#so imagine having a kid with someone who thinks like this… I’m sure they aren’t black 😭
tariah23 · 6 months
He apparently has 2 kids with 2 different women and doesn't take care of either of them
Women, I will protect you-
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#a damn shame… I’d expect nothing less from someone with those ideologies though#they shame women for having children and not ‘settling’ with these men who treat them like garbage#because for them it’s not REALLY about the women themselves it’s about a woman having the audacity to leave them#so they talk down on them for having kids and not being married while these same dudes would have like 20 other kids who they don’t even#know exist and will still think that they’re a good personsjjsj#the patriarchy has these negros and just men in general cooked#they wield it the same way white ppl use their whiteness to get ahead and punch down on black and brown ppl#and when it comes to black men…. I have sm to say but I don’t even feel like getting into it dkkssjm#they want all of the perks white men have and treat BW like diarrhea for free though#then when race is brought up with how they treat nb women vs black women they bash them#but whenever white women and nb ppl confront them about how they treat BM it’s crickets#or when other prominent bm actually challenge their misogynoir#they literally have nothing to say back other than ‘BM got attitude problems and they’re MEAN to us 🤕-‘#skksksk#so imagine having a kid with someone who thinks like this… I’m sure they aren’t black 😭#if this is all true about this loser than I think he has more important things to think about than getting on tik tok to bash women for not#being in a relationship and having kids 😭…. weirdo#tkf replies#spaceshipsandpurpledrank#dr umar is…. a lot of things lmfao but I still like those videos of him getting in the asses is other black men with Kevin samuels brainrot#at least the nigga is hilarious
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ofc-vi-writes-too · 2 months
so all ive been able to think about is gotham for the past several days, and more specifically how gothamite culture has to be SO drastically different and jarring to literally anywhere else in the world. Like even other super cities like metropolis, or central city, or wherever else are at least KINDA normal. Like yea u have superman or wonderwoman or the flash but they dont really have to deal with the same level of bs as Gotham.
That being said here are a list of things that I think are extremely normal to Gotham, and other things that happen in thay horrible little city:
• the episode of Hot Ones with Brucie Wayne where no one thinks he’ll even be able to stand the 2nd or 3rd wing but he eats all of them with no reaction, and Sean Evans (or the in universe equivalent) just sits there like “wow no one has ever had literally no reaction before this is really crazy, and Bruce Wayne of all people?” Afterwards Bruce has second thoughts and realizes that maybe he should have played up his reaction to the spice a bit more. People Inside of Gotham are a little shocked because everytime he eats in public it is the most boring, bland, flavorless food imaginable. (he handled the spice so well because Batman is ready for all potential threats and forms of torture. Ridiculous levels of spice included)
• Gotham schools offer courses in self defense. In some school districts its actually mandatory, thats usually in old gotham or downtown gotham. In more affluent areas, self defense is still taught in schools, but most kids are sent to some ritzy trainer to make sure they can defend themselves.
• No one even blinks when theres a new vigilante by the time Damian comes around. Theres still a little buzz but by the time Duke shows up, people are like “Oh cool another one. HEY BRO WHATS YOUR NAME.” I saw someone post here about how when the Wayne kids get mad at Bruce, they go to Selina and make public appearances as Stray, Catwomans sidekick. I personally believe that Tim was the first one to do it but Dick does it the most, and gothamites didnt even need to get used to Stray showing up sometimes, nor did people really care that Stray was always wildly different heights, shapes, colors, etc. the additude is kinda like “I have taxes and job security to worry about. If a new vigilante is what were doing then so be it.”
• People tend to think that Gothamites aren’t smart, but that city is home to the Richest, smartest, most creative people alive. They mostly just lack morals. Like Dr. Freeze, Harley Quinn, hell even The Riddler are all insanely intelligent. Half of Gothams Villains have at minimum 2 Doctorates in something or other. Gotham generates a lot of cash as a whole, and small businesses thrive there. They have high employment rates, and most citizens have their associates despite everything happening around them. People who have never been to Gotham before expect to have to talk down to the citizens but Gothamites just kinda roll their eyes at them and carry on about their merriment.
• Gothamites CONSTANTLY says “because I’m Batman” when they don’t want to explain themselves. Kids hear it a lot from parents and they also get “If you don’t go to sleep, Condiment Man i gonna come and cover you in stinky relish.” Because truly what else is condiment man good for.
• Gothamites who work at BatBurger and typically work the night shift are used to visits from Batman, Robin, Red Hood, Cat Woman, Harley Quinn, etc. Sometimes they remember the workers and ask about their family, and how life is, and other things like that. Theres some barely 18 y/o who just graduated high school who worls at Bat Burger, and asked Red Hood to help him impress his gf by saying theyre friends. He like fuck it why not and tells the gf that the kid helped him save an old lady’s cat in a tree and now theyre bffs. She totally believes it. Score.
• I see the Gotham thinks Batman is Bruce Wayne’s boyfriend theories and raise you: Its pretty common knowledge that Bruce Wayne is Batman, just no one has the heart to tell him. Also theyre scared he will quit if anyone brings it up. So from this Gothamites created the joke that BW and batman are dating and when asked about it in an interview, dick grayson is like “……yes! My adoptive father is dating the guy who dressed up like a bat every night…!”
• this cuased and arguement between Bruce and Dick because no! Bruce isnt dating Batman! (stray was seen again that week) HE IS BATMAN! But fuck now the public thinks theyre a couple so now bruce gets asked about it and hes like “haha yes my spooky bat bf is who i love very dearly!” As punishment He makes Dick bring him flowers in the batsuit because “as far as he is concerned, this is his shithead son’s fault.” Thats a direct quote btw. Little does he know this somehow ties back to Tim Drake before they met.
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phantom-0-writer · 1 year
prompt 01: gotham academy's mentorship program
“Mr. Wayne, thank you so much for finding the time to meet with me.” Principal Carson, someone Bruce, became more and more familiar with as the years passed, welcomed him into his office. 
“I hope my children aren’t causing you too much trouble, Mr. Carson.” Bruce chuckled lightly, sitting in the guest seat. 
“After your generous donations to the school, I would find that difficult to believe.” Mr. Carson laughed conversationally, before getting right to business. “Actually, the reason I wanted to meet with you in person rather than over the phone despite, I’m sure, your busy schedule was to discuss Damian.” 
Damian had come to the Manor about a year and a half ago, and had been attending Gotham Academy for almost 9 months. Bruce had hoped that going to school with other kids his age would help Damian become more sociable and learn about larger society outside of the Bat, Birds, and League, but that was proving to be difficult considering the almost regular calls Alfred received from the school about Damian’s behavior or actions. 
Bruce couldn’t help the weary sigh that escaped him, “I assure you Principal Carson, we-” 
“I think you're misunderstanding, Mr. Wayne. Damian is not in any kind of trouble.” Mr. Carson reassured, “Well, for now that is.” He chuckled dryly. 
“Ah.” Bruce nodded, letting his airhead persona take the lead, while still showing that he was paying careful attention. 
“In the last few years, Gotham Academy started a mentorship program, where the younger kids usually between the grades of 5-8 can get mentored by their seniors. Damian is a brilliant child, concerningly so I believe. His peers often can’t keep up with him in terms of academics, but he lags far behind them in social skills. I think Damian would benefit from the mentorship program, where he can have someone who can truly keep up with him intellectually as well as guide him socially.” Mr. Carson explained. 
Bruce considered this, letting the idea turn over in his mind. Perhaps this is what Damian would need. “You sound like you have someone in mind.” 
“I believe the best candidate for the job would be Daniel Fenton.” Mr. Carson handed him the student profile. “He’s here on a Wayne Scholarship, which he’s held for the past year. Mr. Fenton is currently in the 11th grade, his chosen career path is astrophysics, which he plans to pursue into college. His grades are outstanding despite his difficult classes, and his professors all share the same sentiment that Mr. Fenton holds one of the greatest minds in the Academy. He shares many of the same classes with Tim as well. He has a friendly personality and gets along well with most people, pretty athletically inclined as well. All around Mr. Fenton is what Gotham Academy hopes our student to be.” 
Bruce looked over the profile in his hand. Daniel James Fenton seemed like an outstanding student. Perhaps it was time to put him to the test with Damian Wayne. 
When Danny had been called to the office, because apparently they had assigned him a mentee, he had been expecting the worst. All the scholarship students had to sign up for the mentorship program to be on standby if a mentee ever applied. All the other scholarship kids had said it was just a formality and that none of them ever got called for it. But classic Fenton Luck. 
When Danny walked into Principal Carson’s office he was prepared to be faces with some snot-nosed brat who wouldn’t know how to take no for an answer and didn’t care about classes because they would just inherit their parents big shot company was what he was expecting. 
So imagine his surprise when he walks into a room to a liminal kid, probably around 12, who looks like he wants to be there as much as Danny does. Danny takes one look at the kid who’s trying to project himself as angry and menacing, but Danny could easily read the kid's true emotions of nervous-scared-anxious thanks to their shared less-alive-than-one-would-expect status. 
“Daniel, welcome. This is Damian Wayne. He’ll be your new mentee from now on.” Mr. Carson smiled kindly, gesturing for Danny to sit down. The liminal kid - Damian - scowled at him, projecting irritation. But all Danny could feel off of him was nervousness.
Danny was screwed, wasn’t he?
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
Can I request a fic where Ellie and Joel are traveling to Wyoming but before leaving they go to a store to pick up supplies
And Ellie asks why they are there and he’s like “I have to stock up for my family “ ( cause he left for supplies “ and she’s in shock he has a family but when they get there, they notice that the house has been raided and there are dead raiders in the house
So Joel starts to freak out and can’t find his wife and kid but then ellie finds them in a hidden shed
And when Joel rushes to them, he’s worried about the blood on her but then she’s like “ it’s not mine”
Sorry for it being so long , and it’s totally fine if you do not want to write it :}
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A Mothers Strength
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader.
Summary: you and your baby aren’t where Joel left you, instead there is a trail of blood and two bodies he doesn’t recognise.
Word Count: 3.1k
Content Warning: typical tlou violence, reader bashes someone’s brains in, (out) Joel has a mild panic attack.
Note: I’m gonna make this so angsty lol. Thanks for the request I love you anon 🫶🏼🥰 this is one of my new faves!!!!
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If there’s one thing Joel taught you; it’s not to panic, to think rationally and do what you have to do to protect yourself; to make sure you were the one that survived, no matter what that entailed. Joel was gone, he had gone to do one last trip to the Boston QZ, he had gone to trade some pills and alcohol for a car battery, he had found a truck a while back but the battery was busted, he claimed Tess knew someone who had one, he hated leaving you, and your 6 month old daughter. But he knew if you had a car, it would ensure safety compared to travelling on foot. That was 5 days ago, it wasn’t unlikely that something had happened, trading in itself was a danger that set you on edge, let alone travelling by himself back and forth with one measly gun and a whole city worth of infected, however many were out there, you would imagine it’s a lot. You had to learn to fight while you were pregnant, you couldn’t be in the Boston QZ and be pregnant, they wouldn’t allow it. Joel helped you escape and you’d been travelling since, looking for a safe haven and trying to find Joel’s brother Tommy. You’d learned you were capable throughout your pregnancy at taking out infected. Very capable.
Unlike Joel however, you had never had to face up against something even worse, other people. Joel had told you stories of when the infection first began, the things he did, the things he and Tommy did to survive, it was essential, survival of the fittest and you had never reprimanded or judged him for it once. Now you were finding yourself in a situation where you would have to find yourself in Joel’s shoes, you would have to find the strength to take lives of people if necessary, to protect you and your daughter. Joel had boarded up the windows and doors before he left, which apparently only made the raiders more suspicious, their murmurs outside becoming louder and more aggressive as they tear down the planks of wood, two voices of men can be heard. You load your gun quietly and hold it to your chest, your uneven breathing causing you to shudder through your nose as you purse your lips. You take one last look at your sleeping daughter in her small hand-woven basket, blue blankets keeping her warm as they wrap around her. “I love you, so much.” Worried you’d never get another chance to tell her again. You slide the basket under the bed out of sight.
“Hey, did you hear that, there’s movement in there. We’ve got company.” One man laughed as their voices became clearer you realised the protection Joel had set had been torn down; it was up to you now, to protect your family. “What if it’s an infected man?” The other man voices reluctantly as they turn the knob and swing the door open. You tiptoe behind the door, hoping that your daughter would stay quite long enough for you to eradicate the intruders. You held your breath as the door opened and you shot the first man in the head, his body dropped to the floor with a thud, the blood seeping through the cracks of the old wooden floors. The gunshot had rung through the room, you could hear the muffled sound of your daughter crying, her wailing drew the attention of the second man who had just growled, “fucking bitch!” As he charged towards you, he had tackled you to the ground, overpowering you easily as he knocked the gun from your hands, he’s heaving from the struggle, his gun pointed at your head once he’s got you still enough. “Gunna fucking kill you then that annoying fuckin kid.” Adrenaline kicked in at the thought of something happening to your daughter, you struggle underneath him and grunt, bringing your knee up to his crotch which he groans at, “you fucking whore, gonna make you pay for that!” He’s holding the crotch of his jeans when you find a baseball bat hidden in the corner that you’d stashed days ago for an emergency in case you’d run out of bullets, you hurry back wards and grab the bat, standing to your feet and before the man can react, you bring the bat down onto his head, he falls to the ground holding the back of his head to try and protect himself from the blows.
You’re seeing red, yelling over the top of your screaming daughter, rage overcoming you as you repeatedly bring the bat down over and over again. You only stop when your arms begin to ache with a weakness that makes you drop the bat, his brain and blood is coating the floor in a slick that you almost slip on as you step over him. You bend down and reach for your daughter, taking her out of the basket, shushing her, “shh, I know baby, it’s okay. Mama’s got you.” Rocking her back and forth until she calms down. You set her back in the basket once she’s settled, you begin to rip up the floorboards in which have your supplies hidden beneath them. “Well, we can’t stay here now can we?” You tell yourself. You pack your bag full of the supplies, food and batteries weigh the bag down heavily on your shoulders, let alone trying to carry your baby in her wooden basket that’s heavy enough without a baby in it. With one hand, you somehow manage to pick up your gun, turn the safety off and stick it in the back of your jeans. You have to walk over the two dead bodies that have begun decomposing, you couldn’t stay here, not with the smell and mess to clean.
“Alright little one. Let’s find somewhere safe to stay till your dad comes back, huh?” As you take your first step out of the house that was meant to protect you; you wonder if you’ll be able to find somewhere safe, if Joel will be able to find you. You just had to hope he would.
“My pack is heavy Joel, can’t we rest?” Ellie grunts in discomfort as she shuffles the heavy backpack in an attempt to try to get it to sit more comfortably, it doesn’t.
“We ain’t stoppin’ till I say. Ain’t got long left to go so stop complaining.” Joel’s fast on his feet, even though the sun is baring down on him without mercy, he’s sweating in his long jeans and blue flannel shirt that’s well outworn and a size too small, his stomach less toned than it used to be, it was a ‘dad bod’ as you had called it, the sleeves are rolled to his elbows. The skin of his face, the back of his neck and arms are well golden now, after hours of travelling in the sun, the damage had been done and his skin was already tanned, he would have to invest in a hat, like you’d always scolded him about, was was sure you would again, after seeing how burnt he was.
“Ain’t got long now, just a few minutes up the road.” Joel clarifies, they walk along the empty tar road, the green grass is long overgrown, well over a foot taller than Joel, his eyes scan the area for raiders as he knows from past experience that they like to lurk in the tall grass and try to ambush you. It happened one time in this area and he hoped you’d never have to protect yourself like how he has, or does. “What are we doing here?” Ellie asks as Joel’s body had subconsciously led him to the small dirt pathway that led to an old house, the paint was faded green and peeling from the wood that seemed to be rotting. “My family are here. Had to trade something before we left for Wyoming.” For the first time ever, Ellie was speechless, Joel had a family? “What’s their names?” It didn’t take Joel long to notice two sets of footsteps, large, around the same size as his own in a boot print, he knew it wouldn’t be infected, it had to be raiders. “Quiet, get behind me.” Joel growls as he reaches for his gun from the back of his jeans, pushing Ellie behind him with the other arm, he walks forward and sees the wooden planks he’d hammered to keep the building closed, were now on the ground, some snapped in half, the front door was open and the silence was eerily quiet, Joel didn’t like the ache that formed in his stomach, the guilt, the fear.
“Fuck.” He breaths, pushing forward with his gun in front of him, the first floorboard he steps over, because he knows it creaks, “stay here. You hear me? Do not come in here.” Ellie nods, seeing the colour falling from Joel’s face and his orbs are blackened, his exterior is hardened and he’s never seen Joel look so fierce, she almost cant recognise the man in front of her, compared to who he was only a few seconds ago. Joel pushed forward, the dining room was clear, everything seemed to be in place which was odd, as he walks through the hallway he checks the first bedroom which is clear, again seemed untouched which he thought was weird, if it was raiders, why didn’t they raid the house? The boards along the windows had all been torn down, the windows open wide and giving the outside world a look into the house. His heart hammered in his chest as he approaches the bedroom door, where he left you, told you it would be okay, that you would be safe. He almost can’t find the will to turn the knob, scared of what lies inside the room.
When he turns the knob, he’s not expected to be hit with a stench so foul he’s taking a few steps back, he almost pulls his shirt over his nose just to try to mask it, he pulls out a bandana and secures it around the back of his neck, giving him some relief from the smell, but not much, it was a stench he knew too well; decomposition. His body is shaking as he bursts through the door, expecting to find his wife and infant daughter, he finds two bodies he can’t recognise, one with a single bullet wound to the head, the other.. was probably the cause of the smell. His brains were splattered along the floor and upside of the wall, blood was stained and now black as it leaks through the already damaged floorboards, your baseball bat sits a few feet away with a huge chip out of the wood, a giant crack through the middle and brain matter and blood splattered up to the handle. He almost lets a breath of relief escape him, seeing the floorboards pulled up and supplies all gone he can almost conclude that you survived and escaped with the supplies, but where were you? Where was your daughter?
“God damn it where are you darlin’?” He says to himself. When Ellie calls out to him. “Joel! Joel? I think you should see this.” Joel steps over the bodies and closes the door, leaving the bat behind. He meets Ellie at the front door and follows her concerned eyes to a shed about half a mile away from the house, a light shimmering from inside the shed caught their attention. “Get out your gun.” Joel instructs coldly. Ellie doesn’t ask about his family, although she can piece the puzzle together, there was something in there that Joel won’t talk about. Could it have been? She doesn’t want to ask.
“Keep up kid.” Joel quickens his pace to a jog and Ellie stays beside the man, she suddenly forgets how heavy her pack is, and Joel ignores the way the battery digs into his back as he runs; but he’s frantic now, wondering what’s happened to you. He can’t, he refuses to lose you and your baby after all he’s been through since this shitstorm started. The gravel crunches underneath their boots as they run towards the shed, the light shutting off when they get within 50 yards. Someone is definitely occupying this shed.
“Stay behind me, got it?” Ellie only nods, she starts to panic at the thought of approaching this shed, she knew nothing good could come of it, seeing the look on Joel’s face scared her. What the fuck was in that house?
You hear it before you see it, the crunching and shuffling of someone coming in your direction, you had to cut your baby feeding off your breast short, lying her down and rocking her basket for a few seconds so she’d settle and quiet down. You pick up your gun that’s set on the work bench beside you and try to peek through the small hole in the wood, to add to your terrible day- two blurred figures ran towards the shed, arms outstretched which you figured must be guns. Fuck. You look back towards your fussing baby with tears in your eyes, maybe your luck has run out. You weren’t going down without a fight. Your adrenaline was still at a high from the fight before, your body still aching but prepared to gauge out eyeballs if that’s what it took to protect your daughter. Where in the world was Joel? The shed door creaks open, it’s a decent sized shed, although you knew there were only so many places you could hide. You heard a voice, a female, she sounded young, but you can’t underestimate anyone these days, anyone and everyone is a threat. You shimmy your daughters basket under the work bench, where you’d pulled a blanket over it to give her a better chance of not being seen.
You creep behind the work benches, hearing their footsteps you can calculate where they are, you’re going in blind, you don’t know how many people they could have hiding around the area, and that’s what worries you. You see a spanned on the ground and throw it, it lands about 8 metres in front of you and it catches their attention. “Did you hear that?” The girl says, her footsteps are fast and then stop. You hear hushed whispering of a man, but you can’t hear what they’re saying. It’s quiet now, they’ve gone opposite ways around you to try and box you in, one is heading straight for the direction of your daughter, by the heavier footsteps you’re assuming it’s the man’s
Fuck it.
You rush back to your daughter, knocking over some things in the process that gain the attention of the two people, you’re sitting in front of your daughter, the cloth barely holding up, you sit with your gun in front of you, your body aching and you weren’t sure if you’d make it this time. You see the girl first, she’s holding a gun towards you and she’s scared, she doesn’t shoot. It’s obvious she’s never held a gun before and you don’t want to shoot a child. “There’s someone over here, she has a gun.” She says in a panicked state, the man comes running over from behind you, seeing you covered in blood and arms shaking, his eyes are scanning and he can’t see your daughter. “Put the gun down,” he warns the young girl, he approaches you, puts his hand over your gun and lowers it. “It’s me darlin, it’s just me. Where is she? You’re covered in blood.” The panic in his eyes and voice is evident, his body tense as he kneels down to you. You don’t say anything, you just pull down the cloth that’s behind you, exposing your fussing daughter in her basket, in the same blue blanket Joel had wrapped her in a few days ago.
“S not mine, the blood.” You’re trembling as you feel the adrenaline leave your body, you were exhausted, eyeing the young girl that was standing there awkwardly. Joel picks up your daughter, rocking her with tears in his eyes, “hi baby girl. It’s your dad, I’m so sorry I left you behind, promise I won’t ever leave you again.” Joel turns to you, “cmon darlin’, we gotta get you up.” Joel helps you up, you stand on wobbling feet like a newborn foel. He sends you a concerned look and you turn away, “I’m fine.” You lie, he notices but doesn’t protest, he’d get to the bottom of it later.
“This is Ellie, she’s comin with us. Ellie this is my wife and daughter.” The girl awkwardly waves and you mutter, “hey, sorry bout the gun kid.” She shrugs, “no big deal. You seem like you’ve had a worse day than mine.” You just shrug in respond, not wanting to talk about it.
Joel makes quick work of putting the new battery in the truck and it starts, having half a tank of fuel your luck is beginning to change. You pack the supplies into the car and Joel begins to drive, it doesn’t take Ellie long to fall asleep in the backseat. Joel’s hand rests on your leg, trying to offer some comfort. “We don’t have to talk about it, jus know I’m here for you.” You look away as you start crying, tears just fall one after another. “Said he was gonna hurt our baby, I just lost it Joel, I blacked out I just- I had to protect her. I don’t even feel guilty, that’s the worst part. I took a life so brutally and I don’t even feel bad about it.” You look to Joel and his eyes are soft, the wrinkles on his head are prominent as he frowns softly. “You did what you had to do darlin’. You kept our family safe. He was a bad man, he got what was comin’ to him. You don’t ever feel bad for protecting your family. You won’t ever have to do it again. I ain’t ever leavin’ you two again, I promise you.” Joel’s own eyes start to blur as tears fell from them, from fear and relief. “Joel?” Your voice is quiet as he looks to you, “are you okay?” He sighs, trying to even his breathing. “I saw the windows and the door open and I just thought the worst, then I smelt the blood and I was terrified that I was goin to find you and-“ he chokes up, unable to finish the sentence, he thought he would find you and your daughter dead. “We’re okay Joel. I fought, just like you taught me to.”
“An now I’m never gonna leave again, can’t risk losing you two, not after everything.” “I know Joel, I believe you.” There’s a moments silence between you when you notice how burnt he is. “You’re sunburnt.” You deadpan, unamused. Joel looks bashful as he rubs the back of his sunburnt neck, “I know. Promise I’ll get a hat soon.”
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fumifooms · 4 months
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Wait one darn diggity second what’s this about unmarried half-foot women being embarrassing for the family, what’s this about being unmarried as a half-foot being "different [worse than] for other races". Maybe Flertom and Puckpatti’s intensity about finding a husband is the norm, maybe Meijack, despite Chilchuck approving of her disinterest in romance, is the one who’s considered weird by social standards.
Maybe they’re less well-adjusted than I thought. Don’t misunderstand me I’m aroace, but if there’s a lot of societal pressure and it’s considered a failure if you’re not married, it is notable when all 3 of your kids haven’t married past the time that’s expected. For reference adulthood for a half-foot is reached at 14, Chil got married at 13, Puckpatti is 14 while Flertom and Meijack are 16. The other half-foot character we have is Mickbell who is also unmarried, unsurprising considering his situation. I don’t think them not having married is about their family being poorer, if anything I’d think Chil’s family is on the comfier end of half-foot families with the high wages he gets paid with and the nice living conditions we’ve seen (although we don’t know when he started being paid well). We know about Flertom having high standards, but she and Puckpatti are actively looking to date, so there’s something going on here whatever it is.
It is nice that it doesn’t seem like Chilchuck cares at all, he even seems to generally dislike the idea of his daughters dating. I imagine that their mother must have also not pressured them into marrying at all, maybe even encouraged them not to marry if they didn’t have someone, which is sweet. And understandable, considering she might not want her daughters to rush into it and live with…….. Being stuck in an unhappy marriage. And here comes in what I meant when I said well-adjusted, daddy issues. We aren’t shown a lot of Chil’s married life, but I would bet my life on there having been tensions and warning signs. Especially since, since the daughters and Chil hadn’t seen each other since the separation before post-canon, there’s an air of not having been very surprised or panicked about the whole thing: the separation wasn���t unexpected. Having to watch your parents fall out of love and growing up seeing them in a taxing marriage can be hard, and not exactly put you in the mood to try and find romance and marry. Fear of abandonment, fear of intimacy, stunted emotional intelligence, fear of commitment… Oh girlies I am about to extrapolate so much from this
Half-foot society has a lot of coding I don’t have enough specialized knowledge to pin down, but they’re a poor working class people, anglo peasant vibes. They have tightly knit communities, but then the double edge is that if your community has expectations and rules to belong, the pressure will be harsh and it can end up being more isolating if you deviate from it. Marriage historically and in Dunmeshi has a lot of economical aspects, in Laios’ Adventurer’s Bible profile for example dowries are hinted at.
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So the pressure to marry might very well originate from the need to bring money in to your family, and to unite families as allies. And from there it grows into an expectation, and thus if they aren’t married it’s "an unmarried woman was deemed unfit by suitors, something with her must be off"/"This woman was unable to provide for her family, she must be a burden on them" which results into the family having a bad reputation. If Flertom says it’s worse for half-foots than other races, the reasons must be either social or economical or both. There’s of course their lifespan being shorter too, so that might play into it, expectations to go about things quickly and to have a fast life cycle and making sure to have kids. As we see with Laios, having kids is a pressure that does exist globally as well. Elves are another interesting example of how familial expectations are like in Dunmeshi with heirdom and whatnot, but free me I just wanted to bring up the possibility of Childaughters being societal misfits and having relational issues.
I will also mention that in a similar way, Chilchuck’s wife leaving him may have damaged the daughters’ chances, in a "what if they’re like their mother, the type of woman to abandon her husband!" way. Chilchuck also has a reputation especially as an union leader, which can paint him as dependable as much as it can paint him as someone harsh and stingy, which would be an intimidating. It’s possible they’re a bit more well-off from the rest of the half-foot community as mentioned, which could add to the intimidating factor or a bad reputation as an overall uptight family or one that has drama. Again, double edge of community being very tightly knit and important, with family as one of its highest values.
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psiroller · 3 months
OkOk, so I know you’re currently in the middle of writing who knows how many more dunmeshi fics, but have you considered Tall-man x Tall-man Chillchuck and Laios yet? Maybe for a quick little drabble or something? I feel like that could go somewhere maybe.. If not this is just me rambling 😔, so feel free to ramble back and have a good day <3
oh anon. you found me juuust as i was raring up to procrastinate. you are in luck. CHILAIOS/656 WORDS/TALLCHUCKXLAIOS/CONSIDER THIS BREAK THE LOCK CANON
“Okay,” Chilchuck said, his voice deeper and rougher than Laios was used to. “What’re you staring at?”
Laios blinked. “You, obviously.”
“But aren’t you used to this shit yet? Do I look different now that you’ve changed back?”
Laios cocked his head. The changeling effect had worn off for Laios a few hours ago, but Chilchuck was still a tallman. Maybe because he was lower to the ground, he got a larger payload? Laios had made extra sure they’d scrubbed everything off him, so it was only a matter of time. Laios didn’t like to think about the possibility Chilchuck never changing back, but with his taller stature returned he could properly appreciate the differences. Chilchuck loomed over Laios as a dwarf and was still taller than him now. His cheekbones were higher, his face stretched along a taller jaw, stubble emerging so soon after a morning shave. Yet, besides the slightly sunken and tired look, Chilchuck’s eyes were still the same; pitch dark in low light, amber-brown in front of the fire, intense when met.
“You do,” Laios said, “but you don’t. I keep noticing little things.”
A blush rose on Chilchuck’s gaunt face, scratching at the nape of his neck. “Well, don’t get too invested. It’s gonna wear off soon.” He rubbed the pressure point on his temple. “Hopefully.”
“It will,” Laios assured him, and scooted closer. “But it’s fascinating… I wonder how the changeling spores decide what form to change someone into?”
“I guess whatever’s funniest,” Chilchuck said with a wry grin. “You saw Izutsumi.”
“I don’t think you’re funny looking, though,” Laios frowned, his eyebrows pinching together. Chilchuck pshawed at him and put a hand on his face when he got close. Laios pushed against it and wriggled, an over-affectionate dog held at bay.
“It’s supposed to make me look freakish to everyone else, so I die alone, right?” Chilchuck said. “Half-foot to tall-man makes sense. I’m twice the size of the biggest guy in my family. Imagine if I came home to my kids like this when they were young.”
He frowned at that, the dark humor sucked out of it by frank darkness. “And an elf to a half-foot,” he went on, trying to wipe the annoying concern off Laios’ face, “That’s gotta be a nightmare. We’re the lowest of the low to them, right?”
Laios was back in Chilchuck’s space, having evaded his hand, or Chilchuck had let him. It didn’t matter. Chilchuck’s hand found Laios’ shoulder but he didn’t shove. Chilchuck hated being observed so closely, but he made endless exceptions for Laios.
“You’re beautiful,” he said. Chilchuck honked out a laugh. “I’m serious!” Laios barked, and Chilchuck petered out. “I mean it, Chil.”
Chilchuck rolled his eyes. “Well, that’s a shame, since you’re never gonna see this face again.”
Laios held his face and turned Chilchuck to face him, to kiss him. Their faces fit together unevenly even though they were the same size now. Laios scratched his fingers through Chilchuck’s stubble and nuzzled their noses together, did that creepy thing where he opened his eyes to watch Chilchuck as they kissed that always drove him crazy. Laios reached up to touch Chilchuck’s ear, finding a nick in his ear that Marcille could never fully heal all the way, and Chilchuck grumbled as he felt—something like it, it was doing something for him, but maddeningly dull compared to his memory.
“That’s just it, Chil,” Laios breathed. “Seeing you like this, as cool as it is…” he grinned sadly. “I miss you as you are.”
When Laios brought up his other hand to cup Chil’s head, there was a rush of something electric. As he drifted back into reality, he was engulfed in Laios’ warm shadow, and they couldn’t easily interlock their hands. Chilchuck gripped the broad gap between Laios’ middle and ring fingers, and thanked the stupid mushrooms for letting them fit together properly again.
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merbear25 · 2 months
Hello!!! I saw the “what kind of women Mihawk would like” and I was wondering what Killer and Kids type would be! If that’s okay! I hope you’re having a good day/night!✨
Hey there! I’m glad that it sparked some curiosity about Kid's and Killer's type. They really need so much more content, so I’m more than happy to write this for you! I decided to make the reader gn, so hopefully you don’t mind. I hope you enjoy it and have a lovely day/night too. 💜💜
Original ask
CW: SFW, gn!reader, fluff, headcanons
Their type (Killer, Kid)
He’s fairly level-headed, and although he’s used to being around more radical individuals, he may want just a bit of a break when it comes to his partner.
That doesn’t mean his partner has to be just as calm or calmer; they could be a bit wild at times. In fact, I don’t think he’d necessarily mind that. As long as you aren’t constantly getting yourself into trouble, he wouldn’t mind you being a bit more energetic.
I could see him with someone who is more open about how they feel and what they are thinking. He’s a good listener and observant, so he’d be able to pick up on the little things.
With this considered, he’d appreciate a partner who shows him the same courtesy. Someone who is willing to listen and is patient would go a long way with him.
I could see him wanting to be affectionate and to be with someone who enjoys cuddling and hugs.
He’d probably be drawn to someone who holds some contrast. For example, they look rather sweet but are interested in horror or they dress alternatively but have a room filled with stuffed animals/loves cute things.
I have this image in my head of him gifting you with flowers on a whim. Not expecting anything in return other than your smile and affection.
A level of maturity would go a long way. Being able to conduct yourself with at least some grace when caught in an argument, not resorting to below the belt actions, would help you earn his respect.
I believe he would enjoy having a partner with a sense of humor, just be sure not to point out his laugh; he’s a bit self-conscious about it, afterall.
Going off the assumption that he’s physically stronger than you, he wouldn’t expect you to fight any battles for him. That being said, having a partner who sticks up for him would be heart-warming.
Being one to anger quickly, you may think that having a s/o who was his total opposite would offer more stability, more balance. However, I think that’s only true to an extent.
Although it would do him well to have them be just a bit more level-headed, he would do well with someone who was fiery—a fighting spirit, one that wouldn’t back down easily.
I feel like he would value inner / mental strength a lot, probably even more so than physical.
Taking that into consideration, a s/o who has a quick tongue and is bold enough to confront him if his temper gets the best of him, would not only catch him off guard, but would leave him wondering who they really were. 
With his interest piqued, he’d enjoy pushing each other’s buttons, which means that the potential partner in question must be able to hold their own. 
Tease him back! Sure, he’s going to blush and get flustered, maybe ever scold them a bit but the banter is something that would certainly work its way through to his heart.
I imagine there being a bit of an argument between the two of them, and when enough time passes and both have cooled off, they both curl up next to each other. Perhaps there are no sorrys exchanged, but it’s done through physical touch.
Considering how out of tune he is with his emotional side, he might not do well with a partner who’s very open about discussing such things; I could see him stonewalling in that case, which wouldn’t be good for either person.
Someone who could show their feelings more so through actions would probably be ideal for him. That being said, he’s not particularly affectionate either.
In terms of how he would show he cares, I would say his love language would be acts of service. To him, actions spoke louder than words ever could, so if his partner understands that, there would be less problems in the future.
I believe ingenuity would impress him. Thinking outside of the box was a valuable skill, one which he could admire.
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live-laugh-legolas · 1 month
Hey! I really enjoy your headcanons for LOTR and will always bring a smile to my face when a new one is written. I know you probably have quite a lot of requests, but I was wondering if the fellowship could react to their crush having an injury? It could be any injury, from getting a scrap from falling off a tree to a dangerous gash on their side. I don’t know how comfortable you are with blood, or gore?, so no worries if this is not your cup of tea! Just wanted to put my idea out there and say thanks for writing these lovely headcanons from my favorite books and movies! ☺️
Awe thank you! You are too sweet. I’m a huge sucker for hurt/comfort so I enjoyed writing these :)
I kinda strayed from strictly a “crush” and this can be interpreted as crush/friend/partner, however you wish
How the Fellowship reacts to you getting hurt
-He received notice and he’s on the job
-Weewoo here he comes with his chewed up herbs!
-Ok that’s an exaggeration but he is quick to help
-However he doesn’t go overboard
-If you trip and scrape a knee he will help you up and check that you’re ok
-He knows you are fine, and makes sure you know that too
-I just imagine him having the mindset of how you deal with a little kid scraping a knee where as long as they can’t see the blood they are fine
-Deal with it quickly and they will forget it even happened
-If you are genuinely in pain he is super reassuring and constantly apologizing for the sting of cleaning the wound
-Very strict with recovery rules; won’t yell at you or anything but his look of disapproval is enough to keep you in bed
-He is no healer, but he knows how to take basic care of an injury
-He will tease you if the injury is from something silly or simple
-But he doesn’t mean anything by it
-However if it is a bad injury; let’s say for sake of setting a scene you are shot with an arrow
-He knows how to deal with this; he’s thousands of years old so this isn’t the first time seeing this
-However for you I think he panics and will call for help
-He knows there are more capable hands for healing and he couldn’t bear doing something wrong or making it worse
-He will take the arrow out if no one else is there but he would rather be comforting and distracting you; he doesn’t want to cause you anymore pain
-It’s kinda like how surgeons generally don’t operate on their own family; it’s just too emotional and stressful
-He talks so incessantly when he’s nervous
-Mostly mumbling to himself as he checks you over
-Might accidentally say to himself “this is bad” before correcting himself to talk to you directly
-“No not bad, you will be fine, you are in very capable hands”
-It’s just a little knife cut, doesn’t even need stitches
-But he bandages it like your arm was nearly taken off
-He will also tell you stories of injuries he’s gotten or has seen; real nasty stuff
-It’s not helpful or calming but he’s trying
-He wastes no time ripping his own clothes to make a bandage
-“Boromir we have bandages” “No time!”
-That is once again an exaggeration but seriously no one knows how he still has anything to wear with how much he rips them
-He is a captain of his guard so he has seen basically every injury there is
-So he actually is quite level headed
-Unlike Aragorn who will talk to you as he patches you up, Boromir is focused and has someone else talk to you if possible; he doesn’t really multitask well
-Will kiss it better (he still does this to Faramir too much to his embarrassment)
-He is kinda relaxed about recovery rules; like he will let you walk around a bit or whatever as long as you aren’t doing further damage
-For a little scrape he will calmly have you sit up on the counter by the sink and he will gently clean the abrasion
-Talks you through it and apologizes that it might sting
-He’s quite calm in general, and even if he wasn’t he wouldn’t show it because he wouldn’t want to stress you out
-A more serious injury, maybe a broken bone he is super pragmatic
-He is the person you want with you because he really does stay calm to help you through it
-Asks someone to go get help while he waits with you so you aren’t alone
-This isn’t necessarily on topic but he would accompany you to any doctors appointments if you ask
-I am a big pussy when it comes to shots, and I am known to faint from blood draws; I really don’t do needles
-He would never judge for something like that though and would happily hold your hand and let you hide your face in his shoulder
-He goes a little overboard
-Even if you just tripped and didn’t even get hurt he is fussing
-He can’t help being attentive
-No one he loves will come to harm
-The most doting if you are put on bed rest, or simply have a hard time getting around at the moment
-Seriously, he will escort you everywhere; that is if you don’t let him just do it for you
-I love how he talks to Frodo about the trolls even though he knows his friend is more focused on not dying
-Like Gimli, he will also tell you stories, but his are less gory
-“do you want me to hit you to distract from the pain?”
-He’s a little silly about it if it’s a little scrape; and this stems from using humor to distract Pippin when he was younger and would fall
-He is a gentle and thoughtful hobbit; something that you really get to see in the books
-He is super gentle when cleaning any cut; and he gets you to talk to him as a distraction
-If it is something major you know he will get you the best care possible
-He is rich; let’s not forget that
-Like Frodo he will accompany you to appointments; they all probably would, but these two will offer before you can even ask
-Actually, he probably makes your appointments too
-I’m sorry but no matter your relationship to him he will laugh at first (if it’s not obviously bad)
-People falling is funny and he can’t help it
-But he will help you brush off and if you are actually hurt he immediately goes to help
-Will do the half carry where he is supporting your weight as you walk
-Even if you are significantly taller and it would be faster if you walked normally
-He is kinda at a loss for what to do so he gets someone who knows more about healing to help
-While he kinda stands with you with thumbs up “you’re gonna be fine” while sweating profusely
-To be completely honest, if it’s something small he doesn’t really do anything for it
-If you are upset he will comfort you, but he wants you to be able to handle yourself if need be
-He also has things to do ya know; he’s an important man
-This is not meant to make him sound mean or dismissive; he just won’t make a fuss if you aren’t and it’s nothing to fuss over anyway
-Unless it is serious; then he is using any healing knowledge he has to help you
-My dad always says jokingly “welp, unfortunately we will have to amputate” over paper cuts and such and Gandalf would absolutely do this too
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and-claudia · 2 months
Against All Odds pt. 9 (Joel Miller x fem! reader)
General Warnings for later on: The main story will have an age gap between Joel and the reader (Reader will be 25 once we get to the main storyline), this will also be your warning that it will eventually be an x pregnant reader (if that’s not your jam, I’m sorry) there is also going to be more graphic/trigger parts later on so please always to be sure to read the warnings BEFORE reading. This story will also be 18+ and TO BE ON THE TAGLIST YOU CAN NOT BE AN AGELESS BLOG (i do actually check that) also there first hand full of parts are all prologue so Joel won’t actually be in it for a bit
Warnings for this part: guns, typical cannon violence/themes, mentions of abortions, soft Joel moments!!
word count: 4500+ (Come get yalls juice!!)
Taglist Sign-Up (read my rules carefully before filling it out)
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I wasn’t sure how long I was asleep but at some point, my eyes snapped open to the sound of glass crunch under someone’s shoe. 
At first, I thought it may have been Joel or Ellie getting up for some reason, so I laid there quietly, waiting to hear the rustle of fabric on fabric as they laid back down. However, I then realized I could feel Joel asleep behind me. I carefully glanced over and saw Ellie asleep. Maybe I imagined it. 
Wishful thinking. The next thing I knew, two people were in our room. Joel was out, but Ellie had woken up when she heard the door open. Once I saw that each of them had a gun, I put my hands up in surrender, I had no way of defending us. 
“You, on your knees, hands up where I can see them.” The taller of the pair said to Ellie. 
Once she was there, he looked at me. 
“You. Get over here.” He said, gesturing to the spot beside Ellie with a knife. 
I did as he said. Ellie and I were now both on the ground, side by side, her with a gun pointed at her and me with the knife. Then, the smaller of the two people, who I now realized was only a kid, was standing in front of Joel, who was still asleep. 
“Wake him up.” Tallie said, nudging Ellie with the barrel of the gun. 
“Joel! Joel!” Ellie yelled, waking him up. 
The first thing he saw was Ellie and me. Then he turned and saw that he, too, had a weapon pointed at him. 
“Eyes on me. Eyes on me.” The tall one commanded him. 
Joel looked over to him. 
“You don’t have to worry about what to say. We don’t wanna hurt you. We wanna help you.” The tall one said. 
“Okay.” Was Joel’s only response. 
“Okay, um… I don’t know what the next step is with something like this, but if I lower my gun… we didn’t hurt you, so you don’t hurt us… right?” 
“That’s right.” Joel replied, void of any emotion. 
“That’s a weird fucking tone, man.” The tall one was getting nervous, which was, in turn, making me nervous. 
“That’s just the way he sounds.” Ellie said. 
“It is, I promise. I’ve been with him for years, that’s just how he is. But he means it, I swear it. Lower your weapons before you do something you’ll regret.” I said. 
“Seriously, he just has an asshole voice.” Ellie began again, “Joel, tell him he’s okay.” 
“Everything is great.” Joel said in the same voice. 
“Dude!” Ellie said. 
“Fuck!” Tallie was getting more and more antsy and I had to do something soon. 
“Look, dude, you’re dealing with a pregnant lady, a kid, and an older guy. We aren’t going to do shit. I promise. She is right; he just sounds like an asshole. But he won’t risk his daughter and pregnant wife like this. You can trust him.” I tried to reason. 
“Okay…” The man began, “I’m going to trust you. But if either of you guys try anything… yeah?” 
We understood what he meant without him having to say it. 
“Can I sit up?” Joel asked. 
“Yeah.” The older of the pair said. “Slow.” He corrected himself, “Get up slow.” 
Joel kept his hands raised as the kid still had a gun pointed at him as he slowly sat up on the cushions he was lying on. “Who are you?” He finally asked. 
“My name is Henry.” The taller guy said, “That’s my brother, Sam. I’m the most wanted man in Kansas City. Although right now… my guess is you’re running a close second.” 
That definitely wasn’t reassuring for our current situation. He clearly knew that it was us who recked that truck. And he had tracked us here. I began to worry about who else may have been able to do the same. 
“Alright,” I said, “I guess that means we’re working together then.” I made the decision for our group. 
“You two hungry?” Joel asked, with the same tone as before. 
We set up a small lantern on the floor, and all sat around it. I dug into my pack and pulled out a little bit of food for us all to split. It wasn’t much, especially when it was split 5 ways, but it was something. 
“Where’d you get these?” Henry asked. 
Before I could even think of a response, Ellie had already said, “Bill… He’s dead.” 
Silence fell over the group at her blunt response. 
“I noticed you signing to your brother earlier… does he only use sign language?” I asked, trying to change the course of the conversation. 
“No, he’s gotten pretty good at reading lips. He also uses this.” Henry said, pointing a makeshift writing board around Sam’s neck. 
Sam nodded and showed it off to me. It was actually a really smart setup. 
“That’s very cool.” I said with a smile to the boy, causing him to smile back. 
Joel suddenly took the rest of his portion of the food and offered it to Sam, who took it. He looked to his brother and signed something. 
“He says thank you,” Henry relayed for us, “I’m guessing you don’t have much, so… this means a lot.” 
“How old is he?” Ellie asked. 
Henry translated it for his brother who replied back in sign. 
“He’s eight.” 
“Cool.” Ellie nodded, “I’m Ellie.” 
I watched as Henry spelled her name out for his brother, who smiled in response before turning to me. 
“I’m Yn.” I said, once again Henry signed it to his brother. 
Then there was silence before Ellie smacked Joel’s leg clearly trying to give him the hint to introduce himself. 
“I’m Joel. Look you ate, we didn’t kill each other, let’s call this a win-win and move on.” He said. 
I cringed internally. I really thought he could help us out of here. 
“Well, I am betting you came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out.” Henry began, “And when the suns up, I’ll show you one.” 
Ellie and I both looked to Joel to wait for his response. 
“Fine. But you two sleep somewhere else.” Joel said, still clearly not trusting them. 
Henry agreed, and once they were finished with their food, they left. Ellie layed back down and was falling asleep shortly after, but I wasn’t, and neither was Joel. I knew he would be paranoid about something happening. 
“Want to push some furniture in front of the door?” I asked, laying on my mat beside him as he stared at the door. 
“No. Get some rest. I’m going to stay up, keep watch.” He said. 
I knew there was no point in arguing it, so I just scooted up right against him and closed my eyes. Secretly I was hoping that if I fell asleep cuddled up next to him it would eventually lull him to sleep as well. 
I am not sure if my plan worked because, by the time I was waking up, he was already up off his makeshift bed, packing up our stuff. The sun was just beginning to rise as I stretched. I found my boots and began lacing them up. Eventually, Henery and Sam returned, and it was time to climb up even higher to get a good view of the city. 
“Welcome to Kansas City.” Henry said as he opened the door to a room that had a large window. 
“No FEDRA.” Joel commented. 
He was right, though. There wasn’t a single sign of them anywhere. 
“Not as of 10 days ago, no.” Henry confirmed. 
“We always heard the KC FEDRA was-” Joel began but was cut off by Henery. 
“Monsters? Savages? Yeah, you heard right. Raped, tortured, and murdered people for 20 years. And you know what happens when you do that to people? The moment they get a chance, they do it right back to you.” Henry said. 
I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Ellie wasn’t here to hear any of it. 
“But you’re not FEDRA.” I said to Henry as I looked back to the two men beside me. 
“No, worse. I’m a collaborator.” He said. 
I immediately saw Joel’s face turn as he shook his head, “No. I don’t work with rats.” 
“Yeah, you do… Today, you do.” Henry said casually, “I live here, you don’t. That’s how I followed you here. I know this city. And that’s how I am going to help you and your family get out.” 
“I don’t think we have much of a choice, Joel…” I said, trying to reason with him. 
“Why would you want to help us?” Joel asked. 
“I saw what you did the way you both killed those men. Even you, with your hurt wrist.” He said, nodding to me, “Now, I know where to go, but I don’t know how to make it through alive, not if it’s just me and Sam.” 
“You seem capable enough. You’re armed.” Joel quipped. 
“You’re wrong and wrong. Never killed anyone.” Henry said back, “And pointing an unloaded gun was the closest I’ve ever come to being violent… So that’s the deal. I show the way; you clear the way.” 
Before I could say anything, all of our attention was grabbed by Ellie and Sam. They were sitting at the big table, on the opposite side of the room. Ellie was showing Sam a joke from her book causing them both to laugh. For a second, they seemed like two regular kids. 
“Haven’t heard that in a long time.” Henry said with a small smile of his own. 
Joel sighed as he looked away for a moment before turning back to the other man. “So how are we gettin’ out? And she’s not helping clear the way. She’s injured and pregnant. If I need the help, it’s going to be you.” 
Henry nodded, and we began to discuss the plan. He took a piece of paper and drew a rectangle on it, each side having its own number written beside it as well. By now, Ellie had joined us. 
“Highways,” Henry pointed to the numbers, “Downtown,” He motioned to the area inside the rectangle, “Us.” He pinpointed approximately where we were on his makeshift map, “This whole area belongs to Kathleen.” 
“She’s in charge?” Ellie asked. 
“Leader of the resistance,” Henry explained, “You can see the way we’re bounded by highways. They got people posted all around the inside perimeter. If we get close, we get caught. No question. So how do we get across?” 
He tapped on the table to get Sam’s attention and signed to him the same question. Sam nodded and used to writing pad to respond. When he held it up, it said “TUNNELS.” 
“Boom.” Henry said triumphantly. 
“Kansas City has a subway?” Joel asked, confused. 
“No, but they do have maintenance tunnels. There’s a bunch of buildings all put up by the same developers. And they share these tunnels, including… a bank building here,” He began drawing more on the paper, “So we enter the tunnels here… travel underground and pop up here. Westside North. Residential. There’s an embankment on the other side of the houses. We head down, pedestrian bridge over the river… free as a bird.” He threw down the pencil and clapped his hands once. 
“You’re right. It’s a great plan.” Joel agreed, “So what do you need me for?” 
“You notice anything strange about the city? I mean, other than the strange shit you’ve already seen?” Henry asked. 
I knew where he was going with this. Ever since we left Boston, I had been on high alert of my surroundings. Especially once we rode into the city, and yet I had yet to see, or for that matter hear, a single infected person. 
“There’s no Infected.” I said numbly. There was a not in my stomach as I knew where this was going. 
“Oh, there’s infected. Just not on the surface. FEDRA drove them underground 15 years ago, and never let them come back up. It’s the only good thing those fascist motherfuckers ever did.” 
“No. There has to be another way.” I said, shaking my head. Just the thought of going down there and facing one was making my stomach churn. I pulled out the chair beside me and sat down before running my hands over my face and then looking back at Henry. 
“Look,” Henry began, “Everyone thinks that it’s full of Infected, including Kathleen, which means that we’re not gonna be running into any of her people.” 
“Yeah, only dozens of infected.” I snapped. The more he talked, the more I hated the plan. I was on board earlier but now I was almost completely against it. 
“No, because you see what I know is… it’s empty.” 
“You’ve been down there?” I was thankful that Joel asked it so I wouldn’t bite his head off. 
“No, but,” He began as I rolled my eyes with a scoff, “the FEDRA guy that I worked with told me that it’s clean, completely clean. They cleared it out. All of it.” 
“When?” Ellie asked. 
“Like three years ago.” 
Joel scoffed at the same time I did. 
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” I sassed. 
“Okay, maybe there’s one or two, but you handle it.” Henry said. 
“What if there’s more?” Joel asked. 
“Or one of those blind ones that sees like a bat?” Ellie chimed in. 
“Wait you… you ran into a Clicker?” 
At the mention of that I stood back up abruptly. Our time in the museum flashed in my memories, which brought back memories of my first time in the museum. 
“I’m going to go wait in the hallway.” I said to the group before turning and focussing on Joel, “Come let me know the plan once it’s decided.” I said before leaving. 
I am not sure what came over me. But I felt overwhelmed by everything around me. After a few minutes, Joel came out and found me sitting against the wall, knees tucked to chin. He took a seat next to me. 
“You okay?” He asked. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a bitch or storm out… I’m just… I don’t know, Joel…” I said, quietly. 
“Try to tell me what’s going on up there.” He nodded to my head.
“I just… it’s like all of a sudden, I was hit by this fear of everything that could go wrong or could have gone wrong in the past… Does that make sense?” I asked, almost embarrassed. 
Joel nodded, “It’s called being a parent, welcome to it.” He teased slightly, trying to lighten my spirits, “I’ll be honest, part of it is because you’re pregnant, hormones make those feelings worse. But a good deal of it is just realizing that it’s not just you anymore that you’re worrying about.” 
I nodded, “I should probably go apologize to him.” I said, moving to stand up as Joel did the same. 
“Does it ever get easier?” I asked quietly once we were both standing.
“I’ll let you know if and when it does.” He said. 
I smiled slightly at his response, he seemed to be warming up more to the pregnancy each day. 
“Thank you, Joel.” I said sincerely. I knew he didn’t like to be soft and vulnerable, and for him to do so now was very touching to me. 
He gave a small nod before leading us back into the room where the others were getting ready to leave. 
“Alright, we’ll head to the bank and access the tunnels there. You ready?” Henry asked as I walked in. 
I nodded, “Yeah, sorry for snapping at you… hormones, I guess.” 
He shrugged it off, “No worries. Besides, I know we’ve all probably seen some shit in our lives, so I get it.” 
“Alright, then, let's get to it.” Ellie said before turning to leave, the rest of us followed her out. 
Once we got to the bottom of the building, Henry took the lead. He knew all the right alley ways to take and which buildings to cut through to get us to the bank building undetected. However, once we got there, I knew we wouldn’t stay undetected long. The sun was now up and the entire building was made of glass, making us easily spotted. 
As if he had read my mind, Joel looked around and said, “We need to get outta sight.” 
We looked to Henry on where to go, “Uh.. I, I-I think it’s this way.” He said, pointing in the opposite direction. 
Well, that was reassuring. Regardless, we followed him that way. We weren’t running, but we definitely weren’t walking either. I was finding myself getting tired but I pushed on. Hopefully, Henry was right, and there aren’t going to be an Infested in the tunnels, and we would be able to stop for a minute. 
He led us down more hallways until, eventually, he took us through a door and down a few stairs. 
“This should be it. You ready?” He asked Joel. 
Joel sighed slightly as he pulled his gun from his waistband, “Get your’s out too.” He told Ellie as he walked down the stairs to open the door first. 
Although I wasn’t told to, and it would be difficult to shoot with my hand wrapped, I took mine out, too, just in case.
As Joel pushed the heavy door open it groaned as it scrapped against the ground. There was water dripping from the ceiling causing a musty smell in the tunnel. But the coast was clear so far. 
“See, it’s empty! The plan is good.” Henry said fairly loudly. 
“Shh.” Joel warned. 
Just because we couldn’t see anything didn’t mean there was nothing here. 
“The plan is good? We’ve been down here two seconds. We don’t know anything.” Joel said, shaking his head. 
“Your husband’s kinda a pessimist,” Henry said. 
I just shrugged. There was no point in telling him the truth now. He trusted us, and if he found out we had been lying since the beginning, that could break that. 
“Just point your light forward…” Joel instructed the other man, “And be ready to run.” He glanced at me to make sure I was good to run in case we had to flee. 
I gave a small nod, telling him that I would be fine. And with that, we began walking. 
We walked in silence, aside from the eerie groaning of the old buildings above us. Eventually, the tunnel got narrower, and the ceiling got lower. This smaller section led to an area that had been painted with a mural that seemed to have been done by children. It was unsetting. 
“Whoa.” Ellie said, looking at the art. 
“We this isn’t creepy at all.” I muttered under my breath as we all glanced around at it. 
Sam suddenly went up to open the door, causing my heart to skip a beat at the thought of him opening it and getting hurt by what could be on the otherside. Luckily though, Joel was ahead of him and stopped him. Henry then guided him to stand behind him with Ellie. On instinct I stepped in front of them and behind Henry. My gun was ready as Joel slowly opened the door. 
It was much brighter in there. When we got in, and I had gotten a good look at it, I was honestly confused. It looked like a makeshift daycare or school. But what the hell was it doing down here, in the tunnels? 
“What is this place?” I asked as we all continued to look around. 
“I heard about places like this,” Joel began, “People went underground after Breakout Day. Built settlements.” 
“What happened to them?” Ellie asked. 
“Maybe they didn’t follow the rules, and they all got infected.” He said nodding to a board that had their “House Rules” on it. 
The board read: 
-Make sure doors are locked 
-Ask for the password if you font know the visitor
-No shouting or noisy play 
-Run to hiding spot when you hear the alarm
The last one sent chills down my spine. Ellie and Sam went over to one of the tables while the three adults looked around. There were still drawings up on the wall. One that stuck out in particular was one of two men with rifles that said “our protectors” below them. We eventually all split off, just observing our surroundings. I could hear Ellie talking to Sam, but I wasn’t retaining anything they were saying. It wasn’t until I heard Joel’s voice that I snapped out of my own thoughts. 
“Hey, keep it down. We’re not out yet.” I glanced over to where Ellie and Sam were sitting. 
“Ah, c’mon. Can we just rest here for a while?” Ellie asked, “There’s like actually shit to do here.” 
“Wouldn’t be so bad to wait the light out a bit. Safer in shadows when we pop back out on the other side.” Henry added, looking at Joel. 
Joel just nodded. I guess we were staying here for a bit. The three of us made our way over to the larger table, and all took a seat while Ellie and Sam found an old ball to kick around at the chalk line goal on the opposite wall. It was nice to see the kids being kids and playing, but that wasn’t enough to distract my racing thoughts. Joel and Henry were having their own conversation by now, but again, I couldn’t focus on it. It wasn’t until the end of their conversation that I actually heard anything Henry was saying.
“But you get it, though. You’re a father.” He said to Joel. 
“Joel,” I said quietly, but enough to catch his attention, “Can we go talk privately?” I asked. 
I could tell he was confused and caught off guard, “Yeah, sure.” he said regardless and stood up. 
I didn’t say anything to Henry as I stood as well and followed Joel away from the table and the kids. 
“If this is about what he did, I can’t blame him. Sam was sick. If it were me… I would’ve done the same.” Joel said once we were out of earshot. 
“What?” I asked, confused.
“Were you not listening to him?” Joel asked, equally confused. 
“No… not really. I’ve been kinda zoned out…” he nodded for me to go on, “I think I made a mistake… I should’ve taken you up on going to get an abortion pill when you offered back in Boston.” I said, biting my lip to keep the tears from falling. 
“We can’t bring a baby into this fucked up excuse of a world. A place where people are forced to hide underground from murderous Infected. What if we get back to Boston and we have to live somewhere like this? This is no life for a kid, Joel… or what if they get bitten? Then what, Joel? We watch them turn into one of them. Burn their body after putting a bullet in their head?” 
I was working myself up to the point of feeling sick, but I had to get it all out of my head. 
“We’ve already lost so much, Joel… what happens if we lose them too? I should’ve just gotten the damn pill and taken care of it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Joel.” 
I could tell he was shocked by the words coming from my mouth. I had been so admittedly against it, but now it seemed like I was regretting it. After a second, though, he took me into his arms. I didn’t have the mental energy to even cry, so I just held onto him like he was my lifeline. 
“I won’t let anything happen to you or our baby, okay? I promise. I’m glad you didn’t let me talk you into getting that pill. I am happy, okay? Scared shitless but happy. Everything will be okay. Against all odds, I’ll make sure everything will be okay.” 
I nodded against his chest but made no attempts to let go just yet. 
“Hey, I hate to interrupt, but I think we should get going soon.” Henry said cautiously as he approached us. 
I finally, slowly, let go of Joel as he did the same. He nodded, and we walked over to collect our things once again. Soon, we were back to walking through the tunnels. At some point, Ellie fell into step beside me. 
“You okay?” She asked. 
“Yeah. m’fine.” I said with a sigh. 
“What were you and Joel whispering about earlier?” She asked. 
Glancing at her sideways, “Nothing.” The way I said it, made it clear that she shouldn’t pry and try to get me to talk about it. 
She nodded, “So, do you think you’ll have a boy or a girl? One of each?” 
“Don’t put that on me.” I said, shaking my head with a small laugh, “But honestly, I haven’t put much thought into it… I never really thought I’d have a kid, tried my best not to, but shit happens, I guess…” I said with a shrug. 
“Well, you already have an amazing daughter, don’t you?” He teased, referring to the lie I had told about her, Joel, and I being a family. 
“Eh, she’s alright, I guess.” I teased back, it was nice to just talk and not think about everything from earlier. 
We continued having a quiet conversation until we got to the exit of the tunnel. Once again, guns were ready as Joel opened it. 
“Do you know where we are?” Joel asked.
“Yep,” Henry said, “The other side.” 
He was looking at a sign that said where the tunnel we just exited from would lead to. We walked out, and sure enough, there was an old residential area ahead of us. We still kept quiet, though, and weren’t using our lights just as a precaution. However, once we passed a few houses, Henry broke the silence as he spoke to Sam, but clearly wanted us to hear him. 
“No. No one is here. No one’s going to be here because… my plan worked.” He said triumphantly. 
“So much goddamn talkin’.” Joel said from where he was leading our small group. 
“I’m just saying… I delivered. Make this right, go down the street, embankment behind the last house…and we’re out.” He said. 
“Don’t get too cocky yet; we’re not across that river,” I warned. 
“So what happens when we cross the river? Where ya gonna go?” Ellie asked Henry. 
“Don’t know yet.” Henry said. 
“Well, we’re going to Wyoming.” Ellie said, causing both Joel and I to look at her. 
“What? It’s a huge state. It can fit two more people.” She defended. 
“Yeah, maybe we just call this one a success and say our fond farewells.” Henry said. 
“No, he’ll change his mind, trust me. This is how he goes, ‘No, Ellie. Never ever ever happening.’ And I am like I am going to ask you a million more times. And he’s like-” Ellie said. 
And honestly, I couldn’t disagree. Joel did have a rough exterior but I could tell when he was getting warn down. And it was starting to happen here. Slowly, but surly. But before I could voice my agreement, a bullet flew past our group.
@catsareawesomek @harriedandharassed @keileighr @summerchicken @letsdisneythings @mrsyixingunicorn10 @theoraekenslover @xmistress-bunny
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ashsd3ad · 10 months
# t. fushiguro — eighth world wonder.
word count: 0.8 k
tooth rotting fluff; thoughts about having a kid (toji); reader is referred to as sweet girl and it’s implied she’s mamagumi <3; this is so fucking sappy.
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he thought he let it go
he was sure he had left it, everything, behind.
his pride, his feelings, they had been left to die in that wretched childhood house of his.
so why?
why was his heart racing in his chest as he laid beside her, unable to sleep?
lay beside me
let’s share the gloominess
hand in hand in the darkness
i feel like i’m holding my life in my fist
her face was smushed in his chest, limbs tangled in an endless knot, skin to skin. disheveled hair framed those angelic features of hers he had grown accustomed to staring at, long eyelashes gently laid on her cheeks in her apparently dreamless slumber.
her chest rose and fell steadily, soft breaths hitting his pecs, penetrating his skin and flesh, going straight to warm his battered heart.
these devils around my bed
are waiting for me to fall asleep
the room was swallowed by darkness, thoughts swirling around his tired mind. toji was never the one to ponder much about his feelings; he acted, he didn’t waste time thinking.
during some particularly silent nights though, he allowed his brain to wander, he allowed his heart to be ripped out of his chest by his own consciousness.
the reality of my nightmares scares me
a knife rips my chest apart
it’s an open heart surgery
he had promised himself to never let the muscle between his ribcage feel again, the mere thought too painful to handle. yet, here he was, cradling her body like it was made of the most precious and fragile porcelain, expertly crafted to look flawless. just for him.
with the door and windows closed
the light can’t get through
but if your caress me i can reopen my eyes
tears dry
every wound stitches itself back together
he had honestly forgotten what comfort felt like for a long time, his body and mind getting accostumed to constant stress, anxiety and loneliness, all self inflicted. but then.. she stepped into his life.
with her soft giggles, lighthearted jokes and sunny smile, and she messed everything up. every wall he’d worked so hard to put up crumbling helplessly under the weight of her gentle voice.
i promise you, i’ll learn
to not hate everything i have
both in good and bad
wether it’s rain or snow
for your name, i’ll kill.
his merciless hands had ended many lives, cold and heartless in the process, but it never came from something personal, at least that’s what he liked telling himself. he was the one who left it all behind, the small satisfaction that came with eliminating a gifted one was just a small figment of his imagination.
so why did his entire body shake in pure fury only imagining someone bringing harm to the little slice of heaven he held in his strong arms?
lay down beside me
let’s share the sun
me and you, hand in hand in the desert
but when you smile, suddenly it pours.
i know who you are
you’re splendid, like your name
such a sweet girl she was, and that’s what he always called her. his sweet girl. if toji had to be frank, it was only fitting.
saccharine voice pulling him out from far more nightmares than he liked to admit, dainty hands pulling him back to slumber, running through his unruly locks.
she was so sweet, the sweetest.
suddenly, he felt her stir in his arms, his eyes quickly darting to the digital clock on her nightstand. 3:45 am. fuck, did he wake her? were his thoughts that fucking loud?
“mhmm.. ‘ji, why aren’t you sleeping?” she said, nuzzling her face into his chest, voice still heavy with sleep.
us, a monster and a little girl
hand in hand, navigating the world
towards a new life, i’m ready
this is the ascent from rock bottom
“don’t worry your pretty lil’ head ‘bout that, sweet girl, go back to sleep” he replied, voice gruff and husky, while caressing her back in an attempt to lull her back to sleep.
“why don’t you join me, mh?” she readjusted her body, face now in the crook of his neck, trailing chaste kisses all the way up to his jawline.
“don’t wanna you bein’ all grumpy in the morning" she chuckled in a whisper.
my god, what are you?
the eighth world wonder
the gods’ daughter
you who made the impossible happen
gave me my will to live back.
god she was just so fucking perfect.
his hands trailed from her back down to her waist, pulling her into him more. he needed her impossibly close, bodies melting together, never wanting to let go.
that night toji realized he’d marry her, even give her a kid. maybe he could be selfish for once, and make another little blessing for them to share.
and if the world is too small for us
we’ll redefine space and time,
“yeah.. sorry for wakin’ ya doll, let’s go back to sleep, ‘aight?” he squeezed her hips gently.
i love you.
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this was inspired by one of my favourite songs!
listen to it here !!
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Third date head canons! Like when you know it’s ‘for sure’
When The Mercs Know It's For Sure(TF2)
Includes: The Mercs, Miss Pauling notes:Yes, squeet is a kurtis conner reference
🛠Engineer- Bringing out all those nicknames. Darling, sweetheart, love, honey. Yeah. He likes to be sure of his feelings before getting with someone and honey, he is SURE. I think that for a third date, like most of them it would be very casual. Sometimes he likes to sing some songs for the mercs, mostly just pyro, heavy, and demo because the rest ‘got better things to do’. He specifically tells you about it this time. Usually if you show up it’s because you over hear. He’d sing a few ditties, but since is he corny-comes from being a country guy, zing, he sings a song you can’t quite ping as a love song. If you do manage to pick up on that, who knows if it’s to you. But you know for sure when he ends up asking you to be official a little while later when it’s just you two
🔥Pyro-I don’t imagine Pyro to take you out on “real” dates. He asks you to come along with him on missions and just anything he decides to do. Or he asks(or doesn’t) to follow you around. So the ‘third date’ is just normal to you. He looks at you a lot. Just sits and stares. At first it scares you a little. Just big..black..voids..staring…into..your…soul. You ask him what the deal is sometimes and he just laughs or shakes his head like you wouldn’t get it. You like Pyro, but these signs you’re getting could literally mean anything. So you ask the one person who can understand him, Engie, who says Pyro’s just head over heels for you. You ask Pyro if this is true, who is a bit flustered that you told someone about it, even if Engie already knew. I think Pyro signs sometimes, so you two have a little conversationa and whabam. Yall get together
⚾Scout-So he’s like…quieter and somehow more talkative? A lot of “Uh Yeah, that’s stupid”s. You tell him you’re listening, but it’s a lost cause. When he’s not packing his little knapsack and walking away sadly, he calls you “toots”. Lots of that. Still lots of flexing both his skills at picking things up or his little noodly arms. The date isn’t a prom this time, but very reminiscent of Spy’s teachings since there aren’t any giant bread monsters to save you from. Unless…no. Too risky. The date is literally just a set up to ask you out. 
“Sure are a lot of stars out tonight.”
“Kinda cloudy..”
“Nah, look, there’s one!”
“Scout, that’s a plane.”
“Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky-”
Turns out the plane is an enemy plane about to bomb the base. You both die immediantly.
Kidding, he just is kinda like “So…I’m kinda into you?” So of course you tell him you know, and end up asking him out instead. 
🦅Soldier- A date for him is breaking the necks of anyone who dare disrespect america. Kilometer? He only knows squeet. But if you don’t feel like breaking the neck of your local Australian, then there’s other fun activities to do. Like fighting bears or getting naked and covering yourself with honey. Or perhaps you want to go break open a beehive to get said honey. No? Jesus, lot of fun you are. The date is just a plan then. Get out the blueprint, plan for the next mission, which will probably be one of the previously mentioned activities. Since you’re helping the planning stage, it’ll probably be easier to convince him to let you stay out of all that. I don’t know how he’d ask you out. He’d probably just announce that he has an s/o now and you’re like “this is news”. But since you’re here, you’re probably cool with it.
🗡Spy-Yes his dates are elaborate and fun and fancy, however him asking you to be official is not as much. When he realizes he knows that you and him are For Sure, he is flustered by you. Spy may be suave and French, but he is very easily flustered if you can outdo him with words, and do not let him forget it. Not that you could. The third date is set up by him. He makes a little spot in his smoking room for you two and cooks up something you probably can’t pronounce. You find the intimacy a little strange, and before now you couldn’t tell if he actually liked you or was just playing around. But now, with this whole set-up made by him, you knew. He gives you a little necklace, something simple but clearly expensive. With that, he finally pops the not-marriage question, but gosh does it feel like it.
💉Medic-So he gives you the Blu medic’s heart. It’s in a nice little box, and the next time you visit his office he hands it to you. This is because it’s the closest he can get to his own heart. He tried. Unfortunately during this he almost died, so the Blu heart is the closest you get. His plan was to have you guys dig it out together, but he is very particular. He can’t have his love get in the way of science. Hopefully you appreciate it because you are very special to him! Maybe he’ll let you dissect it for fun and definitely because he doesn’t have some strange feelings about seeing you covered in blood commiting atrocious acts.
💣Demoman-So the first few dates were not getting shitfaced, but now that it’s the third, he’s gonna take you to where he spends a fair majority of his time. Having a teleporter makes traveling real easy, but he figures it’s a bit more romantic to drive. So he takes you with him to drive to a little hole-in-the-wall bar, the only one around. It starts out rather calm, but eventually he gets shitfaced and real clingy. You drink some, but yall need a designated driver that can at least see straight. You guys probably fall asleep in the car in the parking lot, but you know. Sometimes it’s like that. When you guys finally wake up and discuss what you can remember, he says he loves you. Aw.
🦘Sniper-Everyone on this list is a little weirdo and he is no exception. The date isn’t a date. He’s not a date guy. Maybe he picks you up a flower or rock he sees poking out of the desert, but that’s it. It’s the thought that counts. So the ‘third date’ is probably really early in the morning when you two cross paths. He says something like, “I was thinking you and I could get together for a while.” And you ask how long a while is, which results in “I dunno, I just like you”. Sweet. Yeah he’s uh. Not the most romantic guy around, but he tries.
🐻Heavy-A bit more romantic. The third date is just the two of you. He asks if you’d like to cook together which you accept, knowing he won’t blow the kitchen up. It’s calm and quiet. Until Pyro decides he wants to use the oven and yall gotta practically shoo him out with a broom. What’s cookin is good lookin’. It is looking good. You guys win! I think you’d end up asking Heavy out because he is very patient and doesn’t want to put pressure on you since it is a war that you two are in still. 
👓Miss Pauling-The same as the first. If she’s going out with you on one date, then she’s probably into you a lot. One day off a year, you know? So you two would just hang out. She’d be like really nervous for some reason-you had noticed it before but she seems kind of stand-offish. You ask her what’s up, prompting her to tell you a jumble of sort-of words that you finally make out to be a confession. 
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mercillery · 10 days
NOTES: I wrote this because I think Kuzan would be an amazing father figure…or maybe it’s just me, I don’t know.
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If I’m being completely honest here, I really can’t picture him being someone’s biological father either, to be honest. It’s not like the guy doesn’t have the capacity to care—he’s got that hidden soft side—but the image of him actually settling down and having kids of his own? Yeah, no. This is the same man who would rather nap under a tree with his bike leaning nearby than deal with any sort of responsibility beyond his own whimsy.
However, father figure? Now that I can see. I can easily imagine some random kid just latching onto him, following him around after seeing him do something cool (like freezing an entire sea, y’know, normal stuff), and deciding, “Yep, you’re my dad now.” Maybe they start pestering him, asking questions while Kuzan, in his typical fashion, is just casually napping or lazily giving half-hearted responses between long stretches of silence. He’s probably half asleep half the time, not even realizing he’s gained a tiny shadow until weeks later.
He’d probably just go along with it. He’s not one to fuss or overthink things. One day he’d wake up from his nap, find this kid sitting right next to him, and be like, “Arara. Still here, huh?” before shrugging it off. He wouldn’t necessarily raise the kid in any traditional sense—there’s no way he’s waking up early for breakfast or doing school drop-offs. But he’d have a way of teaching them things, unintentionally at times, through his actions. You’d learn a lot from just being around him, whether it’s his strong moral compass or his ability to take life at his own pace, despite all the chaos.
So whether you’re his biological kid or just some random child who decided to stick to him like glue, I can definitely see Kuzan filling that fatherly role, albeit in the most Kuzan way possible: relaxed, a tiny bit distant, but undeniably cool.
First things first, as Kuzan's child, there's no question—he absolutely keeps you as far away from Blackbeard and his crew as possible. Listen, Kuzan may have a reputation for being lazy, but when it comes to your safety? There's not a shred of laziness in him. The man might be laid-back, but he’s sharp, and there’s no way he’s going to let you get tangled up with that bunch of pirates.
For starters, he knows exactly what they're capable of. He’s not naive; he knows Blackbeard and the crew would have no problem using you against him, trying to manipulate the situation, or worse, straight-up threatening you just for the fun of it. He knows that they aren’t exactly a “family-friendly” crowd. And let’s be real—he also knows that being around them would be a terrifying for any child. Their idea of a normal Tuesday is probably your worst nightmare.
So even though he's technically rolling with the Blackbeard Pirates now, when it comes to you, Kuzan’s got this invisible barrier setup. It’s like he’s saying, "Yeah, I’m with them, but you’re not." He’s always one step ahead, working from a distance to make sure they stay away from you. And if, by some unfortunate stroke of fate, you or one of the Blackbeard pirates get too close to each other, Kuzan's immediately on alert. He’s already brainstorming a dozen ways to steer the situation without anyone noticing.
The bottom line? He absolutely does not want you affiliated with the Blackbeard Pirates in any way, shape, or form.
If you’re an ice lover and chewer, then congratulations—you’ve hit the jackpot. Kuzan is basically a walking, talking, 10-foot-tall popsicle. Need ice? No problem; Kuzan’s got you covered. With him around, you’ll never run out of the frosty goodness you crave. Want some ice to chew on? He’s more than happy to snap his fingers and conjure some up for you. But—and this is a big but—there’s a catch.
Because, as much as Kuzan loves to spoil you (in his own laid-back kind of way???), he’s not about to let you go to town on some gigantic ice chunks. You’re just a kid, after all, and he knows your teeth are still those little baby ones. He’s not about to let you chip a tooth on his ice or, heaven forbid, choke on a massive chunk. So instead of giving you the satisfying, crunchy ice pieces you’ve been dreaming of, he hands you the tiniest, thinnest shards of ice you’ve ever seen—basically, ice confetti.
And, of course, you’re disappointed. You wanted the good stuff, the crunchy stuff, but nope—Kuzan isn’t having it. He’s too chill to be strict about most things, but when it comes to your safety, even the king of "I don't really care" has his limits. And broken baby teeth, or you choking on a huge piece of ice? That’s no-go for him.
So no matter how much you whine, complain, or throw a fit about it, he’s only giving you these sad, little wafer-thin pieces of ice. You could scream at the top of your lungs, stomp your feet, or even give him the full-on puppy eyes—and he still wouldn't. I wouldn’t give you those big chunky pieces of ice you wanted.
He’s way too chill to be swayed by your tantrums, and when it comes to ice, safety comes first. So while you might dream of munching on a big, satisfying ice cube, all you’re getting are the Kuzan-approved baby-safe ice slivers.
If you’re cold, Kuzan’s solution is simple: he’ll casually hand over his blue bandana and his dark green trench coat—both of which are comically too large for you. Honestly, you could disappear into them like a turtle retreating into its shell. The bandana? Yeah, it doesn’t just cover your head; it swallows it whole. You’d be lucky if anyone could even find your face under all that fabric. And the trench coat? Well that thing might as well be a sleeping bag. It drapes over your entire body like a blanket, probably dragging on the ground as you shuffle around, but hey, it keeps you warm, right?
Kuzan wouldn’t be lying if he said he finds the sight quite amusing. Every time he hands over his bandana, he watches as it completely engulfs your head, covering your eyes, nose, and most of your mouth. You’d look like a tiny version of him, minus the ice powers and the towering height. And the trench coat? Forget it. You’re practically swimming in it, the sleeves flopping past your hands, making it impossible to move without tripping over the hem. You’re like a walking coat with legs peeking out.
He probably gives a lazy chuckle every time he sees you bundled up like that. “You alright in there?” he might tease, though you know he’s secretly enjoying how ridiculous and adorable you look buried under his oversized clothing. This is his way of keeping you warm, even if it looks like you’ve raided his entire wardrobe.
And if you decide you want to keep his bandana or trench coat? Well, he doesn’t mind in the slightest. In fact, he’ll let you hang onto them for as long as you want. You could wear that bandana like it’s your new identity and drape that trench coat over yourself like a cape, and he wouldn’t even ask for them back. At this point, it’s almost like you’re robbing him of his iconic look. He’s probably already decided you look better in them anyway they don’t cause they’re too big on you, but he finds it cute, so go ahead and keep it all.
I’m not even exaggerating when I say you could probably fit entirely in that knapsack Kuzan lugs around everywhere. Whether you’re too small or his knapsack is just too big is a mystery we may never solve. But seriously, if you ever got tired, cold, or just couldn’t be bothered to walk anymore, there’s a good chance he’d plop you right inside without a second thought. It’s roomy enough, and let’s be honest—it’d probably be more comfortable than trying to match the stride of Kuzan’s long legs.
Because let’s face it: mini-you trying to keep up with Kuzan’s ridiculous height is a losing battle. His casual, lazy pace is like a light jog for you, and after about five minutes, you’re probably huffing and puffing while he hasn’t even broken a sweat. So what’s the solution? The knapsack, of course. He could carry you around in that thing as easily as he would his eternal stockpile of snacks (because we all know Kuzan’s gotta have those, but you eat them all anyway while you’re in there).
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he alternated between carrying you in his knapsack and in his arms just to keep things balanced. One day you’re nestled in his arms like a baby penguin, and the next, you’re bouncing around in the bottom of his knapsack like a little stowaway. You might peek out of the top every now and then, catching glimpses of the world while he continues strolling along, totally unbothered.
It’s not that Kuzan’s trying to baby you, but he’s practical. There’s no way he expects you to keep up with his towering form, and let’s be real—it’s much easier for both of you if he just hauls you around like a piece of luggage. Plus, it’s not like he’d mind. You being small enough to fit in his knapsack is likely just a bonus in his book. He’ll act like it’s no big deal, but you know there’s a little part of him that finds the whole situation amusing.
Basically, he’s got you covered, whether you’re in his arms or stashed away in that bottomless knapsack. Either way, you’re getting from point A to point B without having to wear yourself out trying to keep up with those long legs of his.
He definitely annoys you a lot by constantly pinching your cheeks. Seriously, he just can’t help himself. Your face is like some kind of magnet for his fingers. The second he sees those squishy, soft cheeks of yours, it’s game over. He’s gotta pinch them at least once a day, or he might just lose his cool—or, y’know, whatever counts as “losing it” for someone as chill as Kuzan.
It’s not like he does it to be mean; in fact, it’s the complete opposite. Your face is just so ridiculously squishable that even the usually laid-back, low-effort Kuzan can’t resist. He’ll walk by, casually ruffle your hair, and then BAM!—before you know it, his fingers are pinching your cheeks. And of course, it’s never just a gentle pinch, either. No, he’s gotta give them a good squeeze, just to hear that little noise of protest you make. It’s part of his daily routine now, like drinking coffee or something.
And yes, Kuzan definitely thinks you’re the epitome of adorableness. Your squishy cheeks are just the physical manifestation of that. Sure, he acts too cool to make a fuss about it, but if anyone else tried to pinch your cheeks, you bet he’d have something to say about it. Those cheeks are his to squish, and even though he’ll play it off like it’s no big deal, it’s his way of showing that he cares.
So whether you roll your eyes, push his hand away, or try to hide your face, it doesn’t matter. Kuzan’s still going to get his daily cheek-pinching fix, and you’re just going to have to deal with it. Sorry!—but when you’re that adorable, even someone as composed as Kuzan can’t resist giving those cheeks a little squeeze.
His hair is definitely something interesting for you—curly, and cut to chin length, with the tips fanning out in a way that practically begs you to mess with it. And honestly, as a kid, you just can’t resist. It’s like his curls are calling out to you, practically daring you to poof them up, so of course, you do. Every chance you get, you’re right there, fluffing up his hair like it’s some kind of art project. It’s basically your own way of revenge, especially after all that pinching and squishing he’s done to your chubby cheeks.
And it’s not like Kuzan really stops you. Nah, he’s way too lax for that. You could spend a solid ten minutes working on poofing up his curls, making them all bouncy and frizzy, and he wouldn’t say a word. He might even take a nap while you go crazy with his hair. You’d get it all puffed up, looking like some kind of fluffy masterpiece, only for him to casually shake his head afterward and completely ruin it.
Every. Single. Time.
You’d stand there, arms crossed, absolutely deflated as he runs his hand through his hair, casually smoothing it back to its normal look. All your hard work is gone in an instant. It’s like he doesn’t even realize the effort you’ve put into making his hair a giant, fluffy cloud. “Nice try, kid,” he’d say, maybe throwing in a lazy smirk as if he’s not fully aware of your disappointment.
It’s almost like a game at this point. You mess up his hair, poof it up as big as possible, and he calmly restores it to its usual state. Rinse and repeat. Sometimes he’ll even shake his head extra hard, like he’s trying to prove a point, his curls falling right back into place as if mocking you.
But here’s the thing—he doesn’t really mind. He’ll never say it outright, but there’s something about the way he lets you mess with his hair that shows he’s cool with it. You could poof it up every day, and he’d sit there with his usual lazy expression, letting you do your thing. It’s probably more entertaining to him than anything else. Plus, it’s not like he has much to do while he’s lounging around, so why not let you have your fun?
At the end of the day, though, you know what’s coming. No matter how much effort you put into puffing up those curls, Kuzan’s going to smooth them right back down, leaving you with a mix of pride in your work and the frustration of seeing it undone in seconds. But hey, he doesn’t stop you from trying, and that’s probably his way of saying, “Go ahead, kid. Keep at it. I’ve got time.”
Kuzan and cooking are like oil and water. The man is horrible in the kitchen; no question about it. It’s like his natural talents just stop cold (pun intended) when it comes to making food. You get hungry? Well, buckle up, because he’s about to embark on a culinary disaster.
But hey, to his credit, he tries. He’s a lazy guy, sure, but he’s not so lazy that he’ll just leave you starving. The problem is that his cooking skills are NONEXISTENT. You’re lucky if you don’t end up eating something that’s either charred beyond recognition or still weirdly undercooked, despite being in the pan for way too long. It’s like he manages to both overcook and undercook food at the same time, and you’re left wondering how that’s even possible.
He’ll stand there with his usual half-bored expression, poking at the food with a spatula, looking like he’s not entirely sure what’s happening. And when it comes time to serve it up? Yeah, you’re basically eating burnt stuff at this point. There’s no way around it. The irony of the fact that the man who can literally freeze the sea can’t stop burning food is not lost on you. You’d think with all that control over ice he’d at least be able to chill out on the stove, but nope. It’s crispy all the way.
And yet, he genuinely puts in the effort when you’re hungry. He might be lazy about most things, but when it comes to making sure you’ve got something to eat, he’s willing to give it a shot—even if that shot results in something resembling charcoal. “Here, kid,” he’d say, sliding a plate of vaguely food-shaped items toward you, “I think I nailed it this time.” Spoiler: He didn’t.
But don’t worry—his cooking will eventually start getting better. You’re still eating mostly burnt stuff, sure, but it’s less “oops, I made a rock” and more “oops, I made something that’s only slightly overdone.” You can still tell it’s food, at least. And honestly, at this point, you’ve developed a sort of tolerance for the burnt bits.
You’re still not exactly dining on gourmet meals, the food’s still a little crispy, and you’re not always sure what’s supposed to be edible—but it eventually becomes more tolerable, trust. He’s a new dad in the making, and cooking isn’t really his strong suit, but he’s slowly getting there. It’s progress, and as long as he keeps improving, there’s hope that one day you’ll be eating something that’s not 70% carbonized.
For now, though, you’ll just have to settle for a lot of burnt dinners and Kuzan’s deadpan “Enjoy” as he hands you a plate. But at least you know he’s got your back, even if that means the occasional charred meal.
If anyone even thinks about messing with you, they’re in for a serious awakening—because Kuzan doesn’t tolerate that kind of nonsense. There’s no way he’s going to just sit there and let someone mess with his kid. If it’s an adult causing trouble, that chill demeanor can quickly become intimidating. He’s not about to let some random person push you around—he’ll get serious real quick if he needs to.
Now, Kuzan’s not the type to jump straight to violence, but he’s more than ready if the situation calls for it—but only if absolutely necessary. He’s calm, yes, but make no mistake, he’s prepared to throw ice hands if the person causing trouble doesn’t back off. Of course, he knows you're a kid, and he doesn’t want you to see him go full-on badass mode in a fight, no matter how much you’d probably think his ice powers are “super duper cool.” He’d much rather keep you away from that kind of violence. If things are about to get messy, his first instinct is to tell you to look away, close your eyes, and cover your ears. He’s not about to let you witness something like that.
And if the other person just won’t back down, well, that’s when Kuzan’s icy side really comes out. The temperature seems to drop, and that stoic expression of his hardens as he steps up, ready to put the person in their place. He won’t hesitate to freeze someone’s feet to the ground or send an ice wall between them and you. Yeah, he’s basically downright intimidating and dangerous when he needs to be.
Now, if it’s another child bullying you, things are a bit different. Kuzan’s not about to go full Ice Age on a kid, obviously. But here’s the thing—most kids your age would probably take one look at this towering, six-foot-plus giant of a man and rethink their life choices. The second they see him strolling over, calm as ever, with that unbothered look in his eyes, they’re already backing off. I mean, who wouldn’t? Kuzan’s height alone is enough to make anyone think twice about picking on you. You’ve basically got scary dog privilege—except it’s not a dog; it’s your super duper cool dad.
But if the bully is feeling extra brave or just a little too dumb to realize what they’re up against, Kuzan has his own way of handling it. He’ll crouch down a little to their level, still towering over them, and in that low, calm voice, he’ll firmly tell them, “Hey, cut it out. Stop bothering my kid.” Just like that. There’s no need to raise his voice or get angry—just his presence and tone are enough to get the message across. It’s that parent-like authority that makes the bully shrink back, and just like that, the situation’s handled. No need for ice or fights—just a few well-placed words from Kuzan, and the problem is solved.
So whether it’s an adult or another kid trying to mess with you, Kuzan’s got your back. He can be as cold as ice when he needs to be, or just intimidating enough to send a bully running for the hills. Either way, you’re safe with him, and anyone who tries to test that? Well, they learn pretty quickly that messing with Kuzan’s kid is a terrible idea.
Kuzan is surprisingly chill when it comes to the usual trouble kids get into—like cursing or sneaking a piece of candy from the store. He’s not one to overreact, mainly because he gets it. Kids are learning, and part of growing up is figuring out what’s right and what’s wrong. He remembers being a kid once, running around and cashing some mischief himself. So he tends to take a more relaxed approach. But don’t let that fool you—he will call you out when you mess up.
For instance, if you dropped a curse word, he might raise an eyebrow, give you a glance, and calmly say something like, “You kiss your mama with that mouth?” It’s not a scolding, more of a gentle reminder that maybe you shouldn’t be swearing like a sailor. No need for long lectures—he’ll just make a little quip and leave you to think about it.
Now, when it comes to stealing, things are a bit different. Let’s say you swiped a candy bar from the store. The first time he catches you, Kuzan will probably let it slide with a casual, “C’mon, don’t make a habit out of that.” He’s not going to drag you back to the store right away, but he’ll definitely make it clear that you shouldn’t do it again.
But if you do pull a stunt like that again, well, that’s where things get interesting. Kuzan’s the type who believes in learning through experience, so you can bet he’ll march you right back to that store, have you return whatever it is you took, and make you apologize. And no, there’s no escaping it. He’s firm but still calm about it, and honestly, having to face the consequences like that is a bigger punishment than any time-out could ever be.
The real kicker, though, is what happens if you keep testing his patience. Kuzan may be lenient, but he’s not about to let you get off scot-free forever. If you’re being particularly stubborn or if you keep pulling the same tricks, he’ll start thinking of creative ways to teach you a lesson—ways that are a little more embarrassing for you. Maybe he’ll announce loudly in the store, in front of everyone, “Hey, my kid took something they shouldn’t have. Let’s go return it and say sorry, okay?” Cue your mortification.
The embarrassment is enough to make you never want to do it again. You’ll probably sulk and shoot him an angry look afterward, thinking that you hate him for humiliating you like that. But deep down, you know he’s just trying to steer you in the right direction.
Even if you’re mad at him in the moment, Kuzan’s not too bothered. He knows it’ll blow over. He’s doing it all because he cares, and even if his laid-back nature makes it seem like he’s not paying attention, he’s got your best interest at heart.
When winter rolls around, Kuzan’s definition of “keeping warm” becomes a bit… extreme. You’d think that being an ice man, he’d have a perfect understanding of cold temperatures and how to handle them, but ironically, he’s so accustomed to the cold that he has no clue what “too cold” feels like for a regular person—especially for a kid like you. To him, being cold is just another day in the life. So naturally, when it starts snowing, his protective instincts go into overdrive, and he wraps you up like a little walking bundle of fabric.
It starts off with one coat, then another, and another, and one more, and two more, and three more, and probably four more…and before you know it, you’re waddling out the door buried under layers of jackets, scarves, gloves, and sweaters—there’s probably a beanie or two shoved on your head for good measure. You’re practically swimming in oversized clothes, struggling to move your arms because they’re weighed down by puffy jackets. Honestly, you’d be warmer than a marshmallow roasting by a campfire at this point, but Kuzan just keeps piling on the layers. He just wants to make sure you don’t freeze.
"Uh... Dad?" You mumble, muffled by the scarf he wrapped around you about five times. “I’m kind of... sweating.” You’re not cold at all—actually, you’re overheating under all these clothes, which is kind of impressive considering you’re outside in a snowstorm.
Kuzan just looks down at you, eyebrow raised. “Really? It’s freezing out here. You sure?” He’s genuinely puzzled because to him, 20 degrees Fahrenheit feels like a tropical vacation.
You nod—or at least try to, but the scarf kind of restricts your movement. “Yeah... maybe we can take one jacket off?”
Kuzan hesitates. He doesn’t want you catching a cold or getting sick, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to completely disregard your comfort either. After all, if you say you’re warm, maybe you are. Still, he’s reluctant, giving you a look that says, “Are you sure you want to do that?” He’s probably thinking of all the ways you could end up freezing the moment you take off even one layer.
“Alright,” he finally relents, tugging one of the jackets off your overly bundled body. “But keep the scarf and the hat. You never know when it’ll get colder.”
Of course, even after peeling off one layer, you’re still swaddled in a ridiculous amount of winter gear. Kuzan doesn’t do anything halfway when it comes to keeping you safe and warm, so you're still looking like a walking ball of puff. At least now you can move your arms a bit more.
If you weren’t a napper before, well, you better get used to it because now that you’re hanging around Kuzan, naps are mandatory. The man is the epitome of relaxedness, and somehow, his sleepy energy has rubbed off on you. It’s like the moment he decides to take one of his classic mid-day naps, you feel your own eyelids getting heavy. You might not even be tired, but seeing Kuzan lazily sprawled out, snoring away somehow makes you want to nap too. It’s practically contagious.
And if you’re feeling particularly snuggly? No problem. Kuzan isn’t one to complain about extra warmth, even if it’s from your tiny little self. If you want to curl up next to him, he’ll wrap one of his long arms around you and pull you close. He’ll probably even shift a little to make sure you’re comfy, tucking you in like you’re the perfect-sized teddy bear. Because you are. Except you’re not really a teddy bear.
Now let’s say that one day, instead of lying next to him, you decide to sprawl right on top of him—because why not? He’s big, he’s cozy, and he’s basically a human-sized mattress. You could literally flop right across his chest, stomach, or even lie across his back, and Kuzan? He’s perfectly fine with it. The man doesn’t even flinch. He just adjusts slightly, like, “Oh, you’re using me as your bed now? Cool, go for it,” before drifting right back to sleep without a second thought.
So congrats, you’ve officially been drafted into the nap life. Whether you wanted to or not, you’re now a professional napper, all thanks to Kuzan.
Remember that old sleep mask Kuzan used to wear back when he was still a Marine? The one he’d casually pull down over his eyes while everyone else was busy stressing out? Well, I like to think that even though those days are long behind him, he still keeps that mask tucked away somewhere in his knapsack.
And let’s just say that one day, he just hands it to you. No big speech, no grand gesture—just a lazy “Here, you can have it.” Now, the thing is massive on you. I mean, the mask is practically half the size of your face, and it keeps sliding down over your nose or up into your hair. But hey, Kuzan doesn’t care. He finds it pretty amusing how it looks on you, especially when you try to wear it seriously, like you’re mimicking him in some way.
Whether you’re sleeping or just goofing around, that sleep mask has pretty much become your thing now. Sometimes you wear it just because you can, even though it’s comically oversized. Other times, you carry it around like a prized possession, tucking it into your own little bag like it’s something important. Maybe you don’t fully understand why he gave it to you, but that doesn’t matter—it’s yours now, and you wear it with pride.
Kuzan doesn’t mind, of course. If anything, he’s probably glad it’s getting more use now that it’s yours. Every time he sees you waddling around with it over your eyes, almost bumping into things, you can catch him smiling. He never says it, but you can tell he’s kind of proud that his old Marine memento has become your new signature look.
Yeah, overall, Kuzan’s a great dad. Super chill, unbothered, and a literal human ice pack when you need it. If you're in the market for a dad who can nap at any given moment, pinch your cheeks just because, and accidentally turn your lunch into charcoal, then come get your own Kuzan today! (now only 5 berries down, 5 berries a month—frostbite risk included for free!!!!!)
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2-dsimp · 5 months
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Yandere hitman squad
Introducing the Sniper
A/n: That is a wonderful idea! o(≧v≦)o and I’m honored to be your first ask if you have anything else to share just hit me up dear anon!
Yandere Sniper who’s the stoic member of the hitman team known to be mysterious and very elusive when in reality he’s an obsessive stalker and reckless individual when it comes to things he’s very passionate about which is the one only crush he’s had in his entire life, you.
Yandere sniper who’s thinking back to how suspiciously familiar the client’s brash mannerisms were when they mentioned for this hit that he won’t be given a clear description of the target and that they’ll be the one to point them out in the distance since they want to see firsthand the death of someone they considered to be a huge nuisance.
Yandere Sniper who shrugs the thought off thinking he shouldn’t pay any mind to unnecessary things, that is until he found out that the client who placed a hit on his precious co-worker which happens to be his crush that works at the same convenience store with him on night shift hours.
Yandere Sniper who clicks his tongue, eyes filled with malice despite the cool expression on his face currently debating on wether he should terminate his contract and get them banned from the exclusive hitman membership which would mean that they’d be on the blacklist and properly disposed of or just take it upon himself to put a bullet through the insolent fool who dared to place you in harms way.
Yandere Sniper that grins devilishly and decides to go for the latter taking in the sick satisfaction of hearing their last breath being taken by his bullet from the ear headpiece given to him whilst also enjoying the bird eye view from atop of the high building of the violent scene consisting of his clients brain matter splattering against the tinted windows
Yandere Sniper that eagerly shifts his gaze over to you as if nothing happened and just shamelessly admires his lovely crush from behind the scope of his sniper rifle with a lovesick sigh gushing over how beautiful you looked in your everyday uniform as he’s kicking his feet up from his position down his stomach like a giddy teenager.
Yandere Sniper that loves to work with you during night shifts and often daydreams and imagines himself finding the courage to ask you out to which you of course agree to and in a blur you guys happen to be married with many kids of which he hopes will look like you.
Yandere Sniper that’ll sneakily take photos of you when your back is turned or aren’t looking since he’s a master of stealth he’s got a lot of “material” in his photo gallery which only exclusively exists for you.
Yandere Sniper who’d leave sweet little origami love notes in your locker in the employee’s locker rooms, since he’s too scared to actually approach someone who shines so brightly like the sun while he’s nothing but a shadow clinging onto you so desperately.
Ossian who will be the shadow to your radiant light making sure it never dims underneath his watchful scope.
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calliecwrites · 2 months
Shifter HRT, part 4 – First Changes (2 Months)
It’s happening! Slowly – but surely. I noticed the first small changes over the last few weeks. And, despite obsessively checking myself for changes every day, I found the first thing completely by accident.
I don’t bleed anymore. I nicked my finger while cooking, and nothing happened. Eventually there was a little blob of red goo there, but it wasn’t watery like blood, and after a while it seeped back into the wound. That’s what my blood is like now. It kinda makes sense that it would be the first thing to change, since it’s already liquid, and it’s what’s carrying the shifterising hormone around my body. I can’t feel it, I can’t control it, but knowing that I’ve got goo in my veins (what a thing to say) is weirdly validating. All those pills I’ve been taking are actually doing something! And I’d swear the cut healed faster than usual – though that might just be me seeing things where there aren’t any.
Speaking of seeing, my eyesight is changing. Or, maybe not the sight itself, but what my brain is doing with it. I’m noticing details more. It’s like how, sometimes, after meditation, I feel like I’m seeing things more as they are, rather than seeing what I expect to see. I imagine it’s what it’s like for an artist studying something they want to draw. Except now it’s happening spontaneously, and more intensely. For a moment, I can look at a tree and take in the whole thing at once, every leaf and branch, and remember it. It’s intermittent – more often than not I’m still seeing things the old human way – but it’s happening enough to notice.
Everyone always says shifters have a really good eye for detail. In all the human stories where shifters are monsters, that’s how they’re able to imitate and replace people so easily (assuming they don’t just absorb them, which also often ends up happening in those stories). I think this must be the start of it.
Some patches of skin feel different, too. There’s one on my leg, one on my stomach, and another on my back. They look the same, but the texture is slightly different, and I can tell where they are even without touching them. If I really focus, I can make them feel just a bit softer and squishier than normal flesh. Not quite like goo, not yet, but definitely different. I’m thinking these will be the first parts to turn fluid, eventually.
And one more thing: I bought one of those shifter art things. Maybe you’ve seen them? – a little bowl full of goo, with a button on the side that you twiddle to change the goo into different shapes. Or, maybe ‘putty’ is a better word – it’s a bit like wet clay that doesn’t dry. It’s a sculpting toy, basically – that shifters invented. I’ve wanted one for years, but never dared, because someone might see it and… guess what was going on in my head? Who am I kidding? – no one is going to see that and think maybe you want to be a shifter! If they even noticed it, they’d take one look, think that’s a funny little thing, and move on. Paranoia is… well. I don’t think paranoia is too strong a word for it. Everything I did had to be checked against would this make people suspect?, and that overrode everything else. Any sign had to be hidden at all costs. I still didn’t dare buy it in a shop – I ordered it online – but now it’s here, sitting on my shelf, and so far no one has called me a monster. I don’t think anyone’s even noticed.
Right now it’s in the very rough shape of a dragon. Well, OK, so it’s basically a blob with two little blobs that kinda maybe could be wings… and looks more like a mushroom… what you can do with the button is very limited! But the real appeal of these is that once I can turn fluid, I’ll be able to flow into it, mix with the putty, and sculpt it from the inside using my own shapeshifting ability. It’s no wonder shifters love these things. Some of the pictures I’ve seen online are amazing – almost as amazing as what they can do with their own bodies. What I’ll be able to do, eventually.
And so that’s it! Two months, and things changing already! I’m still taking my human hormones – I’ll have to keep doing that for a while – and I still haven’t told anyone (ugh, don’t want to think about that), but for only having been on this for such a short time, things couldn’t be better!
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steveharrington · 2 months
Have we seen Steve interacting with authority figures? I feel like we must have at some point but I can't think of any... which is maybe why I struggle to imagine what Steve and Hopper/Joyce sharing a scene might look like. I guess there's that scene with Barb's parents?
we HAVENT ‼️ hardly anyways! off the top of my head i’m fairly sure that the only adults we’ve seen steve interact with (and i define interacting by him talking to them directly or vice versa) are barb’s parents like you said, the guys he walked up to cleaning the theater marquee, and the russian general. genuinely cannot think of anyone else. isn’t that so upsetting
i wouldn’t call barb’s parents or the movie marquee guys authority figures per se, but i do think you could kinda categorize ozerov that way. at the very least, he has massive power over steve (literally has him tied up and drugged). i think it’s notable that of these instances where steve is sharing a scene with an adult, he is consistently doing some sort of repentance. cleaning up the marquee, visiting barb’s parents after she died in his backyard, and being beaten for finding the operation (which served as a larger message to steve that once again reminds him he was an Evil Little Boy). we’ve never seen steve interact with an adult to receive comfort or protection—it’s always the opposite, actually. uncomfortable at the very least, literally being tortured at the most.
i think a very underrated moment is steve threatening ozerov by saying that hopper is going to save them. i think it’s sooooo genuinely deeply sad, actually! he so confidently thought hopper (and other adults ie the us calvary) were going to come save him and robin, when actually no one even knew they were down there. if dustin and erica hadn’t saved them, literally no one would have!!!! the same protection that hopper and joyce provide the other kids/teens don’t really extend to steve and robin, which makes sense logically since they’re kinda on the outskirts. they are not their children or close friends of their children. but i think that line is so meaningful and sad because it kinda implies that steve thinks of himself as falling under that umbrella of protection, but he doesn’t :(
that’s not to say that i think hopper is canonically like “fuck steve harrington i don’t care about that kid”, but the writing in st thus far hasn’t really been dynamic enough to give us glimpses into the various ways that All these kids/teens/adults are inherently tied together after going through category 5 monster moments every half a year together. i really hope season 5 remedies that (it sounds and looks like they might?) by giving us these rare interactions between characters who have almost been killed by the exact same Creature several times but have somehow never talked. i also want so badly for someone to acknowledge that steve becomes the de facto adult when joyce and hopper aren’t around (i know mom steve jokes got annoying but they stemmed from his behavior clearly modeling that of a Parent with the kids) and maybe give us insight into how steve views himself….does he feel like an adult? would he view hopper as an authority figure, or would he almost see him as a peer and equal considering they both end up being the meat shields when it comes to fighting people and monsters? i need to know…..
i do think we’ll get at least a crumb of steve and hopper in s5, at least because david harbour and joe keery have both talked about wanting to share scenes and it would be so mean of the writers to just be like no sorry we don’t have time for a 2 second interaction in this 10 hour season LOL but we shall see <3
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musicalmoritz · 26 days
I was wondering if you had any headcanons about Nene and Akanes home lives?? Like we really know nothing about there parents and stuff
Thank you for this ask, I love to yap abt this kinda stuff!!
TW: Mentions of neglect
So for Nene I like to imagine her parents are good but not perfect yk?? Like they’re nice people who are very loving towards her but they’re not very involved in her life. She’s closer with her mom, who makes more of an effort to get to know her. A lot of fans like to hc her parents as being really awful and I don’t have a problem with that but I personally don’t see it (it can be interesting to read tho). It’s also important to keep in mind common tropes when pulling the “her parents never show up” card. It’s insanely common in media focused around teens for the parents to be absent, that’s a way for writers to depict the newfound senses of freedom and independence kids feel at that age. It doesn’t always mean the parents are neglectful, though you can most certainly headcanon them that way if you want to.
When I’m making headcanons based on characters’ home lives I tend to analyze their behavior and see where it might stem from. Nene is a very friendly girl with lots of love to give but she is a lot of insecurities, which leads me to believe she has kind parents but not ones that reaffirm her self-esteem. They probably aren’t the type to call their daughter beautiful every day, but I could see them still being nice to her. Their family probably isn’t overly close tho, they might not go out and do things. But again these are all my personal headcanons, others might interpret it differently. Sometimes I make her parents get divorced so Mama Yashiro can get a wife and Nene and Mitsuba can be siblings. That might be the best fic trope this fandom has created I fear (aside from Akane patching up Teru’s wounds)
Akane is the one I dump more trauma on lol. I feel like his parents are neglectful which leads to him going out of his way to be attentive towards others. He’s subconsciously trying to find someone who will give him the love he’s been missing out on. He also wants to make sure that no one else feels isolated/ignored, that they don’t have to worry about their basic needs not being cared for. He makes himself reliable and tends to be very independent outside of his emotional dependency on Aoi (which ties back to his search for love). The Minamotos also act that way with the independence/need to be relied on, and we know their father isn’t home much. I also like to hc that his parents act like the two different sides of his personality. His mom is very doting and affectionate, but in a shallow way. Then his father acts more apathetic, like Akane if he didn’t have a perpetual chip on his shoulder. And I don’t think he’s realized their neglect is a problem yet
Anyways Kako is his best parental figure. That’s grandpa fr fr
I just realized the top part of this response looks objectively hilarious. Let’s all take a minute to appreciate that
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