#persecutor positivity
eskzerek · 1 year
Hello persecutors / Anger holders / anyone demonised in the system community.
I am so so proud of you. You are doing so well despite how other people treat you. The people who treat you wrong have no right.
System members who work with members no matter how they act? System members who try to communicate no matter what? I love you so much. You are the reason lots of system members become comfortable with their system.
People who treat persecutors / anger holders / any headmate who does wrong as a villain and a monster, fuck you. Yes setting boundaries with unpredictable headmates is good. But you've gotta communicate with them too. Locking them up and mistreating them is going to make it worse.
I said what I said.
Small edit because I've been seeing a couple. Don't reblog this with "well actually-" no. I don't give a shit, you don't treat your Headmates like fucking rabid animals, that's the end of it. Have some respect .
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positivitycombopack · 2 years
Shout out to persecutors who aren’t “reformed.”
You are in your system for a reason. You were split from blood, sweat, tears, and trauma. So much trauma. Someone needed to be mean. Someone needed to be the asshole. And you’re the person who got that job.
You may not like your job. You may love it. But regardless, it’s yours, and you are needed here.
You don’t need to be “reformed” - you don’t need to be good to be welcomed. Yes, the goal is recovery, the goal is to become better - but everyone is at different stages of recovery, and sometimes, that point of recovery just is not attainable yet.
Shout out to persecutors. You don’t get enough love.
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lefluoritesys · 9 months
Was just walking and realized how different the definition of "persecutor" is in our system than what is represented in the media or what we've seen.
Obviously, it's different for everybody because even the general definitions vary depending on what the system has been through, and our idea of a persecutor still aligns with "somebody who can hurt the system because they think it's a way to protect us." But it's not the category of a "misguided protector."
Our persecutors are the people who do not put up with people's shit, especially our parents, and who can say a bit too much because of it. They are alters who can actually stand up for themselves and for the system and hence have the role of a persecutor because growing up, we were taught that standing up for ourselves to our parents is pure evil, disrespect, and we should just take whatever they give us, no matter how extreme. They are also alters who can take matters in their hands and make decisions on the spot, and are actually very responsible at front.
I am currently in co-con with our physical persecutor because we were in an actively dangerous situation, though not directed at us. We got out of it by now, they are just hanging around to ensure our safety. For them, one of our parents doesn't exist, they literally dissociate from seeing them around. Which is an act of liberation because they tefyse to acknowledge their existence, communicate, and basically went NC with them mentally after what they did that made them form. Our physical persecutor fears them less than any of us, and are so done with their shit, they just don't say anything to that parent and do whatever they tell us to do.
Same with our prosecutors and protectors. Prosecutors stand up to our friends and protectors take care of minor fights, inconveniences, etc, anything that we can walk away from.
Our persecutors are the sweetest people you'll ever meet. Some may feel distant, some may feel distant or professional or chaotic, but so far, they have been the people who saved us. The first persecutor encounter we've had was during our first trauma. That person formed to save us, and they ended up doing so. One of our other persecutors fronted for the first time in months in June this year to cut off an abusive friendship, and they did not let me go back until I realized how horribly I was treated. Our co-host & persecutor-caretaker is the sweetest person you'll ever meet, but since the first day they began fronting, so far, nobody could mislead them in a conversation, manipulate them or just distract them from the right track. They always saw through people's bullshit, even during fights, and they can mediate the conversation like no one else.
Our persecutors can see the situation clearly when the rest of us are too blinded by our triggers and trauma. When we feel like something horrible being done to us is fair, when we go back to when that trauma happened mentally, when we're scared, feel like we will never escape, our persecutors take our hand, push us off front, and take care of whatever's distressing us and/or tries to harm the body. And I am forever grateful for that.
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[ Redeemer ]
Headmate Who Coined: beelzebub
What is a redeemer? A redeemer is an alter who primarily protects, soothe, and overall takes care of programmed or persecutor alters.
They shall be a persecutor or programmed headmate themselves. Any kind of alter can hold this role.
While this was made for my system, which is a programmed system, non RAMCOA systems can use this term.
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mamabearwonders · 1 month
everyone in a system matters. so much so they matter beyond the reason they may be here which could be a role to help protect systemmates or a role to help out with this and that.
everyone deserves a chance to make friends. a chance to discover what makes their heart happy. a chance to front and just relax. a chance to discover who they are besides a role which is yes very important and something to be proud of, but folks in systems deserve to explore as well.🪺
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Shoutout to persecutors whose end goal of recovery isn’t being a protector (or some other supporting role)
Shoutout to persecutors who don’t want to engage in what’s generally thought of as “recovery”
Shoutout to persecutors who prioritize change/personal growth/adaptation to what they’re dealing with now, not “recovery”
Shoutout to persecutors who want to be recognized for who they are now, not who they might be in the future
Shoutout to persecutors who need to continue to be persecutors in order to deal with their current environment, persecutors who aren’t “safe” yet
Shoutout to persecutors who have no internal motivation to change their morality or ethics
Shoutout to persecutors who see nothing wrong with what they’re doing, but still have to change their behavior
Shoutout to persecutors who struggle to change their behavior
Shoutout to persecutors who prefer ways of coping and interacting with others that aren’t “therapist-approved”
Shoutout to persecutor-protectors and persecutors-turned-protectors who do their jobs in a way that isn’t soft and positive, or do their job in a “mean” way
We’re valuable as we are now, not just as we might be later or might’ve been earlier
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citrus-system · 2 years
Reblog or comment with something you love about a persecutor in your system <33
I’d appreciate serious replies ! It’s important to recognize and love those who are misguided and/or still healing in ways some parts may not understand yet.
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jordan-is-hot · 2 years
Hey y’all as a reminder persecutors aren’t trying to hurt the system, we are simply protectors with trauma
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valisme · 1 year
Being a persecutor can be so upsetting, I feel like everyone hates me. Which fair, I’m a dick. And I’ve done bad things. But I still have feelings. Im trying to get better! it’s not fair that everyone shuns me.
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stupid-static · 2 years
i wish people wouldn't demonize persecutors or stereotype them so much.
there was someone in a server we're& in who was saying something like "you're all too nice to be persecutors"
im not mad at them or anything, i honestly think it comes from a place of mis-info? but anyway,
not all persecutors (or prosecutors) are big, scary monsters.
in fact, most of them are trying to protect the system in some way.
some aren't even rude at all, and just do harmful things to the system by accident.
this isn't to say that persecutors who are rude or malicious don't exist, or that they don't deserve love, kindness, and respect; they do, i'm just saying they aren't the only persecutors out there, and this post is specifically about different types of persecutors.
(for this next bit, i do have explicit permission and consent to talk about our persecutors for the sake of informing people /srs /gen)
me, personally, im technically a persecutor because i dont take care of the body whatsoever; which comes from a place of not understanding why i have to.
basil; he's technically a persecutor because they refuse to sleep when he fronts in fear of nightmares, because he used to have those; she thinks it's better for the system
omori is actually an ex-persecutor, but bone used to be a persecutor by doing anything- and i mean literally anything- to avoid learning and speaking about the truth (in source).
alcmene is a persecutor/prosecutor by being overbearing and overprotective towards us and our friends, and in return lashing out and harming others who are deemed a threat.
there's jay; who's a persecutor and is ""malicious"", but that comes from a place of wanting to protect us.
tl;dr :: there are many, many different types of persecutors, and to stereotype them is not only harmful and degrading, but plain wrong. /srs
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nightwatch-ithaqua · 1 year
We need our persecutors too. They're important too!
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lanafemme · 2 years
🌸 hi…. i want to talk about smth that i know happens but i dont see it get talked about much soooo
shoutout to alters, especially persecutors, who formed due to racially/ethnically motivated trauma. this was part of my experience and its been incredibly hard. it doesnt resonate with some of the experiences and advice of other persecutors. it makes recovery difficult.
if your system is a racial or ethnic minority and you are a persecutor due to trauma related to that: i see you and respect you. even if your role is to repress the systems culture, even if youve internalized some negative views to the systems background. i know how hard this is. i know how hard it is to unlearn, and im here with you.
in some ways, healing from this is different from healing from other trauma. the threat never goes away. there will always be that oppression in the world. ive been trying to accept that yes, we will always be impacted by that oppression… but maybe lashing out at the system and repressing things isnt the best way to deal with that.
regardless of where youre at, if youre like me, you deserve to heal on your own terms. you are valuable and important. i know you carry such a heavy burden. i know it hurts. and youre not alone. 🌸
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mamabearwonders · 1 month
there is nothing a persecutor could do to deserve being locked up, poisoned with cruel worlds, isolated from their systemmates and friends, prevented from sharing their side of the story, having comfort or love withdrawn - basically being ripped of all dignity, autonomy and their humanity.
whatever they allegedly did will never outweigh the cruelty of the above done to them. which surprise - abusing folks who often carry the most painful and vivid trauma memories so others don't have to feel it as much (past + active) will only make them feel worse. 🥀
take care of your persecutors as im sure they have of you. love them where they are at now where you would like to be.
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anonynewsroom · 2 years
"Persecutors are evil."
Literally our persecutors:
Soar King, an avenger who slapped the persecutor label on himself because he feels bad about hurting other headmates when we discovered ourselves, taking care of hyperactive Okami
Omen, he just wants the body to be in okay and toughen up mentally and now also fostering a little in headspace with caretaker's supervision
Vigil, dickhead but he's the one who handles the most pain when we got hospitalized
Mikhail, it just wants a friend but it's too dense to actually know that it looks terrifying and how to socialize
Mumbo and Pyro, both trying their best to understand what it's like to be normal, and ended up finding Minecraft as their outlet
They're trying their best to help us out whenever we get overwhelmed so credits to them
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Here’s some positivity for system persecutors!
System persecutors are headmates who cause harm, either to themselves, their headmates, or their body. Many systems may find they have persecutors, and may be unsure of how best to navigate living with their persecutors and forming positive bonds. But persecutors are still headmates, maintaining a valid, while often maladaptive, role, and they deserve to be embraced and accepted in their system and the plural community as a whole! So this post is for all the persecutors out there!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to persecutors who have been traumatized, hurt, ostracized, or bullied by others, whether inside or outside their system!
🔥 Shoutout to persecutors who lash out at their headmates in order to protect their system!
🥀 Shoutout to persecutors who want to change for the better, but don’t know how!
🏵 Shoutout to persecutors who struggle with self-harm, intrusive thoughts, suicidal ideation, and other potentially harmful thoughts or actions!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to persecutors who are also symptom holders, hosts, littles, protectors, or have some other role in their system!
🔥 Shoutout to persecutors who are trying out less harmful coping strategies as a way to deal with their negative emotions!
🥀 Shoutout to persecutors who are learning to apologize after they’ve lashed out at their headmates and are taking steps to form better relationships with their system members!
🏵 Shoutout to persecutors who have recently relapsed, backslid, or fallen back into old habits or harmful coping mechanisms!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to persecutors who don’t want to change - you still deserve respect and compassion as you are, no changes necessary!
🔥 Shoutout to persecutors who have dealt with being jailed, isolated, or otherwise cut off from the rest of their system for any reason!
🥀 Shoutout to persecutors who often feel angry, frustrated, anxious, lost, upset, lonely, or depressed!
All persecutors in all systems are deserving of love, happiness, and comfort, with absolutely no exceptions! Regardless of your past, your feelings, how you view the world and how the world views you, if you are a persecutor in your system, we are wishing you the very best. We truly hope you can find hope and recovery if you need it, something joyful to hold on to, and someone in your corner who cares about you as you are now. If nothing else, please know that we care about you and we’re rooting for you!
We know this might be hard, but please do your best to show yourself some patience and kindness today. You exist for a reason, and change takes time and dedication! You are allowed to take things slowly, breathe, and show yourself some grace today. We hope your future is filled with treats, good surprises, comfort, safety, and a sense of belonging! Until then, remember that you belong here, and we are so happy to share this space with you.
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ididoktoday · 1 year
How we get better: a decidedly nonlinear and varied process
Maybe that suffering will slough off us like a crispy sunburn, peeling away gradually in its own time, protesting a timeline faster than its own intention. But slough it will.
Maybe that suffering will cling to us until the last second it’s allowed, like a sucking leech, our humors leaking messily and causing a real scene, relief and vulnerability entwined to tease apart later. But we’ll have time and headspace to do that work.
Maybe that suffering will be ripped off us like a warm blanket on an early winter morning, snatched away by a guiding figure who knows that what we need is more important than what we want, a figure who sighs down with love at our shivering legs. That figure knows a warm future for us that our eyes are not yet mature enough to see.
We are birthed in all sorts of ways. Let us treat each other as gently as newborns.
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