#like how she acts now VS then is basically almost night and day
ninjagirlstar5 · 1 month
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I was in the mood to draw Minako Tomori, and so I did. I put her in this melancholic pose while dressed in casual clothes, like she's hanging out in public, but she started getting distracted by past regrets...
Her casual clothes are based off of this sprite edit I made of her for my fanfic:
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There's no tattoo-covering-a-scar on her shoulder in this sprite cause I literally just came up with that headcanon yesterday and this sprite edit is almost a year old (I just never posted it until now). Not that you would've seen it that well from this angle anyways.
Her tattoo is based off of the flower, Sakurasou or the Japanese Primrose, btw. Kinda proud on how it turned out, ngl, as I'm not really that good in designing tattoos for characters. ^^;
Anyways, I made an off-the-cuff Minako Tomori analysis under the read more, oops:
I've been seeing a lot of Tomori family talk lately and that made me start thinking of Minako again as she's, well, kindof my favorite out of the 6.5 crew next to Dr. Ando (which led to me making this drawing of her). Now, I'm not defending her in how she raised Kizuna or her horrible attitude or anything like that. She's pretty horrible in DRA 6.5 and she gets called out on multiple times by Ryutaro and even Dr. Ando, and rightfully so. But man, from what I can understand in DRA 6.5, she's clearly a goddamn mess. From all the smoking she does to (badly) cope with the stress of dealing with her failure of a marriage to a shitty husband who is also a shitty dad, to constantly cheating on him cause she'd rather be anywhere but with him and can't divorce him due to collateral so she's just legally stuck with him so she goes off to find other men (usually younger but at least they're of age) to ignore her problems at home, puts importance on money because she's the only one trying make sure they have a fuckin' roof over their heads cause her husband is too busy gambling and drinking all their money away, and probably put importance on her appearance more than anything else cause it's one of the few things she can control about herself and feel confident in (and even then, she can't stop the passage of time that is old age). And all of this, plus how she interacts with Ryutaro in her Talk sections (a.k.a. her FTEs) by constantly calling him brat and trying to get him to go away, and no wonder Kizuna turned out the way she did. She had a dad that was never there for her or his wife, refusing to take responsibility for anything and just focuses on himself, and her mom is dealing with SO many things that she's constantly stressed about money and her appearance to the point that she's unable to be emotionally supportive to her daughter in any healthy manner that her flaws, her own attitude about men, and her beliefs in money and appearance is all that matters just ended up trickling down to her daughter and influencing her in a way that it turned her into the messed up girl she is in the short time we got to know her in DRA. Like, holy shit, Minako. You're an asshole of a parent, but when you really think about it, the poor woman got the short end of the stick in life and that really affected how she acted in raising her daughter. Again, not defending her as she's still a bad influence but it's hard not to pity her when she's left to do all the work herself, from parenting, to working, to just trying to take care of herself (by coping in very bad ways)...It's not an enviable position, that's for sure. But honestly, that's what makes Minako so interesting to me. She's not a good person, far from it, nor is she the "better" parent in this scenario. But she still cared enough about Kizuna to follow a suspicious note and getting kidnapped in the process, even when it had the underlying motivation of deciding that she had enough of her shitty husband and took the opportunity to run away from him. And whenever the other characters, particularly Dr. Ando, call her out on her nonsense, I think she gets struck silent in response. Like their words are genuinely getting to her and making her question the way she acts.
And you know what fucks me up the most?
The implication that, between finding out what happened to Kizuna and the rest of the class in DRA post 6.5 upon getting rescued and before the events of SDRA2, she actually changed and improved as a person. Minako, while she is gossiping in the epilogue, is a lot more nicer and friendlier here, is giving us a rundown of what happened after the Utsuroshima Killing Game and the rumors surrounding it to Midori, and making light-hearted jokes in an attempt to cheer Midori up by making fun of herself. And when Midori starts to cry over Teruya's death, Minako's sprite goes sympathetic and concerned and it fades to black for awhile and we come back to Midori reassuring Minako that she's feeling better now with the implication that Minako was trying to comfort her through her mourning. And then she gives out some pretty sound advice, even when dropping this bit in the process:
(The translation is an unofficial version and this bit of dialogue appears at the 3:55 mark.)
"...Go ahead and cry your heart out. You're still young, so you don't have to pretend you're strong."
"With age, the tears won't come even if you want to cry, so when you feel the need to cry, cry."
Which, OW to that last one.
Like, imagine going through so much shit through your life as an adult that you can't even bring yourself to cry about it. You just go, "Yep, this might as well happen," with all the apathy and frustration you can muster in your body.
And when Midori goes to leave to talk to the criminals, Minako has the sense to go "That's a bad and dangerous idea, Midori, don't go alone!" and points out that she JUST got out of the hospital and hasn't fully recovered yet. She even tries to convince her to stay by asking her to continue talking with her cause she's bored. (And, well, I can believe that, even when she's speaking some common sense.) But it clearly rubbed Midori the wrong way as she seems to want to be useful in any way she can, regardless of whether or not her life gets put in danger, so she goes anyway. Aaand Minako complains about Midori's parents not teaching her to treat her adults with "respect," and has brought up "worrying over Keisuke getting a scratch on his pretty face" earlier in conversation, which shows that she's still a flawed person. But I consider that good writing as just because she's a better person now, that doesn't mean her flaws are just going to go away or disappear suddenly. Taking away a character's flaws in order to make them a "good" person will only make them bland, boring, and flat as a paper. Flaws are meant to help characters be more nuanced in personality, and Minako still being abrasive is good as it's a flaw that is a part of her to be aware of and keeps her character recognizable despite the implication that she's trying to do better now. And when Midori gets kidnapped, she immediately runs over to Ryutaro and Keisuke to tell them what happened, calling Ryutaro "kid" in the process, and showing fear for Midori's safety. I don't know if the translation between Kid and Brat is any different, but it's a step up from brat, at least. (And honestly, I can see Minako using "kid" and "brat" as a more affectionate nickname to Ryutaro over time since she comes off as the type to show affection through teasing.) And to top it all off, the cigarettes from her DRA sprites have been replaced with lollipops in her SDRA2 sprites, and candy is a common way of trying to combat addiction to nicotine.
In other words, the way Minako acts in SDRA2 shows that she's trying to be a better person, even if that development happened between games. (And frankly, we shouldn't just stop everything in the epilogue just to have a flashback of "here's why so-and-so acts like this now!" Like, that would just kill the pacing of the epilogue and defeats the whole purpose of a time-skip between games.) It's just a shame that Kizuna's death was the wake-up call that put her on that track to growth in the first place (alongside the call-outs). It's through the death of her own daughter and what led up to it and why she acted the way she did in that moment that made her stop, take in the call outs she's been dealt with throughout the 6.5 chapter, and go, "Oh. I've been a shitty mom and that played a part in how Kizuna acted and led to her death." Cause think about it: if Kizuna was never concerned about her appearance, if she never had this belief that she had to extort others in order to benefit herself, whether it's men for money, affection, popularity, attention or anyone else for anything else, DRA's Chapter 2 probably wouldn't have happened the way that it did. It may not have prevented Kizuna from dying at some point during the killing game, but her behavior was something that she learned and inherited from Minako. And that realization had to sting for her as she not only lost her daughter but had to come to terms with the revelation that it was indirectly her fault for influencing Kizuna in a way that made her a terrible person that decided her only option to survive was to try and kill (which backfired on her hard). But unlike some people, who would double-down on their behavior or just grow worse through their grief, Minako seemed to have reflected on everything up to that point and decided to grow as a person instead. But even though Minako is trying to be a better person now, she can never make it up to her own daughter that she messed up the most. Because that chance is forever lost thanks to death itself.
Reflection is important, because if you don't do that much, you'll never realize what you've done wrong until it's too late and the chance to make it up to your loved one is forever stripped from you.
...At least, that's how I've interpreted Minako Tomori.
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 22
Irving Pasternak (@helldenizen) vs. Arumi & Tetsuo (@nassilove)
491. Irving Pasternak (@helldenizen)
He is literally neurodivergent and trans(and demi). Irving is a conspiracy theorist and cryptozoology enthusiast but in a cool way(Because the world he lives in actually has cryptids, conspiracies and other paranormal stuff). His favorite hobby is trespassing, and as so, he is pretty ACAB. Other hobbies include: photography, cryptography, and playing ARGs. Plus he’s literally best friends with an eldritch god(John Doe, my other OC), and even though the eldritch god in question is pretty chill, they are pretty protective of Irving. So be careful with voting against Irving, that’s not a threat, but a warning. Oh,and his birthday is on Halloween.
Irving is a thin man of medium height. He is 179 cm(around 5,8 - 5,9 ft). He has straight ginger hair that goes to the middle of his neck. He has a crooked nose and brown eyes. He wears a dark orange raincoat, black jeans and red sneakers.
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492. Arumi & Tetsuo (@nassilove)
She/her and he/him respective
Their dynamic is amazing and I love them. I'd be glad if you decided to read, because there's a lot.
Arumi and Tetsuo met in their early 20's, they hit it off horribly.
They were traveling together with their friends at the time before Tetsuo saw Arumi in her half-dragon form, slowly transforming back to human. Since magic is a secret in this world it took him off guard and Arumi became paranoid that he'd tell someone.
She started acting dodgy whenever he was nearby, always jumpy and very untrusting even though they were supposed to be a team.
And for whatever reason wherever they go they'd always find eachother. It made both of them think the other was spying on them.
He got annoyed at her and thought she was rude, so he started snapping back.
They continued back and forth until one day he saw Arumi sneaking away at night.
He decided to follow her and see what's up and she got annoyed and told him to stop.
They ended up arguing over it since it was weird he kept following her, but he thought it was weird that she was sneaking around in the middle of the night.
At this point Arumi decided to tackle Tetsuo, with him barely dodging her "attack".
They ended up facing eachother and grappling. It wasn't the best way to settle a dispute but they both gained respect for eachother that day.
They still didn't get along well but it was easier to tolerate each other's presence.
Slowly but surely they started learning more about eachother.
Arumi thought of Tetsuo as cold and untrustworthy before, but she realized he was really open and a good opponent. She isn't a fighter but seeing as she was taller and stronger than he was it was still impressive how he'd win almost every time.
Even when she hoarders knowledge like a Western dragon with gold he can still beat her. Even when she doest reveal anything and acts like a dumb fool he can still read her. Interesting.
He realized that she was smarter than she came off as. She liked acting dumb and be reckless but she's actually really wise and thinks fast on her feet. He thought it was luck she got through all those dumb reckless actions, but maybe it was skill and the intelligence to use them.
Worst thing about her nowadays in Tetsuo's opinion is how much she likes teasing people she's close to. He really doesn't get why he's so fun to tease, he just really likes mysteries.
So what if he hasn't slept in days because he needs to find out what happens and if his theory is correct in the newest collection of murder mystery books.
No its not cute either shush
They ended up exploring around the world before each finding their respective partners.
When they lost said partners, one from war and one who chose to run away they took care of eachother and their respective children.
They decided that moving in together was the best call 7 years ago and now theyre basically like a married couple.
Their relationship status is a bit weird. They're not sure if they're romantically involved or just really close friends, but they care about eachother, that much is certain. They don't need a label to know that.
He treats her children just like his own and she treats his like hers. Her youngest even calls him dad since he's around so much. Which isn't wrong, she is his father figure. She's like a mini Arumi. His son is the oldest so he is more laid back and treats Arumi more like a friend, but they still have a very close relationship.
She still teases him and childes him for things, but hey it's not his fault he blinked and it was the next morning. His detective work is very important and fun and he can't stop.
If anyone gets annoyed that he teases them blame her. It's all her fault.
She was his villain backstory.
Now he has to tease all of his children and be an embarrassing dad, totally not because it's funny and cute. It's because Arumi made him this way.
Okay maybe he does enjoy it a bit too much. But who could blame him? He's a dad now and he's going to be the most embarrassing one they've ever met. It's all out of love, promise!
US he's not the only one enjoying it. Arumi is almost proud in a way, although she's mellowed out its kind of funny to see their children get flustered. So cute, she just wants to pinch their cheeks and give them a big hug.
And that's their dynamic. I'm obsessed with them. They're so dumb and sweet. Arumi passing on the teasing torch to him so he can bully their children. How wonderful.
Too bad he's still the favorite parent. She tends to play the bad cop in good cop/bad cop. She doesn't mind that much but it's one of the few things he's can tease her about.
Of course that's until she starts teasing him about his Starbucks addiction. Is it his fault he can't drink coffee?
Arumi has long black fluffy hair. Light skin with a yellow tint and a little tan. Not as much as she used to.
She's Euroasian and both her parents have dragon related powers, although she took most of the personality of a Western one and the looks of an Eastern one.
She has dark red, bordering on black, eyes with slitted pupils that would occasionally be noticeably red. Usually because of the angle or when she's using her powers to stare you down and make you relive your mistakes.
She typically wears reds and beiges. Not at the same time though and has a reverse scale in the middle of her chest. Which is almost never visible.
Tetsuo has very fluffy dark brown hair and a warm drak brown skin tone. He's afro-asian and has no magic.
His eyes are black and he normally wears varying shapes of greens and light browns. Colors that reminds you of spring.
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dragongirl642 · 3 years
I really love your writing and noticed your asks are open (i think). And, I checked your masterlist and didn't see RE8 listed as a universe you write for, so you can ignore this if you want. But, could I request Heisenberg, Donna, and Lady Dimitrescu reacting to a male dragon-shifter reader who has decided to make the character's residence their hoard, and as such, going to extreme lengths to protect them and the residence?
OOOHHH 😮😳 How did you know dragons (and by extent dragon shifters) are my favourite things in the whole wide world!!!!!
As a treat, you get all four of the Lords' reactions. 😎
For extra drama, the dragon-shifter (you) basically crash land nearby (after a loooooonnnngggg flight) and decide to take up residence in the nearest abode while you rest, and end up getting comfortable and liking the area so decide to stay.
You have a full human form, fully dragon form, and an in-between form.
Also, you have like saintly levels of patience.
It takes him a minute of staring to figure out that the giant dragon in the factory, is not a hallucination, induced by either the drinking he was doing the night prior, or a trick of Mother Miranda's trying to destabilize him mentally.
However this quickly turns into a lot of yelling "what the F are you doing in my factory!" and "What the F are you!" while chucking metal at you.
You melt the more dangerous pieces and yell at him to "Cease this nonsense! You can't hurt me like this."
Heisenberg.exe has stopped working.
He's partially re-evaluating his life like...did I just get sassed by a giant lizard.
You take the initiative to tell the small angry man telekinetically chucking metal around to chill. "Listen, I'm just going to rest here a few days then leave. You leave me alone, and I won't Incinerate you."
He quickly weighs up how much he doesn't want you here vs how much it will piss Mother Miranda off if he uses the giant dragon crash landing in his factory as an excuse to do absolutely nothing for her.
He's a bit annoyed about you taking up all the room by the forges so he can't make new soldats but...
Hate for Miranda wins!
He actually uses this as an excuse in his next report and Mother Miranda comes to 'get rid of the problem herself since Heisenberg cannot'...you almost incinerated her and she checked out. (He's putting that down as one of the best days of his life).
Since he now has nothing better to do he either leans on a nearby balcony or stands on a floating gear and starts trying to get your attention.
Will ask you everything from your name and where you came from to your favourite colour and if you have a specific favourite scale on your body.
You're distrustful and annoyed at first but soon warm up to this obviously lonely man.
You get so comfortable you decide you just might never leave.
The first time you feel comfortable enough to shift back to your human form Heisenberg is like (o_o) hot person! Two for one deal, annoying Mother Miranda plus Eye Candy!!!!
Makes a joke about having you turn into your dragon form again so he can keep making excuses to Mother Miranda. Which gets you curious and you ask about her, and he explains about the cadou, the experiments, and what she did to him.
He will make a bunk for you, so he can get back to work and you can stay near the heat of the forges, (absorbing the energy from the flames speeds up recovery and/or keeps you charged at 100% so you're always ready to burn a b1tch...specifically Miranda).
You both talk about whatever while he works. Lots of late night chats. One time he accidentally doused the forges and you just blew into the chamber and they re-lit immediately. (Mechanical Heart Eyes)
Since you start considering the entire factory to be your hoard, sometimes you claim a random object as your specific favourite piece for the day, maybe one of his tools or a specific piece of scrap. If he needs to use it, you won't let him and a small argument can be had. A solution is soon found though, you can't have a conflict of interest if your favourite item is him.
When you protect him, he's super flattered and hypes you up.
Cue him on the sides cheering you on.
If you two have started dating he will definitely yell "that's my boyfriend!" and gush about you to whoever happens to be standing next to him. (Bonus points if it's any of the other Lords. Especially Miranda, she is dying!)
Definitely makes a sign saying 'Beware of Dragon' to put on the fence.
Sometimes you jump to his defence even when he's in the middle of handling the threat. He gets huffy, saying he can take care of himself. You respond by telling him you won't let anything harm what's yours and once again, Heisenberg.exe is experiencing an error.
Alcina Dimitrescu
She is absolutely dismayed and angry at the giant lizard that barged its way through the doors and took up residency in her hall. It's tracking in mud and snow, burned the curtains, and took a good chunk of the wall, (letting in the cold).
Her daughters can't handle the cold, damn you!
Tries to fight you...fails. Turns out she's not immune to incineration and loses quite a few limbs (they grow back...eventually).
When she sees you shift to your human form, she's doubly-incensed...not only did you barge into her home but your also a D I S G U S T I N G M A N T H I N G !
You shift back whenever she tries to kill you so eventually she just gives up. (According to her she's waiting for the right opportunity NOT giving up.)
Wants to kill you, calls Mother Miranda for help and well, the same thing happens if you had crashed in the factory...she checks out!
Refuses to leave the castle for any reason, she's not leaving you along with her daughters.
Resigns herself to yelling insults at you from the balcony.
You respond in kind and it slowly devolves into a competition to come up with the most creative insults.
Your dragon form radiates heat...like...a lot. (Even counteracting the cold coming through the hole in the wall, which you attempted to fix.) This of course attracts the Dimitrescu daughters to the hall (against their mother's will).
If Alcina sees you lying their in dragon from, her three hive-mind children chattering away happily with you encouraging their curiosity, (Bela is half-asleep by your side, Daniela is complimenting your claws and asking about your bone structure, while Cassandra proudly proclaims her mother's are better than yours), she partly reconsiders her stance on you being a filthy, horrible, disgusting lizard man thing to just a filthy lizard man thing.
Seriously, your filthy, take a bath.
You quite enjoy all the little luxuries that can be found in the castle and decide to stay. Alcina almost shreds her hat in exasperation.
You get more comfortable and she starts to tolerate your presence, although she will take a swipe at you if she thinks she has a chance at killing you in your human form.
Jokes on her you can partially change and still fit through the hallways.
You never told her you've claimed the castle and the Dimitrescu family as your hoard but she does notice you being oddly friendly to her and she is "suspicious!"
You've met a few vampires and have a few suggestions for a more sustainable food source (buying blood donations from villagers instead of killing them). She's skeptical but considers it.
The first time you defend her is actually against Mother Miranda...over the phone. You have sharp hearing...and you don't like what you're hearing.
She's both flattered you would defend her so, and disgusted with herself for accepting a man thing's help.
When she realises she likes having you around, she starts to rationalise to herself that you're not just any man thing, you're her dragon man thing and therefore okay.
Gets more comfortable with leaving you with her daughters. You treat them well and keep them entertained?! That's a free babysitter if ever she's seen one.
When she sees the more extreme lengths you will go to protect the castle and her family, she is impressed and flattered and a little scared, and acts like it was her idea to have you stay.
"Oh, haven't you heard, that's the Dimitrescu Dragon."
Definitely rubs it in Heisenberg's face that she has a dragon and he doesn't.
Donna Beneviento
What are you!?!?!
To protect Donna, Angie is ready to fight you or die trying!
Just kind off avoids you and sends the pollen at you to make you leave.
The only one of the four Lords most likely to actually defeat you.
When you speak though, telling her to "release (your) mind, witch, or (you'll) incinerate everything", she's surprised and scared enough to actually do so.
Asks if you'll be her friend. Angie is cussing you out.
You see how scared and lonely she is and just *adoption mode activated*.
You only need to rest a few days, why not do so on friendly terms with your host. (keep telling yourself that).
It takes a day for you to shift to human form, partially because you don't want to have your measurements taken because Donna wants to make you a giant bonnet, (You reason it's a waste of resources, you'll only be here a short while).
Jokes on you, this is your home now.
You've never hoarded dolls before, but there's a first time for everything.
You will spend most of your time in human form since your dragon form kinda scares her.
Even though she's still scared of it, Donna does find your dragon form interesting and will ask to sketch you (from a distance...no fire please).
Make various over-exaggerated poses and joke about "draw me like one of your french girls" and she will laugh, (even though she doesn't get the joke).
She makes a plush doll of you. It turns inside out to shift between human and dragon.
The first time you protect her, she's scared. The flames take her straight back to her childhood, she's crying and she hides. You shift back to human form very quickly and find her, holding her close and apologising for scaring her over and over.
Will tear a man apart in human form to avoid this (or almost human form).
She slowly works up to being comfortable in your dragon form, the first time she falls asleep against your side is a good day.
You start insisting on accompanying her to meetings and escorting her whenever she has to meet another Lord. They start talking sh1t, they get hit (or burned...you let Donna choose).
Angie cheers you on.
Salvatore Moreau
He is terrified of you when you first show up.
You basically tear your way into the mines for shelter and he is frantically plugging the entrance to his home with the enzyme to hide.
Calls for "mother" to save him and that's how you find him.
You see this small deformed fish man crying in the mine and think, "i'm not gonna ask."
You settle in the slightly larger chamber and just lie down for a rest.
He soon realises your not going to attack him and ventures out to stare at you. He just keeps staring at you for like an uncomfortably long time, peeking around a doorway.
Eventual you snap and ask him to stop staring.
He slowly comes out of hiding and starts asking the basics.
"You can talk?" "Who are you?" "Why are you here?"
Seeing no reason not to, you tiredly answer all his questions.
Hearing about your long journey has him curiously asking about the places you've been to.
He quickly figures out you must have some sort of human form since you end up on the topics of favourite foods or movies and your favourites are all distinctly human. (He's the fastest at figuring this out and the least surprised when you shift).
Terrifying (hideous) creature going through an unnerving transformation into a humanoid form...he can relate. Although he's slightly jealous of how 'normal' you look when you shift to human form.
You two have a movie night where he proudly shows of his collection. It is in the middle of him analysing the context of THAT ONE SCENE that you decide, Yes...This one is mine.
The entire reservoir and mine is your territory and if anything comes anywhere near it they will be ash in 30 seconds.
When you protect him from danger, he's shocked that someone cares enough about him to f-ing incinerate a lycan for even looking at him weirdly.
You act like its natural and eventually he starts to get used to you.
Has self doubt and questions your motives...you tell him he's worth it or that he's your jewel.
Starts talking back to the other Lords when they insult him. It's easy with you hovering menacingly behind him, veins glowing with barely contained R A G E.
One source of friction however, is the fact that he doesn't like that you keep trying to kill Mother Miranda and he will latch onto you sobbing until you agree to spare her (for now...you'll get her when he's not around).
However, the longer you two know each other, the more self-confidence he gains and the more you talk through what Mother Miranda did to him and why he deserves better, (pointing out her manipulation, analyses whether she's ever 'cared' about him, etc...), the less bothered he gets. (Give it a few years, he'll cheer you on alongside Heisenberg).
The second you see Mother Miranda...it is on sight. (Especially if you know what she did to the Lords).
Cue you shifting to dragon form and preparing to unleash a volley of flame, "I smell the blood of children on you."
You may be comfortable(ish) with the actions of your housemate but you have STANDARDS.
Alright 😊 Hoped you like these headcanons, jaychirps. They were really fun to write and grew quite a bit. 😅
(I feel like Moreau's a bit ooc but I don't know enough about him to dispute that claim....)
Oh and p.s. ... asks are open.
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helion-ism · 3 years
let’s talk about elucien
there are so many reasons why I love elain x lucien and why I think these two would not only be amazing together, but also why they belong together. one of those reasons is lucien’s sassy personality, which we already got a glimpse of in acotar (and that I miss terribly btw), and which is, in my opinion, exactly what elain needs in her life. we’re talking about lucien “your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold” vanserra. we know he’s got quite a big mouth, that’s how we got to know him, but we also know that mouth is exactly what’s gotten him into trouble before. case in point: the eye incident. lucien doesn’t mince his words and yes, that is one of the reasons why elain really needs to spend some more time with him. 
she has been coddled by not only her father, nesta, feyre, but also the entire inner circle, which has allowed her to live her life passively. yes, she killed the king of hybern, and good for her, but she did it because nobody else could have done it at that point in time. ever since the war ended, elain has not actively contributed to any plot matters, whether by choice or because someone else took the choice from her. azriel said in acosf, “there is an innate darkness to the dread trove that elain should not be exposed to.” even amren pointed out that elain is capable of defending herself, but for some reason, nobody let her even though elain said she would try to find it: “then I will find it. I might require some time to … reacquaint myself with my powers, but I could start today.” and yet,  by the end of the book, elain’s been barely in it and has not contributed at all. (I know some people claim there’s certain things already happening in the background, but honestly, I’m not satisfied with that development happening off page, so I can’t wait to finally go on her journey and actually see her do stuff)
this moment is crucial:
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does it look like she is happy with the way the others treat her? not really. when nesta snapped at her, elain started laughing. that signals relief to me because nesta, the one who has always tried to protect elain the most (nesta baby Ilysm), is the one who suddenly lost her patience. elain needs somebody like lucien, somebody with a big mouth and sassy attitude, who can coax her out of that paralysis she’s been stuck in, a bit like nesta in this scene. additionally, the banter would be top tier. I want another “if I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?” moment, please. god please. (elain blinks. “and where would you like that kiss?” — and lucien just loses his mind.)
another thing that lives in my head rent free is the fact that lucien has travelled almost everywhere and could introduce elain, who wishes to see more of the world (see: “elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers”), to the different courts and the continent. I refuse to accept that we will not get to learn more about the other courts, for my sake, but also for elain’s sake. I want her to see the spring court at least once. I want her to go and see those tulips she’s dreamt of. I want her and lucien to discover the day court as a new home, which brings me to the next point. 
elain has been craving sunshine for some time now. there’s several quotes that emphasise her connection to sunshine/light, here are a few of my favourites: 
I marveled at it, actually — that those years of poverty hadn‘t stripped away that light from elain.
the suite was filled with sunlight. every curtain shoved back as far as it could go, to let in as much sun as possible. as if any bit of darkness was abhorrent.
she had been always so full of light. perhaps that was why she now kept all the curtains open. to fill the void that existed where all of that light had once been. and now nothing remained.
what can I get you, elain? — sunshine.
elain doesn’t belong into the night court. feyre has found her family there, with rhys and the inner circle. nesta has found (or should I say accepted) cassian and found gwyn and emerie, her chosen sisters. but elain?
elain is somewhere in the background hiding with the twins and tending to gardens of the citizens of velaris. you can’t tell me that is satisfactory to you. she is currently ignoring her seer abilities, and the members of the inner circle are basically encouraging her to do so. the only time she’s been confronted lately was during that conversation with nesta and her reaction was not exactly what any of us readers would have expected, was it? that tells me there’s much more about her we don’t know yet, and I’m convinced we won’t know until she finally leaves and finds her own people, finds herself again and start dealing with everything that happened to her. elain must leave the night court, i.e. the darkness, behind in order to grow.
the same goes to lucien: he’s not at a place where he can just jump into a relationship or mating bond. he’s got so much stuff going on. lucien was forced to abandon his home and his abusive family, his “father” killed the fae he loved in front of his eyes, his best friend is an abusive pos who never appreciated him anyway, and neither has anyone in the night court. lucien is used because of his connections and because of the mating bond that ties him to elain, whether he wanted it or not. feyre knows he would never turn away from elain unless she explicitly wishes him to, and so she and rhys and the others use that to their advantage. it is smart, of course, but at the same time, they also keep important information about his own life from him that could change many, many things. so he’s spending his time with mortals in the human lands — a place where he as a fae really does not belong. 
lucien being the heir to the day court, well, to me, it feels like sjm is practically screaming it into our face: how could he find a home in the night court, the literal opposite to the day? darkness vs. light. and what about elain “he’d never once in the two years he’d known her found elain to be plain, but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court … it sucked the life from her” archeron? just looking at the symbolism, not only do the quotes from above indicate that the night court cannot possibly be her home, but also very recent quotes from the latest book. elain is a side character in the night court. and so is lucien. they both need to leave in order to become main characters — and it doesn’t even matter that both are already crucial to the further plot of the series because how can they possibly contribute to it in a place where they are both kept down? 
mor said in acofas: “stay out of it. she’s not ready, and neither is he, no matter how many presents he brings.” and “let him figure out where he wants to be. who he wants to be. the same goes with her.” mor’s power is “truth”, whatever that means. but there you have it. they’re not ready to be with each other yet, and that’s okay. 
[elain and lucien are also connected not only because of the mating bond, but also because of the plot. lucien must know quite a lot about her and her sisters simply because of all the time he spent with their father. the father who made a bargain with koschei. koschei who put a spell on vassa. lucien is therefore tied to both papa archeron as well as koschei and vassa. elain, we know, is a seer, despite her not using her abilities (or is she, and we simply don’t know?). elain is (obviously) connected to her father, but also to koschei and vassa (remember those visions she had).]
now let’s get to the mating bond stuff, and I need to say this loud and clear: elain has always had and will always have one (1) true mate. there’s no such thing as “false mate” or even multiple mates. there has been no indication whatsoever. lucien is the mate the cauldron had given her when she was born. and elain is the mate the cauldron had given him when he was born. even when she was still human, they already belonged together — tied together by strings of fate. absolutely nothing will change this fact. should elain reject the bond, lucien will remain a part of her life/her soul forever. should lucien reject the bond, elain will remain a part of his life/his soul forever.
when she was still human, lucien had already felt a pull between them and tried to save and protect her from hybern. when elain was already fae, when it came to protecting her, azriel clapped cassian’s shoulder and left (is this the true mate they’re all talking about?). it’s unfair to lucien, elain, AND azriel and this comparison alone is enough to disprove this theory.
the thing is, lucien has been nothing but respectful, kind and caring towards elain. when he arrived in velaris in acowar, he could immediately sense what she needed and said, “she needs fresh air” (vs. the response “we’ll judge what she needs”) and “take her to the sea. take her to some garden. but get her out of this house for an hour or two.” (I’m gonna make another post about this because I have a few thoughts on this)
of course, she doesn’t owe him anything, but elain herself doesn’t wish to be treated like a child, she maybe she should start acting like an adult because although she doesn’t owe lucien an apology or explanation, she has to have a conversation with him, like two responsible adults. there is no way feyre or anyone in the inner circle hasn’t told her that she can reject the bond and move on with her life. but just like her powers, this is another thing she chooses to ignore. I’m not blaming her because I know she has to work through her trauma first and heal, but by the end of the series, she has to acknowledge that at least.
in acosf, elain says “I am not a child to be fought over” when they discuss the dread trove. I wonder what she would say about the fact azriel threatens to challenge lucien to the blood duel because of her? based on literally everything we know about lucien, I can say with certainty that he would not physically fight over elain. if she only had a conversation with him and told him to move on and leave her alone, lucien would do just that. he would leave her alone and try to move on as best as he could (which we know is difficult for males). but he would never act as entitled to her as to demand a blood duel and fight to death. it goes against his principles. 
to finish this off, sjm summing up everything I just said:
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to-hell-and-beyond · 3 years
“Sugar to Salt”
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Eli “Hawk��� Moskowitz x Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Hi, I love your work! Could you do 15 from the misc. list for Hawk? Thank you in advance!! -Anon
I’m not really that good at comebacks so this is be trying. Lol
Summary: Your the sweet girl, but that also makes you the prefect for stuck up brats to try to hurt your feelings. Good thing that you won’t take up any the crap she says.
Words: 1046
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If you went around and asked all the students at Valley High, who the sweetest person in the entire school was, they would say Y/n L/n. You were alway so kind to students, teachers, and just everyone in general. That’s why it was so funny once you started to date the all famous Hawk. You had liked him back when he was Eli, but his new found confidence of being Hawk had been the push you both needed to start your relationship. He asked you out and the rest was history.
You didn’t do Karate, heck you hated gym class! You would always try to convince the coach to let you sit out and not participate. Of course it didn’t work, but it was worth the try. So there was no way in the entire world you could fight right? Well that’s what your boyfriend Hawk thought before the day had started…
It was a bad day. You couldn't get any sleep last night and almost anything got on your nerves. This didn't really happen often where you were so annoyed at the world, but here you were. Hawk knew, he understood that sometimes you have bad days no one can be positive 24/7. That’s one of the reasons you loved him, he had such a kind heart.
You were the sweet girl, but you shouldn’t be messed with. You will fight for your rights and for people you care about. Guess Yasmine should have thought about it before she made you her next victim.
“Oh hey Y/n.” You tried around to face Yasmine. You hated this girl to say the least. No, you didn’t think that girl vs girl was ok, especially in a world we live in with stereotypes but you hated her. She alway gets on your nerves. That blond hair, cheeky smile and the way she always seemed to get her hair in your face when she did a hair flip.
“Hello Yasmine.” You said as politely as you could, not wanting to erupt on her. 
“See you got a ride on Hawk’s new motorcycle, he did a good job on it didn’t he?” She asked with a super high pitched voice. You really, really wanted to smack her in the face at that very point in time.
“Yah sure did.” You said with a voce laced with boredom. You tried to make it clear to her that you didn’t want to talk.
“Too bad you could never sit on it with that fat ass you have.” She laughed sounding super annoying. You had always been a target of bullying, your friendly nature seemed to give bullys a free invitation to mess with you. Usually you could care less about the comments Yasmine made about your body but it was getting on your nerves.
“Everything ok here?” You turned around to see Hawk. He had been parking his motorcycle and catching up with his Cobra Kai friends as you had made your way into the school. He was the definition of protective and the last thing you needed was him to come to here and fight Yasmine.
“It’s fine.” You said with a tired voice as you gave him a shy smile and put a hand on his chest to keep him from doing anything.
“Yah me and Y/n we're just catching up. You know, I’m having a party at my house this Friday, you both are totally invited. Well...I guess you actually have to act like a teen, so sorry Y/n.” A few people around her laughed as her voice rang around the halls. You glared at her and pressed your hand on Hawk’s chest from doing anything. Of course her words hurt you, but you wanted to deal with it yourself in your own way.
“That’s to bad Yasmine. Guess even though the host of the party acts like a five year old with abandonment issues, she still has to come even though she breaks the rules she just set.” A few people around you gasped as you looked straight at Yasmine. She had a look of shock before getting herself tougher.
“You think you're so funny don't you? Well guess what, if the entire school had to choose between me or you, I would win. Because you are a loser meanwhile I am a queen. You will never be me or even come close to the mere perfection that I am.” She smiled as you gave a low chuckle.
“You’re right, I will never be like you. Because, A. I’m 10x nicer, B.Surprise, surprise I actually have a boyfriend while you always seem to be single, C. I don’t look like a fricken barbie doll.” She grunted and moved to go pull your hair. You dogged her out tripped her making her fall. You will never guess where she landed...The garbage can. You flipped her off before walking away.
“I will never underestimate you again.” Hawk told you as he whispered it in your ear. You giggled at his response before turning around so you could talk to your boyfriend.
“Those extra P.E sessions really paid off.” You told him as you both smirked. He may or may not have taught you some basic self defense that you had used when fighting Yasmine.
“Well will you look at that, you used to be sugar but now your salt.” You both laughed at the inside joke as you walked all the way down the hallway to your chemistry class.
“Are you ok though actually? I heard her say some pretty mean stuff.” You said as he gave you his worried face. He won't always open to expressing his feelings towards you but it warms your heart that he cared.
“I’m ok.” You kissed his cheek tenderly before giving me one of your award winning smiles. The day hadn't started out perfect but he had definitely helped it. You knew that no matter what that he loved you as much as you loved him. And besides, Yasimines opinion really didn’t matter to you. She would just live rich with her parents' money and fail at the simplest of tasks while the rest of you strived. That was just how life was.
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Tims S/O vs. the batfam
You, the reader, are Tim’s significant other. Congrats! you may think the hard parts over right? WRONG. you need to win over the whole ass Wayne family and heres how it goes.
refers to you as Mx. L/N; however as you visit the manor more frequently, he begins to refer to you as Mx. Y/N
Since he refers to you as Mx. Y/N, you call him Mr. Alfred because you feel weird calling him just by his first name
No matter what first impressions you gave off to him, he never shared them due to not wanting to be impolite
you quickly realize that none of the bat fam helps with the chores, so you try to lend alfred a hand whenever possible
you try to be polite as possible around him, and he appreciates it
Is EXTREMELY protective of Tim
So when you first met him, he did the whole “you break my brother’s heart i will break your face” talk and that was TERRIFYING
Tim tells you not to worry about it, but whenever you were with Tim, you could sense Dick out of the corner of your eye, watching
However, as you spend more time around him, he sees that you’re really in love with tim and hes really in love with you
And you see that tim and dick have an amazing brotherly relationship, something you’ve never experienced yourself
One night, you tell dick that you wish that you had a brother as great as him
In that moment, he decided that he was gonna adopt you as one of his siblings and boom hes your big brother too now.
Duke being considered the newest person in the Wayne Manor, is basically your liaison, explaining all the dynamics and history of the Wayne Family/Manor
Super Charismatic, though hes clearly being observant of your every move, analyzing who you are as a person
But for the most part, he made you feel really comfortable at the manor
So the day you bought him a 1000 puzzle set was the day you basically won him over
You let him geek out about film and riddles, listening to every word he said, which was something that apparently didn’t happen often to him
Also duke straight up just third wheels you as often as he can
so basically
you were scared of jason
He was rarely at that manor, especially while you were there but when he was, he came in dragging blood or drinking alcohol
once while you were alone in one of the rooms by yourself, Jason came in, mask off, bandage on his right arm
he asked you, “so why are you dating replacement?”
“Why do you call him replacement?”
“Oh you know, because he replaced me when I died”
“oh. right.” Yeah you’re kinda stupid for that one
It takes a while for you to remember that jason is a vigilante who literally died and came back to life, and it takes him a while  to remember that you’re a teenager and not a crime fighting super hero
so yeah your relationship does improve a bit
Whenever you guys get to talk, he always asks you some really deep question that throws you off guard, but you guys end up having really meaningful discussions and you get closer with him that way
you were even more scared about Cass than Jason
She just silently stared at you sometimes: didn’t even try to hide it
Like duke, she analyzed you a lot during your first meeting with her, although she did it to a more extreme: just by looking at you, she could sense your breathing, heartrate, movements; she was basically reading you soul
From this, should was able to tell just how absolutely frightened you were to meet her, so she made sure to smile to calm you down
Whenever you were alone with her you couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward; not only was there a bit of a language barrier but she was not the most talkative person, at times you just sat in silence
So you would try to do things with her rather than talking: you showed her pictures from your phone, she showed you her fighting moves, and you made conversation through facial expressions and body movements
i mean whos gonna be happy about seeing their ex’s new s/o not her nope
She kept smiling and laughing but you could see the burning hatred behind her eyes
It took a solid month before she actually talked to you
and it took another month for you to pluck up the courage to ask if she actually hated you
She looked embarrassed and admitted that she did kinda hate you in the beginning but that was solely because you were dating her ex, but she saw how good of a person you were, so she doesn’t hate you anymore
She asked if you hated her, since she kind of ignored you in the beginning
You said no, since she was so cool and you could see why Tim dated someone like her
Yeah so now you’re besties
And you often talking about Tim and his dating antics, sometimes right in front of him lol
Sometimes she would joke about stealing you from him, making sure to give you extra long hugs, and give u a kiss on the cheek just to piss Tim off >:)
definitely looked up all your information as soon as she found out you were dating tim
Immediately went to interview mode when she met you
Asked about your future plans with tim, your job, your future college choices, your darkest fears, your median income
“... Im like 16″
Asides from that, shes pretty chill
you dont see her often, but she’s always down for a talk!
Would acted like my aunt from new jersey (in a good way)
You were super nervous about meeting him
Tim recalled events with him like he was recalling a war
So you were surprised to see a 12 year old kid being the one shooting daggers at you
“Drake brought home another guy/girl/person”
“damian shut the fuck up”
one day you catch him painting in his room
You ask him about his various paintings and he tells you his inspirations from each, going on a long rant for a solid hour
He realizes that hes been lecturing you for an hour and looked at you, blushing a bit
“Damian, you’re an amazing artist.” you say. smiling 
Now Damian always tells tim that you’re too good for him, and everytime you banters with tim damian always took your side
Except when he saw you two kissing/cuddling, he would call you guys “disgusting pigs” and bolt out of the room
ah, bruce. the final boss
You couldn’t help but feel absolutely terrified. 
I mean not only is he a super mega rich business man and also like super famous but hes also BATMAN
you are also almost certain that he doesn’t know who you are despite being with tim for a few months by now
Everytime youre both in the same room he is often too busy to look up from whatever hes doing or rushing past you to go somewhere
Tim often confides in you about being the middle child in the family, meaning that sometimes people dont notice him and its really frustrating for him and for you to hear
One day u and tim are chilling in the batcave and bruce comes it and freezes when he sees the two of you
“who are y- what are you doing here-”
“oh um hello Mr. Wayne”
Bruce kinda just looked at you with a perplexed look, but that was when damian and cass walked by
“Father. Drake. Y/N” said damian, with Cassandra smilng and waving at you, to which you wave back.
“Hey Damian” you say nonchalantly. “I saw that you’re working on a new painting. youll have to tell me ALL about it later.”
“Of course. Im sure you’re aware of Georgia O’Keeffe” 
You smiled and nodded, to which he gave the tiniest of a smile back as he and cass headed for the training room
Bruce just stared at you even more perplexed than before, I mean, you just made damian smile
You glanced at Tim, who seemed just as uncomfortable as you
“Oh yeah Y/N, didn’t we have that movie we were gonna watch? yeah lets go like right now.” Tim said as he pulled your arm took you out of the batcave, giving bruce the well talk later look
After that instance he talk to some of his children about you, and they had nothing but good things to say. Even Jason, who literally kills people for a living, put in a good word about you.
The next time you visited the manor, you were greeted by bruce himself, dressed up in a business suit.
“Y/N, correct?” he pulled out his large calloused covered hand and held it towards you
After a brief moment you smiled and took it
“Yeah, thats me”
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
The one when Y/N meets Harry.
 November 28th, 2017 - Shanghai, China
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Today is the day. Today is the day you’ll be walking for Victoria’s Secret for the first time. Dreams do come true. You traveled all the way up from New York to Shanghai with some of your best friends after getting ready for this day for the past months. It wasn’t easy if you must admit. Having to follow a strict diet and working out almost every day was hard but being here today it’s totally worth it.
   ‘’Alright, it’s almost show time. I need everybody to be ready by minutes!’’ — The stage manager yelled while walking through all those tall ladies that were probably much taller than him. As usual, there’s going to be four segments and I’ll be in just two of them. At this moment, it’ll be the Goddess segment which looks completely stunning. You look around to see all those gorgeous women around me with their perfectly styled hair, beautiful golden wings and lingerie getting their final touch ups just like you are. You have no idea if it’s the amount of people around you now that are touching your hair, putting makeup in your face, fixing up the tiara or even if it’s the idea of having all eyes on you in just a few minutes. Of course, you wanted it to be perfect, it’s your first VS show and you can’t stand the thought of falling or anything like this.
You tried to calm down and focus on your breathing while staring to those extremely big screens hanged on the wall that showed the stage from every possible angle and you could totally notice that there was a lot of people out there.
‘‘I remember my first time too! I felt like my heart was about to leave my body’‘. Bella, that was right beside me getting herself ready as well.
 ‘‘Well, yeah! I’m one step to passing out now’‘. You joked while feeling this small woman finishing the touch ups of your outfit. It was stunning. There was a lingerie, of course, which looked like a white color but it was actually more into ai really light tone of grey. And they complemented it with a super long baby blue fabric over the lingerie. You had a super goddess like a golden tiara upon your head and some diamonds made up jewelry on your neck and years that probably costed more money than you could afford.
‘‘Romee! Where is Romee?We need Romee!’‘. The stage manager called Romee as she would be opening the runaway and you could see from the corner of your eye that she was almost running to get from the starting place. She literally looked like a Greek goddess with those beautiful long blonde locks and blue eyes. ‘‘Ok girls, I need all of you to get by your entering positions, alright?’‘ , by this phrase, all of you start to go to your marked positions. Yours was right before Bella which made you a little bit more confident because at least you had to do it with your best friend by your side. 
You stared again at the big screens in the wall that showed the stage, seeing that it was a little bit dark, there was a big structure rising up from the floor and apparently there was a band inside of it. Everything looked really well produced, and you really tried to recognize in some way the melody of the instrumental song that was playing to know who was the band but your mind was totally blank now. All you could focus on was that you were just about to realize one of your biggest dreams. You looked at the line of tall girls in front of you as you listened to a scream. You knew this song by the melody. You couldn’t believe your ears and eyes. It was Only Angel by Harry Styles, it literally was Harry Styles. For some reason the fact of knowing this song so well made you a lot more confident. He started singing and the stage manager told Romee to go when Harry sang ‘’Broke a finger, knocking on your bedroom door’’ and Romee started doing her fabulous catwalk. And then Laís Ribeiro entered with the fantasy bra, which it’s the million dollar bra from VS, again, probably more expensive that you could afford. By the time that Romee came back from the backstage you were just leaving.
Being there totally put your adrenaline levels the highest it has ever been. The light, the other models, the crowd, the song. Everything was perfect. You were smiling thinking to yourself ‘’please don’t cry, please don’t fall’’, but you manage to do it, one foot in front of the other and posture, you looked glamorous, mostly like what Aphrodite would look like in real life.
‘’I must admit I thought I'd like to make you mine As I went about my business through the warning signs End up meeting in the hallway every single time And there's nothing we can do about it’’
That was the part Harry had just song when you entered. Harry, of course, didn’t know you as you never talked before, except for that one DM. But he was stunned by the moment he saw you walking. He thought to himself how spectacular you looked as you walked towards him with that beautiful smile of yours.
‘’Told it to her brother and she told it to me That she's gonna be angel, just you wait and see’‘
Harry kept singing as you walked beside him. You looked at him and winked at the British boy as you held the baby blue fabric over you up to create a wing effect and Harry was just so caught up with the song and the moment that he kneeled down. Harry Styles literally got on his knees to you while signing those exact words:  
‘’When it turns out she's a devil in between the sheets And there's nothing she can do about it Hey, hey’’ 
You were surprised. Shocked actually. But the show couldn’t stop because you were flattered and honored about the fact that HARRY STYLES GOT ON HIS KNEES for you. So you kept walking and blew a kiss in the air to the camera started to walk back to the backstage when you saw your mom in the crowd looking extremely proud of her baby, you waved at her right before entering the backstage again.  
The models were all celebrating and hugging the others. In the moment you step into the backstage Bella came hugging you and you hugged her back. You feel so happy and pround of yourself for that. The camera focused on you guys as you looked to the camera and said ‘’It was amazing!’’. And it really was. Your heart was beating as fast as never and even the same small lady that was fixing your outfit earlier came to you and Bella saying ‘’Come on girls, you have to change outfits!”. You and Bella walked hand in hand to the appareal and only parted ways when had to change lingeries. This time Bella and you wouldn’t walk at the fellow segment and apparently has Harry’s again.
The lingerie looked different though, this one was a black lingerie with actual wings. Some beautiful and medium sized blue wings and blue long gloves. And again you were ready to enter the stage. Looking up to the screens as I was going to watch this time, the big structure was rising from the floor again and Candice Swanepoel entered looking fabulous, I mean, it’s Candace right. 
In general, the show was so good. He sang Kiwi, which is one of your favorites. You couldn’t stop singing at the backstage the entire time. And when the entire show was done and everybody was backstage eating pizza so you’re a hundred percent happy now, Harry was a little farther away from you wondering if he should go talk or not with you, even though he have this feeling that he knows you from somewhere and he just can’t remember where. So he decided he would come with the excuse that he thinks he have met you before. Harry walked towards you wearing a black suit with a pink shirt while holding a red cup with coke on. You were so focused on eating your pizza and didn’t even noticed the boy behind you, so he touched your right shoulder with his hand calmly while talking lowly ‘’Excuse me’’ as you turned out to look at him. You were still in your outfit except for those big blue wings that you had already taken off and at that moment Harry thought to himself about even though he had met tons of pretty women in his life but you were the prettiest. Everything about you was beautiful, your eyes, your nose, your lips and that smile you had held up in your face since the runaway. You were focused on his face too. You stared into his big green eyes and how they were sparkling in this moment.
— Hi! I... — He said, brushing his thought of his mind and held out his right hand for you — I’m Harry!
— I know!  — You told him shaking your hands with his as a meeting form, soon using the same his to grab one more piece of pizza  —  I’m Y/N! You were so great out there, really I’m impressed!
  — Oh  —  Harry said while exhaling a small laugh while analyzing your face to try to know with you were flirting, or just being nice. You were just being nice. Of course Harry is extremely handsome, but you really just think he’s being friendly at this moment.  —  So I made a good first impression then! That’s good.
— Excuse me? Of course you did! I love your songs, I’m like a super fan.  —  You told him being honest, you have been normally shy meeting new people, but something in how he acted and talked really made you feel comfortable straight away.
—  I’m flattered! — Harry said, putting his free hand over his clothed while closing his eyes and giving you a cheeky smile — So..Is this your first time in Shanghai?
—   Yes! I haven’t been to many places actually, just basic Fashion Week places by now, which I love of course! Is it your first time too?
— Actually yes! I’m on tour but me and my band mates are gonna take a walk through the city this night, you know, to have a experience  —  Harry explained to you and turned around a little to show you his band mates by the corner of the room where Mitch, Adam, Sarah, Naomi and Charlotte who were staring at you both indiscreetly waved as noticed that Harry were pointing at them. As the nice girl you were, you smiled and waved at them back before returning your attention to Harry  — Maybe you would like to come with us...If you want of course, don’t feel obligated to, please!
You laughed about his concern of making you feel obligated or uncomfortable about something and looked around searching for Bella through the room, you saw her talking with the other models and stared back at Harry.
—  I’m with my friend Bella and we kinda wanted to do the same thing so.. If it’s okay if she comes too, I really want to, don’t worry!   —  You were truthful, you and Bella really were planning to explore Shanghai through the night, but of course you wouldn’t go out in a city you don’t know with a group of people you don’t know. You truly don’t think they would be capable of causing you any kind of harm, but it’s always great to be cautious.
— It’s perfect! Let’s go then, do you want to go now or?... —  Harry asked tenderly while rubbing his multiple rings on his hand.
— I mean...I gotta put some clothes on, but we’ll do it now and we’ll find you guys here?  —  You said, putting a lock of your hair behind your ear before leaving your empty cup by the table beside both of you.
— Sure!
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
By Your Side
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Pairing: Jesy Nelson x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’ve had your run-ins with bad love and friendship betrayals. However, that never stopped you from being who you are, regardless if you were sad on the inside. That was all because of Jesy Nelson. However, Jesy had it worse. One encounter with Jesy leads to two broken people coming together in order to help each other
Warnings: Depression, Past Trauma, Slight angst, Attempted Su!c!de
A/n: Okay, so I’ve never written a story where the story is slightly dark. But, The warnings are listed above and if I’m missing any don’t hesitate to tell me! Also, y/n’s past trauma is based on my own experiences with bad-love relationships
As you snap the final photo of the tour, you could easily tell that one of them; Jesy Nelson looked exhausted. 
As everyone heads out back home, you could hear crying.... Jesy... Oh dear.. You grab a piece of paper and write something onto it and fold it. You slip it under the door and gently knock. You make your leave and head to the address I wrote down on it. 
Jesy's POV Jesy turns around as she hears a slight knock at the door. I thought I already told Jade and the girls I wasn't up to joining them tonight. As she picks up the note, she opens it and it isn't from one of the girls. 
"[Insert Address and 24/7 diner here], I noticed you weren't full of enthusiasm as the Jesy I normally see. But that's understandable. If you're up to a quiet evening with coffee and a small meal, Y/N Y/L/N, Head photographer for Tour." Jesy reads aloud, I could go for something quiet tonight really.
Y/N’s POV As you click through all of the pictures you've shot during tour, you feel a small tap on your shoulder 
"Y/N Y/L/N right?" Jesy asks as she seats herself across from me 
You nod and you ordered water for the both of you. You weren't down for a classy drink to celebrate the night. 
"You didn't join everyone else?" Jesy asks 
You shake your head, "I wanted something quiet tonight, I wasn't in for drunk adulting either. It's nice to wind down." 
You slide your camera over to Jesy and you let her look the photos you've taken from the duration of the tour. 
"You gonna post these?" She asks 
"Once I edit them I will," you smile, "You were really into the shots. But I love them." 
Jesy rolls onto one where she was knealing down, performing to your camera. 
"You really know how to capture shots Y/N," Jesy smiles, "I wish I could look better in them." 
"What are you talking about?" you ask, "You look amazing in them. Which is why it caught my eye during the show." 
"No I do not look amazing Y/N," Jesy states 
She puts your camera down and takes a drink of her water. 
"Jesy," you say, calmly, placing your hand on hers
You were going to say something but your mind scrambled how you really wanted to say it vs how your mind ended up piecing it together. 
"Do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" She asks 
"Well, I'm going to be in London for awhile," you state, "Aside from the hotel I was meant to be staying at. No. No I don't." 
"Do you want to stay with me?" Jesy asks out of the blue, "So you'd have somewhere besides the hotel."
"I'd like to. Thank you Jesy." You smile at her
When you and Jesy finish up our seemingly quiet dinner, she hails a cab to the hotel for you to get your remaining things and check out.
Once the both of you had all of that settled, you teo go back to her place. 
"Very Jesy," you smile 
She shows you to the guest room to settle your things down and then she begins showing you around. You have taken a big liking to her dining room as it was basically a bench with a table and a view of her backyard. 
"And you live here?! With your mans?" You ask 
"I'm actually single love," Jesy inerrupts, "It’s lonely really so I’m glad you're here." 
You smile as you follow her up the stairs and you part ways to each others' rooms for the night. However, by 3 am, you were still hooking up your photos to your laptop. You hear a gentle knock at your door. 
"Yeah?" You call out 
"Oh, Y/N you're still awake," Jesy calls back, "can I come in?" 
"It’s open," you state, putting your photo stuff away 
"What's the matter?" you ask, motioning for her to take a seat, and she does 
"It hurts," Jesy begins crying, holding up her phone to your face 
You take her phone and see a tweet... Katie Hopkins.... You were familiar with Jesy's rough past however, you never thought it was still going.... You grab your phone and begin tapping onto there. 
"What are you doing" she asks 
"Putting this bitch in her place," you growl, finishing your tweet 
Almost immediately there were likes, tweets and retweets to your post. They all say how they agree with you and how you should say it louder for the idiots in the back. One even said preach. However, Katie Hopkins replies to my tweet. 
"Oh what a knight for for this chubby mixer. You're not even as half good as the REAL photographers. This woman is desprate to gain attention from her so called fans. What a child." 
You begin replying back in such a heated manner, you didn't even realize Jesy was looking at you funny. 
"What?" You ask 
"Are you arguing with her?" She asks, sniffling and wiping her tears away 
"Yeah, what of it?" You ask, calmly, "someone has to teach her a lesson to not be so critical of people. Yeah she called me a not-real-photographer but-but I've had worse come at me. So I’m not letting her get the best of me, and I’m not gonna see you cry because of this crusty-looking-ass-bitch." 
Jesy witch cackled and you smile, knowing you made her feel somewhat better. 
"You alright now?" You ask 
"Somewhat, thank you Y/N," she says 
"Now don't worry about this and help me," You say, enthusiastically 
You pull up your photos and hook them back up into your laptop and begin going through your photos of what to post as the "Tour Series" on your Instagram page. You take off your sweatshirt and put it on her as you continue working on your photos with her. 
"Hey its almost 6 am already," Jesy states, yawning, "We should get to bed." 
"True," you reply, "You gotta show me around London because I will not know how to navigate with the steering wheel on the right side of the car." 
"Okay love. It's decided," she says, giggling 
The week goes by with Jesy touring you around London and having dinners in and out. 
"Hey what are some cool abandoned places to do photoshoots in?" You ask 
"Why?" Jesy asks, sounding nervous, "Who are you going to do them with?" 
"I was going to ask you to be my model," you say, with Jesy looking at me 
"Me?" She asks 
"Yeah," you say, "I thought it would be cool to do and explore a little bit. It would be during the day obviously." 
"Then sure, you know what you're doing when it comes to abandoned places," she says, "But I sadly don't know any." 
"That's fine," you say, "I like doing research on that."
Once you two get back to Jesy's, you hop into the kitchen as it was your turn to cook dinner. You decided that you were going to make Shrimp Tempura with Udon noodles. The udon noodles are packages because you can't cook for shit but it'll be better. You take your speaker out and connect it to your phone and put on a random playlist. 
As you were popping the tempura into the mini fryer, "Black Magic" by Little Mix came on next and you spin around, happily playing a bop. 
Take a sip of my secret potion I'll make you fall in love For a spell that can't be broken One drop should be enough  Girl you belong to me I got the recipe  And it's called Black Magic 
As you spin around, you noticed Jesy in the doorway and you almost fall over as she starts singing her part. However, she stops when you actually did fall onto the floor. 
"I'm so sorry love," Jesy laughs, "I couldn't help to listen to one of our songs." 
"Well, this is actually the first song I got introduced to Little Mix," you start, "So I got hooked since then."
Dinner finished and the both of us are both in our rooms. You are still working on the photos however, at midnight you hear Jesy crying again.... You couldn't help but your legs immediately hop off the bed and walk toward Jesy's room. 
"Jesy?" you ask, "Are you okay?" 
You could easily hear Jesy force herself to stop crying and let's you come in. You sit on her bed right next to her. She immediately puts her head on your shoulder as she still cries her eyes out. Ypu put her head into your lap and you begin to brush her hair. 
"Talk to me love," you say, brushing her hair hair gently 
"Everything hurts," she cries, "They aren't stopping.... I want this to go away. I don't want to feel this pain anymore. I want it to go away." 
You sigh.. I know this feeling... 
"I understand this feeling all too well," you say, calmly, "Though I don't understand how you exactly feel. I understand how it feels to not want to feel any form of pain anymore. I can't speak to everyone who's feeling how we are. But I don't want you to think that. That may not help but I don't want to see you be sad about stupid things. I understand that it hurts...." 
Not knowing where you could go with my whole essay further you trail off. Jesy sits up and looks at you. 
"Y/N, what happened to you?" She asks 
"Oh, you wouldn't wanna hear about it, it happened a long time ago so it's fine," You lie, but Jesy knew it was a lie 
Jesy looks at you and gives me a firm look. Not one to intimidate you but saying, "you can tell me. You can trust me." 
"It started in my second year in high school," you start, "There.... There were these two girls. They were new so I wanted them to feel more welcome. Being an extrovert at the time wasn't a real fun idea. But moving on, when we did talk I was really happy so I began showing how I act around my friends; I hug them, I walk around with them and talk to them, maybe catch them and talk to them again before they go home. I begin doing that with them. They did not like that. So they basically reported me to the assistant principal and I had to be told; feeling like I’m being cornered.... Being appointed the bad guy that what I was doing to them, they didn't feel comfortable with. The way I am around my friends wasn't a good excuse. But, the thing was they never told me they were not comfortable with who I was. I tried that and one of them said 'you did nothing wrong' but then proceeds to block me. So i even tried explaining my side of the story but their counselor didn't give two shots about my end of it. I wasn't told before hand so I had to be confronted about it. Since then.... I never trusted the counseling system there, I could only feel safe in the band room area.... And.... That was the first time having suicidal thoughts.... I was sick of who I was when that happened. I didn't want to feel the pain anymore I just wanted to not exist anymore." 
Jesy looks at you. You continue on, "Until I did winter percussion, I realized then I had better people to be around, regardless if I act the way I do." 
"That’s good love," she says, holding your cheek with her hand, "I’m glad you're still here. Truly." 
"And I'm happy you're here too," you reply, "Are you feeling any better?" 
She nods, "Thank you for checking in on me. Could you... Stay with me tonight? I don't want to be alone." 
You smile, "Of course I will love." 
She immediately buries herself in your chest as you get under the covers and have her use your arm as a pillow. You didn't mind. The feeling of being held onto was a lovely feeling. 
The next morning as you woke up, you woke up before Jesy. Her back was facing you. What if I made her breakfast?? And she'd wake up to it so she wouldn't have to make an effort... She did listen to my shit show past last night so its the least I could do. You slowly slip out of bed without waking Jesy. You pull the covers up to her shoulders so she wouldn't be as cold and you make your way down the stairs as you walk into the kitchen, greeted by her dogs, whom you let out to go to the bathroom. 
"Okay so..... Breakfast.... Eggs, Bacon.... Pancakes, fruit... The basic necessities." you mumble to yourself 
You put on some music, not like hype music. Just music for a calm morning and you don't blast that, you don't want to wake Jesy up... Yet. You wander her fridge for all breakfast essentials and her pantry for those as well. 
You carefully walk up the stairs and back into Jesy's bedroom and place the tray onto a nightstand and lean close to Jesy. 
"Jesy," You whisper, she groans and tries to shake you away, "Time to get up love." 
Jesy turns over and her eyes flutter open, "Good morning love. Why are you up?" 
"I thought I'd treat you today," you say, bringing the food tray over. This immediately gets her to sit up. 
"For me?" She yawns, and you nod as  youplace it into her lap. 
"You shouldn't have love, thank you," she says 
"But I wanted to," you smile, "A thanks for listening last night." 
Jesy places a kiss onto your cheek as she begins eating. 
As you begin the process of posting the first part to your four part Instagram photoshoot series, you see Jesy's fingers pinching bacon; to hold it. You look up at her and she smiles. 
"You deserve to eat too," she smiles 
You smile back as you open your mouth for her to feed you as we begin finishing the breakfast you made together. 
"I also found a cool abandoned place we could do a shoot at tomorrow afternoon," you start, "It's a Manor called 'Crumbling Berklyn Manor". It looked like everything was kind of intact and looks like we could do some photos there. But only for an hour or so." 
"Really?" Jesy asks, "Wouldn't it be illegal?" 
"I'm not sure," you say, "I've done these kinds of shoots before so I know what to do." 
"You sure?" She asks, you nod 
"Trust me Jesy," you say, "But aside from that what do you want to show me today?" 
"That's for me to know and for you to find out,"Jesy teases, "But trust me, you're going to enjoy it." 
You smile as you take the tray back downstairs and clean up. 
"Hey do you have a nice outfit?" Jesy calls, 
"Sort of," you answer, "Why?" 
"Where I'm taking you tonight is a semi-nice place," she replies 
"Alrighty then," you smile
When evening falls, you keep my pants on however, you strip your hoodie and search for your black button down shirt. As you button up my shirt, you turn to the door and notice Jesy watching you. 
"Take a goddamn picture if you’re gonna stare," you tease, leaving the two top buttons unbuttoned and grab your leather jacket 
You see Jesy doing "the thing" where she puts her finger in her mouth. 
"Well don't you look ravishing," you smirk as you offer your arm 
She smiles as she takes it and the two of you walk down the stairs. It feels like a fairy tale... You open the door for her and let her out to the car. You open the left side of the door for her she smiles. 
"Oh you're going to drive this time?" She smiles 
"You've been driving me around enough," you say, smiling and closing her door, "All you have to do for me is to lead me there." 
You hop into the driver's seat and begin driving off. 
She leads you to this bar called "Bar Soho". Jesy gets you into a good parking spot and you do the same thing where you get her door. 
"Such a gentleman," Jesy smiles as she grabs my arm 
"I do try milady," you smile 
As you get to the entrance, a security person lets the both of you in through one of the entrances as you’re in awe.... 
"Oh, mama," you gasp 
"What's wrong love?" Jesy turns to me 
"I've-I've actually never been in a bar before," you say, "or it's been too long." 
Jesy smiles and drags you to the bar. The both of you sit down and Jesy orders a drink for herself. You settle on a glass of champagne and begin leaning back into your chair. You gently twirl the glass around as you notice Jesy staring at you; drinking you all in. 
"Take a damn picture," you smirk, taking a sip of my champagne 
She takes out her phone and snaps a photo and posts it to her Instagram page; Captioning "My best friend is a real lady killer. Watch out ladies she might be coming for you." you look at that post and like it. You look up at her and smirk at her again. 
"You're really full of surprises aren't you?" you ask, finishing your glass, "You wanna dance?" 
She nods as she drags you to the dance floor. Most of the songs were upbeat and fast. However, there was one song that was slowed down so Jesy's arms settle onto your arms and yours settle down to her waist. 
"When are you going to go onto your next adventure?" Jesy asks 
"Hmmm," you hum, "Whenever I feel like it. I'm still working on the current series however, I like it here too." 
"Why's that?" She asks 
"There's a certain woman keeping me bound here," you say, smiling at her 
"Well that woman sure is lucky," Jesy says, completely having my compliment go over her head 
You sigh.... But you end the dance without it being awkward. You drive back to Jesy's however, Jesy didn't say anything but just go into her room and closes the door. You sigh and go into yours.
As you work on your series, you hear crying again... Feeling bad you immediately get up and walk out of your room to hers. 
"Jesy?" you call out, "Are you doing okay? Can-can we talk?" 
You hear nothing however, the door was unlocked. You open the door and your eyes land on pills that are in the nightstand and Jesy laying still. Your legs sprint over to her and you hold her onto the floor. 
"Jesy!" You scream, "No no no no no....." 
You stuck two of your fingers into her mouth and begin making her gag to get the pills out of her mouth, "Spit it out spit it out spit it out!" 
You grab a bag and she pukes. With shaky hands you grab her phone and dial whatever number it was to the equivalent of "911" in the US. 
"What is your emergency?" The first responder asks 
"It's-it’s my friend, Jesy!" You scream, "She swallowed pills and-and I made her pull them out but I don't know what to do from here." 
"Slow down, I'll send an ambulance there, just stay close to her and don't let her move." 
You follow what the responder does and try and wake her up. 
As the ambulance arrives, you watch them take Jesy to the hospital.... 
"I need to go with her," you request, "I can't leave her alone again." 
The paramedics reluctantly let you in along to them. 
As we reach the hospital you couldn't go any further in. Face is flushing, head is reeling, you shakily call Perrie, Jade and Leigh-Anne as they were the only ones you could think of calling and within an instant they were already there. You stand up to greet them but you couldn't say anything but cry. Jade was the first one to hug you. 
"Jesy-she...." you sob, "We went to the bar and-and I told her a woman was keeping me here and she thought-she thought it was someone else..... when it-it was really her... i left her alone and.... I goddamn left her alone." 
Jade, Perrie and Leigh-Anne hug you as you sob your eyes out. 
You all wait for what felt like hours until a doctor came out. 
"Y/N Y/L/N?" He calls 
You look up, "That's me." 
"Jesy will be okay," he says, "If you never made her throw up the pills she wouldn't have made it to the Hospital." 
The girls pat your shoulder or rub your back. You still didn't feel like a hero... I still need to talk to Jesy. 
"Is she taking any visitors?" Perrie asks 
"Yes," he answers, "But only Y/N." 
You follow him to Jesy's room but you’re the only one who goes in. You notice her sitting up and she looks up and smiles at you. 
"Jesy!" You say, walking in and hugging her, "are you okay?" 
She nods, "Shouldn't you be talking up that girl you were talking about?" 
"No, Jesy listen," You say, "When I told you that the woman who was keeping me here.... That woman was you... Jesy Nelson." 
Jesy looks at me like you’re crazy. You are sometimes but you were serious about what you had just told her. However, her surprise turned to happiness when she grabs your face and kisses you. Your arms coil around her gently as you begin deepening the kiss. 
"Jesy," you say 
"Hmm?" She asks 
"When we get out of here, I am not going to leave you alone," You smile, "Because I'll be By Your Side forevermore."
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Star Vs: Stump Day Review or The Why Are You Booing Tom He’s Right Holiday Special
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Before we start a special credit to @jess-the-vampire​ who I discussed the episode with during the writing process and brought up a LOT of good points that ended up going into this review. She clearly hates it as much as I do and had even more good reasons for it.  Happy Hanukah, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everybody! And today we got a big, fat, grotesque lump of coal to smash to pieces. And after a long, draining, if worth the effort scrooge review, and with this being something I needed to cross off my to do list this holiday season, I put this one here as I could use the cathariss of giving this steaming bowl of elephant piss a good thrashing. As you can tell unlike my usual reviews, I do not like this episode. This isn’t the FIRST i’ve not liked i’ve covered, but it is the first rather infamous one to me i’ve covered and not just a dead possum of an episode I ran into while reguarly covering an otherwise good show like “Quaraller’s Pass” or “Strife of the Party”. This one’s had it coming, making my top 8 worst christmas specials list last year, and while not the series worst outing, that’s a toss up between the finale and marco jr, it’s easily one of them. So while usually I like diving deeply into something good and picking apart while it’s good, if not ignoring any bad aspects, here i’m just going to take a hammer to this thing to explain why it dosen’t work and why it sucks dirty ass in thunderstorms. I might be overstating it a bit but probably not.  Nothing really new has happened since the last episode so the only new thing to cover is why i’m doing the episode here instead of after Monster Bash. And the simple reason is that like the Ducktales Halloween and Christmas specials, this episode clearly does not take place in the same time frame of the episode before or after it, with the next episode, The Bog Beast of Bogabah, taking place the day after Monster Bash. It’s most likely they simply held this episode over till Christmas and it dosen’t really fit in AFTER the huge game changer that is monster bash, especailly since the next three episodes after this all take place in rapid sucession, two on the same day one the day after them. So yeah i’m doing this one first and putting it ahead of monster bash on my episode guide for clarity’s sake. 
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Good, so with all that settled, let’s unwrap this complete works of pauly shore shall we? We open on the titular Stump Day, essentially mewni’s christmas complete with Cocoa, carols and a gay couple and their equally adorable child. And Star, unsuprisingly is giddy for it as the actual chlidren, and wearing an adorable santaesque dress complete with horns on her santa hat. Seriously you cannot tell me tom didn’t get that for her. Fucking precious. Marco is more just confused and has his hood up and one of Star’s cousins asks uncle river to tell him the origin of stump day. River’s response.. is easily the best joke of the episode. 
“(in a jolly tone) ha ha, you don’t tell me what to do”
He does so anyway though: Basically when settlers arrived on Mewni they found themselves cold and griping with each other, and soon found a blizzard had struck.. but by huddling together under a magic stump, they all learned to get along or something like that and now once a year everyone gathers in warmth and camraderie.. or else. Before Marco can understandably question what “or else” means in this context, Star butts in when one of her cousins chastises the younger one who asked river the question for beliviing and says he’s real. It’s a nice touch as it fits star perfectly to still belivie in mewni’s horrifying version of santa. I forgot just how adorable and likeable the character was before the final season shot that to hell. How her energy could be infectious and how Eden Sher really brought her all to the performance, which is still the performance of her career and hopefully like Rider Strong she’ll do more voice acting eventually.  So that night as Star tucks in after wonderful  night of sleep, and to avoid her dad’s usual drunken chorus of Tom Jones “Sex Bomb”, and gets woken up by Marco who leads her to the dining hall because a windows broken to fix it with magic. Star entirely buys this flimsy story.. but as Jess pointed out, and as I missed hence the credit up top... she dosen’t bring her wand. She.. dosen’t bring her wand.. to go fix something with magic. Now i’ll grant next season shows she CAN fully do magic without it, and while not as powerful like her mom still has plenty of punch behind it.. especially when she does the rainbow fist thing. But it’s still.. weird she dosen’t think to grab it and feels out of character. While Star’s learned by this point not to rely on it, and as we’ll see gives it up entirely, one of the few bits of her character development that actually sticks, it still seems resonable she’d take it with her wherever she goes.. and usually SHE DOES. And her jammies, which are also adorable, seem to have pockets so the animators had no reason to not just stuff it in one. It would’ve made their job harder yes.. but then don’t have marco use an excuse that directly requires it then and draws attention to the fact the wand is missing, and the fact you blatantly just hoped we’d forget about it as it’d ruin the climax. 
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It’s far from the worst thing in this episode..trust me we’re almost there. But this does bring me to a point.. so far the episode is GOOD. The comedy’s good, the setup for what’s about to happen is good, the holdiay setting is warm and inviting but weird enough to perfectly fit mewni, and River, much like his VA and homosexual talking boat portrayer Alan Tudyuk, is a national treasure as always. Whelp it’s all down hill from here bitches! Giddyup. 
So Marco announces a SUPRISE PARTY! And everyone’s there: Tom, Kelly, Ponyhead, Starfan14... oh yeah this is the first ep i’ve coverd with Starfan14 isn’t it? Starfan14 is star’s insane fangirl, voiced by series creator Derfron Nercy herself, who star happily tolerates despite clearly wanting to wear her skin. We’ve all been there. Also Jackie is transparently missing, though at least it’s SOMEWHAT reasonable as she and marco broke up a few .. months ago? I mean it is winter on mewni for this episode but the end of season 4 and the series is set at the start of summer, yet months still pass..... 
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Confusing timeline aside, Jackie has every reason not to attend a party thrown by her ex for the girl who confesed she had feelings for said ex and it’s probably the only good decision Marco makes this entire episode that he wisely decided to give Jackie some space. And it says something a decision made entirely off screen that was probably because the creators genuinely forgot Jackie once she was out of the way so they could shift the love triangle stuff to Tom, Star and Marco instead of you know.. not doing that because most love triangles are annoying at best and utterly insufferable at worst. Case in point this episode but I can give out more about this aspect of things in a bit with more context. 
And to his credit, and as Jess backed me up on, Marco’s gesture is genuinely throughtful.. at least to start with. He got her a choclate fountain, brought all of her friends, and geninely just thought Star never celebrated her birthday on her birthday because it was you know the same day as christmas. As someone whose birthday is a week before christmas, December 16th if you were curious, I understand the pain of having your birthday in the same month as christmas. Of having all your presents clustered at once and of having to manuver around a very stressful season, though it does sometimes have perks like getting to celebrate your birthday and christmas, it also means your birthday is secondary and always will be to most people due to proximity. And Star has hers ON mewman christmas, so it’s even worse. So from Marco’s perspective, TO START, his best friend constantly had to share her birthday with her faviorite holiday and just wanted to do something nice. SO FAR, he’s done nothing wrong and just means well. That’s... about to end.  Star.. instead of being greatful.. starts muttering no before going on an manic rampage and destroying everything including hte band’s insturments. And apparnetly star’s gotten some flack for her behavior.. but I understand it. To her the stump is VERY real, and will be very angry if someone else celebrates so to her all she’s doing is saving her best friend from the holiday equilvent of the trees from evil dead, and when Marco asks about it she GENUINELY is sorry, getting he meant well, that he was being sweet, and that he did a lot of nice stuff for her.. she just can’t celebrate not because she loves the holiday but because again, from her persepctive, the stump will kill them all if they don’t support it. She is genuinly affraid for her friends lives and given she could go grab her wand and fight it, clearly thinks she, with all her CONSIDERABLE powers, cannot win this, and neither can tom whose powers are almost entirely fire based. Star is just trying to protect her friends from being horribly murdered. And she turns out to be entirely right about it so no, star was not a jerk here. A bit over the top, but she was not insensitive, she was not mean, she just didn’t want a party for understandable reasons.
So let’s get to actually insensitive shall we?! Marco’s reaction to this is at first confusion as he didn’t realize the stump was real, though Tom, Kelly and Pony are convinced it’s not. Also this episode implies Kelly is from mewni, but she turns out not to be so why she knows about the stump I genuinely don’t know. They think it’s just a baby thing.. though in Tom’s defense he dosen’t phrase it that way, thinks star still beliving is cute, which for a teenage boy finding out his girlfriend belivies in santa is very sweet and mature of him, and is trying to be nice about it even if he doesn’t believe.  But Marco.. his response to his friend having a good reason for not wanting to have the party.. is to complain about how much effort he put into it and try to guilt and bribe her into having it by mentoining he got her faviorite cake flavor, rainbow. Just.. WOW. I’ve seen some bad turns from characters, but WOWWWWWW. Holy shit.. I mean at least other jerkass marco episodes before this had SOME reasoning to them. Sophmore Slump had him clearly sublimating his feelings for star combined with the usual obnoxiousness of someone having gone abroard for the first time, which as Letterkenny recently went into, the only thing worse is Stillborn Puppies. Nothing else. 
And with Lint Catcher while he was presumptive and not blameless.. river still outright lied to him. Here? It’s clear star dosen’t want this, cake can be refigirated, he only takes a loss on the choclate fountain and he could still just let everyone have some and say it’s for stump day to appease her. He dosen’t have to take a loss on this finacially or morally and there would be no harm done. But that’s.. not what HE wanted, not waht HE set up and he wants what HE wanted, which was to impress star with a thoughtful gesture. But that’s the thing bud: Gestures aren’t about you or what you get. Their about doint something nice for another fucking person. It’s the whole point of christmas and birthdays: To just give someone something to be ncie and to celebrate the day and them respectively. If she dosen’t WANT your gift for understandable reasons and isn’t being rude about it you don’t have any leg to stand on you seflish twatwaffle. 
So already Marco is not coming off well.. and if you know this episode you know it gets worse. Oh god it gets worse. So first PONYHEAD of all people calls out Marco.. and for once, PONYHEAD, the most selfish, most unresonable and a character whose tolerablity varies on the episode, tells him he’s being selfish and is only pressing on because of his need to control things. So not only is Ponyhead right but the episode LIKELY wants you to feel she’s wrong because she’s pony which is not how this work as she knows star well and thus, while unaware she still belivied in the stump, which tracks as while it’s obvious she does Pony is so up her own whatever she has that functions as an ass, it’s understandable she’d miss some details. So no Pony’s right, and the fact PONY is one of the more resonable people in this episode is both a sign of the apocalypse, which is thankfully starting to recede, and a clear marker of just how bad Marco’s being if someone who torments him and disagrees with him out of principal is entirely right. 
Oh but it gets worse as next up, Tom steps in and tries to get Marco to back out, admitting he told him this was a bad idea. Now granted Tom did mess up by not stepping in to stop this a bit.. but he A) didn’t know how much his girlfriend genuinely belivied in the stump and B) Probably assumed Marco meant well, as would I before he whined about not getting his way, and decided it was worth a try. So he’s not that bad, and while it is a bit ehhh to try and take back credit for this when he participated, it’s still minor and Marco is still being a huge dick who refuses to help shut things down when it’s clear the party is only causing star to have a panic attack and assault some humble marachi players. He sees nothing good is coming from this and just wants what star wants. Also it paints Marco in a worse light as he was warned about this, and was so obssed with making it a suprise party because that’s how his plan went, he refused to just.. talk to her about it. Hell he could’ve just casually asked “Why do you never celebrate your birthday on your birthday”. It’s an easy question, dosen’t give the game away and allows him to gage if this is a good idea or not BEFORE baking a cake , hiring a band and getting a chocolate fountain. Instead he just went ahead with it.  And he did so.. because this ISN’T about making Star happy. This is abotu HIM making star happy. Him showing her how thoughtful, and considerate and sweet he is and how he’s always been there for her and how maybe she should be with him instead of Tom. I mean it just comes off that way.. he made it a suprise party because in his head that’s how it worked and she was super impresed and left tom that day to be with him in some elaborate fantasy. Granted the episode dosen’t say this.. but it sure as hell acccidently implies hte hell out of it by having marco act like a selfish ass who refuses to take what STAR wants into consideration, and just wants to get his fantasy back on track. What supports this to me is how he treats tom, you know one of his best friends: He, again, accuses him of forgetting.. then calls him a bad boyfriend.. a bad boyfriend for NOT wanting to force a celebration on his girlfriend she does not want, and for not forcing it on her. For you know GROWING AS A PERSON.  Beacuse here’s the pickle pumpernickle: This thing Marco’s doing? Is exactly the kind of thing a pre-character development TOM did, that was rightfully framed as bad. Being controlling, wanting things to go JUST a certain way instead of letting them flow naturally, not getting the hint star isn’t intrested, and not caring about what she wants and only what you want. Marco is doing the same thing Tom used to do. And for starters i’ts already bad because you know MARCO WAS THE ONE WHO FINALLY GOT IT THROUGH TO TOM THAT THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR WAS TOXIC AND SELFISH. But apparently when it’s Marco himself doing it it’s fine. If there was ever any clear evidence Marco regressed as a character, there it is.  Him actively unelarning a lesson he taught someone else and then getting combative when that person rightly tries to call him out. Marco is just insufferable in this episode: He’s being selfish, creepy and posseive and he’s apparenlty supposed to, at least on some level BE RIGHT.  But.. we will get to that. Consider a pin put in this rant. 
So Tom overreacts, and throws some fire at marco, which is genuinely wrong and Kelly’s right to call him out, and then headlocks him asking marco to say he’s a good boyfriend. Marco screams out ‘NEVVVEEEERRRR”
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I just made this, by hapinstance, while watching the video I put up there. I.. I did not think i’d get to use this so soon but my god. Just my god that’s a terrible thing to say.  So the party soon breaks down elsewhere as Kelly is mad at tom for.. understandable reasons again the guy she has a crush on was just nearly set on fire, even if i’m still on Tom’s side overall here, it’s still not right. Janna points out it’s probably because she has a crush on marco, which while acurate dosen’t mean she was wrong and Tad pops out to be upset about that. Even though you know you two are broken up and as Kelly points out he needs to move out. Pony is mad she’s not getting any attention and Starfan is mad because star’s mad. Star results to desperate measures, opening the windows to try and repeate the act of the settlers.  She didn’t however count on the Janna factor as she throws the stump in the fire, which is in chracter. What’s not, and again I give Jess full credit for this one, is that everyone just starts.. warming around the stump and not caring like a bunch of jackasses not caring about their close friend, and in tom’s case, girlfriend’s feelings. Also tom and marco apparently stopped fighting just to be this stupid. 
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But naturally burning the symbolic stump is a bad idea and the real one attacks. Protip: If you live in a world of magical nonsense, maybe don’t discount the magic stump. Everyone’s captured, including moon and river, with River also being suprised and replying to Star’s annoyance at him not beliving with “Sweetie it’s a stump!”. Alan Tudyk is a god and I feel you all should acknowleddge that. But yeah everything seemsm to be bad but everyone apologizes, if not for the right things in Marco’s case, and Tom says “I’m sorry i’m a bad boyfriend!”. You .. you aren’t. You did nothing wrong. I feel like this is tom for the last agrivating 6 minutes of the episode
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He did SOME THINGS wrong but he is NOT a bad boyfriend. He is throughtful, kind and while he has flaws, SO DOES STAR. He is not a bad boyfriend for not wanting to repeat past abusive actions! GAH. Let’s just get on with it. They all hold hands, they thiunk this is what made the stump go away but Star is sure it was just going to kill them, Moon and River have a thousand yard stare as they realize they both have to get repairs for this room now and do an extra big stump day next year to make sure it dosen’t come back. And Marco apologizes to star.. for not beliving her. Not for forcing this on her, not for causing all of this, not at all to tom, but for not beliving her while star FUCKING APOLOGIZES TO HIM.  Pin removed, bullshit falling to the floor... Trunks if you would. 
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Thank you. Star DID NOTHING WRONG. Tom DID LESS WRONG THAN MARCO. WHY ARE THEY APOLOGIZING. Why is this little shithead getting everything he wants as the party happens after all, if a day later, and he gets to dance with star, while everyone else is painted as being in the wrong? That’s what makes this special so putrid: that MARCO is apparently in the right for doing the same , if on a smaller scale, manipulative shit tom used to do before he grew as a person, yet the episode sides with him, props him up and teases Starco. If it’s Starco it’s okay apparently and that’s.. not okay. You can’t .. build a ship on a character acting like a jackass. That’s not how this works. Marco was wrong, he was bad and he should FEEL bad. Instead he’s just a creepy jerk this entire episode, being entitled, manipulating star, screaming at tom.. and gets REWARDED FOR IT. Fuck this episode. 
FINAL THOUGHTS: I believe I said Fuck this episode.  This is easily one of star vs’ worst episode and much like the season after this episode it gets worse the more you think about it. I put it on my worst holiday episodes list for a reason.. and frankly even with the decent first 4 mintues it should be higher. It’s an unplesant mess that throughly ruins Marco’s character and takes him from a kind, upstanding, polite and bright young man to a creepy manpiulative jackasss. Fuck this episode and have a happy holidays. 
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Marinette Vs Santa: The Final Round
Okay, so it’s 11:38 on Christmas. I promised I would post this today. So I am. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Enjoy your present.
           The jolly fat man would get his, Marinette swore. She wore a lovely gold, snowflake-embroidered cocktail dress. Her hair was done in a French side braid with voluminous Curls; more than she ever had in her entire life. Honestly, she looked like a princess.
           And it would’ve been a win for her if it wasn’t for the circumstances that made it yet another Tie against Santa.
           Roy has his hand on the small of her back since they step out of the limo. The forced sweet smile on her face was for the paparazzi that had waited outside the restaurant. When they got inside, and as they were shone to their table, Roy's hand slipped south.
Marinette stiffened and leaned close to Roy and whispered in his ear, “If you don’t get your hand off my butt, I’m going to take off one of my five-inch heels and slit your throat with it.”
Roy’s hand was gone in a flash, “Aww babe,” He said, a little loudly, nodding to the table where his parents’ Oliver and Dinah waited; their eyes watching the young couple’s every move. “You know I can’t keep my hands off you.”
           Marinette giggled, as she fought the urge to slam his against a nearby table, “Not in front of your parents. It’s called manners.”
Your lucky homicide is still technically illegal, Marinette thought viciously, and a sure-fire way to get on fat bastard’s naughty list.
           He wouldn’t win. No, Marinette had gone too far; been through too much to lose now.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Dinah stood once the two approached. She pulled Marinette into a hug. “I’ve tried to instill etiquette into Roy for years. His last girlfriends and he nearly in trouble for public indecency. Maybe you’ll do a better job than I did.”
           Marinette laughed, “I will even if I have to cut off his hand.”
           Oliver chuckled, “You’re definitely Bruce’s girl.” The resemblance was uncanny.
           After that the fell into an easy conversation.
“That dress is beautiful,” Dinah said. “Who’s the designer?”
           Marinette beamed, “I am. I love fashion. It’s my dream,” She explained. “I plan on launching my own company. While there’s always room to learn and enhance my designing skills, I feel as if I have that side at least somewhat covered. However, the business angle is something I need to learn. Which is why I plan on getting my MBA at an Ivy League. I was considering Yale or Princeton.”
“Princeton,” Oliver grinned. “Did you hear that Roy?” Roy rolled his eyes, and once again, regretted being born. “Marinette’s considering Princeton. That’s the top school on his list. Queens have gone there for generations.” He pulled his wife into a hug. “It’s where I knew Dinah was the one.”
           Dinah gave Marinette a blank stare, “I couldn’t get rid of him. It was like having bedbugs.” (“Hey!” Oliver cried in protest.) “No matter what I did, he just coming back. The only solution was to burn the entire place down and vanish without a trace. But apparently, that’s illegal or whatever. Stupid.”
“I know, right,” Marinette nodded earnestly. “What’s up with that?”
           They had a wonderful dinner. They watched a paparazzi pretending to be a waiter be escorted out of the restaurant. It was great, amazing even. Oliver and Dinah had been perfectly lovely. Roy had acted like a perfect gentleman. Marinette could’ve almost pretended she was actually meeting her boyfriend’s family. She was about to count the entire night as a win until…
“So how many grandkids should I expect in the future,” Oliver asked, a sincere look on his face, though he was snickering inside.
           Marinette chocked on her chocolate mousse and ended up in a coughing fit that Dinah helped her with. Roy had met his father’s gaze and gave him his most charming smile, “Seven,” He answered.
“Seven!” Marinette barked out and she looked around frantically as if Ashton Kutcher had revived his hit show and was about to pop out.
Oh, gods; please let me be getting punked, Marinette prayed.
            Oliver’s eyebrows went up, “Seven, huh, big family.”
           Roy hummed, “the Wayne-Queens certainly will be.”
“You mean the Queen-Waynes,” Oliver corrected, his hackles rising.
“Well, I figured since we’d be living in Gotham,” Roy didn’t even bother to hide his smirk. “We’d go by the Wayne-Queen family. I actually found this great place not too far from Wayne Manor. Plenty of room for the kids, maybe a dog or two; a rose garden. You know how Waynes are about their roses. You can visit whenever.”
           Marinette might have momentarily blacked out during this. It was how Marinette knew she had officially lost that round to Santa.
           Oliver and Dinah just looked at Roy; their entire bodies stiff.
           Dinah took a long drink from her wine glass, “Gotham has such a high crime rate. Have you considered Star City, Marinette?”
“I’ve never been,” Marinette said sweetly. “But I could live anywhere really. I’m pretty open.”
           Roy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “Yes, but I figured you’d want to spend as much time with your family as possible. Jason’s my best friend. I love Gotham. It just works. Besides Bruce Wayne would make an amazing grandpa.”
           The grip Oliver had on his dessert fork made Marinette fear for Roy’s life. It was time to step in. “I suppose Robb or Thea would love a big backyard to play in.”
           That got the other three’s attention.
“Robb? Thea?” Oliver whispered. His throat was dry. His brain tried to process what was said.
“I wasn’t supposed to say anything. But Roy and I started talking one day and well,” Marinette trailed off. A soft pink blush appeared on Marinette’s face, enhancing her overall innocent aura. She had done background on the Queen family. “Our firstborn; if it’s a boy Robb as in Robert Thomas; for your father and my grandfather. If it’s a girl, Thea Sabine; for your sister and my mother. It was Roy’s idea. He knows how much you loved them.”
           It was then that Marinette got to check off one more wish off her list. It had been made as a joke in passing to Chloe and Kagami months ago. They had been having a girls’ night. When Chloe, ever prepared, asked what they wanted for Christmas. They had been watching a Justice League fight on the news. Marinette had laughed and said she wanted to show them up one day; make a superhero cry.
           However, watching The Green Arrow tear up while the Black Canary comforted himself, made her think that Santa took her to wish out of context.
           Roy was pulled into a big hug by his parents, and he sent her a vicious glare, and mouthed, “What did you do?”
           Oliver pulled back, wiped his eyes, and said, “You know; there’s nothing like a spring wedding in Star City.”
           Marinette threw down her napkin.
Fuck Santa.
           The news had a field day. The picture of Marinette in her dress and Roy in his designer suit was what everyone was talking about. The women of the view talked about her outfit. Wendy Williams talked about her outfit. It was as if Marinette was living in another universe.
           Nothing could bring her down.
“What the hell?” Jason asked as he picked her up for school. “Why the fuck is Roy spamming me with hate texts. Why the fuck is Oliver arguing with B over visitation rights to his grandchildren? Who the Fuck are Robb and Thea? And why the fuck is Dad asking Aquaman if Atlantis really sunk on its own, or if it had a little help?”
           Marinette tiled her head, “Is Papa planning on sinking Star City? And that’s forty dollars for the swear jar.” Her parents had implements after one too many curse words were thrown around.
“Worth it!” Jason said. “And yes, I’ve positive that’s what’s going to happen. It’s gonna be amazing. Also, he’s gonna kill Roy!”
“He deserves it,” Marinette crossed her arms.
“He put his hand on my butt!”
           Jason paused and narrowed his eyes. “Correction. I’m gonna kill Roy.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes, but then she realized something. “Aren’t they’re usually two of you? Where’s the other one?” It was the routine. She was always escorted into school by two members of the Wayne family.
           Jason smirked, “You’ll see.”
           The paparazzi mostly screamed the usual things at her. At that point, she was used to it. It was the few changes at school that she was used to.
           Damocles had been fired for bribes and severe negligence. He was replaced by Mendeleev. Bustier had been fired for her role in Marinette’s expulsion without proper procedure and basically catering to bullies while blaming the victim. She replaced by a sterner teacher name Miss Reed. She was by the book and not afraid to call in the higher-ups if something smelled fishy.
           The first was any and all forms of bullying in class was no longer tolerated. The school had issued a zero-tolerance policy that the kids in Bustier’s class had felt immediately.
           The second was Lila’s supposed medical history. No doctor’s note, no special treatment. It was also required that Lila present a note from her mother regarding any future absences.
           The third was Adrien’s being pulled randomly out of class. CPS got involved real fast regarding child labor laws.
           The days of her classmates getting away with bloody murder were over. Reed saw everything. Everything.
           Alya, who had returned to class always avoided Marinette at all times. Her parents had given her the biggest talking to about respecting others’ right to privacy. Marinette had agreed to drop any legal charges against her former friend provided she adhere to the cease and desist order. The girl knew too much about Marinette. And Marinette needed to make it clear that she would bury the girl in lawsuits before she’d allowed even one-fourth of it to be made public.
           Jason had walked her to class. But he didn’t leave. Instead, he went directly to the back of the class and took a seat next to Chloe. He pulled out his phone and proceeded to ignore the curious looks from the students.
The blond eyed the ripped jeans, the overly sized red flannel shirt, and the beat-up leather jacket, “Grunge died in the 90s. Like it deserved.”
           Jason, not bothering to look up from his phone, “Paris Hilton said it’s cool that you plagiarized her look.”
           Chloe gasped.
           Marinette just looked up at the ceiling, knowing exactly how this was going to go. Chloe would not forgive this. Jason was an asshole. It would be war.
           Miss Reed walked in and didn’t look twice at Jason.
           Marinette narrowed her eyes; something was up.
           The class went on without a hitch though until just about the end of the first period…
           When Tim and a pretty, brown-haired, tanned skin, an older woman walked in the door. They looked to be having a pleasant conversation.
“Mama,” Lila gasped, her eyes wide. “What are you doing here?” She looked around frantically.
“Ooohhhh,” Marinette nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” That was what was happening. Operation: Get That Bitch.
“Oh!” Tim feigned surprised. “I didn’t know your daughter was in my sister’s class, Naomi.”
           Naomi had been pleasantly surprised when Tim Drake, the CEO of Wayne Industries reached out to speak to her about potential business ventures in Italy. He was in Paris visiting his sister and wanted an insider perspective on Italy’s economy and tourist information. Her bosses were thrilled. Wayne opening up a site in Italy would do wonders for the overall economic and industrial growth. Then they got to talking about a potential student exchange program that Wayne Industries were willing to fund.
           What Tim hadn’t told the Ambassador was that Wayne Industries had been scouting locations in Italy for their new plant for the last ten months. All the research was done. Everything was primed to go. Still, Tim was kind enough to ensure that Naomi Rossi received the credit for getting Wayne Industries on board.
Mrs. Rossi blinked in surprise, “I had no idea either. Lila, we’re here to discuss a potential international exchange program for kids all over the world. Tim wanted to say hello to his sister. Why didn’t you tell me you were friends with Marinette Wayne?”
           Marinette leaned forward in her seat. A slow smile spread across her face.
“I, well, I,” Lila struggled to say.
“We’re not the closest, Mrs. Rossi,” Marinette offered. “She’s always so busy, we haven’t had the time.”
“Ahh,” Tim snapped his fingers. “That Lila Rossi. Marinette told me all about her.” He crossed his arms. “Naomi, how was Achu? I haven’t gone yet. But from what Marinette’s told of Lila’s stories, you two go all the time. You become close to the royal family, yes?”
           Coldness went down to Naomi Rossi’s spine. She stiffened. Her eyes went to her daughter who had a look of dread on her face. Not this again, she nearly groaned. “There’s been some… confusion,” Mrs. Rossi said, gearing up every ounce of diplomacy she learned in her twenty-year career. Lila was so grounded after this. “A miscommunication, I suppose. My ambassadorship has taken my family to England, Spain, and Japan for a little while, and here in France, of course. However, nowhere else. We have never been to Achu. That is a bit above my paygrade, I’m afraid,” She laughed nervously.
           The class was as silent as a library. If Bustier was still there, a few students would’ve started yelling their complaints and cries for explanations. One or two would’ve started screaming at Lila for lying. But Bustier was gone. And the look Reed was giving her class, dared them to try.
           Tim chuckled, “Kids. When I was seven I swore I spent the summer in Greece with my parents. I didn’t find out until I was eleven that I was actually in Rome. What can you do?” He gave her his most charming smile. “England, was that where Lila met Jagged Stone? I think he’s from there.”
“Jagged who now?” Naomi asked. “The Rock Star? No, Lila’s never met him. She’s a huge fan though.”
“But he wrote a song about her!” Alya cried out. “She saved his cat from getting hit by a plane!”
           Miss Reed, “Alya, please raise your hand and keep to a reasonable level while inside. It will be detention if I have to tell you again.”
Miss Reed and Mendeleiev had agreed to The Wayne's suggestion of revealing Lila’s lies to the class. It was the only way they would believe it and that she could lie her way out of. It was unnatural the way the students trailed after the girl, simpering over grand stories and promises of famous connections. They needed to learn to rely on hard work and their own talent, not on how many famous people they might get to the chance to meet.
“A plane?” Mrs. Rossi asked, an affronted look on her face. “You think I would ever allow my child to be in such danger?” She looked at her daughter. “Your grandmother always said you would be a grand writer with all the stories you tell. You could’ve at least come with a sensible lie.”
“I can explain,” Lila said but whether she was talking to her mother or class was anyone’s guess.
           Rose raised her hand, “Lie? Lila can’t be lying. What about all the trips she takes with you? The charity organizations she runs? The famous people she knows like Clara Nightingale who always ask her for help. She’s close friends with Prince Ali. That’s why she’s always away from school. One time she was gone for weeks.”
           Naomi Rossi looked at her daughter, who did everything she could to avoid eye contact with her mother. “You told me that the school was closed due to the Akumas. It was a lie.” She looked at the teacher. “If the school wasn’t closed, Lila should have only missed three days of school this semester due to her being ill with the flu. She should have only missed seven to ten days in total last year. I do apologize, my daughter…” She gave Lila a dark look. “Seems to have a talent for tall tales.”
           Miss Reed stood up, “It’s a matter for the Principle. Her last teacher overlooked many things and wrote off what she couldn’t. Her schoolwork was done the year before; her grades were good enough to pass. She has not missed too many days so far; a few more than the average student but it happens. Any homework missed can still be made up. She is welcome in my class. However, when you get the chance, I would like make an appointment to discuss with you any medical accommodations she has that need to be addressed.”
           Mrs. Rossi crossed her arms, “She never wears her glasses. She has sensitive eyes that prevent her from wearing contacts. Without them, she can’t see more than a few feet ahead of her.” She looked straight at her daughter. “And she knows this.”
           Marinette wanted to bang her head against the desk. Why couldn’t Lila just say that? She’d have understood.
           Mrs. Rossi looked at the class, “I am so sorry for any trouble my daughter may have caused.” She looked at Tim. “I hope this doesn’t cast a negative light on any prospective business relations.”
           Tim shook his head, “Kids will be kids. Let’s continue to speak over lunch.”
“I’ll see you at home, Lila,” Mrs. Rossi said.
           Tim grinned, “Marinette, I’ll see you after school. Jason.”
           Jason got to leave only to stumble nearly down the stairs. He cast a quick glare at Chloe.
           The blond gave him a vicious smirk, “Walk much?”
“Oh it’s on,” Jason hissed.
           Marinette rolled her eyes. Last year, she had wished with all her might that her friends would see Lila for who she really was. Now the truth was out. Lila had been exposed.
           Regrettably, Marinette had already lost all her friends. And those who were still her friends, already knew the truth. So it wouldn’t change much. She’d had already forgiven her ex-friends a long time ago. Marinette just had to intention of being friends with them again. Still, it was a victory.
           Fuck Santa; this round went Marinette.
           The Justice League had been stunned when they learned that the masked hero Ladybug who was protecting Paris in an adorable bright red suit, who seemed to be made of sunshine, rainbows, and happiness was Batman’s daughter. Like so stunned that as soon as they saw her secret Identity of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and her takedown of monsters twelve times her size; one or two (or twelve) asked Superman to take a DNA test too. Because Bruce Wayne wasn’t the only black-haired Superhero around, and you know things happen.
           …Batman hadn’t been happy when Oracle alerted him that someone in the Watch Tower was running his daughter’s DNA against Superman’s.
“How sure are we?” Hal Jordan asked. “The DNA results never came back. How do we know she’s not Big S’s?”
           The main members of the Justice League were waiting for Batman and his family to arrive. Then they were would officially be introduced to the hero Ladybug.
           Superman glared, “Stop it. Batman already brought out the kryptonite the last time you mentioned it.”
           Wonder man nodded, “Her civilian self is the spitting image of Bruce.”
“All of his kids have dark hair and light eyes,” The Flash reminded them. “One of like seven or twelve, or however many he has now, we know for sure is his.”
“They are all his,” Black Canary stated with a growl. She and Oliver had adopted Roy when he was young but that didn’t make the boy any less hers.
           Just then the light of the zeta beam sounded and Batman and Ladybug appeared in the room. The clear contrast between the two was startling.
           The Dark, brooding, Knight of Gotham dressed in all black with a look on his face that could’ve made Superman wince in fear. Ladybug, dressed in bright red, with a big, cheerful, smile on her face and large blue eyes that looked positively mesmerized by the heroes.
“I brought cookies,” The small girl chirped as she motioned to the goodies in her hands. “And apple pie! It’s a family recipe. I made them myself. I really hope you like them.”
           Batman glared worsen to the point where a few Justice League members feared for their lives. The message was clear; they’d like them. Or else.
“I’m sure they’re wonderful,” Diana smiled. “Come on, let me show you where we’ll be meeting.
           Marinette tried not to stare in awe at her favorite superhero. “I also brought Vegan. And gluten-free cookies. I wanted to make sure everyone could get some.” She said as she was led away.
           The world-renowned heroes visibly cooed at the young hero. She was the most adorable thing they’d ever laid eyes on.
           The Flash laughed, “What did you bring, Bats?”
“Death,” Batman growled as stalked after his daughter.
           Cyborg swallowed hard. “I’m not saying you’re right,” He told Hal and Barry. “I’m saying for this type of situation; Maury is classier than Jerry Springer.”
           Superman groaned. They were going to get him killed.
“Apple pie!” The flash said. “She brought Apple, Clark; it’s a sign from the gods.”
           Ladybug briefing them on her hero journey had been riveting. The Justice League had always been aware of Ladybug's existence. Once aware of her, Diana had told them all the history of the Miraculous and how her own mother used to be one of the users. Ladybug, with Chat Noir for a time, handled herself and protected the city well. They saw no reason to interfere. The Justice League had strict rules of interfering with another’s heroes’ turf. They figured if Ladybug needs help, the hero would call on them. They never knew she was a child.
           Her age bothered them.
“She can’t protect the city,” Aquaman said. “We’ll need to step in.”
“Excuse me,” Marinette said.
           The Flash nodded, “We’ll need to run Intel. I’ll have Vibe take a look at things.”
“Wait! I don’t think you-” Marinette started but was cut off.
“The magic is ancient and powerful,” Hawkman interrupted. “We should call Constantine. Or Doctor Fate perhaps.”
           Ladybug shook her head, “That wouldn’t be a good idea!”
           Green Lantern waved her off, “It’s fine, kid. We’ll handle it. While we’re at it; consider joining Young Justice or Teen Titans. Get you some training before you call yourself a real hero. Until then stick with the little league team.”
           Marinette froze. What did he just say? White-hot anger coursed through her veins.
           And to think she always dreamed of meeting the Justice League; of standing face to face with the heroes after having proven herself; proven that she was just as much of a superhero as they. However, Marinette knew she was already a hero. And no one would tell her otherwise.
           The round went to Santa. But Marinette would have her due.
           Fuck Santa!
Superman said, “We’ll start having unplaced league members scouting the area. They’ll notify us at the first sign of Hawkmoth.”
“ENOUGH!” Marinette yelled. She growled at the heroes. “Who the hell do you think you are?” The silence that followed that question was deafening. “You know nothing of Hawkmoth; saw nothing of what I’ve been through. There is a reason I never called in the league. Superpowered individuals still have emotions; still anger. He can turn any of you into akumas. Get inside your heads; learn who you really are. You’ll be a toy for him. Batman brought me here to meet you; not for you to pretend you know how to do my job.”
           She glared at the room and then zeroed in on the Green Lantern. Within seconds, Ladybug had yanked him out of his seat, pulled the ring off his finger, and held by his collar as the man detransformed. “Real Hero? You think I’m not a real hero? I’ve fought monsters nightmares couldn’t even begin to fathom. You want to see what I’m capable of, Glow Stick? How about I take you to the nearest training room and see if you bleed green?”
           Batman stood up, “My team will be running point on the Paris situation; following Ladybug lead. You’ll refrain from entering the city of Paris until further notice. That is all.” He looked at his daughter and had to fight to keep the smile off his face. “Ladybug let Green Lantern go, and give him back his ring.”
           Ladybug huffed, “I’ll give him back his ring. And then I want ten minutes alone with him.”
           Hal gulped.
“No,” Batman said. “We must leave. You have to get ready for Winter break. Next time.”
           Ladybug glared and then dropped the hero on the ground. “Next time,” She promised.
           Then swiftly the father and daughter duo departed.
           Once the two were gone, Wonder Woman chuckled, “Anyone else want to question Ladybug’s Paternity. Anyone?”
           Barry had to fight the shivers that went through him. Ladybug had Batman’s glare and knew how to use it. “Nope. Never again.”
           Marinette’s first night in Gotham was memorable. The entire bat family had been waiting for Marinette when she arrived; Bruce, Alfred, Kate, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, Stephanie, Luke, and Damian. Alfred, the man her brothers had deemed their grandfather, had welcomed her with open arms and a dinner that was more like a feast than a simple meal.
           On the outside, Wayne manor looked like any home in the neighborhood; quiet, idealistic, and seemingly perfect.
           On the inside, as soon as Bruce and Alfred stepped away for a moment, her siblings took her to the Batcave. It was as grand as she always imagined. Then someone (Tim) brought out lightsabers.
           Marinette thought it was a fancy version of the toy she used to love so much as a kid; her only complaint was that the plastic swords only came in green, red and the occasional blue. She really wanted a pink one and had put it on her Christmas list for two years straight.
           She pressed the button, only for the sword handle to heat up, and a pink laser rises out of it. “Tim?”
“…This is a real lightsaber,” The heat from the sword threated to burn or hand a little. Or worse. She’d seen all the movies. She knew how this usually ended up.
           Marinette nodded slowly. Because what the heck.
“Just go with it,” Luke shrugged. “Just-just go with it.” He sounded like a defeated man. A tired one at that.
“Don’t be like that!” Dick smiled, “Family bond time is the best time.”
“Jedi versus Sith?” Marinette just asked.
           Tim pointed a bright gold lightsaber at her, “Jedi versus Sith.”
           Marinette looked around at the different colored and very, very dangerous lightsabers. There was no way this could possibly go well. And with the way her Kate, aka Batwoman, was smirking there was no way Alfred would consider her proper adult supervision. Someone was going to lose a hand. Or die. Most likely both.
           But she wouldn’t back down. This was more or less her eight-year-old self’s dream. It was also likely to get her killed.
           …Marinette would take those odds.
“What team am I on?” She asked.
           Cassandra shook her head, “Up to you. Good versus is a chose; just a game though,” She cast Stern looks at Jason, Tim, and Damian, who now sported black robes, clearly, by the Darth Maul make up that had somehow appeared on Damian’s face, were clearly Sith Lords.
           Santa thought this would scare her. That she would be cowed into submission. Finally admit defeat. Well, Marinette only had one thing to say to that. Two things actually.
“Give in to the dark side, sister,” Damian ordered her. His lightsaber was red and had two sides to it much like the character he matched.
           Marinette got into a fighting stance, “Not today.”
           And Fuck Santa.
           Alfred and Bruce were not happy when they finally located the children.
           Or the fact that someone had to get their hand reattached.
           It was two to two. Christmas day had arrived. Marinette had expected the worst; had geared up for the worst.
           Nothing happened.
           Marinette spent the day with her family.
           Her parents had even arrived from Paris on the day before Christmas eve.
           They shared presents. They sang songs. The entire family was together. It snowed outside. She and all of her siblings had a snowball fight while her parents and Alfred watched from the porch.
           It was a perfect Christmas day.
           Except for one thing…
           Marinette knew the truth.
           The perfect day was the result of one thing…
           Santa was preparing too. He didn’t back down. The fight wasn’t over yet. He was too busy to mess with her on Christmas Eve or Christmas. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean anything.
           Everyone knew the Holiday season didn’t officially end until January 1st.
           After New Year’s eve.
           That was the final round.
           The match to end all matches.
           On New Years’ Eve, it would be war.
           Roy wore a tailored tux as he walked her down the carpet, passed the flashing lights of the paparazzi.
Marinette never thought she’d fight the most battle of her life in a ballgown. It was a jaw-dropping, off the shoulder, floor length silver dress with lacy unique floral accents. Her hair was in a side-braid with small forget-me-nots on top of her hair like a crown.
            It was her battle armor, and she was ready for anything.
           It was a promise, she made to herself.
           Okay so it turns out, Marinette lied to herself.
           She wasn’t ready for anything. She did not stand a chance against Santa. He was a jerk. And she was six-second from throwing in the towel and running off crying.
           Marinette had known exactly who was attending the ball. She had memorized every guest on the list. Trying to figure out exactly what the fat guy who throws out her. As soon as she saw exactly which celebrities were coming. She knew.
           The first punch had been the man ten-year-old Marinette swore she was going marry. Harry freaking Styles.
           But Marinette had prepared herself.  It would be a quick conversation and then she wouldn’t speak to him for the rest of the night.
           When she met the superstar, Marinette had smiled and laughed; had a good conversation, wasn’t even awkward at all. She wasn’t the overly One Direction obsessed 10-year-old anymore.
           It was a hard hit, and the best conversation of her life, but Marinette didn’t go down.
           Santa’s next move was a cheap shot, and she stumbled.
           Marinette had been trying to find a quiet place to think for herself so could get strengthen up a bit but, to avoid one of her brothers (Dick), she collided straight into Nick Jonas and fell on her butt.
           She hadn’t even realized it at first as he helped her up.
“Thank you,” Marinette said kindly, as she brushed off her dress. When she looked up and saw exactly who had collided with, her face turned a bright red. “You’re Nick Jonas,” She squeaked; literally squeaked. She wanted to die.
           Nick Jonas. She loved Nick Jonas. She listen to all his songs; even his old Jonas Brothers ones. She had always wanted to meet the singer; she had dreamed about it.
“Yeah,” Nick smiled. “You alright.”
           No. Marinette was not alright.
           Still, she chirped a quick, “I’m fine.” And introduced herself.
           Then he said, “Love your dress.”
“I made it! I can make you one!” Slipped out before she could stop it.        
           He just laughed though, “How about a suit instead?”
           Yeah, so that happened.
           And the night just got worse from there.
           Santa gave her a combo hit; worthy of a champion.
           Not many knew but Marinette was a huge Harry Potter fangirl. Hermione Granger was her all-time favorite. She was a hardcore Harmony shipper; Harry/Hermione forever.
           Tim knew it though. He was a big-time fan as well. And he thought it would be a great idea to introduce Marinette to the actress who played her favorite character; Emma Watson.
           It was not a good idea. At all.
The first words out of Marinette’s mouth upon seeing Emma Watson were literally, “It's leviOsa, not levioSA!”
And it was at the point that Marinette just wanted to call it a night.
Emma had laughed it off, promising she got it all the time.
Marinette met Chris Hemsworth and just wouldn’t stop giggling.
Stephanie had to pull her away.
It was then that she knew Santa had her on the ropes.
She met Big Time Rush.
The boy band had become internally famous over the last few years. Not as big as One Direction but they still had their dedicated fans. Marinette was one of them
Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Carlos Garcia, and Logan Mitchell. They were all eighteen
It should’ve have been easy. She liked their band but not nearly as much as she liked Harry Styles, or Emma Watson, Or Chris Hemsworth.
Still, she hadn’t seen James asking her to dance coming.
However, Marinette had remained calm and cool.
It’s a pity, she was still such a klutz.
Suffice to say, Marinette wouldn’t be listening to Big Time Rush for a while. And James Diamond wouldn’t be asking strange girls to dance any time soon.
Santa gave her a punch right in the face.
She ran into Tom Holland the exact moment she got the hiccups. He did his best to help her get rid of them
Marinette had just stuffed an entire cupcake in her mouth when she realized Jennifer Lawrence was standing next to her. It wasn’t too bad. As the blond did the same thing a second later.
She pointed at Johnny Depp and said, “Jack Sparrow. You’re Jack Sparrow. Oh my god!!!”
           To which he replied, “Captain Jack Sparrow.”
           Suffice to say, Santa didn’t have Marinette on the robes anymore.
           No, Marinette was on the floor; waiting for the referee to call it.
           It was an hour until the official New Year. Fifteen minutes until Marinette was supposed to perform. She was backstage. Everyone was waiting for her. She promised Tim.
And she found that she just couldn’t do it.
           The entire night was too much.
           It was all too much.
           It was over.
           She had lost.
“Rough night?” Roy, her date and pretend boyfriend asked.
           Marinette was sitting on a chair, her face in her hands, “You have no idea.”
           Roy sat next to her, “Pretty exciting though right?” He didn’t get an answer. “Tim said you met Emma Watson, that had to be awesome.”
“It was embarrassing.”
           Roy frowned, “Sabine told me you used to dress up as Hermione Granger all time. You’re saying meeting the Queen herself wasn’t even a little cool?”
           Yeah, it had been amazing to meet her in person. “A little cool.”
           Roy chuckled, “You met Harry Styles,” He reminded. “And from your blond bestie told me; my only real competition.”
           Marinette giggled. “That had been… awesome.” And everything.
“You met Chris Hemsworth,” He added. “Tom Holland, Big Time Rush, and a bunch of other celebs that I’ve been told you were huge fans of. Yeah, you were a little embarrassed.” He shook his head. “But I don’t get it; I’d be so psyched right now if I were you. So why aren’t you.”
           Marinette paused.
           Why wasn’t she?
           Marinette had met people she never even dared to really hope she’d ever meet one day. She wore the most beautiful dress in her entire life; danced with Roy Queen and James Diamond. Joked with Harry Styles. Talked Emma Watson the actress who played the character she loved most out of all the books, tv shows, and movies she’d ever loved.
           It was all a matter of perspective really. Marinette was so focused on the bad, she never even realized just how great it was. Santa had thrown the worst at her but was still there. She hadn’t run back to Wayne Manor no matter how much she had wanted to. She stayed strong.
           At one point, she knew for certain that she wouldn’t just surrender; after the Chris Hemsworth incident. If Santa wanted to win, he was going to have to knock her out.
“Thanks, Roy,” She said. “I couldn’t wish for a better date.”
           It was the most amazing night of her life.
           And no one was going to make her feel otherwise.
           Marinette stood up, determination on her face.
           She had a song to sing.
           Marinette stood on stage. The crowd looked up at her. Her hands were shaking. Her mouth felt dry. The lights were near blinding.  She had changed the song at the last minute. The music was coming from her phone anyway.
           Marinette knew the lyrics to the song by heart; had sung it a thousand times in her room to herself.
           She could do this.
I will do this, Marinette swore.
           The music started. It was her favorite song. And Marinette was going to sing it so loudly, so proudly; they could hear her in the North Pole.
“What if I told you
It was all meant to be
Would you believe me
Would you agree
It's almost that feelin'
That we've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come and now.”
           She was doing it. Marinette was really doing it. She always had a good voice. She had taken singing lessons for a long time. And her teachers always praised her talent. But after one terrible incident, she never thought she’d ever get on stage and sing in front of anyone again.
           But there she was.
“A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever…
           Honestly, Marinette could fall right on her face and it would stop the euphoric feeling coursing through. This was her victory song.
           Jolly Saint Nick had thrown at her more than she ever thought she could take. But she was still standing.
           And as long as she was, the big red guy would never win.
For that one special kiss
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this…”
The music faded. The applause from the audience roared.
Marinette and Roy slow danced to something my Celine Dion neither could recognize. The New Year was less than two minutes away.
“You’re looking a lot better,” Roy smirked. He knew he was good at Pep talks to matter what Artemis said.
“I feel better,” Marinette admitted. “It’s been an awesome few weeks.”
“Yeah?” Roy asked as he twirled her around.
           Marinette nodded, “Nearly Every. One. Of. My. Christmas wishes came true.” She tried not to growl. Positive outlook after.
“Santa must be out to get you.”
           Marinette looked up at Roy with appreciation, “You have no idea.”
“Anything he didn’t get to?” The redhead asked. “Something you can do for yourself first?”
“Countdown to New Years in 10!”
           Marinette thought about it for a second but she realized there was. There was one more thing on her list, that she added at the very beginning of Christmas.
“Yeah, there is.” She said. “Do you want to kiss me.”
           Roy nodded earnestly.
           The crowd counted down. “7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” And then Marinette kissed Roy.
           Balloons came from above. Everyone cheered. But Marinette kept kissing Roy.
           She always wanted a New Year’s kiss.
           Take that and stick it up your chimney, Santa.
           Marinette was officially the winner.
           Nevertheless, there was always next year.
           But for now, fuck Santa!
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artreider · 3 years
Daughter is down for the night, let's see if internet will allow me to watch and live blog the next episode.
Travis is so hurt and that just hurts me. I'm glad we are getting his backstory with Michael.
Okay so if Michael died in 2016 and it was 2009 at the start of the episode, then they were together for at least six years. So travis has been a firefighter at least 11 years at this point in the series. So what station was he at, and how did he and Michael meet. Im just curious because theo calls his buddy michael probie and then doesnt say travis name. Travis tells him name and instead of calling probie as well making me believe he had been either a firefighter for a bit longer than Michael or he is from a different station, because surely if they were all at the same station he would call him by name or maybe travis is from a different shift at the station.
I love this episode but it still left me with questions.
Also so i didnt even make it five minutes in, thanks internet let's restart it.
Also are they all in the same academy class because it sounds like it.
I'm not okay with travic being not a dynamic duo at the start, i love their friendship.
Hey look the captain has returned lol, also this sushi conversation i have had with my coworker. Leftover sushibis just wrong, fight me on this. Im glad maya agrees. Also i agree with sulluvan its from the grocery store, i dont eat my sushi from anywhere but a restaurant thats gross, and making it day old is worse.
Of course travis agrees with the sushi talk, they are truly two peas in a pod. Im surprised vic didnt ask to stay at maya and carina's for a few days.
I like theo and jack this episode.
Vic looks tripped out by travis showing her his scars lmao. Travis and this scar analogy is fantastic and makes me giggle, so dramatic.
I still dont know how i feel about these two drug addicts.
First commercial and i just want to add that the sushi scene i love, the family feel is wonderful.
Michael and travis are so cute. Also how long was theo a captain before michael died?
Listening to libby you can tell how troubled travis is by the look on his face. Its like he's thinking what if something were to happen to Hughes and we weren't in a good place.
Im glad jack came to talk to theo. It's good for them both.
Emmett you cutie. Im glad he is speaking truths to travis.
This proposal is so cute, the double proposal makes me so happy.
Travis needs to become a dad, he so wanted that future with Michael.
Its so cute that theo was there for the proposal and his best friends. Who stood up for travis at the wedding and who married michael and travis? Im headcanoning theo marrying them.
I totally get travis's feelings about theo in light of Michael's death but with how involved he was with the two i wish travis had found some way to heal with his friend sooner.
Vic trying to discuss Emmett, oh i love you.
This scene by the trees is so tough.
I bet they had so much fun shooting this even if it was difficult material.
So travis is in a apartment instead of his house with michael, howd that happen.
The things they are saying to each other are so hard. Everyone grieves differently.
Okay how long was theo a firefighter before he became captain. They were possibly in the academy in 2009, he was training for lt in 2010 and in 2012 he was put up for captain. So it seems he was on the fast track like maya. Okay he was only at lt for 6 months with may he a bit longer than maya.
Though she definitely made better decisions as captain. Also i love that ripley put up for it and ripley is who told maya to become lt and that she'd be a good captain.
Theo's joke about dying in a fire is just wrong.
Theo did make a bad call like travis worried but his being green should be a reason to find forgiveness for him.
Im glad michael stood uo for his friend. Also travis asked if it was a good idea theo being michaels captain, not ours. That further leads me to believe that travis was at a different station. I really cant shake the thought that he was at station 19 by this point for the simple fact of capt hererra saying he hand picked all of them.
Its nice that travis is finally talking to vic about his anger and sadness over michael, his grief and apologizing for his comments about ripley.
Okay so based off the past episodes for the characters, gibson and miller have been at the station longer than andy and maya and it appears travis has been as well. So that just has me questioning how long hughes has been, did we get dates when we learned how she became a firefighter, i cant remember.
Who notified travis that Michael was gone? He wasn't on scene otherwise he'd already have seen theo.
Theo was so good to own up to his mistake to the higher ups and travis.
The house vs apartment thing bothers me about station 19. Like maya's apartment always felt like a house and then we see its an apartment. Travis lived in a house with Michael and now has an apartment filled with Michael's things. Then Jack had an apartment or something in season 3 and now lives with martha and co. Then vic is basically homelessx had an apartment then jumped from friends homes. I dunno why i bothers me so, i guess it just feels so inconsistent, i dunno if that makes sense.
Ugh the ruiz and Gibson scene here is so good for them once again and im glad it helped marcus. Im sad marcus wont be a part of jacks life anymore.
Theo why did you decide to talk to vic about ripley? Not that it was a bad talk just curious what sparked it.
Travis im so proud of you, this talk here is so important for your healing. Vic i love your joke. Yay my travic is healing.
Okay so hughes was probie in 2016 after michael died. Ugh i need to know more about travis time at station 19 before during or after whatever michael died. Also when did andy and maya graduate im blanking on the year.
Travic's first scene at the station together is so lovely.
Ugh travis's phone call is so rough.
So travis cant vacation very well either, no wonder he told maya to enjoy her trip with carina in sesson 3.
The station 19 actors are so phenomenal. Such a wonderfully acted episode.
So as im sure my followers and anyone else reading this has gathered, i decided to do this live blog as one whole thing since the anon was upset by my previous posts. If you hate this and think i should go back to the other way let me know or if i should take their suggestion and creatr my own tag let me know. Basically if you are interested in my live blog please let me know what you think.
The anon has been weighing on me leading me to almost not want to finish my live blog of the series.
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fencesandfrogs · 3 years
gathering times.
part of my broader lore series.
i’m breaking from my usual lore narration style for a moment to discuss: how cats know when to gather (because it bothers me).
anyway, i haven't seen any other lore about this, so i'd like to say that explicitly, anyone is welcome to use this if they like it. if you want to use the folklore parts (e.g., the story in "full moon.") please credit me somehow, but otherwise idgaf. (a CC0-1.0 liscence, if you are a nerd. if you're not, it's what i just said.)
section one: tracking the moon
so i have this tiny lore thing where so the cats. track the moon as starclan adding claws to the moon and taking them away. so we have four claws to mess with:
no claws: new moon
one claw: waxing cresent
two claws: half moon
three claws: waxing gibbous
four claws: full moon
but cats usually count these in terms of one claw away from new/half/full, like how people used to call november 20th 10 days from december.
also, since only new and full moons matter for most cats, most cats wouldn't think about the waning moon. hence why it's described as starclan clawing at the moon, because they don't care about the precision.
this is also somewhat decoupled from the idea of a half/quarter moon as a unit of time: cats aren't using this to track time (e.g., one claw to three claws), just as a method of measuring where in the moon they are. i'm not sure if this makes sense, i guess it's kind of like saying "monday" tells you where in the week you are, and saying "third week" says where in the month you are, but you wouldn't say "from second week to fourth week," you'd say the dates or be more specific.
look, cats track time differntly. we're going to talk about when first and why second.
section two: full moons
The leaders discussed this, and they agreed. From then on, they would meet the night after the moon had all its claws, and there were no more debates about when the gathering would be.
(full moon.)
yeah so basically i was so angry that warrior cats act like the moon is either new, half, or full i wrote 1k words of folklore about why that is. that will either be published or publishing soon, so i'm not going to recap it.
basically, the full moon is considered to start when the moon is a whisker's length from full (basically, the first night you can't see that the moon hasn't finished), and that day is the holy day for clans who celebrate like that.
the next day is the gathering.
the third day is the medicine cats' half moon meeting (we're getting to them).
mind, i'm still doing a lot of handwaving here, but i do have a limit to how realistic i demand my fantasy cat novels be.
section three: half moons
There was no celebrations to be had on half moon, and the camp was mostly quiet. Moonrise was coming soon, and Dovepaw could see Willowshine and Mothwing climbing the rocks. Jayfeather greets them, doesn’t ask where she is.
(feathers take flight --- footprints)
so basically half moon is when a whisker could be laid straight on the moon. this is still kind of vague, but let's say starclan intervenes.
i honestly can't come up with a better explanation of how they all agree, so at least this is a definition. the half moon is such a vague term like.
section four: new moons
“Won’t everyone be asleep?” she asks, and Willowshine’s eyes glitter.
“On the night of the sleeping moon? I hope they’re not done.”
Dovepaw doesn’t know what that means. But she enters the camp, still alive, apprentices sharing fish, flower petals scattered, and she almost does.
(feathers take flight --- footprints)
okay, this is the one that i think is hardest to tell is ambigious. because you might be thinking "new moon is when there is no moon" but this has the same problem as full moon.
luckily, only medicine cats gather on the new moon. so clans can celebrate whenever.
anyway, internet says people can see a moon at anywhere from 1% to 10% as illuminated, and cats have better night vision, and you get about 3 days in the 0% to 5% range, so i'm not really sure what to derive from this.
i mean there are cycles with a new moon and a 0% moon on either side.
anyway, i'm going to say that cats call it the new moon when it's 0% or new. the first day is always the new moon. we're also going to say their vision is good enough that there's no conflict.
(how is this different from the full moon? its a pyschology thing about complete/empty. a cup isn't empty unless there's nothing in it, but it can be full with not very much in it, even if you're holding out for a full cup. also, stop asking difficult questions. i cover this in "full moon." where the answer is basically the same as this one but with better lore.)
section five: medicine cats meet every half moon
“He’s right,” Willowshine says. “Mothwing made me a medicine cat on a second whisker night, and I swear the clan slept ‘til sunhigh.”
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
so uhh i've never understood what it means that medicine cats meet for the half moon. in older books, it's called a half moon meeting, which implies that it doesn't occur on the new moon or the full moon. but in moth flight's vision i swear they say they'll meet every half moon which is an established unit of time in canon.
so. do they meet every quarter moon or every half moon.
i've gone with every quarter moon. why? the following:
it means i can let cats stay home now and then.
it makes more sense. if you know much about human medicine, rounds/grand rounds (which are a similar vibe with less religion) happen every day to every month, depending on the scale of the encounter. i think meeting every quarter moon makes more sense because they're constantly talking about getting advice from each other, and it would be so much easier to just have jayfeather ask for littlecloud's help at the next half moon meeting than running over, since that's what the point of the meeting is.
i want to.
anyway, new moons for clans and medicine cats can get desynched. kind of like geographic north/magnetic north, and human months vs the lunar cycle. it's not super common, but it does happen and no one really cares.
they meet on a second-whisker night for the full moon. that's basically, okay, in "full moon." i say
"No," said Briarleap. "But when the moon has all its claws, there is always a time where the moon is a whisker's length from fullness. We ought not to waste our energy gathering when the moon isn't full. So the clans must gather the moonrise after the last claw is returned."
and the understanding is, the "last claw" night briarleap is talking about is called "first-whisker night" that's the holy night.
first whisker is the night they meet. because it's supposed to be properly full but sometimes there's a whisker.
and second whisker is the next night, when medicine cats meet.
yes, that does mean any clans that celebrate the full moon have exhausted medicine cats near full moon. this is why meetings are every quarter moon. so they can stay home for a meeting without missing a major important time.
alright, i believe that's all i have for this. as a fun bonus, i have some consistent warrior/medicine cat training timelines.
The typical medicine cat training period is four seasons, although after the first two to three, they are usually alloted a good amount of autonomy.
There’s no vigil for medicine cats. They have trained for four seasons, seen the clan at its best and worst, and have already chosen to sacrifice much of a warrior life for the good of their clan. If Willowshine decides to make Dovepaw a full medicine cat, the clan will feast in her honor that night.
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
the implication here is that warriors train for two seasons, which is why medicine cats are given more authority around then. in riverclan, that's when they move into the medicine cat's den, because their denmates are moving into the warriors den. not always, though:
“Am I going to be all alone when Troutpaw and Rushpaw and Mossypaw become warriors?” she asks. Dovepaw has never slept alone.
(Jayfeather, alone in his den.)
“I don’t think so,” Willowshine says. “They might stay in with you until Fernstream’s kits become apprentices, or you could sleep in the medicine den. You’re always welcome.”
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
(fernstream is an invention bc riverclan doesn't have any queens they don't age it's a problem i need to redo their allegiances for FTF.)
anyway yeah that's a different story tho.
finally, take these cute words from mistystar to dovepaw:
“Then I make Dovepaw kin, and say she is born from River, as we all are. And I trust her training to Willowshine, and Starclan, to guide her paws.”
(feathers take flight --- riverbed)
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Billy's Birthday Bash part 1 (DC)
Billy yawned and sat up in bed, reaching over and turning off his alarm clock which was blabbering away about how the justice league had saved the day last night, again. from alien attackers, Again.
"Like I don't know that." Billy muttered, swinging his blanket off and twisting in his bed so his bare feet could hit the floor. "I was only there."
Billy Batson after all was the secret identity of the world's mightiest mortal Shazam, gifted with gifts from seven gods and one of the league's heavy hitters.
Just thinking about that brought a smile to the 13 year old hero's face and he turned to pose in in the mirror in his bedroom, and then his face fell as he saw his reflection.
while once he said his magic word he was a 6'9 muscled beefcake, the image looking back him with it's scrawny arms and chest which were covered with a faded flash themed PJ top while around his hips was a semi bulky and again flash themed overnight diaper, that was drooping from being used many times (Thankfully only wettings though, something he confirmed with a quick pat to his padded rear and a sniff of the air) despite Billy having only made it to bed at around 3 am.
He hadn't of been worried about getting in trouble for being out so late though.
the once orphan had been happily adopted and taken in by one Barry Allen and got alone great with his new dad and tried to be pleasant around Miss west, Barry's girlfriend who came over often enough to have her own key.
It wasn't that she was unpleasant or anything, it was just with Billy's 'problems' acting up bad enough that he needed his diapers basically 24/7, she insisted on diaper checks, even in front of her nephew Wally who'd come over sometimes with her and was like the coolest guy ever!
The reason why he hadn't of been worried about Barry finding out though was because Barry was also a member of the Justice league, ironically the Flash who's symbol had been on the front of the bulky diaper at one point.
"You'd think he'd be mad these things even exist since till Bat's set up that account for us there was no way to collect royalties." Billy grumbled to himself.
But when asked Barry admitted if he could help kids like Billy who had potty issues feel big and brave like superhero's, He was fine with the diapers being made and mostly didn't touch his share of the royalties.
though as Billy's legal guardian Shazam couldn't touch his share either without permission and was irked that Barry would use some of Billy's money to stock up on his diapers.
"I'm teaching you to be reasponable. if you have to pay for the diapers you'll be less likely to rip them up like that first pack Iris got you." Barry had reminded Billy, with a smirk on his face but a slight stern tone.
"I said sorry..besides they had stupid ponies and stuff on them." Billy had whined back.
still he fell in line and even if he had wanted to just blast the diapers with his lighting some times and suck up the wasted cost, with his new day's symbol on it he just couldn't do it.
Since he was only wet Billy was allowed to change himself, there had been the great carpet incident a few days after he'd moved in trying to change a dirty diaper on his own and Barry had made him pinky swear to ask for help with those.
since Billy was on the family plan and had his own cell phone he could just discretely call Barry when he was smelly, though thankfully his daytime accidents were few and fair in between.
Snapping the tapes off Billy had a minor moment sulkiness again since his budding pubic hair had been shaved clean because of his diapers, though he had to admit Barry had been right, he was getting a LOT less rashes.
balling the soggy diaper up and holding it out with one hand, Billy took a deep breath and pinched his nose with the other one as he stepped on the foot petal for his diaper pail and dropped it in, not wishing to smell memories of diaper past.
with that done he walked around enjoying the lack of a waddle in his step for the precious few moments he would and tugged opened his version of a underwear drawer, stocked full of daytime and overnight flash brand diapers.
"Gee, what's a boy to wear, flash themed disposable undies or flash themed disposable undies?" He asked, tapping a finger on his chin and smirking a little."the struggle is real for 13 year old pants wetter."
"heh, Oh really?" Came a voice from the doorway and Billy yelped and tugged to tug his shirt down, even though he knew Barry had seen everything.
"B-Barry knock!" He huffed, and blushed, hands over over his crotch now.
"I did, someone was off in his own little world.. in fact so off he forgot what today is." Barry said and smirked, pointing over to a Shazam themed calendar on the wall, with the dates date circled in red."Your not 13 anymore silly. Happy birthday~"
Billy, who normally was ignored on his birthday either by choice or lost in the shuffle while in foster care really had forgotten and now grinned big time.
"That's right! I get a real party, with cake, and ice cream an-" Billy was saying and was cut off as Barry zipped over, a little bit slower in his blue jeans and denim shirt but not by much and was ruffling Billy's hair.
"And you get a birthday spanking." Barry teased, but winked to let Billy know he was joking.
"Try it and I'll saw you know what." Billy giggled and blew a raspberry.
"Hmmm flash vs. Shazam in a spanking fight. we could sell out areas. But At last, your butt's just too cute to mare." Barry chuckled and gave the boys chubby cheeks a soft pat before zipping back to the door frame.
the pat while gentle, was unexpected and Billy yelped and a little trickle of pee came out, something Barry missed but the now hard wood floor of Billy's room could handle it.
"Finish getting dressed buddy and I'll get this cleaned up in-"
"Don't say it!" Billy groaned rolled his eyes.
"A flash!" Barry said, zipping off as Billy snatched a pair of daytime diapers out.
'He's so corny sometimes.' Billy thought.
Dressed in a red t-shirt and a baggy pair of black shorts that did a good job of hiding the bulk of his padding (there there was a tell tale crinkle for those listening for it) he made his way to the dinning room and grinned ear to ear as the table was loaded with chocolate pancakes, blue berry waffles, fried eggs, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages and a pitcher of chocolate milk and a pitcher of orange juice.
with how fast Barry's metabolism was he was always making big meals and was part of the reason Billy had put on some much needed wait, but even so, this was above and beyond.
with drool trailing down his chin he grabbed a plate and looked over the feast, almost at a lost of where to begin.
"heh, Did daddy do good or did daddy do good?" Barry asked, zipping into the room.
"This. Is. Awesome!" Billy squealed. "Was this all you or did Iris help too?" Billy asked.
"She's out of town on a assignment for a news papers, she's sorry she's gonna miss the party." Barry said, looking sorry.
"Well it's ok." Billy said, starting to load up his plate, a impish grin coming across his face. "we can just have anther party with more cake when she gets back. It'll be hard having all that sugar and getting double presents, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make." he said, topping off his plate and plopping his butt onto his special chair.
with his bulky diapers and the fact he leaked sometimes, Barry had gotten him a dinner chair with sides coming up to the middle of his tummy so Billy wouldn't lose balance and fall off, and it had a plastic cover for a easier clean up instead of the stained oak that the rest of the chairs had.
Naturally Billy had been least then pleased at the fact he had a toddler chair but after falling off of the other chairs three times he'd finally bit the bullet.
"Oh, your willing to have two party's huh? truly, your a saint among men. We'll see what happens." Barry said, coming over and getting his own plate while taking a second to mentally gush at just how adorable Billy looked, his legs kicking under the table as he scooped food in his mouth like he hadn't eaten in a month. "Heh, wow, and I thought I was fast..slow down before you choke buddy."
Billy as normal, took that warning as a challenge and sped up.
After 4 helpings Billy just sat back in his chair, burping softly and groaning as he put a hand to his belly, not even offering a fight as Barry came over with a cloth to wipe his face and hands.
"Did somebody maybe eat more then he should of?" Barry asked sweetly, as he helped the groaning boy out of the chair, and after a second picked him up, setting him on his hip and patting his back.
Billy's reply was a loud blench and Barry winced, glad he'd had the foresight to get Billy's head over his shoulder.
"well put. any follow ups?" Barry chuckled, and kept patting, this wasn't Billy's first semi food coma and he doubted it would be the little thunder champions last.
Billy went to open his mouth to say something then a loud booming fart blasted out of his bottom and for a split second Barry wondered if his arm would of been burnt if not for the padding.
"I-I didn't..I.." Billy whimpered and buried his head into Barry's shoulder and Barry could feel the heat from the boys face.
"Hey..hey..it's ok. fart's happen. besides you've gone uh-oh in my lap so this is hardly worse." Barry said, tilting his head and giving the poor blushing little guy a smooch on the head.
"N-Not helping!" Billy whined.
"Ok ok, I'll drop it.. here let's get you sat down and watching some carto-" Barry started to say but anther thunder poot from the champion of lighting cut him off.
"gawd! that stinks!" Billy whined.
"...Or Maybe you wanna go and sit on the potty." Barry said trying to be nice, but the boy wasn't wrong.
"I know when I have to go poop Barry!" Billy huffed and two more loud farts came out and the boy switched from huffy to shocked. "..and that would be right now. Potty daddy!"
Any other daddy wouldn't of stood a chance in the world, But Barry Allen didn't call him the fastest man alive for nothing, but even then it was a close call as he barley got Billy's shorts and diaper down and got him on the toilet before the boy started to unleash hell.
Knowing how Billy valued some privacy, Barry left almost as quick as he'd gotten him in there, though not before bringing a few room freshers into the bathroom and opening a window.
'don't want him to pass out form his own stink.. man..I wonder if there's anther god powering.. skunkculues, champion of stink.' Barry mused as he waited outside the bathroom door just in case he was needed.
Billy groaned as he hunched over and pounded a fist on the sink's counter, wondering if maybe he had a natural power over lava because that's what this felt like as he made use of the potty.
His own stink was assaulting his nose though thankfully daddy had set it up so it would be as bad, though he still ended up having to flush a couple of times just to help with the smell.
Sweating, Panting and feeling drained, he barley had it in him to wipe himself when it was all said and done, and swore he'd never cram that much food into his tummy again all at once.
(of course since he swore that once every three or so days the oath may of fallen on deaf ear.)
which his cheeks wiped, Billy went to stand up on shaky legs and plopped back down, then noticed the shart stains in the back of the diaper and signed.
"Dadddd..IUh...I need help." he called out. huffing and slumping, elbows on his knees and waiting.
when the door opened up and his cousin/cool bro via adoption opened the door Billy yelped and in vain tried to cover up the diaper around his ankles.
4 minutes earlier...
Wally who had retired from the superhero game while going to collage and trying to be a CSI like Barry, had surprised Barry by showing up for the party.
"Wally! good to see you!" Barry had said, shaking the younger mans hand, but then, ever the good daddy/uncle had narrowed his eyes. "Aren't you suppose to be in class right now?"
"The professor for the only class I had today had a family emergency, so the class was called off, and I was gonna try and make it anyways." Wally said, keeping his voice down and Barry picked up on it and kept his down as well.
"Ah, a birthday surprise for Billy." Barry said and smirked. "you know he thinks the world of you right?"
"I might of picked up on that. hence why I pretend not to notice his little problem." Wally chuckled and ran a hand though his orange hair. "you'd think he would of linked how Aunt Iris doesn't do bum checks when I'm around with it buttt.."
"Heh, Well he see's what he wants to see. He's on the potty right now though so maybe if you hi-" Barry started to say when his com beeped.
it wasn't his JL com, but the one he'd given the Meta human crimes department for central and Keystone city, being the hero of the twin cities.
dashing over he answered it, and frowned, then dashed back to Wally but even as he did he was in costume.
"I hate to do this, but Weather wizard and Captain cold are causing heck in Keystone. could you stay with Billy? he might need a little help." Barry said and gestured his head to the bathroom.
"Of course. Listen, if you need any back up.. I might not have my costume, but after Billy gets out.."
"Hey, I'll handle it. I'll be back.."
"in a flash. I know I know." Wally groaned, having the same opinion as Billy about the phase.
Barry just smirked like it was the worlds greatest dad joke and took off.
"W-Wally!? Get out! I-" Billy was whining and had actual tears welling up in his eyes, making Wally just wanna hug him.
"Billy, Billy listen to me, Barry had to go and fight the rouges, I came here for your party..and I've know about your diapers since Barry adopted you." Wally said, cutting right to the chase.
"..No you haven't! I was super careful and someone as cool and awesome as you wouldn't wanna hang out with a diaper wetting baby!" Billy whined, in denial even as Wally sighed and shook his head.
"Really Billy? I'm training to be a CSI, so I'm learning to notice little things, I move at super speed, not as fast as Barry but still, and you crinkle lots." Wally listed off on his hand, raising fingers, then giving Billy a hurt look. "Also, you think SO little of me I wouldn't wanna hang out with a awesome and cool little guy like you just because you have accidents?"
"But..I.." Billy whimpered and sniffled, and went to wipe at his tears with his arm but Wally was there, with a wad of tissue.
"Hey, it's ok Billy. Truth be told, I wet the bed for 3 years after getting my powers. But My Parents weren't as nice and Uncle Barry and aunt Iris. they were the ones who looked after me like they're looking after you now. so no more tears alright? let's get you dressed and then we can play some video games." Wally said, and ruffled the boys hair.
Billy gave him a smile and then hugged Wally's waist, and the 19 year old almost melted and patting his head.
Tossing the dirty diaper, Wally got Billy in a clean over night diaper, and added powder, though Billy whined a little he was pacified by Wally saying he thought those looked cooler.
Going off of that logic Billy when offered a pair of baggy pants to go over the thicker diaper went all shy.
"uh. well..I mean.. if you wanna see this diaper because it's cuter.. and we're not going out anywhere.." Billy said, squirming and shifting all around.
"..I do think it's cuter, and Barry said he'd call if he needed us. Uh.. " wally trailed off and then blushed himself, and put a hand behind his head. "I have ONE question that's been bugging me."
"heh, what is it?" Billy said, holding up his arms for the older boy to pick him up.
"when you change.. do you have to take the diapers off first or..how does that work?!" Wally asked, picking him up and gushing as Billy cuddled in.
"heh, Nah, the big guy isn't padded, and as to how that works.." Billy paused and let wally hold his weight as he spread his hands, wiggling his fingers.
Wally snorted and smirked.
"your such a dork sometimes you know that?" he asked playfully, carrying Billy at normal speed down the stairs.
"Pffft please, I've seen you marking out over dad's cases when going over them with him, and not his stuff as flash, but as Barry Allen,CSI."Billy teased back.
Wally huffed and blushed himself and then smirked.
"You're lucky your cute or I'd super speed your butt to central park right now."
"heh, you wouldn't do that, A) because I'd say the word and leave, B) because Dad would kick you butt and C).." Billy said and tapped Wally's chest as he listed off his points. "You'd made me cry and hate yourself for it~"
"..Dang, guilty as charged."
Getting into the living room, Wally sat Billy on the couch and then went to look though the selection of games they had for two player.
"Super monkey fury 5 good for you?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Um..whatever YOU think is a cool game!" Billy said, and gave a big grin.
he might of been 14 but in his diaper and t-shirt, and all eager to please his 'big bro' figure, he looked like a toddler.
"Heh, it's YOUR special day Billy, whatever YOU wanna play we'll play it." wally chuckled.
"W-Wellll.. Dad doesn't let me play Duty calls a lot because it's so violent.." Billy said, poking two fingers together.
"..I think Barry will understand." Wally smirked and put the game in, coming over with controllers for both of them.
As Wally sat down he was surprised as Billy moved from his spot next to him to sitting in his lap.
"heh,What are y-"
"it's MY Special day right?" Billy asked, flashing his imp smirk. "So I can sit anywhere I want.. rightttt?"
"heh. of course."
Barry hated how long it took him to deal with the rouges, they had gotten reinforcements from mirror master so it took longer then he would of liked to finish up, plus then he had to deal with the police over and handle the press, all part of keeping up the hero image and while any other day it wouldn't of irk'ed him, knowing he was missing out on Billy's big day, he was short tempered
he had almost snapped at Detective Morro, a long time friend on the force in both identities but caught himself.
"you ok Flash?" his friend asked.
"I..I'm missing out on my kid's birthday party for this." Barry admitted.
"heh, didn't know you HAD a kid. go on, get." the heavy set cigar chomping hard ass said. "We'll try to manage without you for the rest of the day...Oh, tell yer kid happy birthday."
"heh, Will do!" Barry said and after a trademark flash salute, was off and running.
Getting back to the house Barry found Billy in Wally lap and whining a little, sucking his thumb and a kiddy cartoon was on the TV, much younger then Billy usually liked to watch.
"Hey guys, I'm back, whats going on?" Barry asked.
"Oh well see, I was a jerk and tried to make Billy play a game I like an-" Wally started to speak up but a whimpering Billy cut him off.
"Noo! it was me! I made Wally play duty call's with me and it was way more awful then I thought and I know I've done worse as you know who but but..I dunno and I started to cry and and-" Billy whined and whimpered.
"..Billy when your Shazam you have the wisdom of Solomon that let's you work out why you have to do the things you do. not so much as yourself. that's why I didn't want you playing that, you're not in trouble, either of you but I think we're gonna keep it to cartoons or silly games for the day." Barry said, coming over and as Wally hugged the whining Billy in his lap, Barry did too and Billy sniffled and smiled.
with Billy calmed down, they sat down for a few episodes of different baby shows, with billy giggling and clapping alone even if Wally and Barry were bored out of their skulls. trying to break it up they pulled out a few board games but after having to watch Billy do his 'i won you lost' diaper booty shake 4 times in a row (which admittedly was pretty cute with his diaper butt on display) they switched from candy land to clue, where Wally won 2 out of the 4 games.
Barry technically could of won the other two but played bad on purpose for the last game where billy was getting all huffy.
After that they played pay day and once again were subjected to Billy's singing about how awesome he was and how much they sucked, while wiggling his padded rear in their faces but compared to the sulky silence that losing brought, Barry and wally put up with it.
Or at least they tried to till in the middle of shaking his butt in both their faces Billy froze and then let out a muffled poot.
"Really Billy?" Barry asked, waving his left hand at super speed to blow the smell away.
"I-I didn't mean to.d-do that! I'm Sorry!" Billy squeaked and turned around, blushing and starting to tear up. "P-Please don't ha-"
Before Billy could finish his thought, Wally and Barry were on either side of Billy, hugging him.
"Hey, hey, It's alright, Fart's happen." Wally was saying, rubbing and patting Billy's back.
"And I'm 90 percent sure you wouldn't fart on me after winning a game. Now if you lost.." Barry said and winked, patting billy's bum.
"Hmmm, Feels like it was just a fart, do you wanna sit on the potty just to be sure buddy?" Barry asked.
"Daddy, I know when I have to po-" Billy started and let out a long fart, one eye half closing and a leg coming up. the fart went from a normal sounding if massive one to wet and muddy, then Billy's leg came down and he was popping a squat.
Of course either Wally or Barry could of gotten him to the bathroom, but honestly, they had both agreed wordlessly to just let him fill his diapers.
"D-Daddy I'm Pooping!" Billy whined, as if Wally or Billy couldn't of told, and they just hugged him tighter and went double time with the bum and back pats as he whimpered and put his face in either shoulder, bearing down and finishing up even as whimpers of 'stinky' came out of his mouth.
As the diaper drooped in the back and Billy finished up, he sniffled a few times then pulled back.
"D-Daddy..Wally..Diapie change?" He asked in a voice that made him sound like a toddler.
"Of course buddy. I'll have you clean i-" Barry started to say but Wally moved his hand over and closed Barry's lips.
"I'll change him it means I don't have to hear that pun again." Wally said and winked to Billy even as Barry's eyes went wide from shock then a little glare.
Billy meanwhile was giggling like crazy and hands coming up his mouth to try and hide it.
Barry got Wally's fingers off his lips and smirked.
"oh, you think that's funny little man?" Barry asked, looking to wally and giving a evil smirk.
"I mean.. Kinda.. sowwy.." Billy said.
"Oh come on Barry, it WAS funny." Wally said and smirked.
"..Not as funny as this is gonna be." Barry said and Wally saw what was going to happen but could never beat Barry's speed, so was too slow to stop what happened next.
His hand moving at a blur, Barry smushed and squished the mess in the diaper around, making sure the boom boom went EVERY where as Billy's mouth formed a O and Wally groaned.
Zipping up to his feet Barry smirked.
"Have fun cleaning that up.. Oh and you can't use speed speed for cleaning up a poopie diaper, it'll hurt billy's bum." Barry said and went off to go and start working on lunch.
"wait what?!"Wally yelped.
"I..Poopie all over..I.." Billy was mumbling, looking out of it, and swaying back and forth on his feet, too out of it for Wally to ask if that was really a thing.
"DICK MOVE BARRY!" Wally yelled, then cradled Billy, the smell was even worst now and Wally gulped, wondering if he was strong enough to do this.
Billy mewed softly and wrapped his arms around Wally's neck and nuzzled his head into Wally's chest.
"I Sowwy. I stinky." Billy mewed, eyes semi glazed over.
Looking at how much Billy needed him, Wally found the will power needed and dashed billy off to the bathroom, though he did a slight detour to get a clothespin for his nose.
'maybe it won't be as bad as I think.' Wally thought, getting Billy on his back on a towel in the bathroom, sliding the little guys thumb into his mouth and gushing at how cute he looked.
opening the diaper, Wally realized it wasn't as bad as he thought.
it was worse, much much much.
Wally wasn't a stranger to changing diapers, as big of a family as he had and baby sitting jobs but this was the record for longest and grossest he'd ever handled.
going though a whole freshly opened box of wipes, he got it done, going at normal speed and taking time to comfort billy and talk softly to him.
it took the better part of 15 minutes, and then just to be safe Wally gave Billy a quick bath, semi worried as Billy had apparently slipped into a baby mode of sorts and was playing with some rubber duckies while Wally washed him, at one point offering one of the duckies he had been chewing on to wally.
"Uh..No thanks. you keep chewing." Wally said with a sweat drop.
Billy just giggled and nodded, noming on his ducky and letting wally wash him, only fussing when his hair was being washed, though thankfully Barry had gotten no more tears shampoo.
with Billy washed up all nice and clean, Wally got him dried off with a big fluffy towel and was walking him back toward his room to get him dressed when Barry cut him off, holding one of the presents under one arm.
"Thought I heard the tub running.Lunch is ready downstairs, I'll get the birthday boy dressed. go get something to eat." Barry said.
"Heh, Sure, now that I've handed all the smelly stuff you wanna tag in." Wally teased, and Billy giggled.
"What can I say, Perks of being a daddy and honorary uncle." Barry said.
Wally just shook his head and headed down the step while Billy toddled along side Barry, wrapped up in the towel and then just laid back his bed, willing to let Barry do all the work.
"heh, your being pretty cute kiddo. maybe you should poop your pants more often." Barry teased, tickling billy's tummy and getting a fit of giggles out of him.
Deciding with how little Billy was acting and the bigger accidents he was have, Barry got billy into a daytime diaper but cut slit in the front of back of it first, while Billy watched with a confused look and a finger on his bottom lip.
"Ummm daddy, what cha doing? I'm leak all over now." Billy pointed out.
"Well, if that was your only diapie you would, but daddy figures since we're not going out and you're having lots of accident's.." Barry said and pulled out the bulky bed time diaper.
"Sheesh, I'll be waddling like a toddler with both of these on!" Billy said and stuck out his tongue.
"I know! I don't know why i didn't think of this sooner!" Barry gushed and got a raspberry from billy.
with the bulky diaper taped up over the thinner one, Barry helped billy stand up and gushed and coo'ed at how Billy's legs were forced apart.
"Sheesh, One more and I think I'd be stuck crawling!" Billy said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't temp me." Barry said then handed Billy the present. "Here, open this up, it's from Iris and I thought it might be useful right now."
Warning bell's were going off in Billy's head as he took the present and he had to suppress a groan, it was a flash themed diaper shirt.
"Well what do you think? Iris noticed that your diaper sag a lot when you got pants-less and this will help! Heck, might even get you a few of theses if it works out. but for now,you can be the fastest pamper butt alive!" Barry asked.
"..I think I'll save it special occasions." Billy tried and Barry just laughed.
"Silly boy, this is your birthday, that IS special, here, I'll help you get it on." Barry said taking the diaper shirt from Billy and dashing around the boy. in seconds he was snugly fit in the diaper shirt.
Despite how humiliating it was to need the shirt for his saggy diapers, Billy had to admit it felt right, even if his bulky diapers semi showed.
"Soooo?" Barry asked.
"..I could get used to it. " he said and started to head for the door, realizing just HOW bad his waddling was now as Barry squealed behind him. "..I'll calling it in. carry me."
Billy sighed then giggled, holding his arms out.
"Well if I HAVE to." Barry laughed, coming over and picking up Billy and heading for the dinner table.
So far the day had been fun and cute, and it was only gonna get better.
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UC 51.13 - Wolfson, Ox vs Bristol
I am allergic to dairy. Or at least I believe I am. This is different to lactose intolerance in that it has symptoms more in line with your typical bout of hayfever, rather than those of a more gastrointestinal bent that you get with intolerance. In other words - cheese makes me sneeze. 
I first discovered this about a year ago when I had something containing milk after a month of testing out various vegan cheeses (having previously been a cheese sandwich on the daily kind of guy). I was completely wiped out with a runny nose, runny eyes, achy joints, heavy head kind of illness for about a day or so. Now, this is a kind of illness that had been plaguing me for years, but I’d never stopped long enough to think about what the cause could be. I just sort of assumed that I was a person who would always suffer a base level of ‘having a cold’ and would occasionally and seemingly randomly get taken out by an extreme instance of it every once in a while. 
After this first incident last year I conducted an experiment on myself whereby I swore off all dairy products for a month and then consumed in as little time as is physically possible, a large takeaway pizza with extra cheese and a large portion of cheesy chips. The next day I was struck down by the same severe sniffles and was forced into a life sans-cheese sandwiches for the first time in living memory. I called the GP to see if they’d be able to do some tests or something to try and find more out about it, but they basically told me that they thought I’d solved the mystery already - so why would I need anything from them. 
Nearly a year goes by with no further cheese-based indispositions, until last Thursday when, on a work trip, and having not eaten since breakfast, having skipped lunch in anticipation of a larger window for the consumption of a full meal which did not materialise, I bought a superfood wrap, the ingredients of which I had read and believed to be safe. However, it turned out that it contained copious amounts of feta. Realising this only once I had taken the first bite, I resolved to finish it. In any case I was absolutely starving and this was the only food I was likely going to see for the next few hours. How bad could it be, anyway?
Very bad, as it turns out. To the extent, indeed, that most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday were complete right-offs (other than the fact that I was able to binge without guilt the entirety of Squid Game). To the extent also, that I spent a not-insignificant amount of time trying to research exactly what it is that's wrong with me (i think it could be something to do with the fact there is a lot of histamine in cheese, and this messes about with the way my immune system deals with threats… If anyone has any insights on this subject they would be greatly appreciated), in the hope of potentially being able to mitigate the issue in the future. 
Usually when I delve this deep into a subject there is the prospective chance that said research will serve me well in future quizzes. With this in mind, and with the hope that it acts as sufficient justification for this self-centred ramble about cheese, I am really hoping for a three part bonus set on the role of histamine in the immune response tonight.
Anyway, (any usually when I make an apology for my rambling I’m being flippant, but in this case it really is genuine, because there isn’t really any excuse for this level of frippery in the introduction to any blog post), sorry for the gigantic diversion from the scheduled programming; here’s your starter for ten. 
Bristol have made seven University Challenge quarter-finals, without ever making it to the semis, which is quite impressive in more ways than one. Wolfson have never made the semis either, but they only have a sole quarter to their name, meaning they have a ways to go to match their West Country rivals.
Wolfson’s Williams introduces himself with one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen on a contestant, and its pretty infectious. By the time Paxman gets round to asking the questions I’m positively grinning. The jolly fellow himself is the first to get some points on the board, recognising various revolutions before anyone else. They take two bonuses on the words of the acronym TARDIS. 
Bristol’s Woodcock negs the next starter, coming in very early with India, and then rapping his hand on the desk when he’s told he’s wrong. Wolfson aren’t able to pick up the points, and returned the neg with one of their own next time out. Williams takes his second of the night with Shackleton and beams his head off again. They take two bonuses, including one which is a very obvious description of an electron - the kind of question that has no business appearing on the Challenge.
Nowakowski is first to recognise Granada for the first picture round and he bloody well dabs. He pauses for a brief moment and then literally, and energetically, dabs. I don’t know what else to say about this. It is beyond description almost. Brilliant, mind, but beyond description. A third starter for Williams increases Wolfson’s lead, but they can’t capitalise on the bonuses. The next ten pointer goes to Nowakowski too and… this time he raises his glass of water like he’s cheers-ing the crowd in celebration. I really hope this dude has a full set of different celebrations for each time he gets a question right. We shall see…
Following an amusing discussion between the Wolfson team in which Nowakowski says of Chopin, ‘Well, as a Polish man I wouldn’t call him French, but you’re the captain’, Woodcock makes up for his earlier neg and gets Bristol back on the move. They keep going courtesy of Brian on the music starter, as she gets The Shangri-Las so quickly as to elicit some murmurs of appreciation from Paxman. They then take the lead with a bonus set on film titles made of international country codes and pretty quickly they are thirty points clear.
Aggarwal hits back for Wolfson with an early buzz of Ramanujan, but they don’t make many inroads on the bonuses, and Bristol seize back control with a pair of consecutive starters. They take two bonuses on events happening in years in which the second two digits are three times as large as the first two digits - a lovely UC contrivance which initially seems to make the question more difficult but actually makes it a multiple choice guessing game.
I hadn’t realised it, but Bristol are now ninety points clear. I don’t quite know how they’ve done it, because Wolfson seemed like they were doing okay, but fair play to them, they’ve been excellent after a shaky start. The game is over at this point, but Williams gets in a little joke with a guess of Dr Gilssando on a question featuring the word glissando. Good lad. 
Hang on, if Wolfson can get a few more points they might be in with a shot of the play-offs, and Nowakowski is still pretty pumped when they he gets a bonus question right, yelling Uzbekistan, baby. It isn’t enough to get them the 140 points they need to come back for the repechage, but Paxman comments on his enthusiasm at the end of the match, in one of the most surreal exchanges I’ve ever seen on the Challenge. 
He asks Nowakowski why he was so psyched about his Uzbekistan answer, and Nowakowski says ‘Phenomenal country, great people’, to which Paxo says ‘That’s enough from the Uzbekistan tourist board’. Nowakowski then points a finger at the camera and says ‘Poland approved’. This description doesn’t do it any justice, so if you haven’t seen it already do go and watch it (and if you have then watch it again, its really quite something)
Final Score: Wolfson, Ox 110 - 165 Bristol
I’m going to miss Wolfson, and in particular Nowakowski, so, so much. But full congratulations to Bristol, who dealt with the boundless charisma of their opponents most admirably. See you next week for the last first round match!
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coffeebeannate · 3 years
The Old Guard: Vol 2-Force Multiplied (Summary &Overview)
I’d been meaning to make this post for a while, and kept forgetting. Because I know there are those who are curious about the comics and not sure about reading them, or can’t read them, would rather opt out etc. So I’ve put together a basic summary and breakdown of what happens within the issue. I’ll include some information about the characters, some timelines (as I can, we know what Greg thinks of timelines) and mostly keep it uncommented until my own general thoughts at the end.
The movie mostly follows the first comic almost completely, and bits of the second, so I’ve not created a summary of the first volume.
Under a cut, includes images and information. If you want a TL’DR, skip to ‘Final Thoughts’ at the end. Long post.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Human Trafficking, Slavery, Torture (This one I need some clarification on, gonna use the word just in case but..basically that’s what it is)
Credits: The Old Guard Vol 2 Force Multiplied is created by writer Greg Rucka and aritst Leandro Fernandez. Colouring by Daniele Miwa. Letters by Jodi Wynne. Publication Design by Eric Trautmann. Edited by Alejandro Arbonna.  Published by Image Comics. Graphic Novel Published 2020. USA. 
Characters and Settings
Characters are the same from volume one. So we still have Andy, Joe, Nicky, Booker, and Nile. As well as more about Lykon and Noriko (she’s not Quynh in the comics, she’s Noriko). There’s more Copley too.
Additional/new characters are FBI  Agent Mustafa King  (also called Moose) and people who work for Noriko *none are named*.
Setting is California, USA and historical settings for the flashbacks we have for Andy. Summary and Overview (Basically the story overall, broken down, with my own commentary)
We open here, with a flashback of Andy’s earliest life. It’s a tiny bit vague, but provides the general idea.
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I believe Andy is mortal here, but I’m not 100% sure. I believe she’s providing the narration to her first death. Which comes as the result of being betrayed in battle.
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(Much of the stories focus is on Andy. I’ve noted it before, but Andy is our narrator, and a lot of the story is told via her flashbacks, over narration and POV. The comics really are Andy’s story, with the cast supporting around her.
We cut to modern day, of Andy, Nile. Nicky and Joe doing a job in California, USA. I believe the whole job revolves around taking down human traffickers, and in a couple parts. The job at the beginning has a shoot-out during the day, a car chase and then a stealth take down on a dock and shipping warehouse at night.
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I just thought Andy looked cool here. Moving on.
Nile and Andy have a cool sportscar. Joe and Nicky have this very stylish *coughs* but exceptionally practical large van.
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After the four of them take care of their day business, we cut to Booker being confronted in Paris by Noriko. Now the scene presented in the comics here is close to what we see at the end of the movie. Except this time it’s at night, and Noriko essentially kidnaps Booker. Since she wants to know where the others are, and Booker won’t tell her.
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I’ll cut right to the chase. She uh. She tends to torture him. She’s got him on a heavy chain with a metal collar, and at one point drowns him over and over again to get him to talk. He never does, but she keeps him around anyway. 
Around this time Agent King (Moose) appears, and then manages to come across Nile. Which leads to the infamous ‘stew of romance’ scene. 
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However. while Nicky and Joe are amused (and making bets on him asking her out).. (I love them)
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Andy is not amused at all and loses her goddamned mind over it. To which she threatens to..spank Nile (????????) and Nicky and Joe basically tell her to calm down. (Andy’s worried that Nile befriending a mortal is going to end badly, and Nicky and Joe remind her that even if it does, they can’t just stop her. And that some things, Nile has to learn and adjust to herself. Nile is smart, and she’ll come to her own conclusions in time. Interfering isn’t right.
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(They all look so sad in the bottom there, help me)
After this is the night mission at the warehouse docks.
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Another shot I just thought was cool. Nicky’s sniping shots are done really well.
After they finish, Noriko comes out of the actual blue to get them. Or well..attack them. Joe’s the first one to greet her, and all she does is comment about how he (Yusuf) hasn’t changed and shoots him. She shoots Nile and Andy as well. After both of them recover, Andy and Noriko start fighting, and Nicky puts a stop to it by shooting them both.
(It’s after Andy see’s Noriko that we get the first flashback from Andy to the ships, the same storm that ended up throwing Noriko overboard all those centuries ago and causing her time at sea).
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After Noriko and Andy revive from Nicky’s snipe shot, they split, leading us into the next day where Copley and Agent King (Moose, our new character) are surveying the damage at the warehouse and trying to decide what went down.
Copley already knows it’s the Guard, and is trying to explain this to Moose. I do kind of like this moment, where Copley comments to himself about Nicky being a good shot.
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Hey-credit where credit is due and all.
Shortly after this, Copley falls on Nicky and Joe’s radar. And they quickly accost him at night. Which is far more satisfying than I thought it would be. A lot of the outcome with Copley and them does feel pretty good. 
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(Nicky’s scary face aside, I kind of love this shot, and this moment)
They don’t beat around the bush nor give him much leeway. They let him know-without preamble, that they’re pissed and his continued existence is on their good graces unless he explains himself.
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I have actually discussed this before (here-also has extra screencaps) so I won’t go too hard in detail on it.  But I do love these scenes a lot. I like that they’re allowed to be as fuming angry as they have every right to be, and that they present Copley with no bullshit. Nicky and Joe are completely on the same page. And Copley is made aware of where he stands very quickly. This is where Copley presents them with the information he’d collected in his little self driven conspiracy adventure about them, and then drops the bomb that he knows Noriko has Booker.
Around this time, Andy has more flashbacks of Lykon and her old life..including participating in slave trading of humans. (Which comes back near the end) she also meets up with Norkio. Noriko’s main belief system at present is that, they are above humans *mortals* and there is no reason to behave otherwise. They have no need to stay on the same level as mortals when they’re not.
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Also around this time Nile hooks up with Agent King.
Copley gives the information about how to track Booker and Noriko to a boat that Noriko is keeping him on and Andy and Nile join them up in the nick of time. This is also where Copley informs them about how Noriko has gotten her money-organized crime..and basically whatever she can get her hands on. Which is also how Noriko has her own personal army.
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‘Fancy’ Joe please.
And for whatever reason, Copley seems to think ‘undercover/distracting’ means..being as stereotypically British as possible?
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Though I’ll be honest, I mostly post this cap for how badass Nicky looks.
So! Everything culminates in the boat battle, and at the end, they get Booker back, and handle Noriko. Everyone goes back to a hotel to celebrate, and things are fine until Nile asks Andy about something Noriko had told her. She’d at one point accosted Nile, and told her to ask Andy about “Law 282″ which Andy reveals is the Code of Hammurabi. Which is how they all find out about Andy’s participation in slave trades. slavery etc. Back in her more..ancient warrior days. Nile, and the others are pretty appalled and Andy has a bit of a mental breakdown and explains that she can’t carry on anymore. She won’t. She can’t keep fighting, she can’t keep doing this. Which is when Nile tells them that they have to go. 
They don’t really want to leave her, and ask her repeatedly to come with them-but she won’t. So they leave, even though Andy says she doesn’t want to be alone, they leave. (This is where I say, unless they physically forced Andy to come I don’t personally see what else they could have done without Andy fighting them, and probably figure that she’ll come around).
Next morning:
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I’m not sure what ‘others’ Noriko is referring to here, but I personally think she set a lot of this up. She gave Nile that law to give back on purpose. I do wonder if it was part of a larger scheme on her end to alienate Andy from her team and swoop in, but I have no true proof of this beyond theory.
So that’s the basic summary of what happens. 
Other Points:
Noriko vs Quynh
Noriko is very very much NOT Quynh, and I don’t believe the movie is going to act as such either. I’ve seen some *legitimate* concerns with having Quynh portrayed within the movie as she is in the comics, but given the complete difference between the tone of the movies, and the comics, I think that they’ve already set it up to be different. Personally, I’m not too concerned. I have a lot of faith in Gina Prince-Bythewood, and I can already sense where they’re probably going to make alterations.
Andy/Being Abandoned
Andy’s story has some issues. It’s not..great. It is legitimately hard to reconcile the Andy we know with her past, but I don’t see the ending as the team ‘abandoning’ her to the degree it’s presented. I think they FULLY intended to give her some time to cool off and get their bearings themselves, then come back for her. She keeps telling them she won’t come, but they absolutely do try. And everyone knows that nobody forces Andy to do anything Andy doesn’t want to do.
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I mean, Idk, but these just..don’t look to be the faces of people who willingly want to leave her behind.
Just Because: 
Nicky and Joe looking over Copley’s work. It’s sweet. Feat WWII Joe.
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Final Thoughts
There are-without a single doubt, issues with the comics. I will never deny that. I do enjoy reading them, and I enjoy the dialogue a lot. (And Miwa’s absolutely incredible colouring). I think that there’s a definite difference in tone to them and that there are places where things could be expanded upon overall.
The comics are, as I’ve said before-Andy’s story. The other characters very much exist in support of her, and do not do a lot separately themselves. The movie is definitely more..family with them? Everyone’s personality in the comics is harsher overall. A little bit more dry and dangerous. There’s definitely less comradery with the team too and way less of a family vibe.
As characters, Nicky and Joe are very very similar to their movie counterparts, and I think they are written quite well. They seem to make decisions about what to do together, always appear on the same page *when we see them* and follow the same wavelength We get the sense that they’re completely in-sync. I also do like *though I did say it before* that they’re allowed to have the appropriate reactions and some resolution of what happened to them in Vol 1.
Nile still doesn’t feel as fleshed-out as she could be, so I’m really glad the movie put way more emphasis on her.
There’s some truly strong points in the dialogue-and I personally think dialogue and writing is one of Rucka’s strong points as a writer. Even if I still want to beg him to hire any type of historian whatsoever..and someone who can do math.
I sympathize with the math bit, this is why a helper would be good.
I’m going to wrap it up here, because holy moley this got LONG. If you’ve made it to the end, hi! Feel free to message me with any questions.
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mrawkweird · 3 years
Best and worst of Double or Nothing?? I think we both agree: Cody.
I wouldn't say there was a worse but there was definitely something unnecessary.
Stadium Stampede 2: Inner Circle VS The Pinnacle (As exciting as the first while also feeling bigger and more personal given the story. Also the outcome of the match just really felt full circle. It was just a 20 out of 10 for me. What would have made it 50 out of 10 would have been if Sammy defeated MJF given their history but of course they're just trying to throw them L's at Maxwell too lightly.)
Hikaru Shida VS Britt Baker (You could kinda see the writing on the wall for this one but it still doesn't take away from how good the match was itself. 372 days in a world-wide hard time is no small feat and while the Shida fan in me wouldn't have minded having them shoot for 400+ I knew it was only a matter of time until Baker got it with the run she's on. When the time is right you gotta take it and Britt is certainly going to make quite the champion herself.)
Omega VS PAC VS Orange Cassidy (Just the absolute highlight of the match for me, aside from PAC getting kicked all the way back to Dragon Gate since Omega has no chill, was the moment PAC locked that submission onto Cassidy to the point where Omega couldn't break it to save his life so he had to merc the ref instead. I will just always love the way PAC executes that hold and it's why I always refer to it as a padlock because that shit gets LOCKED. DOWN.)
Sting and Darby VS Page and Sky (The pairing of Darby and Sting and how it all came to be is one of the best executed ideas that AEW has ever had. It is truly great to see. Also, that transition from the slingshot cutter to the Scorpion Death Drop for the win was fucking perfect.)
Casino Battle Royal (Lio Rush was a nice surprise and I hope to see him stick around. Then again, Mark Henry's there now and he may want to avoid getting that wig split at all costs. Jungle Boy winning was a great moment though that I also feel is earned. His stock just keeps rising and while I can't see the match in 2 weeks being THE night it certainly is a step towards getting him towards that night in the future. Also, Jokergon Jr.)
Serena Deeb VS Riho (It was such a great opener and I really liked how the moment was used to turn Serena heel with all the fans there to act accordingly. Sweet little Riho is always great to see but poor girl had to die for the cause. The match was just electric and they felt like the perfect opponents.)
Moxley and Kingston VS The Young Bucks (For a moment they really had me believing Kingston and Moxley could take those titles and maybe one day down the line they could be champions. Last night wasn't that night, however, as Young Bucks are gonna Young Buck.)
Hangman Adam Page VS Brian Cage (May the Hangman train never stop going because as far as I'm concerned the endgame needs to be hopefully him being the one to dethrone Omega. I'm also really enjoying the constant drama within Team Taz where Cage is trying to basically be a face while everyone around him is like "Dude, we're heels....HEEL IT UP!".)
Miro VS Lance Archer (It wasn't a bad match by any means but I feel like an extra bit of something was missing from it. There was all that talk of everybody dying but I didn't feel like anyone was gonna die. Jake's snake didn't even get stepped on.)
Cody Rhodes VS Anthony Ogogo (It takes a lot to put a moment together and make it feel special, make it feel earned, make it feel genuine and above all else make it make YOU feel. It's almost fitting to say that in the same night Stadium Stampede 2 had exactly that while this match here created a moment that was difficult to feel genuine because it was more so rushed and misplaced if anything. The entrance was on point, the Homelander-chique was on fleek and there was emotion put into it, however, it did not feel like a story that earned that particular build and therefore that emotion had nowhere to go. I felt more at the end of Stadium Stampede than what the story going into this match attempted to make me feel. This is a story that should have been saved for something far more deeper down the line.)
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