fellhellion · 1 year
incredible how I watched the entirety of the clone wars (chronological order too!) and barely remember anything about it.
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estcaligo · 4 months
Made this list while I was in the mood
Classical music pieces that I associate with twst characters
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* these pieces are available to listen to on youtube. Perhaps I will make a video with them one day. But I doubt it. * I apologize for any mistakes, it was a lot of information to digest * updated because I forgot to add Presto for Malleus, sorry!
Malleus - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - "Summer" - 1 Allegro Non Molto and 3 Presto (I mean of course these ones. Add evil overblot laugh here too.) ok also Schubert - Erlkönig (The Elf King), D. 328
Sebek - Prokofiev - Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2, The Montagues and Capulets "Dance of the Knights" (it's just him. period.) or Rachmaninov - Musical Moment No.4 in E minor or Rachmaninov - Prelude in C Sharp Minor (Rachmaninov for Sebek in general lol)
Silver - Grieg - Peer Gynt, Suite no. 1 "Morning mood" or Debussy - Clair de lune (from "Suite bergamasque") (Yes, basic, but it fits so so much so)
Lilia - Chopin - Fantaisie impromptu in C-Sharp minor, Op. 66 (first notes - Lilia's evil grin, then whimsical nature and the whirl of memories of countries he has been to. When it goes hard, it's cooking, some violence, and then when it gets gentle, it's when he remembers Silver's childhood. Then he softens in general but also reminds us about his playful nature and strong character.)
Idia - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - "Winter" - 1 Allegro Non Molto (resembles how Idia speaks when he's getting confident and how his character, in general, opens up. And kinda gives me his genius vibes)
Ortho - Graun - Gigue in B-Flat minor (sounds like super-fast calculation is going on. But also, some notes sound like random signals and/or signs of creativity/sudden thoughts in AI) also Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 5 (Black Keys)
*Erik Satie for Octa in general. Gives me mysterious underwater vibes*
Azul - Satie - Gnossienne No. 1 and Gymnopedie no.1 also kinda Chopin - Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 (pondering, deep in thought, underwater, calculating, but also melancholic…)
Jade - Satie - Gnossienne No.3 (such big Jade vibes)
Floyd - Liszt - Mephisto Waltz No. 1 (hehe)
Leona - Haydn - Symphony No. 49 in F minor ' La Passione ' (it's long, but it's worth listening. I just imagine Leona's character and lore in general here)
Jack - Händel - Suite no. 11 in D minor. Sarabande (not really sure about this one. But it gives me 'strength and determination and values' vibes today)
Ruggie - Mozart - Symphony No. 40 in G minor, IV. Allegro assai (reminds me how he can adapt and be different if needed. Also, it sounds quite boisterous, like Ruggie is going fast, fast, fast and earning a lot, lot, lot!)
Kalim - Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro, K. 492: Overture (specifically wanting to throwa feast)
Jamil - Chopin - Waltz in E minor, Op. Posth. (he's so skillful and makes it look like he's not even trying, but he's super hardworking. Also, some parts sound like his occasional emotional outbursts) also - Chopin - Prelude in E Minor (I can't explain it, but it's just Jamil for me. I feel so sorry for him - he's such a cool and talented (and handsome) guy, and such destiny mgd. Or maybe I'm just in a melancholic mood today)
Vil - Vivaldi - The Four Seasons - “Spring” - 1 Allegro (won't be original meh. like there're so many classical pieces that fit Vil but I don't really wanna bother here so)
Rook - Mozart - Le Nozze di Figaro: "Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso" (instrumental) (ookay it was hard with Rook because I think a lot fits him but I'll stop with this one or I'll never finish this list)
Epel - Litvinovsky - Pelléas and Mélisande: III. Galliard. Navire dans la tempête (Galliard. Ship in a storm) (unrelated but my life is divided into before seeing Epel in Book 7 dreams and after)
Riddle - Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 I. Allegro con brio (duh. basic but c'mon. it suits him)
Ace - Litvinovsky - Suite for Strings "Le Grand Cahier": IV. Nos Etudes (yes that's how I feel Ace)
Deuce - Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a: March of the Toy Soldiers (Deuce the honour student edition)
Cater - Beethoven : Sonatina in F Major plus "a glimpse of a depressed real Cater" one - Chopin - Mazurka in A minor, Op.17, No.4
Trey - Beethoven - Sonata No. 8 in C Minor Pathetique, Op. 13 (Adagio cantabile) (I tried to find someting "normal" meh so went with this today)
Special mentions
Rollo - Mozart - Requiem, 3 Dies Irae Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 Orff - Carmina Burana: Fortuna imperatrix mundi. O fortuna (super super obvious but c'mon it's basically canon)
Baul - Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries (ya Baul has big Wagner vibes for me)
Grim - Edvard Grieg – In the Hall of the Mountain King (the escalation lol)
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fandomwe1rd0 · 2 months
Every Rick and Morty episode ranked!
This took me 3 hours and Mircosoft excel was being a bitch but I did it! The ranking is under the cut! I really hope you enjoy! Sorry if my reviews leave some to be desired, this took a VERY long time!
~ F tier, this tier is for episode. I just don't like, they have little to no redeeming qualities and just aren't good. There's very little here since most Rick and Morty episodes are really good! ~
71. Claw and Horder Special Ricktim Morty. Horrible episode with no redeeming qualities. Rick is unlikable. There's no funny jokes, and it's just a really uncomfortable episode overall, F tier.
70. Rickdependence Spray. Very little redeeming qualities. Rick is really the only good thing in this episode, and even then it's just because he wasn't a complete ass to Morty. There's only like…one funny joke and that's it. Also Rick and Morty writers, PLEASE STOP SEXUALIZING A 14-year-old boy. I BEG of you!
69 (heh). Rise of The Numericons: The Movie. Just a really boring episode, it focuses on 2 characters who I don't give a shit about, and it has a forced romanced subplot and just has a very uncomfortable scene.
68. Raising Gazorpazorp. Rick sucks in this episode. He's a sexist asshole, and the sexualization of Morty is really insane. There was one funny joke in the beginning and everything else sucks.
67. A Rickcovient Mort. Romantizing groomers is crazyyyy. The B story is also just overly sexual.
66 & 65. A Rick in King Mortur's Mort & Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation. Lumping these 2 together due to similar problems. Rick is a douchebag, unfunny jokes, and I do NOT like the focus of Morty's…manhood in Rick in King Mortur's Mort.
64. One Crew Crewcoo's over Morty. Rick was an asshole in this episode, and there's not even funny jokes to make up for it like in The Vat of Acid episode, I just feel bad for the poor boy.
~ D tier, these episodes are bad, but have more redeeming qualities than the episodes in the F tier. ~
63. Mortyplicity. There was a sweet moment between two of the decoy familes but that's it.
62. Anatomy Park, just a really boring episode, really it's only redeeming quality is that it can be used for like a biology class but that's it! There's not really anything I spefically dislike about it, it's just kinda boring.
61. Rick Dinner Andre. Eh. This episode was lame. I expect better premires. But at least Morty was a little badass and there was 1 funny moment. And I appreciate the foreshadowing to Rick's backstory.
60. Childrick of Mort. Eh this episode is fine. The joke at the end was funny and Rick and Beth did have some sweet moments, but this episode was mostly just boring and unfunny.
59. How Poppy Got His Poop Back, definetily the weakest premire, this episode again is just boring, I liked Rick and Morty's interaction at the beginning but besides that there's like…nothing. Just a really forgettable episode.
58. Forgetting Sharick Mortshall. Meh. There was an emotional moment at the end but that's really it. Not much to say about this episode. I mean I liked Morty here at least.
57. Rickmancing the Stone. Eh, it's just kinda boring. Nobody was particually good or bad in this episode. I thought Beth was cute in the episode but that's it, this is just..meh.
56. The Jerrick Trap. I dunno if this opinon is unpopular or not, but it's just not that funny or interesting, Morty was cool here though.
55. Rickstar Ricklatica. Rick was an ass in this episode, there was 1 funny joke and I like Jerry here, but Rick was too much of an ass here for me to rank it higher.
54. Never Ricking Mort. There is some funny jokes, but that's it. And the forehead kiss scene makes me uncomfyyyyy
53. Auto Erotic Assimulaton. Wooboy gonna get chased by an angry mob for this one. This episode is heavilllyyy overrated. It's not funny and just really boring. It's only up this high because the ending scene in fucking amazing and heartbreaking.
52. Ricksy Business. Boring episode, but the ending was cute, but overall the weakest finale.
51. Rick: A Mort well Lived. I liked seeing Morty doubt that Rick cares about him, but this was done leagues better in Fear No Mort, here it was just kinda bland, same thing with the side story with Summer.
50. Juricksic Mort. There's a lot of good Rick moments here, and I liked some of the jokes, but other than that, there's not much here.
49. Pickle Rick. Probably my most controversial pick for the list. I mean this episode isn't bad persay, just extremely overrated. I thought some jokes were funny, and I liked Dr. Wong's speeches, but besides that this episode was just boring.
48. Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion. Some funny moments, but other than that, meh. The ending scene haunts my nightmares though.
~ C Tier every episode here is average to good! They aren't the best to offer, but they are ok! ~
47. Rick & Morty's Thanksplotation Spectacular. Funny moments, but that's really it.
46. Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate. Ik this is a controversial pick, but I think people are too hard on this episode, yes the focus on dicks is gross, but there's funny bits and Rick is actually likable here.
45. Air Force Wong. It's good for seeing how much Rick has changed, but besides that, there's just not much to this episode.
44. Amortycan Grafetti. Great for Rick's development,and there was one funny joke, but other than that eh. I LIVE for Summer calling Morty a creepy little grandpa's boy though.
43: The Old Man and The Seat. Fine episode. some jokes are funny and the end is sad, but there's not much else to it.
42. Promortyus. A controversial pick to be sure, but besides the facehugger part, the human part was very funny and the aftercredits scene is also funny.
41. Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort. This is kinda overrated, but I see the appeal. It's not very funny, but Rick is likable here, and Birdperson was back. I do appreciate them showing Rick's sexuality, but that's about it.
40. Night Family, not really funny, but the story and action are great. Not much else to say.
39. Bethic Twinstic. Again, yes the 2 Beths being in love is gross. BUT the B story is cute and funny, and the jokes about the rest of the family being traumatized are funny.
38. Wet Kaut American Summer. This was funny, and Rick was likable here, but the story and Kauto part is too weird for me to put it in B tier, but it's a really solid episode!
~ B Tier, these episode vary from good to great! Solid, enjoyable episode! ~
37. Pilot. I tend to flip flop a lot on how I feel about this one…but the jokes are funny, there's some cute moments, and it started the show to begin with. So B tier you go!
36. Lawnmower Dog. There's funny moments, I like the inception plot, and the ending was really cute!
35. Big Trouble in Little Sanchez. This is another one I flip flop on, but the B story is enjoyable enough with some funny jokes, same with the A story, it's not spentacular, but an enjoyable watch nonetheless.
34. M Night Shaym-Aliens! We get a bit of protective Rick in this one babyyy. I like the plot, everyone was likable here, and the crystal fight was too adorable for words. There wasn't that many funny jokes, but this episode doesn't try to hard to be funny, so it doesn't bother me.
33. Final Desmithlation. Yes, yes, the incest part is gross. BUT Rick is likable, the fight scenes are cool, and there's legitmately funny jokes but…don't watch this one with family.
32. Edge of Tomorty. Eh this episode wasn't amazing, but it has some funny jokes, both stories were enjoyable, if not a little unmemorable, not a great episode, but a good one.
31. These Ricks Must Be Crazy. Another one I flip flop on. I'm not crazy about the plot, but there's a lot of funny jokes, so I'll give it a pass.
30. The Abcs of Beth, not very funny, but it is plot important and it shows Rick in a pretty likable light for the most part, this was also the first Rick and Beth episode and they did it MUCH better than Childrick of Mort.
29. Star Mort Rickturn of the Jerri. Good episode, enjoyable plot, introduces Space Beth, funny jokes, and emotional ending. Not the best episode ever, but a really good one.
28. Vindicators 3: Return of World Ender. Jealous Rick in this one babbyyy. I LIVE for his pettiness in this episode, the Vindicators are enjoyable characters, even if they get killed, it's not the best episode, but it's definetily an enjoyable watch.
27. The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy. Rick is likable here, the B plot is enjoyable, Rick's "The reason why you suck" speech to Jerry was pretty on-point. Deducted some points because it's not very funny, but solid episode!
26. Morty's Mindblowers. Does it deserve to be ranked this high? …Probably not. But it's one of the first episodes I watched and it holds a special place in my heart for that. It's funny and has some good Rick moments.
25. Mortynight Run. I like Morty trying to do good, but failing at it. Rick is a little unlikable here, but he has some good moments, it has memorable side characters, and a good song, but it's not that funny.
24. Mort: Raganrick. Rick's character development is shown amazingly well here. I'm so proud! There's also quite a few funny moments, I think the B story is a little overrated, but still good, solid episode!
23. Get Schwifty. I like the song, Rick was funny here and was likable in an asshole way, it also introduces the president. So yeah, good episode!
22: Something Ricked This Way Comes, this episode is really funny! Rick is pretty likable, I don't really like Summer, but that's really it, I also really like the B plot and Jerry was really likable!
21. The Vat of Acid Episode. Very funny and I liked Morty a lot in this one, Rick was just an asshole just to be an asshole here, but it's too funny for me to place it any lower.
20. Total Rickall. The ending scene is fucking amazing holy shit. But unlike Auto Erotic Assimulation, it has good stuff besides that, the jokes are funny and the action is fucking awesome! Would definetly recommend!
19. A Rickle in Time. Okokokok. This might be a little too high for it but HEAR ME OUT! Ok, it isn't very funny, but the B story is very cute, and there were a few funny jokes. The ending scene also reveals SO MUCH about Rick's character and is SO amazing and fun to anaylze! PLEASE watch this episode if you haven't already!
18. Rixty minutes. Funny episode, with really good emotional beats and both the A and B story are really good. Defineity check it out!
17. That's Amorte. This episode is really really good. It handles it's serious theme exceptionally well! I had to dock it a little bit since the jokes weren't funny, but this episode is phenominal.
16. Anaylze Piss. Again great episode! It handles it serious theme well, Rick is amazing here, so proud! I didn't like all of the jokes about piss, but everything else makes up for it. Please PLEASE check it out!
15. The Rickiture Mortyidate. Rick is likable here, very funny story, good pacing, character development for Beth, and there's even some cute bonding moments between Rick and Morty! Very good finale!
14. Rick Potion #9. Very good episode! Funny jokes, powerful ending, and it's very important to the plot! Some points were deducted because Rick was insuffable here and Morty was a creep, but still an amazing episode!
13. Full Meta Jackrick. UGH I love Rick so much here! There's a lot of funny jokes, an interesting story, and Rick is sooo likable! The pacing can be a bit slow at times, and I wasn't a big fan of the last few minutes, but great episode nonetheless! Go watch it!
12. Rest and Ricklaxation. UGHHH THIS FUCKING EPISODE! It makes me go feral in the best way, there are some funny bits, sure, but really it's the Rick character development for me, the line "irrational attachments lives rent free In my head ughhh. Please watch this one! It's sooo fun to anaylze!
11. Look Who's Purging Now. Very good episode! This one has funny bits, but it's the Morty character development for meeee. His repressed rage really needs to be explored more! And Rick lying about the candy bar to make Morty feel better was sweet.
10. The Rickshank Rickdemption. DAMN this is a good premire! It's very plot important, the action is awesome and we get Rick's backstory (although it isn't confrimed canon till later) and the garage rant was hilarous! Terrific episode!
9. The Wedding Squanchers. Great finale! It's funny, it's plot-important, and everyone is likable, and the ending STILL makes me sob.
~ S Tier. These episodes are great and nearly FLAWLESS! These are also my top eight!
8. Meeseeks and Destroy. I might be giving this one a bitttt too much credit, but it's really important to me, and I love it a lot! The jokes are funny, and they handle the serious topic near flawlessly, Everyone here is likeable (Besides Mr. Jellybean but he's not supposed to be) and I will NEVER not cry over it! Such a good episode!
7. Rickfending Your Mort. Such an amazing episode! Rick is so likable here! Everyone is! There's so many funny and heartwarming moments and it's amazing proof for Rick's character development! Please watch/rewatch it when you get the chance!
6. The Ricklantis Mixup. UGHHH the plot episodes are ALWAYS amazing! This episode shows Evil Morty's manipulation well and makes you excited for his next apprerance! It's not very funny, but the plot is so awesome that I can excuse it!
5. Close Rick-counters with Rick kind. Really great episode! Introduces Evil Morty (My Evil Babyboyyyy) and Doofus Rick! Rick crying over Morty always gets to me and Morty is amazing here!
4. Solaricks. Morty is a sweet little baby angel here, the emotional moments HIT! Everyone is likable and it's just a good episode overall, it's not very funny but it's a phenomial episode, please watch it!
3. Rickmurai Jack. I mean c'mon. Rick's backstory revealed? Rick treating Morty like an equal? THE FUCKING ENDING?! This episode did damn near everything right. Unmortricken is slightlyy better because I find it to be more emotional and is a lil more unique. This episode is fucking amazing though holy shit.
2. Unmortricken. Do I even really need to explain myself? It's funny, we got my three favorite characters center stage here (Rick C-137, Morty Prime, and Evil Morty) The death scene is POWERFUL and the ending scene really knows how to kick you in the stomach! The only reason why it's not the top is because I'm not crazy about Rick Prime as a villian, but amazing episode nonetheless. It's also very funny and Rick and Morty's hug at the end is everything to me!
Fear No Mort. MORTY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT FUCK YEAH! The exploration of Morty's trauma is incredible! And it has so legitmately funny jokes! The emotional moment really hits you in the gut! The pacing is really great, the montage is amazing, and the hug is EVERYTHING! This episode is so much fun to anaylze and just ughhh! It's so so sooo great! Please watch it!
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glassbead-xx · 2 months
Things that will totally happen when Fuuko uses Remember on the Union
Note: I might make this a proper fanfic
Note 2: it might not make sense but I have a lot of imagination and I’m sleep deprived
Ichico: you mean I died to fulfill his character development?
Nico: like it was easy for me, Unforgettable is a pain in the ass, not to mention I had to raise Mico alone
Ichico: meh at least you and Mico had each other
Nico: …..
Shen: so I died…
Fuuko: yeah, but we brought you back as a Jianshi
Mui: and I became Untruth instead
Fuuko: yeah
Shen: and you let us dress up as Jianshis for Halloween?
Feng: you think you can beat me? I’ll turn you into a Jianshi again
Shen: bring it on old man
Leila: so what happened after the surgery? Did you get together?
Rip and Latla: ….
Rip: do we tell her?
Latla: I don’t want to
Leila: guys?
Rip: we kinda became obsessed with getting you back
Latla: and we almost sacrificed the entire world in the process
Latla: Leila?
Leila: I told you to use your talents to help other people
Rip and Latla: sorry
Fuuko: Haruka! Hey about last loop-
Haruka: *dies of cringe*
Fuuko: Haruka! Hey about Spring
Haruka: *starts crying*
Fuuko: *cries too*
Gina: that’s how I looked at 66?
Sean: hey at least you reached old age
Tatiana: so Mr. Billy became like my dad after I lost my parents? That’s so nice
Billy: yeah
Tatiana:… so about Under
Billy: I already said I was sorry
Kururu: I was so girly…
Chikara: so I lost my parents, so did you and Tatiana, Top lost his friends, Billy his wife and child, Rip and Latla lost Leila
Fuuko: yeah, we were angstier back then
Top: so about your boyfriend-
Fuuko: he’s not my boyfriend
Fuuko: I love Andy and I’m pretty sure he loves me too but he technically never asked me to be his girlfriend
Top: so you’ve been in a situationship for 200 years
Julia: so I’m the reincarnation of Juiz and she was in love with your boyfriend’s other personality?
Fuuko: it’s complicated
*Something happens that reminds the Union of the previous loop*
Gina: I think I’ve seen this film before~
Sean: Taylor Swift reference
Gina: and I didn’t like the ending~
Sean: stop
*another thing happens that reminds the Union of the previous loop*
Gina: do you get deja vu~
Sean: stop singing!!!
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 4 [final]
Here, here and here I've covered from ranking #15 to #4 so let's see which seasons will be on the podium!
3. Season 8: This season really gave me life, it's absolutely one of the best. Plot-wise, I ADORED the introduction of the tablets and the Trials, whoever came up with this idea was pure genius. So Basically our heroes have to deal with the aftermath of the events in season 7: Dean has spent 1 year fighting monsters in Purgatory while Sam run away from his responsibilities and has found shelter in the arms of a woman. Cas seems nowhere to be found. The character who moves the plot forward is my beloved Crowley: while Dean was feeling pure in Purgatory with this vampire boyfriend (ihih), and Sam was guitl-trapped into adopting a dog (seriuosly? biggest red flag ever), our King of Hell was busy carrying the show on his shoulders. He kidnaps Kevin and orders him to translate the demon tablet. Since he's not stupid, he quickly understands that 1 leviathan table + 1 demon tablet = 1 angel tablet. Consequently, his quest for the latter begins. After 1 year of hedonism, our heroes realize that they had left poor Kevin behind while an astonished Castiel comes out of nowhere. The plot gets interesting. We find out that the demon tablet contains information on how to close the Gates of Hell. Comedy of error ensues since literally everybody thinks that the angle tablet would contain the same info as the demon tablet (really, guys? The ONLY smart person in the room about this was DEAN, as per usual). So what's written on the angel tablet? Surprise! We don't really know 'cause poor Kevin spent 6 effing months trying to translate half of the demon tablet so there's now way to know now! Cas makes the usual stupid choice and gets played by Metatron: he will undergo the Three Trials to close the Gates of Heaven. Meanwhile poor Sam undergoes the Trials to close the Gates of Hell. Eventually, Dean convinces him to stop the last trial otherwise he will die and poor Dean cannot live without his baby brother (same goes for little jealous Sam who, while literally dying, finds time to tell Dean that he feels left behind because Dean seems to love his Purgatory vampire and his trenchoated angel more than him (codependecy level: atomic)). Metatron fools everyone and cast a spell to make all angels fall. BOOM, season finale is EPIC. I really really enjoyed this season, it was so rich and full of turns of events but everything was coherent and engaging. What I didn't like is brainwashing Cas via Naomi. Plot-wise, it was unnecessary since Naomi literally reveals her original plan to Dean after episode 17 so, what was the point? Sure it gave us the memorable crypt scene and for it I am forever grateful. But in terms of plot, meh. It was weak. Also, it looks a lot like what happened with Godstiel in season 6 AND weird Cas in season 7 (poor Cas knows no peace of mind, literally).Once again Cas as a character is not fully in control and makes shitty decisions for reasons unknown? Mmmmh, me not likey.
2. Season 4: This season was explosive, I fucking loved it! First of all, as I've already said, I like when there's sort of a deadline in the plot and here we have a big one: Lilith is on her course to open the 66 seals that will free Lucifer from his cage. Problem is: nobody knows which ones she will choose since there are like 600 of them. Sam and Dean try to prevent the opening of the seals but things get complicated when the Angels enter the arena: they certainly look more like enemies rather than allies and for sure cause a lot of problems more than provide solutions. Previosly on Supernatural, Dean was rescued by Castiel from Hell (what an epic entrance, Cas!!!) after having spent 30 human years torturing and being tortured by demons, yay! Sam is now addicted to demon blood and nobody is pleased about it so our heroes have plenty on their plate. Plot-wise, this season was everything, it was a rollercoaster of turns of events, allies that become enemies, enemies become allies but wait no! they've been enemies all along! Castiel inadvertently changes the course of the story and creates real free will, Supernatural goes fully meta with the introduction of the Supernatural books by Chuck Shurley, angels are showed as scary, powerful creatures rather than comforting, merciful, ethereal beings ("Read the bible" LOL)... Man, what a fucking epic season! It felt serious but also carefree? It seems weird to say that but later on SPN gets increasingly tragic in tone so I'm very pleased with season 4 because it managed to balance everything out but with a lighter twist.
Season 11: while I was writing this, I was not sure which season would be number 1 but here I am, once again, in love with the plot of season 11. What can I say? "I'm a lover, not a fighter". So, the plot: the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc. has reached catastrophic levels: they are the ones to be thanked for the release of The Darkness into the world. The first interesting thing is that, for the first time ever, nobody really seems to know what to do. Thank God, there's the King of Hell (LOL) who promptly seizes the opportunity to take Amara and raise her hoping this would turn the events in his favours. However, he's unable to control her and soon Amara escapes wreacking havoc in the world. Not knowing what to do, Castiel decides to find Metatron, while Sam decides to go back into the Cage because he believes that Lucifer might be key to fighting Amara. Chaos ensues. Metatron doesn't really know shit, Lucifer same but he manages to escape via Castiel!vessel and we get Casifer (it was insane, I loved every minute of it!), the world is in shambles. A deus ex machina is needed: God/Chuck enters the chat. From here on, it all gets very philosophical and maybe that's why I frigging love this season. So, remember the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc.? Well, turns out Amara and God suffers from the same syndrome. They manage to (momentarily) find their balance while Dean (who had a bond with Amara because they both shared the Mark of Cain or whatever) decides to go to battle alone to convince Amara to stop or, if not possible, to die trying to save the world. And Sam Winchester is finally okay with this! Wow, progress, yes, right??? All ends so well that Amara gifts Dean with his friggin' mother who was dead 30+ years ago! Happy ending, much? LOL. I liked the simplicity of the plot, it's all very progressive, the pacing is slow but never boring, all characters still continue to make stupid choices but ultimately these don't bite them in the ass and they use them to grow... I don't know, I really enjoyed season 11. The only "negative" thing is that I wish the writers made Dean tell Cas something more meaningful than "you're our brother". Tons of metas have been written about it and yeah, I know, I know. Still, this season was all about "following the heart" so I'd have appreciated more honesty about this topic but hey, we all know how it ended so #nosurprise.
Okay, I'm done here! What do YOU think? Do you agree with my ranking? I'm curious, let me know!
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l-norris · 29 days
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The summerbreak is over and the Dutch GP is underway!
Honestly, I can feel the years subtracted of my life already, heh.
DISCLAIMER: Remember that this is just for shits and giggles, I'm not trying to actually hate on any of the drivers cuz all (most) of them are very dear to me!
As always - numbers in brackets = lap numbers
- Formation lap is on
- Welcome back to F1, where your hairs grey in a matter of seconds
- Mom I'm scared
- it fuckem wimdy
- heart rate through the roof, anxiety growing
- Lando don't bottle the start please🙏🏻
- It's lights out and away we go!
- ... UGHHH
- death, taxes, Lando bottling the start
- (not actually him but more like the car)
- Didn't even make it to the first turn this time
- 'Red Bull aren't fast' MY ASS
- To be fair Oscar's start was also kinda meh
- so much wheelspin
- Kevin locks up on lap 1 too
- Max pulls away (8)
- "Lando who are we racing?" Uuuuuh... everyone??
- Some battling and overtaking from Lewis (10)
- Spicy battle between Carlos and Pierre (11)
- "We are on Plan A"
- Just a quick note that Lando actually keeps up with Max
- Alex pits (13)
- Lando in DRS window
- Lewis is on the chase (16)
- It's getting spicy up front
- Boys. Behave.
- "There are no smiles on the Red Bull pit wall. Only grimaces." Good!
- Lando overtakes Max! (18)
- Masterpiece of an overtake
- Guanyu pits (20)
- Lando pulls away (21)
- Wind is picking up
- Bro I was looking away for two minutes and Lando is 3 seconds ahead??
- Lewis pits (24)
- Charles pits (25)
- George pits (26)
- Ferrari got their shit together also?
- rare Ferrari W
- Max pits (28)
- makes me nervous
- Lando pits (28)
- left front issue😀
- But he overcuts Max!
- Sheer, dumb luck, McLaren. Sheer, dumb luck.
- We currently have a McLaren 1-2
- Lando fastest lap (32)
- Only three people left who haven't pitted yet
- Hello McLaren? Are you gonna pit Oscar anytime soon?
- Now's the time (34)
- Charles is third in THAT SHITBOX?!
- Pierre unsafe release
- Lando is now 8 seconds ahead of Max (36)
- Lance speeding in pitlane
- Lando is now 9 seconde ahead of Max (38)
- Pre-Miami me would have an aneurysm
- Lance 5-second-penalty
- Oscar is in George's rear
- Oscar is now fourth
- Lando is now 10 seconds ahead of Max (40)
-Kevin gets OBLITERATED by MULTIPLE cars
- Alex is almost in the points
- Why is Max gaining all of a sudden
- Nevermind just a moment of weakness I guess
- Lando is now 11 seconds ahead of Max (44)
- Sorry I'll stop lmao
- Oscar is chasing down Charles
- While Carlos is stuck behind Checo
- Why are McLaren so positive that a Safety Car will come out (47)
- There hasn't been a single yellow flag or retirement so far what are you lot planning
- Carlos finally passes Checo
- Lewis pits (49)
- I know I said I'd stop but 13 SECOND LEAD?? INSANE (51)
- Bro's gonna be a whole pitstop ahead at the end of this
- Very demure. Very mindful.
- A few pitstops happen (54)
- 15 laps to go
- Nothing is happening (59)
- Rare Lando footage on Live TV (62)
- Lewis P14 to P8 btw
- Ferrari flop era is no more
- Fernando passes Nico (64)
- The rookie is in the points now
- Quick update: 18 seconds gap between Lando and Max (66)
- You're doing amazing sweetie
- Nor Ver Lec Podium looking real nice rn (67)
- 5 laps to go!
- Dead silence in the McLaren garage
- 3 laps to go!
- He's very calm, very collected.
- Weekend saved, thanks Lando👍🏻
- Also Charles is back on the podium
- No more 'Terrible day for Tifosi'
What. A. Race.
Awesome way to start back into the second half of the season. I'm on an all-time high right now, hahaha. Really happy for Lando, and also happy for Charles to be back on the podium!
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antianakin · 1 year
You are the best person I know to ask something like this, but do you have any Ahsoka Salt Fics to recommend? They are hard to find and I just really want to read someone telling her off right now. Which is sad because I used to REALLY like her but now she's a meh character.
I don't have any Ahsoka SALT fics. For all that I complain about some of the ways Filoni uses her to bash the Jedi and the recent show, I don't actually dislike her. Much like Padme, I tend to want to see Ahsoka be SAVED from Anakin and realize how awful he is and turn away from him. So I don't tend to read a ton of fics that are salty towards Ahsoka so much as they might be, at most, sort-of critical of her attachment to him or just portray her like the slightly bratty teenager she is in TCW.
These are the only two fics that KIND-OF portray Ahsoka as in the wrong and being a little bit of an asshole specifically due to her attachments to Anakin, but both of them also portray her sympathetically and allow her to make amends for her behavior by the end, so I don't know that they specifically fit your prompt for salt.
The Crime of Grief series by kj_feybarn (and a companion fic Cruel that focuses on Ahsoka written by TheStageManager): I've recc'd this before several times, so you may have already read it, but this is probably the fic where Ahsoka is at her worst on this list. She's attached to Anakin and turns on Obi-Wan in the wake of Order 66 rather than deal with her feelings of betrayal.
And I Feel Nothing by maisee: I've recc'd this before as well, I think. Some of the later chapters show her reacting badly in a situation and being insensitive towards someone due to some lingering feelings of attachment towards Anakin and the twins, but for most of the fic she's happy and friendly.
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wendingways · 8 months
20 Questions For Writers
Thank you, @sinvulkt! I saw someone else post one of these a while ago, and it looked fun, so thanks so much for the tag! 💛💛💛
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Seven. Technically eight, but one of them is part of another and just separated for logistical reasons, so it doesn't really count.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
190,105 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fortune's Rule, 536 kudos
Missing Pieces No More, 142
Whispers From Tomorrow, 126
Petrichor, 42
Threadbare, 30
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of the time! Sometimes it takes a while because busy + tired, but I enjoy it when other authors respond to my comments, so I want to respond other people's comments. :)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Threadbare. Wouldn't say it's a full-on angsty ending, because I tend to go for angsty beginnings/middles and happy endings, but it's the closest I've got.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Whispers From Tomorrow, by virtue of it being a pre-Order-66 fix-it.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
I've gotten a little. You know how FFN can be. There was this one kinda funny one instance where somebody was silent for like 20 chapters, and then absolutely flipped their lid in a comment after I killed off a character. Not even a main character! Oops....
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not as a rule, but I did start scribbling down this weird idea for Anne Shirley, from Anne of Green Gables, ending up in the GFFA during the Clone Wars via some witchery in the Haunted Wood. What gets me is how I told my brother about it, and he promptly started nagging me to write it because he wants to read it XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but feel free to do so if you're interested!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Meh, not really a big shipper.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
WIP I will never finish? What are you talking about?
There are no unfinished WIPS in Ba Sing Se.
Seriously, though, probably my Padmé ROTS time loop fic. I had this idea for Padmé to keep looping back to some point in ROTS after she dies. I love the idea, it's roughly outlined and I've written some snippets, and there's this one scene that I'd really like to include, but I'm just not sure how to make the time loop AU work in this scenario.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Grammar, usage, and mechanics. And maybe angst, oddly enough. Never figured myself for an angst writer, but then I started writing Fortune's Rule, and here we are.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Speed. I write slowly. I also tend to end up going down research rabbit holes that suck up my time and energy. And I have a really hard time saying no to adding more characters, which adds to the whole writing-takes-a-long-time thing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sure! I've enjoyed putting little bits of Mando'a and Huttese into Fortune's Rule.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Calico Captive, by Elizabeth George Speare, when I was in my early teens. Never managed to get a whole fic out of it, and what fragments I did write were terribly underdeveloped, sentimental, and shallow. But we all have to start somewhere!
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Fortune's Rule, all the way! I know it's not finished yet, but it is my precious and my problem child, and I love it to bits!
In a way, it's a very self-indulgent story, because it's got all the tropes I most adore, and it's like a puzzle, trying to figure out how to put all these different elements together in a way that's believable, and how to have characters develop to where I want them to be.
Plus, it's also given me some fun surprises, like Padmé and Ahsoka being besties, Ventress becoming Obi-Wan's confidant for a certain matter, and Piett becoming a friend/confidant/emotional support admiral for Starkiller.
And there's so much more fun stuff planned, especially as we're getting close the start of an arc I've been planning since before I started posting the fic in 2021! (There will be child hijinks. There will be pirates. There will be sand, and angst and fluff galore. And I am so kriffing excited.)
Tagging (If you're interested! I'm doing like sinvulkt and tagging some authors I've interacted with a bit on AO3; hope this isn't a nuisance to anyone! :) ) @musewrangler, @clawedandcute, @xxiamnotokay666xx
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djpurple3 · 1 year
I found one of the only pieces of TAZ fanart i ever drew saved on my phone and like. I dont like 66% of it it looks like i fell into a lot of the kinda meh tropes of drawinf merle and taako it was like 5 years ago now but
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Look at that Magnus. Hes still so magnus. I am still proud of that magnus thats very magnus
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raptorofwar · 4 months
So I just finished watching Witch from Mercury with @meh-66. A bit late, but. uh.
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
I got to say, I have become a full on Idia hater cuz this book has given me the most amount of hell. First level 66, was stuck on that level for two weeks. Then 67, I WAS STUCK ON THAT FOR NEARLY A MONTH. I JUST PASSED IT LAST NIGHT. NOW IM FIGHTING IDIA AND THE BASTARD IS KICKING MY ASS. Ughhh I was on the fence on this guy, didn’t like him but didn’t hate him either but damn this level really makes me hate his guts. Like full on makes me want to throw his ass in the most crowded place without his phone/tablet and leave him there. I’d probably just hide somewhere to see what he’d do and call it exposure therapy if Ortho asks about it.
I still need to finish his fucking book omg I am so far behind
But yeah no I feel that. Like, I know a lot of people are meh on Trey but like his Dorm SSR is the tankiest of the tanky so like, I have grown so fond of him solely because he helps keep me alive lol Or like Leona managed to rise in the ranks of Who I Like Most originally because of how strong his Dorm card is too. Or like Vice Versa, I love Deuce in the actual game, but for some reason I find his Dorm SSR to be so garbage. Or maybe I just don't use it well idk. But that has like definitely tainted me despite the fact that I love that boi! So that Fight Bias/Card Bullshit is definitely a Thing. I hope I'm strong enough to take down Idia because I already have enough repressed Nerd Rage about this man, I don't need more lol
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chaoticcutiewhirl · 9 months
A more propper introduction
If you see my Tumblr hello again, I have some news besides the obvious:
The Emergency Comms have been retired kinda as I got the money I lost in a scam back (not the money that was lost back in June but I reearned it, thank you Ebay). Simply to say though, due to the game Mice Tea, I have found a character who is basically me to the core being the Snake love interest named Sylvia, and with that I realized, similar to the implications of the epilogue of her route, I would likely stay as a Snakegirl if I was in her situation. Because of this I started to have vivid dreams as a sort of anthro snake, a lamia, and after a few days of that, I realized moving my legs caused a similar feeling when you feel a sound in your teeth and after speaking with a few friends i have come to the end that I may be a Lamia Otherkin.
I have done my best with that information but the main aspect is sorta dysphoria involving my legs in the way they exist, before I thought some aspects that line up with the idea were just unachievable transition goals ideas of being a Tiefling but the factors that can't line up with Lamia, which really was one thing, was likely relieving pressure on my feet and in my legs from standing as I often shifted to the balls of my feet in order to feel different, thinking it was possibly an idea of wanting hooves but now I think it may be due to the idea of less pressure and friction put on my lowe half. And with the leg thing I found binding my legs in a blanket while sitting or laying down helps a lot. But I mean do know if synthetic body mods become a thing I am getting myself that Snake tail because omg my brain these past 3 days has been on fire with this.
Beyond that propper introductions:
Name: I am Avarstia Sylvia [Redacted] (I wouldn't give my full name openly but still choosing a new last name as well), but you can call me Ava, Avarstia, Sylvia, or Sylvie.
Pronouns: She/her , Fae/Faer
Species: Physically human but Lamia Otherkin, also a Bat furry on top of all of that
Sexuality/Romanticism: Demisexual, but also under the Lesbian umbrella for my Romantics.
Media Interests: Transformers, Dragonball, She-Ra, Furries, The Owl House, Signalis, Mice Tea, Generally a lot of Indie games, RWBY, Legends of Avantris, D&D, Anything made by IdolMantis, Anything made by 66Sharkteeth aka 66, Anything made by Miranda Mundt, Sonic, Et Cetera (There is a lot)
What do I do?: I am primarily a writer, I am currently writing a Novella series to possibly publish sooner than later as well as writing two different novels with more stories in the works beyond all of that. I also have some Art Comms if anyone wants my sorta meh art style
What kind of Music do I listen too?: (I like answering questions lol) I mainly listen to forms of rock, folk, and generally music with darker vibes such as Shawn James, Shayfer James, Will Wood, Hammerfall, The Dead South, Marah in the Mainsail/Coyote Kidd (My favorite), Miracle of Sound, The Aviators, Crane Wives, Et Cetera (Again I listen to a lot)
Beyond all of that I don't really have much else to add so have an artistic depiction of who I am who I intended to turn into another Fursona lol, this one being a Mojave Sidewinder (But as a Lamia I do not know if I am also a Sidewinder lol
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sinnerclair · 7 months
General Information First name: Karlijn Middle name(s): N/A Surname: Hemmink Age: 33 Date of birth: 6/6/1965 Gender: Female Sexuality: TBD Relationship status: Single
Traits of Voice Accent (if any): Dutch Language spoken: English Other languages known: Dutch Style of speaking: Informing(?) Volume of voice: Medium
Physical Appearence Height: 167 cm Weight: 66 kg / 145 ish lbs Eye colour: Dark blue Skin colour: Light Shape of face: Circle Distinguishing features: Scar-like birthmark on her neck Build of body: Endomorph Hair colour: Blonde Hair style: Usually down Complexion: Pale Posture: Meh Tattoos: N/A Piercings: Golden feather earrings
wip, to be finished
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Thank you @green-hound for tagging me in this!
rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people
I'm not going through the whole 17 letters because as a wise man famously said "C'mon jack, cut me some slack!" But the cardinal directions should be enough
Nineteen-seventy-two (1972) - Broken Social Scene
Out of Time Man - Mano Negra
Red Rock Riviera - Sea Power
Touch - Daft Punk
Harmony - The Avalanches
When am I gonna make a living ? - Sade
Easy Tiger - Portugal, The Man
Still Talking to You - Nujabes
The Dark End of the Street - James Carr
Tagging @b-u-n-n-i @officialrocketjumper @water-weaving @fuer-diesen-sommer @coralloid @alwaysalreadyangry @meh-66 @no-passaran @z-a-d-i-e
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jondoe297 · 2 years
i missed regularly sharing all the toys an junk i get on here. i had fallen off the wagon of doin so an thanks to an all too familiar mix of laziness,procrastination an just puttin off doin somethin even if want to for some reason. i thought i'd get back to it with this post of all the stuff i've gotten so far since this year started. yeah almost no one sees these posts but doin em makes me happy so here we are. most of these are thrifted.
these aren't in order of when i got em but let's start with Superman figures
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we got the Mattel DC Multiverse Super Friends Superman. (Mattel's DC Multiverse is the superior one btw. still sour they lost the license. especially with McFarlane bein generally lackluster) i've wanted this one for a long time since they were announced. got im second hand but in the box! he's really classic Superman from Mattel's DC Universe Classics line with Super Friends themed base an packaging. display background comes with part of the Super Friends logo(that you collect the whole wave to form)an a José Luis García-López drawn Superman on the other side! best part is that an the Kenner style cape😍 it's like they made this figure specifically for me lol
also got a Smallville Clark figure! not really the biggest fan of the show but it's pretty nostalgic an a Superman figure is a Superman figure(even if he's just wearin a leather jacket lol)plus these go for bonkers prices online an i got this one for like,9 bucks. Score!
also a cute lil Superman and a Man of Steel cake topper figure. can you believe it's ten years this year since Man of Steel came out?!
Batman figures next
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okay so i found not one but TWO toybiz 1989 Batman figs. and on the same day too!! definitely a highlight.
a Battinson bobble head cinema cup topper. i was stoked to find any Battinson in the wild lol.
plus lil New 52 an Rebirth Batman figurines
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some Robins. these were found in the same place. makes me wonder if it's from the same person who lost or gave away or sold their Robin collection. makes me pretty bummed tbh :/
i think about this aspect of thrifting a lot. Anyway..
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a navy blue variant of the new 'Tooned' '66 Batmobile Hot Wheels. i love it!!
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Green Lantern movie ring. was pretty jazzed to find this! movie is.. meh. it's not that bad it's the studio interference that really grinds my gears. toyline is top-notch though i always loved it!
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now this is a McFarlane DC Multiverse figure i really wanted to have. ZSJL Cyborg!!
back when it just came out no one where i live got the Cyborg except the version with the helmet thingy for some reason(if there is a reason i have an idea what it might be but anyway)but i got im now an i'm pleasantly surprised how good he is given McFarlane's track record. Very happy❤
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and another lil Cyborg. found in flea market but originally from a Kinder egg.
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not many Marvel stuff as it happened. but some real fun stuff! especially that gem of a Spidey figure. from the Spider-Man 3 'Webworld Racers' sub-line who came with motorcycles. he has like 14 points of articulation an can fit in the palm of my hand(unintentional reference lol). texture on his suit is bonkers too. like Hasbro didn't have to go that hard for such a small figure but they did. i've also always really really wanted im but the prices for them were ridiculous back in the day so to find im in the wild all these years later.. yeah :')
we also got an Invisible Woman figure from 1997 that is so good you wouldn't believe it was made by KFC. and a Hulk as War,Horseman of Apocalypse from the 'Handful of Heroes' from like 2009-10. always love finding these lil guys an unpainted figures are generally a win for me.
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Star Wars stuff
we got a Clone Wars Obi-Wan action figure. seller had a bunch more Clone Wars an other Star Wars figs but i uhh had to hold my hand an only got Obi-Wan.
a 1983 Kenner Chief Chirpa fig,without his headdress thingy. but funny enough,what are the odds,i found another one with his headdress and a 1984 Gamorrean Guard in the same day at another shop! i gave those to someone else i know who loves Star Wars figures.
we also have a Darth Vader keychain,a lil Hologram Palpatine and a few Micro Machines.
now this is the 'other/miscellanious' category
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we have a Raph as The Mummy from the TMNT/Universal Monsters crossover toyline Playmates did from 1993 which just.. checks so many boxes for me. he also glows in the dark!
a gorgeous figurine of Obelix with a little dog friend💕
a lil Guile from Street Fighter who looked real nice an probably vintage so i grabbed im. looked it up an apparently he's from 1990 an from a gumball machine. NICE!!
the green fella i grabbed cuz i like alien figures an stuff an he's from '98. later looked im up an he's from a Fisher Price space set. fun stuff!
the lil orange friend is a Chimp from an animal themed sub-set of a line called 'Glyos Bit Figs' that are pixel-styled lil vending machine figures. again,so many boxes checked. i also found another one from the line before,both times with their ball/capsule,so of course i grabbed it.
last but not least that lil car i got from a chips packet lol
thanks for readin me blaberring about toys for a bit if you did. Hope you have a nice day regardless💕
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A Clash of Kings - 66 THEON VI (pages 827-839)
Theon's poor life choices (trusting 'Reek') come back to bite him.
...It's interesting that Theon keeps referring to it as Ned Stark's bed, Ned Stark's room, like even in his victory it's still not really his.
"Do you know a better way?" "Aye. I'll take my axe and stand on that drawbridge, and let them come try me. One at a time, two, three, it makes no matter. None will pass the moat while I still draw breath." He means to die, thought Theon. It's not victory he wants, it's an end worthy of a song.
The Ironborn are so dramatic.
... Sonovabitch! Don't you hurt Beth!
"O, I know," said Theon." It's a dish I tasted myself, or have you forgotten? I was ten when I was taken from my father's house, to make certain he would raise no more rebellions." "It is not the same!" Theon's face was impassive. "The noose I wore was not made of hempen rope, that's true enough, but I felt it all the same. And it chafed, Ser Rodrik. It chafed me raw." He had never quite realized that until now, but as the words came spilling out he saw the truth of them.
Yay! Why am i cheering over such a horrible confession? Oh, because Theon is finally reflecting on himself and identifying the root of some of his issues. This way lies character growth and emotional and mental healing.
... I don't know that Theon would enjoy being a brother of the Night's Watch, he's like GoT Jon, but more about the being in charge specifically, he probably wouldn't enjoy working his way up the ranks very much.
"- I had to pull him off her and shove my clothes into his hands-calfskin boots and velvet doublet, silver-chased swordbelt, even my sable cloak. Ride for the Dreadfort, I told him, bring all the help you can. Take my horse, he's swifter, and here, wear the ring my father gave me, so they'll know you came from me. -"
No one asked what you were wearing Ramsay. Why you gotta make it weird like a product placement in a CDrama? (Thanks for finally confessing your identity, assbutt!)
... A moment of silence for Cley Cerwyn. We didn't have him for very long, be he seemed nice.
Theon had given his word. This was not a time to flinch. Pay him his pound of flesh and deal with him later. ... The Bastard's backhand caught him square, and his cheekbone shattered with a sickening crunch beneath the lobstered steel. The world vanished in a red roar of pain.
This is a far more emotionally impactful betrayal than the show. D&D really undercut how out of control Theon's arc was going with their quips. "Thought he'd never shut up." "It was a good speech, didn't want to interrupt." It also undercut the loyalty (such as it is) of the Ironborn, and Theon's intelligence. Like yes it was a bad idea from the get go, but Theon was actually doing really well with the whole capture and hold of Winterfell for the most part. He was confident and in charge, not nervous and stumbling manically through a hype speech.
D&D suck at their job = 🥛
The last thing Theon Greyjoy saw was Smiler, kicking free of the burning stables with his mane ablaze, screaming, rearing...
*squints* why does that sound familiar? I think there's a house with a flame maned horse for a sigil, but I feel like I know that because I was looking for a burning/fire horse for a reason... one of the prophecies? Maybe? Meh, it'll come to me or it won't.
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