#issue no 23
whumpers-monthly · 6 months
Issue no 23:
Set something on fire for this prompt. Preferably your whumpee or the house of your whumpee or whatever else you'd like to burn. Don't set your Christmas tree on fire and don't leave candles unattended. Let your whumpee deal with burning Christmas trees and forgotten candles.
This prompt was submitted by an anon.
Thank you very much for this prompt anon!
Share your best posts with us and especially with anon. Tag your posts with #whumpers-monthly and #issue no 22   If you make a gifset for the prompt, please also add the tag #whumpedit  
If you already made a post that fits this prompt, reblog that post and tag @whumpers-monthly
Please add the name of the whumpee and the movie or show your content is from.
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astaldis · 5 months
Inferno - A Recipe for Desaster
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Fandom: The Witcher
Whumpee: Jaskier
Published: 2023-01-01
Words: 3,502
"Out, get out!" Cahir shouts, but even his loud commander voice is drowned out in the deafening noise of the explosions. He grabs Milva, who is standing next to him paralysed with shock, and drags her toward where he believes the door must be. But darn, with black smoke everywhere, he can hardly see a thing. His eyes begin to water and his lungs start to burn. A rocket flies right by his face, grazing his cheek with its fiery tail. Next to him Milva squeals with pain as a firecracker has found its way up inside one of her trouser legs. Damn it, they have to get out of this inferno, or they'll get roasted alive. Where is that fucking bloody door?
Suddenly he runs into someone. Geralt. He knows the way. A mere minute later, they are outside and, in a safe distance from the burning barn, they fall onto their knees into the snow, breathing in the crisp December air. After Cahir has taken several deep gulps and does not feel lightheaded from lack of oxygen anymore, he looks around. Geralt is standing next to Milva who is lying in the snow near by holding her leg and whimpering pitifully. Angoulême is sitting beside Regis who is holding her in his arms trying to calm her down. Cahir cannot really hear what he is saying though because of the booming sounds of exploding firecrackers that are still coming from the barn, and for the ringing in his ears. After this all-too-close encounter with the explosives, the companions will probably suffer from tinnitus for a few days, he suspects. Fringilla has given up all her mostly futile efforts of containing the fiery explosions. Wiping her bleeding nose, she hunkers down beside Milva to have a look at her leg. Everybody is here, in safety, except— Shit, where the hell is Jaskier? He isn't still inside this inferno of fire and explosions? Damn it!
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43986924
Happy New Year! 🎉🍀🍾🥂🎆🎇🧨🎊🔥
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Danny had to go. Preferably somewhere far away from the shit storm that his home dimension currently is. So he does. Phantom travels the multiverse looking for the perfect dimension to call Home. The search is long, and isn't very fruitful, but he learns something new nearly everyday!
He would have been fine to continue this pattern of exploring a new dimension, label it unsuitable, and move on. But Danny had managed to find himself in a Situation™.
Eight-year-old Timothy Drake is dead. He died alone in a mausoleum of his parents' neglect. Tim has not been dead long, in fact, his skin had yet to cool. This simple fact, paired with the unimaginable coincidence (I think not) of Danny entering this dimension directly on top of Tim, lead to two (2) miraculous things happening.
One; Timothy Jackson Drake, son of Janet and Jack Drake, was now a full-fledged ghost. Something that normally would not have happened in his situation.
Two; Danny James Fenton, apprentice of Clockwork, was now bound to the newly departed body of Tim Drake. Having portaled directly into the body as its original soul left it caused Danny to become trapped.
Tim cannot stray far from his body, he must now guide Danny in How To Be Tim.
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2001hz · 10 months
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Seaman ad prints in Dreamcast Magazine issue n°23 (1999)
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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Before the End
a redraw of this scene bc it wouldn’t leave me alone
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barrenclan · 1 year
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"Issue #23: Your Voice Was So Soft"
I did say we were in the darker part of the story now, so these issues may just keep being rough for a little while.
Heat stroke is very serious! Make sure to stay cool and drink plenty of water if you're outside on hot days for long periods of time, guys. Also, try to avoid getting a stress fever from discovering your grandmother's corpse if possible.
At least Pinepaw gets a little kiss. Fun fact - this was one of the first issues I ever wrote while I was planning out the story. Many other issues have filled out around it, which I think is fun.
Oh, and yeah... say hello to Rainhaze!
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strangerathecinema · 8 months
when that one early 2000's weird thriller-mystery show about a plane crash has me crying my eyes out, screaming out loud, jumping out of my seat, and violently reacting to small details every single epsiode without fail
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wigglebox · 8 months
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Suptober [Extended] - Day 18 || Royalty 👑
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burninblood · 1 month
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X-23 (2010) #11
The dynamic really was
Remy 🥰
Jubes 😆 (🧛‍♀️)
Laura 😔
Logan 😠
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fishfishfruit · 18 days
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shyjusticewarrior · 6 months
Harley Towards Tim vs. Other Batkids
Calls him a little shit and pushes him off her ferry. Then immediately throws him a lifesaver and gives him a blanket & hot coco.
Harley calls her the Batgirl who used to be an assassin then follows it up with "no offense, you cinnamon roll."
Shouts "nobody asked you, duck boy" after he implies she's crazy. Argues with him over whose animal sidekicks are better, repeatedly accuses him of rigging it, threatens him while calling him "chicken legs."
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astaldis · 6 months
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Fandom: The Witcher TV
Whumpee: Cahir
Words: 2,763
Published: 2023-02-17
Suddenly, the fire in the background is gone, extinguished by an invisible force. The hill is shrouded in darkness. The sorceress pushes her hands out toward the advancing soldiers with a forward thrust of her arms. A powerful stream of bright yellow and purple flames explodes from her palms. The flames surge and roll down the hill, a creeping barrage, a deadly avalanche. It devours trees, men, every living creature in its path. An inferno of fire, of screams, pain and death.
— At the end of the Battle of Sodden Hill, Cahir watches the incredible inferno of flames that is devouring his army. Suddenly, there is a blast of magical energy ... Missing scene from between S1 E8 and S2 E1 - how Cahir is captured by the Brotherhood.
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45128743
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dandelion-roots · 1 year
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committing atrocities doesn't count if you're a hot bi babygirl <3
[ID: the 'i have done nothing wrong ever' meme where wei wuxian is saying 'i have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life' and lan wangji responds 'i know this, and I love you'. End ID]
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lobotomizedlady · 25 days
God those HAES blogs make me cringe so much. I watched a youtube video about how many prominent names in fat activism have been dropping dead in their 40s, 30s, and even 20s...you'd think that would be a wakeup call.
these people are actively causing harm by telling young women (this is a feminist issue, let's be clear about that) that they have no power over their own bodies and striving to change to become fitter and healthier is self hatred when it's the opposite. you can love yourself AND try to better yourself at the same time, in fact self improvement IS showing love for yourself.
there is nothing more empowering than being as healthy, fit, and strong as possible, and these people actively fight against that by encouraging us to gorge to the point of immobility. imagine if drug addicts behaved like this lol. they act like fat women who try to lose weight are betraying the movement, in this regard it is like a cult. I hate them so much!!
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barrenclan · 11 months
Not ask but I was rereading the last issue and Pinepaw looks so small on page 2. It made me realise how young he is and how alone he must feel dealing with all this messed up shit like this is a child who has just seen his grandmothers rotting corpse and no one has comfort him or anything.
Can someone please hold this poor boy
Yeah :[ He's going through a lot at such a young age, with so much pressure on his shoulders. It's rough.
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maricoelquelolea · 8 months
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Recently decided to re-read Impulse because he’s my fav and this particular character development has been living in my head for years and years
(Issue 23- Issue 66)
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