#marvel universe vs avengers
paulsebert · 9 months
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Watched Matt McMuscles new video and over on The Website Formerly Known as Twitter Gavin Jaspar remembered the time that one time a Marvel artist accidentally drew the wrong Hazmat.
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comicpop · 9 months
The Marvel Universe vs The Avengers
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wingheadshellhead · 6 months
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Steve Rogers & Tony Stark in Avengers Assemble 1.25 "The Final Showdown"
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alexdragonsbane · 5 months
What are the Brie Larson fans CALLeD?!! Does ANYONE know?!
Petition to call them:
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shujubeelamoglia · 1 year
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Brie Larson
Harper’s Bazaar
Photography by Collier Schorr
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
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karmaspidr · 14 days
Ruby: Who's stronger? Her or you?
Tony: Well, if Cinder were to manage to master the full power of the Fall Maiden, she would give me some trouble.
Ruby: But would you lose?
Tony: I would win.
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s10127470 · 2 months
The MCU Synergy Problem
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It’s been a month since X-Men ‘97 came out, and just about everyone’s has already pointed what makes it so good.
-Staying true to the spirit of the original while still striving for its own identity
-Staying true to the characterization and depiction of the characters, and in some cases, improving on their characterization such as in the case of Jean Grey and especially Morph.
-Introducing new concepts, elements and characters that haven’t been explored in other adaptations yet.
-Having so many callbacks to the original while not coming off as nostalgia pandering.
-The animation and action! MY GOD! The animation and action!
Really, the only problem people have with this show is the weird love triangle between Rogue, Gambit and Magneto.
We already had to deal with the infamous love triangle Cyclops, Jean and Wolverine in the original, we did not need this.
Not only is this just unnecessary, it’s also just weird since in the original, it was never even implied that Rogue or Magneto had any sort of history between each other at all.
But here, they met during Rogue’s days with the Brotherhood. And I think when they met, Rogue was still a teenager.
During that time, the two grew an attraction towards each other and although it’s not explicitly stated, it is implied that they did….ya know…
Although I do enjoy Magneto, unlike a lot of other people, I can acknowledge that he’s kind of an awful person.
He’s a supremacist, a terrorist, a mass murderer, a violent, abusive psychopath, and a deadbeat father (well, when he used to be a father but we’ll get to that soon).
But never though that “groomer” would be an addition to that list as well.
All I can say is that….if this show took place in the modern day, Magneto ain’t beating any allegations.
But besides all that, another major positive people have with this show is just how….comic booky it feels, which is something that’s been lacking with a lot of Marvel content for the better of a decade now.
But before we get into that, let’s take a little history lesson.
Marvel was founded all the way back in 1939 by Martin Goodman….but it wasn’t called Marvel at first, it was actually called Timely Comics. But by 1951, the name of the brand was changed to Atlas Comics. 
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During this era, the comics saw the introduction of several characters include The Human Torch (the android), The Whizzer, Miss America, The Destroyer, the original Vision and The Angel. 
But the two most notable characters introduced during this time were none other than the patriotic fighter of justice Captain America and the anti-heroic aquatic incel Namor the Sub-Mariner.
But Marvel would become the comic book powerhouse we know them as today starting in April of 1961, when Altas Comics was changed to be part of the newly-named Marvel Comics brand, helmed by the legendary duo of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
And over the course of the 1960s, Marvel would not only quickly become the biggest name in the comic industry (only being rivaled by who else, but DC), but also introduce many of their most recognizable stars.
This would include the likes of The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and The Wasp, Iron Man, The X-Men, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, The Inhumans, Black Panther, The Silver Surfer, Black Widow and Hawkeye, and of course, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
And in addition to tons of, in the words of Yogurt…..
Marvel would also see plenty of entries into the wider world of television. 
From the anthology series Marvel Super Heroes, to the acclaimed five-season run of The Incredible Hulk starring the legendary bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno, to the absolute meme-fest that was the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon.
But Marvel really found their footing amongst the public consensus in the 1990s, largely thanks to their animated shows.
We had X-Men ‘92, Spider-Man, Iron Man and Fantastic Four ‘94, and The Incredible Hulk ‘96. 
What made these shows stand out from their predecessors was that they strived to actually be adaptations of their respective comics.
Yeah, prior to these shows, all of the cartoons were largely villain-of-the-week shows with little to no continuity and apart from the characters, didn’t really take a whole lot from their source material.
But these shows actually went out of their way to actually adapt storylines from the comics, had ongoing plots, and much stronger characterization than before.
And even besides that and of course, merchandising, Marvel was making quite the name for itself in the world of video games. Most notably the ones that were made by Capcom, which included the likes of The Punisher, X-Men: Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse, and most famously of all, Marvel vs. Capcom.
Their status among the public consensus became even stronger when the 21st century rolled around.
This was largely thanks to the multiple films based on Marvel Comics properties that came out during the 2000s.
This included the likes of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, Ang Lee’s Hulk film, Tim Story’s Fantastic Four duology, Mark Steven Johnson’s Daredevil, and (Sirs whose names will not be mentioned here at all)’s X-Men series.
And apart from the merchandising (which was stronger than ever before thanks, the 2000s would also see some of the best video games based off the Marvel Comics and its IPs.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: A New Age of Heroes, Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, X-Men Legends and its sequel Rise of Apocalypse, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and Spidey himself had a multiple of great games from this era.
From ones based off his cinematic outings, to ones based off his alternate universe escapades (Ultimate Spider-Man), to ones that featured the characters’ worst voice actor to date and was responsible giving us that famous depressed Spidey walking meme (Web of Shadows).
But everything would change for Marvel in 2008 with the release of….
This film would not only serve as the invincible armored Avenger’s first outing on the big screen, but would also be the start of one of the most well-known and influential pieces of media in Marvel’s entire history…..
The Marvel….Cinematic….Universe….
Just about everyone knows about the MCU.
It only not made the characters of Marvel even bigger than before (along with introducing some of the more lesser-known characters to the general public), but also helped popularized the concept of the shared cinematic universe in general.
The franchise has gone on to become one of, if not, the biggest and most successful film franchise in history and has left a major impact on the world of cinema and even Marvel themselves.
And unfortunately, not really for the better…..
Everyone has already pointed how much of a negative influence the MCU has had on the media we consume.
From the multiple failed attempts from studios who desperately wanted to trend chase by making their own cinematic universe, only for these attempts to end up being massive failures, to a lot of writing in many films post-Avengers having this quippy and observational sort-of-write that while beloved at first, has gone on to become seen as annoying and tiresome…..
But I really want to focus on the effect it’s had on Marvel as a whole.
To start this off, let’s look the place where this MCU effect has been the biggest problem…..and it’s ironically enough, the comics.
Ever since MCU began, Marvel has been adapting elements from the MCU into the comics, which became especially more apparent after the first Avengers film.
And while Marvel is no stranger to adapting elements from Marvel media outside the comics, it’s never been to this extent.
This synergy has seen major changes in the appearances and characterization in many of its characters, including…..
-Iron Man being portrayed as far more snarky and quippy than he previously was. At first, people were on board with this change, not only because people liked Robert Downey Jr’s portrayal, but also because during the mid-2000s, Iron Man was not a popular character. Not in the frankly overused and tired “nobody knew who Iron Man was prior to the release of the first film” way. But more in the sense that everyone hated him during that time. This was largely thanks to the absolute clusterfuck known as Civil War, which turned Iron Man into a full-on villain. Plus he was indirectly responsible for One More Day, aka the worst Spider-Man story ever written.
-Loki became far more heroic and started looking and acting more like his MCU counterpart. Hell, the Loki we know today isn’t the same one introduced back in the 1960s. That Loki died all the way back in 2010, and the one we know today is essentially his reincarnation. And this reincarnation was not only introduced in the exact same year that the first Thor movie released, but in the exact same month as well!
-Thor started acting far more goofy and air-headed like his MCU counterpart following Thor: Raganrok.
-Hawkeye started giving off what could be best described as “uwu small bean tired dad” in the Matt Fraction run, which started just 4 months after the first Avengers film.
-Agatha Harkness having her appearance changed into that of a much younger woman following Wandavision.
-Introducing the Ten Rings following Shang-Chi, and having the titular hero being the user of them instead of just being Bruce Lee like he had been for last 50 years.
-Literally everything involving the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Its also led to tons of the characters getting somewhat phased out like….
-Iron Fist, due to the poor reception of his MCU show and complaints towards him being a “white savior”.
-Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, aka the original Ant-Man and the Wasp, who were also two of the five founding members of the Avengers. But despite that, neither of them appeared in the first Avengers film. And although it was a loose adaptation of The Ultimates, Hank and Janet were still present in that story as founding members of the titular team. Hell, Hank definitely has this the worst as he was killed off back in 2015, and was only recently brought back from the dead…..and he’s an old man now. I wonder why?
-Valkyrie, who was not only killed off permanently after Thor Ragnarök, but replaced with not one, but two characters very similar to the Valkyrie that appears in Ragnarök.
-The Inhumans, who had a major push in relevancy in order to promote their upcoming movie and TV show. But after the former got cancelled and the latter ended up being a massive flop, they ended up being banished to the shadow realm and barely acknowledged anymore. Also, the reason for their push plays into a later point.
-Quicksilver, which also plays into that later point I just mentioned.
-Black Panther, who Marvel seems to be somewhat edging out in the comics literally because of Chadwick Boseman’s passing.
And worse of all, retcons……such as…..
-Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch being revealed to have never been Magneto’s children nor mutants at all….shortly after the release of Age of Ultron.
-Shang Chi’s biracial heritage being rewritten to have him being fully Asian shortly after his film.
-Nebula, in addition to being made to look and act more like the movie version, also was revealed to be Thanos’ adopted daughter and Gamora’s sister….just like in the movies. 
-Ms. Marvel being revealed to have been mutant all along instead of an Inhuman…..just months before the release of The Marvels.
-Thor and the other Asgardians are not mythical beings, but actually aliens who were mistaken for gods by humanity….who just so happen to use magic (yeah this is a weird one because it constantly keeps flip-flopping between one or the other).
-Nick Fury being revealed to have had an illegitimate son who looks exactly like the MCU Nick Fury, who himself was based on the Ultimate Universe version of Nick Fury, who was African-American and modeled after Samuel L. Jackson. This is really weird because if they wanted a Samuel L. Jackson inspired Nick Fury, they could’ve easily just waited for the 2015 Secret Wars event and just had the Ultimate Nick Fury be one of the surviving inhabitants of the Ultimate Universe to be brought over to the 616 Universe along with Miles Morales, The Maker, and that son of Wolverine everyone forgot the existence of (even Marvel themselves!).
So yeah, as you can see, this is quite a problem.
Marvel has essentially been trying to make the comics resemble the movies rather than the other way around.
Which has not only gotten annoying and tiresome, but it’s also pretty disingenuous.
I mean, you’re pulling from a source material that has literal decades of content and lore to use, and now you’re actively trying change and contradict that lore just because of a series of movies adapting said source material?
This is obviously because they’re trying to appeal to new Marvel readers who came right from the movies.
But for some reason, Marvel seems to believe that general audiences have never heard the word “adaptation” before.
But this isn’t just an issue for the comics, it’s also an issue for…..pretty much every medium Marvel can be represented in.
For over a decade, Marvel has been essentially trying to push the MCU as the default everything.
Anything Marvel related: it all has to be similar to the MCU and barely anything else. And if it can, just utilize any of the comics written post 2010.
It’s pretty much the same problem that a lot of recent Spider-Man media suffers from.
When they’re adapting stuff, it’s almost always from the cartoons, Brian Michael Bendis’ Ultimate Spider-Man and Dan Slott’s run on Amazing Spider-Man.
And this has often come to the detriment of many of the non-MCU projects released during the 2010s.
Three of the best examples of this I could think of were Avengers Assemble, Square Enix’s Avengers, and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. 
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Avengers Assemble is famous for being the Marvel cartoon that was only created just to ride on the success of the first Avengers film.
But in spite of this, it was apparent during the first two season that this show was striving to have its own identity. Specifically utilizing some of the lesser-known faces of Marvel.
But as the series went on, the MCU got bigger and bigger. And as a result, the show started to get bogged down by MCU synergy.
From having storylines that were obviously done to tie into whatever movie came out not that long ago, to even changing characters appearances in order to better reflect their MCU counterparts.
The best example of the latter was with Falcon, who was a member of the main cast.
During the first three seasons, he actually stood out from the rest of the team visually as his outfit wasn’t trying to emulate the MCU.
It wasn’t emulating the comics either because I think that outfit of his was wholly original to this show.
But during season 4, Falcon ends up going through a time warp. And when he comes out, he’s been aged up from a young college-aged man to a grown man around the Avengers’ ambiguous age range and is wearing an outfit similar to his MCU counterpart.
Now we come to Square Enix’s Avengers.
My God…..was there anything this game did remotely right?
Or at least competently?
And one of the many flaws of this game was its roster.
And this actually plays into another major point on how stifling MCU synergy is.
Ever since the first Avengers movie, whenever the titular Avengers appear in just about anything, they’re almost always shown having the same roster.
That being Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye.
Sometimes there will be other members like Falcon, Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Panther, Vision and Captain Marvel, but that’s because those guys are also major names in the MCU as well.
Like for God’s sake, switch it up a bit! 
For the next major thing the Avengers appear in, how about we have a roster based on like…..
The Heroes Return roster, or the Hickman roster, or the Englehart roster, or the New Avengers roster, or the Stern roster, or the West Coast roster, or even the Classic roster!
But back to the Avengers game, they didn’t even commit to that never-changing roster I just mentioned!
When the game released, the Avengers video game had Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Black Widow as the main Avengers roster until Ms. Marvel joined up.
Yeah, Hawkeye didn’t appear as a part of the roster until his own DLC with Kate Bishop!
As for the other additions to the roster, we had Spider-Man, Black Panther, The Winter Soldier and the Jane Foster Thor.
Yeah, when looking at this game as an adaptation of the comics (which it barely was), the roster is absolutely pathetic when you look at the INSANE amount of members the Avengers have had over the decades.
And when looking at this game as an adaptation of the MCU, it didn’t even commit to that!
This is even more of the case when you look at the list of characters they initially had planned, but they obviously had to drastically cut all that for the sake of time constraints.
Hell, if you want to see something really sad, just look at the villain roster.
Over the 3 years this game was around, it only gave us 4 (yes 4) villains.
M.O.D.O.K., Taskmaster, The Abomination and Klaw….
Yep! Just these four schmucks!
No Red Skull, no Mandarin, no Baron Zemo, no Leader, no Ultron, no Kang the Conqueror, no Absorbing Man, no Wrecking Crew, no Enchantress, no Whirlwind, no Crimson Dynamo, no Circus of Crime….
Hell, they don’t even have Loki, the most popular and well-known Avengers villain!
It’s even more sadder when you consider the DLCs, i.e Spider-Man, who despite having undoubtedly the most well-known rogues gallery in all of Marvel, not one of them appear at all in his DLC!
In the wise words of a young redheaded YouTuber who likes to talk about Spidey….
“How easily you got showed up by Fortnite!”
If you want more detail on the history of this game and what went wrong, I suggest watching Matt McMuscles’ What Happened video on the game, but basically the reason that the game was the way that it was due to the laziness and apathy of Square Enix, the inexperience and slight incompetence of Crystal Dynamics, having WAY too many cooks in the kitchen (i.e., they worked with five studios, all of which were located in different parts of the world), and most of all, the utter greed of Marvel.
And funnily enough, this game ties into my next talking point…
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite! The fourth and possibly final game in the series….and is regarded by just about everyone to be the weakest game as well.
Just like Avengers, one of (if not) the biggest criticisms of this game was the roster.
Infinite had a roster of about 36 characters, having the second smallest roster in the series’ history, only surpassing Clash of Heroes’ 15.
This was quite the surprise when compared to the previous game, 3’s 48 characters and especially 2: A New Age’s 56.
As for the roster itself, it was made up of both veteran characters and new characters.
Returning from the previous game, we had Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Ghost Rider, Nova and Rocket Raccoon.
Also returning were two faces that hadn’t been seen since 2: Venom and Thanos.
As for the new characters, we had Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Gamora and Ultron.
Yeah not exactly the most interesting roster.
And I’m sure many of you noticed by now, there’s something notable characters missing from the roster.
Namely the X-Men, their villains and Doctor Doom, all of whom have been staples of the franchise since the beginning.
And there’s a reason for that….
A very, scummy reason….
I already mentioned this in my X-Men: The Next Mutation post, but it does bare repeating her.
As the MCU became more popular, Marvel became focusing on pushing the Avengers as their premiere superhero team, with the Fantastic Four and X-Men essentially being dethroned.
Along with that, their relevance in the comics notably began to degraded, and barely began making appearances in media outside the comics.
The reason for this, apart from Marvel focusing on cashing in on the Avengers, was because despite still owning the overall rights for the FF and X-Men (which, why wouldn’t they?), their film rights were still owned by 20th Century Fox.
Since Fox was pretty much a rival company to Marvel until Disney bought them out, Marvel basically saw any form of FF and X-Men representation as free-marketing for Fox.
So they decided to essentially not to allow any FF or X-Men related characters to appear in any media outside the comics and even reduced their overall presence as well.
Which is why Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and the other non X-Men mutants were retconned into not being mutants, why Quicksilver himself has been sort of been an afterthought in recent years, why the Inhumans were pushed so hard, and why the FF and X-Men characters weren’t in this game.
Plus the justifications and excuses for this from the developers are absolutely hilarious, because you can just tell that they’re lying through their teeth while being held up at gunpoint by a bunch of Marvel executives.
Oh yeah, let’s bring up the other biggest elephant in the room and want led to Square Enix developing Avengers.
After Infinite came out and got quickly abandoned by the player-base, many people at Capcom have come out to reveal just how awful it was working with Marvel and Disney.
They weren’t just pushy with who and who couldn’t be in the roster. 
They were also pushy about how the characters that would be in the roster would be portrayed (specifically wanting them to heavily resemble their MCU iterations) and even changing their themes to be exactly like the MCU ones. 
Hell, this pushiness was so bad that for the trailers, they did not want the Marvel characters to be depicted as losing!
This was also an issue back during 3 as well, but it was essentially amplified during this game.
This really shows just how petty Marvel really is….
They’re willing to ignore and downplay the existence of two major players of their brand that people have loved for decades and were created by the two men them helped make the company they are today.
They’re unwilling to compromise and it has to be their way or the highway.
And this pettiness eventually came to bite them in the ass as Capcom’s statements about working with them eventually reached many of the other big video game developers.
And soon enough, when Marvel was trying to find someone to develop Avengers, none of the big game developers wanted anything to do with it!
Eventually, they did find a developer with Square Enix, who already had experience working with Disney via Kingdom Hearts.
It’s actually ironically hilarious that the heads at Marvel believed all three of these projects would actually be successful because of the MCU synergy, but they all ended up being flops because of said MCU synergy!
But this desire for MCU synergy has not only negatively affected non-MCU project of this time, but even ones that either came out before this desire or….never came out at all.
I’m sure many of you remember The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
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This show was essentially a love letter to the Silver Age comics of Marvel  and strived to be an near-faithful adaptation of many classic and even recent Avengers storylines, while also having its own unique spin on it.
Hell, in some cases, the EMH versions of these storylines are actually better than the originals, especially in the case of Secret Invasion. 
Sadly, the show got cancelled in 2012 after 2 seasons and 52 episodes…and to this day, EMH probably has one of the dumbest and scummiest reasons for cancellation in television animation history.
The reason this show was cancelled because Marvel wanted to replace with it a show that was more in-line with the MCU, aka Avengers Assemble.
Yep! Not low ratings. Not bad critical reception. Not budgetary reasons. Hell, not even bad toy sales, which was a major reason for a lot of action cartoons around this time getting the axe!
And it doesn’t get much better from here.
During the 2010s, there were a lot of promising Marvel projects that never saw the light of the day, with two of the most notable being the animated Deadpool series and Marvel Era.
Following the success of 2016 film, FX and Marvel Television decided to collaborate to created an animated series based on the merc with the mouth, with Donald Glover (yes, that Donald Glover) being one of the main showrunners, alongside his brother Stephen.
However, the series was cancelled almost a year within its development, with the main reason being that Marvel wasn't particularly big on the vision that the Glovers had for this series.
And apart Donald speculating racism on Marvel’s part (which given that Jeph Loeb was meant to be an executive producer on this series, that possibly could be the case), another possible factor for the show’s cancellation was because of Deadpool’s connection with the X-Men, and during this show’s production, Marvel was still in their “the X-Men don’t matter anymore” phase.
And it really sucks because the pitch animation for this was really good and made this seem like it was going to be a very fun show.
New we come to Marvel Era.
Out of all the cancelled projects, this was perhaps the most interesting.
Marking a first for their animated shows, this would’ve been an anthology series released in 2014 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Marvel Comics.
It was going to be produced by Powerhouse Animation (best known for Netflix’s Castlevania series) and it was gonna have 7 stories, with each one being themed around a different decade and focusing on a different character.
There would’ve been a 40s story focusing on Captain America, a 50s story focusing on either Wolverine or Namor the Sub-Mariner, a 60s story focusing on the X-Men, a 70s story focusing on The Heroes for Hire, a 80s story focusing on The Punisher, a 90s story focusing on the aforementioned Deadpool, and a 2000s story focusing on Captain Marvel.
This honestly seemed like it was going to be a really great show, which was enhanced by the absolutely gorgeous animation of the pitch trailer.
Unfortunately, Powerhouse announced that the project was cancelled because it wasn’t what Marvel Television were focusing on.
Which is code for: Marvel didn’t want it because it wasn’t MCU adjacent….
To wrap this up, I just wanted to bring up the reason I made this in the first place.
Over the last few weeks, there was a leak for a upcoming episode of X-Men ‘97, which showed a shot of Captain America’s shield.
And this led many people to somewhat groan, believing that this was yet another case of MCU synergy. 
And although this was proven to be false, it really does speak volume with how much influence the MCU has had.
Although it has brought lot of Marvel’s star characters into the mainstream, the MCU has shaped and changed them so much, that it seems like they can no longer exist as characters who have existed for literal DECADES.
They always have to be associated with a film franchise that has existed for about 1/6 of their existence in fiction.
But I think the biggest takeaway to all this is that this constant MCU synergy kinda shows a lack of reverence for Marvel’s legacy.
Look at this merchandising from the 2010s and 2020s....
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In most of this merchandise, the character roster featured is almost always the same.
The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and the Web Warriors, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
The Inhumans were also apart of this roster until, as I mentioned earlier, got banished to the Shadow Realm....
Occasionally you'll get some of the other cosmic characters like Nova, She-Hulk and some of the street-level heroes like Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider, and The Heroes for Hire.
But those are few and far between.
But other than that, it's largely the four I mentioned earlier.
Because they're the main faces of the MCU, and as we all know, everything has to be related to the MCU in some way....
But now let's compare that to some Marvel merchandising from the mid-to-late 2000s and early 2010s....
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Upon seeing this, you can tell that there’s a far greater sense of appreciation for Marvel.
This merchandising pulls from nearly every corner of the Marvel Universe you can think off and features characters from the heavy hitters, to the borderline obscure.
Plus it still heavily features the Fantastic Four and X-Men characters, who, may I remind you, spent a good chunk of the 2010s having their presence greatly reduced and their existence constantly threatened or denied because of movie rights!
All in all, Marvel really needs to stop the MCU synergy.
In spite of what they think, it’s clearly done nothing but harm and stifle many potentially good (even great) projects.
Not only that, but it’s also gonna start harming the Marvel brand itself with how homogenized they’ve made everything and the rapidly increasing lack of interest in the MCU.
Plus its also brought out the worst in Marvel.
From cancelling projects for stupid reasons, to showing a lack of respect for the legacy they’ve build, to literally being difficult to work with because of how they want everything to be their way.
But things do seem to be looking up a bit….
There’s been the multiple of Spider-Man media of the last few years , which has been one of the few Marvel projects that aren’t bogged down by MCU synergy.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur also ended being shockingly really good, and although it does have some MCU synergy, it’s pretty minor.
And now we have X-Men ‘97.
It does appear that there’s some kind of movement in Marvel to actually start making projects again that aren’t being made to be a glorified MCU circle-jerks.
And hopefully, this could led to some really unique and interesting projects, specifically for this year.
Since remember, this year marks the 85th anniversary of Marvel Comics, so that’s pretty big!
But then again, their corporate overlord had an utter embarrassment of a year for their centennial….
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And Marvel themselves also contributed to that as well….
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treverscottcameron · 9 months
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My Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin from Marvel and Upperdeck's Marvel Masterpieces 2023 set.
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xmencovered · 23 days
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Marvel Universe - Series 1 (1990) #99 X-Men vs Avengers / Artist: Mark Bagley
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flexingtyger99 · 1 year
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DC vs. Marvel
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figures4fun · 2 years
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Hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving! - From the team at Figures4Fun
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The OP's complaint is that the term "Avengers level threat" is so reductive it diminishes the threats the likes of the X-Men and Fantastic Four face, thus unfairly painting them as lesser teams compared to the Avengers despite facing similar threats. But the Avengers fan is obviously so opposed to the very idea of any team, especially the fucking X-Men, being seen as equal to the Avengers they see this is dickriding slander. Some obviously got so into Avengers vs X-Men they still have it as their entire personality over a decade later.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
If i was in the marvel fandom in 2012 i would've been a major loki hater ngl. I started to warm up in the dark world. I know its controversial but i liked him in Ragnarok but then they killed him in infinity war im sfill mad abt
I like Loki a lot, and I liked him least in Avengers (2012). I watched the movies out of order at first (A1> T:TDW> Thor 1). I enjoyed him a lot in the Avengers, I was drawn to him because he's fun, but he also gave me second-hand embarrassment because he was just so arrogant yet got his ass handed to him(And I didn't know the backstory). I didn't think about Loki for a long time, until I watched T:TDW, where I fell head-over-heels for him. Without Loki, that movie would have felt like watching paint dry, so I felt especially grateful to Loki for that. That eventually got me to finally watch Thor 1. LOL. I enjoyed him in Ragnarok a lot, as well, and shipped him with Valkyrie, but I was not in the MCU fandom at the time (I was in another fandom). I am also still mad about Loki being killed off like that in IW!!!! Let's mourn!
Bear in mind I am biased towards antagonists and villains while reading this. This is my history of how I ended up obsessed with Marvel's Loki. And I am not sure if I should tag this post as "anti Thor" because I mention my extreme dislike of Thor from the past (and reasons). But I mention at the very end he grew on me. It's up to you if you keep reading.
The first time I saw Marvel's Loki, it was on a Hulk v. Thor cartoon on Netflix. Loki looks like an evil DILF in there. And Hela is a hot giant goth lady. I remember I googled norse mythology for the first time because up until then, I had thought "Son of the Mask" made up Loki, and I wanted to learn more about Hela (Hel). And I learned about Sleipnir and how hilarious myth!Loki was.
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I found cartoon Thor annoying because he felt too perfect, and that's the kind of character that grates my nerves. And he survived thanks to a kiss from Amora, ugh, that's so dumb. I didn't go to watch Thor (2011) for the longest time because Thor just annoyed me because he felt too perfect and Gary Stu-ish in that cartoon.
And the comics I read at the time, specifically for Loki, made me dislike Thor more because they were like "Thor is the FUCKING BEST! AND ALL THESE SCANTILY CLAD WOMEN WANT TO FUCK HIM. BLEH BLEH. "(I was reading some omnibus by Matt Fraction on readcomicsonline). But I was more of a lurker in fandom, with no tumblr account, so I didn't express it.
And it annoyed me that some Marvel re-tellings of the myths (think it was Ages of Thunder) substituted Loki's cleverness (that saved him in the myths) for Thor being merciful or coming to the rescue. And they'd make Loki not only much eviler, but also dumber than in the myths when scheming and wprd-play is supposed to be his thing. Like, let Loki have something! You don't even have to write it because the myth you're adapting is there already! And ugh. Like no offense to anyone, but I don't really feel bad over Loki being so popular because those comics that existed for 5-6 decades annoyed the fuck out of me.
Also, at the time, a bunch of comic book nerds and dudebros would lose their shit over Loki's popularity. And Loki would be the subject of really fucked up homophobic jokes in parodies (*cough* The Key of Awesome).
Thor started growing on me in Ragnarok, IW (coolest Thor), and EG (EG!Thor is my fave because he's just so sad and I love sad men). And he was actually not Gary Stu-ish in Thor 1, I just didn't appreciate it at the time (unlike in other Marvel media). So I definitely like MCU!Thor way more than in many of his comics runs.
I also feel like I have different Thor and Loki preferences than most of the fandom, because I was a lurker and didn't interact with the fandom until 2022 and then making this blog, thanks to the Loki series bringing back my Loki phase.
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toohottohoot · 1 year
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leoxxii · 2 years
YES kamala being a mutant instead of an inhuman doesnt really matter. but my dumb ass started caring for that circus and MAYBE im a bit sad that marketing ploys and possible petty wars between ceos ended up with said circus getting trashed!!!! maybe i want these characters to get something GOOD for once and not get treated like dogshit in some fued to sell more x-men vs sell more inhumans!!!! maybe i just want the several years worth of tv shows, shows that got me into the mcu and comics, to have had SOME impact on the larger story!! at LEAST to be able to, i dont know, have ONE inhuman show up in the background of those giant battles that happens every once in a while?? maybe i just want those years of build up to,,, go somewhere and not just fade away in favor of "well, people like this more, so the other stuff doesn't matter anymore"??
or maybe its just funny that mr maximus boltagon has been stuck on the moon for like 8 years now and kevin fiege is desperately pretending he never existed in the first place!! i dont know what my feelings are im just upset an entire faction of characters are getting sidelined because a different one would make more money.
plus my brother predicted her being a mutant instead and he wont stop bragging about it so thanks for that too 😭
#like. inhumans have really good potential!#black bolt and maximus have very similar dynamics to thor and loki so like. THEY COULD BE GOOD.#the actors are good the characters are THERE its all possible if u just. get some actual writers and directors?? good ones????#plus its like. BOTH the x men and inhumans have been so ignored in favor of the avengers#that its just gonna be weird to have EITHER spontaneously show up now#like. where the fuck where they when thanos was about to DESTROY THE UNIVERSE.#everyone just busy or smth??? charles wasnt concerned about it???? NO mutanrs decided to help???#or is kamala older than all of them and we're gonna get teenage mutants with wildly different origins#like its not a mutant vs inhumans thing to me. its a 'continuing the years of inhumans makes more storytelling sense#than throwing mutants in now and trying to figure that out instead'#the entire show felt like a build up to future inhumans PLUS black bolt return in dsmom made me hopeful!!!#like!!! sue me!!! i thought it was being laid out for us 7 inhumans fans!!! yes im a bit upset!!!!#sorry i keep seeing all these posts arguing over it and its peeving me off#i KNOW its all meaningless shit that doesnt matter and theres barely a difference between mutants and inhumans anyways#but it matters to me and i LIKE THEM so im sad everyones getting screwed over bc two old men keep arguing over what makes the most money 😭#marvel#inhumans#ms marvel spoilers#GOD i talk so much. I CARE ABOUT THEM VERY STRONGLY....
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