#prompt AU
caplanbuckybarnes · 3 months
here's over 1.8K prompts of all sorts you can use for your writing ideas!
happy writing!
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piratefishmama · 7 months
Famous Musician Eddie Munson running a small youtube/tiktok/insta series on the side where he oh so charitably helps his local animal shelters with visibility and adoption events.
Not just because he loves animals (he does, he never fails to get a fur baby adopted, never) but because the floppy haired puppy eyed dreamboat with all the moles who works at the main one he visits makes his heart go loopty loop whenever he smiles.
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lucemond-defender · 2 years
Every 23rd of every month Aemond does not attend his university classes, his friends are curious to know where he is going, but no matter how much they ask him, Aemond never answers them.
Until they discover that Aemond is not attending classes that day because he is going to leave flowers at the pantheon to his ex-fiancé Lucerys, who died years ago in a car accident.
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ronni-right · 2 years
Aemond is married to Floris Baratheon but he cheats on her with Fem! Lucerius / Luceria
And Luceria finds it funny enough that Floris tries to be friends with her.
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Uhhh, soulmate au with the ship/character of your choice! 😁
Thanks for the ask Linds!
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Okay, so for this prompt I chose Ares from Wonder Woman and I've included a little fic below the headcanons.
Finding out that he had a human soulmate was definitely enough to surprise Ares.
After all this time, he thought he'd never receive the blessing of having a soulmate.
He wanted to explain his past actions like he'd tried to do with Diana and he clung to the hope that you'd listen better than Diana had all those years ago.
His planning took a nose dive when whispers of how you were friends with Diana reached his ears.
Ares could feel his hope dwindling as he reached out, searching for his sister's presence.
"You would deny me this gift, Diana?"
"It's not a gift for her," Diana retorted as you gazed at Ares with a curious and fearful expression.
Ares stepped forward but he stopped in his tracks when a sigil appeared on the ground between you and Ares.
"Take one more step, and I'll remove the soulmate bond that connects the both of you," John warned as he exhaled a ring of smoke.
Ares scoffed at John's words, "Is that warning supposed to scare me? I can simply recreate the bond."
"I'd be more worried about that promise if you weren't being thwarted in your attempts to cross the floor by a circle and some squiggly lines," John retorted.
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unboundprompts · 7 months
Pirate Terms and Phrases
-> Pirate Lingo
-> A Pirate's Glossary
Batten Down The Hatches - tie everything down and put stuff away for a coming storm.
Brig - a prison on a ship.
Bring a Spring Upon 'er - turn the ship in a different direction
Broadside - the most vulnerable angle of a ship that runs the length of the boat.
Cutlass - a thick, heavy and rather short sword blade.
Dance with Jack Ketch - to hang; death at the hands of the law (Jack Ketch was a famed English executioner).
Davy Jones's Locker - a mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where drowned sailors are said to go.
Dead Men Tell No Tales - the reason given for leaving no survivors.
Flogging - severe beating of a person.
Gangplank - removable ramp between the pier and ship.
Give No Quarter - show no mercy.
Jack - flag flown at the front of the ship to show nationality.
Jolly Roger - black pirate flag with a white skull and crossbones.
Keelhaul - a punishment where someone is dragged under the ship. They are cut by the planks and barnacles on the bottom of the ship.
Landlubber - an inexperienced or clumsy person who doesn't have any sailing skills.
Letters of Marque - government-issued letters allowing privateers the right to piracy of another ship during wartime.
Man-O-War - a pirate ship that is decked out and prepared for battle.
Maroon - to leave someone stranded on a. deserted island with no supplies, typically a punishment for any crew members who disrespected the captain.
Mutiny - a situation in which the crew chooses a new captain, sometimes by forcibly removing the old one.
No Prey, No Pay - a common pirate law that meant crew members were not paid, but rather received a share of whatever loot was taken.
Old Salt - experienced pirate or sailor.
Pillage - to steal/rob a place using violence.
Powder Monkeys - men that performed the most dangerous work on the ship. They were treated harshly, rarely paid, and were expendable.
Privateer - government-appointed pirates.
Run A Shot Across the Bow - fire a warning shot at another boat's Captain.
Scurvy - a disease caused by Vitamin C Deficiency.
Sea Legs - when a sailor adjusts his balance from riding on a boat for a long time.
Strike Colors - lower a ship's flag to indicate surrender.
Weigh Anchor and Hoist the Mizzen - an order to the crew to pull up the anchor and get the ship sailing.
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The Viewers
Danny and Tucker move in together for college in Gotham
Tucker decided to make tiktoks just for fun, he could teach people about technology and help give tips.
He didn't realize that his viewers could see Danny in the background in some clips.
Danny being Danny was never caught doing something normal instead it was always something weird.
Tucker: "So you just switch this piece here-"
Danny in the background more than half his body in the fridge, the fridge is very noticeably growling
Tucker who is so used to it, it doesn't even register in his mind that it's not normal.
Tucker fan-boying about the new Wayne tech
His viewers looking behind him at Danny
Danny running around fighting his food which is also growling & flying
Tucker modifying his tech for the viewers
Danny's voice in the distance: "Bye Tuck, I need to go soup this guy real quick!"
Viewers: "Cannibalism?!"
Tucker: "Ah yes a very normal video!"
His viewers watching Danny:
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Just an Idea
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ghostreblogging · 6 days
Ngl this is a short one.
So Danny comes to Gotham. Down on his luck. But lo and behold, he still has access to the kingly vaults! He doesn't have to worry about money!!! He can just buy a small apartment and live out his miserable little life In luxury!
But then he is stopped on a horrible and a dark stump in his plan. How in the 7 hells is he gonna explain it to the IRS ??????
Money laundering????
Can't he just say he found a mysterious big pile of gold and be done with it?
No, Danny . How are you gonna explain the fact that you keep finding mysterious little gold files to the tax man . Jazz says emphatically through a video call . Which is a multi dimensional cuz I can't explain why sam wont just give him the money. And btw the just assume that the vaults has a magic function to give the money to him in the local currency.
Sso from that day onwards Gotham had a new little cafe in a quiet little nook. The prices are super cheap. And it by far has the best fudge in all of Gotham. If you exclude Alfred's.
The gothamites love it. It's a favorite college hangout. Everyone is pretty sure the cafe is a front. Everyone is 100% sure of it. But in this economy who the hell cares. At least it's not nfts.
People can actually benefit from this because we can get like a whole breakfast for like 4 dollars ( an au where like Danny's 2000s world is like super cheap compared to the modern Gotham city and nobody taught the poor boy common prices of this world. Danny's thinking like how do I keep accidentally going into these rich people stores with their ridiculous prices, Ughh guess I'll have to buy this I don't want to go farther) and the quality is good too. The scrawny little twink owner sure as hell does not know much about ingredients prices or did the bare minimum study of business.
Anyway when the bats came sniffing (the scrunkly little guy was innocent blame Fenton luck) and we'll tried to interrogate the owner people actually chained themselves to the front like the worlds most confused save the trees activists.
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wanologic · 3 months
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in no way was civility achieved
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Danny’s on the Suicide Squad. He’s the defacto team moral compass and ray of sunshine. He plays the role of the camp counselor that keeps everyone in line. He’s not afraid of working with even the gnarliest of baddies.
Everybody on the team wonders how he ended up locked up with the villains- he never talks about what he did to end up behind bars no matter how much they pester him. Then one day they’re out on a mission and Harley or somebody is caught and tortured. Danny snaps. It’s the opposite of brutal- he takes down everyone in the room with clinical, dispassionate efficiency.
After it’s over and the team is safe he comes back to himself and is almost sheepish. He radios Belle Reve.
“Whoops. Add another couple notches on my power dampener collar, would you Waller?”
“Can’t, it’s already at max.”
“Ah. Well. I’ll have a look at strengthening it when we’re back then.”
The team just stared at him slack jawed. Good thing he’s on their side.
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purple-goo-writes · 10 days
Over 900 prompt
Okay I love the Danny is a clone of Batman aus but I've never seen this done.
Danny and Kon dating and Then Danny learning his parents cloned Batman thinking he is a ghost only to find out he isn't and kept Danny as their kid.
Just think of the hilarious reactions
Caue this immediately popped into my head.
Kon: *muffled screaming into Tim's couch*
Tim: ....you good?
Kon: danny is the clone of Batman
Tim: ...
Kon: I'm the clone of Superman
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piratefishmama · 7 months
Professional hugger Eddie Munson and closeted touch starved Steve Harrington pls and thank u.
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lucemond-defender · 2 years
When Lucerys' computer breaks down and he needs to hand in a college assignment he has no choice but to borrow his computer from Aemond.
Aemond agrees and when Lucerys sees his uncle's browsing history he is shocked to realize how many gay porn sites he visits, but what shocks him even more is that all the bottom boys from the porn videos his uncle Aemond watches look like him, like Lucerys.
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stars-obsession-pit · 3 months
In some DPxDC fics, Kryptonite is made of solidified ectoplasm.
This is often used for humor - Danny gets to eat the Kryptonite like it’s no big deal.
But what if it was taken in a different direction?
Ghosts are made of ectoplasm.
Kryptonite’s dangerous effects towards Kryptonians mainly came about after the planet’s destruction (in at least some interpretations, the material is dangerous because it’s infused with radiation from the destruction of the planet).
The destruction of Krypton caused a lot of death—a lot of ghosts—all at once.
The first time Danny laid his eyes on some Kryptonite, he had to run to a wastebasket before he emptied his stomach.
It was full of trapped souls.
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ghostbsuter · 3 months
To cover up the happenings of amity park, Danny comes up with a GENIUS idea (shut up Sam).
The small videos and pictures of him and the ghosts that managed to escape their city were dangerous if a hero were to look into their business.
With Tucker and Sam, they created a 'behind the scenes'.
(The video starts with Phantom. He's chasing something– someone, building's sweep past as the two duke it out midair.
That is, until someone yells.
The background is taken away, leaving behind a green screen. Phantom and the ghost, now recognised as Ember Mclain, hang midair, dangling.
The camera zooms in on Phantom, as he slips off his white wig and scratches his scalp.
"Danny! Stop taking off the wig!" Someone yells off screen, to which Damny rolls his eyes to, screaming back a "but it's scratchy!".
The video stops there.)
They did NOT expect the amount of views this would get.
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mewnekoice-mecha · 4 months
Danny has a Cooking channel
Danny is in Gotham for College or whatever and out of boredom starts a cooking channel on YouTube.
So, picture this Danny is cooking like he’s trying to kill somebody. And never refers to ingredients as their name. And constantly cracks jokes about the recipe he’s cooking from.
This is all well and good until ghosts start asking him to make family recipes passed down from generations, now Danny doesn’t know that there family recipes because the ghost thinks it’s the HIGHEST HONOR for their King to want to cook something from when they were alive.
Cue one day on his channel he makes a pie but not just any pie but a pie MARTHA WAYNE herself created.
Alfred is curious about how this young man knows this recipe, meanwhile Bruce is losing his mind because Danny looks like a male version of his mother.
Ps. Look up Dylan Hollis on YouTube to get what I’m talking about
~Danny cooking something~
“Now add a CUP of Lard”
-Also Danny-
“And now we add some CINNAM and blind bake til brown”
“Im sending you to summer school” -Puts pie in oven-
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