#me: aroace
arecaceae175 · 1 year
Loft Gets to Have One (1) Nice Day
Summary: Loft and the very good extremely nice day. Featuring Groose, Zelda, and a board game. Written for the Bonus Links monthly prompt
Based on @bonus-links by @ezdotjpg
1251 words, fluff and humor (hopefully)
As soon as Loft slips into the slightest bit of wakefulness, he knows it’s going to be a good day. The aches and general fuzziness of his body from the past week seem to have calmed down to its normal, manageable level. He curls onto his side and pulls the soft blanket tighter around his shoulders, breathing deeply and luxuriating in the sweet smell of his partners. 
He must have dozed off; the next thing he knows, he wakes to the dip of the bed behind him. Loft groans half-heartedly and muzzles into the pillow. An arm goes over his stomach, then he feels Zelda’s soft hair tickling his cheek. 
“Morning, love,” Zelda whispers. 
She presses a soft kiss to his cheek. Loft tries to turn and catch her lips, but he’s too slow. He doesn’t mind, because Zelda laughs lightly at his attempt. The sound is music to his ears. 
“How are you feeling?” Zelda asks. 
Loft hums in content. “So much better.”
“That’s great,” Zelda says. Loft flings his arm around to try to find her for another hug, but it flops on the blankets. Zelda must have moved. 
“Ready to get up? Groose almost has breakfast ready,” Zelda says. 
“I’m coming,” Loft mumbles, voice muffled by the mountain of blankets on top of him. He does not move.
Zelda rolls her eyes and moves to the end of the bed. She gets a mischievous look in her eyes, and Loft doesn’t have time to react before she is yanking the blankets off the bed. Loft makes a noise that’s somewhere between a laugh and a groan. He sits up and pouts. It’s hard to keep the pout, though, when he sees Zelda stifling her laugh behind her hand. 
Loft lasts all of three seconds before his resolve crumbles and he giggles. 
“It always works,” Zelda says with a shrug. 
Loft rolls his eyes fondly and holds his arms out. “I’m cold, now.”
Zelda jumps onto the bed and pulls Loft into her arms. He sighs fondly and rests his head in the crook of her neck. Mouth against her skin, he mumbles, “That always works too.”
Zelda laughs and pushes him away. Loft lets himself fall backwards onto the pillows, then rolls to the side and lets his feet slide off the bed. The momentum pulls him into a sitting position, and Loft waits patiently as the rushing in his head calms and he feels up to standing. 
“You two better hurry! I’ll eat all this without ya!” Groose calls from the kitchen. 
Loft quickly rolls onto his feet. “I’m up!” 
Loft drags himself to the kitchen and flops down in his chair, sighing in contentment. Groose and Zelda had crafted it specially for him. It has support in all the right places and extra cushioning for days when everything hurts. Loft feels their love pouring out of it every time he touches the polished wood. 
Groose carried three plates to the table, passed them out, then sat down. He rubbed his hands together excitedly as he dug into the meal. Zelda rolled her eyes with fondness and ate hers with much more grace. Loft rested his head on one hand as he picked up his toast. 
“What’s the plan for today?” Loft asks. 
“Nothing until the planning meeting this afternoon. We have the morning to ourselves. See why I wanted you up?” Zelda says with a smile. 
Loft returns it happily. A day spent with his partners is something he will never cease to cherish. 
“I got a new game at the market last week,” Groose says. “It seems fun.”
“Let’s try it!” Loft says. 
“A board game? Oh, you’re going down,” Zelda says. Loft takes it as the challenge it is.
~ ~ ~ ▲ ~ ~ ~
“Link. My dearest angel. The light of my life. The sun in my sky, the moon in my eyes,” Groose says, leaning across the table with one hand extending to Loft. 
“Will you make the trade?” Groose asks. 
Loft rests his elbows on the table and rests his chin on his hands. He gives Groose the biggest eyes, the softest smile he can. He tilts his head to the side just so, the way he knows Groose likes. 
“No,” Loft says, voice dripping with sickly sweetness. 
Groose’s mouth falls open in shock, and he ever so slowly collapses onto the table. He moans in agony. 
“There, there,” Zelda says, patting Groose’s shoulder. “It’ll all be okay.”
Groose turns his head to look at Zelda. “Will you trade with me?”
Zelda smiles sadly. “No."
Groose puts his face back down on the table. 
“That’s the end of your turn, then,” Zelda says gleefully. She hands the dice to Loft. 
Loft takes it angrily and shakes it around in his hand. He really needs a four. 
“Two, two, two, two,” Zelda chants. “Come on.”
Loft bites his lip as he rolls the rice in his hands. He glances at Zelda, eagerly watching him like he is easy prey, then at Groose, who has both hands braced against the table and is leaning back slightly, with a look of mild terror on his face. 
Loft sucks in a breath. He traveled the world and defeated a God. He’s the Goddesses’ Chosen Hero of Courage.
He can defeat his girlfriend in this damned board game. 
Loft opens his hand and rolls the dice. It bounces and spins across the table, past Loft’s game piece, past Groose’s, past Zelda’s far ahead. The bouncing stops, the spinning slows. All three lean forward. 
The die tilts, and lands on… two. 
“No!” Loft yells, and collapses onto the table. 
“Yes!” Zelda leaps to her feet, arms pumping victoriously in the air. She bounces for a moment, then leans over the board and moves the game pieces. 
“You got a two, so- you don’t mind me moving your piece, love?” Zelda asks, voice high with joy. 
Loft groans. 
“So you land here, which sends you here, which lets me move here and collect and win the game!” Zelda slams her piece on the WIN square. Loft groans some more. 
“You’re evil,” Loft mumbles into his sleeve. 
Zelda flips her ponytail over her shoulder and rests one hand on her hip. “It’s just skill. You wish you had it.”
Groose abruptly rises to his feet and sweeps his arm across the table, gathering all the game pieces into the case. He tucks it haphazardly under his arm and stomps to the door to put on his shoes. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Loft asks. 
“I need to collect firewood,” Groose says. 
“What are you doing with the game?” Zelda asks. Her voice is still tinged with her smile. It makes Loft vaguely nauseous. 
Groose turns around to face them and looks Zelda straight in the eye. “I told you. I’m collecting firewood. As head of this household, I’m banning this game and condemning it to a fiery death.”
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down,” Zelda says. “Who made you the head of the household?”
They erupt into chaos. 
~ ~ ~ ▲ ~ ~ ~
Many months later, in an era Loft doesn’t know, he and his new companions are having a day of rest and relaxation. Someone suggests a board game, which Loft hastily agrees to. Mage pulls out the game, and Loft freezes. 
“Loft?” Wake asks. 
Loft shakes his head and stands from the table. 
“Nope,” Loft says, and turns to leave. 
“What’s wrong?” Wolf asks. 
“Sorry. I’m banned from playing that game. It turns me into a ‘power-crazed demon,’ apparently, according to my boyfriend. And my girlfriend. Like they can talk,” Loft says. He turns and walks out the door. 
“Oh, and try not to roll a two. Best of luck. I’ll see the survivors at dinner.”
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bojangos · 2 years
idk if this counts as “thoughts about jango” but one time i had a dream he was my dad. like. it was my completely normal regular life except i found out my parents had been lying to me and jango fett was my real dad. i got stabbed and he was in my hospital room in a dad henley when i woke up.
the clearest memory i have from the dream is seeing him next to my hospital bed and going “huh. well. my mom does have uniformly horrible taste in men. so this scans”
i have no thoughts other than 'holy shit this is the funniest thing i've ever read, rip your mom" and also "isn't his kamino outfit basically a henley already"
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on that note. god do i love this shirt. this huge ass loungewear outfit he has for Some Fucking Reason. i can't decide if that fabric is scratchy as shit or the softest thing on earth. it's so thin. i remember being like 7 and watching him roll up his sleeves like "this feels innapropriate" LMAO
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sirompp · 9 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
do you ever see a person and you are overcome with incredible fondness? and you just think "oh." but not in a romantic or sexual way you are just filled with warmth and it makes you happy, it just does. and you think "i'm so happy you exist. i'm happy you are somewhere out there in the world, doing your thing". it's love but also not entirely
like people are lovely and i feel it in my entire chest like a burning candle that smells like roses and a sunny day
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neurovarious · 7 months
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kitsu-katsu · 2 months
A group of queers of all types is a pride
A group of aces is a deck
A group of aros is a quiver
A group of trans women is a code-camp
A group of enbies is a byte
A group of bi people is a tandem
A group of pan people is a panic
Thank you for coming to my wilderness documentary
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Aromantic and asexual's emo ass flags combining to make the sunset aroace flag is the LGBTQ equivalent of sodium (explosive in contact with water) and chlorine (poisonous gas) forming table salt when combined.
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buddieinmybeddie · 2 months
LGBTQ+ folk what was your gender/sexuality pipeline?
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chanceofwhat · 3 months
I created a pile of cats and then I colored the pride flags into it. Idk, enjoy. Don’t “steal” them ig, but like, you can share them, just don’t say you made ‘em. Whatever, my signature’s on it.
Yay pride month!
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Update: there are more! I reblogged with the extras but I don’t think many people have seen, so here: https://www.tumblr.com/chanceofwhat/753498899252150272/dang-yall-love-this-thanks hope that link works lmao
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dinklebat · 6 months
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guys is this anything
EDIT: okay this meme left my friend group so I can’t believe I have to specify this, but I’m literally gay please stop saying “why does it say regular” that’s the original meme. that’s the joke of the original meme. The irony (and joke) of the original meme is that despite attempting to be accepting of all couples, it ultimately still perceived the heterosexual couple as “regular”. Hence, it being funny and adapted by queer audiences who enjoy irony. Sorry I have to ruin this post with this but I’m so annoyed please stop. If it bothers you just don’t engage with the post
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sillystringpony · 21 days
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the one where cheerilee knows
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fairy-of-divorce · 2 months
Me listening to my friends vent about their relationship drama:
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smolldust · 9 months
Me, aroace: “Yeah I think these fictional characters are kinda hot”
Other people: “Oh you think they’re hot? Doesn’t that mean you’re not actually aroa-“
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sammytics · 4 months
“I don’t understand aromanticism”
Let me break it down for you:
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 4 months
People shipping aroace characters because “uuu there’s no angst if no ship uuu” well fuck that because remember the “what the fuck is wrong with me” angst. Remember the “oh fuck this person likes me but I don’t like them back” angst. The “should I pretend to date this person so as not to hurt their feelings” angst. The
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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I wonder what his deal is
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