#sorry i disappeared for a while but i'm back on my bs
plussizefantasia · 5 months
More Body, More Money
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Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader
Word Count: 1.1k
warnings: Allusion to smut towards the end, references to a female body and that body being bigger
an: holy shit sorry for disappearing for so long. I make no promises as to when I'll come back as I seem to have a habit of breaking those. I've been in a Bridgerton mood recently though and typed this on my phone in like an hour so no promises that it's all that good. I will say though that I've been working on a request recently and it's currently at 4k and counting which is by far the longest fic I've ever written and I'm not even to the good part yet. I've also finished outlining the rest of the parts for my Kili x reader fic. I think that's it though, thanks for reading this far if you did and for putting up with my bs.
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“Darling, could you come here a moment?” Your husband called from his desk. Recently you had taken to reading while lounging on the couch in his study. It was a great way to spend time with your busy husband while also letting him get his work done. 
You didn’t exactly know what he was working on at the moment but apparently, your presence was needed to solve whatever issue he had stumbled upon. It wasn’t until you got closer to his desk that you noticed the receipts and ledgers sprawled across his desk. He was updating the families' books and tracking the spending that you and the rest of his family had done that month. 
“Yes, my love?” You moved to rest your hand on his back and traced it across his shoulders and on his neck. It was as if you two were magnets, unable to keep apart for very long. If you were close enough then you would feel your hands gravitating towards him. And if the way his arm moved to rest on your back as well, he had the same urges when in proximity to you. 
“I’ve noticed something odd in the charges from the modiste.” Anthony handed you the papers. Both you and Eloise had gone to the modiste at the beginning of the month to be fitted for some new gowns to prepare for her second season in the marriage mart and your first season as the Viscountess. 
“I’ll admit to not being the most knowledgeable about gowns and other frivolities my love, but is it normal for the cost difference to be this large? I mean when Ben and I get new suits the price is almost always similar.” He pointed to the two prices listed on the bill from Madame Delacroix. 
You didn’t know how to respond to this, you knew the reason behind the price difference between yours and Elioises dresses, of course, it was something that you had thought of already. After all, it was the same reason that your younger sister always got more gowns than you every season that the two of you attended growing up. You were larger, and as the modiste you had gone to grow up with had said “More body means more fabric means more money.” more money that your father had deemed unnecessary so you had only ever gotten one or two new dresses while your sister would be fitted for five or six of the newest and most flattering styles.
But how could you explain this to Anthony? That your dresses cost more than his sisters because you were bigger, and that meant more money.
You knew Anthony loved your body, he worshiped it often in fact but there was a difference between getting lost in the softness of your embrace and seeing the real-life sometimes the financial consequences of living in a bigger body.
“Oh, Anthony, it is uh- just a matter of resources I suppose.” 
He raised a brow at you. “I’m not sure I understand. What do you mean by resources?”
“Well dear husband, you and your brother are very similar in height and build which means the two of you have very similar resource usage, whereas myself and your sister are quite different in the… resource usage department.”
“My love, I need you to speak to me as if I am an idiot.” 
You deeply sighed and prepared yourself to have the conversation that you had been trying and failing to get out of. “Eloise is small, therefore it does not take as much fabric to make her dresses, whereas I am quite well endowed and my dresses require more material. More body means more fabric means more money it is as simple as that.” 
“That is preposterous, are you both not getting dresses?” His tone was getting more defensive, and it warmed your heart to know that he was willing to get upset at the simple fact that Madame Delacroix had charged you more because your dress was bigger. You had expected him to be embarrassed, and deep down somewhat afraid that he would realize that he had signed himself up for these extra expenses for the rest of his life by marrying you. 
“Well darling, think about it, would you expect to pay the same amount for a child as you would for yourself? Do you not pay more for your suits than you do Greg’s?”
“No, I see your point darling.”
“That is all this is my love, different sizes of clothing cost different amounts. If it is a problem I can just see about getting some of my old gowns altered to make them somewhat nicer for the new season, that way you would not have to spend as much.”
“What? No. Darling, this is not about the money, I was merely worried that that woman had tried to take advantage of you, charging you far more than Eloise for the same thing. I couldn’t care less about the money. In fact, I think you should get ten more gowns made, show everyone in the Ton that I am married to the most voluptuous, sensual, and desirable woman in the world.” He pulled you closer to him so that you were standing in between his spread knees, you still standing over him as he leaned back in his chair.
Anthony began training kisses up and down the arm that he had grasped within his hand. Turning your wrist over so that he could place one at the center of your palm. 
“I do not need ten new gowns, Anthony, that is far too much.” You giggled and protested, feeling more enamored with the man you married with every word out of his mouth.
“Perhaps I shall buy you ten diamond necklaces then so that I can have an excuse to stare at your chest as often as I’d like.” You snorted and gently smacked the back of his head. “Anthony Bridgerton, that is scandalous talk and you know it.”
“Nothing is scandalous between husband and wife, especially when the two are alone.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and lifted the corners of his lips into a sultry grin, one that had your knees feeling weaker by the second. 
“All I really need, dear husband, is you.”
A smile that you could only consider adoring spread across your husband's face.
“And I you, my love.”
“No Anthony, I need you.”
His grin turned to a full-blown smirk spreading across his face, “Well, what the Viscountess needs she gets…” 
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xxoxobree · 1 year
His Perfect Girl
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Yandere Miles 1610 x Fem Reader
Summary: A simple touch is all it took to gain a lover.
WARNINGS: Obsessive Behavior, Stalking.
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES. Don’t come in my inbox on bs, I cuss folk out you have been warned.
A/n: I actually like this , I’m fucking mad that I have to put a disclaimer on my shit! Hope you like it too
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Miles remembers it like yesterday, the day his perfect girl stumbled into his life.
He quickly adjusted his pants as he went to open the door to exit the main building to go to his last period. He felt soft warm skin in contrast to the cold metal he was used to, quickly looking up to see. You. It was as if time slowed when he saw you.
Who were you and where have you been all this time? He stood for a while just to stare, just to take you in, before the silence was broken by your beautiful voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you said, a small smile resting on your face to not seem awkward.
"Oh yeah," Miles said, standing straight before extending his hand. "I'm Miles."
"Y/n," you said, shaking his hand.
"So that's your name, such a perfect name for a perfect you," Miles thought to himself. He ingrained the feeling of your soft hands into his mind. Your hands felt so good, so right in his. He looked down at where you two held contact, feeling heat radiate throughout his body.
You scrunched your face up at how he looked at your hands and shook it for too long. "Nice to meet you, Miles," you said, trying to slip your hand from his firm grip. Miles looked back at your face, finally letting go before you pushed the door open, walking out of the building.
Miles watched you disappear before sprinting to his room. He had to tell somebody, anybody about you. And Ganke was his victim.
He closed his dorm door, back pressed against it as his chest rose and fell rapidly. His mind raced with thoughts of you, the encounter that just took place. The excitement consumed him as he looked over at Ganke, his roommate and closest friend.
"Ganke, you wouldn't believe what just happened," he said, dropping his bag and pacing back and forth in the room, a smile on his face as he tangled his hands into his hair.
Ganke looked up from his laptop, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What's got you all worked up, Miles?" he asked, intrigued by Miles' sudden burst of energy.
Miles, unable to contain his excitement, blurted out, "Her name is Y/n, and we're in love, Ganke!"
Ganke's eyes shot up, shocked by the sudden confession. "In love? Whoa, when did you two meet?" he asked, trying to make sense of it all.
"Just now," Miles replied eagerly. "But I can feel it, Ganke. She gave me this look, and she held my hand. It was magic."
Ganke paused his game, finally realizing the seriousness in Miles' voice. He looked at his friend, concern etched on his face. He wondered if the stress of school and being Spiderman had finally taken its toll on Miles' sanity.
Miles jumped into his bunk, a content sigh leaving his lips, his mind still locked on you. It hadn't been a coincidence that your hand fell into his, or that you looked at him so fondly. Miles could feel his heartbeat quickening; he had never felt this way about someone before, especially after saying so little to each other. But he was convinced that you were placed in his path for a reason.
As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, Miles couldn't help but envision your first date. He wondered what he would say and what you would say in return. He imagined introducing you to his mom and dad, the smiles on their faces, and the immediate connection they would feel towards you. And if you spoke Spanish, well, that was a bonus. His parents would absolutely adore you.
Lost in his thoughts, Miles picked up his phone and typed in "Pandora.com" because it was the only jewelry website that came to mind. Without hesitation, he clicked on the rings section. He wondered if you would want a big diamond, something that matched the enormity of his feelings for you. Perhaps engraved with the words "I love you," a constant reminder of the love you shared. He couldn't help but picture the two of you having a grand wedding, surrounded by adoring tios and tias, celebrating your love.
Feeling inspired, Miles reached for his sketchbook and started to scribble your name, adding his last name next to it. "Y/n Morales," he whispered softly, savouring the euphoric feeling that came with speaking your name out loud. He knew deep in his heart that your meeting wasn't a coincidence; it was a sign that your paths were destined to intertwine.
The next day as Miles walked through the halls, his eyes searched high and low for you throughout the sea of students. Unable to find you, he grew a bit frustrated. Why would you hide from him? Were you intentionally avoiding him? The bell rung, and he rolled his eyes, walking to his class.
He sat down, piling his books on the desk, lost in his thoughts. That's when you walked in, and his eyes immediately stuck to you, his heartbeat thumping in his ears. He burned your entire being into his memory. He noticed that you opted to wear a sweater instead of the jacket today, and that your skirt rested a few inches above your knees. Your curly hair was pinned back with a clip, with two loose pieces framing your face. You and a friend sat at the desk in front of him, a perfect spot for him to keep an eye on you.
You could practically feel Miles' gaze boring into you, and you turned around, locking eyes with him. A smile on your face as you waved to be nice. Little did you know, Miles had more than just a little crush on you; in his mind, you already belonged to him.
As the class carried on, Miles couldn't focus on anything else. His head rested in his palm, his eyes fixed on you. His perfect Girl
The days passed, and Miles' obsession with you grew deeper. He would follow you from a distance in the halls, his eyes fixated on your every move. He knew everything you liked, from the music you listened to, to the books you read, all gathered by sitting nearby you and your friends, silently absorbing every conversation.
Miles was an artist, and you were his muse. His sketchbook was filled with pages and pages of intricately detailed portraits of you. But his favorite drawing was the one he did of you two on the first day you met, where your hands had accidentally touched.The connection that ignited his obsession.
He looked up from his sketchbook to see you, your pretty smile on display as you laughed with your friends. A tinge of jealousy hit him; he wanted to be the only one to make you laugh.
Again, you felt a slight discomfort, like someone was watching you, and caught Miles' gaze. You waved at him before turning back to your friends.
"Guys, isn't it weird that Morales is always looking at me?" you asked your friends.
They began to giggle. "That kid is practically harmless, Y/n. He's got a little crush," Sasha said.
You shrugged your shoulders, pushing the thoughts to the back of your mind.
"Dude, Y/n, I dare you to go talk to him," Yasmine dared, making the rest of your friends look at you mischievously.
Your eyes widened. "What?" you questioned. "Just go say hi or something," Chloe added.
Rolling your eyes, you agreed. "Fine." You got up and walked toward Miles, who noticed immediately. He noticed all your moves, and his heart thumped faster the closer you got.
You sat down. "Hey, Miles. I saw you looking from over there," you said, pointing to the table of your friends who were waving and smiling at you two.
Miles paused for a second, his eyes scanning every feature of yours. It had been a while since you two had been face to face, and he needed the memory to stick.
"Miles?" you said again.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah. Hey," he stammered.
"Okayy..." you trailed off. "I'm gonna..."
"No, no, wait. I'm sorry. Can I have your number? You seem like a really cool person," he said with a smile that oddly made all of your weird feelings about him dissipate.
"Uh sure." You said pulling out your phone.
Being Spider-Man had its perks, and for Miles, that one special perk was being able to watch over you, to take care of you, to make sure you're safe. It was a responsibility he took seriously, and he would cross boundaries.
He would stick to the walls, invisible in the shadows, silently observing as you walked into your dorm. He listened intently as you talked, sharing the details of your day. He knew which teachers you liked and which ones you hated, the subjects you struggled in. It was a level of knowledge that went beyond mere curiosity – it was obsession.
He watched you undress, the feeling of being perverse foreign to him. He longed for the day when you would slip into his clothes and hold him tight as you both drifted off to sleep. But for now, he was okay with the stolen moments it was only a matter of time.
This nightly routine had become a constant in his life, and being a student at Vision made it all too easy. He had become great at picking the lock to your room's windows, sneaking in just to look at you. Your beautiful face, a face he was obsessed with, brought him both joy and pain. He listened to your light snores, cherishing every sound.
Sometimes, he couldn't resist getting ahead of himself. He would give you quick pecks on the lips, desperate for more but unable to risk waking you.
If you did wake it was nothing as he would cloak himself camouflaging with the surroundings.
You don't know how it happened but Miles Morales weaved his way into every part of your life it seemed like there wasn't a moment that you weren't with him. Everything was perfect in Miles' world and you were his Perfect Girl.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 months
how do you deal with nasty hate :( Its getting me down, and I'm scared to open my notifs.
This makes me really sad - I'm sorry anon, that you're dealing with this. This should be a happy place for you. Unfortunately you can't totally stamp it out if someone's got it in their head to make themselves feel big, but here are some things that have helped me: 1) Asks: Click the three dots at the side of the ask and BLOCK SENDER. Do not even give them the time of day. Do not let them sit there, taunting you until you can think of a clever response. BLOCK THEM - and the ask will disappear. People that sit around sending anon shit they'd never say with their username attached (although fun fact, I had a glitch for a while which showed the usernames of anons, and I saw some names who would be very embarrassed if I'd ever shared what they said - tut, tut...bitches) livvvve for the responses they get. Don't give them the satisfaction - BLOCK THEM.
Edit: Of course you can turn anon asks off - which is great. However the above advice still stands, esp with sock puppet accounts. Grr.
2) In your settings, you can change it so you can only receive messages from people YOU follow. This was a recent revelation for me and helped TREMENDOUSLY with an ongoing issue which is now resolved mostly (I had the same thing where I dreaded looking at my DMs because there was always some BS there - but no more!)
3) If the comments are coming on your posts - just block them. Keep blocking. Blocking someone isn't some loaded thing, especially if they're giving you grief. Life's too short for crap like that. Don't sit there thinking 'oh but I have one mutual who likes this person' - fuck it! You'd be surprised how little people talk to each other about these things. And if they have a problem with it, who cares.
Now get back out there, and reclaim the crown of your own blog 👑
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aragarna · 1 year
For the Character Ask Game...
Sara Ellis from White Collar, please!
one aspect about them i love
I love that she's badass but still very girlie. Like, she's not my style at all, in term of fashion. I'm no girlie. But I love that she can be very feminine, with all those fancy expensive outfits, and at the same time, quite intimidating and not taking any BS from anyone. She's strong and independant and is not afraid to put herself or her career first.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
drawing a blank on that one, sorry!
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
If the show had continued they would have found a clue on her sister's current whereabouts. She's had a rather rocky adventure after she left home, but she's living a good life now. I haven't really figured out what happened but because I'm soft, she has to be alive and well, and there will be an emotional and happy family reunion.
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with
Neal, obviously. They make a great couple! I think the reason why among all of Neal's girlfriends, I like Sara the most is because she sees right through him, doesn't take any of his conman act, but *also* accepts him for who he is.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Peter! The couple of scenes they have together (the one in the office when she's "dead" and the one in the car after they're back from the island) are so good! There's a genuine affection between them.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Despite her abandonment issues and how badly she took Neal's disappearance, they got back together. They did get two kids, Conrad and Connie. They lived in London for a while, but they missed their old NY life. They had their best memories there. Their best friends, too. It didn't help that they'd visit the Burkes often, scratching that itch every time. So when Sara got a good opportunity to get back to the NY offices of Sterling & Bosch, she took it.
Thanks for asking :-)
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aprivateplace7 · 4 months
Genshin 4.7 archon quest-
This guy rly shows up once a yr, is the epitome of "well you never asked", looks pretty & then disappears into the ether :v
Dain sends us away to confront(?) Abyss twin???
U know, i wasn't that excited during the trailer but... i'm realizing this is the 1st time we're actually seeing our twin since b4 Inazuma... its been a long-ass time :v
Tbh the way the game is structured, i totally forget about the Abyss, Khaenri'ah & our twin. I'm just happy to go through Teyvat & deal w/ whatever bs we inevitably get caught in.
Is this a normal... fight? Thing??? Or is our twin distracting Dain?
...wait was that all Dain, or did our twin also wait for us to leave??? They... want us to join their side, but they're also avoiding us?
The architecture looked a lot like Enka... but we're no where near it. I heard it resembles Khaenri'ah? I also noticed that this interlude quest is again in Sumeru, instead of Fontaine...
Just being able to slip into someone else's memories... absolutely deranged. Even moreso than like what happened during the 2nd Raiden quest, like memory ghosts playing out in front of u.
We gaming, its time for mt dew :3 no doritos unfortunately, but i don't like to eat while playing anyway... do ppl rly get their shit dirty like that? Like irl? Anyway...
Ok so, b4 I did see, this guy is Caribert right?
Oh wow! I was gonna joke about my spelling, but I actually spelt his name right! I didn't look it up :3 but, he knows us? Like he's not surprised to see us... i guess our twin was aware of our presence.
Wait a min... how is he human-looking again?!? Hoyo!!!!!
Ok wait... he only exists in ppl's memories. Does he exist? Was that wrong? Is he just messing w/ ppl's memories or is he a strange... being.
I for one am grateful to Paimon. Its hard to keep up w/ whatever this is 💀 (not rly in a bad way, i like going on Genshin's wild ride)
I thought this place looked a lot like the eternal oasis. I guess its not...
There is no point to this. I am just writing my thoughts as I go thru the quest. Since i don't do videos lol.
What the hell did he do tho?
Ok sorry, he just answered me. He doesn't rly exist anymore... but he has powers that lets him interact w/ the real world?
Ok he rly knows us??? I realized that bc of our twin it'd make sense that Caribert would know who we are, but he wants to talk to us?
Ohhh ok. Being a ghost is easier to understand lol. Like i still don't quite get the Rukkadavata/Nahida & Focalors/Furina thing? Unless its a reincarnation thing... or 1 soul being split into 2 ppl.
This game is full of a lot of crazy stuff tho. Like appearently Xiao's true form is a bird (like Cloud Retainer).
Manipulating ley lines as a form of controlling fate... makes sense actually. Well kinda. Like tampering w/ irminsul can "change" the past. I don't see how it can change the future... & we saw w/ Wanderer that it didn't change the overall events. It didn't save the lives of anyone that died, it just changed the circumstances of how. The only thing thag rly changed was Wanderer himself.
"After all, its existence cost me my life" oh :(
I was just wondering how he was involved in... whatever the Abyss Order is doing. But did he just want friends...? Like that's why he messed w/ the villagers...?
This game isn't at the same level as Depression ImpactTM, but...
"As if... I had a chance at life" :((((
Wait i'm confused? I stopped partway thru yesterday, but i thought the "missing" person had blonde hair? I thought it was our twin...
Caribert :((((( ;~;;
Oop. Ate dinner & had to go back in the conversation :v
Ok so, yeah Caribert was still helping the Abyss Order.
We always "save the day", or like it turns out alright (Fontaine), but in the grand scheme... its like we're trying to drain the ocean. We're not doing literally anything, we keep getting one step back. The gnosis, and now the Loom of Fate.
Caribert seems sweet... but idk.
I kinda hate how little we get to learn. & it always brings more questions than answers. Its like Hoyo is teasing us.
Hm, his personal wants were simple but... still he helped this thing to be completed. What is our twin going to do w/ it? Idk, i can't help but be sus of the Abyss Order... they're so mysterious but everything they do feels wrong. Dark. Ominous. Like it doesn't feel like they're gonna do anything good for the world...
Oh ;~;;; when the Traveler couldn't touch their twin... that hurt.
But like ??? He's just here? & now we're gonna talk??? Is the Traveler mad? I'm kinda annoyed how casual he's acting... like the last time didn't happen :/
I mean... i don't like Celestia either but... it feels like a means to an end. Like, they don't care how much suffering they cause as long as it turns out alright in the end. I don't like that :/
YEAH WHY ARE U RUNNING FROM MEEEE? The twin loves the traveler too right? :(
"The sea of flowers at the end"
Its like... he's been in this world for 100s of yrs, since the Cataclysm, w/out us. & now he's too diff... he's not the same person we knew.
All the traveler wants is to be by their twin's side ;^;
He doesn't like what he's doing either :(
He's too... ashamed to face us. But he can't stop?
Back on their bs....
I remember the loom of fate talk?
But not about my twin?
They're doing this on purpose.
I am actually mad. What the hell.
The picture???
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kugisakiss · 2 years
What were suguru's and shoko's initial reactions to catoru like?
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probably one of the least weird things about Gojou tbh
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fleeting--dream · 3 years
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my to do list for this account:
update my rules a lil (still lists my age as 26 when i’m 28 now)
play neo and proceed to follow neo blogs
do stuff for shiki in regards to new stuff
watch the anime at some point
make a new promo
profess my undying love for all of you especially those who stuck w/ me despite my constant disappearances due to irl and mental health stuff
idk there’s probably smth else but idk it’s 4am
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forthechubbies · 3 years
Our little wife
The adrenaline of the past (BS)
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Being Korea's deadliest kingpins made seven men into untouchable demons yet their little wife is made out of sugar and spice?
Mafia! BTS X Chubby! Reader
Angst, Infidelity, and Fluff
Your not that useless…I guess Ch 2
The Kim residence is a mystery to most but to those nosy soccer moms. There was gossip about a good sum of handsome gentlemen residing in the rather large dwelling. However, no one has any actual proof. Well, until she tagged along. A pretty little thing with eyes that shimmer like gems and a smile that could make any man weak to their knees.
Her innocent charm enchanted the youngest of the Kim family. Jungkook, age nineteenth at the time, fell head over heels for the naive angel. Pain, lies, and deception encased him in an airtight bubble since his youth, yet the slightest gentlest poke disappeared by your cute chubby fingertips. Bonded by his love of sweets your two fates clashed into one at a local bakery.
" Kookie! " she waved him down from their favorite booth in the back even though the little lady would desire the window view. Maybe his skin is sensitive to harsh sunlight.
"Creampuff." At first, the nickname caught you by surprise, but you grew the love it.
How could an outfit as plain as a White V-neck shirt and jeans make him a walking dream?Not to mention, his right side was newly decorated to his liking.
" You cut your hair." She admired his locks. "and you got new tattoos." She can't resist touching the permanent artwork on his bicep.
Jungkook hid his ears. “It's nothing. It's nothing-What about you? You look beautiful.”
You blocked his sight of your face with your sun hat. In Jungkook’s words- in his head. Just calling you beautiful doesn’t serve you Justice. It's going to sound cheesy, he can't imagine his world without you.... or his dear husbands at home.
You have to remember where most people would have common sense in our dear lady was none the wiser. A perfect example, Jungkook The devil haven't had the opportunity to mention his sweetheart to well his - sweethearts, his frequent absence raise suspicious, The accusations were casted out after a simple explanation from JungKook. Of course, he fibbed. He just needed more time. However, one day his time ran out when he fell and was on bed rest. While being babied at home,Jungkook unaware his doom rounding the corner.
Yn's heels clicked down the sidewalk to Jungkook's front door with only good intentions. The door swing open before she had the chance to knock she was met eye level with a buff chest.
" I'm headed out for a jog, Jagiya!"
" Ok,be back in time for lunch,Joonie"
Maybe, this is the wrong address. She attempted to step back not realizing she's on the edge of the stairs. She would have been terribly injured if i it wasn't for Joonie quick wits. He pulled her to safety.
" Are you lost, Miss?" his eyes were just plain brown, yet she felt as if she were melting.
He was Tall, Dark, and beyond handsome. His hair was boldly short, an underrated hairstyle on this side of the hemisphere, and he had meat on his bones. He and Kookie must workout together?
She snapped back to earth when he cleared his throat. " I'm sorry to be a bother, but does my Jungkookie live here.”
Naturally, The word “My.” following Jungkook’s name was appalling to Joonie despite holding his tongue. “Kookie?” You didn't seem like the type to start trouble observing from your cherry pop lunch bag, probably to aid his ill husband.
“Yes.” She nodded, respectfully. “He’s sick and made lunch some food that might help.”
Nevertheless, Joonie was already hot on the Jungkook's trail of lies, He just needed proof, and lord beholds, she was delivered right to their doorstep.
His Mistress, The pretty little homewrecker who's daring enough to even home to their home!
“Yes. He is-Please come in.” Joonie welcomed you with a plastic smile.
He wanted to protect her at all costs! She's only been there for five minutes; seeing the world through her eyes melted his heart. She's so innocent, blind to the cruel world he was raised in.
She wasn't part of Jungkook's infidelity, merely an unwilling pawn who fell for him. Joonie had no choice but tell her the truth.
“You're his husband!?” She gasped. “I’m so sorry; I didn't know he was married-if. I did-I wouldn't have-I couldn't have.” Tears rolled down her cheeks.
Joonie found it irresistible to deny her comfort. He switched couches and gently brought her into an embrace. “ It's okay. Don't cry, Miss.” He cooed.
She smells sweet. Joonie's mind roamed as her tears soaked his favorite sportswear shirt.
“Joonie, I'm headed out for more cough drops.”
Just in the nick of time, Jungkook dumbfoundedly stood in the living room. This heart sunk into his stomach seeing you in tears in his husband's arms and Joonie's stare burning a hole in his face.
“You!” You cried, marching in Jungkook's space. “ You-! You're married!? And to think I loved you with all my heart. When your nothing but a two-faced... Bastard!”
Jungkook's cheek burned hot red, and her handprint marked his cheek.
She closed the front door with a slam!
...........To be Continue
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey! Could i request the dorm leaders with an esper MC? Kinda like Mob psycho or Saiki k :) and maybe they don't really use this ability of theirs that much since in their world they're literally a teen who's trying to live a normal life(like Mob basically), so nobody knew about their psychic powers except Grim since the mirror said that he couldnt sense any magic in them(i'm pretty sure that psychic powers don't really count as magic but idk lol).
Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it! :)
 A/N: Ooh this was a fun one! I haven't watched Mob Psycho (I know about that fine ass blonde man-) but I have watched Saiki k and I loved it, still need to finish it tho jlafljhdas 
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
P.S: I’m so sorry this is so long omg but I guess this is a strong comeback-
Warnings: none except for language
-You wanted to stay as far away as possible from him
-Riddle was part of the trio of people you wanted to stay away from: Riddle, Vil, and Azul
-Riddle paid so much attention to fine details that if something was up, he'd definitely notice it
-But unfortunately you were best friends with the two goobers of Heartslabyul: Ace and Deuce
-And Riddle had started to pay attention to you and your habits, and something was off with you
-It's almost as though you tried too hard to be normal, like Jamil
-And he could never let something like that happen again, so yes he was watching you
-One day you accidently slipped up and was irresponsible with your powers
-Grim was bothering you since he got into a deal with Azul for tuna and they were standing outside with the twins, since Grim lost
-You told him to fend for himself and teleported, however you didn’t plan where you would go
-And you teleported into the Heartslabyul dorm
-What sucks is that your teleportation power was literally flashy with a bright ass green light every time you popped in somewhere
-Just when you thought you were lucky since the whole dorm was uninhabited...except for Riddle who watched the whole thing
-He was completely shocked, he didn’t know what to say other than “What did you just do?!” 
-You explained to him, and that just pieced everything together
-How you solved overblots with such ease, and that one day you had a “strength potion to test for Azul” was such bs!
-Riddle ends up keeping your secret, since he values your privacy but if you do something major and mess up then he will tell!
-”I understand but please be more careful with your powers. I need to institute discipline and you are no exception, Y/N.”
-He really does care about you and doesn’t want you to be found out 
-Goes the extra mile to cover for you often, and in exchange you help him out with things :)
-He didn't really care about you at first but as you started to hang Jack and Ruggie, Leona started to get more suspicious
-Your scent had proven that you had some trace of magic, but Leona just couldn't put his finger on it
-So he sent Ruggie after you for a couple of days
-If you were a threat to Savanaclaw, Leona would crush you
-But Ruggie had only reported back that everything with you was perfectly normal
-"Just give it up Leona, they're just an ordinary human. The scent is probably weird because they're from a completely different world."
-But Leona still had that feeling, so he was keeping an eye on you
-You had made a deal with Crowley to keep your powers secret to solve problems on campus (it did cut repair costs and handymen costs in half so-)
-Your new quest was to rid the forest of the Angolo fungus that was manifesting into living fungus blobs 
-The one thing that gave you away was Grim, as you both had to stop by the Greenhouse to read some info about the fungus
-The cat beast was being far too loud, not understanding why he had to go and mess around with the icky fungus
-You simply replied “It’ll be quick, I’ll just use Hydrokinesis and dry out the fungus since they’re mainly filled with water. They become fertilizer once dried so we can just leave them there.”
-And there Leona was, ears perked up once he heard your voice
-Hydrokinesis? What are you talking about?
-So he set off, following you to the forest
-You started to fly, turning the once green and lively fungus to brown dust while Grim napped against a tree
-Leona for the first time in the while, was left speechless
-Once you noticed him, you realized you had to talk to him
-Confronting him later on, luckily Leona didn’t spill to anyone 
-He promised to never tell anyone about what he saw, and had no clapbacks for what you had to say 
- Leona doesn’t even benefit from this secret...besides mayyybee one day asking for your help if his pride lets him
-By the Great Seven why does everything have to not be in his favor-
-Another one who you have got to be careful around, since he’s incredibly observant
-More observant than Riddle
-Azul noticed that you’re an incredibly average person, and were incredibly relaxed even during the most stressful situations
-And almost every single time whenever you were in a tight spot, it works in your favor
-Just how is that possible? Solving overblots left and right? Every single time you disappeared the infestation of magical beasts are gone? 
-One day, you were getting picked on by a three guys, their stature far above yours and incredibly strong. How could you possibly win?
-Just as he was about to scoop in a save you, you slammed one of the men into the concrete, taking on the other two by electrocuting them, the blue lightning buzzing in your palms
-They were completely knocked out, dusting off your palms and picking up your things only to face Azul’s eyes
-After giving an explanation of what that was, he was still speechless
-Azul at first was incredibly shocked and then since Azul is Azul... later on realized this had benefits
-He could just blackmail you to be his new bodyguard!
-Oh how he always manages to bend life to his will-!
-So you could just wipe his memory... or turn him into stone...nvm
-You’re now Azul’s arch nemesis since you end up saving people from his scamming and you’re basically untouchable and there’s nothing he can do about it
-But he does find your great strength admirable (and a lil hot, I mean what can u say seeing someone floating in the air with electricity flowing through them is a nice look okay Nate shut up)
-Oh Kalim my beloved
-He just thinks that you’re incredibly talented and a little mysterious
-You have your little quirks and he has his! Who is he to judge?
-Until one day you wanted to make the load lighter on Jamil, since the berries that Kalim had requested for were only in season in one country
-You decided to just teleport and then come back with the berries so Kalim wouldn’t be pouty 
-You were outside the door ready to teleport when last minute you felt a hand on your shoulder
- “Oh Y/N you forgot-!”
-And there both you and Kalim were, in a berry field thousands of miles away from the Scarabia dorm
-Kalim screams, falling to the lush green of the field
-What happened?! Where are we?! How did you do that?!
-You quickly gathered all the berries at light speed, making sure that you got back before Jamil realized that you were gone
-Kalim wasn’t scared of you, rather impressed that you were able to keep a secret for that long, he could never!
-You’re already super cool, and on top of this you have otherwordly powers!
- “It must’ve been stressful living your life like this! But don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret!”
-Yes he sometimes asks you to perform some of your powers for him, sorry Y/N-
-While you were his friend, he was incredibly suspicious of you
-Even though you wiped everyone’s memory, he still had the faint memory of when he was in overblot mode of you blasting him with a beam of light
-Vil was incredibly upset as one of his assistants had mixed up his items, and left one of his vital skincare items on the set of where they were filming a new commercial
-It was being shipped and would take 3 days to reach NRC
-His mood was horrible and you had to do something about it to give grace to the Pomefiore dorm
-So you went to the second story of the Pomefiore dorm, ready to use Apport (the power to pull anything before you) 
-However, Vil felt incredibly guilty
-He was acting like a child and he shouldn’t have taken it out on the people who he loves and values
- “Y/N, how I was acting was incredibly inappropriate and- is that my moisturizer? How did you get it?”
-Starts freaking out as this was impossible as it was on it’s way from being shipped from another country
-This was the last straw for him ther was no justification for this that wasn't done by some form of magic
-He takes you to his room to make you sit down and give him an explanation for this
-Once you finished, Vil understood but was still freaked out
-He cares alot about keeping your powers a secret and will cover for you
-"So my aport powers need to exchange something of equal value so... I exchanged it with that Scucci purse over there-
-He loves you, but you're dead to him, Y/N dear
-Before he knew you, he didn't really notice anything off with you
-A little quiet sure but he minded his own business, he had bigger things to focus on
-Until you hung around Ignihyde more often for a project, fixing a huge generator by yourself for one of your partners for a project
-They took a break only after you told them that they could and apprehensive went to go get food and water
-Anyone with eyes could see that there's an overbearing amount of energy flowing through the fairly large sized cube
-Wait, you were wearing no gloves, you could get electrocuted! Why would have your bare hands on something like that?!
-Just as he was able to yell, it was too late, your whole body was flowing with the bright blue energy... and then you let go
-You were walking completely fine, you went and held a random wire on the ground, placing the electricity inside
-The static from your hair was gone, and you looked completely normal. . .
-Just what the hell are you?
-He did hours of research trying to figure you out, even sending Ortho to monitor you
-Yet there was nothing, you were just a “regular teen” 
-Was ready to get S.T.Y.X.S on your ass- (is that too soon to joke abt my bad overblot boys-)
-Until one day he caught you again bending electricity to your will
-Is incredibly impressed with your power (lowkey wanting to experiment on you)
-After he realizes that you can read minds Idia is so damn frightened
- “O-Okay I promise not to say anything, just don’t tell anyone what I’m thinking a-alright?!”
-You were one of the only people who he trusted
-Malleus had always detected some form of magical aura that was otherworldly from you and it never seemed to fade
-And it wasn’t often, but it was almost like you knew what he was thinking
-Whenever he was deeply upset he felt a twinge of energy from you, and then you would insist and help him out with his problems
-And he flat out says “Are you reading my mind, Y/N?”
-You had never been directly outed like this before, you felt horrible 
-You never read people’s minds unless it was very necessary
-whenever Malleus felt deeply gloomy you felt like it was important to just read his mind and help him with the problem
-You explained it to him and apologized, but he wasn’t upset
-In fact, he was smiling?
- “It seems like we have alot of things that we’re hiding from each other. But... you always had the best intentions whenever you used your abilities”
-He let out a sigh and reluctantly admitted, “And, I know that I’m quite stubborn with revealing my feelings.” 
- “I will keep your secret as long as you keep mine, Child of Man,” the dragon fae said, you both shaking on it
- “I always had a feeling that you were special, but I never thought it would be something of this caliber...” 
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
More Doyoung?
(i dont think the emojis will work)
it worked 😂
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Combining these two asks, because it is what it is. Sorry second anon I know this isn't what you really wanted but I have another ask for the club sitting in my inbox that's a bit more specific so whenever I get to writing that you'll get what you wanted.
This is so very unprompted. No one asked for this, but I thought about this and I couldn't stop myself from writing about this. I think about 'the club' and I can't just write some sappy missionary bs. This though is just so unnecessary. But you will accept it. Let me have my moments. This happens right after this ask, like literally the same day. I'm excelling at being self-serving lately. I'm sooo sleep deprived so you can blame this on that.
Pairing: Doyoung×Reader×Johnny
Warnings: [Hold on for this] Alcohol and Implied Drug use, Exhibitionism/ Voyeurism, Penetration, Unprotected sex, (Kind of) Threesome, Dirty Talking, Degradation, Praise, Edging, Glass-wall Sex, Some Cuckold Dynamics, Slight MalexMale, Handjob, Switches being Switches; Johnny's a hard dom in this one but he's also a pussy, No team players, Sex as a competitive sport, A handbag tangent, Lots of aggressive tension under the surface, Who is the biggest masochist in this? Leave it in the comments (it's me).
WC: 4444 (Leaving the whole number because this piece of sin ended on an angel number when god abandoned me a long time ago.)
Doyoung was pulled out of his attention while scrolling through his phone when he felt (Y/N)'s presence close to him.
"Are you wearing eyeliner?" She asked Doyoung, squinting in focus and leaning closer. Doyoung looked up from his phone, frowning at the sudden proximity.
"Yeah, I am." He told her, justifiably confused.
When the sofa dipped beside her she leaned back, "Oh." She turned her posture to face Doyoung completely.
"Why? Is it weird?" He asked, suddenly self-conscious.
She clicked her tongue, "It's fine. You look hot." Doyoung looked behind her with a gaze that was a mix of uncertainty and intrigue— to where Johnny sat down. It was definitely an interesting thing to say with the man right behind her.
"Thanks. So do you." Doyoung replied, looking back at her with a knowing gaze. Her lips tugged, finally turning to look behind her.
Johnny watched her with a deliberative gaze, looking deep in some thought. She looked at the drink in his hand with a mock pout.
"You could have at least gotten me one." She whined. Johnny extended his arm and she rolled her eyes with a dramatic flair.
"No, I don't want your whiskey. Get me a cocktail or something, I should be drunker than this at–" She paused, reaching for his arm to turn his watch dial to her, "2 in the morning. The three of us are the only ones left." She pointed at both men, unable to curb the small smirk on her lips. "Even the esteemed owner has left. Get me something lethal."
Johnny raised a brow at her, clearly a little annoyed. "The bar is quite the walk from here."
"It was your idea to come to sit at the back of the club." She reminded him.
"You were the one complaining about the loud music." He responded with equal bite. Doyoung watched the exchange with a perceptive gaze.
There was a moment of silence, both of them just staring at each other. Each staying guarded while also trying to read the other.
"I can go." Doyoung said awkwardly from behind her, suddenly feeling like he was encroaching. Johnny's eyes flashed with indignation as he looked at Doyoung, making him want to snort.
"No." She said, turning back to Doyoung. "You were telling me about your eyeliner." She put her cheek on her palm, trying to look interested.
"Plus," She tilted her head to catch Johnny from the corner of her eye. "Johnny knows what I like."
Doyoung spoke only after Johnny disappeared from the large room they were alone in.
"Why are you punishing him?" He questioned, making her frown.
"I'm not punishing anybody. He's been galavanting around all evening, he can get me a drink." She tried to make it sound like it was an obvious decision, voice nonchalant.
"You've been sitting here with me all evening." Doyoung raised a brow.
"You're my friend." She looked at him, a slow frown seeping into her features.
"I don't think he sees it like that, (Y/N)." Doyoung clicked his tongue.
"I don't think I care. And since when do you? " She looked away from him with a heavy frown. Doyoung chuckled, she was right of course. And Doyoung realised he could have some more fun out of it than he would if he walked out into the club.
So he just shrugged and let go, turning his phone to her. "Look at this video."
Johnny walked back into the room to find (Y/N) and Doyoung smiling at the phone in his hand, his hand casually on her thigh. The ice-cold drink stung his palm as his echoing footsteps approached them.
She looked up at him with questioning eyes when he stood in front of her in silence. He reached out the glass in his palm, chest caving despite himself when she gave him a smile.
“This is exactly what I needed.” She sighed after she finished half the drink in one long slurp from the straw.
“Why do you always drink these sugary drinks?” Johnny asked out of curiosity.
“They get you drunk faster. And generally tastes nicer.” Doyoung informed him in her stead. “Always efficient.” He scoffed, pointing his finger at her.
(Y/N) frowned at the gesture. “Please, don’t make that sound like it’s a bad thing. My efficiency has saved you from a lot of troubles.” She reminded him.
“It’s also gotten me laid so I’m going to have to agree.” He added, grinning when she paused as she went to take a sip of her drink.
Johnny watched as her back went stiff before she looked away and scoffed, shaking her head.
“You know what would be really efficient?” Doyoung announced, looking right at Johnny before back at her, raising a brow.
“No.” She replied to his unvoiced proposition. “Shut up.” She sat back, finally allowing Johnny to see her face. Johnny turned to look at her, unaware of what they were talking about.
“Let’s not pretend this isn’t where this was already going.” Doyoung clicked his tongue. A momentary agitation crossed her eyes before she took another large sip of her drink, shaking her head.
“We’ve done it before.” Doyoung raised his brow again and her brows creased together, turning an incredulous look at him.
She groaned. “That was a stranger! Doyoung just sh–”
Doyoung clicked his tongue, cutting her off, “We should ask Mr Boss what he thinks.” He looked up at him, the whole exchange only confusing Johnny more.
“What I think about what?” He asked with heavy caution in his voice.
“Nothing.” She turned to him.
“The three of us. Fucking. Don’t worry about her, (Y/N)’s pretending she doesn’t like the attention. It’ll be fun.” He breezed through the words.
Johnny felt too caught off-guard to say anything at first. He shouldn’t be opposed to the idea at all. In fact, he thought someone like Doyoung was almost close to his type.
“He’s probably strung on some drugs right now.” She turned to Johnny, defending the odd man instead of just saying no. “I’m sorry on his behalf.” She sighed.
“Now you don’t need to be my advocate.” Doyoung rolled his eyes. She turned her head to Doyoung, giving him a look so irritable but open that Johnny was both glad it wasn't aimed at him and felt bothered by the same.
“Why not?” Johnny found himself saying. “Nothing new.” He tried to sound nonchalant, adding a shrug. “You’ve already seen me have sex with someone else, how bad can it be?” The last statement felt, even to him, unnecessary. But it still filled him with a kind of gratification that he felt missing from the night so far.
She turned to him, eyes unreadable and always closed to his scrutiny. Johnny raised an expectant brow that hid the sting of his indignation.
“Fine.” Her voice was lower, looking over his face with a stiff jaw before turning around. “We will never speak of this again.”
“That’s our entire sex life.” Doyoung chimed in, grinning with a small glee.
“Upstairs.” She turned to Johnny. He could only nod, not one to back away from something he had committed to.
Johnny's hand gripped at the marble counter of the bathroom sink so tight that he had begun feeling pinpricks.
'You never take anything lying back.' That is what Doyoung said when he pressed her up against the glass wall that he was currently fucking her against. The man told Johnny he can watch from inside the bathroom. Like he needed to be given permission.
Johnny watched as Doyoung pressed her harder against the glass, her skin on display. He raised his other hand to take a sip from his glass, the whiskey now watered down till it tasted like nothing.
"Look at how hard he is, (Y/N). It must be my lucky day." Doyoung groaned into her neck, snapping his hip up in a way that made her lips part. Her hand grappled unsuccessfully at the glass before reaching back to Doyoung's waist.
Heat pooled in the depths of Johnny's stomach as they both groaned together. Doyoung's words seem to remind him of his growing arousal.
"You're so wet, babe." Doyoung growled. "Loving the eyes on you? God, you're making me want to take this condom off just to feel you cream my dick." He thrust his hips.
She pulled her pressed cheek away from the glass just enough, swallowing thickly. "Don't be cocky." She warned. "I don't want to risk an STD." Doyoung's lips twitched at the words.
"Does the boss know how dirty you really like it? I bet no one does." He bit down on her ear, turning to meet Johnny's gaze. "You've gotten so good at compartmentalising life in your neat little boxes haven't you, little liar?"
"I told you not to call me that, asshole." She smacked his waist hard enough that Johnny heard it. Doyoung flinched but his eyes remained on Johnny, scrutinizing him.
"9-5's don't really know how to have fun, do they?" Doyoung chuckled, hand slamming against the glass as he kept his eyes on Johnny.
With his other hand, Doyoung reached for her leg. Johnny bit down on his lip when he pulled it back to wrap around his waist.
"Fucking prick, I'm going to get a cramp." She groaned, hand reaching out to grab his arm on the glass so hard that her nails dug into it. Doyoung just winced playfully.
"You love it. Always taking the pain in stride." He spoke through gritted teeth, leaving a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Why does your man keep looking at me, (Y/N)? Do you have your eyes closed?" Doyoung scoffed.
"He's not," She gasped when Doyoung lifted the leg behind him higher. "He's not my man." She huffed.
The words made Johnny's blood spike hot in a way that he didn't expect, more than anything else that had happened so far.
"He's so hard for me then? Mr. not-your-man?" Doyoung hummed.
"Johnny is nobody's man. He likes men too. So I don't see why that's implausible." She sighed, eyes still screwed shut. She spoke like Johnny wasn't in the room.
"Oh my, (Y/N)." Doyoung smirked, "You've really made our tenth fuck a good one, haven't you? You aren't even trying to take over. Remind me to get you that Bottega bag you wanted." Doyoung brushed his lips over her shoulders, letting her leg go. Johnny noted how she kept it in place despite her previous protest.
"Shut up." She spat, head falling back when Doyoung bit down on her neck, a wretched moan leaving her lips. "God." She gasped with liquid pleasure, resting her head on his shoulder. The sound made Johnny squirm, his pants feeling tighter by the minute.
Doyoung pulled back, giving her a small smile. A familiar and comfortable smile as his pace turned relentless. She groaned, the hand on his arm only tightening.
"It was the green one wasn't it?" Doyoung asked. Johnny watched her finally open her eyes, giving the man a confused look.
"The bag?" Doyoung frowned. Her lips tugged, and she gave him a nod.
"You're certifiably insane." She laughed, the sound breathless between her strained moans. "Yeah, it was the green one." She nodded.
"You should get a Birkin or something. I'm feeling generous." Doyoung offered, the inquiry not obstructing the precise jolts of his hips but slowing down their frequency.
(Y/N)'s face scrunched despite it, "No thanks. I don't want to get insurance for a handbag."
Doyoung smiled a little more, giving her a nod. "I guess it's not your type of thing." He pushed the hair stuck on her face away.
When Doyoung leaned closer, Johnny's heartbeat grew. His fingers gripped the counter tighter than he thought possible just as Doyoung gazed at her lips.
The relief he felt when he kissed the tip of her nose did nothing for him. When Doyoung's lips brushed over hers Johnny gripped his jaw tight, finally moving away from the counter.
"My turn." Johnny announced, not lingering on the grin on Doyoung's face that looked almost victorious.
"You didn't even let me finish." Doyoung clicked his tongue.
"Go sit and wait and I'll finish you off myself. Neither of you knows what patience is. Fucking like animals in heat." Johnny voiced his disapproval.
Doyoung grabbed her leg to place it down despite the resistance. "Sorry babe." He laughed when she groaned, "I'd have to be an idiot to say no to that." He stepped back, leaving a small peck on her lips.
Johnny pulled his belt off with a swift tug at the sight, tugging the rest of his clothes off as Doyoung went to sit on the chair in the corner of the room. Johnny bit back a wince when he pulled down his pants, dick already painfully hard. It only added to his growing temper.
"On the bed, kitten." He ordered, watching her listen wordlessly with her gaze on the floor. When she started getting on her knees Johnny clicked his tongue. "On your back, I was having such a nice time watching you. Why stop now?" He stepped up to the edge as she turned, his shadow washing over her entire frame.
She watched him with the same unreadable eyes that Johnny had started to detest, both their chests still heaving.
"I've waited all night for this." He grumbled as he got on top of her. In one swift thrust, Johnny entered her raw.
"God you really are soaking wet." He groaned, willing himself to not rut into her desperately.
He pulled out so slowly that her lips parted with an audible gasp. Johnny's own teeth clenched just as he was inches away from falling out of her, entering back just as slow.
She whimpered, head falling back and hand coming up to his shoulder, still not looking at him. Johnny went so slow that he felt every inch of her walls clench around him, his own eyes shutting to relish the sensation. He maintained the pace for several minutes, both their bodies glistening with sweat.
"Johnny faster, please." She gasped finally, hand tightening on his shoulder.
"No. I want to feel you like this." He lowered himself a little closer to her, ignoring the burn in his arms.
"Please." She whimpered, bottom lip protruding.
"Does the rockstar know what a good little slut you are for me?" He questioned. She whimpered again, hand now reaching over to his neck. Johnny didn't look up when Doyoung sniggered at the words. "Does he know what a dumb little obedient pet you become when I fuck you?" He took her bottom lip between his teeth, biting down harsher than he had ever before. When she moaned with reckless abandon, Johnny's breath stumbled.
"My stupid slut can't even speak." Johnny hummed, lifting one hand to caress her face. He clamped his jaw, trying his best not to increase his pace. When she whined it felt worth his efforts.
"Johnny, please." Her brows creased, "Just a little faster, you're driving me crazy." She fisted his hair, his dick twitching from the harsh tug. "Please." Johnny saw the tears on the corner of her eyes, reaching over to kiss it. She took advantage of the distance, thrusting up into him.
Johnny put a hand on her stomach to stop her movement, "You're so fucking spoiled." He groaned, not giving in to the pleas as he stopped moving entirely. "Be a good girl and hold still." He buried his face into her neck, sucking on the skin with a task in mind.
"Johnny." She cried out, "Please I'm begging you. Move." She pushed her hips up again, pouting when he grabbed her waist and slammed her back onto the mattress. Johnny admired the deep maroon mark blooming on her neck, momentarily glancing at the red teeth marks on the other shoulder.
"Can't handle a little restraint, can you?" He growled at her with the brunt of his rage. "Hold fucking still, (Y/N). You need to learn how to listen." He pulled back till he was barely inside her.
"Johnny." She whispered, bringing both her arms to his waist in a desperate attempt to pull him back.
"Hands above your head." He ordered, jaw flexing.
Finally, (Y/N) opened her eyes. Her gaze laced with impatient anger aimed at him, irritable and undeniably open. Johnny took in a triumphant breath.
"If you're in the mood to boss someone around Sir, I suggest you go look for your blonde friend." A deep frown etched her face after a moment's consideration. One that made him realise that the meaning of the words was lost to her till she uttered them.
Johnny's lips twitched, the words making his chest stir in a way that was entirely new.
"And leave you hanging?" He taunted her, his hips still absolutely still while he remained inside her.
"Doyoung's still here." She tilted her chin up to catch his eye, "I wonder if you'll let me do this to you in front of your pretty friend. You sound better than me when you beg, you know?" She sighed.
Johnny reached for her chin, grabbing it tight and turning her head back to him.
"Eyes on me, pet. Do you think I didn't notice the little stunt you pulled before? Kissing me for her to see?" Johnny questioned, smiling when her brows raised in surprise. "Do you think I'm stupid? I just let you get away with these things. You are my favourite little slut after all." His hold tightened as he pushed back into her slowly, earning a guttural groan.
"My pretty friend would enjoy your little games. Probably more than I do. How about next time?" He raised a brow. Johnny let her chin go but she said nothing, eyes focused on him.
"You should call her now." Doyoung chimed in, reminding Johnny of his presence.
"Shut up Doyoung. Shut the fuck up, you stupid cuck." She snapped, eyes on Johnny despite who she spoke at. It made Johnny feel like the words were aimed at him.
Finally, Johnny could be certain that they were on the same boat. He pulled back out of her and slammed in faster, her head falling back.
"Fuck you, John." She writhed under him.
"You are." He replied, breathing turning harsh as he finally let go, pace getting brutal with each thrust. "Doing an exceptional job too." He reached over to kiss her chin. "Look at me?" He murmured, lips sliding over hers.
"Johnny." Her voice held a tepid warning.
"Eyes on me, kitten." He ordered, slowing down his pace to emphasise the demand.
She forced her eyes open and Johnny wasted no time moulding his lips over hers. He winced when he grabbed her hair a little harder but didn't break his kiss, watching her impossibly furious gaze with a sense of accomplishment. She pressed her tongue over him just to prove a point and Johnny smiled, pulling away from the kiss entirely.
"I forgot how hot you are when you're pissed." He gave her a softer smile, leaving a quick kiss at the corner of her mouth.
"God, Johnny just fucking shut up. I want to come." She snapped, hitting his chest as her eyes glazed over again. He pulled closer to her, leaving soft kisses all over her face. "Please, Johnny." She added with a softer voice.
"Just a little longer." He whispered the promise smiling when she shook her head in refusal. "You're doing so well for me, kitten. So perfect." He slowly built up his pace again, hand brushing her hair to soothe her discontent. "Just so perfect for me." He added, looking over her face one last time before burying his head into her neck. His breath stuttered when she slid her hand down his spine.
"I always knew you were the suit and tie kind." Johnny heard Doyoung scoff in the background, a distant sound to his ears behind her soft grunts close to him.
"How does it feel?" Johnny asked her, kissing the base of her ear. His voice was just loud enough for her to hear.
"So good. Always, always so fucking good, John." She squirmed, voice sounding like a low sob. "You drive me crazy." She sighed, immediately gasping when he wrapped a leg around his waist.
"Want to come?" He sighed into the mattress.
"Please, Sir." She moaned, making him smile.
"Close?" He left feather-light kisses on her neck. She nodded.
Johnny began rutting into her with exact jolts and a string of curses along with his name left her lips. It only spurred him on.
"God, Johnny." A shrill shriek left her as her muscles went rigid, her walls rapidly convulsing around him, driving him insane. Johnny grit his teeth, helping ride out her high without giving into his own impending release.
"I'm going to come on you." He announced, "I always wanted to know how you'd look marked with my come all over you." He pulled out of her quickly, groaning when she gave him a tired nod. As badly as Johnny wanted to aim at her face, he refrained. Jerking himself off onto her stomach instead.
(Y/N) watched as Johnny slowly slid off the bed, so tired that she really couldn't think of how she felt about what had passed. Even if she wanted to. Still, her chest stirred a little when she was reminded of the look in Johnny's eyes. One that looked so close to being enraged.
"You should go clean up." Johnny spoke, giving her a small smile.
"Yes, I should." She spoke, her limbs not agreeing to the pursuit. Johnny smirked like he sensed it, her stomach twisting again despite the sinking exhaustion.
"That was so hot." Doyoung broke the silence, making her roll her eyes. He was relentless.
Johnny slowly looked up, away from her to him. "I guess I owe you." He said as he slipped his pants back on.
She finally sat up, reaching over to grab tissues to wipe herself off. She considered her next steps as Johnny walked over to where Doyoung sat. She gave in to the impulsive part of her mind that seemed to exist only for the two men in the room with her, turning to look.
Just as she did, Johnny sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning over to reach Doyoung.
"Are you really a cuck?" Johnny asked, voice lacking any malice. In fact, his voice lacked anything but objective intrigue.
Doyoung's head fell back when Johnny's thumb brushed over his tip. "Are you?" He managed to get out. Johnny grabbed his shaft so hard in response that (Y/N) winced on Doyoung's behalf. But like she expected, he loved it, laughing instead.
Johnny started too fast, too soon and she heard herself clicking her tongue.
"Slower. He deserves some agony." She spoke, not cowering away when Johnny turned his gaze to her.
"Bitch." Doyoung said playfully, forehead creasing when Johnny did what he was told. "Don't listen to her, be your own man." Doyoung told Johnny.
"I always listen to her." Johnny shrugged. The words made her chest stir a little more.
Doyoung hummed, lifting his head back up to look at her. "What are you punishing me for?"
"Nothing at all. I'm just enjoying the view." She spoke, still sitting on the other end of the bed.
Doyoung smirked, "Sometimes I think you believe your own lies."
She took in a sharp breath, "Doyoung loves being told what a good boy he's being. Don't you, good boy? Trying so hard not to come when your pretty little cock is blue from the lack of attention." She retaliated.
"He really is a good boy." Johnny squeezed his dick, "Watching me fuck you without touching himself even once. I'm impressed, Rockstar. You have more patience than your friend does." He twisted his fist, making Doyoung gasp.
"Everybody has more patience than (Y/N)." Doyoung gave Johnny a wink, propping his head up.
"You should have taught her better manners." Johnny clicked his tongue.
"I'm still here." She frowned, not getting a response from either of them.
"Impossible. You can try your best, though." Doyoung gave him a secretive look, scoffing.
Johnny smirked at the words, "I would say I do a decent job." He turned to look at her, "Don't you agree, kitten?" She bit her lip, earning a short chuckle from him.
"You are trying your best." She shrugged. Doyoung laughed at the statement.
"You'd claw my dick out if I made you beg, so I'd say he's succeeding. I'm almost a little hurt, (Y/N). I've never heard you say please." Doyoung hip bucked and it brought her attention back to Johnny's hand, where he began pumping him with a steady rhythm.
"Are you enjoying this?" Johnny asked, and despite his gaze aimed at Doyoung, she just knew the words were for her.
"Yes." She answered. "You're so hot like this." She whispered, gut flipping just as she spoke.
"Then I guess we're all cucks." Doyoung laughed, groaning when Johnny pressed his thumb over his tip.
"Shut up." Both of them told him at the same time, (Y/N)'s voice was a little more annoyed than Johnny's.
"Will you come home with me?" Johnny asked her.
"Of course." She responded immediately. With a satisfied hum, Johnny increased his pace.
"Time to come, pretty boy. I need some sleep." Johnny told him, earning a quick compliant nod from Doyoung that made her lips twitch.
Johnny could make anyone obedient, she realised.
An afflicted groan left Doyoung's lips as he finally came. (Y/N) watched as his release dripped into Johnny's hand, ignoring the heat pooling in her core all over again. Johnny pumped him dry before pulling away.
Doyoung left the club with mixed feelings, reaching for his phone to drop Yuta a text announcing that he won the wager. His lips tugged when his phone rang.
"Which wager is this?" Yuta said the moment he answered.
"I told you it's not just a quick fuck. He's her type." Doyoung scoffed, focusing on the glory of being right.
"Who?" Yuta responded, making Doyoung sigh.
"(Y/N)." He shrugged.
"Oh." Yuta said, "You okay?" He added immediately, making Doyoung frown.
"Of course. You owe me a new car." Doyoung reminded Yuta, making him groan.
"Remind me never to make a bet when I'm high." He sighed. "Why do you even want a Tesla dude? It's such a banker's car."
"I'm eco-friendly." Doyoung shrugged.
Character from: Chance Encounter
Mini Masterlist
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eveoflaw · 3 years
burn out + the bigger picture (& annoying things in this community)
i am tired and annoyed so if this doesnt make sense im sorry.
hello everyone! i don't know if anyone noticed that i've been m.i.a since i released my "7 days of christmas" challenge, but i just popped in to say a few things about being burnt out (both in this community and in general) and the "bigger picture."
im going to start with burn out. one thing i've noticed while being in this community is how seemingly controversial burn out is, and how people generally take it the wrong way when it comes to manifesting and their own journey.
what is burn out? i'm not going to give you a textbook definition but basically burn out is when you feel mentally and physically exhausted. it typically happens when someone overworks themselves, but it can happen when it comes to habits and in this case, manifesting.
why do i think it's controversial? what i see a lot in this community is that many people (no particular person) seem to think that if you hyper focus on methods and manifesting what you want 24/7, you'll get it faster. that may be true for some, but the truth is that this is all for you. this is your journey to work on yourself, and overworking your mind and subconscious isn't going to make that process any easier. i see many people in the manifesting community who do the absolute most and then disappear off of the face of the earth (aka me) for months on end, or eventually get burnt out and get shit on for taking time for themselves.
it seems almost taboo? like you aren't supposed to talk about it but it happene, and/or people seem fine with it UNTIL it actually happens.
in other words, it is okay to take breaks. this is definitely something a lot of people find difficult to comprehend. it is drilled into ours heads that "just believe and know that xyz is yours!" that so many forget what the bigger picture is.
this is your journey. this is meant to be for you. how you get there and how long it takes you is not defined by methods or any other bs that will get you want you want in a second.
it is your healing process.
it is your growth.
it is self concept in whatever form that may be.
it is patience.
im not saying that you can't get whatever you want in a second, i know that you can, but this is YOUR OWN JOURNEY and yes advice from all of these manifesting blogs is extremely helpful (and kudos to all of you lovely people) but it SHOULD NOT DETERMINE your journey!
overconsumption will eventually lead to burnout! ovethinking will eventually lead to burnout! doing methods that you are not confident in will eventually lead to burnout!
burnout is completely normal, and us bad bitches with mental illnesses know it all too well.
if you have depression, take a break.
if you have adhd, take a break.
if you have anxiety, take a break.
if you have a personality disorder, take a break.
if you have anything that i'm forgetting, take a goddamn break.
if you're healthy, take a fucking break. you deserve it too.
what person has ever benefited from overworking themselves?
no one. exactly. no one realizes that by taking time for yourself, you are WORKING on yourself! you are taking back your energy and your power!
i kind of sprinkled in the bigger picture of manifesting in there, but i want to get into it more.
the bigger picture is, as i said, your healing process, growth, patience, and self concept. but it is also:
finding your power.
taking baby steps.
trusting yourself.
doing stupid fucking methods that you are not confident in.
( psa: if you are uncomfy doing a method, DON'T DO IT. IT IS NOT RIGHT FOR YOU!
ppsa: do the methods that feel right and aren't a goddamn chore! )
wondering why you haven't gotten what you wanted after you overconsumed info and tried it all everyday for a week.
i hate to say it people, i really do,
growth does not happen in a week. healing does not happen in a week. finding yourself does not happen in a week.
idc what anyone else tells you. this shit takes time and commitment. you need to work on yourself and your self concept.
self concept for dummies: your opinion of yourself. self esteem.
you cannot become truly happy with yourself in a short period of time. if you disagree, good on you - but don't shit on others for something they have no control over.
rome wasn't built in a day.
if you wake up feeling bad about yourself, that's alright (another controversial thing, having a couple bad days does not put you in the victim mindset! wow!)! put on your favorite jeans and admire how fat and amazing your ass looks in them.
smile at yourself in the mirror, replace self deprecating jokes with overly cocky jokes.
if you are severely insecure and doubt everything you do (like i was. you arent alone bby) yes, it will take time. no, you cannot fix it on a deadline. baby steps boo, focus on yourself and only yourself - not that brand new shiny toy you think you'll get if you think one nice thing about yourself.
it's okay to take breaks
yes self concept (therefore manifesting) takes time
being burnt out is not a bad thing
feeling bad is not a bad thing.
one day at a time (nd take a break once in a while)
focus on yourself
i am very tired and i will not be proofreading this so take what you want out of it.
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fuck-customers · 3 years
(tw ableism, racism)
i never complained about this guy on here but i finally talked to the store lead about this awful guy i work with! said guy, we'll call him don which of course isnt his actual name, is so annoying. for the record, i helped train him, so its not like he's been here for long time. less than a year. anyway, don thinks he's smarter and better than everyone else. he knows everything and everyone else is wrong if they disagree with what he's saying. he's always talking about people behind their backs, and complaining about how no one does their job right, but i guess he does. he's also always spewing some bs about "you should work for satisfaction not money" (girl why are you here then? you hate this job) and "if you really want something you'll get it because you'll do anything for it" and other classist bullshit.
he'll complain about two of our coworkers specifically, who we'll call gina and ben. gina is an older woman, and don is always talking about how she leaves the register to make coffee every hour (gas station, coffee is made every two hours or as needed) and is always away doing something even if there's a line. he also has made some weird comments about the old men who come in and talk to her. he talks about ben the most though, saying he doesnt do anything, he's always disappearing (which, yeah, he does sometimes, but usually i can track him down because i know what he's doing) and calling off (which he used to do, but now he calls off only occasionally, and is definitely not the worst offender in terms of calling off all the time). its also worth noting that ben and gina have been here for years, through multiple managers and store leads and rounds of employees. now, when don and i are at the register, don is usually occupied with stocking cigarettes and the other nicotine products up there, and its nice to have that stuff done, but that means i am the only one ringing people out. even if theres a line. so if someone else leaves him alone at the register, its a problem, but if he leaves me alone, its fine. another thing about ben he doesnt like is his tattoos. ben is a young guy with a ton of tattoos, including face tattoos, and some piercings. don doesn't like that. he was talking about this the other day to me, and he was saying how "businesss shouldn't hire people with tattoos, i wouldn't" (when I told the store lead he said "but there are professionals with tattoos?"), and first off, this is a gas station honey. what i said to don was, "I don't know, I still think those people deserve to eat." he replies, "I don't." i don't know what to say to that.
he also doesn't like me I don't think. we were talking about stuff we have to do, and got on the topic of outside trash, and I said, "Yeah, if I could do outside trash I would, but because of my hand I can't lift the pump trash lids." i have an ongoing issue with my left hand that we think is tendonitis but we aren't sure, and basically i can't put any pressure on any part of my thumb/that part of my palm. to lift the pump trash lids, you have to push inward on the sides with your palm and lift up. obviously i cant do that. but i can lift propane tanks because that's mostly on my fingers. he tells me, "man, i wish i had a brace i could just put in when i didn't want to do something."
my man the other day i sat down on the floor to look for something and i thought it was healed but as soon as i leaned on it i fell because of how much it hurt. I've tried to do pump trash with it, it made it worse.
going back in time, he said something to me that i didn't think much of at the time. he looked up and saod "that's who you remind me of!" and said my voice sounded like his ex girlfriend's. at first i was like okay. whatever. but he mentioned it again later in a way that infuriated me and im about to tell you why.
so, he was going off about "how you should only eat between these times of the day" (directed at me because i mentioned my breakfast that morning? my dude i get up at six for this shift.) and then going off about circadian rhythms and how theres a single set one (which is not true!) and i mentioned that one if the symptoms of adhd is having a circadian rhythm thats out of sync (he knows i have adhd). and then he starts going off about how "no its not, tell me that when its in a medical book" (girl? maybe look at one that isnt outdated) and then that adhd is overdiagnosed (untrue and also a googleable statistic) and pretty much implying that i was just saying i had it to be special and not have to do things, which infuriated me because thats what everyone says about it and what ive been told my whole life, to the point my mom literally had to threaten several schools with legal action because they would not follow my IEP, and then when i said "hey, I'm the one living with this, you aren't," he said "kelly! kelly! you sound so much like her! you're just kelly to me!"
obviously that's kind of a fucked up thing to say.
some other things i hate about this man is that he gets really aggressive when he's frustrated. one day he started slamming things down as he was stocking. he even does it in front of customers! also, as a cherry on top, he was talking to our coworker, and found out she had a lot of black friends, and called her a [n word] lover.
i also know that im not the only person who has problems with him. literally no one likes him. he's always complaining that someone else isnt doing their job right and "if *I* were the manager" and stuff like that. it might be worth mentioning that i only complained because someone suggested i do. i was just going to tough it out for a while since im going back to school soon and will only be dealing with him once a month
one of my coworkers gave me her number if i ever wanted to talk about it, and the store lead said he would try to talk to him (without mentioning me), and this definitely wasn't okay for him to be doing, so we'll see how this goes. also, i think the store lead kept me in the office talking with him (about school and the pandemic and other stuff) for an hour ish so that i wouldn't have to deal with him, since don leaves after an hour of me being there during the week (but we have six hours together on the weekend) so that was nice.
sorry for the long ask. tldr this guys just an all around asshole who doesnt shut up and thinks he's superior to everyone else but my other coworkers are nice people
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paintalyx · 3 years
hello buddies and pals, i am here to announce that hiatus is over and i'm officially back on my bs over here. *probably* not gonna be as active as i was before because college has it out for me, but hey, i can never leave this hellsite for *too* long! sorry for disappearing from social media for like half a year (although i did occasionally share lame doodles over on instagram in my absence)
regarding my mental health, it's gotten a lot better after this full time minimum wage gig did its magic. sure, things sucked sometimes but i don't regret going through with it. builds character. i'll think twice next time someone avoids telling me how many hours of work i need to put in weekly because there's an employee shortage. i was a dumbass. don't be me.
physically i'm still a little wonky and tired, but i'm sure that too will improve over time. c0v1d and some meds i've been prescribed unrelated to it were messing with my system for a while. at this point i'm just glad that the worst is out of the way
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potatotrash0 · 4 years
Oh? You've been into Childhood alternative universes lately?*slides Mastermind Nagito file back and pulls seperate piece of paper out* Let's work with that. *sits in the worn down swivel chair that I imagine myself keeping in this hellscape of a fictional office* Now :).
Hinata and Nagito first met when they were six. Nagito was still sick at this time, so his parents were taking him to a doctor in a different country in hopes of being able to treat him. Nagito was sitting on a street corner waiting as some of the servants packed up the car for their plane trip, when he notices a little boy with the greenest eyes and the oddest cowlick crying on the other side of the street. When he goes up to the child to ask what's wrong, he sees the big scrape on his knee, and the busted skateboard lying next to him. Nagito offers a hand to him. "Komaeda Nagito. Need some help?" He says with a smile that wasn't yet tainted with anxiety and despair. The kid crying grabs the hand, still bursting at the seams with his tears, and manages to say "H-hinata Hajime." in a shaky voice. When Hajime's taken inside for a glass of water and bandages, and is able to talk in a less shaky voice, they make a fond promise to hang out when Nagito gets back.
When Nagito gets back from the "trip", Hajime is in absolute shock. This sweet kid who helped him without hesitation had to deal with all this... terrible luck. Hajime does his best to look up ways to feel better, gets a bucket of a water and a handful of chocolates ( drinking water can help stop crying and chocolate can give ranged waves of dopamine [if I remember right]- Hajime doesn't know what dopamine means but it was on a site to help sadness and shit and he's just doin his best), and heads to Nagito's house. He's allowed in, and when he eventually finds Nagito curled up in the corner of his room, he stupidly drops the bucket and chocolates in front of him with a grin. Nagito responds by crawling over to him and crying on his shoulder for seemingly hours, and Hajime lets him.
Nagito was glad he had someone who wouldn't judge him for his "good luck" now.
( afterwards, Nagito says that it was alright, that he heard the servants talking about how it was good luck, since he inherited a large estate, and Hajime says he heard his parents say the same thing, and they both agree that it must have been good luck, since everyone else said so, despite the countless bruises and tears that it caused. Neither of them realize that their views on luck were permanently obscured since then.)
They grow closer after that, and don't seperate once, not as they grow older, not as life beats Nagito inwards which each traumatic event and curls into his beliefs of hope, despair, and talent, not as Hajime realizes he can't save Nagito from himself. Which each day, they grow closer and closer to the hip, practically seamed to each other.
That is, until Hope's Peak academy came into the picture. Nagito and Hajime immediately jumped for whatever chance they had to get in (both reasons are personal, but more tied to the character- Nagito still desires to be amongst the greatest, while Hajime still desires to be remembered [mostly by Nagito, though he doesn't entirely realize that's why].), but when they're still separated by the two courses, that's ywhere the problem lies. You see, Nagito is still an insensitive dumbfuck that doesn't realize how his words affect other people, and when he keeps actively degrading the reserve course students even in front of Hajime, it takes a toll. Hajime starts believing that Nagito hates him because of his status as a reserve course student now, and between the pressure of all the bullshit that happens to him because of his status and now this bs drama, he's willing to pay a price for his affection once again. A price that'll be much too permanent for either's liking.
This is where I add the Kamakura project in. I'm sorry for this upcoming angst shit but I always find my way back here.
When Hajime is presented the Kamakura project, he thinks about being able to join Nagito in the talent course and that Nagito won't be hate him for it anymore. He thinks of Nagito showering him with hugs and praise for finally being able to join him and his classmates. He thinks of the joy it'll bring to Nagito and his parents- but mostly Nagito. He thinks of Nagito, Nagito, Nagito as he signs his name. He didn't think he'd be shoved into a pod. He didn't think he wouldn't be able to see Nagito ever again. As he dies, he thinks about the little boy who offered his hand to him when his other friends left. Nagito, Nagito, Nagito. Izuru is born thinking of this boy, and it sticks. Nagito, Nagito, Nagito. He doesn't stop thinking of him, even when Enoshima and Ikusaba appeared with their proposition of despair (a part of him told him to not do it, let Nagito keep his hope, this man he couldn't remember), even when Chiaki dies in front of him (he feels... guilty, about her death, but not exactly sorrow. he wonders if he'd feel this way if the sheep man died.).
Nagito realizes who Izuru was when he turned around to aim at him. He saw the cold, dead eyes of this man, and for a moment he saw the boy who remembered him and brought him water and chocolate to help him feel better. The one person Nagito thought couldn't be affected by his luck was gone now. This was how Nagito fell into despair.
They generally stayed together for most of the apocalypse, still attached to the hip, although it was... different now. There were no more subconscious handholding moments as they traveled through the streets. There was no more trying to stop Servant from berating himself. There was no more helping Hinata's injuries. No more ice cream "dates". No more... love, in their presence.
Izuru tells Servant about his plan as they sit together on the boat to Jabberwock. Servant is sitting in the other's lap, stroking their hair as they speak. He responds with expressing his excitement, and Izuru feels a wave of guilt wash over him, though he drowns it out immediately.
Hajime wakes up to see his best friend standing over him. "Hey, Hajime, are you alright?" Nagito says, with a smile tainted with fear and despair as he offers his hand to help him up. Hajime briefly feels a sense of Deja vu, and grabs the offered hand.
(I keep making these too long dkckakkflakfkalfk f u c k)
sobs.........every time you get to the kamukura project i just brace myself bc it hurts like hell 100% of the time without fail......but ahhhhhhh i love this.......
for a moment i thought this was gonna be childhood friends and mastermind komaeda and i nearly had a heart attack?? mmm i’m still buzzing with the ideas but i’ll put it under the cut
just like. hajime finding comfort in having at least one person to rely on in this bizarre situation. komaeda really does ground him, he realizes, but that stability seems to crumble beneath him during that first trial. watching nagito, someone he thought he knew so well, reveal that he had been the one behind this elaborate plan to get himself or someone else killed? there’s no way hajime could okay after that, no way he could look at him the same way.
and he doesn’t, but he doesn’t look at him completely differently either. this komaeda, someone who’s unstable and actively looks forward to the next murder, is still komaeda. he’s still the same guy who goes through whole novels like they’re picture books, who pokes at his food at meal times and has to be nagged at to eat. he’s still nagito. and even if he wanted to, hajime couldn’t find it in himself to just ditch the guy he grew up with for all those years.
so, he reaches out again. gets to know his childhood friend for a second time, relearning his beliefs, his likes, his dislikes. even discovers some things he never noticed before. in a way, they were driven apart, but also brought back together again.
and that’s part of the reason it’s such a shock to see komaeda in monokuma’s place during that last trial, grinning down at them. he looks and sounds like nagito, but he couldn’t be him. someone who put them through all this couldn’t be that same boy who helped him when he fell off his skateboard all those years ago......right?
all of this information, from the world being a simulation to his childhood friend being the one to basically kill all of their classmates, it all throws him off. not to mention that he might not even exist outside of this program. choosing between staying with someone who betrayed him twice over or disappearing entirely........can he even make a decision like that?
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Don't - Chapter 1
Hello everyone! This is my first time writing fanfiction. Chapter one is an introduction to the kind of relationship the characters have and, in future chapters I will fill in the gaps left in this part.
But first, let's see how this one goes.
Feedback is greatly appreciated.
I took the name from a song written by Jewel. Go and listen to it. Trust me, after the first verse, THAT person will pop in your head. Never fails.
Before we jump in, there's a few people I need to thank:
@littlefreya for helping me with the editing since I don't have a beta yet, for encouraging me knowing what a big deal this is for me, and for all the things you already know. I'll always be in your debt.
@mary-ann84 for making me feel welcome since day one and putting up with me and my annoying questions at any time of day. Girl, you deserve an award for patience.
@radaofrivia for taking the time to read my ramblings and giving me the reassurance I needed. For showing up out of nowhere when I was almost defeated by my lack of tumblr comprehension and explained everything to me with the patience of a kindergarten teacher. Greek god Henry sent you my way, I have no doubt.
There aren't words enough to express how big of an inspiration all of you are to me. To be able to call you my friends, fills my heart with extreme joy and gratitude. So again THANK YOU.
I took the liberty to tag some people, to some I asked for their permission, to others I didn't, so if this bothers you in any way, just message me and I'll fix it, there's absolutely no obligation and I won't be offended.
With that being said, let's get to the point.
Tumblr media
Title: Don't
Pairing: Henry x female reader.
Word count: 1682
Warnings: Angst, fluff, and if you squint your eyes you might find a bit of smut.
Summary: Henry and reader are a couple living together for 1 year. Reader have struggled with self esteem issues and insecurities her whole life and when she met Henry, she thought she had left all that in the past, but certain events made her realize that her soul is far from being healed.
Disclaimer: This is an original work of fiction written by me. Please don't post it anywhere else without my permission. Reblogs here are welcomed of course. Thank you.
"Are you ok, darling?"
"Yes, honey"
"Are you sure? You don't seem ok"
"I'm ok, Hen," you smiled, "I'm just tired. I wanna get home, have a shower and then go to bed"
He didn't seem convinced but he didn't ask again. The rest of the ride home was silent, you looked out the window and prayed for the strength to act like everything was normal, while he concentrated on the road and hummed along to the radio.
But you knew better. You knew that this man, the most gorgeous man on earth, the man you called your boyfriend, the man every woman (and a lot of men too), thirsted for, was also the smartest, the most affectionate and that he paid attention to every single thing, especially you. He could notice the smallest change in your demeanor, he could tell when something was wrong and this time was no difference. He was just giving you time to process whatever it was upsetting you before you could talk to him, but in no way was he buying the "just tired" bs. And you knew it.
You entered the house and discarded your shoes and purse. Henry was taking Kal out of the car and into the house when you said "I'm gonna take a shower," and quickly rushed upstairs without waiting for an answer, you needed to be alone so desperately.
You got into the bathroom and took your clothes off without even glancing in the mirror, you didn't want to see anybody, much less yourself.
The hot water was bliss to your sore muscles, too bad it didn't make a difference to the pain in your heart. You rested your forehead into the tiled wall and felt the water gently massaging your back and legs. You were so immersed in your thoughts that you didn't hear the bathroom door being open. Henry was already behind you, his strong hands caressing your back as light as a feather and his mouth on your ear, "may I join you?"
You turned around and looked at him, at those eyes bluer than the sky itself, at those curls that did things to you just by looking at them, and that smile, the most perfect and genuine smile you had ever seen, it was literally impossible not to smile back at him, it was contagious.
He didn't wait for an answer, he lowered himself to put his arms around your waist as you put yours around his neck and kissed you deeply and tenderly. You knew he did that so you wouldn't have to be on your tiptoes to kiss him, he was so damn considerate and perfect it infuriated you sometimes.
So you closed your eyes and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, he sensed the heat in your kiss and grabbing your behind, lifted you up still kissing you, putting your back against the wall. You instinctively wrapped your legs around him and he broke the kiss to look at you, his hair was tousled all over from the water and your hands. His lips were swollen from the kissing and his eyes were dark with lust but also full of love. Oh,so much love.
"What do you want?" He said, "Tell me. What do you need? I'm here, I'm yours".
Something inside of you broke, it was too much. "I want you, Henry. I need you. Now. Inside of me. Please".
He didn't wait for you to ask again, maneuvering you as if you weighed nothing, he made you descend on his length without breaking eye contact, until you were completely full of him. He started to move, slowly and leisurely making you moan and clung to him for dear life.
He didn't know about the battle that was going on inside you. You wanted him to crawl within you and fill the emptiness eating your soul, you wanted to hold him and never let go, you wanted to stop time. Or maybe go back in time, or just disappear. But for the time being you were just grateful for the water running over both of you, not letting Henry notice that your tears were running as well.
Even if you were shattered inside, your body would always succumb to him, there was no point in resisting, and as he kept moving in and out of you, whispering sweet nonsenses in your ear, the orgasm hit you like a thunder lightning crying out his name, his release following moments later triggered by your loud moans.
He held you still between him and the wall while you both recovered your breath, filling your neck with open mouthed kisses.
He lowered you and you held him tightly, putting your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. It always soothed you. You both stayed that way under the shower in silence, until you started to feel the boiling inside you rising again. "I'm gonna get the towels" you said, "I got it" said he and with a swift move of his long arms, he reached for the towels and started drying you, hair first, then your body, slowly, caressing every inch of it and leaving light kisses everywhere his hands would pass.
He was kneeling in front of you, drying your legs and slowly going up, your eyes were fixated on him and his movements, not saying a word. He looked up, saw you staring, and reaching up, caressed your face so softly it made you lean your head in his hand, closing your eyes. It was like time stopped and you were there alone just savoring that moment, keeping it in your memory forever and you couldn't help the single tear rolling down your cheek into his hand...
When you opened your eyes, you saw the look of concern on his face, "What is it baby? What's wrong?"
You needed to make a choice, so you chose the truth. At least the one truth that wouldn't hurt him: "I love you so much".
"And that makes you cry?"
You chuckled a little, "No, I sometimes get overwhelmed by all these feelings, I'm sorry for being so sensitive" you said, wiping your eyes and smiling through tears.
He stood up and crashed your lips with his, taking you by surprise and lifting you up, carrying you like a bride to your bed.
He got in too, cuddling you from behind and you intended to get up to find one of his t-shirts, your go-to pajamas since day one with him, but he stopped you with his arm around your waist and pulled you against him, your back on his chest, your naked bodies molding perfectly together under the sheets.
You clutched his hand in yours, closed your eyes and tried to ease your racing heart.
His voice took you back to reality:
"Look at me, love"
You turned around in his arms just enough to look him in the eyes, and it surprised you to see, his were a little watery too.
"I love you" he whispered. "I love you like I never thought it was possible to love someone. You have brought to my life the hope that my tired heart believed was lost. I want to spend every minute of every day with you and when my work keeps us apart, I can't wait to share with you every detail of my day. You know sometimes..." he paused, smiling and looking away, "sometimes I have to tell myself *get it together Cavill! You're a grown man acting like a teenager*, but that's what you do to me" he said looking at you again and caressing your lips with his thumb, "You're my fuel, my reason, you're my last thought when I go to sleep and my first one when I wake up, and I'm so grateful to have you that sometimes I'm scared to think that I don't express it enough for you to actually get a glimpse of how happy you make me. That's why I might seem a little clingy around you... I love you and I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything, that I'm always here for you, it doesn't matter if I'm working or doing anything else, you are my priority, ok?"
You were a crying mess by now and watching his red eyes trying so hard not to cry, wasn't helping.
"Ok?" he said again, clearly demanding an answer from you.
But your words wouldn't come out. How? How could you tell him? How on earth was he supposed to imagine that he had chosen the worst possible moment to tell you this?
So again you settled for the truth, the only indisputable truth you could give him, and nodding you took his face in your hands and kissed him, pulling him on top of you.
He engulfed you in his arms and broke the kiss to breathe, you covered his face with light kisses tasting the salt of his tears which only added more sorrow to your battered soul.
"Make love to me," you said against his lips. He looked at you through hooded eyes and went for the spot on your neck he knew drove you crazy.
This was the truth. The fact that when you were together you couldn't tell where each of you ended and the other began. The absolute certainty of loving him with every fiber of your being, knowing you could never love anyone else this much, not even in a thousand lives. You never hid it. It was impossible to...
A few hours later, you were watching him peacefully asleep, his features even more beautiful in the dim morning light. You carefully kissed him and placed your head on his chest, he held you tighter against him and said something that sounded like "I love you". "I love you too" you said, granting him again the truth you couldn't deny.
The unspoken truth however, the one he was about to learn, was that in fact, the one you didn't love... was yourself.
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snezhnayain-secrets · 3 years
When they catch you cheating. (Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli & Childe)
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Something had been off about you for days. You were barely in Liyue, always going off on commissions near Wangshu Inn, and being awkward around him when you came back to your shared hotel room. You barely showed him any affection at all nowadays. Enough was enough, he was going to find out what was going on.
You had just set off for a commission near the inn again, so Childe made sure to follow you from a safe enough distance. He didn't want to be caught after all. Childe watched you effortlessly take out a Hilichurl camp, before you headed to the inn. You had a smile on your face, one you had never shown him. Not in a while, anyway.
The Harbinger was getting increasingly suspicious and not to mention angry. He saw you taking the elevator to the top, so he waited until it came back down to take it himself. Everything was screaming at him to kill the one who had stolen you, and he was definitely going to listen to those instincts. He loved you, so what had he done to deserve your possible infidelity? He was snapped out of his thoughts when the elevator came back down.
Once he reached the lobby of the inn, he saw you disappear up the stairs. Childe followed you, noticing you were heading to the very top balcony. There he saw that Conqueror of Demons. What was his name again? Xiao? Something inside Childe snapped, and he summoned his bow.
"So this is where you've been. I had a feeling you were up to something when you barely came home." Childe sighed. Xiao stood in front of you, in a bid to protect you. "I guess this it what happens when you, yourself, abandon the one you're supposed to love." The Adeptus said. He summoned his spear, glaring at Childe. "I suggest you leave. I won't show mercy a second time." Xiao growled. Childe was having none of it and drew his bow, pointing a deady arrow of water your way. "I loved you, Y/N. I truly did." He released the arrow, only for Xiao to block it.
"I'm sorry Childe, but you were the one who didn't have time for me." You said, tears welling up in your beautiful E/C eyes. Childe growled, and he knew he was no match for an Adeptus. For once in his life, he left a fight. "I hope you two are happy together. See ya." With that, he left.
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After a long day's work at the Knights of Favonious HQ, you couldn't wait to head over to Angel's Share for a well deserved dandelion wine. Little did you know, a certain red headed male would be working tonight.
You headed in with Kaeya, laughing an joking. He told you to go to your regular seat, tucked away at the back of the tavern. You obliged and headed to it.
"What will it be?" Diluc huffed, not really wanting wanting to serve his brother. "Two dandelion wines. Actually, give us two bottles." The calvary captain smirked. "Tch. Here." Diluc handed Kaeya the bottles, and the blue haired male paid.
Diluc was wondering what was going on. Usually you would sit at the bar when he was working, so this was totally out of character for you. Plus, why were you with Kaeya of all people? The gears in his head turned, as he wondered what was going on between you two.
Taking the opportunity to use the excuse to clear tankards and wine glasses. It was then he saw you and his brother. It angered him and broke his heart at the same time. You and Kaeya were making out with each other, and you were on his lap grinding on him.
"Well. I never suspected my partner to be screwing my brother behind my back." You and Kaeya jumped apart when you heard Diluc's voice. "D-Diluc." You stammered. "I don't want any excuses. I want you out of my house by tomorrow." He said, calmly. Your heart constricted, but Kaeya stepped in. "Your hardly home, with all this vigilante hero bs." Kaeya said, pinning the blame on the red head. "That doesn't mean I'm sneaking off to see someone else, does it?" Diluc snapped. You got off Kaeya, gave Diluc one last look, and headed to Kaeya's room at the knights hq.
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He was always off with the Traveler, that's why you sought comfort in his brother's arms. You had felt like you meant nothing to the calvary captain, but it was the complete opposite. Whenever he came to Monstadt with the Traveler, you were the first one he'd seek out. Screw Jean and her need for a debrief. You were more important to him.
When he couldn't find you training, he got worried. You loved to hone your skills, and practice with your V/T (vision type) abilities. So this seemed a little off. He decided to go and see Amber, who was busy talking to Lisa.
"Amber. Have you seen Y/N?" He asked his comrade. Amber smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she was heading in the direction of Dawn Winery. Maybe she went to see Adeline." The Outrider said. You and Adeline were close friends, so it made sense to Kaeya.
When he got to the winery, he asked Adeline where you were. There was a bit of an apologetic look in the head maid's eyes, as she kept her professional composure. "I'm sorry, Sir Kaeya... They're with Master Diluc in his office." The maid said. Kaeya seemed confused about her apology, but shrugged it off.
Diluc was running his fingers up and down your spine, while kissing and sucking on your neck. Elicit moans escaped your lips as you enjoyed his actions. "This is risky, Y/N." Diluc whispered before kissing you. "What's life without a little risk?" You giggled.
"Maybe because there's a chance you'll get caught." Kaeya had opened the door without knocking, looking at Diluc like he wanted to tear him limb from limb. "How could you, Y/N? I trusted you, I loved you. This is how you betray me, by sleeping with Diluc?" He hissed. Diluc rolled his eyes, and held you closer. "You two are perfect for each other. See ya, babe." He spat, before slamming the door and leaving forever.
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Work at the funeral parlour had been piling up lately, so Zhongli was home later than usual. At first you didn't mind, but it became more frequent. It made you feel lonely, as you missed his warmth when he came home to cuddle with you. It was then you decided to speak to Childe.
At first it was just friendly meetings for some tea and a light snack, but over time it became something more serious. You felt really guilty, as Zhongli was the perfect gentleman. Anyone would love to have a man like him on their arm, and here you were throwing it all away for a risk taking, battle loving Harbinger.
"Childe, we should stop this before it gets more serious." You said, as Childe held you from behind as you sat in his lap. "I love you, Y/N. If I have to fight a former Archon for you, I will." He said, nibbling on your shoulder. You were in your house, the same one you shared with the funeral parlour's consultant. Things started to get a little heated, and before you knew it, Childe was inside you.
Zhongli had gotten off early for once, and he couldn't wait to see you. "Darling?" He called for you, but there was no answer. Perhaps you were taking a bath. He went upstairs, but he heard moans and the fast creaking of the bed coming from his shared bedroom.
"Dammit, Y/N! I'm gonna cum!" Childe's voice moaned through the door. Zhongli's usual expression turned from his usual stoic one, to a heartbroken one. He heard that moans you had when you came, then walked in.
"So this is your pass time while I'm at work." Childe scrambled off you, and you tried covering yourself. "Zhongli!" You said in surprise, your eyes wide with shock. "I don't know what made you decide to do this, nor do I want to know, but I'll be out of your life from tomorrow. I wish you all the best." With those parting words, the Geo Archon left. What had you done?
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