#only nice one so far is Rook
justanotherfanfolks · 6 months
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Disney Movie Characters: *vibing*
Nearly every NRC boy: HA look at this LOSER! What an IDIOT!
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Drabble: Hand-me-Downs
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Yuu got isekaid to NRC with only the clothes on their backs. The only extra clothing they had when they got to Ramshackle were the uniforms from Crowley, the standard NRC class uniform, Pe clothes, a labcoat and Ceremonial robes, all ill-fitting and smelling dust.
When they got to cleaning the dilapitated dorm they found some extra fabric or clothing and they made some shirts.
Ace was the first one to give them so extra clothes, a hoodie that he brought but never wore. Then next was Deuce with a new shirt his mother sent over that was not his size.
When Yuu ran out of clothing because the rain came before their clothes dried, they'd wear some of Heartslabyul's shirts that Ace or Deuce lent them.
At some point other dorms caught on on Whats happening and joined in.
Riddle would give Yuu and "extra" scarf he had that he didn't use, its cold out Yuu should protect themselves from the cold. Trey would give a nice hat to protect themselves from the sun. Cater happily throwing in some comfy mittens he found on sale but didn't "fit him". Everything , ofcourse, in Heartslabyul's signature colors.
The Savanaclaw guys were different, instead of clothing Leona would tell Yuu to take away the trash littering his dorm room, and by trash he means that extra embroidered duvets his brother has sent him. He doesn't want it. Jack gives them extra new towels he had on stock , while Ruggie stitches them a doll he said just happened to look like a mini-grim that he was planning to sell. All of these went to Yuu's bedroom.
Yuu was wary from accepting anything from Octavinelle but it was hard to say no to them. Azul handed a coat he didn't use anymore. Floyd practically pushed into their hands a pair of pants that were far to long, but they could always stitch it up.Jade offered some gloves, but unlike Cater's that was for colder climates, the gloves Jade gave was for everyday use. Yuu tried not to think how it can be second hand when it fits them perfectly (Jade and Yuu definitely had different hand sizes).
Kalim was as generous as he can get and he had a lot of stuff to spare, like his signature cardigan. It was so obvious Yuu got it from Kalim that it got some students staring. Jamil gave Yuu some extra pajamas he had lying around, it was large and comfy and Yuus favorite sleepwear.
Vil gave Yuu like, 7 pairs of silken pillow cases. He said he got it as PR in the past and it would be a waste not to put it to good use. He also got them some extra handkerchiefs so they can be more aware of their messy appearance. Rook gave them his extra dress shirt, which was far too large but beggars can't be choosers. Epel gave them a knitted sweater from his home town and some earmuffs.
Idia was against the idea, but Ortho pursuaded him. Rather than giving hand me downs he gives Yuu some brand new Eyecovers for sleeping, it had a printed picture of a game character on it so it must be a freebie from one of his online escapades. Still, its the thought that counts. Ortho was the one who decided for his brother and added a hoodie Idia didn't use in the pile. (much to Idia's mortification the first time he saw Yuu wearing it in the hallways, he didn't take it back tho)
Lilia gave them a large extra Diasomnia outer coat, which was part of the dorm uniform and several band shirts. Silver gave them an extra pillow. And Sebek, handed them an extra labcoat, which again was far too large but it can be mended so its ok. Malleus took some time thinking of what hand me down to give them, which hw shouldn't really because Yuu was happy with anything he gave, but alas Malleus wanted it to be special. (For a handme down, really?)
He wanted to take Yuu's situation in mind, what article of clothing or bedding did they need?
In the end he settled giving the thing he thought Yuu needed the most...
Which so happened to be a fancy bed canopy with gold and black accents.Malleus says its good for sleeping, to keep the light and noise out.It may also be a bit enchanted to give the owner a goodnight's rest.
It looked so out of place in Yuu's little room.And they had to build the foundation to hold it up.
So that's how Yuu got several hand me downs from their friends, clothing and bedding.
Until Ace lent them his cologne, which started a whole new wave of hand me downs, each person trying to one up each other in giving Yuu a scent that also "coincidentally" smells like one of the dorms or a dorm member.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
lily of the valley
bonjour et joyeux premier mai! in france and belgium we give our loved ones lily of the valley flowers on may day to wish them luck in the upcoming year. sooo I thought... why not treat a few of my favorite boys?
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summary: gifting them a lily of the valley type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, epel, rook, vil, lilia additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, not proofread
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
"...Oh? And what's this?"
your first "victim" of the day is none other than the strict and formal Heartslabyul housewarden himself
as a man of tradition, and an enjoyer of flowers, you figure Riddle is the perfect place to start
as you're already well aware of the gardening culture in the Queendom of Roses, you even make an effort to read up on botanical facts about the gift ahead of time, if only to impress him
and... well, you didn't have the time to paint these ones red
or is that only for roses...? these rules can be quite confusing...
When you hand him the gift, he's simply surprised. Flowers? But he doesn't remember asking you for these...?
Riddle inspects the sprig of lilies in his hand, rolling the stem between his fingers as you explain their meaning
and, much to your delight, he's pleasantly receptive
"They're not roses, but... I suppose they're very nice. Thank you,"
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𝐄𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐫
"Now, what's all this for?"
if there's one thing Epel Felmier is absolutely tired of, it's flowers
well... it's not that he hates them, it's just... they're a girly thing, right? not to mention that Vil keeps them everywhere- the lounge, the rooms, he'd bet even that creepy basement under the dorm has a pristine porcelain vase full of the seasonal picks
ah, but flowers from you...?
and ones with a special meaning, no less
he'll never admit it aloud, but he's honored you chose him, of all people, to call a loved one
and so, Epel doesn't fuss too much when you take the liberty of putting the sprig in his front pocket, displaying it like a medal of honor
he might even chuckle at the whole thing
this is almost like something an old couple would do... it reminds him a little of his grandparents, even
"Well... alright. Aren't you as sweet as apple pie today?"
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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞
"Ah? A gift for me?"
his immediate reaction? how delightful!
how long it's been since he's received flowers like this... ah, they remind him of his youth!
despite his initial excitement, though, Lilia soon becomes far more invested in the meaning behind the gesture than the gesture itself!
he's fostered quite an interest in other cultures and traditions, after all, and he'll be more than glad to listen to you talk about your own for hours, and hours, and hours...
his curiosity is quite charming, isn't it?
perhaps he and his cuteness can convince you to exchange more stories sometime!
Lilia takes such a liking to the tradition, in fact, that he passes it on to Silver, Sebek, and Malleus, giving each a new sprig of lilies with a brief (and somewhat confusing) explanation
(Malleus may have to ask you about that later)
but, of course, Lilia reserves the bragging rights of getting his own flowers directly from you
"Fufufu, I hope this won't be the last time I get flowers from you, Prefect,"
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𝐕𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐭
"Oh, my. For me? They're lovely,"
Vil has received wreaths of roses, bouquets of the finest arrangements, even entire rooms full of flowers from devoted fans and management
but... something about the measly little sprig of lilies you're handing him first thing in the morning is all the sweeter
if there's anything he'll give you credit for, it's your taste in flowers. you must have chosen the best of the bunch especially for him, the way it's practically glowing
as soon as he's done admiring your pick, he pins it to his lapel, and keeps it there for the rest of the day
this color just accentuates his uniform so nicely, doesn't it?
and once you're done reciting your knowledge about the flower, he'll be sure to add his own, explaining the symbolism of such a beauty
"Lily of the valley: a return of happiness... Hm, much like yourself, no?"
(he will not elaborate on what he means by that)
but he does have a little spring in his step for the next few hours
"Oh, and, dear? You can be sure to expect ten times as many of these from me at your door next year,"
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭
"Ah, such a lovely shape! you have an incroyable eye for beauty, mon trickster!"
quite frankly, it doesn't matter what day it is; to gift Rook a lovely flower out of the beauty of your heart is enough to send him into a never-ending soliloquy
and now you say these are meant for your loved ones? do you mean to kill him with your thoughtfulness?!
he admires the flower for as long as the day will permit, and then presses it for preservation
he wouldn't want to lose this precious memory, after all!
in fact, he'll frame it riiight next to his bed so he may wake up to the sight of your kindness every morning!
and, just to be sure you know exactly how his heart is overflowing for you, you can expect a poem and dozens of flowers waiting for you on your doorstep the next morning
really... where does he find the time?
if you ask, he'll insist he's only expressing himself to you in the same way you have to him
"I only wish to show my utmost appreciation for your beautiful heart, miel!"
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felassan · 2 months
Snippets. 🐺💜 DA:TV spoilers under cut.
When the Community Council played the game, in the working version they played, it sounds like when the 'no dying' mode was turned on, when the player's health gets low the screen turns red (but you don't then die, of course) [source]
Caitie of Ghildirthalen shared that everyone that she talked to from the Community Council really liked the gameplay. "They were all into it, none of us had any complaints about how they were doing the gameplay, we all thought it was solid" [source]
The Lighthouse isn't literally an actual lighthouse by the sea. It's in the Crossroads. It's "like a bubble in the Crossroads, kind of like what Morrigan brings you to" in DA:I. "It's its own little bubble, it's not actually the Crossroads, it's like its own little bubble of reality." "It's not really in the Fade, but it kinda is, but it's kinda not". "It's so cool, I loved it so much [...] it's very comfy". It used to belong to Solas and "as you walk around there, you will see, like, stuff, that kinda shows what Solas has been up to for the past couple years" [source]
"They say in the [Game Informer cover] article that [The Lighthouse] like looks gaudy, and stuff, and like it does, in like an ancient elven way, but it's not like going to grandma's house which has that 2005 Tuscan kitchen feel." It sounds like there are a lot of frescos made by Solas in there. "It's kind of like, sad, too, 'cause it's a little bit like, ancient elven bachelor pad that he's been too busy to really keep up with it". "I think it's the coolest hub [in a DA game] by far" [source]
After the gameplay reveal video, Solas essentially gets trapped in the new prison he was trying to build for Ghil and Elgar'nan. "I don't think they explain it well in the [GI cover] article what happens, like, lore-wise, like how this connection between Solas and Rook one, works, and then two, like, how it's done. [...] From that [Community Council participation and talking to devs], I have a better understanding of this link, and I do think the explanation given [in-game] is good, and is satisfying to me. They're just not explaining it well in the article, I do think they give a better reason in the game"[source]
Caitie shared that she doesn't know why marketing for the game keeps saying/trying to say that Rook isn't a Chosen One as a talking point. "Maybe [Rook] wasn't chosen, [they] just happened to be there, but now there is a connection there, like [they] can't just leave, [they] have that strange Solas connection that nobody else has". "In this game Rook was just at the wrong place at the wrong time, or right place right time, depending on how you look at it, and it could have been anyone in that scene, that's kind've what they're trying to say" [source]
Photomode is something the devs expressed to Community Council that they want to include in the game [source]
User: "many of us would love to see cosplay kits again of the new companions. Just thought to throw that out into the ether" Trick: "Agreed! Definitely bring that up to official BioWare accounts. I think it's a great idea." [source]
John: "at this point my brain is about 70% DATV and 30% everything else" [source]
User: "I keep looking at that horn [Taash's blue one], thinking: 1. What -is- it made of?" Karin Weekes-West: "If only we knew!" [source] User: "If this turns out to be some high-value gemstone or crafting mat, I can't promise I'll be able to suppress certain... larcenous urges." Karin: "How very Lords of Fortune of you! :D <3 It really is SO PRETTY, isn’t it? Our art team is so good. :)" [source]
User: "I need to know if Rook gets their own room CAN WE DECORATE" Carly: ":^)" [source]
User: "anyway they [Neve and Harding] are both in this concept art. next to each other even. this has to mean they are both alive after the prologue. right? right???" Carly: ":^)" [source]
Kala: "the overall UI is very nice" [source]
Kala: "I remember the sliders [in CC] having pretty good range tbh, so probably pretty tall and pretty short" [source]
Kala: "I can't wait to learn who the VAs for Rook are! I know one and I know people will be really excited for this person to join the Dragon Age family 🤫" [source]
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bones4thecats · 7 months
Could I please request of blot boys reaction to their sibling(the reader) was taken by stxy instead of them? The resion could be that the reader has magic samiler to blot?
You can ignore this if its a bother, have a nice day!
When Their Sibling Gets Taken By STYX
Type of Writing: Request Character: Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, and Leona Kingscholar Name: When Their Sibling Gets Taken By STYX Requester: @firewolf6783
A/N: By far one of my favorite pieces. This was so much fun to write, so I hope you enjoyed this! Peace :p
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🐙 Azul is a fairly protective sibling in general, so when Jade and Floyd came up to him and said that they couldn't find his sibling around Night Raven College, he immediately went to the prefect to find out where you were
🐙 Hearing that you were taken from the grounds by a supposed student, Azul appointed the tweels to go with Rook, Yuu, and Grim in order to find you and get you back to Octavinelle
🐙 When he received the news that you were going to be returned soon, he was relieved, especially after seeing a photo of you and the tweels safe and sound
🐙 Your brother had bee-lined to the entrance of the college, he had stood there and shuffled on his feet, his mind full of what ifs
🐙 Like he literally rants to himself in his mind;
What if they were injured but I couldn't see it?! What happened to them?! Why were they even kidnapped?! What if I got there before?! Why would someone ever try harming them?!
🐙 This guy is literally making up scenario after scenario while waiting for you and the tweels to reappear
🐙 Once he heard the sound of you yelling and Floyd laughing, he jumped back out of his head and looked up from his phone. And he was happy to see Floyd giving you a piggyback ride as you held tightly onto him while he ran
" Azul! Lookie, we found Baby Octopus! "
🐙 Your eyebrows furrowing in agitation at the nickname made Azul chuckle as he walked up to you guys, motioning for Floyd to put you down
🐙 He was super happy that you were back, and while you did have some side-effects from being stuck in S.T.YX., he just smiled and brushed his fingers over the small scales on your arms
" I've seen you look far worse, little sibling. " " Yeah! Like when you accidentally sprayed ink all over yourself when we scared you all those years ago! " " Shut the hell up, Floyd! "
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🐍 Was he peeved when he received news that you were missing? Absolutely.
🐍 At first, Jamil believed that someone was there to kidnap Kalim but ended up accidentally getting the identities mixed and kidnapped you instead
🐍 Once he heard about it, he had ordered everyone he knew to search for you, and hearing that other members of the College had gone missing as well, only made him worry even more
🐍 Was something else going on? If someone was just after Kalim, why would there be other students missing?
🐍 Much like Azul, Jamil begins to panic on what happened to you, making many different accusations and scenarios up in his mind on what had happened to you and where in Twisted Wonderland you would be
🐍 It was when he was just about to go overboard and possibly overblot again that he got a call from Kalim, stating that you were found and only had a few changes, but they weren't bad
🐍 That made his worries all vanish, and it also made the rest of Scarabia whip their foreheads of sweat, they were scared their vice-housewarden was about to go and hypnotize them again
🐍 Jamil immediately after hanging up with Kalim began to sprint down the corridor and through Scarabia's mirror, bolting straight for the mirror chamber, and when he saw you weren't there, he ran right to the entrance of the school
🐍 Which was where he saw you and Kalim hugging, you just trying to comfort him from crying so much
" Hey brother! " " Sweet Sevens, thank the world that you're safe. Kalim said you had no injuries that were major, right? You better not be hiding any of them from me, or I swear to- " " I'm really fine, Jamil. Just I little tired is all. "
🐍 That was when he noticed that Kalim was messing with something behind you, and when he looked back and saw that you had a small snake tail with a rattle, his eyes widened and he looked so confused
" Long story... " " Then you better start telling me now. "
🐍 Yeah, once you told him about everything that happened with S.T.Y.X. it's needless to say that he became a mama-bear whenever Idia came around
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👑 Oh was he beyond upset
👑 Vil was looking everywhere in Pomefiore for you, so when he couldn't seem to locate you, even using your tracking system you both installed on your phones for safety, he got really mad
👑 He tried to asked Rook to go around and look for you, and that was when he noticed that his phone was pinging all the way over to where the Isle of Woe was supposedly located, and he started to get beyond worried
👑 Vil decided to try calling Yuu, who he knew you were close too. But, when they didn't call him back or give him a message, everyone noticed how it was affecting him
👑 It was so bad that the teachers gave him time off class because of how worried he was
👑 He wasn't even coming out of his room for anything, not even gifting a reaction when someone mentioned Neige being there (obviously lying, but still)
👑 By the time he received Rook's message of finding you and the others that were kidnapped, Vil was dead asleep, his room in quite a lot of disarray
👑 When he heard the sound of his door being knocked on, Vil woke up death-fully silent, he wrapped himself in a robe and hide his face behind the hood of the fluffy clothing
" (R/N), I don't care if- " " Hey Lover-Boy... WOAH. I can tell you missed me! " " Y/N?... " " Where in the name of the Great Seven were you?! You had been losing my mind! Do you know how worried I was?! " " ... ah damn... "
👑 Now you have to deal with your brother's scoldings. But, when he eventually saw the small burns from some technologies from S.T.Y.X. on you, he just smirked and complimented you
👑 And that got Epel googling on how much grief can affect someone's personality while Rook just laughs and talks about how sweet of a brother the housewarden is
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🦁 As the last-born of your royal family everyone saw potential in you from the very beginning of your life
🦁 You were put on a very high pedestal, but, you were still held in a lower degree than your oldest brother Falena Kingscholar, so you and your second-oldest brother, Leona Kingscholar, and you bonded like nobody's business
🦁 It was because of your closeness that Leona was getting worried
🦁 The last time he had seen you was when you went with your friend Jack to class, so when Leona went and asked the wolf-beastman about your whereabouts and he only said he thought you went back to your dorm, he got upset
🦁 Your brother immediately grabbed his phone and messaged Ruggie, ordering him to put everything aside and issue a warning around the school; one that you were missing
🦁 That was how he found out about other students going missing, and when he learned that the magicless prefect and their cat was gone, he got angry
🦁 Was this some kind of devilish plan of theirs?!
🦁 During your time missing, he tried keeping it only known to the school, he doesn't need his and yours brother and his family to get the royal guard engaged in this, he could handle it himself
🦁 When you finally called him, Leona was curled up in his bed, contemplating ideas on where you could be
🦁 Hearing the familiar sound of your ringtone, Leona lunged for his device, holding it up to his ear to hear the sound of your voice
" Ah, Roi des Lions! Do not worry, I have old Princesse des Bêtes here with me, they're safe and sound. " " Where the hell are they you prick?! " " We're on our way back to the school, we should be back at around six heures et demie. See you then! " " Why you- DAMN IT! "
🦁 Leona stood outside the school awaiting your arrival. And while he was there with Ruggie, he gritted his teeth, allowing a bare minimum of his fangs to show
🦁 When he finally caught sight of you and saw that you had a small amount of fur along your body, he just sighed, holding you close before picking you up and dragging you to Savanaclaw
" Y'know, for someone who's supposed to be the blessed child, you really find ways to get into trouble. " " I guess that's why I'm your sibling, huh? " " Fuck you. " " Love you too, brother! "
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We got Kalim's groovy art. As expected, he doesn't have the evil smug and instead have a celebratory smile that fits his personality. Just Silver's determined look and Rook's passionate smile as both fit their personalities.
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It’s nice to have that variety among the main cast~
For comparison, here are all three side by side:
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Rook looks like he’s admiring Snow White in her natural habitat. Silver looks fierce—he’s the closest of the light cosmic magic trio to the trademark NRC smirk/sneer we typically see in this line of Groovies. The context is very different though, not mean but instead determined.
Interestingly, Kalim is the only one of the Platinum Suit series (so far) to look directly at the camera. Everyone else is pretty much focusing on the painting and the painting alone. It helps to show off his gregarious demeanor, so I think it suits him very well! The devs were so right to go with this expression for Kalim.
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dotster001 · 11 months
Since requests are open in honor of my favorite holiday, Halloween, how would Vil, Rook, Malleus and Lilia react to a f!reader/f!MC’s witch costume complete with the pointed hat, fingerless lace gloves, a lace sleeveless black dress with a knee high skirt, witch socks and buckled shoes. (I can probably see Vil and Rook helping her with her nails and makeup for the occasion.)
CW: Fem reader
A/N: we've waited a long time for this one, nonnie. Happy Halloween!
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Let's be real….Vil designed the outfit. Vil bought the outfit without telling you. Vil brought it to your dorm, said, "change", and then stood there while he waited for you to change.
He then styled your hair, did your makeup, did your nails, yelled at you about how to properly compose yourself in the outfit, then Snatched your wrist and dragged you with him to show off your look.
He's not going to go all gaga over you like some of the others. He knows how beautiful you are, and he hopes you know with how often he tries to make it clear to you. That said, he is very proud, both because he designed it, and because everyone is complimenting you.
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Designed the outfit pt 2
The night before Halloween festivities began, you heard a knock on your second story window, and when you opened it, he was perched on the windowsill, outfit in hand. Gave you a roguish wink, and said something about being very excited for tomorrow's festivities, then he jumped off the sill, and did a perfect roll landing, before skipping off into the woods.
You would think he had never even seen the outfit (he gives Wataru in this clip energy) He's wild, almost crazed as he compliments every aspect of the look, and how it sits on you. If you say something along the lines of "you designed it why are you so nice?" He'll say, "Ah, but you are the one who brings life to my humble design!"
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He's immediately thinking about what you'd look like in traditional Valley of Thorns regalia. It's not anywhere similar to your witch costume, but your costume is dark, and Valley of Thorns robes are dark, so that's the only tie in Mal Mal needs.
He's going to treat you like a lady, placing your hand in the crook of his arm, escorting you where you want to go, pressing kisses to your exposed fingertips.
You're just too pretty dressed up like a witch. And as your brave dragon, he has to protect you from evil pirates, vampires, and gravediggers! He was so excited for Halloween festivities, but now he's far too busy hoarding you and your time.
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Will steal your outfit for himself once you're done with it.
He wishes you'd have told him about the outfit, he totally would have tried to match. Think of how adorably mischievous he'd look in a witch costume!
He'll giggle and ask if he can be your bat familiar. Wouldn't that be so fun! His beautiful little witch, and her handsome bat companion! How exciting!
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll @stygianoir
Note: haven't used the taglist in a while, so if I forgot you, or you want to be added, let me know!
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vera-deville · 5 months
I Will Say (I'm in Love)
08/04/2023 - 04/30/2024
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Reader Word Count: 2,787 Warnings: A fair amount of cursing; Reader's outfit is a dress and is decidedly purple; Reader does go through a little bit of a mental breakdown (I personally blame all the stress of NRC), but I promise it's gonna be alright- Gender: AFAB Tags: @viviennevermillion, @achy-boo, @savanaclaw1996, @otomyoli, @chroniccorvus Notes: This is the second part to this fic, so please check that out before reading this! Rook is basically a fairy godmother (even tho he's a stalker, but we don't talk about that). Oh, and I made a reference to Savanaclaw Rook, because he's been living in my head rent-free and thERE ARE NO FICS ABOUT IT DARN IT-
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In which Y/N eventually does say that she's in love.
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"Shit." Y/N hissed as she swung open the wardrobe door, only to reveal that there were no decent dresses.
"For fuck's sake!" The girl screeched, running her hands through her hair and yanking at it. Only the Great Seven could help her at this point. Did any of them specialize in luck with money? Or even better yet, did any of them specialize in stopping a person from splurging all their hard earnt bribed thaumarks on art supplies?
Grim wasn't even there to help with this whole fiasco!
Who else could she ask for money? Azul? No, that one's too slippery. Kalim? No, that one's guarded by a snake and talks too much. Vil? But that one's...
That one's perfect! He wouldn't be able to resist helping out someone to look fabulous! Besides, Y/N could handle potato insults for a bit if it meant getting a fabulous dress picked out by Vil Schoenheit himself.
And so the Prefect of Ramshackle ran as fast as her legs would carry her, all the way to the house of Pomefiore. It's a pretty name, filled with pretty people, but at this moment, only one pretty person mattered.
That should grab his attention.
And grab his attention it did, because mere seconds later, a tall blonde stormed into the common room, vial of poison ready in his hand for the heathen that dared summon him in such a manner.
But before he could get a word in, Y/N asked, no begged him for help with a dress. And of course, him being the gracious queen he is, he couldn't leave the potato in such a state.
"Coral, though a nice color, would be far too bright for you for this event." Holding up a card of azure up to Y/N's shoulder, Vil decided that also would not do the trick. "Perhaps a glowy yellow brown?" Y/N perked at the fabric Vil held in his hands. It was just a small square piece of fabric, but it looked oh so pretty. Like sand glimmering in the sunlight.
And then suddenly the sun lit sand turned into purple.
A very familiar purple, though Y/N couldn't quite put her finger on it. Scrunching his face in contemplation, Vil nodded to himself before letting Y/N know that she should opt for a dress in that shade of lavender.
Which is how Y/N found herself in a shopping mall, looking high and low for a vaguely familiar shade of purple in a dress that she should have gotten ready long ago. Earlier, Y/N had pondered about who to bring with her (if she chose to bring anyone at all) to the mall to help her find just the right dress. Vil was the obvious choice, but Y/N wasn't sure she wanted to indulge in his kindness more than she already had. Rook was also a good choice, but Y/N didn't feel like admitting anything to him at the current moment (though knowing his nature, he probably already knew everything).
In the end, Y/N went by herself, not confident enough to bring anyone with her. In the hours she had to get ready for her event, Y/N had something of an epiphany. Anxiety was a bitch. No shade of purple seemed to match the shade card Vil had given her. And if she did find a dress in the color, the dress was not one she'd think herself beautiful in. In the off chance that she'd find a dress that was the right shade and style, Y/N would immediately go an try it on - only to despise the way it fit around her body.
This was now the 7th store that Y/N had walked into in hopes of finding the perfect lavender dress that eluded her grasps so.
And right off the bat, there was a beautiful dress. In the same shade Vil had instructed her to buy. In a style that made her heart pick up the pace because it was simply and utterly beautiful. Making a beeline towards the dress, Y/N gently ran her hands through the fabric. Good, it wasn't itchy. She pulled the dress to the side in such a way that she could see the back, but the dress still hung on the rack, and she could feel a heave of relief making its way through her lips. It was just right.
Her heart was racing now, and Y/N couldn't shake the grin off her face, and for once, she didn't even care. Speed-walking towards the dressing rooms, Y/N nearly threw open one of the stall's doors, and locked herself inside immediately. Hanging her purse on a hook, she stripped out her clothes and slipped the dress over her head and down her body.
Except it wasn't going down her body.
It was stuck at her hips.
With a gentle fury, Y/N pulled at the dress, trying to force the thing down her thighs.
It wasn't going down.
Looking back up at the mirror, as though it would be some sort of saving grace, she continued to try to pull the dress down, but no avail.
Eventually, she zeroed in on her eyes in the mirror, and that's when Y/N stopped for a brief moment. She took in her appearance. Dress half worn, frown embedded, sweat glistening, hair frenzied, shoes thrown in some corner, and worst of all: tears beginning to form.
In a moment of rash wrath, Y/N pulled the dress off her, and threw it against the mirror, letting the tears pour out her eyes as she hugged herself and turned away from the mirror.
It's like not a single thing would go her way and it was stupid, worrying this much over a dress, but that wasn't all there was to it. It wasn't just the dress. It was the event, the school, the people, it was the whole world she'd been dropped into.
Aware that she was still technically in a public setting and should maintain at least some semblance of decorum, Y/N kept her sobs and sniffles to herself.
Knock knock.
Whipping her head up, Y/N realized that an employee was knocking on the door, and sniffed once more. Wiping her eyes and her face and wearing the clothes and shoes she originally walked in with, she grabbed her purse and the damned lavender dress, plastered a smile on her face, and opened the door.
No need to burden others with her own burdens.
Except standing outside the door was no employee, but rather Rook Hunt.
Bewildered, Y/N rubbed her eyes again in hopes that she was hallucinating and wasn't actually seeing Rook Hunt right after she had an emotional breakdown.
Sadly, she was in fact seeing Rook Hunt after said emotional breakdown.
"What a magnificent coincidence my dear Trickster!" Rook said as he walked with Y/N out of the dressing rooms of the store.
"Uh, yeah, pretty cool coincidence Rook. What're you doing here?" Y/N asked, trying to move the focus away from her and on to Rook. If he noticed, he didn't make it known. He simply continued to prattle on about a new fashion line from a brand he liked.
The thing about Rook that Y/N enjoyed at this particular moment was how despite the fact that he was here to buy something for himself, he simply followed Y/N wherever she went while occasionally interrupting to ask if a particular garment would look good on him or not. (Y/N was sure he knew that it would look good on him, and that he simply wished to hear someone else say it).
It hadn't been too long since Y/N had returned the lavender dress she'd tried to wear to an employee at the store and had instead opted to accompany Rook to the store that had the new line he was looking for (as a change of pace of some sort). The store itself was very high-end, that much she could tell, and while she'd always had a rough suspicion that Rook was in fact secretly rich, him perusing through everything that caught his eye in the store (which was a lot) without bothering about the prices certainly cemented the suspicion in Y/N.
Mindlessly scanning her eyes through the aisles visible to her as she waited for Rook to emerge from his dressing room, Y/N scrunched her face as she remembered her dressing room incident from earlier. Even though she was feeling a lot better now, it didn't change the fact that she still had no dress, and was running out of time to get ready.
The door smack open dramatically with an even more dramatic figure emerging from the depths within.
Rook actually looked really nice. He clearly had a good eye for these things, even if most of those things were taught to him by Vil. Apparently there was a time where Rook was in Savanaclaw, and was something of a diamond in the rough (Vil's words, not hers). Before Vil got used to Rook being...well, Rook, he had given him an atrocious bob cut in hopes of Rook finally leaving him alone.
Spoiler alert, it did not work. In fact, Rook embraced the haircut so much that he hasn't changed it since he first got it, and he certainly hasn't stopped his usual Rook self.
Personally, Y/N couldn't imagine Rook looking any different. But no matter how much she pestered either Rook or Vil for old photos of him from back in Savanaclaw, neither would budge (one because it was too hideous and the other because he simply found it fun to tease her).
"Trickster? Are you alright?" Rook asked Y/N who was lost in thought.
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh yeah, I'm alright. Sorry, I was just thinking about something." Doing a once-over of Rook, she said, "You look great."
Before she could get another word in, Rook slyly side-stepped her and made his way to some corner of the store not fully visible from where she was standing. Confused, Y/N tried leaning over to see where he'd gone, but when she couldn't see anything, she simply turned back and waited for him to come back.
He'd most probably seen something else he wanted to buy and was getting it.
Pulling out her phone, Y/N realized that she had less than an hour to get ready, and sighed. Still no dress. No completed hair or makeup. No nothing.
It was at this moment that Rook popped up in front of her face.
"There you are! Did you find something you wanted to try on-" Y/N asked when she looked at what Rook was holding in his hands.
It was a dress.
It was lavender in color.
It looked beautiful.
"I saw this dress, and I immediately thought that it would suit you so well! Hurry, go try it on~" Rook explained as he shoved Y/N towards the dressing room.
Sputtering, Y/N could only hold onto the dress thrust onto her arms as she was pushed by Rook. Once inside the room, she looked at the mirror.
Here we go again.
Tugging off her clothes, she pulled the dress over her figure with all the time she had.
Not looking at the mirror, she pulled the dress down her thighs. It went down just fine.
Running her hands down the fabric and smoothening out any of the wrinkles in place, Y/N finally looked at her reflection. The dress was slightly loose, but not in a bad way. It gave her room to breathe. Besides, it'd probably shrink after she threw it in the wash. Y/N twirled around, watching the movement of the dress closely. It actually looked nice.
Hesitantly, Y/N brought her hand to the lock on the door and after taking in a deep breath, she opened it.
Rook was waiting patiently, and the look on his face when he saw her in the dress gave her some amount of confidence as she walked out.
"You look beautiful."
Y/N knew he wasn't lying. He'd never lie when it came to matters of beauty. But she also knew that he wasn't exaggerating. Rook, as dramatic and odd as he was, wasn't someone to exaggerate beauty. He simply spoke his mind, and that was something she respected about him.
"It certainly is a nice dress, but I can't pay for it Rook. I didn't bring enough." Y/N told him with a sad smile.
"Who said anything about you paying? I have already paid for the dress. All that you need to do is wear it!" Rook stated happily.
Despite being short of money most if not all the time, and bribing NRC's headmaster for payments (which in all honesty were well-deserved, taking into account all the work she did for him) amongst other things, Y/N had a certain respect for money. And a certain pride regarding money too. Especially when her friends were involved.
"Rook, I can't do that. This is way too expensive, and I'm not going to make you pay for it. I can't repay you, so I'm just not going to get this dress."
"Once again, Trickster, the dress has already been paid for. I didn't do this expecting you to pay me back, so don't worry about it, and just look like your prepossessing self."
Y/N could feel her eyes tear up again for the second time that day.
Before Rook could tell her to not ruin her face with tears, Y/N jumped him in a suffocating hug (one not unlike Floyd's infamous hugs) and thanked him profusely. Smiling, he looked down at her and wrapped her in an embrace of his own. She deserved much for everything she did around the school and more, and if this could be even a little helpful, he'd do it again.
"Now, now, don't cry Y/N." At the use of her name, she looked up at Rook's face. "You have something to attend, don't you? You can't do that if you're busy crying in a mall with me, now can you?"
Sniffing, Y/N nodded, and pulled back from Rook, wiping her tears away (luckily there weren't as much as before). "Did Vil tell you I was going on a date with Leona?" She asked.
"A date? With Leona!?" Rook exclaimed, much to Y/N's surprise. "I never thought I would see the day come!"
"Wait, so you didn't know?"
"My dear trickster, how could I have possibly known?"
With one more suspicious glance, Y/N dropped the subject.
"When is your date Trickster?"
"It's in less than an hour from now. Why?"
"And hour!? We have no time left." Rook cried out. Without missing a beat, he dragged Y/N with him out the store and to a salon that was just a few stores down. Sitting her down, he instructed an employee as to what to do with her (he was very particular when he told the employee to have the dress in perfect shape). For a second, he vaguely resembled Vil. This time, Y/N paid for the services herself, not taking no from Rook as an answer.
When all was said and done, Rook stood in front of Y/N, absorbing all the details, trying to figure out of it was all enough. A tiny bit of fuzz was on her shoulder, so he plucked it off smoothly before she could question anything.
"I-Thank you Rook. You have no idea how much this all means to me." Y/N told Rook.
"I would do anything for love to prevail *mon filou. And I would do even more for you." Rook told Y/N.
Smiling at Rook, she said, "You were right. I do like Leona. No, I love him. A lot. And by the looks of it, he likes me too!" Giving him one more hug, Y/N walked away, purse in hand, excited for her date with Leona.
"Ah, young love~ Whatever could be more beautiful?" Rook asked himself in a cheerful voice as he watched Ramshackle's Prefect walk off into the distance, one step at a time to her fairytale ending. Rook felt himself proud of reaching the mall just in time to help Y/N (her purse certainly helped in tracking her down).
That's two lovebirds he's helped today!
Turning back around and wandering through the mall, Rook wondered who he'd be helping next.
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Author's Note: As you can see from the dates, I really took my time with this one. When I first started writing this last year, I was planning to write about Leona and Reader's date, or more specifically, how the date was arranged and all that fun stuff, but when I sat down to write today, it just went in a completely different direction. I've never really incorporated Rook into my writings (and if I did, he's there for like three sentences), but unpredictably, he ended up playing a larger role in this fanfic. If you'd like a third part to this where we find out about how Leona and Y/N even ended up agreeing to go on a date with each other, or perhaps we find out who Rook helped or is going to help, feel free to let me know!
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octavinelle-oyster · 2 months
the vice housewardens with a kuudere reader who smiles around them for the first time? 🙇‍♀️
Characters : Trey, Jade, Jamil, Rook
Type : Headcanon, fluff
Info : gn reader, pre-established friendship Trey and Jade, Jamil could be read as pre-established friendship as well or pining, Rook is Rook
One smile and you use my heart against me ~Eva Simmons
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Trey Clover
The two of you were secluded in the privacy of Heartslabyul’s kitchen, preparing an abundance of various pastries for the unbirthday party the next day.
Rule 347 clearly states that one must be in the kitchen at all times whist the oven is in use. Of course, while the oven was on, Trey was in the kitchen.
You had joined him an hour ago. Helping him mix up batter or prepping filling for tarts, occasionally taste testing here and there.
The two of you had fallen into a nice rhythm.
Mix up the crust for the tarts, pop it in the oven, prep the next crust, start on the filling, retrieve the cooked crust and replace it with the prepped one, and repeat.
The output in which Trey was making tarts had doubled since you joined him in the warm kitchen.
Yeah, that was it. The kitchen must have been warm. That's why he felt his cheeks grow hot at the sight of a small smile adorning your face as you scooped a spoonful of strawberry filling and brought it to your lips.
He didn't make a big deal out of it. Taking a mental screenshot of your blissful face and turning back to the oven.
He could only hope to see that look on your face again.
Maybe he could be the cause of a smile on your face instead of some mushed fruit next time.
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Jade Leech
The botanical gardens of the prestigious school was nothing short of extraordinary.
The vast collection of herbs and plant life alike tended to easily wow many interested in botany.
Jade would easily maneuver around the various limbs that stretched too far out and into the path as well as a loin’s tail peeking out from under some foliage. Leading you to the back corner of the green house.
For the normal person, this would mean certain death. The Jade Leech leading someone anywhere secluded meant trouble.
But your biggest concern would be for your ears after listening to the teenager ramble about the assorted fungi in his collection.
Soon the two of you were in front of varied terrariums.
Jade picked up and even opened a few of the glass chambers as he poked and prodded at mushrooms. All whilst explaining their deadly qualities with a growing grin on his face.
His eyes would dart to yours as he went on about the symptoms of death cap mushroom poisonin.
“The signs of death cap mushroom poisoning include the following, low blood pressure, nausea, and–”
When his eyes locked with yours he wasn't expecting a grin on your face.
“–vomiting.” He quickly finished his explanation, his eyes lingering on your lips as they curved up.
A sight he didn't see often. His own lips became more upturned as he glanced away placing his beloved terrarium back where it was previously sat on a shelf with his name tied to it.
If he knew his own grin was so contagious he might let a genuine expression grace his lips more often.
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Jamil Viper
His shoes squeaked across the court as he tried to keep up with the ball a few people ahead of him.
All this moving and straining was causing his left arm to cramp, pain shooting up and down his arm every time he so much as brushed it against someone.
“Sea snake!” was the only warning he got when Floyd sent the ball to him. Bouncing the ball across the ground in one swift motion to get to point a from point b.
Jamil reacted fast, palming the basketball with his left hand. He had to react fast. Being just a second too short could cost them the whole game.
He just wished Floyd wasn't always so rough on the court.
He was being chased across the floor as he dribbled the ball, aiming to go straight to the opposite team’s net and hopefully score enough points to get this over soon.
Were you watching him?
Jamil faintly remembered seeing your face in the crowd. Maybe he could catch a glance of your face if he was quick-
He hadn’t expected to see your lips turned up, even your eyes squinting. A genuine smile from you had rendered him enamored.
You’re smiling.
And the ball wasn't in his hands anymore.
Just like that, an RSA student stole the ball from him seconds before he was about to shoot.
Though, it didn't get very far. Another NRC student quickly got it back, scoring for the team.
Hopefully, you weren't watching him too closely to notice his eyes darting to you periodically throughout the game in the hope of catching you smiling again.
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Rook Hunt
He didn't think you’d catch him sitting in the tree you always sat under during break.
With all the times he’d manage to watch over you, memorize your schedule, alter his daily paths just to catch a glimpse of you.
He didn't think you’d notice him.
It's better to watch from a distance.
Beautiful things are fragile, but Rook was often quick with his advances. He could easily bump you too hard and break you like a glass vase holding flowers.
When you came to a rest under the familiar branches lush with leaves, he watched.
He watched as you plucked flowers from the ground or scrolled aimlessly on your phone, his eyes locked on you as he sat perched among the tree’s limbs.
He let out a sigh. Maybe it was the peaceful atmosphere that had him so relaxed. Or maybe you were just nice to look at.
When you turned around and gazed upwards, a look of shock showed on your face before it melted down to a hesitant smile.
Sure, one-half of your lips were more upturned than the other, and maybe your eyebrows creased with a questioning look.
But it even caught the Rook Hunt off guard with the expression on your usually deadpan face.
He felt his own lips growing into a grin as he rested his hand on his palm, his elbow resting against his propped knee.
“Ah, hello de toute beauté~”
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First official post holy fuck
I hope you like this🙏 Ik I didn't do all the vice housewardens but I wanted to get something posted and I currently have two other things in my inbox-
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kcwriter-blog · 1 month
Thanks for Thinking of Solavellan
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts directed at Solavellans by kind, caring people who want to make sure we temper our expectations. After 10 years of being treated like dirt by the fandom, it’s so nice to have so many people take an interest in us, to the point of compassionately telling us that we aren’t going to get much content, as sad as that may be. I can’t speak for all Solavellans but I wanted to let everyone know why they don’t have to worry about me at least:
We are grown ups
We are adults, well versed in managing our expectations. In fact, most of us hold down jobs, take care of our families and live our lives. Are we excited that our Inquisitors will be in the game? Of course. Do we expect them to be the central character? Of course not. We understand that Rook is the star of the show. We are busy planning our Rooks and deciding which romances to pursue. We are trying to decide what class and faction to play just like everyone else. Are we excited about what we know about Solas so far? Yes. If Dorian is announced to be in the game, as seems likely, I’m sure people will be equally excited and talking about what they hope to see.
We know Solavellan content will not be the focus
See above but also, we are used to having less content. We have the least amount of romance content in DAI. In Trespasser everyone got to talk to their Lis throughout the game. We had a 15-minute conversation at the end. Most players got a resolution to their romances. Like all Inquisitors, our Lavellans are kind of in limbo where Solas is concerned. The fact that we are making Inquisitors in the character creator tells me that all Inquisitors will have at least one confrontation with Solas and Rook will probably be part of that. Those will differ depending on whether you want to stop him at all costs, redeem him or want to redeem him and romanced him. This was done in Trespasser. If they can find the time and money to put three paths of 15-minute conversation in a ten-hour game, they can do the same for a 70-hour game. That’s not a lot of content but it is sure to be impactful and we will be happy with it.
We are no different in voicing our hopes than anyone else
I have seen plenty of posts where people that romanced Dorian want to have a tender moment between their Inquisitors and him. I fully support their hopes. I want that to happen for them. Other hopes expressed are the return of Cullen, the return of the Hero of Fereldan, Fenris and Merril cameos, etc. All are expressed in terms of “I hope” or “I will riot if it doesn’t happen.” To be honest, I feel sad for those poor souls because no one is telling them to temper their expectations. Does the fandom not care about their health and well-being? We are expressing our hopes and wishes. Do we think we will get all of it? Of course not. We are, as I said before, adults.
We Think We Will Rescue Solas
Honestly? We hope we can be a part of that, but it is just hope. It is more likely that Rook will break him out of prison. Maybe the Inquisitor will get to help – the way Hawk and the Warden Companion did in DAI – but if not, there will probably be some sort of confrontation. Rook may ask the Inquisitor’s opinion about Solas and the answer will depend on the Inquisitor’s relationship with Solas but that may be all.
We have too many unrealistic expectation
Please don’t think that we expect everything we want to happen to be in the game. We are aware that a lot of our hopes are not going to be realized. To be honest, we are already surprised that some of those hopes are figuring in the game. Keep in mind that for 10 years we thought our only interaction with him would be to make sure he didn’t die alone. We recognize we are a small group and so does BioWare. Yes, we have indulged our brain rot and obsession with art and fiction but that’s just us. We don’t expect it to show up in the game. If it does, we will be excited. If it doesn’t, we will shrug our shoulders and go back to drawing and writing.
We are talking amongst ourselves
We are talking to other Solavellans. Solavellan has become a tight-knit community over the years because of what we’ve had to put up with. Anders fans can probably relate. We are not talking to the DA community at large. Most of us don’t interact with the larger DA community because of everything that has been said over the years. We talk to and support each other. If you aren’t a Solavellan, feel free to scroll past our posts or even block us if you think we are too loud or annoying. You won’t hurt our feelings.
I’m sure other Solavellans can add to this or mention things I’ve forgotten. Again, don’t worry about us. We will be fine.
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bun-lapin · 1 year
Summary: Idia confesses his love to you.
A/N: Third one shot finished! I was very sick with a summer cold while I wrote this so I hope everything makes sense. I also got very carried away with the banter and so I had to cut some dialogue to keep it to my desired work length. I hope someday I can share those deleted scenes with you all~!
Confessions series: Rook, Kalim, Idia, Floyd, Vil, Silver, Leona, Trey / AO3
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Your steps hit the pale marble flooring with singular purpose. Their crisp echoes spin away from your feet, only to ricochet off of towering columns and scatter up towards a vaulted ceiling. The hallways of Ignihyde are empty and bright, lit up by informational monitors and the mysterious hum of technomancy. The air inside the dormitory is pleasantly cool and feels almost sterilized with its lack of scent. You stride past countless rooms, ignoring the few rare muffled conversations that seep out from under the occasional door.
You stop at a door identical to every other door you’ve passed so far. Reaching out, you briskly knock on the door and announce, “Idia! Open up! I’ve got an emergency!”
A few beats of silence tick by before you hear the sound of reluctant, shuffling feet moving towards you. The door slowly creaks open, just barely wide enough for a single, morose yellow eye and one half of a radiantly pale face to peer out at you.
Wordlessly, you hold up your smartphone for Idia to see. Its current state could be best described in just one word: annihilated.
Idia swings the door open completely and stares down at the remains of your phone in abject horror, sputtering, “What the-! How-? What were you trying to do?! Vaporize your phone or something?!”
Handing over your former communication device, you step into the room and tiredly reply, “Several crucial mistakes were made today. Can you fix it?”
Idia’s face breaks into a wide, smug grin. He closes the bedroom door with a prideful scoff and boasts, “Like that’s even a question. Can I fix it? That’s undeniable! Too EZ. I could fix something like this with both eyes closed and my hands behind my back!”
You make your way over towards a tall bookshelf on the far side of the room and grin back at him, “Well that’s good news for me then! I’ll be over here perusing your manga collection while you get to work.”
Idia sighs wearily as he sets himself down in front of a worktable covered in various tools and hardware. “So business as usual I guess,” he mutters gloomily but from the corner of your eye, you manage to catch sight of the smallest of smiles flashing across his face.
As Idia sets up the necessary materials and begins his assignment, you trace your finger down the length of the bookshelf, scanning titles and making future reading selections. An interestingly named one catches your eye and you carefully retrieve it from its place on the shelf. With today’s selection in hand, you amble over to Idia’s worktable, seat yourself in a comfortable chair next to his, and begin reading.
Several minutes of easy silence pass by, periodically punctuated by the ambient sounds of lightly clicking repair work and the soft turning of pages. The two of you continue your parallel activities in this way for a few more minutes before you suddenly hear a short, quiet laugh from Idia.
You glance up curiously from your reading and ask, “Something funny?”
Idia does not stop or look up from his task but he smiles softly. He admits in a slightly bemused voice, “I was just thinking that this feels nice. This familiar scene, with you reading next to me while I work on a project. I never thought I'd get so comfortable with you barging into my room whenever you wanted."
You raise your eyebrows playfully and ask in a gently teasing tone, “Oh? So does that mean you used to feel uncomfortable with my visits?”
Idia turns his head to face you with an exaggerated look of retroactive disbelief and exclaims, “Understatement of the century! I was definitely super uncomfortable with your interruptions in the beginning and I believe I distinctly remember telling you to never come back on several separate occasions.”
“Yeah but you let me back in every single time afterwards,” you quip back with a self-satisfied grin.
“Well, of course. You wanted to read my manga,” Idia states frankly as he turns back to his work. “I don’t lend out my books to people I don’t know super well. If I don’t know your reading style, then reading my books requires my direct supervision!”
“Well you know my reading style now,” you say gesturing broadly to the careful and considerate way you hold the book you are currently reading. “Do you trust me enough to lend me a book now?”
Idia seems to suddenly freeze at the sound of your last question. With a hand poised elegantly in the air, clutching a small tool, he would look every bit like a beautiful statue if it weren’t for the slight flickering movement of his soft blue hair. Turning with almost excruciating slowness, he takes the book from your hands in a gentle and deliberate action and grabs a nearby bookmark to place inside before finally closing and placing it face down on the table.
Idia turns his chair so that his body is completely facing you but his eyes are cast down and to the side, still on the book. A breath of silence passes between the two of you before he finally speaks in a carefully measured voice.
"I do trust you. I completely and utterly trust you. But I'll never lend you any of my books because I want you to keep reading them here next to me."
Idia turns his head and looks into your eyes. There’s still the ever present, tired hesitation weighing down his brows, but you see something else in his face, never seen before. In his bright yellow eyes shines a fiery determination, fueled by newly realized desire.
You gaze silently into Idia’s eyes, almost hypnotized. An eternity seems to pass by in seconds like this until Idia suddenly throws his pale, thin hands over his face. You blink rapidly in surprise at the abrupt end to the moment. With fingers pressed tightly against his face, Idia’s voice comes out muffled and anxious.
“I need to tell you something really important but it might be kinda cringe? And I don’t think I have the nerve to say it out loud with you looking at me so can you please close your eyes? And also can you promise not to laugh at anything I say?”
Even though Idia can’t see you with his hands completely covering his face, you smile softly at him and state in a reassuring voice, “I promise not to laugh and I’ll close my eyes.”
With your eyes closed tight, you listen to the faint rustling of his clothes as he hesitantly lowers his arms and you hear the slight creaking of his chair, as if he is leaning himself towards you. Suddenly, you feel an ambient warmth on the side of your face and realize Idia has moved in closer to whisper into your ear. A faint feeling like feather softness swipes over your cheek and you think it must be some of Idia’s hair, flickering luxuriously against your skin like incense smoke. When he finally speaks, his voice is a low murmur against your ear.
"When I leave my room, all the whispers I hear behind my back and the stares I see from the corner of my eye... It's like harsh noise and screeching static to me. It’s overwhelming,”
Idia’s voice drops even quieter and you can almost feel his soft breath on your face as he draws a little closer, "But when I'm with you everything goes quiet. When I'm with you I feel safe."
For a few moments, the only sound in the room is the sound of the two of you breathing. The soft sound of air falling up and down weaves over and onto itself almost like calming music. Then Idia lets out a shuddering sigh, the air from his lips brushing over your skin like cool silk, and the silence melts away under his low voice.
"I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Thinking about you. When I open my eyes in the morning, I immediately think of you. When I close my eyes at night, it's your face I see. I think what this all must mean, what I’ve just now realized, is that I love you."
Your eyes fly open in surprise and you whip your head to the side to look at Idia, acting purely on instinct. His face is so close to yours, the tip of his nose almost brushes against yours. His eyes grow wide and bright from shock but he doesn’t pull away from you. Idia opens his mouth but all that comes out is a kind of strangled gasp. You read the question he can’t seem to ask, written all over his pale and unquiet face.
“Do you love me too?”
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Bloom Birthday Voice Lines
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When Summoned: If you're going to act all high and mighty, I'm going to expect something grand from you, y'know? So hurry up and bring out my present, already.
Summon Line: I thought this outfit'd be stifling, but once I put it on it's not so bad. Heh, guess it's actually kinda tasteful.
Groooovy!!: All these herbivores're just lookin' at me all lame and sparkly-eyed. Eh, I guess I can humor them just this once.
Home Set: What, you want to see my magic? Hm, yeah, but should I, though?
Home Idle 1: This is some fancy broom they made. Well, the colors ain't too bad, I guess. I bet I'd really stand out if I flew around on this thing.
Home Idle 2: Well, aren't you super meticulous on something as simple as a cake cutting. I don't really care how you do it, but just get it done before tomorrow comes.
Home Idle 3: The hair tie Jack gave me isn't half bad. Guess I can wear it when doin' club stuff.
Home Idle - Login: I'd like school more if they'd allow for skipping class as a birthday present. Heh, can't see them ever being that thoughtful.
Home Idle - Groovy: I had Cater delete all the pictures he took. Obviously, I asked him nicely. Yeah, that's right, I'm such a shy boy.
Home Tap 1: Can't that guy Rook celebrate more normally? He's just littering a crazy amount of confetti everywhere, there should be limit to these kinds of things.
Home Tap 2: As soon as midnight struck, the guys in my dorm all came to my room to wish me a happy birthday. Geez... They're way too uppity for just a simple birthday.
Home Tap 3: Wouldn't ya believe it, Vil gave me a sewing kit. Something this special deserves to be shoved in the far back of a drawer for posterity.
Home Tap 4: What, you want to know what you can get me? Then, I guess you can go and take my place at that party they're throwing for me. ...Hey, don't take that seriously, I was only joking.
Home Tap 5: You'll go grab some food for me? Then bring me some meat. And just saying, you don't really need need to worry about what kind. Just don't bring anything I didn't ask for.
Home Tap - Groovy: I'm gonna take a nap, so keep watch to make sure no one bothers me. ...What, that's boring? Then sing some lullabies in your mind, or something.
Duo: [LEONA]: You're makin' too much fuss, Cater. [CATER]: Let me celebrate you in grand fashion, Leona-kun!
Birthday Login Message: So, you came to wish me a happy birthday, huh? Well, ain't that admirable of you. So, what did you bring me, then? At the very least, you are presenting a gift to royalty. As such, I'm sure you've prepared a very fine gift. ...Hey, don't freeze up on me. Sheesh, jokes just fly over your head, huh. I'll take it off your hands, so show me what you got behind your back, already.
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Requested by @dorito9708.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Happy Little Trees (Good timeline! Fyuutue Kid Ayuu: Rook, Vil, and Trey)
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Yutu has some weird nightmares on occasion, but other than that he has a pretty good life, he thinks anyway. The only thing that could possibly make it better would be if his parents could avoid embarrassing him now that he's old enough to go to NRC like they did.
Here's hoping things are less eventful!
notes: Yeah this is like, 100% self indulgent don't look at me they/them used for Yuu, everyone say thank you to confused, he wanted a chance to see some freaks getting to be happy with their fams and yeah I agree. I've been killing my boy too much. This post features Rook, Vil, and Trey's Yutus with some guest appearances from some friends of the blog's o.c.s, archetypal-archivist and twisted x hearts. This won't make sense if you haven't read any of the ayuu, which can be found on my masterlist under the series section.
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Rook! Yutu
"Oh come on it's not that bad." Roland has the audacity to sound smug when it very much is, the techwear doesn't look awful but the mere fact his brother is wearing it at all makes it hideous. "It stands out so much less than what Pomefiore has you wearing-"
"You can't wear neon blue in the woods." Yutu snorts, he wanted to yell but there's so many new sounds in the NRC forest and he doesn't feel safe making a scene just yet.
That and he feels like he is being watched, something Roland must feel too since he's making a show of being unbothered. "Right back at you with the royal purple. And don't get me started on the heels, these boots I've got are super comfy I should see if Dad knows where to get something similar for Ama."
"You are not getting our sister gamer shoes." The noise is on their left now, Yutu can make out that it is breathing. The heartbeat is too fast to be human or mer, a beastman of some sort then. Avian if Roland was in the mood to take bets. "Doesn't that bother you at all?" Roland shrugs.
"Just because my dormmates don't want to go outside doesn't mean I can't. And no before you start I'm not going to transfer, I was sort of hoping to end up where I did." He's serious, Yutu can tell by the way his brother sternly looks at him as they pause in the trail. There's logic to most everything Roland does, perhaps Yutu should have placed his emphasis on the most instead of trusting they would always be together. He wants to scream at him, but he can't do that here. Not while they have an uninvited guest.
Roland turns to move down the path so Yutu can twist into the shadows and yank their prey into the open. The beastman screams needlessly loud, Roland would have been so much worse with him but maybe he can tell that by the way his older brother is laughing.
"Hey there mon ami, didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to eavesdrop?" Roland squats down to get closer while Yutu stands tense behind the new boy.
"Heartslabyul." He says impassively. "You win that one Ro."
"Ah do I? Nice to know." Roland makes no move to help the kid up to his feet, and doesn't move to give him room as they look down on what is undeniably a avian beastman. The colors of his hair and the long eyelashes suggest a humming bird, but the groan he lets out is far from elegant.
"Seriously? You guys suck, I was just coming to say hello." The boy rolls just enough away from Roland to sit up, seemingly unafraid in a way that unsettles Roland slightly but feels... nice to Yutu. He finds himself relaxing like he would around- well only his family up until now.
"Then why were you following us huh?" Roland slips back into his normal cheerful self, still on edge and looking at Yutu in concern. "I could have been about to say something embarrassing!"
"Then it would have been worth it!" He laughs like it is the most obvious answer in the world and not a potential crime, if Yutu was allowed to talk. "Sides I was curious, I'm Fiore! First year Heartslabyul dorm. My older brother is there too so when I saw you guys I went huh, wonder what's up with them? You're twins aren't you? So why go so opposite..." He looks over the two of them and Yutu straightens up just a bit. Roland has more muscle, the nicer more open smile. He's stronger than Yutu is, if you looked at the two of them and had to guess who was the tech guy and who was the nature one before they slipped into their uniforms you would fail.
"Well we're not twins, but we're not opposites just because we've got different houses." Roland stands up, politely keeping his eyes on Fiore but still talking to his brother. "Oli and I are two sides of the same dream. He wants everyone to see the beauty of the world in its purest form, and I want them to be able to see what he does."
"... well that's the first time I'm hearing of this." Sighs Yutu. He reaches down to help Fiore up, trying to hide his smile but not doing as well as he could from the teasing look on the humming bird's face. "Don't spook us like that again, I won't be as nice about it next time."
"Noted! I'd hate to see what mean's like shit. See you in class?"
"Yeah." Yutu waves him off as Roland puts his hands in his pockets. He looks smug. "What? Weren't you saying something about not being able to talk for me forever?"
"I meant it you know." Roland hums. "You always get upset when [parent] can't join you when you go to take pictures yeah?" Yutu breaks eye contact. Not like his emotions were ever a mystery to Roland but this was a particular sore point. "If there was a better way to keep them safe we'd all be able to have fun together! That's why I'm glad I'm in Ignihyde." He's much too proud of himself for Yutu to say thanks, or wonder if this was always the way things were going to play out or if something else was twisting this.
"... your unique magic breaks the sound barrier when you scream dude, I still don't think you belong there."
"Rude! I can control myself you know~" He does of course but still. Yutu isn't Yuu so he isn't so overwhelmed with how sweet Roland is to want to say thank you just yet.
Vil! Yutu
Sometimes Yutu is made forcibly aware of just how privileged he is and it always causes him to become deeply frustrated with his own complacency. Today for instance, he had begged his father to let him go for a ride on his bike by himself "We're on vacation! It's not like everyone knows what I look like, I'll be super careful and call immediately if something happens and I already have the map downloaded-" he was starting to wonder if maybe his parent was right and his father really was too soft on him sometimes. If he had put his foot down then he wouldn't be making a fool of himself right now.
"U-um. Are you alright?" The girl in front of him is clearly concerned, Yutu wants to say something to help calm her but something about her keeps him from speaking immediately. The thick head of golden curls, cute floppy ears and upturned nose are familiar somehow, as if he's seen them somewhere before. It would explain the overwhelming feeling of happiness and breath he takes as if he knows a name to speak before his paints fall out of the bicycle basket onto his head.
"Yeowch! I mean yes sorry ha ha ha." He untangles himself and his bike from the grassy field he had accidentally veered into and rights it before looking around to make sure he has everything he came with. Thank goodness he didn't bring his good brushes, he'd cry if he broke those. "I didn't hurt you did I? I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention to the road and-"
"Oh no no, I jumped out of the way just in time." She laughs with a slight snort that settles Yutu's nerves. If she is able to laugh then she's ok, what a relief. "I'm Henrietta by the way," she holds out a hand and Yutu gladly shakes it, "Henrietta Wendimeere, but you can call me Henry!"
"Nice to meet you! I'm-" Oh this part was always hard. Father never stumbled through these things and encouraged him to do the same but still. "I'm Yutu! My family's on vacation in the Queendom so I wanted to try and paint some of the scenery but well. I'm not as good as navigating as I thought apparently."
"Yeah the Queendom isn't laid out in the most obvious way." Henry sits herself on the fence Yutu crashed into as he leans on his bike idly. "At least that's what my mom says, you just have to get used to it after a while." She twists the fabric of her dress, the fairest queen's purple, Yutu notes the shade with a smile. "Sorry about scaring you by the way, I was waiting for someone and thought maybe-"
"Oh no worries! Like I said I wasn't paying attention." He is now though, he hears someone yelling his name just up the hill and he sighs. "Hey do you mind if I give you my number?" Henry looks surprised and Yutu silently curses, both himself and the person yelling, louder now because clearly if he had heard he would be there already. "I feel bad about almost running you over, let me make it up to you before I leave yeah?"
"S-sure." She stammers and Yutu scribbles on a sheet of his sketchbook paper and tosses it as he scrambles back up towards the hill.
"Thanks a ton for being so chill about this! If my sister doesn't kill me I'll be sure to be in touch! Don't be a stranger yeah?" And just like a vision of the future he's gone again, just alive and happy this time.
"Yeah. Don't be a stranger, Yutu."
Trey! Yutu (ft. Yutres and Yushi)
"C'mon~" Yushi swirls the beverage under Thrush's nose with a big grin on her face. "You like this sort of stuff, yeah?"
"That," he sighs "is without a doubt the most offensive thing I have ever been asked."
"Oh?" She pulls back the cup in mock surprise. "I guess I'll just go give this to Fiore the-"
"Absolutely not." Thrush snatches the drink and fiddles with the straw as Yutu sighs. "Seriously Yutu just what did you tell your sisters? If I didn't know any better I swear they were trying to poison me."
"Sorry, if you don't like it I'll get you something else." Yutu smiles apologetically as Yushi kicks him for not denying the poisoning bit. He doesn't blame his friend though, not really. Between his dad asking him and Fiore questions about what their teeth were like and the amount of sweets Yutres had wanted opinions on its little wonder if Thrush and Fiore were feeling a little overwhelmed. Still, it wasn't like either of them had said they were never going to talk to him ever again after this, and if Fiore shared his brothers opinions he hadn't shown any hesitation when Yutres asked him to play whatever board game they had hauled out of the boba shops shelves.
"Well? Whatdya think?" Yushi asks eagerly. "I picked one made mostly with fruit, is it any good?"
"It's way too sweet." Fiore says, chewing on the lychee jelly impassively. "But I can't stop drinking it how weird." It's not the answer she wants clearly, but a simple adjustment of their dad's glasses is enough to quiet anymore needling questions.
"That's just how those sorts of drinks tends to be." Trey chuckles. "It probably would taste better to you if it didn't have as much green tea in it." Surprisingly Fiore nods.
"Yeah I thought there was something a bit off about it, you think about this sort of stuff a lot don't you Mr. Clover."
"Ah well I do like to do more than just bake, no matter what some people-" Yushi rolls her eyes "say." Yutu's phone lights up with a notification and he hears his dad laugh before he can check it himself. "Ah I'll leave you kids to have fun. Just make sure to let me or Yuu know if you plan on going somewhere else after this."
"Seriously [parent] wants that?" Yushi snorts and puts her back in her pocket. "You should get them something more exciting."
"Nah don't listen to her Mr. Clover." Despite his earlier protests, Thrush hasn't exactly stopped drinking his tea, there's an alarmingly little amount left for something that didn't taste good. "She just wants to start experimenting on Yuu next."
"Ah she does that already." Laughs Trey ignoring Yushi's whiny protests. "It is fun to tease but all good things in moderation." And with that he's gone. Yushi slithers off to bother Yutres and Fiore leaving Thrush and Yutu in the booth watching their younger siblings.
"You got anywhere you want to go?" Thrush asks, unlocking his phone to look at what's around without much urgency. "I didn't look too many things up, Fiore might've but he didn't mention anything."
"Eh there's some shops if you want some souvenirs for your parents. And bakeries but dad might kill us if we send you back with other people's stuff." Yutu's mostly joking and Thrush knows from the way he laughs and rolls his eyes.
"You guys suck you know that?" And he does. He says it himself when describing his family and so does Thrush in that laughing way that shows neither of them really mean it. It's nice, there really is nothing to care about other than what sort of nightmare Crewel will have for them when they get back to school and Yutu accidentally calls him grandpa again. He really hopes this strange feeling of joy he gets when he sees his family together with his friends never goes away, it makes almost everything he does worth it.
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kpop---scenarios · 6 months
Obsession (1)
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Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Warning: Smut, Stalker
Genre: College! Au
Word Count: 3.4k
Fuck. You really should have declined this fucking date.
You were in your second year of University, now you were currently hours away from your friends and family now, but you needed it. For your first year of University you had gone to one closer to home, and while the school was good, you were miserable. You lived at home with your overprotective parents, who didn't allow you to go to any parties, join any clubs, or do anything you wanted. They were smothering you and you felt like you couldn't breathe while being around them. You needed to leave, so when you heard you had been accepted for your second year, 6 hours away, you were so fucking delighted.
Here you were, at your new school for 4 months and you had only managed to make one friend. Everytime she invited you out with more people, something came up and you hadn't really been able to meet more people who you vibed with. Lisa had quickly become your best friend. And while you loved this school, you almost regretted transfering, due to your current predicament. When a guy from one of your classes, Mark, had asked you out, you hesitantly accepted. He was nice enough in class but now he was weird and making you uncomfortable.
“What kind of things do you like to do?” You ask, trying to bring on some kind of conversation.
“I'll like whatever you do.” He smiles, reaching over the table to grab your hand. You quickly pull it back, pretending to itch your leg.
“You don't have any hobbies?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. You wanted to get the fuck out if here.
“You. You'll be my hobby. I could look at you all day.” He smiles. That made you groan.
“I think you need to have your own hobbies. Staring at me is not a hobby.” You say, checking your phone. You quickly typed a message to Lisa, begging her to call you with an emergency. It's only been 30 minutes of this date but you couldn't do it anymore.
Seconds later your phone rang, Lisa's name popping up on the screen. You gave Mark a slight smile before answering. She was laughing on the other end, but you put on a pretty convincing performance.
“What? Oh, Lisa!” You exclaim. “Yes of course, I will be right there.” You finish.
“Meet me at the Rook.” She says before hanging Up.
“I'm so sorry Mark, I have to go.” You tell him, grabbing your purse. “There's an emergency.”
“What happened?” He asks.
Fuck, you hadn't thought that far.
“Her…dad was hit by a..dog.” You stutter. “Yeah, just zoomed right under him, took him right out. He's in the hospital.” You say. “Thank you for a..evening.” You finish before darting out of the diner. You decided to walk, since you weren't far from the bar she wanted to meet at.
Pulling open the doors, you're met immediately with Lisa at a table with a few others you hadn't met yet. Others that would soon become just as close to you as Lisa.
“Y/N!” She screams, giving you a giant hug. “This is Jennie and Rose, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Sehun.” She smiles introducing you to everyone. “So, how was your date?” She asks. You settle in at the table and begin telling them all about the 30 minutes you had just spent with Mark.
“He kept trying to touch me, saying that he'd do whatever I wanted him to do.” You sigh. “It was all very weird and he made me extremely uncomfortable.” You finish, finishing off your drink.
“Who made you uncomfortable?” You hear a deep voice from beside you. You glance over and see quite possibly the most attractive man you'd ever seen. He was tall, black hair parted just right. He wore a nicely fitting shirt, dark ripped jeans. He pulled up a chair beside you, sitting down and smiled at you.
“Ah, Y/N, this is Chanyeol.” Lisa smiles. “Y/N was just telling us about her date tonight.”
“If you could even call it that.” You laugh. “I only lasted 30 minutes before Lisa called me with an emergency.”
“Speaking of, what did you tell him the emergency was?” She asked.
You covered your face in embarrassment.
“I never said I was good at lying.” You start to defend yourself. “Your dad was hit by a dog.” You start to laugh. “It zoomed under him and took him out.”
Everyone stared at you before the table erupted in laughter.
“Oh my poor dad.” She laughs.
A few hours and a few drinks later, you were all paying your tabs, but first exchanging numbers with everyone at the table. You'd all made a plan in a few weekends to get together, there just happened to be a party at the EXO frat, and you, Lisa, Jennie and Rose were going to attend. You were happy to finally be making some new friends.
“Are you sure you're okay to get home?” Lisa asks you, as you sway outside the bar.
“I um, think so.” You giggle.
“Yeah okay.” She laughs. “Jongin?” she says, motioning towards you.
“I'll happily get her home.” He smiles, fuck he was hot. You glanced over at Chanyeol, but he had already turned to walk away.
Jongin wraps his arm around your waist, heading in the direction of your address, that Lisa had told him.
You shouldn't have drank so much
Before you knew it, you were standing in front of your apartment door, trying to unlock it, but it really didn't help that you were seeing two of the locks.
“Here.” Jongin laughs, taking your keys from you. He unlocks your door, allowing you to stumble in. He hands your keys back to you. You mumble a thank you as you walk in and crash on the house. You can faintly hear Jongin chuckle as he closes your front door. You wanted to get up to go to your bed, but unfortunately your body was already down for the count. You snuggled into the couch and very quickly drifted off to sleep.
You swear to god you felt like you died. You rolled off the couch, your neck was stiff, your body hurt. This is why you never slept on the couch, you felt like an old, frail woman after whose body was failing her.
“Fuck.” You cry out, trying to move your neck around as you make your way to the bathroom. You turn on your shower, as hot as you're able to stand before checking your phone. You'd been added to a group chat with all that you met last night. They were talking about their upcoming week, until Jongin asked about you.
[From: Jongin 10:08am] How are you feeling this morning, Y/N? 🤣
[From: Lisa 10:08am] she probably feels like shit lol
[To: Group 10:10am] hangover wise, I feel great. Body wise? I slept on my couch and I have a hunchback now.
[From: Baekhyun 10:11am] don't die on us now
[To: Group 10:12am] no promises. I'm pretty fucked up ha.
[From: Jongin 10:15am] I can straighten you out if you need
You stared at your phone with your mouth hanging open. Did he? Was he really hitting on you? Your phone dinged again.
[From: Lisa 10:16am] I'M SORRY WHAT
[From: Kyungsoo 10:16am] I'm going to throw up my breakfast.
[From: Jongin 10:17am] STRETCHING. You fucking pervs. But I mean.. 😉
You set your phone down, and got into the shower. Would you take Jongin up on the stretching? Probably not, the hot water was already helping. However, would you take him up on sex if he offered? Possibly, but there was one face you just couldn't get out of your head.
The weeks went by, and you spent more and more time with Lisa, Jennie, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun and Sehun and Chanyeol. You didn't see Chanyeol as much, but you would see him around school every once in a while and when you would see him, you were met with a smile and a wave. You really wanted to hangout with him more.
The night of the party finally arrived, you were getting ready with Lisa, Jennie and Rose. The way you all acted together, no one would have known that you had only met the other two a few weeks ago, it was like you'd known them for years. Music blasted through Jennies apartment as you all danced around while doing your makeup, hair and getting dressed. Pre-drinks flowed and already you were having so much fun, you couldn't wait to see what the rest of the night had in store for you. An hour or so later, the four of you walked into the house of EXO, immediately met by the smell of weed and sweat. People were drinking, smoking, dancing and it looked like everyone was having fun. You and Lisa made your way to the kitchen to grab a drink while Jennie and Rose went to talk to some people. After a few more shots, Lisa dragged you to the dance floor, where you both let loose. You felt a pair of hands slide behind you, grabbing your waist tightly. You looked up at Lisa who had a weird look on her face. Turning your head, you looked to see who was behind you. Immediately you were uncomfortable. It was Mark.
“Hi, baby.” He whispers into your ear. You look at Lisa with wide eyes, mouthing “help” to her.
“Bathroom break, c'mon Y/N.” She says, grabbing your hand to pull you away from him. She pulls you upstairs and into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you.
“Oh my god, thank you.” You breathe.
“Ew, what is he doing?” She says. “What did he say to you?”
“Hi baby.” You gag, remembering the feeling of his breath in your ear.
“Oh that's fucked up.” She laughs. You both wait a few minutes before you head out of the bathroom, looking down the hall to make sure he's not waiting for you. Luckily he isn't upstairs, and when you went downstairs, you didn’t see him. You breathed a sigh of relief. You and Lisa got another drink, heading back to the dance floor where you met the rest of the group. Hours had passed and you had forgotten about your little interaction with Mark. You had left the dance floor, sitting on the couch with someone you didn’t recognize immediately. He wore a sweater, ripped jeans and a hat that almost covered his face.
“You want a hit?” he asks, passing you a blunt. You’d smoked a few times before but not very often because of your parents. You happily took it, taking a few puffs before handing it back. He looks over at you, giving you a smile and that's when you saw.
“Chanyeol.” you smiled.
“Having fun?” he asks. You nod your head as you feel the weed mixed with alcohol hitting you.
“That may have been a bad idea.” you giggle. Chanyeol smiles at you. Before you can say anything, you’re being pulled off the couch by Jongin, who insists that you dance with him, so you do. His hands on your hips as you grind your ass into him, but your eyes never leave Chanyeol. He adjusts his hat, showing his eyes that are set on you. Chanyeol licks his lips as he watches you dance with Jongin, his hands moving up and down your body. Chanyeol leans forward, his eyes still trained on you, his arms now resting on his thighs.
When the song is over, Jongin asks if you want a drink, you decline, wanting to go back to Chanyeol but you were cut off.
“Hey you.” Mark smiles, stepping in front of you. “Why did you run off?” He asks, tilting his head to the side.
“I've been with friends.” You say, trying to push your way past him, going anywhere else. He grabs your wrist, tightening his grip.
“Why are you trying to leave? I'm talking to you.” He snaps.
“Look Mark, you seem nice.” You say, glancing down at his hold on you. “But it's just not going to work out between us.” you finish, trying to get him to release your arm.
“Why not?” He asks, holding you tighter.
“I'm just not interested.” You say, fighting his grip a little harder now. You were beginning to panic. Everyone was in their own little worlds, no one realizing what was going on.
“You haven't even given me a chance.” he spits. You can't be nice anymore. He just wasn't getting it.
“I don't fucking like you.” You yell, pushing him with your free hand. His grip loosens a little, allowing you to rip your arm from his hand. You turn to walk away, catching the eyes of Chanyeol, who was looking at you with a concerned look. You start walking towards him when you're pulled away, Mark's hand back on your arm, pulling you in the opposite direction, towards the front door. You looked back for Chanyeol but he wasn't there. Mark continues to pull you through the crowd. Panic was really starting to set in, until you came to an abrupt stop.
“Move.” Mark yells. You look ahead, seeing Chanyeol blocking the way.
“She doesn’t seem interested, dude.” Chanyeol deadpans, glancing down at Mark’s hand on your wrist. He grabs Mark’s arm, swiftly moving Mark’s hand from you. “Don't touch her, or we're gonna have a fucking problem.”
Mark stares at Chanyeol for a moment before looking back at you. He gives you a wink before he walks away.
You let out a breath that you hadn't realized you were holding. “Thank you.” You say to Chanyeol.
“Can I take you home?” He asks. You quickly look around for the other girls to say goodbye, but you can't see them.
“Please.” You half smile at him, heading towards the door.
The walk home was pretty quiet, until you were close to your building and Chanyeol spoke up.
“So that guy..” he starts.
“Was the guy I went on a date with a few weeks ago.” You confirm.
“That's crazy.” He laughs. “I mean, I can see the appeal though.” He smiles.
“It's just right up here.” You tell him, pointing to the building coming up. “Would you.. want to come up for a drink or something?” You ask. Chanyeol nods his head, as you both make your way into the building.
You really had planned on having a drink, but as you closed your door behind you, Chanyeol turned around, looking your body up and down. He stepped towards you, you stepped back, backing into the door.
“Just say no if you want me to stop.” He whispers.
You say nothing.
He crashes his lips onto yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, both of your tongues tangling together as he deepens the kiss, pushing his body against yours. You quickly discard your coat onto the floor, never breaking the kiss. Chanyeol bends down, his lips leaving yours and moving to your neck as he puts his arms under your thighs, effortlessly picking you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. He pins you against the wall once again, freeing his hands as you're still wrapped around his body.
“Hope you didn't like this shirt too much.” He groans, Using both his hands to rip open your shirt, buttons flying everywhere.
That was so fucking hot.
He pulls the shirt off of you, throwing it wherever, he kisses your neck, moving down your chest. You flick his hat from his head, upset that you were the only one half naked.
“Bedroom?” he asks.
“Kitchen table.” You breathe.
He smirks, walking you to the table. He lays you down, pulling his shirt off in front of you.
Holy fuck.
He was a lot more muscular than you had originally assumed, he looked so fucking good. He reaches up, grabbing the waist of your jeans, he tugs them down, discarding them on the floor, leaving you in your bra and panties. You place your feet on the table as Chanyeol kneels down in front of you, peppering kisses between your thighs. You're so fucking wet, desperate and needy right now and this was not helping.
“Please.” You pant.
“Tell me what you want, baby girl.” He says, moving closer to your pussy but not close enough.
“Eat me.” You groan, spreading your legs even more. Chanyeol licks his lips as he moves your panties to the side, spreading your lips before he licks a strip up your wet pussy.
“Mhmm.” Chanyeol groans, latching his lips to your clit. You back arches as he continues to lick and suck on your clit. Your eyes are closed as you feel him reach up, grabbing your tits, squeezing as he devours you. Your toes curl as he moves his mouth quicker, your hands make their way to his hair, gripping tightly as you push his face deeper into you, grinding your cunt on his face.
“Oh my fucking God.” You cry out, your orgasm building quickly. “Shit, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum.” You whimper just as your orgasm hits you, your eyes roll back into your head as your body works through the pure fucking euphoria you were feeling. Chanyeol takes one last slurp as he stands up, his rock hard cock pressing against his jeans.
He gives you a cocky smile as you sit up, your head spinning uncontrollably. “Wow.” You whisper, sliding off the table and down to your knees. You fumble with the button of his pants for a second before you get it undone, yanking his jeans and boxers down, letting his cock spring free.
You grab the base of him with your hand, licking the precum from his tip, before letting him shove his cock down your throat, as far as he could. You gag on him as he grips your hair. He thrusts his cock in and out of your mouth, tears falling down your cheeks, making your mascara run.
“Your fucking mouth feels so fucking good.” He groans, giving you one more hard thrust, before pulling his cock out. “I don't want to cum yet.” He breathes. You stand up, staring at him, he takes his thumb, smearing your mascara even more.
“Fuck that's hot.” he groans, bending you over the table. He stands behind you, his hard hands on your hips as he lines himself up with your entrance, his large cock stretching you out.
You cry out loudly as he shoves himself into you as far as he can go. He slowly pulls himself out before slamming back into you. Chanyeol grabs your hair, taking a clump in his hand to pull your head back before picking up his pace. His cock slams into you, hitting the perfect spot to build up another orgasm
“Right there, fuck, don't stop.” You scream. He lets go of your hair, pushing your head down, pressing your face into the table as he rams into you.
“Shit, you feel so fucking good.” He groans, not slowing down. Your apartment fills with the sounds of your skin slapping together, moans coming from both of you. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air as you came all over his cock, tightening your pussy around him. He pounds into you for a few more seconds before he finishes, releasing his cum inside of you.
He stands with his cock still inside you for a few seconds, both of you catching your breath. He pulls out of you, asking where the bathroom was. You continue to lay on the table, pointing in a direction, you weren't quite sure which one but he'd find it. You couldn't move, your legs didn't want to work right now. When he came out, he chuckled at you still laying against the table.
“Need some help?” He asks.
“please.” you half laugh. “I'm weak.”
Chanyeol laughs, scooping you up, taking you to your room, that he saw on the way to the bathroom. He laid you in your bed, covering you up with your blanket. He grabs your phone doing something quickly with it before pulling out his phone. He looks at it briefly, furrowing his brows.
“I gotta go, but I'll text you.” He smiles. You nod your head, your eyes already closed. chanyeol leans down, placing a small kiss on your lips before heading out.
Fuck you wished he'd stay.
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bladesbiggestfan · 1 year
ma petite poupée
Vampire! Rook x Afab! Reader
★i hated the last rook smut i posted so i deleted it and made this one instead, enjoy! ★
From all the people rook has seen in his eternal vampire life, you were the most beautiful. He held you at his castle, far away from those filthy people who might hurt his doll.
He dressed you up nicely, gave you nice food and granted your every wish, but that comes with a price...
He wanted your body in exchange, he loved your every feature, you sweet blood, your tight whole, everything.
You were in your room, laying in your bed wearing a white silk dress, kinda short, just how he liked it.
He knocked on your door and you told him to enter, he walked to your bed and gave you a kiss on the cheek "ah mon amour, i missed you so much" you strocked his hair gently and you tilted you head to the side so he got acces to your neck.
"Drink rook, i know you're hungry" , he leaned over your neck and pierced your skin with his fangs making you squirm under him, he put a hand on your waist to keep you still.
No matter how long you stayed with rook you couldn't get used to the sensation of his fangs penetrating your skin, it felt... too good. You were mindlessly grinding on his leg as you were lost in though.
You only realized when he took his fangs out and whispered in your ear "ah mon amour i didn't think you would enjoy it this much~" you got red immediately when you understood what happened.
"But of course i have to give ma princesse what she wants" he said and he flipped you over so you were laying on the bed, his knee between your legs, rubbing your clit making you moan.
He kissed you as he took of your dress and tossed it to the side. He broke the kiss and moved on to kissing your neck. His kisses transformed to bites, leaving purple marks all over your neck and whimpers of his name came out of your mouth.
He moved on to your breasts, suckling on one of your nipples as he pinched the other one with his fingers. Your whimpers turned into moans as your hand grabbed his hair, to no use tho as he continued his work until he was satisfied.
" You're already so whiny mon amour, i didn't even got to taking care of that pretty hole of yours" he said and left a trail of kisses on your stomach stopping at the elastic of your panties.
He took them off, a fine line of slick connecting them with your cunt "So wet mon cherie, can't wait to taste every single part of you" .
He tossed your panties next to your dress, as he licked your clit making you squirm, he then got to suckling on it , holding your thighs open. Your moans bounced off the walls, the most beautiful melody his ears ever heard.
He inserted 2 digits into your hole as he continued to suckle on your clit, you tightened around his fingers immediately as he started moving them, his slender fingers reaching deep inside you.
"R-rook im ah~ close" you said and he looked up at you "Then cum on my fingers, show me how good i make you feel".With these word he fastened his fingers looking at you moan his name louder as you came on his fingers, staining the deep red sheets.
He smiled at your beautiful face and licked his fingerdear "Mh not only your blood is delightful but so are your juices. Ah I'd choose you over any wine my dear"
He said as you recovered from you high "But I'm not done yet" he put your legs on his shoulders as he took off his pants, aligning his cock with your whole.
"So how do you want it ma cherie?" You took a moment to think abt the answer but he already slid his cock inside you "I'll say rough" his pace was merciless and your legs hugged his waist as your nails scratched his back.
He groaned at the pain covered by pleasure imagining the beautiful pattern it will leave on his back.
His thoughs were interupted as you warned him abt your release, he continued his pace as he fucked you through your orgasm, the warm liquid staining his cock, allowing him to move easier.
He held your waist as he went faster, muffling your moans with a kiss, his fast pace made you cum again as you were sensitive from your other orgasm, you felt a familiar warm sensation as he came deep inside you with a low groan.
He pulled out, cum staining the bed. "Good job mon amour, you took it so well" he kissed your forehead and let you sleep.
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3cremepie3 · 4 months
Do over
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Synopsis - Savannaclaw!Rook and Leona’s heated debate finally comes to an end when they see you alone after practice! Leona and Rook x gn (afab) reader
Warnings - mentions of primal/prey kink, semi public sex, threesome
A/n - when I saw Savannaclaw Rooks card (not sure if it’s real) I literally moaned thank you for requesting this!! Sorry it was so short I was having trouble coming up with ideas 💗.
“Ahh.” You sighed slipping in the naturally warm water. Your butt hit the mysterious stone underneath you and you sat listening to the bubbling of the waves. This was a stark contrast from earlier in the day. You were permitted to attend the bustling spell drive practice.
Vargas had sealed the fate of your “gym classes” as this last month ago and you hated it. Sweaty loud loud-mouthed losers that all wanted to be the best were the only members that consisted of the team. And there was Leona their leader who was actually the best and seemed to have something personally against you.
Not to mention the huntsman who was obsessed with keeping an eye on the team. Even though he nor you were a member. You allowed your naked body to untense as you dunked underneath the water. You probably weren’t supposed to but who cares? You stayed there opening your eyes to the huntsman himself.
You immediately jumped out of the water at the sight of him. “What the absolute fuck you perverted freak,” you shirked. “No need for name-calling I just didn’t want to embarrass you. Remember Y/n nakedness is nothing to be ashamed of. As a huntsman I’ve seen all types of bodies no worries,” he smiled. You backed away in a corner bumping into something or someone.
“Don’t scream you’ve already done enough of that,” Leona groaned. “Why are y’all in here,” you questioned. Your hands went to cover any bit of your exposed body. “How long have you guys even been here I can’t believe I didn’t see you!”
“Enough with the questions this is our swimming hole,” Leona declared. “Yeah we come here regularly to hunt,” said the huntsman himself. “I don’t even want to know what that means,” you grumbled. “Well my bet was right Leona you owe me now don’t you,” he smirked. “What bet,” you asked.
“That you would come to the hot spring again. We’ve been tracking your movements for a couple of days now,” Leona confessed. “For what purpose,” you gasped. “Well me and Rook have been in a competition. We want to prove whether a lion or a huntsman would defeat their prey first.”
“Oui oui now obviously it’s a huntsman! But our results have proven to be inconclusive so far,” Rook frowned. “We haven’t been able to catch much valuable prey but things change with time. Which is something lions don’t seem to understand.” While Rook was talking Leona drew closer to you until his hand touched your shoulder.
You shivered due to the cold air hitting your back. “Don’t worry herbivore we would never hurt you.” Yes, mon amour we just want to see who can bring you the most pleasure. Who could make you explode until the only thing you can do is cry out our names? After all, you are one of the most beautiful creatures on this planet and you deserve to be cherished for the rest of eternity.”
“Stop all that rambling so we can hear them answer,” Leona yelled. They both shut up awaiting your answer. You thought a lot about it although they annoyed your core they were attractive. They were also incredibly skilled athletes with nice bodies. And although their personality lacked substance a hookup wouldn’t hurt you.
They wouldn’t go too far, right? Well, they weren’t exactly the most trusting either. “Hey!” You’ve been zoned out for a couple of minutes now. Aren’t cha’ gonna answer us?” Fine I agree but don’t hurt me,” you huffed. “Of course beauté.” Leona’s hand snaked around your waist and pushed your body into his.
You could feel his already hard erection on your back and you shook at the size. “Don’t worry I’ll make it fit.” His size is quite a lot huh? Well, what do you think of mine?” Rook pulled his cock out of the swim shorts he was wearing revealing a size about the same as Leona. “Not too bad for a human,” Leona muttered.
Your legs closed tightly together to cover your quivering hole. “Come on don’t get too shy now. Yes, we love every part of you let us see you.” Even though they spoke kindly of you shyness still forced you in the same position. “Fine then.”
“Rook lift with me okay.” Yes, Roi des Lions.” Before you knew it you were on Leona’s shoulders. His face faced your heat and Rook went directly underneath you leaving no room for exposure. You held onto the top of their heads maintaining your balance as they worked at your folds.
"Oh my god," you moaned. It felt so good already and they had just started. You bit your lip trying to contain your voice. They must've noticed your change in volume because they quickly broke apart from you. "Come on herbivore how are we supposed to know who's winning if you won't make a sound?"
"Let us hear that sweet voice, Trickster." Fine but I'm only doing it so I can feel good again," you huffed. You opened your hips wider allowing back in. You could feel yourself dripping at the sinful acts going on between your legs. And you could hear it all the slurps and groans had your eyes crossing.
Their tounges clashed regularly fighting for a spot towards your clit. You could tell the difference between the two as Leonas was textured due to him being a beastman. He never stopped his antics on your bundle of nerves. While Rook although still rough around the edges like Leona went to explore your body.
He kissed along your thighs and towards your fluttering hole which welcomed his tongue inside of you. He caught the many juices you began to leak without missing a drop. Leona purred as you grabbed his hair pulling him closer to you. While Rook snickered as his nose poked at your insides.
If you weren't so fucked out on pleasure you would've realized just how humiliating you were being. You were getting eaten out by two of your teammates in a hot spring. Granted that hotspring was far out from the dorm anyone could see you at any moment.
And instead of being frightened, you were turned on. After all, you weren't the only one risking your reputation. Leona a housewarden was now feasting on your puffy overstimulated clit. And Rook his dormmate who's always accused of being a pervert would be proving others right.
That's why you weren't afraid of pushing them past their limits as you came. Their hands came to support your now limp body as you spasmed. Before you knew it you were dropped back into the welcoming hotspring water. They sandwiched you and you used their bodies as support as your legs were weak.
"So mon amour was it the patient huntsman who won? Or was it the bold Lion that made you cum first," Rook scoffed. Your eyes pointed towards the sky not wanting to meet there's. Hmm, I don't know since both of you went for me at the same time. I think we'll have to do that over."
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