect. He pulled back for a moment, likely to ask if it was alright that he’d practically confessed for you, but you were pulling him back into your arms before he could get a word out. His arm held you upright and close to him, not wandering, but instead soothing up your back with gentle movements, his other hand carefully holding your face and occasionally brushing his thumb over your cheek. The howling of the wind outside seemed to quiet; it was just the sound of his breathing, the faint, intoxicating noise that murmured from his chest. He took a fragment of your lip between his teeth before soothing over the intrusion with his tongue. He was impossibly warm.
“Fuckin’ hell, mate..”
You drew back roughly, Simon grunting in surprise before noticing what had startled you. Gaz stood with the warehouse door pried open, panting from exertion.
“Didn’t know you got down like that, Lieu-"
“That’ll do!”
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holylulusworld · 5 months
Designed by pain (9)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, past break-up, arguments, daddy Dean
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (8)
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Dean couldn’t find sleep that night. He tried to close his eyes, but all he saw was the ring on the bed while the words from your note echoed in his mind.
You wanted him to stop you from leaving, and he didn’t even know about it. 
His mother stole the only chance he had to see you swollen with his child and hear the first cry of his baby boy.
She stole everything from him. And he let her. 
It’s the first time in his life he doesn’t know what to do. Dean has lost his way, and he’s not sure there is a way to fix what he and his mother destroyed years ago.
Coming here was an act of desperation, nothing else. He didn’t think this through. All Dean wanted was to meet his son, and somehow, he had hoped there would be a chance you’d forgive him. 
Wishful thinking. A daydream he had hoped would come true.
A lie he sold himself so easily while he was clawing at the seat on the plane. Dean is a great pretender when it comes to his feelings. He pushes them away, pretending to not feel the emptiness inside of him since you left his side.
“Can’t sleep?” Sam yawns and slowly sits up. “Dean, you should try to get some sleep. Y/N allowed us to stay and agreed to talk to you in the morning. That’s more than you could’ve dreamed of.”
“I fucked everything up,” Dean sighs, and rolls to the other side to hide the tears well up to his eyes. “I could’ve had a life with Y/N. Sammy, I’ve missed her pregnancy, and the birth of our child. I didn’t see his first steps. His first word wasn’t daddy because I wasn’t around. Do you know how this feels? Do you?”
Sam fights the tears and the lump in his throat. He doesn’t know how it feels because he was there, watching his baby boy's every step. “No…I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Dean huffs. “I got drunk and hurt Y/N. I let Mother walk all over her and didn’t even try to contact Y/N. You wanted me to find her, but I let my doubts and issues get in the way.”
“You didn’t know about the note, and her pregnancy,” Sam slowly sits up. He slips out of the bed to place his hand on Dean’s shoulder. “I know Y/N is still hurt, but Mother played you both. If there is a slight chance Y/N will at least let you be a part of your son’s life, take it. Don’t chicken out. Just take it.”
“Fuck’s sake, I’m trying to do the right thing. It’s just…” Dean sniffs. “It’s all so fucked up. Our mother ruined my relationship out of spite. Father tried to hit on my fiancé and still drools all over her. I’m a father and don’t know how to tell my son that he grew up without a father because I was the one fucking things up between Y/N and me.”
“Can you not say fuck all the time?” Sam grunts. “You can’t cuss all the time while a kid is around. Dean, you need to learn to control your mouth and use your brain as a filter.”
“I can curse as much as I want to as long as Michael is not around,” Dean argues. “Now lemme sleep.”
“You didn’t sleep at all. Your grumpiness kept me awake,” Sam bites back. “But fine. Go ahead and ruin your chance. I’ll fly back home tomorrow.”
“Sammy…I…I need you here. I don’t know what I’m doing here,” Dean sits up to look at his brother. “Can she ever forgive me? It was all my fault…my fault alone…”
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“Arthur, not now,” you rub your tired eyes while arguing with your boss and best friend. “I know you don’t like Dean, but this can’t be helped. He’s here, and I need to find a way to handle the situation. Michael deserves to know his father…doesn’t he?”
Ketch shakes his head. He stares at the closed front door while you nervously run your hands up and down your arms. “I came here to check on you because you cried last night, Y/N. He’s in town for not twenty-four hours and already made you cry. Let me throw him out of your house.”
“Ketch…” you grab his wrist and stop him from entering your house. “I love you like a brother, but this is something you can’t do for me. Michael needs to know, and I need a conclusion too. Let me handle Dean.”
“Do you trust me?” You look him straight in the eyes. “Do you believe I’m a smart and independent woman able to make my own decisions?”
“Yeah… I mean…” He stammers now. “Of course, my dear…”
“Then let me make my own decision,” you pat his hand. “You’re a good friend, and I—”
You can’t end your line because Dean storms out of your house. He immediately attacks catch, landing a blow to your friend’s cheek. “YOU! You kept her away from me! You sonofabitch! Now you come here to get her? Forget it!”
“Dean! No!” Sam tries to stop his brother, but Ketch and Dean are already throwing punches at each other. You can only watch them fight over you, or whatever they believe they are fighting for.
You and Sam yell while the men fight and argue. Ketch yells at Dean for leaving you and his baby, while Dean calls Ketch a girlfriend-stealing gremlin.
You’d chuckle at Dean’s choice of words but they are about to seriously injure each other.
“STOP THIS NONSENSE!” Sam yells. He wants to get in between the men. “DEAN!”
“He’s my dad?” 
You turn around like in slow motion to watch your son’s eyes widen. His face falls, and he sniffles. 
“Baby…I—” you try to find the words to explain why you never told your son about his father. “We should head back inside.”
“He’s my dad?” He says again, a little louder this time. “But…” Michael shakes his head. “I hate you! All of you!” 
“No…I…” You sniffle. “Great! I hope you are both happy now!”
Part 10
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erisweekofficial · 22 days
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Tonight we're highlighting @chairofchaos!
🔥 Choas is a masterful Azris writer that has our hearts in her hands. If you're looking for something delightfully angsty or heartfelt (or both), look no further than her writing.
Although all of her work is amazing, we're currently crying over Letters of Love, which details Eris and Azriel falling in love and their relationship over time. Definitely get some tissues for this one. 😭😭And if you can't take our word for it take one of her fans:
The Letters of Love series has me spellbound in a way I can not describe. The love, the angst, the writing! I will forever cherish it. Chaos is truly a wonderful writer even if she is chaotic and I will devour this series until the end of time.
Be sure to check out their masterlist, including this Azris drabble!
Read on to learn some of Chaos's favorite Eris headcanons and which national/regional park Eris would get lost and die (or not die) in.
yes. we asked this.
Give us a name for one of Eris’ Brothers
James (so that he can use the “Um. James…” TikTok sound. A modern Eris would secretly have a TikTok. Super secret, but he would have one). Also, a relatively modern name simply because I’m tired of trying to get my word processor to recognize the validity of “Eris” and “Feyre” and even “Elain.” (No, do not add an “e”. I said, DO NOT ADD AN “E”!)
Give us a name for one of Eris’ hounds
Butter. Eris named him as a child because the hound liked to steal things off the kitchen counter, and the first thing he ever stole was a stick of butter. Eris got in a little trouble for it, so the official story is that his fur was lighter than is typical for a smokehound, and smooth like butter. The truth is that he fell in love with the little thief, and wanted to commemorate that first occurrence of thievery. It was a subtle act of rebellion on Eris’ part, and the chef was not pleased when he heard.
Give us some of your favorite Eris headcanons!
Eris is the family secret keeper. His mother tells him things. Lucien tells him things. His other brothers don’t mean to tell him things, but they drop hints and he’s smart enough to put things together. He goes unnoticed by adults as a young person, and is able to gather more information than anyone thought was possible. In doing so, he accidentally positions himself as knowledgeable on many family and court matters he probably shouldn’t even have known about in the first place. People also have a habit of just sharing things with him at random times, so he knows a considerable amount about each of the family guards, the Autumn Council, and their families. He’s a favorite with the court gossips because he will listen. He will rarely contribute, but he will always listen. As a result, everyone in court believes he is on their side. How this will play out when he is High Lord, Eris has no idea. For now, he’s happy hearing their tales of woe. Lord Cherry’s son eloped with the royal groundskeeper who taught Eris how to garden? Eris is absolutely shocked! Of course, he was the one who gave them a carriage to go to Spring, but Lord Cherry doesn’t need to know that.
Who scares Eris the most?
Eris is most scared of himself. I saw a post just the other day where a person told their therapist they were worried they would destroy everything, and their therapist told them they didn’t have that kind of power. They found it helpful because knowing you don’t have the power to change huge things in rage helped them. The difference here is that Eris has that kind of power by his proximity to societal power and his literal powers. He can destroy everything that matters to him if he is careless enough, and that terrifies him. He fears he would be powerful enough to change the world, and wishes he did not have that amount of power, because he has seen first hand how power corrupts. Outside of himself, he is most scared of Lucien. Lucien has more power than he could even imagine, and Eris isn’t sure his brother knows. At the same time, he fears the day Lucien discovers Eris knew, and that Lucien will never forgive him for keeping the knowledge to himself.
What kind of father does Eris imagine he would be, and does that differ from his actual father?
Eris imagines himself to be a brutal, unyielding, possibly even abusive father, as Beron was. He has never known a loving father, and while he believes it is theoretically possible, he looks in the mirror and sees Beron staring back at him. In every way possible, Beron has shaped Eris to be unforgiving, unyielding, brutal, and cruel. Eris worries that he will become Beron if he has children. It takes someone telling him that his worries and fear of becoming his father are what can keep him from becoming Beron. He needs a lot of support to feel confident enough that it is possible in order to become a father at all. Once he has that support, I think he does everything he can to be a better father than the one he had.
What national/regional park would Eris get lost and die (or not die) in?
Eris is dying in Petrified Forest National Park as we speak. He’s dying of heat related injuries and sun exposure. That male was not made for the desert. Fire powers cannot save you from the Arizona sun.
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verystrxxwberry · 1 month
Hello Alex, I hope you're doing very well! I think your writing is incredible because you manage to convey the exact essence of the character, so I would like to ask you for an angst hc of Nevra first night since Erika entered the crystal. I'm not fluent in English so I apologize for any mistakes, have a great day and take care!
ELDARYA; the first night Erika entered the crystal
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: How did Nevra experience the first night Erika entered the crystal, sfw, angst, eldarya TO. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Oh my, it’s the first time someone ever tells me that, and I am very glad you think that! I do my best to write as good as I can the character because I fear doing something weird with the character (plus they aren’t my oc so it is different: probably the way I think about them in a situation is different than the opinion of another person) but anyway! Enjoy it.
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
The first night was the hardest. Nevra arrived as quickly as possible to the crystal room, but still he arrived too late to help anyone. His best friend was lying down on the floor, his body surrounded by blood and not showing any answer at the sounds around him. Still, Nevra had the last hope of Valkyon being alive- he had to be alive. He didn’t mind getting his hands dirty by Valkyon’s blood, he shook him, tried pcr on him, he yelled at the body. But that body was empty already.
His tears came out without control, and he didn’t even mind because he was too busy trying to accept what his eyes were seeing. It had to be a nightmare. He couldn’t believe it.
Nevra turned around, gazing at Miiko, who was being attended by Eweleïn, but there were no signs of Leiftan or Erika, so he started yelling their names.
He wandered around the crystal room searching for them both, desperate and with a deep pain clawing at his heart. Even if his face was filled with tears, he had an expression of rage. His fists were clenched, prepared to punch Lance if he had the chance to find him.
But when they got told that Erika and Leiftan got trapped in the crystal, he truly hoped for it to break again. This shouldn’t be happening. He approached the crystal and hugged it, screaming if they could hear him.
Come on, the last conversation he had with Erika was to drink from her blood. She allowed him to keep the fight with energy, and he had to do something to help her too. But he couldn’t do anything.
He sobbed against the crystal like a little kid. His emotions were dominating every sense and control in his body. Nevra didn’t mind if there were people from the town watching him breakdown over that, at the end it was normal to break down after seeing the consequences of a war.
It was Ezarel who separated Nevra from the crystal and told Karenn to distract him outside. Nevra was reluctant to let go of the crystal, it stole his lover, his Erika. That place also held the last thing he would remember about his best friend, Valkyon.
All the time he remained outside the general headquarters, he spent it embracing Karenn and crying in her arms. He was desperate and his words went from “I can’t do this anymore” to “this is so unfair.” But he couldn’t change the past.
When the night came, Nevra went to the crystal room, which was still destroyed but finally empty. The silence on it was terrifying, it felt like all the color he saw around in his life was suddenly gone: everything was gray and carried the heavy weight of death. Even if his chest was heavy of remembering what just happened hours before, he decided to stay there. He sat on the floor, looking up at the crystal with the tiny hope of seeing any sign from Erika or Leiftan.
He blamed himself, thinking that he would probably have been able to stop Lance if he just came minutes before. He could have saved Valkyon. He could have saved Erika and Leiftan from being trapped in the crystal. But thinking that way… he could have saved Mery, he could have saved Ykhar as well. He could have saved so many people yet he was always late. And why was he feeling bad over Leiftan? He hated feeling sad for losing him after all the stuff he did, but he couldn’t help it. There was something about all the time he spent with Leiftan that made him miss him.
Nevra heard steps behind him but didn’t even bother to look around. If it was someone willing to stab him, he’d gratefully accept… but no. It was Ezarel who offered him a bottle of water. The elf sat beside Nevra and looked at the crystal. They shared a few words, where Nevra told him with a hoarse voice that he was terribly afraid of losing anyone else. xd
Ezarel remained silent, but he decided that it was correct to embrace his friend and stay there with him. They shared the same deep sadness and anxiety over the situation, so he also found comfort in Nevra’s presence.
They both didn’t sleep a bit through the night. Ezarel had his eyes closed, his head resting on Nevra’s shoulder, but not being able to sleep. Nevra had his eyes open all the time, staring at the crystal and visualizing how it could’ve been if he was there on time.
The next morning he had to take a nap because the headache he had was terribly painful.
The next days Nevra was off. His attention was driven into memories, into the things he experienced that day. He was closed in his own world, and the only ones he dared to open were Ezarel and Karenn.
His sleeping schedule was terrible, either he slept and had nightmares or he couldn’t sleep at all. That also came along with his eating schedule, which was also terrible as he felt nauseous most of the time. It was Karenn the one who forced him to try to eat something to at least feed his body- and it worked, because he was starving, but the anxiety made him feel nauseous constantly.
His coldness increased when he lost Ezarel. Nevra showed himself as being fine with the decision the elf took. He was an adult capable of making his own decisions after all. But he was deeply in denial about it. It was too soon for him to lose another friend. But he did, he lost Ezarel too soon for him to learn to cope with it properly.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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v-67 · 1 month
Watched Deadpool with my bestfriend.
The movie was good, but part of me felt like they were over doing a bit in some parts.
And i don't know why the whole TVA mixture is added
It felt like the Marvel universe collided with the Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy (not saying it's the same, but kinda like, how if you fuck up in one universe, there are a billion other timelines and all that bit, again I know not the same, but similar concept, and makes me feel weird because it gives the idea of a kind of simulation and that makes me feel weird.)
My point is I'm okay with the idea of multiverse, I love it even. But I'm not okay with a bunch of weird beings overlooking it all. The idea of multiverse existing is cool, but that's because it is simply existing. But when you bring someone who overlooks and does stuff to it, it makes me feel like 'eh. No.'
Other than that, one scene where Logan who was chained to something and there were like bloody skulls around him all over made me think of the scene in Bleach with Yhwach v. Yamamto's where Yamamto's bankai made dead comrades of Yhwach appear [all red and skull, skeletons (my god that was a beautiful scene, what brilliant portrayal, the bleach one, the Logan one made me feel bad for him]
And then, the fight scenes could have been choreographed in a better way, they were good but, some parts felt like they could've been better.
Loved the background music a lot. Loved the fourth wall break a lot. Deadpool is just all over the world.
And my god, they even referenced Batman. Hahahahahah.
When Deadpool was talking to Happy, and I saw the 'Proof that tony stark has a heart.' Fuck. I felt my feelings a little too much
And Wolverine. My god. The love I have for this character is so immense. It was Deadpools movie but Wolverine really stole the show, specially in that one scene *ahem abs ahem*
But fr, the love I have for Logan. The feeling I have. And specially when I saw the Logan movie. It was like my heart was ripped out.
And then Deadpool desecrated his grave. And then as he mentioned, they brought him back.
See, I'm not complaining, but this is just, Idk
And even Brining Rdj back as Dr. Doom
I mean, idk.
Also why is quicksilver dead every goddamn where.
And Xavier's sister. What are these concepts.
And also the scene where Wolverine's past is shown. How he killed...anyone who crossed his path, the good the bad, anyone. I kinda get it. Not justifying his actions but...it was his way of dealing with his feelings. And sometimes it feels like that, to destroy the universe at its core because the people you called home are no longer here.
But overall, fun movie, felt like it was hyped a bunch, but was fun nevertheless. The interviews and Ryan and Hugh everywhere was kinda fun too, they're a cute duo, ngl (platonic y'all).
But it's enough bringing dead back again in some way or another. It's like, i grieved for this character man, and I'm happy that he's back again....but he's technically not the same Wolverine i grieved for. He's not from the universe I have been watching since so long. So just bringing the same character just from a different universe, it feels like you're deceiving me and playing w my feelings for this character. Maybe I'm looking into it a bit too much, I'm not sure.
I was supposed to post this weeks ago but I hadn't completed writing it, and I still haven't I guess, but it has been too long, so I'm going to post this now.
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More ROTTMNT headcanons: emotional whiplash part two electric boogaloo
Leo jokingly calls Donnie his better half
Donnie calls Leo his worse half without a hint of sarcasm 
Leo calls his worst enemies “bestie”
During a fight he’ll say some stupid shit like “hey bestie could you back up a little bit I can smell your nasty ass breath” 
If they’re driving the tank and someone is on their ass (kind of hard to keep some distance between yourself and a tank that takes up four lanes but who cares) 
He will use the megaphone (cause yes he did force Donnie to install a megaphone (they stole it from a cop car)) and say “hey I know we’re besties but that doesn’t mean you need to ride my ass okay? Love you bye!” 
He also calls everyone babe (platonically of course) 
He’ll walk into Donnie’s room and go “hey babe sorry to inform you but I may or may not have destroyed the microwave” 
And then he’ll run for his life 
Raph heard one person from the south say “oh bless her heart” (if you know you know) and then it became a permanent part of his vocabulary 
He even does the little accent and everything it’s hilarious 
Raph calls everyone Kid
Even April and Splinter 
April calls people “sweetie” or “hunny” when she’s fucking furious 
Whenever the boys hear those nicknames to run for the hills
Whenever Donnie wants to get someone’s attention quickly he calls them Bub
He’ll run into his sibling's rooms and yell “BUB COME SEE THIS” (because their nicknames are just too long (I type without a hint of sarcasm))
Mikey calls everyone Love
He’ll walk into a room and go “hey love” and everyone says hey back 
It’s his own little way of saying y’all without having to say y’all (he refuses to say it and no one knows why)
When the boys were younger Raph didn’t have a good handle on his anger which would lead to him lashing out
And he used to get into massive screaming matches with Splinter
Sometimes the arguments were quiet and about stupid shit like how Splinter couldn’t cook and would only feed them junk food
And then there were the massive fights where Raph would scream at Splinter until he was blue in the face about how he couldn’t raise three boys when Splinter never raised him
During the small fights, the twins would take Mikey to another room
Donnie would let Mikey borrow his noise-canceling headphones 
And Leo would try and play charades to pass the time and distract him until the argument was over
During the bigger fights, the twins would take him on a walk through the sewers
Donnie would try and teach Mikey some escape routes just in case of an emergency
And Leo would show Mikey all of the cool hiding spaces he found 
Until Raph went and got them (cause lets face it Leo’s hiding spaces weren't that great)
After season two Raph and Leo started getting into massive screaming matches
And Donnie had to distract Mikey alone
He eventually made Mikey a pair of noise-canceling headphones cause hearing the older two fight was painful
And when the screaming match was over Leo would find them huddled together in his room
When the argument was about something stupid he would mess around and try to distract the younger two
But when the fights were bad and someone crossed a line Leo would walk into his room see the boys and break down
The first time this happened they didn’t know what to do because Leo never cries in front of them
And he was an inconsolable mess rambling about how he’s so sorry that they have to go through this again because of him 
And they would forgive him immediately and cuddle him until the sobbing stopped 
After a while, Raph would find them and apologize and join the little cuddle pile
Cause that’s what brothers do
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hi! I love your writing 💕
can I request a scene of jegulus reunion during the war, in a scenario where they never broke up just separated to keep each other safe and now regulus started to work on destroying the horcruxes and realized he will need help so he comes to james?
anyway hope you're having a great day 💕
Hello! Thank you so much! I know you asked for this a while ago, and I have been mulling it over it my head ever since. But this one I do actually like a lot and I hope you do too! with love
Tell me it's True (1/1) (jegulus)
One minute James was fighting side by side with Sirius. The next minute he and Sirius were being pulled through time and space, stopping briefly at Remus and Sirius' flat, and then James was the only one being sucked through again and landing harshly on quiet shoreline.
He panted as he lay on his back in the sand. When he got his bearings, he gripped his wand right in his hand waiting for the thing that stole him off the frontlines to reveal themselves and their reason for taking him. But as he looked up at the night sky, realized he could see Regulus. And not the star but the his heart.
That's when he panicked. "Who are you! What do you want?" James cried hauling himself up, and pointing his wand at man in front of him.
"James," Regulus said. "It's me."
James wanted it to be true but he knew there was no way it could be. The war wasn't over, so there's no way Regulus would be coming to find him now. Desperate though he whispered, "prove it."
Regulus muttered a set of revealing spells, all coming up empty. He removed his overcloak and pulled up the side of his shirt, showing James the scar that ran all down his side, the one that James helped heal shortly after his father had cast the curse that did it. James lowered his wand.
He dropped his wand, fell to his knees, looking James in the eyes and whispered back, "mon amour, I've come to find out and brought you to this place like we planned all those months ago. And on a stone that has since sunk to the bottom of the black lake is a piece of you and piece of me, that holds a secret only we know."
James rushed to him. It recognized the beach where they were, recognized the words they promised to repeat, recognized the secret that bound them together, a stone cast with each of their blood tossed into waters of the first and last place they met.
And as James crashed into Regulus he held him so tightly and let himself be held with equal force.
Without pulling away, James spoke into Regulus' ear: "what are you doing here? The war is not over?" James asked.
"But it will be," Regulus whispered back.
This made James pull back. "What, do you mean?" James asked searching Regulus' face, his eyes, his hands flying up to cup the face of the man he ached for every night.
"Horcruxes, James. He made horcruxes. Six or seven of them... I'm not sure. But I've destroyed one. And I found you because I need your help to find the rest." Regulus explained staring into the amber eyes that shone in the moonlight.
"You're kidding," James replied. Regulus just shook his head.
"I'm sorry," Regulus explained.
"Sorry? What for?" James said, shock clear in his voice.
"The horcruxes they are terribly hidden, and torturous to get at. I don't want to bring you into this but I can't.... I can't do this alone." Regulus rushed out.
"No Regulus," James said looking at Regulus with a smile forming on his face. Regulus returned the look but with a quizzical expression.
"You are telling me you are coming back? You are coming back to me and you aren't going to leave again?" James said. Pleading for Regulus to confirm, desperate to know he hasn't misunderstood.
And Regulus kissed him. Then he nodded his head.
"Yes James I'm here to stay. Always have been and I'll continue to be, yours."
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losfacedevil · 6 months
Easter Traditions (A FM!Sam Short)
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a/n~ I’ve missed my babies something fierce! Here’s a little glimpse into their Easter festivities!
“Have you ever made someone an Easter basket?” Sam asked, laying upside down on Danny’s bed with his head hanging off the edge.
Danny quirked a brow, finishing the scribbling of words on the page in front of him before turning his attention to Sam; a questioning look kissing his facial features. Danny thought for a moment, back to the year that his sister turned fourteen and their mother broke her heart by declaring she was officially too old for an Easter basket.
“Yeah, once or twice when my sister was younger and mom thought she was too old for a little bit of Easter joy. Why, what’s up?”
Sam rolled over and righted himself, pushing up off of the floor with his long arms and caught himself on the edge of the bed to push up into a seated position. A soft smile spread across his face as he thought of the conversation he had with Sophia earlier that day.
Sam’s eyes held a light of childlike wonder as he spoke about the conversation he had with Sophia, recounting just how her mom would make her an Easter basket every year, the contents of it changing with her age and how it always contained the same colored peeps - even though she didn’t like peeps and knew they were her moms favorite. Danny nodded along as he listened to Sam drone on about the things she’d put in the basket for her and how her mom would sift through bags of jelly belly’s for her favorite flavors.
“I’ve noticed she eyes that Peter Cottontail hollow bunny our moms used to get us when we were little. I wonder if that’s the same one her mom got her.” Danny nodded and thought for a second before pushing his office chair out from under his desk and rose to his feet. Crossing the room he snatched his keys off of the dresser and stuffed his feet into his tennis shoes before nodding towards the door.
“Well? Are you coming with me or am I in charge of making her basket?” Excitement filled Sam’s features as he scrambled off of the bed and followed Danny out of the room.
Sam perused the aisles of the local Walgreens, having high hopes to find everything he would need in one place. His eyes landed on a hairbrush she had been gushing over wanting to try and he plucked it off of the hook before turning to Danny.
“Do you think a brush is a weird thing to put in here?” Sam asked, holding up the basket he had chosen from the selection the store had to offer. Danny shook his head, plucking a pack of the hair ties he knew she used and they always stole from her off of the hook he was standing in front of.
“Not really, it’s something she’ll get use out of and let’s face it, you’ve all but stolen her paddle brush.” Danny chuckled, tossing the pack of hair ties into the basket.
“What about this?” Danny asked, holding up a pastel pink flower shaped claw clip. A soft smile spread across Sam’s lips as he took the clip out of Danny’s hand and slowly tucked it into the basket.
“That’s perfect! I may have sat on her last one and destroyed it last night. She never learns to not leave them lying around.” He chuckled.
Sam made quick work of collecting some of her favorite things and tossed them into the basket to make sure it would all fit snugly and securely. Turning his head he made eye contact with Danny before nodding towards the front of the store and making a beeline to the registers to pay for everything he had found.
Later that night, he snuck out of bed, leaving Sophia curled up around his pillow and made his way to the hall closet where he had stashed his purchases. He made quick work of piecing together her Easter basket with all of the goodies he had found and placed it on the kitchen table. Scooping the shopping bag up off of the counter he slowly made his way into the living room and perched himself on the couch, the next task at hand to sort her favorite jelly beans out from the rest.
“Sam… what are you doing?” The sound of Danny’s voice cause Sam to jump and scatter the jelly beans he had cupped in his hand across the living room floor. He shot a glare over his shoulder, huffing a tried and frustrated sigh through his nose before lifting the bag and emptying more into the palm of his hand.
“I’m taking out all the popcorn and bubblegum flavored jelly beans and putting them into one of your honey jars. It’s something her mom used to do and I know it’s special to her.” Sam grumbled, tossing a few jelly beans into the jar before dumping the rest of the handful into a separate jar. Danny nodded his head and slowly made his way into the living room, placing a small basket packed tightly with skin care products down on the table.
“I couldn’t help myself. So I snuck a few things she’s been eyeing during shopping trips over the last few weeks. She was none the wiser.” Sam smiled at Danny and reached up to clap a hand on his shoulder.
“You spoiled her too? She’s not even expecting one basket and she’s getting two? Her reaction is going to be priceless. Now get the hell outta here, stop distracting me.” Sam chuckled, shooing Danny off in the direction of the kitchen.
Sophia awoke the next morning pinned under the weight of Sam’s body. Turning her head to the side, she pressed soft kisses to the tip of his nose and the curve of his mustache hoping to wake him gently. He stirred slightly, throwing his leg over hers and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck.
“Just five more minutes and we’ll go make pancakes.” He mumbled, wrapping his arm around her midsection and pulled her closer to him. She reveled in the feeling of his body against hers and let her eyes flutter shut as his breathing began to even out once more.
“It’s Easter, baby. Don’t you wanna get up and enjoy the day? We wouldn’t want to sleep half of it away - we have to cook dinner for your brothers!” She giggled, wiggling her way out of his grasp and pushed herself out of the bed.
“And besides - the Easter bunny left you boys a treat! Don’t you wanna see what he left you?” She giggled, pure excitement coursing through her body as she pulled the two small baskets out of her closet. Sam pushed himself into a seated position and stretched his arms high above his head, making sure to keep his eyes closed as she placed the basket on the bed in front of him.
“I think he did pretty good if I do say so myself.” She giggled, perching herself on the edge of the bed. Sam peeked an eye open and smiled at her all while reaching out and pulling the basket closer to him.
“Now what did this Bunny think I’d like, hmm?” Sam joked as he began to sift through the basket.
He couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he picked up a small container of guitar picks and placed them to the side. Amongst the items were his favorite body wash, a cologne he had been talking about wanting to try, a gift certificate to their favorite sushi restaurant and a new toothbrush.
“The Easter bunny really decided to replace the toothbrush you dropped in the toilet?!” He joked, placing it to the side in favor of the plastic eggs filled with loose candy he began to munch on.
“I think he decided you needed one with all the Skittles you’re about to eat.” She giggled, reaching over to steal an orange one out of the egg he was holding.
“Thank you baby, that was sweet.” He cooed. Sophia couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face but kept her eyes downcast - not wanting the disappointment she knew played in them to be seen.
“Dan the man can get his when he wakes up. I don’t know about you but I am not waking the beast this early on a Sunday morning.” She giggled, pushing herself to stand and scooped the other basket off of the bed as she made her way out of the bedroom.
Sam was hot on her heels and quickly pushed past her, placing both hands on the hallway walls. Sophia’s bottom lip pushed out in a pout and she crossed her arms over her chest. Sam smiled sleepily at her and leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips, a distraction while Danny snuck past them and placed her baskets on the kitchen table.
“What was that for?” She giggled and pulled a deep breath in through her nose. Sam turned and looked over his shoulder briefly, exchanging a quick nod with Danny before wrapping his arms gently around Sophia and turned them both around.
“Daniel was indecent, I don’t think you want to see that, sorry.” He chuckled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead as he walked her backwards into the kitchen. She couldn’t help the boisterous laugh that slipped past her lips at the thought of Danny streaking across the kitchen.
“How are you going to be indecent in my kitchen, Danny boy?” She called, her voice muffled by the way she was wrapped up in Sam’s arms. The smell of chocolate chip pancakes invaded her senses as they entered the kitchen. Sam’s gaze found Danny’s and they exchanged a silent conversation all while Sophia remained tucked into Sam’s chest.
“The Easter bunny forgot where your room was, Danny. He left your stuff with us.” She giggled, tipping her head back just enough to breathe in the air around her and held the basket out in his direction.
“How dare he not know where to find me! Can you just put it on the table for now, please? I’ll check it out as soon as breakfast is done.” Danny called.
Sam unraveled himself from Sophia and took a step back, crossing his arms over his chest as she spun on her heel and her eyes landed on the kitchen table. She reached up and placed Danny’s basket next to the two that were already sitting there and cocked her head to the side.
“I think the Easter bunny only knew the vicinity you were in.” Sam said. Stepping forward he wrapped his arms around her midsection and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. Sophia took a couple of deep, steadying breaths and leaned back against Sam, reaching up to rest her hands on his arms.
“Baby I…guys you… you didn’t have to.” Her voice cracked as tears welled in her eyes. The memory of the conversation she had with Sam earlier that month coming to the forefront of her mind.
“But we wanted to.” Danny chuckled, swooping past her, he ruffled her messy hair as he placed a plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. Pulling a deep breath in through her nose, she huffed it out and turned her head in Danny’s direction, shooting him a look with furrowed brows.
“Don’t give me that look. This was all Sam’s idea.” Danny chuckled, turning his attention to the basket Sophia had presented for him.
She stepped forward and pulled the bigger of the two baskets in front of her, carefully pulling the card that was tucked safely in the front of it out. Sam reached forward and placed a hand over hers, guiding her to place the card on the table.
“That’ll still be there later.” He chuckled, waiting impatiently for her to sift through the goodies in the basket.
She couldn’t help the giggle that slipped past her lips as she pulled the small plush chick out and hugged it to her chest - one of the many Easter traditions her mother carried on right up until the end. A hair brush, hair ties, claw clips and her favorite cheap perfume all sat to one side of the basket. It was then that her eyes traveled to the other side and she spotted the jar of popcorn and bubblegum flavored jelly beans, clearly hand picked going by the big mason jar of other flavors sitting on the counter.
“You picked them out like she used to…” her voice was soft as memories flooded her mind of Easter’s past and just how excited her mom would be to watch her pick apart the baskets she so lovingly put together.
Sam placed soft kisses to her cheek and gave her a reassuring squeeze as she dug to the bottom of the basket. Plucking the last item up her arm froze and she could no longer fight the tears that sprung to her eyes. In her hand was a three pack of blue bunny peeps - her moms favorite ones.
“How did you?” Her voice cracked as tears began to slip down her cheeks. Sam pulled back and spun her in his grasp, wrapping his arms around her shoulders in a tight bear hug.
“I know you won’t eat them, but I know how much this meant to the both of you. I couldn’t put together a basket and not include a hug especially from her.” He mumbled, keeping his voice low so the moment remained between the two of them.
“She’d sneak them in every year, at the bottom of the basket knowing I’d make a face and give them to her. It was our thing.” She sniffled hard trying to compose herself before turning back to the task at hand. Sam placed a kiss to the crown of her head and smoothed his hand up and down her back, essentially calming her down.
“You told me all about it a few weeks ago, don’t you remember? When you told me that numb nuts told you Easter baskets were childish? I might have my stupid moments but I listen to every word you say. I love you.” Sam chuckled, pulling back to cup her cheeks in his hand and wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks with his thumbs.
“Happy Easter.” Sam kept his voice light and leaned forward to capture her lips with his in a soft and sweet kiss. Sophia pulled a deep breath in through her nose and held it to the count of ten before releasing it and turning back to the table.
“Daniel - you too?! How did I ever get so lucky to find both of you?” She giggled, slowly sifting through the small basket Danny had stuffed full of the skin care she had been gushing about to him over the last few weeks.
“That’s what happens when you fall in love with a package deal, you get him and me no questions asked.” Danny chuckled, ruffling her hair once more as he made his way out of the kitchen.
Sam watched as Sophia picked up the mason jar full of jelly beans and twisted it in her hands, a soft smile playing across her face as she opened the jar and picked a few popcorn flavored ones out. Cupping they in her hand she quickly popped them into her mouth before turning and offering Sam the jar.
“You gotta eat four bubblegum ones now - it’s tradition.” Tears welled in her eyes as her voice cracked once more, many more memories flooding her mind. Sam did as he was told, picking four pink jelly beans out of the jar and popped them into his mouth.
“Thank you… you guys didn’t have to do all this.” She mumbled, screwing the lid back onto the jar and tucked it safely back into the basket. A soft smile spread across Sam’s cheeks as he took a step forward and wrapped her in his arms, holding her close to his chest.
“There was no obligation in what we did. We do these things because we want to… okay? I love you, Daniel loves you, Sabrina loves you. Everyone loves you. I know holidays aren’t the easiest, but I want to make them as easy and fun as possible.”
Sophia took another deep breath and steadied herself as she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tightly to her. She nuzzled her face into the soft fabric of his t-shirt and began to sway their bodies gently. Sam breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she was okay with the little thing he does for her, not wanting to overstep a boundary. He pressed soft kisses against the crown of her head as she relaxed in his grip.
“Happy Easter, baby.” She mumbled, causing a smile to tug at the corners of his lips and he hugged her a bit tighter, letting her know she was safe with him.
TAGLIST: @vanfleeter @readyforthegarden @ascendingtostardust @belovedsamuel @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @gracev0609 @sunfl0wer-power @silks-up-my-sleeve @aintthatapity @twistedmelodies @gvfpal @runwayblues @the-wicked-gnome
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feralbutfluffy · 1 year
57: Aziraphale
Chapter 57 of Too Wise to Woo Peaceably
Crowley and Aziraphale had spent what might have been minutes or months curled into each other on the sofa before Crowley yawned, stretched theatrically, and said, “I think we should get some rest. What d’you say? Care to help this invalid to bed?”
Aziraphale pursed his lips in a show of disapproval, knowing ‘rest’ was the last thing on Crowley’s mind. 
The disapproval was entirely hollow.
His heart slammed against his ribs at the idea of lying with Crowley. They had managed to make the sofa feel sinful enough that a bed seemed like a dangerous proposition.
“...And the leopard shall lie down with the kid…”
Aziraphale wondered if one of them was the leopard. He wondered if one of them was the kid goat. He wondered which was which. 
He imagined Crowley’s teeth on his neck and felt a heavy, syrupy warmth settle deep in his bones. He thought he might be happy to be the kid. 
Crowley had always liked kids.
He stood up and absent-mindedly tugged at the seam of his trousers, then bent to put an arm around Crowley, who had slid over to the edge of the seat cushion. He threw his arm around Aziraphale’s neck, curling his fingers around the inside of his waistcoat; apparently, the fabric of his shirt wasn’t sufficient to guard against the burning awareness of their presence, because Aziraphale felt them acutely. He must have shivered in fact, because Crowley let out a soft huff of laughter.
“So sensitive, angel…” he teased, and there was nothing unkind in it.
Aziraphale helped him up to standing, and together they slowly made their way into the hall. He reluctantly acquiesced when Crowley asked to look around the flat. The floor around the plants was still strewn with shard-studded dirt, and Crowley’s face went curiously blank as he looked at it. A sharp tug on Aziraphale’s waistcoat betrayed the fact that his hand had clenched reflexively at the sight.
“What did they not destroy?”
Aziraphale sighed. “Very little, I’m afraid. Anything from here to your bedroom was fairly demolished.”
“Oh.” A thoughtful silence. “What about the rest of it?”
“The rest of it?”
Crowley pulled on his sleeve. “Let’s go the other way.”
“I thought we were going to bed?” Aziraphale frowned, frustration nipping at the base of his spine.
Crowley had the nerve to laugh, then ducked his head and kissed the highest part of Aziraphale’s cheek, where he strongly suspected a blush had turned his skin bright pink.
“We’ve already waited thousands of years, angel. What’s your rush?”
Aziraphale could hardly get the words out. “Exactly! That- That is my rush!”
Crowley smiled at him as if his frustration was delightful, and not something that might drive him to madness.
“Right. Yes, but first- ” he pulled at Aziraphale, who reluctantly obeyed, turning away from the bedroom, “... let me have a look, I just want to check on a few things.”
“Such as?” asked Aziraphale, thinking Crowley’s scant decor didn’t leave much to be checked.
“Well, the lectern and such.”
“That ghastly eagle lectern? That survived." Aziraphale raised his eyes to the ceiling. "... Although I would argue that whether or not that can be considered a good thing is debateable.”
Crowley’s lips quirked. “You think it’s ghastly?”
“Perhaps ‘ghastly’ is unkind, but you must agree it is a bit… much .”
Crowley cast him a sidelong glance. “Belonged to your side, so that makes sense I suppose.”
“How do you mean?”
There was a brief pause.
“Picked it up from a church.” He said it casually, clearly expecting a reaction.
“A chur- Crowley! You stole a lectern from a church?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“Well I seriously doubt they were giving them away!”
“You don’t recognise it?”
Aziraphale blinked at Crowley, wrong-footed. “Should I?”
They had made their way over as they talked and now stood in front of it. Crowley leaned heavily against Aziraphale, draped across his shoulders, his weight comforting and warm. His eyes roamed over the lectern, looking for damage.
Aziraphale’s eyes, on the other hand, roamed over Crowley’s face. Eventually, satisfied it had survived the raid unscathed, Crowley looked down at him, and when he did the sheepish expression on his face was so captivating and unfamiliar that it made Aziraphale want to kiss him.
And then, unable to think of a single reason not to that he hadn’t already ignored, he took hold of the back of Crowley's head and pulled him down for a hungry kiss.
Might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb… 
When he pulled away, Crowley swayed against him looking intoxicated. “What was that for?” he mumbled.
It was a heady feeling, Aziraphale thought, to have such a visible effect on his oldest friend.
The thought snagged in his mind and whited out into an incredulous blank. He turned back to the lectern.
“Should I recognise this?” He asked again, reaching out to touch the eagle’s wing. 
Crowley’s head tipped sideways, coming to rest against Aziraphale’s, a heavy point of pressure that made his mouth go dry.
“Well, you’ve definitely seen it before,” he said cryptically, and Aziraphale felt Crowley nudge his forehead into his temple. He swallowed hard. He was certainly new - very new - to this world of physical affection, but he was almost positive that whatever Crowley was doing could only be described as nuzzling.
Crowley’s soft breaths grazed his ear on each exhale, and a shudder wracked through Aziraphale’s body, his knees almost buckling.
Considering Crowley was leaning on him for support, that wouldn’t do. 
Aziraphale twisted his head away, breaking contact and giving Crowley a reproachful look. The former demon raised his eyebrow in silent question, trying and failing to hide a grin. He lifted his left hand and slowly, slowly, excruciatingly slowly traced the side of Aziraphale’s face with the back of his index finger.
Aziraphale felt heat, a wave of liquid fire that crashed over him and ran through his entire body with uncontrolled intensity, his skin tingling with sparks in the aftermath. His lips parted and he tried to breathe, but only managed needy, frustrated panting.
How demeaning.
Crowley’s expression changed. He dropped his hand, and Aziraphale considered it an act of mercy; he couldn't have endured much more.
He turned away and tapped the eagle’s head. “You’ve seen this before,” he repeated.
“Oh,” The angel struggled to drag his focus back to the large piece of stone statuary.
“Do you remember the church where you attempted to double-cross a bunch of nazis-”
Aziraphale frowned.
“... And you were - very unwisely - armed with nothing more than some dusty old books, your usual unsuspecting nature, and a substantial amount of rather wildly misplaced trust?”
His eyes narrowed, but Crowley continued undeterred.
“And I - dashingly, if I do say so myself - managed to arrive just in time to save you?”
“And my books,” added Aziraphale without thinking. 
Crowley nodded. “And your books.”
There was silence then. Aziraphale looked from Crowley to the lectern and back again.
“But…” He felt his heart flip itself inside out, “... But everything was obliterated by the bomb. There was just… rubble… ”
“Mmn, yeah. Well, rubble and this thing,” Crowley nodded at the lectern. “Went back for it later, after…” he trailed off, a complicated expression flashing across his face. He cleared his throat. “Well. After.”
Aziraphale’s gaze drifted back to the lectern and he stared, unseeing, at the stone form.
His mind pulled up the memory entirely unbidden; a completely dishevelled Crowley backing up against the bookshelves, face stricken, eyes wide with panic. Crowley almost stumbling out the door in his haste to leave. 
The thought that, after everything, he had returned to the church and dragged the lectern home as a souvenir made Aziraphale’s heart ache, and the knowledge that he had kept it in his apartment as one of the few impractical items in his flat… Well it made him want to pour that aching heart into a puddle at Crowley’s feet.
His throat tightened with emotion.
"I'm very sorry about that night, Crowley," he said in a quiet voice. "I didn't- I couldn't- It was too much-"
He looked up at Crowley to find his face drawn, his gaze fixed on the wall somewhere beyond Aziraphale's right shoulder.
"Not you, you were... " he trailed off lamely, trying to explain something he wasn't sure he fully understood. "... I felt too much. It felt good, and I was so afraid it might be wrong, you see. I'm sorry I blamed you. It was easier to blame you than to admit I might have done a bad thing, or- or- or been a bad angel."
Crowley's expression softened, "I know."
Aziraphale looked back at the lectern. "You really went back to that church for this?"
"Felt like I needed to find something intact in the ruins of it all," Crowley said. "Thought it might help me remember the good parts of the night, the parts before... well, before it all went to Hell in a handbasket."
Aziraphale stared openly at him.
“Anyway,” Crowley ducked his head, embarrassed, and tried to steer him away from what he had previously considered an incongruous and unnecessarily large piece of home decor.
Now he saw it as a monument to a night neither of them could forget.
“You know, Crowley,” he said, allowing the former demon to dictate the pace as they headed back up the hallway, “I think you might be what humans call ‘a romantic ’.”
“Yes, alright. Rub it in why don’t you,” he grumbled.
Their heavy footsteps echoed around them.
A thought occurred to Aziraphale that turned him slightly pink. “You’ll no doubt be glad to know that your blasphemous statue is - unfortunately - also still with us,”
“My blasphemous statue?” Crowley’s brow furrowed. “I have no idea what you’re referring to.”
“Oh! You know ,” said Aziraphale.
“Not at all! Describe it, go on. Maybe it will come to me.”
Aziraphale glared at Crowley, who looked back with an infuriating expression of pure innocence.
“The statue of the two angels,” he muttered.
“I have a statue of two angels?”
“Well, an angel and a demon."
"Really?" He dragged the word out far longer than necessary. "I don't recall. What are they doing?"
They’re… fighting.” He felt the heat in his cheeks. He slid a furtive glance at Crowley, who was watching him speak, half-lidded eyes fixed on his lips.
“... Oh is that what they’re doing?” Crowley murmured into his ear with a smile.
He was enjoying himself immensely, and Aziraphale couldn’t help but give him a small answering smile of his own.
They had finally reached the bedroom, and they stepped inside.
Their smiles immediately dropped into matching expressions of bewilderment.
“Muriel,” Aziraphale said, by way of explanation.
He reached up and squeezed Crowley’s hand apologetically.
“Ah yes,” said Crowley faintly. “Finishing touches.”
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thecoddaughter · 7 months
Pearl, Gem, & Lizzie as The History of Man by Maisie Peters
Tale as old as honey
Pearl being created, surrounded by watchers
A moment everybody knows
The moment turning into the stainglass style of big moments 
Yeah, I'm sure there was heartbreak
Each of the victors standing in front of their glass
Inside the walls of Jericho
Zooms out to see the exterior of the Hall of Memories floating in the Void 
I couldn't believe it
Younger Pearl floating through the Void, staring down an elder Watcher
How you could just stop wanting me?
Being exiled to Evo
You burnt down Easter Island
Evo building up to the entering the End together
As if it wasn't sacred, as if it wasn't sacred to me
Being forced to fight the Dragon alone, floating in the Void alone
I've seen it, in the poems and the sands
Exiting the End, with the Watcher’s reading out how Grian joined them again, landing on an isolated beach
I've pleaded, with the powers and their plans
Her finding her way back to the Void and convincing them to send her somewhere
I tried to rewrite it but I can't
Sitting in her tower, aware Grain had infiltrated the Empires Realm risking it all 
It's the history, the history of man
A portal opening and her getting access to the Hermit Realm
She stays up, he's sleeping like a lamb
Pearl working hard to figure things out, Sausage asleep nearby
She begs him, he says he doesn't understand
Pearl’s “death” in the Empires Realm and King Sasuage’s death 
She loves him, more than anyone ever has in the history, the history of man
Saint Pearlo being founded 
It's the history of man (yep)
Sausage of Santuary dedicating his life to Saint Pearlo
You didn't even falter
Gem looking at Fwhip after he destroyed the Empires Realm
Didn't look back once, did you?
Escaping with him, only to take a portal one day and not return herself
So Samson blamed Delilah, but given half the chance I
Gem watching all the Hermits having these strange pre-determined friendships no one can’t even explain
I would have made him weaker too
Her looking at Pearl and feeling that unexplainable friendship 
Sirens sounded, trumpets blaring
GeminiSlay being titled, fight scenes and whatnot
You walked out oh, without sweating
Spinning around Gem altering forms, unknowingly teleporting most nights
I've seen it, in the poems and the sands
Gem landing in Secret Life feeling something off
I've pleaded, with the powers and their plans
Gem unknowingly picking a former victor and a runner-up place for her team
I tried to rewrite it but I can't
Her staring confused at her gibberish spellbook next to her secret book
It's the history, the history of man
She fiddles with the Watcher charm Pearl gave her while staring at the secret keeper
She stays up, he's sleeping like a lamb
Gem staying over at Etho’s, questioning why something feels wrong about him being her brother
She begs him, he says he doesn't understand
She her charm symbol scratched into Scar’s floor and asks but he won’t tell 
She loves him more than anyone ever has in the history (history)
Images flickering between Fwhip and Etho
The history of man
Gem lingering in portals longer than safe
He stole her youth and promised heaven
Pearl fighting with the Watchers 
The men start wars yet Troy hates Helen
Grian get punished with being in charge of the Death Games, but still Pearl gets the short end of the stick
Women's hearts are lethal weapons
Gem going through the effects of the Boogieman Curse
Did you hold mine and feel threatened?
Her kneeling bloody in front of Pearl 
Hear my lyrics, taste my venom
Gem floating through the void and losing her memory again
You are still my great obsession
Gem finding Pearl and staying close to her
I've seen it, in the poems and the sands
Lizzie washing up on the beach in Empires Realm as the Ocean Queen
I've pleaded, with the powers and their plans
Lizzie falling through the Void after dying, meeting the watchers
I tried to rewrite it but I can't
Flashes of Jimmy dying soon after
It's the history (history), the history of man
Lizzie trying to hold onto her memories as they flash before her
I stay up, you're sleeping like a lamb
Lizzie waking up in SOS Realm [there may not be lore, but there is always lore]
I beg you and you don't understand
She tries to explain it to Joel but his memories are too blocked
I hold on, I try to hold your hand
Them holding hands but Joel looking distant
I save you a seat, and then you say you wanna stand
She watches him as he mindlessly portal jumps
So you'll lose me, the best you'll ever have
Lizzie sitting alone on SOS Realm
It's the history, the history of man
Flashes to Pearl and Gem feeling like they are missing someone
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ask-missparker · 8 months
These hands to let it go free and this love came back to me / OUAT FanFic AU ⚔️
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Pairing: Charming!Nikolai & Snow!Amelia
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Summary: What happens when your brother crashes your wedding with an unexpected gift that made you question your love and worth? A curse.
Characters mentioned : Ben Barnes as The Dark Prince, Liane, Cole, Ethan, Cassandra, Jeremy, Cherik and etc
Note: There was a time when the couple was on the run hiding from the royal forces, going as Nicholas & Amara
The wedding bells were ringing in the heavenly lit castle with guests from all over cheering as the couple dressed in whites and browns smiled being newly announced as husband and wife.
Snow in her pure feather dress with red edges to give it an accent as Charming was dressed in browns and blacks, his captain hat styled with a deep green feather attached to the inside.
Just then, the doors banged open and in swung the dark prince of crime, a king of shadows you can say holding up a playful fireball as he giggled. The crowd gasped, some yelled and others knights raced in protection as the prince with a flick of his wrist threw the guards back then glared at the couple.
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“How cute. Didn’t think of inviting your brother to the wedding?” Yelled the dark prince of crime.
Charming held his wife closed and pointed his sword as he spat, “Get out!”
“Relax, brother. I’m here to offer you a gift for your precious little wedding and you’ll like it.”
“I don’t want it! Get out, Alexander. Your not king anyone, only a mere prince.”
“Oh hush, you never let me finish. Here’s my gift, this whole day will be a peaceful one, I’ll even give you the week. But starting Sunday at the tip of midnight, I will destroy your happiness, if it’s the last thing I do.”
Charming ordered the guards to get up and lock the castle, as he threw shadow sword straight at his brother, in a cloud of smoke older man disappeared. But he left with a cut on his right arm as the shallow sword dropped.
Weeks—months past as Charming and Snow, also known as Nicholas and Amara when on the run, have gotten that news with their friends and found family. As they tried to all search for the prince, regroup and find a way to stop whatever cursed plan that is coming their way.
Nikolai was searching one night, stressing about it in the king’s office of their castle as he spoke with Marlene and Melissa about it. Princess Liane, sat down trying to figure out how it can play out.
His wife stole him for a moment, telling everyone else to rest as she stood in the castle’s kitchen making him a sandwich as he sat down listening to her words. He adored that she was always supportive and there to ease his emotions with a couple of smoothing words, even when he felt he had the entire weight of world on his shoulder.
She placed the sandwich on the table telling him to eat as she listened to his worries and rubbed his shoulders, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“My heart, you’re in need to sleep and regroup later. You’ve been practicing your sword fighting all week and if not, you’re scouting with Marlene..” She said with a sigh, “He’s just trying to get into your head.”
“He’s not. He once held me captive in his chambers underneath the castle because he thought I was a better sword man than him. Poison me with a stupid apple and gave you a sleeping a curse..” He replied taking a bite out of the sandwich humming.
“If he hasn’t inactive since the wedding, he won’t be now. He’s petty and narrating a path that will lead him to more hate towards you. He wants to get in your head and not feel worthy of your title.”
“Am i worthy of this?”
“You married a farm girl, who was thrust into a world of royalty. You showed me and others kindness despite all you faced, so yes. Your worthy. And our child will see that to be true.”
He pressed a hand to her belly and rubbed small circles at catch their little prince or princess attention. He whispered a few sweet nothings to her belly and smiled getting a small kick in return.
Then he thought of something and smirked, “Your child. I want to ensure their safety if it’s the last thing I do..and will have to ask Cassandra to do so.”
She gave him a confused look with slight fear, “I-is that asking of too much? What if she says something that isn’t true?”
“It will be. We can resting knowing they will be alright, protecting them from my brother and his dark plans will be worth it. She can see the future!”
“If she says I’m twins I’m gonna be freak out.”
With that he laughed and pressed a kiss to her cheek. He always planned on day having at least 3 children with her, especially knowing that she will be an amazing mother.
Within 48, Cassandra they arrived at the castle after guarding her flowers and spells to tell them all the truth behind the plans. Her eyes turned white and held up a finger with a odd look on her face.
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She sat at the round table and spoke softly, “..The dark prince is casting a curse to spend us all to a land without magic, helpful dreams will never arrive. It will take over as much land as possible. He is teaming up with..the prince of mischief and Shaw to help with his spell.”
Those words caught Erik and Charles attention, as they sat the round table with their children Cole, Meira and Ethan. Erik grunted and looked at his husband who sighed already thinking of what can be done to protect their young.
Liane sighed looking at Ethan and then Nikolai, as she heard Cassandra speak softly what she can see. 3 villains all in one go, but the main one was Alexander who caused the grand curse as to destroy everyone at play. She wanted to protect her soon niece or nephew from all of this just as much as the parents did, hell she wanted to protect her found family along with herself. Alongside her crush, that was Ethan.
Cassandra opened her eyes as if her flashes were over as she said, “I didn’t see much but we all don’t survive this smoking dark curse. But we can save ourselves once it’s hit.”
Nikolai groaned pinching the bridge of his nose as he shared a look with Cole, and asked, “How? My child is a stake here, Cass! My brother will be..”
“Relax! We can send a few into the curse with knowledge of it all.”
“I’m not risking that. Erik come on, our friends likes are at stake and we only half will know.”
Erik sighed and grunted, “You think I like this? I don’t. But if we can go with Cassandra’s plan find a safe spot and do a few thing, it will work.”
Cole scoffed, “Yeah, sure dad, with what?”
“The Enchanted Forest is filled with trees of all kind, if we crave one with elements of magical escape, we can send all of that.”
Liane asked, “You can’t be serious. What? Are we gonna make a wardrobe out of a tree?”
“She’s onto something. Yes that can work! Melissa can help carve it.” Ethan added as Meira nodding knowing where to find such tree.
Cole and her disappeared in a cloud of smoke with Erik to go search for it with a second to spear. Amelia was quiet the entire meeting, rubbing her husband arm as she leaned into her chair. Liane noticed wondering what exactly she is thinking as she noticing her friend look at her husband with worry. Melissa share a look with the other girls.
“Mia relax. It’s gonna be fine..” Liane spoke, fixing her tiara with a smile, “I heard stress is bad for the baby.”
She sighed, “I have not given up hope..but who will go through the wardrobe is my worry..”
“Depends on the magic it can hold. My heard my father say it sometimes take up to 3 people or more..”
Nikolai looked down at his wife and kissed her cheek, “I got everything under control. And if we can’t find one, we will still find each other.”
“And your brother? Honey, you got bags under your eyes..we all do.” She asked with so much concern for him and their friends.
“If he shows up, I’ll let him know that he will have to wish he never enacted the curse in the first place.”
“Cole will try to kill him along with you…”
3 trees were found, as Melissa and Cole’s husband Jeremy carved it in the at the man’s workshop. Jeremy was a pirate first, builder second as he grinned.
The idea that wardrobe might protect memories and because children are most likely to believe in fairytales, they will remember once the reach the land. The adults might not remember every single thing, or so they think.
Rick, Roch and Luna planned on bringing their kids into one.
Bruce and Natasha suggest it would be for the best. Everyone single of them had their own plans and businesses to take care of that they kept a secret from each other.
Cole being the wiser one of the crew, knew if he didn’t make it into any wardrobe he would remember and know everything, by hearing the sound of any one of the kids names he will snap out of the trance and enact his murder to Alexander. He may not like Nikolai too much but Amelia was like a sister to him.
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Beside that, Cole and Alexander had their own problems together in the past before he even knew that he was Nikolai’s older brother.
Suddenly the curse hit as cloud of smoke started to wash over the land as the crew started to fight for their lives, bringing any children to safety to the crafted wardrobes. At one of the castles, knights were coming as Erik was fighting them off with Ethan as he out of his own reasons, pushed his son into one of wardrobes closing it knocking him out cold.
Let’s just say Ethan arrived to the real world due to being knocked out cold without as many memories of his past near the woods of a city. It was rather fuzzy for him but he was fine, going on his merry way. Creating a bit of trouble that will come to bit in him the ass later on, in the future being a daughter named Belladonna.
The kids however arrived at the real world as well but somewhere else as the curse it them, waking up in their beds within a town. Where their parents there with them of course, but given cursed memories of not being fairytale characters.
Meanwhile in the Enchanted Forest, as the curse was slowly washing over the woods into the rest of the land, Amelia was panicking a bit more than she thought she would. Not as much as Nikolai, who was preparing himself for a possible war with Cole, if any arm came to anyone in the castle.
Amelia placed a hand over the belly, looking at the small bassinet nearby that was meant to their son. She looked over at her husband, not feeling like a princess but a little farm girl in worry as she said, “I’m ready to leave you..”
Nikolai placed his sword on the table and cupped her face, “You won’t be alone, my brother will pay for this.”
She sighed, “I know he will. But Cass and Cole predicted we will see everyone again on his 18 birthday..the closest thing is 16th. He will need his father.”
“And he will, tell him tales about me. How I slayed a dragon on my first try or how I became my time sailing a ship with Captain Hook.”
“You are so confident in this whole thing aren’t you?”
“I have courage and compassion, I learned that from you. Mainly, i have my wit, my charm and my powers..”
He about to say something else when he sensed a pressure in the air, then sudden his wife gripped his hand tightly muttering that they had bigger things to deal with it.
They were about to have a small surprise.
A few short moments later, Amelia was on the bed screaming in pain and cursing out how she can’t have the baby now. Nikolai held her hand trying to hush his wife’s worries, yelling for the doctor to do something.
The whole castle was abuzz with chaos. Liane fighting against the evil guards outside, Marlene flying about trying to give her wife time with any additional stuff to the wardrobe. Cole was on the rooftop of the castle with a murderous glare as Alexander and his curse reached closer than ever, trying any protective shield.
That was when Jeremy raced into the bedroom, with sword in hand telling Nikolai that the final wardrobe was ready, about to help get his friends to the nursery. Nikolai about to carry his wife and move her out to the wardrobe when the doctor told him to not take any chances, as their son was about to be born now.
Alexander reached to castle with his guards surrounding the place on the rooftop fighting Cole as Nikolai’s chuckled softly at his son being born and placed into his wife’s arms.
The curse is here, they basically failed. He was leaning towards the two pressing a gentle hand on his head hushing his cries as Amelia smiled with tears in her eyes humming a tone.
He was so small yet so beautiful, wiggling and whispering a little as his cries calmed down.
“Hey Joshua..our little love..” Amelia whispered smiling.
Nikolai used the back of his finger rubbing his child’s cheek and smiled, “..welcome to world, you couldn’t wait a few more hours could you sweetheart?”
“We failed..that’s okay..”
“But at least we’re together.”
Amelia paused for a moment and sighed wishing her husband’s strong wit and clever beliefs didn’t rub off on her but it did. She looked at him and said, “Go fight your brother..”
“What?” Nikolai said, holding his son in arms now fixing his baby blanket to keep him warm.
“..take him to the wardrobe with Jeremy and go help Cole..”
“No. Darling, no I can’t leave you like this right now. And not our son!“
“You said it yourself! We need to have courage and believe we will be okay, he will come back to us. It’s a risk, I know…”
“But we have to take it. We have to give him his best chance no matter what it takes. I hate it when I’m right.”
She pressed a kiss to her son’s forehead, telling Joshua to be a trooper for his daddy as Nikolai smiled softly hearing her, kissed his wife quickly grabbing his sword and rushed out. He joined Jeremy in the hallway who was fighting his brother’s knights and raced down the hall, defeating them to fight more keeping Joshua relaxed in his arms.
Jeremy lead the way to the nursery, as he rushed off to kill some guards that were coming to Amelia’s room to find Melissa trying to wake their friend up but she was knocked out cold.
Nikolai raced into the nursery, stabbing a knight and dropped his sword to create a shadow to knock a few other guardsmen out cold, hell he made sure they were dead.
With a flick of his wrist, he flung open the wardrobe’s doors and placed his son inside safety pressing a kiss to his forehead telling him to have courage and find them soon as he closed the doors.
Just as he did, in a cloud of green and black smoke appeared Alexander and Cole neck and neck trying to kill one another. Nikolai stood up with a shadowy smile and glared blasting his brother to a wall, as Cole pinned the man to the wall shouting at him.
Two verse one, as the 3 of them fought and as the smoking clouds from the curse becoming a storm, that rip off the top of the ceiling as Nikolai gasped pinning his brother to the ground holding up a shadow in his a hand.
Cole was behind him, trying to block the storm and yelled, “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere horrible.” Alexander said smiling with a glare.
“No shit dipshit.”
“In a few moments you won’t remember you were fighting me.”
“Very specific.”
Nikolai with a last minute stitch to leave a mark, pulling his sword in front of him and cut his brother in the same place he did months ago during his wedding day. A way for his brother to remember, that matter what happens he will never fully destroy his spirt. Alexander shouted in pain and pushed his brother away, causing him to storm back then attack Cole with a blast.
That was when cloudy spoke louder, engulfed the whole castle sending everyone to a town called Fighter-town, Maine.
Thanks for reading! What did you think of it? Yes I was watching season 1 OUAT pilot shhh 🤫
Fun fact! 🖋 Josh Dallas who plays Prince Charming in Once Upon A Time, played Fandral in Thor (2011)
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife and etc
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