#masc makeup is so important
darlingfella · 1 year
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It’s real thembo hours 💗💜
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mswyrr · 9 months
i guess it's left the consciousness in the US? but there were so many stories from the Vietnam War era of boys beaten by their fathers for having long hair and/or forcibly shorn of their long hair by the military or parents. collins is older and would know those stories.
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her father was in the military, so she knows what it does to young men (intentionally)- it's valid to find tom blyth hotter with the look -but the *textual point* of being forced to join the military as a punishment and the entire forced shearing of his hair/etc is about how boys are dehumanized into tools to dehumanize others
i grew up near a military base, so i saw it all the time. it's awful and the techniques they use are very deliberate and effective.
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it's about a whole young person, whose personhood involved all kinds of traits and possibilities, being "shaved down" into a tool and dehumanized - and when he becomes the mask of his father, that's him colluding and doing it to himself in order to secure a safer spot in this system
the costuming/hair/makeup/behavioral androgyny of his wholeness before all of this is very pointedly in stark contrast to the soldier boy he is made into and the Capitol Man he makes himself
he's *textually suicidal* after the series of violations/acts of dehumanization the military uses on him
and his intimate name--the name he says is for people who love him in the book--"Coryo" dies with the second, willing self-mutilation - no one speaks it anymore. he betrayed the friend who called him that and Tigris refuses to call the person he is now by that beloved name
the visuals are not treating his more masc looks as a "glow up" or him becoming more - they're him becoming less himself. and i think this is important to read in contrast to peeta - a soft boy who Collins depicts as heroic and courageous for fighting to retain his softness and traits associated with femininity.
imo part of why people are so adamant that coriolanus' heel turn is him becoming "his true self" is because it meshes with the narrative that a boy must shear away his softness & anything associated with femininity to become his true self. that it's a good and necessary thing for boys to let go for their wholeness and "man up." Collins doesn't do that with Peeta though
she doesn't push the idea that boys need to cut themselves down to fit narrow ideas of gender, so i think this (and her knowledge of military culture and older discussions about gender re: Vietnam in the US) all fit together for me
collins has said she writes about war - and this is a very important part of how war *functions*. how do you get a lot of young men who are complex, whole people to become tools you can order to kill each other?
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lias-writings · 1 year
Feminine girlfriend headcannons
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request: no
pairing: bella ramsey x fem!reader
tw: fluff, feminine!reader, mentions of public affection, mentions of men,
summary: headcannons of Bella having super feminine girlfriend <3
a/n: before anything, i do not want people to think I am gendering makeup, dresses etc. “feminine” becase idk how else to call it and regardless of if you’re a female/male/non-binary you can dress/wear makeup how ever you want, okay I hope you understand, enjoy<33
🎀 first of all I just know bella would love watching you getting all dolled up even to just go shopping
🎀 bella being hot, rich actor would definitely spoil you as much as he can, they would buy you any clothes or makeup you desire
🎀 sometimes she would let you do their makeup or skincare but just becase he can’t say no to you
🎀 I feel like bella would love when you wear mini skirts/dresses, but hate when others, especially men are staring!!
🎀 even tho your closet is mostly pastel-coloured, you love wearing bella’s baggy tomboy t-shirts
🎀 and they would love you wearing them even more
🎀 most of the time bella’s amazed with the magic you can do with makeup or the complicated hairstyles you’re able to create on your head
🎀 whenever you get the opportunity you love to curl their hair cuz they look amazing with the waves (the gif🧎🏿‍♀️)
🎀 bella loves to show you off so whenever she has some event going on, they take you to the red carpet with her and always make sure you two are matching
🎀 if you are also famous she’s at all of your important events/premieres!!
🎀 one of bella’s love languages is gift giving so whenever he sees you admiring a new bag or a fancy dress, few days later you have it laying on your bed in a gift bag/box with a small gift-card from your lovely partner <33
🎀 whenever a dude in a public is staring at you they always wrap an arm around your waist and hold you closer to them
🎀 bella loves shopping with you, their favorite part is when you get home and you’re trying on all the stuff you bought putting on a little show
🎀 you have matching bracelets you made for the two of you awwh
🎀 talking about bracelets bella loves buying you a fancy jewelry, they definitely got you a promise ring on your either b-day or anniversary
🎀 let’s stick to the rings; whenever you buy a new ring for bella they wear it for next interview and whenever the interviewer mentions their ring she’s always like “yeah, my gf got me this!”
🎀 bella’s definitely a sucker for thighs so when you’re wearing short skirt it’s hard for them to keep their hands to themselves
🎀 if you’re the type of person that would say “there is nothing in there” while staring at the closet filled to bursting with clothes they’d would just raise an eyebrow and give you one of their comfy grey sweatshirt <33
🎀 matching earrings!!!
🎀 you stealing one of their t-shirts and them asking you after like 6 moths if you don’t know where that t-shirt is
🎀 when you and bella officially announced that you are a couple people were shocked cuz you “didn’t look gay” ( no because how are we fem!lesbians/bi/pan girls supposed to look gay? )
🎀 if you are not famous, you definitely had a social media and dating an actor kinda helped raising the numbers up so you may or may not started thinking about posting grwm’s/makeup tutorials if you do bella’s always commenting something like “first” or “can I get a hi🥺”
🎀 last but not least you two would definitely became the “it couple” as the perfect example of masc! and fem! or some shit like that. 😍
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starstriix · 5 months
can we talk about just how effective jock would’ve been in pushing a jo character arc. It’s not just the fact that Brick acts as a good moral compass, but it’s also how he encompasses EVERYTHING jo tries to avoid (he’s open with his femininity, emotional, sensitive, clumsy etc) and jo…still likes and respects him??
Like, she views him as an equal to the point of overestimating him (you and I both know that mf was trying his hardest in the thumb wrestling scene and jo was all “oh he hardly tried!! what a gentleman!!☺️” GIRL YOU NEARLY BROKE HIS THUMB). You can tell she genuinely enjoys competing with Brick, and she’s never bored whenever they interact. She’s often the one to go up and talk to him, despite beating him time and time again. Jo views him as a worthy competitor even after witnessing him being the most embarrassing man alive (who the fuck tries to dislocate their hip to impress a girl) and pissing himself.
The point is, Jo clearly holds Brick in somewhat of a higher regard despite him showing weakness so often. And that’s important because Jo’s main driving force is not wanting to appear weak.
You can see little moments of her showing care or concern before immediately switching back to her cutthroat attitude. Caring is a “”weakness”” that prevents you from winning (demonstrated by Brick in episode 7). When Jo volunteers to have makeup put on her, she immediately covers it up with a facade of toughness and says she’s “only [doing it] for the good of the team” (Compare this to Brick’s “Yeah, you heard me.” after announcing his dream of going to fashion school). She’s definitely struggling with internalised misogyny and associating femininity with weakness, but that’s an essay for another day.
Brick shows so much “weakness” and yet she still somewhat respects and even cares for him more than the other contestants. And I find that SO interesting.
Especially because he's her rival??? Their relationship is the embodiment of competition. Overcompetitiveness (or toxic competitiveness) is one of Jo's most glaring flaws, so to have her actually care about the one she should be against the MOST? It's a really good way of showing her overcoming her own toxic competitiveness.
Also, the parallels between Jo basically kick-starting Brick's character arc about prioritising the wellbeing of others...and then having Brick be a focal point in a Jo arc about prioritising the wellbeing of others...chef's kiss
I'd also like to add a little detail in relation to Jo's contestant biography. Specifically on her weird dream about letting a guy win because she thought he was "attractive." Yes this was hinting at Brick idc it was way too specific and odd compared to the other dreams, and Brick is the only guy we know who constantly competed against her (and lost). And I'm definitely reading into this too much, but it's actually quite interesting how her subconscious attraction to the guy overpowered her very, VERY intense need to win. Guess that's why it was a weird dream, but it still makes me think about the potential of Jo sacrificing her win for someone she grew to care for. Also I want representation of masc women in relationships that aren’t just played off as a joke
I can go on about this all night (I wish I could) but yeah. I really wish they'd give Jo a proper character arc because she really deserved one. She deserves to be able to grow and develop because she's a great fucking character, and Brick was literally the key to all of that. Peace out
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ca-suffit · 2 months
im sorry your takes are generally pretty great and i appreciate the space you make in fandom but i find the dismissal around lestat's queerness to be diminishing.
louis is a fantastic gay character and u r right about how he represents his queerness which is fabulously. he is mother he is fashion he is wife, a lot, and lestat is a lot more masc in aspects of their dynamic. louis also struggles with it, had internalized homophobia, and his relationship to his sexuality is fraught. now you can have that complexity and still be a "gay icon" sure but what i see here is a gay man existing. not every gay man existing has to be ~iconic~. louis is working on himself.
lestat is a different person and is going out there to make a mark on culture actively, regardless of why. he's not putting on a dress for five seconds (which btw was still pretty impactful in context but ok), he is being meaningfully gnc and making art. this is what queer culture is. it's frustrating to see this element diminished like it's just a meme or a bunch of people being thirsty.
im all for critiquing fandom being weirdos about it but i think the showrunners are doing something spectacular and pretending like fans are making lestat into something he is not just isn't the vibe.
reading this made me realize that I left out a sentence in this ask, so it did come off differently than I intended. I'd meant to say there's already been a lot of exploration of characters / ppl like lestat, but there's never been a character like louis before. I wasn't rly ever talking about lestat's queerness itself, I was talking about how he's prioritized bcuz he's white.
if u personally identity with him in this then that's ur right to, obviously. no group is a monolith and I was never trying to say one way is more "right" than the other. I rly do apologize if it came across like that, cuz I can see why it did.
"he's not putting on a dress for five seconds (which btw was still pretty impactful in context but ok)"
I don't rly know what u mean here bcuz within the show, nobody comments on the dress. ppl react to the baby but everything we know of the dress otherwise was only revealed by carol cutshall bts. I don't know what impact ur meaning here. to the tv audience, sure, but the NOLA audience?? or is it the fact he designed it in the first place.
tbh the thing I most noticed was that once again a white, european immigrant got to be center stage in an event that louis, as a black, louisiana native, isn't (like the card game lestat already had a place at more favored than louis earlier in S1). he also was able to wear that dress in public without public scorn (being european prbly helped here too, he's "other'd" but not the same way as louis is "other'd" for being black), which is something louis could never have done and actually survived at all. it's not that lestat doesn't experience homophobia otherwise, but he's still got a lot more room to confront it than louis, claudia, or armand would have, as ppl who would be confronting homophobia *and* racism with no access to white privilege (claudia literally dies in the same hour we see lestat confront a homophobe otherwise on his and louis' behalf and "win").
idk what they're going to explore for S3 yet, but what we've seen so far is....not that deep tbh. it's not even especially "queer." we're aware he is so we know it is, but straight men have worn makeup and flashy outfits and done homoerotic shit as musicians before too. very often. nothing we've seen from lestat so far has been pushing any boundary as a queer artist or making any kind of statement. I'm not trying to sound like a total bitch here, but a lot of what ur saying is pushing this white fandom agenda of the "importance" of so much that any white, queer character does that....just isn't. lestat's image and sound is taking a lot from other ppl in real music history who *were* doing groundbreaking things at the time, straight or not, but what he's doing is just wearing it as a costume rn. his lyrics even say "I'm an actor / in my makeup." like I said, S3 in full will bring more to the table, obviously, but for what we've seen so far....this hasn't said anything in any objective way that's "deep." u can still like it and identity with it, but idk how u'd argue that it's doing anything tbh. ur welcome to do it tho, I'm not trying to shut down the conversation here. I'm just giving my perspective. I *do* actually think this is stuff we should talk about exactly *bcuz* fandom rides so hard for it all the time. it should be explored why that is, what's the logic behind it. I rly am interested.
edit: wanted to add too that p much everyone we see in this show is queer and creative so literally why is nobody ever saying all this about louis' photography, claudia's acting and interest in fashion (or her general observations on the world thru so many diaries that are referenced in multiple ways as she's not around anymore to speak otherwise), armand's theatre work, madeleine's dressmaking. that's usually why ppl comment on lestat, bcuz he's the most noticed and praised but he's literally not the only one doing it at all.
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orchideous-nox · 1 month
I love your stuff so much!! I was wondering if maybe you had some headcanons for some of the girls?? I'd love to hear them :3
Hi anon, thank you so much! This is so fun, I want to yap about the girls more often so I guess this is a good starting point!!!
I love Lily so much, since dying my hair ginger one of my favourite comments I get on tiktok is people saying I look like how they picture Lily which is the biggest compliment. I hc Lily as being bi and currently my favourite person to ship her with is Pandora but I have Chappell Roan related plans to write a one-shot of MaryLily. Lily's favourite flowers are daisies and angel's breath and you can find them in her hair during the summer. She loves to read either by the fire when it's cold or under a tree in the park in July. She's an omnivert and enjoys quiet study sessions with Remus where they don't have to talk but also is very happy to be dragged up to do karaoke with Mary and Marlene. Her favourite colour is sage green because it brings out her freckles and her favourite season is spring because she says "the air just smells different". Also plus-size Lily all the way!
Mary is a girl's girl. She is the one who teaches the younger students how to do their makeup and and is the chief hair braider. She has a diary the whole way through school and she writes all of her juiciest secrets in there because she knows all the gossip about everyone and keeps them all in the bottom of her trunk. Her favourite song would either be Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac or Does Your Mother Know by ABBA. She is the biggest flirt with everybody and the real Casanova of Gryffindor Tower. Her signature lip gloss is cherry scented and everyone is the group has had at least one kiss on the cheek from her which has left a pinky-red lip gloss mark there. If I was going to assign a fc for her it would be Rachel Chinouriri, I think she's so beautiful and the Mary vibes are just there.
Marlene being from Manchester is so real for me. She grew up supporting Manchester United and went to the matches with her dad. She is the masc lesbian of my dreams (I saw someone who looked like her once and I might have fell a little bit in love) and they own the wolfcut. Marls can be sighted wearing a little top (baby tee/ tight crop top) and big pants (literally the baggiest jeans you have ever seen). When Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis comes on, she is singing the loudest. Marlene never came out, everyone just knew they are gay and when they got their first girlfriend everyone just shrugged and was like "cool". Marlene uses she/they pronouns and will punch anyone in the dick if they are mean to her friends. She absolutely adores Dorcas and is like "my girlfriend" at any opportunity. You can catch Marlene dancing along to Seventeen Going Under by Sam Fender because "he just gets me", she she will insist he is the only man she could ever love just to annoy the Marauders boys.
My Ravenclaw girliiieeee!! If you couldn't tell, Pandora has really grown on me recently and I am slowly working up to writing a fic where she is in the main ship. Pandora being a Ravenclaw like Luna is so important to me and I hc her as a Rosier and is Evan's twin when I write her, but not the way that people normally write them. Pandora is very adamant that she is her own person and there is more to her than being a twin. She loves her experiments which we know from canon, she would have loved watching How Its Made (the tv show), and was that kid who would take things apart to see how they work. She collects insects like butterflies, moths and beetles and keeps them in a display in her room and has pet stick insects that she loves to freak people out with. Pandora would LOVE Paris Paloma, she's vibing with Labour and Notre Dame and The Fruits. Although I said I love shipping Lily with Pandora, Xenophilius and Pandora (xenodora) have my heart, I love them, they are my favourite straight-presenting queer couple. I think they chose the surname Lovegood when they got married (I hc Xeno as a disowned Malfoy) which I know a few people hc. I could talk about Pandora forever but I will move on.
Last but not least, Dorcas! She's the kind of girl who calls everyone babydoll (Barty loves it). She's such an it-girl and would be the person you see on Instagram posing in front of the houses in Kensington with her iced coffee. Dorcas is taalllll and has legs for days, models should be glad she decided to stick to being the office siren. Her favourite hobbies are judgingly people watching in the window seat of coffee shops, and taming her girlfriend to stop them from trying to fight everyone who looks at the two of them funny. Everyone thinks Dorcas hates them at first (even Marlene who spend months thinking Dorcas was rebuffing her advances), but she just looks at everyone like that, she shows her love by being mean. Dorcas loves to listen to Rina Sawayama, her favourite song is STFU!
I'm just gonna stick with those 5 for now because they're the ones I write in my fics. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to yap about them!!! <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 12 days
As an alt Batfam autistic,the gender swag erasure y'all do to Jason and Stephanie CANNOT stand.Yes,Jason is a masc dude and Stephanie is a fem girl but they're goth punk and pastel punk about it.Read:Nonconformists!!!Jason is positively and healthily masculine and isn't pissy about 'childish'/feminine things because he's self-confident enough to not care about 'proving' his manhood and has too much street cred to be afraid to dive into gncness when it comes across his path and his masculinity is the accurately gothic kind.Homeboy is macabe and cryptid-esque asf PERSONALITY and lifestyle wise,not just in aesthetic(although that's absolute a part of it,all his Red Hood costumes are at least goth-y/punk-ish with his current one being the best potrayal of goth punk drips he's ever had)and Stephanie has the attitide and mannerisms that would get her branded as a tomboy by normies-She's loud,she's mean,she's snarky,she's unhingedishly goofy,she's sloppy,she's kiddy,she's got a temper and violent tendencies,she's a metalhead and tons of other things because she is everything BUT her gender is purely feminine.She's a y2k/90s pink girlypop but in purple flavor and she has typically girlish tastes and behavior like trashtalking boys for being stereotypical boys,emphasizing her girlhood at every chance as it's so important to her,wearing overtly feminine outfits and makeup,being a mom friend and TONS of other things.Jason and Stephanie are alt/punks.Their relathionships to gender aren't the same as normies and they shouldn't ever be potrayed as such because alt subcultures,ESPECIALLY punk,are heavily tied to transgenderism and queerness in general so it's a pipeline to erasing that.Please don't do that and consider headcanoning them as afropunks(afro-dominican Jason + jamaican/south korean Stephanie)with me instead for even more accuracy since punk was made by black people and Jason and Stephanie work perfectly as black characters
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microchive · 7 months
gideon's butch portrayal is so fucking important to me i've always been really protective of butch characters in media, just because i so often see them forced into the "confident, predatory masc" who is basically a cishet dude written with no regard for butch history box. often fanworks will suddenly put them in makeup and a dress and all their friends marvel at how they clean up nicely if they put some effort into it, as if lesbian masculinity is in any way inferior or a lack of effort. gideon being so well written (with understanding of queer history) as a young butch genuinely means the world to me and i love her beyond words
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apparently i've gotten really good at having closeted queer vibes while still presenting as very fem, so i've decided to put together a bit of a list of tips
(btw this is coming from an afab person who still has to present as fem, as in dress fem and not cut my hair too short and etc. this probably wont apply to masc presenting people as much)
1. first, confidence, especially around people of the opposite gender. think "one of the boys" but not "let's go play football". in my experience, this helps to separate a fem person from the stereotype of thinking all boys are cute and giggling about them.
TLDR: be confident and friendly to everyone regardless of gender presentation.
2. halter tops and turtlenecks are your best friend. anything with a high neck, but in the summer, high neck + showing shoulders has gotten me on so many peoples gaydar without being obvious
3. if you have naturally curly or wavy hair, wear it natural, especially if you have shorter hair
4. if you have longer hair, do something other than wear it straight or in a ponytail. go for space buns or a single dutch braid or something else creative.
5. siobhan thompson glasses, or any wire glasses in an interesting shape (picture example below)
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6. pants. if it's an event where you need to look nice, dress pants.
7. lipstick. preferably in a bolder color (i like browns and reds). also eyeliner on the outside corner of your eye, or more if that's your vibe. i always have to have natural looking makeup, so corner eyeliner is a great addition
8. converse, vans, or in the case of a nicer event find unique sandals or flats. avoid heels.
9. bracelets, dangly earrings, layered necklaces. avoid single necklaces.
10. [IMPORTANT!!] wear flattering colors. wear things that make you look great. don't conform to any trends. don't conform to my advice, even. wear what will make you the best you you can be. if you are authentic, other authentic people will know.
(these are just some tips that have worked for me. they may not work for everyone, but i've managed to find the few queer people in very anti-queer crowds at like a dozen events over the past year by following this advice. i felt lost when i first was discovering my identity, so hopefully some of this might help someone out)
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naquey · 1 month
Trans Masc Robbie Headcanons
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Smells like axe all day everyday
Got toxic masculinity tips from Manly Dan (only because Dan doesnt know how straight men function)
Wendy was the first girlfriend that made him feel like he was a boy, and she supported him a lot
"Destiny Hoodie" was his dysphoria comfort hoodie, now its too important to get dirty so he stopped wearing it
After weirdmageddon he gets a part time job at the arcade
Massive dysphoria around his face, he is very upset he can't grow facial hair
He also refuses to work out so he has a noodly body
At first, he was scared to tell Tambry because she isnt really expressive but once she finds out she's chill with it
Whenever his parents hear those people saying "When your dead they'll know your bones are female," they scare the absolute shit out of them by running out with a shovel and a shotgun and start yapping about zombies coming back from the dead
It works everytime
Stanley once said he wore too much makeup to be a man, and Robbie cried about it for weeks (Stanley apologized when Wendy broke down the gift shop door in a big fit of rage)
Forsaken everything feminine until he realized its more manly to be a little girly
Mabel tried to get him and Dipper in the same room, but it resulted in them yelling at each other and insulting each other
Mabel will try again
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veren-cos · 1 month
Obey me x Trans (masc) Reader
Coming out as trans to the brothers. (Pre transition)
• "Mc. I love you. I should have told you a long time ago, but I love you. Could I please be yours?"
• He finally confessed his feelings to you, and yet all you could think was. 'He doesn't know..'
• Lucifer rarely expressed interest in anyone, let alone romantic interest. He never even mentioned romance as a topic.
• So when he asked you to date him after you'd been pining for so long, you didn't think it would actually happen.
• You just thought that nothing would ever come to fruition. So you never thought to worry about coming out to him.
• You stood there, and took his hands into yours.
• "Lucifer,"
• "Yes?"
• "I love you too. Lucifer, I would love to date you. But I need to tell you something."
• He looked at you and raised an eyebrow.
• "I'm trans. I don't know if that would affect anything but just. I'm a guy. And I really like you. But-"
• He cut you off, "mc that doesn't matter to me. I'm still in love with you, and you being a man doesn't change anything. I still love you."
• He tightened the hold he had in your hands.
• And although you didn't realize it was even there, the worry in your heart melted away.
• "Is it really okay?"
• And he smiled, "of course, dear."
• Ngl this probably happened when you were going to fill in as a model with Mammon.
• It probably was a couple shoot and they had a bunch of super girly clothes set out. And while you were comfortable with being feminine at times, this was not one of those times. It just made you think that no one saw you as a guy. And no one ever would.
• You tugged at Mammon's sleeve.
• "Mamms, I'm so sorry, I can't do this."
• You looked like you were about to cry. Everyone kept saying how pretty you looked, and they kept pestering you with makeup.
• Mammon looked at you and it took him a second to read your face.
• "MC are you okay??" He took you by the shoulders, "MC what's wrong? I can take you home. I shouldn't have brought you here, are you okay??"
• "Mammon I can't do it. All the clothes. They are just. Too much."
• "Too much?" Now he just looked confused. The clothes weren't revealing, and they weren't outrageous. They were relatively simple.
• You took a breath. "Mammon I'm a guy."
• And he blinked at you, "what?"
• "Mammon I'm trans. I'm a guy, and I really don't feel comfortable wearing those kinds of clothes right now, or any more than I have to."
• And then it all clicked in his head. "Oh geez well why didn't you tell me any sooner!" He bonked your head before talking to one of the managers.
• Which left you frazzled because you just told him something super important and he just walked away????
• By the time he came back you were looking more distraught than before.
• "They are grabbing different clothes! I offered to just switch what we were wearing, but they have some more masculine clothing they'd been looking to show for a while, so you can wear those, okay?" He pat your shoulder, "You should have told me sooner. I'm your first guy, you gotta trust me with these things!"
• He shot you a flashy smile before continuing getting ready for the shoot.
• Mammon is a whirlwind and if you went to talk to him more about it later, he would take the time to listen to you. But he honestly isn't phased and doesn't care one bit. You are still his human!
• You would probably come out to him whole cosplaying?
• If you didn't already know you were trans, cosplaying with Levi might spark some realization ngl.
• But one day you were cosplaying with him, and you had a cosplay of a guy on. (Henry)
• The two of you were taking some pictures to post on devilgram, when Levi noticed a glint in your eye.
• Levi wasn't really one to pick up on emotional or social things, but he recognizes joy and envy when he sees it.
• He sees that you are much more confident, and makes a comment about it. He is so happy you are enjoying yourself while spending time with him.
• But for some reason, you get sad. He can't help but wonder why you would get sad when he said you looked confident. That's a good thing!!! ..Right?
• So when you start to take the wig and accessories off, he is very concerned. "Mc!! What's wrong? Was I too pushy I'm sorry!!" He got really down on himself thinking he was what made you upset.
• You just sighed. "No.. no Levi this isn't because of you. It's just." You looked at the picture of yourself. You wished you could look like that all the time. Everyone knows that character is a guy. You just wished everyone could look at you without the outfit and think the same thing.
• "This is going to sound stupid."
• He scoffs. "Nothing that comes our of your mouth could be stupid."
• "It's just that. I wish I could be like that all the time. Or look like that."
• "Like Henry?"
• "Yes. Well.. No. I just wish people would see me as a guy."
• Levi looks a little confused, but he has seen some similar stuff in some Manga he has read, so he thinks he knows where this is going.
• "I'm trans Levi. I'm a guy. And I just wish that people would see me like that without me having to tell them."
• Levi wasn't sure what to do! Did he give you a hug?? Did he tell you that he saw you as a guy?? Did he just not make it into a thing??
• He ended up plopping the wig back onto your head.
• "MC, you are a wonderful guy. And I will do my best to help you and others see yourself that way!! But for now, how about we get back to having fun. Henry really suits you."
• You smiled at him, and the two of you finished taking your photos :)
• So Satan like to be knowledgeable. He would honestly know so much about trans identities and transitioning.
• So while he has all the book knowledge, he doesn't actually know the emotional aspect of it.
• Once you get close to him, you are extremely comfortable around him.
• So when Satan stumbles upon an lgbtq+ book from the human realm, you say that you are part of it.
• And Satan's eyes light up! He has a real person to ask questions about the subject too.
• He honestly asks a bunch of prying questions, but you know he doesn't mean harm. The first one he asks is, "what part do you identify with?"
• And so when you say you're trans, he looks a little confused. "That is not the one I thought you'd say MC, sorry about that reaction. How did you find out? Are you a trans man, or are you nonbinary?"
• Basically he is just genuinely curious. You wouldn't be as nervous about coming out to him compared to the other brothers, but that is simply because you already knew his stance on the topic.
• Okay Amso <3 would be so nice about it.
• I feel like this would happen when he is dressing you up. Asmo loves treating people as dolls (but not in like a weird way)
• So sort of similarly to Mammon's, he would be dressing you up in a lot of feminine clothes, and practically instantly see you were uncomfortable.
• "What's wrong? I mean I know it's your shade but maybe this isn't your style? We can try something else!"
• He just genuinely thinks it's because it's not your vibe for a second, but then when your face takes a turn Asmo knows it's more serious.
• "MC speak to me what's wrong?"
• A lot of people think Asmo is just this silly lewd guy, and while he can be, he knows when to take things seriously.
• So you tear up. This man is just looking at you like your the world, on the brink of breaking. "Asmo I'm so sorry. I love to hang out with you, and dress up. But this is all too much for me. And it isn't your fault! Feminine clothes just make me.. very uncomfortable at the moment. It just reminds me that that is what people see when they look at me. When I know I'm a guy. I'm trans asmo"
• And then it all clicks in his head.
• "Oh, my dear!" He hugs you for a split second before flipping through his closet. "I have plenty of other options! I know all the tips and tricks about gender presentation, so let's make you more comfortable, shall we?"
• He is easy to connect with, and he makes you feel safe about your identity. He won't judge you, and would probably be the most helpful out of all of the brothers.
• Ugh so coming out to Beel would go really well, but I feel like it would also be really hard.
• Beel is the most stereotypically masculine out of all of the brothers. He does sports, he works out all the time.
• So I think that it would be really hard to not get jealous sometimes.
• Often times, he invites you to work out with him. He likes to spend the time with you!!!
• But today you just looked really sad. Everytime he looked over, he saw you looking at him frowning.
• Eventually it got to the point where you were just spacing out in his direction, looking like you were about to cry.
• He rushed over, immediately asking, "MC what's wrong?"
• He thought maybe you'd hurt yourself but didn't want to say anything.
• But then you actually did start crying! "I just *hic* I just wish I could be like you!"
• "What do you mean? If you want to get stronger we can keep coming here together!!"
• "No!!" The tears flowed faster, "you are just so! So masculine! And I wish I could be like that."
• Beel looked at you very confused. I think that being trans isn't uncommon in the devildom, or at least not as much as in the human realm. So he does know what it is at least. He just wasn't comprehending what you were saying.
• "Beel I wish I was like you. You are like the most 'guy' guy I've met. And it's so stupid of me to get jealous but I just wish I was like you. I wish I could be a guy in the way you are."
• For a nonexpressive guy, he stares at you mouth agape. How did he not see it? He pulls you into a hug, "you don't have to be like me to be a guy, mc. And if you want, we can come to the gym as often as you'd like. I know a bunch of ways to build some more muscle mass that I think you might like!!"
• He tries his best to be supportive. And he will try to help in your transition in any way possible. He loves you very much, and just wants to be there for you.
• So belphi is an odd one. You told him in one of your dreams.
• He frequented your dreams, and in nearly all of them you were post transition.
• Dreams are one of the few places where you can be exactly who you want to be. Instant gratification and no consequences.
• And while belphie saw this, he never commented. It wasn't his business. And most of the time, he just peered in on your dreams. He didn't actually interfere with them.
• But one time you fell asleep with him in his bed, and the two of you ended up in a dream together.
• So when he did come and talk to you, you were so flustered because he had seen that you dreamed of transitioning.
• It was very awkward, but you ended up just saying, "I'm trans. I'm a guy. And dreams are the only place where I can look like how I feel so far. Belphi, please don't take this from me."
• You got worried that he would judge you. But nope, he ended up pulling you into a hug.
• "MC, I would never. If you're a guy, you're a guy and that's that."
• The hug in your dream just made him hold you tighter in real life. <3
An* ughhhhh this was so out of my comfort zone to write! I'm trans, but I never really did a 'coming out' thing? And I mostly write hurt/comfort so this is just way different from what I normally write. I had fun tho!!!
I plan on writing a version for the datables, but lmk if anyone would actually be interested in it.
Now that I've finally posted an Obey Me fic, this is also probably a good time to say my requests are always open! I'll write for Obey Me, Bg3, Stardew Valley, and Genshin Impact. So shoot me an ask :3
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barbthebuilder · 2 months
hey, it's alright if you cant answer this because i understand!
I'm having trouble with what my gender identity is, I'm afab, and i have always thought i was cis until early 2024. in jan i experimented with being genderfluid, as i realised how much i loved presenting masc and how it made me feel so much better being masc.
shortly after that, i had a weird feeling constantly while presenting masc or fem, where if i was fem i would just feel cis, but if i presented masc i would feel like i'm still cis but just dressing up. my solution to this was to choose a different name to the very feminine one i was assigned, so i chose charlie, which in my head is a very feminine name but also very masculine, based on the people ive seen with that name.
i decided on the lable nonbinary for a bit. (maybe 3 months or so) but when i was using just they/them pronouns i felt like i was missing out on the other genders i wanted to be, so i used they/he/she for a bit, which was fine.
i realised soon after that nobody was using he/him for me, so i dropped it because it felt like a waste and just used they/she, which made me extremely dysphoric, so i went back to they/them.
im currently using they/them, nonbinary, and dressing masc daily, (not wearing any makeup to avoid any dysphoria at all) BUT im also a lesbian. ive been a lesbian for about 2 years and im certain that i am, but can i be enby and lesbian ??? or any other lable and lesbian because thats another thing thats been making me feel weird about my gender
i know this is pretty confusing so if you dont know then i get it, no worries!! i hope you have a nice day :D
Yo, gender identity stuff can be pretty confusing so I don't balme you for feeling uncertian about all of this.
The experience of feeling like you basically fake being genderfluid is something I have dealt with in the early days too. You have identified as a woman for a very long time. It's natural that there is a part if you that rejects nonbinary thinking. You're just not used to thinking about yourself in other ways.
That too shall pass. Feeling like you're faking is temporary if you sureound yourself with good support system and reprogram binary thinking. That happened to me at least.
I can totally relate to feeling like you miss out on something while using they/them. I am personally fine with those pronouns but I much rather be called she or he.
Now, I want you to notice something. You expressed that the best set of pronouns for you that you experimented with was she/they/he. You stuck with those, however people did not use he/him for you. I said: "it felt like a waste". A waste of what? I wonder if there are other feelings involved here too. It just bugs me that you have changed such a big part of yourself beacuse of how everybody was treating you. Maybe the pronouns are not the problem here but how others use them on you.
You seem to be very uncomfortable with she/they and not fully yourself with they/them. Seems like the masculine part of you is a very important one. I don't think it would be true to yourself to reject or supress it.
I think the problem with realising what your gender identity is will be connected to your desire to conform. Don't ask yourself "will they accept me?" but "will I accept me?".
For example, you seem to be very strongly connected to your lesbian label but here you are asking complete stranger if you can use it. Are you a lesbian? If you want to, then yes. Don't try to be what others perceive you to be. Just. Be.
I'm not sure if this was helpful lol. Let me know if you want to! I'm always open to the chatter. Sending lots of love!! <33
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demonir · 5 days
Welcome to Adrian’s good omens thoughts while he’s half asleep again, on todays episode I want to talk about how important the gender expression in the show is to me
Don’t mind the typos I’m lying down without my glasses
I really appreciate how subtle they are about characters genders and stuff, characters with commonly male names being played by actresses and they still use stuff like “sir” or “lord” even if they also get referred to as they/them. They don’t make an intense effort to make them look incredibly androgynous either which like- idk it’s nice.
Knowing neither angels or demons have a defined gender also feels so so so nice because it comes paired with the fact they still choose to present in specific ways and use specific pronouns because newsflash bozo someone can be nonbinary or agender and still present masc as fuck or fem as fuck and use either he/him or she/her and if they wake up 2 weeks from now and change that they are still valid.
Which takes me to my second favorite point, Crowley’s change in gender presentation. I know we all know or at the very least agree he’s genderfluid but like I want to highlight the way he does it because it means so much to me. He has obviously chosen to be masc presenting through most of history (that we’ve seen, there could still be periods of time we haven’t seen where she’s been fem) and idk abt you but I was a tumblr teen years ago learning a very skewed version of gender identity and expression where if you wanted to be genderfluid you had to look very attractive as both genders and also PASS as both genders convincingly (as well as being perfectly androgynous when being neither, this also applied to nonbinary people), as well as change it like every 2 days or so and have no preference? That’s the way people would make it seem to me, that’s the way people would portray their genderfluid characters in fandom spaces and that’s the way my teenage mind came to absorb it.
Now, it’s 2024 and I’m sure all of us with common sense know this is bogus but still seeing Crowley just sorta… brightened my everything? Knowing nanny Crowley wasn’t just for the joke, knowing that during certain scenes she was indeed being fem… but the most important part to me is that no matter what he was still HIM, they could have gone the easy route and have an actress play fem Crowley and be like “oh well she’s a demon she can shapeshift whenever ooooo” like so many people do with their ocs (I was one at one point) but it is still obviously him, it is still David Tennant playing Crowley and nobody else and when she’s fem she’s still got the same features the same everything and that’s somehow just… so freeing to see? It’s realistic, it’s grounding. You can be fem and still have overly masculine features, you can be fem and still have facial hair, you can be masc and still wear makeup, you can be masc and not hide your chest.
Now I wish this was all just… more obvious to everyone, I know some of this stuff because I saw posts, I saw people talking about it… but not everyone is gonna go through a 3 hour post scavenger hunt for extra lore like I do and these things are simply not addressed in the show. There IS a certain freeing feeling to the gender stuff not being addressed, it simply happens, it passes by and you might not even notice, but also comes with the double edged sword of people simply thinking SOME of the characters have funny genders but the others don’t.
Sorry I’m distracted rn bc I can hear a fucking bohemian rhapsody cover coming from my moms tv the timing of this is fucking wild, anyways I’m gonna try to get my thoughts back on track
So yeah, to some people like for example my aforementioned mother, the nanny Crowley thing was merely a joke and nothing else, not a brief moment of gender expression but just a perhaps even nasty joke played at the expense of other people. To her every other Crowley before and after that has been strictly cis male and mlm despite the fact I did in fact explain to her that he’s not, same applies to Aziraphale and perhaps even harder because we only ever see him presenting masculine through the entirety of it and trying to explain otherwise to the woman that thinks she can use she/he on me because I’m bisexual will not work (and she refuses to use he/him on me anyways mind you, or my chosen name. Says it’s too complicated, but I know for a fact that if one of the characters had changed their name mid show she would switch to the new name instantly…..yknow… just casual transphobia for me only)
I would like just…a passing comment or a scene that lets everyone know the nuance yknow? Finally something that cannot be disputed by everyone, and you might say “well but Crowley says he’s neither when he gets called a good lad” and to that I say yes but people still dispute the meaning behind it, my mom certainly would. And again you might want to shake the nanny scene in front of me and again I’ll remind you of people thinking it was just a joke, a disguise, a singular haha funny. You might want to gesture towards other scenes or moments or passing phrases but the thing is they will or have already been debated on because people will try to deny it no matter fucking what and it’s FRUSTRATING, so perhaps it’s just me being petty or wanting to give them a good ol fuck you but I’d like it if either Crowley or Aziraphale or both just looked at the camera head on and went “we are not men, also Crowley is genderfluid” no ifs no butts no second meaning just straight to your face, a giant “shut the fuck up” to annoying people.
Now I’m not gonna die if this doesn’t happen, I’m fine with that… it just sorta feels depressing seeing someone in the wild genuinely saying shit like “why are you using she/her for Crowley? He’s a man” my brother in Christ I am about to hit you with the mallet of knowledge and you won’t be able to look at that demon the same way ever again.
The gender expression in good omens matters so much to me as someone who struggles with her own and Crowley and Beelzebub matter so much to me as a little afab genderfluid/nonbinary (I’m not sure yet) motherfucker, I need to go bite some fuckinf ccomcrete right now man, accidental typo but I’m keeping it.
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cebwrites · 1 year
Hi Cev!!!!! Kinda going off of the group chat last night, I would like to humbly request some wedding headcanons for Ace and any other characters you’re brain rotting for 🥰💖✨ It can be sfw or nsfw, go nuts 😘
a/n: you know i got you bestieeee <33
wedding headcannons (Ace, Law)
gn reader, masc reader (law) he/they law word count: 0.9k
He's having a big blow-out wedding for his beloved (either on ol' Pop's dime or paid with treasure he's pirated on his own adventures) and planning NONE of it, not if his love or Deuce can help it, anyway
Ace's instructions are firmly to show up on time, look hot, and get married - frankly he's more than fine with that so long as he gets to have his tits out at the ceremony
It's not like Ace doesn't want to help out with the organizing, the décor, the thises and thats; but you're also well aware that kind of minutia drives him up the wall, and Ace is grateful that he doesn't have to agonize over what the hell French Pink is and why is that comparable to salmon the fish (oh, Ace...)
It's the happiest day of his life, he's getting married to the person of his dreams!! You could tar and feather him - though a little uncomfortable and itchy and worried about the mess it'd leave on your outfit - and Ace would still be grinning ear to ear, sopping wet with muck at the altar
So really Ace is content with just sitting pretty, getting his face beat on the day of, and promptly ruining all that makeup by absolutely destroying the buffet table with his brothers
He also can and will fully bawl once the minister (Pops) announces that y'all are officially married, Ace held back and stiffed his lip through the vows but now that the knot is tied and you're all his (as if you weren't before), he's hugging you like his life depends on it and thanking you over and over for loving someone like him
Please dip this man low and kiss him sweet and carry him bridal style past the threshold he deserves it
In the modern universe, I think Ace would be the kind of person to get hammered right after high school and have a Vegas Elvis wedding with one of his friends before he's yelled at to get it annulled by the only responsible person in his friend group after a week of finding this the most hilarious thing on planet earth
He'd also maybe elope to get away from it all and then come back with your arm proudly around his waist and a big fat wedding band like "hi we got married it was great soz you couldn't come tho 💔"
Trafalgar D. Water Law, as he is in the present, has no interest in marriage - between escaping Sabaody with their tails between their legs from admirals, to once again staring death down in the face of Big Mom and Kaido, they don't have the time to breathe let alone THINK about marriage
Being with their lover in the little moments of respite that he gets with him, holding him close and knowing that everyone on their ship is safe and alive, is already more than Law fearfully asks the malevolent fates for every single night
They have, however, officiated at least a handful of them
Law vividly remembers the morning that Penguin and Shachi came into their room nervous but obviously trying to hide their elation, they remember you playfully telling his childhood friends that this'd better be important if they were bold enough to disturb what little rest Law managed to get, sleep made your voice deeper than usual but the threat was betrayed by your bemusement - and then the warmth that quickly spread throughout the moderate little room you and Law cohabitated in the Tang when Shachi shakily announced that him and Penguin intended to get married, and how they both wanted their captain to officiate it
Law was happy for the boys but still grumbled underneath their breath about this being something that could wait until he'd gotten out of bed, a comment you pinched their cheek for in return; the ceremony was filled with raucous laughter, celebration, and joy between the newlyweds and their Heart-bound family
They gladly officiate a few more within the crew; some older members renewing their vows, the sheer force of Ikkaku's grin when she picked up her wife and spun her on the dancefloor - how Law's eyes were trained on you when you basked in the lovers' unbidden mirth
Law was up front about their intentions from the start with you, mentioning that a cushy picket fence life with 2.5 kids and a family pet just wasn't in the cards for them and these were the conditions for spending his life with yours; when you answer with relief and understanding, they're convinced you're The One just that much more
Maybe not now, maybe not any time soon and definitely still a hard no to parenting, but perhaps some time far in the future the cards would foresee a husband for them - and by god Law's hoping it's you because darling, you're perfect
In the modern universe they'd enter a civil union with their partner after close to a decade of living comfortably together - Law may or may not cry into his shoulder after it fully settles in on the car ride home staring at this little certificate that shows that their little partnership actually, you know, has to be recognized by the law
Pun intended, and he's thwacking you with the binder of documents later when you point that out
Bonus: Sabo is absolutely a bridezilla, no I will not be elaborating <3
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byou-shin · 1 year
hi! ive liked your aesthetic and simstyle for a while and i was wondering if you could give tips or sort of walk thru how you make sims? like the face, makeup, skin details, etc. i have trouble making my male sims look as pretty as yours😭 thank u in advance!
Oh thanks so much for the interest! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) I'm actually surprised people likes my simstyle....
---- How I make my male sims ----
Let's make this handsome guy with me~
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all my male sims (masc or fem looking; Adam, Xion, Moa) are made in masculine frames
I don't use alpha skin, but skin overlays. I find it easier to layer makeup and skin details
all of these are my personal preferences, so back to you again for which you want to take from me
Tutorial undercut
One - choosing skin overlay
First thing I always be choosing skin overlay. I always use Obscurus skin, sometimes Darkstone. I don't like cartoonish looking, but I don't make it way too realistic, so I like it in between realistic and animate. I choose other skin details very later.
Two - head size & body propotions
After it I choose body preset. After it I will using the EA slider on left whether make it like I want to.
So.. I do really think that EA makes the head size big lol. So I will resize the head using the slider on forehead from afar (zoom out), then make it "slim" by drag the slider to center (still zoom out). Most of the times I max it, but there are sims that I made a liiiiitle bit wider.
See what I mean, right?
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If the sim is not tall enough or too short for the character I want to make, I will slider it to using slider in the back of leg
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I also slider the back so the sim doesn't have a hunchback. Then usually I will slimmer the neck to max
For fingers I also slide it smaller according to which kind of sim. If I want to make it fragile and delicate, I will slider it to max. If I want to make it masculine still, (or slender) I will slider it until I got the good result I want.
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I don't really pay attentions to feet sizes lol, sometimes but rarely, I will slide it smaller or bigger.
Body reshaping is up to my liking actually. Making the shoulders wide or not, it's depend on the sim itself too afterall. So i don't know what to write (u_u;). This guy tho, you can see what I made him like what in introduction post
Three - choosing eyebrows & face presets
I do this freely actually, depends on the character itself. There are no differences choosing between masc and fem male sims. All is back to the character, even the jaw and chin presets. I do all that in sliding proccess (making it look feminine or masculine). I use both EA Presets or cc creators presets.
Four - eyebrows & face features shaping/sliders
Actually the process is -> chose preset for one feature -> shape it -> chose preset for another feature -> shape it, but ye lol :3
For eyes, I always slider them smaller, usually max or near to max. Depends again. Sometimes I imagine few sims to extra eyelids tape that makes eyes appear really big (see : Taiga & Asakusa).
If you notice it, in this post my sims have different eye sizes
For nose, usually I will make bigger or smaller as I like (depends on character). But the important is to keep the ratio of the face nicely. Don't make the nose too high or too low. There should be enough gap for lips and nose.
*btw I did the change of skin color after hand reshaping
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For eyebrows, is as I said above. Also, it's all depend on the sim face and the makeup look (especially for my vkei sims), so idk what should I say (*´・▿・)ゞ
For mouth, i always make it smaller a bit using the slider on corner of mouth (face zoom out), and make it wider as needed (face zoom out). I always make my sims have relaxed mouth, not frowning but not smiling either. Zoom in shaping is also used of course.
For chin, cheeks, jawline etc. Pay attention to it. I slider it little by little as needed. Chin doesn't have to be small. But for this guy, I made it a lil bit smaller. See the chin or jaw shapes in this post.
Important!! I always size up or down(? the head until it have nice ratio with the teeth. (zoom out face)
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Four - choosing skin details (face & body)
Honestly I do this freely.... if it fits then it fits... lol. Oh also in this part, if I think I should change the skin overlay, then i do it.
Eye details -> if the skin overlay has no eyelids and I want the sim to have it, i'll give them eyelids cc. If I want the sim has eyebags I will give it. Just tiiiiny bit detail. Eyelids cc I use is from Dalsuk and Obscurus. Alsooo, this one is important, I use sclera cc too. I also use eyedepth sometimes.
Also katrina-y eyesocket is good. Sometimes i use it. (See: Xion & Asakusa)
Nose mask/details -> I use nosemask from Obscurus and ddarkstone, faeesih. Depending which suit the best. Not much given to the nose actually.
Mouth details -> i use mouth/smile mask(? from miiko and pralinesims (not always, only if needed). This guy used from miiko
hairline -> I use from setsuki (this time I forgot to gave him hairline but it doesn't show since the hair was covering..
body details -> it depends on the character.. (again). I recommed moonchildlovesthenight abs mask if you want to make muscular sim. This guy though, I didn't add anything to body details.
After reshaping face features and add skin details~ I really like the nose.
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Five - makeup
How should I describe this part? ( ;´ - `;) it depends on the sim itself. What do you want them to be? But I prepared two option
One is "heavy" look type, like.. some neo-vkei bandmen (I was trying to imitate one of Shiyu from Ashmaze makeup :'D. I need more makeup cc..). But you can also look at my other sims. "Heavy" makeup will carry the atmosphere the sim gives. Take look at Nozomi in this post. He looks mysterious, dark and gloomy.
I will list the makeup cc used, but I'm too tired to link.. zzzzzz
So when i saved this guy I actually deleted the first makeup look... I forgot to add the eyelashes back again..
[BBSims] blush1 RemusSirion_Lipstick_195_Hydra JIUJIANWU 晕染眼影 [PARISE]SelenaEyes(UNNATURALS)
Two is natural beauty type of way. Fresh look. The type to wake up with perfect face, even he was drooling in the sleep. (still depends on the sim characters! In this case, he's the type of people who only uses concealer to hide the face "imperfections").
Makeup cc used.
obscurus_lips_N12 ddarkstonee_eyelashes_N5 [baekbobohu] 04Eyes
Other tips
Give your male sims eyelashes! Big or not, natural or not.
Use every prossible sliders that is available!
Slide the pupil to imagine them wear big ass contact lens :D (See: Taiga & Asakusa)
whew,, this took me at least 7-ish hours...
so yeah.. I...... hope this helps...?
^_^; .....................
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Hey, this is gonna be a generalized asking for advice ask, for you or anyone honestly.
So I'm genderfluid, specifically I lean more towards transmasc in general or neutral, but I do experience a full spectrum and so I do lean femme at times as well. I'm the only one of my friends who's gender shifts, most of my trans friends have more of a binary or at least a stable gender, so I figured asking other genderfluid people for their experiences or advice on going on hormones as a genderfluid person.
I've avoided taking hormones or doing any kind of medical gender affirming because my gender shifts pretty regularly and hormones are pretty constant and permanent, but I've noticed that I'm much more generalized towards transmasc and neutral end of things, so I've been considering it again.
Most of my concerns lie more in the worry that if I do start on hormones, because my gender does shift, that dysphoria will be higher if my physical forms shifts (like with facial hair for example) when I present as more femme or even neutral realmed than the dysphoria I get currently when I'm feeling incredibly masc because I have a small enough chest I can do things like bind very easily, but I will never not have dysphoria when in those more masc states even binding, because I appear very feminine in general physically. I'm short, I've got a really high pitched voice, I am not boxy in any manner, etc.
So I guess idk, I'm looking for maybe advice, maybe experiences from genderfluid people who do go on hormones and how they deal with the new dysphoria that might arise from that, or even transfems specifically who deal with the kind of dysphoria you experience when you physically present more masculine but feel much more femme.
I haven’t taken hormones (I also lean heavily toward masc, usually) but I’ve been wanting to.
But honestly, if you think it would help with dysphoria, do it. If you find yourself constantly like “Damn, I wish (trait) was more masc.” then do it.
because even if, say, you start feeling fem and thus dysphoric again, you can always use makeup and things (or whatever you associate with “fem”)
also, voice training helps a lot. But your throat might be sore when you start off.
what’s most important is feeling comfortable MOST of the time. Honestly, in my opinion, it’s impossible to be comfortable 100%—that’s just a price to pay with being genderfluid.
if anyone would like to add onto this—especially those who have taken hormones—it would be greatly appreciated!
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