#it’s like the spiderman meme where they are all pointing at each other
daddy-long-legssss · 10 months
19, 9, 29, 99 for the spotify wrapped thing! 😘
Standing Next To Me - The Last Shadow Puppets
Teddy Picker - Arctic Monkeys
Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys
Les Cactus - The Last Shadow Puppets
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truthdawn · 1 year
seeing somebody else who made a phighting oc based off of the same gear as one of your own is so funny to me
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smallkindofdisaster · 2 months
Eldest siblings don't know how to un-eldest sibling
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hana-no-seiiki · 6 months
Good news. Did some decent progress on What’s Up Danger so you guys will finally get fed this Wednesday! Bad news, the quality might not be the best since I’m fasting while writing it oTL
Anyways, here are some Batfam w/ Cat Villain! Reader moments/snippets.
Both Jason and Reader’s first words to each other were, “What the fuck.”
Reader referring to Jason being a giant, and violent asf esp in comparison to Dick. While Jason was confused at his heart beating so fast and mildly crushing on you while you were fighting.
Bonus points: You guys did the spiderman point meme.
You have the biggest age gap with Dick. I headcannon the boys to be close in age so there wouldn’t be any not so good implications when it comes to relationships, but it’s almost unavoidable unless Batman switches sidekicks every year or so. (You are younger than Jason but older than Tim)
But that is also another reason why you two didn’t click as well as you did with Jason
You’d often make jokes or use slang and Dick would just be “???” He tried his best though.
On the reverse side of things, and like I mention before Tim and you got along too well as friends. He’s one of the few people you could gush to about literally any fandom and he somehow (through stalking your searches and literally every gadget/appliance you owned) knew everything about it already.
You two have written several theses on fellow vigilantes and villains (mostly ‘dumb’ ones like who has the best cake based on so and so criteria)
Damian is the best when it comes to bantering with you mid-fight. It’s the combined years of sass and assassin training. Went from plain insults to whole ass (not so) subtly being horny when you beat each other down.
He’s also the worst (best?) when it comes to your nicknames. He insists that you two use it on each other. Some exclusive while others he’s usually fine hearing from other mouths.
There was one point in time where you were called Kitten while the boys forced/bribed you to call them Daddy
Tim and Jason have tattoos of you/related to you.
For Jason it’s your name with a few paw prints, and for Tim it’s when he first fought you (and got his ass whooped)
After Jason came back and revealed himself to you, he tattooed the scratch marks you left him on his back after doing the deed.
Damian secretly practices doing henna so he can draw on you during your “wedding” since he doesn’t want anyone touching you. Sort of defeats the purpose, but go off king.
Being the thorough guy he is, he uses lab equipment to make his own blends.
Bruce? Bruce hates your ass. Sometimes it’s in a hatefuckey way but most of the time he blames you for corrupting his kids.
So he corrupted you in turn.
I feel like he gets off to cucking them honestly (blame that one comic) but if Reader is AFAB I wouldn’t be surprised if he impregnated them.
He’s a softie at heart when it comes to you though, courtesy of your similarities with Selina.
Speaking of, Talia adores you.
Like if there was anyone she would want with her son it was you.
She thinks the fact that you haven’t been put behind bars is a testament to your skill, and after getting over your similarity to her “rival in love” she would actively get you to be with her son.
Eventually she realizes she loves you more than Bruce and well, that’s a story for another fic.
You have at least a dozen trackers on you at all times.
Most of them you’ve ingested and pooped out.
It’s mostly Tim of course. But the duty of actually feeding you that stuff usually goes to Dick.
Dick has uh- somnophillia’ed you a fair bit after the break up.
He really, and I mean really likes to watch you sleep.
It reminds him of those ‘catnaps’ you’d take while watching over the Titans.
There would be times where he’d just be in a daze/in autopilot for hours reminiscing about your past together
His favorite memories to go back to were your first fight together, first kiss, and times under the sheets, and a date you guys had before in a festival/circus.
He never takes the antidote for Poison Ivy’s sex pollen and always comes to you for it, regardless of his or your relationship status.
Tim has at least a million typewritten chats with AI you, and around a few hundred hours of voice chats.
You did eventually take his virginity.
He came as soon as he was inside you/you were inside him.
You have been offered to be a part of the bat crew or a vigilante. But,
you massacred many after Jason’s supposed death and feel too guilty to call yourself anything other than a villain.
Chokers with bells. It’s a popular gift to give you. Especially ones that are custom made with expensive ass materials and engraving.
Sometimes Tim just gives you weapons.
Alfred is your best source of blackmail material.
You’ve actively tried cursing him (with immortality). You love the man.
He’s secretly the president of your official fanclub/fansite but you didn’t hear that from me.
You fight a lot with Damian’s pets. Like in a way that you turn into a literal cat and hiss at them.
And last but not least, you’re vv close with every member of the Teen Titans (besties with Rachel and Garfield)
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celestialprincesse · 7 months
I write sm of Simon with like super cutie patootie sweet softie gf's and today is not one of those days!! What about Si with a sassy, snarky spitfire of a partner.
He's kind of always thought that he'd want some soft, gentle, domestic partner to offset the general frustration and struggle of his work life. Some bird in a frilly apron to coo and preen at him like a wounded puppy.
And then he meets her.
She's some intelligence officer brought on by Laswell in hopes of attaining information on targets before missions to keep things running that little bit smoother.
She's had to not only survive, but thrive in a cutthroat mans world industry for years, and she takes not one single ounce of shit from anyone.
Price will occasionally (and very much unintentionally) simplify things for her in mission briefings and she just kind of sits there with arms crossed and a raised eyebrow until he gets the memo that he doesn't need to baby her.
She never has to actually go out into the field, so whilst the guys are all training in the gym, she sits and plays games on her phone or reads some smutty romance novels.
She didn't expect to fall flat on her ass for Simon Riley, but something about how quiet and level headed he is makes her very much metaphorically swoon.
He knows it, obviously. He's observant as fuck. He sees the way she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth when she has to crane her neck in order to look up at him, or when he casually helps her with boxes of files and she shifts bashfully from foot to foot, trying not to ogle his biceps.
When they start dating, she's not even afraid of the others finding out because they're too scared of her to tease the two of them.
They move in together and she designates the guest room for all of his man stuff, only to find out that he has like three personal items and some chargers. "The fuck you mean you don't have an ugly PC?! You're a guy?" He's so confused at her confusion until later in their relationships when she tells him that all of her past partners were kind of (major) dicks and that's why she didn't really date anymore, until she met him of course.
She tries really really hard to hide when she cries before he goes off on deployment, and works ten times harder to find useful information that will increase his chance of getting home to her safe.
He buys her really sentimental presents and she tries to hide how touched she is by calling him the softie even though she shamefully piles all of his clothes on the bed with her when he's away because she misses him so much.
She buys him a dog in secret on the same day that he comes home with a cat for her and they just sort of stand there in their front entrance like that Spiderman meme where they all point at each other.
The dog and cat love each other, almost as unlikely a pair as their owners.
She and Simon go into work one day and she's got a unique, delicate little ring on her left ring finger and the guys are like 😦"You got married and didn't invite us?" "No you fucking plebs we got engaged."
Never did anyone think they'd see the day where Simon Riley got engaged and thought about settling down.
They also thought the two of them hated each other until Simon casually is like "Oh, yeah no she and I went to this great place the other night. Good steaks."
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rin-and-jade · 7 months
Are You? What about You? Them? : A Post about Differentiating Types of Parts.
We all know that spiderman meme where they pointed to each other because they share similar qualities that confuses their selves;
Tumblr media
Like this. Right?
They all sounded so similar that we neither knew which is which at first glance..
And so, at the end of this post you will be confident in pointing out who is who, just like a spiderman who can tell apart from its own multiverse friends, that is. So let's get pointing to the smaller details!
How it works..
We know what it's like to be conscious, yeah? What if i were to tell you that yes, there are varying degrees of consciousness, and that we all can fluctuate on those levels too?
The levels of consciousness can vary from only being aware of its physical surroundings and react instinctually (lesser level), to being able to self-introspect and understand what they like and dislike (higher level). This is all dependent on many different factors and i want to clarify that it takes more than just 'awareness' to tell a fragment apart from an alter for example. But, still important to know what level its at.
This explains why shards, and fragments are less flexible when facing an issue, as they're more limited or not as equipped as an alter in terms of reasoning or level of logic/knowledge. So why is that? It can be from the intensity of dissociation, and other things like how much implicit and explicit memories it retains, this includes experiences.
How to tell them apart..
Sure, theres a spectrum to this too, as every type of part can be a bit different though still can categorized loosely, not meaning it has to fit perfectly to the box :
1. No sense of identity and, or tangible form/shape outside of performing a specific task, or hold a single memory/mood. (Shard)
2. Small sense of identity (a trait that is distinctive/distinguishable), possibly have a less blurry appearance than level 1 and still performs specific tasks, have little to no memories/range of emotions. (Shard)  
3. Mish mash of small qualities, but not enough to encapsulate an identity/personality, may have a sense of existing, and can emotionally react to environment/situation. Usually have a defined innerworld form, and may retain some memories but depends on origin, still fixed on role. (Fragment)
4. Has a developed dominant facet, which can be seen more lively and autonomous compared from level 1-3,, but still a bit rigid and have a narrow/limited view in general. Can distinguish and identify feelings, and have goals/hobbies/interests, self curiosity/exploration to function outside role. (Fragment, leaning to alter)  
5. Has a multifaceted personality in which it cannot defined by one word, fully knows its likes and dislikes, long term goals, morals, and a complex view on life. May have developed purpose outside role job, pursuing self-fulfillment. (Alter)
So in conclusion, shards are not wholly self aware and rely on current implicit memories, from my own system experience shards feels so blank, lifeless, somewhat robotic. Fragments have a partial sense of autonomy, it can rationalize and react to its own accord, reason, and learn/explore,, though had not fully know who they are. Alters are like any other usual people, where it has accumulated knowledge and experience that had shaped then throughout existing, reinforcing a faceted sense of self and purpose.
Growth to perfection..
Are you also wondering if shards and fragments can grow to an alter? The answer is, yes! Though some can be stuck in a certain stage, which is nothing to be ashamed about, and doesn't need changing.
Though, this takes a really long time and process, i note my own fragments will reach to a stage where it barely matches the loose category of an alter in 6 months, and to be a fully developed alter, it might need a whole year (okay this is my own calculations, other people will have it slower or faster).
To grow a shard towards a fragment category, my theory is that you have to interact with, and let them immerse/exprience the real world by supervision (outside of its role task) to develop more environmental, and self awareness. They will be very limited in terms of knowledge and names so this is a good time to start introducing these, and they may not even realize they exists themselves before sometimes,, try nudging them activities to experiment, and foods to taste, examine emotion wheel.. theres a lot to start from.
To grow a fragment to an alter, start introducing other views and complex topics, the goal here is to create a more developed understanding of life. From my experience, all my fragments have a dominant facet, e.g. angry dog vibes; and slowly let them learn how to be soft, or act more polite,, it will slowly solidify as a new facet, now capable of being kind and not always behaving threatening/i-will-still-bite-you attitude to every situation, as it now can be more flexible which facet it should use depending on situation.
Last words..
So, you are now an educated spiderman who can not only point out, but understand the basics of why,, and how to grow a part to have a better sense of awareness!
Let me know in the comments, i would like to hear why the part you had specifically picked/chose is possibly a shard/fragment/alter from your own reasoning and interactive mini discussion with me,, lets finally put them into real practice yeah?
Also, Happy Valentines, *offers you a free heart chocolate*
- j, your educational fiancée
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lueurjun · 1 year
neighbours to lovers! jake sim.
neighbour!jake x reader! in which jake sim has been in love with you from the minute he set his eyes on you. thank u so much for your support<3
dead. cant breathe.
his family and your family obviously know each other well
and i see his house as being ‘the spot’ during your childhood where all the neighbourhood kids used to play
he had these monkey bars in his backyard that everyone always wanted to play on
but jake always made sure you got to go on them first
brace yourselves
are you braced?
i’m not sure you’re braced
i know!! so cute right?
fighting back tears rn
you were only eleven so you didn’t really think much of it. he was your first kiss and you were fine with that
jake on the other hand?
he still thinks about it
in fact, that’s one of the scenarios he thinks of to help him get to sleep
boy is hopelessly in love
and everyone knows it too
like he denies it but everyone just knows
because he will drop anything just to do you the smallest favour
“hey jake, are you busy? i could really use your help watering my parents flowers?”
jake, who is in fact busy, “nope. not at all. never. give me that watering can.”
i repeat: w h i p p e d
cant blame him tho. you’re the embodiment of warmth, the personification of excellence. you are simply amazing.
i got more rizz that jake just sayin… ;D
despite knowing you for so long, he still gets all tongue tied whenever you’re around
and you’re just clueless
a perfect little dumbass
no matter how many times your family and friends — and even HIS family and friends — try to tell you, you’re convinced he’s just being friendly
because boys like jake don’t like people like you
you’re not enough for him. and he’s certainly not attracted to you
keep thinking like that. i dare u. i’m outside of your house. ur perfect! MWAH MWAH. take all my love pls
in true neighbours to lovers fashion, your bedroom window faces his
and sometimes like the little creep that you are, you peek inside of his room to see if he’s there
unbeknownst to you, little jakey poo does the exact same thing
soulmates fr
twins asf
people that creep on each other, end up with each other
i do not condone staring into your crushes bedroom. do not do that. you may get arrested… but if you do send me your mug shot, i bet u look adorable! KIDDING IM TOTALLY KIDDING PLS DONT GET ARRESTED
anywhooo, one particular night you peek into his room
at the exact same time as him
cue that spiderman meme where they’re just pointing at each other
you both just kinda freeze
staring at each other
because now what? you’ve both caught each other out
eventually, you shuffle forward and open your window which coaxes jake to do the same
the confidence comes naturally because it’s only jake, you know him like the back of your hand
tho ur screaming on the inside because a) you’re embarrassed and b) JAKE WAS STARING INTO YOUR ROOM WHICH MEANS HE WAS LOOKING FOR YOU
it’s almost like he’s in love with u or sumn idk
“are you stalking me, sim?”
his cheeks go bright red and he kinda starts spluttering
“i—no. i promise i wasn’t—i-“
well. that was disappointing. you kinda hoped he’d keep up with your flirty banter
“it’s okay jake, i was doing the same thing.”
honest icon. you truly can do no wrong
even more spluttering. even more blushing
bro loves stalkers. IM KIDDING ILY
anyways there’s something about the atmosphere
and to jake, it just seems right to say what’s on his mind
which leads to him sitting with his feet hanging out of the window and the darkest shade of red on his cheeks
“i still think about that kiss.”
did u hear me scream?
your mind goes blank
because what tf does that mean?
the kiss?? THE KISS? THE FIRST KISS???
he can’t look you in the eyes, choosing to fiddle with his fingers instead
and you just stand there dumbfounded
bby talk to him before i lose my mind
when you don’t say anything, jake scrambles back into his room which kinda snaps you out of your trance
his fingers are itching to close the window
“i’m kinda upset that you’ve never come back for seconds”
i literally have a lambo and nine mansions
marry me rn
now it’s jakes turn to be speechless
“oh.” 🧍🏻
this is painful. it’s 5:30 am rn cut me some slack
you have this poor boy breaking out into a rash from stress
and it worsens when you grab your coat and demand for him to meet you outside
like the true gentleman, he doesn’t leave you waiting long and almost falls flat on his face trying to get through the door
what a loser. i love him
he shuffles towards you, hands in his pockets and a look that says he’s absolutely terrified
are you gonna slap him? tell him you never want him to speak to you again?
“look, i’m sorry if i overstepped—“
“are you gonna give me my kiss i’ve been waiting for or not?“
it’s then that he notices that you’re both in the exact same spot as you were all those years ago when the first kiss happened
literally giggling and kicking my feet rn
“a-are you sure?”
and those are the exact words he uttered the first time too
he was as nervous as he was back then, perhaps even more so this time around
because this isn’t an innocent childhood kiss
you’re grown now. it’s different
in true y/n fashion, you start to lose patience
so you trust your gut and you grip onto his shirt, tugging him closer giving you the perfect chance to collide your lips with his
jake’s hands waft around in stress until they finally settle on your waist and he gains enough confidence to pull you somewhat closer to him
i don’t want a boyfriend. i don’t want a boyfriend. i don’t want a boyfriend.
the kiss is a thousand times better than the first
it's passionate and sentimental, full of longing and tenderness. it’s everything and more.
pulling away is almost a chore as you rest your head against his.
“i could get used to that.”
jake goes to respond, a breathless chuckle ghosts your lips when suddenly a wolf whistle cuts through the street
sunghoon, the neighbour across the street who also happens to be jake’s best friend, is leaning out of his window.
that definitely should have ruined the moment but you were far too wrapped up in the bliss of having jake so close to you, that nothing could ruin the happiness you felt
not even sunghoon and his idiocy.
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headcanons for the male spouses as transmascs/trans men?
Sure thing, dear anon 💕 (Sorry the headcanons turned out short):
Some random headcanons with SDV bachelors as a transmascs/trans men:
Harvey loves it when Farmer rests on his chest, showering him with tender words and kissing the scars under his pecs. Nowhere does he feel more calm and happy than in bed in the early morning, where Farmer, half asleep, rests their head on his chest and both lovers enjoy a peaceful morning. Are Farmer sure they have to go somewhere else on business? Maybe they and Harvey should stay in bed for another hour or two?
Even having an unpleasant period, Elliott doesn't abandon his writing desk, hoping that the very muse is about to appear to help him find inspiration and finish the last chapter of his novel. Except that Farmer is not happy to see the writer torturing himself like this, so they persuade him to drag the workaholic writer back to bed to rest, give him painkillers and whatever else he needs to feel better. Elliott is truly grateful to his spouse for taking such good care of him 💕
Shane isn't usually a fan of committing his feelings and worries to someone else, but he loves Farmer, they've been together for a long time. So Shane thought it was only fair to tell them that because of who he was, his parents had literally kicked Shane out of the house. They weren't a perfect family as it was, but this... His aunt and niece, and then his beloved Farmer, had made him feel what a real family was like.
In summer, the clean and beautiful beach at Stardew Valley are a favourite spot not only for locals but also for tourists. One such tourist shouted to the volleyball-playing Sam and Farmer "Yo!" pointing to Sam's top surgery scars. Sam saw their top scars and responded with the same "Yo!" and the two stood there pointing at each other like that Spiderman meme. They both exchanged warm words and goodbyes, and Farmer watched with a smile as his spouse just glowed with joy and positivity.
Sometimes Alex can get so enthusiastic about his workout that he completely forgets to take off his binder before the workout. Thankfully, his spouse always reminds him before he starts heavy physical exercises. It's just that Alex is so used to them that sometimes he doesn't even notice. Farmer decided to give him an electronic watch in which you can put memos. Now Alex will remember to take his binder off, stay hydrated, and even know how many calories he burned today. Hey, this thing is neat!
Sebastian used to be pretty quiet (more quiet than usual) because he didn't like the sound of his own voice. The local emo when talking to friends or grocery shopping at Pierre's always tried a lower tone of voice to see how it would be. He still has that voice, although smoking has made it a bit muffler. The Farmer still loves Sebastian and his voice, especially they love listening to his laugh after another bad pun or joke. If they can, Farmer would listen to him all day long.
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spinnysocks · 7 months
TLG Outlanders Jumanji AU that i have suddenly become obsessed with :) buckle up
i'm mainly basing this off of the 2017 movie, with elements of the 2019 one too
wema, tunu, dogo and kijana are playing when they find a hidden cave, they go in and they find lots of weird paintings on the wall and the floor. ever the inquisitive one, dogo steps into a circle in the middle and they all get sucked into... Jumanji?? or maybe in the TLG universe it's called Mchezo
the adults look for them. the leaders (plus kenge and sumu) and the idiots (plus mwoga, nne, tano and neema) go in two groups to search since the kids were missing for a while. the leaders find the hidden cave first as sumu noticed it in his small size. they get sucked in, and eventually the idiots find it after them
they turn into human versions upon entering the world. yeah they're pretty freaked out lmao
the premise is that they go through trials to "prove" themselves, at the risk of their 3 lives, to get to the final task of saving the kiddos. i'm thinking each of them get a task focused on their skills but all of them are at the will of it, aka any of them could lose a life in any trial
i think the Strengths & Weaknesses bit would be funny. kiburi has no weaknesses, he says smth like "I'm too good to be weak 😏" and then 'Pride' pops up hfgdhdh. tamka's weakness would be cake because i think it'd be funny. nduli's is picking up cool rocks. i would say goigoi's would be sleeping but he'd lose all 3 in an instant. the list goes on
reirei is mad because she gets the boring map-reader job lol, despite that she saves everyone's asses so
i imagine sumu is like Milo, he gives them the information in a really deadpan tone lmao. it's like "... Oh no..." "Spit it out, will you?!" "... Mandrills. We should go" and he just continues spilling knowledge while they're running for their lives lmao
you know how in the second movie Bethany/Milo is a horse? yeah nne and tano are straight up just themselves- they're hyenas but realistic, like they didn't change 💀 they're just there doing hyena laughs and absolutely savaging people in the fights
the ostrich scene from the second movie would be funny. maybe the hyenas are the drivers 👀 NONE of them trust their lives with janja, chungu or cheezi but somefuckinghow.. they don't die
in a trial where the leaders are really trapped, guess who sneaks in and saves them? Ushari!!! that was actually all of their reactions as soon as he spoke and they knew it was him. shupavu hugs him on impulse and then gets awkward about it lol, they're happy to see him
ushari explains how he didn't actually die when scar was destroyed but he escaped the volcano and happened across the hidden cave. he's been trapped ever since and obviously presumed dead. he's been stuck with 1 life because he needed the others to complete the rest of the trials :(
there's a dance fight where kiburi has to defeat the guards without being all guns blazing about it. literally the same as the scene with Martha. it's so funny at first bc he doesn't know what the fuck to do - i hc him as demi, he can't flirt with someone he doesn't know😭 - but when a song (prolly rap?) starts playing he beats their asses easy
little did they know the exact same thing was happening on the opposite side of the building, just with the idiots. tamka, nduli and neema also get their cool moment of beating people up, dance fight style! it's mainly tamka because he actually DOES have a strength in acting :)
the leaders and the idiots enter the building at the same time and it's an "Oh Shit!" spiderman pointing meme moment lmao. from this point on they do the trials together
the vultures fly the helicopters. you can imagine how well that goes. it's just like in the movie where something immediately breaks 😭 i think it'd be cool if kenge was the one to fix the helicopter, giving him a hero moment! imagine it
"Kenge, you did it! :D"
"Guess I did"
"Um... Oops"
"What Janja?"
"I dropped the jewel 😶"
"YOU WHAT?!?!"
janja loses a life in that scene from the rhinos 😭 do i wanna traumatise mzingo that much? idk. i just feel like that is such a janja thing to happen. fridge's character is janja-coded lmfao
that scene where fridge pushes spencer off a cliff? yeah that obviously happens. i'm thinking reirei and janja squabbling. would be funny if janja pushes reirei off impulsively and he just stands there, in shock, waiting to get yelled at when she respawns 😭
there's one of those Step On The Right Pieces trials. kiburi is being all cocky, steps on the wrong one and loses a life- bro gets absolutely humbled lmao. i think the skinks would be good at that trial for some reason
some random trial ideas: a "sleeping lions" type trial for goigoi. a "follow (copy) the leader" trial for mzingo. a food temptation one for the idiots??
jasiri definitely has a trial where she helps someone or shows that the "bad guy" NPCs can be good or somethin. that's probably the last trial before the finale
at the last trial they all work together to save the kiddos! it's really wholesome at the end because they saved the kids, they actually achieved something, they worked together, AND they got ushari back! :)
based on the second movie, i was considering a different version of this au where janja purposefully enters the game to prove himself and it's more of a lesson of how it's not just about his strength, but the strength of all of them
janja just thinks he ain't good enough, especially not being leader of his clan anymore, but it's through working together when the others come after him that he realises that ain't true. just an extra thought i had :)
might make a follow up post because i came up with this in an afternoon just for fun 😭
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rarepears · 1 year
Shen Yuan plants extra Sun and Moon Dew Flowers and uses them. It... doesn't work out quite the way he had hoped - you know, extra contingencies in case he gets killed again - because he wakes up after his death to see... himself. Not his reflection, but himself. Pointing at each other, gobsmacked.
That like spiderman meme.
Because each Sun and Moon Dew Flower did grow a perfect body for Shen Yuan to inhabit! Except now there's 3 Shen Yuan's running around with the same memory, personality, and looks.
Shen Yuan doesn't even know which one is supposedly the oldest, the OG, the real Shen Yuan! He's pretty sure he's the real Shen Yuan; but so do the other two!
What Shen Yuan does know, however, is that Cang Qiong seems to have an impression that there's a Shen Yuan library where they can check out a Shen Yuan for a couple hours! And Yue Qingyuan always goes for the Shen Yuan with the most annoyed looking expression Every Single Time...
Even though it's not the same Shen Yuan every time.
Shen Yuan prays that when Luo Binghe comes back, his little sheep isn't going to try to torture and kill all three Shen Yuans. But he's also scared AF that he might be the one Shen Yuan that gets picked out for revenge...
Luo Binghe, ready to vibrate out of his skin in excitement: Oh. My. God. Three Shizuns! HOW CAN I MARRY THEM ALL ASDFGHJKLKJ
Luo Binghe is too overwhelmed by his fantasies to remember his original goal of plotting revenge.
[More in shen yuan plants extra sun and moon dew flowers; luo binghe wants a harem of shen yuan's now au]
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bluepluto03 · 7 months
so i've been reading this wonderful platonic hanahaki Branch fic by @sarilolla, where Branch has familial hanahaki x4 from the loss of his brothers
and im like. not even finished with it. but my brain said "What if all five of them had hanahaki lol?"
so pls consider. post movie, all 5 of these idiots have hanahaki and are refusing to tell the others. this hanahaki isn't terminal, but it makes you ill and puts you in more danger from other diseases or injuries. (Injuries/illnesses such as getting the life sucked out of you in a diamond... *evil laugh*)
they're still on Vacay island, which is good bc Branch knows as soon as they return to Pop Village he's MADE, so he needs to figure out a plan QUICKLY. He's still getting used to opening up to ppl, especially his brothers
Bruce is considering telling them but hasn't had much a chance with the kids around. Floyd is hesitating, mostly bc he dosn't want to make them worried but also bc it's scary to admit. Clay is oscillating between making plans to tell them and making plans to hide indefinetly, and JD is fully planning to take this secret to his grave
cue several days of awkwardly trying to hide flowers, super obvious excuses that no one notices bc they are also trying to escape, and just alot of sus behavior. I think one of Bruce's kids has individually found out about and been sworn to secrecy by JD, Clay, Floyd and Branch (in that order).
Brandy knows everything and is trying so hard not to spill it, she just keeps trying to encourage Bruce even though he keeps losing his nerve or getting interrupted. Viva and Poppy are kinda playing interference on everyone, even each other, for their respective boys, so they're a little too preoccupied to find out.
cue kismet (who are in the know, at least w/ Branch) showing up. they're careful not to reveal anything out of respect for Branch, but they're also protective and make some pointed comments.
some people get up in their feelings, and it ends up with the brothers in a room together arguing until-
Branch coughs up four perfect flowers in front of them
he watches them fall in slow motion, their gentle descent like a guillotine to him, and he's seconds from panicking until-
anyway cue spiderman meme as they all reveal their hanahaki and then have an emotional convo
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noblehouseofgay · 19 days
Chat I ffuck hard with trans reg, barty, and evan
3 trans dudes in a dorm together? That's luck from the g o d s
But like it's like the Spiderman meme where theyre all pointing at each other
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Ok so you know how the comics take place in the same universe as the justice league and all those guys? And you know how in the comic of 24/7 there's some local, small town superhero on TV, suggesting that any random loser can be a superhero? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Superhob: mild-mannered professor by day, scourge of London's criminal underworld by night. Calls himself The Immortal, doesn't appear to have any superpowers but fights with all kinds of old-timey weapons like maces and crossbows and stuff. He's been shot and stabbed and blown up and all kinds of things that really should have killed him, but he just keeps coming back. Probably has an ongoing rivalry/sexual tension with Johanna.
Could be a fishbowl rescue, and/or maybe he manages to catch the Corinthian? Or like, he somehow manages to cross paths with Dream shortly after he gets out of the fishbowl and they just do the Spiderman pointing meme at each other. Idk, I didn't have any particular plot in mind but I feel like there's a lot of potential there...
This is such a great idea!!! Especially with the whole plot with The Sandman becoming a superhero through Jed's dreams (in the show)
I like the idea of a fishbowl rescue - Hob’s been hearing these rumours about fawney rigg for years, and one day he just happens to be in the area. He figures he'll take a look, since he's already in costume/fully equipped with weapons. Turns out he only has to bonk an old man over the head with the butt of his sword, so it's not very complicated to infiltrate the Manor. But what he finds in the basement in a lot more complicated, that's for sure.
He gets Dream out of the glass, glad that he's got such array of pointy, heavy medieval weapons. He can't get over the fact that he's just rescued his stranger. His stranger apparently can't get over the fact that Hob is trying to be a superhero (Hob resents the word trying - he's a very good superhero thanks very much).
Dream is like "Well thanks very much but now I have to find all my stuff" and Hob is like "cool! I'll help!" So superhob and the sandman join forces, to look for the sand (Hob has a pretty good idea that Jo had some weird magic pouch at one point). Maybe along the way they discuss the whole 1889 misunderstanding. Dream admits that maybe they are friends now. Even if Hob’s superhero identity is kind of cringe.
I quite like the idea of Dream going to hell (and refusing to let Hob come), so while he's gone Hob goes and looks for the Corinthian and a lot of stabbing goes down, but ultimately Hob captures Cori and when Dream comes back, he finds his rogue nightmare bound up with ancient magic while Hob sits on his chest and smiles smugly.
Maybe Superhob is a little more competent than Dream was willing to admit...
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Hey raven, there gonna be a Crowley ssr card (im not joking)
[Referencing this post!]
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RIP Cater 💀 Now he knows how Trey feels whenever his birthday gets overshadowed by Halloween event news…
It’s true what they say, boys (nb). Cope hard enough and your wishes and prayers for NPCs to become actual cards will become a reality… Happened with Rollo, now it’s happening with Crowley—and presumably other NRC Staff. (I wonder if Year 4 of JP anniversary will feature staff in the groovy with Grim??)
IT’S SO FUNNY THAT THEY MADE THE MOST USELESS STAFF MEMBER THE FIRST STAFF CARD 😭 I thought for sure they would “save the best for last” but I guess Crowley isn’t really “the best”, huh… BUT HEY, at least now we can chuck him into battles against OBs and make him be a responsible adult and actually work to earn his coin 💰
I hope we get vignettes and not just furniture for Crowley! It would be cool to have a short story that centers around him, even if it’s just him goofing around and being unproductive. I’ll happily take a day in the life of Crowley anytime!!
I have so many questions about how Crowley would work gameplay-wise?????? ?? ? ? ????? ?? ? I wonder if we’ll be able to make staff members attend class…? But that’s odd, isn’t it?? Why would teachers be studying? And what happens if there’s a situation where like. Crowley is a student but also Crowley crashed in for a Special Lesson segment? Double Crowley?!?!?!?! The Spiderman meme where they point at each other?? Or will staff not be able to attend lessons at all and you just have to feed them materials to level them up outside of class… (You know what, leeching off of resources that the students worked hard to farm is very in-character for Crowley, so if this is the case then I won’t be upset 😂) What about Duo Magic??? Will Crowley actually be able to combo with a student??? Or will it be with Grim or whatever staff card is coming next...?
His card art looks hella cool ✨ It’s really atmospheric but also has a bit of that unique Crowley flair if you notice where exactly he’s seated (on his own damn desk www) while posing so sassily. And is that the word RAVEN literally making up the teeth at the end of his key-like staff????? That’s so Crowley of him…
What I am slightly concerned about is…
***Spoilers for the full Crowley card illustration + book 7 main story below the cut!!!***
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… Why is the composition of Malleus’s Dorm Uniform card and Crowley’s card kinda similar…
Malleus is clearly turned to the side, but the slight worm’s eye view is the same and the lighting is somewhat close (relatively dark)… and both of them are holding staves while sitting. Plus the timing of Crowley dropping mid-book 7… AND sharing elements in Malleus’s Masquerade (Crowley notoriously wears a mask) groovy of all things (similar angle, chandelier overhead)… With the fan theory of Crowley actually being Malleus’s missing dad at an all-time fever pitch in popularity, this has me a little worried (since I personally think the theory doesn’t have a lot of solid proof and leaves a lot to be explained in terms of his actions).
Maybe that’s me overthinking it, but TWST has been known to intentionally do parallel or mirrored designs before (though I’ll admit this instance isn’t as clear cut as previous instances). I’m just pointing out what I see and I’ll leave the final judgment up to you, dear readers! I’m sure the “Crowley is Malleus’s dad” theorists will be in a frenzy picking apart these details www
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twost3ps · 3 months
I saw a au where all of the seven deadly sins and lucifer brothers (expect lucifer) all visted adam at some point in eden and all acted like his guardian angel without each other knowing.
And I found that very funny
Lucifer: I got two girl back in eden and now
Adam look
He bagged them all without him knowing.
That is though how I pictured it anyways god bless 🙌 🙏
Its that Spiderman meme
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
A/n: This as you has sat in my inbox since May 17 😭😭 but we did talk about it and I made an OC
Face claim — Madelyn cline
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Name— Adelaide “Scout” Beaufort
Age — 23 years old
Height — 5’8
Zodiac sign— Taurus ♉️
Birth date — May 17 1998
Place of birth— Beaufort North Carolina
Love interest— Logan Sargent
Eye color— brown
Natural Hair color— brown but died it blond
Job — Hass driver along side Ollie Bearman for 2025
Love trope — strangers to friends to Lovers
Personally type — hardworking, easygoing, creative, appreciative, kind,loyal and strong willed
German shepherd type girlfriend isn’t afraid to tell people to fuck and leave Logan alone.
Speaks — French,Dutch,German, danish, Spanish
Adelaide loves learning to speak different languages it’s one of her hobbies. Zhou and Yuki nearly had an heart attack hearing Adelaide speak their languages.
Loves music and baking
Grid mom Susie Wolff
Grid dad Nico Hülkenberg
Adelaide, Nico H and Kevin Mag often tell each other dad jokes they have a group chat with the other grid dads and they all share jokes with each other.
Cat mom and Turtle/tortoise 
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Spunky the cat Tony the turtle/tortois
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