#so like yhea
aspen-in-da-crater · 4 months
sigh. stares longingly at blueberry. why do you guys get a terarium and i dont.
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manosaldibujo · 1 year
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Hey hey hey, some of my toughts on this versions of Donnies.
Yhea i like donnies.
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pine-arten · 1 year
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not my best work as i was mostly tired when i drew this but. slugcats <3 rivulet is like a seal to me. btw
will do the other three next
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maskedinfinate · 1 year
a lil thing me and my friends are working on:) !!!!!!
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wanted to make a title card for fun
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omi-papus · 8 months
POV youre a woman in pants in the room with a man who has seen mens insides but never so much as the shape of a womans thigh.
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birdmenmanga · 7 months
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admittedly idk anything about slaughterhouse five apart from what you’ve just posted but I am interested to hear if u have any ideas for what bitb in that style would look like?
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ok listen ok ok ok. Slaughterhouse five is a war novel about wwii and it's told through a series of moments out of chronological order in a meaningful way that keeps jumping back and forth enough that you don't have a solid timeline of what's going on. It tells the story of Billy's life and his experience in the war but everything is jumbled out of order as Billy gets stuck and unstuck in time. And I think that would fit with BITB so well.
I don't know who it would follow, my thought would be Rand although I think there could be some really interesting stuff for Rolan. But Rand is my target here, he is my billy pilgrim in this situation. What's interesing about slaughterhouse five that I just noticed is that while everything is out of order and jumbled, The bombing of dresden and the experiences getting captured in wwii is the ONLY thing that is told in chronological order. It is cut up into pieces and sandwiched between other moments in Billy's life. Everything else is out of order and just smushed together, but the main narrative is still in chronological order which while there are still bits that jump between past and future, it leads the reader to believe that the present is supposed to be wwii. And that's what it would be for Galloway.
The stuff that happened in Galloway would be the main timeline, the main focus, the main plot. It would be the only thing told in chronological order but broken up enough that it doesn't really feel like it's that way, snippets of things from the past and the future keep coming back and forth to fill in the gaps. But as well, there's a thing in Slaughterhouse Five where "so it goes" where everything bad that happens is treated apathetically because there's an idea that comes up later in the book that even if someone dies, they're still alive in memories and for the Tralfamadorians time is stacked on top of each other, it's not linear. Everything that happens has happened and is going to happen, and has to happen. It's the entire notion of doomed by the narrative before doomed by the narrative was a THING.
This person is supposed to die, but they are still alive in the past, and since the past is happening at the same time, they aren't really dead. And that's what it would be like with what happens at Galloway. Everything is told in a way that makes no sense, but looking at it all together it would be... not understandable... but it would idk it would make a meaningful world.
"There are no telegrams on Tralfamadore. But you're right: each clump of symbols is a brief, urgent message—describing a situation, a scene. We Tralfamadorians read them all at once, not one after the other. There isn't any particular relationship between all the messages, except that the author has chosen them carefully, so that, when seen all at once, they produce an image of life that is beautiful and surprising and deep. There is no beginning, no middle, no end, no suspense, no moral, no cause, no effects. What we love in our books are the depths of many marvelous moments seen all at one time."
That's the central idea, the story being told all together, no beginning middle and end, but everything happening at once with the knowledge of what is going to come.
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facivermis · 2 years
i need to know. if im about to be the only person on planet earth in possession of an anomalocaris fursuit
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isa-ah · 2 years
we just watched you are not my mother and it was. so good
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ashetheshade · 9 months
You know I really did feel like the Joker when I just left. It’s silly that that’s the first comparison I made, but I really felt like I was letting loose.
What a simple thing, “No”, and yet it feels exactly like the subway scene.
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allineedisonedream · 19 days
ASDJBKSHEUD I love your art with Leo's crutches so much!!! ToT
Do you have any headcannons about the crutches? I think he'd wack everyone's knees.
aww thank you! Haha Yhea He definitely steps on their toes (but purely by accident >:)"wink wink")
haha. Nah, but actually, I had a silly idea that Donnie builds the crutches and he puts like an emergency button and, I don't know, tissues and stuff in there (Idk how, but it's Donnie, I'm sure he could do it). And in addition to that, he builds in world-destroying weapons or like a gun in there, in case something happens and he needs to defend himself until his brothers arrive. And then it activates by accident or something...
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Mostly just an excuse to put Leo in air jail, tbh.
Related to this
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juuggg · 2 years
Got to the part in orv where the old translator leaves and the new one changes the names to the most distracting hard to read things possible 350 chapters in 😐
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andytr-dream · 2 months
Spoilerrrrrrrr from Twisted Wonderland
So why the fffffdd
Do they do this
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All of the parents look great all of the except one pair ONE MOTHER FRICKING PAIR YOU WANA GUESS WICH ONEEEEEEE
Yheaaa you know the one
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All of the other ones look so unique ( and I am missing the grandma from epel and even fricking checka, and Jamil sister) like all original designs to inspire the variety of family traits and yes all of them have similarity beacuse they are FAMILY, BUT COME ONE THIS IS PLAIN COMPY PASTE WTFF EVEN HIS UGLY UNCLE HAS AN ORIGINAL DESIGN UGHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
I AM done having silver being the low low bottom of this frickong Fandom, and you are gona say but "Lilia is his father too" well yhea but he is also the father to Malleus an they gave him a gorgeous mother, ( no offense to Silver design he is ma baby princess he is perfect and beauty). What i wanted is his father to have at least make the design a little bit different I know you have the capacity like look at all of this family. Just make him.blonde and longer hair is like so weak, because you know what SILVER WAS ORIGINALLY BLONDE SO IN REALITY THEY WOULD BE THE SAME FUCKING PERSON AND SPRITE, SO GET TO WORK DISNEY LIKE COME ONE GET REALL YOU LAZY FRICKS !!!!!!!!#$@$@
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codsoup · 8 months
Tea leafs and coffee beans / Ghost x Soap
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Warning: None. Just a whole lotta fluff.
Soap had offered to help Ghost move into his new house, and the two of them had spent the day unpacking boxes, arranging furniture, and getting everything in order. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the cozy living room, Ghost turned to Soap with a grateful smile.
"Thanks for all your help today, Johnny, I couldn't have done it without you." Ghost said, wiping his brow. Soap grinned, wiping his hands on his jeans. "No problem, Lt. Happy to help. Ghost gestured toward the kitchen and said, "I've got some tea brewing. Would you like a cup?"
Soap hesitated for a moment. He wasn't a fan of tea, always saying "It looks like piss," and it’s just “leaf water”. But he also wanted to spend some more time with ghost and get to know Simon better, so he decided to give it a try. "Sure, tea sounds good."
They settled at the kitchen table, and Ghost poured two cups of tea, sliding one over to Soap. As they sipped the hot, fragrant beverage, they began to chat about everything and nothing. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and they discovered they had more in common than they had initially thought.
Hours passed, the tea cups were refilled multiple times, and the moon had taken its place in the night sky. Soap realized that he was genuinely enjoying himself, not just because of the conversation but because of Ghost's company.
When the clock struck midnight, Soap finally spoke up. "You know, Lt, I have to admit something." Ghost raised an eyebrow, his expression curious. "What is it, Soap?"
Soap chuckled softly, placing his empty tea cup on the table. "I'm not a fan of tea, to be honest. I prefer coffee." Ghost laughed, the sound warm and genuine. "You could've said something earlier, Soap. I would have arranged for coffee."
Soap grinned, feeling relieved that he could be honest. "Well, in that case, how about next time when I come over we also make some coffee?"
“So you would like to come again?” Ghost replied with a small smile. “Hell Yhea, I do!” Soap replied with a grin.
The next time Soap visits ghost’s place he comes across a shiny new coffee machine sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Damn Lt, there was not need to do so much for me.” Soap said gesturing towards the coffee machine. “It’s not that big of a deal Johnny, anything that keeps you coming back.” Ghost replied with a tender voice.
And from that day on, it became a routine for Soap to visit Ghost’s house for coffee, and they would chat for hours with their drinks. It was during those moments, amidst the comforting aroma of freshly brewed drinks, that their bond deepened, and they realized that they were meant to be more than just teammates – they were meant to be friends, confidants, and maybe even something more.
Yes buying coffee machine for someone is not a big deal Ghost 😚
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webonchin · 10 months
Tw! For pregnancy, belly (not kink or spicy...)
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messing around a bit and I ended up drawing Dream expecting just because mhh yhea why not , thinking if I should share it here or not(bc i'm shy), someone will like it or not, either way the full actual drawing is below the cut
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He looks pretty like that ...
I blame the great dreaming authors in this fandom who have baby fics! (Affectionately)
The whole pregnancy thing has always been a big ick in general for me (I have a phobia wow lol) but consuming content related to what I like that deals with it has helped me to not stress so much...And going back to the topic, I don't know the idea of ​​characters who have a bad relationship with paternity, either due to loss, separating, growing up,etc. experience having the opportunity to start a family on your own (not necessarily "biological" as they say) is something very comforting for me ,also non-human pregnancy can be a very interesting topic *thumbs up*
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omi-papus · 10 months
Imagine that all that arguing actually leads to something and Al-An genuenly comes to understand that some “ineficiencies” , like non work related hobbies, music, parties, entretainment and other things humans do that are not directly beneficial to the general function of a society are just inherently human traits that cannot be deleted nor ignored and that they are important simply because they are a fundimental part of the human experience, in the same way that an Architect can not stop advancing and re-inventing itself. Basically humans not doing these things is quite literally torture.
Now every everyone would expect mister “eficiency up the ass” to be all in on Alterran hustle culture and distopian ideals, but the reality is actually the complete oposite.
“I am making sure to edit thw employment contract so my staff stops all non work related activities from now on. Way too many of my people keep missing emails and calls because these off time activities make them unavailable, and they should be focusing on their careers anyway. All these people going out, playing dumb little games. Its a complete waste of time. Its honestly large loss of revenue since these activities stop employess from taking on more overtime work.”
Al-An: I will ask amicably that you resign from your position, and leave the site imediatly.
“Hah! Yhea you get i- wait what?”
Al-An: *brings out arms* We will not tolerate any attempt, systematic or otherwise, to erase human life.
“Hey hey hey hey what are you talking about?! Im just trying to make things more eficient”
Al-An: *starts turning arms into saws* To deprive a species the ability to perform their natural behaviours, is considered a form of violence even if it is from a member of said species. You have made a direct violent threat to a larger number of humans and therefore calissify as a threat to the human collective, which I am allied with and am responsible for defending.
Al-An: *Starts walking closer* If you attempt to follow through on this threat we will be forced to use force. So I once again, ask you to resign and abandon the premises.
Al-An: I am asking nicely.
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