#somebody that i dont always have to be so happy around and go back to my people pleaser ways :(
callilouv · 2 years
its yearning hours oh myg od
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
10th doctor x deaf!reader - the way you talk
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Heya! Absolutely love your work! I've been rewatching doctor who ready for davids comeback😍 it's kinda hard because i'm deaf and sometimes the subtitles dont keep up with the timings😫 i was wondering if i could request a 10th doctor with a deaf reader if possible pleaseeee, thanks 💜 - Anon💜
A/N: Italics will be sign language
The TARDIS enabled the doctor to speak and listen to every language there was.
And for somebody like it, it was amazing, incredibly useful, meaning there wasn’t anything that would be lost in translation.
But, he realised there was limitations to this, and that he wouldn’t make him an expert in some areas, especially sign language.
He knew some, enough to get by if needed.
But when he met you, he realised that wouldn’t be enough if he wanted to communicate with you.
You talked through notepads and text messages, but for him it wasn’t enough, he wanted more. He wanted to communicate with you the way you had to.
So, when he had some free time, which surprisingly was quite a lot considering he always seemed so busy, he began to learn.
And when he next went to pick you up, he wore a grin from ear to ear as he waved at you.
You waved back, following him into the TARDIS, and you set your notepad and pen on the console, putting your bag out of the way before coming back over.
The doctor was flicking through the notepad, and you waved your hand at him, gesturing for him to pass it back.
Quickly writing in it, you flipped it over and held it out to him.
‘Where are we going?’
The doctor beamed.
He took it from you and set it down, making you furrow your brows a little bit, and he began to put some coordinates in.
You took the notepad again, asking him where he was taking you, but he wouldn’t reply, so you knew it was a surprise he had planned for you.
Which wasn’t so bad, except usually his surprises ended in some sort of running or rescue situation.
He was bouncing around, and you smiled as you watched him, leaning against the railing as you just watched him bounce from thing to thing, doing whatever it was he needed to do.
You didn’t quite know how the whole TARDIS worked, and he had offered to explain it, but you didn’t want him to sit there for hour writing it all down.
You were happy not knowing.
As long as you were travelling with him you didn’t care.
He bounding over, and with a grin he held out his hand to you.
“Come with me.” He said.
He knew you could lip read, so often he would just speak to you.
Sometimes he would forget and be stood behind you, trying to have a whole conversation with you and getting confused when you wouldn’t talk back.
You smiled, placing your hand in his, letting him lead you to the doors and outside.
It was bright, multiple sun sun the sky. It was warm, it wasn’t hot, it seemed like the perfect temperature.
The sand was a vibrant shade of gold, and in the distance the heatwaves rippled about, creating almost an illusion if there being water over there.
The doctor looked at you, smiling even more when he saw you smiling, and he reached out, tapping your shoulder.
You turned to him and he took a small breath.
I don’t know if I’m doing this right, I’m still learning.
Your eyes shot open at the sight of him signing, carefully watching what he was doing as he carried on.
But I want to make it easier for you to talk.
He looked at you slightly nervous.
How long have you been learning? When did you start?
You carried on signing questions and he quickly took your hands to stop you.
Laughing slightly, the doctor smiled and let go.
Not so fast, I’m still learning.
You grinned sheepishly.
Sorry. Why did you start?
So I could talk to you.
You furrowed your brows a little bit.
Yes we write or text to each other, but I want to talk to you properly. The way you do, I wanted to make it easier on you.
You smiled and rushed to hug him tightly, and he happily hugged you back.
He had a long way to go, but with some practice and you to help guide him, he would be able to have longer conversations with you in no time
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huellitaa · 6 months
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friendship breakups 🎀 . ࣪˖
OKAY. so. i was best friends with this girl for 7 years and only recently i ditched her! after so so so so long i ditched her. finally. and my god i feel SO much better.
˚₊‧꒰ა friendship ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
someone that you experience a bond with.
˚₊‧꒰ა toxic friendship ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
someone who drains you and hurts you while still considering themselves a friend.
i think one of the hardest parts of this whole situation is figuring out what makes somebody toxic for you without constantly over-romanticising all the good parts.
˚₊‧꒰ა clear signs of a toxic friendship ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
♡ dreading communication with them
♡ feeling drained after interactions
♡ being insecure and fearful around them
♡ holding off on telling them big things
♡ used as a joke way too often
♡ kept in the dark as just a "backup plan"
♡ left out & overlooked.
a friend should be somebody who hypes you up and makes you laugh and rambles for ages with you and makes dumb jokes with you and makes you happy and doesn't leave you out or make you feel alienated or upset or anything like that. it took me 4 whole years to actually realise this.
now, if you find yourself in a position where you are experiencing these signs of a toxic friendship but aren't really sure what to do, this is what i did!:
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ weigh out the goods & bads
if you're currently stuck with somebody who makes you feel drained and insecure and whatever else may be making you feel as though maybe you should cut them off, it sounds a little weird but as somebody who works way better puzzling things out when doing it on paper, i made a whole pros and cons list of what this friendship brings to my life. having a physical representation of your confusing thought process around the whole situation can be very beneficial and help to put your thoughts into clarity so you can make a decision that actually helps and aligns with you and go from there.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ figure out your friendship standards
everybody always talks about having standards in romantic relationships and love and all that but i barely hear anything on standards for friendships. friendships are just as important as romantic relationships, and having standards for friendships is equally essential as it would be in a relationship if you dont want to attract scruffy, dirty, insecure people who will only drag you down. ask yourself what your ideal friend looks like; somebody who shares your interests, somebody who supports you, somebody with a similar mindset to you, similar background to you; what is it that you want in a friendship? how do you define friendship? what does that look like for you? make a list and keep it somewhere safe. refer to this when making new friends and cutting them off.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ think back on your actions
a harsh truth of life is sometimes we are the problem. something i did for way longer than i should have is spend time going back over my every word, every movement, every action to see if there was something i did wrong. now dont do what i did, but do just sit down for a little bit and think if there was anything you could have possibly done and bring it up with them to resolve it if you did. admitting your wrongs is not weak. it is the strongest thing one can do.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ get a second opinion
one thing that helped me was talking to my mum about it. me and my mum are really close so i chose her but it can be another close friend, a parent, a partner, just whatever you feel comfy with. try to put it into a hypothetical situation so that they have no prior biased views on the situation and explain to them the scenario and see what they would do and what they would say. if you have no one to do it with, then thats absolutely fine because this is completely optional and just helped me to reassure myself a bit, but you can also think of it from an outsiders perspective or if a friend was telling you that they are experiencing what you're currently going through so you can get an unbiased opinion from yourself.
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🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ let yourself feel how you feel
if you need to, just sit and cry for a bit. journal, write, wallow in your own sadness for a bit if thats what you need to release it from yourself. suppressing and holding all this in is way, way worse for you than letting it out could ever be. just have one night where you rot and cry and be sad about it. this releases the negative energy you've been holding onto about it and i promise you will feel so much lighter afterwards.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ demonising and romanticising
in these situations, its best to keep a neutral mindset towards them. even if its toxic, they were your friends in the first place for a reason and even if you shouldn't romanticise them dont demonise them and completely despise them either because thats not good for you or them. they are still an experience you went through in your life and are to be learnt from, nothing more. respect the good parts just as much as the bad parts.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ dealing with conflict
something i really really worried about for years when i wanted to leave my ex-best friend was the falling out and the social backlash, seeing as she's fairly popular too. but while i was expecting sooo much backlash and conflict, it turns out that if you do it the right way, nobody really cares. sure, it might attract a little attention for a while, but trust in yourself and remembering that nobody will actually care about this in a few weeks will get you through and you can move on with your life. if people can turn against you from only hearing one side of the story, they were never your people. plus, why are you stressing about validation from people you don't even like in the first place?
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ detachment
one thing that has saved me in many, many situations, including this one, is not giving a fuck. i will be making a post on detachment at some point but detachment in friendship breakups especially is so important because its easy to let your emotions get the best of you and control you and make irrational decisions in these situations. staying completely indifferent and detached and comfortable in yourself with you as your main priority has to be one of if not the most important part of this whole process.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ moving on
obviously moving on is difficult. moving on might be one of the most difficult things about the whole experience of a friendship breakup. so along with feeling the emotions and releasing them like i mentioned earlier, acknowledge that it's okay to mourn the past, even if they were bad for you. thats perfectly normal and okay. but do not let it consume you. trust in yourself and that this is for the best, and be proud of yourself for getting out of that friendship because there's so much you haven't yet learned and so many people you haven't yet met that will change your whole life in ways you can't possibly imagine right now. ♡
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ trusting yourself
trust that no matter what's going on right now you will always be able to bounce back from it. trust your judgement and that if it makes you feel this bad, you arent overreacting, you arent overemotional, you arent just sensitive and it is genuinely affecting and impacting you. everything is an experience to be learnt and grow from and this is no different. its uncomfortable and its scary but the shift to getting everything you want is often scary and uncomfortable because of how much has to change to achieve that reality. if there's one person you're always going to have no matter what, it's going to be you. you are your own best friend. trust yourself above anybody and everybody else.
🎀𓂃 ࣪˖ actually cutting them off
one thing i did that i feel could have ended things a lot easier is not procrastinate the process of actually cutting them off. it was a little easier for me because she was ghosting me anyway so i did the same and told her no whenever she wanted me to do something because i refuse to be a second option, but if you're not comfortable with that and can't do it in a good or polite way because of whatever circumstances you might be in then just politely tell them. plan out what you wanna say in your head, dont think about it and just tell them. it will all be for the best, i promise. being uncomfortable is a part of change. you can do this.
overall, everybody enters your life and everybody leaves your life for a reason. please don't take this personally. people are not meant to stay forever. relationships are precious and fleeting, no matter what kind, and you should treasure them, good or bad, while accepting it might not be right for you anymore. people aren't supposed to stay forever and losing friends shows that you are growing. you've got this, okay? 💞💗
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ghost1yv · 7 months
where the brothers find out that teen!mc, who they practically see as a little sister now has a crush on somebody, how would they react? — gn!mc thats around 16-17 years old
small note_ im gonna say the demon that MC has a crush on is somehow the same age.. dont ask how just go along with it!
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MC could not stop getting distracted while they were on cooking duty with Satan. They obviously had something on their mind that was distracting them but everytime that he asked they just brushed it off and tried— key word tried to focus on the task at hand. He also noticed before that they would get distracted or seemed to be lost in their mind during other ocasions. Now that just got him curious, what could be distracting MC so much? He wantsd to figure it out himself but he decided to consile his brothers about it, even if he didnt exactly like that the idea.
"Satan what did you call all of us in here for?" Lucifer asked while crossing his arms, it was after dinner and he decided to call all of his brothers to the living rook while MC was in their room. "Yeah.. I was just getting ready to have an anime marathon with MC!" Levi said sulking— not very excited to be out of his room espcially since Satan interupted him while he was setting up his room so him and MC could watch one of his favorites together.
Before any of his other brothers could complain sbout how he interupted them and whatever they were doing Satan sighed and said, "Well haven't you all noticed that MC has seemed lost in their thoughts recently?"
"I haven't noticed anything about that idiot lately." Belphegor says looking half asleep, but truthfully he had noticed that they seemed to be more distracted recently. Asmo chimes in, "Well.. whenever im hanging out with MC they seem to barely be listening anymore!" He pouts thinking about whenever hes been painting his nails with MC, or going out to shop with them that they haven't really been paying attention.
"They've been ignoring me too!" Mammon says before Beel responds, "Maybe they're just thinking about food." I mean thats what he's almost always thinking about... "Thats what you always think about.." Levi says
"Back to what I was saying.." Satan says— with an annoyed expression, "I've been trying to think of what could be distracting them so much." He continues and now all of them are trying to guess what could MC possibly be thinking about that causes them to lose focus or start ignoring them?
Mammon laughs, "Definitely money!"
Belphegor rolls his eyes before saying, "Probably 'bout sleep."
"Ohh!!! Maybe they're thinking about their favorite anime or.. characters, maybe even games!" Levi says excitedly about the idea of MC having the same thoughts as him
"Cats? Or maybe they read a book that they enjoyed and can't seem to get their mind off it." Satan suggests
Lucifer sighs shaking his head, annoyed at his younger brothers, "Isn't this supposed to be what MC is thinking about?"
Asmo seemed to have an idea and gasped dramatically, "Wait.. what if our little human has a crush..?" He says whike smiling, happy to be a your wingman if you do! Oh and he can dress you up for your dates, aslong as whoever your crushing on is good for you though!
All the brothers fall silebt for a second before Mammon says, "Hah, No way!" He brushed off the idea before Satan cuts in, "No.. that could be it."
he wasnt very pleased with this idea, espcially since that definetely seems like that is whats distracting you
extra protective, he would be anyway— but its a demon..
and demons are known to trick humans.
he HAS to see who your crushing on and make sure theyre not gonna try anything
oh but dont think your off the hook if they have no bad intentions hes still overprotective
.. but if they have no ill intent then hes more open
no sleepovers though!
basically an overprotective parent
hes not happy with this either..
not like lucifer though, hes more open
he'll even sneaks you out and help you avoid lucifer
and trys to be your wingman!
probably going to have to convince him with grimm or puppy dog eyes— hes weak to those..
also has to see who your crushing on and hes going to pratically interogate them to see if theyre good for you..
that poor demon just wanted to have some peace before they got bombarded with questions
but after he knows theyre good for you hes pretty chill
not very happy either!
though its only because he still wants to spend time with you
where your actually paying attention..
so you'll need to assure him that you will spend with him and you'll listen to him
after that he doesnt really care
though he also wants to make sure that your crush would actually be good for you if you try to pursue them
he wont sneak you out or anything but he wont snitch if your going to hang out with them
so also chill, as long as the demon you like isn't going to hurt you in anyway
had mixed feelings— he was intruiged on how you came to like this demon but also wasnt very happy that it was some unknown demon
if it was someone he knew wouldnt have any ill intentions he wouldve erased the second part but it was some unknown demon..
but after he sees the demon and knows they dont have any bad intentions then hes okay with it
he still warns you to be cautious though
he'll help sneak you out only to see lucifer angry
although most are probably cheesy, he'll try to give you some tips on how to ask someone out that he's read in romance novels or seen some people do
basically another one that doesnt care that much
he is beyond excited about this!
of course— he'll make sure the demons good for you but after that he is now your wingman!
will help you talk to them, or even talk to them for you!
oh and cant wait til you guys start dating! oh hunny he is going to make you look so good!
he absolutely supports it! maybe a little too much..
also helps you sneak out and see whoever you like
but its all in good nature!
hes happy for you and doesnt care that much
he also warned you to be cautious
again, he made sure he was good for you
but he did ask you to meet them or at least see them
after that he didnt care— covered for you if your sneaking out
but hes probably not the best option to hide it.. once lucifer offers him food then he snitches
but hes really sorry for doing so, he just couldnt resist food
he'll listen to you ramble about them as he eats
pretty much just happy for you
similiar to satan— he had mixed feelings
he didnt really care for the most part
but definitely needed to see who this demon was and made sure they werent going to use you
also sneaks you out to make lucifer angry— sometimes to annoy you he will snitch
gets annoyed when your wont stop going on about your crush to him while hes trying to sleep
he does tease you about it though, a lot.
other than that he really doesnt care
end_ if you couldnt tell this was supposed to be a small fic.. but i got lazy
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bubblegump-1-nk · 1 year
I Love My Boyfriend
- Theodore Nott x fem!Reader, Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader
summary: you’re very much in love with your boyfriend Draco Malfoy, and happy in your relationship - but a certain brunette makes you start to question your beliefs (part 1?)
song: I love My Boyfriend - Princess Chelsea
Disclaimer: lol I’ve started to realize that like more than half of my fic’s have allusion to cheating or are just flat out abt that, but seriously, DONT CHEAT YALL.
It was a chilly September day, the leaves were starting to fall and coat the grass in an array of orange and yellow hues. You couldn’t be more exited for the changing weather, as you were getting rather irritated with the heat.
“Baby? Did you hear me?” Draco said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
You were walking with your beautiful boyfriend, Theo, and Blaise back from Care of Magical creatures.
“No, I’m sorry Dray. Can you repeat that?” You said, sending him a smile as further apology.
“It’s ok, I just asked if you have your outfit ready for the party tonight?”
“Oh yeah, I have it all ready.” Tonight the Ravenclaws were throwing a party, and asked everyone to come dressed up as somebody else. You and Draco were dressing as each other.
“I’m exited to see you in a mini dress, Draco.” Said Theo chuckling, Blaise laughed at the comment.
“I’m not wearing a mini dress, Theo. Sorry to crush your dreams.” Said Draco, as he reached for your hand.
You laughed at Theo’s comment, looking up at him. He looked down at you and held eye contact for a few seconds, before you looked away. This shouldn’t be happening.
You had arrived at your dorm room a few moments after, and you were slightly happy to see that your roommate hadn’t arrived yet, you needed time to think. You quickly changed into some comfy clothes before laying down in your bed, quickly getting lost in your thoughts.
You had always loved Draco, since third year when you two had started dating. So why was it that just now, two years later, you’ve started to feel funny about your relationship. It had all started during the summer, when Pansy had invited your group to her house for a week. You, Draco, Mattheo, Enzo, Blaise, and Theo. Theo. Theodore Nott. The man who has you pulling yourself away from Draco. You were sure the feelings had been present for a while, but they hadn’t fully revealed themselves until one night. One night when you couldn’t sleep and you found yourself going downstairs to get some fresh air. That’s were you found him, smoking a cigarette.
He turned around to face you, smiling upon seeing you.
“Couldn’t sleep?” He asked, as you walked up to him.
“Nope, I just needed some fresh air.”
“Yeah, me too.”
It was silent for a bit, you looked up at him. At the way his curls were slightly askew, probably from having tossed and turned in bed, trying to find sleep. The moonlight illuminated his already gorgeous features in a beautiful light, making him appear almost heavenly. You had always found him slightly attractive. But somehow, that night, you saw him in a more-than-friends light. In a i-could-see-you-as-my-boyfriend light. You turned away quickly as you had that thought. You loved Draco, and only Draco. You couldn’t have those thoughts.
Little did you know he looked at you right after, and stared at you longingly, wishing you weren’t his best friends girlfriend, because he had been in love with you for a year now.
Your roommate opened the door, and you looked her way, sitting up on your bed.
“Finally, I’ve been waiting for you to get here to start getting ready.”
“Sorry, sorry. But I’m here now, so let’s get started!!” Said Pansy, pulling you up from your bed.
You had finally finished getting ready. You were wearing a cropped white button down, a black pleated mini skirt, and a green tie to resemble Draco’s uniform. Pansy had helped you with a hair spell which turned a few strands of your hair blonde to match Draco’s (ignore this if your already blonde lol).
Pansy dressed up as Daphne Greengrass, who she decided to switch with after you told her you were matching with Draco. She came up behind you as you looked in the mirror.
“You two are going to look so cute at this party. My forever favorite couple.” She squealed. You hadn’t told her yet about your Theo thoughts. Mostly because they would pass quickly, right?
“And you look even cuter, now let’s gooooo!”
“Ok, ok I’m going.” She said, stopping to reapply her lipgloss quickly before following you out of the dorm.
The boys were waiting for you in the common room.
“Well, hello me! I never realized I was this hot.” Said Draco, coming to take you in his arms. You lightly slapped his arm as a joke before Draco gave you a quick peck on the lips.
“You’re lucky she’s doing you justice Malfoy, if I had dressed up as you I would’ve just worn a trash bag.” Said Theo, earning him a face from Draco. He winked at you once Draco looked away, causing you to blush. An interaction Pansy had caught.
You all entered the Ravenclaw common room, and were met with blasting music and an intense smell of alcohol.
“I’m gonna go get us drinks babe” Draco said over the booming music, unsnaking his hand from your waist.
“Ok, thank you.” You said, giving him a peck on the cheeks before he left.
“So y/n, what do you think of my costume?” Said Theo, coming to walk beside you as you entered deeper into the common room.
Your breath hitched when you realized who it was. As you turned your head to him your eyes widened. He had taken his shirt off. “What costume?” You said, jokingly, trying hard to look him in the eyes.
“What? When have you seen Mattheo with a shirt on when he doesn’t have to have one on?” He said, laughing.
“Well that’s fair. I quite like it, if I’m being honest. You truly embodied our Riddle well.” You said, smiling.
“Yeah?” He said smirking. “Well I think your costume is quite bad.”
Your gave him a look and scoffed. “Why is that, Theodore.”
“Well only because you look far too good to be Draco.” He said, placing his hand on your hip.
You knew you shouldn’t let him do this. He knew he shouldn’t do this. But for some reason, none of you moved.
Draco had been walking toward you, drinks in hand, when he saw you two. His best friend since 9 years old, and his girlfriend, who he loved more than anything in the world. His hand on your waist, your hand on his bicep as you threw your head back in laughter at some stupid joke Theo made. His heart felt heavy. What was this? He had never seen you interact this way. Theo had always respected boundaries, and you had always loved him too much to let any man touch you like that other than him. Also, why the hell was his shirt off? We walked over to you two quickly.
“Got the drinks.” He said, standing next to the two of you. He tried to be as civil as possible, knowing it must have been some sort of misunderstanding, since he trusted the both of you.
His words shook you and Theo out of your trances, quickly letting go of each other.
“Thank you baby.” You said, grabbing the drink from Draco’s hand.
He snaked his arm around your waist possessively as he started at Nott.
Theo cleared his throat, “well I guess I better go find Mattheo. Make sure he’s not giving me a bad rep.” He said, causing you to giggle lightly. He left with a smile on his face.
“Wanna dance?” Draco asked you.
“Of course!”
After quite a bit of dancing, you told Draco you were going to go take a break. He had started to follow you but you told him he didn’t have to, since you knew he wanted to keep dancing. He smiled at you and gave you a deep kiss before you left.
You plopped down on the nearest couch you could find, suddenly feeling the three drinks you had had before hand. You started to loosen your tie when you noticed someone sit beside you. Theo.
“Here.” He said, handing you his cup of water.
“Omg you are a life saver. Thank you Teddy.” You said, talking a gulp of water before handing it back to Theo.
Teddy. A nickname you hadn’t used on him since you had started dating Draco, since you thought it was a little too endearing. The use of it hadn’t gone unnoticed by the both of you.
“So, how are you finding the party?” He asked , taking a sip of water before handing it back to you.
“It’s fun, how about you?” You asked, taking a sip of the water.
“Fun. I’m just confused on how Mattheo can keep his shirt off all the time. I feel over exposed.” He said, laughing as you handed back the cup.
“Well, that’s because Mattheo is very strange.” You said, giggling, earning a chuckle from Theo.
“I’m very what?” Said Mattheo smiling, coming up to the both of you.
“You are veryyy strange for always having your shirt anywhere but your chest” you said, making the two boys laugh.
“Oi talking about shirts, this one is making me rather uncomfortable. Why do you always have a shirt on Theo?”
“Probably because that’s what your supposed to do.” Theo responded, making you laugh. His arm was now behind you, on top of the couch. And you were somehow leaned against it.
“Well I don’t think it should be that way. I mean how much better would our lives be if the lovely y/n never had a shirt on.” He said.
“Keep dreaming.” You said
“Oh right, I forgot about your little obsession with Draco.” He said, making eye contact with Theo as he said so.
“Just because you’ve never been able to keep a relationship doesn’t mean you have to hate on the rest of us.” You said.
“Ouch.” He responded, putting his hand over his heart.
“Well, I’ll see you two later, Hannah has finally left that stupid Gryffindors side.” He said, smiling walking towards the blonde.
“Go get ‘em tiger.” Theo yelled after him, making Mattheo flip him off.
“Put this on for me? I don’t want to keep wearing it.” You said to Theo, passing him your Slytherin tie.
“Of course Princess.” He said, putting the tie on.
“Wow, you look just like me now.” You said, jokingly.
“Well it would make sense that your dressed up as me, considering that you look so good tonight.”
You blushed at his words, looking away and spotting Draco on the dance floor with Enzo. You never realized how truly bland he was. It was hard to spot him out amongst the others, the only indicator being his bright blonde hair. Theo, on the other hand, you could spot out anywhere. Y/n stop! You love your boyfriend, and you know he’s the most attractive person in the room - right?
You woke up, head throbbing in Draco’s bed. He was holding you close, his arm protectively around you. You gave him a kiss on his temple before lightly getting out of his embrace. You grabbed one of his sweatshirts and put on your shoes before heading back to your dorm.
You walked in, and found Pansy reading on her bed.
“Hey Pans.” You said, going over to her bed as you took your shoes off.
“Hey y/n. Fun night?” She said, smirking.
“Draco and I didn’t sleep together, he just took me back to his dorm after I started throwing up.” You said, explaining why you hadn’t slept in your dorm.
“That’s not what I meant.” She said looking down at you.
You gave her a confused look at your laid down position on her bed.
“Theo. I meant Theo?”
You widened you eyes, “Theo? What do you mean?”
“Y/n. I saw the way you two were interacting. I haven’t seen you two like that in a long time. Not since before Draco. And by Merlin I’ve never seen you two touch each other that way. Y/n, your my best friend, you can tell me anything. You know that, right?” She said, running her hand through your hair.
“I know, I know. It’s just, I’m confused.” You admitted.
“Confused? Why?”
“Pansy! I’m fucking confused because I have a boyfriend! Who I’m very much in love with.” You said exasperated, although you said the last part with doubt evident in your voice.
“Look y/n. I’m not saying who you love and who you don’t. All I’m saying is that you and Draco have been dating for two years, the longest relationship you’ve ever had. And you started dating at a young age, it’s normal for you to feel like your growing apart. It’s normal to feel like you want to try something new. It might be a phase, it might not. All I expect from you is for you to figure it out as quickly as possible so you don’t hurt either one of them. And I’m here for you, if you find you need help.”
These words circled through your head as you thought them over. She was right. You needed to figure this out. You loved both of them to do anything to them.
“Thank you Pansy. I love you.” You said, smiling at her.
“I love you more.” She said.
A knock at the door caught both of your attention.
“I’ll get it. Coming!” You said, getting up from Pansy’s bed.
You opened the door, expecting Draco, and found none other than Theodore Nott. You smiled.
“Hey. Um, I didn’t see you down in the great hall and I guessed you are probably too hung over to go down there, so I brought you breakfast.” He said, holding out a little box filled with waffles, bacon, and eggs - just like you like them. He also held out a water bottle.
“Oh my gosh thank you so much Theo, you’re the best!!.” You said, grabbing the box.
“No problem.” He said smiling.
“Come in Theo.” Pansy said, appearing at your side.
“Yeah come in.” You said, smiling as you opened the door wider.
You all three sat on the floor, as you ate your breakfast, sharing some with Pansy.
“This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten in my lifeee.” You said, earning you a very intense nod in agreement from Pansy, mouth full of waffles.
“What can I say? I am the best.” Theo said, grabbing a piece of bacon.
Suddenly the door opened, causing the three of you to turn towards it. Standing there was Draco, who had stopped at the sight of you three. More specifically, you two. He had a little cup of water and a biscuit wrapped in a napkin in his hand.
“Hey baby.” You said, getting up and walking towards him.
“I brought you breakfast. But it seems you’ve already eaten.” He said, sternly. Eyes entrained on Theo.
“No it’s alright. I wanted a biscuit anyway. Thank you baby.” You said, trying to diffuse the obvious tension.
“Yeah, of course.” He said, kissing you. His eyes still on Theo.
“Well, quidditch is in a little, so I better be on my way.” Said Theo, getting up.
“Ok, er, thanks for the meal.” You said, he nodded and smiled at you as he walked out, placing a hand on Draco’s shoulder before walking out. You couldn’t help but notice how much taller Theo was.
“Yeah, I better get going too.” Said Draco.
“Are you sure baby? You could stay a bit longer.”
“It’s ok, thanks anyway though. I’ll see you later.” He kissed the top of your head before leaving, closing the door behind him. Your slowly turned to face Pansy.
“Oh. My. God. That did not just happen.” You said, stunned.
It had been two weeks since that. And your relationship was still strained. You and Theo still had a weird thing going on, neither of you fully acknowledging it, never talking about it. Although you both knew you should.
Draco would never admit it but he’s cried twice already. He could see it, everyone could see it. He talked to Blaise about it, he just suggested talking to you, something he couldn’t do because then it would make it real. He hoped he was just imagining it, making something out of nothing. You two were just friends, right? You only loved him, right?
You were currently sitting in potions, Draco next to you and Pansy and Theo sitting in front of you. Snape was droning on about something, and you had no idea what was going on. You looked down at your worksheet that you were supposed to be completing but you had absolutely no idea where to start.
Theo noticed your confused face, he had been staring at you practically the whole class. He leaned over and began whispering an explanation.
You smiled up at him as he explained why you need Dragons snot and not Dragons spit. He smiled back.
Draco turned to you as soon as he heard him. Neither of you having noticed he had faced you.
“I think I can help my own girlfriend with her homework, Theodore.” He said, sternly, his hand finding his way to your upper thigh.
“Right. just didn’t look like it mate.” Said Theo, causing an intense staring contest between the two.
“Draco, I still don’t understand, can you explain this one?” You said, trying to stop whatever was going on.
“Of course baby.” He said, a little more aggressively than he intended.
Theo sank back down into his seat, and Pansy punched his arm
“Pass the steak please.” Enzo asked Theo, who had just finished serving himself pumpkin juice.
You were all together at dinner, Draco next to you, Theo sitting in front of you. Theos knees were touching yours, neither of you moving them.
“Thanks mate.” He said, loading his plate up with the meat.
“Y/n do you have my red shirt. The one with the dragon on it. I’m pretty sure I left it in your dorm.” Theo asked, hiding his smirk by taking a sip of his juice.
You nearly joked on your chicken, “your shirt?”
“Yeah, you know, the one I left in your dorm two nights ago.”
Draco tensed next to you, the whole table tensed. Pansy looked at you, nervous. Blaise looked at Theo, trying to figure why the fuck he was saying this. Enzo was darting his gaze between everyone, not sure what to think. Mattheo was smirking.
“Why would his shirt be in your dorm y/n?” Draco asked, his voice wavering.
“Because, this idiot decided to take a look at my candle while it was lit. The wax spilt all over his shirt and he had to change.” You said, telling the truth, “and yeah, I do have it Theo.”
Everyone relaxed, but not Draco.
“Why was he in your dorm, y/n?” Draco asked.
“We were just studying Dray.” You said, softly.
“Yeah mate, we just had to finish some essays and stuff.” Theo said, reassuring him.
“Well, where was I?” Draco asked.
“I don’t know, you sort of ran off after class that day. Theo asked to study and we didn’t have plans so I said yeah.” You explained, placing your hand on his thigh.
Draco looked at Theo, then at you, and continued eating his food. The table was silent for the rest of dinner.
“I’m going to bed.” You said, after about 10 minutes. You began walking out of the great hall, and once you had exited, Draco excused himself.
He found you on the way to the common room and called out to you. You turned to face him and stopped walking. He walked up to you and the two of your were silent for a second.
“Y/n, please, please tell me your not fucking my best friend.”
You were taken aback by his straightforwardness.
“I’m sorry?” You say.
“Theo. Theodore Nott. Please, baby, tell me I’m crazy for thinking there’s something there.” He says, voice breaking.
You know you shouldn’t, you know it’s wrong but you reassure him. “Draco what? What do you mean? There’s absolutely nothing there. I only love you.” You say, trying to sound as convincing as possible.
Draco doesn’t question you further, he sense the falseness in your voice but he ignores it. This can’t be real. So he won’t make it real. You walk back to the common room hand in hand.
3 weeks pass. Theo and you have been getting touchier, flirtier. Everyone notices it, everyone knows. Even Draco.
It’s taken everything in him not to beat the living shit out of Nott.
You find yourself in the quidditch stands, wrapped in Draco’s sweater and a scarf. The Slytherin vs Ravenclaw game is about to start. You’ve fallen for Theo. You know it now. You’ve known for about a week, but you haven’t said anything. To either of the boys. Guilt is eating you alive. You don’t know what to do. You don’t know how to react.
The whistle draws your attention, the game has started.
450-85 Slytherin.
You wait outside the Slytherin changing room.
“Hey baby. Good job!” You say to Draco as he walks out.
“Hi my love.” He says, kissing you passionately.
You’ve noticed this recently. Dracos never been big on PDA but recently he’s been over the top, showing more affection than ever. You can guess why.
“Let’s head to the party.”
“You start going, I just realized I left my gloves outside. I’ll meet you there, go enjoy your party.” You say, detaching yourself from Draco’s hand.
“Are you sure? I Can help you look” he states, trying to reach for your hand again. You pull it back.
“No it’s alright. The party is for you, go enjoy it. I’ll be there soon.”
“Ok, be quick.” He says, leaving. Looking back at you as you walk outside.
You were never wearing gloves.
You waited outside for a few minutes, and then headed back inside when you were sure everyone had left. You had planned this perfectly, you knew Theo was always the last one out.
You walked into the changing room, and surely enough there was Theo, putting his shirt on.
“Hey.” You said, walking towards him.
“Hey you.” He said, smiling.
You stop in front of him.
“We need to talk.”
His smile faltered although he knew this was coming. “Go ahead.”
“Theo-“ he cuts you off.
“Actually before you start, let me say something. I love you y/n. I’ve loved you for a while now. I know it’s wrong but I can’t help it. I can’t. You’re just so perfect and I tried to suppress it, I really did. But I couldn’t. Because quite frankly y/n it hurt. It physically hurt me to not be with you. And I knew I would continue feeling like that for a long time because you and Draco were some perfect couple. But I had to try, so I did. And these past few weeks have been good. It’s been good to show you I love you but Draco is always there, reminding me how horrible this is and how you aren’t truly mine. And I know I need to stop. And I will, for you. But I just needed you to know that I love you, I don’t know why I need you to know this. But I do.” He finished, breathing heavy. You could tell he was nervous because he was chewing on the inside of his cheek. He always did that when he was nervous .
You were both quiet for a little, staring at each other. After a while of you not saying anything, Theo began to leave.
“Theo wait!”
He turned to face you, hopeful.
“I love you too.” You said.
And with that Theos lips crashed onto yours, your mouths moving together. His arms were around your waist and you had one in his hair, one under his shirt. Your tongues were exploring each other, you’ve been waiting to do this for so very long.
“Jump.” Theo said quickly, before returning to kiss you.
You jumped and he grabbed you, your legs around his waist as he held you with ease. Your back against the lockers. He began to kiss down your neck, you moaned in response.
His lips returned to yours, the kiss was passionate and deep.
The door opened. A glass shattered.
Theo and you stopped kissing and turned towards the noise.
Draco was standing at the door, his cup broken on the floor. He had come to check on what was taking you so long. He had become familiar with your moans over two years, and when he heard them coming from the Slytherin changing room he didn’t believe his ears.
“Draco wait!” You called out as he began leaving.
Theo gently placed you down and you quickly ran after Draco.
“Draco stop!”
“Why y/n? Why? Why my best friend? Why after all these years?!” He said, eyes filled with tears.
“I-I don’t know. I wish I did but I don’t. But Draco, I, I never meant to hurt you. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen? What? Me walking in on you two? How fucking long has this been going on for?”
You were at a loss of words.
“This was the first time, I swear. I was going to talk to you but it just happened.”
“Things don’t just fucking happen y/n! Not like this. You’re a fucking slut.”
Theo had been waiting inside the room, he thought it was best to leave you two alone for a bit. But after hearing what Draco had called you he stepped out.
“Don’t fucking call her that mate” He said, stepping protectively in front of you.
“Mate? Mate? Don’t you fucking call me mate after hooking up with my girlfriend of two fucking years! How could you do this to me? How?”
“I don’t know, alright?! I don’t. And I’m sorry, I know it’s fucked up and I wanted to say something but I-“
“But what? Neither of you cared enough about me to say something before fucking each other? Is that what it is?”
“No Draco, please. It wasn’t like that.” You said.
Something in your words caused Draco to snap, and he did something he’d never done before. He punched you in the face, hard. As hard as he could. Your hands flew to cup your eye. Before he could think of what he’d done Theos fist hit him square in the nose. And soon Theo and him were on the ground, hitting each other with everything.
“Stop it! Both of you stop it!” You yelled, trying to stop them before one of them died.
“She was mine! She was mine you you knew that you fucking git.” Draco yelled, punching Theo in the mouth.
He chuckled, “obviously she wasn’t fucking yours if she wanted me so fucking bad.” Theo then punched him in the nose, then the stomach.
“Draco stop it! Get away from him, it’s my fault!” You yelled, trying to stop this fight again.
You heard footsteps, then you saw Enzo, Blaise, Mattheo, and Pansy. They had come down after realizing that you, Theo, and Draco had been gone for a while. The came running when they heard the commotion. They knew what had happened once they saw the scene. The boys worked together to get Theo and Draco off of each other. Theo had been on top of Draco, punching the life out of him when they got him off. Mattheo and Blaise were holding back a fuming Theo, as Enzo grabbed Draco.
“What the fuck?” Said Enzo.
“You fucking hit her again and it will be the last thing you ever fucking do.” Theo yelled at Draco, as he broke out of the boys grasps to get to you. He hugged you protectively as he checked if you were ok. You cried into his chest, he kissed the top of your head.
A silence fell over the room at Theo’s words.
“You hit y/n?” Asked Mattheo slowly.
“I-I didn’t mean to.” Said Draco, leaning against Enzo.
Enzo let go of him at his words, and looked at him in shock.
“You motherfucker” Said Mattheo running towards him.
“Stop! Stop it.” Yelled Pansy, getting in between Draco and Mattheo.
“You can kill him later but we can’t do this here.” Pansy said, shooting daggers at Draco.
The room fell silent again, the only thing being heard were your whimpers and Draco’s heavy breathing.
“This isn’t over Malfoy.” Theo says, before leaving with his arms protectively around you.
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antash · 8 months
Everything to Somebody Else (Soobin's pov)
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Pairing: Non-idol! Soobin x reader, Non-idol! Taehyun x reader
Genre: Drama
Warnings: soobin's pov, toxic! soobin, bar setting, alcohol, mentions of taehyun not by name, soobin refers to taehyun as bastard (twice), mention of a crowd, implied influenced driving, possessive behavior
Synopsis: Soobin is not happy at the sight of Y/N with another man so he creates a plot. But he's confused when it doesn't go like he thought it would.
Note: i dont think you need to read the other imagines to understand; other than the original (reader pov) version. i highly recommend doing so either before or after this one. it was fun to write soobin's pov, though it wasn't originally to go as in depth of the bar night with tyun; buy what can i say 🤷‍♀️
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Soobin bitterly drank his drink as he watched Y/N interact with a brown-haired male from across the bar. He slammed the glass back onto the counter, not tearing his eyes away from the duo. Soobin hadn't talked with you since Halloween, which was around a month ago. He wasn't exactly sure what had the radio silence from Y/N, and he had become busy with his developing relationship with Moa. Soobin rolled his eyes, the mystery guy was obviously up to no good. And what kind of friend would Soobin be, if he didn't do anything. He downed the rest of his drink before another one; which he chugged as well and setting it onto a random table. He walked his way onto the dance floor, shoving past the crowd of people with his eyes focused on where Y/N was dancing with that bastard. "Y/N! It's been awhile!" he called out once he got close to the dancing pair. Soobin reached his hands out to grab at Y/N's arms, successfully pulling them away from the guy. And if the tall male internally smirked at that fact then no one needed to know. "Hi Soobin" they tried yelling over the music. "You stopped texting and responding to me!" he whined to them with a pout. Soobin knew that Y/N couldn't resist him sticking his lips out like that so he'd be driving off with them soon enough. "Yeah, I've been busy with work". He knew Y/N had to be lying. While he didn't know the extent of this type of job; was being a bartender really all that busy.? Soobin got pushed by someone in the crowd and he took the opportunity to further enter Y/N's space. He looked back in agitation partly from the action and partly from the bold-faced lie. "Are you okay?" Y/N asked, placing their hands onto the blonde's forearms. Soobin shook his head, pouting his lips out further, and adding an 'take me home' to sell the point. He couldn't help the teasing look in his eyes as the two friends had been in similar situations a few times before. Soobin would drink then Y/N would take him home and the two would spend the night together. "I can't. Where are your friends?" Y/N tried looking around the crowd on the dancefloor for his friends, who weren't there. Soobin just brushed the question off as he continued with his begging. It was odd to him that his tactic wasn't working. Before: Y/N and him would have out the bar door by now. They continued to deny each of his request to take him home even as they brought him back to the bar stools. ~ Soobin internally groaned as he saw the brown-hair male find him and Y/N at the bar. He gulped down the water that was handed to him before slumping onto the bar. Glaring at the shorter male as he talked with Y/N, the two of them acting like he wasn't sitting just some steps away. Soobin wondered how the guy had been able to find them, had he been waiting for them or had Y/N texted him. He was getting annoyed at how this night wasn't going according to his plans. ~ As Soobin was settled into the back of the taxi, he felt indignant. Y/N always took care of him, they always put him above everyone else, they always brought him back to one of their places. Who exactly was this bastard that Y/N didn't want to leave him for Soobin!? What the hell had changed in the month since Halloween!? Soobin huffed and crossed his arms as he fully sat up in the seat. He turned his head slight, only to catch the dark figure of two people hugging from the window. The sight managed to piss him off even more as he faced forward. "Pull over". "I'm sorry? What was that, Sir?" "Pull over. Or I punch the seats, the choice is yours?" Soobin said as he looked over at the driver. His eyes were cold as he stared at them, and his jaw seemed tense as he bounced his leg. The taxi stopped which allowed for the tall male to get out. He threw out a wad as he stepped outside before slamming the door. Soobin felt like he could barely hold back the anger that he was feeling as he walked back to the parking lot where his car was. He was not this development. Y/N was interested in him, Y/N was his, and Y/N was sure as hell not supposed to move on to someone else.
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flandrepudding · 1 year
doll collection post
Hi guyz!! so somebody asked me to post my doll collection a while back and I put it off because i'm trying to rearrange my setup but its taking much longer than expected due to irl stuff.
But I dont wanna wait anymore! Feel free to just scroll through the pictures, you don't have to read the commentary if you don't want to. In fact you don't have to scroll through any of this at all. I wrote a lot because I am severely neurodivergent. Having a genuine blogging moment rn.
I have been waiting forever for an excuse to post my collection!! I was so happy someone suggested I do so.
I don't have a lot of room for everybody! Everyone is scattered around my room, but I try my best to display them nicely...
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My G1 collection is moderately sized, these dolls are expensive and difficult to find. There are so many more I want, like Dead Tired Lagoona or Sweet 1600 Draculaura to go with my Sweet 1600 Clawdeen...sigh. But it just keeps getting harder! I am actually content with stopping my G1 collecting hunt for now and instead focusing on G3... Many of these dolls are from my dear friends, especially Leo and Raven (hi guyz!). Without my friends, I would only have three of these dolls... I am so lucky to be so loved!!!
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I don't have many bratz that are in good enough shape to be on display. I really grew up on bratz rather than monster high... but again...these dolls get expensive! Roxxi was always a favorite of mine and a crush! Growing up, I was the type of kid who almost exclusively wanted one brat though. Yasmin. Not Cloe, Jade, or Sasha. I was devoted to collecting Yasmin because she looked similar to me. In retrospect, I really wish I had gotten more of the other girls...I do have some...though their numbers pale in comparison to the Yasmin army.
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The ball-jointed doll is my most expensive doll and my largest doll (she is fucking ginormous). Even when buying her at half the original price (great deal from a great friend) she was hardly affordable.
I bought her because I plan on customizing her to be Flandre Scarlet, my ultimate comfort character! I've always dreamed of having a doll of Flan. SO why not make one myself? I've had her for months but am still too scared to cut that beautiful hair off...I'm no good at cutting wigs/hair in general. I did install her red eyes myself which I've never done before as this is my first and probably last bjd! She is gorgeous but I would consider these dolls luxury items... VERY EXPENSIVE.
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(idk why the exposure is so high on these, sorry!! >_<;)
I am so happy to have the coffin bean playset!! I think it was a really good idea to get it. but I am so sad because I have hardly any room for it! So It's sitting on my dresser in front of a giant mirror so please excuse the poor editing I did to obscure the reflection of me and my living space lol...
I gave my Twyla low pigtails, though they aren't very visible, and my Clawdeen braids! I think Clawdeen looks super cute this way tbh I tried curling her hair again and again and again but the curls always fell out (I dont have much experience)...but honestly... I think I like this look even better ^_^. You can see her ears so well this way.
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This Clawdeen is basically my holy grail and it was gifted to me by Leo, Leo if you're reading this I hope you know you are basically Jesus.
not to get deep but the OMG doll next to her is special to me because it is one of the last gifts I got from my late Grandpa. He took me to target and when I said I liked the doll, no questions asked, he bought her for me. Didn't give me shit for liking dolls at my big age. He simply got her for me because she made me happy, and he wants me to be happy. Dolls can mean so much. Again, I am so lucky to be so loved!!! >:D
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I have this gorgeous Draculaura just chilling next to my jewelry cuz I have nowhere else to put her and honestly she is gorgeous and should stand alone.
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Here I have the pride Bratz next to my bed!!! They mean so much to me, as I said earlier I had a crush on Roxxi. To see she's a canon lesbian now is so incredible!! And Nevra, her girlfriend, is beautiful! They are so cute together... they are never leaving that box though. This was actually the first doll/set of dolls where I fully understood why people are content leaving dolls in their boxes. I love to play with my dolls so much... but I could never play with these two!! If anything happened to them I would lose my mind.
Now... you're probably thinking......where the hell is Lagoona?!?! Do you not have one despite loving her this much? Of course I have a Lagoona. I AM GROWING AN ARMY!!!!!!
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I really, really love Lagoona...I want to get every Lagoona doll I possibly can. Isn't she so cute! I relate to her character in the cartoon a lot too... her life at home, her difficulties speaking up when she is sad or angry, her sporty personality, etc etc... She has quickly claimed her spot as biggest comfort character #2. I included many pictures because I simply cannot pick one, she is flawless. You might recognize the Lagoona on the left, I drew her in that exact pose recently!!
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I have her army on my desk, giving me the strength I need to get through my work... like Homer Simpson with his pictures of baby Maggie at his work. I get endless inspiration and motivation from Lagoona!!!
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And here is the Flandre shrine bonus... I adore her!! I also have finally ordered a fumo flan that should arrive in august around my birthday eeek!!!
Anyways that is my collection. It's been many years in the making, though it's almost doubled since monster high G3 released... Mattel truly has me by the balls right now. If you read any of this, thank you. I put a lot of time into making this post, and it was really fun. I feel like a real blogger right now.
I really really enjoy dolls and talking about them. So I will happily do so anytime I get the chance!!! Will probably do an update once I finally install some more shelves and move stuff around <3
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milkovichrules · 11 months
sorry to come into your ask box but i just rewatched mickey’s coming out scene and i just… i get choked up every time. i love ian but i also feel like he pressured mickey into coming out. of course he had to set his own boundaries but he KNEW how badly mickey was treated when it came to his sexuality, it’s almost seemed cruel to give him that ultimatum in some way. but then mickey comes out and all he could do was look at ian and ask if he was happy!!!! like i cant even explain all the emotions noel was able to put into his voice in that moment, it literally break me just thinking about it! he knew what was coming and he still only wanted ian to be happy.. thats really just something. i dont even have words for it but i wanna let out the loudest scream about it
hello sweet thing!! you're always welcome here💕
tbh the coming out scene always reminds me of noel's fucking beautiful ig post about Ian's character but especially 'the truly remarkable thing about Ian's inner courage is that it's infectious. to put it simply, he's brave and an undeniable reminder to those around him; they can be brave too.'
I used to absolutely not be at all but I am definitely an Ian defender about this to a certain extent.
like do we enjoy ultimatums? fuck no. it's a shitty way to go about it. BUT I have to think about what's probably going through Ian's head, right? keeping in mind he's in/just coming down from what we can only assume is his first ever manic episode.
mickey came to find him, literally carried him home and protected him from creeps. gave him a place to stay and didn't just plonk him on the Gallagher's doorstep, actively chose him over his marriage. went to the Gallagher's when Svetlana kicked him out and asked him to come back, agreed to do whatever he wanted to get him to stay with him. slept next to his tiny bed on the floor.
mickey kissed him, full on made out with him in public!! that's so huge!! he accepted an invitation to a little gay party with ian's new friends. he slept in the same bed with him without fear in a house full of strangers!! he doesn't even know that mickey told that guy that they were together 😭
we all know mickey is an acts of service girlie but Ian is the kind of person that needs to hear it too. and when Ian DOES ask it's 'of course we are'. like it's a given. mickey doesn't need to have the conversation, but Ian does. and as far as mickey's concerned 'it's working out so far so good' to be a couple that hides.
there's a million reasons mickey might want to still keep them a bit of a secret (though its a pretty open secret at that point). sure I think some of it is to protect his reputation, to not have any sort of weakness, and to some extent I think he feels a lot of pressure in protecting the reputation of the Milkovich name, no matter how infamous it is. maybe because of how infamous it is.
but I also think it's because what he has with Ian is theirs. and its something in both of their lives that's genuinely really beautiful.
like not to bring up 3x666 but that's obviously the moment that the bubble really burst. he had built up this little secret life with Ian behind closed doors and he was opening up! he was falling in love! and once people (Terry) found out it was just ripped open completely. ruined. I think there's some element of mickey wanting them to be back at that place before it all went to shit. which of course, they never can be.
just like when Ian starts heading for the door in the alibi. he doesn't think mickey's going to do it. Ian's going to walk out and not see Mickey for a while and then in a few weeks it'll be 'just cuz I've got a wife and kid doesn't mean we can't still bang' like it was back then.
but now mickey knows what it's like to lose him and he doesn't ever want to do it again (which 🥲 but anyway)
the fact that when Ian tells mickey he's sick of living a lie mickey's immediate response is 'I'm not lying to you' somebody fucking sedate me
and of course Ian wants mickey to come out so that they can be together but 'you're not free' absolutely kills me because he just wants mickey to be okay with being himself openly. and 'what you and I have makes me free' and ian's FAAAACE but then Terry shows up and he has to watch mickey tear himself away and go straight back in the cage and it hurts. of course it hurts.
so Ian drinks a little and lets himself stew and shoves mickey toward the edge of the cliff.
mickey's voice when Ian tells him not to bother coming back and he says 'what the fuck are you talking about?' breaks my heart every time because they're fine, aren't they? they just have to get through this bad thing and then they can go back to their little bubble.
mickey's always in survival mode, just varying degrees of severity. you can see him, literally see it on his face, weighing the options.
what's gonna happen if he does nothing? he's going to watch Ian leave. again. he's going to get blackout drunk and go home with his wife and his son and his fucking dad and wake up like that every morning for however long he can stand it. he's going to be walking on the eggshells of his own broken heart.
what's gonna happen if he says something? he's going to be physically hurt. he's going to bleed. he's going to have to bite and scratch his way out of that bar unless he's arrested or knocked out first. there's hopefully enough people around to keep Terry from straight up killing him. and what else? Ian stays. Ian stays and they get to go home together. take care of each other. sickness, health, all that shit.
so he does it. he shouts and he bangs on that table and he says it and hes fucking brave!! because he might think he's fucked for life but he has one beautiful thing that's worth fighting for!!
oh my god and him asking 'you happy now?' I fucking knooowwwwww honestly it makes me a little bit? insane? there is SO much going on there.
fucking getting everyone's attention to announce he's fucking gay and 'I just thought everyone should know that' and then looking at the only other openly gay person in the room and going 'you happy now?' jEEEEEsus like?????????
the eyebrow raise as well like 'you know exactly what's gonna happen now' and of course it does.
but Ian absolutely no hesitation gets stuck right into the fight!! and he says 'I've wanted to do this forever' which, same babe. I too would take a chair to the back wrestlemania style to defend mickey milkovich.
all my blorbos shitty dads I would be in your walls but you're all dead so✌️
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dullahandyke · 5 months
yippee yippee yippee yippee eimear con haul!!!!
Hi. It was my birthday recently and I'm bad to shop for so instead of gifts I got money to spend at Kaizokucon. So here's a haul. Under the cut bcos I couldnt fit it nicely in one picture and I wanna ramble
ok we're gonna take it one picture at a time ^_^ the ID in the alt text explains what everything is if u just wanna see what i got without the rambling sure to come with it. links in rambling r to the artists of the fan stuff where i can find em ^_^ only one of them is a direct link to the product tho bcos some ppls shops r down and some ppl dont have all their stuff online. lemons_arent_green youre a real one
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Ok the flat stuff!!! black rock shooter poster bcos i already have a figure but i liek her... badass anime girl ily.... was so so sure i saw a reigen keychain but when i went to go get one there weren't any so i got this sticker sheet instead :3 SPEAKING OF KEYCHAINS!!! yippee yippee kaguya i love you youre my special little tiempsy. yue you are a gay anime boy with a cool design. tomoyo ive always felt a kinship with you and its because im a desperate dyke. monokuma is here ig 🙄 i put him on my carabiner and hes fun to stim with. i am not immune to the sdr2 fanboying. also full disclosure ive not watched naruto (its in the spreadsheet) i just thought funko pop sasuke keychain was really really funny. my son who stares into my soul. comparatively i dont have as much to say on the badges!! luka luka fever for real girlie ily. the bandori ones were blind bags and i got himari on my first try <3<3<3<3<3<3 sorry eve i kind of dont care. 🙁 the dr girlies i kinda picked at random based on who i've been vibing w lately.
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THE POKEMON DIORAMA!!!! its soooo cool, staff were setting up the trade hall so i was in there all day friday and this shop was one of the first to set up their stands and i was literally staring at it all day... so fucking awesome. the rings n the necklace r from the same shop look at them... im fucking obsessed w the catgirl necklace. literally look at her. i dont thiiink shes supposed to be a specific character but she might be. oh well. cat girl ily. aaaand the arisa stand is actually a little clip for papers n stuff!! she was also a blind box but specifically for popipa so i was gonna b happy w whoever <3
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MIIIIKUUUUUU MY PRINCESS MY EVERYTHING!!!!! she was calling to me she beckoned..... shes actually rlly big irl shes the biggest figure i have, replacing my kokoro one... shes the one where i audibly said 'it was my birthday i can buy things' bcos figures spencey... she wasnt too bad actually i just like bitching. 6 euro axel for scale
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BOOKS 💥💥💥 i was reading nana a while back and i dropped it but i gotta pick it up again... rlly pretty and awesome... aaaand the summer hikaru died!!! kay if youre seeing this then know you posting abt it convinced me <3 i originally got it bcos i was on door duty in a quiet area and didnt wanna spend my time draining battery life on my phone but after i bought it i realised that that was literally a terrible idea so <3 we'll get around to them soon
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FINALLLYYYYYY TSHIRTS!!! the top yellow one was my staff t-shirt, it has 'staff' on the back i was wearing it all weekend and yippee i love it.... emotional bond.... and if this is a safe space can i just say. if kaito was a woman? would. next up FAYE FUCKIN VALENTINEEEE!!! do u remember that post i made going thru all the sellers that were gonna b at the con that started like 'i hate shounen fans. name a woman'? well this is the seller i was talking about but all was forgiven in the name of FAYE ! GODDAMN ! VALENTINE ! ugh i love you girlie. and the last t-shirt was given out free to staff after the closing ceremony!! it was the tenth anniversary of kaizokucon so we got this awesomes design yay.... wore it to classes today hoping somebody would comment on it and nobody did 😌and in the middle i got CLOW CARRRDS BITCHES!!!!!! i saw them and immediately all thought left my fucking brain. i needed them. so important. the seller also recognised the axel in my fanny pack yippee!!!! a few people recognised him over the weekend actually and i was always like yes!! the him
anyway. yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! yippee! con con con con con :)
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edible-star-soup · 10 months
“how can i feel so much love for everyone around me but its not romantic”
“How can I feel so much for people but every time I think it’s romantic I don’t actually like them and I’m just delusional”
“Yours must suck so bad. I can’t even imagine loving and feeling things for people but it never being romantic. I do like people on the infatuation level sometimes but because I analyze them so in depth there’s always something that icks me out. I don’t think I’ve ever really loved someone tho. I’m a firm believer in if you loved them you wouldn’t fall out of love with them. You can move on, but you’ll always love them.”
“we are so different”
“just our beliefs and experiences”
“maybe you need to stop analyzing things that are only there for you, see what theyre showing, instead of what you think you see”
“No I analyze what they’re showing. Cause when you ignore your instincts that’s when you get hurt.”
“i dont go like psycho crazy in depth like learn their every aspect to analyze them. Just like the orange peel theory”
“the what?”
“You ask them if they’ll peel an orange for you, If they say yes, even if with hesitation, it shows that they will put effort in. If they straight up say no or make excuses, it shows they don’t wanna put effort in because that’s your job. Anyways I don’t know how to explain my thinking but like I don’t analyze everything. Like ofc there’s people that are date material I just don’t like them. Cause everyone has mistakes so yknow. It’s not like every little mistake or imperfection matters but”
“ill never get you”
“ill never get me either. Maybe i should just mess around and have fun kissing everybody like you do”
“idk man i guess i just feel like maybe im falling behind, i feel so much for so many people and i want to love them like a lover would and make them feel happy like a lover would, and i feel bad knowing that everyone will always have someone that will make them happier than i do. no matter what i do about it, i cant love them like they want. and its worse because someone will put into words all they want in someone to love and ill be everything they list but i just, cant love them”
“no because i feel romance i fall in love with everything around me all the time and i know what its like to want and to love and be loved but its just not a romance like how others perceive it. i have so much feeling for absolutely everything, but its just not what somebody wants to be with, because i cant love them like they want, but i do.”
“I don’t know how to explain how I feel, I like people and there are people that I would date if given a chance but I don’t like them. I don’t desire to be with anyone but I crave romance. I don’t like people very often but on occasion I do, But I don’t wanna do anything about it because I’d rather sit with my feelings than lose that one ray of hope”
“oh my god were different”
“yeah were different”
“i think everytime we talk personally we get more and more different, or just find more differences”
“Like there’s nobody I want romantically but I WANT a love life. And when I do want someone I can’t do anything about it cause the only time I feel human is when I like someone and I don’t like not feeling human. i just float around. like a damn jellyfish. But when I like someone I feel like I exist. So I can’t do anything about it because if and when they say they don’t like me back they’ll disappear and I’ll be inhuman again. i dont know how to explain it better than that. i just want to feel man. Like ofc I occasionally feel real. But most things just don’t feel real at all.”
“i promise theres more humanity in you than just your feelings for others, if that helps”
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dreamersville · 1 year
FATGUM head cannons
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an? i wrote this so long ago i just wanna clear my drafts out😭😭 soo sorry if its bad but you could always send me a request 💜.
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- because hes my fav and i love him so much i just wanna tackle his 7 foot ass and love him for the rest of his life... ANYWAYSSSSS 
- this man is known by name (and sometimes order) by every restuarnt in a 10 mile radius of his agency. and i knwo your probably like “he a pro hero ofc they know his name” no. his given name and the first time it happen he was shocked 
- sings in the shower, off key, loud and proud, just straight butchering all and every song in his playlist. 
- his home is custom bulit to him. everything is like 2 feet taller than it would be for somebosy in averge height. somebody (me) said it reminds them of jack and the bean stalk and he doubled over laughing
- kiri and tamaki come over to watch cooking show because one he wouldnt be able to fit as comfortably at their dorms, and two because he got a big ass tv and watching on his tv is so much better, and he got snacks out the ass.  im talking pantry overflowing, with everything. tama used to the system but kiri swears he could get lost in it
- im sorry but, he can only cook stroke inducing food. which makes sense for quirk and what not but dont eat it unless you trying to put yourself in an early in a early grave. smothered everything, if its baked, best believe it was fired first. cheesy everythinggggg like omg, i still love him tho
- his favorite food shows be the baking shows, especially Cupcake Wars. he gets up-fucking-set if his favortite contestant loses or gets kicked off before the finalem hes gonna be talking about it for the rest of the week about how unfair it was and the judges didnt know what they were talking about because how could they not win. 
- relationships hcs or what not
- ahhhhhhh love language is most definitely acts of service and quality time. he livesss for when he got a second to just hold you, or be in your presence. it just so calming to him, the acts of service parts is bringing you food to try. ooo when he went on a mission outside of Esuha City he sends you a selfie with  e v e r y new food/ drink he tries on his mission. so expect a lot of of pictures and sometimes videos from him
- top tier cuddles in that giantic ass bed. and he has a weighted blanket with a big ass fan AND black out curtains ????? need i say more
- drags you down into his baking show addiction, but yall always tend to go for the rivals. so yall make bets on who’s gonna last longer. right now you’re winning 7 - 6 
- but you watch Extreme Cake Makers and write down recpies you wanna try and little things the contestant did so you could test it out. so you have notes deicted to ths and you sometimes go back and rewatch episodes to catch small stuff that you missed. he lovess when you get like this all nerdy and focused, it soo cute ugh. 
- likes to take you through the city at night because its look pretty at night when its lit up. you take a lot of pictures of bridges and in front of different signs and stuff
- omg, if you just so happen to walk past the shower whiles he in there singing his heart out, he’s gonna stop singing and say “take it away babe”. 
- a sucker for your southern nicknames. all the sugar, sweetness, bubs/bubba, honey. say anyyy of these and this man is at your feetready to do anything and everything just to hear you call him that again
- baby be feening for thanksgiving and christmas to come around. first time he was on a long mission, was gone for a week and came back on thanksgiving eve to see that you were cooking up a feast, he was so happy he cried.
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ik the ending seems kind meh .. but then again this been sitting in my drafts
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Don’t fall in love with the moment / M.H
Matty Healy x female character
Word count: 1677
Warning: angst?, poor parental relationships, deceased parent. Occasional smut :)
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Chapter one:
I'm trying to hold back the tears that threaten to come out of my eyes as I remember what happened a few nights ago. I dropped out of college a some weeks ago and the moment my mom found out she freaked out on me. It's not like I don't understand her, I get why she's mad to a certain extent, I mean what mother wouldn't? But she knows I've been unhappy for way too long now, she should understand this is what's best for me.
I didn't know how to tell her, I knew she'd get mad, but as alway, she got ahead of me. The school sent me a letter to discuss the refund of my tuition and she read it. She told me she saw unintentionally, I know she was snooping around, she always does.
“Would you mind explain this to me Claire” I freeze, this sentence never leads to anything good “explain you what” i say, trying to sound calm, but it comes out more frightened than what i expected “Oh don't even try to sound clueless you lazy brat, you dropped out of school that i pay for and you weren't even bother to tell me” That shouldn't have taken me back as it did, she was gonna know eventually, i just didn't expect her to so soon “Mom how do you even know that, were you going through my things again?” I spit at her, trying to deflect the subject as fast as I could “Oh don't turn this on me. people that lie and hide things don't get any privacy, you know that damn well” and here she goes again, with her speeches of how irresponsible and ungrateful i am. Believe me, I know I'm very privileged and everything, but that doesnt mean I'm obliged to love everything about my life. Sadness and discontent and not something you have to earn, but stuff that's just part of the human experience, it's not any different than happiness or any other emotion and I don't get why it's treated differently.
“Mom i already told you, I'm unhappy, i don't like what my life has become, why can't you get that” My mom looks at me with disappointment and just tries to think of what to say. I know she doest like me, she has never told me but I can tell, anyone can, even my father knew, that's why he always made sure to show me as much love as he could. I always got along with my dad, he understood me, he was the only person that believed that I could do anything I wanted. So when he passed away, for the first time, I felt completely alone. The only person that understood me was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.
The argument escalated quickly and after a few minutes, we were already screaming at eachother. She told me I'm delusional and I'm living in a parallel world, I told her she's old and doesn't understand that i dont wanna become her. For what seemed to be hours, we screamed at each other, but it wasn't until she brought up my dad that my anger started to turn into sadness “You know, your father would be so disappointed if he ever got to see what you've become” That was my last straw, i couldnt take it anymore, i had to leave this house, this town, this fucking county, there was nothing awaiting for me here anymore. So i didn't say anything, i just turned around and headed to my room to pack my bags “Don't ignore me Claire, i am your mother and you will listen to me” she tried to say to me, but i had already made my mind, i was leaving, and she couldn't stop me. While I packed my bags I started to think about destinations, what was the perfect place to start again?, i instantly new, England, well, london to be exact, i new somebody there that could take me in, but mostly i loved London, because my dad loved it as well, he always told me the crazy stories about him living with his friends in a tiny flat there, and i just knew that my life would be better there.
I bought a one way ticket to England and had no intentions of ever coming back to this place, so i just slept, well that until my 5.00am alarm woke me up, my mom didn't even tried to get in my room in the entire night so i slept like a baby for a good 7 hours, but now it was time to leave. My flight taked off at 7:30 so i had to be quick, i tried to do as little sound as i could, but as i was about to grab the doorknob her voice flooded my eardrums “you understand that if you step out of this house you're never coming back right” she said with a defeated tone “I really have to do this mom, i promise i'll be okay” i could swear i could see a glimpse of sadness in her eyes, but it was quickly brushed off with a look that screamed indifference “Don't come crying back after your little childish plans don't turn as you wanted them to” she spat harshly at me, and i just started at her for a while, trying to make peace with how things were turning out “Goodbye Mom” I managed to say, hoping I would not to break down in front of her, And i just left.
My friend received me at her flat the same day. I texted her last night about my emergency and she told me she'd love to take me, but I didn't want to abuse her kindness, so after I took a nap she started ro help me find a job. i applied to a million different places, but i ended up taking a job as a bartender in a pub next to my friends house, everythings seems to be working out, but I felt like i was missing something exciting, something that would turn my life inside out, and finally give that feeling of adrenaline I’ve longed for.
And that takes us to tonight. My shift ended an hour ago but I am still in the pub, just that now I was on the other side of the bar, drinking my sorrows away. I was lonely, I hated to admit it, but I used to have this feeling in my gut that all of my problems were going to disappear after I left home, but there I was, realizing that that’s not the case.
It started with an innocent drink, that lead to another, and another, and another and here I am, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to come out of my eyes as I remember what happened a few nights ago. Just when I was about to go home, a tall man approached me, he told me he wanted to buy me a drink, i politely declined, but he kept bugging me, he just wouldn't let it go “Oh come on love, it's just a drink, you don't have to act like its a full blown date” he would say. it was when i finally looked at him that i realized how attractive he was, with long black hair and beautiful brown eyes that were staring into my soul waiting for an answer, before i think about what i'm doing, im blurting out an “Ehm i, yes, i mean, yeah sure” Im pathetic.
“So, are you gonna tell me your name?” he says, with a cocky grin plastered across his face. “Claire”, i say “what about you” He looks at me with a confused expression but brushes it off quickly “Matty, i like your name” He says in the thickest british accent ever and i have to admit, he had me already.
We took off quick, we talked about a million things and time flew by. before we knew it, it was 2:30am and when he noticed he offered me another plan “Hey so its kinda getting late, what you say we continue this thing at my place” i paused for a second, was i really that desperate to have sex with the first guy that approached me and bought me drink? Technically, i was, i mean i was lonely and wanted to spice up my life, i wasn't gonna achieve it by rotting in my room and drowning in self pity. Suddenly the idea of going back to his place didn't seem as crazy as it did initially. So you know what, fuck it
When i came back to reality, i realized i still hadn't answered him “I mean, yeah, why not” i tried to say in the coolest way i could. He smiled at me and licked his lips, i was subconsciously drawn to his mouth, i coudnt help myself from staring at it, I was so heavily attracted to him it was embarrassing. “I guess we better get moving love”.
We got to his place about 15 min later. Surprisingly enough it was all clean and neat. I found myself looking around at his stuff, there was a whole lot of music equipment that didn’t just seem recreational. it occurred to me that I hadn’t asked him any proper questions about him. We just kinda talked about me. “So matty… what do you for a living?” I asked him. He looked at me and let out a little giggle “I’m uh, a musician” Amazing,, I was about to hookup with a 20 something year old looser “interesting” I say, a little more sassy than I intended. He just smiled at me and took a few steps closer until there was just a few inches separating us. We were facing each other. I could feel his eyes scanning my body and without further notice, he grabbed my face and kissed my lips hungrily, pinning my body to the wall
Hey everybodyy, so this is obviously my first time writing a whole chapter of something instead of just blurbs but I really hope y’all will like it and if you have ANY comments please let me know because I genuinely care a lot about what you guys think :))
Another thing. I know it’s very cliché that this is called the same as the blog but it fits the fanfic 😁 (laughs frantically)
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thomase1 · 2 years
So, hello there.
I saw @mischief2sarawr 's post and felt the need to write a little something.
As somebody whose birthdays always end up a catastrophe, I felt this personally. So I whipped up this little drabble. My first ever story published here hehe. English is not my native language so I apologize for any grammatical errors or weird phrasing.
Oh and @lokisgoodgirl I stole your sas tag list I hope you dont mind. 😁
Reader × Loki
Warnings: everything that can go wrong goes wrong, Loki thirst, smut, restraints (not on you), maybe size kink, a grain of angst if you squint.
You will have to take it as surprise so I dont spoil everything, but I think the sas wont mind.
I hope.
Ok, I did get carried away a little it seems, word count ~3,500
[AN: If you got notified again, sorry, I edited it since the errors really bothered me and also changed a few things. :)) ♡]
So here goes nothing:
It was your birthday.
And it is terrible.
Nobody from the team even wished you a happy birthday.
They all forgot it seems like.
And to top it off, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.
It started with small but annoying things, like the coffee machine needing new water, fair enough.
Then new beans, alright.
Then a cleaning, fucking hell.
And then you noticed that you are out of milk.
Just your whole breakfast was already ruined, moldy bread, rock solid butter,... it just kept going.
After that, you went back to your room, opening the package with clothes and other small things you ordered for yourself.
The shirt was a different color, the hoodie was itchy instead of soft, the leggings were far too small and the jeans ripped open, a cool breeze confirming. Your ass open for anybody to see.
You just clumped it all up and threw it in the last corner of your room, trying to forget about it.
And it just kept going after that, small accidents like spilling your juice, burning your food and stubbing your little toe.
It was the worst day you have ever had and the worst of it all?
Its not even a small birthday, its your 30th.
So for the others to not remember that, after year and years of beeing a part of the team, to say it stung would be a giant understatement.
So you decided to just go back to your room and sleep, maybe the universe had a little mercy on you and would let you sleep peacefully.
On your way back, your nerves and frustration finally took over, tears brimming in your eyes. You felt them spill, running down your cheek as you reached your door.
Opening it, you felt you are not alone, its just part of your instincts to sense other presences around.
Then you smell it, a familiar smell, a smell you loved.
Frest like snow.
Smoky like a campfire and...
Oh how you love this smell.
It makes you weak in the knees, the fact that you had been crushing over him for a long time only adding to it.
You two always flirted, you are good friends but never more. Much to your dissapointment.
But what the hell is he doing here?
You were facing your living area, a soft cough ripping you from your thoughts. You turn around and find...
Loki, sitting cross legged on your coffee table, his arms tied to his torso by some beautiful golden chains. (An: lets forget about the ones at his feet since they dont look like they do much anyway.)
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"Darling, why are you crying?", Loki speaks, takeing you from your thoughts once again.
You hear the chains creak against his leather, leaning forward as if trying to reach you. You forgot about the wet streaks coating your cheeks, how embarrassing.
"What is this? Did somebody do this to you?", you ask him, dodging his question.
"I meant to surprise you.", his eyes sparkle with mischief.
"Well you're the first to even talk to me today. But why the chains? You could have just visited.", you ask, oblivious.
"Are you trying to tell me nobody wished you a happy birthday?", he asks with furrowed brows.
"Yes. Now whats with the chains Lokes?"
He huffs, not sure if its frustration or amusement.
His mouth agape looking at you, "So thats why...", he trails off, shifting his gaze to the side,
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"Y/N, I am your surprise."
You knit your brows, the little wheels in your head turning at overdrive.
"What do you mean? What am I surpossed to-", and then it hits you.
HE is your surprise, all wrapped up for you.
"Have you figured it out now? I am at your mercy, do with me as you please.", he looks down at his feet, but you can hear his smirk.
This day suddenly got a whole lot better. You finally wipe your face and walk towards him.
"At my mercy, huh?", you smirk, delicious ideas flooding your mind.
You have wanted him for so long. Never would you have thought of him as a sub to you, but you certenly are not complaining.
But what to do out of all the things on your mind?
Slowly, you dragged your finger along the chains, following the edges of them. You slid your finger to his leather armour, feeling his chiselled chest underneath.
Loki kept his head down, but his breath became almost shaky, he is enjoying this as much as you.
You took your fingers and ghosted them up his neck, his breath cathiching in his throat. Then you trailed them along his jaw, oh how you love his jaw. You fantasize about it a lot, how it you feel buried between your thighs.
With a smirk you take his chin between your thumb and pointer finger. His tiny stubbles prickling your fingers, pushing it up so his eyes meet yours.
His gorgeous eyes capturing you once again. Those shades of green and aquamarin... so unique, never have you seen anything like them. No crystal or diamond could compare.
"So, what should I do with you, prince Loki?", you asked, hearing him take a deeper breath.
The use of his title aways thrills him, it isnt usual for anybody here to use it.
He whines as you take away your fingers, his gaze glued to you. Makeing a circle around him, you notice the pointy chain digging into his back at one spot, so you twist it a little feeling him relax slightly.
"Thank you.", he breathes.
You smile behind him and run your fingers though his hair. So soft, it feels so good to run his wavy locks through your fingers. You lightly scratch at his scalp, his head leaning to your touch.
If he were a cat, he'd be purring.
With your other hand, you go down his spine, all the way from his neck to his ass. His gorgeous, royal ass you just want to bite into like a juicy apple. The thought makes you squeeze his cheek, a sharp intake of air coming from your gift.
Your fingers keep wandering, around his waist to his stomach. You can feel his abs through the thick fabric, straining against it. You take your hand away from his luscious mane, another whine of his makeing you smirk deviously.
Sinking to your knees, you press your front to his back, laying a hand each on his knees.
His breathing quickens rapidly.
Ever so slowly you go up his thighs.
Oh how you wanna ride his thighs, use him like a toy.
You stop to squeeze the inside of his thigh, a tiny sound that can only be described as a moan sounding in your ears. Its so addictive, you instantly crave more.
Torturously slow, you make your way up his flesh. You can feel him shiver against your back as you stay only inches from where he wants you. Where you want to touch but enjoying to tantalize him far too much.
So you make your way back to his knees.
You keep them there for a while, takeing in a whiff of his hair since its right in front of you.
Who wouldnt? It smells divine, you cant even describe it.
It somehow masculine, yet feminine. A little fruity and yet spicy, but overall just natural.
As you keep smelling his hair you, more or less consciously, your hand travels up again, this time even closer to his jewels.
Again, its stays there.
"Please-", Loki whines, trying to shift towards your hands.
Devilishly, you take them away and stand up, takeing all touch from him. Never would you have dreamed about it, but Loki wiggels in his restraints and lets out a keeing, a begging sound.
You circle him, your core throbbing from neglect.
Standing im front of him, "What do you want? Miss my touch?".
He whines, "Yes, please... touch me.".
You snicker, "I will be honest, I really enjoy you like this. Whining for my touch.".
Lowering yourself, you straddle his spread legs, Loki getting cought by surprise as you hurriedly grab his ckeeks and kiss him.
He tastes sweet, his lips are soft and warm. I bet they would feel good against my ear, moaning as he fucks me from behind.
He needs a second to kiss you back, but when he does, its with the same level of enthusiasm. It doesnt take long for it to get heated, your tongues fighting for dominance in a desperate dance.
One of your hands makes contact with his clothed cock, his jaw going slack when you run your hand up and down. You break the kiss to look at him. Jaw hanging open, pupils blown wide in ecstasy and breath coming in ragged.
"Do you like that my prince?", you ask, kissing the shell of his ear.
"Y-yes- gods please-", he groans, bucking his hips toward you.
"Get rid of your pants.", you whisper in his ear and in a flash of seiðr, their gone.
Your palm makes instant contact with his length, the god hissing out in arousal. You may be strong willed, but you cant help look down.
The sight makeing your, already wet, pussy flood your panties.
His cock certenly is of godly standard, your hand looks tiny around him. His head is an angry red and precum is leaking from his slit. The sight spurs you on to hardern your grip and gradually stroke him up and down.
A moan leaves his lips, his head sinking to your shoulder, inviting you to run your free hand through his hair again.
"Somebody is excited huh? How long have you been like this?", you whisper against his hair, movement steady on him.
"I-its been a w- aaah while.", he moans.
You let your hand go over his cock, his words makeing you even hornier. He lets out a groan which he muffles on your shoulder.
"Was it before I was even here?"
He shivers, "Y-yes.. oh gods- Ive been wai- uuuh waiting for y-you.", you hardened your grip, you thumb pressing down on the vein on the underside of his girth.
"Poor thing.", you mock, feeling him tremble.
Slowly, you stood up, hearing Loki cry out, "No! Pl-please dont stop- dont leave me like this, please!".
That honestly made your heart ache for a second, you know he has a massive fear of abandonment, so it probably wasnt entirely sexual.
"That wasnt my plan, this was.", you say softly, takeing off your shirt.
He looks at you stunned, groaning as he lets his eyes wander over your cleavage.
You drop it on the floor, moving to take off your pants, "I would never leave you. Especially not like that.".
You lets them pool on the floor, looking at him to watch his reaction. He adjusts his posture, cock standing painfully tall.
You hook two fingers under the waistband of your slip, "I want to savour my delicious gift. I would be insane to walk away from you.", you slide them down, letting them drop between your feet.
You see his jaw clench, eyes savouring every inch of you.
Gracefully, you walk towards him, wasteing no time to straddle him again, letting his cock rest against your dripping heat. He throws his head back with a groan from the contact.
Your breath quickens too, it feels heavenly to finally feel him. You rocket your hips against him, your clit gliding up and down. His veins in contact with your sensitive bud makes you moan, head falling forwards to rest on his chest.
The chains poke against your forehead, so you tell him, "Remove them, all of it. I want to feel you.".
He obligates and vanishes his top and the chains, feeling his bare torso against you.
"Please-", he pants, feeling him buck his hips.
You have no objection to that, so you lift your hips and line him up. Slowly you sink down, feeling him stretch you like you have never been bofore. Both of you let out a deep moan, his cock twitching inside you.
Its almost hurts a little, which only adds to your excitement. You stay like that and look up into his eyes, dark of lust.
For a second you both you look into each others eyes when he asks, "Can I touch you?".
You nod, laying your arms around his neck. He greedily feels up and down your body, hips moving a little from excitement.
Then his exploring comes to a halt at the band of your bra, "Is it ok if I..?".
"Yes, do it.", you encourage and feel the clasp getting undone. He helps you take it off and flings is across the room, his hands cupping your breast.
He squeezes them and plays with your nipples, you buck your hips, moving in circular motions. Both of you moan at the feeling, his head sinking to your cleavage peppering small kisses all over it.
You cant take it anymore, you need to move, so you push yourself to have him in only by the tip, sinking down in a hard thrust. Its feels so good, you do it again and again, Lokis hands gripping your hips firmly, helping you with leverage.
You kiss, moaning into each others mouth. He starts meeting your thrusts as he gets desperate.
He begins to groan and thrust harder and harder, his veins and ridges gliding against your sweet spots, clit meeting his pelvis with every thrust.
"I- I'm close- is it ok if-", he groans out of gritted teeth so you interrupte him.
"Yes, its ok- let go-", you tell him, cupping his cheek to kiss him.
He tightens his hold on your grip, surely leaving little bruises behind, but you love the feel of it.
His thrusts get more desperate, erratic.
He stills, pushing you down on him as he spills inside of you.
You didnt come, but its ok, this was a true pleasure. He rides himself through his high and wraps his arms agroud you.
"This was so nice, thank you Loki.", you tell him, stroking his hot cheek.
"Was? Darling you did not finish, we are far from done here.", he tells you, cupping your cheek to look at you with a wicked smirk.
"You wanna keep going? But you just-", you question but he heckles.
"Oh we are miles from my limits. I am a god my dear.", he pecks your neck, trailing lower to your ear. He leaves bruising kisses there, your sex clenches at the feeling.
"Mmm, you like that hm?", he mumbles against your skin.
You stretch your neck for him to grand him better access.
"What do you want me to do with you? I am your gift.", he asks you.
"Just take me. Fuck me how you want to.", you groan, feeling the excitement reignite.
"Your wish is my command.", he grabs your waist and stands up with you.
Instinctively your arms and legs wrap around him. He walks over to the next free wall, pushing you against it carefully.
He takes your knees and pushes them up, holing you up and spreading you. His mouth starts to trail your throat, gently nipping at it.
You try to move your hips but fail, "Patience kitten.", he tells you firmly.
You whine at him but he ignores you, kissing your cleavage and speading hickeys all over it. Is he marking you?
Just as you think about it, he thrusts his hips, even his semi hards cock feels like heaven.
His seed spills out and you moan from the sudden pleasure as he keeps on thrusting, feeling him harden inside of you. His thrust stay in a slow rhythm, each thrust bottoming out iside of you.
"Lokii...", you moan.
He groans from your sounds, engulfing your lips with his as he changes his angle. He now hits your g spot perfectly, you cry out from the pleasure, moaning his name over and over.
You grip his shoulder and claw at his back with the other hand, needing to hold on to something. The coil in your stomach tightens, fast, and he can feel that.
"Thats right... say my name- youre squeezing me so well, gods-", he throws his head back and you admire his muscular neck, a vampires dream.
You are a moaning mess, wanting release but also not wanting this to end.
"Close- I'm... ahhh... please dont stop-", you keen feeling your limbst tingle. You sink your nails even deeper into his back pulling a gutteral moan from him.
"Come with me- for me Y/n.", he lets one of his hands leave the hollow of your knee and meets your clit, pressing down on it.
"Ah fuuuuck Lokiiii-", you climax as he starts stroking your clit.
Your channels clench around him, spurring on his orgasm, "Oh gods- fuck- s-so good-".
You feel him come inside of you, thusting into you deeply, holding himself there. He keeps moving his finger on your clit, prolonging your high.
"Your still milking me- your such a good girl-", he starts riding you both though your highs, only stopping when you cry out in overstimulation.
You sink your head to his shoulder, trying to catch your breath. He rests his chin on your head, calming down hilself.
After both of you have calmed down a little, he grabs your other knee again, walking you both to the shower. He sets you down, pulling out, and steadies you.
Your legs are jello but you can stand.
"That was amazing, best fuck ever. We should do that again some time.", you tell him honestly, makeing him chuckle.
"Oh trust me, we will. You are mine now.", he pecks your lips.
"You wanna date me?", you ask surpised.
"Well yes, except if you dont-", you shush him by kissing him, that should answer it.
You both take a shower and help each other clean up. Which may or may not have lead to him fingering you while cleaning you up.
He held you steady the whole time. Not beeing able to keep from kissing one another, the shower took a long time.
After you finally got out, both of you dried yourselfs. You already wanted to blow dry your hair when Loki dried his and your hair with him seiðr.
"Wait, couldnt you have just cleaned us up with your magic then?", you ask him suspiciously.
"Sure. But takeing a shower together was more fun.", he says, makeing a fingering motion with his fingers.
You giggle and slap his arm but your pussy got wet once again. He is holding your mind hostage and you started dating about an hour ago.
"Wait, did you put the chains on yourself? Why did you make them so tight and uncomftable?", you ask him.
"Yes I did. I wanted it to be realistic and I placed that one piece of it deliberatly to dig into me.", he smirks.
"Why would you do that?", you are a little dumbstruck.
"I was curious if you would notice and wanted to see what you would do.", he explains to you.
Your mouth forms a silent 'o' and you nod in understanding.
"Now, lets get ready, I want to take you somewhere.", he snaps his wist and both of you are clothed.
He is dressed in his black Gucci suit, the one you always longed to tear off his body. Sometimes dreams do come true, well, you have yet to take it off of him, but youre sure that can be arranged.
He dressed you in a black cocktail dress with no straps, leaving your collar bones free. It gives you a nice cleavage and the skirt is covered by a layer of tulle, small forest green accents stitched on it.
"Wow, its gorgeous Loki. And you look so handsome, I love that suit.", you tell him with a beaming smile.
"Well thank you darling. I really did a good job, that dress is fit for a queen like you.", he admires, spinning you around.
You giggle and wrap your arms around him, kissing him passionatly, loving, "Thank you Loki, honestly. You turned the worst birthday Ive ever had into the best.".
You see his eyes sprakle, "Now, lets go before I cant hold back from tearing that dress off.".
With a bit of protest you let him lead you to the rooftop, the elevator doors open and reaveal fairy lights, dance music and a bartender mixing drinks.
But also the whole team, shouting "Happy bithday!".
You are taken by surprise, your mouth dropping open as Tony hands you your favourite drink.
"You didnt forget?", you ask them getting teary eyed.
"No! Of course not! We thought it was a cruel plan, but my brother insisted on it.", Thor defends.
"He told us he had a plan and well- I think its clear what it was.", Tony says, gesturing to your neck.
Embarrassmemt floods you as you realize Lokis hickeys are at display for all the team to see.
"Yes. While that may be partly true-" Loki says and looks at you, whispering, "are you alright with me makeing it official?".
You answer him with a nod, getting more anxious to how they will react.
"We are now courting.", he announces, not beeing able to contain his excitement he smiles from cheek to cheek.
"Finally!", say Wanda and Nat in unision.
"Took you long enough brother. Congratulations.", booms Thor, strideing to him, clapping him on the back proudly.
You hear Loki groan very subtly at the harsh treatment.
Oh Thor, always miscalculating your strengh.
"While I cant understand it, congrats guys. Now, lets get this party started!", Tony says, turning to the bar.
And that is how Loki and you started dating.
And also the best birthday you ever had.
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@lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @wheredafandomat @sarahscribbles @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @maple-seed @xorpsbane @holdmytesseract @loopsisloops @simplyholl @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @thedistractedagglomeration @mochie85 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @xorpsbane @tbhiddlestan83
@tessathechild (since you asked me to tag u in my fics hehe)
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🔥 give me two , one about shipping , one about following / unfollowing — all good if you don't have an ' unpopular ' opinion per se ! just happy to hear your thoughts
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I'm really glad you said that the opinion doesn't actually have to be unpopular because I have no idea what's considered a popular opinion or not (☛ ´∀`*)☛ I know I'm always writing on here but I genuinely know nothing about anything on tumblr outside of the circle that I'm in, and I don't really take part of fandom except at cons. So I'll just list a few things I guess and we'll go from there ━
I don't like the idea of characters "deserving each other". I think what matters most is that the feelings are mutual and not one-sided. Not only that but sometimes people use this as a way to justify horrible things happening to said ship or between them? I dont know I'm just not a fan of the connotation.
Shipping real people feels ... icky to me, and like an invasion of privacy. I know a lot of idol/ k-pop companies push it, though. I'm not talking about "oh they look so cute!" I mean like ... 20+ minute analysis videos. If someone made one about me I'd be horrified so ━ I can't really support it being done to somebody else, even if it is innocent at heart, the feeling behind it is just ... not good.
I genuinely can't stand it when a ship that's going to inevitably be complicated and rather fucked up gets turned into a purely fluffy relationship. Granted I enjoy fluff as much as the next person, and anyone can show tenderness towards those they love, but my goodness please let the characters continue to be messed up.
Thaaat being said I can’t see any enjoyment in watching or reading two characters mercilessly abuse one another in a nonconsensual or purely hateful way. Play fighting, both being equally weird and mirroring eachother or general bickering doesn't count - obvs - but if a ship becomes abusive I'll step back from it. I know I know! But Egg you JUST said "keep the relationship and characters fucked up"! Yes! I did, and that doesn't mean that that messed up relationship is abusive or horrible for those characters specifically because its something they both enjoy/willingly take part in. Continuing about this because this is for my own tastes: Its okay to enjoy darker ships and toxic ships! This doesn't mean the person who is enjoying the content believes abuse is alright.
I find that stories that only revolve around romance tend to be extremely dull to me a lot of the time. There should be an idea of where the story is going without romance included, and if the ship comes along then it does. I think those are the ships that tend to feel the most natural since the characters interact without a specific romantic end goal in mind, which makes it all the more sweet when they do come to recognize their feelings as its come from them and not the destined plot ━ I just like it that way though and people can like whatever, y'know?
Possessiveness in ships is like ... very hit or miss for me in how it's portrayed. There's certain instances where its fun but others where it makes me wanna die. Mutual possessiveness/obsession though? Ohooho that is fun to play with, so long as it doesn't become abusive or unbalanced/unwanted by one of the parties. Man - tsk - idk anymore I feel like my opinion is so all over the place but like this all spins back to the toxic abusive relationships being a no no for me like as long as the insanity is consensual between two adults that both like it ? Yeah - that's fine. Does that make sense? I could probably go into stuff about Vladibin with this ( me and borb were talkin about it ) but I won't because I will go on forever and this is already WAYYY longer than I originally intended.
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As for unfollowing it's ... whatever to me? There's obviously mutuals that if I lost I'd be really confused/wondering what happened + sad about it but I would still keep my distance; but for the most part I'm unaffected by it ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ I used to care a lot but I grew out of that within like ... 4 months. I know people grow out of their likes and what they want to view, or that they assumed my blog was something else and upon it not being what they wanted, unfollowed - which again, is valid! I don't know I just don't think unfollowing is anything personal ( like, 95% of the time ofc there's always the small percentage that is ). Don't harass people who block you or try to get around the block, things we've heard a thousand times. ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ̀ˋ I think though, that if you have been mutuals/friends with someone for a while and plan to unfollow - I think it would be most polite to message said friend to briefly explain why; especially since so many of us have anxiety sometimes it seems like an unfollow means the other party hates the other. It's just nice if you have a history with someone, not necessary, just polite (ง ื▿ ื)ว
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raw-law · 4 months
oh my god,,, thank u both for the really super kind response to my last ask it made me cry a little
affirming words like that are something im extremely grateful for because i don't hear them often. i've been told before by someone who i used to be very close with that i "pull off being nonbinary" better than being a woman, and multiple friends of mine have told me that they don't perceive me as being any certain gender, that im simply just "me". and growing up, people around me (kids in school as well as family members) would tell me how good i look dressed in dark colors as opposed to brights and pastels, which is an insignificant thing to be bothered by but it hurts because i love fashion and cute clothes and wearing the pinkest and girliest things ever, i dont want to look good in dark colors because i don't feel girly when wearing them, i want to look good in pink because it reflects how i feel inside. i think i really do struggle to "pull off" being a girl, at least one who is on the hyperfeminine side of things
it's easier to come off as the girly girl i wanna be online, but in person it's a different story, and im always hurting because of it
so thank you for what you said. i even screenshotted the post and put it in a special folder on my phone so that i can look back on it whenever i feel bad. as soon as i saw your message i felt motivated to do something that would make me feel girly, so i took a shower with strawberry scented soap (this is special soap i use specifically for when i want to smell feminine. i use it sparingly) and afterwards i shaved my face and ate strawberry shortcake rolls and played ace attorney for hours. it doesn't get girlier than that heh
sorry for the very personal ramble thank you again >_<"💕
(p.s: Light, im not going to kick your butt, i am too dainty to commit any acts of violence)
- strawbunny 🐇🍰
Oh...I understand how you feel, very, very much. It is indeed easier to be the person you want to be online, and that's something that should change for most people.
Honestly, I think you should just ignore those people. It's perfectly okay to wear what you like and what you want, not what people say you look good in. And who cares about what people think? At the end of the day, you're gonna be with you forever (or at least till the end of your life) so you should do something you love, wear things you like, be whoever you want to be. It's definitely a hell of a lot easier said than done, but first steps are important.
I don't know if you want advice, but, well...I guess you could try wearing items of clothing you like, whatever you feel good in. And do stuff that makes you feel more feminine and more comfortable. Tell your loved ones about your pronouns and things like that.
Lastly, I'm glad that our words made you feel better. And I'm very happy you're finding the courage to do what you love. :] It'll get better soon, I promise you.
(P.S. And thank God for that.)
aw. well i'm glad the words meant that much to you, because i still very much stand by what i said. and i also agree exactly with what light has stated. you should wear what you like, ignore those dummies. y'know, somebody told me blue wasn't my color once. now maybe i'm not the best with fashion.. but i think it suits me pretty well. and it goes to show that people usually don't know what they're talking about, and even if they did, it doesn't really matter.
go wear your pinks and pastels. keep playing ace attorney while eating shortcake rolls (good choice, by the way). be girly and tell everyone else to suck it. because you are a girl and they're foolish to think otherwise. femininity comes in all sorts of forms, and they're all very beautiful. i'm sure whichever way you decide to express your femininity will fit perfectly, and it won't be any less beautiful or girly than any other expression.
i wish you luck in your pink-plastered endeavors, bunny.
(p.s. damnit.)
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stargazer0001 · 7 months
there is something deeply wrong with me but I dont know what it is
like bestie im not talented im traumatized. Im not wasting a gift im trying to keep myself from plunging a knife in my chest and bleeding out in my bed. Like void, please shut the fuck up.
but then when other people vent to me, even if I TRY to care, I just dont. Like im sorry. I want you to feel better. But wtf am I meant to do. Like sorrows, sorrows, but I cant even deal with my own emotions what makes you think I can help with yours???????? And then I TRY. I TRY to help knowing that I cant, I TRY to care even though I dont, I TRY to make it known that I want them to feel loved and cared for, but nothing works. And then I feel like a piece of shit who deserves to rot away in a corner for all eternity!!!
Oh and speaking of rotting away, SCHOOL. I can't pay attention. Like if its not interesting I just zone out and start questioning my reality. And then im like 'wtf are we doing now'. Its actual torture what. And when I TRY to pay attention and actually LEARN I literally just end up drawing on my paper or my mind starts to wander. BUT THEN THE FUCKING THINGS MY TEACHERS ARE SAYING MAKE NO SENSE!! LIKE GIRLIE HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO KNOW WHAT TO DO IF YOU DIDN'T TAKE ME THROUGH A THOROUGH STEP MY STEP PROCESS HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO THIS. And then I DONT SPEAK UP BECAUSE I WOULD RATHER HAVE MY HAND CHOPPED OFF THEN SPEAK TO A TEACHER. Like. Then, everyone else seems to immediately understand everything?? Some people talk back to teachers??? Some people WANT to talk to teachers??? Who are you and how. Oh and then my classmates??? Literally horrible. I want them to die. Thankfully i have a couple friends in my classes which makes it a bit more bearable, but NO KEENAN OR WHATEVER THE FUCK YOUR NAME IS, STOP DANCING AND SCREAMING, STOP BEING SO UNBEARABLE, STOP BEING A DICK. LIKE DUDE I BET YOU DONT EVEN GOT ONE. LITERALLY STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE. And its this one certain friend group who is actually the WORST. Like im TRYING to pay attention and then all of a sudden one of these kids starts yelling at another, stuff is thrown, and nothing gets done. BUT THEN THE TEACHERS DO NOTHING. THEY DONT CARE. BUT THEN WHEN SOMEBODY ELSE TALKS EVEN ONCE ITS IMMIDIATELY PRINCIPLES OFFICE???? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE IM ACTUALLY GOING INSANE SOMEBODY PLEASE JUST KILL ME.
oh and then out of school isn't even better at all. I just want to waste away in my room. Everything always hurts and I just want to be with friends but I know that nobody can or wants to hang out with a sad waste of oxygen like me. And then when im trying to go to bed I just hear the crashing of glass, my parents having a screaming match, and then my mom going back to drinking her sorrows away while my dad continues to try and sleep. Like please im so tired just let me go into my happy place and attempt to die in my sleep. And then whenever its even around 6:00 my mom immediately starts acting drunk even if she's had nothing so what the fuck is up with that. And then she tries to gaslight me into doing things??? Like at this point im immune. I dont even give any fucks anymore because I tried doing that and it just got me hurt. So why even care anymore. So what the fuck is the point in trying to live laugh love when I just wanna off myself. Like no. Die cry hate is my new motto at this point.
and then, to top it all off, if I try venting ANYTHING to the one person I know who understands, he just asks 'oh, is it your time of the month?'
like please just kill me at this point. Take me out of the hell called living. Im so close to just dying please help.
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