#obviously I cannot spell with my eyes closed
m0chis-cafe · 2 years
how i think savanaclaw dorm members would kiss you
word count; 1.5k
warnings; slight talk of self doubt/shutting people out (jack)
characters: Leona, Ruggie, Jack
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Leona kingscholar🦁
-you cannot tell me this man wouldn't give you kisses while he's half asleep (i mean when isn't he half asleep...)
-his lips are dry, I'm sorry. his unique spell makes everything sand, but if you started putting chapstick on him he'd allow it
-if you try to leave while he's taking a nap during classes with you he drags you back down and starts kissing you until you agree to stay
-he's a lazy lion and his kisses are too. really slow and just kinda chill (unless you try leaving during one of his naps...)
-often kisses your forehead and neck/jaw
-sidenote; not about Leona kissing you, but I feel like he would melt if you kissed on or near his ears. just-food for thought don't mind me
-doesn't care about PDA
-would kiss you right in front of ruggie or jack, he just doesn't care
-if you did care he would dial it back, he just likes showing everyone your his
While sitting in magic history with Ruggie he got a text. All he did was groan and show you his phone, glancing up from your textbook you saw it was from Leona. He was asking Ruggie to give him the lesson from today and the classwork, saying he was skipping to take a nap.
"Can you get him? He's got to have told you where he was taking his stupid daily cat nap" he said with a blank yet annoyed expression. You let out a quiet laugh pulling out your phone to see a barrage of messages from Leona telling you to come to join him in the botanical gardens. showing Ruggie your phone as you raised your hand to ask Treinif you can go to the restroom. "take my bag back to savanaclaw when class is over, please, thanks!" you murmured to him, quickly flashing him a smile. "just like Leona..." you heard him grumbling before you slipped out of your seat.
making your way through the halls and to the botanical gardens you spotted Leona leaning his back against the base of a tree. his arms crossed and a soft look across his features. kneeling next to his sleeping figure you reached out a hand to poke his cheek repeatedly, "Leona, wake up. I snuck out past Trein just for you." After a few pokes one of his eyes opened slowly, "whaddya want herbivore-?".
sitting next to him he softly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you to lean on his chest leaning his head back onto the tree. Trying to push him away slightly you frowned, "Hey, no. I came here to bring you to class. not to be swept into this." He looked down at you, sweeping a couple of kisses to the crown of your head, "Stay herbivore, please.". you melted at his words and into his embrace, closing your eyes and resting one of your hands on his warm chest. *I guess I could stay a while...*
Ruggie bucchi🍂
-he likes to tease you while kissing you
-makes me think of someone who would kiss the corners of your lips just to mess with you, or kiss near/on your ears after whispering in them just to mess with you
-another sidenote: the same thing as Leona, kiss his ears, please hell be so happy
-back to him, his lips are also kinda dry but soft at the same time
-he would drag you to do all of Leona's dirty work with him, not to make you do the work but just so he's not alone
-would absolutely melt if you offered to take care of some of the chores for him (please, hes stressed)
-while you guys are out doing Leona's chores he occasionally kisses your cheek or hand expressing his appreciation
-I can see him as being into small PDA bit not like full making out with you in front of people
-very handsy though, with arms around your shoulder, hands on your hips or waist holding you close, you name it he does it (as long as you are comfortable with it obviously)
You and Ruggie were walking down the halls after history to get to the cafeteria. Your hands were laced together so he wouldn't lose you with how fast he was walking. It was a day when the cafeteria was selling something that Leona needed apparently, so you got dragged with him to keep him company and to get your own food.
After waiting in line for almost 15 minutes you got Leona's food and both of yours. You were about to sit down when Ruggies phone buzzed, he pulled it out opening the notification with a groan tilting his head back. "what's wrong?", you reached your hand out to touch his arm looking up at him with concern.
"He's in the courtyard, he doesn't want to walk all the way over here" looking down at you apologetically, "i'll be right back, ok?" before he could even turn around fully you grabbed the back of his jacket pulling him down onto one of the cafeteria benches. "What was that for?" he screeched.
"I'll bring him his lunch, you stay here. You need a break, Ruggie..." He leaned in, giving you a small kiss on the corner of your lips, "Thank you", you mumbled a quick 'no problem' before getting Leona's lunch in hand. you planted a kiss between his ears and on the tips of each before leaving quickly, "I'll be right back!" leaving the poor boy flustered on the bench to stare blankly at the food in front of him with a blush dusting his cheeks.
Jack Howl🐺
-no matter how tough he wants to act, he's a big softie with you
-I feel like he would have well taken care of his lips, as we see in book 5 he was friends with Vil when they were kids
-so I feel like some of his beauty tips would've rubbed off on him, I mean have you seen his hair, it's gorgeous
-he's someone that kisses your forehead a lot and the inside of your wrists
-not someone who shows a ton of physical affection as he gets flustered so easily, but when you're alone hell give you as many kisses as you want
-following that, not super into PDA
-if you needed it I feel like he'd be comfortable after a while, as well as surrounded by friends
-he's the type to, without words, understand what you feeling and know how to make you feel better
-he holds your hand or wraps his arm around your shoulder while walking you to class
You walk through the halls with Jack and the rest of the freshmen on the way to the cafeteria. You all had hard exams that day, in which you didn't score the highest one, but none of you did really. The highest score was Epels, and he only got a 72% thanks to Vils nagging him the night before. You had scored one of the lowest in the group, and it was really getting to your head so you chose to stay silent the whole walk.
You kept your eyes downcast the whole walk to the cafeteria, barely noticing Jack's arm wrapped around your shoulder the whole time. Blindly letting him guide you to a table telling you to save the area as the rest of the freshman bags fell to the seats surrounding you. You felt him softly kiss your head as he walked with the remaining boys to get the food.
As you waited for them to return you sat and fiddled with the bracelet Jack had gotten you long ago (made out of the same beads that Savanclaw jewelry is made out of, yk what I mean). Your vacant gaze on your bracelet-covered wrist was broken at the sound of Deuce and Ace yelling at each other as they sat down first, followed suit by Epel and Sebek. Jack was last to join the group, arriving a few minutes after everyone else, he sat right next to you carrying both of your lunches. Looking at the food you realized that it wasn't normal cafeteria food, but your favorite snacks from Sam's shop.
Lifting your chin to look at him you simply smiled and leaned into his side as a show of gratitude for the kind gesture. You felt one of his hands come to the back of your head, directing you towards him as you felt him kiss your forehead. All you heard was Ace groaning, "get a room!" followed by a loud gasp from Sebek, "WE ARE IN PUBLIC". Sticking your tongue out at them all as you spoke for the first time since the exam, "you're all just jealous" leaning up to kiss Jack's cheek. They all groaned, but in reality, they were just glad you were feeling better.
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surrgarrashcafe · 1 month
(Warning: Azul being a Yandere, a lot of grabbing, Azul having an unhealthy behavior, tentacles obviously cus his an octopus hope you enjoy the Final fic)
Azul Ashengrotto x Fem reader part 3 (Final:)🌊🌺🌊🌺🌊🌺
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Beneath the waves of my Greed.
(let’s continue where we left off) "Why, why, why, WHY...?! I don't understand angelfish!? I thought you had promised me that you would love me no matter how much I changed!?" Azul said as you then tried to let go of his grasp, his hold got stronger on you as he grabbed your cheeks and turned your face to his direction. As he was losing his patience, his blue eyes were bawling down into tears he was getting emotionally distressed. He then wipes his tears away and lets out a choked sob. "Sniff ...t..t..that is fine. If I cannot have you, then I guess it's best that we seal the deal that we made in the past." Azul looks at you with a twisted, evil smile, looking down at the nautilus shell necklace that he gave you. He then pins you down into the sand. making sure that you are immobile to move as you were bound by his tentacles with each of your limbs tied from your legs to your shoulders from your waist almost being possessively groped by his strong clutch. "If I can't have you to myself, then I will forcefully! take you with me into the sea; that way, no one can find us!" Azul said as you were struggling to let go of his strong grasp while you were pinned down to the sand, Azul was now singing a melody that made your nautilus shell glow. You then looked away in the other direction of his face so that you were not facing him and paying attention to his melody but it’s was too late to resist. He then keeps singing the same melody until your body is paralyzed by his beautiful song, almost like a siren luring its sailors to their fate. You were no longer having consciousness in your mind or being aware of what was going on around you as Azul was on top of you he stopped singing seeing how you are now possessed by his song. He then caresses your cheek and leans into your dazed expression, almost closing the gap between the two of you as he whispers something sinister in your ear. "You are safe with me, Angelfish. No one can claim you but me. But don't worry, you poor unfortunate soul, once I claim you. You will be living with me in the coral sea, and someday you will learn to love me as much as I have loved you do I make myself" clear?" Azul said. As you were now dazed and being controlled by Azul melody spell you then nod "Yes, Azul, I shall forever be part of your world. No one else but you," you said as your voice sounded emotionless. "Good, that is just what I wanted to hear," he says,his breath hitches between your lips as he soon lays you down in a comfortable position for you to lay on the sand. his tentacles were still tied to you. He leans in and kisses your lips. taking in how you tasted as he holds your head in place to support you as he then bit your lips, forcing you to open your mouth so he can slip his tongue just enough to enter the warm cavern in your mouth. You could taste the wild ocean and salt as Azul sealed your fate with a kiss, bounding your soul with him for all eternity since there is no escape from his clutch, not even land and sea, as he already loves you, and he hopes you can understand how compassionate he is to love you unconditionally. 
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-(Fan art drawn by toukyuu)
(Phew that was a lot of writing but I hope that you enjoyed the fic as much as I do since doing Azul part was quite choatic •*•)
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gregorovitch-adler · 1 year
After Holmes had arrested Jefferson Hope, and I had had a discussion with him that I was going to publish the story in The Strand - to let everyone know who had really solved the case - Holmes had agreed.
A better explanation would be that Holmes did not care. It did not matter to him who received the credit for solving the case in the newspapers. However, it did matter to me. Very much, in fact.
In what world was it fair for the police officers at Scotland Yard to take help from Holmes to solve the case every step of the way and not even thank him publicly? It simply could not happen. Not on my watch.
After having published the story, I decided to show it to Holmes. I was quite enthusiastic about it.
However, I had not expected Holmes to react so badly.
When I brought up the conversation, whilst he was consuming his damn cocaine - with his long and thin legs stretched out on the coffee table - he shook his head ruefully.
“I glanced over it,” said he. “Honestly, I cannot congratulate you upon it. Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science, and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner. You have attempted to tinge it with romanticism, which produces much the same effect as if you worked a love story or an elopement into the fifth proposition of Euclid.”
“But the romance was there,” I remonstrated. “I could not tamper with the facts."
I had feared that this conversation might be going in a dangerous direction. Holmes was not insinuating the obviousness of my feelings for him - that had developed over time - was he?
Well, if he decided to spell it out, I would not hesitate to remind him about how much he had blushed after listening to my compliments about his detective work.
I could not say anything for sure, but as time passed, I had a feeling that there was something between us. A connection, of sorts. One that went beyond what a couple of flatmates usually had.
Holmes may have a habit of pretending that he preferred to be unemotional, but I was his closest friend. I lived with him. I might not be as brilliant as he was, but I could tell that he did not mean it.
"Some facts should be suppressed, or at least a just sense of proportion should be observed in treating them. The only point in the case which deserved mention was the curious analytical reasoning from effects to causes by which I succeeded in unraveling it.”
I was annoyed at this criticism of a work that had been specially designed to please him. Moreover, I was hurt to know that he would deviate this much from the truth.
Maybe I had miscalculated. Probably it was only I who felt the connection between us. Not him. I frowned at the thought and swallowed as I stopped pacing and took a seat on my armchair across from Holmes in the sitting room.
I was willing to speak up this time, though.
I inhaled deeply and held my breath as I spoke. "And why, pray tell, do you want to suppress the facts, specifically about romance? Is it because the same facts hit too close to home?"
Holmes came out of his dazed state, dropped his legs on the floor, and sat up straight with his grey eyes widened.
"What are you getting at, Watson?" asked Holmes cautiously.
"We have not been friends for that long, but for what little time I have known you, I've developed a profound respect for you and your work. There is more to it, however. I have grown to have feelings for you. Romantic feelings, in particular."
Holmes leaned forward in his chair and pinned me with an intense gaze. Fortunately, he did not try to interrupt me.
"I think that you have, too. Although I could be extremely wrong on that part, it makes little sense for you, of all people, to want to suppress the facts and events that happened for real. So, I want to know: Am I right about the real reason or not? I would certainly understand if I am completely off the mark and you do not feel the same, but I need to know."
I breathed deeply after having blurted all that out, hoping to dear Lord that I had not messed up everything and ruined our friendship.
"Oh, dear Watson," Holmes breathed. His long and thin fingers were tapping on his sinewy lap vigorously. "You are so exactly on point sometimes. Everything you said - all of it... I feel the same way."
My heart fluttered with excitement and happiness. A ridiculously wide smile spread across my face. It looked as though he wanted to say more, so I let him.
Holmes continued. "And yes, I do not wish for the whole world to know about it through your stories. I see I was a bit too harsh about it, moments ago. I apologise."
Holmes got up to make sure the door was shut and the window curtains had been drawn. They were. Holmes then walked across the room to approach me. I was still sitting, so he looked down at me with the same intensity as before.
I looked up to meet his gaze and locked my eyes with him.
He held out his pale hand to me in an offer.
My heart pounded as I took that hand and got up to meet his eye level.
His eyes were filled with longingness and pain. His brows were furrowed. "The world will never forgive us. They will never acknowledge that we are just two people in love who happen to be men."
He was right, as always. My eyes welled up as I gulped. I was still holding his hand, which felt warm and dry in mine.
"I know. Do you think this is a bad idea, then?" I tried to be prepared for the worst. 'Tried'.
Holmes placed his other hand on my waist and pulled me close. Our faces were just inches away. "I never said that, Watson. I was never the one to go with the rules, was I?"
We both shared a short laugh. Without another word, we leaned in and I captured his bottom lip with my mouth.
He made a desperate sound and we deepened the kiss with our arms wrapped around each other tightly. The dam had broken, and we were unable to let go for a whole minute.
I pulled away reluctantly. "Holmes, I-"
My ears had been aching to hear that correction. "Sherlock, I was saying that we need to deal with this in a practical way as well. I will not forgive myself if we were to be arrested because of this," I said with my brows furrowed.
"You are right," he said, holding my face in his hands.
"I suppose we would have to confine our relationship to the rooms of this flat." My heart was heavy.
My lover's ethereal grey eyes lit up with a mischievous glint in them. Christ, the effect those eyes always had on me.
"I have a plan."
Of course, he did. I was now looking at him with expectation and pride.
"You are going to have to marry a woman."
"What the deuce are you -"
"Shh." Sherlock placed a long finger on my mouth. "Just listen. That woman is a distant relative of mine. She is going to be our next client too. Her name is Mary Morstan."
I still did not get what was going on. Was he already pushing me away?
"For God's sake, do not look so heartbroken," he said and pulled my face close by my chin to press another kiss on my mouth.
"Her situation is just like ours. She has fallen in love with another woman too. Only I knew about that until now. She is in a constant state of having to look over her shoulder, trying to keep the prying eyes of this cruel world away. It occurred to me just now that if you married her, we would not have to worry about society anymore. It would be helpful for all four of us."
I sighed in relief and gave this whole thing a thought for a moment. "Excellent plan, Sherlock. This is brilliant!"
Sherlock smiled and looked down as he blushed.
"Just remember to never be on a first-name basis in public. John."
I grinned from ear to ear like an idiot, before pulling him in for a slow, drawn-out kiss again.
I knew what I had to do next. I just had to twist the facts in my next story to make it look like I was in love with Mary or whatever her name was.
Now, nobody would speculate a thing about Holmes and I, would they?
Sherlock September Challenge
Prompt Romance by @onesmallfamily
Tags: @helloliriels @topsyturvy-turtely @gaylilsherlock @lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @lookingforlifeoutthere @clueless-mp4 @missdeliadili @curlyjohnlock @a-victorian-girl @peanitbear @kettykika78 @calaisreno
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piakae · 1 year
not disappointed ☆— c. soobin
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synopsis ➔ you don’t want to go to a royal party, soobin understands.
pairing ➔ prince!soobin x princess!fem!reader
genre ➔ fluff, comfort, royal!au
word count ➔ tba.
warnings ➔ spelling mistakes ???
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i can barely breathe and i am hideous. it’s soobin’s favourite colours, red and gold, but it pales me, and i feel as though i am stuck in a tight box and expected to enjoy it. i try to convince myself that it will be over in a few hours, the party, the talking, and that soobin will be there to comfort me. but it doesn’t work.
i stand in front of the mirror, piercing myself with my own insecure and uncomfortable stare.
he enters my room, closing the door carefully and turning towards me before smiling uncontrollably. it makes me jealous and even sad. his eyes crinkle and he lets out a sigh,
“you are beautiful.”
he has this way of words that make would my stomach curl and twist and bend until it’s misshaped, if it didn’t already feel this way from the tightness of the delicate yet strong corset. i smile nevertheless, making eye-contact with him through the mirror.
soobin looks fantastic. he’s clad with red and gold fabrics with tiny intricate details that only the creative would notice. his figure is intelligently shown off with a juxtaposed regality that only he could hold. his hair is fixed to only show the left side of his forehead, the rest pushed back –except for one stray, which i will push back later.
he approaches me and presses a kiss to my neck, hands laying on my waist careful not to disturb the beautiful dress i’m adorned in. though i wish he did disturb. i wish he ripped it off me, and not for lustful reasons, but for the simple reason of that i was utterly and uncontrollably uncomfortable. the back of the golden buttons dug into my flesh, the gorgeous corset felt as if it was breaking my bottom ribs, and the colour paled me, i looked sick. i did not look beautiful, nor feel it. that’s why i didn’t reply to his compliment, instead turning into his body heat for comfort and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
“are you ready to leave, darling?” he asks, a caring, small smile displayed on his face, before it suddenly disappears. the insecurity has over taken me and i turn from him expecting him to realise my makeup was unsettling, my dress unappealing, or my face weaker. “what’s wrong? you don’t seem like yourself.” soobin asks, following my body with his hands.
i only turn my head, and nearly crumble at the sigh of his obvious concern that’s ruining his perfect visuals. uncertainty pushes my gaze away and causes my fingers to play with a top layer of crimson silk. i look back at myself in the mirror, avoiding soobin‘s stare, and realise it’s not only the dress that’s turning me away from this seemingly enjoyable party. i feel sick, i’m tired and anxious. i have never been the party type, but i faked it to make my parents and friends happy, to make h/n happy. i have never once turned down a ceremony or party.
“you don’t want to go?” he says, lowly. and i cannot lie, so i stay silent. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“i do want to go. i do… it’s just…” i turn to him, shoulders slumped, “i don’t know.”
“do you feel sick?” he asks, coming closer as i shrug. “don’t lie to me, y/n. if you don’t want to attend then we will not. it’s not a big deal.” he grabs my hands and leads me to sit down on my plush vanity chair. “we can lay down and talk, you can get out of the dress you obviously hate,” i give him a look, “yes, i could tell. and we can stay home.” he reassures me with his signature smile and i can’t resist to mirror it. i nod, searching for some kind of disappointment in his eyes. i frown when i find some.
“you are disappointed in me. you do not have to stay home, you can go to the party - i’m perfectly capable to stay home - or i will just go to the party. i truly don’t mind-“
“i’m not disappointed that you don’t want to go to the party. i’m disappointed that you’d lie to me, that you’d sacrifice your own comfortability for my personal enjoyment. don’t get me wrong, you look gorgeous right now, but you obviously don’t feel it.” my eyes well with tears, he continues, “now go take off the makeup and the dress, i’ll go make tea.” soobin smiles, kisses me on the cheek with tenderness and love, and exits the room to leave me in a happy, love sick mess.
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tags — @i520cm @raevyng @enhacolor
a/n — royal au’s have my heart
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Day 12 ❄️ KSJ
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Kinks: morning sex, Christmas morning
Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Genre: holiday, fluff, smut, established relationship, non-Idol!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, kissing, pregnancy kink, grinding, fingering, finger sucking, unprotected sex (intentionally unprotected), blatant use of the word "daddy," slight exhibitionism, soft yet hot Jin
Word Count: 548 words
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary:  Giving your fiancé his present in the early hours of Christmas morning
A/N: I realized upon finishing this one that finger sucking is in more than one of these Kinkmas fics. No one read too deeply into that, please. 👀
Just some more soft smut to close out Kinkmas! I cannot believe I wrote 28K in total 😵‍💫 Thank you to @goodsoop again for the prompts. Now I can catch up on everyone else's fics!
I hope you've enjoyed these little gifts that I've written for you. Happy holidays!! ❄️
Please don't be a silent reader 🥺 I'd love to know what you think! 💕
Day 11 ❄️ Kinkmas Masterlist ❄️
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Jin’s eyes open slowly. It’s dark outside. The clock reads 4:30 am. 
Must be something about being back in his childhood home on Christmas. Like muscle memory, waking up at the crack of dawn to run downstairs and find what’s waiting under the tree. 
He doesn’t get up. Instead, he slides his arm around your waist, slipping closer to you. You don’t stir, but huff in your sleep, a gentle sigh that makes Jin smile. He hopes you’re having a good dream. 
Jin never knew he could love someone so much before you came along. Sometimes he thinks his own dreams have come true. Well, except for one. But maybe someday. Right now, you’re all he needs.
He tries not to press too firmly into you, but your skin is so warm, and the curve of your ass too inviting. He keeps as still as possible, erection nuzzling up against your cheeks, not rutting mindlessly like he wants. Even though the two of you have a long-standing open invitation to waking the other up with sex, he doesn’t feel right about doing it in his parents’ house.
Which is why he’s surprised when you roll your hips back onto him. 
“Baby,” Jin husks, voice rough with sleep, “what’re you doing?”
“You need me to spell it out for you?” comes your teasing answer. Your fingers find his hard cock under his boxers, stroke the tip. “Please put it in me, sir.” 
He laughs at your oddly formal request. “Baby, we shouldn’t. What if someone hears?” 
“Well, your mom keeps saying she wants grandbabies, so I was thinking… what if we give her one for Christmas? It’ll just be nine months late.” 
It’s difficult for Jin to focus on your words when you twist your fingers like that. “Wait, what?” 
You roll over. “Merry Christmas, I stopped taking my birth control!”
Jin blinks. The two of you had been talking about it for a while, but he’d thought - he’d been afraid - that he was more into the idea than you. “Are you saying… ?” 
“Seokjinnie,” you sigh, cupping his cheek, “put a baby in me.” 
He smashes his plump lips into his pillow to muffle his loud whimper. “Fuck, yes, lemme knock you up!” he hisses, quickly maneuvering you onto your back. You laugh at his eagerness, hushed giggles that only make his heart beat faster with adoration. 
It doesn’t take him long to get you wet with his fingers, and then he’s thrusting into you, biting his lip to suppress his moan. You’re rarely quiet when Jin fucks you, so he slips two fingers into your lips to keep your mouth busy. 
“Shit, baby, so tight,” he grunts. You whine around his hand, eyelashes fluttering as he hits your sweet spot with his powerful pumps. “Gonna fill you up good, you ready?” 
You nod, releasing his drool-coated fingers. “Come on, Seokjinnie, make my belly swell, fill me up!” 
The thought of you round with his child pushes him over the edge. He spills into you, painting your womb white.  
Euphoric, his head drops onto your shoulder. “Merry Christmas, baby,” he whispers.
“Merry Christmas, Daddy,” you purr. “You know, it might take more than one shot, baby. Better try again.” 
Jin groans, cock already hardening again. “Best. Present. Ever.” 
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Masterlist ❄️ Find me on AO3 ❄️
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
Taglist 1: @babycoffeefire; @parkdatjimin; @reliablemitten; @yuugehn; @ut-dixisti; @hesperantha; @seokjinger-ale; @bangtanintotheroom; ​​@taeshuworld; @nch327; @hannahbee12719ficrecs; @7minsuga96; @dvalitaes; @thatlongspringnight; @miscelunaaa; @acquiescence804; @itsirisz; @velvetskize; @starbtslove; @ajw05; @bruisedscrewedandtattooed; @minesuga; @greezenini; @aznstoner; @jkkkkkay; @xuxibelle; @soeur-de-ame; @boraborabts; @signmybook; @bbl32; @codeinebelle; @here4btsfics; @itbtoblikethatsometimes; @kookprada; @addictedtohobi; @shatzkrinslinzki; @jaiuneamesolitaiire; @joonjulyagust-d; @jinsquishes; @btsgotjams27; @allamericanuniverse; @pleaseshutupsara; @guvgguk; @goodgollyitslolly; @laylasbunbunny; @goldensugarywaffles; @jadda98; @lovelye79; @moonacholy; @luaspersona
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obae-me · 2 years
Are you still taking suggestions? If not you don't need to write this as one but
Mc looking at Solomon like a pathetic cat till he gives them affection
Yep! Taking casual suggestions to write little snippets to get me back in the writing groove! (And possibly back on people's radar). Thank you for the suggestion! I don't write Solomon a lot, I'm ready for the challenge. Let's go!
It's hard to get people to agree on anything, let’s be honest. There are so many personal opinions and biases that communities are always bound to find something to divide them. However, if there was one thing that almost everyone could agree on, it was that homework sucked. And if human homework was awful, one could only imagine how soul-sucking demon homework felt.
"You need three parts lilywart to every one part graven ash for it to...MC, are you listening to me?" Solomon wondered, looking up from the textbook to look at the fellow human. Despite his tutoring being obviously ignored, he just seemed amused. His eyes shimmered in a way that hinted he always knew more than he let on. Such wisdom he scarcely shared.
"I think my brain is melting," they stated, sliding down a little in their seat.
"Is that so?" He clapped his hands together, his fingertips brushing up against his chin. "Well If that's the case, I know several spells that could-"
"No thank you," they quickly interrupted him, a sudden fear running up the course of their spine.
With an entertained hum, he picked up the textbook again, fingers drumming against the leather-bound cover. "Hm, a shame." Once more he returned to his tutoring, putting all of his attention towards the proper methodology of potion making. 
It bothered them. Don't get them wrong, they asked to hang out with Solomon in the first place, but in the quality time kind of way...not the 'I've noticed you've been struggling in class, why don't we go over the subject material together' way. He was supposed to be wise, but today he seemed awfully dense. Unless...this was his plan. Of course...he was probably testing their patience on purpose. Sneaky... So they squinted at him, attempting with all their might to burn a hole in his cheeky face. They could've sworn for a moment his irises flicked in their direction, but he only went forward with his lesson, going on an unnecessarily long tangent on the easier way of prepping a cauldron for use. He absolutely was doing this on purpose. So they changed tactics, going right for his weakness. The eyes. Not his eyes, but their own. Lifting their brows, they pulled off a perfectly innocent look with just a hint of begging. Not too much begging, they didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he’d made them desperate, but just enough to the point they almost looked wounded. 
“What I like to do is just use a pinch of-” He caught their expression in his peripheral vision, his words catching in his throat. Got him.  He was hardly ever caught off guard, possibly being clever enough to see most outcomes, if he wasn’t the one pulling some strings behind the scenes in the first place. So MC adored doing anything in their power to watch that bemused all-knowing persona break. It was like a game in it’s own right. One they refused to lose. Equally as stubborn, Solomon tried to go back to what he was talking about, but his usual precise and in-depth explanations were degrading. He was skipping over details, pausing for thought, clearly distracted. Eventually, he gave in, shaking his head. “I cannot pay attention while you stare at me like that.” 
“Hm, a shame,” they mocked, using his previous words against him. They lowered their head a touch, tilting it slightly to the side, looking through their eyelashes. 
He settled the book in his lap and closed it shut. After a few more moments, he put it aside entirely. He got to his feet and stepped over to them, one finger curling around their chin to direct their gaze up to him. “Why are you giving me that face? Is it because you expected us to do something else today?” 
Now he was trying to win the game. Their eyes glanced away from him, taking his wrist in their hand to remove it from their chin. “I didn’t want to go over class subjects all day, no.” 
Solomon did sigh a little, an apologetic smile crossing his face. “Forgive me. I simply love being the one to teach you.” He placed his free hand atop their head and brushed it down across the outline of their face. “I...always feel like I’m learning all over again when I’m with you.” 
MC allowed the sweet words to enter their heart, and then they squinted at him. “This was just a test to see how long my patience could last.” 
That usual smirk emerged. “It can be both. You lasted a decent while, longer than I expected you to. Would you like a gold star?” His wrist still in MC’s grasp twisted, freeing himself just enough so his palm was against theirs, fingers intertwining. “Don’t worry. Study session is over. I’m focused on you now.” 
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incendio22 · 2 years
Chapter 6: The Undercroft
When I step into the Undercroft, I realize I'm not alone. But it isn't Sebastian that's standing over by the training dummy. It's Ominis.
''Who's there?'' He asks. But as I walk closer and before I reply, he continues. ''Oh. It's you. What brings you here?''
''I'm meeting Sebastian, actually.'' I say, hoping he understands the situation.
''Didn't know the two of you had made up already. That's sooner than I expected.'' He shrugs his shoulders and walks towards the opposite side of the room. ''You know, we used to come here almost every night before. Me, Sebastian and Anne. But I guess it's never going back to as it was.''
He looks sad. I don't know whether I should comfort him or ask more questions. Even though Ominis and I had a rough start to our friendship I have always cared for him. He seems genuinely good hearted and I respect his decision to cut the cord with his family.
''I guess it never will.'' I say in a warm tone. ''Have you given it any more thoughts? Your friendship, I mean. You have been close since before you even came to Hogwarts.''
''Not really. You see, dark magic is one of the things I despise most.'' He turns around and walks closer to me. By now, he is almost standing face to face with me. I can feel his warm breath on my cheek. ''It all seems harmless at first, but it always comes to a point where you want more. Where you cannot tell the difference between allies and enemies. And once you get there, there really is no turning back.'' His voice lowers. ''So excuse me, if I have a hard time believing Sebastian has changed in six months.''
Ominis is tense. His breathing gets heavier. He is obviously upset.
''You should stay away from him, Y/n. I mean it. You're only going to get hurt.'' His voice softens and I can feel that he has sympathy for me and wants what's best for me. But no one gets to tell me what is best for me.
Before I can reply we are interrupted. Sebastian is standing in the doorway, looking rather baffled. I'm unsure whether or not he eavesdropped on the conversation.
''Didn't mean to interrupt whatever's going on here.'' Sebastian says bitterly. His eyes are fiery. ''I guess I'll come back another time.''
He turns around and I jog over to him. Ominis speaks before me.
''No, I'm going.'' He does not say a word more before he leaves the Undercroft.
Sebastian turns to me, looking rather curious.
''So, do you mind telling me what's going on between the two of you?'' He asks in a surprised tone.
''Oh, it's nothing.'' I shrug. ''We're just friends.''
''Hmpf, just friends. That's normally how it goes.'' His tone is passive aggressive and his eyes are glued onto me.
Is he jealous? I think to myself, while my mind wanders to when I told Imelda that Sebastian and I are just friends. Maybe Sebastian's right. But it also leads me to a terrifying thought - is this all one-sided? Am I a friend to Sebastian, while I picture him as something... Else?
''Are you jealous?'' The question just pops out of my mouth, completely unhinged.
He tilts his head and stares into my eyes. It feels almost as if he's staring into my soul, penetrating every single string of emotion running through my body.
''Me? Jealous?'' He frowns and seems to hold back a laugh. ''If there is one thing you should know about me, Y/n, it's that I'm not the jealous type.''
I laugh, convinced that he's lying. This is not the first time I sense this kind of vibe between us and I always considered he was simply jealous.
''Whatever you say.'' I say, still laughing. He looks frustrated by my laugh. ''Well, if you were jealous - You don't have to be.''
''I'm not!'' He argues.
''Well, you didn't come here to prove me that you're not the jealous type.'' I say with a grin. ''You want to duel or practice some spell combinations?''
''How about we play some wizarding chess instead?'' He asks. ''We know the same spells and have practiced the same combinations, but you're simply better than me. I'd rather spend our time doing something where I can actually outperform you.''
''Oh, so that's how it is?'' I ask jokingly. ''Fair enough.''
He brings out the chessboard and sits it down on the floor in front of me. We sit down in front of each other. He looks as if he's still upset from our discussion on jealousy previously.
''Since you won the duel, it's only fair that you start.'' He says and looks down on the table where every piece is placed perfectly.
''Didn't take you for such a gentleman.'' I joke. He looks at me with a funny face.
''What's that supposed to mean?'' He asks curiously and fakes an upset voice.
I make my first move on the chess board and he makes his right after.
''Well, let's not forget about the date where you cast Crucio on me. Or when you took me to a dungeon filled with Inferi.'' I joke, trying to signalize that I have forgiven him for what happened last year. Hoping he does not get hung up on me calling those activities dates. ''Or when we had to take down a troll together. Neither makes the cut for even top three-best dates I have been to.''
''Oh, you think that's a real Sebastian Sallow-date?'' He asks, raising his eyebrows as he moves yet another chess piece. I think his voice is flirty. I recognize the tone from when we started hanging out last year. ''Have you forgotten when I took the fall for you after we snuck into the restricted section of the library? Or buying you butterbeer, just yesterday?''
''Those weren't dates.'' I argue. Now I'm doing precisely what I hoped he wouldn't do - calling them 'not-dates'.
''Oh, so pulverising Inferi is a date - but having butterbeer is not? I'm not sure I follow.'' He says. ''No wonder none of them are in your top three.''
I don't know what to say, so I sit silently. It feels as if my cheeks are on fire. I hope he can't see how flushed my face is. After all, the Undercroft is really dark so hopefully the lighting is on my side.
''Well, you have at least gotten a taste of what a Sebastian Sallow date can be.'' He starts. ''Sneaking out of the castle, taking some risks, get your heartbeat running.'' He continues, his eyes burning onto me. I avoid eye contact because my heart is racing so fast. I feel as if the butterflies in my stomach might give me actual wings and make me flutter away. ''But if you're more the type of girl who prefers duelling and defeating trolls, I can do that too. I'm versatile.''
I don't understand how he can look so calm while I feel as if my body will actually light itself on fire. I'm almost shaking from excitement. But I don't think he notices, as I am very good at playing it cool. I raise my eyebrows and smile.
''Didn't take you for that.'' I say tauntingly. ''But I think you're right.''
''I'm always right.'' He says confidently.
Sebastian makes a move on the chess board that takes out my king. He looks proud and smirks at me.
''Check mate.'' He says.
''Congratulations.'' I say with a bitter tone. There are not many things I hate more than losing.
''Thank you, new girl.'' He taunts me. ''Didn't take you for such a terrible wizarding chess player.''
''I'm not!'' I am genuinely frustrated and him taunting me does not make it any better. ''Anyway, chess has never really been my thing. Even in the muggle world.''
''So you're telling me that muggles also play chess, yet you still manage to be awful at the game?'' His eyes are fiery, just like when he walked into the Undercroft and saw me with Ominis.
''I think I prefer duelling over wizarding chess. That way, I know I can beat you as if you were a little fly.'' I say, trying to taunt him back.
''Oh, Y/n. You're not gonna get to me with vague insults like that. After all, we already decided you were the better duellist. Nothing to argue about.'' He sounds calm. ''Let me walk you back to the common room. In case Peeves catches us at this hour, you know I'm the kind of guy who takes the fall for the both of us.''
I am convinced the butterflies might actually flutter out of my stomach any second and make me levitate. He shoves me in front of him and together we leave the Undercroft, walking slowly through the castle.
''There's just something about being out of bed at this hour.'' He says in a low voice. ''It's so... Forbidden, mystic and so many risks we're putting ourselves out there for. I love it.''
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firsttimewriter92 · 2 years
Everything Black Part 5
This is a Post Azkaban Sirius Black x fem! reader (Muggle) fic I came up with. This is the first time I´m writing something like this and posting it, so let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve my writing. I am not a native speaker so please keep that in mind :) Please, please don´t copy my work. If you want to repost, please do. I would love it if you tagged me, though :)
Warnings: It´s finally here! Smut, dry humping, cursing, drinking. Angst (some of these creatures are nasty) Fluff, all the fluff
I am SO sorry this took so long! I was struggling with all of the ideas I had for this fic. I still hope you enjoy it! <3
Minors do NOT interact! Skip this part if you have to. This is not for you. I know Moody is technically dead at this point but this is my timeline and I need him for this one, so...
Word count: 7.057
Summary: Things are getting revield and your relatioship with Sirius takes on a new form. An unexpected event leaves you with a clear sign to act
You jolted from a very inconsistent sleep when you heard the taps on your door. Trying to wake up a little more you made your way towards the door when you  heard him. He taped the door again saying your name in a desperate tone. Within a second you flung your door open and there he stood on wobbly legs. His eyes red and swollen you could still see the tear streaks on his cheeks. His hair was all over the place and he smelled like alcohol. Your heart was breaking in two when you saw his helpless expression. He leaned onto the doorframe and tried to look you in the eyes. “I´m the reason”, he whispered. “I´m the reason they´re dead”. And with that he stumbled forward into you with another sob, realising with a jolt of his heart, that your arms caught and enveloped him without hesitation.
You pulled him inside and he collapsed to the ground clutching onto your middle while choked up sobs left his lips. Your heart hurt so much at this moment. You didn´t know why you started crying. Because he was obviously distraught or because of the weight that left you realising he was here. With you. He came. Your heart broke and healed at the same time. “They are dead” he said into your stomach. “James, Lilly…It was my fault.” You caressed his hair and nodded. “Okey”, you said in a hushed, choked up tone. “Okey.”
You let go only briefly and guided his limp body onto the bed laying next to him. You lay on your side and touched his damp cheek. With encouraging circles of your thumb you whispered, “Sirius? What happened?” He took several deep breaths before he spoke. “When Harry was born….Godric, they were so happy. And when they made me his Godfather, I didn´t think I could feel more important.” You smiled timidly at him.
“There is a prophesy…about Harry….and the dark Lord. Neither can live while the other survives.” You could feel your heart sink and fear made its way into your every vein. “They had to disappear. And all of us, the order I mean, were willing to do whatever it took to see them safe. Albus…he made a suggestion. There is a spell, a powerful one. Once it is cast, a secret keeper is chosen. As long as that secret keeper doesn´t give them up, not even the dark Lord would be able to find them.” New, fresh tears rolled down his face and over his nose. He pressed his eyes closed and with a shaking voice continued. “We agreed that the keeper should be me.” Your hands started shaking a little.
“But…in the last minute…they decided that I was too obvious of a choice. James was worried that it would put a target on my back that cannot be ignored. So…we changed the plan.” He suddenly looked into your eyes with absolute fear.
“I was willing to do it. I wouldn´t have given them up. Never! James was my brother. You have to believe me, please. I couldn’t have cared less about a target on my back. I would have died for them.” Hushing him you scooted closer and hugged him as best you could, as hard as you could. “I know”, you whispered quickly. “I know, Sirius. I believe you!”
After several minutes with him shaking in your arms he squeezed you. A sign for you to look at him again. “We chose someone else. Peter. He was our friend in school. We did everything together. He was part of us.” Peter…he hadn´t mentioned this name ever when he told you about his time at Hogwarts. Of course now you understood why.
His eyes became cold and bitter. “Coward! He gave them up the second the dark Lord was approaching him.” You closed your eyes and the full weight of the betrayal that James, Lily, Harry, Remus and him had to endure made your insides catch on fire. Pure hatred towards Peter, that´s what you felt in this moment. “I wanted to check on him…on Peter. The night it happened. I had such a bad feeling. I knew the moment I didn´t see any lights at his flat. I knew where he was. With who.” Incredible dread washed over you and suddenly you felt nauseous.
“I found them,___. I found them, dead. Little Harry in his crib. Alive. And….and that´s when I made my biggest mistake.” You swallowed hard. “You went after Peter”, you said in a choked up voice.
Suddenly he stood from the bed and cursing under his breath, pacing the room. “I should have stayed with Harry. He needed me. I should have been there for him all these years” he said in an angry voice clutching at his raven strands of hair. You sat on the bed watching him. He needed to do this, you knew. So you listened. “Yes, I went after him! I was mad with grief and I wasn´t thinking straight. I cornered the bastard. I didn´t even care that there were Muggles all over. I would have never thought that he was as clever as he was in that moment”, he laughed bitterly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “He blew up the street,___! He blew it up behind his back and everybody thought I did it. So many dead and him? The coward changed into his Animagus form and bolted! It´s easy for a rat!” He sat down on the bed again, exhausted. “It happened so fast. I truly thought I was going mental. Same evening I was already in a cell in Azkaban”, he huffed exhaustedly.
Silence lay itself over you like a dark cloud. “It wasn´t your fault”, you whispered. He looked at you incredulously. “How is it not my fault? I should have insisted on being the secret keeper. Harry would still have a family.” The violent sob you had tried to suppress, finally made its way up your throat. “You couldn´t have known he would betray you, Sirius. He was your friend” you whimpered. “You went to the most horrible place imaginable and you escaped. You did it for Harry. You are here now.” He tried his best to believe you. And with the feelings of trust he already had for you, it was indeed easier than trying to convince himself alone. Crawling over to him he enveloped you in his arms and again pulled you into his lap. “You are incredible” you said, still sniffling. “You endured so much and you still manage to…You amaze me, truly.” His lips were on yours the next moment. It was desperate. Hard, quick and salty from your tears. “It´s you who´s amazing”, he said between kisses. “I needed you to know everything” he said while caressing your face. You nodded with a small smile. “Thank you for telling me” you whispered.
Even though the whole story of what had happened made you feel awful, you were also relieved that now, there seemed to be no more secrets between you. “So, Harry” you continued. “The dark Lord is after him?” Sirius nodded. “That´s why being trapped here, not being able to protect him…again, it´s pure torture.” You hugged him close to your chest, trying to calm him with deep breaths. Slowly he matched his breathing with yours. You could feel his exhaustion so you took his face in your hands and said “Stay here tonight, yeah? Stay with me.” He looked at you like you hung every single star in the sky and nodded. You stood from his lap and took his hands. Standing in front of the bed you again leaned up towards him. He came willingly and kissed your lips. You let go only for a moment to walk around the bed lifting the covers, waving him towards you. Seeing this grown man hunched over and still shaking a little, all you wanted to do was making him feel safe. So the moment he got under the covers and scooted over, you climbed in behind him and lay on your side facing him. He enveloped you in his arms and even though the smell of alcohol still faintly lingered on him, his own unique scent calmed you down.
Your foreheads touching you looked into each other’s eyes. Liquid silver, rimmed with bloodshot whites, was swirling in his irises. Pulling you under and breathing life into you just the same. Something seemed to shift between you. An incredible force none of you could name seemed to slowly sow the both of you together. Irreversibly. His eyes were as wide as yours. “Do you feel that?” he asked with wonder in his voice. You nodded quickly. “I have no idea what this is but…I also know that I cannot live without it now.” Your voice was full of adoration. A short breath escaped him quickly and he pulled you as close as you could get. Your head tucked underneath his chin you marvelled in his warmth.
Soon, you fell asleep and although Sirius told you the whole truth and the evening wasn´t quite how he imagined, being here in your bed, in your arms and, as he hoped in your heart, his eyes slowly closed and he slipped into a dreamless sleep.
The events of the former night as well as the alcohol let him sleep in for once. He thought he woke up from the light filtering through the stained glass window but that wasn’t it. Slowly he began to feel his surroundings. He felt your hand on his waist, circling slowly. He felt your body close to his, your warmth and the sleepy scent of your skin. His eyes were still closed. Worried he was indeed dreaming and not in fact in bed with the woman he adored, he made a small sleepy noise and pulled himself closer to you. While you chuckled lightly he felt that your torso was propped up in the bed. Turning onto his back he slowly opened his eyes. And there, in the soft, coloured morning light he saw what he had wished for so desperately.
You were leaning over him ever so slightly. Hair an adorable mess on your head and the most radiant smile on your face, directed at him. It seemed like a fever dream the way the green, red and golden flecks of light danced across your face. Fascinated and a little speechless he reached up and stroked his knuckle carefully over your cheek. Leaning into his touch you whispered “Good morning.” He smiled at you contently. “That it is, darling.” You grinned leaning down. His hand immediately went to the back of your neck and held it while you kissed his lips. “You feeling ok?” you asked against his lips. “There was a lot going on yesterday.” He sighed but pulled you back down to him, wrapping his arms around you as securely as he could. “I´m fine, sweetheart” he said in a gravelly voice that made your stomach twist. That´s what he sounded like in the morning? Good Gods…”I´m so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by telling you the whole story. I just felt that you deserved to know. In case…in case you see me like this…” You put your pointer finger up to his lips and he immediately closed his mouth, looking at you expectantly. “None of that. Sirius, this whole situation can be uncomfortable at times, yes. But that is not your fault” you said looking at him intensely. He nodded. “You deserve so much more than what you have to endure right now. But we´ll get through this. We all will. Everyone in the order, you, me and Harry.” You, me and Harry. Oh, he liked that. He liked that an awful lot. Again he pulled you close and turned slightly to kiss you. It started out as lazy, deliberate pecks to your lips, your nose, your cheeks.
Humming contently you felt your whole body vibrate for his touch. He felt the exact same, then took most of his courage and slowly moved his long, lean body on top of yours. The pressure of his lips on yours soon became more bold, the kisses getting longer. His long hair created a curtain, shielding you from the rapidly brighter becoming light of day. Still, you couldn’t resist raking your hand through the ink black strands of silk, pushing them away from his face and emitting a literal growl from the man above you. His skin beneath your fingertips became hotter by the second. Holding himself up with one elbow above your head, his right hand slowly but deliberately moved up and down your ribcage. You barely heard your own whimper but he sure did. One gentle roll of his hips told you just how much he was enjoying this. Letting him know you felt the same, you pushed your chest closer to his. Breaking the kiss and breathing heavily onto your open mouth, his silver eyes barely open, he moved his hand underneath you. Right above your bum, he pulled your hips towards his own, letting you feel the proof of his attraction to you. Moving your legs around his waist, you connected your mouths again with a desperate sound leaving your throat. It didn’t take long for the both of you to find a perfect, teasing rhythm.
Although he was still wearing his clothes from the day before, you were sure he could feel the rapidly growing wet patch on your pyjama pants. With every languid movement of his hips your pleasure spiked tenfold. Tiny little whimpers left your mouth whenever his lips were not on you for the fraction of a second. Your insides twisted and a familiar pulsing started right between your legs. Groaning, Sirius changed the angle again and hissed a quiet “fuck” into your neck. The new angle aligned his bulge perfectly with your sensitive heat, making you moan deep in your throat while his teeth started to scrape the skin of your collarbone. The thrust of his hips became more pointed, his breathing and slight moans in your ear became your favourite melody. “___”, he breathed, trying to touch every single slither of your skin he could reach. “I…I don´t know how to stop”. His voice was equal parts pleading and full of longing. Pushing your head deeper into the pillow you cupped the back of his head, holding him to your pulse. “Don´t. Please, for all that is good, don´t.”
He growled again, the sound sending goosebumps across your skin, his pace again increasing. You could feel his erection bumping your clit with every move and it was by far the most delicious feeling you had felt in ages. If ever. A knot right underneath your bellybutton formed and twitched every so often. You know what it was and you chased that feeling with moans and rolling hips of your own. Sirius´ lips had not moved far from your collarbone but now, your whimpers in his ears, he moved them lower. When he reached the collar of your nightshirt he began to play with the upper button with his teeth. “May I?” he murmured and looked up at you. His chest rising and falling quickly, his eyes liquid silver. They shone up at you with so much lust and adoration, your head began to swim. You barely managed a whispered “Please” when his long fingers already opened three buttons. The more skin was revealed, the more frantic Sirius´ kisses to your chest became. When the last button was opened and the shirt fell to your sides, a shiver ran over you. Not because you were cold, but because Sirius´ face quickly changed from wonder and adoration to fierce hunger. Raking his now almost black eyes over your chest he tentatively reached out. Quickly checking your facial features for any kind of discomfort, he found none.
Licking his lips and revealing his canines to you in the process, he stroked one finger around your nipple. The air was punched from your lungs as your hands fisted the sheets. He smiled and did it again. Panting, you tightened your legs around his waist again pulling him closer. “What are you doing to me?” he asked as he resumed the roll of his hips against you. “Hm? Beautiful dove. Do you want to cum?” “Fuuuck”, you gasped when his lips finally closed around your nipple and the pressure you felt between your legs almost snapped. Again your rhythm became even more of a passionate dance. But this time, nothing seemed to disturb him from getting the both of you off. With his one arm around your back, he guided you against him in a perfect angle. “S-Sirius”, you breathed. “Hmm?” his voice was vibrating against your nipple. You almost forgot what you wanted to say when the tip of his tongue darted out and flicked against the other one. “I´m…feels so good. Don´t stop….please, please don´t.” Your voice was almost pathetically pleading but you couldn’t care less. If he would stop, you knew you would definitely perish. “Not planning on it, beautiful. Godric, you feel so good in my arms. So warm, so perfect”, his lips travelled to your ear again as he whispered, ”So wet.” His voice was so deep you almost didn´t catch what he said. Almost. Your whole body twitched violently at this and you knew it would not take long now. With a long moan you buried one hand in his hair again and pulled. While your other hand grabbed his firm ass, Sirius lost the rest of his control. His lips found yours again and desperately he clung to you. You could feel the throb of his length against you and you knew he was right there with you.
 “___, fuck. I´m sorry. I can´t hold it…Hnngg.” He was babbling against your lips. “I´m gonna…I´m there,___. Please, please cum with me. Fucking hell. Ahhh” His desperate tone of voice did it for you. The second his voice spiralled upwards, calling out your name, your orgasm flooded your every cell. Your legs shook with the effort to keep him as close as possible. The throbbing of your core now pulsing through your whole body. “Ahh, Sirius! Fuck. Gods…yes!” Faintly you heard your gasping and moaning. His figure was hunched over, panting and grabbing. “Fuck, dove. Ah… Made a mess of me”, he said while peppering your chest with kisses. His hips were still pressed to yours and you could clearly feel the wetness you both had left on your respective clothes. Slowly catching your breaths, you clearly felt your heated cheeks but you needed to see him. Raising your hand you stroked his head lovingly. Chuckling he lifted his head from where he had rested his forehead between your breasts. “Hey”, he said in cheesy tone and a silly smile on his lips. “Hey”, you chuckled and pulled him to you again. Still smiling he rested his weight next to you but still continued the slow, deep kiss. Slowly, as if to try and prove something to himself, he carefully licked your bottom lip. With a jump of your heart you opened your mouth to welcome him in. And Gods, did it feel incredible. Humming contently he delved his tongue into your mouth, savouring your taste. And although you didn’t actually have sex, you couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like having an orgasm invoked by his penis inside you instead of dry humping like horny teenagers. You giggled at your own thought.
“Now, what´s so funny?” Sirius asked amused, pecking your lips affectionately. “We just humped like horny teenagers”, you said grinning and covered your eyes with the palm of your hand. Sirius snorted and huffed a laugh. “Yes, yes we very much did. And you know what?” He gently took your hand in his and looked you in the eyes. “That was by far the hottest fucking thing I have ever done with a woman!” His eyes held no lie and you suddenly felt pride swell inside of you. “Very satisfying”, you nodded. You lay there for another moment or two before Sirius got up to clean himself up in your bathroom. Lazily you stretched your limbs on the bed and groaned aloud when you felt your spine crack. When you opened your eyes again you saw Sirius leaned in the doorway to your bathroom, eying your form on the bed with fiery desire. You held his gaze when you smiled and moved to redo the buttons on your sleepshirt. “Don´t do that on my account”, he said while sauntering over to you. Your hands halted their movement while he sat down next to your body and slowly stroked his hand over your belly. Caressing it with a circling thumb he said “Are you hungry? How does pancakes sound?” You sat up and threw your arms around his neck. “Yes and yes, please”.
Leaving your room also meant that you were again confronted with what had happened the night before. The attack on Arthur, Harrys vision. You immediately saw the worry return to Sirius´ eyes the moment you entered the kitchen. Only this time, he did not let go of your hand until you were seated next to him, as always. According to Tonks, Harry and the Weasleys were at the hospital where Arthur was currently treated. This seemed to calm Sirius down a little. At least that meant that he would soon be able to see his godson again. Gradually over the next few days the house filled with visitors for Christmas. And every day, the house seemed less and less uncomfortable. Sirius spent almost every night next to you in your bed. Nothing sexual happened these nights but holding you close and feeling less alone was more than he could have whished for. The usually dingy house you both inhabited seemed to glow a little these days. There was always someone walking around the place, talking, laughing. The day a very tired Arthur returned to Grimmauld place was a happy one. Molly kept fussing around her husband, making sure he was taken care of and all her children as well as Harry and Hermione were fed and more or less worriless. You on the other hand spent almost as much time with Arthur as Molly did. Happily explaining the London Tube system to him or why football was so popular. “I just don’t get it”, Arthur said with a shake of his head. “There is only one ball and it doesn’t even fly. And why does every team need eleven people running after it? Six would clearly suffice.”
Sirius was spending quite some time with his godson and you loved the way he interacted with the teenager. They both held a deep fondness for each other, everyone could see. Harry even made an effort to include you as much as possible in their conversations, though you happily excused yourself to chat with Tonks or the girls Ginny and Hermione when you noticed that he would much rather talk to Sirius alone. Sometimes during these conversations you could see the strained expression on Harrys face and suddenly had the urge to hug him and tell him, everything would be alright. No teenager should have this kind of burden to carry. You could see that Sirius tried his very best to encourage his godson and you admired him for the dedication he showed. He truly loved this boy.
And just like that, Christmas was only one day away. But before that, Moody had decided to hold one more order meeting. Seeing as almost all members of the order were accommodated at Grimmauld place anyway. When the time for the meeting came, Sirius pulled you aside in the kitchen. His arms snaked around your waist and he looked you deep in the eyes. “It won´t take long. After that, we can concentrate on the holiday spirit again”, he smiled. “I wish I could do more”, you said in a small voice not looking him in the face. You had not spoken about your own fears and worries but you had a feeling Sirius already knew. He sighed and took your face in his hands. Leaning his forehead to yours he said “I know, love. I could not be more thankful to you for being so compassionate and understanding.” He kissed the crown of your head and moved so you had to look at him. With a meaningful expression he continued. “I need you to know that you do much more than you think. You are a friend to Tonks and Remus, another soul to fuss over and to take care of for Molly,” you chuckled at that. “A lexicon on Muggle things for Arthur. You possess the one thing we all hunger for these days. Normalcy in it´s purest form.” You eyes stung again but you smiled none the less. “And to you?” you asked carefully. “What am I to you?” You were nervous for his answer. And it did seem like he was struggling for a second. But then he gave you a shy smile. “My light”, he answered simply.
Sniffling lightly you stood on your toes and kissed him with all the affection that was currently swirling inside you, turning your insides to absolute mush. Neither of you let go for a long while. Tongues lovingly caressing each other you didn’t notice the people that came down the stairs. Only by the clearing of a throat did Sirius detach from you looking rather pissed at the person behind you. When you turned as well you were greeted by an eyerolling Alastor Moody. Behind him however Tonks gave you a double thumbs up. Next to her, Remus looked like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to look happy for his friends or slightly disgusted by what he just witnessed. His ears were tinged pink when he decided on a raised eyebrow and a smirk in your direction. “I´ll leave you to it”, you quietly said to Sirius, kissing his cheek lightly before Moody could make a snide remark. You grinned at Tonks and squeezed her hand quickly when walking by. At the foot if the stairs you felt lighter than air and in a bust of happiness you turned your head towards Moodys back and stuck your tongue out at him. Fully aware that he probably saw that with his creepy eye, you ran up the steps passing the twins on their way downstairs. “Now, what´s gotten the Muggle so happy?” George said with a toothy grin. You turned at the top of the stairs and smiled down at them. “After the meeting, I´m going to kick your ass at exploding snap” you said pointing at George. “Uhhhhh, you hear that Fred?” he said, Fred nodding and snickering beside him. “She´s definitely going to kick your ass, Georgie. Look at her, she is pumped.” “You know I love a good challenge, Fred”, George said. His eyes twinkling up at you. “Keep that energy, lass. We love to see it” he continued walking down the steps giggling. Fred winked at you and followed his brother.
You decided on some light reading in the library and made your way up the staircase. Decorations now hanging from the banisters and handrailing, there was a stark contrast between dark, gloomy doom and festive cheesiness. You loved it. When entering the library, you remembered all the significant moments you had with Sirius in this exact room. Your first touch, the many conversations, light hearted and serious, your first kiss. Tomorrow for Christmas, you decided you would take the plunge and make your intentions absolutely crystal clear. Not in this room of course but…Excitement twisted your stomach when you thought about him in your bed. Preferably naked, underneath you…shivering you plopped yourself onto the old sofa and tried not to squeal. You grabbed one of your favourite books from the nearby table and started to read. Flipping though pages of narrow handwriting and more or less disturbing caricatures. You were actually looking for something very specific. A potion or spell you could ask Tonks or Molly to make or put on you. If you wanted to take the next step in being intimate with Sirius you had to at least make sure that no accidents happened. You wanted to fully concentrate on him and not worry about the “what ifs”. You paused on a promising page when you heard movement behind you. Bolting upright you turned in the direction of a still dark and dingy corner of the room that the light from the fire couldn’t reach. Carefully you eyed the corner and wondered with slight panic how long it would take for the people in the kitchen to hear you scream when you saw a figure emerging from the shadows. Relief flooded your system and your hammering heart calmed down a little. “Albus”, you said with a still panicky chuckle. “You scared the shit out of me. Why are you up here in the corner just lurking about? Shouldn’t you be downstairs with the others?” He gave no answer. Just looking at you intently and suddenly the panic was back full force. Something was off. “Albus?” you asked, your voice beginning to shake. You stood and stumbled back a few steps when he approached you slowly. Still not saying a word and just looking into your eyes. Your hands went clammy and ice cold water seemed to have replaced the blood in your veins. “Albus, what are you doing? Say something!” you almost yelled in pure fear. With a sickening grin that could only be described as downright hideous he reached inside his robes and pulled out his wand. “No”, you whimpered. “Please don´t.”
“I´m afraid you overstayed your welcome” Albus said with malice and frightening glee in his voice. Sinking to your knees, shaking and already sobbing you watched as he raised his wand and pointed it directly between your eyes.
Downstairs the meeting came to an end and everyone was kind of on edge. The recent developments rattled the group and asked for a more hands on, aggressive approach. Again Sirius felt hollow when the Aurors came up with a new plan to protect the prophesy. His name did not fall even once. He knew why of course. That did not help his feeling of helplessness however. All he could do was coordinating everything and everyone from his house. Keeping its doors open and trying to come up with a strategic plan. At least he could do that. As Molly started cooking dinner, everyone tried their best to return to the light hearted feeling of pre-Christmas contentment.
For the most part, the younger generation seemed to get into it quickly. Butterbeer and Firewhisky was handed out and calm chatter floated around the room. Just as Sirius thought about how your warm smile was missing from the table and he was about to get up, Moody turned his head sharply at him. “Sirius”, he grunted. His steel blue eye was turned upwards towards the ceiling. “Did you lot get rid of every pest in this house?” Sirius blinked. “As far as I´m concerned, yes. Why?” he asked slowly. “Hmmpf”, Moody puffed out an annoyed gust of air. “You missed a Boggart” he simply stated. Annoyance made its way into Sirius´ chest and with a groan he said “I´ll deal with it after dinner. Must have slipped in sometime last month.” Moody pinned Sirius with both eyes now and he could feel his skin crawl. “You might want to reconsider that.” Moodys mouth twitched a little. “Your little Muggle friend is in a bit of distress.” An bucket full of ice tipped over in his stomach and he immediately broke out in cold sweat. Tonks and Remus´ heads whipped upwards immediately and worry laced their features. Like a bolt of lightning Sirius jumped to his feet and bolted towards the stairs. “Library!” Moody bellowed after him but he already had a feeling that you would be in there. Taking two stairs at once he threw open the kitchen door and thundered up the steps. The panicked ringing in his ears preventing him from noticing his mother’s screams. No, no, no, no, not her! She doesn´t know! He thought as he threw open the library doors, Remus hot on his heels. His lungs constricted painfully and every ounce of oxygen left his body at the sight before him. You were cowering on the floor, sobbing, hiccupping and hugging yourself as Albus Dumbledor seemingly was about to hex you.
“Please,” he heard you whimpering. The sound breaking his heart into a million pieces. “Please, I don´t want to forget. Please don´t make me forget him, please.” You were begging on the floor at the feet of Albus. The scene almost made him sick with panic and absolute rage. The taunting laugh he heard next coming from the boggart made his blood boil and within the fraction of a second he called your name and propelled himself forward. The boggart whipped its head around and cackled while teasingly waving the wand in front of your face. Screwing your eyes shut and sobbing violently you sunk deeper onto the carpet. When Sirius reached you, he fell to his knees in front of you and hugged you to him forcefully. “I´m here. I´m here,___. It´s me! I´m so sorry. I should have checked, I´m so sorry. Please, stop crying. Nothing´s going to happen. Please.” He pressed your head to his chest and buried his nose in your hair, trying to calm you down. You were shaking like a leaf, babbling incoherently but none the less clinging to his shirt like a drowning person holding onto a buoy. “Remus!” Sirius called almost desperately. “I´m on it”, Remus hissed and came over to distract the boggart away from you.
“Shhh, it´s okey, dove. You´re ok. It´s just a boggart. Remus will get rid of it, I promise” Sirius whispered into your ear while stroking your hair and cradling you in his arms. You were trying to catch your breath, the panic still flooding your system but his voice reached your ears more clearly now. “That´s it. Good girl, breath. Listen to my voice. Noone is going to take your memories. Noone!” He said those words like he was trying to convince himself of that fact as well. Breathing hard he tried to calm himself down as well. He heard a faint crack behind him an knew that Remus had gotten rid of the pest. Relieved, he tried to make eye contact with you. Stroking your face with his thumbs he was desperate to stop the flow of tears streaming down your cheeks. Your eyes were puffy and red, a haunted look edged deep into your irises. Again his heart squeezed painfully inside his ribcage. “Noone?” you managed to force the word out, your eyes searching his for reassurance. He pulled you into his lap and kissed your forehead several times while nodding. Looking deep into your eyes he said “Noone is going to take you from me, my love. I swear it! You belong here with me, little dove. My dove. Mine.” He didn’t care if he sounded desperate or possessive. In his book, you being his, was an irrefutable fact. Nothing less. With his hammering heart, your shaking form in his arms and his whispered name on your lips he searched deep inside himself for the words to put your mind at ease. He knew what he wanted to say. To give your relationship a name, a path to follow further. But the three little words got stuck in his windpipe as he had not said those words to anyone before. Not in a romantic way anyway. So he opted on holding you as close as possible, lightly swinging you from side to side and kissing your head. There would come a time, a perfect time to tell you what he felt.
Minutes later he still sat on the floor with you. Your breathing somewhat calm you still clung to him. But not as desperately than before. You just concentrated on his heartbeat next to your ear, his calming scent of woods and smoke and his gentle hands stroking your back and hair. A boggart, he said. You read about them briefly and knew what they were but you never thought you´d see one. It was all so real. The boggarts taunting and the awful words it said to you, seemingly going on for hours. Letting you think every second now, you would forget the man you loved. And that is what this experience had revealed to you. You were irrevocably in love with Sirius Orion Black. It wasn´t just mere attraction or adoration. Surely these feelings dipped into the greater picture of what you felt for him but the sheer horror of maybe losing your memories of him, manifested what you had pondered for days now. You loved him. Loved him with a tenderness and force that seemed to create an everlasting storm inside you. His dove, he called you. His. That you were, there was no denying.
Slowly raising your head from his chest he looked at you with the utmost worry in his storm grey eyes. You tried your best not to look too rattled. “I could really use some Firewhisky right now” you croaked. The worried look vanished from his face and with a chuckle his shoulders relaxed as he kissed your lips carefully. “Whatever you want, my love. Whatever you need.” You kissed him back, finally able to smile up to him. “What she needs, Sirius, is chocolate after all this” Remus´ voice came from somewhere behind Sirius. He rolled his eyes and helped you up to stand on still quite shaky legs. His arm went around your waist as he turned to Remus. “Not everything is solved by eating chocolate, Rem.” Grinning, Remus walked over to you, an open chocolate bar already in hand. Teasingly he pumped Sirius´ shoulder while handing the bar to you. “Speak for yourself, padfoot. Just because you can´t have it…”. Sirius groaned. Biting the chocolate bar thankfully, a warm and fuzzy feeling spread through your chest. “This is really good, thank you Remus” you said warmly and gave him a big smile. He nodded and looked a bit deeper into your eyes. “You all right? Gave this one quite a scare” he pointed at Sirius at your side. His hand on your waist twitched but you were fast to answer. “I´ll be fine. I´m just a bit shaky still, that’s all.” Seemingly satisfied with your answer Remus came up again to his full height and nodded. “Good. Eat the whole thing, you´ll feel better.” In your periphery you could see Sirius eying your chocolate bar suspiciously.
“Oh, right” you suddenly exclaimed. “Why can´t you have chocolate, Sirius?” He hung his head while Remus started laughing heartily. You hadn´t heard him laugh this carefree yet and it vibrated pleasantly in your ears. It was a clear, happy sound. It reminded you of a bell. “Because he is a dog. It´s basically poison for him” he wheezed and clapped Sirius´ shoulder good naturedly. “I can have chocolate” he grumbled. “I just get violently sick.” Again you saw an adorable pout on his lips. This time, not hesitating kissing it away. He grinned down at you. Remus snickered. “Yes, if you call violently sick projectile vomiting all over the pl-“ “That´ll do!!” Sirius raised his voice slightly and steered you towards the door. You were giggling all the way down to the kitchen.
When Molly saw you, still a little pale faced and obvious red rimmed eyes, she immediately buzzled over to you. “___, dear! Are you all right? We hoped we had gotten rid of all the boggarts but this one seemed to have a brilliant hiding spot. Oh, my dear child.” She hugged you tightly to her chest and your arms immediately wound themselves around her. She retreated and looked you up and down. “Come on, let´s get some colour onto those cheeks again. I´ll make you some tea.” “Put some Whiskey in there, Molly” Sirius said while guiding you to your seat. Molly gave him a pointed look. “I wasn´t born yesterday, Sirius. Of course she´ll get some Whiskey.” Shaking her head as if Sirius´ had just asked if the sky was blue, she made her way over to the stove. “In that case, while you are at it, mum…” Fred piped up. “I think we all could use-“ “Do not take me for a fool, Fred Gideon Weasley!” Molly said sternly but with a slight smirk on her face.
While Molly and Sirius made sure you were comfortable and after cup after cup of tea, slightly buzzed, Remus, Tonks and Moody (who had been observing the whole scenario from a afar) sat in a quiet corner of the room talking. “I´ve never seen him sprint like that” Tonks said in a hushed voice. “Good thing he did” Remus said thoughtfully with a sideways glance at you. “She was in a right state when we got to her. That was a nasty boggart. Took me several takes to get rid of it. Eventually I almost ran out of ideas on how to make a fucking full moon seem funny.” Tonks looked at him almost dreamily. “Did the balloon do the trick?” she asked. Remus smiled mellowly. “No, not this time. I had to switch to the fart cushion.” Tonks snorted into her Whiskey. “Ohhhh, I love that one.” Remus had a hard time believing he was actually joking quite light heartedly about his condition with the woman he fancied. Maybe he could actually…”Glad the Muggle is fine” Moody said gravelly, effectively stopping all of Remus´ thoughts. “What?” Tonks looked at him in surprise. “Believe me, I wasn´t happy when Albus came here with a Muggle to babysit but,” Moody took a sip out of his flask. “She seems to fit in well. Keeps you younglings from losing your heads. Well, except that one” he twitched his head toward Sirius. “Has a grounding effect on you lot. I like it. Keeps Black in line as well. Can´t hurt” he shrugged. Remus let his eyes wonder over you and Sirius. The way he seemed to gravitate towards you all the while seeming calmer than he had ever seen him. “Yea” he said. “That reminds me. Something strange happened when we got up to the library.” Moody gave him a sidewards glance. “Go on” he drawled. “Well, when we saw the boggart, Sirius basically threw himself between it and ___.” Moody made an impatient gesture with his hand and Remus continued. “The boggart was definitely fixated on him then but…it didn´t change form. I just assumed…you know. His time in Azkaban. I thought his greatest fear would be to be back there, but… It was still Albus. Threatening to erase her memories.” Tonks looked momentarily confused until her eyes widened like galleons. “Well, well” Moody said. “Let´s leave it to a Muggle to show us all what´s inevitably important.”
As always I hope you enjoyed this part. If you did, please interact with this post however you see fit :) I truly hope that the next part doesn´t take me this long. If you have read everything so far, THANK YOU! It truly means a lot^^
If you want to be tagged in the next part, let me know :)
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shibainu2006 · 2 years
You're not alone
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This is that idea I got! I can't go without writing it!
Author's note: I had way too much fun with this.. I hope you guys enjoy it!
Honorable mentions
All the cheating... Harming others... It was mind-boggling to her.
The prefect didn't understand the purpose.
Savanaclaw had finally been caught red-handed, and now she and her friends faced the housewarden and his boot lickers.
He'd given up so quickly that it felt almost too easy...
Her dreams were certainly enough to tell her this wouldn't end so cleanly.
Was she a prophet? No.
Despite that, she was still shown just who would be a problem next. Or at least what dorm.
Everyone in this school was such a nuisance...
Savanaclaw had done nothing but waste her time and energy.
All this over one stupid sport... Such sore losers...
Not even a solid hour in, he was saying all kinds of unjust things to the people who willingly helped him! Believed in him!
The very people who practically worshipped him!
"For all the talk about 'the world watching,' this is still just schoolkids playin' a game." Leona spoke with so much apathy that it made Reign's stomach churn....
"All you wide-eyed tenderfoots talkin' about your dreams... Pfft. The whole thing amused me, so I threw you a bone. That's all this was."
How dare he...
"What do you mean? What happened to working together to turn the world upside down?" Ruggie was in disbelief...
"Are you seriously still goin' on about that? All right, fine. You wanna hear the truth?" The housewarden's expression turned to an unkind one. It was never kind to begin with, but it worsened...
"You're a hyena who grew up in a dump, and I'm a secondborn prince who won't ever be king. And there is NO turning that around!"
Ruggie obviously had qualms with those words, and spoke against them quickly, "What? You gotta be kidding me! What is this? You can't just quit after we've come this far!"
Another student spoke up, "You can't do this to us, boss!"
Why did they bother with him at this point? It made no sense...
"You're gonna play, even if we gotta drag you there kicking and screaming!" Another exclaimed.
Leona was only getting irritated...
"Bah, I'm so sick of this nonsense. Shut UP, you nobodies!"
Dust kicked up, almost as though a sandstorm was brewing..
Leona had gripped Ruggie's arm, and the skin began to crack...
A pained noise erupted from his throat, but it was choked out and dry...
"Everything the housewarden touched is turning to sand?!" Jack was visibly concerned for the wellbeing of Ruggie.
"That'd be my signature spell. The King's Roar." Leona spoke in a sinister tone... "Ironic, isn't it? Nothin' the savanna hates more than a drought." His grip on Ruggie tightened..
"Yet its prince's magic desiccates everything—reduces it to sand."
"B-boss... It hurts...!" The hyena managed to speak.
Reign was getting close to losing her temper...
Deuce's eyes widened, "Ruggie's arm! The skin is cracking!"
"Your spell can legit dry out a HUMAN BEING!?" Ace was in awe, but he was scared.
Seemed like Riddle had just about enough, "Leona, I cannot allow this to continue! Off With Your Head!"
Instead of his collar stopping Leona... it bounced off.
"Myah!? Riddle's collar bounced right off!" Grim exclaimed, clearly surprised.
Leona gave a dark chuckle, "Maybe you're some kinda prodigy, kid, but don't go thinkin' you're smarter than your elders. I aced my Protective Magic classes in my sleep."
Riddle gritted his teeth at those words...
The lion barked out a laugh, "Hah! How do you like that, Ruggie? Does it hurt? Is your mouth too dry to keep licking my boots? That was your finest talent, too."
Jack was almost shaking...
"If we don't stop him, Ruggie's gonna..."
Reign exhaled, stepping forward, "I've seen and heard just. About. Enough from you..." She was fuming..
"Hah? And what can a magicless herbivore like you do?" Leona glared at her, "Since the day we met, you've done nothing but challenge my authority..."
"I ain't scared of some wannabe king who can't even get his act together!" Reign spoke firmly, "You're nothin', but a coward in my eyes!"
Leona glared at her, and they locked eyes, neither backing down for even a second...
Riddle spoke once more, "I don't get it! If you have that much power, why do this?!"
Leona chuckled at his question, "Why? What do you care, kid? You gonna scold me? Try to talk me down?" Leona spoke grimly, "Don't you get it? Power alone ain't enough to make waves in this world. Look at Ruggie here. He's like a muzzled dog. Pathetic, ain't it? Hard not to pity him."
Ruggie was choked up, already struggling to stay alive.
Jack finally had enough, "That's enough! Unleash the beast!!" He cried, and his form shifted into that of a wolf.
Everyone was startled by this!
Even Leona, who had completely lost focus.
Riddle saw this as an opportunity, "Off with your head!!"
Now, Leona's magic could do no harm.
Deuce got Ruggie away from Leona, now at a safe distance.
Sebek and Silver got the wounded out of the stadium.
Leona was fuming now, "No... NO! You can't collar a lion! And Jack! How did you... Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?"
"I didn't use a potion—that's my signature spell." Jack explained, "With it, I can transform myself into a wolf."
"Ha! What's that saying? Every dog has his day? Well, I guess you had yours!"
Reign glared into Leona's very soul.
Listening to him speak was becoming irritating...
"Housewarden Leona, I want you to know... I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?" Jack questioned him.
"Shut up... Your dreams got nothin' to do with me!" Leona snapped.
Riddle took a moment to try and defuse the situation, "I understand the irony of me being the one to say it, but it pains me to see you like this. You'd be wise to confine yourself to your room and try to calm down!"
Leona glowered at him, "What do you know about how I feel?!"
Lilia stepped up, having a grin on his face, "Would that the lion king of the savanna could witness this absolute farce." He started, "No, if you ask me, the collar suits you far better than a crown ever could."
He was being far nicer than Reign planned to be...
"Huh!?" Leona was still holding onto his pride, but a few more words... that would be all it took...
"You may bemoan the fact that you're not higher in line to be king. But with that sensitive ego of yours? That so quickly directs all your petty anger at your retainers..." He continued, "Well, the idea of you ever contending with a REAL king like our Malleus—is absolutely laughable. Even if you COULD defeat Malleus, so long as that's how you choose to conduct yourself? You would never be fit to rule!"
And with that... Leona began to laugh...
"Hah... Ha ha. Yeah, you're probably right. No, you're EXACTLY right...! Ha ha ha ha! I will never become king. No matter how hard I try!"
Reign could sense the bad vibes leaking right off the lion... Another overblot...
"Myah! My fur's standin' on end!" Grim felt his fur bristle.
"The magic power within Leona is surging... I don't think my collar can hold it!"
Lilia had come to a realization, "No... that isn't magic power." He said, "That's negative energy. Which means..."
Reign's brows furrowed, "Fuck..."
"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!" Cater exclaimed.
Riddle's collar was sent flying through the air.
Leona was so deep in anguish and rage...
"I've been loathed since the day I was born. I've never had a place, never had a future! None of my hard work is ever rewarded! How could any of YOU possibly understand? MY disappointment?! MY pain?!"
Upon hearing those words, Reign felt a sting in her heart.
Suddenly, Leona was nothing but a mirror to her...
She knew...
She understood...
All that pent up aggression.. All that saddness...
He was hurting, and now she could see it clearly.
Her inner empath took effect, and suddenly, she could feel his very heart.. How tainted and damaged it had been..
How unfair life had been to him, just as it had been to her.
Leona let out a powerful roar, striking fear into the hearts of many..
It was time to fight.
Reign stood tall, fully willing to take him on herself if need be.
A few words were exchanged, and the battle began.
Almost halfway in, Reign had suffered quite a few injuries, almost more than the others.
He was targeting her... Almost as though to be punishing her for her insolence... Punishing her for challenging him the way she always had.
Of course, she didn't care for that, until he came right for her, gripping her forearm.
The others were too focused on the blot monster to realize that she'd been grabbed.
Reign stiffened, shuddering.
Was this the end?
She closed her eyes, visibly afraid, but she didn't feel any pain aside from his tight grip on her arm.
"Where's all that fire from before...? Lost your nerve?" Leona chuckled darkly.
Reign opened her eyes, looking directly into his..
"You're hurting... aren't you?"
That was all she said. There was no anger on her face... Only sympathy.
Leona growled, "What are you talking about?"
"I know how it feels... To not be accepted by everyone around you.. I know it hurts to be beat down like that..." She didn't bother fighting against him.
The lion gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on her, digging his claws into her arm, making her wince, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW!? YOU AND I ARE NOTHING ALIKE IF THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE SUGGESTING!!" He roared out, "I AM THE LOATHED SECOND PRINCE! WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND!?"
"I can understand plenty!" Reign spoke firmly, "I went through similar! I know damn well how it feels!" She was genuine in her words.
"You don't feel like you're good enough, and you've spent your whole life trying to impress just for one goal! I know what that's like!" She told him.
Leona clenched his jaw, "YOU KNOW NOTHING!!"
He threw her down to the ground, and she yelped.
She had no stamina left to continue to fight...
The pain in her body was becoming too much for her.
Leona stood over her weak form, "I'm going to kill you... then I'll turn the rest of this pointless world to sand... If I can't rule it.. then I'll destroy it."
He reached for her, gold magic swirling in his hand.
Seeing this, adrenaline rushed through Reign's body, and she gripped his wrist, kicking him in the stomach with a powerful leg, knocking the wind out of him.
The magic in his hand faded, and she pulled him down to the ground, pinning his hands behind his back and digging her knee right into his back.
"I refuse... To die here..." She panted.
Leona growled, struggling to get her off.
His head hit the ground pretty hard, and he could feel pain in his body.
The blot was getting to be too much.
She wouldn't budge, but she felt her body giving out...
She was exhausted..
Reign fell over on her side, panting.
That was the last bit of energy she had...
Leona sat up, "You... I commend your bravery... but now it's over..."
Before he could even do anything to her, he was hit hard by a wolf.
Jack had saved her life!
Leona seemed pretty out of it, too...
Slowly, the blot monster disappeared, and Leona fell to his knees,"I just.. wanted to be king..."
And with that... the battle had finished.
It had been weeks since Leona's overblot, and Reign had gotten the proper rest needed.
Her arm was pretty messed up, so it was bandaged.
She wandered into the botanical garden, holding her sketchbook, searching for the perfect thing to draw.
Reign felt something under her foot, and a familiar growl.
Oh... not again...
She sighed, lifting her foot to see the same tail she'd stepped on a month ago.
Leona sat up, "You again..?"
"Sorry..." Reign huffed, knowing he'd probably wanna pick a fight.
"You gotta watch where you're going..." Leona sighed, lying back down.
The prefect was surprised, but she didn't question him, walking off.
Leona thought back on her words...
Reign turned, looking at Leona, "Yes?"
"When you said... that you understood me... What exactly did you mean by that..?"
She smiled a bit, "I meant just what I said... Nothing more, nothing less. You're not alone in this world... That much, I can promise you."
Leona sucked in a quiet breath at her words.
He wasn't alone...
Someone finally understood him...
Just like that, Reign made her way further into the gardens, humming to herself.
Maybe the prefect wasn't so bad after all...
The end!
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snowbellewells · 10 months
Self Promo Sunday: "I Put A Spell On You (Because You're Mine)"
This mini-MC really belongs more with the October/spooky postings probably, but I wanted to get it in before I started with my November and Thanksgiving re-runs. I've always been pleased with how this late season 4 canon divergent fic turned out, and I'm trying to gain it a little more love and a few more eyes to see it. It was written right after the 4b episode "Sympathy for the DeVil" (so 4x17? 4x18?) and picks up pretty much where that episode left off. My idea for how the Darkness would lure Emma, and even how it would manifest, was way different than the way the show took it, so this is now definitely canon divergent from that point. If you read this again, or if you're seeing it for the first time, I hope you'll enjoy!
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Summary: He's been watching the changes for weeks now, worrying about her well-being and the demons she's fighting... When it all goes crazy, will he be able to help her step back from the brink? (A 4B chaptered story, taking off somewhere near 4x18, and carrying on from there. CS, obviously and all the way)
***Also available from the beginning on AO3 or ff.net, if either of those are your preference...***
by: @snowbellewells
i. darkness creeps in
The deepening purplish circles under her eyes have been growing ever more pronounced, worrying him for weeks now. She is both anxious and jittery, yet bone-weary and weighed down by the cares upon her shoulders. Emma Swan surely thinks that she has hidden her stress and fatigue well, but to one who knows her (and he does know her – as well as she will allow anyone to) the strain is beginning to show.
When they part ways at night now, she tilts her face up to his, grinning a warm, secretive smile and awaiting his gentle kiss, and he tucks her hair behind her ear, cradles her cheek in his hand, profoundly happy to steal a few moments alone with her. Yet, he also finds himself near to biting a hole in his tongue to keep back his words of caution for her, his fear that she is pushing herself too hard, too far, too soon. He cannot risk driving a wedge between them or making her run – not now. She is already keeping her distance from her parents, no longer staying with them in the loft. He has gone back to his ship since the Jolly’s return to him, and so has offered her the use of his room at Granny’s – paid for the month in doubloons that the old woman bit to check for authenticity, then grinned conspiratorially, accepted, and ferretted away in some hidden pocket of her skirts. However, he wonders if Emma paces the floor all night, or haunts the library seeking answers with an equally sleepless Belle, or simply drives aimlessly for hours; whatever it is she does, he can plainly see that she is not resting.
Killian Jones is not a man afraid of much on this wide earth’s surface, but Emma turning her back on him now and walking away is a haunting phantasm that never truly leaves his mind. And it is no longer simply the pain he knows he will feel, but the fact that she needs his support more than ever. He is more afraid for her safety and her sanity than he has ever been, and he does not know what method to try.
Those worries and fears all come to a head as he skids to the edge of the cliff face, behind a stunned, crushed-looking Mary Margaret and David, where he can clearly see Emma and Henry clinging tightly to one another frantically; panting, near tears, and much too close to the drop-off, but at first glance seeming whole and unharmed. He does not know where the rotten banshee who tried taking Henry has gotten to, has missed the entire showdown due to what he knows must have been Gold’s trickery and machination with the shell and Henry’s voice. He wanted to be there and have his Swan’s back, but he feels intense relief to see that she seems to have done just fine on her own.
A rush of air brushes along his skin as Regina charges up behind him, nearly bowling them all over as she calls out her son’s name in a voice harsh with desperation, clearly having been slowed by a similar deception to the one which fooled him. Killian merely steps back so that she can see her boy has been saved and reach him.
It is only as Regina falls to her knees on Henry’s other side, pulls him into her arms, and Emma shifts back slightly, that he is hit by a jolt of fear upon getting a good first look at her face. The reddened irritation beneath her lovely eyes has taken on an even more pronounced hue, making her look angry and more than a bit unhinged. He takes a weak step forward, wishing to soothe, to comfort…but then she leans to peer over the edge. Killian realizes in a flash that Cruella must have gone off the precipice, that the villainess is truly finished, no longer a threat. However, he is frozen in place, a chill of foreboding running down his spine, when Emma turns in his direction once more.
Her gaze is unfocused, not resting on any of them, but turned inward as if contemplating what she thinks of Cruella’s demise. Killian’s heart does not truly splinter until he sees a small, ill-suited little grin of satisfaction sneak over Emma’s lips…almost as if she is pleased with what she has done.
And he knows. Knows with the sinking certainty of one who has crawled back out of the pit and still clearly remembers the darkness’ pull, that something inside of his beautiful Emma has turned. A bit of his Savior’s shining, bright light has gone out.
Tagging a few who might enjoy: @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @jennjenn615 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @winterbaby89 @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @resident-of-storybrooke @scientificapricot @tomeandflickcorner @ohmakemeahercules @stahlop @anmylica @justanother-unluckysoul @sotangledupinit @booksteaandtoomuchtv @xsajx @lfh1226-linda @jonesfandomfanatic @motherkatereloyshipper @eastwesthomeisbest @xarandomdreamx @kazoosandfannypacks @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @tiganasummertree @optomisticgirl @elizabeethan @the-darkdragonfly @donteattheappleshook @drowned-dreamer @goforlaunchcee @shireness-says @ineffablecolors
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Cursing an addiction
I know cursing and hexing are controversial topics in the witch community, so if you reject all kinds of destructive magic, just move along.
So, cursing, right? You can curse a person, obviously. But you can also curse a situation or a thing. Or an addiction. Cursing is essentially cutting ties emotionally with something and letting it go or banning it from your life. So here's a cursing ritual that I came up with to curse an addiction.
(Note: this curse is not a substitute for getting professional help. Please do not rely on magic to cure your addiction. This is just something that can help you alongside your recovery)
I will describe this cursing ritual using my own traditions and methods, so feel free to adapt this to your own culture/pantheon/ingredients/magical concept. I use demon magic, so I will name the demons I invoke. Feel free to replace them with any entities you work with that you feel could replace them, or you can also use your own energy for this curse. You don't have to worship anything to do magic!
Things you will need
A black candle to absorb the negative energy
a smaller candle to represent your addiction (preferably a red one)
a tiger's eye (can be replaced by a clear quartz or a random rock you like)
paper and pen
a self-made puppet you can fill (you can easily bind one out of corn husk and fill it with contents, I use a self made crochet puppet)
some needles
any cursing herbs you got at hand
anything else to fuel the spell (broken glass, a small piece of broken mirror, small rusty nails, etc)
snake skin or eggshells (if you're vegan or sth, you can replace it with healing herbs)
some red yarn
a small baggy that fits into the puppet
You also need your usual ritual setup, whatever you use normally (candles for the deities you invoke, burning bowl, maybe incense, offerings for your deities etc)
The invocation
Invoke your circle and the entities you will be working with
"Denyen Valocur Avage Secore Amducious"
"Renich Tasa Uberaca Bisa Icar, Lucifer"
Depending on what pantheon you worship, invoke a deity of destruction, and one of new beginnings of your choice. If you don't work with any entities, simply call upon your own energy or the forces of nature. Fire is a cleansing element that may help you in this ritual.
The ritual body
Conclude your addiction into a few brief words and carve them into your small (red) candle, and light it
Then also light the black candle, so it can absorb all the negativity that will be relieved during this ritual
Write down your addiction as detailed as possible onto a small piece of paper (f.e. "Smoking 20 cigarettes daily" is better than "smoking")
Fold the paper and put it into your small baggy that will go into the puppet later
Put all of your cursing ingredients into the baggy (your cursing herbs, the nails, the glass or mirror pieces) and add the snake skin or eggshells to symbolize transformation and new beginnings
Close the little bag and put it into your puppet
Focus all of your anger at the puppet, thinking of all the pain your addiction has caused you
use the red yarn to wrap it around the throat of the puppet to "suffocate the addiction" and tie it off
Poke needles through the chest of the puppet to "destroy the heart of the addiction"
Speak a cursing chant; here's mine:
"You are my living addiction, and you will die. You have no power over me anymore. I will stop [name your addiction] because it harms me and I love myself. I cannot harm myself anymore. In the name of Amducious, I destroy you. In the name of Satan, I curse you. In the name of Lucifer, I resurrect to a new, healthy life."
Now write a request/prayer (or just your intention) to destroy your addiction, on a paper
Hold the tiger's eye in your hands and visualize yourself being addiction-free and happy
Burn the prayer in your fire-proof bowl
Let the small candle representing your addiction burn down on the altar completely
Place the puppet somewhere you will forget about it or a secret place you like to put similar spells, so the addiction will leave your mind
Finish your ritual off by thanking your deities, making them offerings, and dismissing your circle
After the ritual
After the ritual is done, you have activated the magic. Now carry the tiger's eye, or whatever stone you used, with you, or place it somewhere that connects to your addiction. If you are ever tempted to relapse, hold the crystal and visualize yourself being free of the addiction again. Really think of all the happiness it brings you to be sober, and anything else that may motivate you to stay on track.
Remember that relapsing sometimes is normal, and depending on what addiction you're trying to get rid of, it may take you weeks, months, or even years to completely get rid of it. You can always repeat the ritual if you feel like the energy needs to be renewed.
If you have overcome your addiction, you can either take the baggy of of the puppet, throw it away, and reuse it, or destroy the whole thing. Throwing it into the dumpster is good enough. Happy witching!
This ritual is slightly inspired by the "addiction breaker" in S. Connolly's book "Cursing, Hexes & Crossing, a magician's guide to execration magic". I used a few ideas from it, though most of it is my own creation.
ALSO!!! Please please please get yourself professional help if you need it 🙏
This ritual is only meant to be an addition to your recovery. If you're dealing with a serious addiction, this is not going to save you and can not replace a professional treatment or therapy. I wish you all the best with trying out this ritual, and if you need it, get well soon.
Ave Lucifer! 💜
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 23: Scent Play
Alignment: 100% Top. This is Dawn's signature.
With apologies to my silly science boy. I will give you the world as best I can package it, but this is one treat I cannot share with you.
Lavender is the scent of Miss Dawn. Lavender is the scent that penetrates you, surrounds you, coaxes you and lulls you in to soft surrender.
You may cover your ears to block out her voice, you may hide out of reach to avoid her touch or the taste of her lips, you may close your eyes to avoid being swayed by her commanding gestures and dazzling eyes, you may even try to plug your nose...
But you have to breathe some time and when you do, you'll notice that tint in the air, that flavor to the room, lavender softly accenting the moment, quietly corrupting, subtly lulling.
Drawing you ever closer to that inevitable surrender.
You cannot hide from my scent. You cannot resist my scent. You cannot resist me.
I have you.
...many scenes I tend to put on candles, defuse some essential oil or burn incense. It makes the space mine for a little while. I have conditioned Dolly enough that she already associates the scent and my presence/permission (both required, I do not want her lulling at lavender in public) with the sensation of trance.
It's the nearest I can have to a truly hypnotic aura.
Certainly I could set the lighting to a certain level (mental note: get multicolored LED lighting with a dimmer dial for your space in the future) and add some scenic music, wear specific outfits and generate the tone for a hypnotic space that is overt and inescapable. Any and every tool would heighten the mood.
But scent is subtle. It's something which doesn't demand or draw attention. There's some plausible deniability in there. Does it smell like that because it is my preferred scent? All of my toiletries are lavender scented. My bubble bath is lavender scented. Even my tea has lavender in it. When I say "this is my scent" I am not being hyperbolic. I want lavender to be synonymous with Miss Dawn.
I can see evidence that this has been the case since as early as 2004, with journal entries stating "her scent is lavender" when referring to my inevitable transitioned self.
This of course means the scent is attached to me rather than to trance.
Until I use the scent as a weapon.
Dolly is conditioned enough that all I need to do is make her consciously recognize the scent in order for it to drug her. "Does this smell like chloroform to you?" used to be a trigger, especially when I held a lavender soaked rag over her mouth and held her firm while she squirmed in resistance.
The most memorable time of which @redcap3 chronicled in a wonderful story called Snatch and Grab. Let's just say Puppet and I teamed up to gift our mutual girlfriend a *lovely* kidnapping scene.
Drug play is something I am newer to and I need to experiment with more before I can get it on the list, but it falls under the same umbrella.
My lovely lass once did a suggestion to perceive a drink I was having as a powerful sedative and every time a sip was taken it would induce a trance and provide amnesia so the next sip would come as just as much of a surprise as the first.
I have to admit, it caught my attention and I've been thinking of ways to do things since then.
As a final side note for Scent Play, I once wrote a hypnosis themed route for a visual novel. I utilized lavender as a scent in that script for pacification, obviously. As a reference to Jukebox's Girl stories I added strawberry as an arousal scent. Made it so the perspective character would succumb to insatiable arousal at the scent of strawberry.
I do not do that one in real life.
But I felt like mentioning it.
Day 22: Truth Spells
Day 24: Writing in Trance
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honeybeewhereartthee · 11 months
Pink KKomas 114
Spoiler for my stories
MC: (⑉> ᴗ <⑉) if you need help. I can always help you!
You don’t mind helping if he really needed it. You can fix it if it’s a problem a spell can fix.
Hallow holds Kiseki in his arms as a support as he seems to have a mental and emotional trouble he doesn’t understand at all. He seems to not want to be seen crying by you yet he don’t want to leave since he fear he won’t able to see you again without blindfolds for a while.
Hallow: I...
Hallow: 。°(°´ᯅ`°)°。*sniff...
Tears fall from his eyes again when he felt overwhelm by his emotions. He doesn’t understand since he is made with a Hallow heart. Yet why does his chest felt weird.
MC, notice something: - ̗̀( ˶'ᵕ'˶) ̖́- oh you like me?
Clearly you can see crystal hearts of people and knows what they think of you based on their crystal heart but you did take it to account it’s probably his own au version of you but— he don’t belong to an au but an estate where he is made.- place you stumble upon when trying to help Madara aus problem.
Hallow, suddenly become flustered. He turn bright blue (blushing): h-huh... like..? What is like... is this why I felt this way? (⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ ⌑ ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)✨
His eyes sparkle at the thought of new knowledge opening up to him about emotion. So far he knows more of fear (cause of blood and Captain), happiness of friendship (Being around other KKomas) and loniness (when he have no one to talk to at the lab.
MC: ദ്ദി^ᴗ ̫ ᴗ^₎ you! I can see your pink heart! You have awful taste by the way.
Self give a thumbs up to his question but cannot help hit click your tongue with a chuckle at your later commentary’s
He pause As he stares at you.
Hallow, who takes this as literal : why do you say awful taste ? Do I taste bad? (((;°-°;))))
MC: I mean you liking me silly. ₍ᐡ ɞ̴̶̷ ̫ ᴗ̤ ᐡ₎ᯤ♡
You giggle as you think how silly this undead is. He think about it.
Hallow: was it wrong to like you? (´;ω;`)
He cannot help but cry at the thought.
MC: ( ᴗ ᴗ)⁾⁾ Doll said people who like me is crazy. Or they are asking for a death wish since I’m married.
Hallow: your married? Σ(゜゜)
Hallow is shock from hearing this, he almost felt something breaking.
MC: obviously to Hanii. (っ˘꒳˘c)スヤァ
You felt bad hurting his feelings but it’s better this way.
Suddenly Kiseki who’s listening to the convo ask you:
Kiseki: Mimy what’s the name of your Hanii. ( ˙꒳​˙ )?
You thought about his questions being harmless. “Kohaku oukawa” of my au! You thought as you nodded you head. Thinking of your hanii who most be worried about you.
Through you don’t understand why the little child seems to have a little devil horn when he smirk when he whisper something to his babysitter ears making the sobbing Hallow pause as he look at you with brighter blue-purple eyes as if there’s solution to his problem.
Hallow: I’m also name Kohaku oukawa did it mean I can be your “Hanii” too? (⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷ ⌑ ᵒ̴̶̷⸝⸝⸝)✨
MC: ( ・∇・)... I don’t think that’s how it work since my Hanii is my aus Kohaku oukawa.
You felt bad as he seems to be sad again when you break the news to him.
Kiseki once again who’s a little matchmaker thought of a plan to help Hallow. The undead thought about the worlds of the older inkling.
Hallow: can... can I be close to you? If you don’t mind. I don’t understand what I felt but since you said it’s a like. I would want to spend my time here till I know how to understand and find my own solution.
Kiseki whisper to you:If Mimy don’t want to spend time with hallow. Hallow have to leave back to estate and Kiseki can’t be here if that’s what happened.
MC: (#゚Д゚)ゴ!?NANI!?
MC: Okii you can be close to me I totally do not mind!! ( *ᴗˬᴗ)⁾⁾
You agreed in a heart beat.
Hallow cannot help but hugs you in glee.”THANK YOU!’”
And that very moment a bullet shoot went passes you and wounded Hallow cheeks
it seems NN teleported in the worse timing.
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madam-monarch · 1 year
What horrifting ways does the Lamb sona "Lomando" do to the poor mortals animals.
P.S. I like to see more creepy stuff from the Lamb sona.
[ Yippee someone asked about mah Lamb sona Lomando!!! ]
[ But yea they do have sertain way's to fight and kill! ]
[ Also heads up englisch aint my main language so this will probably have weird writing and spelling mistakes! also this is pretty long i kinda went full in! XD ]
[ Also just a quick content warning for talking about murder [obviously] and also a bit of mind terror, i mean Lomando is a scary motherfucker so its a bit obviouse but just in case! :) ]
[ Their basic fighting style is rlly just whit their bare hand's, yes they can summon weapons from their crown, but mostly choose not to, they are just physicaly strong and like a bit of a challenge! ]
[ Tho one thing they can do is body mutation, that one's quite hard to use when there's mutiple enemies at once, but if its just one or two, they do like to use it! ]
[ Say'd mutations ussualy are either tentacles from their body, or unusual growth of limb's, it take's a bit for them to grow, which make's them a bit defensless in the moment, hence why its only smart to use it whit as few enemie's as possible! ]
[ Also doodle from last night to kinda show an example what it would look like ]
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[ also when they do murder someone, its rarely quick, they do like to take their time on their enemie's, tho they try not to do ''uesless'' kill's, i mean, they do want follower's and a ''good'' reputation, would be bad to just go massacre everyone, tho they sometime's feel like it whit all their pumped up anger thats hiding behind their smile! ]
[ Now one thing i wanna get into is the fact while they definetly kill, they prefer scae tactic's alot more, they love to scare their enemie's more than to kill them [They still love murder tho lol] and will sometime's even leave enemie's alone if they fuck off because they are to scared. ]
[ That doesn't mean that its over tho, they will definetly terrorize their enemie's not just in real life, but just go straight to their dream's and give them nightmare's, which yes, makes his enemie's suffer much more, no sleep, no energie, passing out, cannot function anymore. ]
[ Now its importand to know that Lomando has Illusion magic given by the crown, they dont look super scary to everyone! ]
Who see's them ''normal'': Followers, anyone who doesnt precieve them as evil [Most NPC'S]
Who see's the real face: Dissenters, The Bishop's, Follower's of the Bishop's, The One Who Waits, anyone who precieves them as evil, Mirror's [I'll get into that]
!!! EXAMPLE !!!
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[ Rlly quick lore, Mirrors are not allowed in the cult at all times, justs o the followers wont find out about his real face ]
[ Ok but why is this importand? Well thanks to their illusion magic, they can not just look more appealing, but combined whit their mind powers [which they use to get into enemies dreams like stated above] can look into his enemies head and put up an illusion of a loved or lost one]
[ Example: Enemie corner's them, out of safety they look into the enemie's mind, find thoughts about an old dead lover, BAM! Perfect food for mindfuckery, take the form [or illusion] of say'd lover ]
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[ There is a downpart tho, Nr 1, the eye's don't change, which some enemie's are smart enough to tell in an emotional moment. Nr 2 Lomando doesn't learn anything about say'd person they take the shape of, they could figure it out, but that takes a LONG time, meaning they kinda have to freeball the whole act, which sometimes goes bad and the enemie can tell that its not rlly their close one. But if it goes well, they can strike a pretty nasty attack on the enemie! ]
[ In a whole, yes they kill, and that pretty brutaly whit bare hand's, but they do prefer more to get into peoples head's, and dream's, or let's rather call them nightmare's! ]
[ Anyway info dumping done! Ty for the question, was rlly fun to talk about my bby!^^ ]
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invisibleicewands · 2 years
Hi! Have you already watched Staged 3? How it was? I don't have britbox and do not know what to expect.
Hi, Anon!
"Saved by the Bell", I would sum up. I watched S3 and I'm glad I've waited for the end to write something. Because after the first two episodes I was really discouraged. Despite lasting only 20 minutes, Ep. 1 was painful to watch for me until the end, so it was extremely tedious and boring. The same heated soup, over and over again, made with recycled content. But then, from Ep. 3, something has changed fortunately. Let’s be clear: the core of the show remains the same, MS & DT constantly screaming angry and stressed each other until the very end, but at least you can see ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’, the purpose of this season: to give a worthy conclusion to this project. And they did it with irony, intelligence, making fun of themself, joking on the absurdity of this farce, mixing different genres, Big Brother/Quantum Leap/Russian Doll and – why not? – a bit of The Exorcist, adding guest stars and expanding the landscape of the camera view. This last point was one of the more interesting to me, because we could finally see a glimpse of their real daily life (plus the whole kitchen of MS, part of his garden and car, DT’s house, etc.).
The development of the plot follows the chapters of the Christmas Carol novel, but in an original way. They show you how an imaginary S3 started (the past), the undone final product (the present) and their effort to change the coming bad reviews (the future), while they’re becoming - step by step - more and more aware that this partnership has to come to an end, like all good things.
To me the funniest moments were the involuntary ones, the dry humour of certain short answers, the ridiculousness of some situations, not the scenes forced, predictable, written to fill the time or the pages, to entertain you at all costs. By this criterion, there were some characters I appreciated more and other less.
MS & DT were (obviously) perfect, generous, selfless, crazy, messy and professional at the same time, even you could read in their eyes that they were (for real) sick and tired to play these cartoonish roles ad infinitum. Saying that they wanted to do other things was not just a line, but the truth (like some others in this show).
The rest of the cast followed their same rules, exaggerating and amplifying some traits of their characters, although with different results I must say. GT was the leader of this group, she pushed the events, she basically directed the project to the final destination, she was very present in every scene (maybe too much IMHO, but she was one of the producers after all), even if not so nice like she thought to be. A bit overexposed, like Simon, whose story was not so interesting to tell. Lucy acted well, I liked her, she was spontaneous, funny and fresh, as well as Ty (inscrutable but surgical in his humour) or Lily (at last finally!) or Nina (goofy). Different results I said, and there comes AL: suitable in the role of chauffeur or props manager, not so much as actress. I think it’s because she is like the beige colour and you cannot make it suddendly neon, without creating something artificial. The result is that I found her character prissy and demanding, fake (I hope for her it was), a pretty mannequin to fill the space in the showcase.
The other guest stars: Jim Broadbent (ruthless) or Olivia Colman (sweet fairy), always on time, even with small parts. Simply a guarantee. Neil Gaiman: ok, just to do a bit of advertising for GO2 and to complete the parade of family & close friends.
So, in the end, my suggestion is to watch it, even if you’re a fan or not, at least because in this case, you can break the spell, close this door and open another one. Knock-knock…
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frestoniia · 1 year
💎 ?
Muse Fusions (Musions) || accepting
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NAME: Larimar
Rather than simply creating a portmanteau of both their names, I decided to combine them in a different way. Azul obviously means "blue", and Craig means "rock". Put 'em together, and you get "Blue Rock". Hence, Larimar! Not only did it sound the best as a name, but it was once believed to have come from the sea, so it seemed especially fitting.
SPECIES: Cecaelia 
A mouse and an octopus are about as different as you can get. One is terrestrial, the other is aquatic. One is prey, and the other is a predator. So how does one go about combining the two? I decided that since Azul is the more dominant personality, that his species would be the one to carry over to the fusion. But not without a few changes. Specifically, the type of octopus that he's based on. And so, I present to you: Grimpoteuthis. Aka, the Dumbo Octopus. The specific kind I had in mind for Larimar is the Flapjack Octopus! These octopuses can't camouflage, nor do they possess ink sacs. But they do have cute mantle fins help them swim! In his natural form, Larimar would probably look similar to this.
AGE: 18 HEIGHT: 171 cm (5'7"). I just added their individual heights together and divided that number by two. Fun fact, Craig and Azul's heights (in centimeters) are inverse to each other! I just think that's neat. WEIGHT: 65 kg. Same method as above.
Larimar's delicate appearance belies extraordinary analytical abilities, a rare clarity of mind, and an enviable capacity for concentration. On top of that, he's considerate and appealingly modest. His easy charm and respectful manner toward people from every level of the social hierarchy make him a beloved figure to those he works with. Everyone from scullery maids to nobility are treated as worthwhile individuals, and his kindness does not go unappreciated. However, Larimar can often be overly critical and incredibly demanding. He has difficulty distinguishing between that which is acceptable and that which is ideal, and he may at times act the part of a martyr who is compelled to put up with the inadequacies of others. Underneath it all, however, he suffers from waves of guilt, inferiority, shyness, and anxiety. He's also a bit of a hypochondriac.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral DISLIKES: Collateral damage FAVORITE FOOD: Candy floss LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Calamari HOBBIES: Origami
Where Azul's traits are more dominant in terms of personality, Larimar's physical appearance more closely resembles Craig's, though it's still a mix of the two. He has shoulder-length sandy blond hair, teal blue eyes, and a lithe frame. He also wears round glasses, both as a nod to Azul's glasses, and also as a reference to a flapjack octopus' big round eyes. His eyesight is incredibly poor, so he rarely takes them off.
UNIQUE MAGIC: Cross My Heart
Any promise made to or by Larimar through the use of this spell is now absolute. It cannot be broken under any circumstances, and failure to keep the promise results in the guilty party losing their eyesight (a reference to the full proverb: cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye). This spell is cast by locking pinky fingers with someone and declaring a promise, then following it with "cross my heart", and it can only be undone by Larimar crossing his fingers.
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