#jason evert
eternal-echoes · 17 days
“Young women may wonder, "Why does God give us such powerful hormones now if we aren't supposed to get married for ten more years? What am I supposed do with all my desires in the meantime?" Perhaps the first thing to remember is that it's normal and healthy to have sexual desires. This is the way God made you, and you should be more concerned if these desires aren't present.
One reason God allows us to experience such desires before marriage is because we first must learn to control them. By learning to control their passions, couples acquire two important skills.
First, the couple becomes free to love. Unless a person learns sexual self-control before marriage, he or she will be incapable of loving a spouse properly inside of marriage. The world often claims that men and women need sexual experience prior to marriage in order to be sexually competent. But as one husband pointed out, "If you can't say no to sex, what does your 'yes' mean?"1 The chaste person who knows how to love will have an easier time learning to express sexual love than the person who has become engrained in the habit of lust. Second, the couple train themselves in faithfulness. If a dating couple can't resist the allure of forbidden fruit now, what will they do when temptations arise within marriage? How assuring it will be for the bride who marries a man who has self-control! Prior to marriage, if he is able to resist temptations with the woman he loves more than life itself, then he should have no trouble staying true to her in marriage. Because he has developed self-mastery, he is able to bless his wife with the peaceful assurance of his fidelity. Such a gift is certainly worth more to her than any sexual "experience" he could have acquired prior to marriage. Because their vows are more likely to endure, they can enjoy a lifetime of learning how to express intimacy within marriage.”
-Jason and Crystalina Evert, How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul
1 Christopher West, Theology of the Body for Beginners
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nam-ore · 2 years
Todo mundo quer amor. Todo mundo anseia por se entregar a outra pessoa e ser amado por ela. Fomos projetados para o amor, e essa necessidade dentro de nós é tão profunda que muitos preferem arriscar uma gravidez ou DST a viver sem amor. Podemos estar dispostos correr esse risco porque o mundo nos diz que sexo é igual a amor. Então vemos relacionamentos em que o sexo fora do lugar ou do tempo destruiu o amor e nos perguntamos o que aconteceu... A única solução capaz de quebrar essa dor, esse vazio e confusão é a virtude conhecida como castidade. O que é castidade?
A castidade é uma virtude (como bravura ou honestidade) que se aplica à sexualidade de uma pessoa. Isso significa que você pega todos os seus desejos sexuais e os ordena de acordo com as necessidades do amor verdadeiro. Por exemplo, quando você ama uma pessoa, você faz qualquer sacrifício por eles e você faz o que for preciso para não prejudicá-los. Castidade significa que você toma essa decisão de amor e a aplica ao sexo. Alguns pensam que a castidade significa simplesmente "sem sexo". Mas abstinência é isso: focar no que você não pode fazer ou ter. A castidade é o que você pode fazer e ter agora, se quiser: um modo de vida que lhe dê liberdade, respeito, paz, alegria e até romance, sem reprovação, sem medo ou angústia. A castidade liberta os casais da atitude egoísta de se usarem como objetos, deixando-os livres para ter e desfrutar o amor verdadeiro. Viver a virtude da castidade, de forma positiva, purifica seu coração em todas as áreas, fortalece sua vontade e seu relacionamento íntimo com o Senhor. Tanto para casados ​​quanto para solteiros, a castidade significa reverência pelo dom do sexo e nos permite dar e receber amor verdadeiro.
Jason Evert, Amor puro.
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borderlinegerard · 1 month
if i had a nickel for evert time jensen ackles played a character named jason i would have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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christian-femininity · 9 months
Authentic femininity is a combination of class, tenderness and virtue. When a woman possesses these traits, a man will naturally want to be more of a gentleman around her.
— Jason Evert
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livehorsesartpage · 3 months
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"Look for your reflection in the eyes of God, gaze into that mirror and he's gonna teach you your value." Jason Evert
Made with pencil colors and pens at March 19 of 2024
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singhallelujahh · 1 year
Apparently at SEEK Jason Evert blamed p*rn addiction on a lack of masculinity?
I am so so tired
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xxxg0ryygurlll13xxx · 2 months
so my guy friends including my bf go to an all boys catholic school
AND TODAY FIRST THING IN THE MORNING THEYRE HAVING AN ENTIRE ASSEMBLY ON CHASTITY LMAOOOOO (from some guy named Jason evert if u wanna google him hes a lil insane) i find this incredibly funny. mostly because
this isnt gonna do anything horny teenage boys r gonna be horny teenage boys no matter how much u shame them
the thought that this is cause some teacher overheard some unhinged conversation and thought "these horndogs need an assembly"
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secondhandselfhelp · 7 months
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How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul: 21 Secrets for Women by Crystalina and Jason Evert. Found in Deseret Industries in Salt Lake City.
"Be Picky!"
Signed by Jason Evert himself? I don't think this reader connected with the overtly-Christian messaging in this book, and the more I studied her notes, the more it seemed like she was underlining the things she didn't like. I also find her confusion regarding the footnotes so incredibly endearing.
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thewahookid · 1 year
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In 1981, "at 5:17 Vatican time, Saint John Paul the Great was shot.
Let's all give thanks to God for saving him!! What would the world have been like if we missed the last two decades of his papacy?"(Jason Evert)
JPII contributed his survival to Our Lady of Fatima!
"One hand shot and another guided the bullet."
This incident caused JPII to pray for Mary to return in his own time- in a communist country- so to help him fight the errors of communism that arose from Russia which Our Lady begged us to pray against..
A few weeks later Momma Mary began appearing in Medjugorje- he always believed these apparitions were an answer to his prayers!
Read more here
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wilinorsa · 1 year
Talking to men interested in dating you, for the purpose of dating them: meh
Talking to men interested in dating you, and sending them down Chris Damian’s investigative rabbit holes into the dark sides of NET and FOCUS and Jason Evert and WOF: 10/10
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eternal-echoes · 23 days
“Some hesitate to join religious groups because they've seen too many hypocrites. Indeed, it's scandalous when people professes Christ with their lips on Sunday and deny Him with their behavior the rest of the week. But if you wait until all members of a religion are perfect in order to join their church, you'll never join —because no such church exists. This is why it has been said that the Church is more of a hospital for sinners than it is a museum of saints. We're all in need of redemption, and we're not alone.” -Jason and Crystalina Evert, How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul
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thinkwinwincom · 2 years
Jason Whitlock: Dejen de decir que Serena Williams es la 'cabra' del tenis femenino
Jason Whitlock: Dejen de decir que Serena Williams es la ‘cabra’ del tenis femenino
Jason Whitlock: “Serena Williams no es la mejor tenista de la historia. Cuando se trata de títulos femeninos, escuche esta lista: Margaret Court – 192 victorias, Martina Navratilova – 167, Chris Evert – 157, Billie Jean King – 129, Stevie Graf – 107 , Yvonne Gulagong – 86, Susan Lenglin – 81, luego 8, Serena Williams – 73. Eso se aplica a la disponibilidad. La disponibilidad es la mayor…
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muhammaddahab · 2 years
Jason Whitlock: Hör auf zu sagen, dass Serena Williams die „Ziege“ im Damentennis ist
Jason Whitlock: Hör auf zu sagen, dass Serena Williams die „Ziege“ im Damentennis ist
Jason Whitlock: “Serena Williams ist nicht die größte Tennisspielerin aller Zeiten. Wenn es um Frauentitel geht, hören Sie sich diese Liste an: Margaret Court – 192 Siege, Martina Navratilova – 167, Chris Evert – 157, Billie Jean King – 129, Stevie Graf – 107 , Yvonne Gulagong – 86, Susan Lenglin – 81, dann 8, Serena Williams – 73. Das gilt für Verfügbarkeit. Verfügbarkeit ist die größte…
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beziddi1 · 2 years
Spread the Feminine Vibes with Women T shirts Online
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As stated in a classic quote by Jason Evert, “ Authentic femininity is a combination of class, tenderness and virtue. When a woman possesses these traits, a man will naturally want to be more of a gentleman around her.”
Now, it's a harsh truth that women have been oppressed since time immemorial and since the last few decades, the women are slowly finding their voice and are establishing their ground in every sphere of life and work.
Since, more and more women are becoming independent and are not being marital slaves to men, this is the when feminism is at its peak. This is why we provide Women Top Wears: Daily Fashion Tips!
Further, gone are the days when being masculine was all about having big biceps, smoking cigarettes, and thomping people down with your entitled sense of masculinity.
Today, with the advent of spiritualism and modernity, having feminine energy or display of your sensitive or feminine side is not considered weak and instead it is considered as the “new age cool” and attractive.
The Women T Shirts Online allow the women to grace the surroundings with their elegance, style, and a soothing calm femeinine energy.
Generally, women care a lot about their belongings and they treat their clothes as their friends. Now, in this   age of stress, biological warfare, mind games, office politics, work pressure, and excessive use of social media which subjects you to constant scrutiny, everyone likes to be greeted by their girlfriends or wives in a soothing voice that just tranquilizes all the mental burnout.
So, we have introduced these Women T-shirts that allow women with beautiful designs as they allow the women to just own the environment by spreading the fragrance of their feminine energy.
Besides the women T-shirts, we also provide T-shirt Combo for Men at reasonable prices and we have stated the importance of women T-shirts and femininity in the below points-
We promote womanhood through these T-shirts as by wearing these T-shirts, the women exude much more warmth and charming vibes that can just mesmerize anyone.
Since ancient times, men have been continuously waging wars in their quest to satisfy their ego for attaining power, wealth, and position. But, now with women coming out of their closet & fighting for their rights, men have started to keep a check on their egotistical and self-absorbed nature as they are gaining exposure to femeinine traits & learning their importance.
These traits include nurturance, sweetness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, sensitivity, expressiveness, empathy, and tenderness to name a few. With the influx of these stereotypically feminine traits in books, movies, and most importantly in the mindset, the world is slowly becoming a better place.
So, with the Women’s T-shirts. Be Ziddi wants the women to wear their womanishness with pride.
Further, the designs on these T-shirts celebrate the sense of being a woman as the designs and quotes have specifically been curated to impress women.
Thus, women should wear these T-shirts as a badge of honor without being apologetic for their femininity as it's not their weakness, but their strength.
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nam-ore · 2 years
O plano de Deus para o amor humano não exige uma repressão de nossos desejos, nem finge que eles não existem, mas que nós reconheçamos a sua presença e o seu poder, e peçamos a Deus a força para amar como Ele ama.
Jason Evert
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