#spectrum health
topmychart · 1 year
Spectrum Health MyChart Login: Revolutionizing Patient Engagement
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Spectrum Health MyChart Login Guide 2023😊
Are you looking for easy access to your medical information? Logging into MyChart with Spectrum Health MyChart Login is a simple fix. Patients can instantly access their medical data, lab results, appointment scheduling, and requests for medication refills using a secure login.
By allowing open dialogue between patients and their healthcare providers, this user-friendly platform gives patients the power to take charge of their health. Patients can securely chat their doctors, go over treatment plans, and get individualised care updates using the Spectrum Health MyChart login.
With Spectrum Health MyChart login, you can stay connected, informed, and involved in your healthcare journey. Here, convenience and high-quality care are at your fingertips. Experience a new level of healthcare accessibility by logging in right away.
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definitelynotaweirdo · 2 months
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autismwithoutpremium · 10 months
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madpunks · 1 year
please include schizospectrum people in your mental health positivity post. please actually include schizophrenic, schizoaffective, schizotypal, schizoid and other psychotic people. still to this day, i get called dangerous for being schizophrenic. my last ex told me they "knew" i would lash out and become dangerous and that they shouldn't have dated me specifically because i'm schizophrenic. i never lashed out to hurt them, by the way, but they routinely hurt me.
schizospectrum disorders do not make someone inherently dangerous. people still believe this firmly. our fight isn't over we still have to continue to speak about schizospec people and how unfairly we are treated. we are dehumanized instantly the second people find out about our conditions. we are treated like ticking time bombs. people openly admit that we are scaring them when we talk about our psychosis and how it affects us.
people tell us to calm down and that our delusions aren't real and that we're overreacting. people give reality check us and force us to try to think in ways that scare us. people refuse to trust our own accounts of our own lives and what is happening to us, even when we are not actively delusional or hallucinating. people infantilize us and treat us like we're stupid and have zero autonomy.
we are not dangerous. we are not scary. we are literally just existing in a world that refuses to accept us. please keep talking about schizospectrum struggles and how we need to be seen as just another human, just like anyone else. we can be as unique and varied as anyone else with any other neurotype. we are not all the same person, and we are not inherently dangerous or scary.
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sleeplessv0id · 26 days
"mental health matters!" until your screaming and crying in the early hours of the morning over losing something as miniscule as your phone charger. but the reason your crying isn't actually about the charger, or your favorite pen you can't find.
little things add up.
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openmindpsych · 2 months
the reason that it's a bad thing when autism moms use the phrase "autism won today" is because it reflects an underlying mindset of seeing autism as a problem that must be fought and defeated, rather than a part of who the child is that must be accepted and accommodated.
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bl0w-m3 · 1 year
Yeah my coping mechanisms “aren’t healthy” but I haven’t died yet so where’s my fuckin trophy.
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grendel-menz · 1 year
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a section from my comic the anti parking lot committee - you can find the whole thing here 
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ayyliencat · 6 months
Hey there, just needed to say something quick. ALL of this misrepresentation about schizophrenia everywhere is ableism. People that say “schizophrenia is spiritual”, “schizophrenia is satanic”, “schizophrenia is demonic”, “schizophrenia means that you have demonic entities attached to you”, “schizophrenia means that you are in spiritual warfare with demons”, “schizophrenia just means that you are going through a spiritual awakening” is just so frustrating for people who ACTUALLY have this mental Illness or suffer from psychosis. It all comes from people who don’t even HAVE this illness or experience these things. It is dangerous to tell people who have or don’t have schizophrenia/ schizoaffective disorder, people who are on the schizo spectrum or people who experience psychosis that what they are experiencing is real and is caused from external forces or that they are just in a “spiritual awakening”. Stop spreading your misinformation on this mental illness and do some research, your ableism is showing. This goes to all of you new age spiritualists that say “people with schizophrenia just experience the world differently than us” No, we are suffering from psychosis/hallucinations or delusions. It is a mental illness, not what your idea of what schizophrenia may seem like to you. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, I’m not haunted or “woke” I’m mentally disabled, It is a mental illness PERIOD.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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definitelynotaweirdo · 2 months
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autismwithoutpremium · 9 months
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Too relatable..
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madpunks · 5 months
i don't know what psychotic person needs to hear this, but it is in fact okay for you to be psychotic. it's not your fault. you're not asking for it. it's something that's occurring to you. trying to force it to stop happening ALL the time is going to drain you way too much. some days you just have symptoms and it's alright. sometimes you just have to go with the flow. you're not a fuck up if you have episodes, days, weeks, months of not being able to hold it together and mask your paranoia, intrusive thoughts, delusions, hallucinations, catatonia, confusion, etc. it's alright to just be mentally ill for a bit. i love you
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schizopositivity · 10 months
If you're talking about mental health issues in someone who just gave birth, don't just call it "postpartum" and only mean postpartum depression and assume everyone only understands that means postpartum depression, because postpartum psychosis exists too.
When you're talking about neurodiversity/mental illness, don't just say "the spectrum" and only mean the autism spectrum and assume everyone understands that only means the autism spectrum, because the schizophrenia spectrum exists too.
I understand that most people think that schizophrenia or psychosis isn't the norm. Most people don't include us in general conversations. But that doesn't mean we don't exist. Postpartum psychosis is very real and should be talked about more. Schizophrenia is a spectrum and more people should understand that.
Those of us with psychosis or schizophrenia are used to being excluded but it hurts a bit more when we're being completely excluded from conversations specifically about mental illness. By defaulting "postpartum" or "the spectrum" to not include us, it feels like you're saying postpartum psychosis doesn't exist, or schizophrenia isn't also a spectrum. When you treat postpartum or the spectrum as if they only mean one thing, it implies that there is no other postpartum mental health conditions, or no other mental illness spectrums. It's not that hard to add an extra word to be specific.
I know this isn't a huge deal, and I might just be nit picking. But I think these two examples show how those of us with psychosis or schizophrenia are always excluded, even from other mentally ill people. Many people don't know that postpartum psychosis even exists. Many people don't know that schizophrenia is also a spectrum. And the general understanding won't change, if the only people using inclusive language are those of us who have it.
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bl0w-m3 · 10 months
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