#its a warm night and im lying in the dark
pl4n · 4 months
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#my art#some bg elements... who am i#once again posting bc i am filled w thoughts and feelings#i feel so nostalgic...#its a warm night and im lying in the dark#the light of my computer glowing blue in the corner#listening to music from my childhood#i was staring at the ceiling.. and i really felt the presense of night and remembered how endless it used to feel#made me wonder#when was the last time i could go to bed without worrying abt the things i should do the next day#i dunno. these days night has felt so burdensome and limiting. so much pressure and so little rest#i remember looking out the window at night and seeing the sky tinted pink with light pollution#honestly i always thought it was beautiful. the whole night was dawn.. and there was so much time to enjoy it#and i would explore all my little thoughts and ideas and worries and fears and wishes#and somehow id fall asleep#idk what i even think about these days#i just stress about the small stupid things and how i need to sleep and how desperate i am to distract myself from that anxiety#so ofc i cant sleep lol#ahh i miss hearing the sound of the train in the middle of the night#i need to work on letting my thoughts flow freely again.. instead of all these controlled thoughts about what i should do and how and when#i can just feel my little brain shrinking from the lack of breath#i miss thinking and reflecting and dreaming and imagining and all that shit#what am i doinggg man#how did i let my head get this clogged up#fuckkkk ok well anyways im glad im having this time in my feels lmfaoo#ahhh i miss going to the beach at night and lying in the sand and seeing the darkness stretched out endlessly and the city lights in the#distance and just talking about anything thru the night without a single worry about sleeping early to go to work or whatever#ahhhhhhhhhhhhh#i miss wasting time pointlessly and enjoying it without being so painfully aware of the time going by#ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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strvberrydoll · 1 month
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Summary: Kidnapped in the middle of the night you’re dragged far away from camp by the ruthless Lemoyne Raiders. Your disappearance a painful wound for Arthur who has to, quite literally, fight for your love back.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
AO3 link
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x f!reader
Content: angst, hurt/comfort (finallyyy !!!) description of gun fight, kidnapping, heavy themes
wc: 5k
a/n: so we’ve finally come to the end of this silly little story. The comfort is finally here woohoo !! I’m actually kinda proud of this chapter because I tried a different approach to writing and idk,, i like it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single one of you who liked Rosemary and filled my days with love, I’ll forever be grateful to all of you. A slightly better version of Rosemary will be posted on my ao3 account along with a new series im writing following John Marston and the reader. The plot for it will be revealed in a few days. As always let me know what you think of this chapter <33 (gif from pinterest)
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The very first thing you noticed was the pain—a sharp, throbbing agony spreading from the back of your head to the front. You winced as you tried to move your hands to support your head but your limbs felt heavy, almost as if you were trying to lift one of Pearson’s flour bags.
Everything was dark. A muffled piercing sound rang through your skull. You blinked, trying to clear your vision, but failing as the pitch darkness of the thick woods clouded your vision. Trying your hardest to get out of your dream-like state you decided to focus your mind on what exactly was happening, the last thing you remembered was your fight with Arthur and taking a walk into the woods outside camp. And then the pain. Oh, the pain was killing you.
You had to go back to camp and ask Reverend Swanson for some medicine.
You once again tried to raise your hands to your head to check for blood but your action, unfortunately, was unsuccessful. And then you felt it. The rough, scratching sensation of rope digging into your wrists. Your arms were bound tightly behind your back, the coarse braided fibers of the rope biting into your skin with every slight movement. Panic flooded your mind, its freezing tide rushing down on you as you realized that you were tied up.
“She’s comin’ to. We better hurry up before she starts and give us trouble,” A low, hoarse voice cut through your panic haze.
From your lying position, what seemed like the figure of a large man could be made out approaching you in the darkness. You felt yourself being hoisted roughly into the air, before you were slung harshly like a sack of potatoes, across something hard. A horse, you judged by the pungent smell of hay that invaded your nostrils. The saddle dug painfully into your side as the animal began to move forward under the command of its rider. The sudden movement made you almost throw up, your head pounding rhythmically with each rapid beat of hooves on the woods ground. You wanted to scream but no sound escaped your throat, the pain in your body too intense. As the horse rode further and further into the woods you could feel your consciousness slowly slip away,
‘Arthur,’ you managed to utter before darkness took over you.
The second time you awoke, it was due to the biting cold of dawn. The sky above was just starting to lighten, the first rays of sunrise penetrating through the dense treetops, coloring everything in pale hues. You were lying on the ground again, your body stiff and muscles aching. You shivered uncontrollably, teeth chattering together, your dress doing a poor job at keeping you warm, as you tried your best to gather your scattered thoughts. The men were still nearby, the sound of their hushed voices mixing with the rustling of leaves blowing in the wind. Despite the overwhelming pain and tiredness you felt washing all over your body you forced yourself to stay awake.
You rolled to the side as best as you could, mud staining the soft colored fabric of your dress and cheeks, trying to find out where they had taken you. You knew you had to think clearly, to find a way out of this nightmare. Your eyes, although blurred, scanned the area in front of you. You were in the Bayou area, the shadow of tall trees and surrounding swamp a dead giveaway of the location and judging by the various bottles of moonshine all over the place, your kidnappers probably took you to an old moonshine distillery camp.
“You sure she’s worth all this trouble?” a high pitched voice asked.
“What, a beauty like her ? Absolutely partner,” another man responded, his tone cruel. “Just keep her quiet until the boss comes back, then we’ll have ourselves a real party,” he added laughing.
Fear gripped your chest like a vise—you could hear footsteps approaching, quick and heavy. Rough hands grabbed you by the shoulders, flipping you over onto your back, your eyes focusing just enough to see the blurred outline of a man’s face looming above you, the bitter smell of liquor and tobacco taking over your senses, the end of his yellow scarf tied around his neck dangling down in front of you. Lemoyne raiders.
“Well, look who’s finally awake,” he muttered, his voice dripping with mockery as he smiled down at you. He took out a small pocket knife from his satchel leaning in closer. The blade flashed in front of your eyes as he lowered it down to your cheek, slowly moving it down towards your neck without breaching your skin.
Your breath caught up in your throat, your chest rising and falling rapidly making you lightheaded as the blade touched the sensitive skin of your neck. Your heart pounded so violently in your chest that it made you physically sick. A strained whimper left your lips as tears welled up in your eyes blurring your vision. You were completely frozen in place, terrified under the man’s knife. The man menacingly laughed at the sound you let out, flashing his yellow teeth at you, satisfaction evident in his cold eyes.
He roughly manhandled you up by your arm, his tight grip leaving dark bruises on your skin as your feet dragged in the mud. The man pushed you inside a decaying wooden cabin, its interior surprisingly worse than the exterior, you noted as you were sat down on a small chair positioned in the corner of the entrance room, far away from the door.
Another man, much smaller than the previous one, grabbed you by your hair lifting your face towards his making you wince.
“You’re gonna stay nice ‘nd quiet Miss,” he said before stuffing your mouth with a dirty piece of cloth, the bitter taste of dirt making you gag.
The two men spared you one last glance, a satisfied expression painting their faces, before leaving the cabin to join their other men outside, locking you in.
––––– ✧ ✦ ✧ –––––
The usual cheerful chirping of birds coming from the trees surrounding Clemens Point camp acted as a morning alarm for Arthur. The chill morning air biting at his exposed ankles, his blanket messily tangled up his torso as a result of the restless night he spent tossing and turning, waiting for you to come back. He knew that following you was the wrong choice. You wanted some space from him and he respected that, but his heart couldn’t help but ache at the missing warmth of your body in his bed. He waited and waited for you, his eyes growing heavy as he rehearsed in his mind all the ways he could make it up to you, until his body succumbed to its tiredness and fell asleep.
Putting on his hat he lazily walked towards the coffee brewer on the campfire near the ladies’ tents, his mind replaying the events of the night. The way you looked at him as if he had just shoved a knife into your chest, your pretty eyes bloodshot and puffy from the constant crying. Your trembling form making its way out of your shared tent hunting his mind like a vengeful ghost. He loathed himself for that. It was his damn fault. He had to make it right and he’d do anything to take all the pain he caused away.
Sure you had slept with the girls since you never made it back to your tent last night, he expected to find you chatting away with Tilly as the both of you usually prefered to start early on your morning chores, his steps carrying him with a determined aura, but once he made it in front of the ladies’ tents you were not there. His face scrunched up in confusion as a small glimmer of concern planted its root in his head. That same glimmer grew rapidly as he darted his eyes around camp seeing no signs of your presence.
“Arthur,” the gentle sound of Abigail’s voice snapped him out of his turmoil.
“Abigail, hi.” he answered absently, eyes still scanning the camp’s grounds in hope of catching a glimpse of you.
“Look, I don’t want to be nosy but is everything alrigh’ between you two ? I heard you two yelling last night, she was pretty shaken up before you arrived”
“Yes, no—I don’t know. We had an argument, and she didn’t sleep in our bed last night. Can't blame her really, but I can’t seem to find her,” he explained, concern radiating out of every fiber in his body “Have you seen her ?”
“No, not since last night. Maybe she just needs some time alone” she reassured, placing her hand on his shoulder. The gesture soothing his worried thoughts.
“Yeah maybe you’re righ—“ Arthur didn’t get to finish his sentence as the cutting voice of Leopold Strauss interrupted him.
“Herr Morgan, Herr Morgan. Busy, my friend ?” The Austrian man approached him, a folded piece of paper in hand.
Arthur's shoulders dropped. He dreaded working for Strauss, but the older man was persistent, always ready with another fella to squeeze dry for some cash. Sure, the money helped keep the gang afloat, put food on the table, and clothes on the backs of the women and children, but the work, well, the work was dirty. It was the kind of work that gnawed at a man’s conscience.
“What is it now,” Arthur turned to face him, Abigail excusing herself, patting his back before leaving to wake Jack up. Strauss handed him the piece of paper, fortunately for Arthur only one name was scribbled down. ‘Gwyn Hughes’
“He’s an undertaker in Rhodes, he shouldn’t be giving you any trouble but he’s a slippery fellow. Just scare him and collect the debt” he explained. Arthur sighed accepting the job, wondering when all this loan sharking business would come to an end. You always hated when he’d go out dealing with Strauss’ business, saying how the gang should steal from the rich to help the poor and not steal from the poor to help the poor. He knew deep down inside of him you were right, but unfortunately money is money and with the gang’s situation looking far from good, every single cent counted.
He put the paper in his satchel before walking towards the hitching post, his gaze falling on your Tennessee Walker before mounting his horse.
“Oi english!” Sean called out from his lookout post “you look like shit this mornin’”
“Yeah well, don’t I always,” Arthur groaned before signaling his horse to move forward.
The collection of the debt turned out stranger than Arthur ever imagined. As it turned out Gwyn Hughes, the debtor, planned to pay back his debt by robbing a woman’s grave and as if that wasn’t enough he tasked Arthur to clear the cemetery and eventually stop the people from coming in. By noon, Arthur left Rhodes with a diamond brooch, a few bruises on his face and a confused conscience.
He returned to camp exhausted, his body and mind heavy, the dirty work weighed heavily on him as he hitched his horse near camp. All he wanted now was to see you, hear the sweet sound of your voice, even if you’d yell at him. He just wanted to see you. But as he ventured inside the camp, the usual hum of chatter was gone, the atmosphere heavy. Something was off. Abigail and Sadie were the first to come up to him, Abigail face pale while Sadie scanned around camp anxiously.
“Arthur,” the brunette called out, her voice rising with an edge of worry as they hurried towards him. “She ain’t been back”
Arthur’s heart skipped a beat “Wha—What do you mean she ain’t been back ? Nobody’s seen her ?”
“Last time I saw her was last night, I was on lookout and saw her headin’ out towards the woods, thought she was goin’ for a walk” Sadie explained, her expression filled with worry. “I asked ‘round camp and no one has seen her today”
His stomach dropped as numerous possibilities of what could’ve happened to you flashed through his mind. Without muttering a word to the two women, Arthur stormed over to Dutch’s tent, the latter standing outside talking to Hosea about the recent developments on the Gray-Braithwaite situation. The moment they saw Arthur approaching their conversation dissolved, the look on his face signaling them that something was off.
“What’s the matter Arthur ?” Dutch asked, concern dancing in his eyes.
“It’s about her, she went out last night and no one has seen her since” he explained, his voice strained. Dutch expression hardened
“You think something happened to her ?”
“I do, yeah”
“Alright then better move quickly, Charles! Bill !” Dutch called, his voice reverberating across the camp calling out the two men. “Arthur’s Miss is missing. I want you two to go out with him, see if you can track her down. The others, I want all eyes on the perimeters of camp, if she comes back you holler. Nobody moves from camp.”
Charles, who had been crafting some poisonous arrows near by the campfire, quickly dropped his task as he listened to what happened. He quickly gathered all his gear and began to move towards the horses, Bill just a few paces behind him.
“We’ll find her, Arthur. She’s gonna be okay” Hosea consoled him, but the older man's words did little to calm Arthur’s racing heart.
Within minutes, the three men were mounted on their horses and heading into the woods where Sadie had last seen you. Arthur’s mind was racing, a dangerous storm of fear and anger bubbling beneath the surface. He couldn’t lose you, not like this. Not after everything that happened.
The woods were dense, the tall trees casting deep shadows that made it difficult to see much of anything, but luckily Charles was an expert tracker, the hunter’s keen eyes scanning every inch of the ground for any sign of you.
After what felt like an eternity for Arthur, Charles held up his hand, signaling the other two men to stop. He dismounted Taima and crouched down, examining something on the ground. Arthur quickly joined him, his breath catching in his throat as he saw what his friend had found.
It was her bracelet, the golden one he had gifted you for your first anniversary. The small wristlet laid in the dirt, the delicate chain now broken. Arthur felt the whole world crashing down on him as he picked it up, his hands shaking in a mix of anger and fear.
––––– ✧ ✦ ✧ –––––
As the hours dragged on, you struggled to stay alert. The pain in your head had dulled to a persistent ache, but every muscle in your body screamed in protest with every small movement. Your wrist burned, blood dripping down your hands as you tried to wriggle them out of your ropes, the process slow and agonizing, but you could feel the ropes loosening further and further. You just needed to grit your teeth through the pain. The men had become less concerned about you, talking and drunkenly laughing amongst themselves, making you nauseous at their inhumanity.
Then a man entered the cabin, followed by two others behind him. He was tall and well built, his hairline receding leaving his hair to hang awkwardly on the sides. By the way he dragged himself around you deduced he was their leader. He crouched down beside you, his face dangerously close to yours, his breath fanning in your face making you scrunch your nose at the rancid smell of his breath. He reached out to check your ropes, tightening them furthermore, the action causing bolts of pain to shoot through your body.
“What was a pretty lady like yourself doing all alone in the woods mh?” He took out the now drenched piece of cloth out of your mouth. You swallowed, feeling your dry throat burning at the action.
You couldn’t muster the strength to respond. Your head lolled to the side as the man stepped back, a sinister grin plastered on his face. Then a harsh, stinging sensation hit your cheek.
“I said what were you doing all alone in the woods, slut” Tears welled in your eyes, both from the pain and the hopelessness of your situation. Your thoughts kept drifting back to Arthur. You had to hold on, had to find a way to escape, if not for yourself, then for him. He would come for you—you knew it deep down in your heart, but you needed to survive until then.
––––– ✧ ✦ ✧ –––––
Arthur’s eyes burned with anger and fear. He clenched his fists around the bracelet, his mind racing. “She was here,” Charles said quietly, his voice grim. “And she wasn’t alone. Look at these tracks, it seems like there was a struggle. She was taken.”
“By who?” asked Bill.
Charles pointed his finger to the ground, where the faint outline of various boot prints led away from their spot. “Judging by the tracks, it looks like a group of men. Three, maybe four. Could be Lemoyne Raiders. They must’ve grabbed her and taken her somewhere nearby. At this point the only place near is the old moonshine distillery.”
Arthur’s blood ran cold at the thought of you in the hands of the Raiders. The Lemoyne Raiders were known for their brutality, his encounter a few weeks prior with Sadie confirmed their reputation. The thought of what they could be doing to you filled him with a rage so intense it nearly consumed him.
“We find their hideout, and we get her out,” Arthur said through gritted teeth, already mounting up on his horse “I’m gonna kill all them goddamned bastards. I don’t care what it takes.”
Mounting their horses they followed the tracks, the three men riding fast through the woods. Thankfully it hadn’t rained so the trail was still clearly visible. It led them deeper into the Bayou region, the trees growing thicker and the air heavier with humidity and tension.
Finally, after what felt like hours, they spotted the moonshine distillery through the trees. It was a crumbling mess of buildings, half-hidden by the vegetation in the shadows, but there was no mistaking it. A few horses were tethered outside, and faint light flickered from the windows of an old cabin.
Arthur’s heart pounded as he dismounted. Charles and Bill followed him as they hid behind a crumbled stone wall, his hand instinctively reaching for his gun. Their eyes scanned the area, there was a man guarding the horses while a group of five others were sitting near by the campfire, drinking and laughing with each other. He exchanged a quick glance with Bill and Charles. This was it. They’d kill those bastards outside, storm the cabin, take out anyone who stood in their way, and get you out of there.
“Let’s go, I’ll take that guard near the horses out” Bill whispered, his voice steady with resolve. He made quick work of killing the guard, his knife glimmering just a second in the light before settling into the man’s neck. Charles and Arthur joined Bill in action. Arthur was the first to shoot his gun, the bullet piercing clean through one of the men’s chest. Then all hell broke loose.
Bullets went flying as the Lemoyne Raiders spotted them, the air filled with smoke and gunpowder as both sides fought violently. Their position didn’t offer too much cover, the Lemoyne Raiders, although drunk, fought hard, their guns never stopping. A stray bullet scraped Arthur’s arm but that didn’t stop him as he barely registered it. His mind was singularly focused on one thing—getting to you before it was too late. And in just a few minutes Arthur, Charles and Bill managed to take down all five men outside. Moving quickly out of their cover they reached the front of the cabin, and with a nod from Arthur, they burst through the door.
Chaos erupted as they stormed inside. The few Lemoyne Raiders inside the cabin barely had time to react before Bill and Charles opened fire, cutting them down where they stood. Arthur moved with deadly precision, his eyes scanning the room for any sign ofyou. And then he saw you, tied to a chair in the corner of the room, your face bruised, wrist bloody but alive. You were alive
The last of the Raiders fell as Arthur rushed to your side, his hands quickly working to untie the ropes that bound you so tightly. Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of his voice, you thought this was just your mind playing tricks but tears welled up in your eyes falling rapidly down your face when you realized it wasn’t your mind playing tricks, it was really him. Arthur had found you.
“Arthur,” you barely whispered, your voice hoarse and weak.
“Shh, I’ve got you,” Arthur murmured, his voice shaking as he finally freed you from the chair. He quickly checked you for more injuries before pulling you into his arms, holding you tightly as if he’d never let go. “I’ve got you sweetheart. You’re safe now.” You were still in shock from the whole ordeal, overwhelmed by the mix of emotions—fear from the attack, but also a deep, undeniable relief that Arthur was there with you. In this moment you both forgot your fight, your mixed feelings and both held each other, the intensity of the moment washing over you. You held each other for a few seconds longer before separating. A strange turmoil of emotion took over you as you looked around the room seeing the body of your kidnappers unmoving on the ground. Unable to look at them a second more you diverted your attention back to the group of outlaws in front of you.
The first who broke the silence that fell around you was Bill, awkwardly clearing his throat before adding “We need to get movin’ all this gunfight definitely caught someone’s attention”
Arthur offered his hand to you and you took it, using it as leverage to get yourself up to your feet. Your vision spotting for a second before coming back. You didn’t find in your heart to let go of his hand, his warm skin offering you peace. They escorted you out towards the horses. Arthur helping you up on his before sitting behind you, his strong arms holding you tightly to his chest giving you support. The last thing you felt was Arthur chaste kiss on your temple before you let yourself fall asleep.
––––– ✧ ✦ ✧ –––––
The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm orange glow over the camp as the day slowly faded into night. The air was cool, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the trees surrounding your tent. Inside the tent, the air was still, heavy with unspoken words and lingering tension.
You were finally out of the cot after three days of recovery. The girls had come to check up on you in the morning, bringing you a mug of coffee and a pack of chocolate biscuits Mary Beth had managed to steal from the general store. The pain had dulled, your wounds were slowly healing, but the ache in your heart was still fresh, raw from everything that had happened. Arthur had barely left your side the entire time, his presence a constant, quiet comfort, but the words exchanged between you could count on your fingers. The silence between you two was loaded, filled with everything unsaid, with everything that had been tearing at you long before the kidnapping.
The both of you were now in your shared tent, you sat on the edge of the bed absently tracing the edge of an empty tin cup of peaches with your fingers. The room felt suffocating, but you knew you couldn’t keep avoiding this conversation any longer. The memory of those letters, the sight of Arthur and Mary together in Rhodes, his lies. it all still stung, a wound that hadn’t yet healed.
Arthur was seated on the small chair at the foot of the bed, his head hung low, hands toying with the rope that wrapped around his worn hat, face brim as if bracing himself for what was to come. He had watched over you, cared for you, over the past three days but there was a palpable distance between you two now that neither of you could ignore. You could see the lines of worry etched into his face, the guilt that had been gnawing at him for days.
Finally, you broke the silence. Your voice barely above a whisper “Arthur, we need to talk.”
He looked up at you, his aqua eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and something else, something that made your heart ache more at his sight. “I know,” he replied quietly, his voice rough and tired from the last couple sleepless nights. “I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout what happened, before all this mess.”
You took a deep breath, gathering the strength you needed to confront him, to confront the hurt that had been tearing at your heart. “You lied to me, Arthur. About the letters, about Mary. About everything.”
He winced at your words, the truth of them hitting him hard. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said, his voice thick with regret. “I thought—I thought if I didn’t tell you, it would hurt less. That it wouldn’t matter, ‘cause it was supposed to be nothin’. But it was a mistake. I should’ve been honest with you from the start.”
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, the pain of those memories sharp like the ghost of the tip of the Lemoyne Raider’s knife on your neck. “I saw you two together, Arthur. In Rhodes. You both looked so happy. It felt like, like my worst fears were coming true. Like I was losing you.”
Arthur stood up slowly, taking a tentative step in front of you. His hand reached out, but he stopped mid air, hesitating as if he wasn’t sure if he had the right to touch you. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you,” he repeated, his voice thick with emotion. “Mary, she just needed help after the passing of her husband. She didn’t have anyone else to turn to and I didn’t have the guts to shut her down. So I helped her. I didn’t want to drag you into it ‘cause I didn’t want you to worry.”
You looked up at him, searching his face for the truth. “But you lied, Arthur. And that hurt more than anything.”
He nodded, his expression pained. “I know. I know, and I’m sorry. I just didn’t want to make things worse between us. But I can see now that I did that anyway by not bein’ honest.” A tear slipped down your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away, trying to keep your composure. “I love you, Arthur. But I can’t live like this, I can’t live wondering if there’s something you’re not telling me, if there’s a part of you that’s still with her.”
Arthur’s face scrunched with regret. “There ain’t. I swear to you, there ain’t. She’s from another life, a life I walked away from a long time ago. Jt’s you I love darlin’. It’s always been you.”
You looked down at the tin cup in your hands the juice residue sloshing as you toyed with the cup, your fingers trembling with the heavy weight of your next decision. “I don’t know if I can just forget what happened Arthur, it hurt too much.”
He stepped closer, this time his hand gently cupped your cheek, tilting your face up to meet his gaze. “I don’t expect you to forget. All I’m askin’ you is to try. Try give us another chance. I’ll do better, I swear it. I’ll be honest with you, about everything. No more secrets.”
His touch was warm as his thumb stroked your cheek, comforting you and despite the hurt, you couldn’t deny that bright flame of love that still burned inside of you for him. You met his eyes, seeing the sincerity, the sheer desperation in them. He made a stupid mistake of thinking for you, but he was now acknowledging his mistake, he was willing to try and be a better man for you, a man you could see your future into.
You let your tears fall freely now as you nodded, your voice barely a whisper. “I want to try, Arthur. I want to believe in you, in us again.”
He kneeled down to your height and held you into his arms, holding you close as you cried against his chest, the tension of the past days finally breaking down. His hand gently stroked your hair, his voice a low murmur of comfort in your ear.
“We’ll make it work, I promise. We’ll get through this.”
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vikuo-kuma · 8 months
Rabbit problem
A/N: Not gonna lie, this thought really just popped into my small feeble brain so enjoy while I work on a request— I also tried to keep the character as cannon as possible.
Walking around the school, Y/N hadn't have a thought that came to their mind. They looked around the school, seeing students conversing with each other and having the time of their lives. This particular day didn't really seem to be as chaotic as they thought. As they thought—
Y/N had decided to take their walk outside, wandering around the forest nearby the school. It was still really calming. Feeling the warm breeze blowing against their hair, smelling the sweet scent of flowers within the wind. The sun was still high above in the sky, along with the fluffy white clouds. They hummed in satisfaction at the natural surroundings of the forest. However, something had caught their attention. Y/N eyed the bush beside them, being on guard just in case it was something dangerous.
They took out their wand, ready to attack, but it was just a rabbit. It seemed injured, and holding a stick in its mouth. Y/N looked at it blankly, the rabbit seemed to have dual colored fur, dark green and yellow. The rabbit looked very familiar to Y/N, as they continued to observe it even closer. The dual colored rabbit instinctively backed away, but that didn't stopped Y/N from coming closer. "Poor thing, here..", they started to heal the rabbits wound with their magic. The rabbit seemed to have loosened up a little and hopped closer to Y/N.
"... you are so fluffy and adorable", Y/N picked up the rabbit into their arms. They started to scratch the rabbits little head, but it hit Y/N's finger away coldly. "Ow, you're starting to remind me of someone", glaring at the rabbit who had hit their finger away. It seems to look away suspiciously, avoiding all eye contact with Y/N.
"Eh, I'm still gonna keep you though. Im gonna name you Ray", they began to walk back to school, with the dual colored rabbit in their hands. The rabbit stared at Y/N with a stern expression. "While on the topic of names, I haven't seen Rayne around the school today", Y/N questioned, walking back towards the building.
While in their arms, the rabbit looked at them with a judging look, almost as if it could understand what they were saying. But they ignored the rabbit's intense gaze, and arrived at the school's building. "I think you and Rayne would be best friends", Y/N randomly commented, as they walked through the corridors of the school.
They finally reached their dorm room with the rabbit in arms. "There you go Ray", Y/N placed it down on their fluffy bed. "You must be hungry, I'mma go check if there's any carrots around", Y/N walked out of the room, wand still in their hand. The dual colored rabbit finally dropped the stick from its mouth, the small animal still had a cold expression on its face.
"Alright! I'm finally back", entering the room with carrots in their hands. Y/N saw the rabbit lying on one of their pillows, with its snout dug into it. They looked very confused, after all they weren't a rabbit expert. "Well I guess it's very sleepy?", taking a wild guess, but ignored it anyways. "It is getting dark", they said looking out the windows. "Eh, good night little rabbit", giving the dual colored rabbit a small kiss on the head. Going towards the bathroom to start on their night routine, Y/N finally finished and laid beside the sleeping rabbit.
Unsuspectingly, the rabbit woke up while Y/N was still asleep. Crawling closer to their face, the dual colored rabbit kissed the sleeping person directly on the lips. The small animal went back to sleep, letting the spell slowly break.
It was morning and Y/N started to wake up from their slumber, however, they felt something warm holding them. They blinked, a couple of times, trying to register what position they were in. Looking up, they saw the missing magic user, Rayne, sleeping away peacefully.
Huh- what
Y/N pinched themselves, thinking that they were dreaming.
Nope, definitely awake.
They pinched themselves once again, thinking that they didn't pinch hard enough. Before Y/N could do it again, someone grabbed them by their arm. "Stop doing that", a voice grumbled, it was quite deep due to it being the morning. Rayne had awakened from his sleep, looking down at Y/N. Their face flushed red, Holy crap this is real.
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prettyboykatsuki · 9 months
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no need to thank me, yours for the taking | shadowheart
✮ tags ; dom + gender-neutral reader, sub!shadowheart, established relationship, first time subbing / bottoming, some bratting, praise, rope-play, foreplay, fingering, squirting, 18
✮ wc ; 3.5k
✮ synopsis ; shadowheart isn't like this with just anyone. but you make it all too easy to be on her knees
✮ a/n ; hello!! this is for a lovely commissioner who i will keep anon!! please be kind abt my shadowheart characterization its my first time but im firm in believing shes a soft brat. title from lyk dis by Nxworries !!
minor spoilers for her story but very vague!!
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You’ve never gone back on your word. 
Sharran practice, to Shadowheart, is a lie within itself. There is more to life than darkness, than pain, than obsidian night. Sharran practice does not promote the practices of deceit. But the territory of secrecy, concealment, is that lying is common practice. A beautiful, painful, empty lie. 
And of course, her goddess herself, lied to Shadowheart about her own existence for her entire life. She almost expects it now. That someone she loves so dearly will lie to her, and that everything will be pulled from her feet once again. 
You don’t lie to Shadowheart, though. Never about anything important. She believes you when you tell her you love her. Or when you say you won’t leave. Or when you say that you don’t mind adopting more animals, or tending to the gardens or having her parents over for dinner. 
When the wound on her hand burns hotly, you always hold it for her. When you tell Shadowheart you want to take care of her, she wants to believe you. 
It’s hard though. The intimacy makes it harder. The vulnerability of touch, pleasure frightens her - so she instead reverts to old practices of having you listen to her every word. She takes and takes and takes, on her own terms and you don’t mind. 
But because you don’t lie, you always tell her - that you’d like to take care of her just once. That you’d prefer to take the lead and make her feel good, if she’d let you. You’d like to try it with her, and her reply is always cheeky and deflective. 
If Shadowheart was more capable of honesty, she might’ve told you she wanted it earlier. It’s too hard, so you don’t push her. Except, she sees you among the large Rothe with your sleeves pushed to your elbows, and sweat down your brows. There, you’re just as gentle and thoughtful as always, and the sun shines down like it was always yours.
Strangely, it’s what makes her want to admit it to herself. That she wants you to touch her the way you always talk about. It’s unlike her to be timid, where she’s usually so coy - but it’s different with this in particular.
(She wonders, is it easy for anyone? To admit that they want to be adored? She finds herself envious of that kind of person.) 
So she admits it to you, and because you’re always honest - you smile and kiss and thank her. Trap her in your arms and don’t let her squirm away from your touch as you tell her over and over that you’ll be so good to her. 
She believes you. 
If she didn’t, there’s no way she’d be here for you like this. 
The soft glow of candlelight casts a golden hue on your face, your expression tight from focus. Her chest feels warm and achy looking at you through the mirror. 
“Is tying me up really necessary?” She presses. You look up at her through your lashes with a smile that seems smarmy.
“You’ll try to get your way if I don’t.” You reply, so nonchalant about the accusation she’s offended by it. Nearly. The slight lift in your brow, the smugness of knowing you’re right, sends her somewhere else though. 
Her heart races at your touch, more now than before. She’s naked beside her panties, skin hot to the touch. Her nipples are hard, a lust pooling in her stomach as you ignore her pout and go back to your rope work. She pushes back on your claim once her nerves settle again. 
“What? Are you afraid I’ll take it back from you?” She taunts. 
This time, your smile is soft and gentle. 
“No. Not at all.” 
You slide your fingers through the rope cuffs behind her that you’ve managed to tie only looking once. Her frown deepens and you laugh, standing in front of her and reaching towards her to wipe the crease in between her brows. 
“Too tight?” 
She shakes her head again, perplexed at all the ways you touch her. She doesn’t dislike it. She just doesn’t know what to expect. There are rules and she can stop when it’s too much. She knows all of that. The most nerve wracking part is how unreadable you feel. How you know her intimately enough to know she wants to fight with you. 
That you’re confident enough about her mannerisms that you don’t think she’d win. It sends butterflies swarming in her abdomen, heat running across every ridge of her spine. She glances at you now with a keen awareness of her position. Naked, vulnerable, helpless. Her breath hitches as the anxious feeling sparks. 
Then you call her. 
“Breathe, my heart,” You murmur, so carefully it startles her. She’s never like this. Not with anyone. No such person has existed that’s made her want to be like this. “You’re safe with me.” 
Your eyes lock, and there’s so much tenderness in your gaze her stomach twists again even tighter. She’d whimper if she was dazed enough to make the sound. 
“Will you let me take care of you?” 
She rolls her eyes. She’s all too aware of how petulant it is, but she can’t bring herself to stop. You don’t reprimand her. 
“As if you need to ask.” 
“Of course I do. I want to hear you say it,” Your reply is firm. Stern, maybe - if you’re capable of such a thing. You step closer to her, your eyes meeting. “Tell me you want me to take care of you,” 
It feels like an impossible ask. The fire in your gaze cuts away at whatever is left of her bratting. She’s only seen you be so serious when you were cutting down fiends on your journey together. Your hand slips against her waist, palm against her stomach with your fingers starting to grip tight. You lean in close to her, still looking. She wavers. 
“I want,” Your hand reaches up for her face, cupping her cheek as she talks. She doesn’t know what aspect of it is more humiliating. The way she’s folding underneath the pressure or the restless excitement that follows the sound of your voice when you talk to her like that. Kind, always, but demanding too. “I want you to take…care of me,” 
You smile at her, press your lips to her forehead and pepper them all along her face with a brilliant smile. Your hand secures around the nape of her neck, tilting her head up to look at you
“Wasn’t too hard, was it? My good girl,” Your foreheads brush. Immediately the rope gets in the way of everything. She wants to hug you, and maybe you’re aware because your smile goes characteristically tender again “You look like you want to cling onto me,” 
In this state, she can’t hide away. She tucks her chin. 
“Where’s your discretion? Don’t say it so blatantly,” 
“It’s cute,” You offer her, as if that makes it any better. “Not yet. When I’ve gone and made you ditzy enough to whine about it, I’ll let you.”
After that, you kiss her. You use both hands to cup her face this time, and Shadowheart lets herself melt into it. Your breath is faint with the taste of wine, tongue sweet and aching as you kiss her slow and deep. All you do is kiss her, but you’ve never kissed her like this before. She’d remember something so salacious. You lead her through it, guide her with pace and practice. The rope around her wrists feel tighter, even though they’re not. Bound behind her back, exposed to you. 
So little between you and she’s already aching to touch you.
“You have to be patient,” It’s like you read her mind, your nose brushing with hers “Patient and obedient and good. Can you be good?” 
She stares at you when you talk. She can’t help but be pulled into your pace. 
“...Hmph. I can be…good,”  
“Mm,” You sit on the edge of the bed with your legs spread, and Shadowheart turns to watch you. There’s just enough room for her to seat herself between your legs. The message is clear immediately, as you pat your inner thigh expectantly and smile. She feels her whole body go flush with embarrassment “Sit. With your back towards me, okay?” 
She debates it for a while. You look so sincere towards her, so kind. Walking slowly towards you, she turns and sits down between your legs. Her bound arms and back hit your chest as you pull her closer, your hands immediately go around to her chest. You cup her tits from behind, your chin resting on her shoulder as you squeeze the soft flesh between your fingers. 
Your hands are burning, calloused from wielding weapons. In a low murmur, your voice brushes against the shell of her ear again. Whispery and soft like willows.
“Good girl,” You praise, kissing the space between her neck and shoulders. “You’re so beautiful. No wonder the gods fought over you.” 
Your fingers brush over her nipples, and Shadowheart finds herself arching. It’s the first touch that’s been direct where she needs it. You rub circles, pinching and rolling as she starts to squirm as your lips press against her shoulder. Her body pricks with heat, every nerve on fire as she starts to feel the dull thrum of lust pooling in her belly. 
So little has happened yet, but her head feels light. More. She wants more of you. 
The voice of greed in the back of her mind is so new it scares her, but your touch distracts her from the swarm of thoughts threatening to topple everything over. Dexterous fingers make goosebumps appear all along her skin. 
“Aah,” She moans and shudders, her hands tightening where they’re restrained. “Ngh,” 
“You’re so sensitive here,” Your  voice is awe filled. “How cute,” 
It’s too much focus. Concentrated touches on the tender, hardened buds are enough to make her mind go haywire. They’re a part of her body you’ve always liked, keeping your mouth latched onto them no matter what position you’re in. You already know how euphoric it makes her feel, and your touch goes on forever. Toying with them, precious and sensitive, as the feeling starts coming to a steady incline Her clit is throbbing against the seam of her panties. The rest of her body begs for more attention. Instinctively, she closes her legs to relieve the pressure, but you’re quick to stop her. 
“You don’t get to decide that, remember,” You remind her, your leg locking hers from crossing. She swears loudly. “If you want something, you ask me.”
“Is it not obvious what I want?”
“Good girls ask politely.” You remind.
“As if I’d answer something so —aah, apparent,”
Your hand reaches up to turn her head, a hand on her throat as you force her to look at you. Your grip isn’t tight. Your eyes lock with hers, barely an inch of space between you. You have that serious look again. She almost rescinds it but she’s too stubborn to let it go. 
“Then sit and take what I give you.” You state, voice dressed with steel. There’s unmistakable care in them, but they make it clear that you expect Shadowheart to do more than listen. You expect her to behave.  “You have two options. You can ask politely, for something. Or you’ll sit and take just as much as I give you. Is that clear?” 
She wriggles against your lap, squirming aimlessly for some kind of friction. Shadowheart is strong but you’re stronger, more agile - and any attempt at taking what she wants is shot down just as quickly. She lays her head against your shoulder, struggling to look up at you. She pouts and remains silently. 
Your hands have graduated to a soft massage of her tits, not even giving her direct attention. Her frown deepens. 
“You’re—why aren’t you touching me at all?” 
You’re quick to reply. 
“Because you haven’t answered me. What do you want to do?” 
It dawns on her too late that you intend to abide by these rules so strictly. She’s lost her stamina for this kind of endurance because of you, Sharran torment be damned. The fact you’d make her wait troubles her. You always give her what she asks for, in everything. The muscle memory to keep herself together has degraded, made her weak to your touch, more than normal. She’s not like this. 
“You’re serious.” She says, less than asks. 
She can feel your cheeky smile against her shoulder. You slide your hand down the plane of her body before settling between her legs, middle fingers going over the cottony fabric. Shadowheart shivers, laying against you.
“I want you to,” Her voice isn’t much more than a croak “I want you to touch me down…there.” 
“Say please,” 
“You—!,” She closes her eyes in mild exasperation before sighing “Please.” 
“Good girl,” You praise affectionately “You’re pink all the way up to your ears. How sweet,” 
“Would you please shut up?” 
There’s no response to her words. You use your hands to tuck into the waistband of her underwear, dragging them off. Shadowheart uses her remaining unbound limbs to help you. Naked with her legs spread over your lap, her heart races as your hand rests on her tummy. You angle downwards, covering her whole sex. You dig your palm against her clit with barely there friction - an involuntary whimper leaving her lips. 
You have a stunning amount of control over your movements, well practiced with every angle of her body. She’s made you that way, but she never thought it would be so easily used against her.
You tease like that in fair strokes. Your other hand cups the front of her throat, dragging your thumb along the thumping pulse of her heart. You’re kind enough not to say anything about how loudly it thumps, how shaky she’s breathing. Shadowheart makes a soft noise of want as your fingers drag through her sticky folds. Gathering her arousal on the tips of your fingers until you stop at her clit. She’s throbbing so much it’s painful, wet enough that it’s pooling underneath her tacky sheets. Embarrassing.
She gasps at the slow, smooth circles you rub her clit with. Familiar and controlled, a warm feeling of pleasure starts to spread through her stomach. Her head feels light, fluttery as she drops herself even further into you. 
She wants more. This time though, she’s hyper aware of the fact she has to ask or you won’t give her more than this. She wants to cum and she wants it to be hard and fast. She just wants you in some unmanageable way. 
“Your fingers,” She manages through a broken wheeze “Please. I want your hands, please.” 
Your pause before laughing good naturedly at her. She swears under her breath. 
“Stand up and turn around, baby.” 
She huffs about it unhappily, but listens because the ache that’s starting to form is proving to be too much to fight against. You move yourself around and make room for her to sit in your lap again, this time facing you. She gets the message quickly enough, turns and straddles you on shaky legs. You use your hands to guide her in the position you want her in, hips held up enough for you to sneak your hand underneath her. 
“You’re being such a good girl now,” You tease “Did you finally reach your breaking point?” 
Her voice is clipped, comes out as a hard whine. She wants to wrap her arms around your neck and hold you. She wants to move freely but she can’t. And it’s hard. Cumbersome. She’s not at her breaking point, but her neediness is finally outweighing her embarrassment. It’s the way you exercise your authority that’s making all of it too hard.
“No,” She mumbles, as bashful as someone like her could even be “But…touch me,” 
“Of course, my love.” 
Shadowheart lets her eyelids droop when she feels your hands again. You cover your fingers in saliva as you settle underneath her sex. Your fingers are thicker and longer than hers. They feel different at this angle. You start with your middle finger. Shadowheart braces for entrance as she feels you push inside her tight hole. Your hand is steady and slow as you slow inch your first finger into her. They’re cool compared to the tight, wet heat of her cunt. She’s so turned on there’s hardly any resistance. Your middle finger curls as it bottoms out, down to the knuckle as you pause and let her get adjusted to the sensation. It doesn’t last long, patience wearing thin - she moans out for you, another muffled please.
You listen to her, at least. You give her another finger, your ring finger this time - repeat the process. Fucking her slow and deep until you’ve reached our knuckle, letting her hole stretch out around you and pumping inside until there’s no longer and resistance at all. 
“More?” You ask. Shadowheart trembles and nods her head. 
You give her another one, your pointer - and that’s finally what makes her feel full. She shakes in your grasp as you secure her waist with your free hand. The roundest part of your palm pushes up against her sex, clit throbbing as her head gets light. She’s so stretched out. You curl your fingers inside her, pressing and searching until you hit the right spot. 
She moans brokenly as soon as you find it. Your fingers curl against the spongy area, silken walls clamping down and pulsing on your hand. 
You kiss her sternum, angling to take one of her tits in your mouth as you start to find a rhythm. Shadowheart leans in naturally, letting more of her weight fall on you. She can feel the heat start to prick against her skin as you find a pace to fingerfuck her with. You start gently at least, giving her time to adjust. 
When you hit a rhythm, you’re no longer so gentle. Your fingers fuck her open ruthlessly, her cunt made a wet mess from arousal. The room fills with the sound of it, making her body flush with embarrassment. Pleasure starts to overwhelm her, the sound of her own voice lost in the vulgarity of your touch. Her body rocks slowly, abdomen clenched as her body starts to tense up. Little jolts of unabashed pleasure start to rack up into full waves of need. 
Her head feels heavy, tongue too big for her mouth. Drawn out and winded up to the point it’s painful, the actual full touch is as overwhelming as it is good.
“I’m gonna—it’s,” 
You click your teeth. “Not until you ask sweet girl,” 
Shadowheart feels like she could nearly cry. God, you’re awful like this. She doesn't’ hate it though. 
“Fuck, please. P-please let me cum, please.” 
“Good girl. My good girl. You can cum. Cum for me.” You praise low before latching yourself back to her tits, turning the pleasure all the way up and keeping pace.
She doesn’t just cum. Something else comes rushing out, a hot stream squirting all along the bed. It gets on your clothed skin, all over your body as a wave of relief overwhelms her top to bottom. She goes taut like a bowstring, orgasm ripping through her like a knife as she cums hard enough she screams. It feels like it goes on forever. Her body trembles and pulses as you fuck her through it, only stopping when she starts to come down. 
Before she gains awareness of her surroundings, she feels your sticky hands go back and around to her wrists - skillfully undoing the knot without even having to look. When her hands are finally free, the first thing she does is wrap them around your neck and hold you as she collapses her weight into your lap. 
“You alright there, my love? You with me?” 
“Hn,” She mumbles, nuzzling her face against your shoulder “I’m… fine. Just a little tired.” 
“You’re stubborn to the very end, aren’t you? Your arms feel alright? No pain?” 
“Just sore,” She replies, and a little less lucidly “Gods that felt so good. I didn’t know you had that in you. I didn’t know I had that in me.” 
You laugh heartily at her observation, but choose not to embarrass her. “That’s good. And I always knew you did. You did so well, my love.” 
She pulls away, doe eyed and no longer able to care about how embarrassing it is. 
“I want more,” She says, keeping back a wince at that whine in her own voice “I want to make you feel good, too.” 
You smile, rubbing her back. 
“Should I spoil you then and let you?” 
She nods silently, mind absent of her usual wit - overwhelmed with want for you. 
“Get on your knees then for me, baby.” 
And she does, almost too quick. She watches you, green eyes lidded with lust as you undo the top button of your pants and beckon her closer. 
“Come here and eat.” 
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beansboop · 8 months
after the tour - julien baker x reader
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okay, so this is my first time writing for Julien. its just something small and was just an idea ive had in my head for a couple days. I know only a few people who write for Julien (i love their work) so I thought maybe I could start writing for her and even the other members of boygenius too! but anyways I hope this is good and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it :)
summary - Julien has been on tour for a while now and all she wants to do is be with the person she loves most. you.
rating - none
warnings - literally just fluff. she/her pronouns. reader is younger (in college) not proofread.
word count - 800
It was still dark out when you first woke up. Some birds were chirping and you could hear the soft snores from the person lying next to you. 
Julien. Your little body heater. 
She was laying on her stomach with her arm thrown around you. Her face tucked in the back on your neck, her breath tickling you every time she exhaled. 
You shuffled around until you were facing her. Admiring her relaxed face. She had just finished the tour with the boys and has been exhausted ever since she got home. All she wanted to do was crawl into your arms and go to sleep.
Which is exactly what she did last night. 
The boys had just finished the last song of the night and the last show of the tour. You were backstage waiting for Julien, and the rest of them. Mostly Julien though. You weren’t able to go to every show sadly, you were in college and had to keep things going with yours and julien’s shared home. You guys facetimed and texted throught the day. You did go to some shows and were able to support them front row or back stage. But Julien felt bad cause she was always so tired after shows all she wanted to do was go to sleep. So she didn’t get to talk to you much or spend much time with you. But you understood completely. You loved Julien and your just happy to be together wherever it is and whatever you guys are doing. 
Julien, Phoebe, and Lucy all came running back and collided into you with the biggest hug. 
“you guys were absolutely incredible out there” you said before you quite literally ran out of breath from the bear hug. 
They all laughed, phoebe and lucy went to go to their rooms to grab their stuff to bring to the tour bus leaving you and Julien alone.  Julien just kept looking at you smiling. 
“what are you looking at?” you smirked. 
Julien laughed “im just looking at you.. ive missed you so much” she says wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your forehead. 
“me too,” you said sadly.  “but were together now and we’ll be home soon and we can do whatever you want” you said, kissing the tip of her nose then her mouth. 
“oh.. whatever I want huh” Julien smirked and raised her eyebrows. You chuckled and lightly smacked her cheek. 
You rolled your eyes “ugh come on” you grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards her room to get her things. 
For some reason you were wide awake and just thinking about random stuff. You were so in your head you didn’t even realise Julien had woken up. 
“whatcha thinkin’ about baby?” she asked tiredly.
“just life. You, and me” 
She smiled at that. “good thoughts I hope?” 
“Yes, of course” you said, cupping her face with your hand and brushing hair out of her face.
Her eyes starting to close again. 
You didn’t say anything for a couple minutes so she thought you had fallen back asleep. She pulled you closer to her so your face was in the crook of her neck. You both keeping eachother warm from the cool air. 
“are you awake?” Julien asked softly. 
You hummed
She didn’t say anything for a few seconds trying to think of a way to get this all out. “I know because of the tour I haven’t been able to talk to you much or be with you and im sorry. Ive been so stressed and tired lately I know I haven’t been making time to really be with you and when I am with you im just annoying cause im having to practice or talking with the band and im not giving you my full attention” she started rambling. 
Now you were really awake. 
“Julien” is all you said. 
“you don’t have to explain yourself. I get it. Your stressed, anyone would be. eThis was one of your biggest tours and im so, so proud of you.” You exclaimed. 
She started tearing up at your words. She really felt like she was such a bad girlfriend. But of course you would understand, that’s why she loved you so much. 
“Im just so-“  you cut her off with your lips.
“stop saying sorry. You don’t have any reason to be sorry. Im not mad, I never was,  In the slightest.” You kissed her again. This time slowly to make sure she really gets that your not upset. 
You could never be upset at her. 
Especially over something like this. 
You rested your foreheads against each other and just laid with each other. 
“I love you so much y/n. I mean it. You are it for me” Julien said. 
She kissed you gently. “I love you Julien. Your it for me too.” 
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scamoosh · 5 months
wheee i got tagged by @odysseys-blood for 9 ppl u want to get to kno betta!! i added the song u posted 2 my library right away 🫡🫡
last song listened to - million dollar baby by tommy richman maybe that is basic but. its in my brain rn😞
favorite colors- warm grey and any greens! im rlly into teal-y greens/grey-greens rn and i love like a more grey/purple based brown too.. heres some!
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currently watching - i finally started dunmeshi last night 🫡 and i live in a constant state of rewatching bojack
sweet/spicy/savory - i do rlly like spicy food but i have 2 say sweet bc i have a terrible sweet tooth.... im picky abt my sweets tho im more of a dark chocolate guy than anythin else
relationship status - ive been with @sussymaru for 7 yrs n counting 🫡
current obsession - ensemble stars and my own ocs ☠️☠️ and dont hug me im scared but thats less current and more just constant 😭
last thing searched: google images tiger lying down bc i needed a ref for a drawing LOL
ill taggg @sussymaru @neptunite-stars @gay-yosuke @ksenya-and-the-artistic-cucumber @meowyoi @soldez @yaoironpa @virgeauxsun @sunofpolaris @vampacidic and anybody else who feels like it lolol
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yandereheathen · 11 months
Hellooooooo i just wanted to say i really love Korm so far, its so so gooooooood <3 I would love to see what it looks like when they just go absolutely feral, like if they’re pissed off im curious see what the worst looks like 😈 thank you for listening luv u!!
AHHH MY FIRST ASK <3 I Legit fan girl so hard. I am so happy you like my cutie Korm. I didn't think people would like him this much <3 Here is a little dribble of angory Korm! You were found out: [18+ Yandere Korm OC Fic]
WARNINGS: NSFW (MDI) Knife play, violence, cussing, non-con, dark themes
Your hands shook as you looked up at the message on the phone Korm was holding up to you. It was a plan with your friend. To get you away from this house. You had been so careful. There was no change in your rituals, and you had submitted yourself to all of Korms…new care needs.
I needed to be more careful.
"K-korm, please, I don't know who that is or those messages. I love you, I would never." You tried lying, taking his arm.
He was smiling. You hated it when he did that. It always meant some form of pain would follow for you. You almost laugh thinking about how that smile used to warm your heart now, and it just makes you sick.
"Are you happy, Y/N?"
He lowers the phone, taking your face.
You waver, unable to bring yourself to say what he made you say every night while he raped you while he fucked with not only your body but your whole being. You were so close to breaking that you could feel it.
"No. NO, I AM NOT HAPPY. I HATE YOU. I hate what you make me do. I hate that you lied to me. I hate that your mother and no one else will help me. You are a disgusting, sick, twisted little man. I hope you rot in hell."
You scream at him, the feeling of the last few weeks pouring out of your pain and frustration, and maybe the most prominent piece was his betrayal. It hurt so bad. In a tiny little part of your mind, you did love Korm.
Before he can speak back, you spit in his face.
Then, it was quiet as he blinked down at you. You immediately regret it. "Y/n" He sits up at full height; after this turn, you truly appreciate how big he was when he wasn't pretending. He wipes the spit off with one finger and slowly licks it off, savoring your taste for a moment before he closes his hands around your neck.
"Awww sweet Y/N Cute Y/N Someone just be grumpy from lack of sleep. Thats it. You have been taking such good care of me every night. However, we can't allow little sluts to talk like that to their future husbands, right? Humm?"
You shake your head frantically, crawling his hands around your neck. You try to rasp out pleas to let you go, but his grip is too firm. He moves close to your ear. "Let me get through your thick skull that I might be on the path to rot. However, you will be there with me. My wonderful Caretaker."
He pushes you down on the floor, standing over you, one arm painfully under his boot, the other pressing down on your head.
"You will never leave me Y/N. You were made for me. It is so pathetic watching you try to leave me. So cute. So Weak."
He grinds down on your head painfully. Your ears start ringing as you try vainly to get him off you. "P-please, please, Korm. I am sorry. I am so sorry. It hurts you are hurting me!" You manage to whimper, but as you have learned, this only excites him. How did your sweet, soft best friend turn into this sadistic monster? You didn't realize it was him all along. "Love is Pain Y/N. We will do this until you learn your lesson." He gives your head more pressure just enough to start to see stars before crouching and lifting you by your hair.
"Open" You do so now, crying, your face bruised and red from his boot. He smiles, running his finger around your mouth before playing with your tongue. "So warm. So soft. It's just everything about you, Y/n, so. I n t o x ic i ca ti ng. He whimpers; you see the bulge in his pants, creating a spot of precum from his excitement. Then he spits directly on your tongue, giggling to himself. "Swallow" you do so, almost gagging at the taste of him coating your mouth. "That is a good little one. I taste good, don't I? Savor it, Y/N."
You cry harder now. How could you think about leaving? You know he would find you. It hurt you and anyone who wanted to help you.
He moans at your sobs, kissing them as he pulls you into his lap on the floor. Cooing at you, you knew it was coming before you felt the knife on your back. You sobbed harder as it followed the still-healing scars on your lower back. He lifted you just enough to cut away nothing keeping him from being inside of you before focusing himself in with little to no preparation on your part. You scream out as he ruts inside you, panting as the knife with some sleight of the hand still barely nicks you, and he bounces you on his lap. "F-fuck, that's it. Cry harder, Y/N. Show me how much you love me. You feel so perfect around me now. Dont. I?"
He thrusts in at those last two words. You hide your face in his shoulder, a sniveling mess, and he breeds into you the knife, sending little pangs of pain with unwelcome pleasure.
That's when you realized.
You were already rotting in hell. With him By your side.
"I love you forever. My little Caretaker."
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strayheartless · 7 months
genesis is sick seph and angeal are taking care of him
There is a severe temptation to Rag on Genesis and make this crack, but I Im too much of a sucker for Angst and Hurt/comfort😅. I have accepted my role really, and I love it. Never come to me for Crack, I always just make it sad.
CW for: vague descriptions of vomiting, discussions of childhood sickness, discussions of experimental poisoning/ testing.
Angeal stares at the steam rising from the cettle as it boils. He's exhausted and if he's honest with himself he's terrified. This doesn't happen to them, they don't get sick! And even on the odd ocassions they do, it is never like this.
when Genesis had complained of a headache the afternoon before, Angeal had rolled his eyes at the man and sparingly suggested he rest his eyes from reading. when the complaints of it getting worse hadn't stopped he'd snapped at Gen to go lay down in a dark room if its so bad. Only to be shocked when Genesis had swayed like a stick of bamboo the wind unon standing up.
Gen had gone quiet after that, Lying on his own office couch with the lights off and not moving. By the end of the day, when Sephiroth had swung by both of their officed to collect them for dinner, Genesis had developed a cough... and then the cough got worse.
... and worse.
When Gena was little, Angeal remembered he was sick a lot. Flu, Scarlet fever, colds, migraines, it didn't really matter what it was Genesis seemed to get it. Usually he'd just complain and sneeze and be obnoxious. But other times ha remembered his mother being called for when Gen wouldn't get out of bed, wouldn't speak or move much except to cry or struggle to breath.
Now felt like one of those times.
They had been up all night with him, taking turns to whip his brow and sooth him through the endless coughing fits, vomiting and barly cognazent concious moments. Sephiroth had Tied up his own hair and then Gena's when the stress started getting too much, and angeal had winced when Genesis had whimpered at the preasure on his scalp... But it was better that then trying to sponge sick out of his hair.
After twelve hours of pure torture for everyone involved, Gena's fever broke and he gained a little bit more licidity. Now it was just making sure he made a full recovery.
Angeal made up a two cups of coffee and placed a clean rag over the bowl of Chicken noodle soup he'd warmed. He doubted Genesis would be able to keep all of it sown, but they at least needed to try. Placing it all on a tray he trecked back to the bedroom.
"How are we looking?" He asked upon entering. Sephiroth was sat in the squishy reading chair that usually sat in the Corner of Gena's room, looking only maginally less tired than Angeal felt. The man was used to insomnia.
"he woke up for only a minute or two. I managed to get him to drink some water," Seph whispered back, taking the cup that was handed to him.
Angeal sighed and sat on the end of the bed. "I never thought I'd say this but i think I need to hear him being dramatic,"
Sephiroth hummed and looked back at Genesis on the bed. He didn't look peaceful exactly, there was too much sweat and signs of distress about his person for that, but he he no longer seened to be in active discomfort and stress. angeal watched Seph scan his eyes over their lovers face and body, taking note of everything he could.
"What are you thinking?" he asked softly, placing a hant on Sephiroths thigh and squeezing.
Sephiroth twitched his nose slightly, a little stress tell they'd long ago realised he was considering variables that he didn't like. It was upsetting how often those variables were the truth.
"I'm thinking, we may need to pay a visit to Hollander once he is not in danger any more" Angeal blinked at him.
"You think Hollander did this to him?" he asked, with a note of scepticism to his voice. "Seph, babe, I know you have reason to mistrust scientists, but this is Hollander we're talking about here. He's not Hojo, he doesn't do things like this!"
"No? Angeal, consider for a second. Genesis goes down to the lab for a pre mission check up" Sephiroth bracketted the words with air quotes, and Angeal would have snorted at how very Zack the gesture was had he not started to feel sick himself. Sephiroth continues.
"And when he comes back from the lab he complains that he has a headache; something he has not complained of since he was a third, I know because I checked -"
"you accessed his medical records? seph tha-"
"Hush. complains of a headache and then all of a sudden the mission is cancled due to prioritising and Genesis does not even have the time to feel angered at any kind of usually percieved slight against his skill before he's going down - in a single afternoon Angeal- with a severe fever, sickness, apparent chest infection and the worst migraine he has had since he wat fourteen."
Layed out as plainly as Sephiroth had put it, it did seem awfully convenient that Genesis had not been sent away as this was developing. in fact Angeal could track Sephiroths logic almost perfectly with little room to suggest conicidence. But this was Hollander .The man was a bastard, that Angeal would fully admit, but he had never purposfully poisoned them before, not in the ways Hojo had done to Sephiroth.
"Could you two discuss the conspiricy of my death a little quieter please?" came a rough voice from behind him, and when he turned to follow Sephs redirected gaze he saw Genesis attempting to pull himself up into a sitting position.
He got up to help, but was flapped at irately when he went to support Gena's back.
"How do you feel?" he asked softly, and Genesis sighed.
"Like I went round for round with the Midgar Zolom and then decided to train with Sephiroth as a masocistic treat to myself," Sephiroth snorted as he moved to Gens other side, sitting on the bed with him and pulling the red head to lean against his sweater clad side.
Gen leaned into it with a comfroted hum, reaching for Angeal who came easily. winding his ams around the both of them and placing his chin on Gen's head.
"If you wanted to fight me like this, i would have been bored by your sloppyness." Sephiroth pokes fun and Genesis squawks indignintly. Angeal chuckled.
"So mean!" Gena weakly punches Sephiroth in the thigh. "I could have very well died!"
Angeal sobered a bit, and from the shit in Sephiroths posture, so did he.
"yes, you could have," he murmered and Genesis' anger Deflated. He coughed into his fist as he relaxed against them, and when his breath caught, the two sat him up straighter so that he could breath better as he Coughed harder.
"S-sorry" he weezed.
"It's fine love," Ageal whispered handing him the glass of water. Gen Gulped it down and sat back again.
"I have not missed being this ill." he commented. "Reminds me of of the time I had scarlet fever, though I confess I don't actually remember a lot of the experience. mostly the pain,"
They sat there for a while in silence, Seph playing with the promise ring on Gena's left hand while Angeal combed out some of the knots out from his hair. after about half an hour, Genesis spoke; his breath rattling in his chest a little.
"Do you truely think Hollander did this to me?" he asked, not looking at either of them.
"I do," was all Sephiroth gave him, and Angeal sensed that Genesis din't know what to do with that information. what were you supposed to say when the man in charge of you medically was suspected of trying to kill you?
There was nothing anyone could say that could ever make that okay.
"I made you soup, if you're up for eating?" he offered instead and Genesis seemed to welcome the distraction, making grabby hands at him, like a child, as he reached for the still warm bowl.
As Angeal and Sephiroth watched him eat, they glanced at each other, a silent agreement being made. It this was Hollander -and Gods above did Angeal hope it wasn't - Then they would do everything in their power to hunt that man down and end him before he had the chance to make Genesis suffer further.
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You know I talked a lot about my Regular Affogato Headcannons and I promise I WILL get to his backstory, but I want to yapp more about Affocream.
(I also have an Affocream playlist on Spotify with my own HC’s and stuff and some hints at Affo’s backstory. ) Heres the link if you want: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/54yObSnGfx2pMMaIuO4YJg?si=37H_erOHRruZgSGHt8aUrA&pi=u-qVgapmp1R5Cr
The cover art is made by my AMAZING friend @slug-ball they are so cool and talented and you should all follow them, thats an order/j
Now finnally, here are my
Affocream Hcs (in no real order)
-When the CoD fully knew about the Consil of Heros, they knew they needed inside information, so they chose Affo, the known sweet talking, two-faced, deceiver, to go and gain the trust of the Young Consul of the Créme Republic by becoming his advisor (bc that worked out great last time/s). Of course that ended up backfireing as Affo found a Sweet Spot for the Consul and ended up falling in love.
-Affo and Clotted help eachother get dressed in the morning. Affo sometimes has Clotted put on his lipstick for him and it kinda goes like this
“There! I think i did it quite well!”
“*smacks lips* You really did, Dearest. *Grabs his face and kisses him* Oops! I smudged it, would you be a dear and reapply it?”
“Affo… If I reapply it for you, this will go on for ten minuites and we’ll end up kissing and making a mess of both our faces!”
“Aww, Its not my fault you’re so irresistabley handsome!”
-They wake up together in the morning with the sun shining throught the windows all pretty and they just cuddle and give eachother sleepy kisses and stuff
-They both love desserts (thats cannon) so they go on dates and get eachother little treats all the time
-Clotted took Affo on a date to the beach once which was quite new for Affo, as a cookie who grew up in frigid snowy mountain ridges, he’d never been to a beach before. He enjoyed it and the two played in the water together and just had a good time
-I said this in my Affo hc post but Clotted gave Affo a white pearl bracelet as a symbol of undying trust between the two…. Affo for once felt guilty about lying to someone
-Clotted knows about Affogatos trauma (which i PROMISE, I’ll talk abt but its just REALLY REALLY dark) ((Once again, It has been retconned)) and does research on how to try and help him and be a supportive boyfriend (But Clotted does try extra hard to make Affo feel loved) (Both red bits are edited)
-Affo also helps Clotted live more, and be less afraid of going against what his father wants or thinks is right, reminding Clotted that HE is the Consul, not his father
-In terms of human nationalities, I hc Clotted is half British (bc clotted cream is a british dish) and half French (bc many of the other cookies of the Créme Republic are named after French desserts and even the name if the place sounds French) and Clotted speaks French fluently often with Financier or Madeilene and the first time the Affo heard it he was absolutley flustered
-Because of this, Clotted ofthen teases him by calling Affo French petnames or just saying sweet phrases to him in French
-Lots of “purley professional” hand kissing
-The Créme Republic hosts Balls for the nobles and elders sometimes, Affo was invited to one by Clotted and was told to wear something nice. He showed up wearing a beautiful purple ballgown with black gloves and Clotted was of course blown away and the two danced all night (im a sucker for ballroom dance scenes)
-Affo wasn’t used to that type of dancing at first, being both Cacaoian and a shaman, but was easily able to pick it up and enjoyed himself
-Affo met Light Cream once and it went very well! Light Cream unlike SOME OTHER of Clotted’s familiy members was very supportive of Clotted’s new boyfriend and loved Affogato. Affo saw a lot of his own mother’s traits in her so he warmed up to her too.
-Not too much of a hc just a disasterous idea of a Affocream/ Esspressiline double date at a café where Affogato and Esspresso’s coffee orders get mixed up and chaos unfolds
-Also not a hc but them going out in thier cannon casual outfits together
-Kinda an Au hc- They are the fathers of Sugar Coat Cookie (the tailor in the town square update)
-In this Au, Affo is very protective of his son, ESSPECIALLY with who hes dating
-This is an Au bc i personally in my cannon could never see Affo wanting kids (Clotted would be fine with or without). He and Clotted could have a perfectly happy and fufilling life and relationship without them.
-Clotted often overworks himself, working late nights without any breaks and its not rare that he falls asleep midway. When Affo finds him like this he takes him to thier room, puts him in bed and finishes the work he can for him. When Clotted wakes up, he obviously gets nervous that he nevr finished, but when he goes to his desk, he sees all his papers neatley organized with a note on top:
“Dearest, You fell asleep at your desk again, I carried you to bed and made sure you got rest. Dont worry about your work, I stayed up to finish it for you!
~Affogato <3”
-They both love to play with eachothers hair for different reasons. Clotted loves how silky and smooth Affogato’s hair is while Affo loves the fluffiness of Clotted’s hair
-“Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy” x “Killer Queen”…. thats it
-Financier has walked in on intimate moments TOO. MANY. TIMES.
-For even more intimate moments, they always have some sort of dessert afterwards
-Clotted and Affo go ALL OUT on those moments, like rose petals leading to the room or smth
-One time, the two of them got carried away and Clotted ended up with a VERY noticable hickey on his neck, but luckily he has a boyfriend thats skilled with makeup
-Now hickeys only go in places no one will see
-Both are very touch starved in different ways (Clotted being touch starved overall, while Affo is starved of specifically loving touch, touch that means more)
-They are both very persistant in arguments both being very intelligent, sassy and good at rebuttals (thier gay politicians, what do you expect?)
-Despite being Clotted’s advisor, Affo doesn’t go to many Consil meetings. He went once but it went HORRIBLY because of one problem: Cacao, who has (rightfully) not forgiven him and honsestly never will
-This doesn’t mean Affo doesn’t sometimes join Clotted in his travels, they mostly go to the Vanilla Kingdom ofc
-He stays home when meetings are in the Cacao Kingdom ofc (He is banned and/or wanted for a HIGH bounty) He and Clotted still talk on the phone all night after meetings
-Remember my Headcannon that Affo’s favorite place on Earthbread was the Hollyberry Kingdom. When meetings are held there, the two of them make a vacation of it.Affogato was so happy when he found out they were going the first time and he enjoys every second of it!
-Hollyberry doesn’t mind Affogato too much but when she brought up her berry-juice drinking contest with Clotted, Affo decided to step up to the challenge in his place, despite Clotted repeatedly saying it wasn’t necesary…..Affo lost and Clotted had to carry his drunk ass back to thier room
-The two of them cuddle a bunch while Clotted reads or like Affo curls up on his lap like a cat or something
-They both planned to propose on the same day and they both cried during the proposals (they said yes ofc)
-This will DEFINATLEY not be the end of them but its all I can think of right now-
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
Oh, you want some angst, huh? 😏
How about gn! Reader who gets tainted by Xiao's karmic debt but decides to not tell him bc they doesn't want to scare him?
But, unfortunately for them, they will not be able to hide their condition for long: they will die in front of Xiao, while suffering and screaming in agony, and he'll can't do anything to stop it, bc there's no cure for it.
love and it's sacrifices
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synopsis: love makes you and xiao naive and selfish.
warnings: mc death, description of pain, angst with no comfort
character: xiao
notes: i edited this really late and i can't say it's any good but i hope ppl enjoy anyways
"you're so silly," your arms wrapped around his slender neck, a smile dancing on your lips as you littered his neck with loving kisses. "i love you too much to let something like that deter me." you rest your head on his shoulder as you spoke.
the sun shone on your glistening skin, warm to the touch. it felt nice- all of this- being in xiao's arms, the wind playing around the two of you as you stood atop one of liyue's mountains. you had begged the adeptus to set aside his duties for once and indulge you in a nice picnic after hearing that he hadn't had one in almost 500 years. you couldn't let an opportunity to bask in the sun with him go. yet, as you were enjoying this moment, something was weighing on xiaos mind,
"you shouldn't be so naive. i've told you countless times that i have karmic debt. its dangerous. im dangerous." his words were softly muttered into the crown of your hair, he sighed, taking in your sacchrine vanilla scent. "...i don't want to hurt you." he moved long strokes against your back, relishing in the comfort you brought him. you felt so soft compared to him and he felt as you were so fragile he would break you.
"xiao, even if i loose my sight, or my lungs shrivel up and i can't breathe anymore. i'll still be by your side and love you all the same. it just makes my life all the more worth it."
he knew how stubborn you were and that no matter how much he wanted you to change your mind, you wouldn't. maybe he could be selfish just this once and bring you with him into his melancholy reality rust was his immortal life. he had a slimmer of hope that you could break his curse and maybe you'd be that one person who would stay by his side.
how naive he was.
one chilling night, xiao was out fufling his duties - and he had left you home alone. when he was gone, you would take short walks around the inn, the serenity of the flowing water and bright laterns gave you a relaxing feeling, which was something you seldom felt these days. night were longer and days were shorter with your chest constantly growing heavier with each breathe and every step you take more painful than the other. you never thought your adeptus boyfriend's debt to be real until you'd spend lonely nights sobbing at how your body burned, after having kept a facade all day to xiao that you were okay. that he wasn't slowly killing you every time he was near you.
you resented him, but you mostly resented yourself for lying to him. telling xiao you were okay when you were fucking not.
"hah-ha" your chest stung as you gripped at it as you were huddled over on the ground ears ringing your head being tugged and pulled by the horrid sensation. a dark swirl of green had surround you, enveloping you in a suffocating anguish. 'xiao' his name rolled of your tongue like a silent plea that you incoherently babble over and over, but your begs turned into whistles in the air. just when the pain began, it was over.
xiao had found you, passed out on the wood flooring the next morning, his eye wide and brows kneaded with concern. you'd simply told him that the wood was seemingly comfortable that night, he'd shrugged it off as 'weird human behavior'. you never told him what happened that night, leaving it as a bitter memory that'd bring you to tears on your pillow in the night.
since then, days begun to feel longer; the sun lost its shine and the moon seemed to mock you high up in the sky. you'd give it a longing look at the wee hours of the night, pondering endlessly.
was it worth it? the question would come up every now and then.
of course it was, you respond.
your stomach churn and grind, your legs turn into lead as you plummeted onto jagged ground, the grass cradling your abused body. eyes bleary as you hyperventilated. you said- no- screamed his name with winded breath. uncontrollable sobs falling from you. your body burned with a gnawing feeling, like your whole body was being spilt and torn in half. the draft of air became all too familar, that suffocating feeling returned, you felt the weight of all of your sins crawl through you. not only yours, but his. his karmic debt that you oh so tried to deny that was real. yet, every waking day when a sense of yours slowly deplted, your eyes sight worsening and blurrying, your hearing weakened and smells that you once loved had nothing but an empty sense of joy, inside you knew, that it was his karma affeccting you. you had turned into a product of his sins, he'd never be able to truly love someone, and you were so foolish to think you could defy the law of the adepti. that the rule didn't apply to you,.
you were naive just as he said, and you'd pay for your ignorance.
"no-no...please" xiao stumbled over to your mutturing and confused body. his knees scraping against the terrain as he pulled your body to his. you clutched to his shirt, shouting into his chest. he cupped your face, searching all over at your tormented expression. your face was red, stress lines scattered as you babbled and scream into him.
your cries became louder, the pain you felt was something no human should ever experience, and in his attempt to console you and save you. his presence made the air thicker, your lungs completely overtaken by his dark energy. you clawed at his shirt, practically ripping it open. you wanted to thrash at him, blame him for what he had done to you. he couldn't understand the horrendous feeling it was what he was causing.
"yn..." he spat your name out like venom, his cheeks red with anger and eyes full of tears. "why didn't you listen to me?" he shrieked, his fists balled up to your collar as he curled over your weakened corpse. he watched as the color left your skin that once glistened in the sun, your eyes soulless as m tears that had flown down your checks were dry. the yakshas's yells turned into quiet sobs, as he slowly realized what he has caused. darkness devoured him whole, eating at his heart and his mind. his light faded in his arms, it was then he became a husk of a man with no drive left in him. his motivation and ambition, his love and reason for living died in his arms.
he was left alone again in the world with only his debt to console him.
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bratshaws · 11 months
through the hourglass 288.brb x oc
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a/n: i have no idea what im doing. also i managed to write this WITH MY NAILS IM SO HAPPY (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Beatrice slowly stirred from her slumber, her senses gradually returning to her. The room was bathed in soft, early morning light, and for a moment, she lay still, savoring the rare silence that enveloped the house. With the addition of the twins and the bustling activities that came with raising three children and three dogs, moments of tranquility were indeed a rarity.
And its only been a few days.
As she blinked her eyes open, she realized that her initial wakefulness was not merely coincidental. A feeling had tugged at her, an unexplained sense that something was amiss or perhaps needed her attention. Her instincts as a mother were finely tuned, and she couldn't ignore this gut feeling.
Carefully, Beatrice disentangled herself from the cozy cocoon of bedsheets and sat on the edge, “Roos?”  Beatrice's hand instinctively moved to her side of the bed, feeling the emptiness that was usually occupied by her husband. It was a reminder that he was currently deployed, and the sense of longing for his presence tugged at her heart, heavily.
As she shook off the remnants of sleep, she became increasingly aware of the stillness in the house. The twins' cribs were silent, it wasn’t a rare occurrence given they were wonderful while asleep. 
It was the middle of the night and it was drizzling, she could hear the raindrops hitting the windows.
Beatrice took a moment to collect her thoughts. She knew she should get back to sleep. The twins were soundly asleep, and Nikki was in her room. She could hear the soft snores of the dogs in the living room. Everything seemed as it should be. Yet, that persistent feeling of unease continued to nag at her.
With a deep breath, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, the cold floor sending a shiver up her spine. She wrapped herself in her warm, oversized robe, feeling its comforting embrace and knowing that the weather was about to turn considering she felt really cold already. The house was a blend of darkness and dimly lit rooms, the only sources of light coming from the streetlights outside and the faint glow of the nightlight in the hallway.
As she made her way to the twins' nursery, Beatrice peeked at them through a small crack on the door, Jolene staying with them since her pups stayed with Nicole. The pittie slowly lifted her head when she saw Bea at the door but remained lying down.
She gently pushed open the door to the twins' room, and the soft, warm light from the nightlight revealed the peaceful slumber of her children. Twin cribs sat side by side, and Beatrice couldn't resist the urge to check on them.
Aurora and Gavin were nestled in their cribs, their tiny chests rising and falling with each peaceful breath. While Gavin was peacefully sleeping on his back, Aurora was probably dreaming about fighting someone since her little fists were moving rapidly.
Her attention turned to the soft lullaby playing from the baby monitor on the nightstand. It was a calming melody that usually lulled the twins to sleep. She sighed in relief; everything seemed to be in order in their nursery. The unease that had gripped her was starting to feel like an overreaction.
Beatrice decided to leave the nursery, pulling the door gently closed behind her. As she stepped back into the hallway, she hesitated for a moment, her heart still not fully at ease. It was the quietness of the house that had struck her as unusual. “Well, it is the middle of the night.” she tries to tell herself, “It’s okay.”
With a resolve to quell her restlessness, Beatrice moved towards Nikki's room, careful not to make a sound that might disturb her sleeping daughter. She eased the door open and peeked inside.
Nikki, was sprawled across her crib, her stuffed giraffe down on the floor on top of a sleeping Jack. The dog truly didn’t seem to care about it.
The soft, rhythmic rise and fall of Nikki's chest reassured Beatrice. Her little one was in deep slumber, her tiny fingers still clutching a corner of the crib's blanket. It was one of those precious moments when she looked so angelic, the innocence of childhood casting a glow on her cherubic face.
Beatrice couldn't help but smile at the sight, feeling a wave of love wash over her. She had become accustomed to checking on Nikki during the night, ensuring her daughter was comfortable and safe. And now she had the twins to worry about too.
As she gazed at Nikki, Beatrice's unease seemed to ebb away. The sense of something amiss that had pulled her from her sleep began to lose its grip on her. With a sigh of relief, she quietly closed the door to Nikki's room and tiptoed down the hallway.
The house was silent, save for the soft patter of rain outside, which had intensified into a soothing downpour. It was the type of rain that,as her nonna would say it, cleaned the world.
Beatrice's next destination was the living room, where she saw Jolene trot to before she closed the twins’ door.
Beatrice continued down the hallway, heading toward the living room. The soft glow of the nightlight illuminated her path as she walked, her steps measured and quiet so as not to disturb the sleeping household.
The living room was dimly lit, the streetlights outside casting a soft, golden glow through the curtains. Jolene, was waiting for her by the couch, tail thumping gently against the floor when she saw Bea walking in.
Beatrice approached the couch, Jolene wagged her tail enthusiastically and gave a soft, contented woof. It was as if the dog sensed Beatrice's need for reassurance. She knelt down and gently scratched Jolene behind the ears,smiling down at the pitbull
"Hey, girl," Beatrice whispered to Jolene, her voice a hushed murmur in the quiet of the night. "Did you hear me pacing around the house? I guess I'm just feeling a bit restless tonight."
Jolene nuzzled her hand and gave a soft, reassuring whine. Beatrice settled onto the couch, her fingers still running through Jolene's soft fur. The rhythmic sound of the rain falling outside was a soothing backdrop to their quiet moment. The unease that had gripped her earlier was fading, replaced by a sense of peace.
Maybe she just missed Rooster.
Beatrice sat there on the couch, lost in her own thoughts, with Jolene's comforting presence by her side. She stared out of the window, the rain continued to fall, its soft pitter-patter creating a calming ambiance. 
Jolene, sensing her owner's mixed emotions, nuzzled her hand and let out another soft whine. Beatrice gave the dog an affectionate pat and whispered, "Thank you, girl. You always know how to comfort me."
The house was still, and Beatrice couldn't help but listen to the outside, it was…very soothing. It was good and she was still confused why she woke up.
The rain continued to fall outside, each drop a soft percussion of the night. Beatrice closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the sound and the sensation of Jolene's warm presence beside her.
Everything was quiet and she was used to quiet.
Then why did she lose sleep?
She didn’t know, and well, since she wasn’t tired…she should do something. Maybe have some tea?
Beatrice rose from the couch, gently patting Jolene's head as she got up. She had a sudden craving for a cup of tea. The soft, rainy night seemed like the perfect backdrop for a calming drink. She left the living room and entered the kitchen, the dim glow of a nightlight being the only source there.
Se didn’t want to turn on the lights.
Beatrice filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove. As she waited for the water to heat, she reached for her favorite tea blend, a fragrant chamomile and lavender mix that always helped her relax.
While the water was heating up, Beatrice took a moment to glance out of the kitchen window. The rain was falling steadily, creating silver curtain of water droplets. She found herself entranced by the sight, the way the raindrops clung to the leaves of the nearby trees and the soft ripples in the puddles on the ground.
She shakes the packet to loosen the leaves a bit as she waits for the water to heat up.
The steam from the kettle slowly began to rise, and Beatrice retrieved her favorite mug,the Ponyo one and carefully, she placed a tea bag in the teapot and waited for the water to reach the perfect temperature. The anticipation of that first sip, the way the aroma of the tea filled the kitchen, was a small pleasure that never failed to bring her comfort.
The whistling of the kettle interrupted her thoughts, and she quickly turned off the stove. She carefully poured the hot water into the teapot, watching as the tea leaves danced and unfurled, releasing their calming aroma into the air.
After setting a timer for the tea to steep, Beatrice decided to return to the living room. She felt a sudden urge to be near the window again, to watch the rain and listen to its soothing cadence. Jolene followed her, her tail wagging softly as she settled by Beatrice's side on the couch.
She sighs softly, looking back to the sky with a small frown, “I hope Roos is okay.” she tells herself while rubbing her wedding band, wondering if that was why she woke up suddenly.
Her husband was okay,  but he was annoyed.
He was very annoyed.
He was just staring down at the files with his brows furrowed, trying to understand what the hell was he reading.
Rooster sat at the desk in his quarters, bathed in the dim light of the room's lone desk lamp. 
He stared down at the files scattered across his desk, his brows furrowed in concentration. The documents contained detailed intelligence reports related to their current mission, but the more he delved into them, the more perplexed and frustrated he became. It wasn't the complexity of the information that bothered him; it was the nagging feeling that something was amiss.
"Something doesn't add up," Rooster muttered to himself, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his short-cropped hair. He had always prided himself on his ability to analyze and assess data, but this particular set of reports left him feeling like he was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.
The mission was of utmost importance, involving high-stakes operations and potential threats.The success of the mission hinged on the accuracy of the information they were working with.
But as he pored over the reports, Rooster couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He had learned to trust his instincts in the field, and his instincts were currently screaming at him to dig deeper.
He picked up one of the reports and scanned it again, trying to pinpoint the source of his unease. The information was detailed, but it lacked the clarity he was used to. There were inconsistencies in the data, and some of the sources seemed unreliable.
Rooster continued to sift through the documents, his frustration growing with each passing minute. He knew that he couldn't afford to dismiss this feeling of unease; lives and the success of their mission were at stake.
With a frown, he decided to reach out to the other pilots. Rooster couldn't shake the feeling that a fresh perspective might help him make sense of the reports. He opened a secure communication channel to the team.
Aka the group chat
Rooster (07:09)
Hey, guys.I've been going through the mission reports, and something feels off. I can't put my finger on it, but I need your input. Can you review your copies and see if anything stands out to you?
Payback (07:10)
Like what?
Rooster (07:11)
I can't be sure, but the information in these reports just feels...incomplete, and some of the sources seem questionable. I need a second opinion. Maybe it's just my imagination, but I can't shake this feeling.
Silence hung in the virtual space for a few moments before Jake’s response appeared.
It is a bit weird, man,we’ll take a look into it.
As Rooster awaited further responses, he continued to scrutinize the reports, hoping that something would jump out at him. The information was vital for their mission's success, and any discrepancy could have far-reaching consequences.
I'm on it, Rooster. Let's see if we can figure out what's bothering you.
Phoenix (07:15)
You sure you aren’t just missing Bea?
Rooster (07:17)
I miss her every moment, but I know she's holding down the fort back home. I trust her to handle things, but I can't shake this feeling about the reports. 
Hangman (07:18)
You're right, Rooster. There are inconsistencies in these reports. Some of the sources are vague, and there are gaps in the data. It's not your imagination; this information is unreliable.
Payback (07:20)
I've been looking at it too, and I agree with Jake. These reports are shaky at best. We need to find out why.
Rooster (07:22)
Thanks, guys. Let's cross-reference with any other sources we have access to. We need to confirm the accuracy of this data. I'll reach out to HQ and see if they can provide additional intel.
Main question was, who was responsible for this?
With the reports flagged as potentially unreliable, the pilots set to work on cross-referencing the information with any other sources they had access to. The urgency of the situation was evident, and the potential consequences of relying on faulty data weighed heavily on their minds.
Rooster reached out to HQ, hoping to acquire additional intelligence that could shed light on the discrepancies in the reports. 
The response from HQ was swift, and they were provided with supplementary data that they could use to verify the accuracy of the mission reports. The pilots set to work comparing the new information with what they already had, meticulously checking for inconsistencies and unreliable sources.
As the minutes passed, it became clear that the original mission reports contained significant errors. Some of the sources had provided false or misleading information, and critical details had been omitted. The team's meticulous analysis had revealed the extent of the problem, and it was clear that someone had deliberately tampered with the data.
Rooster was deeply troubled by this discovery. He couldn't fathom why anyone would jeopardize a mission of such importance. The safety and success of the team were at stake, and the consequences of inaccurate information could be dire.
Rooster (08:27)
I think we can all agree that the mission reports were intentionally manipulated. This is a serious breach, and we need to find out who's responsible.
Phoenix (08:28)
Agreed. We can't proceed with unreliable data. We need to trace the source of these reports and determine how they were tampered with.
His eyes dart to the outside for a brief second where he sees Mark walking past the door…there was no way,right? He shouldn’t be thinking like that just because he didn’t like Mark.
But he sure was quiet in the group chat.
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xenia-cenia · 2 years
The Words That Follow Tragedy - Kalim Al-Asim x Fem! Reader
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Summary: In where Crowley discovers what you truly are.
Trade w/my friend @phaindulgement​ ! Check out their work too!! Once again I am taking inspiration from @merakiui​, specifically ‘Love Me Not’ and ‘Bittersweet Secret’ 
TWs: Suicide, pre-established relationship, uh I kinda went too hard on this, not edited but will be later, im the ceo of abrupt endings sorry
i. “There was nothing before there was something. That’s just how the world works. Darkness before the light.” 
You walked, exhaling against the cold winter day. Snowflakes stuck to your black coat, melting and dampening the fabric. The sun hung low in the sky, painting the world in vibrant hues of orange and red. Your heels clicked against the pavement, turning each step into a familiar dance. 
A couple walked past you, one with long black hair, and the other with short blond hair. Gloved hand in gloved hand, they giggled about something loudly. You fondly watched as they playfully shoved each other, one laughing a bit louder than the other. They crossed onto the bridge separating you and a rushing river, pausing at the peak and falling silent. The one with long hair grabbed the other and kissed them fondly.
You rolled your eyes as you passed them, comfortably taking your spot on the other edge of the bridge. You leaned against the rusting bars, the cold metal burning your palm, and sighed. A burst of white smoke left your mouth, and you recoiled in surprise before quietly laughing at yourself. 
The sun continued its descent, leaving you hardly any time to watch it go. You reached into a bag that faithfully clung to your shoulder, and pulled out a small unopened beige envelope sealed with red lipstick. It rubbed against your fingers, just a bit too rough for the sensation to go unnoticed. 
“To you, I guess.” You muttered, hoping the nearby couple wasn’t paying attention to you. You draped your arms against the edge of the bars, limply letting the envelope fall out of your hands. It fluttered in the wind, almost as if it were fighting its fate, slowly descending closer and closer to its inevitable demise. 
When the envelope hit the water, it was crushed and buried within seconds. There was something cathartic about it, you thought to yourself, knowing that it was destroyed quick. You looked between the water and your bag with dim eyes, slowly pulling the bag off your shoulder and sitting it on the ground. It clanked as the heavy object inside protested its sudden change in altitude.
You looked back towards the sun, letting the remaining rays warm your face. With a deep breath, you pulled your hands off the metal bars and stepped away from the bridge.
ii. “But... what about everything in between?”
The moon shone brilliantly between the pillars of Kalim’s bedroom, streaks of light illuminating his face and sleepy eyes. He was lying on his right hand, dressed in his school uniform, staring at you. You were looking at some book he’d never seen before, making occasional comments about how interesting it was and trying to explain it to him. 
Once you noticed his silence, you looked over at him and laughed anxiously. “What?”
“I like listening to you.”
You rolled over, set the book beside you, and poked him in the ribs. “You’re such a dork, Kalim.”
“Ahaha!” He sat up and wiped the tiredness from his eyes, “Ahh, you always wake me up. Let’s go do something!”
“Do something? It’s the middle of the night.”
“C’mon! It’ll be fun!” He leaped out of bed, taking you with him. His warm hand gripped your cold one, the jingling of his bracelets and joy in his smile illuminating the dark halls of Scarabia. You began to jog to match his stride, hushed laughter bouncing between the two of you. Every four steps or so, he’d look back and each time his eyes would brighten. It felt like he was reminding himself that you were real and here to stay. 
When the two of you hit the cold night air that comes with desserts, your laughter grew and you leaned against Kalim’s arm. “Jamil’s gonna be so mad!”
“It’s fine, Jamil and I used to sneak out all the time!” 
“WHAT?!” You yelled in disbelief, laughter bleeding into your words, “JAMIL used to sneak out?”
“All the time! We’d dance! We even made our own songs!” He let go of your hand and danced a memorized routine, “This one was my favorite.” He stepped through the paces of his dance, occasionally stumbling over his feet and turning to smile at you each time he did. When he finished he held his hand out to you, a warm smile on his face.
“I can’t dance.” You looked between his hand and his eyes.
“Everyone can dance! It’s just about fun!” 
“I’ll look ridiculous.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, “You look beautiful.”
Slowly, he spun you, letting you decide how fast or slow you wanted to take it. After you’d gotten the hang of it, you moved faster. The two of you stood in the freezing desert, moving as if the dance were second nature. The paces, the steps, the music you imagined. All of it felt perfect. 
As the sweat started to build, you looked at Kalim’s face. He was biting the inside of his cheek in concentration, his hands lingering where he thought they’d meet yours. He moved with the grace of a bird taking to the skies, and the delicacy of a rabbit sniffing a strand of grass. He felt fragile; breakable. Like someone who’d been kept on too high a shelf. But despite that, he spun as if he were made of iron. 
Kalim tried to keep his eyes on you as he danced. You had a thoughtful look in your fleeting eyes; one that lit his chest on fire, sending his heart into a flurry. Your cold fingers bit against his hands, leaving a ghost of a whisper behind when they left. You never seemed to stay in a moment for too long, always looking for the opportunity to focus somewhere else. In the rare moments where you lingered, he knew he would be staying to collect the pieces you left behind.
You stopped suddenly, startling him enough to stumble over himself. Your hands grasped his, your cold skin bringing him back to your eyes. In those eyes, he saw sadness. You opened your mouth and said,
iii. “I’m scared of losing it too.”
A gasp of air as you came from the depths of the pool, the sun shining onto your face. You kept your eyes firmly shut, only moving enough to keep yourself afloat.
“Marco!” You called out.
“Polo!” Your friends responded, on either side of the pool. You giggled and dove back under the water. You forced your eyes open, the chlorine burning your eyes, and four sets of legs splashed about in the water around you. Your vision was bleary, begging you to shut your eyes, but you kept them pried open and chased after a set of legs that quickly paddled away from you. 
You came back up for air, “Marco!” 
“Polo!” They responded, laughter ricocheting between the children. Blindly, you followed the noises, leaping forward when you heard a giggle in front of you. Instead of skin, you found yourself underwater again, the water pounding in your ears. You opened your eyes and only saw the tile flooring of the pool. 
You turned around in the water, searching for any sets of legs, but there was nothing. Your hands searched for the ladder, feeling terrified. Once you grabbed the cool metal, you hoisted yourself back to the surface and took a deep breath.
iv. “You won’t lose it! You won’t lose...”
Kalim stared blankly at you, his words of comfort pausing on his tongue. You smiled at him, cool hand pressing against his cheek, “Let’s dance sometime again, Kalim.”
“We can keep dancing, we don’t need to stop.”
“It’s late. Jamil’s going to get worried.” You pulled away, leaving him to watch you go. 
When you returned to Ramshackle, a beige envelope was stuck in the door handle. You removed it tenderly, flipping it over in your hands. The rough material dug against your fingers, a soft cut breaking through your skin as you opened the flap. 
The letter inside was quick. You’d read it over several times in under a minute. Your heart began to pound as you took off in a sprint, the night sky illuminating your tearful face. Your sneakers banged against the cement, the dull thudding reverberating in your bones, and your skin began to burn. 
You ran through the courtyard, through the campus, into the main building, and right in front of Crowley’s door. You pounded your fist against the solid wood, more panting than breathing, waiting for a response. The door slowly opened, revealing a tense Crowley.
He awkwardly walked back to his seat, papers laid out in front of him. He clicked his nails together, trying to push the inevitable conversation away.
“You-” you spoke between gasps, “You found my home!”
“Yes.” He responded stiltedly. “I found where you are from.”
“Then, please! How do I get home?”
He sighed, his eyes dropping to his lap, “Unfortunately, there is no returning.”
“What?” You froze, blinking owlishly at him. After a moment of silence, you laughed emptily, “Alright, jokes over. C’mon, Crowley, how do I get home?”
Crowley reached for a paper and slid it over to you. Wordlessly, he shut his eyes and braced himself for your reaction. You grabbed the paper with shaky hands and read it carefully.
Another suicide at popular tourist site. Following the death and controversy of ---------- ----------, it seems his daughter could not live with the pressure. She leaped off ------------ bridge at 5:47 p.m. this Monday. The community is racked with mourners, especially her peers at ---------- high school. 
Two witnesses report that she looked ‘perfectly normal’ that night. Police have found a bag where she jumped, which contained a single candle with her father’s name on it. She is not survived by any family. 
“It truly is a tragedy,” her teacher says, “(Y/N) was a good kid. We-we’d all wanted to be there for her... when... y’know... I just... I wish I’d done more...”
Tears blurred your vision and dropped onto the page, you stared at the page as if you could will the words to change. 
“I...” You swallowed the spit accumulating in your mouth, “I’m dead?”
“I’m truly sorry-”
“I’m dead.” You repeated, “I’m dead.”
“You may be dead in your world, but you are still alive he-”
“I don’t want to be here!” You stood and ripped the page in half, “This isn’t my home! I had a home! A life! Oh. Oh, God.” Your legs gave out beneath you, panic filling your body. “This can’t be right. Please. Please, I wanna go home. My- please. Please, please, please. I can’t- no. No. Please.”
Crowley watched from his seat, unable to muster any words.
“I- my- I-” A sob tore through your body. The grief of your life destroyed you inside, eating at your core and spitting out the tarnished remains of your self. A scream tore through, erupting through the near-silence, and burning your throat. You screamed until the only noise that came out was a croaky whimper, and your eyes fell shut in exhaustion. 
v. “Please, stay.”
You woke up in Ramshackle dorm, a warm hand encompassing yours. Your bleary eyes searched the room until a soft smile came into focus.
“Good morning,” He spoke with a soft voice, obviously trying to cheer you up despite the sadness in his eyes.
“I-” You began to speak, but winced at the pain.
“No, don’t-” He grabbed a warm glass of water and pressed it to your lips. As you drank, he rubbed his thumb against your palm. “The Headmage told me. I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling... I’m so sorry.”
You looked at him helplessly, raising a shaky hand to separate the glass from your lips. He blinked away tears.
“We’re not what you’re used to, but you will always have a home with the Asims.” He sighed, “It... I... I won’t leave your side until you start to feel better. I’ll take care of you.”
Kalim kissed your knuckles, “If you want me to leave, I can go. Just... whatever you need, it’s yours.”
You smiled sadly at him and pulled against his hands. He leaned in closer to you, his ear centimeters from your mouth.
“Please, stay.” Your voice was scratchy and broken, but the message got across. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead softly, his nose brushing against your eyebrow.
“Your wish is my command.”
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weirdprophetess · 2 years
been seeing people talk about Ethel Cain a lot and had chills the entire time i watched her perform Morning Elvis with Florence so I'm playing Preacher's Daughter for the first time and writing notes as I go
fair warning this is an incredibly long post
first of all i have to say i love this album cover the dark warm browns are gorgeous and really give off that rural small town vibe and i read a few articles about her so i know she grew up in a place like that and the album title is describing her because her dad was a deacon of the church her and her family grew up in
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the basssss the bass starting family tree ooooooohhhhh i love that
these crosses all over my body remind me of who i used to be and christ forgive these bones im hiding from no one successfully jesus can always reject his father but he cannot escape his mothers blood W H A T
my brain chemistry has already been altered i instantly need this on vinyl
loveee the guitar starting off american teenagerrrrrr
the suspended vocalization tooooooo)(U*U@PIHF@
i love love love her voice its so rich and she does deep and high notes both so amazingly welllllllll screaming
the melody the flow of the lyrics the beat the synthy floaty sounds im deadddd i love thissss i want to rip it apart like soft hot bread and eat ittttt
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He's never looked more beautiful on his Harley in the parking lot breaking into the ATMs sleeping naked when it gets too hot from what ive heard people say about Lana Del Rey's music this sounds like she might've been an influence
show me how much i mean to you while im lying in these sheets undressed id hold the gun if you ask me to but if you love me like you say you do would you ask me to troubles always gonna find you baby but so will i crying only because im happy hold me across every state line im never gonna leave you baby even if you lose whats left of your mind cause you know ill be right there beside you riding through those western nights
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ooh there's another song called family tree the first one was family tree (intro) but there's track five without (intro) delicious
oohhhhhooohohoho same first two lines but then new lyrics
give myself up to him in offering let him make a woman out of me ooooh hoo hoo hooooo
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so family tree is a banger
i immediately thought emo cowboy on hearing those lyrics and google actually gave me that so thank you whoever made this image because its truly the essence of this album
the next one is hard times and the first thing i thought of was paramore ive been obsessed with that song lately
nine going on eightaayynn lay it on meeeeeeheeeeheeeee yessssss
im tiiiiired of you too tiiiiired to leave im tiiiired of you still tiiiiied to meeeee
i met you there in texas somewhere on the thoroughfare on the side of the road with a pistol in my pocket i didnt trust no one but you said baby dont run ill take you anywhere
love love lovvveeeeee the beat that comes in a bit before that part
sad cowgirl winter lets go girls
i am halfway through this album and ive made more notes than i have for some albums twice the length thats how good 13 track albums always are
its not a real cowboy album if youre not spending the last two minutes of a nine and a half minute song just vocalizing
oh the nexts songs called gibson girl ive heard of that but i forgot what it is hang on
a type of drawing by a man named Charles Gibson of the ideal woman of the 1890s ooh should be interesting
the intro for this songgggg
the production is the fucking besttttt
the echoes for this one too yesss i love this shitttt
i dont even know what image to put this over but just youre all the same black leather and dark glasses pourin another while i shake my ass hes cold blooded so it takes more time to bleed obsession with the money addicted to the drugs says hes in love with my body thats why hes fucking it up
the guitar breakkkkkkk:PO(*&^%$^;l;pqokpiaw
next ones name is ptolemaea so lemme go look that up too
oh yeahhh that greek astrologer dude okay
ooh the distortion in the beginningggg
the intensity building is so horror-like i love it
the screech on the last stop made me jump a lil goodbye
I am the face of loves rage what the fuck
the guitar and drums all getting more intense after that line remind of of the end of I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers ill take ten million more songs with that please
the entire ending um???
its a good thing i decided to listen to this album around noon and not the middle of the night because i love demonic speaking parts but not when my eyes arent adjusted to the dark girl
ooh august underground is an instrumental i went to look up the lyrics and apparently its named after a horror film trilogy so ill probably check that out soon
televangelism is also purely instrumental and genius says its ethels ascent to heaven as music god this sounds gorgeous
what i wouldnt give to be in church this sunday listening to the choir so heartfelt all singing god loves you but not enough to save you so good luck on your own baby so i said fine cause thats how my daddy raised if they strike one once then you just hit em twice as hard but in the end the fire bent under the weight they gave me and this heart would break and fall twice as far eating these lyrics
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one more song i have no idea what to say
freezer bride, your sweet divine look i have been obsessed with the locked tomb for over a year im not going to NOT think of Alecto when i see this
when my mother sees me on the side of a carton in winn-dixie's dairy aisle like the one promo picture for this right
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and arlington's in texas👀👀👀
f.inisheddd thea lbum(*&#!OHPI#!HFo
wow what the hell was that im going to obsess over it forever
if there is not a colored vinyl of this i am going to fucking murder someone this deserves something gorgeous for me to stare at while its playing
in conclusion i cannot in any way let my religious mother know im trying to get this album so im going to work with my friend who helps me get explicit/gay music my mom wont let me because spotifys alright but i need to listen to this on my little portable cd player with headphones on full blast on the floor in the middle of the night because truly every album experience is better that way but especially shit like this
ethel if youre reading this how the everloving FUCK is this your debut album this literally deserves a grammy we all know they havent been shit for a while but if you dont get one for this im going to maul the entire Academy for real. keep doing weird shit i literally heard about you from Morning Elvis with Florence, my number one weird music woman and her taste has not failed me yet, especially not after an hour of being immersed in this
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hiya! i really love your writing and i was wondering if you could do something about ramuda w/ a s/o that lacks self worth/is struggling with mental health issues? they would be a lot like him as well, except they put on a lot of different sides for diff people/groups of people, and their true self is still unknown to them cause of the self manipulation, but theyre a rather soft hearted, kind, and insecure person in general. theyve had a long a rocky past, from being verbally/physically abused by parents, to being excluded at school. theyre also quite good at bottling up their emotions as well, so maybe the scene would start in the middle of a silent panic attack? (although he can tell cause mutual trust and dating for a while) if you arent comfy w/ this, i completely understand (its just a silly rq to help me cope im sorry dndbdjdnd), so please dont pressure yourself! ty for your time and have an amazing day/night! ^^
Writer's corner: Hi, sweetheart! Of course I can do it, but before you start reading, I'd like to talk to you for a few seconds here in my small corner.. I don't know if all the characteristics you've given me have something to do with you, but if they do, I simply want to tell you that you're very strong, that you're an amazing person and that you deserve to be happy, loved and appreciated. I don't know you in person- I don't know your blog either, since you texted me in anon (and that's totally fine as long as you're comfortable and fine♥)- but I simply want to know that I'm proud of you.. you're doing great, sweetheart♥ I don't know if you're currently happy, but if not, I really hope my writing will help you feel better, will cheer you up♥ *hugs hugs* Feel free to text me each time you want to♥ Now I'll let you read.. let me know if there's something you want me to fix or change. Enjoy~♥
!!!I decided to write it, adding some lyrics from Middle of the Night by Elley Duhé.. it's a song I really love and I think it quite matches good with this song..!!!
mc's pronouns: GN! THEY/THEM
Words: 1150
Warnings: sfw but mental health issues, panic attacks, abuses are mentioned.. (please, read respectfully.. unluckily tons of people are struggling with this kind of issues.. If you have a friend who does, help them and make them feel that they are worth it, they're amazing and you're proud of them♥.. thank you)
⭐𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭⭐
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In the middle of the night...
Y/n was moving in their dream.. They were lying on that yellow sofa, in the dark of Ramuda's shop. In that night's darkness only their breath was heard. It was echoing in the room, breaking the silence. What were they dreaming about? What were their mind focusing while their eyes were closed and their body was exhausted? Were they thinking about that... again? Were they thinking about their life, their past, their emotions..?
In the middle of the night..
Y/n's eyes were closing more, while their face was starting making scared and painful expressions, just like if someone was torturing them by stabbing their heart. Some sweat was starting appearing, getting their forehead wet, while some soft warm breaths was leaving their mouth, but maybe even their chest. They could feel their heart beating faster, a great and terrifying fear getting them slowly, wrapping around their body just like a blanket could do in cold nights. They felt some goosebumps and shivers along their spine.. It wasn't winter, but almost summer. Were they feeling cold? No.. but then why were they feeling like this? What was happening? 
These burning flames...
In that dream Y/n found themselves walking in their school's hallway. There were all those students- even their classmates- looking at them with a judging expression, while chuckling, probably making fun of them. It was evident they had bad thoughts about y/n.. but.. they had never done anything wrong.. Yet all those students had always kept ignoring them, treating them like a sort of outcast, excluding them from the friends groups or even from clubs. 
...these crashing waves wash over me like a hurricane
After their classmates, y/n saw their parents into their dream. It wasn't a dream anymore though.. probably it had never been from the very beginning! Their parents.. their disappointed look, their voices judging and saying horrible things, addressing y/n with terrible names and even physically abusing them... It was all painful, yes.. but feeling so distant from people who should be there for you- just like parents- was hurting y/n more... They felt lonely. And they hated it. Those slaps had never hurt as much as that loneliness had... But, even with some blood over their mouth, and some bruises... y/n had smiled. They had forced a smile. They had been so great at bottling up their emotions.. they had been so good at hiding their true self, displaying what actually was a sort of mask, different for each person they had in front. It was like this: y/n used masks- one for their parents, another one for their customers, another one for their "friends"..-. No one had ever seen their true self. Nobody had ever seen through those masks.. Nobody had ever had enough courage to take off their mask, to look at y/n's actual face, to smile looking at their eyes and to say: "It's okay.. I appreciate you for the way you are.. You're perfect like this.. you don't need masks..", well.. Nobody except for Ramuda.
In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
Soon in the dream they saw the same hallway, full of those people who had never helped them.. who had always ignored or judged them.. who had abused them. All those students, their classmates, their fake friends, their parents... All those people's eyes were piercing, while staring at y/n just like if a freak was passing by, right there in front of their glance. The only person who had a different look in their eyes.. the only one who was standing there, at the end of the hallway, opening his arms just like if he was waiting for an hug.. it was Ramuda. He looked scared and worried.
Just call my name, I'm yours to tame
"Y/n!! Please, wake up!! What's wrong?! Y/n!!"
Y/n opened their eyes suddenly, sitting up immediately, putting an hand on their chest, feeling their heart racing like never before. All those memories, all those terrible memories.. It had been a terrible nightmare to see them again! Y/n's eyes were empty and scared while they were trying their best to calm down. Some tears were starting leaving their eyes, running down their cheeks as y/n realized that.. it had been a nightmare.. they had gotten through all of that mess, but.. they had won. They had overcome it! Ramuda's hand soon reached their face, caressing it softly with his thumb. As y/n turned their head towards him, they saw his eyes.. his blue eyes with shades of pink.. there was a light in those eyes. A light of genuine fear, of genuine worry and care. Ramuda sobbed softly: "Y/n... A-Are you o-okay..?.. I.. I called you.. I called you three t-times.. b-but.. You weren't waking up.. I.. I was scared of losing you!"
In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night
Y/n couldn't help, but hugged Ramuda immediately after they realized that.. yes, he was there.. he was there with them and for them. They both had fallen asleep together, hugging each other, and now the pink-haired man was there as scared as them. Y/n hugged him.. they hugged him as tightly as they could, caressing his sweet pink strawberry-scented hair, feeling how fluffy it felt under their fingers, closing their eyes just to get lost in his warmth. Even if small, Ramuda was like this. This was the real Ramuda.. and this was the real Y/n. They both had never been able to show their true selfs to others.. they had always used masks, trying to create fake personalities just to be liked or simply not to be judge. But they had decided to be genuine, to be real with each other, to show those they thought were their flaws to each other. And so they had ended up in a relationship, dating for a while. Ramuda- just like y/n- had no doubt: y/n was the one he wanted to protect, to hug, to make feel happy all the time. After a long hug, the pink-haired fashion designer broke it just to look at y/n's eyes. He smiled warmly- the warmest and cutest smile he had ever done so far: "It's okay, y/n.. I know what you are feeling.. I know what you've been through... You're like me.. You're perfect for me.. I.. I promise I will keep you safe.. I'll make you happy.. I'll make you feel the most genuine happiness, y/n!!.. I love you..", Ramuda spoke, whispering in the dark of the night. His voice was sounding so low.. so serious like never before. His hands soon reached y/n's face, his fingers caressing their cheeks, when softly he got closer and pressed his lips on theirs. He wanted to make them feel loved and appreciated.
I'm wide awake, I crave your taste in the middle of the night
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xplrvibes · 8 months
ok colby feeling like he might actually be sick. “It might be good content if i do” you know what else would be good content? tapping into your psychic side more.
Im just going to keep this ask open and continue my thoughts and then send as one message. if this is stupidly long i will not he offended if you don’t respond 😂
colby tryna get some ghost p*ssy lmao i jk i jk also him genuinely feeling sick like he might be coming down with something ever since he got into the hotel… 👀
maybe the mizpah would be a good place for him to go back to and tap into his empathic side bc he says he feels super calm there and obviously the ghosts like him sooo win win
sam being on a caffeine high and being extra jumpy bc of it is sending me 😂😂 and colby laughing every time the torches go off is also sending me
also something about the way sam groups colby with mackie and amanda feels so soft to me. like warm and cozy. like he’s talking about how the girls feel sick and he says “and now colby…. like you know when you’re an empath and you feel like you’re throwing up” torch goes off. idk how to explain it but it makes my heart warm.
omg was not expecting colby to look so drained when they pulled him out of the room. maybe bc it was so dark, he was lying down, doesn’t feel well, it’s late. his body was ready to call it a night ok the girls just asked if he was crying. he looks like he just rolled our of bed and doesnt know what day it is lol
oh frick yeah colby estes. jfc this is so intense, and its so so so on point. everything is being answered and when someone else came thru it was an immediate syntax change as well. a clear distinction between two people. even the way colby says the words is different depending on who’s talking. this is so wild.
ok done. also sidebar i love their outro, i feel like did they stop doing it? the peace sign to blowing a kiss? or am i stupid? i love it, its so cute.
- aussie anon
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I knew you would like that episode! Just the whole thing of Colby just happily macking with a ghost the whole time while everyone else is having a terrible, terrible time...high comedy lol. Not to mention, this is Colby's charisma and "rizz" as the kids call it on full display.
To me, it's almost like he got a contact high from the ghost; like he came out of that room looking like he just had the Pink Floyd cranked and was feeling no pain lol. But it was interesting how it started out with him not feeling well, but once he got in a room alone with this ghost and he felt comfortable and safe, the vibes changed.
Also, I don't remember if this was in the video or not, but I know he had mentioned somewhere that he wound up spending the night in that room afterwards and slept very well, so there's also that.
Sam exercising his numerology-given right to be Colby's guide and looking out for him, worrying about him, etc is always a feel good moment even when it happens in the weirdest environments. I like how he was willing to cut the camera for Colby and Colby was just like "Nah, I'm willing to puke on-screen." Like, my dudes, I enjoy your content...but I won't enjoy that lol.
Also, I am not a person who takes any umbrage to sexual humor (obviously) but Sam with the miner/minor jokes...I'm like my friend, please stop before you get yourself in trouble lmao.
But yea, that estes was one of the more intense ones, and one of those ones where it almost felt like he was channeling something at times. I did laugh at the "15 minutes can save you..." like obviously that was a Geico commercial coming through, but its funny how those things work sometimes.
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rot-room · 8 months
an elegy to me and you
On new years, at a new friends house
We were so young and we kissed on the couch
Made a bed on the floor with blankets and couch cushions
Listen to you snore and twitch
And when we'd kiss I'd bruise my chin
you piss me off so often that i swear you must be trying
I say I'm okay again and you ask me if I'm lying
Stuck your finger in my eye to check if i was crying
Held me in your sleep
but if i told our friends you're instantly denying
Birthday party i fell down on the floor
I wasnt drunk i just couldnt take it anymore
You drunkenly slurred as you picked me up off the wood,
"Whatever happens, it's gonna be good"
I look for you in everything
My fucked up healthy moon
I gave the evil eye to every other girl in the room
Hid in the bed with your friends from the cops
i brought you your skateboard, walked quite a few blocks
Then an hour up a mountain and the whole time we fought
But i loved it and now we laugh and lament
Broke up months ago yet here we are in the basement
Youre always so warm to me
Your skin is like home to me
We always love so innocently
We giggled and cuddled at night
Then argue in the morning
Tried to hate you once or twice
But I was really only mourning
that you would never let me have you
So many parties with you
Only you across a crowded room
Now I am old and there is so much to do
but theres always room in my heart for you
Been so many years now we're sat in the dark
And i told you i think you have hate in your heart
On another couch and your arm wrapped around me
Its so fucking natural
im so glad you found me
Got a little bit drunk you didn't make any sense
But i know what you mean when you dance on the fence
I dont wanna lose you
But i lose you again and again and again
For you i am tender the pain is not cold and sharp
but warm and melts me, endears me, holds me
For you, I can stop crying
but smile just to have loved you
Melts me again
A puddle again
Until you come back and scoop this mess back up in your hands
For you i am so tender
I am your biggest fan
I will cancel all my plans
You turn me into goo
Its always been you
it will forever be you
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