#plus she knows i'm sick and wanted to leave early like?????? she really gonna do that
deantfwinchester · 1 year
A Simple Request - 2/?
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader
Summary: After returning to Jackson, Joel and Ellie finally meet their neighbor, a young woman who teaches at the schoolhouse. While the two settle in, Tommy asks her for a favor - that she look after Joel and Ellie from time to time, when he can't. She's happy to help of course, and may find its a better fit than either could've hoped.
Part 2/?
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: And so it begins! I was actually really nervous to write these two, so I hope it doesn't feel too OOC. I'm excited to keep this story going, so feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
Read Part 1 here
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Thursday morning
Lasagna. She landed on lasagna. Warm, hearty, and notoriously labor-intensive, she hoped the meal would express her genuine interest in getting to know her new neighbors, even if it would take a while. Plus, it’s huge and will last a few days, giving them some time to adjust without worry. Plenty of her friends and neighbors had tasted and raved before, so fingers crossed. She had most of what she needed on hand - luckily there were a couple of people in Jackson who’d started making cheeses of different varieties, so she had those at the ready. But she’d have to grind the meat, make the pasta, and pluck a few of her riper tomatoes and fresh basil - better get started early. 
She made her way down the porch steps and into her front garden around 9 am, already having ground the beef and pork, and leaving her prepared pasta dough to rest before rolling. She knelt down by the basil plants in the herb garden with a tiny pair of shears, and clipped enough leaves to chop for the ricotta mixture and toss into the bolognese. 
She was marveling at her herbs’ bountiful growth when she heard the crunch of a twig behind her. Padding through the grass of the yard next to hers was a young girl, probably about the age of her students, wearing jeans and a little red sweat jacket. The girl stood squinting in the midmorning sun, looking curiously in the direction of the garden. Still kneeling by the herbs, she lifted her hand into a wave, and smiled, introducing herself to the girl, who smiled brightly in return.
“I’m Ellie. I didn’t realize we had neighbors on this side,” the girl remarked curiously. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Ellie. And, well, neighbor, at least. It’s just me over here, and I’m gone a lot, so it’s easy to miss me,” she explained, voice welcoming and warm. 
“Well, your garden is sick! How do you keep all this stuff alive if you’re busy all the time?” asked Ellie.
“I teach at the schoolhouse in town - kids about your age, actually. So I’m gone most of the day, but I usually have some time early in the morning or at night when I get home,” she said. 
“Oh cool, you’re a teacher! Are you gonna be my teacher? Joel wants me to start at school next week or so,” she hesitated, waiting for her neighbor to inquire further, but she just waited for Ellie to finish, “Joel, uh, lives here too.”
She made a note to fish for more about that explanation later, but told Ellie that Tommy had mentioned new neighbors moving in. She didn’t let on her prior knowledge of their names, or any of what she heard about Joel’s impending hesitance, of course. She was happy to find the girl so chatty after she seemed so solemn from afar the day before. 
“And yeah, I’ll probably be your teacher when you do start! Don’t worry, we’re not super particular at your age though. A lot of independent study and stuff like that. You can focus on the stuff you like to learn about,” she told Ellie. 
“Really? That’s awesome — Last time I was at school it was FEDRA stuff. I was kinda scared it’d be math and drills again,” Ellie admitted, chewing at the inside of her cheek. 
“Oh absolutely not! We can do art, some reading, science stuff, whatever you like. You can spend time at the stables or the greenhouse, kinda figure out how you want to help most around the community,” she reassured the girl, which seemed to put her at ease.
“So, like, we can do gardening and drawing and stuff?” Ellie asked.
“Definitely! You know what, there’s more garden in the back—vegetables and fruit and stuff— would you like to see?” she asked the girl.
“Oh shit really? Yeah, that’s so cool!” the girl exclaimed, and darted toward the back of the house. 
She followed Ellie and showed her the vegetable garden, plucking a few ripe tomatoes off the vine, and showing Ellie how to tell when they’re ready. They talked excitedly about the different parts of the garden for about half an hour, when they heard a door slam, and the hurried pounding of boots against the porch steps next door. 
“ELLIE!?” came a deep, somewhat frantic voice from the front yard.
“Oh shit” Ellie’s expression shifted, turning to guilt when she realized she’d failed to tell Joel where she was. The girl ran out toward the front yard just as another panicked holler of her name rang out. She followed behind the girl, making sure she was alright.
“I’m here, I’m right here Joel. Everything’s fine” she said reassuringly as she approached the man. His head whipped toward her, and once she was again in his line of sight, his shoulders sagged in relief, and the fear in his expression eased.
“Don’t do that, please. You scared the hell out of me. Where were you?” he asked her, suspicious.
At this moment, she walked out behind Ellie and waved once again, this time in Joel’s direction. A deep frown marred his strong features, which she couldn’t deny, were much more handsome than she’d expected from her distant glances. She felt her face redden in embarrassment. 
“Sorry, she was with me. I was showing her my garden in the—” she said before he interrupted her.
“Ellie who the hell is this?” he turned to Ellie and demanded, not even addressing her when she spoke. Uh oh, there’s that prickle. 
“Our neighbor, Joel. Be nice!” she hissed to him through gritted teeth, “She was just showing me the vegetable garden in her backyard.”
“So you’re just going into strangers’ backyards now, is that right? How safe do you reckon that choice is?” he scolded the girl, but from a place of obvious concern. She felt stupid in that moment. Of course she should’ve had Ellie ask Joel before she brought her to explore away from her home, the girl had just seemed so excited she hadn’t thought twice. 
“She’s our neighbor and a teacher at the school Joel. She’s probably gonna be my teacher, I’m not just wandering into the yards of any random stranger I meet!” she retorted, trying to explain her actions. Ellie had felt guilty the moment Joel was looking for her, but knew she hadn’t done anything wrong, she’d just forgotten to update him in about forty-five minutes. The two continued to go back and forth for a few seconds while their neighbor stood quietly in her own yard, watching.
She knew she’d made a mistake. Joel wouldn’t even look at her so she could introduce herself. This would certainly put a damper on her dinner delivery later. 
“Just, please don’t do stuff like this. Let me know where you’re going next time. Save me the heart attack” his voice had softened as he pleaded with the girl. 
Clearly he and Ellie were still settling in, which entailed figuring out what their lives would look like here, particularly in terms of boundaries and guardianship. As she observed, the neighbor felt both a pang of guilt at having crossed a line, and admiration for the way they worked through the issue. He expressed his concern and his need to the girl clearly and without anger, and she communicated with him in return. It was clear how well they understood each other, and that they’d done some work to get to that point. Probably more than she’s seen most teens accomplish with their actual parents, if she’s being honest. His tone and absence of prickle when speaking to the girl impressed her, and she was curious to learn more about the relationship between them.
Ellie walked back over to her, “Thanks for showing me your tomatoes and stuff. Maybe I could see it again sometime? You could tell me about the flowers, they’re all really pretty” she probed, hoping for a response in the affirmative. 
“Anytime, Ellie. I’d be happy to tell you all about it. As long as it’s okay with your friend over there,” she said loud enough for Joel to hear, and nodded toward him. He continued to glare at her, waiting for Ellie to return. 
Ellie smiled brightly and ran back to Joel, who gently laid his hand on her back, leading her inside. Their neighbor turned toward her own house to continue her errands before she had to hit the greenhouse to teach a similar lesson to a few more aspiring green thumbs around Ellie’s age. Before she could get back, however, she caught a glimpse of Joel glaring back at her as he shepherded the girl inside. 
Off to a great start.
That afternoon, she got to work on her multi-layered masterpiece. Sure, her first almost-meeting with Joel hadn’t gone to plan, but she wasn’t discouraged. She’d made a promise to Tommy, and no matter what, she intended to follow through. He and Maria would have a brand new squirming bundle very soon— the last thing Tommy needed was a constant gnawing fear about his brother’s well-being, not when a friend can help lighten the load. 
She’d put her heart and soul into this lasagna as well, hoping she’d reach past Joel’s prickle through his stomach—if she could get him to accept the meal, that is. 
Just before sundown, with her giant covered dish in hand, she worked up the nerve, and hopped down her own front porch steps, crossing the yard to Joel and Ellie’s house. She hesitated as she approached the door, but lifted her free hand and knocked against it, half hoping Ellie would answer and she’d make an easy delivery. 
Her hopes were not realized, as she heard heavy footsteps approach, and watched as a confused Joel opened the door slightly, frowning. He must do that a lot. When he saw she was at the door, he opened it the rest of the way, and raised an eyebrow as he looked her up and down. His eyes stopped at the dish in her hand, and she spoke first.
“Hi. Sorry, I think we got off on the wrong foot earlier,” she introduced herself, and told him that Tommy had informed her of her new neighbors after they’d arrived. At the mention of his brother’s name, he softened a bit, seeming less suspicious of her now that he knew she was friends with Tommy. Still, he stared at her a moment, before reticently sticking out his hand.
“Joel.” was all he said, as she offered her hand back and shook. 
“So I’ve heard. Tommy’s brother, right?” she questioned, and he nodded, almost imperceptibly. She held out the dish then, and worked to fill the silence, batting away the tension that hung between them after the morning’s events. “Well, I wanted to uh, welcome you guys to the neighborhood. I know the dining hall can be overwhelming, especially when you’re new around here. Thought you guys might like a meal to yourselves while you settle in,” she said to him, eyes welcoming, hoping to smooth his furrowed brow a bit, but to no avail. 
“And I wanted to apologize as well. You were completely right earlier, I should have made Ellie check with her grown-ups before letting her come see the garden. She was so excited to learn, it slipped my mind, and I’m sorry about that. Do you think we could start over?” she asked. Joel’s frown smoothed a bit, and he started to respond, when Ellie ran up behind him.
“Who’s at the door?” she asked as she approached, “Oh hey! What’s that?” she asked, and lifted the cover of the dish. “Ooh is that lasagna?” she inquired, excited, and their neighbor nodded. A look of realization crossed Ellie’s features as she grabbed the dish from her hands “Is this what the tomatoes from this morning were for? That’s so cool! Thank you!” she exclaimed. 
“Of course! I hope you guys like it. I like to cook, and we’re lucky enough to have all the ingredients we need to make some good stuff around here.” she explained.
“Can you stay for dinner?” Ellie asked, and Joel looked down at her, caught off guard. She knew it was far too soon for that, she was just glad Ellie had accepted the dish from her so Joel didn’t have the chance to reject it. 
“Thank you Ellie, but maybe another time. You guys eat together and enjoy. I’ll see you at school next week.” she said to the pair, and smiled at the girl. She looked back up to nod at Joel before making her leave when, unexpectedly, Joel cleared his throat and spoke. 
“Are you sure? There, uh, seems to be plenty of it,” he asked, brows raised, just now noticing the size of the meal before them.
She chuckled lightly. “Yeah, it’s a lot. Thought, I’d give you guys a couple meals without having to brave the dining hall if you weren’t ready.” Joel nodded in response as she continued,  “And I appreciate it, but I’ve got another to deliver. Maria’s due any day now, I think those two could use a meal to themselves for a bit,” she told him, smiling knowingly at Joel, who was left alone at the door. She could hear Ellie clanking around in the kitchen getting plates together as she raised a hand in goodbye and walked to her own house to pick up the other massive dish. 
Joel stood there, silently, watching her leave. She didn’t turn back, thankfully, as he caught himself staring, almost wishing she’d agreed to stick around. Almost.
EDIT: I have not abandoned this!! Ch. 3 is on its way, I promise. I’m just struggling to gather my thoughts coherently!! Still love the premise here and have a lot more I’d like to do with it. :)))
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gingeredmink · 7 months
what are your age hcs for tatsuki and soutarou? and misc hcs for urotsuki?
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Gonna be blunt, head is a cluttered junkyard and I'm a rambler with zero self control when right conditions are met [you ask about Special Interests]. plus am tired and really out of it from work cause we had inventory and i ordered too many lunchables [oscar mayer can go to hell]. Will do best to make this coherent, or at least intelligible, but apologies if it's a bit of a mess.
Age Headcanons [If we're going for what they are in game]
Short answer: Soutarou is late 20s-early 30s, Tatsuki ranges between 15-18. [tho ofc when I draw shippy stuff it's an AU and they're both early 20s]
Long answer: Actually thought about this on and off a decent bit and could never really get more than a vague, "Somewhere around this area" for them.
Soutarou is somewhere between late 20s and early 30s. He's old enough to have experienced some shit, try to get clean and back on his feet and get some manual labor experience, and have that ripped from him. Plus some time to isolate and have those thoughts wreck havoc on his mental state.
Tatsuki on the other hand is messier and harder to really give an age to. They could be a kid escaping into fairy tales to avoid reality, or a young adult [18-20] that was forced to grow up too fast and is now suffering from dealing with their fractured identity [have thought about Debris endings occurring around Tats 18th birthday, because they have the "You're not a child, so why do you hold onto such stupid childish fantasies?" thoughts to go on top of everything else and it sorta just breaks them.]
Misc Uro Headcanons
Big Deep angsty Uro hc/kinda what shapes her core for me
You might've heard the quote, “I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that." by Robin Williams. This more or less summarizes my view of Urotsuki at the core. She may not be weighed down by what other dreamers have gone through, but she knows what it's like to be trapped in darkness and though it may not show, she is doing her best to make others happy because she doesn't want others to go through that. [side note: this is huge part of reason for shipping her with Tatsuki. Feel like they'd be the same, tho Tats is way more introverted. That angsty, "You see through the smiles or notice the little things and softly nudge me to say you understand and are there." sorta thing].
Going off that; for the longest time have hc'd that Uro has struggled with an ED and self image issues in the past and a big part of why she loves food and is okay with being herself, and is so supportive of others doing the same, is because she had to fight to get to where she is and is doing her best to make sure others can simply see the joy in life without experiencing the hell she went through.
More lighthearted/Uro's a goofball hcs
Uro is somewhat lactose intolerant but keeps getting sick because she won't. fucking. stop. eating cheese. Or questionable foods in general. "It smells alright so it's probably fine." [narrator voice: It wasn't fine] sorta things.
Probs mentioned this one before but eh, Uro and Sou are one of few dreamers with a drivers license, and Uro's driving doesn't exactly leave most passengers feeling safe so Sou is constantly stepping in when she offers people a ride. The two bicker at each other like an old couple a surprisingly good bit when eyes aren't on them. This paired with them both being older and able to get drunk makes for quite a scene. [Sabi's laughing, Tats is on the floor trying and failing to hide it.]
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She did have a dedicated dream diary at some point, but during a depressive period would start to fill and decorate it with random stuff [silly doodles, poems, stickers , ect], and it's now more like a thought scrapbook or therapeutic outlet for her. Pages that are just her jotting down memories that make her happy have little sticky note bookmarks so she can flip through them when feeling down.
Her head is a mess and all over the place, and her counting sheep is like a ritual she semi-depends on to fall asleep since it gets her to focus on one thing and relax [its a sorta behavioral dependency that if she was somehow barred from doing, she'd probs stress out and not be able to sleep.]
Hope you enjoyed or were at least satisfied with rambling anon ◠⸜⸝◠~
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alba8688 · 6 months
Love hurts
Word count :1470 she is is a small one .
Dani’s pov
Nathan's birthday was approaching on February 11 and I wanted to make it special for him he was turning 6.
If you're wondering how he is turning 6 and I'm just 22, well I got pregnant at 17 around May and had him in February of the following year . He was supposed to be born on February 25 but he arrived a bit early.Well a few weeks early .
You can say Nate was my birthday gift when I turned 18 .
Now back to the birthday planning I wanted to make him something nice, nothing big cause I know how much he hates parties with a big crowd so I was just inviting pure family and close friends that he knew .
Right now Nate was so into D&D thanks to Eddie and Dustin they took him last week on Tuesday then again on Thursday to their campaigns and he loved it .But the campaigns were special campaigns with no loud music or screaming just for Nate .
I really appreciate everything that Eddie does for my son he doesn’t have too but he does it anyway without me telling him .It really scares me because what if this doesn’t work Nate is going to be the one hurting
The days after the campaign Nate would come home talking about how Eddie was the bestest Dungeon Master in the world and that one day he wanted to be like him .and that scare me even more because that meant Nate look up to Eddie and I was afraid that Eddie might not be there for the long run or get scared of being with someone that has a kid .
All of those things float in my head every time I see Nate and Eddie together but I try my best I swear not to thing of all the negative things .
So back to the party planning and enough of my thoughts .
So I've been thinking so damn hard of what Theme to make for his party and I made the decision for it to be a D & D theme .I mean that’s his new obsession.
I'm glad I had order some D&D decorations last week for his party even though I was still
Undecided last week about what birthday theme I was going to do for him but I still ordered the decorations.
Also the party was going to be at Steve's house. His parents were leaving on vacation for two weeks so he had the whole house to himself and he offer his house
I had so many ideas of how I was going to decorate .
Steve said I could do whatever I wanted and that’s what was going to do .
Today I had to place the order for the cake I wanted to order it  in time ,but I'll have to go after I get out of work Because right now I was dropping off Nate to Liam's hotel ,so he can stay with him until Friday.
Plus Liam was taking him out to the movies  today and shopping for new shoes and clothes .He also promised to take Ozzy to the groomers .
I parked at the front of the hotel to get Nate down with Ozzy so we wouldn't have to walk far because it was snowing and I didn't want Nate getting sick close to his birthday .
"Baby ." I whisper turning back to see him
Asleep .
I smiled at how adorable he looked ,my baby was all grown up and I had missed a year of his life because of his grandma.
But I wasn't gonna miss any more years. I was gonna win this fight no matter what it takes .Liam and I were gonna do everything in our hands to get our son back no matter how much money we had to spend on lawyers .
I kept staring at Nate. I still couldn't believe I had him with me again.I was taken out of my trance by Ozzy licking my face .
Signaling he had to go do his business but Nate was still asleep on his car seat he was tired from last night he didn't want to go to sleep early because he wanted Eddie to read to him.
Eddie eventually cave in and  read The Hobbit. Nate loves it especially With the voices Eddie made for each character .
He was fascinated ,just the way I was .
Eddie ended up reading more chapters than he was supposed to read, getting a little too excited that Nate was actually liking the book and  that's how they both ended up sleeping late .
So now Nate won't wake up no matter how much noise I make ,so I'll just call Liam to come pick him up from the car .
The phone didn't even ring much and Liam answer.
"Hello ." He answered
D:"Hey can you come get Nate he is still asleep ."
L:"ok i'm going ."
"Ok." I responded then hung up before he tried making conversation with me ..
After dropping Nate at Liam's I headed to work.
Today was still cold and I had forgotten to bring my stupid jacket and I was freezing so now here I was sitting inside my car with the heater on regretting my decisions.
But I don't know what I was waiting for is not the like the snow was gonna melt by me staring at it or it would magically stop snowing ,but fuck it was cold.
Before getting out I check on my back seat to see if I had an extra jacket but I didn't .When I always did.
"Fuck!!" I hit the steering wheel with my hands .
I'm gonna freeze to death .
*Tap tap tap *
I turn my head to my right to see Eddie tapping on my window with my jacket on his hand and a big goofy smile .
I turned off the car and got out quickly, getting the jacket from him and putting it on before I caught a cold.I really wanted to kiss him right now  for saving my life .Eddie was a lifesaver. I'm glad I had him in my life .
And thanks to him I wasn't gonna freeze to death .
Well I wasn't gonna really freeze I was just overreacting.
"Thank you Eddie ." I said softly
"I wanna kiss you really bad Baby ." Eddie whispers softly but I know better than that .
"Me too ." I bit my bottom lip and he moved closer to me and I do too.I don't think our brain stop working properly right now because I don't know if he remembers we were in school.
"I love how you look with glasses ." Eddie whispers
"Yeah." I said softly moving closer now inches apart
"HELLO!!!" Gareth jumps in between us hugging me awkwardly.
"Hey Gareth ." I awkwardly hugged him back not knowing what the hell what's happening .
"What The fuck man!! "Eddie pulls him away from me ,grabbing him from the hem of his shirt and pushing him against his van
"Eddie man ,you were about to kiss her and I-I just stopped it ." He stutters, putting his hands up on defense .
"Eddie is ok ." I said softly looking around to see if anyone else saw.
Eddie let go of Gareth with a sigh  "sorry man ." He says softly.
"Thank you Gareth ." I was too embarrassed to even look at him after what my stupid self was about to do in-front of the entire school .
I really hate this so much.But I knew better what was getting myself into when I got in this relationship.
After school
Right as the bell rang I got my stuff and looked for Dustin so we could go shopping for the things we needed For Nate's birthday I wanted to surprise him.
Nate wasn't coming home till Friday and I miss him already. I was getting used to him being at home with me ,running around the apartment with Ozzy following him around.
Awww I really miss him so much.Im trying not to get too attached once again afraid that I’m going to lose him but somehow this time I have faith everything will be ok .
After Finding Dustin we headed to the bakery to place the order for Nate’s cake.After placing the order for the cake and buying other stuff for his party ,Dustin and I stopped by a store that was for crafts and bought some cool paper that looks like scroll parchment paper for the invitations.
I was making them and hoping they came out just like I envisioned them.
So I had everything set for Nate's party now to wait for his birthday on Saturday to get the party started…
Next chapter
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
Do you know of any sick Batfamily headcanons? Cos I'd swear you've done some but I can't find them
I do! It is here, (also I think I have another bc I swear I've written something about the batgirls being sick) but let's update it a little. I still stand by the orignal stuff (mostly, contradictions are possible), most of the bats pretend to be fine when sick and will ignore an illness until they can't anymore and Dick definitely acts dramatic when he has minor illnesses. But there's more to be said, so here's the original plus some.
[Note: The old stuff is in purple, new is black]
Dick Grayson
The less severe the illness the more dramatic he is
Small cold? It’s the end of the world, nothing can save him
Life threatening illness? It’s fine, everything is fine, he’ll quadruple flip it off
"Leave me alone Bruce, I'm fine"
"No I don't need any goddamn help, do I look like I need help?" She says aggressively while definitely needing help.
Claims that Oracle can still operate if Babs is sick but then accidentally gives the bats the wrong info.
Jason Todd
“I’m not sick, zombies can’t get sick”
“I don’t want any goddamn soup Roy”
She was raised to be a weapon and only recently found a loving family, so at first she didn't realize that she was allowed to be sick or allowed to take a break
One time she does get really sick and Bruce lectures her on knowing her limits (like a hypocrite) and that's when she realizes that she can take time to recover if/when she's sick
After that lecture she becomes one of the only bats to willingly take sick days, and she encourages others to do the same
Tim Drake
He doesn’t get sick because getting sick would make him a burden to others, right?
But being real he’s missing his spleen, he gets sick relatively frequently
But he hides illnesses at all costs
Like most bats Steph isn't keen on taking a sick day, however she is much more reasonable and realizes that they are necessary sometimes
Steph does like taking a proper sick day and helping others take proper sick days, to her this means chicken noodle or tomato soup, grilled cheese, blankets, pillow forts, classic horror movies, all of it
Everyone wants to have Steph with them on their sick day and because of this Steph ends up getting sick almost as often as Tim
Duke is the one who calls others out when they go out while sick, like he has no mercy and will just expose them to everyone
Because of this everyone tries to call Duke out for patrolling while sick, thethe only problem is that he doesn't patrol while sick bc he has common sense
One time Jason was about to call Duke out for patrolling while sick when Duke just stopped and went, "If you guys are good I'm gonna head back early, I think I'm getting sick" and left
Damian Wayne
“Sickness is got for inferior beings”
“I do not require bed rest”
Will continue training until he passes out
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niallthegun · 7 years
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succulent sweets
#YOOOOOOOO so if any of u are keepin track of mah life from my last cake post#u know i have that coworker that i want to fight all the time#well!!!!!!#we both got overtime yesterday so i asked my manager if i could leave an hour early to take it off and also bc i felt like complete SHIT#which me and the other girl had talked about in length#so my manager told me to leave early so i went and told the other girl hEY i'm leaving an hour early so we're gonna leave at the same time#today!!!#and she was like uh what she never lets me leave early she always tells me to take a longer lunch#and i was like idk but she just told me to leave an hour early so imma finish these cakes while u do those other two cakes and then we#can leave!!!!!#NO i finished two ganache cakes and 12 ganache slices and was writing on all these cakes for customers and#then i noticed she had disappeared like 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave#(also note she hasn't done the two EASY cakes#like literally all they needed was a ganache drizzle and a couple fuckin strawberries like..)#anyway she appears and was like ok well i'm leaving!!! the bags are done and soaking in sanitizer u just have to hang them up!!!1!#i was like uh....why u leavin me in this mess EARLY...#so she just walks the FUCK OUT and i was lookin at the other two ppl i work with like uh?????????#she really gonna leave me all this extra shit so SHE can leave early when I ASKED to leave early and got PERMISSION#plus she knows i'm sick and wanted to leave early like?????? she really gonna do that#ALSO it wasn't just icing bags...it was SO MUCH SHIT I WAS LIKE???????????#y'all i was so mad i was shaking#i was trying to write happy birthday on a cake and i was literally SHAKING so my one friend was like girl lemme help u she's bitch#and i was like gorl u don't have to pls :')#but she did anyway and gave me a hug and i luv her :')#so i still managed to leave early but.....only 20 minutes early#i'm not gonna say anything to my manager about it but.....imma remember this#imma remember#fast times at the bakery
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razrbladekiss · 3 years
Tyrants | Chapter One - Disclosure
A/N: This was supposed to be a Jax x Fem!OC fanfic, but it took a little turn as I started to write more of it. So, it’ll be Tig x Fem!OC, but Jax does play a very important role in this.
SUMMARY: A sick turn of events sees Isla Telford thrown in at the deep end, battling to govern the sudden pressures of all that her father's club decidedly bestow upon her.
WARNINGS: Brief mentions of murder, the guy that got his ass shit is in this one. Jax and Tig get their own warnings, too, for obvious reasons.
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The older I get, the more I realize that age doesn't bring wisdom. It only brings weary.
John Teller was always so astute.
His judicious character befell his son, too. Jax had that same perceptive nature as his old man--everyone would comment on that.
To Isla, it was admirable. For Jackson Teller to be a man of such stature--to hold such a reputation--and to remain somewhat level-headed through it all, was only something she could commend.
She'd seen many of her father's friends crumble under the pressure of Samcro, unable to balance the weight of living with the responsibility and commitment to the club, and meet their unfortunate demise--in some not-so extreme cases.
But Jax was different. He'd always been different.
Maybe that wasn't so great, however.
"You're fucking insane, Isla."
"Not insane." She mumbled, sifting through the box of shitty medical supplies that Gemma had left atop the pool table last night.
"Just trying to patch this shit up so Hayes doesn't kick the fucking bucket before Jax gets back here."
Tig snarled. "But it might be infected, and the bullet is still in this dude's ass--"
Isla whipped her head to glare at the man, her eyes wide, forehead slick with sweat--and a little blood, too.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Tig, with all due respect, unless you're gonna help, please get the fuck outta here."
"That's not gonna suffice," he pointed out, referring to the medical tape, ignoring her scolding.
She wanted to throttle him. Truly, Isla was willing to wrap her crimson-coated fingertips around Tig's neck and squeeze the absolute life out of that man.
"I know." Her lips kneaded together in frustration, watching her father dab an alcohol-infused pad on the wound. "But unless you've got any better ideas, then we're just gonna have to keep reapplying this shit."
"But the infection, Isla."
"But the lack of medical equipment, Tig."
He slapped his palm against the table and glared at her, pointedly. "Why've you gotta be such a bitch all the time, huh?"
"Watch it, Trager." Piqued, Chibs growled.
"I'm not a bitch all the time," she dismissed her father, wiping at her palm with a wet rag. "I'm actually able to control the way I act around other people."
"Oh, fuck you--"
The Scot's yell was muffled by the cap of his whiskey bottle, his hand pressing against Cameron's skin as the man screamed into the cloth Isla had placed underneath his head.
"God, for fucks sake, both of you just pack it in."
"Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking geriatric and you're spending your morning bickering with an almost thirty-year-old. Grow up, Tig."
Despite laughing at his comment, and enjoying the irritation wash over the other man's face, she felt bad.
For riling her father up--who was simply trying to help the innocent Irishman caught in the literal crossfire--she felt fucking awful. Especially because he never seemed to get mad at her all too often.
Tig, though...That was a different story entirely.
"I'm gonna go see if Clay has any more shit lying 'round here." She declared, throwing a damp towel onto the table, backing out of the room.
Her heart was in her throat, stomach in damn knots. Isla wasn't confident that Cameron was going to make it--not with such a deep wound.
And in his ass, too? Jesus. She wasn't confident at all.
Of course, she'd seen men get shot. Her own father, for one. But she hadn't seen somebody have to go so long without actual medical attention.
Chibs was ex-army med, but there was only so much a man could've done with a bottle of liquor, gauze, and a towel.
She was relieved that the bullet hit Cameron and not Clay, though. As sick as it sounded, she was so fucking glad that he'd managed to dodge the line of fire--initially intended for his own skull--and come out completely unscathed.
But for every ounce of relief she'd felt, an even more fervid sense of anger prevailed at the thought of Jax taking so damn long with those medical supplies he'd sought to get last night.
Gemma mentioned something about heading to the hospital--or a friend's house, or something--but Isla wasn't paying any mind to the woman as she, and Chibs, were trying all ways to stop the bleeding coming from Cameron's ass cheek.
It was the most bizarre turn of events she'd ever experienced.
One minute, Isla was sipping on a glass of wine while she eagerly awaited the spirited ping of her tiny microwave oven, ready to spend a rare--though well fucking deserved--night alone.
However, things took a drastic turn when she received a call from Tig--on behalf of a very busy Chibs--casually requesting her assistance because the Mayans had tried to assassinate Clay.
But Tig failed to mention that the man was completely fine.
She'd spent fifteen minutes on the way over mentally preparing herself, wondering what hell she'd walk into when she set foot into the clubhouse. But it was normal--strangely so.
Isla wasn't a professional, she didn't exactly know how to handle such a trauma, but she trusted her father and she just wanted to make sure he had a helping hand.
God knows that Tig wouldn't have been very much use, and Juice was a little nervous--though, he was doing incredibly well throughout the ordeal regardless of his internal apprehension.
"How's it looking?" Gemma threw at Isla, getting to her feet.
She quickly scanned the room, taking in the uncomfortably sparse bar. It wasn't usually so empty, so quiet.
Clay, Gemma, and Juice. That was it. Not even Piney--not even Epps.
"Is he doing okay?"
It was still early in the day, though. She guessed that they'd pop in once they properly came around.
"He's better than he was last night." The brunette nodded. "Dad is certain the laceration is gonna get infected if we leave it any longer without trying to get the bullet out--"
"You've gotta wait 'til Jax gets back here, Isla, we can't risk Hayes dying on us."
"I know, Clay. He's just fucking tired--he's been up all night. We need a real medic on the scene before something bad happens. It's only a matter of time."
He mumbled something to himself that only Gemma seemed to catch, but Isla didn't particularly give a damn at that point. Like Chibs, she was exhausted.
The tattered and torn plaid shirt she had thrown over a random tank top--now smeared with another man's blood--was wrenched between her fingers as she pulled it off, folding it not-so-neatly.
She hadn't dealt with such a bloody wound in a while. Not since her mother's palm, decorated with shards of glass, was in dire need of stitches and her father was across the country, unable to offer his medical assistance.
"I'll grab one of Jax's shirts for you--"
"No, Gemma, it's okay," she smiled, taking a seat on one of the couches opposite her.
The older woman pinched her eyebrows together skeptically, watching Isla shift. "I insist."
"It's fine." Isla was adamant. "I'm gonna head home as soon as Jax gets back here--if he gets back here--so, really, it's fine."
A minimal amount of already dried blood was spread over her wrists and fingers, and the excess had been rubbed off on her crimson flannel, so she didn't particularly feel bad about making any mess.
Though, she shouldn't have felt bad. Not after she'd been coerced into helping and eventually receiving that shitty reception from Tig.
"Aren't you cold?" She questioned, waiting for Isla to capitulate, but she never did.
The thought of wearing one of Jax's shirts--after it being given to her by his fucking mother--didn't sit right with her for some reason. Plus, she didn't particularly feel like walking out of that building wearing the damn reaper on her back.
She didn't want to flaunt their patch. Not any more than she already had been for the last ten years.
"Where the fuck is he?"
Clay glared at the clock on the wall, realizing they'd been without the Vice President for hours. In an attempt to put him at ease, Gemma ran a hand along his shoulder.
Isla could only watch them--admire, perhaps.
"He told us he was gonna swing by Tara's place for the equipment. But that was last night, man." Juice shrugged, circling the lip of his beer bottle with his thumb.
She felt her throat thicken with a sick sense of trepidation. She hadn't heard that name in years.
"Tara?" She stuttered, feeling Gemma's piercing glare.
The woman hated Jax's first love, though she never said it aloud. Isla knew her perception of her, however, and she'd started to feel the exact same as the years went on.
"Yeah, y'know, Tara Knowles--"
Her heart sank--fuck that, it dove straight to the deep caverns of her chest, throbbing away into nothing. Until she felt completely void of all emotion. Completely fucking numb.
"I know her, Juice." Her response came hastily, snappy. "I'm sorry. I just didn't expect you to say that."
He shrugged it off. "It's alright. I wasn't expecting her to be back in town, either. I thought you already knew."
Suddenly uncomfortable, Isla's head shook.
The crow situated at the bottom of her spine began to smolder, blistering away at her skin until she physically flinched.
It was a brilliant idea at the time, getting a matching tattoo with Jax's old lady--the one woman she truly adored and trusted, never once feeling an ounce of malice toward.
Because that was a rare thing for Isla, and she wanted their friendship--and relation to Samcro--to prevail for eternity, she supposed.
But as time went on and Tara decided to distance, and eventually alienate, herself from the club, an ample sense of regret persisted for fucking months.
Isla loathed her ink. She hated the negative connotation of the crow she once lauded, and the mere idea of that thing being slapped above her ass forever churned her stomach.
It wasn't one of her finest moments, she had to admit. But she was young and extremely fucking dumb. She'd bet top dollar that Tara felt the same--if she hadn't gotten the crow covered up already.
"Jesus, Jax, where were you?!"
Her eyes flicked upward, attention on the blonde as he sauntered across the wooden floor of the bar.
She hadn't even noticed his presence until Clay spoke, but she soon started to heed how Jax was trembling a bit with every step that he took.
It wasn't obvious. To most people, the slight shake of his wrist would've gone completely unnoticed. But to Isla--to the most observant woman in Charming--his discomfort was striking.
Jax ignored him, stomping his way toward the back room. His line of sight never satisfied Isla's. It didn't even come close to it, either.
Something had happened. It was obvious that, in the time he had been with Tara, he'd encountered something grizzly enough to chill him to the bone.
Which was saying something, what with the horrific shit that he'd already seen in his time.
"Jax!" Clay yelled, following closely behind him. "Hey, asshole, where the fuck did you put the bag--"
"I've got it."
If she had the option, Isla would've allowed the floor to swallow her fucking whole.
"Tara." Pissed, Gemma acknowledged. "You're here because?"
"I asked her to help, mom."
"But Chibs had it covered. He just needed some actual instruments--"
"Gemma, quit it."
She simply nodded at her son, not wanting to cause another problem that she'd have to fix later--which, honestly, Isla was shocked to see.
"He's in there--"
"I know." Jax cut her short, ushering Tara to the back of the clubhouse--striving to get her into the room before she heeded Isla.
But she did.
The first person she clocked--aside from Clay--was Isla Telford, the woman she had purposely alienated herself from ten fucking years ago.
It wasn't anything that she'd particularly done to Tara, more like the crowd she ran with--and the way her loyalties never seemed to lay very closely to her friends, or anything outside of the club.
Isla wasn't a part of Samcro--she didn't want to be a part of Samcro--but her coalition was strong enough to convince anybody that she was more than merely a daughter of a Sgt. at Arms.
She had been brought up around the Sons--her father's choice, of course--and when her mother passed, she had no choice but to dive a little bit deeper into that world. But, as expected, it was constantly under the watchful eye of her old man.
She was dedicated to them. They were, essentially, family, and she was an honorary member.
"Isla." Jax mumbled, nodding his head toward the entrance of the clubhouse as he closed the back-door. "Outside."
He pulled a carton of cigarettes out of his leather vest, shaking the box as he strived to seem a little less suspicious to Clay and his mother.
The blonde wobbled to her feet--knees weak after hours of standing--while simultaneously pulling her bloodied flannel back onto svelte, freckled arms, recognizing that the chill was to hit her the second she stepped onto the gravel.
Jax was casual while he strutted ahead, taking long strides that Isla found fucking impossible to keep up with.
He pushed the door to close behind her, offering a cigarette that she hastily declined.
"What's she doing here?" Was how she decided to break the silence, her eyes searching for a hint of something written on his face.
But there was nothing. Not an ounce of emotion--scarily so.
"She's fixing Cameron up--"
"Not at the clubhouse, Jax. I meant back in Charming."
He ran a thumb across his lower lip, trying to soften his gaze on Isla, but it was futile. He looked discomposed--unsettled.
"She's uh--she's workin' at the hospital now." She started to nod, waiting for his elaboration. It never came, however.
"Oh, that's nice. I wonder what happened in Chicago...Do you know why she's back here? Or how long she's gonna be staying in town--"
"You sound like my fucking mother--give it a break with the thirty-seven questions about Tara, damnit."
He snarled, heeding the distaste of his words the second she glowered at him.
"Excuse you?"
"I didn't call you out here for a sweet little conversation, Isla, I called you 'cause I need your help--"
"With what?"
Jax's hand hooked onto the back of his neck while he tilted his head to look upward, thinking of a way--any fucking way--to explain just what damn mess he'd found himself entwined with over the course of the last twenty-four hours.
He didn't know what to say or how to say it--if he should've fucking said it. He trusted Isla with his life--always had--but sometimes he appreciated that she mightn't have appreciated finding herself tangled within Jax's boisterous, at times frightening, life.
But it was too late for that. She'd been dragged through the deepest shit and wasn't crumbling that easily.
"Kohn." He stated simply, waiting for the cogs of her brain to begin turning.
"What about him? You got in trouble with the ATF or something? Because we can handle that--"
"I already did." Jax laughed humorlessly, finally meeting Isla's line of sight.
The skin underneath his eyes was red raw, blotchy and irritated after he had used the sleeve of his hoodie to scrub away the tears he'd shed.
The tears he hadn't wanted to shed, but had fallen freely--uncontrollably--from those cerulean hues Isla never tired of looking at.
"What do you mean by that?" Nervously, she quizzed.
He didn't even have to say anything. She fucking knew. She knew exactly what he meant by that, but there was a tiny morsel of something within her that hoped and prayed that he'd declare that her gut feeling was wrong.
But he couldn't. Because it was right. Like always, Isla's intuition didn't fail her.
"Jax, honey, what did you do--"
"I killed Kohn."
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧 - 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐮𝐬
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, angst IF YOU SQUINT
listen to the music masterlist
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Groggily wiping your closed eyes, you awoke from a deep sleep. It didn't take long to realize the sheets around you weren't yours. You weren't in your bedroom. You weren't even in your house.
You sat up on the pullout, more alert. Rubbing the sides of your head with your fingertips, you desperately tried to put the pieces of last night together. The clock next to the unmounted flat-screen told you it was two pm. What happened to you?
"Good morning, honey bunny! Or should I say good afternoon?" The cheery voice that broke your confused silence was easy to recognize as Sasha.
What you were doing in the living room of her apartment, you didn't know.  You turned around to see her cooking food for the two of you.
The early events of the night before were clear as day when you retraced your steps. Catching up with everyone, Hitch, Zeke's fiasco, and dancing around were all things you had no issue recalling. 
However, there was one last detail just out of your grasp. Dancing with your friends. . . then with Mikasa. . . but what happened after that? Was it- oh, fuck.
Realization set in and you scrambled off the couch. Clothes from the night clung to your body as you stumbled into Sasha's bright kitchen.
Sitting down on a stool with wide eyes earned you a concerned look. Sasha raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay, Y/n? You look a little sick."
You shook your head. "I'm such an idiot. Can you believe I kissed her? I bet she didn't even want to."
She chuckled and pushed a plate of food in front of you. "From what I remember, she's the one who initiated it."
"I can't remember anything that happened after that. Fill me in?" You started eating your breakfast as you awaited their answer.
"Well, to put it simply, you fainted."
"Yeah, right after you pulled away. You were just out after that. It's really weird how that happened, actually," She put a finger to her chin as she reminisced.
The food on your fork toppled off as you stilled in shock. "Sasha! You better be joking! That's so embarrassing, oh my god."
In an instant, she was leaning over the table to steady your frantic gesticulating arms.
"Hey, hey, honey bunny. Don't freak out. We were all pretty worried about you. Nobody laughed if that's any comfort to you. To help out Marco, I took you back here after I dropped off Connie. He didn't need to worry about you when he had the three drunk idiots to drive home." She took your free hand in hers.
"I should probably text them so they know I'm okay." You left your food unattended as you walked back to the couch to look for your discarded phone. Sasha took it as a sign that you were done and helped herself to the meal.
"I got a picture of you two if you wanna see it," she said nonchalantly through a mouthful of food.
You stopped your searching. "What? Mikasa and I? When?"
"Well, I got a few, actually. I have one of you dancing with her and one of you kissing her. And some others from when Connie and I were joking around."
"Sasha, why?" you groaned. "I already get enough cameras in my face."
She shrugged and continued eating your breakfast. You moved the couch pillows around in hopes of finding your phone.
A reoccurring buzz vibrated the carpet under the pulled-out mattress. You reached under to grab whatever the noise came from.
Luckily, it was your phone. Unluckily, it was blowing up with texts from Jean and Eren. The familiar ringtone sounded as a call from Jean came through. You rushed to pick it up.
"Hello? Jean? Woah, slow down, what's going on?" You could barely make sense of his frantic words on the other side of the line. 
"Y/n, thank god you picked up. Armin's hurt. We're heading to the hospital right now. We think he has a concussion or something."
"What? Oh my god, what happened? How is he?"
"We'll explain later. Come when you can. It's the same hospital we went to when Eren broke his arm."
"Got it, Jean. I'll be there. Keep him safe."
"Of course."
He hung up. You started towards the front door. "We have to go, Sasha."
"Why? What happened? You sound pretty worried. At least change before you got out. I have a spare set of clothes for you," she offered, already on the way to their bedroom.
"No time. I'll change on the way to the hospital." You unlocked the door. 
"The what?" Their confusion and worry were clear from their tone. Despite that, she nodded and frantically reached for her car keys, extra outfit already in hand.
Once she got a hold of them, you both jumped in the car and set off to the hospital.
"What the hell happened to you?" You were seated on the left side of the hospital bed with the rest of your bandmates scattered throughout the bland room.
"To tell you the truth, I fell down a flight of stairs," Armin said sheepishly.
"With a light push from Eren," Mikasa added.
"I didn't mean to push him! I bumped into him!"
"Yeah, nice one, Eren. You're a certified douchebag." Jean rolled his eyes.
"Coming from you, Jean, that's rich." Eren glared back at him.
"Man, why couldn't Eren fall down the stairs." Armin clawed at the bandage on his head in annoyance. "This thing is itchy."
"It's because you are stupid, and I am not," Eren fired back. You snorted.
"Oh yeah, definitely. Remind me who graduated early from college and who dropped out again?"
He scowled. "You dropped out too, idiot."
"Right, but I did it for the band. You did it because it was too hard," you snickered.
"Damn, Y/n. Go a little easy on me, will you? I spent my whole morning at the police station." He pinched the bridge of his nose like he had a headache.
Confused, you looked at Mikasa, hoping for an explanation. She avoided your eyes and stared at the ground instead. It was the third time she wouldn't directly look at you since you got there.
Armin noticed the interaction and frowned. "He went to get Zeke out of jail," they explained.
Eren sighed. "That was the plan. Until I changed my mind. The bail was a lot of money and, frankly, with all the shit he did, it wasn't worth it. It's a shame he'll miss my birthday again but what good would he cause anyways."
"Oh, I see." 
As distraught as he was the night prior, Eren was able to toughen up with Zeke instead of letting him back into his life so easily. It was admirable he could do such a thing after his previous reactions to Zeke's shenanigans. 
"What did he even do? I guess he pawned that guy's wedding ring but isn't he banned from Nebraska?" Jean pondered.
"Well, he didn't lie about some things. He is several million dollars in debt and he was on the run from the police. Explains why he looked like he was gonna shit his pants when the cops showed up last night," Eren said.
"Okay, but what did he do specifically?" Jean asked again.
"Oh, right. He robbed banks like it was a game. The motherfucker was literally bank hopping around Nebraska. Plus, he stole a bunch of shit from people and pawned it all. There were so many complaints filed against him that he was banned from a ton of pawnshops. He wasn't banned from the state. Just enough places that he felt like he was."
Jean's jaw dropped. "How many banks did he rob?"
Eren shrugged. "Around thirty."
"Thirty? What the hell is that guy on?" he mumbled.
You were surprised as well but glad it wasn't worse. Still, you couldn't believe that he'd been staying with you for less than a week and he already stirred up a whirlwind of problems.
Silence had fallen over the room for a moment before Armin broke it. "Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone," he said.
"Sure." You were curious about what he had to say to you. He'd been all fidgety during the whole half hour you were there.
Eren and Jean turned from their position on either side of the door and walked out. Mikasa stood from her seat to follow. She shot you one last glance but looked away before your eyes could meet.
Once the three were gone, you scooted your chair closer to the bed.
"What's up?"
Armin's brows furrowed as he brought his nail between his teeth. "Do you know what's going on with Mikasa? She's been acting weird all day. She's always been the closed-off type but she hasn't said more than a few words to us all day."
You frowned. If Mikasa was not only avoiding you but the others too, you could only assume what was on her mind. 
"You don't remember last night? Is amnesia a result of the fall?"
He blinked, confusion still evident. "No, I don't think so. Eren and Jean are just as clueless as I am."
Then you remembered how drunk the three of them were the night before. They must've lost track of things after having enough drinks. So Mikasa hadn't bothered to fill them in.
You tugged at Sasha's shirt collar nervously. "Mikasa kissed me." Armin's mouth fell open. Words came out fast as you tried to explain, "Or I kissed her. It's a little fuzzy, I fainted afterward. Sasha said Mikasa initiated it, though." 
"You- she what? You actually- wait, you fainted? Y/n, are you okay?" The panic in his voice rose as the confusion dissolved.
You placed a hand on his upper arm to stop him from sitting all the way up. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm not the one in the hospital bed, after all."
He smiled at that. "I guess that's true. But anyway, how was it?"
You felt your face heat up. You weren't expecting them to be so forward. Clearing your throat, you replied, "The kiss was. . . yeah, I'd say it was good."
They grinned. "I'm glad you finally acted on those feelings. Christ's sake, Y/n. You've liked her for how many years now?"
You smiled shyly. "Jeez, I don't know. Quite a few. But don't get your hopes up or anything. She clearly thinks it was a mistake."
Armin's smile disappeared. "You've gotta stop thinking like that. More likely than not, she needs some time to process. You know she gets reserved when she has to think."
So reserved to leave for two years?  Yeah, you knew. You were beginning to believe her behavior would lead to worse.
The blonde seemed to sense something deeper was nagging at you. "Wait, have you ever actually talked about what happened? I figured you spoke to Eren but now that I think about it, whenever anyone brought her up you shut it down."
That was enough to get you thinking. When Mikasa was gone, your friends knew better than to ask about her. Armin was right, you always shut it down. 
You never spoke about how her disappearance made you feel. You never even wanted to think about it. There were times when you couldn't push the feelings away anymore. Times when you couldn't do anything but cry.
Whenever that happened, you made a beeline for Eren. He was the only one you knew wouldn't pry. You never had to say anything. He would just understand. He never told anyone. He never complained. He never asked. He let you cry until you couldn't anymore. He was someone you were very grateful for.
Mikasa's leave was something that affected you more than you let on. Even if it was easy to tell that it was hard for you to deal with, no one knew the extent to which it was.
Remembering that time brought back every feeling you never dwelled on. You couldn't go through it all again. You knew why it was hard to think positively about that kiss.
"I don't want her to leave," you whispered, voice coming out more shaky than you intended. "I can't do it, not again."
Armin looked surprised. "Do you think she'd leave again? Why?"
Lifting your head, your gaze shifted from the floor to his wide blue eyes. "The last time something impacted her emotions so quickly she left us."
He nodded as realization dawned on him. "But the difference between now and then is that this is a positive thing. Come on, Y/n, I'm not blind. Before she and Jean were together, you were dancing around each other for years. Even Jean was shocked when she asked him out and not you."
You thought about that for a moment. Right he was again. There were always moments between you and her before Jean. You always thought you two had an unspoken connection until she asked him out. It seemed others thought so as well.
You smiled hopefully. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe this is a good thing. I mean, I've had these feelings for years so maybe it's good I finally acted on them."
They smiled back. "Hope so. Just give her some time and she'll come around. It's Mikasa, of all people she would never ignore-"
The door banged open just as Armin was finishing his sentence.
Eren stood in the doorway with his phone held up and Mikasa and Jean not far behind.
"Hannes called. Couldn't wait any longer to ask. Are you two down for a performance at the beginning of next month?" He exhaled heavily, out of breath for some reason. "Mikasa and Jean here are already on board."
"You're coming back to the band, Mikasa?" Armin asked.
"Yeah. I miss it," Mikasa said quietly.
"Of course I'm down. It's been so long since we've performed," you chimed.
"So it's settled then. First performance in three months plus Mikasa's big comeback on April 2nd," Jean confirmed.
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posted: 9/15/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
I think it's due time I've made a little something for the guy my entire page is dedicated to 😅 So, here we have it!
Just say you won't let go
Cedric x Reader
Requested - no
Summary - Written as though you're inside the song, Say You Won't Let Go, with Cedric
Trigger Warning - Fluffy
I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though, I was enough. We danced the night away, we drank too much. I held your hair back when you were throwing up.
Cedric spun you once again, your giggled filling the nearly empty room. You had been surprised when he asked you to the ball, especially when you thought his eyes had been on Cho lately. But, the two of you had bumped into each other on your prefect rounds, late in the night. You had decided to stick together through your rounds, conversing on his first task with his Dragon. Right before you had separated, he smiled down at you, "Hey, y/n, would you possibly go to be Yule ball with me?" His arm bent at an angle, his hand scratching the back of his neck as he awaited your reply. "Ced, I'd love nothing more than to go with you."
The two of you had quite a bit of the spiked punch the twins told you about, now far from sober. You laughed once more as he lifted you up in the air, just like he had during the champions dance, only this time, your stomach churned. As soon as he set you back down, you took off, your beautiful dress being held up by your hands as you rushed to the nearest bathroom. Your insides quickly came out as your felt his hands scoop up your hair, holding it back as the other rubbed your back softly.
Then you smiled over your shoulder, for a minute I was stone cold sober. I pulled you closer to my chest. And you asked me to stay over, I said, "I already told you, I think that you should get some rest."
After you were finished, you took a deep breath and turned to glance at him over your shoulder. You smiled softly, even through the alcohol, you felt white embarrassed. But you looked into his eyes, seeing a sense of safety in them before he pulled you close, your head softly laying on his chest. "I'm really sorry." You mumbled, wiping anything off your face that might have come from your recent sickness. "Don't be, I lifted you up right after I spun you, I'm pretty sure any normal person would get sick after that." He laughed, smoothing your hair down now.
"Do you wanna come to my room?" You asked him softly, the two of you walking slowly to your common room. "I don't really want the night to be over yet. We could cuddle and just talk for a few hours." You said, looking up at him. His fingers softly pushed a piece of hair out of your face and behind your ear before speaking. "Love, I already told you. I think that you should get some rest."
I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know. Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go. I know I needed you, but I never showed. But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.
The next morning, you slowly walked to the great hall, your head pounding. You had never been more thankful for a Christmas holiday. You stepped in the doors, glancing up to see Cedric already looking straight at you. He smiled a smile that filled his eyes with happiness at the sight of you, but you were too far to see. He motioned you over to the seat next to his, watching as you slowly walked over to him. The two of you ate in quiet whispers, both of your heads pounding unlike ever before.
You glanced over at him as he took a sip of his pumpkin juice, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. Your heart filled with an emotion you weren't really expecting so early on, if you're being honest with yourself. But, the only thing you could think of was how lovely he was going to look when he was old, and how much you hoped you get to sit next to him, watching the sun set as you sat in a quiet whispers, much like you both were now.
I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed. I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head. I'll take the kids to school, wave them goodbye. I'll thank my lucky stars for that night.
It was years after hogwarts, years after the war. You had spent many of days thanking Harry for bringing Cedric back to you. The school had been stunned when the both showed up, panting with a fear stuck in their eyes. Cedric rushed to you, bringing you into his arms as he held you, forgetting everything surrounding him. His father came up, but he refused to let you go. You heard the voices around you grow quiet as Harry spoke.
"He's back." Cedric tightened his grasp on you, refusing to let you go.
Now, the war was over. He was fine, you were fine, and you were happy. Your nights weren't filled with nightmares as often as they used to be, and your children were growing up in a world you'd want for them.
"Love, wake up." His voice was soft, a kiss pressed to your hairline. "I got you breakfast." He helped you move to a sitting position, your full belly showed through the covers. You groaned as a kick pushed against you, your hand moving quickly to the spot, rubbing it carefully. "Thank you, love." You spoke, smiling up at your husband. "Coffee, just as you like, you weirdo." Cedric was always a tea person, but the second your mouth came in contact with the dark liquid, you were set on coffee. "The kids." You spoke, your eyes wide. "It's a school day." The two older boys, twins, were just 8 now, and we're attending a normal, muggle school.
"I'm gonna take them. They're both ready, putting their shoes on now." You smiled lovingly at your husband, so incredibly grateful for him. He kissed you softly before leaving you with your food, taking your boys to their school. He smiled as they rushed off, greeting their friends before sauntering into the front doors. His mind wandered to the night he bumped into you, that night at Hogwarts, and thanked whoever and whatever he could for it. The night he finally picked up enough courage to ask you to the ball, the night he spent hours walking the dark hallways, listening to your voice fill the empty air.
I'm so in love with you, and I hope you know. Darling your love is more than worth it's weight in gold. We've come so far my dear, look how we've grown. I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.
You laid in Cedric's arms, one of his hands rubbing your scalp, the other tracing shapes onto your arm. The two of you had just gotten back from dropping your twins off at the train, your daughter having stayed with Molly and Arthur.
"Our kids are already on their way to Hogwarts." You spoke, staring at your ceiling. "Hogwarts was terrifying when we were kids, Ced. Quirrel was Voldemort, a giant snake running around trying to kill muggle borns, Sirius on the loose, that God awful tri-wizard tournament. You were almost bloody killed!" Your anxiety was rising with each word, absolutely terrified of what your boys were about to face.
"Honey, honey, it's okay. The boys have Mcgonagall as their headmistress. They don't have Voldemort fighting to come back, they are safe. Heck, Neville is a professor there. The boys know him, if anything happens, I'm sure they'll go straight to him. Plus, Hogwarts was also full of such amazing things. Hogwarts gave me you."
His voice filled your ears, his words finding home in your heart. "We've grown up so much." You said softly, turning to look up into his eyes. "And I wouldn't trade a single day of it, because I've grown with you. I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old." He leaned down, kissing your forehead softly.
I wanna live with you, even when were ghosts, cause you were always there for me when I needed you most. I'm gonna love you till my lungs give out, I promise till death we part, like in our vows. So I wrote this song for you, so everybody knows, that it's just you and me until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go.
"Hey, hey, Ced, wake up. Wake up." You shook your husband awake, your eyes softly moving to his cheeks. His eyes popped open, looking up at you. "I'm not dead." He whispered, his arms moving to wrap you up, just like they had so many years ago. Cedric had grown, just like you had, but his brain still occasionally forgot that Voldemort was unsuccessful at killing him, back in the graveyard.
"Baby, you're okay. You're right here with me. You're alive." You moved to sit in his lap, cradling his head in your arms, right at your chest. "Listen to my heart, you're alive." You whispered, running your fingers softly through his hair.
"You are always here for me when I need you the most." He whispered after calming down, pulling away to look into your eyes. "I'll always be here. Good and bad." You spoke, kissing him.
The two of you were laying in bed, his head resting on your chest as you continued to run your fingers through his hair. "When we die, we should become ghosts. Live forever in our home. That way, I'd know I'd never leave you." His voice was soft, but shaky, almost scared again. "Baby, even if we don't become ghosts, I'm never leaving you. I promised till death we part, but it's so much more than that."
The two of you slowly fell back to sleep, holding each other tightly. You and Cedric, until you're grey and old.
Just say you won't let go, oh, just say you won't let go.
Your wrinkly hands were tight in Cedric's, the both of you sitting together, in the silent whispers. The sun was setting before you both, the sound of your grandkids in the house behind you. "Just put your pajamas on!" Your son spoke, chasing his daughter. "Gramma said I can stay up until 9!" She yelled back, rushing past her father. "That doesn't mean you can't get dressed! Little girl!" She giggled loudly as he picked her up, leaving you and Cedric to laugh yourselves.
"Looks like we're finally grey and old." You whispered, glancing at your husband. As handsome as ever, he was, just like you knew he would be. "And you're as beautiful as you were the night I met you." You smiled as he brought your hand up to kiss it, smiling at you. You laid your head back against your chair, looking into his eyes.
You both were laying in bed a few weeks later, both of you knowing your time was coming to an end. You looked over at your husband, seeing him eyeing you from the corner of his eyes, once again. You slowly moved your hand to grasp his, your eyes watery.
Your voice was soft as you felt sleep slowly overcome you. "Just say you won't let go."
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agentsoftie · 4 years
stitches and ditches
summary: y/n and spencer get in a fight. due to the fight y/n goes to the hospital where she gets taken. spencer has to find her before it’s to late
a/n: plot holes. plot holes everywhere. so i’m sorry for that, super sorry. also like i don’t really know how to write fight scene and stuff ig so sorry if it sucks. and i skipped like 3 classes for this, so don’t let it flop
warnings: fight, angry spencer, torture, a case, violent spencer (idrk what to call it) and whole lotta angst. i happy ending though! kinda, idrk
word count & pairing: spencer x (fem) reader & 4.1k
remember to like and reblog!!
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It all started the day he came home from work. This was one of the longest trips he’d been on so you decided to make him his favorite. Pumpkin Pie. And god knows how hard it is to make pie, but you did it anyways, for him. It wasn't too late when he got home but It wasn't too early either. More like the time right after dinner and just before dessert. You had just got the pie out of the oven when you heard the door open and someone walk in.
“Spencer! Finally you’re home! How are you!” You said while he put his bag away. He didn't turn to look at you yet which was kinda weird since the first thing he does when he gets home is kiss you right on the lips. “Fine,” He mumbled while sitting down at the table still not looking at you. “Spencer, come on what’s wrong?” You asked while grabbing his hands, but he immediately retracted. Which made sense because of who he was, but you’re not gonna admit that it didn't hurt. “Nothing Y/N.”
You knew that something was wrong, and it didn't take a profiler to see that. Everything about him was just off. “Come on, it's me. You can tell me anything.”
“Y/N.” Spencer said in a deep tone. You’d never heard him like this or seen in that sense. He was always happy to see you, to be with you. And were with his too. “Spencer no, come on. I can see that you’re clearly not fine. So come on, open up.”
“Y/N I said I’m fine!” You were appalled. He had never raised his voice at you, but it was bound to happen one day, you just. You just were shocked. “Spencer,” You said in a low voice completely contradicting his loud yell. “What!”
“Spencer calm down!” You say yelling at him. Although you realized that yelling at someone to calm down probably wasn't the best way to do it.
“No Y/N, you need to just stop and shut up!” Shut up. That’s the first time he’s ever told you to shut up. Infact, you think it's the first time he’s ever told anyone to shut up.
“Spencer just talk to me! It’s not that fucking hard!”
“No Y/N it is. It's tremendously hard and you just wouldn't understand.”
“Just tell me. And I'll see if I understand. But don't just gatekeep your emotions and feelings.”
“Y/N I said no! Why cant you listen to simple fucking directions! It’s not that fucking hard!” Each and every time he yelled at you, it's like your heart physically broke. And you could feel it breaking. But how do you tell him to stop? All you wanted was to know how he feels. Was that really so hard?
“Spencer why the hell are you acting like this! I understand that your job is hard but that doesn't mean that you can pour all your anger out on me! And if you are gonna do that, you can at least do the kind thing and share how you feel! And what's wrong! I mean, is that really so much to ask!”
“Oh really, that's how you wanna play this! You think this is just a little game don’t you!”
“Game Spencer! You think I play this as a game! Well this game is my life!” You were drop dead angered at this point. “What in the world gives you the right to act like this! Please, explain!” All he does is scoff at you. “I'm not joking Spencer! Why the hell are you acting like this! You've changed!”
“Oh I’ve changed! Y/N you've changed! You're always trying to kiss up my ass! I mean jesus! All you want is money! Like god!”
“Oh I want money! Spencer! I don't need your pathetic money! It may not have dawned on you since you couldn't bother to care, but I make a good amount of money. Yeah, you’re not the only one who paid for this place. So stop acting like you are.”
“Oh wow! Haha, you sick son of a,” He stopped immediately after realizing what exactly he was saying.
“Say it Spencer! Finish the goddamn sentence!”
“Y/N, you know I wont.” He says in a shift of tone. Still equally as affecting though.
“Why? Huh? You've already said so much, just wrap it up with a nice little red bow on top!”
“Y/N, stop,” He said, his tone getting more and more demeaning by the second.
“Do it Spencer! Do it!”
“Goddamn it Y/N I said stop!!” He yelled before throwing a glass at the wall behind you. You both immediately shut up, as trying to process what just had happened. Did he actually just try to hurt you? No, Spencer would never do that. Would he? You touched the back of your head and felt blood on your ear. You looked down at the blood and Spencer walked towards you but all you did was pull back from his touch.
“Don’t,” You mutter in fright. Putting your hands up against his chest, but not touching. His eyes looked at you as if they were trying to say something but just couldn't. You grabbed your purse, keys, phone, a coat, and slipped into some shoes. “Y/N, where are you going?”
“To the clinic or hospital or whichevers open right now. To get this checked out and stitched up.”
“Y/N, come on just stay here. I can stitch it up. I can do everything. Just dont leave. Im sorry, okay. I- I don't know why I did that. I promise I didn't mean too.” He begs and pleads but you just can't say with him tonight. No, not tonight. Tonight was too bad, tonight was a dent that was not going to be fixed.
“I just can't, Spencer. Okay, not tonight. There’s some pasta in the fridge, and I love you… I guess.” And with that you got in your car and left leaving Spencer to just sit in his own tears. He just sat at the table thinking of everything he did wrong. Everything that went wrong. And the worst part is that absolutely nothing wrong or bad happened at work today. He was just exhausted, that's all. And instead of telling his girlfriend, he started a fight. And he knew that you were in the right, for everything.
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Dr. Michael Gray. And it looks like something happened to your ear.” He says while standing at the door.
“Oh hi! Haha. And um… I thought that nurses were supposed to, you know, stitch up stitches.”
“Oh yeah, well they are. But you’re just so gorgeous I pass up the offer.”
“Oh, haha,” You say, not knowing how to feel. Although there was one thing you knew, and that was that this was uncomfortable as hell. “Well, I mean I do have a boyfriend.” You said just so he wouldn't try to make any moves.
“Oh well hey! Do you have any siblings or friends? I'm fine with absolutely anyone and everyone.” He says while disinfecting your ear and pulling the glass out.
“You’re Pan?” You ask to distract yourself from the pain.
“Yeah. You’re not gonna request another doctor now right?” He asks while carefully taking out the glass and putting it on a white napkin in front of you. That was a big piece.
“No, of course not!” You say in offence. “How could you ever think that.”
“It happens a lot with people. Especially the pretty ones. They automatically get turned off when I tell them I like everyone. I don't care about your gender, just your personality and how you treat me.”
“Oh well I would never. And it sucks that-that happens.”
“Yeah. Okay, so here comes the fun part. Hey, how did you even get these stitches? Or, why do you need them? Like how did you get to this point?” He says while slowly stitching up your ear.
“Ha, I get it. You’re just fine. And all of this is due to my boyfriend.” You say in pain.
“Wait,” He stops doing what he’s doing and just stands there. “Your boyfriend did this?”
“Yes. And before you say anything else, I am not in an abusive relationship. Okay, he just had a bad day and I guess I made it even worse. And trust me, he didn't mean to do it.” You say as he finishes stitching up your ear.
“Do you have a place to stay tonight?” He asks while pouring out a liquid into a small cup.
“Then, come stay with me. At my place. And here drink this, it’ll help with the pain. A lot.”
He says while giving you a small cup filled with what looked like to be a crushed up powder poorly mixed in with water. Or whatever that the liquid was.
“Oh no. We just met.” You spoke before drinking it.
“You got anywhere better to stay? Plus my shift ends in 5 so it would be the most practical decision.”
You knew that it was wrong. After everything that Spencer had told you. But for some reason you still went. Even though you knew you should have gone back home to Spencer. And god knows what he was doing right now. But you couldn't just let your pride fall and go home. That would be pathetic. “You know what, okay! I mean what the hell! You seem nice and I’m not in the mood to face him again. Or at least for now.”
“Just one question… are you gonna kill me?” It was a stupid question to ask, you know. But after everything that Spencer and his family have been through. And with what happened to haley, you just couldn't help but to ask.
“No Y/N, I’m not gonna kill you. Now come on, let me get logged out and let's leave this place. Oh and Y/N, you can call me Michael.” He says while taking off his lab coat.
“Okay Michael.”
He brought you into his car and the drive to his place felt like hours. Although you really couldn't remember most of it since you passed out a quarter way through. The last thing you do remember is him putting his hand on your thigh and looking over at you with a smirk.
It had been 3 days. 3 days since you left to get your ear stitched up. 3 days since Spencer had last seen you. Since you had seen him. Or any of your friends. 3 days since you left your life. In those 3 days, Spencer completely lost himself. All of the books were on the floor. The bed was an absolute mess. And the kitchen was left just as it was the night it happened. He, himself, was a mess. His hair had not been brushed. He was still wearing the same clothes. And he’d been surviving on coffee and granola bars.
“Guys, we got a new case, come on.” Penelope chimes as they all do paper work. Spencer can’t help but look at his phone every 2 minutes just waiting for a text or call or any sign of life and/or love.
“What’s wrong pretty boy?” Derek asks.
“Yeah, you've been acting tense lately.” JJ adds.
“Nothing, It’s just Y/N,” He gruffs.
“Do I smell relationship problems,” Derek says jokingly.
“Derek!” JJ scoffs. “What's wrong Spence?”
“Nothing I just… Look, something happened, and now she’s not answering any of my text and calls, and I'm starting to get worried. That's really all there is.”
“Well what happened exactly? To you know, make her leave I guess.” JJ asks.
“Um, we had an argument. A pretty bad one. I came home after the case. The Checkersfeild one. And um, I was just tired. And instead of telling her that, I got super mad and said some things that I regret. And also did a thing I regret. A lot. And I would explain everything to her if she answered whenever I called or texted but she didn't.”
“How bad was the argument?” She asks again.
“Pretty bad. It was our first, but it was really bad. Just words coming and pouring out.”
“Spencer, how long have you and Y/N been dating?” Derek asks in shock at the fact that he just said ‘first argument’.
“2 and half years now.”
“And you two have never fought? What's this secret that you're keeping from me.”
“Well you know, we had our mutual disagreements. And sometimes we argued a little but it was small and it lasted for like an hour. And right after we would apologize and everything would be okay. It would all be fine.” Spencer said, his voice got longer and slower as the words went on.
“Wow, um… Spencer. You really love her, don't you.” Derek asked.
“Yeah. I really do, don't I.” Spencer says while walking into the briefing room.
As everyone sat down Derek couldn’t help but to keep looking at him. He knew that Spencer was hiding something, he just didn't know what. Or how to figure it out.
“Okay everyone this is Isabella Stines. The latest victim of our new unsub. Police are calling him The Ditcher. Since, as you can see, they leave the body in ditches after what looks like hours and hours of tourture. 5 other people were found too. First was Mindy Kindle, then Jake Johnson. Next, Rosé Hinnings, then we have Jennifer Gordon. And last, and hopefully least, Kross Noing. The ‘K’ is silent.” Penelope says while everyone looks down at the picture of the crime scenes and blood smeared across the screen.
“Do they have anything in common?” Spencer asks just before his phone starts ringing. He immediately picks it up even though the rule that Hotch made up states that you can't answer phones when you’re in the briefing room getting briefed for a new case. “Y/N.” Spencer asks, not knowing who this was since he didn't have enough time to look at the caller ID. “No, this is Sharron Richard, her boss. She hasn't shown up to work for these past days and we’re getting worried. She has a case coming up and this is a big one for her. We’ve been trying to contact her, but she’s not answering. So we called you since she left you as her backup or whatever you call it. So, have you seen or heard from her?” Sharron asks over the phone.
“Um no I- I haven't.” Spencer mutters through the phone so no one except Sharron could hear it. Although that failed miserably.
“Oh, okay. Well if you hear from her, or see her anytime soon. Please tell her to contact us.” And with that the phone was hung up.
“Pretty boy what was that?” Derek asks.
“Uh, nothing. Just a call from Y/N’s work. Apparently she’s been missing. Although you already knew that so…” Spencer said while looking down at his phone more time, then putting it away. Everyone just gave him this weird look of dissatisfaction.
“Okay anyway, yes there are some similarities. And luckily, all of these are taking place here so you guys won't be flying out anywhere! Or wait, isn't that a bad thing?” Penelope exclaims.
“Garcia,” Hotch says in his natural stearn and damning voice.
“Sorry boss. Anyways, The ME found traces of propofol and thiopental in each of their systems. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a drug that doctors use to get patients into a coma before surgeries and/or if it's needed medically.”
“So only doctors would have access to it?” Emily asks.
“Over here in Virginia, yes. There are no stores that sell it here due to too many people ODing.” Spencer answers. “Garcia, did the ME find any signs of sexual assault?”
“No they did not. Looks like it was just tourture.”
“Hey Garcia, did they have anything else in common?” Emily asks.
“Yeah check this out. Each of the victims have a medical visit to “The Charleston Hospital” the night before dying. Or getting captured at least. And, it looks like each of them came in after what looked like an action of abuse. It was hard to spot but luckily the bill got it.”
“Okay, thank you Garcia. JJ, Prentiss, come with me. We’re going to the crime scene. Rossi, you go to the ME. Morgan and Reid stay here and try to find some things and connections. And Garcia, you just do what you do best.” Hotch says while getting up.
Everyone was gone from the briefing room except for Garcia who was taking down some files, and Spencer, who was looking at the file. But one part in particular. Could it have happened. No, it couldnr have. Could it?
“Hey Garcia?” He asked.
“Yes sugar,”
“Can I get something?”
“Why of course, what is it that you need?”
“Um, I need records and security tapes.”
“Come with me my sweet child.” She says while walking out the door and into her office, or as she likes to call it, batcave.
“Okay here are the records for-” She got cut off by a frantic Spencer.
“No, not for them, but for Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Your girlfriend?” She asks.
“Yes, my girlfriend.”
“Um, okay. So yeah. It looks like she went to Charleston um about 3 nights ago for some stitches.”
“And the security tapes. From that night. Can you see where she went? Or if she got in her car?”
“You doubt me. Don't doubt me. Okay so here. It looks like she got into this car. But, it looks like there is someone with her. Im sorry Spencer.”
“Don't be. Just, what’s the licence plate numbers?”
“Um, 56HI90ZC3. Spencer, if you want, we can talk about it.” She says in a soft tone. Thinking that his girlfriend would be cheating on one of her friends.
“No not now. I just need you to track that car, can you do that?”
“Done. Okay so it looks like the last time the car was spotted was here, Cherry Ann Avenue. It looks like they took a turn in this field, and that's all.”
“Great, I need you to contact Hotch and Rossi, and tell them that we got the guy.”
“On it. But, hey do you wanna talk about it?”
“Garcia, we don't have any time. Someone I love is in danger and I don't wanna waste a single second.”
You woke up to the smell of blood, the sound of crickets, and a gut wrenching pain, everywhere across your body.. Crickets everywhere. You looked down to see many cuts. Cuts all over your body, everywhere. And in one place, you swear you saw a knife. What had happened? How long was I out? You tried to remember everything but all you could was getting in a fight with Spencer and then getting in a car with a doctor. Or a nurse, or whoever they were.
“Ah, so you're up.” Michael said as he walked up from the shadows behind him.
“Who are you and what do you want?” You say trying your best to back away from him but something ties you down.
“You forgot who I am already. I must have added a little more meds in there for you. Huh, well that's alright. I’m Michael. More professionally, Dr. Michael Gray.” You just sat there trying to hear him over the intense pain you were in. Almost as if you'd been stabbed 100 times, maybe you had, who knows. “You see, your boyfriend was being the abusive piece of shit he is and so now I'm helping you. Helping you get better.”
“You sick bastard. You're not helping me, you're causing me pain.” You say as he gets closer and closer to your face.
“Shut up!!” He says as he slaps you. “I know what I’m doing!! Do you know how many people I’ve put out of misery!!” He yells in your face. You can feel the spit reaching your face as he does this.
“You’ve hurt those people. You've put them through pain. So much pain. Instead, you could have helped them. But this, this is not help, no this is torture, abuse, assult.”
“I SAID SHUT UP!!” He yelled while throwing the metal tray on the table across the room. “YOU KNOW WHAT, MAYBE WHAT YOU'RE PATHETIC LITTLE BOYFRIEND DID TO YOU WAS GOOD. YOU DESERVED IT!! Don't deserve me, or my help!”
You were shocked. You were scared. You were terrified. But you didn't want to admit it. And the sad part is, all he truly wanted to do is help you. But just at that moment you heard sirens. Sirens everywhere, and they got louder and louder until you saw the colors. Flashing up against the brown wooden wall and the shag carpeting on the floor.
Suddenly you heard a loud bang, the door had come down. “Michael Gray!” You heard someone yell. “Michael, we know what you've done, and we know that you’re here!”
“No, this can't be happening. No no no no no. NO!” He yelled in panic. The most stupid thing to do when you’re trying to hide.
Suddenly 3 people came rushing to the room. One of them happened to be your boyfriend. Who ran over to you immediately without any hesitation.
“Hey Y/N, it's me, Spencer. You're gonna be okay.” He said while holding you. All you did was smile and nod. You wanted to tell him that you loved him, but you just couldn't. You were so sore and tired. And all you wanted to do was go to sleep. Even though you knew that you shouldn't have since, well, you know. You would probably die. But you just couldn't help it.
You woke to a bright light. Or multiple in this case. Why was everything so white. White hurts people. You felt a tug to your hand as you saw who was holding it, Spencer. He stayed. And for god knows how long. He was asleep, and you didn't want to wake him. Poor boy looked like he hadn't gotten any sleep for the past week or so. You checked the clock as the time read 10:37pm. Perfect, just the most perfect time to wake up. You tried to grab your phone, but you had to stretch to get it, and you were not doing that.
Spencer, although woke up from your failed attempt at grabbing your phone. “Y/N, you're awake.” He said dreamily with his eyes half shut.
“Hi Spencer.”
Once he truly realized what was going on, he jumped up from his seat and gripped your hand tighter than before. “Y/N baby, how are you? Are you okay?”
“Well, truthfully. No, I am not okay. I mean, I just got tortured for god know how long, and I think I’ve been asleep. But again, I don't know how long. And oh god, I had my case that I’ve been working on for the past 6 months that was supposed to happen and I missed it!” You say as if the world was ending. He just looks at you. No emotion, just stares.
“Y/N it’s okay. I sorted that out, don't worry. You’re just okay. Why did you go with them anyway?”
You don't know how to respond. Do you tell him everything, or tell him nothing at all. Do you leave out some bits? No, he deserves to hear the whole truth. “Spencer, after what happened that night, I was terrified of what was gonna happen if I came home. And my friends were out of town. So I really had no choice.”
“Y/N,” His voice cracked. “I am so sorry for what I did to you. I truly didn't mean to do that, it just happened. And I don't know why.”
“I know.”
“You probably hate me, and I get that. I would hate me too if I were you. I mean, look at what I put you through. I’m so sorry. And I understand if you wanna breakup and stuff. But, I just wanna say that I love you. I truly do.”
“Spencer,” You say while looking down at your hands, then back up. “I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Not after everything you’ve done for me. I love you, I do.”
He just smiled and kissed you on your forehead. “Y/N, you wanna about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“Everything that happened today.”
“Sure, but how about we talk about everything that happened the other day. I mean, I made you pie Spencer, Pie!” He just sat there while you were laughing looking into your eyes. “I love you.” He said. You just smiled and held his hand, “I love you too.”
tagging: @criminalmindsmoodrn, @marshmallowtraver, @ghostly-angelic, and @himarisolace
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali has a heart to heart with Chan, and the Dreamies experience Tali's child like personality when she is really happy.
Characters // Talia Flores + Bang Chan (ft. Dreamies expect Mark, Doyoung)
Era / Year // October 2017
Word Count //
Bold // English
⚠️Warning⚠️ // Breakdown
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"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be."
It was the middle of a survival show of the creation of Straykids, Minho not to long ago got eliminated. She went over to his house and brung him food to cheer him up and she promised him that when she had free time she would help him with singing plus rapping. Then just last night Felix got eliminated just because he couldn't speak Korean properly, deep down she felt guilty not teaching him Korean, but she was busy with schedules she couldn't. After Chan walked him to his home, she just finished practice and went to Felix's house to comfort him. He felt so guilty and her heart broke at her friend feeling guilty he couldn't speak a language.
Korean was hard to learn from an english speaker perspective. It was like the opposite of English. She striked a deal with him at least once a week she would help him with Korean, inperson or through a screen since she did have to go on tour.
After she left Felix's place after putting him to sleep. She went to the person who felt most guilty.
She went into JYP building heading towards the studio where Chan usually is. He always in there, either producing, or avoiding his problems and feelings. She heard music, it was Hellevator, she heard it replay over and over again. She knocked on the door, the music stopped and it revealed a tried Chan.
"Hey sweetie" Tali smiled at him sadly she came in and sat on one of the chairs. Chan sat down on his chair and just looked at her. Then he just started to breakdown.
"I- I- I failed the- them Tali." Chan choked up crouched down in Tali's stomach.
"No, no you didn't Chan you tried your be-"
"NO I DIDN'T, I LET THEM GET ELIMINATED TALI....its my fault, I failed them, I promised we would debut together Tali....I promised them." Chan sobbed. Promises to them meant a lot to them. So when Chan couldn't keep that promise it broke him.
"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be." Tali comforted Chan petting his hair trying to calm him down.
"They don't blame you, they don't hate you, as long as you keep trying and helping each other you guys will make it. Jyp was just nit picky. This is not your fault." Tali said cupping his face whipping the tears off his face.
"But-" "No buts Channie, come on, lets go out for a bit, and get your mind off things" Tali suggested
Chan agreed.
They packed up at went to a open store and got some food and snacks. They went to a near by play ground and stayed there for a bit talking.
"How do you handle it?"
"Handle what?"
"The hate?"
Tali stopped at the question. She looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean how do I handle the hate Channie?"
"Well, Ive been seeing some comments that, Im not a good leader or person and that im a f-"
"Shh hey hey, one that not true and two... I don't. Im not able to, but I don't show it. I usually distracted myself and not think about it. But they do get to me I am human."
"What about the staff?"
"Oh the staff are still asswholes to me and the Chinese line. I record whats she said about boys and me. Also that she left a member behind and got in the car instead. Honestly one more thing from her, she out." Chan laughed at her statement, but knowing she was serious. She hated when people get discriminated, she doesn't care if she does, only the people around her. So a staff member came she started acting like the boss and mistreating the chinese members which got Tali pissed.
Whether the boys or the staff know it she has a lot of power. Sm made her co-leader for a reason and that is to point out any staff mistreating members and setting them straight or firing them. They know she honest and knows how the entertainment system works. So they trust her who ever can't handle the idols or treat the idols properly and are reported by her. They will get fired so quick. So most staff that worked with her before know this and they know not to tell new staff because the staff themselves don't want a problems in the future because of another staff member.
"So one more strike huh?"Tali looked up at him.
"Yeah" she said quietly.
"How are you and Han?" Tali frozed at the boy's name.
"Fine" Chan raised an eyebrow at her.
"Fine? Really that all you gonna give me?"Tali sighed at the statement.
"Well, I don't know, its just. Its hard. He didn't believe me Chan. When he promised he would be there. He left me." Tali said quietly.
Chan was saddened that she still was unsure of her friendship with the boy. He made a promise he shouldn't have and didn't believe her words and left her, then expected when she forgive him everything would go back to normal. Which did, from the outside. People who did know Tali, would know it wasnt gonna go back to normal anytime soon.
When Tali talkes to people she cares about, her eyes have this light about them. But when she is unsure of the person a doubts them she has this sheild which would take a pretty long time to get down. It took Han since 2015 to atleast get Tali to talk to him again, 2 years. She was scared.
"You know he cares about you right? That he loves you like the rest of us?"Tali looked at Chan with doubt in her eyes.
"Does he really tho?"
"Tali.." Chan went infont of her and grabbed her hands.
"He really cares about you, do you think the guy will try to make you talk with him for around 2 years for him not to care about you?"
"I- Im just scared that he won't believe me.........that he'll leave."
"Tali if he does ever hurt you, you can always drop him, you are scarily good at that" Channie joked
Tali giggled
"I'm afraid."
"You're afraid of what?"
"I'm afraid my group is gonna do that to me....not believe me, break promises, and leave me."
"Hey they won't, as long as you trust them I believe that it won't happen." Tali was stuck in thought.
"....what if they ask about my family....what do I say?"
"...do you want them to know?" "....no"
"Then tell them your not comfortable talking about your family"
"But what if they feel hurt when they find out you guys know and not them?" Tali said filled with gulit.
Chan sighed for once not knowing how to reassure the girl. Because if he was in the group and found out that a completely different group is closer to their only female member. He would feel sad and bitter. So Chan just hugged the girl to reassure her to gonna be okay.
Tali basked in this moment knowing nothing last forever, then realized something.
"...wait a minute shouldn't this be the other way around?"
"Shh no its fine" "No its not fine switch me"
"Tali its fine"
"I swear Talia we are not fighting about this again"
They started bickering about who comforts who then she got a phone call.
She flinched at the sound and cursed in her mind realizing what time it is and how she didnt tell ANYONE she left the house. She turned the phone and sees the ID number as Doyoung. She cursed out loud, she was really hoping it was Taeyong.
"Hey language" Chan joked, Tali just glared at him. She picked up the phone scared if there was gonna be either yelling or a scary calm Doyoung
"Im at the park, I was spending time with an old friend I lost track of time sorry." Tali said sheepishly.
"Its fine just come back home the dreamies were in panick when you didn't come back to the dorms so just go there and make sure your friend takes you there....wait is it a g-"
"Omg look at the time, its getting late thanks for calling me oppa im gonna go now bye!"
"Wai-" Tali cut him off and ended the call. She knew if she said it was a guy they will go all investigative mode and try to find out who the guy is.
Chan smacked the back of her head.
"Ow what was that for?!" Talia whinced while rubbing her head.
"For worrying your members and ending the call early, Talia you should know better." Chan said jokingly, shaking his head and pointing at her.
Tali smacked his finger and made are you serious face at him.
"You can't say anything, rememb-"
"Nope, this is not the time." Chan cut her off putting his hand over her mouth and dragging her off the park to the dreamies dorm.
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"We are here thanks for walking me." Tali turned and hugged Chan knowing she won't see him for awhile. Chan just gave her a warm smile.
"No problem anything for our Butterfly." Tali smiled at the nickname. Remembering all times they have been together.
"Thank you for everything Channie, I really appreciate you." Tali said still hugging him looking up at him with this light in her eyes like Chan first saw when he was able to get closer to her. He always cherished that moment because it showed that she trusted him. Her eyes just poured out her emotions, it took time to able to read them but it was all worth it, and he would do it all over again.
"Always, I will keep my promise to you, and to him." He said rubbing her head. Tali's eyes changed when she thought about him, not sad ones more like grateful. Tali let him go and she went inside and waved him goodbye.
She went up the elevator, reminiscing the old times, even though it came to an end she still had part of them left with her as she held her locket in her palm looking at a picture that she cherished so much closing it back again once she was on the floor of the dreamies apartment.
She was at the door preparing herself for either a scolding or affection, probably both.
She unlocked the door and Jaemin tackled her to the ground.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS WORRIED SICK SOMEONE HAD TAKEN YOU FROM US." Jaemin scolded her while he was squishing her. Then he picked her up and she went back on the ground by the 2 mankaes.
"Why didn't you at least text us" "Yeah I came in your room for cuddles and you weren't there." Chenle pouted while Jisung scolded. Tali giggled but she felt guilty for making them worried.
"Im sorry I didn't mean too. I was just visiting some friends I haven't seen in awhile." Tali said sheepishly.
"Wow so you left us for them wow." Haechan said with a betrayed face. Tali rolled her eyes at the boy running up to him and hugging him. He was surprised at the contact, Tali at the time wasn't big on skinship so she never really did it herself.
"Don't be a baby, I saw you all this morning and afternoon. I haven't seen them in a long time, how about this we can see a movie in my room for the night hm?" Tali pouted, she didn't want to get scolded.
The boys have never seen Tali act this cute and touchy before. They were loving it.
"Hm? How about we cook and then watch a movie?" Haechan inquired trying to see how long her cuteness will last. Her eyes brightened at the idea she let him go and clapped her hands.
"Yes pleaasee." Tali giggled. Tali was acting her age, which was the first time in forever, they didn't know how. But they were taking advantage of it.
"Lets start cooking, hm?" Jeno said while rubbing Tali's head. Tali looked him and gave him her famous smile that would literally make his hearts burst.
"Come on Tali, help me prepare~" Renjun said while grabbing Tali and gently leading her to the kitchen.
Everyone just stood in place for a couple seconds. Processing what they just witnessed.
"Hyung, what did we just witnessed?" Jisung asked
"I don't know, but I loved every single moment of that." Haechan said, Then Tali popped out with a cute apron on with Renjun behind her smiling at her fondly.
"You guys wanna help?" Tali said cutely, everyone gushed on how adorable was being. They didn't know but when ever she hangs out with Straykids she has this kid like persona come out of her and even afterwards, and thats what they are seeing, she just grew up with Nct and Straykids differently she acts an adult with Nct while Straykids she acts her age maybe a little younger. So when she left Chan she was in a happy mood and that continued to now.
They all looked at each other and then back at Tali.
"Of course Princess."
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darkestdesired · 5 years
The Pain In Me
Edward Nygma (Pre!Riddler) x Sick!Reader !Romantic.
Lee x Sick!Reader !Platonic
An: This is a very special and personal request,they specifically asked for certain details.This is a lot more heavy than the stuff i usually write so i feel the need to put up warnings.
Warning: Fear of death,mentions of explicit areas of the body,mentions of surgical procedures.I am not a medical person so any of the information mentioned was found on google,I apologise ahead of time if i got any information wrong.
Request: @darkpayne234
Part 1)I would like for it to be romantic the reader lives in Lynchburg, va except that she has uterine fibroids and has to get a hysterectomy surgery done in charlottesville at the "University of Virginia Health System" hospital and she's scared to get surgery done!
Part 2)since me and my reader live in a different state, Lee gets transferred to Charlottesville to be the reader's doctor (the reader's first time meeting Lee) leading the reader to meeting Ed Nygma (before he became the riddler) for the first time! (He's her assistant since the requester thought he matched her medical expertise.)
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If you told me a year ago that i would get sick,have surgery,while meeting my best friend and the man of my dreams i would have thought you were crazy.But here i am stuck in an ambulance being transferred from my home city of lynchburg to the new city of Charlottesville.
"I know mom,I'm just scared." I conveyed to my worried mother over facetime."It's going to be alright sweetie,I'm so sorry I'm not gonna make it in time." I smiled as i looked at my mother,she looked as tired as i felt."I'm telling you it's okay.My doctor said their sending a special doctor who has a high success rate and their assistant who is just as good.They told me with them conducting the surgery i have a 100% chance of success." She looked at me sadly,"My poor baby,I wish i could just trade places with you."
"Miss (L/n) we've arrived." The medic said as he opened the doors."Mom i have to go,I'll call you when I'm done." She nodded,"Alright,i love you so much (Y/n)!" I tried my best not to cry,hoping this wasn't the last time I'd see her face. "I love you too mom."
Hanging up the phone i nodded to the medic,he and the driver carefully pulled my bed out of the ambulance,putting down the wheels and pushing me towards the doors,I felt a knot in my stomach as i saw the big sign staring back at me "University of Virginia Health System" it all began to feel real as i was brought into the familiar air of a hospital,something I've been in and out of for months now.
Once being setup in my new room an older woman walked in with a kind smile."Hello miss (L/n),I am Doctor Marsha,I will be looking after you until your doctor arrives." I raised a brow,"Am i early?" She shook her head,"No my dear,we have gotten you doctor's from a city called gotham,I'm afraid with recent unfortunate events there they had a bit of trouble leaving,but it has been dealt with her assistant is actually already here.He should be up shortly." I let out the breath i didn't even realize i was holding."Thank god.." She laughed softly,"You have absolutely nothing to worry about my dear,all we need you to do is relax and let us do all the work alright? We want this procedure to be as quick and painless as possible.I am positive that once this is all over and you have healed that you won't even remember the pain." I felt my body begin to ease at that,"Thank you doctor,that really helped." She patted my hand,"Of course dear,Anything you need to make this comfortable for you."
With that she left me alone in the white hospital room,I looked around the dull walls trying to find something to distract myself with.
About 5 minutes had passed before i felt like i was going to go insane,As if god was answering my prayers there was a knock on the door.There stood a handsome man with a soft smile holding a cup,"Hello,My name is Dr.Nygma,I'll be Doctor Lee's assistant during the surgery.I uh..Brought you some Gatorade." I smiled at him and carefully took the cup from him."Thanks doc." He chuckled and checked my IV.
"If you don't mind i would like to do a few tests." I jumped slightly when i heard Edwards voice suddenly next to me."Oh uh..sure go ahead." He nodded and pulled out his stethoscope,putting them in his ears before placing the cold one on my chest,"Do you not have any family coming miss (L/n)?" He suddenly asked,"Well my family got busy and i assured them i would be okay,But... to be honest I'm terrified." He raised a brow as he removed the stethoscope from his ears."What do you mean?" I placed my hand gently on my abdomen."Well i never really thought i was ever gonna have a hysterectomy I'd laugh in your face.I mean..i know the cons and the pros..like never having periods again can be counted as a pro,along with the fibroids not coming back,But it's terrifying.I mean there's always that worry that what if something goes wrong or the fibroids are worse than you thought.But i just can't keep living with the pain anymore..." He looked at me sadly."Forgive me if I'm being forward,But i find you extremely brave.It can be terrifying going under the knife,Yes there are those small chances but when you compare it to how much better you're going to feel and how amazing life is going to be without that worry burning itself into your brain isn't it worth the risk?" I felt tears prick my eyes causing him to panic,"Miss (L/n)! Did i say something wrong?!" I laughed messily as i tried to wipe away the tears."No far from it,I didn't realize how much i needed to hear that Edward.I just met you and i already like you." I smiled at him.
His words made me feel like i could face anything,he was right there's always going to be risks but the outcome will be worth it.
He felt his chest squeeze by how beautiful i looked in that moment,my tearfilled (E/c) eyes glimmered in the light,My (H/l) (H/c) hair was messy yet showed off the beautiful features along my face like a halo. "Please call me (Y/n)." His lips pulled into the first smile I've seen on his handsome face,I felt like puddy on the blankets as he gently brushed his hand in a calming manner on my head as if he were petting me.It was surprisingly calming and almost made me fall asleep before Lee walked in,"Only if you call me Edward." He said barely noticing that he had taken my hand in his. "So..are you seeing anyone?" I asked as nonchalantly as possible. He smirked at my obvious flirting. "Well that all depends." I raised a brow. "Depends on what?" He leaned in close."If i can get your number after this." I felt as if my face was going to explode. "I-I..um.."
"I am so sorry for the Delay miss (L/n),I'm Doctor Lee,and i can see you've already met my assistant.Edward can you stop flirting with the patient and go prep,you know how i like my tools more than those nurses." Edward's face was as red as mine as he cleared his throat.He sent me an apologetic smile before hurrying off ahead of us once Lee and a few nurses were pushing my bed towards the ER.
"He's cute isn't he?" She said with a smirk causing my eyes to widen."Excuse me?" She chuckled."Edward,He is cute right? Plus he's damn good at his job and is a complete gentleman." I felt my (S/c) cheeks heat up. "I-I..um..oh geez..." She laughed,"Don't worry,I'll be your wingman..well WingDoctor." I rolled my eyes but couldn't hide the smile pulling at my lips. ".....He is cute.." She smirked."See,that's the spirit."
The surgery was a complete success with no hiccups,Both doctors prided themselves in being the best.
Although i felt like a truck had hit me as the medications began taking affect,i almost missed when Edward walked in with a tray of food."Hey (Y/n),How are you feeling?" He asked softly as he set the food down on a table next to the bed before scootching a chair closer. "Like I'm dying." I groaned causing him to chuckle."The medication should be kicking in any minute now that you're awake.Do you feel ok enough to eat? Dr.Lee sent me up with some broth." I nodded."Yea but i don't think i can lift my arm yet." I said but Edward had already begun lifting a spoonful to my mouth."Open up love." I felt my face flush at how comfortable he was already.i smiled to myself as i allowed him to spoon feed me the deliciously warm broth.
Lee smiled as she watched the scene from the doorway,we were in our own little world. She smiled as she watched her friend finally allow someone in,she could see this was far more than a doctor-patient comfort.She shook her head and quietly shut the door,turning to see Doctor Marsha walking her way."I've come to check on-" Lee held up a hand,"Not right now,let them be." Doctor Marsha glanced through the window before giggling. The two doctors smiled to themselves as they watched a strong new love form.
Who knew what the future had in store.
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theangrypokemaniac · 4 years
Then Ambipom showed up, and the little miss wasn't half so bad in retrospect.
I never felt too keen on Aipom. It was okay but that inane grin possessed a sinister edge, like Tony Blair after the '97 election.
Bloody hell, what's that?
Yer tail's got more fingers than you!
Nasty thing this freak:
• Teeth like bathroom tiles.
• Grimace about as reassuring as an escaped mental patient peering in the window.
• Chevron nose implying a porcine snout.
• Tail ends like silicon knockers, each sporting a trio of red-raw teats.
• Screechy, gurgling cackle.
• Bobbing up and down, heaving, like a Steamboat Willie reject.
It's the voice mainly. The cheap attempt rolled out by The Pokémon Company ruins much of it for me.
Aipom began Sinnoh as Ash's Pokémon, but so enamoured was she of the whole Contest palaver, and with no chance of joining whilst still in his custody, the decision was made to trade her for Buizel.
I repeat: she left Ash, whom she clearly cared about, given the hat antics, because Contests were a wondrous jewel in her eyes.
It did then anyway. The boss-eyed ugliness is more of an issue now.
It was all going so swimmingly. Dawn and Ambipom made a grand team, sticking it to Ursula and Gabite good and proper.
That is, until she made the mistake of entering a table tennis event.
Really? To this we are reduced?
Remember that. It's important for later.
His name is O.
It is not. That's blatantly an alias for ulterior motives.
What's he up to, sneaking about under a pseudonym of evident fabrication?
O? Yer couldn't even think up a proper sobriquet for this devilish creep?
It's all Barry's fault, the bitch.
I consider folk who fanny hither and thither, referring to themselves by initials only, to be insufferably pretentious.
T.A.P. won't have it on this blog.
Dawn progresses with ease, thoroughly thrashing opponents, for Ambipom reveals herself to be quite the skilled operator.
With no fingers, no wrists, and no joints. Just the palms.
As if!
How can Shiftry be a champion? Look at it, man!
Alright, it's not so severe a drawback as Oddish, who had No Bloody Arms, but it ain't much of an improvement.
It's got no bloody hands!
Yet they come up against real competition at the close, for O and Shiftry are legends of the art.
It's a master ping-pong player... with No Bloody Hands?!
You're 'avin me on here!
What's it meant to do, slap away with a frond?
How?! There's no bloody bones in them there leaves!
Can't have a cup of tea with them, can yer?!
What a surprise, Dawn loses in the final.
Something else to fail at then?
Oh come on love, can't you do anything right?
Then O guilt trips her. Apparently the shrieking simian is a natural talent, but her deadweight presence is cramping its style.
Ambipom is given the choice: spotlight and seals or bats and balls. She picks the latter.
Each time the ball approaches, either it'll just bend the foliage, or, when aflame, burn a hole right through, and Shiftry would go up like a woollen nightgown!
Of course she does. The compelling story arc of twenty minutes could lead only to this conclusion.
Aipom gives up entering Contests, a career she adored, in preference for a thing no one knew existed before this single episode, even if it means parting from all of her friends forever.
Perfectly logical thought process there.
Two options:
1. Contests are crap. They look all flash at a distance but it's a soulless procedure.
Ambipom twigged this early on, jumping ship at the first opportunity to escape a lifetime of feudal drudgery under Dawn's baronial whip hand.
O claims to run his own ping-pong school, because in these parts that's how people fill the empty hours waiting for death.
Bizarrely it's situated in Vermilion City.
I know. It's on a entirely different continent to Dawn, as if they don't want her visiting.
Back in day Ash and Brock almost died trying to reach said settlement. It ain't easy even for them.
Oh Vermilion City! Of course it is! I remember it so well now from Electric Shock Showdown.
Lieutenant Surge loves a game of ping-pong! Him and Raichu batter fragile Pidgey and Rattata all day then unwind with a bit of back-and-forth paddle-whacking.
He's at every hour under the sun with the Fishing Guru and Fan Club Chairman.
2. The writers responsible are baggy-arsed oafs and this is the most inept exit in the show.
Yeah, and I bet O's vehicle is the one hiding Mew.
Ah! That's the explanation I've waited for!
Disembarking from the Saint Anne? It's the first place you go when in town.
Captain, calm thy sick, and Sailors, put down those women of ill repute. There's pongs to be pinged.
A likely scenario as ever I did see.
Or is it?
Well, well, well. This tissue of lies is unravelling before me.
• Calls himself O?
• Has such a mundane, yet ludicrous profession?
• Works with a disabled Pokémon incapable of the very action for which it is famed?
• Professes to own an establishment we know from past experience isn't there?
• Enters the aforesaid competition, immediately targeting his favoured prey?
• Grooms Ambipom with flattery, adding a reduction in status by beating her, inspiring a useful hunger for better?
• Emotionally manipulates a young girl into surrendering her Pokémon?
• Shows no remorse in removing an animal from her family?
• Travels thousands of miles from home, keen to avoid recognition by fellow countrymen?
• Supposed base happens to be in a city difficult to access for Dawn?
• Oh, and a port town to boot, stamping ground of smugglers passing illegal goods, like exotic pets and contraband?
• Disappears on a bus, never to be seen again?
The evidence is piling up!
He ain't no ping-pong player! He's scouting for specimens for his animal research lab!
Ambipom's gonna get stuffed and placed in a cabinet for snotty students to study!
Hey, science man. Anything's justified in its name. The future's now thanks to it.
Thumbs up from Pope Clemont.
Could be worse. Could be talentless twat Damien Hirst picking up creatures to bisect in a vat of formaldehyde for the pleasure of a lot of beard-stroking bourgeoisie.
If I were Ash I'd be well aggrieved at the entire situation.
You give away yer best chimp, assuming it'll be safe with a friend, and she gifts it to the vivisectionist!
Oi bitch, yer wanna take the shirt off his back too?
You should've handed it to Jessie when asked. She never would've done such a thing.
She cares.
She just dumps all hers in the tender embrace of H.Q. and forgets.
Might be dead now. Much better.
What is it about Sinnoh? Chimchar gets grief, and Aipom's headed for China's cruelty-free wet markets.
From Poffin to coffin: aye-aye-aye.
Mmm-mmm: Mashed Ape coming to a dinner plate near you.
I tell yer, shameless spanking of monkeys going on all over.
But lo, the somewhat misnamed Galar region is set in Vermilion City!
Obviously Ambipom will be at Chloë's for a cup of tea and a banana on a regular basis.
Yep, definitely will happen. No doubt about it. We're due a remake of Diamond and Pearl after all.
Should that come to fruition, any old excuse to promote it on screen will do.
I'm handing yer that loose story strand, Game Freak!
Any time now. The first day Ash was in town he raced to the famous ping-pong school round the corner.
He couldn't resist, not when he hadn't bothered to visit in three previous generations.
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It's coming. It will. Just wait a minute.
That's right, you wave goodbye. That's the last we'll be seeing of 'er outside of a packed lunch with mustard.
No? Again I give you two options:
1. What choo expecting canon coherence from this shower for?
I keep telling yer: when a new era begins it erases all that has gone before. That's why they explain the concept of Pokémon EVERY SINGLE BLOODY TIME.
2. It is consistent, and Ambipom can't return as her skin's decorating a fine Gucci handbag.
Plus the rest of her made a top-notch tin of dog food.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 23)
"Work hard to Play Harder"
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Luna's bouncing around the studio with excitement. She has tons of loose energy from recoding still flying off of her. She gives Colson that One Look slipping out of the studio.
He meets her in the bathroom down the hall, tucked by the room he had offered to her to teach Casi about photography.
Inside Colson's kissing Luna hungrily. She takes his determined tongue willingly. Both still buzzing, each other's hands are running wildly all over the other's body. His dick is throbbing and she's soaked. She has on a tight, maroon slip dress with no bra. He can feel every inch of her. She bends over the sink, coyly, looking over her shoulder while lifting her dress.
He watching her as he unbuckles his pants. "I KNEW NO PANTIES!" He exclaims to her in delight, making his big dick jump. He grabs her ass cheeks, spreading them wide before planting a sloppy, wet kiss on her pussy lips. "Mmm... Peaches" he murmers before biting the tattoo on her ass.
"What?" She yelps, laughing, jumping a bit from his bite. He pulls her close, separating her folds, sliding slowly into her tight pussy. They both moan loudly, together working himself into her. Once comfortable, she grips the sink with both hands. Slamming her ass into his hips. The energy of the studio still radiating of them both, they fuck each other hard. Kissing and sucking wherever they can.
He has one large hand on her hipbone and the other around her throat, guiding her wild bucking. Growing bigger inside her, he pulls her up closer to him, by the throat. Feeling her tighten and buck harder, he breathes deeply into her ear "Who's pussy is this." He demands, loosening his grip on her throat so she can speak.
Legs shaking uncontrollably, she cries out "YOURS!!" as he lets her go to grip both hips, fucking her with long, hard, fast strokes. They explode all over each other, laughing in delight.
Breathing hard, leaning over the sink, they're both seeing stars. Colson's face is against the back of her neck, in her hair. She purrs, wiggling into him. "I love you, Kitten." He says staying inside of her for a bit longer, head drunk from all the excitement.
After coming back into the studio with handfuls of beers Luna declares "Let's do something fun!!"
"What 'cha wanna do, Kitten?" Colson asks while watching her in amusement.
"2 ideas...." She responds holding up both her hands, black polished fingers spread wide "1. Magic slushies and Glow Bowling. Orrrrr..." She continues wiggling in her fingers in excitement. "We could be SUPER hokey and hit The Beach, do some day drinking.... Then The Pier for food, games, lights and rides?" She asks the guys beaming.
"What pier?" Colson asks with his head tilted.
"Santa Monica." Rook and Luna respond in unison, laughing as they look at each other in agreeance.
"Isn't that kinda, touristy?" Colson asks scrunching his face.
"That's the whole point. To escape our own ultra-coolness for a moment. Plus, it's what? A Monday, in early May? Dude, we're post spring break/pre summer. It's the best time to go." She shrugs her shoulders, swigging from her beer bottle, as she rolls her eyes. She never calls Colson "Dude."
Rook sees Luna's frustration. He's from LA and loves The Pier. He backs her up, "I say The Pier."
Luna snaps her fingers, shooting a finger gun at him. "Yesssss, Rook! 2 to nothing! WE OUT!" Luna laughs, mocking Colson.
"You're an asshole." He laughs too, scooping her up for a kiss.
"You looooove it." She responds kissing him back as they laugh at their inside joke.
Everyone hangs out in the studio together for almost another hour, sharing beers, listening to Butch's infamous stories, fucking around with the track. They decide to leave it be. Give it a later listen with fresh ears.
Walking Butch out Luna slides him an eight ball. "Sorry I didn't have it earlier." She says innocently. She had, she didn't want it in to the studio with her.
"I'll let it slide this time, Luna, but you still owe me a case of beer though." He winks at her
She laughs "I've got you double." She reassures him.
"It's always a pleasure to work with you. Sweetie. Tell Pat I said 'Hi.'" He says with a smile, kissing her lightly on the cheek before heading out the door.
They get on the beach by 4ish. There's a few people there but for the most part, it's just the lot of them. Colson, Luna, Rook, Slim, AJ, Baze, Benny and a fistful of giggling girls. They're ok. There's Regular Ones and Fresh Ones. Nice ones and Cunty Ones. Kinda like a Dr. Suess book. Everyone lays out huge blankets, setting up coolers and a Bluetooth speaker. The sun's still pretty high and its unseasonably warm.
Luna slips off her cutoffs, she has on a simple black bikini. Tugging at Colson "Come on..." She whines, trying to use all of her weight to pull him up. He doesn't budge. "Fine!" She sticks her tongue out at him, running off.
"Ok... Ok.." He laughs, putting out a joint to chase after her into the cool ocean.
For the first hour or so everyone stays in the water. Laughing, splashing, swimming. Wrestling about, jumping on and all over each other. Enjoying themselves fully. Luna and Colson dominate in Chicken. Baze tosses around another bottle of Jameson. They lose it a couple of times, erupting into laughter. They're loud and playful, like a bunch of teenagers.
Some make their way back to their spot. Rook pulls out his surfboard. Luna and Colson make out in the water.
"This was a good idea..." He admits to her with a tiny smile. With her body wrapped around his, she smiles back, kissing him deeply.
"Mmmmmm...." She thinks "I fucking love him."
"Thank you for trusting me with the song." She says.
"No. Thank you for knowing your shit!! It's 10 times better than it was!!" He lifts her high "DO YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING SICK IT'S GOING TO BE WHEN WE PLAY IT LIVE!!" He exclaims before kissing and pulling her playfully under the water with him.
Everyone continues hanging out on the beach. Drinking, laughing, burning. The boys toss the football. Luna chats with the Dr. Suess characters while listening to music. They play the Bad Things track and get hype all over again. Luna tackling Colson in excitement, attacking him with kisses to his pleasure. They decide to pack up and head to the bathhouse before dropping stuff off at the cars and getting something to eat.
Colson watches Luna as she's the first of the girls to come out of the bathhouse. He loves that it doesn't take her long to get ready. His heart skips a beat, catching her in the sunset, as she throws her leather on over her white T and cut offs. He walks up to her, wrapping his long body over hers. Her deep red lips break into a wide smile as he sings into her ear 🎶And I said My Kitten, you look wonderful tonight🎶 making her heart soar. She absolutely Fucking loves him.
They get to The Pier as the lights begin to click on, causing Luna to smile. The Pier's always reminded her of Coney Island, making her miss home for a second. Colson wants to sit down to eat but Luna and Rook convince him that the only TRUE way to eat is walking. They order boardwalk fries, pizza, hot dogs and beers. Wandering around watching the street performers as they eat. It's JUST dark enough outside to really begin to showcase the lights of the pier.
Colson holds his hand out to Luna, producing 2 capsules. "You know wanna hang out with her." He says with a devilish smile.
She grabs one, pops it while finishing her beer. "We're gonna want water now." She states, meeting his deviance. He nods finishing his beer as he takes his.
Colson and Luna stroll along with everyone, his arm draped around her shoulders as her hand rests in the back pocket of his jeans, cupping his ass. They play games. Colson killing the basketball long shot. Appropriately winning Luna an obnoxiously large, pink, stuffed bunny to her delight.
They fit 12 of them onto the water gun racing bench. Colson choosing to squirt Benny in the middle of the game instead. Holding it down for NY, Luna spins her gun around to defend Benny, soaking a laughing Colson. Baze wins to Luna's relief before Colson can retaliate.
Feeling Molly begin to creep around, Colson sees the Pacific Wheel. "Rides!!!!" He shouts, bouncing down the boards, dragging a laughing Luna. They get on the West Coaster first, Colson making them wait to be in front. It circles the entire pier, whipping and winding. As they're getting off a wide eyed Colson screams at Luna "I'M HAVING THE BEST FUCKING TIME!!!!" before running off screaming, bashing into people. Luna's laughing uncontrollably as she lugs her bunny, that's the size of her, struggling to keep up with Colson.
"Here, Brooklyn." Benny says laughing at the sight of her. He frees her from its weight. She beams up at him with sparkling, thankful eyes.
"WAAAAIT!!!" She gleefully runs after Colson, chunky, combat heels clacking underneath her. She catches up to him, swinging her body around him like he's a pole. The others are close behind.
"HI!!" He says, grinning. His blue eyes dancing happily, scooping her up in his arms by her ass.
"HI!" She's says back happily, wrapping her legs around his waist while resting her arms out on his shoulders. "Can I tell you something?" She's asks staring intensely into his eyes.
"Yes." He firmly replies.
"I fucking love you." Her eyes open wide in pure delight. She takes a big breath. "Like love-LOVE you." She breathes out. Biting her lip as if she's never told him she loves him before. With their brains, bodies and emotions jumping and raging with Molly, it feels like the first time.
Pulling her into him tight, he spits out "I fucking love-love YOU." before kissing her deep and passionately. Letting his tongue tell her everything they already know as they both tingle in delight. Swirling while standing still.
"More rides!" Slim slaps Colson on the back, jogging by finally breaking them apart. She smiles brightly at Colson, kissing him solidly before sliding her body down, along his hard cock. She grabs his hand, prancing after Slim into the lights with their group.
They get on The Scrambler, Air Lift and Pacific Plunge and Sea Swing. Colors and life whizzing by them. Molly and rides making their insides and brains jumble and jiggle. They play more games, Balloon Bust, Whack-A-Mole and Planko. Winning a combined total of 3 goldfish for the house during ring toss. Benny still has Luna's bunny. He's appreciating it's furry texture right now. Everyone is laughing, feeling warm, enjoying the atmosphere. Colson's giving Luna a piggy back ride to their next destination, the glowing Pacific Wheel as everyone bounces along. Music floating from each booth. A different street performer anywhere they turn. It's a colorful, kaleidoscope of laughter, love and happiness with a blanket of comfort and safety.
There's so many of them, they have to pile into separate boxes of the Ferris Wheel. Colson, Rook, Slim and Luna in the first. As it begins to go up Luna fires up a joint to Colson's delight. "You really are the fucking best!!" He says as she passes it to him.
"I'll do you one better." She says smiling, lighting another, passing it to Slim, who's across from her. He nods, beaming as he accepts the joint happily. There's a calmness in their box as they get stoned, staring at the sparkle of the moon on the ocean. It's only when Luna looks back at Colson is she flooded with the colors of the pier again. "HOLY FUCK, GUYSSSSS." She says intensely, bringing back their gazes to The Show.
They guys erupt into "GodDamns. And Oh Fucks." The 4 of them watching far above the world as it dances with false colors, giggling and pointing out certain things to each other until the end of their ride. "That was fucking SICK!!" Colson exclaims, throwing his arms up before wrapping them around Luna "I wanna fuck you up there." He says lowly in Luna's ear, grabbing her tits hard, making her flush and giggle.
Floating around a bit more, the guys are fucking around with the performers, Luna's making "bestfriends" with some of the Dr. Suess characters as one does when they hang out with Molly. Luna pulls Colson into a photo booth. Laughing and smiling, they make funny faces, with him kissing her on the cheek and them both throwing up the middle finger separately. She loves them. To her, they are their first tangible pictures together. Still geeking and bouncing around they all decide to head back to the house. Luna doesn't want anyone driving. They uber back to the house. They'll deal with the cars later to Colson's protests.
Back at Colson's everyone's still raging. Mod's there with Ashleigh and Tom, the other bodyguard. Dom and Ashley arrive, he's working on a song with Colson. As they head into the studio, Luna still has her tiny wits about her. She collects all keys and hops an uber with Her Ashley, Tom and Colson's Ashleigh. She's convinced them to grab the cars with her.
Following behind Tom, with Ashley and Luna behind her, Ashleigh can't help but feel relieved getting the cars back tonight. Colson would've been pissed in the morning and she hates dealing with the backlash of his nonsense when she's not involved in the antics.
"At least fucked up she still has her shit together." She thinks thankful of Luna.
Back at the house, Colson and Dom are still working on their song in the studio when Luna and Ashley get back. Luna hands Dom a beer and Colson a bottle of water. "No, beer for me??" He asks as she sparks a joint.
Hitting it she says "Water first, beer after." Handing him the joint with a kiss.
"I FUCKING love-LOVE you, Bunny." He says kissing her back beaming.
"I fucking love-LOVE YOU, Bunny." She smiles at him, heart racing at the birth of another inside joke as he turns back to Dom and her to Ashley "You hear about this fucking bill on the table in AL?" She asks her friend. They're both hugely politically active and as women, this one scares the fuck out of Luna.
Both are in the same room but involved in different things. It doesn't matter though, with One Look, they grin at each other, knowing the other is thinking the same "FUCK, I fucking love you."
Just then Travis walks in.....
To be continued......
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kimtaetae16ii · 5 years
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Synopsis : in which the elderly knew about your hidden relationship and make you guys broke apart and at the end he came back to fix it all while you were struggling with depression
Warnings : mental illness, mental abuse, violent, light-smut,using curse words alots, easy English grammar XP too cringy, too clingy, might cause frustration
Pairing : Donghyuck x reader (n ur name is Jeannie Pwark)
A/n : this is my first fanfiction of him ever! So yeah those senpai who sees mistakes in my writing do chat me about tht .
You and Donghyuck had been in relationship for almost 2 years. You were homeschooled back then so did he too. Both of you got same teacher for English subject even for different places. So, to make it easy, the teacher made group chat on WhatsApp so that if anything inconvenient happened she will inform you guys through there. There's many students in there too but Donghyuck attracted your attention. You were the one who started the conversation with him.
He, in the first place actually  dislike you for being too friendly with him and others. He used to hate you too. He hate you for nothing. He thought that you were friendly bitch of no where. Also he was being insecure because he afraid you might be a gold digger to dig all of his family's assets all away. But then, you've proven to him that you are an angel with pure heart so you just being kind towards him until he finally fell on you. Your first-sight crush finally fell on you.
You both lived in rich residents as your father is working as successful businessman while your mother is a successful lawyer in the city of Seoul. Then, both of his parents work in their own business that the profit so fucking higher than Trumph.
done throwback session.
[ Saturday, 1:37 a.m.]
You couldn't close your eyes yet as you already drove in long 9 hours sleep in the late evening. Then you woke at 9 p.m. It just after you woke up, you receive 16 missed calls from him andthe spamming chat is uncountable. Then, you guys been in an arguments which caused he was being mad while you were being sulking.
The clock showed it was almost 2 a.m. and you still cannot close your eyes. The feelings are coming. You want him. You want him to sing you to sleep with his angelic voice. You want his warmth body heated your body so you won't get cold while sleeping in air-conditioner.
then, with feeling guilty you tapped on the number on the light screen after that you pressed the phone on your left ear. hoping he would not be mad at your anymore.
after 30 seconds, he finally picked your call.
"what's the matter now. You disturb my sleep"
his words really hurt your feelings like he unwilingly to answer your phone call but he did anyway.
Donghyuck is not a person who sleep early actually. He's been an owl just want to make sure you are the one who get beauty sleep before him.
"I cannot sleep. will you come over? please ~" you begged him because this is the way for both of you to be peace once again. You need him.
you've heard he sighed.
"i've told you for countless time to not sleep in the late evening or else this will happen. Y/n , you really need good health."
that's why i'm asking you to come over so that my depression will be cured.
"okay. i won't disturb. just continue to sleep. sorry." you end the calls made decision to throw the phone away onto the hard floor.
you hate yourself like the way he used to hate you. you knew who you are. you know how annoying you are how much burden you gave to people surround you especially your family. and because of that, you less attention from them. that's why you need haechan. he's right person to be but not right for you.
You curled up while sitting while buried your face in your lap. Tears finally streaming down on your cheeks.
i hate me. i want to die so bad.
you felt sorry for Haechan to waste his time just for you. you give him nothing in return.
you've been crying so bad that make your body shaking while you mumbling all curse words about how bad you want to die.
Suddenly, you felt hands brushed your hairs from back. When you lifted your face, you saw your precious boyfriend right in front of you. your heart ache but in the same it healed when he pulled you into his arms.
"Haechan-ah~" you called him.
"yes, sweetheart" he replied while pat your back softly like you're a new born baby.
"you still mad at me ?" you broke the hug and faced him looked into his shining eyes.
"Sweetheart, we're good now. do not be overthinking , okay. You'll be fine." he pulled you into hug again then he sang you to sleep.
You fell asleep in his neck then, he changed the position. He laid you down carefully place your head on the soft pillow then he laid next to you.
" sleep tight, Lee's "
[Saturday, 6:40 a.m.]
At the time you woke up, you were left with his fresh cologne on your bed sheets. Your morning felt so good.
you pressed the circled button of your iPhone , then you noticed he leaved you mesage in your personal chatroom saying
'sweetheart, i'm going home. Have a great journey to your grandmother house. XOXO '- 5.35 a.m.
You got big smiled there. You changed the position to sit then after few minutes, you went into the bathroom to wash yourself.
Then, after you already settle up yourself, you went the downstairs and enter the kitchen to get breakfast.
then your 7 years old greeted you.
"hey y/n, i saw man walking out from your room when i want to go to toilet this morning."
you hurriedly cover your little sister's mouth before anybody in this house heard her wrods.
"shhh . don't tell mama"
"mama was with me."
loud of laugh then.
The way to your grandmother's house was very tiring even you were not the one who drive the car but like you've been stopped at rest area so often plus the weather was very hot for you.
Once you arrived at your grandmother's house, you guys were greeted by the the maids. Then they lead you to the living room. There, finally you met your grandma.
"Heeeyyy ,Oh My granddaughters! Miss both of you so bad !"
Grandma opened her arms as she welcomed us to hug her so we running along until we got into her hug. She kissed our top of head also our cheeks.
"How you've been, Nana?" I asked her while sitting next to her on the couch that made by  animal's skin.
"I'm great!  I just missed you guys so so much!
Kyaa~ Haneul yah!  Why don't you often bring them here? You also didn't always visit me. You know I've been so lonely after the death of your father! "
Mama fixed her hairbun prepared herself to answer Nana's question.
"I'm sorry, Ma. I'm just busy with all my clients-"
"Fuck your clients!  Your mother is more important!"
"Ma, don't be like that. I promise you to visit you as often as needed after all of the cases settled up at the court."
"I don't care. I made decision."
"What decision, Nana? " I, hugged her right arms, looked into her eyes.
She looked at me for second then she turned to face mama back.
"I want both of my grandchild to stay with me"
My heart dropped down-
but my little sister cheered up as she like to be with nana just because nana fulfill her needs.
"Kyaa~" I pushed little bit her head bit getting scolded by my father.
"Park Jeannie!"
"Ma, but Jeannie would enter her university so soon. Also Jane gonna have her first homeschool session." My father suddenly exist in that situation.
"I insist. She can took over the chocolate company after she get her training months."
I saw fire in Nana's eyes. So did my parents too.
Yeah. Even they don't mind about me a lot but they seems won't lose me. like I stil need home cause it's not faraway from haechan.
"Okay! Let's have our special meals!" She cut me deliberately.
"Yeaayyy.  Nana did you make my favourite Sandwich?"
"Of course, honeybun! Now let's go all of you."
At night.
"Fuck. I hate this." You groaned alone on the bed thinking how you would be without seeing your boyfriend for not a single day also after you moved into your grandmother's house soon.
You looked up at the white flower decorated ceiling and that things still wandered in your mind.
You didn't get any phone call from him yet for today. He has been busy with his schedule of being an idol.
He always available at middle of the night.
You turned on the screen then got into your personal chatroom with him.
Babe, I have something to say. Really important.
Sent, 12:32 a.m.
You only got one tick from him. So you just decided to go to sleep even you didnt use to sleep at early bed.
[1:40 a.m.]
You can felt something was vibrating in your hand as you held your phone while you drove to sleep. That's make you woke up in the middle of the night.
Without seeing whose the caller, you answered just like that.
"Heelo sweetheart. Already asleep."
"I can't sleep unless I heard your voices, you know."
"Awwwwww~ so sweet talker."
"Shut up. How was your day during the show?"
"So tired but not full enjoyed."
The atmosphere suddenly turned into serious.
"Whyy babe, are you sick while performing?" You were afraid as he worked too hard just to present great performance to gis beloved fans.
"No. I'm not sick. I'm fine thank you."
"Then what?"
"I'm not enjoy it much as you're not here watching my performance with the members."
You dumbfounded.
"Are you serious, bang-chan?"
Bang-chan means side dishes in Korean.
"Hahahahahaha" you heard him laughed so loudly. You just brought that up again because you watched one of the vlive that Jeno called him Bang-chan when he introduced himself.
Then, you also laughed but not that as hard-core as him.
"Are you done, baby?" You asked him after you heard silent voices.
"N-no" his giggles still there.
"Hahahh, i want to see you so bad right now. But i cant As the network is not giving cooperation with me. So, yeah~ "
"So, you feel like you want to go home?" He asked.
"Yes of course. Home is everything." You looked out the glass window. Spontaneous thought came in.
"Am I your everything too?" He snapped you out by his question.
It took several seconds to reply that.
"Lee donghyuck, you are my last destiny after the world end its life."
"Wahh~" at the end of his word, his soothing voice made you melt.
"Go to sleep now , babe. You tired i know that."
"Love you 3000" you added.
"Love you for infinity numbers."
And that amde you laughed.
"Bye. Have a nice sleep, haechan."
"Okay ."
You end up the call. After that you directly close your eyes and drove to sleep.
A/n : I can't add some more parts as it hit the max length. Tf. If it hit 10 likes, I'll post more ♡♡♡
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
Work related rant under the cut
My coworker is pissed that we have a new store manager who doesnt give her as much authority as our old one, so now shes throwing a fit and practically refusing to work. My SM and I found a bunch of price tags in the trash which were supposed to go up on my coworker's weekend, and then we wonder why none of the price changes are getting done accurately. She doesn't do anything even remotely physically strenuous, including just literally taking the fucking trash out. She cites her knee problems, but my SM literally was transferred to our store the week she came back from knee surgery, and with EDS I've had bad knees since middle school. Not everyone's pain is the same and you can't compare experiences with disability, but it's not fair to the two of us that we have to work through our pain every single time because she never ever does. And today, she left literally as soon as I clocked in, and my cashier leaves at 6. So I get 5 hours today to do a whole list of things, most of which were supposed to be done in the back room, which I can't do when I'm alone. She got her covid booster and flu shot at the same time yesterday, and I know for a fact the pharmacist told her that could make her extra sick bc she got it where we work and he's required to say that to everyone. I'm not mad that she went home early because she was feeling sick. I'm mad that she made a decision which she was very very well aware could lead to her being too sick to work. I'm mad that she consciously and fully informed made a choice to put me in the position I'm in today. She decided to get her covid booster and flu shot at the same time in the middle of the week instead of last week when she knew she would have Saturday and Sunday off work to recuperate. I've been wanting to get mine since the updated booster came out, but I've been waiting because I haven't had a time when I could do it and then take time off yet. I was going to wait and do it the Friday before her weekend, because I fucking know I don't want to be at work with that. And it's not like she just wanted to get it the moment it was available to her, because we've had it for a week or so already. She could have done it this past Friday!!!! And now im stuck doing all of the work that she should have been doing for her last two and a half hours plus all the work I was supposed to be doing while i had her and could work uninterrupted, plus everything else I was already gonna do today. I'm just really fucking tired of her but my SM refuses to actually fucking do anything about it
0 notes
keenregine · 3 years
Don't ask me for movie recommendations if you hate war related contents I can't promise but I will try, and I hope that's good enough to keep this pointless blog.   It has been what? Half a year? I'm in a situation where the internet is not accessible at the moment, the reason why I'm assuming the last time I've written something. Anyways, what could be an interesting tale to tell.   That took me couple of  minutes. . . I moved! And I'm loving single moment of it.  Call me weird all you want but I love the feeling of solitude especially in the comfort of having my own home. Because compared to where I previously lived, I have always felt like I'm occupying a rented room. Common areas for me, such as the living room and kitchen are somewhat restricted, this is based on my choice not due to any certain implications. Now I have all the freedom to decorate any part of the house. (as if I'm good at it, I'm trying to learn though) Never thought plants can be visually stimulating, whether they're plastic or real ones. If you ask me, I prefer the plastic ones. Low maintenance, no need to water, sing or talk to them. Plus my floor would not get wet every time I excessively and unintentionally drown them. I got quite frustrated with my cutie ass bonsai, even with my purest dedication to water it everyday, it still loses its leaves one after another. I initially thought, perhaps new leaves are growing; but it never did. It just went on from being thin to almost bald. You might suggest, the internet is there to provide some proper caring techniques for a silly little plant. I guess, I'm not really interested after all. Away we go to with the plastic ones! I meant plant, not person. Lol ohhhh.   Living alone is fun, rest assured. There are two options for me where to hang and slumber, that would be my bedroom and the receiving area. I never get to enjoy the living room in my previous home, why you ask? It's full of garbage. No kidding, maybe things that can't occupy much of the space in their room (which is already the masters'), the living room is the second option (kitchen is full, stock room is full, living room upstairs is full, even my own single space in the fridge has something that is theirs. So, instead of me enjoying other scenery apart from my four-cornered bedroom, it will be my stress triggered. Lol. And of course, I have no right or whatsoever to rearrange them or even complain about it. Sounds pitiful of me for saying this but before, my meals are always held on my bed or in a table beside it. Now it became the opposite, I have the privilege to eat in a freaking decent dining table, where I can properly sit down and where meals are suppose to be eaten. I might have previously mentioned, I may not be that kind of person who's into home arranging and stuff or if that's what it's called. I couldn't even say I've developed a sense of some Mom-like characteristics in terms of home keeping aspect, (child-bearing, not close enough lol), I believe this is only the starting phase because certainly there are tons of other areas I need to improve or showcase hopefully in the future.   Can't elaborate enough how much I felt the moment I moved out. If I was not pursued by a certain person I would not even have the courage to do it. Maybe there's a small part of me afraid of change, yet here I am. Big thanks.   Second half of this was written at home meaning I have an access to the internet, totally irrelevant but I just like to point that out. I woke up this morning with a jolt. For the first time ever, my laptop fell on the floor. If it was the old me it would ruin my entire day; present me would ignore it and move on. Why? What’s the point, it already happened. No matter how much energy I summon into thinking it was my fault (which it is), I’d rather spend that energy somewhere else meaningful. But fuck it fell, no scratches though. My life, my baby, my only source of entertainment, because it provides all the stuff that I need, Youtube, watching movies, writing. Can I be more careless than this? Yes, and also a bit melo dramatic. jinx! Hope I got you there. It’s wonderful how huge my bed now is. It could effortlessly occupy three average sized people, happened once when I had a sleepover few weeks ago, freaking works! I got excited when. I had to buy new sheets, I initially though it was a Queen size, but it was King. Valid reason I had to purchase extra pillows, it was never a big deal for me but then I figured why not. I had a this big size of a bed, but I’m pretty sure I always stay in one spot. So is my laptop desk along with the reachable charging cables; hence, I get to be more lazier than ever; top of the game. I discarded most of my old unused clothes, I have no intentions at all in sending back to the Philippines for charity purposes. I’d rather send them things they could actually use for their own and not some silly hand me downs. Once I send them a big package, . . whenever I say the phrase ‘big package’ I instantly think of Marshal Eriksen from How I Met Your Mother. Lily his wife told him, “You’re father sent us a big package”, then Marshal would reply, “yeah he did”. Wait, so I sent my family back home a big package containing things their requested, most are simple, and some that I’m sure they would like. Filled it up in a matter of days, but sent them in extensive delays. This was way before I decided to move. The moving thing was actually just a rush decision, I didn’t have the slightest consideration of ever leaving that wretched place. Oh now you called it wretched, that’s really mature of you Regine. You spend nearly half a decade of your life in there, no depth of gratitude and all. I don’t know if it’s a gift or a tragedy, you know me moving on so quickly not looking back from where I came from, whether those place gave me both good memories and bad. Typical me, leap of ideas. But anyways, this new house I moved in was on the third floor, no elevator. So by the time I reach my house, my pre existing tiredness would become double. I developed a certain breathing technique from my mountain climbing activities back then that is useful half the time right now. I should teach that to anyone who’s visiting me. 100% of people has the same out of breath faces when I open the door, can’t blame them. Some advantage of it is the proximity to the bus stop, but compared to the time frame I had before versus now is that I had to leave five minutes early as opposed to two. The stairs takes time even if it’s downwards; I can’t afford having a stupid unnecessary injury due to what? Hurrying up? Although that would give me several weeks of paid sick leave. Hmm, now we’re being a masochist. Apart from the bus stop is the grocery which I haven’t gone to many times since I moved, the gym where I only went once after several months, the park where I don’t have to physically visit because I can see it fully on my window which is awesome by the way. Before I end this boring entry in the hopes when I make a comeback I should’ve written something fun meaningful, disappointments is where I’m actually good at, so I’m gonna keep it perfectly that way. Okay, one more thing. Biggest shock of the day. I watched Rebel in the Rye movie for two major reasons; One, J.D. Salinger is one of my favorite classic writers and Catcher in the Rye book ultimately earned my gold stamp. Two, freaking Nicholas Hoult portrayed 'the' J.D. Salinger in that movie. Is he a prince of biopics or what, because he also did J.R.R Tolkien which was quite good. Same vibes if you ask me. The biggest shock that I'm talking about was Oona O'Neill. halfway the movie she showed up as Jerry's (J.D.freaking Salinger) girlfriend. And I thought, oh Oona was a pretty popular name back in the 40s huh, because to my knowledge Charlie Chaplin's last wife was also named Oona. Only to find out it was the same person. LOL jokes was on me. Spoilers ahead. They we're introduced briefly in a party, Oona rejected him initially, because she was self-absorbed at the time and only has the hots for successful men. Kidding (true story) Eventually when JD became minorly published, he finally got her approval, they dated, 1941 Pearl Harbor happened, he had to serve during WWII, D-Day in Normandy, news came out 18y/o Oona married world renowned 40 years her senior, successful * let's focus on the word succesful* Charlie Chaplin (whom I also loved). It's like connecting the dots. Fun game. But how come she was not mentioned in any of daddy Jerry's written biography. Should be none of my worries. Shocker huh.
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