#maybe calling her mom/brothers/leaving Jay a message?
Okay, so PD s11 finale theories:
Route A: they work real hard get to the killer and Voight but it's too late and he's dead/dying/dies en route to Med/at Med
Though I'm not so sure abt this cause we haven't heard about Jason's leaving (no, I am not up to date with who's already been confirmed to stay, sorry)
And if this happens, I think Hailey, or someone else on the team (prob Hailey), will kill the offender and it won't be the best of shoots so she'll be forced out of the department, or it'll take a toll on her and she'll take Petrovic's advice and make a change in her life (leaving cpd, and what I'm gonna say now is another discussion entirely but: she might not even wanna continue to be a cop and let's remember she has a college degree!).
She'll just be really shaken by Voight's d3ath (which will be her losing another one she loved/who was her family) and will leave bc of that, she'll think that job is taking more than giving.
Route B (a happier and therefore less likely one, lol): everything will work out and Voight will be okay but Upton's good work as a team leader will be so praised that she'll get some sort of promotion and will have the opportunity (and accept, again, following Petrovic's advice) to lead another team.
Even saving Voight, she'll kill the guy (or he will!! And she'll want to take the heat) and be asked to leave the pd/leave bc she can't leave like that anymore.
In summary, I think the episode, despite being a finale (which are usually more team-coded), will be Upton centric and will highlight those conversations abt mental health and change between her and Petrovic and that's gonna have everything to do with her leaving.
Another conclusion I'm reaching after e12 is that (total shocker, yes I know 🤡) there will be no upstead reunion/closure whatsoever, bc Hailey's departure is not gonna have anything to do with that. And even though I will most likely be over the moon if we get at least a phone call with Jay, I don't think that should happen bc as much as they did the upstead break up really dirty and bad and fucked up with all those unanswered phone calls and stuff, I think it wouldn't make any sense to bring him back or even up at all again, for obvious reasons: we haven't heard about Jay/upstead in forever now. Literally no mentions that either even happened on the show ever since Jo's first episode where she points out that Hailey just got a divorce. And even though Hailey's not healed at all after all she went through (not just Jay's leaving!!), it's like she has gotten some sense of closure on that part of her life and to bring that all up again would just be straight up cruel with her/them (cause whatever happens, I don't see them getting back together, so...). But this is a drama (read character-hater) show, so who knows, right?
Well, that's it, thank you for coming to my ted talk if you made it to the end of this rant. Bye, see ya next week!
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So I was being a basic bitch the other day and listening to my true crime podcasts when it occurred to me just how suspicious Nile’s “death” would look to everyone not in the Guard, leading me to a train of thought that, 2200 words later, absolutely got away from me but I can’t let go so I’m inflicting it on all of you!
To set the stage, we know the movie takes place over approximately a week. Here’s what happens to Nile from the military’s point of view:
She dies is very seriously injured
She heals without a scratch
Just before she’s supposed to be shipped out to Germany, she vanishes, leaving two men concussed (and presumably reporting being knocked out by a woman with short hair wearing civilian clothes)
She goes AWOL for several days
They get word from the CIA that she is to be reported killed in action (details unclear)
So, at the beginning of this very weird week, the USMC has to tell Nile’s family of her death critical injury. What her family was told depends on how long she was dead – a Google search tells me that family will be notified in person within 8 hours of a soldier’s death, but we don’t know how long her first death lasted. For an injury, however, they’d get a phone call to notify them and the unit would arrange for them to visit as soon as the soldier is transferred out of a combat zone. Like I remember when I was in high school, a guy from my church who was a Marine was really seriously injured in a helicopter crash in Iraq and from what I could tell, his parents were told immediately and were flown out to Germany to see him, so it stands to reason that Nile’s family would have been informed relatively quickly after her throat was slashed, one way or another.
And then, she goes AWOL. Her family would be notified while the USMC tried to figure out where she went, not least because the military would want to know if she’s contacted them. (And it’s possible that her family may have been on the way to Germany to see her since we know that’s where she was supposed to go!) So for several days:
Nile’s mom and brother have no idea where she is
They know she was seriously injured and most certainly should not have been moving around on her own
They can’t get a hold of her
The military can’t tell them anything
And the next thing they know for sure is that she was “killed in action.” After being injured and vanishing into thin air. And they presumably cannot produce her body or any concrete evidence of her death. In any case, something sketchy is going on, so they’re like. SMELLS LIKE A MILITARY COVERUP.
In a surprise to probably no one, there is a well-documented legacy of mysterious US military deaths, particularly of women of color (TW for sexual assault in these links). The cases of LaVena Johnson and Vanessa Guillenin particular have made national news because of their families’ persistence in seeking justice. Likewise, Nile is a Black woman, and her mom and brother are most certainly hypercognizant of (a) state violence against Black people and (b) these high-profile cases of suspicious military deaths. So her family are seriously side-eyeing the situation, knowing that (a) the military has a serious incentive (and a documented history) of covering up things that make them look bad and (b) nothing about Nile’s disappearance and supposed death are adding up.
And Andy’s right. Nile does come from warriors. And you know who else does? Her brother.
Don’t get me wrong. Nile’s mom would absolutely not back down. She’d know something was up and want to get to the bottom of it. But based on what I know about Gen X parents (mine), they’re not the most technologically savvy. Like they can use the internet, but they didn’t grow up with it the way we young millennials and Gen Z did. So Nile’s brother takes the lead. And what do zillennials do best?
Social media.
Nile’s brother starts going hard on any site he can, trying to get the word out to see if anyone knows what happened to his sister. He starts a Reddit thread. He starts a Facebook group. He reaches out to the media and true crime bloggers and podcasters à la Sarah Turney, getting loud and being a general nuisance in hopes of getting some answers. He gets his friends and Nile’s friends involved. Maybe eventually Dizzy, Jay, and others from Nile’s unit hear about it and reach out, telling him what they saw and how weird it all was. He’s drumming up interest, and soon “Nile Freeman” becomes a household name (at least among the true crime fans).
Copley is, of course, trying his best, but at this point there is just so much that it’s impossible for him to scrub everything. Sure, he can erase new footage of Nile and the Guard, but what can he do about Reddit threads and podcast episodes that are speculating something weird has happened? Maybe he could hack the sites and shut those things down, but honestly, that’s the last thing he’d want to do, because that only adds weight to the theory that Nile’s disappearance is a military coverup. So eventually he has to tell Andy what’s going on.
Andy, obviously, does not take the news well. However, she is also completely computer illiterate, because that’s Booker’s job and he’s the only one who ever bothered to learn what the internet is in any meaningful way. (She probably calls Booker for advice, and for the record, I think Booker would have no qualms about shutting down conspiracy threads, tinhats be damned, but Copley is too concerned about the consequences. He’s ex-CIA for crying out loud, he knows how it’ll look if they scrub every mention of Nile’s name from the internet.) Maybe she confers with Joe and Nicky but, let’s be honest, they’d be equally unhelpful. So at this point, she knows they have to bring in Nile.
But the thing about Nile is that she, too, knows how to use the internet (duh). Aside from her being a young millennial/digital native, we know from the cave scene where she’s giving Booker suggestions on how to track Copley that she clearly is even more computer savvy than the average person. And for that reason she almost definitely took over the day-to-day tech stuff after Booker’s exile. So I think it would be foolish to expect her to be unaware of what’s happening. She’s not contacting her family or posting on the message boards or anything, but she knows what’s up. So Copley and the team probably sit her down to “break the news,” but we know the girl does not have a poker face (see: literally shooting herself in the foot and not being able to play it cool whatsoever) and cracks immediately, telling them she’s seen everything about her case – she’s not interacting with any of it, she certainly didn’t instigate anything, but she knows. (And she is so goddamn proud of her brother.)
At this point, I’d like to pause and consider Nile’s role in the overall narrative of this movie. She’s set up as a foil to Andy, obviously, but she’s also a foil to Booker. Booker, who, like Andy, is a serious pessimist, but who, unlike Andy, still has very fresh memories and trauma associated with being the new kid, which have destroyed him. In his mind (and Andy’s), if Nile communicates with her family, she’ll become just like him in a century or two – bitter, alone, and stuck with her grief and memories of watching her family die and knowing they died resenting her. It’s a small sample size, but this is the only experience they have to go off of.
But it doesn’t have to be like that.
There’s been a lot of discussion of TOG being a fundamentally queer movie – a group of people brought together because of something inherent about themselves that is different, that must be hidden, that causes others to hate, fear, and reject them. Booker’s backstory is the archetypal traumatic “coming out” story – his family learns who he is, hate him for it, and attempt to cast him out of their lives. He’s stuck with his trauma, his pain, his loss, and it consumes him.
But what if Nile’s family would be the opposite? What if her “coming out” to them as immortal is met with acceptance, love, celebration? What if her family is just overjoyed to have her back, and they don’t care what the circumstances are? I'm reminded of this incredible post from @shitty-old-guard-deaths a while back, where Nile’s mother hits Booker with a frying pan because “my baby let me believe she was dead for FIVE YEARS based on your bad advice???” (which may or may not have inspired this whole tangent). Nile takes the advice of someone who did the same thing she wants to do because she doesn’t want to risk her family’s rejection. She wants the good memories with her family and is afraid that showing them her true self will bring her unbearable pain, forever replacing those memories. But, with high risk comes high reward.
Anyway. Nile and the team are trying to come up with a plan for how to handle this whole thing, but she’s not really participating because she’s too afraid to hope. Until finally, quickly, so she doesn’t lose her nerve, she suggests she reach out to them, knowing that, realistically, that’s the only solution before things snowball even further out of control. The team is shocked, but realize that she has a point. They decide that Copley should actually be the first point of contact, posing as a US government official to talk with them and test the waters.
So Copley goes to Nile’s family’s house to talk with her mom and brother. They’re probably distrustful and apprehensive, but nonetheless secretly ecstatic that their work has paid off. They talk and review all of the information that they’ve collected, including testimonials from the people on Nile’s base and recent sightings (along with photos) of Nile (with the same three people) over the last few years that people have sent them but they haven’t posted publicly. At this point, Copley’s like, yeah this is about to blow up, we gotta put our cards on the table. He convinces them to come with him to some safe house/black site/whatever he can get that is technologically impenetrable (I’m picturing them in like, an interrogation room at a police station kind of deal), takes their phones, locks the doors, and brings in Nile.
What follows is the most delightful reunion scene of all time, bringing Joe, Nicky, and even Andy to tears as they watch and listen from outside the room. With Copley’s help, Nile tells her mom and brother about her immortality and what’s been going on since she died (within reason, of course), and they are thrilled. They don’t understand why (because no one does) but they don’t question it and they see it as a gift from God – she’s been resurrected, she will live, and she has a purpose. Her mother and brother are so happy to see her again and are willing to agree with pretty much anything to stay in her life as long as they can.
So. They set up some complicated agreement (they bring in the other three for support/intimidation as needed) setting the terms of their relationship. They swear Nile’s family to secrecy, maybe bringing up the lab to show how high the stakes are, and they readily agree. They come up with some cover story for Nile’s brother to share on the message boards (maybe that the government has opened an investigation but because it’s an open case he has to shut it all down? Tells people to direct their tips somewhere else? Something to that effect). There’s still speculation, of course, but without Nile’s brother at the helm providing the energy, the hype dies down as news stories are wont to do without any movement. And Nile’s family goes to work for the team. The experience has taught them that Copley can’t possibly do everything himself, especially when it comes to social media, so Nile’s brother takes the lead on the day-to-day tracking/social media while Copley and her mom focus on finding jobs and scrubbing their traces afterward.
So there you have it: Nile gets to integrate her biological family into her found family and spend the rest of their lives with them as it should be, Copley gets some badly needed help managing the reality of social media, the team finally has a positive narrative surrounding outsiders Knowing About Them AND about interacting with people from their previous life, and the audience gets the happy ending to this very lovely and very queer story to counteract the pain associated with Booker’s family.
Plus, you know, I’m a sucker for both a good government conspiracy theory and for Nile getting every good thing she deserves.
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Seasons of PD: Season 7: Don’t You Ever Do That Again, You Hear Me? (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
A/N: There are mentions of B1ack Liv3s M4tter (apparently this ended up in that tag, so I changed the wording, so hopefully it’s not there anymore) in regards to peaceful protests in this. And there are mentions of counter-protesters causing riots. I tried my best to portray this as professionally as possible with Y/N's views, Kevin's views, and Jay's views. I did not try to offend anyone at all and I'm very sorry if I did.
Also, I don't know if one part counts as threat of sexual coercion, but I'm fairly certain that's what it's called, so trigger warning for that.
Your age: 18
Jay's age: 32
Will's age: 34
"I get that it's important to you, but I'm not letting you go!" Jay argued as you stood across from him in a screaming match.
"Why? Because You don't believe the same things as me because you haven't met a bad cop? Because you fought for this country and know people who died for it?" you yelled back.
"Yes, me being a cop and a soldier obviously has something to do with this! But I'm also trying to keep you safe! They turn into riots!"
"You do know that's not the Black Lives Matter protesters who start them, right? They're peaceful. Counter-protesting assholes come and start things to give peaceful protesters a bad image!"
"I don't want you to get hurt if something happens! Tear gas hurts, kid. I don't want you to come home with burning eyes and the possibility of going blind and tell me I'm right. I'm trying to prevent that!"
"I know you are, Jay! I just want you to let me have my own damn opinions and do what I want for once!"
"Has a cop ever hurt you in some way? Pulled you over illegally?" Jay roared.
You wanted to tell him your story about something like that that had happened five weeks ago, two weeks after the infection scare across the entire city, but you couldn't because you knew he'd do something stupid and you didn't want that. "No, but--"
His phone rang, cutting you off. "I'll be there," Jay said quickly. Then, he turned back to you. "I gotta go, caught a case. I'll see you later and we can talk about this. Calmly."
"So, you're saying there's a chance you'll let me go?"
"There's maybe a .001% chance, but sure, believe what you want."
You rolled your eyes and he left. But, as he shut and locked the apartment door, he stopped. "Love you," he whispered. Because, with what he did on the job, he knew that there was the possibility every day of him not coming home to you.
When you woke up, you were shocked not to see a text from Jay between 3 and 5 am saying that he wouldn't make it home tonight. He usually made it a priority when on a case to tell you that he wouldn't be coming home so that you wouldn't worry.
But, there was a voicemail from him around 11 pm last night and it was currently 9 am.
You put your phone on speaker and played it.
"Hey, Y/N, I'm sorry about arguing. If you really want to go, I think Kevin has his RDO tomorrow so I can see if he's going if you-- OW!" Then, the line just continued playing, and dragging noises were heard until there was a crash and the line went dead.
"Jay? Jay?" What the hell had happened? You quickly replayed the message to make sure it wasn't an issue with your phone, but when you heard the same exact thing again, you knew something had gone terribly wrong.
You went to dial Hailey's number to ask if she had seen Jay when there was a loud knock on your door. You quickly ran across the apartment and looked out the peephole. You saw Hailey and Adam and quickly flung open the door.
"Hey, Y/N," Adam said as he entered.
"Have you guys seen Jay?" you asked.
You saw Hailey visibly swallow. "Listen," she started, but you cut her off.
"What happened? What's going on? He usually texts me if he's going to be working until the morning and I didn't get a text and I got a voicemail and--" You took a deep, gasping breath.
"What voicemail?" Hailey asked as she placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I- It cut off partway through and he yelled and-- wait, he wasn't with you?"
"No," Hailey answered. "He said he had some personal stuff to take care of when we were at a scene and then took off. Then, he never came back, so we decided to check here to see if he just came home or something happened."
"He never came home." Your eyes widened, finally processing what it meant if he wasn't here and Intelligence couldn't find him. "You're telling me he's missing? Again? Oh, no. This can't be happening, not again. Not after our fight last night. I didn't even tell him what happened or that I loved him or--"
"Y/N, I need you to take a deep breath," Hailey told you and you tried to match her breathing. "His radio might just be dead or something like that." She knew that she was lying, but she was trying to stop you from freaking out. "Can you give me your phone so Adam and I can listen to the voicemail?"
You nodded and handed Adam your phone. He pressed play and you watched as his jaw clenched as he was listening to it.
"Shit," he muttered once he was done. "We need you to come to the district with us. Just for safety."
"Can you give me a minute?" you asked. "I- I'm in my pajamas and I haven't brushed my teeth and--"
"We'll leave in half an hour, okay?" Hailey asked and you nodded. "While you're getting ready, we'll send the voicemail over to Kim and Kev. Jay's gonna be okay."
"How do you know that?" you almost whispered.
"Because Jay's one of the strongest people I know," she answered. But, in reality, she wasn't sure about that. They had no idea where he was and according to the timestamp on that voicemail, it had been a little over ten hours since he sent it. For all they knew, Jay could be out of Chicago right now. Scratch that, he could be out of Illinois.
"When did you get this voicemail?" Hank asked as everyone in Intelligence, minus Jay but including you, were in the bullpen and trying to trace where the call came from.
"Around 11 last night, Boss," Adam answered for you.
"Okay. So it's been almost 11 hours," Voight said.
"I need a break, excuse me," you said and quickly excused yourself to the locker room.
You made your way to the locker room and sat down and leaned against the wall. This couldn't be happening again, not after that crazy borderline sociopathic drug dealer kidnapped Jay a few years ago and Erin went in and saved him. This could not be happening again.
You thought back to the fight last night and something your mom would always say when she was in a fight with one of the boys or when you had thrown a temper tantrum and then had to go to bed.
I'll always tell you I love you because when you walk out that door or go to bed, I'll never know if that was the last chance I had to tell you I love you.
God, if you hadn't argued with Jay, maybe you wouldn't be feeling this way. Obviously, you'd be feeling scared and upset because Jay was missing and no one had any idea where he was, but at least you wouldn't feel guilty like you currently did.
You felt guilty about starting that fight in the first place by bringing it up even though you knew what his answer was going to be. You felt guilty about yelling. But most of all, you felt guilty and you regretted not saying love you when he left...because that might've been the last time you'd have been able to tell that to your big brother who had always been there for you...even when he really didn't want to.
Jay's Nokia flip phone buzzed as he walked out of school. It was his mom.
"Hey, Mom," he greeted.
"Jay Halstead, if you answered your phone while you're driving..." she trailed off, trying to think of a good threat.
"Mom, I didn't. I was talking to some friends about going for tacos tonight, so I just walked out of school a minute ago."
"Oh," she said.
"What oh?" Jay asked. "That sounded like a bad oh, Mom."
"Well, I wish I would've known that before a professor called in sick to give an exam to his students and I agreed to pick up the extra hours."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can't bring Y/N to the dentist. And I thought since you weren't busy, you could. I also may or not have promised her that she could go to Build-A-Bear after to get a new outfit for Beary because she's so scared."
"Mom," Jay groaned.
"I know, I'm sorry. But, how about this: you do this for me, and I'll extend your curfew by two hours on Friday and Saturday."
"Three," Jay countered.
"Two." Amelia Halstead stood strong.
"Two and a half."
"Deal," Jay agreed.
"Thank you. I'll see you tonight. Love you."
"Love you, too."
"No," you whined as Jay told you that you had to leave after he walked you home from school later. "I don't wanna go to the dentist. They scary."
"No, they're not," Jay told you. The doctor was what was scary for him with all the needles for the shots. But, the dentist had never bothered him, even when he was a little kid it had never bothered him.
"What if I let you bring Beary into the dentist, would you go then?" Jay practically pleaded.
"And you give me chocolate before we leave?"
"If you promise to grab your toothbrush and brush your teeth in the bathroom at the dentist, then yes, I'll give you some chocolate to eat on the way there." Jay was desperate at this point. He knew he shouldn't be giving you everything you wanted, but what were big brothers with a giant age gap for anyway if not to try and spoil his little sister?
"Okay!" You ran off to go grab Beary and your toothbrush and toothpaste while Jay made his way to a high cabinet in the kitchen and grabbed five squares of Dove milk chocolate, three for you and two for him.
In the car, Jay handed you the cholates and you started eating them while you held Beary close to you, trying to gain some comfort out of your favorite stuffed animal.
You gripped Jay's hand as you sat and waited for your name to be called. Beary was held in your other hand and you were squeezing him tight against your chest. You had just brushed your teeth like you promised Jay that you would, but you were still utterly terrified.
"Y/N Halstead?" a dental hygienist came out and asked.
You didn't say a word, just held Jay's hand tighter.
"That's you," Jay said gently and with a smile on his face, trying to make you feel less scared.
"No, not me," you told him as you frantically shook your head.
The dental hygienist squatted down in front of you. "Are you Y/N?" You didn't do anything, but Jay must've nodded to confirm that it was indeed you. "And who's this?" she asked as she shook Beary's paw.
"Beary," you said shyly.
"Well, I'm fairly certain that Beary will be with you the entire time. We even have little sunglasses you and he can wear when we shine the really bright light on you to protect both your little eyes. Does that sound good?"
You turned to Jay. "Me and Beary get sunglasses, Jay Jay!"
"I heard! Do you want me to come back with you?"
You thought for a second. "Please come."
Jay laughed. "Okay." He turned to the dental hygienist. "Is that okay?"
"Perfectly fine."
You stood up and held Jay's hand as you walked back into the dentist to get your six-month check-up on your baby teeth.
"That wasn't so bad was it?" Jay asked as the two of you walked out to his car after you finished.
"No!" you said as you shook your head. "I even got a pretty bracelet with Belle on it, see?" you exclaimed as you held your hand out to him to show off your yellow bracelet with a charm that had Belle from Beauty and the Beast on it.
Jay acted all surprised and said it was pretty even though he watched as you had picked it out while he had explained to the secretary how your mom would call to schedule your next appointment in six months.
Jay opened his car and made sure you were buckled in and then got in himself and started driving.
"Do you know where we're going?"
You gasped. You had forgotten you got to go to Build-A-Bear after!
"Build-A-Bear!" you yelled. The volume of that yell would've made Jay wince had he not been driving.
"Yup, that's where we're going."
"I think I'm gonna get Beary some new pajamas," you decided.
"What color?"
You held Beary out in front of you. "What color pjs do you want, Beary?" You brought him up to your ear and nodded as he "told" you what color pajamas he wants. "He said blue!"
"Blue pajamas. I'm pretty sure we can find those."
Jay and you walked into Build-A-Bear Workshop at the mall and you were met with children running around. To Jay, this was the definition of hell. Except for you, he was fine with you running around, but he really didn't like all the other kids that he had to be careful not to bump into.
"C'mon, Jay Jay!" you told him as you tugged him along to the pajama section.
He allowed himself to be tugged along by you and then you held up almost every single pair of blue pajamas to Beary to see which one was his favorite. He had decided on a pair of light blue pajamas with stars all over them. There was even a cute little hat with a pom-pom on top to go with the pajamas.
Jay paid and then you left with Beary and his brand-new pajamas. You had plans to have him sleep in those pajamas tonight, too.
Unbeknownst to you, Jay hadn't even really wanted to come. The only reason he brought you was that he got his curfew extended. But to you, it was just another fun afternoon with your big brother.
You were startled out of your daydream when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine. I'm fine," you said quickly.
"No, you're not. And that's okay. Hailey and Voight went to see if Jay's where his phone pinged at."
"We fought," you told him.
"You fought?" Kevin asked as he slid down the wall to sit next to you.
"It was stupid. I should've just agreed with him and maybe I wouldn't be feeling like this."
"Like what?"
"Like utter shit." You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "We were arguing about the BLM protests that were happening tonight. I wanted to go, but he wouldn't let me. The last thing I did was roll my eyes at him, Kev."
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments while Kevin figured out how to comfort you.
"Maybe talking about it will help. What'd you argue about?"
"Just that I wanted to go and he wouldn't let me because he thinks riots will break out. And you and I both know that's not the BLM protesters, that's the counter-protesters. But, he thinks I'll get hurt. I also think it's because he's a cop, so he feels like I'm protesting him, but I'm not. I'm protesting the system."
Kevin nodded. "I get it. Believe me, I do. I live it every day."
"How do you do it?" you asked. "Be an activist and a cop at the same time?"
"Just try and do the right thing with the information you have. And, explain that you're protesting the system and the bad apples, not the police force as a whole."
"I tried. But Jay doesn't think I have a right to protest because I've never had a bad experience with a cop." Which was a lie, but you weren't ready to talk about that just yet.
"Did he say that exactly?" Kevin asked.
"No, but, he asked me if a cop has ever illegally pulled me over."
Kevin nodded. "I know Jay and I know he would never say that you didn't have the right protest. He fought for that right. He mention anything else?"
"That tear gas hurts."
"I think he just wanted to keep you safe, same thing I'd do for Jordan and Vanessa."
"He sounded like he changed his mind on his voicemail, though. He thought that maybe if you were going, then he'd let me go...at least, that's what it sounded like."
Kevin nodded. "All I can say is that until we found Jay, I'm not going to one. Getting your brother is my first priority and it's the first priority of everyone in this unit."
"My first priority, too."
"Kev!" Adam yelled as he banged on the door. "You in there?"
"Yeah, bro! What's up?" Kevin asked.
"We need you to meet with someone!"
The hours passed and with each of them that did, you got more and more nervous for Jay's safety. You guessed that this is how he felt when you asked if you could go to the protest, knowing that he'd constantly be worrying about you until you came home safely.
"Y/N, we gotta go," Trudy said as she entered the bullpen around 9:30 pm that night.
"Why? What's going on?" you asked as you grabbed your phone and started following her.
"They found Jay."
"Is he okay?" you asked quickly.
"No! He can't be dead, Trudy! He can't!" you wailed.
"He's not. But, he has been shot."
You froze. Shot. Jay had been shot.
"He's en route to Chicago Med right now."
"Can you- can you bring me there?"
"That's where we're going right now."
"Will!" you yelled as you ran into the ED and saw your oldest brother.
You ran right up to him and hugged him, not caring that he almost dropped his iPad he had been using to chart.
"Whoa, Y/N." He set the iPad down. "Hey, I know. But Crockett's operating on him right now and he's one of the best surgeons in the hospital."
"I thought you were better than him. You need to do the surgery, Will. you need to save Jay!"
"Y/N, I know it sucks, but I'm family. As much as I want to operate on him, I can't legally do that."
You paused and looked up at him. His eyes were slightly red, but he hadn't been bawling the way that you had been.
"Dr. Halstead! Incoming!" Maggie yelled.
"What does she mean?" you asked, still hanging onto him. "You're still working?"
"There's been a ten-car pile-up on the highway. I have to. It's my job."
"But Jay's in surgery!" you yelled as you pulled away from him. "These people are more important to you than your own brother?"
"They aren't but--"
"But you're working anyway instead of waiting to find out what happens to him?"
"I can't do anything to help Jay right now. But I can help all these people who are pouring in."
"Dr. Halstead!" Maggie shouted again.
"I'll be up in a few hours, I promise," Will told you.
A few hours had passed and it was now past midnight. Jay was still in surgery. Will was sitting next to you, in a spare pair of clothes he had packed instead of his scrubs that were covered in blood, and you were leaning your head on his shoulder, close to being asleep.
That was until Crockett came out and Will jumped up, causing your head to hit the back of the chair.
"Ow," you mumbled.
"Sorry," Will apologized and then turned back to Crockett. "What's the verdict?"
"He lost a lot of blood," Crockett told the two of you.
"But he's gonna pull through, right?" Will asked what the two of you were both thinking.
"We'll be out of blood soon."
"What do you mean out of blood?" Will asked, taking a step toward the surgeon. "There's no way you can be out of blood!"
"With that pile-up, we can. I'd recommend you go and say your goodbyes and pray for a miracle."
Will put his hands on the back of his head and started pacing the room. Your breath caught in your throat. This could not be happening. Jay couldn't die, he just couldn't.
Crockett started to walk back towards the operating room.
"Wait!" you yelled. You didn't know what had taken over you, but at this moment, you'd do anything to save your brother. You rolled up your sleeve. "Take my blood."
"Y/N," was all Will could manage to get out.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, but there's protocol for that. I'd love to let you do it, but--"
"Fuck protocol!" you yelled, all the anger and sadness and anxiety that had built up over the past fifteen hours exploding at this very moment. "Rush my labs. Or don't even get my labs done at all. I haven't had sex, so I don't have any STDs. I don't have any diseases or deficiencies since I moved in with Jay years ago. My blood type's O-neg, so I'm a universal donor. Take my goddamn blood, Crockett!" You didn't care that all that information was out in the open because you were barely processing what you were saying. The only thing you cared about was making sure that your brother was okay.
"Y/N," Will said as he walked up to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Don't touch me! And you sure as hell don't want to tell me to calm down!"
"Y/N," Will started again as he took his hand off your shoulder. "What Crockett's saying is that it's not ethical for him to do this. He could get fired."
"Where's the paperwork?" you asked as you turned back to Crockett. "I'll sign whatever I have to sign to make sure you aren't liable at all, that I'm donating this of my own free will. You can even take double the amount of blood that you normally do since I'm a universal donor. Just get me the paperwork."
Crockett and Will shared a look.
"I'll go get a nurse to get you the paperwork."
"Wait, no, no, no," Will said as he walked closer to Crockett. "You can't be serious about this!"
"She said she'll sign it."
"But, I have to co-sign it since she's a minor. So, no, you are not donating blood, Y/N. You almost passed out when I drew vials of your blood years ago. You know what's gonna happen if we take two units of blood? You are gonna feel like utter shit."
"Last I checked, I'm 18, so I can sign my own paperwork! God, I'm not a fucking child anymore, Will! I can make my own decisions!" you yelled back. "And if I don't do this, Jay will die. He'll die, Will. So, I'm giving him my blood with or without your support."
You sat in a chair, the ones that Will had told you about years ago with the big padded bar thing that came down in front of you in case you passed out. Typically, they'd just have you lay down in a bed, but since they were short on beds and Will told them that you had a history of getting dizzy and nauseous during simple blood draws, they had decided to put you here instead.
"Last chance to back out," Will told you as the nurse tied off your arm with a blue rubber tie and started to rub your arm to get the big vein in your left forearm to show.
"Jay's dying. No way in hell am I backing out."
Will sighed. He knew you were doing the right thing, but he also knew that you were going to feel terrible after, and he hated seeing you like that. "Okay," he said. "I'll stay here until they get the needle in you and then I'll get you some juice and cookies."
"Ready?" Monique asked.
"Ready," you confirmed. You turned to Will and squeezed your eyes shut as the needle pierced your vein. You heard the sound of the machine and knew your blood was going in there, but you didn't want to look. Getting your blood drawn, you could watch. But this, this was just too much blood to see, so you looked at Will.
"Doing okay?" he asked a few minutes later.
"Yeah," you answered because that was the absolute truth: you were feeling just fine.
"Okay, I'm gonna go get you some cookies and juice. I'll get an update on Jay while I'm out there, too."
You nodded and he left the room.
This wasn't so bad.
Okay, so you were lying to yourself. You were currently in hell. Giving the blood hadn't been an issue, it was how you felt after you were done giving blood.
You were currently sitting in that same chair, drinking some juice that Will had brought you. He told you that there was still no update on Jay, but that they were sending the blood back to him right now. (They had rushed labs on a small vial of blood that Monique took before you started the donation. The results came back while you were giving blood, and since your blood was clean, you could give it to Jay.) But, God, but you felt absolutely awful.
"You doing okay?" Will asked.
You shook your head and then stopped because it made you dizzy and put your head in your hands. "No," you groaned.
He handed you a glass of water. "Drink a bit of this too and then I'll open your pack of cookies."
"Why do you want me to drink water and not juice?" you asked as you closed your eyes and tried to stop the spinning in your head.
"Because, you're sweating, Short Stack. Need you to stay hydrated."
You took a few sips of water and then went back to your juice. Will handed you your pack of chocolate chip cookies and you started to eat them.
"Mhm," you groaned and laid your head down on the padded bar thing in front of you that kept you from falling out of the chair. "I don't feel so good."
You felt hot and cold at the same time and the world seemed to spin every time you lifted your head up. And, those cookies did not sit well with you.
"How do you feel? What hurts?" Will asked, jumping into doctor mode since Monique wasn't around. Will assured her that he could look after you while you recovered from your blood being donated at twice the normal amount.
"I just feel like shit," you told him, not picking up your head.
"You gotta give me some symptoms. Give me some symptoms and then I can help."
"Mhm, fine." You looked up at him and blinked slowly. "I feel hot and cold and sweaty. And I feel dizzy and nauseous."
"Okay. That's either a vasovagal reaction or from your blood pressure being low or from your  heart rate being slowed down."
"What's that reaction thingy?"
"You don't like blood in general, so a nervous system response can happen, which could explain your reactions. But, your BP could also be low, which could explain all this too. And, it's one in the morning and you haven't slept yet, so tiredness could also be a factor."
"Great," you said sarcastically as you remembered the last time your blood pressure was low.
You had taken some of Jay's medication that he had to ward off his PTSD-induced nightmares after you were involved in a shooting at a house party. The one time you took them without sleeping directly after, you felt almost exactly like this...except without the sweatiness. You just mostly felt dizzy. You had called Will, he came over, and then you ended passing out and he had to get you to Med. Then you were admitted and they got your pressure back up. You were also prescribed sleeping pills which had helped immensely.
Will grabbed a blood pressure cuff from a drawer. "Arm," he told you. You held out your arm and he wrapped the cuff around it and pumped the end of it.
You waited as he looked at the gauge on the blood pressure cuff. Will said one number over another number, which meant nothing to you, but must've meant something to him. You raised your eyebrows, hoping he was going to tell you what those numbers meant in non-medical English terms.
"BP's low, which explains most of the symptoms," he told you.
You took another bite of your cookie and washed it down with some juice, but then immediately after started dry heaving.
Will rushed around and then thrust a pink basin under your mouth.
You took a deep breath after you finally stopped dry heaving about thirty seconds later.
"Better?" Will asked. You shook your head. "I'm going to get you an IV of anti-nausea medication."
You were going to argue with him about how he wasn't working, so he probably couldn't get you that. And, you were fairly certain he couldn't prescribe things to family. But, you felt terrible, so you really don't care if Will was being reckless and borderline unethical/illegal right now.
You nodded and then laid your head back down.
When Will came back, he thought you were asleep, but when you heard footsteps, you looked up.
"Alright," he began as he assembled the IV. "Last poke of the day, I promise."
"After this can I take a nap in the on-call room?" you asked as you held your arm out to him once again.
"You know I can't let you do that." Will tied a blue band around your arm and started rubbing it to get a vein in the inside of your elbow. Then, he noticed your pale and sweaty face. "Fine. Hopefully, Goodwin won't fire me after this. But I have a good reason. Turn so you don't see the needle."
You did and closed your eyes. You felt the poke and squeezed your eyes shut, but then it subsided and you felt that weird feeling of the medicine going straight into your veins. God, you hoped this worked.
You hoped Jay would survive because you didn't just go through all that for nothing.
You slowly opened your eyes as you felt someone shaking your shoulder. "No," you groaned as you turned to face the other side of the bed.
But then you remembered where you were: the doctors on-call room because Jay had been shot. Maybe it was Will waking you up to tell you--
"Short Stack, wake up. Jay's awake."
That got you wide awake.
You snapped your eyes open, rolled over, and jumped out of bed.
"I take it you're feeling better?" Will asked.
"Sleep helps. Let's go!"
Will quickly led you out of the room and through some hallways and up a few flights of stairs to Jay's recovery room.
He was currently talking to Hailey.
"Jay!" you exclaimed as you burst into the room to see him with a sling and see Hailey helping him with his jacket.
"Hey, Short Stack," he greeted and then turned his attention back to Hailey. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
"Uh, just that I'm glad you're back," she told him. "I'll give you some time with your siblings." She turned her attention to Will. "Oh, and the things you told me to tell Kim to get are in that corner." She pointed to the left front corner of the room. "Bye, guys." She waved and then left.
You gave Jay a huge hug and tried to avoid his arm that was in a sling. "Don't you ever do that again, you hear me?" you told him seriously and then looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
Jay chuckled. "I'll try not to."
"You better do more than try." You went back to leaning your head against his chest as tears soaked his t-shirt.
"Hey, hey, don't cry," he soothed. "I'm okay. I'm fine, Y/N."
"I was so scared. The last thing we would've done was argue. I'm so sorry. I should never have asked to go to those protests. I know you were just trying to protect me--"
"Hey, it's okay for you to have your own opinions and views. It's just gonna take me a while to get used to you being an adult now and not that little sister who would always hold my hand and beg to go to Build-A-Bear."
"Speaking of Build-A-Bear," Will started and then walked over to the corner of the room and picked up two boxes. They were white boxes with dark blue designs on them. You knew those boxes: they were what the workers put new bears in when a kid came and bought one. You let go of Jay. Will peeked into one of the holes. "This one's for you." He handed Jay a box. "And this one's for you." He handed you the other box.
"You got us Build-A-Bears?" you asked as you raised an eyebrow.
"Just open the boxes."
You did and laughed when you saw Beary in the box, dressed in a hospital gown and white little bunny slippers. Your brothers were not kidding when they said they'd get one for you.
Jay laughed as he opened his. His Build-A-Bear was a light blue color and it also had on a hospital gown as well as a sling on one arm. The bear also had on a policeman cap. "Oh, man," Jay said as he continued laughing.
"Press the right paw," Will told him and he did, causing Ruzek's voice to float through the room.
Stop getting kidnapped. Glad you're okay, though.
You started laughing hysterically at this point.
"One more thing," Will said as he walked over to the counter and pulled out a marker and two hospital bracelets. On one he wrote Beary Halstead. "Jay, what are you naming your bear?" Will asked.
"I gotta name it?"
"Um, it's not an it. It's a he or a she...could be a they, too," you said.
"Fine. I gotta name him?"
"Yes," Will told him.
Jay groaned. "Fine. Blue."
"Boo! That's boring," you said.
He groaned again. "Detective Blue. There. Better?"
"Better," you confirmed.
Will wrote Det. Blue Halstead on the other hospital band. Then, he handed Beary's to you and Detective Blue's to Jay.
"I cannot believe you," Jay said.
"I can," Will laughed. "Now put it on him. Just like Y/N's doing with Beary."
Jay reluctantly put it on Detective Blue's arm. But then he realized something. "Wait, why does Beary have a hospital gown if Y/N wasn't in the hospital?"
"Yeah, about that..." you trailed off.
Jay cocked his head to the side. "What did you do this time?"
"Other than save your life, I got nauseous and Will had to give me anti-nausea medication," you explained.
"Wait, back up. You saved my life? How?" Jay asked as he looked between you and Will.
"She essentially cussed at Crockett until she got what she wanted," Will said nonchalantly.
"Which was...?" Jay pried.
"Giving you blood because the hospital was out because of a car accident. If she wouldn't have given you blood..." Will trailed off, not wanting to say the words.
"I'd be dead," Jay practically whispered.
"Yeah," Will confirmed, his voice at about the same volume as Jay's.
Jay felt himself getting choked up as he pulled you in for another hug. "Thank you."
"I know you'd do the same for me."
"In a heartbeat, Short Stack. In a heartbeat."
You stayed like that until Will went ahead and broke the comfortable silence that had fallen over the three of you.
"I hate to break this up, but there's something else I need to tell you guys," Will said.
You and Jay both turned to him and you let yourself out of Jay's embrace. "Which is?" you asked.
"Voight gave Jay two weeks furlough to recover and I talked Goodwin into giving me two weeks vacation--"
"How in the hell did you do that?" Jay asked.
"Let's just say I'm going to be working Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day. But that's beside the point. We have two weeks of vacation time."
"You do know I work right?" you asked.
"At a coffee shop, not at a big kid job," Will said. "And, I had Kim and Adam stop in there on their way to get the bears. They explained the situation and your work gave you two weeks off. Adam said he may have had to flash his badge, but that's beside the point."
"And you took vacation because...?" you asked.
"We need to make sure Jay relaxes and there's so many protests-turned-riots happening right now that we should probably get out of here."
"You do know it's not the peaceful protesters starting those, right? It's counter-protesters and other people who are racist bigots and people who decided they have no other choice but to be violent," you said, making your views known once again.
"I'm very much aware, Y/N. But, no matter who started it, people were running from tear gas and burning buildings last night."
"Alright, back on topic," Jay started, not wanting to have another argument like he had two days ago with you. "Where are we going?"
"I figured Wisconsin would be a good choice."
"It's my turn to pick the music," you whined as Will looked for another song on your long drive to Wisconsin.
"I'm the oldest, so I get control of it," Will argued.
"No, you've controlled it for the last three hours. I've had to listen to nineties hip-hop for that long. My eardrums are gonna bleed. Please make him give the aux, Jay."
"Dude, just give her the aux, and then she'll be quiet. Remember, she likes early 2000s pop-punk and 2000s stuff in general. We'll probably know most of it."
Will reluctantly handed you the aux. "Thank you. And, just to remind you two, I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift's first few albums and 5 Seconds of Summer."
You clicked play on Take What You Want by One OK Rock featuring 5 Seconds of Summer. You queued up some more songs by 5 Seconds of Summer and two by Taylor Swift, just to mess with your brothers, and then you added songs they would know like All the Small Things by Blink-182, Check Yes, Juliet by We The Kings, Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low, and Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard.
By the time Dear Maria, Count Me In started playing, all three of you were jamming out, which caused Jay to forget to put his blinker on when he changed lanes...and there was a cop right there in the emergency turnaround.
Jay heard and saw the sirens behind him and slowed down. He knew the drill from pulling people over on his days on patrol. Now that he was in Intelligence, he practically just ripped the criminals out of their cars and handcuffed them against the side of their (usually stolen) car.
He got out his license and registration, along with his badge because he did have his service weapon with him. He'd be damned not bringing it with him in this day and age...and sometimes there were coyotes and he and Will didn't know if the old hunting rifle at the cabin that your grandpa used to use even had ammunition in and if there was even any ammunition at the cabin.
Jay rolled down his window as the officer walked up to him.
Your hands started to sweat and your heart started to race as you remembered your last encounter with an officer that you didn't know.
You were driving home from the library late at night after studying for a biology exam. And no, the library wasn't an excuse for going out and partying. You genuinely had gone to the library and had had a great and very focused study session for a few hours.
All of a sudden, you saw flashing lights and heard sirens. You turned down your music. You looked in your rear-view mirror and saw that the cop was right on your tail. He turned off his sirens and then turned them on and off quickly.
You were the one getting pulled over.
You pulled off to the side of the road and then rolled down your window.
"License and registration," the officer told you. He looked young, maybe a rookie.
"What's the problem officer?" you asked. Jay always told you that you had a right to know why you had been pulled over.
"You were going three miles over the speed limit, did you know that?"
"I don't recall how fast I was driving." Jay always told you never to admit to speeding because then you could fight the ticket if you ended up getting one.
"License and registration, please," he repeated.
"Reaching into my glove compartment and moving some CDs to get my registration," you narrated and then handed the registration to the officer. "Reaching over to my passenger seat to grab my purse which has my license in it...unzipping my purse...reaching in for my license." You handed him your license.
He ran your information and then came back to the window. "I'm sorry, Miss, but I have to give you a ticket."
You furrowed your eyebrows. For three miles over the speed limit? No fucking way was this happening.
"Uh," was all you could say.
"But, there is something you can do to get out of this ticket. You help me out, I help you out."
"I- I don't understand," you stuttered.
He looked down and you followed where he was looking and cupping himself with the hand that wasn't holding your license and registration.
"I- I..."
"Or I can just up this speeding ticket to going twenty miles over it. Say there was an open container in the car, too," he said.
You had no idea what to say. You couldn't risk getting your insurance upped and getting a minor in possession charge. You'd never be allowed to drive again!
But, there's no way you'd do this. You couldn't. But he was so much bigger than you that he could hold you down with one hand tied behind his back.
He placed his hand on the door handle. "You have three seconds to make your decision. One...Two..."
"My brother's Jay Halstead! Badge number 51163! His Sergeant's Hank Voight!" Your voice trembled as you yelled that and you were close to tears.
He looked back down at your license. It did say Y/N Halstead on it. He handed you back your license and registration. "Have a nice night."
Then, he walked back to his patrol car, got in, turned off the sirens, and drove off. You were so scared that you didn't even look to see what his last name or badge number was.
Once you had stayed pulled over for a good couple of minutes to make sure that the cop was nowhere in sight, you started driving again. You stopped at a drive-thru and got yourself a chocolate flurry with Oreos. Then, you sat in the parking lot with your hands still shaking and your heart still racing as you ate and started to cry. You cried for almost half an hour and waited there for another fifteen minutes so your eyes wouldn't be as puffy when you got home because you didn't want Jay asking questions.
"Y/N, you good?" Jay asked, taking you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah, yeah," you said quickly...almost too quickly. "Why?"
"Will just asked if you wanted to go back because we missed a song and you didn't answer."
"Yeah, I can do that." You quickly went back to the previous song and tried to sing with as much happiness as you did previously. But, you didn't get the image of that night or the feeling of dread out of your stomach for another hour.
You woke up the next morning very well-rested. The boys had taken the loft and the two twin beds that were up there and you got to take your mom and dad's old room because you were the only girl, so they said it was only fair that you got the bedroom.
You heard the dripping of water and got out of bed and then padded down the hall and to the kitchen. Jay was standing there in pajama pants and a t-shirt. (Thank God he wasn't shirtless for once in the morning. Your brothers really needed to learn how to put shirts on when they walked out of their rooms in the morning...and maybe by you telling them to put a shirt on all the time, you training them had finally paid off.) He drummed his fingers on the counter while he waited for the coffee to be done.
"Morning," you said.
He turned around. "Good morning. Shocked you're awake. It's only 8 am."
"And I'm shocked you haven't been up for two hours," you retorted.
"Oh, I've been up for an hour, just been reading upstairs. Will's not up yet, though."
"He always sleeps late when he doesn't have to work though, doesn't he?"
"Pretty much. We've made breakfast plans before and he's missed them because he was sleeping."
The timer went off on the coffee pot, alerting you that it was finished. Jay started to pour his in a tumbler. He held out a tumbler to you. You raised an eyebrow, silently wondering why he wasn't pouring it into a mug.
"I was gonna go for a morning canoe ride. You can come along if you want. Wouldn't want hot coffee spilling all over us," he told you.
"Did you bring creamer?" you asked.
"Irish cream creamer, just for you."
You reached into the fridge and grabbed the creamer.
"So, canoe ride?" Jay asked.
He poured coffee into a tumbler for you and then slid it to you to put your desired amount of creamer in.
Twenty minutes later, you were starting out in the canoe. You told Jay there was no way in hell that you'd be doing the rowing. He told you that he could only row with one arm because of his sling, so you'd have to do the other side. Skeptically, you started rowing. Jay told you that you'd be fine, just to follow his instructions.
Fifteen minutes later, when you were out in the middle of the lake, facing the forests of Wisconsin, he stopped.
"Why'd you stop?" you asked.
He picked up his tumbler of coffee off the floor of the canoe. "We need to talk."
"About what?" you asked as you picked up yours as well and held it with both hands.
"About your reaction last night when I got pulled over. You freaked. I need to know why."
"I- I didn't freak. I was just tired," you lied.
"You had quite the amount of energy right before that," he quipped.
"It's nothing."
"Y/N, I'm not letting this go. Is it because of the protests and riots and because of all the media coverage and those few bad apple cops and, I guess the system, that you're seeing that's making you nervous?"
"No, it's not that."
"Then what is it?"
"You're not going to let this go are you?" you asked.
"I will stay in this canoe in the middle of the lake until you tell me what is going on, Y/N Halstead."
"You wouldn't."
Jay shrugged with the arm that wasn't currently in a sling. "Try me."
You sighed. "Just don't be mad that I didn't tell you sooner, okay?"
"I won't. You have my word on that."
"So, a little over a month ago I was driving home from the library..."
When you finished, you were in tears. "Did you get a last name? Badge number?" Jay asked as he rubbed circles on your back with his good hand.
You sniffled. "N- No. I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to apologize for. Nothing at all."
"If I wouldn't have said- said your name...He had his hand on my door handle! And he was so much bigger than me. I'm sorry!"
You turned and buried your face in his chest. "Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry for."
"I should've told you right away, though! But you just had that really rough case and I didn't want to put too much on your shoulders and--"
"Y/N, I need you to take a deep breath. You need to breathe. This was not your fault. None of it was."
You calmed your breathing and just sat there, silent tears streaming down your face.
"That's why I wanted to go to the protests," you said after a few minutes. "Because I've actually had a bad experience with a cop."
"Which should've never happened in the first place."
"I was so scared," you whispered.
Jay just hugged you tighter as he thought about how strong his little sister was. You had given blood to save his life even though you knew you'd feel terrible after and you hadn't told him about this horrible cop--which he would kick this cop's ass the minute the got back to Chicago--because you didn't want him to have too much on his plate after that terrible case where he put an innocent man in jail and got him killed...which was the main reason he had been shot.
"When we get back to the cabin, I'll try and call Voight. I don't know if I'll have service, though."
"Why?" you asked.
"I'm gonna have him look up who was on their beat near you that night so he can go interrogate people on my behalf. Probably best he does it and not me." Because Jay knew that the minute he saw that cop, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back.
You nodded.
"Hey, cheer up, kid. We're here for two weeks, away from everything. Away from the city and everything that goes on there. And I can promise you that that cop will get what's coming to him, whether that be losing his job or going to jail or prison."
"Do I have to tell Will? Or can you tell him? I really don't want to talk about this again."
"I can do it," Jay answered. "Speaking of Will, if he's not up when we get back, what do we say we wake him up with some cold lake water?"
"Like dump it on him?" you asked as you widened your eyes. Jay nodded. "No, that's mean. Then he'll have to wait for his sheets to dry out and they'll smell the entire time."
"We have spare sheets and blankets in the closet."
"Fine, let's do it. But just so you know, I'm telling him that it was your idea and I also have a lock on my bedroom door here, which will make it harder for him to sneak in and dump water on me."
"I will be sleeping in your room tonight," Jay joked.
"Nope. It was your idea, so you're gonna have to live with Will's payback."
Those two weeks were filled with laughter, pranks, board games, corn hole, swimming, fishing (well, you read either in the canoe or on the dock while the boys fished), and just spending time with each other. You were glad that Will had the bright idea to take two weeks up here...even though he got drenched in cold lake water the first morning by you and Jay.
A/N: I got a request from @ La_lectrice_33 on wattpad for Y/N going to the dentist, so I hope you liked that little scene! I also got a request from an anon on here about Jay and Will's reactions to her growing up, so I put that in here, too. Thank you for over 23k reads! I won't be posting until this Sunday (August 1) when I start posting AUs for AU-gust. Please remember to like/reblog and comment because I love seeing those like/reblog notifications pop up and love reading your comments and asks! As always, if you would like to be added to my tag list, just tell me and I’ll add you! Finally, like my imagines? Buy me a coffee (only $1 through Paypal and other currencies can be used) here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Kayela
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creatureofmystry · 3 years
MLB x DC Universe Headcannons
I just love the idea of MLB and DC (expecially Batfam cuz Mari is such a Wayne) being in the same universe and crossing over. So one night, I just had an idea overload of different ways the Marinette would know the batfam/be a part of the DC universe. And if any of my shitty ideas somehow inspire or prompt you, then please be my guest. 😊 _
1) “Ladybugs of Past and Present”
Hippolyta, Wonder Woman’s mother, was once a previous holder of the ladybug miraculous. When Fu activated the miraculous and put them in circulation, Hippolyta could feel its magic waking back up. Knowing there must a reason for it to be out, she sent a message to her daughter. Diana searched, finding Marinette and Adrien as the present holders of the ladybug and cat miraculous. She vouched and brought them into the Young Justice program while they also made their own team, Project: Zodiac (or something like that).
[Sometime when Diana takes Marinette to meet Hippolyta]
“Great Hera, Tikki, you have not aged a day” -Hippolyta, cause she does know how to make joke. 
“And I would say the same to you” -Tikki
“Mother, you can make a laugh?” -Wonder Woman, honestly a bit confused cause her mom have never not been serious before.
And Marinette is just speechless cause she’s starstruck meeting Wonder Woman’s mom AND a previous Ladybug holder.
2) “Rockstar Niece”
Jagged Stone is Marinette’s Sweet Uncle J. During the summers, Jagged Stone would take Mari with him on tour. HIs summer tours are throughout America, so Mari gets to sightsee the country. Jagged’s first tour that he gets to take Mari on (5-ish), he’s also booked for the annual (for whatever reason) Wayne Summer Gala. When Marinette meets the Waynes, they are so enamoured (Dick and Tim couldn’t help it) that they tell Jagged he’s always invited as a guest, Mari of course being added to the permanent guest list too. About 6 years later, Mari is practically adopted, spending the first half of her summers with Jagged, going to the Wayne Gala, then spending the rest of her summer with the Waynes. Overtime, she figured out the secrets of the family and was there to welcome Jason back from the dead (when that happens). Anyways, now 11(-ish?) Mari meets Damian and the two become good friends… after an… impressionable first meeting.
“Tch, let me guess, you’re another one of father’s adopted strays” -Dami
“YOU MUST BE DAMIAN!!! DICK TOLD ME ABOUT YOU!!” -Marinette, who just ignores what he said for a hug.
“hiiiiiiiiissssssss” -Dami, touchy with touch
“...” sprays water in his face since he decided to act like a cat.
“I say, Master Bruce, the children are getting along quite well” -Alfred
3) “Pen Pals” 
Jon Kent and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are part of an international pen-pal program, starting when they were very young (maybe like 4 or 5-ish, super super young) where they told each other everything (Jon can’t just say that his older bro is a clone made from Superman and Lex Luthor’s DNA, or that his dad is Superman, or that his best friend is Robin, but yea. Lois and Clark probably proofread his stuff until he’s like 9) with pictures and everything. When they’re old enough to get phones & stuff, they call, text and vid-chat along with their letters (love without blood). When Mari is maybe 9-11 (somewhere around there) she starts flying over during the summers to hangout with Jon (and his friends and big brother). While there, she meets Kon, Bat fam, and Clark (some who she already knew, some who she didn’t) & lightly hints that she knows who all they are once she figures it out (it didn’t take her long to do so). 
Now whenever she visits and is at Wayne Manor (Jon likes to have sleepovers practically every weekend) while they’re on patrol, Mari subtly messes with their minds (super subtle, they’re the world’s best detectives after all) until they finally look through the cams and see Mari giving them one of those smiles (those shit-grinning cause it’s just so hilarious how it’s gone on for so long) & and a playful wink. 
[5 seconds later]
“Mari!” “Pixie-pop!” “Angel!” “Teacup!”
“Seriously, am I the only one with a normal nickname for her?” -Tim
“Ms. Marinette would like to inform you that ‘it took you long enough’” -Alfred (who so knows that the girl has been playing them since the third night she stayed at the Wayne’s)
“Where are my adoption papers?” -Bruce (who is seriously adopting any talented black-haired child)
4) “Mari and Mar’i” 
When Mar’i is young, Dick and Kori take her with them to see Paris (btw, this would be during the winter). They’re strolling along through a park and lose track of Mar’i who finds Marinette (9-10 ish). Marinette comforts and distracts Mar’i while noticing the young(er) girl is Tameranian (her hair is very warm and she’s wearing significantly less layers than should be worn for a human of that age during the winter, plus that sun-kissed skin tone. She’s seen Kori in her fashion magazines (and, from time to time, on the news as an ambassador) so she easily make the connections). Dick and Kori finally spot Mar’i with Mari who introduces herself to them. Mar’i asks if she can see her “Auntinette” again and Marinette just goes “if your parents are okay with it.” Dick and Kori are totally cool with it (not many are willing to watch her and have the time to do it) so they ask Marinette if she can babysit Mar’i whenever (with good pay of course) if she’s up to it (cause she’s still pretty young). Marinette can’t say no to Mar’i’s babydoll eyes (and she’s so much easier compared to Manon, who’s only 2 rn), so of course, she says yes. 
Now Marinette is Mar’is official babysitter and sees Mar’i often whenever her parents drop her off (using zeta tubes to quickly get to Paris and back). Marinette gets treated like an honorary Wayne (cause she’s the most responsible) and gets invited to their family stuff (w/ travel pay taken care of, of course). It doesn’t take her long to realize the fact that she babysits Bruce Wayne’s & BATMAN’S granddaughter, but of course, being the responsible one she is, keeps the secret… while also playing with them via Mar’i.
[One Day]
After Marinette leaves for her plane…
“Uncle Dami!”
“Yes, Spawn?”
“Auntinette said to tell you after she left that Robin’s sut needs a major upgrade & that you look like a traffic light… whatever that’s supposed to mean.”
[Another Day]
“Uncle Jay!”
“What’s up kid?’
“Auntinette said that to let you know that Red Hood doesn’t make any sense ‘cause Red Hood wears a helmet. Not a hood.”
[The next time]
“Uncle Tim!”
Yawn. “yea?”
“Auntie told me to give you this” (pulls out super caffeinated coffee) “and that Red Robin’s cowl is a menace to all things fashion”
“Yes, Starshine?”
“Auntienette said she’s proud of Nightwing’s costume ‘cause it’s one of the only in the batfam that isn’t an astro-city to the fashion society.”
5) “Marinette, the one who’s always getting chosen”
Before Mari became (becomes(?)) LB, she comes across a different powerful piece of jewelry, from a different order of guardians where her will of mind is not only her shield from being akumatized, but it is also what drives her powers. That’s right, Mari walks past a flea market and activates a GL ring. The guardians pick up on this activity and send Hal (it is his sector) to check it out. Hal finds the ring with Mari but it still needs the light of a GL to charge and fully work. 
[During the explanation]
“Look, kid-”
“Look, kid, I just need to know why you have that ring.”
“You think I know? I was just walking through the market and all of a sudden, this possessed ring, if that’s even what this is, started following me, then zipped in front of my face til i held my hand up so it can put itself on my finger.” 
“It’s MARINETTE. Get it wrong one more time and you’ll see why I don’t need a possessed piece of alien jewelry.” -Marinette, making sure you get her name right. “Besides, if I stole it, I would remember. I’m a klepto” -Marinette, probably holding his ring too at this point.
Hal obviously doesn’t want the wrath of the Dupain-Chengs (just the kid Marinette scares him enough), so he tells the guardians that JL will take care of most of Mari’s training (once they get her a lamp for her ring, of course) & has her take part in training at Mt. Justice with the Young Justice team and special training with the Bats. Mari does all this under the guise of an international student exchange program for Mari to stay with the Waynes (not yet knowing that it’s the bat fam) and attends G.A. Mari doesn’t do much, but it takes her 24-36 hours to know who EVERYONE is.
[the next week after settling in]
“Hey, Mars,” -Dick, in his Nightwing gear
“Hey, Di-is the GREATEST SHOW!” -Mari, changing the subject(… not really)
“How long did it take you?”
“Not as long as the Kryptonians…” -Mari, going off into a tangent (still trying to change the subject”
[When Marinette meets Tikki]
Back in Paris:
“Sooo… I’m getting powerful jewelry that gives me powers and a suit, needs to be recharged, and comes from some Order of the Guardians? What’s the difference between you and my ring?” -Marinette, who at this point is very confused as to why she keeps getting picked on for this kind of stuff. 
“One’s alien, one’s magic” -Tikki, hoping Mari will end it there & lowkey hates that the GL Corp. got to her first.
“They’re both non-human made energy sources” -Mari, cause once you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen it all before. 
“You can’t heal the Akuma without the miraculous, and there are more than just rings. Yours are earrings, there are hair clips, bracelets, necklaces and more” -Tikki, after having a minute to think
“Fine, only because you said they’re the only way to heal the, what was it again, akuma?”
6) “Their Unofficial Official Barista”
Part of Tim’s job as Co-CEO, is to make sure all the branches are running smoothly, sometimes that means he has to fly abroad to manually check in. Tim goes to Paris to check on the W.E. Paris branch. He goes to a nearby Patisserie (Tom and Sabine’s) to see a young Marinette (somewhere from 8-11) drawing in her sketchbook at the counter. She explains that her parents are at a catering event, but she’s there to man the little bakery. Tim asks for a super caffeinated coffee and Marinette makes it with ease, claiming it was on the house with how bad he looks (and how much sleep the man clearly needs). Tim begs for her knowledge and asks if she can teach his butler. Mari’s willing to show him the next time he comes, so he gets the whole fam to go (viz tubes so they don’t waste time) maybe a week later. Everyone gets their own drink (plus a free pastries) and Marinette teaches Alfred her coffee, but it’s just not the same so Tim, using the tubes, goes to get coffee from the girl whenever he can. 
Mari is horrible at getting up on time (the life of an insomniac, never getting to sleep even if you want and then barely waking up on time) that she is up super early, makes Tim his coffee (plus a croissant) and tries to go back to sleep (making her inevitably late). Tim would walk up to the pick-up counter where his cup and to-go bag is while Marinette runs out of the house to get to school. Eventually, the rest of the Batfam (as well as the Laegue, TT, and YJ) frequent the place, slowly becoming (Dami too) Mari hides it, but she knew all the batfam the first day they came and she showed Alfred how to make the coffee. When the others start making more regular appearances, she learns the identities of YJ team, WW, GLs, and others. Obviously when LB and CN appear as heroes with HM as their villain, they immediately reach out to help. Because 1. Batfam clearly notices that it’s Mari and they sure as heck won’t let her deal with that by herself, and 2. The JL is worrying too much about their favorite barista (even though she’s not really one), especially with the Gigantitan scare. So, of course LB & CN (can’t make him bad everytime) get inducted into YJ.
[After Ladybug finishes defeating Gigantitan and detransforms] 
“Bean! Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” -Tim, being an even more protective older brother than Dick, which shouldn’t be possible
“Yes, I promise. I’m fine” -Marinette, who just accepts the fact that she’s adopted an older brother (and his famliy)
“Tube over, we’ll have Alfred make sure” -Dick, already pulling out the medical supplies for Alfred.
“You shouldn’t worry your brothers like that, Marinette. Now come over so Alfred can clear you,” -Bruce, who just happens to overhear the conversation
“I’m sorry, Miss Marinette, they are very adamant that you’re in pitch perfect health before going out again,” -Alfred, who’s not actually sorry
“Fine” -Marinette, accepting her fate of her adopted, protective family. 
7) “Thicker Than the Blood We’ve Shed”
Why is Marinette so freakishly strong? Because she was trained to be. Before she could even talk, Mari was taught to be an assassin. She and Damian were frenemies, both competing for top spot as best in the League (of Assassins). They often spared together and became rivals who pushed each other (which sounds great in that context if you forget about the fact that they’re killing people and turning it into a competition). When Damian’s care is turned over to Batsy, Mari also comes along for the ride. She implements herself into Dami’s classes at G.A. & watches him from afar. (Damian, not being an idiot, of course knows all this and knows that it’s probably for Mari to give a report to Talia.) When he becomes Robin, Mari obviously knows, but waits to see if anything drastic would happen (his care was given to the Batfam, they had already expected this to happen.) She then heard word of the bounty Talia put on Damian’s head. Marinette knew there wouldn’t be much she could do to help, but she ave Dami a warning about the upcoming situation before fleeing the country. 
From there she got to France, changed her name (it wasn’t originally Marinette, it was Shénqí, chinese for miraculous/magical (or something else if you want)), was adopted by Tom & Sabine, and left her time in the League in the past. When she received Tikki, she didn’t want to be a hero because she didn’t think she deserved it after her up-bringing. Eventually, she did become LB (being a trained assassin does help with lucky charms, considering she was taught how to kill with basically every and anything), and life was good for her. Then Rossi came.
[Gotham field trip]
While at Wayne Tower…
“How idiotic are they?” -Damian, who after reuniting with his long-lost sister-from-a-different-mister (yes, Marinette was able to convince him to say it once), can’t understand the stupidity she has to deal with.
“Are you Robin?” -Mari, who is too tired, so just goes straight into the analogy
“Yes.” -Obvious and simply is.
“Exactly” -Mari, who can’t even put a limit to the amount of thought the one brain cell the class shares doesn’t use. I mean please, the so-called “reporter” believed that the first cosplayer she saw was the actual LB when they don’t even have the same hair! And let’s not forget the origins arc, where LB’s first citizen save was Chloe.
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ikleesfiction · 4 years
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Fandom : One Chicago Words count : 3,679 words Author's note : N/A Disclaimer
Previously on this fic : Part 1
This fic is part of Will you follow through if I fall for you? series
Part 2
After sipping the last of his morning coffee, Will Halstead pulls out his phone to call his brother, Jay.
"Good morning, dearest brother," Will says in his greeting. "Is it a good time to talk? You're not currently kicking doors, chasing perps, are you?" He jokingly asks. It has not yet passed seven in the morning. But it is always a possibility with his cop brother.
Jay takes the call, still half asleep, "This is not a good way to wake up. Just so you know,"
"Is there any better way to wake up than listen to your brother's lovely voice?" Will continues his humor.
“Lots of things are better than this,” Jay fusses, “So, what's up? and it's better to be important,"
Will begins to tell the story, "Owen got in an incident a few days ago at the swimming pool,"
"Damn! What happened? Is he okay? Is he at the hospital now?" Jay suddenly comes awake.
"Calm down, you worrywart. Let me finish. Owen and his friends were playing, a bit careless in the pool. He almost drowned, but someone rescued him. We checked him out at Med. Owen is okay now. Said he cannot wait to go back to the pool," concludes Will.
"Oh, thank god. That kid is so reckless. I should probably teach him another swimming lesson, right?" Jay suggests to his brother.
"Maybe in a while. Nat is still not sure she can let Owen back in the pool," Will thinks.
"That's understandable. But living in Chicago, that kid should be prepared," insists Jay.
"Yeah, I agree with you. But that's not the only reason why I called, by the way," Will changes the topic. Jay knows from his tone that Will is up to something. Something that usually ends up with a volunteer-Jay.
"What do you want now?" sighs Jay.
"Nat and I invited the person who helped Owen to our place for dinner tomorrow. We want you to come," Will proposes his idea.
"Why should I?" Jay protests the idea.
"Don't you want to meet the person who saved Owen? Show them your gratitude for saving your precious nephew?" Will coaxes his stubborn brother.
"Isn't that supposed to be the parents' job? I'm just the Fun Uncle!" grumbles Jay.
"Then you should join the fun dinner with us tomorrow. Or you will get demoted!” Will threatens further.
"Ergh, okay, fine. No promises, though. If an urgent case comes up, I cannot make it to the fun dinner," Jay finally yields, even with his sarcasm.
"Noted. Please bear in mind, if you deliberately avoid our dinner invitation, your title would be demoted to Lame Uncle," Will reminds Jay.
"Even then, I'm still the coolest," Jay mutters before he hangs up the call.
Before long, Jay's phone buzzes with a text message from his brother.
Put it in your calendar, Fun Uncle. Tomorrow, 7 PM, dinner at our place.
Jay leaves the message unanswered. But he schedules it on his calendar, nonetheless. Whatever the reason is, Jay always loves to visit his sweet nephew.
The cab stops in front of a lovely house. You open the text message from Dr. Halstead to recheck the address. Stepping out of the cab, you walk to the front door and knock.
You thought about bringing wine for dinner. But you're not sure that would be a good idea with Owen here. Instead, you have a box of chocolate as a gift to your host. For a second, you wonder, what if somebody is allergic to chocolate? Before you could overreact, the door is open.
"Hi, Y/N!! So glad you could make it. Come in, come in!" Dr. Manning greets you at the door.
"Hi, Dr. Manning. Thanks for inviting me to your house. You have a gorgeous house," You compliment your host.
"Oh, thank you. But please, call me Natalie. I am not wearing a lab coat or a scrub now,"
Further inside the house, you see Dr. Halstead is setting up the dinner table while Owen is sitting on one of the chairs.
"Hi, Y/N! Welcome!" Dr. Halstead welcomes you.
"Good evening, Dr. Halstead," You return with a smile.
"Yeah, that's not going to work for tonight. Please, just call me Will," He orders you.
"Hey bud, do you remember Miss Y/N? She helped you at the pool a few days ago?" Will asks Owen.
Owen remembers the lady from the pool. But he's still embarrassed and sullenly looks down, "I remember,"
You approach Owen slowly, "Hi Owen, my name is Y/N. Nice to see you again,"
Owen is still avoiding your gaze.
So you continue to talk to him, "Oh, here, I have a box of chocolate for you and your family," You pass the paper bag to Owen.
"I hope you like it. My best friend and I always eat chocolate when we were having a bad day. Then our day gets better," You say to Owen, attempting to make him feels better.
"Really?" Owen eyes you curiously.
"Oh yeah, totally," You beam at him.
"Thank you," Owen looks up and pleads to his mother, "Can we have it now, Mom?"
"Let's have it after dinner, hon. There is a cheesy lasagna warming in the oven, right?" Natalie tries to distract Owen from having dessert before dinner. You cringe at your not-so-great idea and mouth an apology to her. She graciously waves it off.
"Oh yeah! Miss Y/N, you must try the lasagna. It is so yummy because I helped Mom make it," brags Owen.
"I cannot wait! Is there anything I can help with for dinner?" You offer.
"No, everything is almost done. Owen, could you please show Miss Y/N where the bathroom is, so she could wash her hand?" Natalie prompts, "and then we can start eating when you come back,"
"Okay. Let's go, Miss Y/N. I could also show you my shark toothbrush!" Owen pulls you toward the bathroom.
When you come back, there are four plates set on the table of five settings.
"Is Dr. Rhodes coming for dinner?" You politely gesture the fifth setting.
"Connor? No," Will is confused for a second. "Oh, it's for my brother. I asked him to come, but Jay usually got caught up at work and came late," He further reveals.
"Ah, the cop brother," You nod in understanding, "That's good. I was worried you guys were too trusting of a stranger,"
The doctors let out a chuckle at your thought, "Yes, my brother is a cop,"
"Should we wait for him?" You offer to hold the dinner off.
"No, we can start now," Natalie objects, "If we wait until Jay arrives, the food's going to be cold,"
You take a bite and praise Owen on his lasagna, "It tastes great, Owen! You are a good help to your mom,"
Owen is too busy with his noodle. He only responds with a big grin. Shortly, you hear knocks on the door.
"That would be Jay," Will gets up from his chair to the door, and Natalie stands up to pull one portion of lasagna out of the oven.
"Have you met Uncle Jay, Miss Y/N?" Owen asks you.
"No, sweetie. I have not," You shake your head.
"Uncle Jay is super fun. I like to play with him. We can play together, Miss Y/N. You are fun too. Because you bring chocolate," Owen explains his logic to you.
Trying not to laugh, you reply, "Well, thank you, Owen. But I think you are the most fun of all, right?"
Will soon comes back in, followed by an extremely handsome man in a fitting black t-shirt and grey jeans. You notice that the man is carrying a gun on his hips and a badge snugged on his belt. He glances at you before whispering something to Will. When the man steps to the other side of the house, you cannot help but stare at his back.
The screeching sound of Will's chair jerks you away from your staring. You keep your gaze down to your plate, hoping Will didn't catch you staring at his brother. You don't see it, but the doctors are exchanging smirks across the dining table. They definitely caught you out.
When Jay returns to the dining table, he ruffles Owen's hair before finding his seat next to you.
"You must be the guest of honor for tonight?" Jay extends his hand to you, "Jay Halstead, Will's brother,"
You clean your hand with the napkins before you take Jay's hand. "Y/N Y/LN. Nice to meet you. Not sure about being the guest of honor, though," You throw a small smile.
"Well, I heard you rescued Owen, so I think it's fair to make you an honorable guest," declares Jay.
"How are you doing, bud? I was worried when Will told me," Jay checks his nephew.
"It was scary, Uncle Jay. My friends and I were playing. I chased David, and Noah was chasing me. Then suddenly, I got pulled down! I was afraid when the water entered my nose, and then I cannot breathe!" Owen recites his experience.
"Oh, bud. It must have been scary. You have to be more careful next time. I know playing is fun, but you have to keep paying attention to your surrounding," Jay patiently advises Owen. Owen nods his reply, looking solemn in his round eyes.
"It was very fortunate that Y/N was nearby when it happened," Will adds to the conversation, "Do you often swimming there, Y/N?"
"Yeah, maybe two or three times a week. I usually come early morning or an hour before closing," You admit.
"Wow, are you preparing for a competition or something?" Jay baffles.
You laugh at Jay's comment, "No, it was not like that. I need regular exercise for my legs. My physical therapist recommends swimming,"
"It's the left one, isn’t it?" infers Natalie.
"Yeah, how do you know?" Feeling surprised by her question, your tone was slightly accusing, too. Did she somehow able to look at your medical record?
"When you came to the hospital that day..." Natalie starts to say.
"Ah, I should have known you noticed it," You are relieved to be wrong this time. "Your patients must have hard times lying to you, Dr. Manning,"
You quickly distract her before she can say anything more about your injury. Experiencing it was already hard. Talking about it was even more difficult.
"Well, my patients are mostly under 12 years old. They rarely lie. However, their parents are whole different stories," Natalie tells you.
"Personally, I like it when I can prove to my patients that they were lying," Will adds his opinion.
"That because your ED is attracting lots of nutters," cracks Jay.
"You are also a frequent flyer on my ED, Jay. It means you are one of the nutters," Will points out.
Laughing at their banter, you polish your meal while listening to the family conversation at the table.
"I finished my meal, Mommy. Can I have Miss Y/N chocolate, now?" begs Owen to his mother.
"Let's wait for Uncle Jay to finish his dinner, then we can have the chocolate together," replies Natalie.
"You have chocolates, little man? Gonna share it with me, right?" demands Jay to Owen.
"Miss Y/N brings lots of chocolate. She said she ate lots of chocolate with her best friend. You are my friend, Uncle Jay. So I will share it with you," states Owen. In agreement, Jay offers his bump to Owen.
God, this man is unbelievable. Good looking, stable job, and great with children. What would be his flaw? You ask yourself.
When Jay finishes his dinner, Owen drags him to the living room. You offer to help with the dishes. But Natalie refused your help.
"No, no. You go sit with Owen and Jay in the living room. Between Will and I, we can tackle these dishes in no time,"
So you go to the living room and find Jay sitting on the floor. Owen is sitting on the couch right in front of Jay, with your gift bag in his lap. He carefully opens the bag with Jay's assistance.
"This looks fancy. Belgian Pralines?" comments Jay once they got the box out of the bag.
"Nah, It was not that fancy. I only picked it because it tasted similar to what we have back home," You explain.
True to her words, Natalie and Will come to the living room shortly.
"Owen, you can only have one piece of chocolate for tonight, okay? We can save the rest for tomorrow," Natalie dictates to his son.
"But, Mommy..." whines Owen to his mother.
Natalie is not deterred by his son's whine, "One or none,"
"I will take the deal if I were you, bud," Jay fake-whispers to his nephew.
Grumbling his agreement, Owen turns to the box on his lap, meticulously inspecting it.
"I cannot choose! They all look delicious!" He cries his frustration.
"You can try the round one. It has caramel filling," You suggest to Owen. "Or if you like coconut, the triangle one got sweet coconut in it,"
"It got coconut in there??" Owen gasps in wonder. "I will take that. I like coconut, and the triangle is my favorite shape,"
Owen decisively picks his chocolate. The first bites into the triangle made his eyes go wide, astonished. Owen quickly takes another bite. Natalie, Will, and Jay then follow Owen, taking each different piece from the box.
"Ooh, I got one with orange filling. Hmm, interesting..." Natalie notes her pick.
"I expected the caramel filling would be too sweet. But it's not that sweet," remarks Will after his bite.
Jay, though, doesn't express anything about his chocolate.
"What about yours, Uncle Jay? What flavor is it?" Owen asks curiously.
"I got dark chocolate,"
"Did it taste good?"
"It's bitter," Jay informs his little inquisitor.
Owen pulls a face, "You can finish all the bitter chocolate, Uncle Jay. I only pick the sweet one,"
Jay grins at his nephew, "Thanks, bud!"
"Come on, Owen. You need to take a bath, brush your teeth, and get ready for bed," Natalie instructs his son.
Owen is thinking about negotiating her orders. He still wants to play with his uncle and their guest.
Before he could say anything, Natalie disrupts him, "Or Uncle Jay will take all the chocolate home with him,"
"Nope, I'm going now," Owen jumps from the couch and goes to the bathroom, followed by his mother.
Will also stands up from the couch, "You guys want anything to drink? Coffee, tea? Wine, maybe?"
Even though you want to take the wine, you decline his offer, "No, I'm good, thanks,"
"Just water for me, bro," Jay calls out to his brother as he moves to sit next to you.
"Which one is your favorite?" He asks you, referring to the chocolate box.
"From that box? Dark chocolate," You tell him.
"You got another favorite?" Jay seems intrigued.
"The liquor-filled ones," You sheepishly confess to him.
Jay raises his eyebrow, "That sounds fantastic,"
You laugh at his remark, "Yeah, they are good. Especially the one with Amaretto,"
"Hmm, I can imagine," Jay hums as he picks another dark chocolate from Owen's box.
Worried that Jay would take you as an alcoholic, you make another note, "But, dark chocolate is sort of aphrodisiac, though,"
"Yeah, I can see that. It's just purely good," Jay agrees with your choice.
"Pair them with red wine will make it even better. A box of dark chocolate, a nice red wine, spends it with a good company, guarantee you will have a good night,"
God, was it too suggestive?? You are internally freaking out.
"Actually, that would be nice,"
Jay gazes at you for a moment and then leans in your direction. Like a different pole of a magnet, you pull in closer. You can see light dust of freckles on Jay’s nose and wonder if his lips would taste like dark chocolate.
“Here you go, bro!” Suddenly, Will comes back with two bottles of water in his right hand and a cup of tea in his left. You abruptly move away from Jay, eyes down to the floor, embarrassed.
Jay takes one of the water bottles and gives an unimpressed look to his brother. Will grins cheekily in reply.
“Here’s water for you, Y/N. In case you get thirsty,” Will teases you.
You can feel your face turned red, “Thanks, Dr. Halstead,” Putting the title back to his name as you try to be cool about it.
There is an awkward silence for a moment before Will breaks it, “I think I have yet to ask you, but what do you do, Y/N?”
Relieved by the change of topic, you happily answer, "I work for a record label company,"
"What does one do at a record label company?" Jay asks you curiously.
"Lots of things. But mostly I produce music and write songs," You give a short detail.
“So you’re a musician?” Will points out.
"Yes. But not a performing one? If that makes any sense?" You try to explain your situation.
"I do not really enjoy performing in front of live audiences. I'm not comfortable facing a big crowd," You pause to see if Will and Jay understood.
"You got stage fright?" Jay guesses.
You throw a bashful smile, "A big one. The best I can do is performing on the radio. I used to work as a DJ on a late-night radio show," You begin to open up.
"On that show, I got to play whatever music I want, got to talk to people I'd like. There weren't many people listening to late-night radio, you know? So the station let me do whatever I want," You giggle through your story.
"I bet most of them would be late-shift workers, like we do," Will reckons.
"Yup. And fellow insomniacs," The three of you let out a laugh.
"At that time, I also played music from many unsigned, aspiring musicians. Sometimes, mine too, if I feel confident about it. Those were the only time I dare to "perform" if we can call it that way,"
"What kind of music are you producing now? Anything I might know?" Will explores, "Jay won't know anything, though. The last record he listened to was probably Ms. Jackson by Outkast,"
Vehemently, Jay protests, "Hey!"
You laugh at their spite. You are an only child, but your best friend is only two years younger than you. Most of the time, you banter like this too.
"It is a good song, though," You tell Will on Jay's behalf.
"Am I right??" Jay points it out to Will.
"Yeah, it is. But it's like two decades ago, man!" Will argues, "C'mon, Y/N, help me up here. You need to tell Jay here about songs you produced. He might wanna listen to new songs if you wrote them,"
You immediately blush from that playful tease from Will.
"I'm not sure you would be into it. Mostly I made dance music. Electronics and others," You clumsily stutter, "But recently, I'm working on a music podcast where I can play and tinker lots of music, not exclusively of dance music,"
Your eyes darted between these two men, "I'm sorry, it's so presumptuous of me. I didn't mean that you have to listen to it,"
The brothers quickly negate your apology.
"No, no, not at all," Jay shakes his head.
“Totally going to check that podcast out,” Will declares, "Where can I find it?"
But before you can answer, Owen runs to the living room in his pajamas.
“Ah, ready for bedtime?” Will stands up from his seat.
Standing in front of you, Owen opens his arms for a hug, “Thank you for the chocolate, Miss Y/N,”
“You are welcome, Owen. I hope it helps you feel better,” You hug him back.
“Yes, but I feel much better if I can have one more?” He dubiously looks at his mom.
“You would also feel better after a good night's sleep. So enough chocolate for tonight,” Natalie amusedly retorts.
Owen moves to hug Jay, “Good night, Uncle Jay. Remember, only the bitter chocolates for you,”
Chuckling, Jay rubs Owen's back gently, “I will not touch your sweet chocolate, I promise. Sleep well, bud,”
After the parents come back from putting Owen down to bed, you consider that it’s probably a good time to leave.
“I think I better go home now. You guys must be tired after a long day at work,” You rise from your seat.
“Oh no, you don’t have to leave now. I was going to open a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc,” Natalie persuades you to stay.
All of a sudden, you hear a ping from a phone. Follow by another ping. And another ping. Will pulls out the phone from his pocket and momentarily reads it, “Med needs me to come in,”
“Guess the party’s over,” Jay quips. Natalie let out a conceded sigh.
You pull out your phone, try to order rideshare to go home.
“I can drive you home,” offers Jay when he catches a glimpse of your phone screen.
“Ah, I don’t want to impose,” You try to resist.
Jay peeks at your phone again to see your address. “No, you won’t. It's on my way back anyway,”
“You sure?” You check again.
“Absolutely,” answers Jay confidently.
“Okay, then. Thank you,” You flash a smile to Jay that instantly mirrors back.
“Let me just quickly get my things,” Jay goes to grab his gun and badge.
When he comes back, Natalie and Will hug Y/N goodbye at the door.
“Thanks again for inviting me to dinner. It was wonderful,” You say to the doctors.
“Yes, it was! We should do it again sometimes. Maybe make it a picnic at the park when the weather is good,” Natalie recommends.
“Yeah, maybe by the lake? We could go swimming,” You concur with humor.
Natalie rolls her eyes while Will and Jay are sniggering. You share good night wishes with the hosts before leaving the house.
Next on this fic : Part 3
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calypsoff · 3 years
Fifty Four.
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I am actually glad I stayed behind, after all the panicking that Robyn was leaving I am happy I stayed. I have been really busy trying to get a team together, I’ve just had the biggest dealing with Brooklyn Projects, and I am so blessed for it, Dom is a good guy, and I couldn’t be happier for what he has blessed me with. He pushed me to get a spot at the Agenda Show and I did it, I got a spot there which will be in a weeks’ time. I have been busy trying to find a supplier and I did it, I have found it and there will be no let down. I need to start releasing new designs which I am working on, these past two weeks has been hectic trying to find the supplier to fulfil Dom’ order, I was worried I wouldn’t and then I realised it’s Robyn’ birthday coming up which is near the Agenda Show but I assumed Robyn would be back but she won’t and her scan, her twelve week scan is coming up but she needs more time in London but luckily I am busy here so it doesn’t bug me but I would like to see her, so because she will be in London for her birthday I may need to jump on a flight to her, I mean what am I saying, of course I will “get that for me!” I shouted from the office; I have taken over this office space now. The buzzer is going off like it’s nothing, whoever that is “got it” TJ said, I am trying to employ a social media team. I can’t be dealing with service side of things, ok we started small, but we will get big, my phone pinged. Looking over at my phone, it’s Robyn so I need to look at it.
From: Robyn
To: Chris
Can we Skype call? I need to show you some things so let me know?
I wonder what it is, am I in trouble or is she going to tell me she will be there for another month. Texting Robyn back.
From: Chris
To: Robyn
Yeah we can in 10
Texting back and locking my phone “you got a package, shit is a little big” TJ said, raising an eyebrow shocked “for me? Open it, let me know” I mean who the hell knows where I live, I am fairly new so who the hell sent me anything, I shouldn’t think like that. I get in my own thoughts and think stupid “anyways” I need to get back to this, why is it I keep getting women to employ. It’s women that really be in my messages saying they can do things for me, and they can, they be having degrees and shit, they are pretty too “ayo, it’s from Dom” TJ made his way over to me with a card in hand, taking the card from him “To Chris, welcome to the Brooklyn Projects team, I can’t wait to see what we can do together. Please accept this gift of a BMX, my good friend spray painted it for you, Dom” I gasped “oh shit, let me see. You seen it” placing the card down as I got up from the chair, this is so exciting for me. This is my first gift; this has been gifted to me and I can’t believe it that people want to do that for me. I grinned wide, unwrapping the BMX with the biggest smile on my face “oh shit, no way it says Breezy on there. Oh my god, this guy knows me” I stepped back “yo, I am so hype” I jumped up and down “yes!” I spat, this is so dope “let me get my phone” walking off to the office, I am so happy about this. I can’t believe people give gifts like this just for free, grabbing the phone from office desk. Walking back out “do I look good?” I asked TJ “yeah you always do bro” he laughed; You can take a picture of me now. Holding my phone out to TJ to take it for me, walking over to the BMX “this shit is so dope, I am so happy” moving it away from the mess “oh actually take it here cause of that picture, Robyn and her love for the wedding pictures” sitting on the BMX, nobody understands how impressed I am of this.
TJ is my photographer, he takes good pictures “where is Barry?” uploading to two pictures, one of me on the BMX and the other just with it on its own “I don’t know, out” adding the caption ‘Thank you so much @brooklynprojects. for the BMX and adding the extra detail too, thank you. I appreciate brother’ pressing send on the post, I am not even going to front but I look good as hell in that picture “your cheekbones are looking crazy in that” TJ spat, he isn’t wrong though my cheekbones are looking good “so tell me where is Barry? Did he even come back in after you both went out” TJ shook his head, hearing the skype call “oh shit, I got a skype call with Robyn” rushing back into the office, closing the door behind me because this is private because you never know. Sitting on the chair pushing myself in and answering the call on my laptop “took your time and your out of breath, where is the bitch?” I chuckled, Robyn is always dramatic “wow, wait a minute” looking at the door for nothing just to annoy Robyn “tell her to leave, Rihanna is on the call” Robyn gasped “Chris, you better be playing” shaking my head laughing “there is nobody here, don’t worry. How is my twin?” biting my bottom lip staring at her, she seems to be in an office “busy, busy poppa. I miss you so much, I am so sorry that I am not coming back in time for my birthday, but you seem to be busy anyways, I am so happy for you Chris. See what I told you? I believed in you, but I rescheduled the twelve week scan appointment” nodding my head “well you know if I wasn’t busy I would be bugging you, but the Agenda Show is around the same time as your birthday so yeah, I guess we going to skype birthday” Robyn poked her lips out “you can make it up to me right?” shaking my head “mhmm nah not really but guess what, I got my first gift! Dom sent me a BMX, I am so excited” Robyn cooed out “I saw poppa, I got the notification” Robyn is such a stalker.
Jay Brown entered the skype call, his bald headed ass just here. I assumed he would be in London but no “hi everyone, I called this meeting” he said, sitting back in the chair “yeah, Robyn didn’t say what was happening so yeah” he chuckled “ok that is fine, so are you both ready. I have the very first copy of your Vogue cover, this is why I bought you both together. I wanted you to both see it together; it came into the office. Special delivery, we couldn’t let this leak out. I opened the magazine, and I am blown away, the interview was so good, it felt so real, and the pictures are amazing” licking my top lip smiling “already? I mean actually they took their time, when is it being released?” I asked “the date for this release is on Robyn’ birthday but we are releasing the cover, this what I wanted to discuss. We need to timely release images that aren’t in the magazine, once Vogue post it I need you both to do the same. We are going to tease the audience; Vogue has mentioned they are releasing the cover but not the inside content until the release. They are printing more then they usually do too but are you both ready” I feel a little excited “I am nervous, maybe it’s the baby I don’t know. Do we look good?” Robyn said “it looks so good, they did a double print picture, and I have to tell you both look so well” it may be the picture the lady chose of us walking the lobby “well here you are, Mr and Mrs Fenty-Brown” Jay Brown bought the cover to the camera, I gasped and that is not like me “oh my god” I said, that is really Vogue magazine and I am there “oh shit that looks amazing, so they used the picture of us walking down the steps, nah. I like that because it shows off her ring too, I look elegant as fuck there with Robyn” that is crazy “I am really proud of you both” Jay Brown said, I am mind blown.
I can’t believe this shit “man” Jay Brown left the skype call “I am mind blown Robyn, how crazy is that. I am on that cover with you!? How is this even real, I am getting gifts too” Robyn is just looking in awe “Chris your life is about to change in a big way, you need to be ready for this. You maybe not ready but you need to be, once this comes out your life will be officially changed. You think your life is different now? This is nothing Chris, I want you to be grateful and enjoy yourself. So when you go to the Agenda Show, you might have some fans. No female picture taking” I chuckled “oh yeah about that, I didn’t really get to mention it because it left my mind but, the girl I was working with and messaging that you disliked is fired thanks to the fact you complained to Mel and she told Barry, the people I am speaking too are women and I am trying to get a team together for my business but I can’t have this thing of you don’t like it because they are females. I wasn’t happy when I found out because it’s wrong, you deal with men, but I don’t complain so yeah. Honestly I feel like I am running this shit on my own now so I need the help so yeah” Robyn doesn’t seem to care “that is nice to know she has gone but ok fine, I do trust you” Robyn will complain about something, she will not like any female near me.
I am so happy, I can’t believe on the front cover of Vogue with my wife, this is wild to me. Walking out of the office with my phone to ear to ring my mom, I mean of course I am ringing my mom, I need to tell her this. At first I was like ok whatever but seeing the cover just there, the shit is real and it’s actually happening “you are finally taking calls now?” my mother said down the phone “I think you see I called you, since when did you call me mom?” she is a liar “well I did a few days ago and you said not now” letting out an oh “I did, sorry but listen to this mom. I am going to be on the front cover of Vogue with Robyn! I saw the cover!” I shouted; I am so fucking hyper “baby what? You mentioned it but I thought you was joking, oh my god. Do you know how much of a big deal this is? Your sister reads those magazines, oh my god. So I can buy this in the store, my baby on the cover of Vogue. Christopher I am so proud of you, I want you to know this. Me and your dad love you so much and are very proud of you, I will buying that magazine. Christopher I also wanted to mention, please come and visit us, we miss you. Your dad seems to be missing you the most so please come home sometime” sitting down on the couch “missing me that much? I will mom, sooner then you think” I need to get the home for them.
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My bump is beginning to take shape, it is so amazing to see how pregnancy be changing your body just like that. Right now the bump is small, but it is there, and you can tell what it is if I wear tight clothing, I just love placing my hand over my bump when I lay down but everyday seems to be different to me, my body is always changing. I am ever so careful with myself while being in London, I just really go to my meetings and come back to my hotel room, I wear extremely baggy clothing here too. Only my team know about the baby, I haven’t let anyone else know about it, but I have been so lazy for the past few days, this is what put me back. I was in bed just not wanting to do anything so that alone put me back, when I feel like that I actually give myself time off. I would never do what I did last time, so if I don’t feel like working then I don’t feel like it so I have rest days, so this is what is putting me back with things, but I don’t care, I rather not push myself when my body is telling me no, never doing that again. I come first in this “are you finished on the skype call?” Tina asked, nodding my head stifling out a yawn “I got you some lunch, a footlong for you” thank heavens “good, I am so hungry” waving her over “you just ate like an hour ago” side eyeing Tina “do not judge me bitch, you can tell everyone they can come back in now” she bought me my food so I will be silent for a few minutes.
Mel touched the prototype of the slides “I have a feeling this is going to sell, you know if these sell how I think, are we going to have Fenty fashion” I smiled with my mouth full of food “this bitch is too into her food right now but I see Fenty fashion being a thing, this Puma thing is going to elevate you” swallowing my food “I am so excited but I am going to push for Fenty Beauty first, makeup as always been so important to me so yes, Fenty Beauty first” I think that is the way forward “you about to make a name for yourself, so what was the skype call for with your husband?” Mel asked “oh, Jay Brown revealed to us the front cover of Vogue, oh my god. It looks so amazing oh by the way, Chris got a little moody because Barry had fired the bitch that was getting a little too friendly in his messages, you know that?” Mel shook her head “all I did was say it to Barry, not my problem. I never said fire anyone” I am glad she fired anyways, I didn’t like the bird so there is that but nobody told anyone to fire the girl.
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 4)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton (more to be added)
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman Logan (more to be added)
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 My Master Post
Janus shoved himself to his feet and while Remus would usually find it easy to laugh at him for the way his hair looked, the cold glare the other man was sending him was nothing like the glares he usual leveled at Remus. He did not want to mess with that glare. Remus had some self-preservation instincts.
“Your brother?” Roman asked, still on his butt and looking confused. Now he Remus could laugh at right now.
Remus cackled. “You might want to find a new hair and make-up artist Ro-Ro.” Roman glared at him which just served to make Remus cackle more.
“I apologize for him,” Janus muttered.
Roman blinked up at him and a smile flickered over his face. “That’s a new one. I’m usually the one apologizing for him.”
Janus paused for a moment before he cracked a smile himself. “I guess you would be.” He stuck out a hand to help Roman to his feet.
“So,” Roman said. “You’re here for Virgil Gates then too?”
Janus nodded. “Yes.”
“I didn’t know he had any family other than his father and his uncle. Why didn’t D…” he stumbled over not calling Dad, “Dad”, “Sanders call you then?”
Janus’ mouth pinched in displeasure.
“It likely has to do with the fact that my mother killed his father,” Janus said blankly. Remus grimaced. Blank Janus was far scarier than glaring Janus. It meant he was feeling a whole bunch of things and didn’t want anyone to know it.
“Oh that’s…” Roman said awkwardly. “That’s heavy dude.”
“Yes. Heavy.”
“Well, we’ll snatch the kid up and make sure mommy dearest doesn’t get her hands on Baby Bop,” Remus said. “Won’t we Ro?” Remus gave Roman a look and he nodded once sharply.
“Of course, we will,” Roman said. “That’s why I’m here anyway.”
“I’m going with you,” Janus informed them.
Roman opened his mouth like he was thinking about arguing, but since Remus enjoyed having a brother, he cut him off. “Yep. Of course, you are Jay. Between the three of us, we’ll find him in no time. I mean, how far could the pipsqueak have gotten?”
Janus nodded sharply. He turned to Roman. “You were looking for him too, what do you know?”
“Not much more than you,” Roman answered. “There’d clearly been a break in when I checked the house and I found what I’m guessing was his,” he pointed a thumb at the unconscious man by the water fountain, “car down the road which a neighbor had said they’d seen someone come out of and go sneaking around the house. So, I figured Virgil and whoever broke into the house were probably still around,” Roman said. “I swung by the bus stop down the street, but no busses have left in the last half hour or so and I couldn’t see anyone around. Then, I thought to check the park and came here and heard you…er… talking to that guy,” Roman gestured to the unconscious body a couple feet away, “about finding him.”
“He didn’t know much else,” Janus told them. “Virgil pepper sprayed him and bolted.”
Remus snorted. “Good on him.”
A very small smile flickered across Janus’ face, but was gone the next second.
“Well that’s the park and the bus station checked,” Janus said.
“Would he go to any neighbors?” Roman asked.
Janus shook his head. “Probably not. He doesn’t know many of them well. Ms. Owens maybe or maybe she would have seen something. She lives next to them.”
“We’ll start there then,” Roman said.
“What about this guy?” Remus asked while poking him with the toe of his foot. “He’s still breathing.”
“Call the cops,” Janus suggested. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a plastic bag to toss to Remus who caught it. “Don’t leave fingerprints.”
“Why do you have a bagged-up gun in your pocket?” Roman asked.
“I was doing something before this,” Janus answered.
“Huh, see. That doesn’t answer my question.”
Remus ignored them in favor of rolling the body carefully over and shoving the gun into the guy’s pocket so it was visible, but didn’t look like it was supposed to be visible. He then handcuffed the guy to the water fountain and, just for funnsies, put a joint on him.
“All done,” he said after he’d positioned the man perfectly.
Roman was still side-eyeing Janus a bit but was on the phone talking to the police saying something about finding an unconscious guy with a gun.
“And we handcuffed him!” Remus whisper yelled. Roman glanced at the unconscious guy.
“We handcuffed him to a water fountain because he seemed dangerous and we didn’t want him to get away.”
As Roman continued to talk to the operator, Remus sidled up to Janus and elbowed him in the side. Janus shoved him away grumpily, but not enough to send Remus stumbling. Remus took that as a sign that he was willing to talk.
“The little bastard’s fine,” Remus promised. “We’ll find him in no time.”
“He’s my little brother,” Janus said, and his tone was level and informative, but Remus could tell he was a screaming mess on the inside.
Remus nudged his shoulder a bit and Janus scowled at the ground and stepped away. Remus narrowed his eyes at him. Roman must have looked over and read the intention in the wiggle of Remus’ shoulders because he said. “Remus! NO.” That, however, did not stop Remus from launching his whole body at Janus and tackling him to the ground.
“Remus get off!” Janus yelled trying to smack him, but Remus just dodged and tucked his face against his chest. He was whacked on the back of the head, but not nearly as hard as he could have been.
“Forced affection!”
“Roman, come get your dammed brother off of me,” Janus groused while shoving at Remus’s head.
“Remus,” Roman groaned and Remus felt a hand pulling at the back of his shirt. Remus just clung tighter. “Let him go.”
He nuzzled his cheek against Janus’s shoulder. “But I love him.”
“You are a menace to society,” Janus retorted which was basically saying it back as far as Remus was concerned, especially with the way fondness seemed to leak into his tone. He shoved at Remus’s forehead again and Remus relented, hoping to his feet.
Janus sighed heavily and pushed himself into a sitting position.
Right as Janus made it to his feet, his phone dinged. It was his phone from Dad not the one from Janus’ mom, Remus noted as he took it out of his pocket. Remus leaned over his shoulder to get a look at what the text said. Janus spared him a glance but didn’t protest him looking.
Mission details were attached, and rather formal message read ‘Be at Bucking Bay in 30 minutes for a pickup. Please confirm.’
Remus could tell and he knew by the look on Janus’s face that he could tell too that Dad did not think Janus knew his brother was missing.
He silently opened the attachment and read the mission details before dropping the phone onto the ground and stomping his foot onto the screen until it shattered.
“No offence,” he said calmly, “but fuck your father.” He turned away toward the entrance of the park without another word. Remus swallowed thickly and shared a glance with Roman.
“We should probably follow him,” Roman said. “He knows where the neighbor lives.”
Remus nodded though he’d planned on following Janus even if he didn’t have information about the mission they were on.
They followed him down the street back towards where Remus knew Virgil and Remy’s house was (had been?... He didn’t think Virgil would be living there anymore if his dad was dead.).
Janus knocked on the front door of a house next door without preamble. It took a few seconds for the door to open. Even after working with Janus for the last two years, Remus was still surprised how quickly the other man’s face could transform.
“Good evening Ms. Owens,” he said smoothly, an apologetic smile on his face and a slight crinkle to his brow. “I was supposed to pick Virgil up to take him to a school play tonight, but he wasn’t home when I knocked. Would you have happened to have seen anything? I believe he may have left his phone at home.”
The woman who’d opened the door blinked at him in confusion for a few moments before a smile lit up her face. “Oh, hello Janus,” she said. “I did see him run out his backdoor a few minutes ago and hop the fence.”
“He went out the backdoor?” Janus said, a small frown flickering over his face for a moment before it disappeared. “Towards the grocery store perhaps?”
“He did seem to be going that way,” she confirmed.
“Hmm. Well I did tell him I would help him sneak in snacks to the play,” Janus said. “Perhaps he forgot and ran to get some. When did you see him?”
“Oh, about half an hour ago, give or take. I’m surprised he’s not back yet.”
Janus chuckled lightly. “Probably got tied up in the chocolate aisle. I’ll look for him there. Thank you, ma’am.”
“Oh, it’s no problem sweetie. Have fun at the play.”
Janus continued to smile until the door snapped shut. Then his face fell back into a neutral expression and he turned away.
“The grocery store,” he said. “Let’s look there. He does know the area so it would be a good place to hide.”
“Yeah, dude,” Remus replied. “I’m sure he’s off hiding in the chocolate aisle just like you said.”
Want to read more? Click below!
AO3 Part 5
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anna-justice · 4 years
Lost or Found - 2
Summary: As Jay, Hailey, Kim, Adam and Kevin start their junior year in the wake of a tragic summer, the past year of their lives comes back to haunt them. If you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars, this is for you! *UPSTEAD/BURZEK High School AU 
2 - Every Breath You Take
Hailey found herself in the front seat of Jay’s pickup truck, which was a place she never thought she would be. After three days of trying to figure out where the text came from, they had given up. Jay called his best friend Greg, who Hailey didn’t even know existed, to help them trace the message.
It was just the 3 of them, Jay’s brother Will had just moved into Northwestern and his mom was at work. Hailey wasn’t sure where his dad was, but that wasn’t new, she had never heard Jay talk about him despite him being in the picture. They made their way to the unfinished basement of the small greystone, Hailey smirking in amusement at Greg’s shock after seeing Jay’s colorful and elaborate bulletin board.
“Wow,” Greg said, tracing one of the string trails with his finger. “This is crazy. And the cops don’t know about any of it?”
“No.” Jay said, leaning against the makeshift desk. “This is just between us.”
“So, what’s our next move?” Greg asked.
“I was thinking that you could stay here and track the text, while Hailey and I go to Erin’s and look through her room.” Jay said.
Hailey spoke in protest. “Really? Look through her room?”
Jay nodded, “There is something missing, maybe it will be there.”
Fifteen minutes later, Hailey stood with Jay in the middle of Erin’s bedroom. They had entered using Jay’s key. Unbeknownst to Hailey, Jay would stay at the Voight’s whenever things would get bad with his dad. Hank wasn’t home at the time, he was a private investigator and sometimes he would leave for days at a time for a job, not that it mattered, he treated Jay like his own son.
They sifted through the various stacks of books and clothes, the room had been untouched since she disappeared. Hailey watched Jay as he looked at the collage of pictures on the wall. She was only in a few, the new ones added on the bottom. There was one from the first night she met Erin and Jay, they had a bonfire in Kim’s backyard, she remembered joining Erin in teasing Kim about her blushing everytime Adam looked at her. The next one was the three girls dressed in pajamas for the first day of finals. And the third was from the day before the last day of school, it was Jay and Adam’s last baseball game. She must have hung it up that same night.
She followed Jay’s gaze to a picture of the two of them, he was kissing Erin’s cheek while she smiled wide for the camera. “I’m so sorry.” She said, “We haven’t really talked about it. It must be terrible.” And while it seemed crazy that in all their investigating that they hadn’t really talked about what happened, it was true. They talked logistics, motive, suspects, but never feelings. Jay was closed book, he had been the whole summer. It was only in the past few days that Hailey thought they were beginning to truly be friends, despite the horrific circumstances.
“I’m fine.” Jay said, turning away from the wall of memories abruptly.
Hailey sighed, she knew that lie well. It was her go to. “Jay, talk to me, I promise I’m the last person to judge.”
Jay took a deep breath, he could sense the sincerity in her words clearly. He looked a her, a little too long actually. She was almost smiling in defeat, she was expecting him to shoot her down again, challenging him to tell her how he was feeling. “I just,” He cut himself off, ready to retreat back to him silent shell, but he wanted to talk, he needed to talk. “I can’t stand not knowing. I don’t care if she really is dead, I just want to know.” He admitted. Hailey didn’t respond or console him. She just nodded, which is exactly what he needed in that moment.
Greg Gerwitz: I got an address for the server that sent the text. 1490 Wabash.
“What is it?” Hailey asked, noticing a slight smile appear on Jay’s face.
Jay held up his phone, “Greg got an address.”
“Let’s go.”
As they pulled up to the sketchy looking bungalow, Hailey realized that they had no plan. It didn’t seem to bother Jay, he jumped out of the truck and charged the front door. He easily jumped over the missing step while Hailey carefully climbed after him, her short legs giving her a serious disadvantage. As soon as they reached the door, Jay tried the nob, much to his his surprise, the door to the abandoned house fell open.
They carefully made their way in, Hailey unintentionally gripping Jay’s arm to keep him close. The main floor was completely bare, with the exception of a few random chairs and a very dilapidated kitchen. They rounded a corner and met the basement stairs, each step causing them to squeak. When they reached the bottom, Hailey thought she had stopped breathing. Just like in Erin’s room, photos of them lined the walls, but these were different. They weren’t staged or posed, the were the worst kind of candid. There were ones of each of them individually, small groups of them, Erin with lots of different people.
“Holy shit,” Jay muttered under his breath. Once he recovered he began to take photos of everything he saw.
Hailey stood  there frozen, some of the photos were recent, as recent as Erin’s funeral. “Jay.” She said, starting to panic, “Jay.” He wasn’t paying attention. “Jay!” He finally looked at her. “What the hell is all this? We have to tell the others, this is about all of us now, not just Erin. Ohmigod, someone really did take her…”
She kept rambling on, “Hailey,” Jay said, but it didn’t stop her. “Hailey,” He said, putting his hands on her shoulders. “We will tell the others everything, but right now we need to take everything we can, whoever did this wanted us to find this, we need to take advantage of it.”
As soon as Hailey turned to look through the nearest stack of files, a car alarm went off outside. Jay went running up the stairs and Hailey chased after him, when they reached his truck, all the doors were open and the lights were flashing while the horrid noise sounded over and over again. The two shared a look before rushing to the pickup and locking themselves in. Whoever was responsible had been there the whole time.
Kim looked down at her phone, there was a text in the group chat to meet for breakfast in the morning. She smiled to herself, things were finally getting back to normal. She couldn’t deny that the loss of Erin hurt like hell, it still did. But being the optimistic person she was, she told herself that she would be okay and kept pushing forward.
“What are you so happy about?” Adam asked from the drivers seat.
Kim shrugged, “Nothing really, Jay just said that he wants all of us to get breakfast in the morning.”
“Sounds fun,” Adam nodded, “I’ll pick you up.”
Kim grinned at that, she has had feelings for Adam for a long time now, but wasn’t until Erin’s disappearance that she acted on them. Erin had always pushed her too, and doing so made Kim feel close to her again. They didn’t tiptoe around it formuch longer than that, he asked her to be his girlfriend a soon as possible, they understood now how short life really was.
They reached their destination, a little hole in the wall pizzeria by the riverwalk. Adam met her at her side of the car, quickly pressing her against it before lowering his lips to hers. Adam was big on PDA, not that Kim minded, it made her feel wild. After coming up for air, Adam pecked her lips one more time, and they made their way inside. All the while completely unaware of the the person that had been following them for six block now.
Hailey made her way into the dark house, dropping her bag by the front door. She headed to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on any lights on the way. She was pretty shaken up from earlier and was ready to sleep the whole day away. She heard a thud in the living rooma and immediately she cursed herself for not being smart enough to hit any of the switches she passed.
Her uncle was on shift all night at the firehouse and her aunt had plans with her work friends and would be home late. She slowly made her made towards the den, looking around herself constantly, she rounded the corner, sure that she was just hearing things due to her newfound paranoia, but she was met with a dark figure. She tried to scream, but the wind was knocked out of her as the figure slammed her against the wall behind her. They gripped her neck, molding her body into the hard surface. She clawed at their hands, trying desperately to breathe, but they were too strong.
“Stop looking.” A voice growled in her ear before she was thrown to the floor. Oxygen finally filled her lungs and she coughed violently, giving whoever was there the chance to disappear as fast as they appeared in the first place. She held her throat, which felt like it was on fire.
She crawled on the floor, searching for her phone that had been lost in the one sided fight. The tears began to fall as she fumbled with her passcode, she then called the only person she could.
“Jay,” She forced out along with another sob.
“Hailey? What’s wrong?”
Hailey’s breathing began to pick up, “The-There was someone in my h-house and they attacked me. I-I can’t breathe.”
“I’m on my way.”
Jay didn’t hang up until he pulled up in front of her house. He broke several traffic laws trying to get back to her house. He burst through the unlocked door and ran through the house. “Hailey!” He called out, he followed the sound of cries and found her still on the ground holding her chest. “Hailey, Hailey breathe.” He said, pulling her into his arms. “You’re okay, you’re safe.”
Hailey felt herself wrapped in his warmth, she finally felt like she could breathe again. She focused on his steady, but fast, heartbeat, trying to match her breath to it like she had learned. It had been so long since she had had a panic attack. Little did Jay know, that wasn’t the first time sh had been strangled and it definitely wasn’t the first time she had ended up on the floor sobbing. Eventually, Hailey reluctantly pulled herself away from him. “Thanks.” She said, casting her gaze on the floor.
“Of course.” He said, standing. He began to pace around the room, looking for anything the attacker might have left behind. He turned to her. “Are you okay? Do we need to go to the hospital?”
“No!” She exclaimed, maybe a little too aggressively. “I’m fine, I was more scared than anything.” Jay eyed her like he didn’t believe her, but she ignored it. “Should we, um, call the police?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Then no, we can’t risk  them being another step ahead of us.” He explained, “We can’t trust anyone.”
Hailey nodded, playing with her fingers as she shifted uncomfortably. “Would you mind staying? Just until my aunt gets home.”
Jay cracks a slight smile, “Not at all.”
Hailey proceeded to turn on every light she could find, even though she felt much safer with Jay being there. She led him to the kitchen where she made a pot of coffee, they both needed it. They made small talk for the next few hours, neither of them wanting to veer into deeper water.
Somewhere close to midnight Trudy returned, surprised to find a Halstead sitting in her kitchen. Jay quickly bid his goodbyes, telling Hailey that he would pick her up in the morning. Trudy eyed Hailey as he walked out the door, but Hailey shook her head. The last thing she needed was her aunt thinking that she had something going on with her presumed dead best friend’s ex. That would be horribly messy. She made her way to her room, double checking the locks on all her windows. When she finally fell asleep, her door was open and all her lights were on. Which, little did she know, made it even easier to watch her.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
The Farmhouse
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Summary: The reader has been quietly dating the Ackles for close to two years now. When a bad day gets even worse, she questions what she’s doing running around with a married couple when she can’t even say who she’s dating…
Pairing: Jensen x reader x Danneel
Word Count: 5,500ish
Warnings: language, angst, eventual fluff
You were fuming by the time you finally, finally got home. Your car got a flat tire on the highway, about ten minutes from the brewery and you’d figured the roadside assistance guy would be there in twenty minutes tops. An hour later he called to say he was going to be another hour. You’d tried to call anyone left at the brewery but there was no answer, not that you were expecting anyone to be there after the brew had finished.
Jensen was flying back into town today, Danneel wasn’t answering your calls and your phone had to go and die on you. Eventually the road guy got there, only to tell you he didn’t have a spare in that size. You were pretty sure you growled as he called for backup, another guy arriving half an hour later. Finally, you were back on the road, pulling into the driveway close to eight.
“Where were you?” said Danneel when you stepped inside, wearing a nice dress, Jensen in a dress shirt and jeans. “You know Jay and I were having a date night.”
“Well excuse me,” you snapped, Jensen pouting at you.
“Hey, it’s been like a month since just De and I went out,” he said.
“Just go on your date,” you grumbled, walking past them for the bedroom.
“What’s got you in such a bad mood?” said Danneel back, a little too sharply for your taste.
“Answer your freaking phone next time,” you said, Danneel frowning at you.
“Girls,” said Jensen, holding up his hands. “Just take a breather. Y/N, there’s no need to come in with an attitude.”
“Go on your date,” you snapped, narrowing your eyes.
“Well the kids are over the Padalecki’s since you weren’t home,” she said. You kept on walking for the bathroom, slamming the bedroom door shut after you. “You’re such a child sometimes, Y/N!”
“Don’t talk to me anymore!” you shouted back, locking the door after you. You heard the front door shut after a moment and the car pull out.
You hopped in the shower to try to cool off but your anger only turned to being upset.
Neither one of them brought up the fact that you weren’t home. You could have been dead in a ditch and they hadn’t as so much bothered to ask why you were so late. They were just upset they were late for their date because you weren’t home to babysit.
They were the one’s that were married after all. They were the one’s that’d been together for years and years and years, the ones that had kids together.
You’d met them helping them set up the brewery and that’s how you got involved. Two years later though and you’d never even been on a real date with the two of them. No, out in public you were the third wheel, a super close friend. If you and Danneel went out, you were friends grabbing a bite. There was no holding hands ever, no kisses. Nothing beyond fast hugs which even then were mostly reserved for the two of them.
You understood, you really did. This was not a normal situation and you didn’t want them to get any crap for it.
But they got to actually show that they were in love and talk about each other openly and you were just there in the shadows.
The babysitter for date night. The one that’d never once gone out with Jensen just the two of you. The one that was treated almost like you were a nanny when other people were around.
Their parents didn’t even know. They didn’t even know you lived with them.
What the hell were you doing dating two people that would never love you the way you wanted to be? Maybe it was selfish but you just wanted so badly not to be the one that was brushed off or forgotten or hidden away for once.
It would always be that way too.
You got out of the shower and dried off, changing into jeans and a shirt, going to the closet and grabbing your suitcases and a duffel from the bottom. You slid all of your bathroom stuff into one, your clothes fitting in the rest. Everything else was theirs. Nothing in the house even really belonged to you. It was all the Ackles’.
You’d never be one of them, even if you’d fallen for them both.
You packed up your car and wrote a fast note, saying you were leaving and asking them not to contact you.
Ten minutes later you were on the highway, determined to get the hell out of Austin.
You pulled into the driveway about 2am, after driving aimlessly for a few hours, ignoring the phone calls and texts you kept getting alerted to. You left all but one of your bags in your car, knocking on the door quietly.
“Y/N?” yawned Nate as he pulled open the front door. “Sis, what-”
“Can I crash here tonight?” you asked. He nodded and let you inside, stumbling back up the stairs with you on his heels.
“Uh, there might be some boxes and crap in your old room,” he said.
“That’s okay. Thanks for letting me stay,” you said.
“This used to be your house too,” he said. “We’ll talk in the morning.”
You woke up groggy, Nate already up and about from the sounds of it. You padded downstairs, Nate sliding a dish of bacon and eggs in front of you.
“Mmm, thanks,” you said, grabbing a fork from the drawer and diving in.
“So...what brings my kid sister all the way up to the old family farm in the middle of the night?” he said with a smirk, taking a seat across from you.
“I quit my job,” you said, shoveling some food in your mouth. “I’m done with Austin. I was thinking of working the farm. You could use the help and I could split bills with you.”
“That does sound appealing but why’s smartie pants who couldn’t wait to get out of here want to suddenly come back?” he asked. “You were making good money at that brewery place.”
“Issue with the owners,” you said, chewing on some bacon.
“Big brother gotta kick some ass kind of issue?” he asked.
“No, Nathan,” you said with a smirk. “I don’t want to work there or be around them anymore is all.”
“So you quit your job and are moving because you don’t want to work with your boyfriend and girlfriend anymore...the whole coming here in the middle of the night thing is making a bit more sense now,” he said.
“You always thought I was a freak for dating two people at once anyways. What’s it matter to you?” you said.
“I was surprised when you told me, yes, but I never thought you were a freak. Everything you ever told me about them...you always lit up. You were in love. Of course I want you to be happy, whoever it’s with,” he said. “Hey, I knew you were into boys and girls before you did. I’m the one that helped you talk to mom and dad about it you were so scared.”
“Nate,” you said, squeezing your eyes shut. “I just wasted two years of my life on people that will never be able to love me the way they love each other. The worst part is I still love them. I feel like a little kid throwing a tantrum.”
“I don’t think the fact that you want to have an open relationship with your partners is a crime, Y/N. I think you should be a little selfish when it comes to love. Mom and dad showed us what a good relationship is. Your partners aren’t taking care of you like they should be,” he said.
“Sometimes I would get scared that I’m just...something fun to them. Something new and exciting. They asked me to never tell anyone about them. Anyone, Nate,” you said.
“I know. So do mom and dad,” he said with a smirk.
“Because I didn’t want to hide that from you guys. But they hide me and-”
“I know your relationship is different than what people are used to but there’s a difference between not broadcasting something to the world and hiding it,” he said. “And you know what one was going on here.”
“Mom and dad never even met them. You never even met them,” you said.
“Well, mom and dad are in Florida and you’ve never even been invited to these guys Christmas and you know what? Fuck those guys. This relationship has too many conditions on it and that’s not what you want,” said Nate. “You can crash here and help out around the farm for a while but I do think you should try to get back into brewery work, maybe something around here.”
“Thanks, Nate.”
Two Days Later
You were setting down a fresh bag of feed in the chicken coup when you heard a car door open and shut out front. About ten seconds later a body walked around the farmhouse, stilling as he spotted you. He walked over quickly, slowing as he came to a stop a few feet away.
“You shouldn’t have come to your brother’s if you didn’t want to be found,” said Jensen.
“Surprised you remember I have a brother. You better get out of here before another human being sees you talking to me alone,” you said, cutting open the bag and filling up the trench for the chickens.
“What the hell is this?” said Jensen, pulling out the note you’d left. “You don’t call or answer any of our messages. What the hell is going on?”
“Excuse me,” said Nate, patting his gloves together, heading over from the other end of the barn. “I believe you’re on private property mister.”
“You must be Nate,” said Jensen.
“You must be the dick,” said Nate. Jensen’s face flashed with hurt for a moment, his gaze back on you. “I think you should go.”
“Not until I know what happened,” said Jensen. “Sweetie-”
“She ain’t your sweetie anymore, princess,” said Nate, stepping in front of Jensen, letting the few inches and pounds he had on him show off. Jensen scowled up at him but Nate shoved Jensen’s arm. “Leave before I call the cops.”
“I just-”
Nate shoved on Jensen again, Jensen glaring at Nate but all you saw was the sad look in his eyes.
“Y/N. What-”
Nate grabbed Jensen’s arm and yanked him forward, Jensen shrugging out of it.
“What is your fucking problem?” snapped Jensen.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m only treating you the way you treat her. Unwanted and there as a convenience, something pretty to look at it. Why don’t you get your pretty boy Hollywood ass out of here before I knock some sense into you,” said Nate.
“What the fuck are you talking about!” said Jensen. Nate laughed and you went wide eyed, remembering him doing that when he was a teenager about to get in a fight. About two seconds later, Jensen was a few feet back, his hand on his cheek. “Did you punch me?”
“Must not have took,” said Nate, raising up his fist and swinging again, Jensen dodging most of it this time. Nathan kicked out his feet though and Jensen fell flat on his back, Nathan glaring down at him.
“Nathan!” you shouted, shoving him away. “What the fuck are you doing! You’re an adult. Act like one.”
“I politely asked this mister to get off my property and when he declined, I exercised my right-”
“Go away. Now,” you barked. Nate stared at you a moment before he headed back for the barn. Jensen got up to his feet, brushing himself off. “Are you-”
“Do we make you feel unwanted?” he asked quietly.
“My brother starts to kick your ass and that’s what you focus on?” you asked.
“Do you?” he asked. You sighed and grabbed his arm, leading him up to the farmhouse and into the kitchen. You sat him down at the table, finding a first aid kit and cleaning up his cheek while he watched you. “Why’d you break up with us? Was it your fight with De? She’s a wreck. I mean, we sent the kids to my parents and she’s been out to your friends in Austin. We were both trying to look for you and-”
“I don’t fit with the two of you,” you said. He nodded and you turned away to get a small bandage, Jensen hard faced when you turned back but you saw his eyes were wet and verging on tears. “Don’t cry.”
“Why don’t you get your brother to hit me again then,” he said, swallowing thickly.
“I did not ask him to do that,” you said. Jensen bit his bottom lip and stood up, out your back door and marching towards the barn before you could stop him. “Jensen!”
“Nate!” shouted Jensen. “Your sister ain’t talking so maybe you will.”
“Jensen!” you shouted, jogging over as Nate was on Jensen like that, grabbing his shirt collar. “Nate, do not-”
“Do you love my sister?” asked Nate.
“Yes,” said Jensen.
“Love her as much as your wife?” he asked.
“Yes,” said Jensen.
“Then why the fuck does she not know that? Why don’t you take her out on a date? Why don’t you treat her like a partner? I had a partner, asshole, and she got sick and I’d do anything to get her back. So what the fuck would you do to get her back? How far would you go to prove that to her?” said Nate.
“You really haven’t looked at your phone in two days, huh,” said Jensen, giving you a sad smile. You cocked your head and grabbed it from your back pocket. “When you were gone like that...De and I got a little scared and you weren’t technically missing so we made a post.”
You opened up instagram, jaw dropping when you saw the post they’d both put up. There was a picture of the three of you. The one with them both kissing you from New Year’s last year.
“This is Y/N. She’s our girlfriend and she’s missing,” you said, scanning over the rest of the post. “We miss her. Please come home.”
“We were never hiding you on purpose. We were only doing what you asked us at the start of all of this. Keep you out of the limelight. Keep it away from our families like you said. You’re the one that came up with the rules for dates out at first and we always thought you’d tell us if you were ready for more and...” said Jensen. “Honey-”
“That was two years ago. You never even told your family about me and you told me I wasn't supposed to tell anyone either. You aren’t innocent in this.”
“We never said this would be easy. I screwed up. De screwed up. We talked everything out at the start and never talked about it again. We should have kept talking about it, Y/N. Please, just give us another chance,” he said.
“Nate, hold on to him for a second,” you said. Jensen glanced back at Nate and then you, watching you type away on your phone for a moment. “You can let him go now.”
“What’d you do?” asked Jensen.
“I responded to your instagram post. I was your girlfriend as in ‘friend’ and that was all,” you said. Jensen shook his head and you made your face hard. “We’re done.”
“Y/N,” said Jensen, stepping towards you but Nate grabbed him. Jensen didn’t hold back this time and swung hard, Nate pushing it aside and pinning his arm behind his back. “Y/N.”
“Time for you to go, Romeo,” said Nate, Jensen trying to break out of the hold as Nate started to pull him back towards his car. “Stop. She said no.”
The fight went out of Jensen at that, Nate guiding him back to the car and sitting him down behind the wheel.
“Listen. I know you want to make things right but I know my little sister. She’s been too hurt by all this and whatever happened a few nights ago was the last straw. Something beyond a lack of date nights caused this. She always felt second class to you and your wife. Don’t get me wrong, I understand loving your wife but you two never made her feel like she was loved the same, even if you felt it,” said Nate.
“I’m not giving up,” said Jensen, Nate closing his car door on him. “Not ever.”
“She said she’s done,” said Nate. “Respect that.”
“I’m not leaving this town until she knows how much we love her,” said Jensen.
“You just don’t get it buddy, do you? I see you on my property again, I’m calling the cops,” said Nate.
“I’m not throwing away someone I love just because you threaten me. I got my own kid sister so I fucking get what you’re doing but you could beat the hell out of me every single day and it still ain’t going to stop me until she knows that we love her,” said Jensen.
“That can be arranged,” he said.
“Next time I’m back, my wife will be with me. If you even think-”
“I wouldn’t touch a lady. I’ll tell her off but won’t touch,” he said.
“Good,” said Jensen.
“Now get.”
“I know you’re going to ignore this but tell her I’ll be back tonight with De. We need to talk,” said Jensen, closing his eyes.
“No, you won’t,” he said.
“Yes, I will.”
“Boys,” you snapped, both of them turning to face in front of them. “Get out of the car and if anyone throws another fucking punch, somebody’s getting kicked in the nuts, got it?”
Nate held up his hands and moved away, giving Jensen enough space to slip out of his car.
“Nate. I don’t care where you go but give us some privacy,” you said. Nate grumbled but walked around the other side of the house, Jensen just staring at you. “I didn’t make a post.”
“I wanted to see your reaction,” you said. “To thinking you’d really lost me.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because I needed to know if you really wanted to try again. I wasn’t expecting you to get dragged out of here by Nate,” you said.
“I will do whatever the fuck you want me to. De and I both will. Just don’t tell us we lost you,” he said.
“Have I ever been a game to the two of you? Just something fun to play with and spice things up?” you asked.
“No. Never,” he said softly.
“You love me?” you asked.
“Just as much as De. You’re both my girls,” he said, glancing down at his feet. “Do you love us?”
“Of course,” you said, Jensen lifting his head up.
“Friday when you were gone so long...you weren’t on a date?” he asked.
“What?” you asked.
“You know those little tile things with the gps we all stuck on our phones in case we lost them? When De got out of the dentist-”
“De was at the dentist?” you asked.
“Yeah. Her appointment got bumped back a few hours,” said Jensen, shaking his head. “When we saw all the missed calls, we looked up the gps since you weren’t answering your phone. It showed you were at that restaurant just off the highway by the brewery for like...hours. We thought maybe the calls were to break up and you were on a date with someone else. When you got home, we were too scared to bring it up and that’s why De was so on edge and...”
“I got a flat tire,” you said.
“I believe you,” he said.
“You thought I was going to break up with you?” you asked.
“Technically I think you still did,” he said. “We thought you were unhappy with us. Everything was so hush hush...we thought you were embarrassed of us.”
“You’re beautiful, Y/N. You could snag a guy, a girl, ten years younger than me easily. You could get married properly that way, have someone that was always home and not off in another country working...you can have better than us. We thought...”
“We all need to stop thinking and just start talking,” you said. “We just need to sit down and talk this through, alright?”
“I’ll call De. She’ll be here in a few hours.”
“Nathan,” you said, narrowing your eyes at your brother in the house, Jensen sitting awkwardly on the end of the couch. “Would it kill you to apologize to Jensen for hitting him?”
“What’d he do? Put on puppy dog eyes and suddenly the sun shines out his ass again?” asked Nate.
“We talked. De’s going to be here soon and we’ll talk some more and then I’m probably going to head home in the morning,” you said.
“She’s not a toy to play with you know,” growled Nate.
“Why do you hate me so much?” asked Jensen calmly. “I never asked to fall in love with two women at the same time. I kept it to myself, I felt like an awful person for even thinking it until my wife brought up Y/N one night and we realized we both felt the same about her. Maybe I can’t be what you envisioned for her but I will be kind and good and isn’t that what you want?”
“I want you to shut-”
A knock came at the door, Nate standing and stepping over to it, ripping it open fast.
“Hi,” said Danneel quietly.
“Oh great. Another one,” he said, rolling his eyes. He opened the door and Danneel slipped past him, pausing when she saw Jensen’s face and then you.
“What...” she said.
“De, this is Nate. He sort of fucking hates us so don’t take offense,” said Jensen. Danneel took two large steps away from Nate, your brother scoffing as he went past.
“Don’t worry. Punching is reserved for pretty boy,” said Nate.
“What is your problem?” you shot at him, Nate’s face scrunching up. “You’ve been terribly rude, violent, De’s scared to be near you. I know you aren’t happy with them and we got some stuff to work out but you’re going to respect my partners, dammit. Now apologize for the pretty boy crack or I’ll whoop your ass myself.”
“Whatever,” said Nate, quickly leaving the house, the sound of one of the machines going outside telling you at least you’d have some privacy.
“Sorry about...” you said. Danneel stared at you and quickly rushed over, wrapping her arms around you. “De. De, too tight.”
“I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, Jensen standing up and peeling her off of you.
“De, honey, relax. I already did the groveling part,” said Jensen. “Let’s sit down and figure out what went wrong and how we’re going to change all of those things in the future, alright?”
You were sandwiched between both of them on the couch, Jensen playing with your hair, Danneel making shapes on one of your arms. A bit of calm and quiet after all the talking had been nice. Things felt good again and the heavy weight you’d been carrying around with you was gone, hopefully for good.
Nate gave you a quick goodbye but didn’t say a word to either one of them when you headed out.
Back at home, you had a few days of just the three of you, of playing together without all the rules this time, of going out to dates. Jensen wasn’t overly affectionate in public in general but he liked to hold your hand now when you walked or give a quick peck on the lips. Date nights were always for everyone from then on out and Danneel said they’d get someone over to watch the kids since you were their mom too and more than entitled to a night off.
Once the kids were back home, you settled into a routine with everyone that left everyone feeling like they belonged again.
Two Months Later
“I’ll get it,” said Jensen, padding out of the kitchen and to the front door.
“I thought everyone we were expecting was here already,” said Danneel, counting off people in the living room again.
“Maybe we got a rebel who didn’t rsvp,” teased Jensen. You saw his smile drop when he pulled the door open, Danneel walking over with a big smile until hers too faded away.
“Hey,” said Nate by the time you got over there, in a pair of nice jeans and a button down, holding a small bag. “You uh, having that engagement party thing for Y/N tonight?”
“Yeah,” you said, stepping in front of them. “I thought you said you were busy.”
“Well, hopefully you only get sort of engaged and sort of married only once,” he said with a shrug. “Here.”
He held out the bag, the top of your favorite local brew back home sticking out.
“So you gonna let me see this fancy house or what? I just drove three hours after all,” he said.
“Nate,” you said.
“You look a lot happier than last time I saw you,” he said softly. “I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise.”
“We’re more than glad to have some of Y/N’s family here,” said Danneel, waving Nate in.
“She really is cute,” said Nate.
“She’s taken,” you and Jensen said, Nate chuckling.
“I guess you could have gotten an uglier mug for pretty boy over here, too,” he said.
“I still owe you one, farm boy,” said Jensen.
“Think you could take me shortie?” said Nate.
“I got the boxing gloves in the gym,” he said.
“I’ll have to take you up on that sometime,” said Nate.
“Boys,” you grumbled, rolling your eyes. “Nate, go meet the rest of the family and be nice, please?”
“Alright, alright. Like I said, best behavior,” he said. Danneel led him over to the kitchen, the room quiet for a moment before you heard the sound pick up again.
“Hey,” said Jensen, tugging you away to the bedroom, giving you a cautious smile. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just wasn’t expecting Nate to show,” you said, shrugging as you looked at the floor. “I don’t know. I thought...things were weird between us once I went home with you guys. I think he thought you guys were manipulating me or something.”
“He loves his kid sister. I get that he wants you to be in a good relationship,” he said. “De and I may have lied about one thing to you since we’ve been back together but we did it for good reasons.”
“What was that?” you asked.
“That day we said we had brewery business, that trade show. We didn’t go. We drove up to your brother’s house and had a talk, the three of us,” he said.
“I see you two lived,” you said. Jensen laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“We explained the situation to him. He still thought we were assholes which we were,” he said.
“It was all our faults. Everyone forgot to talk when that’s the most important thing there is to this thing,” you said.
“I know. But still. It went longer than expected and we were going to drive home but he offered to let us stay the night, said something like you’d never speak to him again if we got in an accident on the way home,” said Jensen. “De got a bit scared later that night. Some stuff he said got to her and she didn’t know how to prove to you that what she felt and what I felt was real and she started thinking we were going to lose you again. I didn’t have an answer. I don’t have an answer. I-”
“Don’t be scared,” you said softly. He smiled, nodding his head. “I know it’s real.”
“We’re not afraid anymore,” he said. “But the walls are a little thin in that old farmhouse and then there was Nate, poking his head in your old room and saying what is it about that bedroom that makes girls cry. I think he meant it as a joke but it pissed me off and I told him to stop and it set him off and then we were outside in the barn and I swear, I thought we were going to duke it out.”
“My brother thinks with his heart instead of his head a lot,” you said.
“I realize that so I started to speak his language,” said Jensen. “I told him we didn’t need him to remind us of our mistakes.”
“So I told this shrimpy little asshole to leave my sister alone,” said Nate, finding his way into the bedroom. “Guy wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Don’t harass people I love, Nathan,” you said.
“Well Jensen here spun it around on me and asked me to stop being selfish because it wasn’t about him or that cute redhead or even me. It was about you. All three of us wanted the same thing. You to be happy. Whatever your decision was, the three of us should respect it, whether that was you staying or leaving. He had a point,” said Nate.
“He ended up apologizing to De and me and we worked things out,” said Jensen.
“Good. I really want you guys to get along. I’d like my big brother to come visit more often too,” you said. “I know you get lonely in that house.”
“Yeah. I’ll be sure to be around more than I have in recent history,” he said. You saw JJ wander into the room, stopping in front of him. “Hi.”
“Are you mom’s brother?” she asked, looking back at you. “He’s bigger than Uncle Jared!”
“Mom?” he asked. She looked back at you again and then at him, like he didn’t get it. “Sorry, sweetie. I forgot you got two mom’s.”
“Can we play?” she asked.
“Yeah, kiddo,” said Nate, smiling as she took his hand. “I can tell you a whole bunch of stories about your mom I bet you never heard. She grew up on a farm you know.”
“Really?” she said. You laughed as they walked off together, you and Jensen heading back to the party.
“I knew sicking the kids on him would be a good move,” said De. “He’s a big softie under it all, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. Sarah was good at bringing that out in him. He didn’t want to get hurt again after she got sick,” you said.
“Why don’t we invite him to spend the next few days with us?” she said, Jensen nodding his agreement. “Let him get to know the kids, know us a bit better.”
“It is the slow season around the farm. I’m sure he could swing it,” you said.
“Great. We really want our brother in law to be a part of our family too,” said Jensen. You saw Nate’s ear twitch up, probably subtle enough that they wouldn’t notice but Nate was used to quiet and alone and he’d always been a good eavesdropper. You smiled and looked over at him, getting a nod and smile in return before JJ was handing him a toy.
“I’m pretty sure he wants to be part of it too.”
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subarashiet · 4 years
lifes been weird and sad , got so much stuff i wanna say dont even know if thats the right subred to but here goes.i m 18 , from Greece , first year in Uni and life is not the way i want it to bei live on my own , rent is being paid by mom and her husband , month pocket money given by dad and by my part time jobat some point in high school i understood that our school years were our most carefree years , tho only now do i really understand itman this post is gonna cramp my fingers shouldve used the pcused to hang out a lot till 2nd year of high school then in 3rd year cause of me studying more i was hanging out less , used to have around 4groups of ppl to hang around then only one , cliche but i wasnt anyone special in school , gotta mention i went to a music middle-high school , only highlights i remember are in 2th-3rd grade trading blows with a girl (think she was 5th grade) ,3rd grade kissing a girl in her cheek then running away from the boy-horde coming after me , 4th grade trading blows with a 6th grader ,6th grade punching a guy for calling names my little sis (we good now see him out we talk he a nice dud) , 9th grade a girl i had a chance with but fucked it up big time , 9th grade breaking a cello almost getting expelled ,12th grade playing bass at a concert in Thessaloniki with a music group of my schooldidnt really have many close friends but there were some from school and other places you can call closer friends , but now even with them i ve started to fade away which i cannot bear but i m the type of giving up and not trying until i m lategot laboratory this morning and this is gonna take a while hope i can get some sleepfeels weird using reddit to express my thoughts i even find it a bit cringy talking to myself but oh welli wanted to visit a physiatrist because i ve been so mentally tired that i think i might have crippling sadness xD but i tried to arrange that back in July-August pre my 18th bday so she said a parent was required to be present so i just kept all the stuff to myselfi was learning classic guitar from 1st grade to 8th still play to this day , in music school i kinda learned h2p electric but didnt practice enough to be able to play good , also know some pianobeen listening to post rock and mostly fate music these past 10 monthssucker for good anime tho i ve been out of it lately havent even finished my summer ones , oregairu has a nice ending from what i got spoiled fromanyway thing is i am sad most of the time , i try not to show it cause i like the stereotype of being the strong guy that everyone can depend on and almost never see being emotional and also like the cool tempered guy type , tho lately i ve been craving a lot of attention that i drop the act of the calm n cool sometimesthings with my parents didnt go to well these past years , only now i can say that we ve finally kinda calmed down , mom and dad started falling out of it around 8th grade cause lots of fighting , big sis kindof took the role of mother while on her teen years , feels like she had it much worse than me10th grade sis leaves home to go elsewhere to start studies for uni , i m left with ma and lil sis back homethen i understand that i have to be there for my little sis which also got in my school that year (3kids-3years difference each) so i tried to assume the role of the big brother but she was closer to her older sister than me , i was closer to my older sister as well , feels like i was doing my lil sis wrong but i cpould relate more to big sis and could chat with her more about stufflil sis didnt open up to me a lot even to this day , she has been a lot more comfortable with me through the years i think cause she told me something important recently , kinda feelsbadman tho cause i wanted to be closer to her and i kinda tried but i think not hard enough cause she didnt seem to get any closer , cried once about it in front of my mother which was the absoluteliest worst cause i didnt want her to see me being fragile jesustho even now that i m not home i talk to her play some among us tried making her start xenoverse 2 that didnt go farhave some friends from school , we would only go all together at internet cafes , but mostly 4 of em would go out togetherin my school i had some friends from scouts tooi have an insta , used to post "cool" pics kinda stopped cause i like looking cool in front of others but i havent been in the mood to try in around a year nowused to be in some conservatory guitar groups with some other kids there , with one girl from there i used to be quite in touch until recently that i stopped seeing her for some reasons maybe i ll explain l8rwe had fun and i really mean it , we used to go on trips to play songs on different cities and stages , our group became kinda known the 2-3 good active years we were active , it still is but these years were the originals , now there are other peoplefucking christ its 2:27started playing in that group with the originals in 2017 till 2019 , we were kids from different ages going from 6th to 10th graders but i didnt understand the different in our ages until recently that i found one of the guys from the group in my cityanother closer friend is a guy from my school , met him in grade 7 still talk to him , used to sit together most of the years pretty neat guy , peculiar character but really interesting kind smart and hard workingman why couldnt my teen years be like shirou from fsn that would be awesomehad entrance exams 4-5 months ago , didnt really go as planned , shooted for Corfu didnt get in cause rather than 15 i got 10 in my last exam so i m still in my city , tho i live alone and go to my local uni insteadJuly 2019 i moved out of my old house moved in with ma and her husband with my sis , stayed there till september then till june-july 2020 i was living with my fathertbh i decided to write this post after watching a vid of Korone talking about Okayu thinking that i ve never been in an actual relationship and that i eould want to experience that but dont know where to start from , losing weight ? becoming outgoing again ? learn how to talk to girls ?i started watching anime back in 2015 on my 3ds i remember watching dubbed Inazuma Elevensince like 2 weeks ago i reached 201 anime completedok i ll stop here for tonight cause i got online uni classes tmrw i keep stimestamps for whenever i finally post this -Tuesday 3/11/2020 02:41used to be around 85-90kg in 12th grade , put on around 20-28 kilos since March 2020 , managed to lose 8-10 kilos in the summer but i m still around 30kilos up from the normal amount based on my height , got a subscription to a gym jan2019 but only managed to get into it for a short period on spring 2019 then autumn 2019 then lost motivation and let go , since March2020 i ve been doing some weights at home , tho when i look at myself in the mirror it doesnt really change how bad i feel about my body , i think my old motivation used to be a girl i used to have a crush on but not surethings with my parents werent all that great and i was mentally better when i would talk with them , they are openminded af and supportive too but puberty makes you see stuff differently like everyone is against you like the world is against you (last one might be true dunno yet) , living on my own now seems to be a bit better but as our Greek ancestors used to say theres no good without bad and the bad in this scenario is that its lonely as fuck , having lived for 18 years with my family it really hits a weird spot , everything feels lonelier now with the virus spreading around not being able to see others as much as we used to , uni doesnt feel nice , many people dont pay attention and its like the second half of 12th grade all over againgot my monthly money 4days ago , went from 200 to 9.28 quickly , when i have money i spend when i dont i m stingy , mostly like to build computers , watch lots of Linus , Paul , Kyle , Jay etc. most of my money goes to buying stuff about computers food , used to give lots of money to internet cafes when i used to hang out with the guys from school , not anymorewith the start of uni we all met new friends even i but i still feel like i am drifting apart day by day , stopped talking to my old girl friend cause i was kinda done with her attitude , called me some names i didnt appreciate because i put up with her attitude , most of the time in her own world , only would really pay attention and try to change herself when it was something she cared about , one of them wasnt her character , but to give the goods of her she was a good friend dont know if i can say she still is a friend or just someone i know , she helped me even with the girl i had a crush on , was really fun on trips with the guitar group , all in all a fun person , thing is i stopped texting her and telling her to go out cause it was 80% me trying and the other 20% her and i think that proved right when i stopped talking to her cause i thought she will see that i m not talking to her she ll think somethings wrong she ll message me to go out and have fun , send me a happy bday message posted some pics of me , didnt send me anything else after , stopped talking to her around the start of October , if i hadnt asked her something about her uni and if it wasnt my bday i dont think we wouldve talked in all of october . last saturday i was working in the area she lives in my city decided to call her sometimes didnt answer tried to suprise her and see how she is by going to her house , noone answered maybe they were on a trip idk , but it feels weird man , in the first half of the year me and a common friend of her and me went out one night , ended up being the bad guy to make her understand that she did something wrong that night , after she left i was left with our common friend talked about stuff and mostly her and i expressed myself , i knew that coming summer me and her would end up at different places so i wanted to tell her all the wrongs with her so that she could finally understand what i ve been putting up against and make her understand that she HAS to pay attention to people around her and that she will meet new people and that she ll have to be careful about her character , used to have a bit of crush on her back in 7th grade , can kinda understand why that went . On the other hand i didnt want to part ways with her with our last words being me ranting , one thing brought the other and she wont be going to her uni's city until early 2021 so i managed to go out with her some more in the summer and september . kinda feels bad to see that almost noone remembered my bday cause i remember in cram school when someone had their bday they would get a fucking cake , dont mistake me i got one , from my ma my two sisters and my moms husband , thing is i wanted to have something happen with friends , nothing happend , around 4 people remembered my bday and the others just send me some happy bday messages after seeing posts from the girl i m talking about .also heres a good song to listen to while reading stuff on reddit Sorrow from FSN by MN64 cant post links from what i understandgonna stop here for now might edit later -Tuesday 3/11/2020 15:15thing is reddit is not the right place to get help and i need a friend but it seems i cant get any from my friends , even my other friend the guy i used to sit with in all middle-high school he has drifted apart , talking more with other of his friends doing other stuff etc , that one time i needed to talk to him he said i ll call you in a while , waitied 1 and a half hour then asked him why he didnt call he said he forgot (i think) , feelsbadmananyway i dont think i m gonna keep editing this i ranted enough , gonna leave the post up for a day or so in case anyone wants to add anything then taking it down -Tuesday 3/11/2020 23:58
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Undercover (A Jay and Will Halstead x Halstead Sister! Imagine)
This is super long so hang in there! It’s also my first imagine I’ve posted on Tumblr, so feedback would be amazing! (Also posted on my wattpad)
Mini synopsis:  In which something horrible happens to Y/N's best friend, Emma, so Y/N goes undercover to get her justice. She's under and everything's fine...until it's not fine at all.
Huge trigger warning for sexual assault. Please do not read if this makes you even the slightest bit uncomfortable! Also, please remember there are people out there to help you if you or someone you love has gone through this. Just google the sexual assault hotline and the number for your country should pop up.
Can you pick up chicken wings? No bluejays game on tonight, tho.
Below that text, your best friend, Emma, had sent you her location, which was turned on to send location indefinitely.
Back when you were both only freshmen in high school, you had come up with code words in case you needed help. This was mostly for unwanted attention from boys. Chicken wing(s) meant that you needed help ASAP. Bluejay(s) was code for Jay or cops.
"Fuck," you muttered as you tried to quickly piece together a plan. You couldn't call Jay or any cop for that matter. But, if she had sent you her location, that meant that she was definitely in trouble. You looked down at the location and could see that the red pin was moving further and further into the heart of the sketchiest part of the south side of Chicago.
Then it occurred to you: the safe in Jay's room under his bed where he told you that he kept a spare gun in case of emergencies. You ran into his room and dove under his bed, quickly pulling out the safe. You groaned as you realized he had forgotten to tell you the pin number to open it.
"Maybe Mom's birthday?" you thought aloud. You punched in the six numbers, causing a green light to turn on, and you yanked the small door of the safe open. "Dumbass," you muttered, thinking about how easy it would be for anyone in your family or anyone who was close to you, Jay, or Will to get their hands on the gun or other things like Jay's backup badge that were hidden there.
You grabbed the gun and your car keys and sprinted out of the house. "Hang on Emma," you said as you jumped in your car and pulled out your phone to see her location. The pin had been at the same location for two minutes now. Your stomach dropped, knowing this couldn't be good.
Jay dropped his keys in the ceramic dish on the table and headed into his room to change into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He practically stopped breathing when he saw that the safe had been pulled out from under his bed and was open. He threw himself to the floor and looked in it. "Fuck," he muttered as he saw that the gun was gone.
He sprinted to the front of the house, only to see that your car was gone. "Ruz, I need you to ping Y/N's phone. Now," Jay said into his phone as he ran out of the house and to his truck.
Jay heard the clacking of keys on the other end of the line. "Okay, I sent you her location. What's wrong?"
Jay put his truck in drive and turned on the lights and sirens. "I think she's in trouble. She took my spare gun."
"Okay, Hailey's still here finishing up paperwork. We'll come for backup." Then the line went dead and Jay drove the fastest he ever had in his life.
"Are we announcing?" Hailey asked as she finished putting on her vest.
"No," Jay answered as the three began to walk closer and closer to an abandoned warehouse.
Jay tried the knob and to his surprise and everyone else's, it was unlocked. They heard crying as they walked inside and Jay pointed out directions.
Adam walked toward the sound of the crying, while Hailey and Jay worked on clearing areas behind huge shelves.
"Someone's here," Emma whispered to you as you heard a door open. You had given her your coat to wrap around her body. You knew you had to get her to a doctor, but she had told you no cops, which meant no Jay and you had no idea how to get her out safely. You had thought about calling Will, but when you tried to call him, the call only rang once and then stopped. You only had one bar, so the call didn't go through.
With shaking hands, you picked up the gun and pointed it directly at the door. "Put the gun down!" Adam yelled as he looked through the small crack in the door. From his vantage point, all he saw was a gun. He couldn't see that you were the one holding it. "Jay, I need backup over here," he whispered into his radio.
"Copy," he answered and walked down the stairs, gun drawn. "Ready?" Jay asked. Adam nodded and Jay proceeded to kick in the door.
"CPD hands where we can see 'em!" Adam yelled the moment Jay kicked the door. But then he saw who was there and he turned to Jay.
"Y/N," Jay started slowly and calmly, "put the gun down."
Slowly, you lowered the gun and placed it on the floor. Before Jay or Adam even had a chance to get a word in, Emma yelled out, "I said no cops!"
"Emma, I promise you that I didn't call them. Why would I have a gun if I called them, huh?"
That's when Adam and Jay turned to Emma, who was clearly in need of medical attention. Jay nodded to Adam. "This is 50-21 Ida," Adam spoke into his radio, "We have a girl here in need of medical attention. I need you to roll an ambo to my current location. Roll crime scene techs, too. Be advised there are three plain clothes officers on scene."
"Copy that, 50-21 Ida."
"Hey, Emma." Adam slowly moved towards Emma. "I'm Adam. I work with Y/N's brother, Jay. Can you stand up for me?"
She looked down at her body, the coat you had let her borrow barely covering her and you knew that when she stood up, it wouldn't cover all her most vulnerable place. Jay must've got the message too. "Hailey," he said into his radio, "Offender's in the wind. We've got a victim down here. If you see anything to cover her up, bring it here."
"Copy." There was a pause as shuffling could be heard on the radio. "I found a blanket. Coming down now." You heard footsteps on the ground and Adam and Jay immediately raised their guns. "Upton!" Hailey yelled as she opened the door.
The boys lowered their guns and put them back in their holsters. You heard sirens in the distance. "Hi, honey," Hailey said as she walked over to Emma. "I'm Hailey. What's your name?"
"Okay, Emma. We're gonna get you to a hospital. Can you wrap this around you so you can stand up?"
She nodded and stood up and took the blanket.
"Do you wanna go with her?" Jay whispered to you.
"No." You didn't want to see your best friend in a hospital bed knowing that you could have prevented this from happening if you only called Jay. "I'll call her mom, though."
"I'll do that," Hailey offered and Jay forwarded Emma's mom's number to Hailey. Hailey and Emma walked away, leaving you, Adam, and Jay.
"You mind waiting until Voight gets here?" Jay asked.
"Crime scene techs are here so I won't be alone if what you're worried about is me not having backup," Adam answered, humor in his voice.
"Thanks, man. I'm gonna take Y/N to the district to get her statement."
He dropped the magazine out of the gun and laughed. "What's so funny?" you asked.
"It's a good thing you didn't have to shoot anyone because the mag's empty."
"The what's empty?"
"The magazine. It's where the bullets go."
"Jeez, Jay. When you said you kept your work away from Y/N you really weren't kidding."
"Shut up," Jay joked as you followed him out of the warehouse and into his truck. He turned the heat as high as it could go, seeing as you were without a coat in the middle of a Chicago winter.
"Now, I'm not mad, I just want to know what happened," he said as he started to drive.
"How'd you find me?" you asked, knowing that you hadn't broken your promise of not calling the cops.
"I went home and saw the safe was open and the gun was gone, so I had Adam track your phone."
"Can you please tell me what happened?"
"You promise you won't be mad?"
"Unless you were doing something illegal, then I won't be mad. I'm assuming you had a good reason for taking my gun?"
"Emma texted me our code word for if a guy was creeping on her and she said no cops. She also sent me her location. So, I grabbed the gun and I came here."
You took a deep breath as you started to cry. "We can finish this at the district, okay?" Jay suggested.
"Yeah," you agreed.
You were sitting on the couch next to Jay, slowly sipping your water as he flipped open his notepad. "Take as much time as you need."
"You're talking to me like a victim, not a witness," you quipped.
"How would you know that?"
"I watch enough crime shows in my free time to know that's how cops talk to the vic."
"Okay, yeah, but you're my baby sister. Do you know how hard it was for me to walk into that room and see you holding a gun? Can you please tell me what happened?"
"Like I said, Emma sent me her location, so I went to the warehouse. When I found her, she was laying on the floor, naked, and I ran over to her. H-He raped her, Jay. I-It's all my f-fault," you stuttered, beginning to cry.
"It is not your fault. Not in a million years is this your fault."
"If I would've called you, this wouldn't have happened!"
Jay wondered why you didn't call him, and he wasn't going to ask. But, if this went to trial and you became a witness, you knew the defense would ask you. So, he knew he had to ask you, too. "Why didn't you call me?"
"She told me that she had to go to the bathroom. The guy let her, but didn't know that she had her phone on her. He said if she tried to run or call the police that he'd shoot her. She said that while he was, while he was you know, doing things to her, that he held a gun to her head. He said that if she screamed, he'd kill her."
Jay ran a hand through his hair as you continued. "I tried to call Will, I really did, but I didn't have good enough reception in the warehouse."
"We got a hit on the offender!" Kim yelled as she rounded the corner into the breakroom.
Jay stood up, but not without looking at you. "Stay here. I don't want you anywhere near this," he said as he walked out and shut the door.
"What do we got?" Jay asked, seeing all of Intelligence gathered in the bullpen.
"We think the guy is James Mason," Voight started. "Did a year in Stateville for rape. Released for good behavior three months ago."
"Good behavior my ass," Adam chirped.
"How do you know it's this guy, Sarge?" Kevin asked.
"He just so happened to walk into a neighboring bar where I know a guy. Guy said he didn't think the two were together, but then they went off somewhere, they came back, he ordered her a drink and she seemed to be comfortable around him."
"He check her ID?" Jay asked.
"I assume so," Voight answered. "Why?"
"Emma's not 21 yet, so she had to have had a fake or he used his ID to buy both drinks." Then a thought occurred to him. "You got the surveillance footage from the bar?"
"Yeah, right over here," Kim answered.
Jay looked at the footage. "Pause it." He watched as Emma walked away from the perp and rounded the corner, following a restroom sign. "That had to be the time Emma texted Y/N her location because she told her that he let her go to the bathroom and he told her that if she tried to get help, he'd shoot her because he had a gun."
"Okay, see if Mason's got a registered firearm," Voight said. "Better yet, pull up his address. Atwater, Burgess, and Ruzek get a search warrant and find it."
"Copy that, Sarge," Kevin said, grabbing his jacket.
Hailey ran up the stairs as Kevin, Kim, and Adam ran down. "Any update on the victim?" Voight asked.
"She's been through trauma, that's for sure," Hailey answered. "Lacerations on her wrists and ankles, bruising on her stomach and thighs, and vaginal tearing."
"Like she was tied up." Jay pieced it together.
"Halstead, your sister ever mention anything about having to untie her?"
"No, Sarge."
"Maybe he undid the ties himself," Hailey suggested.
"Why would he do that? Then she could just call the cops and run away." Voight asked.
"He gets off on it," Hailey answered. "He unties his victims so that they can leave, but they're too traumatized to leave. So, he knows even if he's not there, he's still controlling them."
"Sick son of a bitch," Jay said.
"Voight," he answered as he picked up his phone. "Find anything at the house?" There was a pause as someone on the other end talked. "That's good, we can use that but, we'll just have to find another way to nail him." Then he ended the call.
"What's up, Sarge?" Hailey asked.
"They didn't find anything at Mason's house, but his car was gone. They went through his financials and found out his car just got a new license plate today, which is why it wasn't updated in the database yet. But, they found the paperwork for that new license plate, so we can use that. Burgess also said that they found his calendar with bar names on each day."
"So, he goes to a bar every night and we just need to get him in the act?" Hailey suggested.
"I'll call up a rookie," Voight said as he started to walk towards his office.
"I'll do it!" you volunteered.
"Y/N! I thought I told you to stay in there!" Jay admonished.
"It's not like the walls are soundproof."
"She's got a point, Jay," Hailey agreed with you.
"You're not going in there regardless and that's final!"
"Jay, she's my best friend. I gotta help get this guy. And, if you can't get him on the rape, you can at least get him on distributing alcohol to a minor," you suggested.
Jay looked over at Hank. "Sarge, you can't be considering this!"
"She's got a good point, Jay."
"There's no way Will will agree to this, either."
"Let me call him," you suggested and walked away to talk to your other older brother.
"Hailey, there's no way she's going in there," Jay said to Hailey when they were both seated in the breakroom.
"Jay, you know Hank will put me or Burgess in as ghost in the bar so that things don't get that far. And she'll have a safe word." She paused and reached for his hand. "If it were your best friend, you'd do the same thing she's doing and you know it."
"Will said it's okay," you said as you walked into the breakroom.
"He what?" Jay jumped off the couch.
"He said it's okay on one condition: If he's in the car with you so that if I need medical attention, he can do it without having to wait on the paramedics."
"Then it's a go," Voight said as he heard that.
"It's not a go!" Jay yelled. "Sarge, she's a civilian! You can't be serious about this!"
"Jay, she's no different from a CI. We'll have Upton be her ghost and we'll all be right outside. The minute she says the safe word we'll nail his ass."
"Sarge, I'm not okay with this," Jay said as he walked into Voight's office, leaving the door open.
"Jay, we are not having this discussion again! She's okay with it and I'm okay with it. I'm your boss, so you listen to me."
"Do you see what she's wearing? She's asking for it!"
The bullpen went silent the second the words came out of his mouth. "A word," Hailey hissed, roughly grabbing Jay's arm and leading him into the breakroom. This time, he closed the door.
"You're lucky Y/N didn't hear you, Jay! You're a cop, you know it's never the victim's fault!"
Jay raked a hand through his hair. "I know. I messed up," he sighed. "I just, I can't let anything happen to her. She's my baby sister, Hails. I already buried both of my parents. I can't bury her, too."
"Will it make you feel better if you went in and stayed in the bar with me? I can talk to Voight," Hailey suggested.
"Actually yeah, that would make me feel a hell of a lot better."
"Hailey, Jay's not gonna like this but I need you to make sure he doesn't come after me until there are obvious signs of a struggle," you said. "Let him hit me a bit; I can handle it. Will's on scene and will fix me up if anything happens. But I have to get justice for Emma because right now, she can barely sleep."
She squeezed your shoulder. "Copy that."
"Vests good?" Voight asked as he entered. Everyone nodded. "Y/N, there's still time to put one on if you want it."
"He'll know something's up if he feels it. I gotta do without it."
"Alright roll--" Voight couldn't finish his sentence because Jay cut him off.
"Just give me five minutes with Y/N, Sarge. Five minutes, that's all."
"Okay, everyone load up." Voight turned to Jay. "Five minutes Halstead, and that's it."
When everyone was gone, Jay turned to you and bent down so that he was eye level with you. "You can still back out now. No one will blame you."
"I can't. I need to do this for Emma and for all the other girls this has probably happened to."
Your brother nodded and reached into his pocket. "Just don't get this mixed up with your regular lipstick, okay?" You started to ask why when he took the cap off to reveal a knife.
"Jay, Voight said no weapons."
"You didn't think I was just going to let you go in unarmed, did you? And relax, Platt gave it to me. So, if Voight figures it out, she's got my back."
"So where's the best place to, you know..." you trailed off, hoping that you wouldn't have to stab Mason, but wanting to know the best place to do it if worst comes to worst.
"I'd say thigh or his, his uh..."
"Penis," you finished.
"I was gonna say man parts, but penis works, too."
You took the lipstick from him and stuffed it in your dress. "Is it noticeable?"
"Never in a million years did I think I'd have to inspect my sister's boobs for a weapon. But, no, it's not noticeable."
"Halsteads!" Voight boomed. "We gotta go now!"
"Okay!" Jay turned back to you. "Safe word?"
"Vodka Cranberry." You and the team decided on that since it would be easy to weasel into a conversation.
"Hey, I love you." He hugged you and you swore you could hear his heart beating despite his vest. You assumed this was the most nervous he'd ever been about an undercover operation.
"I love you, too."
"Suspect approaching. You guys copy inside?" you heard Kevin's voice through the wire hidden in your ear.
"Yeah," you answered and you heard Hailey and Jay agree.
Hailey walked up to you, as she was posing as your friend and Jay was posing as the guy that she would flirt with so that Mason could get you alone, even though the thought of that made you sick.
"And remember, if he gets you alcohol, don't drink it," Hailey warned. "This entire investigation could go out the window."
"Not to mention she'd be grounded," you heard Jay come in through your hidden earpiece.
"Jay, if you make comments like this through your wire the entire night, we're gonna have a problem."
You and Hailey pretended to be talking about some people from your neighborhood when you heard Jay talking to you. "I've got eyes on him. He's headed your way."
Hailey shot a glance at Jay, and then reached for your top, pulling it down a bit more to reveal more of your boobs. "Hailey--" Jay started into his wire, but Hailey shot him a glare to make him shut up.
"What are you two ladies doing here all alone?" James Mason asked, coming up and sitting beside you.
"Oh, you know, just chatting," Hailey said, taking a sip of her drink.
"Mind if I join the conversation?" he asked, waving a bartender over.
"Actually, I've got my eye on someone over there," Hailey said as she stood up. "You're just her type," she whispered in his ear as she made her way over to Jay.
"Can I get you a beer? A shot maybe?" Mason asked you.
"No, but I'll take a pop if the offer's still on the table."
"Sure." He ordered a pop for you and a beer for himself. "So, what's your name?" he asked.
"Layla," you answered. "Yours?"
"Nice to meet you James. You from around here?"
"Chicago born and raised. You?"
"Just here visiting family," you answered.
You had finished your pop by now and James noticed. "Want another one? Maybe a Captain and Coke this time?"
"Just a Coke's fine," you replied.
"Y/N, say you have to go to the bathroom and leave your phone on the table. We gotta get him getting alcohol to you at least," Jay said.
"Actually, I have to go use the ladies room." You got up, not before turning to him. "I'm expecting that Coke when I get back." You sent a wink his way.
Along with the wire and camera you had in your dress, you had also been given a UC phone so that it could record and take a video of things in case you had to leave.
James Mason had a feeling that you were going to be uptight about leaving with him, so he figured he'd solve it his own way. "Hey, she said a captain and Coke," Mason said to the bartender.
"Last I remember she said just a Coke," the bartender replied, doing his due diligence to make sure a girl who said she didn't want alcohol didn't get it.
"She told me she wanted some before she left," he argued.
"I didn't hear that."
"She whispered it," he growled.
Reluctantly, the bartender gave in and make a captain and Coke, switching it out for her previous stand-alone Coke.
"Mason just put alcohol in Y/N's drink," Jay said into his wire. "Y/N, whatever you do, make up an excuse not to drink it, or else our investigation goes down the toilet."
You looked under the stalls in the bathroom, making sure that no one was there before answering. "Got it. I think I'm gonna make the move to leave with him after. He'll think I'm not interested if I keep holding out."
"She's not getting in a car with him!" you heard Will yell. He was currently sitting in the van with Atwater and Burgess, watching this whole scene go down in case he needed to treat any injuries. "That's not the plan!"
"Will," Kevin started, "this is part of the plan. She just didn't tell you because she knew you wouldn't agree to let her do this if she told you."
"But what if she--"
"If you're gonna keep arguing, turn off your mics!" Voight yelled.
"Sorry, Sarge," Kevin apologized.
"When she leaves with this prick, me and Adam will follow them and Jay and Hailey will follow us. And before you can argue with me Jay because I know you will, I can't have you first on scene."
"Copy that," Jay said.
You exited the bathroom and walked back up to Mason. "Hey I was thinking," you started, running your hand up his arm. This made you want to vomit, but you knew you had to do this to help Emma. "maybe we should go back to your place?"
"You don't want to finish your drink?" he asked.
"No, we can get some at your house, can't we?"
"I guess I have a few things, vodka, tequila, beer."
"Alright, let's go." You grabbed his hand and you started walking to his car. You took a deep, shaky breath as you entered the passenger side. You closed the door, hoping this wouldn't cost you your life.
"Damn Halstead," Adam said, "your sister's good."
"Shut up," both Jay and Will said at the same time. If you weren't undercover, you would've laughed at them having the same response even though they weren't together at the moment.
Jay and Hailey entered Jay's truck, then proceeded to velcro their vests on over their clothes. "Jay, Hailey, you following?" Voight asked.
"Copy that," Jay said as he started his truck and began to drive. He knew he should be off this case, but here he was, adam's apple bobbing up and down, trying to stop from breaking down. It's his little sister in that car with a rapist. His little sister who he swore to protect from the moment she was born. His little sister who saw him as more of a father than their actual one. His little sister who used to come to him in the middle of the night for help finding her teddy bear when Will stole it. His little sister who he taught to drive. His little sister, who he was terrified to lose to this monster of a man.
"You okay?" Hailey asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he lied.
"No, you're not." Hailey paused, not wanting to pick a fight with him. "I know you're worried about her, Jay. But, we'll protect her. None of us will let anything happen to her. I promise."
"You can't make promises you can't keep, Hailey."
Back in the van, Will was seeing everything. And he wanted to explode. He saw Y/N clench her jaw the moment his hand touched her thigh, but then quickly regain her composure for the sake of the case. He knew she was uncomfortable, and it broke him that he couldn't do anything to stop it. It was his little sister in there. His little sister who he helped with her homework. His little sister who always stole his coffee. His little sister who spam texted him at four in the morning when she knew he had to be up for a long shift during his residency to make sure he wasn't late. His little sister who he had held as she cried when Jay left for his second tour in Afganistan. His little sister, who he couldn't allow anything bad to happen to.
"Where are we going?" Y/N asked, looking around at the rundown industrial part of the city they were entering.
"I make my own beer, so I'm just gonna make a quick pitstop," he answered as they pulled in behind an empty warehouse.
"I'm not so sure--"
In one swift motion, he pulled a gun from his waistband and held it to Y/N's head. The team heard a gasp through their wires.
"What's going on in there, Kevin?" Voight asked.
"He's got a gun to her head, Sarge."
"Screw the safe word, I'm moving in!" Jay yelled, but Hailey grabbed his hand.
"Halstead stand down! She hasn't said the safe word yet, so we are not moving in. Is that clear?" No answer. "I said, is that clear?" Voight repeated.
"Clear," Jay mumbled.
"Scream and I will blow your brains outta your pretty little head," Mason growled, pushing the gun further into your temple. "Now hold out your hands."
You held out your shaking hands and he put zip ties around your wrists. Tight, effectively tying them together.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.
"Move." He pushed you forward and you walked through the black night and into the empty warehouse.
"Please," you pleaded as he pushed you forward still. "Please just let me go and we can pretend none of this happened."
"Too late now. I thought you wanted this." A sick smirk appeared on his face.
In your silent panicky state, you didn't see that there was a pipe on the floor and you tripped over it, scraping up your shin and barely catching yourself with your zip tied hands. You hissed as you hit the ground with a thud. "Didn't see that there, oops," Mason said sarcastically.
In the few seconds on the floor you had left, you reached into your dress and pulled out the lipstick, trying to upcap it while being discreet. Once you got the cap off, you tried to discreetly hide it in your hand, but were roughly pulled up by your hair, causing you to yelp and drop the knife.
"You stupid bitch!" he roared. "You thought you could try and get away from me!"
"No, no, I- I promise. I must've grabbed that by mistake when I grabbed my lipstick."
"Bullshit." Before you could react, you felt his fist connect with the side of your face.
You fell to the ground once more, catching yourself with your tied hands once more. But this time, it was harder, like you wrenched your wrist the wrong way. The pain stopped almost immediately though when you felt his boot-clad foot kick your back, effectively knocking the wind out of you and leaving you gasping for breath.
"I can't listen to this," Jay said, pulling out his wire.
"Jay, what are you--"
"Hailey, just tell me when she says the safe word or when we're told to move in, okay? I can't listen to him beat my sister."
Hailey sighed. "Okay, but you have to put it back in as soon as I tell you to."
"Fine," Jay huffed.
"What's her location?" Voight asked.
"As far as we know, they're still in the main space of the warehouse," Kim answered, looking at the video feed from the camera that was embedded in your dress. "They entered through the front, can you see a side or back entrance?"
"Ruzek and I got a side entrance. Upton and Halstead, I need you to go find a back entrance. And bring the snipers. Atwater and Burgess, you take the front. Stay on video for now. I'll tell you two when to exit the van and move in."
"Wire," Hailey said as she handed Jay's wire back to him. "Voight said to find a back entrace and bring the snipers."
Jay put his wire back in and they exited the truck and grabbed the snipers, in search of a back entrance.
You were roughly pushed down to the ground. He held you there. He reached for your dress and ripped it.
You felt your heart beating in your chest, but couldn't do anything except look into the eyes of your captor. You saw his blond hair wave wildly about as he breathed heavily with adrenaline and watched his lips twitch into a sick smirk. You wanted to kick him, try and fight back. But you couldn't, it was like you were frozen. You parted your lips to scream, but he covered your mouth, effectively shutting you up. It wouldn't have mattered anyway; you were frozen in your current state of shock.
"Sarge, something's wrong," Kevin said. "He pushed her to the gound, and ripped off her dress, but she didn't fight back. At all. She didn't even try to say the safe word before he covered her mouth."
"Frozen," Hank muttered to himself.
"What?" Ruzek asked.
"She's freezing!" he yelled into his radio. "There's fight and flight but there's also freeze, we gotta move in! Now!"
You stared up at James Mason. He kissed your neck roughly and then took his hand off your mouth and fiddled with the zipper of his pants.
"No," you whispered, almost inaudible, as that was as loud as your body would allow your voice to go. It took all your strength to yell, "Vodka--"
"Chicago PD!"
James Mason was ripped away from you, but you were still frozen.
You screamed as someone touched your arm. "Please, no, please," you begged.
"Y/N, Y/N come back," you heard someone say in a soft voice. "It's me, it's Jay, you're safe Short Stack, we're here."
At the mention of your nickname, a switch flipped inside you and you had control over your body again. "Jay?" You looked up.
"It's me."
"Y/N, I'm gonna cut these off you. Hold still, okay?" Burgess said and then cut the zip ties off your wrists.
"Here." Kevin quickly handed you his shirt to cover yourself up with.
"Thank you," you whispered, holding back tears.
"Can you stand up?" Jay asked a minute later.
You slowly nodded, taking his hand to help you stand up.
"We're gonna get you back to the district and let Will have a look at you, okay?"
Jay wrapped a hand protectively around your waist as he, Hailey, and you exited the building.
"Y/N!" Will yelled, running towards you. His loud voice made you flinch, which didn't go unnoticed by Hailey or Jay who shared a look.
He slightly crouched down to your height and enveloped you in one of the tightest hugs he had ever given and that you had ever received. "Ow," you squeaked as his arms wrapped around the very place Mason had kicked you.
"Sorry," he said, quickly letting go. "Pain scale, one to ten?"
"I- I don't know," you answered, the adrenaline haven't worn off yet.
"Let's get back to the district," Hailey said.
You all got into Jay's truck, with Jay and Hailey in the front, Jay driving of course, and you and Will in the back. You snuggled into Will's side, finally starting to realize how cold it was. Will started to move, but you whined. "Please don't leave me," you whispered.
"I'm not leaving you, I'm just giving you my jacket."
You nodded and Will removed his jacket and draped it over your legs. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer.
"I'm sorry," you started to cry, the adrenaline finally starting to wear off.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, nothing at all," Will reassured you.
"If I would've said the safe word earlier--"
"Y/N, you were frozen. There was nothing you could do." Jay said, trying to keep his attention focused on the road. "None of this is your fault."
"I have an emergency overnight bag in my locker," Hailey said as soon as you entered Intelligence. "Come with me."
Slowly, you followed her into the locker room, to be met with a few beat cops. "Everybody out! Now!" Hailey commanded.
A few seconds later, it was only you and Hailey sitting in the locker room. "I was so scared," you said to Hailey, feeling a familiar lump begin to rise in your throat. "He almost- If I didn't- Hailey!" you wailed.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay, it's okay." She paused. "Can I hug you?" she asked, knowing that the only people who touched you since the encounter were your brothers.
You nodded and she gave you a side hug and rubbed your back. When you didn't stop crying, she wrapped you in a hug and swayed back and forth. You ended up swaying along, too. You laughed.
"What's so funny?" she asked quietly.
"My mom used to do this to me when I was little. She said it was the only thing that actually calmed me down."
You stayed like that a moment longer. "I think I should change so that Will can check me out."
"I'll keep watch and make sure no one else comes in here."
When Hailey left the locker room, she was met with the Halstead brothers. Jay was crying. She'd never seen him cry before.
"The minute she yelled out Hailey, I just lost it, Will. If I would've just went in earlier, I could've stopped it. I'm supposed to protect her."
"We both are, Jay."
"Well, we both did a shitty job!"
Will reacted faster than he thought he could, catching Jay's hand before it slammed into the wall. "Y/N is right inside there. Don't do that."
Jay took a deep breath and just nodded. "Will?" The three turned when they heard a small voice.
"Hey kid," Will replied. "Let's get you patched up, okay?"
"Me and Jay are gonna get some coffee," Hailey said. "Come get us if you need anything."
Will gave them a curt nod and then the two of you walked into the locker room. He unzipped his medical bag. After putting on some gloves, he walked over to the sink and got a washcloth wet. "Tell me if it's too hot, okay?"
He began to wipe the dried blood away from the left side of your face and then proceeded to put butterfly bandaids on both your eyebrow and cheekbone. "Follow the light with your eyes, don't turn your head."
You did as he said and followed the flashlight with your eyes. "Can you roll up your sweatpants?" he asked. "Just so I can take a look at your shin. That looked like a pretty nasty fall."
"You were watching?"
"Unfortunately, yes."
"Since you saw, do you- do you know why I froze?" you asked weakly, looking down at your feet. "I thought I was stronger than that."
"Hey, hey, look at me, Y/N." You looked up at your brother. "You are one of the strongest people I know, okay? I don't know anyone else who would volunteer to do what you just did. You're a hero, Y/N. A true hero."
"Then why did I freeze up?"
"Everybody reacts to anxiety-provoking or traumatizing events differently. Some people just freeze. It's nothing to be ashamed of; it's just how your nervous system was wired."
He put a bandaid on your shin and felt around the area, causing you to wince. "The good news is that nothing's broken. But, you'll probably have some bruising tomorrow." You nodded in response. "We just gotta make sure we ice it. Now, I'm gonna have to lift up your shirt to look at your back," Will warned you.
"Can we get Hailey?"
"Of course."
He stood up and began to walk towards the door, when you stopped him. "I- I don't wanna be alone." You stood up and walked to him.
He wrapped his arm back around you again. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. You're also in a building full of cops, so I think you're in one of the safest places in the city."
You and your brother entered the bullpen, to be faced with all of Intelligence knee-deep in paperwork. "Hailey, can we borrow you for a sec?" Will asked.
"Okay, all I need you to do is lift up the back of Y/N's shirt...well, Kevin's shirt," Will said once the three were back in the locker room.
"I'm gonna lift this up now," Hailey told you. You nodded, letting her know you were ready.
Soon enough, you felt a stethoscope on your back. "Deep breath." You did so and then repeated the action a few times while Will moved the stethoscope around. "Lung sounds are good."
"So, no hospital?" you asked hopefully.
"No hospital, just lots of ice. You can put her shirt down now."
You stifled a yawn, exhaustion finally hitting you after the night you had. "I'll go get Jay and see if Voight'll let him leave. I don't see it being a problem," Hailey said before leaving.
"Hey Sarge, think you could let Jay get out of here?" Hailey asked.
"I gave him the option of leaving as soon as he came back in here."
"Why'd they need you?" Jay butted in.
"I just needed to lift up Y/N's shirt while Will checked out her back. And, no, she doesn't have to go to the hospital. But, she's exhausted."
"Go home, Jay."
"Y/N, you need to eat something," Jay pleaded.
You had been home for half an hour and all you had done was take a shower. Now you were staring down Jay because eating was the last thing you wanted to do. All you wanted to do was go in your room and sob into your pillow while Will was asleep on the living room couch and Jay was asleep in the room across from yours. You were afraid that if you ate something, you'd just end up throwing it up if you cried too hard...very irrational, but that was your thought process. And, besides, you weren't hungry anyway.
"I'm not hungry," you answered, moving the ice pack around on your shin.
"Listen, I don't care what you eat. Hell, you can eat Oreos for all I care."
"We have Oreos?"
"I hid them on the top shelf so you won't eat all of them because they're your favorite," Jay answered, heading over to the cabinet and grabbing the package. He put them back on the table, pulling them open. You took three and started to eat them.
"I'm gonna go to bed now," you said a few minutes later once you had finished the Oreos.
Will exited the bathroom at that exact moment. "You sure you don't wanna have a sleepover in the living room like we used to when we were little?" Will asked, going into big brother mode once again.
"I'm sure. I just want my own bed. Goodnight."
It had been a few hours and you had finally fallen into a restless sleep. Will was currently asleep on the couch, but Jay wasn't in his room like you expected him to be. He was sitting outside your room, drinking a cup of coffee. It was enough that it would keep him awake, but if he really wanted to sleep, he'd actually be able to. Jay knew how bad nightmares could be. He also knew how to wake someone out of a nightmare without getting himself injured if they tried to punch him, so he figured it would be best if he stayed up, just in case.
He started to hear more tossing and turning coming from your oom. It wasn't the usual sounds of someone trying to get in a comfortable sleeping position...even if they did have multiple injuries to contend with. It was the sound of not having conscious control of movement.
Slowly, as to not wake you yet, Jay opened your door. As he moved closer to you, he could see that your eyes were moving back and forth beneath your eyelids, a telltale sign of REM sleep, aka a dream sleep. Or, in your case, nightmare sleep.
"Y/N," he whispered. "Y/N, wake up." Gently, he touched your shoulder, causing you to jolt awake, your breathing jagged. "Y/N, it's just me. You're at home, it was all a dream," he quickly said.
"Jay?" you asked, darting your eyes around your dark room.
"Yeah." He noticed your breathing still hadn't evened out. "Breathe with me, okay?" Then, he overexaggerated his inhales and exhales, effectively getting your breathing back to normal. "You want the lights on?"
Jay turned on your light and the sight he was met with absolutely broke his heart. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying and you had dark circles under your eyes from exhaustion. "I'm so tired. Why can't I just sleep?" you began to cry, this time it wasn't from fear or coming down from adrenaline, it was from pure exhaustion.
Jay sat on the other side of your bed. When you moved to push yourself up, you winced, pain shooting through your right wrist. "What's wrong? Is it your back? Leg?"
"No, it's my wrist," you answered. "I must've hit it harder than I thought when I fell."
"Need me to wake up Will?" you shook your head, no, you could move it. It was just sore and putting weight on it hurt, but you knew it wasn't broken or fractured. It didn't take a medical degree for you to know that. "Okay, I'll go get you some ice and ibuprofen."
Jay left your room and you stood up and grabbed a book from your bookshelf.
He came back into your room, carrying a glass of water, ice, a bottle of pills, and to your surprise, Oreos and a jar of peanut butter. "Figured a late-night snack never hurt anyone," he said, sitting down next to you once again.
"Thought you hated Oreos and peanut butter," you said, unscrewing the lid to the PB jar.
"I do, but you like it...even though it's disgusting."
"You can thank The Parent Trap for that one."
Jay chuckled but then sighed. "Listen, Y/N, if you have nightmares, you can always talk to me about them, okay?"
"Yeah." You shrugged.
"And I'm not just saying this because I'm your brother and it's my job," he continued. "I'm saying this because I know how it is."
"What do you mean?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows while grabbing another oreo and dipping it in peanut butter.
"Remember when I got home from overseas and I wouldn't let you stay over late?"
"Yeah, always thought that was weird. But why are you bringing this up?"
"Because," he paused, wondering if he should actually tell you. "I'd have nightmares. And, if someone tried to wake me up, sometimes I'd still think I was there and I'd throw a few punches. I didn't want you over at night because I didn't want you to wake me up because I didn't want to hurt you.
"And, I didn't mean for it to go as far as it did tonight. I wanted to move in, but I couldn't--"
"I told Hailey to leave me in."
"You what?"
"I told Hailey to let him get rough with me before moving in. I just wanted you guys to have enough evidence so that Emma didn't have to testify against him."
"Testify? Y/N, what are you talking about?"
"I know how this goes, Jay. Not enough evidence, equals no case. And, we both know how hard rape cases are to prove. It's a he said she said. I- I just, I couldn't let my best friend relive the worst night of her life."
"Y/N, once we get him into interrogation tomorrow, he could take a deal. You don't know it's gonna go to trial."
You grabbed the pills next to you and popped an ibuprofen. "I know, but I knew I had to try and protect Emma...just like you and Will always try and protect me."
"When did you get so grown up?" Jay asked, putting an arm around you.
You shrugged, you wanted to say when your dad died, but you knew Jay didn't have the best relationship with him--neither did you for that matter--so you decided not to go there.
Jay looked down at the book next to you. "Prisoner of Azkaban? Thought you read it already?"
"I've read all of them. I thought, maybe you could read it to me? Like you did when I was little?"
You forgot how old you were when it started. You had to be in bed by eight o'clock on school nights, much to your dismay because as far as you knew, both of your brothers could stay up as late as they wanted. One night, you couldn't sleep and you knew your parents would just put you back to bed, so you peeked into Will's room. He was sitting on his desk, writing in a notebook. Assuming he was doing homework and not wanting to bug him, you hugged your teddy bear to your chest and walked to Jay's room, seeing as his light was still on as well.
Upon hearing his door creak open, Jay looked up from what he was reading. "Now what are you doing up?" Jay asked with a smile. "It's past your bedtime."
"But I'm not tired, Jay Jay," you whined, climbing on his bed to sit next to him. "That's a big book," you said, referring to the chapter book he held in his hands.
"It is. But you'll be able to read them soon, too!"
"I will?" you asked, cuddling your teddy bear, who you had named Teddy, to your chest. You looked up at your big brother with wide, hopeful eyes.
"Yes, you will."
"Will you read to me?"
"But you don't know what the book is about, silly."
"Then what's it about?" you asked curiously.
"It's about a wizard named Harry who has friends, Ron and Hermoine, and they have to fight the bad guys."
"Oooooh," you said excitedly. "Read it to me, Jay Jay."
"But we have to be quiet so we don't wake up Mommy and Daddy. Because then you have to go to your room."
"Okay, shhh," you put a finger to your lips.
"That's right, shhh," he mimicked, reopening his book to the previous page he was on.
You snuggled down into the covers with Teddy and listened to Jay tell you the story of Harry Potter and this guy named Sirius. Within five pages though, you were asleep.
"Course I'll read to you," he answered, taking an Oreo.
"Mine," you joked, swatting his hand away.
"Last I checked, I bought them. And, you didn't even know we had them until earlier."
You huffed. "Fine."
And just like when you were little, you fell asleep within one chapter.
"I'm here to see Intelligence," Emma said as she walked up to the desk sergeant in the 21st District the next morning.
"And you are?" Trudy Platt asked, annoyance laced in her voice, after all, it was only 8:30 on a Monday morning.
"Uh, I'm Emma. I'm here to make an ID," she answered timidly.
"Oh, so you're Emma!" Emma gave Platt a confused look, how did she know who she was? "Y/N's here a lot, so I've heard a lot of good things about you. You two are thick as thieves."
"That we are," Emma answered with a small smile.
Platt picked up the phone and dialed Jay's extension. "Halstead, Emma's down here to see you."
"Copy that, be right there," he answered. Then, he turned to Hailey. "Emma's here to make an ID. Mind telling Voight to get a lineup ready?"
"Got it," Hailey answered and then Jay left the bullpen.
"Hey, Emma," he said as he jogged downstairs. Normally he'd go and hug her since she was like another little sister to him and Will because of how long she and you had been best friends, but after everything that had happened, he knew to keep his distance.
"Hey, Jay," she answered.
"Where's your mom?"
"Oh, she got called in. You know how it is for first responders," Emma shrugged. Her mom was a paramedic and was first on scene, so Jay understood how demanding it was.
"Are you sure you're okay to do this alone?" Jay asked, concerned once they were up in the bullpen. "I can always text Y/N so that she can be here with you?"
"No, thanks though."
"Hailey, lineup ready?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, Voight's in there already. I'll come with you."
Jay and Hailey led Emma into the room. "You can see them, but they can't see you," Jay told her. "Just take as long as you need; there's no rush." Emma nodded. "Ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," Emma answered nervously.
Voight knocked on the glass and Kevin let the men in the lineup enter. Emma looked at them one by one, her heart beating out of her chest. When her eyes landed on number three, her breath hitched and she turned to Jay. "Number three."
"Are you sure?" He put a hand on Emma's shoulder comfortingly, just like he'd do for Y/N if she were here.
"I'm positive. I'm gonna--"
Before she could finish her sentence, Jay's black t-shirt had vomit dripping down the front. Y/N has nightmares, Emma vomits. That's how it's always been, whenever Emma got overwhelmed or nervous, she'd puke. Same for Y/N, but with nightmares.
"I'm so sorry, Jay," she apologized, feeling tears of embarrassment prick her eyes.
"Hey, it's okay, it's okay," he rushed, not wanting to make her feel even the slightest bit bad. "This isn't even the worst thing I've been covered in. I've got a change of clothes in my locker, so don't worry about it."
"C'mon, Emma," Hailey said. "Let's get you some water."
You were brushing your teeth when your phone vibrated on the counter next to you.
I just puked on your brother. Please come down now.
"Oh my God," you laughed after spitting out your toothpaste and then leaving the bathroom.
"Well that's a nice sound," Will said as he sat at the table, sipping his morning coffee. After everything that happened last night, he didn't know if he'd ever hear his little sister laugh again because all he's heard since last night are her worried voice and quiet sobs.
"Emma just puked on Jay!"
Will almost choked on his coffee. "Did someone get a picture?"
"Probably not. Good to leave in 15?" Jay didn't want you driving alone after what happened last night, and since you didn't get a lot of sleep, you didn't blame him for that. So, Will was going to drop you off at the district before his shift at Med started. He tried to get someone to cover it, but it was the middle of flu season, so no one could.
Will nodded and half an hour later you walked into the district. "Hey Trudy," Will said, waving to the desk sergeant. "Buzz us up?"
For once, Trudy didn't give either of you a snide remark, she just unlocked the gate to the bullpen and let you up.
"Sleep at all?" Kim asked as soon as she saw you.
"Not really," you answered truthfully. "Anyone know where Emma is?"
"Last I saw she was in the breakroom with Hailey and your brother." Will looked up. "Your other brother, the one who works here," Kim specified.
"Thanks, Kim."
You entered the breakroom to see Emma sitting at the table on her phone with Jay and Hailey. "Hey, Em," you said as you sat down next to her.
"Hey," she answered.
"I gotta go," Will said.
"Thanks for bringing her. Now go save some lives," Jay said and then hugged his brother.
Emma furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "You didn't drive yourself?"
"Why don't you guys go grab yourselves coffee or something? On me," Jay said and then pulled out his wallet and handed you some money.
You knew what this was. He wanted you and Emma to have a chance to talk alone without the threat of people walking in on your conversation. "Can we take your truck? It's freezing out, Jay," you said.
"You've never driven it before," he pointed out. "And, are you sure you're awake enough to drive?"
"I'll be fine. The coffee shop is just a few blocks away."
He sighed and pulled out his keys. "Fine, but no speeding."
"Copy that, detective," you joked, causing him to roll his eyes. "You want anything? This is more than enough to get us coffee and you and Hailey something, too."
"Yeah, sure. Surprise me. Hailey likes--"
"Just black. I know. Thanks for the money."
Then, you exited the district with Emma behind you. "What was that all about? Why was he so worried about you? I mean, more worried than usual that is," Emma said once both of you were safely inside Jay's truck.
"Are you sleeping?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
"Yeah, it's just hard to get to sleep."
"Well, if you need to talk, call me okay? I barely slept at all last night."
"What? Why?
You sighed, knowing there was no way you could get out of this conversation. And, you knew that Emma deserved the truth and she deserved to hear it from you. But, if you were going to tell this story, you knew that you shouldn't be driving while doing so.  "They needed more proof to charge the guy that raped you, Emma. So, I volunteered to go undercover."
"Y/N, you didn't."
"I did. I'm fine though."
"Is that why your makeup is so thick on one side? Did he hit you?"
"I guess I'm telling you the whole story, then." And so, before you even started driving, you told your best friend everything that happened to you.
Meanwhile, back inside, Jay and Hailey were giving James Mason hell on your behalf. "Lawyer," Mason stated calmly.
"The minute you get a lawyer in here, James, all of your help from us goes out the window, so if I were you, I'd start talking," Hailey told him, crossing her arms.
"Listen here, Mason," Jay spat. "We have you on video hitting and trying to rape that girl from last night. We have you on video trying to give alcohol to said girl who is a minor. So if I were you, I'd talk. Not that you're going to get a deal, though."
"What part do you not understand? The law or the yer?" He moved to stand up, but Jay roughly shoved him back down.
"Sit your ass back down now."
"This is police misconduct!" he yelled. "I'll sue all of you!"
"Yeah, good luck with that. It's awfully hard to sue from a prison cell. And that's where you're gonna be spending the rest of your life."
Hailey pulled out some pictures. It was Emma in the hospital after she had been raped. "You recognize her?"
"Never seen her before," he said, not even glancing at the picture.
"Look at the damn pictures!" Jay slammed his hands on the table. He wanted to break this prick's neck, but he didn't want to lose his job over this prick either.
Mason looked down at the pictures and he started to smirk. "Don't know her."
"Yeah, that look on your face says otherwise. And, the DNA we got from under her fingernails says that you were the person who did this."
"That's impossible!" He yelled, jumping out of his seat.
"And why is that?" Jay's face was so close to Mason's that Mason could almost feel the spit coming from Jay's mouth as he yelled back at him.
"Because she was tied up!"
"We never mentioned anything about her being tied up, James. And, that sounds like something only the person who did this would know," Hailey said calmly, knowing that they had him. James Mason sat back down.
"You know what they do in prison to people like you?" Jay asked rhetorically. "As soon as word gets out about your charges, one of the big tough guys in there is gonna make you his bitch. They don't like rapists in prison, Mason. They'll get you in the showers, anywhere. They'll use anything they can find, a mop, soap, anything. But, if you cooperate with us, we'll make sure that you don't have to go into general population and that what I just mentioned won't happen. So, what do you say?"
"Fine!" Mason yelled. "I did it! I raped her and I enjoyed it, too! Seeing her struggle just made it even better and seeing the fear in her eyes when I held the gun to her head and told her that if she screamed, she'd die, well that was the best part."
Jay roughly pulled him back up. "C'mon, let's go."
Emma had stopped to go the bathroom but said she'd meet you back up in the bullpen as soon as she was done. You started to walk up the stairs when you heard someone yelling, telling another person to move. It sounded like your brother.
You looked up and it was as if you had forgotten how to move. Right in front of you, stood the man who did all of those horrible things to you last night. You wanted to run away, to spit in his face, anything to get away from him, but you couldn't move. You were shocked you hadn't dropped the drink carrier you were holding, either.
"You bitch!" He yelled.
Before Jay knew it, he swung. He didn't care that there were cameras or that he was a cop. At that moment, you mattered more to him than this job. No one called you a bitch in front of your brother and got away with it.
"Jay!" Voight yelled. "Let go!"
Jay let go of Mason and roughly pushed him over to Voight. Gently, he grabbed your arm. "Y/N, can you come upstairs with me?" he asked quietly.
"What?" you had snapped out of your frozen state but hadn't registered what Jay had said.
"I asked if you can come upstairs with me?"
"Uh, yeah. Here's your coffee by the way," you handed him the caramel mocha you had picked out for him.
"This tastes more like hot chocolate than coffee," he joked.
"I promise it's got caffeine. And, I'll go ask Platt for that footage to be erased. She likes me more than you."
It's been a week since everything has happened and you and Emma were slowly coming to terms with the fact that what happened, happened. You still got nightmares and Emma still had trouble sleeping, so she drank coffee like it was water. Jay finally felt comfortable to leave you alone, after changing the pin to the safe, though. He knew what thoughts went through people's heads when they went through a major trauma like you and Emma. And, he didn't want to lose either of you.
Voight walked upstairs to Intelligence and he did not look happy, to say the least. "Halstead. Upton. My office," he ordered.
Both gave the other a confused look but followed their boss.
"What's up, Sarge?" Jay asked as he closed the door.
"What's up? What's up is we don't have a case!" Voight practically yelled but quieted down because he didn't want the rest of the unit to think something was wrong, not yet anyway.
"We just got a case this morning. What are you--"
Voight slammed his hands on his desk. "Not this case, dammit! Your sister's case!"
"We got a confession! What's wrong with it?" Hailey asked, watching as Jay clenched his jaw in frustration.
"He asked for a lawyer and you didn't give him one!"
"That's never stopped us before! And it's damn rich coming from you!" Jay pointed an accusing finger at his boss.
"Jay," Hailey said, placing a hand on his chest and gently pushing him back before he did something he'd later regret. "So, what happened, Sarge?"
"What happened is that we needed that confession."
"We have the DNA from under Emma's fingernails and it's a match to Mason's. And we have a positive ID from the lineup," Hailey said, wondering how the hell they needed that confession to make the case when they had two pieces of evidence against him.
"The problem is that his lawyer's arguing that the DNA under the nails was from consensual sex and the lineup is just because she saw him before! We can still make Y/N's case because we have video and audio evidence of the entire thing, but there's no case against Mason when it comes to her friend."
"So, we bring him back in, this time with his lawyer," Jay suggested.
"No. You're way too close this case, Jay," Voight told his detective.
"So what do we do?" Hailey asked.
"Emma will have to testify."
"Testify?" Jay ran a hand down his face and walked across the room and sat on the couch. "You saw what happened when she made a positive ID, Sarge. She can't go through that again. And, Y/N will have to testify too since she's a material witness. We can't put them through this. We just can't."
"How much would he get if we just press charges for Y/N's case?" Hailey asked.
"With the attempted sexual charge, assault charge, and distribution of alcohol to a minor, he'd be looking at five years. But, he'd probably be out in three."
"Shit," Jay muttered. "I gotta go. I gotta be the one to break the news to the girls." He yanked Voight's office door open and quickly grabbed his coat.
"Hailey, go with him. And don't take no for an answer because I don't trust him enough to just tell them and do nothing."
"Copy you, Sarge."
Hailey left and grabbed her jacket, running down the stairs and out of the 21st, just in time to catch Jay. "I'm coming with you. And it's not up for discussion."
You and Emma were sitting on the living room floor, each working on your respective assignments for school when the door opened, causing both of you to jump. "Jay? Hailey? What are you guys doing here?" you asked, wondering why Jay was home at only nine in the morning and why Hailey was with him.
Jay grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and set it on the table. "What's that for?" you asked.
"Come sit at the table. Me and Hailey have to tell you something. Something really important. The bowl's for Emma."
"What's going on?" Emma asked as she sat down.
"We can't make your case against Mason," Hailey said.
"What do you mean you can't make the case?" you asked.
And then they launched into why they can't make the case. "So let me get this straight," you said after they finished. "We can't make the case because you fucked up?"
"We've done it hundreds of times, Y/N. It just didn't work this time," Jay said quietly.
"But Emma's case isn't just one of those hundreds, Jay! How did you let this happen? She's not gonna testify, and you know this!" you yelled, speaking as if Emma wasn't even there. "I mean look at her!" You motioned to Emma who was hunched over the bowl in front of her, trying to keep her food down.
Emma looked up. "How long would he get for what he did to Y/N?"
"He'd do three years," Hailey answered.
"Three years? That's it? That bastard deserves life!" You knew if it were any other day, Jay would've told you to watch your language. But, it wasn't just any other day.
"I know, I know he does, Y/N," Jay agreed loudly. "We'd get Peter Stone, one of the best attorneys around and he'd prep you and Emma so well that there's no way this case could go under!"
"Wait, Y/N has to testify, too?" Emma asked.
"As a material witness, yes, she would have to testify," Hailey answered.
"No, we're not doing this," Emma said adamantly. "Maybe he'll change in prison, okay? I can't put her through this."
"Emma, I can handle it. But, if you don't want to do this, just tell me. I won't blame you at all."
Emma took a deep, shaky breath. "I can't. I'm sorry." As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she jumped up and made a beeline for the bathroom.
"So, Mason does five years, out in three," Jay said, looking at his sister.
"That's it? You're just giving up?" you yelled, standing up and walking over to your brother.
"Y/N, there's nothing else we can do. I'm sorry."
"Oh don't give me that I'm sorry bullshit! You fucked this up, so you're gonna fucking fix it!"
"What'd she say?" Voight asked as soon as Hailey and Jay entered the district once more.
"She's not testifying," Hailey answered.
"Sarge, are you sure there's nothing else we can do? You know as well as I do that this monster doesn't deserve to take another breath as a free man."
"Listen, let me make some calls and I'll see what I can do."
Voight picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number. "Tyler, it's Hank Voight."
"Hey Hank, what can I do for you?" Tyler answered into one of the blue phones in the county jail.
"How's your son doing?"
"He doing good. I miss him though. My girl sent me some pictures of him yesterday though."
"That's good. That's really good. Mind if I see those pictures tomorrow during visiting hours?"
"It'd be a welcome visit, Hank."
"200k and we have a deal," Tyler said to Hank as they sat at one of the cold, metal tables in the visiting room.
"150," Voight argued, increasing the payout 50k.
Tyler sat there for a moment, thinking it over. "150k would be able to pay for his house or college. And, hey, I'm stuck here for life anyway. You got yourself a deal."
"Money'll be in a trust fund a few months after, just to be safe." The two shook on the deal and Hank left.
There was a knock at the door as you, Jay, and Emma were eating dinner. She had come over to your house once more to do homework and Jay picked up some food on his way home from work.
"I got it," Jay stood up and pushed his chair in.
"Sarge? What are you doing here?" Jay asked.
"Are the girls here?"
"Yeah, they both are. Come in. What's going on?"
"Hi, Y/N," Voight greeted you. "Emma, Sargent Hank Voight, we met a week ago."
"Yes, I remember you," Emma replied.
"What's up, Sarge? It's gotta be important if you came over here."
"James Mason was killed in county."
You dropped your fork. "What?" Jay asked, as stunned as both you and Emma. "When?"
"About an hour ago. I figured that you should be the first to know."
"Wow," Emma breathed out.
"I gotta go, though," Voight said.
Jay walked him to the door and followed him out onto the front steps. "Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did?" Jay asked.
"If you're asking me if I killed that man, no Jay, I didn't do that."
"Do you know who did?" Jay asked, not being able to believe that this was just a coincidence.
"Tyler," was all Voight said.
"Tyler? As in the Tyler we put away for a double homicide six months ago?"
"That's the one."
"And you had nothing to do with it? Because if IAD finds out anything against you--"
"Jay, I had nothing to do with it. Tyler must've found out the charges and killed him just like he killed the two men who raped his sister."
"You don't really expect me to believe that, do you?"
"He's gone, Jay. Those girls can sleep peacefully now. Just let it be and be there for Y/N. None of this will come back to me."
"Why didn't you tell me? I'd gladly put a bullet in that bastard's head!"
"I know you. You do everything with your heart. And that's what makes you a good cop, a good detective, and a great brother to your little sister, Jay. I know you couldn't live with yourself if you did it. Now, go back inside before your food gets cold."
Voight turned and left, leaving Jay wondering how the hell this happened. But he knew one thing: No one would find out about this. Y/N wanted justice for Emma and she got justice, even if it wasn't the right way to go about it.
Later that night, Emma fell asleep within fifteen minutes, the first time in a week and a half that she had fallen asleep that fast. Y/N slept soundly without any nightmares for the first time in a week and a half. And Jay slept in his own bed, instead of slumped against the hallway wall, waiting for the inevitable when he'd have to comfort his sister. He wouldn't admit it, but he was thankful for what Voight did for him. He always said family was everything and he was right. You were Jay's family and Jay was a member of Voight's Intelligence family. Because of this, you were a part of the Intelligence family, too. And, Voight would do anything for family...even if it meant putting 150k in a trust fund for Tyler's son so that you and Emma could both sleep through the night and move on with your lives.
A/N comment and tell me what you think!
@xhaliemax @alievans007 
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
What he deserves
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This story had been written by @holylulusworld and @jay-and-dean together. As we can’t make one post with two autors on Tumblr, the fic is availiable on both our pages, the comments will be read by the author of the page you are on, you can go on both of course, enjoy.
Summary: Jody knows Dean is cheating, and now she’s going to tell his girlfriend.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Jody, Sam, Castiel
Warnings: angst, mention of cheating, fluff.
Want to read more ? => @holylulusworld ‘s MASTERLIST
                                  => @jay-and-dean ‘s MASTERLIST
Words : 5k
Jody's Pov (by @jay-and-dean)
           I like Y/n, and, of course, I like Dean. They are both my friends, hell I sometimes feel like I'm an aunt or a stepmother. I'm the one she calls for private things, almost like a mother, like that time her periods were late and she was freaking out... And Dean, he literally saved me, made me who I am today... I would take a bullet for any of them and that's probably why this is so hard.  
           I don't want to be the one breaking her heart, the one making their happiness shatter. Hell, I'm not even sure I want Dean to fall back into the darkness he lived in before Y/n, even if he seems to deserve it.  
But Y/n... she deserves better.  
           He never lied to her, why do it now? Why would he hide in the kitchen between dishes to answer his phone during dinner at my place? Saying things as cliché as "I can't talk to you right now, Y/n is in the next room"... Why, after he spent so much time texting, would he react like a teen when I take his phone to call Sam? Why ask me to spend the day with his girlfriend, pretending he needs time to do shopping, making me swear to not tell her? He's hiding something to her, to all of us. I hate this bastard for making me lie to her... I caught at least five or six strange behaviors like this and now I'm sure of it.  
           Dean is cheating on her.  
           I have to be absolutely sure though, because this is too serious. Y/n and Dean... It's the best thing that ever happened to the Winchester brothers, to all of us : finally seeing Dean happy, and little-orphan-Y/n bloom in his arms. Even Sam and Cas found a new balance and peace, knowing Dean is not self-destructive anymore...                
           The Impala is here, parked in front of a building, I stop my car and wait. I have to be careful, Dean is a hunter, he will feel it if he’s being followed. I stay in the car and check my phone, I tracked his, he didn’t even try to block his phone signal, what if Y/n had the same idea?  
           He finally gets out of the building and my heart drops. A pretty blond girl is with him, I was right. She laughs at something he said and he seems so relaxed, I can’t see a hint of guilt on his face. How can he do this to Y/n? She loves him so much, she sacrificed so much for him!  
           He opens the door for her, smiling like it was the best day of his life and they leave together, that girl’s ass on the spot Y/n spend so much time, following him around in his damn car, just to be close to him…  
           With shaking hands I call Y/n, I can’t tell her on the phone but she deserves to know.  
“Jody? Is everything okay ?” she answers.  
“Yeah…” I lie. “Is Dean with you ?”  
“Nope, he left before I woke up this morning, I don’t know when he will come home, he didn’t say” she states with a smile in her voice, how can she smile? Is she that naive? “Why ?”  
“I just… I’m on my way home…”  
“Okay, nice, I made a pie. Dean will be so happy when he comes back”  
Yeah, I don’t think so…  
“Y/n, just… Is everything okay between you two ?” I ask trying not to sound too sad.  
“Yes, of course, Jody” that smile again in her tone, it’s like she was smiling each time she thinks of him and it breaks my heart to know soon she’ll cry instead. “Why that question ?”  
“I’m just checking on you, you know me” I fake a smile swallowing hard.  
Meanwhile, Dean’s POV, Jody’s place… (by @holylulusworld)
I’m nervous, excited…I can’t even explain my feelings. I love Jody’s food, I really do but right now I can barely concentrate on a conversation or her food.  
I need to call her, need to be sure she will not forget our appointment, so I send her a message once again. A few moments later I receive an answer and I smile, and my smile grows when another message arrives with a picture of the thing I want the most.  
The ring, the ring for the woman I love. I want to send her best friend another message but then Jody asks me if I can borrow her my phone so she can call Sam.  
I hesitate, I would do anything for Jody, hell even risk my life. This woman is almost like a mother to me and Sam, cause my own mother never was a real mom.    
But right now, I hesitate to handle her my phone, too afraid she could read the messages I send Jennifer, Jen, my girlfriends’ best friend since high school.  
I want to surprise Y/N, she deserves perfect so only Sam knows about my plans, of course, he knows he’s my brother, the person I trust the most, well except Y/N.  
She owns my trust, my heart for years and now I want to show her how much she really means to me. I blink a few times, looking unsure at my phone and then at Jody and her look is unreadable so I handle her my phone, hoping she won’t see the picture of the ring or read my messages.  
I can’t let anyone ruin my surprise, my proposal. Y/N deserves perfect. Jody could ruin it with one word, I can’t risk it, Y/N is right next to me.  
Relieved I get my phone back, Jody only called Sam and didn’t say a thing to Y/N. I can see another message from Jen. Maybe something’s wrong with the flowers, or the ring?  
I need to call her, texting her again would make Y/N or Jody suspicious, I mean Y/N is smart. She would see through a lie; she can almost read me like a book, so I grab the plates to excuse myself to do the dishes as my phone already begins to ring.  
I look around and answer Jen’s call, whispering so no one can hear me, and it’s the right decision as I hear Jody walking toward the kitchen, maybe Y/N is on her way too so I whisper my words to tell Jen that I can’t talk to her right now as Y/N, my girlfriend is in the next room.  
Her friend giggles and assures me everything is working according to plan, but we must meet tomorrow as her boss won’t let her take the day after tomorrow off, so I tell her we meet at the shop and end the call.  
Now I got a problem, Y/N is here, and I need to meet her friend to talk to her about the ring and how to do the perfect proposal. I see Jody enter the kitchen and an idea pops up into my mind.  
“Hey, Jody can you spend the day with Y/N tomorrow? I got some shopping to do but please don’t tell her I ask you. I would’ve asked Sammy but he ain’t around.” I say hoping Jody will help me out.  
“Sure, Dean. Why not?” She answers and I smile at her. Of course, she helps me out, Jody is the best.  
I get out of the Impala and my heart beats a mile in a minute. I’m nervous as hell and I got no clue why, well I know why but this doesn’t help me taming my heart right now.  
Jen is great at her job as a wedding planner, she will know what’s the best I tell myself, as Y/N deserves the best.  
Almost running toward the jeweler, I glance over my shoulder as I got the feeling someone is watching me, imagining things might be a side effect of being in love. I shrug and enter the shop to meet with my partner in crime.  
“Finally,” Jen says smiling and I simply nod, too nervous to say anything I let her lead me toward the goal, the ring we chose together. It’s a simple one, silver, as Y/N doesn’t like gold.  
“You think this is the right one?” I ask, finally finding my voice.  
“It’s perfect Dean, you know that. Y/N will love it for sure. Look at the pretty little diamond. This one is her style. Just relax and everything will be alright.” Jen says and I calm down a bit.  
A few moments later I pay the ring with the money I spared, no fake credit cards this time. I want to give my girl something I bought with my own money. The clerk handles me the little box with the precious treasure and I smile at Jen.  
She follows me out of the store, and I lead her toward my car as she needs to help me pick the right flowers. I know Y/N loves every kind of flower, but I want to do this right.  
“Do you think she will say yes, or reject me? I mean what if I do it wrong? What if I stammer?” I ask Jen and she starts laughing.  
“Dean, she will marry you even if you mess up the whole thing.” Jen answers and I smile at her. I don’t like lying to Y/N, I lied for over two months by now, but it will worth the secretiveness, in the end, so I shove the guilt away.  
My hands are slightly shaking as I open the door for Jen, and she takes place in the passenger seat. Just one more stop and I can prepare everything, I can finally ask Y/N is she wants to be my wife…    
Jody’s Pov, the bunker (by @jay-and-dean)
Dean didn’t even come back to my house to come and pick Y/n, he just called, saying he was next to the bunker and that we should just join him… Since when Dean doesn’t pick her? I mean, they’re inseparable.  
           But Y/n didn’t react, she seems so innocent, not seeing what is happening at all. She just smiled and said “We should hit the road then, I already miss him”, and my heart broke.  
           The minute we enter the bunker she sighs, putting her bag on the glowing table of the war room, she looks around.  
“It’s good to be home,” she says, tired of the three hunts in a row they solved before visiting me. “Hey baby ?” she calls now.  
I kind of hope he’s not here, I don’t know how I am supposed to look at him in the eyes, knowing he just had sex with a pretty blond girl…  
           Then I see her face when he doesn’t answer. Like Christmas had been cancelled, like this wasn’t really home after all.  
How can he do this to her? No one has ever loved him like she does. She has seen all of him and loved each messed up part of that man; she even told him for the first time while he had the Mark of Cain. She never tried to change him but did it a little anyway, in the best way: Dean is not that self-destructive anymore, he’s not ready to sacrifice anything now, he is happier. He doesn’t drink that much, even if she never told him anything, they just drink together when they do. Smiling, I remember that night I found them beyond drunk together, laughing like crazy for no reason until Y/n needed to puke and he held her hair for hours. That’s how they are, that’s the effect she has on him.  
Y/n deserves better, but when she breaks up with him, I fear we will lose Dean for good. How I wish I just didn’t know…  
           The main door grates and her face lights up.  
“Oh great you’re here,” Dean says entering and she starts to climb the stairs to join him.  
She nestles in his chest and he kisses her forehead. Doesn’t she smell another woman on him?  
“So no kiss ?” that bastard dares with a grin.  
And she lifts her head to kiss him with passion, her hands in his hair; it’s like they’ve been together for a week… since 2014. I have to look away, I can’t stand the pain I may be about to inflict, I wish Sam was here, he would understand what I’m going through, maybe even tell me what to do.  
           Then a thought crosses my mind, what if Sam knows? He’s really smart and knows his brother by heart, there is no way he never heard or seen things like I did. It would mean he chose to stay silent… I just really don’t know what to do.  
           Then Dean hugs me and I can slightly smell a perfume on him, I could punch him right now.  
“Thank you” he whispers in my ear. “So Jody, you can have Y/n’s former bedroom,” he says loud now. “Unless she kicks me out of our bed tonight” he jokes but I can’t laugh.  
“Why would she do that, Dean ?” I say seriously, looking in his eyes.  
His wide smile fades but he seems confused.  
“I don’t know if I’m staying” I add, looking down.  
“Yes you are, there is no way you drive hours back without getting some rest, and Sammy will come back soon, I know he would love to see you” he states with that husky voice he takes when he is using authority.  
           Dinner is an ordeal, I try not to cry when I see the way she looks at him, like every word he spoke was poems. I notice everything now: the light touches and the stolen pecs on her lips, how can he be so good at lying?  
           I know Dean has always had a lot of conquests but I thought Y/n was different for him, I thought he wouldn’t need one-night stands, pornstars and slutty waitress anymore…  
           His phone rings. I look at him hesitate to answer, he is not going to do it, right? She’s right there, I mean can’t he just be with Y/n completely just tonight?  
           Y/n gets up and asks me if I want an ice-cream, I shake my head, still watching Dean stare at his phone.  
“Chocolate and cookie dough ?” she asks Dean, kissing his jaw.  
He nods and she leaves the room to get him his fucking ice-cream while he looks at the glowing screen of his damn phone.  
           Frowning, he finally answers. I can’t believe it!  
“Sammy ?” he says but I can hear a female voice answer.  
“Dean? You’re with her ?”  
“Yeah I’m eating with Y/n and Jody, is there something wrong? Tell me nothing’s wrong” he says getting up to move away from me.  
           I don’t hear the woman answer but when Y/n comes back with ice-cream and a radiant smile, putting a hand quickly on his heart while she walks past him, I make my decision: That can’t last, it’s too cruel. She deserves the truth even if I have to be the one breaking her heart.  
Meanwhile, Dean’s POV (by @holylulusworld)
I look at my watch and curse. The appointment with the florist took longer and I had to drive Jen home. Now there’s no time left to make it to Jody’s place and prepare everything for the proposal tomorrow.  
I don’t want to do it later. I want to make the proposal tomorrow, so I do the only thing I can do, I call Jody.  
She answers her phone after the second ring and I got the feeling she’s not happy to hear me. I got no clue why maybe I said something wrong? Anyways I think and ask her to drive Y/N back to the bunker. I want all the people I call my family around when I finally ask the woman, I love to become my wife so it’s two birds with one stone.  
I hate that I can’t pick her up, hate that I won’t see her for another six hours but I need to hide the ring. Need to call Jen to make sure she will bring the flowers and everything else in time.  
Finally, back at the bunker I run toward my room, no our room and put the ring into one of my socks, hiding it underneath the bed.  
Checking my messages, I can’t hide my smile. Jen wrote I shall take deep breaths; everything is under control. I could kiss her right now but I would never do so. My kisses are reserved for Y/N alone.  
I check my watch again and then I remember I need to get the champagne. Damn, now I have to leave the bunker once again to get it from the store in town. But Y/N isn’t back yet, so I can make it in time.  
Champagne in the trunk and some pie for the ‘after’ party in my cooling box I drive back into the garage. My heart beats faster as I can see Jody’s car. Y/N is already back and I can’t wait to see her.  
It was only half a day but still, I’ve missed her so much. Since we became a thing all these years ago, we were never apart for longer than a few hours. Well except during my ‘I’m a big bad demon’ time.  
I need to show her how much she means to me. That only she makes my life brighter, better…gave my life a sense.  
I see her running toward me and my heart beats faster and my smile grows.  
Jody’s Pov, the bunker (by @jay-and-dean)
           It’s time. Dean said he was going to take a shower but at this point I don’t believe him anymore. I’m sure he’s calling that girl again, or another, who knows, nothing surprises me anymore.  
           Y/n is in the kitchen, she’s cleaning I don’t know what. My heart is so heavy it hurts, I wish I didn’t know, but I do…  
“Y/n ?” I call with a shaky, unsure voice.  
“Ah Jody! Do you want coffee, tea? Anything? Only Dean isn’t allowed to drink coffee at night… I have to make sure he sleeps” she smiles lovingly.  
“Listen Y/n, I have to talk to you alone…”  
She turns, looking suddenly a little worried.  
“Is everything okay Jody ?” she asks, wiping her hands in a towel.  
“Not really…” I clear my voice. “Listen Y/n, you know that I love you, you’re family, so believe me I hate to be the one saying that but…”  
She frowns and I can see she swallows hard. I try to calm my trembling mouth.  
“… Dean is cheating on you, Y/n. I just… I thought you deserved to know.”  
Her face relaxes. I thought she would be freaking out but now I’m confused, it’s like she’s relieved that I said that. She smiles kindly.  
“No. He isn’t” she states, and I understand now that she’s in denial.  
“Yes, Y/n… Listen I’m sorry but he is” I try but she lifts her hand like she was forbidding me to talk more.  
“No, Jody, Dean is not like that. I don’t know what you think you heard or saw, but you’re mistaking” she says stern.  
Of course she’s mad at me, I’m a bird of ill omens.  
“I’m sorry…” I try but she seems mad now, her face is cold and she doesn’t let me talk.  
“Jody” she cuts me. “Dean is not a cheater. Why do you all think he is ?” her voice is a little louder now.  
“Come on, Y/n, you know I love Dean but he’s…”  
“NO !” she almost yells now.  
Taking a deep breath, she looks down.  
“I know who he is, and obviously I’m the only one really seeing through him… Listen… Dean had a lot of conquests, I mean, he is stunningly handsome and stayed single most of his life… Why is it so surprising for all of you that he would have a few one night stands? I ever heard a hunter calling him a manwhore once! My baby! Would I be a whore too if I decided to live my life as a single woman, and sometimes relieve some pressure with a nice guy ?” her voice is clear and sure, I try to open mine but she shakes her head. “Dean never cheated.”  
           I sigh and she catches my eyes, they’re sad but not scared. There is something so assured on her face that I know I have to talk to her about the girl to make her change her mind.  
“I saw him…” I try and she puts the towel down, taking a step toward me.  
“Listen to me Jody: Dean is not cheating on me. I trust him with my life and he said he would never hurt me.”  
“How can you be so sure you don’t even listen to me !” I half shout half whisper.  
“Did Dean ever cheated on a girl ?” she asks harshly. “Did he cheat on Lisa? He didn’t. He wasn’t even sure to be in love with her, he was sad and in a desperate place because Sam was gone, he drank a lot back then… I mean he could have done anything but he never cheated on her. Even when he went back to hunt with Sam he never touched another woman until they were done for long. You know why? Because Dean is not a cheater !”  
She points her finger at me and I know she is right, I never thought of it this way but now I see it, he actually never did… Still, I saw what I saw. I try to open my mouth again but she continues.  
“Did he ever lied? Huh ?” she frowns. “Did he ever got a woman by promising her something he couldn’t give? They all do that, Jody! Say they’re in love or that they want to get to know you better, only to drag you in their bed hours later and never call… He never did that! Dean always told the girl he’s been with that it was for the night. Hell Jody I know that… Remember how long I stayed in his gravity, seeing him hit on girls… I saw that dozens of times. He. Never. Lied.”  
I look down and take a deep breath. I call her name to make her listen but she cuts me again.  
“You let me finish now. Jody… He even told me. The one night thing he told me the first time! That he didn’t want me to think he could be my boyfriend… God he’s so damaged! After he told me he loved me it took me two years to make him stop thinking he didn’t deserve to be with me. TWO YEARS !”  
Tears fill up her eyes. While a single tear falls on her cheek, she bites her lower lip, then wipes it away. She looks so strong. I really hope she’s right because she’s perfect for him, tough just where he is broken.  
“Dean is the more loyal person the two of us have ever met. Every single person in his life let him down at some point, and he’s still there, trying to protect everyone from everything” she looks up and shakes her head. “He deserves better.”  
“You’re right” I finally manage to say, trying to make her listen to me. “But I saw him with another girl, and he…”  
“No” she says. “Stop Jody, listen, I really love you and I know how much you love Dean but you can’t keep accusing him, you’re mistaking. You know how he works, even when he’s done nothing wrong he convinces himself he deserves the unfair things people say about him. I’m tired of trying to convince him he is worthy of love, it breaks my heart” she pauses and stares at me. “Dean is not cheating on me. I trust him and we tell each other everything, I’m sure if I ask him who that girl is he will just tell me right away… But I won’t ask him, because other way he will know you thought so low of him, and it would hurt him. Just trust me, Jody.”  
Meanwhile, Dean’s POV  (by @holylulusworld)
The shower is refreshing and I got some time to think about all the things I have to do till tomorrow. Jen will bring flowers and decoration. Sam is on his way back with my black tuxedo and his own.  
Jody is already here and Castiel is on his way back to the bunker with Sam. I had to tell my angelic friend about my proposal this morning as he was curious about Sam’s behavior.  
Anyways, Claire will be here soon along with Donna and Alex. Hell, I even invited Garth and Bess to come around. Of course, everyone believes I want to throw a party, they don’t know about the proposal. Not yet.  
I step out of the shower with a bright smile on my face and grab my clothes. I brought the ring with me into the showers, I don’t want Y/N to find it accidentally and ruin the surprise. She deserves the best.  
One last glance I tell myself opening the box with the ring I chose, I hope she will love it as much as I love her. Closing the box I put it into the pocket of my sweats to hide it till I can bring it back to our room.  
I leave the showers and that’s when I hear it. Y/N is raising her voice while Jody almost whispers. I don’t know why my girl is upset but I know this tone. She only used it once, to defend me against Bobby.  
Rushing toward the kitchen to find out the reason for the argument I stop in my tracks when I hear Jody something I never thought is possible. “But I saw him with another girl…” Jody says, and I feel like someone just ran me over with a car.  
My hands are shaking, and I can’t find my voice. I believe Y/N will leave me now. Why should she believe me instead of Jody? I was never in a real relationship before…I can’t see anything but my girlfriend looking at Jody for a brief moment.  
I don’t hear or see Sam walking toward the noises. I can’t see the shocked face of my baby brother hearing Jody says I cheated on Y/N. I don’t see Castiel looking at Sam shaking his head. I can’t see the confidence on Sammy’s face knowing I would never cheat on her.  
I want to turn around, go to our room and break down, but then something happens…Y/N is defending me. I step closer and see the confidence all over her face. She’s defending me…she believes in me. Tears well up my eyes hearing her saying all these things about me.  
The woman I love believes in me like no one before. “Every single person in his life let him down at some point...” Y/N says and finally, I find my voice.  
“Not every person.” I choke out and Jody turns around with a hint of disgust in her eyes. But I barely recognize her as Y/N smiles at me. “You never let me down,” I add and she rushes toward me to move her arms around me.  
“Then enlighten us, Dean. Why were you meeting another girl?” Jody spats and I flinch at her harsh tone.  
“Jody, don’t. Dean can explain everything…tomorrow.” Sam tries but Jody shakes her head. Anger coloring her features she glares at me.  
“I saw you, I heard you. Care to explain?” She says and I know I got no other choice. My body is tense, and Y/N feels it so she lets go of me. I fall to my knees looking up Y/N and she seems to be confused.  
I need a minute to process my surprise just got ruined. All the preparations are wasted time by now, but I don’t care. I need to prove Y/N her faith was justified so I pull the box out of my pocket to hold it out.  
Seeing the ring box in my hand Jody falls silent immediately. Her eyes dart between me, Sam and Y/N. Finally realizing she destroyed a lovingly planned proposal she starts shaking. She wants to say something but Castiel shakes his head.  
“Y/N, this is not the way I wanted to propose to you. Jen and I planned it for weeks and she will kill someone in this room for sure, but I got no other choice. I love you; I adore you. You are the person who never gave up on me, who always believed in me. Just minutes before you proved my trust and love in you is justified. Would you Y/N, Y/L/N give me the honor of becoming my wife?” I ask with shaking hands and she looks down at me in awe.  
There’s silence for a minute as if everyone is holding their breath. I swear this moment is the hardest in my whole life. The moment before I hear her shout a loud ‘yes’.  
I try to fumble the ring out of the box and fail, but as always Y/N is there to help me with something I can’t do on my own. She places the ring on my hand so I can put it on her finger, and it matches perfectly. Just like we match perfectly fine.  
Her eyes are filled with tears, but tears of joy. I get up to move my arm around her waist to pick her up as I did it a hundred times before. Her arms wrapped around my neck she kisses me softly, a smile still on her lips.  
I hear my brother and Castiel clap their hands and then someone knocks me on my shoulder. I don’t know who as I’m too busy to process that the woman I love agreed to spend the rest of her life with me…
***Feedback is gold <3***
Forever Tags :  @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma@roonyxx@animegirlgeeky  @thefaithfulwriter@parinarain@vicariouslythruspn@emeow1496@daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli@sandlee44 @mogaruke@masterof-agony @paradoxical--intentions
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
(Third film. After “Substitutiary Locomotion”. Jaylos’s room. Carlos is working on a new machine to help them with finding Ben)
Jay: so run this by me again. This is gonna be a...?
Carlos: This IS a DNA tracking device. Two months after dad got the crown we were paired up for an intergrade scirnce fair.
Jay: yeah?
Carlos: I only needed him for one thing. Hair. Hair from dad. Nail clippings from mom, skin flakes from Doug, lipstick blotter from Evie, towel from lonnie, dessert spoon from Jane and I already had loads of dna from you. Because you never clear out the shower drain
Jay: I’ve gotten better at that
Carlos: uhhhh...no. No you haven’t. Hence the inordinate tips I give the cleaning staff
Jay (dryly): thanks sweets
Carlos: you’re welcome dear. Now. Once it’s ready we can go back to the others and finally find my father
(In the halls of the school a certain pirate is lingering near a suit of armour)
Harry (drolly): I can feel you lurking Jay
Hadie (brightly): Jay’s still with Carlos. It’s me. Your brother
(Harry jumps a foot in the air, startled and laund in Hadie’s arms bridal style)
Harry: why...
Hadie: you looked distracted. I thought I could help
Uma (walking up to them): well, ya can’t. Move it or loose it Silkrobe. I wanna talk to him.
Hadie: ok, ok. But (he grabs her upper arm) if you upset him you’ll have me to answer to.
Uma: I’m not scared of you.
Hadie: oh of course you’re not. You’re the sea witches scion. You know what? I see it. I really do. Slimmer. Younger. No lines on your face yet. But the personality. The physicality. The voice. You’re more like Ursula then you care to admit.
(Uma looks like she swallowed an owl whole)
Hadie: I’ll leave you two to chat
(He leaves and Harry approaches her)
Harry: you’re getting called out a lot ain’t ya?
Uma (calming down): I just wanted to tell you that I was wrong.
Harry: hmmmmm?
Hadie: take this dictaphone and commit it to memory. It’ll help when you have another lovers tiff.
Huma: OUT!
Hadie: sorry
(He slinks away)
Uma: I’m sorry.
Harry: for what?
Uma: not believing you, calling you a liar. You know. That whole schtick.
Harry: that’s god. What tipped you off.
Uma: the eye glow and fire hair.
Harry: ahhh. Well then. You’re forgiven. But I am gonna hold it over you. For a long long time
Uma: I’d expect nothing less
(Off towards the side Evie’s looking pissed off)
Evie: great. Now they’re both happy.
Celia: you really do hate them don’t you?
Evie: more then you will ever know
(Near there entrance Mal’s vainly trying to call Ben again)
Mal: please please please work. You have never not answered me when I needed you before so there’s no use in starting now GODDAMIT!
(She throws her phone against the walls and squats down in frustration her head in her hands. She lets out a guttural shuddering screams and vines shoot out from the floor. Hadie pulls Gil away, Evie pulls Celia away, Uma pulls Harry away and Harriet pulls Cj away from the violent magical burst)
Gil: remember what Milo said. Focus on what you can do right now and not what can’t be immediately fixed
Mal: I know I know. It’s just that URGH. I want Ben to be here. Cause at least then I know he’s safe.
Gil: my brother has magic just like yours. He’s fine.
Hadie: Gil’s right.
Mal: how? How could you possibly know. You heard the gunshots. Ben could be anywhere. Unconscious. Bleeding out. Dying. He could already be dead.
Hadie: well. A. If he has you’re magic as you well know he has then he’s nigh invulnerable. B. If he died I would’ve felt it. Doug too. I have this sort of. Radar. Not a gaydar Evie. A real one it’s sort of a feeling. I can feel the exact moment someone’s died. Two people have died in this building. But they’re fully human. Their stamp is different. And the second gunshot was a cover up. I think.
Mal: then how do we find Ben.
Carlos (sauntering in with the tracking device and followed by Jay who’s got the biggest grin on his face): I may be able to help with that oh mother of mine. Behold ladies and gentlemen. And sea witch and bastard pirates. My DNA tracking device. And one of dad’s hairs.
Mal (walking hopefully over to him): really. You brilliant child MWAH (she kisses him on the forehead) uh how does it work?
Carlos (slightly embarrassed but still a little smug): like so
(He puts the strand into the slat. It beeps getting faster and faster and more and more higher pitched. The fizzles out and dies)
Carlos: This didn’t happen last time. And no Evie I literally just fixed it up. I did everything correctly. Why isn’t it. Why isn’t it working? CMON DAMN YOU. WORK. I WANNA FIND MY DAD. ARRRRRGH
(He throw the machine away and copies Mal’s previously hunched over forlorn stance)
Carlos (near tears): I just want my dad back.
(Jay crouches down and hugs him tight)
Gil: what hair did you use?
Carlos: dads! What kind of hair do you think I would’ve used for finding the fucking king?
Gil: purple.
Carlos: huh?
Gil: Ben’s hair is purple now. Like Mal’s. He’s got her magic. And the ember finished the metamorphosis. His hair’s completely purple now. Ergo cinnamon coloured hair wouldn’t work anymore because he’s not fully human anymore.
Harry: what the fuck
Uma: you never used to be this comprehensible
Gil: I’m not just a pretty face and a hot bod now. Cranial gears are turning constantly in this ol noggin of mine. I like it here
Carlos: so, I’m not a failure
Mal (smiling reassuringly): not even close
Evie: you never were C.
Jay: at least we know it still works.
Hadie: our nephews a genius
Harry: he ain’t my nephew. He’s my would be victim
Mal: I can turn into a dragon so watch your cartoonishly lipless mouth
Harry: or what?
Mal: how does a gangly fillet mingon sound?
Harry: I dunno what that is but since you’re the one that said it then it’s gonna mean my death
Mal: so you finally managed to win at connect the dots. Congratulations dickbrain
Cj: Harry
Harry: give me one good reason I should snap you’re fugly little neck right now
Jay: Mal
Mal (sarcastically): uhhhh I’m a dragon which is how we started this ridiculous skit in the first place
(The other ten follow the direction he’s pointing in. While Mal and hook were arguing the suits of armour snuck up on them. A hundred of them from all over the school. All to stop them in their tracks. This is when the opening to “this is war” happens)
Carlos: oh. My. Grandfather
Evie: what do we do?
Mal: uhhhh
Uma: we fight. This is what we know.
Mal: I think they want me
Jay: nuh uh. No way. Ain’t gonna happen. You are not pulling the self sacrificial care. Not again.
Celia: I can take em
Core five, Huma, Hadie and the hook sisters: think again kiddo
Celia: oh I can fight
Mal: it’s a warning
Jay: a what?
(This is when “this is war” starts fully. After the song Mal nearly collapses but Jay catches her)
Mal: ohhh I cant believe that worked
Jay: you alright
Mal: don’t worry about me. Celia, you doing ok?
Uma: she’s fine
Celia: I can speak for myself thanks. I’m fine Mal.
Mal: good. Now we need to send a message to Maleficent and Chad. Maybe if I
Harry: oh for fucks sake. There’s more of them
(Sure enough. Thirty more suits of armour are marching towards the eleven vks)
Mal: of course. Oh my god I’m an idiot, not one word, from any of you or your tongue will disappear. If it’s Maleficent’s spell then
Jay: only another spell will counteract it
Evie: but what spell can counteract that of a dark fairy armed with the fairy godmothers wand.
Hadie: that of a god
(They all turn to look at him)
Hadie: with a little help from a free genie and child prodigy of course
Jaylos: we’re in
Mal: I hope to our father you know what you’re doing
Hadie: I’m a disciple of Dionysus. The first of this generation actually. What better way to stop the embodiment of evil with the embodiment of fun?
Mal: I wouldn’t know. I was never much fun
Evie: it’s true. I have it written on record in my diary.
Mal: oh that reminds me. Now we’re really sisters. I can read your diary with impunity
Evie: you can’t. Seriously. You can’t. It’s locked in a chest in my macrame room. And no one but Doug and I are allowed in my macrame room
Mal: That’s because it’s not a macrame room isn’t it? It’s you and Doug’s own private little love
Carlos: ohhhhkay. Let’s break this up before someone, Evie, gets thrown through a window or shot apart with glass.
Hadie: I concur nephew. Now everyone get to safety. Jay, Carlos and I will handle things from here
(Mal and Uma poof everyone else out of the room)
Hadie (eyes glowing a steely grey): suit of armor strong and true/make this metal bust a move
(This is when “cha cha slide” happens. After the song Hadie steps up to the final suit of armour)
Hadie: I believe my dear sister should have the honour of felling this one don’t you?
Jay: I should think so yes. What about you C?
Carlos: just tell em it’s safe to come back and dispense with the bullshit
Jay: Mal, Evie, Gil, Celia. Guys, it’s ok to come back now.
Hadie: Harry too
Jay: urgh...fine. Fathead as well.
(Two streams of smoke, one purple and one turquoise, swirl up from the floor and the other eight vks appear)
Mal: so what’s with the, uh, lone cyberman?
Jay: first of all, impeccable reference. Second of all, the three of us thought that you should do away with this yahoo
Mal: why?
Uma: yeah, why should she do it
Jay: because Mal is queen and you, captain calamari, barely qualify as a peasant. Go on M.
Mal: ok, ok. Ok. How do I...? OOH! I know. Ahem. (Her eyes start glowing). Go back to your masters, tell them that the vks are back in Auradon. We are running them out of town. And we are not gonna rest until they’re defeated. GO!
(The final suit of armour marches away)
Hadie: you’re incredible
(Uma looks mortally offended)
Mal: thanks. If you’ll excuse me (she takes a long swig if whiskey out of a hip flask) ohhhh that’s much better
Uma: is she seriously gonna be doing this most of the day?
Mal: probably. Milo’s asleep. So I’ve not got my therapist in hand.
Jay: if you don’t like it you can go
Hadie: please, please go
Evie: and ideally take a long walk off a short pier
Carlos: and get eaten by sharks
Celia: she’s my sister guys
Jaylos, Evie and Hadie: Sorry Ceels
Celia: Don’t be. She’s a drag
Mal: we need to find Ben
Carlos: agreed
Mal: so here’s what we’re gonna do. Evie, Uma and I are gonna take Celia to Evie and Doug’s place you’re rest up, I know you say you’re fine but your dad told me to look after you and I’m not ready to gain my inheritance yet
Uma: huh
Celia: dad’ll kill her if I get hurt or die
Uma: ohhhh
Mal: Jay, Carlos, Gil, Hadie. You guys look for Ben. The forest, the lake, surrounding areas. Any other places you can think of.
Hadie (joyfully): oh wait wait wait.
Mal: yeah?
Hadie: there’s a lot of intermagical tension within this little group and I personally feel that it could be dissipated if we do something about it
Mal: heh?
Hadie: an ice breaker
(The others groan outwardly)
Hadie (oblivious): I’ll go first. Harry
Harry (to himself): oh shit
Hadie: I love that your head has shrunk down from your infancy
(There’s a highly troubled silence)
Hadie (brightly): who’d like to go next
Carlos: I will. Gil. I love that you took to inventing like a duck to water.
Hadie: awww
Carlos: I’m not done yet. Uma. I hate you.
Hadie: ok...?
Carlos: I hate your. Idiocy. Your shortsightedness. Your malevolence. Your vindictiveness. Your. Obsession with one upping my mother. But if I’d course you don’t do you? Not if you’re the one in the right. Do you even know what he tried to do to me? Five years ago on my eleventh birthday I got lost in the marketplace. Separated from Mal and jay. I wandered into the docks. And I heard barking. Loud. Feral. Wolf like barking. I ran. But he cornered me. I yelled for help. And I heard you laughing. You laughed as I cried for someone to save me. Someone did. Evie. Did. She stabbed him in the leg. We left Harry bleeding out on the floor. But I still have nightmares sometimes. And I think I’ll always have them. But that’s ok. But you have to keep that away from me if you ever want me to see you as anything other than a petty vindictive shrimpy looking bitch.
Hadie (nonplussed): wow. Harry is this true?
Harry (very very surprised but not at all ashamed): well I uh...oh yeah. And I’d do it again. It was a really fun time for me
Carlos: I’m gonna kill him
Mal: bury the body in the forest. We’ll split up into two groups. My sister and cousins with me. Jay leads the search for Ben. Carlos Gil and Hadie go with him
Uma: and what about them?
(She points to the hook sibling)
Mal: honestly I blocked them out. Uhhhh.
Carlos: they can go with us.
Everyone else: what?
Carlos: my boyfriends a genie. My uncles a god. They can keep them in line. And as the cliche goes. Keep those you hate in short spikes
Cj: that is not the
Mal, Jay and Evie: yes it is.
Hadie: so I guess this is where we part ways. Awww. Our little family’s breaking up. I’m sad now
(Audrey walks in just as Hadie’s about to bear hug Evie)
Audrey: Mal?
Mal (relieved): Audrey? Good. You’re not asleep. He’s not gotten to you yet.
Audrey: no. Ben told me to activate the defensive mechanisms. Then I heard you fighting. Carlos you were great by the way. And who are these guys
Hadie: my names Hadie. I’m gay.
Audrey: I’m Audrey. And do I really look desperate?
Evie: don’t talk to me, I hate you
Mal: RIGHT! Of course. Introductions. Hadie’s my oldest brother. The one with a raccoon face that’s eyeing you like a piece of meat is my other brother Icarus. Sidenote: Evie’s my little sister and she’s 24 hours younger than me. Scary looking girl is Uma, my cousin. She’s hates me. Redcoat is Harry’s ever something truthful sister Harriet, their father is very imaginative. And the other one eyeing you like a piece of meat is Harry’s other sister Cj. Listen gormless. Audrey’s straight. You’re not getting lucky
Cj: dammit
Audrey: Uma...oh yeah. I’ve heard of you. Though judging from your frankly terrifying expression my longevity relies on me not saying what I’ve heard so I’ll shut up now
Uma (scowling): good choice
Mal: lets go to your room. We can talk there. I’m still not entirely sure this areas safe. Walls could have ears
(They all go to Audrey’s room. Outside the school Hades is trying to explain himself to Elsa)
Hades: what else do you need to know? I’ve said everything of importance
Elsa: but what I don’t get is why show up now
Hades: to help. To help my children defeat my ex wife
Lonnie: whoah whoah uhuh um. Ex wife?
Hades: yes. Maleficent. She left the morning after the ceremony. Can you imagine?
Lonnie: sadly yes.
Hades: I feel your pain. She was exquisite in the
Elsa: it’s a tetchy subject
Hades: so I can see
Jane: are you really here to help
Dizzy: more to the point. Is Harry really my uncle?
Hades: yes. And yes
Dizzy: this is proof more then ever that there is no god. Except there is. You’re it. But he still exists. Why
Hades: I was hard up
Dizzy: I’m gonna need so much therapy after this
Elsa: agreed. Well my lord hades. I’m sorting this out so there’s no need for you here. If you’ll be on your way I can help my daughter and her friends
Hades: my daughters and their friend could do with my help
Lonnie (aside to the other two): you’ve heard of fighting in-laws? Well here’s the rarer but just as intense biological parents vs adoptive parents. I saw it on tv once
Dizzy: and?
Lonnie: nothing made sense. But hades seems nicer then Regina.
Dizzy: mom wouldn’t let me watch that show. She hated that woman
Lonnie: many do
Jane: and the rest?
Lonnie: think she’s a lesbian and in love with the biological parent. Who’s also her step granddaughter
Jane: some people are very weird
Lonnie: tell me about it
Elsa: I don’t want to hear it. You left them to their mothers and that cannot be forgiven. So no. I’m not gonna let you interfere with my daughter or her friends
Lonnie: here’s an idea. How about we all go help? Hades is more powerful then Maleficent. Elsa is an entirely different class of magic. We’re up against the fairy godmothers wand. Aka. Jane’s inheritance. So it’d be more productive if we all pooled our efforts, locate my boyfriend and his family and then take down chad and Maleficent. How does that sound
(The adults murmur their agreement)
Lonnie: now we can concentrate on
(A window on one of the upper floors explodes and a giant shadow flies out followed by a couple of gauntlets and pieces of chainmail and four helmets)
Jane: oh that is not good
Hades (worriedly): Celia. Oh this is not good
Lonnie: what do we do?
Hades: I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. We’re going to get my children and my boyfriends daughters
Jane: I’m sorry what?
Dizzy: Uma and Celia are Doctor Facillier’s daughters. And how come you never told me you were dating him
Hades: it’s only been six months sweetheart. No one really knows yet and I’m an idiot cause he swore me to secrecy. Great. My wife’s going to be so thrilled
Jane: you have a wife? But Maleficent divorc
Hades: Persephone and I have a standing agreement from three million years ago. We’re gods. As long as she know most of them she promises not to smite them and vice versa
Lonnie: I hope Gil and I have a love like yours
Hades: thank you dear. You were being sarcastic weren’t you?
Lonnie: yes I was sir
Hades (smiling genuinely): I like you
Lonnie (smiling as well): I wish I could say the same
Elsa: how do you propose we get into the castle “milord”?
Hades: magic. Obviously.
Elsa: your move
Hades: gladly. Is everyone ready?
Elsa: oh we’re ready
(He steps forward and ignites his hands. This is when “the Phoenix” happens)
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calypsoff · 3 years
Twenty Seven. Part 2
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I dipped out of that bitch quick as fuck, I ain’t waiting around, why would I and who am I waiting for. I found out that TJ is having a son and that is all I need to know; shit was weird though. To be in that environment, to be in that situation where people knew me, where I got pointed out and they wanted pictures with me, for what. I am not famous, my girlfriend is but me, no. I don’t do pictures with people, I am not there for me. I think that made me feel uncomfortable, so I wanted to leave, I’m glad I did. I’m just going to go home and and relax now, I did my thing. Tomorrow back to Texas and the Cali, it blows my mind that this is my life now. I am city to city, I am free. Like when I was living in VA, when I was here I felt locked and I had people after me, not saying I don’t have that now still, but I am happier and I feel less the need to hide, I always wanted to hide because I felt trapped within myself, I feel like my personality is coming back. The kid I was, being locked up crushed me, I was fucked up. I think maybe I was depressed, but Robyn has helped me. I can’t thank her enough, she has been my rock even though she is angry with me about going but nothing happened, there was no drama at all. Now I am home, I did try and call Robyn, but her phone was not on, she did say she was in rehearsals. I kind get like Seiko would have had me in the photos with her, like I felt she wanted that. She was edging towards me and stuff, I had to go because it was getting weird quick, it was getting a little too much for me anyways. All is well, I am happy and home because no drama happened today.
Closing the door behind me “is that you Chris!?” My mother asked “yeah” making my way into the living room “oh” my auntie is here, I’m sure she said she never wanted to see my face because of her son being where he is now “you look well” everyone keeps saying this “thanks” I mumbled “I am going to be in my room” I rather be there “sit with your auntie” oh this bitch doesn’t want me to sit, she wants to question me about how I am living life and her son isn’t “I’m cool” I waved her off “how is your girlfriend?” See I knew it “which one?” Laughing as I said that “I don’t see you as a cheater, I mean who cheats on Rihanna. Rihanna cheats on you, that’s how it goes” I shrugged “I don’t have one” I don’t like speaking about Rihanna, it’s not just not something I want to speak on to everyone “Chris, stop it now” taking in a deep breath “she’s good” I answered properly “I would get her pregnant, least you will get paid” who says that “least I can get a girl pregnant, can’t say that about your son. Tell him to google me” walking off, she can fuck off and die. Who the hell says that I expected my mom to tell me off for what I said but no. She knows that she did wrong, that was wrong of her when I didn’t attack her like she did me “going to bed already?” My sister asked at the top of the steps “you think I’m sitting with that, no way” shaking my head “did you go to the gender reveal then?” Nodding my head “it was nothing, went there and it was just nothing, saw a few people then came back here” my sister walked off rolling her eyes “surprised she let you go” how can they be surprised by that, it’s not a big deal.
Is it just me or my followers are going up, yes they are going up “that’s weird” I said to myself, my phone started to ring, the WhatsApp group is calling, answering the call “hey” placing it on speakerphone “I just want to say thank you both so much for coming, I decided to call my child Bhris. Include both of your names” TJ is dumb “man whatever, I came for you and now you owe for whenever I do need you. It’s funny right, I went to thats shit and come back to more followers, how does that even work out” it’s confusing “you getting titty pictures again?” I busted out laughing “man, I need to look in my messages, but I don’t know. I ain’t like that people was saying that I am Rihanna’ boyfriend like I am Chris, now shut up!” It’s so stupid “you were literally the day, fuck my child. People were hyping you up, oh that is Rihanna’ boyfriend. Is Rihanna coming and shit, bro. It was funny to see that anyways. They were shocked anyways, but check. See if you’re getting nudes”  I chuckled swiping up on my screen “yeah well I will check but I don’t know, I think it’s just people probably trying to be nosey to see Robyn” Barry and TJ love going through my messages, it’s because there is so many thirsty bitches in my messages talking shit and sending me nudes and saying they want to be my side bitch, like no I am good with that “ayo, oh shit. You remember that one chick. The big one? The one that sent me pussy pictures and it was scary as fuck, she in my messages again” TJ screamed out “yo, her pussy was big as fuck. I could wear that shit as a crown, is it full of females still!?” nodding my head “yep, they want a light skinned daddy I guess” I am just a regular nigga, these girls are doing the most.
Stifling out a yawn as I tapped on my tagged posts “uh, what the fuck” tapping on the first picture “what is it?” Barry asked “yo, please go in my tagged posts” looking at the page, this is Rihanna fans, why are they zooming in on my sweatpants like that, scrolling down to the caption ‘I see why my queen @badgalriri is with him! An Anaconda’ the caption states and I couldn’t help but laugh, that shit is fucking hilarious “no fucking way! I can see why Rih is with him, yooooo they are zooming in on your dick. But where is the actual picture” backing out of the picture, my tagged posts is full of my bulge, scrolling down and then there we have it. Tapping on the original picture “The Shade room!” TJ and I both said in unison “no fucking way!” Barry cackled “nigga you made it, oh shit, what is it” staring at the picture of me just stood staring, people were taking pictures. Swiping across, oh god not Kristie and I, that was harmless conversation “oh my god” how the hell they made this look bad, I was pointing at Seiko bump as I walked off, I told her good luck but that picture looks something else “Rihanna’ new boyfriend was caught attending his ex-girlfriend baby gender reveal, he was in high sprits talking to the ladies. Chris and his ex-girlfriend are friends, Chris denied any rumour that the baby is his but him attending the gender reveal without his girlfriend by his side seems a little off. Rihanna was last seen in California and looked less amused to be back, trouble in paradise?’ is this a joke “so that is why I am getting these follows, Robyn is going to kill me. It was all harmless” this is pathetic “another one from the party, why is people taking off guard pictures of you. Rihanna’s boyfriend, this is all they keep saying about you. You ain’t even Chris anymore” this is so fucking stupid.
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Walking out of Giorgio Baldi, covering my face as the paparazzi took pictures, I have finished more rehearsals and thought I would have my meal with my manager and brothers that are here currently. Getting into the SUV, shuffling over in the seat to make space for my manager to get in. Tour is drawing so close and yet I skip over that one song, I have not rehearsed it being there, I skip it every time, it is too painful to do it. I feel like I am going to cry when I do it, nobody will ever know the pain I went through to finish off that tour in the first place. The pain of losing my baby, nobody will ever know, just the ones I want to know “that was eventful” Jay said, I am glad he spoke. I was about to cry “what was?” I asked “the meal, I like the way you are going and aiming for. I mean I was a little concerned at first, I was thinking where is Robyn’ mind at. She is doing no interviews; the album just gets released but the album is doing great. This tour will push it even more, it’s doing numbers. I can only see you going up, Queen Rihanna” I chuckled “what can I say, I try. But I am excited about this tour. It is my best one yet, the stage, the direction, the outfits. It is just me; you know. I feel comfortable” Jay clapped his hands “finally, we see eye to eye, but I am hype to see it in action for the first night” it will take my mind off a lot this tour.
Home sweet home “my feet hurt, my god” placing my bag on the kitchen counter “publicist” Tina held her phone up to me “really?” I said a little confused “mhm yes” taking the phone from her “hello” answering the phone “I have tried your phone, it’s off but there is something going around, a conversation from a clip that was taken. Chris was there, it’s very distorted and it’s talking about you getting pregnant. I am unsure, but the headline is baby on the way for Rihanna, is that at all true?” I am so confused “Chris said it!?” I spat “no, the other guy. The sound is not good, but he says about the line of Rih pregnant” I am going to blow “right, that is a lie. I am not pregnant” Mel’ eyes widened hearing that “Chris has made a lot of bad press about you being with him, it’s crazy ok. Bye” they disconnected the call “what did I say?” I said to Mel passing Tina’ phone back to her “you knew this would happen” nodding my head “now this is the drama that has happened, my phone is off apparently. I left it here, the battery might has died but this is on Chris, I knew this would happen. He wanted to go there and now look, just drama for nothing” sitting down on the bar stool “you think Chris will be calling you? Or has called you” I sniggered “I know my man, he will. I can bet you money. I know for a fact he is or has called me. Well my phone is off so he can’t contact me, he will assume I am angry” Mel’ phone started to ring “it’s Barry” Mel grinned, she is happy as fuck “hey boo” rolling my eyes, they are sickening already. I don’t like this “I am at home why?” Mel said, I guess I better go and get my phone to check on it. Maybe also charge it “yeah she’s here, we were out. Why are you asking? Has Chris done something wrong” Mel winked at me and then put the phone on speaker “no, he ain’t do anything wrong just wondering if Rihanna is ok” these niggas ain’t shit “but there must be a reason why?” Mel questioned “just Chris was saying Robyn is ignoring him, so just yeah. Nothing to do with us” shaking my head laughing, I just knew this would have happened, but it’s not even that I am ignoring him, just my phone died, and he assumes I know anything about it.
Mel came back into the kitchen as I continued to stuff my face full of fruit “so like I asked him again, I said did anything happen. What is up? Blah blah. He said oh nothing just that his words are being twisted and he is annoyed, what did you say about being pregnant? To your publicist?” Mel asked “oh erm a clip of Chris talking, something to do with a baby. I hope he hasn’t said that I was in any way like that, but the clip is distorted a lot so it’s a lot of assumptions about what was said, anyways I am going to charge my phone. But I told you, I said this would happen. I hate being right” sliding off the bar stool “I don’t think he would, he better not have. Have fun anyways” nodding my head as I took the plate with me, I cut this damn Melon for myself “Rorrey, we will be leaving in a few days so if you need to do anything do it now, you know I want someone here. Rajad, just do nothing” Rorrey snatched some Melon from my plate “asshole” I mean if my brother wasn’t doing this for me then I would have got a house sitter, it’s not good leaving a home like this alone. I mean a home I was forced into because I needed to prove a point to Chris that I do have a home.
As soon as my phone switched on, I am not even joking. No time for my notifications to come through Chris called, like he sensed it but I will pick up now. It’s a little too much to just ignore him because only god knows how long he’s been ringing “hello” answering the call “seriously Robyn!? Why is your phone off, that has really pissed me off” he sounds it “my phone died clearly, nothing bad” placing my phone on speakerphone “but it is bad Robyn, I got worried. I am sorry, damn!” I sniggered “what are you sorry about?” placing my phone on the bed laughing to myself “about the headlines, the shit that is being said about me. None of that happened” eating my Melon as I laid back smirking, I just knew this would happen “tell me more” I mumbled “but uh what is that about pregnant and me?” I pointed, I need to understand that “that shit was never said, TJ was speaking on he wants us to have a baby so we can open a day care, it was a joke. Nothing about you being pregnant. I am sorry, I just didn’t think that would happen. It’s fucked up” maybe now he will listen to me “mhmm right, so say this after me. Ready?” I said, I swear this boyfriend of mine will learn “what?” placing my Melon down “I am sorry Robyn, I will listen to you because you are always right. Say it and then you and I can move on and be free from the chains of an argument” the line went silent; I know for a fact he dislikes being wrong. He is going to be irritated but if he was a silent life he will “I said sorry already?” he said sounding all annoyed “and? When you are ready” I have a all night for him to say it “I am sorry Robyn, I will listen to you because you are always right. Dang, are you done?” I guess I have to forgive him “just know, I know what these blogs are like, so anyways. I hope you had a good time at a gender reveal” I know he regrets the mess “first I am Rihanna’s boyfriend and now this, damn” he is miserable, I am glad he is “I mean what else are you? Next time you will listen to me Chris” rolling my eyes.
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timetravelingheart · 5 years
Consequences Chapter Six: A.M. Imagine
“Tessa, you need to go home.”
Tessa sighed loudly, running her fingers through her hair before finally pulling it up into a messy bun. She and her team had been at it all day. They were in the middle of designing and implementing Tessa’s first major program event as the Program Coordinator and while it allowed her to use and hone her skillset, it was a lot. She was stressed with a capital S. 
She looked at her director, Kate, and then at her watch and laughed out of sheer exhaustion. 
It was well passed her leaving time and she had already sent her team home hours ago. Kate had a conference call that evening and that was the only reason she was still at the office. But Kate knew Tessa well enough to know that when she was walking down the hall and saw a light on, there was only one possible reason for that: Tessa. 
Tessa was a hardworker and a compassionate but effective leader. Kate knew the instant she interviewed her that she was not only the perfect person for the job, but was also someone who would quickly become almost too qualified for the role. She picked things up quickly and was as innovative as they came, and Kate had no doubt that Tessa would use this role as a catapult to her next one. 
But Tessa was a perfectionist and didn’t always know the right moment to turn it in for herself. She could recognize it in her team, but allow herself that same freedom or leniency. Which is where Kate came in and could pull the Boss card. 
“I didn’t realize how late it was,” Tessa stretched her sore limbs and then plopped herself down in her desk chair. “I think we’re making good progress though.”
“You are, I can see it,” Kate agreed, leaning on the door frame to Tessa’s office entry. “Tessa, you did a great job with hiring your team and recruiting volunteers. They are a passionate group and they really respect your leadership style. And I am so proud of your tenacity. I think this event is going to be a huge success. But you need to remember that your health is always the priority. Staying here for another hour might feel like the right idea, but there’s nothing you can do today that you can’t do tomorrow. Go home. Drink some wine. Get some rest. And I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” Tessa relented, knowing Kate was right. “Thanks Kate.”
“Any time. Have a good night,” Kate smiled at her before turning to leave Tessa alone in her office. 
Once the door was closed, Tessa reached into her desk and pulled out the phone that she had nearly forgotten about ages ago. She looked at the time and her notifications and immediately groaned. 
She had completely forgotten that she had plans with Auston that night. It was Tuesday: ice cream day. She only had a half hour to get home, get changed, and go. There was no way she would make it on time. 
She opened their message thread and clicked on his contact information. It rang four times before she heard his happy voice on the other end. 
“Hey, I was just getting ready to leave. Are you all set?”
“Uhm, well actually...”
“Nope. No way. Tessa Hart, you are not backing out on me,” he was adamant, but she could sense the playful tone was still there and felt a wave of relief wash over her. 
“No, I’m not, I promise,” she rushed out. “I was promised ice cream and I fully intend on holding you to that.”
“Good. So what’s the problem?”
“It’s just that I’m still at the office. I didn’t notice the time. There’s no way I’ll be home in time.”
“Oh, is that all?” Auston replied, relieved that she wasn’t cancelling and unbothered by the time change. “Why don’t I just pick you up from the office?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” Tessa protested. 
“Well it makes more sense than you going all the way home just to head back out again. And at least this way when you finally do get home, you can just settle in for the night like you said you preferred.”
Tessa wanted to cry, likely out of exhaustion, but also, how was he so thoughtful? He remembered some random tidbit of information that she gave him on the phone a few weeks back about how when she’s had a long day, she liked to get home and just relax and shut out the world until the following day. He remembered.
“Tess? How’s that sound?”
“That sounds perfect.”
“Great. I’ll be there in 20. See you then.”
“See you then,” Tessa smiled into the phone before turning it off and resting her head on her desk contentedly.
Once he picked her up and they got their ice cream, they decided to go for a walk around the nearby neighbourhood. They had been engaging in light small talk since he got there, discussing what her project at work was, when the event would be and if he would be in town for it, his next game, etc. Nothing big, but it felt comfortable. It felt easy.
“So tell me about your family,” Auston turned to her, laughing at how happy she seemed to be with her cup of ice cream. 
So much for easy, Tessa thought. 
“It’s just me and my dad, actually, so there’s not a lot to tell,” Tessa shrugged. “What about you?”
Auston picked up on the quick redirection from her to him, but he didn’t want to push just yet. 
“There’s my mom and dad, and then I have an older sister and a younger sister. We’re all pretty close, so I love getting the chance to go home in the off season and just spend time with them.”
“Your parents stay here quite a bit though, don’t they?”
“Yeah, they like to go to as many games as they can and I love having them here too.”
“I always like seeing your parents and Mitch’s in the crowd. It’s just as much of a dream for your parents as it is for you guys, and they’ve probably worked so hard to make sure you had everything you could need to succeed.”
“So you do watch the games!”
“You’ve seen my parents in the crowds. You watch the games.”
“I never said I didn’t.”
“No, but you’ve also never really expressed an interest in the actual sport or the Leafs beyond Launchpad.”
“So then your mind will be blown to learn that my dad and I are actually huge Leafs fans then, eh?”
“You’re messing with me.”
“I assure you I’m not.”
Auston eyed her carefully to see if he could see any signs of playful deceit on her face. Nothing.
“Then why the hell have you not asked for tickets yet? I could get you and your dad great seats!”
“Because even though we’re friends, I’m not about to hit you up for connections. I also have connections, keep in mind.”
“Do you get free tickets through Launchpad?”
“Discounted ones, usually. Once in a while someone will ‘donate’ tickets to the office for the employees and volunteers specifically.”
“So you’ve seen me play in person?”
“A few times.”
“And what did you think?” he teased. 
“Eh, you were okay. I usually just watch for Mitch though,” Tessa winked, laughing at his offended face. 
“Wowww. I’ll remember that. What about your dad? Has he seen me play?”
“Not yet. He’s always working and I’m always trying to convince him to take some time off so I can take him, but it hasn’t happened since I’ve been with Launchpad. We went to a few games when I was a kid though and it was always one of our favourite past times. That and Blue Jays games. He’s a big baseball fan as well.”
“That’s awesome! When he can take some time off, let me know and I’ll get you both tickets.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I want to. Besides, I already owe Lydia a couple so I might as well add your dad to that list.”
“You know she was joking, right?”
“Was she though?” Auston tilted his head at her.
“Okay, maybe not. She was pretty proud of herself that day.”
“I have no problem showing my appreciation to her for getting you to come to that party, trust me. You said your dad was busy with work. What does he do?”
“He’s a sod farmer. We’re from a little town just outside of London, and the farm has been in our family for decades.”
“So who will it go to when he retires? Do you want to take it over?”
“I don’t. Farm life is hard. I loved it growing up, and being surrounded by animals, and it definitely does teach discipline, but it is so hard. It’s also not my dream. If no one else could take it over, I definitely would, because I would be heartbroken to see all of his family’s and his hard work go to someone else. But right now, it will likely go to one of my cousins. My dad runs the farm with his brother, my uncle, and my uncle has two boys and one girl, and Nate, my oldest cousin, loves the farm life. I think it will be in good hands with him.”
“Do you have a pretty small family then?”
“I do. It’s just my dad and his brother on their side. My mom had two sisters, and they each have two children, but they live out west, so I don’t see them often.”
“How long has it just been you and your dad?” Auston braced himself for her to tell him to mind his own business.
“Since I was 10. My mom and my little sister were killed in a car accident by a drunk driver. They were just supposed to be out getting groceries for dinner while my dad and I worked on the farm, but they never came back.”
“Tess, I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry sounds so cliche, but I am so sorry for your loss,” Auston stopped walking and turned towards her, reaching for her hand.
“Thank you. It’s been a long time without them, and you never really get over it, but it made my dad and I become even closer because it felt like we only had each other. I don’t know what I’d do without him.”
“I feel that way about my parents, too. Not to compare-”
“No, no. I get it, I do.”
“Okay. But yeah, I love my life but I hate how often it takes me away from my family. I was so happy when my mom moved to Switzerland with me and I’m so grateful that I now have the means to make their lives a little easier in terms of work and I can fly them out here all the time.”
Auston took the empty cup out of her hands and disposed them in the nearby recycling. When he turned back, he laced his fingers through hers once again, happy when she squeezed back. 
“Thanks for telling me about your mom and sister.”
“Thanks for making me feel safe enough to tell you.”
Auston squeezed her hand again before turning back to start walking again. They walked in comfortable silence for a bit before their conversation picked up again. It still felt easy, even after telling Auston the hardest story of her life. She was so grateful that he didn’t look at her with pity, just with a desire to understand and be there for her. He tried to relate as best he could, to keep the focus on what she had left with her dad, and she really appreciated it. Maybe one day she would tell him more about her mom and her brief memories of her, but for now, she was grateful that he just accepted what she felt like she could give. 
As the night wore on and got a little chillier, Auston walked them back to his parked car and drove her home. She had said that Lydia could drive her to the office in the morning, so she just left her car there. They hummed along with songs on the radio, happy to just be in each other’s presence. 
As they reached her apartment complex, Auston got out of the car to walk her to the front door, holding her hand along the way.
“Thank you for picking me up,” she turned to face him. 
“You’re welcome. Thanks for not standing me up,” Auston teased, tugging on her sleeve. 
“I wasn’t going to stand you up!” Tessa laughed, shocked at such an accusation.
“Mm, I wasn’t so confident,” Auston replied.
Auston looked down at their clasped hands and then back to her sweet face. He wanted so badly to kiss her, but wasn’t sure if it was too much too soon. 
“Are we still on for Friday?” she asked. 
“Are you thinking about kissing me right now?”
Auston let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as heat rose up his neck.
“What would you say if I was?”
Tessa inhaled deeply. 
“I would say that a gentleman would ask permission first.”
Auston’s eyes searched hers, seeing the playfulness that was there, but there was also something else. Something he felt deep into his bones. Desire.
“Can I kiss you, Tess?”
She let out a breath as she nodded.
“You have to say it, Tess.”
As quickly as the word left her mouth, Auston moved to place his large hands on each side of her face and kiss her softly. When she pulled back and smiled at him, he took that as a good sign and leaned in to kiss her again deeper, pulling her body as tightly to his as possible. His body was on fire when she moaned lightly into his mouth and ran her fingers gently up and down his back.
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milas-imaginarium · 5 years
Cadenza; witchcraft  /Jason Todd x Reader/
I'm writing as much as I can since I'm inspired, I guess is the Jason effect. Here is part three, I said this is a short story but...Not as short as you may think!
WARNINGS: Smut and swearing that's all! 
Gotham's East End
Four months after Mia's graduation
The first traces of a sunny morning came across the curtains, a soft and warm sunbeam caressed her face gently lighting up that smooth skin she had. His lashes waved as she opened her lazy eyes, oh...It was morning already and Mia was not ready for a new day, not since last night. 
"Morning babe," said Jason with that sexy hoarsely voice while strengthening the grip he had in his fiancee's waist "Morning, Jay" answered Mia moving her body to face Jason's. His hair was messy, his cheeks flushed, eyes incredibly light blue, one of Jason's features Mia loved the most was the fact his color eye changed, sometimes that blue was deep, dark, sometimes clear, sometimes even with a green trace "What? Do I look that bad?" Asked Jason catching Mia's attention, she smiled and got close to kiss his soft lips. 
"You know I love your sleeping being with all my might." Her voice was lower than usual, her throat ached the same as the rest of her body, arms, legs, and in between them. Jason was a fucking savage and she loved that. "I gotta go, bae, the interview is today" Jason didn't move, Mia smiled playfully outlining a line in Jason's shirtless backbone "If you intend to get out of bed...You're doing terrible. I'm not letting you go."
Jason never believed in love stories and it wasn't his fault, her mom and dad were not the best examples of a healthy relationship "I don't want to be late but...How I'm supposed to leave you like this? All hot, naked and horny"  as a teenager the only thing in his mind was his life as Robin until he met Mia until he saw himself looking forward to a new concert, a visit from her, a call, a message. "How do you know I'm horny?" Mia proved that being alone or expect a shitty relationship were not his only options "Oh, baby, I don't know...I feel it." 
Mia rubbed her tight against Jason's cock gaining a groan from him  "Quickie?" and that question in that husky voice was enough. "I'm sore from last night...But hell, I want you so bad." Without hesitation, Jason took Mia's lips in his on a passionate kiss as she positioned on top of him. "You want what, babe? Tell me." Not able to answer or speak, Mia let Jason's dick slide inside her slowly "I want this, fuck Jay, yes.”
"Ride me, babe. Show me how much you like my cock..." Jason slapped Mia's ass enjoying his fiancee movements, it was hard for him not to lose composure when her body looked so hot; breasts bouncing deliciously, her lips parted and that sweet voice calling his name "Ah, shit...How can you be so damned hot?" murmured Mia before kissing him twisting her tongue with his in a delightful dance.  Three years of relationship and the only thing that was different, besides Jason well build body, was the sex...Now dirtier. 
"Are you okay Mia? It's fine if you're nervous, I'm capable of control this situation and handle the interview," Said the youngest Wayne full of confidence, Mia tilted her hear, at the instant, her hair followed the gravity cascading in her shoulder.
"Dami, I'm not nervous...What are you talking about?" uttered mia walking inside Channel 9 building, the paparazzi blinded her for an instant.
"You're walking strangely, it's clear from your posture that you didn't want to be here." 
"Hey...I'm well prepared for this interview, you know I'm the face of some projects in Wayne foundation" She explained with a smirk. "And yes, sometimes I prefer to linger with your brother instead of doing this whole-"
"Don't say it, if you were with Todd I understand why your body language is so...Incorrect." 
"Oh, shut up wise guy." Mia punched Damian's arm softly "The time when you find someone special is getting close, that day your body language will be...Incorrect too, or maybe your partner's, yeah, more accurate."  
And with a satisfied giggle for a flushed Damian, Mia went to studio 7. The interview's main objective was to promote some charity events in more than five countries to support families in need, Damian was there to explain some other things related to Wayne commitment with education and as a representation rather of Bruce.
"Our followers in Gotham...and some in Metropolis are asking something. Do you mind to answer, Mia? " The young woman holding a phone looked at her with hopeful eyes. The interview was successful until that point both Damian and Mia were public figures, they were conscious and tried their best to focus on the main topic; Wayne foundation but since the show structure included a big influence of digital media all kind of questions popped out. After Mia nodded the reporter grinned. 
"You and Jason Todd are as followers describe, a power couple. In the last weeks, some photos caught people attention, a ring in your right hand!" unconsciously Mia glanced at her ring "That one, yes. It means...Some wedding bells? Some followers are talking about a new little Wayne in the family, is that true?" 
Mia sighed and immediately place a hand in Damian's, a soft touch for him to relax, something that triggered the little demon inside him was strangers trying to put their noses in his family privacy "What an imagination, people. I see so much detective potential out there." Mia was annoyed and was far from being shy "Don't wast it in cheep gossip like this." Her smile was wide but she wasn't happy at all, Damian was pretty proud in fact "Now if you're curious don't lose that curiosity, it makes this life spicier. The meaning of this ring will remain a mystery."
"But what is not a Mystery is how to apply for a Wayne scholarship, education will help to focus your hidden talents to benefit your community." Damian put the cherry on top and the look in the young reporter's face reflected what everybody in the studio though, not exactly happy thoughts at all. 
"Miss de la Fuente, are you okay?" asked the gentle butler with eyes locked in Mia's face. 
"Call me by my name and yes" Mia paused rolling her eyes from the phone to Alfred's face "I'm distracted and you know? The interview was..."
"Odd" Added the youngest Wayne. Mia nodded and the old man smiled shortly he enjoyed the interview feeling proud of how both of them handled the situation, however, Mia was not distracted, she wasn't thinking in the interview, the journalist or even in the foundation, no, her mind was far away from that bus. 
Eyes locked again in the bright screen while something grew inside her; she was about to jump into a cliff, her decision would change her future for one...Darker.
"Where are you? I have it already." 
"I'm with Jay's family. " Mia gazed Alfred and  Damian who was reading "I'll go wherever you're to get it and Timmy...Thanks." 
One hour later
"I know you have your suspicions but I don't think this is a good idea." Said Tim slurping his iced coffee while drawing some lines on the old book's cover.
"What if I lost him?" with watery eyes Mia spoke "And perhaps I'm not doing this only for him but for me"
"If what your mother told you is true...You should be careful"
Mia kept silent waiting for his friend to tell something else but he didn't, he just placed a hand on her shoulder supportively. 
"Maybe not, maybe yes. What is important is that this book can help me to know the truth and to develop an ability in the case I have one"
A waitress got close to them bringing a second bourbon with coffee for Mia, more alcohol than caffeine but the second she placed the beverage in the table her sight was attracted by that book, the girl turned pale and uncomfortable "Noctis grimoire" was the title. 
"Put the book away, Mia." Suggested Tim as the waitress blushed and moved away from their table. 
Mia did as her friend said, it was risky to have such a book at sight of everyone "I should go, Timmy. I'll call you if it happens to be real."
This is part one, I didn’t want it to be too long. 
Hope you liked it, please wait for part two, some things will change, else worlds can be...Interesting places. 
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