#imagine Tim saying this in a mom voice. that’s important
Jay, after surviving being shot: Holy shit, I’m alive?? Thank god, I—
Tim, marching up after learning Jay waltzed right into Benedict Hall alone and almost got himself killed: JAY WILLIAM MERRICK.
Jay, sweating: oh god I’m so dead—
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licensedproldier · 4 months
highlights from the brennan hank interview (aka taking notes on things that i liked or didn't know)
immediate jump off topic from hank to ask him about d20 (this happened while fhjy was airing)
"and the greatest project of all, my wonderful family with my wife isabella roland"
bonding over their children
brennan and hank's son both corrected their father's bedtime stories 💀
many elaine lee shoutouts
"his dad met my mom and fell in love" "you did that" "we did that, parent-trapped them"
was pulled out of school in 4th grade for homeschooling because the bullying was so bad....
started a company when they (he and his brother) were fifteen?? called Bootleg Adventures
hank's little awed hiss of "what" to the above piece of information
"knowledge is something that, when you share it, there's just more. there's no scarcity"
hank staring off into space slightly looking like brennan just blew his mind (we're 11 minutes in)
"we were 14 year old philosophy majors, if you can imagine anything more normal than that"
brennan unable to resist doing fun voices for the people he talks about
he wouldve loved to work at wayfinder full time and said back then hey maybe ill become a famous internet comedian or something and that's how i can help camp. now he's got texts from the staff saying how a bunch of dimension 20 fans have joined and its been a huge boon for them that way 🥺
"it's funny when a really bad plan works. dont make that plan."
"every new community-- is this too sad? no its true" THOSE THINGS ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE
anyway "for every new community i start with the presupposition that someone is going to pick me up and put me in the trash can" 😭
hank sniping him through the duplex door with "[when you do that] you kind of imagine yourself to be the value you're delivering rather than yourself, or that your value is in what you deliver and not who you are" and brennan going 😐 "that's a great point man"
both of them turning to do pained smiles at the camera 😭
"i think the value is in who you are" "that's really sweet i appreciate that" "but i also love that you deliver"
brennan quoting mary oliver
im starting to feel a little called out guys
robert mckee "stories are not about their premises they're about their conclusions"
brennan also staring off into space slightly thinking about what hank said
the REAL college advice brennan is giving is reportedly "put an egg in your ramen" because thats how you stop your eyes from going "matte finish"
shoutout to vanessa's dumplings for keeping this man alive
"i am ozymandias nerd of nerds, gaze upon my banner and despair"
the moment he felt like something changed was walking into C2E2 and seeing that the biggest hanging banner in the convention hall was of fantasy high. or, as brennan put it, "my dumb face"
"my friends moved in with their partners, the apartment i had with them scattered to the wind, the woman i was dating dumped me after three weeks, and i won a bunch of money on Who Wants to Be a Millionare" "wh- what???"
he taught emily, murph, siobhan, and zac how to play dnd 🥺 and was running a home game for lou at the same time
got hired at um, actually because his name was getting around for being a big dork
zac stepped down from troopers and sam liked brennan's character from a previous casting call (tim curry eating pizza) so he brought him in
its very charming the detail with which brennan remembers these important moments in his life
became a full time cast member in the same week he started dating izzy! "hard to beat week gang!"
"they told us they were launching dropout and everyone had to make a show, which, if you're been trying to make a show your whole life, that's like saying 'bad news guys, there's 24 birthday cakes in the break room and everyone has to eat a whole birthday cake'."
brennan was making a document for a market pitch on an actual-play show when he was called into office and THEY pitched HIM the idea of an actual-play show
"i guess i have tumbled through life to end up here ready to do this"
truly like. one of the guys of all time.
"some of the things that didn't make sense about you make more sense now" hank talking indirectly about how amazing he found all the moving parts of mentopolis and now getting to hear about how long and how many time he's done storytelling it makes sense
"yeah its the one skill"
"i wanted to tell stories before i was anything else"
🎉anti-capitalist rant🎉
"people used to say 'is ucb a cult' and i'd say 'in a cult, somebody is making money'"
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Clark and Kon react to Autistic Reader.
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[Teen Titans (2003-2011) #10]
So, you can 100% blame me staying awake at 02:40 because I can't stop cackling like a crow being waterboarded on @gatorbites-imagines and his/it's/xyrs kyrtontian's purring at a frequency that humans can't hear headcanon. I'm autistic, and I hear shit on the other side of the building, sometimes on a different floor.
Cw: Swearing, idk else, unhinged/ blunt replies ( R giving).
__Clark Kent__
Clark having his super hearing, I feeling like he hears distracting noises constantly but feels like he can't say anything about them.
So when he hears a frustrated voice say,' Can we please fix that god damn janitor's closet door on the floor under us!? It squeaks all day'.
Clark is shooketh, I don't put it past him thinking you are possibly kryptonian. Like he did with Shazam. Probably try to phish out info to see, but bad at being subtle.
'Why do you keep bringing up Superman??', 'Oh.. Well I mean, he is this City's hero'. You probably read his inquiring wrong, and believe he thinks your SuperMan.
'The reason has to why my hearing is above average, is because my autism makes me more sensitive to sounds. I promise you, I'm not Superman. I could not live comfortably with such a jarring unpredictable schedule.' , you word vomited, pitching the bridge of your nose.
'Oh.. uh I'm sorry if I made you upset', the more exhausted tone reminded him of Bruce a lot, when he bugged him too much. 'Its fine, just so many people make jokes about it. It can get old fast.'
Basically the mf would be balanced between panic and false hope of finding a relative he could keep on earth.
__Kon-el Kent__
I feel like he's got so use to no one being able to hear his purring, he doesn't care to suppress them. At times when he's to lazy to do this hair himself, he gets one of his friends to do it. Not worried.
He just enjoys the comforting feeling and begins to pur away. For the sake of it, let's say Tim was the victim of doing Kon's hair.
Tim would be the first to notice you walking around the common room, looking like you are going insane looking for something. Kon not really caring has he doesn't see it has important.
'Did you lose something?', Tim questioned, pausing shortly from combing Kon's hair. 'There is a sound and I don't know where it's coming from', you kept walking around the room listening.
Tim would try to reassure that you'll get use to the sounds of building, the more you stay. At some point, you walk over to where they were on the couch, and figured out it's coming from kon. 'The sound, it's coming from you!?'.
Kon would be so confused and Tim would be too, for different reasons. Tim doesn't hear it, Kon is not sure if you're referring to him purring or not.
'Huh?', 'You, it's coming from you. It sounds like a rumble or some shit'. Well fuck, he can't really play that off. 'You're not suppose to be able to hear it..', his tone resembling that of Oz media reading a cursed post.
'Hear what, exactly?', Tim feeling more like a third wheel in the conversation and wanting to be in loop. 'Kryptonian's have an organ that can make a sound, the best way I can describe it in human experience is a cat pur. But, we can only hear it.', Kon tries to summarize.
Tim would be the one that's extra, and suggest a DNA analysis. 'Tim I assure you, my mom used the excuse of popping me out of her, far too much for me of too be found in a capsule.', you then explained the autistic symptoms you have. Sensitivity to sounds being one of them.
This dose not stop Kon from jokingly referring to you has his sibling from now on. Which would confuse everyone that wasn't there to hear this interaction. Kon being Kon, he wouldn't explain it anyone, because he feels like that would ruin the joke.
Ha ha ha, it's 04:30 and I get up at 05:00. This is gonna fun.. but at least my dad feeds my caffeine addiction by giving me offerings of energy drinks, in hopes to encourage my autistic brain to be okay with doing the dishes, and other medial tasks.
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 year
its caribbean heritage month im back on my dailt shepards hc shit srry not srry to everyone who doesnt like these!!!!
im gonna make up for the past few says and today so here we go‼️‼️
for context i hc the shepards as haitian but i will make comments about them being dominican cause i feel like of they were hispnic theyd b that so,, yea,,,
1) curly tends to whisper in creole (or spanish if u wanna hc the shepards as dominican pick ur poison) anout whatevers on his mind while ponys sleeping next to him cause pony finds it pretty comforting actually and thinks curlys voice sounds nice!!!!
2)when at a beach or rlly anywhere w seashells they play zanset (this traditional haitian game. where u toss and catch shells in rhythms/patterns)
3) i already gave them middle names but imagine em w more haitian middle names!!! angelas could b like erzulie, antoinette, or roseléne and tim and curlys could b nerat, désir, anri, zamor, isidor, list goes on
4)when they were way younger, tim did this thing w pony and curly called krik-krak, and its this call and response thing done in haiti used during storytelling of things like haitian folklore n stuff like that but rlly curly did it anytime he was telling a story bc oral storytelling is very important in haitian culture
basically the storyteller goes “krik” and the ppl listening go “krak”
5) now im adding this cause my mom did this a lot when i was a kid BUT the shepards (mostly angela) always says “anmwey” when they see something that annoys or fustrates them, they just mumble it under their breath and rub their face its just so funny to me
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
Family Matters - Batfamily x Reader
Summary: A surprise birthday party and Batfamily being chaotic.
“That's it Dick just a little to the right...No the other right...No! Not there you goofus! Just...Just get down from the chandelier before it comes crashing down on the rest of us and For God's Sake let Duke handle the ribbons before you somehow strangle yourself with them”
Warnings ⚠️: Fluff, lots of it, angst because I can’t help myself, Reader has got some parental issues. Hurt/Comfort.
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I wanted some good dad Bruce content so I did it myself. Also I might have been influenced by a post I made a while back about Bruce and his children. I haven't used reader's pronouns anywhere so it's kinda gender neutral.
I don’t know where I was going with this, my imagines are often like a train derailed from its track but I think it’s fine. So Enjoy ;)  
"Focus (Y/S/N), don't jump in in blind, assessing what action your opponent is about to undertake and countering it out before they can complete that action, this is the key lesson for you today", Batman's commanding voice echoed in the enclosed area of the batcave as he observed you attempting to roundhouse kick the boy in front of you. It was rather rashly executed with the hope of knocking him down which, for obvious reasons, only ended up with your leg connecting with nothing but thin air.
'Damn he is fast when he actually tries.'
"Easy for you to say Old Man! You aren't the one dancing with Mister Duckboy, the teen wonder over here!", you exclaimed, panting as your chest heaved from the exertion.
"Duckboy?!", Tim looked near scandalized as you grinned in return, stealing a glance towards the giggling crowd gathered near the stairs.
Everyone was already in the cave, it was a rare occurrence, it happened only when the issues of upmost importance were being discussed. Today was one of those days; The planning of Alfred Pennyworth's surprise birthday party.
However things usually went a lot less violent, this day every year. The sparring session this year was the result of you messing up, real bad while on patrol last night and since you were around the same age as Tim, he was found to be the most appropriate partner for it. The only drawback was that he had a staff in his hands while your weapons were confiscated, because in Bruce's words 'you rely on them too much'. You were already tired and Tim had a huge advantage over you, if you wanted to win this match you had to be quick and efficient at the same time.
Distracting Tim by your comment allowed you to have an opening, gathering all your strength you went in for a forward strike. Unfortunately he was more than ready to take you on, he crouched down, narrowly missing your punch then proceeded to swipe your legs off of the ground with his bo staff making you fall butt first on the floor.
"Congratulations you've managed to hurt both my ass and my ego, Timbers", You said laying back on the ground, hands and legs spread out and instead of helping you up, Tim joined you on the floor sitting next to you. You gave him a look that was equivalent to 'next time I get the chance, I am going to push you off a roof'.
"Your skills need improvement", Bruce said in his monotonous tone as you grunted knowing that a full ass lecture was gonna follow, but before he could get another word out, Jason chimed in with a statement no one ever expected to hear from him,"You know (Y/N), he's not wrong in fact I think the old man's actually got a point."
Jaws dropped to floor, Tim looked like he just saw a ghost, Dick who was standing near Barbara pinched himself to see whether he was dreaming or not, Damian snapped his neck up from where he was sharpening his katana, even Titus and Ace perked their heads up at the sudden silence that settled over the place. Barbara, Cass, Duke and Steph looked equally shocked.
"Before you all get any ideas, what I'm trying to say is you better pay attention because B over here won't be able to save your ass, 'cause if you slack off the next thing you know you would be in a warehouse with a maniac, getting blown to bits", Jason looked at Bruce with accusing eyes.
'And here I thought he was finally going to say something sensible', you thought to yourself as he continued,
"Take it from someone who has had that experience, you guys remember right? The fact that I--"
"Died, we know!!", everyone groaned at the same time and Bruce looked like he had to physically restrain himself from faceplaming.
"Okay! Guys how about we go ahead and do the thing we all actually came here to do instead of... whatever this conversation was", you suggested, getting up and patting the dust off your clothes.
"Well then someone has got to ask the important question here", Barbara looked around as she worded her sentence,"who is going to be the one to keep Alfred busy while we get everything ready?"
Once again the cave went silent. For a whole bunch of detectives, you all were very, very scared of Alfred, including Bruce even though he will never admit it, lying to The old-butler-cum-grandpa and making random excuses for the whole 3 hours was a thought dreadful enough to make all of you exchange petrified glances at each other hoping someone would step forward to do the job.
"I'll do it", dick raised his hand.
"NO!", everyone snapped and Dick's head tilted with a pout.
"You are good at doing a lot of stuff boy wonder, hiding things from Alfred isn't one of them", Barbara comforted Dick as Damian stepped up next.
"*tt* Since none of you imbeciles have the courage or the ability to do it. I shall be the one to handle Pennyworth. Gordon, Cain and Titus, I will require your assistance", Damian spoke or rather commanded as he went up the stairs, followed by the group he chose.
"Don't mess this up for us, you gremlin!"
"Tim!", you lightly jabbed him in the side with your elbow.
"Ow! What?"
"Be nice", you narrowed your eyes and he understood you were being serious.
"Fine I'll try, but don't blame me if he starts something", Tim shrugged carelessly. You shook your head and let out an audible sigh as you followed everyone else up towards the manor.
"That's it Dick just a little to the right...No the other right...No! Not there you goofus! Just...Just get down from the chandelier before it comes crashing down on the rest of us and For God's Sake let Duke handle the ribbons before you somehow strangle yourself with them", you eyed him worriedly.
"Oh come (Y/N) it'll be fine!", the cheerfulness in his voice made you cock an eyebrow at him from below. Duke slid in beside you.
"10 bucks says he will somehow fall within the next hour"
"Oh Duke you should know better, 20 says he'll fall within 30 minutes", you turned towards him with an evil smile.
"What are you both talking about down there?"
"NOTHING!", you both said in unison on which Dick gave you a confused look.
"Oh Hey look Steph needs my help with the cake so, see ya!", you quickly moved to the other side of the room checking in with Stephanie and Tim. She gave you a thumbs up to signal that everything was going according to plan and the place was almost ready. Everyone was laughing, bickering, having fun, it was all very rare and seeing it, a warm feeling spread throughout you.
You smiled to yourself for a moment but it faltered and a frown pulled up at your lips, a sorrowful thought crossed your mind, something you always kept buried deep down. Looking around and seeing as nobody needed your help at the moment you decided to slip out of the chaos, taking slow steps towards the patio to clear your head.
Leaning against the railing you thought back to how you left your house this morning telling your mother that you are going to stay at your friend's place for a while and how she just waved her hand at that, not even questioning you anymore. Your mind was completely elsewhere, despite the awe-inspiring dense forest right in front of you, your eyes were lost in space.
You registered, a bit too late, the presence of someone standing beside you.
"It is a nice view, but something tells me that's not what brought to out here, away from everyone else"
"Careful there Brucie or people might think that you are actually capable of some emotions which happen include caring for people", you retorted back at him. It was always a sort of defense mechanism for you, whenever you felt exposed you countered it with snarky remark.
You closed your eyes hoping that Bruce would just walk away. But he didn't. He stayed there.
Bruce leaned on the railing beside you and waited. You took a deep breath, contemplating you next move carefully.
"...Look It's really silly so can we drop it?", you whispered wondering why in the world would Bruce of all people, care about your feelings.
"Talk to me (Y/N). I can tell when something is bothering you, I may not be your father, but you are my family.", unlike usual, his voice was gentle and genuine when he spoke to you.
"I am really not a fan of surprise birthdays", you stated, starting off vaguely.
"And why is that?"
"Because I...It's silly but this one time I spent a whole week working on a birthday gift for my mom, it was like a craft pop up box which had multiple photos of us together, I made that from scratch! everything in it I made that, I worked hard for it, I did it out of love but when I gave her that surprise gift you know what she said Bruce! She said that I wasted my time that she would've been much happier if I had focused on my studies, she never even once said that she liked it and I--", you looked at him with tears brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill.
"I don't know Bruce, it-it just makes me feel sad you know? every little thing reminds me that my mother doesn’t seem to love me anymore. There is this constant thought in my mind that no one cares about me, about what I do for them and I don’t know what to do with a thought like that."
"That's not true, look around you kiddo, you are surrounded by people who would do anything for you, who love you from the bottom of their hearts", Bruce finally looked at you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"That's the thing! I am not an orphan!", you blurted out and Bruce looked more confused than ever.
"I'm aware"
"No! No you are not. I am not one of those kids you picked up from somewhere, I don't live here, Like I am sure you people aren't even sane, hell! you all make up the most dysfunctional family I have ever seen! I don’t belong here, you people have no reason to care about", Bruce gave you a sideways look, slightly chuckling at your sudden description of the people in the manor.
"But I still love everyone, my mom, you, every dumbass inside the manor right now, no matter much pain they cause me and I don't get why", this time when he looked at you, you didn't look like the vigilante who sucker punched The Riddler in the face last night, you looked like a scared little kid who is lost.
Bruce stood up straight and wrapped you in a hug. Something you never expected to happen in a million years. The shocked settled in after a bit and you wrapped your hands around him, burying your face in his chest.
"The people we love are still people at the end of the day. They act out, and sometimes they let us down, hurt us even, but that doesn't mean we stop loving them. For every bad memory, there will always be a good one that will get you through it. I promise you that (Y/N)", Bruce pulled away and gave you a warm smile. You couldn't help but smile back, your face matching his.
"Okay who are you and what have you done with Bruce Wayne? because I don't recognize this man who is full of emotions and on top of that, is giving free hugs right now", you broke into a grin, making Bruce's face go back to the stoic version.
"If you tell anyone, I will deny it"
"Sure you will"
Suddenly a clattering sound came from the hall, alerting you both. This, however, was followed by a 'I'm okay!' By the one Dick Grayson, which in turn was followed by Duke's 'Oh no!'
"Any idea what that was about?", Bruce inquired raising an eyebrow as you burst out laughing.
"That, you big softie, was the sound of me getting my 20 dollars, now let's get back before they destroy everything."
You and Bruce entered back into the hall, everyone was gathered around waiting for Damian and his group to signal the beloved butler's arrival. You stood next to Tim as Jason moved towards the switches to turn off the lights.
"Okay I'll bite why are you covered in frosting before the party even started?"
"Steph", Tim replied, too tired to elaborate, leaving you giggling.
Barbara, Cass and Damian rushed through the door, looking close to terrified, with Titus tagging along.
"He is here, HIDE!", Damian said quickly closing the doors.
After a few moments, the door creaked open and Alfred's voice came through, "Master Damian, you and I will have words for what you did to-- Oh my", he was stuck to his position at the door, too shocked to say anything more after looking at the decorations and bunch gathered around an enormous cake.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALFRED!!", you all exclaimed with extreme excitement.
As the party went on you noticed that there was, in fact, a broken chandelier broomed to the side, later on there were a few not-at-all-safe stunts performed by the boys, some really bad puns made by Dick, all sorts of shenanigans by the others and cake, lots of cake. You looked around, everyone was busy doing something but now you knew Bruce was right:
You have one hell of a family, original, found or otherwise. And you love them all no matter what.
Tags: @thesesickfics-justmakemesick
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: May I request a Batfam X Batmom!Reader? Her and Bruce have been together for about a half a year now and the boys are still getting used to her. They don't think she knows about their activities but she does. One night she tells Alfred that she'll cook and let's him have a break. After calling the boys multiple times and they don't come to dinner she brings it down to the batcave and they're like,"How did you get in here? How did you know?" She laughs and says, "You're bad at hiding things."
Warning: Nothing really. fluff
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
GIF not mine
Word Count: 1.9k
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The craziest part of dating Bruce Wayne wasn't the fact that you got to stay over in a huge manor with nearly everything that you could ever imagine, it was the fact that he was ridiculous to think that you didn't figure out his secret.
Bruce and his kids were constantly covered in bruises and no matter how hard they tried to hide them, you had seen them. Not to mention that every time you and Bruce every slept together, you saw the scars that laced his body. He never talked about them and you could only assume that it was something from his past that he wasn't ready to reveal yet.
So, you kept quiet. You didn't bring up the fact that him and his kids were covered in thick scars or that they would show up with random cuts and bruises whenever you saw them.
It took you a while to piece everything together. The wounds, the reflexes, the knowledge that something bad was going to happen before it even did, and mainly, the random disappearances. You were dating Batman. His kids, were the long chain of Robins.
Bruce was shocked when you brought it up to him. He wasn't sure if he was more shocked that you had figured it out so quickly or how you were so calm about the matter. He told you the truth about his life, what he did in the night, and that you were completely right.
Your knowledge about the truth was kept quiet to his kids. They didn't fully trust you and you couldn't blame them. It hadn't even been a year since you and Bruce had been officially together, they had every reason not to trust you. Damian was the most weary of you, he was protective of his father.
As much as you loved Bruce's kids, they were far more reluctant to let you into their inner circle. It wasn't just because they didn't know you, but getting involved in their lives only meant putting you in danger. You tried to make things go smoother with them - particularly by trying to make sure that you weren't trying to force them to think of you as their mom.
Besides, you weren't technically even moved in yet. Though, you stayed over enough to make them believe that you did. Bruce joked with you lots that you may as well just bring all your things over.
That evening, you had decided that it was time to show off your cooking skills. With your sleeves rolled up to your elbows and your hair tied back, you were deep into making a delicious meal. The rare times that Bruce came over to your tiny apartment, he always raved about how good your cooking was - hopefully his kids would agree.
"Miss (Y/N)," Alfred was surprised to see you in the kitchen. He was so used to making every meal that having someone using his space had come as quite a shock.
"Alfred!" you grinned at him. After being used to cooking only for yourself, having to amp up the portions was taking more of a toll on you than you thought. "I thought I would make dinner tonight, I hope you don't mind. I should have asked first."
"Not at all," Alfred assured you. "Would you like any help, Ms. (Y/N)?"
"Thanks, but I'll be okay. Relax for the night," You offered. "I never see you take the night off when I'm here."
"As you wish," Alfred smiled at you before leaving. You got back to work, nearly working up a sweat by everything that you had on the go. As much as you enjoyed cooking, it was definitely easier when it was just for you and Bruce, not six hungry kids too.
Less than an hour later, you had finished preparing and plating everyone's food. To be honest, you thought that this had to have been one of the best meals you ever made in your life. You just hoped that everyone else thought so to. It was the first time that all the kids were in the house for a meal together since you had started dating Bruce.
You loved Bruce, a lot. In the relatively short time that you dated him, you had fallen in love with everything that he stood for and what he represented. Between his days of maintaining Wayne Enterprises and nights of being Batman, you realized that you wanted to spend your life with him in the busy life he had.
That meant that you had to ensure that you were liked by his kids as well. They were a big part of his life and you didn't want to be a part of this family without them liking you. They had already changed from when you first met all of them. They were kind to you, even though they felt that sometimes you were just a distraction in Bruce's life.
The more time you spent there, the more they realized how good you were for him. Bruce spent a lot of time alone, it wasn't hard for him to sometimes forget that he was just human too. You brought that side out in him, a side that everyone forgot that he needed.
"Bruce!" You called. Your voice echoed throughout the huge house but there was no reply. "Bruce, dinner!" How did Alfred gather everyone so easily? "Damian! Tim!" Still no answer. "Steph! Cass! Goddammit."
With a sigh, you left the dining room and ventured out to see where they could be. None of the boys were in their room and Bruce wasn't in the office meaning there was only one place they could have all been gathered: the batcave.
Bruce had shown you how to get in and out of it, however he told you that going down there by yourself had to be for emergencies only. Technically, this wasn't one of those cases but the food was getting cold and you had to assume that they were getting hungry. So, you opened up the grandfather clock and opened the entrance.
It was the first time that you were going down there on your own. The steps seemed to be creepier without Bruce's hand clasped with your own. Shaking off the eerie feeling, you continued your trek down the stairs. The closer you got the the bottom, the more you could hear their voices.
Just as expected, all the kids, along with Bruce and Alfred had been down there. Half of them were crowded around the various monitors and the other half working on gadgets or training. It was incredible how they all just worked so well together - despite all their disputes. You knew Jason and Dick weren't happy to be back, Tim was less than eager but accepted it. Damian still lived in the manor, he was used to it. Steph and Cass didn't seem to mind being back to their old home.
"Dinner's ready!" You announced. The sound of your voice brought everyone to a stop. Alfred and Bruce were the only ones that knew that you knew their secret making it quite the surprise for everyone else to see you so nonchalantly there by yourself. "It's getting cold..." You trailed off as no one moved.
"How..." Dick trailed off. His head was cocked to the side as he tried to figure out how you knew where they were. "How are you down here?" It was pretty obvious that if you knew how to get down there, you knew why it was there too.
"Bruce showed me," you explained.
"Father, you told her?" Damian looked over to Bruce. He was surprised that in such a short amount of time that you guys had been dating that he was so willing to tell the truth. It was clear that Damian didn't think that you guys were far enough into a relationship to know the family secrets.
"Bruce, are you serious?"
"You haven't even been together a year."
"Come on guys, do you really think I'm that oblivious?" You rhetorically asked, cutting them off before they could argue with Bruce any longer. "You guys aren't very good at hiding it within the comfort of your own home, it didn't take me that long to find out by myself. I've known for months."
“Hmf, maybe you do deserve to date Batman,” Jason joked to himself. You could see in the corner of your eye that Steph had jabbed him in the ribs for that comment. Not that you would ever pick favourites - but these weren’t technically your kids and Steph was easily your favourite.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Tim asked. He nearly looked hurt by the fact that you kept your knowledge a secret. Then again, he could understand why. His brother's were always a little hostile when it came to new comers - you were still part of that group. "Why didn't you say anything?" He changed his question and looked over at Bruce.
"It doesn't matter why," You answered for your boyfriend. "Look, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner but it wasn't really important, was it? Now, come on - I made dinner and I spent a lot of time on it and the longer we're down here the colder it's getting. We can talk about this after."
It was the first time that you had used your 'mom voice' on the kids. Your hands were placed on your hips and you watched them all expectedly. Thankfully, they listened to you. Everyone, aside from Bruce left back to the dining room. 
As each of the kids passed by you, you had pulled them in to place a loving kiss on the side of their heads. Half the time you had to stand on your toes just to be able to reach. You had picked up the habit with them a while ago, and since none of them complained, you kept it up. 
It was the only time that you ever felt like they cared about you just as much as you cared for them. 
As soon as it was just the two of you, Bruce tugged you into his arms. His hands rested on your hips and he instantly brought you in for a kiss. You smiled into it, bring your hands up to the back of his neck.
"Thought they were gonna take that a lot worse," you confessed between kisses. Bruce finally pulled away from you. "You think they'll ever warm up to me fully?"
"They grew up learning not to trust anyone," Bruce told you. You played with the hairs at the nape of his neck - easy for him to tell that you were nervous. "I think that if they're going to warm up to anyone, it's going to be you. My smart, loving, beautiful, sexy, girlfriend."
"Bruce Wayne," you shook your head. "Such a suck up." A grin spread across your face as be brought you in for another long kiss. Bruce trailed his hands down your sides until landing on the curve of your ass. You pulled him in to deepen the kiss, pressing your bodies flush against each other.
"(Y/N)! Come on!" You couldn't tell which of the kids were yelling your name, but you took that as your queue to head upstairs as well. At least they were eager for you to join them - whether it was because they wanted you to or because you had made the food they were eating. You weren't going to complain either way that they had called your name, not Bruce's.
"See, warming up to you already."
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mochegato · 4 years
Chapter 6 – Radio Mysteries Are Still a Thing
Chapter 1        Chapter 5
“I’m not tired though.” Mar’i whined in a sleepy voice.
Marinette smiled down at her as she patted down the comforter around her.  Mar’i’s eyes were barely staying open as she talked.  “Yeah, I can tell.  But your Mommy has a bunch of super fun things planned for you two as soon as she gets home tomorrow.  I know she is really excited to spend time with you, so you want to be rested and full of energy for her tomorrow, right?”
“I’m so excited.” Mar’i squealed quietly, suddenly reenergized thinking about spending time with her Mom.  “We’re going to bake cupcakes and go shopping and practice flying and get lunch together and get our nails painted and take some cupcakes to Daddy. You and Tim should come with us!”
Marinette smiled at her.  “I’m flattered you want us to come with you but I think you and your Mommy should get some time alone.  I know she’s missed you a lot.”
Mar’i thought it over and nodded as she thought. “And you and Tim should get some time alone, too.  I know he likes you a lot.”
Marinette’s cheeks flushed.  “That's nice. Tim is a very nice and thoughtful man.  I'm sure he likes lots of people.”
Mar’i’s eyes started getting heavy again as she corrected Marinette.  “Not really.”
Marinette blushed further.  “Well then I feel honored.”
“But he likes you.  He gets happy when he sees you.  You two should go on a date.” Mar’i nodded decidedly, or at least tried to. The yawn interrupted the serious face she was trying to make.
Marinette’s smile turned bittersweet.  “Thank you, but he has Kon.”
“But they don’t go on dates.  Kon goes on dates with Cassie, not Tim.”  Mar’i said quietly as she turned to a more comfortable position under the cover.  “He thinks you should date Tim, too.”
Marinette looked at her confused.  “Oh?”
“Yeah,” she slurred, barely still awake.  “He told me today… It’s a secret though, so don’t tell Tim.”
Marinette quietly closed Mar’i’s door and padded out to the living room.  She stumbled slightly when she saw Tim was still there with papers and photos scattered across the living room table.  She blushed thinking about her conversation with Mar’i.  “You’re still here.” She said quietly.
“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind.  I was looking over some of Dick’s files and didn’t want to take them out of the apartment.” Tim shrugged in what he hoped was a casual manner.  The less she thought about the lie the more convincing it would be.
She grabbed her school bag and settled on the opposite side of the couch from Tim.  She scanned over the photos quickly as she pulled her books and notebooks out, not sure if it was any of her business.  But then again, if he didn’t want her to see them, he wouldn’t have them out in the open on the coffee table.  She paused her unpacking when she saw the bloody body.  “What… what is this?  I thought Dick was the detective.  Or is this one of the cases your family is working on?”
“Oh, no.” Tim looked up sheepishly.  “I like working on cold cases.  This is a file Dick set aside for me to look into.”
“Oh, right.” She nodded distractedly, examining the pictures again.  “Are these the cases Kon was talking about?  That you two work on together.”
Tim looked confused for a few seconds before remembering what she was talking about.  He looked away sheepishly.  “No, he wasn’t sure if you knew about our hero activities, so he was looking for a way to say he’s only responsible for me when we’re in the field.  We partner together a lot on missions.”
“Ahhh, that’s what you meant.” Marinette said quietly to herself, almost too quietly for Tim to hear.  She squeezed her eyes shut and mentally face palmed.  God what an idiot!  She called Adrien her partner, too.  She really, really should have thought of that!  She was totally blaming the damned concussion.  As though it hadn’t taken enough from her already; reduced caffeine, reduced electronics, and reduced energy.  It really had to add reduced rational thought?
“What?” He scrunched up his nose adorably in confusion.
“Oh, nothing.” She flapped her hands like she was shooing away the question.  “You mentioned Kon was your partner.  I just realized you meant in your hero activities.”
Tim looked at her mortified.  “You thought Kon and I…”  He had been flirting his ass off for the past few weeks, granted it was awkward, clumsy, terrible flirting.  But it was flirting none the less.  Had she not noticed?
Marinette shrugged at him, an apologetic grimace on her face.  “You two seem very close and you mentioned he helped take care of you and was your partner and Kori mentioned you were always together so...  It seemed to fit.”
“No!” Tim said too loudly.  What was wrong with him volume regulator lately, he chastised himself.  “No,” he repeated quieter this time.  “No, we’re just good friends, best friends.  He’s my partner, you know, my superhero partner.  No, I’m not in… um… I mean… I’m not dating anyone right now.” Tim stuttered out. “My last girlfriend and I broke up ages ago.”
“Oh,” Marinette nodded, looking away to try to hide her blush. “That’s um… that’s good to know. Must have made New Year’s awkward for you.  Nobody to kiss and all.  It was for me anyway.”  She turned back to the pictures again scanning them absentmindedly to distract her brain from thinking about her not at all subtle hint.  God, when did she lose her ability to flirt?  She puckered her lips in annoyance when she realized she never had it.  “And the police suspect him but can’t make it stick?” She asked pointing to a wealthy looking businessman in one of the photos.
Tim shook his head to focus on what she was pointing to and try to remember the case again after the myriad of revelations Marinette had just revealed in the last minute or so, including the confirmation that she was single.  He examined the picture she was pointing to and looked at her wide eyed in surprise. “No, but that’s who I suspect.  He had the most to gain if you consider the repercussions.”  Marinette looked at him questioningly.  “The wife was the immediate suspect.  She was having an affair with her husband’s secretary and she inherits everything. But if she was implicated in his death, she could be sued and lose any stake in the company, whether it was proven in court or not.  It would go to the next in line, which is him.”
Marinette nodded along with him looking at each of the people as he pointed them out.  “Makes sense.  No proof though?”
“Not enough.  What made you suspect him?” He looked over at her curiously.
“He changed his suit.”  Tim looked at her blankly.  “See these are pictures from the same party.” She scooted closer to Tim to point out to two pictures.  Tim scooted closer to her to get a better look at them.  “Everyone is in the same clothes except for him.  He’s wearing different suits.”
“Those look like the same suit to me.” Tim said doubtfully.
Marinette scoffed at him.  “I’m sure they were supposed to.  It wouldn’t work if the suits didn’t look the same.  But see the lapels?” She leaned over Tim’s shoulder to point to the man’s lapels. “They’re a different sheen.  This one is shinier than this other one.  And see the buttons, this one has a design. I can’t make out what it is, but there is one, but this other one, doesn’t have a design.  Plus, this one is Tom Ford and this one is Armani.”
Tim’s mouth dropped as he turned to her dumbfounded. “How did you know that?”
“I’m more than you give me credit for.”  She grinned smugly at him.  She froze when she noticed how close they had gotten.  Their faces were only a few centimeters from each other, their mouths so close she could feel his breath on her face.  He froze too, his eyes widening as he made the same realization.  After a second, Marinette’s courage failed her and she backed away from Tim shyly. What if Mar’i was wrong?  She was only 4, she could have misread the signals. Just because Tim wasn’t dating, it didn’t mean he wanted to date her.  He was smart and funny and handsome and sweet.  He probably already had his eye on someone.
Marinette grabbed her discarded textbook and held it up for him to see, her notebook shoved haphazardly into it.  “I’m a design student and have my own online boutique. If I didn’t notice that, I’d have to seriously reconsider my career path.  And I’ve seen enough murder mysteries to know that if someone changes clothes in the middle of a party, there’s a reason.  Could be that someone spilled something on him, but with a suit that expensive, someone would know it happened. If it was staff, they would be worried about getting fired and sued.  Worth looking for the suit anyway.  Depending on how cocky he is, he may have kept it and just gotten it dry cleaned, thinking nobody would investigate him anyway.”
Tim looked at her in awe.  “You… you like murder mysteries?” he was finally able to stutter out.
“Yeah.  Normally, I’d have one on in the background while I work on homework but, concussion and electronics aren’t a good mix.  Hell, normally, all my design research would be online… concussions are a bitch.  My electronic activity has been restricted.”
“Yeah, I mean not the worst I’ve gotten, but the limited electronics thing is just the worst.”
“Yeah, I imagine without magic to protect you, you guys must get hurt a lot.”
He gave her a double take.  “Why would magic be involved?”
“Oh… our heroes had magic to protect them and used magic to reverse the damage they and the rest of us sustained.” She tried to shrug nonchalantly like it was nothing important.
“Your heroes?” Marinette turned away from his adorably scrunched nose.
“Paris’ heroes.  Ladybug and Chat Noir… Rena Rouge, Carapace, King Monkey… Multimouse?” She listed off as casually as she could manage.
“I think I’ve heard of Ladybug and Chat Noir, maybe. They disappeared a few years ago, right?”
“Yeah.  Their job was done.  One occasionally pops up in New York to help Knight Owl and Majestia but, pretty much, they disappeared.”
“Their job wasn’t stopping criminals?”
“No,” she said affronted.  “Their job was to catch the villain who had stolen two miraculous and deal with damage caused by the miraculous.  When the villain was caught their job was done.”
“Huh,” Tim turned away to think about that.  “I guess I’ve never thought about not trying to help people.  If I can help, I want to do it.”
Marinette’s eyes turned serious.  “It’s bigger than that though.  The miraculous are bound to creatures with god-like abilities.  The miraculous in Paris had the ability to rewrite history and reality itself.  The potential for that to go horribly wrong or fall into the wrong hands and be used for evil is too great.”  She sighed and looked at her book.  “Not to mention the heroes were children when they started fighting and they couldn’t reveal their identities to anyone so their only support was each other.  They deserved a break, a chance to heal and be children.  Children shouldn’t be taking on the battles of grownups.”
Tim looked at her sympathetically. “Definitely not the philosophy I grew up with, as a child vigilante.”
Marinette gave him a weak smile.  “Maybe you deserve a break too.”
Tim looked away for a few moments, considering what she had said.  “Maybe…”
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud yawn. He looked over and saw a sheepish look on her face.  “Sorry. I think the pool tired me out just as much as Mar’i.”
“You should take a nap.  I can watch over things while you do,” he offered gently.
“No, thank you though.” She gave him a grateful smile and held up her textbook.  “I have miles to go and chapters of text to read before I sleep.  I usually have something else on while I do though, something to distract my brain.”  
He looked over at her and gave her a small smile. “You know they have radio murder mysteries.  I can find one to play while you work on your homework, if you want.”
“Yeah,” she smiled back wider, appreciating the change of topic.  “I’d like that.”
“I… there are a few to choose from,” he said holding up his phone.  “Did you want to choose?”
Marinette moved so she was touching him and looked through his phone.  “That one looks interesting,” she commented handing it back to him.
Tim smiled and started the mystery.  He smiled wider when he noticed she didn’t move away from him after choosing the mystery.  He waited a few minutes then slung his arm around her shoulders.  He held his breath waiting to see her reaction. Marinette stiffened only for a second then relaxed into his side.  Tim let go of the breath he was holding and enjoyed the feeling of having Marinette next to him.
Marinette opened her textbook and started reading and making notes while Tim pulled up more information on the suspect for the case on his laptop.  After a few minutes, he noticed Marinette’s pencil had dropped and her breathing had evened out.  He looked down at her and the sight filled his heart with warmth.  She had fallen asleep curled up into his side, with her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest.  He smiled affectionately, relishing the feeling of having her curled up against him.  
He gently closed her textbook and moved it and her notebook out of the way.  He grabbed the blanket haphazardly thrown over the back of the couch and wrapped it around the two of them.  He pulled her closer into his chest and leaned further back into the couch to get more comfortable.  His smile softened even more when she sighed contentedly and snuggled further into his chest.  He would stay in this position as long as he could, as long as she wanted.
Chapter 7
@timari-month-event  @ichigorose @stainedglassm @better-toast @theymakeupfairies @trippingovermyfeet
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Wrong Number Part 2
A/N: Here’s Part 2! Uh…I don’t really know what to say other than…enjoy it! Hopefully, I can post Part 3 sometime next week.
Warnings: Language, Sexual Content, Text Message Nudes, and Mutual Masturbation.
I’m in complete shock. I know I’m frozen because I can’t literally take my eyes off the text message Jason sent to me. It’s clear; it’s in black and white, staring right at me.
Do you ever think we’ll meet each other?
He wants to meet me. Jason wants to meet me in person!
I want to text him back, but my mind is full of many ridiculous questions and the fears of Jason being a serial killer, or rapist, or just an insane Arkham escapee blows up in my head.
Before I knew it, I see the three bubbles on my screen.
I’m sorry. That was selfish of me to ask you that even though we’re still practically strangers to each other. Forget I asked, please?
My heart suddenly hurts like fuck. The pain I’m instantly feeling is very familiar. A broken heart?
It’s pure agony when I notice Jason texting me again.
I’m not going to be able to text tonight, sweetheart. I’m working late with my brothers. I’ll text you tomorrow. Have a good night. Sweet dreams.
I can’t believe I did this. How could I do this to a guy who’s been so funny, so sweet, and such a good friend in only just four days through text messages?
I seriously fucked up. And now I have no one to talk to until I fall asleep.
And as strange as it is, I only sleep well after I talk to him.
And true to his word, Jason texts me at five in the morning, only to let me know he made it home safe after working with his brothers.
We only spoke about our jobs once. He told me he works alongside police officers and tracks down criminals and helps brings justice to the city. He seemed almost hesitant to tell me and turned the conversation to me as if he doesn’t like talking about work. He made it clear that he would rather keep his work private, and I didn’t push him to tell me more. I didn’t want to ask a lot of questions, even if I’m sometimes curious about it, because I wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable about it.
I had told him I’m a waitress at the local diner just a block away from GCPD, and how I’m a late-night writer who dreams of publishing my novel on love and loss. And after I confessed about the book I wrote to Jason, I noticed he was very enthusiastic about that and even told me he wants to read it.
And as the shy and insecure person that I am, I became embarrassed and said no.
That only fueled the fire between us. Jason went on to explain he loves to read. His favorite literature consists of Shakespeare (particularly Hamlet), George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm, and even poetry from Edgar Allen Poe.
He even went into depth of how The Tell-Tale Heart mirrors his own reflection of life and stuck with him during a depressing time in his life.
It wasn’t until after we shared our love for literature that I found myself falling for Jason. As ridiculous and insane as that sounds, I couldn’t help but feel as if he’s the missing piece in my life.
It’s as if he’s the words to my story.
Important, but very valuable to a writer.
I was basically on a high that had me grinning like an idiot, giggling like a moron, and jumping in my seat as my stomach twists and turns like a roller coaster, when Jason refused to take no for an answer after I said he couldn’t read my novel. He even said his dad has connections to businesses in Gotham and could even help me get it published.
As much as I would want that, I couldn’t help but feel that it seems too good to be true. What if his dad took my novel and publish it as his own? What if I get cheated out of a contract and didn’t get paid fairly like I should? What if it’s basically a soul-sucking scam to just fuck my entire life up?
Jason must have sensed my hesitation after that, because he then began to tell me about his brothers.
How his older brother Dick still treats him like a kid, even though Jason is taller and stronger than him.
How his younger brother Tim is a computer nerd and often geeks out over the oddest things.
And how his youngest brother Damian is really a demon spawn, who tries to be tough shit, but is really a soft teddy bear.
He even has a sassy but wise butler, Alfred, who frightens him and sometimes reminds him of Vito Corleone from The Godfather. But the older man loves Jason as much as his dad, Bruce.
The stories about Jason’s family are the best. I always find myself excited to see what he texts me about his family.
How he and his brothers fight over their dad’s car, how they wrestle and spar to see who’s the strongest one, and how whenever one’s in trouble, the other three are already finding ways to save or bail the troubled one out.
It all makes me feel good to know they’re a close family. Especially when my cold, harsh reality reminds me I don’t have a family.
My parents died when I was just fifteen years old. I was in the school library alone during afterhours; reading on a beanbag chair because I didn’t want to go home. At that particular time, my parents were hanging around a different crowd. A crowd that was into drugs and gambling, and possibly other illegal activities I don’t even know about.
So, I chose to stay in the school library that night, sitting in my favorite beanbag chair the librarian allows me to use, reading a favorite horror book, munching away on a hot pocket (a snack also from the librarian), and just enjoy the silence but comfortable environment I would call home.
Then I was told they died in a car accident, but after eavesdropping on Commissioner Gordon and the other cops, I heard there could have been a hit on them.
The car accident happened only a block away from our apartment.
The brakes were cut.
The car was burning too much oil.
The airbags were taken out.
Many noticeable factors couldn’t pinpoint the real crime. Eventually, they just called it a “car accident”, and everything fishy about the case was ignored and never brought up again.
I suffered and struggled a lot in foster homes until I turned 18. I didn’t have any other family members to get into contact with, so I had to make do with the foster care system. After being shipped to three unstable and cruel homes, the last family only dealt with me until I turned 18 and I was soon kicked out. I did get lucky enough to get a job at the diner I’m working at since the new manager needed a pretty young girl to serve the customers.
I even went to Gotham Community College for a year but dropped out when I couldn’t pass any math and science classes.
It was fucking hard.
Science was confusing as hell.
Math was just evil and useless.
I hated those classes so much.
I only passed my English classes because reading and writing only made sense to me.
I even took a creative writing class and poetry class only to discover I want to write.
I want to be a writer.
So, I dropped out of college and decided to work full time at the diner as a waitress. Since no one wants to live and work in Gotham, I’m lucky enough to work morning and night without any issues. As dangerous and scary Gotham can be, I have nowhere else to go, so that’s why I stay here.
Maybe that’s why I’m eager to meet Jason. After everything I’ve been through, maybe I do need a little unpredictability.
The more I consider meeting Jason, the more I can imagine him being my family.
Or being a part of his.
“You’re not going to meet him, right???” Stacey raises her voice at me in sheer annoyance and panic. She crosses her arms and glares at me to answer her. “Right, Y/N???”
I sigh as softly as I can while wiping down the booths and tables for the night. In the midst of a battle, I find myself growling with irritation when I can’t wipe away the sticky maple syrup spills on the hard surface.
“He could be a fat, old man who picks up on teenage girls! He’s probably some 40-year-old loser who still lives on his mom’s basement playing Street Fighter with kids! What if he tricks you into meeting up in a hotel room and has his way with you? Then what, Y/N?! Does that sound like a good idea to you?!” Stacey snaps.
I exhale deeply and stand up straight; after leaning over the table to reach the opposite side for some time. Turning around, I face Stacey Patterson, a tall, petite, pretty blonde, fresh face girl straight out of high school. She’s a waitress like me, and after only working here for a year, we’ve become close friends; always looking after each other in dangerous Gotham City.
“I didn’t say I was going to meet him, Stacey. We’re just talking about it,” I answer timidly.
Despite being five years older than Stacey, she still intimidates the hell out of me. Whether it’s her 5’11 height, loud voice, or natural evil glare, I can never speak up or defend myself. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t take a stand.
Because what if I actually piss her off? What if she stops being my friend?
Because I don’t think I could live in Gotham and not have any friends and not know anyone.
Stacey is like my best friend, and her friends Amber and Holly hang out in our group. Stacey even says they’re my friends, too, even though I clearly know they only put up with me because of her.
And if Amber and Holly aren’t my friends, then I’ll just have Stacey. And if I don’t have Stacey, I’ll only have Jason.
And who knows if Jason is who he says he is, and if he’s even real.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Y/N! You’re totally thinking about Jason! You’re thinking about meeting up with him because I could see it in your eyes!” Stacey declares. She waves her arms around to emphasize her point. “You like this guy! You have feelings for a guy you’ve never even met!”
“That is not true,” I argue weakly.
“Yes, it is! And we don’t even know if it’s a guy!”
“Jason is a guy, and I can tell!”
“Oh, really? How? Do tell.”
I stare at Stacey with a serious expression, except my cheeks are burning with embarrassment as usual. “He...comes off like a guy. I know he is. I can tell through his text messages,” I say.
“Anybody can sound like anyone through text messages. That’s how people catfish victims online!” Stacey argues.
“I’m a writer, Stacey. I just...have a feeling, okay? I know Jason says who he is, and I believe him,” I say strongly, as I push a lose strand of my hair behind my ear. “I’m doing this the smart way, too. When he and I decide when we should meet up, I’ll let you know. Maybe we can make it a group thing. I bring a friend. He brings a friend.”
Stacey sighs in defeat when she realizes I’m not backing down. She glances up at me with a stern face. “Fine. When you two decide when you’re both going to meet up, I’ll be there. I’ll be there to make sure he’s not on America’s Most Wanted, and to make sure he doesn’t try to lure you to his mom’s basement. BUT...you have to go on a date. A REAL date with a guy we both know, AND who could be good for you,” she states loudly and clearly.
“But Stacey-”
“Hey! Only until this Jason guy comes to Gotham and we meet him! Until then, I want you to give this guy a chance. A fair chance! For me...please???” Stacey pleads. She pouts and gives me her puppy dog eyes, which she knows I always give in to.
I’m too nice. Mom always said I was too nice, and that one day it’ll get me in trouble.
I’m still wondering when that’ll happen.
“Okay, I’ll give this guy a chance. I swear I will,” I promise and salute her. “But who’s the guy?”
Stacey grins in success and hugs me tightly. “Good! Because you’re like my sister, Y/N, and I just want to see you happy. You deserve it,” she says softly. “And it’s Chace. Remember him? He’s the drummer from, WakeHell. He moved in right next door to me, and I know you two will hit it off right!”
Oh yeah. I know him.
He’s a total bad boy. A bad boy I don’t even think I could deal with.
I force a smile but then frown, because the only guy in my life who makes me happy is Jason.
Who I only text.
Who I haven’t even met.
The next day is a lazy day since it’s my day off. I spent the majority of it sleeping, doing laundry, and just doing minor cleaning around my apartment until it’s 9:00 P.M.
And Cruel Intentions is on TV.
Lying on the couch with my second glass of Vodka Cranberry, I find myself really buzzed and horny. Ryan Phillippe back then was hot, and him making out with Reese Witherspoon is doing things to me.
My phone bings. It’s Jason.
What are you up to tonight, sweetheart?
Just a night in, a cup of glasses of vodka and cranberry, and Cruel Intentions is on TV.
I barely realize I’m buzzed and texting Jason. But my horny side doesn’t care.
I sorry I’m buzzed right now lol.
LOL no worries. I just came back from the bar with my brothers. We had a successful night and decided to get some drinks. We even had Tim and Damian use fake I.D’s.
I laugh and snort. Thank God no one heard me do that.
That’s good...we wouldn’t want Tim and Damian to be left out. They’re your baby brothers, Jay.
Jay? I really like it when you call me that. And I especially like you buzzed. LOL.
I like me buzzed too! I think I’m way more fun and free!
LOL!!! Exactly, princess!
I smile down at my phone. I love it when he calls me princess.
You said you’re watching Cruel Intentions? I just found it on TV. Wow...this movie’s old LOL.
Shut up!!! I find young Ryan Phillppe sexy in this movie!
You seriously find him sexy??? The guy’s a whiny brat! A pussy! Fuck, this movie woulda been sexier if we actually saw the douchebag eat out Cecile and saw him fuck Annette AND Kathryn!
I gasp out loud and giggle.
Then it would have been a porno! Not a movie! Hahaha!!!!
That’s fine with me, princess!
I softly whimper at just the thought of Jason watching porn. Closing my eyes, I imagine how he would sound, touch himself, and look when he’s pleasuring himself.
My eyes shoot open when I hear Sebastian telling Cecile he wants to kiss her…down there. I quickly turn my attention to the TV and watch the movie. Even though he takes advantage of a clueless, drunk girl in the movie, just the thought of him eating her out makes me clench my thighs.
It’s been too long. WAY TOO LONG!
The last guy I was seeing didn’t like to eat me out; claimed it was disgusting and unnecessary to do before sex.
As if sucking his dick was glamorous AND fun!
My thoughts are interrupted when Jason texts me.
You’re quiet tonight…does this scene turn you on???
The laughing emojis he texts me should hurt my feelings since I can easily be embarrassed over sexual things but…he’s right.
I’m turned on with just the thought of getting eaten out.
I boldly text Jack back. Unashamed and VERY buzzed.
You have no idea. Just imagining him eating me out, writing the alphabet with his tongue, and making me have an explosion is making me wet my panties right now.
I laugh to myself just seeing that Jason read my text message and is responding fast. The texting bubbles have never looked so good.
You’re…you’re wet right now????
Yes. Soooo fucking wet.
A surge of drunken confidence hits me, and I quickly shove off my pajama shorts until they’re on the floor. In just my white tank top and pink panties, I bravely slip my fingers into my damp panties and rub the wetness against my sensitive clit.
And with my other hand, I raise my cell phone and snap a picture of fingers in my wet panties.
And I send the picture to Jason.
I bite my lip in anticipation when I see he read my text message and saw my picture. The texting bubbles do not appear on the screen. He’s not texting me back.
Frowning, I wonder if I freaked Jason out. Maybe I crossed the line. Maybe I made him uncomfortable. Maybe I’m just not sexy.
Suddenly, my phone beeps. Unlocking my cell phone screen, I see two text messages AND a picture.
Oh, fuck sweetheart…that’s fucking sexy. You’re fucking sexy…
Jason sends me a picture of him wearing his boxer briefs, and his hand holding his hard, thick cock, showing me the outline and shape of his boner.
Delicious. I can feel my pussy clench just from imagining Jason fucking me with his cock.
Fuck doll...you’re doing this to me.
I whimper pathetically and can’t help but continue to rub my clit and respond back. I can see my juices staining my panties.
Are you touching yourself too?
Fuck yeah. Just seeing your fingers playing with your wet, pretty pussy got me hard. I’m jacking off to your picture.
Would you want me like I want you?
Fuck yes, sweetheart. I probably want you more than you want me.
I slip a finger inside my pussy and moan. My thumb runs fast hard circles on my clit, and I’m soon pushing in two fingers. I’m fucking myself crazy, but I imagine Jason is finger fucking me because my fingers wouldn’t get me off so fast.
And his fingers are thick. His hands are fucking huge!
I bite my bottom lip. “Fuck...I can’t believe I’m going to do this,” I whisper to myself. I snap another picture of my fingers shoved in my pussy, and how I’ve gotten wetter. I send him the picture with the truth.
I need to cum so bad. I wish it was you touching me.
Yeah? What would you want me to do to you, doll?
Fuck that picture’s so hot.
I’d want you to finger me. Eat me out. Fuck me hard.
Jason sends me another picture of him stroking his cock but with his hand in his underwear. I can see a wet spot where his tip is; stained with his precum. I want a taste of it so badly.
Fuck I would baby. Your pussy looks so good enough to eat. I’d fucking eat you out until you can’t cum anymore. I bet you taste delicious.
Oh fuck…I’m so close. I want your cock so bad, Jay. You’re gonna make me cum…
Rub your clit harder baby. Fuck your pussy fast and hard with your fingers. Imagine they’re my fingers, baby. I’d fuck you so hard and deep. 
I want to see your cum, okay? Take a picture of that pretty pussy and show me what I did to you.
I do what Jason says. Behind his words, I can feel his authority. Even though I can’t hear Jason’s voice, just reading his words makes me burst like fireworks. My thumb rubs my clit harder, and I crook my fingers just right until I push against my g-spot until I cum. My orgasm is intense, and I force myself to snap a picture of my soaked underwear and fingers. I sent it to him with a lazy smile.
My phone beeps. Jason sent me a picture of his thick, juicy, cum covering his abdominal muscles. I smile a little with pride. 
Fuck that was hot, sweetheart. I needed that. 
Me too. Now, I’m sleepy. 
LOL, I’m tired too. Get some sleep, okay? We’ll talk in the morning.  
Okay…goodnight Jay.  
I roll over onto my side and shut off the TV. Pulling my UGG throw blanket over my body, I snuggle up to fall asleep. My phone beeps again. Opening one eye, I reach over to read the text message. 
Goodnight doll. Sweet dreams.  
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Father, This Is Your Future Son-In-Law.
A short little side companion fic to my Adrien x Damian series. 
First: Fuck. I’m Gay. 
Second: Damn, You’re Looking Fine. 
Third: Shit. I Got To Deal With This Bitch (Again).
I’m still working on the fourth and final part of the series (it won’t be as long of a wait as Part 3). But I wanted to write how the Batfam reacted to their youngest suddenly getting a boyfriend while abroad. 
Creative liberties were taken. Also, this is a crack writing. 
The Demon Spawn who has gotten better at not attacking people at first sight but still just tolerates people. And his holier-than-thou attitude is still there with his love for throwing insults around like free candy. 
This is the kid that manages to snag a pure cinnamon roll sunshine as a boyfriend?
This angry grumpy child? 
Needless to say, the Batfam is in disbelief.
“What?” Bruce thought that the Teen Titans mission in Europe was done. “Why do you want to stay in Paris longer? Is something wrong?”
“No Father. I have simply found someone I wish to court. I will be spending time in Paris to see how best to present myself as an exceptional suitor that is all. Give my regards to Grayson that I will be missing Family Night but that I will make it up by introducing him to his future brother-in-law soon.” 
Bruce was too much in shock to answer when Damian hung up. 
“I think it’s cute that Dami is getting a boyfriend.” 
“Dick, you oblivious and naive child, you are completely missing the point.” 
Dick rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m pretty sure Damian isn’t actually going to marry someone right now.”
“He said ‘future brother-in-law’ inferring that this courtship he wants to initiate will end in a wedding.” 
“I think you are reading too much into this, B.” 
“And you are not reading enough. Have I taught you nothing at all?
“You taught me paranoia.” 
“I taught you to be prepared for every kind of situation.”
“Pretty sure the possibility of your 17-year-old son getting hitched in Paris can be ruled out.��� 
“Where did I go wrong with you?” 
And Dick rolled his eyes once again at Bruce’s dramatic-ness. This. This is where Damian gets it from. 
Ever the peace keeper in this dysfunctional trainwreck of a family, Dick managed to stop Bruce from flying to Paris. But much to their frustrations (even Dick’s who wanted to know who captured his baby bro’s heart), Damian did not tell them the name of his potential boyfriend. 
All in all, Damian spent about two months and a half in Paris before coming back home to Gotham. And the Batfam could see a difference right away. 
Damian was happy. He smiled (it was a little one but it had Dick squealing in joy) more and he was more tolerate of his brothers and schoolmates. 
“We should’ve shipped him off to Paris earlier if he comes back like this.” 
Tim was still staring at Damian like he was an alien. The demon spawn still insulted him every other day but hasn’t threatened to kill him at all since he came back. No ripping out his intestines to feed to the vultures or throwing him off a building for the rats to feast on. It was nice. Although a little part of him felt slightly unnerving. He doesn’t have any contingency plans involving a Nice!Damian. 
Dick shook his head fondly at his little brother, taking away his coffee full of too much caffeine and replacing it with decaf. He has truly ascended to motherhood. “Well, I think it’s nice that Little D found love.”
“In the city of love. Is no one paying attention to that part?” Jason munched on one of Alfred’s cookies. “Cause I think that’s hilarious. I thought Baby Bat would’ve choked on all the happiness and bright clean air there.”
Dick whacked his arm. “Stop being mean to Dami.”
“But Dickie. It’s how I show affection.” 
Adrien Agreste was the son of the supervillain Hawk Moth that have terrorizing Paris for the last 3 years. Batman was not at all pleased to hear that the Parisian heroes called for help and the Justice League turned them away. People have paid for that. Dearly. 
“So his mom’s dead and his dad’s a criminal?” Jason looked over Bruce’s shoulder at the BatComputer. “Kid’ll fit right in with our family. Demon sure knows how to pick them.”
“Hnn.” Bruce grunted. 
“I mean with you dating Selina, a notorious thief and doing the thing with Talia, a very dangerously lethal assassin, it’s no wonder where your son got his taste from.” 
“Jason.” Bruce grunted in a warning tone. 
“I mean when I’m right, I’m right.”
“Ok.” Tim started off tonight’s Family Meeting (excluding Damian), the topic being one certain ex-assassin’s love interest. “Looking further into the Agreste kid shows he clearly did not take after his villainous dad. He is one of Paris’ teenage models and have a huge fanbase dedicated to how pure and sweet he is. He is a literal walking ray of sunshine.” 
“How the fuck did that sunshine child tame our literal feral demon brother?” Jason said. Always the VIP asking the important questions here.
Tim actually had an answer for that. He pulled out several charts and data on his laptop and showed it to the others. “Looking further into Adrien, I have found evidence that he is the cat-themed superhero Chat Noir. Being a loveable and touch-starved kitten appealed to the demon brat’s almost non-existent affections.” 
“Timmy, Dami is capable of love.” Dick said in a disappointed voice. 
“I said almost non-existent, didn’t I?” Tim waved the Mom’s disappointment away. “But you guys have got to see this.” 
He pulled up a video of Chat Noir and Ladybug on the big screen. They watched him using his signature move: cataclysm. No one spoke for a few minutes as they processed the sheer destructive powers of the hero.
“You know what.” Jason broke the silence. “I have no more questions. I can kind of see how Agreste is the demon’s type.” 
What baby assassin wouldn’t be turned on by the literal godly destructive powers the baby kitten held in his hands? 
Dick, the only one wanting to keep things semi-PG here, smacked the back of his head. 
“Baby brother.” Cass greeted. She is back home from her Hong Kong trip and heard all about the famous Adrien Agreste. She thought it was adorable and that Adrien and Damian made a cute couple. 
“Hello, Cassandra.” 
She peered down at the list he was currently making. She gestured towards it with a confused look. 
“I am compiling a list of tasks that needs to be done before my Chaton and new sister-in-law come to Gotham. Only the best for them after all. 
Her eyes lit up. “New sister?”
“Yes. My mon amour’s sister will be our new one.” He pulled out a picture of her on his phone for Cass to see. “Her name is Marinette and she will be a fine addition to the family.” 
“Baby sister.” Cass said happily. She was always up for new family members. 
“Yes. I imagine you two will get along the best.” 
But she couldn’t help but notice that with all the preparations he is making, even if it is for his boyfriend and new sister, is a bit —how would Steph say it?— overkill. 
Her coal black eyes were sharp as she observed his body language. “You very serious on this. Why?” 
He can never hide anything from his sister. “I wish for them to have a good impression of our family so that their family will not be disincline to reject my proposal for marriage.”
“Marriage?” She was still quite unfamiliar with some words in English. 
“It means that you will be getting another brother too.” 
“We will wed.” 
Dick hasn’t even finished his cereal yet. He looked over at Damian’s serious expression. “Did you even ask him yet?” 
“I will present myself as an extraordinary suitor that he will be more inclined to say yes when I ask.” 
“At least you’re treating your man right.”
Damian took offense. “Why wouldn’t I treat my mon amour with anything but the upmost respect and love?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Little D. I’m just glad you’re in a good relationship and from what I can see, Adrien adores you very much.”
Damian smiled. “I adore my Chaton a great deal as well. Would you like to come with me to pick out a ring?
Dick could just hear Bruce’s voice in his head saying he shouldn’t be encouraging this. But come on, this was his baby brother who grew up learning how to hurt people finding a precious loving relationship for himself and he will be damned if he doesn’t support this. 
“Of course. I’ll be honored to help.”
His baby brother brightened before he launched into a rant. 
“I’m having trouble finding the perfect gem to complement his eyes. They are a certain shade of forest green you see. And many jewelry stores do me a great disservice by not having that certain shade or having utterly appalling quality for what my Chaton deserves.” 
@iglowinggemma28 @iz-bell-saiah @nach0ava @roselynfey @mochinek0 @wannajointhecrabcult
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In the Eye of a Hurricane
Read here on AO3!
He can hear his mom’s voice as he reads the letter, recognizes her handwriting in all its fancy loops and swirls. She tells Jack in the letter that she has been hiding a secret from him for years and doesn’t have the guts to tell him in person. Tim skims, tries to pick apart his mom’s long-winded explanations about living in fear of being found out, of the shame that followed her every day.
Tim can’t even begin to guess what she could be talking about until finally he sees it, clear as day in black ink.
Timothy isn’t your son.
Mom is dead. Dad is in a coma. Bruce is...here.
Tim is still getting used to the idea of a parental figure sticking with him for longer than a few weeks at a time. He keeps waiting for Bruce to turn a corner and disappear without a trace like he should, but it never happens. He stays by Tim’s side, offering support that Tim wasn’t even aware could be offered. It’s different, but it’s a good different. Tim only wishes that could be enough to wash away the grief. He takes it one day at a time, bit by bit, if only to keep himself from looking too far ahead and seeing the sea of loneliness waiting for him in the case that his dad never wakes up. Today he dedicates himself to handling his parents’ finances, sifting through the mess they left in the hands of their thirteen-year-old son. It’s eerie being in his dad’s office now, like he’s entering a tomb. Tim is searching for his parents’ insurance documents so he can get that dealt with and out of the way, then move on to the next project. Whatever takes his mind off of it all. It’s hard enough seeing his dad lying in that hospital bed every day, looking dead but not quite getting there yet. Tim opens the next filing cabinet, grabbing another stack of files and opening the first folder, only for an envelope to fall out. It’s not like the others, otherwise Tim would have put it back and disregarded it altogether. But this one is not a clean white envelope you would find in any office. This one is made of thick paper, yellowing at the edges with swirl patterns on the flap. Jack, don’t open this until I’m dead, it says in Tim’s mother’s handwriting.
Dad clearly didn’t obey orders (what else is new?) because the envelope has already been torn open. It’s crumpled at the corners, creased in places it shouldn’t be, as if Dad was angry when he stuffed the contents back into the envelope and locked it away in this cabinet. Tim’s first instinct is to read it. After all, Janet Drake is dead. She’s not here to scold Tim for going through what isn’t his, but that is precisely what stops him from opening the letter. This is from his mother—his mother who is now dead. And his dad is in a coma. Poking into their business...it feels wrong. No matter how curious Tim is, he can’t desecrate this letter. So he tucks the envelope into his pocket, careful not to wrinkle it. He can’t imagine what the letter must be about, but that isn’t very surprising. Despite being their son, Tim didn’t know Janet and Jack Drake any better than he’d know a gym coach or one of the housekeepers. He knew everything about their company and their lifestyles, but he never got more than a glimpse into who they truly were. Not until it was too late. The closest Tim would ever get to bonding with his parents were the rare nights on which Mom and Dad would sit with Tim on the sofa, watching Pixar movies until he fell asleep. Those were his favorite memories of his parents: his dad calling him “champ” and talking endlessly about the movies’ animation styles, Mom with her hair down and her makeup washed off, for once not caring about her appearance. Tim doesn’t know what the letter could possibly be about, but curiosity is a persistent thing. Days click by, switching off into nights in an endless cycle. Dad doesn’t wake from the coma. Tim isn’t sure if he ever will. Dick and Bruce hover around him like house flies, waiting for some kind of ball to drop. Maybe for Tim to break down, to cry, to mourn the ending of his world. Instead, all Tim can do is wonder about the letter. If it was so important, Tim would already know whatever it was, right? Maybe it’s a copy of his mom’s will. Maybe it’s a map to a collection of buried treasure that she never told anyone about. Maybe it’s a confession that she was secretly a supervillain and all of those trips she and Dad took were actually with the intention to rob every bank across the eastern seaboard. Tim keeps the letter buried under piles of school papers in his desk drawer, but it might as well be sending out a signal to him every minute, reminding him of its presence. He falls asleep night after night in his temporary room at the manor, listening to the letter rattle around in its drawer like a tell-tale heart. What does it say? What secret was his mother hiding? Is it about Tim? Is it about her past? Will it unlock some family conspiracy? Tim makes it almost a month resisting the siren’s call before he can’t take it any longer. He climbs out of bed one night, the floor cold on his bare feet. He grabs the letter from its hiding place and jumps back into bed where the shadows’ tendrils can’t reach. He pulls his blanket over his head, a shiver running down his spine as he clicks on his flashlight and sets the beam on the letter. He can feel the walls watching him, witnessing this desecration of his dead mother’s written crypt. These are the last words he will ever get from her. Tim opens the letter. He recognizes his mother’s stationery, the flower patterns at the top. Back when he was younger, Tim used to spin around in his mom’s desk chair and ask why she had special paper with her name on it. “Because important people like to stand out in their letters,” she’d say. “Why can’t you just use regular paper?” “Because regular paper doesn’t have your name at the top. You can’t feel official if you’re not using official stationery.” Tim thought about that as he spun. “You can if you write it in yourself. All you need is some crayons.” His mom chuckled and ruffled his hair. “I suppose you could do that too.” He can hear his mom’s voice as he reads the letter, recognizes her handwriting in all its fancy loops and swirls. She tells Jack in the letter that she has been hiding a secret from him for years and doesn’t have the guts to tell him in person. Tim skims, tries to pick apart his mom’s long-winded explanations about living in fear of being found out, of the shame that followed her every day. Tim can’t even begin to guess what she could be talking about until finally he sees it, clear as day in black ink. Timothy isn’t your son. He stops. Rereads the sentence. Then again. And again, trying to tempt the words into making some sort of sense. Tim doesn’t know how long he spends staring at those four words, his eyes glazed, before he tentatively starts reading again. Janet talks about how guilty she feels for not confessing this earlier, how she doesn’t want Tim to find out, how sorry she is that Tim isn’t the son Jack wanted him to be. That she disappointed him by giving him Tim instead of the “correct” child. Tim is going to be sick. He throws off the blanket and goes to the gas fireplace across the room, turning it on. He crumples up the letter and throws it in without a second’s hesitation. He watches it catch fire, the flames blackening the corners as they eat away at the letter until it’s no more than ash. This can’t be real, he tells himself. It can’t be. His dad… He knew. Dad knew all this time. They both did. Tim has been walking around, thinking he knew exactly who he was and where he came from. Writing his dad’s name on school forms and calling himself Tim Drake when he’s not even a Drake. Not biologically. How could they hide this from him? Did it never occur to them that Tim should know this kind of vital information? That it might literally reconfigure his entire life? Tim sits there on the rug, staring at the fireplace as the walls crumble around him. He can’t believe they kept this from him. Who doesn’t tell their own son that his genetics aren’t what he thinks they are? That somewhere in the world, there is a person walking around who has no idea he’s got a son somewhere. He probably doesn’t even know that Tim exists. The more Tim thinks about it though, the more it makes an odd sort of sense. His parents have always been distant, always treated Tim like they expected something different every time they looked at him. Like he was so entirely Other that they couldn’t help but be disappointed, no matter what he did or how hard he tried to get them to love him the way other kids’ parents did. He wonders when Jack found the letter. Was it given to him with instructions, or did he stumble upon it one day in Janet’s office? Did he confront her right away, or did he wait a while? Tim thinks back to three years ago when their marriage took its first sudden dip, as if they hit a wall out of nowhere. Could this have been the cause all along? Three years since the secret came out. Three years of arguments bordered by stony silences, flipping back and forth between moods whenever they weren’t on yet another long trip, trying to salvage a failing marriage. Tim used to assume it was his fault that his parents were never home—maybe there was something wrong with him that they didn’t want to see. Now it all makes sense. Jack has never acted like much of a father to Tim in the first place, as if he’s subconsciously known all along that there was something dividing him from his son. Because there was something dividing them, something deep in their DNA. Which, of course, begs the question: If Jack isn’t Tim’s father, who is? Parts of the letter were ripped, the ink smudged in places from what must have been scars of Jack’s anger at finding out his family was built on a lie. If Janet did divulge who Tim’s biological father is, Tim couldn’t find it in the letter. There are only two people in the world who can give Tim the answers he needs, and one of them is dead. The other one is close behind. He’s stuck in limbo. The days after the revelation pass in a haze. A haze of astonishment, silent questions, answers he needs but may never get. Tim keeps waiting for the universe to shift, because he just found out information that changes everything he thought was true about himself. He should be feeling something, right? Maybe it’s because he and his dad never had a real relationship anyway, so there’s nothing to mourn. There’s no deciding moment of what does this change? because there's nothing to change. He and Jack have been living separate lives for a long time now. This revelation just cements something Tim has known for years. He never had a father before. Why should it change anything that he still doesn’t have one now?
[Read the rest on AO3 because this one got kinda long.]
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i-am-ironic · 4 years
Daminette arranged mariage au part 7
Damian arrived right on time as usual, to pick Marinette up for dinner. In the car they went over the plan one last time.
"So the plan right now is just to tell your brothers that we are dating until the papers go through confirming you are Xander's father, right?" Marinette said watching the city fly by.
"It shouldn't take long." Damien replied, "Rich families tend to get things done faster then anyone else. Everything should be in order before the end of dinner."
"But what about when they start asking questions?"
"We avoid the questions until the paperwork goes through, then we can tell them the whole story." He Paused thinking back. "When I got back I didn't talk about what happened. I didn't tell anyone so they should be interested enough in the story to leave their questions till the end."
"This might not go well dames," Marinette started Fidgeting with her bracelet, "what if they don't like me? Or they think I'm helping your mother? Or what if-"
"No, mari." He said, his voice bringing her away from her anxious thoughts, "it will be fine. i promise. they will love you and once we explain, everything will be fine. We are here are you ready?"
She nodded and stepped out of the car. The manor was even more extravagant then she had imagined. She was going to need to come back to sckech just the doorway not to mention the rest of the house. Thinking about the architecture helped to calm her nerves.
"Here we go" she said stepping up to the door. It opened before dhe even had the chance to knock. Behind the door was an elderly man in a suite.
"Hello Ms my name is Alfred, I am the Wayne's butler and your name is?"
"Just call me marinette.”
“I must insist it wouldn't be proper to call you anything but your last name.” Alfred said.
“Just marinette for now but you will probably know my last name by the end of the night.” he looked at her curiously, why didn’t she want him to know her name yet?
“Very well ms marinette,” he said before turning to damian, “master damian your family is waiting for you in The sitting room.”
the two of them walked into the room and marinette was expecting a lot of things, but not this. damian just looked so done with his family. 
“Ahem.”he said drawing attention to himself.  “Marinette these are my brothers Dick is the one hanging from the chandelier” she waved at the familiar man. “Tim is the one drinking straight from the pot of coffee and Jason is the one throwing knifes at Dick. Oh and cass is the only normal one sitting on the couch.”
“Hey!” the boys all yelled in unison.
“Its a pleasure to see you again marinette.” bruse said before the boys could start arguing “I presume that our other guest will be here after dinner?”
“That is correct Mr Wayne.”
“Its Bruce as I have told you.”
marinette rooled her eyes smiling. She wasn't going to call him Bruce
“Hold on what other guest?” Jason said confused.
“Dinner is served.” alfrid said from the doorway as he lead the group out of the room.
“Damian wait!” Dick said reaching out for his little brother. Damian turned glancing at marinette who nodded.
“What do you want Grayson?” he siad eager to get back to marinette. 
“I don't think you should be seeing marinette you know how dangerous our 'job' is and-”
“She can take care of herself” he cut his brother off turning to follow were the rest of the group had gone. 
Dick grabbed Damian’s arm makeing him stay this was importent.“I'm sure she can but she has a 2 year old son who can't take care of himself and I don't think-”
“Richard.” that got his attention damian never called anyone by their first name.
“Xander is my son.” that took a moment to Process before-
without answering Damian walked out of the room. Dick folowed him into the dining room, where evryone looked at the two.
“Dick whats wrong? we heard yelling and you look like you saw a ghost.” Cass said conserned. 
“Its nothing,” Damian replied sharing a meningful look with marinette. “I'm sure Grayson is fine. so marinette do I need to take any of my brothers to the garden”
evryone looked shocked at the implicashons but marinette just giggled.
“No they have all been wonderful. besids you know i can handle your brothers.”she smiled. 
“Listen, marinette, if damian kidnapped you blink twice.” jason said in a sereous tone.
she gigaled again, “He didn't kidnap me besides we both know I can beat damian in a fight.”
“take that back! i have beaten you plenty of times before.” this made the boys and cass very intrested, if damian was defending himself he must have actualy tried to beat her, and falled.
“Dames I beat you 68% of the time.” interesting. 
“so you admit i have beaten you before!” he said triumfently.
“Yeah when I let you win.” damians mouth fell open in legitament showk. he looked over at his father, who nodded, before making a statment that would change this family forever.
“Marinette Anne dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne you take that back right this minute!”
the reactions were very mixed. Dick was shocked. not only did his baby brother have a child but it apered that he was marred. Jason didnt know what to think. he had begun to coneckt the dots, marinette had foud the father of her chiled, she then showed up with his brother and she had the same last name as him. $#*! Tim alerdy knew about all this from his reserch and cass decided to wait for an explanation.
“No.” marinette said scrunching up her noes playfully. "I refuse to take it back."
there was silence for a moment before Bruce spoke.
“Maybe we should continue this discussion in the sitting room”
“So would you like to explain why marinette has the same last name as you?” cass said once they reached the other room. 
“Not really but-”
“dames be nice, we knew we were going to explain when we came here tonight. I'll text luka.” 
.”Who's Luka?” Tim said, he hadn't read anythig about a ‘Luka’.
“Its a long story so let's start from the beginning,” marinette started.
“Three and a half years ago I was walking back to my family's house after hanging out at a friend's house. Before I got home I saw a man who needed help, so I went over to help. him i cant remember what he was doing but when I got there I felt a prick in the back of my neck. I pulled the dart out before I hit the ground. The next thing I knew I was in a room laying on a coute. the door was locked and I could hear yelling from someone else in the building. I could tell it was a man but I couldn't make out what he was saying. it wasn't in french I later found out he was speaking Arabic. After the yelling stopped i heard the door unlock and got ready to run but when the door opened a woman was standing there with two big men behind her. She walked in and because of the two men I couldn't run. She started speaking to me in french she said 'my name it Talia. I need you to put on this ceremonial dress.' To which I replied as any sane person would that I wasn't going to put on the dress and they needed to take me back home. She asked 'did you hear that man yelling a moment ago?' 'Yes?' I said though I wasn't sure what that had to do with anything. 'if you don't put it on and do what I say I will kill him.' So I put on the dress. They tied my hands behind my back and blindfolded me before leading me out of the cell I was in. When they took the blindfold off I was kneeling at an alter. Talia began speaking in french so I could understand. She was saying things about the strongest bond known to man, and a queen for the future king. I didn't understand what she meant until I turned to see a boy my age bound and kneeling next to me. Thats when it hit me we were getting married. She made us drink something from a chalice before we were ushered into a different room. We were both untied and left alone. the door locked behind us. The only thing in the room was a bed. The boy introduced himself as damian and said that he wasn't sure why his mother made us get married but that he was going to get some answers. He looked pretty cute when he said that.”
Damian blushed at her compliment.  
“Anyway Talia's explanation was that damian was 16 and for the league that meant he was a man and had to get married. And I had the great honor to be the one he married. I, was pissed. She said that as such a powerful magic user i was worthy to marry the future king of the league of assassins. I was even more pissed. She had the audacity to say that getting married, AT 16, to someone you had never met was a good thing. That little-”
“Alright mari I'll take over.” Damian said resting a hand on her sholder. “Anyway she said that after a year of mari training with the league we could go back to our normal lifes until we turned 18, at which point if we didn't at least move in together they would kill one of us. best mom ever. After that we were left alone to talk. Every day we trained and talked and worked hard. Once a month they would move us to a different compound and give us a huge array of blood tests. We became good friends. it was us against everyone else. Since we were already married we decided to give this whole romantic thing a try. But after six months I was sent to meeting with Talia she said I was going home and knocked me out sending me back to you. I searched and searched but I couldn't find any sign of marinette. so I had to asume Talia killed her. I couldn't think about France without thinking about her so I blocked all news from France. I didn't say anything to anyone for a month. And evrey year for one day I couldn’t speak, the anniversary of the last day I saw her alive.”
“I wasn't dead incase you were wondering.” marinette said picking up where damian left off,” I was sent to the med bay. No one would tell me what was happening or were damian was until Talia came in and said damian had fulfilled his usefulness. she exsplaned The only reason i was there was because damian had spent to much time with his father and had gone soft. The league needed a new heir to the throne. They picked me to be the mother of that heir. I was stuck there for months. I knew they weren't going to let me go. After the baby was born they were going to kill me. One day something big happened, I don't know what but it was big enough no one was watching me. I escaped. I hiched rides to France and snuck across borders. When I finally got back i saw a doctor as soon as I could. I didn't know if the baby was ok. He was born when I was 17.” she turned to the door where a young man stood holdng a toddler who scrambled down and ran over to his parints. “Everyone I would like you to meet Xander Thomas dupan-chang al Ghul Wayne.”
“Damian you have a son.” cass said wide eyed.
“I'm aware” damian said handing the boy his phone with a game already opened up. 
“Xander is my nephew??????” Dick said staring at the boy like he had grown a secend head.
“Yes.” marinette said simply.” It took a year to defeat Paris' villain. After that I moved here to find damian and tell him about Xander.”
“Dang. So you know about Robin then?”
“Why didn't you say anything??? I've known you for over a year and you said nothing????” the betrayed jason said.
“I didn't want to explain anything until I could tell damian. i thought He should be the first to know about his son.”
“We have a break in at gatham museum.” alfered said over the intorcom
“We are not done with this conversation.” Bruce said. 
“Suite up!” called Tim.
“Marinette do you want to come?”
she smiled at her husband “I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter I've ever written yay me. Pro tip if you see a centipede in your house DON'T TUCH IT it can and will sting you and it will hurt, my little brother just got stung by one. Anyway im glad so many of you like this story thanks for all the love! If you want to be tagged please let me know you can ether message me or reply to this. And if anyone can explain how to link things the pretty way with just "here" underlined that would be great. if you asked to be tagged and you weren't then ask again and ill put you on the list.
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Amy Lee Reveals How New Evanescence Album The Bitter Truth Helped Her Heal After Brother's Death
Amy Lee opens up about Evanescence's first album in 10 years
Evanescence is back with their first album in a decade.
Ahead of the Friday release of The Bitter Truth, frontwoman Amy Lee spoke to PEOPLE about the new album and its influences, reflected on the rock act's legacy and opened up about how she's spent time in quarantine with her family.
"A lot's changed, from perspective, to life experience, to the lineup itself," Lee, 39, tells PEOPLE of her headspace going into creating the LP with current bandmates Troy McLawhorn, Jen Majura, Tim McCord and Will Hunt. "We wanted it to be raw and visceral, and it relates so much to the lyrical content and experiences that I'm drawing from. We're talking about being human, being broken and starting from that place before you claw your way back out."
As on past Evanescence albums, like breakout Fallen and follow-up The Open Door, The Bitter Truth tackles some heavy subjects.
"This whole thing has been very much about facing your fears and facing the things inside myself that aren't easy to admit. On a personal level, the biggest bitter truth is that life is short; we're not going to live forever," she says. "And in these moments, when we do have a moment where there's love and peace and good things — live in it and enjoy it, and embrace it, because it's not going to last forever. That can be a challenge when you're grieving, to not let it suck the joy out of the moment you could be living right now."
The Bitter Truth was party born out of grief. In January 2018, Lee revealed that her younger brother had died after a years-long battle with severe epilepsy; he was 24.
"Our music has always been a very sacred place for me to really just bare my soul. On the grief and everything, it has been really healing for me, having that outlet, to not only be able to pour my pain into, but also to be able to listen back, and reflect back, and see that something good was coming out of something so painful that honors the people we've lost, to still be able to stand back up and be your best self, and remember," Lee says.
"Not to throw it away and let it go and try to tune it out and pretend like it didn't happen — that's not what he would want. He would want me to be the best me I can be. And I know if he can see me right now, he's totally banging his head to this album and so proud of it."
Evanescence also waded into politics on the new album. With the track "Use My Voice" — which was released as a single last August — Lee urged listeners to vote in the election between Donald Trump and now-President Joe Biden. For the anthem, Lee teamed up with her peers Taylor Momsen (The Pretty Reckless) and Lzzy Hale (Halestorm) to make a statement.
"I've always relied on women in my life. I've always had good, strong, grounding, wonderful women in my life that are and are not, rock stars. Being backed by supportive men is important too, and been a big, positive thing in my life as well — but there is something to be said for sisterhood. It's real," Lee says. "My actual sisters and my friends sang on the song, too. It is a beautiful thing that having the thought of, 'Hey, I want to express that we're many, that we're stronger together.'"
There's another young woman who Lee hasn't worked with (yet) but whom she says inspired her in the making of The Bitter Truth: Billie Eilish.
"I think she's just really, really good. [Her music is] dark and real and raw and authentic and bad-ass — and the spookiness, for sure. I hope she keeps making music for a long time. I would love to meet her sometime. She's at such a crazy high point. This is her big moment happening all around right now, so I'm sure she's just flooded with all kinds of people wanting to get a hold of her," Lee says, before adding with a laugh: "I'll wait until she's tired and has more time on her hands. Like, 'Hey girl, what's up? Come over.'"
Lee admits she wasn't always so open to collaboration because she felt she had to prove herself in a male-dominated industry.
"I used to be a lot more guarded about not having somebody [else] sing but collaboration with people. I had to prove myself as a creator, not as a singer. Anybody can imagine a sweet young girl as a singer, but prove to myself as a creator, and a writer, and the driving force and leader of the band. This time I'm so beautifully free from all of that," Lee says.
She didn't necessarily feel that way when debut album Fallen dropped in 2003 and shot her to fame.
"There were just so many older, more experienced dudes all around me who would stand to benefit and profit so much if they could write my next song for me. I had to fight that fight for way longer than that one moment, and way longer than I should have," Lee says. "Working with people, and surrounding yourself with people that believe in you — and really support you and get what you are capable of — is really important."
March 4 marked the 18th anniversary of Fallen, which, with hits like "Bring Me to Life" and "My Immortal," catapulted Lee and the band to the mainstream charts.
"It was a dream come true in a lot of ways. As far as the music and being received like that, I can't tell you how much it meant to me. I was the kid in school that was definitely not the one getting the lead in the school play, and definitely not the one with all the friends going to the football games. Not to be a jaded or whatever; I wasn't always putting myself out there. But I didn't think I was somebody who was going to be recognized for my talent," she says.
At the 2004 Grammys, though, Lee and Evanescence won two awards: best rock song for "Bring Me to Life" and best new artist.
"It really set me on a path, and enabled me to have a career in music. That we had that time in the mainstream to let something that was different — and not just because I'm a girl — something that was different for a lot of reasons, something that was exposing some of the darker realities of life and growing up..." Lee says. "Taking pain and challenges in life and turning them into something that helps others is one of the greatest things I've been able to do…to have that be accepted by so many people."
Lee says her greatest accomplishment, though, is Jack, her 6-year-old son with husband Josh Hartzler, 43, a therapist. Last March, the rock-star mom was gearing up to go on tour when the coronavirus crisis hit the U.S. Lee immediately embraced her newly cleared schedule.
"The bonus is I got to spend a lot of extra time with Jack," she says. "We made slimes of every type. He's into science experiments and messes — huge messes. So we made some things explode."
Still, Lee is looking forward to playing music live again when it's safe to do so — and so is Jack.
"He thinks it's cool. He'd be on tour with us [pre-pandemic], and he gets that 'those fans like my mom,'" she says. "His favorite thing was going out onstage at the end every night and getting some applause. But at the same time, if I'm like, 'Want to listen to my song?' He's like, 'No!'"
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Four times Tim just wanted to go home, and one time he’s actually there.
(  @animemangasoul I think you’ll like this one)
(I was listening to Home by Machine Gun Kelly X Ambassadors & Bebe Rexha while I wrote this. Might have cried a little. I regret nothing)
His mom is holding his hand, a rare occurrence. Were he in a more… stable state, he’d squeeze the moment for all it’s worth.
But the coldness of fear had his heart in a ice-like grip, and the scenery around them did little to appease him. Nothing, not even the warmth of being held, could keep him from shaking.
-I want to go home -he whispers in his mother’s ear when she picks him up in her arms. Safe against her body, he thinks he can feel his heart melting a bit around the edges where panic had frozen him over.
Mom tightened her hold, eyes leaving the crying kid and his dead parents for the first time in a long time. He feels how one of her hands drops its place under his leg to pat his back, more comforting than he ever thought she capable of.
-Yes, we are leaving now. Jack? Bring the car over, we’ll wait here.
She doesn’t lower him until they are back at the manor. Then, his parents retire to their rooms, both to rest and prepare for their trip to the Bahamas the following morning. 
Tim shivers all night long, yearning for the warmth he was too distracted to appreciate a few hours ago, back at the circus.
This wasn't what he meant, when he asked to go home. He just wanted to feel safe.
This… wasn’t what he expected. To being caught, that is. Specially by his hero.
Jason (Robin, call him Robin, don’t you dare slip up, he can’t know you know!) is looking down at him, hands on his hips. He’s doing his best to look stern, but the short shorts, pixie boots and unconscious thug at his back ruin the effect of his glare.
Tim, camera held tightly as it’s been for the last couple of minute since the man came out of the shadows to try and steal it from him, distractedly thinks Batman should get on that, teach Robin his famous loom. He’s feeling starstruck, more than fearful.
-It’s too late for a squirt like you to be out. Streets are dangerous, no’ne told you? Specially ‘is parts o’the city -the young vigilante drawled, accent thicker than Tim recalled from back at the gala when their parents introduced them in passing. Not that Jason would remember.
-I… I’m not a squirt, I’m ten -he finally blurts out, wishing he could smack himself the second the words leave his mouth.
-Children should be on bed at this time.
He does his best to calm his erratic heart, and canalizes all the sass on his pint sized body to arch an eyebrow- Hypocrite much?
Robin growls, but Tim can tell he’s doing his best to hide a smile.
-I can leave you here, you know.
He knows Jason is bluffing, looking for a reaction, but the mere idea still makes his barely calming heart kick into overdrive again. The scare of a few minutes ago was too fresh on his mind. He already knows he won’t be going out again soon, not until he could plan a new route to photograph his idols while traveling only by rooftop, to best avoid the scum of the city.
-No, wait… please -he moves forward, hand taking a handful of cape, as if that could stop the vigilante if he actually was planning to leave.
Jason took the chance to wrap him on it like a little blanket, picking him up in his arms like a baby.
-Don’t worry, shortstack. I’m taking you home so I can be sure y’er actually following your bedtime.
Feeling a little braver in his hero’s arms, he fired back- Don’t have any.
-Whatever, you lil liar.
-It’s true. You can ask my parents… that’s it, if you’re willing to go into my house for a chat. Masks are in bad taste though, you’ll have to take yours off.
Truthfully, both his parents are away on business. Not that he needed to know about the bluff.
This time, he didn’t bother to hide his amusement, letting his barking laughter come out.
-You little shit. I’m not giving you my secret that easy.
Tim just shrugs, painting his most innocent smile. It’s difficult to keep it in place when Jason asks for directions, and then drops him at his bedroom’s window.
The giddiness of meeting his hero can’t quench his disappointment when he watches Jason’s back as he leaves. 
A little, childish part of himself had believed, hoped (with all the innocence his heart had left), that when Jason said ‘take you home’, he was talking about his own. 
He’s training as hard as possible. His body, shaped by the multiple teachers he hired through the years, hurts in a way he never thought possible, and has been like that ever since he first went to the training mats to face Bruce.
He knows the pain is necessary, what he learns there could be the difference between life or death (his eyes never fail to go to Jason’s suit, his altar, where he, as his whorshipper, would always go ask for strength and courage), but it's hard to remember his purpose for being there when he goes to bed each night with aching limbs.
Still, he endures.
This last week has been both harder than any other, and the best he’s ever had. The first, because a full on out gang war had forced him, Dick and Bruce to work overtime, going out every night for twice their usual hours (thank god for spring break). The second, because to save time and strength, he’d been allowed to stay the night at the manor with them.
He can’t believe how nice it is to have breakfast with someone. Sure, they have it at like three pm, but still. The pained body was so, so worth this.
When they caught their last perps, all tied up and pretty for the GCPD, Tim was simultaneously absolutely beat and the happiest he’s been.
Batman puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes, saying ‘let’s go home, Robin’, and he thinks for a moment he’s dreaming again.
He actually sleeps a bit, on the Batmobile trip. Beyond tired, feels his body being raised and then lowered again in a soft surface, something warm over his chest, and then lights out again.
When he wakes up the next morning, he’s at Drake Manor. The breakfast table is empty, the hallways colder than he remembered, and he wishes last night had actually been a dream. It would hurt less, if it had been all in his imagination; instead, he has to live with the knowledge of being so close, yet so far.
Not for the first time, he wishes ‘home’ were a different place.
He sighs, dropping his suitcase uncaringly. Anything important is on his phone anyway, who gives a fuck. Certainly not an overworked seventeen year old kid who’s just getting back after a long day. 
The place was clean, spacious and with a modern decoration style he kinda likes. The mechanic fishes certainly give it a nice touch, and the underground nerd cave he built for himself is the cherry on top- bottom, whatever.
It’s a nice house. A place he made for himself, to come back to. With scanners that automatically alert him if some sneaky ninja plants a bug, or a snoopy family member was sniffing around for his toys. He knows everything that happens here, in this little kingdom he built from scratch.
Of course, there are some itty bitty problems with it. Not the layout itself, that one was a dream came true, and no security issue either: all of Ra’s thwarted attempts at having his people breaking in confirmed how tight it was.
But, for some reason, the thermostat didn’t seem to work. It was always way too cold. 
The soundproof walls were good at keeping his secrets under wraps, but they also made it seem so unnaturally quiet, it gave him the creeps.
No table in sight. Not that he needed one, he shrugs. Lunch he eats outside, at the office. Dinner is a quick thing, a sandwich while he gets ready for patrol or some other snack while he types away at his computer. Breakfast… he doesn’t know why, but he never feels right when eating it, so he skips it more often than not.
Sighing again, he falls face first into his absurdly pricey couch. Blindly patting the coffee table until he finds the blanket he always keeps there, he thinks about taking a lil nap. He didn’t sleep last night (or the one before that), so it feels like he’s earned this break.
Decision made, Tim takes his phone out of the secret pocket in his coat and selects the app that makes background noise. He always sleeps better with it.
Yeah. This is a nice, comfortable place.
Too bad it’s not home.
-I just want to go home -he whispers to himself before letting unconsciousness claim him. 
If asked, he’d said the break in his voice was a yawn and not a sob.
When he wakes up, it’s to noise all around him. That alone puts him on guard so fast he would have pulled a muscle, if he were anyone else. As a Bat-trained vigilante though, he just tensed before opening his eyes to analyze his surroundings.
This… wasn’t his place, where he distinctly remembers falling asleep, face down on his couch. 
This was Titans Tower. Was he losing track of time? Had he been on a fight and got hit on the head? 
-Hey, you’re awake -Kon’s head poked out of the kitchen area, smiling as he floated all the way to where Tim was lying, on the living room’s couch.
The sight of his friend was enough to loosen his muscles. Still unsure but immediately comfortable he sat up straight and looked around. He could hear Bart and Cassie bickering on the background, probably the kitchen, Greta’s laughter coming to him from the same place, and those were Anita’s shoes and Cissie’s backpack near the elevator.
The first two and Kon, he could get. They were all Titans. But the three girls? They were retired, so what…
-Hey, boy wonder, let your brain take a break. I can hear you thinking from here and it’s giving me a headache -the super joked, landing by Tim’s side and poking his forehead lightly.
-That’s because you never think, you aren’t used to it -he fires back automatically. Then, a slow blink-  What are the girls doing here? What am I doing here? Last thing I remember I was… at the Perch. Sleeping.
-Yeah, and what a deep sleep that was. Been pulling all nighters, haven’t you? -his best friend shook his head, beyond giving Tim a disappointed look. They knew each other way too much to be surprised by their respective bad habits- you didn’t even flinch when I wrapped you up in TTK and flew you here. And about the girls, I told Cassie and Bart I was gonna pick you up, and they decided to make a thing out of this and went to bring them here, just to hang out. Like back in the days, you know?
The mention of their Young Justice times never failed to give Tim a heartache, but this time it just made him feel warm. 
He tried to look stern, but the smile he could feel growing on his lips against his will probably ruined it.
-But why did you? Bring me here, I mean.
Kon tilted his head, visibly confused.
-What do you mean? I heard you. You said you wanted to go home.
Something deep and frozen inside him abruptly melted, like it was hit by a flamethrower. The intensity brought tears to his eyes, body shaking uncontrollably as he bent over himself, hands clutching the opposite arm tightly, as if trying to hold himself in one piece.
Kon’s arms were around him in an instant, worried shouts piercing his ears as he plastered the smaller vigilante to his chest, unthinkingly helping him keep his broken pieces together. The warmth from his best friend’s body served as a welder, and Tim could finally breathe without the fear of breaking apart.
-Tim? Fuck, what’s wrong? Are you okay?! Here, dude, I got you.
-Kon? What is i- fuck, what did you do? Hey, Tim!
-Rob? Oh my god he’s crying, why is he crying!
The voices came closer, surrounding him from all directions as multiple hands touched him in an attempt to comfort.
It was too much, too warm, too bright.
He hoped it’d never end.
-I just…
Everyone stopped talking. His voice was broken by sobs, but he sounded happier than they had ever heard him.
-I’m just happy I’m finally home.
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dccomicsimagines · 5 years
What’s Lost is Found - Batfamily Imagine - Part Four
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Part One    Part Two   Part Three   Part Five  Part Six  Part Six.Five  Part Seven  Part Eight  Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven
You couldn’t open your eyes, but you broke through the darkness enough to feel a wet, cool cloth against your forehead. Every once and a while, someone would take it off to wet it again before putting it back.
At some point, voices sounded loudly from somewhere far away. You focused on them and they became clearer.
“Are you kidding me, Tim?! You didn’t think to call me about your suspicions! If your package hadn’t arrived on time, we’d be planning another funeral!” It was Dick’s voice. How strange for him to be yelling at someone else for once.
“I didn’t want to start a panic.” Tim’s voice startled you. When did he get here?  “I was hoping that my intel was wrong since you didn’t say there was fishy stuff going on.”
“(Y/N) almost died, Tim.” Dick’s voice wavered slightly.  
“I know. I’m sorry.” Tim sighed. “I just didn’t want you to freak out when (Y/N) was still getting settled.”
You had a million questions that you wanted to shout, but you still couldn’t move. Exhaustion kept your body still. “Master Dick, Master Tim, please take your discussion outside. Mx. (Y/N) needs to rest,” Alfred said rather close to you. He must be the one who was putting the cloth on your forehead.
They left with the door shutting behind him. You could hear Alfred breathing beside you. Lulled by his breathing, you let yourself fall back into the darkness.
You finally woke up clearheaded some time later. Late day sun peeked through the window curtains. It took you a minute to recognize your bedroom. You moved your hand only to feel hair. Your eyes widened as you saw a head of dark hair laying next to your hand.
A smile pulled at your lips. You twisted some of the hair around your finger and tugged lightly. The head jerked and sat up. Your finger relaxed, letting the hair slid off.
“(Y/N)? You’re awake?” Dick gasped, quickly wiping the drool from his mouth. His eyes searched your face.
“Wh..What happened?” You struggled to keep your eyes open.
“I’ll explain that later. Just go back to sleep, honey.” Dick kissed your forehead with a big, dumb grin on his face. His fingers ran through your hair.
“Is Alfred here?” Your eyes began to close, too heavy for you to keep open.
Dick hummed. “Yeah, he is.” Sleep came and overtook you once again.
“Now I expect you to eat the entire bowl of soup, Mx. (Y/N),” Alfred said sternly. He set the tray on your lap before taking a seat beside you.
“Yes, Alfred.” You took a sip of soup. It tasted like home. “Where’s Dick? I thought he’d be here when I woke up.”
“Master Dick is downstairs talking to Master Tim and Miss Stephanie.” Alfred patted your knee.
You took another sip of soup. “So what happened? I only remember getting sick.”
Alfred sighed. “I don’t know all the details, but there was an attempt on your life.” You froze, the spoon halfway to your mouth. “Master Damian and Master Tim came across a bounty on you during one of their investigations. Master Tim followed up on it, but he didn’t believe anything would happen until he found out Cheshire had taken up the bounty.”
“Cheshire? You mean Lian’s mom?” Your jaw dropped. You knew Lian Harper hated you for kicking her dad in the face, but you didn’t think she’d want you dead.
“Yes, but I don’t think Miss Harper had anything to do with that.” Alfred gestured for you to keep eating. You did reluctantly. “Master Tim knew the type of poison she would use and sent you an antidote. He had no idea that Cheshire had already poisoned you.”
“How?” You took another sip, feeling sick to your stomach.
“Master Tim believes she poisoned your dinner at the bar and grill you ate at several days ago.” Alfred gave you a sad smile. Your eyes widened, swallowing hard. It made sense, sort of.
“But Cheshire doesn’t go after kids.” Your lips trembled as you struggled to hold back tears. Were you such a monster that even an assassin who is known to never kill children would come after you?
Alfred took your hand. “Now, Mx. (Y/N). None of that. The bounty is quite large.” He squeezed it in comfort. “We can’t blame someone like Cheshire for taking it.”
“So what are we going to do about it?”  You narrowed your eyes, determined. “I want to find out who put that bounty on my head.”
“Which is what Master Tim and Miss Stephanie are doing.” Alfred let go of your hand to give you a stern look. “You are going to recover and nothing else.”
“Alfred,” you sighed, but you shut up quickly by the look he gave you. You went back to your soup. Your mind going in circles. Could this have something to do with Bane’s death? Did it have to do with your Father’s? Pursing your lips, you wanted answers.
“I’m not just going to pretend like there isn’t people trying to kill me!” You were on your feet, facing down Dick and Tim from across the table. Stephanie and Alfred went shopping. Probably because they knew how this conversation would go.
“(Y/N), it’s important that you continue as you have been. We confirmed that Cheshire only found out about you, because of Lian. No one else knows as long as you don’t expose yourself,” Tim stated coldly. You glared at him.
Dick got up to stand behind you and pushed you back into your seat. His hands rubbed your shoulders. “Don’t get excited. You’re still recovering.” You relaxed slightly. “Alfred is going to stay here with us for a while, and you’ll go to school. Tim and Steph will figure out who placed that bounty on you.”
You looked up at Dick. He flinched at the icy gleam in your eye. “I suppose it’s for the best, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is,” Tim said before Dick could speak. You frowned.
“Whatever.” You yanked yourself out of Dick’s grip and headed upstairs to your room. Knowing they were listening, you made loud footsteps to your room and slammed the door shut while staying out in the hallway. You quietly crept over to the top of the stairs to listen in on what they would say.
They were quiet for a long moment, but Dick finally spoke. “That was harsh, Tim. You know how hard this is for them.”
Tim sighed. “Yeah, I know.” He got up from his seat and poured a cup of something. You guessed it was coffee. “I know it’s wrong, but I can’t really forgive them.”
“Come on, Tim. It wasn’t their fault,” Dick said. A tear slipped down your cheek, but you weren’t surprised. How could anyone forgive you for what you did?
“I know that, but if only Bruce kept Damian as Robin or call in one of us and kept (Y/N) at home. They weren’t ready.” Tim sat back down.
Dick hummed. “I didn’t approve of (Y/N) being Robin, but they were the best trained out of all of us. Besides, I doubt if any of us would have been able to save Bruce. It was an accident, Tim.”
“It wasn’t an accident when (Y/N) slaughtered Bane and his men. You didn’t see the crime scene, Dick. It was worse than anything I have ever seen.” You shivered. The smell of rotten fish, smoke, and iron came back to you. A big lump grew in your throat.
“I remind you that Damian had similar situations. I’ve stopped him a few times.” You could see Dick running a hand through his hair. “(Y/N) has been getting better here. I want to keep it that way.”
Tim snorted. “As long as you keep them here. Damian doesn’t want them back in Gotham and frankly neither do I.”
You didn’t hear what Dick said as you stumbled to your feet and crept back into your room. Tim’s words hurt, but you weren’t surprised. You crawled back into your bed and wished for the first time that the poison killed you.
Tim and Stephanie left the next day. Alfred had you rest in bed for a week, making you miss the first week of school. Dick got your schoolwork, so you could catch up. It was easy.
Finally, Alfred gave you the clean bill of health. You found yourself getting dressed in the new clothes Stephanie and Alfred had bought you on the day they went shopping. They got you school supplies too.
“(Y/N), come on. You don’t want to be late,” Dick shouted up the stairs. You sighed, grabbing your sweatshirt and backpack and headed downstairs.
Dick was grinning like an idiot when you reached him. “Don’t say anything,” you snapped, pushing past him to go to the kitchen.
“You look very nice, Mx. (Y/N),” Alfred said, smiling up at you as he packed your lunch.
“That’s all I was going to say,” Dick whined, following you. Dick seemed more carefree since Alfred came to stay. You wondered if Alfred being here took a big burden off Dick. He wasn’t the sole warden to you anymore.
Alfred shook his head. He handed you your lunch bag. “Have a good day, Mx. (Y/N). Master Dick will be there to pick you up after school. You shouldn’t push yourself.”
You nodded and headed out the door. Dick said a few words to Alfred before following behind you. You got into the car. Dick climbed into the driver’s seat. “Can you promise me that you’ll try today?” Dick’s voice was only a whisper as he backed out the driveway.
No words came out of your mouth. You couldn’t speak. Your heart ached, wishing for your father to come back to life. It wasn’t going to happen though.
“Kiddo, it won’t be so bad.” Dick rested his hand on your arm. You let him, keeping your eyes out the window. He pulled up to the school. “You might even like it.”
You shook your head before quickly getting out of the car. Whatever Dick said you lost it when you shut the door. You trudged toward the front doors like a soldier following orders.
At lunchtime, you found a private corner in the library to eat your lunch. You smiled for the first time that day when you saw Alfred had packed your favorite.
The day was fine so far. All your advanced classes were in the morning, so you saw the same people. No one talked to you besides the teachers, but you expected that. The older kids didn’t know what to make of someone your age in their classes.
Of course, the afternoon classes were what you dreaded. Those were the elective cooking and art classes Dick forced you into with kids your age. You couldn’t imagine finding any enjoyment in that.
You froze as you heard someone coming around one of the bookshelves. Your stomach sank when you saw it was Lian Harper. Lian had a look of disgust on her face and you prepared yourself for insults.
She stopped in front of you, glaring down at you. “So my dad said I have to apologize to you.”
You blinked. “Okay.”
“He said that by telling my mom about you, I almost got you killed.” She crossed her arms.
“Yes.” You were beginning to lose your appetite.
Lian gave you an annoyed look. “Would you quit doing that?” She kicked your foot. You didn’t react. “Anyway, so you’ll tell Uncle Dick and my dad that I apologized to you?” You nodded, sensing she didn’t want you to answer. “Good.” She turned like she was going to go, but she stopped and glared back at you. “You’re really pathetic.” You flinched slightly. She smiled at that before walking off.
You swallowed hard. This confirmed that Lian still hated you. You put your half-eaten lunch away, your appetite gone completely. At least you could tell Dick that you talked to someone. You took out your homework and started on it. It was almost done by the time the lunch bell rang.
Miserable, you walked out the front doors and looked around for Dick’s car. He was right in front since most of the traffic was gone at this point. You put your backpack in the backseat before sitting down in the passenger's seat. Dick had a stupid grin on his face.
“I was getting worried. How was your day?” Dick was way too cheerful for you to handle.
“Fine, but I need you to go to the grocery store,” you stated, working to keep a frown off your face.
Dick studied you, not taking the car out of park. “What happened? Why do you need to go to the store?”
You gave him an annoyed look. “I’m surrounded by idiots.” Dick opened his mouth, but you held up your hand. “In that stupid cooking class you put me in, we were supposed to make chocolate chip cookies. That’s easy. It’s simple, but the idiots I got stuck with put in a half of a cup of baking soda instead of a teaspoon.” You glared at him. “Even you know that you don’t put a half of a cup of baking soda in anything. So I now have to make chocolate chips cookies tonight to make up for it, and I know we don’t have chocolate chips, so I need you to go get some.”
“Oh,” Dick said, trying to keep from laughing.
“It’s not funny.” You crossed your arms and look out the window. “Not to mention the recipe is mediocre at best and I was trying to convince my teacher to allow me to use one of Alfred’s instead.” The frown finally fought it’s way to your face. “She said no.”
Dick pulled away from the curb. “How was the rest of your day?” He swallowed his laughter.
You hummed, shrugging your shoulders. “Fine.”
“Did you talk to anyone? Meet anyone?” Dick was giving you hopeful looks. You had to swallow past the lump in your throat.
“Yes, I talked to a few people.” This was true. You talked to Lian, and those idiots in your cooking class. Of course, this probably wasn’t what Dick wanted, but at least you weren’t lying.
Dick waited for you to say more, but you didn’t. “Okay. Were any of your classes interesting besides cooking class?”
You snorted. “We’re reading Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea in American Literature. Apparently, we’re doing a author study on him.” Dick looked interested. “But I asked if we could study someone actually interesting like Zora Neale Hurston or James Baldwin or even William Faulkner, because I’m sure they have a lot more to say then Hemingway does.” You scowled. “The teacher said no and started lecturing me about how great Hemingway was. I corrected him on all his points and he told me not to speak.”
“That’s my kiddo.” Dick reached over to ruffle your hair. You knocked his hand away, but a smile pulled at your lips. “Well, you must have had an okay day. You haven’t talk this much in a long time.” You didn’t say anything, because what do you say to a comment like that.
Dick parked at the grocery store. He came in with you, keeping his arm around your shoulders. You had to hold back a smile when he kissed your temple. The two of you found the baking aisle. You glanced through the chocolate chips, trying to decide on which ones to get. Dick wandered off to look at the cake mixes.
“Hey Roy. Surprised to see you here,” Dick said suddenly. You glanced over to see Roy and Lian standing beside Dick with a grocery cart. Lian gave you the stink eye.
“Dick. Why are you in a grocery store? Don’t you have the butler living with you now?” Roy laughed, clapping a hand on Dick’s shoulder. You picked the bag of fancy chocolate chips and slowly made your way to Dick’s side. “Oh, hi (Y/N).” Roy faltered slightly at the sight of you.
“Hi,” you said, studying the bag of chocolate chips in your hand.
“So Lian apologized to you, right?” Roy asked. You could feel both him and Dick watching you with Lian daring you to say no.
“Yes, she did.” You looked Roy then Dick in the eye. “Can we go now? I have a lot to do.”
Dick put a hand on your shoulder. “Sure, kiddo.” He looked to Roy. “We’ll see you later. Maybe we can catch a movie or something this weekend?”
“That would be great. See ya,” Roy said as he and Lian walked off. Dick and you headed in the opposite direction toward the checkout. Dick’s hand stayed on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“She didn’t really apologize, did she?” Dick whispered while you both waited in line.
You swallowed hard and played with the bag. “Yeah, she apologized.”
Dick hummed. not convinced. He paid for the chocolate chips and the two of you went home in silence.
Weeks passed, and you lost yourself in the humdrum of schoolwork. There was no news from Tim about the bounty on your head. Alfred stayed even longer. Dick did his best to parent you, which was annoying most of the time. The only exciting thing to happen during those weeks was a package you got from Jason. It was a brand new game system and games along with a note saying you should spend all hours playing video games to annoy Dick. You emailed him a thank you and told him you would do so. At least he didn’t seem to hate you.
“So I was thinking,” Dick began as he buttered his toast. It was a Thursday morning and you were all sitting down for breakfast. You looked up from your cereal. Even Alfred was giving him a curious look, which meant he wasn’t in on whatever Dick was thinking. “Since you have Friday off from school, I thought we could take a trip.”
“Where?” you asked worriedly.
Dick shrugged his shoulders, trying to appear nonchalant. “Well, I was thinking we could...I don’t know...Maybe go to Disney World?”
You blinked. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Master Dick,” Alfred said quickly. You sensed he was trying to influence your reaction.
“I guess we could.” You kept your eyes on your cereal.
“So I figured we could leave tonight after your parent-teacher conference.” Dick laid a hand on your shoulder, making you look at him. He was grinning like an idiot. You nodded, not having the energy to say anything. Personally, you didn’t think you deserved a trip of any kind.
“I assume you have made the arrangements, Master Dick?” Alfred asked. Dick nodded and the two of them began to discuss other details.
You finished your cereal and went to wash your bowl and spoon before gathering your school stuff. With your lunch box in hand and backpack on your back, you headed out the door to walk to school when Dick called out to you.
“I forgot to mention that Wally, his family, Roy and Lian are coming with us too,” Dick said cheerfully. Your stomach sank in disappointment, but you didn’t let it show on your face. He came up to you and hugged you tightly. “Have a good day, kiddo.”
“Yeah, you too.” You melted into his arms before pulling away with dread in your gut.
You pretended to sleep on the drive to Disney World. Alfred and Dick talked quietly in the front seats, so you listened in.
“Their teachers said they haven’t made any friends,” Dick sighed deeply as he focused on the road.
“But they are doing well in all their classes. Straight As,” Alfred said, shifting around in his seat. “It takes time, Master Dick. Mx. (Y/N) is very much like their father. They’ll make friends eventually. They are a good kid.”
“I know that.” Dick was quiet for a moment. “I was just disappointed. They made it sound like they were making friends when they weren’t.”
“Well, they were answering you honestly. Besides, let’s take this as a good sign. They’re interacting with other people.” Alfred chuckled. “I can’t believe Mx. (Y/N) wrote a paper on The Old Man and the Sea with a Nihilist perspective.”
Dick hummed, holding back a laugh. “Should we be concerned about that?”
“No, Master Dick. Mx. (Y/N) wrote a paper on Titus Andronicus with a Nihilist perspective before. It was quite excellent.” Alfred turned a piece of paper. You figured it was the said essay. Your teacher said he would give it out to parents during parent-teacher conferences. “I assume Mx. (Y/N) was just protesting the idea of reading so much Hemingway.”
“What’s wrong with Hemingway?” Dick changed lanes on the highway, looking for the right exit.
“Nothing, except the class is called American Literature and the teacher will only talk about Hemingway. There are a lot of other authors to cover,” Alfred said. You had to hide a smile. What can you say? You got your literary opinions  from Alfred.
Dick sighed. “Well, I’m hoping this trip will get (Y/N) to be friends with the other kids. I mean Irey and Jai are nice, even if Lian can be a bit of a pill.”
“Either way, try not to push too hard, Master Dick. Encourage, but don’t force it,” Alfred advised.
“I know. That’s how I messed up back when I had that barbecue. Of course, I didn’t expect my friends to tell their kids about why (Y/N) came to live with me.” Dick turned on the right exit and entered the new highway that took you straight into Disney World. Your stomach twisted. You figured they knew about what you did. They always acted like you scared and disgusted them at the same time.
You heard Alfred pat Dick’s shoulder. “Any news from Master Tim? Has he found out who placed the bounty?” You tensed.
“He got a lead, but he won’t tell me anything. (Y/N) is still safe, because the bounty is on Robin, not (Y/N).” You could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I just wish it was all over.”
“Don’t we all, Master Dick,” Alfred agreed. The two men fell silent and you finally drifted off to sleep.
You woke up the next morning tucked into Dick’s side. He was still asleep, so you were trapped. The room was only a standard with a two double beds, so Alfred took one and you were left to share with Dick. It wasn’t so bad until now.
Slowly, you wiggled out of Dick’s grip. Just when you were about free, Dick rolled over and knocked you clear off the bed. You shrieked, thumping loudly on the floor.
“What the..?!” Dick shot up in bed. “(Y/N)!” He looked around wildly, ready to fight.
You moaned and sat up enough to glare at him from over the side of the bed. “You kicked me off, you idiot.” Dick met your eye, blinking away sleep. Suddenly, he began to laugh before reaching down to pull you back up and into his arms. “It’s not funny,” you snapped, letting him hug you.
“Well, I suppose it’s time to wake up,” Alfred said, sitting up in his bed. “Even though I don’t approve of such a rude awakening.”
“It’s Dick’s fault. He pushed me out of bed,” you grumbled. Dick was still laughing. He kissed the top of your head, keeping his arms around you.
“Sorry, Alfred,” Dick chuckled. He rocked you back and forth. “You’re just so cuddly.”
“Stop it.” You struggled to get away from him only to tumble back to the floor. Dick howled with laughter. Alfred shook his head at the two of you before taking the bathroom first.
After breakfast at the hotel’s little restaurant, the three of you took the bus and met the others outside one of the parks. Dick ran ahead to greet them all while you and Alfred stayed back.
Alfred laid a hand on your shoulder. “Just be pleasant, Mx. (Y/N).”
“It’s not like I wasn’t pleasant all those other times,” you protested softly. “They don’t like me.”
“Sometimes, we have to deal with people who don’t like us. Your father had to do it all the time with the high society. Keep your head high, and don’t let them see that you’re bothered.” Alfred squeezed your shoulder before pulling away. The two of you joined the others. Dick wrapped his arm around you while he chatted away.
Lian gave you the stink eye again, but Jai and Irey were too busy fighting. You sighed, leaning into Dick. “So maybe the kids can head out on they’re own?” Roy suggested. Your stomach dropped.
“Yeah, we can go by ourselves,” Jai and Irey said at the same time. They started fighting again while Wally and Linda shared worried looks.
“I’ll take care of them,” Lian said, stepping between the twins and dragging them off. She gave you a dirty look, daring you to follow them. You swallowed hard, wanting to cry as you felt Dick look at you with the expectation for you to follow them.
“Mx. (Y/N), I think you should stay with us. I wouldn’t want you to tire yourself out,” Alfred said. You gave him a grateful smile. Dick sighed, giving you that face before walking ahead with Wally, Linda, and Roy.
“Thank you, Alfred,” you whispered. You walked beside him. The two of you trailing behind the adults.
“I sensed it would only make conflict if you went with them.” Alfred clicked his tongue. “Besides, this is for your enjoyment too. I don’t see why you need to make yourself miserable just for the sake of attempting to make friends.”
You raised an eyebrow. “That’s a different tune than what you were singing a minute ago, Alfred.”
Alfred stiffened his jaw. “Well, I don’t believe you should be miserable. This is supposed to be the happiest place on earth. At least that is what the marketing wants you to think.” You smiled, taking his hand as you entered the park.
The days at Disney World were fun. Dick didn’t stay mad at you, and you had a good time. You even went to the arcade with the other kids one night, and they didn’t completely avoid you. Lian stole all your tickets though.
Once you got back and you all went back into your routine, Alfred made an announcement. “I’ll be leaving at the end of the week,” Alfred said as he placed dinner on the table.
“Oh, well I suppose you should be getting back to Damian,” Dick said, surprised by the suddenness of Alfred’s announcement. He scooped a serving for you and Alfred before getting one for himself. “We’re glad to have you as long as we did.”
“Do you have to go?” you asked, swallowing past the lump in your throat. Alfred patted your hand. You could feel Dick giving you a look of slight betrayal. 
“It’s time, Mx, (Y/N). Besides, I’m planning on going back to England to visit some of my family there.” Alfred gave you a small smile. “I’ll be back in a few months.”
Dick cleared his throat. “You won’t have to worry about us, Alfred. We’ll get along fine.” He took a bite of dinner, frowning.
You and Alfred shared a look. “Now Master Dick, I hope that frown isn’t a reflection on my cooking?”
“No, no,” Dick said quickly. He looked back down at his dinner. You laughed only to get kicked under the table by Dick. Biting your lip, you tried to hold back your laughter, but couldn’t. Dick made a playful face at you. “Har, har, laugh at my own expense.” 
Alfred watched the two of you with a small smile, knowing everything would be okay.
Alfred left on a Saturday morning. Dick was going to drive him to the airport while you stayed home to work on some homework. Alfred was about to go out the door when he handed you a envelope. “What’s this?” you asked, confused.
“It’s the letter your father left you. I found it in your trash can,” Alfred said. The blood drained out of your face. Your hands shook as you stared down at your father’s handwriting on the front of the envelope. “I didn’t want to give it to you until you were ready.”
You bit your lip. “I don’t know.” 
Alfred pulled you into a hug. “Whenever you’re ready, Mx. (Y/N).” He kissed the top of your head. You did your best to hold back tears. “I expect you to take care of yourself.”
“Of course, Alfred.” You pulled away. Alfred patted your shoulder before heading out to the car where Dick was putting in the bags. 
“(Y/N), I’ll be back in about two hours,” Dick yelled to you as he got in the car. You waved when the car backed out the driveway.
The envelope haunted you all day. You kept it on your desk in your room, but it kept staring at you. It’s presence followed you everywhere. You were torn between knowledge and ignorance.  
Eventually, in the middle of the night, you finally gave up and reached for the envelope again. It was heavy in your hand. You clicked on a light. A lump formed in your throat at the sight of your name in your father’s handwriting. Tears slipped down your cheeks as you realized this was probably one of the last times you would ever see your father’s handwriting.
You tore open the envelope and took the letter out. Your breath trapped in your chest. The paper crinkled by how hard you were gripping it. You read it, hearing your father say the words.
Dear (Y/N),
If you’re reading this, I’m gone. I’m sorry for leaving you and I assume my death will come from my being Batman. This is not a surprise to me. However, I know that there is a good chance you saw me die. It’s the life I chose, and it hurts me to know you may have seen me die.
No matter how I died, it’s not your fault. I know you’ll blame yourself, because you will. You were my Robin and, for some reason, it forces you to carry guilt for my misfortune. I am so proud of you. You worked so hard, passed every test, and you deserve the best that this world can offer.
I know you might have done some things after my death that you regret. You got my temper, as Alfred often tells me. I want you to know that no matter what, I forgive you for the things you may have done. If you avenged my death, I forgive you. I will never hold that against you.
Since you are still under eighteen, I have Dick taking care of you. I know you’re angry with him. You’re justified in that, but Dick cares for you a great deal. He’s always asking me about you. I told him he should just ask you himself, but he’s as stubborn as I am. I suppose he gets it from me. 
I am so proud of you, and I love you so much. It kills me to write this letter. I hope you never have to read it. If you do, I hope you can forgive me for leaving you.
Love, Dad
Relief washed over you like ice cold water. You shivered, shocked. He forgave you. It wasn’t your fault and he forgave you. 
It wasn’t until you saw tears dripping onto the paper did you realize how hard you were crying. A strangled gasp escaped you. You couldn’t catch your breath.  A loud whimper slipped from your lips followed by heavy sobs.
You heard bangs and swearing from the hallway before your door flew open to reveal a half-awake Dick. “What’s wrong, kiddo?” he soothed, stumbling to your bedside. You couldn’t speak. The sobs kept coming. He pulled you into his arms, letting you bury your face into his chest. “It’s okay. I’m here. It’s only a dream.” His fingers ran through your messy hair.
“He forgives me.” You shook violently, still crying. However, you caught your breath enough to talk. 
“Who does?” Dick pulled away to look at you. His fingers still tangled on your hair. 
“Dad,” you whispered, shoving the letter in his face. Dick blinked in confusion before taking the letter. He quickly read it. “It’s the one I was supposed to read, but I threw it away. Alfred gave it to me before he left.”
Dick looked up at you. “Oh honey.” He pulled you back into a hug. You could feel his tears wet your hair. You hugged him back. A peace filled you and you knew, deep down, that you were going to be okay. No matter what happened with the bounty or otherwise.
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thecleverdame · 5 years
Control and Release - 20
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Series Masterlist
TEDTalk!Sam x Reader
Summary: With the rest of the staff caught in a snowstorm, you find yourself acting as a personal assistant to the notorious Sam Winchester.
Warnings: Dom/Sub, humiliation, embarrassment, sexual objectification, mutual masturbation, spanking, cum play, fingering, anal play, orgasm control, nipple clamps, dub-con, breath play.
Beta: @ilikaicalie
Words: 4k
Parts 21, 22, 23 & 24 are currently available on Patreon for a monthly pledge of $2.50. This includes early access to all my stories, including the ABO series Gods of Twilight and Patreon exclusive content.  >> CLICK HERE <<
“Holy shit,” you mutter, staring at your black and blue ass in the mirror. These marks aren’t faint or small. Your backside is covered with thick, deep blue welts from his belt. You woke up on your stomach, only to wince in pain once you rolled over. Then you sat up and nearly yelped at the ache. But now as you stand naked in the bathroom you can’t help but smile, twisting around to get a better look. While you’re going to have a hard time sitting down, it’s a thrilling reminder of last night. A reminder of something new and this connection that’s growing between you and Sam.
Your phone rings and you glance at the number, sighing before answering.
“Hey, mom-”
“Don’t you ‘hey mom’ me. You said you’d call me back and I haven’t heard a peep in forty-eight hours. I’ve been calling and calling.”
“The FBI took my phone. This one came by courier this morning, honestly, I just turned it on like ten minutes ago.”
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Of course not,” you roll your eyes, glancing at your butt one last time. “A lot’s happened in the last twenty-four hours.”
“Do you want to come home? You can move home with your dad and I. We haven't touched your room.”
“I’m not moving back to Albuquerque. I’m okay, really.”
“And what? You’re headed to Chicago all by your lonesome after what happened? That’s not a good idea.”  
“No, I’m staying here in Boston. Things have changed.”
“I’ll come there, then. I was looking at flights this morning. Your father and I can be there by this afternoon.”
“Mom, seriously, I’m fine,” you suppress the urge to get riled up. She loves you, but sometimes it’s too much. Slipping into the closet you find your tiny section of clothes amid Sam’s vast wardrobe.  
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course you’re not fine,” she fires back. “Who would be alright after something like that? I’m coming there to take care of you.”
“No, mom, just stop and listen to me. I’m a little shook but honestly, I’m doing good. I’m seeing a therapist. I’m going to be late for my appointment if I don’t hurry up and get dressed.”  
“No one should have to go through this alone, sweetheart.”
“I told you, I’m not alone.” You stop to look at the empty bed, Sam was up and out the door before the sun came up. “I’ve got people here. Just please, stop worrying about me so much. I’ll call every day, I promise.”
“I don’t like this. You said you were moving because there was nothing left for you in that God awful city and now you’re staying?”
“Things just...changed. I’ve got positive things here, but it’s hard to talk about it. I feel like shit for talking about anything good that’s in my life when people were just killed. I need time to process everything.”
“Who’s going to make sure you eat? Your appetite is always the first thing to go when you’re stressed. Are you in a hotel? Where are you staying?”
“I’m with a friend until I get my living situation figured out.”
“Thank God, hotels are so impersonal. With those tiny soaps and the coffee is never good. You need a home.”
“Look, I have to go. I’m going to call you later, okay?”
“Alright, I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
As you hang up you walk to the small dresser at the back of the closet and open the top drawer. The two photos that used to be on display are now tucked out of sight You take out the one of him in college. He’s so happy and in love, it’s hard to imagine your Sam is this same person.
If nothing else it’s a reminder of the fact that people are capable of great change.
Walking down the hallways of the hospital you glance down at the paper in your hand with a room number written on it. Pausing at room 7059 you confirm the name scribbled on the dry erase board and knock.
“Come in,” calls out a male voice.
“Hi.” You shuffle inside, leaning around the curtains pulled in a half-circle around his bed. “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.”
“You’re the last face I expected to see,” Tim laughs and then coughs, grimacing in pain. “But you’re not bothering me. I’m bored out of my mind.”
“Are you sure? I can come back later…” you’re already backing out of the room as he leans forward, wincing in pain.
“Please, just sit down. I’d like the company.”
You step around his bed, sitting in the plastic chair pulled up beside it. Your eyes flutter closed as your ass throbs.
“Oh, I brought you something,” you remember, reaching into your bag and pulling out a copy of The Reckoning by John Grisham. “It was this or Danielle Steel. The gift shop didn’t have a lot of options. I don’t even know if you like to read.” It’s at that moment you spot a Kindle lying beside him on the bed. “Or if you already have an e-reader with access to any book you want.”
“This thing is my mom’s, it’s full of Agatha Christie novels and I don’t have her password to buy anything else.” He holds up the Kindle. “I do like to read and I prefer books. Thank you for bringing me something other than flowers.”
He gestures around the room.
“Wow,” you look at the dozen or so bouquets and potted plants. “I guess people go with what they know.”
“I guess,” he nods, smiling at you. “I’m glad you’re alright,”
“Thanks. I’m glad you’re alright too.” You shift in the chair. “That’s why I’m here. I don’t think I would be alive if it weren’t for you.”
“Eh,” he grumbles, looking away. “I’m not the hero in this story. Winchester is the one who took him out.”
“True, but you distracted him. People were running and you stepped forward, put your arms out in front of us.”
“That was nothing. Just instincts.”
You shrug. “Instincts that bought the rest of us a few seconds. Sam got there just in time, but if you hadn’t tried to help us, I don’t think it would have ended the same way for me. Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.” He nods, clearing his throat. “I heard Callie, the redhead who did the corporate travel arrangements...she died this morning in surgery.”
“Yeah,” you confirm, feeling the sadness swell into your throat. “Max died last night. They thought he might make it, but he didn’t.”
The death toll kept rising. It turns out Brent used a particularly nasty bullet designed to do the maximum amount of damage.  A lot of the people who survived the initial attack are struggling with serious complications.
“Shit.” Tim sits back against the pillow. You’re both silent as the murmur of the TV rambles in the background. “I’m starting to think I must be lucky. This is actually the third time I’ve taken a bullet. I’m three for three.”
“I heard that. You never know what’s rumor and what’s not but people said that’s why you left the service.”
“That was the second time. But the better story is the first time. I was just a kid. My brother accidentally shot me with my dad’s .22. He was grounded for a year and I got all the chocolate ice cream I could eat. Hell, I still do. My mom brought me some this morning.”
“Maybe you are lucky,” you laugh, checking your cell phone.  
Two messages are scrawled across the screen.
Sam: Meet me for lunch.
Sam: Parish Cafe at 1:30
“Someone important?” Tim grins.
“Important and demanding,” you chuckle, responding see you there and put the phone away. “Look I know I don’t know you and I don’t want to make this weird, but if you’re feeling up to it do you think we could get together next week?”
His eyebrows shoot up and you backtrack, shaking your head in embarrassment.
“I didn’t mean...I...God, I’m bad at this. I’m seeing a therapist, and yesterday she suggested that I reach out and try to connect with some of the people who were there when it happened. I was kinda hoping Millie would join us, maybe Lexi - God bless her.”
Tim laughs out loud at that, nodding in agreement.
“Sure, I didn’t have much of a social life before all this and I’m guessing I’ll be a captive audience for some time.”  
“I thought you were moving? Seems like this would be the perfect opportunity to get the fuck out of dodge.”
You stare at him, a million thoughts merging all at once.
“Things changed.”
“Important and demanding things?” he questions and you can’t help the blush that creeps into your cheeks.
“Yes,” you whisper, getting up. “So, I guess I’ll see you next week then.”
“Just let me know.” He gives you a little salute.
Sam’s seated in the back of the dark little restaurant, reading on his iPad when you join him.
“Sorry I’m late,” you slip into the chair across from him, biting your lip as the sting of the bruises take your breath away. “I don’t think my Uber driver has lived here very long.”
“I could have sent a car for you.” He finishes what he’s reading before looking up. A flicker moves from his eyes to his mouth, just a ghost of a smile. “I like that dress.”
You look down at the black and white gingham summer dress you bought yesterday. “Thanks, it’s new.”
“I don’t normally see you this casual.”
“I guess that’s true,” you grin at him. He looks handsome today. Sam always looks good, but there’s something about when he doesn’t wear a tie and lets the top buttons of his shirt lay open that you just love. “You like it huh?”
“Very much,” he confirms. He carefully places his tablet and his phone screen down on the table. It’s something new he’s started doing when he intends on giving you his full attention.
“So,” you take the cloth napkin, folding it over your lap. “This was unexpected. I thought you’d be too busy.”
“Not for you,” he responds succinctly and you feel your heart speed up.
This is Sam trying.
“You keep saying things like that and we might need to get a room after lunch,” you laugh, then realize how much easier this feels, more natural than before. You worried it would be hard to relax around him, but that’s not the case.
“That could be an interesting prospect,” he trails his finger around the edge of his water glass, lost somewhere between amusement and arousal. “Not today, but another time.”
“I’ll look forward to it then. You know, I haven’t officially asked yet, can I have my job back?”
“Of course,” he scoffs, “In fact, I’m thinking of placing you as a sort of mentor to a new guy I have coming in.”
“A mentor? I’m barely a secretary.”
“I meant more of a mentor for navigating the people, the office politics. What happened with Brent can’t happen again. I need someone down in the trenches watching the junior associates. After what happened with you and Max, and now Brent it’s clear it’s the wild west and I intend to reign it in. I should have seen it before.”
“What exactly happened...with Brent?”
“It’s not clear yet. I think Brent took the fall for a couple of other guys, they set him up to be a scapegoat. I suspected it at the time but I also have to walk a fine line. I can’t accuse senior staff of lying unless I have something to back it up. It undermines their authority. I’m bringing in several people from the outside for oversight, we need a fresh start.”
“What are you going to do about the building?”
“Have it demolished. I can’t expect anyone to work there. I was focused on expanding the campus, but now that’s futile. There are two buildings downtown, big enough for everyone but I have to ensure it’s the right fit. I’m headed there this afternoon if you’d like to join me.”
“I’d like that,” you watch him pick up the menu.
You could get used to this.
Two Weeks Later
“You found a place?” Sam inquires, looking through the stack of mail.
“Yup, it’s a loft. It’s small but there are tall ceilings so it doesn’t feel claustrophobic. Lots of windows. It’s exactly what I need right now.” You grin, plopping down on his couch. “They said I can move in next Monday.”
“Are you ready for that?” he inquires nonchalantly, skimming over a letter. “You said your therapist suggested you shouldn’t be alone, not for a while.”
“I’m not gonna be alone. We start working at the office on Wednesday, I always spend weekends with you and I’m hoping maybe I could see you during the week sometimes...it’s been nice spending time together, you know, other than sex.”
You watch him absorb this confession, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he sets the remaining mail aside and looks at you.
“It’s been different than I thought. I haven’t shared personal space like this in a very long time. I assumed I would feel suffocated, but I haven’t. You’re easy to be around.” He delivers this information deadpan and your entire face goes hot. “It’s been nice.”
“Maybe you could come to my place sometime? I can try to cook something, and I’ll probably have a futon by then. Maybe even a loveseat if my boss gives me a raise with this fancy new position. You can see how the other half lives.”
“That sounds...terrible,” he grins, watching you carefully.
“Yeah, it does,” you laugh out loud, genuinely happy for the first time in a long time. “But I am getting a new bed, I ordered it this morning. We could break it in…”
“You let me know once the futon arrives and I’ll drop by.” He gives in, checking his watch. “There is one thing we need to talk about.”
“That sounds vaguely ominous,” you chatter, giving him your full attention.
“You asked me to void our contract. I had it taken care of this morning.” He gives a curt little nod.
“I wanted to talk about that...about us and how this works now. I’d still prefer if our relationship remained private. For the time being at least.” You’ve been thinking about it more and more over the last few days.
“I understand,” Sam agrees easily.
“It’s just, people will assume a lot of things. And they’re nosey. I like this being just ours.”
“You don’t have to explain, I understand. My life entails more than you realize. No one pays attention to me because I don’t date actresses or get DUIs, but once you’re in the mix, eventually someone will take an interest.”
“We’re not very scandalous,” you snort, “Well, I guess kind of, but not in a ‘Page Six’ way.”
“True.” Sam looks relaxed, more at ease than you’ve seen him since this thing between you started. “You’re always welcome here,” he adds, before shifting his attention back to his work.
“You start work tomorrow?” Carol, your psychiatrist, is always examining you. But that’s why you come here, to be an open book. You’ve always been open to the idea of therapy and after everything that’s happened this can’t hurt.
“Yeah, going in on a Wednesday. We’re starting back up with a three day week.” It’s been a month since the shooting and life has inevitably moved despite the many changes. “I’m kinda nervous. I keep having this thought that I shouldn’t feel so normal. Like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and have some kind of a breakdown or something.”
“Are you still experiencing triggers?”
“Yeah,” you admit. This is the most frustrating part for you. Ninety-nine percent of the time you’re fine but out of the blue you find yourself spiraling down this dark hole. The panic attacks hit you out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. It’s normal, that’s what everyone keeps telling you, but the unpredictability of it is infuriating. “I went three days with nothing and then last night we were eating dinner and bam. I almost passed out. Five minutes later I was fine.”
“Was there anything that stood out about that moment? A loud noise? Someone yelling?”
“No,” you shrug. “I was in the kitchen. I don’t even turn the TV on anymore. I never noticed before how many guns there are. Someone’s always shooting or talking about it. The first couple of times it happened I thought that was it. CNN was on the background, maybe I heard something I didn’t realize. But I’ve officially marked that off as a possibility. The trigger must be something else.”
“Well, just keep an eye on it. Next time it happens try to make a note of the details. Write it down right away, or take a video with your cell phone. We’ll figure it out. And if it gets bad, you call me and we can talk about medication again.”
“Honestly, I feel fine most of the time. I was thinking this morning I must be a psychopath. You know I didn’t even cry at Max’s funeral?”
“We’ve talked about survivor's guilt. Everyone’s experience is different. That’s just one facet of it. Take things slow and if you start to experience any emotional discomfort, take a step back.” She suggests, supportive as ever.
“I will. I’m ready to just dive in. I’ve got this new position and a new apartment.” You smile, thinking about all the emerging possibilities.
“New relationship,” she adds, as if you’ve purposely avoided mentioning it. And maybe you have. It’s not that she doesn’t approve, but she’s cautious.
“I know you don’t think it’s a good idea, but we’re actually in a good place.”
“I never said that I thought it was a bad idea. I simply pointed out that you hold things back when it comes to him. You stop yourself from spilling too many details. Sometimes that can be a warning sign. And your work situation is less than ideal. You said he’s your boss?”
“More like...my boss’s boss’s boss. He’s at the top of the food chain.”
“Well, it’s probably better he’s that far removed.” She makes a note on her pad. “And your sex life remains one hundred percent consensual?”
“Yeah, God, you make it sound like there’s something wrong with it.”
“Again, that’s you projecting what you assume my opinions are. But I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask. You’re certainly not the first woman in the world who enjoyed being tied up. There’s nothing wrong with it as long as it’s not having a negative impact on your self-worth or emotional health.”
“No, things are really good, all around. It sounds so fucked up to say that, but I feel like my life has a future. Is that weird? It’s not that I was sad or depressed before, but I was treading water. Now I’m going somewhere.”
“Sometimes terrible things bring necessary change. You didn’t know how to move forward here, and now you do.”
The new offices are two high rise buildings connected by a walkway. It’s just temporary until Sam decides on where to build the new campus but for the next couple years, this is the home of W & S.
Glancing at the post-it in your hand you look again at the number in front of you.
Workspace 2852
The office team had decided everything is now labeled as a workspace. There are no more offices and cubicles. Only workspaces - that look exactly like traditional offices and cubicles. You trail down the aisle, cubicles flanking the left and offices against the right-hand wall. Coming to the end of the cubicles you check the paper again. You must have missed it.
“You alright, sweetheart?” Gloria from the travel team asks.
“I can’t find my desk. Maybe I’m on the wrong floor,” you explain.
She takes the paper from you, looking at the number and pointing to a small office tucked into the corner. “2852, right there.”
“No way,” you grin, getting closer only to find your last name scrawled across a piece of masking tape in the center of the door.
“Sorry about the tape. The nameplates are coming, that’ll have to do for now.”
“No, it’s fine.” You’re beaming like an idiot, opening the door and stepping inside. It’s small, but the ceilings are vaulted and it’s literally in the corner of the building. Two walls are floor to ceiling windows that overlook the city below. “Shit,” you mumble to yourself, scarcely able to believe this is your little corner of the world.
The office is naked, just a desk, computer and filing cabinet. But it’s yours.
There’s a single, white envelope on the desk and you have a feeling who’s left it for you. Inside is a note written on the back of a business card.
Enjoy. You deserve it.
“Sam,” you whisper, clutching the little card like it’s a bouquet of flowers. Turning the card over you’re met with another shock. The card is yours. Your name with the title of Department Liaison underneath.
“Sorry to bother you.” A new voice and two knocks come from behind you. You turn to find an unassuming man standing in the doorway.  “I know you're probably busy. I just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. I’m Cole Trenton.”
Cole Trenton, your new boss.
“Hi,” you beam back. He looks...nice. There’s a big smile plastered across his face as he extends his hand. His handshake is firm but not too hard, some men feel the need to crush you to prove a point but not him. “Y/N. I just got here. I’m not normally late but I couldn’t find my des- office.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He waves his hand dismissing any concern. Shoving both hands in his pockets he wanders inside, looking at your view. Whistling, he looks back at you. “Someone must like you. I’m right next door, mine is bigger, but nothing like this.”
“To be honest I thought I’d be stuck out there in cubicle land.”
“Not anymore.” He taps your desk with the back of his knuckles. “I’m not sure what your schedule looks like today, but I was hoping we could sit down and I could pick your brain. You’re my eyes and ears right?”
“Absolutely,” you affirm. “Welcome, by the way. We’ve needed someone like you for a long time.”
“I’m lucky to be here. Working for Sam Winchester was pipe dream up until two weeks ago. I just don’t wanna screw this up. I’ve heard he’s a bastard but he can make or break you.”
“He’s not so bad,” you feel the business card burning a hole in your hand. “He just has high expectations.”
“I’m alright with that,” he chuckles lifting his hands palms forward in a sign of submission. “Let me know once you’re settled in. Whadda you say we order a pizza and go over employee files. It’ll be the first act of official business in your new workspace.”
“That sounds great. It looks like you’ll have to bring your own chair.” You’re on cloud nine. You’ve got a boss that doesn’t hate you with his very marrow. “It’s nice to meet you, Cole.”
“You too.” He pats the door frame on the way out, leaving you truly immersed in this new beginning.  
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etherealellaelf · 5 years
Disney Remakes: they’re not all bad.
I submit that some of the disney live action remakes are, regrettably, a bit off. But not all of them. A lot of them are really good. Here’s why.
-Lion King did really put me off with the lack of expressions. I’m not sure if I have much to say about it, lol I’ll have to see it and let you know. Honestly though I don’t think I can because I love the original Lion King so flipping much, it’s a masterful movie and part of its mastery is the beautiful hand drawn animation and its expressive characters. I can’t think I can watch a bunch of real lions just talking. Who knows? I’ll keep you posted.
-Alice in Wonderland, one of the first of them, had some really good feminist moments. I love the Hatter and Alice’s love for each other, I guess he’s like the only human in Wonderland so it makes sense. But I get some weird ideas because the denizens of Wonderland are supposed to mirror the characters in Alice’s real life, and since the only redhead in Alice’s life is Hamish, that weirdo who asks her to marry him and he’s a total jerk.... and the Hatter is a redhead too.... idk it’s weird. Also it’s weird if he represents her dad because number one he’s dead and number two it’s incest, but the Hatter does say a few things that her dad said at the beginning....hmmm... fishy. However I feel like I can rest assured because this might just be the case of “Johnny Depp came to shoot today in a homemade cosplay and nobody can stop him because he’s just a mad genius”, in which case why do they keep letting him do that??? I don’t mind the hatter’s design, but can you imagine Just Plain Old Johnny Depp In All His Sexy Glory as a mad hatter? It would have been fine. They had to give him a gap between his teeth, CGI enlarged eyes, crazy red hair, white and pink makeup... oh well, whatever, it’s fine. I like how Underland looks a bit more like Narnia than like a Tim Burton land; I honestly don’t know if they gave him complete creative control when it came to the CGI set design. It might’ve been cool to see that.
-Cinderella was wonderful, I thought. I really love how Cinderella and the Prince interacted a lot more, falling in love over a long period of time. In fact, I feel like it was a spiritual remake of Ella Enchanted(which, in my opinion, Disney really botched up because the book was just so amazing), so they did really good in my book. My brother, however, hates that at the end she just twirls in her tower and doesn’t do anything to save herself, when in the original she tried to escape. He thinks it’s really unfeminist and he doesn’t want his daughter to act like that. I agree on that mark, but I’ll let everyone watch it. Also they threw a little bit of the Beauty and the Beast original fairy tale in there when her dad, a merchant, asks what she wants and Cinderella asks for the branch that brushes his arm or whatever; similar to a single rose, when her sisters ask for riches. I also liked the handling of Lady Tremaine; it really humanized her and I felt for her. The stepsisters were silly as per the usual. The King went from a bumbling psychopath(the cartoon) to a very melancholy, concerned father, and I cried at his death scene. Bravo, Kenneth Branagh, bravo.
-I really like all of Beauty and the Beast, although I do think that they made Lumiere & friends a little bit too important in this movie. I needed more moments between Belle and the Beast that were in the animation! Evermore was breathtaking though, let’s be honest. Although let’s be honest, I REALLY REALLY wanted to see a shirtless Dan Stevens emerge from a wall of rose petals because that sounds absolutely magical and super HOT. I’m so mad they had to redo it. Also I like the subtle crush Lefou has on Gaston; I’ve always wondered if he liked him. I do wish that Josh Gad had toned it down with his fabulousness though, because although I love fabulousness I wonder if it was slightly offensive. I really liked Gaston, and I feel like he could have gone a little bigger and with more bravado, could have been from slightly comedic to VERY comedic, but I think that’s alright. He did a great job. And as for everyone complaining about the villagers being really nasty and openly evil towards Belle, I actually liked it. It’s clear in the cartoon that the villagers whisper behind Belle’s back, but I feel like she just has a small smidgeon of an idea that they think she’s weird. In this, they freaking ATTACK her. They’re like ‘We can’t have smart bicc’s in our town! Get out me town!” It is a bit on the nose sometimes but I think it works because it helps Beast and her relate to feeling like outsiders. I do think the Beast knowing how to read kind of gave them something in common as well, but I disliked how he scoffed at her favorite book, Romeo and Juliet. I wish he had been more understanding like, “There’s this poor girl whose library is like, seven books, and amongst those seven books, one of which is probably the freaking bible because they belong to a pastor, her favorite is basically a romance. She’s not well read; I’m going to show her the classics.” Which back then was probably, like, idk, Voltaire? Too soon? Eh I’m not sure when it takes place. I do wish he’d gifted the library to her though, that was a nice gift for her in the previous movie. (Here’s the thing; the Beauty and the Beast cartoon is basically a perfect movie and I don’t think anything can live up to it, but this one was good too. It wasn’t better, but nothing can be better than that movie. Except maybe the Princess Bride or the first Pirates of the Caribbean or the stage production of Phantom of the Opera. No, not even then.)
-Dumbo? I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll have to and update this.
-Okay so Aladdin is really good. I entered the film with the meme cringe in my mind, totally expecting it to look weird and bad, but honestly Will Smith was such a great actor! And I actually freaking cried so many times because number one: the genie was aladdin’s father figure that he never had! He taught him how to date! Number two: the genie got his true love as well, and you see her and their kids at the beginning of the movie! SPOILERS btw. Sorry. Also Number three: they picked Will Smith to play the genie because he’s HITCH of course! The matchmaker extraordinaire! (I just love Will Smith. I wish he would run for president; it wouldn’t be the first time we had an actor in the white house. Just kidding, I don’t want to burden him that way, and there are really smart candidates this year to choose from. I just am urging everyone to go vote, and no more harambe crap!!!!) Also Jasmine had a nice new empowering role in this movie. I just sort of wish Jafar had been more menacing and villainous. But his actor was fine, just a bit soft-spoken.
-Lady and the Tramp- I started it on Disney+, I need to finish it. I’m halfway there. 
-Christopher Robin is a gift; it’s both simple and complex. It has a lot of nice metaphors and I could feel my heart hurting for much of the film. Seriously good aesthetics as well, Director of Photography!!! 
-The Jungle Book is a really good remake! So much excitement, and I could totally see Bill Murray in Baloo. (I think it’s equal in terms of story to the movie Mowgli, although Mowgli had that nasty little surprise at the end, I’m still hurt about it.)(also in comparing, the CGI is similarly good, but Mowgli wanted to do a really ambitious face capture thingy and I’m not sure if it worked,(uncanny) but it was interesting! It was also a lot darker. I think they’re both good.) Ben Kingsley was superb, of course, as Bagheera, as always, and he has a really fatherly voice(I thought Christian Bale did well as Bagheera as well, but he was more of an action figure in that movie, less of a father/teacher figure). And John Favreau, as always, went the extra mile to bring the action, the writing, and the moral through, and made it super good for children at the same time!(the same cannot be said about Mowgli, as there were some violence/action things that go beyond ‘peril’, hence it’s PG-13 rating) My one discrepancy was the voice of Kaa. Scarlet did fine, but I always thought of Kaa as a boy. I think they could have found a slithery voice actor for Kaa. Benedict Cumberbatch did really well as Smaug, hissing and growling, and he could have done well. I also think that Tom Hiddleston could have done a great job; he has a really gentle and pliant voice that can turn menacing in the matter of seconds, and if it’s about the snake being sexy as Scarlet Johanssen(haha what??), I think that Hiddles can bring it.(I’m not quite sure what I’m talking about at this point so I’ll shut up now.) I do feel like Mowgli started shooting way before The Jungle Book was even a glimmer in John Favreau’s eye, and that kind of makes me want to root for Mowgli because I’m sure that different movie houses have people working in both, probably swapping stories with their friends, and I’m sure it wasn’t an exact copy, but I can totally see Bill Murray in Baloo’s face and that can’t be by accident. Just saying. Not calling Disney out or anything, but I’m sure they can take it, they have like a trillion dollars. Anyway. Still a good one.
-Haven’t seen Pete’s Dragon.
-101 Dalmations, I know this shouldn’t count but it just does. I loved watching this as a child. I’m so happy they didn’t make the dogs talk? Haha it usually works when they do, but it gave a lot of room for Doctor House and Mister Weasley to interact. Also Glenn Close is great. I think this movie’s a good example of a career woman who decides to get domesticated and her sista is like, “Girl, you can’t do this! We have to be strong women! You have to come back to work!” But Anita is all, “Girl, respect my decisions! Feminism isn’t forcing your girl to be exactly like you, it’s giving me the respect to make my own decisions. If I want to have a baby with my husband, that’s fine. I want to be a mom!” I feel like the “new” 101 dalmatians remake they’re gonna make, will have a different opinion. Similar to wicked and maleficent, it’s going to humanize Cruella, but I just hope that they’re nice to Anita. She’s such a smol soft bird and if she wants 2 billion dogs and one baby, that’s fine... ugh, that’s gotta be like so much dog poop in her house... anita what are you doing...
-Maleficent. Obviously I love it. I love how those arguing fairies are super incompetent at raising Aurora because they’re too busy fighting, so Maleficent has to swoop in and rescue the princess. I like how Maleficent is a fae and it’s so sad how there’s like this rape metaphor when Stefan cuts off her wings, and that would be reason to curse his baby, especially because they were in love and he betrayed her! Stole her wings! Married someone else! T^T Maleficent, you poor misunderstood fairy! I love her motherly relationship with Aurora. I love that she’s the one who kisses her forehead to wake her up because Philip met her just that day. However, I don’t like how they just shove Philip out of the way, because Sleeping Beauty is honestly so romantic, and I love how they dance together and everything. I also like the raven boi. I ship him and Maleficent so hard and I hope he doesn’t die in the sequel, I haven’t seen it yet.
-So technically the Parent Trap is a remake. It’s awesome. It gave my childhood so much romance and prank ideas. It’s much better than its predecessor, especially because the mom in the old one is, like, urged to look prettier by her butler(wtf?!?! YOu’re FIrEd?!?). I’m so glad we’ve come so far.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Are the remakes better? In some cases they are. I think Cinderella is better than its predecessor. I think the original Alice is very good, as a nonsense movie, and I feel like the remake is equally good, but they’re different movies with different motives and plots. The original Beauty and the Beast is my favorite and it’s perfect, so the new one isn’t better, but it is really great and I love it, too. Anyway, that’s all.
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