#taking a break from clowning on Idia
kaymarie-bell · 2 years
Diasomnia Spoilers
Lilia: I'm super old and it's making me lose my magic, so I'm moving to a faraway country on my own and never coming back
Yuu: Hey so I kinda found a way to get back to my world, possibly
Silver: *literally sobbing* I love my dad so much, I don't want us to part ways
Malleus:...and I took that personally
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laurentdirosetti · 5 months
"Support character" [part 2]
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{Idia Shroud x gn/MC}
Tags: playing videogames together, competitive, bet, smut...
Idia’s room was just like you imagined it would be, an otaku’s room —books scattered on the floor, open boxes in every corner, merchandising from different animes and games, posters on the walls… Also, the air in the room is really heavy, why is it so hot in here? Is it because of the computer or- 
His hair was bright red, redder than when we were in the storage room, and not only the color was hot red, but the temperature too. 
Idia: so-sorry, this is the first time a girl has entered my room (anyone other than Ortho or me for that matter).
That was the issue, haha… now I’m nervous too. I should do something to break the ice in this situation, or rather cooler the temperature. I think I recognised one of his figurines on that shelf… 
MC: Isn’t that Ruri-chan from “The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl”?
I was staring right at Ruri-chan when I asked him, so it was a surprise when I turned around to look at his face and saw his expression. For a few seconds the time stopped and he gave me a death stare. Why is he so scary all of a sudden? Did I mispronounce her name? Impossible, I’ve been watching that series since I came to this world, mostly because it was the only serotonin I could find after nearly dying over a kid’s tantrum. 
Idia: you know Ruri-chan?
Maybe because you were nearly as introverted as Idia or because you were nervous, the only answer you could find to his suddenly cold attitude was that this was the beginning of the typical “man interrogation over a common interest to prove your authenticity as a fan”. So before he could start making you questions about the show, you blow out all the lore of the series. 
Idia’s face was as rigid as a rock until you finished your monologue on Ruri-chan’s journey. You stopped talking to catch a breath when he grabbed you by the shoulders and suddenly snapped.
Idia:  ARE YOU TELLING ME THERE WAS ANOTHER OTAKU IN THE ACADEMY AND I DISCOVER IT NOW? Why did it take you so long to talk to me? How is it possible that I didn’t know about this before? I mean, I have control over all the technology and internet connection here. I should’ve been notified if a student was watching anime, how is it possible I didn’t know about you till now? What did you do? What kind of firewall did you use?
MC: I just watched it on Ramshackle’s TV…
Idia: ah… that explains everything, that TV probably doesn’t even have an HDMI port, let alone Internet… 
MC: Idia… my shoulders are starting to hurt.
He sure is strong, it's hard to tell by those baggy clothes he's always wearing. He instantly opened his hands to let me go as soon as he heard me. He looked troubled he might have hurted me. 
MC: don’t worry, I may not have “mana”, but my HP is full.
He couldn’t help but smile at my dumb -almost cringe- comparison. I think my “break the ice” mission was successful. Idia is very expressive, he snapped from nervous, to surprised, to confused, to happy in the the blink of an eye. I wish he stopped using that floating tablet of his to attend classes so I could see more of his expressions. 
As soon as he released me he went to pick something from his wardrobe, a pair of controls apparently. The controls in my world were less complex than this ones. Idia handed me one of them and I began to study the buttons. It would be a lie to tell I knew how to grab it, clown music is playing inside my head. I wanted to play videogames with him, but truth be told I don’t have money to fix Rammshackle’s sink let alone buy a videogame or a console. 
Idia saw my troubled grin and step towards me, shadowing my entire persona. 
Idia: Is there a problem? You don’t like the color or something? Is it the brand?
MC: well, you see, the thing is… 
This is gonna be so embarassing. First, I ran into problems trying to defend him against nothing, cause he wasn’t even hearing those jerks. Second, I made him hide with me in the storage room and now I have to tell him I wanted to play videogames with him but didn’t even think about the possibility of the controls being different from my world. Defeated, I lower my head to evade his soon to be inquisitive gaze. 
MC: …I don’t know how to use these controls, they are different from the ones in my world.
Silence was so loud I couldn’t take it anymore and looked up. He was trying so hard not to burst out laughing at me his cheeks were red and his jaw was so tense I could see his neck muscles contracting. Finally, he let out a little pfft and grabbed his mouth and chin with his hand, pressing his cheek with his index.
Idia: I’m sorry but, you went through all that trouble to play together and you don’t even know how? Cute.
Lucky for me I don’t have magical hair that turns red when I'm flustered, but I’m sure it’s not hard to guess just by looking at my face. 
Idia: don’t worry, guess I’ll have to teach you as I did with my little brother, come here.
He sat on a visible comfortable plush sofa, big enough for him to open his leg and ask me to sit between them. Funny, when we were in the storage room he was so nervous and now he openly asks me to sit on top of him, hasn’t he noticed?
Dumbfounded, I did as he requested and sat on the gap between his thighs, creating a space between us as a way to surpass the embarrassment. Unfazed, he glued his chest to my back and slipped his hands around my body. As if I was walking on thin ice, I slowly rested my arms on top of his. Then he moved his hands on top of mine on the controller, guiding my fingers on top of the buttons. My ears were bright red as I could feel his breathing chilling my neck, whispering a slow pace explanation on how to use the controller. His fingers moved mine slowly over the buttons, his hair fell as a cascade over my shoulders sliding between my legs. I don’t know what is happening and I would swear neither does he. He’s so focused on explaining the lore of the game and controls he hasn’t realized the hot mess he got cuddled beneath him.
Idia: Did you get that?
He asked, suddenly making me snap out of my cloud. Even though it was difficult, for many reasons, I caught a glimpse of his monologue while trying to survive my ocean of hormones. 
MC: Well… It seems quite complicated to be honest. Maybe I can understand it better once I play the game. 
Idia: Great, let’s play. I’ll connect the other controller so we can multi-play this. 
The controller was right next to us, already plunged, so he didn’t move an inch and his arm were still surrounding me. The soundtrack of the game started playing and far too late I realized he meant to play in this position, basically cuddling each other, with our arms tangled, his body temperature on me and his breathing on my neck. We haven’t even started, but I can tell I already lost. 
Unfortunately for him, after playing for nearly an hour, I tried my best to give him a hard time beating me. I lost all the matches anyway, but at least I could hear his groans all along, echoing in my ears. 
Idia: SO much for being a snob, you are tougher than you look. But rest assured, I would never let a newbie beat me at my favorite game. Ortho has tried many times and I should give him a pass -you know the whole “Idia let your little brother win once”- but as a weeb I have a reputation yk. 
That smirk on his face… he’s sure full of himself. I have almost grasped the dynamics of this game, maybe I could beat him. I’m a pretty competitive person and that arrogance only ignites something dark in me, something stupid. 
MC: I bet I can ruin that reputation of yours in our next round.
Idia: Are YOU implying YOU can win? LMFAO, if delulu was a sport you'd have a gold medal. If you beat me on this round I’ll be your chair or whatever -not that it’s even a possibility.
MC: Do you mean I can ask you anything if I win? It’s this one of those anime situations in which the winner can order the loser around the whole day? 
Idia: Yeah, that kind of shoujo stuff. Afraid?
MC: Mmn… Well, you’re already quite the comfortable chair.
That came out of nowhere, but I decided to keep my cool and rested my weight on his chest even more, looking up at his melted honey eyes now widening from sudden embarrassment. His peachy cheeks are so cute. Plan complete: this may be considered cheating but the only way to win is to distract him and by the discontrolled beating of his heart reverberating on my back I can tell it already worked. 
We began playing, in the game we were two characters fighting each other in a 2D horizontal landscape. I didn’t learn all the combos, but I mastered the parries and evasions, so it was nearly impossible for him to even scratch me. He was focused on attacking while I was determined on defending, a never ending match it seemed.  In real life it was the other way around, I continued non-stop “attacking” him while he tried his best to “defend” himself. Each time I evaded one of his attacks my butt moved against his lower body. From the corner of my eye I enjoyed his leg contraction at every “unintended” pound I gave him. After almost an hour of playing him, and the game, his breath was a mess, he was trembling all over and his dick was rock hard between my ass cheeks. My intention was to win the game, but I’m not quite disappointed with the actual development of the situation. I could take this as a win already.
Then I felt a thrust, his body rested on top of mine and I swear I can almost tell his longitude just by the pressure on my lower back. He snapped, his fingers were moving so fast on the buttons I had to make an effort to see them, he left me no chance to defend myself neither in the game or reality. As my character fell to the ground completely defeated, my head stumped on the floor as his hands pressed my shoulders to the ground.
Face to face, among the darkness of his room I could only differentiate two golden orbs and his face lightly illuminated by the gentle blue of his hair. 
Idia: I won.
My whole belly was on the palm of his hand as he slowly lifted my shirt all the way up, until he grabbed my neck under the clothes. 
MC: Wh-what are you doing?
Idia: I won, so the loser must do whatever the winner demands, right?
MC: Bu-but you haven’t say anything yet.
Idia: Oh, then I want the loser to fix my joystick. 
What? Oh…
As I stupidly tried to understand that I noticed his hard-on pressuring my lower belly, near to my intimacy. 
Idia: you see, a certain snob player broke it mid-play. Any idea on how to fix it?
He completely snapped, I almost can’t recognize him. Where is the shy boy I was messing with? The situation has escalated more than I would have imagined, but this doesn’t put me off in the slightest. Seeing Idia all hot and bothered surely is rare enough and I want to push that dominant side of him a bit more.
MC: maybe… It just needs some cleaning?
I questioned opening my mouth and letting out my tongue. His sigh was filled with excitement and anticipation, I could catch him bitting his lips for a moment.
He moved his knees to the sides of my head and lowered his zip and trousers. My eyes, now more used to the low illumination of the room, enjoyed the view of his thighs, pale as porcelain. He looks so fragile and slim, or that was my line of thinking until he uncovered his dick. Hard, veiny and leaking precum on top of my forehead; the length was the size of my face. This was going to hurt.
I accepted my destiny and kept my mouth open for him to enter mercilessly. But, that wasn’t the case. At a slow pace he started going down on my mouth, he filled my cavity with just the tip and almost the middle of his length. Then, he took my chin in his hand and caressed my cheek, pressing it on his dick and slowly massaging it from outside. I didn’t know what to do with my tongue so I tried to lick his dick and press it more against my cheek. His eyes glittered from a moment and he let out a soft chuckle. 
Idia: seems you’re really eager to clean it, babe. But this much won’t do I’m afraid, you need to get it all wet enough.
Instantly, he continued letting down his hips  until all his dick was in my mouth and throat. He was so deep in me my lower lip was touching his balls. Strange enough, this wasn’t as painful as I imagined it to be, I wonder how can my throat be twitching around him and I’m so calm? Maybe, his sweet expressions are keeping me from gagging. His mouth is a little open, from this angle I can only see his tongue moving above his pointy teeth. His eyes are locked in my throat, probably a bulge has formed, his fault after all. He’s been so long in this position I could possibly draw his dick by having it inside me. 
When I thought he would start moving, his balls twitched against my lip and his cum flooded my mouth non-stop. When he released everything in me he fastly got up, letting me catch a breath. He cumed so much there were lines of cum running down my cheeks to the ground. I coughed a little after drinking all.
When I sat on the floor and looked up I could feel his gaze contemplating my whole display, heavy breathing and a surprised expression.
MC: that was fast. 
Idia: I endured playing in hard mode, literally, a few minutes ago. Thank me I didn't finish by just seeing your ahegao face. Also …you didn’t need to drink that.
MC: I told you I would clean it. 
Idia: quite the awful job, It's all sticky and twitching, maybe you can clean it better down here…
To be continued...
Part 1
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rs-wonderland · 2 years
Hello darling~ can I please get a dorm leader’s reaction to their S/O being a horror movie actor? Love your work! Have a lovely day
Note to anonymous{hello my dear~ thank you im glad you like my work. I hope you like and enjoy this~! ♡}
Headcanon time!
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Riddle Rosehearts:
-I honestly think Riddle is so scared of horror movies, it's almost unbelievable. He is very happy that you found yourself in some kind of art, acting is beautiful really but!
-Every time he needs to watch your new movie, he will suggest that he just watch your scenes. Forgive him, he is too scared, and he loves you so much and is so proud of you.
-Normally, you would suggest that he come with you to shoot scenes for a movie, but he's been refusing since that time you brought him into the make-up room and you were putting on fake blood.
-He is very proud of you. And he really supports you because he knows how important your roles are to you. Just don't wear any fake blood near him again!
Leona Kingscholar:
-he doesn't really like horror movies. he can watch them, no problem, but they are too loud, yours are a different story! They are even more interesting because you are in them.
-He likes to sit backstage in the room and watch you do your makeup and try on costumes. Your number one critic! Every time you are on a break he will pull you to his lap and you two will take a quick nap together!
-When he watches your movies his eyes are closed, but only Ruggie knows that one eye opens when he hears your voice on TV.
-You tried to scare him once when you were in a bloody clown costume. It didn't work, it just made him laugh.
Azul Ashengrotto:
-Like Riddle, he is scared to death of them! But when your scenes are on the screen, it's a BIG exception.
-He fainted once when he saw the fake blood on your face. He would make a deal with you to be an actor in his movie. (which he will make as soon as he sees your talent on screen!)
-You had to promise him that you wouldn't bring home any props from the shoot. Last time, his soul left his body when he saw the bloody chainsaw on the table.
Kalim Al Asim:
-Kalim screams at the top of his lungs at horror movies. But he's also very 'Wow!' when he finds out if you're an actor and that you act in horror movies.
-Number one fan. He likes to go to the premieres of your movies, he even takes Jamil to go with him!
-It's fun for him to watch you get your makeup done. I also see him asking you all about the movie and asking you to spoil the movie for him.
-He LOVES it when you bring props from the movie. (unlike Azul) He likes to play with them, also when you brought one fake hand Kalim was playing with it in his room when Jamil came in, and almost died of fear.
Vil Schoenheit:
-Vil has no opinion on horror movies. He is not scared to watch one tho. I think your horror movie that you're in is actually his first horror movie that he's ever seen.
-He thinks you are a perfect match. I mean he's a model and you're an actor, what's better and more glamorous than that? Also, one hundred percent of you had someone take pictures for a magazine together as a Halloween special or something. (use your imagination for this part)
-He does your makeup and chooses your costumes, and that's it! He is proud of you and your work. His fans love you and your movies and roles.
-His social media profile is usually a picture of the two of you on a movie set and a picture of your makeup.
Idia Shroud:
-Doesn't like horror movies, AKA. he is scared of them, needs to have a blanket beside him when he watches them so when he gets scared he can just hide under it.
-But you scene, ohhhhh he loves them. He loves to watch them no matter how scary they are. Ortho and him are your biggest fans. Ortho really likes your movies he thinks you are very talented.
-Idia probably made a horror game about one of the movies you had role in. The game is pretty good, you are probably the villain crush of a MC (in this situation Idia) and it's just his personal otome horror game.
-He doesn't like it when fans approach you when you two are alone. He doesn't want to have contact with people, especially when they want to take a picture with you, or take a picture of the two of you.
Malleus Draconia:
-Malleus likes horror movies. He is your number one fan! Every movie you acted in he watched at least 3 times.
-He took Lilia, Silver and Sebek to go with him to see the premiere of your new movie. They liked it, only Sebek had a few comments that he didn't say because Malleus was present.
-Please take him with you every time you have a shoot, it's enough for him to just stand there in the corner and watch you work. When you were making a video for your fans, you also showed them the Malleus. Your fans love him and when you told him, he was overjoyed. He thinks they are all his friends now.
-He hates it when your fans want to get close to you in slightly inappropriate ways. last time he scared some poor fans, and they just wanted your autograph.
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wisteriainslumber · 10 months
leoidevil friendship headcanons
two posts so soon?? no wayyy everyone seems to love their dynamic in penned in ink (deserved, i love them) so i decided to give you some fun, general hcs about the mean girls of all
warnings: swearing? i think thats it. wow, go me
they share a steady HBIC rotation
they respect each other so much but it will never look like it (bc seven forbid they show love and compassion and care in clown school, right?)
insults in this group = love. the more unhinged, the more it means they care for each other
aka if you try to break them up bc they look like they're going to throw hands they'll flip the narrative as if you are the crazy one for thinking they're genuinely fighting
do you see why these three are always split up in events now?
leovil are constantly using honey, dear, and sweetie in their arguments (derogatory)
once, when particularly annoyed, idia called them mom and dad bc 1. they remind him of his parents and 2. he hoped it would be weird enough to change the topic but no, leovil are running with it
there's made up lore about how idia was adopted. the story changes every time. so far, idias been a double orphan, picked up at a dumpster, cloned, picked up from the lost and found, and at some point he was biologically related to that fire lizard from frozen 2
leona regularly gifts idia super expensive jewelry. he receives a bunch of them and believes idia would have something better to do with them than he can (idia uses them for cosplay and hands some off to ortho because he likes the way it shines)
and the gifts progressively get very specific to idias interests but the chances of the court giving the second prince a custom headset (conveniently aligned with idias interests) seems relatively low
vil vehemently refuses the charity but will not say no to exclusive afterglow savanna garments (she wants to feel special and leona isn't thaaat opposed to it)
whenever someone offhandedly mentions that they got their eyes on something, its a race to see who can get it first
and bc vil is a sentimental one, his room is FILLED with trinkets and photos of his outings
leovil is always caught up on idias current obsessions, with leona knowing the key plot points and vil only knowing the names and faces
idia would not stfu abt this con and leovil didn't have time to pretend like it was annoying bc they do NOT KNOW who to go as (presumably idia just wanted to talk or maybe get one of them to go to the con for him but the girls were not having that)
like these two binged Idia's 'show of the month' and were having so much trouble figuring out who his favourite characters were, but ultimately settled for the main character and her friends
idia LOVEDD the surprise even though he has like, no clue who tf they were cosplaying (turns out leovil remembered the title completely wrong)
leovil were hella committed to keeping up their character while idia was too busy running around like an excited puppy
vil always carried around a bunch of tampons for his classmates but has a seperate pouch for leona & idia (bc they have nice patterned packaging. that's it)
leona's homescreen is a photo of them wearing mouse-ear shades. they all look so cool (leona has not revealed the lockscreen to anyone)
vil always lends his products to his friends because besties share everything (he even has specific formulas he's custom made for them! vil's never ever EVER gonna give them away tho bc then he wont have an excuse for an impromptu skincare session LMAOO)
leona's the designated everything holder bc idias backpack is always filled with random junk and his posture is terrible and he's the only one who can apparently 'treat vil's purse with respect' (he complains about it though)
even if they weren't important, i feel like if they got group kidnapped, they'd bully the kidnapper so hard that they'd be let go unharmed and the kidnapper would be in tears
leona has ALLLL the tea and it takes a swipe from idia to verify the facts. with rumours, vil can pinpoint exactly who is being talked about, down the the dorm, year, and class number
idia sits in between the custody battle for epel and jack DAILY. but the silly thing is whenever idia chimes in with a perfectly reasonable idea (like say, flip a coin), leovil suddenly get along again just to say it's a dumb idea (its not)
idia and leona have sibling solidarity and bc vil is an only child they exercise their sibling rights just to tell vil complete lies (aka, anything vil does, like sneezing, will receive a comment like 'if you sneeze more than 4 times a day, it means you're awakening a ghost')
and they're committed to the bit. idia will absolutely forge research articles and leona will claim his fifth-cousin-twice-removed had mysteriously gone missing because of it
when vil's feeling down they do not gas the queen up (she already knows it, hun). they let vil raid their closets to pick out their outfits for a photoshoot
when vil's not in the mood for THAT then its a code red. leoide will dress themselves up so good that vil feels underdressed so now he HASSS to go on their impromptu outing. peer pressure wins again
the gossip sessions over shaved ice or any kind of dessert go CRAZY in this trio, like they're so loud bc the tea is outrageous and you want to be mad but at the same time, go on, i gotta hear more
idias ideal hangout is a self-care day. they'll all wear facemasks and idia will do everyone's nails and they all gossip
sometimes idia will come up with a theory, like that sam is from another world, and vil will say it's bogus but ends up feeding more evidence for the theory
once vil beat idia in a video game (that idia was a pro at, mind you) on the first try and idia declared their friendship over
vil and idia are video game buddies but not past the AMs bc vil has a bed time (leona's still salty about the cats & videogames comparison so he only watches)
vil and idia fight over custody of ortho all the time but leona just uses the distraction to get ortho to leak all the juicy secrets
other than that vil and ortho are doing evil potion making aka finding creative ways go sneak veggies in leoides food
the trio never have any real drama so they always end up 'fighting' each other over the stupidest shit. like the way they tie their shoes, the typo they just made, or how loud they breathe
whenever one of them is seriously down, it's always a bad-cop/good-cop situation bc getting too serious makes these emotionally stunted losers feel icky
they do talk about their feelings though, but it never turns into a pity party
idia LOOOVES being dramatic tho and will set the stage for his sob story only for it to be that the cashier didn't wish him a good day
vil will use idia's lingo for the shock factor and pretends it never happened after and leona will pretend like he didn't like that his time got wasted but will reassure him. and by reassure i mean he stands w idia in line and says 'have a good day' to the cashiers so they'll say 'you too'
and no idc what u say, idia will chat shit about everyones crushes but will do one of two things: A. be besties w them if his friends end up dating and B. have a crush on the BAREEE MINIMUM
okay i joke a lot but leoidevil all keep each other in check and strive to uplift & become the best version of themselves
its three different flavours of self-hatred all communicating with each other
and they will still preach self-love (leona bc he thinks they deserve better, idia bc he gave up but that doesnt mean his loved ones have to, and vil bc he believes you will never be at a satisfactory point in ur life if you dont make amends with yourself)
btw they have a very elaborate plan to go to therapy together and a back up plan if they happen to end up at the ward instead
friendship bracelets but its the admission wrist bands
all in all, the whole school is afraid of this power trio but they're just super weird together
12/10 leovil still have pictures of idia's phantom bride wedding day
if there's other groupings or ships you want me to do hcs for, send me an ask! i love exploring character dynamics smmm this will definitely be a new series of mine
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Guess what. More replies~
artfulhero-m asked:
Ryu I don't know how else to explain this but your condoms headcanons read as so chaotic to me, and the chaos was beautiful lmao. Like the way my brain, while reading the headcanons, conjured up images of everyone in chaos clearly understanding that it's just a safe sex practice but either ends up trying to be safe but breaking the rubbers anyway or not wearing them AT ALL was hilarious to me. And by the end of all the chaos, Malleus is just in the background, calmly, watching the chaos unfold as he thinks "ah how fascinating" despite having no clue wtf these rubber cock confiners meant to prevent disease and pregnancy even look like (i.e., he doesn't get it lol).
THANK YOU SO MUUUCH at this point I’m just clowning everyone in every single headcanon post lol but these guys are cursed enough to deserve such treatment. I am super happy you enjoyed that silly post, and oh my god your imagination!! The fact that you pictured all of these idiots while reading it lol
“Rubber cock confiners” sounds like the most amazing way to describe a condom, and honestly, at least Malleus has an excuse – he is a fae prince who lived in isolation… But the rest of the guys…
You know I want all of them to draw a condom now, just to make sure that they know what they’re talking about. Malleus surely doesn’t lol
Anonymous asked:
Just wanted to send an ask saying I appreciate seeing how much you've grown over the years! I started following you awhile back when you were still into Hetalia/posted it, and stayed for the TWST content. Thanks for continuing to post your art and may it continue to thrive ♡
Ahh thank you so much, Anon! This is so incredibly sweet of you, I am very happy and grateful to hear that. Thank you for your support, and I’ll do my best to keep improving! <3
With Hetalia it’s funny though, because we’ve been having a lot of random outbursts of it over the years, the last one being a year ago (and then there was one in 2016…and even earlier than that…), so I can’t even say for sure for how long you’ve been here. But I’m super to happy to hear about it nonetheless!! <3 The last year was definitely very fruitful when it comes to changes to my art lol and it’s great it’s noticeable…
Anonymous asked:
I just wanted to tell you that my friend group jokes about the “Jack will rail him” post all the time and think it’s the funniest shit ever. It has become such a core part of our humor that whenever Jack or Deuce is mention we have to bring up the railing that will take place. Please caption more art this way. It’s hilarious.
HAHA THANK YOU, ANON, I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. I love our captions a lot, because it’s Katsu who comes up with them; and I usually have no idea what they’re going to be until the post is... posted. So the “Jack will rail him” thing got me laughing too, I’m happy you and your friend also loved it lol
Katsu tries to be careful and not to overdo it, just so the caption doesn’t take too much attention from the drawing itself, but honestly it’s 100% worth it in my opinion.
I am so happy that the railing that will definitely take place has became an inside joke of sorts!
Anonymous asked:
I want to sexualize Ortho but I'm too busy and have no time 😞
I feel you, Anon… :( This is the biggest problem in our lives.
It’s okay, Ortho is a patient guy, he can wait… until he gets capricious lol
hipsterteller asked:
I though Idia is top
Idia is a character from a sfw game, so he doesn't have any fixed position.
In my art, he's always a bottom.
Anonymous asked:
I found out there's a 32 year old in the server that joined before I did I think I'm good
(related to some previous asks)
Oh good to know! :) I’m glad to hear that
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dreamerswriter · 2 years
Thank You, Glorious Masquerade, so, Here’s a Fun Story Scene I Wrote for Topsy Turvy Day
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Last time I will hopefully use this gif, but I have to be honest, this gave me so much serotonin and delight. 
Ninjago finished with the main cast. I am waiting for Kingdom Hearts Missing Link.  Pokemon’s been a miss lately.  I’m suffering from Marvel Burnout and getting annoyed with the actors and drama of it all.  And I am still playing Sonic Frontiers, watched the Twitter takeover, and waiting for the show. 
So, I’ve very grateful to have joined Twisted Wonderland and writing for it with the Kingdom Hearts cast. 
The Glorious Masquerade has my favorite movie and villain, and both were used so well. I cannot wait for this event. So, as a thank you to this and everyone reading my reactions to the Endless Halloween, have a fun scene! Also, I did write Yuu to be a girl!
And so, they decided to have some fun during the festival as Rollo took his seat among his classmates. He had a seat that was dark with a canopy above him. NRC's teacher, Trein, was sitting with Rollo, taking a break from walking around and talking with his students.
As for the visiting students, they gathered around and whispered to each other about trying to find a way to thank the college for letting them come and visit. Once they had an idea, they took off and prepared themselves.
Rollo noticed this as he asked with concern, "What are they doing?"
"Oh, nothing to worry about" Trein reassured with a hint of nervousness in his voice, "Hopefully…"
The people were still dancing, cheering, and casting fun magic around in the square. Jamil took a deep breath before sliding on his knees with his pen out to cast fire above him! The people were in awe as the fire exploded into fireworks! Everyone was looking at the stage as they cheered at the students.  
"Come one, come all!" Neige and Silver sang on a stage while holding grins, "Leave your looms and milking stools. Coop the hens and pen the mules!"
Idia, Azul, Riddle, and Ruggie were standing in a circle, each holding their pens. Idia cast a blue, fire spell to create the image of a cat, Azul used the water to create a dolphin to swim around the people, Riddle waved his to make rings of fire in front of him, and Ruggie cast a dark spell. He ran through the rings of fire, shining and dazzling the people around him. He jumped and landed on his feet before taking a bow as the people clapped.
"Come one, come all!" Neige and Silver sang again holding their badge and pen as they shared a warm grin, "Close the churches and the schools. It is the day for breaking rules!"
Malleus, Sebek, Epel, and Deuce walked forward until they cast their magic to make fireworks light up the evening sky. Green for Malleus and Sebeck, purple from Epel, and red from Deuce. The crowd was in awe as Deuce, Epel, and Sebek shared a delighted expression with Malleus grinning at their friendship.
"Come and join the feast of fools!" Rook sang as he appeared before them with a laughing Chenya!
Chenya's badge shined as confetti burst around them with the crowd cheering. Rook stood up, took a bow, and skipped around to gain the people's attention with pen shining a purple light. Banners were flying above them as more confetti rained from the sky.
"Once a year, we throw a party here in town!" Rook sang before jumping to grab a pole and spin as Chenya appeared behind a few people giving them a scare, "Once a year, we turn Noble Bell upside down!"
Rook gestured to Malleus who nodded his head. Malleus used his magic to make his appearance more princely until Rook slid to cast a spell to make Malleus appear as if he were a clown!
"Every man's a king and every king's a clown!" Rook cheered as Malleus took a bow and laughed with the crowd, "Once again, its topsy turvy day!"
Malleus spun away as Idia approached Chenya who only laughed at him. Idia used his magic to change his outfit to his school uniform as Chenya laughed in delight.
"It's a day the devil in us gets released!" Chenya hummed as his badge shined to change Idia into his masquerade outfit.
Rollo's eyes narrowed at the words being sung as Trein hummed along, happy his students were enjoying themselves. Rook and Chenya met up in the center of the square to lock arms and spin with magic bursting from their items
"It's a day we mock the rules and shock the priest!" they shouted as people laughed at their silly and serious expressions mimicking Rollo's, "Everything is topsy turvy at the feast of fools!"
Rollo's glared hardened as he was surprised to see Riddle breaking the rules by using his magic to create fun illusions for everyone to enjoy! The illusions were that of a cat and rabbit sharing tea with a little queen. Deuce used the remaining fire to create the symbols of the queen and deuce from deck of cards along with a clover, diamond, and ace.
"Topsy turvy!" the crowd sang as Riddle was proud himself and nodded to Deuce with Chenya laughing, "Everything is upsy daisy!"
Jamil danced quickly and passionately in the square and with the common folk as Azul used more careful and simple steps he was taught. Both then cast fire and water spells at each other to create a mist to cover Ruggie who used an ice spell to create a throne for himself to stand on!
"Topsy turvy!" the crowd chanted with Rook dancing with Epel to sing, "Everyone is acting crazy!"
Rook then took Epel, Jamil, and Azul to dance by kicking up one leg and then the other with a laugh!
"Dross is gold and weeds are a bouquet!" Rook sang loudly, "That's the way on topsy turvy day!"
He spun to separate himself and his classmates from each other to then jumping, singing, dancing, and casting magic again.
Malleus used his magic to teleport himself to Yuu's tent as she finished putting on a simple, flowy, purple dress and a green scarf hanging around her neck.
"Are you ready?" he asked until she burst into laughter at his clown outfit. "Yes, yes I am! But you didn't have to do that, Hornton!" she said as she hugged her stomach. "It was worth it to see you and the others laugh. I will return to the others, good luck, my treasure" he replied with a laugh of his own before teleporting back to his friends.
"Topsy turvy!" the crowd sang as Sebek used his pen to control the lightning and form a dragon and human dancing together with Chenya jumping through the lighting to sing, "Beat the drums and blow the trumpets!"
Ruggie and Jamil happily slammed their pens against a few with the crowd playing the instruments with them. Silver and Neige stood around a few balloons. Silver swung his magic sword to cut the balloons. There was a pop with each balloon he struck, but confetti popped from it!
"Topsy turvy!" the crowd chanted with Neige singing happily, "Join the bums and thieves and strumpets!"
Malleus reappeared in center as he took Idia's arm to pull him into a fun dance. Ruggie grabbed Jamil's arm to join in, Epel and Deuce danced together, and Riddle and Azul joined in with Rook and Chenya standing in the center.
"Streaming in from Night to Royal!" both sang happily as the held each other's hands to spin with magic bursting from them, "Scurvy knaves are extra scurvy, on the sixth of January, all because it's topsy turvy day!"
Rook then let go of Chenya to jump on the stage with a bow. Grim jumped on Rook's shoulder with a nod of his little head. Rook cleared his throat before raising his hands with his right holding his pen.
"Come one, come all! Hurry, hurry, here's your chance!"  Rook sang as he skipped over to Rollo to hold his shoulders, "See the mystery and romance!"
He skipped back to the center of the stage with his classmates ceasing their magic to give Rook all the attention.
"Come one, come all! See the finest girl in Night!" he announced happily as Grim dropped from his shoulders, "Make an entrance to entrance! Dance la Yuu, dance!"
His pen shined as he cast light while Grim breathed fire. The spells collided to make smoke appear with Yuu jumping from it! Yuu took a bow and laughed before dancing as best as she could. She twirled and spun before holding a hand out to Malleus who gladly accepted it. The two of them spun and dance. It was both silly in appearance to the crowd and sweet to them. A clown dancing with a maiden who pulled away and danced before the crowd as she took off her scarf to swing it with her as she dance.
"What a disgusting display" Rollo murmured as his cheeks were red, trying to hide his not so admiration for the magicless student. "She's just dancing" Trein pointed out, "And having fun with Malleus"
Yuu took a tambourine and played it as she spun, letting her dark brown to black hair flowing freely. Rollo was stunned at her dance as she happily twirled. Malleus took her hands to spin her. She let go of his to spin a little before falling to her knees to tap the tambourine and shake it with the crowd cheering! She giggled and bowed with Malleus helping her stand up and taking a bow.
Rook and Grim then slide in front of them as Rook happily sang, "Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for! Here it is, you know exactly what's in store!" Chenya appeared behind them with a snicker, "Now's the time, we laugh until our sides get sore! Now's the time, we crown the King of Fools!"
They scattered as their classmates took to the stage, lining up and laughing.
"So, make a face that's horrible and frightening!" Rook sang as he stood on one end with Chenya on the other, "Make a face as gruesome as a gargoyle's wing! For the face that's ugliest will be the King of Fools!" "Why?!" Grim asked he jumped in front of them and made fire burst form his mouth. "Topsy turvy!" the crowd cheered in reply. "Ugly folks, forget your shyness!" Rook sang before pushing Riddle off the stage!
Riddle used his magic to land safely on his feet and make more fireworks burst from his pen to cheer up the crowd.
"Topsy turvy!" the crowd cheered as Chenya pushed Epel and Deuce off.
They stood behind Riddle before clashing their pens to make blue and purple fireworks explode in the night's sky!
"You could soon be called Your Highness!" Rook added before pushing Azul and Jamil off!
Azul landed on his feet while Jamil jumped a little higher to cast a wave of fire to create a snake. Azul used his pen to create an octopus to have both creatures put on a mock performance of a silly fight, making the crowd laugh.
"Put your foulest features on display!" Chenya added as he used his tail to push Ruggie off and gently push Neige down from the stage.
Neige simply laughed as he spun on his feet to make his badge shine and create illusions of himself dancing with him. Ruggie rolled forward before spinning on his back to make grass spring up and blossom around him, making flowers bloom before the people.
"Be the king of topsy turvy day!" Rook exclaimed before pushing Idia off the stage with Silver and Sebek following him!
Sebek grumbled while Silver used his light magic to strike balloons to make confetti appear. Idia held his pen as he gestured to Sebek to cast his lightning at him. Sebek did as Idia cast his blue flames to create a spectacular fireworks barrage in the night sky! Captivating everyone, much Rollo's concern. What made him more upset was Yuu happily approaching Malleus with a clown crown. Malleus laughed and lowered his head to allow her to place it. The crowd cheered as Rook, Chenya, and Grim jumped the stage and gestured to the king of fools!
"Everybody! Once a year we throw a party here in town!"  they sang as the crowd joined in happily, "Hail to the king!" "Once a year, we turn Noble Bell upside down!" Rook cheered with a twirl, "Oh, what a king!" "Once a year, the ugliest will wear a crown!" Chenya joined as he spun behind Riddle as Deuce sang, "Girl, give him a kiss!"
Malleus held a surprised expression as Yuu jumped to press a kiss to his cheek, causing him to laugh in delight and Rollo seethed silently.
"Once a year on topsy turvy day" Grim cheered as Epel tossed him into the air, "We've never had a king like this!"
Sebek and Silver rejoined their prince and bowed with grins as Malleus held himself high with Yuu standing behind him and waving to the crowd.
"And it's the day, we do the things we deplore!" Grim exclaimed as he landed in Yuu's arms and climb on top of her head, "On the other three hundred and sixty-four!"
Azul made the water burst and spray over the crowd who cheered and danced in the water.
"Once a year, we love to drop in!" Chenya sang as he appeared behind Azul, "Where the water is never stopping!"
Jamil used his fire magic to pop some firecrackers and launch some fireworks into the sky,
"For a chance to pop some poppers!" Rook exclaimed as he joined in with Jamil.
Silver held his sword to Malleus to have him use as a cane for fun. Rook, Grim, and Chenya were soon standing in front of the stage
"And pick a king who'll put the top in topsy turvy" Grim sang as he held his paw out. "Topsy turvy!" Chenya joined, mimicking Grim. "Mad and crazy, upsy daisy" Rook finished as he slide in between them with his hands out, "Topsy Turvy Day!"
Confetti burst, people sang, people dance, fireworks lit up the sky, and everyone enjoyed themselves at the Festival of Fools! All, except one, who narrowed his dark eyes when Malleus had offered Yuu to have a dance with him again.
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faeryarchives · 2 years
cause you're having a bad day
alternate title: what will they do after witnessing you breaking down due to your plans failing and things going out of hand through out the bad day you are having?
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⚘ the panicking type; very flustered and near to tears theirselves. their first thought would go on how to calm you down because they didn't expect you to burst out in tears. would immediately run to the nearest food stand to buy you food or drinks to calm down while almost tripping over air holding your ice cream + many hand holding, hugs and head pats 🥺 their effort made you feel a little better.
— deuce spade, riddle roseheart, jack howl, kalim al asim, idia shroud, sebek zigvolt
⚘ the listener and observant type; already expected that you were having a bad day seeing your mood beingdown the whole day. lets you cry and rant on their shoulder before giving you words of encouragement causing you to cry again 😭 would absolutely give a hand in doing your task so that you can get enough rest aka beauty sleep and treat/cook you your favorite meal because after all you also deserve to relax and have time for yourself
— trey clover, jade leech, jamil viper, vil schoenheit, rook hunt
⚘ the parent type; worried like very worried especially when they saw tears running down your cheeks uncontrollably, did someone said something mean to you? who, what and where? after learning the reason why, be prepared in being showered by different kinds of gifts, affection and praises from them until finally seeing that genuine smile and hearing your boisterous laughter that they love again
— cater diamond, ruggie bucchi, azul ashengrotto, malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge
⚘ the ones who will do anything just to make you laugh type; they are willing to give up on making you eat their favorite food + willing to be a clown just to see you smile again. would absolutely take you out and have fun in the nearby amusement park or makes you try out different things you haven't tried out before and the excitement makes your bad day goes away
— ace trappola, floyd leech, epel felmier
⚘ the cuddler; the first thing they would do is to open their arms for you to jump in and lay there rambling about how your plans for today didn't go well + would absolutely wrapped you in their hoodie which you really love and probably let you choose the movie you two would watch while eating your favorite ice cream and snacks they bought for you. they might not find the right words to comfort you but they will show it through their actions
— leona kingscholar, silver
I FELL ASLEEP WHILE WRITING THIS JFGHDK HAPPY BIRTHDAY KALIM MY BELOVED 🥺💜 should i make other fics like this its kinda fun to write too 👀
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twisted-nox-sidus · 4 years
Hello there, I’ve just read your headcannon of Strix trolling the Octavinelle trio. LOL. Thank you for the laughs. Since April fool’s day is coming. If you have the time, can you do a scenario where Strix trolls the other dorms with the help of her dream eaters. If you can include Malleus, it’s okay. If not, I understand. Thank you and stay safe.
Anon continued: Hi there, during my previous post, I was asking whether or not Malleus would join Strix’s trolling in trolling the other dorms since April Fools is coming. Oh! I almost forgot, can Grim and Lilia join with Strix in trolling. Thank you and have a good day or night.
Oof, doing six other dorms is a lot in one post, so I’ll keep things condensed, hence the headcanon format (sorry if you really wanted a scenario version!). I see Malleus and Lilia as types to watch for entertainment than directly take part in it. Strix left Grim out of her plans since he himself is chaotic already. It was time for her to assume the lead and let it out, at least for the day.
It’s come to my attention that I like doing headcanons of Strix and her dream eaters, so I plan on doing more headcanons/scenarios involving the pesky but cute spirits. They don’t stop here so look forward to it! Happy April Fool’s~
Heartslabyul could handle strange things more so than any other dorms. Just not anything against the crimson tyrant’s 810 rules.
Riddle’s face fumes as red as his hair. Not a single trace of red is found! There was only blue as far as the eye can see.
Deuce, Trey, and Cater were rendered speechless by the sight. Just...wow. They’re not even dreading the culprit’s fate at Riddle’s mercy; instead they’re impressed with the feat. Such commitment!
Meanwhile Ace was resisting from bursting in a fit of laughter. That madwoman actually did it! She even casually remarked about doing such a feat but no one had paid her words seriously. Bravo! Bra-freaking-vo!
Ah, speaking of...
“You have a lot of nerve showing your face, Strix! You must be begging for your head to roll! This is defying the Queen of Hearts herself! Repaint every single rose -by yourself- until all is red!”
“Sheesh, let’s not get a rage stroke. You’re still so young...” Strix nonchalantly yawns. “I wanted to surprise you so I spent the whole night painting every rose blue. Of course, I had a helping hand with me.”
She vaguely gestured to the dream spirit hiding behind her leg. Me Me Bunny’s ears act as another pair of hands, and this cutie is quite dextrous; it also knows “bun fu”.
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“Oh you surprised me all right. [Surprise] is only an understatement!”
A sigh. “You don’t get it, Riddle. Think of it this way. Blue makes the red stand out. Then the only red rose we’ll see...is you, my queen.”
She leans forward to slip a strand of Riddle’s velvet red locks between her fingers and graze her lips on them. Her half-lidded bright blue eyes gaze into his steel gray pair. Perhaps she was still under the drowsy spell to comprehend what she was doing, though a part of her was knowingly teasing.
Riddle stared wide-eyed. His cheeks flushed in a different meaning this time.
She pulls back to give space and turns the other way.
“Plus, contrary to your words, I think you actually like my surprise. It’s certainly not boring. And it’ll only be for today.”
Strix flashed a lazy grin his way.
“Happy April Fool’s~”
Strix’s dream eaters are quirky, adorable, and colorful spirits. Jack often questions their capabilities. What can little prey do to the brawny hotheads of Savanaclaw?
A lot.
One day Strix was on patrol. Jack had been keeping an eye as she works part-time as the “cleaner” of Savanaclaw. Just how much power can she draw from these familiars? It was a test for Strix to see if she can meet the standards of a respectable magician in this academy.
Meanwhile Ruggie anticipates something interesting will happen. Strix’s dream eaters are an enigmatic force to reckon with. He himself certainly doesn’t plan on confronting them since that’s not what he signed up for as vice dorm leader.
The hyena snickered his trademark laugh. What mayhem will the prefect student do?
Strix had to break up a fight for the nth time this week. Things happened, and one of the students said something that forced Strix to deal her hand.
Instead of commanding her eagle and hawk to attack, she summoned a single chubby cat/dog hybrid with stubby legs. It doesn’t look like a clever beast.
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Aww, look at it roll around and paw at air for affection while its pink tongue stuck out. They’re going to die of cuteness.
Strix blankly stared ahead. “Meow Wow... Balloon.”
Said spirit stood on all four legs and stopped wagging. Every onlooker watched as it inflated in size. It continued to grow and grow until no one could see the light of day. It was then everyone thought it’d be wise to run from immediate vicinity.
However it was too late when Meow Wow deflated in puffy smoke and sparkles, drowning its victims along with the plume of clouds.
Jack and Ruggie watched from a platform above where they could see the area in action.
“Magic familiar tamers have unique strengths...” Was what Jack concluded. A hawk and eagle’s cries pierce the sky.
Ruggie rubbed the back of his head. “Let’s be real; in this world, birds are a real hassle. As long as you don’t make an enemy of them...”
Strix was already gone by the time Meow Wow inflated. Her eagle dream spirit now willingly massive in size acted as her glider and transporter. Strix’s body dangled as she clung tightly to her Eaglider’s talons until it settled her on the balcony of a dorm room. Eaglider flew to patrol elsewhere alongside Halbird, the hawk dream eater.
Sitting on a chair was Leona playing with a chess piece in his hand. A chessboard was already set up on the table, the black side facing him.
“Enjoying your job, aren’t you.”
Strix allowed a sheepish smirk. She’s not exactly proud to engage in cleaning up people’s messes, but there’s the thrill she finds in it. “To be honest, yeah. I think I might be a sadist at this point...” She mumbled under her breath and continued, “Sorry for the wait. Let’s start.”
“Jamil, a rainbow fish is swimming through the skies!”
“Nonsense. There are no aquatic animals in Scarabia. You probably just saw a magic carpet.”
“Then how come no one told me magic carpets can shoot lasers??”
Before Jamil can decipher whatever the hell Kalim meant by that, the sapphire blue skies turned murky. No, that wasn’t the work of clouds.
To everyone’s bewilderment, they bared witness to a school of colorful fish roaming freely through the air and above the whole dormitory aimlessly.
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Lasers shoot from their mouths and make contact with the other to cause sparks to erupt in colorful fireworks. So that’s the laser part...
Kalim’s eyes sparkled. “It’s like the aquariums at Octavinelle, but airborne! *gasp* I just got a great idea for the next party!”
“For the nth time Kalim no more parties this month!”
*whistle* “Fin Fatale’s actually enjoying this. Who’d knew?”
The two boys turn to see Strix approaching them causally.
Strix grinned. “Bet you don’t see this in Scarabia often.”
Pomefiore students have a tendency to look into a mirror at almost any given opportunity. They recognize every detail of their their highly bestowed beauty, lest they would fail to maintain perfection.
Imagine their surprise when a carbon copy of themselves suddenly replaces their reflection, except in a horrendous eye-burning color palette that screams “clown”
Turns out the copy really is a clown creature with a large tongue. Jestabocky simply loves to prank people at the expense of their reactions, and it took a liking to Pomefiore students.
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Strix giggled in amusement, much to Vil’s chagrin. Standing next to the man was a Vil duplicate, except in that hideous orange carrot and lemon yellow palette that made his eyes want to bleed. Of course no one could ever compare to the original, especially a circus mimic at that.
Rook was examining his blood red and ice blue carbon copy. What a refreshing change of pace! “Your dream eaters never cease to amaze, little owl.” “Don’t hunt them for sport though!”
Epel was staring at his clone awkwardly. Cotton candy hair and yellow eyes are an odd combination. And would it stop grinning uncharacteristically like that? It’s freaky.
Strix looks beside her. Teal green hair, violet eyes, and an orange to yellow uniform color scheme. It’s horrendous, but that’s where the fun lies. Her dream eaters don’t know the meaning of color coordination.
Strix thinks a surprise here and there in the shut-in dorm leader’s life ought to keep him on his toes. She knows how much Ortho wants him to come out his room, and so she’ll deliver just that.
Idia recieved an alert message as he was browsing the net. A window pops up displaying the security camera footage across the entire Ignihyde dorm.
To his horror, rainbows invaded the cameras everywhere he looked. In each one there was a massive bipedal colorful panda doing something to the students behind the screen. One was lifting a student to the air, another swinging and cradling, and others generally giving bear hugs to any soul -dead or living- that enter their vision.
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Though the pandas are harmless and students are unharmed (some seem to enjoy it while others are bewildered in shock), Idia was quaking in his chair. If he walks out the room he’ll be crushed by the pandas’ mercy! (And by rainbows and cuteness!)
He zoomed in one of the footages. A Kooma Panda held a sign directly to the camera.
This is nightmare fuel! Nightmares, he tells you!
Just as he spun around to hide and cower in the safety of his blankets, he had failed to notice the looming shadow over his flaming head prior to this very moment.
There was the same panda. In his bedroom. Staring right into his soul.
It smiled. (I reread this part and lowkey I realized I was writing a FNaF fanfic for a moment wut)
Idia wheezed. How did it get here?! Was it capable of teleporting?!
The shut-in had never ran for the door to the outside world with such eagerness in his life up to now. He slammed the door open and was about to hit the breeze when suddenly he recognized Strix standing right in front of him.
He practically tackled the poor girl (oof). Just when he dreads the contact with the floor, he felt something bouncy push them off. And then the same bouncing source came from behind. Now he’s squeezed between something.
The world spun in his eyes. Light-hearted laughter snapped him out of his trance. His soul actually came close to leaving him the moment Strix’s face registered in his vision. So close!
Two Kooma Pandas were hugging and nuzzling the two in a human-dream eater sandwich. Awww.
From the sidelines, Ortho watched in awe. That’s one way to bring his big bro out of the room. He eagerly joins in the hug fest with Strix and an all-too drained Idia.
Strix giggled and wrapped her arms around Idia and the panda behind him. She was clearly enjoying this. “Happy April Fools~”
First things first: Strix can’t fool two all mighty and powerful faeries. Instead, she’ll entertain them like she and her dream eaters have always done. After all, boredom is their kind’s biggest enemy.
One day, Diasomnia students were walking down the halls when they notice a colorful bat creature hanging upside down from the ceiling, innocently watching people pass by.
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There was one Komory Bat. The next door over there are two. The door after that door appeared three. In front of the dorm gate there may or may not be a bat perched to greet students in and out.
In the library, students are surprised when they’re greeted by the librarian aid...who was working upside down and levitating with gravity magic.
Strix casually acts as though it was natural. When she had to move away from the counter she continued walking upside down on the ceiling. If the ceiling was too high she’d float over just above people’s heads, and address when needed.
Strix likes to mess with Sebek by doing a “handstand” on his broad shoulders while talking to Silver. Sebek would shoo her off and when he does, Strix still pesters him by floating with a mocking haughtiness behind the way she rocks back and forth while grinning mischievously. The sight is hilarious, much to Sebek’s chagrin.
She can see why Lilia likes doing this. By the end of the day though, that’s enough walking on ceilings for the year.
Strix greets Malleus at eye level. “How’d you like it? Not boring, right?”
The horned fae chuckled. The glimmer of accomplishment in her stunning blue eyes amuses him the most. Like a child who proudly boasts their little achievements to appeal to their parents. It was adorable. “Certainly.”
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