#now i wanna know who would have played luke.
exopelagic · 4 months
i said i wouldn’t do it this time but it’s 3am and mods asleep. boy
#welcome to another episode of Luke is insane abt hockey boy!#this time featuring a guy who is actually this time almost (ALMOST) confirmed to be queer#the almost is partly me being insane because I don’t trust anything anymore#but like. there are only so many reasons you wear pride converse. that is not ally behaviour#it just threw me this time I think bc I’d been like no. heterosexual. bc I think I became aware of him when he joined the real hockey team#because the OTHER problem is that the whole time I’d been thinking he was cute as hell (bc he is) and simultaneously being like no. bad.#anyway this meant that I have actually talked to him a bunch without overthinking it this term which honestly has been very cool#not like a whole lot but we’ve played together a decent amount and hopefully will keep doing that#and yesterday discovered hes recommending other people talk to me abt goalieing which is insane to me bc I am truly not that good#but apparently I made an impression!#anyway it does not help that this guy has gotten incredibly good at hockey in the past few months#idk man I make bad decisions (I say as if this was a decision) bc it is now the end of term once again <3#which means absolutely nothing can or will happen until after summer. which isn’t an issue#I’m just frustrated by my tendency to realise these things right before I’m about to not see the guy for X period of time#I also desperately need to stop crushing on hockey boys I swear but in my defence that is the main way I meet people#I think I’m cursed actually. that would explain many things#anyway he also has exams until next Tuesday which means he’ll be at hockey next week but idk abt this week which is devastating#i just wanna have talk to the guy more honestly to see how that goes bc we’ve not rlly talked individually for an extended time yknow.#in other words we have not had A Conversation it’s been groups or like quicker exchanges#he’s kinda quiet but i can’t quite tell which way yknow. I know he’s Watching basically all the time. and he is slightly awkward#which is also kinda cute. he gets a lil rambly when he talks abt hockey and I wanna push that button more#i. topsy if you’re reading this you’re gonna laugh so hard I just realised. he’s captain of the team now.#which sidenote is INSANE bc he started playing with them THIS YEAR#but oh my god. okay.#anyway. I need to start complimenting guys more for multiple reasons but also#1. he dresses very cool 2. he caught me looking at his shirt last week without saying anything (BEFORE I caught the rainbow converse)#i compliment women on their clothes and jewellery and hair and shit all the time but I do not with men bc. I mean do I need to explain.#but ​this is so unfair I am haunted by existence of boy and here we are once again. posting on tumblr with the possibility of seeing him lik#two more times before summer. might be three or four depending on what he comes to#luke.txt
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petew21-blog · 22 days
Love thy neighbor
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Jerry:"Oh look he posted again. And look at the quote '
Instagram - Clark_779:'Luke 6:31: Do to others as you would have them do to you. We all have to remember to be kind to each other'
Harvey:"I can't stand him anymore. Such a fucking hypocrite. Pretending to be a good christian and at the same time making our lives at school a living hell."
Jerry:"Yeah, you're right. But he won't change. He'll be the same asshole as he is now"
Harvey:"Maybe not"
Jerry:"Yeah right. You're gonna give him a lesson on ethics and he's gonna be kind. How about Red Riding Hood. That's a good story too. Maybe you should tell me that one"
Harvey:"If you'd let me talk I would explain it to you. I have been visiting this bookstore that seels antique stuff"
Jerry:"Aaaaand you found a love option that's gonna make him fall in love with you. Great"
Harvey:"You know I'm not gay and no. Something better. I got these two rings to swap our bodies"
Jerry:"Sure. And you know they work?"
Harvey:"We could try it out right now"
Jerry:"What if we don't change back?"
Harvey:"The man said that it should be fully reversible as long as both of them are wearing the ring"
Jerry:"Ok, fine. It's not like I believe your. But why not"
The took the rings and put them on their fingers. But nothing happened
Jerry:"Look, man. I know you wanted to believe it, but you gotta learn that there are scammers in the world and they...."
"...just want to rob you." Jerry finished the sentence but now from Harvey's body
Harvey:"Told you:
Jerry:"Dude, thus changes everything. We could ne the most popular people in the entire school. No, we can be anybody"
Harvey:"Calm down. We got a lot of time ahead of us. But for now I think we should stick with low profile dudes like Clark"
Jerry:"Ok, let's see if we can swap back"
The exchanged the rings again and after a moment were looking back at the other person. Harvey noticed that his dick was now hard in his briefs, but decided not to comment on in so that he wouldn't leave embarassed and his plan would go to shit
Jerry:"Ok. So how do you wanna do it?"
Harvey:"I got a plan"
Jerry:"I don't want to get beat up"
Harvey:"Someone has to sacrifice. Now go and provoke him. I'll intervene as soon as he would start beating you"
Clark was talking with his bros near the lockers. Jerry didn't have to say a thing and Clark noticed his presence:"Hey, fag. Got my lunch money?"
Jerry sped up and went on as if he didn't say anything. Clark ran out to get him as his bros stood behind. He shoved Jerry against a locker, making him collapse on the ground. That was a big hit. Jerry felt his back aching
Clark:"I was talking to you, nerd. Give ne your money"
Jerry:"I don't have any money today"
Harvey came closer and offered him the ring. "You can sell this for a better price than just lunch". Clark grabbed Harvey's sweatshirt and lifted him up against the locker. "Who said you can talk to me?"
Harvey stayed calm:"Please, just take it and let us be". Clark took the ring and looked at it. It seemed manly. Not like one for woman. He liked it. "Fine. Only this time" he let go of Harvey.
Harvey was next to Jerry now. Jerry was aching. While Harvey looked surprisingly confident. Jerry:"So? What now? What if he sells it or throws it away." Harvey:"Now we wait"
They were sitting at the front of the class along with the rest of the seniors. Clark was with his bros at the back. Harvey was trying to observe him, but everytime he did some of his bros noticed.
Jerry:"He's playing with the ring" And he was. History class probably borec him so much that he had to take a look at it.
Harvey turned around and noticed as another jock took it from him. "Oh no" he noticed as he was about to slip it on his finger and immediately took off his. Jock looked how the ring fit. He said to Clark:"Can I keep it?". "NO, it's mine. Echoed silently through the class"
The teacher didn't care that they were shouting. He was in support of our school jock and was in their favour so he let a lot of things pass
Clark took the ring back from the other guy and put it on his finger. Jerry said:"Now Harvey!" Harvey slipped on the ring as well and waited
Few seconds later. Jerry looked at Harvey's face that changed expression. He even spoke out loud:"What're you looking at, fag?" Jerry was shocked. This was real. He looked back to see Clark smiling back at him. "Holy shit" Jerry said out loud
The teacher scolded him Jerry. Mister Barren. There will be no such talk in my class. Go visit the prinicipal right now and take your things. Jerry had a hard time trying not to smile
Clark was so dull that he still didn't notice yet. Jerry went to the principal where he got his detention. Message arrived to his phone from unkwon number:"Clark is really passed. He screamed out at the class. He made me look like a crazy person. Come to my NEW car"
Jerry was nervous. He was always scared to even get close to Clark's car and now he was about to go in. He opened the door and sat down. There He was. Clark, but not really Clark
"Sup, fag" Harvey said. They both laughed
Jerry:"Holy shit dude, this is crazy. I can't believe it"
Harvey:"No, this is crazy. Check these out" he said as he flexed Clark's arm right into Jerry's face
Jerry:"Holy shit. Dude? Can I...?
Harvey:"Sure thing. Go ahead"
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Jerry squeezed Clark's biceps and let his fingers go along the lines of his muscles. "This is incredible"
Harvey:"So what now. Wanna get your new body?"
Jerry:"I think we should wait until the drama about your body is done. Your body looks crazy right now and if there were the two of us, It might be more suspicious. I say we go to your new place. We should check it out"
Harvey:"Right on, mister. Hold your glasses"
Harvey wasn't a really good driver and it showed. The ride was... a bit dangerous
They entered the house. It was completely empty
Now the boys inspected the modern kitchen with a fridge full of great food.
Jerry:"Dude, this is amazing. It must be crazy good to be this rich"
Harvey:"You know what's also amazing? Check it" he lifted up his shirt and swestshirt, pulling his jeans down a bit
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Jerry:"Wow. Dude. Those are really hot. Can I touch them?"
Harvey:"Why are you even asking at this point? Haha"
Jerry went closer to give it a feel. He was so close to his tormentor/friends face now. He expected a hit from his body or that his body would betray him and he would start kissing him instead. "Ehm... wanna maybe go upstairs to see his room?"
Harvey:"Sure. I mean, we'll be spending a lot of time there. Playing video games and so on. So we should atleast check it out"
After an hour of playing Harvey let go of the controler. Jerry:"Anything wrong Harvey?"
Harvey:"I'm Clark now. And I'm sice of not appreciating this body" he started undressing
Jerry couldn't look away. He was so hard right now. " Harv... Clark? Maybe you should wait before I leave?"
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Harvey:"Don't pretend like you don't wanna see these guns and the rest. I know you do"
Jerry:"Oh... you do?"
Harvey:"Sure. I know you're gay. I could even feel my dick hard when we swapped before. Can't really hide that"
"Now look at this beautiful big dick" Harvey said as he held it over his boxer briefs. "No wonder he keep fucking everyone at the entire school. If I had this body and dick I would too. Oh wait... now I do. Haha"
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"Let's take a proper look at it. Oh wow. It's so thick. Wanna check it out?" Harvey said with a seductive look at Jerry
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Harvey didn't wait and got over Jerry. Sliding down his boxer briefs.
"Come on. Touch it. I know you want to"
Jerry hesitated, but Harvey put his dick into his face. Jerry took the dick into his hand. It really was big. "Oh wow, Harvey"
Harvey:"I told you, I'm Clark now. And you should suck it" he said and pushed his dick towards Jerry's mouth
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He smiled:"I knew you'd like it you little, fag"
Jerry couldn't help it, but this talk. Pretending to be Clark and sucking him off was so amazing. He wanted this moment to last forever. Or atleast to be repeated several times
Jerry swallowed all of the cum. Harvey was now in the bathroom cleaning himself off and taking photos
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Jerry at Harvey in the bathroom:"I think we should talk about it, Harv... Clark."
Harvey:"Talk about what? That you just sucked my dick?"
Jerry:"Yeah. You said you are straight and now you let me do this. Did you do it just to cheer me up or because of the attention"
Harvey was still around the corner in the bathroom:"Kinda both. But do you really think that I would be straight in a body like this. Especially when his body looks so good in this?"
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He entered in a maid's dress. Showing off and flexing his muscles right at Jerry
Harvey:"I couldn't let this body be straight. I would just limit my options.
Jerry pushed down his hard on
Harvey;"And if you'd want we can pick you a nice girl's bldy and be a cute couple fucking around at home and at school. But I think you'd rather let me fuck another hot stud and get revenge on these hypocrites. Am i right?"
Jerry nodded in approval
Harvey:"Good. Then let's pick you a hot body. I can't wait to fuck you"
Anonymous request in inbox
Can you do a classic swap story between a nerd and a straight jock? I always find those to be super hot
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ring camera chronicles - Nico Hischier
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Word Count - 1700
Requested - Yes
Author's Note - Even if someone requests it I think this will be my last ring camera type fic. I am someone who hates reusing ideas for different players, and it was really hard to come up with 7 original ideas for Nico. But anyway enjoy and thank you for reading.
Warnings - none
Summary - Seven times that Nico's and your ring camera caught cute 'mundane' moments between you both.
Being Nico’s girlfriend naturally meant that you sort of organized lunches with the other wags and tried to keep up to date with them. At first you hated it because you weren’t an influencer, you had a normal job and being a planner wasn’t part of the job. But after a while you did become close friends with a few of the girls including Jack’s girlfriend. Who was now sitting across from you as she updated all of you on her latest mess with having a ring camera. All about how she didn’t want Jack to catch her having all these packages so you went to sneak them in, and got Nico and Luke to help her. Only to find out in the moment that she actually used Jack’s card and he really didn’t seem to care. The entire table was crying in laughter, especially when you mentioned that Nico was still a little salty about it 2 weeks later. Luke’s girlfriend went on to say how much she loves having her ring and how it catches so many cute mundane moments that people tend to forget about, plus it was fun to mess with her boyfriend. Deciding in that moment that you also wanted a ring doorbell to be able to mess with Nico, all you had to do was convince Nico. 
Once you got home you shyly mentioned to Nico, “ hey Neeks I was thinking why don’t we get a ring camera?” He doesn’t even look up from playing with your puppy and says “okay.” 
“Wait really?” The shock is clear in your voice. 
Still playing tug-a-war with the rope toy and currently losing, he answers “ yeah if you want plus it makes sense I mean I have one at home for our other flat it makes sense to have one for here. Especially since we are out of the country for 3 months a year.” 
“Wait, there is a camera for your place in Swittsland?” Generally shocked that you somehow didn’t know this information. 
“Yes. Did you think I didn’t have cameras if I only lived there 3 months a year? Anyway I’ll order some tomorrow.” As he gets up, and kisses you on the head before he goes to the bedroom to get ready for the gym, leaving a hyper puppy who wants to play and a shocked girlfriend behind. 
1.) One last thing
It’s something neither you nor Nico even realized that you did. But when it came to those roadies that he would leave the apartment for, rather than you drive him to the airport. Somehow whether it was 5 in the morning or 5 in the afternoon, you always would run out the apartment and almost tackle him for one last hug before he would leave. Snuggling your head into his chest. He would snuggle into the crown of your neck and you would whisper something about having safe travels and good luck. It didn’t matter if the roadie was for a weekend or two weeks you always ran out of the apartment calling after Nico saying “one last thing” before you tackled him for your hug. Once you got a ring camera you noticed and you asked your videographer friend to edit all the clips together so you and Nico could keep it and watch it back.
2.) I”ll always got you
“Baby, are you sure you wanna wear those shoes?” Nico asks as you both get ready to leave to meet the rest of the team and their significant others done the street at the local bar. 
“Yeah, why aren’t they cute?” as you check your outfit one last time doing a twirl in the mirror that’s in your little makeshift foyer of your apartment. 
“I’m not saying your new shoes aren’t cute, they just aren’t broken in and I don’t want your feet to hurt later.” He admits coming and wrapping his arms around you. 
“But their sneakers.” you whine. 
“Yes sneakers meant for fashion” he argues. 
“Says the man who wears Jordans when he goes hiking.” To which he gives you a knowing look and you don’t want to get into the fact he’s “built differently as a European.” Even if it’s 100 percent true because that evaluation ain’t meant for the weak even in the cities. 
“I’ll be fine.” you whisper as you both exit the apartment. He jokingly looks at the ring camera and says “you got that right she will be fine.” 
Now a few hours later, the ring camera picks up you guys coming home and you were in fact being carried by Nico at this point. A very sweaty and out of breath Nico. In your tipsy state all you could do is laugh as you attempted to unlock the door, at Nico literally hands on knees trying to catch his breath. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be a professional athletic Neeks.” 
“Professional athlete does not mean I should carry a very tipsy girl who wouldn’t stop shifting her weight almost a whole kilometer home and not be out of breath.” he counters and all you can do is chuckle finally getting the door unlocked. Nico looks directly at the camera and says “I just wanna state for the people, that she was in fact NOT FINE with those shoes.” 
“Neeks what people only we have access to the footage.” you giggle.
He rolls his eyes and although you’re not sure what he said you know he cursed at you in Swiss German under his breath as you both stumbled into your apartment.
3.) Baby it’s here!
Nico came up from the mailroom with a giant package in his hands. He's so excited he rings the doorbell even though he knows your at work because the care package finally arrived. 
“BABY IT’S HERE!” not caring how loud he sounded to his neighbors. “Ooo I am so excited I know she set some of my favorite Swiss chocolate and other candy too.” Nico had the biggest smile on his face, you swear when you watched it back on your break he looked more excited then a toddler waking up on Christmas morning to see what Santa left him. 
Deciding to text him to tell him not to eat too much before dinner even though you know there is really no point because, when it came to candy from home and Nico he will always eat as much as his sister is willing to send in one sitting
4.) Are you alright?
Nico gets a notification while he is away on a roadie for “movement in front of camera.” Since he was already dressed and ready for practice he decided to check the notification. He noticed it was you coming home at an earlier time than normal and you didn’t look good. Immediately he’s Facetiming you in the locker room, making sure you have everything you need and even doing a Doordash CVS order to your apartment with a bunch of different flavors of gatorade and Mucinex. Nico has his full pout because he is very worried about his girlfriend who is getting sick and the fact that he is 2000 miles away. 
5.) You didn’t see that
 After being exhausted after a long day of work and running a bunch of errands. The last thing you wanted to do was make multiple trips down the elevator to the parking garage to get all the groceries, your work bag, your lunch box and purse. Of course as soon as you pass the mailroom you see that you received a few Amazon packages. Again deciding one trip was better than multiple you somehow balance the boxes and make your way to the elevator. But of course as soon as you get to the front door as you're trying to reach for your keys to unlock the door everything tumbles. Without even thinking you deadpan to the camera   “ you didn’t see that.” But then you wince because of course you hear Nico’s loud laugh through the ring microphone. Of course in that exact moment he decided to check to make sure you got home okay since he knows you have anxiety driving at night when the roads are icy. 
6.) Shhhh will you some people are sleeping!
After coming home around 2 AM due to a delayed plane because of bad weather he finally comes home from his weekend roadie. Of course the ring camera starts to record as soon as it detects motion, recording how slow Nico is being trying to sneak into the apartment. But of course he somehow forgot about your 10 month Bernese Mountain puppy who starts barking at the top of his lungs. Running to attack Nico because he was so happy that “dad was home.” Of course the camera caught everything including Nico cursing in German for his failed attempts. But then he’s picking up your very big puppy trying to get him to quiet down because “hey don’t you know its 2 AM, your mama trying to sleep bubs.” . The next morning when you see a new notification on your phone from ring and you see Nico trying his hardest to be quiet you can’t help but chuckle and your chest swell a little at how sweet Nico was trying to be and how adorable he always is with your guys puppy. 
7.) Give me my puppy update
Everyday when he’s away on a roadie he demands to see an update on how much your little 20 lb Bernese Mountain puppy has grown on his way back in from his morning walk. He loves it when he’s actually able to catch the update in real time and talking through the camera catching how confused and excited the little puppy is because he hears dad’s voice but doesn’t see him. After a while attempting to pick up the very big puppy becomes such a struggle. It becomes Nico’s favorite part of his day watching you try to pick up the little rascal because he really only likes it when Nico picks him up. He loves hearing you complain to the dog that you are picking him up to show him to Nico. But every single time all the puppy does is schrick in refusal and you huff finally giving up. After 3 days in a row when your dog was around 10 months of that same pattern you told Nico that he’s going to have to settle on videos because fighting this dog to participate everyday in your daily vlogs was taking longer than it actually was to stand in front of the doorbell.
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sweetteainthesummerx · 3 months
it's nice to have a friend !
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
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nhl masterlist !
pairings: jack hughes x shy!reader, jack hughes x bsf!reader, nico hischier x platonic!reader, luke hughes x platonic!reader
warnings: mutual pining, fluff
summary: you gain a best friend and a lover, all in one !
song: it's nice to have a friend by taylor swift
word count: 3.3 k
notes: I love me a reformed bad boy! this is based on this request: here. I hope you like it!
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
school bell rings, walk me home, sidewalk chalk covered in snow, lost my gloves, you give me one
"are you okay, miss?" a voice asks from behind you, and you jump.
it's a boy. he's real pretty, features the perfect balance between masculine built and delicate feminine.
you're so sure that you're fifty shades of red right now, but he smiles kindly at you.
"sorry, it's just you look really cold." he points at your hands, and the fact that your teeth are chattering.
you realize that you're still silent.
you hate that you're so painfully shy. it's especially hard after you moved from your hometown for work, where the little amount of friends had to bid you goodbye with worry.
sure, you talk to your coworkers, but it's not the same.
"I-i'm okay." you try to smile, but it comes out more like a grimace.
jack, you find out his name is, was raised by his mother to never leave a lady in distress (you almost laugh at that). he offers you his gloves, still warm from his own hands. you thank him quietly, and he grins wide, "you're welcome, sweetheart."
the sidewalk is still covered in snow, but he walks you back to your apartment building, where the two of you find out something else you have in common: you're practically neighbours.
he lives only 4 or 5 doors down from you.
he drops you off, brushing your fingers with his own bigger ones as he tells you to come find him if you need anything at all.
as he watches you enter the safety and warmth of your own apartment, he frowns.
why would he do that? normally he wouldn't care about this kind of stuff, but you looked so cold and down.
so when you offered him that sweet, shy smile, he melts despite the cold jersey weather.
it's weird, because you're very pretty, but he doesn't have the itch to fuck you and leave you.
he wants to know why you're here, what you do, you're favourite colour.
his phone dings with the notification of some instagram model he met up with a week ago. he sighs, turning back from his own door to go meet her.
for some reason, he doesn't want to go.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
"wanna hang out?", yeah, sounds like fun, video games, you pass me a note
you bite your lip, and retract your hand once more. you want to knock, but you...
just do it! you tell yourself, and you knock quickly, wincing.
a boy who is decidedly not jack answers the door.
"uh, hi?" he's tall, with curly hair and a lanky body.
you freeze up a little.
fortunately, jack pops up from behind.
he calls your name, with excitement and surprise. it makes something warm bloom in your chest.
"I brought you guys cookies?" it comes out more like a question, "I brought you guys cookies, because you walked me home last week."
normally, luke would be teasing his older brother - and the fact he was cheesing like an idiot still - but he smells the cookies first.
to your surprise, the younger boy grabs you by the wrist to drag you into the apartment, thanking you for the baked goods.
he offers you a hug, introducing himself.
you're a bit unnerved, but he's so cute, like a little puppy that you hug him back, patting his shoulder while stifling a smile. he reminds you a bit of your own little brother.
jack pouts. no way luke got a hug before him. so he sidles up to you, tucking you under his arm.
"wanna hang out with us? we're playing video games."
you don't know much, but you do know you like how he's looking at you, all soft brown eyes and crooked smile.
so you tuck yourself into the couch.
you find out a lot about both of them: they're brothers who play for the same nhl team - impressive - they can finish a whole batch of cookies in 20 minutes, and they have lots of friends.
people start popping up into the apartment, nico, johnny and so many more large, kind boys who hug you in greeting.
you almost don't mind, especially when jack texts you from across the room.
he's watching you from the kitchen where you're speaking in choppy german to nico. he's worried, because the first time he met you, you were so shy and shaking in your boots.
you all good? I can walk you home if the boys are tiring you out
you look up, a small grin on your face as you shake your head at him.
you look so at home on his couch with his friends, that something blind and unfamiliar stirs in his stomach. he ignores an incoming text from the instagram model he met up with, in favour to watch nico explain german grammar to you.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
light pink sky up on the roof, sun sinks down, no curfew, twenty questions, we tell the truth
jack thinks you're an angel. he'd come back to the apartment after a really hard game, battered and bruised. you show up to his door like you have been for a while, sometimes when it's just the two of you, sometimes when many of the boys are there.
this time, you're holding a bag in your hands. he sighs as he opens the door, falling into your arms.
"oh-! jack, you're too heavy!" you exclaim, trying to hold his weight. he pouts, leading you to the couch. he pushes you down gently, and you let him.
he snuggles up to you, head cradled by your chest.
he waits for you to coo and fuss over him, because you're just so kind and he finds this unprecedented comfort in you.
you feel like home, despite only knowing him for a few months.
"you okay?" you ask, and he pushes his head into your hands. you smile, getting the message.
you finally scratch his head, and he practically purrs. he settles into you, full weight like a thick blanket as you push through his hair with your nails.
"there you go," you murmur, quiet and loving. he thinks you'd be a good mom someday, and his heart twists when he thinks of you with someone else, making a home.
"can you scratch my back?" he knows he's being whiny, but you brush your thumb over his cheek and nod.
you're about to slip your hand under his shirt, but he sits up, tugging it over his head and returning to you like he always seems to do these days.
he slides his arms under your back, rubbing his head to your stomach.
you flush red, something unfamiliar spiking through your blood. he's all thick, soft muscles, unlike the vanity ones you see on some guys. raw, simple strength to take the hits and deliver them in his sport.
he's so handsome.
you scratch your nails down his back and he shivers.
"cold?" you hum, but he shakes his head.
after a while, he lets you get up because your legs are numb.
"you're too heavy," you grin again, and he complains that you're calling him fat.
he's ridiculous, with his abs under soft skin and big biceps. he still hasn't put his shirt back on.
"so, what's in the bag?" he asks, and you brighten up.
you dump it out on to the couch: it's face masks, eye masks and skin care.
"I like to relax with this, so I thought maybe you would like it?" you ask shyly, "we don't have to-"
"no!" jack exclaims, throwing everything into the bag and standing, "I want to. see what the hype is about."
he's seen the cute couple pictures online with the girl doing the guy's skincare; something about you suggesting it makes his feel ten feet tall.
so that's how he ends up with you on his bathroom counter, himself between your legs as you rub shaving cream onto his face.
"you better not slice me up," he pokes your tummy, and you giggle.
"don't worry, jackpot," you use his nickname, "cant' have the fans mourning your pretty face."
you carefully shave off his stubble, eyes concentrated.
you're so close, and you smell you, and you're so careful with him he wants to kiss you and give you his heart.
you hold his hair back as he washes his face. the act is so intimate, and the whole scene is so domestic that it makes him homesick for something he's never had.
"okay, so I'll put the eye masks on you first, then the clay one."
it's actually pretty relaxing, he has to admit. the eye masks are cool, and the clay mask is a little tight, but he likes to see you smooth it onto your own face, matching his.
he takes his phone, and you slide under his arm, linking yours around his waist.
the both of you smile wide for the mirror selfie, and he makes it his lock screen.
after both of you wash the masks from you - admittedly smoother - skin, he orders a pizza, and you make your way up to the roof.
the light pollution is too bad and he knows that the stars won't be visible, but the pink-inked sky is pretty as your smile.
the two of you talk about everything and nothing: some trick he managed to pull during practice, your co-workers pending divorce, something funny his mom said.
he wishes he could stay here forever, with you.
you, with your soft hair and smile, his too-big hoodie over your shoulders as you lean on him.
he likes seeing you all sleepy and vulnerable, answering his questions quietly.
"do you want a boyfriend?" he asks as the sun goes to bed.
"of course I do," you murmur, "but I just want the right person, at the right time."
he smiles at that. he wants to be that person for you.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
you've been stressed out lately? yeah, me too, something gave you the nerve, to touch my hand
"oh, shit." you swear softly, and sophie, your co-worker turned best friend - don't let jack hear that - apologizes.
"sorry! sorry! don't move, bro!" she rubs where the curling iron touched the back of your neck.
"that's gonna leave a mark. I'm sorry, sweetie." she fusses, and you tell her it's okay.
luke and jack are having a party for new years at their place, so you and sophie take that chance to dress up for once.
your makeup is done, so is your hair. you have to admit, sophie's done a real good job.
"yeah, dude. we look hot."
you're wearing a pretty red dress, with thin straps and material that clung to your body.
you were unsure, but Sophie hyped you up enough for you to put it on, and you felt really confident.
except you were a little scared at how short it was.
"hey, girl!" luke exclaimed when you entered their apartment. "you look great. hey, soph!"
he handed you both a drink, scurrying off to greet someone else.
the two of you link hands, trying and laughing while bulldozing through the crowd to get to the living room.
some guy catches soph's eye, and you encourage her to go off and talk to him.
nico finds you, being pushed around by the throng of people, and tucks you under his arm like your a football.
you giggle a little as he manages to navigate the way. jack's sitting on one of the arm chairs, and his eyes brighten when he sees you.
"special delivery!" nico pats your head like he would to his little sister, and you roll your eyes good-naturedly.
the only thing between you is many half-drunk hockey players and drinks on the ground. nico is about to pick you up like a cat, but jack hops his way over, swatting his hands.
"I got it, precious cargo, after all." he slips one hand under your thighs, and another arm wrapped round your waist so you're pressed against his vertically.
you cling to his neck as he makes his way back to his seat, turning you in his arms to fit you onto his lap.
"you look..." he breathes into your ear, "you look gorgeous, baby."
"thanks, jack."
the night continues like normal, until between the sheer amount of people in the apartment and jack's chest pressed against you is making you over heat. as you laugh at one of johnny's jokes you sweep your hair over your shoulder to let your neck breathe.
you feel jack tense beneath you, and he lifts you to stand.
"I-i need a drink," his eyes are panicked and shaky. he bolts, and you stand to go after him. nico and Luke call after you, concerned.
you find him on the roof, leaning over the banister, shoulders shaking.
"jack, honey?" you ask, slipping a hand between his shoulder blades, "do you feel sick?"
the cool air makes goosebumps rise on your skin, even more so when he turns to you, teeth grit.
"no, m'fine. go back to the party."
"not until you tell me-"
"why didn't you tell me you were seeing someone?" he blurts out, refusing to look at you.
"huh?" you ask.
"why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other everything."
"what are you-"
"you don't need to pretend. I know-" he shudders, like it's painful for him to say this, "I know you're..."
"jack-" you start, but he grabs your hands, new determination in his eyes as he draws you close.
"you should know that I'm in love with you. so you have options, baby." his lip is quivering, and his eyes are rimmed with red.
"I could treat you better than he could. and I wouldn't hide it, either. we would be so good together..." he's rubbing the length of your arms now, trying to warm you up.
"we already work so well together. we're best friends and you make me laugh so much. you make me feel safe and tethered."
he continues, "and...jeez, baby, you're fucking gorgeous. I just want to press you against a wall and..." he's talking low and heavy in your ear, and you lean closer to him.
"please, just consider me. I wouldn't just leave a hickey on your neck behind your ear and not celebrate new years with you."
"what?" you asked, surprised, "no, that's not a hickey. sophie burnt my neck while curling my hair."
jack colours a brilliant shade of fire work red.
he just got all in his head, seeing you dolled up and loose, that when he saw the mouth sized mark on the smooth nape of your neck, his only thought was: that should've been me.
you've got a teasing smile on your face now, "you loooove me!"
"I am a dumbass."
"a dumbass who loves me." you grin, cupping his neck, smoothing circles over the skin there.
"my offer still stands," he tells you, winding his arms around your waist.
"yes. I love you too, you idiot." the people throughout the apartment building are starting to chant.
3, 2, 1, happy new years!
"happy new years, baby." he says, and he presses his lips softly, and sweetly to yours.
he's so delicate, trying to make sure everything is perfect.
and it is, because he's with you, with the promise of more forever.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
church bells ring, carry me home, rice on the ground looks like snow
"yeah, mom. I know, I've been eating good. my girl's taking care of me."
you hear jack's voice from where you're measuring rice in the pantry. he definitely thinks that the pantry doors are thicker than they are.
you smile, because he takes such good care of you too: he washes your hair in the shower, he carries and stocks your groceries, he always makes sure you're fed and warm when you're too stressed.
and he takes care of you in other ways that makes you warm and all liquidy.
"I'm gonna make her my wife, mom. she's...she's the one. yes, I'll bring her to the lake house for the summer, but I'll have to ask first. okay. bye. love you too."
by that time you've made it out of the room, closer to him. when he says wife, you drop the whole bowl of rice you were holding.
"did you hear that?" jack's ears are pink, but he's got a cheesy smile on his face.
"yeah. you have a really loud voice, honey."
"call me that again." he asks, as you come to stand between his legs as he sits on the barstool of the kitchen counter.
"loud voice," you tease.
he laughs, and when the two of you quiet down, he rests his head on your shoulder.
"I mean it, y'know."
"we've been only dating for like a month," you protest weakly.
"and I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle to me."
"will you cry?"
"no," he lies, even though he's getting a little teary just thinking about it.
"hmm." you kiss him anyways, and Luke finds you there 10 minutes later, still wrapped up together with rice all over the floor.
"you guys are weirdos." he rolls his eyes, making a face as jack kisses your lips again.
"watch it, mister. you're talking to your future sister in law." you joke, and luke jumps, reaching for your hand.
"dude, were you fucking with me?" he whines, "I got all excited too."
jack hollers something insulting his intelligence as you laugh, watching the two boys.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
feels like home, stay in bed, the whole weekend, it's nice to have a friend
jack kisses your forehead as he hands you a plate of food. you bite his cheek as he shrieks.
you laugh, sitting up so he can see his shirt that's practically falling off of your frame.
you and jack had a slow morning, the sun streaming over your naked bodies as you simply enjoyed each other's presence. around noon, he finally got up to shower.
you refused to join him because "no, the two of us showering together would not save water, it would probably waste more."
so he showered, sad and alone, and made breakfast after you went to clean yourself off.
now, watching you eat toast and watch his past game highlights from last weekend, he knows.
he knows it's going to be you, no matter what.
he knows it's you he wants to grow old with, and have three kids - two boys, one girl, he has the names all planned out - and that picket fence shit.
he knows it's you who'll take care of him with your soft hands and heart at the end of the day, and you'll be the one he'll protect and provide for too.
he knows that he loves you like the back of his hand.
and he knows you're his best friend, the love of his life.
so he knows that he wants to make you his wife.
he leans over to his bedside drawer and pulls out a box.
he got it the weekend after the two of you got together, and he's shaking as you turn to him with wide eyes.
"I love you. you're...you're it for me, baby. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I promise to keep you safe and warm and always finish your plate when you're full," he knows you too well, because your left overs are already on his plate, "and I just want all of you. will you marry me?"
"yes," you breathe, tackling him into the bed with a delighted whoop.
there's no other words to describe it, it's so nice to have you.
it's so nice to have you forever, now.
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
So- Ares! Reader who’s the sister of Clarisse. And Luke is like hopelessly obsessed with her, and Clarisse like HATES him for liking her. So during a game of capture the flag… iykyk
I really don’t got any ideas past that so you have full creative freedom with this one 🙃
𝒪𝓃 𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇 ℴ𝓌𝓃
warnings: just some making out against a tree, nothing else !
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Capture the flag Day. You didn't know whether you hated or loved it. You were training with Clarisse when he came up to you.
"Hey, y/n," he spoke, leaning against a tree. His arms were folded and he watched you down the water in your bottle. You released the bottle from your mouth, giving him a small smile.
"Hey, Luke, what's up?" You asked while Clarisse side-eyed him, and just before he could answer, she opened her mouth.
"Go away, Castellan, we're busy." she spat harshly, making him smile, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You just shrugged.
"Now!" she barked out and pointed, he held his hands up in mock defense and walked away. You looked at Clarisse and she huffed.
"You gonna do this with everyone who likes me?" you asked her, amused at the previous exchange with the boy.
"No. I just hate him." She grumbled out, pushing past you. You followed her.
"Aweeee, my little sister cares for me!" you said with a wide smile, putting your hand on her shoulder, which she shrugged off.
Capture the flag day. You loved it. You stood on the grass, listening to your sister shout directions at the campers. You felt eyes burning into you, causing you to look over and see none other than Luke Castellan staring at you from the other side.
He gave you a small smile, you gave him one back, he turned back to Annabeth, a light pink hue on his face.
“Y/n, are you even paying attention?” She asked you, you turning your focus back to her with an eye roll. “Yes. Go in the woods, distract any campers I see, blah blah blah.” You told her, she just huffed and turned to the rest of the campers.
Having a little sister who was also the bossiest person in camp was tiring.
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You glanced around the seemingly empty forest, looking behind trees for traps or people. But you saw neither.
You were wrong.
You were thrown off guard when someone came up behind you, putting their hand over your mouth. Your eyes went wide, their hands going to your body, pinning you against a tree.
They took their hands off, releasing you and standing front of you with a grin.
Luke fucking Castellan.
“Luke?!” You spoke, voice full of shock. He shrugged, tilting his head to the side.
“Didn’t expect to see you here.”
You gave him a knowing look. You always came over here.
“Okay, maybe I did.” He held his hands up in defense, you rolled your eyes and lightly shoved the boy. “Just came to see what you were doing, damn.”
“So you’re not gonna beat me up or anything?” You asked him, slightly confused.
“Usually I would. But I wouldn’t wanna ruin your pretty face, would I?” He asked you with a small smirk. You shaking your head.
“You’re just scared.” You told him, going closer to him, he furrowed an eyebrow, looking down at you.
“Oh am I?”
“I would beat you.” You told him quietly, your faces were so close, you could feel his hot breath on the shell of your ear as he leaned in.
“Sure you would.” He replied, leaning away and looking at you, his hand went to your jaw, thumb caressing your skin.
You were tired of playing this game. You leaned in, capturing his lips in yours. It was a teeth clashing, pinning against a tree type kiss, the one where you wrapped your legs around his waist, your back against the bark of the tree as you let out quiet moans that he swallowed back up, your hand traveling his back, fisting the fabric of his shirt.
You don’t know how long you stayed kissing each other, when he finally pulled away, his lips were red and swollen, mouth slightly agape, his hair messy from your touch.
He looked like one of the Gods themselves, it made you smile, pulling him back in for more until you were interrupted by the sound of someone.
“Oh, shitttt! Alright, Luke, I see you.” Chris’s voice spoke, both of you pulling away to look at him. Next to him was Clarisse.
“What the fuck?!” She exclaimed, already stomping over to Luke. Your eyes widened and you grabbed your stuff, leaving Luke as you ran, him following you.
“Oh, come on! Don’t leave me here with her!” He shouted.
“You’re on your own, babe!” You shouted over your shoulder, watching him continue to try and follow you.
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moneyndior · 7 months
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ young, dumb, broke high school kids⋄ 𓍯
ᝬ 🐈‍⬛ 𖠵 𓄹
…in which, camp half blood unfortunately gets their hands on twt + instagram.
tags/warnings: percy jackson x reader, tv!percy, percy being obsessed with reader, clarisse being petty, making fun of percy and luke out of love, big sister figure!clarisse, chris x clarisse mention once,
ೃauthor notes⁀➷: i might make a pt.2 or make one with luke because these sre so much fun and so silly!! ignore how i was supposed to post the erm luke x ares!reader but this was tew fun
…playing, what you need, the weeknd.
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—making fun of luke is a full time job and i’m fully committed 🤍
liked by, percy..jackson, chasingannabeth and others.
lukecastellann why do you do this to me
↳percy..jackson can you get out of y/n’s comment section
↳lukecastellann do i know you
percy..jackson you look gongus
↳percy..jackson gorges
↳chasingannabeth How did you pull Y/n?
percy..jackson y/n come home dinners getting cold
↳groverinthewoods GET HIM OUTTA THE KITCHEN😭😭‼️‼️
↳bestla.rue WHO TF LET HIM BACK IN🗣️
…playing, love me by elvis presley.
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tagged: ynisbetter.
ynisbetter percy stop omfg
↳ynisbetter please dont play with me im gna cry
↳percy..jackson NO WAIT IM SORRY WAIT WHAT
bestla.rue i didn’t give you the green light to post y/n on the tl percy 😒
lukecastellann zeus strike me down right now
↳lukecastellann look outside percy
↳percy..jackson wait what
…playing, fucc valentine, honcho moonk.
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tagged: ynisbetter, percy..jackson.
lukecastellann can i hear an amen
↳chrisishim AMEN BROTHER
↳lukecastellann you arent included in this💀 i see the way u look at her.
↳chrisishim can you NOT.
chasingannabeth Percy has that photo of her in his phone case lol
↳percy..jackson SNITCH!! BOOO🍅🍅
ynisbetter omfg send these to me
↳bestla.rue no. hope this helps🤍
ynisbetter’s story;
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-> the silly??!!!
bestla.rue: AND‼️
*chasingannabeth replied: Can you come and get me from my cabin? I wanna hang out too 😔😔
ynisbetter: absolutely i would go to war for you
*percy..jackson replied: can u not post the worst photos of me😞
ynisbetter: can i not show my love percy😖☹️
percy..jackson: DONT MAKE ME FEEL BAD
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lady-ashfade · 7 months
Blood And Pressure
Part one
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Yandere!Pjo x Fem!Grisha!reader. (Platonic Yandere gods) (romantic!various characters)
-♡ Chapters: Previous // Next
-♡ characters: Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Clarisse La Rue, Grover Underwood, Annabeth Chase.
-♡ this is a shadow & bone slight crossover. Reader is a heartrender and that’s all really (maybe more in the future!)
-♡ Please note that all characters are aged appropriately, so all characters are older versions of the book characters. So 17-19 characters for these, you can choose any of them really. Just that they are older teens.
-♡ warnings: short, yandere behaviors, obsession, stalking, slightly sick love, possessive, manipulative, gaslighting, platonic yandere too, blood powers, powerful powers but not godly, and future warnings when more chapters come out.
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No one knew the power you held when you entered camp. You stayed in The Big House at camp with Mr.D and many of the campers knew nothing but a few things when you walked by. You were a person of few words but spoke in glances, or at least to them you were.
You spent your days talking to Mr. D and Chiron since they didn’t like you to leave the house or their side.
“It’s just too dangerous to be around the little kids,” Chiron talks ever so soft to you.
“I mean, I don’t care if you hurt them or not but they know nothing of you— we barely know anything of your kind. So you stay with us.” He was a bit harsher when it came to you but he was also fun to be around.
No one noticed when you’d glance into a room while a patient was sick and in bed. And no one knew you visited Percy too.
You heard whispers when he arrived and wanted to check him out for yourself. His heart was beating fine and healthy but a little to high for your liking. He was having a nightmare and you could calm him down.
When you placed your hands together and calmed his heart, then his eyes open just a bit. He remembers seeing annabeth but you were new. You wore dark red and silver clothes making him wonder about you, you almost looked like royalty to him…and your beautiful.
“Sleep percy,” As soon as you spoke he was out like a light as you controlled his body and decreased the anxiety he felt. You wanted to stay there and help him but you knew you could get caught at anytime so you left. He wasn’t the only one you helped, and he wouldn’t be the last.
Another day you found yourself playing cards with Mr. D, he got too angry at you beating him that he took a break. He rests his eyes while you read a book, a very old and run down book but you refused to let it go. And that’s when the boy you helped walked in with confusion on his faces.
It was your favorite part to see someone new get welcomed.
Percy seemed to not notice you at first when his announce stayed on the god you knew, obviously he wasn’t aware of who he was talking to…and when he did he didn’t seem to care either. After a few minutes of them talking, he finally noticed you as you flip the page of your book.
“What are you looking at her for?” Mr. D tried to pull his attention away from you but he just kept staring.
“You…you were in my room that night.”
You shake your head and sit back under the gods suspicious glare. “No, no. Must have me mistaken.”
“I recognize that pin on your jacket, it was definitely you.”
“Okay kid, that’s enough now got get me that wine.” He snaps his fingers and Percy finally turns his gaze. Thankfully Chiron got there in time before Percy fell for his trick.
Percy was getting to explore the camp, train and fight and win glory. You hated how tight your at stomach got in jealousy of him. You’ve been here for two years and yet you haven’t stepped off the porch of the big house.
You stood up from your chair causing them all to turn to you. You slammed your hands on the table and started to demand that you would be going with them. You’ve had enough.
“I wanna see things too. Just for once let me see the camp, it’s cruel to keep me here.”
“You know the rules, you stay here!” Mr. D was always the one to fight with you when you threw your fits.
“Your rules suck! Let me go on the tour!” Your voice was so loud percy thought that the whole camp could hear you. Your final hope was to look at Chiron with begging eyes since he was so easy to guilt.
And like every time. He caves.
“Maybe we should. They have shown no signs of hurting anyone and it would be good to get a bit of fresh air, stretch their legs.” He tried to reason with him. You begged and prayed in your mind for it to work.
“Fine— whatever. But if anyone so mush as touc-” he was cut off by you squealing and hugging him. He was caught of guard since you’ve never do that before. He felt pride, the other gods wanted you to come to Olympus or the underworld but he got you. No one could take the smirk on his face.
Percy was happy to see you smile. It caused his mood to lighten greatly and he didn’t really know why but you seemed so familiar to him. Like he’d do anything to keep you smiling, to hold your hand…
“Come along, we have a lot to explore.” You both trail behind the centaur to take on the new adventure. Maybe this was fate.
You didn’t know it but many eyes would begin to follow you everywhere.
Next chapter
-No Taglist because idk of people want this to be tagged in (I will add you if you ask! Just my normal ones I don’t wanna spam them with notifications if they don’t want this)
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
What are their go to conversation starters?
Alfred: Lesson #18 of behaving like a human being: initiating conversations.
Alfred: At a formal event, you are expected to engage with others in an appropriate manner. For this exercise, I want you to pretend I'm a guest and impress me.
Dick: Good evening, sir. I really appreciate you having here. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask.
Dick: *smiles and gives Alfred a firm handshake*
Alfred: Excellent job, except one thing.
Alfred, holding up his arm: It was not necessary to take my watch. You're not a mission, Master Dick.
Dick: But what if I am?
Alfred: That's a lesson for another day. Next.
Jason: Now, hypothetically, if a very bad man killed your son, wouldn't YOU—
Alfred: That's enough. Next.
Tim: My name's Tim and I'm afraid of wasps because they have a photographic memory of all who wronged them.
Alfred: Dismissed. Next.
Damian: *walks away to play with the dog*
Alfred: We'll come back to him. Next.
Duke: Wanna beta-read my Luke Fox Final Fantasy MMA AU fanfic?
Cullen: Wanna beta-read my Destiel Superhell fix-it fanfic?
Alfred: Next.
Steph: Last night I dreamt I was a waffle, but I was also the plate and the fork and myself eating the me-waffle.
Alfred: That's disturbing, next.
Cass: *stares*
Alfred: You are supposed to say something.
Cass: Something.
Alfred, sighing: Next.
Barbara: Hi, I'm Barbara. You must be Alfred, right? How are you liking the party?
Alfred, acting: I'm enjoying it very much, thank you.
Barbara: Okay, so you didn't notice me remotely disabling an army of robot cockroaches. Phew!
Alfred: We were so close. Next.
Harper: Can you believe it? Some asshole disabled my robo-roaches.
Alfred: For the last time, Miss Harper, no robotic insects at galas. Next.
Carrie: Hello, sir. Can I get you anything?
Alfred, acting: A glass of water would be nice.
Carrie: Sure thing. One cup of locally sourced water, coming right up.
Alfred: Never mind. Next.
Kate: Your daughter is hot.
Alfred: Wrong answer. Next.
Helena: Tell me everything you know about the Maroni family or so help me—
Alfred: Different script, Miss Helena. Please turn to page 67 for gala conversations.
Luke: What does it mean when someone you know sends you their fanfiction about yourself?
Alfred, rubbing his temples: Next, please.
Bette: Head's up!
Bette: *spikes a volleyball*
Alfred, catching it: Next.
Selina: Wanna see pictures of my cats?
Bruce: Wanna see pictures of my kids?
Alfred: I think we should start again from the top.
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angelicsoka · 7 months
IDIOT, l. hughes
word count | 788 words
pairings | luke hughes x fem!best friend!reader, platonic!jack hughes x reader, mentions of unnamed ex boyfriend x reader
summary | in which luke’s best friend is left broken hearted and with a family dinner she has no date to, so he decides to step up and help.
warnings | not proofread. no use of “y/n”. reader was cheated on. lowercase intended. this is a work of fiction, i am by no means saying this is how they act in real life.
a/n | heres one of two of the valentines blurbs i'm gonna post today because i had a sudden urge of inspiration to write (but not for the fics i've already started lmao)
she stormed up the stairs of luke and jack’s apartment complex, tears of frustration welling in her eyes. she felt like an idiot, she should’ve known there was something off with him. that he was spending a little too much time with her. she knocked hurriedly on their door, waiting anxiously for them to answer. after what felt like a century, luke opened the door.
“hey–” he was cut off by her pushing through into the apartment, the tears already starting to fall. “what's wrong?”
“he fucking cheated! that asshole was fucking cheating on me and i didn’t even realize! i feel so fucking stupid.” she cried, wiping angrily at her tears. luke saw red, already grabbing for his keys. “don’t, luke, it isn't worth it. plus, i already broke his nose.” jack, who had paused his game to listen in, whistled.
“damn, girl. remind me not to get on your bad side.” jack commented, dropping the smile when luke glared at him. “sorry.”
“now, i have this stupid family dinner and my parents are expecting me to bring a date! how am i supposed to tell them he cheated on me and on fucking valentines day of all days?” she ranted, the tears still flowing.
“hey, it's all gonna be okay. you just need to breathe.” she took a seat at their island, messily wiping her tears. she took a couple of deep breathes, her anxiety still heightened.
“fuck, i really don’t wanna go tonight.” she groaned, accepting the tissue luke offered her. “and if i cancel, they're gonna ask a shit ton of questions and i can’t deal with that right now.”
“i could go with you.” luke spoke, causing both her and jack to whip their heads towards him. “what?”
“you would do that?” she question, her eyes brightening. “because you don’t have to! i can cancel.”
“no, i want to. i promise.” her face held a beaming smile as she threw her arms around him.
“thank you, lukey! okay, be ready by 7, i'll pick you up! and wear a suit ‘cause we’re going to mario’s.” she seemed genuinely happy as she ran out of the apartment.
“somebody’s in love!” jack sang, laughing when luke smacked his shoulder.
the car was silent, beside the radio that was playing. her fingers tapped against the steering wheel, avoiding looking to her best friend. “what did you tell your parents?” luke asked, looking to her.
“just that i was bringing a guy i wanted them to meet. i left it kind of vague.” luke nodded, looking back out the window. “thanks again, lu. i really appreciate it.”
“of course, anytime.” she smiled, the car falling quiet once more. “you know he’s idiot for cheating on you, right? i mean who would want to cheat on a girl like you.” her cheeks flushed red, a small smile etched on her face. he mumbled something she couldn’t quite pick up, her eyebrows furrowing.
“what was that, lu?”
“i wouldn’t do that.” she almost slammed on the brakes, stunned by his statement. she looked to him, his eyes already trained on her.
“what are you saying?” she asked, the car coming to a stop at a red light. luke rubbed his eyes, clearly nervous. “luke.” she continued to keep her eyes trained on the road, turning into the parking lot of the restaurant. 
“look, you’re my best friend, and i know you are still upset. and i understand if you don’t feel the same. but i–” he stopped, breathing in slowly. “i think i’m in love with you. and seeing you upset over some idiot who can’t see that he just lost the best girl he could’ve ever had, pissed me off. and honestly, i’m glad, because you deserve better.” she felt her heart beating out of her chest, the feelings she had spent years pushing down now resurfacing.
“listen, i understand if you don’t feel the same but–” he was cut off when she placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him in for a kiss. it took a moment, but he slowly eased into it, his hand resting on her neck. “i take it, you feel the same?”
“you’re an idiot.” she giggled, placing a short, gentle kiss on his lips. “of course, i feel the same. but we take this slow, okay?”
“deal.” he leaned in to kiss her once more only to be stopped by her placing a finger on his lips.
“we’re gonna be late.” he pouted, earning a laughing, ‘ok, one more, and then we go in. no more, no less.” he pecked her lips before getting out and opening her door for her. “such the gentleman.”
“gotta make up for lost time.”
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theemporium · 7 months
Okay as for Jack blurb idea : what about Jack dating the sister of one of the players (either Trevor, Jesper, Nico or whoever you prefer) and said player finding out. The brother being more confused as to how he didn't notice?
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Fuck, I missed you.”
You let out a noise mixed between a laugh and a groan as the boy slumped his body over yours, his face pressed into the crook of your neck and his limbs tangling with yours on the small couch in your living room.
“Clingy,” you teased as your hand rested on the back of his head, nails lightly scratching his scalp. 
Jack huffed. “I was gone for ten days.”
“You were.”
He lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at you. “We have barely spoken beyond messages for ten days. The last time we saw each other was four days before that. That is almost two weeks without me. Are you saying you didn’t miss me?”
“You’re so dramatic,” you murmured with a grin before leaning over to kiss his lips. “Of course I missed you, loser. But the messages are your fault. It was your choice to be room buddies with my brother for the roadie.”
“He asked me and I couldn’t think of a reason fast enough to say no,” Jack murmured, his cheeks tinted pink and it just made you laugh. “And Luke is a fucking snake. He already said yes to John.”
“Can’t believe my brother was probably getting more action with you than I was in the last two weeks,” you snorted. 
Jack’s cheeks burned. “I didn’t do anything with Nico.”
You raised your brows. “So, you both don’t cuddle sometimes after a bad game?”
Jack fell silent for a few moments before he spoke. “He’s comfy and he gives good hugs.”
You laughed again, a little louder this time but something about the sound made Jack relax. His body sagged in relief, his head resting into the crook of your neck once again and you wound your arms around him tightly.
It had been late by the time the team reached New Jersey again after a ten day roadie away from home. But Jack had sounded dejected in the last post-game interview after losing the last game and you knew he was getting in his own head about the whole thing so you messaged him to come to your place after he landed. 
And, selfishly, you just wanted to see him again. You wanted to see him, hold him, kiss him again after far too long apart. And it seemed like Jack was in no disagreement there, having practically attached himself to you since he walked through the door.
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
Jack sighed. “Not much to talk about, is there?”
He sighed again, lifting his head to look at you with a frustrated frown. “I could have done more. I could have—”
“Hockey is a team sport,” you reminded him with a pointed look. “It’s not just your fault.”
“I know that,” he mumbled before shrugging. “Just don’t like disappointing people.”
“You’re not disappointing anyone, baby,” you murmured softly as you cupped his cheek, thumb swiping over his skin in a soothing motion. “Nico raves about you all the time. The whole team does.”
His cheeks burned pink again. “Whatever.”
“Not so cocky now, huh?” You joked lightly, watching as his lips twitched upwards. You knew he was trying to fight it, that he felt like he deserved to stew in his misery a little longer. “C’mon, Rowdy, what would all those people who pay to see you play think if they saw you blushing now?”
“Shut up,” he finally laughed, a grin spread across his face as he looked down at you, shaking his head. “You’re never gonna let me live that down.”
“Never,” you promised. “Now, hurry up and kiss me.”
And Jack didn’t even hesitate as he leaned down to press his lips against yours. 
Because Jack Hughes was addicting in a way you never knew another person to be. Your body craved him in a way you had never experienced with past partners, even beyond touch. You craved to be near him, to talk with him, to laugh with him. You just wanted to be with him. 
But, fuck, his kisses really did take the cake and, after two weeks of nothing, you were fucking relieved to finally experience them again.
So lost in your own addiction that you didn’t hear the front door open. 
“What the fuck?”
Both of your heads snapped around to find Nico standing beside the door to your apartment, keys in hand and a shocked expression painted all over his face. 
But then Nico’s eyes focused on Jack, like he suddenly realised he knew the random guy lying on top of his sister and his eyes widened even more.
It was like that shocked shrill in his voice was all Jack needed to scramble up from his spot on the couch, clearing his throat and trying to smooth down his clothes. “This isn’t what it looks like.”
Nico blinked. “It looks like you were making out with my sister.”
He paused. “Okay, so maybe it’s kinda what it looks like—”
Nico shook his head. “How long has this been going on?”
You flashed your older brother a sheepish smile. “A couple of months.”
Jack winced. “Look, dude, I didn’t—”
“You know what, I’m too tired to have this conversation,” Nico grumbled as he glanced between the two of you before sighing. “Next time, check your phone so you can see when I’m coming over.” There was a pause. “And I’m coming over tomorrow so we can…talk about this, so please be fucking decent when I get here.”
Both of you nodded.
“Right. Good. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go bleach my eyes and call Mum.”
Your eyes widened. “What—”
“You heard what I said.”
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sc0tters · 10 months
Lips Sealed - Jack Hughes
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summary: when jack rights his wrongs it makes this years trip to the lake house unforgettable.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, thigh riding, swearing, fireworks, alcohol.
word count: 4.09k
authors note: firstly to those who read the sneak peeks thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with this one! @babydollmarauders I hope what I’ve done to our idea has met your expectations. This is my first smut with a plot alongside it so let’s all play nice and act like it was well executed, okay?
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The lake house had always been the best part of your summers.
For as long as you could remember the joyous memories belonged to that house. Being back with your friends and your brother after spending months meant that your mind was at peace “good morning to you too.” Jack smirked as he leaned against the wall of the kitchen.
It made you shriek as you jumped “Jack!” You groaned clutching your chest as you stood up straight. The boy laughed as he watched your Michigan maize baseball jersey fall to your sides as it covered your ass “sorry princess.” The hockey player smiled as he walked over to you “just came to see what the noise was in here.” He explained taking a berry from the bowl in your hands as the boy stared down at you.
Your cheeks turned red as the open jersey complimented the yellow bikini that you wore “just me.” Your voice was soft as you tucked your hair behind your ear watching him lean against the counter “feel like I haven’t seen you alone all week.” Jacks lips formed a frown as he held his arms out to hug you.
Ever since you were younger Jack always did have a soft spot for you “all you had to do was talk to me.” You pointed out as he had been catching up with Trevor as you did the same with Luke “wanna go for a ride then so we can do that?” Your chin rested against his chest as his offer lingered in your ears.
The boat was the true corner stone of the lake house, the boys got to use it as their moment to truly relax and be boys. You on the other hand lived for the laughter you got watching your best friend and your brother miserably fail at water skiing “I’ll even teach you to drive.” Jack proposed finally offering you the opportunity you couldn’t say no to.
Just as you had assumed the rest of the house was captured in a deep sleep probably brought on by their indefinite hangovers “let me help.” Jack placed his hat on your head as his hand went to help you onto the boat “really?” You weren’t complaining that Jacks locks were now free but you couldn’t help but send him a glare as the hat was too big for your head “Trevor would kill me if you came back burnt.” His words made you laugh as you threw your head back.
The idea of Jack having any kind of fear of your brother made your cheeks hurt as you tried to keep quiet going towards your normal seat on the boat “wow you’re really trying to get away from me that fast?” The hockey player teased making you stop in your tracks “meant it when I said I’d teach ya to drive.” His hand extended to yours.
You stared at the single seater that Jack sat on first “you know I don’t bite.” The hockey player joked as he helped you onto his lap making you straddle his leg as you faced the wheel “I’ll help you lead you.” Jack’s voice was soft as he let his chin rest on your shoulder.
Just as Jack had hoped it took you a few minutes to relax as you loosened up allowing the sounds of the water hitting the boat to scratch an itch you didn’t even know was in your brain. But with each hit the boat had on the water it made your legs tense around Jacks and with that your clit would hit different his thigh as your hips would readjust against him “oh.” Your lips fell open as it was now his turn to tense his leg beneath you.
Jack pressed his lips against your shoulder “you’ve gotta stop moving like that.” Jack warned as his cock throbbed at the against his swim shorts “like what?” You mumbled as you the the boat come to a stop.
It was a lightbulb moment that Jack had as he smirked “you never gotten off on someone’s thigh before?” He watched as you began following the movements that his hands had you doing “nope.” You moaned slapping your hand over your mouth as your eyes widened at the feeling.
Your legs shivered as the feelings went straight to your core and up your spine “you trust me?” Jack asked brushing his fingers over your cheek making you nod “use your words baby.” The hockey player cooed making your brain feel as though your were melting.
Your tongue ran over your lower lip “of course I do Jack.” You smiled as the boy grinned “need you to face the front then.” Jack sent a nod to the people in front of you both “if you really wanna be a good girl for me lose the panties.” His words made you moan as you nodded following his request as you crouched down to hook your fingers into your bikini bottoms pushing them to the floor before you got back to his leg.
Jack leaned his head against the headrest of the chair as he watched you straddle his thigh “just follow my hands.” The hockey player cooed pressing his fingers against your hips “Jack.” You moaned as your clit grazed against his skin.
Your soaked cunt spread its wetness over his thigh “fuck you’re doing such a good job.” The mirror of the boat became his best friend when he could take in how your face contorted when your clit hit his skin at a different way “please.” You begged wanting to move quicker now desperate to come.
Of course though you should have known it wouldn’t have been this easy “god you’re so needy already.” Jack laughed as he tried to adjust himself in an attempt to ease the pain his cock felt “keep soaking my thigh with your pretty little pussy.” The hockey player used his energy to lean forward to kiss your shoulder.
The jersey had fallen off of your arms as you kept your head upright “such a gorgeous girl aren’t you?” His teeth sunk into your skin causing a loud moan to fall from your lips “naughty girl, we gotta keep quiet.” Jack clicked his tongue making your face feel warm as it turned red.
But as your thighs clenched around his leg it made Jack laugh “but maybe you want to be caught?” Those words made you whine as you writhed against his leg “that’s it.” He smirked pressing a kiss on your earlobe.
In an attempt to tease you Jack began to bounce his leg making your breasts bounce “use my leg and I’ll make you feel so good when you come.” It made you cry as your legs began to shake “I’m gonna come.” You announced letting your head fall against his shoulder.
The nature of your words turned him animalistic as Jack sped up the movements of your hips “go make a mess on my thigh my pretty girl.” Jack kissed your jaw as you came “god!” The hockey player slapped his hand over your mouth muffling your moans as your legs squeezed his thigh.
As your chest heaved Jack laughed watching you come back to earth “wow.” You forced the word from your lips “I know.” He leaned down to grab your panties as his phone went off ruining this moment you both had.
Jack frowned as he saw it “we gotta get back before they notice.” The boy explained making you nod “just give me a sec okay?” You pleaded sliding your swim bottoms onto your legs.
The ride home was quiet as Jack focused on the path ahead of him leaving you alone now back on your own seat. Meaning that you spent your ride home drowning your brain in fears that caused you to feel sick as you docked “let’s maybe keep this quiet okay?” Jack wrapped his hand around your arm.
It made you want to throw up as you scoffed “like I’d go tell the boys what happened.” You grumbled pulling away from him.
It was a weird mix of embarrassment that mixed with disappointment as it became clear to you that Jack thought so lowly of you. To go from having him being your world as a kid as everyone but Jack could see the crush you had on him. To then becoming friends with him only to find yourself on the boat like this had your world shattering around you “god I need a drink.” You clicked your tongue as you helped yourself off of the boat not wanting to wait for him to do anymore to your ego especially not whilst your orgasm still had you feeling vulnerable.
Jack didn’t know why he said what he had done and as he watched you throw his cap on the ground during your walk back to the house it made him rub his hand over his face “y/n wait!” The hockey player pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he got up and tried to make up ground in getting to you “bro you will not believe what I found!” Unaware of how you went straight for your bedroom when you got in Trevor wrapped his arm around Jack forcing the conversation he wanted to have to wait.
The next few days all ended in the same ways, you avoided Jack who didn’t allow himself to look like he cared as he prioritised worrying about what the boys might say. It wasn’t that Jack was ashamed or embarrassed, but instead it was the fact that he couldn’t get the moans that left your lips and the way your eyes screwed shut out of his mind. So in essence, letting the boys in on that secret would have had to mean that Jack was admitting it to himself that he actually did indeed like you.
But those thoughts weren’t the ones that went through your mind as you spent considerable amount of time trying to plan how you wanted to screw with Jack. You knew it was childish but Jacks attempt to silence you only served as a purpose for you to get back at him.
That was how you landed up in your red bikini and shirt you stole from Luke at the beginning of the trip “stop it!” You giggled splashing Cole with water from the cooler as he poked at the skin of your leg “what’s so funny?” Jack asked walking out to see the amused look on your face.
It frustrated Jack to watch you wrap your hand around Cole’s arm “just Cole being Cole.” You caught your lower lip between your teeth as the younger boys eyes trailed down your body “Z wanted to know if you would go with him to get fireworks.” Jack lied through his teeth as he smiled.
Trevor did most things with Cole meaning that it wasn’t unbelievable that your brother expected his friend to go along with him “I’ll see you in a bit.” Cole sighed squeezing your hand before he went to head back into the house.
Jack should have known it was too easy as the door slid shut “what are you playing at?” You asked crossing your arms as you sent the Hughes boy a scowl “what do you mean?” Jack shot back as he raised his eyebrows.
You couldn’t help it as you laughed “you dragged me to the store last week to get the damn fire-” what you didn’t expect was that you were silenced by Jacks hand as it went over your mouth for a second time, with this being so drastically different from the first.
He glared as you lay your tongue flat against his palm making sure to lick his skin “god!” Jack shrieked grumbling as he wiped his hand on the fabric of his shorts “okay I hid them is that what you wanted to hear?” The hockey player didn’t see the problem as it was the Fourth of July so that meant fireworks weren’t something you could have too much of.
Your eyes turned to sharp lines as you began to compose your thoughts into clear words “look I know you feel like we made a mistake.” You cut yourself off as you sucked at your teeth staring at the ground “but that’s in the past so can you just let me move on?” Your fingers raked through your hair as the frustration was evident on your face.
Seeing that you were feeling similar emotions to him it made Jack frown and stand in silence “that’s what I thought.” You clicked your tongue shaking your head as you walked to the door thinking that if you were quick enough maybe you could catch the boys “y/n please.” Jack begged placing his hand on your shoulder.
The look you sent him was one he truly never thought he’d get from you. Not only were you irritated but you were also disappointed, and it was disappointment only directed at him “we’ve only got a couple more days together so let’s play nice.” Your words were a clear contrast from your facial expressions as you glared at him “stay out of my way and I’ll stay out of yours.” You added slipping through the gap in the door leaving the boy with a lot of things on his mind.
To be honest Jack didn’t like that offer, he hated that you wanted to keep him away. So the only thing Jack could think of was to do exactly what you didn’t want him to do, Quinn contemplated calling his brother your shadow as he stayed by your side for the rest of the afternoon and even as meat was on the grill cooking for dinner.
The glares you sent the middle brother didn’t go unnoticed until you both ended up fighting over the last beer in the cooler “let go Jack.” You warned gripping the neck of the bottle “why don’t you go get one from the kitchen?” Jack tugged it back staring down at you.
It was a stupid fight that had gone on for far too long as you both constantly pulled it back and forth“why don’t you!” As you gave it a final tug it sent you and the bottle backwards to the ground and as luck had it the cap of the beer all of a sudden shot off hitting you with the rest of the beer that was in the bottle “fuck!” You gasped feeling the cold sticky liquid soak your body.
The boys silently watched on as you got up shaking your head “nice talking to you dickhead.” The white fabric of your shirt stuck to your red bikini top making you cringe as Trevor’s reaction matched yours “you get your eyes off of my sister right now!” He warned making you look down at your top.
Jacks eyes had followed yours as his mouth watered “I’m gonna get changed.” You mumbled dropping the bottle to the ground as you walked to the porch “okay what the hell happened on that boat?” Luke sent his brother a glare as Jacks eyes only left you once you slid the door shut.
The middle Hughes boy sighed “stay out of it!” Jack groaned as he pushed past his brother “where are you going?” Cole complained seeing that another person had disappeared from the dinner table “to get that fucking beer!” Jack spat as he shook his head following hot on the trail you had.
Frustration coarsed through your veins as you peeled the shirt off of your chest “that little dick.” You grumbled grabbing the wash cloth from your bathroom as you heard the bedroom door open “I’m busy!” You complained setting the cloth door as you looked to the door.
Jack locked eyes with you riling you up all over again “go have that beer Jack.” You grumbled placing your hand on his chest as you tried to force him out of your room “god you are infuriating.” Jack mumbled as he was stronger than you only moving back to the point where his back hit the door.
You stared at his lips before yours moved back to his eyes “at least I’m not the one who acts fucking bip-” Jack cut you off as his hands cupped your cheeks before he kissed your lips.
This wasn’t like anything you had ever experienced as he pulled away for a second to scan your face for any protests that you could have made. But as they didn’t come Jack let his lips capture yours once more “Ja-” you moaned as the hockey player pressed his hands against your waist as he walked you both back to your bed.
As the back of your knees hit the mattress you both fell onto your bed “I hate you.” You grumbled as the boy hovered over you “shut up.” Jack rolled his eyes as he hooked his hands under your knees pushing you further up your bed.
His lips moved to your jaw as all of the anger he had built up about the situation fizzled away with each kiss as Jack let himself nip at your skin “fuck Jack please.” Your body felt on fire as his lips moved down to your collar bone “taste like a fucking delight.” Jacks voice sent shivers down your spine as he moved back to stare at your bikini that barely covered your perky nipples.
If the sound of music from downstairs wasn’t currently echoing through Jacks ears as you had left your window open he would have taken his time but before you could complain the triangles were pushed to the side as the boy lowered his head around one and used his fingers to tease the other. Your hand tugged at Jacks longish locks that you once thought you hated but now as you used it to help steady him as he swirled his tongue around your nipple you were in awe “fuck Jack.” You repeated those words a few more times when the boy realised how responsive your body was to his movements.
But as always the irritating deadline Jack found himself came to the forefront of his mind as he was reminded of the fact that he told the boys that he was only getting a beer “would wanna taste this cunt of yours but we don’t got time for that.” The desperation in his voice was brought on by his painfully throbbing cock that rubbed against his shorts “and besides it seems you’re already ready.” The boy smirked seeing the wet patch that had formed on your bottoms that were now on full display for him to see with you out of that shirt.
His hand cupped your cunt making your squirm “you know I could leave you in here with that.” You warned as you sat up “we both know you’ve been waiting for a proper orgasm for too long to do that.” It was irritating how right Jack was as he sat on your bed again lips mere millimetres away from yours “show me you can be the one to give it to me then.” Your challenge had Jack thinking that he had been dreaming all along and that couldn’t have been real.
Yet as you sat there with a smirk on your face ready for accept this as a win Jack had to be the one to stop you “take those off.” Jack got up as he undid the drawstring of his waistband only to look up and see that you hadn’t moved “take it off before I rip them off baby.” His tone was harsher finally making you comply with him.
The pile of clothing was quick to form as your eyes trailed down Jacks body desperately noting how each part of him looked “god you’re so fucking beautiful.” He gasped staring like you were the only girl on this planet “c’mere.” You mumbled opening your legs to allow Jack the space to slot himself into.
It didn’t take him long again to have his lips find yours but this time his free hand that wasn’t holding his weight was instead directing his cock over your clit “fuck.” You moaned allowing his tongue into your mouth as your head fell back “you’re so wet.” Jack let out a grunt as he tilted his head down to watch as your cunt swallowed his cock.
Your hand squeezed at his arm “jesus!” You even felt your toes tingle as he bottomed you out with such ease “just you and me in here pretty girl.” Jack jokingly corrected you as he began to move his hips back and forth denying you of the opportunity to snap back at his lousy joke.
Jack felt your body relax as you adjusted to his size “please Jack.” You begged bringing your knees up on either side to make his angle more enjoyable for you “like this pussy was made for me.” Jack felt himself feel every part of your cunt “gonna make sure that I fuck it good.” His words ended with another kiss on your lips as it quickly turned into Jacks drug that was like his oxygen.
Lust clouded your mind as you attempted to drive your hips against his “look at you trying to get yourself off on my cock.” The click of his tongue was playful as your cunt clenched at his words “what would Z say about his little sister being this desperate.” The squelching noise that came after his thrusts made you moan as tears formed in your eyes feeling his full length inside of your aching core.
You struggled to come up with the words “h-he can’t.” You stammered as a sparkle danced over his eyes “then you gotta keep quiet princess.” Jack brushed his finger over your lips as you nodded. He watched your eyes begin to flutter just like they had done so on the boat “you close?” His head dropped to your shoulder where the hockey player began scattering innocent kisses on your skin.
The needy moan that left your lips made him smirk “feel so full.” You huffed as Jack slid his hand between your bodies “you feel me baby?” He pressed against your lower stomach causing the feeling of his thrusts to intensify “that’s what I want you to remember the next time a guy tried to fuck you.” Jacks words were only met with a whine that grew louder as he let his fingers hit your clit.
You chewed at the inside of your cheek “this pussy is yours Jack.” You shook your head at his words unintentionally making him smirk “you wanted to let me ruin you for all other guys then?” His breath fanned the shell of your ear as Jack used everything in his power to make his thrusts quicker.
A cry hit your walls as you pushed your head into the pillow “be a good girl and milk my cock when you come okay?” Your throat went dry as you nodded “I’m gonna-” your legs began to shake as your body looked like it was going to give out from under Jack.
He was right behind you as the pressure he had on your clit increased “let it all go my pretty girl.” You didn’t need to hear anymore as your eyes screwed shut and your hips continued to writhe against his thrusts “fuck!” Jack kissed your lips as your cunt clenched around his cock causing his orgasm to him as he attempted to fuck you through yours.
The two of you lay there for a few seconds until his thrust’s completely slowed and his cock slid out of your soaked cunt “you hear that?” You asked as you heard fireworks from outside as you looked to see that it was dark outside now.
It made Jack smile as he nodded “get dressed and then we can go see the end of it.” The center offered making you smile as he helped you out of your bed “you okay?” He added pressing a kiss against your lips as you nodded.
As you were both totally unaware from down below you sat the boys as they watched the fireworks with their meals on plates on their laps “how much do you want to bet they finally slept together?” Alex’s words made Trevor choke on his food “please y/n has way better taste than that!”
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wlntrsldler · 6 months
I keep imagining the first time Luke and Mr. D met after Luke's hickeys/scratches went viral
here is how i think that conversation played out (suggestive content ahead):
"shit, five star, your dad is calling me," luke mumbled, eyes wide as he looked down at his phone. "he never calls me."
connor snicked from his bunk in the tour bus, "well, given that the whole internet is talking about you right now after the show you gave them last night, i'm not surprised."
"ha!" travis exclaimed, sitting up on his bed. "put it on speaker. i wanna hear him yell at you."
you rolled your eyes, "he's not gonna yell at you."
luke turned to you with hopeful eyes, "you think so?"
"well, he's probably not gonna yell at you," you scrunched your face up, rethinking your words, "like 55% chance he won't yell at you."
"i don't like those odds, babe."
"answer the fucking phone, luke."
luke clicked the green button on his screen, chewing on the nail of his thumb. he rolled his eyes, pressing the speaker button as travis kept egging him on. chris and clarisse opened the privacy curtain of chris' bunk to listen in on the drama.
"hey, mr. d," luke cleared his throat, ignoring the quiet giggles from the boys when his voice cracked. "what's up?"
"is my daughter with you?"
"say no," you whispered. so you were wrong about the odds. your dad was 100% about to yell at luke and you selfishly didn't want to get your ass handed to you just yet. you were going to avoid your dad's calls for as long as possible.
"uhh... no?"
"oh jesus fucking christ," you sighed, smacking your palm against your forehead, "that was soooo convincing."
you heard your dad type on his laptop before shutting it. there was some background noise that subsided after you heard the shut of a door. it seemed like your dad went into his office to get some privacy.
"hey, kid," your dad said, no doubt addressing you now.
"hey, dad," you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, leaning down to speak into the mic of luke's phone. "how are you?"
"don't start with me," he said, "would it kill you both to not do whatever it is you do that results in those pictures? pictures that are all over the internet by the way!"
a snide remark was on the tip of luke's tongue, because yes, it would kill him to not do the things that resulted in the pink marks on his neck and the healing scratches on his back, but that didn't seem like the right response.
"dad, you never had an issue with them taking their shirts off during shows before. and luke has gone out on stage like that before."
luke cringed, remembering one too many instances where he'd gone out on stage with hickeys all over his neck. it felt like a lifetime ago now, as if ever since you walked into his life that past version of him was someone he didn't recognize anymore. he much preferred remembering the name of the girl who left him marked up, especially preferring that it was only you who did that to him.
"that was before he started dating my daughter!" he replied, "i don't want to know anything about your relationship, but i'm in an unfortunate situation where i happen to manage the career of your boyfriend's band so i have to deal with it sometimes. so for the love of god, please please, stop."
"i'm so sorry mr. d," luke mumbled, "i completely forgot about them and by the time i realized, it was too late."
you could practically see your dad pulling at his hair, a habit he had when he was in stressful or awkward situations. he didn't speak for a good thirty seconds and then he sighed, "just keep your goddamn shirt on."
luke gulped, "got it."
when your dad ended the call, the entire bus erupted in laughter, including you. luke's face was as red as a tomato as he groaned and buried his head in his pillow. your shoulders shook as you giggled, laying on top of him. he instantly turned his body to wrap his arms around you.
"that wasn't so bad," you cooed, running your fingers through his curls, "and that was a shit apology, baby. you were smug as hell on stage when people pointed out the scratches."
"i wasn't thinking of the consequences of my actions," he said, "i was caught up watching people connect the dots that my girlfriend is not only hot but a fucking animal in be--"
"okay, that's our cue," travis cut off, closing his curtain. connor followed his head, popping in his airpods. clarisse sent you a wink before she disappeared behind the curtain with chris.
"i'll stop leaving hickeys on you," you kissed his face, enjoying how flustered he got. "but i can't promise too much on the scratches."
"i'm gonna stop taking my shirt off at shows, i think," he mused, toying with the hem of the shirt you wore. "i don't think i can take another surprise call from your dad. i think it took years off my life."
"your fans will be highly disappointed," you teased, leaning over to his ear, "but if you're gonna keep your shirt on, does that mean hickeys on your abs is fair game?"
luke licked his lips, tugging on his own curtain to give you two some privacy, "absolutely."
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tearsstained · 2 months
Tell me that you love me again - Luke Castellan Headcanons
Headcanons of how Luke Castellan fell in love with the ridiculed Hades kid based on the song 'Again' by Noah Cyrus
POC friendly, plus size friendly, gender neutral, Hades!Reader, can either be read as Disney Luke or book Luke.
Content warnings: Not proof read, angst, Stoll brothers, alcohol (mentioned), Lukes betrayal, Reader going on a quest, the master bolt quest, strangers to friends to dating, virginity lose (mentioned), sex (mentioned), death/sacrifice, war (mentioned), Kronos (mentioned), spoilers for the Last Olympians, Lukes death, Percy Jackson (mentioned), song lyrics used, songfic.
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"You just made the worst mistake."
"And you'll regret it, darling."
Luke! Who was known as the camp's golden boy and admired by everyone for his charm and talent.
Luke! Who never really had any romantic interests and no experience with love.
Luke! Who despite having girls flocking to him daily, never dated because he never found anyone intriguing enough to think about.
Luke! Who had only heard of you through other campers and never really paid a thought to you until he saw you.
Luke! Who met you randomly on a Thursday afternoon when you were chilling out with the Stoll brothers.
Luke! Who was captivated by your beauty when he first saw you and mistaked you for an Aphrodite kid.
Luke! Who discovered that Travis and Connor are your only friends.
Luke! Who made the worst mistake by asking the Stoll's about you.
Luke! Who then got bombarded with questions and poking assumptions by T&C.
Luke! Who eventually admitted to being interested in getting to know you and got absolutely blackmailed by it.
"Cause once you give and then you take."
"You'll only end up wanting."
Luke! Who made a deal with the brothers that if they introduce him to you, he'll let them bring proper alcohol into camp for bonfire nights.
Luke! Who was unrealistically determined to know you.
Luke! Who became obsessed with the thought of you despite barely knowing you.
Luke! Who finally met you at a bonfire night after being taunted by your presence in the Hermes cabin.
Luke! Who never got enough time to talk to you.
Luke! Who felt teased by your short meeting and only wanted more.
Luke! Who searched for you all around camp the next day but never found you once.
Luke! Who continued searching for you throughout the next several weeks just to only see you at the mess hall where you couldn't talk.
Luke! Who begged the Stoll brothers to tell him your schedule or where you hang out at.
Luke! Who only got a "deal's over, can't tell." in response.
"Was everything hard enough?"
"Cause one day you'll wake up."
"And then you'll say."
Luke! Who found you on your own at the docks before asking if he could join you.
Luke! Who internally freaked out when you accepted but played it off.
Luke! Who got to know you more and became friends on that dock.
Luke! Who genuinely laughed at every dark joke you said that would scare most people.
Luke! Who kept meeting up with you whenever you were both free at the dock, claiming it was 'our spot' now.
Luke! Who offered to teach you how to swim and help improve your sword fighting skills.
Luke! Who started joining in on your little hangouts with Travis and Connor in the Hermes cabin.
Luke! Who started meeting up with you in the Hades cabin and began having sleepovers together secretly.
Luke! Who slowly but surely became one of your best friends.
Luke! Who became too attached to you.
“I wanna be your lover."
"I don't wanna be your friend.”
Luke! Who had a painfully noticeable crush on you but somehow you didn't see it.
Luke! Who started hanging out with you a lot more and built a much stronger connection with you then Travis and Connor had.
Luke! Who got jealous when you were with T&C but tried to remind himself that you aren't together and can hangout with whoever.
Luke! Who defended your name when other campers were talking about how weird you were and how they believed you were the lighting thief - when in reality it was him.
Luke! Who heard from the Stolls' that you liked him but thought he didn't like you back.
Luke! Who then arranged a sleepover in your cabin and asked you out that night.
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who cherished every moment with you because he knew he'd have to go soon.
Luke! Who wanted to hide you away from the upcoming war none of the campers knew of but couldn't.
Luke! Who kept acting normal, even when Percy Jackson arrived.
Luke! Who showed Percy around and built a big brother relationship with him.
Luke! Who was the first to bow when Percy was claimed as Poseidon's son.
Luke! Who heard from Percy that you were also forced to go on the quest to retrieve the Masters Bolt (that he stole) due to being a child of Hades.
Luke! Who has never been so disappointed of not being chosen to go on a quest before until now.
Luke! Who begged Chiron to go as well to protect you from the set up danger he knew of but was continuously denied.
Luke! Who told you he loved you for the first time before you left.
"Baby, I'll hold my breath."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who dreamed of you every night and prayed you were okay every day.
Luke! Who realized how deeply in love he was with you and wanted to recruit you to Kronos army so you could be together without worrying.
Luke! Who could only hope you would return to camp unharmed.
Luke! Who was ecstatic when the four of you came back mostly unharmed but also realized his cover would be blown soon.
Luke! Who harboured your last night together before he was revealed.
"Again, babe, again."
"Again, babe, again."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who couldn't stop repeating the three words he only told you once before
Luke! Who seemed oddly clingy but you brushed it off as making up for missed time.
Luke! Who was almost in tears several times while kissing all over your body and repeating those three words to you.
Luke! Who took your virginity that night since he knew he might never see you again.
Luke! Who worshipped you all night and was so gentle with you.
Luke! Who broke your heart the next day.
"Ooh, she's screaming in my head."
"Ooh, I left her where I slept."
"Somewhere, I can't escape from, I'm running from myself."
"Somewhere in between in love and broken, I'm in hell."
Luke! Who felt horrible for betraying you like this but wanted to get revenge on the gods.
Luke! Who offered to protect you if you joined him, only to end up getting denied and screamed at.
Luke! Who couldn't turn back now that he outted himself, so he went through the portal alone.
Luke! Who was haunted by your face every night and day.
Luke! Who never stopped loving you, even if you were on different sides.
"Saying I wanna be your lover, I don't wanna be your friend."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who replayed every memory of you together in his head during the days now that he's away from you.
Luke! Who missed you severely but couldn't go back to camp now.
Luke! Who was happy with getting his revenge but regretted it as well.
Luke! Who thought of those harsh words you yelled at him that night and how he just wanted to hear you say 'I love you' again.
Luke! Who desired a future with you but could only fantasize about it.
Luke! Who knew you hated him but still kept loving you.
"You'll leave when the clock hits ten."
"You don't know what you got 'til it's gone, my dear."
"So tell me that you love me again."
Luke! Who despite not seeing you for years, instantly recognized you when he saw you with Percy and Annabeth.
Luke! Who just wanted to stop Kronos to prove himself to you even if it meant dying.
Luke! Who just wanted you to love him again, even a little bit.
Luke! Who sacrificed himself to end Kronos just for you to know that he regrets it and wishes things were still normal like at camp all those years ago.
Luke! Who died for your unreciprocated love.
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sweetestcaptainhughes · 2 months
Moments in Time - Quinn Hughes Edition
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Word Count - 2300
Summary - The eight times Quinn Hughes showed his love through the ring camera that he didn’t even want in the first place.
Warnings - none pure fluff I know a true shocker if you aren't new here
Author's Note: Hello everyone as always thank you for reading. This is apart of a "Moments in Time" series that I wrote eight moments each of the Hughes brothers. The fics are individual stand alone pieces, they can be read in any order, or you could only read the one brother you want.
Jack Hughes Edition. Luke Hughes Edition.
I have to give credit to my girl Kay @icebound-imagination for not only helping come up with the original idea! But literally stayed up late one night to help me detail plan all three Hughes brothers fics because I didn't want any repeated ideas. Kay also wrote some of the concepts and hers are noted as "Kendra's Version."
Main Masterlist
When you mentioned to Quinn the first time that you wanted to get a ring doorbell he gave you that famous “what the fuck” Quinn Hughes look. But then when you told him about how you really just wanted it in Vancouver because of how much time you spent completely alone in the apartment. To this day, you swear you’ve never heard Quinn agree to anything so fast. Truthfully you just wanted to watch your neighbor’s new puppy growth. But you knew that if there is anyone who hates you having to be completely alone for so long with no family around it’s Quinn. So really it was best of both worlds, Quinn felt more at ease with the ring camera and you got to watch the next door neighbor be ridiculously cute everyday on the way to their walks. 
 Early Morning Goodbyes
Quinn had to leave early many times throughout the season. Although he always kissed you goodbye on the cheek, because you were still deep in sleep you both knew you wouldn’t remember it. Learning this after the first time he did kiss you goodbye before leaving for a roadie and you didn’t remember it at all. To say you were mad at Quinn for not saying goodbye, you gave him the silent treatment for two whole days, only to discover you were the one in the wrong. 
So the next time he had to leave home early due to an early flight for a roadie or hell, even an early morning skate. Of course he still kissed your cheek and whispered his goodbyes. But he started saying bye on the ring because he knew that way you’d see it when you were actually a functionable human being to society and would remember it. 
2. Getting a notification
The main reason that Quinn agreed to getting a ring was because of how you said that you would feel safer when he was on long roadies. The first time that you came home from work and he was on a roadie, he was waiting for the notification to come on his phone. As soon as it popped up he clicked on it quickly, ignoring his teammates and the movie they had playing in the background. “Hi baby.” he said softly he didn’t wanna startle you. After a long day all you wanted to do was crawl into bed, “hi Quinny” immediately hearing his voice and feeling better. 
“What are you doing? Aren’t you supposed to be doing some team bonding?” Resting your forehead against your doorbell but looking directly at the camera.
“Oh I am Barbie is playing right now it was Brock’s turn to pick.” A soft laugh leaves both your lips at Quinn’s comment, your laugh continues when you hear Brock in the background telling him to “fuck off.” Quickly Quinn tells you that he’s gotta go but he will text you. 
That was the first night you guys had a full blown conversation through your ring camera when he was on a roadie. But it became a little tradition every night when you got home if Quinn was out of town. Even if at the time he was in the middle of a game or an interview, everyday you would ring the doorbell and say “Quinny I’m home.”  
3. Drop the attitude 
Quinn and you didn’t fight often but when you did it was usually something serious. Today was not one of those cases, it was just one of those days where you were in a bad mood all day and you couldn’t pin point why. But every little thing Quinn was doing was getting on your nerves, to the point of you wanting to scream. From procrastinating on unloading the dishwasher, to being indecisive about what he wanted for breakfast. By the time you were trying to take a nap and he was yelling on Facetime with Jack and Luke you had hit your breaking point. 
Storming into the living room and telling Quinn that he needed to leave the apartment because you needed time alone before you went insane. Quinn told his brothers he’d call them back and hung up. He tried to ask you what was wrong but you insisted that you needed him to leave. So he left but not without leaving a message on the ring camera. 
“I don’t know where this attitude is coming from, baby. But what do you need for it to go away? Like do we need food? Are you hangry? Do you need cuddles and some quiet time? Cause whatever you need imma give it to you if you drop the attitude. Cause I don’t like when you want to kill me.” 
4. Celebrating 
Every home game that you went to it wasn’t unusual for you to uber from the apartment to the stadium. But you would always wait until Quinn was ready to leave to go home to the game. Tonight there was a home game and you were planning on going. But this week has been so long at work, you were debating on just watching it on T.V, ultimately you did decide to take an uber to the game. Never have you been so happy to not miss out on a game live. It was an insane game that turned out to be a shutout with no other than baby goalie as starter. 
Quinn and you both decided to go to the local bar to celebrate with the team and other wags. After Quinn had 2 beers, and you lost track of the amount of rum and cokes Petey was giving you. Quinn decided it was time to call it a night. Once you got home, your not sure if it was the alcohol you both consumed or just still on a high from the game. But Quinn insisted on practically sprinting down the hallway to your apartment while you cheered about the game. Quinn has never felt so lucky the night when the ring camera was able to catch such an intimate private moment that neither of you would have remembered that morning without the video proof. 
5. Playing pranks - Kendra’s Version 
You had just settled onto the couch, a warm bowl of popcorn balanced in your lap as your phone screen lit up. You picked it up and checked to see you had a notification from the front door’s security camera. It was Friday night, which meant you weren’t getting any deliveries and your husband, Quinn, was home in the shower. 
Curiously you click into the app, seeing what the footage showed. And it wasn’t much. But what you could see was some blonde hair and a toque. You knew exactly who that hair and that hat belonged to. What on earth was he doing? 
Your finger hovered over the screen as you decided what to do about your husband’s teammate when the camera showed a flash of a stylish jacket, one that was definitely not the style of the blond hair and toque wearing teammate. Which meant his literal partner in crime was with him. And then it was like someone smashed their finger onto a fast forward button. 
You were getting ready to use the two way microphone to ask what was going on when you heard a crashing noise. Your finger hit the button quickly as you yelled out “What on earth are you two blond himbos doing out there? Brock I swear to god if you’re leaving your laundry for me to do again I’m throwing it in the Pacific!” 
You were too busy screaming to notice you weren’t the only one who heard the ruckus Dumb and Dumber had made. Quinn must have seen the security notification when he got out of the shower, heard your screaming, and now he was angrily stomping towards the front door and opening it up to figure out what was going on.
Brock, who must have tried to hide from the camera, was leaning against the door. Except the door was ripped open by your angry husband and Brock came tumbling backwards into the foyer. His signature smirk and deep voice trying to play innocent. “Hey Huggy.” 
You decided it was time to get off the couch and look for yourself. As you pushed past Quinn and Brock you leaned against the door frame. This was when you noticed the white stuff all over and that Petey was doubled over in laughter.
This left Brock to be the one to fess up their master plan, “Well we figured it would be Quinn that would see the camera not you. He’s ALWAYS checking it in the locker room. After me and the Swede had too many tonight we wanted to have some fun. And what’s more fun than pranking the captain? We wanted him to open the door to pie him. Get glitter stuck in his playoff beard. You weren’t supposed to catch us, Y/N.” 
You looked back at Petey, now understanding why he was sparkling under your porch lights.
“Sorry about the plant,” he wheezed. 
You could feel Quinn’s glare get darker. Brock however was unaffected by the quiet brooding man. “Petey will pay for it because he makes more money.” 
6. “Where the fuck you going in that dress?”
Quinn wasn’t as overprotective over you as people assumed he would be with his girlfriend. He trusted you and he also knew that you knew how to keep yourself safe when you were out with friends for a girls night. But at the same time he didn’t like it when you went out when he was on a roadie. Quinn made the comment about how when he’s a plane ride away it gives him anxiety when you're out with friends drinking. He said that he would feel terrible if something bad happened or even if you needed a ride home and he couldn’t come to you because he was on the other side of the continent. Since you weren’t a big partier anyway, from that night on you did tend to only go out if Quinn was in town. Never wanting to be the reason you brought your boyfriend to the breaking point with his anxiety. 
But it was your best friend having her birthday and you couldn’t not go. It had completely slipped your mind about your new ring camera and how Quinn was basically addicted to checking it especially when he was on the road. After coming over to get ready at your place. Finally you were ready to order the uber and as you were locking the door, you heard Quinn’s voice “Where the hell are going in that dress?” You could tell from his voice that he was definitely a little annoyed. It was probably because he knew even from the shitty ring camera quality that this was your go to clubbing dress. 
“Hi bubs. It’s Y/B/F birthday tonight.I know your out on a roadie which is why I didn’t tell you.” You said as you bent down so that your face was lined up with the camera. “I am realizing now that wasn’t my smartest idea. I promise I won’t be out long okay? I’ll text you as soon as I get home, Quinny.” Quinn could hear the guilt in your voice and it made his heart break a little. 
“It’s okay baby girl. Just be safe okay. I love you. Also your making me miss you even more cause you look really really fucking beautiful in that dress.” As much as you tried to hide your blush you knew that you were failing miserably. 
“Thanks Quinn. I love you.” as you stood up and blew a kiss to the camera.
7. Fidgety Hughes 
Sometimes Quinn’s fidgeting was out of this world insane even for him. Whether it was that he sometimes let himself get lost in his head and didn’t realize how bad it had gotten. Or if shaking his leg or tapping his fingers on thighs calmed his anxiety. But sometimes his fidgeting was just adorable and this was no difference. Quinn was trying to unlock the door but his hands kept fidgeting probably due to the rough practice or maybe it was just from being tired. But after dropping his keys the fourth time you couldn’t help but chirp him through the camera. 
“I hope you can handle a puck better than those keys Hughes.” Quinn couldn’t help but smile at your voice through the camera.
“Oh I can name a lot of things you tell me all the time I handle better than these keys.” playing along with your antics but with a flirty tone. But then of course he dropped his keys on the floor for the fifth time. 
“Come on get it together bro.” you chirp.
“Don’t be such a brat, unless you need a reminder of who you beg to help you when you have an itch.” 
8. Long Week
Quinn knows that you’ve had a long week and been very stressed because of it. So he stops at the store on his way home and grabs all your favorite snacks that he knows you will want later when you come home from work. He decides to ring the camera to tell you that he got all your favorite snacks and will be ready when you get home for a movie night or whatever you want. Even if it’s The Office which he never even saw a single episode until he met you and you forced him to. He also tells you that he already placed an order to your favorite restaurant for takeout.
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hazybisou · 10 months
🏹 the drink you spilt all over me, “lover's spit" left on repeat
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paring ; fem!reader x luke hughes
summary ; after the win against michigan state, a huge party was thrown at one of the frats. while there, remi just so happened to run into an old flame of hers. obviously they hit it off, she just didn’t seem to remember he was her husband.
author’s note ; (this takes place last year in october) once again this is getting written at night. anyways can we talk about how cute fine asf 😫🥵 luke looks in the photo above. so cute 🥰. anyways continue sending in stuff about these two that i wanna talk about them. i feel like getting ear plugs rn to block out my brothers snoring. i have to share a room with him while i’m home for thanksgiving.
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the room felt humid. well, of course it did. there must be over a hundred people in the house, maybe even more. umich football had just beat michigan state with a score of 29-7. the evening of, a party was thrown in celebration.
remi stood off to the side with some of her friends from the cheer team and some of her sorority sisters. although she was somewhat exhausted from all the shouting and stunts she had done earlier, she still went to the party. it was expected of her to be there as she‘s a part of the cheer team for umich.
she never really understood why she came to these things. she would much rather be in her bed, the blankets over her body as she binged watched christmas movies while eating ice cream. yet she was here. remi had this gut instinct saying she should be here, she needed to be here.
“remi, how come you don’t have a man?” katie, a friend of hers from cheer, asked.
remi shrugged, “i mean none of them seem to be the one, you know. every guy i’ve been with, all they want to do is fuck.”
“well, don’t you know?” eve, a sorority sister of remi’s, said. “i could treat you way better.” she said as she wrapped an arm around remi who chuckled as did everyone else.
remi gave her a kiss on the cheek. “i’m sure you can. i’m sure you all can but i dont swing that way.”
“such a shame. you’re hot as fuck.” vicky said. “i’d hit.”
remi playfully rolled her eyes. “i’m sure you would.” she looked behind vicky. “but maybe you should let someone else hit that sweet ass of yours.”
“who?” vicky said as she rose an eyebrow at remi.
remi pointed behind vicky and the group of girls looked to where remi was pointing to see a boy who was leaned up against a counter, staring at vicky.
vicky smiled at him and he turned away towards his friends. “he’s cute.” everyone hummed in agreement.
“yeah, he is.” remi smiled at vicky who had turned to face everyone. “now go.” remi told vicky who shrugged and began to walk over towards the boy.
they watched as the two began to talk.
“well, aren’t you quite the matchmaker?” katie said in a teasing tone. “maybe we should play matchmaker on you.”
remi grimaced . “yeah, no thanks. for all i know, you would put me on with McCarthy.” remi knew how flirtatious JJ could get but he just wasn’t her type.
“worth a shot.”
remi smiled and shook her head. “i am going to go get a drink. outside.” the girls gave her a nod and remi turned around to walk towards the sliding door which led outside. she made her way through the crowd of sweaty dancing bodies, and into the backyard of the frat house. she took note of how there were more people outside than inside despite it being bigger inside.
she made her way down the steps of the patio, red solo cup in hand as she made her way to the keg. some random guy had shown up with multiple kegs on behalf of the fraternity.
remi made her way to where she saw one available and just as she was about to grab the tap, someone else had gotten to it.
“oh.” remi let out surprised as she came to halt and waited for the guy to be down with it. she stood there awkwardly and patiently as she watched the guy pour beer into his cup.
he looked up to see remi standing there, looking anywhere but at him. she turned to look at him and smiled before looking back at the crowd in which was filled with blue and maize clothing. “oh, i’m sorry. were you gonna grab some?”
remi turned back to him and nodded, “yeah, but it’s fine. go ahead.” she dismissed.
“oh, no, go right ahead. i’m sorry i didn’t notice you earlier, i would let you gone first.” he explained.
“are you sure? i’m fine waiting.” he nodded. remi smiled at him before grabbing the tap out of his hand and pouring herself a drink.
once she was done she handed it back to him. “thank you…” she dragged off waiting for a name.
“thank you luke.” remi turned around and began to walk back inside to meet up with her friends again.
luke stood there with a smile on his face before snapping out of his trance, realizing remi had left and began to walk away. “wait!” he yelled over the extremely loud music as he began to jog to catch up with her.
remi looked next to her to see luke standing there. “yes?” she looked up at him. holy shit, he’s tall.
“i never got you’re name.” luke told her as he let out small breaths trying to get it back after his small jog.
remi pursed her lips before smiling. “you’ve got to earn it.” she said and began to walk up the steps to the patio as she drank from her cup.
luke walked next to her. “oh, come on. i told you my name. the least you could do is tell me yours.”
remi bit her lip slightly. “we’ll see.” she grabbed his hand and began to drag him inside. “for now, however, you’re gonna play a round of beer pong with me.”
luke grinned as he let her drag him inside towards the kitchen.
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luke and remi were drunk. maybe a little too drunk.
the pair had won at beer pong and remi declared luke as her new partner for the game. after one round, the two had left the table and made their way towards the couch where they happened to spend hours on, talking.
luke had found out that remi was in her sophomore year and was majoring in health and medicine. he also seemed to find out that she was in Alpha Phi. although the team was close to most of the girls from Aphi, he never happened to see remi. remi told him how she was a part of the cheer team and how she has loved doing cheer ever since her junior year of high school.
remi got to know luke better. she found out he was in sophmore year as well and has the intention of majoring in sports management. he told remi how he played for the school’s hockey team as a defenseman. he wore number 43 so if remi were to ever go to a game of his, she would be able to spot him.
the two were too engrossed in their conversation that they lost track of time.
luke was in the middle of telling remi a story from when he was a kid. remi couldn’t seem to stop laughing. luke enjoyed hearing her laugh as he laughed himself.
“wait-wait, so you’re telling me that your brother ripped off his braces.” remi began to laugh again, “omg that must’ve been funny.”
luke nodded. “oh trust me, it was. he got a lecture from our mom.”
remi chuckled. “you’re have very interesting brothers, you know that.”
“i’m well aware.” he told her as the two smiled.
“what about you?” luke asked remi.
remi was confused “what about me?”
“you don’t have any funny, weird story from when you were a kid?” luke wondered.
remi thought. of course there was. she just didn’t know what to say. “i mean i broke my arm.”
luke raised his eyebrows. “must’ve been a fun trip to the hospital.”
“yes it very much was. the EMT was hot.”
luke chuckled. “you had a crush on the EMT?” remi nodded. “how cute.” luke smiled.
“you’re cute.” remi said as her hand rested on the cushion.
luke grinned. “i know.”
remi scoffed and grabbed the pillow next to her, hit luke in the chest with it. “you weren’t supposed to agree.”
“but it’s the truth and i know it is.” luke replied.
remi rolled her eyes playfully. the two sat there in silence for a second. remi took the moment in. she enjoyed having luke around. although she knew after tonight she might not see him.
“hey, i was wondering-”
“oh there you are!” the two turned towards the voice. vicky stood there with her eyes wide. “oh i’m sorry for interrupting whatever,” she motioned between the two, “this is.”
“it’s fine. what’s wrong?” remi asked.
“we got to go.” vicky said.
remi grabbed her phone and saw the time. 12:32. “oh shit. um, ok. luke it was talking to you but i really have to go.” remi told him as she got up and made her way towards vicky.
“yeah it was nice talking to you too.” he said as he sat there before saying, “wait before you go, can i have your insta?”
“oh sure it’s-”
“let’s go, we’re gonna be even more late.” vicky rushed remi.
remi turned to luke. “you know what, just give me yours and i’ll follow you back later.”
luke nodded and wait for remi to unlock her phone and open instagram. once she did, she handed her phone to luke who took it in his hands and began to type out his user. he handed her the phone back.
“i’ll see you later luke.” remi said to luke as she waved bye. vicky grabbed her hand and began to walk them out of the house.
“i never got your name.” he shouted after her but she had already gone out the door.
luke stood there. “well now what?”
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remi had gotten back home at the sorority house and was now laying in bed with her pajamas on. a long sleeve and plaid pink pajamas. she had the covers over her as she scrolled through her phone.
she had opened instagram and saw a profile open. she looked at the user and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. remi looked at his bio and saw the name ‘luke hughes’. she smiled at the memory from earlier before she clicked follow and went to her homepage.
she spent the next couple of minutes on her phone before finally she turned it off and put it on her nightstand. vicky and danielle were already asleep as they had a long day tomorrow.
remi turned her small lamp off and turned towards the wall. she stared at a small photo of her as a little girl with a boy next to her. she was wearing a white dress while he was wearing a white polo shirt with khaki shorts. he was leaning down and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
the moonlight that shone through the curtain giving her a clear view of the photo. she looked in the corner and saw the initials l.h next to hers, ‘r.t’.
“huh. kinda looks like luke.”
she shrugged it off before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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remi groaned as the light peaked through the window. she grabbed a pillow and put it over her face to block out the sunlight.
“get up.” she heard. she opened her eyes and peaked over her pillow to see danielle and vicky standing there, up and ready.
“get out and leave me alone.” she grumbled and saw how vicky and danielle shrugged before exiting the room and into the hallway but not before closing the door.
remi grabbed the pillow and set it aside next to her. she stared at the ceiling for a good minute before she sat up. a little too quickly if anything. her eyes close as she brought her fingers to her temple. “oh, drinking is a bitch.”
she grabbed the covers and pulled them off of her as she got out of bed. she slipped on her slippers and began to make her bed.
remi spent the next 1 and a half getting ready. she showered, brushed her teeth, did her hair and much more.
she walked up to her night stand and grabbed her phone. she saw how she had gotten a dm on instagram. “who the fuck texted me?”
she unlocked her phone and opened instagram. remi relent to her dms and saw she had more than 4 dms from luke. she smiled to herself.
she quickly opened them as she began walking down the hallway and read the first one which was a simple hi.
she continued to read them until she got to one that seemed to make her stop what she was doing.
i think we might’ve gotten married
and before you start saying we were probably drunk i mean we got married but in kindergarten
i think we went to the same elementary
seen at 11:43
remi stood in the middle of the hallway and had a blank look on her face. some of her friends came out of their rooms and gave remi a weird look, some asking each other if she was ok.
what does he mean they got married? she didn’t remember any of that. “married? i barely remember anyone from elementary, let alone kindergarten.” remi murmured to herself.
remi got to thinking. surely, her parents must have had a photo of this supposed “wedding”. when remi had moved into her dorm during her freshaman year, her parents had given her a box full of photos from when she was a little girl. when remi moved into the sorority house, she had hung up all photos onto a bulletin board next to her bed. the photo. from last night.
she snapped out of her trance and began to text him back.
that’s crazy
there is no way my husband from when i was 4 years old is you
seen at 11:45 am
oh so you remember
seen at 11:45 am
just now yes
seen at 11:45 am
i doubt that
seen at 11:45 am
oh rlly?? ok what was the name of the school?
seen at 11:46 am
you a stalker or smth?
seen at 11:46 am
remi laughed and watched as luke told her the name. “what the fuck?” she thought out loud.
no shit
i went there too
well for a while until i moved here from toronto
seen at 11:49 am
uhh maybe it’s a coincidence
seen at 11:49 am
yknow what give me a sec
seen at 11:50 am
remi turned around and began to walk back to her room. she opened the door and made her way to her bed before she jumped onto it. she searched her bulletin board and found the photo of her and that boy. she snapped a quick photo and sent it to luke.
*sent a photo*
opened at 11:52 am
ok that’s weird
seen at 11:52 am
how so?
seen at 11:52 am
bc that’s me
seen at 11:52 am
remi’s eyes widened. “holy shit.” it all made sense to remi now. the little boy in the photo was luke. the initials on the bottom, ‘l.h’ meant luke hughes. “aw i got married.” remi smiled. she felt her feet swing in the air.
it all makes sense now
look at the bottom
r.t + l.h
you are my husband 🥰🥰
seen at 11:55 am
i’m guessing you’re my wife 🙄
seen at 11:55 am
you know you love me
seen at 11:55 am
🌚 sure
seen at 11:55 am
shut up
seen at 11:55 am
well that’s just amazing
i meet my ex wife once again
seen at 11:55 am
technically we never got a divorce sooo 😉
seen at 11:55 am
wtv 🙄
seen at 11:56 am
you’re so sassy
i like it 😉
seen at 11:56 am
ok moving on
how abt this
you give me your number and we can go on a little date
i’d like to see my wife again
seen at 11:56 am
oh i’m sure you would
seen at 11:56 am
so what abt them digits??
seen at 11:56 am
never say that ever again pls
but fine
seen at 11:56 am
thank you
also fully noted
seen at 11:56 am
how about tmrw?? at like 6:30
seen at 11:57 am
let me think about it
seen at 11:57 am
seen at 11:57 am
i gotta go
i’ll text you later hubby 😉
seen at 11:57 am
bye remi
seen at 11:57 am
remi smiled at the fact he called her by the name he used to say almost every day when he was little.
goodbye lukey
seen at 11:57 am
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omg it’s done after like two days 😱😱😣 anywyas it’s 3:41 am rn and i am too tired and have class early morning today kill me 😣 anywyas hopefully you enjoy this and umm SEND IN MORE STUFF ABT REMI & LUKE 👹👹 i love answering all the asks i’ve been getting 🥰 bye bye 🫶
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angxlofvenus · 1 year
Hiii so I wanted to ask if you could write some headcanons about how the brothers would react if MC suddenly turned into a toddler (due to some forbidden book or Solomons cooking or whatever you want) like ,how would they react ,how would they take care of my ?
I hope this request makes sense ! I really like your writing
When You Become A Toddler
Thank you so much for the request! This was so cute to write about, Have a great rest of your day/night! Genre: Fluff Ship: Platonic brothers x reader TW: mentions of hurting Solomon, killing Solomon, Pretty much just threats on Solo's life, minimal cursing, eating Solomon's cooking, Turning into a child, Child reader
You should've known better by now... When Solomon brought you a Tupperware claiming it was Simeon's cooking, You knew it was risky but the food looked good! You only realized how badly you messed up after only one bite...
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No. Not another one- He refuses
This man has pretty much raised 6 kids already, and while he may kill Solomon for this, He is the most experienced in helping you
He’s got this whole mom thing down to a T
Will probably just care for you like a normal Toddler
 It does get a teeny strenuous when he eventually needs to get back to work
No mc, you can not help him sign papers with your red Crayola crayon.
Once you’re back to normal, he’s mostly relieved, Though it was nice to reminisce on the good ol’ days when his brothers were still just young Cherubs
First thought is, “Oh shit!”
Second thought is, “Lucifer’s gonna kill me!”
He may strangle Solomon right then and there
He is the second oldest so he’s got some experience under his belt
Immediately is picking you up and coddling you
Will totally become the best babysitter ever (aka letting you do pretty much whatever you want)
Wanna go spend Lucifer’s money? Hell yeah! Wanna go to the park? Let’s go!
Once you’re back to normal, He’s gonna deny Caring for you as closely as he did but he secretly enjoyed having someone younger around who actually likes him for a while (Luke…)
Nope, He can’t do this!!
Yes, He technically has 4 younger brothers, yes he knows how to take care of kids but still-
His room isn’t for kids, All of his precious collectibles!!
Is cursing the sorcerer's name
Y’all will end up watching some kid-friendly anime and playing some of his easier games
Will let you win too
After you’re back to normal, He will let out a sigh of relief, You weren’t a bad kid but, He likes you better grown up and not so destructive
As he is technically the youngest in age, He won’t be the most experienced
But- This man has read a couple things about kids so he isn’t totally helpless
Will be one of the better caretakers, He will keep you happy and calm throughout the day
He’ll find some more age-appropriate books to read to you 
Afterwards, He is happy you’re back to normal safely but it was nice to act so domestic for a bit, He will being having a ‘talk’ With Solomon :)
Well, aren’t you cute!
Would also be a great babysitter in my opinion
Y’all will be having a fashion show, sorry I don’t make the rules
His phone is now full of pictures of just you and him being fashionistas 
Will 100% let you play with all his makeup and nail polish, Yes he’ll let you give him a makeover
No matter how bad the finished product looks, he will shower you in compliments on your skills
After you're back to normal, He’ll laugh about the situation with you and gush about how cute you were!
Now this guy is a family man so he’s immediately in protective mode
Will protect you with his life
Is maybe the best babysitter out of everyone
Will get everything you need, Blankets, coloring books, toys, You name it- He’s gonna get it for you
Will absolutely cook for you/ share his food if you ask nicely, He could never say no to that face!
Once you turn back, He is a little sad but overall just happy you’re healthy
He won’t let you anywhere near Solomon or his cooking for a while…
Get somebody else to do it-
In all seriousness, he isn’t really good with kids
Will probably take you to the park or something so you can get all your energy out while he naps on a bench
Once y’all get back, He’ll give you his phone and just let you go wild while he sleeps
Will be nice enough to let you cuddle with him/ steal his cow pillow
He’ll be so happy when you’re back to normal, Not that you weren’t cute and all but he likes you better when you can care for yourself
He will definitely be out for blood though, Solomon isn’t going to get off that easily
Best babysitter to worst:
Beel Satan Lucifer Mammon  Asmo Levi belphie
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