#if anything she's kind of dead last. the one who just barely made it by 'exceptional circumstances'
commsroom · 7 months
it's always kinda been a headcanon of mine that the way hera operates the hephaestus - how she thinks, how she keeps track of and organizes and prioritizes tasks, how she executes those tasks, the way she files information, etc. - is highly unusual and would be impossible to parse for another AI. the equivalent of an 'organized chaos' workspace where it looks like a complete mess, and a lot of the steps she takes are convoluted and unintuitive, but she knows where it all is and can't find it if it's even slightly rearranged.
like, the fact she's deemed "flighty and mercurial [with] poor impulse control" while also having "record response times, unique problem-solving abilities, and highly original thought patterns" is such an interesting and significant part of her character. hera is smart, and she's creative, but she isn't smart in a way that can be standardized and made useful by goddard. and that's why she wouldn't have survived, if cutter hadn't needed to put together a functionally disposable crew. with regards to neurodivergence, i think there's something to be said about differing types of intelligence in a society that only values a certain kind of productivity and compliance.
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radiance1 · 9 months
Witch au but Sam looks far too much like Martha Wayne than a lot of people are comfortable with.
I hear you ask, "but Sam is younger than her in this au" and I tell you that Martha Wayne had the genetic trait of looking younger than she actually was, a trait that was in her family for generations.
Thus, we have Sam who resembles Martha Wayne far too much, the philosopher's stone that makes her immortal, and a genetic trait that has Martha looking younger than she actually is and you get misunderstandings.
So, Sam was just minding her business trying to figure out what exactly for her castle to be anywhere that wasn't Amity Park when someone stepped onto her property and, getting a feel for them she realized that they don't seem to be magical in nature.
Also, scratch that, it was more than one person.
So, she decided to give them a... 'warm' welcome.
A group of people who believed in the supernatural decided to get together one day to explore the castle that spawned randomly one day in Gotham for shits and giggles. So there they were, stepping through the fog, barely able to see the ground let alone each other.
They had to solve a puzzle for the door to the castle to open in those conditions, which was weird but it was also the fun kind of weird so they weren't complaining about it. When they opened the door it was very dark, which made them second guess themselves for a second and then they decided to step in anyway.
They live in Gotham what's the chances of this castle being worse than what they go through weekly?
The door slammed shut behind them as soon as the last person stepped inside, leaving them in total darkness for a moment before candles lit themselves up and they saw the inside of the castle in its full glory.
It looked, very, very beautiful.
So beautiful in fact, that they almost missed the woman stood at the top of the stairs. She looked very, very beautiful and was wearing a dress that looked very expensive (think Blue Diamond from Steven Universe but black) with a red gem right in the middle of her chest.
The lady welcomed them into her castle, and suddenly they found their vision going back as the woman's sinister chuckle echoed all around them and they found themselves in separate rooms of the house.
Fun fact, this group of people were also streamers and streaming everything up to the point of Sam's entrance and then her magicking them all in different rooms. They also had a pretty good following, so safe to say the chats were going crazy over what just happened.
So, the various live streamers investigate the castle to find a way to escape before their assumed death, they solve various puzzles both with their own wit and the help of their chat that were magical in nature. The various puzzles and traps were, genuinely, very fun to solve, both for the chat and the streamers doing them.
All the streamers manage to meet up again, and boy are they genuinely thankful for the fact that-so far at least, this doesn't seem to actually be anything life threatening and just seemed to be a grand time all around.
Then they all headed down a hall together, and the chat just went absolutely ballistic when they saw a large portrait of the witch and another man standing together and smiling.
The chat never got a good look at her before the streamers got teleported to different rooms, but that painting?
It changed everything.
Because the woman standing in that picture-as pointed out by a chat member, looked an awful lot like Martha Wayne, and the man standing next to her? Thoms Wayne.
The streamers, obviously, think they've hit the jack pot because their viewer count is just going up and up because of this new information and also think they've hit some sort of scandal because, wasn't Martha Wayne dead?
Eventually, the find themselves sitting at the dining table with said woman who was silently drinking tea with a bunch of food sitting on the table in front of them. The woman smirked as she placed down her cup, asking if they enjoyed the various puzzles she laid out for them.
Everyone agrees, and the chat is exploding for them to ask if she's actually Martha Wayne.
She doesn't answer save for a cheeky smile and then suddenly they were standing outside of her castle and couldn't get back in.
Safe to say, reporters were flocking to ask various questions.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
Dabi and Shigaraki Soulmate AU
Your soulmate's name is tattooed on your skin
you live in a world where everyone over the age of 16 has a name written on their body somewhere, belonging to their soulmate
always an exciting day, and you were ecstatic as you searched your body in the mirror to find the words as they popped up
soon, along your collar bone, the name you were looking for finally appeared
Touya Todoroki
you had heard of the todoroki family, Endeavor was the number 2 hero after all, and you knew he had children. Possibly this soulmate was one of them?
however you found very little information on his children's identities, but you were hopeful that you would find something eventually
however, you do eventually find a few articles from a few years ago that tell you the worst news you could imagine - touya todoroki had died in a fire
it's been years now, you're in your early 20s, and have mostly accepted the fact that you'd never get your soulmate. you hoped to find someone one day you could still love like one, but most people aren't super into dating someone with a visible reminder that they don't belong together
over these years, you've made your way into being a small villain as well. no one serious, it happened mostly out of necessity, but you're a villain nonetheless
which helps lead you to an almost dorky looking little group of villains, rightfully called the league of villains to keep up with the dorky appearance
none of them really seem all that serious, kind of just seem like a bunch of people who have no where else to go, which you can't judge them for
toga, a cute younger girl who had quickly turned friendly with everyone there, was fascinated with the idea of soulmates. you didn't blame her, she had only recently gotten her name, but this led her to asking everyone if they had met theirs yet, what their names are, anything about them.
most people didn't want to talk about it, and the ones who did didn't have anything interesting to say. your leader insisted that soulmates were a waste of time, and the emo looking dude by him agreed
you felt bad that toga wasn't getting the conversations she was looking for though, and you decided you'd show her yours.
"Touya todoroki? isn't that that pro heros last name? Do you think your soulmate is a hero?"
you shook your head, smiling sadly as you told her "no, he's been dead for years. never even met the dude"
she frowned, feeling sad for you, and changing the convo made you miss the wide eyed stare directed at you from across the room
dabi, who had caught your name earlier but blew it off as a coincidence since you only said your first name, was actually stunned
when he was younger, he dreamed of a happy life with his soulmate, but after waking up from the coma he barely ever spared a thought about them
now, here you were, right in front of him and clearly sad about the idea that you didn't have a soulmate
and for the most part, he was so fucking grateful that you had no way of knowing who he was. hearing his name made the smallest part of him want to get to know you, but he has more important things to do. plus, realistically, he doesn't know you. he doesn't owe you anything
so he never said anything. never even gave a hint of who he was. you two did get close over time, always relying on one another for help and support
it wasn't until probably a year later when in a fight dabi gets badly wounded, he's unconscious, and you're panicking, where things begin to unravel
he clearly has a huge gash in his torso, and your main focus is stopping the bleeding, so you cut open his clothes as you need to and begin fixing him up as best as you can
in the middle of doing this, you see what looks like a tattoo along his ribs. and you think nothing of it, till you realize it's his soulmate mark. he's never mentioned anything about his soulmate, and you couldn't help your twinge of jealousy at the idea of someone out there being his soulmate.
even if you couldn't have your real soulmate, you've come to really care about dabi since you've met him. you don't know if you love him, but you at least have a little secret crush
so, you take a peek, and you get dizzy when you see what it says.
that's your name. your full name. exact.
you're stunned, speechless, can't even process how you feel right now.
and as dabi starts to wake up, and he asks what you're doing, you can't help but weakly say "Touya?"
he mentally curses, immediately realizing you saw his mark. but he can't do anything about it now, and he's kind of stuck laying here with you as you keep him from dying
"...yeah, that's me"
you're confused, you ask him why he never told you, you're rambling out questions and he can't even keep up with it.
'listen, when we met, I heard toga read that name off your chest. I see it almost every day. I've known this whole time, but before, and even now, I have plans I have to carry out. back then I didn't tell you because I couldn't be bothered to care with you, but now I didn't want to tell you because I wouldn't know what to do. I can't promise love, or even being alive, and it seemed easier for you just thinking he, or I, was dead."
you stared at him, processing everything
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked without your permission... but, I want you to know that I won't force anything on you. If you want a relationship, I'm more than happy. I'm happy with whatever you give me, even if nothing changes. I just ask that you don't push me away."
he nodded, and told you he promised to keep you around as much as possible, and that was that
he still didn't know what he wanted to do with you, but you grew more attached every day until you could say with certainty that soulmate or not, you were in love with him.
nothing would come of this for a long time though, maybe a few nights of make out sessions with too much sexual tension, but no real talk of feelings or relationships.
you grew kind of comfortable with it like this, even if sometimes you wanted a more stereotypical relationship with all the dumb sappy stuff, you had thought you didn't even have a soulmate for so long that just being near him was a blessing
dabi decided he didn't want to think of you as a soulmate. he didn't want to think he had any sort of obligation to love you or treat you a certain way. if anything was going to come of this, it would be of his own will. not the universes.
which is why it took so long, dabi could always admit you were attractive, and over time you were a great friend and someone he could truly care about, but he didn't know If he LOVED you, he didn't know if he could feel that serious for you
so it took some time, and took some real thinking for him decipher his weird complex feelings towards you, until eventually he decided that yes, he could love you.
but he wanted to wait until he did love you to do anything. and also, your existence didn't change the fact that he had plans and goals he needed to see through
so now, he's just done his big reveal, now the whole world knows who he is, and even though he didn't kill his brother like planned, he still deems it a somewhat success
he's elated to at least have come this far, he could do the rest next time, but right now all he can focus on is how happy you are for him. both for him and that he came out okay somehow. he had told you about his past in little bits, so you didn't need to 'comfort' him in any way, even though it hurt you to think about how awful his life has been
but he has his head on your lap as he stares up at your face, focused as you help him fix the staples for the new scars that have formed from this fight, and he felt so truly comfortable right now.
he has no stress, he had no anxiety about the future, it was just you and him right now.
'I love you, you know'
he spoke so casually, as if you hadn't been waiting your entire life to hear him say those words
in your head you were screaming, crying, everything. but all you could say was
'I love you too'
You and your soulmate can communicate in your dreams
ever since you were little, every single dream you had consisted of you and a little boy, together in a white room
some of your furthest memories of these dreams were quiet as the two of you kind of just stared at each other, saying nothing
but you recall as one day, you finally said hi. you told him your name, and asked his.
he seemed shy, and nervously scratched at his neck as he answered you, telling you his name was 'Tenko Shimura'
there's blurry memories of you talking to him more and more, learning more about this kid, until he disappeared for a couple weeks
to you, these are just dreams, so you don't think too much of it until he eventually does come back but very different than you remember
the shy expression on his face turned into one of shell shock almost, and his hair had turned completely white
you tried asking what happened, but for a good few weeks (even though he only popped up maybe 5 times at most), he didn't even look at you.
eventually, he did speak, but all he really said was that he got his quirk, and he did something bad
for years after that, you rarely ever saw him. as you grew older you assumed it was because you were growing out of your 'imaginary friend' phase, but every night your dreams always consisted of that empty white room.
eventually you reach high school, and your mental health takes a tank. you can barely sleep, you can barely do anything. so you end up on a night owl schedule, sleeping all day on weekends, up all night every night, and barely sleeping on school days.
and for the first time in probably years, you saw tenko again.
both of you seemed actively surprised at seeing one another, and you can't help but notice how much he's grown as well
he's obviously older, probably the same age as you, his hair has gotten a little longer, his skin doesn't seem to have improved any which makes you a little sad that he hasn't seen a doctor yet, and he looks unhealthily lanky
he's clearly eyeing you too, he kind of forgot that he ever had a partner of sorts in this weird dream world having not seen you in so long
'why are you here?'
'I don't know, because I'm asleep right now i guess'
'do you always sleep during the day? I'm guessing your in Japan too, right?'
'I sleep whenever I want, but usually I'm up all night. and yes, im in japan'
this made you realize something, so you asked 'are you a real person?'
this very well could be just a part of your dream. but it makes sense that he very much is another living person. so you want to test it
'hey, I wanna try something. would you be willing to try and go to sleep at the same time?'
he made a weird face at you, clearly confused, 'why would I do that?'
'because this is cool! if you really are a real person, and not just some dream boy, then it'd be fun to have someone to talk to. and if we sleep at the same time, we have all night together'
'why should I care'
'do you have anything better to do in here?'
he was silent, you were right. your dream world wasn't kind enough to give you anything to do, and even tho it didn't necessarily feel like you were in there for hours, it still was a good while to be sitting in an empty white room doing nothing
'fine. what time'
figuring that the only respective time was at night, you had to shift your whole schedule around again, but this led to more frequent meetings with each other
it wasn't every night, there were some nights where he couldn't be bothered to go to bed, or you were too busy to do so, but you saw each other a lot more consistently now
most of the time, you were leading these conversations, asking him questions about his life and stuff, and he answered fairly vaguely unless it was something he actually cared to talk about
which you found was video games. that's all he really did, especially League of Legends
so you made an effort to play some of these games, that way you could understand what he was talking about or talk about the lore with him
for a couple years, you two were best dream friends, even though you never met irl. you always considered asking if you could meet, but he seemed nervous when you asked if you could actually play a game together at some point so you dropped it
as much as he had grown to love these dream times, he was scared to meet you in person. in dreams, there was still a layer of protection between you and him. in real life, you actually get to meet the true and real him.
plus, as he got older, AFO had more and more expectations for him, and soon the League of Villains was formed
this caused him to be busy a lot more, which meant he slept less, which caused his time in the dream world to dwindle again
you understood, you're 20 years old and have your own things to do, but you do miss him when he isn't there
the highlight of your day is seeing him, honestly
however, a few months later, you're scrolling on your phone and you see some news about villains, nothing new really, but a picture included peaks your interest
it's kind of blurry, but the man in the picture of one of the members of this group or villains looks very similar to tenko
and within the next few weeks, as the league becomes more active, more pictures come out and eventually you're positive - that's your dream boy
you honestly don't really care he's a villain all that much, you aren't particularly fond of most heroes, and you can't help but want to go to him
so, you find a way, and with stains message sparking more people to want to join the league it makes it a lot easier for you to do so
as you make your way into this weird little bar, you don't see him at first, you see a few other members who mostly don't really care that you're there. which is fine to you, you're not here for them
you're ready to ask one of them where Tenko is, however, until he turns the corner and makes his way into the room
luckily for him, he notices you before you can yell out his name in excitement, and he loudly says your name in confusion
you run over to him, smiling huge seeing him. you open your mouth, ready to speak, but before you can he tells you to come with him, so you do
he leads you deeper into the base, into what you suspect is his room. it's kind of gross, with dirty clothes and trash everywhere, but you ignore it for now
'why are you here'
it kind of hurts your feelings that he isn't as excited to see you as you are him, but he never has been the most excitable person, so you try to keep that in mind
'I found out a while ago that you were here, and I was really hoping that it wasn't some doppelganger or that it wasn't just a coincidence that this dream person happened to look like a real person.'
'you shouldn't be here. you're not a villain'
'you don't know that. you never told me you were a villain'
he basically went :/ at you, he didn't know what to think really
on one hand, yes, he was excited to see you. but he didn't know what to do with you here. you didn't seem like a villain, maybe your quirk could be useful somehow, but did you even want to actually join the league?
plus, now there is no safety net between you two. and he's terrified. you're the only 'friend' he's ever had, even if it was in his head his whole life, and he doesn't want you to hate him or leave like everyone else
'if you stay here, you have to help. you answer to me. you work for my cause.'
'I can do that'
'also, my name... it's Tomura Shigaraki now. so don't use,, that other name'
you decided not to ask why, and just accepted the situation now.
so from day 1, you were his biggest supporter and friend. whatever your morals were before, you didn't really care now. you were happy here, with this weird little family, and especially with Tomura
every day while not working you were spending time with him, he finally let you play games with him, you were both happy
he started to learn just how much he truly cared about you, you're the only person he truly feels safe with. he feels like himself, you give him the chance to feel happiness instead of just be consumed with hatred every day
'hey, y/n, do you ever wonder why we dream of each other?'
you had gone to sleep a few hours ago, but woke up when you felt weight on your bed, and opened your eyes to see Tomura sitting there staring blankly at the wall
'yeah, I haven't really heard of it before, and I haven't asked anyone since I was little. but they all told me it's just dreams, nothing special'
he said nothing, but he turned to look at you now.
'but, I feel like it has to mean something. something important. it led me to the most important person in my life.'
he couldn't help but smile as you said that, and he nodded, 'I agree. I used to not care about it that much. but I'm glad I got to meet you, in my dreams and especially in real life.'
he was being especially open about his feelings for once, which you loved, but it was also confusing
'tomura, are you okay?'
he was quiet again, this time clearly thinking. you let him, fiddling with your fingers as you waited. you were nervous for some reason
'I don't know. I don't know what this feeling is. Just, you make me happy. nothing else makes me happy. you feel... safe, and warm. everyone else is so meaningless, but I don't know if I could keep going without you. I don't want you going on missions because you might not come back. I want to kill anyone who takes you away from me.'
he was rambling, clearly speaking his thoughts as they came, and your heart was melting the entire time. you didn't want to assume, but you were hopeful
'tomura, do you love me?'
that clicked in his brain. he couldn't word these feelings correctly in his head, but love sounded right. as far as he knew what love was supposed to be, he figured that yes, he did love you
so he nodded again.
'tomura.. I love you too'
he didn't know what to do now. he just sat there for a while, thinking about what this meant.
'can I hug you?'
'you know I can't touch you'
'it's okay, I trust you.'
as you hugged, you eventually felt the palm of his hand against your back, knowing he was being especially careful not to touch you.
'I'm going to let go now, if you want to move your hand.'
'not yet. I like this'
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sant-riley · 2 years
[ More task force 141 × OFC! reader headcanons] [pt2]
A/N: thank yall so much for all the love on the last hcs!! I hope these live up to yalls expectations <3 please tell me which ones are yalls favorites <3!!!
CW: She/her pronouns, Codename is Teddy, Simping, crude humor, Age gaps, cursing, British slander (if I miss anything, let me know!)
If you dye your hair, Ghost helps you dye it when y'all go on extended leave. The military doesn't allow unnatural colors so when you have a few weeks to a couple of months, he'll be the one to ask. "Cm'ere, I got the bleach already."
The guys like to go with her when/if she gets tattooed. Do they know what she's getting inked? Nope, but they like to keep her company and will go get her food if needed.
Teddy vocal stims,, alot. She has picked up on "Fuckin' hell" and it has yet to leave her brain and Ghost just stares in amusement. You can hear her echo it back to them once he says it on a mission.
Teddy is her codename but her nicknames vary from who's talking about her!
Ghost: Ted, Teds, Sweetheart, Runt
Soap: Bonnie, Rascal, Barra, Lass
Price: Rookie, Dear
Gaz: Love, Darling, Hun
They get on her ASS for being an American. They will poke fun at her every fucking chance esp if she speaks in slang.
Price shakes his head and tries to teach her the "proper" way of speaking but all she does is mock the accent. He has since given up.
The first time they see her off duty, it's shock. She looks so different when she's not in uniform, (if you have it: dyed hair, makeup) her normal civilian clothes. Soap is almost convinced it's not Teddy until she smacks him upside the head and calls him an asshole.
Being the first one to see Ghosts face because you're having a breakdown about all the murder and bullshit you've gone through, crying profusely and no one knows how to help bc everyone just shoves it down and represses it.
He trusts you, he knows he does so it doesn't take him much to take you into a secluded room and expose himself. He will say that seeing you silently stare up at him with awe made his feelings grow for you. He will not, but his heart definitely would.
Soap actively teaching you how to curse in Gaelic bc he thinks it's funny with your accent. Too bad you can barely understand when he tries teaching you so you're just kinda staring at him dead eyed.
Soap plays with your hair, alot. It soothes him to run his fingers through it or simply to yank it bc he's a little dickhead. He's the kind of person who'd let your hair routine and learn how to help you take care of it.
Ghost and Price straight up rustle your hair and thinks it's funny when you shove their hand away and get all huffy lmfao.
HELPING SOAP SHAVE HIS MOHAWK, there's no barber on base so you're the next best thing he has. Many of the team have walked in with Soap sitting between your legs bc he's way too fucking tall for you to cut his hair comfortably. Ghost walking in with you holding a razor to Soap's neck and just turning around and walking out immediately.
Price has given you a cigar to smoke, he knows for a damn fact you cannot handle it and laughs his ass off when you sputter. Top 10 favorite moments of his.
Gaz likes to give you British foods to try, he knows for a damn fact you will not like it.
"C'mon love, just one bite?" "I am not fucking eating beans on toast, you're insane." "It's a good meal!"
He gets so fucking mad when yall go to Las Almas and you devour the food there. Literally pouts bc he sees you with Alejandro and Rudy eating food and laughing together.
You play video games alot when on leave, please imagine trying to teach Ghost on the newer games that are out now. You make fun of him calling him an old man but he actually fucking wins potg/apex most of the time and looks at you smug as hell.
No one knows why you're called Teddy, so they all make up their own stories but you neither confirm nor deny. Soap says it's bc you're cuddly and cute like a teddy bear while Ghost says its bc you can maim someone like one. Duality of man.
Speaking of cuddling, it's not uncommon to have to huddle for warmth on missions. They all manhandle you to them and they all slightly do it differently.
Ghost sits you front to front with your chests touching While he sits up, arms around your waist with him playing with his knife, staring past your head and at the wall.
Price presses you into his side, a arm wrapped around your shoulders as he tells you stories about missions gone wrong, the smell of cigar smoke flooding your senses.
Soap also sits you on his lap with your back against his front while he buries his face in your hair. He tells you stories about his childhood and growing up with his mom, he wants yall to meet one day.
Gaz is usually the best prepared and has either a sleeping bag or a blanket, so he wraps it around yall making sure you're more covered than he is and sits close, yalls legs intertwined.
They worry so fucking much about you, you're young and while they have come to love and appreciate you, they can't help but wish you were anywhere else but here risking your life.
"You're too young to be here Kid." "And you weren't?" Ghost has to swallow down how much he wants to scream that he just wants you safe but he knows that's not his place, he isn't your boyfriend or husband.
Alejandro has doubts when everything goes to shit if they can trust you, since he hadn't seen much of you like he had with Ghost and Soap. But then he sees the way they speak about you and how these two burly strong men get a tender look in their eyes. He finds it funny but also feels great respect to you. It is not easy to get task force 141 to care so much about a new member but hey, you did it.
Alejandro takes you out dancing and drinking when you go back to visit Las Almas. He knows how to dance so fucking well and it's always a good time. He always has his hands on your waist and always makes sure you're okay with it. Perfect gentleman 10/10
Now Graves thinks that you're just some stupid kid but realizes quickly that while you can fight your own battles, you never need to. Just one look at Ghost staring daggers into his forehead is enough for him to swallow his tongue less it gets cut out.
Laswell treats you like her own kid, especially when she finds out if you have a bad home life. She always makes sure you're stocked up on necessaties at the base and invites you for lunch along with her wife often. She is the first one you call when you have anything personal to speak of and she is the mother figure you have while on missions.
Taglist <3 (If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!)
@tamayakii @teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel @marsbar127xx
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doumadono · 2 months
hi!! I've never requested something, so sorry if this is a little awkward or something!
could you write a comfort fic where female reader has troubles at home, her mom abusive and dad nowhere to be seen, and cps is called, gets taken away and all that? and the first person she feels she can call is bakugo?
just had this idea because im very close to being taken away and i feel like nobody really understands nor cares, so im relying on characters >_< have a good day!
Never leave you behind - Bakugo x Reader
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You sat on your bed, knees pulled to your chest, tears streaming down your face. The sounds of your mother yelling and throwing things downstairs reverberated through the walls. Your father, as usual, was nowhere to be found, leaving you to bear the brunt of her anger. You clutched your phone, feeling utterly alone, the weight of your situation crushing you.
This wasn't the first time CPS had been called. But this time, you felt like it would be the last. There had been whispers at school, concerned glances from teachers, and finally, the call had been made. You'd heard your mother on the phone earlier, her voice a venomous hiss, blaming you for everything, as if you were the root of all her problems.
The doorbell rang, a sharp sound that made you flinch. You heard the muffled conversation, then heavy footsteps approaching your room.
The door creaked open, and a kind-faced social worker stepped in, looking at you with a mix of pity and determination. "Hi, I'm here to take you somewhere safe," she said gently.
You nodded, too tired and numb to argue. You packed a small bag with the essentials and followed her out, not daring to look back at your mother's furious face.
In the car, as the cityscape blurred past the window, you felt a desperate urge to reach out to someone. Someone who might understand, who might care. Without overthinking, you pulled out your phone and dialed the number you'd memorized by heart. It rang twice before a familiar, gruff voice answered.
"What's up?" Katsuki Bakugo's voice was as abrasive as ever, but there was an underlying note of concern that only those close to him could detect.
"Katsuki," you choked out, your voice breaking. "I… I need you."
There was a brief silence on the other end, followed by the sound of rustling. "Where are you?" he demanded, his tone urgent.
You gave him the address of the temporary foster home you'd been assigned to. "Please, just come," you whispered, barely holding it together. "I'll message you the address once I know it..."
"I'm on my way," he said, and the line went dead.
The next hour passed in a haze. The foster home was a modest, clean place with friendly enough people, but you couldn't shake the feeling of being utterly lost.
You gave the address to Bakugo, and before you knew it, he was there, his presence a solid, comforting force in the swirling chaos of your emotions.
The foster family, a middle-aged couple with kind eyes but wary expressions, were reluctant to let him in. They exchanged glances, clearly uncomfortable with the idea of a teenage boy visiting so late.
"Please," you begged, gripping Bakugo's hand tighter. "He’s the only one I trust."
They hesitated, their concern evident, but eventually, they agreed. "Just for a little while," the foster mother said, her voice firm yet understanding.
He instantly took one look at your tear-streaked face and clenched his fists, anger flashing in his eyes — but it wasn’t directed at you. And suddenly he hugged you.
For a moment, you stiffened, not used to this side of him. But then the warmth of his arms around you, the steady beat of his heart against your cheek, broke through the walls you'd built around yourself.
You clung to him, sobs wracking your body as you finally let out all the pain and fear you'd been holding in.
Bakugo didn't say anything, just held you tighter, his chin resting on top of your head.
Eventually, your sobs subsided, and you pulled back slightly, looking up at him. His face was a mix of anger and concern, his usual fiery eyes softened by worry.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asked, his voice rough.
You shrugged, wiping your eyes. "I didn't want to bother you. You have your own stuff to deal with."
"Idiot," he muttered, but there was no heat in his words. He cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to meet his gaze. "You're never a bother, got it? Next time, you tell me. No matter what."
You nodded, feeling a small smile tug at your lips. "Got it."
The dam broke, and you began to sob, the weight of your situation crashing down on you.
Bakugo hesitated for a moment before awkwardly wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. His grip was firm, reassuring. "It's gonna be okay," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle. "We'll figure this out. And I'll never leave you behind. Let my contact Aizawa-sensei. I'm sure he'll help us solve your problem."
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yandere-sins · 5 months
A yandere with a darling who is kinda worse than they are but are still into it.....I don't know how unhinged you'd have to be for the yan to be like "Are you ok? Like if you need to talk about it I've put listening devices in the vents but still..."
I didn't want this to go into compliant darling territory or the darling being the yandere for someone else (though I did laugh a lot at the idea of telling the darling that the vents are bugged just in case they need it lol that's a good one). But this somewhat brought me a kind of different idea which you probably didn't intend, but I hope you like it all the same!
Warnings: Yandere, Violence (Descriptive acts of murder, stabbing, punching other people, breaking bones, getting bloody, a lot of blood actually, burying bodies), Sexual Content (Mentioning of non-con, dub-con, taking advantage, doing it in the blood of victims and next to dead bodies), Mentioning of drugs, Mentioning of knives, Patient/Doctor relationships, Murderer/Admirerer relationships, Reader is a serial killer, Yandere captures people for reader to kill, Yandere is also mad but so is reader, Reader doubts yandere's reasons for liking them, Reader is genderneutral but gets lifted into a bridal-style at the end, I once again didn't compile these warnings while writing and editing so I might miss some, sorry :(, Mentioning of wanting to throw up, Reader doesn't actually want to get better, it was different but really fun to write, Long post?, I feel like there are more warnings... but I can't remember anymore, if you made it this far and still want to read it, I hope you enjoy it!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
You sighed, holding your head in your hands, arms squeezed between your torso and legs. Your head was throbbing with the headache of the century. One you hadn't had in a long time... like five days. 
"You're a fucking dick, you know that?"
Groaning, you heard your own voice echo through your dizzy brain, nausea building as you felt like you were on a ship, everything moving unsteadily around you. The blinding lights flooding the off-white room didn't help soothe the feeling either, and your whole body kept tensing up, readying itself to throw up. You tried deep breaths, but they barely did anything. Not like they ever did something. You were too far gone for that.
"I did what was necessary," his voice rang out through the speaker in the top left corner, accompanied by the screeching of technical issues. You whined loudly, tearing your hair out as your head felt like it would burst. "My bad," he added, turning down the volume.
"What was it this time? Double the dose, triple? Must you keep drugging me? Some doctor you are..."
"I tried something new," he admitted, a cheeky grin in his voice. 
"Worked great..." you slurred, listening to him chuckle. 
For a while, you gave in to the need to collapse, putting your arm over your eyes to escape the lights while you thought about the last few things you could remember. Therapy was going well... at least that's what you were told. But the nurses—ugh. That one bitch.
"She did it on purpose," you mumbled, hearing the softest of agreement through the speaker. You knew that if it wasn't against regulation, he'd be sitting next to you, brushing your hair out of the way while you'd tell him your woes. He was that kind of sicko. A doctor, yet fascinated with you, his patient. Even though he merely sat behind the cameras, watching you, you could hear the sickening affection he held for only his favorite patient in every one of his words. 
In a way, he wasn't that different from you.
"You beat her up real good, smashed her face in. Got yourself into a frenzy and just tore open all your stitches from your last fight while you were at it, you really..."
He sighed. He was disappointed. Upset. This was a significant setback for him, too, after all. 
"She called me too stupid to ever recover properly and I was trying this time, really! How else should I have reacted?"
"You could have told me."
"And you would have dealt with her how?"
A brief chuckle rang out before he replied, although, had you been less delirious, you wouldn't have needed to ask. You knew what he did to people who behaved poorly with you. "I would have taken care of her, as always. You know you have my unending support."
You couldn't help a smile creeping over your face, the memory of burying the last nurse who bothered you in the asylum's cemetary resurfacing. Digging out the grave had been hard work, but you had to agree with him that the physical labor did wonders to soothe your ever-agitated mind. 
"You're terrible," you mumbled, unable to hide your smile.
"Ah! There it is! Look at those little dimples! I'm glad my services are appreciated by my darling. I was hoping to take you out on a rendevous once the dust settles. Maybe we can do that sooner than I expected."
"Who'd want that, you sicko."
Groaning, you finally sat up, looking down at the cushioned floor while you adjusted to being awake. Standing took a few attempts; the cushions aligned along the wall, not actually graspable, even if they looked like it. Everything about the solitary cell was so safe, it made you feel helpless. But eventually you managed to get to your wobbly feet, sighing in exhaustion once you stood.
"There you go, breaking my heart," he sighed, and you shook your head with a laugh, knowing he didn't mean it. 
"No straight jacket this time?" you asked, raising your arms and, for the first time since you awoke, realizing your movements were unrestraint.
"You weren't in a condition to restrain you. I prioritized your healing over that awful jacket."
"You just don't like it because it does nothing for my figure."
Again, you heard the grin in his voice as he said, "Busted. You're too cute to walk around constrained. Even though I love how crazy you look with it."
"Sicko..." you mumbled, your nickname for your doctor, endearing only in his ears. 
Your limbs were terribly heavy as you moved them towards the door. Part of you wanted to collapse on the ground again; simply pass out where you were. But knowing him, he'd definitely use the opportunity to take advantage of you, especially now that he could get a video of it. 
You didn't always mind what your doctor did to you. In a way, he was helpful even if everything you two did was against any laws in this country. If anyone knew what you two were getting into when no one was looking, you'd both be put down like rabid dogs. But that's just how you two were—feral.
The sicko kept telling you how he'd get you back on track. How he'd "fix" you just enough so you could go home with him. There was no way you'd consider living with him if you ever did get out. Still, he liked to paint the picture whenever he crawled into your bed while on night duty, hugging you and telling you about his ideas. You told him often enough that, given the chance, you'd kill him outside the safety of this institution, but so far... you hadn't.
You had enough chances, enough people he let you murder, watching you while you did it and helping you to hide the bodies once you were satisfied, but you never once turned the knife on him. Maybe it was because of his studies; perhaps he knew more about you than you about yourself. Or it was because he was just as insane. Fucking your patient in the blood of their victims was definitely not normal, even you knew that. So what other reason could he have for it except insanity? 
"Earth to my darling, I repeat: Are you thirsty?"
You felt the heat spread over your face as you felt called out by his question, almost as if he was reading your mind. It wasn't like you two were lovers. There was no chance in hell you'd get together with someone like him—or anyone for that matter. You didn't want the burden of someone clinging to you while you did your dirty work.
But the sex after releasing all your pent-up anger? Out of this world. 
Perhaps his doctorate was in fucking instead of psychiatry, but he knew how to work every part of his body. And he knew just how to get you in the mood, too. An explosive combination, mixing his lust with your madness.
That didn't change much about your feelings for him, though. 
"I'm not," you muttered, trying to hide your face, which probably showed the embarrassment you felt, thinking of the last romp you two had. You tried the deep breaths again, but the thoughts kept popping back into your mind. Must be the drugs, you thought.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course!" 
His excitement was loud and clear as it rang through the microphone, and you weren't sure if you should smile at it or sneer. For some reason, you both held each other in a tight grip, unable to be separated, yet most likely toxic for each other. But he still got excited over any kind of interest you had in him and you about all the things he did so you could live out your best life—even though you were locked away for a reason. 
"Why me?" you asked, standing in front of the door, not looking up. Even if he was just the voice behind a camera at the moment, somehow, this question left a bad taste in your mouth. You didn't want him to see the conflict on your face; didn't want him to know that you were doubting how deserving you were of his favor. It wasn't insecurity, wasn't a need for reassurance, but how could anyone look at you and think, "That's the one!"? You killed people, went into violent rages, and weren't considered safe enough to be reintegrated into society, probably ever again. There was nothing you had to show for yourself. Nothing that could justify the feeling of adoration your own therapist held for you. Especially not he. He should have been one of the good ones. And you weren't. It made no sense to you why he'd behave like he did.
"Why you what?"
"Why do you like me so much? I mean, come on! I mean, look at us! We're batshit crazy! This isn't some romance movie on television, we're actually doing bad shit, and yet you keep shielding me, doing me favors, telling me you love me. I'm sure there are others out there who you can fix and fuck if you like. It's not like..."
Biting your own tongue, you wondered if it was the new drug combo he tried on you that made you feel especially irritated with his feelings that day. You let him do all this stuff to and with you, but now you were getting weirded out by it? It wasn't like you to get so worked up over him; you were more of the cool type, spitting-in-his-face-type if he pissed you off. You didn't even want to validate his feelings for you, but also... being self-aware enough to know you were a danger to humankind, you couldn't shake the feeling he might just be using you for his own sick desires. And that made you angry again. You'd not be a pawn or a means for no one.
"Wow, okay, you bastard." Your grumbling fell on deaf ears as he turned off the microphone. "Sure, I'm going through something here, but by all means, stop listening. Not like it's your job or anything..."
Unprepared, you jolted back as the door to your cell suddenly yanked open, revealing the pitch-black corridor that lay behind. Apparently, it was late at night, but you couldn't focus on that as your doctor appeared from the shadows, a deep frown etched into his beautiful face. He should have been a model. At least that job wouldn't have led him to meet you.
"Do you doubt me?" he asked, stalking forward, undeterred by the open door, not thinking for a second that you'd try to escape. "Do I need a reason to love you for you to believe it?"
He caught your chin between his fingers, tilting your head back as he matched the steps you were taking backward. Soon, you'd run out of space to back into, but perhaps that was his goal. 
"Can't I just love you because the first time you caved in and told me about the things you went through, things just felt... right? Everything just clicked in my head, and I thought, "Wow, I want to see them happy!" Must there be any other reason for me to love you?"
Your back hit the wall just as his eyes lowered to your lips, his thumb reaching up to brush over them. "I dream about those lips. I can't help but think about you no matter where I go. In the evening, I imagine you curled up on the couch next to me; sometimes, I hear your laugh when you aren't even there. I want that picture-perfect life with you, but the moment I step into your room and see you covered in blood, your eyes showing just how far gone you are, it just..."
He looked up again, his eyes swirling with all the emotions he tried to convey in his words. But when he met your gaze, the color drained, leaving behind what you could only describe as pure, unfiltered madness.
"It drives me insane."
His second hand raised to the side of your face. He cupped your cheek in his palm for a moment, a soft smile creeping over his lips. "I like you like this. Docile, calm, sweet. I like it when you ask me things, I like it when you beg for something. I like it when you only let me do things to you. I want to help you, I do! But..."
His hand sliding down, you looked away, trying to catch it before it slipped around your throat, pressing into it, squeezing so hard you felt as if your head was going to detach from your neck.
"I want to ruin you. I want you worse, I want you deranged. I want you to kill everyone and then me, so I'll be the last of your victims, the only one you remember. I want to be ruined by you so badly that every day, I hope you tell me about yet another staff member we get to kill, and then you can use me to satisfy your needs. Can't you understand? This is love. No one will ever love someone like you, but. I. do. I understand you, I care for you. And I will continue to do so, with no other reason than I love you. I love you so much."
You gasped for air at this point, fingers grabbing his arm. It was hard listening to him, but it was harder to breathe. You knew he wouldn't kill you. This was nothing compared to other things you two did to each other. It stung a little when he said no one else would ever love you, but he was right. Not unless the change everyone expected from you was also something you wanted. 
But why would you?
The pressure on your throat disappeared, only for your breath to be stolen by his kiss. You hated this man. You hated him because he was a little bit too much like you. Too unhinged to be likable. And at the same time, he wasn't at all. He was too supportive, too nice, too forgiving. It disgusted you, honestly. Yet, you reciprocated, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. Before he could back off, you caught his cheeks in a squeeze between your fingers to draw him back to lick off the red fluid, reminding him he wasn't the deranged one here. 
"Don't question me again about my feelings, please," he asked, out of breath, too, as he bumped his forehead against yours. "I love you, I really do."
"You're a sicko, you know that? And your beard is stinging me, you should shave."
At this, he laughed out loud, raising his head to the ceiling. "I spent three days waiting for you to wake up. You can deal with some stubble."
"No, I don't like it."
Grinning, he lowered his face to you and gave you another peck on the lips. "It's gone tomorrow, I promise."
"Can I go back to my room now?"
He hummed thoughtfully before shaking his head. "Someone's awaiting their punishment still. You really want to miss out on that?"
Now it was your turn to grin as well. "Aww, you shouldn't have! Are we gonna cut up that bitch now? For real?"
"Anything for you," he mumbled, raising your hand to give it a quick smooch. "But let me change your bandages first. I don't want you to accidentally get sepsis if your wounds are still open."
"Surprisingly, you're still a doctor at heart."
"That's not true," he gasped, feigning indignation about your statement.
"Are you not?" you asked, watching him bend down to pick you up, bridal-style even. You weren't mad since your legs felt even weaker than before, and you really wanted to conserve your energy. 
"I'm afraid it's no longer medicine that has claimed my heart."
He looked at you, smiling softly. "It's all you."
"And I can't help but love you more, realizing I am becoming more like you every day."
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immediatebreakfast · 5 months
I found that my landlord had got a letter from the Count, directing him to secure the best place on the coach for me; but on making inquiries as to details he seemed somewhat reticent, and pretended that he could not understand my German.
The reaction, and following actions of the old romanian couple after learning that the Count placed the responsability of securing Jonathan's travel to the castle on them is a true testament on the horror limbo that these people have been living for god knows how long.
An inmortal, and monstruos man lives inside the countryside in luxury untouched by time itself orders you to secure transportation for this young man, barely an adult in what matters who has traveled so far, to meet what you know will be his death. A being that should be a myth is forcing your hand to guide the son of another mother to an early grave, an end that is waiting for him outside of the walls of your inn.
He and his wife, the old lady who had received me, looked at each other in a frightened sort of way... When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tell me anything of his castle, both he and his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further. 
How many times has this happened? How many young people have dissapeared one day without leaving a single trace while everyone has to force ignorance within their brains less the terror makes them unable to keep going. Worse, even if the young english man, all bright eyed and full of life, says That Name out loud you can't chastice him for such mistake because he simply doesn't know what he is calling, and the only thing that you can do is close your eyes to pray for his soul.
However, sometimes the horror is so overwhelming that another answer comes out, a last ray of hope that could change the course of what seems to be written in stone. A simple hand extending in frightened kindness for a fellow human being.
"Must you go? Oh! young Herr, must you go?"
This old woman, this old lady who has and still lives under the terror of the Count decides to try. She tries, and tries to convince Jonathan to not go, to not leave to walk to the jaws of the beast, or to at least wait for a day or two because everything is pointing to what seems to be the inevitable. Moreover, when her pleads are futile at the end, she still dares to gift Jonathan a rosary, a small protection against that cursed being who laughs at the face of everything that makes her human.
She saw, I suppose, the doubt in my face, for she put the rosary round my neck, and said, "For your mother's sake," and went out of the room.
This old lady not only sees Jonathan the young man who is just starting his life, she sees a mother waiting for any news of her son coming home. She sees a poor woman trying to find anything that could tell her an answer of whenever her son is alive or dead, while being unable to both live and grieve.
The old lady doesn't know if Jonathan will survive his duty. In fact I could pressume how her guilt of knowing that the rosary on itself is still not enough to ward off the Count made her leave the room, but she still tried to hold on the hope that this time, maybe this time, there won't be another young soul buried in the soil.
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leonieweird · 2 years
The First Time I Saw A Scared Human
The first time I saw a human scared was when I was only 6 years old.
The Irdbay species had adopted a human on board to get them used to children of different races. I was the more socialable one inside of my nest, and the human was very kind. Always got onto our level when we were learning and helped us when we were learning to fly.
The older Irdbay’s loved the human whose name was Jo’an. One day, they had to leave on important business. By then, human Jo’an had aquatinted with my entire nest and we were comfortable with being around her.
That’s when the Enahyay attacked.
The ship flashed red, alarms blared, blood of my fellow nest mates fell onto the group. The Enahyay was ruthless. They ripped apart younglings, smashed eggs that had yet hatched, and didn’t hesitate to rip into Human Jo’an’s leg. To this day, her scream has made its own nest in my mind.
I remember hiding with Human Jo’an, now the last of my nest.
Her hand covered her mouth, trapped in a closet as I tried to quiet down. Even with Human Jo’an right next to me, I couldn’t hear anything but her heartbeat. The loud thumping was quiet compared to the blaring alarms, however I could hear it.
If I could hear it, so could the Enahyay. Footsteps echoed from our hiding spot, the growls making Human Jo’an’s heart speed up even more. The pounding thumps made a rhythm that I could follow. The footsteps continued on, the growls slowly growing quiet.
I tried to shift to fix my wing and possibly squeak to Human Jo’an about her leg, but her gaze made me stop. A gaze of fear, worry, but also anger. Her eyes were that of a predator backed up into a corner and the gaze of a caretaker who lost all of her young. Her eyes were telling me not to move, even though I could not hear the predator anymore.
With my head, I barely motioned to her leg. Blood dripped down from her thigh. It stained her shorts, her socks, and even her shoes that she wore around the ship. She looked down only briefly before her entire body started to shake. The anger slowly dwindled down in her gaze until it was only fear. I didn’t understand what was wrong until I remember what my mother had told me.
‘Most predators can smell a range of things. Blood is one of them, myy atchlinghay. If you’re bleeding, fly as fast as you can as far as you can-‘
I could barely make out Human Jo’an’s slowly movements to grab the metal rod that was in the closet. She had a bone crushing grip on it.
‘If you get caught, it’s over. Just screech for me or Jo’an, and we’ll come over.’
The door ripped open and the bloodthirsty eyes of a Enahyay flashed through the dark lighting with the occasional flash of red. My wings bristled with fear. Before I could act, Human Jo’an let out a yell that rang throughout the ship. The metal rod in her arms swung towards the Enahyay, knocking him away from the closet.
I could only curl in fear, but I heard it. The Enahyay’s whimpers, Jo’an’s screams, and the sound of a metal rod connecting with skin. The whimpers eventually died down as the sound of metal against skin slowly sounded like metal hitting a liquid. Human Jo’an screams did not stop.
I heard more Enahyay coming, yet I could only hide and quiver in fear while Human Jo’an kept screaming. I could hear both her blood and tears drop onto the ground along with the bodies of Enahyay.
The rescue team and older Irdbay arrived only a mere 10 minutes later. By then, I was in Human Jo’an’s bloody arms. Black stained every part of us. Human Jo’an still had the tight grip of the metal rod, rocking me back and forth with tears streaming out of her dead eyes.
When I was just 6 earth years old, I learned the terror that humans feel and the actions that come with it. I learned what a scary existence scared human truly are.
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purplerain85 · 1 year
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Pairing: Happy x Reader
Summary: You catch Happy cheating with someone you never expected and Happy clearly needs a reminder why he’s not to mess with you let alone your heart (you are as crazy as Happy if not a little bit more nuts) that person pays the price for your anger and pain and Betrayal.
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Smut (mentions of Blowjobs, protected and unprotected sex, Oral female receiving, fingering) and a small murder 🙈 at the end.
Tag 🏷️ @withmyteeth @darklydeliciousdesires @jvalentinesworld-cokes-hyna @yourwonkywriter @drabbles-mc @darqchilddaydreamz @reyeswritesmc @samcro-saint99 @happysoldlady @chibsytelford @twistnet @nessamc @indefiniteimagines @raewritesfiction
When you arrived at the clubhouse after working a 12 hour shift, walking up to the doors you can hear two people fucking somewhere in the dark corner, you giggle to yourself and then stop dead in your tracks when you hear his name being moaned…. You brain doesn’t comprehend what you heard at first because you know that voice but there is no way she would do that to you she knows better. But your feet are already walking toward the noise. Hoping and praying that you are wrong.
Unfortunately you are not it’s your “best friend” Brenda (who is smaller than you, blonde hair fake boobs, and prettier than you, in your opinion) and your Husband he has her bent over one of the picnic tables with he has a hand between her shoulders and one on her hip. You know it’s an emotionless fuck at least to him but to her it’s probably not. He has never cheated on you as you never counted the crow eaters from the other charters who just gave him a blowjob and moved on he never did anything like that at home.
Because he knows better he knows how insane you are, besides Gemma you are the only other woman that scares the pants off of him. When you two started dating a certain crow eater refused to get the message, she showed up at the clubhouse trying to get with Happy and you caught wind of her and she disappeared and no one knew what happened even though you were investigated there were no charges because there was no link between you and her as you said you never seen her and no one ever saw you two in the same place and there was no body like the last missing person you were investigated for when you first came in contact with Happy.
Brenda looked up and made contact with you and she gasped and said “Y/N fuck…. I” that was enough to get Happy to look up at you and he went white and pulled out of her ripped the condom off and threw it at Brenda (you were at least happy he used a condom) you just glared at them then turned and walked away back to your car you barely made it out of the parking lot when you heard his bike come to life. You knew he would be home the same time and you were ready to all but kill him or her at this point it didn’t matter this was the worst kind of betrayal you have ever had.
You both arrive home at the same time but you were faster than him as you were able to slam the front door literally in his face which you know is something that set him off. Happy walks in slamming the door so hard the house shook and the smirk on your face told you it was show time. “What the fuck Y/N!” He shouts turn on your heels so fast that he stops in his tracks yelling “no you don’t get to what Fuck the you jerkwad! You! not only did you cheat! you cheated with my best friend the one you think is an air head and keep saying is fake, the one I killed for!” Happy just stand there letting you vent cause he knows you are right and his anger over a door is nothing compared to the anger he can literally feel radiating off of you. “Did you get on your knees for her? Did you eat her out? Because we both know you have eaten me out in forever and she all but fucking demands it with who she is fucking so have you been fucking her all this time?” Happy goes to respond and you cut him off “You know what ? I don’t give a fuck, get the fuck out of my face” you take your wedding ring off and throw it at him and walk to your room and slam the door shut.
Happy stands there in shock as he picks up your ring and starts pacing the living room, trying to figure out why he fucked Brenda he can’t even stand her and her fake ass. At first he tried to blame it on your working so much but he cannot blame you, even after working 12,13,14 hours you still came home and even though you were dead on your feet you still took care of him and he realized that he neglected you and fell into a routine of not taking care of you, and just out for himself. He was literally just looking for a fuck when Brenda hit on him and Jax told him to think about what he was doing. He stopped mid pace and sneered at his clothes all he could smell was her, he ripped his clothes off and walks out back in his boxers and out his clothes in the fire pit and set the clothes on fire. Then went back into the house and had a hot shower so he could wash away everything from his Fuck up away.
Happy walks into the bedroom and sees you laying there in your fuzzy pjs and you watch him (well still glaring daggers at him) while he walks in naked and he slightly touch’s your toes as he walks by and you jerk away and say “don’t fucking touch me” he rolls his eyes and grabs his ankles and pulls you to the edge of the bed (you fight him a little bit but not much that he thinks you don’t want it) and yanks your shorts off and pushes your legs apart and his face is instantly attached to your core and he runs his tongue back and forth from your opening to your clit and eats you like a starved man, moaning so loud at your taste that you can barely keep it together you put your hand on his head to keep yourself grounded, he removes them and places his and your hands on your stomach to hold you still. He pulls to strong orgasms out of you before he is starts to use his fingers while keeping his mouth and tongue working your clit, he finds your g-spot in a matter of seconds and then he pulls your hood back exposing you clit fully to his tongue you are moaning about too much but he keeps going, you have no idea what to do with your hands, they go from his head to his arm trying to pull it lose so his will let go of your hood, to your hair pulling it to the sheets.
When he finally gets your to cum again his fingers are coated with your cream and he sucks his fingers clean while moving up your body you barely register what he is doing tell you feel him pushing into you and you say “I can’t cum again…” he hushes you with a kiss and says “yes you can, I have a lot to make up for” he starts moving slowly passionately while kissing you, sucking and nibbling at your neck, sucking and biting your breast to leave marks and sucking on your nipples. He moves back up to your mouth and says “I am so sorry, there is nothing I can do or say that will make what I did ok, I don’t even know why I did it.” You pull him into a kiss and then slap his ass and tell him to “fuck my like you mean it”. Some how he manages to pull four more orgasms out of him by the second one your are begging him to cum.
You wake up before Happy does and you see about 100 messages from Brenda and what set you off is the fact that she couldn’t even admit that she was wrong she was putting it all on Happy and basically said that he took advantage of her. You messaged her back saying you wanted to meet before she went to work at 8am. And the dumb bitch replied back with “okay 😊”
Happy woke up to Chibs and Jax barging into his house asking “where is Y/N at? Brenda never showed up to work and her mom and boss called the Sheriff” he looked over at the clock and realized it was 4:30 pm he said “I didn’t even realize she left, she was suppose to be off today so she could be anywhere”
Chibs said “well you fucked her best friend and now both girls are missing and both their phones are off but Y/N phone last pinged her and Brenda’s phone pinged North West of here there’s nothing out there” Happy for a look on his face and quickly grabbed his stuff and said he had to go and would call if he needed back up. He got in his van and called Tig “did Y/N ask for that fucking key again?”
Happy and Jax arrived at the factory 3 hours later he saw Y/N car and the side door of the abandoned Factory open and walks toward the door he gets close to the door and all he can smell is acid.
The factory use to make and sell acid but closed down for some reason or another Happy never knew why, he explains to Jax that he knows of this place because this is where he first met you, when he was hired to get rid of someone’s abusive husband but you had found him first as he later found out you had inside information on where he would be because it’s was Brenda’s husband he had been hired to kill and he never trusted Brenda from the get go.
He and Jax walk in and they can hear Brenda crying and begging and calling for help. Jax says “I know a lot of the other guys are scared of her but I had no idea why and I know she is loyal to a fault and is protective of what is her’s but I never imagined she was a killer! How many people has she killed?” Happy looks at him and shrugs “15 that I am aware of and that is including the two she was questioned on since we have been together, I kept her quite tame after we got together, but I think my Fuck up from last night might derail her.” Jax looks at him with wide eyes and says “15? 15! Wait so she did kill that crow eater? Here?” Happy nods to both questions “the acid is so strong nothing is left behind. And since she leaves her phone at home for all her killings and when she goes to work and has an old ass car with no gps and has access to acid vats she know she won’t get caught unless someone snitches on her and she knows that will never be me or Tig will and the weak link is up there begging for her life so don’t piss her off. She scares the piss out of me but I love her more than anything.”
Happy calls out “babe! We are walking up the stairs!” You reply with “who’s we?” Happy says “just Jax and I” as the step up onto the platform which was about 9.5 feet above the massive vat of acid, he assets the scene Brenda’s face is bloody and swollen and is tied to a wooden chair (probably not a good thing) and restrained with strips of cotton (nope definitely not good little Miss Brenda is not coming out of this alive) you look and Happy and say “oh great another person who I have to watch so they won’t tell on me.” Jax raises hands and says “darlin’ I am not telling anyone anything because unlike the rest of my crew who may be scared of my mother and you. I am scared of Happy and I like living! So what is your plan just going to toss her in?”
You smile at Jax and look at Brenda and say “You know after all I did for this bitch she was planning of snitching on me and all of you because she got caught hiring someone to kill her sister but then the guy chickened out and reported her but there was no proof so she decided to seduce you in hopes that I would kill you and then she would kill her sister and she thought she could work it so I would be caught and blamed for everything.” Brenda is crying “no, no, no, I promise I wasn’t going to tell on you, Ha-happy raped me I swear I would never betray you like that.” You look her in the eyes and say “I know Happy and he doesn’t rape woman let alone like to hurt them and as far as I know he has only killed one woman.” Brenda starts going on again about how Happy is this and that that you just roll your eyes and are about to walk over to her but Happy grabs the chair and flings her and the chair off the platform and you hear Breanda screaming tell you hear a splash. You stand there shocked looking at Happy with a fire he knows all to well and he says “now that, that is done can we please go home?” He hands you your ring and you three leave Jax takes the van and you and Happy drive home. Where you rode that man tell you passed out.
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bonezone44 · 8 months
'Doesn't Nothing Ever Last Forever?' (18+)
Raider!Joel x afab!Reader
Word Count: 5,4k
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(FYI: woman in moodboard is a side character.)
Summary: You worked in a brothel outside of a quarantine zone. Every once in a while, you got a visit from Joel and his men. This was your first time being around for one of those visits. (Reader is severely depressed and bisexual [relatable, amiright?]. Reader is not popular at the brothel.)
tags: DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT (tagging this to be safe!) Kidnapping, sexual slavery, group sex, overstimulation, rough oral (m). POV switching, canon-typical violence. -- Sex between Reader and Joel is non-con. Reader enjoys it, but the larger context doesn't allow for consent. Fingering, unprotected p-in-v. Degradation. Finger-sucking. Spanking. Orgasm control/denial. Joel is turned on by Reader's history w/ women. Reader is called slut, good girl, bad girl. Reader calls Joel "sir."
A/N: Written for @iamasaddie's writing challenge. ✏ I was so excited by their moodboards, I had to participate. Also, read @toxicanonymity for the original Raider!Joel which heavily inspired this one. 🙏 And special thanks to @milla-frenchy for helping me choose a story line. 😘
story masterlist - main masterlist
The days bled together, one right after the other. No matter how clear the skies were, a permanent fog had taken over your mind. 
The only reason you woke up that evening was all the commotion. You heard the roar of diesel engines and loud men laughing and yelling. The slamming of car doors. Then those voices got louder and closer. Obviously, they had made their way inside your building. You knew you should rise and shine. Get to work. But you stayed curled up on your bed cushion in the shared room as long as possible. Even after your boss had been calling for you.
It wasn’t the kind of job you punched in and out of. You lived in a brothel. You were paid by the client–and even then sometimes all you got was a spare coin or two. A ration slip, if you were really lucky. But those could only be spent at the nearby Quarantine Zone. And the four hour trek there and back was hell on your feet and knees.
Your boss, Larry, finally opened the door to your room, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he allowed the noise and chaos to do the job of waking you up.
You unfurled from the floor and wandered to the bathrooms, bare fit sticking to the tile floors. You had hoped no one would catch you and make you work. You hadn’t had it in you to do anything that day. What you really wanted to do was float away, fly with the clouds on the wind to somewhere far, far over the rainbow.
You found Trisha at the sinks, under the sickly green lights, already washing cum from her hands. 
“Joel and his crew are here again,” she mumbled. There was a tremor in her voice.
You nodded blankly. Tired.
She turned around and stared at you with wide eyes. “Joel,” she emphasized.
“Okay?” You shrugged. Your eyes bored into a growing mold stain in the corner.  
She scoffed. “Joel is the guy who bought Carrie.”
“What?” … ‘Bought Carrie?’ That didn’t sound right to you. “I just thought… she left.”
Trisha stared at you, aghast. The room was cold, but steam began to fog the mirror. “Are you fucking kidding me? You were there!” She shouted. “You were there when Larry told us he sold her for the fucking water heater!” She pointed at the filling sink.
You blinked. “...Oh.” You wiped your eyes with your hands. “I don’t… really remember.” Her words didn’t quite click it into place for you, but a dull memory played in the back of your mind. You remembered a ‘house meeting’ and hearing Carrie’s name a lot. You remembered getting the water heater. You remembered everyone being upset and yelling at Larry. You remembered curling in the corner, your brain checking out and wandering through the static of your own mind rather than feeling something–anything–in your own body.
That explained all the weird looks you had gotten later when you expressed excitement over the hot water. You had been happy about something for once and everyone responded by staring at you like you were a freak. 
But everyone you had ever met always felt so far away. Like you were so deep in the depths of your own mind that the world around you was a movie you were watching. All the people in your life were characters playing out their roles. So you did, too. You went through the daily motions, following some imaginary script in your mind. Playing a part. Doing whatever you thought you were supposed to.
Trisha started telling you more stories about Joel and his crew. About their violence. But none of it sounded real. It sounded like another movie to you. You stood, unmoving, wishing you had some bleach to clean the mold in the corner. You wanted to scrub the grout until it was pure again. Wipe away the layer of filmy mildew from the ceramic tiles. Disinfect every inch of porcelain in this piece of shit building. 
Another woman entered the bathroom, fully nude. “Well, look who decided to show up!” she spat at you. “Go out there and do your job. I need a fucking break.”
You sighed and resigned yourself to your fate. “Okay,” you muttered without meeting her eyes. You didn’t bother looking in the mirror or worrying about your clothes. You knew that in your line of work, they didn’t make a difference either way.
You walked out to the main room and saw about a dozen men scattered around the couches, women in their laps or on their knees. 
One woman was sitting naked in a guy’s lap while another guy roughly rubbed and slapped her clit. His laughter grossed you out. The woman was crying.  
Another woman was getting facefucked and choking. She pulled back to cough and breathe. The man she was sucking on held himself in a tight grip. He pushed the hair from her face and whispered softly to her, wiping away her tears, before shoving his cock right back in.
You nodded at the scene unaffected… well, mostly unaffected. You stared into the middle distance and focused on no one person in particular. The women’s moans were mostly performative–it was obvious. But the men didn’t seem to mind. Their moans were hungry and horny, enjoying whatever stimulation they seemed to be receiving. So that was what you focused on. Their blatant sexual desire. It fueled your own heat. A fire expanding in your chest and between your legs. Your mouth began to water. You sucked in your bottom lip, eager to feel flesh inside you. 
You weren’t sure how long you were standing there, watching. It merely occurred to you at some point that one of the men was walking up to you, blocking your view of the scene. He wore a dark brown leather jacket over a v-neck shirt.  A small, shiny gold cross hung around his neck and against his sunburned skin. He wore blue jeans and work boots.
Your boss, Larry, yammered in one of your ears at him.
“Joel,” he pleaded with clasped hands. “I’m sure you’d prefer someone like Trisha or-or-or Cameron. I’m sure, she’ll be right back out any minute!”
“No,” Joel says gruffly. “Her,” he pointed to you with his chin. 
“I’m sure. I’m sure.” Your boss chuckled uncomfortably and surrendered with empty palms. “Of course!” He grabbed you by the arm and tugged you toward the back of the building. He snarled in your ear. “Don’t fuck this up for me.” 
You wanted to shrug him off, but his grip was bruising. What could you ‘fuck up’ exactly? You had been working there for over a year. You weren’t popular, but you got the job done. You didn’t get along with any of the other women there, but what did that have to do with this guy, Joel?
Larry took you and Joel to one of the farthest rooms. It was the nice one with a real bed instead of a mattress or cushion on the floor. You had never been in it before. Not even to clean it. You looked around appraising the paint on the walls. There was a window, but it was dark out. The noise from the main room was barely audible. You liked being somewhere quiet again. 
Joel and his crew pulled up around dinnertime in two pick-up trucks. The sun had set and the truck’s headlights bathed the front of the old office building in a warm, dull yellow.
The crickets were louder than hell that night. Joel remembered that much.
Not five seconds after his boys hopped out the trucks did the brothel owner come skittering out the front door with a nervous grin on his face.
Joel liked that. Piece o’ shit like that should be nervous. 
Joel hated Larry. The man was fucking pathetic. Weasel-y. So needy and desperate to please. Joel hated that Larry sold him a woman for a water heater. What kinda man would do something like that? This was supposed to be a brothel. The women were supposed to be his employees. He didn’t have the right to sell anybody.
But Joel had wanted her. And taking her outright would have caused more problems than it would have solved. So he figured a water heater would help keep things peaceful between them. Because his boys liked the brothel. Each little trip helped ease their minds. Gave them something to talk about and look forward to–something other than survival.
Joel’s needs were more permanent. He needed something more full-time rather than once every few months.
His boys started hooting and hollering as soon as the payment of supplies were unloaded and they got to hang out inside. The women weren’t even around yet, but they were more than ready for some physical entertainment. Joel remained standing while the rest of them spread out along the decaying leather couches lining the walls. A shitty little cd player sat in the corner playing old R&B music. He heard his brother, Tommy, singing along to it. 
Joel sighed and wiped his face with his hands.
Once Larry brought out a few women, the men started roaring. They were shouting and cheering, pulling their cocks out in excitement. Joel groaned. These boys didn’t know a goddamn thing about seducing a woman and their sad little dicks weren’t gonna get them anywhere neither.
Two of the guys grabbed one of the women, causing her to shout, but Joel was on them not a second later. He gripped their skulls, one in each of his giant hands, and knocked them together like coconut shells. 
“Ouch! What the hell, man?” asked one of them, rubbing the sore spot on his head. 
Joel shook his head with his eyes wide, boring into the depths of their souls. “Not until I say,” he spat.
They both tucked their heads under, murmuring. “Yes, Joel.” “Whatever you say, Joel.”
The woman got back in line while the boys sat down on the couch.
“I’m sure I’ve got a couple more on the way,” said Larry with a forced smile. “They’re just getting themselves cleaned up, I’m sure, after uh…  after finishing dinner.”
Joel grunted. He knew what he wanted–knew what kind of woman he was looking for. And he was quick to realize that none of the women in the room were it. So he waved his hand and his men let loose.
Joel stood with his arms crossed and his back against the front door. He kept his eye on the two troublemakers. Kept his ear on Tommy. Tommy was a talker. He loved to chat up the working women as if he was in a bar back home in Texas and looking to find himself a girlfriend. Joel thought Tommy was being ridiculous—acting like the women could say ‘no’ and walk away. Like he had to put real effort in. It annoyed the hell out of Joel. He wanted his crew to have their fun and be done with it. Why did Tommy have to make it so complicated?
Joel was getting bored and antsy the longer he waited. He was feeling needy, too, with the rough sounds of sex filling the air around him. But he was hopeful, preferring to be patient. And if, in the end, there was no woman he wanted, he would pick one at random and blow off some steam. He would find a replacement some other time or start looking around at the nearest Quarantine Zone.
  Then you walked in. 
And at first, Joel was ready to shrug you off, too. Sure, you were attractive. But looks weren't everything. That's what got him in trouble with the last woman. 
But something in your eyes changed as you scanned the room, taking in the sexual depravity. You didn't shrink in and shut down. You were turned on. He saw the way your chest rose and fell as your breaths shallowed and shortened. The way you chewed your bottom lip. The way you squirmed. That's what Joel needed. Someone as needy as him. 
The brothel owner tried to dissuade him. Huh, Joel wanted to laugh. As if that asshole knew a goddamn thing about what Joel wanted–about what Joel needed.
“Take your clothes off ‘n get on the bed,” he ordered after slamming the door shut behind him. He liked how quickly you complied. He didn’t understand why you were so calm, though. He unbuckled his belt, releasing the pressure from his stomach and allowing himself some room to breathe. He let the buckle hang and it jingled as he stepped closer to the bed. 
“All fours.”
Again, you complied swiftly and smoothly, facing the back wall.
He eyed you for any sores. Then he slipped his bare hand around the smooth curve of your ass and his fingertips prodded around your lips and entrance. You were already wet, he realized.  He slid the edge of his fingers forward against your clit. 
You moaned. Something fake and bland. 
He pulled his hand away and slapped you on the ass. “Hey.”  He grabbed you by the cheeks when you didn't immediately face him. Your eyes never met his. “Don't fuckin showboat me,” he warned. 
“Okay,” you said flatly. 
He didn’t like how detached you were. How unafraid. But he willed himself to be patient–the amount of wetness coating his fingers eased his anxiety. He continued to play with your folds as he asked questions.
He cleared his throat. “You like workin here?”
You shrugged. “It’s a job.”
“How long you been here?”
“About a year.”
Joel hummed. “I don’t remember you from last time.”
“Probably had the flu.” 
“You got over it okay?”
“Mm-hmm,” you nodded, closing your eyes. You seemed to like it when he moved his thick fingers around you real slow. He liked that.
“You got anything else? Any diseases?”
You shook your head. “I don’t get a lot of men.”
Joel paused. “Why not?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. They like the other girls better.”
“Why’s that?”
You shrugged again. “They’re better at fakin it.”
Joel didn’t know how to feel about that answer. He continued to rub your clit, feeling you get slicker. “So what? You do handjobs, blowjobs?”
He noticed an uptick in the tone of your voice. “You like doin those?”
“If the guy is cute.”
He slid his fingers from your clit to your entrance to your other hole. He didn’t push in, only pressed against it, and you sighed. “What about this?” he asked, biting his lip. “You like gettin your ass played with?”
You hung your head and nodded. “If they do it right,” you said with another uptick in your tone. 
Joel liked that. “Ever have a train run on ya?” He slid his fingers back to your clit.
“Yeah,” you answered with a whimper. 
“You like it?”
Your breath hitched as Joel’s fingers sped up. “Been through worse.”
“Worse? Here?” Joel asked, wondering what could happen at a brothel that was worse than a gang-bang.
“No just… you know…” you sighed with pleasure. “--in general.” 
Joel furrowed his brows. You were being honest with him. Too honest, in his opinion. But you were rolling your hips into his hand. And he didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.
He shoved two fingers inside of you without warning. Your body twitched and you moaned–and it was different this time. Quieter. Realer. Joel liked that. He didn’t mind taking his time to get you ready if he knew you would enjoy it. 
“You like fuckin, huh?”
“Who doesn’t?” You snickered, pushing back into his thrusting hand.
Joel took a deep breath, maintaining his composure. But he knew then that he wanted you. That you were just what he needed and more.
You liked this Joel guy. He took his time. He was asking you questions, trying to get to know you. You don’t remember the last time anyone had done that. …Well, maybe when you first started working there. Trisha and Carrie and a couple of the other women tried, but this felt different for some reason. Like it was leading somewhere. Like there was a promise at the end of it. Like maybe he really wanted to make you come and he wasn’t just there for himself. 
And you liked his voice. It was smoky and deep. He had an accent like a cowboy. It was comforting, in a way.
And his fingers felt nice. He knew what he was doing. You couldn't remember the last time a guy got you that wet with just his hand.
Part of you felt a little hopeful. You thought you might finally get to have some fun like the other girls did. Most of the guys you got were ugly or just plain ol’ depressing. Another part of you couldn’t stop thinking about Carrie for some reason. You’re not sure why she kept coming up in your mind. You two never worked together. You barely knew her at all.
“You ever fuck the other women here?” Joel asked. 
“Mm-hmm,” you hummed in proud affirmation. It even pulled a smile from you. 
“What's that mean?”
You weren’t sure how you expected him to react. You weren’t sure why you answered that way. “It means… yeah,” you replied while embarrassment burned your cheeks. You had barely looked at him before, but now you really didn’t want to see his face.
“Yeah, you like fuckin women?” His voice turned breathy. You heard his buckle jingle and the slide of the zipper of his jeans. 
 It turned you on to know that he liked that. Some men hated it. Made you feel like shit for it. But man, this Joel guy was something else. It made you want more of him. More of his fingers. His voice. His skin. “Yeah,” you moaned and shoved yourself harder into his hands, thrusting his fingers deeper.
“So what? You lick their pussies? Rub your little cunts together?”
Your mouth hung open from his words. “yeah,” you said with a hot breath. He pulled his fingers from inside of you and drew circles on your clit. You started whimpering. You nodded your head as fire burned in your core and across your skin. 
“That’s why you work here, huh? You got a needy little cunt?”
His fingers were moving so fast, the muscles in your legs were jumping and your toes were curling. “Uh-huh,” you moaned loud enough for your voice to echo around the bare room.
“That why you left the Q-Z? This slutty hole wasn’t get fucked enough?” His fingers slid back inside your entrance. You’re not sure how many he stuffed in, but it was more than before. 
You nodded with a desperate moan, your right leg slapping the mattress beneath you in frustration. You needed more. His fingers, his words–they weren’t enough. Your body was hot and sparking and you needed-needed-needed. “Joel, please,” you begged, turning to face him, finally opening your eyes again. He was stroking himself and the sight of his cock made you drool. 
“Whatchu need, sweetheart?” He asked and you could almost kill him for it.  
“Please, please fuck me, Joel. Please.”
“Need it that bad, huh?” He kicked off his boots and shoved his pants all the way down to the floor. 
You got out of the way as he crawled into the bed and sat up against the headboard. 
“Come and get this cock, you fuckin slut,” he growled. One hand held his length while the other pulled you by the arm. 
You were too hungry to notice how tightly he gripped you. You hovered over his lap as he lined himself up with your entrance. You stared at the curve of his lips on the way down, the mix of gray and brown hairs in his mustache. But there was white on his cheeks and chin. You briefly wondered how old he was. But you couldn’t bring yourself to get a good look at his face. Too busy melting from the pressure of his cock stretching your walls. Fuck, it felt good. You braced yourself on his firm, wide shoulders and brought your hips back up a few inches before sinking down on his length even further. You groaned and tucked your head into his neck.
You started sucking on his neck and his hips began to thrust up into you.
“It ain’t enough that I’m stuffin your cunt?” he grunted. “You need me in your mouth, too?”
You moaned against his throat, sending goosebumps all over his skin. “Yeah,” you said through panting breaths, before latching back on, teeth and tongue digging into his muscle. 
Joel liked you. He really liked you. You were wet and riding him just right. You weren’t mechanical about it, neither–like Joel was just another job to you. There was a sadness to you, sure. It was probably why you didn’t get a lot of men. Men wanted to forget their troubles at the brothel. Have some fun. They wanted the world outside to disappear with their cock inside a woman.
But Joel had tried that. And it hadn’t worked out so good.
So this time, he looked for someone different. Someone who would understand. Someone who would get why he needed to fuck and when and how he needed to fuck, too. 
And you were telling him everything he needed to know. He was learning what you wanted and what you liked and what he could use to threaten you into compliance. 
He pulled you away from his neck, not sure how he felt about being covered in hickeys. “Here,” Joel prodded your lips with his middle and ring finger. “Suck on this, you greedy little slut.”
And you did, moaning desperately as you rolled your hips in his lap. You gagged as he slid his fingers back and forth on your tongue, saliva spilling from the edges of your lips and down your chin. Your eyes were closed and he knew there was nothing going on in your mind. He knew you were focused on nothing but how good he was making you feel.
You started bouncing on his cock and he slapped your ass with his free hand. He gripped your hip hard enough to bruise, forcing you to stop.
“Did I say you could do that?”
Your eyes popped open–meeting his directly. You tried to pull your head away to answer, but Joel shoved his fingers in even further.
He repeated himself. “You tryin to come right now? Did I say you could?”
You let out a pathetic whine and shook your head.
He slapped your ass again and this time he noticed your pussy clench around him. He heard a small moan grow and die in your throat. “You come when I fuckin say you can come,” he snarled with his teeth clenched. He smacked your asscheek again and thrust up into you. 
You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut. 
“That turn you on?” He gripped your ass in his hand. “You like takin’ your medicine, bad girl?”
You tried to turn your head, but Joel still had his fingers in your mouth and he held you in place. You looked at him with the most pathetic, pleading look.
“I asked you a question,” Joel growled with wide eyes. His cock twitched inside of you. “You like takin’ your medicine? You like bein told what to do?”
You squeezed your eyes shut again and quietly nodded.
Joel liked that. He liked that a lot. He took his fingers from your mouth and gripped your cheeks. Your eyes popped open again. He licked his lips. “You be a good girl and make me come first, then we’ll see what you get, okay?”
You nodded.
“Now what do you say?”
Your brows furrowed. 
“When I tell you what to do, what do you say?”
Your face softened. You blinked slowly before answering. “Yes, sir.”
“That’s right.” Joel grunted and thrusted his hips. “Now, make me come, you little slut.” His fingers dug into your own hips to guide your rhythm to what he wanted. “Make me come and we’ll see what you get.”
“Yes, sir. Yes, sir,” you murmured again and again.
Your warm, wet cunt sucked him in and stroked him. He could hear it, too, how drippy and turned on you were. It wasn’t long before he tossed you off him with a grunt, throwing you onto your back on the bed. He only fisted his cock twice before shooting his spend on your spread open pussy, on the hair on your mound. He wiped his cum down and around on your clit. “Come on, girl. You can come now. Come on,” he chanted. He rubbed your clit back and forth with the flat of his four fingers. “Give that greedy little cunt what it needs. Come on.”
Your body curled in as you orgasmed and you moaned loudly into your arm. Joel didn’t see the need for you to be quiet, but it was too late to do anything about it now. He rubbed you with his thumb until your legs clasped shut and you squirmed away.
He wiped his hands on the sheets and got up from the bed. He pulled his jeans back on, but waited to buckle his belt. He sat back down and put his shoes on.
You were still lying where he left you. Curled up in the fetal position. It almost looked like you were falling asleep. He figured you might as well rest up now. The drive back home was a bumpy one.
He sighed when he stood up. He figured he should get the liquor bottles out of the truck sooner than later. He huffed. Larry was a real piece of shit for trading a woman for liquor. But Joel wanted you. And he was gonna have you.
You were reeling. Sexually, you were satisfied, but every other emotion bursted and channeled itself through your muscles and across your skin. You felt so vulnerable. This man had seen you–seen you! Like you were a real person or something! Like you weren’t just a ghost or a character in a movie! Everything felt wrong and you couldn’t figure out why. And you couldn’t stop thinking about Carrie for some reason.
You stayed as still as possible until you heard Joel’s booted footsteps leave the room. You were grateful he didn’t say anything or try to touch you again. Your body trembled as you got out of the bed. You walked on shaky legs to the bathrooms to clean yourself. The world around you was so close and too clear. You could hear and differentiate everyone’s voices in the main room. The air was humid and you could taste it–actually taste it like it was a wet, moldy cloud in your mouth. 
Your hands tremored. You tried to exert control over them, but you were barely able to turn on the sink. You mostly swatted at the faucets until water came out. And there was no comfort to be had in the warm, rushing water. You noticed tension in your cheeks and thought you wanted to cry, but couldn’t make any tears come out.
The woman in the mirror scared you. It was you. You knew it was you. But she felt unfamiliar. Three dimensional. You wanted to run. Run away to the Quarantine Zone or—or anywhere but here.
Then you heard screaming, shrill screams from what had to be one of the other women. Suddenly you were being dragged out of the bathroom. Trisha’s hands were on you. Her fingers were small and thin and her skin was smooth and cold. You had never noticed before.
The lights in the main room were so bright that you could see everything. Every small piece of leather that had flaked off each of the couches and landed on the dirty, carpeted floor. The carpet itself was covered in dust and dirt and leaves. Where did the leaves come from? you wondered. How did they get tracked inside? Weren’t people wiping their shoes like they were supposed to?
There were people moving around. Naked. Half-naked. Clothed. All talking over each other. And blood. Bright red blood. One of the women, with long gold hair, was covered in it, shrieking in pain with both her hands on her hip. Two others guided her past you towards the back. One of Joel’s men was apologizing to Larry. He had black curly hair and a thick mustache. Larry was screaming in his face.
You saw Joel from the back as he pushed himself up from the couch. His shoulder rose and fell with deep, heaving breaths. There was blood dripping from his fist and there was someone beneath him. Once he stepped away, you saw an oblong fleshy ball of bright red where a face should have been. The body beneath the ball didn’t move. 
You folded in half and started heaving. Trisha shrieked in your ear. 
“I’m so sick of you assholes coming here and-and-and-and–” Larry was caught in a loop as he pulled his gun from his pocket. It was a small revolver. You watched his gray-skinned thumb pull back the hammer. “I’m sure! I’m sure!” he yelled over the shouting.
The man with the black curly hair lunged at Larry with a curse. 
The gun-shot stilled everyone in the room. It was loud enough that for a moment, you thought you had been shot. The vibrations pierced you to the very center of your being. But then… Larry was on the floor. Sprinkled with dust from the ceiling tile. And then there was more blood. Bright red blood spilling out from his body. 
You breathed in relief. Not only that you were still alive, but that it was Larry that was dead. For a few beautiful seconds, you felt free. Free from his bullshit and free from the brothel. Free to go back to the quarantine zone and start over again.
Trisha’s smooth fingers pulled one of your arms, but something warm and calloused pulled your other. You looked up, confused. It was Joel. Joel’s hand, which had been on you only minutes previous, felt so strange and unfamiliar. You had just shared a bed with him but–that had been a different man. Certainly different than the one that stood before you now with blood-splattered on his clothes and sweat beading around his temples. 
“You can’t take her!” Trisha cried, tears pouring out her eyes. “You can’t take her!”
“Sorry, darlin’,” he said. Joel’s eyes looked sad. “She’s mine now.”
Terror fell over you like a cold, biting wind. He was talking about you.
Your body started trembling again. You tried and failed to pull your arm away from his grip. “NO!” You shouted. Your vision went blurry as you sobbed. “Don’t take me! Please!” That was why you couldn’t stop thinking about Carrie. Joel had bought Carrie. Trisha had told you that Joel had bought Carrie. But the information hadn’t clicked into place. You had spent so long avoiding your body, avoiding feeling any emotion at all that when it spent all night trying to warn you, you couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t feel the siren in your gut telling you to stay away from Joel. And now that siren was loud and clear. But it was far too late for you to do anything about it. “Don’t take me! Pleasepleaseplease!”
Joel didn’t budge. He leaned in real close to you. “Now you told me you like bein told what to do.” Your face went fiery hot with shame. He yanked your arm, pulling you from Tasha’s grip. “And right now, I’m tellin you that you’re comin with me.” He continued to pull you out the front door, towards his truck.
“No! Nonono!” You cried. You tried one more time to shake him off, but it was pointless. He was too strong. You were too weak. And you started to wonder if you could have prevented this or if it was simply your fate. Your own boss hadn’t been able to say ‘no’ to these men. What could someone like you have done?
You sobbed into your hands as you sat in the truck. The man with the black curly hair got in the driver’s seat. Joel sat on the other side of you and rubbed your back in some sick attempt at comfort. “You be good for me–” he said, adjusting himself. “--then we’ll see what you get.” 
a/n: Please let me know if I missed a tag. Also, idk if it's really a DDDNE story or not. ??
story title taken from the song "Mary the Ice Cube" by Primus.
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dykedvonte · 2 months
idk if you've written any head cannons about this before but i'm curious what your thoughts are on arcades previous relationships
I think this is a very interesting question because we can even know if he had previous relationships? I don't know if you want platonic or romantic, so I will answer vague enough to fit both.
Arcade is a man that wants to be reserved and self-assured. When he first vaguely tells you about his past you can 100% tell he is very mournful of something and I really think its partly him not knowing his place in the world and being incredibly lonely. One of the ways you can recruit him is literally just by being gay and showing interest. That's not someone who is used to having deep, long lasting relationships of any kind. He never mentions friends his age growing up or otherwise and he is honest (once he opens up) about how he is considred too young to be taken seriously by the older remanents when enlisting their help (Imagine like trying to be friends with your much older aunts and uncles who like wiped your ass).
He is desperately trying to find a place and I feel like that applies to being among people as well, I mean he does hide himself in a tent with the followers. When I think of his past relationships I think of fleeting hook-ups or abrupt endings with him often being the one to do the skedaddling or walk of shame to wherever he was residing at the time. I say shame becasue I know he'd want to stay and get close but he's just too scared. It's understandable when 75% of the factions would want you dead due to your family lineage... even if you had no part of their actions. He has so much baggage and hang-ups I don't think he thinks it'd be worth it to unpack that with a friend or lover.
But since your asking what I personally think his fleeting, wasteland relationships were like here's my thoughts:
Most of his relationships (friendships and otherwise) started occurring later in his like, likely his early to mid-twenties. He had seen Enclave remnants be hunted and those who survived did so by staying alone...
His first friend was a wasteland girl who liked how well-read he was. It wasn't so much a traditional friendship but like two people who frequent the same places a lot. He provided the closest thing she was getting to an education and she provided pleasant conversation.
They barely knew anything deeper than each other's names or the topics they discussed but Arcade had never had a non-enclave friend before so it meant everything to him.
She was inspired to get a formal education and do something with her life and thanked Arcade before leaving to go do that. Arcade liked the feeling of helping and sought out ways to do that.
His first kiss is actually how he got into the followers in my head. It was the first chance he took to form a relationship outside the remnants and he wanted to follow him (him as in his lover). He wanted to join a diplomatic Follower group in the NCR and Arcade was terrified of being that close.
Following the last point it was a big blowout fight because Arcade refused to explain why he didn't beyond "Aren't we fine here?" and received a very harsh reading about his inability to open up.
His first actual boyfriend was a king gang member that liked to brag about how he was dating the smartest follower on this side of the wasteland. Arcade felt bad cause he knew he was only dating the guy cause he was crushing on The King at the time and the guy made him feel good with all the praise.
He broke it off under the guise that his work made him feel like he was being neglectful to their relationship and due to the kings' strong sense of duty/principles he understood
Gave Arcade his fav hair comb as a token of no hard feelings and Arcade felt extra bad cause it was like the one real and safe feeling relationship he had and he hated it was built on lies and half-truths.
Hence why he only tells the Courier half-truths, both is too much
After that he made a rule to only have FWBs and casual friends.
This worked as well as you think it did for a man like Arcade.
Most of the people he "dated" (weird coy flirting until he shut them out when they asked something deeper) were all people who wanted to go somewhere with him. He has a deep desire to live, experience and find himself but never has the courage to commit
This explains why you can so easily recruit him with flirting and promising to whisk him away into adventure. (Daddy issues much?)
All his "friends" were either the socially weird Followers who never asked much or people who were passing through and wouldn't question the random guy they hung out with for a bit knows too much about energy weapons or power armor or that old defunct faction that almost killed everyone with evil water... twice.
Silly Headcanons is he loves to rag and joke and is a little shit. He has a chip on his shoulder about how smart he is but he's never a direct jerk about
Not a touchy friend but he clings and hovers around partners and people he has a romantic interest in. Hand brushes, pats, standing close, and wanting to be very involved. Sad but he really wants a connection and even a small sign is enough to make him lose his sensibilities.
He hates it but he knows he's touch and emotionally starved so sometimes he allows himself to get a little lost in the love sauce.
Prefers friends and partners that are a little dumber than him. This has nothing to do with anything, dude is just attracted to idiots platonically or romantically.
This post is long just because I need to explain just how I think these characters think. Arcade is a guy who wants to be gay and own a garden and drink a glass of non-irrated wine with his friends while snarking to his partner. But he's also affliated with violent war crimminals and genocidal factins and settles for just trying to give that life to someone else.
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blood-grove · 6 months
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//body horror, monster! 141 + reader , death, gn!reader
other; c/n = callsign
a/n: idk how the military works neither do igaf much also this story was not planned this was just something i needed to get out of my system do nto expect it to be good
Shapeshifter!Reader whos always since they were a kid felt itch that there skin was ready to shed and peel like a snake, Who always felt like there body wasn't right had to be perfect flaws and all because that was human.
But they weren't human, weren't hybrid either.
The first time they had ever shifted they were eleven there Father in one of his moods again taking it out on there poor mother.
Something inside them itched at that moment hearing her cries there old dog bite injury felt like it was on fire now as they itched and scratched at it till the skin gave way giving the breathing room for transformation.
The next time they open there eyes they were being kicked there Mother sobbing as she screamed.
Father laid dead mauled beyond recognition.
Did you do that?
Why was she screaming at you?
You were kicked into the foster system the next day narrowly avoiding Juvenile detention your mother had given her last bit of gratitude by explaining to the police that you were defending her you thought she'd praise you after the police left.
You were packing your clothes that night.
You got a DNA test when you arrived due to your mothers alibi to the police.
They figured it too your mother being clearly traumatized and you sudden violent act of self defense could have made her see anything at moment.
Still didnt explain the injuries that only a dog could cause.
You were 15 when you had a good grasp on what you were.
By 18 you were barely you anymore picked pieces from other peoples faces and bodies till you felt like you looked normal.
By 19 your mother had passed the news reached you slow and the grief went slower.
By 21 you've already been in the military for a while now, If that means with a new face and body each time some higher up sticks there nose into your business then so be it.
Shifting from human to human was easy the more you practiced it.
More harder things like non-humans and animals were doable but animals were getting easier and easier.
You've tried been a K9 once didnt work out for long.
You've had a few nice call signs.
Few you quickly forgot.
Thats been nice to be called recently.
You should focus your meeting your new task force.
We should focus.
Its been a few days and wow these guys were something.
Did you mention they were monsters?
Not in a negative way of course.
But getting to know them while they were around base was nice.
Gaz you felt was the easier to get to know the harpy felt open, Talked about how they've never had a human on the team before.
Threw Gaz you got to know Soap, You felt like the man was holding back the calm energy around him felt forced at times as the days past both of them seemed to get to know you better and you got to know them better as well.
As for the Captain and Lieutenant you were honestly nervous,
Price had a welcoming aura to him his voice gruff and firm you warmed up to him soon enoug.
You tried.
And shuffled away every time he looked at you.
He noticed.
He noticed?.
You eventually did warm up to Ghost!
You realized he wasn't glaring at you for once and tried to talk to him it was..awkward to many silences but it was a conversation.
So you and him were okay.
Were you okay now weeks later slowly making your place into the team?
You were itching beyond belief this wasn't a good sign—
Actually you didn't even know what kind of sign this was.
You had all just gotten back from a particular rough mission a few more injuries than you all would like you got a few stitches in your arm and every since you could just feel them moving.
Being shifted around stubbornly as if they were a dam in a river.
You couldn't do that here.
You were in the confines of your own room but what if one of them walked in?
Would they report you?
Get you kicked for the military?
Maybe if you could just shift slightly enough to easy the unease under your skin.
The sound of cracking bone was sure to grab attention.
But surely you could just pass it off as stretching?
You could not pass it off as stretching and you were currently hiding in the rafters near sobbing.
Gaz had came in to check on you and caught you half shifted you panicked and lunged at him or the door you couldn't remember you were pretty sure one of your bones were jutting out of your skin as it readjusted into place.
You didn't hurt him.
You were just hoping you could calm yourself enough to shift into something smaller and run away shift into a new person new age try again at childhood maybe?
Maybe you panicking too much?
There also monsters they'd understand?
You didn't mean to lie about what you were.
You just.
The fear of the unknown paralyzed you to afraid of what'll happen what people will think.
You know you could be a threat.
Someone able to take face and shape of anyone?
You could understand if you were saw that way.
But you didn't want to be seen that way.
Every since your mother stared you down in fear not admiration not even shock.
You knew you could never let someone look at you that way again.
Not someone you cared about.
Maybe if you hid away long enough they'd forget.
Memories fade.
Faces fade from recognition.
But that's all what you wished what have happened.
Now you were in a awkward stare off with Gaz not to subtly watched your arm pop and snap back into place along with your head.
"I see I should have knocked.."
"Yeah you should have."
A voice of not your own replied.
You hated when your body was out of sync.
You were using the wrong voice again, rearranging your own brain and vocal cords was odd.
Odder when one of your new teammates watched.
"Are- Are you okay?-"
"No" Ghost's voice replied.
"Oh..I-..Er..Do you..need a medic I.."
"No" Your own voice replied finally.
"Can you please leave..My ribs are still not in place and I doubt you'd want to see how that works."
He left.
Probably to tell Price rather then not wanting to see you basically play with your own rib cage like tuning a piano.
a/n; idk where this was going i did not plan this out i just wrote it on a whim
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
Surprise Me! Mihawk (OPLA)
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y/n is a new assassin who catches the eye of Mihawk. She thinks her past is private but the warlord knows a lot about her and wants to talk. Part 2 to Fight Someone Your Own Size.
Part 1
After your encounter with the warlord Dracule Mihawk, you decided to skip town. He had an infamous reputation and it wasn't wise to get on his radar for good or bad reasons. You had a past, a bloody past that led you to skip from town to town until you landed in the last town and actually felt safe until those stupid guys had to attack you in the alley. You were a trained killer, a fresh one at that, which is how you garnered a leave me alone kind of reputation. The reason you never settled down was the fear of being hunted down for what you did.
You were an orphan, a scrappy one at that, fast and light-fingered, which is how you gained the attention of your former master. He took you in when you were ten, housed and fed you, training you to kill those who wronged others while giving you an education you wouldn't have gotten on the streets. You owed him everything, but you couldn't give him everything he wanted.
If anyone did come looking for you those men from the alley knew your face, it was a rookie move leaving them alive, you had to go back. They wouldn't sell out Mihawk, no one would believe them but they would throw you under a cart to save their own skin.
You return to town at night, grabbing your knives and scouting each of the men's homes. It was simple after that, breaking in and killing each of them with a single sliced throat. Now you could leave town without fear of being exposed.
However, that was really short-lived as you're stopped in your tracks by a familiar voice that sent shivers down your spine, 'huh...'
You gulp and dare to look up from his bare chest to meet his piercing eyes, '...what?'
He watches you intensely, like a rabbit he had caught in a trap and wasn't sure what to do with it next, 'nothing, I just didn't know you had that in you. You also don't seem like the type to come back to the same town twice y/n.'
This makes you laugh, 'the fact you think you know anything about me at all, is genuinely hilarious.'
You go to step around him but he continues to block your path, 'your real name is y/n l/n, your parents died in a house fire when you were five but it wasn't an accident. Your father abused your mother and she snapped when he forced himself onto you so set the fire. You lived on the streets for five years before being taken in at age ten by a man calling himself David. And for the next eight years, he made you into a killer. But now he's dead and you're all alone again,' he lists off your life story blankly.
Your hand goes for a knife, 'you knew David? Are you going to kill me because I killed him?'
'You think you killed him y/n? What do you remember?' Mihawk asks, intrigued by you.
'Before you saved me in that alley I've seen your face before but I can't remember where. Do I know you?' you answer his question with your own question.
Mihawk inhales loudly, clearly annoyed that you weren't answering him, 'I like people to follow my orders. When I ask you a question you'll answer. But I'll let it slip just this once y/n, now tell me about that night.'
You click your tongue and bow your head, 'not much, it's all a bit of a blur. He tried to come onto me and I must have snapped remembering my father because next thing I know he's dead.'
You shudder, remembering vividly the night David put his hands on you and got angry when you refused. If you didn't submit to him he was going to kill you, so you had to fight back.
I do the unthinkable and pull y/n into me watching the wheels turn in their head, 'we met briefly when you were eleven, I was curious what David saw in you. We then met for a second time when you were eighteen. I believe men should show honour and respect women, so when I saw him on top of you I killed him, you passed out and I left.'
y/n looks up at me, and through their emotions, I see further, I see hunger and drive, 'what happens now Mihawk?'
'You're still not ready to be out on your own so you're coming with me and I'll finish your training. You don't have any say in the matter because now you owe me your life,' I state, and y/n nods.
y/n then motions around them, 'any more loose ends to tie up?'
I shake my head, 'All taken care of, now let's go.'
I place my hand on y/n's back and guide them into the shadows. They continued to surprise me, and with my training, everyone was going to fear them.
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multific · 1 year
Wanted and Needed
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Deckard Shaw x Reader
Warnings: mention of smut, pregnancy 
Summary: It was only meant to be one night. But of course, it is never that easy.
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The way he looked at you always sent shivers down your spine. He made you feel so good about yourself.
And then, during a race, he stepped over to you and whispered into your ear.
"I will win for you." he said before getting into his car.
You could only blink and watch as he indeed, won.
Being a long member of the team, you had your opinions on Deckard in the beginning but you were quickly smitten by his looks and charm. 
He looked too good in his suit.
He won and he took you home that same evening.
That night changed your entire life.
It was truly meant to be a fling.
A nice fuck and done.
He made you feel incredible, you never felt so good with anyone ever.
But when the morning came, he was gone. Even the bed was cold.
And so, you knew that your hopes for a round two in the morning were ruined.
But as you found out soon, during your monthly doctor's check-up, Deckard Shaw might have left a bit more than just his necktie in your place.
"Congratulations, you are pregnant."
All you could do is let out a long sigh.
Because of fucking course.
Why not?
Like, you were totally ready to be a mom... IF you wanted to be one to begin with.
And now... you are going to have a baby because Deckard Shaw was too handsome so you lied about being on pills... great you were going to be a mother while being this stupid.
First things first, you decided not to tell Deckard. The others also didn't know, you told them you are moving for a fresh start.
Which was kind of true. Dom was the only one who saw right through you and the only one who knew about the baby.
He, of course, supported you in every way he could.
You moved to a new town into a small house. It was perfect for you and your baby.
Perfect for you to freak out 24/7 about how you are going to be a bad mom, trying to read books while throwing up.
Buying stuff for the baby, trying not to cry at every cute little sock you see.
Being pregnant was extremely challenging. 
Who knew?!
According to your new doctor, everything was going very well with your baby, you even learned that you will be having a little girl, so now, you were full-on princess mode.
But your worry never stopped.
And as your belly grew, so did your worries.
Deep down you also knew that you shouldn't worry, it wasn't good for the baby, but you couldn't help it.
You let out a long sigh, and finally, during the last two months you decided that you are going to be the best mom, you for sure will try.
You promised yourself that you will be good. Then you promised your baby that you will be good.
When you went into labour, you let your instincts take over instead of panic.
Giving birth was an entirely new level of pain. But you kept reminding yourself to just push and breathe. 
It will be all worth it.
And it did.
Your daughter was born perfect.
Healthy and beautiful.
You gave her a beautiful name, Olivia.
Olivia looked much like her father, her eyes were a dead telltale sign. She couldn't even deny even if she wanted to that she was indeed Deckard Shaw's little girl.
You often wondered what Deckard was doing... probably a blonde. Dom often gave you calls to check up on you, which you appreciated, you even sent him photos of Liv.
Liv was a rather fussy baby. She liked things her way, not yours. But she loved to sleep.
Even with her crib in your room, she barely woke up.
Her fussy period ended in her third week. From then on, he became an extremely interested little girl. Everything and anything in your house had to be at least licked once. But she caused you so much happiness.
Dom wanted to come over and meet the newest addition to the family, he promised it would be only him.
"Look, Livie! It's Uncle Dom." Olivia was at first a bit taken aback by the stranger but she soon got used to him. "She mainly eats and sleeps, but she is very interested in everything," you told to Dom as he had her in his arms.
"She is beautiful," he said and you could sense in his voice, he wanted to say more but decided against it. "Deckard was looking for you. I heard he asked the others about you, he even called Luke."
"I know, I know why you did what you did. But don't you think he deserves to know that he has a daughter?"
"When I found out, I tried to call him. But he never called back. To me, that was clear, he didn't want anything to do with me. And I'm okay with that. I have her now." Dom nodded. 
At the end of the day, Dom left waving you goodbye.
It was honestly amazing to see him, he talked a lot about the others and how they miss you.
You knew that one day you will have to face them, not yet, but someday.
Liv was sleeping in her room, it was midafternoon when the doorbell rang.
You headed to open it.
As soon as you locked eyes with him, your heart stopped.
You immediately closed the door in his face.
He knocked again.
"Sweetheart, open the door please." he said.
"Just a moment!"
Just what in the fuck was Deckard doing here? Did Dom tell him? No. He had to find out on his own. You tried your best to hide any evidence about your baby, hiding the toys and the pictures.
When you opened the door again, and let him in, you were panicking.
"I've been looking for you, could have used your skills for a mission."
Ah, of course. You were rather disappointed.
"I don't work, Deckard."
"I know, everyone keeps telling me that you retired."
"I did."
"I was tired of it." what a lie. How could you ever get tired of being a badass?
There was a moment of silence. You watched him think before he spoke up.
"You disappeared... the only way I could find you was through Dom."
"You tracked his car?"
"Of course, I have been looking for you for almost a year and a half now. 14 months."
"I had my reasons. And you left the next day, so I don't see why you would care where I went after."
"I'm not good with this... emotions and whatnot."
"Right. Thank you for the visit." you said pointing at your door and to your surprise, he left without any fuss.
"If you need help, I put my number into your phone."
"I won't." you closed and locked the door behind him, finally letting out a sigh. 
This was bad. Very bad.
You couldn't move again, it would only be a matter of time for him to find you.
You thought long and hard. So he hacked Dom's phone and didn't check his messages? He didn't know about Olivia? What was happening?
You needed some fresh air, so when Liv woke up from her nap, you decided to take a walk with her in the neighbourhood, heading to the park. You could also use the fresh air and the time to think.
Thankfully Liv was in a great mood. She loved being outdoors. You stopped by a bench and sat down, having her in her stroller, she was sitting, looking around with big bright eyes, taking in the pigeons and the trees.
No matter how many times you were in the park, she always looked so excited and interested, even in the things she had seen many many times before.
She then motioned for you, asking to be picked up. She cooed as her hands made grabbing motions. 
You smiled and picked her up.
Bounding her a little you smiled as she grabbed your necklace, pulling on it.
How could she be so strong?!
She then pointed at the pigeons.
"Pigeon." you told her as she cooed once more. You thought this was too cute. It was as if she was trying to say pigeon but couldn't. Then she pointed at a figure. "That's a man." you said as she was focused on the man.
Then you looked up, finally realizing who the man was.
Without a word, you stood up and tried to walk away. Liv was rather confused you could tell but she didn't mind the sudden change in pace too much.
Then suddenly he was in front of you, you pulled Liv to your chest, your other hand tightening around the handle of the stroller. 
"You have a child." he sounded way too calm.
"I-I do." you watched as his eyes roamed all over your daughter, particularly her face. There was no denying the fact that she was his.
"Who's the father?" you felt so powerless. You have not felt like this in a very long time.
"Deckard..." you tried to collect your thoughts. Thoughts you have been telling yourself for two years now. "You left. The next morning, you were gone."
"Jesus, Lass. And you think what? That I don't want to know about my daughter?" 
"You didn't want me, why would you want her?"
"I woke up to make breakfast but got a call-" you put your hand up.
"I tried to call you, you didn't call me back."
"I have no excuse. I fucked that up. But I deserve to know that I have a child."
"You treated me like shit. I got the message, you didn't want anything from me but a quick time. I don't see why you would care about Liv."
"I do." he said with a calm voice. "I care. I spent all this time, trying to find you. I asked the others, no one knew. But I soon realized that you and Dom were closer, so you must have told him. I tracked his phone and... I came here to find you but I could have never imagined... her."
It was hard for you to believe that he cared. But he looked genuine. 
It wasn't until Olivia broke the silence with a small whine when you looked at her, again, she was pointing at something.
"It's a dog, Love." then you looked back at Deckard. "Look, I really don't need... your money. It's okay, truly. I just... You left."
"I did. And I regret not leaving at least a text message. I regret it every day."
"I-Come by tomorrow. We will talk while she naps." Deckard nodded before he watched you leave.
Little did you know that Deckard basically slept in his car to make sure you wouldn't run off.
And you didn't.
In the early afternoon, he once again stood at the door, he could hear the cries coming from inside.
Deckard knocked, he watched the door open to ajar.
"Come in!" you said as he headed in, closing and locking the door behind himself. "She just won't settle. I'll take her to her room, I'll be back."
"Can I help?" he asked as you let out a huff. 
"Oh, I don't think. Sometimes she is just like this." you said as you walked to the back of the house into her room. Deckard followed you, watching as you cried to calm her.
It did work a little, but now Olivia was watching the stranger in her room. 
She motioned for Deckard as if she wanted to be held by him.
"I don't think he wants to hold you baby."
"I do." his reply came in so fast it almost scared you.
"Okay." you headed over to him.
"I want to but how do I?" you showed him just how to hold her as you watched her reaction. As soon as she was in his arms, she stopped fussing, gripping his shirt, she closed her eyes. "When she falls asleep, put her to her bed." you said as you pointed at the small bed. "And the blanket over her." Deckard nodded.
You decided to leave them alone, as you were leaving you stopped in the doorway.
"If you run off with her... Nothing will stop me."
"I'm not going to kidnap her from you." he said, rolling his eyes. You nodded once before leaving and having some lunch finally. 
Deckard could only watch this tiny human in his arms. Was a beauty she was. She looked exactly like her mother, but she did have his eyes. 
He did as you asked him, put her into her bed and put her pink blanket over her.
Deckard watched her for a couple of minutes but soon left her room, letting the little girl sleep. 
"She is almost five months old." you said as he appeared, you just finished your lunch. "A true gift."
"She looks like you."
"I think she looks more like you."
"How was the... pregnancy?"
"Challenging. I was sick very often so they had to give me meds. Then she decided to come early. I was terrified."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be silly, you didn't know."
"But now, I'm here."
"I left because I was scared. So scared. First I wanted to tell you. I truly did. But I got scared that you would tell me to... leave her. I will be honest I wasn't ready to be a mother, I am still trying to figure out how I should go about this but... if you are willing to try, I-I want to give you a chance so you could see her."
Deckard didn't even need to think. The moment he saw the little girl in your arms in the park, he knew.
"I want to be a part of her life. I want you to move to London to live with me. That way we can raise her together."
"You know I always wanted to live there..."
"I do know. I hope my offer will tempt you enough so you say yes."
That sly little bastard. But you let out a long sigh.
"I appreciate it Deckard, I truly do, and I'm happy that you want to be a part of our daughter's life. But... it's not like... it's not like we were in a relationship or something. I don't think us moving in together would be a good idea. You are welcome to visit her anytime."
Deckard was rather taken aback, he thought you might jump into the opportunity. 
"I understand." he said and he truly did. He was only hoping you would. "I will come visit tomorrow," he said as he headed for the door, you waved him goodbye.
That night, you couldn't sleep.
You kept thinking about what Deckard said. While living with him didn't sound terrible and you could use the help with Liv. 
It was now your stubbornness and fear holding you back.
You loved Deckard too much. Which one could argue with, given how you ran away with a baby, but it was the truth.
You didn't want to disappoint him, you didn't want for him to live a life which he might regret later. 
But you were ready to give him a chance, you were ready for him to decide what he wanted.
The next morning, he arrived early. You were in the middle of feeding when there was a knock.
"You are early," you said as you let him in. "I'm feeding her, wait here." he sat down on your couch, but after a minute, he couldn't sit any longer.
He walked to your room, and he found you, back to the door as you breastfed your daughter. 
As if you felt his presence, you turned and saw him. His eyes never left you, and he started to walk into the room.
You felt exposed, but you didn't mind it. He ran his hand over Olivia's head. He sat down next to you on the bed.
"The doctor said babies are supposed to be chubby. She often said that Liv is very healthy. She will get her vaccines once I stop breastfeeding. But you see, I just have so much milk... The doctor said I can donate it. Which is like super weird to me, but she said some mother's can't produce milk so... oh sorry, you probably don't want to hear any of that."
"I want to know everything." you looked into his eyes, but he was watching Liv.
"Okay, ummm, she was born three weeks earlier than she should have. She spent time in the hospital after. But she is all good now. She loves the outdoors and animals. She is very interested. Dom once said he will buy a dog for her once she is old enough." Deckard made a face at that, the thought of another man giving things to his daughter, things he should.
"And how was the... birth?"
"Oh, terrible, thank you for asking. I had to drive to the hospital, it was awful, I was bleeding and in pain. I was... very scared." Deckard looked at you. "I thought I lost her." he could see the tears in your eyes.
"But you didn't." he said to comfort you.
"I didn't."
"I like her name, where did you get it from?" 
"It was in a children's book that I got for her while I was pregnant. I really liked the name so... do you really like it?" he nodded. For that moment you felt at ease. You looked down at your daughter as Deckard pulled you closer to his side, arms moving around you as he pulled you to his chest, his head on your shoulder, he placed a kiss on your skin.
Soon, Olivia stopped eating and you grabbed a cloth. you made a face.
"Why are you in a suit?" you asked Deckard who looked down at his attire.
"I wanted to look good for my girls."
"Well, then get ready to have saliva all over it." you said as you placed the cloth on his shoulder, then you handed him Liv. "Wait until she burps, then place her into her bed, I'll make breakfast, I'm starving." 
You weren't sure what just happened. The way he held you was so delicate.
You tried to tell yourself that he only did it for Liv, but he didn't.
You know he didn't.
You just finished breakfast when Deckard came to join you.
"She's sleeping." he said.
"I have this." you said as you handed him an album. "All of her ultrasound pictures, pictures a day after she was born are in there. It's the only one I have but if you want, you can keep one picture of her."
"I want you both to live with me. It would be the safest. I know what you said. And I cannot help but think about what would have happened if that day I left a note or never left at all. I keep thinking about it."
You stood up and headed to the living room when Deckard spoke up, making you stop in the hallway.
"It would have been different. But we will never know. We have to focus on now. You want us to live close to you, and I want you to have a relationship with her." he joined you in the hallway, standing so close you could barely think.
"The very first thing you told me is that I didn't want you so why would I want her, but Y/N, I wanted you for so long. Long before we even went to that race. Long before that night. I wanted you for so long now. I still want you. Not because of Olivia, but because of you. And how could I not want her? She is my daughter, our daughter." he took a step closer to you, closing the distance as his hand came to rest on your cheek.
"Deckard, I always had a huge crush on you. But... I'm done with this whole dancing around one another. You want us and we need you. Livie needs you, I need you. We will move to London." you saw his eyes shine as he leaned down to give you a kiss.
Finally, you two were together, finally, you had what you always wanted. Finally, your daughter had her father.
"A view of the Big Ben." you said as you stood in front of the window, looking out with your daughter on your hip.
"Yes, the view in this apartment is great, it is truly royal if I might say." the woman said as she joined you, but of course she would say these things, she had to sell the place.
The view was nice, but something about the windows made you feel exposed. Could be because they were from the floor up to the ceiling.
"What do you think?" Deckard joined you and the woman left to give you some time. You made a face and Deckard knew. "We looked at eight apartments, you didn't like any..."
"It's not that they are not good. It's just... off."
"Okay, then we will look until we find the one."
"Can we... maybe we could look at houses a bit out of London? Like a cottage?" he looked at you confused.
"Cottage?" then he realized perhaps you want a house similar to the one you had before you moved in with him. "Okay, I think I know what you want." he said as he turned to the lady.
Your eyes were shining from the moment you closed the car's door. You even forgot to get Olivia from the backseat, you felt like you were in a dream.
"This house, while from the outside it is more traditional, on the inside it just had been renovated and renewed. It has solar panels built into the roof, it has a garden in the back as well as in the front. It is a bit more secluded but it does have neighbours. Come on in I will show you around." the lady continued the tour. "Fire bedrooms, two office rooms, a lovely spacious living room and a kitchen. The back garden might need a bit of terraforming but the space is given for any flowers or trees. Perfect place for your little one to run around and have her friends over for a birthday party perhaps."
You loved it, and Deckard knew you loved it.
"This is the one." you said when you finally looked at him, coming back from your dream. "Perfect for us and if we want more kids, we have the room. You can have a gym even and I can have an office to work from. This is just perfect, do you like it?"
Deckard smiled, deciding to not bring it up that you just in fact mentioned more children.
"I love it." he said and you didn't even waste time, you signed the papers.
One morning you sat out on the balcony, enjoying the morning sun as Deckard and Livie were asleep.
You truly loved this house. It was different from your previous house and Deckard's apartment, but at the same time, it looked like both.
You heard the door open and as you saw Deckard walk out with his coffee in hand you pointed at a part of the garden.
"I want to put a flowerbed there. And some hydrangeas over there."
"Sounds good to me."
"And we could get an inflatable pool for Livie, for the summer. I'm sure she will love it."
"Perfect." you looked at him as he smiled at you.
"What?" you asked.
"You look happy. It makes me happy."
"It's just... feels nice to be wanted." 
"I think it's more need. Like you said Livie needs me, and I need the two of you." you reached out to him as he held your hand. "I love you."
"I love you too," you said as you caught a glimpse of the beautiful diamond on your finger.
He was all you ever wanted and needed.
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jewish-vents · 7 months
I’m Jewish through my dad but I wasn’t raised in the community(i learned what Purim was two weeks ago, i was fully not in it), so when I got to college last august I decided to really dive in and it’s been a beautiful sort of homecoming for me. I joined SAEPi and got into Chabbad leadership at my campus, and I’m almost at the point where I can do the Chabbad Shabbat prayers before and after dinner without stumbling over my words. Gonna surprise my grandma if I see her in the summer. Anyways.
When October 7th happened it was a shock to my system, because I was a baby Jew barely getting my feet. My parents never mentioned antisemitism to me as something that could affect me in the future, it was always a thing of the past. But I was right there standing in the doorway between jew-ish and Jewish, and it pushed me over the edge. I had many friends with family in Israel. I had a couple friends whose friends died in the attack. Everyone in that group was my family. It felt personal.
When the march in dc happened I went with one of my friends, and it was sad, but amazing to see in person how strong we are. In the plane terminal on the way home he and I got cornered and called baby killers, among other things, because he was wearing a kippa and his Israeli first responder coat. That was my first time experiencing antisemitism and it was terrifying, even though I didn’t get hurt. It was terrifying even though my friend was built like a tank and would’ve protected me. It was terrifying just to sit in the train car with him and watch a woman stare at him with wide eyes like he was some kind of criminal. I stepped closer to him as if to remind her he’s human. I stared back at her with just as much fear and watched her snap out of it, confused.
Last week was holocaust awareness week at my college, and one of the things I did was spend a couple hours in the plaza reading the names of people that died. I found 34 Feldmans and Fotts. I found family names, Chana and Fayge and Jeshua and Sophia Feldman one after the other, and still am wondering if that was part of my family that didn’t make it to the US in time.
I called my grandma and asked for everything she could remember about her family lineage and how we got here, everything she had from that part of her life. I thought that there would be plenty to lean into, family recipes and heirlooms and stories, but there was barely anything. She has a Star of David necklace and a ton of repressed memories, next to nothing else. The recipes I could find were through my great aunt, some short instructions from my great grandmother on the back of a letter she sent to the aunt about what to ask for from a kosher butcher.
My family made it here in 1915 and 1921, they escaped before the holocaust, but they still weren’t untouched because of the ways they were ostracized and othered when they got here. My grandmother will barely admit she’s Jewish because none of her kids passed it on, it’s easier for her to let it go. I didn’t understand this until I realized that one couldn’t be hurt by the grief and pain of a family they aren’t part of.
Even those that survive are not left unscarred.
How could this not be personal? How could it not be generationally affective when it’s pushed so many to minimize their Jewishness out of self preservation? Raise their kids thinking they aren’t Jewish and hope their names never end up on a list of living or dead Jews? People still don’t see us as human. the antisemites still want to scar us. They want us to forget who we are.
It’s unreal to me when goyim act like American Jews in the current day are unaffected by the past and safe from antisemitism. I’ve been here less than a year and have been screamed at in an airport, have uncovered serious intergenerational trauma, and realized that of my Jewish family I have nothing to hold on to but a torn in half piece of paper with a sentence long tangent about brisket.
We are strong and we will outlive them, but god are we still fucking fighting for our lives.
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ravenssilver · 1 year
part three of my unintentional, untitled aeon series
part one part two
now, 981 words of aeon being tired
Aeon was in the kitchen early one morning, his lilac eyes clouded with exhaustion.
He sipped some coffee. He had made it the way he had seen Mountain make it for Dew. He wasn’t sure if it liked it. It tasted burnt.
Though, since it was the same kind Dew liked, he had poured the lions share of the brew into another mug and set it by the coffeemaker with a little note for the fire ghoul.
Aeon sighed and set the mug down on the kitchen island, slouching in on himself as he slightly spun the barstool back and forth, lost in his thoughts as always.
He was starting to regret taking away Swiss’ exhaustion. He felt it weighing him down like a cloud that was just barely too gray above him. Of course, Aeon didn’t regret taking away Swiss’ exhaustion. He just wished it didn’t have to be so… well, exhausting, to hold onto someone else’s fatigue.
Aeon looked down into his coffee mug, sending a little bolt of quintessence into it, making the liquid ripple.
Aeon jolted in surprise and looked over his shoulder, seeing Aurora with some sort of string wrapped around her lower fang, wedged between the enlarged tooth and her lateral incisor.
“Hey… what’re you doing up so early?” Aeon asked, his voice soft as he held his hand out to Aurora. Aurora shuffled closer and took Aeon’s hand in hers, standing between his knees as he remained sat on the barstool.
“I was flossing, I think it’s called, and the string got wrapped around my fang. Lus and Cir are sleeping.. Can you help?” She asked, a bit awkward due to how little she had spoken to the ghoul who was summoned at the same time as her.
Aeon’s eyes saddened as he realized he was a last resort, even to his fellow summon buddy.
“Yeah..” he sighed with a nod, not even bothering to make some sort of halfhearted joke to lighten the mood.
He wasn’t even wanted by the ghoulette who he shared the most important day of his eternal life with.
Aeon gingerly grabbed the floss string and began unwrapping Aurora’s enlarged canine. His eyes were dull, the multi-ghoulette not being able to read anything off of Phantom.
“There.. better?” Aeon asked, sounding just as dull as he looked as he tossed the string of floss into the trash can. “Yeah. Thanks. Uh… yeah, bye.” Aurora mumbled before turning on her heel and walking out of the kitchen.
Aeon followed her with his eyes before turning back to the kitchen island. He stared at the marble for a moment before he dropped his head down, sighing shakily as tears welled in his eyes from both the pain in his heart and the pain from his horns slamming against the marble.
His shoulders shook as silent sobs left him, his posture becoming even more curled in as his heart started to crack under the pressure, threatening to shatter into a million of cracked pieces.
Hours later, Dew walked into the kitchen, finding Aeon dead asleep at the island, his back curved in an uncomfortable looking way.
Rain walked in behind Dewdrop, his eyebrows furrowing when he saw Aeon.
“Is he okay?” Rain asked softly, looking at Dew. The fire ghoul stared at Aeon for a moment before he shrugged, walking over to the coffee pot and brushing off the mug that was already there. Just Aeon leaving a mess.
“Seems fine to me.” He stated, ignoring the voice in the back of his head that was practically screaming that something was wrong.
“Oh, don’t lie to yourself,” Rain huffed, rolling his eyes as he leaned against the counter. “Something’s been wrong since he was summoned. Why hasn’t he come to us..?” Rain frowned, looking at Aeon with sad eyes.
“Maybe he just doesn’t want to,” Dew shrugged, his ear flicking as his coffee began to brew. “It would be easier on all of us if he kept himself out of everything.” He grumbled, looking at Rain, only to see the water ghoul staring at the little quint.
“C’mon, Rain, he’s grown. He’d say something if something is really wrong.” Dew rolled his eyes, his tail flicking. “I really don’t see why you’ve suddenly gotten all worried.”
“He’s struggling, Dew.” Rain stated. “It’s so obvious. Did you hear what Swiss was telling Mount the other day? How desperate he was to do what Aeth’ used to-“
Rain’s eyes widened and he looked at Dew, surprised by the sudden anger in his voice.
“He’s not Aether. He never will be.” Dew spat, glaring at Rain. “I know.” Rain nodded, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I never said-“
“Well everyone seems to think that he can live up to was Aether was! Why am I the only one that sees that he’s nothing?” Dew snarled, Rain’s eyes widening before they narrowed.
“Dew, stop.”
“No, Rain! He won’t ever be what you all think he is!”
“He’s just some replacement. Something to take up space until we can get someone good enough to be the pack Quintessence.”
“He’s a runt. It’s all he ever will be.”
The fire ghoul growled, turning to look at Rain, only to see a bleary eyed Aeon looking back at him, Rain standing off to the side with wide eyes.
A single tear rolled down Aeon’s face, his breathing shaky as all signs of hope or happiness quickly dissolved into despair.
Aeon snuffled and took a deep breath in before he nodded his head to the white mug that was by the coffee pot that had just started to pour Dew’s coffee.
“I made you some already.” Aeon said blandly, his voice shaky and so quiet Dew barely even heard him.
And then he was gone, leaving Dew caught off guard with a very angry Rain.
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