#sebek knows that silver is more good looking than him; he just never wants to admit it
ryllen · 6 months
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oop that was close
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ashtavula · 4 months
Could I please request Diasomnia reacting to a long-lost childhood friend? Like they declared they would marry you one day, but you left unexpectedly and without warning. Now they've finally seen you again and all the old emotions come flooding back.
omfg this is such a cute idea!!
cw: spoilers for book 7
Diasomnia meeting their childhood friend again
-As soon as he lays eyes on you again, all of the air leaves his lungs. It's you. Despite everything, it's you. His feet carry him towards you, and you barely have time to register that he's in front of you before you're engulfed in a tight embrace. Malleus murmurs your name over and over, demanding to know why you abandoned him. Do you know how lonely he was without his beloved fiancée? Do you know how often he wished upon all the stars in the sky that you would return to him? And now you're back, in his arms, where you belong.
-You might think think that Malleus has forgotten his old promise to you, but he starts to refer to you as his fiancée as soon as you're reunited. When you try to brush him off, stating that it's silly to hold him to the words he spoke as a small child, Malleus pouts. He still loves you, and he still wants to marry you. And he intends to prove his devotion by putting a ring on your finger.
-Lilia feels like crying when he sees you again. It's been centuries, but he never forgot you. You let out a startled yelp as he suddenly appears behind you, tackling you to the ground. Lilia practically sobs out your name, burying his face against your chest. He thought he'd lost you, just like he'd lost Maleanor and Raverne. But you came back, and he promises to never let you go again. You are both his first love, and his last.
-You're surprised to see that Lilia's more laid-back now than he was when you were children together. But his desire to take care of you hasn't faded at all. Lilia still tries to feed you, and he still acts out to get your attention. And he still refers to you as his betrothed, despite your ages. When you roll your eyes at him, claiming that both of you are far too old for childhood jokes, Lilia wonders if you'll still think his feelings are a joke when he actually proposes to you properly.
-He thinks he's dreaming at first. There's no way you're standing in front of him. Before he can think about it, Silver is reaching out and grasping your hand. He sucks in a breath at the feeling of your warm fingers, and he tugs you closer, his strong arm circling around your waist. Silver leans down, and he presses his forehead against yours. He sighs out your name, and he pulls back to kiss your hand, still in his grasp. When he looks at you again, you can see his eyes soften, and his lips curve into that old, familiar smile. He spent so long dreaming about you, and now he has the real you in front of him.
-Silver immediately starts treating you the same way he did when you were both children. He shows you the animals he's befriended, letting you pet their soft bodies, and he keeps bringing you food he's made. And when he sleeps, he tries his best to stay close to you. When he wakes up from one of his naps to see you smiling down at him, just like you used to do, Silver feels his heart swell. You accepted his marriage proposal when you were kids. Now Silver is hoping you'll say yes again.
-When Sebek sees you again, he feels oddly conflicted. His feelings for you haven't changed, but he worries that you left because he wasn't good enough for you. Still, he can't resist the desire to be a part of your life again. And so Sebek approaches you, intent on finding out if you remember him. He gets his answer when you hug him tightly, happy to be reunited with your old friend. Sebek's cheeks flush, and he scoops you up, crushing you to his chest as he returns your embrace. He hopes that you won't notice his heart pounding as he buries his face in your hair.
-Sebek hasn't really changed since his childhood. He's still loud, and energetic. He still tries to protect you from anything that moves in your vicinity, and he still puffs out his chest with pride when you praise him. And Sebek still refers to you as his fiancée. When you try to dissuade him from doing that, he gets huffy. He insists that he made a promise to you, and that a knight always keeps their promises. And it doesn't take long for him to make that promise real by presenting you with a ring.
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Happy holidays! By any chance, could I ask for a HC where MC gets into an accidental baby acquisition trope and has to babysit with Azul, Sebek, Malleus, and Riddle?
Azul Ashengrotto:
Azul is about to write a ransom note if this person expects to get their baby back. He’s drawing up the terms of the contract as you’re coddling the baby, knowing there wasn’t a point in trying to talk him out of it as he was already infuriated that he’d had this responsibility dumped on him randomly. He doesn’t get how you can just accept this injustice and you rolled your eyes at him, telling him most people didn’t spend an hour negotiating a deal before performing a task. He still doesn’t want much to do with the baby but unfortunately for him the baby is endlessly fascinated with him; they constantly reach out to grab at his glasses or his hair, and he’s quickly scribbling additions onto the bill in regards to smudges and emotional distress.
He does eventually hold them when you have to retrieve something (the other alternative being they took off into the lounge if he just left them on the ground which he knew would piss you off, and he especially didn’t feel like dealing with that) but he claimed he didn’t enjoy the time. The baby continued to poke and prod at him, with Azul returning the gesture and poking at the baby’s cheeks which only sent them into a fit of giggles. It almost got a smile out of him but he couldn’t take the hit to his pride, huffing and hastily handing the baby back over when you returned.
Malleus Draconia:
Please keep an eye on that baby. Malleus’ only interaction with human babies had been with Silver when he was just a little ball of chub, and with Lilia being his father… Silver was lucky to have survived his childhood but he had always been special. This baby was not Silver however, and while Malleus would never purposely put them in harms way you can see he doesn’t have the same gentleness another human might have with a fragile little baby. He doesn’t mind when you correct him on the proper way to hold them and listened intently as you explained some of the actions to avoid, like pulling at their little limbs or allowing anything to hit their head. He thinks this is an interesting learning experience though he’s not quite sure what he might need to know about taking care of a human baby, but it also made him happy because it meant you were spending time together.
The baby looked up at Malleus with wide eyes at first, having never seen a fae with long horns or a man quite as striking as Malleus Draconia. They quieted down whenever Malleus spoke to them, seeming to like the sound of his voice and babbling back when he stopped talking. Once they were more comfortable with him they couldn’t help but reach up to touch his horns which you carefully monitored, watching as they felt the new texture and making sure they didn’t yank at them (or his hair) too harshly. Malleus commended their curiosity and lack of fear, thinking it was quite refreshing.
Riddle Rosehearts:
You might assume Riddle would try to collar a baby who was crying incessantly or who wouldn’t listen, but he was surprisingly patient. He took offense to that observation as of course you couldn’t force a baby to follow rules, but you could try and that would matter more than anything. He thinks it’s good to introduce kids to rules as early as possible so they can start getting them into their little heads even if they can’t memorize them quite yet; maybe in the future these early lessons would prove fruitful. He’s patient but it doesn’t mean he won’t get frustrated, able to pull all kinds of knowledge out about babies but not knowing how to truly connect with them.
The baby does stop crying each time Riddle began to talk about the rules, and he even pulled out a book to read through to keep them distracted. He thought this was a good activity because it gave them both something to do, and the little one did seem invested in what he was saying even if they didn’t truly understand. He had never been read to like this when he was young and it sent a pang through his heart, wondering if things might have been different if he had a little more wonder in his young life. Either way, he was no longer the baby in this situation and all he could do was hope they were enjoying their time with him while it lasted.
Sebek Zigvolt:
You think there might be a competition going on about who can be louder. Neither one of them even seem to be shouting but the baby responded with the same tone as Sebek, and his speaking voice just had a natural boom to it. While he had wanted to run at first you had begged him to help you, and while that hadn’t done much the baby’s fascination with Sebek’s portrait of Malleus had. You think the interaction is the funniest thing in the world especially when Sebek tried to indoctrinate the baby into the Malleus Draconia club, holding the portrait in his arms while tears gathered in his eyes.
The way he lit up when he talked about Malleus was cute and the baby clapped in response to his rambling, urging him to continue. Sebek wondered if he repeated Malleus’ name enough if the baby might say it. You stated the parents might not appreciate it but Sebek said it was their own fault as they were the ones who suddenly left him with the baby; either way, they should be honored if Malleus’ name was the first word they uttered. The baby has not a single clue what’s going on but thinks the two of you going back and forth is hilarious, collapsing into fits of giggles each time Sebek made a new face at you trying to reign in his Malleus obsession.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
First Date - Diasomnia
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SUMMARY: What would your first date with him be like? I know first dates might not go so well, but let's pretend these are different. ;)
CHARACTERS: Malleus Draconia; Silver; Sebek Zigvolt & Lilia Vanrouge
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Flirting; Kissing
WARNING: None. Except maybe a little spoiler about Silver that he tells in Twisted Halloween: Spectral Soiree
WORD COUNT: An average of 710 words per character.
Heartslabyul / Savanaclaw / Octavinelle / Scarabia / Pomefiore / Ignihyde / Diasomnia
COMMENTS: I think Diasomnia is the hardest dorm to write for me. That's because, apart from Malleus, I don't have many romantic feelings for the others. I like them, I love Lilia, but not in that way. But I still try my best to write something that I think you will like. I just hope it's good enough.
I hope you enjoy ;)
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Aaaah, the day has finally arrived. Malleus already wanted to ask you on a date for a long time. But with his status, doing something like that in public wasn't a good idea. Something like that being public knowledge could be bad for him and especially for you. After all, he learned from a young age to deal with rumors and social pressure. Besides, no one in their right mind would mess with him. But not only are you human, you can't even use magic. He doesn't even want to think about how your life could be affected because of him. At least for now.
So your first date would have to be discreet and even a secret. Fortunately, you two are quite fans of secrets. He doesn't tell you where he's going to take you. You only find out when the two of you are already in the front yard of the ruins of an abandoned mansion. If you also like abandoned places like him (and me) you will find that mansion fascinating! If you're not a big fan, maybe you'll be a little scared. But either way, you'll find it a strange and perhaps a little disappointing choice for a first date to say the least.
“Something the matter?” he asks you. You say no, that you're just intrigued and curious to know why he chose that place. He smiles, amused. “Then we must enter, to satisfy your curiosity.” he takes a step in front and extends his hand to you. “Shall we?” You take it and the two walk hand in hand through the undone front yard.
That place make you feel a little unease, so you end up squeezing his hand and taking your other hand to his arm, like hugging it. It makes him happy, knowing that you see him as someone who will protect you.
As soon as you walk through the front doors, you see that, despite being slightly run-down, the interior is magnificent. A mansion so gorgeous that seeing it in ruins even feels like blasphemy. He can see it in your face which makes him laugh. You are still holding hands, so he leads you to the dining room while he tells you a little about the history of that mansion. Nothing too scary. People had to evacuate many years ago and just never came back.
The dining room still had the long table, the chairs, the furniture, a few damaged paintings and even a vase of dead flowers in the middle of the table. He pulls out one of the chairs for you to sit on. This one was in bad shape, but as soon as he touched it, it instantly restored itself. You sit down, and he loves the way you're looking at him, intrigued to know what he's going to do.
Standing beside you and smiling at you, he snaps his fingers. And the entire room is restored with his magic. As if time were turning back to his state of glory. He never took his eyes off you. Your smile is the most beautiful thing in the entire mansion. And you are surprised again when the three ghosts of the Ramshackle Dorm appear as butlers to serve you dinner. Malleus asked them for that favor. Of course, your favourite dishes.
He sits right next to you. “Tell me, is this good enough for a first date? Should I restore the entire mansion and the garden as well?” You tell him how you feel, that it's more than enough, that it's one of the most beautiful things anyone's ever done for you. He takes your hands in his and look you in the eyes “I'm glad this pleases you so much. But something inside me wants a little more than this. I'm looking forward to the day when we'll be just like this, but in my castle and with my grandmother, the queen, getting to know you and seeing you as I do.” and he caresses your cheek.
You tell him how much you look forward to that day too, while smiling and bringing your forehead closer to his. After these touch each other, it's your lips' turn.
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It will probably have to be you asking Silver out on a first date to wait for him to do it. Not that he didn't want to ask you, but he's not exactly the best in that department. He can be a little... clueless. You will catch him by surprise with your invitation. “A date? No, it's not that I don't want to go on one with you. It's quite the opposite. I'm sorry I didn't express it in the better way.” He gives you his sweetest smile and blushes a little “I-I would love to go on a date with you.”
When you ask about what you could do on this date, he asks you to let him be the one to prepare everything. Since it's the least he can do for not being the one inviting you. That and since he's from Twisted Wonderland, he might have an easier time figuring out places you can go together.
He's a simple, sweet guy who made the mistake of asking his dad for ideas. Luckily he is aware that bungee jumping would not be a good first date idea. Okay, okay, but after messing with his son for a bit, Lilia still manages to give a good tip: go to a place with animals and work your magic... Not your real magic, dummy.
Well, the only thing he can remember is a picnic. He just hope it's not too boring for you. He doesn't do anything too elaborate. Like I said, he's a simple guy. But the place he chose to take you was beautiful. a small glade in the forest on the edge of a small peaceful river. You can hear the water of the river mixed with the birds singing.
You hold the basket as he spreads out the picnic blanket. And suddenly, at the two opposite ends of the blanket, two little birds appear to help him spread it out. You can't hide your surprise and it makes him smile in amusement. You sit down and start your picnic. And some animals appear while you are distracted by each other.
You begin to notice that new birds of other colours have appeared. Squirrels, with both those big fluffy tails and the short-tailed ones. And rabbits, some gray and some brown. Silver sees the way you look at them, the face of someone who wants to pet them. So he uses his "magic" to make the animals approach him and you. Thanks to it, you can pet all those animals, birds, squirrels and rabbits. You may not realize it, but he smiles while seeing your own smile.
Suddenly, those animals start running away. But you don't know why. Until you hears very heavy footsteps approaching. Silver automatically stands and takes a defensive position in front of you to protect you. From the middle of the trees a big bear appears! You get scared, but Silver doesn't. In fact, he even relaxes a little. The bear itself is not even standing, it is standing on all fours and does not look angry.
Silver turns to you, smiling and extends a hand to you who were still sitting on the blanket. “Do not be afraid. I know this bear.” You look at him in shock. “Everything is fine. She just know I was here and wanted to say hello. Would you like to meet her?” You take his hand and he helps you up. He slowly approaches the bear, without taking his hands off your shoulders. He takes your hand and holds it out to the bear, who sniffs it and then lowers her head to let you pet her. A few seconds later you hear some small grunts near your feet. Cub bears!
His father was right. You were so happy playing with those cute little cubs. And even Mama Bear thought she should help you two out a little bit. She pushes you with her muzzle so you fall into Silver's arms. And you take the opportunity to hug him and tell him how amazing that date was being. And if you kiss him on the cheek, he'll kiss your cheek right back, until the two of you are on each other's lips.
(Lilia may or may not be spying on you two and celebrating in silence.)
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How did you do that? All people who know Sebek are incredulous! It took a long time to arrive this moment. And meanwhile, the way he treats you has changed. He still calls you Human, but this time it's more like a pet name, a bit like Malleus calls you Child of Man. And he smiles at you a lot more, although most of the time he still has that serious grimace of his. And how did he invite you on the date?
“HUMAN!” he catches your attention and approaches you. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” The two of you move away from the others to speak more privately. And he starts to blush “I... um...” he takes a deep breath “Would you like to come with me on a date?” You often hear people saying that phrase in another word order, but still you accept, laughing a little. “You... EXCELLENT!” he smiles at you, the kind of smile he only gave Malleus. And says he will pick you up the next afternoon.
He knocks effusively on the door, so much so that it scares you. When you open the door, the first thing you see is a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums in your favourite colours. You pick it up and hold it in your arms. You look at Sebek and... um... I mean he looks very handsome and elegant, but was a suit like that needed for a first date? He looked more like he was in the new Operation Proposal group. Nonetheless, the sight of him in that suit could make you blush. He had a confident smile on his face until he looks at your clothes. Well, he didn't warn you that it was going to be that kind of date. So you dressed for a "normal" one.
“WHAT IS THAT? Don't tell me you don't have date clothes! You should have told me! I would have provided you with the best outfit for the occasion!” You argue with him a bit about there being different types of dates and he didn't specify the type of date because he wanted to surprise you. “*Sigh* You’re right. I apologize for not giving you enough information to choose your outfit correctly.” Fortunately, you had more suitable clothing for the occasion. You go up to your room to change and when you come down, you can see his smug face blush.
He takes you to... Diasomnia. He takes immense pride in his dorm and wanted to get you to the best place possible. He has prepared a room especially for the two of you. With the help of Lilia, Silver and maybe even Malleus. (Let's pretend in this "reality", Malleus isn't that attached to you) And, surprise or not: a candlelit dinner. In this case with green fire. Lilia told him it was a classic.
The main course was a typical traditional Briar Valley dish. But dessert was your favourite. Yes, there were times when he spoke of Malleus. You cannot change it on him. And later, somehow, you ended up talking about his parents. You start to tease him about his mother falling in love with a "mere" human. Couldn't that be a parallel with the two of you as well?
“Do not be ridiculous! I would never fall in love with a mere human! My standers are reasonably higher than that.” And if you ask him why you two are on a date: “Weren't you paying attention to what I was saying? I said that I would never fall in love with a mere human. I cannot believe you identify as one! Do you really believe that a mere human would do everything you've done? There are humans capable of using magic, who would never reach your heels. So, never again believe that you are on such a low level, do you hear me?!”
You smile, more flattered than ever. Which makes him smile too. This is your chance to challenge him to prove how special he really thinks you are. How? How about a kiss? After all, this is a date, isn't it?
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The way Lilia asked you out on a date was so... him... that you didn't even know if he was just joking or being serious. Either way, you accepted it. Which seemed to surprise him a little. “Khee hee hee. Very well then. A date shall be.” If you ask when, he'll smirk at you. “You enjoy surprises as well, correct?” then he kisses your cheek and disappears.
You would be expecting him to show up at least the next day, right? And that's why he only appears the day after that. Or rather, the night after that. You hear knocking on your window, you draw the curtains, but you see nothing. Until he suddenly appears upside down outside. After the scare he gave you, you open the window.
“Khee hee. Good evening, prefect.” He looks at the pajamas you have on. “It's not what I expected you to wear for our date, but it sure is different. Khee hee, worry not. I'll give you time to change. I'll wait for you in the living room.” Before he leaves your room, you try to ask him where you are going so you know what to wear. “Um... very well, I'll give you a hint: dress to have fun.” And that's the only clue he gives you. Just in case, you dress in a little more sporty style, but still pretty.
He tells you it's an excellent choice and how good that outfit looks on you. You walk to the Mirror chamber for, through the looking glass, him to take you to... an Amusement Park. And since it's already night, the park is all lit up with the colours of the rides and food stalls. Coming from a kingdom solely reliant on magic, this sort of things are fascinating to him. And better, since magic is not necessary to have fun there, nothing prevents you from having as much fun as he does.
He will try to take you to the most crazy rides. If you like that, great! You are going to be the bravest couple in the entire park. Which will contrast with how cute you two are on the outside. If you don't like these rides. There is absolutely no problem. He will ride with you wherever you want and feel comfortable riding. The priority is you. If you are having fun, he will be having fun with you. That and, let's face it, this guy probably already did crazier things than riding a roller-coaster. Which means your fun is more important.
After the rides, you have dinner together at one of the food stalls. He offers to pay for everything. Old chivalry. After eating and before leaving, he suggests that the two of you take a look at the prize booths. He would like the two of you to carry away some good memories of that day.
A small plush of a black and pink bat catches your eye and you tell Lilia how much that plush reminds you of him. Not just for the colours (and the size) but also because both are so cute! “Would you like to try to win one? I make a point of paying for your attempts.” he doesn't want you to worry about money, just having fun.
The prize is a target shooting stand. You have to blow up the balloons with a dart. You have three tries, you need to get at least two right to get that bat. But everyone fails. Lilia notices that the prize booth guy is using magic to make you fail, but doesn't comment. Instead, he pretends not to have noticed and offers to win the plush for you himself.
Fooled by his cute appearance, the guy does the same trick on him, but it fails miserably. With just a quick gesture, he hits the three balloons in a row. Which surprises/scares the booth guy. He could get the highest prize, but he just wants the little bat. “Oh, actually I have a proposal for you.” he says with his cute smile. “What if, instead of the highest prize, you gave us those two stuffed bats? Maybe that could also redeem you from using magic against my dear date. Surely you regret using such a low trick?” he's still smiling, but his bright red eyes are menacing.
He got the black bat with pink details for you and a pink bat with black details for himself. Now, he also had something that reminded him of you. “I hope that trick of his didn't make you sad that your attempts failed.” You say maybe at first, but after seeing Lilia in action and scaring that guy, you're even glad you failed the balloons just to see that. “Khee hee hee. Your way of seeing the positive side of things is undoubtedly irresistible.” and he kisses your cheek “Um? Why that face? Were you expecting another kind of kiss?” he smirks, as an invitation to be yourself and get what you want from him.
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If you would like to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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merakiui · 5 months
psssssssssst which twst boy would probably buy onlyfans from sex worker darling trying to make some money for the week?
All of them. <3 and they all think they’re so unique for supporting you through this means, but it turns out everyone else is subscribed to the highest tier (or whichever tier they’re able to afford). Suddenly Ace is very dedicated to his part-time job as he works to make enough for the highest tier. Even students like Jack buy from you, but it’s only to support you (not salivate over the content you’re putting out… that’s definitely part of it).
Of course Azul has to get the highest tier, as do most of the Housewardens as they firmly believe they’re entitled to the best of the best. And it also supports you much more than the lower tiers! Because Azul is so charitable, he’s even willing to send you more money (please notice him). Vil loves to admire these risqué and intimate photos, as does Rook. Sometimes it’s not even for sexual purposes. They just find you to be the sweetest work of art they’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Idia claims he’s only subscribing so he can get top-tier references for when he’s drawing or practicing lewd anatomy. This is partially true, actually, because he does indeed practice. But then all of his sketches are of you. <3
Riddle had to convince himself over and over that this was okay. He’s not breaking any rules. In fact, buying the highest tier actually helps you! So he’s just doing what any good person and dependable Housewarden would do: support those who require assistance. He spends the entire week feeling guilty and avoiding looking at the photos/videos because he feels like he’s being a gross pervert. But you willingly put this content out there for him and others, and it’s all in accordance with the site’s rules! So… it’s fine if he masturbates to the sight of your nudity.
Floyd has so much fun waiting for the new photos and videos you’ll upload. You always do something different and it keeps him endlessly entertained. Sometimes you even take requests from your subscribers! He wants to see you do all sorts of exciting things. Jade’s much the same, but somehow Floyd’s requests seem so softcore compared to the things Jade wants from you. ^^;;;;
Ruggie buys the highest tier using Leona’s card. Leona did say he could get something for himself, and he never put any restrictions on what could or couldn’t be bought. <3 no wonder why this is the highest tier. The things you put out really are worthy of being in this tier, and he makes sure to save each and every one should a day come when he’s not able to look anymore.
Speaking of Leona, he thinks it’s impressive you’re able to keep up with all of the tiers you have and do something new every time. He won’t settle for anything less than the highest, and he enjoys the things you do for that tier. You never disappoint. Although pictures and videos are only good fantasy fuel. They can’t compare to the real thing. Perhaps he won’t have to wait any longer to meet you in person when you start doing meet-ups with one lucky subscriber from the highest tier.
Malleus doesn’t know how to work lots of technology, so he probably seeks someone out to show him how it’s done. He doesn’t see any shame in it. This is essentially artwork, is it not? The things you do can be appreciated in a unique, romantic light when you’re Malleus Draconia. Either that, or Lilia buys it. And of course if waka-sama has it, then Sebek must as well. He thinks he’s so much better than Silver because he’s subscribed to the highest tier just like his lord and Lilia, and what is Silver? Nothing! Sebek looks ready to crumble into dust when Silver reveals he’s always been subscribed to you from the very beginning. T_T
Kalim most definitely buys the highest tier! He’s probably your most generous subscriber (sorry, Azul). He’s always ready to send you hefty donations. He’s very sweet about it. Jamil would manage his absurd spending habits, but he’s also quite attracted to the types of things you’re posting for your highest tier, and Kalim’s basically funding it. Those shibari and collar posts reeled him in and have since dug their claws into him. He’s down bad…
Omg and Cater!!! He was probably one of the first out of the twst cast to buy your onlyfans. He’s a very loyal subscriber. <3 Cater gets bragging rights because he’s your mutual on Magicam and sometimes the two of you chat. You might even send him a few photos that can’t be seen on any of your tiers yet… a special privilege for your favorite moot. :)
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hi! May I request the reaction of the twst boys, if they already have an S/O but they meet their soulmate? What would they choose between, their S/O or their soulmate?
Summary: Ace/Rook/Sebek/Sam/Leona x. Gn! Reader
A/N: this got long, but I had souch fun thinking about this. So feel free to request other boys for me to look at!
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Ace knew just as well as anyone that in modern day society, it was common to not end up with your soulmate. Some people never met their soulmate, some people's soulmates were just not a good match, some people seemingly didn't even have a soulmate. It was fine. Nothing to get butt hurt about. 
Ace's soulmate mark on the palm of his hand had never even sparkled, let alone lit up. And he'd found someone that he had fun with. He wasn't sure if it was really love, but that was fine since he couldn't be sure if he was even capable of love.
He probably wasn't. His only other relationship, he'd ghosted them once he got bored. So a fun relationship, with no love, was probably all he deserved.
Until the day the you'd poofed into the mirror chamber, and his soulmate mark had glowed for the first time in his life. He saw you looking around in confusion, and at the time, he had assumed you were looking for him. Later he would realize you were too scared to even notice your mark. He was so god damn selfish.
He quietly slipped a glove on that was supplied with his uniform, and decided to wait and scope you out.
You'd both just defeated a monster of some kind, and you, Deuce, and the cat monster were laughing together, but he was just thinking of you.
You. You were too good.
He couldn't do this with you. You'd be hurt at first, but it would be better than knowing your soulmate was a heartless asshole who would leave you when he got bored.
You never had to know. He'd take solace in what he had, and give you your best chance for happiness. 
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His string of fate had finally become a natural color. And during the SDC auditions, he'd found it belonged to you. 
He'd told you the truth. That he'd been seeing many people, believing that you were dead, or he'd never been destined to meet you. He was practically pleading with you to forgive him for the crimes he'd committed against you, but you told him you'd done the same thing once you'd realized your string wasn't the correct color.
He fought back a wave of intense jealousy, by kissing you, and telling you he'd break up with the one he'd been dating immediately. Hell, he'd be doing it right this moment, if you hadn't told him it'd be cruel for him to do it over a call.
How could he even care about cruel when you were right in front of him? Ready to help him find his happily ever after! 
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Lilia had always told him about soulmates, and how they would change your life. When you saw them, your world would literally expand, the otherworldly "colors" flooding your vision, but all you'd be able to focus on is their eyes.
He'd started at NRC, and Riddle Rosehearts had brought up the fact that a marriage of convenience would help Malleus more than being with his soulmate would. Silver had stepped in, repeating what master Lilia had always repeated. But Rosehearts was one that his lord respected dearly. There was no harm in trying it.
And one date with the rich merchant's kid had turned into two, had turned into three, had turned into a full relationship. For Sebek, the connections were very helpful to his king. For his partner, connections to the fae court, which were normally hard to come by, were completely open to them. 
While Lilia often gave the disappointed dad look,  and Silver wanted no part in the relationship, Sebek saw no reason to end it.
At least until the two of you made eye contact, and he finally got to experience color. 
You were ecstatic! But he was torn… could he give up this boon he had for his master, just for his own happiness.
He told you he needed time. You looked disappointed. Perhaps you had your own Lilia back home who had filled you with beautiful promises. But you told him you understood. Albeit with tears glimmering in the corners of your eyes.
He spent three days straight training. He didn't think to stop, even with the sweat streaming into his eyes, causing them  to burn more than they already were. 
It wasn't until he felt his Lord's calming presence entering his periphery, a steaming mug of hot cocoa, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream floating in it, in his hands.
"It would be foolish to work yourself to death."
Sebek halted his moves, sheathing his sword, and quietly grabbing the mug.
"It is not often you are rendered speechless," Malleus smirked,but Sebek could barely nod.
Malleus sighed. "Humans do not live very long. To have one for your soulmate is a blessing few get to share. You will have centuries to be bound to someone you do not love.Do not lose your chance to hold them while you have them."
Malleus vanished as quickly as he appeared. Sebek stared at his hot cocoa, before running to find you, while he still had the chance.
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He was always so cold. No matter where he was, he never could find the warmth of his soulmate. He'd ask his friends every once in a while to see if there was a soul that was destined to truly belong to him. The answer was always no. So he lived in eternal winter.
Those trapped in the cold seek warmth. And he'd found solace in a simple witch. There was no love. The relationship was purely to bring warmth to one another.
Then one day, he felt a moment of relief, as his friends came running for him, all of them speaking over one another. The only word he could consistently catch was , "Soulmate". The worst part was that he was literally in the arms of his little witch.
It wasn't that he didn't want you. He desperately did. Especially when Everytime you walked into the room, the cold numbing his fingertips dissipate, and he'd feel like he was in a warm embrace.
But you never pushed him, because of the conversation he had with you the moment you walked into his shop for the first time.
"I can't."
"Not yet. I have someone relying on me. I'm their only source of warmth. Can you wait for me?"
You truly were perfect for him, because you never brought it up. And if you were anything like him, you desperately wanted the warmth you would feel if you held him close to you. But you were so patient. Pretending everything was fine, while he searched tirelessly for a soulmate that might not exist, for a potion that would simulate the warmth. 
One day though. He promises that one day, he'll have it figured out. And then both of your patience will have paid off.
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no one could ever love him. Which is why he wasn't bothered that no one's name was scrawled on his arm. And why he wasn't bothered when his brother had nervously asked if he'd be opposed to a betrothal to someone from another country. It's not like anyone was waiting for him.
It was a comfortable relationship. They definitely didn't love each other. But at least there was someone who had to at least pretend they cared when you complained about something. Comfortable. That's all he could ask for.
Until he'd felt pain on his arm, and found a name scrawled onto it for the first time. In a sea of new freshmen, he could pretend he didn't notice. He could pretend he didn't see.
And he hadn't run into the person the name belonged to, until you stepped on his tail in the greenhouse.
And after that, you were trying. You were trying so damn hard. It was endearing, and he almost let you in.
But deep down, he knew you'd one day seem him for who he was.
So one day, on edge from you asking him questions about himself, he snapped and told you to stop wasting your time, and get out of his life. Stop lying. No one could ever love him.
You glared at him. You called him a coward. And he growled back at you.
"I don't need you!"
For a moment, you seemed startled. Then you glared at him, and held your head high as you told him you wished him the best but doubted he'd find it.
And as he watched you storm off, a part of him knew you were right.
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the--rebel--fae · 6 months
do u think I could ask for some angst->fluff for nightmares for the Diasomnia boys?
(twisted wonderland)
A/N: Hiya, my dear! First off, I'd like to say I'm so so sorry for the late response to your request. Life's been...hectic, to say the least, and I'm still getting the hang of trying to do proper time management. Anyhoot! Thanks so much for the request! I really enjoyed writing this one. Tbh, I love these boys so much and have been getting back into the Twist fandom again, so yea 💜 Well my friend, I hope the wait was worth it! Enjoy!
Pairing: Diasomnia boys x Reader
Tw: None! Just pure fluff!
Word Count: 607
Chase The Nightmares Away - Bad Dream Comfort Headcanons
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First up, we have our lovely bat dad. We all know he’d probably be the perfect person to go to for nightmares.
He’s bat dad for a reason y’all.
When you walk in he’s probably still up, probably playing video games. 
So when you mumble you couldn’t sleep because of nightmares, he’s pulling up a chair, getting you a blanket, and snacks. Everything you need, peepaw has it. 
Wanna talk about what happened? No worries, he’s helped Silver, Sebek, and Malleus many times with their nightmares.
“Little bat? Are you alright? Ah, a nightmare. There’s no need to worry, why don’t you come sit by me and we can play this new video game together? And if you want, you can tell me about what happened.”
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Sebek, yea..good luck on getting some comfort from him. But he’ll try his best!
He’ll probably be like: Human what are you doing in here? Oh, you had a nightmare? Uhm, why are you here then?
Poor boy would be so confused.
He’ll definitely point out how weak humans are, but then I think when he sees you truly upset, he’d feel it as his duty as a knight to protect “those weaker than him”. At least that’s the excuse he’s playing when we both know the crocodile boy cares in his own tsun-tsun way.
“Human? Why are you here so late? A nightmare? I do suppose a human would be bugged by something like that. Fae are much stronger. O-oh I didn’t mean to make you more upset. Ahem, well, as my duty as a knight in training I’ll do you the service of protecting you. You should be honored. Here, you can borrow my Malleus-Sama plush. I made it myself! It looks just like the young lord, doesn’t it?”
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Ah yes, our sleepy little prince Silver. If this boy is actually awake for once I think he’d do a pretty good job at comforting you.
I can see him as the type to have a lot of blankets so he’d probably give you one to snuggle with as comfort.
I could also see him get some of his little animal friends to comfort you too if you wanted that. 
And if you wanted to talk about your nightmare, he’d be all ears, at least until he’d fall back asleep. But, I bet he’d do his best to fight back the sleepiness as long as possible for you.
“Oh, Prefect. You’re up late. What’s that? You had a nightmare? I’m sorry, not sleeping well is never a good thing. Here, I have some extra blankets, and we can even get some of my animal friends here if you’d like. Don’t worry, it was just a dream, you’re ok now.”
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Ah, our Housewarden of Diasomnia, the future ruler of Briar Valley. Malleus Draconia. Our sweet draconic prince.
I think he’d care the most but not know whatever the loving hell what to do.
Does this man even get nightmares?
Walks around the Night Raven campus is definitely going to happen the second you tell him what’s wrong. Nothing solves problems better than a nice walk in some fresh air.
He’ll probably even tell you stories about his time in Briar Valley to distract you or even let you play with Gao Gao Dragon-kun!
10/10 best person to go to for comfort aside from Lilia.
“Child of Man? What’s the matter? You seem upset. Oh, a nightmare? Yes, those can be troubling. How about we take a walk outside and if you feel up to it, you can talk about it. It's better than being alone. I'll even let you play with Gao-Gao Dragon-kun.”
Well, that's it for these headcanons! I hope you enjoyed them! It was a lot of fun to write! And again, so sorry for the delay! Feel free to request again!
And if you guys want even more stories--like maybe your own personalized several-page long one-shots or even a multi-chap fic take a look at my Etsy Shop! I do commissions! I even have listings for Twisted wonderland!
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Cuddles? ~ *Malleus Draconia*
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Summary: Malleus doesn’t know much about being in love and dating. So it’s up to you to show him the ropes. And what’s more important than cuddling?
Pairing: Malleus Draconia X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 538
Warning: N/A
Taglist: @soulangel @savanaclaw1996
“Are you sure about this, Child of Man?” Malleus asked, his brows furrowed.
You nodded, burrowing deeper into his side and pulling his arm over your body. “Yes, I’m sure. This is what two people who care about each other do where I’m from.”
“I see…” He trailed off.
Malleus was still stiff as a board and you couldn’t help but smile. He was trying at least. But this was all so new to him. You didn’t know what to say or do to get him to relax.
Glancing up at him, you asked, “Malleus, are you okay?”
“I’m alright I suppose.”
“You suppose?” You glanced up at him with a slight frown. “Malleus, my dear, I know you’re anxious and this is all new to you, so if you’re uncomfortable, it’s okay to say so. We can stop. I won’t be angry or sad.”
He didn’t respond right away, but eventually, he whispered, “I just don’t know if I’m doing this right.”
Nodding, you squeezed him a little. “You’re doing just fine, I promise.”
“I’m not holding you too tight or anything? This is comfortable for you as well, yes?”
You chuckled despite yourself. “Yes, Malleus, everything is fine. How about you? Are you anymore comfortable or do I need to adjust? Just tell me where you need me and I’ll be there.”
He was silent for a long time and when you looked him in the eyes, they were wide and his mouth was slightly ajar. Before you could ask what was wrong, he mumbled. “I like the sound of that. I want you to be there for me whenever I need you. Is that okay?”
Your cheeks burned at his confession, your hands snaking up to hide it from him. “O-oh, um, yes. That’s alright with me. Though I’m not sure Sebek will care for that kind of request.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“Well…” Even if Sebek liked to give you headaches, you didn’t particularly want to get him in trouble. “Well, you see, he doesn’t particularly like anyone getting that close to you, given your status and all. But I’m sure he’ll come around to having me around more often. At least Lilia and Silver like me, so that’s a plus!”
Malleus nodded slowly. “Yes, that is good.”
With a sigh, you laid back down against him and pulled his arm over your body once more. “Let’s not worry about that now. I still need to show you how to cuddle properly.”
“Right, of course. Am I doing this right?”
Glancing up, you said, “There is one thing we can try.”
With your free hand, you gently touched the opposite side of his head and leaned it against the top of yours, careful of his horns. His eyes widened at your action but allowed you to continue. His free hand laced with the hand over your body and he pulled you closer.
“Like this?”
You nodded, your cheeks warming. “Yes, like that. Is that comfortable for you?”
His lips pressed against your temple, causing you to gasp slightly in surprise. He had never been this forward with affection before. Perhaps cuddles could change a person.
“Yes, I’m perfectly comfortable being with you like this.”
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night-raven-tattler · 7 months
Hiyya, hopefully the request is still open. I really like your writing so I hope my request is no trouble.
Can I request Silver and Sebek about them having a nightmare? They're in relationships with MC/prefect and sleep together. They have a nightmare about MC and woke up with MC beside them.
If you accept this, thank you.
Hello, anon! Mx Tattly appreciates your request, hope you enjoy!
Night troubles
Characters: Silver, Sebek × Reader (separate, romantic)
Warnings: mentions of violence in Sebek's nightmare part
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of source confidentiality.
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Silver’s dream have always been very vivid
He could never tell if that was a blessing or a curse, especially considering how much he slept
Every green field he stepped on, every cloudy sky he watched, every word and every laughter from the people he encountered felt real, even if he knew they were all in dreamland
It made his heart feel a little lighter when he was being woken up from a pleasant dream, even if he fell asleep during important moments: the good feeling from the dream made his guilt of falling asleep a little bit easier to bear
Lately you’ve become a recurring presence in his land of dreams
You’d always smile at him, laugh at him, squeeze his hand with so much warmth and joy that he’d promise you to always treasure your hands
But sometimes…
The smile would falter, the laughter would die
The hand would turn cold and pull away as you try to run away from him
It was enough to leave him unsettled for days
But this time, the nightmare became different
As soon as your hand left his, you ran away into a dark forest, screaming you never want to see him again
That he wasn’t good enough, that he was a disappointment
Sentiments echoed by Sebek’s booming tone as the echo of your steps became smaller and smaller
Lilia shook his head disapprovingly, refusing to even look at his son
And Malleus…
He stared down at him, his fury awakening the most ravaging storm and thunder Silver has ever witnessed
Suddenly he found himself running away in shame, tears streaming down his own face
Just like that night when he was a child, and he found out he’s more alone in the world than he thought
So he ran, ran as far as his little feet could carry him, in the middle of the storm darkening the forest more and more…
One particular thunder shook Silver awake
Silver’s eyes opened suddenly and he gasped for air desperately
He got up from his sleeping position, pulling the blanket with him
He tried not to drown in the lonesome silence for a few long seconds, until he felt a warm hand rubbing his back comfortingly
“Silver, are you okay? What happened?”
Your hand was so warm and solid against his shivering skin, and he selfishly leaned into the small gesture of affection
He felt the bed shift before you gently cupped his face, pulling his head so he could look at you
Your eyes met, and your lips formed a thin line
“...Did you have a nightmare?”
Silver could only nod a reply
Your thumbs gently rubbed his cheeks, and Silver finally became aware of his tears
“Do you want to talk about it?”
…He hesitated
What kind of guard was he if he couldn’t face his own problems face on?
But the idea of you taking a peak at the darkness at the back of his mind felt terrifying
He looked away in shame, and that’s all you needed to know
“You don't have to do it right now if you don’t want to. We can just… go back to sleep and see how you feel in the morning?”
You gave him an encouraging smile, and his heart felt a little lighter as he nodded again
You dragged him back to a sleeping position, pulling him into your chest and gently running your fingers through his hair
And the shame and guilt he felt was pushed away by the peace and affection slowly warming his heart again
The way you held him against you, listening to your slowing heartbeat, made Silver feel loved in a way he hasn’t allowed himself to feel in a while
Not knowing what else to say, he mumbled a “Thank you” before he finally drifted off to sleep himself
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The very moment you laid your eyes on Sebek, you knew he was a very strict individual
His confident stride that carried him all over the place was something you’ve admired: after all, Sebek wore his status as a guard as his livelihood, not just a badge of honor
Yet, it made you notice his perfectionist nature; he needed everything to be fit for his Liege, and anything that fell short was not acceptable
And that nature was exacerbated whenever it came to Sebek himself
He wanted to be the best guard he could be, as nothing short of ideal could be fit for Malleus
And for you, as of late
Lilia and Malleus congratulated him when he finally confessed that Malleus was not the only one he wanted to protect anymore; even Silver smiled at him proudly as the news reached him
And, as Sebek finally came to terms with the pride he felt whenever he helped you and protected you, he finally realized how his burden has doubled
It was a challenge he gladly took on
But he shielded you from the burden of that newly found responsibility, not even realizing how big it was until it started plaguing his dreams
Long after he drifted off to slumber, he found himself in battle, fighting dark and faceless creatures, and not letting them reach a very frightened version of you that stood behind him, paralyzed from fear
And no matter how fast he moved, no matter how determined he was, no matter how sharp his sword was, he still was overpowered
The creatures passed him, getting to you and surrounding you until he couldn’t see you anymore
He just stood there helplessly while listening to your terrified screams and your desperate calls for his name…
“Sebek! Sebek, come on! Wake up…!”
He jolted awake and tried to move away from the hand that was shaking his shoulder desperately
“Calm down! Calm down… It’s me, it’s me…”
Sebek became fully awake the moment he realized the hand was yours
The concern in your eyes, the little tremor in your voice, the firm grip on his shoulder, everything made his stomach drop
He was dreaming of being incapable of protecting you and failing
Your concern for him, your want to care of him even late into the night was a slap in the face
He got up from his bed, frustrated, and paced aimlessly around the room, occasionally running his fingers through his hair and avoiding eyes contact at all costs
You let him have a moment to himself while you watched him cautiously, trying to find the right words to say
“Sebek, did you… did you have a nightmare?”
The way he stopped in his tracks was all you needed to know
And, knowing Sebek (or his pride, better said), it was all he was willing to share
You got up from the bed and walked to him slowly
His shoulders were so tense, you just wanted to rub his shoulders for a bit
But he flinched away, so you pulled your hand back
“Okay, I won’t touch you. But I want to help you calm down, what can I do?”
Silence took over the room for a few seconds
Until Sebek finally turned his face and looked at you
He tried opening his mouth to say something, but he changed his mind and closed it again
It was the first time you’ve seen Sebek so silent and unsure, so maybe a little encouragement would help him…?
“Uhm… I just want you to know that, no matter what you saw, we can face it together, okay? You and me. You help me, I help you. Alright?”
Sebek’s eyes widened slightly
But he collected himself quickly and nodded to you
“You’re tired, let’s go to bed. If you have any more nightmares, just wake me up. Okay?”
Sebek nodded again, and reached out to your hand, linking your pinkies together
“As you wish.”
You smiled at him and dragged him back to bed, relieved that your idea worked
A bit of encouragement seemed to help him
Maybe in time he won't need the affirmation, he'll just know you're always going to be there for him
But you didn't mind to remind him for as long as he needed it
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
Track #1: Shrike - Hozier Drabble Masterlist
(Unrequited) Sebek Zigvolt x Reader, Background Malleus Draconia x Reader
Summary: Sebek watches Malleus fall in love with you, and then he does too.
i. remember me, love
The first time Sebek takes notice of you, he fears it’s already too late. He’s seen you around before, but he’s never bothered to do more than let his eyes gloss over you. His focus remains on Lord Malleus most of the time, so he can’t afford to pay too much attention to other details of the world, let alone a random human.
Malleus is, in fact, the reason he first pays attention to you. Despite Lilia’s admonishment to ‘leave Malleus to his whims,’ Sebek has gone chasing after his young master with Silver being dragged along. The two of them search campus until they eventually come along Ramshackle dorm.
Sebek quickly dismisses the dorm; the pile of rubble that hardly qualifies as a building would not be a place Lord Malleus would frequent. It’s dark out, so the two of them can’t see very far ahead, but Silver insists on continuing forward, pointing out the gargoyles on the side of Ramshackle that the half-fae failed to take notice of. Silver is then forced to try and calm Sebek’s momentary freak-out about not noticing one of his housewarden’s favourite things.
The two of them quiet down when they hear laughter coming from closer to the building. Sebek almost doesn’t recognize it at first; it’s been a while since he’s actually heard Malleus laugh.
Silver promptly slaps a hand over Sebek’s mouth when he tries to shout for him: “Please, Sebek. Leave him be. Malleus has finally made a friend.”
Silver and Sebek watch from the shadows as the two of you walk under a street light, your forms finally visible. The half-fae breathes a sigh of relief when realizing you two stand a couple meters away from each other; nothing else would be appropriate for the future king of Briar Valley.
While they’re forced to wait out the end of your conversation with Malleus, Sebek is able to get a good look at you. He vaguely recognizes you from your friendship with his fellow first years but other than that, he doesn’t know much about you or what you might want with his lord.
Although, he considers, you must be…something at least to have captured the interest of Malleus. Nothing extraordinary, you are just a human after all, but perhaps something worth looking at for a small time. Sebek dismisses the thought - you will be gone soon enough, he has nothing to worry about regarding Malleus.
Silver covers his mouth again as they watch you ask for Malleus’s hand before bringing it up to your lips for a quick kiss.
ii. when i’m reborn
Sebek walks side by side with you down the streets of a small market near the castle. You’d wanted to go out but Malleus was busy, so he sent Sebek to guard you. He catches many stares as the two of you look at the street stalls, whispers about the human who captured their king’s heart. Some more kind than others.
“They’re just a human- far below someone like our Lord Malleus. Are we sure they haven’t placed a love spell on him?” Someone whispers from the crowds.
Sebek almost turns around to yell at the voice, but you grab his arm to pull him along with you, leaving the situation behind.
“What are you doing? You won’t defend your own honour?” He protests.
“What I’m doing is staying out of trouble and not caring what these strangers think of me,” you say flatly. “Why do you care anyway? Don’t you agree with them?”
“I,” Sebek pauses, “I only wish to defend my lord’s name. He would never be able to be subdued by a mere love potion, let alone one given by a human.” And you wouldn’t need a love potion to capture someone’s heart, he doesn’t say.
The two of you decide to head back to the castle, walking until your path is intercepted.
“What are you doing in this part of the trail? Don’t you know humans aren’t safe here?” The fae taunts.
“Just leave us alone and we’ll be gone,” you reply. “I don’t think anyone here wants more trouble than they can deal with.”
“Oh? You think you can do anything against me? You’re just an insect on my shoe!” The stranger laughs.
“DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU’RE TALKING TO? THE FUTURE QUEEN OF BRIAR VALLEY AND ONE OF MALLEUS’ KNIGHTS. KNEEL AND APOLOGIZE BEFORE I’M FORCED TO TAKE ACTION.” For once, you’re thankful for Sebek’s booming voice. The unknown man winces slightly at the sudden noise before recognition dawns on his face.
“You’re the little half-fae he took in, huh? He must have taken pity on you, a disgusting half-blood abomination. Well your king isn’t here, is he?”
“Sebek?” The glare he has locked on the man is intense, but he manages to turn his attention to you. “Beat his ass.”
And so, he does. With years of training under Lilia in magic and combat, the fae is, of course, no match for Sebek. You add in a little kick to his side at the end.
“Couldn’t take on a half-fae and a mere human?” you taunt the fallen man.
In the high of your victory, Sebek forgets he’s supposed to hate you, and the two of you share a high-five.
iii. as the shrike to your sharp
“You can’t marry him.”
“What? Sebek- Why would you say that?” you turn around at the half-fae’s words.
“Sebek! I’ve told you, I’m sick and tired of you saying things like that!” You yell back, approaching him. “Malleus loves me even though I’m human,” you lower your voice, “Why can’t you accept that a fae could love a human?”
Sebek remains uncharacteristically silent in response to your question, no longer meeting your eyes in righteous anger.
“I just don’t understand. I know I’m unworthy of Malleus, but it’s not because he’s a fae, it’s because everything else about him - his kindness, his loving nature. And your own parents are human and fae, how could you not-”
You’ve stopped right in front of him, close in a way that burns because he knows it means that despite everything he’s done, you still consider him a friend. And you are close, so close that Sebek leans down and lets his lips brush over your own, leaving the two of you in silence when you quickly pull away.
“There you are, my love,” Malleus says, coming through the doorway. “And hello, Sebek. Ah, don’t look so dismayed, I know it is bad luck in your human customs for the couple to see each other before the wedding ceremony, but I couldn’t be apart from you that long.”
Malleus seems not to notice the tension in the air, and Sebek feels himself disappear into the wallpaper when you snap out of your startled haze. He watches the two of you share a kiss like he’s not in the room, and Sebek feels the wetness gather in his eyes, threatening to drench his cheeks any second. The two of you are so occupied by each other, neither of you react to him leaving.
iv. and glorious thorn
While everyone else gathers at the centre of the floor, dancing together in celebration, Sebek sits in the corner of the wedding venue. His eyes try and lose you, but every time they inevitably find their way back to your form, held in Malleus’ arms as the two of you sway together. He spots Lilia break off from the group, approaching his table.
“This would be a good chance for you to socialize, Sebek. You know most of Briar Valley is here, you could meet a nice fae like you’ve always wanted.”
“I’m not interested in such things,” Sebek dismisses.
“I see. Has someone else perhaps caught your eye?” Lilia follows Sebek’s line of sight, sighing when it lands on you. “Has something upset you?”
“I made them sad. I don’t know why but seeing them sad, I can’t help but feel…no. No, why should I feel upset? My lord has married the most beautiful person in the world. Nothing could make me happier,” Sebek murmurs.
“Lilia, why does my chest hurt? Why does it almost feel like…I didn’t want them to go.”
“That’s just love,” Lilia says, taking a seat beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. “You’re going to be okay. Maybe you need to take some time away. I could see if Silver would accompany you-”
“I need to be here. To protect both of them. My feelings…they are irrelevant. My life is sworn to Malleus. I will be okay if I know they are happy.”
Sebek’s gaze lingers. He can’t help but feel that his eyes will give out before they ever stray from you.
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yan-lorkai · 9 months
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: A little something to celebrate Lilia's birthday. Enjoy! ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, non-consensual kissing, fae powers???, it's implied that reader is a bit taller than him.
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"What do you say about a dance, beastie?" Lilia's voice is full of a teasing, excited tone. But you blame the liquor he's been drinking all afternoon for that and the rosy tint to his cheeks.
Normally you wouldn't agree to dance with him. Not because you didn't want to, but because you really shouldn't, even though you and he are good friends and you are celebrating his birthday today. Dancing with faes is dangerous, vicious as the saying goes. Something a human should never do or they would be at the mercy of the fae indefinitely, forever if the fae wants. You know all this. And yet...
Lilia, with his penetrating gaze and subtle smile, extends his hand, inviting you to the dance floor. His foot tapping patiently on the floor as the seconds pass and you don't make your decision.
"You know I can't." You mumble a little shyly, taking the drink from his hands to stop him from getting even more drunk, placing a hand on his forehead to see that he was hot.
But that only makes Lilia throw himself into your arms, smile growing on his lips as he leaves kisses on your neck, slowly moving up to your cheeks. You pushed him away, embarrassed, but Lilia seemed to see this coming and circled your torso with his arms, swaying from side to side merrily as if only existed you and he right here and right now.
"I won't insist, of course... But I'll be so sad if you don't want to dance that I'll cry. Waah." Lilia wipes fake tears from his eyes, the smell of alcohol coming so strong that it makes you pull away a little.
You rub circles on his back, your eyes searching the crowd for Silver to ask for help. But you don't even find Silver, Sebek or Malleus at the party, and the other students are spread out everywhere, some playing truth or dare, some dancing and some drinking. You look at Lilia, your sweet Lilia who can barely stand because he's so drunk, but who still manages to keep a hold on your waist as you two sways.
"Just one dance and then you go to bed." You answer him after thinking for a few seconds. "But I'll lead."
Lilia excitedly jumped in your arms, laughing. He held your hand enthusiastically, your fingers intertwining gently as he looked at you with his characteristic mischief. You brought your other hand to his waist, pulling him closer, fearing that he would fall at any second. So worried were you that you barely noticed his gaze.
Don't dance with fae, you remember the legends, dancing with them is like selling your will. You never get it back.
Part of you doesn't believe it. Another part is worried that you are making a mistake. But you're sure that if something goes wrong someone will interrupt this dance... Right?
You had no idea what you were doing. Even with you leading him across the dance floor, one foot in front of the other, a twist and a tilt, you still glide gracefully, in tune with the surrounding music, his small body pressed against yours. He looked happy, his eyes closing as a smile creeps across his face. You felt yourself smiling as well, a warm feeling running though your body.
Under the lights Lilia looked even smaller and cuter, almost prompting you to bite and kiss those squeezable cheeks of his. You held yourself back from doing it, focusing on being responsible for the night.
"Aw beastie, you never told me you could dance so well." He smiled, seeming to be amused by your worried look.
You laughed. "And I don't know, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just imitating what I saw in movies."
He let out a sound of approval, for someone who was almost falling over just a few seconds ago Lilia was dancing well, following your steps and humming along with the music. There was still a kind of slowness in his clumsy movements that was gradually replaced by mastery and a desire to impress you. Lilia was an excellent dancer, although he would deny it if anyone praised his in that regard.
The song came to an end faster than he wanted, making him whine as he looked at you with those pious eyes of his. He wanted another dance, wanted more of your body heat and your smile, he wanted more.
You didn't seem to know the effect you had on others, Lilia could see that a lot of your friends wanted to ask you for a dance. You didn't even seem to know that dances were convenient because all your focus was on your partner, your steps synchronized, your minds united, but there was more. When you dance with someone you have all their time and that was what Lilia had now, even if you didn't want to give it.
"Let's go again?" He asked you, smiling, another song already starting. But he didn't wait for an answer.
He held you tighter, forcing your body to keep moving before you could protest. This time however he laid your head in the crook of his neck, but what worried you was the fact that you couldn't speak, or move your body as you wanted. No, your body responded to his every touch and desire, following his steps, letting yourself be spun from one side of the dance hall to the other while everyone watched the two of you.
Or so it seemed. You weren't sure, it was like you were stuck in an episode of sleep paralysis, trying but never being able to move. Everything very slowly blurring together till you could only focus on him.
Lilia smiled. He wondered what kind of expression would be present on your face if he wasn't using his powers right now? What kinds of things would you be saying? He almost wanted to free you from his charms, but one look at your friends made him keep his grip.
At the end of this dance Lilia kissed you. It was simple and innocent, or it would have been if you were two lovers - which you weren't. No, you were in a strange stage between friendship and the beginning of a relationship, but you had never done or said anything, and you were still conscious enough to feel and see everything that happened. You could feel the thousands of little kisses he left on your lips before entering your mouth with his tongue, you could feel his hands going towards your head and tangling his fingers in your hair.
You felt everything until darkness took over your consciousness. And somewhere, you hoped it was all just a bad dream. You trusted that Lilia would ask for your consent and not force you into anything, that one in front of you was not your Lilia. He couldn't be...
But unfortunately for you he was.
You should listen to the sayings more and stay away from the dangerous faes. They just take and take and are never satisfied. Now you know this.
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it-happened-one-fic · 6 months
Sparring Sessions - Silver
Author Notes: So.. this fic is a sort of odd one in a lot of ways. I guess you could say I was inspired by a line from Silver's P.E. uniform where he says something about how he thinks Prefect has talent with a sword. To be honest, this fic has just been sitting in my google docs gathering dust and occasionally getting workshopped for quite some time. I really didn't know what else to post this week, so this one ended up being the lucky fic. As per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ platonic or romantic
Word count: 1154
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I panted slightly. Sliding backwards through the sand but not landing on my butt through sheer willpower and determination. From across the sandy sparring area, found in the shadow of Diasomnia’s dorm, Silver straightened. Ever calm and elegant.
 He didn’t look out of breath or the slightest bit worn out, despite the fact that I was struggling to even halfway keep up with his pace.
Why exactly had I agreed to learn swordplay from Silver? Because he’d certainly done a good job of marketing it. Good enough that I almost wanted to tell Azul he should think about hiring the young man if it wouldn’t bring quite so much trouble to Silver’s doorstep.
Nonetheless, Silver’s reasoning had been strong.
Swordplay would be a means by which I could defend myself and would ensure that I was better prepared for the next overblot, whenever and if another occurred. Additionally, I didn’t have magic and was likely to be taken advantage of. Being able to defend myself would lessen that risk too. 
Silver had also gotten Sebek on the case, who was more than happy to praise the virtues of learning swordplay. Citing it as a way to strengthen character as well as make me more capable.
All of that, plus a longing for something to do outside of Crowley’s many tasks and homework, had led me to this point. Determinedly sparring with Silver yet again, in an effort to beat him at least once.
Of course, before this point, there had been my lengthy training. Malleus and Lilia had both been delighted when I’d showed up asking to be trained, with Lilia even offering to be the one to teach me. 
It hadn’t been very long at all, though, before my prospective teacher had backpedaled out of his offers. And I’d been surprised, until I’d learned that Lilia had done this because Silver had, out of nowhere and to the utter delight of his father, stated that he had been planning on being the one to teach me.
And teach me he had. But Silver was not exactly a kind teacher. He wasn’t cruel by any means; far from it. But he also didn’t take it easy on me. And he pushed me hard. 
I’d come here to learn, and learn I would. My safety was dependent on it. But I was thankful for the way he pushed me. He didn’t coddle me, which was what I wanted. 
But, that said, it didn't make repetitively losing any more enjoyable.
I huffed slightly as Silver shifted, preparing to launch towards me and continue our little joust the moment it became clear that I wasn’t about to tumble over. 
His eyebrows rose at my frustrated expression, his single reaction before he darted forward at what ought to be inhuman speeds. Unfortunately, though, he was simply that fast.
 I’d learned that the hard way.
 Silver would never use magic against me. After all, he was chivalrous and fair, just a bit air-headed at times. However, that meant he only ever used his own innate, albeit trained, capabilities. Even if they seemed vaguely superhuman.
At the very least, I was beginning to understand exactly why Sebek was so frustrated by his seniors' skills. Even though I knew he’d had to train just as hard as anyone else, Silver’s proficiency was definitely kind of annoying.
I dodged to the side and whirled, launching myself at him. Because I knew perfectly well that this was my only chance to get him down. 
His eyes went wide as I collided with him, knocking him off balance and sending us both tumbling towards the hard ground.
And I could hardly believe my luck when his back hit the earth.
He let out a soft grunt just before I landed on top of him, my wooden sword pressing into the ground just next to him. I panted heavily, looking down with slight surprise at the similarly startled young man under me.
As shock wore away, I felt pride set in, and a pleased smile curled across my face, “Ha! I win.” 
I couldn’t help but teasingly gloat a little, and Silver’s wide-eyed surprise was soon replaced by a slight smile. And, for a brief moment, I genuinely believed that his smile was one of pride in the fact that his student finally won their first bout.
 In reality, though, it was anything but.
His hand curled around my wrist, and, with a sudden shove paired with a yank, I had been flipped over and forced onto my back. My wooden sword rolling pitifully away across the ground. 
It was my turn to stare wide-eyed up at the young man who now knelt above me, pale hair hanging around his face as he looked down at me.
 To make matters worse, one of his hands securely held my wrists pinned to the ground over my head, while the other held his wooden sword to my neck. There was no getting out of this one.
“Never proclaim your victory until it is sure.” Ever the teacher, even with that frustratingly charming, if small, smile still on his face.
For a brief second, I just stared up at him, shocked. And then I felt frustration well up within me.
I began to thrash around, attempting to break his grip or knock him off me, one. Neither happened, though.
Instead, Silver remained unmoved, looking down at me with that slight smile still playing on his face. His eyes gave away his amusement, though. Beautiful purple yet blue eyes gleaming down at me with barely concealed humor.
Normally such a sight was impossible to see, but I’d been getting better at reading Silver and his subtle expressions. It wasn’t that he didn’t get amusement from things; it was just that he had to keep himself calm or risk suddenly falling asleep.
I at last stopped, breathing heavily from exertion, and he tilted his head, ever-patient and not the slightest bit condescending, as he calmly questioned me, “Done?”
I huffed out a sigh, letting myself flop against the ground and turning my face away so that I was looking across the training area instead of up at him. Even then, though, I could still see him perfectly through my peripheral vision, “I yield.”
He nodded, his smile briefly reappearing as he shifted, got off me, and stood. He held out one hand, which I silently accepted, letting him pull me to my feet with ease.
He picked up my sword and watched silently as I brushed the sand off my gym uniform. I glanced over at him, waiting for him to speak, and he tilted his head, “Next Tuesday?”
The tell-tale glimmer in his eyes said everything, but I found myself grinning back at him because I would be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying our little sparring sessions, even if he was a beyond frustrating opponent, “You’re on.”
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simplyreveries · 7 months
Hey, if the request are open and that you're okay with angst, can I ask the Diasomnia dorm loving a male or gn!reader that doesn't love them back ? The Reader is aromantic and just can't love.
Ignore it if you don't want to write ! And don't forget to have a good day.
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malleus draconia
he is slightly taken aback when you don't reciprocate his feelings. he tends to understand and interpret things wrongly- i mean, especially coming from humans. he wasn't expecting this, it also is understandably new to him as well. there just may have been a surprise like mentioned, he was a little saddened because when he feels, he feels strongly. but he doesn't actually find himself to really be all that upset about it soon after and understanding you better.
if anything, malleus would be quite content and satisfied if you didn't let his initial feelings get in the way of that. he would find himself just wanting you okay and you to be happy- even if that doesn't mean it's with him in a romantic sense. you've genuinely showed him and treated him with such kindness he thinks you deserve nothing but that as well. he will continue to be with you, even if its platonically.
lilia vanrouge
he never really confessed to you, because he already had some sense of understanding that you'll never reciprocate those feelings. lilia is observant-- so even if you don't mention it to him, he easily picks up on your feelings and generally who you are. never seemed to bring it up though, he only keeps note. now, lilia has lived for several hundred years, he's experienced many kinds of feelings, heartbreaks, and such- so though he does love hard at times he has learned to not take it completely to heart.
lilia would still continue to watch over you and cherish you as a friend and that only. though yes, his feelings may linger in him for a while, he is well aware that the emotions will pass... eventually. it doesn't stop him from hanging out with you, popping up randomly and surprising you at school to talk with you, inviting you to diasomnia for tea. he'll never erase the current relationship the two of you have over his own feelings, you're too dear to him.
he is conflicted, when he first realizes that he is starting to fall for you, it hits him like a brick. he doesn't know how to handle these emotions since he's never had much of the opportunity to experience them. you're his friend, who he can't help but feel enamored by. silver always seem to have this troubled look on his face more and more as time goes on. he notices that you probably wouldn't feel the same way, it wasn't until you offhandedly mention something about it him in conversation. you two are close, so it felt natural to.
it was then he fully understood, so he never confessed to you. he would silently nod and listen as you talked. he keeps it to himself- even if he can't be with you like that, he wants to be by your side still. you're a good soul and he'll seem to never shake off the feelings of protectiveness over someone like you. he's more than willing to stay by you, even as a friend.
sebek zigvolt
when it comes to sebek dealing with his growing feelings for you, you either can tell it from a mile away or think he hates you from his mixed signals. when he confesses to you, its abrupt and loud out of his own nervousness, that eventually turns into uncharacteristically quiet and quieter. when you deny his feelings, he doesn't understand, only because at first, he interpreted it as you genuinely not liking who he is. that is until you begin to carefully explain why not.
sebek just like the rest of diasomnia, will still want some sort of friendship with you. though, it does take him a while to go through the feelings of rejection and handling these things- he doesn't want to let you go. he is a knight; he always has a sense of dedication.
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Hey Hey~ just wanted to say I love your blog!! Please keep it up 💖💖 I just wanted to ask, how many children would the Diasomnia bois have with their s/o. I saw you did one for Savanclaw. Please and thank you!!
Lilia Vanrouge:
How many children Lilia has is highly dependent on if you really want to have one yourself or not. He would prefer to not have any of his own, he was more into the adopting wayward children who really needed him business, and he had a fulfilling life raising a few other children already. But he could never deny you your happiness and he wouldn’t be a bad father, quite the contrary considering all the experience he already had.
Malleus Draconia:
Malleus has one child, a son. He was raised as a successor from the very start, expectations thrust upon him since birth that he had never asked for. It’s a stressful way to live but he was also surrounded by endless love, Malleus’ body guards and his own ragtag bunch of friends (that are pretty much considered family). They can have a complicated relationship later on as every Draconia has to go through an angsty period of coming to terms with living longer than all those around them, but with their father having some experience with that specific type of grief, his son has an easier time dealing with it.
Sebek Zigvolt:
Sebek has a legacy to carry on, taking great pride in serving under Malleus and wanting his child to feel the same. He has a son that has the same serious demeanor to him, almost appearing as mini-me. Sebek was strict with him while growing up as he knew there were many stressful situations that he’d have to be put in to be a good bodyguard, but he’s actually quite spoiled by Malleus whenever Sebek isn’t looking. His son also has a deep respect for his fathers strength in morals.
Silver hadn't thought about it much but he thinks he'd like that normal fairytale family. One boy, one girl, living together out in a cottage with a peaceful life. He doesn't know why such an image brings this overwhelming sadness and longing to him but when he finally receives it, he realized the stability helped him feel more at ease. He went through a great deal when losing his father figure but he assured he was never forgotten, surprised by the shocked look on his childrens faces when he recalls all the things he once went through as a child raised by a fae.
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acey-wacey · 2 years
Hello (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) congratulations on hitting 1000 followers I'm sure you'll continue to grow even bigger in the future (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
Here's my request: can I get strawberry+ Lilia
Thank you and have a great week (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Pairing - Lilia Vanrouge x Reader
Prompt - "Sevens, that was kinda hot."
Notes - it is implied that the reader is also older than they look.
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That's what Kalim had said the day before to convince you to come to his concert for the pop music club.
"Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun! Pleeeeaaase?"
An average person wouldn't need to be badgered into seeing one of their best friends perform, but you were no average person and you had a very stupid good reason for not wanting to go.
Lilia Vanrouge had been the bane of your existence for a long time.
Long before you had enrolled at Night Raven College, the "young" boy had pestered you, scared you, and teased you to his hearts content. You couldn't help from feeling like he was using you as a plaything to pass the time. You couldn't exactly blame him. Ancient beings need a way to stay entertained but you hated being on the receiving end of immortal antics.
You hadn't always hated Lilia, of course. You actually thought he was really cute when you first met him but you soon realized that he manipulated people with the cutesy kid facade and it rubbed you the wrong way.
It made it hard to be such good friends with Malleus when you despised his vice dorm leader with a burning passion, especially since all of Diasomnia loved you. Even Sebek (begrudgingly) accepted you as his master's companion and granted you permission to stay by his side.
Since you spent so much time in the Diasomnia dorm, you saw much more of Lilia than you would've liked. Out of pure proximity, you saw a whole different side of the mischievous fae. It felt like he had a nicer twin brother, one that only teased out of love and cared for the dorm members like his children.
The moment your perception of the boyish fae changed for good was when you had lost track of time and stayed at the Diasomnia dorm rather late. Silver had fallen asleep on your lap and you couldn't leave now without waking the boy.
"Someone's gotten quite comfortable," Lilia had said, whispering fondly from the doorway, somehow startling you more than his usual scare tactics. He draped a blanket over Silver's sleeping form before kissing his forehead gently. "Goodnight, little prince."
As he left, he noticed your eyes on him and turned around just to smile.
"Sleep tight, Y/N."
It was such a oddly domestic moment, with Silver resting on your lap like a child. You'd never thought much of Lilia except that he was annoying until you saw how he treated Silver so tenderly.
Ever since then, you'd avoided Lilia and the whole dorm by extension like they all had contracted the plague, not trusting yourself to be around him without having some life-changing revelation that you weren't ready for. Night walks with Malleus were the only exception, lest he get pouty and you suffer the rage of his guard dog (Sebek).
But tonight, you had been compelled by Kalim to go to the pop music club concert where you knew you couldn't avoid seeing Lilia. It wasn't your fault that the Scarabia dorm leader had his puppy dog eyes down to a T.
"It'll be fine," you thought, taking a deep breath as you hovered outside the cafeteria door. You could already hear the crowd clamoring inside the makeshift auditorium. "I'll just say hi to Kalim after and then be gone. Lilia won't even know I'm there."
You said one final affirmation and stepped inside.
The cafeteria looked completely unrecognizable. You whistled quietly as you admired the satin streamers on the wall, no doubt courtesy of Kalim's wallet. It looked like it was decorated for a middle school dance, though what else you expected from three of the school's pluckiest upperclassmen was a real mystery.
Since you were still pretty early, you managed to cop a spot right near the stage. You chose to linger more toward the wall so you wouldn't get crushed in the mosh of people but the stage was right in your line of sight.
After a while, the stage lit up with spotlights, revealing the very boys you were just thinking about. The crowd screamed as they caught sight of the band all had been anticipating.
Kalim was spinning his drumstick and beaming in his black beanie and flannel. You rolled your eyes, remembering the long nights you and Jamil had spent trying to teach him how to do that trick.
You watched as Cater posed for the many cameras aimed at him. Somewhere in the crowd, you knew Trey had been roped into recording the whole concert on Cater's phone to get some good shots.
And center stage was the very person you had dreaded seeing. Though you had to admit that the ripped jeans and slicked back hair suited Lilia's aesthetic very well, you couldn't help from scoffing as he winked at the crowd.
The music started up and you tapped your foot to the beat, allowing yourself a smile when Kalim grinned widely at the crowd.
~Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together~
You fought the urge to roll your eyes as you recognized the song. Of course Lilia would be the lead singer for a Paramore song.
~I need the other one to hold you, make you feel, make you feel better~
The crowd sang along and you spotted more than a few phones held high above the crowd to capture the band.
~It's not a walk in the park to love each other~
"Has his voice always been this nice?" You cursed yourself for blushing, grateful for the cramped environment to blame it on. You slapped yourself in the face, refusing to let Lilia ruin your day without even trying.
~But when our fingers interlock can't deny, can't deny you're worth it~
Lilia winked at the crowd, causing a wave of shrieks from fangirls you didn't even know existed until that night. Knowing Lilia, he tended to attract people wherever he went like moths to a flame. Maybe it was a fae thing.
~Cuz after all this time, I'm still into you~
You were snapped away from your thoughts when you realized the singer was looking into the crowd with a smile that seemed more sincere than his usual smirks. The moment lasted far too short but some part of you knew he was looking right at you.
Before you could react, he ran a hand through his hair and started belting the chorus.
~I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you, I'm into you~
You absentmindedly brought a hand to your cheeks, covering the blush you knew was present. You tried to convince yourself that the quickness of your breathing was due to the heat of the room but Lilia kept stealing glances at you from the stage, making your traitor heart flutter.
Eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. You pushed your way towards the back of the cafeteria, apologizing to everyone you passed, and ran into the hallway.
You plopped down on one of the benches and leaned back against the wall. You huffed as you remembered the expression on Lilia's face as he looked at you. Since you were out of the cafeteria, you couldn't pretend it was just the heat of the moment anymore.
"Sevens, that was really hot."
"What was?"
You almost screamed as you spotted the mop of white hair on the floor next to you.
"Oh, Silver, it's just you. What are you doing on the floor?"
He groaned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
You laughed at his simple logic and patted your lap, gesturing for him to rest his head on something more comfortable than hard polished marble.
He laid down on your lap and yawned while you started combing through his matted hair.
"Are you here for Lilia?" you asked, curious as the why the narcoleptic would be seen anywhere near a rock concert.
He only offered a hum in confirmation.
"I just want to see Kalim perform and then get out of here," you lamented your worries. Silver was a surprisingly good listener when he wanted to be. "This isn't really my scene."
"Why have you been avoiding us?" Silver mumbled, making you perk up. You didn't think him or any of the others had noticed the distance you'd forced. "Did Fa- Lilia say something mean? Because if he offended you, he didn't mean it."
"No, no, it's nothing like that," you chuckled. If Lilia could've offended you, you would've stopped coming to the Diasomnia dorm a long time ago. "I've just... been busy."
"Did you finally realize he's in love with you?"
You straightened. Now that was something you never expected to hear.
"Who do you mean?" You knew the answer but you were praying you were wrong.
"Lilia, obviously," Silver said through a yawn and nuzzled your hand, gesturing for you to keep running your fingers through his hair. You were in a complete daze as you processed the words Silver just told you.
"He... Is in love with me?"
"He's not very subtle about it."
You scoffed and inhaled loudly, ready to prove Silver wrong about everything.
"First of all, if he loves me, why is he such a b-tch to me all the time? He's not a child. If he loved me, he would act like it."
"You overestimate him."
"Hush, I'm spiraling. Second, have you met him? You're right that he isn't subtle. If were in love with me, I would've noticed. Plus Malleus would've told me by now."
"All due respect to my master, but he's just as clueless as you are."
"And third, WHAT?! I don't need this right now! I was supposed to distance myself from Lilia until I went back to hating him and stopped having stupid little domestic fantasies."
"Can you cook?"
You paused your thought process to look at Silver incredulously.
"Yes, I went to culinary school at one point, if I remember correctly. Why?" you answered dubiously. Silver just shrugged and curled into himself more.
"You and Father are perfect for each other. We need at least one parent who can cook without burning the kitchen down."
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merakiui · 1 year
He's a thought. Crowley is terrible at providing for MC. Everyone in the school practically knows this. So imagine if Crowley calls MC to his office one day and tell them they'll be staying with (insert character) from now on. Turns out the guy bought mc and they don't plan on mc ever leaving them.
I know you'll use mostly talk about octotrio. But I also like to imagine Malleus doing the same thing. Especially since you're his first friend
Oh, that's a good idea!!!!! :0
Riddle buys you with completely innocent intentions in mind. At first it's so that you won't have to be poorly provided for by that not-so-accommodating Headmage. He's cleared a room in Heartslabyul for you and Grim and as long as you adhere to the Queen's rules and follow dorm policies you will be granted a comfortable stay. Riddle is merely looking out for you. Besides, your education shouldn't have to be compromised because of poor living conditions! Of course, in the eyes of everyone else, Riddle's intentions aren't viewed in that way. Ace and Cater tease him about it until he's red in the face and scowling, insisting it's for your own good and not because of any other inappropriate reasons.
Ruggie buys you on a whim with Leona's money. He could use extra help around the dorm and Leona, though he complains, can't say much if you prove to be useful. That, and how else was Ruggie going to have you to himself? With so many spoiled silver spoons here, it would have been impossible to even think about purchasing you. Crowley talks a high price, but with Leona's wallet anything's possible. :) and you'll be good to keep around when breeding season befalls Savanaclaw.
You're an impulse buy for Kalim. He buys you because he wants to give you a better living space and lots of good food. You can't get that in Ramshackle, and so he thinks it would be best if you could live in Scarabia with him (in his room, naturally)! And Crowley could never turn down a monetary offer from an Asim! You're treated more like a pet than a person, with Kalim spoiling you with pretty outfits, delicious meals (all prepared by Jamil), and anything else you could ever want. The leash is invisible, but you know Kalim holds it when he treats you as if you're royalty, bound to him because he bought you at an insane price. It's dehumanizing to know that, but at least he's sweet to you.
By pooling their funds together, Ace, Deuce, Epel, Sebek, and Jack were able to buy you! And they all have completely different reasons for cooperating. Ace thinks it'll be fun to own you and have his own private darling who'll have no choice but to listen to him because he's the one who bought you. Ever the tease... T_T Deuce just wants you to have a better living arrangement. He wants to do his best to provide for you! Sometimes it feels like he's your husband... Epel is also in a somewhat similar category as Ace; he just wants to know what it's like to hold the reins and not be doted on for once. Now he can do that to you instead. >:) Sebek only did it because Silver mentioned he wanted to save you from the poor conditions in Ramshackle, and Sebek can't let him outdo him like that!!!! Jack is honest and pure; he wants you to have a comfortable school life, even if it's dangerous if you live with him in Savanaclaw. The guys there can get rough, but he'll protect you. <3
Ortho buys you with the intention of giving Idia a friend! :D Idia nearly faints when Ortho brings you back to Ignihyde, claiming he paid the Headmage so that Idia could look after you forever. Idia's a nervous mess around you. He's not used to sharing a space with someone other than Ortho, and you're just so...nice and wonderful and sweet and cute and wow he's down horrendously bad. >_<
Either Lilia buys you for Malleus or Malleus makes the decision on a whim after you mention how difficult it is to keep Ramshackle in good shape. He could just repair it with magic, but then what if you just stayed with him instead? That would be better, would it not? In Diasomnia, you would be most comfortable. Malleus is sure of this, and he spares no expense ensuring you'll be content living with him. Of course this also means you'll follow him back to Briar Valley after he graduates. You're his first friend and soon you'll be his first (and only) lover.
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