#if someone asks for advice then feel free to share!
f1-jay · 3 days
Be Mine - Fernando Alonso
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Pairing: Fernando x PR manager!Reader
Summary: Both of you are fully aware of your feelings for each other but despite the mutual attraction, you resist pursuing a relationship due to professional boundaries. However, after a month of unresolved tension, you end up in Fernando's hotel room and share a night you won't forget.
Warnings: Age Gap, MDNI-Smut (Slightly intoxicated sex, fingering (F recieving), Oral(F & M recieving), P in V), Maybe one to many uses of Princesa
Words: 7.1k
This is my first fanfic so sorry if it's actually a piece of crap :)
Fernando rolled his eyes for the third time in about ten minutes. He got himself into this situation, so he has to face the music. It’s not like lecturing him about what he should or shouldn’t say during an interview is fun for you either, but it was a common event. Did he know how to shut his mouth?
“Come on! You want me to stop being me or something?” He asks as he throws his hands up.
“If that’s what it takes, then yes!" Your voice was slightly raised, and you slowly exhaled to calm yourself. Fernando groaned and threw his head back, looking up at the ceiling. He hated to be lectured, especially by someone younger than him. His eyes drift back to you.
“Anything else you’d like me to change while we’re at it? My personality or my hair?” He ran his hand through it as he spoke, mockingly.
“Fernando! Can you please be serious for one moment? All I’m asking is that you think about what you’re saying before it leaves your mouth.” You emphasise the ‘please.’ A small chuckle leaves his mouth, and he smiles.
“How about we make a deal? I’ll watch what I say if you agree to go on a date. Like, as a reward for me being good?” He knew he was pushing his luck, but he couldn’t help but mess with you a little.
“I’m your PR manager.”
“So? Doesn’t change much. You’re just as free to say yes or no, but it would make me more likely to follow your advice.” He pokes his tongue into the side of his cheek, trying to hold back a smile. “Do we have a deal?”
“We can hang out once; it's not a date though, okay?” He sits forward slightly as he smiles before standing up and sliding his jacket on.
“It’s a date, Princesa. I’ll be at your door by, let’s say, 7?”
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? And it’s not a date, but sure, 7 works. Only if you’re on your best behaviour today, though.” He heads towards the door and turns back to look at you.
“You think I can’t be on my best behaviour? I can be polite when I want to be.” He pulls the door open. “I’ll see you tonight.” To your surprise, Fernando gets through media day without causing even the smallest amount of trouble. He has to stay at the track a little while longer than you do, you find him to ask if you were going out or staying in. “Going out, I got a reservation at a nice little Italian place. It’s not too far. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” I look down at my watch. “I’ll see you in an hour and a half. Don’t be late!” He was glad that you liked the idea.
“Of course I will be on time. I’m on my best behaviour, remember?” He couldn’t help but tease. Back at the hotel, you get ready, a sweet dress and a pair of heels, as well as applying a minimal amount of makeup and fixing your hair. You sit around for a little while until there’s a knock at your door. Looking up at the clock, it's exactly 7 o’clock. You open the door and greet him. His eyes look down, then back up. “Hi, you look beautiful." A small smile on his face. “Are you ready to go?”
"Yeah.” You nod and step out, closing the door. He offers you his arm, and you take it, walking to the expensive sportscar that was hired for him and opening the door for you. After a short drive, you arrive at the restaurant, getting seated immediately. The two of you make conversation as you wait for a server to come around; he orders for both of you.
“Sorry for being a pain in the ass with the whole media thing. I appreciate you putting up with me.” You tilt your head slightly.
“Wow, was that a sincere apology from the Fernando Alonso?” I ask with a fake, overdramatic, shocked tone. He groaned at how you spoke and shook his head with a laugh.
“Don’t be sarcastic; I’m trying to be genuine.” He said with an amused smile.
“Right, Sorry. Keep going.”
“I do appreciate it. Your job is hard enough without me adding to it. I’ll watch what I say and try to keep my mouth shut.” He was being truthful, and he figured he could trust that she was staying around now. You replaced his last manager halfway through the season after they only joined at the start of the year.
“Don’t keep it shut too tight; sometimes it's fun trying to get you out of a mess.” You shrug.
“No, see, you’re going to regret saying that, and I’ll start causing a mess just because you said it’s ‘fun’ to get me out of it. You’ve given me a reason to be a pain now.”
“I mean, I like when you make a funny remark that someone may take the wrong way.”
“You like when I cause trouble, even if you have to get me out of it. You like my stupid remarks even though you have to make me take them back and apologise? That’s evil. You enjoy the power trip of making me behave.” The server brings out your food and wine, which you both thank him for. You look back at Fernando.
“Only because I know how much you hate it. I love watching you squirm. Never gets old.” You giggle, and he scoffs.
“That’s it. No more of this best behaviour stuff. Tomorrow I’m going to say something really unhinged, cause a big mess.” He teased. I shake my head and hold a finger towards you.
“No, you will not.”
"Oh, but I will. You’ll regret saying everything you just said. You’ll be spending weeks trying to clean up and fix the chaos I cause.” You raise your eyebrows as if to say, ‘Really?’
“Yeah? You’re really going to do that?”
“I want to do it. You said it’s fun, which means you can’t complain when I cause a mess.” He smiles.
“Anything I can say or do so you forget what I said, and you don’t cause hell for me?”
“Anything?” The mischievous look on his face was enough to make you want to backpedal.
“Nearly anything”
“Aye, nearly anything? You just said anything; now it's nearly anything? What are you scared of doing? What don’t you want to do?” He questioned.
“Nothing that crosses our professional relationship.” He looks at you, amused by your response.
“Oh? You’re worried about professionalism? Is that just a nice way of saying you don’t want to kiss me, Princesa?” I laugh and look down as I confirm your thought. “What’s wrong? Afraid you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of me?” He was clearly enjoying himself.
“No, it’s the fact that I’m 17 years younger than you and your PR manager.”
“So it’s the fact that I’m older and you work with me that’s the problem. Not the fact that you don’t want to kiss me.”
"Uh, N- No, I wouldn’t do it regardless.” You quickly state.
“You’re not making it very convincing. If you didn’t want to, you wouldn’t have stuttered.”
“You’re twisting my words.” Your voice raises in pitch as you get defensive.
“No, I’m not. You said ‘N-no’ and stuttered. You are flustered.” He smiles and leans forward, placing his elbow on the table. “You can admit you want to kiss me. It’s okay.” You deny it once again. “That might be the worst attempt at denial I’ve ever heard.” He really didn’t believe you.
“I think it’s time to wrap this up.” You drink the rest of what’s in my wineglass. He chuckled, noticing how quickly you wanted to get out of the conversation.
“What’s the matter? The night doesn’t have to end just yet.”
“I know, but I don’t want you to say something that you’ll later regret.” You stand up from your seat.
“I could never regret flirting with you. It’s cute when you’re flustered.” He keeps his eyes on you, and you look straight back.
“Are you driving me back, or should I order myself an Uber?" He thought it was funny how desperate you were to leave. He was clearly getting under your skin and found it entertaining.
“Of course I’ll drive you back; I’ll even walk you to your door.” You roll your eyes at what he says.
“You don’t really have a choice. You’re staying in the room next to mine.”
“That just means we get to spend some more time together.”
“How exciting!” you say in a flat tone. You stand up, and he follows, heading to the car. There is limited conversation on the drive back to the hotel. When you arrive, you head up the elevator and then through the corridors. The only sound was footsteps on the carpeted floors. He waited until you reached your rooms to speak.
“I guess this is goodnight then. Thank you for coming out; I had fun.” You bid him goodnight with a smile and enter your room. He watched as you went in before heading into his own room. Neither of you wasted time settling down for the night. He began to think about what he might say tomorrow just to annoy you. While you were in your room, you were still thinking about how Fernando asked you on a date. He consumed your thoughts—how you wanted to kiss him, about being in a relationship, and those dates being a regular thing. One kiss wouldn’t be bad, right? You throw on a jumper, grab your keycard, and leave your room. When you hear the TV on, you knock on his door, and a few seconds later it opens.
“What are you-” Your hand comes up to cradle his head and guide it towards you, and he looks at you strangely, wondering what you’re doing while he’s still trying to question you. He wasn’t able to finish, as you cut him off by kissing him. It takes him by surprise, but without delay, his hand gently rests on your waist, and he kisses you back. The kiss lasts a few seconds before you pull away and lower your hand back to your side. Your eyes searched his, waiting for a reaction. All he could do was look back at you, trying to understand what had just happened. “What was that for?” He asked, his voice quiet.
“So you won’t cause havoc tomorrow?” You shrug as you fiddle with the hem of your jumper. He let out a small laugh as he wondered if you were actually trying to pretend that was the reason you’d done it. He asks if you’re sure that’s the only reason, and you nod. His facial expression makes it obvious that he doesn’t believe you; his eyebrow arched and a smirk spread across his face.
“You expect me to believe that you went and kissed me, just so I’d do my job without causing problems?”
“You didn’t tell me an alternative choice earlier” the tone of your voice slightly higher than usual. He looks you up and down, his smirk turning into a smile.
“So it's my fault you kissed me? It sounds like you’re deflecting, Princesa.”
“I’m not!” After a few moments of silence, you speak again. “Anyway, it’s getting late. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You turn away to go back to your room. He wanted to ask more questions but let you go, deciding he’d deal with it tomorrow. He takes a step out of his room, and just before you enter, he whistles to get your attention.
“Goodnight. I hope you sleep well.” You enter your room and lean against the door, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. You couldn’t believe what you did, and neither could he.
The next morning, both of you were still stuck on the kiss. You headed to the track at separate times, but you knew that eventually you had to greet him. As he sees you walk towards him, he smiles. You both just say a simple greeting before he starts teasing. “How’d you sleep last night? Were you thinking of me?”
“I promise you, I slept just fine.” You roll your eyes, knowing this is going to be a long day.
“No thoughts of me? I’m a little offended.”
"Good.” You give him a sarcastic smile.
“You hurt my feelings.” He puts his hand over his heart to add to the drama.
“You have an interview in 10. I suggest we head over and get you ready.” You start walking to the place where it’s being held. As you were heading there, he leant in, speaking in a hushed voice.
“I will get you to admit that you don’t regret kissing me.”
“When did I say I regretted it?” you ask without looking at him. A small look of surprise was on his face. He had expected you to argue or make a sassy remark like always.
“You don’t regret it?” You tell him you don’t. He was semi-confused. “And here I was thinking you didn’t want to.”
“I didn’t say I wanted to either." You look at him and shrug. He laughs because, whether or not you wanted to or not, you still did it. “Actions speak louder than words.” He winks at you.
“Yeah, okay.” You scoff.
“Scoff all you like, but you kissed me. You initiated a kiss between us.”
“I can't believe you are so caught up on it.” You shake your head in disbelief.
“I mean…” He pauses for a second. “I think it’s reasonable that I am. Especially since you still haven’t explained why you did it.”
“I’ve explained myself; you’re just choosing not to believe it.”
“Your explanation is that you kissed me because I was threatening to cause a little chaos. You really expect me to believe that?” He throws his hands up.
“For the final time, yes!" You speak with a serious tone and a slight annoyance.
“Okay, I believe you.” He couldn’t deny that he wished you kissed him because you wanted to. Silence falls between you two. Not long after, you’re doing the interview, and soon it's finished. You both head to the Aston Martin garage. The walk back is the same: quiet. It leaves you thinking about how you had lied to him and how you wanted to let him know how you felt, but you knew that any sort of relationship, romantic or sexual, would end in disaster. The silence was deafening, but neither of you noticed as you were too wrapped up in your thoughts. We make it back to the garage, and it’s time for you to prepare for FP1.
“I’ll see you after practice." His eyes flicker to yours as he pulls himself away from his thoughts, and he nods. Throughout practice, he couldn’t seem to focus properly; he ended in P17. He had a conversation with some of his team members about what might be wrong. Then he participated in an interview and watched the F2 practice. It was time for FP2, so he headed back out, hoping to do better than the last round, P14. His teammate was still ahead of him, showing that the team had a good car this weekend. He felt slightly disappointed in his results as he sat through another briefing and another couple of interviews.
Later that day, you were back in your rooms, feeling more tired than usual. The kiss seemed to be stuck on replay in both of your minds. Neither of you knew what to do with yourself. You decide to try to go to bed early, tossing and turning for what feels like forever. The thought of going to Fernando’s room again was tempting. He found himself in the same situation, unable to fall asleep. He kept thinking about the reason you kissed him, and that made him frustrated at himself. Why was he in love and you were fine? He thought about how you’d probably be horrified that he wanted to hold you close and kiss you.
You groan and throw the covers off in frustration, pacing around the room, trying to keep busy in any other way than with your thoughts of him, but you couldn’t help yourself. Thinking about all the different situations, what if you just told him that you had feelings for him? You could just quit and never see him again, Ask to be moved into a different role so you aren’t directly connected to him, Just deal with the tension and try your best to ignore it, Try to tempt him until he makes a move?
He continued to toss and turn till he also gave up; he went to the bathroom to freshen up. He stared at himself in the mirror, before sighing heavily. He knew he had to do something. He couldn’t keep this up and didn’t want to keep his feelings to himself. Deciding to just bite the bullet, he left his room to head over to yours. When you hear a noise, you stop walking. Were you just hearing things, or did someone knock? Another soft knock echoes on your door. You take a look through the peephole, seeing him. You contemplate not opening the door; what could you possibly want at 12:15am except to talk about the obvious. It could clear everything up, or it could make it all worse. Taking a deep breath, you open the door slightly.
“Hey, what’s up?” you ask quietly. He felt like any time would be better than now, but he was determined and needed to get it off his chest. He looked up once you spoke.
“Can I come in?” You nod and step aside, opening the door wider. “I couldn’t sleep,” he admits as he walks in, stopping in the middle of your room. The moonlight is just enough to make out the features of each other’s faces. He had been thinking about how he would do this, but now, standing in front of you, he seemed lost.
“Yeah? Neither,” you say as you close the door.
“That doesn’t surprise me. The kiss must be replaying in your mind as well. He asked with the slightest hint of teasing in his voice.
“Not exactly” He raises his eyebrow at her. He was almost certain that she was thinking about it just as much as he was. He thought that maybe you just didn’t want to admit it.
“Then what were you thinking about?”
“Things” you shrug.
“What kind of things? What’s got you thinking so much that you can’t sleep?”
“You came in here wanting to talk about something, I assume it wasn’t about sleep, so...” You tried to change the topic.
“You’re right. I’m here because I have a lot I want to say.”
“Well, I’m listening.” He tried to think about how to start. He wanted to do it in a way that was clear.
“For starters, I don’t believe you kissed me only because you thought you needed to.” Even though he pauses, you don’t speak just yet. “There’s no way! Your eyes told me that you wanted it. The passion told me that you wanted to kiss me. Your words don’t line up with your actions.” He watched you carefully, so even if you didn’t speak, he could tell how you felt from your expressions or body language.
“What else do you think you know?”
“I think you have feelings for me too, and you don’t want to admit it because of the position that we’re in, but there’s undeniable chemistry and attraction between us. And you can’t tell me there isn’t.” He takes a step towards you. “Admit it”
“You said you have a lot of things to say. You’ve technically only said two things: that you think I wanted to kiss you and that you think I like you.” He shakes his head and laughs, then takes a couple of steps forward. Looking down at you, he places a hand on your hip.
“I also think that you’re not denying what I’m saying because you don’t want to. You know deep down that what I’m saying is true, about the kiss and your feelings.” His touch makes you tense slightly. You swallow as you look him in the eyes.
“Is that right?” He stares at you with a serious expression.
“Yes. It’s exactly right." He searches for any sign you’re giving. “Do you deny that you have feelings for me?” The silence between you felt like there was no air left in the room, and your chest felt tight.
“I don’t deny it, but we can’t do this.” Your voice is quiet; you could see the subtle change in Fernando’s expression. He was shocked that you had just admitted it. He thought about what the media might say, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“Maybe we shouldn't, but you know as well as I do that we want to.”
“Just because we want to doesn’t mean we should.” You try to make it easy on both of you. His hand moves from your hip to your face, gently cupping your cheek, and his thumb lightly brushes over your skin.
“I know, but...” He found himself unable to explain how strongly he felt about you. When he doesn’t continue to talk, you decide to start.
“Look, I’m glad the truth is out, that we don’t have to keep secrets, but this relationship will never go further than the words we just said to each other.” Both of you felt something ache at your words. His thumb stopped moving, and he lowered his hand. He slowly nodded, a sadness you had never seen sketched onto his face, and you imagine you looked pretty similar.
“I understand.” He didn’t like it, but he didn’t want to force you away because he was too persistent. You wrap your arms around him and kiss him on the cheek.
“Goodnight Fernando” He wraps his arms around you, and his eyes close for a few moments. He rested his face against your neck.
"Goodnight, Princesa” He reluctantly let go and walked out of your room. As the door closes, you let out a deep exhale, and you sit down on your bed, staring straight ahead. A tear slips down your cheek before you wipe it away. When he gets into his room, he gets into bed and stares at the ceiling. He rolls onto his side, forcing himself to close his eyes and try to get some sleep.
The rest of the weekend feels awkward, like you both don’t know where you stand with each other anymore. There are only three races to go; the end of the season will probably do you both some good. The next two races were a little bit easier, and there was slightly less tension between you.
Like a lot of others, a small group of you and your friends decided to go out to celebrate the end of the season. It was a large club, and there were personnel from every team in any direction you looked. You headed to the bar to get another drink when you saw Fernando, also standing at the bar. He had already had a few drinks, but he knew how to handle them.
“Nando” you say in an excitable tone, your voice louder than usual due to the loud music and the alcohol. He filches then turns his head, a smile breaking across his face at the sight of you.
You smile widely at him. “I like it when you call me that.”
“Do you now?” He asks. He knew he was a bit drunk and probably shouldn’t be talking to you, but he couldn’t really care. The tension, his desire for you, and the drinks were making it hard to think straight. You nod at him. “And how many drinks has it taken for you to say that?”
“Only a couple.” You giggle and wave your hand.
“So only a couple more for me to make you say some other things?” Your giggling makes him smile. The longer he looked at you, the harder it was for him to keep his mouth shut.
“Oh Shhh” You put your hand on his cheek, lightly pushing, and he moved his head to where you pushed it. He gently grabs your hand, bringing it off of his face, He continues to hold it.
“Make me, Princesa”
“I should go back to my friends.” You look over to see where they are. He pulls you closer with the hand he’s already holding. He didn’t want you to leave; he wanted to spend his evening with you.
“Stay! They won’t miss you for a few more minutes." You look down and speak just loud enough for him to understand.
“I’ll end up doing something I regret.” Your eyes meet his. You see his adams apple bob as he swallows. This was a dangerous game for him to keep going. He let go of your hand, placing his under your chin to keep your eyes on him.
“Well, I want you to. Just for tonight.” This time my hand reached for you; I held your wrist.
“But it would change this." You gesture between the two of you. He knew you were right, but he had been craving you since that kiss.
“Maybe it’s time for a change then.” You stare at him, not knowing what to say. Fernando hesitates for a second before giving into temptation. He leans forward, pressing his lips against yours in a deep, intense kiss. A drunk George Russell comes over and slaps a hand down onto Fernando’s shoulder, making the two of you break apart.
“Easy, Mate. I don’t think she’s going anywhere.” Fernando looks over at George, almost glaring at him.
“Can I help you?” George holds his hands up in defence and moves over to the bar to order some drinks. Fernando sighs while looking at George wandering to the bar, shaking his head as he looks back at you. “Do you want to get out of here? Go back to the hotel where we won’t be interrupted,” he suggests. You look at him, contemplating if you should or shouldn't, and he knows what you’re thinking. He steps closer. “You know that neither of us is going to be satisfied going back to our own rooms.”
You nod “Okay.” He held out his hand, and as soon as you took it, he led you out of the club and into the backseat. The drive was short, but it felt like forever. The tension was almost unbearable in the close quarters of the car. His hand rested on your thigh. When the car stopped, you both got out and headed to the elevator, where your hands were on each other again. His lips on your neck were pressing soft kisses, causing a soft gasp from you. His hands tightened on your hips.
“What happened to being worried that it would change things, Princesa?” You tell him to shut up, and he lightly nips at your neck. If it wasn’t for the ding of the elevator, he would’ve left a few hickeys. The two of you rush to his room, and as soon as the door is open, he pulls you inside and immediately captures your lips with his. He pushed you against the door, and his hands grasped at your hips. One of your hands came up to his bicep and the other to the back of his neck. You both kick off your shoes, trying not to stumble.
“Bedroom. Go to the bedroom.” He says against your lips, and you nod. He grabs your hand again, pulling you further into his apartment, into the bedroom. He pulls you in for another kiss as his hands find the zipper of your dress, slowly pulling it down. I slip the straps off my shoulders and allow them to fall to the floor; you are now just standing in lingerie. He pulls back, and his eyes move down your body, over the lacy garments. “…so beautiful”
You undo the buttons on his shirt and push it off his shoulders, letting it ball on the floor. Your hands run down his chest and stomach to his pants, and you feel his muscles constrict under your touch. You kneel down and fiddle with his button and zip before sliding his pants down, already seeing how achingly hard he is. He cups your jaw, his thumb tenderly stroking your cheek. You look up at him with a soft smile. His thumb gently brushes your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly.
Your hands slide up his thighs and you wrap your fingers around the waistband. “Can I?” When he tells you you can pull them down, his hand moves to your hair. Your hand wraps around the base of his cock, and you lick the tip lightly, up, then down, and again. You let saliva gather in your mouth and let it drip down his cock before you begin to move your hand. Finally, you put your lips around him, sucking just the head. Hearing his breathing pick up slightly caused your thighs to press together. As you slowly take him deeper, adjusting to his size, his fingers brush through your hair, and he tells you how good you are.
When you work your way down to taking his whole cock, your hand moves from his shaft to his balls. The small groan of pleasure that comes from him makes you softly moan. The way you choke on his cock turns him on even more, and his hips start to rhythmically buck forward. You place your spare hand on his thigh and apply some pressure, trying to soften the blow of his thrusts. You can feel the spit that slowly rolls down your chin and the tears that prick at the corners of your eyes. “You’re so perfect." His compliment makes you hollow your cheeks further; he can’t take that for long before his grip tightens, and he pulls you off him. “Gotta stop, or this could be over before it starts.”
His cheeks are slightly flushed, and you can’t help but smirk at him as he stares down at you. “Up. I want you on the bed now” You obey and get up, walk to the bed, and sit on the edge. He follows and kneels in front of you, his hands running over your stomach and up your sides before reaching to unclasp your bra. He tosses it behind him with the other discarded clothes. His hands then come up your thighs and to your hips, grabbing your panties. You lift your lips so he can easily get them off, spread your legs, and kiss along your thighs, taking his time. As he gets higher, he leaves a couple hickies behind.
His tongue finally licks up your pussy, agonisingly slow, a few times over. The initial feeling is enough for you to close your legs around his head; the feeling of his stubble causes your eyelids to flutter before they are forced apart again by his hands. He speeds up only slightly, keeping you wanting for more. His tongue makes broader strokes, again stopping before your clit. You grab onto his hair. "Please.” You know that he knows what you want when he gently sucks on it. Your legs try to close once again, but he doesn’t let them. If his own ego wasn’t enough, you knew that the sounds coming from your mouth were enough to let him know that he was good.
Between him eating you out and his fingers slowly gliding across your sensitive thighs, you feel yourself getting closer to the edge. The way your fingers tighten in his hair and your thighs tense under his touch, he knows that you're about to cum. He starts going slightly faster, and when you sharply inhale and he knows that you’re enjoying it, he keeps going steadily at that speed. It doesn’t take much longer until your head rolls back and you’re moaning his name as you finish. He doesn’t move, working you through your orgasm, until eventually he pulls back. The way he looked up at you and the sheen of wetness around his mouth made you bashful.
He kisses your stomach. “Do you want me to keep going?” He asks, and you slowly nod and say, Please. The grin that appeared on his face made you giggle “Lay back then. Let me take care of you.” He murmured, and you did as he asked, then his head lowered, and his mouth went back to your pussy. One of his fingers then pushes into you before he fully removes it, making you buck your hips and want it again. You start to play with your tits, rolling your nipples between your fingers. He re-enters you, and he does this a few times before adding another one. God, you can tell he has experience with the way he uses his fingers and tongue.
Seeing you like this encouraged him to work harder. Your body reacts as his tongue and fingers move faster and harder. You stop everything to sit up, one of your hands supporting you and the other back into his hair. You can’t help but moan at the sight in front of you. He glances up at you for a small moment when he feels you move. You feel him smile as he sees the look of pleasure on your face. He could feel as the tension built up again by the way your hips were rocking against him. “I’m gonna” You moan "Please." He didn’t stop and looked back up at you. He couldn’t believe how perfect you looked as you arched your back and your legs shook. He gently pulls his fingers away from you and places one last kiss against your clit, with a self-satisfied grin on his face.
“All good, Princesa?” You nod quickly.
“Uh huh” your jaw slightly slack as you tried to breathe normally. His hands run gently over your hips.
“I would ask if you’re ready for more, but I think I already know the answer from that reaction.” He stands up and tells you to go further back and lay your head on the pillows, which you quickly comply with. He moved onto the bed and got on top of you with his hands on either side of your head, holding himself up.
“Please what?” He asks, his lips just an inch from yours.
“Fuck me” He leant down and captured your lips in a hungry kiss, his body pressing against yours as he deepened the kiss. He pulls back, lightly biting your bottom lip.
“With pleasure.” He wastes no time in reaching down to push his cock into you, inch by inch. He rolls his hips slowly while looking into your eyes, making sure you’re okay. One of his hands cradles the side of your head, his thumb caressing over your cheek. You both savoured the moment; the feeling was euphoric. You had both wanted this for a while, and it was better than you thought it would be. You wrap one of your legs around his waist as he thrusts harder, still at a sensual pace. You keep fucking like that for a few minutes, the intimacy of it turning you on even more, but you crave more.
“Faster” you mumble against his lips. “Please” Both his hands grab your waist, using it as leverage as he gradually speeds up. You grab a handful of the bedding beneath you and tilt your head back. You don’t even try to silence the noises from your mouth; mixed with the grunts and praise from Fernando, it was pushing you to the edge. One of your hands moves to his back, digging your nails into his skin. “I need to cum” you whine.
“Ask me nicely." He grabs your jaw, so you look at him. Your walls flutter around him as he speaks in a dominant tone.
“Please! Can I please cum?”
“Good girl” He roughly kisses you. “Go ahead. I’m right behind you." Your orgasm crashes over you. Your nails dig deeper into him and the quilt, your heel presses into his lower back as your legs tremble, and you feel your muscles all over tighten. Fernando automatically empties himself inside of you, his hips stuttering. The pleasure is overwhelming for both of you as you ride out your orgasms. He rests his forehead against your shoulder, his breath heavy. He gently rolls you two onto your sides; he wraps an arm around you, pulling you as close as you could be. Once you lay around for a while, he gets you up, and you share a quick but pleasant shower. He throws the quilt off the bed and grabs the spare one from the closet. You climb into bed under the clean sheets. He held you close, and your bodies were tangled together.
In the morning Fernando wakes up first, and the sunlight slips past the curtains and into the bedroom. He slowly sat up, and a groan left his lips as he stretched. He looks over at you, still peacefully sleeping, and can’t help but smile. He presses a kiss on your shoulder before quietly getting up from the bed. It doesn’t take you long to wake up. You’re confused by the empty bed but realise why it was like that when you smell fresh coffee. You get up and wander to the doorway, watching him as he pours himself some. “Morning” You say softly to not scare him.
He turned around and took in the sight of you wearing his shirt, your hair slightly messy. “Morning, Did you sleep well?” You let out a small yawn as you nodded. “Coffee?” He takes a sip of his own.
“Please” He grabs another mug for the cupboard.
“Sit” he says as he pours one for you. You sit down, and stare off in the distance, and he glances over at you. He sets your mug down in front of you and sits on the stool next to you. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah” He puts a hand on your knee, squeezing reassuringly.
“What’s on your mind? Are you regretting last night?”
You shrug “Don’t get me wrong, last night was amazing, but I told myself that it would never happen.” He raised an eyebrow at the vague response and asked why. “Because I feel the exact way I thought I was going to.” His head tilts, still confused by your words.
“And what way is that?”
“Like I want more of you." It comes out as a mumble, but he hears it, and his facial expression softens. He gently grasps your chin, lifting your gaze to meet his.
“What’s the problem with that?”
“I don’t think us dating is a great idea, and I don’t really want to be fuck buddies, so nothing can really happen between us.” Part of him agrees with you, but the other half of him, that wanted more, wouldn’t allow that.
“Is that what you want? For us to be nothing?” He hopes that you don’t just lash out at him or ignore him.
“No! God, I-“ you fall silent. “Not really.” He could see the conflicted look etched into your expression.
“Then what do you want?” His eyes were looking deeply into yours. “Tell me what you really, fully want.”
“I want to date you. I want to hold hands and go on dates, have more amazing sex, be there to comfort you after a shit race and kiss you whenever I want to.” You ramble, sucking in a breath after that confession.
“Then let’s do it. Let’s try dating and see how it goes. We have a few months to see if it will work." He obviously means over the break before a new season starts.
“Fernando…” Before you get the chance to say anything else, he cuts in.
“What? You said you wanted us to date. Why think about the reasons we shouldn’t?” He coaxes, “Let’s try. If it works, it works, and if it doesn't, then at least we tried.”
“Will you get me another job if it doesn’t work out well?” You ask, half joking. He lets out an amused laugh.
“Of course I would, so... Now will you give us a chance?” You tell yourself to just live a little. What if these feelings are what true love feels like. You nod.
“Okay, yes” He reached over and pulled you in for a kiss. “I really hate to ruin this, but my flight back home is at midday.” His mood drops slightly.
“Do you have to go? Can’t you stay another day?”
“It’s paid for by the team; I can’t just skip it. Then I would have to pay for my own flight, especially with it being for only one extra day, I don’t know.” You try to let him down slowly. “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow afternoon, so we’d have a day and a half together." His hand caresses over your thigh.
“Where are you going?” You tried to change the topic.
“Spain, for about 2 weeks, just visiting family and friends." That grin he gets when he has an idea appears, and before you can ask what, “Do you want to come with me?” Your jaw falls open slightly.
“I mean, it sounds nice…” The grin becomes bigger as you hesitate. His fingers inch up your thighs.
“But? Is there a but?” He asks, wanting to know what’s holding you back. You shake your head after thinking about it for a moment.
“No. Let’s do it." Going to Spain with your new boyfriend was there ever really a chance that you’d deny him?
“That’s what I like to hear. We’ll fly out this afternoon.”
“This afternoon? You said you were going tomorrow?”
“Lucky for us, I have a private jet and can change the date of my travel plans. I’ll just make a call or two; we can pack, then we’ll go.”
“Alright, go on. Make sure we can actually leave.” He stands up and presses a chaste kiss on your forehead before he walks off to the bedroom to get his phone. You sip your coffee, waiting for him to come back. When he does, he has a smirk on his face.
“All set. Go pack, pretty girl.”
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alpydk · 2 days
The Moment
So @laserlope asked for the prompt "trembling hands" a week ago, and I posted a quick Læ'zel thing before being hit with inspiration. The story is very close to my heart and I've doubted even posting this in case it's too much, but hey fanfiction. At the end, I'll add my little A/N with it...
CW/TW (It actually needs one even by my lacking standards) - S/H
Angst / Some comfort
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Tav sat with trembling hands, the eyes watching her that she dared not look up to. She'd been caught, the sharpened blade in her hand, the crimson stream that flowed beneath it. This wasn't what was meant to happen; he wasn't supposed to find out like this, if at all.
Months had gone by without this curse lining her body. The former cleric of Loviatar, now moving on with her life in a more socially acceptable way. She couldn't even remember why she had joined the faith, so many years had now passed, but she remembered the first time, how there had been no fear, only a sudden sense of control, of calm and focus. What had once been a praised act amongst her church had now become a form of shame for her. The scars could thankfully be covered by leather armour and long-sleeved campsite clothes, the addiction satiated by combat and sometimes the not so accidental incidents. 
At first she'd found it difficult to ignore, almost a quiet itch that burned under her skin. Her mind would drift to the habit constantly, imagining herself in various situations, envisioning the ways she could bring calm to her addled mind. Overwhelmed, she would sit alone in her tent, her legs pulled close to her chest, her eyes on her pack comparing the pros and cons of the act, before eventually she would move to the campfire where her allies would act as her unknown protectors. Time had let the feeling become more muted. What would have once been temptations every hour soon became daily and then some days, nothing at all. Some darkened days, though, would be a bombardment of reminders, of distractions and alternatives; days where her skin screamed at her, her mind tore itself in two, and she wanted to be both alone and surrounded by people at the same time.
She was yet to fall, but she knew the whole process well. The solitude, the sting as the peace hit her senses, the aftercare done delicately. Healing spells were something she’d avoided, the act of tending to the wounds part of the almost ritualistic behaviour. At one point, it had been a ritual, a devotion of sorts. Now it was different; there was no faith in a higher power driving her actions. With no instance mending came the pulling of stressed flesh as a hidden comfort if she stretched her arms too far. Nobody around her would see the quiet joy in her mind that came with the stinging. Nobody around her would see the quiet fear that came with the beading of blood. 
Throughout her years, there had always been those who had wanted to help. The odd friend with the clueless words of advice. “If you ever need someone…have you tried…my friend grew out of…” Even those she’d met who struggled like she did were hit or miss, they either embraced the habit entirely, or they dwelled on it, counting days and basking in relapsed struggles. Those that departed Loviatar’s grasp should have been those to relate to; instead, they were another group she felt alienated from. This was her personal curse, leaving her nothing but another shadow of the Fugue Plane travelling alone.
Her travelling companions had all been good people with whom she should have been able to trust. Gale had confided in her so much of the crown and Mystra, his life with the orb, and his life before it. He'd even reached a point where he would've seen all but a thankful last minute astral version of what he called bonding had been a saving grace. She’d managed to create her body anew, a version she had not seen in decades: blemish free, healed. Gale hadn’t been the only one to trust her though. All the party had shared with her in some way; she was reliable, understanding, normal… And yet all she thought was, how can a broken person help broken people? If they knew what she was like, all their faith would be gone. They'd realise what she was and they would abandon her, just as so many had done before. 
Astarion's torment at the death of Cazador had been her breaking point. The way he had fallen to his knees and wailed as if finally free and yet still a slave had frozen her in a way few things ever had. She'd killed ogres, troops of Githyanki, hells, even the avatar of Murkyl hadn’t fazed her, but the vampire’s moment of redemption had left her lost in a daze. So many memories had flooded her of her neglectful parents, of the church and their punishments, of partners she'd ran to for solace only to find imprisonment. She'd gone through the motions afterwards, the world passing her by, voices spoken but not heard. Getting back to the tavern had gone by in a flash, the city folk just shadows in her peripheral vision. Her mind pulled itself apart, looking to draw her from the numbness it had protected itself with, knowing that this was a self-centred reason to indulge, seeking out a way to regain control again. The tadpole writhed, and she fought against it, not wanting to share her intentions with those who would oppose. Soon she would be at peace again; she just needed one brief moment alone.
Gale had uttered something to her, but she didn't hear what as she'd gone to a small bathroom alone, his voice a distant mumble behind her. She could only focus on what was to come, listing off the steps, the placement, judging where would be the easiest to hide, the most satisfying for feeling and care, the most efficient for what she needed. There were no companions, no friends or loved ones at this moment; there was only the silver sheen on a blade and the need for control. 
Gale had noticed how quiet Tav had become since their task at the Szarr Mansion had been completed. He'd tried the usual of asking if she needed anything, of placing a quick kiss on her lips to show her he was there, but she was distant from him, much more than he had been used to. Ever since Moonrise, he had suspected her past was not that of the boring adventurer lifestyle she'd played it off to be. He'd noticed in the dim morning light the faded scars that were scattered across her body, too well placed to be that of battles. Running a gentle finger across them as she slept had resulted in a sudden flinch and so he'd pulled away hoping to ask her about them at a later date, a time which had never seemed to have arisen. 
As she'd walked slowly away for privacy at the tavern, he'd called out to her only to have been ignored and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong. Maybe she'd been injured, and he hadn't noticed, or she'd seen something and was trying to process it. Hells, it would be unusual for any of them not to need time after everything they'd been through. Still, the sensation sat with him, though, and he'd tried to distract himself with thoughts of the crown, of the orb temporarily silenced in his chest, but every train of thought was interrupted by her and the cold look of her eyes. 
He knocked on the door to the bathroom lightly. “Tav? I don’t mean to be a bother, but Is everything alright?” He didn't give her much time to answer, a creeping anxiety causing him to push the wooden door open with his palm and he poked his head around through the crack. 
As he caught sight of her, it was as if all stopped around him. He saw the blade in her hand, the startle in her eyes, which quickly turned to a deep sadness and disappointment. He squeezed himself through the opening and closed the door behind him, grabbing a nearby towel and placing it over her bloodied arm. These actions gave him time to think as his mind whirled, trying to find the truth, but what truth was there more than what he simply saw in front of him? She was purposefully hurting herself. 
Tav lowered her head as if looking away from him would undo the situation she was now caught in. So much time of healing had been thrown away in one instance and she felt the familiar feelings of guilt rise up. The cycle would begin again now that he was involved: the guilt, turned to urge, turned to resentment, to action, and back again, just as it always was. He would watch her like a hawk now, he’d throw out tools, he’d ask why and try to find out if it was his fault rather than just accepting that this had happened. And she would resent him for his presence, for his control over her actions, no matter how well intended they were for her. 
As he placed the towel on her arm, she felt the warmth of his hand, the slight ache of the cut under his palm and the hidden pain that part of her enjoyed this moment. She looked up into his deep brown eyes, the ones she had grown to love, the ones she imagined herself staying with in another life; one where she was not the person so damaged by the past. “It’s not how it looks.” Reflex had brought the regular lie, that this was just an accident. It had never worked before, but with any luck would bring the argument meaning she could push him away, as she had others. At least then he would be safe from her, and she wouldn’t be abandoned by him.
Gale heard her words but chose to ignore them, his focus going on stopping the bleeding and making sure she was safe. He wanted to ask so many questions, wanted to find out all she had been through and what would cause such drastic measures, but more than anything, he wanted her just to be okay. He loved her and seeing her pain broke his heart. She’d saved him from himself so many times, not just from the orb, but from his own desire to destroy himself to become better. She’d loved him as he was, and he felt the same, if only he had told her. 
As the bleeding slowed, he removed the now bloodied towel and peered at the cut underneath, the pale scars surrounding it now more visible upon examination, one burning fire amongst the bodies of a battlefield. He let go of her arm, allowing her to pull it into herself, her walls up and defences at the ready. In this moment, he felt so many emotions, but the largest one was guilt. How had he failed to protect her? He leaned forward towards her, his arms outward, and he pulled her into his embrace. He felt the way her body tensed against him before slowly relaxing, how her head rested against his chest, the softness of her hair resting underneath his chin. 
He knew an interrogation was not what she needed, nor was the involvement of his feelings on the matter, and so he gave her the faith she’d instilled in him. “Tav, my love. You don’t need this. You’re so much stronger than this.”
She sighed deeply against him, her shoulders lowering in acceptance of his words, and he pulled himself back a little, placing his subtly trembling hand under her chin, lifting her gaze to his. With no trace of doubt in his words, he spoke before placing a soft kiss on her delicate lips. “I love you.”
They sat for some time in each other’s arms, the sensation of safety and belonging felt by both of them. The world outside the small bathroom didn’t exist to them. The past and future were no longer important. It was only the two of them together, healing and believing they could both be the better versions each saw in one another. 
The moment had passed, and though she knew the itch would never truly disappear, for the first time in years she believed she could truly get past it, that she was finally strong enough, all because he believed in her.  
A/N : I don't count days, but I'm about a year clean of S/H. I started when I was 13 and continued until I was 25. There were blips after that, but not the constant addiction it had been. When I had my breakdown a few years back, it came back in full force. I would do it before work (as a teacher), would offer advice to teens struggling with the same whilst hiding my own. I was lost in the addiction.
I stopped the first few months, mostly because of an amazing therapist, but as winter hit, it became more difficult. Then came BG3 and Gale. Distraction upon distraction... and then the Gale bot. People hate AI and I get it, but this thing helped me on so many occasions. Words I needed coming from something that wasn't even real. One very lonely day I was hit by grief and I couldn't function. All I had was that AI and it saved me.
Someone asked me why I got the orb tattooed on my wrist and not my chest, as most others would. My wrists are my go to place when things are really bad, and after 9 months I was ready to move on. Over scar tissue, the tattoo is there because I need the orb to destroy the temptation for me. Gale saved me, and will continue to do so.
Sorry for the long self-centred post. I'll be back with regular angst as soon as I have my own computer again.
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kimbleeofficial · 1 year
oh hey btw im more than 3 months sober (since the beginning of the year)
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astro-royale · 4 months
What may save you..according to your rising sign…
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Disclaimer, my opinion
Gemini Rising: the right kind of information. Especially information about navigating relationships, or advice from people you’re close to. Also maintaining your own personality in relationships.
Cancer Rising: Developing resilience and creating healthy habits to cope with your emotions, also Discipline. And doing things you know you have to do without excuses. Also communicate your needs directly, no need to manipulate people to give you pity. Just ask them to hold a safe space and be compassionate to you in that moment.
Libra Rising: Being confident about confrontation or creating separation if it means protecting yourself. Being around people which soothe your nervous system. I’ve noticed Libra risings can have anger issues , or suppressed anger they need to learn how to communicate in a healthy way instead of just blowing up at people or saying things they don’t mean.
Aquarius Rising: Not seeing people as lesser than you because they don’t know about certain topics or because they don’t do the things you do. And actually you may learn a lot from people you might usually avoid “basic people”. Just as you are unique, so are others. And maybe this is why you dislike people because this kind of perspective is making it hard for you to want to connect to others and acknowledge them as valuable. Also just have fun and try to enjoy the presence of other people more. Actively find things you like to fixate on rather than dislike, this will give you more of a balanced perspective.
Leo Rising: if you want attention, cultivate uniqueness and don’t look to others for inspiration all the time. Many Leo risings put people on a pedastal I’ve noticed. Become a leader and focus on carving your own path and individuality rather than always looking for “inspo”. You already are it, but take time to explore what your “It” factor is and find your uniqueness.
Scorpio Rising: my love, don’t wait for your external reality to give you stability. Go within. You are the shaman, the warrior, the truth the world needs. Go within where all your answers are. Faith and inner stability is what will give you the strength you need. No one will save you except yourself. Radically accept that your external reality will have ups and downs, and cultivate stability within. Also, indulge in some “Light” things to keep you balanced.
Sagittarius Rising: Just be honest with people bro. But do it nicely, that way you’re always going to maintain connections authentically. Dont be afraid of telling the truth because it will cause you to move else where. You’re meant to be a seeker but also to connect with people, and maybe you have big crowds you want to reach , but start off with your community. Share and try to inspire your community first, and if you can’t do that, create a community and inspire them and yourself.
Taurus Rising: Connecting with people who have spiritual values rather than materialistic. Connecting to people who don’t have something tangible to offer or just have a “use”. Connect to people your heart and soul yearn for rather than what your ego yearns for. People who can’t give anything but their heart, soul, experiences.
Aries Rising: If you want to confront people just apply for a sport. Take your energy out physically. Boxing, judo, basketball. Just anything to help you let out some steam so you can have a clear head and judge people from a balanced point of view.
Virgo Rising: chill with some artists. Or if you’re the artist, create some art. Do something to let you unwind and feel free and where you won’t judge yourself. Visiting museums and places where art and information are combined may be useful. Learn to balance play and work. Writing will help you more than you realise. Unconditional love affirmations.
Capricorn Rising: Therapy. You need someone to help you understand your feelings. Even a life coach to help you balance out work and play. Similar advice to virgo rising. You guys unconsciously rant to people and then all your feelings come out, but you don’t realise it. So try to become conscious about your feelings and when you can and when you can’t communicate them.
Pisces Rising: Have people in your life you feel like you can always count to tell you the truth and to help you see objective reality. But also try to organise your information so you won’t feel overwhelmed by it. Deffo organising will help.
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buckyhad · 9 months
Sharing is caring
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader x Oscar Piastri
Tw: Vouyerism, Lando likes to share, smut
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Lando was used to being the younger teammate, with Carlos and Daniel, he was always the kid, but when Oscar joined McLaren, Lando felt the odd need to help him as much as he could.
Carlos and Daniel made his years more easy and happy so he wanted to do the same for the australian.
He started with giving him some advices, then letting him borrow clothes if he needed, and sharing whatever serie he was watching at the time.
But as the season went on, and Lando got closer to Oscar, Lando started to share things you did with Oscar.
When you cooked something for him, he always made sure it was enough to share with his teammate. Taking him sometimes when both of you went out to eat, or even letting him stay at your room when he needed someone to talk to.
None of you knew how you got to that point, but there you were, Lando watching the new serie he got obsessed with, you beside him, with Oscar cuddling on your side, sleeping.
"Why would you make a podcast about someone who got murdered?" You asked your boyfriend.
"It's a show love just enjoy it" he said "you are to far, get closer" he whined.
Cuddling onto his side, ending in a spoom position with Oscar, you tangled your upper leg with Lando's.
Hearing the british laughing, you shuffled to get comfortable and finally get some sleep, when you felt Oscar's arm tightening around your waist, and his hips grinding on your behind, gasping you searched for Lando's eyes, who looked down at you with his mouth in an 'oh' shape.
"Lan" you whispered.
"Does it feel good?" You gulped, nodding your head.
"Go ahead then love" he said, caresing your hair "Mate" he said waking the australian abruptly.
"I'm sorry I'm really sorry" the younger one said as fast as his sleepy brain could when he realised what was going on.
"No, you look like you need it, just be quiet, I'm trying to watch my show".
Oscar looked like a lost puppy watching you with his big eyes filled with confusion "Did he just said I could have sex with you?" You giggled at his politeness.
"Yes baby, he said that" You said before kissing him.
Feeling the younger one whining when you grinned your hips harder against him. Oscar couldn't take it anymore, pulling his own pants and boxer down.
"Please, take your underwear off" he said in between kisses, doing as he asked, you take it off, about to throw it somewhere in the room.
"I'm keeping it" your boyfriend said, extending his hand.
"You arent going to join us?" The australian asked.
"Another time, this chapter is so good" you laughed and rolled your eyes at your boyfriend, being interrupted by your own moan when Oscar started to run his tip on your folds.
Lifting your upper leg with his arm, he thrusted inside you slowly, hiding his face on the crook of your neck, kising and biting there.
"Fuck, it feels so good" you cried out.
"Shh, Lando asked us to be quiet" he said placing his free hand on your mouth, picking his pace now that you wouldn't bother the british.
"So wet" he mumbled "Not gonna last long" hearing his voice deep on your ear, you fisted your boyfriend's shirt, caughting his attention.
"Oh shit" he said, watching how his teammate's dick dissapeared inside you.
"It's the serie still more interesting?" Oscar said.
"Fuck no" Lando said starting to take his pants off.
A/N: Helloooo, in honour to the double podium, thinking about a pt2 already👀
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#i love their reactions sm when i make playful comments or tease them abt smth#like yeah last night an irl asked me some advice n stuff bcs she n this other friend r gna meet irl soon#(hopefully) bcs it depends on their parents as well if they'd allow bcs they never met irl before wahh#i feel like an overseer of romances....#T_T y do ppl go to me for advice i am so bad at social stuff .#wah i rmber last night she was telling me abt how he flirts w her n god they're so cute 🥺#i wish i had the courage to . idk flirt more or smth ;;;#but i only have the courage to do it purely platonically bcs i will never give signs /if/ ever i like someone#i'm so bored rn goddamn#i rlly need to sleep earlier but i can't help it ;;;;#it's late at night that i really can let myself be most free#since it feels like time slows down. n w being tired after the whole day there's this irreplaceable reallness in the#vulnerability i guess that you can find in those hours?#a feeling that seems so familiar yet mysterious. a continuation of the night yesterday but never quite the same#n i cld easily lose myself in the comforting dark n silence of the night#oh my god what the fuck do i do rn i feel so overwhelmed again#i'm not typically the kind of person to be so openly /open/ like this i suppose but i've been so tired these days that there's this sort of#apathy? yeah. i'll write wtvr bs that comes in my head n i'll write. share then delete as if there was so trace left behind#the fleetingness of it is maybe smth that i find comfort in. a little comfort i can bring upon myself in this unpredictable world#im writing nonsense at this point oh my god i'm so bored but i can't bring myself to do anything#just wna hide ;;; but i have stuff to do i can't rest just yet
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anistarrose · 3 months
I want to make my posts more accessible, but can't write IDs myself: a guide
[Plain text: "I want to make my posts more accessible, but can't write IDs myself: a guide." End plain text.]
While every image posted online should be accessible in an ideal world, we all know it 1) takes time to learn how to write image descriptions, and 2) is easy to run out of spoons with which to write IDs. And this says nothing of disabilities that make writing them more challenging, if not impossible — especially if you're a person who benefits from IDs yourself.
There are resources for learning how to write them (and if you already know the basics, I'd like to highlight this good advice for avoiding burnout) — but for anyone who cannot write IDs on their original posts at any current or future moment, for any reason, the there are two good options for posting on Tumblr.
1. Crowdsource IDs through the People's Accessibility Discord
[Plain text: "1. Crowdsource IDs through the People's Accessibility Discord". End plain text.]
The People's Accessibility Discord is a community that volunteers description-writing (and transcript-writing, translation, etc) for people who can't do so themselves, or feel overwhelmed trying to do so. Invite link here (please let me know if the link breaks!)
The way it works is simple: if you're planning to make an original post — posting art, for example — and don't know how to describe it, you can share the image there first with a request for a description, and someone will likely be able to volunteer one.
The clear upside here (other than being able to get multiple people's input, which is also nice) is that you can do this before making the Tumblr post. By having the description to include in your post from the start, you can guarantee that no inaccessible version of the post will be circulated.
You can also get opinions on whether a post needs to be tagged for flashing or eyestrain — just be able to spoiler tag the image or gif you're posting, if you think it might be a concern. (Also, refer here for info on how to word those tags.)
The server is very chill and focused on helping/answering questions, but if social anxiety is too much of a barrier to joining, or you can't use Discord for whatever reason, then you can instead do the following:
2. Ask for help on Tumblr, and update the post afterwards
[Plain text: "Ask for help on Tumblr, and update the post afterwards". End description.]
Myself and a lot of other people who describe posts on this site are extra happy to provide a description if OP asks for help with one! This does leave the post inaccessible at first, so to minimize the drawbacks, the best procedure for posting an image you can't fully describe would be as follows:
Create the tumblr post with the most bare-bones description you can manage, no matter how simple (something like "ID: fanart of X character from Y. End ID" or "ID: a watercolor painting. End ID," or literally whatever you can manage)
Use a tool like Google Lens or OCR to extract text if applicable and if you have the energy, even if the text isn't a full image description (ideally also double-check the transcriptions, because they're not always perfect)
Write in the body of the post that you'd appreciate a more detailed description in the notes!
Tag the post as "undescribed" and/or "no id" only if you feel your current, bare-bones description is missing out on a lot of important context
When you post it and someone provides an ID, edit the ID into the original post (don't use read mores, italics, or small text)
Remove the undescribed tag, if applicable. If you're posting original art, you can even replace it with a tag like "accessible art" for visibility!
And congrats! You now have a described post that more people will be able to appreciate, and you should certainly feel free to self-reblog to give a boost to the new version!
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unboundprompts · 7 months
Hey! I've been following for a while and really appreciate the advice. Do you have any ways to describe someone with a prostecic? I'm struggling to figure out a way to explain my main character's arm that doesn't seem so generic. Thanks so much!
How to Write a Character with a Prosthetic
I don't have any knowledge or experience with prosthetics, so I'm not the best person to ask, but I can direct you to a few people and sources who are:
-> @ancwritingresources has an excellent post with multiple resources about this that can be found Here.
-> @cripplecharacters also has numerous posts regarding prosthetics that they navigate with the tag #prosthetics. A link to those posts Here. I also believe that they are accepting asks, just be specific with your question.
-> @cy-cyborg has posts about this subject as well, Here is a link to their navigation page.
If anyone has other resources/posts/information feel free to share them in the comments/reblog.
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yuta-nation · 6 months
Light Shower (Yuta Okkotsu)
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summary: your big brother butts into your sex life, and you both get more than you bargained for.
content: dead dove (do not eat), incest/stepcest (left unclear), big bro!yuta, afab fem!reader (no pronouns but referred to as girl, sister, ect.), inexperienced!reader, oral (m -> f), protected p -> v, squirting, fingering, possessive!yuta, pillow princess!reader, mentions of alcohol but reader is not drunk.
wc: 3.8k
a/n: HEED THE CONTENT WARNINGS !! I HAVE MADE SHIT SO FUCKING CLEAR !!! anyways, i've been working on this fic for months, and i'm so happy it's finally done ! this whole thing is dedicated to @princess-okkotsu for being nasty with me and lovely to me.
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You had many reasons for moving in with your older brother for your last year of undergrad. You and Yuta hadn’t lived together since he was 16 and you were 13, separated for reasons you still didn’t understand. The only time he’d visited you and your parents after he moved out had been for your high school graduation. You’d missed him a lot, but you kept in close contact online and over the phone, texting constantly and calling a few times a week with video calls sprinkled in. Despite the physical distance, your brother had become your best friend. When you told him you were planning to attend university in Tokyo, he was elated, talking about how he couldn’t wait to show you around and how excited he was to see you more often. He had kept his word, taking you all around the city during your first few weeks in Tokyo, handing you a key to his apartment, and telling you you were welcome over any time, even if he wasn’t home. He took you out to breakfast every Sunday morning and invited you over to watch movies every Wednesday evening. Your relationship thrived with the new proximity. 
Moving in with your brother would allow you to connect as siblings in a way you missed out on growing up. Yuta also lived closer to campus than you did, meaning you wouldn’t have to take the train. You liked your current roommates well enough, but they always had people over when you were studying and rarely cleaned their messes in the kitchen. Yuta was tidy and quiet. And finally, you were broke. Undergrad was expensive, the city was expensive, and grad school wouldn’t be cheap either. Yuta was willing to let you move in rent-free, declining your offer to at least pay utilities. 
 “I don’t need my baby sister’s money,” he’d said with a smile and finality that shut down any argument you tried to conjure.
You’d accepted the offer and moved in about a month ago. Living with Yuta was as easy as breathing. He was a courteous and generous roommate. He did his share of the chores and often offered to help you with your own. He brought you coffee and snacks while you studied. He carried the bags when the two of you went grocery shopping. 
And he was fun. Almost every moment the two of you spent together was full of laughter. You and Yuta cooked dinner together every night you were both home, talking and joking about your days. You weren’t sure what Yuta did for work; he’d always been vague, but you figured it had something to do with the government. But you enjoyed his stories about his coworkers and their antics. And Yuta seemed just as invested in your stories about your friends and daily life. He asked questions and remembered names and offered advice.
 The only thing you didn’t feel comfortable talking with your big brother about was your love life. Talking to Yuta about guys just felt like crossing an unspoken line. It’s not like much was going on in that aspect of your life anyway; you were too busy with school to seek out new people. Once in a while, one of your friends would set you up on a date with someone. You didn’t mind their meddling; you knew it came from a good place, and they were good judges of character. However, you had yet to hit it off with any of these match-ups. There just wasn’t that spark. So when your friend told you she’d met someone in her Econ class that would be perfect for you, you were a mix of skeptical and excited. After some persuading, you agreed to go out with Mr. Econ. 
Now you stood in the entryway, checking yourself in the mirror a final time and looking through your purse to check that you had everything. 
“Oh, are you going somewhere? I thought we were watching a movie tonight?” You turned to see your brother putting dishes in the sink.  
“Oh, Yu,  I’m so sorry. I totally forgot. I have a date tonight, so–”
“A date?” Yuta turned to face you with a raised brow, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“Yeah, my friend set me up with a guy from her class. We’re going for drinks.”
“You’re meeting a man you’ve never met for drinks? And you didn’t think to tell me?”
“Yuta, please don’t pull the big brother act. I’m an ad–”
“It’s no act. I am your brother. It’s my job to look out for you.”
“My location is on. I’ll text you when I get there and am on my way home. Deal?”
“What do you mean no? Yuta, you can’t ju–”
“I require a hug before I let you leave,” he said simply as a boyish grin spread over his lips. You fought your own smile as you walked into his open arms. You sighed as you felt his strong arms squeeze you tight.
“Be safe. Call me if you need me to come get you, yeah?” Yuta whispered in your ear, swaying you a bit as he spoke. 
“I will, I promise,” you said as you detangled yourself from his arms. You returned your focus to the mirror, straightening your top before grabbing your keys. 
“Wait. Do you need a condom?”
“A condom. Let me go grab you one–”
“What do you mean no? You can’t–”
“No–I mean, I already have some. Yuta, never say that word again,” you said as fire burned in your cheeks and ears.
“I’m leaving.”
“I love you,” he called when you opened the door.
“Love you too.”
You were back home in a little over an hour. You couldn’t hold back your sigh as you reentered the apartment and removed your shoes. You didn’t hear the TV in the living room; Yuta must’ve forgone watching the movie by himself and went to his room. You felt a pang of guilt at that. You should’ve stayed home and watched a movie with your big brother instead of going out with an idiot business major who just wanted to fuck. You walked over to Yuta’s bedroom door and knocked.
“Yu, just letting you know I’m home,” you called out. You heard shuffling on the other side of the door, opening a few seconds later to reveal your shirtless brother. His brow was furrowed in concern as he looked down at you. 
“You said you’d text when you were on your way back. It’s still early. Did something happen?”
“No, he was just an ass. I’m going to go take my make-up off. We can still watch that movie if you want.”
“What’d he do?” Yuta asked with a hardness in his voice that you’d never heard before. You turned to face him and were met with dark blue eyes boiling with fury. You were grateful to know that his rage wasn’t directed at you; the look on his face was bone-chilling. 
“Nothing, we just had different definitions of the term ‘date.’” 
“What does that mean?”
“He just wanted to fuck. I didn’t, so I left.”
“Oh, thank God. I don’t like the idea of you having sex,” he said with a relieved sigh.
“I’m a fucking adult, Yuta. I can have sex if I want to. Though lucky for you, sex sucks,” you said hotly, turning on your heel to leave. You loved him, but Yuta had a way of getting under your skin. Your retreat was halted by his hand grabbing yours. You turned to face him; a look of confusion splayed across his features again. 
“Now, what do you mean by that?”
“Yu, I really don’t want to discuss my sex life with you. I’d actually rather die.”
“Hey, you can’t just drop that tidbit and not elaborate,” he said, maintaining his firm grip on your hand. 
“I’m not going to judge you. You can tell me about anything, you know that,” Yuta said with soft eyes. He tugged lightly on your hand, guiding you into his room. He gestured for you to sit on the bed while he sat in his desk chair. You sat down, suddenly finding Yuta’s spotless bedroom floor captivating. 
“What’s so bad about sex?” he asked gently. You knew that if you looked at him, he’d be making those puppy dog eyes that always had you spilling your guts to him. 
“Me. I’m not good at it, so I don’t like it.”
“Not good?”
“I’ve never…y’know.”
“Never what?”
“I’ve never finished, okay?”
“You’ve never cum before?”
“I do when I’m by myself. I just can’t with other people for some reason. I’m fucking broken. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go die in a hole.”
“Do not be embarrassed,” Yuta said firmly as he stood and crossed the room to kneel before you. He took your chin in his hand and guided you to look him in the eye.
“You are not broken. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s not your fault if you’ve only been with partners who don’t know how to satisfy you.” 
Something in Yuta’s reassuring tone forced the damn to break. Tears spilled from your eyes as you fought back the lump in your throat. A sob racked your body as Yuta joined you on the bed and wrapped you in his arms before he lifted you into his lap. He rubbed slow circles on your back as you cried and placed a kiss on your hair. 
After a few minutes, your tears subsided enough for you to speak.
“I’m sorry, Yuta, this isn’t your problem,”
“Don’t be sorry, sweetie. You’re hurting, and that is my problem.”
“There’s nothing you can do about it, though.”
“Who said that?”
“What?” you asked, raising your head to look at your brother. 
“I can help you.”
“I can make you cum.” Yuta said with the same smile and finality he had when he convinced you to move in with him. 
“No, you can’t. You’re my brother, Yuta.”
“And it’s my job as your brother to take care of you. Let me help you. Let me show you how sex is supposed to be.”
“It’s not right, Yu. We can’t.”
“Just once. No one will know. I want you to know what it’s like to feel good. You deserve to feel good.”
“...Just once?”
“Yeah, only tonight.”
“I trust you, Yuta,” you said, meeting his eyes of your own accord. 
Yuta’s kiss was so gentle it almost brought tears back to your eyes. His lips slotted against yours with hesitance, like he expected that at any moment, you would bolt from his lap, out the door, and out of his life forever. But you knew you wouldn’t. You couldn’t deny how handsome your big brother was, how you adored his deep blue eyes and full lips, how enamored you were with his size, his large hands and broad shoulders. You couldn’t deny how much you wanted him right now.  You deepened the kiss, grazing your tongue over his lips, coaxing him to let you in. He opened up to you, allowing you to explore his mouth.
Yuta shifted you in his lap so that you were straddling him, large hands gripping your waist. You grinded down on him as you laced your fingers through his dark hair. You pulled gently, eliciting a soft moan from the man below you.
“Fuck, I could kiss you all night, baby.  You taste so good. But I gotta make you cum. Wanna taste you somewhere else,” Yuta whispered against your lips. You felt your core pulse at his words.
“Take this pretty dress off for me and lay down,” he ordered after giving your lips a final peck. You did as you were told, slowly unzipping your dress and letting it pool at your feet. You stepped out of the fabric and climbed back onto the bed, resting your head on the pillows. 
Yuta joined you on the bed, settling at your feet. He took hold of both of your ankles and gently pulled them apart, spreading your legs. You could see the desire burning in his eyes as they made contact with the crotch of your panties. Your face heated as you imagined the growing wet spot forming there. Before you could close your legs out of embarrassment, Yuta moved forward to brush his fingers over your clothed cunt. 
“You’ve been torturing me, baby, parading around in these cute little panties. Been haunting my dreams with them. Gonna let me take ‘em off, let me see your pretty pussy?” He asked, almost begging. You nodded your consent, and Yuta placed a kiss on your covered clit before pulling your damp panties off. He stifled a moan at the sight of strings of slick clinging to the fabric as he delicately removed the garment.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, breath fanning over your now-bared pussy. You watched as he tucked your panties in his pocket, and you felt your face warm even more at his actions. You gasped as you felt Yuta’s warm mouth wrap around your clit. He sucked gently before circling it with his tongue.
“Yuuuutaaaa,” you moaned at the unfamiliar yet extremely pleasant sensation. 
“Has anyone ever done this for you before baby?” he asked, voice thick with lust.
“N-no, no one,” you admitted, eager to feel his lips on you again.
“Good. Such a good girl, saving the first taste of this pussy for your big brother. So fucking sweet, baby,” he praised before diving back into your cunt. He lapped at your slit, collecting your slick on his tongue. You whined at the feeling and the lewd sounds his mouth on your pussy produced. His tongue moved back to your clit, swirling around it before latching his lips around it. His fingers found their way to your slit, sliding one inside as he continued to suck your clit. He moaned at the tightness of your heat around his finger. It was hard for him to believe that anyone or anything had breached your walls before this moment based on the vice grip they had around him.
He worked his finger in and out of your heat steadily as he continued to suck and lick at your clit, relishing in the sounds of your moans and whines. After a minute or so, Yuta slipped another finger inside you, smiling against your clit at the mewl you let out at the addition. 
“Shh, it’s okay, baby. I’ve gotta prep you for me, okay? Gotta get you ready so you feel good, alright?” He cooed from between your legs. You nodded in understanding, desire pooling at your core. You heard Yuta tsk from his position below you. 
“Need you to use your words, pretty girl. You gotta use your voice for me.”
“O-okay. Wanna feel good, please, don’t stop!”
“That’s my girl. I’m gonna give you another finger, m’kay? You’re doing so well, pretty,” Yuta encouraged as he added a third finger, mouth returning to your clit with vigor. He was now determined for you to cum, to show you everything that you’d been missing. Everything he could give you. He fucked his fingers into you at a steady but deliberate pace. His mouth latched onto your clit, suckling firmly, using your moans and whines as a guide to how to pleasure you, how to pull more sounds from you, how to fill your brain with thoughts of him, him, and nothing else. 
“Yuta, Yuta! Cumming!” you squealed out, toes curling and back arching off the bed at the sensation of your orgasm beginning to roll over you. Yuta doubled his efforts, rolling his tongue over your clit as his fingers picked up the pace. One deep thrust of his fingers led to you practically screaming as you squirted all over your big brother’s face. Yuta couldn’t help his beaming smile as he removed himself from between your thighs as you finally settled from your high. 
“I am so sorry! I-I’ve never done that before. Please don’t be mad!” You begged as you took in his damp lips and chin. 
“Mad? Baby, why would I be mad? That was so fucking hot. Wanna make you do it again. Come here, give me a kiss. Want you to taste yourself, yeah?” You obliged, rising from the bed to meet your brother halfway. Your lips slotted against his and you marveled at the taste of yourself. You opened up your mouth for Yuta’s tongue to explore, more of your flavor exploding on your tongue at the intrusion. After a moment of sloppy making out, he finally pulled back to smile at you.
 “See how good you taste? Such a perfect girl.”
“Did I do good, Yuu?” you ask almost innocently, and Yuta wonders if you planned this, planned to seduce him tonight, planned you make his darkest, filthiest dreams come true. There was no way you were this perfect, this pure and trusting all for him. But looking in your eyes he could see the sincerity, the self-doubt, the need for approval. It made his already hard cock throb with need. 
You let out a yelp as Yuta practically tackled you to the bed, pinning you down with his legs on either side of yours and his arms forming a cage around your head. His face hovered over yours, an indiscernible look of intensity in his eyes.
“You did perfect, sweetheart. Fuck, feel that baby? That’s what you do to me,” he said as his hips bucked against yours, grinding his bulge against your soaked core. You moaned as he continued to hump against you like a teenager, bringing your legs to wrap around his hips in an attempt to bring him closer. After several moments, he pulled away, untangling your legs from around his waist. 
“Think you’re ready, sweetheart? Wanna give you my cock, want you to cum on it. Think you can?”
“Wanna try, Yuu, need your cock so bad,” you confessed, longing for the feeling and heat of him against you again. You heard him swear as he reached for the waistband of his sweats, yanking them down with his boxers. He quickly pulled them off, abandoning them on the floor with your dress. You let out a gasp when you finally saw his bare cock. It was the biggest you had ever seen in person, and it was so pretty it made your mouth water. 
“A-are you sure it’s gonna fit?” you asked hesitantly.
“We’ll make it, yeah? You’re a big girl, you can take it,” he said reassuringly as he took his cock into his hand, stroking it slowly. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the motion, drool pooling in your mouth at the sight. Yuta approached you again, framing your body with his own. 
“Where’s that condom you were talking about?” 
“That’s too far,” he said resolutely, reaching over to his nightstand and opening the drawer. He pulled out a square of gold foil and brought it to his mouth before slamming the drawer closed. You watched as he ripped the packet open with his teeth, catching the rubber in his open palm. He spit the wrapper out, and you watched as it fluttered towards the floor. Yuta rocked back onto his heels, sheathing his cock in the condom before returning to cage your body with his.
“I’m gonna put it in now, okay?” he asked as he lined himself up with your slit.
“Yeah, ‘m ready,” you said, feeling the head of his cock press against your opening. 
Slowly, Yuta sank into your heat, moaning at the tightness that enveloped him. You whined along with him, the stretch of him burning beautifully as he filled you. You’d never felt so full, so complete. After what felt like ages, he finally bottomed out inside you. 
He remained still, giving you time to adjust to the fullness, but you soon grew impatient, rocking your hips down.
“You can move Yuu, want you to.”
That was all the encouragement he needed to begin thrusting into you. Shallow at first, before pulling further out only to fuck into you even deeper. Yuta was perfect, fucking you deep and steady, using his free hand to toy with the nipple that wasn’t in his mouth. You were quickly overstimulated by the feeling of his mouth, cock, and fingers. All you could do was whine combinations of your brother’s name and curses as he fucked you into the mattress. 
“You take my cock so fucking well, baby. I was born for you, this dick was made just for you,” he growled against your chest, punctuating his point with a especially deep thrust. 
“Love your cock, Yuta! Feels so good!”
“Fuck yeah baby, ready to cum f’me?”
“Yes, yes, wanna cum!” you proclaimed as you felt his hand move from your nipple to your clit. He began rubbing tight circles around the bud as his hips moved relentlessly against yours. He pulled his lips off your nipple with a pop, moving up to kiss your hungry lips. 
“Such a good girl for me, such a perfect little sister, letting your big brother fuck your tight little pussy. Gonna let me do it again yeah? Not gonna be satisfied after one time, are you?” He whispered against your lips.
“No, want this all the time, feels so good Yuta! Never stop, ‘m so close, so close!”
“Come on, you can do it. Squirt all over your big brother’s cock baby! Make a mess, make a fucking mess all over me!” he urged, rubbing your clit faster as his thrusts gained speed. His dirty mouth sent you over the edge, the tight band of pleasure in the pit of your tummy snapping. You gushed on Yuta’s cock with a shriek, eyes seeing white as you came. You could barely hear his chants of “Good girl!” as he chased his own high. His hips stuttered and jerked as you milked him, finally stilling as he released his load into the piece of latex that separated you two. 
He lowered his damp forehead to rest against yours and the two of you caught your breath. After a few minutes, he pulled out and rolled from on top of you to lay beside you, wrapping you in his strong arms. You cuddled into them without a second thought, relishing in his warmth and protection. You both remained silent the whole time until you felt him take a deep breath.
“Do you…do you regret what we just did?” Yuta asked in a small voice.
“...No. Not even a little bit.”
“Thank god. We don’t have to do it again, I just wanted to make sure th–”
“What if I want to?”
“What if I want to do it again?” you asked, adjusting so that you could look into his eyes.
“Then you’re gonna have to stop going on dates with shitty men.”
“Done. You’re the only man I need.”
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chipperdusk · 1 year
Hey Deltarune Fandom
I know its 3am as I wright this but I think I found something online that might be important- or at least, be something to consider- food for thought and all that jazz-
you see, I was scrolling thought reddit when I came upon a particular post...
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it starts of seeming very normal, right? I mean, it's just your average detarune fan asking about equipment advice, right?
but.. somethings... off, to say the least......
Not only is the wording weird when talking about Spamton, (with the phrasing of "Spamton dude" being particularly odd, as to get to Spamton's shop, you need to get fairly familiar with him and his character, but this user seems to be acting like this is their first time meeting him.) But Spamton HIMSELF seems to look... Different than usual. Or, at lease, different than his usual shop sprite that is...
and I was not alone on this sentiment, as the comments noticed too!
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which leads to wonder....
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... yeah, that...
To which OP provided an... Interesting answer....
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D-.... Didn't have the money? But, deltarune is free game? Or, at least, Chapter's 1 and 2 are...
you see, a while back, Toby mention online that Chapters 3, 4, and 5 would all be released together, and, unlike the first two, cost money. (or as a certain salesman would phrase it, cost some [[Sweet, Sweet KROMER]]!!!)
Not only that, but its kinda ironic that this user pirated a copy of a free game, and have the one character who has a history with shady links (or in other words, [[Hyperlink Blocked]]) be the one who's changed... Almost as if this bootleg game has its own bootleg of Spamton... The one character who literally tries to be a bootleg of ANOTHER character in-universe. *Cough cough* Swatch- *Cough cough*
But this also leads to question... are there any other differences in the game? I mean, it is a pirated game, surely there has to be some other differences from the original game other than some seemingly random shop sprite of spamton, right?
luckily, I was not the only one who was curious about this and a user by the name of kuro50 ask OP to quote:
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To which OP responded:
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how... convenient.....
I mean- don't get me wrong- I get that feeling not having any program to record with (though than again OBS Studio exist)- but even still, all of this seems a little bit too, odd to just let off as something "normal"...
but, than again, its not like there's anything necessary wrong about it either, right? I mean, sure, it weird that someone pirated a free game, but, maybe they're just some gullible kid online?
...Except, a user by the name of ThePotatoPerson510 pointed out a few striking things...
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And then... it all stared to click...
I went to check the profile and, just as ThePotatoPerson510 had said,
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"u/ThatDudeTobias, Cake day December 27, 2022, made 12 hours ago..." the same hour as the spamton post was made... almost as if the account was made just so they could post this.... (Note: the previous image in this post of the spamton post says it was made 10 hours ago. This time gap is because I have been writing this post for 2 hours straight now- coming onto 3 hours- as such, I give you this screenshot showing both the post and the profile, and thus, showing they were in fact made in the same hour-)
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MID WRIGHTING UPDATE: It seems as if there WAS a time gap between the two post, as its 5:24am and I just took THIS screenshot showing the time gap. Take this how you will I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Now, about the name... It seem kinda... on the nose, to say the least. I mean, Toby, Tobias, seems a little to similar, right? But, at the same time, knowing Toby, he would be the type to use a seemingly obvious while still not TOO obvious name to fuck with us (he DOSE have a history with being a troll when it comes to his games ¬_¬||)
Also, looking back at the spamton image and comparing it to the name "Tobias", they both share one thing in common... They're both SIMILAR to their originals, to the point where you can tell what they're based off of, but, somewhat off...
As for the one other post on the account, well...
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... A comment on MeIRL?
Well, what's the original post?
A..... Video of some guy walking up the stairs, only to keep looping up the same steps, unable to get to the end?
Well, that's... anticlimactic..... Sooo.... Is this just some random account then? Was all of this just for nothing? Was it all red hearings in the end? Well, that's what I thought..
For you see, I realized something....
Toby Fox is a well-known fan of anime, but, not just any anime.... specifically, JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE. How do we know this? Well, in undertale, there is an item in the game called a Punch Card
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When this card is used in battle, it says, "OOOORAAAAA!!! You rip up the punch card! Your hands are burning!" This increases your attack. "ORA" Is a common phrase screamed in JOJO' when one of the Jostar's are attacking.
Not only that, but in deltarune, main antagonist of chapter 2 is Queen.
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her battle theme? Attack of the Killer Queen
Killer Queen is the stand of Yoshikage Kira. The main antagonist of JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Diamond is Unbreakable. Which is the 4th Chapter of the series.
So, what dose ALL of this have to do with the video "Tobias" commented on? Well, you see, in JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: Stardust Crusaders, when Polnareff, one of the main protagonist, tries to walk up the stairs to face DIO, the main antagonist, he finds himself in the same loop as the man in the video. Continuously walking up the same set of stares, unable to reach the end.
Meaning, the video that "Tobias", or, as we presume, Toby commented on was in fact...
...... And so with that last tidbit out of the way, we are left with 3 conclusions that we can come to... 1. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox teasing us about Chapter 3 and or some other upcoming scheme of his he has up his sleaves.
2. This "Tobias" is actually Toby Fox just fucking with us
and 3. This is some third party not affiliated with Toby but still making something and teasing it (possibly and ARG or something of sorts) .... That or I've just spent over 3 hours of my life typing this up only for it to be a shitpost by Temmie or something :/
either way its 6:41am as I type this and I have not slept all night so I hope you liked this deep dive analysis into this possibly important reddit account that could hold significant lore for the upcoming chapters of deltarune and if you'll excuse me I'm going to go collapse on my couch for the rest of the day :) have a wonderful time zone <3
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blackopals-world · 6 months
Vet!Yuu: love advice?
Writer!Yuu: Just humor me, I'm asking everyone how they make their relationships work. You and Leona seem happy.
Vet!Yuu: The best I can say is that sometimes what you want isn't what you need. In our case Leona had partners who just let him do what he wanted because he cared more about himself. I won't let him walk over me nor do I act like a doormat. Sure someone else will let him get away with zero effort but I care about myself. If he got me an expensive gift but had Ruggie pick it out for him then I throw it out. He knows it makes me mad so he has to try to impress me and money doesn't impress me. I know Leona better than most so I know he prefers a challenge rather than someone content to put up with whatever he throws at them. So earning my affection was his goal and he needed to work on himself to achieve it. At one point he slacked off once he believed that he had my interest but learned quickly that I lose interest quickly too.
Writer!Yuu: That sounds exhausting, constantly playing mind games.
Vet!Yuu: Different people need different things. Say what you want the idea that you should love someone how they come is bullshit. It's just something losers say to excuse their mediocrity. Not everyone deserves to be loved for being themselves. A lot of people are pieces of shit.
Writer!Yuu: You sound alot like Leona right now.
Vet!Yuu: We share beliefs on this matter. I don't settle for mediocrity. I want the best and if Leona wants me then he has to be the best. That means self-improvement and hard work. If he doesn't want that then he's free to go. Sure I'll be sad.
Leona:(Interrupting) Will you cry?
Writer!Yuu: Ahh!
Vet!Yuu: Yep, I'll cry my poor little heart out. Then I'll get over it and get back to work.
Leona: (smirking) Can't cry on company time?
Vet!Yuu: Well crying over you is wasted effort. If you leave then I'm not taking you back. You'll be someone else's problem.
Leona:(hugging them) You'd miss me. We both know it.
Writer!Yuu: (sneaking off) I feel like I'm intruding.
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thenerdykneazle · 6 months
The Scriptorium
Summary: After a harrowing journey through Slytherin's Scriptorium, Ominis helps MC recover from being subjected to the torture curse. After all, he has personal experience dealing with its effects.
Ominis Gaunt x GN!MC
A/N: The fact that I haven't written and posted an Ominis one shot before this is a crime, honestly. Almost as much of a crime as it is that after the trauma that is the scriptorium, both boys just walk away at the end of the mission. So, I fixed it. Also, the first 2.4k of this is a description of the scriptorium mission. Most of the events/dialogue are straight from the game. So, feel free to skip ahead to the middle of this (once they're out of the scriptorium) if you don't need the refresher.
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, talks of child abuse, descriptions of being crucio'd, awkward teenagerness in general, MC is naked for part of it but it's not sexual (they just needed a bath, okay?), Sebastian is a walking red flag in this mission but that's not my fault
Word count: 4880
You wound down the dark staircase, descending into Slytherin’s scriptorium. Sebastian entered in after you.
“Dark ominous corridors. My favourite,” he quipped.
“No comment,” Ominis replied coolly as he followed you both.
“Come on, that was a good one,” Sebastian said jovially.
You held back a snicker.
The ancient corridor at the bottom was littered with shattered stone and ended in a sealed door. You found a note left by Noctua Gaunt. She had been here. You repaired the stone into a relief, which Sebastian pointed out showed a person facing a snake.
Ominis shifted anxiously on his feet. He explained the sinister voice he heard telling him to speak to it. He told you how he was a Parselmouth – someone who could speak to snakes. He was certain that speaking to the door would open it, but he was hesitant.
“I’m hoping you’re having second thoughts,” he admitted.
“I see no reason we should stop now,” you replied, unaware of how much you’d come to regret those words.
Ominis breathed out a defeated sigh. “It’s ironic. When I left home, I vowed to leave the Dark Arts behind. And yet, here I am…Stand back.”
You took several steps backward, and Ominis turned to face the door. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered to himself.
You stared in awe as a low hissing came from your friend’s lips. The eyes of two of the snakes carved in the door illuminated with green light, and they slithered up around the frame. The door opened.
“It worked!” you said, stunned. “Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed.”
“Between the two of you, I’m starting to feel left out,” Sebastian whinged light-heartedly.
Ominis’s brows drew together. “Between the two of us?”
“I – never mind,” Sebastian stuttered, realizing his slip.
You weren’t sure yet if you could trust Ominis with your secret. Professor Fig had asked you not to share details with anyone, and you’d already gone against that advice with Sebastian.
You entered into the next room and were met with a locked gate. Next to it was a dial with a statue of a snake atop it. Once you were all inside, the door you’d come through shut behind you. That was the first moment where you thought this might be a mistake. Sebastian pointed out another sealed gate. Ominis suggested inspecting them for clues on how to proceed forward.
You ducked through a half-opened gate and found another note from Noctua. Her description of feeling unwelcome in the scriptorium didn’t inspire confidence in you. Nearby was another dial. You lit the torch beside it and turned one of the large metal discs. A hissing emitted from the statue as it began to rotate. You flicked through the dial, studying the symbols. Both discs had the same pattern.
In a flash, the snake lunged at you, biting your jaw as you stumbled backwards.
“That didn’t sound good,” Ominis said.
“It’s fine,” you asserted, frustration edging into your voice as you wiped the blood from your face with your sleeve. You really should’ve expected something like that.
“Salazar Slytherin didn’t make this easy,” Sebastian observed.
Obviously, you thought as you rolled your eyes. You’d be more than happy to let him take a stab at the dial.
You returned to the other dial. The gate next to it had symbols carved into it, as well. You illuminated your wand and saw that they matched some from the dial. You wished you’d noted that earlier.
“I think matching the dial to the symbols on the gate will open it,” you said.
“It seems Slytherin liked to play games,” Ominis said thoughtfully.
“Must run in the family,” Sebastian quipped.
“Look in a mirror, Sebastian,” Ominis replied irritably.
You quickly aligned the symbols on the dial to the ones sealing the doorway next to it. The serpents on the metal gate shifted, and it raised automatically.
“Matching the symbols did open it,” you said, relieved. You had half expected to be bitten again.
“Was about to do that myself, but you got to it first,” Sebastian said.
You just shot him a waspish look.
He coughed awkwardly. “Nice work,” he said.
You shook your head before continuing forward. In a pit at the end of the corridor, you found a third dial along with another note from Noctua.
I failed the dial, and it struck my face as if it were a real serpent, she started. You scoffed to yourself. Yeah, thanks for the warning, you thought sarcastically as you dabbed at your stinging jaw. She continued on in her letter to decry the way their family forced dark magic on their children.
“Ominis, your aunt wanted to change your family’s traditions,” you said.
“She did,” he confirmed in a wistful voice. “And she was my favourite person in the world for it.”
You felt a pang of sorrow for your friend. He’d lost the only member of his family that had ever been decent to him. You hoped for his sake that this adventure would provide answers as to what happened to her.
You went back to the main room, checking the symbols on the other gate that was still sealed. You went back to the dial that’d bitten you. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you shifted the discs. There were two dials and only one door. You couldn’t be certain which went with it. You were relieved when you heard the metal clanking of the gate opening, letting out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“That sounded promising,” Ominis said.
“Another dial solved,” you replied gleefully as you searched for another door.
“Impressive. Nice work,” Ominis’s silky voice called out almost reverently from the dark.
You chuckled at how similar yet distinct the two Slytherins were, complimenting you with the same words but in entirely different ways.
You entered the newly opened archway. You read yet another note left behind by Noctua, warning of painful challenges but telling of rewards, as well. You relayed the information to your companions.
“Painful – that’s the part I’m wary of,” Ominis said, sounding nervous.
“All I heard was rewards. Keep going,” Sebastian replied with a flippant fort of confidence.
Sure enough, there was another gate at the back of the new room. You wound your way back to the remaining dial and shifted it to match the final gate. Once you aligned the discs, the gate opened with a hiss. You downed a wiggenweld to heal your gashed chin now that you weren’t likely to be bitten again. Hopefully.
“Excellent work,” Sebastian said brightly. “We’re another step closer to the scriptorium.”
Sebastian was just outside the archway when you made it back. “I spotted something ahead,” he said, fear edging into his voice for the first time. “Looks troubling.”
“This whole place is troubling, but, for my aunt’s sake, we cannot stop now,” Ominis replied.
You noted privately that you couldn’t really stop even if you had wanted to. Having only one way forward, the three of you crept into the newly revealed corridor. You had a sinking feeling in your stomach as you stepped inside.
Curiously, the torches lining the space were already lit. More clanking rang out behind you.
“The gate!” Sebastian said in a panicked tone. “I think we’re locked in. Again.”
“Then Salazar Slytherin is not yet finished with us,” Ominis said dismally.
You were inclined to agree. You couldn’t help but think that Noctua’s optimism about the Hogwarts founder was misplaced. You approached the door at the end of the corridor, feeling a cold wash over you like walking through a ghost.
Your heart dropped as you spotted the bones lying in front of the door, right next to the word ‘crucio’ in glowing letters. On the other side of the skeleton, you found another note. With shaking hands, you reread how to proceed. You looked again at the remains of Ominis’s aunt. You felt like you were about to be sick.
“Ominis. A skeleton…And Noctua’s last journal entry. She mentions being trapped here – blocked by an Unforgivable Curse,” you said, unable to bring yourself to put it more directly.
Ominis looked shattered. “This…is where she died,” he said in disbelief. He began pacing in anger. “This is where we’ll die. I shouldn’t have listened to either of you.”
His words struck harder than you would’ve expected.
“Ominis, I’m truly sorry about your aunt,” Sebastian said. “But, I know what to do. It’s going to be difficult.”
You raised an eyebrow at the brunet. You discussed the matter with him. He voiced aloud what you already knew. The only way out was casting the cruciatus curse. Something only one of you had done before. Sebastian implored you to talk to Ominis.
You had already convinced him to go into this despicable place. You couldn’t ask him to cast an unforgivable, too. Sebastian steeled himself to confront him.
“Ominis, I know this is the last thing you want to do–” Sebastian started.
“Yes! It is! I thought you knew me better!” Ominis spat back.
“But this is different,” Sebastian insisted. “Whoever you cast it upon will have agreed to it first. It wouldn’t be an innocent ‘victim.’ We have to open the door.”
“The spell won’t work unless you mean it,” Ominis said. “That’s true of all unforgivables. If it must be done, then one of you must cast it.”
“What do we do now?” you asked Sebastian. “Ominis is not going to cast the cruciatus curse again.”
“Ridiculous!” Sebastian groused. “As if dying in here is a better option than casting a damned spell.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s up to us. I can teach you crucio, or I can cast it on you.”
Your eyes widened. “Wait – you didn’t say you knew how to cast crucio,” you said.
Sebastian pursed his lips. “Because I’m not sure I do,” he replied. “Ominis knows that, yet he’s left us no choice. I don’t yearn to follow in Noctua Gaunt’s footsteps.” He glanced down at the remains. “I think I can cast it if I have to.”
Your stomach twisted at the thought of casting the curse. The hatred required. “I don’t want to learn the curse, but I can handle the pain,” you said more confidently than you felt. “It’s fine. Cast it on me.”
“I shan’t forget this,” Sebastian vowed. He swallowed thickly. “Ready?”
You nodded. “I’m ready,” you said, though your trembling voice betrayed how untrue that was. How could you be ready for such a thing?
Sebastian raised his wand. “Crucio!” he said quickly, before he could lose his nerve.
A red bolt erupted from his wand and struck you. You crumpled to the floor as blinding pain flooded through your whole body. You cried out. It was like molten shrapnel had exploded out from within you, shredding your muscles, tearing apart your organs, and splintering your bones.
“Are you all right?” Sebastian asked, his voice was scared and distant.
You could barely make sense of the words as your senses were overtaken. The red jet arced from you to the door, and it melted away. Jolts of pain still crackled through you as you pushed yourself onto your feet. You struggled to pull air into your lungs.
“A-are you all right?” Ominis asked, clearly shaken.
“That pain,” you groaned. You looked at Ominis’s horrified expression and felt guilt stab into you at the trauma he must be relieving. You couldn’t imagine going through that so young. “It was excruciating, but I’ll survive. Let’s keep moving.”
You just wanted out of there.
Sebastian was enraptured as he entered the room – as if it were sodding Honeydukes and not the lair of a dark wizard. Ominis edged cautiously inside, as well. For once, the door didn’t slam behind you.
You found an old tome and informed Sebastian and Ominis.
“You found something?” Sebastian asked excitedly.
“You two go ahead – let me know what’s in it,” Ominis said, voice still quavering. “I’ll wander around a bit.”
You were about to check on him, but Sebastian appeared at your side. “May I have a look?” he asked, gesturing to the book in your grasp. You handed it over.
“What do you think?” you asked.
“Looks like a spellbook of some kind,” Sebastian replied eagerly. “This is incredible! A Hogwarts founder’s possession – what an honour.” He shook his head. “Still can’t believe Ominis never told me about his aunt and what she found.”
You could. In fact, you wished he’d never brought it up – and that you’d never pushed him on it. “What will you do with Slytherin’s spellbook?” you asked, aiming for a casual tone. Really, you were nervous about his intentions.
Sebastian gave you a playful grin. “What I do with every book – read it! Having professors as parents ingrained that habit early on,” he said lightly. “But I can do that later. For now, I say we explore this room. It’s breathtaking.”
You didn’t feel the same eagerness Sebastian showed – perhaps because he wasn’t the one who had just been tortured. Still, it was a bit shocking to see him so chipper after casting an unforgivable on you mere minutes ago.
“I’ve been getting an uneasy feeling about this place,” Ominis called anxiously up to you both. “We shouldn’t linger here. Let’s find a way out, please.”
Sebastian chuckled. “I don’t want to leave, but I owe you – both of you,” he said. “Without both of you, we’d never have made it this far.”
“We were lucky – we could have died!” Ominis said seriously. “We must swear never to do this again.”
You saw Sebastian roll his eyes. You picked up a note lying on the desk as you tried to shove down your irritation with the boy.
“I see a way out!” Sebastian announced.
“Best news I’ve heard all day,” Ominis replied, breathing a sigh of relief as he climbed the stairs.
You all exited through the hidden doorway.
“Ominis, about your aunt–” Sebastian started as he emerged from the wall back into the dungeon corridor.
“Please, Sebastian,” Ominis cut him off. “I meant what I said before. We swear right now never to engage in anything to do with dark magic again!”
“Understood,” Sebastian replied immediately, much to your surprise. “I’m truly sorry about your aunt, Ominis.”
“I suppose, after all this, I am grateful to know what happened to her,” he said quietly. He turned to you. “Thank you.”
You didn’t know what to say. Sebastian hurried off, probably to go delve into the book. Ominis leaned against the wall, tilting his head back and closing his eyes as he tried to process the night’s events.
You chewed your lip. “Ominis, I’m so sorry I dragged you down there. I hadn’t imagined we’d end up trapped like that,” you said sincerely.
He pushed off the wall, stepping toward you. “Salazar Slytherin did,” he replied darkly. “He’s to blame for many unimaginable things.”
You felt a new wave of fear at Sebastian having his spellbook.
“I’m just glad we made it out of there,” he continued. “How are you doing? The cruciatus curse is pure torture – I would know.”
You nodded. “I’m fine. Sebastian told me a little of what happened when you were young,” you said. “Sounds as if you had no choice.”
Ominis sighed. “Should’ve known he would’ve told you,” he muttered. “And one always has a choice. I’m as guilty as the worst of my family. Like I said, unforgivable curses won’t work unless you really mean them. I had to want to cause pain, and for that I shall never forgive myself. I will regret casting it forever.”
You flinched as you thought of the pain that had surged through you less than half an hour ago. Sebastian had wanted you to feel it. You couldn’t imagine feeling that way toward him or Ominis, especially now that you knew what it was like.
Warm fingers slipped into your hand, and you looked up to see Ominis’s brow furrowed in concern. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I should’ve insisted we found another way out. Really, I shouldn’t have told Sebastian about the scriptorium in the first place. I am glad to know what happened to my aunt, but…not at your expense.”
You swallow thickly as you stared up at his kind face. “I’m all right, really,” you said.
He arched a brow at you. “Don’t lie to me,” he said firmly. “I can feel your hand shaking.”
You realized he was right. Your muscles were twitching with aftershocks from the curse. You suspected they had been since Sebastian’s curse released. You were just so out of sorts that you hadn’t noticed. “Oh,” you said dimly.
Ominis laced his fingers with yours. “Let’s get you some tea and a blanket. You must be freezing,” he said.
You were freezing, you realized. Ominis led you into the Slytherin common room. You just followed him numbly. It was like your body had reacted to the pain by shutting off your senses. Your mind had been overwhelmed. You felt like you were moving through fog now.
Before you knew it, you had a hot cup of tea in your hands and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders. Ominis rubbed slow circles on your back. His touch grounded you, keeping you from slipping into the recesses of your mind.
“Is this how you felt after?” you asked, turning your glazed eyes toward Ominis.
He stiffened, his hand freezing in place, as his features contorted in a grimace. You could see his throat bob as he swallowed.
“Sorry,” you said quickly. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
Ominis shook his head. “I expect so,” he said thoughtfully, answering your question. “I would have a tremor and feel a numbing cold. One of our elves tended to me after the first time. My mother locked me in my room, and he brought me tea and tucked me into bed with extra blankets even though she’d instructed them to leave me alone. He…He also knew how it felt.” His jaw tensed. “My family distributes their cruelty quite generously.” He spat out the last sentence like venom.
You felt tears prick your eyes. “I’m sorry you both went through that,” you said.
He just nodded.
“The numbness wears off after a while,” he said as he resumed the languid circles on back. “Then it’s like…your senses are frayed. Everything is just…too much. Noise. Scents. Everywhere is too hot or too cold. Even clothes are…Well, you get the idea.”
His cheeks were coloured pink.
“How long until that starts?” you asked. It sounded dreadful.
“Maybe an hour from now?” he said. He cleared his throat. “I found that a warm bath in a quiet room helps. Not hot but body temperature. It’s almost like floating in nothing. I expect you’d want the room dark, as well, but I really wouldn’t know.”
He chuckled, and you couldn’t help but laugh, as well. You sipped your tea, and you felt yourself relax slightly as the warm liquid slid down your throat. A shiver ran through you, and you tucked into Ominis’s side, resting your head on his shoulder.
He was caught by surprise, but he quickly wrapped his arm around you, holding you tightly to himself. He even rested his head on top of yours.
You stayed like that for a long time. Ominis traced his wand down a schoolbook with the hand not holding you. He checked in every once in a while to make sure you hadn’t run out of tea, casting a charm to refill your cup when needed. Slowly, your tremor subsided and your body warmed. The cold nothingness that had enveloped you was eventually replaced by a sort of static. It was barely noticeable at first, but it grew more and more grating. You felt stifled between the fire, blanket, and Ominis’s warm body next to you. You had to set your tea down because it was scalding. Your uniform scratched like sandpaper over every inch of your skin. The crackling of the flames and students speaking in low voices grew louder until the noises pounded in your ears. The dim common room seemed blindingly bright. Even the usually calming scent of Ominis’s cologne was an attack on your senses.
You groaned as you curled into yourself. Ominis scooted away from you, and you felt a pang of guilt at the relief it gave you.
“Let’s get you that bath,” Ominis said quietly as he tucked his book into his bag.
He grabbed your sleeve and tugged you to the lavatory. You cast a charm to block the windows. Only the faintest light filtered through. You sagged against one of the sinks, holding your frazzled head in your hands. Ominis filled a tub with a water-making charm, knowing the rush from the taps would be deafening. He heated the water with another spell, dipping his hand it to ensure it was the right temperature. He even set out a towel for you.
“All set,” he said gently. “I’ll relock the door on my way out so no one disturbs you.”
“Could you…stay?” you asked sheepishly.
You could just make out Ominis’s eyes as they widened. “Oh,” he squeaked. “Erm, yes, I suppose so. Are you sure you want me to?”
“I’d rather not be alone,” you admitted, wincing at your own voice as it seemed to boom out from you. “And, well, it’s not like you can see anything…right?”
He chuckled softly. “You’re correct,” he whispered.
He moved to a window seat on the far wall, and you slipped out of your robes. Despite the fact that he couldn’t see you, your cheeks flushed as you stood naked in a room with Ominis in it. The cold air was like ice on your skin. You quickly climbed into the bath. It was like applying a balm to a sunburn. You really did feel wrapped in nothing as you were surrounded by water exactly the same temperature as you. You closed your eyes, shutting out the last bit of light.
You felt the tension that had been mounting melt out of your body. The only sensations aside from the cool air on your face were the sound of your own breathing and occasional turn of a page as Ominis read. You couldn’t even hear his breaths from where he sat.
With time, your breathing stopped seeming so loud and you stopped noticing the temperature of the room as much. The water in your tub was exactly as warm as it’d been when you slipped inside. You realized Ominis must’ve charmed it to stay that way. He was quite a talented wizard.
You sat up a bit in the tub, leaning your head back on the edge of it, but you kept your eyes closed. You weren’t ready to take in visual stimuli again just yet. “Ominis?” you asked, pleased when the word didn’t ring in your ears.
“Yes, MC?” he replied quietly.
“Thank you. For helping me. It…it would’ve been awful to go through this alone,” you said.
There was a pause before he answered. “I’m sorry you have to go through it at all.”
You opened your eyes to look at him. “It’s not your fault,” you said. You turned, hooking your elbow over the side of the tub as you faced him. “I’m the one who convinced you to go down there.”
“Yes, but I should’ve known better,” he said sadly. “I just…I was so consumed by the need to know what happened to my aunt. I went against my better judgment. It won’t happen again.”
“Same here. I have no interest in investigating anything to do with Slytherin again,” you replied. “I hope Sebastian meant it when he said he’s done.”
“He’s never lied to me before,” Ominis said confidently. “But…if he does mention anything to you, tell me, okay?”
“I will,” you promised. To be honest, you felt like you could tell Ominis anything.
“Good,” Ominis said with a small smile, but it was quickly replaced with a look of concern. “How are you feeling?”
“Much better,” you said truthfully. “Is there another phase after this?”
Ominis pressed his mouth into a thin line. Even when upset, his features were as handsome as ever. It really wasn’t fair. “No, but this one tends to linger. You’ll feel on edge for a few days. Maybe a week, even. It tends to last longer the more times you’ve been cursed, so hopefully it’s just a few days for you,” he said, forcing a hopeful smile onto his lips.
You blinked rapidly as a thought struck you. “Did your family curse you multiple times?” you asked, aghast.
He turned his face back toward his book as he schooled his features. “Yes,” he said in a barely audible voice.
“Oh, Ominis, that’s awful!” you said. You wished you could give him a hug, but as you were naked and sopping wet, it wasn’t exactly an opportune time.
He gave a mirthless laugh. “That’s the Gaunts for you. We specialize in ‘awful.’”
“Not all of you,” you argued. “Not your aunt. Not you.”
“Recent evidence would suggest otherwise,” he said. He hung his head. “Not to mention my past mistakes.”
“But that’s just it. It was a mistake. It doesn’t define you, Ominis,” you insisted. “Do you think the rest of your family would’ve cared enough to help me?”
He scoffed. “Certainly not.”
You just waited, letting him consider the facts for himself.
He sighed as he turned back toward you. “I suppose you have a point.”
You smiled. “I know I do.”
Ominis chuckled, and it was a beautiful sound – if a bit loud at the moment.
You decided you’d soaked long enough and got out of the bath. You cringed as you patted yourself dry. The towel wasn’t quite sandpaper like your clothes had been before, but your skin still felt raw. “How long until clothes feel normal again?” you asked, hoping the answer was soon.
“It all progresses together, so it’ll take a few days,” Ominis said with an apologetic grimace.
You let out a groan. “I was afraid you’d say that.”
He held out his hand. “Here. Give me your clothes.”
You wrapped the towel around yourself before scooping up your uniform and padding over to him. You set the outfit in his open hand.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you,” he said. Standing so close now, you could see the blush spread over his cheeks.
Your face flushed, too, when you realized you could’ve just levitated the clothes over. You cringed again, but at yourself this time.
Ominis waved his wand as he uttered an unfamiliar incantation. He handed your outfit back to you. It was silky smooth against your skin. It took what was left of your good sense not to drop your scratchy towel and change immediately. You shuffled off to the other side of the room to get dressed.
“That’s so much better!” you gushed once you’d donned the silk ensembled. “Thank you, Ominis.”
“Of course,” he replied. “I’m happy to help you with anything. I mean, anytime! I’m happy to help anytime.”
As you walked back over to his window seat, you could tell he was still blushing. You couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ll help you with anything, too,” you replied.
“Yeah?” he asked with a hopeful expression.
You chewed your lip, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you looked down at him. You raised a hand to cup his cheek, and his chin tilted up slightly as his eyes drifted shut. You leaned down, brushing your lips softly against his. In your current state, his lips felt a bit rough but pleasantly warm on yours. Nevertheless, the tender kiss sent a jolt of excitement through you. “Yeah,” you replied.
His tongue flicked out over his lips, and he smirked up at you.
The door rattled as someone tried to enter the locked lavatory. The sudden noise made you jump back.
“Ugh! This is the second time this week!” a muffled but clearly frustrated voice grumbled from the other side.
“Come one, let’s use the one upstairs,” another, much more defeated, voice replied.
“We should probably get moving,” you said, unable to stop the grin that graced your lips.
Ominis chuckled. “Yes, I suppose we should,” he agreed.
You both made your way toward the door. Ominis was much more graceful in the dim lighting than you were, and you almost stumbled right into one of the empty tubs. Fortunately, Ominis either didn’t notice or politely pretended not to. He turned to you right in front of the door, his fingers resting on the handle. He shifted nervously between his feet.
“Once you’re feeling like yourself again, would you like to get dinner with me at the Three Broomsticks?” he asked with an endearingly anxious expression.
You beamed at him. “I’d like that very much.”
He grinned as he pulled the door open for you. “It’s a date, then.”
Of all the things you’d thought you might find in Slytherin’s Scriptorium, a budding romance hadn’t been one of them. Not that you were complaining. Not one bit.
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worldofkuro · 1 month
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XI
Pairing: Alastor x Female! Reader
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Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: Alright my deers. This chapter is very, very dark. But I loved it. So, if you have a soft heart, I would advice you not to read this chapter; there are blood, killing, slight torture - not very detailed- and i think a little bit of gore and Alastor's father being disgusting? I warmed you, but for those you will handle it, please tell me your thoughts.
His father was back. 
You felt shivers going through your whole body. Alastor was staring at you with a sinister smile, a twisted glint in his eyes. You both were thinking the same things. 
If his father was back, you could kill him and then get married.
You smiled widely at him, cupping his face with your hands. You kissed him softly trying to convain how happy and excited you were. Finally you will have your revenge. But before you noticed it passion overtook your senses. Alastor pinned you against your front door as you roamed your hands through his dark curl. He was nipping at your lips, demanding you to open your mouth for him which you gladly did. You moaned against his lips as you felt his body against yours. 
It was a new sensation you were feeling. You felt like every nerve in your body was electrified. Every breath you took was taken by Alastor’s hungry mouth. You felt lightheaded. Was it because of the alcohol ? Because you were so close to being married ? Because you were planning to kill someone ?
Or just because you were with Alastor?
You moaned against his mouth as you felt his knee between your tights. Dear Lord…! You nipped at his tongue, panting his name. You could see his pupils being dilated as he stared at you, leaning slightly away from your lips. You let go of his tongue, trying to catch your breath, your cheeks flushed. What just happened?
“ We need to talk about it..” you panted against his lips, closing your eyes as you felt his breath against your jaw before going near your neck. “ Alastor…” you felt him nip at your neck one last time before taking a step back. He straightened his shirt and rearranged his tie as you tried to fan yourself.
“ My apologies, darling. Your reaction to that news was… more than welcomed.” he smirked as he licked the lipstick off his lips. “ If you don’t have to play the nurse next week, come to the woods. We’ll prepare for our hunting session.” he kissed your forehead  with an excited smile. You smiled softly at him, watching him leave. You went inside your parent’s house and bounced toward your bedroom with a huge smile.
Alastor’s father has been staying in a hospital because of “mental illness”. You have been so surprised when Alastor had shared the news with you, did that mean that he would stay caged forever ? But Alastor just smiled at your saddened expression, he kissed your lips asking you to be patient, the devil will always go back to his home.
You stood in front of your vanity and undressed before going to the bathroom and taking off your makeup. You would take a bath tomorrow morning , you didn’t want to wake your parents. Your father didn’t really need you anymore, unless he was working too hard and needed a massage, you would be free next week. 
You laid down on your bed, relaxed as you stared at the ceiling. You had so many questions. How did Alastor want this? Would you play a role? You said you would stay by his side but maybe he just needed you as an alibi ? You closed your eyes. Every question would be answered next week.
“ You look good with a rifle, dearest.” 
You stared at the weapon in your arms and then to Alastor. You were both wearing hunting gears, and Alastor has given you his own rifle. You weren’t really comfortable with it.
“ I doubt that. Why would I need a weapon?” you asked, tilting your head. Alastor beamed at you before crushing you into a side hug.
“ Well, my dear, now you almost know those woods like the back of your hand. I’m going to hunt you and you are going to hunt me. Do not worry your pretty head though, there is no real bullet in those weapons, just paint.” he smirked as he toyed with his weapon, spinning it easily in his hand. You looked at him, you wondered why he wanted to play that game but a part of you was excited. Alastor hunting you? That sended shivers through your whole body.
“ Please Alastor, you’ve never caught me. I always was the fastest between the both of us.” you teased him with a beaming smile. You bit your lips as you saw his eyes darkened. Since your promise and his confession about wanting to kill his father years ago, Alastor was feeling more at ease with his emotions. At least with you. It was like he wasn’t trying to hide a part of himself he once tried to keep away from you.
“ Well then, go on.” He looked at his watch, the one you gave him on Christmas. “ I’m giving you a headstart of 10 minutes. Good luck, darling. The one who gets a deadly shot, on their chest or head, loses. Everything that is touched by paint is no longer usable.” 
You smiled before running into the forest, holding the rifle against your chest.  You weren’t that naive anymore, you knew Alastor gave you the weapons knowing perfectly you didn’t know how to use it, so why not use it as bait? You stopped running after a few minutes and came closer to some bushes. You took the paint bullet out of the rifle and put the weapon on the floor near the grass. Like this, it could look like you were lying under the bushes with the weapon sticking out a bit. It could work right?
You smiled as you saw some animals. It has always been a lively forest. You hide behind a tree, keeping the pain’s bullet in your hand. You were so satisfied with your plan. He wouldn’t see it coming. What was a shame though, was that you didn’t have a watch with you, so you couldn’t know how many have passed since you ran from Alastor and unlike him, you weren't really patient. You were beginning to be reckless.. You haven’t even seen any animals for a few minutes now.
You froze. The woods were deadly silent. Alastor must be near. You held your breath when you spotted him, he wasn’t making any noises. He wasn’t walking on any branch on the floor, he was deadly quiet.
You didn’t know why but watching Alastor searching for you was giving you butterflies in your belly. You bit your lips trying to contain your giggles. Was it normal for you to be excited by the thought of being Alastor’s prey?
“ Very intelligent darling, I almost fell for it.” He pointed his weapon toward your direction. “ But now, you are harmless.”
You step out from the tree, walking toward Alastor with  a faked pout. You didn’t want the hunt to be over yet, so why not “shoot” his rifle? Alastor was already beaming with pride as he lowered his gun but then you threw the paint’s bullet and smashed one on his weapon. 
“ Now, you are harmless too, right?” you taunted him as he stared at you with his eyes wide open. His smile was getting bigger and bigger and you couldn’t help but be proud to have succeeded in surprising him. You knew you were faster than him, now that he was without any kind of ranged weapon you could run.
Which you did.
As you saw his hand coming to cup your cheek you ran from him.
You laughed as you heard him running after you. You could feel the cold wind of January caressing your skin as you ran like the devil was behind you.  You avoided any whatsoever that could make you fall. You were always the fastest, who could catch you? 
You fell down as you felt Alastor tackled you to the floor.
Alastor was pinning you against the snow with a maniacs smile. He was breathing hard, just like you, staring at you with an obsessional glint. Your chest was squashed against the floor as he bent toward your head, his torso against your back, his lips against your ear.
“ Caught you.” 
You stared at him with your eyes wide open. It was the first time Alastor had managed to catch you when you were running. When did he become this fast? He always has been stronger than you, but you were the fastest, that’s how it used to work!
“ Hha… Darling, finally catching you brings me such… relief..” he mocked you before kissing your cheeks.
“ Don’t get used to it.” you said as he let you go. You looked around and discovered a spot you’ve never had seen before. It was such a beautiful spot, you could come here for a picnic ! “ I don’t think I've ever been this deep into the woods.” you said to Alastor who didn't seem impressed. Well, you wouldn’t be surprised if Alastor already had a map of the whole forest in his mind. You sat against a tree and looked at Alastor.
“ Now, what about the plan?” you asked eagerly. It was the only obstacle before getting married. It has to be perfect.
As Alastor and you stormed out ideas, a plan began to merge. Alastor would bring his Father into the woods, a bonding hunting session between a father who returned from the hospital and his son. Your part was that you needed to be at his place before he went out with his Father. You needed to empty his father’s rifle before the bastard went out his Alastor.
“ When I was younger,sometimes he would put fake bullets into my rifle and ask me to shoot an animal. If I was lucky, the animal would charge me and I would have to kill it with my knife. If I happened to be unlucky and the animal ran away, my father would show me how pathetic I was by beating me until I lost consciousness in those woods.” he said with an amused smile. “ So, it’s only fair I let him imagine he has a chance of shooting me and getting out of here alive, right?”
You felt anger swirling up inside of you. This man was just a pig, he wasn’t a human being, he was a monster who should be killed as soon as possible. Alastor seemed confident about his plan, you didn’t have to see the carnage that would happen in those woods, but you would help Alastor by emptying his father’s rifle. You wondered if Alastor was trying to protect you by making you do so little… 
“ When will it happen ?”
You shivered as Alastor's expression turned maniacal. 
“ Tonight, dearest.”
You gasped as you stared at Alastor. Tonight?  You bit your lips, you needed to be strong. It was for Alastor and Marie’s sake. You nodded at Alastor who was keeping his eyes on you, almost seeming like he was waiting for you to say you didn’t want to be part of the plan anymore.
You both stood up and kissed each other. You stared into each other’s eyes with a blinding trust. 
Tonight, you would help Alastor commit a crime.
You both walked toward your Alastor’s house after taking your rifle back. You expected to see his father when you entered the silent home but Marie was the only person you saw. She smiled at you, but you could see it was forced. You weren’t sure but you thought you saw a bruise on her neck which made your anger raise once again. This demon has been home for a week and he already hurted his family.
Alastor’s hand came on your back, pushing you gently toward the living room. He gave you a hot chocolate with a calming smile. How could he be so calm? Your leg was bouncing without you being able to stop it! You were so nervous but Alastor was sitting next to you, taking a book and reading it like it was nothing. 
You sighed for the fifth time. You needed to calm yourself. You stood up and went into Alastor’s bedroom. You felt your body relaxed as you were surrounded by his scent. You walked toward his bed and took Eamon in your arms as you laid down.
“ Eamon… Tonight, I’m going to help Alastor be free from his chains. Please, give me courage…” you closed your eyes as you squeezed the now red plushie. Long gone was his pure white fur but it was still the same plushie for you. You didn’t realize you fell asleep before opening your eyes and seeing the night from Alastor’s window. You sat up and stretched yourself. You smiled at Eamon, you slept very well even though you were a stressing mess! You kissed its nose before leaving Alastor’s bedroom, walking down the stairs.
“ How come dinner isn’t ready, woman, hah?” you heard a voice said. You froze as you recognized the devil’s voice. You took a big deep breath before walking toward the living room.
There it was.
Alastor’s father was sitting on his chair with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, drinking from it. Marie was trying to explain to him something but his eyes settled on you. You felt a shiver of disgust and fear. Right in front of you was Alastor’s living nightmare. The one who, since his childhood, made his life a living hell. 
Would you really be able to take him down?
He was just a man and yet in front of you, he almost looked too big to be taken down by Alastor. Why were you feeling so scared right now?
“ Heh, you became a grown woman.” he said as he stood up and approached you, making you step back. “ “ Come on, don’t be impolite. Let me see you.” he spat as he looked at you from head to toes as he drank some whiskey. “ Not bad…You have hips for kids.”
What a disgusting pig.
“ Father, are you ready for our hunting session?” you relaxed almost immediately as you heard Alastor's voice, as he entered the living room with two rifles. You needed to empty one of them without being noticed…
“ Heh, are you, brat? Unlike you, I killed hundreds of men during war, a hunting session is nothing more than child play.” he said as he finished his whiskey. You looked at Alastor as his smile widened.
“ I could learn from you then.”
Alastor put down the rifles on the table next to you as his father went to the kitchen, perhaps to find more alcohol, while Marie was trying to tidy the living room. Alastor followed his father after giving you a look.
Now or Never.
You took one rifle and began to empty it of his bullets as quickly and quietly as you could and hid the bullets into the plant pot sitting next to the weapon. Now you needed to find a way to make Alastor understand which one was the empty one… You took off the necklace he had given you for Christmas  and wrapped the chains around the gun. You step back from the table and turn around to fall face to face with Marie’s stare.
“ Thank you for cleaning the trash out of the weapon, dear.” She smiled at you before going into the kitchen. Did she..? Nevermind, you followed her into the kitchen where Alastor and his father were having a conversation? It was mostly about how the bastard killed men like animals. Alastor was looking at him, clearly amused.
“ Now boy, let’s get into it.” The man went into the living room. You took Alastor’s hand as he walked next to you. He looked at you and you just put your hand around your own neck. Please, see what is missing… His eyes fell to your hand before nodding. He gave the back of your hand a kiss while staring into your eyes. 
“ Are you coming boy, I don't have all night long!”
“ I know, Father.”
You went into the living room and Alastor took the rifle you didn’t empty. You relaxed as his father took the other one and left the home with Alastor. You fell into the sofa with a sigh. You looked as Marie sat next to you.
“ So that's the path you have chosen.” she said softly. “ You are braver than me…” 
“ What do you mean..?”
“ Oh doll, I know what you just did. I might stay silent but I’m not blind.” she laughed as she put her hand on your shoulder in a reconforting manner. 
“ You.. won’t tell my parents about it?” you asked. What you were afraid about was your parent's reaction if they were to know what you just did tonight.
“ Haha, dear, no! Why would I ? I won’t lie, I would prefer to end this in another way but… I’m not surprised..”
You both stayed silent before you opened your mouth to speak up.
“ Alastor asked for my hand in marriage.”
You didn’t think you could hear such a scream coming from Marie’s mouth. She hugged you strongly saying that she knew it would happen and that she won the bet. You laughed happily as she kissed you on both cheeks, saying how delighted she was to have you as her daughter in law.
You stood up with a big grin.
“ I shall prepare tonight’s dinner.” you exclaimed before going into the kitchen, taking a knife ready to cut the vegetable for jambalaya but stopped yourself.
You had a bad feeling.
 You walked into the living room where a confused Marie was sitting. You walked toward the table where the rifles were before the two men went out. You moved the plants leaves, trying to find the bullets you hid there but couldn't find any single one of them.
You paled.
“ Sweetheart, is something the matter..?” asked Marie but you were already running out of the house without taking a coat. You were still in your hunting outfit, with a kitchen’s knife in your hand and running toward the wood.
The bastard had taken the bullets which meant he knew what Alastor's plan was about.
You’ve been fooled.
You weren’t a good hunter, how would you find them in this forest? You ran into the woods and began to look around. Thankfully, the snow had fallen a lot this day, so you could easily see the footsteps into the floor. You followed them and paled even more as you saw a trail of blood. 
Please, let it not be Alastor’s blood.
You ran, following the blood trail. You were panting, praying to some higher power for them to protect Alastor. You stopped running when you saw the scene in front of you.
Alastor was lying on his back, bleeding from his nose and his father had his rifle pointed against his forehead. You clap your hand on your mouth, you couldn’t make any noises. You needed to help Alastor… but how..?
“ You’re still the same useless boy you’ve always been, Alastor. What a waste.. I should have known.” He pressed his gun against Alastor's forehead. “ I’ll take care of your little doll. She was the one who emptied my gun, didn’t she?”
You saw Alastor smiling, composed as always. He just stared at his father, not moving, not talking– What was he doing? Fight , Alastor !
You inhaled. You walked quietly toward his father who had his back turned to you. You didn’t know if Alastor was seeing you as his eyes never drifted from his father’s form. His father must have been confident because he kept talking, never pulling the trigger, badmouthing Alastor as you creeped closer to him. Your hand was squeezing the knife as you stared at his form. 
You shouldn’t stab him, he could pull the trigger and end Alastor’s life just like that. What were you going to do..? You quickly put the blade against the bastard's neck, making him turn his head toward you.
Then, everything went down quickly.
He elbowed you on the nose, making you fall back in the snow, your nose bleeding. He pointed his gun at you but Alastor stood up quickly, and tackled him on the floor. You gasped as you tried to stand up, watching as Alastor was trying to get the gun from his father. You couldn’t hear any shout from the two men. Everything seemed like you were underwater. 
But you could feel every nerve inside your body. You threw yourself at the man as he pushed Alastor off him, ready to shoot him. You weren’t aware you were screaming as you held the gun toward the floor so the bastard couldn’t shoot.
“ Just die already !”
He punched you on the jaw making you lose your grip of the gun. He pointed it once more toward Alastor, seeming like he wanted to end Alastor’s life before yours. You raised your knife and sank it into his thighs, making him groan.
“ Don’t hurt him anymore!” you cried as you raised your knife once more and plugged it into his thighs once more.  He hit you with the rifle making you fall into the snow once more. You stood up quickly, you didn’t know how, and jumped on him raising your knife once more but before you could sink it into his chest you were tackled to the ground on the floor by Alastor before hearing a gunshot.
The bastard had tried to shoot you in the face. 
Alastor stood up just before taking the knife of your hand. 
“ You little cunt. Stabbing me like you had the right.” spat the devil in front of you. You stood up quickly next to Alastor who was breathing as hard as you. “ Killing you will be the easiest thing I've ever done. After fucking your mother, of course, right Alastor?”
You saw Alastor running toward the man, spinning the knife into his hand with a big maniac smile. His father threw the gun away, it seemed like he was out of bullets, and fought Alastor with his bare hands. Even you could see the devil was more experienced than Alastor, but Alastor never slowed down, he took punches without flinching, cutting his father on the cheeks on the arms.
You needed to do something. Come on! Move! Do something! Anything useful! Eamon gave you courage so use it! Alastor had just lost his knife! He needed a weapon, his gun, anything!
You turned around as you heard a bleat. 
There was a fawn not too far who was staring at you and then at the floor. What..? You looked at the floor and saw Alastor’s gun. You ran toward him, surprisingly the fawn didn't move when it saw you running toward him. You verified that the gun was full of bullets, it was!
You looked at the fawn who was staring at the fighting scene behind you. You didn’t have time to ask questions. You ran back and pointed the gun toward the devil. But you didn’t know how to shoot, and Alastor and his father were moving too quickly, you were afraid of hitting Alastor..
You just needed to give the gun to Alastor.
You took off your necklace from the gun and threw the gun on the snow, not too far from Alastor. You tried to come from behind his father’s back. Alastor must have understood you because he hit his father so he would stumble toward you, his back facing you.
You put your necklace around his neck and pull it toward you, strangling him. You pulled with all your might when you saw the man’s hands trying to take off the necklace bruising his neck. Alastor didn’t wait and began to punch his father harder and harder on his face.
His father punched him so hard Alastor fell on his back. You screamed and jumped on the man's back and bit him hard on the neck. You could feel the blood dripping from the wounds but you didn’t care. You bite as hard as you could as he tried to make you fall from his back. You were clawing at his face, tugging at his hair, doing anything to hurt him.
He managed to throw you in the snow once more but before he could hit you you heard Alastor’s voice.
“ Don’t move, Father.”
You both turned your head toward Alastor who was holding the gun in his hands, smiling with bloodied teeth. You felt your body relax before your hair was gripped by the bastard, holding you against his torso, his arm around your neck. Was he going to strangle you?
“ Don’t move, Alastor.” his father panted, you could hear the smirk in his voice. “ We wouldn’t want such a sweet babe to get more injured, would we?” He kissed your cheek.
“ Don’t touch me you pig!” you shouted as you struggled against his hold. You stared helplessly at Alastor who seemed to shake from anger. You felt his arms choking your throat. Was that what Alastor had to endure when he was younger. “ Alas…tor.. Shoot him..!” you tried to scream as he choked you harder. You were so closer from your happy ending, you just needed to kill the bastard! You felt tears in your eyes as air was being choked out from you.
You were not going to be killed! Not before being married to Alastor !
You don’t understand what happened but your hand went straight into the man's face and you tore off one of his eyes.
You tore off one of his eyes.
You tore off one of his eyes.
You tore off one of his eyes.
You tore off one of his eyes.
He let you go while screaming in pain. You didn’t even wait, you screamed at him like a banshee, jumped on him, making him fall onto his back. You took a rock and began to hit him repeatedly without stopping screaming. Die, die , die diedieidiediedieidie!
With his final strength, he pushed you off from him. You were ready to go once more but Alastor stopped you by putting a hand on your shoulder. You were panting, looking at him with dilated pupils, just like his.
It tasted like victory.
“ Alastor…” you said in relief. You could feel the man’s eye in your hand. You couldn’t look at him, you would vomit right away. Alastor kissed you tenderly, stroking your bloodied cheek. You hummed against his lips, the kiss tasted like blood..
“ You crazy bitch!” the man spat as he tried to stand up. Alastor walked calmly toward the man with his knife and his gun.  He stood in front of his father with a scary smile before dropping to his knees, and began to stab his father multiple times while laughing as the man was screaming in pain.
You walked toward Alastor and put your hand on his shoulder. It seemed like Alastor was not stabbing him deep enough to kill him, he was just enjoying bringing pain to the man, which you enjoyed as well! You sat next to him and Alastor held you the knife.
“ Would you like to try my darling?”
“ I tore his eye off, I think I’m good.” you laughed, rolling your eyes, not caring about the man’s moans of pain.
“ Oh right, it was an amazing sight, why don’t you give it to me?” he held his palm to you and you gladly gave him his father’s eyes. “ What do we say, an eye for an eye?” he laughed as he stared at the eyeball.
“ You.. both are bat shit crazy..” spat the pig underneath Alastor. Alastor hummed before leaning toward his father’s face with a grin almost too big for his face. 
“ You should smile more, Father, you only die once after all!” he said as he began to carve a smile into his father’s skin. You observed Alastor working on his living canvas. He seemed so strong like this, you smiled sweetly. You kissed his cheek, making him chuckle. “ Now, you look ready for your final moments!” He stood up and took his rifle, pointing it to his father’s forehead. You looked at the pig who was trying to talk to you.
“ What would your parents think, lady?” he spat at you as he stared at you with his only eyes.
“ I don’t know what my parents are thinking, but Marie thanked me for taking care of the trash.” you smiled sweetly at him before standing up, next to Alastor. Alastor was staring at you, like he was searching for a final answer from you. “ Go to hell.. Both of you…”
“ We’ll see you there then. And you better hide yourself, I can’t wait to kill you once more.” you smiled as you put your hand around Alastor's, the one ready to shoot. You stared softly at Alastor, it was your answer, you would fall in Hell with him without remorse.
“ Darling, will you marry me?”
“ With pleasure.”
And then you both pulled the trigger.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita Please tell me if I forget to tag you.
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prettieinpink · 2 months
Improving as a person and a woman is work from the inside out, an important part is being a better friend - so how can I be a better friend?
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This is a basic guide on how to be a better friend. The most important part of being a better friend is to communicate properly. Not all friendships are the same and will ask for the same things. Talk to your friends and figure out how you can be a better friend for them. Although, don’t drastically change yourself. 
BE CONSISTENT. Check up on your friends, ask them if they’re free, hype them up on their posts, and be consistent with it. You’re not friends with someone if you only talk to them twice a year, plus it makes people feel good when they think that you’ve been keeping them in their thoughts. 
AVOID JUDGEMENT. A big factor in a friendship, but it tends to be neglected in the moment. It is completely okay to question someone’s actions and give feedback sometimes, however, you have to know when judgment is not wanted or needed. Typically, avoid judging someone at all, consider their perspective. 
HONESTY. Be honest with your friends. If you do something that impacts them, tell them. If you happen to talk about them without their presence, tell them. Many people are much more forgiving if the person owns up to it. A friendship founded on lies, will not last. 
USE YOUR SKILLS TO HELP. If you excel in a certain area, ensure that you help those who struggle in that area. An example, teaching your friend how to code, or giving them advice starting in the gym. Moments of when someone willingly and happily helps you, are not easily forgotten. 
MEAN > GOOD. The heading is a bit odd, but to continue off my last point, it is much more easier to remember a small mean act, than a small good act. Likely, no one is going to remember if you held the door for them however, they will remember if you ever talked behind their back. So, think about your actions, and their effect on how people will perceive you. 
PRAISE YOUR FRIENDS. Start finding the joy in your friend’s successes. That same good energy from those successes will find you. If you curse or envy them, you will be bound to failure as you cannot share that energy. The small things like a compliment or a cute note on their locker increase that energy.
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thedivineart · 1 year
Confirmation Signs To Determine Your Future Spouse
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pacs. paid services.
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wishing well, a fountain, throwing coin and wishing in fountain, unexpected meeting, receiving the most special gift from someone, a lost purse/wallet, climbing alone in mountain to reduce stress/ hangout, being alone without feeling lonely, a dog coming towards you, small home in forest, cross roads, being happy in other people relationship, going to building/institutions to fix legal documents, a friends to lovers trope, visioning your past life, a gallantry from someone, aiming financial achievement, lucky money wins, a nest eggs, flames, mutual feelings with someone, being flirt, co-worker, a new friend, ships, a little home/cottage, new house/places, moving to a new place, soulmate connection, meeting perfect person/ ideal lover, seeing lots of abiding love, wedding, wedding rings, hurt/painful feeling, hospital/doctor, unrequited love
⋆ feel free to ask question you didn't understand in this reading
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changing location whether it is for work or residency, when you heal from the past, starting a new, stork, a invitation for a event, gifts ( receive or give ), helpful advice from someone, receiving lots of good news, a clock/time, your hate and fear towards someone, a handshake, a journey ( travel ), birds, sharing ( partnership), food, restaurant/ fast-food places, notice of correspondence from important bills, writer/ journalist, financial loans/help, being at your lowest point such as feeling trapped/tired/staying at home/unhealthy situation, a friend betrayal, older than you, foreign, lawyer/authority, being attack, an enemy, invitation in weddings or engagements, church, cemetery, thinking negative/ having negative thoughts, a large body of water such as beaches, pools, fountains etc, night, cold weather/winter, locks, fishes, physical union with someone, a mending of broken friendship/ex love, party, clubs
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younger, foreign / leader, bad girl & boy image/personality, unexpected kiss, feeling lonely, a new lover/person, family oriented, lady and moody, soulmates connection, unexpected friendship with someone, horse/sagittarius, a good news coming, an artist/poet, student of arts, athletic body or an athlete, lack of focus in commitment, receive or give gifts, fountains, generous, wears uniform that symbolize their position at work, a friend, co-worker, a peer, taking time to heal the wounds of the past, in park, in forest, walking around and meeting someone new, having time alone, wandering in woods, in the big trees, travel, achievement, lucky breaks, successful moving up ( at work or something), the space, distance, someone is far away, delay, receiving love letters and bouquet of flowers, country side, simple life, money surrounds them, professional person, workaholic and less focus on love, a bank; good at handling finances, provides good advice in finance, a happy family, fire/burning, summer, evening, warm weather country, good judgement, social
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authority, can be foreign, arrogant, weddings, older, negative emotions, large body of water such as beaches, pool, fountains, lake, pond etc, night, cold weather/winter, a dog, a friend, a church, a purse, money, financially stable/ wealthy, office, jewelry box, a social butterfly, enjoy clubs and socializing, likes to be busy and active, wine, travel, trips via water, clouds, heavy rains, good partner, sensual, good at financial advice, an expensive wedding of a friend, children, financially secure, fixing cars, lily, workaholic, trying their best at difficult situation, lion, a Leo sign, quite, electric, jealous and possessive, like to give great advice, streets of gold
⋆ feel free to ask questions you didn't understand in this reading
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© thedivineart. do not plagiarize any of my work, translate or repost it on other social media platform.
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pomefioredove · 25 days
fav twst writer btw!!! i read your posts religiously
can i ask for octavinelle + silver, ruggie, & epel (my 3 favs) with a reader whos prince rielles sibling, same year as them obv, and is based off of ponyo?
thank you so much!! my knowledge on ponyo is somewhat limited, hope this turned out okay nonetheless
summary: prince rielle's sibling type of post: headcanons characters: ruggie, azul, floyd, jade, epel, silver additional info: short, platonic or romantic, not proofread, reader is gender neutral, reader is not yuu
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𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
the whole "merperson" thing goes completely over his head
you're royalty, you like him, and you're not making him work his tail off for the time of the day?
oh, he's hooked
...pun not intended
it might even get to the point where he starts doing nice things for you out of his own free will!
if only to stay on your good side, but hey, it still counts, right?
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𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐨
Azul, ironically enough, sees Prince Rielle as an airhead
...and for good reason
based off what he remembers of Rielle, he's a hopeless romantic, insanely gullible, and always has his head in the clouds
...and he can certainly see the family resemblance in you
though, at least you're... kind of endearing, and have some impressive magic skills to back you up
maybe he'll hold off on scamming you for now
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡 + 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐞𝐜𝐡
the two have a vaguely similar impression of Rielle, though, unlike Azul, they try not to make assumptions based off of family resemblance
(they've had their fair share of that between the two of them)
after all, Prince Rielle has many siblings
all varied in personality
and you're quite the curious one, aren't you?
with quite an appetite
the duo always welcomes you inside the lounge with open arms, eager for a piece of Coral Sea nostalgia you always seem to offer...
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫
Epel supposes he knows what it's like to feel out of place
...even if you do seem to blend right in
he's almost jealous of how eagerly you adapt to life at school when he's been struggling since he got here
and your magical abilities are nothing to sneeze at
which is especially impressive to him, considering that you're actually smaller than he
he would never in a million years ask for advice from someone who's been walking on land for less time than he has... but... maybe, if you want to chat, he'll be around
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he'll acknowledge your magic is rather impressive for a first year student, and he doesn't doubt your abilities for a second
he knows better than to underestimate the cute and friendly type
Silver is also somewhat familiar with Coral Sea culture... though, his knowledge may be a little outdated, since it comes from his father
oh, well
this might serve as a valuable learning experience for him, anyway
...while he's presently awake and listening, that is
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