#i’ll probably get one or both of the plush at some point
ghostedeabha · 2 days
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simon ‘ghost’ riley x reader
wc: 894
warnings: chronic illness, mentions of acid reflux and nausea, mentions and descriptions of chronic pain. it's implied that reader is autistic and adhd but never explicitly mentioned. migraines. other than that, pure fluff.
a/n: this is absolutely a personal lil comfort fic i wrote bc i'm chronically ill and disabled lol. hope y'all enjoy. i tried to keep it broad and not mention specific illnesses so anyone with a chronic disability can read, but my experience with chronic illnesses and disabilities are based solely on my own and thus may accidently exclude certain illnesses.
it was more often than not that simon came home to the flat like this, and it never failed to break his heart a little bit every time. dirty dishes untoched in the sink, clothes strewn about. just generally messy and dirty.
it’s not as if simon had left the flat alone during his deployment, quite the opposite in fact. and anyone who knew that fact and saw the state of the flat would probably tell simon that his girlfriend was clearly lazy and didn't care for his things.
simon, however, knew that was far from the truth. he stepped over the dirty clothes and past the sink of dirty dishes, he’d deal with all that later, and made his way to the bedroom where he knew he’d find his love. find her in the exact spot he had left her no doubt.
his suspicions only confirmed when he opened the door slowly, giving it a gentle knock first as to alert her of his arrival. as he stepped into the room, placing his bag down by the door as he closed it behind him, he looked over to his girlfriend, curled up in a pile of blankets in the dark room. simon took note that the lights were completely shut off and the blackout curtains pulled over the window.
“hey bunny…” simon says quietly as he approaches the bed with careful steps, his deep, gruff voice barely a whisper. “got a migraine?”
his girlfriend’s response came in the form of just slightly moving blankets and a small face poking out from a tiny hole in the pile of warmth and plush. her pretty face etched with that permenant pout she had when she was having flare ups.
she needn’t respond to his question for him to know her answer.
“take your migraine medicine?” simon asks gently again, no condescending intentions, he knew the answer was one of two things. ‘yes and it barely helped’ or ‘no, i have none left’
when his girlfriend shakes her head no, he instantly knows that the latter option is her current situation, and his heart breaks further. it was too late to take those meds now, even if he ran to the pharmacy just up the road and got her refill. they were preventative meds, not relief.
“would you like to go to the hospital?” simon questions further, he holds up both hands and his girlfriend pokes the right.
“okay, then… how about i go and get you some chips and a soda? maybe that combo will help, want to try that luvie?” he suggests, his hands held up again.
this time she pokes the left.
“perfect.” simon responds, kissing her blanketed forehead. “i’ll be back in 10 with a large chips and a large dr. pepper. want anything else? have you eaten at all today?”
yet again his lovely girlfriend shakes her head no and her hand pokes out to point towards her lanyard on the nightstand.
“your cards?” simon asks, despite this he’s already grabbing the shark lanyard and handing it to his baby.
she takes it with a weak, forced smile. only on her lips to show her love and gratitude for his help before the mask slips and her pained pout returns to her face. no big deal, simon understands it’s not a reflection on her feelings to him.
uncapping the marker she writes on the blank, laminated card on her lanyard, part of a set of communication cards.
'didn't eat. too much nausea and acid reflux.’
“oh, okay. then just the chips and soda.” simon confirms with a firm nod. “i’ll be back in 10, doll.”
and as promised, he’s back in 10 minutes flat. ice, cold dr. peper and some hot, salty chips in his possession. a small smile on his face at the sight of slight progress in his lover’s state, instead of a pitch black room she sat in a mostly dim room with the tv quietly playing an episode of Bob’s Burgers.
“here y’are. made sure to get them nice and hot. want some ketchup?” simon says with a gentle tone, a stark contrast to the man he had to be just 12 hours prior.
when she nods, simon is quick to go to the kitchen, coming back with the bottle of ketchup for his beloved. he sits on the bed next to the blanket monster that his girlfriend currently was and handed the bottle of ketchup to her, holding out a little cup for her to squirt however much she wanted into.
even moments like these simon treasured. many would see his girlfriend as a burden, why? well he wasn't really sure. but simon didn't. he felt a sense of purpose being able to help her when she needs it, plus, what was better than coming home from deployment and snuggling with his princess? even if his princess was more of a blanket moutain than anything right now.
the two adjusted to make them both comfortable and cozy, blankets surrounding them both as simon held his darling close, large hands gently rubbing up and down her sides in a soothing manner, happy to relax with her and watch tv.
simon would take this here, over the battlefield anyday.
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ballbustervideo · 11 months
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i liked that one show about the terror of having your body forcibly changed and then being trapped in a world with no control and no escape and also there’s a clown
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Heeey sweetie ! I hope you’re well !! I always look forward to your posts and check your page daily for updates ! Your writing is incredible and always leaves me with butterflies in my stomach !! I wanted to leave a request if that’s okay ! I was thinking about mob Bucky with grumpy-sunshine trope !? Bucky being the grumpiest little shit ! He’s arrogant and stares too much . But then he meets this ray of sunshine and she’s the only one to get him soft ! She’s the only one that can coax a smile out of him ! Gives her the gentlest touches and sweetest kisses ! He’s proud to have her next to him and loves how much smaller she looks compared to his massive size . Even tho he’s dominant in bed , he’s still careful and considerate with her ! Fluffy fluff with a big intimidating man
YESS Omg i love this so much its adorable. (18+, cause there’s fluffy fluff but also smutty smut) 
Disclaimer: I love fics where Bucky loves his much smaller reader compared to his larger size but I do my best to not describe the readers size too much because I want anyone to be able to imagine themselves in my fics. When I write, Bucky is obsessed over how he can just easily scoop you up into his arms and toss you over his shoulder effortlessly. 
First time meeting you I just imagine you both meet in the most wholesome way as well. He's truly the grumpiest shit anyone's ever met. Arrogant and cocky but he’s earned his reputation so no one dares question it. That being said, he has some principals, one of them being that family always comes first. He takes that very seriously. That's why he's out and about, looking for a present for Sam’s daughter’s birthday, hand picked himself (and by present, we’re talking presents plural, he already bought her a custom gold engraved locket and an Hermes baby blanket, no godchild of his would get any less).
Still, he wanted to give her more, wandering into a little book shop at the corner of the street that appeared to be empty. His men stood outside the door while he scanned the shelfs, huffing in frustration because there were so many choices and it would have been easier to just buy the all the books. He picked up a book and set it down, the store probably wouldn’t cost too much- 
"Can I help you?"
A sweet voice called him from behind and Bucky was ready to give the person hell, he hated sales people. Most people. Honestly all people. Except Steve. He'd maybe pee on Sam if he was on fire but that was as far as his love for him went. (its all a front, he loves Sam).
He turned around, about to tell whoever it was, to fuck off, blinking instead when he came face to face with you. You smiled up at him, eyes twinkling, setting down the pile of books you had in your arms to look at the shelf he was browsing. 
“What age group are you looking for?” 
Bucky hardly registered your words, staring at what looked like the human form of a cute little garden fairy straight out of a fairytale. You were in a blush pink sundress, covered in tiny flowers, standing on your tippy toes trying to reach the books higher on the shelf. Garden fairy, what the fuck was wrong with him, he shook his head trying to regain his train of thought. 
“Uh- a baby?” Bucky didn’t know what to do with himself, most people took his  staring as a sign to go away but you seemed unbothered. 
"Oh! Come with me, there’s a great section at the back, I’ll show you!” You happily led the 6′4 mob boss to the kids corner at the back of the store, colorful drawings, plush rugs and little bean bags covered the area. 
“Any of these would be great for a little one” You pointed to the shelves that were low to the ground, pulling out a few and handing them to him “let me know if you see anything you like” with that, you went back to putting books away. You returned a few minutes later, biting back a smile, looking at the tall man covered head to toe in dark ink, diligently reading through one of the books you handed to him. 
"You look so cute" You giggled, looking at Bucky sitting on one of the tiny chairs, his long legs sprawled out in front of him. 
"Cute?" Bucky had never been more insulted in his life, of all things to describe him, how dare you tell him he looked cute. 
“Of course” You grinned as you walked over and sat down beside him. The gentle sweet scent of your perfume evaded his senses, his heart jumped when he felt your warm hand brush against his. Bucky didn’t know why his heart was racing, he didn’t like it. His brows furrowed, trying to stop the blush that spread across his face when he saw your smile. 
“Do you like that one?” Bucky nodded, looking at the cover of the book; two bears sitting together looking at the moon. “I love you to the moon and back, its such a sweet book, I would have picked this one too” 
Bucky nodded again, not trusting himself to speak around you. You took the book to the front to check him out. After he paid, you placed a little brown bear that matched the ones on the book cover in the bag as well. Bucky cocked his head confusedly, reaching for his wallet again. 
“How much?”
“Just take it as part of the gift” You smiled, tying a ribbon around the handles of the bag. “I’m sure they’ll love it. Have a good day!” You gave him a little wave as he walked out, turning back to your books, while Bucky felt his insides melt. 
The pretty girl at the book store thinks I’m cute.
Bucky slid into his SUV, the corner of his lips twitching, his cheeks dusted pink. You thought he was cute. Cute. He continued to bite his bottom lip, fighting with his face muscles to keep from smiling, failing miserably instead. 
“Is he having a stroke”
Sam whispered, staring at Bucky through the rearview mirror while he sat at the front with Steve. Bucky’s face continued to twitch, trying to keep his classic scowl on his lips. 
“I think he’s smiling” snorted, cocking an eyebrow watching Bucky carefully inspect the little brown bear you put in the bag. 
“He knows how to smile?”
“You good punk?” Steve called out, smirking when Bucky stuffed the bear back in the bag, pretending he wasn’t giving it heart eyes while thinking about you. “You looked real cozy talking to the girl at that the bookstore” 
“Shut up” He ignored his two friends snickering, throwing them a growl before thinking about you again. 
She thinks I’m cute. 
After that meeting, imagine Bucky finds himself going back for more and more books; he doesn’t even have time to read but he can’t help it. Every time he steps into your bookstore, its like sliding into a comfy blanket. He’s addicted to your sweet smile; your always there with a new book for him to read. He can’t help but smile every time he sees you flit around the shelves, he felt like he was living in his own fairytale. 
The first kiss
Bucky watched you huff in frustration, trying to put a book back on the shelf but it was too high for you to reach. 
“Um-could-would you please help me put this back?” You asked shyly, while Bucky smiled, nodding and coming up behind you, his hand gently holding your waist, placing the book on top with ease. His tall form towered over you, his chest brushing against your as you turned and looked up at him. 
“Th-thank you” you whispered, your eyes flicking from his blue eyes to his pink lips. His lips were curved in a soft smile that gave you butterflies; it wasn’t often that you saw him smile but it seemed he did it whenever he was close to you. 
“You look handsome when you smile” You squeaked, slapping your hand over your mouth as soon as the words slipped through. Bucky bit his lip, while you looked away embarrassed you had said that out loud. “Sorry I didn’t mean-” 
You gasped, feeling him pull you closer, his hand gently tilting your chin up to look at him. His head dipped down slightly and you felt your body moving on its own, standing on your tippy toes to be closer to him. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered, his nose nudging against yours. You nod, letting out a shuddered breath as his hand cupped your cheek, pressing his lips sweetly to yours. You hesitantly moved your arms to wrap around his shoulders, melting into his touch. 
You didn’t know how much time had passed, staying tucked in his arms, having waited ages for him to finally make a move. When he finally has to leave, he comes running back in mere seconds later. 
“Did you forget something?” 
Bucky nodded, his hands wrapping around you waist, pulling you close to him again, his lips kissing you softly as ever. 
“I wanted another kiss” 
That kiss turned into lots of kisses. Lingering hugs. When he finally brings you to his home, he keeps you his little secret for a while so he can enjoy your company. You bring out a softness in him he didn’t know was possible; soft fluffy dates with him cooking for you, or going on evening strolls. You’re his everything, he loves seeing his little garden fairy comfy in his home. You made everything warmer; the soft scent of candles always traveled down the halls; sweet baked goodies were always ready in the kitchen. Sam and Steve were definitely not complaining, pretending they didn’t notice Bucky’s classic grumpy face now also came with a cute little blush on his cheeks. 
The first time they meet you 
Imagine Bucky’s team finally find the mole they’d been hunting for months. They’re all riled up, throwing him into the van, threatening him within an inch of his life. They know Bucky likes to take care of business himself but it doesn’t stop them from warning him about the pure wrath he’s going to face. 
“You’re fucked”
“You thought we were bad? You’re gonna wish your mom swallowed you”
They drag him up the steps, bursting into his office, expecting Bucky to be waiting there with his knife twirling between his fingers. 
Bucky’s men all stared at each other before looking at the sweet thing that was sitting in their bosses lap, feeding him pastries. Bucky grinned like a love struck puppy, cradling you to his chest while he sat on his office chair, moaning at the sweet caramel melting on his tongue. The last thing they expected to see was a delicate thing like you cuddled up with who they thought was a blood thirsty gang leader. 
Sam snorted, shaking his head, watching Bucky ignore the rest of them, his eyes still trained on you, peppering kisses onto your cheek. 
“Motherfucker, are you eating butter tarts right now?” 
“They taste good” Bucky shrugged, giving you one final sweet kiss to your lips before looking up at his team. 
“Why don’t you wait for me in my room, I’ll be there soon” Bucky pressed a soft kiss onto your temple, helping you off his lap. You smiled, brushing some of his hair back, kissing his forehead.
“Come soon bubba” Your bare feet padded through his office, giving the towering men a quick wave as you passed them “Hi Sam, Hi Steve!” 
Sam blinked, before grinning and giving you a friendly wave back. 
“She is adorable, fucks she doing with you” 
“Shut the fuck up bird brain” Bucky panned, a growl emitting from his chest, as he rounded the table, his previous soft demeanor dropping as soon as his eyes landed on the mole. “Have Steve keep him quiet, my angel doesn’t have to hear this shit” 
After Bucky’s men saw how soft he was for you, you become their secret weapon. You’re always there to soften the blow they’d face, making him smile even when delivering the worst news. 
“Boss, the deliveries were seized” Peter trembles at the door, while Bucky’s nostrils flare, he’s about to tell everyone off, but his anger dissipates as soon as your head pops into the room. 
“Bucky, come cuddle?” You push past the men, your hands draping around his shoulders. 
“They put you up to this, didn’t they?” Bucky snorted, rubbing his temples, melting as soon as you crawled into his lap. You giggled innocently, kissing his scruffy cheek while he lifted you into his arms, carrying you over to his room. 
“Hmm, they’re lucky you’re so sweet babygirl” 
The first time 
For months, Bucky didn’t do anything more than give you soft kisses, hugs and cuddles. He wanted you, he needed you in a way he never thought was possible, but he didn’t want to rush anything. You were special and if he was going to be intimate with you, it’d be whenever you were ready. 
He never wanted to pressure you into anything, but you reassured him you wanted this. Bucky swallowed thickly, looking at your smaller form curled up against his bed waiting for him. You looked so sweet and delicate, wearing just one of his shirts, nervously fidgeting with your hands while he crawled up the bed to you. 
“Are you sure about this prinţesă?” He kissed your knee, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb; you felt your face heat up and the name he had for you, nodding without meeting his eyes. “Look at me baby” He tilted your chin to meet his gaze, “I won’t be upset if you want to wait” 
You knew he meant it. Not once had he ever made you feel like doing something you didn’t want. His sweetness only made you want him more. 
“I want this, I-I want you” you whispered, moaning softly when his lips pressed against yours. He kissed you softly, his hand moving to your waist to lay you down against the pillows. He was on top of you, nipping your jaw, peppering kisses down your neck, his hand caressing the side of your thigh. 
Being with you was different. 
He natural instinct had always been rough and fast; clothes torn, no build up. 
He didn’t want that with his pretty doll. Yet. 
He slowly undressed you, pulling your shirt over your head, leaving you bare underneath him. He continued to kiss you while still being fully dressed, chuckling when he felt you squirm under him. 
“What is it baby?”  He cocked his head, picking up on what you wanted when you fiddled with the buttons on his shirt but he didn’t want to give in, enjoying your flustered state.
“I-um” You fisted his shirt, burning under his gaze, “Take it off” 
“Take what off?” He cocked his eyebrow, a smirk dancing on his pretty lips. 
“Ugh, I want to see you naked Bucky” You pouted, burying your face into his neck while he grinned, bringing your hands to unbutton his shirt. 
“Whatever my babydoll wants, go ahead prinţesă, m’all yours” You squeaked when he pulled you and rolled over so you were straddled on top of him, his hands stroking your bare waist and thighs. 
“Want you to take it off babygirl” He couldn't take his eyes off you as you shakily undid his tie, moving to his buttons next. As soon as his shirt was off, you managed to unbuckle his belt and tug off his pants. You blinked at his thick cock straining against his briefs. 
Bucky brought his fingers to rub though your soaked folds, groaning at the slick that easily coated his fingers. 
“Will you let me taste you?” 
“I-no one’s ever-
“I’ll be gentle baby, promise it’ll feel good” Bucky laid you on your back as he worshipped your body, trailing kisses down your skin, while you hesitantly parted your legs, his thick, wide shoulders forcing them apart further. 
“So pretty baby” Bucky groaned, kissing your clit, his lips sealing around your clit, sucking softly, careful not to apply too much pressure. “You have the sweetest clit doll”
He could feel his cock throb against the mattress at the way your face contorted, soft whine slipping past your lips as you tried to keep your moans down. He pushed a finger in, gently stretching you out, while you started to grow needy, your hips shifting under him. He pulled away, his beard glistening with your arousal, eyes heavy with lust. 
“Want to be inside you prinţesă” 
You nodded,  while he threw his briefs off, his cock standing tall and proud as he hovered above you.
“Bucky, it-it won’t fit” You whispered, watching his thick cock bob between his legs, grazing on your clit. 
“We’ll make it fit baby” His hand gently cupped your face, while your legs moved up to hug his waist. “Tell me if its too much and I’ll stop” He moved his cock through your folds, groaning at how you felt on the tip of his cock. 
“Ready?” You nodded, gasping feeling his thick blunt tip prod against your soaked entrance.
“Jaames...” You whimpered feeling him stretch you while he kissed your forehead, stopping his movements with just the tip inside you.
“Shhh angel, it’s just me sweet girl” Your body trembled under his, biting down onto his shoulder as he pushed himself further while holding your body close to his. You were still getting used to the burn and stretch of him as he buried himself to the hilt, clinging onto him while he stayed still. 
“I know baby” Bucky stroked your forehead, brushing your hair away from your face, kissing your cheeks. He felt a new type of feral, his sweet girl under him, whining and whimpering over his cock, your pussy dripping around him.  
“S’too big Bucky” You bit your lip, your pretty doe eyes locked with his. 
“My cocks too big for you baby?” Bucky cooed, while you nodded, throbbing at your nails digging into his skin “Your pussy’s too tight, huh angel, you need me to go slow?”
There was something addicting over how hard Bucky was trying to hold back, his brows furrowed, cock already leaking into you. He started off slow, gentle thrusts, letting you adjust, telling you how perfect you were, his hands laced with yours, pinned against the bed.
“Taking my cock like such a good girl baby”
“You know how pretty you look right now doll?”
You felt the burn start to melt, your moans growing louder while he pushed his entire length in and out of you, his bally smacking against your ass. 
“M-more Bucky, please?” 
Bucky’s breaths grew heavy, feeling his spine tingle already, you had a different affect on him, his cock already throbbing. 
“You’re beautiful prinţesă”
“Could make love to you like this for hours my baby” 
“Taking me so well babydoll, making my cock throb, you’re so tight” 
He craved so much more of your warmth, his pace speeding up, moaning and grunting each time you cried out. He gripped onto the head board as he started to pound you, the sounds of skin slapping carrying through the room. 
“F-uck baby, you feel so good” He moaned into your neck, the muscles on his back tensed as he fucked you harder. “Am-am I too rough sweet girl”
“F-feels g-good James” You cried out from under him, your walls starting to flutter as he hit your g-spot. Bucky moaned, his forehead coming down to rest on yours, lips parted and brushing against each other. “Bucky, harder, please”
The sound your moaning his name made him almost cum on the spot. 
“Oh fuck don’t stop, tell me it feels good baby, tell me how bad you want it, keep saying my name” 
“JAMESS” The headboard practically slammed against the wall as he abandoned all softness, the both of you feral over each other, chasing your highs. 
“Tell me how good my cock makes you feel baby” His hand snaked between your bodies, rubbing and teasing your clit, making you nearly sob. 
“S’good Bucky, stretching me, I- fuck m’gonna cum!” 
“Cum my gorgeous girl, CUM”  “JAMES-I-F-FUCK” You clenched around his cock, cumming and squirting around him while he roared, his pace stuttering as he spilled ropes of cum into you. You both held onto each other, moaning and panting as you came down from your orgasm, your body still convulsing feeling his cum drip out of you. 
“Fuck I love you” He panted against your skin, pressing sloppy kisses all over your face. He had a goofy grin, sweeping you into his arms to run you a hot bath. 
(Which was a waste of time, considering he spent the rest of the night with you,  making an utter sticky mess in his bed)
Bonus: The first tattoo (dedicated to you)
Most of Bucky’s body is covered in dark ink, but none of his pieces were done impulsively. Each piece had a meaning behind it, and his latest one was his favorite. 
“Close your eyes baby” He picked you up and placed you on his desk, unbuttoning his shirt while you impatiently waited for him to tell you, you could look. “Alright, open” 
“A fairy?” You gasped, looking at his newest piece, your fingers gently tracing over his chest. Above his heart, was his latest piece, a little fairy reading a book while sitting on the moon. 
“From when I first met you. I thought you were like a little garden fairy” Bucky blushed, kissing your nose. “Could never get enough of you, the only little fairy to think I’m cute” 
Tears stung your eyes, sniffling while he wrapped his arms around you. You smiled against his skin, kissing his chest. 
“You like it baby?” His thumbs swiped across your cheeks, stroking your hair while you nodded, struggling to formulate words. 
“I-I love y-ou” You choked out, hugging him tighter
“I adore you sweet girl, love you to the moon and back”
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl  @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes  @carrotfantasimp 
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“You came.”
“As always, Harry Potter, your powers of observation astound,” the Dark Lord carps. “Care to explain why we’re both here?”
And there’s the million-dollar question. He hesitates for a moment, sticking his hands in his pockets to keep from fidgeting more. “You can feel it, yeah? Everything’s coming to a head.”
After staring for a few beats, Voldemort gives a terse nod.
Harry nods a couple times awkwardly in return, licking his dry lips. “So. We’re expected to fight, and at least one of us is meant to die.”
Voldemort tenses at his side. “If you intend to ask for mercy–”
“No, no,” Harry says, anxiously dragging a hand through his wild hair and leaving it even more of a mess. “I know there’s no middle ground, for either of us.”
His words catch in his throat, stuck in the anger and frustration and exhaustion of years of fighting and losing people with no real gain.
“But,” Voldemort prompts.
“But,” Harry agrees. “Have you ever ridden a Ferris wheel?”
Voldemort blinks and frowns at the apparent non-sequitur. He says, “I beg your pardon?” but the meaning is clearly ‘Are you mad?’
“Because I haven’t. My relatives,” and his voice breaks on the word because it’s only accurate in the most technical of senses. “Used to go to the local funfair every year. My cousin would always come back with candy apples and caramel corn and some gigantic plush animal he’d say he’d won.”
He smiles, but he can feel how ragged it is. “Fat chance, that. Guaranteed my uncle bought it for him.”
“Potter, what in Merlin’s name are you on about?” He’s apparently worn through Voldemort’s limited patience and the wizard is looking vaguely murderous.
“Right, sorry. Point is, I’ve never been, and I’m guessing you’ve never been to a funfair either. I doubt it was a priority at Wool’s.”
Voldemort’s wand appears in his hand and ‘vaguely’ has shifted quickly into ‘distinctly murderous.’
“Y’know, It’s funny what you fixate on when contemplating your mortality and what you’ll regret not having done when you die,” Harry continues quickly, trying to defuse the situation. “There are lots of things I haven’t done, and so many things I’ll miss. But I keep getting caught up on riding a bloody Ferris wheel, of all things.”
He’d considered asking his friends – he had. But it wouldn’t be new for Hermione, who’d had a pretty normal childhood, magic aside, and Ron wouldn’t get why it was important even once he’d wrapped his mind around the idea of a Ferris wheel. Ron had grown up with flying broomsticks, after all. 
“I thought about who else might understand why it meant something, and, well,” Harry huffs, shuffling his feet self-consciously. “Here you are.”
He refuses to look at Voldemort’s face – who knows what expression he’s wearing, but it’s probably derisive in the extreme – instead focusing on the Dark Lord’s wand in case he has to defend himself.
“You invited me to go to a fair with you,” Voldemort says levelly. “Because we’re going to battle to the death soon.”
Well, when he puts it like that.
(naïve melody)
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the--rebel--fae · 6 months
do u think I could ask for some angst->fluff for nightmares for the Diasomnia boys?
(twisted wonderland)
A/N: Hiya, my dear! First off, I'd like to say I'm so so sorry for the late response to your request. Life's been...hectic, to say the least, and I'm still getting the hang of trying to do proper time management. Anyhoot! Thanks so much for the request! I really enjoyed writing this one. Tbh, I love these boys so much and have been getting back into the Twist fandom again, so yea 💜 Well my friend, I hope the wait was worth it! Enjoy!
Pairing: Diasomnia boys x Reader
Tw: None! Just pure fluff!
Word Count: 607
Chase The Nightmares Away - Bad Dream Comfort Headcanons
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First up, we have our lovely bat dad. We all know he’d probably be the perfect person to go to for nightmares.
He’s bat dad for a reason y’all.
When you walk in he’s probably still up, probably playing video games. 
So when you mumble you couldn’t sleep because of nightmares, he’s pulling up a chair, getting you a blanket, and snacks. Everything you need, peepaw has it. 
Wanna talk about what happened? No worries, he’s helped Silver, Sebek, and Malleus many times with their nightmares.
“Little bat? Are you alright? Ah, a nightmare. There’s no need to worry, why don’t you come sit by me and we can play this new video game together? And if you want, you can tell me about what happened.”
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Sebek, yea..good luck on getting some comfort from him. But he’ll try his best!
He’ll probably be like: Human what are you doing in here? Oh, you had a nightmare? Uhm, why are you here then?
Poor boy would be so confused.
He’ll definitely point out how weak humans are, but then I think when he sees you truly upset, he’d feel it as his duty as a knight to protect “those weaker than him”. At least that’s the excuse he’s playing when we both know the crocodile boy cares in his own tsun-tsun way.
“Human? Why are you here so late? A nightmare? I do suppose a human would be bugged by something like that. Fae are much stronger. O-oh I didn’t mean to make you more upset. Ahem, well, as my duty as a knight in training I’ll do you the service of protecting you. You should be honored. Here, you can borrow my Malleus-Sama plush. I made it myself! It looks just like the young lord, doesn’t it?”
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Ah yes, our sleepy little prince Silver. If this boy is actually awake for once I think he’d do a pretty good job at comforting you.
I can see him as the type to have a lot of blankets so he’d probably give you one to snuggle with as comfort.
I could also see him get some of his little animal friends to comfort you too if you wanted that. 
And if you wanted to talk about your nightmare, he’d be all ears, at least until he’d fall back asleep. But, I bet he’d do his best to fight back the sleepiness as long as possible for you.
“Oh, Prefect. You’re up late. What’s that? You had a nightmare? I’m sorry, not sleeping well is never a good thing. Here, I have some extra blankets, and we can even get some of my animal friends here if you’d like. Don’t worry, it was just a dream, you’re ok now.”
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Ah, our Housewarden of Diasomnia, the future ruler of Briar Valley. Malleus Draconia. Our sweet draconic prince.
I think he’d care the most but not know whatever the loving hell what to do.
Does this man even get nightmares?
Walks around the Night Raven campus is definitely going to happen the second you tell him what’s wrong. Nothing solves problems better than a nice walk in some fresh air.
He’ll probably even tell you stories about his time in Briar Valley to distract you or even let you play with Gao Gao Dragon-kun!
10/10 best person to go to for comfort aside from Lilia.
“Child of Man? What’s the matter? You seem upset. Oh, a nightmare? Yes, those can be troubling. How about we take a walk outside and if you feel up to it, you can talk about it. It's better than being alone. I'll even let you play with Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.”
Well, that's it for these headcanons! I hope you enjoyed them! It was a lot of fun to write! And again, so sorry for the delay! Feel free to request again!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Twisted wonderland!
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wildandsmile · 1 year
27 with itoshi rin please :D honestly i can see rin filling their partner up with his cum and put a vibrator them so that his cum doesn't leak out + plus he uses the remote to tease them throughout the day <3
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。☆✼★━ Challenge ━★✼☆。
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Summary: You stumbled upon a challenge on Twitter and shared it with your boyfriend, who seemed open to the idea. However, with the upcoming party on the horizon, you suspected he might have forgotten all about it. But as it turns out, you couldn't have been more wrong.
Tw : Creep Guy, Creep Group of guys, Annoying girls and Drinking.
Kinks : F receiving, Cream-pie, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v), Rough sex, vibrators, impact play and spitting
Word count : 3.3k
An: Sorry if the smut isn’t the best it’s like 4 in the morning I’ll probably redo it later
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As you lounged comfortably on the plush couch, the soft glow of your phone screen illuminating your face, time seemed to slip away. Your Twitter feed was a never-ending stream of mundane updates and viral memes, until, out of nowhere, a tweet appeared that changing the mood of everything.
The interesting challenges caught your attention, luring you in with their mysterious allure. You had lots of free time and not much else to do, so you couldn't help but get curious about these intriguing suggestions. Some were harmless and innocent, while others were more daring, making you want to give them a try.
As you scrolled further, your heart started pounding when you found some really explicit challenges, things that you would on see one PornHub or something. Though as you read each suggestion it felt like it was drawing you into a world of intense passion and desire.
Then, like fate had a hand in it, a certain suggestion stood out among all the online noise. It caught your eye, making you curious like a moth drawn to a light. This challenge promised a night of excitement and closeness, but it also made you feel a bit nervous. The words on the screen gave you a shiver: "You or your partner has to wear a vibrator all day or night, while the other controls it."
You thought about it more and couldn't help yourself. You went to your bedroom where Rin was already there. When you sat next to him, he looked at you with curious eyes.You gave a little smile and got closer, gently touching his cheek, and asked, "Rin, should we give this a shot?" Just then, you showed him the tweet on your phone and point to the one that caught your attention.
With a sly smile, he said, "So, if I get this right, you want one of us to wear a vibrator all day?" You nodded, and he chuckled, saying, "Okay, we'll do it, but on my terms." You asked, "What are the terms?" He then grinned wickedly and said, "First, I choose when and where you put the vibrator on. Second, if you get handsy or try to finish early, I increase the intensity. Lastly, no holding back moans, even in public."
You were about to say "yes," but then what he said registers in your head , causing you playfully hit him in the arm. You then say, "I can't touch you or myself when I'm feeling needy, and I have to talk in moanish gibberish that not far."
With that, Rin gracefully rises, positioning himself shoulder to shoulder with you. He places his hand beneath his chin, tilting his head to the right, a clear sign that he's deep in thought. Eventually, he arrives at some sort of conclusion, declaring, "Alright, I’ll let you win – just this once. So, here's the deal: when you get all needy, you can handle it yourself, or even use my body to help , but I'm strictly off-limits when it comes to helping you so no begging for me to fuck you or touch you sound far."
His face lights up with a mischievous grin, and you find yourself equally enthralled by the idea, offering a nod of agreement. The two of you settle with that, and both of you return to looking at the TV screen, immersing yourselves in the world of sappy old romance movies. It's been an absolute blast. Everything was going well, but suddenly, Rin’s loud alarm goes off. He turns over and turns it off before getting out of bed, and saying, "It's time for us to get ready."
You raise an eyebrow, confused by your boyfriend's sudden excitement. You didn't remember any important plans, so you just stayed in bed, not doing much. It was only when Rin spoke excitedly that you stopped rolling around."We need to get ready for the party tonight," he reminds you, trying to jogging your memory. "Remember the one I mentioned last week? It's like a get-together for me and the guys from Blue Lock."
You stop fidgeting and think hard. After a moment, you remember what he talked about. You look at him again and say, "I thought that was in October."
He quickly takes off the covers, picks you up, and carries you to the bathroom. He hands you your toothbrush from the matching set you got together. Then, with a teasing look, he says, "It's October, sweetheart."
You shoot him a disbelieving look, your expression clearly conveying a "no way" sentiment. Your incredulous gaze causes him to pause mid-toothbrushing, and he points over to the bathroom calendar and speaker.
Turning your attention to these, you're met with the surprising revelation that the date indeed reads October 12. You offer a nonchalant shrug, not wanting to admit that you'd completely lost track of time.
Now, as you both stand side by side, brushing your teeth together while nodding along to your shared playlist, you can't help but smile. It's a simple, endearing routine that only the two of you share. It's one of those cute, intimate moments that usually belong in movies, but somehow, it's a part of your everyday life.
Though you couldn’t bathe in the moment, for too long knowing how particular Rin can be about punctuality, you hasten your tooth-brushing, not wanting to keep him waiting. You quickly grab something comfortable to wear, fully aware that your boyfriend has a penchant for making you try on countless outfits, even when you're only looking for one.
Finally, the two of you venture out into the bustling world of stores and outlets. While strolling and casually peering into shop windows, your gaze locks onto a stunning drape collar dress in a mesmerizing champagne hue. Captivated by its beauty, you can't resist tugging on Rin's arm, impulsively leading him into the store. Without wasting a moment, you head straight to the racks, where you luckily find the dress in your size.
Hastening to the dressing room, you slip into the dress. It fits you like a glove, accentuating your curves in all the right places. It strikes the perfect balance between revealing enough to be alluring but modest enough to make you feel comfortable. Now, it's time for the tricky part – showing it off to Rin.
You have a habit of enthusiastically displaying your fashion finds to him, but he has an equally strong tendency to, well, get handsy and maybe a little too eager. Despite this, you gather your courage and exit the dressing room. With a playful twirl, you put on a show for Rin, hoping he'll appreciate your choice without, well, ripping it off you prematurely.
"So, what do you think?" you ask, a radiant smile gracing your lips, eager for Rin's response. Surprisingly, Rin remains silent for a moment, and a pang of disappointment begins to well up within you. Feeling a bit disheartened, you start to turn away, but just as you pivot, he seizes you and pulls you close. In a passionate kiss that lingers along your neck, he murmurs, "God, why are you so fuckin sexy?"
His hands start to explore your body, igniting a desire within you that's difficult to ignore. You wouldn't mind indulging in a little action, but you both know time isn't on your side. You summon the willpower to gently slap his wandering hand away and retreat back to the dressing room. However, before you disappear, you blow him a quick, teasing kiss.
Now that you've secured your evening outfit, the two of you head back home. Once you're there, you hurry to the bathroom, eager to don your chosen ensemble and craft your makeup look.
After about a 1 hour and half you finish your look and step out side where you see Rin dressed all nice in I wonderful blue suit that match him perfectly lucky your dress fits well with his outfit. Walking up to him you pull him down to you height and places a soft kiss on his lips before saying “Ready to go” giving you a quick the nodded the two of you walk out the house and making your way to the party
Once your their you look around your eyes widening as you saw the building it look more like a hotel or a well renowned businesses agency then it did a party spot . Not giving you much time to take it all in Rin comes over and opens the door for you while offering his arm, the two of you walk in and are immediately greeted by Isagi and Bachira this were about the only two people Rin keep up with after blue lock.
Waiting to give your boyfriend some time and space to catch up with his friends you head over to a little booth we’re you see a large group of girl who look be either girlfriends or sisters of the former blue lock boys. You sit yourself down and listen in on what’s they we’re talking about, it was most just the normal conversation of how hot their boyfriends were how they brothers could beat anyone. You decided not to join in knowing that someone comment might set you off completely.
Finally you spot Isagi and Bachira girlfriends the three got to know each other pretty well since your boyfriend and pretty much inseparable on the field . Getting up from your sit you make you way over to the girls who were at the bar taking a couple shots once their you say with a exited tone “Hey girls” they both turn to you and they eye immediately widened. Getting up form their sit they run over to you and give you a warm hug before saying “Damn girl you look good as fuck, surprise Rin let you out the house looking like this” You let a little chuckle before replying “Same goes to the two of you, I know it was hard to get out the house” the girls then look at each other then back at you before giving a nod.
Not long after that the three of you head back over to the bar and throw a couple shot back everything was going good you guys would hit the dance floor and not and then come back and sit down because someone feet were hurting or they were thirsty. Finally you guys had enough of the dance for a hit up a empty booth once their the three of you caught up of what’s new in each others life while spilling tea about what’s going on in the soccer world. It was then that a blonde haired and a couple of his friends came up to you guys and began hitting on you.
“You girls look lonely why don’t y’all come with us” one of the guys says he places his hand y’all table while licking lips. You just look up from your phone and roll eyes thinking that they would take the hint and leave but of course they didn’t so they take a seats beside you guys trying to start up conversation but you guys weren’t having it so you say “ Can you see get the hell away from use, we’re not interested in hanging out with you” but it’s like everything you said went in one hear and out the other as he wraps his arms your neck.
Lucky for you Rin, Isagi and Bachira had finished up their conversation and had come longing for you guys. Rin’s face when he saw some other guys that wasn’t him touching you was something to be remembered, he stormed over to you and pull the guy up from the chair. ��What the hell do you think your doing with my girl” Rin said his eyes full with a murderous attempt but apparently the guy must have been a masochist cause he continued to push Rin’s buttons “I was just showing her what’s it’s like to have a real man by her side” he guy said before get the wind punched out of his lungs.
Rin started to beat the shit out of the guy until his hands had blood on them finally after Isagi and Bachira pulled him off the guy did Rin quit beat the man not wasting any more time he went over to you and grab you by the wrist pulling out side of the building. Soon enough the to of you make it to Rin’s car we’re you both sit in silence until you look around looking for something to clean the blood of with
Finding some napkins you grab Rin’s hands and start cleaning them off while giving him a could talking to. “Rin what the hell were you thinking beating that guy like that what about your soccer career” you say with a upset tone you were happy he fought but he can’t just go out beating people up. Rin the mumbles something that you can’t hearing pissing you off even more “Fine if your going be a jerk then you can wipe the blood off your own hand” you say as you throw the napkin at him.
He doesn’t say anything he just takes the napkin and begins to wipe his own hands while you seat and pout. A couple more minutes go by and Rin finally says something “I’m sorry, you were right I shouldn’t have beaten that guy that badly even though he deserved it” you look over at him before grabbing his cheek and pulling to kiss “You know that’s not why I’m mad I’m mad because you but your dreams on the line for one dick head even if you looked sexy while doing” you say as you kiss him again this time making it last longer then before.
“You know you could give me a treat for being such a god boyfriend” Rin says licking his lips you look at him and roll your eyes before saying Fine, but just a quickie we don’t want be get worried”
。☆✼★━ Smut Time ━★✼☆。
You laid in the back seat of the car naked while your boyfriend was on top of you fully dressed, his knee spreading your legs out and rubbing right against your wetting cunt causing you to throw back your head in frustration. But Rin doesn’t let you think before he crashes his lips into your swirling his hot tongue around yours back hard for the both of you to breathe.
You both pull away and watch as the string of saliva connecting your snaps with that Rin starts to trail hot kisses down your body not stopping until he reached you wet cunt not wanting anymore time Rin started to places kiss across you puffy lips finally using his rough clauses thumb he spread your cute cunt apart before spitting on it, using his other hand he slides his spit up and down your cunt mixing it slowly with your juices once he thought you were good and wet he began to lick long hot laps across your folds.
“Fuvk Rin right there ” you moaned out as you gripped on to his raven hair and pushed him farther into your cunt.
Yet Rin didn’t mind. He loved when gripped his hair and tried to ride his face and normally he would let you put tonight was a little different. Wasting no time Rin used his hand to bring down a hard slap to your ass causing you to grip on to his hair tighter. “Did I tell you, you could ride my face sweetheart” Rin says as his tongue teases at your hole causing you to try to close your legs which only made Rin more angry “I didn’t tell you to close your legs either” Rin says this time slapping your ass harder than before.
"M'mm sorry Rin, just please keep going, I'm so close," you squirm, trying to get any be of frustration you can, deciding to give what you want Rin grabs you by the hips and pulls you in to him closer so you can't squirm why he laps up all your juices and pushes his tongue deep into your hole causing your eyes to roll back into your head. "Rin right there, don't stop," you try to add, but your words come out as a moanisg slur.
"I'm cumming," you chant as you rock your hips into Rin's tongue, but Rin abruptly stops. causing you to look at him with a wtf face expression, to which he quickly answered "The only thing you’re allowed to cum on is my cock" Rin says as he pulls down his pants and boxers, allowing his cock to jump free. His tip was glowing red and oozing with percum, and he wasted no time in aligning his cock with your wet openings and shoving his throbbing cock within, without allowing you to adjust to his size before ramming into your sloppy, wet cunt. You began crying because you felt him within you.
“God you feel so fuckin good sweetheart, so so fuckin good” Rin growls out as as he pushes your hips up and down slowly your warm cunt tighting harder around his thick cock as his hips thrust up to meet you half way. Rin could feel his cock harden his balls tighten but the only thing he could really focus on was your gummy wall and how they felt around him.
“I can’t wait to use this cunt that was just made for me, can’t wait to fill it up with my kids, can’t wait to breed it over and over again” He muttered between clenched teeth, trying his best not cum inside you just yet. His thrust became slow and deep making sure you were feeling just as good as him hit all your shots right stops with his hard cock. His eyes narrowing slightly as his grip on your hips got tighter, pushing you faster up and down his dick as your tight walls gripped him, a mix of your cream and his cum coating his length, making a ring on the base of it.
"Fuck- sweetheart , I’m going cum in you." He groans.”Want to fill you up so good and make you have my babies.”
Rin’s eyes roll to the back of his head as you give him a nod because you were to fucked out to speak , groaning and grunting as he begins to thrust harder and deeper into you, his gloved hands pulling your hips all the way down so his cock is completely inside you as his thick, warm cum fills your womb up.
"Fuck yes," you scream as your nails dig into Rin's clothed back, bringing down both of your highs. You two kissed one another that time, and before cuddling, you collected your air. Soon after, you two get ready to go back in, but just as you're about to put your pants on, Rin stops you and inserts a cute egg vibrator inside you, causing your gummy overstim cunt to clamp down around the toy. "Rin what the hell," you yell, grabbing on to run as the vibration of the toy weakens your leg. Rin simply looks at you before responding, "We don't want any of my cum to leak out now, do we?"
And with that, you two walk back inside, clamping your legs together and trying not to make any strange noises while the girls ask you if you're okay. "Hey, what's wrong with your girlfriend Rin, she's walking funny," Isagi says, with Bachira following right behind. "Yeah, it looks like something got into her or something," Rin replies, with a devilish grin painted across his face, before walking away and playing with his new favorite toy.
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Kinktober still open so get in your request in before it’s closed. Link
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hell-drabbles · 4 months
Leviathan and Ra-on 2
Summary: You’ve never been more glad to have your guest bedroom be reinforced to stand even the most intense of devil king tantrums. Ra-on needs rest after too much intense fucking and Leviathan is being a demanding bastard.
(Being stuffed full to the point of inflated swelling cannot feel good on Ra-on’s inexperienced guts.)
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“Mm,” Ra-on, on the floor and in a plush pillow fort you built just to have a nice little nook to read and relax in, gingerly shifted his bruised and sore self around, “Even… breathing hurts. Ow.”
Of course his everything would hurt. After wading through a disgustingly thick river of cum that almost leaked into your bedroom–thank fuck for weather strips–and stumbling into your bed with a stomach fit for rupturing from an hours long fucking session, the fact he’s lucid at all the next day was a miracle.
What is it with devils, with Leviathan pushing Ra-on way past his limit? He’s not rubber, not one of Ra-on’s many pocket sleeves but they treat him like that anyway!
Bastards. All of them.
“At least that’s all the pain you have. If you had ruptured intestines or a prolapse, you’d be screwed.” You have little clue how to go about fixing those and you wouldn’t trust any hospital in Hell with Ra-on. Knowing how devils worked, they’d fix him right back up and then fuck him as ‘payment for their work.’ And then Ra-on would be right back where you both started, with swelled up guts and internal injuries.
Fuck this place. Fuck Hell.
“Oh. Oh!” At first, Ra-on was absent-minded, then clarity cleared his voice, “That can happen?”
You blinked, “Yes. Especially since I know you don’t own any inflation toys. Or do prep-work.”
He flushed and his face pinched up horribly. Really, like his toy collection was a secret to you. Who does he think cleans up Minhyeok’s closet? Of course you would know what he has.
“…right…” And Ra-on sank back into the pile, practically disappearing. Probably wanted to vanish actually. “I think… I’ll sleep again.” Guess that line of conversation’s done. That’s fine, you wanted to get back to reading.
“You do that. I’ll just be reading, ‘kay?”
There was only a mumble. You gave a hum back.
You can only hope that, by the time you finish this chapter or when Ra-on wakes up, the hallways will be clean and the smell will finally fade. You’d use an air freshener but you’d end up suffocating yourself with the combined smell, so all you can do is turn on the air conditioner and hope the circulation would get rid of it.
You think only an hour passed before there was a knock on your door. A knock. On your layers thick, reinforced door. The sound traveled through the very framework of this bedroom. Luckily, Ra-on was so deep asleep that the most he did was shift.
You walked to the door and turn on the intercom. You’re not surprised at the sight of Leviathan on the screen, head held at that irritating angle as though no one deserved to be at eye level with him.
The sea of cum was still flowing from the hallway behind him and the devil responsible was naked right before the camera’s sight. Ugh. You know exactly what he’s here for.
“You,” Leviathan seethed, like addressing you alone was enough to disgust him, “You have Solomon’s Son with you–”
You turned off the intercom and pressed another button. There was light clinking, the turning of gears and well built mechanisms, then it all stopped.
The only sound that remained was a very, very light clinking. Nice to know that that devil wasn’t joking about his skills and the quality of his materials. ‘Not even a devil king would be able to tear through this!’
You should take him out for drinks at some point.
“Hmm?” Ra-on raised his sleepy head up, eyes not even open, “Someone knockin’?”
“Nope,” you kicked back in your chair, “Just another one of those gross Hell mosquitoes.”
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henqtic · 2 years
back problems . xavier thorpe x black!reader . wc: 482.
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·:*₊‧ masterlist . taglist form . request works . ·:*₊‧✩
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— Xavier Thorpe has back problems. Being not only 6’2, but an artist comes with a price — and that’s needing a fucking chiropractor.
— And when you tell him that, he gives you just the same response.
— “Why would I need a chiro when i have you?”
— He has a grudge against them. After seeing all of those chiropractor videos, and listening to the sounds of peoples literal neck bones popping in half — he couldn’t risk it.
— But they don’t make stuff for people his height around Nevermore.
— Constantly throughout the day he’s putting one hand over the opposite sides shoulder.
— Bending back in his seat in class so that he could crack his back just the smallest amount, a perk being able to smile ( upside ) down at you. 
— “Do you need something Xavier?”
— “A kiss?”
— He wouldn’t get back up until the fifth peck on his forehead — a disgusting sight to everyone else trying to focus on the lesson, including the teacher who had given up on the idea of actually stopping you both.
— He’d come up behind you randomly between classes, wrapping his arm around your torso and tucking your head underneath his chin.
— Using your body as some kind of stand even though he was about a foot and probably some inches taller than you.
— “We’re gonna fall frontwards, get off,” you’d laugh and attempt to swat him away. 
— “We can’t fall if you just embrace it.”
— Even the stools in his own art shed don’t help him.
— Sometimes you just stand behind him while he works to straighten him out.
— This boy is suffering.
— It hurts even when he’s relaxing. And it’s worse in a way, like he’s so close to relief but sooo far.
— So he digs his phone out of his pocket, and texts you.
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December 14 — 11:15 pm  ˳·˖✶
Xavier 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼: I’m in pain.
Come over 
Doors unlocked 
You: Pain ???
What kind of pain ??
Antibiotic or Wednesday Addams got mad ??????
Xavier 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼: my back 🙁
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— You get there to see him lying face down on his bed motionless.
— Every single pillow, blanket, duvet, and plush thrown to the floor.
— “Sure you don’t have a fever, baby?” You asked as you reached underneath his shirt and rubbed his back, it was particularly warm.
— “It just hurts,” he groaned through the mattress.
— “Wouldn’t some cushioning make it better?”
— “I tried that. I buried myself in every blanket, got overheated and threw all of ’em off.”
— “Yeah I can see that, even the squishmellow,” you frowned as you picked it up from off of the floor, drawing a little tear coming down from its face.
— “I’m sorry, give him to me, I’ll use him as a head rest,” he offered, picking his head up and smiling as you swiftly hid the stuffed animal behind your back.
— “Uhn uhn, what’s something else that you want from me to make you feel better that isn’t suffocating our squishmellow?”
— “A slab of fucking concrete,” he huffed as he put his face back into the mattress.
— “What about a massage instead?”
— “Please.”
— You straddled his back, working all parts of your hands in the tense muscles of his back as he told you exactly where to go.
— “More pressure.”
— “Up.”
— “To the right”
— “No go down.”
— “No, no, no, that was good. Go back.”
— And once you scooted up by just the smallest amount, giving your own back a rest and no longer holding all of your body weight — a particularly mewling groan came from him.
— . . .
— “Are you okay? Did I pop something?”
— “I need you to do that again.”
— “Do what?”
— “What you just did,” he answered, “Put all of your weight on my back. The message was okay but that was amazing.”
— You’re a little offended, but you entertain the idea.
— “I will literally break your back.”
— “That’s the point.”
— “People can get paralyzed that way you know, maybe? I’m not sure. But I’d rather not risk it, get the fucking chiropractor Xavier, they’re certified.”
— “Most of them aren’t and you know that. They go around half killing people for fun, you want me to put my life in their hands or yours?”
— So you do it, max fifteen minutes everyday.
— Sitting on his back and massaging all of the kinks out. Sometimes you’d just sit there while you caught up on the day, or talked about how ridiculous all of the homework was the teachers were giving out.
— It became a normality quickly, and you even turned you lying on his back like a sloth sleeping on a branch, a new cuddling position.
— It all made for very odd conversation by the time his new roommate moved in.
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thank you for reading, every like and reblog is appreciated  🌷 !
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devilbeez · 10 months
Headcanon collection #14
Random FloydxRiddle fluff
Riddle’s weak to Floyd doing the hold hand kiss the knuckles thing
Riddle some time question if dropping his mom out of his life as the right choice and Floyd just take his hand and kiss his knuckle because he can see Riddle was worried and Riddle just “you know what? Yes. Yes it was the right choice—“
“I can show you the world~ top shelf, pantry, no tip toe” — Floyd @ Riddle at some point probably
When the boys are old enough to try alcohol the third years were supervising and they told them “your limit is one drink” and because Riddle had no experience he thought he could just chug the bottle in one go, so obviously he got drunk and it’s the one time Floyd the responsible one between the two and take care of Riddle. With that being said tho Floyd still would draw on on Riddle face with sharpie
Riddle did not handle his first time being drunk well and end up being chaotic, he even chase Floyd for a change
Riddle being Riddle there probably things he never say sober or just— generally complimenting Floyd and saying couple like stuff so when he’s drunk there just random slip of “you have beautiful eyes” and Floyd capture every moment of it and he refuse to delete it
Riddle and Floyd date would be at like festival date it just make sense and I can’t explain
Speaking of festivals date, Floyd won Riddle an Eel plush and now he have something that represents Floyd in his room. Eventually Riddle won him a goldfish plush so now there just a special space in both their room for those plushes. They both insist on calling the plushies their children
That btw is what cause Riddle to spiral down plushies hole Floyd got him more plushies this time hedgehog ones
Floyd message Riddle during class from time to time and Riddle going through the corruption arc and not as strict with rules now sometimes replies. But there are time he doesn’t want to respond cause you know class and there are time when Floyd so excited about something so you just have
Riddle: I’ll do it later I’m in class
Riddle: good for you but I am in class
Riddle: I A M I N C L A S S
Floyd sometimes messaging Riddle like “this pebble remind me of you 🥰” Riddke keep all of the pebbles. He never been gifted something before especially it’s his mom so now he keep everything Floyd give him
Trey: …riddle is that a rock?
Riddle: huh— oh that’s Rockington jr. Yeah I use him as paperweight sometimes leave him there
Trey: …I’m sorry I still stuck on the fact that it have a name and it’s “Rockington Junior”
Riddle: yeah Rockington senior is over there by Floyd Jr.
Trey: ….Riddle that an eel plush
Riddle: I never said I’m the one naming it— blame Floyd—
This video. That is all
After they get together Floyd take Riddle to petting zoo for his birthday. He say it’s for Riddle cause he love small animals like hedgehogs but in reality it both for Riddle and for him to meet his goat friend Sir Wayne Georgia Wellington the third
Riddle’s mom hate Floyd because let’s be honest just as friends Floyd is already a bad influence, but as boyfriend there will be no turning back for Riddle. Literally the only thing holding them all back is his love for rule. And even that doesn’t hold them back that much considering Riddle have becoming more and more chill with the rules
They once made the mistake of sitting down and having family dinner with Riddle’s mom and eventually at some point Floyd or literally anyone snap and went on a rant like “—AND ANOTHER THING YOU SHOULD APPRECIATE HIM MORE BECAUSE HE’S AMAZING AS HE IS, AND ANOTHER THING YOU’RE NEED TO LOWER YOUR STANDARDS, AND ANOTHER THING—“ and it just keep going, no one stop him they just sit there eating their meal like “huh this place have nice salad”
Most people would think Riddle the one taking their first valentines seriously and .Floyd just don’t really care when it’s the opposite. Floyd want to do everything and even try and planned stuff for the day with Jade and Azul help cause he thought Riddle would be all over this since “rule of valentines and stuff” while Riddle barely planned anything out cause either 1. He never really care for valentines and don’t get why couples like it 2. He just straight up forgot it’s valentines cause he don’t have it in his calendar or 3. He thought Floyd wouldn’t really wanna celebrate so he just expected to spend their day like usual and maybe go on a regular date-hang out and not date date
Adding to this, because Riddle didn’t expect a date he almost go with Floyd in his school uniform then Cater pull him away and tell Floyd to wait. This lead to Trey and ADeuce messing around like “what is your intention with my son?”
Riddle’s mom think Floyd come on to Riddle as friends or boyfriend for the money. But then we cut to this mf Only wanting to buy shoes on some occasions and only want to ever buy tiny ducks to mess with Azul. Like
Mrs. Riddle: he probably want our money
Floyd with his new shoes and lil ducklings: and I’ll call you goldfish Jr. and you Ducklia, and you will be Tako because Azul would hate that—
Riddle only stole hoodie because man read somewhere it what couple do but he like it so much because they comfy Floyd no longer have hoodies— they just all at Heartslayul
Because the lounge being you know basically a restaurant, they need to decorate for stuff and sometime they need to buy things so they rotate between every members for decoration shopping in the town and one time Floyd was assigned the role and invited Riddle cause Riddle rarely get out and it basically go
Floyd: come on it’ll be fun!
Riddle: I don’t know—
Floyd: here talk to Azul he’d cover for your work if you say it to supervise me
Riddle: no he wouldn’t he know you responsible enough
Floyd: does he? Does he really?
Riddle: ……*call azul* hey so I’m here with Floyd he said he’s going to go into town and I was thinking—
Azul: he need supervision? Agree, I’ll cover your work thank *hang up*
Riddle: ……well show me the town I guess—
Riddle one time went out with the shirt Floyd made him wear saying “cunt era” first he didn’t wanna but as day went on he got over it and just vibing. And then his mother somehow find out and about to start lecturing, out of pure being done, I give no fuck mix with couldn’t change personality in time moment he went “I don’t approved of your parenting and you don’t see me complaining” And that the story of how Riddle moved out of the house at 17–
they adopted 2 kids in the future a set of twins merfolk and fate have it so that the kids are octopus merfolk so as soon as Floyd know he just shaking from excitement cause Azul gonna be so happy. A couple of years later it backfired and Azul keep saying he gonna steal the kid cause one time the kid saw Azul merform and got so excited cause he’s just like them
Kid: will I get to see uncle azul merform? :D
Floyd: probably not kid, he doesn’t like—
Azul, in his merform: please don’t answer for me Floyd
Kid: *shaking from excitement and have the brightest smile anyone ever seen* UNCLE AZUL IS LIKE MEE!!
Azul also spoiled them rotten btw, he love his niece/nephew so much and Riddle got so much headache from it
Leaning into my ship here but I like to believe Azul brought Riddle and Floyd kids one of those kids instrument that doesn’t have a lower volume button. Jade just give them a teddy bear…..that have a voice box and a button on its hand and the voice line is “I love uncle Azul and uncle Jade more than everyone else” Floyd think it’s funny and Riddle hated it so much— he haven’t been in a quiet house in days—
When Riddle moved out and was about to send her a gift but Floyd the chaos skyscraper intercept it and gift her like a bunch of things that say stuff like “worst mom ever” “fuck you whore” “⬆️ Karen”
Floyd don’t say Riddle’s name often but when he does he do it in private and in intimate moments like saying “I love you”, proposing etc and it melt Riddle every time. His name being said by Floyd is one of those things that he love and couldn’t explain why
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imaginidol · 2 years
HueningKai: “You’ve always been my comfort, it’s about time I do the same for you.”
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“I’m heading out, I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Kai waves at the boys of TXT, who all happily and sleepily sing a chorus of good-byes in return.
Another long (but very successful) day at the recording studio. Kai couldn’t wait to share the news with you once he got home about how he was singing lead for their new single – and how he’d even contributed to some of the lyrics of the main chorus himself! Just thinking of how excited you would be made him giggle in content, ecstatically looking forward to the ride home.
About twenty minutes pass when Kai is almost at the red light to your apartment complex. But just before the light turned green, a small plush store that you loved caught his eye. To his surprise, they were open until midnight. Perfect.
You’d started dating the artist many years after having had met him for the first time at a local plush store you loved. You were both in the same isle looking for a particular Molang plush, one that he had found first. At the sound of your gasp, he realized you had been searching for the same one, too.
“Oh, I know this one’s hard to find, but you can have it,” he’d smiled at you.
“No, that’s okay! You can take it, since you found it first,” you insisted happily in return.
Kai smiled and pointed at the phone case you were holding in your hand, which had bright, decorative stickers with the letters TXT plastered all over them. “You’re a fan! You’re a moa!”
You covered your mouth in shock and perhaps even slight embarrassment, when he suddenly walked closer and held his hand up for you. You shyly turned your hand over to him in confusion, and he placed the soft stuffed animal between your fingers and his. “Take it as a gift from me, then,” he smiled warmly.
It is needless to say that shortly afterwards, you began having short conversation about your favorite songs, your favorite eras and comebacks, your favorite member (and he was annoyed to hear that your bias was Yeonjun!), and eventually he asked for your Line account. Many months later, you grew from fan-and-artist to friends to close friends. He had slowly come to fall for the way you were endearing to him, along with all the ways you made him feel comfortable in and out of his idol-image. You loved him for him, and he treasured that.
Now, two years into your relationship, you had only recently begun to share an apartment, which soon became a safe haven for both to come home to. Long hours of studying and recording alike, you both loved the feeling of having an escape in a comfortable space and within each other’s company.
Right now, however, you did not feel so comfortable. You’d been fighting through a long assignment for a class you were taking, and it was starting to feel like there was no ending to it.
Why can’t there be more hours in the day? Or better yet, why do humans get tired so fast? Your thoughts slowly filled with confusion and despair hour after hour, and you started losing hope for yourself and this terrible, time-consuming assignment.
I don’t know what to do. I just want this semester to be over.
Kai rummaged through his wallet in search of single-dollar bills, inserting one after the other into the claw machine of soft, brightly-colored animals of delight. Four tries it took, until he finally managed to catch the one that reminded him of the first time he met you. My love is going to love this, he thought, smiling into the plush and hugging it tightly.
It’s getting late. I should probably head to bed, before Kai gets home.
Now that I think about it, where is Kai? Maybe I should call him.
No, that will only distract him from his work.
What if I start complaining to him, and he doesn’t want to hear it? What if I ruin his perfectly good day?
No, I can’t be overthinking this right now. I have to focus. It’s almost midnight.
This is due tomorrow.
I’m not going to finish.
Why does this have to be so difficult?
Why did I choose this career path?
I can’t be overthinking this. Just focus.
Please focus.
Please�� focus…
I’m so unbelievably…
The luminated headlights die down in the parking lot as Kai locks the car and starts walking over towards your shared apartment. His keys are the only sounds jingling in the night, accompanied only by distant crickets and wet grass frogs. The soft plush is balanced on one arm along with a plastic bag of food from your favorite late-night ramen bar, the other hand now inserting the key into the door lock.
“Love!” Kai calls out, walking towards the kitchen table. He places the food and keys down, hiding only the plushie behind his back.
There is no sound throughout the apartment.
“Looove!” Kai calls out again, and this time only sees the peeking light leaking from under the door of the bedroom.
He walks up to the door, knocking quietly before walking into the room. The song playing through your headphones was loud enough to where you hadn’t noticed him come in at all.
“My love?” Kai looks down, but your back was facing him from your desk. He smiles warmly at the sight of you.
You’re so hard working. You’ll be so successful one day.
Very gently, he slips his arms under your shoulders and embraces you in a welcoming hug, placing a new Molang plush on top of your papers.
You gasp at the sudden intrusion, but your fear quickly turns into a huge smile when you see the plush in front of you. Immediately, you stand up and yank off your headphones and turn towards him.
“Kai!” He laughs and welcomes you with open arms, your face completely melting into his soft sweater. The familiar scent of your perfect boyfriend hits you, and the overwhelming feeling of safety brings you to tears.
“Are you okay?” Kai looks down after feeling your small sobs. He attempts to pull away to see you clearly, but you only grip him tighter.
“I can’t take it anymore, I can’t take this stress anymore!”
You sob harder into his chest, unable to stop the accumulation of tears that have been holding in all week up until this point, finally breaking you completely.
Kai gently runs his fingers through your hair, caressing you softly and leaving safe kisses on your head, your forehead, your cheek, and finally holds your face warmly between his hands.
“There is nothing you can’t get through. You’re one of the strongest people I know, and you’re going to finish this with my full support,” he whispers lovingly, wiping wet tears away from your face. “You’ve always been my comfort, it’s about time I do the same for you.”
You calm down after a brief moment, and finally deliver a fragile attempt of your best smile, one he loved so dearly. He laughed lightly at the sight of it, and kissed you warmly.
“Thank you, Kai,” you breathed into him. “I missed you.”
Kai drapes his arms over your shoulders, standing taller above you, and smiles sheepishly.
“I missed you more.” He pulls you into a long, everlasting embrace. His scent is your safety net, his company your peace.
The hug lasted several seconds, then a minute, then two. Neither pulled away, neither felt that it was too much. All of your negative doubts washed away and became absorbed into his good aura.
“I have something for you,” Kai says, looking down at you.
“I saw it, and I loved it, Kai,” you smile back.
“Well, yeah, but the plushie is only one thing. I also got you your favorite ramen,” he gives you a toothy grin, and happily pecks your lips at the sight of your sudden beaming expression.
“Worry about this stuff tomorrow. Don’t think about it now, just one night. Let’s go eat dinner instead, before it gets cold.” He takes you by the hand, and gently tugs towards the door with you followimy eagerly.
“I have much better news to share for you, anyway, and I hope it’s enough to motivate you for your assignment tomorrow!”
You both leave the room, laughter filling all ends and corners of the otherwise quiet apartment. A Molang plush sits quietly on its side, stacked on papers, mounted sticky notes, and even more colorful highlighters; its new home was sure to be filled with the most comforting love yet.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
The Clock Over Orquesta Milgram crossover is interesting.
We get to see the prisoners enjoy what seem to be their off-day hobbies or interests together. Mahiru, Yuno, and Haruka start off at an amusement park, a place they've all shown interest in for different reasons throughout Milgram's canon.
One of Haruka's favorite foods is cotton candy, and the memory that's stuck with him the most is one of fireworks. Two things heavily associated with amusement parks.
Q.20 What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought for yourself?
Haruka: Cotton candy.
Yuno: I can’t really remember. Maybe a plush toy?
Yuno states a simple date at a park would be nice in her first trial written interrogation.
Q.06 What’s your ideal date?
Haruka: I don’t know.
Yuno: Actually, just going to a park or something might be nice.
Mahiru has always been heavily interested in romance. Be it novels, manga, or dramas, all these things at some point or another can feature amusement park dates. Experiencing such a romantic setting surely make her heart skip a beat. Something she admits is happiness to her.
Q.16 How would you define happiness?
Shidou: The promise of an unchanging tomorrow.
Mahiru: When your heart skips a beat.
Kazui and Amane are asked if they went to an amusement park then what ride would they get on during trial one. Kazui says the merry-go-round and Amane bluntly stated she's not allowed to go there. Since that was just a hypothetical, it really didn't tell us much about how Kazui feels towards them or if it'd be a place he'd choose to be during his off time.
But the second part tackles what Kazui does in his free time well. He's a gym guy through and through. The funniest thing about this is when I told Star a while back, "Man, if Kotoko just went to go to a gym, then she probably wouldn't have ever killed anyone." This thought made seeing how she reacts to the gym in the crossover like a kid who's just been taken to a playground for the first time in their life very funny to me. Kotoko, please get hobbies.
Contrary to her, Kazui is in his element and has even begun instructing other people on the best ways to exercise. This shouldn't surprise anyone since Kazui did go to and graduate from a sports college.
Amane: Kazui-san, I’ve noticed that you’re the oldest among us here, so…… I’ll get straight to the point. Are you smart?
Kazui: Hm? Haha, asking yet another question that’s hard to answer. I mean, I did graduate from university, so I’d say I’m reasonably…… ah, but it was just a sports university so maybe not…… I’m not especially confident. Why are you asking? What’ve you got there…… textbooks?
Amane: Yes, I made a request to the guard. So, I was given a selection of study materials. It’s somewhat of a hobby of mine. If you were good at studying, I was considering asking if you could teach me some things.
Kazui: *sigh*, geez, back when I was your age, I didn’t want to study at all…… If that’s what you want, then your best bet is probably to ask Shidou-kun or Yuzuriha-chan. They both look like they took their studies seriously.
Kotoko not being well-informed about gyms makes sense as well. Taking into consideration that she was studying law and mostly doing investigative work on crime before being placed in Milgram. Her physical fitness acumen might be limited to self-study that primarily focused on self-defense or offensive skills. This could be why she's so comfortable with getting the jump on people or fighting those who have already been restrained. Surprise attacks are usually implemented when someone knows they may not be capable of successfully attacking someone head-on. Then, as we with Mikoto during the intermission, the downside of these sort of attacks are they can only work once.
If she doesn't finish off the person immediately, they'll be more on guard or wary of her in the future.
After taking all this into consideration it's really fun to think about what we'll see the prisoners who haven't appeared yet doing and who they'll be with. Futa, Muu, Shidou, Amane and Mikoto all haven't shown up yet. We know that Futa enjoys video games and watching sports. Mikoto enjoys eating pretty expensive food and so does Muu.
Amane enjoys studying, but her mv has elements related to game shows within it. Plus, there are educational games as well. This means she and Futa could end up in the same area with Shidou. Though this is a very good time to find out exactly what Shidou enjoys to do and I think it would be funny to see Futa, Muu, and Amane stuck together while Mikoto is stuck with Shidou someone he finds it difficult to speak to.
However, if they stick to group of three then pair of two pattern chances are it will be Futa, Shidou, Amane then Mikoto and Muu. Though I don't know how long the crossover is meant to run so that's just speculation it could be a three trial thing like Milgram, and they'll all appear together. Oh, the other funny thing was seeing Yuno perfectly illustrate the milgram voting system in response to the first judgment.
Like, oh forgiven, well that doesn't matter. I'll do it anyhow like that sign is gonna stop me. Just to then go I think you're the ones not getting it. Haruka enjoys this sort of thing. This was a great illustration of a long-standing but understated point of Milgram. While the verdicts change the atmosphere, they won't really force the prisoners themselves to change or stop them from doing anything.
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Title: dolls
description: Daniel finally gets the upper hand on Jay after a long while of being jays prey, he will no longer suffer being his victim now.
(Please consider that when I involve Dan it will be taking place before……you know…😬 so please know that I never want to make anyone uncomfortable)
(Dominant) Ler: Daniel
lee: sociopath
Jay gave the small doll in hand a smile, placing one last needle into it and gazing it over, he had finally perfected the voodoo doll and was ready for use. The small figure resembled Daniel, his vibrant green hair, his pink sweater and he was even able to make another doll that was made to look like him aswell, not for any voodoo reasons of course, that doll shall not be touched by such whichcraft.
In fact if someone where to put a curse on such an innocent toy, then he would have their head rather darn quickly. But jay had misplaced the toy and he was nervous, if someone were to find it. Even if it wasn’t for any dark magic.
Jay wanted to test the doll, so he stood from his desk and walked over to the wall and pressed against it, his bedroom door ajar and yet just wide enough space to look down the hall and saw Daniel sitting on the couch talking to hosuh, something about some nonsense that probably involved Stephen in the matter. Jay watched carefully, making sure that even with the slightest movement he wouldn’t be seen.
There was no indication that he would be seen, no matter what he did.
Jay smiled slyly, then started give pressure on the dolls side, at first he thought it was a fail. But then noticed Dan start to flinch. Daniel placed a hand on his side to which hosuh asked what’s wrong, Dan didn’t answer at first until Jay had gone to poke the other side, Daniel started to smirk a little.
“Heh, not so tough are you, Dan?” Jay mumbled proudly.
Jay proceeds to poke fun (pun half- intended) at the doll, prodding repeatedly at the dolls sides and ribs, making Daniel fall into fits and giggle before hosuh spoke.
“Uhh Dan? Look..” Hosuh said, pointing his finger down the hall, Dan turned to see Jay on the other side of the slightly opened door.
Jay then ran deeper into the room and Dan knew that he was probably gonna hide some where and so he stood up from the couch as he made his slow pace towards the door with a nonchalant expression, saying to hosuh: “I’ll be right back, gotta deal with a trouble maker”
Hosuh snickered before sauntering off towards Stephen’s room, perhaps he could find more entertaining conversation there.
Jay who was in frantic mode, knew that Daniel would be here any second, so the options he had were the closet, behind the chair in the corner and jumping out the window. He chose the closet and closed both doors and sitting down in the deepest part possible before hearing the door open to the bedroom.
Dan had obviously known it was the closet door that shut just before him, but Dan wanted sadistic pay back.
Dan then reached behind his back as he spoke calmly, though there was a hint of malice in his voice.
“You know jay, I was the one that took your doll” Dan then pulled it from his back pocket. “And now your gonna get a taste of defeat”
Jay covered his mouth with the plush at his side, fearing the worst out of the evil dungeon master.
Jay started to feel a sensation in his side, Dan was scratching that spot delicately.
“How does that feel?”
Jay didn’t reply, but then he heard slow menacing footsteps around his room, taking his time to make suspense.
“I know you’re hiding here somewhere, I just need to figure out what would make you break~” Dan teased in wonder, attacking both sides of the doll with his one hand.
Jay tried his best to keep as still and as quiet as possible. The best he could do was bite his arm as if the gag himself, while clenching his his other fist.
“Now where could jay be? Hmm?” Daniel asked to seemingly no one, dragging his fingers into the ribs of Jay.
Daniel walked over and looked under the bed but was found to be absent.
“Well, it seems like jay is not hiding here, how about…” Dan then moved over to the chair in the corner and looked behind it swiftly, saying aloud: “HERE! Hmm”
Jay flinched at the sudden shout, but to his dismay, the shift had caused a loud fabric against carport rubbing sound, to be heard from out side the closet. Daniel was still tickling the doll, but now he was becoming more evil and dominant with it, slowly tracing a finger down the dolls ribs, down to the sides and getting to the belly in a slow process, this was making Jay just barely hold back any giggling that made him sound like a child playing hide and seek.
Dan turned and made his way to the closet and kept his finger at a slow pace, while also teasing Jay to death.
“Was that a giggle I just heard? Did jay just giggle? I don’t think I ever heard him giggle before?~” dan asked, he was about half way to the closet when he reached the dolls stomach when he heard extreamly but noticeable muffled laughter from the closet.
“DAHAHAHAHANIEL!!” The yell was more clear than it seemed.
Dan ran after the closet door and saw Jay laying there with his arms over his stomach, his expression was once happy, but was now embarrassed.
“There’s jay! It’s almost like you the idea of hiding was a bad idea” dna mocked, jay was about to get up but Dan noticed him unblock his stomach and Daniel immediately poked the doll again.
Jay fell on his tailbone and started laughing again, covering his stomach, even though it didn’t do anything good. He startled rolling around, like a chinchilla talking a dust bath.
“Awww, jay has a ticklish tummy~ does Jay like his belly to be tickled?~” Daniel teased playfully, using two fingers that danced around on the dolls stomach.
Jay repeatedly slammed his fists into the ground, wishing that he had the strength to get up and tackle Daniel to the ground and take that damn doll away from him.
“DAHAHAHANIEL STOHOHHOHOP TIHIHIHIHICKLING MEHEHEHEHE!” Jay yelled, rolling onto his back and bending backwards, as if moving a certain way would deflect the tickling sensation.
“But this is my chance I’m taking to get back at you for being my persuer” Daniel replied. “But for someone who is normally nonchalant and chill, your very squirmy”
Daniel then put a hand down to start scribbling at jays real stomach found more pleasure in that.
“Hmm” daniel hummed amusingly before tossing the doll and started to analyze jays torso. “Let’s see, now that I have this jay doll..” Daniel looked at Jay with a wolfish grin. “And these needles..” Daniel raised his hands to reveal ten fingers. “I can finally pin the cushion”
Before jay could do or say anything, Daniel started to rapidly jab and wiggle his ten fingers into jays sides, making him jump and squirm.
“Well, then what about here?”
“NOHOHOHO! NOT MY BEHEHEHELLY!” Jay cackled when ten hands made contact with his stomach.
“Seems like this sociopath has become a tickishpath, the ticklish symptoms being the…” Daniel then poked or lightly scribbled and scurried his fingers across jays body with each word that came out. “Sides…”
“And the ribs…”
“Oh! And of course, the belly-“
“And this little guy here…” Daniel then placed his finger on jays navel making him jump violently, already in a set of giggles. “Has a habit of being so sensitive that it makes it easy to tease with just the point of my finger…as..I trace my, finger tip around the edge of the center”
Jay covered his mouth and startled laughing uncontrollably through his hands.
“Why are you laughing?~” Daniel asked light heartedly. “Awwwwww, Does it tickle?”
All jay could do was scream/laugh into his hands, while Dan teased his soul away into the void of his mind.
Jay shook his head, trying to block out Daniel’s torment.
“No? Then why are you laughing? Daniel is just playing with you~ he just wants to hear you laugh” Daniel couldn’t help but giggle a little bit, still tracing the edge of jays navel a little longer.
After a short moment Daniel stopped and got off jay, letting him breath. Once Jay was at least able to speak, he spoke.
“Evil….son of a gun..” Jay said roughly, clenching his stomach.
Daniel laughed, knowing he may regret this somewhere in the future.
Man I’m just throwing these at you! 😂 but I enjoy writing them as much as you enjoy reading them! I feel I’m getting better at ideas for these!
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roseandgold137 · 1 year
I’ll wait for the Title poll to be over before I post this to ao3, but here’s Chapter 1 of the Archeology Wives fic (it’s something over 2k, maybe 2500 or thereabouts)
content warnings: pregnancy (and symptoms related to pregnancy including nausea/vomiting), implied childbirth
the first couple chapters of this will be Janet x Jack, and they’re married in the chapter below, just an extra heads up
Chapter 1
Janet hadn’t really known how to feel when she found out she was pregnant.
She was excited, of course, delighted at the idea of having her own baby, but it all felt… too soon. She and Jack had only been married less than a year, and had only dated for little more than two years before then. Their relationship was defined by its reckless thrill-seeking, how they didn’t look twice before taking leaps, but for the first time since they met in that café on Sixth Street, Janet hesitated.
She was only twenty-two. Did she really want to have a child before she even finished college? If she kept the baby, she’d be starting next year’s semester with a newborn on her hip. What would Jack think?
Well, Janet knew what Jack would think. He’d be delighted and immediately start looking at nursery setups, figuring out how to build everything himself because “there’s no point paying for something we could do by ourselves”, and get so caught up in his whirlwind of emotion that he’d forget to actually consider what having a kid now would mean. It was one of the reasons Janet loved him, don’t get her wrong, but she couldn’t handle intense right now. She… she needed to sit down.
God, she was a mess right now.
She couldn’t not tell Jack. It was his baby too, and he had a right to know. And, if Janet was being honest with herself, she already knew she’d be keeping this baby. They’d figure out the rest as they went along - just like they always did. 
With that, Janet pushed herself up and made her way to the sitting room.
Ever since the MedTech company Jack had invested in last year had taken off, they’d seen an abrupt increase in their monthly income. And while Janet certainly hadn’t been raised in financial instability, she hadn’t had so much disposable income to spare before. Jack wanted to use it to travel to various dig sites after they’d both graduated. Janet wondered how her being pregnant would affect those plans.
“Jack?” she called as she entered the room.
Jack looked over the edge of his newspaper, a joke on his lips, but something must have shown on Janet’s face because his expression quickly morphed into one of concern. “Janny?”
“Can we… talk for a second? Or. I’ll do the talking, please. I have some news.”
Wow, Janet, that doesn’t sound completely ominous and relationship-ending at all.
Janet sunk into the plush chair opposite her husband (because she was not saying this aloud for the first time standing up) and took a deep breath. “Jack… I’m pregnant.”
Honestly, Janet expected a more complicated reaction from Jack. Instead she watched him quickly cycle through worry, surprise, shock, delight and finally settle on excitement.
“Janet! That’s incredible! The way you said it, I thought you were going to elope with my cousin,” Jack said with a grin, newspaper discarded as he rounded the coffee table to kneel beside her. 
Janet rolled her eyes. “I had a week-long crush on her when I was thirteen. It wasn’t that deep.” 
Jack reached out a tentative hand, hovering above her stomach, before looking up at her. “May I?”
Janet smiled, flushing, and guided his hand down to touch. “There’s nothing to feel yet. I can’t be more than a couple of weeks in. Whoever is in there, they’re probably still smaller than a grape right now.”
“Whoever’s in there,” Jack repeated, almost like a prayer. Abruptly, he sat up straight, eyes alight with determination. “Well, we can’t just sit around and look pretty, Janny. The kid’s going to need a room - maybe the office over the kitchen, there’s lovely light in there-”
Janet smiled as Jack continued his spiel about where to set up the nursery. Yes, the next few months - hell, the next few years would be difficult, but with Jack by her side, Janet knew she could see this through.
Jack never did turn that office into a new nursery. No, instead he bought an entirely new house - a new mansion - right beside the Wayne property. Janet should go over someday, when she was less pregnant. She used to be in the same class as Bruce, and they had shared many social circles.
Until then, she could coo over her new goddaughter. 
“Oh Helena, isn’t she just absolutely precious,” Janet said, allowing the little baby to gnaw at her thumb. “She’s going to be a troublemaker just like you, I’m sure.”
Helena snorted. “I was hardly a troublemaker if we’re to compare me to you.”
“Oh, please,” Janet said. “Don’t you remember that time we almost set the PE hall on fire?”
“What about the time we did set the PE hall on fire?”
“It doesn’t really count. We put it out, like, immediately.”
“Tell that to Mr. Shore.”
Janet laughed, which made the little baby in her lap renew her efforts to reduce Janet’s thumb to a stub. Cassandra, Helena had said. Cassie for short.
“Cassandra,” Janet said aloud, just to hear the name again. “She’s absolutely beautiful, Hel.”
“Why, thank you,” Helena replied as she winked. “Grew her myself. How’s your own baby-growing coming along?”
Janet considered it for a moment. “I thought I’d be bigger by now, to be honest.”
Helena laughed, as Janet continued. “No, really! I mean, this kid’s supposed to be the size of what, a pear? I’m not saying I expected to be a balloon, but I thought I’d at least notice a bump.”
“Sometimes people don’t really show,” Helena mused. “Ever heard of those women who don’t realise they’re pregnant until the baby is literally halfway out?”
“Oh my god, Hel, stop-”
Janet did show more in the next few months, though still not as much as either she nor Jack expected.
“All the babies on my side tended towards being pretty big,” Jack said one afternoon. “Wonder what’s taking this little one so long.”
“Some babies are just small, Jack,” Janet said fondly, hand resting on her little bump. “Besides, they’ll have plenty of time to get bigger once they’re not surrounded on all sides by my organs.”
Jack winced, apparently not appreciating the reminder that Janet’s organs were being pushed around to make room for the baby. Janet pounced on the opportunity.
“What? You don’t like to hear about my poor, crushed organs-” Janet draped herself onto Jack’s shoulder, “and all the pressure on my bladder-”
“Okay, okay, you’ve had your fun,” Jack said, laughing despite the green tinge to his skin. “That’s lovely, Janny. But please don’t tell me that again. You know I have a delicate stomach.”
“Can’t forget to look after your wuss of a stomach,” Janet agreed. “Not like there’s a baby crushing mine or anything.”
Janet had been joking, before, about the baby crushing her stomach. A month later and she wasn’t so sure if it was still a joke. Jack held her hair back as she retched into the toilet bowl.
“I’m going to kill you,” she rasped, before going right back to trying to dispel stomach contents that weren’t there.
“At least wait until I’ve met the baby,” Jack said, as if to lighten the mood. “I’d hate to be an absent dad before they even get here.”
“I’m going to throw you into the river,” Janet gasped upon her next resurfacing.
“Guess I should redouble my efforts in swim class.”
Janet gagged once more, then collapsed back into Jack’s embrace. For several minutes there was nothing but the sound of her breathing.
…. And the stench of her vomit.
Janet blindly raised a hand that would have never found its way to the handle, but as it turned out she didn’t need to, because Jack reached across and did it for her.
“Here, let me.”
Janet slumped further down. “I hate this part.”
“It’ll pass,” Jack reassured her, pulling her up into a slightly more natural sitting position. “Now, let’s get you to bed.”
The nausea did not pass, but it did subside enough for Janet to play blocks with little Cassie. It had only been weeks since Janet had seen her in person last, but already she had an almost full head of wispy golden hair.
“Oh dear,” Janet said, when Cassie’s carefully constructed block tower collapsed. “Wanna try again?”
As it happened, Cassie did not want to try again, and promptly burst into tears. 
“Oh dear,” Janet repeated, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Helena had stepped outside to take a call - she wasn’t going to be back to help anytime soon. “Hey, hey, shh, it’s okay. Here - look, Cassie, we can fix it, see?”
Janet tried to remember the order Cassie had put the blocks in - she had been very particular about it during her construction process - and gradually Cassie’s crying quieted down to sniffles. She babbled and reached for the block in Janet’s hand, which Janet handed over easily.
Cassie took the block, turning it around in her hands as though she was considering it. Then, rather abruptly, smashed it into the side of the block tower, sending colourful blocks in all directions. Cassie squeaked in delight, while Janet - well, Janet didn’t really understand what had just happened, but Cassie seemed happy enough, so it must be alright.
“Aren’t you a funny little thing,” Janet mused, as Cassie continued her reign of terror on the other blocks. “I wonder if my little one will be much like you.”
“Ba!” Cassie said, though whether it was in agreement or not was lost on Janet.
Janet would honestly rather be anywhere else in the world right now. She really should have declined Bruce’s invitation, but instead she was in Wayne Manor, sitting across from Bruce’s thirteen-year-old kid.
The food looked and smelled amazing, sure, but Janet was beginning to think that the baby inside her didn’t appreciate fancy dinners as much as she’d hoped. 
Jack knew what the baby would look like when they were born - Janet wanted to keep it as a little surprise for herself after the labour. It would have been a surprise for Jack too if Janet hadn’t wanted to do some ultrasounds to make sure everything was okay. All that she knew so far was that the baby was “fucking teensy”, as Jack had jokingly described them.
Well, for someone so fucking teensy, they sure did pack a kick.
Janet tried not to wince as her discomfort levels skyrocketed. She only had to make ir through another half-hour of the dinner, after which it would be perfectly acceptable for her to skip dessert and scurry home so she could puke her guts out and wallow in self pity for the rest of the evening.
Unfortunately, the world hated her, and Janet couldn’t quite mask the sharp intake at the next burst of pain. 
The burst of pain that definitely did not feel like a kick. 
Janet really hoped this was one of those false alarms Helena had mentioned, because not only would her baby be two months early but she wasn’t quite sure how she would go about asking Bruce Wayne to drive her to the hospital so she could deliver her kid.
Dick - Bruce’s kid, though why he preferred to be called that was beyond Janet - made the choice for her.
“Are you okay?” he asked, with a sceptical raise of his eyebrow.
“Perfectly fine,” Janet responded, to little effect, because suddenly everyone’s attention was on her. Janet should just say she was experiencing some cramps - which was technically true, though she was beginning to wonder where the distinction was between a cramp and a contraction.
Dick didn’t seem to be swayed so easily. “Are you going to have your baby?”
Jack put his hand over hers. “Do you think we should call it a night?”
“I think we should call an ambulance,” Dick said matter-of-factly, and Janet knew that violence isn’t the answer, but god she wished it was.
“Dick,” Bruce said warningly, before directing his attention back to Janet. “Is everything alright?”
No. No, everything was not alright, in fact nothing was right at all, and Janet’s dress was ruined.
“I think I might take that ambulance,” she said faintly. “I’m sorry about your chair.”
Dick seemed confused by that, but the butler - Alfred, she remembered, was quick to tell her not to fuss over trivial things as he ushered her towards the foyer. Bruce followed, grabbing his car keys - because it was too far out to wait for the ambulance to get here, and they’d be much faster driving themselves. 
Somewhere in the back of her mind Janet thought about their own car parked out front, but it was difficult to think of much when she was suddenly very aware of every slight movement her baby made.
Her baby, an entire two months too early, who had apparently decided that they’d had enough of being confined to a womb and were ready to face the world.
It was a nice thought, as Janet watched the Bristol scenery become Gotham suburbs, but realistically it just meant that her baby would have to be set up in an artificial incubator while they actually finished developing.
The thought made her feel slightly sick, but considering how she had already felt queasy all night, it didn’t really make much of a difference.
Janet turned to face Jack, taking in his worried brows and his frown that he kept trying to soften, to no avail.
“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered - she promised. No matter how this played out, Janet would make it okay.
“What a way to reunite, huh J?” Bruce asked, in a poorly concealed attempt to lighten the mood. He used to make horrible jokes before baseball matches, too, before inevitably missing all of his swings.
“What a way indeed,” Janet repeated hollowly. 
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reeshyz · 2 years
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Title: In the light of the fireplace Pairing: Christoph Schneider / Richard Z. Kruspe   Presentee:@mechanicalbride16 Prompt: Chimney Fire Warnings/Tags: NSFW | no penetrative sex | mutual pining | chimney fire | insecure Richard Word Count: 2.473 Summary: Christoph is surprised when Richard shows up with way too much eggnog at their studio but the evening ends really well for him in front of the fireplace. So he wouldn't complain. Read on AO3: here
“I’m back!”
Richard grins widely when he opens the door to the little studio they had rented. He stops at the top of the stairs and holds up two bottles. Christoph and Till are both sitting on the couch in their living room. When they hear Richard they look up to him. Christoph squints at the bottles.
“You were gone a long time,” Till says and he gets up. Richard presses one of the bottles into Till’s hand, who whistles.
“Eggnog huh? Finally in some kind of Christmas mood?” Till wants to know and Richard rolls his eyes. Christoph just watches them for now, he doesn’t really like Richard drinking so much, but today they had a rather angry discussion within the band but managed to finish a song and Richard had been so happy earlier.
“Not really, but they were on sale and it’s the good stuff,” Richard replies grinning. Till shakes his head and then walks off to his own room. He’s probably still pissed about having to change all the lyrics again.
Richard chuckles and then nods towards the hallway, Christoph gets up and follows him. They stop at the kitchen first, where Richard heats up the eggnog, pulling out some adorable mugs. Christoph smiles at that sight, because he hadn’t realized they had such cute mugs in this studio.
“Wanted to give the mug to you for Christmas actually but we should use it now. I’ll get you something better for Christmas, promise,” Richard says, as if he can read his thoughts and Christoph’s heart flutters when he thinks about Richard getting him a present.
“We will take the rest with us as well,” Richard says and points at the pot. Christoph looks at his mug, that looks like a cat. He loves it. It’s a black cat and for some reason it reminds him of Richard.
“Never had that brand, I hope it’s good,” Christoph says, when Richard fills up the two mugs and pushes one over once they are filled. Christoph doesn’t wait for an answer, instead he sniffs at the liquid.
“It’s eggnog, it’s always good,.” Richard says and Christoph takes his mug, before he follows Richard. For a tiny second Christoph thinks that they will go to Richard’s room, but instead Richard walks back to the living room. Christoph really hopes that nobody will disturb them.
“It’s fucking cold in here,” Richard says and he holds his mug in both hands now. Christoph chuckles, Richard is just always so adorable. 
“Well you could sit down in front of the fire,” Christoph says and he nods towards the chimney at the end of the room. Richard actually nods and then sits down in front of the fire, on the white plush carpet.
Christoph could drool from that view alone.
He had always known that he liked Richard a bit more, but lately it had gotten really ridiculous. His pinning had gotten so bad and with each day his desire to just kiss Richard gets worse.
Richard pats on the carpet next to him and Christoph is a bit surprised. While he always searches for Richard’s closeness, Richard never returns the gesture. Right now, he looks happy though and Christoph sits down, right next to him, their elbows brushing.
Richard takes a sip of the eggnog. Actually he just drowns it in one go, sighing happily, before he pours himself more eggnog into his mug. Christoph looks at his own mug and tries it as well.
Christoph smiles a bit. He doesn’t really like eggnog, but it’s okay.
“It’s good, thank you Richard,” Christoph says and he smiles at him. Richard’s cheeks are already a faint red, his gray eyes vibrating in the dark light of the room. Sometimes Christoph feels himself daydreaming about this.
The fire reflects in his eyes and Christoph thinks he has never seen someone this beautiful.
“That’s what I like about Christmas,” Richard mutters after a while, the bottle already half empty and Christoph jerks out of his thoughts.
“The eggnog?” Christoph wants to know and Richard shakes his head. He is at his fifth mug already and now he leans almost heavily against Christoph, who realizes that only now. Richard’s thigh pressed tight against his own.
“No. Well, yes, I also like eggnog, but Christmas is… it’s some quiet time. Family time. You, uh, spend it with your loved ones,” Richard explains and he sounds embarrassed, but also a bit sluggish. Maybe Christoph should hide the rest of the eggnog.
“Oh,” Christoph answers, because he doesn’t know what to answer.
He had never been a fan of Christmas either. But he likes spending time with the band no matter what time of the year and somehow they had infected him with their good mood for Christmas.
Right now he even wears Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer socks. And it’s not even Christmas yet! They’d all drive home for that. Christoph wonders now, if Richard would be all alone.
“Yeah, I really like snow, too, but we don’t have that every Christmas,” Richard continues, he is smiling happily and Christoph knows he is lost in some memories now. Just as Christoph wants to answer, Richard cuddles against him.
Christoph feels like he can’t breathe.
“What else do you love about Christmas?” Christoph whispers, before he puts his mug on the ground next to him. Richard’s head is now on his shoulder and Christoph can actually feel him and that is the best feeling he ever experienced.
“Everyone is happy. People get gifts and cook nice food and… and they cuddle and kiss under the mistletoe…,” Richard whispers, before he takes his new filled mug again and swallows the rest of the eggnog.
Christoph sighs. Richard is just drunk.
“We could cook something nice before we leave tomorrow,” Christoph answers and he can feel Richard nodding. It’s quiet again and Christoph tries to focus back on the show, trying to ignore that his heart beats way too fast.
It seems like Richard is really sad now. Maybe Christoph should ask him if they wanted to celebrate it together?
“Do you know what I love about you?” Richard changes the topic and Christoph freezes. He curses inwardly, because his reaction actually made Richard sit up again. Christoph can’t look away, he always gets lost in those beautiful eyes.
As gray and bright as a cold winter’s night. But just so stunning.
“I don’t know,” Christoph whispers back, for the first time not only shy but also scared about Richard’s answer. It feels as if his heart wants to jump out of his chest.
“Everything,” Richard says, smiling so sweetly, that Christoph almost can’t help himself. He wants to kiss Richard so badly, but Richard probably just had too much eggnog. Christoph wished he would’ve gotten drunk as well.
He regrets that now. Because Richard’s words hurt. He’s saying it because he’s drunk not because he means it.
“Richard,” Christoph whispers and somehow it sounds like a promise. Richard’s eyes flutter close for a second, before he looks up at Christoph again.
“I… I bet I’d love your kisses, too,” Richard whispers, shyly and Christoph is sure the blush on his cheeks is not only from the eggnog. He doesn’t think about it and this time leans closer to kiss Richard.
The kiss stays light and Christoph gets lost for a moment.
“I was right,” Richard chuckles, his eyes still closed, while he licks hip lips. Christoph can’t look away. He can’t even speak. Richard doesn’t seem to realize that, he just cuddles against Christoph again.
The fire is still keeping them warm and Christoph strokes over Richard’s side before he presses another kiss against his temple. Richard chuckles so cutely.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Christoph says and he presses the next kiss against Richard’s neck, who shudders so prettily at that.
“Do you.. uhm want me?” Richard asks so cutely and Christoph loves how adorable he is. He’d never thought Richard would be this shy and awkward. 
And it’s kinda romantic in front of the chimney fire. Christoph can’t help but smirk.
It doesn’t take long after that for them to get out of their clothes. Richard is now almost laying naked in front of him on the carpet. He’s trembling, even though the fire should keep him warm. So maybe he’s just that excited. Christoph has lost his shirt and sweater already, but he is still wearing his jeans.
“That’s good my sweet boy,” Christoph says quietly and just watches Richard for a moment. How he’s touching himself so featherlight, Richard makes such a sweet sound.
There is quiet music playing in the living room room, but all he can hear is his own heartbeat in his ears. Christoph knows that he looks like he wants to eat Richard alive and Richard can’t help the moan that escapes his lips.
“So fucking hot,” Christoph says and Richard arches his back a bit more, while Christoph leans closer. He presses another kiss to Richard’s shoulder and then his chest.
Shortly after they both seem to relax and forget all the shame and discomfort. Richard seems to enjoy this a lot more than he should and he sucks lazily on his fingers, while Christoph groans. He looks so good.
Christoph grins. Yeah he could get used to this. 
“Spread your legs a bit more,” Christoph whispers and Richard obeys happily. He’s fully hard by now and it just looks so beautiful. Richard rubs his hand over the bulge, again and again. He’s moaning so prettily while Christoph watches.
It should be weird that Christoph is allowed to see him like this, but somehow it isn’t. They are friends and have known each other for so long, he just wishes he could see this again and again.
Richard rubs himself a bit harder and he can’t help but throw his head back, when precum leaks over his fingers and underwear. Christoph isn’t sure why Richard isn’t fully naked yet but he seems already close, just from rubbing himself through the underwear.
Just then Christoph puts his own hand on Richard’s thigh. When he squeezes and Richard’s dick jerks and just like that he’s already coming.
Christoph doesn’t even bat an eyelash, he just continues to smile at him, his left hand still on Richard’s thigh.
“You look so gorgeous,” Christoph says and Richard’s face flushes from shame and excitement at the same time. Maybe even from the praise. Richard is breathing hard and he doesn’t really seem to know what to answer.
“Uh thanks. I’ve always been sure that I’m good looking and that’s it,” Richard says and Christoph doesn’t think that’s funny. No, he’s actually frowning at Richard, even tilting his head.
“Don’t talk about yourself like that,” Christoph says and he’s actually angry. Now it’s Richard’s turn to frown back at him.
“We both know it’s true. Spare me the humiliation,” Richard says and he carefully gets up. He makes a face, because he probably hates the feeling of his wet underwear sticking to his dick.
Christoph stops him though and Richard sits down on the carpet once again. Christoph points at the mirror next to the chimney, but Richard doesn’t know what Christoph wants from him.
“What do you see?” Christoph asks and he’s watching Richard through the mirror now as well. His beautiful gray eyes are wide and he looks almost sweet. Sadly a bit teary.
“A hot guy?” Richard says slowly, sounding so unsure.
Christoph’s frown grows heavier and it seems like Richard isn’t sure what he had said wrong. When Richard looks away from the mirror, Christoph takes his chin between his fingers and makes him look back at it.
“Why are you showing me this? I know that on some days I’m not even hot,” Richard says, but Christoph shakes his head, he’s surprised that Richard doesn’t get it.
“I wish you could see yourself like I’m seeing you,” Christoph says and Richard seems even more confused. Richard at least puts a blanket over his lap, because he feels uncomfortable now.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Richard says and he sounds so angry.
“Richard, you are so much more than hot. Of course you are incredibly handsome and I know exactly why so many fans adore you. But to me you are everything. You are so hardworking and I don’t know anyone else who cares so much as you do. Nobody has a heart that big and it’s the reason why I fell so hard for you,” Christoph rambles because he had waited years for this moment.
Richard actually tears up.
“I love you, you damn idiot!” Christoph says and Richard is speechless for a moment. Christoph suddenly frowns. Maybe Richard really had only been drunk and nothing more.
“Sorry,” Christoph says and he wants to get up. This time Richard holds onto his hand.
“Do… you really mean that?” Richard asks and Christoph nods.
“Of course I do.”
Richard smiles shyly and wipes a tear away. 
“I’ve been in love with you for years,” Richard says and Christoph kisses him again and again. Richard laughs between all the kisses.
It’s the cutest sound he had ever heard.
“But then wy didn’t you fuck me?” Richard asks and Christoph stops to kiss him for a second.
“I wanna do that right. I mean the chimney fire is awesome, but our first time should be at home in a bed, don’t you think?” Christoph says and Richard nods so shyly again.
“Sounds good to me,” Richard mumbles.
“Does that mean you would spend Christmas with me?” Christoph asks and when Richard agrees, they kiss again. Maybe Christmas could really end up as something beautiful.
“Do you want uhm… me to return the favor? I mean you didn’t come…,” Richard says and Christoph laughs.
“Who says I didn’t?”
Richard’s eyes go wide but then they are both laughing. Christoph could never get enough of this man.
Ten minutes later Christoph is still so happy, whe they both laid down in front of the fire after they had dressed again. Richard is fast asleep, cuddles against him. Christoph smiles and carefully strokes Richard’s hair.
They will talk more about this tomorrow.
Richard wakes up the next morning, feeling cold and uncomfortable. He sits up and realizes he is still curled up on the damn carpet. He blushes when he remembers what had happened here.
When he looks around he can see that his mug is on the table, but there is a bright yellow post-it on it. 
“All I want for Christmas is you.”
Richard smiles and hastily gets up. He can clearly hear Christoph singing in the kitchen while probably making breakfast. Richard wants some morning kisses and maybe some painkillers for his head.
Kisses first though.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Finds You Asleep Cuddling His Skzoo Plushie ~ Stray Kids Reaction
Bang Chan:
His head shook as he walked into the dorm, hearing the sniggers of the boys around him as Chan noticed you cuddled up to the Wolf Chan plush that you’d taken from his room.
“Looks like you’ve been replaced,” Hyunjin teased as the boys walked further in to where you were laid out on the sofa, fast asleep and clueless.
Chan shot a glare across at the boys as several of them laughed. “I’m just glad that she’s cuddling one of my plushies and not yours.”
“I think she’d rather cuddle that plushie than you,” Jisung smirked, poking against Chan’s arm to try and get some sort of reaction from him.
Chan’s eyes rolled as the boys all tried to wind him up, “if one of you guys laughing wakes her up, I’ll make sure that you regret it.”
“She’s too cosy to wake up.”
“All thanks to the plush.”
Another glare was shot, this time in Seungmin’s direction. “Why are you guys enjoying this so much? It’s just a plushie that’s asleep with.”
“But it’s your plushie, that is probably better than you.”
Lee Know:
A slight jump came from Minho as he pulled the curtain back of his bump to see you awake, unable to rest due to the noise both on the bus and the noise from the fans outside.
“Still awake,” Minho hummed, feeling apologetic as your head nodded with sleep having threatened for some time.
You reached behind you to grab the rabbit plush that you had found, “I even thought cuddling up to Leebit would help Min.”
“Where did you even manage to find that?” Minho laughed, having not seen a single one of his plushies around on the tour bus.”
A soft smile appeared on your face, “I bought it at the merch stall at the show, I needed something to help me sleep.”
“You paid for it?”
“Of course, I did?”
A shake of the head came from Minho, “you know all you had to do was say and I would have got you one for free Y/N.”
“I thought I’d buy it instead, like a proper fan does.”
Your eyes opened as soon as the front door slammed, jumping on the sofa where you were laid out as Changbin walked in, not realising that you were asleep in the other room.
“Sorry,” he whispered as soon as he noticed the fright in your eyes, your tired expression telling him everything.
You slowly sat yourself up as Changbin walked into the room, “I’ve not been woken up quite like that for a long time you know.”
“It’s still pretty early,” Changbin pointed out, “how come you’re asleep so soon?” He then asked, knowing that he was home on time too.
You reached back and grabbed the plushie that you had, “I found Dwaekki and once I cuddled up to him, my eyes closed.”
“He helped you sleep?”
“He’s really soft Bin.”
He nodded in agreement with you, “I can’t believe that you fell asleep better with a plushie than you do when you’re with me.”
“Clearly you just don’t compare to a plushie after all.”
A hand brushing over the top of your head made you stir, humming as you heard your name be whispered by Hyunjin, carefully waking you up from your nap on the sofa.
“Sorry it took me so late to come home,” he whispered as your eyes opened, a shy smile on your face as you finally saw him.
Your head shook as you showed him what it was that you had in your hands, “I found a good replacement for a while.”
“You took Jiniret from my office?” Hyunjin laughed, a slight shake of his head in disbelief following too. “Were you really that sleepy then?”
You hummed in reply, “I wanted something soft to cuddle up to and when I saw your plushie, I knew that it was perfect.”
“What about me though?”
“It’s not as good.”
Hyunjin’s smile quickly turned up, “that was exactly the answer that I was looking for, it better not be as good as cuddling as I am.”
“I don’t think that anything is as good as you are.”
You could hear familiar sniggers almost as soon as you heard the front door open, knowing that your sleep was definitely ruined as at last Jisung came home from work.
“You’re cuddling Han quokka,” he called out, knowing he didn’t need to be quiet as soon as he saw that your eyes were open.”
Your head nodded as you squeezed the plushie that you held even tighter, “he’s definitely a better cuddler than you are too Ji.”
“Hey,” Jisung frowned, taken aback by your sudden swipe as he placed his hand over his heart. “Why are you being so mean when I’ve just got home?”
Your shoulders shrugged in reply to him, “I guess I’m just being mean to you before you get the chance to be mean to me first.”
“When am I ever mean?”
“There’s many times.”
Jisung’s head shook back across at you, “I’ll let you off from that seeing as you just woke up, and you’ve got my plushie too.”
“It’s definitely more because of the plushie though.”
The flash of a light made your body squirm, bringing your free hand up to cover your eyes, hearing a mutter of an apology come from the figure stood beside you on the sofa.
“I didn’t think my camera had the flash on,” Felix explained as your irritated eyes looked across to him in confusion.
Your eyes rolled as you began to adjust to the light of the room, “why are you even standing there taking photos of me anyway Felix?”
“You just looked cute cuddling up to my plushie, so I wanted to take a photo to be able to remember it by,” he shyly admitted, catching your smile.
You took the plushie that was in your hold and held it tighter to your chest, “I had to find a resource seeing as you weren’t here.”
“I’m guessing he did the trick.”
“I was fast asleep.”
Felix nodded with a gentle chuckle, “until I accidentally disturbed you with the flash of my camera, don’t worry, I know. I’m sorry.”
“You better be sorry; I was in a good dream too.”
The feeling of your arms being lifted had you feeling discomfort as you turned around on the sofa, opening your eyes to see what was going on as a hand grabbed your plushie.
“Don’t mind me,” Seungmin gently laughed as he noticed your eyes opening, trying his best to get you to go back to sleep again.
With him disturbing you though, you found yourself lying awake. “How do you expect me not to mind you when you’re taking PuppyM?”
“I’m only taking him because surely you’d rather lay cuddled up tome rather than cuddled up to him?” Seungmin tried his best to explain to you.
Your head shook in reply to him though, “I’m comfy with my plushie thank you very much, I’d say if I wanted to swap him.”
“You’re really choosing him?”
“We’re cosy where we are.”
A look of disbelief appeared on Seungmin’s face, “where am I supposed to lay then if you’ve decided to lay with PuppyM instead?”
“That other chair over there looks pretty comfy.”
A chuckle came from Jeongin as he watched you cuddling his plushie, his giggle loud enough to make you stir on the sofa, slowly opening your eyes to see that he was home.
“Enjoying yourself?” Jeongin teased as he noticed the hold that you had on the desert fox that you had stolen from him a couple of weeks ago.
A nod of the head followed from you as you stretched your arms up into the air. “It’s unfair that you create plushies that are so cosy.”
“I’m beginning to think that you enjoy that plushie more than you enjoy laying with me,” Jeongin challenged, raising his brows across at you.
It took a moment for you to reply which left Jeongin slightly nervous. “I don’t like it more, but this plushie does come pretty close to you.”
“As long as I’m just top.”
“It’s just top though.”
Jeongin nodded back at you, “I’ll take it,” he joked, “but now that I’m home, maybe me and that plushie could swap places for now?”
“Seeing as you’re so cuddly, I think I’d let you swap.”
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moonlit-jeno · 3 years
friends (m.)
pairing: lee jeno x fem reader
genre: explicit sexual content | omegaverse | heat sex | unprotected sex | some name calling
words: 3.6k
don’t like don’t read :)
“Your heat’s coming up.” Jeno says, point blank in between bites of his apple. You just nod, taking a break from your notes to side eye him. It’s not odd for him to know intimate details of your life- you do make sure to keep him updated on your cycle just so that he can send you the notes for the days you miss - but it’s not exactly a common subject for the two of you. “Who are you spending it with?”
There are still 13 powerpoint slides for you to grind through, but you figure a small break won’t hurt. Might as well use the conversation topic for something good, aka a reason to slam your laptop shut. You turn to Jeno, giving your best friend your full attention, and take the iced coffee right out of his hand. He doesn’t protest. “No idea. Would call Jaemin but he’s ‘found the one’ or something, so I’ll probably just spend it by myself.”
“By yourself?” Jeno’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline as if you’ve just admitted to committing a sin. It’s not like the concept isn’t unheard of, there’s a market full of toys to help you through it. “Isn’t that dangerous?” You shrug and take a sip of the coffee, offering him your smoothie in exchange. He takes a sip and then bites down on your straw. His entire face scrunches and he yanks his face away from the beverage. He pulls the straw up, inspecting the now soggy and dented object with disgust. “Fuck, what is this made out of?”
“Paper.” You huff a laugh out through your nose, taking your smoothie back. “And I mean, it’s not any more dangerous than spending your heat with the wrong person. Plus, my heats get kind of… intense.” If Jaemin sleeping for three days straight and limping after is anything to go by, both parties take the short end of the stick. You’d felt so bad after and apologized to him profusely, but he had just thrown you his signature dazzling grin and told you that drowning in pussy was exactly the way he envisioned himself dying. He definitely didn’t complain about the brownies you’d baked him as a ‘thank you’, though.
“Spend your heat with me.” The bold request has your brain malfunctioning, at a loss for where to even start reacting to his statement. You just stare at him, mouth opening and closing repeatedly while he returns the gaze earnestly. “Look, it makes sense, right? I know you better than anyone, and you already trust me. Plus if they’re as intense as I’ve heard they are, you need someone there.”
You frown, opening your laptop up and staring blankly at the screen just to avoid having to look at Jeno. It does make sense to have him there with you, and it’s not like he’s the worst person to have sex with. Plenty of people around campus have delighted in talking about their nights with Jeno, dreamily telling you how lucky you are to have him and falling deaf to your insistence that the two of you aren’t like that. Plus, you’re not blind and even if you’re not the cute couple everyone thinks you are, you can admit that he’s hot.
“Wait, hang on. What do you mean ‘heard’ about? What shit is Na Jaemin saying?” Jeno’s shoulders shake with his laughter at your sudden concern. “I mean, he didn’t say anything, but that was kind of the problem. He didn’t show up to practice for like a week and when he finally did, he looked like he’d been mauled. Coach had to bench him.”
Your heart drops slightly at hearing that Jaemin’s soccer had been affected. He hadn’t told you that. “Oh.” The guilt must show on your face because Jeno is quickly soothing you, making sure to tell you that they all found Jaemin’s state funny. “Okay, wait. Wouldn’t you have the same problem if you help me?”
“It’s off-season. So, what do you say?” Jeno waits for your response expectantly, eyes soft, curious. “You can say no, y/n. I don’t want to pressure you at all, I’m just letting you know that it’s an option.” “I’ll think about it.” And you do. A concerning amount.
You spend that night tossing and turning, trying and failing to shut your brain off. Worries about ruining your friendship and about hurting Jeno bounce around your brain no matter how much you try to stop thinking about it. What if something bad happens during it? What if you never talk again? And worst of all is your brain telling you that he doesn’t actually want you specifically, he just wants to be with an omega in heat. You’re just convenient. 
That thought actually makes you cry and you wrap your blankets even tighter around yourself, sobbing weakly into your pillows. In an effort to distract your wandering mind you grab for your phone, opening instagram to find an influx of dm’s from Jeno. It calms you a bit, the messages ranging from cute dogs to absolutely cursed memes, and you smile softly at the reminder that he’s your best friend, and that he definitely cares about you. Biting your lip, you hesitate for only a few moments before typing out a “you can help”, hitting send before you can second guess it. You lock your phone and set it face down on the dresser, thankfully finding sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.
It’s hot when you wake up, clothes clinging to your skin uncomfortably. Peeling your shirt off only gives you relief for a moment but then the sticky heat is back full force. You whimper in misery, trying to snuggle back into your bed for at least some comfort, but you find that the corner of your fitted sheet has come up, the rest of your blankets on the floor. There’s only one pillow near you and it’s soaked in sweat. You panic slightly, frantically yanking your sheets back onto the bed and trying to fluff them up as much as possible, only calming down once the bedding has been fixed to your liking. Only once you’ve settled down in the plushness of your blankets do you have a moment of clarity.
“Oh shit.” You shoot up and search for your phone, dropping it once before finally managing to open the correct app. There’s a few messages from Jeno that you don’t bother looking at, going straight for the ‘call’ button. He picks up on the third ring.
“Hello?” He sounds groggy, like he’s just woken up, and a flash of heat runs through you at the low tone. “Why are you calling me at 5 a.m?”
You manage to stop fantasizing about your best friend long enough to choke out the word “Heat.” It comes out pathetic and whiny and you pause to clear your throat, trying to keep a clear head as well. “I’m sorry, my heat came early and I wanted to call you but you can go back to bed, I didn’t realize-”
“Fuck, okay, I’ll be over in 10.” Jeno cuts off your rambling with a swear, some rustling in the background accompanying his words. 
“Thank you.” You whisper, setting the phone down and curling up in bed, trying not to focus on how agonizingly slow the time is passing.
Jeno’s looking down at his shoes when you open the door, kicking idly at the door mat and fidgeting with the bag in his hands, though his head snaps up when he notices you. The smile on his face falters when he inhales, turns a little strained as he gets a taste of your heat, and you honestly give him props for the amount of restraint he has. It’s definitely more than you have, at least, because you’re on him the second he’s inside. He ends up sandwiched between you and the door, bag dangling precariously in one hand while he envelopes you in his strong arms. You don’t (can’t) do anything besides bury your face in his chest and whimper, knowing exactly what you want but being too needy and fuzzy to remedy it.  
“Jeno, it hurts.” You whimper and lift your face to nose along the skin just above the collar of his shirt, finding that while the skin to skin contact helps, it doesn’t fully relieve the heat scorching through you, the dull ache screaming for Jeno to take you already. “Please…” He holds you closer to his chest, encasing you fully in his scent, and picks you up bridal style. “I’ve got you baby, don’t worry.”
Being around Jeno does help to ease your stress, but it also serves to make you needier. The warm scent that you’ve grown to associate with the man is stronger than you’ve ever smelled it and it’s making you lose your mind more and more by the second. You’re worried that you’re drooling by the time he sets you down on your bed. He pauses to drop the bag he’s holding on the floor, and then he’s on top of you, strong arms caging you in.
The first kiss is soft, chaste. It would be cute if you weren’t so fucking needy, but you are and it’s just not enough. Unsatisfied, you thread your fingers through his hair and tug, nipping at his bottom lip and tilting your head to the side to get a deeper angle. A groan rumbles in his chest and he returns the kiss with more intensity, trying to take control again. You don’t let him, even if every instinct in your body is screaming at you to just submit.
Jeno shifts on top of you, scooting so that he can fully lay down between your legs. You wrap your limbs around him on instinct, pulling him as close as you possibly can and- oh. The close proximity means that you feel everything when he grinds down, and the feeling of having him so close to where you need him has any semblance of control that you had draining out of your body. You gasp pitifully, annoyance clawing at you from the amount of fabric blocking you from what you want.
“Please,” You almost sob, tugging at his shirt while trying to grind your lower half against his, the pressure of his cock against your center making your eyes roll. Jeno pulls back to yank his shirt off and then he’s back, hands sliding down your body to your panties, tugging the fabric down as far as he can before he growls in frustration and just rips the fabric in half. 
“Shit, you’re so wet.” Jeno moans in awe, breaking the kiss yet again to marvel at your pussy. “Bet I could just slip right in.” He drags his fingers through the slick on your upper thighs, eyes glued between your legs. You’re just about to complain when he finally presses his fingers into you. The initial relief has you moaning sweetly, though it quickly turns to impatient pleas for his cock. You clench around his fingers, reaching a hand down to palm over where he strains against his sweats.
“I need you to fuck me.” You beg, looking at him with what you hope is a convincing expression. “Please Jen, I need you.” “You have me.” He promises you, flicking his wrist faster, curling his fingers just right. “I’m right here baby.” It’s sweet, and under normal circumstances it would be enough, but right now it’s not what you need and the frustration has you on the brink of tears.
You buck your hips and try to arch up as if it’ll magically make him slip in, but Jeno remains as patient and controlled as ever. It’s too hot and every part of your body is screaming for him to fuck you, for him to claim you, and his refusal is killing you. “Alpha please, I need you.”
He absolutely snarls, pinning down your wriggling body with one hand around your throat. The other hand stays between your legs where it continues to strike pleasure into every single nerve ending you have, adding to the fire already coursing through your veins. “What you need is to take what your Alpha’s giving you. You’re not in charge here, okay?” With his face pressed so close to yours you have no choice but to make direct eye contact, staring straight into the most intense gaze you’ve ever seen. His pupils are blown out so wide that his eyes are almost black. Unable to tear your eyes away and as if in a trance, you find yourself nodding. The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Good girl. Now listen to your Alpha and cum.”
It happens almost instantaneously, as if his words were directly connected to a trigger, your body exploding just as soon as the words leave his mouth. Your entire body locks up, mind going blank as the immense pleasure takes hold of you, leaving you clawing at his back and screaming silently into the air. 
The orgasm only serves to thicken the haze in your mind, clouding any thoughts that aren’t related to the Alpha above you and his cock. It takes a moment for your eyes to finally come back into focus enough to make out your surroundings, and you’re greeted by the sight of Jeno with his fingers in his mouth, sucking your essence off of his digits. You’re burning so hot, so much hotter than you think you’ve been before, and it’s hard for you to function. All you can think about is his cock.
“Please,” You beg, swatting at him weakly. “Alpha please, I need you so bad.”
There’s no way that Jeno isn’t being affected by the pheromones clouding the air, but he manages to appear unbothered, his actions rough but nowhere near as desperate as yours. He just laughs lightly at your begging. “Aww, baby needs me?” The rhetorical question is punctuated by a slap, his hand coming down on your pussy hard enough to draw a yelp from you, thighs closing on his hand in a conflicting attempt to relieve the pressure from the hit and keep his hand on your cunt. He laughs meanly and pulls his hand away, drawing back slightly to spit onto your already soaking pussy, rubbing the spit into your skin while he talks. “This pussy belongs to me, yeah? You’re mine now.” Jeno leans down, mouth at your neck so that he can bite at the skin. “That means that I can do whatever I want with you.” You can’t speak, can’t even begin to think about what you should say in this situation. He presses a kiss to your jaw before pulling back and uses his free hand to turn your head so that you make eye contact with him. “Tell Alpha what you need.” “Need Alpha in me.” You beg, plead, flipping yourself over onto your hands and knees and arching your back, presenting yourself to him. “Need your knot, need you to fill me up, breed me, Alpha please-” Your sentence is cut off by his cock slamming into you, the filthy sound being drowned out by his groan. You gasp in relief, breathy thank you’s leaving you with each powerful thrust he delivers. His cock stretches you out so well, makes you go dizzy with the relief of finally having him in you. Your elbows give out nearly instantly, your chest hitting the mattress, and Jeno takes instant advantage of the new position to pull your hips even higher into the air.
It’s so good- almost too good- and it leaves you drooling and clawing at the sheets. All you can focus on is how well he’s fucking you, how he’s going to fill you up so well, breed you like he was meant to. 
You scream when he pulls out, alarm bells going off as your body instantly protests. It only lasts a second though, Jeno’s hands never leaving your body as he flips you onto your back. 
“Couldn’t see you,” Jeno pants out, dropping a kiss to the corner of your mouth and pushing back in, returning back to the brutal rhythm he had before. It has your eyes rolling in your head at how fucking good he feels. “My pretty baby, taking everything I give her.” 
He’s got you so fucked out that you don’t even realize your tongue is hanging out of your mouth until he pinches it between his thumb and index finger, pulling it out even more. “You love my cock, hmm? You love everything I give you.” The pad of his thumb rubs over your tongue, the sensation making your toes curl and tears slide down your cheeks. “Such a fucking needy omega, isn’t that right?” He tugs on your tongue, your head following his actions as he leads you into nodding.
Jeno laughs and lets go of your tongue, dropping his face down to kiss at your neck. He sucks mark after mark into your skin, licking over each one to soothe it after, until he finally gets to your most sensitive, vulnerable spot. Even just the feeling of him close to your mating mark has your entire body aching for it, your neck craning to the side and pushing into his touch. The leverage you get from your legs wrapped around his waist has him pushing even deeper into you and you can feel his knot at your entrance, not quite fully swollen but definitely getting there. It has you absolutely keening, the thought of being so totally owned making you desperate.The sweet drag of his cock along your walls paired with the absolute filth he’s spewing has your body locking up with no warning, your orgasm ripping through you. You arch off the bed, the action only pushing you further onto his cock.
“God y/n, fuck!” Jeno curses, slamming his hips into you with even more force, his knot popping into your entrance and forcing the neediest sound you’ve ever made to leave your lips. You desperately wrap your limbs around him, trying to get him even closer, digging your heels into his ass to push him further inside. He grinds his hips against you one, two, three more times before he shudders, teeth clamping down right on your sweet spot as he comes. Jeno seems to come forever, filling you up with delicious warmth, making your body purr in satisfaction. He finally comes down, having the clarity of mind to tip the two of you onto your sides so that he doesn’t crush you when he collapses. He still tugs you close, arm thrown around your body possessively, his chin resting atop of your head.
“Told you it was intense.” You laugh out, trying to break the silence in the room. The heat’s subsided for now, but you’re still barely in your mind, and you have no idea how long the break will last. 
He huffs out a laugh, chest shaking against you. “I understand Jaemin now.” His hand pets over your back, sliding up to the back of your neck and scratching lightly at the skin there. “You alright?” “Mhmm, yeah. Perfect.” His fingertips press lightly against the mating mark, sending sparks shooting down your spine, and it has your head spinning. You try to adjust yourself against him in an effort to keep your cool, but moving has his cock shifting inside of you and you sleepily grind against him, not thinking. Jeno hisses and tightens his grip on you to keep you still, but the way he grabs your leg has him shifting inside of you and pressing against all the right places. Heat floods through you and your grinding turns more urgent. 
“Ohgod,” You moan, finding enough strength to push Jeno flat on his back. Your body has a mind of its own and you find yourself bouncing desperately on his cock. His knot has you locked into place and you’re barely able to move, but you can still swirl and grind your hips against him, feel the delicious friction of his knot against your entrance. “Alpha, it feels so good.”
“Fuck, look at you. So fucking knotdrunk, hmm? Can’t get enough.” Jeno shakes his head, laughs in a way that’s meant to mock you but it comes out strained. His hands are heavy on your ass, squeezing and slapping to feel the way it jiggles, to feel the way you clench around him with every hit. You throw your head back and let him do as he pleases, losing yourself entirely in how full you feel, in how good his knot feels in you. He buries his face into your chest, moving one hand from your ass to play with your tits, his mouth wasting no time in marking the delicate skin up. 
“Shit baby, gonna make me cum again.” His lips seal over your mating mark again in a sloppy kiss and that’s exactly the final push that you need, your eyes rolling back and your tongue lolling out as your cunt spasms around him, orgasm ripping through you almost painfully. Jeno groans as well, hand flying to your back to pull you as close as possible, and his knot pulses inside of you as you swear you feel more cum shoot out.
He shudders against you, tight grip finally relaxing, though he still keeps you anchored to his chest. You follow suit, collapsing against him. A tired moan leaves you and you let yourself relax, lips absentmindedly mouthing at his skin. His hand pets your back soothingly, touch heavy and sluggish, and the last thing you feel before you fall asleep is his lips on your forehead.
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