#marauders horror fanfiction
neaverse · 2 years
Modern muggle au where the marauders (you know I'm talking about everyone) go to Sirius and Regulus’ cabin for a week and there's a killer on the loose. I'm writing it. Fifteen chapters. Short fic.
Why you should look forward to this:
There’s an unhealthy obsession with ABBA and Queen
Everyone is queer
Sirius being supportive of James and Regulus (even encouraging it)
Evan and Barty tease Regulus A LOT
Dramatic Black brothers
Regulus and Remus friendship!!
They watch a lot of horror movies
Everyone is in a pre-existing relationship except James and Regulus and there’s only one bedroom left so they have to share
There’s a lake nearby!!
Fifteen chapters!!
Horror vibes!!
Poly relationship!!
Iconic parties!!
Sirius and Reg being annoying and loving brothers
Jegulus (James & Regulus)
Wolfstar (Remus and Sirius)
Rosekiller (Evan & Barty)
Dorlene (Dorcas & Marlene)
Mary/Lily/Pandora (idk if there’s a ship name for this hahaha sorry)
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Have I convinced you to read this when it comes out yet?
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cessreads · 23 days
Everybody seems to be so upset that ao3 is down today and I’m here like you guys don’t download fics to your phone? 😮
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Big Bad Wolf
Dad! Remus x Reader
It’s the full moon, and Harry came running to you for advice and help. Lupin went missing, and Harry is scared that someone’s going to get hurt. Or worse. Expelled His dad will end up shot. So, as the romantic partner to the boys father you go and help him. You both just hope to find him before someone else does
Warnings 18+, Horror, Gore, violence, fear, Whump, character death ((deserved)) happy ending
Writing Commission’s Are Open
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“Dad-?! Dad!” You were startled awake, by the sounds of Harry. You were spending a few days, at Hogwarts, with Lupin. As his romantic partner it was permitted, but it sure did startle students to see someone who wasn’t their teacher in the classroom. Such as you, having fallen asleep at his desk. You were waiting for Lupin, but it seems sleep caught you first. Until now.
“Have you seen dad-?” Harry asked, as he hurried towards you. A bottle in hand, with a worried look. You did not like where this was going. You really hope that was not a full bottle of wolfsbane. As if that was needed right now. You sat up quickly and straightened up.
"He said he needed to run and talk to someone really quick, and asked for me to stay here until he came back." Now that you said it out loud, it made you very suspicious. You had a bad feeling about this. A very very very bad feeling. It seemed the feeling was mutual, and no words were needed. The two of you were soon running out of the classroom, and straight outside. Wands out.
"Great, just great-" You huffed, as the two of you were now roaming around the grounds. A worry of what happened with Remus, and if the Dementors would come your way. You made sure to hold Harry's hand, and he did not refuse it. He had a uncomfortable run in with the Dementors after all, as if he wanted another.
"Should we ask Hagrid for help?" Harry asked, as you pondered. That could be very helpful. He was a monster keeper of sorts, and more people looking could reduce casualties. Fang could help as well, but Hagrid was not the best with secrets. Still.....You had a werewolf boyfriend on the loose, and one not on potions.
"I will go talk to Hagrid; you go to the Shrieking Shack. Maybe he went there by habit?" Seems like Hermione was really rubbing off on him, because that made perfect sense. You recall a few times you could hear him, when locked in his designated room, about a shack. Along with his night terrors, and school days.
The plan was set, and Harry explained to you how to get there. Most likely knowing, in case of emergencies. The two of you would split, and Harry hurried to Hagrid's Hut. You stayed, until he made it. Just to be sure. Once he had entered the home, you would hurry to the tree, it was terrifying, but you had to. For Remus.
You had to army crawl, and enter with a few scrapes, but you managed. You hit the knot in the tree, and was able to slip through the roots. Through the dirty cavern, and across the rocks. It was a journey, but you managed. You would push at the wooden boards, and soon had your head in the shack. The stench of blood heavy in your nose. He was here.
"Moony?" You whispered, as the world went still. Even the wind seemed afraid to speak. You were terrified, but someone had to be there for him. You swallowed your biile, and forced yourself into the house. Onto your knees, wand in hand, before properly standing.
Deep breaths, that made you gag, in a vain attempt to try and calm yourself. You knew this when he told you what he was. He didn’t want you to sign up blind. He didn’t want to feel like he trapped you. The moment he told you, you tried to study all you could. Meaning you carried your own vile of wolfsbane. Small, but hopefully enough to soothe.
As you tried to follow the stench, you couldn’t help but hear something. It was someone. Someone gagging, and coughing. Seeming to be….No. No no. You had hope the blood you smelled was that of a wild animal, but no. It was of someone.
You wanted to barge in, and see if you could save them, but that could cause issues. Like him turning on you. Instead, you kept your steps quiet. Just coming closer, as the figure kept gasping and wheezing. Begging. What made your blood run cold was what the person said.
“Remus, please….You would have done the same in my place. You would ha-“ Before there was silence. Silence, as bones were snapping. Crunching, and being devoured. They were dead, and you knew that you couldn’t do anything to have prevented it. You tried to reason, at least.
Finally, you were at the door. Given quite the sight to behold. This sickly looking beast, chowing away on a dead body. Beyond recognition, except for an arm. Said arm having been torn off, and slammed into the wall near the door frame. You narrowed your eyes, as you saw it was missing a finger. Clearly before the attack, as the numb was healed over.
Before you could wonder who the figure was, you suddenly felt something bite at your leg. Not in a means to attack. It was so gentle, you almost didn’t notice. A attempt to grab your attention. It succeeded, as you looked down to a black dog. Shaggy, skinny, and struggling to pull you away from the door. A means to get you away.
Seems it acted too late, as the nawing of flesh was silenced. Just the eerie sounds of blood falling on wood, as the werewolf looked over. Blacken eyes focused on you, as it growled. Clawed, and mangled, fingers were soon on the floor. Cautiously approaching you, only for the dog to block its path. Guarding you.
You didn’t know what to do. Do you run? Do you stay? Do you move slowly? You can only read so many books, before you face a real deal. Nothing prepares you for a real life experience. Was he staring at you because he recognized you? Was he no longer hungry? Was he aware of your scent, and wouldn’t harm you?
So many thoughts, only to be silenced by an ear rattling howl. That said that, and you were trying to run for your life. The shaggy dog quick to defend you, and jump at Remus. Buying you time, as you tried to think of where to go. Leave the building? Back into the hole? You didn’t know. Before you could make a choice, the rotten wood broke under you.
Crashing through you went, only for your leg to snap in the process. You screamed in pain, and that alerted Remus to you. You tried to fight through the pain, as you held your wand up. Trying to defend yourself, as Remus tore through more of the wood. Leaving splinters to rain down on you, as you laid in the broken old living room.
“REMUS-! PLEASE-!” You sobbed, as you didn’t want to hurt him. Blood pooled around you, as the torn muscle was shreds around your shattered bone. So much pain, panic, and despair. Was this the end? Dispite it all, all you could think of was how this would affect Remus. The guilt he would hold, when the moon rises again. Only to see you dead in his teeth.
Seemed that would only be a nightmare, as he was slow to approach you. Sniffing you, before looking down at your leg. Giving it a lick, and whine. As if trying to help you. If you weren’t so delirious from pain, you would find it sweet.
“Fuck, you look like shit.” A voice spoke to you, as Remus seemed to curl around you. Using himself a pillow, for you to rest on. Just feeling his ribs, and hearing his strong breathing and heart. It was soothing, and let you catch your breath. Long enough to register where the voice came from.
A man was soon standing infront of you, in a Azkaban uniform. With long, black, shaggy hair. With a beard to match, against his gaunt face. So skinny, yet so alive. Shaggy black hair, just like shaggy black fur. That’s when it hit you.
“Padfoot….” You choked out, when you weren’t crying from pain. The name made him smile, and you could see life in his hollow eyes. It warmed his heart so much, knowing Remus told you about him. That he was still spoken so positively. That Remus didn’t believe the verdict. He knew better.
“That’s me. Now be quiet, and take advantage of Mooney having a full belly.” He hushed you, as he would begin to try and help with your leg. He would take his torn shirt off, and forced you to bite into it. Trying to make you quiet, as he popped the bone into place. Making you scream into the fabric, as you held Remus tighter. Suppose in that feral brain of his could register his mate was hurting, and soon was nuzzling his face against yours. Using his nose to wipe your tears away.
“There. Worse of it is over. Now how about-“ Before he could finish, the sound of the basement door was opening. Before Sirius could do anything, you grabbed his pant leg. Trying to get him to stay. The pain, however, made you feel to weak. Your vision was blurring, as you curled up against Remus. It was all to much, and soon…..You blacked out.
Morning came, and it was unwanted. The sunlight on your face, and making you groan. “Five more minutes-“ Was your reply to the beast, before a chuckle was a reply. A chuckle you knew very well. A laugh that made you fight the sun, and open your eyes. Remus.
“Morning, pup.” He smiled, as he set his book aside. His scared up hand was quick to help brush the sleep from your eyes, as you took in the world. Such as how your leg was propped up, and that all the blinding white was from the medical wing. Another comforting sight was that Padfoot was in another medical bed. Being treated, and not sent to Azkaban.
“Lots of questions, I know. I’ll keep it short. I had made an attempt to go check on Sirius, last night, only for the two of us to stumble upon a familiar rat. We chased him for so long, we didn’t register the moon. Suppose it was a good thing we didn’t. A lot of good has now been done, with him disposed.” Despite what seemed like good news, there were tears in his eyes. Like he lost an old friend. Suppose you’ll ask about that later. Now, you needed rest.
“I can’t believe you came chasing after me.” He tsked, as he was already using a cold rag on your face. Helping you cool off. “Suppose Harry is to blame. I could have hurt you. I would never forgive myself if I had infected you to. I could have-“ He went on and on, before you held his hand. Forcing him to stop, as you smiled.
“Then you won’t be so lonely on those full moons, would you?” He wanted to be frustrated with you, but that would be rather hypocritical. So, he just gave a defeated sigh. With a smile. “I have a type, it seems….” Was added, as Harry was soon to enter the wing. Along with his friends. Hermione, and Ron. All needing answers about why an escaped convict was in the medical wing.
Remus would give a sigh, as you scooted over. As best as you could, so he could sit with you. The trio was soon on the neighboring bed, sitting together, while keep quiet for Sirius to sleep. A snuggle into Remus’s lap, and he took a deep breath. Knowing you were there to support him.
“It all started, when three little Gryffindors thought it was wise to become unregistered Animagi….”
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marlsswrites · 3 months
Okay so has anyone got any good horror themed marauders fic recs? Because I am a sucker for good marauders fics and I am such a horror movie obsess.
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made-by-moon · 9 months
After so many years of reading fanfiction I finally did it....
You bitches don't even know what is coming. Incomprehensible horrors. Unimaginable nightmares. Unidentifiable chaos.
See ya in the comment section, muah <33
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gods-graveyard · 6 months
Im making myself cry over this newest update holy fuck- the fact its Harrys perspective, but the implications are AHHH
Finally reached Harrys First Christmas and Harry growing up so isolated + w/ The Dursleys hes both super mature and cautious for his age, but also very childish.
Harry finally got a gift from "Santa" (which is a joke because Snape buys all his snakes gifts, to make sure not a single one goes without like he had to some years)
But when Marcus slips up and mentions Snape its now Harry freaking out how his professor knows *the* Santa Claus.
Que Cassius making up an entire elaborate story why and explaining why Harry needs to keep Santa a secret for his safety.
Like- this is Harry who has been through so much, and yet still finds overwhelming joy in the idea Santa Claus found him good enough to get him something besides coal this year (Curtosy of the Dursleys)
Anyway im sobbing rn.
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 11 months
do i finish re-reading my favourite book for the 3rd time or do i start re-reading best friends brother by zar
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i feel the need to post my and my best friend’s new favourite photo
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
🔀 Dorlene
send me a 🔀 and a pairing, and i’ll shuffle my playlist and make an au based on the first song that comes up
omggg Luna you are SO REAL for sending these <333
Dorlene: Halloween by Novo Amor
I remember Halloween I hit my head on the edge of the sink Dialing out to an older me I miss my friends that I pretend I don't need But I could have done with them this week
Dorcas Meadowes and Marlene McKinnon meet in college as randomly assigned roommates. Marlene is a fine arts major and Dorcas is in computer engineering. They're both in the closet and don't even quite know how to come out to themselves, let alone anyone else - but they start sneaking around together, while pretending in their day to day lives that it's not happening at all.
They have a great group of friends, but none of them know the truth about Marlene and Dorcas. The first year everything is fine. Fun, actually - it's all excitement and freedom and friendship and new. But then...Marlene starts dating some guy in her major, and Dorcas can't tell if she really likes him or not. Marlene can't really tell, either. She likes both of them. Can't that be okay? But it's not okay to Dorcas - doesn't what they've been doing, what they have, mean anything to Marlene at all?
So Dorcas starts pulling away, and none of their friends understand why, and she can't explain it to anyone. She can't admit that when she sees Marlene and her boyfriend together, it makes Dorcas want to stab herself - or Marlene, or him. It's fine, anyway. She was fine before Marlene, before these friends who have been like no friends before, and she'll be fine again.
At least, that's what she tells herself. That's what she tells herself when she's invited to Stewart Tuber's Halloween party, and dresses up like a vampire, and dances with the frat boys who have been hitting on her for a year now, and sees Marlene dancing with him. She tells herself this is fine as she follows him through the frat house, and watches him sneak into a room upstairs with Samantha Hill, and waits for him to leave after 13 pathetic minutes. Dorcas insists everything will be fine when she slips into the bathroom behind him and confronts him, who do you think you are? Marlene McKinnon deserves the sun, and you're a fucking cockroach.
And when he says, What, are you a fucking lesbian? like it's worse than a cockroach, and Dorcas brings her knee up to meet his face, and he screams, What the fuck?!, and she breaks her hand on his jaw, and he slams her face into the sink, and she thinks she might have a concussion, but this toothbrush will do, and drives it into his eye, and thanks the universe that the music is too loud for anyone to hear his screams, she thinks, this will be fine. And fifteen minutes later, when she's dragging his body down the hall, stuffing it under the bed he cheated on Marlene with Samantha Hill on, Dorcas pretends she doesn't miss her friends. She pretends she didn't do this for Marlene. She did this because he called her a lesbian.
And obviously, she's not a lesbian.
She's fine.
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graveyardgremlins · 2 years
Ok, let me share with you guys my big brain time post break-up fanfic idea.
I'm thinking "dark jegulus you!au" type of thing? Regulus would be Joe (because he is creepy and has no real friends) and James would be Love (because he is the type of guy that would MATCH 👏 THAT👏 ENERGY👏). Also, canonically James and Love both have their shit together and Joe and Regulus both NO LONGER HAVE A "SHIT" TO BEGING WITH.
Also, James is for sure mansplain, manipulate, malewife (or manwhore, depending on the time period) and Regulus the gaslight gatekeep girlboss. What is he gatekeeping? Books and his boyfriend. Who is he gaslinghting? His brother, mostly.
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soraya-snape · 1 month
I finally had enough with all these marauders stans on TikTok.
Like they either haven't read the books and just use head canons and fanfictions as arguments, or they have read the books and simply ignore/downplay or even glorify the horrible things the marauders did. And if that isn't enough, they just say “but Snape was a bully too” or “but Snape was worse”. Firstly I don't think he was worse (but that's a discussion for another time) but even if you think so, how is Snape being worse than James making him good? Like just because the Dursleys are less evil than Voldemort because they didn't try to kill Harry, they are now heroes or what? I don't get their logic. And what makes their behaviour even worse is that you don't even have to post about James, you don't even need to mention him anywhere as long as the post is about Snape they will come at you.
I will now simply block them if they comment on my posts because nothing else seems to work. And I think that if they can't see the horrors of SWM on their own, there is no way I can help them.
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Im a jegulus shipper and I like happy endings. Why do people keep recommending me all the young dudes? Doesn't that fic follow canon and its ending? Meaning jegulus doesn't happen? Its not listened as a ship on the fic I think? That's why im so iffy about reading crimson rivers and choice too(mostly because of the controversy I head avoit crimson rivers) i love angst and pain and hurt. But i also if im investing in a super long fic there better be some form of a happy ending in there. Dont get me wrong i like tragic and dark endings. But only when I know thats the type of book i pick up(romeo and juliet, a murder mystery, the woman in the widowz horror)
All the young dudes is one of the fics that kickstarted the marauders fandom's popularity and it's very well written and captivating from what I've heard. I haven't read it either because honestly I don't think I'm in a head space for all that angst and I don't have time currently.
Fanfiction is read only by choice, if you don't want to read something you simply shouldn't. No matter how good others say it might be, seriously don't read it if you're not a fan of an unhappy ending. I totally understand where you're coming from. And yea I think it has jily not jegulus.
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kquil · 1 year
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ALIAS NAME : Kquil | AGE : 22 | PRONOUNS : she/her | BIRTHDAY : Sept. 12th
I AM ALSO A . . . virgo ☀︎ ; cancer ⇡ ; leo ♀ ; enfj ; ravenclaw/slytherin (i keep getting confusing results on quizzes) ; a james potter simp ; a marauders whore ; a fanfiction fluff writer ; a fluff reader who occasionally dabbles in angst ; a procrastinator ; filipina living in the UK
I LIKE TO . . . read, write fanfiction, organise things, cook, bake, eat, go on long walks by the river, watch sunsets, swim, spend time with family and friends, listen to horror stories, watch true crime content, do personality quizzes for fun, have deep conversations, draw, do laundry, origami, bullet journal, be delusional, flirt on character ai, make things pretty/aesthetic, write on and take notes in books...
I DONT LIKE . . . being a bad friend, breaking/broken promises, liars, people who waste my time, people who are mean to animals, people who are inconsiderate, people who are mean to my friends or family, back pain, very very spicy foods (only moderate spice please), 'pick-me's, 'dry' hot weather, being anemic, being lactose intolerant, bugs, humid weather, being sleep-deprived, stress, being sick
THINGS I LIKE . . . rain, sunsets, donuts, cheeseburgers, danish pasteries, noodles, ambient lighting, animals (especially the cute ones), good music, headphones, aesthetic set ups, routine, organisation, thunder and lightening, fireworks, flowers (tulips, roses and carnations are my faves - in that order), anything lavender, anything tea tree, anything peppermint, snow, cold weather, christmas, autumn and spring months, the colour orange and green, gold jewellery, collecting notebooks, harry potter, anime, kpop, frogs, koi fish. . .
that's all for now~ tell me if we have something in common or not o( ˶^▾^˶ )o
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shiveringfrogspawn · 1 year
What's up sluts (affectionate)
Welcome to my blog! I’m Bee, a Pākehā living in Aotearoa that uses she/they pronouns. Anyone being creepy or discriminatory will be blocked without hesitation, don't be that person.
Other socials: Letterboxd, Spotify, Pinterest, Serializd
CW: this blog contains swearing and spoilers for all fandoms listed below. I can't think of anything else on here that warrants a TW, but if you see something, please let me know and I'll add it - that's valid!
I'm part of many, many fandoms, so if you're interested in them, take a look at things I've reblogged. Wanna talk about any of them? DM me (or whatever the tumblr equivalent is called). I'd love to chat (as you can tell by this disgustingly long intro post). I'll add a list under the cut and leave it open-ended so I can add more, because I am ravenously consuming more media - books, movies, TV shows, bands - and becoming more powerful.
Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Pride and Prejudice, Dead Poets Society, Knives Out, Stardust, Night at the Museum, Terminator, Jurassic Park, Labyrinth, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, The Rocky Horror Picture Show...
Doctor Who, Good Omens, Sherlock, Our Flag Means Death, Shadow and Bone (I like to think of it as high-budget fanfiction because of the insane canon divergence from the books but it’s still good), Taskmaster, 8 Out of 10 Cats, Countdown, The Mighty Boosh, QI, Big Fat Quiz of the Year, All the Light We Cannot See...
Shadow and Bone trilogy, Six of Crows duology, King of Scars duology, Good Omens: the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, The Secret History, Harry Potter (side note: this blog is a safe space for LGBTQ+ people! I do not agree with JKR’s transphobic views, 99% of my fandom activity involves reading gay porn about her characters - yes, I am a whore for the marauders era), The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson/the Riordanverse, Heartstopper, The Picture of Dorian Gray, We Hunt the Flame, One Last Stop, Red, White, and Royal Blue, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Howl’s Moving Castle, The Traitor and the Thief duology, Kaitangata Twitch, the Heidi series, Little Women series, most things by Roald Dahl, the Robert Langdon series, All the Light We Cannot See...
Queen, the Beatles, David Bowie, Aerosmith, The Beautiful South, Green Day, AC/DC, Florence + the Machine, Bon Jovi, ABBA, the Bee Gees, Elton John, Billy Joel, Kate Bush, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Elvis Presley, Joan Jett + the Blackhearts, Chappell Roan…
#save that for later is for helpful stuff I want to refer back to
#bee buzzes is for me answering asks and generally ranting about silly stuff idk
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cillianate · 2 years
ever since new york
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the central page, where you can find all about me, my socials, and my work.
ask away ;)
a brief introduction 🕯
hello! my name is courtney, and i am some random teenage girl on the internet who is trying to start a blog. i love writing, music, and dilfs. i don't update on a schedule, but sometimes i just get these random bursts of ideas that all come at once, so if i post a story, you can probably expect another to come right after.
my main gimmick is writing, but i also read, sing, and do manyyyy crafts in my spare time!
here are some of my other interests...:
the mcu
cillian murphy
tom hiddleston
christian bale
christopher nolan's batman
the marauders
harry potter
phoebe bridgers
maya hawke
reading fanfic
american horror story
making playlists
charli xcx
gracie abrams
going to concerts.
concert masterlist 🕯
(aka. people i've seen live, whether it be headliners, or openers.)
one direction
taylor swift
shawn mendes
phoebe bridgers
phoebe bridgers
suki waterhouse
gracie abrams
tiny habits
bruce springsteen
sabrina carpenter
the backseat lovers
boygenius (oh my fucking god)
coming up:
ethel cain
the 1975
niall horan
olivia rodrigo
the deets 🕯
my goal for this blog is to have fun and write fanfiction, i write for many a fandom! these include the mcu, harry potter, stranger things, daisy jones and the six, etc!
characters i'll write for, separated by fandom!
sebastian smythe
finn hudson
mike chang
santana lopez
sam evans
ryder lynn
daisy jones
camila dunne
eddie loving/roundtree
karen sirko
warren rojas/rhodes
graham dunne
the marauders era
sirius black
remus lupin
james potter
lily evans
frank longbottom
alice fortescue
regulus black
severus snape
harry potter (golden trio era)
harry potter
ron weasley
hermione granger
neville longbottom
draco malfoy
tom riddle
mattheo riddle
sirius black
remus lupin
fred weasley
george weasley
severus snape
stranger things
steve harrington
robin buckley
nancy wheeler
eddie munson
lucas sinclair
max mayfield
jason carver
john b routledge
jj maybank
rafe cameron
pope heyward
sarah cameron
kiara carerra
top gun, maverick
natasha 'phoenix' trace
robert 'bob' floyd
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
jake 'hangman' seresin
bucky barnes / winter soldier
steve rogers / captain america
sam wilson / the falcon
natasha romanoff / black widow
stephen strange
thor odinson
loki laufeyson
pietro maximoff / quicksilver
wanda maximoff
bruce banner
peter parker / spiderman (tom and andrew)
my socials 🕯
twitter - hiddlestuns / cillianate (🔒)
tiktok - courtrry
wattpad - -sapphos
instagram - courtrry
airbuds - kneesocks
spotify - here
goodreads - here
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grim is this a safe space to tell u i was reading dave mustaine/kirk hammett horror porn on the regular before i found the marauders fandom
omfg were you on rockfic perhaps??? thats where i would read all of my filthy band fanfiction. this is a safe space for all kinds of tomfoolery and horniness youre welcomed here
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