#it is *checks clock* very late and i should really be sleeping
txtmetonight · 5 months
I know I love you ✆
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call summary ⋆ ★ when a moment of realization flashes–and they know that they love you to the fullest of their heart
pairing *. * Ot5 TXT x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★ Fluff, slight angst in hyuka's
warnings *. Insecurities in hyuka's, bad grammar (semi-checked)
call duration⋆ ★ 2.6k
a/n*. * This was so fun to write lololol. also idk if anyone has actually noticed, but i'm slowly changing my format hehehe
taglist ⋆ ★ @kflixnet
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Yeonjun’s eyes seem to blur, but he supposes that's because the practice room he currently resides in is starting to get to him, like he's hearing voices. The mirror in front of him is dusty, and it's quite a sad sight when he looks at himself—hair disheveled and messy, with his cheeks bitten red like a tomato. It's past midnight, and he knows he should be home, but he can’t find the heart to get up and leave.
The dance isn’t perfect, not to his liking, and it kills him inside as his feet get sloppy and arms start to flail in a nonsensical manner. His legs ache with strenuous pain, but he gets up one more time. Just once more, he promises himself.
Yeonjun knows very well that his words mean nothing but a lie. It’s a never-ending loop that he can’t free himself from. He forces himself up, and his fingers flinch to turn on the speaker. He's hovering over the button, but he can’t seem to move it away.
The clock reads 12:34 when he gets a shrill ring—it scares him half to death. Yeonjun stalks over to his phone and picks it up with a slight interest. It’s you, he realizes, and he doesn’t waste a moment's second to pick up the call.
“Choi Yeonjun, where are you?!”
He chuckles into the receiver. You're amusing, and his eyes crinkle. “Still at practice…” Yeonjun could almost see your grimace on the other side.
You sigh, “Are…are any of the boys with you? Or are you overworking yourself again?”
Choi Yeonjun looks at the empty practice room. He wonders if he should just fib, but for some reason, you've always been good at spotting his lies. You call it your girlfriend instincts; Yeonjun thinks it's pure bullshit. “
The latter,” he finally responds.
You go silent on the call at his words, and he pulls back his phone to make sure the line hasn't cut. It didn’t, so he just stares at your contact photo with a smile. You’re very pretty. But your next blabber is definitely not.
“Choi fucking Yeonjun! You better get your ass back home before I leave you to the streets! Do you hear me?! I am not letting you pass out again! By the time it turns one, you better be here, or I’m stuffing you into our next meal.”
This time you actually cut the call. Yeonjun knows the meaning of your threats and isn’t one to test them, so he hurriedly packs his duffel bag before he locks the door. And as he does, he knows that he’s so unequivocally in love with you—it hurts in a good way.
Choi Yeonjun realizes two things that night. First, you’re entirely scary in your way. And second, he wants to spend the rest of his lifetime and many more lives beyond that with you.
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"You’re nowhere in sight. It’s quite unusual – really. Normally, you'd be situated on the couch, scrolling through your phone or reading a book, but for some reason, you aren’t there. Soobin carefully shuts the door and quickly comes to the conclusion of your disappearance; you’ve gone to sleep.
Honestly, he doesn’t blame you. He came home a little late from vocal practice and was tired himself. All he longs to do is cuddle up to your side, preferably forever. Yet he knew from his upcoming schedules that it was going to be a while before he gets his proper break with you.
Still, he smiles at the thought of it. He lets his feet round the corner to the kitchen where he grabs a quick drink of water before making his way to your shared bedroom. Soobin’s arms feel heavy, and his throat is scratchy from all the singing exercises earlier today. All he craves are the warm blankets, but he’s abruptly stopped in his daydreaming about sleep as his hand grasps the doorknob.
“The audacity of this girl!”
You’re not sleeping as he thought you were. And you’re cursing someone out – how interesting. Slowly as ever, Soobin opens the door to find you on your stomach with a computer right in your face, aggressively typing something on the keyboard. Your eyes are so focused on the screen that you don’t notice your boyfriend enter the room!
Taking advantage of your obliviousness, Soobin carefully toes his way to where you lie, just peeking over to see what got you in a twist.
Surprisingly enough, you’re writing a document-sized paragraph on Twitter. It’s filled with cruel words and language that he’s sure don’t comply with the app’s guidelines. He’s now filled with even more wonder.
“Hey honey… what are you doing?” he asks. You jump in your bed, accidentally smashing a couple of keys. Your eyes widen, and you punch a laughing Soobin. “What the hell! How long have you been there?”
He shrugs and takes off his jacket. “Long enough to question who you were bullying.”
You suddenly grow pink. “No… one?”
“Really?” Both of you know that he doesn’t buy the lie you try to feed him. So, you exhale in defeat and timidly stare at your fingers drumming against the computer pad. “Well, I dunno. Some girl was sending a hate train towards you, and I was just defending… your… name. I guess.” You grow quiet at the end, but it was loud enough for the boy to hear.
The silence in the air is loud, but before you could bury yourself in embarrassment in a heap of pillows nearby, Soobin bends to place a kiss on your cheek. He feels like he’s about to pass out, and as his stomach churns with its rollercoaster of emotions, he can’t help but feel an overwhelming feeling of love for you.
It expands in his heart and into his touch as he kisses you again – this time on your lips. He doesn’t know why, but his breathing starts to stutter when you kiss him once more, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt this time.
He relishes the warm feeling before his fingers slide to where your keyboard was pushed to the side. He presses post, and your giddy grin is all it takes for him to kiss your lips again, his hands cupping your face. Choi Soobin thinks that he’s stuck in a pool of undying love – but he’d rather drown than live if his heart wasn’t for you to kiss."
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The house is quiet. Except for the quiet chatter of the TV and the slight hums of your voice, as you thread through Beomgyu’s hair.
It's gentle when your fingers softly scratch his scalp, and he feels himself falling into a state of relaxation, his heart thrumming vividly in his chest. Your legs swing next to him where he sits on the ground, playfully poking at his thighs in a comical tease, and you place loving kisses on his head, so tiny and feather-like that he must strain to feel them.
Yet, it makes him feel full and content, so much so that he's undoubtedly about to burst. Soon enough, a scene on the drama you two have been binging—filled with emotions—suddenly causes you to pause the show with a slight furrow in your brow. He looks at you curiously but knows exactly what you're going to say.
And he couldn’t be happier to indulge.
“Oh, that’s so stupid! Who in—what?!” you complain to him. Beomgyu doesn’t say anything but giggles at you. You’re entirely entertaining and quite endearing. As you rant and rant, Beomgyu notices that the strain in his jaw from earlier in the day—which he quickly attributes to being the loud one in the group, the mood maker—was slowly lessening. He could finally smile properly without such a painful toothache. So, he grins at you. You grin back, and it sends butterflies coursing down his throat.
Beomgyu also realizes that he hasn’t spoken once this evening. Yet he hangs onto every word you say, every little movement, every little quirk, and comes to the realization that you don’t expect him to chatter. You really don’t. And that’s what he supposes he really loves about you; that your words make up for his in the silence of times, and you don’t wait for him to do the same, for you know that he cannot.
Choi Beomgyu is a silent motor who dwells in the words of your love, where he will reside forever on.
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Taehyun can’t help but glance at his phone, and it’s becoming increasingly frequent as time passes by. He tries not to let it interfere with his dance practice, but he really couldn’t help it. It’s like a magnet, drawing him in.
His friends notice, but they don’t say anything at first; they merely observe his odd behavior. But soon enough, their silence couldn’t be held anymore. Soobin breaks first.
“Is there something wrong with your phone?” he asks, pointing at the device that sits in a chair, right near where Taehyun has wiggled himself too. The boy in question perks up, his eyes flitting around the room, landing on each member before he turns back to Soobin.
“No,” he responds. Beomgyu scoffs at his obvious lying and points his arm at Taehyun’s phone. “Then why do you—” He then turns two fingers around and prods just in front of his eyes. “Keep looking at your phone!”
No one but Kai notices the tinge of red that flourishes on Taehyun’s ears, but his bashfulness could definitely be detected from the flustered smile that he delivers. “I don’t know what you guys mean.” Sure, he does. He was actually waiting for your daily afternoon text that you have yet to send.
Taehyun’s eyebrows furrow before he picks up his phone and scrolls onto your contact. The others sigh at his expense and leave him alone—most have an inkling about his unwarranted distraction, but Taehyun pays no mind to them. He’s on a very important mission.
Swift fingers dance across his keyboard before he shoots a very quick message. Taehyun’s very concerned by your lack of presence today, and his words are direct enough to show it.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Seconds later, several bubble pop up onto his screen. They seem to have a staring contest with Taehyun.
"Yeah. Open the door of your practice room. Kinda have my hands full :))"
The boy doesn’t hesitate to jog to the other end of the room and swing open the said door, to where, behold, you stand, with a great big smile and five plastic bags in hand. The sudden smell of food wafts through the area; and Taehyun doesn’t realize how hungry he really is.
You can tell too; you’d always had him figured out, however far you were from the love of your life. But he can’t stop staring at you until the boys come through and push him away. He guesses that they’ve smelled it too.
“Surprise! I figured that you guys could all take a break and eat lunch.” You press a chaste kiss to Taehyun’s cheek and push past him to put all of the stuff down. The other four boys rampage over to their own bags, screaming their thanks.
You just chuckle, but it slowly diminishes into a sweet smile when you find Taehyun still by the door. His eyes glow when they meet yours, and you gesture to sit next to you. “I love you,” he mouths. He decides that the way your cheeks puff and get red, or the way your lips curl, is what he wants to see in heaven. Or perhaps he’s already there.
It’s the small things, he supposes. The way you care. Like when you pour Beomgyu a drink and give Taehyun and Yeonjun your own food, insisting that you were going to shove it down their throats if they didn’t take it. Or when you ruffle Hyuka’s hair and adjust Soobin’s collar.
Later that day, Yeonjun carries thoughts. Thoughts that he whispers to Taehyun with a jolly grin after you leave on your merry way. “You better not lose her. I’ll kick you off the group if you do.”
Kang Taehyun has never believed in soulmates until you came along and stole his heart.
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It’s another one of those days. Where light usually shone, it was covered in bleak clouds, ones that Kai couldn’t escape from however hard he tried. He’s stuck in forever darkness that seems to consume him whole, eating away at his heart.
The pain is unbearable; it brings forth a few tears from his eyes. They feel like acid against his skin, and he wishes to be free from the pain of his insecurities. His hair flops in front of him, and one could assume that he uses it like a mask, hiding himself away until only a shell remains.
Kai doesn’t like looking in the mirror – he has known that from the moment such dark weather clouded his sight. And so, his reflection is slashed, covered in blood he has never asked for. It’s quite horrible when it's about himself. Then it gets worse when it extends to his bandmates – his platonic soulmates.
And finally, when his wobbly thoughts traverse your way, his stomach aches, and his heart falls apart into puzzle pieces that cannot fit. He greatly wonders how you can even put up with him and his miserable attire. Kai thinks that he’s tired of himself – but why aren’t you? As a solution to his problems, he has holed himself in his room, but you have a different answer to his questions.
You give three swift knocks on the door, each loud and firm, before you unlock the door and enter. Kai doesn’t dare to look you in the eye, but he feels your glowing stare on him. He doesn’t know what to do but weakly rejects your advance.
“Just… just leave me alone,” he says.
You don’t respond. He tries again. “(Y/n), seriously! Please!”
This time, your strides stop. And nothing more. Kai questions if you’ve melted to the ground, but alas, you have not when you sigh and exclaim.
“I would, but our son misses you!” Pause. What? Kai shoots his head up, in a query that shoots confusion down his spine. Yet he feels that tinge of a chuckle in the back of his throat. How do you do that to him so easily? When he stares up at you, your hands are behind your back, and you’re pouting. He decides to ask his question.
“What are you talking about…?”
You grin at him and swing your arms forward to reveal a tiny penguin plushie. “Our son, of course! Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about him?!” Kai shakes his head. “No, of course not.”
This 'son' of his was actually a prize that was won from an arcade game. You’ve officially adopted him ever since. “Well… he told me that he really misses you.”
You take a step forward and lean down towards him. Your eyes observe his face, and they take in the expanse of his beauty. He wishes to cower away, but you don’t let him as you take your son’s tiny flappy fins and put it on your boyfriend’s face.
“We hate seeing you cry, my pretty boy,” you say as you wipe away his tears with the soft fabric. They soothe his burns. At last, you put the plushie away next to him and lean a little closer, just where his heartbeat resides on his neck. It beats with yours.
“I love you.” You kiss his heart.
Huening Kai thinks that you’ve just mended his puzzle-piece heart into such a beautiful picture of his irrevocable love for you – bigger and more stunning than any masterpiece created on this cruel earth. And you deserve much more.
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242 notes · View notes
ot9snumber1 · 5 months
rabbit hole
sana minatozaki x reader
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summary: sana dislikes—no, hates your idea of love.
warnings: suggestive, angst, fluff, roommate!sana, emetophobia very briefly mentioned, reader is an idiot
notes: inspired by 'rabbit hole' - deco*27! i've been getting into vocaloid recently 🤓
also i wrote this overnight? i've never written so fast before im scared dove what did u do to me (lovingly) (but seriously im finally free from writers block hooray!) (also this means its not proofread sorry)
wc: 4.1k
the loud slam of the door jolts sana awake, nearly falling off the couch as she sat up. her heart sinks, thinking that someone had broken in—but when you emerge from the dark hallway, she sighs out of relief.
sana checks the clock, 1:30 am. "you're home late. again." she mumbles, standing up and keeping the blanket wrapped around herself as she stopped you from going up the stairs. you groan, just wanting to take your clothes off and sleep.
"are you drunk?"
sana doesn't believe you. she steps closer, leaning in to smell your breath. you ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at that. instead of smelling liquor, her nose scrunches at the scent of perfume. it wasn't yours, nor hers, nor from the girl you slept with two days ago.
somehow, that made her feel worse than if you had actually been drunk.
"who was it this time?" she asks, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the kitchen. sana hates that you struggled to keep up with her. "doesn't matter, i've done better."
she cringes at your words. "you can't just say that." sana mumbles frustratedly, letting go of you to get you a glass of water. her blanket falls by your feet. "what? that i've done better? because i have! this girl was, like,—"
"no! that it doesn't matter!" she whisper–yells, not wanting to wake any nosy neighbors up. sana forces you to hold the glass of water before picking the blanket up off the ground. "you don't even know her name, do you?"
you bite your lip, desperately trying to remember who you were begging to earlier. "uh.."
"you're–so—" sana looks like she wants to kill you. understandably so, but you think she's just being weirdly overprotective. she sighs, shaking her head. "i'm going to bed." is all she mumbles before pushing past you.
you watch as she disappears into your apartment. shrugging, you lean against the doorway and drink your water.
"what's her problem?"
"i don't know! i have to snap her out of this or something. it's getting worse every night!" she was watching you from the corner of her eye. it wasn't like she didn't trust nayeon or the people she invited over, she just didn't trust what you'd do in a room full of strangers.
(a room full of nayeon's really attractive friends is how she'd describe it.)
momo puts a hand on sana's arm, her other hand taking her cup. she frowned, worried for her best friend as she grew antsy just talking about you.
"okay, first of all, that's enough drinking for you." momo mumbled, downing the rest of sana's drink despite the angry pout on her face. "second, you need to tell her that this shit's unhealthy."
"i've tried!"
"angrily taking care of her when she comes home isn't confronting her."
sana's pout gets deeper. she hadn't even said anything that would make momo think that... but she knew she couldn't argue with her. that did happen to be what she was doing after all.
"either way, she's either drunk out of her mind or smelling too much like someone else for me to even think of telling her to stop." sana sounds hopeless at this point, leaning against a wall and throwing her head back against it. "i don't think that second thing should stop you from confronting them...?" momo's eyebrows furrow, trying to make sense of what sana was saying.
she gasps, "unless—you're jealous?"
sana freezes, attention going to momo. "no? no! that's—i'm not like that—i care about them—" she stammers, trying to deflect what momo just said until her eyes land on you. you were across the room, rolling your eyes at something chaeyoung said.
she looks back at momo, then you, then momo. "maybe i am? that's not the main point, though! what she's doing is totally unhealthy!" sana spews out, her words almost faster than momo could comprehend. (she had years of experience in sana-speak, though. sana could make unintelligible noises and she'd still understand what she was saying.)
"calm down, sha. i'm not saying you're only doing this because you're jealous." momo reassures, but sana could tell she was biting back a laugh. "i'm just saying that it's bugging you more because you care so much about her as a friend and because you've had feelings for her since she moved in."
sana sighs. "you're right. sorry for getting defensive."
momo shrugs, giving her a reassuring smile. "don't apologize. i'll get us some more drinks."
sana watches as momo walks away, trying to shrink into the wall while she was alone. she liked meeting new people but not when she felt unease build up in her stomach.
she should just talk to you, she thinks. if she can hear that you're doing fine right now then her nerves will be completely gone for the rest of the—
"who is that?" sana asks, entire body tensing up when momo comes back with two cups in hand. momo looks to where sana was glaring at and winces.
you were talking to one of nayeon's friend's friend's friend. she was a bit all up in your face for someone you just met.
"chaewon i think was her name? she came here with sakura. sakura's mina's friend and—" momo purses her lips when sana storms her way over to you. she sighs, looking down at the cups she was holding. "more for me."
"i can't." you whine as chaewon wrapped her arms around your neck, bringing you even closer. she laughs, throwing her head back. you stare at her neck and lick your lips, wondering how good she'd look when you leave your mark on her. "my roomie's driving me home." you pout, "she doesn't like when i bring girls over."
"tell her you're going home with me, then." she shrugs, retracting an arm to take a sip of her drink. "kkura can catch a ride with someone else, she'll understand." chaewon's offer sounds way too good to turn down, especially when she props the cup against your lips for you to drink.
you accept, eyes locking with hers as you accept the alcohol happily. "how's that sound?"
"excuse me." someone interjects, using all of her strength to separate you and chaewon. you groan, about to shove the intruder away until you realize it was sana. that makes you groan again. "sorry, i have to take this one home." sana says, an arm wrapping around your waist as she stared chaewon down
your eyebrows furrow. "what? no you don't!" you hiss, trying to push sana away from you. she just tightens her grip around you. "i'm going with chaewon."
"no you're not." sana replies through gritted teeth. "sorry about her," she smiles, false sweetness all over her demeanor. "she's like this all the time. she's not what you're looking for."
sana practically drags you away from chaewon and out of the apartment. on your way out, she mouths a 'gotta go!' to nayeon, who takes one look at you and nods understandingly.
needless to say, you're pissed.
you were about to have the night of your life! the best sex you'd had in.. well, a few weeks, you think. your last handful of partners were nothing but time killers. ugh, that made it even worse. why was sana so mad about your sex life anyway?!
you were sulking the entire ride, arms crossed and refusing to even have her in your peripheral vision. sana notices and it drives her crazy.
she quickly pulls over, driving you equally crazy. the tension in that car was thick.
"what is with you?!" sana nearly shrieks, turning to face you. you gasp, finally looking at her. "what is with me? i'm not the one unnecessarily inserting myself in my roommate's sex life!"
"what the fuck are you talking about? i'm trying to protect you!"
"from what, sana? hot girls?"
sana let out a big exhale. you were being so frustrating—more so than usual. if it weren't for the seatbelts and the fact you both care about each other, you probably would've been at each other's throats by now.
"from doing whatever this is!" her words are accompanied by gesturing to you with both of her hands. you still didn't get it. "don't you realize how unhealthy this is?"
you blink, tilting your head in confusion. "unhealthy would be the last word i'd use to describe love, sana."
her eyes widen. "love—?" she leans back in her seat, exasperated. "you've gotta be fucking kidding." sana mumbles, her hands finding their way to the steering wheel. her knuckles go white at how tight she was holding on.
"what?" you were genuinely puzzled at her reaction. "aren't you like, the number one advocate for loving in your own way?"
"this is not love!" her eyes are back on you. you frown, she was genuinely intimidating now. "you are hurting yourself! you're letting these people take advantage of you... i don't know! you wanting to be held?"
you scoff, rolling your eyes and leaning back. "you don't get it. it's not my fault miyeon broke up with your sorry ass." the words leave your mouth before you could even process that you had the guts to think about sana like that. "wait, no—i'm sorry—"
"fuck off." sana mumbles, shifting the car back into drive.
you stay put the rest of the ride, feeling a pit grow deep inside your stomach.
sana wasn't home the next morning. you weren't sure if she had plans or work—she'd always tell you beforehand. it made you feel even worse, it took a miracle to get through breakfast without throwing up. the same went for the rest of the day.
by the time the sun set, you were shaking from nerves. you didn't want to face sana when she came home. you didn't want to keep thinking about her and what she said and what you said and what you've been doing.
instead, you get the brilliant idea to respond to your ex's text that you'd left on delivered for three hours.
y/n: pick me up in 10
do not reply: knew you'd come around ;)
you throw up in the toilet before you leave.
you don't even make it out of the parking lot of your apartment.
lisa's parked in the furthest corner, too dark for anyone to see inside and too far for anyone to hear how you were panting against her.
you were wedged between lisa and the back of the passenger seat. she pushed her thigh further against your throbbing pussy, biting your lip with a smile. "fuck, couldn't wait to see me, huh?" she hums as she watches you grind down on her thigh desperately.
"you've been thinking about me, haven't you? dressed up so slutty.. you wanted me to fuck you in here, no?" lisa's voice grows raspy as she toyed with the fishnets on your legs.
her words fall on deaf ears. your body was enjoying this, but your mind was far away from the woman sucking on your collarbone. you're not even sure why you chose this stupid bunny outfit sana bought you for april fools.
there it is again, you were thinking about sana. sana sana sana sana. no matter what you did, she was clouding your mind!
"turn around baby, i wanna see what set you're wearing for me." lisa whispers and you obey absentmindedly, still thinking about what sana said to you while she undid the ties holding your corset together.
then it hits you.
sana likes you.
she's jealous that you're sleeping with everyone but her!
you gasp, making lisa peek from behind you. "what's wrong, baby?"
you swat her hands away from your back, turning around. "oh my god. sana's in love with me."
"your roommate?"
you nod. lisa frowns, "what does that—"
"i'm so sorry, i have to go!" you mutter, clumsily opening the door and climbing out of it. lisa's calling after you, frustrated and confused to the max as you ran back to your apartment.
the slamming of the front door makes sana flinch, immediately muting the show she was watching. her head whips to you clumsily running into the living room, kicking your heels off as soon as you saw her.
sana's eyes widen and she's furious again—"what the hell are you wearing?" she stands up, but gets pushed down by you once you make it in front of her. she hates that you look good in that stupid outfit she bought and hates that she can tell your corset was halfway undone.
"doesn't matter—i get what you were trying to tell me yesterday."
"you do?"
sana looks hopeful as you sit next to her, that sweet smile you adored gracing her face.
"yes!" you grin. the way she was smiling at you made you feel like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. "and i'm really sorry for what i said yesterday, that was really shitty of me."
sana shakes her head, "it's okay. you were mad, so was i. i think i could've been nicer but—if it helped you realize it in the end, i guess it's all in the past."
you nod eagerly, barely able to contain your excitement as you lunge forward and kiss her. you sigh, it felt so good to love h—
sana pulls away, hand on your chest to keep you at a distance. "what the fuck?"
your heart sinks. "what? don't you—i thought you liked me?"
sana blinks, looking as shocked as she did yesterday. "of all the things i yelled at you about, that's what you got out of it?"
"isn't that what you were trying to tell me?"
"no, oh my god!"
sana was pacing in front of you now while you were sat and looking up at her like a dumb bunny. (you kind of were one, anyway.)
"i don't want to yell at you again, i'm going to bed."
you watch her leave, snapping out of a trance when she slams the door.
you look back to the tv to see what sana was watching.
the bachelorette, greaaaat. you roll your eyes and change the channel. seeing someone else's messy love life didn't really make you feel better about yours.
huffing, you take your bunny headband off and stare at it down on your lap. what was so hard for you to understand?
you were laying face down on nayeon's couch a week later. you'd been ignoring sana, feeling guilty every time you even thought of her. it didn't exactly help that she kept checking up on you anyway.
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: u ok?
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: i won't be home tonight, staying at momo's
sana-ya 💜💜💜💜: lmk if u need anything
"sana texted again." nayeon hums as she sees your phone light up beside her. you'd tossed it out of frustration onto the floor half an hour ago. nayeon was on the floor so she could comb through your hair with a comb she accidentally bought. it was one of those metal tooth ones meant to capture lice.
"you really need to talk to her, y/n."
"i knooooow!" you whine. nayeon was inspecting your hair really well, surprisingly. not that you actually had lice, she was just bored and you were miserable. at least it was relaxing?
"i don't know what to say, though! i've been a complete idiot! what if she hates me?"
"she's been sending you texts every day since you started leeching off me."
you groan. why must sana be the sweetest person ever?
"i'm not leeching off you."
"then go home tonight."
you groan again.
nayeon sits back, putting the comb away and letting you lift your head to face her. "if you're so convinced that she's either jealous or trying to control what you do, why do you care? it's not like you to be this affected by what anyone says."
you shrug, turning around to lay on your back. "i'm trying to figure that out. i'd say it's because she's my roommate but that never stopped me from going behind her back in the past."
"and it's not like i'd give a shit if anyone else told me to fuck off. or push me away if i tried to kiss them."
nayeon raises an eyebrow, "so sana's special?"
"i guess."
she grins. it was nothing she didn't know, she just wanted to hear it from you. "hope you know you've been in love with her for a while now."
you sit up, looking at her like she was crazy. "nayeon. when i say you're crazy i really mean it."
she shakes her head. "no! i'm being serious! think about it, why were you so eager to leave lisa when you thought sana liked you?"
you purse your lips, genuinely thinking about what nayeon was saying.
"and this entire thing of yours started when sana went on a trip abroad with momo! you didn't have access to the most affectionate person in your life for two weeks and you kept whining about how they kept posting each other like they were dating!"
nayeon gets up and sits beside you, rubbing your arm gently. "i didn't say anything at first because god knows you would've told me to fuck off."
"oh, and didn't one of the girls you hooked up with warn you about how bad this was too? what was her name... jihyo? and you wouldn't even listen to her."
"i think i get it, nayeon."
"shhh, no, let me have this. sana's the only person you ever listened to, or at the very least considered changing yourself for. love isn't whatever the hell you're doing to replace the lack of affection in your life—"
"ouch." you grumble, but nayeon just tells you to take it. you do, she was right anyway. "love is how you're acting about sana."
you cringe. "that was the cheesiest thing you could have ever said to me." you mumble as you hug her. "but you're right, i think. thank you."
you don't slam the door closed this time, not wanting to give sana a heart attack with how many times you'd done it before.
as you approach her, you take note of the fact she was watching the bachelorette again. maybe the fake messiness of it all was comforting to her.
"sana?" you whisper, taking a seat beside her. she blinks, surprised to see you home at all. apologies die down in your throat. she looked so gentle.
"i thought you were at momo's?"
"nayeon texted me saying that you might need someone to come home to."
you smile, unable to look her in the eyes anymore. "i'm sorry, sana. for everything. i've been really stupid for the past few months."
"more than stupid, but go on."
you chuckle lightly, your body feeling lighter after realizing she really didn't resent you. "i was too stubborn to listen to anyone about it. except you, evidently. you're... really special to me."
"and i'm sorry for kissing you the other night! god, i was really dumb and just jumped at the chance that you might love me too because i really didn't want to consider that you were right about me hurting myself." sana listened intently as you rambled out your apologies. you were really making sure that you apologized for anything and everything—so much had happened and you hated that sana got caught up in it.
"and i shouldn't have talked about your relationship with miyeon like that. i know how hard it was for you and i was just deflecting and being an ass. sorry."
your eyes meet hers again, sad and brimming with tears. you hold in your breath until she crawls over and hugs you tightly. you hug her back just as tight, crying into her cream colored sweater.
"thank you," sana whispers. "i'm glad you've finally come to your senses. i forgive you." you let out the biggest sigh of relief as she rubs your back comfortingly.
"and i think i'm in love with you."
"i know."
you're suddenly pulled into her lap. sana peels your body off of her so she could wipe your tears away and hold your face. "i.. i love you too, but let me think about it first? this whole situation was so..."
"that's not how i'd describe it, but i guess, yeah, it was messy."
you nod, "it's okay, i understand."
the bachelorette was still playing in the background, filling in the silence between you and sana.
"can i watch with you?"
sana nods, letting you snuggle up beside her. it takes a minute for the two of you to adjust, but as soon as you do, she's talking your ear off about what you need to know about the contestants.
you listen, paying more attention to her expressions than what she's saying.
it felt good to have this again.
it's been two months since you confessed your love to sana.
you never bugged her about it, but she remembered to tell you that she was still thinking about it every now and then. you didn't really mind, anyway, the two of you were back to being attached at the hip and that was more than enough for you.
"have you seen sana?"
you were back at nayeon's place, celebrating her girlfriend's birthday. nayeon looks around, lips pursed. "over there!" she yells because the two of you were standing right by the big speaker chaeyoung brought. "thanks!" you yell back before making your way across the room to sana.
you weave through the crowd, nearly tripping over yourself three times before you finally land in front of sana...
who was talking to someone else.
you try not to be jealous, but it was incredibly hard when the girl she was talking to was visibly falling for her!
you didn't want to look overly possessive, especially because the two of you weren't officially dating. you start walking away, but sana catches you in the corner of her eye.
"y/n!" she calls out, her voice as bubbly as ever. you freeze for a moment but turn back to her and walk over with a tight smile. "hi, sana. hi.." you turn to the girl she was talking to, observing her.
you give her a polite smile before turning back to your roommate. "did you need anything?" she asks, noticing that you've been trying to talk to her the entire time you've been here. "no... just... wanted to see you...?"
they both stare at you for a bit, soyeon extremely confused while sana blushes and giggles. you want the ground to swallow you whole—what kind of an excuse was that?!
"you're adorable, you know?"
you laugh awkwardly and decide to walk away after that. you didn't know how to act knowing other people were interested in your sana.
unluckily for you, she was being talked to all night long. one person after the other, always being stopped when you could see she was trying to make her way to you.
it pissed you off.
you weren't sure what else to do, though, so you just sat on nayeon's couch and sulked for the rest of the night.
sana was humming along to the song playing in the car, making sure to take the long route back home.
"can't last a night without being my center of attention, huh?" she teases, looking over to you while stopped at a red light. you blush, thankful for the red light. (sana's smile made you realize she knew you were blushing anyway.)
"you make me sound terrible." you huff, lips forming a pout. sana chuckles, "i think it's cute."
"wanna go out tomorrow?" she asks, humming as her eyes focus back to the road. you turn to look at her, partly confused and partly because you just wanted to stare at her pretty face. "are you asking me out?"
"but i thought you needed time to think about it...?"
"if you don't want to go out with me, i have soyeon's number, just so you know."
you whine, hitting her arm lightly. "kidding, kidding." she laughs. "it's been two months, n/n. i'm sure i've had a thought since then."
you roll your eyes, you hated how much she loved to mess with you sometimes. "yeah, whatever. i expect to be pampered and be the center of your attention tomorrow." you tease, relaxing back into your seat.
"of course, your majesty."
she stops at another red light, quickly leaning over to kiss you. "only if you do the same for me on the next date, deal?"
you stare at her, completely flustered while she tucks your hair behind your ear. she's so irritating, you love her so bad.
you kiss her again, "deal."
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bizbat · 3 months
Kill for Her - Jason Todd x Reader - 1
🕸️Spiderverse Masterlist🕸️
🐼JJK Masterlist🐼
~ Fem terms used for reader.
~ Mild smut alluded to but nothing explicit.
~ Reader's appearance is not described.
~ Parts one, two, three, and four, as well as my other works, can be found here!
~ Also please lmk how i can improve the masterlist if you do end up checking out my other works!!! (:
~ Thank you so, so much for everyone who requested more crazy jason! ILLYYYY (p.s. thank you for being so patient with this, ik it took forever omg)
~ Wc: 1.4k
~ Tw: (Very) Unhealthy Relationship Dynamics and All that Comes with it, Mentions of Having Children, Jason Todd is Not a Good Person in this, Pet Names, Nausea, Angst, Blood and Violence, Variety in Themes, Cringe maybe (lmk)
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"Break up?" You think you can just "break up" with Jason Peter "I've never been in a real relationship bc I died as a teenager and I have serious deep running abandonment issues stemming from my more than troubled childhood" Todd?
Real funny.
But yk what he doesn't think he really likes that joke and maybe you should actually never tell it again, okay? ((:
It doesn't matter what way you try to approach the subject. Kind, playing into his delusions about being a real couple? You're overthinking things, but that's fine, he loves you anyways.
Yelling, crying, screaming for him to get the fuck out of your home and go die? You're probably just being dramatic, but that's okay, you're sassy, he's sassy, match made in heaven!
The man is kookoo. He genuinely believes that you're destined to get married to each other and either have or adopt a ton of children and he's gonna be the best dad ever and you'll be a wonderful mom ever and blah blah blah blah.
And I've barely scratched the surface of all his crazy, it runs deep.
~ Drabble Starts Here. ~
He'd kill for you. Without a doubt.
He's always figured, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he might have to go back on his word to Bruce for your sake, that he might have to further stain his own soul and hands to keep yours clean, to protect you, to protect your relationship. It's not something he's too particularly worried about, to him, you might as well be the only living person on the planet anyways. Don't get him wrong, he loves his family, to the moon and back and more (don't tell them that), but if there were two people left on the planet, and one of them was you, and the other was him, he thinks the world might finally be fair. That life might finally be kind to him.
And with reasoning like that, whispered into your hair at night when he thinks you're asleep, how could you be so cruel as to break his heart? How could you when he begs, begs you not to see how evil he thinks he is at night when he's been up too late and his brain starts to tell him cruel things about himself? When he brings you a gift every time he sees you. Granted, they're stolen, and granted, he broke into your home. But they're exemplary of his devotion to you nonetheless. Or at least that's how you see it, that's how you see him.
It's true, Jason has lived a life more than deserving of pity, of kindness and support. That's part of why you feel nauseous right now, your hands, slightly clammy, nervously wring the hem of the shirt you're wearing. It's big on you, hanging down past your thighs. You can't remember if it's his or yours. Your tongue feels too big in your mouth, and your knee is bouncing so much you're sure the muscles in your calf are well defined by now.
The reason you feel so ill as you wait for him at 12:48 AM, your eyes flicking back and forth between the clock on your phone and your TV currently playing reruns, is because tonight is the end of it. The end of Jason breaking into your apartment with a spare key he had made without your knowledge, or your window when you switch your lock for the umpteenth time. The end of you waking up next to him in your bed when you know he wasn't there when you went to sleep. The end of his overly personal nicknames that allude to a relationship you've told him time and time again that you Do. Not. Have.
Tonight you're "breaking up with" Jason Todd. If you weren't on edge you might laugh at the thought. You and Jason have (at least in your adamant opinion) never agreed to date. He never asked you out, he just started, well, acting the way he acts; breaking into your home, stealing random articles of clothing that he has a particular interest in, acting like your boyfriend. But it's been months. You're tired.
"Jason!" You say, surprised at his sudden appearance. You guess you got too caught up in your thoughts. He smells like metal. You're worried about what he might've been getting up to, but that's not your main focus at the moment.
He hears your voice sing his name as he walks into your shared apartment, through the door this time. He knows how much you hate it when he comes in through the window. He's happy to see you, albeit a little surprised, you're usually asleep by this time. You must've stayed up for him, a smile rises to his lips at the thought. "Hiya doll, what're you doing up so late?" He's clearly exhausted, even though he's turning in relatively early, it now being 1:29, he's already had a long, long night. A long, painful, violent night.
All he wants right now is to lay beside you, to rest his head on your chest and hear your heartbeat. It's his second favorite sound in the world. The first being those gorgeous noises you make when he's got his head between your thighs and your fingers in his hair-
He's pulled from his thoughts at the sight of your lip tucked between your teeth, the worry on your face more than evident. His smile drops as he hangs up his signature leather jacket on the coat rack beside the door, and slowly makes his way over to you. "You okay, doll? What's wrong?" He asks you with such sincerity, like he really does care. And the worst part is you know he does.
"We . . . we need to talk, Jason." He can hear how nervous you are just by the way your voice quivers as you address him. It always makes his heart hurt when he hears that. You avert your gaze, unable to look at him at this moment. You breathe deeply, trying to calm your heart and quell the bile fighting to come out. You need to do this, and you need to do it now. "I . . ." You barely manage to warble out, clenching your jaw before bracing yourself. "I want to break up with you Jason." You say after taking a deep breath through your nose.
This is it, you did it. You can feel the saline tears rising to your waterline, but you aren't sad at all. You swallow the massive lump in your throat as you wait for his response, your hands furiously gripping your shirt, an unreadable expression on his face. He just . . . stares for a moment. He doesn't blink, he doesn't frown, he doesn't start sobbing, fall to his knees, beg you to change your mind.
He doesn't do anything. The longer his stillness goes on, the more and more your confidence deteriorates. Your shoulders drop from their tense state, your lip quivers, and your ears ring from how dead silent the room seems to be. "Jason . . ." He's barely blinking, his head slightly cocked, his hands limply dangling at his sides. "I said," You clear your throat, not favoring how weak you sound. "I said I want to break up with you. I don't want to date you anymore." You know he heard you, but you repeat yourself nonetheless.
The longer the two of you sit in silence, the harder it is to stomach it. Your hands shake as they grip your shirt, the fabric wrinkles in your tight grasp, your chest feels like all of your ribs have turned into snakes and started squeezing and constricting around your pounding heart. His eyes pierce your soul, the usually deep pits now shallow and glassy. Eventually, the second that he sees a single drop of water fall down your cheek he seems to snap out of it.
The life, the color returns to his face and eyes, as if he was just woken out of a deep trance at the mere sight of your tears. Then, perhaps most disturbingly, he laughs. A cold, icy chuckle that slides off his vocal cords and freezes the room. It sounds almost plastic, rehearsed, like he's practiced it in the mirror hundreds of times in preparation for moments like this. "That . . ." he wheezes between bouts of fake laughter. "That was really funny, babe, you almost had me there."
Jason runs a hand through his hair, disguising the act as if he's trying to gather himself when really, he's resisting the urge to grip on the strands of inky black until they rip from his scalp. He's still pretending to collect himself as he slips past your form, still standing almost perfectly still, into your room. You don't even remember the rest of the night. You don't remember what either of you said, what either of you did, all you remember is following him into the room, being coaxed into bed, and resting your swirling head on his chest as his arms wrapped so, so tightly around your shoulders.
Jason doesn't sleep well that night, even with you safely tucked into his arms. It was a joke, it was a joke, it was a joke. That's what he tells himself. Over and over in his head, bouncing off the walls of his skull; it was a joke, it was a joke, it was a joke. It must be, it has to be. His sweet Y/n, who knows what he's been through, who knows he's never had anything, and anything he has ever had was ripped from his hands, his Y/n would never be so cruel.
She'd never leave him. He couldn't let her. Not when he'd die for her, not when he'd kill for her.
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soulidarity · 7 months
Rafayel and reader did that it was readers first time but in the morning she gets up early she had an important class so she leaves and she forgets to text Rafayel and Rafayel would feel very anxious?!? Idk if it makes any sense
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left alone
hurt/comfort | rafayel x mc / reader | 694 words
as she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a purple tuff of hair on her chest. her face softened as she played with it for a moment, remembering the events of last night. it had been such a meaningful experience. wanting to thank him with breakfast, the girl started getting up, careful not to disturb her partner.
as she checked her phone, she realized the time. she was about to be late for work. quickly getting dressed and leaving a goodbye kiss, she made her way out of the artists house.
a few hours later, the lemurian woke up, feeling unusually cold as he realized where this lack of warmth was coming from. he turned around and saw that his bed was empty as he recalled everything that had happened.
had she really just left him? used him? was that all she wanted from him? everything that their relationship had been building up to be up until this point was for nothing?
As the tall man stood up and looked over his house for any sign of his partner, he grew even more disappointed, but not of her but of himself. had he not been enough? if she just wanted that type of relationship, she could've said so. he just wanted her in any way he could. even if it was at his expense.
the day went on, and he laid on his bed. time moving fast, but he paid no mind to it. maybe thomas had called him a couple of times, it couldnt have been anything important since he didn't burst through the door while scolding him.
he tossed and turned in the bed, her scent surrounding him, making his chest tighten. After a bit, he fell asleep again.
He turned around as he woke up, taking in his surroundings.
"Did you sleep all day? Thomas texted me saying he couldn't get in touch with you."
"So you pay attention to Thomas' texts but can't even leave me a note?"
"What? What do you mean-?"
"You left me."
Her teasing smile dropped as it dawned on her what she had done.
"Oh my god I... Rafayel I swear it wasn't like that"
"It's fine," he interrupted, sitting up on the bed and looking down. "If you... want to see me in that way and only in that way... It's fine, just please..." Strong hands held her wrists. "dont leave me."
Both of them sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity, the clock on the wall seemingly unmoving.
At the lack of response, the lemurian looked up to see her holding back tears. "Why are you crying?"
"Because I just left you there! And you're just... accepting it?!" She shook off his hold and stepped off the bed.
"Why are you getting angry at me?"
"Im not angry at you, Yel. Im angry at myself. What happened last night was really special to me and I really wanted- want to thank you. But I woke up late and Tara had been calling me so I ran to work. I am... truly sorry."
He stood up, chuckling at her tear stained face.
"It's okay, my love." he caressed her cheek, her hands quickly flying to hold his. "It's not. You've told me countless times how scared you are of me leaving, and it feels like I continue to make that fear come true. And I'm really sorry... I... wish I could give you what you're looking for-"
Her rambling was interrupted by soft lips pressed against hers. It lasted a few seconds before he pulled away.
"I should really buy you a lip balm" her mouth was slightly open in bewilderment as he chuckled.
"It's really okay. Both of us need to work on our things. You should be better at letting me know when you have to leave, and I should be better at letting you leave. As much as I wish to have you for myself, you have responsibilities, and you love your job, I can't take you away from it."
"To make it up to you, how about I make dinner?" she smiled.
thank you so much for the request! english isnt my first language so i apologize for my mistakes.
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gowns · 1 month
lately i have been
watching movies
reading books
practicing piano
taking long walks
being more methodical with my bedtime routine**
writing and outlining more regularly
and just generally repairing my attention span*. it's possible
the trick is to look for stretches of time where you can get it. i don't know how else to describe it tbh. and it sounds like nonsensical common sense. i guess it's like... find the tiniest stretches of time where you can't do anything else, and those are the times when you can be on your phone.
e.g. say i'm waiting for coffee to boil, about 1-2 minutes. i can't practice piano in that time, but i can check my email or instagram or whatever. but then, let's say i look at the clock, and there's nothing in particular to do for the next 20 minutes... well surely, i can practice a two page piano piece in that time. or at the very least do some scales or chords. or let's say i've just been tapping away at my work on my computer for an hour or two, it's a good time to get up and take a walk outside, or switch to paper (reading / writing). haha i know this is advice we've all heard before.
i guess like, one of my main downfalls is repeatedly checking my phone because i think a magic email or text will arrive. eventually i had to come to terms with the fact that this magic message will never arrive. and if i do have an important message, chances are i can answer it around 9am or 2pm, something like that. and if i'm checking my phone at 11pm what can i actually do about it? am i even in my right mind to do something about it?
*ed. note - yes i have read the things critical of the concept of "attention span" and well even if it's a fake concept let's say i struggle from a lack of this fake concept, shall we say... pathologically so...
**methodical bedtime routine: 9-10pm is ME TIME underlined three times, this is the time to watch something on TV, fuck around online, read a book, eat a popsicle, whatever. don't half ass the "me time," really go for it. if i'm half-working half-relaxing then i don't feel all the way relaxed, then i'm tempted to "steal" time back for myself post 11pm when i should be in bed.
anyway, sometime between 10-10:30pm: shower or bath, take melatonin if no sleep the night before, use water pick floss, wash face, moisturize, pajamas, drink water, brush teeth with nha toothpaste, duolingo, write in journal (if i have energy) / read book (if i have lower energy) / get in a last gasp of mindless scrolling if my energy is in the negative. last steps: turn on jazz in the rain playlist*** with a sleep timer of 30 minutes, turn off light
***somehow i pavlov-ed myself with this playlist and 5 out of 6 nights this will put me right to sleep like a bird with a blanket on its cage
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Growing Pains. | L.DH
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— Prologue: “Baby is there anything i can do to help?”
— Summary: In the middle of the night you wake up your boyfriend telling him you are having bad period cramps and tries his best to help you feel better.
— Genre: Romance. Wholesome relationship between you and Hyuck. Boyfriend!hyuck. Smutty so no minors interact. Fingering going on in the fic ( f receiving) but everything else is very soft and wholesome.
— Notes: no tags.
The Growing Pains in your body rumbles through your sleep and mind long enough to wake you up in this awful stunning moment where you groan lightly holding your body on the side of the bed where you and your boyfriend slept in the darkness in your room. The clock by your bed stand table alerts you if the time; it was far too late becoming nearly two in the morning you can’t possibly go to bed with this feeling in your body happening.
Your body rolls around to check on your boyfriend who has soon noticed your empty bed and starts to sit up wondering what was happening. His mind went to many wrong doings like you were getting burglars in your home and you woke up hearing something downstairs but no. “Baby what’s wrong? Why are you not going go back to sleep.”
Your eyes look away from him because you were annoyed by these cramps and you were starting to feel bad for your boyfriend interfering him from his own sleep. Your thoughts were pushed away and you turn around going to lay down murmuring. “It’s nothing let go back to sleep hyuck.” You tell him but he very much caught on that something wasn’t right and he looks at you laying down.
Your boyfriend wraps his arms round you whispering. “Baby something isn’t right. What’s wrong why can’t you sleep?” You sometimes wonder how you ended up getting such a kind person who can read your mind quite literally. It’s hard to hide stuff from him. Donghyuck was always asking and supervising you if everything was okay and if you’re concerned about something that was bothering you. Now it’s not any different. Your gaze in the darkness of your room was met with his and even if it was super dark because of how late it was you could see his kind eyes on you.
You trail not keeping him waiting. If Donghyuck wants to know you should tell him. “I am having really bad period cramps right now. I’m sorry I woke you up it wasn’t my intention to.” The man lays on the side for a while pulling your body close. “Baby is there anything i can do to help?”
He was the sweetest you thought. He was really the most sweetest soul on this planet living by asking you this. He could’ve went back to sleep but he chose not to knowing you won’t be able to. If you can’t get sleep he shouldn’t be getting sleep and that’s how it’s always been with you and him. You murmur a little quietly. “It’s fine. You should rest.” You tell him but that wasn’t enough for Donghyuck. He wants you to have a good night sleep for tomorrow. Your boyfriend slowly rubs your lower stomach with his hand as he lays with you, rubbing it in circular motions hoping it could somewhat stop your pain.
It didn’t do much but it certainly made you feel some type of way having his veiny dainty hands just there on your stomach laying on top of your cramp rubbing it. It felt awfully wholesome and warm it could make your heart start beating unrelentingly fast. His gaze turns to your stomach where his head leans and you roll on your back having your boyfriend come closer starting to plant a bunch of soft and small kisses on your stomach. You blush at his actions down below.
Donghyuck looks up at you after kissing where your cramp was. “Is it helping? Did the cramp stop hurting?” With your bright red cheeks concealed behind the night covering you both with the darkness you mentally prayed to stay strong. You lay your head against the pillow soft answering back. “It’s still there… it’s hurting really bad…”
He trails wondering for what more he can do to help you. “I’ll check the drawer for pain relief medicines okay?” Donghyuck shifts on his side of the bed again sitting up and turning the lamp on the bed stand making light to check the drawer down below where you both kept all sorts of medicine; but no period pills were found. He wanted to cuss when he saw the empty packet from last month you used.
Donghyuck dimly follows. “It’s empty. I’m sorry Y/n if the shops would be open i would go and grab a new pair right now.”
You close your eyes and your boyfriend bites down on his lip worrying for you now. It seems to be very bad for you this cycle and he couldn’t help but feel really sorry that he can’t do anything to help. Instead your boyfriend turns to the clock thinking what else he can do. Then something hits him as he goes to look at you having an idea what he could do to at least provide a good distraction from your period. He tugs on your arms holding them.
You look up at your boyfriend as he holds your hand. He goes to kiss your forehead and lovingly look into your eyes as he held your hand with his. “I heard it helps some women if they… have sex. I mean— we don’t need to have sex. I don’t need it but my fingers could maybe help you out if you… need a distraction I’m willing to pleasure you until you feel sleepy again.” He whispers gazing down at your hands holding. “But only if you want it. I’ll do anything to make you feel okay and it might work.”
It sounded tempting and you were willing to try it if your boyfriend was. But the fact that he clarified and made it clear he wouldn’t get anything out of it and only you will made it so much more pure intention than you think it would’ve been. Donghyuck has made it crystal clear he didn’t need to do anything he just needs to please you until your cramps were satisfied. You look up slowly nodding finally giving into the idea. If it works you’re both satisfied and if it doesn’t we can try something else. “Okay we can try it out.”
He smiles at you putting a few strands behind your ears so he could see your beautiful face. “Alright i’ll grab the towel and other essentials we will need.” You look back at the door leading to the shower pointing at your gaze with it. “I’ll take a quick shower before we start.”
Donghyuck nodded understanding what you were wanting to do and he let you get away to shower as he would grab a pair of dark coloured towels and a glass of water if you ever needed it. The glass of water was put on your bed nightstand table whereas the towel was neatly laid on the bed for you. When you were done showering it took only ten minutes you came out in the same pyjamas only smelling cleaner and your heavenly body gel was in the air pleasant to smell. He could smell your fresh body scent and he smiles seeing you come out of the bathroom slowly.
When you saw the towel your eyes go back on Donghyuck as you crawl on the bed with your soft hair unlocked from the hair clip. Donghyuck softly kissed your cheek whispering gently. “How are you feeling? The cramps are still bad?” You nod unfortunately the cramps were still there. He looks down as you lay down making yourself comfortable for your boyfriend. The lower clothing was slipping off his fingers helping you out. Donghyuck reassures you as he looks down at you seeing a sudden nervous expression.
You and him never tried anything on your period. Never ever came to that situation where you both wanted to do something. It’s not like he was against it but you and him never ever thought about doing something like that before. But now that it came up it made you feel like it was your first time again with Donghyuck and it felt really anticipating for you. It’s going to be the same as before when he fingers you normally but why did it feel awfully foreign like he has never done this to you before?
“I promise you i’ll be careful and gentle okay?” He said to you and you look back at him softly nodding. “I know you will be. It’s just… won’t you be slightly disgusted? Even my period sometimes makes me feel like that sometimes.”
“There’s nothing disgusting about it. It’s not like you can exactly help it. I don’t want you to think I’m going to judge you for it because I’m not okay? Remember i’m your boyfriend not some random you just met.” You smile hearing this. You were reminded that he wasn’t new to exploring you and even if this were a completely new experience for the both of you, you were willing to share this moment together and at the end of the day Donghyuck is doing this to help you feel better for you not for his sake. “You’re right…” you tell him.
“You know what they say, a happy girlfriend equals a happy boyfriend.” He adds with a little laugh and you can’t help but cheese At whatever he said. He were breaking the little awkwardness and tension away that you build up and only to feel the edge of his fingers caress your clit. Eventually his fingers enter you very slowly and it felt new again but this time you were able to put the new sensation on.
Your body slowly starts getting that new pleasuring feeling of his finger moving inside you slowly. It was only a single digit inside you and you were weakly moaning out he could feel every part of you throbbing and it wasn’t even halfway through it. He wouldn’t of thought periods made everything you feel hundred times more sensitive and reactive. Your body was practically begging for a little more every time he did something now. He bit down his lip watching you get completely taken over by pleasure and lust and he soon adds the second fingering making your body jolt at the sudden stretch growing bigger and wider.
Donghyuck admires your face frowning at every little thrust his fingers did inside you and it shown how good you must be feeling; as if you were flying perhaps? Floating in the sky and open wide air placement at each little pleasing hit your body could take a hold of. He loves seeing it. Seeing you enjoying yourself and you suppose that’s a part of joy taking because he loved it as much as you did too. His fingers curl up in you and then a rough pound happens. You choke out broken moans now as your hips stutter back at him. Your stomach was sucked in sharply in deep.
He smirks as he found a new way to have your entire body shaking. Leaving his fingers curled in you and now starting to pound at every inch in you letting his hands form a round circle shape letting you shake in each hold as he was hitting a very sensitive spot of yours inside, he wasn’t even aware of it until now, and seems like neither were you. “Oh— god Hyuck please don’t stop… it feels… so good.” You mumble in between your lips breaking apart it’s as if you couldn’t even speak because it felt far too good. Only noises you couldn’t believe came out were coming freely as they wanted.
Your boyfriend loved taking notes of you speaking indescribably words of pleasure it’s as if you lost your mind a little and he took it as a good sign to see you shaking enjoying this with such a sensual seductive voice and smile you put out weekly to let him know to continue. It’s the way your hands were holding his forearms that we’re holding your thigh while the other hand was completely rocking your ins turning them inside and out. “Yeah? You like this a lot? Should we do this more often my love?” It was all sorts of questions you wanted to say yes but all you could do was nod at him constantly.
Maybe you should do this more often with your boyfriend. Maybe you should’ve done this a long time ago because this whole new feeling was a different kind that you both felt connected in a weird way — Donghyuck loved exploring this new you and you couldn’t help but felt more accepted now. Knowing your boyfriend couldn’t care if you’re on your menstrual cycle. He couldn’t care less because you are his girlfriend and he will love you no matter what. You can’t believe you doubted it a little earlier thinking he was going to judge you.
You cut out quickly squeezing your inner thighs against his hand between your legs going in so deep when a sudden wave of water comes out and Donghyuck sat there watching you spill out so much that he couldn’t even breathe for a moment.
You lay there dazed but you were mentally screaming at yourself not expecting you to have a big orgasm like that. “Shit — I’m sorry i made a mess…” Donghyuck looks up at you. “Holy shit that was… hot. What are you talking about why are you sorry?” He laughs as you look at him dumbfounded.
Guess he likes seeing you completely worked out? Who would’ve thought your boyfriend was going places seeing this happen in his eyes loving every minute of it. You shakily exhale as he looks at you. The towel was completely wrecked but that’s what he intended to do. He wasn’t letting you leave without you wrecking it all out. All that frustration and cramps to go away and it seems like they did because you’re dozing off now.
He was quick to wash his hands and take the towel away putting it in the washing machine so it could get clean tomorrow. Donghyuck comes back seeing you all tucked in laying there as you went out to clean yourself again but now that you were laying down with a tired face he could sense you were ready to just fall asleep instantly now.
He grabbed the glass of water sitting on the edge of your bed. “Baby how are you feeling now? No Growing Pains?” And you sat up taking the glass of water drinking a little.
You look up lovingly to your boyfriend smiling. “None at all. I feel pretty… good actually.”
“Good! I’m glad. Let’s go back to sleep.”
He was glad hearing this from you and putting the glass down and turning off the lamp. “Goodnight Y/n I love you.” He says tiredly and you hum also in a very sleepy tone. “Goodnight hyuck I love you too. Sleep well and thank you again.” One again your bodies were covering by the nightfall darkness and crawling under the duvet and blanket you were both tucked in with your arms wrapped around each other sharing the warmth. Donghyuck’s hands were petting the back of your head as he closed his eyes and your eyes were shut tight sleeping on his chest as he was softly caressing your hair. Slowly you both were now going to the subconscious, falling asleep.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Reblog and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out <33
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bi-ss · 9 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
WARNINGS: mentions of boobs lol, James trying to flirt if you squint, Sharon being a bitch, swearing..
(Spelling may be bad as I'm very dyslexic sorry in advance)
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2:15. That's the time James said he'll pick you up, and he asked you to be ready. It's 2:53, and you've decided to go for a shower instead.
Slipping your hand into the shower you turn it on trying not to get wet, which you succeed in doing, you lay the shower mat on the floor and look at your self in the mirror before undressing, you step into the now steamy hot shower wetting your hair completely before grabbing your shampoo and washing the roots of your hair. You like shampooing twice before leaving in your conditioner just a smudge so your hair soft, you take a comb but just as you about to start you hear voices come from your room, which is strange as noone really comes in bar you so you were a little confused until you hear them, a deep scruffy voice then you think you hear your bed moving, Is someone laying on it? You thought, you were slowly combing the conditioner in the ends of your hair when you hear a grunt but a deep grunt, you wondered who could be bothering you as it hit you, James motherfucking Barnes. It's been a couple of days since the meeting, and you don't have a James number, but you do have natashas. You were aware that James, Sam and Steve, who ever they may be were talking about all this as Nat over heard but all she said was he were tied, you didn't really care but you do know they Sharon has moved into a spare room on almost the opposite side from the master bedroom, and that one of James few rules were that we were to sleep in the same bed ect ect...
You finish your shower, putting your hair up in a towel, drying yourself and putting on a silk robe, you smirk to yourself as you remembered the last time you saw James were when he ran in to sign a couple papers at the front door and you heard shanon call you a attention seeking where and a man stealing slut, but now here's her man on your bed, without her knowledge, you giggle and unlock the door, breathing quickly and walking out calmly.
You glance over at James and around your room, you see his black blazer hanger on your beauty chair, him laying on your bed, shoes thrown next to it, in an look black shirt and trousers look, shirt slightly unbuttoned, with a shit eating grin on his face. While you, on the other hand, were in a short red silk robe and damp hair wrapped in a black towel, you pull the towel from your head, letting your damp hair, which is slowly shrinking flow free.
James grin slowly falters as his eyes seductively graze across your wet freshly waxed legs and the little bit of cleavage showing, once back to your face he study it like a text book, "if I'd had known you were showering, I would have ran here myself" he speaking proudly like he won a race, a race he ran by himself.
You giggle, slowly making your way to one of the bed posts making sure to sway your hips a little, leaning on the post you pout slowly, "if you were here faster I wouldn't have showered here, maybe at yours but as your late" you check the clock and see its 3:35 "I had to shower here" you continue pout but you weren't sad or annoyed he was late, or he was on your bed, you were more annoyed that hw aas flirting with you becuase he has a girlfriend, you disliked Sharon but no woman should have to know her boyfriend is flirting with another girl, and that he will marry her, no no no no.
Smirking at James as you yourself off the post and walk round the bed next to James, pushing the double doors to enter your closet humming as the smell of diffrent fabrics and soft smells enter your nose, you jump slightly as you feel you large hand on your hip, looking up to see James with a shocked expression on his face. You get an idea in your head, slowly turning to the broad man behind you, grabbing his chin gently with one hand, pulling him down to look at you.
"Go on, mister you get free range" you laugh to yourself as you walk back into your main bed room almost to your bed when you look behind you, still walking, to see James even more confused still standing in the door way, getting to the side of your bed you quickly start explaining before you lose confidence. "You said you wanted to atleast look like a happy couple, so I want you to go mad and dress me" you smile happily as you slowly start sliding down on your side, praying your still atleast a little covered but it didn't take James long to smile like a teenage boy looking at boobs for the first time and disappear into your walk in closet.
Once he's gone, you breathe and wonder where your confidence came from, then you feel bad for Sharon bit then remember she called you a whole and slut multiple times so feel less bad. You grab your phone and see nat texted you 3 times, and the one you can see from your unlocked screen says 'don't feel bad' so when you unlock and see that rest you feel less bad for Sharon as her messages are about how they were fighting because bucky admitted that he'd seen you years earlier at one of your fundraising events but at that time you were dating John so he didn't introduce himself and how he knew for ages she was using him for money but she was shit at hiding it and some other stuff, you replied saying you guessed so and how it was pretty obvious.
Nat: ngl you should probably start making him fall for you
You: why?
He knows she's using him
Nat: yeah but this has happened before, she'll say sorry and how she's change she'll change for a month then slowly change back.
You: oml why don't they don't break up
Like srsly it's kinda embarrassing
Nat: I've been by his side for almost 20 years, they have been together for 3 and at first she was a darling but money changes people
Also, he really loved the person she was and still thinks she's in there
Love does weird shit to us, man
You: fairs, he's picking out an outfit for me rn so I'll see 😛
What do I do just kiss him or something? I've never had to really try it. It's easy when they are already swooning
Nat: I guess, make him feel love for the rest of his life. I doubt he'll let you go
And I'll make sure of it x
You: sound
OK Nat, we met a couple of days ago, lol
Nat did send you another text, but you were by James calling your name while smiling proudly again, throwing your phone on the bed, getting up to see what he's layed out for you, walking past him you see a all black suit with some heels you turn to him nodding with a pleased expression "you did good James, but now I will be changing and you haven't gotten to the stage yet" you wink as you closed the doors but you still see the annoyed just playful gace he pulled, you turn to the suit and pick it up, seeing one of your favourite black lace lingerie sets underneath, you should be upset that he went to fair but you just giggle and started getting dressed and doing very light makeup. Once mascara, lip liner, and lip gloss were applied, you reopened the doors to see his amused, then blank expression, you walk out with your jacket folded over your arm and your shirt undone all the way to expose your bra which for being lingerie with quite covering for the most part, you smile, picking up the bag you had earlier and open your doors making your way to the front hall to where your stuff is to see all of it was gone and with James closely behind you, walking outside to the now only blacked out car there, which wasn't your fathers.
James rushed ahead to open the door for you, climbing in and you watched him walk round and open his door, your bag at your feet with your door closed and seat belt on you were ready, you knew you'd come back home sooner then later so if wasn't emotional.
"James stop staring at my boobs and driving" rolling you eyes as he starts the door and slowly pulling out, you hope it's an short ride that's not to awkward, so you look out the window as the trees go by.
TAGS: @learis @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence @scott-loki-barnes
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spaceman-earthgirl · 1 year
Supercorptober 2023 Day 14: Midnight
ao3 fic link. series link.
Lena can’t keep her eyes open, her blinks turning slower as she struggles the stay conscious. But she refuses to sleep, she doesn’t want this conversation to end.
“Mmhmm,” Lena hums to Kara’s last statement, too tired to form proper words anymore. Which is definitely a sign she should sleep, but not just yet.
“You sound tired,” Kara says. “Oh gosh, is that the time?”
Lena blinks her eyes open, not realising when she’d closed them. She pulls her phone away from her ear to check the time. “It’s after midnight,” Lena says, the surprise waking her up, just a little. They’ve been talking for over three hours.
“Yeah,” Kara laughs, her voice warm and soothing in Lena’s ear. “I should let you sleep, it’s late.”
Lena wants to argue, wants to say she’s fine and it’s not that late, because she’d had a long day, the only thing making it better being this conversation. But she really doesn’t think she can stay awake for much longer.
“You need to sleep too.”
“I will,” Kara hums, and again, Lena is filled with an indescribable warmth that makes her want to continue this conversation forever. “Goodnight, Lena. Sleep well.”
“Goodnight, Kara.”
Lena’s asleep as soon as her eyes close again.
“Miss Luthor, it’s late, what are you still going here?”
Lena rolls her eyes at Kara’s way of greeting. It’s not uncommon for Supergirl to fly by late at night and find Lena still working, except-
“Is that the time?” Lena asks, glancing at the clock on her computer.
“Yes, it’s almost midnight, which means you should be at home and in bed by now.”
Lena sighs. “You’re right.” She rubs tiredly at her eyes. She’d removed her contacts hours ago, which should have been a sign that it was getting late and she should go home. 
“I usually am.” Kara grins. “Another thing I’m right about is how cute you look in glasses.”
Lena blushes, just like she always does when Kara comments on her glasses. Lena usually avoids wearing them at all costs, she prefers her contacts, but she does sometimes wear her glasses now just because she knows Kara likes them.
Lena busies herself gathering her belongings so she doesn’t have to respond. Kara clearly knows what she’s doing because she laughs.
“Do you want a lift home?” Kara asks.
Lena shakes her head. “No thanks, I’ll just take the car.”
“Are you sure?” Kara flexes her arms. “Because I’ve been told that I’m very strong.”
Lena’s cheeks really go red this time and Kara laughs again. She’d said that one time while drunk and Kara hasn’t let her forget it since. Apparently, Kara is in a teasing mood tonight. Which is cute, but does things that Lena’s heart can’t quite handle.
Kara laughs again, and Lena can’t even be too annoyed because again, she’s cute.
“Well, text me when you get home then?”
“I will,” Lena smiles. She nods her head towards the window. “Stay safe out there.”
Kara salutes with another grin before she’s gone in a flash. Lena thinks working late isn’t that bad when she gets to see Kara.
Lena doesn’t want to be alone. She thought she’d be okay, even told Kara as much when she’d offered to come over this evening. Lena had declined, but now it’s nearing midnight and she’s alone and scared and can’t sleep.
She’s been debating for the last half hour whether or not to call Kara, just to talk, just so she doesn’t feel quite so alone. But it’s late and she doesn’t want to disturb her.
The thought that makes the decision for Lena is the fact that if the roles were reversed, she’d want Kara to call her if she was upset.
Lena takes a shaky breath before she presses Kara’s contact on her phone. Two rings later and Kara answers, and judging by the sleepy quality of her voice, she’s woken her best friend.
“Did I wake you?” Lena asks, already knowing the answer.
“Are you okay?” Kara asks, instead of answering the question.
The question reminds Lena of exactly why she’s calling and suddenly she feels like crying. “I-“
Lena doesn’t even get to say anything more before Kara cuts in. “Do you want me to come over?”
Lena only hesitates for a moment before she answers. She knows exactly what she wants, she just doesn’t like asking for things.
“I’ll be right there.”
True to her word, Kara’s there only moments later, tentatively knocking on Lena’s bedroom door. “Hi.”
Lena swallows, tries not to cry again. Today had shaken her more than she’d realised, and now all she wants is a hug from her best friend. She always feels safe when Kara’s around.
Clearly Kara can see exactly what Lena wants because Kara doesn’t hesitate as she enters the room and climbs right into bed beside Lena. She doesn’t wait as she shuffles over and then Lena’s wrapped in a warm embrace. She does cry this time, but Kara just holds her and she knows everything is going to be ok.
Lena doesn’t realise it’s so close to midnight until the countdown starts, the shouts loud as excitement buzzes around the room. She sees all the couples pair up and it instantly makes her look for Kara, the only person she wants to bring the new year in with.
To Lena’s surprise, Kara is already looking at her when Lena finds her and as the countdown ticks down, Kara crosses the room to meet her.
“Three…two…one…Happy New Year!”
The shouts ring out in unison around the apartment and Kara opens her arms, Lena stepping into her best friend’s embrace, wrapping her own arms around Kara in return.
“Happy New Year,” Kara repeats when she pulls away.
“Happy New Year,” Lena smiles.
There are more celebrations going on around the apartment but Lena pays them no mind for the moment, eyes only on Kara.
Because how could Lena look anywhere else? Kara’s eyes are the most striking colour of blue she’s ever seen, her cheeks pink with excitement, scattered with freckles that Lena has had dreams of pressing her lips to. Kara’s smile is so bright and Lena couldn’t look away even if she tried.
“I have a good feeling about this year,” Kara says. She’s close, the words just for them.
Lena’s not sure why, but she has the same feeling. “Me too.”
The moment stretches, and Lena wonders which one of them will move first. It’s always one of them, breaking away from these moments that seem to be happening more and more recently. But neither of them do, and Lena doesn’t miss the way Kara’s eyes fall to her lips.
This is far from the first time Lena’s caught Kara staring at her lips, but something about this feels different.
Kara’s leaning in, and this isn’t even the first time that Kara’s done that either, but neither of them are pulling away. In fact, Lena is leaning in too and then their lips meet and it sounds cliché, but Lena sees fireworks as Kara kisses her.
It’s brief, far too brief for Lena’s liking, and when she blinks her eyes open, she finds Kara watching her.
“Was that okay?”
Lena is so in love, it’s ridiculous. She reaches out, tangles her fingers with Kara’s. “It was more than okay.”
“Yeah?” Kara asks, a grin spreading across her face. “Does that mean I can do it again?”
“You better.”
Kara laughs and then Lena laughs too and then they’re kissing and Kara was right, this is definitely going to be a good year.
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storiesforallfandoms · 5 months
sleepy head ~ harry styles
word count: 1467
request?: yes!
“Hey! I request for the first time so I don't really know how much descriptive I have to be so yeah sorry if something's wrong,could I maybe request a Harry styles X reader where the reader has a bad habit of sleeping almost the whole day and when Harry wakes her up late in the afternoon she realizes that she missed yet another day with him and he comforts her beacuse she feels sad and guilty?(I hope this is understandable bc it's kind a problem of mine) thank you ♥️”
description: in which she struggles with staying awake and it makes her feel bad because she misses so much time with her boyfriend
pairing: harry styles x female!reader
warnings: rpf, more like a blurb than an imagine but...y’know
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You had no idea what it was that made you so sleepy all the time. You had gone to the doctor and had your thyroid levels and your iron checked, both of which came back fine. You had taken melatonin to try and sleep through an entire night. You even tried drinking coffee and energy drinks to get you through the day. So far, nothing really worked. You were still perpetually tired.
If you had work or any plans that meant you had to leave the house, you were usually awake enough to partake. But the minute you were home, your bed would be beckoning for you, and it was nearly impossible for you to resist.
It was something you already had a lot of issues with, and you were trying to work on it, but it especially became a problem when you started dating Harry.
Harry would never say it bothered him. He was adamant whenever it was brought up that he wasn’t bothered by how often you slept. You, however, were very bothered and felt incredibly bad whenever you slept in late, or when slept your entire day away. You had such little time with him since he was always so busy, and you didn’t want to lose that time by sleeping all day.
On one of the last days before Harry had to leave for tour, the two of you had planned to spend the whole day together. You set an alarm for early that morning so you could get up and fight off the sleep you were sure would try and convince you to stay in bed.
The second the alarm went off, you got out of bed and got ready. You got dressed, made a cup of coffee, washed your face with cold water to wake yourself up more, and made breakfast. You texted Harry to say good morning and to ask when he wanted to start your day together. You were almost finished eating when you got his response: “good morning, love. i’m not long awake, so it’ll probably be an hour or two before i’m ready if that’s okay.”
“of course! see you then ❤️”
Now you just had to stay awake for maybe two hours.
You washed the dishes, even dried them and put them away. You finished your first cup of coffee and put on the kettle for another. While the water was boiling, you went to brush your teeth and splashed your face with cold water again. You paced the kitchen as you waited for your coffee to cool down enough to drink. You couldn’t let yourself sit down. You knew the moment you did, you would risk being hit my fatigue and falling asleep.
You looked at the time on your clock and realized only 30 minutes had passed since Harry had texted you. He hadn’t sent another message yet to say he was ready. You groaned as you pocketed your phone again.
“I’ve had two cups of coffee,” you said to yourself. “That should be good enough to keep me awake.”
So, you moved to the living room and sat down on the couch. You sat as straight as possible, not even allowing yourself to lean on the arm rest or to slouch. You opened TikTok on your phone and started the mindless scrolling. You figured that would be the best way to pass the time. It was easy to fall down a TikTok rabbit hole and lose an hour or more.
Eventually, your back started to hurt from the unnatural way you were sitting. You allowed yourself to lean against the arm rest. But then the leaning turned into laying down. You were on your side with your phone in your hand, TikTok still open. Your eyes were growing heavy, but you fought against them. It wouldn’t be much longer till Harry was ready. You had to stay awake.
But it was a losing battle, and soon enough, your eyes were closed and you were sound asleep.
You jumped awake at the feeling of someone’s hand touching your arm. You quickly sat up, the post sleep confusion still clinging to you.
“Hey, it’s okay It’s just me.”
You blinked your blurry eyes a few times until you focused on the familiar face of your boyfriend.
You smiled, sheepishly. “Hey. Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“It’s alright. It took me a little longer to get ready than I expected.”
You stretched your arms over your head. “What time is it?”
“Um...almost 4?”
Your phone was on the floor, probably having fallen when you fell asleep. You picked it up to check the time to see he was right, it was almost 4pm. You also saw you had a number of texts and missed calls from Harry.
“I texted you a few times to let you know I was ready whenever you were,” he was explaining. “When you didn’t answer, I called a few times. I figured you were asleep, so I waited a while before coming over, to let you sleep.”
“How long was a while?” you asked.
When Harry didn’t respond, it was all the answer you needed.
Tears started to well up in your eyes as you buried your head in your hands. You couldn’t believe you let it happen again. You tried so hard not to fall asleep so you could spend Harry’s last day with him, and yet you still fell victim to your fatigue.
Harry gently took your hands and lowered them from your face. You refused to look up at him, keeping your eyes on the floor instead.
“Love, I’m not upset that you fell asleep,” he assured you.
“I’m upset,” you said. “I tried everything to stay awake. I knew that if I laid down I would end up falling asleep, and I still did it. I wasted our whole day.”
“Hey.” Harry cupped your face so you’d look at him. You weren’t able to hold back your tears anymore, so they were just running down your cheeks as you looked at him. “You can’t help that this happened.”
“I could’ve,” you said. “If I hadn’t let myself lay down I would’ve stayed awake. I should’ve found more chores to do around the place before you came, or something to keep me busy. But I shouldn’t have to do that! If there wasn’t something wrong with me, I’d be able to stay awake like a normal person.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.”
You gave him a look. “Yes there is, Harry. You’re always so nice when this happens, but I really wish you wouldn’t be. I wish you’d just tell me how you really feel about it, because I know it annoys you.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “When have I ever made it seem like I was annoyed?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He was right, you technically had no evidence to support your claim that he was annoyed with you. He had been nothing but kind and patient every time you had missed plans or fallen asleep while you were both together.
“You can’t help that you’re tired so much,” he continued. “You told me about it when we went out on our first date, it’s not like it’s something that is new and came out of nowhere. And you’ve tried to deal with it, but it’s just how you are. I’m not going to be mad at you for the way you are.”
You sniffled as new tears started to form in your eyes. “But...today was our last day together before you leave, and I slept through it.”
“Last I checked, it’s only 4pm. There’s still plenty of time to do things before I have to go to bed. What do you say we grab some take away and watch a movie here?”
You wiped your cheeks and nodded. “I’d like that. And you promise to wake me if I fall asleep on your lap?”
“I don’t know. You’re adorable when you sleep.”
You playfully pushed him. “I’m serious. I already lost most of my day with you. I don’t want to lose anymore time.”
He pulled you close and kissed your forehead. “I promise I’ll wake you if you fall asleep, love.”
You smiled and kissed his lips. “I love you, and I really appreciate the fact that you put up with my sleepy-ness.”
“I’m not ‘putting up’ with anything, because I love you, too.”
He stood from the couch and pulled you with him. You followed him to his car, where the two of you went off to spend your evening together. And you made sure not to fall asleep until the both of you were tucked away in bed that night.
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tiringwritings · 25 days
⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆
Buck had started to protest, as usual.
He always did when Eddie told him to stay over, insisting that he didn’t want to be a bother or that he should just head home. But tonight, after the three of them—Eddie, Buck, and Chris—had spent hours sprawled across the couch and floor, watching some of the worst movies in cinematic history, even Buck couldn’t muster up the energy to really fight it.
The last movie had ended with a particularly cringe-worthy line that had the two of them groaning and chucking a handful of popcorn at the screen. They’d tried to keep their laughter down, not wanting to wake up Christopher, who somehow had managed to fall asleep halfway through the third movie, despite all their commentary.
Now, the living room was dim, only lit the television’s soft glow, and Buck was yawning so much his jaw was starting to hurt.
“It’s really late,” Eddie said, glancing at the clock that read past midnight. He stretched, his t-shirt riding up slightly, revealing a sliver of skin that Buck tried very hard not to look at. “Just stay, Buck. It’s not a big deal.”
Buck hesitated, hovering by the edge of the couch, the words “I don’t want to intrude” already forming on his lips. But Eddie gave him that look—one that was soft but firm, no room for arguments, a silent plea mixed with exasperation. And because it was Eddie, Buck finally sighed, giving in.
“Fine,” Buck mumbled, snatching up a blanket and throwing it over the couch.
Eddie nodded absently as he went to check on Christopher, making sure his son was actually asleep and not just pretending. When he returned to the living room a few minutes later, he found Buck sprawled out on the couch, already halfway to sleep, his eyes closed, and his breathing evening out.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Buck cracked an eye open, giving him a confused look. “I made my bed,” he replied, voice heavy with sleep. “But if you’ve changed your mind, I can still leave…”
Eddie rolled his eyes, letting out a long-suffering sigh. “Buck, you’re not sleeping on the couch.”
Buck sat up slightly, frowning. “Why not? It’s a comfy couch! Definitely better than the ones I’ve had.”
Eddie walked over and gave him a light shove on the shoulder. “Because you’ll wake up with a sore back, you’ll be grumpy in the morning, and then you’ll spend all day complaining at the station. And then Hen and Chimney will complain to me about you complaining, and I will be too tired for that, okay?”
Buck blinked up at him, momentarily thrown by the logic. “I’m not grumpy…”
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “You are. Trust me. Just sleep in my bed.”
Buck hesitated again, opening his mouth to argue that he’d already imposed enough. But Eddie looked tired, the kind of tired that said he really didn’t want to fight over something so trivial. And truthfully, Buck was exhausted too. His body ached from the long shift they’d had, and his eyes were drooping shut again.
“Alright,” Buck said slowly, getting up from the couch. “But I feel like you’re trapping me somehow.”
Eddie just smiled, a small, satisfied thing, and patted him on the shoulder as he led him to the bedroom. “It’s not a trap. Just go to sleep, Buck.”
Buck flopped down on the bed without further protest, pulling the blanket over himself and closing his eyes with a sigh. The bed was warm, the kind of warmth that seeped into your bones, and Buck found himself sinking into it almost immediately. Eddie disappeared for a moment, presumably to grab some pajamas, and when he came back, he slipped into bed on the other side, trying to be quiet.
For a few minutes, there was silence. Just the soft rustle of blankets and the distant hum of the city outside. Buck was almost asleep when he felt a sudden tug at the blanket. He opened one eye to find Eddie pulling it over himself, leaving Buck’s side exposed to the cool air of the room.
“Hey,” Buck muttered, grabbing the edge and tugging it back. “You’re hogging the blanket.”
Eddie huffed a laugh but didn’t let go. “I’m not hogging it. You’re just taking all of it.”
Buck tugged a bit harder, turning on his side to glare at Eddie. “I run cold, okay? I need it more than you.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow, amused. “How do you run cold? Your body’s always warm. You’re like a furnace.”
Buck scoffed, pulling the blanket harder, making Eddie slide a little closer. “Yeah, well, I have cold feet.”
Eddie snorted, trying to keep his voice down so he wouldn’t wake Christopher. “That��s why you wear socks to bed.”
Buck frowned, only now noticing that Eddie’s feet were, indeed, covered with warm, fuzzy socks. “Oh my god,” Buck whispered dramatically, as if making a grand discovery. “This is such a red flag, Eddie.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, still clutching the blanket. “What are you talking about?”
Buck laughed, louder than he intended, immediately clapping a hand over his mouth. “Only creepy people wear socks in bed,” he whispered, still grinning.
Eddie’s lips twitched, fighting a smile of his own. “Well, than I am the proof that is simply not true. It’s called being practical. Maybe if you tried it, you wouldn’t have cold feet all the time.”
They continued their whispered argument, tugging the blanket back and forth until somehow, in the midst of their bickering, they ended up face-to-face, closer than either of them had intended. The room was quiet again, and they were so close that Buck could feel Eddie’s breath on his skin, warm and steady.
Buck’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at Eddie, the playful annoyance in his eyes softening into something else, something that made his heart race. They were so close now, close enough that Buck could see the flecks of gold in Eddie's brown eyes, close enough he noticed the slight curve of his lips as they quirked up in a sleepy smile, close enough that he could count each tiny freckle on Eddie's nose if he wanted to. Buck’s breath hitched, and he suddenly forgot how to breathe altogether.
He didn't know who moved first, if it was Eddie or him, or maybe it was both of them, a pull that seemed to come out of nowhere and everywhere all at once. Buck’s mind went a little fuzzy as Eddie's face drew closer, his eyes flickering down to Buck's lips, and oh god, were they about to—
Before Buck could fully process it, Eddie’s lips were on his, soft and warm and so gentle it made Buck’s chest ache. Oh, my god, they were kissing. He was kissing Eddie. Was he dreaming? That had to be it. He was so tired, and this was just one of those weird, vivid dreams you had when you were half-asleep.
But this didn’t feel like a dream. This felt real.
He couldn’t be dreaming. Not that he’d ever dreamed of kissing Eddie—okay, maybe once or twice, but he’d brushed it off so quickly it didn’t even matter.
His mind racing even as he leaned into the kiss, his hand moving up to rest on Eddie’s shoulder. The kiss was soft and slow, a little hesitant, like neither of them was quite sure this was really happening but also not wanting it to stop.
There was a pull, a magnetic force between them that Buck couldn’t quite explain. His body was moving closer, his hand releasing the blanket to steady himself on the bed, and he noticed Eddie doing the same.
The kiss deepened, the press of Eddie’s lips becoming more insistent, and Buck’s head started to spin. He could taste the lingering hint of toothpaste on Eddie’s lips, could feel the warmth radiating off his skin, and oh god, they were actually kissing, and it felt so right that it made Buck’s head swim.
He could feel Eddie’s hand come up to cup his jaw, the touch gentle but firm, grounding him in a way that made him melt and want to sink into Eddie’s warmth completely. Buck couldn’t help the small, breathless laugh that bubbled up in his chest, breaking the kiss for a moment before leaning in again, pressing his forehead against Eddie’s, his breath coming out in a shaky exhale.
“Are we... are we really doing this?” Buck whispered, his voice barely audible, more to himself than to Eddie, his lips brushing against Eddie’s as he spoke.
Eddie pulled back slightly, just enough to look Buck in the eye, his thumb gently brushing over Buck’s cheek. “Looks like it,” he murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips, his voice low and a little breathless.
And then Eddie kissed him again, firmer this time, more certain, and Buck’s brain shut off completely. All he could focus on was the way Eddie's lips moved against his, slow and sweet, like they had all the time in the world. His hand, which had been clutching the blanket just a moment ago, loosened and drifted up to Eddie's neck, pulling him closer without even realizing it.
They broke apart for a breath, and Buck opened his eyes, his heart pounding so loud he was sure Eddie could hear it. Eddie's eyes were still closed, his forehead resting against Buck's, a small, soft smile playing on his lips.
Buck blinked, trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened, around the fact that he had just kissed Eddie Diaz—his best friend, the person he trusted most in the world, and oh god, they had just kissed.
Buck blinked, trying to process everything, his mind still caught somewhere between sleep and waking, reality and whatever this was turning into. “I—okay,” he breathed, his thoughts a jumbled mess, but one thing was clear: he didn’t want to stop. “Okay.”
Eddie let out a soft chuckle, his forehead still pressed against Buck’s. “Okay,” he whispered, his voice filled with a warmth that made Buck’s chest flutter. “Now, can we please share the blanket and sleep?”
Buck blinked again, the haze of the kiss starting to clear, replaced by a wave of exhaustion that crashed over him all at once. He let out a soft laugh, nodding. “Yeah, sure,” he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. “Whatever you say.”
Eddie chuckled again “If I knew that kissing you would have made you shut up I would have done it earlier” as they shifted on the bed, adjusting the blanket over both of them, their bodies settling close together, a comfortable warmth enveloping them. Buck’s eyes were already drifting shut, when he mumbled “Just shut up”, his head resting against Eddie’s shoulder, a small smile tugging at his lips as sleep finally claimed him, the feel of Eddie’s hand resting lightly on his back the last thing he remembered.
They fell asleep like that, the blanket somehow forgotten between them, their bodies inching closer together until they were a tangle of limbs and warmth, lost in the pull of sleep.
In the morning, Eddie woke up to an empty bed and a note on the kitchen counter, next to a small bouquet of flowers—white lilies, so pretty they became his favourite. The note was scrawled in Buck’s messy handwriting, a smile tugging at Eddie’s lips as he read it.
“Thanks for letting me stay over, even though I was a brat about the blanket. But in the end, I think I ended up with something someone better . ;).” —Buck.
Beside the note, Buck had drawn a little winking face, poorly done but undeniably Buck-like, and Eddie found himself chuckling softly. He looked over at the flowers again, their scent soft and subtle, and shook his head with a smile.
“Yeah, you big idiot,” he muttered to himself, a fondness settling in his chest as he carefully picked up the flowers. “You really did.”
⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆˚✿˖° ⋮⋆
thanks anon, for letting me write 🫶🏻 i really did enjoyed it and i hope someone ask for more, make me write
ps. i really love buddie being domestic and dork 😭
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jienem · 1 year
Falling through his realm
Hi everyone! Thank you for reading this story. This was like my story Falling down to the Queen's roses. This was not a part 2 rather a similar to that concept. Keep in mind that you a reader is a half-fae like sebek. Thank you once again for reading this story. I really appreciate it very much.
Sypnosis: In which you got sent into another world where Maleficent or known as Malleus rule over the faeries.
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How does one understand magic?" You wondered. You sat down under the protection of tall trees, away from the sun's gaze. You opted to spend your time at the library, but with exams coming around, the chairs would be quite full at a moment. Instead, you chose a spot on the botanical garden away from the students sight.
Despite being a magic-user, you still couldn't grasp the abilities of your magic. You were neither bad nor good at magic, but as you used it as a tool, you were slowly doubting if it was worth the effort.
"Does magic bring peace?" You mumbled once more, turning the pages onto another as you tried to read. Try as you might, you kept rereading the lines many times before giving up on your attempt. Instead, you gazed up high; the green leaves covered the bluish sky, yet you didn't mind the view. You closed your eyes and breathed in the fresh air, letting your head fall backward and hitting the wooden tree lightly. The leaves sway back and forth, lulling you to sleep. You were exhausted; helping your dorm for the upcoming school festival, having to use your magic for a long run, and staying up late just so you could finish your schoolwork was no easy feat.
Even as you slept, you picked up a crunch sound heading your way. Your response was to simply continue sleeping, hoping just a little they could leave. Yet they didn't. Slowly and surely, their foot made their way until they are an arm's distance from you.
"Tch, a herbivore from diasomnia is in my way, he growled. You fluttered your eyes and glanced at his figure, noticing his irritation. It seems you were at one of his hideouts. His silence continued once more, and his patience is wearing thin. You nod your head in greeting before plastering a smile on your face.
"Housewarden Kingscholar, can I help you?"
"Crawling away from my spot will help."
You sighed. "Is that so? Well, then, if you excuse me, you said, closing the book and standing up from the ground. His expression stayed emotionless, yet you didn't miss the way his eye twitched at your movement.
"What's wrong? A cat bit your tongue?" He taunted.
"None at all." You checked your belongings once more and tilted your head to look at him. You plastered a smile once more without any fight. He opened his mouth but closed it; he mumbled something under his breath and turned his back on you. You frowned in confusion before shrugging and leaving the garden. You passed by some familiar students and greet them, you hold some small conversation with Ruggie Bucchi alerting him where Housewarden Leona was and stride your way towards the mirror.
"Y/N, are you already heading back?"
"Vice housewarden Lilia. Yes, was the dorm still under preparation?" You paused in your tracks and greeted. Lilia's deep red eyes held joy; his lips curled up a smile and he nodded.
"Indeed, but it was almost done. It was fun designing the main area, did it not?" He put the back of his hand to his chin and closed his eyes, chuckling.
You shared his joyous expression and agreed. For once, the dorm was filled with more noise than before. It was usually quiet every time you came back, yet you didn't mind the change. For a while, the two of you stood there talking until you noticed the clock nearby.
"I should get back soon; I wouldn't hold you back from your duty, Vice-Housewarden Lilia."
He chuckled lightly and patted your shoulder. "Ow, don't be so formal, Y/N,
We are both in our third years. Call me Lilia."
"Ah, well then, Lilia-san. I wished you the best of luck." You fumbled your words at the sudden request before smiling.
"You as well. Stay safe, Y/N."
He returned your words and left you on your record. You turn around and
Head your way towards the mirror and step in.
But something is wrong.
Your magic.
Is bursting with mana engulfing your whole body.
It hurts so much.You could feel your magic slipping by. Your vision was distorted as you fell down in pain. Whimpering in pain, you tried to use your pen whispering some magic spells but to no avail. Even the world around you seems to be shaking. Your body couldn't handle anymore and blacked out in an instant.
When you woke up, your head was aching. 'Where was I? ' You rubbed your temple to ease the pain. At the very least, you still wear the uniform, and your magic pen is by your side. But you feel empty. The magic running through your course was nonexistent, as if it weren't there at all. Your heart thumps against your chest as you breathe.
You lost your magic.
No, it must be something. After all, you were exhausted.
You reasoned. You calm your nerves and focus on the bright side.
Yet... Why do you feel as if it won't come back?
A half-fae turn human now.
No, don't even think about it. You comfort yourself more before turning around and looking at the surroundings. The sun was replaced by the moon shining on the ground, and you wondered how many hours had passed. You note how everything differs from NRC's. The air was much colder than diasomnia, and the area wasn't supposed to be wide. There shouldn't be a castle in the distance or thorn walls creeping from the side. You concluded you were neither in Diasomnia nor at NRC.
Where are you?
You didn't have time to grasp everything when strange soldiers headed your way. Your eyes widened, and you turned to run. You couldn't believe your luck; what made them want to capture you?
"A human! Quick capture her!" one of the soldiers ordered, earning them to yell in agreement.
"Wait, I-" Huffing, you maneuvered your way, dodging their attacks, and almost fell down when they released a rock mere meters away. You tried to use your magic, but it was still useless. Your attention was on your pen, and failed to noticed a newcomer in front, you bumped into them and fell to the ground.
"What a surprise, human. You boldly went your way here despite the dangers lurking around."
Your vision was suddenly covered with a cloth, and your heart pounded as you heard the swishing sounds of bats swarming around you, carrying you in the air. You squeaked and tried to swat them away, but they held on enough that it could have hurt had it not been for the long sleeve of your uniform.
"I wouldn't try that if I were you." His amused voice filled your ears, and you couldn't help but compare them earlier; his tone was much colder than before.
"Lilia-san, what is going on? Why aren't we back at NRC? Could you please-"
"Stop asking questions. And its Vanrouge. Once we reach the king, you could give your statement to him." he sneered.
You shut your mouth when you notice a shift in the air. His tone was much colder than before. With that they continued. You relied on your ears, but the only sound you ever heard was multiple footsteps. Yet you could feel magic surging around you. You tried your magic once more, but it was the same as before. Nothing. For a while, they cackled and chat around. You couldn't hear Lilia at all. You dreaded everytime they stop from their tracks. Your nerves gets the better of you as you thout about the king.
Would he be lenient?
Without warning, the cloth on your eyes was suddenly pulled down. You blink your eyes adjusting them before meeting the gaze of the one sitting on a throne. He was already staring at you.
"My king, we have brought a human near the wall." Lilia lowered herself towards the ground, his head tilting downward as he greeted his king. You gasp as you took in the figure. His green-slitted eyes, his cool-black hair was longer than before, and instead of a school uniform, he wore a robe covering most of his body and a bit of the ground. He still had his horns, but what shakes you the most is his stare. It was much scarier than usual.
He looks at you as if your words may fail you or approve your worth under his command.
And you know he will.
Taking a deep breath, you whispered your blessings to the seven. And slowly speak with the king.
"Your Majesty-"
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And its done! Stay tune for more~
@worldussysblog @daruderuyoo @growingupnrealizing @fluffle-bean @luciel1 @lucid-stories @ykiqlvr @savanaclaw1996 @hachiko-ko
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red-airhead · 8 months
【Meddle About】 Ch Three: Megaverse
⭐︎ WC: 1,054
⭐︎ CW: Talks of moving, horrible sleep schedule, hyunjin complains about sleep a lot, packing, pet names (1x sweetheart)
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Y/N wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep, or even when she had gotten home. The last thing that she would have remembered was being at Hyunjin’s ship and trying to get in contact with his friends. One thing for sure, she was happy to wake up to him right next to her. It must’ve been late, with the moon lighting the room as little as possible.
Immediately, she could tell Hyunjin was awake, with the way his eyes glimmered in the dim lighting, admiring her once peaceful sleeping face “Good morning, sleepyhead.” He said with a sweet smile slowly creeping onto his face.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as well, snuggling right back into the covers, and burying their face into Hyunjins chest, “Good Morning to you too.. How long have I been out for?” 
“Just a few hours, nothing too bad.. Sometime between 7pm to now?” He claimed, his fingers rubbing circles on her back over and over, soothing her into relaxation.
“And now is,” Y/N turned her head to check the little alarm clock she had set on her bed side, it was around 4am, “4 in the morning.” She scoffed, turning back around and yawning.
“Tired still?” Hyunjin asked, moving his hands away from her back and stretching, yawning shortly afterwards as well. He knew very well that she was still tired, but knew that there was a lot to be done. After all, he finally got back in contact with his friends.
She nodded and sighed, “Yeah, but, there's a lot we need to get ready for, and that means getting back in contact with your friends from your planet and getting there safely.
“ I don’t think we have to worry much. I may or may not have forgotten to mention that during our conversation that uh,,” He cleared his throat and started to get out of bed, “That before they tracked the ship they said they’d come get us. It could be days from now or a few hours from now.” 
Y/N eyes widened with excitement but also nervousness. Hours? Days? Why didn’t he mention this before? “Hang on, hang on.. Why didn’t you say anything?’
“Well you just seemed so tired after everything that happened that I didn’t want to keep you up any longer that I thought I should just wait to tell you.” He reassured, trying to make sure that she understood why he would wait.
She sighed, getting out of bed and getting changed, “I guess that makes sense, but if they’re on their way we should probably start packing.” Y/N explained, looking at Hyunjin who was slouched over and still dreading the fact that he had to get out of bed and away from the warm blankets.
“Do we have to pack now?” He pouted, locking eyes with Y/N as she started to move around and gather clothes and things that were considerably important.
“Yes, we have to pack now. Like you said it could be hours or it could be days, we have to be prepared, y’know?” She clarified, walking over to Hyunjin and setting down all of the stuff she had gathered before. Y/N gently cupped his face with her hands and tilted his head up.
“You’re right, but we could spend time cuddling before we have to travel across space…” He pouted even more, arms wrapping around her waist, not wanting to get ready to leave anytime soon. It was very evident that he wanted to sleep even longer.
Y/N giggled at all of his pouting, combing his hair back with her fingers, “Sweetie, as much as I’d love to, we really have to pack.” She explained, emphasizing on the word ‘really’.
Hyunjin groaned, letting go of her and flopping backwards before sighing, “Fineeeee.” He huffed out, watching her walk away and going back to packing, in which he soon got up and did the same, “I’m just saying though, sleeping while traveling in space is rough.” 
She hummed in response, “Well I did research on that like long ago, before we met, so I’m plenty aware.” Y/N began to put things in bags and boxes, even though they won’t serve a purpose after they travel across space.
“And Planet Miroh has a different time zone too, especially where I live.” He explained, starting to pack as well. Y/N smiled at his attempts of trying to sleep longer, knowing full well that it wouldn’t work. 
Humming in response to all of his attempts of trying to go back to bed, she still continued to set everything up and walk around the house, gathering more important things. All of her paperwork on research of space itself going into folders and then a box specifically labeled ‘research’. All of her equipment going back into its original boxes.
Hyunjin helped as well, wanting to make sure that all of what she needed was what she actually needed, “I think Chan will be quite impressed with all of your research. You even having a folder separate on Miroh would be impressive as well.”
Y/N looked at Hyunjin with confusion, “Chan?” You tilted your head as well, stopping all of your movements.
“Yeah! Chan is the oldest of our friend group, and also technically our ‘leader’. He was the one I spoke to on my crashed ship.” Hyunjin explained, moving all of the boxes together.
“Oh, okay.” Y/N accepted, putting the last of the many folders into the box and setting the box along with all of the others.
“I think that’s it.” She said, turning to Hyunjin and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Hands gently resting at her waist, he pulled her close and smiled at her gently, “That’s all of it. I don’t think it’ll be too long before they arrive.” He explained, pressing a kiss to her forehead gently.
After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke up, “Jinnie, is the air on your planet safe enough to breathe?”
“Well if I can breathe the air here, I think we should be–” suddenly a bright light seemed to be beaming down onto an empty area of grass, causing both her and Hyunjin to squint and quickly make their way over to a window.
The ship was finally here.
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series tags: @collisiion @queenmea604 @binnies-minsung-fanclub @stolasisyourparent @zandra-42 @saintriots @soobery @chartrucewhore @nobody3210 @warren-thedarkangel  @ hanjingin @lolli4me @cherryonigiri @skz-f0rlif3 @leeknowsthigh @satsuri3su @roseprincess11 @bl00dysunsh1ne @moondustmemories @im-sinking-in-mud @loverlixie
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aperrywilliams · 2 years
Don't Go to See Her (Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: After the team saved Austin, the signs point that she and Spencer are romantically involved. Reader is not amused by the idea. Are her suspicions correct?
Word Count: 5.2k
Warnings: Some curse words (maybe more than usual, I don't know). Sleeping together is mentioned but not described. Spoilers for 4x9. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: I wrote this one based on this request. Tell me what you think!
Founding Robert Parker's location wasn't as difficult as we thought. But we needed to be faster: the clock was ticking, and a girl's life was on the line.
Arriving at the house, we split into two groups—Morgan, Hotch, and Reid leading the first one. With Prentiss and Rossi, we stayed behind.
It was odd, though. I know Spencer doesn't like the takedowns that much, but this time he insisted on going with Morgan in the advanced group.
The commotion lasted a few seconds until Morgan assured us he had got Parker and the girl was safe. As Rossi and Prentiss entered the house to check, I saw Spencer with the girl coming out. As expected, she looked shocked but physically fine. I approached to assist them.
The poor thing was shaking and kept muttering, "I called you, I called you," which seemed strange to me, but Spencer only nodded, saying, "I know, you did very good; now you're safe."
That got my attention, but I didn't give it much thought; it could be the adrenaline of the moment affecting the girl, and Reid was just playing along.
We returned to the precinct with the unsub in custody. After Hotch interrogated him getting a full confession, we needed to finish the paperwork before going home. I couldn't help but notice Spencer wasn't there, though. What happened to him? When I saw Morgan, I asked him.
"Maybe he's with his girlfriend," he pointed, chuckling.
Spencer? Girlfriend? What did I miss?
"His what? Who?" I asked, confused.
"The girl we saved. She's a bartender. Did you know Reid charmed her the other night in the club she works? That's why she had his number and called him when she saw the unsub," Morgan recounted.
I was taken aback. I didn't know that. It made sense, though: that's why Spencer was so adamant about going first into the house. How did I not notice sooner?
"Oh. I didn't know," I mumbled.
"Yeah, it seems pretty boy got game," Morgan teased. "Do you need him for something?" He asked.
"No. Not really. Just curious. Uh - thanks, Morgan," I hastened to say before moving quickly to the precinct's kitchen.
I didn't want Derek to see me… freaking out.
Now, why should I?
Well, maybe because I have been developing a massive crush on Spencer in the past years? And maybe thinking of him with another girl was the fear I wasn't ready to face? Not yet, at least.
Okay, I know it sounds selfish, but either way, I can't bring myself to make a move on him. And I think I will never do it. That would mean ruining our friendship, and keeping Spencer as my friend is more important than this stupid crush.
It has to be.
But it didn't help that Hotch sent us to the hotel for the night, and I couldn't see Spencer in the lobby with Morgan or any team member.
He wasn't there.
Once in my room, I tried to calm down and not overthink the situation. What if they only were talking and hanging out? Maybe in a friendly manner. Nothing to worry about, right?
Or a lot to worry about.
The next morning we were all in the jet, ready to fly back home—all but Spencer.
"Where is Reid?" Hotch asked. As a cue, Spencer rushed in, mumbling apologies for being late.
He sat by my side. It wasn't uncommon for Spencer to do that. When I joined the team two years ago, I started sitting by his side. He didn't complain, and even he found in me someone who didn't bother his rambling, quite the opposite: someone who fueled his habit with delight.
What can I say? I have always felt comfortable around Spencer. We are still the youngest team members, and the flights have been more fun with us talking or just reading next to each other.
This time, Morgan and Rossi were in front of us.
"How was your night, Romeo? I didn't hear you when you came back," Morgan teased. Spencer's face flushed red as he briefly looked at me.
Oh, God. My mind ran wild, and I didn't like what I imagined. I turned my face to the window to not return my gaze to him.
"Leave the kid alone," Rossi told Morgan, maybe because he wanted to spare him the mortification of telling details of his night.
His night with the girl I was jealous of right now.
After Rossi's warning, Morgan dropped the topic and stood to get comfortable on the couch so he could sleep. David did the same but took a seat at the back of the plane. I didn't dare to look at Spencer, so I faked being asleep most of the flight. Even so, I could see from the corner of my eye how he was texting someone. From time to time, his gaze shifted to me, but I pretended not to notice.
My heart ached, but it was my fault. I shouldn't have entertained the idea of having Spencer as someone more than a friend.
For the rest of our flight, I kept my eyes closed. And when we landed, I was the first to descend from the jet to run to the car. I could hear Spencer calling my name, but I didn't turn back. I was overwhelmed, and I wanted to be at home.
It wasn't something I did on purpose, but I couldn't help it. In the following days, I paid extra attention to Spencer's behavior. He seemed happy and relaxed. He focused more on his phone during the day, and it was obvious why.
Fuck. I had lost my chance.
Son of the bitch. I bet they were dating now.
Sadness led to anger. But I knew I had no right to be angry, so I changed my attitude to distant and quiet. Spencer noticed my behavior change, and he obviously wanted to know why. So every chance he got, he asked me something, whatever came to his mind. Spencer looked extra attentive to me, worried when I hadn't eaten or drank enough water during a case. Even he brought me coffee almost every morning.
But for every gesture he made, he only got sourness from me.
The times Spencer asked me something, I gave him curt answers. The times he brought me a coffee in the morning, I usually would leave it untouched.
I know it wasn't an acceptable reaction for a grown-up woman, but I got all bitterness and couldn't help it.
"Are you okay?" He asked me in the BAU's kitchen one afternoon. I didn't even look at him.
"Yep," I replied, grabbing a mug to fill it with coffee. Spencer cleared his throat like when he was hesitant about something.
"You seem- I don't know. We haven't talked that much in the past few days; I-" Spencer stuttered. I knew he was trying to get me talking, but I didn't want it. I didn't want anything but go home a cry my eyes out.
"I guess it's because you have been busy," I muttered bitterly. But Spencer didn't hear what I said.
"Nothing. Forget it," I said curtly, passing by him to go back to my desk.
Things between us have become even more distant since that. Spencer stopped asking me questions. The usual morning coffee ceased too. I didn't sit by his side in the jet anymore.
Now the text messages began to turn into phone calls. I could see how Spencer laughed over the phone and blushed whenever she probably said something more spicy to him. I hated perceiving all those things.
The worst part is that the team noticed it too, which was evident. For God's sake, I work surrounded by the best profilers in the country. What else could happen?
First, it was Emily who asked me if everything was okay. I lied, saying everything was just fine. Then it was Morgan telling me that he saw Spencer and me acting differently. I lied again, claiming I didn't know what he was talking about.
Even Garcia questioned me one day about my relationship with Reid.
I don't know if they believed what I told them, but at least they didn't keep asking questions.
Fighting against your own feelings is exhausting and useless to a certain extent. As much as I tried to convince myself that it was best for Spencer to have someone that wasn't me, my inner self continued to mourn for what would never be between us.
That may be why I felt like throwing up when I heard Spencer ask Hotch for days off to go on a trip. It was worse when I saw the plane ticket on his desk: a non-stop flight to Atlanta.
That afternoon we were going through some files in the conference room. Nobody else was there. So I couldn't stop my mouth.
"You never take days off," I pointed out.
Spencer's eyes shifted from the files to meet mine, and I could see his frown. At this point, we had weeks without talking about anything but work-related stuff.
"Pardon?" He asked.
I should have relented, but my lips got life on their own. Better said: my thoughts made their way out before I could stop them.
"I saw your flight ticket. You'll go to see your girlfriend?" I asked, trying to sound like it was nothing.
Spencer's face turned red, his lips pressing tightly and jaw clenched.
"Who?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes.
"The girl from Atlanta, Spencer. Who else?" I said, as it was stupid even asking that.
"Austin," he corrected. "Her name is Austin. And no, she's not my girlfriend," he said curtly.
"Whatever," I muttered, shrugging.
Spencer looked pissed. I didn't know why exactly. I thought it was clear we assumed he had a relationship with the Atlanta girl. But I kind of understood his nuisance: I didn't talk to him in a while, and I was doing it now to show my annoyance for something I didn't have the right to.
"So what if I go? Is there a problem? I have plenty of vacation days," Spencer said defensively, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I know that. Since I have known you, you barely took a vacation," I commented. It was the truth. Spencer never takes days off.
It wasn't the important thing, though.
"So what is it (Y/N)? There is an issue for you?"
Spencer's question was the second call for me to let it go, but no.
"Not an issue for me, believe me. I mean, you can do whatever you want with your life," I said in the most deadpan tone possible. That way, I could cover my real feelings.
Spencer's gaze kept on me, barely blinking, waiting for what could come next.
I huffed in annoyance before continuing.
"But how much do you know this woman anyway? How can you be sure she is not playing with your feelings, uh?"
Because, of course, I had to phrase it like I was the concerned friend, not the way it indeed was: as the hurt and jealous girl.
Spencer seemed like he didn't expect what I said.
"What? Is that really what worries you?"
Of course not, genius. But I can't tell you that.
I kept silent, hoping I wouldn't give myself away if I said more words.
"What's wrong with you, people? Now everyone thinks the same fucking thing? First Morgan, then Penelope, and now you. You don't know her!"
Spencer Reid just cursed and yelled? That wasn't good.
I physically took a step back. Maybe I pushed too hard.
"That's because I worry - we worry about you. We don't want you to get hurt," I tried to explain. It was partially true. I would never find a girl who could fulfill all my expectations for Spencer, but even if I tried, I was sure Austin wasn't even at the bottom of the list.
"Get hurt? You don't know what you are talking about!" Spencer shrieked. It was good that the door was closed because, at this point, someone could have heard our argument.
"And you don't know her! What do you think? She surely flirts with a lot of guys! You are another check on her list!" I rebutted, trying to match his tone.
Was I being unfair? Most likely, but I was already on this line of reasoning. I hated myself for it because I should be honest with him. He is my friend, after all.
I was accusing a girl of something without reason, just founded on my bias and compromised judgment.
Spencer scoffed and shook his head.
"Last time I checked, I was a grown-up man (Y/N). I can make my own decisions, you know? And for the record, I could have expected this from anyone but you," he informed sternly. I saw the disappointment written all over his face.
Shit. I fucked it up. I hurt Spencer with my misconstrued speech of 'friend's worry.' It broke my heart to hear him talk that way. I needed to do something to fix it. I closed my eyes and sighed to collect my thoughts. He had the right to be pissed.
"Spencer, I know. I'm sorry. I - I didn't want to sound like you weren't an adult. I have never wanted to hurt or underestimate you. You are my friend," I tried to apologize, softening my voice.
"So why are you so upset? Don't think I didn't notice you've been avoiding me in the past weeks. Did I do something?"
Spencer seemed truly worried about my behavior.
"No, Spencer. You - you did not," I tried to reassure him. Looking at his hurt eyes, I told myself I couldn't lose him for a thing like this. If he feels happy with her, so be it. My role is to support him, not question that. "I - uh. I have been a little out of me recently. But it's not your fault. I guess I'm just a bit stressed after the last cases we had."
Great, keep lying (Y/N). Keep lying.
"It's that so? Are you sure there is not something else?" Spencer asked for confirmation, inspecting my features. What did those eyes mean? Like they were pleading for something that I didn't know.
I nodded regardless. "Yeah. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine," I told him with a tiny smile.
I'll be fine. Those words were mostly for me. However, Spencer believed them because that led to stopping our argument. After we hugged, he promised to have a coffee to talk.
The coffee talk never came, though. I used all my excuses to avoid having a heart-to-heart conversation with Spencer. He tried, but I wasn't ready. Maybe I will never be prepared.
Days passed, and Spencer's trip was around the corner.
That last afternoon, he went to my desk to say goodbye. His flight was booked for the following day.
"I get going now," he announced, fidgeting with his satchel's strap. I stood to give him a tight hug.
"Have a good flight. And - uh - have fun, okay?" I mumbled after parting from our embrace and patting his chest. His lips formed a tiny smile.
"That's is what you want for me? I mean, me to have fun?" He asked shyly. I cocked my head. Was he asking for my blessing to do whatever he was thinking of doing with Austin?
"Spencer Reid. You deserve all the good things in this world. Everything that could make you happy. And if this trip is one of them, then it is what I want," I told him reassuringly.
He looked at me with that beautiful hazel eyes of his. I could have melted right there and then.
After kissing my cheek, he left the bullpen.
I stood there as if the world had just ended. Yeah, it sounds dramatic, but tell that to my poor broken heart.
Next step: rush to the bathroom to cry.
The cold tile didn't even matter. I was sitting on the floor, knees to my chest, arms around my legs. The tears ran freely. That was until I heard a knock on the door.
"(Y/N), are you there?" It was Emily.
Shit, not now, please.
"Can I come in?" She tried again. After a few minutes when I realized Emily didn't leave. I sighed in defeat and barely moved to unlock the door so she could get in.
"Hey! Are you okay?" Emily asked. Not a very assertive question. My answer could have done better.
"Ye - yeah," I sniffled, whipping my tears with the back of my hand.
"Uh - sorry, but you don't look like you are," Emily pointed. "If I have to guess, I would say something to do with Reid," she ventured.
"No. It's not like that. I mean -" I trailed off.
How could I ever explain this? Emily sat on the floor, too, by my side.
"This is about his trip to Atlanta?" I hid my head between my legs but nodded nevertheless.
"Do you think they got romantically involved, and that's why he is flying there?"
"I don't know Em. And I wish I could stop thinking about that," I muffled my words between my arms. Emily rubbed my shoulder to comfort me.
"You really like him, uh?" I tilted my head up, an embarrassed look adorning my face.
"Me? What?" Emily chuckled.
"Come on. Everybody knows (Y/N), minus Reid. Which is very unbelievable, but it's Reid. You like him. And it can be an understatement because, at this point, I would say it's more than that," she stated, now crisscrossing her legs and gazing at me for confirmation. I darted my eyes to the floor in resignation.
"Fuck. Is that obvious?" I mumbled.
"Yep," Emily pointed. "That obvious, indeed."
"But Emily. I can't. He's my friend. And I can't lose him."
That was my biggest fear, even if now I felt like I was drowning because of unrequited love.
"So you prefer to lie to him? Pretend it doesn't hurt and play the good friend card? That's not healthy. And you'll end up losing him anyway. Spencer would appreciate it if you were honest with him, and you deserve to be honest with yourself, too. He may not feel the same way, but at least you won't be hiding from your feelings. And if he's not the man for you, then you can move on without the 'what if' plaguing your mind."
I listened to her words in silence, and somehow they made all the sense in the world to me. It was just that even so, pushing myself to do something about it would be a bigger leap.
"Are you sure you didn't work as a therapist in some of your Interpol assignments?" I asked, frowning. Emily laughed.
"None of that. But I know you, and I also know Reid. Your bond, guys? It is stronger than a simple friendship. You both deserve the truth, believe me."
Maybe Emily was right. It was worse to pretend that nothing was happening. But I knew this would end up burying our friendship with Spencer.
My soul ached, but my heart was breaking from keeping my feelings to myself.
Sitting on my couch and watching TV did not help shut down my thoughts. What if I can never get over him?
Fuck it. Emily is right. He has to know.
I took my car keys and drove to his apartment. If I thought about it too much, I would surely regret it, so I just drove. It was already night, and the empty streets gave me the reassurance I needed.
Descending from my car, I noticed that my hands were sweating profusely. My head was pounding, forcing me to close my eyes to relieve some tension. I took the stairs almost on autopilot.
Now I was standing in front of his door without a clear idea of what to say—also feeling the certainty that I would be rejected.
I knocked on the door three times and waited. My mind raced to all possible scenarios.
'Calm down. You can do it.'
Spencer opened the door and saw me standing there. He seemed confused.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong? Are you okay?"
He was already in his sleeping outfit. What time is it, anyway? I didn't even check my watch when I decided to come.
"Hi. Uh - sorry, I came here all of a sudden. I-"
I felt like I was going to faint at any moment. I must have looked pale because Spencer's eyes morphed from curiosity to concern.
"Hey, come in. You don't look okay. Come to sit down and tell me what's going on," he offered.
Grabbing my hand gently, he led me to his couch and made me sit.
"Do you want me to bring you a glass of water? I can find you something to eat-" I didn't let him finish.
"Don't go to see her," I blurted out. I didn't plan to say it like this. Not at all.
Spencer's frown deepened.
"Don't go to see her before I can tell you what I have to say," I rephrased, my eyes filling with tears.
My lack of explanation led Spencer to think about what had started our argument days before.
"(Y/N), I don't understand. I thought you were okay with it. Are you going to say again that Austin is trying to take advantage of me?" He asked defensively. I shook my head, biting my lower lip.
I can't lie to him anymore. I need to tell him the truth.
"So, what is it?"
"I'm sorry. I know this will sound selfish, but I can't keep this to myself anymore-" I babbled between sobs. Spencer tried to follow my words, but I was a mess in front of him. He sat by my side on the couch, his hands on my shoulder to help me to focus.
"Hey, easy. (Y/N), you need to breathe," he instructed. I just did that. I was freaking out without explaining a word yet.
Once I felt my breathing steady, I dared to look at Spencer.
"Okay. I'll start again," I announced. Spencer nodded. "You see, I thought I would never say this to you, but I need to," I chuckled bitterly. "I - I'm not opposed to the idea of you with Austin because I'm judging her without knowing her, which is what you're thinking I'm doing. I - I'm opposed to the idea because I would have liked to be her."
Spencer's eyes widened. Did he get the message?
"I know. It's crazy and lacks rationalism, but I have felt this for a long time. I'm so sorry I'm telling you this now. It's unfair to you. You and Austin are dating now, and I came here to say these things. I'm so sorry, Spencer."
"Wait. Are you saying you… like me?" He hesitatingly asked as if he was afraid of misunderstanding my words.
"Like you? God, I think I love you at this point," I chuckled bitterly. "I know I should have done something earlier, and now it's late, but I was afraid of losing you because of this. I was ready to be buried with this secret if that meant having you close. And I-" Spencer gently rested his hand over mine to stop my rant.
"What changed? Why are you telling me this now?" He asked, looking at me intensively. I wish I knew what he was thinking.
"I - I don't want our friendship standing over a lie. It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to me. Even if you don't want to talk to me again, I would have to live with that," I concluded, averting my gaze.
"Hey," he said softly, with his fingers on my chin, tilting my head to return my look to him. "Why I wouldn't talk to you again?"
"Because I ruined our friendship? I mean, I have been a total bitch with you in the past weeks, and now you are in a relationship with Austin. I-" Spencer didn't let me finish this time.
"Stop saying that. I'm not in any relationship with anyone. Where you got that?" He asked.
What? Wasn't it obvious?
"I - uh. That's why you're flying to Atlanta. Right? Well, maybe you two are not official yet, but there is something between you both," I concluded.
Spencer chuckled, shooking his head.
Wait, what? Why was Spencer chuckling?
"There is nothing between us. I mean, romantically speaking. We get along pretty well; we are friends. That's all."
I looked at him suspiciously. Spencer grabbed my hand and kept talking.
"Believe me. Nothing had happened and never will happen between us. And do you know why? Because I'm already in love with my best friend."
I wonder if I fully registered what he was saying. Was he in love with someone else? With his best friend? Wasn't me his best friend? Oh. Oh!
"Yes,” he nodded. “And not in my wildest dreams did I think you could feel anything close to that for me.”
"How come you never told me anything?" I asked, still in shock.
"I guess I can ask the same thing," he sneered. I chuckled.
"But how? I mean, are you serious? Not because I just confessed my love for you?" I questioned, suddenly feeling anxious that Spencer only felt sorry for me.
"Can I give you proof that I'm serious?" He asked me almost in a whisper, subtly flicking his gaze between my eyes and lips.
I might pass myself out at that point. But I was not going to let this moment go away, which already seemed like a dream. I barely nodded, looking at him expectantly.
He scooted closer to me on the sofa, slowly bringing his hands to each of my cheeks to cup them. Without breaking eye contact, he whispered, "I love you (Y/N). I have been in love with you for a long time.”
"I love you too, Spencer,” I said back. Spencer smiled and leaned to kiss my lips.
The kiss started with us just brushing our lips tentatively. Then it was more determined but soft and sweet, one of his hands behind my head, the other cupping my jaw. My arms around his neck.
Fucking shit, I was kissing Spencer. A kiss that took years in the making.
His lips were warm and plump. A bit chapped, but I didn't care. I would have stayed like this forever, kissing him until my own lips went numb.
Before the kiss turned more heated, we parted—a grin plastered on our faces. But suddenly, my mind brought me to reality.
"Wait. Then what about Austin?" I asked.
It couldn't be that I had imagined everything I'd seen in these last few weeks, right?
"What do you mean?" Spencer questioned, softly stroking my cheek.
"You both-? I mean, the calls? The night you spent together? This trip? Are you sure you didn't-" I trailed off. Spencer giggled, a redness covering his features. After clearing his throat, he spoke.
"Would you believe me if I told you everything you just mentioned has to do with you?"
"Whit me? I don't understand." Spencer nodded, bringing my hand to his lips to kiss my knuckles.
"You'll see. When we arrested Parker, you helped me to lead Austin to the ambulance. Once there, she was calmer and began asking me questions about work, what would happen to Parker, and other stuff. I tried to explain a bit, and that's when you came over to let me know that we were going back to the station. When you turned to the car, I stared at you for a second—enough for her to notice. ‘Uh-oh. FBI Reid has a crush,’ she told me. I don’t know how she knew, but she knew. It’s funny because I have denied that fact for years, but I couldn’t lie to her. So I tell her everything,” Spencer shrugged.
“You told a stranger you loved me?” I asked in shock.
“Sort of? That night, I spent hours with her in the same bar. But mostly, it was me, after drinking several scotches, talking about how wonderful you were and that I didn’t know what to do, that you were my friend, and I was conflicted. She gave me advice, you know? That I needed to do something. To show you I cared. The texts? They were to track my progress with you and give me more ideas to get to you.”
“The gestures. The coffee in the mornings. The snacks. You asking me about anything that could happen to me,” I recounted. Spencer nodded.
That started to make sense now.
“But you seemed upset. You barely talked to me. So I was sad and lost. I already trusted Austin with this. I couldn’t go to JJ or Emily. It was complicated. I couldn’t go to you for obvious reasons.”
“So the trip is-“
“A chance to clear my head and get used to the idea that nothing would happen between us. I was positive when you told me you wanted me to be happy. I understood that doesn’t include being with you romantically,” Spencer admitted, pouting.
“Oh, my God. Spencer. We both were so so wrong. What kind of profilers are we? I was sure you both were dating. I was sure you slept with her that night. I’m so embarrassed now,” I shrieked.
“And I thought you were worried because you didn’t want your dork friend to be tricked by a girl. Because you cared about me, but just like a friend,” he said, shoulders slumped.
This time I grabbed his hands in mine.
“I wasn’t honest with you about my feelings. But I’m not going to make the same mistake again. I promise,” I leaned in to kiss him. Spencer reciprocated right away.
“Me neither,” he whispered, pecking my lips again. “So I guess now I don’t have a flight to catch tomorrow,” Spencer pointed as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked at him.
“Why do you say that?” I asked casually. Spencer raised an eyebrow.
“Weren't you the one who came saying not to go?” I chuckled.
“I said, ‘don’t go to see her.’ But a short vacation trip to Atlanta doesn't sound like a bad idea, only if that includes me,” I suggested cockily. Spencer laughed.
“Oh yeah? And how would we make that work?”
“I have many vacation days, you know? Hotch wouldn’t say no to me,” I winked at Spencer. He looked at me mischievously.
“If that is so, then I have many plans for you on this trip,” Spencer said, leaning in to give me a passionate kiss that left me breathless and seeing stars.
After all, things were not as they seemed to be. Spencer wasn't in a relationship with the girl from Atlanta, my love wasn't unrequited, and Spencer was just as overwhelmed by his feelings as I was. Someone would say, ‘they are made for each other.’ What can I say? I totally agree with that statement.
Oh! and another important thing I need to remember: once in Atlanta, I have to visit Austin to tell her I don't hate her and that I’m kind of grateful she crossed paths with us.
Spencer Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19  @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @thebloomingeagle @pauline5525mgg @maltamurdock @disaster-in-waiting @pebble-has-a-mirgraine @anamiad00msday @chlochlosworld @milivanili99
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
closing doors
-> lucifer x mc
-> lucifer realises he's trapped in a cycle
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proofread
a/n: to those who get the reference: I love you, also lucifer baby sorry for making you suffer I love you ♡♡
content warnings: angst, alcohol
The clock ticked 4am. There was still a small pile of paperwork left, great progress for such a busy day. Lucifer inhaled deeply as he poured himself another coffee with the last drops in the can. The bitter beverage had long gone cold, but the avatar of pride didn't care. He chugged it all in one sip and continued scratching the pen on the paper.
The whole house was asleep, the whole house didn't know Lucifer was still up. Nobody knows Lucifer has been busy working and fixing other's problems. Some witch sent Mammon another threatening letter again, demanding her money back, so Lucifer put the cash in the envelope and returned it to the sender. Beel almost made a whole restaurant go bankrupt again, Lucifer sent them some money. He never told his brothers or anyone he's doing this stuff, and he never will.
The demon spends many nights at his desk signing paperwork. To an average person, it might seem impossible, but Lucifer isn't an average person. He's the personification of pride. He is used to it, he does all this work with little effort. Often Simeon stopped by with homemade food and tea, it just annoyed Lucifer. Does Simeon really think he's miserable? Or does the angel think he needs help? It's not like Lucifer is doomed to a life of eternal work. He manages his scedule very well
It was 5:30am when all the paperwork of the day was finished. By now, Beel is probably waking up for his early breakfast and morning run. Satan's alarm should go off by now. The rest of his brothers will sleep longer. Lucifer knows every little detail about his family, he remembers because he loves them so much. His brothers might describe him as cold, but he thinks he's rather affectionate. Anyways, it's probably too late to sleep now, no problem. Lucifer got up from his creaking chair and opened a bottle of fine demonus for himself. The glass clacked as he put the bottle to it, pouring the drink into it. Eventually, as he was sipping demonus, Lucifer realised he never truly showed love to his brothers to their faces. Only through the tiniest of acts they wouldn't notice. Did he ever thank Simeon for checking on him during those long days? Well, that's enough demonus for now.
The day had gone by, it was just your average day: brothers fighting at breakfast, rad, and work. Lucifer sat at his desk signing paperwork again until he got a text. It was from you.
'where are you? I'm at ristorante six'
Oh no. Lucifer quickly flipped open his agenda. To his horror he realised he had a date planned with you. He was supposed to be at ristorante six, an hour ago. This isn't the first time he forgot date night either, he has to get to the restaurant as soon as possible. He can't stand you up again. He can just pull another all-nighter to finish work.
Dinner was awkward though, Lucifer was clearly acting off. The average outsider wouldn't be able to tell, since this man is so good at masking his emotions. He's not like this usually. You gripped your fork tighter before speaking. 'Is everything okay?' Lucifer's crimson gaze met yours for a brief moment. 'Yes, are you enjoying your food?' Of course he wouldn't admit what was wrong. You decided to drop the topic for now.
Back home, Lucifer immediately locked himself in his office again. You knew better than to immediately go after him. He would send you away. Honestly at this point you don't know if you should try talking to him, maybe it would be wise not to. But your gut was telling you something else. You waited a while before gently knocking on the office door.
Truth is Lucifer realised something during dinner: he IS drowning in work. It's always been like this, even back in the celestial realm. He has no time to show proper affection to those he loves. Pride made him think all is well, pride poisoned him. It turned him cold. It was like every gram of warmth that was once inside of him slowly leaked out since his birth. His gaze immediately shot to the door when he heard the knock. 'Come in.'
He knew what you were going to ask the second he saw you. 'Mc, I am fine, you may leave now.' you played with the hem of your shirt. 'Really?' Lucifer dipped his pen in the ink a little more aggressively than usual and nodded. 'Mc, leave now. I have tons of work to do.' The truth is, Lucifer craves nothing more than your comfort and affection right now. He wants to tell you about the thing he realised so badly, but he can't. Not with a reputation to keep up. Not with Diavolo he basically handed his soul to after Michael.
You felt like you couldn't just leave, there has to be something. 'Can I at least stay in your office? I can't sleep.' Of course Lucifer didn't buy it, but he allowed you to stay regardless. After you've been awkwardly lounging in one of Lucifer's chairs, he invited you to sit on his lap. Immediately you noticed his grip on you was tighter than usual, but he kept focussing on work regardless. You know, even if he'll never be free, at least Lucifer has his family, friends and of course you to make him smile. Eventually you fell asleep in his embrace, Lucifer carried you to your room, kissed your forehead goodnight and went back to work.
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ditzybuzzy · 6 months
Hi! Love your blog!
Idk if you're still doing requests but if you get the chance can you do a spicy Hunk x Umbrella Scientist?
Thanks :)
To Trust or To Not be Trusted
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Resident Evil HUNK x Umbrella Scientist
Warnings: female reader, p in v, face fucking, light bondage, rough sex, chair sex, fingering, choking
A/N: This is just a part of a longer piece. I have decided to post the full/uncut version on my new Ao3: kbuzzy
I give credit to my lovely fiancé who actually helped me write this. Never would I have thought he'd write a smut fic with me, but here we are. I hope you enjoy~♡
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You look into the small compact mirror placed inside of your hand, staring at your reflection. You let out a deep sigh.
“This is the big day,” you tell yourself. “This is the day I’m going to do it.” You have said this before…
You think of your plan and the benefits of it coming to fruition.
You stare at yourself once again in the mirror. You take in your new appearance. It was unlike you to care enough to put on a full face of makeup, but things were different today.
You sit back into the office chair at your desk. You turn your computer on and go to your emails. You have four unread emails from the same person. You hover over them, but don’t bother reading them. Next, you look to your phone positioned to the right of the computer and see that there are four voicemails all from the same number. You ignore these as well.
You check the clock in your office. “7:32 a.m.”. Most people didn't show up until 8:30 a.m. You’ve timed them a few times. Most work doesn’t really start until 9 here.
You turn your chair around and scan your small room. The room is probably 100 square feet. There’s plenty enough room for you. The door is directly across from you positioned slightly right of center with three clear windows to the left of it. The blinds are thick and cover the complete windows. You can see the shadows of people moving outside, but they can’t see in. To the left of the windows is another wall. This wall hosts a bookcase which you keep some of your medical and research books from college and some of your knickknacks. To the right of the door is another wall which hosts a small safe, which only you know the password, a small testing area with very few supplies, and a small beanbag chair which you like to read your books from.
You turn your chair back around. “I can probably get a little more sleep,” you think to yourself. This isn’t something you haven’t done in the few months you’ve worked here. You figured it would be easier to show up early and take a short nap then to rush and be late.
You get up from your chair and move to the bean bag. Some people may think it’s unprofessional to have this in your office, but you find it to be very useful for times like this.
You sit down and the beads form around you. They feel comforting and supportive of your body. You sink into the bag, and it takes you in. You begin to drift off…
Bang! Bang! Bang! You wake up startled. Your heart is pounding. You look to the door. Bang! Bang! Bang! The door vibrates with every blow.
“Shit,” you think to yourself. “ Did I sleep too late? I wasn’t planning on this happening this soon.” You look at the clock. “7:56”. You had barely been out. The person at the door is early, and judging by the banging, they don't seem happy.
You get up and make sure to adjust your skirt and tidy up your hair as much as you can with this little of notice.
“One second!” You yell in a charming voice.
 You walk to the blinds and take one slightly back. You see a man in tactical gear who is holding a sub-machine gun in his left hand by the handguard. You look at his face and he is wearing a black gas mask with red lenses, and a black helmet. You can’t see his face, but you can tell he’s pissed.
You go to the door and questions briefly whether you should open it. “This is what I wanted,” you say to yourself and grip the handle. You open the door.
HUNK they call him. You recognize him from the previous times you have seen him. You have also done basic research from your computer to find out some information on him. You haven’t actually got to meet the man that they call the Grim Reaper yet.
“Um… Can I help you?” You say almost trembling over your words.
 “You know what I am here for…” He says in a stern yet almost disappointed voice.
You feel fear come over you. You tremble over your next words. “Oh, this must be about the documents,” you say.  
His body stands rigid. If you could see his eyes, they’d stare through your soul.
“Tell me,” he begins to say. “Why would you go through all this trouble? From what I understand, you are brand new,” he says with an aggravated tone.
 You look at him. You can’t help but eye him up and down to try to understand if he’s going to take his frustrations out on you.
 “I… Well… I was trying to do my own research; I didn’t… mean to harm anyone. I also felt like I could do some good with those documents,” you fumble your words.
“You know research on your own time is not authorized here. Regardless, I am here for my documents. Give them to me and I will make this all go away,” he says to you in a stern, demanding tone.
You shift your body weight to your left leg and pop out your hip. “I can give you your documents back. I only briefly read them. They seem to want to keep your information very secret.” You sound more confident in this. “But how do I know you won’t kill me?” you ask.
 “I have no intention of killing you,” he groans out. “If you hand over the documents, we can both go on our separate ways. No harm, no foul. Your higher-ups may have issues with you taking those, but that’s not my concern.”
Voices start whispering down the hall. HUNK steps through the door forcing you to step back. He closes the door behind him.
“I’ll give you the documents. Don’t worry about that,” you say to him. “But I need to trust you first and I don’t want to lose my job.”
 You can see yourself in his red lenses. Whatever fear it had looked like you had must have faded or sunk itself deep inside of you because you cannot see it on the woman in the reflection.
“How do I make you trust me?” He asks.
“Well, I have a few things in mind that I can think of,” you again let your eyes wonder over his body. You can’t help but notice his muscles and think of how this man could probably kill you in a split second.
“I want to..." You pause, eyes trailing down to his crotch. "Help you,” you finish. You try to avoid being so direct, but from what you have read on the man, he is very direct and does not like games. “I know that you have a stressful job, and based on your files, you don’t have a lot of down time. I want to make you feel special for at least a few minutes if not more.”
There is a silence for what must have been only a few seconds, but it felt like minutes. He traces your body with his head.
“You want to fuck me?” He asks directly in a stern and deep voice. “I can’t say that I’ve been asked that before,” he mutters.
“Well, I was trying to be more dis…” Without waiting for your full response, he grabs you by your throat. His body presses against yours.
With his right hand wrapped across your throat, he pushes you backward into your seat. You can barely breathe as his gloved hand prevents you from speaking. He then takes his left hand and grabs the collar of your white coat. With ease, he pulls the coat, and the buttons pop off exposing your chest. Your white lace bra covers your breasts. With his right hand still wrapped around your throat, he uses his left to grab white zip ties off his belt. You can’t help but think he has done this before, maybe not in the same circumstance though.
He releases his right hand from your neck and moves his right forearm to the hand’s former spot. This allows you to gasp momentarily for air.
HUNK grabs your right wrist first and zip ties it to the arm of the chair. You weren’t going to fight him anyways, but even if you tried to fight this move, it would have been useless as you realize he is much stronger than you. After he is satisfied with the tightness and security of the zip tie, he moves his left forearm to your throat and ties your left arm. Your arms are locked in place and you can’t help but know that he is a professional.
He releases your throat and steps back. “Don’t make too much noise,” he says in a deep raspy voice. His mask muffles his words. You can tell he is serious.
“No promises,” you say in a teasing tone.
He steps back towards you and grabs your lace top with his right hand. He pulls the top upwards towards your face and your soft breasts slip out of the lace.
HUNK then takes his left gloved hand and puts it around your face. He caresses your face and then, with his thumb, traces your lips. He circles your plump lips and begins to move them up in down methodically. You begin to feel warm inside, your body feels warm, and you slightly open your mouth inviting his thumb inside.
He sticks his thumb in and out of your mouth each time pulling saliva with it. He takes his right hand and places it on your bare breast. He gently grabs your breast and massages it with his hand. He then traces your curves downward toward the top of your skirt.
You open your eyes and stop sucking for a second to see that he is unzipping his pants. You can see his cock bulged against the seam. With his right hand, he reaches in.
He fishes around in his pants for a few seconds before he pulls it out. You glance at it for a second and realize that he's painfully hard. He grips his dick with his right hand and pulls his left hand away from your face. Saliva trails his thumb and falls down your chin.
He takes another step towards you. He stands tall enough that his cock is the same height as your head. He uses his hand to stoke his length while you watch. You can see his veins and his pulse vibrating through his shaft. He moves it towards your face.
You open your lips and allow him to enter. He's warm and stiff. He starts off with doing shallow thrusts into your mouth. You suck until your lips are sealed around him.
He moves his right hand to the back of your head and begins thrusting deeper into you. You gag, he doesn’t stop though. He continues to go deeper and deeper until tears begin forming at the corner of your eyes and running down your cheeks. Your mascara runs down your face and neck. He thrusts all the way to his base. You feel him in your throat each time.
Eventually he pulls his cock out of your drooling mouth and steps back. You gasp for air and let out a cough filled of spit and pre-cum. You feel the stickiness run down onto your chest and over your breasts. You notice that his cock is still hard and that he hasn’t came yet.
With little break, he reaches for his knife and unsheathes the blade. He again steps toward you. With the knife in hand, he goes to your left arm and cuts the tie holding it, and then transitions to the right and does the same. You look at your arms and see that there are red marks where the binds once were.
Before you can analyze the potential wounds, your legs are thrown up in the air close to your head. He props his hips against yours. His wet cock is on your stomach and his thighs are holding you in place. You try to regain your breath as he reaches again for two more ties. Once he finds them, he ties each of your legs to the chair arms like he did your arms.
Once secure he takes his hips and cock back and stands straight once again. He looks down at you. Your legs are almost behind your head, and you feel exposed as he can see straight up your skirt. He leans over and takes his left hand and places it slightly above your right breast. With his right hand he reaches into your skirt and slides your underwear to the side. He traces you up and down until he eventually settles on your hole. He sticks one of his gloved fingers in and slowly goes in and out. You begin to let out a small moan and your head rolls back.
He takes his left hand and moves it off your breast and to your mouth. “You have to be quiet,” he says harshly. He covers your mouth with his hand and then inserts another finger. You moan into his hand as he begins to move the two fingers back and forth inside of you. He then takes his thumb and places it onto your clit and rubs from side to side while pulling at your insides with his index and middle finger.  
You begin to feel your body contracting as he does this. He continues going in and out with his fingers until your body can't take it anymore. Your hips arch upwards until a warmth stretches against your body and your legs shake. You want more from him, though. You want him to finish too.
He removes his hand from your mouth and guides it back to his cock. He takes himself and presses it against your clit and works his way down with it to your opening. He teases around with it by pressing it in just a little bit, but not fully inserting himself.
“You better fuck me hard,” you whine out.
He looks up at your face for a brief second. You can only assume he's smiling. Smiling at how pathetic you sounded.
Like your mouth, he starts off with little thrusts and eventually works his way to fitting his large cock inside of you. He thrusts so hard that the chair begins to squeak. He begins to grunt with each thrust after a few minutes until he pulls his wet cock out and rubs his shaft against your clit. Your cum covers his shaft and runs down his pants.  
“I want you to cum on me,” you say to him through moans. You grab your breasts and squeeze them together. You open your mouth and give the man a target.
He thrusts hard and quick against your slit and unleashes three large streams of his semen onto you. Only some of the liquid lands in your mouth. The rest lands on your face or on your chest and runs down your sides.
HUNK once again stands straight up. He collects himself and puts himself back together. He once again grabs his knife and cuts your restraints.
“Now then, how about the documents,” he says to you. He says it so casually as if he didn't just fuck you.
You take a moment to collect yourself and clothe yourself with the little clothes you have. “It’s in the safe,” you say while gesturing with your head. “I’ll unlock it for you.”
You get up from the chair and walk to the safe. You input your combination and the door pops open. You dig through the few files in there and find one with red letters that spell out “CLASSIFIED”. You hand the document over to him and he looks it over very briefly and then looks back at you. Without saying another word, he turns for the door and opens it. You expect him to look back and maybe say something to you, but he does not. He walks out the door and swings it closed behind him.
“That was fun,” you say to yourself. You go to the lab table that you had set up earlier and grab a sample tube and syringe. You take the syringe and press it against your chest and suck up whatever liquid you can and press the liquid into the test tube. You place a sample label onto the tube and put it in one of the open racks. You then turn back to your chair. You are slightly amazed that it is still together, but you once again sit down and turn the chair back towards the computer. You once again navigate to your emails and click on the most recent of the unread ones. You briefly skim the email and then reply, “I have got the sample."
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ohblimeygeorge · 5 months
I saw an anon ask to @russilton about pregnant George learning to crochet and this just instantly came to me and I had to get it down.
I’ve never written gewis before so this was fun!
George is nothing if not an over thinker. Lewis knows that much.
So it’s not a total surprise to find an empty spot next to him in bed at 2:36am.
George does this sometimes, when his mind is working overtime and he has so many thoughts going through his brain that he finds himself getting restless and feeling smothered by the rumpled bedsheets and another warm body snoring next to him, so takes himself off to make a cuppa in the kitchen where he can take a moment to breathe and focus his mind into the night sky past the kitchen window and on the life still bustling about below. He’ll spend half an hour or so there before feeling calmer and able to slip back in beside Lewis, no longer feeling overwhelmed and instead snuggling back under Lewis’ arm to cuddle in close. Lewis panicked the first few times it happened, demanding to know what was wrong and wanting to help but now he realises that sometimes George just needs that space and he’ll come back when he’s ready.
So he dozes off again, fully expecting the next time he wakes to find his missing boyfriend back where belongs.
It’s 4:24am and George is still missing.
This starts setting alarms bells ringing in Lewis’ head because this is unusual. It’s been almost 2 hours and he’s still not come back. Lewis knows George has been doing his disappearing act a little more lately, knows the kind of thoughts he’s having and knows now more than ever George has been feeling especially claustrophobic when he gets like this.. but Lewis can’t help but worry. Even if George waves him off to go back to bed, he needs to find him.
So he shoves his slippers on and stumbles into the kitchen, expecting to find him there sipping on his camomile tea, sleep creases on his face, hair wild. But he’s not.
He checks the living room - not there. Bathroom? George has been known to spend quite a bit of time in there as of late so it’s not unreasonable Lewis thinks. Not in there either.
Then he realises there’s only one room really left to check.
Walking back down the hall, he notices the door slightly ajar so knows he’s right. Pushing it open more, he’s immediately hit with the soft glow of the lamp on the dresser and the comfy armchair in the corner is filled with George’s lanky limbs and rounded belly. And he’s - knitting?
Jumping at the voice, George looks up and freezes mid stitch, cheeks blushing red at being caught. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Lewis replies dumbly, moving into the room and leaning up against the changing table. “You’ve been gone ages.”
“Oh, sorry..” George apologises, just now spotting what the time is by the clock on the dresser, “lost track of time.”
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like?”
“Ok… why are you knitting at four in the morning?”
With an exasperated sigh, George lays his craft on his belly, “it’s not knitting, Lew, I’ve told you, it’s crochet.” He explains, as if Lewis is the dumbest guy ever to not know the difference no matter how many times George has told him now, “and I just thought I should carry on making some cute things for her.”
After not being allowed to race anymore, George had to find something else to occupy his time. Lewis genuinely thought he’d just stay at the pit wall or hang around the garage, not being able to stay away but no. He went into full on nesting mode and decided he wanted to learn a new hobby that would benefit the baby so crochet it was. He was actually pretty good - although Lewis knew George was great at anything he put his mind to - and had already made a few hats and a blanket for her and made Lewis a scarf which he wore at the very next race, showing off George’s accomplishments.
“Right…” Lewis is still confused at the explanation but thinks there’s a little something more to it. “And you thought this time of morning was the ideal time to start?”
Lewis watches him for a moment, his concentration fixed as he methodically follows the YouTube tutorial which he’s only just now noticed George has up on his phone perched on the arm. It’s suppose to be a cardigan apparently, looks like it’ll turn out super cute with the colour matching the already made blanket and Lewis would be lying if he said he couldn’t imagine how adorable their daughter would look in it. But so far George had only made the back and half an arm so there was still some way to go. He’s impressed with how good it looks already. He watches him a little while longer, noting the characteristic crease between his brows and knows he’s trying his hardest to quiet his brain. Bending down to be level with him and earning a quiet snort from George as his knees creak with the effort, Lewis places his hand on George’s knee, gaining his full attention once more. “Babe, talk to me.”
He doesn’t expect it, but George suddenly tears up and it’s like once he’s started, he can’t stop. Startled, Lewis pauses his video for him and gently takes the half made cardigan and crochet hooks out of George’s hands and places it down on the floor carefully before pulling him in for a hug. He lets George cry it out before he feels ready to talk, running a soothing hand up and down his back, letting his nails lightly scratch at the same time the way he knows George likes. It’s a little awkward of an angle especially with the bump but Lewis doesn’t care. “Talk to me.” He repeats softly.
Letting out a choked breath as he stems his tears, George sits back and places his hands around his bump protectively, rubbing his thumbs on the skin where he can feel her wiggling about. “I just.. I just want things to go right.”
“What do you mean?” Lewis asks
“Well, like, what if something goes wrong with the birth? What if I do something wrong and it hurts her? I haven’t even packed a bag yet and there’s only a few weeks left to go and there’s so much to do in here still! And what if when she is here we don’t know what to do with her? Like how will we know what her cries mean? Or what time to put her to bed and wake her up? How will we know when to start helping her to roll over or crawl or walk? Or what if she doesn’t like us? Doesn’t like me?” He finished his ramble with a big stuttering inhale, blue eyes wide and watery.
Lewis knew George was a pretty emotional person anyway but pregnancy hormones had amplified that. So he knew not to react unkindly despite how silly some of the things he was worried over sounded. “George, babe, listen to me okay? You have nothing to be worried about. The bag thing, we’ll sort tomorrow yeah? Get it sorted, no problem. The room can wait because she’ll be sleeping in with us for at least the next 6 months anyway.” He soothed, “You won’t do anything to hurt her because I know you would do anything to make sure she’s safe. And no parent knows what they’re doing first time round yeah? It’s all learning and trial and error and learning what works for us as a family. And things like walking, we really don’t need to worry about that just yet.” He chuckled, “and of course she’ll like you. She’ll adore you. Just like I do.”
George just gave a pathetic little sniffle as he listened to what his boyfriend had to say. “I’m sorry for being so stupid.” He mumbled, looking down at his hands still rubbing patterns on his skin.
Lewis looked personally offended at that and placed his hands on George’s cheeks getting him to focus fully on him. “Don’t ever apologise for being worried ok? And you are not stupid. This whole becoming a parent thing is really scary for me too, so I’m right there with you but all we need to focus on is not things going right but just doing this together and loving her. That’s all we can do and the rest will follow, yeah?”
George nodded as best he could with his face being held in the protective grip of Lewis.
Feeling satisfied that he understood, Lewis let go and bent down to pick up the forgotten item on the floor. “Now, why don’t you carry on with this for a bit longer? Then we can come back to bed and get some sleep.” Lewis suggested, handing back the little pink half-cardigan.
“We?” George asked, confused, “Lew, it’s okay, you can go back to bed. It’ll be boring just watching me.”
“Nah, I want to.” Lewis answered, sitting back on the floor to lean his back against the dresser and getting comfy. “Besides, I can watch you and maybe pick up a few tips and then we can make a whole wardrobe for her!”
George just let out a snort as he saw Lewis’ cheeky smirk, settling himself to get cosy in the chair again before pressing play on his phone to resume the video.
After half an hour of comfortable, peaceful silence, both men were asleep, letting out soft snores in their soon-to-be daughter’s room.
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