#lgbt islamophobia
queerism1969 · 9 months
Happy new year to all Queer Muslims.
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The Israeli army enters Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis with heavy tank and machine gun fire, forcing everyone inside to evacuate and flee for their lives.
Rafah exodus begins as Israel’s military steps up air raids and artillery fire before a feared ground operation on the southern city once designated a “safe zone”.
Israel “must listen to its friends and the international community” saying civilians cannot be made to “pay the price of defeating Hamas”, leaders of Australia, New Zealand and Canada say.
Israel’s attacks on Gaza have killed at least 28,663 Palestinians and wounded 68,395 since October 7. The death toll in Israel from the October 7 Hamas-led attacks stands at 1,139.
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....kinda just seems like they want people to stop talking about the genocide that Israel is definitely, without a doubt committing.
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gryficowa · 3 months
You know what sucks? Radical feminism (TREF) has so destroyed the opinion of feminism that every time as a feminist you have to explain that no, you are not anti-men, you are not anti-Arab, you are not anti-intersex, you are not anti-trans, thanks, radical feminists, for fucking up the lives of real feminists
I wish you an encounter with a truck or some shit
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odinsblog · 9 months
These mask off moments aren’t anything new.
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It’s official: White “feminists” like Julianna Margulies, Amy Schumer and Patricia Arquette have no clue that Black women, Black LGBTQ people, and Black Jewish people are actual categories of people who exist.
Worse still, they completely ignore that it is often white women who have been responsible for some of the worst harms inflicted on other women, Black people and NBPoC.
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White “feminists” constantly acting like they’ve done the most - when they’ve only helped themselves and then pulled up the ladder afterwards - then demanding the labor of marginalized Black people in return for their so-called “help” is disgusting. Their transactional, conditional allyship, and their focus on one singular identity at the expense of all others, is the polar opposite of intersectional feminism.
Black people have had some real allies from every race, color and creed, but let’s get this straight: Black people fought our own fights and when we lose, we most definitely do our own dying. Nobody “gave” us anything because Julianna Margulies put a fucking black square on her Instagram pfp when George Floyd was murdered. And Black people don’t owe any of these racists a damn thing for their extremely limited, performative, paternalistic, and self-serving “allyship”.
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newsfromstolenland · 23 hours
it feels so futile trying to explain to non-muslims that just because there are homophobic Muslims doesn't mean that Muslims and Islam are inherently homophobic
the existence of homophobic Muslims doesn't delegitimize my identity as a queer Muslim!
there are homophobic christians and queer christians, homophobic atheists and queer atheists, etc.
every religion or lack thereof, every ethnic group, every country, has both homophobic people and queer people!
and the way people zero in on Islam in particular is just straight up Islamophobia
queerness and Islam aren't mutually exclusive. in fact, done right, they are complimentary
the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught that Islam is made up of varieties of different people with different experiences so that we can learn from one another. it is not a stretch to include queer and trans identities in that
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Repost from @themasgd:
As trans and racialized Muslims, we find ourselves at the intersections of identities targeted by white Christian nationalists, both liberal and conservative. Led by Black and Palestinian Trans Muslims, MASGD hosted a group of trans and racialized Muslim leaders from around Turtle Island to discuss the connections between anti-trans and anti-Palestinian politics and legislation. This work took place during Pride Month, a time of protest and resistance for queer and trans people everywhere, and coincides with months of university encampments, both offering glimpses into utopian community possibilities. These efforts provided an opportunity to create spaces beyond anti-Black, anti-trans, anti-unhoused, and anti-poor systems and to build systems of care and pathways for transformative justice to thrive, such as supporting unhoused community members and food distribution.
Go deeper with our toolkit: themasgd.org/beyond-single-issue-advocacy.
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beazt · 1 year
the republican who is running for NC governor is exceptionally bad. Mark Robinson…
said women are not meant to be leaders
said when someone becomes pregnant their body is no longer their own
called a woman who had an abortion a “heifer”
ironically, has paid for at least one abortion himself
calls for abortion to banned in all cases and abortion providers to face massive punishments
said feminism is the work of the devil and his minions
referred to gay people as filth
referred to transgender rights as demonic
said loving god and being an LGBT ally are mutually exclusive/incompatible
wants to revoke the rights of same sex married couples
wants to completely REMOVE science AND history from elementary schools
called for the elimination of the NC board of education
has called for the censoring of teachers
various antisemitic and islamophobic comments
shared misinformation about the holocaust
North Carolinians, we MUST do everything in our power to keep this man from having any power over us. I would appreciate if non-North Carolinians would share this as well, as this man is a danger.
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bisexualseraphim · 3 months
So-called allies online will say with their whole chests “hmm I can see your point about me needing to change and do better but the way you said it was kind of mean :/ Maybe more people would be more willing to support you if you were just a little NICER when you tell them they’re disrespecting you” and then wonder why they’re not getting Ally Brownie Points for all the hard work they’re doing for the community
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bimdraws · 5 months
Not-so-friendly reminder that weaponizing the oppression of queer people in Palestine to support Israel makes no sense.
Yes, there is homophobia and transphobia in Palestine. Yes, queer Palestinians do lack a lot of basic rights. But guess what? Israel isn't welcoming those Palestinians or furthering their rights, they don't care who is queer or not when they bomb schools, hospitals, mosques and churches. They don't care who is queer or not when they kick thousands of people out of their homes, or threaten them with a nuclear fucking bomb.
Israel being portrayed as queer-friendly is straight up rainbow-washing because queer Palestinians don't have that same treatment. They're living under apartheid because of Israel, and not just Gazans, but people in the West Bank and the Golan Heights where Hamas doesn't rule, but I barely hear people talking about that.
Even if you somehow convinced me that every single Palestinian was homophobic, which isn't true, how exactly is bombing them going to help our cause? Do we treat homophobes in the West the same way? No we fucking don't. You only say that because dehumanizing a group of people you'll never have to meet IRL is very easy, but I'm sure you wouldn't kill your homophobic aunt Linda, or suggest she should be murdered for being a bad person. That has never been how we operate because it's nonsensical. We don't want revenge on homophobes, we want equity and Israel isn't providing that for Palestinians, queer and straight alike.
Countries can't become more open minded about queer people when they're being invaded and genocided either, when they're starved and shelter-less. That's not gonna be at the top of their list. Peace comes first, and then social rights. The fact that queer Palestinians, queer Muslims, queer Arabs, Christian Palestinians and Jewish Palestinians (fuck, Jewish people around the globe are protesting against Israel too) exist and speak openly against Israel should tell you there's more to the conversation than "if a person is discriminating me we're now entitled to strip them of all human rights and also murder them in cold blood".
I don't appreciate my identity being used disingenously to further the genocide of a different group of people. Whatever a homophobe in Palestine would do to me, a Chilean homophobe would also do right here where I live. I don't have to imagine a scenario where I'm surrounded by homophobia. I am gay, I live it, and genocide isn't my solution to it.
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eccentricphilosoph · 2 months
Just because someone disagrees with the brand of activism for a movement doesn’t automatically make them a bigot
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Yes. It’s true. The issue people may have isn’t the goal/message of the movement itself, but the way the activism or ideology is being implemented in the name of such a goal/message. That is not bigoted.
However, I will not deny that certain outlier bigots will try to latch onto those who disagree with a certain brand of activism/ideology and that is very bad, unfortunate, and is what causes people to believe disagreement with a movement equals bigotry.
The Black Panthers disagreed with MLK and vice versa… pretty sure that didn’t make either of them racists. They merely disagreed with each other’s ideologies and implementation of their activism.
People who generally support Muslims as people and the freedom to their religion have found issue with Islamic extremists, but that doesn’t make them “Islamophobes”.
Many feminists and others have shown they disagree with the “Choice Feminism” movement, but that doesn’t make them misogynists. Or to go even further, women and men who support women’s rights have said they don’t agree with the feminist movement as it has evolved over the years to what it is now. Again, they’re not misogynists for saying so.
People who have shown they disagree with the current implementation of activism in the LGBT movement, including people who are LGBT, are not necessarily prejudiced nor hateful against the LGBT for disagreeing with the movement as it stands.
People can disagree with Judaism, but that doesn’t make them anti-semites.
Back in the day when Nazis ruled Germany, they would call anyone who disagreed with them prejudiced against Germany. Obviously, anyone who disagreed with Nazis were not prejudiced against Germany.
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Them BTW ( pages from mr.nabi's webcomic Puu)
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I love this comic SO much. And I'll ID this eventually, I just wanted to post it before I forgot.
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skoggiis · 1 year
ok so i nearly went on about this in previous post, but is any other person really unsettled by the societal trend of using "inclusive" "diversity" "identity" solely for LGBT+ folks? At this point its a red flag that a company or workplace claim theyre very inclusive and welcoming, and then only mention queer identities without anything about POC, religious minorities, handicapped (physical or mental), etc. Its a red flag for every -ism, in my experience, even for the queer folks they're claiming to include. i say this as a white trans person, this is so fucking uncomfortable and needs to stop, when did this start happening?
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vlindervin7 · 2 years
muslims will act violently homophobic in a country that values gay rights and then act shocked when it reflects badly on their community
#non muslims pls don’t interract but i’m sooo mad i just need to rant#also prefacing this by saying obvs muslims are not to blame for racism and islamophobia in europe these things would still exist without#all the controversy but omggg#so this group of lgbt muslims planned an iftar for other queer muslims and they had to cancel it bc of the threats they received#and now ofc all the politicians are going on abt how they cannot accept intolerance and this behaviour is unacceptable in a society that#preaches equal rights for queer people#and like… was that not to be expected??? the very muslims who do shit like this will be the first to scream islamophobia but are you making#ANY effort#this meeting was not for you it does not affect you you don’t even have to think abt it but what makes you think sending threats of#physical violence during the holy month of RAMADAN is smth you should be doing#there is nothing surprising abt the far right (who don’t even support queer rights themselves) to jump on this opportunity to make sure#everyone knows that look!! those muslims refuse to adopt our good belgian values#and yk they’d find smth anyway but let’s avoid adding fuel to their fire by giving them real actual reasons to be concerned#and on the one hand it does feel like victim blaming bc marginalised groups shouldn’t be held responsible for the hatred targeted at them#and it’s not muslims’ fault but i’m just so tired like they really can’t help themselves#something so deeply wrong with muslims who make hating queer people their number one priority like… i don’t think you understand what your#beloved faith stands for#it’s just such a shame to have to start ramadan with this kind of discourse everywhere#exactly 0% of this is surprising i could’ve predicted this would happen exactly but it’s just so tiring on all accounts#you want to live your religion in piece without being targeted for it? what makes you think attacking other ppl wanting the very same thing#is a logical response? use your brain and spend some time doing dhikr instead of spreading hate on the internet what is wrong with you
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gryficowa · 4 months
The strangest thought came to me, related to "Islamist Terrorist Attacks", without further words: Depression
You're probably wondering what's the connection between depression and terrorist attacks? Well, depression can have many faces, including one where someone can kill someone or take other lives with them, along with the WTC, Islamophobia intensified, which led to the frequency of terrorist attacks, those who have experienced discrimination know, that one of its effects is mental problems such as depression, so yes, society has led people to a tragic mental state and washed away the guilt, instead of taking it too, because it's better to put it on the victim (Who may have done something unforgivable, but still, they created I)
Society, through its discrimination, has caused a person to have a bad mental state (And although I don't like it when people defend the torturer for this reason, the fact that people blame the Islamists themselves and deepen this problem changes the perspective, because if there was a white boy instead of the Islamist, then people to feel sorry for him and yes, white privilege… And misogyny, because in the case of women there is not as much sympathy as towards men)
Unfortunately, a chain has been created that we continue with our Islamophobia, leading the discriminated person to a critical mental state, which leads him to commit unforgivable acts, which leads to us blaming the entire group, and so it becomes a circle that does not want to end
As long as Islamophobia does not end, there will be terrorist attacks, we as people fuel it ourselves and blame God on innocent people, instead of taking some of the blame on ourselves and thinking about what to change in society to prevent it from happening (No Islamophobia, because she is guilty of it)
Islamophobia is not just a problem for Muslims, it is a problem for all of us
We must end this chain before there are even more victims
Since the WTC, people have dehumanized Muslims, which unfortunately can be seen today in what is happening in Palestine and Burma (And on the Polish-Belarusian border, yes, I will not stop mentioning it because it is sick), has shown this problem more widely (Which is ignored by people, because they must have a chochoł, because they can't live without it)
This thought reached me especially in Europe, where this shit has reached, and with it terrorist attacks, Islamophobia is a beast that lurks and then I wash my hands when something bad happens, seeing Islamophobia in my country (And being terrified by it, because even though I am an agnostic raised in Christianity, such hatred towards people is terrifying for someone who knows the history of the Holocaust)
No one deserves such hatred, and the worst thing is when this hatred comes from a group that was the victim of the same thing, yes, I'm talking about Jews, specifically Zionists, there is nothing more disgusting than a victim of discrimination that discriminates against others (Like gays discriminating against trans people, like Asians discriminating against black people etc…) and spreads propaganda itself, which is not true about a specific group
What is happening today to Islamists is not much different from what was done to Jews and it should terrify us, not be a reason to be proud, it is sick that we strive to dehumanize people and we are proud of it, it should not happen
Unfortunately, we still have constant victims of discrimination that are not new… LGBT+ people, people use Nazi rhetoric (Yes, calling gays "Unnatural" is one of them) and I see it in Poland, which is horrifying because of the context of the Holocaust, and many Poles are denied other victims than Jews and Poles, which is terrifying
We let fascism come back and it's fucking terrifying
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odinsblog · 1 year
Any journalist or media outlet that does not explicitly make clear that Elon Musk is a white nationalist, is complicit in spreading his hate speech, racism, misogyny and bigotry. I don’t care if it’s a tech outlet doing a piece on SpaceX or Tesla, the job of a responsible media outlet is to report facts and give a complete picture of what they are reporting on. Doing anything less is journalistic malpractice. It would be like reporting on how Trump owns a place called Mar-a-Lago, but somehow omitting that he was the occupant of the White House and all of the crimes he has been charged with. (more)
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entanglingbriars · 2 years
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